8130.2F CHG 5
8130.2F CHG 5
8130.2F CHG 5
National Policy
1. Purpose. This change encompasses policy revisions necessary to implement the recent regulatory
changes to Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 1, Definitions and Abbreviations,
part 21, Certification Procedures for Products, Articles, and Parts, and part 45, Identification and
Registration Marking, was published on October 16, 2009. Specifically, this change accommodates the
180-day compliance requirement for the associated changes to 14 CFR part 1; part 21, subparts H, I, L,
and N; and, part 45, §§ 45.11 and 45.13. A subsequent change or revision to this order will be made at a
later date to accommodate the 18-month compliance requirement associated with all other 14 CFR part
or subpart changes introduced during that rulemaking activity.
2. Who This Change Affects. All Washington headquarters branch levels of the Aircraft Certification
Service, Flight Standards Service, and the Regulatory Support Division; the Aviation System Standards
office; the branch level in the Aircraft Certification Service directorates and regional Flight Standards
Service divisions; all aircraft certification offices; all manufacturing inspection district offices and
manufacturing inspection satellite offices; all flight standards district offices; the Aircraft Certification
Branch and Flight Standards Branch at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Academy; all
applicable representatives of the FAA; and all international field offices.
a. Removes class I, II, and III export classification and replaces them with “products or articles.”
c. Removes the word “only” from production under type certificate only.
5. Disposition of Transmittal Paragraph. Retain this transmittal sheet until the directive is canceled
by a new directive.
Distribution: A-W (IR/FS/VN) -3; A-X (CD/FS) -3; A-FFS-0 Initiated By: AIR-200
(LTD); A-FAC-0 (ALL); AMA-220 (50 copies); AMA-250
(10 copies); AFS-600 (3 copies); AVR-20 (ALL); AEU-100/200
8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
National Policy
1. Purpose. This change updates existing language related to experimental amateur-built aircraft
airworthiness certification to be consistent with recommendations from the 2006 and 2008
Amateur-Built Aircraft Aviation Rulemaking Committee.
2. Who This Change Affects. This order is distributed to the Washington headquarters branch
levels of the Aircraft Certification Service, Flight Standards Service, and the Regulatory Support
Division; to the Aviation System Standards office; to the branch level in the Aircraft Certification
Service directorates and regional Flight Standards Service divisions; to all aircraft certification offices;
to all manufacturing inspection district offices and manufacturing inspection satellite offices; to flight
standards district offices; to the Aircraft Certification Branch and Flight Standards Branch at the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Academy; to applicable representatives of the Administrator;
and to all international field offices.
3. Disposition of Transmittal Paragraph. Retain this transmittal sheet until the directive is
canceled by a new directive.
a. Incorporate the provisions of changed § 21.183(d) and new §§ 21.6, 21.55, 21.120, 21.183(h),
and 91.403(d) of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), based on Standard Airworthiness
Certification of New Aircraft; Final Rule (71 FR 52250, September 1, 2006).
b. Revise parts of the order related to standard airworthiness certification of new aircraft built from
spare and surplus parts, used aircraft, and surplus military aircraft.
c. Provide policy for issuing a standard airworthiness certificate to a manned free balloon when the
balloon envelope is the only component ordered from a manufacturer.
d. Provide policy for imported aircraft type certificated under a § 21.21 type certificate and
manufactured under license by a bilateral country.
e. Update information related to the acceptance of repair data on used aeronautical products from
bilateral partner aviation authorities.
f. Provide policy information to aviation safety inspectors who may issue an experimental certificate
of airworthiness in the amateur-built category for type-certificated aircraft. Incorporation of this
language is the result of the cancellation of the policy memorandum titled “Type Certificated Aircraft
Converted to Amateur-Built,” dated December 20, 2006.
2. Who This Change Affects. This order is distributed to the Washington headquarters branch levels
of the Aircraft Certification Service, Flight Standards Service, and the Regulatory Support Division; to
the Aviation System Standards office; to the branch level in the Aircraft Certification Service
directorates and regional Flight Standards Service divisions; to all aircraft certification offices; to all
manufacturing inspection district offices and manufacturing inspection satellite offices; to flight
standards district offices; to the Aircraft Certification Branch and Flight Standards Branch at the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) Academy; to applicable representatives of the Administrator; and to all
international field offices.
3. Disposition of Transmittal Paragraph. Retain this transmittal sheet until the directive is canceled
by a new directive.
Frank P. Paskiewicz
Manager, Production and
Airworthiness Division, AIR-200
8130.2F CHG 2
a. Revise parts of the order related to light-sport aircraft based on comments from the field, industry,
and light-sport program office, and light-sport program input from the designated airworthiness
representative classes.
b. Update references to part 39 of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) related to
special flight permits.
2. DISTRIBUTION. This order is distributed to the Washington headquarters branch levels of the
Aircraft Certification Service, Flight Standards Service, and the Regulatory Support Division; to the
Aviation System Standards office; to the branch level in the Aircraft Certification Service directorates
and regional Flight Standards Service divisions; to all aircraft certification offices; to all manufacturing
inspection district offices and manufacturing inspection satellite offices; to flight standards district
offices; to the Aircraft Certification Branch and Flight Standards Branch at the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) Academy; to the Brussels Aircraft Certification Branch and Flight Standards
Staff; to applicable representatives of the Administrator; and to all international field offices.
3. EXPLANATION OF CHANGES. Changes to paragraphs 88, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 131,
132, 136, 141, 142, 143, 144, 153, 267, 269, 270, and 273, and figures 4-21, 4-22, 4-24, 4-25, 4-26,
4-27, 4-28, 4-29, and 4-30 were made to clarify, correct, and incorporate information related to
light-sport aircraft. Changes to paragraph 191(g) and (h) were made to update references to certain
sections of part 39 of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations and to incorporate § 39.23 guidance as it
relates to special flight permits. Changes to paragraph 194(c) were made to address the FAA’s authority
to authorize personnel or organizations other than the FAA to inspect and support the issuance of a
special flight permit as it relates to damaged aircraft.
4. DISPOSITION OF TRANSMITTAL. Retain this transmittal sheet until the directive is canceled
by a new directive.
Distribution: A-W (IR/FS/VN) -3; A-X (CD/FS) -3; A-FFS-0 (LTD) Initiated By: AIR-200
A-FAC-0 (ALL); AMA-220 (50 copies); AMA-250 (10 copies)
AFS-600 (3 copies); AVR-20 (ALL); AEU-100/200
8130.2F CHG 2 7/10/2006
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7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
Frank P. Paskiewicz
Manager, Production and
Airworthiness Division, AIR-200
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8130.2F CHG 1
a. Revise parts of the order related to light-sport aircraft based on comments from the field and
industry, and light-sport program input from the prototype amateur-built designated airworthiness
representative class.
2. DISTRIBUTION. This order is distributed to the Washington headquarters branch levels of the
Aircraft Certification Service, Flight Standards Service, and the Regulatory Support Division; to the
Aviation System Standards office; to the branch level in the Aircraft Certification Service directorates
and regional Flight Standards Service divisions; to all aircraft certification offices; to all manufacturing
inspection district offices and manufacturing inspection satellite offices; to flight standards district
offices; to the Aircraft Certification Branch and Flight Standards Branch at the FAA Academy; to the
Brussels Aircraft Certification Staff and Flight Standards Staff; to applicable representatives of the
Administrator; and to all international field offices.
3. EXPLANATION OF CHANGES. Changes to paragraphs 7, 8, 36, 89, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126,
141, 142, 143, 144, 197, 267, and 269, and figures 4-21, 4-23, 4-24, 4-25, 4-26, 4-27, and 4-28 were
made to clarify, correct, and incorporate information related to light-sport aircraft. Changes to
paragraph 63 were made to incorporate information related to the Act.
4. DISPOSITION OF TRANSMITTAL. Retain this transmittal sheet until the directive is canceled
by a new directive.
Distribution: A-W (IR/FS/VN) -3; A-X (CD/FS) -3; A-FFS-0 (LTD) Initiated By: AIR-200
A-FAC-0 (ALL); AMA-220 (50 copies); AMA-250 (10 copies)
AFS-600 (3 copies); AVR-20 (ALL); AEU-100/200; A-FDR-1D
8130.21F CHG 1 4/1/2005
Frank P. Paskiewicz
Manager, Production and
Airworthiness Division, AIR-200
Page 2
ORDER 8130.2F
November 5, 2004
Distribution: A-W (IR/FS/VN) -3; A-X (CD/FS) -3; A-FFS-0 (LTD) Initiated by: AIR-200
A-FAC-0 (ALL); AMA-220 (50 copies); AMA-250 (10 copies)
AFS-600 (3 copies); AVR-20 (ALL); AEU-100/200
This order establishes procedures for accomplishing original and recurrent airworthiness certification
of aircraft and related products. The procedures contained in this order apply to Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) manufacturing aviation safety inspectors (ASI), to FAA airworthiness ASIs,
and to private persons or organizations delegated authority to issue airworthiness certificates and
related approvals.
On July 27, 2004, the FAA published Certification of Aircraft and Airmen for the Operation of
Light-Sport Aircraft; Final Rule, effective September 1, 2004. This order has been revised to explain
the new regulations of part 21 of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, regarding addition of the
light-sport aircraft category and light-sport experimental aircraft.
In addition, this order has been reformatted to meet certain guidelines in FAA Order 1320.46C,
Advisory Circular System, and FAA Order 1000.36, FAA Writing Standards. Therefore, this edition of
FAA Order 8130.2F, Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Products, replaces the guidance
and procedures found in Order 8130.2E.
Suggestions for improvement of this order may be submitted using FAA Form 1320-19, Directive
Feedback Information.
Frank P. Paskiewicz
Manager, Production and
Airworthiness Division, AIR-200
Paragraph Page
1. Purpose.........................................................................................................1
2. Distribution .................................................................................................1
3. Cancellation .................................................................................................1
4. Authority To Change This Order .................................................................1
5. Deviations ....................................................................................................1
6. Forms ...........................................................................................................1
7. Acronyms .....................................................................................................1
8. Definitions....................................................................................................3
9. Interpretation of the Term “Airworthy” for U.S. Type-Certificated
Aircraft .........................................................................................................7
10. Information Currency...................................................................................7
11. Records Management...................................................................................7
12. Reserved for Future Changes .......................................................................7
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
Paragraph Page
29. Aircraft Model Change ..............................................................................19
30. Safeguarding FAA Airworthiness Certificates ..........................................20
31. Recording of Conformity Inspections ........................................................20
32. Airworthiness Certification of Manned Free Balloons ..............................20
33. Reserved for Future Changes .....................................................................21
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4/18/2007 8130.2F CHG 3
Paragraph Page
57. Aircraft Manufactured in a Bilateral Country ............................................47
* 57-1. New Aircraft Manufactured Under the Provisions of § 21.6(b) ................47
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
Paragraph Page
Figure 3-13. Sample Form 8130-6, Application for Airworthiness
Certificate, Used Aircraft, No Previous U.S. Airworthiness
Certificate ...................................................................................................89
Figure 3-14. Sample Form 8130-6, Application for Airworthiness
Certificate, New Aircraft Produced Under an APIS or PC ........................91
Figure 3-15. Sample Form 8130-6, Application for Airworthiness
Certificate, Surplus Military Aircraft .........................................................93
Figure 3-16. Sample Form 8130-6, Application for Airworthiness
Certificate, Aircraft Built From Spare and Surplus Parts ..........................95
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7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
Paragraph Page
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8130.2F CHG 4 9/30/2009
Paragraph Page
144. Issuance of Experimental Light-Sport Operating Limitations .................143
145. Reserved for Future Changes ...................................................................147
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7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
Paragraph Page
172. Special Purpose Operations .....................................................................189
173. Statement of Conformity..........................................................................189
174. Certification Procedures...........................................................................189
175. Special Airworthiness Certificate, Form 8130-7 .....................................189
176. Operating Limitations ..............................................................................190
177.-190. Reserved for Future Changes ...................................................................190
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8130.2F CHG 4 9/30/2009
Paragraph Page
Figure 4-12. Sample Form 8130-7, Special Airworthiness
Certificate and Operating Limitations for Primary Category Aircraft
Certificated Under § 21.184(c) ................................................................220
Figure 4-13. Sample Program Letter, Research and
Development/Showing Compliance Applicant Program Letter
Special Airworthiness Certificate ............................................................221
Figure 4-14. Sample Form 8130-12, Eligibility Statement,
Amateur-Built Aircraft.............................................................................222
Figure 4-15. Sample Form 8000-38, Fabrication/Assembly
Operation Checklist .................................................................................223
* Figure 4-16. Reserved .............................................................................228
Figure 4-17. Reserved .............................................................................229 *
Figure 4-18. Sample Unlimited Form 8130-7.........................................230
Figure 4-19. Sample Form 8130-7, Special Flight Permit ......................231
Figure 4-20. Sample Form 337, Major Repair and Alteration ................232
Figure 4-21. Sample Form 8130-6, Airworthiness Application for
Special Flight Permit Production Flight Test Certificated
Under § 21.190.........................................................................................233
Figure 4-22. Sample Form 8130-7, Special Flight Permit LSA .............235
Figure 4-23. Sample Form 8130-7, Special Flight Permit
Operating Limitations for LSA Category Production
Flight Testing ...........................................................................................236
Figure 4-24. Sample Form 8130-6, Airworthiness Application for
LSA Category Aircraft Certificated Under § 21.190 ...............................237
Figure 4-25. Sample Form 8130-6, Airworthiness Application for
Experimental Certificate for Operating LSA (Experimental Kit LSA)
Under § 21.191(i)(1) ................................................................................239
Figure 4-26. Sample Form 8130-7, Special Airworthiness Certificate
for LSA Category Aircraft Certificated Under § 21.190 .........................241
Figure 4-27. Sample Form 8130-6, Airworthiness Application for
Special Experimental Purpose Operating LSA Certificated
Under § 21.191.........................................................................................243
Figure 4-28. Sample Form 8130-7, Special Airworthiness Certificate for
Experimental Operation LSA Certificated Under § 21.191................. 244-1
Figure 4-29. Sample Form 8130-15, Light-Sport Aircraft Statement of
Compliance .......................................................................................... 244-2
Figure 4-30. Sample Form 8130-15, Light-Sport Kit-Built Aircraft
Statement of Compliance ..................................................................... 244-3
* Figure 4-31. Use of Prior Policy ......................................................... 244-4 *
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Page xi
8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
Paragraph Page
241. Requirements for U.S. Airworthiness Certification .................................262
242. Application...............................................................................................263
243. Airworthiness Determination ...................................................................263
244. Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft With Mandatory Continuing
Airworthiness Information .......................................................................265
245. Certification Procedures...........................................................................266
246.-247. Reserved for Future Changes ...................................................................266
Page xii
1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
Paragraph Page
Figure 7-7. Sample Special Flight Authorization for the Purpose of
Demonstration ..........................................................................................291
Figure 7-8. Sample Special Flight Authorization for
Canadian-Registered Amateur-Built Aircraft
(Example: Authorization for the Purpose of Attending an Airshow) .....293
Figure 7-9. Sample Blanket Special Flight Authorization for
Glider Meet ..............................................................................................295
Paragraph Page
266. General .....................................................................................................297
267. Application for Airworthiness Certificate ...............................................297
268. Completion of Form 8100-2 ....................................................................305
269. Completion of Form 8130-7 ....................................................................306
270. Instructions for Reviewing a Completed Form 8130-15 .........................308
271. Completion of Form 8130-4 ....................................................................310
272. Completion of Form 8130-1 ....................................................................310
273. Examination, Review, and Routing of Certification Files .......................313
274.-280. Reserved for Future Changes ...................................................................314
Figure 8-1. Forms Listing and Availability ............................................315
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
1. PURPOSE. This order establishes procedures for accomplishing original and recurrent
airworthiness certification of aircraft and related products. The procedures contained in this order apply
to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) manufacturing aviation safety inspectors (ASI), to FAA
airworthiness ASIs, and to private persons or organizations delegated authority to issue airworthiness
certificates and related approvals.
2. DISTRIBUTION. This order is distributed to the Washington headquarters branch levels of the
Aircraft Certification Service, Flight Standards Service, and the Regulatory Support Division; to the
Aviation System Standards office; to the branch level in the Aircraft Certification Service directorates
and regional Flight Standards Service divisions; to all aircraft certification offices; to all manufacturing
inspection district offices and manufacturing inspection satellite offices; to all flight standards district
offices; to the Aircraft Certification Branch and Flight Standards Branch at the FAA Academy; to the
Brussels Aircraft Certification Division and Flight Standards staff; to applicable representatives of the
Administrator; and to all international field offices.
5. DEVIATIONS. Adherence to the procedures in this order is necessary for uniform administration of
this directive material. Any deviations from this guidance material must be coordinated and approved
by AIR-200. If a deviation becomes necessary, the FAA employee involved should ensure the
deviations are substantiated, documented, and concurred with by the appropriate supervisor. The
deviation must be submitted to AIR-200 for review and approval. The limits of Federal protection for
FAA employees are defined by Title 28, United States Code § 2679.
6. FORMS. Examples of forms referenced in this order are found at the end of the section or chapter in
which they are referenced.
AC Advisory Circular
ACO Aircraft Certification Office
AD Airworthiness Directive
APIS Approved Production Inspection System
ASI Aviation Safety Inspector
BAA Bilateral Airworthiness Agreement
BASA Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CAGE Commercial and Government Entity
CAM Civil Aeronautics Manual
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
8. DEFINITIONS. Some of the definitions included in part 1 of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations
(14 CFR) and other publications are listed below.
a. Aircraft Category. The term “category,” as used with respect to the certification of aircraft,
means a grouping of aircraft based on their intended use or operating limitations, for example, normal,
utility, acrobatic, or primary. For purposes of this order, gliders and balloons will be referred to as
categories rather than classifications.
b. Aircraft Classification. The term “classification,” as used with respect to the certification of
aircraft, means a broad grouping of aircraft having similar characteristics of propulsion, flight,
or landing, that is, airplane, rotorcraft, glider, or balloon.
c. Amateur-Built Aircraft. Sometimes referred to as home-built aircraft. These aircraft have been
issued an experimental certificate under § 21.191(g).
d. Authorized Instructor. A person who holds a valid ground instructor certificate under
14 CFR part 61 or part 142, or a person who holds a current flight instructor certificate issued under
part 61.
e. Bilateral Agreement. The term “bilateral agreement” means an executive agreement between the
U.S. Government and the government of another country to facilitate the airworthiness approval or
acceptance of civil aeronautical products exported from one country (contracting state) to the other.
There are two types of bilateral agreements related to airworthiness: Bilateral Airworthiness
Agreements (BAA) and Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreements (BASA). These agreements are not trade
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
agreements, but rather technical cooperation agreements. These agreements are intended to provide a
framework for the airworthiness authority of the importing country to give maximum practicable credit
to airworthiness certification functions performed by the airworthiness authority of the exporting
country using its own certification system.
f. Category of Special Airworthiness Certificates. The term “category” also is used to identify the
six specific certification processes and the seven types of special airworthiness certificates issued.
g. Certification Office. The FAA certification office at which the applicant applies for
airworthiness certification or related approval: manufacturing inspection district office (MIDO),
manufacturing inspection satellite office (MISO), flight standards district office (FSDO), international
field office (IFO), certificate management office (CMO), certificate management unit (CMU), or the
Brussels Aircraft Certification Division.
j. Critical Characteristic. Any feature throughout the life cycle of a flight safety-critical aircraft
part (FSCAP) which, if nonconforming, missing, or degraded, could cause a catastrophic failure
resulting in loss or serious damage to the aircraft or an uncommanded engine shutdown resulting in an
unsafe condition. A characteristic can be critical in terms of dimension, tolerance, finish, or material; an
assembly, manufacturing, or inspection process; or an operation, field maintenance, or depot overhaul
requirement. A manufacturing-critical characteristic is produced during the manufacturing process.
An installation-critical characteristic, such as torque, is critical in terms of assembly or installation.
k. DOD CAGE Code. The Department of Defense Commercial and Government Entity
(DOD CAGE) code identifies the manufacturer of the article or product produced under government
l. Dual-Use Product or Article. Any product or article manufactured for civil application by a
production approval holder (PAH) authorized by the FAA and produced under a U.S. military contract.
The military product (or article thereof) has the same part number and configuration as its civil
counterpart and is manufactured using the same FAA-approved design, materials, and manufacturing
processes. This could also include any product or article originally produced for the military which
currently holds a normal, utility, acrobatic, or transport type certificate (TC) issued under
14 CFR part 21, Certification Procedures for Products and Parts, § 21.27.
m. Exception. A case in which a rule, general principle, etc., does not apply.
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p. Flight Safety-Critical Aircraft Part. Any article containing a critical characteristic whose
failure, malfunction, or absence could cause (1) a catastrophic failure resulting in loss or serious damage
to the aircraft, or (2) an uncommanded engine shutdown resulting in an unsafe condition.
q. Heavy Ultralight. An ultralight vehicle that does not meet 14 CFR part 103 requirements
because of its weight, speed, or fuel capacity. It also may not meet the requirements for an experimental
operating amateur-built airworthiness certificate as described in § 21.191(g).
s. Light-Sport Category. With respect to aircraft certification, the light-sport category adds a new
group of aircraft based on the definition in § 1.1, limiting size, weight, and speed, and how the aircraft is
equipped. This category contains four classes of aircraft: airplanes and gliders, powered parachutes,
weight-shift-control, and lighter-than-air aircraft. The factors of intended aircraft use, operating
limitations, and privileges of this category place it in hierarchy between the primary and experimental
t. Light-Sport Eligible Kit. An eligible kit is one that is of the same make and model aircraft that
has been issued a light-sport category airworthiness certificate by the FAA. The kit is manufactured by
the same entity that built the aircraft, and that aircraft has been issued the LSA airworthiness certificate.
Once built, the owner-assembled kit aircraft is eligible for the experimental, operating LSA certificate.
v. Military Surplus Product or Article. A product or article that originally was released as surplus
by the U.S. military, even if subsequently resold by a manufacturer, owner/operator, repair facility,
or any other article supplier.
w. Military-Unique FSCAP. Any FSCAP specifically and uniquely designed and manufactured
for the U.S. military, for which there is no corresponding FAA-approved type design or PAH engine,
propeller, or article produced for civilian application. Breakout products or articles produced
specifically for military use by a manufacturer other than an FAA PAH using military-provided designs,
drawings, and specifications also are considered military-unique.
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8130.2F CHG 3 4/18/2007
cc. Two-Place Ultralight Training Vehicle. This is a two-place, noncertificated vehicle operated
under a valid training exemption to part 103.
dd. Ultralight-like Vehicle. A vehicle that is similar to an ultralight but does not meet the
definition or requirements of § 103.1.
ee. Ultralight Vehicle. As defined in part 103, an ultralight vehicle is a vehicle that—
(1) Is used or intended to be used for manned operation in the air by a single occupant;
(5) If powered, weighs less than 254 pounds empty weight, excluding floats and safety devices
intended for deployment in a potentially catastrophic situation; has a fuel capacity not exceeding
5 U.S. gallons; is not capable of more than 55 knots calibrated airspeed at full power in level flight; and
has a power-off stall speed that does not exceed 24 knots calibrated airspeed.
ff. Weight-Shift Control Aircraft. A powered aircraft with a framed pivoting wing and a fuselage *
controllable only in pitch and roll by the pilot’s ability to change the aircraft’s center of gravity (CG)
with respect to the wing. Flight control of the aircraft depends on the wing’s ability to flexibly deform
rather than the use of control surfaces.
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a. The aircraft must conform to its TC. Conformity to type design is considered attained when the
aircraft configuration and the engine, propeller, and articles installed are consistent with the drawings,
specifications, and other data that are part of the TC, which includes any supplemental type certificate
(STC) and field approved alterations incorporated into the aircraft.
b. The aircraft must be in a condition for safe operation. This refers to the condition of the
aircraft relative to wear and deterioration, for example, skin corrosion, window delamination/crazing,
fluid leaks, and tire wear.
NOTE: If one or both of these conditions are not met, the aircraft would be
considered unairworthy. Aircraft that have not been issued a TC must meet the
requirements of paragraph 9b above.
11. RECORDS MANAGEMENT. Refer to FAA Orders 0000.1, FAA Standard Subject
Classification System; 1350.14, Records Management; and 1350.15, Records Organization, Transfer,
and Destruction Standards; and FAA-IR-04-01A, or see your office Records Management
Officer/Directives Management Officer for guidance regarding retention or disposition of records.
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
a. Consistent with applicable Aircraft Certification Service policies and instructions, an FAA
manufacturing or airworthiness ASI is authorized to issue airworthiness certificates and related
approvals covered in this order.
b. The FAA is authorized under 14 CFR part 183, Representatives of the Administrator, to
designate private persons or organizations to act as representatives of the Administrator to issue
airworthiness certificates and related approvals. A designated manufacturing inspection representative
(DMIR) or designated airworthiness representative (DAR) may issue standard and special airworthiness
certificates, airworthiness approvals, and export approvals, and may perform certain other examinations,
inspections, and testing services relative to certification functions in the areas of manufacturing and
maintenance. ASI certification functions will be delegated to the fullest extent practical, but not to the
extent an advisor’s technical skills are jeopardized. The designee’s Certificate of Authority must specify
the type and limitation of authority granted.
c. The FAA is authorized under part 183, subpart D, to delegate specific functions to organizations
on behalf of the FAA, related to engineering, manufacturing, operations, airworthiness, or maintenance
for the purpose of issuing airworthiness certificates and related approvals. An ODA may be approved to
issue airworthiness certificates, airworthiness approvals, conformity certifications, and export approvals.
Refer to FAA Order 8100.15, Organization Designation Authorization Procedures, for further
information on ODA.
a. The procedures in this order cover original airworthiness certification for which FAA
manufacturing ASIs are primarily responsible, and recurrent airworthiness certification for which
FAA airworthiness ASIs are primarily responsible. FAA manufacturing and airworthiness ASIs may
assist each other by mutual agreement.
b. The FAA designees, within the limits of their authority, are authorized to issue original
or recurrent airworthiness certificates and related approvals. They are responsible for determining that
the products or articles submitted to them conform to the approved type design, are in a condition for
safe operation, and meet any other specified requirements. They also are responsible for the
completeness, accuracy, and processing of all official documents and paperwork as provided for in this
order. All actions taken by the designees on behalf of the FAA are subject to the monitoring, review,
and approval of the supervising ASIs.
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
c. ASIs are responsible for training and supervising designees assigned to them regarding
airworthiness certification procedures and all related documentation. The supervising ASI should also
ensure that designees have been provided (or have access to) the appropriate regulations, instructions,
and forms necessary for the performance of their designated duties.
d. ASIs will supervise and maintain surveillance over the certification activities accomplished by
designees to ensure that all certifications and approvals comply with the applicable rules, policies,
and procedures.
NOTE: In this order, the term “ASI” refers to the FAA airworthiness inspector
(that is, manufacturing and flight standards) and/or his or her authorized designee.
Designees will perform only authorized functions.
a. Registration. The procedures for aircraft registration and issuance of registration numbers are
contained in 14 CFR part 47, Aircraft Registration. The registration of aircraft is not a function of
airworthiness certification; however, U.S. registration is a prerequisite for issuance of an airworthiness
certificate. The FAA must ensure that an aircraft presented for airworthiness certification is properly
registered (49 U.S.C. § 44704(c) and 14 CFR § 21.173).
b. Proof of Ownership. The applicant for registration of an aircraft must submit proof of
ownership to the FAA Aircraft Registration Branch (AFS-750) that meets the requirements prescribed
in part 47. The Aeronautical Center Form 8050-2, Aircraft Bill of Sale, or its equivalent, may be used
as proof of ownership. If the applicant did not purchase the aircraft from the last registered owner, the
applicant must submit a complete chain of ownership from the last registered owner to the applicant.
The purchaser under a contract of conditional sale is considered the owner for the purpose of
registration. The contract of conditional sale may be submitted as proof of ownership in lieu of a bill
of sale.
c. Aircraft Operation Outside the United States Pending U.S. Registration. For aircraft
operations to or from the United States, including operations conducted wholly outside the
United States, a current airworthiness certificate and Certificate of Aircraft Registration, Aeronautical
Center Form 8050-3, must be carried in the aircraft. Pending receipt of Form 8050-3, AFS-750 will,
upon request, transmit a telex/fax confirmation of registration to the party whose name appears on the
application as owner or authorized agent. The telex/fax may be used as a temporary Certificate of
Aircraft Registration pending receipt of the original certificate.
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a. Registration Numbers. All U.S. civil aircraft registration numbers are prefixed by an “N.” The
registration number, apart from the “N” prefix, is made up of one to five symbols, the last two of which
may be alphabetical. This alphabetical suffix must be preceded by at least one numerical symbol. The
lowest possible number is N1. A zero never precedes the first number. For example:
NOTE: To avoid confusion with the numbers zero and one, the letters “O” and “I”
are never used as alphabetical suffixes.
(1) A person may reserve a registration number of his or her choice, if available, for 1 year by
sending a written request and the appropriate fee for each number to be reserved to the following
(2) The applicant should list five numbers in case the first choice is not available. Reservations
may be renewed from year to year by paying the appropriate fee before the end of the renewal period. If
the renewal payment is not received before the end of the 1-year period, reservation of the special
registration number will expire.
NOTE: Once AFS-750 has been notified that the numbers have been
permanently affixed to the aircraft and the airworthiness certificate has been
issued, no subsequent fees apply.
(1) Aircraft owners must apply for a special registration number in writing to AFS-750
and describe the aircraft. Permission to place the special number on the aircraft will be given on
Aeronautical Center Form 8050-64, Assignment of Special Registration Numbers. The owner must
complete, sign, and return the original form to AFS-750 within 5 days after the special registration
number is affixed to the aircraft. The duplicate of Form 8050-64 and the present airworthiness
certificate must be presented to the FAA representative, who will issue a replacement airworthiness
certificate showing the new registration number. The old Certificate of Aircraft Registration and the
duplicate Form 8050-64 must be carried in the aircraft until the new Certificate of Aircraft Registration
is received (see § 47.15(f) and figure 2-1).
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(2) Any changes in the current assignment of nationality and registration numbers will be
processed as a request for assignment of special registration numbers.
(1) Nationality and registration marks displayed on all aircraft, with exception of aircraft
covered in 14 CFR part 45, Identification and Registration Marking, § 45.29(b)(1)(iii) and (b)(2), must
be at least 12 inches high in accordance with § 45.29. However, certain aircraft may display smaller
registration marks as identified in § 45.29(b)(1)(i) and (b)(3) until the aircraft are repainted, restored, or
changed. Once these aircraft are repainted or the marks are repainted, restored, or changed,
12-inch-high registration numbers must be displayed.
(2) FAA inspectors should be alert for newly repainted aircraft registration marks and ensure
the marking is consistent with § 45.29. An enforcement action should be initiated against the aircraft
owner/operator whenever an FAA inspector finds that an aircraft has not been marked with 12-inch-high
registration numbers in accordance with § 45.29(b)(1)(i) or (b)(3).
(3) Nationality and registration marks of at least 3 inches high may be displayed on an aircraft
issued an experimental certificate under § 21.191(d), (g), or (i) to operate as an exhibition aircraft or an
amateur-built aircraft, or when the aircraft maximum cruising speed does not exceed 180 knots
calibrated airspeed. Marks of at least 3 inches high also may be displayed on airships, spherical
balloons, nonspherical balloons, powered parachutes, and weight-shift-control aircraft in accordance
with § 45.29.
(4) When marks include only the Roman capital letter “N” and the registration number is
displayed on limited, restricted, light-sport, experimental, or provisionally certificated aircraft, the
operator must also display on that aircraft near each entrance to the cabin, cockpit, or pilot station, in
letters not less than 2 inches nor more than 6 inches high the words “limited,” “restricted,” “light-sport,”
“experimental,” or “provisional,” as applicable per § 45.23.
(5) Powered parachute and weight-shift-control aircraft must display the marks required by
§ 45.23. The marks must be displayed horizontally and in two diametrically opposite positions on any
fuselage structural member.
a. Section 45.22(b)(1)(ii) provides, in pertinent part, that small U.S.-registered aircraft at least
30 years old, or aircraft that have been issued an experimental certificate for the purpose of exhibition
or operating an amateur-built aircraft and that have the same exterior configuration as a 30-year-old
aircraft, may display marks consisting of the Roman capital letter “N” followed by the U.S. registration
number or the symbol appropriate to the airworthiness certificate of the aircraft (for example,
“C,” standard; “R,” restricted; “L,” limited; or “X,” experimental) followed by the U.S. registration
number. The symbol used must be appropriate for the airworthiness certificate of the aircraft being
certificated, NOT the aircraft being replicated.
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EXAMPLE 2. An aircraft that has the same exterior configuration as the Great Lakes
2T-1A is registered in the United States and has been issued nationality and registration
mark N5678. An experimental airworthiness certificate has been issued under
§ 21.191(d) or § 21.191(g). The owner/operator may display the mark NX5678 if so
b. When aircraft are marked as described in § 45.22(b)(1)(ii), the airworthiness and registration
certificates will NOT include the inserted symbol. In example 1 above, the aircraft could be marked
NC1234, but the registration and airworthiness certificates would reflect only the N1234.
c. When making a query of the FAA Civil Aviation Registry (FAA Aircraft Registry) computer
database, the inserted symbol must be omitted in order to obtain accurate information concerning the
d. In addition, § 45.23(b) provides that when the appropriate symbol is used with the nationality
and registration marks in accordance with § 45.22(b)(1)(ii), the word “limited,” “restricted,”
or “experimental” is not required to be displayed on the aircraft.
a. Original Data Plates. Each aircraft presented for airworthiness certification must meet the
requirements of § 21.182. Each aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, propeller blade, and propeller hub
manufactured under a TC or PC must be identified with the information specified in § 45.13. Manned
free balloons are required to comply with § 45.11(d).
(1) When FAA personnel receive inquiries regarding replacement, removal, or destruction of
identification (ID) plates, the sample letter in figure 2-2 may be used as a guide for responding.
(2) When a new ID plate is required, the owner or the owner’s authorized representative
contacts the appropriate certification office. The FAA determines whether the request is valid and
provides a letter to the applicant with the FAA’s finding. If the FAA determines that the request is
valid, the applicant includes the FAA letter with his or her request for the replacement data plate from
the appropriate manufacturer.
(3) Upon notification by the applicant, which must include the FAA’s letter, the product
manufacturer may then issue the replacement ID plate.
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(4) The old ID plate, when available, must be voluntarily surrendered by the owner with a
written statement to the FAA office who authorized the replacement. The FAA office must make a copy
of the plate and then physically destroy it. The FAA office must then submit a letter to AFS-750 stating
that the surrendered plate has been destroyed. AFS-750 will include the letter in the permanent
aircraft records file.
c. Removal of Data Plates. Section 45.13 permits persons performing maintenance operations
under 14 CFR part 43, Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Rebuilding, and Alteration, to remove an
aircraft data plate. The removal must be done in accordance with the methods, techniques, and practices
acceptable to the FAA. The ID plate removed may be reinstalled only on the product from which it was
(1) ASIs should be on alert for any indication of ID plate misuse or suspicious activity, such as
the building of a complete aircraft by a person performing work under part 43. Installation of an
ID plate by a person performing work under part 43, where the ID plate has been purchased or salvaged
from another aircraft, is not approved unless written approval is obtained from the FAA.
(2) Before issuing an airworthiness certificate for an aircraft that appears to be a repair
or restoration of an aircraft that previously has been destroyed or demolished, the ASI should seek the
assistance of the manager of AFS-750. That office can assist the ASI in determining whether the serial
number of the aircraft on which certification is sought is the serial number of an aircraft previously
classified as destroyed or demolished by the FAA or the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).
If the ASI determines that the ID plate comes from a previously destroyed or demolished aircraft, the
ASI must initiate an investigation to determine whether a violation of § 45.13(c) or (e) has occurred
before the airworthiness certificate may be issued. If a violation of § 45.13(c) or (e) is found, the ASI
must deny the airworthiness certificate and initiate an enforcement action.
e. New Data Plates. The appropriate FAA office (for example, FSDO, MIDO, or MISO) may
authorize a builder of an aircraft authorized to be assembled from spare and/or surplus articles
in accordance with Advisory Circular (AC) 21-13, Standard Airworthiness Certification of Surplus
Military Aircraft and Aircraft Built From Spare Parts, to make a new data plate for that aircraft upon a
satisfactory showing that the aircraft conforms to its type design and is in a condition for safe operation.
However, ensure the aircraft is eligible for a certificate of airworthiness as built from spare and/or
surplus articles in accordance with § 21.6, § 21.183, and paragraph 57-1 of this order before authorizing
the builder to make a data plate. The data plate will be made in accordance with part 45 and affixed to
the aircraft prior to the issuance of any airworthiness certificate.
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b. “Public Aircraft” is NOT a status that is granted by the FAA. There is no requirement to make a
declaration in writing of this status, nor is there any responsibility to carry any proof of this status. The
burden of proof is on the operator to establish to the FAA’s satisfaction that an aircraft is a public
aircraft if its status is questioned.
c. A U.S.-registered public aircraft operating within the territorial limits of the United States is not
required to have an airworthiness certificate. However, any U.S.-registered public aircraft engaged in
international air navigation is required to have a valid certificate of airworthiness, in accordance with the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) agreements.
d. Safety is enhanced through the operation of aircraft certificated according to part 21, and the
FAA encourages those who operate public aircraft to obtain the appropriate airworthiness certification,
if possible. An application for an airworthiness certificate for a public aircraft will be processed in
accordance with the applicable procedures in this order. The airworthiness certificate, when issued, is
effective only if all terms and conditions of the certificate are complied with. If part 43, part 45,
and part 91 are NOT complied with, FAA Form 8100-2, Standard Airworthiness Certificate, must be
e. Public aircraft must be registered in accordance with part 47 and must display nationality
and registration marks in accordance with part 45. Any deviations from these requirements must be
processed in accordance with the procedures in 14 CFR part 11, General Rulemaking, applicable to
petitions for exemptions.
f. Aircraft operated by the FAA will be certificated in accordance with part 21, except for those
aircraft authorized by the Director, Office of Aviation System Standards, or by the Director’s designee,
to be operated as public aircraft. Certificated aircraft must display an appropriate airworthiness
g. Non-certificated FAA aircraft will display a public aircraft document in lieu of the airworthiness
certificate. All requests for the public aircraft document will be processed through the Director,
Aviation Systems Standards, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (AVN-100). The letter of request must contain,
at a minimum the—
h. The signed public aircraft document will be displayed in the aircraft at all times in lieu of the
airworthiness certificate. For procedures applicable to public aircraft operated by the FAA, refer to
FAA Order 4100.24, General Maintenance Manual.
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a. No change in the airworthiness certificate is required if the aircraft has a current airworthiness
certificate, Form 8100-2.
b. Operators of aircraft previously operated under 14 CFR part 121, Operating Requirements:
Domestic, Flag, and Supplemental Operations, or part 91, subpart D, Special Flight Operations,
and intending to operate them under part 91, must select, identify, establish, and use an inspection
program as prescribed in § 91.409(e), (f), (g), and (h).
c. It also is important for the operator to know the current status of the aircraft relative to applicable
requirements, for example, (1) weight and balance data, (2) flight manual appropriate to the operation,
and (3) compliance with airworthiness directives (AD). Some carriers have exemptions or adjusted
AD compliance times.
a. AC 105-2, Sport Parachute Jumping, lists aircraft that the FAA has determined can safely be
flown with one door open or removed if operated in accordance with specified operating limitations.
c. There are two avenues for operation with the door removed:
(1) If identified in AC 105-2 to operate with the door removed and no STC is installed,
operating limitations must be issued by the FAA.
(2) Aircraft other than those listed in AC 105-2 will be modified in accordance with
STC procedures in part 21. If altered in accordance with an STC, no other limitations are required.
d. Sample operating limitations are outlined in figure 2-3 and must be issued by ASIs for any
aircraft listed in AC 105-2. The ASI must note on the operating limitations the aircraft make, model,
registration and serial number, type of operation authorized, date of issuance, ASI’s name, and district
office number. On an aircraft that requires removal or opening of a particular door, the ASI must
specify in the limitations which door may be removed or opened.
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e. Removal or installation of a cabin door for the specified aircraft is considered maintenance
and as such must be accomplished by persons authorized under § 43.3.
f. If operations of rotorcraft with the doors opened or removed obstructs the nationality
and registration marks from view, the operator must notify the appropriate managing office in writing
detailing the nature of the proposed operation and the proposed dates of operation with doors removed.
The managing office will then instruct the operator to affix temporary nationality and registration marks
on an authorized surface required by § 45.27(a). The size of the marks must comply with § 45.29(b)
unless no authorized surface is large enough for display of marks meeting the size requirements of this
section. The rotorcraft would then be marked on the largest authorized surface with marks as large as
practicable, as allowed by § 45.29(f). Any remnants of the permanent nationality and registration marks
must be obliterated so as not to confuse identification of the rotorcraft with temporary markings. The
temporary markings must be able to endure flight operations in various weather conditions. Flight
operations must be authorized in writing by the managing office for a specified time and purpose. The
managing office will verify that the temporary markings comply with 14 CFR and that the rotorcraft is
returned to its permanent marking scheme.
g. Under appendix A to part 43, paragraph (c)(15), a pilot may be authorized to remove or reinstall
passenger seats if the pilot is specifically listed by name in the operating limitations for the aircraft. The
issuing ASI may require the pilot to demonstrate his or her ability in this preventive maintenance
h. Removal or installation of control sticks and wheels must be performed in accordance with the
applicable sections of part 43.
23. BANNER TOWING. An aircraft that is in full compliance with its type design and has an
FAA-approved banner tow installation may be operated under a standard airworthiness certificate for
banner towing purposes. An aircraft that has a standard airworthiness certificate and is modified for a
special purpose operation must be operated under a multiple airworthiness certificate
(standard/restricted) when the following conditions occur:
a. The special purpose modification does not meet the type design.
b. The special purpose modification is not approved for standard category use.
c. The aircraft will be operated outside the normal category operating limitations.
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25. GENERAL. Form 8100-2 and FAA Form 8130-7, Special Airworthiness Certificate, will be
referred to as being either a standard or a special classification within this order.
a. Standard Classification. Form 8100-2 may be issued for an aircraft that fully complies with all
of the requirements applicable to the normal, utility, acrobatic, commuter, or transport category, manned
free balloons, or any other special classes of aircraft designated by the FAA.
b. Special Classification. Form 8130-7 may be issued for an aircraft that does not meet the
requirements for a standard airworthiness certificate. The certificate may be issued for an aircraft that
meets the following:
(4) Provisional. Aircraft that satisfies the applicable requirements of part 21, subpart C,
Provisional Type Certificates, and part 21, subpart I, Provisional Airworthiness Certificates.
(6) Experimental. For any category of aircraft, including amateur-built (§§ 21.191, 21.193,
and 21.195).
(7) Special Flight Permits. Form 8130-7 may be issued for an aircraft that does not currently
meet applicable airworthiness requirements, but is capable of safe flight, and meets the requirements of
§§ 21.197 and 21.199.
a. Replacement.
(1) The FAA may issue a replacement airworthiness certificate when a certificate is declared
lost, has been mutilated, or is no longer legible. The replacement airworthiness certificate must carry
the original issue date of the certificate being replaced, preceded by a capital “R” in the Date block of
the certificate. Replacement certificates also will be issued when the aircraft registration number has
been changed. In these cases, a new application for airworthiness certification is not required.
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(2) Request for a replacement certificate will be made to the applicable certification office. The
registered owner or certificate operator will certify this by submitting a signed statement containing the
registration number (N-Number), serial number, make, and model of the aircraft, and a reason the
replacement certificate is needed. Replacement of airworthiness certificates must not be accomplished
by verbal agreement with the assigned ASIs or through procedures contained in air carriers’ manuals
that allow the continued operation of an aircraft without an airworthiness certificate. Such actions are
contrary to §§ 91.203(b) and 121.153(a)(1), and 14 CFR part 135, Operating Requirements: Commuter
and On-Demand Operations and Rules Governing Persons on Board Such Aircraft, § 135.25(a).
(4) Before issuing a replacement certificate, the FAA must review the aircraft records and, if
necessary, inspect the aircraft to ensure that the applicant’s request is justified and the aircraft is eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
b. Amendment.
(1) A standard or special airworthiness certificate may be amended when there is—
(a) A modification to the aircraft, such as one that has been approved by an STC
or amended TC, that changes the category of the aircraft specified in block No. 4 of the standard
airworthiness certificate.
(b) A change to the exceptions specified in block No. 5 of the standard airworthiness
(c) A change in the aircraft model specified in block No. 2 of the standard airworthiness
(d) A change in the operating limitations for an aircraft with a special airworthiness
(2) An ODA may amend a standard airworthiness certificate, if authorized to perform the function
in accordance with §183.49.
(3) When a certificate is amended, the issuance date will be the current date; also, the capital
letter “A” will be typed in front of the date.
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(5) Paragraph 29 of this order details further information on aircraft model changes.
(6) Operating limitations that were issued based on a previous edition of this order may be
updated to include limitations contained in the current edition. The FAA does not require a new aircraft
certification inspection for this type of administrative paperwork amendment (except as provided in
paragraph 155 of this order).
c. Exchange. It is highly desirable that all aircraft currently certificated in the standard category
carry Form 8100-2 to be consistent with the regulations. Owners and operators of general aviation
and air carrier aircraft that still have FAA Form 1362A, Certificate of Airworthiness, should be
encouraged to exchange such forms for the standard airworthiness certificate, Form 8100-2. In
exchanging these certificates, the operating certificate number will NOT be entered on the revised form.
Form 1362A will be attached to and forwarded with a copy of the revised certificate to AFS-750 to
establish an official record of the exchange action. The foregoing exchange procedure also applies to
Form 8130-7, in lieu of FAA Form 1362B, Certificate of Airworthiness. The new airworthiness
certificate will reflect the date as indicated on Form 1362A or Form 1362B, preceded by a capital “E” in
the Date block of the certificate.
b. When a U.S.-owned aircraft is sold to a purchaser in another country or is leased for operations
and registered in another country and is removed from the U.S. register, the airworthiness certificate is
no longer effective; therefore, the airworthiness certificate must be surrendered to the FAA by the
* aircraft owner or operator as specified in § 21.335(e). The exporting FAA representative will request a *
copy of the deregistration and surrendered airworthiness certificate from the exporter to complete the
FAA representative’s file.
a. When an aircraft has been modified to conform to another model of the same make, the aircraft
registration, airworthiness certificate, and aircraft ID plate must reflect the new model designation.
b. In addition to the existing ID plate, a new fireproof plate with the new model designation must
be attached as close as physically possible to the original ID plate without obscuring it.
c. To maintain an accurate and continuous operating history for the aircraft, the original ID plate
must not be altered in any manner.
d. The normal procedures, including any applicable inspections, apply when processing
Form 8130-6. The amended airworthiness certificate will be identified with a capital “A” preceding the
current date of the certificate being issued. If ownership of the aircraft has not changed, an application
for aircraft registration, reflecting the new model designation, need not be submitted. AFS-750 will
issue an amended registration certificate.
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a. Preparation. Form 8100-1 must be prepared in accordance with the instructions shown on the
back of the form.
b. Retention. Form 8100-1 should be retained until it has been determined that it would serve no
useful purpose.
* c. Manufacturers of manned free balloons may deliver a balloon envelope when the envelope is the
only component ordered. A balloon envelope that is manufactured, assembled to a burner and basket,
and flight tested is eligible for a standard airworthiness certificate. The envelope, along with the
standard airworthiness certificate and the logbook, may be delivered without the burner and basket. The
envelope may then be assembled to a different burner and basket in accordance with the TC. A person
may accomplish the interchange of the burner and basket as a preventive maintenance task as described
below. *
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* d. A new airworthiness certificate is not required when the aircraft is disassembled and a different
burner and basket combination is installed, as allowed by the TC. Reassembly of the envelope
and bottom-end components into a complete aircraft may be performed as preventive maintenance under
appendix A to part 43, paragraph (c)(27). The aircraft records must properly reflect the installation of
the bottom-end components and record the new empty weight. The bottom-end components must be in
a current “annual or 100-hour” inspection status. The individual records of the bottom-end components
must be maintained. The due date of the next required inspection is determined based on the time the
component parts are due for inspection. *
* e. If an envelope is provided only as a replacement part without obtaining a new aircraft serial *
number, registration number, or ID data plate, the installation of the replacement envelope is a
maintenance item under part 43. This requires appropriate documentation of the work performed and a
return to service entry in the aircraft records by a person authorized to perform the maintenance. The
aircraft ID data plate, serial number, and registration number are carried over from the previous aircraft
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34. GENERAL. This section clarifies the terms “original” and “recurrent” as related to the issuance of
airworthiness certificates or approvals. Also identified in this section are the FAA offices responsible
for performing such functions, including, as appropriate, the cross-utilization of FAA inspection
a. A variety of airworthiness functions are performed by the FAA. Many of these functions must
be accomplished by or coordinated with FAA manufacturing or airworthiness ASIs who have expertise
in the particular specialty. These ASIs may include the principal ASI for a major aircraft manufacturer,
or the principal maintenance or avionics ASI for an air carrier with aircraft of the same type
and complexity as the one for which certification is requested. A number of airworthiness functions can
be accomplished by cross-utilization of the FAA. Cross-utilization by the FAA must be employed
whenever possible in accordance with the guidance contained in this section.
b. The terms “original” and “recurrent” distinguish between those functions for which
FAA manufacturing ASIs have primary responsibility and those for which FAA airworthiness ASIs
have primary responsibility.
c. The FAA manufacturing ASI has primary responsibility for the issuance of original
airworthiness certificates and approvals. The FAA airworthiness ASI has primary responsibility for the
issuance of recurrent airworthiness certificates and approvals.
a. Original Certification. The term “original certification” applies to the issuance of standard
or special airworthiness certificates and approvals, including FAA Form 8130-4, Export Certificate of
Airworthiness, for aircraft holding a U.S. type design for the following:
(1) Aircraft or related products (new or used) that have not left the original product
manufacturer’s quality control system.
(2) Aircraft or related products for which an FAA airworthiness certificate or approval has
never been issued. Examples include—
(c) U.S.-manufactured aircraft returning from another country without having been issued a
U.S. airworthiness certificate or U.S. export airworthiness approval,
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(g) Aircraft manufactured to other than U.S. requirements imported to the United States.
NOTE: Aircraft imported to the United States that are not manufactured
to a TC issued under § 21.29 must have a statement from the Civil Aviation
Authority (CAA) of the country of manufacture or the CAA of the
exporting country with a bilateral agreement. The latter requires
agreements with third party provisions that the aircraft, when modified to
FAA-approved data, will meet § 21.29 and will be in a condition for safe
(3) Aircraft that previously have been issued an airworthiness certificate and presented for
certification in another category or classification, for example, aircraft converted from standard to
restricted for the first time or from a special airworthiness certificate to standard for the first time.
(4) Aircraft that have undergone changes to the type design and require flight testing, for
example, under an experimental certificate for the purpose of showing compliance with regulations
including, as applicable, the issuance or reissuance of a standard airworthiness certificate.
(5) Prototype or test articles to be used for design evaluation for TC or STC purposes. This
includes articles or installation approvals.
(6) Issuance of special flight permits for aircraft that previously have not been issued an
airworthiness certificate.
b. Recurrent Certification. The term “recurrent certification” applies to the issuance of standard
or special airworthiness certificates or approvals for the following:
(1) Aircraft that previously have been issued an airworthiness certificate except those listed in
paragraphs 35a(3) through (5) of this order.
(2) Issuance of special flight permits for aircraft that previously have been issued an
airworthiness certificate.
(3) Export certification or approval of aeronautical products or articles that previously have
been issued an airworthiness certificate or approval, for example, PMA or TSO authorization articles
that have left the PAH’s FAA-approved inspection/quality system and are presented for export.
(4) Issuance of airworthiness certificates for aircraft with certificates that have expired, been
surrendered, or been revoked.
(6) Issuance of experimental certificates for aircraft with expired experimental certificates
issued for research and development (R&D) or exhibition.
(7) U.S.-manufactured aircraft returning to the United States that previously were issued an
airworthiness certificate or an Export Certificate of Airworthiness (Export C of A) in the United States.
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a. Any requests, original or recurrent, for a special airworthiness certificate for LSA, amateur-built,
exhibition, market survey, crew training, or air racing aircraft may be handled by FAA manufacturing
ASIs or FAA airworthiness ASIs or their authorized designees. If the responsible office cannot support
the certification request, an appropriate delegation should be coordinated with the alternate office.
b. Any requests, original or recurrent, for an experimental certificate showing compliance with the
regulations is the primary responsibility of the FAA manufacturing ASI or authorized designee. In
remote areas or under special circumstances, an FAA airworthiness ASI may be delegated the authority
by the Aircraft Certification Service if it is established that the person has had experience in
type certification programs of a type and complexity comparable to the certificate requested.
a. General.
(1) This paragraph provides guidance for use in evaluating and determining the eligibility of
U.S. military surplus FSCAPs, engines, and propellers for installation on FAA type-certificated
products. Many military surplus FSCAPs have the potential to be approved for installation on aircraft
that hold special or standard airworthiness certificates.
(2) Military engines, propellers, and articles are categorized as new or used and fall into one of
the following categories:
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(3) Before these military engines, propellers, and articles are installed on type-certificated
products, the installer must determine that they are:
(b) Airworthy.
(4) There are certain unique design considerations and FAA certification requirements for
engines and propellers. Therefore, the eligibility and evaluation processes for military surplus engines,
propellers, and articles are described separately in paragraph 38d.
(1) Eligibility Screening. New or used dual-use FSCAPs may be eligible for installation on
FAA type-certificated products with standard or special airworthiness certificates. The eligibility
determination is made based on a review of the following pertinent Department of Defense (DOD)
historical records:
(a) FSCAP identification: part number, DOD National Stock Number, and serial number.
(e) Time since the last overhaul of each FSCAP that is required to be overhauled on a
specified time basis.
(f) Identification of current inspection status, including time since last required inspection
or maintenance performed.
(g) Current status of applicable AD and DOD directives (for example, engineering changes,
technical orders, or maintenance work orders) including the date and method of compliance. If the AD
involves recurring action, the current status includes the time and date when the next action is required.
(h) A list of current major alterations, repairs, or modifications for each FSCAP.
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2 The FSCAP also must be evaluated by persons authorized under § 43.7(a), (c), (d),
or (e) by using the following applicable methods, means, or data sources:
(aa) Differences between military and civil version (for example, possible DOD
modifications, alterations, or repairs performed);
(bb) Current manufacturer or DOD technical data and procedures to perform tests
and inspections, including current life-limited articles list;
(cc) Comparison of military time and/or cycle count for accumulated operational
time versus civil (for example, “Did the military use a different method than civil operators to account
for accumulated operational time?”);
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
(3) Approval for Installation. Persons authorized under § 43.7 may approve dual-use
FSCAPs for installation on type-certificated products if the FSCAP successfully completed the
eligibility screening and airworthiness evaluation. The installer must be able to determine that the
installation of the FSCAP will leave the product in compliance with all regulations and in a condition for
safe operation. The authorized individual completing the eligibility screening and/or airworthiness
evaluation must make a maintenance record entry that clearly documents the results of the evaluation.
Each maintenance record entry in accordance with § 43.9 should include a description of the work
performed, the completion date of the work performed, and the name of the person performing the work
or authorized to sign.
c. Military-Unique FSCAP.
(1) Eligibility Screening. New or used military-unique FSCAPs may be eligible for
installation on civil aircraft with special airworthiness certificates under § 21.305(c) in conjunction with
type certification procedures for a product or in accordance with a TCDS. Military-unique FSCAPs are
not eligible for installation on a civil aircraft with a standard airworthiness certificate. The eligibility
determination is made based on a review of the following pertinent DOD historical records:
(a) FSCAP identification: part number, DOD National Stock Number, and serial number.
(e) Time since the last overhaul of each FSCAP that is required to be overhauled on a
specified time basis.
(f) Identification of current inspection status, including time since last required inspection
or maintenance performed.
