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Nokia N900 UG BG

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Nokia N900 User Guide

Issue 3
2 Contents

Contents About your device 21

Информация за работния плот 22
Application menu 23
Safety 6 Status area and status menu 23
Информация за вашето устройство 6 Dashboard 25
Услуги на мрежата 7 About the touch screen 26
Обща памет 7 Text input 28
Protect your device 31
Намиране на помощ 9 Explore Ovi 31
Четене на ръководството за потребителя 9
Поддръжка 9 Personalise your device 32
Настройки 9 Edit and personalise the desktop 32
Кодове за достъп 10 Profile settings 33
Удължаване на живота на батерията 10 Change the background image 33
Преглед на информация за вашето устройство 11 Change the device language 33
Посещение на maemo.nokia.com 11 Change themes 34

Get started 11 Connect your device 34

Настройване на устройството 11 About connectivity 34
Клавиши и части 15 Network settings 34
Първоначално стартиране 17 Use a WLAN connection 35
Стойка 18 Use a packet data connection 39
Писалка 18 Active data connections 40
Използване на аксесоари 19 Disable wireless connections 40
Internet connection settings 40
Introduction 20 Bluetooth connectivity 41
Основни функции 20 USB connections 43
About Maemo software 20

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Contents 3

Browse the web 44 Options during a call 60

About browser 44 Call timers 61
Open and browse web pages 44 Спешни повиквания 61
Browser toolbar 45
Organise bookmarks 46 Send text and instant messages 62
Clear private data 46 About Conversations 62
Connection security 47 Send text messages 63
Download files 47 Send instant messages 64
Save web pages 48 Delete messages and conversations 66
View browsing history 48 Filter conversations 66
Install a plug-in or an add-on 48 Text message and instant message settings 66
Browser settings 49
Mail 67
Organise your contacts 51 About mail 67
Get contacts 51 Read your work mail using Mail for Exchange 67
View your contacts' availability statuses 53 Set up your mail 67
Sort contacts 53 Read and send mail 70
Send contact cards 54 Organise your mail 73
Add shortcuts to desktop 54 Synchronise with Mail for Exchange 73
Contacts settings 54 Add the mail widget to desktop 74
Mail settings 74
Make calls 55
About calls 55 Capture images and record video clips 78
Change display orientation 55 Camera 78
Сензорен екран по време на повикване 56 Capture images 78
Make voice calls 56 Record video clips 81
Make internet calls 58 Camera settings 82
Make internet video calls 59 View images with Photos 84

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4 Contents

Share your images and video clips 87 Use utilities 110

Play music and video clips 89 Update software and install applications 113
About Media player 89 About Application manager 113
File formats 90 Install additional applications 113
Add the media widget to desktop 90 Add catalogues 114
Search for media files 90 Check for updates 115
View MAFW plug-ins 90 Update software 115
Play music with Media player 90
Use the FM transmitter 92 Play games 117
Play video clips with Media player 93 Blocks 117
Listen to internet radio with Media player 95 Chess 117
Play music from media server 95 Mahjong 118
Marbles 119
Find and view locations 96 Install other games 119
Positioning (GPS) 96
Ovi Maps for mobile 98 Settings 120
Personalisation settings 120
Manage time 101 Connectivity settings 122
View the time and set alarms 101 General settings 125
View and manage your calendar 102 Third party application settings 125

Use utilities and manage data 105 Tips and troubleshooting 126
Synchronise and transfer content from another device 105 Основни съвети за използване на устройството 126
Back up and restore data 106 Advanced tips for using your device 127
Manage files 107 Shortcuts 128
Memory 108 Troubleshooting 129
Clear device data and restore settings 109