(g) Current status of applicable ADs and DOD directives, (for example, engineering
changes, technical orders, or maintenance work orders) including the date and method of compliance.
If the AD involves recurring action, the current status includes the time and date when the next action is
(h) A list of current major alterations, repairs, or modifications for each FSCAP.
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
(a) New Military-Unique FSCAP. The FSCAP must be cited in the FAA-accepted,
military-approved maintenance manual and IPC specified on the applicable aircraft TCDS and must be
in a condition for safe operation.
(bb) Current manufacturer or DOD technical data and procedures to perform tests
and inspections;
(cc) Comparison of military time and/or cycle count for accumulated operational
time versus civil time (for example, “Did the military use a different method than civil operators to
account for accumulated operational time?”);
(jj) ICAW.
(3) Approval for Installation. Persons authorized under § 43.7 may approve military-unique
FSCAPs for installation on type-certificated products if the FSCAP successfully completed the
eligibility screening and the airworthiness evaluation. The installer must be able to determine that the
installation of the FSCAP will leave the product in compliance with the TCDS and in a condition for
safe operation. The authorized individual completing the eligibility screening and/or airworthiness
evaluation must make a maintenance record entry that clearly documents the results of the evaluation.
Each maintenance record entry in accordance with § 43.9 should include a description of the work
performed, the completion date of the work performed, and the name of the person performing the work
or authorized to sign.
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d. Dual-Use and Unique Military Surplus Engines, Propellers, and Their Articles.
(1) New, used, or parted-out military surplus engines, propellers, and articles should not be
presumed to be eligible for installation on FAA type-certificated aircraft. Military surplus engines,
propellers, and articles are either dual-use or military-unique.
(a) The Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office’s (DRMO) public sale of engines,
propellers, and articles;
(b) Categorizing the engines, propellers, and articles as dual-use or military-unique; and
(c) Establishing the eligibility and airworthiness of the engine, propeller, and articles.
(3) Military surplus engines and propellers may be type-certificated under § 21.17, which
requires issuance of a new TC and compliance with the applicable requirements, such as 14 CFR
part 33, Airworthiness Standards: Aircraft Engines, for engines and 14 CFR part 35, Airworthiness
Standards: Propellers, for propellers. For a military aircraft issued a TC under § 21.25 or § 21.27, the
applicable engine or propeller is not required to be issued a separate TC. However, it should be noted
that the engine and propeller cannot be certificated separately under these two sections. Any eligible
military surplus engines or propellers will be referenced on the aircraft’s TCDS. However,
military-unique surplus engines, propellers, and articles may be eligible for installation only on civil
military surplus aircraft with special airworthiness certificates.
(4) Engines, propellers, and articles are deemed flight safety-critical if their failure,
malfunction, or absence could cause a catastrophic failure resulting in loss or serious damage to the
aircraft or an un-commanded engine shutdown resulting in an unsafe condition. Such conditions
include, but are not limited to, release of engine or propeller debris, propeller separation, and, in
rotorcraft, a transient or continuous power loss, or loss of power response. Examples of flight
safety-critical engine and propeller articles are life-limited articles, rotating articles, and, for rotorcraft,
actuating articles.
(5) Dual-Use Military Surplus Engines, Propellers, and Articles. Dual-use military surplus
engines and propellers that hold a TC, and their articles, may be eligible for installation on civil products
in accordance with the applicable regulations. The authorized individual completing the eligibility
screening and/or the airworthiness evaluation should make a record entry to document the result(s).
(a) Eligibility Screening. New or used dual-use engines, propellers, and articles may be
eligible for installation on FAA type-certificated civil or surplus military aircraft with standard or special
airworthiness certification. A U.S. TC must have been issued for a corresponding civil model engine or
propeller under § 21.21 at the time of manufacture, or a U.S. aircraft TC must have been issued and the
engines or propellers referenced in the aircraft TCDS under § 21.27 or § 21.25. The eligibility
determination is made based on a review of the following pertinent historical records:
1 Engine, propeller, and article ID (article part number and serial number
and manufacturer).
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
2 Contract or purchase order number under which the engine, propeller, or article was
4 Complete historical records maintained by the military, the manufacturer, and any
other prior owner(s), pertaining to inspection, modification, repair, alteration, maintenance, and
operation of the engine from the time of acceptance by the military, including, but not limited to,
DA Form 2408-5 and DA Form 2408-16. The maintenance records should also include the date that the
work was accomplished and work authentication.
5 Current status of applicable ADs and DOD directives (for example, engineering
changes, technical orders, or maintenance work orders) including the date and method of compliance;
and, if the AD involves recurring action, the time and date when the next action is required.
(aa) For engines, propellers, and articles to be installed on aircraft with standard
airworthiness certificates, each engine, propeller, and article must conform to the approved TC, must
have been manufactured under an FAA-approved production system, and must be in a condition for safe
(bb) For engines, propellers, and articles to be installed for aircraft with special
airworthiness certificates, each engine, propeller, and article must be listed in the FAA-accepted,
military-approved maintenance manual or FAA-accepted civil maintenance manual and IPC specified
on the TCDS, and must be in a condition for safe operation.
(aa) For engines, propellers, and articles to be installed on aircraft with standard
airworthiness certificates, an evaluation should be performed by an FAA engineer or an appropriately
authorized designated engineering representative (DER). When a DER is used, the DER’s
recommendations or decisions must be substantiated in writing using FAA Form 8110-3, Statement of
Compliance, and include supporting documents. Each engine, propeller, and article must conform to the
approved TC, must have been manufactured under an FAA-approved production system, and be in a
condition for safe operation. In addition, the following should be evaluated:
(1) Operational differences between military and civil versions (for example,
possible DOD modification, alteration, or repair performed) in performance standards as listed in the
TCDS (for example, thrust, shaft horsepower, RPM, and ratings), and in specifications, as listed in the
TCDS and the maintenance manuals (for example, fuel type, oil, weight).
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(4) ICAW.
(bb) For engines, propellers, and articles to be installed on aircraft with special
airworthiness certificates, an evaluation should be performed by an FAA engineer or an appropriately
authorized DER. When a DER is used, the DER’s recommendations or decisions must be substantiated
in writing using Form 8110-3, and include supporting documents. Each engine, propeller, and article
must be listed in the FAA-accepted, military-approved maintenance manual or FAA-accepted
maintenance manual and IPC specified on the TCDS, and be in a condition for safe operation. In
addition, the following should be evaluated:
(3) ICAW.
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(5) Comparison of military versus civil time and/or cycle count for
accumulated operational time and cycle (for example, “Did the military use a different method than civil
operators to account for accumulated operational time and what are the expended equivalent civil cycles
of the articles, taking into account their past operational history and mission profile?”).
(c) Approval for Installation. Persons authorized under § 43.7 may determine dual-use
engines, propellers, or articles for installation if the engine, propeller, or article has successfully
completed the eligibility screening and airworthiness evaluation. The installer must be able to determine
that the use of the engine or propeller, and/or the installation of the article, will leave the aircraft in
compliance with pertinent regulations and in a condition for safe operation. The authorized individual
completing the eligibility screening and/or airworthiness evaluation must make a maintenance record
entry that clearly documents the results of the evaluation. Each maintenance record entry in accordance
with § 43.9 should include a description of the work performed, the completion date of the work
performed, and the name of the person performing the work or authorized to sign.
(a) Eligibility Screening. New or used military-unique engines, propellers, and articles
may be eligible for installation on surplus U.S. military aircraft type-certificated under
§§ 21.25(a) and 21.8 with special airworthiness certificates. The eligibility determination is made based
on a review of the following pertinent DOD historical records:
2 Contract or purchase order number under which the engine, propeller, or article was
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4 Complete historical records maintained by the military, the manufacturer, and any
other prior owner(s), pertaining to inspection, modification, repair, alteration, maintenance,
and operation of the engine from the time of acceptance by the military, including, but not limited to,
DA Form 2408-5 and DA Form 2408-16. The maintenance records also should include the date that the
work was accomplished and work authentication.
5 Current status of applicable ADs and DOD directives (for example, engineering
change, technical order, maintenance work order), including the date and method of compliance; and, if
the AD involves recurring action, the time and date when the next action is required.
(b) Airworthiness Determination. After determining that the engine, propeller, or article
is eligible to be installed on a surplus military aircraft with special airworthiness certificates, each
engine, propeller, or article must be evaluated to determine whether it is airworthy.
(c) Approval for Installation. Persons authorized under § 43.7 may approve
military-unique engines, propellers, or articles for installation on surplus military aircraft with special
airworthiness certificates if they have successfully completed the eligibility screening and airworthiness
evaluation. The installer must be able to determine that the use of the engine or propeller, and/or the
installation of the article, will leave the product in compliance with the TCDS and in a condition for safe
operation. The authorized individual completing the eligibility screening and/or airworthiness
evaluation must make a maintenance record entry that clearly documents the results of the evaluation.
Each maintenance record entry in accordance with § 43.9 should include a description of the work
performed, the completion date of the work performed, and the name of the person performing the work
or authorized to sign.
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
Carry duplicate of this form in the aircraft together with the old registration certificate as
ABC Cargo, Inc. interim authority to operate the aircraft pending receipt of revised certificate of
P.O. Box 390 registration. Obtain a revised certificate of airworthiness from your nearest Flight
Standards field office.
Washington National Airport
Washington, D.C. 20001 The latest FAA Form 8130-6, Application
For Airworthiness on file is dated
May 21, 19XX
The airworthiness classification and category
Standard Transport
SIGN AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL of this form to the FAA Aircraft Registry, within 5 days after placing the special registration number on the aircraft. A revised certificate will
then be issued. Unless this authority is used and this office is notified, the authority for use of the special number will expire on
CERTIFICATION: I certify that the special registration number was placed on the aircraft described above. October 30, 19XX
Signature of Owner:
FAA Aircraft Registry
Title of Owner: Chief, Aircraft Services P.O. Box 25504
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73125-4939
Date Placed on Aircraft November 5, 19XX
2. FP
AC Form 8050-64 (12/87)
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
March 3, 2000
This is in response to your letter dated February 14, 2000, concerning disposition of the
identification plate from Cessna Model 305A, Registration No. N5297G, Serial No. 305A-12345.
The aircraft will be scrapped as a result of an accident. It is requested that the aircraft
registration, airworthiness certificate, identification plate, and a copy of this letter be forwarded
to the address listed below.
John J. Doe
Manager, Burlington Manufacturing
Inspection District Office
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Make ________________
Model _______________ Serial No.______
Registration No. ____________________
The aircraft described above may be flown with not more than one cabin door removed for the
purpose of (see note below), provided the aircraft is operated in accordance with the applicable
sections of 14 CFR and the following limitations:
Note: Show specific operations; for example, intentional parachute jumping, skydiving, etc.
1. Maximum speed not to exceed any of the following:
The approved maneuvering speed.
70 percent maximum level flight speed.
70 percent maximum structural cruising speed.
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
10. Parachutists’ static lines must be kept free of pilot’s controls and control surfaces.
11. Operations are limited to visual flight rules (VFR) conditions.
12. Cabin door hold-open clips installed on wing brace struts and/or under surface of wing must be
removed before conducting intentional parachute jumping or skydiving operations.
13. When intentional parachute jumping, skydiving, or other specified operations are being
conducted, the pilot at the controls must hold at least a private pilot certificate and appropriate rating.
14. This aircraft must not be operated in solo flight by the holder of a student pilot certificate.
15. Operation of this aircraft with a door removed for any purpose other than that for which it is
certificated is prohibited.
16. The following placard must be placed on the instrument panel in full view of the pilot:
“For flight with door removed, see aircraft operating limitations dated ___________.”
17. A copy of these limitations must be carried in the aircraft when flight operations are conducted
with the door removed.
18. These operating limitations are a part of the airworthiness certificate.
Page 38
1. Project Number, TIA/Request Date: 2. SHEET of Sheets
8. Item 9. Nomenclature of Item Inspected 10. Drawing, Document, Specification, 11. Revision and 12. No. of Items Determined 13. Comments
No. etc. Date SAT. UNSAT.
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8130.2F CHG 3 4/18/2007
40. GENERAL. In no case may any aircraft be operated unless there is an appropriate airworthiness
certificate issued to and valid for that aircraft. This chapter provides policy and guidance material
associated with airworthiness certification and issuance of Form 8100-2.
a. Section 21.183(a) prescribes the basic requirements for issuance of standard airworthiness
certificates for aircraft manufactured under a PC.
b. Section 21.183(b) prescribes the basic requirements for issuance of standard airworthiness
certificates for aircraft manufactured under a TC only.
c. Section 21.183(c) prescribes the basic requirements for issuance of the standard airworthiness
certificates for an import aircraft type-certificated in accordance with § 21.29. The CAA certifications
must be made by issuance of an Export C of A that contains either the certification statement noted on
the corresponding FAA TCDS or a certification statement that the aircraft meets its FAA-approved type
design and is in a condition for safe operation.
* d. Section 21.183(d) prescribes the basic requirements for issuance of standard airworthiness
certificates for used aircraft (aircraft with time in service for other than production flight testing,) and for
surplus aircraft of the U.S. Armed Forces.
e. Section 21.183(h) prescribes the basic requirement for issuance of a standard airworthiness
certificate for new aircraft manufactured to a TC, when the applicant does not hold the TC or a licensing
agreement from the TC holder. A person seeking to manufacture a new aircraft under this provision
must demonstrate to the FAA that the manufacturing began before August 5, 2004. Typically, these
aircraft are built from spare and surplus parts. Paragraph 57-1 of this chapter provides detailed guidance
for these aircraft.
f. The FAA has full responsibility for finding that each aircraft, at the time an airworthiness *
certificate is issued, conforms to the type design and is in a condition for safe operation. Therefore,
sufficient FAA inspections of each aircraft must be conducted by the certificating ASI or authorized
a. Form 8100-2 ((Government Printing Office (GPO) pad only) is used for all original
and recurrent certification of aircraft in the STANDARD CATEGORY ONLY and for replacement of
Form 1362A still in effect. See chapter 8 of this order for instructions on completing Form 8100-2
(figure 3-1).
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a. Form 8130-9 should be submitted to the FAA as required by §§ 21.53 and 21.130 under the
following circumstances:
(1) By the applicant at the time the aircraft or parts thereof are submitted for FAA tests during
the type certification program;
(2) By the applicant for each aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller submitted for
type certification; and
(3) By a TC holder or licensee manufacturing products under a TC only (a) with the initial
transfer of ownership of each product, (b) upon application for the original issue of an airworthiness
certificate, or (c) an export airworthiness approval.
NOTE: For the purpose of this order, type certification programs include any
tasks associated with the issuance of a TC or STC or the approval of Form 337.
b. The FAA should review Form 8130-9 for completion and ensure that all of the entries are
typewritten or printed legibly in permanent ink. The form also must be signed in permanent ink by an
authorized person who holds a responsible position in the manufacturing organization. If the certifier
also is an FAA designee, the designee title should not be used. If the inspection and certification is
delegated to a supplier by the applicant, a copy of the letter of delegation must be submitted to the FAA
at the time of conformity.
a. When an aircraft is submitted for airworthiness certification, a determination must be made that
the aircraft is in conformance with its type design. This does not imply that every part or component
must be subjected to a conformity inspection. Conformity inspections should only be conducted when,
in the FAA’s judgment, conformity to the type design for a particular part or component cannot be
substantiated by any other means.
b. Conformity to the type design can only be established when a determination has been made that
the materials, processes, dimensions, etc., conform to FAA-approved design data.
c. Parts catalogs or maintenance manuals may not be used to conduct conformity inspections.
However, they should be used when applicable as an aid in establishing the configuration of a particular
aircraft or in determining that the aircraft has been properly maintained.
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d. MIDOs, MISOs, and CMOs/CMUs having certificate management responsibility for a particular
manufacturer interface with the applicable aircraft certification office (ACO) to provide technical data
and other pertinent information necessary to support the certification process. It is the applicant’s
responsibility to provide the type design data for those parts and components for which a conformity
determination must be made.
a. The aircraft conforms to its approved type design and is in a condition for safe operation.
b. Any major alterations were accomplished in accordance with an approved STC or other
FAA-approved data.
d. If altered while in another category, the aircraft continues to meet, or has been returned to, its
approved type design configuration and is in a condition for safe operation.
46. CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES. The procedures described herein are consistent with any
other specific procedures prescribed in paragraphs dealing with individual airworthiness categories.
a. Obtain from the applicant a properly executed Form 8130-6, and any other documents required
for certification. The applicant must have the form completed and the appropriate sections signed before
submitting it to the FAA. The application for a U.S. airworthiness certificate must be made by the
registered owner or an agent who has a notarized letter of authorization from the registered owner.
b. Contact AFS-750 to determine that an application for airworthiness certification previously has
not been denied. If it was denied, the reasons stated in the denial letter must be rectified before issuing
an airworthiness certificate.
c. Arrange with the applicant to make available for inspection and review the aircraft, aircraft
records, and any other data necessary to establish conformity to its type design.
d. Determine that the aircraft is properly registered in accordance with part 47.
NOTE: AFS-750 should be contacted to ensure that the N-Number has been
properly issued through that branch. For example, has it been issued permanently
or is it a temporary or reserved number that has not been permanently issued?
e. As applicable, ensure compliance with the noise standards of § 21.93(b), § 21.183(e), 14 CFR
* part 36, Noise Standards: Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification, or part 91. Also ensure *
compliance with the fuel venting and exhaust emission requirements of 14 CFR part 34, Fuel Venting
and Exhaust Emission Requirements for Turbine Engine Powered Airplanes, and the applicable
passenger emergency exit requirements of § 21.183(f) and Special Federal Aviation Regulation
(SFAR) 41.
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
f. Review records and documentation to the extent necessary to establish the following:
(1) All of the required records and documentation are provided for the aircraft, that is, an
up-to-date approved flight manual, a current weight and balance report, an equipment list, the
maintenance records, the FAA-accepted ICAW, the FAA-accepted maintenance manual(s), and any
other manuals required by §§ 21.31, 21.50, 33.4, and 35.4; by 14 CFR part 23, Airworthiness Standards:
Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter Category Airplanes, § 23.1529; by 14 CFR part 25,
Airworthiness Standards: Transport Category Airplanes, § 25.1529; by 14 CFR part 27, Airworthiness
Standards: Normal Category Rotorcraft, § 27.1529; and by 14 CFR part 29, Airworthiness Standards:
Transport Category Rotorcraft, § 29.1529. These documents must be in the English language.
(2) The aircraft is eligible by make, model, and serial number, using the TCDS, aircraft
specifications, and/or applicable aircraft listing.
(3) The inspection records and technical data reflect that the aircraft conforms to the type
design, that all required inspections and tests have been satisfactorily completed, and that the records are
complete and reflect no unapproved design changes.
(4) The aircraft has been flight tested in accordance with paragraph 61 of this order, if required.
If it has not been flight tested, issue the appropriate special airworthiness certificate prescribed in
chapter 4. The flight test must be recorded in the aircraft records in accordance with § 91.417(a)(2)(i) as
time-in-service as defined in part 1. Aircraft assembled by a person other than the manufacturer (for
example, a dealer or distributor) must have been assembled and, when applicable, flight tested in
accordance with the manufacturer’s FAA-approved procedures.
(5) Large airplanes, turbojet, or turbopropeller multi-engine airplanes comply with the
inspection program requirements of part 91, subpart E, Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance,
and Alterations, or other CFR referenced therein. A supplemental structural inspection program also is
required for certain large transport category airplanes. Reference AC 91-56, Supplemental Structural
Inspection Program for Large Transport Category Airplanes.
(6) The TC holder or STC holder has furnished one set of FAA-accepted ICAW or
one complete set of FAA-accepted maintenance manuals to the owner of the aircraft when the first
standard airworthiness certificate is issued, or has procedures in place to ensure that FAA-accepted
ICAW or maintenance manuals are provided upon delivery of the aircraft, as required by §§ 21.17(a)
and (b), 21.31, and 21.50. The ICAW or maintenance manuals also are required for all products with a
TC or STC. If no FAA-accepted ICAW or maintenance manuals are available, the ASI having
certificate management responsibility over the manufacturer will contact the ACO and Aircraft
Evaluation Group (AEG) to determine the status of the ICAW or maintenance manuals. The ASI is
responsible for ensuring that the manufacturer and company designees are made aware of the status of
the ICAW or maintenance manuals. No deliveries will be allowed before the ICAW or maintenance
manuals are approved.
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
(1) The nationality and registration marks and ID plate are displayed and marked in accordance
with part 45. The information therein agrees with the application for airworthiness certification.
(2) All equipment, both required and optional, is properly installed and listed in the aircraft
equipment list.
(3) Instruments and placards are correctly located, installed, and properly marked in the
English language.
(4) All applicable ADs have been accomplished and appropriately recorded.
(5) The aircraft conforms to its approved U.S. TC and is in a condition for safe operation.
(6) All aircraft systems have been satisfactorily checked for proper operation.
(7) Operation of the engine(s) and propeller(s) has been checked in accordance with the aircraft
manufacturer’s instructions.
h. If it is determined that the aircraft meets the requirements for the certification requested, the ASI
or authorized designee should—
(1) Make an aircraft logbook entry in accordance with paragraph 267a(8)(d) of this order.
(2) Issue Form 8100-2 in accordance with paragraph 268 of this order.
(3) Complete sections V and VIII of Form 8130-6, as appropriate, in accordance with the
instructions contained in paragraph 267a(5) and 267a(8) of this order.
(4) Examine, review, and route the certification file in accordance with paragraph 273 of this
i. If the aircraft does not meet the requirements for the certification requested and the airworthiness
certificate is denied, the ASI must write to the applicant stating the reason(s) for denying the certificate.
The ASI also will attach a copy of the denial letter to the application and forward the application to
AFS-750 to be made a part of the aircraft record.
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
49. GENERAL. In addition to the instructions contained in section 1 of this chapter, this section
provides further guidance material associated with the airworthiness certification of new aircraft being
produced under a TC, an APIS, a PC, an ODA, or a bilateral agreement.
50. USE OF DESIGNEES. With the exception of paragraph 55 of this order, designees authorized
under § 183.33 may perform the necessary inspections leading to the issuance of airworthiness
certificates for completed products and articles thereof. A designee authorized under §§ 183.31
and 183.33 may be appointed to inspect and issue airworthiness certificates for aircraft manufactured
under an APIS or PC, including articles thereof. The designees are under the direct supervision of the
MIDO having certificate management responsibility over the manufacturer.
51. CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES. The ASI or authorized designee should follow the
appropriate procedures in section 1 of this chapter in conjunction with any applicable steps listed in this
AND IS IN A CONDITION FOR SAFE OPERATION. Sufficient inspections of each aircraft must be
conducted by ASIs or authorized designees.
b. Under the provisions of §§ 21.183(b) and 21.123, Form 8100-2 may be issued for aircraft
produced by a manufacturer who does not have an FAA production approval, for a period of 6 months
after the TC has been issued. An extension of the 6-month period may be authorized by the manager of
the directorate in which the manufacturer is located.
(1) Before any extension of the 6-month requirement of § 21.123 is authorized, it must be
determined that the FAA responsibility will be satisfied. All inspections conducted or witnessed by the
FAA must be documented on Form 8100-1, and all nonconformities must be corrected and documented
before issuing an airworthiness certificate.
(2) The appropriate MIDO must establish and retain an FAA inspection record file for each
aircraft manufactured without an FAA-approved inspection system to substantiate the basis for issuance
of the airworthiness certificate. Nonconformities involving material review actions must be resolved
through the certificating ACO before certification.
(3) Form 8130-9 must be submitted by the applicant with each application for an original
airworthiness certificate, in accordance with § 21.183(b).
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a. Aircraft manufactured under an APIS will be inspected and certificated in a manner similar to
the activities (where applicable) as identified in paragraph 52 of this order, except that under an APIS, a
designee may be appointed to inspect and issue airworthiness certificates for completed aircraft. Each
aircraft must be inspected and certificated by an ASI if a designee has not been appointed under an
b. The extent of each inspection conducted depends on many factors requiring good judgment. All
articles and completed aircraft should be given a thorough inspection during the initial stages of
production under an APIS. The FAA may reduce its inspections after it has determined that the APIS is
capable of producing reasonable duplicates. In all cases, the basis for any reduced inspections must be
substantiated, documented, and concurred with by the managing office.
c. FAA inspections should be adjusted for any significant changes in manufacturing systems,
procedures, and personnel, or when major changes have been introduced into the aircraft.
d. Form 8130-9 must be submitted by the applicant with each application for an original
airworthiness certificate in accordance with § 21.183(b).
a. FAA inspections may be reduced to a minimum when aircraft are manufactured under the terms
of a PC. The manufacturer must have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the FAA that it has the
facilities, equipment, personnel, systems, and procedures that will ensure continuous conformity with
the approved type design.
b. Aircraft manufactured under the terms of a PC are eligible for the issuance of an airworthiness
certificate without further showing in accordance with § 21.183(a). The submission of Form 8130-9 is
not required, nor is it mandatory for the FAA to inspect each aircraft to determine conformity with the
approved type design. The inspection frequency may be adjusted by the geographic MIDO, MISO,
or CMO/CMU having certificate management responsibility over the certificate holder.
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a. A very light aircraft (VLA) is considered a special class of aircraft under § 21.17(b). A VLA is
defined as an airplane with a single engine (spark or compression-ignition), not more than two seats, a
maximum certified takeoff weight of not more than 750 kilograms (approximately 1654 pounds), and a
stall speed of not more than 45 knots calibrated airspeed in the landing configuration. The operation of
these airplanes is limited to normal category maneuvers and to visual flight rules (VFR), day only, under
part 91.
b. All VLA are eligible to receive Form 8100-2 under § 21.183(a) or (b) if the airplane has a TC
and is manufactured under an FAA PC or APIS. Because the VLA is type-certificated as a special class
of aircraft under § 21.17(b), the category in block No. 4 on Form 8100-2 must be identified as
VLA-Special Class.
a. New aircraft manufactured in a bilateral country will be inspected and certificated in a manner
similar to that noted in paragraph 52 of this order, except that under a bilateral agreement, the CAA of
the State of Manufacture must certify that the aircraft has been examined, tested, and found to meet its
U.S. type design (see paragraph 227 of this order for a definition of a “new” product). An ASI
or authorized designee must inspect the aircraft to determine airworthiness eligibility using the current
TCDS before the § 21.183(c) airworthiness certificate is issued for the completed aircraft.
b. The extent of each inspection conducted depends on many factors requiring good judgment. All
articles and completed aircraft should be given a thorough inspection upon delivery of the aircraft to the
U.S. owner/operator.
c. The certifying statement from the State of Manufacture must be submitted by the applicant with
each application for the first U.S. airworthiness certificate to be issued for a particular aircraft.
See paragraph 35b(8) of this order and §§ 21.183(c) and 21.185(c).
a. General. The following provides guidance and instructions on issuing a standard airworthiness
certificate, under the provision of § 21.183(h), for new aircraft manufactured to a TC issued under
§ 21.21 or § 21.27. This requirement only applies to an applicant that does not hold the TC or a
licensing agreement from the TC holder. Additionally, under the provision of § 21.6(b), an applicant
may build and certificate only one new aircraft (one aircraft, one person, one time), and the applicant
must have started manufacturing that aircraft before August 5, 2004. Typically, these aircraft are built
from spare and surplus articles.
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NOTE: This guidance and instructions do not apply to an applicant that holds the
TC or a licensing agreement from the TC holder to build an aircraft. These
aircraft may be certificated only under the provisions of § 21.183(a) or (b).
(1) A person seeking to manufacture a new aircraft under the provisions of §§ 21.6(b)
and 21.183(h) must demonstrate to the FAA that the manufacturing began before August 5, 2004.
Documents that could prove manufacturing began before August 5, 2004, include items such as receipts
for the purchase of articles, dated photographs, and dated information received from the FAA related to
the manufacturing or certification process for the specific aircraft. This information must be provided to
the FAA no later than the time of application for an original airworthiness certificate.
(2) If an applicant meets the requirement of paragraphs 57-1a and 57-1a(1), immediately
contact your division manager, directorate manager, or managing office for approval to proceed with the
project. The directorates will maintain a record of all projects approved under this paragraph.
The following will be discussed with each applicant:
(a) Building aircraft from spare and/or surplus articles does not include the repair of
destroyed aircraft. However, articles obtained from a destroyed aircraft may be used provided the
articles are inspected and tested as required to ensure they are acceptable for installation and conform to
the type design used to substantiate conformity. For such articles, the applicant must ensure all
applicable requirements of part 43 are complied with.
(b) For any STC the applicant intends to incorporate into the aircraft during assembly, the
applicant must own or have written permission from the STC holder/owner permitting the use of the
(c) Section 21.9 does not provide authority to produce articles needed for the assembly of a
new aircraft built from spare and/or surplus articles.
b. Applicant Responsibilities. An applicant must show that the products and articles meet the
airworthiness and environmental standards that are the basis for their individual approvals. In addition,
the collectively assembled aircraft will satisfy the certification basis identified on the referenced type
certificate and meet the applicable requirements of § 21.183(h) and any special conditions prescribed by
the FAA. The applicant begins by submitting a design package to the cognizant (local) FAA ACO.
(1) The applicant will deliver to the local ACO a compatibility document/matrix to show what
STCs are proposed for installation on each aircraft. The matrix should show that the applicant has
reviewed the STCs and determined that there are no compatibility issues. The local ACO review is an
evaluation as to how the applicant made the determination of compatibility. The compatibility
document will be submitted to and accepted by the local ACO and certificate management ACO
(CMACO) (the ACO that manages the current TC) before certifying the aircraft.
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(2) The applicant will submit to its local ACO a complete design package for the aircraft. The
type design data must meet the requirements in § 21.183(h) (as defined in FAA Order 8110.4, Type
Certification) and be complete enough to allow the FAA to verify that any PMA parts or TSO articles/
appliances meet the TC requirements. Only FAA-approved design data will be submitted. Field repair
manuals or illustrated parts breakdowns will not be submitted; they are FAA-accepted data, not
FAA-approved data. Military manuals or drawings will not be submitted; they are not FAA-accepted or
–approved data. In addition, the requirements of §§ 21.5, 21.50, and 21.99 need to be complied with as
applicable. The following are items that should be included in the design package. However, the
ACO/CMACO may request additional documentation as needed.
(a) A master drawing list, which will consist of a complete description of each aircraft
type design configuration, including all STCs and a list of the PMA parts, TSO articles/appliances, and
owner/operator-produced parts, which make up the configuration of each aircraft. The master drawing
list will be the basis for determining conformity to a TC for each aircraft.
(b) The aircraft assembly plan, so that the ASI is able to determine when different assembly
processes will take place.
(d) The proposed flight test procedure. The applicant must flight test the aircraft in
accordance with an FAA-approved production flight test procedure and flight check-off format as
prescribed by § 21.127. An FAA flight test engineer will approve the flight test procedure.
(3) The local ACO will verify the design package is complete and then forward it to the
CMACO that manages the current/original type certificate project. The CMACO and local ACO will
perform a review and validation of the design data to ensure the data are approved and current. A DER
will not perform this approval/review process. Order 8110.4 contains more detailed requirements of a
design package.
(4) The applicant will maintain and make available to the FAA when requested all supporting
documents such as manufacturers’ invoices, suppliers’ affidavits, packing lists, parts lists, material
certification sheets, and other acceptable records to provide traceability of raw stock and parts to their
origin and to provide a basis of approval.
(5) The applicant will submit to the FAA a complete conformity folder for the aircraft and
Form 8130-9 certifying that the completed aircraft conforms to the FAA-approved data for this project
at the time an application for an airworthiness certificate is submitted. In addition to the design package
and STC compatibility documents, the conformity folder will include all STCs, inspection checklists,
flight test records, and documentation for the specific aircraft being certificated. The build/inspection
checklists will include the initials/stamp of the individuals who performed the work and/or inspections
and, upon completion, the typed and/or printed name and signature of the applicant. *
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* c. FAA Responsibilities. The ASI needs to explain to the applicant that because the applicant is
not required to have a quality control system the same as a PAH, it is the applicant’s responsibility to
demonstrate to the FAA that the aircraft conforms to the TC and is in condition for safe operation. Also,
when presenting anything to the FAA, the applicant must ensure compliance with all airworthiness
requirements in place at the time of presentation. In addition to the requirements of section 1 of this
chapter, the FAA will use the following guidance to establish that the aircraft conforms to its type design
as approved by the ACO/CMACO:
(1) FAA Form 8130-11, Checklist and Inspection Record, Aircraft Built from Spare and
Surplus Parts (figure 3-7 is a reproducible sample), will be used during the conformity process. The
completed checklist will be included in the permanent airworthiness certification record package
forwarded to AFS-750.
(2) The ASI must verify the aircraft is assembled from approved materials, parts, and
assemblies that conform to the FAA-approved type design for that particular model. The ASI must
review the appropriate documents as presented by the applicant, substantiating FAA production
approval status of these parts.
(3) The ASI must verify that any major changes to the approved design package have been
approved by the appropriate ACO/CMACO.
(4) Used parts and assemblies with established service life-limited parts must be proven
airworthy and accompanied by appropriate historical records to substantiate time in service. Such
evidence, together with other maintenance records, should be returned to the applicant and made a part
of the aircraft historical records. Life-limited items without historical records substantiating their
eligibility cannot be accepted for certification on aircraft.
(5) The serial number of the aircraft does not have to appear on the aircraft specification,
TCDS, or aircraft listing to be eligible for a standard airworthiness certificate. The aircraft serial
number is used primarily for the purpose of individual identification of an aircraft. Under
49 U.S.C. § 44704, it need only be shown that the aircraft conforms to its FAA-approved TC and is in a
condition for safe operation for the aircraft to be eligible for a standard airworthiness certificate.
(6) The ASI must ensure the applicant provides parts catalogs, assembly and/or maintenance
manuals (as may be produced by the original equipment manufacturer), or the equivalent, for use as a
guide by the FAA during all phases of the aircraft assembly inspections.
(7) After the product CMACO reviews the design package and finds it to be acceptable, the
ASI uses the package and any other relevant information to develop a conformity inspection plan. The
ASI reviews the plan with the applicant and the ACO and/or MIDO to determine the following:
(a) What processes, if any, are to be considered critical and require ASI mandatory
inspection acceptance points.
(b) Where mandatory FAA conformity inspection points will be placed. At this point, the
assembly plan can be used to forecast when these inspections will be accomplished. These inspections
will not be bypassed by the applicant and may require a work stoppage if anything requiring inspection
could be covered by further assembly. *
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* (c) That the applicant’s incoming parts and raw stock meet all TC requirements and are free
of shipping and handling damage. Supporting documents such as manufacturer invoices, supplier
affidavits, packing lists, parts lists, material certification sheets, and other acceptable records will be
maintained and made available to the FAA.
(d) That the applicant has a process in place to ensure any special tooling meets all needed
calibration requirements (for example, torque wrenches, assembly jigs, any equipment used to calibrate
flight instrumentation). This process must be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and
(e) That all parts and material are in compliance with approved design data. The following
guidance will establish compliance:
1 FAA-approved parts obtained from a PAH and eligible for installation on this make
and model will be free of shipping and handling damage and meet applicable type design data.
2 New parts fabricated will be properly manufactured, meet all applicable type design
data requirements, and meet the airworthiness requirements of the FAA regulations applicable to the
product on which the part is to be installed.
3 Used parts meet all applicable requirements of part 43. These parts will possess an
airworthiness approval tag (Form 8130-3) documenting that they are airworthy and approved for return
to service.
4 The applicant will make available all purchase orders and documentation to provide
traceability of parts to their origin and to provide the basis of approval for the part. These documents
will be available at the time of certification and used to verify the accuracy of the part information
contained in the master drawing list. The ASI will review the part traceability (origin) information at the
time of certification.
(f) That the aircraft identification and registration marking is correct and has been properly
processed through AFS-750.
(g) That there is a process to ensure the reporting of failures, malfunctions, and defects for
continued airworthiness will be accomplished.
(9) The ASI will witness the applicant weigh the aircraft to determine empty weight and CG. A
weight and balance report will be submitted at the time of airworthiness certification. FAA-H-8083-1,
Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook, is a good source of guidance to use during this operation.
(10) The ASI will review the completed FAA-approved flight check-off form to verify flight
test completion. The aircraft must be flight tested by the applicant in accordance with an FAA-approved
production flight test procedure and flight check-off format as prescribed by § 21.127. A DER will not
perform this approval/review process. *
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* (11) The ASI will review the Form 8130-9, certifying the completed aircraft conforms to the
applicable FAA-approved data for this project. Any major deviations to the TC must be described on
the statement of conformity and approved by FAA engineering. When submitting Form 8130-9 for an
aircraft built from spare and/or surplus parts, cross out the phrase in section IV, item B, “produced under
type certificate only” (see figure 3-8) and enter below that item the TC, specification, or listing numbers
as applicable.
(12) A new ID plate will be reviewed by the FAA before installation on the aircraft to verify it
meets the requirements of §§ 45.11 and 45.13. The builder’s name would be that of the person who
assembled the aircraft and not the name of the TC owner/manufacturer who builds the same model of
aircraft (see figure 3-2). The model designation is that of the aircraft type design to which conformity is
determined. The serial number selected by the builder should be clearly distinguishable from the
TC holder’s serial numbers; for example, the serial number could be the builder’s name or initials
together with a number.
(13) The FAA should list supporting documents such as manufacturer invoices, supplier
affidavits, packing lists, parts lists, material certification sheets, and other acceptable records submitted
by the applicant on Form 8100-1, which becomes part of the checklist and inspection record. The basis
for determining conformity with the FAA-approved data for this project will be established and become
a matter of record for future reference.
(14) The MIDO/MISO/CMO/CMU or FSDO issuing the standard airworthiness certificate will
ensure a copy of Form 8100-2 and Form 8130-6 are forwarded to the CMACO. *
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a. Section 21.183(d) is applicable to used aircraft. Its provisions are applied to airworthiness
certification of used aircraft (aircraft with time in service for other than production flight testing),
including aircraft type certificated under § 21.29 but not eligible for certification under § 21.183(c),
U.S.-manufactured civil aircraft that were exported and later returned to the United States for FAA
certification, and surplus military aircraft. In addition to the provisions contained in section 1 of this
chapter, this section provides further guidance material and procedures associated with airworthiness
certification of these aircraft.
b. Obtaining an airworthiness certificate may not, by itself, be sufficient to meet all of the
regulatory requirements for operating an aircraft in the United States. Operations under part 121
or part 135 may require additional inspections, tests, or the installation of additional instruments
and/or equipment before operation.
a. General. The FAA must follow the appropriate procedures listed in paragraph 46 of this order,
along with the guidance and procedures in paragraphs 60 through 68 of this order when examining a
used aircraft.
b. Repair data approved by another CAA. Increasingly the FAA is negotiating bilateral
agreements that provide greater recognition to data approved by other CAAs for repairs to a used aircraft
or its articles. Always consult the current version of a respective bilateral agreement to determine the
acceptance of foreign repair data. If you have questions regarding the applicable provisions of any of
these bilateral agreements, contact the Aircraft Certification Service International Policy Office
a. Under § 21.183(d), an applicant is entitled to a standard airworthiness certificate for used aircraft
(aircraft with time in service for other than production flight testing) (to include § 21.29 aircraft), or
surplus military aircraft. The applicant must present acceptable evidence to substantiate conformance to
the FAA-approved type design, including any modifications, for example, an STC or Form 337, and that
the aircraft has been inspected in accordance with the performance rules for 100-hour inspections as set
forth in § 43.15 and found to be airworthy by one of the following persons:
(2) The holder of an appropriately rated repair station certificate issued under 14 CFR part 145,
Repair Stations;
(3) The holder of a mechanic certificate issued under 14 CFR part 65, Certification: Airmen
Other than Crewmembers; or
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(4) The holder of a certificate issued under part 121 and having a maintenance and inspection
organization appropriately rated for the type of aircraft involved.
b. Under the provisions of § 21.183(d), it is the applicant’s responsibility to present, with the
application, evidence that substantiates conformity with the FAA-approved type design. The applicant
must provide any inspection and maintenance records, service history, and any other records
substantiating eligibility of the articles being used. The FAA is required to make a “finding of
conformity” in accordance with § 21.183(d)(3), which consists of a review of the applicant’s evidence
showing how conformity was determined. Sufficient conformity inspections must be conducted on the
aircraft and the applicant’s evidence for the ASI to find the aircraft to be in conformity. If conformity
cannot be determined, the inspection should be stopped until such time as the applicant presents new
evidence showing such determination has been made.
c. Compliance with the inspection requirement can be demonstrated by one of the following
(1) The applicant may have the aircraft inspected in accordance with the performance rules for
100-hour inspections set forth in § 43.15(c)(1).
(2) The FAA may accept a recent 100-hour inspection, whether performed in the United States
or in any other country where the aircraft previously was located while the aircraft was on the
U.S. registry:
(a) When the inspection was performed within 30 days before the date of application for a
standard airworthiness certificate.
d. The process by which an applicant can meet these requirements depends on the aircraft involved
and its history. This order is intended to address the most common situations encountered in
certificating aircraft under § 21.183(d). Unique situations should be discussed in advance with
e. If the application is for an original airworthiness certificate, the maintenance rules of part 43 are
not applicable. An example of this situation is when a new aircraft is delivered WITHOUT an
Export C of A and later returns to the United States for certification. Approval of major and minor
changes to type design, which includes repairs, comes under the applicable provisions of §§ 21.95
and 21.97. All changes in type design and their approval must be appropriately documented and made
part of the original airworthiness certification file. This approval must be documented in an attachment
to Form 8130-6.
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61. FLIGHT TESTING. The FAA may require flight tests to determine that the aircraft is in a
condition for safe operation. The applicant must consult with the FAA to establish a flight test
procedure and flight checkoff form. The FAA must confirm that the aircraft has been flight tested by
the applicant’s pilot in accordance with that procedure. Flight tests may not be conducted by the FAA
until an entry has been placed in the aircraft records to show that these tests have been satisfactorily
completed by the applicant. The appropriate airworthiness certificate for this purpose is a special
airworthiness certificate, for showing compliance with 14 CFR.
(1) Determine whether the certification program can be accomplished in the desired location
without placing an undue burden on FAA resources. If the determination results in a finding that the
desired location places an undue burden on FAA resources and certification cannot be performed by an
ASI, then advise the applicant that the use of an appropriate FAA designee is permissible; or
(2) Advise the applicant that a special flight permit for U.S.-registered aircraft (§ 21.197)
or special flight authorization (SFA) for non-U.S.-registered aircraft may be issued under § 91.715 if it
is necessary to relocate the aircraft for the airworthiness inspection. To ferry an aircraft to a location
near the office or a mutually acceptable location, refer to chapter 7 of this order.
NOTE: Special flight permits and SFAs are not recognized by the ICAO.
(3) Discuss with the applicant any anticipated issues, the applicable certification procedures in
section 1 of this chapter, the specific requirements listed herein, and any proposed certification time
(1) A bilateral agreement provides for close cooperation between the contracting states in the
resolution of safety issues that might arise from inservice operation of any product exported or imported
and approved or accepted under the terms of the agreement. When a safety concern arises, the FAA will
work with and through the CAA of the other country to the maximum extent practicable, for example,
through the exchange of information and technical opinions, to determine the appropriate corrective
action required of operators or owners of affected U.S.-registered aircraft. The CAA is expected to keep
the FAA informed of corrective actions that the CAA believes are required for safety on U.S.-registered
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(2) Service documents such as service bulletins and structural repair manuals approved by the
airworthiness authority of the country where an affected product is manufactured are considered to be
FAA-approved data unless otherwise noted, provided the United States has a bilateral agreement with
that country. However, service bulletins or other similar instructions classified as “mandatory” by the
CAA are not mandatory in the U.S. regulatory system unless required by an AD. Therefore, owners
or operators of affected U.S.-registered aircraft are not required under U.S. law to comply with service
documents or directives issued by the airworthiness authorities of other countries unless an FAA AD is
issued under 14 CFR part 39, Airworthiness Directives. However, for U.S. type-certificated products
not currently on the U.S. register, alternate procedures have been instituted involving the processing of
foreign Mandatory Continuing Airworthiness Information (MCAI) that may affect the way the
airworthiness certification requirements are met. The MCAI process is described in detail in
paragraph 244 of this order.
(3) Appendix 2 to this order provides additional guidance on used aircraft under a bilateral
agreement related to the acceptance of a 100-hour inspection, Export Certificate of Airworthiness,
repair data, maintenance activities, and third country manufactured aircraft.
(2) Because the United States has bilateral agreements with third party countries that attest to
their competence in making conformity and airworthiness determinations, the FAA also will accept
certifications of those aircraft that have been manufactured in the United States when the CAAs of these
countries are willing to issue such certificates. Accordingly, a prospective buyer of a U.S.-manufactured
aircraft located in a country other than the United States may request from the CAA of the bilateral
third-party country a certification to the effect that the particular U.S.-manufactured aircraft has
remained in or has been returned to its type design configuration and is in a condition for safe operation.
When applicable, the certification should also contain information concerning any areas where the
aircraft does not conform to its type design. This certification will be honored by the FAA as fulfilling
the applicant’s responsibility, but will not eliminate the inspection requirements mandated by
§ 21.183(d).
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(3) Applicants must be cautioned that it may be impractical to obtain a U.S. airworthiness
certificate for an aircraft operated under the registry of another country subsequent to the issuance of an
Export C of A by the CAA of the State of Manufacture. Applicants should be able to (1) identify repairs
and modifications, and any maintenance accomplished, and (2) document the equipment installed on the
aircraft from the time the Export C of A was issued to the date of application for a U.S. airworthiness
certificate. The applicant must show that the aircraft has remained in or has been returned to its
FAA-approved type design and is in a condition for safe operation. This may involve extensive
inspections accomplished by designees, the CAA of the State of Manufacture, the aircraft manufacturer,
and repair stations, before a U.S. airworthiness certificate may be issued.
(4) In cases where an aircraft manufactured outside the United States originally was exported to
another country and the CAA of the State of Manufacture has issued an Export C of A attesting
conformance to a design other than that approved by the FAA, the Export C of A may be useful to the
applicant for establishing a configuration baseline for showing conformity to the FAA-approved design
after modification. In these cases, or when the Export C of A may not be available, the applicant should
obtain a statement from the CAA of the State of Manufacture that (1) certifies that when originally
exported from that country the aircraft met its FAA-approved design, or (2) identifies any differences
between the configuration identified in the original export certification and the FAA-approved design.
The applicant must obtain the necessary technical data needed to convert the aircraft to its
FAA-approved design configuration. This method may involve extensive inspections to be
accomplished by designees, the CAA of the State of Manufacture, the aircraft manufacturer, or persons
authorized under part 43, before the applicant is able to show conformity to the FAA-approved design.
Attempts to obtain a U.S. airworthiness certificate by this method may prove to be impracticable for the
applicant; in some instances, the applicant ultimately may be unable to obtain the desired
U.S. airworthiness certificate.
(5) The FAA normally will not issue a U.S. airworthiness certificate for an aircraft
manufactured outside the United States when no export certification is available. To be acceptable,
aircraft manufactured outside the United States must be controlled under bilateral agreement procedures
with assurance of conformity and condition provided by the CAA in the State of Manufacture. Without
assurance in the form of an Export C of A or a certifying statement from the CAA of the State of
Manufacture, there is no practical way for an applicant to show, or for the FAA to find, that the aircraft
conforms to the FAA-approved type design and is in a condition for safe operation.
(6) Inspections by the FAA should be conducted to determine that no changes or modifications
have been made, and that the condition of the aircraft has not deteriorated since its export certification
by the CAA. Flight testing in accordance with chapter 4 and/or paragraph 61 of this order may be
required before a U.S. airworthiness certificate is issued if the aircraft has been disassembled
and reassembled since its export certification by the CAA.
(7) Note that other CAAs may charge a fee for their services. The applicant must be
prepared to pay any such fee if the services of a CAA are requested. Any certification, inspection,
or information documents provided to the applicant by the CAA must be in the English language.
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(a) Provide the original or an acceptable copy of the U.S. Export C of A obtained when the
aircraft originally was exported from the United States. This provides a baseline for the inspection to
determine whether the aircraft meets its FAA TC and is used to determine whether there were any
deviations to the type design as annotated on the Export C of A when the aircraft originally was
exported. For example, equipment inconsistent with the CFR may have been incorporated to comply
with the importing country’s additional design requirements. All deviations must be resolved before a
standard airworthiness certificate can be issued.
(b) Show that any aircraft article overhauled or repaired while the aircraft was operating
under non-U.S. registry was accomplished in accordance with methods acceptable to the FAA and that
the article conforms to its type design. When this cannot be shown, the article must be removed.
(c) Show that any major alterations, modifications, or repairs performed while the aircraft
was under non-U.S. registry was accomplished in compliance with FAA-approved data and that the
aircraft conforms to its type design requirements. Under certain BASA Implementation Procedures
for Airworthiness (IPA) and/or accompanying special arrangements (for example, with Australia,
New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Canada), the FAA has determined that the bilateral
aviation authority may approve design data associated with major alterations, modifications, or repairs
that do not rise to the level of an amended TC or STC on certain categories of aircraft for which either
country is the State of Design. When these data are approved directly by authority, or by a delegated
individual or organization, they would then be subsequently recognized as FAA-approved data under the
bilateral provisions. FAA ASIs and designees should not require the applicant to seek additional
FAA approval(s) for data so identified unless there is clear evidence that the data are specifically
erroneous or otherwise unreliable. In all other situations, use of an FAA DER to expedite the design
approval process should be encouraged for any major alteration or repair that may have been
incorporated without FAA approval. Persons authorized under § 43.7 must record in the maintenance
records that the major alterations, modifications, or repairs conform to FAA-approved data.
(d) Obtain FAA approval for or resolve any deviation from the type design.
(e) Show that any maintenance performed while the aircraft was under non-U.S. registry
was performed in accordance with methods acceptable to the FAA and that the aircraft conforms to its
approved type design or properly altered condition.
(f) The applicant for an airworthiness certificate whose aircraft has been maintained,
modified, or repaired while under foreign registry must ensure that all records required by § 91.417(b)
are translated into the English language.
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(a) Furnish a certifying statement from the CAA of the State of Manufacture or a certifying
statement from the CAA with whom the United States has a third party bilateral agreement, attesting
that the aircraft conforms to its type design and is in a condition for safe operation.
(b) Obtain FAA approval for any non-FAA-approved major modifications, alterations,
or repairs incorporated in the aircraft.
(c) Obtain FAA approval for or resolve any deviations from the type design, for example,
those annotated on the CAA’s Export C of A.
a. Initial Screening Inspection. The initial screening inspection will determine whether the
aircraft has reasonable potential for airworthiness certification. Inspections may be performed on some,
but not all, surplus military aircraft before they are offered for sale to the public. Aircraft determined to
have “no potential” for airworthiness certification during the initial screening inspection, for example,
because of an initial lack of military service historical/modification records, may later be presented for
rescreening if adequate cause is demonstrated by the owner. The FAA inspector performing the initial
inspection or reinspection must submit FAA Form 8130-10, Surplus Military Aircraft Inspection Record
(figures 3-9 and 3-10) for each inspection to the appropriate manufacturing inspection office (MIO).
Aircraft may be considered potentially certifiable when the manufacturer’s ID plate is installed and the
aircraft military records are adequate to determine the historical background of the aircraft. At a
minimum, the initial screening inspection must consist of the following:
(2) A review of military maintenance manuals and modification records affecting the subject
aircraft regarding its current status of mandatory maintenance, for example, the military equivalent to
FAA ADs. The records may be considered adequate for potential certification purposes when the
following is determined:
(a) All major repairs/modifications and military safety-of-flight items have been properly
documented in accordance with prescribed military directives.
(c) The historical records document a current list of life-limited articles and their current
status on the subject aircraft.
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
(d) The following are typical DOD records that should be reviewed during the
screening inspection process. These examples are for surplus Army military aircraft:
(e) The historical records document the maximum weight limits, airspeeds, and operating
regimes that have been exceeded as described in the applicable military flight manuals, technical
directives, and aircraft specifications. If any of these limits have been exceeded, this information must
be recorded on Form 8130-10. The FAA will not make any determination as to what, if any, adverse
effects may have resulted from exceeding the described limits. If these limits are exceeded, the MIDO
will contact the cognizant FAA engineering office for its appraisal.
(3) An examination of the aircraft to determine its degree of completeness, state of preservation
and repair, and general condition. This examination is not necessarily all-inclusive, is for information
only, and does not guarantee approval of an airworthiness certificate.
b. Aircraft Condition. The condition of the aircraft and its historical records, as found during the
initial screening inspection, must be noted on Form 8130-10 for each aircraft. This information will be
used for future reference. Upon completion of the above, the FAA inspector who conducted the initial
screening inspection must render an opinion as to whether the aircraft has reasonable potential for an
airworthiness certificate.
c. Screening Report. All inspection findings must be recorded on Form 8130-10. The original
form and appropriate attachments must be forwarded to the appropriate MIO within 5 working days
after completion of the inspection (see figures 3-9 and 3-10).
a. Contractual agreements between segments of the military services and a manufacturer may
require the manufacturer to provide FAA Form 8130-2, Conformity Certificate—Military Aircraft (see
figure 3-11), for each aircraft procured. Such aircraft must be type-certificated and, in most cases, be
manufactured under the terms of a PC.
b. By mutual agreement between the FAA and the military services, the FAA may have certain
other responsibilities related to the issuance of Form 8130-2. Except as provided in this paragraph,
and in any specific requirements in the memorandum of understanding, the normal inspection
and surveillance procedures relating to production under a TC or under a PC should be met.
c. The completed original Form 8130-2 must be given to the authorized military representative.
The cognizant MIDO, or FSDO when delegated, must forward a copy, including those issued by ODA
manufacturers, to the appropriate MIO for indefinite retention. The copies may be forwarded either
separately or all in one package at the end of the military contract or at the discretion of the directorate.
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
NOTE: If such military aircraft are eventually sold as surplus and presented for
civil certification, it is the applicant’s responsibility to furnish Form 8130-2 with the
application when the form is necessary as a part of the airworthiness
determination. If the applicant cannot obtain the original or a legible copy of the
completed conformity certificate, the ASI or authorized designee may request a
copy through his or her supervising office from the cognizant military office.
67. CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS (APPLICANT). The following are documents and other
information that are typically used by an applicant to show compliance with the airworthiness
certification requirements of § 21.183(d):
a. Proof of ownership in the form of a DOD Bill of Sale is considered to be recordable evidence
and proof of ownership. DOD Form 1427, Notice of Award, Statement, and Release Document
(DD 1427), is considered to be proof of ownership only. The DD 1427 is not a bill of sale and cannot be
used for registering the aircraft. When an aircraft is sold for recovery of articles or reduction to scrap, a
bill of sale is not issued.
b. Compliance and conformity to the TC, taking into account any STCs or any amendments to
the TC. The applicant must present evidence that the aircraft conforms to the type design. The
type design data used to determine conformity must be shown in the applicant’s records. The following
are typical records that may be used:
(1) Records maintained by the military, the manufacturer, or any other prior owner pertaining to
the manufacturing, inspection, maintenance, and operation of the aircraft. Military records may be used
to determine continuous conformity while the aircraft was in military service.
(2) Form 8130-2 or prior airworthiness certificate issued by the FAA, if any.
(3) Records such as the TCDS or aircraft specifications that establish, by manufacturer’s serial
number, that the complete aircraft was produced under an FAA PC or APIS and the extent to which it
was so produced.
(4) When articles have been replaced since original manufacture, the applicant must show that
they are airworthy and eligible for installation.
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
(5) Records of any articles that have been fabricated or assembled by the applicant establishing
that they conform to the type design.
(6) Records of engines, gearbox assemblies, landing gear, instruments, or other articles
establishing that they originally conformed to the type design and have been maintained in accordance
with applicable FAA requirements. Military maintenance and/or FAA-approved repair station records
may be used for this purpose.
(7) When military records are being used to substantiate any portion(s) of conformity to
FAA-approved type design, the applicant must show that the records for that specific aircraft or article
are complete and accurate.
(8) An approved flight test procedure and flight checkoff form must be established (when a
flight test is deemed necessary) and each aircraft must be flight tested by the applicant’s pilot in
accordance with that procedure. The FAA production flight test will not be conducted until an entry has
been placed in the aircraft records to show that these tests have been satisfactorily completed by the
(9) The civil and military model designation is reflected on the ID plate (§ 45.13) and all
airworthiness documentation, including airworthiness certificates (excluding registration), reflects the
civil and military model designation and serial number. The military designation and serial number
must be placed in parentheses in the same blocks as the civil model designation and serial number.
d. A current weight and balance report from an actual weighing of the aircraft.
e. Records that indicate that all applicable ADs have been complied with.
68. CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES. The following are some of the typical steps taken by the
FAA representative or his authorized designee toward certification of the aircraft in conjunction with
those specified in paragraph 46 of this order:
(1) Compliance and conformity with the TC, taking into account any STCs or any amendments
to the TC.
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
(3) Currency of weight and balance information from actual weighing; it is recommended that
the ASI observe the actual weighing.
(4) Which inspections and tests, including flight tests, are required to find that the aircraft is in
a condition for safe operation. The FAA production flight test requirements will be coordinated with
FAA flight test personnel.
(5) That an approved flight test procedure and flight checkoff form has been established (when
a flight test is deemed necessary) and that each aircraft is flight tested by the applicant’s pilot in
accordance with that procedure. The FAA production flight tests will not be conducted until an entry
has been placed in the aircraft records to show that these tests have been satisfactorily completed by the
(6) Compliance with the registration and marking requirements of parts 47 and 45.
(7) That the civil model designation is reflected on the ID plate and that all of the airworthiness
documentation, including registration and airworthiness certificates, reflect the civil and military model
designation and serial number. The military designation and serial number should be placed in
parentheses in the same blocks as the civil model designation and serial number.
69. EXAMPLES OF FORMS. Figures 3-1 through 3-16 provide examples of forms used in the
certification process.
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
LF010 Rotax 912
One Wood Built Good-1 X IMPORT
OPERATING 8B Operating light-sport kit-built
8C Operating light-sport previously issued special light-sport category airworthiness certificate under § 21.190
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
X Revision No.) X number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
A2WI Rev. 1 2001-01
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
X COMPLIANCE WITH 2.0 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 -0-
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
K.A. Good
01/27/2001 K.A. Good, Director, Q.A.
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
A.J. Kool
4 1
CE43 A.J. Kool
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 67
8130.2F 11/5/2004
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
(Attach when required)
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 68
11/5/2004 8130.2F
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
Page 70
11/5/2004 8130.2F
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
AK901 Rotax 912
One Goodprop 1-GP-008 X IMPORT
OPERATING 8B Operating light-sport kit-built
8C Operating light-sport previously issued special light-sport category airworthiness certificate under § 21.190
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
X Revision No.) X number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
A2EU Rev. 1 2001-01
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
X COMPLIANCE WITH 132.0 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 -0-
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
J.B. Wright
01/23/2001 J.B. Wright, Director
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
Joe Mendez
4 1
NW78 Joe Mendez
FAA Form 8130-6 10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 71
8130.2F 11/5/2004
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, X G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
X (Attach when required)
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
Page 74
11/5/2004 8130.2F
Project No.:
C. Type Certificate No. _____ and Model _____ to Which Conformity Shown.
F. Registration No.:
Page 75
8130.2F 11/5/2004
Conducted At:
Circle as appropriate.
Explain “No” items under “Remarks”
Page 76
11/5/2004 8130.2F
15. Are all required items of equipment installed and are Yes No
they functioning properly?
19. Based upon inspection, has the aircraft been found in Yes No
condition for safe operation?
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
Page 78
11/5/2004 8130.2F
List and identify below, the documents submitted by the applicant and used by the inspector in determining conformity with
the FAA approved type design. This should include reference to Conformity Inspection Records, FAA Form 8100-1, by date
or serial number; the Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9; submitted by the applicant; supplemental type certificates,
if applicable; airworthiness directives; and any other data submitted as evidence that the aircraft conforms to the type design,
in accordance with FAR § 21.183(d)(1).
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
As part of the original airworthiness inspection, the aircraft should be weighed to determine that ranges of weight and center of
gravity are within the limits originally approved, as specified in the appropriate aircraft specification or type certificate data
1. Leveling Means.
2. Location of Datum.
All items of equipment which are replaceable on the aircraft shall be listed with the weights and moment arms.
Note: A verified copy of the applicant’s Weight and Balance Report and Equipment List containing the
above information may be substituted for this page.
Page 80
11/5/2004 8130.2F
Total Time
Part or Time Remaining
Assembly Serial on Before
Component Number Number Part Retirement
Page 81
8130.2F 11/5/2004
Refer to, or attach a copy of, the approved flight test check-off form completed by the FAA flight test representative.
Page 82
11/5/2004 8130.2F
Section I - Aircraft
1. Make 2. Model
Jackson 47G-4
3. Serial No. 321 4. Registration No. N54321
Section II - Engine
1. Make 2. Model
3. Serial No.
Section III - Propeller
1. Make 2. Hub Model
X B. The aircraft described above XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (CFR 21 Subpart F), conforms to its type certificate,
is in a condition for safe operation, and was flight checked on February 12, 2000_____
C. The engine or propeller described above, presented herewith for type certification, conforms to the type design
D. The engine or propeller described above, produced under type certificate only (CFR 21 Subpart F), conforms to its type
certificate and is in a condition for safe operation. The engine or, if applicable, the variable pitch propeller was subjected
by the manufacturer to a final operational check on ______________________________________
Deviations: NONE.
Page 83
8130.2F 11/5/2004
(Initial Screening)
(Same as Location)
December 15, March 23, May 10, November 16, A/W CERTIFICATION
19XX 19XX 19XX 19XX
Record the following only if TC Data Sheet/Specification Limits Exceeded
Questionable condition
Page 84
11/5/2004 8130.2F
(Initial Screening)
(Same as Location)
December 15, March 23, May 10, November 16, A/W CERTIFICATION
19XX 19XX 19XX 19XX
Record the following only if TC Data Sheet/Specification Limits Exceeded
Good condition
Page 85
8130.2F 11/5/2004
(Instructions on Reverse)
A. This certifies that the aircraft described below has been manufactured in conformity w ith data form-
ing the basis for Type Certificate No. 1H6 , and any revision or modification
thereof approved by the F EDERAL A VIATION A DMINISTRATION as of 10/17/2000
with the exception of the following deviations:
(NOTE: When there are no deviations from the approved type design write "None.")
10/17/2000 10/25/2000
John R. Smith, Chief Engineer R.E. Wright
Use reverse for remarks.
FAA FORM 8130-2 (10-67) FORMERLY FAA F ORM 970
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
Page 88
11/5/2004 8130.2F
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
43218 Pratt & Whitney CB-16
4 Hamilton Standard 43E60-300 IMPORT
APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR: (Check applicable items)
OPERATING 8B Operating light-sport kit-built
8C Operating light-sport previously issued special light-sport category airworthiness certificate under § 21.190
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
X Revision No.) X number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
63A Rev. 26 2001-01
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
N/A SA2-414; SA2-567; SA4-532; SA2-231
X COMPLIANCE WITH 12,347.0 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 -0-
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
John Doe
01/31/2001 John Doe, President
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
James Jones
4 1
CE45 James Jones
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 89
8130.2F 11/5/2004
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, X G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
(Attach when required)
Page 90
11/5/2004 8130.2F
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
19714 Pratt & Whitney JT8D-9
APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR: (Check applicable items)
OPERATING 8B Operating light-sport kit-built
8C Operating light-sport previously issued special light-sport category airworthiness certificate under § 21.190
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
X Revision No.) X number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
A16WE 2001-01
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
X COMPLIANCE WITH 8.45 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 N/A
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
John Doe
02/23/2001 John Doe, Vice President
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
G.E. Smith
4 1
G.E. Smith, DMIR 1234
03/15/2001 WE404346
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 91
8130.2F 11/5/2004
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
(Attach when required)
Page 92
11/5/2004 8130.2F
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
1332 Allison 250-C10B
APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR: (Check applicable items)
OPERATING 8B Operating light-sport kit-built
8C Operating light-sport previously issued special light-sport category airworthiness certificate under § 21.190
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
X Revision No.) X number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
H3 WE Rev. 2 2001-01
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
X COMPLIANCE WITH 2852.0 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 N/A
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
James Jones
01/31/2001 James J. Jones, General Manager
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
Ben Porter
4 1
Ben Porter
03/10/2001 NM-XX
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 93
8130.2F 11/5/2004
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, X G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
(Attach when required)
Page 94
11/5/2004 8130.2F
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
3191 HT Lycomming V0540-B1B
APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR: (Check applicable items)
OPERATING 8B Operating light-sport kit-built
8C Operating light-sport previously issued special light-sport category airworthiness certificate under § 21.190
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
X Revision No.) X number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
2H3 Rev. 8 2001-01
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
N/A SH156EA; SH252SW
X COMPLIANCE WITH 11.3 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 N/A
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
Henry L. Jackson
01/31/2001 Henry L. Jackson, Owner
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
E.J. Smith
4 1
E.J. Smith
03/10/2001 NE-XX
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 95
8130.2F 11/5/2004
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, X G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
(Attach when required)
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86. GENERAL. The procedures in this chapter provide guidance material associated with
airworthiness certification and the issuance of Form 8130-7. Part 21, subpart H, Airworthiness
Certificates, and subpart I, prescribe the procedural requirements for airworthiness certification for
restricted, multiple, limited, primary category aircraft (PCA), light-sport, experimental, and provisional.
Procedures also are provided for issuance of special flight permits.
87. APPLICATION FOR AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE. Form 8130-6 is required whenever
an airworthiness certificate is issued or amended. This includes changes to operating limitations that
may have been prescribed. The applicant must complete the appropriate sections and sign the
application. A program letter also must be submitted to the FAA with any other document(s) required
for the requested certification. The program letter must be reviewed to ensure all of the requirements of
§ 21.193(d) have been met.
88. CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES. The following procedures are common for issuance of
Form 8130-7, consistent with any other specific procedures that may be prescribed in other paragraphs
dealing with individual airworthiness categories. In no case may any aircraft be operated unless there is
an appropriate and valid airworthiness certificate issued for that aircraft. The FAA must conduct any
inspections necessary to verify the certification procedures listed below, including any other inspections
* found appropriate for that certification. For amateur-built aircraft, refer to paragraph 146 of this order,
and for LSA, refer to paragraphs 121 and 141 of this order. *
(1) Obtain from the applicant a properly executed Form 8130-6 and any other documents
required for the certification.
* (2) For experimental certification, obtain from the applicant a program letter that identifies the
aircraft, the purpose of the certificate, the area over which the operations are to be conducted, the
duration of the program, etc. *
(3) Review the documentation provided by the applicant to determine that the registration
requirements of part 47 have been met, and ensure that the aircraft is marked in accordance with part 45.
(4) Check with AFS-750 to determine if a denial letter exists for the particular aircraft. This
may assist the ASI in determining aircraft eligibility.
(5) Review the aircraft records to determine that any required maintenance, inspections, etc.,
have been accomplished. Records should be complete and reflect no unapproved design changes.
(6) Arrange to review any inspection or technical data needed to establish conformity to
type design.
(7) Review the applicant’s weight and balance data for accuracy and currency for the
aircraft submitted.
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(8) Determine that the aircraft has been flight tested, if required. If it has not been flight tested,
issue an appropriate Form 8130-7, for showing compliance with the airworthiness regulations
(§§ 21.189(a)(2), 21.185(d) and 91.319(b)). The flight test must be recorded in the aircraft records
and certify that the requirements of § 91.319(b) have been met. Flight test time is included as
“time-in-service,” as defined by part 1.
(9) Determine that all relevant ADs have been complied with.
(10) Establish that all required documentation and records have been provided for the aircraft,
that is, an up-to-date approved flight manual, equipment list, and maintenance records and manuals as
required by certain airworthiness parts of the CFR.
b. Aircraft Inspection. The FAA must arrange with the applicant to make the aircraft available
for inspection to determine the following:
(1) The aircraft is eligible by make and model using the TCDS, aircraft specification, or aircraft
listing, as applicable.
(3) The information on the ID plate is correct, matches the information on Form 8130-6, and is
in accordance with § 45.13, as applicable.
(4) The aircraft nationality and registration marks are in accordance with part 45.
NOTE: Section 21.182 (a) and (b)(2) requires each aircraft to be identified as
described in § 45.11. In addition, if the aircraft previously was registered in the
United States, it is acceptable to continue use of the duplicate pink copy of
Aeronautical Center Form 8050-1, Aircraft Registration Application, as
temporary authority to operate. However, it first must be verified that
AFS-750 has received the Aircraft Registration Application as a temporary
authority to operate.
(6) The engine(s), propeller(s), and associated instruments operate in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
(7) The pitot static system and associated instruments operate properly.
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(8) The instruments are marked in accordance with the approved flight manual or any other
data used for aircraft involved in a type certification program.
(9) All modifications have been inspected and recorded, and are in a condition for safe
c. Certificate Issuance.
(1) If the aircraft meets the requirements for the certification requested, the FAA must:
(c) Complete sections V and VIII of Form 8130-6, as appropriate, in accordance with the
instructions contained in chapter 8 of this order.
(d) Examine, review, and route the certification file in accordance with the instructions
contained in chapter 8 of this order.
(2) If the aircraft does not meet the requirements for the certification requested, and the
airworthiness certificate is denied, the FAA must:
(a) Write a letter to the applicant stating the reason(s) for denying the airworthiness
(b) Attach a copy of the denial letter to Form 8130-6 and forward to AFS-750 to be made
part of the aircraft record.
a. Form 8130-7 (GPO pad only) is used for all aircraft that are certificated in categories other
b. An experimental certificate for R&D, showing compliance with regulations, crew training,
or market surveys is effective for 1 year or less after the date of issuance.
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d. However, experimental certificates issued for the purpose of flight testing of amateur-built,
exhibition, air racing, and light-sport are effective for a period of time necessary to complete the
flight testing required by § 91.319(b). If the testing is not completed within the terms of the certificate,
the aircraft must be submitted for reinspection to the FAA and a new certificate issued.
e. When an exhibition or air racing aircraft has successfully completed its flight testing, the
applicant may apply for a special airworthiness certificate of unlimited duration. If granted, the word
“Unlimited” will be placed in the Expiry block of the certificate. In addition, the aircraft’s operating
limitations will be revised to reflect applicable limitations. A certificate of unlimited duration must not
be issued until the aircraft has successfully completed its flight testing. This paragraph does not imply
that unlimited expiry is granted automatically; each case must be evaluated to ensure the request is
warranted and the applicant has provided evidence of compliance with § 91.319(b)(1) and (2).
f. Operating limitations generally applicable to nonstandard aircraft are printed on the reverse side
of the form (figure 4-1). The FAA also may prescribe additional operating limitations deemed necessary
for the special purpose involved. The additional limitations will be enumerated on a separate sheet,
dated, signed, and attached to Form 8130-7. Refer to applicable sections of this chapter for information
regarding additional operating limitations.
g. The first page of the operating limitations should be typed on FAA letterhead paper.
NOTE: FAA letterhead paper may be provided to FAA designees for the specific
purpose of issuing aircraft operating limitations. It is imperative that the FAA
designee understand that the FAA letterhead paper is to be used for issuing
operating limitations only and will be signed using the designee’s name (typed
and signed) and title as an FAA designee.
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90. GENERAL. The procedures in this section provide guidance for the issuance of Form 8130-7 for
aircraft type-certificated in the restricted category in accordance with § 21.25, 21.29, or Civil Air
Regulation (CAR) 8.
a. Aircraft type-certificated in the restricted category for agricultural operations in accordance with
the provisions of CAR 8.10(b) may continue to be operated under the provisions of the original
certification. The type certification basis for aircraft in the restricted category is determined in
accordance with § 21.25, except as specified in paragraph 92a(2) of this order.
b. Non-U.S.-manufactured aircraft that are type-certificated in the restricted category under § 21.29
are eligible for Form 8130-7 under § 21.185(c).
c. Non-U.S.-manufactured aircraft type-certificated in any other category under § 21.29 are not
eligible for certification in the restricted category unless the aircraft was issued Form 8100-2 under
§ 21.183(c) and subsequently was modified in accordance with section 3 of this chapter. In this
instance, § 21.185(b) is the basis for issuing the restricted airworthiness certificate; by virtue of being
previously certificated in the United States, the aircraft is no longer considered to be an import aircraft.
91. CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES. The FAA representative should follow the appropriate
procedures outlined in paragraph 88 of this order.
a. Aircraft that are eligible for a special airworthiness certificate, in the restricted category, are as
(1) Aircraft type-certificated in the restricted category and manufactured under a PC, APIS, or a
(2) Aircraft type-certificated in the restricted category that were surplus military aircraft of the
U.S. Armed Forces and manufactured in the United States;
(3) Aircraft that are imported to the United States and type-certificated in the restricted category
in accordance with § 21.29 and that have been certified by the country/jurisdiction of manufacture to
conform to the approved type design; and
(4) Type-certificated, standard category aircraft that have been modified and approved for a
restricted purpose under § 21.25, including aircraft type-certificated under CAR 8.10(b) for agricultural
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b. Aircraft may be considered eligible for a special airworthiness certificate, in the restricted
category, when found to comply with the noise requirements of part 36, in accordance with § 21.185(d).
c. Modified aircraft that were either surplus military aircraft of the U.S. Armed Forces or
previously type-certificated in another category (§ 21.185(b)), must satisfy the following to be
considered eligible for a special airworthiness certificate in the restricted category:
(1) The modification conforms to the FAA-approved data forming the basis for the
restricted TC.
(2) The aircraft is in a good state of preservation and repair and is in a condition for safe
93. SPECIAL PURPOSE OPERATIONS. As authorized under the provisions of § 21.25, special
purpose operations for restricted category aircraft include the following:
a. Agricultural (spraying, dusting, seeding, and livestock and predatory animal control).
f. Aerial advertising (skywriting, banner towing, airborne signs, and public address systems).
g. Any other operation specified by the FAA. (When an applicant wishes to obtain approval for a
new special purpose operation previously not approved under § 21.25(b)(7), application with supporting
justification should be made by letter to the Aircraft Engineering Division, Attn.: AIR-110. If accepted,
AIR-110 will provide public notice with request for comment in the Federal Register on the new
proposed special purpose operation and will consider all comments before making a final decision.)
95. OPERATING LIMITATIONS. All aircraft type-certificated in the restricted category must be
operated in compliance with the limitations prescribed in § 91.313. In addition, for turbine-powered
aircraft (TPA), piston-powered aircraft over 800 horsepower, rotorcraft, large aircraft (over
12,500 pounds), and any other aircraft as deemed necessary, the limitation concerning pilot
qualifications, as identified in paragraph 166b(8) of this order, should be prescribed. The FAA also may
prescribe additional operating limitations as deemed necessary for the special purpose involved. The
additional limitations will be enumerated on a separate sheet, and then dated, signed, and attached to
Form 8130-7.
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96. AGRICULTURAL AIRCRAFT. The following provides guidance concerning the means of
approval for increases in the maximum certificated weight for aircraft certificated in the restricted
category for agricultural operations. Section 21.101 sets forth the provisions that determine the
regulations applicable to a change in a TC. Such changes would include an increase in the maximum
certificated takeoff weight for an aircraft, which is defined in part 43 as a major alteration:
a. If parts 21 and 23 are the original certification basis shown on the TCDS for a restricted category
TC, then compliance with the applicable CFR must be shown to substantiate and approve a change to
the TC. The provisions of CAR/Civil Aeronautics Manual (CAM) 8 are not applicable and should not
be used (for example, TCDS A9CE for the Cessna 188 series).
b. Whether or not a data sheet exists, if CAR 8 is the basis for issuance of a restricted category TC,
compliance with the applicable sections of CAR/CAM 8 normally will be used to approve the TC
change, including increases to the maximum gross weight originally established on the TCDS, placards,
or flight manual (for example, TCDS 2A10 for the Piper PA-25 series). However, if CAR 8 does not
provide adequate standards with respect to the change, § 21.101(b) requires compliance with the
regulations in effect on the date of application for the change (part 23) that the FAA finds necessary
for safety.
a. When the carriage of cargo is incidental to the aircraft owner/operator’s business, the prescribed
limitations will then identify the authorized cargo that may be carried.
b. The additional limitations attached to the airworthiness certificate will specify the aircraft
model, N-Number, and serial number. All restricted category airworthiness certificates issued for
aircraft whose special purpose operation includes the carriage of cargo will include the following
(1) This aircraft is prohibited from carrying cargo for compensation or hire. Carriage of cargo
is limited to such cargo that is incidental to the aircraft owner/operator’s business which is other than air
transportation. The authorized cargo that may be carried on this aircraft is ___________.
(Applicability: All)
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(2) This rotorcraft is prohibited from carrying cargo for compensation or hire unless it is
engaged in an FAA-approved part 133 external load operation.
(Applicability: Rotorcraft conducting part 133 external load operations)
(3) This aircraft may not be operated over any foreign country without the special permission of
that country. Evidence of that permission must be carried aboard the aircraft, along with the
U.S. airworthiness certificate, and made available to the FAA or CAA in the country of operation upon
(Applicability: All)
(4) This aircraft has not been shown to meet the requirements of the applicable comprehensive
and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil
(Applicability: All)
c. Additional operating limitations as prescribed in § 91.313 will be assigned for all special
purposes of restricted category aircraft operations and are part of Form 8130-7.
d. The FAA will ensure that the owner/operator is briefed and clearly understands that the
restricted aircraft is prohibited by § 91.313(c) from the carriage of cargo for compensation or hire.
A record of this briefing should remain with the certification file.
98. DISPLAY OF MARKS (RESTRICTED). The FAA must determine that the aircraft displays
nationality and registration marks in accordance with § 45.21 and that the word “RESTRICTED” is
displayed in accordance with § 45.23.
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101. GENERAL. Under the provisions of § 21.187, an applicant for an airworthiness certificate in the
restricted category, and in one or more other categories, is entitled to the certificate if compliance is
shown with the requirements of each category when the aircraft is configured for that category. In
addition, the applicant must show that the aircraft can be converted from one category to another by
removing or adding equipment by simple mechanical means.
102. CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES. The FAA must follow the applicable procedures in
paragraph 88 of this order.
a. An aircraft in the normal, utility, acrobatic, transport, or limited category may be eligible for
multiple airworthiness certificates if it can be converted to the restricted category in accordance with
§§ 21.25 and 21.187. An aircraft type-certificated in both the normal and commuter categories is
eligible for an airworthiness certificate in only one category at a time.
(1) The FAA must witness the applicant’s method of compliance with §§ 21.187(a)(1)
and 21.187(a)(2), and make a determination that the detailed conversion instructions covering the
change from one category to the other are adequate. The operating limitations must contain a statement
that each conversion from one category to the other must be in accordance with such instructions.
(2) If one of the airworthiness categories is in the standard configuration, and the aircraft will
be used for the carriage of passengers for compensation or hire in the standard configuration, the FAA
must evaluate the restricted special purpose operation to determine whether the airworthiness inspection
prescribed in § 21.187(b) will be required each time the aircraft is converted from the restricted category
to the standard category. Normally, if the special purpose operation involves carriage of maximum
loads or if the aircraft is subject to contamination by pesticides or herbicides, the airworthiness
inspection must be required and an operating limitation to this effect should be prescribed. It should be
noted that the foregoing does not apply when the normal category operating limits have been exceeded
while operating in the restricted category; however, the procedures in paragraph 107 of this order do
(3) If the FAA determines that the airworthiness inspection by the FAA or an appropriately
certificated mechanic is not necessary because of the nature of the special purpose, the operating
limitations should so specify.
(4) To ensure that each conversion of aircraft with multiple certificates is recorded, an
operating limitation must prescribe that an aircraft maintenance record entry, signed by the person
making the conversion, be made each time the aircraft is converted from one category to the other. If an
inspection in accordance with § 21.187(b) is required, the entry must be signed by the FAA or an
appropriately rated mechanic.
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104. SPECIAL PURPOSE OPERATIONS. Section 21.25 specifies the special purpose operations
for restricted category aircraft. Special purpose operations are not specified for limited and standard
category aircraft.
106. OPERATING LIMITATIONS. All restricted category aircraft must be operated in accordance
with § 91.313, in addition to the operational requirements of part 91. However, additional operating
limitations may be prescribed by the FAA as deemed necessary for safe operation. The appropriate
operating limitations will be enumerated on a separate sheet and attached to Form 8130-7. The issuance
date of the operating limitations must be shown on the face side of Form 8130-7.
a. While being operated in the restricted category, any changes made to the aircraft that are to be
retained when in normal category operation, or any operations that are outside of the normal category
operating limitations, must be approved in accordance with the regulations and procedures applicable to
an aircraft having a standard airworthiness certificate.
b. If the TCDS for an aircraft includes the normal and restricted categories, and the maximum
gross weight and/or operating limitations for the restricted category are higher than that for the normal
category, the aircraft is NOT eligible for operation in the standard classification after having been
operated in the restricted category unless—
(1) The TCDS specifically states that the aircraft is eligible for operation in the normal
category after having been operated at the limitations applicable to the restricted category; or
(2) If the TCDS does not have such a note or any other reference, the operations outside of the
normal category operating limitations including increased gross weights must be FAA-approved.
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108. DISPLAY OF MARKS (RESTRICTED OR LIMITED). The FAA should determine whether a
method has been provided for displaying the word “RESTRICTED” or “LIMITED.” The applicant
should be advised that it is the owner/operator’s responsibility to display the word “RESTRICTED”
or “LIMITED” when the aircraft is in that corresponding configuration (§ 45.23(b)).
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112. GENERAL. This section provides guidance concerning the requirements of § 21.189.
113. CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES. The FAA representative must follow the applicable
procedures in paragraph 88 of this order.
b. The FAA must make the following determinations for aircraft to be issued an airworthiness
certificate in the limited category:
(1) The aircraft is one of the type and models that have been issued a limited TC and the
aircraft conforms to the requirements set forth in the pertinent limited category aircraft specification.
(2) In accordance with § 21.189(a)(2), the applicant must flight check the aircraft. Therefore,
the FAA should, upon application, issue an experimental certificate for this purpose. When the aircraft
subsequently is submitted for limited certification, the FAA must ensure that the findings of the
flight test are entered in the aircraft logbook and signed by the pilot who made the flights.
(3) Because surplus military aircraft may have deteriorated because of prolonged storage
or inactivity, the FAA must ensure that the aircraft is subjected to a thorough inspection to determine its
state of preservation and repair and ensure that it is in a condition for safe operation. The applicant must
provide all available documentation, such as technical orders and military inspection records, to support
the findings of airworthiness. The inspection may require removing rivets and cutting openings to check
the condition of fraying surfaces and closed areas. If this is the case, the applicant should be advised
that the inspection would be expedited if an airworthiness inspection is performed by an appropriately
rated repair station or mechanic, in accordance with the requirements of part 43.
115. OPERATING LIMITATIONS. All limited category civil aircraft must be operated in
compliance with the limitations prescribed in § 91.315. However, the FAA may prescribe additional
limitations as necessary for safe operation. The additional operating limitations will be enumerated on a
separate sheet and issued with Form 8130-7.
116. DISPLAY OF MARKS (LIMITED). The FAA should determine that a method has been
provided for displaying the word “LIMITED.” The applicant should also be advised that it is the
owner/operator’s responsibility to display the word “LIMITED” in accordance with § 45.23(b).
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a. Section 21.24(b) permits the applicant to submit a special inspection and preventive
maintenance program as part of the aircraft’s type design or supplemental type design. The submitted
program is reviewed and accepted or rejected by the Kansas City, Missouri, Aircraft Evaluation Group
(MKC-AEG), with engineering input by the ACO where TC application is made. Special inspection
and preventive maintenance programs for primary category rotorcraft are submitted to the Fort Worth,
Texas, Aircraft Evaluation Group (FTW-AEG) with engineering input by the ACO where TC
application is made. FSDOs will NOT accept or reject the programs.
b. Section 21.184(a) allows an applicant to obtain a special airworthiness certificate for PCA
when the provisions of part 21 are met. PCA are not eligible for multiple category airworthiness
certificates (§ 21.184(e)).
(1) There must be an FAA-approved special inspection and preventive maintenance program
for the specific aircraft model being converted. If there is not an approved program or if any additional
preventive maintenance items are to be added, the applicant must submit the program or additional items
as part of the STC design data to be approved.
(2) Only a properly qualified pilot/owner may perform preventive maintenance under the
special inspection and preventive maintenance program. To be properly qualified, a pilot/owner must
successfully complete an FAA-approved course given by an approved aviation maintenance technician
school, the holder of the PC for the pilot/owner’s aircraft, or another entity approved by the FAA.
(3) The same aircraft cannot be returned to a standard airworthiness certificate without
showing that it meets all of the criteria for a standard airworthiness certificate as prescribed by the
regulations. Such a showing historically has been difficult when an aircraft has remained in a different
classification or category for a lengthy period. To facilitate the return to a standard airworthiness
certificate, the aircraft records should indicate, among other requirements, that the aircraft has been
maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and that any modifications to the aircraft either
were removed or approved by the FAA.
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119. CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES. The FAA must follow the steps in paragraph 88 of this
order, and consider the following:
a. The duration of certificates is unlimited as long as the requirements of § 21.181(a)(1) are met.
c. Figures 4-3 through 4-8 and 4-10 through 4-11 provide samples of Forms 8130-6 and 8130-7
applicable to PCA.
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(1) A maximum takeoff weight of not more than 660 pounds (300 kilograms) for
lighter-than-air aircraft; 1,320 pounds (600 kilograms) for aircraft not intended for operation on water;
or 1,430 pounds (650 kilograms) for aircraft intended for operation on water.
(2) A maximum airspeed in level flight with maximum continuous power (VH) of not more
than 120 knots calibrated airspeed under standard atmospheric conditions at sea level.
(3) A maximum never-exceed speed (VNE) of not more than 120 knots calibrated airspeed for
a glider.
(4) A maximum stalling speed or minimum steady flight speed without the use of
lift-enhancing devices (VS1) of not more than 45 knots calibrated airspeed at the aircraft’s maximum
certificated takeoff weight and most critical CG.
(5) A maximum seating capacity of no more than two persons, including the pilot.
(7) A fixed or ground-adjustable propeller, if a powered aircraft other than a powered glider.
(11) Fixed landing gear, except for an aircraft intended for operation on water or a glider.
(12) Fixed or repositionable landing gear, or a hull, for an aircraft intended for operation
on water.
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b. Eligibility. LSA are eligible for a special airworthiness certificate in the LSA category in
accordance with § 21.190 when the aircraft has not been previously issued a standard, primary,
restricted, limited, or provisional airworthiness certificate, or an equivalent airworthiness certificate
issued by a civil aviation authority outside the United States, and the applicant provides a copy of the
aircraft manufacturer’s:
(2) Written maintenance and inspection procedures for the entire aircraft in the
English language.
(a) The identity of the aircraft by make and model, serial number, class, date of
manufacture, and consensus standard used;
(b) A statement that the aircraft meets the provisions of the identified consensus standard;
(c) A statement that the aircraft conforms to the manufacturer’s design data, using the
manufacturer’s quality assurance system that meets the identified consensus standard;
(d) A statement that the manufacturer will make available to any interested person the
following documents that meet the identified consensus standard:
2 The aircraft’s maintenance and inspection procedures for the entire aircraft; and
(e) A statement that the manufacturer will monitor and correct safety-of-flight issues
through the issuance of safety directives and a continued airworthiness system that meets the identified
consensus standard;
(f) A statement that at the request of the FAA, the manufacturer will provide unrestricted
access to its facilities; and
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(g) In accordance with a production acceptance test procedure meeting the applicable
consensus standard, a statement that the manufacturer:
c. Eligible Light-Sport Aircraft Manufactured Outside the United States. For an aircraft that
has been manufactured outside the United States to be eligible for a special airworthiness certificate in
the light-sport category, an applicant must provide evidence to the FAA that the aircraft meets the
definition of light-sport aircraft according to § 1.1 and the requirements of § 21.190(b). In addition, in
accordance with § 21.190(d), an applicant must provide proof of the following:
(1) The aircraft was manufactured in a country with which the United States has a BAA
concerning airplanes or BASA with associated IPA concerning airplanes, or an equivalent airworthiness
agreement. To verify bilateral agreements, see the AIR-40 listing of current bilateral agreements located
on the FAA Web site.
(2) The aircraft manufactured outside the United States is eligible for an airworthiness
certificate, flight authorization, or other similar certification in its State of Manufacture. Verification of
this eligibility is through a statement from the manufacturer in the aircraft documentation that had the
aircraft remained in the country of export, the aircraft would have been eligible for an airworthiness
certificate, flight authorization, or other similar certification.
(3) When an aircraft manufactured outside the United States meets the definition of
LSA in accordance with § 1.1 and is not eligible per § 21.190(b), the aircraft may be
eligible for an experimental LSA certificate in accordance with § 21.191(i). Guidance on
experimental LSA certification is given in paragraph 142 of this order.
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(1) The manufacturer of LSA must use those components and equipment that are in accordance
with the applicable consensus standard design requirements. The use of used, overhauled, or
reconditioned components and assemblies will be provided for in the LSA manufacturer’s maintenance
and inspection procedures in accordance with the consensus standards.
(2) The manufacturer is not required to be a production approval holder for LSA, and LSA do
not receive a type certificate. For an aircraft to be eligible within the light-sport category, the aircraft
manufactured cannot be a type-certificated aircraft. Light-sport category aircraft are constructed only to
the applicable consensus standards.
(3) In accordance with § 21.190(b) and (c), the manufacturer must provide the aircraft’s
maintenance and inspection procedures.
(4) In accordance with § 21.190(c), the manufacturer must perform an acceptance test of the
aircraft with the requirements necessary to prove the aircraft’s reliability and functionality. The
manufacturer verifies the aircraft’s proper function on the ground and in flight according to the
applicable consensus standard. The manufacturer must document the acceptance test results and
* determine whether the aircraft is in a condition for safe operation. All production aircraft must obtain a
special flight permit in accordance with § 21.197 to accomplish flight test requirements. *
(5) A manufacturer that issues the statement of compliance is responsible for the quality of the
* LSA end product. The manufacturer’s quality assurance responsibility includes material supplied and
assembly work performed by other persons, including dealers, and distributors acting as an extension of
the manufacturer. *
(6) An LSA that has not been completed during the manufacturing process and for which the
manufacturer does not maintain oversight of assembly as addressed (if any) in the consensus standard
cannot be eligible for special airworthiness certification in the light-sport category. However, the
aircraft may be eligible for an experimental light-sport certificate in accordance with §§ 21.191(i)
and 21.193(e). Guidance on experimental LSA certification is given in paragraph 142 of this order.
* (7) Before production flight testing in the United States, the aircraft must be registered in
accordance with part 47 and be issued an appropriate flight permit. *
e. Advising Applicants.
(1) FAA inspection of an aircraft will be limited to a general airworthiness inspection when the
aircraft is submitted for airworthiness certification. IN NO INSTANCE WILL THE FAA PERFORM
(2) When the prospective applicant contacts the appropriate FAA office to inquire about the
* certification process for a LSA category, the FAA should provide the applicant with the applicable
forms and any guidance necessary to ensure a thorough understanding of applicable regulations.
NOTE: When applicable, advise the applicant of the ability to use the FAA
Web site tools to obtain requested forms and information. *
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(3) The applicant, when applying for an airworthiness certificate, should be advised on *
how and where to submit the appropriate application(s) and documentation to the FAA. The FAA
office, when requested, should furnish the following forms:
(b) Application for Airworthiness Certificate, Form 8130-6, dated October 2004; and
(b) The applicant must submit all required documentation. If the applicant cannot or will
not provide the necessary documentation, the applicant should be advised that the aircraft cannot be
certificated as an LSA until satisfactory evidence is provided to substantiate that the aircraft complies
with §§ 21.190, 21.191, and 21.193.
* (5) Advise the applicant to provide the LSA manufacturer’s documented accurate weight of the
aircraft in accordance with established weight and balance or weight and loading procedures to
determine the aircraft’s empty, gross, and most forward and aft CG location, including the weight and
balance or weight and loading calculations from the initial flight. The completed weight and balance
report, including load limits for flight personnel, oil, fuel, and any cargo carrying capabilities, should be
available in the aircraft, along with the other applicable placards, listings, and markings required by
§ 91.9.
122. CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES. The procedures in this section provide guidance material *
associated with airworthiness certification and the issuance of Form 8130-7 for the light-sport category.
(1) Obtain from the applicant a properly executed Form 8130-6 and any other documents
* required for the certification. The revised Form 8130-6 includes the LSA category. Use the revised *
form for LSA. Use the previous form for all other categories until the supply of old forms is gone.
* (2) Obtain from the applicant the aircraft’s operating instructions, maintenance instructions,
and flight training supplement, and the light-sport aircraft manufacturer’s statement of compliance,
Form 8130-15 (§ 21.190(b)). A list of accepted consensus standards and the LSA ASTM application
matrix can be found on the FAA Web site. *
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(3) Review the documentation provided by the applicant to determine that the registration
requirements of part 47 have been met, and ensure the aircraft is marked in accordance with part 45.
(4) Check with AFS-750 to determine if a denial letter exists for the particular aircraft. This
may assist in determining aircraft eligibility.
(5) Review the aircraft records to determine whether the required production flight test and
inspections have been accomplished, as appropriate. *
* (6) Review the applicant’s weight and balance or weight and loading data for accuracy for the
aircraft submitted. *
c. Aircraft Inspection. The FAA must arrange with the applicant to make the aircraft available
for inspection to determine the following:
(2) The information on the ID plate is correct, matches the information on Form 8130-6, and is
in accordance with § 45.13, as applicable.
(3) The aircraft nationality and registration marks are in accordance with part 45 and, as
* applicable, with §§ 45.21, 45.23, 45.27, and 45.29.
(4) The flight control systems and associated instruments operate properly. *
(5) The instruments are appropriately marked and needed placards are installed with placement
for easy reference.
(6) System controls when equipped (for example, fuel selector(s) and electrical
switches/breakers) are appropriately placed, clearly marked, provide easy access and operation, and
function in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and applicable consensus standard.
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(1) The manufacturer of the LSA is required to certify within the statement of compliance that
the aircraft was ground and flight tested successfully, and is in condition for safe operation. The
manufacturer must endorse the aircraft logbook with a statement certifying the applicable flight testing
has been completed, therefore, the FAA will not issue operating limitations to further demonstrate
flight testing.
(2) The FAA will prescribe operating limitations for the operation of an LSA for an unlimited
duration, as appropriate.
(3) The FAA may prescribe any additional limitations deemed necessary in the interest of
(4) If the aircraft meets the requirements for the requested certification, the FAA must—
(c) Complete sections V and VIII of Form 8130-6, in accordance with the instructions
contained in chapter 8 of this order.
(d) Examine, review, and route the certification file in accordance with the instructions
contained in chapter 8 of this order.
(5) If the aircraft does not meet the requirements for the certification requested and the
airworthiness certificate is denied, the FAA must—
(a) Write a letter to the applicant stating the reason(s) for denying the airworthiness
(b) Attach a copy of the denial letter to Form 8130-6 and forward it to AFS-750 to be
made part of the aircraft record.
* (1) When the light-sport prototype aircraft has been flown by the manufacturer under an
experimental R&D certificate (reference section 8 of this order, Prototype Aircraft Produced by a
Light-Sport Kit Manufacturer) to ensure there are no adverse flight characteristics in accordance with
§ 91.319(b), and the manufacturer provides the necessary documentation (§ 21.190) with the appropriate
FAA forms and applications. There is an FAA aircraft inspection required and new operating
limitations are issued for this aircraft, certificate, and category. A new Form 8130-7 must be issued to
reflect the new operating limitations, and the applicant must submit Form 8130-6. Guidance for the new
operating limitations is in paragraph 126 of this order. *
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(2) If the LSA was converted from a light-sport category airworthiness certificate to an
* experimental LSA certificate, the applicant seeking to return to the light-sport category must provide
the following: *
(c) Proof of compliance with applicable safety directives, repairs, and safety modifications *
published by the manufacturer and documented in the aircraft’s records in accordance with part 43.
* (d) A finding and statement that the aircraft was not altered and/or modified without
manufacturer approval.
(e) Evidence that the required maintenance was accomplished and documented in the *
aircraft’s records in accordance with part 43, and, if not accomplished and documented, then an
evaluation of its effect on flight safety was performed.
* (f) Proof the aircraft was inspected and is in a condition for safe operation. *
f. LSA with Retroactive Statement of Compliance. For an aircraft meeting all the requirements
for LSA under § 21.190, but built before the acceptance of the consensus standard and that has not
received an airworthiness certificate, the applicant must provide the following:
(2) All documentation required for issuance of a light-sport category airworthiness certificate
according to § 21.190, except using the retroactive statement of compliance as the statement of
(3) The aircraft’s records and logbooks must show compliance to § 91.319(b) and that the
flight testing was completed using the applicable consensus standard and the manufacturer’s production
flight test acceptance criteria. All maintenance of and alterations to the aircraft must be documented in
* accordance with part 43. Any changes to the aircraft must include the necessary approval from the *
manufacturer, and the incorporation of all applicable manufacturer’s corrections of safety-of-flight
issues must be documented in the aircraft records.
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* a. Flight Testing Purpose and Coordination. The manufacturer must ground and flight test
the LSA for the purpose of finding the performance acceptable and determining that each aircraft is in a *
condition for safe operation in accordance with § 21.190(c).
(1) The manufacturer must notify the closest geographic MIDO of the intent to perform
production flight testing on the LSA to the applicable consensus standard, and submit the proposed
geographic flight testing locations to the same FAA MIDO a minimum of 30 days in advance of the
initial proposed flight testing operations.
(2) The ASI (see paragraph 14d and note of this order) will coordinate the production
flight testing activities with the responsible geographic or assigned FSDO.
(3) A special flight permit may be issued for production flight testing to allow a
manufacturer to meet the requirements of § 91.203 when operating new production aircraft for the
purpose of flight testing, as provided in § 21.197. This permit must be used in conjunction with a
valid Aircraft Certificate of Registration. See FAA Order 8130.20, Registration Requirements for the
Airworthiness Certification of U.S. Civil Aircraft, for guidance on acceptable evidence of valid
registration. The special flight permit is valid only for the purpose of production flight testing. The
applicable operating limitations are printed in block B on the reverse side of Form 8130-7 (figure 4-1).
b. Eligibility for Production Flight Testing. A manufacturer producing LSA under § 21.190 is
eligible to obtain special flight permits for production flight testing provided the following conditions
are met:
(1) A prototype aircraft of that LSA model and configuration has been flown by the
* manufacturer under an experimental R&D certificate to ensure there are no adverse flight characteristics
and that production test pilots are fully familiar with the aircraft.
(2) In conjunction with the applicable consensus standard, a production flight test procedure *
and checklist for the aircraft involved is used to ensure all requirements for production flight tests are
fulfilled and entered into the aircraft’s logbook.
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* (3) The aircraft is not flown by the manufacturer for purposes other than production flight tests.
(4) Limitations have been established to define the production flight test duration and area. *
c. Application and Issue of Special Flight Permits for Production Flight Testing.
(1) A manufacturer producing LSA under § 21.190 is eligible to obtain special flight permits
* for production flight testing within the provisions established in this section. The LSA manufacturer or
its agent (that is, dealer, distributor) that has been included in and is operating under the oversight of the
manufacturer’s quality assurance plan must be the registered owner of each aircraft to be issued a special
flight permit for production flight testing. *
(2) Before issuing a special flight permit for production flight testing, each aircraft must be
* registered with a permanent registration number assigned. Evidence of aircraft registration may be
shown by Form 8050-3, Certificate of Aircraft Registration; or Form 8050-6, Dealer’s Aircraft
Registration Certificate; or other confirmation from AFS-750, which may be electronic. When the
manufacturer/applicant for initial registration does not have a dealer’s registration, the pink copy of the
Form 8050-1, Aircraft Registration Application, may not be used to comply with § 91.203(a)(2) for
operation of the aircraft.
(3) An LSA manufacturer or its authorized agent must apply for a special flight permit for
production flight testing using Form 8130-6, Application for U.S. Airworthiness Certificate, for each
aircraft needing a production flight test. Special flight permits are not transferable from one aircraft to
another. *
(4) When the applicant for a special flight permit is found in compliance with all requirements,
the FAA should issue Form 8130-7 with the operating limitations specified in paragraph 125 of this
order. The FAA may impose any additional limitations deemed necessary for safe operation. The
operating limitations must be enumerated on a separate sheet, identified by the aircraft registration and
* serial numbers, dated, and signed. The applicant should be advised that Form 8130-7 must be displayed
in the aircraft in accordance with § 91.203(b). *
(5) A copy of all certification documents for issuance of a production flight test permit should
be retained in the files of the issuing ASI/designee, or as directed by the designee’s managing office.
Certification documents for issuance of production flight test permits are not to be sent to FAA Registry,
a. General. The assigned test area is prescribed in accordance with § 91.305. The FAA will,
when requested, assist applicants in selecting areas that comply with § 91.305. The FAA is required to
evaluate each application to determine that the flight test area does not exceed that which is reasonably
required to accomplish the program. Actions pertaining to flight test areas must be coordinated through
the MIDO to the assigned FSDO and nearest office of the Air Traffic Service.
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b. Assigned Flight Test Area. All production flight-testing operations of LSA must be limited to
the assigned flight test area until the aircraft is shown to be controllable throughout its normal range of
speeds and all maneuvers to be executed, and has not displayed any hazardous operating characteristics
or design features.
(1) In the case of flight testing an aircraft from an airport surrounded by a densely populated
area, but with at least one acceptable approach/departure route of flight, the FAA must ensure that a
route of flight is selected that subjects the fewest persons and least property to possible hazards. The
description of the area selected by the applicant and agreed to by the FAA must be made a part of the
operating limitations.
(2) In the case of an aircraft located at any airport surrounded by a densely populated area
and lacking any acceptable approach/departure route of flight, the FAA must deny the airworthiness
certificate (special flight permit issued for production flight testing) and write a letter to the applicant
stating the reason(s) for denying the proposed flight test area. The applicant must be advised to relocate
the aircraft to an airport suitable for flight testing.
c. Assignment to the Flight Test Area. The period of assignment is not established by
regulation but is addressed in the applicable consensus standard. When issuing a special flight permit
for production flight testing of LSA, the FAA should assign additional periods of time to flight test areas
only when it is deemed necessary in the interest of safety.
a. Operating limitations must be designed to fit the specific situation encountered. The FAA may
impose any additional limitations deemed necessary in the interest of safety. The FAA must review
each imposed operating limitation with the applicant to ensure the applicant understands the operating
b. The following operating limitations must be prescribed for production flight testing LSA:
(1) No person may operate this aircraft for other than the purpose of meeting the requirements
of § 21.190(c)(7) during flight testing. In addition, this aircraft must be operated in accordance with
applicable air traffic and general operating rules of part 91 and all additional limitations herein
prescribed. These operating limitations are a part of a special flight permit and are to be carried in the
aircraft at all times and be available to the pilot in command of the aircraft.
(2) All flights must be conducted within the geographical area described as follows. The area
must be described by radius, coordinates, and/or landmarks. The designated area must be over open
water or sparsely populated areas having light air traffic. The size of the area must be that required to
safely conduct the anticipated maneuvers and tests.
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(3) All flight tests must be conducted and recorded in accordance with the manufacturer’s
production acceptance test procedure that meets the applicable consensus standard.
* (5) The production test pilot in command of this aircraft must hold at least a private pilot
certificate, have obtained the appropriate logbook endorsements to act as pilot in command, and have a
minimum of 100 hours as pilot in command in that category and class.
a. Operating limitations must be designed to fit the specific situation encountered. The FAA may
impose any additional limitations deemed necessary in the interest of safety. The FAA must review
each imposed operating limitation with the applicant to ensure the applicant understands the operating
b. The following operating limitations, as applicable, will be issued as shown below; any
* deviation must be coordinated in accordance with this order:
(1) No person may operate this aircraft for any other purpose than that for which the aircraft *
was certificated. This aircraft must be operated in accordance with applicable air traffic and general
operating rules of part 91 and all additional limitations prescribed herein. These operating limitations
are a part of Form 8130-7 and are to be carried in the aircraft at all times and to be available to the pilot
in command of the aircraft.
(2) The pilot in command of this aircraft must advise the passenger of the special nature of this
aircraft and that the aircraft does not meet the certification requirements of a standard certificated
(3) This aircraft must display the word “light-sport” in accordance with § 45.23(b).
(4) This aircraft must contain the placards and markings as required by § 91.9. In addition, the
placards and markings must be inspected for legibility and clarity, and the associated systems inspected
for easy access and operation, to ensure they function in accordance with the manufacturer’s
specifications during each condition inspection.
* (5) This aircraft is to be operated under VFR, day only, unless appropriately equipped for night
and/or instrument flight in accordance with § 91.205, and when allowed by the manufacturer’s operating
instructions. *
(6) Noncompliance with these operating limitations will render the airworthiness certificate
invalid. Any change, alteration, or repair not in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction and
approval will render the airworthiness certificate invalid, and the owner of the aircraft must apply for a
new airworthiness certificate under the provisions of § 21.191 with appropriate operating limitations
before further flight.
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* (7) Application to amend these operating limitations must be made to the responsible
geographic FSDO or MIDO. *
(8) This aircraft does not meet the requirements of the applicable, comprehensive, and detailed
airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. The
owner/operator of this aircraft must obtain written permission from another CAA before operating this
aircraft in or over that country. That written permission must be carried aboard the aircraft together with
the U.S. airworthiness certificate and, upon request, be made available to an ASI or the CAA in the
* country of operation.
(9) The pilot in command of this aircraft must hold at least the appropriate category and class *
privileges, rating, or endorsements required by part 61.
(10) No person may operate this aircraft in the light-sport category for compensation or hire
except to tow a light-sport glider or an unpowered ultralight vehicle in accordance with § 91.309 or to
conduct flight training.
(11) This aircraft may only be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s aircraft
operating instructions, including any provisions for necessary operating equipment specified in the
* aircraft’s equipment list.
(12) No person may operate this aircraft in the light-sport category for compensation or hire
unless within the preceding 100 hours of time in service the aircraft has— *
(13) Aircraft instruments and equipment installed and used under § 91.205 must be inspected
and maintained in accordance with the requirements of part 91. Any maintenance or inspection of this
equipment must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records.
(14) No person will operate this aircraft unless within the preceding 12 calendar months it has
had a condition inspection performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s maintenance and inspection
procedures, and was found to be in a condition for safe operation. As part of the condition inspection,
cockpit instruments must be appropriately marked and needed placards installed in accordance with
§ 91.9. This inspection will be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records.
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(15) Condition inspections must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records showing the
following, or a similarly worded, statement: “I certify that this aircraft has been inspected on [insert
date] in accordance with the manufacturer’s maintenance and inspection procedures, and was
found to be in a condition for safe operation.” The entry will include the aircraft’s total
time-in-service, and the name, signature, certificate number, and type of certificate held by the person
performing the inspection.
(16) No person may operate this aircraft in the light-sport category unless it is continuously
maintained in compliance with § 91.327(b).
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131. GENERAL. Any U.S.-registered aircraft, other than public aircraft, that does not have a current
standard airworthiness certificate (conforming to its TC) or special airworthiness certificate cannot
legally be operated until it has been issued an experimental airworthiness certificate or special flight
permit. Operations requiring the issuance of experimental certificates include those involving flight
tests of certificated aircraft that have undergone design changes.
(1) The CAA of the country in which the aircraft is located or intended to fly has authorized
operation of the aircraft.
(2) The Flight Standards Service will have appropriate oversight of the aircraft during the
period of operation.
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e. The requirements for issuing experimental certificates are contained in §§ 21.191, 21.193,
and 21.195.
f. For the purpose of this chapter, type certification programs include TC and STC, as well as
amendments to either.
g. Section 91.319 prescribes operating limitations that are applicable to all aircraft having
experimental certificates. In addition, the FAA may prescribe other limitations as may be considered
necessary under § 91.319(i).
NOTE: Basic operating limitations for all experimental aircraft must be issued as
prescribed in sections 7 and 8 of this chapter.
h. To operate under phase II operating limitations, the owner/operator must make a signed
logbook entry attesting to meeting the requirements of § 91.319(b).
i. Experimental military aircraft built under a military contract and identified by military aircraft
ID marks do not require registration or the issuance of experimental certificates for flight testing
or demonstration prior to acceptance by the military. However, aircraft of military design built
independently by manufacturers and not having military identification are required to obtain FAA
registration and an experimental airworthiness certificate because such aircraft are considered civil
j. The FAA must determine that the aircraft displays nationality and registration marks in
accordance with § 45.21 and that the word “EXPERIMENTAL” is displayed in accordance with
§ 45.23.
a. For an aircraft to be eligible for an experimental certificate, the aircraft must be registered
and the applicant must satisfy one or more of the purposes stated in § 21.191, as discussed in
sections 7 through 11 of this chapter.
b. An aircraft that has a Dealer’s Aircraft Registration Certificate may be issued an experimental
airworthiness certificate so the manufacturer can perform required flight tests, as well as for purposes
incidental to the sale of the aircraft. In the latter case, the FAA must ensure that the requirements of
§ 21.195 are met.
c. In ensuring compliance with § 21.193(d), the following must be described in the applicant’s
program letter:
(1) Purpose of Experiment, § 21.193(d)(1). An applicant must submit a program letter that
describes the purpose of the experiment and the aircraft configuration, and outlines the program
objectives. The letter must be detailed enough to permit the FAA to prescribe the conditions
and limitations necessary to ensure safe operation of the aircraft. The letter should not describe
everything in minute detail. The use of the same aircraft for overlapping programs is not precluded
and the program letter can outline one or more programs. Upon showing compliance with § 91.319(b),
the aircraft can be used to support other aircraft in the program or other experimental programs the
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NOTE: A new program letter will be required when significant changes to the
aircraft configuration and program objectives are planned.
(2) Time or Number of Flights, § 21.193(d)(2). The applicant’s program letter must include
the estimated time or number of flights required to accomplish the program. The FAA will evaluate the
request in comparison to the program in order to establish an appropriate time duration for the special
airworthiness certificate.
(3) Areas. In the program letter, the applicant must provide sufficient detail to describe the
areas over which the proposed flights are to be conducted. It is the responsibility of the FAA to
establish boundaries of the flight test area, as well as takeoff, departure, and landing approach corridors
that minimize hazards to persons and property in densely populated areas or congested airways.
(4) Describe Aircraft Configuration. Except for aircraft converted from a TC, the
applicant must describe the aircraft’s external configuration. The use of three-view sketches
and three-dimensional photographs is acceptable.
(5) Program Letter. Figure 4-13 shows a sample program letter that an applicant can use
or expand upon as needed.
a. It is the policy of the DOD that surplus U.S. military property designated as arms, ammunition,
implements of war, and other military items will be demilitarized to the extent necessary to preclude the
unauthorized use of these military items. The intent behind this DOD policy is to destroy the military
advantages inherent in certain types of property, to render harmless that property which is dangerous,
and to protect the national interest. This DOD policy mandates that tactical, fighter, and bomber aircraft
will be demilitarized to the extent that will render the aircraft not airworthy. This DOD policy is not
applicable to military trainer, observation, or liaison aircraft. In addition, DOD does release a limited
number of tactical, fighter, and bomber aircraft for operation in R&D programs. Typically, these
aircraft may only be demilitarized to the extent that classified equipment has been removed.
NOTE: This does not mean that all other U.S. surplus military aircraft should
have been rendered not airworthy. For example, some U.S. military aircraft that
were sold to other countries may be available for public sale. These aircraft are
subject to the import requirements that are listed in paragraph 133(b) of this
order. In addition, other aircraft may have been constructed from surplus articles.