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Contents 5

Product and safety information 131

Index 139

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

6 Safety


Само квалифициран сервизен персонал може
Прочетете тези лесни инструкции. Неспазването им може да инсталира или ремонтира този продукт.
да бъде опасно или противозаконно. За допълнителна
информация прочетете цялото ръководство.
Използвайте само одобрени аксесоари и
Не включвайте устройството, когато батерии. Не свързвайте несъвместими
използването на безжични телефони е продукти.
забранено или може да причини смущения или
НА ПЪРВО МЯСТО, БЕЗОПАСНОСТ НА ДВИЖЕНИЕТО Вашето устройство не е водоустойчиво. Пазете
Спазвайте всички местни закони. Ръцете ви го сухо.
винаги трябва да са свободни за управляване
на автомобила, докато шофирате. Вашият
първи приоритет при шофиране трябва да бъде Информация за вашето устройство
безопасността на пътя. Описаното в това ръководство безжично устройство е
одобрено за използване в мрежи (E)GSM 850, 900, 1800,
СМУЩЕНИЯ 1900 и UMTS 900, 1700, 2100. За повече информация
Всички безжични устройства се влияят от относно мрежите се свържете с вашия мобилен оператор.
смущения, които могат да влошат работата им.
Вашето устройство може да има предварително
инсталирани маркери или линкове към Интернет сайтове
на трети лица, и да може да ви позволява достъп до
ИЗКЛЮЧВАЙТЕ В ОБЛАСТИ С ОГРАНИЧЕНИЯ сайтове на трети лица. Тези сайтове не са свързани с
Спазвайте всички ограничения. Изключвайте Nokia, Nokia не ги препоръчва и не носи никаква
устройството във въздухоплавателни средства, отговорност за тях. Ако осъществите достъп до такива
в близост до медицинско оборудване, гориво,
химични вещества или взривоопасни райони.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Safety 7

сайтове, вземете предпазни мерки относно сигурността Прегледайте ръководството за потребителя за друга
или съдържанието. важна информация за устройството.

Warning: Услуги на мрежата

За да използвате функциите на това устройство, с За да си служите с устройството, трябва да ползвате
изключение на алармения часовник, устройството трябва услугите на доставчик на услуги. Някои функции не са
да бъде включено. Не включвайте устройството, когато налични за всички мрежи; други функции може да
използването на безжични устройства може да причини изискват специално договаряне с вашия доставчик на
смущения или опасност. услуги, за да можете да ги ползвате. Услугите на мрежата
са свързани с пренос на данни. Проверете при доставчика
Когато използвате това устройство, спазвайте всички си на услуги за подробности относно такси във вашата
закони и зачитайте местните обичаи, личния живот и мрежа и при роуминг в други мрежи. Вашият доставчик
законните права на другите, включително авторските на услуги може да ви обясни какви такси ще се прилагат.
права. Защитата на авторските права може да не позволи
Възможно е по искане на вашия доставчик на услуги,
някои изображения, музика и друго съдържание да бъдат
определени функции на вашето устройство да бъдат
копирани, променяни или прехвърляни.
блокирани или да не бъдат активирани. В такъв случай
Направете резервни копия или съхранявайте записи в тези функции няма да фигурират в менюто на вашето
писмена форма на цялата важна информация, устройство. Вашето устройство може да има и
запаметена в устройството ви. персонализирани елементи, например имена на
менютата, ред на менютата и иконите.
Когато установявате връзка с някое друго устройство,
прочетете ръководството за неговото използване за Обща памет
подробни инструкции за безопасност. Не свързвайте Следните функции в това устройство може да използват
несъвместими продукти. обща памет: маркери; файлове с изображения, аудио и
видео; файлове с бележки, скици и други; контакти;
Изображенията в това ръководство може да се електронни съобщения; приложения. Използването на
различават от дисплея на вашето устройство. една или повече от тези функции може да намали
наличната памет за останалите функции. Ако вашето
устройство показва съобщение, че паметта е пълна,

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

8 Safety

изтрийте част от запаметената информация в общата


© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Намиране на помощ 9

Намиране на помощ Поддръжка

Ако искате да научите повече за начините за използване
Четене на ръководството за потребителя на вашия продукт или не сте сигурни как би трябвало да
За допълнителна поддръжка прочетете пълното функционира устройството, отидете на адрес
ръководство за потребителя. www.nokia.com/support или от мобилно устройство - на
адрес www.nokia.mobi/support. Можете също така да
Четене на онлайн ръководството за потребителя изберете > User Guide в устройството.
Изберете > User Guide.
Ако това не разреши проблема, направете едно от
Четене на ръководството за потребителя в
устройството • Изключете устройството и извадете батерията. След
около минута поставете батерията обратно и
1 Изберете > File manager и > Documents >
включете устройството.
User guides.
• Възстановяване на първоначалните настройки.
2 Изберете файла с азбучния показалец за
предпочитания ви език. • Актуализирайте софтуера на устройството.