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b. Former military aircraft imported from any other country require an import permit issued by the
Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). This permit is granted
by the ATF using ATF Form 6, Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition,
and Implements of War. In addition, these former military aircraft are required to be demilitarized in
order to clear U.S. Customs. Compliance with demilitarization is evidenced by a completed
ATF Form 6A, Release and Receipt of Imported Firearms, Ammunition, and Implements of War. Proof
of demilitarization will be verified if the applicant presents copies of ATF Form 6 and ATF Form 6A
that have been completed by appropriate officials of the Department of the Treasury. If the applicant is
unable to produce ATF Form 6 or 6A, the FAA certificating office should contact the ATF Firearms
and Explosives Import Branch to determine if copies of these forms are available for the particular
aircraft. In cases for which ATF Form 6 or 6A are not required or not available, the FAA certificating
office manager will determine the extent of demilitarization necessary prior to airworthiness
a. The applicant must provide objective evidence that the airport manager of the airport where the
aircraft is based has been notified regarding both the presence of explosive devices in these systems
and the planned operation of an experimental aircraft from that airport.
b. Jettisonable external fuel tank(s) or stores systems must be maintained in accordance with the
manufacturer’s procedures and inspected in accordance with the provisions of the FSDO-approved
inspection program for the particular aircraft. The FAA will verify that there is a record entry indicating
current serviceability of the jettison system(s).
c. Ejection seat systems must be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s procedures
and inspected in accordance with the provisions of the FSDO-approved inspection program for the
particular aircraft. The FAA will verify that there is a record entry indicating current serviceability of
the ejection system, including the status of any dated shelf-life items.
d. The applicant must have provisions for securing the aircraft to prevent inadvertent operation of
the jettison and/or ejection systems whenever the aircraft is parked.
e. The applicant must have provisions that provide for clear marking and identification of all
explosive devices used in ejection seats, ballistic parachutes, and jettisonable systems. Aircraft
markings should be applied externally and indicate that the aircraft is equipped with explosive devices.
A special airworthiness certificate will not be issued before meeting this requirement.
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a. General. Section 91.319(b) requires that an unproven aircraft be assigned to a flight test area.
The assigned test area is prescribed in accordance with § 91.305. The FAA, when requested, should
assist applicants in selecting areas that comply with § 91.305. The FAA is required to evaluate each
application to determine that the flight test area does not exceed that which is reasonably required to
accomplish the program. Actions pertaining to flight test areas should be coordinated with the nearest
Air Traffic Services office.
b. Assigned Flight Test Areas. Under §§ 91.319(b) and 91.305, all initial flight operations of
experimental aircraft must be limited to the assigned flight test area until the aircraft is shown to be
controllable throughout its normal range of speeds and all maneuvers to be executed, and has not
displayed any hazardous operating characteristics or design features.
(1) In the case of the first flight of an aircraft from an airport surrounded by a densely
populated area, but with at least one acceptable approach/departure corridor, the FAA must ensure that
the selected flight corridor subjects the least number of persons and property to possible hazards. In
addition, upon leaving such an airport, the aircraft must be required to operate from an outlying airport
until its controllability and safety are established, after which the aircraft may return to its base and use
the established corridor for subsequent operations. The description of the area selected by the applicant
and agreed to by the FAA must be made a part of the operating limitations.
(2) In the case of an aircraft located at any airport surrounded by a densely populated area
and lacking any acceptable approach/departure corridor, the FAA must deny the airworthiness certificate
and process the denial in accordance with paragraph 88 of this order. The applicant must be advised to
relocate the aircraft by other means to a suitable airport.
c. Operation Within an Assigned Flight Test Area. Except for amateur-built aircraft, there are
no specific flight time requirements for operation within an assigned flight test area. Each case must be
judged on the individual conditions, such as the type and complexity of the aircraft. For example, flight
testing in conjunction with an STC modification may require only 1 hour in an assigned flight test area
while the initial operation of a prototype jet aircraft or a military surplus jet aircraft may require
20 or more hours before the requirements of § 91.319(b) can be met. In any event, the FAA should not
amend the operating limitations to permit flight outside of the assigned flight test area until the applicant
certifies and the FAA finds compliance with § 91.319(b). This finding by the FAA may be a review of
the aircraft records containing a statement by the pilot that the aircraft is controllable throughout its
normal range of speeds and throughout all of the maneuvers to be executed, and has no hazardous
operating characteristics or design features. Also, the maintenance history while in the test area must be
satisfactory. The FAA may witness flights or inspect the aircraft if deemed necessary. The PC/APIS
holder may show compliance with § 91.319(b) in accordance with its FAA-approved experimental
operating procedure (see paragraph 165 of this order).
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d. Aerobatics.
(1) Aerobatic maneuvers may be permitted while the aircraft is in the assigned flight test area
if, in the FAA’s judgment, the aircraft has the capability of such flight. However, these maneuvers
should not be attempted until sufficient flight experience has been gained to establish that the aircraft is
satisfactorily controllable.
(2) Aerobatic maneuvers that have been demonstrated in the assigned flight test area should be
documented in the aircraft records. Only those aerobatic maneuvers that have been successfully
accomplished should be permitted after leaving the assigned flight test area.
(3) Those aircraft owners/operators wishing to include new aerobatic maneuvers will need to
make a request for a new flight test area and follow the same conditions as noted in paragraph 125d(2)
a. Aircraft that have satisfied the requirements outlined under paragraph 125c of this order may be
operated outside of an assigned flight test area. Except as provided for in section 11, paragraph 165 of
this chapter, operation of the aircraft outside an assigned flight test area will require issuance of a new
experimental airworthiness certificate with the new amended operating limitations.
b. Before authorizing an aircraft to operate outside of an assigned flight test area, the FAA should
ensure the requirements of § 91.9 have been satisfied and are available in the aircraft. The FAA should
* prescribe those limitations listed in sections 7 through 11 of this chapter (as appropriate), and any others *
that might be appropriate. Except for amateur-built aircraft, if any major changes are made to an aircraft
after it has been certificated for operation outside of a previously assigned flight test area, the cognizant
FAA office must be notified. After the FAA offices have been notified and a determination is made that
the aircraft needs to return to a flight test area, an amended certificate should be applied for with new
limitations as needed. A new Form 8130-7 is required whenever operating limitations are amended,
because the date of the old limitations on the corresponding certificate would not be the same as the date
of the new limitations, and alteration of the certificate to change the date is not permitted.
NOTE: Operation of all group I, II, III, and IV aircraft is restricted to airports
that are within airspace classes C, D, E, or G, except in the case of a declared
emergency or authorized operations under an airshow waiver. Before issuing
operating limitations for the aircraft, the FAA will coordinate approach and
departure corridors with the FSDO operations unit and the air traffic control
facility that has the geographic responsibility for the airport at which the aircraft
will be based or operations conducted. In addition, the applicant will provide a
highlighted aeronautical map or chart depicting the proposed operational area,
including a list of the proposed alternate airports. The radius may not exceed the
limits authorized for the applicable aircraft group. The map/chart is part of the
aircraft operating limitations and must be carried aboard the aircraft when
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141. GENERAL. As defined in § 1.1 and the provisions of §§ 21.191 and 21.193, an
experimental purpose for the operation of LSA is categorized within six classes of aircraft: airplanes,
gliders, powered parachutes, weight-shift-control aircraft (commonly called trikes), gyroplanes, and
lighter-than-air aircraft (balloons and airships).
* a. Eligibility. Three types of LSA are eligible for an experimental airworthiness certificate. *
(1) The following LSA are eligible in accordance with § 21.191(i)(1) for an experimental
airworthiness certificate.
(a) Operational, previously not U.S.-registered ultralight-like vehicles not meeting § 103.1,
including gyroplanes, that have not been issued a U.S. or foreign airworthiness certificate and for which
the owner/operator applies for registration and receives an experimental LSA certificate no later than
January 31, 2008; and
* (b) Ultralight-like vehicles that previously obtained an operating exemption and for which
the owner/operator applies for registration and receives an experimental LSA certificate no later than
January 31, 2008. *
(2) Light-sport kit aircraft or kit-built LSA eligible in accordance with § 21.191(i)(2) for an
experimental LSA airworthiness certificate must meet the following criteria:
(a) The aircraft is manufactured to the requirements of the applicable consensus standard
published in the Federal Register, and manufactured by an LSA kit manufacturer issued a special
airworthiness certificate in the LSA category for an aircraft of the same make and model in accordance
with § 21.193(e)(1).
(c) The applicant is able to provide the aircraft documentation required by § 21.193(e).
(d) For an aircraft kit manufactured outside the United States or an aircraft assembled
outside the United States from a kit, evidence that the aircraft kit was manufactured or, when the aircraft
was assembled from a kit, that the aircraft was manufactured and assembled in a country with which the
United States has a BAA or a BASA with associated IPA concerning airplanes, or an equivalent
airworthiness agreement, and is eligible for an airworthiness certificate, flight authorization, or other
similar certification in its country of manufacture.
(3) Aircraft previously issued an LSA category airworthiness certificate under § 21.190 are
eligible for an experimental LSA airworthiness certificate.
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(1) To be eligible for an experimental certificate for the purpose of operating an LSA under
§ 21.191(i)(1), aircraft do not have to meet the requirements of any consensus standard. These aircraft
must not have been issued a U.S. or foreign airworthiness certificate of any type. They must not meet
the provisions of § 103.1; they cannot be an ultralight vehicle. The aircraft must be in a condition for
safe operation as demonstrated through a review of the aircraft records and flight history, and/or a
series of flight tests. An experimental certificate under § 21.191(i)(1) will not be issued after
January 31, 2008.
(2) An LSA manufacturer’s kit may be eligible for an experimental certificate for the purpose
of operating an LSA under §§ 21.191(i)(2) and 21.193, provided the aircraft is constructed in accordance
* with the criteria set forth in the applicable consensus standard that has been identified as acceptable by
the FAA. Notice of this FAA acceptance is published in the Federal Register. A list of the accepted
standards can be found on the FAA Web site. The aircraft must be assembled in accordance with the
manufacturer’s assembly instructions set forth in the applicable consensus standard. Before
certification, alterations to the kit components or deviations from the assembly process must be
coordinated with and approved by the LSA kit manufacturer and documented in the aircraft records. *
(3) Aircraft previously issued a special airworthiness certificate in the light-sport category
under § 21.190 may be eligible for an experimental certificate for the purpose of operating an LSA
under § 21.191(i)(3). These aircraft have previously been flight tested and are not required to have
additional flight testing unless they have been altered. All alterations must be recorded in the aircraft
records before the original certification.
(4) For a major change to the aircraft, the FAA may modify the experimental LSA operating
limitations with special restrictions for flight testing due to the aircraft modification.
c. Kit Assembly.
(1) Eligible aircraft must be designed in accordance with the applicable consensus standard,
and assembled in accordance with the LSA kit manufacturer’s assembly instructions. Accordingly, the
detailed design data, quality systems, and procedures will not necessarily be the same as that of the
holder of a type design and PC for the production of aircraft. The components of LSA kit aircraft are
not necessarily held to the requirements of type-certificated or supplement type-certificated aircraft, or
those of parts manufacturer approval status.
(2) The LSA kit does not have to meet a major portion requirement. However, the applicant
must show evidence that the LSA is properly assembled in accordance with the manufacturer’s assembly
instructions for that aircraft.
NOTE: The FAA does not certify LSA manufacturer’s kits or approve the kit
manufacturers. The FAA does not perform evaluations of LSA kits or LSA kit
manufacturers, and no FAA listing of approved or evaluated LSA kits or
manufacturers will be provided.
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d. Advising Applicants.
(1) The FAA inspection of an experimental LSA will be limited to a general airworthiness
inspection when the aircraft is submitted for airworthiness certification. The FAA will not perform
any progressive inspections during the construction or assembly of the aircraft. All advice, if any,
given to the LSA kit builder by the FAA should be made a matter of record for future reference. In no
instance will the FAA perform any of the fabrication, construction work, or assembly to the
(2) When the prospective LSA kit builder contacts the appropriate FAA office to advise the
FAA of the project, the FAA should provide the prospective kit builder with the applicable forms
and any guidance necessary to ensure a thorough understanding of applicable regulations.
(3) When an applicant is seeking to obtain an experimental certificate for LSA and intends to
* use the aircraft for flight instruction for compensation or hire, the applicant should be advised that this
provision will expire January 31, 2010, in accordance with § 91.319. After expiration, the aircraft
cannot be operated and the applicant must apply for a recurrent airworthiness certificate and amended
operating limitations. *
(4) An applicant seeking to obtain an experimental LSA certificate for a kit-built aircraft
should be advised that the aircraft will have to be in compliance with § 91.319(b). To show this
compliance, the applicant must perform flight testing that addresses the requirements, goals, and
objectives of the applicable consensus standard acceptance flight test. The flight test program will be
developed in accordance with the manufacturer’s aircraft operating instructions, maintenance and
inspection procedures, and flight training supplement using the applicable consensus standard ground
and flight testing procedures in conjunction with the operating limitations assigned. A flight test
program demonstrates that the aircraft has been adequately tested and determined to be in a condition for
safe operation within the aircraft’s flight envelope in accordance with § 91.319(b).
(5) The applicant seeking to obtain an experimental LSA certificate for a kit-built aircraft
should be advised the aircraft must not be modified or altered without manufacturer’s approval before
initial certification.
(6) The FAA office, when requested, should furnish an applicant for an experimental LSA
certificate with the following forms:
(b) Application for Airworthiness Certificate, Form 8130-6, dated October 2004 or later;
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(b) The applicant must submit all required documentation. Such documentation
* includes appropriate completed FAA forms, the aircraft’s documentation in accordance with *
§§ 21.191 and 21.193, and, when applicable, the aircraft maintenance records in accordance with
part 43. If the applicant cannot or will not provide the appropriate documentation, the applicant should
be advised that the aircraft cannot be certificated as an experimental LSA until satisfactory evidence is
provided to substantiate that the aircraft’s required documentation is complete.
(1) Before certification, the applicant should accurately weigh the aircraft in accordance with
* established weight and balance or weight and loading procedures to determine the aircraft’s empty,
gross, and most forward and aft CG location, when applicable, including the weight and balance or
weight and loading for the initial flight tests to help reduce stall, spin, and other control-related
accidents. If the aircraft is constructed from a kit, the predetermined manufacturer’s data should be
used. The completed weight and balance or weight and loading report, including load limits for *
flightcrew (when applicable), oil, fuel, and any cargo carrying capabilities, should be available on the
aircraft along with the other applicable placards, listings, and markings required by § 91.9.
* (2) Before certificating the aircraft, the FAA should verify that the weight and balance or
weight and loading data is accurate for that aircraft, that the aircraft has been weighed correctly, and that
the CG and its most forward and aft CG limits are established. *
(1) An airworthiness certificate is transferred with the aircraft (§ 21.179), for example, if there
is a change of ownership or transfer of registration. There is no FAA inspection required after transfer
of an aircraft with its airworthiness certificate unless it is determined that revised operating limitations
are necessary. In this case, a new Form 8130-7 must be issued to reflect the new date of the revised
operating limitations. Therefore, the applicant must submit a properly completed Form 8130-6.
(2) In some cases, an LSA may be sold with an expired airworthiness certificate that may be
* due to the expiration of the operating limitations. In such cases, an owner or authorized agent may
request and receive an experimental airworthiness certificate for the purpose of operating LSA, only if
the aircraft previously was certificated in this category. In this case, a new Application for
Airworthiness, Form 8130-6, is required before an airworthiness certificate can be issued along with
operating limitations. To obtain a repairman certificate for that aircraft, the applicant must meet the
requirements of § 65.107. *
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* (2) Following termination of an R&D program, such prototype aircraft may be eligible for an
LSA category certificate, or an experimental purpose with appropriate operating limitations issued for
that purpose. *
(3) LSA manufacturers also may be eligible to receive an experimental certificate (§ 21.191(f))
for the purpose of conducting market surveys, sales demonstrations, and customer crew training as
provided in § 21.195(a). The airworthiness certificate may be issued only after the applicant has
* satisfied the requirements of § 21.195(d). *
142. CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES. The procedures in this chapter provide guidance material
associated with airworthiness certification and the issuance of Form 8130-7.
(1) Obtain from the applicant a properly executed Form 8130-6 and any other documents
required for the certification. Kits and aircraft assembled from kits manufactured outside the
United States require evidence of manufacture within countries that have a BAA concerning airplanes or
a BASA with associated IPA concerning airplanes, or an equivalent airworthiness agreement in
accordance with § 21.193(e)(6).
(2) Obtain from the applicant a program letter identifying the aircraft, the purpose of the
* certificate, the area over which the operations are to be conducted with drawings or photographs as
required by § 21.193(d)(4), and the duration of the program.
(3) Review documentation for LSA being certificated under § 21.191(i)(2). A Statement of
Compliance, Form 8130-15, is required.
(4) Review the documentation provided by the applicant to determine that the registration *
requirements of part 47 have been met, and ensure the aircraft is marked in accordance with part 45.
* (5) Check with AFS-750 to determine if a denial letter exists for the particular aircraft. This *
may assist the inspector in determining aircraft eligibility.
* (6) Review the aircraft records to determine whether any required maintenance and inspections *
have been accomplished and to determine that all relevant and applicable ADs and service directives
have been complied with. Records must be complete.
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* (7) Review the applicant’s weight and balance or weight and loading data for accuracy and
currency for the aircraft submitted. *
c. Aircraft Inspection. The FAA must arrange with the applicant to make the aircraft available
for inspection to determine the following:
(2) The information on the ID plate is correct, matches the information on Form 8130-6, and is
in accordance with § 45.13, as applicable.
(3) The aircraft nationality and registration marks are in accordance with part 45 and, as
applicable, with §§ 45.23, 45.27, and 45.29.
(4) The flight control systems and associated instruments as equipped operate properly and are
appropriate for each of the six classes of LSA.
(5) The cockpit instruments are appropriately marked, and needed placards are installed
and placed for easy reference.
(6) System controls (for example, fuel selector(s) and electrical switches/breakers) are
appropriately placed, clearly marked, provide easy access and operation, and function in accordance
with the manufacturer’s specifications and applicable consensus standard.
(1) For the phase I limitations, the FAA must prescribe all operating limitations appropriate for
the applicant to demonstrate compliance with § 91.319(b) in the assigned flight test area. This includes
a limitation requiring the owner/operator to endorse the aircraft logbook with a statement certifying that
the prescribed flight hours have been completed, and the aircraft has been shown to comply with
§ 91.319(b) and the requirements of the applicable consensus standard. The owner/operator may then
operate in accordance with phase II.
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* (2) For the phase II limitations, the FAA may prescribe operating limitations for experimental *
LSA for an unlimited duration, as appropriate.
(3) Under § 91.319(e), the FAA may prescribe any additional limitations in phase I or phase II
deemed necessary in the interest of safety.
(4) If the aircraft meets the requirements for the certification, the FAA must—
(c) Complete sections V and VIII of Form 8130-6, in accordance with the instructions
contained in chapter 8 of this order.
(d) Examine, review, and route the certification file in accordance with the instructions
contained in chapter 8 of this order.
(5) If the aircraft does not meet the requirements for the certification requested and the
airworthiness certificate is denied, the FAA must—
(a) Write a letter to the applicant stating the reason(s) for denying the airworthiness
(b) Attach a copy of the denial letter to Form 8130-6 and forward it to AFS-750 to be
made part of the aircraft record.
a. General. Section 91.319(b) requires that an unproven aircraft be assigned to a flight test area.
The assigned test area is prescribed in accordance with § 91.305. The FAA, when requested, should
assist applicants in selecting areas that comply with § 91.305. The FAA is required to evaluate each
application to determine that the flight test area does not exceed what is reasonably required to
accomplish the program. Actions pertaining to flight test areas must be coordinated with the nearest
office of the Air Traffic Service.
b. Assigned Flight Test Area. Under §§ 91.305 and 91.319(b), all initial flight operations of
experimental aircraft must be limited to the assigned flight test area until the aircraft is shown to be
controllable throughout its normal range of speeds and all maneuvers to be executed, and has not
displayed any hazardous operating characteristics or design features.
(1) In the case of the first flight of an aircraft from an airport surrounded by a densely
populated area, but with at least one acceptable approach/departure route of flight, the FAA must ensure
that a route of flight is selected that subjects the fewest persons and least property to possible hazards.
In addition, upon leaving such an airport, the aircraft should be required to operate from an outlying
airport until its controllability and safety are established, after which the aircraft may return to its base
and use the established corridor for subsequent operations. The description of the area selected by the
applicant and agreed to by the FAA must be made a part of the operating limitations.
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(2) In the case of an aircraft located at any airport surrounded by a densely populated area
and lacking any acceptable approach/departure route of flight, the FAA must deny the airworthiness
certificate and process the denial in accordance with paragraph 88 of this order. The applicant must be
advised to relocate the aircraft by other means to a suitable airport.
c. Assignment to the Flight Test Area. Although the period of assignment is not established by
regulation, the following time is suggested as a guideline when issuing airworthiness certificates for
experimental LSA:
* (1) LSA issued original experimental airworthiness certificates must be limited to operation
within an assigned flight test area for a minimum of 5 hours for all classes of LSA to determine aircraft
controllability throughout its design limits.
(2) Previously noncertificated ultralight-like vehicles or other aircraft that meet the
definition of an LSA as defined in § 1.1 should not be limited to operation within an assigned flight test
area, provided the following are met:
(b) It is shown through flight records that the aircraft is controllable throughout its normal
range of speeds and throughout all maneuvers to be executed, and has no hazardous operating
characteristics or design features; and
(3) Aircraft previously issued a special airworthiness certificate in the light-sport category
under § 21.190, applying for an experimental certificate for the purpose of operating LSA under
§ 21.191(i)(3), may not be required to complete a flight test program under phase I. The applicant must
provide evidence that no major modifications or unapproved changes were made after the issuance of
the original airworthiness certificate.
(4) Following any major change, an LSA must be assigned to a flight test area for an
appropriate time to conduct a flight test and evaluate that the aircraft is in a condition for safe operation.
The guidance baseline for this testing is 5 hours of flight time within the flight test area.
d. Operation Outside the Flight Test Area. During operation outside the flight test area, the
following placard must be displayed in the aircraft in full view of all occupants: “PASSENGER
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a. Operating limitations must be designed to fit the specific situation encountered. The FAA may
impose any additional limitations deemed necessary in the interest of safety. The FAA must review
each imposed operating limitation with the applicant to ensure the applicant understands the operating
b. Operating limitations for phase I flight testing to meet the requirements of § 91.319(b) are not
applied to those aircraft surrendering an LSA category certificate and applying for an experimental
certification for the purpose of operating LSA when the aircraft has previously been flight tested and is
in a condition for safe operation, and all information is documented in the aircraft’s records. This
exclusion from phase I flight testing does not apply to those transferals of aircraft airworthiness
certification when the purpose is to incorporate a major change to the aircraft that would require
compliance to § 91.319(b).
* c. Ultralight-like vehicles that do not meet part 103 requirements and are transitioning into
experimental purpose for operation of LSA may be used for compensation or hire for training and/or
towing at the request of the applicant. The allowance of flight training for compensation or hire will
expire January 31, 2010, in accordance with § 91.319(e)(2), and this date must coincide with the
expiration date of the experimental airworthiness certificate and operating limitations. *
d. The following operating limitations must be prescribed for the operation of experimental
light-sport aircraft when certification has been conducted under the provisions § 21.191(i)(1), (2), or (3),
and will be issued as shown below. Any deviation from the text must be coordinated in accordance with
* this order.
(1) No person may operate this aircraft for other than the purpose of meeting the requirements *
of § 91.319(b) during phase I flight testing and, for the purpose of operating light-sport aircraft, after
meeting these requirements as stated in the program letter (required by § 21.193) for this aircraft.
In addition, this aircraft must be operated in accordance with applicable air traffic and general operating
rules of part 91 and all additional limitations herein prescribed under the provisions of § 91.319(e).
These operating limitations are a part of Form 8130-7, must be carried in the aircraft at all times, and
must be available to the pilot in command of the aircraft.
(2) This aircraft must display the word “experimental” in accordance with § 45.23(b).
(3) This aircraft does not meet the requirements of the applicable comprehensive and detailed
airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. The
owner/operator of this aircraft must obtain written permission from another CAA before operating this
aircraft in or over that country. That written permission must be carried aboard the aircraft together with
the U.S. airworthiness certificate and, upon request, be made available to an ASI or the CAA in the
country of operation.
(4) Application must be made to the geographically responsible FSDO or MIDO for any
* amendment to these operating limitations.
(5) During phase I flight testing to meet the requirements of § 91.319(b), or as a result of the
incorporation of a major change, all flights must be conducted within the assigned geographic area. *
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(b) The designated area must be over open water or sparsely populated areas having
light air traffic.
(c) The size of the area must be adequate to safely conduct the anticipated maneuvers
and tests.
(6) Flight testing required for phase I operations or as a result of the incorporation of a major
* change will be conducted in the assigned test area. Flight test operations will only be conducted under
VFR day conditions, with the pilot as the sole occupant of the aircraft. This aircraft must be operated
for at least _____ hours in the assigned geographic area. Following the satisfactory completion *
of the required number of flight hours in the flight test area, the pilot must certify in the aircraft records
that the aircraft has been shown to comply with § 91.319(b) with a statement that includes the following
information: “I certify that the prescribed flight test hours have been completed and the aircraft is
controllable throughout its normal range of speeds and throughout all maneuvers to be executed,
has no hazardous operating characteristics or design features, and is safe for operation. The flight
test was completed under the following conditions: maximum operating weight, style/set of wing
or sail, maximum demonstrated airspeed, and minimum demonstrated stall speed.” All major
changes or modifications will be listed in the aircraft records and the compliance statement will be
restated with the changes listed. The aircraft may not be operated in excess of the weights and speeds
(7) Any change to the flight test area location or size must be coordinated with the
geographically responsible FSDO where the aircraft is based, with FAA concurrence received in
* (8) Except for takeoffs and landings, this aircraft may not be operated over densely populated
areas or in congested airways.
NOTE: This limitation is applicable for phase I and II and should be issued in
accordance with paragraph 135b(1) and (2) of this order.
(9) This aircraft is prohibited from operating in congested airways or over densely populated
areas, unless directed by air traffic control, or unless sufficient altitude is maintained to effect a safe
emergency landing in the event of a power unit failure, without hazard to persons or property on the
ground. *
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(11) After completion of phase I flight testing, unless appropriately equipped for night and/or *
instrument flight in accordance with § 91.205, this aircraft is to be operated under VFR day only.
* (12) No person may operate this aircraft for carrying persons or property for compensation *
or hire.
(13) No person may operate this aircraft for compensation or hire, except this aircraft may
be used for compensation or hire to conduct flight training in accordance with § 91.319(e), until
January 31, 2010, at which time this airworthiness certificate and operating limitation expires.
(14) No person may operate this aircraft for compensation or hire, except this aircraft may be
used for compensation or hire to conduct towing of a light-sport glider or an unpowered ultralight
vehicle in accordance with § 91.309.
NOTE: When operating limitations (13) and/or (14) are used in place of
limitation (12), limitation (13) applies to flight training and will expire
January 31, 2010. Limitation (14) applies to towing, which has no expiration
(15) The pilot in command of this aircraft must advise the passenger of the experimental
nature of this aircraft and that it does not meet the certification requirements of a standard certificated
(16) This aircraft must contain the placards and markings as required by § 91.9. In addition, *
the placards and markings must be inspected for legibility and clarity, and the associated systems
inspected for easy access and operation, to ensure they function in accordance with the manufacturer’s
specifications during each condition inspection.
* (17) This aircraft is prohibited from aerobatic flight, that is, an intentional maneuver involving *
an abrupt change in the aircraft’s attitude, an abnormal attitude, or abnormal acceleration not necessary
for normal flight.
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* (18) This aircraft may conduct aerobatic flight in accordance with the provisions of § 91.303. *
Aerobatics must not be attempted until sufficient flight experience has been gained to establish that the
aircraft is satisfactorily controllable. The aircraft may only conduct those aerobatic flight maneuvers
addressed in the aircraft’s operating instructions and that have been satisfactorily accomplished during
flight testing and recorded in the aircraft records. The aircraft may only conduct those aerobatic flight
maneuvers that have been satisfactorily accomplished during flight testing and recorded in the aircraft
maintenance records by use of the following, or a similarly worded, statement: “I certify that the
following aerobatic maneuvers have been test flown, and that the aircraft is controllable
throughout the maneuvers’ normal range of speeds and is safe for operation. The flight-tested
aerobatic maneuvers and speeds are _________ at _________, _________ at _________,
__________ at _________, and __________ at _________.”
NOTE: Aerobatic flights may be permitted in the assigned test area. The
applicant should be advised that aerobatics or violent maneuvers should not
be attempted until sufficient flight experience has been gained to establish
that the aircraft is satisfactorily controllable. These operating limitations may
be modified to include only those aerobatics/maneuvers that have been
satisfactorily accomplished and recorded in the aircraft records during the
flight test period. These aerobatic maneuvers should be permitted upon
leaving the assigned test area. Appropriate limitations identifying the
aerobatics/maneuvers and conditions under which they may be performed
should be prescribed. The FAA may witness aerobatic maneuvers if deemed
(a) A student pilot certificate with a __________ category, __________ class, and
__________ make/model privilege endorsement by an authorized instructor; or
(b) A sport pilot certificate, with a __________ category, __________ class, and
__________ make/model privilege within that set of aircraft (reference § 61.1(b)(14)); or
(c) A recreational pilot certificate or higher with sport pilot privileges, with a
__________ category, __________ class, and __________ make/model privilege within that set of
aircraft (reference § 61.1(b)(14)); or
(20) This aircraft must not be used for banner towing operations or intentional parachute
jumping. *
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* (21) The pilot in command of this aircraft must notify air traffic control of the experimental
nature of this aircraft when operating into or out of airports with an operational control tower. When
filing IFR, the experimental nature of this aircraft must be listed in the remarks section of the flight plan.
(22) Aircraft instruments and equipment installed and used under § 91.205 must be inspected *
and maintained in accordance with the requirements of part 91. Any maintenance or inspection of this
equipment must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records.
* (23) No person may operate this aircraft unless within the preceding 12 calendar months it has *
had a condition inspection performed in accordance with the scope and detail to appendix D to part 43,
or other FAA-approved programs, and was found to be in a condition for safe operation. As part of the
condition inspection, cockpit instruments must be appropriately marked and needed placards installed in
accordance with § 91.9. In addition, system-essential controls must be in good condition, securely
mounted, clearly marked, and provide for ease of operation. This inspection will be recorded in the
aircraft maintenance records.
(24) No person may operate this aircraft to tow a light-sport glider or unpowered ultralight
vehicle for compensation or hire or conduct flight training for compensation or hire in this aircraft unless
* within the preceding 100 hours of time in service the aircraft has been inspected by a certificated
light-sport repairman with a maintenance rating, or an appropriately rated certificated mechanic, or an
appropriately rated repair station in accordance with inspection procedures developed by the aircraft
manufacturer or a person acceptable to the FAA.
(25) Condition inspections must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records showing the
following, or a similarly worded, statement: “I certify that this aircraft has been inspected on
[insert date] in accordance with the scope and detail of appendix D to part 43 or the
manufacturer’s inspection procedures, and was found to be in a condition for safe operation.”
The entry will include the aircraft’s total time-in-service, and the name, signature, certificate number,
and type of certificate held by the person performing the inspection.
(26) An experimental LSA owner/operator as a repairman for this aircraft under § 65.107 or an *
appropriately rated FAA-certificated mechanic may perform the condition inspection required by these
operating limitations.
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b. Some kits have been evaluated by the FAA; some have not. These evaluations are not required
by the regulations, nor is a manufacturer required to have a kit evaluated by the FAA before selling it.
Kit evaluations determine whether aircraft fabricated and assembled by an amateur builder from an
evaluated kit may meet the major portion requirement of § 21.191(g) and be eligible for an experimental
amateur-built airworthiness certificate.
c. Amateur builders who contact their local FAA managing office should be advised of the
availability of forms and AC 20-27, Certification and Operation of Amateur-Built Aircraft, to assist
them in planning their project. Refer to paragraph 151b for a complete list of available guidance.
a. Basic Guidelines. Amateur-built aircraft are eligible for a special airworthiness certificate in
the experimental category, for the purpose of operating amateur-built aircraft when―
(1) The FAA finds that the aircraft complies with acceptable aeronautical standards and
(3) The applicant (individual or group) presents satisfactory evidence that the major portion of
the aircraft was fabricated and assembled solely for their own educational or recreational purposes.
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b. Statement of Eligibility. The applicant must submit a notarized Form 8130-12, Eligibility
Statement, Amateur-Built Aircraft (refer to figure 4-14), certifying the major portion was fabricated and
assembled for educational or recreational purposes.
(1) The form specifies that an amateur builder identify if commercial assistance was used in the
construction of the aircraft and identify the source of the assistance.
(2) Evidence and records must be available to support these statements and provided to the
FAA upon request.
(3) Records that are typically requested are listed in paragraph 151e.
(1) These prototype aircraft are not produced by persons “solely for their own education
or recreation,” and therefore are not eligible for an experimental airworthiness certificate under
§ 21.191(g).
(2) Following termination of their use in the business development activity, such prototype
aircraft may be eligible for an experimental certificate for another purpose(s).
(4) Kit aircraft manufactured and assembled by a business, as either a prototype or for sale to
other persons, are not considered amateur-built and do not meet the education or recreation requirements
of § 21.191(g). Applications for such aircraft will not be accepted.
e. Records. If records are not available to support the eligibility statement, Form 8130-12, the
FAA will not be able to find compliance to the education, recreation, and major portion requirements of
§ 21.191(g).
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a. FAA Use of the Amateur-Built Aircraft Fabrication and Assembly Checklist (2009). The
Amateur-Built Aircraft Fabrication and Assembly Checklist (2009) is to be used by the FAA as an aid in
determining compliance with the major portion requirement of § 21.191(g). A specific checklists has
been developed for fixed-wing aircraft. Checklists for other types of aircraft will be developed.
Instructions for completion are included on the form. Refer to FAA Order 8130.35, Amateur-Built
Aircraft National Kit Evaluation Team (NKET), for a copy and instructions of the checklist. The
Amateur-Built Aircraft Fabrication and Assembly Checklist (2009) must be used when―
(1) Performing FAA kit evaluations by the NKET to determine if an aircraft fabricated and
assembled from a kit may meet the major portion requirement of § 21.191(g).
(2) Commercial assistance was used by the amateur builder(s) during construction.
(3) The amateur builder made modifications to an aircraft kit included on the FAA List of
Amateur-Built Aircraft Kits that potentially affects the major portion determination.
(4) The aircraft was built from prefabricated major components that are readily available from
aircraft parts suppliers, other than those components listed in paragraph 149a(2).
(5) The aircraft was built using any salvaged components or used parts from aircraft that have
been type certificated. For additional details and limitations affecting this practice, refer to
paragraph 149b through d below.
(6) The aircraft was built from a kit that has not been evaluated or found eligible by the FAA.
(7) Providing guidance to a kit manufacturer to determine if a proposed amateur-built kit may
meet the major portion requirement of § 21.191(g).
(8) There are questions that arise as to the determination of major portion.
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b. Providing Commercial and/or Educational Assistance. Amateur builders may contract for
commercial assistance, but should notify the FAA if they intend to use commercial assistance.
Amateur builders may also receive commercial educational assistance in the fabrication or assembly of
specific parts, and the completion of tasks or processes involved in the construction of an aircraft. In
some cases, this commercial assistance may be provided by kit manufacturers. The FAA may credit
commercial assistance provided for educational purposes toward the major portion determination.
However, this educational assistance cannot exceed a demonstration on how to perform the task.
(1) The amateur builder needs to submit a notarized FAA Form 8130-12, Eligibility Statement,
Amateur-Built Aircraft, certifying the major portion was fabricated and assembled for educational or
recreational purposes. The form specifies that an amateur builder identify if commercial assistance was
used in the construction of the aircraft, and identify the source of the assistance. In addition, the amount
of commercial assistance needs to be annotated on the Amateur-Built Aircraft Fabrication and Assembly
Checklist (2009) for the specific make and model of aircraft. Evidence and records should be available
to support these statements and provided to the FAA upon request.
(2) Any fabrication or assembly tasks contracted to another party (for hire) or provided by a
commercial assistance center, including commercial assistance provided by a kit manufacturer, must not
prevent the amateur builder(s) from meeting the major portion requirement. Fabrication knowledge is
necessary for the FAA to issue the amateur builder a repairman certificate as the primary builder of the
aircraft, to which the privileges of the certificate are applicable, as provided under 14 CFR § 65.104.
(3) The FAA may request to observe fabrication and assembly activities at any commercial
assistance facility to determine whether the project can meet the major portion requirement of
§ 21.191(g).
149. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. The FAA should be reasonable in its requests for design
data from amateur builders, keeping in mind that in most instances only one aircraft is involved.
Accordingly, the amateur builder(s) are not required to have the detailed design data, quality systems,
and procedures that holders of type and production certificates are required to have for the serial
production of duplicate aircraft. Often, the amateur builder will only have the information provided
with the kit. However, the amateur builder should be strongly encouraged to maintain the
documentation listed in paragraph 151d of this order to substantiate the fabrication and assembly process
and show compliance with § 21.191(g).
(1) The FAA recognizes that amateur builders cannot be expected to have fabricated every part
that makes up the aircraft and that some parts will be acquired from commercial sources.
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(2) Items such as engines, engine accessories, propellers, rotor blades, rotor hubs, tires, wheel
and brake assemblies, instruments, and standard aircraft hardware, including pulleys, bell cranks, rod
ends, bearings, bolts, rivets, hot air balloon burners, and fuel tanks, are acceptable and may be procured
on the open market. The use of these items is not counted against the amateur builder or kit
manufacturer when the FAA determines whether the amateur-built aircraft has met the major portion
b. Use of Salvaged Assemblies from Type-Certificated Aircraft. The use of used or salvaged
assemblies (for example, landing gear, horizontal stabilizer, and engine mount) from type-certificated
aircraft is permitted, as long as they are in a condition for safe operation, however―
(1) When a project involves a major assembly, such as wings, fuselage, or tail assembly, all
situations to the validity of an application for experimental amateur-built status with regard to the use of
type-certified assemblies and subassemblies, contact AIR-200 for determination of eligibility to
§21.191(g). AIR-200 will coordinate with AFS-300 personnel to resolve such issues.
(2) No credit will be given to the amateur builder(s) for any work on these salvaged assemblies
when determining whether the amateur-built aircraft has met the major portion requirement. This would
include any “rebuilding” or “restoring” activities to return these components to an airworthy condition.
(3) All fabrication, installation, and assembly tasks accomplished with used or salvaged
assemblies will be credited to the “Mfr Kit/Part/Component” column on the Amateur-Built Aircraft
Fabrication and Assembly Checklist (2009). However, assembly credit may given in those cases where
used or salvaged parts and assemblies are mated to portions of the aircraft fabricated and assembled by
the amateur builder.
(4) Amateur builders should be made aware that excessive use of prefabricated or salvaged
assemblies when building their aircraft may render the aircraft ineligible for amateur-built status as
defined in § 21.191(g). The use of a significantly complete airframe or combination of major
subassemblies such as wings and fuselage, tail plane assembly from a type-certificated aircraft, or a
compilation of aircraft, would most likely render the aircraft ineligible for amateur-built status as
defined in § 21.191(g).
(5) As soon as it is known that a project involves the use of a complete airframe or combination
of major subassemblies such as wings, fuselage, or tail assembly, contact AIR-200 for additional
guidance. AIR-200 will coordinate with AFS-300 personnel to resolve such issues.
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(1) This policy has been in effect since 1952 under section 1.74-3 of the CAM 1, which
specifically states that “structural components of other aircraft may be used [for amateur-built aircraft];
however, it is not intended that this provision be used to avoid obtaining approval of major alterations to
aircraft previously certificated in another category.”
(2) Use the normal STC process for modifications to these aircraft. They need to be kept under
their existing maintenance programs to ensure continued airworthiness.
d. Use of Military Surplus, Spare Parts, Components, and Assemblies. The amateur builder
will receive no credit toward fabrication or assembly for amateur-built aircraft projects where military
surplus, spare parts, components, and assemblies are used. Their use may compromise the builder’s
ability to meet § 21.191(g) major portion requirements. As soon as it is known that a project involves
the use of a complete airframe or combination of major subassemblies from a military aircraft such as
wings, fuselage, or tail assembly, contact AIR-200 for additional guidance. AIR-200 will coordinate
with AFS-300 personnel to resolve such issues.
(1) An aircraft fabricated and assembled from a kit may be eligible for amateur-built
certification, provided the major portion of the aircraft has been fabricated and assembled by the
amateur builder(s) solely for their own education or recreation. The applicant must have satisfactory
evidence to support the major portion (greater than 50 percent) requirement and the education/recreation
statement on Form 8130-12. This evidence is typically in the form of a builder’s log or equivalent, and
includes photographs that document the multitude of steps included in each of the listed tasks in the
Amateur-Built Aircraft Fabrication and Assembly Checklist (2009). In addition, such documentation
needs to include materials and techniques used, construction dates, locations, and detailed descriptions
(refer to paragraph 151d for a complete list). If the builder’s log or equivalent does not provide
sufficient detail, the FAA may not be able to find compliance with § 21.191(g).
(2) All fabrication or assembly tasks contracted to another party (that is, for compensation or
hire) or provided by a commercial assistance center, when added to the manufacturer’s total credits,
must be less than the major portion of the construction project. An aircraft assembled from a kit
composed entirely of completely finished prefabricated components and parts is not eligible for an
experimental amateur-built airworthiness certificate.
(3) The major portion of a kit should be composed of raw stock, such as lengths of wood,
tubing, and extrusions, which may have been cut to an approximate length. A certain quantity of
prefabricated parts, such as heat-treated ribs, bulkheads, or complex parts made from sheet metal,
fiberglass, composites, or polystyrene would also be acceptable, however―
(a) The kit must still allow an amateur builder to meet the major portion requirement,
and the applicant must show to the satisfaction of the FAA that the completion of the aircraft was not
simply an assembly operation.
(b) Caution is recommended for kits that provide large components, such as complete
fuselages and wing structures requiring minimal supplemental fabrication and assembly.
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(4) Some kits may include aircraft-specific jigs, assembly tools and fixtures, templates, raw
stock, or other means to simplify the fabrication and assembly process. If an amateur builder uses such
items, the FAA will determine whether the amateur builder will still fabricate and assemble the major
portion of the aircraft and advise the amateur builder accordingly.
(5) Amateur builders should obtain a copy of the completed FAA kit evaluation from their
respective kit manufacturer if available. A list of FAA-evaluated kits is available on the FAA’s
Web site at http://www.faa.gov. The completed evaluation will enable the amateur builder to determine
how much fabrication and assembly remains to be completed by the amateur builder, and if any
percentage of that work could be performed using commercial assistance.
a. General. The FAA performs kit evaluations to determine if an aircraft constructed from a
prefabricated kit, following the manufacturer’s instructions, may meet the major portion requirement of
§ 21.191(g). The FAA does not certify amateur-built aircraft kits or approve kit manufacturers. The
outcome of these evaluations must not be construed as meaning the kit is FAA “certified,”
“certificated,” or “approved,” and kit manufacturers shall not represent their kits as such.
(1) The placing of a kit on the FAA List of Amateur-Built Aircraft Kits is not a prerequisite for
issuance of an amateur-built airworthiness certification.
(2) If an aircraft is fabricated and assembled from a kit that does not appear on the List of
Amateur-Built Aircraft Kits, the FAA must make a major portion determination at the time of
airworthiness certification.
b. Determination of Credit. The FAA has adopted a task-based approach when evaluating
amateur-built kits. Other variables, like time needed to complete a task, are not to be used. For simple
repetitive fabrication tasks (that is, riveting, measuring, cutting, trimming, sanding, drilling, gluing, and
layup) there should be enough work for the amateur builder to learn proficiency in each of those tasks.
However, this does not mean that all the credit for the tasks may then be given on the Amateur-Built
Aircraft Fabrication and Assembly Checklist (2009) to the amateur builder. Rather, an incremental
percentage, resulting in partial credit, may be accounted for on the checklist.
c. NKET. Kit evaluations are performed at the manufacturer’s facility or its distributor, by the
FAA’s NKET. The team is composed of FAA personnel with experience in the evaluation and
certification of amateur-built aircraft. For additional information on the NKET, refer to Order 8130.35.
e. Use of Prior Policy. If an aircraft kit was evaluated and placed on the FAA List of
Amateur-Built Aircraft Kits or if a non-evaluated aircraft kit was purchased from the manufacturer
before September 30, 2009, the prior policy may be used. However, other factors, such as a major
change to the kit by the manufacturer or a builder’s use of commercial assistance, will preclude the use
of prior policy. Figure 4-31 depicts the use of the prior policy.
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151. ADVISING APPLICANTS. Many individuals who want to build their own aircraft have little or
no experience with respect to aeronautical practices, workmanship, or design. An excellent source for
advice in such matters is the Experiment Aircraft Association (EAA), located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Information on EAA programs and benefits may be obtained via the EAA Web site at
a. Contacting the FAA. Amateur builders who contact the FAA should be provided the
information and guidance needed to ensure a thorough understanding of amateur-built regulations and
requirements. The FAA should also explain the various points in the process when FAA involvement
may be necessary before construction proceeds.
b. Providing FAA Forms for Registration and Certification. FAA MIDOs and FSDOs may
furnish amateur builders with the following forms and ACs, or indicate their availability on the Internet:
(4) Aeronautical Center Form 8050-88, Affidavit of Ownership for Amateur-Built Aircraft; and
c. In-Process Inspections. The FAA usually will not perform in-process inspections for
determining airworthiness during the fabrication and assembly process. However, the FAA has to make
a determination that the aircraft is in a condition for safe operation. Therefore, the amateur builder’s
documentation needs to indicate all in-process inspections by knowledgeable persons, such as
EAA technical counselors or certificated mechanics. All in-process inspection documentation needs to
include dates and names of all person(s) involved.
d. FAA Pre-Cover Inspections. The FAA may conduct pre-cover inspections at its own
discretion during the fabrication and assembly process for the purpose of determining if the major
portion requirement of § 21.191(g) has been met. As with in-process inspections, all pre-cover
inspections need to be thoroughly documented to include dates and names of all person(s) involved.
In no instance will the FAA perform any of the fabrication or construction work on an aircraft they are
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e. Proper Documentation. Amateur builder(s) need to be able to provide adequate and sufficient
documentation to detail the construction and inspections of their aircraft.
(1) These records need to clearly indicate what was fabricated, assembled, or inspected, by
whom, and the date the activity was performed.
(2) Documentation should clearly show who performed the task(s), describe when and where
the tasks were performed, depict the methods of acceptable aeronautical construction and practices, and
document the use of commercial and noncommercial assistance.
(3) The FAA must be provided with sufficient information to make a major portion
determination. This documentation may include the following:
(b) Comprehensive builder’s logs in any format, to include photographs of all the steps
included in each of the listed tasks in the Amateur-Builder Aircraft Fabrication and Assembly Checklist
(2009), materials and techniques used in construction, as well as dates, locations, and detailed
(c) Photographs/video/DVD.
(f) Relevant documentation (for example, plans) and references (for example, handbooks)
f. Showing Compliance to § 91.319(b). The applicant should be advised that after the
experimental amateur-built airworthiness certificate has been issued, they must show compliance to
§ 91.319(b). This is done by developing a flight test program that addresses the requirements, goals, and
objectives of each test flight. The flight test program should be developed in accordance with
AC 90-89, Amateur-Built Aircraft and Ultralight Flight Testing Handbook, or its equivalent in scope
and detail. Flight test programs serve two purposes:
(1) They ensure the aircraft has been adequately tested and determined to be safe to fly within
the aircraft’s flight envelope.
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(2) The flight test data is used to develop an accurate and complete aircraft flight manual and to
establish emergency procedures.
NOTE: The EAA Flight Advisor program has been established to assist
applicants in developing flight test programs.
a. Documentation in Support of Eligibility. It is necessary for the applicant to show and the
FAA to find that the aircraft complies with the requirements of § 21.191(g). Common documentation in
support of eligibility is typically in the form of a builder’s log and substantiating photographs (refer
to paragraph 151d for a complete list).
b. Major Portion Determination. The FAA must always make a major portion determination
when an amateur-built aircraft has been presented for certification.
c. Deviating from Kits and/or Using Commercial Assistance. When the FAA identifies an
aircraft as meeting the major portion requirement, at the time of certification, the FAA will review the
applicant’s documentation. Deviations from the FAA-identified kit configuration or changes that would
result in an increase in the amount of commercial assistance will require the FAA to determine (before
fabrication and assembly, and using Amateur-Built Aircraft Fabrication and Assembly Checklist (2009))
that the kit still meets the major portion requirement.
(1) Ensure the aircraft is complete and all documentation is sufficient, credible, and adequate.
If the applicant cannot, or will not, provide a statement of eligibility (Form 8130-12), or the
documentation is inadequate to make a major portion determination, the applicant should be advised that
the aircraft cannot be certificated as an amateur-built aircraft and a denial letter will be issued.
(2) Examine records that the aircraft has been weighed in accordance with established weight
and balance procedures to determine the aircraft’s empty, gross, and most forward and aft CG location,
including the weight and balance for the initial flight tests in order to help reduce stall, spin, and other
control-related accidents.
(a) If the aircraft is self-designed, these limits would be determined by the amateur
builder’s calculations.
(b) If the aircraft is constructed from a kit or built from purchased plans, relevant existing
documentation is used.
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(c) If the amateur builder has made changes to a manufacturer’s kit that affect the CG, the
predetermined data must be recalculated based on the change(s).
(d) The completed weight and balance report, including load limits for flightcrew, oil, fuel,
and baggage, should be available in the aircraft, along with the other applicable placards, listings, and
markings required by § 91.9.
e. Certification Documentation. The FAA needs to obtain from the applicant the following
FAA forms and documentation, and ensure they are properly executed:
(3) A notarized Form 8130-12 certifying that the major portion of the aircraft was fabricated
and assembled by the applicant(s) for their own education or recreation purposes and that evidence
exists to support this statement (refer to paragraph 151d).
(4) Sufficient information to identify the aircraft, such as photographs or three-view drawings.
(6) As described in paragraph 151c and d, documentation indicating all in-process and precover
(7) A program letter identifying the aircraft, the purpose of the certificate, the area over which
the operations are to be conducted, and the duration of the program. The program letter is based on the
requirements of § 21.193(d).
(8) In addition, the applicant may be asked to submit additional information during the
airworthiness inspection to assist the FAA in determining if the applicant is eligible for a repairman
certificate under § 65.104.
f. FAA Records Review. Completion of Form 8130-12 must not be used as the sole evidence of
the applicant’s compliance with the education, recreation, and major portion requirements of
§ 21.191(g). All relevant documentation must be reviewed. The FAA must―
(1) Review the documentation provided by the applicant to determine that the registration
requirements of part 47 have been met, and ensure the aircraft is marked in accordance with part 45.
(2) Check with AFS-750, Aircraft Registration Branch, to determine if a denial letter exists for
the particular aircraft. This may assist the FAA in determining aircraft eligibility.
(3) Review the aircraft records to determine whether any required maintenance or inspections
have been accomplished.
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(4) Ensure there is a signed and dated statement from the owner in the aircraft records, that the
aircraft has had an inspection performed in accordance with appendix D to part 43, or other approved
programs, and was found to be in a condition for safe operation. The inspection will help reduce errors
made during construction of the aircraft. This statement will support the owner’s inspection and
airworthiness statement on block III of Form 8130-6. Appendix 1 to AC 90-89, Amateur-Built Aircraft
and Ultralight Flight Testing Handbook, as revised, may be used.
(5) Verify the entries on the Amateur-Built Aircraft Fabrication and Assembly Checklist
(2009) to ensure the applicant has fabricated and assembled the major portion.
g. Aircraft Inspection. The FAA must arrange with the applicant to make the aircraft available
for inspection to determine, at a minimum, the following:
(2) The information on the ID plate matches the information on Form 8130-6 and Form
AC Form 8050-3. The pink copy of Form AC 8050-1 cannot be used for original certification).
(3) The aircraft nationality and registration marks are in accordance with part 45, subpart C.
(4) The flight control system, engine(s), propeller(s), pitot static system, and associated
instruments operate properly.
(5) The cockpit instruments are appropriately marked, and needed placards are installed
and placed for easy reference.
(6) System controls (for example, fuel selector(s) and electrical switches/breakers) are
appropriately placed, clearly marked, provide easy access and operation, and function as intended by
the amateur builder/owner.
(8) All explosive devices used in ballistic parachutes are clearly marked and identified.
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(1) For the phase I limitations, the FAA must prescribe all operating limitations appropriate for
the applicant to demonstrate compliance with § 91.319(b) in the assigned flight test area. This includes
a limitation requiring the owner/operator to endorse the aircraft logbook and maintenance records with a
statement certifying that the prescribed flight hours have been completed, and the aircraft has been
shown to comply with § 91.319(b). The owner/operator may then operate in accordance with phase II.
(2) For the phase II limitations, the FAA must prescribe operating limitations, as appropriate,
for the operation of an amateur-built aircraft for an unlimited duration.
(3) Under § 91.319(e), the FAA may prescribe any additional limitations in phase I or phase II
deemed necessary in the interest of safety.
(4) If the aircraft meets the requirements for the certification requested, the FAA must―
(c) Complete sections V and VIII of Form 8130-6, in accordance with the instructions
contained in chapter 8 of this order.
(d) Examine, review, and route the certification file, in accordance with the instructions
contained in chapter 8 of this order.
(5) If the aircraft does not meet the requirements for the certification requested and the
airworthiness certificate is denied, the FAA must―
(a) Write a letter to the applicant stating the reason(s) for denying the airworthiness
(b) Attach a copy of the denial letter to the original Forms 8130-6 and 8130-12 and
forward to AFS-750 to be made part of the aircraft record.
(c) Return to the applicant the documentation (photographs and three-view drawings)
submitted for airworthiness certification.
(d) Advise the applicant that all documentation indicated in paragraph 152e needs to be
resubmitted at the time of reapplication.
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j. Expired or Foreign Airworthiness Certificates. In some cases, amateur-built aircraft are sold
with an expired airworthiness certificate or foreign airworthiness certificate. In such cases, an applicant
may request and receive a special airworthiness certificate for the purpose of operating amateur-built
aircraft, only if the aircraft previously was certificated under, and continues to meet § 21.191(g). In this
case, a new Form 8130-7 would be issued along with new operating limitations, but without the
eligibility to obtain a repairman certificate for that aircraft. The new certificate should be issued only
after the FAA has verified airworthiness by following the appropriate procedures in paragraph 88
(Certification Procedures) of this order.
l. Canadian Applicants. A Canadian applicant with a design for an amateur-built aircraft kit may
make an application to Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) for evaluation of the kit design. Upon
receipt of the application, TCCA will review the design for compliance with the U.S. major portion
requirements of § 21.191(g), and forward it to the FAA’s AIR-230 Airworthiness Certification Branch.
The process for FAA approval is contained in the Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness with
Transport Canada.
(1) They provide the FAA an official TCCA document stating that the applicant did in fact
fabricate and assemble the major portion of the aircraft within the meaning of, and in compliance with,
§ 21.191(g), or
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a. General. Section 91.319(b) requires that an unproven aircraft be assigned to a flight test area.
The assigned test area is prescribed in accordance with § 91.305. The FAA, when requested, should
assist applicants in selecting areas that comply with § 91.305. The FAA is required to evaluate each
application to determine that the flight test area does not exceed that which is reasonably required to
accomplish the program. Actions pertaining to flight test areas must be coordinated with the nearest
office of the Air Traffic Service.
b. Assigned Flight Test Area. Under §§ 91.319(b) and 91.305, all initial flight operations of
experimental aircraft must be limited to the assigned flight test area until the aircraft is shown to be
controllable throughout its normal range of speeds and all maneuvers to be executed, and has not
displayed any hazardous operating characteristics or design features.
(1) In the case of the first flight of an aircraft from an airport surrounded by a densely
populated area, but with at least one acceptable approach/departure route of flight, the FAA must ensure
that a route of flight is selected which subjects the fewest persons and least property to possible hazards.
In addition, upon leaving such an airport, the aircraft should be required to operate from an outlying
airport until its controllability and safety are established, after which the aircraft may return to its base
and use the established corridor for subsequent operations. The description of the area selected by the
applicant and agreed to by the FAA must be made a part of the operating limitations; or
(2) In the case of an aircraft located at any airport surrounded by a densely populated area and
lacking any acceptable approach/departure route of flight, the FAA must deny the airworthiness
certificate and process the denial in accordance with paragraph 88 of this order. The applicant must be
advised to relocate the aircraft by other means to a suitable airport.
c. Assigned Flight Test Area. The procedures outlined under section 7, paragraph 135 of this
order are applicable to amateur-built aircraft. Although the period of assignment is not established by
regulation, the following times are suggested as guidelines when issuing original airworthiness
certificates for amateur-built aircraft:
(2) Amateur-built gliders, balloons, dirigibles, and ultralight vehicles that meet the
requirements of § 21.191(g), and for which original airworthiness certification is sought, should be
limited to operation within an assigned flight test area for at least 10 hours of operation, including at
least five takeoffs and landings.
(3) Following any major change, an amateur-built aircraft must be assigned to a flight test
area for a minimum of 5 hours.
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d. Operation Outside the Flight Test Area. The procedures outlined under section 7,
paragraph 136 of this order are applicable for amateur-built aircraft. During operation outside the
flight test area, the following placard must be displayed in the aircraft in full view of all occupants:
a. Operating limitations must be designed to fit the specific situation encountered. The ASI may
impose any additional limitations deemed necessary in the interest of safety. The ASI and/or designee
must review each imposed operating limitation with the applicant to ensure that the operating limitations
are understood by the applicant.
(1) No person may operate this aircraft for other than the purpose of meeting the requirements
of § 91.319(b) during phase I flight testing, and for recreation and education after meeting these
requirements as stated in the program letter (required by § 21.193) for this aircraft. In addition, this
aircraft must be operated in accordance with applicable air traffic and general operating rules of part 91
and all additional limitations herein prescribed under the provisions of § 91.319(i). These operating
limitations are a part of Form 8130-7, and are to be carried in the aircraft at all times and be available to
the pilot in command of the aircraft.
(2) During phase I flight testing to meet the requirements of § 91.319(b), all flights must be
conducted within the geographical area described as follows:
(b) The designated area must be over open water or sparsely populated areas having light
air traffic.
(c) The size of the area must be that required to safely conduct anticipated maneuvers and
tests, as appropriate.
(3) This aircraft must be operated for at least ______ hours in the assigned geographic area.
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(4) All test flights, at a minimum, must be conducted under day VFR only. Guidance
concerning the scope and detail of test flights can be found in AC 90-89. Following satisfactory
completion of the required number of flight hours in the flight test area, the pilot must certify in the
records that the aircraft has been shown to comply with § 91.319(b). Compliance with § 91.319(b) must
be recorded in the aircraft records with the following, or a similarly worded, statement: “I certify that
the prescribed flight test hours have been completed and the aircraft is controllable throughout its
normal range of speeds and throughout all maneuvers to be executed, has no hazardous operating
characteristics or design features, and is safe for operation. The following aircraft operating data
has been demonstrated during the flight testing: speeds Vso ______, Vx ______, and Vy ______,
and the weight ______ and CG location ______ at which they were obtained.”
(5) Except for takeoffs and landings, this aircraft may not be operated over densely populated
areas or in congested airways.
NOTE: This limitation is applicable for phases I and II and should be issued
in accordance with paragraphs 135b(1) and (2) of this order.
(6) This aircraft is prohibited from operating in congested airways or over densely populated
areas unless directed by air traffic control, or unless sufficient altitude is maintained to effect a safe
emergency landing in the event of a power unit failure, without hazard to persons or property on the
(8) After completion of phase I flight testing, unless appropriately equipped for night
and/or instrument flight in accordance with § 91.205, this aircraft is to be operated under VFR, day only.
(9) Aircraft instruments and equipment installed and used under § 91.205 must be inspected
and maintained in accordance with the requirements of part 91. Any maintenance or inspection of this
equipment must be recorded in the aircraft logbook and maintenance records.
(10) During the flight testing phase, no person may be carried in this aircraft during flight
unless that person is essential to the purpose of the flight.
(11) No person may operate this aircraft for carrying persons or property for compensation or
(12) The pilot in command of this aircraft must advise each passenger of the experimental
nature of this aircraft, and explain that it does not meet the certification requirements of a standard
certificated aircraft.
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(13) This aircraft must contain the placards or markings, as required by § 91.9. In addition, the
placards and markings must be inspected for legibility and clarity, and the associated systems inspected
for easy access and operation, to ensure they function as intended by the amateur builder/owner
during each condition inspection.
(14) This aircraft must display the word “EXPERIMENTAL” in accordance with § 45.23(b).
(15) This aircraft is prohibited from aerobatic flight, that is, an intentional maneuver involving
an abrupt change in the aircraft’s attitude, an abnormal attitude, or abnormal acceleration not necessary
for normal flight.
NOTE: If the amateur builder states that the aircraft is capable of aerobatic
flight, limitation 16 will be used in lieu of limitation 15.
(16) This aircraft may conduct aerobatic flight in accordance with the provisions of § 91.303.
Aerobatics must not be attempted until sufficient flight experience has been gained to establish that the
aircraft is satisfactorily controllable and in compliance with § 91.319(b). The aircraft may only conduct
those aerobatic flight maneuvers that have been satisfactorily accomplished during flight testing and
recorded in the aircraft logbook and maintenance records by use of the following, or a similarly worded,
statement: “I certify that the following aerobatic maneuvers have been test flown and that the
aircraft is controllable throughout the maneuvers’ normal range of speeds, and is safe for
operation. The flight-tested aerobatic maneuvers are _________, _________, __________, and
NOTE: Aerobatic flights may be permitted in the assigned test area. The
applicant should be advised that aerobatics or violent maneuvers should not
be attempted until sufficient flight experience has been gained to establish
that the aircraft is satisfactorily controllable. These operating limitations may
be modified to include only those aerobatics/maneuvers that have been
satisfactorily accomplished and recorded in the aircraft records during the
flight test period. These aerobatic maneuvers should be permitted upon
leaving the assigned test area. Appropriate limitations identifying the
aerobatics/maneuvers and conditions under which they may be performed
should be prescribed. The FAA may witness aerobatic maneuvers, if deemed
(17) The pilot in command of this aircraft must hold an appropriate category/class rating. If
required, the pilot in command also must hold a type rating in accordance with part 61, or a letter of
authorization issued by an FAA Flight Standards Operations Inspector.
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(18) The pilot in command of this aircraft must hold a pilot certificate or an authorized
instructor’s logbook endorsement. The pilot in command also must meet the requirements of § 61.31(e),
(f), (g), (h), (i), and (j), as appropriate.
(19) After incorporating a major change as described in § 21.93, the aircraft owner is required
to reestablish compliance with § 91.319(b) and notify the geographically responsible FSDO of the
location of the proposed test area. The aircraft owner must obtain concurrence from the FSDO as
to the suitability of the proposed test area. If the major change includes installing a different type of
engine (reciprocating to turbine) or a change of a fixed-pitch from or to a controllable propeller, the
aircraft owner must fill out a revised Form 8130-6 to update the aircraft’s file in the FAA
Aircraft Registration Branch. All operations must be conducted under day VFR conditions in a sparsely
populated area. The aircraft must remain in flight test for a minimum of 5 hours. The FSDO may
require additional time (more than 5 hours) depending on the extent of the modification. Persons
nonessential to the flight must not be carried. The aircraft owner must make a detailed aircraft logbook
and maintenance records entry describing the change before the test flight. Following satisfactory
completion of the required number of flight hours in the flight test area, the pilot must certify in the
records that the aircraft has been shown to comply with § 91.319(b). Compliance with § 91.319(b) must
be recorded in the aircraft records with the following, or a similarly worded, statement: “I certify that
the prescribed flight test hours have been completed and the aircraft is controllable throughout its
normal range of speeds and throughout all maneuvers to be executed, has no hazardous
characteristics or design features, and is safe for operation. The following aircraft operating data
has been demonstrated during the flight testing: speeds Vso ______, Vx ______, and Vy ______,
and the weight ______, and CG location ______ at which they were obtained.”
(20) This aircraft must not be used for glider towing, banner towing, or intentional parachute
(21) This aircraft does not meet the requirements of the applicable, comprehensive, and
detailed airworthiness code, as provided by Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
The owner/operator of this aircraft must obtain written permission from another CAA before operating
this aircraft in or over that country. That written permission must be carried aboard the aircraft together
with the U.S. airworthiness certificate and, upon request, be made available to an FAA inspector or the
CAA in the country of operation.
(22) No person must operate this aircraft unless within the preceding 12 calendar months it has
had a condition inspection performed in accordance with the scope and detail of appendix D to part 43,
or other FAA-approved programs, and was found to be in a condition for safe operation. As part of the
condition inspection, cockpit instruments must be appropriately marked and needed placards installed in
accordance with § 91.9. In addition, system-essential controls must be in good condition, securely
mounted, clearly marked, and provide for ease of operation. This inspection will be recorded in the
aircraft logbook and maintenance records.
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(23) Condition inspections must be recorded in the aircraft logbook and maintenance records
showing the following, or a similarly worded, statement: “I certify that this aircraft has been
inspected on [insert date] in accordance with the scope and detail of appendix D to part 43, and
was found to be in a condition for safe operation.” The entry will include the aircraft’s total
time-in-service (cycles if appropriate), and the name, signature, certificate number, and type of
certificate held by the person performing the inspection.
(24) This aircraft must not be operated unless it is inspected and maintained in accordance with
an inspection program selected, established, identified, and used as set forth in § 91.409(e) through (h).
This inspection must be recorded in the aircraft logbook and maintenance records.
(25) Inspections must be recorded in the aircraft logbook and maintenance records showing the
following, or a similarly worded, statement: “I certify that this aircraft has been inspected on [insert
date] in accordance with the scope and detail of the [identify program, title] FSDO-approved program
dated ________, and found to be in a condition for safe operation.” The entry will include the aircraft’s
total time-in-service (cycles if appropriate), and the name, signature, certificate number, and type of
certificate held by the person performing the inspection.
(26) An experimental aircraft builder certificated as a repairman for this aircraft under § 65.104
or an appropriately rated FAA-certificated mechanic may perform the condition inspection required by
these operating limitations.
(27) Application must be made to the geographically responsible FSDO or MIDO for any
revision to these operating limitations.
(28) The pilot in command of this aircraft must notify air traffic control of the experimental
nature of this aircraft when operating into or out of airports with an operational control tower. When
filing IFR, the experimental nature of this aircraft must be listed in the remarks section of the flight plan.
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155. GENERAL. Under the provisions of § 21.191(d), exhibition aircraft are defined as aircraft that
exhibit the aircraft’s flight capabilities, performance, or unusual characteristics at airshows, for motion
picture, television, and similar productions, and for the maintenance of exhibition flight proficiency,
including (for persons exhibiting aircraft) flying to and from such airshows and productions. Under the
provisions of § 21.191(e), air racing aircraft are defined as aircraft that participate in air races, including
(for such participants) practicing for such air races and flying to and from racing events.
e. Effectivity. Aircraft that received original airworthiness certification before July 9, 1993, are
NOT affected by this order unless the original airworthiness certification purpose changes, for example,
from R&D to exhibition. Those aircraft, except for purpose changes, will not be affected until the FAA
works with the public to determine the best strategy to certificate all experimental exhibition and/or air
racing aircraft in accordance with the new policy. The policy established in this order will not be used
in these cases unless specifically requested by the applicant.
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NOTE: Proficiency area limitations issued before July 9, 1993, will remain in
effect despite the issuance of a new airworthiness certificate.
a. Many of the aircraft that are presented for airworthiness certification for the purpose(s) of
exhibition or air racing are former military aircraft, both U.S. and non-U.S. The FAA acknowledges the
significant role military aircraft have played in our aviation heritage and the importance of preserving
their legacy for future generations. The exhibition of former military aircraft at aviation events for
demonstration and display provides the public a rare view into our aviation past. Therefore, it is the
policy of the FAA to permit the operation of surplus military aircraft for civilian use, consistent with the
need to safeguard the general public.
NOTE: It should not be interpreted that all military aircraft require experimental
airworthiness certificates. Some models have valid TCs and could be eligible for a
standard airworthiness certificate.
b. Surplus military aircraft have historically operated in the United States for R&D, air racing,
and exhibition purposes in the experimental category. It is the policy of the FAA that eligible aircraft
will be certificated in the experimental category when operated for the special purposes of exhibition
and/or air racing.
c. To ensure the safe operation of these aircraft and minimize adverse environmental impact, the
FAA has established appropriate and reasonable operating limitations. Operating limitations developed
jointly by the Aircraft Certification Service and Flight Standards Service are contained in
paragraphs 161 and 166 of this order.
d. The ability of civilian operators to maintain and operate these aircraft depends on their
background and experience, training and facilities, availability of technical manuals and design
information, and the complexity of the aircraft involved. To this end, and to the maximum extent
feasible, it is the policy of the FAA to recognize the most complete sources of maintenance and training
and to encourage owners, operators, and flightcrew members to use these sources and successfully
complete required training from recognized training organizations. Aircraft inspection guidelines
and qualification standards for flightcrew members have been developed by the Flight Standards Service
and are contained in FAA Order 8900.1, Flight Standards Information Management System.
e. Applicants for certification of former military TPA must be advised that these aircraft were
designed and manufactured without the acoustical treatment provided for current commercial and
business TPA. They also must be advised of industry-developed procedures and guidelines designed to
minimize the impact such aircraft impose at airports and the surrounding communities. Aircraft
operators must accept the responsibility for operating their aircraft in such a manner as to reduce the
noise impact to the lowest practicable level. EAA has developed operating procedures and a
recommended program for reducing the noise impact of TPA. The EAA’s recommended procedures are
contained in its Jet Operations Manual. The FAA must advise persons considering operating such
aircraft to become familiar with and use the procedures outlined in the EAA’s Jet Operations Manual
or other procedures acceptable to the FAA.
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f. In recent years, the number and types of TPA have greatly expanded, mostly as a result of the
import of aircraft of non-U.S. manufacture. Examples of these aircraft include models such as the
Northrop F-5, which is of U.S. manufacture, and the Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-15, which is of
non-U.S. manufacture. It is of critical importance to the FAA, to the civilian owners and operators of
such aircraft, and to the general public that these aircraft are operated safely in the National Airspace
157. BROKERING. Section 21.191(d) was not intended to allow for the brokering or marketing of
experimental aircraft. This includes individuals who manufacture, import, or assemble aircraft, and then
apply for and receive experimental exhibition airworthiness certificates so they can sell the aircraft to
buyers. Section 21.191(d) ONLY provides for the exhibition of an aircraft’s flight capabilities,
performance, or unusual characteristics at airshows, and for motion picture, television, and similar
productions. Certificating offices must ensure that all applications for exhibition airworthiness
certificates are for the purposes specified under § 21.191(d), and are from the registered owners who
will exhibit the aircraft for those purposes. Applicants also must provide the applicable information
specified in § 21.193.
158. GROUPS OF AIRCRAFT. Aircraft eligible for experimental airworthiness certification for
exhibition or air racing range from unpowered gliders to high-performance jet aircraft. In order to
properly certificate this wide range of aircraft, and in response to the many public comments received,
the FAA has divided these aircraft into four groups. This was done in order to establish standardized
operating limitations, proficiency areas, and inspection requirements appropriate to each aircraft.
Minimum operating limitations for each group are provided in paragraph 161 of this order. The FAA
will make a determination of which group the aircraft will operate in based on the following:
(1) Description of Aircraft. Specialty aircraft are of limited availability and possess design
characteristics that make the aircraft suitable for competition. The operational parameters are designed
for only one purpose, for example, maneuverability, flight duration, or speed, and as such would only be
used in performance-based competition events and would not be used for personal business or transport
(2) Type of Aircraft. Aerobatic aircraft or powered/unpowered gliders. Aircraft that would
operate under this group include the Rolladen-Schneider LS-4b, Schleicher ASW-24, Pitts Special,
Sukhoi SU-26, Sukhoi SU-29, etc.
(3) Proficiency Area. All proficiency flights will be conducted in airspace within an
operational radius of 300 nautical miles from the airport where the aircraft is based.
(4) Inspection Requirements. These aircraft must be inspected each year in accordance with
an inspection plan that contains the scope and detail of appendix D to part 43..
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(1) Description of Aircraft. This group includes any jet, turbofan, and turboprop; except
those TPA that have a design capability of carrying cargo or more than four occupants. Those TPA that
have a design capability of carrying cargo or more than four occupants will be certificated using the
guidelines under group IV.
(2) Type of Aircraft. Aircraft that operate under this group include the Mikoyan Gurevich
MiG-17, Aero Vodochody L-29, Hispan Aviacion HA-200 Saeta, Fouga CM-170R Magister, Lockheed
or Canadair T-33, Grumman OV-1 Mohawk, etc.
(3) Proficiency Area. All proficiency flights will be conducted in airspace within an
operational radius of 600 nautical miles from the airport where the aircraft is based. Proficiency flights
will be limited to a nonstop flight that begins and ends at the home base airport, with sufficient fuel
reserve to meet the applicable operating rules of part 91. Operators who choose to fly to another airport
within the assigned proficiency area must notify their geographically responsible FSDO prior to each
proficiency flight away from their home base airport (see note at the end of paragraph 136 of this order).
(4) Inspection Requirements. These aircraft must have a FSDO-approved inspection program
that meets the requirements of § 91.409(e). Guidance regarding inspection programs is found in
Order 8300.10.
(1) Description of Aircraft. This group includes former military aircraft that were designed
for military operations. Vintage aircraft are those aircraft that were designed before 1945. Replica
aircraft are those aircraft that have the same external configuration as an aircraft that was designed
before 1945. Unique aircraft are those aircraft that are one-of-a-kind.
(2) Type of Aircraft. This group includes U.S. piston-powered Warbirds (regardless of size)
and non-U.S. piston-powered aircraft under 12,500 pounds that meet the above description and do not
have a design capability of carrying cargo or more than four occupants. Aircraft that operate under this
group include the North American T-28, Lockheed P-38, North American P-51, Messerschmitt ME-109,
Boeing B-17, North American B-25, DeHavilland DHC-1 Chipmunk or Tiger Moth DH-82A,
Focke-Wulfe Piaggo (FWP)-149, Nord Stampe SV4C, and Bucker Jungman BU-131.
(3) Proficiency Area. All proficiency flights for an aircraft under 800 horsepower will be
conducted in airspace within an operational radius of 300 nautical miles from its designated home base
airport. Aircraft 800 horsepower and above will be limited to an operational radius of 600 nautical miles
from their designated home base airport.
(4) Inspection Requirements. Aircraft under 800 horsepower must be inspected each year in
accordance with an inspection plan that contains the scope and detail of appendix D to part 43. Aircraft
of 800 horsepower and above must be inspected in accordance with appropriate military technical
publications or manufacturer’s instructions for the aircraft.
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(1) Description of Aircraft. This group includes all aircraft that do not clearly fit in any of the
other groups. This group includes aircraft that would be in the standard category but have been
modified, and the modification has not been processed under the STC process; and, aircraft over
12,500 pounds, or those that have a design capability of carrying cargo or more than four occupants.
This group also includes any newly produced aircraft that do not have a TC under § 21.21 or § 21.29,
with the exception of those aircraft that meet the description of aircraft for group I. In addition, this
group includes aircraft that normally would be eligible for amateur-built airworthiness certification, but
the owner has chosen to not perform the major portion of the fabrication and assembly as required under
§ 21.191(g).
(2) Type of Aircraft. This group includes aircraft that have a design capability of carrying
cargo or more than four occupants, and any other aircraft that do not clearly belong in any of the other
groups. Aircraft that would operate under this group include the Lockheed C-130, Antonov AN-2,
Antonov AN-24, Iluyshin IL-76, and Cessna 172 with an automobile engine not approved under an
STC, etc.
(3) Proficiency Area. The proficiency area is limited to a nonstop flight that begins and ends
at the airport where the aircraft is based, with sufficient fuel reserve to meet the applicable operating
rules of part 91. An alternate airport selection is not available for aircraft in this group.
(4) Inspection Requirements. Aircraft that weigh 12,500 pounds or less must be inspected
each year in accordance with an inspection plan that contains the scope and detail of appendix D to
part 43. Aircraft over 12,500 pounds must have a FSDO-approved inspection program that meets the
requirements of § 91.409(e).
b. Records Inspection. In addition to the record inspection requirements of paragraph 88a of this
order, the FAA must—
(1) Obtain from the applicant a program letter in accordance with § 21.193(a), setting forth the
purpose(s) for which the aircraft will be used. The program letter must be specific as to the intended use
under the purpose requested, including names, dates, and locations of airshows, air races, or exhibition
activities that will be attended. In the case of a movie or television production, the date(s)
and location(s) of these productions must be provided. The applicant’s program letter should state a
reasonable schedule of events to be attended, but should not list events that would obviously be
impossible to attend, for example, listing all airshows scheduled in the United States for the upcoming
year. Applicants should be advised that the program letter is subject to review by the FAA and that the
owner/operator must notify the local FSDO by letter or fax of any amendments to the proposed schedule
prior to that flight.
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NOTE: Applicants that do not submit a specific program letter do not meet
the intent of § 21.193 and must not be issued a special airworthiness certificate.
(2) Ensure that the applicant has written in or translated into the English language all of the
necessary maintenance, inspection, operating, and flight manual(s) required to safely operate the aircraft.
(3) Verify that maintenance records reflect records of inspections, overhauls, repairs,
time-in-service on life-limited articles and engines, etc., and that all records are current.
(4) If the aircraft is included in group II or group IV (only those aircraft over 12,500 pounds
and all TPA regardless of weight) aircraft as described in paragraph 158 of this order, verify that the
applicant has a FSDO-approved inspection program that meets the requirements of § 91.409(e).
Guidance regarding inspection programs can be found in Order 8900.1.
(5) Verify that the appropriately rated FAA-certificated mechanic has made an entry in the
aircraft records documenting the applicable inspections as referenced in paragraph 159 of this order for
all aircraft (including new) within 30 days prior to submitting Form 8130-6.
c. Aircraft Inspection. The FAA will perform an inspection to the extent necessary to ensure that
a prior inspection of the aircraft and aircraft systems has been accomplished in accordance with the
inspection requirements as identified in paragraph 88b of this order. The FAA will verify that
instruments, instrument markings, and placards are as required by the CFR and are identified in the
English language. In addition, the FAA will verify that all measurements are converted to standard
U.S. units of measure for those instruments necessary for operation in the U.S. air traffic system.
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a. Once it has been determined that the aircraft meets the requirements for the airworthiness
certification requested, the FAA must—
(1) Make an aircraft record entry showing the following, or a similarly worded, statement:
“I find this aircraft meets the requirements for a special airworthiness certificate for the purpose(s)
of [identify purpose(s)], and have issued a special airworthiness certificate and operating limitations
dated . The next inspection is due . Signed: John Doe, Aviation Safety
Inspector, NM48.”
(2) Issue the airworthiness certificate and appropriate operating limitations in accordance with
this order.
b. If the aircraft does not meet the certification requirements and the airworthiness certificate is
denied, the FAA will provide a letter to the applicant stating the reason(s) for denial and, if feasible,
identify which steps may be accomplished to meet the certification requirements. Should this occur, a
copy of the denial letter will be attached to Form 8130-6 and forwarded to AFS-750, and made a part of
the aircraft’s record.
c. An FAA inspector may elect to process the aircraft on a one-time certification basis, for
example, via the issuance of only one special airworthiness certificate of unlimited duration. In these
instances, when issuing the special airworthiness certificate for the purpose(s) of exhibition and/or air
racing, the operating limitations will be prescribed in two phases in the same document.
a. Operating limitations shall be designed to fit the specific situation encountered. The
FAA inspector may impose any additional limitations deemed necessary in the interest of safety.
The FAA inspector and/or designee must review each imposed operating limitation with the applicant
to ensure that the operating limitations are understood by the applicant.
(1) No person may operate this aircraft unless Form 8130-7 is displayed at the cabin or cockpit
entrance so that it is visible to passengers or flightcrew members.
(Applicability: All)
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(2) No person may operate this aircraft for other than the purpose of meeting the requirements
of § 91.319(b), as stated in the program letter (required by § 21.193) for this aircraft. This aircraft must
be operated in accordance with applicable air traffic and general operating rules of part 91, as well as all
additional limitations herein prescribed under the provisions of § 91.319(e). These operating limitations
are a part of the special airworthiness certificate, and are to be carried in the aircraft at all times
and made available to the pilot in command of the aircraft.
(Applicability: All)
(3) This aircraft may only operate from [identify name of outlying airport] until the
requirements of § 91.319(b) have been met. The operator will use the described corridor (shown on the
attached chart) to transition to that airport. After meeting the requirements of § 91.319(b), the aircraft
may return to [enter home base airport name] and the established corridor will be used for all subsequent
(Applicability: All)
(4) In accordance with § 47.45, the FAA Aircraft Registry must be notified within 30 days
for any change of the aircraft registrant address. Such notification is to be made by submitting
Aeronautical Center Form 8050-1 to AFS-750 in Oklahoma City.
(Applicability: All)
(5) This aircraft must be operated for at least hours with at least takeoffs and landings
(to a full stop), and all operations must be conducted in the geographic area described and/or shown on
the attached chart.
(Applicability: All)
NOTE: This geographical area must be over open water or sparsely populated
areas having light air traffic. The size of the area must be that required to
safely conduct the anticipated maneuvers and tests. The area must be
described by radius, coordinates, and/or landmarks. The minimum number of
hours and maximum number of takeoffs and landings should be based on the
aircraft’s condition and records, and the total time on the aircraft and its
engine(s). To ensure national standardization, when issuing this limitation for
TPA, the maximum number of hours normally should not exceed 10 and the
minimum number of takeoffs and landings should be three.
(6) Application must be made to the geographically responsible FSDO for any revision to these
operating limitations.
(Applicability: All)
(7) This aircraft may not be operated over densely populated areas or in congested airways,
except when otherwise directed by air traffic control.
(Applicability: All)
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NOTE 2: The FAA will coordinate with the local FSDO operations unit to
ensure that the departure/approach corridors that are established subject the
fewest number of persons and least property to possible hazards and aircraft
noise. This concept of a departure/approach corridor must be used when
issuing operating limitations for aircraft that are based at airports within class
B airspace. Established corridors will be used for all proficiency flights
and event attendance.
(9) During the test flight phase, no person may be carried in this aircraft during flight unless
that person is essential to the purpose of the flight.
(Applicability: All)
(10) No person may be carried in this aircraft during the exhibition of the aircraft’s flight
capabilities, performance, or unusual characteristics at airshows, or for motion picture, television,
or similar productions, unless essential for the purpose of the flight. Passengers may be carried during
flights to and from any event outlined in the program letter or during proficiency flying, limited to the
design seating capacity of the aircraft.
(Applicability: All)
(11) The pilot in command of this aircraft must advise each passenger of the experimental
nature of this aircraft, and explain that it does not meet the certification requirements of a standard
certificated aircraft.
(Applicability: All)
(12) No person may operate this aircraft for carrying persons or property for compensation
or hire.
(Applicability: All)
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(14) This aircraft may not be operated unless the replacement times for life-limited articles
specified in the applicable technical publications pertaining to the aircraft and its articles are complied
with. This aircraft, including its related articles, must be inspected in accordance with an approved
inspection program selected under the provisions of § 91.409(e). This inspection program must be
recorded in the aircraft maintenance records.
(Applicability: Group II; group IV turbine engine)
(15) This aircraft must not be operated unless it is inspected and maintained in accordance with
appropriate military technical publications and/or manufacturer’s recommendations. The
owner/operator must select, establish, identify, and use an inspection program as set forth in § 91.409(e),
(f), (g), and (h). This inspection program must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records.
(Applicability: Group II; group III over 800 horsepower; group IV turbine-powered;
and group IV over 800 horsepower)
(16) Inspections must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records showing the following,
or a similarly worded, statement: “I certify that this aircraft has been inspected on [insert date] in
accordance with the [identify program, title] FSDO-approved program dated , and found to be in
a condition for safe operation.” The entry will include the aircraft’s total time-in-service (cycles if
appropriate), and the name, signature, certificate number, and type of certificate held by the person
performing the inspection.
(Applicability: Group II; group IV turbine engine)
(17) No person may operate this aircraft unless within the preceding 12 calendar months it has
had a condition inspection performed in accordance with the scope and detail of appendix D to part 43,
or other FAA-approved programs, and was found to be in a condition for safe operation. This inspection
will be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records.
(Applicability: Group I; group III under 800 horsepower; group IV non-turbine engine)
(18) Condition inspections must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records showing the
following, or a similarly worded, statement: “I certify that this aircraft has been inspected on [insert
date] in accordance with the scope and detail of appendix D to part 43, and found to be in a
condition for safe operation.” The entry will include the aircraft’s total time-in-service, and the name,
signature, certificate number, and type of certificate held by the person performing the inspection.
(Applicability: Group III under 800 horsepower)
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(19) Inspections must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records showing the following,
or a similarly worded, statement: “I certify that this aircraft has been inspected on [insert date] in
accordance with the scope and detail of [identify military technical publications and/or manufacturer’s
instructions] and found to be in a condition for safe operation.”
(Applicability: Group III 800 horsepower and above)
(20) FAA-certificated repair stations and FAA-certificated mechanics with appropriate ratings
as authorized by § 43.3 may perform inspections required by these operating limitations.
(Applicability: All)
(21) The cognizant FSDO must be notified, and its response received in writing, prior to flying
this aircraft after incorporation of a major change as defined by § 21.93.
(Applicability: All)
(22) This aircraft must display the word “EXPERIMENTAL” in accordance with § 45.23(b).
(Applicability: All)
(23) This aircraft must contain the placards, markings, etc., required by § 91.9.
(Applicability: All)
(24) The pilot in command of this aircraft must hold an appropriate category/class rating. If
required for the type of aircraft to be flown, the pilot in command also must hold either an appropriate
type rating or a letter of authorization issued by an FAA Flight Standards Operations Inspector.
(Applicability: Group II; group III 800 horsepower and above, or more than 12,500 pounds;
group IV turbojet, or more than 12,500 pounds)
(25) The pilot in command of this aircraft must notify air traffic control of the experimental
nature of this aircraft when operating into or out of airports with operating control towers. The pilot in
command must plan routing that will avoid densely populated areas and congested airways when
operating VFR.
(Applicability: All)
(26) The pilot in command of this aircraft should be knowledgeable of and use the procedures
described in the EAA’s Jet Operations Manual, or other procedures acceptable to the FAA.
(Applicability: Group II; group IV)
(27) The ejection seat system must be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s
procedures and inspected in accordance with the FSDO-approved inspection program applicable to this
aircraft. In addition, the ejection seat system must be mechanically secured to prevent inadvertent
operation of the system whenever the aircraft is parked or out of service.
(As applicable)
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(28) This aircraft is prohibited from flight with any externally mounted equipment unless the
equipment is permanently mounted in a manner that will prevent in-flight jettison, and there is an entry
in the aircraft records indicating that flight testing has been accomplished with this equipment installed.
(As applicable)
(29) Following satisfactory completion of the required number of flight hours in the flight test
area, the pilot must certify in the records that the aircraft has been shown to comply with § 91.319(b).
Compliance with § 91.319(b) must be recorded in the aircraft records with the following, or a similarly
worded, statement: “I certify that the prescribed flight test hours have been completed and the
aircraft is controllable throughout its normal range of speeds and throughout all maneuvers to be
executed, has no hazardous operating characteristics or design features, and is safe for operation.”
(Applicability: All)
(30) No person may operate this aircraft for other than the purpose(s) of [identify purpose(s)],
to exhibit the aircraft, or participate in events outlined in [identify applicant]’s program letter (or any
amendments) describing compliance with § 21.193(d). In addition, this aircraft must be operated in
accordance with applicable air traffic and general operating rules of part 91, and all additional
limitations herein prescribed under the provisions of § 91.319(e). These operating limitations are a part
of Form 8130-7, and are to be carried in the aircraft at all times and be available to the pilot in command
of the aircraft.
(Applicability: All)
(31) All proficiency/practice flights must be conducted within the geographical area described
in the applicant’s program letter and any amendments to that letter, but no portion of that area will be
more than 300 nautical miles from the aircraft’s home base airport. An exception is permitted for
proficiency flying outside of the area stated above for organized formation flying, training, or pilot
checkout in conjunction with a specific event listed in the applicant’s program letter (or amendments).
The program letter should indicate the location and dates for this proficiency flying.
(Applicability: Group I; group III under 800 horsepower)
(32) All proficiency flights will be conducted in airspace with an operational radius of
600 nautical miles from the airport where the aircraft is based. This radius can be reduced if requested
by the operator. Proficiency flights are limited to a nonstop flight that begins and ends at the airport
where the aircraft is based. One alternate airport may be selected for each flight, within the operational
radius of the airport where the aircraft is based. Operations outside this radius for organized formation
flying, proficiency flying, or pilot checkout in conjunction with specific events must be listed in the
applicant’s program letter or the operator must notify the cognizant FSDO 48 hours before the date of
the actual event.
(Applicability: Group II)
(33) All proficiency/practice flights must be conducted within the geographical area described
in the applicant’s program letter and any modifications to that letter, but that area will not be more than
600 nautical miles from the aircraft’s home base airport. An exception is permitted for proficiency
flying outside of the area stated above for organized formation flying, training, or pilot checkout in
conjunction with a specific event listed in the applicant’s program letter (or amendments). The program
letter should indicate the location and dates for this proficiency flying.
(Applicability: Group III 800 horsepower or above)
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(34) All proficiency/practice flights must be conducted within the geographical area described
in the applicant’s program letter and any modifications to that letter, but that area will not be more than
300 nautical miles from the aircraft’s home base airport. Proficiency flights are limited to a nonstop
flight that begins and ends at the aircraft’s home base airport. An alternate airport selection is not
permitted for this aircraft. However, an exception is permitted for proficiency flying outside of the area
stated above for organized formation flying, training, or pilot checkout in conjunction with a specific
event listed in the applicant’s program letter (or amendments). The program letter should indicate the
location and dates for this proficiency flying.
(Applicability: Group IV)
(35) Proficiency flights are authorized without geographical restrictions when conducted in
preparation for participation in sanctioned meets and pursuant to qualify for Federal Aeronautique
International (FAI) or Soaring Society of America (SSA) awards. These flights may only take place as
defined in the applicant’s program letter, and prior to the specific FAI or SSA event. The pilot in
command must submit a description of the intended route and/or geographical area intended to be flown
to the local FSDO.
(Applicability: Group I, gliders only)
(36) This aircraft is restricted to airports that are within airspace classes C, D, E, and G during
proficiency flights, except in the case of a declared emergency or when otherwise directed by air traffic
(Applicability: All)
(37) The owner/operator of this aircraft must submit an annual program letter update to the
local FSDO that lists airshows, fly-ins, etc., that will be attended during the next year, commencing at
the time this aircraft is released into phase II operation. This list of events may be amended, as
applicable, by letter or fax to the FSDO prior to the intended operation amendments. A copy of the
highlighted aeronautical chart, when applicable, must be carried aboard this aircraft and be available to
the pilot.
(Applicability: All)
(38) This aircraft is authorized for flights or static display at airshows, air races, and in motion
pictures conducted under a waiver issued in accordance with § 91.903.
(Applicability: All)
(39) After completion of phase I flight testing, unless appropriately equipped for night
and/or instrument flight in accordance with § 91.205, this aircraft is only to be operated under day VFR.
(Applicability: All)
(40) Aircraft instruments and equipment installed and used under § 91.205 must be inspected
and maintained in accordance with the applicable requirements of parts 43 and 91. Any maintenance
or inspection of this equipment must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records.
(Applicability: All)
(41) Aerobatic maneuvers that have been satisfactorily accomplished and recorded during the
flight test time period may be performed.
(Applicability: All)
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(42) Supersonic flight (true flight Mach number greater than 1) is prohibited unless specifically
authorized under § 91.817.
(Applicability: Group II; group IV if applicable)
(43) The special airworthiness certificate and attached operating limitations for this aircraft
have no expiration date. However, when an aircraft’s base of operation is changed or there is a transfer
of ownership, the new owner/operator will provide the local FSDO with a copy of the approved
inspection program, identifying the person responsible for scheduling and performing the inspections.
New proficiency areas must be described in accordance with operating limitation Nos. 28 through 33,
as applicable.
(Applicability: Group II; group IV turbine-powered)
(44) This aircraft must not be used for glider towing, banner towing, or intentional parachute
(Applicability: All)
(45) This aircraft does not meet the requirements of the applicable, comprehensive,
and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil
Aviation. The owner/operator of this aircraft must obtain written permission from another country’s
CAA before operating this aircraft in or over that country. That written permission must be carried
aboard the aircraft together with the U.S. airworthiness certificate and, upon request, be made available
to an ASI or the CAA in the country of operation.
(Applicability: All)
(46) Flights to airports other than an alternate airport and the airport where the aircraft is based
are allowed for maintenance of the aircraft. (Maintenance, as defined in § 1.1, is the reference for the
purpose of these flights.) Before the flight, the operator must notify and receive permission from the
geographically responsible FSDO where the maintenance will take place, and notify the FSDO with the
geographic responsibility where the aircraft is based of the intended maintenance flight. The
maintenance performed in connection with the flight must be recorded in the aircraft records in
accordance with part 43.
(Applicability: All)
NOTE: The geographically responsible FSDO and the local area FSDO office
where the maintenance will take place must concur prior to approving the
flight request.
(47) The following placard, pertaining to gliders and sail planes having experimental
certificates, must be displayed in the cockpit in full view of the pilot in addition to the requirements of
§ 91.9. “NOTE: No person may exceed the designer’s or builder’s recommended limitations as
follows: maximum gross weight ______; CG limits _______; airplane tow speed ________;
maximum airspeed in smooth air ________; and maximum airspeed in rough air _______.”
(Applicability: Group I)
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163. GENERAL. Under the provisions of § 21.191(a), R&D aircraft are defined as aircraft that test
new design concepts, aircraft equipment, installations, operating techniques, or new uses for aircraft.
Under the provisions of § 21.191(b), show compliance aircraft are defined as aircraft that conduct flight
tests and other operations to show compliance with the regulations. This includes flights to show
compliance for the issuance of type and STCs, major design changes, and function and reliability
requirements. Under the provisions of § 21.191(c), crew training aircraft are defined as aircraft involved
in the training of the applicant’s flightcrews. Under the provisions of § 21.191(f), market survey aircraft
are defined as aircraft that are used for conducting market surveys, sales demonstrations, and customer
crew training as provided for in § 21.195. Under the provisions of § 21.191(h), operating kit-built
aircraft is defined as operation of a PCA that meets the criteria of § 21.24(a)(1) that was assembled by a
person from a kit manufactured by the holder of a PC for that kit, without the supervision and quality
control of the PC holder under § 21.184(a).
a. Research and Development. Any aircraft would be eligible for an experimental certificate
under this purpose. Although the operations may eventually lead to a TC, they may be conducted by the
applicant only as a matter of research or to determine whether an idea warrants further development.
In addition to the operations specified in § 21.191(a), the operation of a chase plane, a tanker used for
in-flight icing tests, or other aircraft not otherwise eligible for a standard or an experimental certificate
(R&D), but necessary for use in direct connection with the R&D project, is considered to be within the
scope of this purpose. Aircraft currently certificated in the experimental category for the purposes of
exhibition or air racing also may be eligible for a special airworthiness certificate for the experimental
purpose of R&D. Also, former military aircraft are often used in R&D projects, and it is appropriate to
use the guidance in this order when performing R&D certification of former military aircraft.
b. Showing Compliance with Regulations. This purpose would be considered valid when the
applicant for a TC or an aircraft modifier has revised the TC design data or has applied for an STC
or field approval. The purpose is to show compliance to the CFR after the applicant has completed
testing under R&D, if applicable, and has completed flight testing by the FAA. In addition to the
operations specified in § 21.191(b), the operation of a chase plane or other aircraft not otherwise eligible
for a standard or experimental certificate, but necessary for use in direct connection with a
type certification project, is considered to be within the scope of this purpose.
c. Crew Training. Under § 21.191(c), this purpose is limited to only the applicant’s flightcrews,
which normally would be the manufacturer’s employees necessary to be trained in experimental aircraft.
These flightcrews operate aircraft being flight tested in type certification programs or for production
flight testing. Crew training of the manufacturer’s customers in experimental aircraft is covered in
paragraph 163 below.
d. Market Surveys. A U.S. manufacturer of aircraft or engines and persons that alter aircraft may
apply for a special airworthiness certificate in the experimental category for the purpose of market
surveys, sales demonstrations, and customer crew training under § 21.195. Amateur-built aircraft
kit manufacturers also may be eligible to give customer familiarization training under § 21.191(f).
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The FAA representative must ensure that the provisions of § 21.195 are met before issuing the
experimental certificate. The applicant must provide the FAA representative with the estimated time or
number of flights required for the market survey operation as well as the area or itinerary over which the
operations are to be conducted under § 21.193(d)(2) and (3). The duration of the certificate should be
limited to the time needed for the described operations, normally not to exceed 90 days. A longer
duration may be provided for a PC/APIS holder who has an approved procedure for experimental
operations. The MIDO manager has the option to extend the duration for other situations.
e. Operating Kit-Built Aircraft. If a PCA kit is assembled without the benefit of the PC holder’s
supervision, the aircraft may qualify for an experimental certificate in accordance with § 21.191(h). The
purchaser or owner of the kit is not required to assemble or fabricate any specific portion of the kit;
assistance for some or all of the work may be obtained from other sources, such as the PC holder
or some other fabricator. The kit, however, must have been manufactured by a PC holder.
a. A description of the test area that will be used to show compliance with § 91.319(b). This area
must be described by a radius, coordinates, and/or landmarks, and be over open water or sparsely
populated areas having light air traffic. The size of the area must be that required to safely conduct the
anticipated maneuvers and tests. Multiple-purpose certificates may require individually prescribed
geographical areas.
b. A daily flight log that must be maintained by the pilot that shows compliance with § 91.319(b)
and inspection of the aircraft prior to release for flights in the expanded test area. The flight log will be
maintained for the duration of the certificate for review by the PI.
c. A description of the method used to conduct and record necessary flights outside the test area,
and for maintaining these records. This procedure will remain active for the duration of the certificate,
and will eliminate the need for the PC/APIS holder to obtain approval for each flight.
d. A description of the method used to define the persons who may be carried during these
operations. The following must be incorporated into this procedure:
(1) A requirement that the pilot in command advise each passenger of the experimental nature
of the aircraft, in accordance with § 91.319(d).
(2) A method of recording persons carried on each flight. These records must be maintained
for the duration of the certificate for review by the PI.
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(3) A provision that no persons may be carried in the aircraft during flight unless that person is
required for the purpose of the flight. Persons other than flightcrew members may be carried when all of
the following conditions are met:
(a) The aircraft is of the same basic model that previously has shown compliance with
§§ 91.319(b) and 21.195.
(b) The aircraft has been proven in accordance with paragraph 166b(3) of this order.
(c) Flight tests do not include intentional maneuvers involving abrupt changes in the
aircraft’s attitude, abnormal attitudes, or abnormal acceleration/deceleration not necessary for normal
(d) The procedures specifically cover the types of flying to be permitted while carrying
passengers other than flightcrew members.
(e) The following placard is displayed inside the aircraft, in letters at least three-eighths of
an inch high and in a location easily visible and legible to all persons entering the aircraft: “NOTICE:
STANDARD AIRCRAFT. (This placard is not necessary for single-place aircraft).”
e. A description of the method used to determine that the aircraft is in a condition appropriate for
the purpose intended when changing from one purpose to another (multiple-purpose certificates), and to
document the results of this determination in a log or daily flight sheet (for example, changing from
R&D to market survey).
f. Any other condition deemed necessary in the interest of safety by the PI.
g. A requirement that a copy of this procedure must be carried in the aircraft while operating
under the privileges of this procedure. A copy of this procedure also may be included or directly
referenced in the PC/APIS holder’s quality manual for the convenience of the manufacturer and the PI.
Any enforcement deemed appropriate would be under § 91.319 and not part 21, subpart F, Production
Under Type Certificate Only, or subpart G, Product Certificate.
a. Operating limitations must be designed to fit the specific situation encountered. The ASI may
impose any additional limitations deemed necessary in the interest of safety. The ASI and/or designee
must review each imposed operating limitation with the applicant to ensure that the operating limitations
are understood by the applicant.
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(1) No person may operate this aircraft unless Form 8130-7 is displayed at the cabin or cockpit
entrance and visible to passengers or flightcrew members.
(Applicability: All)
(2) No person may operate this aircraft for other than the purpose of R&D, showing
compliance with regulations, crew training, market surveys, or operating kit-built aircraft, to accomplish
the flight operation outlined in the program letter dated ______, which describes compliance with
§ 21.193(d), and has been made available to the pilot in command of the aircraft. In addition, this
aircraft must be operated in accordance with applicable air traffic and general operating rules of part 91,
and all additional limitations herein prescribed under the provisions of § 91.319(e).
(Applicability: All)
(3) All flights must be conducted within the geographical area described as follows: The area
must be described by radius, coordinates, and/or landmarks. The designated area must be over open
water or sparsely populated areas having light air traffic. The size of the area must be that required to
safely conduct the anticipated maneuvers and tests. Multiple-purpose certificates may require
individually prescribed geographical areas.
(Applicability: All)
(4) All flights of this aircraft must be conducted within the geographic area indicated on the
chart as follows:
(Applicability: All except kit-built)
NOTE: This limitation will be prescribed to expand the area after the FAA
finds compliance with § 91.319(b). This limitation applies to the following
purposes: R&D, showing compliance, crew training, and market surveys.
Limitation No. 5 may be specified in lieu of this operating limitation for
PC/APIS holders who have submitted a procedure in accordance with
paragraph 165 of this order.
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(5) All flights must be conducted in accordance with [describe the PC/APIS holder’s approved
operating procedure, for example, ABC Aircraft Co. Experimental Operating Procedure No. 12 (dated)].
(Applicability: All except kit-built)
NOTE: Limitation No. 5 may be specified in lieu of Nos. 3 and 4 for PC/APIS
holders that have submitted a procedure in accordance with paragraph 165 of
this order.
(6) When changing between operating purposes of a multiple-purpose certificate, the operator
must determine that the aircraft is in a condition for safe operation and appropriate for the purpose
intended. A record entry will be made by an appropriately rated person to document that finding in the
aircraft logbook.
(Applicability: All except kit-built)
(7) This aircraft must not be operated unless it is inspected and maintained in accordance
with appropriate military technical publications and/or manufacturer’s recommendations. The
owner/operator must select, establish, identify, and use an inspection program as set forth in
§ 91.409(e), (f), (g), and (h). This inspection program must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance
(Applicability: All except kit-built)
(8) The pilot in command of this aircraft must hold an appropriate category/class rating. If
required for the type of aircraft to be flown, the pilot in command also must hold either an appropriate
type rating or a letter of authorization issued by an FAA Flight Standards Operations Inspector.
(Applicability: All)
NOTE: Section 91.319(d)(2) provides for VFR, day only. If other operations
are requested, the authorization will be prescribed as a limitation by selecting
operating limitation No. 10 and/or No. 11, as appropriate, and by deleting this
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(10) This aircraft may be operated under VFR, day and/or night.
(Applicability: All)
NOTE: Section 91.319(d)(2) provides for VFR, day only, unless otherwise
specifically authorized by the FAA. This limitation gives that authorization.
If other operations are requested, the aircraft must be equipped in
accordance with § 91.205.
(11) This aircraft may be operated under IFR, and must be properly equipped for instrument
flight in accordance with § 91.205.
(Applicability: All)
NOTE: Section 91.319(d)(2) provides for VFR, day only, unless otherwise
specifically authorized by the FAA. This limitation gives that authorization.
If other operations are requested, the aircraft must be equipped in
accordance with § 91.205.
(12) No person may operate this aircraft for carrying persons or property for compensation
or hire.
(Applicability: All)
(13) No person may be carried in this aircraft during flight unless that person is essential to the
purpose of the flight.
(Applicability: R&D and show compliance only)
NOTE: This limitation may be deleted for PC/APIS holders and limitation
No. 14 may be specified instead.
(14) Persons may be carried in accordance with [describe the PC/APIS holder’s approved
operating procedure, for example, ABC Aircraft Co. Experimental Operating Procedure No. 12 (dated)].
(Applicability: All except kit-built)
NOTE: This limitation is applicable only for PC/APIS holders that have
submitted a procedure in accordance with paragraph 165 of this order.
(15) The pilot in command of this aircraft must advise each passenger of the experimental
nature of this aircraft, and explain that it does not meet the certification requirements of a standard
certificated aircraft.
(Applicability: All)
(16) This aircraft must contain the placards, markings, etc., (or other operating instructions
developed for an STC modification) required by § 91.9.
(Applicability: All)
NOTE: Inspectors also will identify the flight manual, flight manual
supplements, markings, drawings, etc., as required.
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(17) This aircraft is prohibited from aerobatic flight, that is, an intentional maneuver involving
an abrupt change in the aircraft’s attitude, an abnormal attitude, or abnormal acceleration not necessary
for normal flight.
(Applicability: All)
NOTE: Aerobatic flights may be permitted in the assigned test area. The
applicant should be advised that aerobatics or violent maneuvers should not
be attempted until sufficient flight experience has been gained to establish
that the aircraft is satisfactorily controllable. These operating limitations may
be modified to include only those aerobatics/maneuvers that have been
satisfactorily accomplished and recorded in the aircraft records during the
flight test period. These aerobatics/maneuvers may be permitted upon
leaving that assigned test area. Appropriate limitations identifying the
aerobatics/maneuvers and conditions under which they may be performed
should be prescribed. The FAA may witness aerobatics/maneuvers if deemed
(18) This aircraft may conduct aerobatic flight in accordance with § 91.303. Aerobatics must
not be attempted until sufficient flight experience has been gained to establish that the aircraft is
satisfactorily controllable and in compliance with § 91.319(b). Aerobatic maneuvers intended to be
performed must be satisfactorily accomplished and recorded in the aircraft records during the flight test
(Applicability: All)
(19) The cognizant FSDO must be notified, and its response received in writing, prior to flying
this aircraft after incorporation of a major change as defined by § 21.93.
(Applicability: All except for R&D and show compliance)
(20) This aircraft must not be used for glider towing, banner towing, or intentional parachute
(Applicability: All)
(21) No person must operate this aircraft unless within the preceding 12 calendar months it has
had a condition inspection performed in accordance with appendix D to part 43, or other FAA-approved
programs, and was found to be in a condition for safe operation. This inspection will be recorded in the
aircraft maintenance records.
(Applicability: All)
(22) FAA-certificated repair stations and FAA-certificated mechanics with appropriate ratings
as authorized by § 43.3 may perform inspections required by these operating limitations.
(Applicability: All)
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(23) Inspections must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records showing the following,
or a similarly worded, statement: “I certify that this aircraft has been inspected on [insert date] in
accordance with the scope and detail of appendix D to part 43, or other FAA-approved programs,
and was found to be in a condition for safe operation.” The entry will include the aircraft’s total
time-in-service, and the name, signature, certificate number, and type of certificate held by the person
performing the inspection.
(Applicability: All)
(24) If aircraft, engine, or propeller operating limitations are exceeded, an appropriate entry
will be made in the aircraft records.
(Applicability: All except kit-built)
(25) This aircraft must not be operated unless it is maintained and inspected in accordance with
the requirements of part 43.
(Applicability: All)
(26) This aircraft must display the word “EXPERIMENTAL” in accordance with § 45.23(b).
(Applicability: All)
(27) The pilot in command of this aircraft must notify air traffic control of the experimental
nature of this aircraft when operating into or out of airports with operating control towers. The pilot in
command must plan routing that will avoid densely populated areas and congested airways when
operating VFR.
(Applicability: All)
(28) This aircraft does not meet the requirements of the applicable, comprehensive,
and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil
Aviation. The owner/operator of this aircraft must obtain written permission from another country’s
CAA prior to operating this aircraft in or over that country. That written permission must be carried
aboard the aircraft together with the U.S. airworthiness certificate and, upon request, be made available
to an FAA inspector or the CAA in the country of operation.
(Applicability: All)
(29) Aircraft instruments and equipment installed and used under § 91.205 must be inspected
and maintained in accordance with the requirements of parts 43 and 91. Any maintenance or inspection
of this equipment must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records.
(Applicability: All)
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(30) Application must be made to the geographically responsible FSDO or MIDO [insert name
of office] for any revision to these operating limitations.
(Applicability: All)
(31) Section 47.45 requires that the FAA Aircraft Registry must be notified within 30 days of
any change in the aircraft registrant’s address. Such notification is to be made by submitting
Form 8050-1 to AFS-750 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
(Applicability: All)
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170. GENERAL. Under the provisions of part 21, subpart I, two classes of provisional airworthiness
certificates may be issued. Class I certificates may be issued for all categories, whereas Class II
certificates are issued for transport category aircraft only. In each case, a corresponding provisional
TC or provisional amendment to the TC must be in effect to be eligible for a corresponding provisional
airworthiness certificate.
171. ELIGIBILITY. Only a U.S. aircraft manufacturer, aircraft engine manufacturer, or certificated
air carrier may apply for provisional airworthiness certificates as provided in part 21, subpart I. Because
the aircraft normally is one that is being used in the type certification process, the FAA should be
familiar with its progress and conformity status. Therefore, upon determination that the application
and attachments are satisfactory, inspection of the aircraft is necessary only to the extent required to
determine that it is in a condition for safe operation when operated within its operating limitations.
172. SPECIAL PURPOSE OPERATIONS. The special purpose operations for which provisionally
certificated aircraft may be operated are contained in § 91.317. These operations include—
d. Flight checking of instruments, accessories, and equipment that does not affect the basic
airworthiness of the aircraft; and
174. CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES. The FAA should follow the appropriate procedures
outlined in paragraph 88 of this order.
175. SPECIAL AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE, FORM 8130-7. Upon determination that the
aircraft conforms to its provisional TC or provisional amendment to a TC and that it is in a condition for
safe operation, the FAA should issue Form 8130-7. The issuance of a provisional airworthiness
certificate, corresponding to a provisional amendment to a TC in accordance with § 21.225, is
considered to be an original issuance in the provisional category.
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a. Special flight permits are issued for aircraft that currently may not meet applicable
airworthiness requirements, but are capable of safe flight. A special flight permit is not an authorization
to deviate from the requirements of part 91.
(1) Section 21.197(a) applies to aircraft that may not meet applicable airworthiness
requirements and that will be operated for a purpose specified in § 21.197(a)(1) through (5).
(2) Section 21.197(b) applies to those aircraft that meet all of the applicable airworthiness
requirements except those that cannot be met because of an overweight condition.
(3) Section 21.197(c) applies only to holders of operating certificates issued under part 121
or 135 for aircraft operated and maintained under a continuous airworthiness maintenance program.
The instructions for issuance of a special flight permit with a continuing authorization are contained in
Order 8300.10, volume II, chapter 89.
b. Forms 8130-6 and 8130-7 are used for the administration of §§ 21.197 and 21.199. The
instructions for completion of these forms are contained in chapter 8 of this order, except as noted in
this section.
c. Special flight permits for purposes other than production flight testing and customer
demonstration flights will be issued by the FSDO/MIDO/IFO geographically responsible for the area
in which the flight is to originate. If the applicant’s aircraft is outside the jurisdiction of the
FSDO/MIDO/IFO receiving the request, the applicant should be referred to the appropriate office.
This paragraph does not apply to part 121 or 135 certificate holders.
d. Special flight permits issued to part 121 or 135 certificate holders who do not have a continuous
authorization normally will be issued by their certificate holding district office (CHDO). However, with
the CHDO’s concurrence, these special flight permits may be issued by the office having geographical
e. Under special conditions, special flight permits may be issued to part 145 repair facilities for the
purpose of delivering aircraft from international locations to the United States. In this instance, the
special flight permit will be issued by the CHDO having jurisdiction over the repair facility under the
following conditions:
(1) It is a U.S.-registered aircraft that currently does not meet the conditions of its standard
airworthiness certificate, due to the installation of non-standard auxiliary fuel systems. Auxiliary fuel
system installations must be accomplished by an FAA-certificated repair facility which is specifically
airframe-rated for the desired installation.