Ръководството за потребителя в устройството се Ако проблемът остане неразрешен, обърнете се към

съхранява в неговата вътрешна обща памет. След Nokia за варианти за поправка. Отидете на адрес
инсталиране на актуализации на системния софтуер е www.nokia.com/repair. Винаги преди да дадете
възможно информацията в ръководството за устройството си за ремонт, архивирайте данните,
потребителя да не бъде актуална. запаметени в него.

Tip: Можете да добавите команда за бърз достъп до Настройки

ръководството за потребителя към работния плот, за да Вашето устройство обикновено има автоматично
можете впоследствие по-лесно да отваряте конфигурирани настройки за GPRS, поточно
ръководството. За да направите това, отворете възпроизвеждане и мобилен интернет, базиращи се на
ръководството за потребителя и от лентата с инструменти вашия мобилен оператор. Възможно е в устройството
изберете > Add shortcut to desktop. вече да са инсталирани настройки от вашия мобилен

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

10 Намиране на помощ

За да промените общите настройки в устройството, като всички данни, които сте запаметили в устройството, да
настройките за език, работен плот, дисплей и заключване бъдат изтрити.
на клавиатурата, отидете на > Settings.
Удължаване на живота на батерията
Кодове за достъп Много от функциите на устройството увеличават разхода
Ако забравите някои от кодовете, се обърнете към вашия на батерията и съкращават живота й. За да пестите
доставчик на услуги. батерията, имайте предвид следното:
Персонален идентификационен номер (ПИН код) — Този • Изключвайте технологията Bluetooth, когато не ви е
код предпазва вашата СИМ карта от неразрешена нужна. Приложенията, които използват Bluetooth,
употреба. ПИН кодът (от 4 до 8 цифри) обикновено се трябва да се затварят, когато не са необходими.
получава заедно със СИМ картата. След три • Функции, които използват безжична локална мрежа
последователни въвеждания на неправилен ПИН код, (WLAN), както и оставянето на такива функции да
кодът се блокира и ви трябва ПУК код, с който да го работят във фонов режим, докато се използват други
отблокирате. функции, увеличава разхода на батерията. WLAN във
Персонален деблокиращ ключ (ПУК код) — Този код (8 вашето устройство сканира за достъпни мрежи
цифри) е необходим за промяна на блокиран ПИН код. Ако толкова често, колкото е указано в настройките за
кодът не е предоставен със СИМ картата, обърнете се към WLAN, и се свързва автоматично с мрежите, които са
вашия мобилен оператор. използвани преди това. За да намалите допълнително
Код за заключване — Кодът за заключване ви помага да разхода на батерията, можете да укажете на
опазите телефона си от неправомерна употреба. устройството да не сканира или да сканира по-рядко
Предварително зададеният код е 12345. Можете да за достъпни мрежи във фонов режим.
създадете и промените кода и да настроите устройството • Фоновото осветление на дисплея увеличава разхода
да го изисква. Пазете новия си код в тайна и го на батерията. В настройките за дисплея можете да
съхранявайте на сигурно място, отделно от устройството регулирате яркостта му и да промените
си. Ако забравите кода за заключване и устройството е продължителността на времето за изчакване, след
заключено, трябва да го занесете в оторизиран сервиз което фоновото осветление се изключва. Можете
на Nokia, като може да се наложи заплащане на също така да активирате режима за пестене на
допълнителни такси. За отключване на устройството енергия, за да настроите устройството да потребява
трябва да се презареди неговият софтуер и е възможно по-малко електроенергия, когато фоновото

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Get started 11

осветление на дисплея е включено. За да промените Get started

настройките за дисплея, изберете > Settings и
Display. Настройване на устройството
• Оставянето на работещи във фонов режим Поставяне на СИМ картата и батерията
приложения увеличава разхода на батерията. Преди да извадите батерията, винаги изключвайте
устройството и зарядното устройство.
Преглед на информация за вашето устройство
Изберете > Settings и About product. Important: За да предотвратите повреждане на СИМ-
картата, винаги изваждайте батерията, преди да
Достъпната информация включва: поставяте или отстранявате картата.