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(2) Procedures relating to the application and issuance of special flight permits, the installation
of auxiliary fuel systems, and any conditions and limitations for flight must be incorporated into the
repair facility’s operations specifications.
NOTE: The FAA office issuing the special flight permit, under these special
conditions, must assure compliance with all other guidelines outlined within
this order. The CHDO may request the IFO geographically responsible for the
area in which the flight is to originate to inspect the aircraft prior to flight
utilizing an ASI or qualified designee.
f. The validity of the special flight permit is not affected by the operation of the aircraft outside
the border of the United States, as long as it is operated for the intended purpose under § 21.197
and within the timeframe specified on the permit. The special flight permit does not authorize flight
over countries other than the United States without permission of that country. If such operation is
contemplated, the effective date of the permit is contingent on compliance with section D(2) of the
permit and it becomes the responsibility of the owner/operator to obtain such permission.
* g. In accordance with § 39.7, anyone who operates a product that does not meet the requirements
of an applicable AD is in violation of this section. If an AD requires compliance before further flight
and has within it a provision that does not allow for any special flight permit, a special flight permit
must not be issued for the product.
(1) In cases where the special flight permit paragraph is intentionally missing from an AD,
§ 39.23 authorizes the issuance of a special flight permit, if the AD was published after August 21, 2002
(the effective date of § 39.23). In all new ADs, the special flight permit is authorized by § 39.23, and
not the AD, unless the engineer determines that the aircraft cannot be moved safely, and therefore the
AD will include a paragraph that does not allow any special flight permit or has certain restrictions.
(2) The ASI also has the authority under § 39.23 to deny a special flight permit request for
safety reasons as well as adding operating restrictions to the proposed route of flight. An example of a
justified denial would be a special flight permit request for operation over large bodies of water or
mountainous terrain with a single-engine aircraft that has an AD applicable to the engine or propeller. *
h. If the product is not an aircraft, and the AD does not provide for the product’s operation during
* a ferry flight, in accordance with § 39.7 the product may not be operated during such a flight. If *
the aircraft on which the product is installed can be operated safely without operating the product, a
special flight permit could be issued in accordance with § 21.197(a) with a limitation that the product be
* rendered inoperative for flight. *
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
192. PURPOSES. Section 21.197 prescribes the general purposes for which a special flight permit
may be issued. The following specific operations also are considered to be within the scope of the
general provisions:
a. Any flight of a U.S.-registered aircraft covered by § 21.197, if the aircraft is capable of safe
flight, even though a TC has not been issued.
b. The delivery of an aircraft of either U.S. or non-U.S. manufacture to the base of the purchaser
or to a storage point in the United States.
c. The operation of non-air carrier four-engine aircraft with one inoperative engine. The
provisions of § 91.611 should be used as a guide.
d. Flying an aircraft whose annual inspection has expired to a base where an annual inspection can
be accomplished.
e. Flying an amateur-built aircraft whose condition inspection has expired to a base where the
condition inspection can be accomplished.
a. When the application for a special flight permit is found in compliance with all requirements,
the FAA should issue Form 8130-7, with operating limitations deemed necessary for safe operation.
The operating limitations must be enumerated on a separate sheet, identified by the aircraft registration
and serial number, dated, and signed. The applicant should be advised that Form 8130-7 and attached
operating limitations must be displayed in the aircraft in accordance with § 91.203(b).
b. The FAA may assist the applicant by completing Form 8130-6 based on information furnished
by telephone, letter, or fax. The name of the applicant should be entered in the space provided for the
applicant’s signature. A notation as to how the information was received should be entered above the
name, for example, “Received by letter dated .” If the information provided is adequate, and all
requirements for issuance are satisfied, the ASI may issue a telegraphic or faxed special flight permit
with appropriate limitations (except § 21.197(b) for overweight operations). These limitations will
include inspection requirements as deemed necessary. The telegraphic or faxed copy of the special
flight permit and prescribed operating limitations must be displayed in the aircraft in accordance with
§ 91.203(b) prior to conducting the special flight.
NOTE: With exception of the light-sport DAR for production flight testing,
designees cannot issue a telegraphic or faxed special flight permit and are required
to physically perform the inspection necessary to ensure the aircraft is eligible for
the special flight permit.
c. If a district office processes numerous applications for telegraphic or faxed special flight
permits, a standard format may be filed with the local office.
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d. When Form 8130-6 has been completed, the ASI will complete the telegraphic or faxed special
flight permit to include any additional operating limitations that may be required. The completed
and signed permit may then be transmitted by fax. The faxed copy of the permit that is received for
display in the aircraft at the point of departure will be considered the original permit.
e. A copy of each certification document should be retained in the files of the issuing office. Only
copies required per paragraph 273a(1) of this order, as applicable, are to be forwarded to AFS-750.
a. It is the responsibility of the FAA to determine which inspections or tests are necessary to
ensure that the aircraft is capable of safe flight for the intended purpose.
b. The FAA must make, or require the applicant to make, appropriate inspections or tests
considered necessary for safe flight.
c. The FAA must personally inspect damaged aircraft or an aircraft for which the airworthiness is
questionable in any respect. The FAA must personally inspect those aircraft models for which a
* U.S. TC has never been issued. The FAA is authorized, at its discretion, to allow a properly certificated
mechanic or a repair station to conduct the necessary aircraft inspection(s) in support of the issuance of a
special flight permit. *
d. When the FAA requires the applicant to make the inspection, the applicant must be advised that
such inspections must be—
(1) Accomplished by an appropriately certificated mechanic or repair station familiar with all
of the procedures and requirements contained in this chapter.
(2) Documented in the aircraft logbook by the authorized person who conducted the inspection.
195. SPECIAL OPERATING LIMITATIONS. The FAA should establish limitations as deemed
necessary for safe operation. Because individual circumstances may vary greatly, a list of limitations
applicable in every case cannot be provided. The objective is to ensure safe operation of the aircraft. If
necessary, solicit the technical assistance of other FAA offices or specialties. Limitations should be
clear and concise so they can be easily understood. In addition to the limitations deemed necessary for
the particular flight, the following items must be considered when establishing operating limitations:
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c. Special qualifications required of the pilot and crewmembers. For flights that involve long
distances over which various weather conditions may be encountered, the pilot in command also must be
appropriately instrument-rated.
f. CG limits.
j. Airspeed limits.
k. Operation in the overweight condition must be conducted to avoid cities, towns, villages,
and congested areas, or any other areas where the flights might create hazardous exposure to persons
or property.
m. Communications required with airport tower personnel to inform them prior to takeoff
or landing of the nonstandard condition of the aircraft.
n. When flight over another country is planned, the ASI must emphasize to the applicant that
special permission must be obtained from the country over which the aircraft will be operated.
In addition, section C of Form 8130-7 should contain the statement, “Subject to D(2) on reverse side.”
(figure 4-19).
NOTE: When required to fly over an ICAO country, the operating limitations
issued with the special flight permit should include, when appropriate, the
following statement: “This aircraft does not comply with the international
standards of Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation as follows:
[describe here the item(s) which do not comply with the airworthiness
requirements for standard aircraft].”
o. Any other limitation that should be prescribed for the particular flight.
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a. General.
(1) The FAA has two primary concerns when issuing special flight permits for the temporary
operation of overweight aircraft:
(a) That the public will be guarded in the event of an accident; and
(b) That when the aircraft is returned to a standard configuration, it has not been rendered
unairworthy due to the overweight operations.
(2) With safety being the primary concern, it is essential that the processing office use the
technical assistance of other FAA offices or specialties as deemed necessary to ensure the highest degree
of safety possible. All installations, for example, a long-range fuel system or navigational equipment,
must be installed in accordance with FAA-approved data.
(3) Applications for which the proposed maximum weight does not exceed 110 percent of the
maximum certificated weight, and for which the certificated CG limits are not exceeded, may be
processed by district offices without obtaining an engineering evaluation (except for rotorcraft).
(4) Applications for which the proposed maximum weight exceeds 110 percent of the
maximum certificated weight, or the CG limits exceed the certificated limits, must be coordinated with
an ACO for an engineering evaluation of the structural integrity and for any other provisions
deemed necessary.
(5) All applications for rotorcraft must be coordinated with an ACO for an engineering
evaluation of the structural integrity, the flight integrity, and for any other provisions deemed necessary.
(6) The processing of an application must encompass a review of the airworthiness status of the
basic aircraft, an evaluation of the added installations that constitute the excess weight, required
flightcrew member qualifications, and proposed operating limitations.
b. Added Installations.
(a) When the submitted application falls under the provisions of paragraph 196a(4) or (5)
of this order, any drawings and reports submitted with the application that substantiate structural
integrity must be sufficiently detailed to show that the added installations are structurally and
functionally safe and to allow for a conformity inspection of the added installations.
(b) The structural report should reference the drawings used for the installation(s).
(a) The installation(s) added to the aircraft for the intended overweight flight must be
recorded in accordance with the requirements of § 43.9.
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(b) The following statement must be entered in section 3 of Form 337: “No person may
operate this aircraft, as altered herein, unless it has within it an appropriate and current special flight
permit issued under part 21.” (figure 4-20)
(3) Auxiliary Fuel System Installations. In the evaluation of the auxiliary fuel system
installations, the following items will be considered:
(a) The aircraft and auxiliary fuel system must meet all applicable airworthiness
requirements, except for those the aircraft cannot meet because of its overweight condition. The aircraft
and auxiliary fuel system must be found safe for the intended flight.
(b) Fuel tank(s) installed in a pressurized area should be tested for the maximum pressure
differential existing between cabin pressurization and aircraft maximum operating altitude with fuel
tank(s) empty.
(c) Adequate ventilation must be provided for the fuel tank(s) and the area in which the
fuel tank(s) are located to prevent the accumulation of fumes that would be detrimental to the flightcrew
or present a fire or explosion hazard.
(d) A means must be provided to readily determine the quantity of fuel in the auxiliary
tank(s) prior to takeoff. In addition, a means must be provided to indicate the quantity of fuel in tanks
that have a vapor/excess fuel return line, both prior to takeoff and during flight.
(e) The location of the fuel tank(s) in the aircraft is a major factor in determining that the
aircraft is safe for flight because the added fuel and fuel facilities have the greatest effect on the
aircraft’s CG. In addition, the fuel system installation must not restrict entrance to or exit from the
aircraft as provided by the applicable section of 14 CFR. If required under § 23.1001
(amendment 23-7), the aircraft should have an adequate fuel jettison system installed.
(f) Auxiliary fuel systems that are not complete, that is, not connected to the basic aircraft
fuel system, may not be considered for issuance of a special flight permit.
(4) Engine Oil Quantity. The applicant will show that the oil supply provided for each engine
is sufficient to ensure satisfactory cooling and system circulation for the duration of the flight. If
deemed necessary, an oil transfer system for replenishing the engine oil while the aircraft is in flight
must be provided.
(a) Section 21.197(b) limits any excess weight over the certificated maximum weight to
additional fuel, fuel carrying facilities, and navigational equipment added for the intended flight. It must
be determined that this part of the maximum weight complies with this requirement.
(b) When numerous alterations are performed, it may be necessary to weigh the aircraft to
establish the aircraft weight and the CG limits. The computations should be evaluated for accuracy. It
also may be necessary to require flight testing at the new maximum weight and CG limits to determine
that the aircraft is safe for operation. Computed weight and balance information should be reflected on
Form 337, section 8.
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(c) Operation of rotorcraft over the certificated maximum weight presents some unique
conditions over and above those encountered with fixed-wing aircraft. Special attention should be given
to this type of aircraft. A careful evaluation should be made to determine what effect the overweight
operation may have on the retirement times of critical parts.
(6) Operating limitations must be prescribed as deemed necessary. Reference paragraphs 166
and 175 of this order, and include:
(a) Operation in the overweight condition must be conducted to avoid cities, towns,
villages, and congested areas, or any other areas where the flights might create hazards to persons
or property.
(b) Runway [specify] must be used for overweight takeoff (and landing when appropriate).
If an en route stop is scheduled, the following must be added to this limitation: Contact FAA office,
[city, routing symbol, and telephone number] for runway to be used for overweight takeoff and landing
at [city].
(c) A copy of Form 337 covering the additional fuel-carrying facilities and equipment must
be in the aircraft.
(d) Special entries to note required inspection of the aircraft for possible damage due to
overweight operation upon completion of overweight flight(s)
permit issued for production flight testing may be used by a manufacturer to meet the requirements of
§ 91.203 when operating new production aircraft for the purpose of production flight testing, as
provided in § 21.197. This permit may be used with Form 8050-3 and Aeronautical Center
Form 8050-6, A Dealer’s Aircraft Registration Certificate, or Form 8050-1, and is transferable from
one aircraft to another, except for LSA, which require one special flight permit for each aircraft. The
permit normally is valid only for the purpose of production flight testing. However, when deemed
appropriate, the MIDO/CMO may allow both production flight testing and customer demonstration to be
entered in block A of Form 8130-7 as explained in paragraph 198 of this order. The applicable
operating limitations are printed in block B on the reverse side of Form 8130-7 (figure 4-1).
a. Eligibility.
(1) A manufacturer producing aircraft under any of the following subparts of part 21 is eligible
to obtain special flight permits for production flight testing:
(a) Subpart F. (It is not necessary for the manufacturer to have an APIS.)
(b) Subpart G.
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7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
(2) A manufacturer producing aircraft prior to issuance of the TC also is eligible for a special
flight permit for production flight testing provided the following conditions are met:
(a) The manufacturer holds a TC and a currently effective PC for at least one other aircraft
in the same category.
(c) A prototype aircraft of that model has been flown by the manufacturer under an
experimental certificate to ensure that there are no adverse flight characteristics and that production test
pilots are fully familiar with the aircraft.
(d) An FAA-accepted production flight test procedure and checklist for the aircraft
involved will be used to ensure that all requirements for production flight tests are fulfilled.
(e) The aircraft is not being flown by the manufacturer for purposes other than production
flight tests, except as identified in paragraph 198 of this order.
(f) Limitations have been established to define the production flight test area.
(3) A manufacturer producing LSA under § 21.190 is eligible to obtain special flight permits
for production flight testing within the provisions established in paragraph 123 of this order.
(1) An eligible manufacturer should apply for as many special flight permits for production
flight testing as deemed necessary for satisfactory coverage of the aircraft involved. The number of
special flight permits for production flight testing issued to the manufacturer must be limited to
actual need.
(2) A MIDO that has issued special flight permits for production flight testing should maintain
suitable accountability records that show expiration dates not exceeding 12 months from the date of
issuance, and the number of permits issued to each manufacturer. It is recommended that each permit
issued be numbered serially in the upper-right corner of the airworthiness certificate by the issuing
office; for example, SW-MIDO-41. The same serial number may be reassigned to a manufacturer each
year. The issuing official must sign each permit and associated limitations in ink above the typed name.
A copy of the transmittal letter should be forwarded by the issuing MIDO to the MIO.
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
until the aircraft has satisfactorily completed its production flight tests. The format for listing both flight
purposes is “Production Flight Testing or Customer Demonstration.”
NOTE: The meaning of the word “customer” for the purpose of this airworthiness
certificate means any person or organization judged by the manufacturer to be an
acknowledged or potential aircraft purchaser.
a. Eligibility. A special flight permit for conducting customer demonstration flights may be
issued when the following conditions are met:
(2) The PC/TC holder has satisfactorily completed production flight tests. Completion of
production flight tests indicates acceptance by the production flight test pilot and no further flight tests
are required or planned.
(1) A letter from the manufacturer must accompany the application describing the customer
demonstration flights to be made if sufficient information cannot be included on the application.
(2) Upon receipt of a properly executed application, the issuing FAA representative must
inspect the aircraft and prescribe the operating limitations in accordance with paragraphs 166 and 195 of
this order, as deemed necessary for safe operation. It is not necessary to repeat the limitations on the
reverse side of Form 8130-7, except for the statement, “Subject to D(2) on reverse side,” which must be
entered in block C on the face side of the form. The demonstration flight area(s) also must be listed on
the operating limitations. Special flight permits may be issued only for the period needed to complete
demonstration flights, usually not to exceed 90 days.
(3) If the MIDO determines that the PC holder has procedures in place to safeguard the storage
and issuance of special flight permits for customer demonstration flights, permits that are transferable
from one aircraft to another may be issued. It is still necessary to prescribe operating limitations in
accordance with paragraphs 166 and 195 of this order, as deemed necessary for safe operation. The
statement, “Subject to D(2) on reverse side” must be entered in block C on the face side of Form 8130-7.
The expiration date shown on Form 8130-7 and the associated limitations must not exceed 12 months
from the date of issuance. The permits issued in this manner should be serialized so as to differentiate
them from any production flight permits which may have been issued. The number of special flight
permits for conducting customer demonstration flights issued to a manufacturer must be limited to actual
(4) The MIDO issuing special flight permits for customer demonstration flights will maintain a
copy of the complete file in accordance with record retention requirements.
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7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
a. Eligibility. A special flight permit may be issued for certain large aircraft for which part 125 is
not applicable. In those cases, the following provisions must be met.
(1) Prior to issuance of a special flight permit, the applicant must select, identify in the aircraft
maintenance records, and use one of the programs specified in § 91.409(f). If the program selected
contains provisions addressing situation-specific inspection of the aircraft, then those provisions may be
used to ensure safe operation of the aircraft. If the program selected does not contain those provisions,
the FAA will specify the appropriate inspections and/or tests required to ensure safe operation.
(2) In some cases the applicant may not intend to place the aircraft in service following the
flight authorized by the special flight permit. In this case the applicant may wish to select, identify,
and use the program specified in § 91.409(f)(4). Unless provisions for additional flights are provided for
in the FAA-approved program, no additional flights are permitted.
(3) The following examples are provided to illustrate how the above procedures may
be applied:
EXAMPLE 2: XYZ Leasing wishes to operate its A-300 from one storage location
to another. When applying for the special flight permit, XYZ submits a description
of the inspections and tests it considers necessary to ensure safe operation of the
aircraft. Upon review of the submitted description, the FAA issues the special
flight permit with the conditions and limitations under which XYZ may operate its
aircraft following the satisfactory completion of the inspections and tests described.
XYZ may then select, identify, and use the description of inspections and tests
approved by the FAA as the inspection program under which the aircraft is to be
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(4) The scope and detail of the inspections and/or tests required to ensure safe operation may
vary considerably depending on why the permit is issued and/or the conditions or circumstances
surrounding the subject aircraft. Inservice aircraft that have been routinely maintained and/or
inspected under an approved inspection program may not require more than the normal inspections
routinely required.
(5) Aircraft that have been damaged or have been out of service for an extended period of time
may require additional inspections or tests to ensure safety. Aircraft that have been damaged may
require engineering evaluations or special tests to determine airworthiness. In the case of aircraft that
have been out of service, the way the aircraft was stored should be evaluated. In many cases, aircraft in
storage have been routinely maintained and inspected, and have had preventive maintenance performed
at regular intervals. These aircraft normally would require less attention before any anticipated flight.
However, any aircraft that has been in storage for an extended period of time requires, at the very least,
an extensive visual inspection by a properly certificated mechanic, an inspection of the fuel storage
and delivery systems for contamination, and operational checks of all systems and equipment that may
be required to function on the intended flight.
(6) Indiscriminate operation of these types of aircraft should be discouraged by restricting the
operation of the aircraft to specific airports and to a specific flight path. The special flight permit should
be issued for no more than 7 days.
(7) When the flight characteristics of the aircraft have not been appreciably altered, persons
other than flightcrew members and/or persons essential to the operation of the aircraft may be carried
aboard during flight operations authorized by a special flight permit. In those cases, the
passenger-carrying requirements of part 91 will apply.
(8) An FAA Flight Standards Operations Inspector, type rated in the aircraft, must be consulted
regarding the adequacy and appropriateness of the conditions and limitations of the special flight permit.
(9) Special flight permits for large aircraft are issued by the FSDO having geographic
responsibility for the area in which the aircraft is located. A CHDO may issue a special flight permit for
its part 121, 125, or 133, or 14 CFR part 137, Agricultural Aircraft Operations, certificate holders who
do not have a continuing authorization, but only for those aircraft listed on the certificate holder’s
aircraft listing. A CHDO may not issue a special flight permit for an aircraft located outside the
CHDO’s geographic boundaries unless that aircraft is listed on the certificate holder’s aircraft listing.
(10) In order to provide proper surveillance and oversight of the flight operations of these types
of aircraft, it is recommended that the issuing office advise the destination FSDO or regional
airworthiness branch of the conditions and limitations of the special flight permit, as well as the
aircraft’s anticipated arrival time and destination.
(11) The operation of noise-restricted aircraft (§ 91.805) requires an SFA issued in accordance
with SFAR No. 64. A special flight permit is not required in these instances and will not be issued
unless the aircraft does not meet applicable airworthiness standards as provided in § 21.197. All other
inspection program requirements apply.
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
Any alteration, reproduction or misuse of this certificate may be punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 3 years, or
FAA Form 8130-7 (07/04) SEE REVERSE SIDE
This airworthiness certificate is issued under the authority of Public Law 104-6, 49 United States Code
A (USC) 44704 and Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The airworthiness certificate authorizes the manufacturer named on the reverse side to conduct
production fight tests, and only production flight tests, of aircraft registered in his name. No person may
B conduct production flight tests under this certificate: (1) Carrying persons or property for compensation or
hire: and/or (2) Carrying persons not essential to the purpose of the flight.
This airworthiness certificate authorizes the flight specified on the reverse side for the purpose shown in
C Block A.
This airworthiness certificate certifies that as of the date of issuance, the aircraft to which issued has been
inspected and found to meet the requirements of the applicable CFR. The aircraft does not meet the
requirements of the applicable comprehensive and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to
D the Convention On International Civil Aviation. No person may operate the aircraft described on the
reverse side: (1) except in accordance with the applicable CFR and in accordance with conditions and
limitations which may be prescribed by the Administrator as part of this certificate; (2) over any foreign
country without the special permission of that country.
Unless sooner surrendered, suspended, or revoked, this airworthiness certificate is effective for the
E duration and under the conditions prescribed in 14 CFR Part 21, Section 21.181 or 21.217.
Page 203
8130.2F 11/5/2004
Any alteration, reproduction or misuse of this certificate may be punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 3 years, or
FAA Form 8130-7 (07/04) SEE REVERSE SIDE
This airworthiness certificate is issued under the authority of Public Law 104-6, 49 United States Code
A (USC) 44704 and Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The airworthiness certificate authorizes the manufacturer named on the reverse side to conduct
production fight tests, and only production flight tests, of aircraft registered in his name. No person may
B conduct production flight tests under this certificate: (1) Carrying persons or property for compensation or
hire: and/or (2) Carrying persons not essential to the purpose of the flight.
This airworthiness certificate authorizes the flight specified on the reverse side for the purpose shown in
C Block A.
This airworthiness certificate certifies that as of the date of issuance, the aircraft to which issued has been
inspected and found to meet the requirements of the applicable CFR. The aircraft does not meet the
requirements of the applicable comprehensive and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to
D the Convention On International Civil Aviation. No person may operate the aircraft described on the
reverse side: (1) except in accordance with the applicable CFR and in accordance with conditions and
limitations which may be prescribed by the Administrator as part of this certificate; (2) over any foreign
country without the special permission of that country.
Unless sooner surrendered, suspended, or revoked, this airworthiness certificate is effective for the
E duration and under the conditions prescribed in 14 CFR Part 21, Section 21.181 or 21.217.
Page 204
11/5/2004 8130.2F
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
F0002 TCM I0-360-ES
One McCauley 2A34C209 IMPORT
APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR: (Check applicable items)
OPERATING 8B Operating light-sport kit-built
8C Operating light-sport previously issued special light-sport category airworthiness certificate under § 21.190
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
X Revision No.) X number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
CE785 2001-01
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
X COMPLIANCE WITH 2.1 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 -0-
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
Joe Quality
01/27/2001 Joe Quality, Director, Q.A.
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
Bob Gooday
4 1
Bob Gooday
01/27/2001 CE43
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 205
8130.2F 11/5/2004
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
(Attach when required)
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 206
11/5/2004 8130.2F
This airworthiness certificate is issued under the authority of Public Law 104-6, 49 United States Code
A (USC) 44704 and Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The airworthiness certificate authorizes the manufacturer named on the reverse side to conduct
production fight tests, and only production flight tests, of aircraft registered in his name. No person may
B conduct production flight tests under this certificate: (1) Carrying persons or property for compensation or
hire: and/or (2) Carrying persons not essential to the purpose of the flight.
This airworthiness certificate authorizes the flight specified on the reverse side for the purpose shown in
C Block A.
This airworthiness certificate certifies that as of the date of issuance, the aircraft to which issued has been
inspected and found to meet the requirements of the applicable CFR. The aircraft does not meet the
requirements of the applicable comprehensive and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to
D the Convention On International Civil Aviation. No person may operate the aircraft described on the
reverse side: (1) except in accordance with the applicable CFR and in accordance with conditions and
limitations which may be prescribed by the Administrator as part of this certificate; (2) over any foreign
country without the special permission of that country.
Unless sooner surrendered, suspended, or revoked, this airworthiness certificate is effective for the
E duration and under the conditions prescribed in 14 CFR Part 21, Section 21.181 or 21.217.
Page 207
8130.2F 11/5/2004
Page 208
11/5/2004 8130.2F
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
FL009 TCM I0-360-ES
One McCauley 2A34C209 X IMPORT
APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR: (Check applicable items)
OPERATING 8B Operating light-sport kit-built
8C Operating light-sport previously issued special light-sport category airworthiness certificate under § 21.190
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
X Revision No.) X number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
A1EU Rev. 3 2001-01
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
N/A GL234A
X COMPLIANCE WITH 3.0 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 -0-
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
Harry Jones
01/27/2001 Harry Jones, Manager, Quality
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
Sue Lacy
4 1
Sue Lacy
01/27/2001 CE45
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 209
8130.2F 11/5/2004
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
X (Attach when required)
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 210
11/5/2004 8130.2F
This airworthiness certificate is issued under the authority of Public Law 104-6, 49 United States Code
A (USC) 44704 and Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The airworthiness certificate authorizes the manufacturer named on the reverse side to conduct
production fight tests, and only production flight tests, of aircraft registered in his name. No person may
B conduct production flight tests under this certificate: (1) Carrying persons or property for compensation or
hire: and/or (2) Carrying persons not essential to the purpose of the flight.
This airworthiness certificate authorizes the flight specified on the reverse side for the purpose shown in
C Block A.
This airworthiness certificate certifies that as of the date of issuance, the aircraft to which issued has been
inspected and found to meet the requirements of the applicable CFR. The aircraft does not meet the
requirements of the applicable comprehensive and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to
D the Convention On International Civil Aviation. No person may operate the aircraft described on the
reverse side: (1) except in accordance with the applicable CFR and in accordance with conditions and
limitations which may be prescribed by the Administrator as part of this certificate; (2) over any foreign
country without the special permission of that country.
Unless sooner surrendered, suspended, or revoked, this airworthiness certificate is effective for the
E duration and under the conditions prescribed in 14 CFR Part 21, Section 21.181 or 21.217.
Page 211
8130.2F 11/5/2004
Page 212
11/5/2004 8130.2F
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
172A-001 Continental 0-300-D
One McCauley 1C172/EM IMPORT
APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR: (Check applicable items)
OPERATING 8B Operating light-sport kit-built
8C Operating light-sport previously issued special light-sport category airworthiness certificate under § 21.190
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
X Revision No.) X number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
3A12 Rev. 35 2001-01
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
N/A SA 00986 CE
X COMPLIANCE WITH 3400.00 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 15.2
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
S. Flint
01/27/2001 Mr. S. Flint, Owner
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
Joe Mendez
4 1
Joe Mendez
01/27/2001 NW24
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 213
8130.2F 11/5/2004
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
X (Attach when required)
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 214
11/5/2004 8130.2F
This airworthiness certificate is issued under the authority of Public Law 104-6, 49 United States Code
A (USC) 44704 and Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The airworthiness certificate authorizes the manufacturer named on the reverse side to conduct
production fight tests, and only production flight tests, of aircraft registered in his name. No person may
B conduct production flight tests under this certificate: (1) Carrying persons or property for compensation or
hire: and/or (2) Carrying persons not essential to the purpose of the flight.
This airworthiness certificate authorizes the flight specified on the reverse side for the purpose shown in
C Block A.
This airworthiness certificate certifies that as of the date of issuance, the aircraft to which issued has been
inspected and found to meet the requirements of the applicable CFR. The aircraft does not meet the
requirements of the applicable comprehensive and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to
D the Convention On International Civil Aviation. No person may operate the aircraft described on the
reverse side: (1) except in accordance with the applicable CFR and in accordance with conditions and
limitations which may be prescribed by the Administrator as part of this certificate; (2) over any foreign
country without the special permission of that country.
Unless sooner surrendered, suspended, or revoked, this airworthiness certificate is effective for the
E duration and under the conditions prescribed in 14 CFR Part 21, Section 21.181 or 21.217.
Page 215
8130.2F 11/5/2004
1. No person may operate a primary category aircraft for carrying persons or property for compensation or
2. No person may operate a primary category aircraft that is maintained by the pilot-owner under an
approved special inspection and maintenance program except:
a. The pilot-owner; or
b. A designee of the pilot-owner, provided that the pilot-owner does not receive compensation for the
use of the aircraft.
3. No person may operate a primary category aircraft certificated under FAR 21.184 unless within the
preceding 12 calendar months the annual inspection required by FAR 91.409(a) has been performed. A
100-hour inspection required by FAR 91.409(b) is required if the aircraft is used for rental or flight
instruction for hire. The aircraft may only be returned to service by persons authorized by FAR 43.7.
4. A primary category aircraft does not meet the requirements of applicable, comprehensive, and detailed
airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. It may not
be operated over any other country without the special permission of the country. Evidence of that
permission must be carried aboard the aircraft along with the U.S. airworthiness certificate, and be made
available to the FAA or CAA in the country of operation upon request.
Page 216
11/5/2004 8130.2F
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
NX09 TCM I0-360-ES
One McCauley 2A34C209 IMPORT
APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR: (Check applicable items)
OPERATING 8B Operating light-sport kit-built
8C Operating light-sport previously issued special light-sport category airworthiness certificate under § 21.190
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
X Revision No.) X number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
A1W1 2001-01
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
X COMPLIANCE WITH 2.2 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 -0-
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
Mary Test
01/27/2001 Mary Test, Owner
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
Larry Kim
4 1
Larry Kim
01/27/2001 CE34
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 217
8130.2F 11/5/2004
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
(Attach when required)
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006
Page 218
11/5/2004 8130.2F
This airworthiness certificate is issued under the authority of Public Law 104-6, 49 United States Code
A (USC) 44704 and Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The airworthiness certificate authorizes the manufacturer named on the reverse side to conduct
production fight tests, and only production flight tests, of aircraft registered in his name. No person may
B conduct production flight tests under this certificate: (1) Carrying persons or property for compensation or
hire: and/or (2) Carrying persons not essential to the purpose of the flight.
This airworthiness certificate authorizes the flight specified on the reverse side for the purpose shown in
C Block A.
This airworthiness certificate certifies that as of the date of issuance, the aircraft to which issued has been
inspected and found to meet the requirements of the applicable CFR. The aircraft does not meet the
requirements of the applicable comprehensive and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to
D the Convention On International Civil Aviation. No person may operate the aircraft described on the
reverse side: (1) except in accordance with the applicable CFR and in accordance with conditions and
limitations which may be prescribed by the Administrator as part of this certificate; (2) over any foreign
country without the special permission of that country.
Unless sooner surrendered, suspended, or revoked, this airworthiness certificate is effective for the
E duration and under the conditions prescribed in 14 CFR Part 21, Section 21.181 or 21.217.
Page 219
8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
Federal Aviation
1. This aircraft must not be operated outside the assigned test area until it has been shown to comply with Federal
Aviation Regulation (FAR) Section 91.319(b). A log book entry must be made by the person finding compliance.
Flight test area (describe area needed to test aircraft).
2. No person may operate this aircraft for other than the purpose for which the special airworthiness certificate was
issued and the aircraft must be operating in accordance with the applicable FAA Air Traffic and General Operating
3. No operations must be conducted over densely populated areas or in congested airways, except for takeoffs and
4. Operator of this aircraft shall notify the control tower of the experimental nature of this aircraft when operating into
or out of airports with operating control towers.
5. Unless appropriately equipped for night and/or instrument flight in accordance with FAR 91.205, this aircraft shall
be operated Day VFR only.
6. This aircraft must contain the placards, markings, etc., required by FAR 91.9, as applicable.
7. No person may operate this aircraft for carrying persons or property for compensation or hire.
8. The person operating this aircraft shall advise each person carried of the experimental nature of this aircraft.
9. Aerobatic flights are limited to the aerobatics described in the aircraft log book or contained in placards are
10. Any major change to this aircraft, as defined by FAR 21.93, invalidates the special airworthiness certificate issued
for this aircraft.
11. FAA-certificated mechanics holding an Airframe and Powerplant rating, and appropriately rated repair station may
perform condition inspections in accordance with Appendix D of Part 43.
12. Condition inspections must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records showing the following or a similarly
worded statement: “I certify that this aircraft has been inspected on (insert date) in accordance with the scope and
detail of Appendix D of Part 43 and found to be in a condition for safe operation.” The entry will include the aircraft
total time-in-service, name, signature, and certificate type and number of the person performing the inspection.
Page 220
11/5/2004 8130.2F
2. Aircraft Description
3. Describe Program Purpose for which the aircraft is to be used (FAR 21.193(d)(1).
5. Describe the areas over which the flights are to be conducted, and address of base operation (FAR 21.193(d)(3)).
6. Describe the aircraft configuration (attach three-view drawings or three-view dimensioned photographs of the aircraft)
(FAR 21.193(b)(4)).
Page 221
8130.2F CHG 4 9/30/2009
Page 222
11/5/2004 8130.2F
Accomplished By
Kit Manufacturer Amateur
1. Fabricate Special Tools or Fixtures
2. Fabricate Longitudinal Members, Cores or Shells
3. Fabricate Bulkheads or Cross Members
4. Assemble Fuselage Basic Structure
5. Fabricate Brackets and Fittings
6. Install Brackets and Fittings
7. Fabricate Cables, Wire, and Lines
8. Install Cables, Wires, and Lines
9. Fabricate Fuselage Covering or Skin
10. Install Fuselage Covering or Skin
11. Fabricate Windshield/Windows/Canopy
12. Install Windshield/Windows/Canopy
1. Fabricate Special Tools or Fixtures
2. Fabricate Wing Spars
3. Fabricate Wing Ribs or Cores
4. Fabricate Wing Leading and Trailing Edge
5. Fabricate Drag/Anti-Drag Truss Members
6. Fabricate Wing Brackets and Fittings
7. Fabricate Wing Tips
8. Assemble Basic Wing Structures
9. Install Wing Leading/Trailing Edge and Tips
10. Install Drag/Anti-Drag Truss
11. Fabricate Cables, Wires and Lines
12. Install Cables, Wires, and Lines
13. Fabricate Wing Covering or Skin
14. Install Wing Covering or Skin
15. Fabricate Wing Struts/Wires
16. Install and Rig Wings and Struts
Page 223
8130.2F 11/5/2004
Page 224
11/5/2004 8130.2F
1. Fabricate Canard
2. Assemble Canard Structure
3. Install and Rig Canard
1. Fabricate Special Tools or Fixtures
2. Fabricate Struts
3. Fabricate Brakes System
4. Fabricate Retraction System
5. Fabricate Cables, Wires and Lines
6. Assemble Wheels, Brakes, Tires, Landing Gear
7. Install Landing Gear System Components
1. Fabricate Special Tools of Fixtures
2. Fabricate Engine Mount
3. Fabricate Engine Cooling System/Baffles
4. Fabricate Induction System
5. Fabricate Exhaust System
6. Fabricate Engine Controls
7. Fabricate Brackets and Fittings
8. Fabricate Cables, Wires and Lines
9. Assemble Engine
10. Install Engine and Items Listed Above
11. Fabricate Engine Cowling
12. Install Engine Cowling
13. Fabricate Propeller
14. Install Propeller
15. Fabricate Fuel Tank
Page 225
8130.2F 11/5/2004
Page 226
11/5/2004 8130.2F
Page 227
8130.2F 11/5/2004
Page 228
9/30/2006 8130.2F CHG 4
Page 229
8130.2F 11/5/2004
This airworthiness certificate is issued under the authority of Public Law 104-6, 49 United States Code
A (USC) 44704 and Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The airworthiness certificate authorizes the manufacturer named on the reverse side to conduct
production fight tests, and only production flight tests, of aircraft registered in his name. No person may
B conduct production flight tests under this certificate: (1) Carrying persons or property for compensation or
hire: and/or (2) Carrying persons not essential to the purpose of the flight.
This airworthiness certificate authorizes the flight specified on the reverse side for the purpose shown in
C Block A.
This airworthiness certificate certifies that as of the date of issuance, the aircraft to which issued has been
inspected and found to meet the requirements of the applicable CFR. The aircraft does not meet the
requirements of the applicable comprehensive and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to
D the Convention On International Civil Aviation. No person may operate the aircraft described on the
reverse side: (1) except in accordance with the applicable CFR and in accordance with conditions and
limitations which may be prescribed by the Administrator as part of this certificate; (2) over any foreign
country without the special permission of that country.
Unless sooner surrendered, suspended, or revoked, this airworthiness certificate is effective for the
E duration and under the conditions prescribed in 14 CFR Part 21, Section 21.181 or 21.217.
Page 230
11/5/2004 8130.2F
This airworthiness certificate is issued under the authority of Public Law 104-6, 49 United States Code
A (USC) 44704 and Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The airworthiness certificate authorizes the manufacturer named on the reverse side to conduct
production fight tests, and only production flight tests, of aircraft registered in his name. No person may
B conduct production flight tests under this certificate: (1) Carrying persons or property for compensation or
hire: and/or (2) Carrying persons not essential to the purpose of the flight.
This airworthiness certificate authorizes the flight specified on the reverse side for the purpose shown in
C Block A.
This airworthiness certificate certifies that as of the date of issuance, the aircraft to which issued has been
inspected and found to meet the requirements of the applicable CFR. The aircraft does not meet the
requirements of the applicable comprehensive and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to
D the Convention On International Civil Aviation. No person may operate the aircraft described on the
reverse side: (1) except in accordance with the applicable CFR and in accordance with conditions and
limitations which may be prescribed by the Administrator as part of this certificate; (2) over any foreign
country without the special permission of that country.
Unless sooner surrendered, suspended, or revoked, this airworthiness certificate is effective for the
E duration and under the conditions prescribed in 14 CFR Part 21, Section 21.181 or 21.217.
Page 231
8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
No person may operate this aircraft, as altered herein, unless it has within it an appropriate
and current Special Flight Permit issued under the provisions of 14 CFR part 21.
Page 232
7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
0007 Rotax 912UL
One IVO 3 blade IMPORT
APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR: (Check applicable items)
OPERATING 8B Operating light-sport kit-built
8C Operating light-sport previously issued special light-sport category airworthiness certificate under § 21.190
B. AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION BASIS (Check applicable blocks and complete items as indicated)
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
Revision No.) number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
COMPLIANCE WITH N/A 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 N/A
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR X FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
Larry Clymer
4 1
01/05/2006 CE-XX
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006 *
Page 233
8130.2F CHG 2 7/10/2006
ACME Co. 420 W Jackson, Mexico MO 65265
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
(Attach when required)
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006 *
Page 234
7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
This airworthiness certificate is issued under the authority of Public Law 104-6, 49 United States Code
A (USC) 44704 and Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The airworthiness certificate authorizes the manufacturer named on the reverse side to conduct
production fight tests, and only production flight tests, of aircraft registered in his name. No person may
B conduct production flight tests under this certificate: (1) Carrying persons or property for compensation or
hire: and/or (2) Carrying persons not essential to the purpose of the flight.
This airworthiness certificate authorizes the flight specified on the reverse side for the purpose shown in
C Block A.
This airworthiness certificate certifies that as of the date of issuance, the aircraft to which issued has been
inspected and found to meet the requirements of the applicable CFR. The aircraft does not meet the
requirements of the applicable comprehensive and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to
D the Convention On International Civil Aviation. No person may operate the aircraft described on the
reverse side: (1) except in accordance with the applicable CFR and in accordance with conditions and
limitations which may be prescribed by the Administrator as part of this certificate; (2) over any foreign
country without the special permission of that country.
Unless sooner surrendered, suspended, or revoked, this airworthiness certificate is effective for the
E duration and under the conditions prescribed in 14 CFR Part 21, Section 21.181 or 21.217.
Page 235
8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
Federal Aviation
1. No person may operate this aircraft for other than the purpose of meeting the
requirements of § 21.190(c)(7) during flight testing. In addition, this aircraft must be
operated in accordance with applicable air traffic and general operating rules of part 91
and all additional limitations herein prescribed. These operating limitations are a part of
a special flight permit and are to be carried in the aircraft at all times and be available to
the pilot in command of the aircraft.
2. All flight must be conducted within the geographical area described as follows. The
area must be described by radius, coordinates, and/or landmarks. The designated area
must be over open water or sparsely populated areas having light air traffic. The size of
area must be that required to safely conduct the anticipated maneuvers and tests.
3. All flights must be conducted and recorded in accordance with the manufacturer’s
production acceptance test procedure that meets the applicable consensus standard.
5. The production test pilot in command of this aircraft must hold at least a private pilot
certificate, have obtained the appropriate logbook endorsements to act as pilot in
command, and have a minimum of 100 hours as a pilot in command in that category and
_______________________________________ _______________
Date FAA Representative Designation
Page 236
7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
00002 Rotax 912
One McCauley 2A34C209 IMPORT
APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR: (Check applicable items)
OPERATING 8B Operating light-sport kit-built
8C Operating light-sport previously issued special light-sport category airworthiness certificate under § 21.190
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
Revision No.) number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
ASTM Standard F2245-04 NONE
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
COMPLIANCE WITH N/A 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 N/A
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
Joseph Quality
09/01/2004 Joe Quality, Manager, Q.A.
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
Steven Zahrt
4 1
Steven Zahrt, DARF-011369-CE
09/14/2004 CE43
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006 *
Page 237
8130.2F CHG 1 4/1/2005
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
(Attach when required)
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006 *
Page 238
7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
CD-0057 Rotax 912 UL
One Aeroplast 3 bld 60″ Ground Adjust. IMPORT
APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR: (Check applicable items)
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
Revision No.) number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
X COMPLIANCE WITH 55.0 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 N/A
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
09/01/2005 Dean Wermer, Owner Dean Wermer
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
Steven Zahrt
4 1
Steven Zahrt, DARF-011369-CE
10/12/2005 CE45
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006 *
Page 239
8130.2F CHG 1 4/1/2005
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
(Attach when required)
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006 *
Page 240
7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
This airworthiness certificate is issued under the authority of Public Law 104-6, 49 United States Code
A (USC) 44704 and Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The airworthiness certificate authorizes the manufacturer named on the reverse side to conduct
production fight tests, and only production flight tests, of aircraft registered in his name. No person may
B conduct production flight tests under this certificate: (1) Carrying persons or property for compensation or
hire: and/or (2) Carrying persons not essential to the purpose of the flight.
This airworthiness certificate authorizes the flight specified on the reverse side for the purpose shown in
C Block A.
This airworthiness certificate certifies that as of the date of issuance, the aircraft to which issued has been
inspected and found to meet the requirements of the applicable CFR. The aircraft does not meet the
requirements of the applicable comprehensive and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to
D the Convention On International Civil Aviation. No person may operate the aircraft described on the
reverse side: (1) except in accordance with the applicable CFR and in accordance with conditions and
limitations which may be prescribed by the Administrator as part of this certificate; (2) over any foreign
country without the special permission of that country.
Unless sooner surrendered, suspended, or revoked, this airworthiness certificate is effective for the
E duration and under the conditions prescribed in 14 CFR Part 21, Section 21.181 or 21.217.
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8130.2F CHG 2 7/10/2006
Page 242
7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
APPLICATION FOR INSTRUCTIONS - Print or type. Do not write in shaded areas; these are for
U.S. Department FAA use only. Submit original only to an authorized FAA Representative. If
of Transportation U.S. AIRWORTHINESS additional space is required, use attachment. For special flight permits
Federal Aviation
CERTIFICATE complete Sections II, VI, and VII as applicable.
AC-0022 Yamaha 90 cc
One GSC 38” Ground Adjust. IMPORT
APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR: (Check applicable items)
AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATION OR TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET (Give No. and AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES (Check if all applicable ADs are complied with and give the
Revision No.) number of the last AD SUPPLEMENT available in the biweekly series as of the date of application)
AIRCRAFT LISTING (Give page number(s)) SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (List number of each STC incorporated)
COMPLIANCE WITH -0- 3 issued or renewed)
14 CFR section 91.417 N/A
D. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above, that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and that the aircraft has been inspected and is airworthy and eligible
for the airworthiness certificate requested.
09/01/2005 Mark A. Williams, Owner Mark A. Williams
A. THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND FOUND AIRWORTHY BY: (Complete the section only if 14 CFR part 21.183(d) applies)
2 3 6
A. I find that the aircraft described in Section I or VII meets requirements for 4 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION OF CURRENT AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE
B. Inspection for a special flight permit under Section VII FAA INSPECTOR FAA DESIGNEE
was conducted by: CERTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER 14 CFR part 65 14 CFR part 121 OR 135 14 CFR part 145
Steven Zahrt
4 1
Steven Zahrt, DARF-011369-CE
10/12/04 CE45
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006 *
Page 243
8130.2F CHG 2 7/10/2006
F. CERTIFICATION - I hereby certify that I am the registered owner (or his agent) of the aircraft described above; that the aircraft is registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code 44101 et seq. and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations; and that the aircraft has been inspected and is
safe for the flight described.
A. Operating Limitations and Markings in Compliance With 14 CFR Section 91.9, G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach when required)
As Applicable
H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft
(Attach when required)
FAA Form 8130-6 (10/04) Previous Edition dated 5/01 May Be Used Until Depleted, Except For Light-Sport Aircraft NSN: 0052-00-024-7006 *
Page 244
7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
This airworthiness certificate is issued under the authority of Public Law 104-6, 49 United States Code
A (USC) 44704 and Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The airworthiness certificate authorizes the manufacturer named on the reverse side to conduct
production fight tests, and only production flight tests, of aircraft registered in his name. No person may
B conduct production flight tests under this certificate: (1) Carrying persons or property for compensation or
hire: and/or (2) Carrying persons not essential to the purpose of the flight.
This airworthiness certificate authorizes the flight specified on the reverse side for the purpose shown in
C Block A.
This airworthiness certificate certifies that as of the date of issuance, the aircraft to which issued has been
inspected and found to meet the requirements of the applicable CFR. The aircraft does not meet the
requirements of the applicable comprehensive and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to
D the Convention On International Civil Aviation. No person may operate the aircraft described on the
reverse side: (1) except in accordance with the applicable CFR and in accordance with conditions and
limitations which may be prescribed by the Administrator as part of this certificate; (2) over any foreign
country without the special permission of that country.
Unless sooner surrendered, suspended, or revoked, this airworthiness certificate is effective for the
E duration and under the conditions prescribed in 14 CFR Part 21, Section 21.181 or 21.217.
Page 244-1
8130.2F CHG 2 7/10/2006
3. Aircraft Serial No. 4. Date of Manufacture (MM dd, yyyy) 5. Aircraft Make 6. Aircraft Model
00002 09/02/2005 ACME Flyer I
7. Maximum Take-off Weight 8. Maximum Number Occupants 9. VH 10. VS1
1,430 lb 2 120 KCAS 45 KCAS
Class of light-sport aircraft: (Check all applicable items) X Operation on Water
X Airplane Powered Parachute Weight-Shift-Control Glider Lighter-Than-Air
Consensus Standard(s) (list below or use attachment) Revision Valid Until
ASTM Standard F2245-04 (design and performance) N/A N/A
ASTM Standard F2339-04 (engine)
II. Applicable User Manuals
attributed to flight testing. All applicable service directives to date have been incorporated and annotated in the aircraft
Manufacturer’s Quality Assurance System (list applicable items) Revision Date 07/23/2005
ACME-QCS.001 Rev C
ASTM Standard F2279-03 Revision N/A
Manufacturer’s Continued Airworthiness System (list applicable items) Revision Date 10/31/2004
ACME-CAW.002 Rev A
ASTM Standard F2295-03 Revision N/A
CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that aircraft serial number -00002 complies with the Consensus
Standard(s) identified on this statement of compliance and that the Manufacturer’s Continued Airworthiness
System will be adhered to support the aircraft throughout its life. This aircraft (1) was manufactured
IV. Manufacturer’s Certification
following the consensus standard(s) procedures and Manufacturer’s Quality Assurance System identified
on this statement, (2) conforms to the manufacturer’s design data, (3) was ground and flight tested
successfully, and (4) is in a condition for safe operation. Additionally, at the request of the FAA, the
manufacturer will provide unrestricted access to its facilities.
Title: Date
FAA Form 8130-15 (09-04) *
Page 244-2
7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
3. Aircraft Serial No. 4. Date of Manufacture (MM dd, yyyy) 5. Aircraft Make 6. Aircraft Model
K-00014 Kit – 03/07/2006 Express Flyer Silver One
7. Maximum Take-off Weight 8. Maximum Number Occupants 9. VH 10. VS1
1,320 lb 2 120 KCAS 45 KCAS
Class of light-sport aircraft: (Check all applicable items) Operation on Water
X Airplane Powered Parachute Weight-Shift-Control Glider Lighter-Than-Air
Consensus Standard(s) (list below or use attachment) Revision Valid Until
Silver One Assembly Instructions, KFSO-1A Rev A N/A
ASTM Standard F2245-04 (design and performance) N/A N/A
II. Applicable User Manuals
Manufacturer’s Quality Assurance System (list applicable items) Revision Date 01/18/2006
Express Aircraft QA Manual Rev C
ASTM Standard F2279-03 Revision N/A
Manufacturer’s Continued Airworthiness System (list applicable items) Revision Date
CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that aircraft kit serial number K-00014 complies with the Consensus
Standard(s) identified on this statement of compliance and that the Manufacturer’s Continued Airworthiness
System will be adhered to support the aircraft throughout its life. This aircraft (1) was manufactured
IV. Manufacturer’s Certification
following the consensus standard(s) procedures and Manufacturer’s Quality Assurance System identified
on this statement, (2) conforms to the manufacturer’s design data, (3) was ground and flight tested
successfully, and (4) is in a condition for safe operation. Additionally, at the request of the FAA, the
manufacturer will provide unrestricted access to its facilities.
Title: Date
FAA Form 8130-15 (09-04) *
Page 244-3
8130.2F CHG 4 9/30/2009
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
214. GENERAL. This chapter provides policy and procedures for the issuance of export approvals
under the provisions of part 21, subpart L, Export Airworthiness Approvals.
a. A number of countries have identified special requirements and conditions with which the FAA
must comply. Compliance by the exporter is required before the importing country/jurisdiction will
validate the FAA export approval. AC 21-2 identifies these special requirements. Appendix 2 to
AC 21-2 refers to the various countries’ and jurisdictions’ requirements. Specific requirements also are
identified in BASA IPA. In many cases, the specific application forms or other documents referenced in
AC 21-2 are not available in FAA field offices. In such cases, it will be necessary for the exporter, not
the FAA, to obtain these documents directly from the appropriate CAA.
NOTE: The most recent updates to AC 21-2 may be accessed through the Internet
at http://www.airweb.faa.gov/AC. Under “Advisory Circulars,” “Current ACs,”
select “By Number.” Scroll down until you see AC 21-2. Select the link. The
AC is available as a PDF file to be printed or downloaded.
c. When any requirements, including the special requirements determined necessary by the
importing country/jurisdiction for its certification basis (for example, changes to meet environmental
conditions), cannot or will not be satisfied, the exporter must obtain a written statement from the CAA
of the importing country/jurisdiction indicating acceptance of the deviation. Exporters are encouraged
to obtain information on additional requirements directly from the CAA of the importing
d. In addition to a letter of acceptance from the importing CAA, the items not complied with must
be identified in the Exceptions block of the Export C of A or on the export airworthiness approval.
e. AC 21-23, lists the countries/jurisdictions with which the United States has concluded formal
bilateral agreements for reciprocal acceptance of Export Certificates of Airworthiness. Updated
information on each agreement is available on the Internet at
http://www.faa.gov/aircraft/air_cert/international/bilateral_agreements. Special requirements listed in
AC 21-2 include those submitted by some of the bilateral agreement countries/jurisdictions, as well as
special requirements submitted by countries/jurisdictions with whom no formal agreement exists.
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
g. Form 8130-4 certifies compliance with applicable requirements but DOES NOT
CONSTITUTE AUTHORITY TO OPERATE AN AIRCRAFT. When issued for new aircraft, the
certification is considered original. When the aircraft is imported back into the United States, the
certification is considered recurrent.
h. Additional information and guidance concerning airworthiness certificates and/or flight permits
can be found in AC 20-65, U.S. Airworthiness Certificates and Authorizations for Operation of
Domestic and Foreign Aircraft.
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
218. ELIGIBILITY. Any person may apply for an export airworthiness approval. Aircraft are eligible
for an Export C of A if they meet the requirements of § 21.329. Aircraft engines, propellers, and articles
are eligible for an export airworthiness approval if they meet the requirements of § 21.331.
219. SECTION 21.325, EXPORT AIRWORTHINESS APPROVALS. This section covers the
manner in which aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers and articles are exported. A sample Export
Certificate of Airworthiness, FAA Form 8130-4, is shown in figure 5-1 of this order.
a. Unassembled Aircraft. All new aircraft presented for export approval must be completely
assembled and flight tested. Because compliance with the PC rules ensures conformity with the
approved type design, aircraft certificated under parts 23 and 27, or CAR parts 3, 4a, and 6, as well as
gliders manufactured under a PC, are exempt from this requirement. If these aircraft are shipped
unassembled, the exporter must furnish to the importing CAA the manufacturer’s assembly instructions
and the FAA-approved flight test checkoff form. Care should be taken to ensure the importing
country/jurisdiction has no special requirements that prohibit importing unassembled aircraft.
b. Products Located in Countries Other Than the United States. Section 21.325(c) permits
the issuance of export approvals for used aircraft, aircraft engines, and propellers located in other
countries/jurisdictions. The applicable field office is responsible for determining whether the
acceptance of these products, any necessary FAA inspections, and the issuance of these approvals would
create an undue burden on the FAA. This regulation was adopted as a service to U.S. citizens abroad to
assist them in the legitimate disposal of used airworthy products to other countries/jurisdictions.
Caution should be exercised to ensure that this feature of the regulation is not used as a means of
obtaining an easy “rubber stamp” approval. Before accepting an application, the geographically
responsible international office should make sure that the applicant is willing and able to meet all
applicable requirements.
220. SECTION 21.327, APPLICATION. Chapter 8 of this order provides instructions for filling out
FAA Form 8130-1, Application for an Export Certificate of Airworthiness. Part I of the form must be
completed for aircraft. Aircraft engines, propellers, and articles do not require a written application. In
this case, an oral application or request should be made to the FAA or designated representative of the
FAA authorized to issue those approvals.
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
a. An Export C of A may be issued only for COMPLETE aircraft shown by the applicant to meet
the applicable requirements specified under § 21.329. Aircraft that are exported disassembled are
considered complete aircraft.
b. Under the provisions of this section, new or used U.S.-manufactured aircraft do not require a
standard airworthiness certificate or a special airworthiness certificate in the restricted or primary
category to be issued prior to export, but are required to meet the requirements for such a certificate.
Aircraft manufactured in another country/jurisdiction are required to possess a valid U.S. standard
airworthiness certificate issued under the provisions of § 21.183(c), or a special airworthiness certificate
in the restricted category issued under the provisions of § 21.185(c). Any other aircraft not meeting the
requirements for a standard airworthiness certificate, or a special airworthiness certificate in the
restricted or primary category, are not eligible to receive an Export C of A unless the importing country/
jurisdiction accepts the aircraft in accordance with § 21.329(b).
a. Forward to the importing country or jurisdiction all documents and information specified by
that country/jurisdiction.
b. Preserve and package products and articles as necessary to protect them against corrosion and
damage during transit or storage and state the duration of effectiveness of such preservation and
c. Remove, or cause to be removed, any temporary installation incorporated on an aircraft for the
purpose of export delivery and restore the aircraft to the approved configuration upon completion of the
delivery flight.
d. Secure all proper foreign entry clearances from all of the countries/jurisdictions involved when
conducting sales demonstration or delivery flights.
e. Ensure that the following regulatory responsibilities under § 21.335 (when the title to an aircraft
passes or has passed to a foreign purchaser) are fulfilled. The FAA should remind the exporter of these
(1) Request cancellation of the U.S. registration and airworthiness certificates from the FAA,
giving the date of the transfer of title and the name and address of the new owner.
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
(2) Return the registration and airworthiness certificates, Form 8050-3 and Form 8100-2,
to AFS-750.
(3) Submit a statement to the address below certifying that the U.S. identification and
registration numbers have been removed from the aircraft in compliance with § 45.33.
f. Although not specifically described in the regulations, when exporting an unassembled aircraft,
the exporter should forward the manufacturer’s assembly instructions and an FAA-approved flight test
checkoff form to the CAA of the importing country/jurisdiction.
a. The regulations do not define “new” or “used” products. There should be no problem in
making this determination with uninstalled aircraft engines, propellers, or articles, because any
time-in-service makes them used products.
(1) The aircraft is built from spare and/or surplus articles, even though the articles may be used
as well as new, and has been operated under an experimental airworthiness certificate only for the
purpose of conducting flight tests for meeting the requirements set forth in § 21.127 by the applicant and
by an FAA test pilot.
(2) The aircraft has been maintained in accordance with the overhaul provisions of part 43,
as applicable.
(3) The U.S. Export C of A reflects the information required by paragraph 228 of this order.
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
a. If the aircraft has been examined and found to be nonconforming with the FAA type design, or
the import type design; or the special import requirements have not been met, the Export C of A should
not be issued until either:
(2) The FAA obtains a written statement from the CAA of the importing country/jurisdiction
signifying its acceptance of the product with the nonconformities as listed. Requests for acceptance of
nonconformities to the importing country CAA should be transmitted to and received from authority to
authority. The U.S. exporter should first prepare a technical description of the nonconformities to the
type design or specific nonconformities related to other special importing requirements. The FAA
should then prepare an accompanying cover letter for direct transmittal to the importing CAA requesting
the CAA’s acceptance of the nonconformities and a return reply to the FAA before export.
NOTE: For countries with which the United States has a BASA, instructions
for transmittal of requests for acceptance of nonconformities are contained in
the IPA section titled “Export Certificate for Airworthiness Exceptions.” For
BAA countries/jurisdictions, the requests for acceptance of nonconformities
should be directed to the importing CAA’s appropriate contact identified on
the AIR-40 “Certification Authorities Contact List.” For all non-bilateral
countries/jurisdictions, if an appropriate recipient and address is unknown,
AIR-40 should be contacted directly for assistance.
(3) If a written statement of acceptance is received by the FAA from the importing CAA, the
nonconformities should be listed on the Export C of A under “Exceptions,” with a reference to the
importing country’s written statement of acceptance (for example, letter by subject and date, facsimile).
Other items not related to the type design but failing to meet the importing country’s/jurisdiction’s
requirements will be attached to the Export C of A. The completed Export C of A and a copy of the
importing authority’s letter, facsimile, or other such document, should be provided to the exporter, and
the product may then be released for export. The original statement of acceptance (for example, letter or
facsimile) from the importing authority should be submitted to AFS-750 with the appropriate export
certification documentation required by paragraph 273 of this order.
b. When other than a domestic manufactured product is being exported to a third party
country/jurisdiction with whom a bilateral agreement is in effect, the following statement will be
inserted on the Export C of A under Exceptions: “This [product] was not manufactured in the
United States and this certificate is not issued pursuant to the bilateral agreement providing for the
reciprocal recognition of airworthiness certificates between the United States and the government of
[name of country/jurisdiction] which has stated its willingness to accept this certificate under these
conditions, as indicated in their communication, reference , dated .”
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
NOTE: The above statement is not applicable if the bilateral agreement provides
for “third party” acceptance of airworthiness from an importing
country/jurisdiction that is not the State of Manufacture.
(1) If the Export C of A is issued AFTER the installation has been made, either by the
manufacturer or by other persons, the following statement or equivalent should be inserted under
Exceptions: “A temporary [insert type of installation] has been installed in this aircraft in conformity
with [insert drawing numbers, or other data to which conformity was shown] to facilitate its delivery
flight. This certificate is valid when the temporary installation is removed.” Copies of all referenced
drawings and data should accompany the original Export C of A when it is submitted to the applicant
or the applicant’s representative.
(2) If the Export C of A is issued BEFORE making the temporary installation, such as at the
manufacturer’s plant, and the aircraft is then flown to another location for installation of the temporary
equipment, the Export C of A should reflect the configuration of the aircraft at the time the certificate
was issued. It then becomes the responsibility of the exporter and importer to secure the installation
documents or data required by the CAA of the country/jurisdiction of import. The U.S. Export C of A
may not be amended, reissued, or revalidated after original issuance.
e. If there are no exceptions, type the word “None” in the Exceptions block. If additional
information is to be provided, it is permissible to type in the words “Additional Information” under the
Exceptions block. If the importing country/jurisdiction has notified the FAA that it wishes to have a
conforming statement to its approved design, a statement similar to the following example must be
included for new products: “This aircraft conforms to [insert importing country/jurisdiction] approved
type certificate number [insert number].”
(1) Signature of Authorized Representative. The name and FAA authority of the person
signing the form should be typed adjacent to or under the signature with the signature signed in black
ink on the original and copy(s).
(2) Date. Enter the date the inspection of the aircraft was completed.
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
(b) An individual designee must enter the letters DMIR/DAR and the designation number.
(c) An ODA must enter the name of the company, “ODA,” and their ODA number.
a. If the aircraft is modified while under U.S. registry, the applicable rules in parts 21 or 43 may
apply. Depending on whether any airworthiness certificate had been issued, any necessary test flying
would require the issuance of an experimental certificate. The Export C of A would not require any
listing of exceptions, because the aircraft would meet the appropriate FAA standards, whether the
Export C of A is issued before or after the FAA-approved modifications.
b. If the aircraft is modified after it has been removed from the U.S. register, approval of the
modifications becomes the responsibility of the CAA of the country/jurisdiction of registry or intended
registry. The applicant or exporter is responsible for obtaining the approval. Any test flying that may be
necessary would require the issuance of an SFA. The Export C of A would require no listing of
exceptions if the aircraft conformed to the type design before the modifications. However, if the
Export C of A is issued after the aircraft is modified, reference to the documentary evidence of
non-U.S. approval should be shown under Exceptions.
a. Aeronautical Center Form 8050-72, Export Certificate Number Assignment Card (figure 5-3),
is a serial-numbered card used to facilitate the identification and recording of the official export files in
Oklahoma City and is accountable. These cards will be furnished by AFS-750 when requested by the
regional or directorate offices. The cards will be distributed to the district offices, which are accountable
for controlling them.
b. This card is to be completed by the FAA from the information submitted in the application,
ensuring that the identity of the aircraft and the application agree. Insert the card serial number on the
application, Form 8130-1, and on Form 8130-4.
c. Corrections may be made and information erased on this card if necessary. For example, if the
card is completed for an aircraft to be exported, and the aircraft is then not exported, the information on
the card may be erased and the card used for another aircraft.
NOTE: District offices will provide FAA designees with a supply of these cards as
required. Regional/district offices will maintain accountability records of these
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
231. ROUTING AND PROCESSING OF EXPORT FILES. After the issuance of Form 8130-4, the
ASI or designee must complete part III of Form 8130-1. All files, including those processed by
designees and DOA manufacturers, must be reviewed by the geographically responsible district office
before sending them to AFS-750. A file review will be indicated by a signature of the reviewing ASI,
the district office number, and the date placed in block No. 23 of Form 8130-1. If the file is not
checked, omit the signature in item No. 23, but fill in the district office number and date. The
documents specified in paragraph 273 of this order, including special export files processed under
§ 21.339, are to be forwarded promptly to AFS-750 as the final step in the certification process.
a. While being operated in the restricted category, any changes made to the aircraft that are to be
retained when in normal category operation, or any operations that are outside of the standard category
operating limitations, must be approved in accordance with the regulations and procedures applicable to
an aircraft having a standard airworthiness certificate.
b. If the TCDS for an aircraft includes both standard and restricted category, and the maximum
gross weight and/or other operating limitations for the restricted category are higher than that for
standard category, the aircraft is NOT eligible for issuance of an Export C of A as a standard aircraft,
after having been operated in the restricted category, unless:
(1) The TCDS specifically states that the aircraft is eligible for operation in the standard
category after having been operated at the limitations applicable to the restricted category; or
(2) If the TCDS does not have such a note or other reference, the operations outside of the
standard category operating limitations, including increased gross weight, had been approved as
appropriate for an aircraft having a standard airworthiness certificate.
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8130.2F CHG 5 1/15/2010
234. CONTROVERSIAL INFORMATION. If, for any reason, the previously listed information
results in a controversy or is contrary to existing requirements, the exporter should be advised that the
issue is to be settled between the exporter, the importer, and the CAA of the importing
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
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238. GENERAL. This chapter provides guidance and procedures relating to U.S. airworthiness
certification and approval of imported products. This includes aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, and
articles imported from other countries with whom the United States has a bilateral agreement.
(1) An Export C of A; or
(2) A certifying statement issued by the CAA of the country of manufacture, or by the
exporting CAA in the case of a third country, as addressed in paragraph 243 of this order.
b. Any deviations from the FAA-approved design must be noted on the certifying statement. Any
deviations must be resolved by the installer before the product is eligible for installation on any
U.S.-registered aircraft or product thereof.
c. The importing document for products or articles issued from another country will contain
essentially the same information as Form 8130-3, and will be signed by a person or organization
authorized by the CAA of the exporting country.
d. FAA airworthiness approvals for civil aeronautical products imported to the United States are
processed in the following manner:
(1) Issuance of U.S. airworthiness certificates for completed aircraft are processed in
accordance with paragraph 241 of this order.
(2) Aircraft engines, propellers, and articles are considered to meet the requirements of 14 CFR
when accompanied by certification from the appropriate CAA. Certification confirms the products are
of FAA-approved design and are in a condition for safe operation as outlined in paragraph 248 of this
e. The FAA requirements for the approval of civil aeronautical products imported to the
United States are set forth in the following regulations:
(1) Part 21, subpart H, §§ 21.183(c) and 21.185(c) establish the regulatory requirements for
U.S. airworthiness certification of new imported aircraft. The primary basis for airworthiness
certification of used imported aircraft is § 21.183(d). New imported aircraft type certificated under a
§ 21.21 TC and manufactured under license by a bilateral country are no longer entitled to a standard
airworthiness certificate under the provision of § 21.183(d)..
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(2) Part 21, subpart N, Approval of Engines, Propellers, Materials, Parts, and Appliances:
Import, establishes the procedural requirements for airworthiness approval or acceptance of aircraft
engines, propellers, materials, parts, and appliances manufactured outside the United States.
(3) Part 21, subpart O, Technical Standard Order Authorizations, establishes procedures for
TSO products. Section 21.617 covers “letter of TSO design approval” for import appliances.
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a. United States Registration. A U.S. registration application must be completed and submitted,
and nationality and registration markings must be applied, before a U.S. airworthiness certificate may be
issued. Because these are statutory requirements, the FAA cannot issue an exemption from this
requirement. U.S. registration and evidence of deregistration from the exporting country are required
prior to the issuance of a U.S. airworthiness certificate. The requirements for U.S. registration are in
part 47; recording of aircraft titles and security documents are in part 49; and aircraft nationality
and registration markings are in part 45, subpart C.
b. Product Identification. Prior to the issuance of a U.S. airworthiness certificate, the aircraft
must have an ID plate in accordance with § 21.182, and must meet the requirements of part 45,
subpart B, Identification of Aircraft and Related Products.
d. Approved Flight Manuals, Markings, and Placards. The aircraft must be accompanied by
an approved flight manual in the English language as identified on the FAA TCDS. Also, the aircraft
must have the flight manual, the appropriate markings and placards in the English language as specified
in the FAA TCDS, or other approved data as required by § 91.9.
f. Aircraft Location. A U.S. airworthiness certificate will not be issued to an aircraft located
outside the United States, unless the FAA finds no undue burden in administering the applicable
regulations. Procedures have been established to use the services of the CAA of the country of
manufacture. For issuance of a U.S. standard airworthiness certificate for new aircraft manufactured
outside the United States, see appendix 1 to this order. Applicants for airworthiness certification should
consult with the FAA prior to making any firm commitments to determine if certification is possible.
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a. Application for a U.S. airworthiness certificate must be made on Form 8130-6 by the registered
owner, or an agent who has a letter of authorization from the registered owner.
b. When the applicant has completed and signed the application, it should be submitted to the
certification office, along with the CAA’s Export C of A.
c. Approved flight manuals, logbooks, and maintenance records will be made available for
examination by the FAA, upon request.
a. In all cases, the FAA is required by 49 U.S.C. to make a finding that the aircraft conforms to an
FAA-approved TC and that it is in a condition for safe operation before the FAA issues an airworthiness
certificate for that aircraft. The FAA may base its findings, wholly or partially, on the export
certification document (for example, an Export C of A) issued by the CAA of another country, provided
a bilateral agreement exists that covers the aircraft type (for example, rotorcraft).
b. Sections 21.183(c) and 21.185(c) provide that an import aircraft type-certificated under the
procedures of § 21.29 is entitled to a U.S. airworthiness certificate (standard or special) if the CAA of
the country of manufacture certifies, and the FAA finds, that the aircraft conforms to its approved TC
and is found to be in a condition for safe operation.
c. A CAA certification must be made by issuance of an export certification document that contains
the certification statement noted on the corresponding FAA TCDS, or that certifies that the aircraft
meets its FAA-approved type design and is in a condition for safe operation.
d. The United States has bilateral agreements with certain countries which provide for the import
of products from a country other than the country of manufacture. This is known as a “third country
provision.” In these instances, the applicant for a U.S. airworthiness certificate may show compliance
with the requirements of § 21.183(c) by submitting a statement from the exporting country that certifies
that the aircraft conforms to the U.S. TC and that it is in a condition for safe operation. The statement
must be accompanied by the original or a certified copy of the Export C of A issued by the CAA of the
country in which the aircraft was manufactured. Configuration variations, modifications, and major
repairs that are not FAA-approved must be identified and approved, or the differences resolved, before
the aircraft is accepted by the FAA. The application for a U.S. airworthiness certificate should cite
§§ 21.183(d) or 21.185(b) as the basis for certification. The procedures outlined in this paragraph also
may apply where the BAA/BASA IPA with the exporting country does not contain a third country
provision when the Export C of A issued by the exporting CAA is endorsed by the CAA of the country
of manufacture.
e. Paragraph 238a(2) of this order also may be applied to U.S.-manufactured aircraft being
returned to the United States from a registry of another country, provided the bilateral agreements
between the United States and the last country of registry contain the third country provision.
f. The bilateral agreements that include a third country provision are summarized in AC 21-23,
appendix 4 (note 7).
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i. The FAA normally will not issue a U.S. airworthiness certificate for an aircraft manufactured
outside the United States when no export certification is available. To be acceptable, aircraft
manufactured outside the United States must be controlled under bilateral procedures with assurance of
conformity and condition provided by the CAA in the country of manufacture. Without assurance in the
form of an export certificate or a certifying statement from the CAA of the country of manufacture, there
is no practical way for an applicant to show, or for the FAA to find, that the aircraft conforms with the
FAA-approved design and is in a condition for safe operation.
k. When an imported product’s export certification document lists exceptions to the FAA type
design (for example, modifications, alterations, and major repairs that have had no prior FAA approval),
the U.S. importer must resolve the exceptions before final airworthiness certification by either having
the exceptions formally approved by the FAA or removing the nonconforming items to establish full
conformity to the FAA type design. All exceptions on imported aircraft for which the importer is
seeking a standard airworthiness certificate, or a special airworthiness certificate in the primary or
restricted category, as applicable, must be resolved by the applicant before final airworthiness
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certification. For products being imported from a country with which the FAA has a BASA IPA, any
exceptions must be coordinated and resolved with the FAA by the exporting CAA before export. This
will usually involve coordination between the exporting CAA and the FAA in accordance with the
instructions found in the “Export Certificate of Airworthiness Exceptions” section of the BASA IPA. In
addition to the instructions in the BASA IPA, the FAA should obtain a letter of commitment from the
importer to clear the nonconformities before FAA acceptance of any export certification documentation.
These coordination actions are necessary to ensure the exceptions are understood and will be resolved
before the final U.S. airworthiness certification of the aircraft as applicable. For aircraft engines and
propellers, the exceptions are resolved before their subsequent installation and use. However, when no
prior coordination between authorities has been undertaken, the MIO of the product cognizant
directorate for the imported product will normally be contacted by the importer for guidance and
assistance in processing the exceptions for FAA approval.
a. When an unsafe condition is found to exist in a U.S. type-certificated product that is not
currently on the U.S. register, ACOs may use an alternate procedure concerning the issuance of ADs.
Under this alternate procedure each MCAI received will be reviewed to determine whether it meets
established criteria for required corrective action. No further action will be taken for an MCAI that does
not meet this criteria. An AD will be issued for an MCAI that meets this criteria if there is one or more
aircraft of the affected design currently certificated in the United States. If no aircraft of the affected
design currently has a U.S. airworthiness certificate, the geographically responsible directorate may
elect to defer publishing any ADs on the MCAIs that meet those criteria until an application for
airworthiness certificate is made for an aircraft of that design. A list of each MCAI that is deferred will
be maintained by the geographically responsible directorate. A statement similar to the following will
be found in the Serial Nos. Eligible Product section of the TCDS for an aircraft design on which ADs
have not been issued for some or all of the required MCAIs:
b. In some instances, the TCDS also will indicate that certain ADs have been issued for the
affected model. Compliance with any applicable AD is required, in addition to compliance with the
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c. After the first aircraft is U.S.-certificated, the geographically responsible directorate will amend
the TCDS to list the required MCAIs (formerly found on the responsible directorate’s listing).
Compliance must be shown before subsequent aircraft can be found to be in a condition for safe
operation and issued an airworthiness certificate. The directorate will issue ADs for any subsequent
MCAIs that meet the required criteria for corrective action and will not issue any retroactive ADs for
any MCAIs listed as effective prior to the first aircraft being certificated.
d. This alternative procedure also may be used when an aircraft of the affected model previously
was certificated in this country, but currently is not.
NOTE: This procedure is not considered appropriate at this time for other
products, for example, engines and propellers, because presently there is no
reliable means to ensure that none of these products has been imported and
installed in U.S.-registered aircraft.
245. CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES. The procedures identified above generally are common to
issuance of all classifications of airworthiness certificates and are consistent with the procedures
identified in chapters 3 and 4 of this order. Refer to appendix 2 for additional guidance on airworthiness
certification of used aircraft.
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a. Section 21.500 provides for the acceptance of aircraft engines or propellers manufactured
outside the United States for which a U.S. TC has been issued. These products are considered approved
for installation on a U.S.-registered aircraft when a current Export C of A has been issued by the CAA
of the country of manufacture. The Export C of A certifies that the engine or propeller:
(1) Conforms to its U.S. TC and is found to be in a condition for safe operation.
(1) The imported articles are covered under the scope of the agreement with that country;
(2) The articles are accompanied by a completed airworthiness document (for example,
EASA Form One) from the BAA/BASA country’s CAA;
(3) The airworthiness document certifies that the articles meet the requirements of 14 CFR
(for example, § 21.29 or § 21.621); and
(4) The airworthiness document certifies that the articles are eligible for installation on the
bilateral country’s product exported to the United States.
c. Section 21.621 addresses products that are covered by an FAA letter of TSO design approval
for imports. Neither the FAA letter of TSO design approval, nor the Export C of A issued by the CAA
of the country of manufacture, conveys installation approval. If not already accomplished, installation
approval for a TSO product must be obtained, in a manner acceptable to the FAA, at the time of
installation. Approval for return to service must be performed by a person authorized in part 43.
d. The various types of export certification documents used by the CAAs include official
CAA certificates or authorized release tags, and forms that may be signed by private persons, when so
authorized by the CAA. The FAA will accept the various types of certifications, provided they represent
a certification from the appropriate CAA attesting that the product being exported conforms to the
U.S. type design and is in a condition for safe operation, and they are appropriately endorsed by the
CAA or an authorized designee. The CAA of the exporting country must confirm a designee’s scope of
authority when so requested by the FAA. These certifications serve to comply with the requirements for
an export airworthiness approval for the purpose of § 21.500 or 21.502. In those instances in which the
certifying language differs from that stated in this paragraph, the FAA should request a letter from the
CAA stating that the language used meets the intent of § 21.500 or 21.502, as appropriate. The
CAA’s airworthiness certification documentation is essential for the FAA to determine that the product
is acceptable for installation on U.S.-registered aircraft.
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c. Articles approved by an FAA letter of TSO design approval must be marked in accordance with
§ 45.15, and any additional marking requirements specified in the particular TSO.
250. RETURN TO SERVICE. Regardless of the existence of an export airworthiness approval, the
person authorized to return to service the aircraft, airframe, engine, propeller, or article in accordance
with § 43.5 is responsible for determining that the imported product:
a. Has not been modified, changed, or damaged subsequent to the time of export airworthiness
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operators and potential U.S. operators of imported aircraft, including U.S.-manufactured aircraft, to
realize that an FAA airworthiness certificate does not automatically render the aircraft or product
eligible for operation. FAA operating requirements may specify the need for maintenance records,
additional inspections, tests, and installation of instruments and equipment which are over and above the
basic airworthiness certification requirements.
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a. The navigation of non-U.S.-registered civil aircraft in the United States is permitted under
49 U.S.C. § 41703(a). This section is implemented by 14 CFR part 375, Navigation of Foreign Civil
Aircraft Within the United States, which sets forth the rules, conditions, and limitations governing the
navigation of non-U.S. civil aircraft in the United States. Part 375 also specifies that non-U.S. civil
aircraft being operated in the United States must carry current and effective airworthiness and
registration certificates issued or rendered valid by the country of registry. Subject in some cases to
prior DOT approval, part 375 also allows the operation in U.S. airspace of aircraft that do not carry
current airworthiness certificates, but that have been issued an SFA by the FAA.
NOTE: An SFA may be issued for any purpose, but may not be issued when there
is any evidence of intent to circumvent any CFR provisions, for example,
§ 21.183(c) or 21.185(c), or 14 CFR part 129, Operations: Foreign Air Carriers
and Foreign Operators of U.S.-Registered Aircraft Engaged in Common Carriage.
b. A non-U.S. civil aircraft that does not have a current airworthiness certificate issued by the
country of registry requires an SFA issued by the FAA in accordance with § 91.715(a). An aircraft
registered in a country that is not a member of the ICAO ALWAYS requires an authorization from the
DOT and an SFA issued by the FAA if it will be operated in the United States.
NOTE: A listing of ICAO member countries is contained on the ICAO Web site.
a. General. Section 91.715 is applicable to a non-U.S. civil aircraft that does not have a current
airworthiness certificate, or an equivalent to a U.S. standard airworthiness certificate, that indicates that
the aircraft complies with a detailed and comprehensive airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to
the Convention on International Civil Aviation. An SFA is required for an aircraft carrying an
airworthiness certificate, flight permit, or similar document issued by the country of registry that is
equivalent to a U.S. special airworthiness certificate. See § 375.10 for details concerning aircraft
manufactured in a country before that country became a member of the ICAO.
b. Basic Eligibility. An SFA will be issued when the following conditions exist:
(1) The aircraft is registered in an ICAO member country but does not have an airworthiness
certificate attesting that the aircraft complies with Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil
Aviation requirements, or it has an invalid airworthiness certificate. An aircraft with an invalid
airworthiness certificate issued by the aircraft’s state of registry may have been repaired, altered,
or modified at a U.S.-located facility and requires flight testing.
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(2) The aircraft is registered in a non-ICAO member country regardless of the type of
airworthiness certificate issued or its planned operation. An SFA also is required and may be issued for
such aircraft; however, the issuing ASI should be aware that the airworthiness requirements of the
country of registry may be unknown.
(3) If a DOT authorization is required and is being obtained concurrently with the SFA, the
SFA should include a limitation stating that a copy of the DOT authorization must be carried in the
aircraft when operating under the SFA. Inquiries regarding DOT authorization may be referred to:
Department of Transportation
Office of International Aviation
Foreign Carrier Licensing Division
400 7th Street SW.
Washington, DC 20590
c. Basic Ineligibility. An SFA must not be issued when the following conditions exist:
(1) If the aircraft is of foreign military registry (non-civil) and an SFA is requested, the
applicant should be referred to the U.S. Department of State. Such aircraft may enter the United States
only with a diplomatic clearance that would be issued solely on a government-to-government,
non-commercial basis.
(2) The aircraft is registered in a country that has special overflight approval requirements
under the nationally mandated Special Interest Flight (SIF) program. A list of the designated countries
and requirements of the program are contained in FAA Order 7110.65, Air Traffic Control, chapter 9,
section 2. For requests involving aircraft identified under the SIF program, the
non-U.S. owner/operator, or a U.S. individual or firm acting on behalf of the owner/operator, must
request overflight clearance from the FAA Office of International Aviation, AIA-100. The request must
include the complete itinerary, schedule, and proposed routing through U.S. airspace. AIA-100 should
be contacted for complete information.
a. General. The application for an SFA may be in the form of a letter, telegram, or fax from the
non-U.S. owner/operator, or from a U.S. individual or firm authorized to act on behalf of the registered
owner/operator. The application should be addressed to the Flight Standards Service division manager
or Aircraft Certification Service directorate manager of the FAA region in which the applicant is
located, or the region within which the U.S. point of entry is located. If the aircraft is coming into the
United States for original certification, the SFA should be issued by the supporting MIDO.
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b. Individual Aircraft Authorizations. An application for an SFA must contain the following
information, as applicable, and any other information deemed appropriate by the cognizant FAA field
(1) The name and address of the applicant, if different from that of the registered owner. If the
applicant is not the registered owner, a letter from the owner appointing the applicant as agent also will
be submitted.
(2) The name and address of the registered owner of the aircraft.
(4) The type of airworthiness document, if any, issued for the aircraft by the country of
(5) Information such as total aircraft time, maintenance status, date of last inspection, type of
inspection, and the name and title of the person performing the inspection. This information is
necessary to establish that the requested flight(s) will not adversely affect safety.
(7) The assigned non-U.S. nationality and registration marks, and a valid copy of the
registration document issued by the country of registry and translated into the English language.
(8) The base of operations for the proposed flights and the areas where the flights will be
(9) The proposed U.S. port of entry and the itinerary while operating in the United States.
(10) For aircraft being exported, the route to the U.S. border and to the ultimate destination.
(11) Whether the aircraft is to be modified in accordance with FAA-approved STC data,
and will require maintenance flight testing in the United States.
(12) Whether the aircraft will be used as a test aircraft in the development of a U.S. STC,
and will require flight testing for the purpose of “showing compliance with the regulations.”
(13) If a damaged aircraft is involved, the operating limitations, if any, assigned by the country
of registry after its inspection.
c. Blanket Authorizations. An application for a blanket SFA should contain the following
(1) The name and address of the promotion sponsor; or the name and address of the
manufacturer, when the purpose is for export.
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(2) The purpose(s) for which the blanket SFA is requested and the number of signed copies
required to meet operating needs.
(3) Enough information to establish that the flights will not adversely affect safety.
(4) For airshows, etc., the name and address of the registered owner/operator (or the pilot if not
the owner), make, model, serial number, registration number, type of airworthiness certificate carried,
reason why the aircraft does not comply with standard airworthiness requirements, and aircraft
maintenance provisions. The listing of owners, pilots, and aircraft participating may be provided
(5) Any other information deemed appropriate by the FAA certificating ASI.
a. General. The Aircraft Certification Service directorate or Flight Standards Service division
managers may delegate authority for issuance of SFAs according to FAA Order 1100.5, FAA
Organization - Field, chapter 2, section 3. If the applicant is a U.S. firm or individual acting on behalf of
a non-U.S. applicant, the local office is responsible for processing the SFA. If the
non-U.S. owner/operator is applying on its own behalf from its country, the region or directorate having
jurisdiction over FAA matters in that country is the office responsible for processing the application.
b. Format. The various formats shown in figures 7-1 through 7-9 must be followed during the
preparation of an SFA.
c. Numbering. Each SFA issued must be assigned a number beginning with “01” and prefixed by
the appropriate location identifier code of the FAA office, for example, CE-39-01 or SW-41-01, as
required by the latest version of FAA Order 1370.66, Aviation Safety Analysis System: Location
Identifier Codes. If an SFA is extended, based on valid reasons provided by the applicant, a new SFA
must be issued using the number assigned to the original followed by the letter “A,” for example,
CE-39-01A. In some cases an SFA may require extension more than once. The second extension would
still use the original number followed by the letter “B.”
d. Control. The FAA issuing office must establish a permanent file for record and must keep at
least one copy of each SFA issued. This file serves as a control in assigning sequential numbers to new
issuances. An alternate system for control may be used at the region’s or directorate’s discretion. The
transmittal letter should advise that the applicant is accountable for each signed copy. When authorized
to make copies for export purposes, a file should be maintained containing the following information:
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e. Aircraft Inspection. The aircraft should be inspected prior to issuance of the SFA to ensure
that it is capable of safe flight. The ASI may make, or require the applicant to make, appropriate
inspections or tests considered necessary for safety.
259. DURATION. Discretion should be used by the issuing directorate/region when determining the
duration of an SFA issued for an individual aircraft. For example, if the purpose is one for which delays
may be expected, such as in STC projects or extended ferry flights, the region or directorate may
establish a longer duration than was requested to preclude the need for extensions. In general, the
duration of the SFA is as requested by the applicant.
260. OPERATING LIMITATIONS. Because an SFA is issued to cover operation of an aircraft that
may not meet the airworthiness standards established by ICAO, appropriate limitations must be
prescribed to minimize hazards to persons or property. Certain limitations would be applicable for all
SFAs issued under § 91.715(b). The special operating limitations for specific operations are not
intended to be all-inclusive, and the issuing directorate/region may prescribe any additional limitations
deemed necessary in the interest of safety. The following provides examples of minimum and special
limitations for specific operations:
a. Minimum Operating Limitations. The following are applicable to all SFAs issued unless
otherwise noted. “An authorized representative of the FAA may prescribe additional operating
restrictions and limitations necessary for safe operation” must be stated on all SFAs before the following
operating limitations:
(1) A copy of this authorization must be displayed in the aircraft when operating under the
terms of this SFA.
(2) The ID markings assigned to the aircraft by the country of registry must be displayed on the
aircraft according to that country’s applicable requirements.
(4) No person may be carried in this aircraft during flight unless that person is essential to the
purpose of the flight and has been advised of the content of this authorization and of the airworthiness
status of the aircraft.
(5) This aircraft must be operated only by airmen holding appropriate certificates or licenses
issued or validated by the United States or the country of registry. [The pilot qualification limitation
(paragraphs 153b(17), 161b(24), and 166b(8) of this order) must be prescribed for TPA, piston-powered
aircraft over 800 horsepower, aircraft over 12,500 pounds, rotorcraft, and any other aircraft when
deemed necessary.]
(6) All flights must be conducted in compliance with the applicable general operating
and flight rules of § 91.711.
(7) All flights must be conducted under VFR, day only, unless otherwise authorized (for
example, IFR operations may be authorized for aircraft whose operating altitudes require IFR
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(8) Except when otherwise directed by air traffic control, or in the event of an emergency, all
flights must be conducted to avoid areas having heavy air traffic, cities, towns, villages, congested areas,
or any other area where flights might create hazardous exposure to persons or property.
(9) The operator of the aircraft must advise air traffic control of the nature of the flight when
establishing communications.
(10) Permission for flights over or into countries other than the United States must be obtained
by the owner/operator of the aircraft from the CAA of that country.
(11) This authorization will remain in effect until [insert expiration date] unless superseded
or rescinded.
b. Damaged Aircraft. The minimum operating limitations apply to any aircraft operated under
this section. Additional limitations may be prescribed as individual conditions warrant.
(1) Aircraft Located in the United States. The determination that the aircraft has been
damaged to the extent that the airworthiness certificate is invalid is the responsibility of the country of
registry. Under Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the country of registry may
either prohibit further flights of the aircraft until it is restored to an airworthy condition, or may
prescribe limitations under which the aircraft would be safe to fly to a base, either inside or outside of
the United States, where repairs can be made. The appropriate directorate or region must contact the
CAA of the country of registry to determine the course of action to be pursued.
(a) Should the country of registry choose to inspect the aircraft, any limitations it
prescribes must be considered special limitations and made part of the SFA in addition to all of the
applicable U.S. limitations.
(b) In the event the country of registry requests the FAA to inspect the aircraft on its
behalf, the regional office or directorate should arrange for inspection of the aircraft by personnel from
the nearest FSDO or MIDO. Any limitations considered necessary because of the inspection must be
prescribed as special limitations in addition to the minimum limitations.
(2) Aircraft Located Outside the United States. An applicant with a non-U.S.-registered
aircraft needing repair, who wants the repair to be accomplished at a manufacturer or repair facility in
the United States, may do so regardless of the country in which the damage was sustained. The country
of registry remains responsible for inspection of the aircraft and for establishing any necessary special
operating conditions and limitations. The responsible FAA office would issue the SFA, including any
limitations provided by the country of registry. The applicant must be notified in writing that approval
for flights over or into countries other than the United States must be obtained from the CAA of the
countries involved.
c. Change in Nationality. This paragraph applies when the certificate of airworthiness for an
aircraft has been invalidated by the new country of registry. If the aircraft complies with
U.S. and/or ICAO airworthiness requirements, except for the invalid airworthiness certificate, it
may not be necessary to prescribe the limitations specified in paragraph 260a(4), (7), (8), or (9) of this
order, as individual circumstances warrant. The minimum number of operating limitations must be
prescribed, including a limitation establishing a flight itinerary by the most practical direct route.
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(1) Flight Testing. The region or directorate must carefully evaluate the reasons why the flight
test must be conducted in the United States, the qualifications of the individual or company in the
United States who will be primarily responsible for the flight test operations, and the nature of the flight
tests. The conclusions reached from that evaluation are an important factor in determining the special
operating limitations that must be prescribed in addition to the minimum limitations. The following
special operating limitations generally would be applicable, but may be altered or added to as deemed
(a) All flight tests must be conducted in compliance with § 91.305. (If the flight tests
involve the dropping of materials, for example, water drops to test a new forest fire suppression system,
§ 91.15 also must be cited in this limitation.)
(b) Prior to conducting any flight test, contact the MIDO or FSDO for any additional
operating restrictions or limitations necessary for the protection of persons and property.
(c) All maintenance and inspection of the aircraft must be conducted under the direct
supervision of qualified personnel holding appropriate licenses issued or rendered valid by the [insert
country of registry] CAA and according to [insert country of registry] aircraft maintenance
(d) Except for flight tests conducted according to the terms of this authorization, additional
flights within the United States must be limited to those necessary to proceed from [specify origin] to
[insert the name of the airport or other area from which the flight test will be conducted], and return to
[specify destination] by the most practical direct route except for deviations necessary to maintain VFR
weather conditions.
(e) Permission for flights over or into countries other than the United States must be
obtained by the owner or operator of the aircraft from the CAA of that country.
(2) Training of Non-U.S. Buyers, Employees, or Designees. For operations under this
purpose, all minimum operating limitations must be applied except for the limitation under
paragraph 260a(7) of this order. In most cases, an SFA issued for this purpose would be a blanket
authorization issued to an aircraft manufacturer. The following special operating limitations, in addition
to the required standard limitations, are worded to indicate that more than one aircraft is involved. If an
SFA under this paragraph is issued for a single aircraft, an appropriate change must be made.
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
(a) Each aircraft operated for customer crew training flights must carry this SFA attached
to a statement that includes the name and address of the aircraft owner, the aircraft’s assigned nationality
and registration marks, and the dates on which the customer crew training flights are scheduled to begin
and end. This limitation applies only if a blanket authorization has been issued, and should replace the
minimum operating limitation listed in paragraph 260a(1) of this order when deemed appropriate.
(b) All customer crew training and aircraft maintenance must be conducted under the
direct supervision of [insert name of manufacturer] personnel.
(c) Customer crew training flights on any one aircraft must be conducted during a time
interval not to exceed 30 days.
(d) Before beginning customer crew training flights with any one aircraft, [insert name of
manufacturer] must submit to the local FAA manufacturing ASI the information specified in
paragraph (a) above pertaining to that aircraft.
1 Permission for flights over or into countries other than the United States must be
obtained by the owner/operator of the aircraft from the CAA of that country.
2 The aircraft must be flown to the U.S. border from the point of departure by the most
direct route not in conflict with other operating conditions and limitations of this authorization.
3 The aircraft must not be operated with temporary fuel system(s) or temporary
navigation equipment installed, or at a weight in excess of its maximum certificated takeoff weight,
unless approved in writing by the CAA of the country of registry.
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
f. Demonstration or Test. The issuing directorate should determine that the applicant for an SFA
for demonstration has satisfied, as applicable, the items listed in part 91. Persons having an interest in
the demonstration, for example, customers, may be carried in an aircraft issued an SFA for
demonstration, and the operating limitations must be revised accordingly. Paragraph 260d(1) of this
order applies to testing of the aircraft or part thereof.
g. Airshows. Application is made to the directorate or region in which the airshow is located.
Non-U.S.-registered amateur-built experimental aircraft do not require DOT authorization when the
purpose is for public demonstration at an airshow in the United States. However, in the case of an
aircraft to be operated in the United States for the purpose of demonstration at an airshow, the
application may be made to the Flight Standards Service division manager or Aircraft Certification
Service directorate manager of the FAA region in which the airshow is located.
b. An SFA may be obtained from the FAA for operation of a Canadian-registered amateur-built
aircraft in U.S. airspace by submitting either a written or electronic application. Written applications
must be forwarded to the Flight Standards Service division manager or Aircraft Certification Service
directorate manager of the FAA region where the event is to take place. Written applications will be
reviewed at the regional or directorate level, prepared according to the procedures in this chapter,
and the SFA mailed to the applicant when approved. Electronic SFAs may be obtained from any FSDO
or directly through the Flight Standards Web site at http://www.faa.gov/avr/afs/afs800/formtext.htm.
Possession of the electronic SFA constitutes a valid authorization for operation in U.S. airspace,
provided the operator of the amateur-built aircraft complies with the operating limitations of the SFA.
c. The FAA issuing office will prepare the SFA according to the procedures contained in this
chapter. The duration of the authorization must be limited to that requested by the applicant, and is not
to exceed 180 days. Extension of the duration of the authorization may be granted by the issuing FAA
office in 180-day increments.
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U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 91.715, Mr. Richard A. Roe is hereby
authorized to operate the aircraft identified above for the purpose of flying it from Hartford,
Connecticut, to Ontario, Canada, for permanent repair of damage incurred during a landing
accident at Hartford. A representative of the Canadian Air Transport Administration has inspected
the aircraft and found it safe for the intended flight provided that the airspeed does not exceed 130
knots and no passengers are carried aboard the aircraft. In consideration of the foregoing, all
operations must be in accordance with the following restrictions and limitations. An authorized
representative of the Administrator may prescribe additional operating restrictions and limitations
necessary for safe operation.
1. A copy of this authorization must be displayed in the aircraft when operating under the terms of
this SFA.
2. The identification markings assigned to the aircraft by the country of registry must be displayed
on the aircraft according to that country’s applicable requirements.
3. This aircraft must be operated only by airmen holding appropriate certificates or licenses issued
or validated by the United States or the country of registry.
4. All flights must be conducted in compliance with applicable general operating and flight rules
of § 91.711.
5. All flights must be conducted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR), day only, unless otherwise
6. Except when otherwise directed by Air Traffic Control, or in the event of an emergency, all
flights must be conducted to avoid areas having heavy air traffic, cities, towns, villages, congested
areas, or any other area where flights might create hazardous exposure to persons or property.
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
8. No person may be carried in this aircraft during flight unless that person is essential to the
purpose of the flight and has been advised of the content of this authorization and of the
airworthiness status of the aircraft.
10. Permission for flights over or into countries other than the United States must be obtained by
the owner or operator of the aircraft from the CAA of that country.
11. The operator of the aircraft must advise Air Traffic Control of the nature of the flight when
establishing communications.
12. This authorization must remain in effect until March 16, 2000 unless superseded or rescinded.
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U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 91.715, Mr. Hernando Restrepo is hereby
authorized to operate the aircraft identified above for the purpose of flying from Atlanta, Georgia,
to Fusagasuga, Colombia. The aircraft identified above was under Canadian registry and held a
current and valid Canadian airworthiness certificate before its sale to Mr. Restrepo. A current and
valid Colombian airworthiness certificate will not be issued until after its entry into Colombia. In
consideration of the foregoing, all operations of the aircraft must be in accordance with the
following restrictions and limitations. An authorized representative of the Administrator may
prescribe additional operating restrictions and limitations necessary for safe operation.
1. A copy of this authorization must be displayed in the aircraft when operating under the terms of
this SFA.
2. The identification markings assigned to the aircraft by the country of registry must be displayed
on the aircraft according to that country’s applicable requirements.
4. This aircraft must be operated only by airmen holding appropriate certificates or licenses issued
or validated by the United States or the country of registry.
5. All flights must be conducted in compliance with the applicable general operating and flight
rules § 91.711.
6. Permission for flights over or into countries other than the United States must be obtained by
the owner or operator of the aircraft from the CAA of that country.
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7. Flights to the U.S. border from the point of departure must be by the most practical direct route
not in conflict with other operating limitations of this authorization.
8. This authorization must remain in effect until March 15, 2000 or unless superseded or
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U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 91.715, the John Doe Company is hereby
authorized to operate the aircraft identified above for the purpose of conducting flight test(s)
required to obtain a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) covering the installation in the aircraft
of General Electric CGY2 turbofan engines. All operations of the aircraft must be in accordance
with the following restrictions and limitations. An authorized representative of the Administrator
may prescribe additional operating restrictions and limitations necessary for safe operations.
1. A copy of this authorization must be displayed in the aircraft at all times when operating under
the terms of this SFA.
2. The identification markings assigned to the aircraft by the country of registry must be displayed
on the aircraft according to that country’s applicable requirements.
4. No person may be carried in the aircraft during flight unless that person is essential to the
purpose of the flight and has been advised of the contents of this authorization and of the
airworthiness status of the aircraft.
5. The aircraft must be operated only by airmen holding appropriate certificates or licenses issued
or validated by the United States or the country of registry. The pilot in command of this aircraft
must hold an appropriate category/class rating. If required for the type of aircraft to be flown, the
pilot in command must also hold either an appropriate type rating or a letter of authorization
issued by an FAA Flight Standards Operations Inspector, or equivalent issued or validated by the
country of registry.
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6. All flights must be conducted in compliance with the applicable general operating and flight
rules of § 91.711.
8. All flights must be conducted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR), day only, unless otherwise
9. Except when otherwise directed by Air Traffic Control, or in the event of an emergency, all
flights must be conducted to avoid areas having heavy air traffic, cities, towns, villages, congested
areas, or any other area where flights might create hazardous exposure to persons or property.
10. Prior to conducting any flight test, contact the MIDO or FSDO for any additional operating
restrictions or limitations necessary for the protection of persons or property.
11. All maintenance and inspection of the aircraft must be conducted under the direct supervision
of qualified personnel holding appropriate licenses issued or rendered valid by the Canadian
Department of Transportation and according to Canadian aircraft maintenance requirements.
12. Except for flight tests conducted according to the terms of this authorization, additional flights
within the United States must be limited to those necessary to proceed to Montreal, Canada, by the
most practical direct route except for deviations necessary to maintain VFR weather conditions.
13. Permission for flights over or into countries other than the United States must be obtained by
the owner or operator of the aircraft from the CAA of that country.
14. The operator of the aircraft must advise Air Traffic Control of the nature of the flight when
establishing communications.
15. This authorization must remain in effect until October 4, 2000, or unless superseded or
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
This authorization is issued pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 91.715 to the
Yankee Airplane Company, John Hancock Airport, Boston, Massachusetts 02111. This
constitutes authority in lieu of an airworthiness certificate. For the purpose of giving customer
crew training to the buyer, its employees, or designees in any aircraft manufactured by the Yankee
Airplane Company when the aircraft has been placed under non-U.S. Registry, each aircraft
operated under this authorization must be operated according to the following restrictions and
limitations. An authorized representative of the Administrator may prescribe operating restrictions
and limitations necessary for safe operation.
1. Each aircraft operated for customer crew training flights must carry this SFA attached with a
statement including the name and address of the aircraft owner, the aircraft’s assigned nationality
and registration marks, and the dates on which the customer crew training flights are scheduled to
begin and end.
2. All customer crew training and aircraft maintenance must be conducted under the direct
supervision of qualified Yankee Airplane Company personnel.
3. Customer crew training flights on any one aircraft must be conducted during an interval not to
exceed 30 days.
4. Before beginning customer crew training flights with any one aircraft, the Yankee Airplane
Company must submit to the local FAA Manufacturing Inspector the information specified in
paragraph 1 pertaining to that aircraft.
5. The identification markings assigned to the aircraft by the country of registry must be displayed
on the aircraft according to that country’s applicable requirements.
7. No person may be carried in the aircraft during flight unless that person is essential to the
purpose of the flight and has been advised of the contents of this authorization and of the
airworthiness status of the aircraft.
8. This aircraft must be operated only by airmen holding appropriate certificates or licenses issued
or validated by the United States or the country of registry.
9. All flights must be conducted in compliance with the applicable general operating and flight
rules of § 91.711.
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10. Except when otherwise directed by Air Traffic Control, or in the event of an emergency, all
flights must be conducted to avoid areas having heavy air traffic, cities, towns, villages, congested
areas, or any other area where flights might create hazardous exposure to persons or property.
11. The operator of the aircraft must advise Air Traffic Control of the nature of the flight when
establishing communications.
12. Permission for flights over or into countries other than the United States must be obtained by
the owner or operator of the aircraft from the CAA of that country.
13. This authorization must remain in effect indefinitely unless superseded or rescinded.
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 91.715, Mr. Joseph A. Banco is hereby
authorized to operate the aircraft identified above for the purpose of export and delivery from
Westfield, Massachusetts, to Rome, Italy. This aircraft is on Italian registry and an airworthiness
certificate has not yet been issued. An authorized representative of the Administrator may
prescribe additional operating restrictions and limitations necessary for safe operation.
1. A copy of this authorization must be displayed in the aircraft when operating under the terms of
this SFA.
2. The identification markings assigned to the aircraft by the country of registry must be displayed
on the aircraft according to that country’s applicable requirements.
3. No person may be carried in this aircraft during flight unless that person is essential to the
purpose of the flight and has been advised of the content of this authorization and of the
airworthiness status of the aircraft.
4. The aircraft must not be operated with temporary fuel system(s) or temporary navigation
equipment installed or at a weight in excess of its maximum certificated takeoff weight, unless
approved, by the CAA country of registry in writing.
5. Except when otherwise directed by Air Traffic Control, or in the event of an emergency, all
flights must be conducted to avoid areas having heavy air traffic, cities, towns, villages, congested
areas, or any other areas where the flights might create hazardous exposure to persons or property.
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
6. This aircraft must be operated only by airmen holding appropriate certificates or licenses issued
or validated by the United States or country of registry.
7. All flights must be conducted in compliance with the applicable general operating and flight
§ 91.711.
8. All flights must be conducted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR), day only, unless otherwise
9. Permission for flights over or into countries other than the United States must be obtained by
the owner or operator of the aircraft from the CAA of that country.
10. The aircraft must be flown to the United States border from the point of departure by the most
practical direct route not in conflict with the other operating conditions and limitations of this
12. The operator of the aircraft must advise Air Traffic Control of the nature of the flight when
establishing communications.
13. This authorization must remain in effect until May 30, 2000, unless superseded or rescinded.
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
This authorization is issued to the John Smith Airplane Company, 711 Water Boulevard, San
Diego, California 82101, pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 91.715. A copy
of this authorization furnished by the above constitutes authority in lieu of an airworthiness
certificate for the purpose of export delivery of aircraft manufactured by that Company. This
authorization is applicable to aircraft that are on a non-U.S. Registry and have no airworthiness
certificate. An authorized representative of the Administrator may prescribe additional operating
restrictions and limitations necessary for safe operation.
1. A copy of this authorization must be displayed in the aircraft when operating under the terms of
this SFA.
2. No person may be carried in this aircraft during flight unless that person is essential to the
purpose of the flight and has been advised of the content of this authorization and of the
airworthiness status of the aircraft.
3. The identification markings assigned to the aircraft by the country of registry must be displayed
on the aircraft according to that country’s applicable requirements.
4. The aircraft must not be operated with temporary fuel system(s) or temporary equipment
installed, or at a weight in excess of its maximum certificated takeoff weight, unless approved by
the CAA of the country of registry in writing.
5. Persons or property may not be carried in the aircraft for compensation or hire.
6. The aircraft must be flown to the United States border from the point of departure by the most
direct route not in conflict with the other operating conditions and limitations of this authorization.
7. Permission for flights over or into countries other than the United States must be obtained by
the owner or operator of the aircraft from the CAA of that country.
8. The aircraft must be operated according to the applicable general operating and flight rules of
§ 91.711.
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9. This aircraft must be operated only by airmen holding appropriate certificates or licenses issued
or validated by the United States or the country of registry.
10. All flights must be conducted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR), day only, unless otherwise
11. Except when otherwise directed by Air Traffic Control, or in the event of an emergency, all
flights must be conducted to avoid areas having heavy air traffic, cities, towns, villages, congested
areas, or any other areas where the flights might create hazardous exposure to persons or property.
12. The operator of the aircraft must advise Air Traffic Control of the nature of the flight when
establishing communications.
13. This authorization must remain in effect until December 31, 2000.
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 91.715, Hamburger Flugzeugbau
G.M.B.H. is hereby authorized to operate the aircraft identified above for the purpose of
conducting demonstration flights in the United States. The aircraft has been issued a provisional
certificate of airworthiness by the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt and has been shown to meet standards
equivalent to those required for provisional certification of a U.S.-registered civil aircraft. All
operations of the aircraft must be in accordance with the following restrictions and limitations. An
authorized representative of the Administrator may prescribe additional operating restrictions and
limitations necessary for safe operation.
1. A copy of this authorization must be displayed in the aircraft when operating under the terms of
this SFA.
2. The identification markings assigned to the aircraft by the country of registry must be displayed
on the aircraft according to that country’s applicable requirements.
4. No person may be carried in this aircraft during flight unless that person is essential to the
purpose of the flight and has been advised of the content of this authorization and of the
airworthiness status of the aircraft.
5. The aircraft must be operated only by airmen holding appropriate certificates or licenses issued
or validated by the United States or the country of registry. The pilot in command of this aircraft
must hold an appropriate category/class rating. If required for the type of aircraft to be flown, the
pilot in command must also hold either an appropriate type rating or a letter of authorization
issued by an FAA Flight Standards Operations Inspector, or equivalent issued or validated by the
country of registry.
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
6. All flights must be conducted in compliance with the applicable general operating and flight
§ 91.711.
7. All flights must be conducted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR), day only, unless otherwise
8. Except when otherwise directed by Air Traffic Control, or in the event of an emergency, all
flights must be conducted to avoid areas having heavy air traffic, cities, towns, villages, congested
areas or any other area where flights might create hazardous exposure to persons or property.
9. Except for demonstration flights conducted according to the terms of this authorization,
additional flights within the United States must be limited to those necessary to proceed from
Hamburg, Germany, to Denver International Airport, and return to Hamburg, Germany by the
most practical direct route except for deviations necessary to maintain VFR weather conditions.
10. Prior to conducting any demonstration flight, contact the MIDO or FSDO for any additional
operating restrictions or limitations necessary for the protection of persons and property.
11. Permission for flights over or into countries other than the United States must be obtained by
the owner or operator of the aircraft from the CAA of that country.
12. The operator of the aircraft must advise Air Traffic Control of the nature of the flight when
establishing communications.
13. This authorization must remain in effect until April 14, 2000 unless superseded or rescinded.
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 91.715, Mr. John Doe of Montreal,
Canada, is hereby authorized to operate the aircraft identified above for the purpose of attending
the airshow at Seattle, Washington, July 3 through July 5, 2000. The aircraft has been issued a
Canadian flight permit. All operations of the aircraft must be in accordance with the following
restrictions and limitations. An authorized representative of the Administrator may prescribe
additional operating restrictions and limitations necessary for safe operation.
1. A copy of this authorization must be displayed in the aircraft when operating under the terms of
this SFA.
2. The identification markings assigned to the aircraft by the country of registry must be displayed
on the aircraft according to that country’s applicable requirements.
3. Persons or property must not be carried for compensation or hire on board the aircraft.
4. The aircraft must be operated under Visual Flight Rules (VFR), day only.
5. Except when otherwise directed by Air Traffic Control, or in the event of an emergency, all
flights must be conducted to avoid areas having heavy air traffic, cities, towns, villages, congested
areas, or any other area where the flights might create hazardous exposure to persons or property.
6. The operator of the aircraft must advise Air Traffic Control of the nature of the flight when
establishing communications.
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
7. The aircraft must be operated according to restrictions imposed by Transport Canada Aviation
provided those restrictions do not limit or change the conditions herein imposed.
8. All flights must be conducted in compliance with the general operating and flight rules of
§ 91.711.
9. No person may be carried in this aircraft during flight unless that person is essential to the
purpose of the flight and has been advised of the content of this authorization and of the
airworthiness status of the aircraft
10. The aircraft must be operated only by airmen holding appropriate certificates or licenses
issued or validated by the United States or the country of registry. The pilot in command of this
aircraft must hold an appropriate category/class rating. If required for the type of aircraft to be
flown, the pilot in command must also hold either an appropriate type rating or a letter of
authorization issued by an FAA Flight Standards Operations Inspector, or equivalent issued or
validated by the country of registry.
11. The operator of the aircraft must advise Air Traffic Control of the nature of the flight when
establishing communications.
12. This authorization is effective July 1, 2000, and terminates on July 7, 2000, unless superseded
or rescinded.
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11/5/2004 8130.2F
U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
This authorization is issued pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 91.309 to the Soaring
Society of America (SSA) and to each of the participants in the meet authorized by it to permit operation of
non-U.S.-registered aircraft in the United States. In consideration of the foregoing, all operations must be
in accordance with the following restrictions and limitations. An authorized representative of the
Administrator may prescribe additional operating restrictions and limitations necessary for safe operation.
1. A copy of this authorization must be displayed in the aircraft when operating under the terms of this
2. A current airworthiness certificate issued by the country of registry must be carried on board each
aircraft being operated under this authorization and must be produced upon request for inspection by the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
3. The operator of the aircraft must advise Air Traffic Control of the nature of the flight when establishing
4. Except when otherwise directed by Air Traffic Control, or in the case of emergency all flights must be
conducted to avoid congested areas, or any other area where flights might create hazardous exposure to
persons or property.
5. All flights must be conducted in compliance with the applicable general operating and flight § 91.711.
6. The identification markings assigned to the aircraft by the country of registry must be displayed on the
aircraft according to that country’s applicable requirements.
7. Persons or property must not be carried for compensation or hire on board the aircraft.
8. No person may be carried in this aircraft during flight unless that person is essential to the purpose of
the flight and has been advised of the content of this authorization and of the airworthiness status of the
9. The aircraft must be operated only by airmen holding appropriate certificates or licenses issued or
validated by the United States or the country of registry. The pilot in command of this aircraft must hold an
appropriate category/class rating. If required for the type of aircraft to be flown, the pilot in command must
also hold either an appropriate type rating or a letter of authorization issued by an FAA Flight Standards
Operations Inspector, or equivalent issued or validated by the country of registry.
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
10. The aircraft must be operated under Visual Flight Rules (VFR), day only.
11. Permission for flights over or into countries other than the United States must be obtained by the owner
or operator of the aircraft from the CAA of that country.
12. A copy of the DOT Authorization for non-U.S. civil aircraft participating in the meet must be carried
aboard each applicable aircraft operating under this SFA.
13. This authorization must remain in effect until July 10, 2000 unless superseded or rescinded.
Page 296
7/10/2006 8130.2F CHG 2
a. This chapter describes the requirements for completion and processing of the various forms
and certificates used for airworthiness certification. Information entered on these documents should be
typewritten when possible. The use of pencil, erasures, strikeovers, etc., on airworthiness forms other
than applications and Form 8050-72 is not permitted. Application forms may be corrected by the
applicant or the FAA, provided the person making the changes initials beside the area of correction.
b. The signature of the ASI or designee on any FAA certificate or form must be made in
permanent ink on the original and required copies. When the reverse side of the certificate is used, the
statement “See Reverse Side” must be typed on the face of the certificate. Below the last line of
information on a certificate, type the word “END” in the center of the page.
a. Instructions for Completing Form 8130-6. The applicant or authorized agent must complete
sections I through IV, as applicable, for the type of airworthiness certificate being requested. If the
application is for a special flight permit only, sections II and VI, or II and VII, as applicable, must be
* filled out. For production flight testing of light-sport category aircraft, sections I, II, and V must be
completed. The following instructions and explanations apply for entries that are not clearly
self-explanatory: *
(1) Section I. Aircraft Description. The FAA must verify the applicant’s entries from the
aircraft registration certificate, aircraft ID plate, TCDS, and/or aircraft specification sheet.
NOTE: This section is not completed when an application is being made for a
special flight permit.
(a) Registration Mark. Enter the U.S. nationality designator (the letter “N”) followed by
the registration marks as shown on the aircraft registration certificate.
(b) Aircraft Builder’s Name (Make). Enter the name of the builder or manufacturer as it
appears on the aircraft ID plate in accordance with § 45.13(a)(1).
1 For amateur-built aircraft, the aircraft make is the name of the builder. When two or
more persons are involved, enter only the name of the individual listed first on the aircraft ID plate.
* 2 For LSA assembled from an LSA manufacturer’s kit, the builder’s name is that of the
manufacturer who is identified on the statement of compliance, Form 8130-15. *
3 For aircraft built from spare and/or surplus parts, the builder’s name is that of the
person who assembled the aircraft, not that of the TC owner/manufacturer who builds the same model of
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8130.2F 11/5/2004
4 For surplus military aircraft (not assembled from spare and/or surplus parts),
the builder’s name must be as listed on the TCDS.
(c) Aircraft Model Designation. Enter the model designation as shown on the aircraft
ID plate in accordance with § 45.13(a)(2). Trade names must not be used.
1 If the application is for a surplus military aircraft, enter the civil model designation
and put the military model designation in parentheses. If the TC was issued under § 21.27, the military
model designation becomes the civil model designation.
2 For aircraft built from spare and/or surplus parts, the model designation is that of the
aircraft type design to which the applicant shows conformity.
4 For amateur-built aircraft, the model may be any arbitrary designation as selected by
the builder. If the aircraft was purchased as a kit, the model designation assigned by the kit
manufacturer should be used.
(d) Year of Manufacture. Enter the year of manufacture if shown on the aircraft ID plate
or as reflected in the aircraft’s records.
1 For aircraft eligible for standard airworthiness certificates, the year of manufacture is
the date (entered by the manufacturer) in the inspection records that reflects when the aircraft was
completed and met the FAA-approved type design data.
2 For aircraft other than the above, the year of manufacture is the date entered by the
builder in the inspection records or logbook establishing that the aircraft is airworthy and eligible for the
certificate requested.
3 For LSA, the year of manufacture is the date entered by the manufacturer in the
statement of compliance or by the builder in the inspection records or logbook establishing that the
aircraft is eligible for the certificate requested.
(e) Aircraft Serial Number. Enter the serial number as shown on the aircraft ID plate in
accordance with § 45.13(a)(3).
1 For surplus military aircraft, enter the manufacturer’s civil serial number. The
military serial number must be placed in parentheses following the civil serial number. If no civil serial
number exists, enter the military number.
2 For aircraft built from spare and/or surplus parts, enter the serial number assigned by
the builder. That number should not be confused with the serial number assigned by an original
manufacturer who builds the same type of aircraft under a production approval. It is suggested that a
letter prefix or suffix, such as the builder’s name or initials, be used with the serial number to provide
for positive identification.
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
3 For amateur-built aircraft, fabricated and assembled from plans or the builder’s own
design, the serial number may be any arbitrary number assigned by the builder. For any aircraft
fabricated and assembled from a kit, the aircraft should be identified by the serial number assigned by
the kit manufacturer or supplier.
(f) Engine Builder’s Name (Make). The engine make is the name of the manufacturer as
it appears on the engine ID plate in accordance with § 45.13(a)(1). Abbreviations may be used, for
example, “P&W,” “GE,” “CMC,” etc. When no engines are installed, as in the case of the glider
or balloon, enter “N/A.”
(g) Engine Model Designation. When engine(s) are installed, enter the complete
designation as shown on the engine ID plate; for example, “O-320-A1B,” “PT6A-20A,”
or “CFM-56-3C-1,” in accordance with § 45.13(a)(2).
(h) Number of Engines. When applicable, enter the number of engines installed on the
(i) Propeller Builder’s Name (Make). Enter the name of the manufacturer as shown on
the propeller identification marking. Enter “N/A” if propellers are not installed.
(Reference § 45.13(a)(1).)
(j) Propeller Model Designation. When applicable, enter the model designation as shown
on the propeller identification marking.
(k) Aircraft Is Import. This block must be checked only if the aircraft was manufactured
outside the United States and certificated under § 21.29, and the applicant is seeking airworthiness
certification under § 21.183(c), or under § 21.190(d) when an LSA is eligible for an airworthiness
certification, flight authorization, or other similar certification in its country of manufacture.
(2) Section II. Certification Requested. The following paragraphs refer to the applicable
14 CFR references for standard and special airworthiness certificates and aid in the completion of
Form 8130-6:
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* 4 Section 21.183(d), Used aircraft and surplus aircraft of the U.S. Armed Forces; and
(aa) Section 21.221, Class I provisional airworthiness certificates (may be issued for
all categories); and
(bb) Section 21.185(b), Other aircraft (surplus U.S. military aircraft or one
previously type-certificated in another category); and
6 Experimental Certificate.
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(ii) Section 21.191(i), Operating LSA purpose under § 21.191(i)(1), (i)(2), or (i)(3).
(aa) Section 21.197(a)(1), Flying the aircraft to a base where repairs, alterations,
or maintenance are to be performed, or to a point of storage;
NOTE: Do not complete this section when application is being made for a
special flight permit.
(a) Registered Owner. Enter the name and address exactly as shown on the aircraft
registration certificate. Part 47 prescribes the requirements for registering aircraft.
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(b) If Dealer, Check Here. This block must be checked ONLY if the aircraft is registered
under a dealer’s aircraft registration certificate.
(c) Aircraft Certification Basis (Aircraft Specification or Type Certificate Data Sheet
and/or Aircraft Listing Block, or Applicable Consensus Standard). This item must be completed
when application is being made for a standard, primary, light-sport, provisional, limited, restricted, or
multiple airworthiness certificate.
1 When application is being made for a multiple airworthiness certificate, enter the
certification basis for each certificate being requested.
2 If the TCDS or specification for a new aircraft or model has been approved, but not
yet published, enter the date of approval, the TC or specification number, and the word “Preliminary.”
3 When application is being made for an LSA airworthiness certificate, enter the
applicable consensus standard for design and performance from the statement of compliance. If no
statement of compliance exists for the aircraft, enter “N/A.”
4 Enter “N/A” when the application is being made for an experimental certificate.
(d) Airworthiness Directives. This block must be completed to indicate compliance with
all applicable ADs in accordance with part 39 and § 21.99, regardless of the type of airworthiness
certificate being requested.
1 Enter the number of the last biweekly supplement to the summary of ADs available
as of the date of application, for example, Biweekly 97-06, published on March 24, 1997. When an
LSA is equipped with certificated equipment or appliances, use the applicable ADs for the certificated
equipment and/or appliances.
2 For LSA, enter all applicable manufacturer safety directives available as of the date
of application. If there are not any manufacturer safety directives, enter “NONE.”
(f) Supplemental Type Certificate. This block is applicable to all standard airworthiness
certifications and special airworthiness certifications in the restricted, limited, provisional, and primary
categories for aircraft with one or more STCs installed, and must be filled out at the time of application.
The STC number of each STC installed must be entered. If more space is required, an attachment may
be used.
1 Check If Records Are in Compliance With § 91.417. This block applies to all
aircraft covered by this section and must be checked to indicate that the recordkeeping requirements of
§ 91.417 have been met. For example, to comply with § 91.417(a)(2)(i), the aircraft maintenance record
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must include the total time-in-service of the airframe, engines, propellers, and rotor; and to comply
with § 91.417(a)(2)(ii), the record must include the current status of the life-limited articles of the
airframe, engines, propellers, rotor, and articles. All record entries must be in English.
2 Total Airframe Hours. This block applies to all aircraft covered by this section.
The total time-in-service of the aircraft, including production flight test time, should be entered.
(h) Certification. If the signature is by the owner’s agent, a notarized letter from the
registered owner authorizing the agent to act on the owner’s behalf is required.
(4) Section IV. Inspection Agency Verification. This section must be completed only if
application is being made for a standard airworthiness certificate in accordance with § 21.183(d).
This section must be left blank for all other certification actions.
(5) Section V. FAA Representative Certification. This section must be completed by the
ASI or designee that inspects the aircraft and issues the certificate.
(b) District Office. An ASI must enter the appropriate district or regional office
designation. Designees and ODA manufacturers must enter the designation of the district office
geographically responsible for monitoring their activities.
(c) Designee’s Signature and No. For ODA manufacturers, enter “ODA” followed by the
ODA number. The DMIR, DAR, or ODA unit member signature must be signed in ink above the typed
or printed name on the original and copy(ies). The typed name and signature must be legible and must
not obliterate preprinted information on Form 8130-6.
(d) ASI’s Signature. The ASI’s name must be typed or printed in this box with the
signature above.
(6) Section VI. Production Flight Testing. This section must be completed only by a
manufacturer applying for a special flight permit for the purpose of flight testing production aircraft
under the provisions of § 21.197(a)(3). All required entries are self-explanatory.
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NOTE: The requirements in this section for LSA production flight testing are
only items A and C, with item B remaining blank.
(7) Section VII. Special Flight Permit Purposes Other Than Production Flight Test.
(a) Item A. Description of Aircraft. The entries in this section must be the same as the
corresponding data recorded on the aircraft’s registration certificate and, as applicable, on the aircraft’s
ID plate.
(b) Item B. Description of Flight. Enter the present location of the aircraft in the From
box and the aircraft’s intended destination in the To box.
1 The Via entry must contain the name of an airport or city at some intermediate point
in the flight to provide a general description of the route flown. For example, a flight from Kansas City,
Missouri, to Dallas, Texas, may be via Wichita, Kansas, and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in accordance
with § 21.199(a)(2).
2 The Duration entry must reflect the overall duration of the special flight permit
and need not be the same as the planned duration of the actual flight. Factors such as fueling stops,
weather conditions, overnight stops, or any other reasonable condition must be given consideration
when establishing the duration.
(c) Item D. The Aircraft Does Not Meet the Applicable Airworthiness Requirements
As Follows. This entry must specifically detail the conditions in which the aircraft does not comply
with the applicable airworthiness requirements in accordance with § 21.199(a)(4).
(d) Item E. The Following Restrictions Are Considered Necessary for Safe
Operation. This entry must contain in detail the restrictions the applicant considers necessary for safe
operation of the aircraft; for example, reduced airspeed or weight, turbulence avoidance, and flightcrew
member limitations or qualifications. This item must be carefully reviewed by the FAA to determine
that the restriction would ensure safe operation of the aircraft. Any deficiencies must be resolved before
issuance of the special flight permit. The FAA also may prescribe additional conditions and limitations
deemed necessary for safe operation.
(8) Section VIII. Airworthiness Documentation. This section must be completed by the
ASI or designee who inspects the aircraft and issues the airworthiness certificate. However, this section
is not applicable when a special flight permit is being issued.
(b) Item B. Current Operating Limitations Attached. Check this block when operating
limitations have been issued and a copy is attached for retention in the permanent record. (This applies
to aircraft certificated in categories other than standard.)
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(d) Item F. This Inspection Recorded in Aircraft Records. The following is considered
a satisfactory statement for the aircraft record entry: “I find that the aircraft meets the requirements for
the certification requested and have issued a (standard) (special) airworthiness certificate dated .
The next inspection is due . Signed: John Smith, Aviation Safety Inspector, SW-41.”
NOTE 1: The next inspection date is not necessary when the aircraft is
under a continuous maintenance program.
NOTE 2: In the case of aircraft that had a previous due date, the date
entered is the same. The aircraft gains no additional time because it was
not in the standard category.
(e) Item G. Statement of Conformity, FAA Form 8130-9 (Attach When Required).
Check the block to indicate Form 8130-9 or, when LSA, Statement of Compliance, Form 8130-15, and
attach when required.
(f) Item H. Foreign Airworthiness Certification for Import Aircraft (Attach When
Required). Check the block to indicate that certification of another country is required for the
certification action and that a copy is attached for retention in the aircraft’s permanent record.
b. Instructions for Reviewing Completed Form 8130-6. The FAA must review the form to
determine that all applicable entries have been made, and on issuance of the airworthiness certificate,
must complete section V. In the event that an airworthiness certificate is denied, sections V and VIII
must not be completed. A letter of denial, or a statement of the reason for denial, must be attached to the
form and forwarded to AFS-750 as part of the aircraft records.
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268. COMPLETION OF FORM 8100-2. The blocks on Form 8100-2 must be completed using the
information obtained with completed Form 8130-6.
a. Nationality and Registration Marks. Enter the capital letter “N” followed by the registration
number assigned to the aircraft.
d. Category. Enter the appropriate category as defined in paragraph 267 of this order. If there is
no category, as in the case of aircraft certificated prior to adoption of the regulations that established
categories, enter the aircraft specification, TCDS, or listing number as applicable. For example,
“CAR 4a” for a Bellanca 14-13; “ATC 614” for an Aeronca LC.
e. Authority and Basis for Issuance. Under Exceptions, enter the exemption number and a brief
description of any exemptions from the applicable airworthiness standards (CAR 3, 4b, 5, 6, 7,
or equivalent CFR) that have been granted for the aircraft (see aircraft specification or TCDS). If no
exemptions exist, enter “None.”
f. Date of Issuance. For an original or recurrent certificate, enter the date the certificate is issued.
For a replacement or exchanged certificate, enter the date of the original certificate and insert the letter
“R” or “E,” respectively, before this date. When the certificate is being amended, insert the letter “A”
before the new issuance date, which is the current date. (See paragraph 27 of this order for additional
g. FAA Representative. Type the name of the ASI or designee issuing the certificate under the
signature. The signature must be in permanent ink on the original and copies.
h. Designation Number. Depending on who issues the certificate, enter the following applicable
269. COMPLETION OF FORM 8130-7. The blocks on Form 8130-7 must be completed using all
applicable information obtained from completed Form 8130-6.
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(1) Category/Designation. Enter the category of special airworthiness certificate being issued,
as outlined under paragraph 267 of this order, for example, restricted, limited, light-sport, etc. For
experimentally certificated manned free balloons or gliders, the words “Manned Free Balloon” or
“Glider” are to be put in parentheses after the word “Experimental” for the respective type of aircraft.
For experimentally certificated LSA, put in “Experimental.”
(2) Purpose. Enter the operating purpose for which the special airworthiness certificate is
being issued, as shown by the blocks checked by the applicant under section II, block B, on
Form 8130-6. If the application is for a limited category airworthiness certificate, the Purpose entry
must be “N/A.” For LSA category aircraft, enter one of the five classes of LSA: airplanes, gliders,
powered parachutes, weight-shift-control aircraft, and lighter-than-air aircraft (balloons and airships).
There are six classes of LSA experimental purposes: airplanes, gliders, powered parachutes,
weight-shift-control aircraft, lighter-than-air aircraft (balloons and airships), and gyroplanes. For
* example, an LSA glider will be listed in the purpose as “light-sport (glider).” Because of the limited
space available on the purpose line, the following abbreviations will be used: “PPC” for powered
parachute and “WSC” for weight shift control. *
b. Section B. Enter the name and address of the manufacturer only if the application is for a
special flight permit for the purpose of production flight testing. In all other cases, enter “N/A” in both
spaces under this section.
c. Section C.
(1) This section is applicable for a special flight permit for purposes other than production
flight testing. For production flight testing, enter “N/A” in both spaces. For other purposes, the Flight
From and Flight To spaces must be the same as that shown on Form 8130-6, section VII, item B.
(2) When the aircraft is to be flown outside the United States, enter “Subject to D(2) on reverse
side” in section C on the face side of the special airworthiness certificate.
d. Section D. This section is applicable to all categories and purposes except production flight
* testing. If the purpose is production flight testing of other than light-sport category aircraft, enter “N/A”
in all spaces. For production flight testing of light-sport category aircraft, section D should include the
registration number, aircraft serial number, and aircraft model. For all other categories and purposes,
information to complete the entries in this section would be contained in section I of the application for
airworthiness certificate. *
e. Section E.
(1) Date of Issuance. Enter the date the certificate is issued. However, in those cases
where a certificate is being exchanged or replaced, enter the date of the original certificate and insert
the letter “E” or “R.”
(2) Expiry. Enter the date of expiry if the application is for an experimental or special flight
permit. An experimental certificate for R&D, showing compliance with regulations, crew training,
or market surveys is effective for 1 year after the date of issue or renewal, unless a shorter period is
deemed necessary. The duration of light-sport, amateur-built, exhibition, and air racing experimental
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certificates is unlimited unless good cause exists to establish a specific period. Additionally, LSA that
have been grandfathered into LSA experimental purpose by rule exception and that have preexisting
exemptions have an expiration date. For a provisional certificate, the entry should be in accordance
with § 21.217.
(3) Operating Limitations Dated ________ Are a Part of This Certificate. Enter the date of
the operating limitations. Do not repeat or paraphrase limitations printed on the back of the certificate.
Enter “N/A” if the limitations on the reverse side of the certificate are adequate for the purpose.
(4) Signature of FAA Representative: Designation or Office No. Complete this space for
ALL categories and purposes. Entries are the same as those explained in paragraphs 268g and h of
this order.
for manufactured and kit-built light-sport aircraft. All information listed below applies to both, unless
otherwise indicated.
(1) Section I. Aircraft Identification. This section must contain the aircraft information as
shown on the aircraft ID plate, and/or aircraft or kit documentation and records. For light-sport kit-built
aircraft, the date of manufacture is the date the light-sport kit was completed by the manufacturer.
(a) Consensus Standard(s). The consensus standard for the design and performance of
the aircraft must be listed in this block. For example, the entry would be “ASTM F2245-04 (design and
performance).” Any other applicable consensus standards not referenced elsewhere on this form also
must be listed here. For example, if the engine required a standard, the entry would be
“ASTM F2339-04 (engine).” If an airframe emergency parachute is installed, the entry would be
“ASTM F2316-03 (airframe emergency parachute).” The title of the standard also may be included.
For kit-built aircraft, this block also must contain the manufacturer-provided assembly instructions and
the consensus standard for the design and performance and assembly instructions.
(b) Aircraft Operating Instructions. This block must list the specific title or company
identifier for the Aircraft Operating Instructions (AOI) provided with the light-sport aircraft or kit,
including the revision level, if applicable. The block also must contain the consensus standard used to
develop the AOI. *
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* (c) Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection Procedures. This block must list the specific
title or company identifier for the Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection Procedures provided with the
light-sport aircraft or kit, including the revision level, if applicable. The block also must contain the
consensus standard used to develop the maintenance and inspection procedures.
(d) Aircraft Flight Training Supplement. This block must list the specific title or
company identifier for the Aircraft Flight Training Supplement provided with the light-sport aircraft or
kit, including the revision level, if applicable. The block also must contain the consensus standard used
to develop the supplement. The manufacturer may choose to include the Aircraft Flight Training
Supplement as a part of, or a section within, the AOI. If so, a statement to that effect must be entered in
this block.
(a) Comments. This block must provide any additional information not contained
elsewhere on the form. It may be used to expand on the information in the Consensus Standard(s) block
in Section II or to provide other information the manufacturer deems necessary. For kit-built light-sport
aircraft, it may be used to provide evidence that an aircraft of the same make and model was issued a
special airworthiness certificate in the light-sport category.
(b) Manufacturer’s Quality Assurance System. This block must provide the specific
title or company identifier for the company’s quality assurance system used in the production of the
light-sport aircraft or kit, including the revision level, if applicable. The block also must contain the
consensus standard used to develop the quality assurance system.
(c) Manufacturer’s Continued Airworthiness System. This block must provide the
specific title or company identifier for the company’s continued airworthiness system used by the
company to support the aircraft, including the revision level, if applicable. The block also must contain
the consensus standard used to develop the continued airworthiness system. This block is not applicable
for kit-built light-sport aircraft; therefore, for a kit-built light-sport aircraft, the block must show “N/A.”
1 Aircraft or kit serial number in the blank provided. For kit-built light-sport aircraft,
the word “aircraft” (right before “serial number”) must be lined through and the word “kit” should be
2 Name and title of the manufacturer or authorized agent signing the form, and the
date the form was signed.
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(b) For a kit-built light-sport aircraft, the following words will be lined through: “and that
the Manufacturer’s Continued Airworthiness System will be adhered to support the aircraft throughout
its life”; “Manufacturer’s Quality Assurance System identified on this statement”; and “(3) was ground
and flight tested successfully, and (4) is in a condition for safe operation.” (See figure 4-30, Sample
Form 8130-15, Light-Sport Kit-Built Aircraft Statement of Compliance.)
a. Form 8130-4 must be filled out in duplicate. The original remains with the product and the
duplicate is forwarded to AFS-750.
b. Place the Export Certificate Number Assignment Card number in the No. block at the top right
corner of the form.
c. In the space provided in the certifying statement, enter the information identified in accordance
with note (1) at the bottom of Form 8130-4.
e. In the Exceptions block enter any noncompliance(s) to type design, requirements for the
importing country, and the addition of any temporary installations required for delivery. If there are no
exceptions, enter the word “None.”
(1) When Form 8130-4 has been declared lost, the following information is required:
(a) A written statement from the importer stating the tag has been lost; and
(b) Evidence of previous export, traceable by invoice to model and serial number from the
(2) When these actions have been taken, a copy of the original form can be provided, if
available. The replacement approval or a copy of the original lost approval must have an original
signature and the same data as the lost Form 8130-4.
272. COMPLETION OF FORM 8130-1. The applicant must complete part I of the application
for aircraft. The applicant may complete part II of the application for aircraft engines, propellers, and
articles but these applications may also be made orally. Part III is for FAA use only. All items are
self-explanatory except as noted. Instructions for completion of parts I and II are used to help the
FAA review the form as submitted by the applicant. The completed Form 8130-1 must be filed in the
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district office and retained for a minimum of 2 years, then destroyed in accordance with standard agency
procedures. Chapter 5 of this order contains further information on the use of this form.
a. Export Certificate No. This block is left blank by the applicant. The FAA must enter the
serial number from Form 8050-72.
(a) For an aircraft not under U.S. registry, insert in the Identification No. block the
nationality and registration marks supplied by the country/jurisdiction of registry or intended registry
that are displayed on the aircraft. For U.S.-registered aircraft, insert the ID marks as assigned under
part 47. Any questions concerning the marking requirements of the importing country/jurisdiction must
be resolved between the exporter/importer and the CAA of that country/jurisdiction.
(b) Under FAA Spec. No., enter the pertinent specification number or the TCDS number,
as applicable.
(c) For new and used aircraft, enter in the Operating Time (Hours) block the number of
operating hours since the annual type inspection, and the total time-in-service. Aircraft engines and
propellers are no longer required to be new, as long as the importing country/jurisdiction accepts the
aircraft with used engines and propellers. For aircraft, the blocks for engine(s) and propeller(s) must be
completed to reflect the required information, as applicable.
(3) Item Nos. 6 and 7. These items are self-explanatory; however, if the No box is checked,
explain the deviations in item No. 10 and attach the original or true copy of documents stating that the
product will be acceptable with the deviations listed, as received from the CAA of the importing
(4) Item No. 8. This item provides a means of establishing the date the ownership of the stated
product is expected to pass to the purchaser.
(5) Item No. 9. This item provides a means of documenting the preservation and packaging
methods used to protect against corrosion and damage. It is recommended that all products be
appropriately treated for corrosion and damage prevention.
(6) Item No. 10. This space may be used to convey the information required under
item Nos. 6 and 7. This space also may be used by the exporter to convey any other information
pertinent to the issuance of the export airworthiness approval. Additional sheets may be attached, as
necessary, and appropriately cross-referenced. In addition, list the documents that the regulation
requires to be submitted with the application under the provisions of § 21.327. After review by the
FAA, the documents required to be furnished to the importing country/jurisdiction under § 21.335 will
be supplied to the applicant.
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(7) Item No. 11. The authorized representative of the exporter must sign this certificate in ink
and ensure it is dated. The typed name, title, and signature must be legible.
c. Part II (For Aircraft Engines, Propellers, and Articles). If not making application orally,
complete as follows:
(2) Item No. 15. Use the instructions for entering eligibility information from Order 8130.21.
(4) Item No. 17. This item provides for the description and listing of the aircraft engine,
propellers, and articles being exported. Select the first check box and list the aircraft engine, propellers,
and articles in the space provided. If the entire list of the aircraft engine, propellers, and articles cannot
fit in the space provided, select the second check box and, on the line provided, specifically identify the
exporter’s shipping document covering the aircraft engine, propellers, and articles concerned. Attach a
copy of this document to the form. In either case, if more than one type of aircraft engine, propeller, and
article is involved, they are to be listed according to the aircraft engine, propeller, or article for which
they are eligible. List the name, part number (or equivalent means of identifying each physical aircraft
engine, propeller, or article), and quantity of each article.
(5) Item No. 18. This item is self-explanatory. If the No box is checked, explain the
noncompliance in item No. 10 and attach the original, or a true copy, of the documents stating that the
product will be acceptable with the deviation(s) listed, as received from the CAA of the importing
(6) Item No. 19. This item provides a means of documenting the preservation and packaging
methods used to protect against corrosion and damage. It is recommended that all products be
appropriately treated for corrosion and damage prevention.
(7) Item No. 20. The authorized representative of the exporter must date and sign this
certification in ink above the typed or printed name and title.
(1) Item No. 21. The typed name and signature of the ASI and designee must be legible and in
permanent ink. The number should be the office identifier or designee designation number.
ODA manufacturers must use their authorization number as assigned by the FAA.
(2) Item No. 22. The ASI or authorized designee must enter the quantity of Forms 8130-3
issued for the articles described in part II of the form.
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(3) Item No. 23. A completed spot check of the file is indicated by the signature of the
supervising ASI in permanent ink above the typed name. The district or regional office number and date
must be entered in the boxes. If the file is not spot checked, omit the name and signature, but enter the
district or regional office number and date.
a. It is the responsibility of all ASIs and designees to examine in detail each certification file
processed to ensure accuracy, completeness, legibility, and compliance with applicable requirements,
including all necessary attachments. The following list represents the primary data that must be retained
in the permanent files. These documents must be submitted to AFS-750 no later than 30 days after the
field offices receives them. Do not include any documentation that is not required in support of the
certification action.
(b) Applications for special flight permits for operation of overweight aircraft only in
accordance with § 21.197(b).
(c) Applications for an experimental airworthiness certificate must include the data
required by § 21.193, as applicable.
(e) A copy of Form 8130-2 or any other data, drawings, photographs, etc., as applicable.
(f) A copy of Form 337, as applicable. Do not include referenced data forming the basis
for approval of the repair or alteration.
(g) A copy of Form 8100-2, or Form 8130-7, as applicable. When Form 8130-7 is issued
as a special flight permit, submit only those copies which permit operation of overweight aircraft in
accordance with § 21.197(b). Superseded, terminated, or canceled airworthiness certificates must be
included if a recurrent certificate is issued.
(i) A copy of the checklist and inspection record for aircraft built from spare and surplus
(k) Form 8130-15, Statement of Compliance for light-sport category and kit-built
experimental light-sport aircraft.
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(b) The statement of acceptance from an importing country/jurisdiction listing the specific
noncompliance(s), as applicable.
(3) Export of Articles. Retain the following in the district or regional office. DMIRs, DARs,
and ODAs may retain the records at their facility as long as their authorization is valid.
(a) The original application (if made in writing) for an Export C of A, as applicable, along
with any data showing acceptance of deviations from the CAA of the country/jurisdiction of import.
(4) Import of a Product Manufactured in a Bilateral Country. Retain the following in the
district or regional office:
(a) Aircraft. The certificate of airworthiness issued by the State of Manufacture that states
the aircraft conforms to its type design and is in a condition for safe operation.
(b) Aircraft Engine and Propeller. The certification from the aircraft State of
Manufacture for engines and propellers that was submitted when deemed they were a part of, or were to
be installed on, an aircraft.
b. In addition to the above-mentioned data, the district or regional offices must maintain copies of
any other data they deem appropriate to substantiate the certification of the product. This includes
Form 8100-1, eligibility statements, program letters, etc.
c. The appropriate district or regional office must ensure that all airworthiness actions processed
by FAA designees are submitted to the district or regional office for review and transmittal to AFS-750.
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FAA Form 337, Major Repair and Alteration (Airframe, Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliance),
0052-00-025-8001, Hundred.
FAA Form 8130-1, Application for Export Certificate of Airworthiness, 0052-00-024-9004, Sheet.
FAA Form 8130-10, Surplus Military Aircraft Inspection Record, 0052-00-851-9000, Sheet.
2. The following forms are NOT available through normal distribution channels.
Form 8050-64, Assignment of Special Registration Numbers, is available from the FAA Aircraft
Form 8050-72, Export Certificate Number Assignment Card, is available from the FAA Aircraft
Aeronautical Center Form 4100 series, Non-Certificated Public Aircraft Document, is available from the
Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering Division, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
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Appendix 1
1. PURPOSE. This appendix describes the procedures for issuance of Form 8100-2, for new aircraft
manufactured in other countries that are to be placed on the U.S. register. This procedure is intended
primarily for guidance to the U.S. aircraft owner, the CAA, the manufacturer, and AFS-750. For the
purpose of this procedure, a U.S. aircraft owner may be represented by an agent as indicated in § 21.173.
NOTE: This procedure does not relieve persons involved in the standard airworthiness
certification process from any responsibilities or legal requirements of part 21.
a. The FAA will at times seek assistance from bilateral partners in the final processing, dating,
and delivery of Form 8100-2 for newly manufactured aircraft destined for export to the United States.
The FAA issues the form and the CAA provides assistance with specific process steps. The certificate
issuing office only may apply the procedure identified in this appendix when approved by AIR-200
and the directorate with responsibility for importing the aircraft. Furthermore, the use of this procedure
is only allowed if no conflict exists with the bilateral agreement of the country or jurisdiction of
b. Upon request from the U.S. aircraft owner, the CAA, or jurisdiction of manufacture, the FAA
may, at its discretion, authorize the CAA to act on its behalf. If authorized, this activity will be
performed in accordance with the detailed procedures identified in this appendix, and only for aircraft
that are—
(3) Fully compliant with the requirements of the applicable FAA TC,
a. The aircraft manufacturer notifies the CAA of the country or jurisdiction of manufacture that an
aircraft, identified in paragraph 3b below, has been sold to a named U.S. owner and is to be placed on
the U.S. register. As a result, the U.S. aircraft owner will be requesting issuance of Form 8100-2 at the
point of manufacture.
b. The U.S. owner submits to AFS-750 a request for assignment of a U.S. identification number for
the particular aircraft. This request will include the following information:
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(2) Manufacturer’s name,
c. The U.S. owner, upon receipt of the ID number, supplies it to the aircraft manufacturer for
permanent marking of the aircraft (reference part 45). The U.S. owner also provides this information to
the CAA for its use. This ID number will become the final registration number.
d. The U.S. owner notifies the manager of the FAA office that issues standard airworthiness
certificates for import aircraft of the desire to have Form 8100-2 issued at the point of manufacture.
The U.S. owner also provides the FAA office with Form 8130-6, sections I, II, and III completed as
applicable. All entries should be typed or printed legibly. Certain items in section III are to be left
blank until the final application is completed, because the information for these items is not known until
the aircraft’s final delivery. Form 8130-6 is considered to be “initial” until the items are completed.
The items to be left blank are—
(1) The status of compliance up to the most current and applicable ADs as indicated in the
Airworthiness Directives block of subsection B, Aircraft Certification Basis;
(2) The recording of total airframe hours (including production flight test time) in the applicable
block of subsection C, Total Airframe Hours; and
NOTE: The initial Form 8130-6 should be filled out in accordance with
AC 21-12, Form 8130-6, or Order 8130.2.
e. The CAA notifies the manager of the FAA certificate issuing office of its desire to act on behalf
of the FAA in the delivery of Form 8100-2 for the particular aircraft. The following information is to be
supplied by the CAA:
NOTE: A letter of ongoing support from an individual CAA can be the method
of FAA notification upon acceptance by the FAA certificate issuing office.
f. The FAA certificate issuing office prepares Form 8100-2, including two carbon copies.
(1) List in block No. 5 any existing exemptions granted by the FAA that are applicable to the
aircraft, as cited on the TCDS or other official correspondence.
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(2) Leave the Date of Issuance block blank.
(3) Sign the original and two copies in blue ink and forward them to the designated CAA point of
contact. Blue ink is used so that the original signature can be easily identified.
(4) The following sentence must be included in the transmittal letter from the FAA certificate
issuing office: “Do not deliver this standard airworthiness certificate, issued for the subject aircraft
above, until AFS-750 or this office has notified you that the aircraft has been properly registered.”
NOTE: If AFS-750 notifies the CAA directly, they also are to notify the FAA
certificate issuing office that the aircraft is registered and that the CAA has been
(1) The aircraft manufacturer installs an ID plate on the aircraft that meets the requirements of
§ 45.11 upon completion of all necessary flight tests and inspections. The aircraft manufacturer also
applies the nationality and registration marks to the aircraft in accordance with § 45.21.
(2) For aircraft manufactured outside the United States pursuant to a § 21.29 TC, the TC number
on the data plate may be either the U.S. TC number or the TC number of the country of manufacture.
The data plate information should provide a means to determine the applicable U.S. TC number if the
manufacturing country’s TC number is used. Also, not all countries use the term “production
certificate,” and even within the United States, not all aircraft are manufactured under a PC. With
regard to PC number entries, the current FAA regulations require an FAA PC number, if any. However,
aircraft that are produced outside the United States to the requirements of a § 21.29 TC will not have
an associated FAA PC number. The data plate may include the associated production approval number
issued by the CAA of the country of manufacture.
(3) The FAA has, in some cases, granted regulatory exemptions permitting alternate mounting
locations of aircraft ID plates for certain aircraft of qualifying air carriers. Any aircraft whose ID plate
is mounted in a location other than that which is required in § 45.11 must be covered by the provisions
of a current regulatory exemption for alternate ID plate location.
h. The CAA issues an Export C of A for the aircraft after completing all tasks and inspections
necessary to determine that the aircraft conforms to the FAA-approved type design and is in a condition
for safe operation. This certificate must contain the certification statement prescribed in the applicable
FAA TCDS under the Import Requirements heading.
NOTE: If any nonconformities, deviations, or exceptions exist, the CAA must obtain
written concurrence and acceptance of these conditions from the FAA certificate
issuing office prior to delivering Form 8100-2 for the subject aircraft. Conditions of
this nature may disqualify the aircraft from receiving the intended Form 8100-2 due
to its inability to fully meet the requirements of the U.S. TC.
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i. Additional work performed after issuance of the CAA’s Export C of A.
(1) If any additional work (for example, modifications, alterations, repairs, etc.) is performed on
the aircraft by the manufacturer after issuance of the CAA’s Export C of A, and prior to receipt of the
U.S. standard airworthiness certificate, the following must be accomplished:
(a) The work must be controlled, documented, and completed by the manufacturer under its
CAA-approved production quality control system and associated procedures.
(b) The exporting CAA will review the manufacturer’s additional completed work to ensure
that the aircraft continues to remain in full compliance with its FAA-approved type design and is in a
condition for safe operation. If the CAA is satisfied that these requirements are fully met, the
U.S. standard airworthiness certificate may be released to the registered owner/operator in accordance
with paragraph 3h of this appendix.
(2) If any additional work (for example, modifications, alterations, repairs, etc.) is performed
on the aircraft by someone other than the manufacturer (which also may include any other persons
or organizations under the direct control of the manufacturer), after issuance of the CAA’s
Export C of A, the aircraft possibly may be disqualified from receipt of the U.S. standard airworthiness
certificate issued under this special procedure.
NOTE: The CAA is not responsible for the review and acceptance of any
additional work performed outside of its direct control and oversight. This
includes any additional work (as described above) performed on the aircraft
directly by the new U.S. owner prior to receiving the U.S. standard airworthiness
certificate. The FAA certificate issuing office could not, therefore, be assured of
the continued validity of the CAA’s Export C of A upon which this special
procedure and the issuance of the U.S. standard airworthiness certificate are
(3) The new U.S. owner/operator (or his authorized agent) may at times perform the various
functions and activities which may be necessary to prepare the newly acquired aircraft for their
departure flight from the manufacturer and placement into operation.
(b) After the completion of these tasks, the new U.S. owner/operator must ensure that the
aircraft has remained in full compliance to the FAA-approved type design and continued condition for
safe operation. The CAA may, at its discretion, monitor these functions and activities in advance of the
release of the U.S. standard airworthiness certificate.
(4) The FAA certificate issuing office should be contacted by the CAA when any problems arise
pertaining to these requirements which would preclude the release and delivery of the U.S. standard
airworthiness certificate to the new U.S. owner/operator.
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j. The aircraft manufacturer and the U.S. owner will request the CAA to supply the U.S. owner with
a statement concerning the aircraft’s current registration status in its country or jurisdiction of
manufacture. The statement concerning the aircraft’s current registration must attest that the particular
aircraft previously has not been registered or been removed from the foreign registry if previously
registered. Reference §§ 47.15(a)(1) and 47.37(b).
k. The U.S. owner submits to AFS-750 all information required to obtain aircraft registration.
Permanent registration will be received via Form 8050-3. If the U.S. aircraft owner desires to receive a
temporary registration prior to receiving the permanent one, a request also should be made at this time
for Standard Form 14, Telegraphic Message. This form serves as a temporary Certificate of Aircraft
Registration. The required information for aircraft registration consists of—
(1) Form 8050-1, including the original Form 8050-2, or other evidence of ownership as
indicated in § 47.11;
(3) The registration status statement received from the CAA in paragraph 3j of this appendix.
l. The U.S. owner supplies the CAA with a complete Form 8130-6 after receipt of Form 8050-3
or Standard Form 14. Sections IV and V, and the entire reverse side of Form 8130-6 are to be left blank.
However, the items left blank from the initial form, and one additional item, should now be completed
as follows:
(1) The status of compliance up to the most current and applicable ADs as indicated in the
Airworthiness Directives block of subsection B.
(2) The recording of total airframe hours (including production flight test time) in the applicable
block of subsection C.
(3) The final date entered by the applicant must be the same as or later than the date of the
Export C of A issued by the CAA of the country or jurisdiction of manufacture.
(a) The date cannot be later than the date entered on Form 8100-2 for the aircraft.
(b) The signature of the person in subsection D must be that of the registered owner (or an
authorized employee of the corporation or company signified as the registered owner) identified under
subsection A of section III. If the signature is other than one of these persons, the application must be
accompanied with a notarized letter or current power of attorney delegating the authority to act as an
agent on the owner’s behalf to apply for the airworthiness certificate.
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(4) The specific 14 CFR reference listed in section III, subsection C, should be crossed out
and changed from § 91.173 to § 91.417.
(1) The registered owner identified on Form 8130-6 is still the same person, company,
or corporation confirmed as the final registered owner by AFS-750 on Form 8050-3 or Standard
Form 14.
(2) The aircraft’s N-Numbers painted on the exterior of the fuselage are identical to those
assigned to the aircraft by AFS-750 on Form 8050-3 or Standard Form 14. In addition, the aircraft
markings must meet the requirements of part 45.
(3) The aircraft’s nationality and registration marks entered on Form 8100-2, block No. 1, are
identical to those assigned to the aircraft by AFS-750 on Form 8050-3 or Standard Form 14.
(4) The aircraft’s ID plate has all of the required data and proper information, and is mounted in
the proper location on the aircraft.
n. The CAA finalizes and installs Form 8100-2 in the aircraft as follows:
(1) The specific date on which the form was issued is entered in the Date of Issuance block on the
original and on the two carbon copies. Date entries are to include the month identifier in either a
three-letter format or completely spelled out, for example, “Mar” or “March.” Date of issuance entries
must be made with a typewriter or other appropriate instrument, for example, a mechanical date
stamping device for the date entry. No handwritten entries are permitted.
(2) The original Form 8100-2 is then installed in the aircraft and the following statement is
entered into the aircraft logbook: “U.S. Standard Airworthiness Certificate, issued [date], has been
installed in the aircraft on behalf of [FAA certificate issuing office] on [date].”
NOTE: The person from the CAA performing the final issuance and installation
of Form 8100-2 in the aircraft must sign the aircraft logbook and include a
functional title or other evidence of authorization to act on behalf of the CAA.
o. The CAA faxes the documents listed below to the FAA certificate issuing office prior to the first
flight of the aircraft under Form 8100-2. This action is necessary because the FAA certificate issuing
office must be in possession of legal documentation in the form of on-hand file records of proper
airworthiness certification prior to the aircraft’s first flight.
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p. The CAA retains one carbon copy of Form 8100-2 and forwards the following documents to the
manager of the FAA certificate issuing office:
(2) The original and one copy of the completed Form 8130-6,
(3) The original and one copy of the Export C of A issued by the CAA of the country
or jurisdiction of manufacture, and
q. The U.S. owner takes delivery of the aircraft and installs either Form 8050-3 or Standard Form 14
(pending receipt of Form 8050-3) in the aircraft. The aircraft may then be flown or otherwise delivered
to the United States.
r. The FAA certificate issuing office endorses Form 8130-6 by entering a statement on the form in a
location that can be read clearly. At a minimum, this statement is required to contain the following
(1) A statement indicating that the standard airworthiness certificate was issued on the basis of
the Certificate of Airworthiness for Export No. [insert number], and
(2) The issuing CAA’s name and the Export C of A’s date of issuance.
s. The FAA certificate issuing office then forwards the application, along with the copy of
Form 8100-2 and the original Export C of A to AFS-750 for permanent filing.
t. The U.S. owner receives Form 8050-3 from AFS-750 if one has not already been obtained.
a. The FAA requests that the initial Form 8130-6 be received at least 20 days before the expected
delivery date of the aircraft to allow ample time for authority coordination, certificate preparation,
and final dispatch and delivery. An application received with less than the 20-day processing
requirement will be handled on a case-by-case basis as available FAA resources allow.
b. The FAA normally will not dispatch Form 8100-2 more than 45 days in advance of the expected
delivery date unless specific circumstances warrant an earlier dispatch. Certificates will not be
dispatched more than 45 days in advance for future production runs, anticipated long-range customer
deliveries, etc.
c. In the event that Form 8100-2 is suspected of being lost in the mail, the FAA will prepare a
duplicate/replacement form only after a 10-day period has elapsed from the date of the mailing of the
original form. All other reasons necessitating the issuance of a duplicate/replacement form will be
handled on a case-by-case basis as available FAA resources allow.
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d. Any costs of overnight courier services for the dispatch and delivery of forms needing expedited
delivery to the CAA point of contact will be paid for by the applicant and/or the manufacturer.
e. The AIR-200 approved certificate issuing office may delegate these functions to Flight Standards
ASIs as necessary.
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1/15/2010 8130.2F CHG 5
Appendix 2
1. PURPOSE. This appendix describes the concept of a 100-hour inspection requirement under an
export certificate of airworthiness.
a. All FAA ASIs and designees should be aware that not all bilateral agreements provide for
U.S. acceptance of a bilateral country’s Export C of A on a used U.S.- or third country-manufactured
aircraft. (The term “third country” is used to indicate that an aircraft is being exported to the
United States from a country that is not the State of Manufacture.) However, an Export C of A from
a bilateral country for its own used aircraft is always acceptable under a bilateral agreement.
b. Table A2-1, Bilateral Agreements that Provide for Acceptance of an Export Certificate of
Airworthiness for Used Aircraft, lists the agreements that, current as of January 2007, contain provisions
for used aircraft. These agreements are largely the new BASA with Implementation Procedures for
Airworthiness. Updates to these bilateral agreements take place periodically. The most current
information can be found on the FAA’s Web site at http://www.faa.gov. When working with bilateral
agreements, all FAA ASIs and designees must review the FAA’s Web site to ensure they are using the
most current information.
c. It is expected that an ASI or designee must give the maximum credit possible to the validity of a
bilateral country’s Export C of A when determining an aircraft’s conformity to its FAA-approved type
design. As a minimum, a bilateral country’s Export C of A can be used as evidence that at the time of
(1) The aircraft’s configuration conformed to its FAA-approved type design, as stated on the
aircraft’s FAA type certificate data sheet;
(3) The aircraft’s configuration conformed to any incorporated FAA-approved design changes
under an STC; and
(4) The aircraft was in compliance with all FAA-issued ADs known by the bilateral partner to be
in effect.
a. When the conditions stated below are met, credit for a previously performed aircraft inspection
can be given to meet the 100-hour inspection required by § 21.183(d)(2). In addition to the methods
stated in paragraph 60(c) of this order, credit for a previously performed aircraft inspection can be given
when the following five conditions are met:
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(2) The aircraft is of a type of category included within the scope of a BASA with
Implementation Procedures of Airworthiness, section II, including third country aircraft if that aircraft is
not a U.S. or bilateral country’s type design;
(3) The inspection was performed while the aircraft was operated on the bilateral country’s
national registry;
(4) The inspection was performed by a repair facility approved by the bilateral country; and
(5) The aircraft’s inspection records can demonstrate that the scope of the performed inspection
meets the applicable performance rules states in § 43.15.
b. Each ASI or designee should keep in mind that an Export C of A is only as good as the
information on which is it based. Countries with which the United States has a bilateral agreement do
not issue an Export C of A without first conducting an adequate airworthiness investigation of the
aircraft and its historical records. However, the ASI or designee is still required to follow the
airworthiness procedures contained in this order, specifically, chapter 3, Standard Airworthiness
Certification, and chapter 6, Import Procedures.
c. The ASI or designee should conduct a review of the applicant’s evidence (for example,
Export C of A, maintenance records, and historical records) used to show the aircraft is entitled to the
airworthiness certificate requested. Particular attention should be placed on verifying AD compliance,
that any repair data are FAA-approved/accepted, and that all incorporated STCs are FAA-approved/
a. As stated above, the level of credit that can be given to a bilateral country’s Export C of A is
associated with the provisions specified within the scope of an individual bilateral agreement.
Table A2-1 illustrates how these provisions apply from one bilateral country to another. Of a particular
note, the Canadian agreements contain more extensive airworthiness provisions than other bilateral
agreements regarding airworthiness and maintenance.
b. In addition to the regulatory provisions stated in § 43.17, the United States/Canada bilateral
agreements include:
(2) U.S. acceptance of a Canadian-approved design change under an STC on any aircraft, after
the FAA has validated the design change.
(3) U.S. acceptance of the incorporation of the FAA-validated STC, on a U.S.-registered aircraft
when accomplished by a Canadian-approved repair facility.
(4) U.S. acceptance of the article(s) associated with an FAA-validated STC, for installation on a
U.S.-registered aircraft, when fabricated by a manufacturer holding a production approval issued by
Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA).
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(5) U.S. acceptance of Canadian-approved repair data on a U.S. aircraft.
NOTE: The term “validated” used in paragraphs 4b(2) through (4) above simply
mean that the FAA has conducted an engineering review of the TCCA-approved
design change and has issued a corresponding FAA STC. A Canadian STC alone
is not adequate.
c. The FAA’s approval/validation of a bilateral country’s approved design change under an STC, in
accordance with the provisions of a BASA with Implementation Procedures of Airworthiness, may not
be readily apparent while reviewing the aircraft’s records. The aircraft’s records may at times only
reference the bilateral country’s design approval. Therefore, the ASI or designee should verify that any
incorporated STC modifications are traceable to an FAA STC design approval.
d. When the FAA-validated STC is incorporated on a U.S.-registered aircraft, it must have been
done in accordance with the applicable 14 CFR. When the FAA-validated STC is incorporated on a
non-U.S.-registered aircraft, the incorporation would only be considered acceptable when the following
three conditions are met:
(1) The modification was incorporated while an aircraft was operated on the bilateral country’s
national registry;
(2) The article(s) associated with the FAA-validated STC were fabricated by a manufacturer
holding a production approval issued by the bilateral partner; and
(3) The modification was incorporated by a repair facility approved by the bilateral country.
e. The amount of credit that may be given to any specific bilateral country’s Export C of A is
governed by the airworthiness provisions contained in that country’s bilateral agreement with the
United States. All airworthiness-related bilateral agreements can be found on the FAA’s Web site at
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Table A2-1. Bilateral Agreements that Provide for Acceptance of an Export Certificate of Airworthiness for Used Aircraft
* Acceptance* of
Acceptance of an
Acceptance of Maintenance Activities
Acceptance of Export C of A for
Export C of A on U.S.-Registered
Bilateral Countries BAA or BASA IPA Repair Data on Third Country-
for Used Aircraft Performed in
Used U.S. Products Manufactured Used
U.S. Aircraft a Non-FAA-Approved
(See notes 1 & 2.) Aircraft
Repair Facility (See note 6.)
(See notes 4 & 5.)
Argentina BAA NO NO NO YES
Australia BASA IPA YES YES (See note 7.) NO YES
Canada BASA IPA YES YES (See note 3.) YES YES
France BASA IPA YES YES (See note 9.) NO YES
Germany BASA IPA YES YES (See notes 8 & 9.) NO YES
Italy BASA IPA YES YES (See note 9.) NO YES
Netherlands BASA IPA YES YES (See note 9.) NO YES
New Zealand BASA IPA YES YES (See note 7.) NO YES
Sweden BASA IPA YES YES (See note 9.) NO YES
United Kingdom BASA* IPA YES YES (See notes 8 & 9.) NO YES *
NOTE 1: The bilateral country’s Export C of A can be used as evidence that at the time of export—
1. The aircraft’s configuration conformed to its FAA-approved type design, as stated on the aircraft’s FAA type certificate data sheet;
2. The aircraft was determined to be in a condition for safe operation;
3. The aircraft configuration conformed to any incorporated FAA-approved design changes under an STC; and
4. The aircraft was in compliance with all FAA-issued ADs known by the bilateral partner to be in effect.
NOTE 2: Please review the applicable bilateral agreement for the country in question because it may have limitations on the type or category of used U.S. aircraft acceptable under the
bilateral agreement. For example, the United States acceptance of a Romanian Export C of A on a used U.S. aircraft is limited to a sailplane, power sailplane, or a very light airplane
certificated to JAR-VLA.
* NOTE 3: The United States/Canada BASA IPA, BASA Maintenance Implementation Procedure (MIP), and Memorandum of Understanding contain provisions for FAA acceptance of
certain repair data. The following documents provide a better understanding of these provisions:
1. BASA IPA dated October 2000.
2. BASA MIP dated August 31, 2006. See AC 43-10, United States-Canadian BASA/MIP Maintenance, for information related to the provisions of the MIP.
3. The Memorandum of Understanding between TCCA and the FAA dated October 2003, or any later revision approved by TCCA and the FAA. (Reference:
http://www.tc.gc.ca/CivilAviation/certification/Int/Memoranda/usa.htm.) See FAA Order 8110.53, Reciprocal Acceptance of Repair Design Data Approvals *
* NOTE 4: The United States/Canadian MIP contains provisions for acceptance of certain maintenance, alterations, or modifications, and those persons or organizations authorized to
perform such functions on U.S. products. The acceptable maintenance activities include the accomplishment of a 100-hour inspection. Also § 43.17 provides additional provisions related to
maintenance functions performed on U.S. products. The following documents provide a better understanding of these provisions:
1. Section 43.17, Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations performed on U.S. aeronautical products by certain Canadian persons.
2. BASA IPA dated October 2000.
3. BASA MIP dated August 31, 2006. See AC 43-10 for information related to the provisions of the MIP.
4. The Memorandum of Understanding between TCCA and the FAA dated October 2003, or any later approved revisions. See Order 8110.53.
NOTE 5: Please take into consideration that the FAA has certificated repair stations located in other countries that also hold a certification from their national civil aviation authority,
thereby giving the repair station the ability to make a compliance statement to their national regulations and the U.S. regulations. In particular, the FAA has concluded BASA MIPs with
France, Germany, and Ireland.
NOTE 6: There bilateral agreements (for example, BAA or BASA IPA) contain a third-country provision that allows the United States to accept an Export C of A issued by the bilateral
country for certain aircraft. Please review the bilateral agreement for the country in agreement. When allowed by the bilateral agreement, the bilateral country’s Export C of A may be used
as evidence that at the time of export—
1. The aircraft’s configuration conformed to its FAA-approved type design, as stated on the aircraft’s FAA type certificate data sheet;
2. The aircraft was determined to be in a condition for safe operation;
3. The aircraft configuration conformed to any incorporated FAA-approved design changes under an STC; and
4. The aircraft was in compliance with all FAA-issued ADs known by the bilateral partner to be in effect.
* NOTE 7: The BASA IPAs between the United States and the countries of Australia and New Zealand contain specific provisions for FAA acceptance of repair design data related to
certain categories of airplanes or aircraft. The BASA IPAs require a specific certifying statement be made by the appropriate CAA related to the acceptance of the repair design data.
NOTE 8: Under the Special Arrangements provisions of the BASA IPAs between the United States and the countries of Germany and the United Kingdom, the FAA has agreed to accept
repair design data and alteration data when specific conditions have been met. The conditions or limitations for FAA acceptance of repair design data or alteration data is as follows:
1. United States State of Design Transport Category Airplanes moving from the bilateral country’s civil aircraft registry to the U.S. registry.
2. The data has been approved by the U.K. CAA, for airplanes on the U.K. registry, or the LBA, for airplanes on the German registry, or by an approved design organization in the United Kingdom
or Germany.
3. The repairs or alterations made to specific airplanes do not constitute a major change rising to the level of an amended type certificate or supplemental type certificate.
4. The repair design data or alteration data is accompanied by the following certifying statement from the appropriate CAA (that is, U.K. CAA or LBA): “The data identified in this document have been
examined and were approved under the authority of the [Civil Aviation Authority of the United Kingdom or Luftfahrt-Bundesamt of the Federal Republic of Germany, as appropriate]. Additional
maintenance requirements that must be incorporated into the aircraft maintenance program are identified within the approved data.”
The information in note 8 was originally published in a July 2003 issued Flight Standards Handbook Bulletin for airworthiness number 03-05 (HBAW 03-05).
NOTE 9: Review paragraph 59b of this order for the conditions and limitations under which the FAA has agreed to accept specific design data from EASA, and the countries of France,
Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. *
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Appendix 2
Page 5
Directive Feedback Information
Please submit any written comments or recommendations for improving this directive,
or suggest new items or subjects to be added to it. Also, if you find an error, please tell
us about it.
In a future change to this directive, please include coverage on the following subject:
(briefly describe what you want added)
Other comments: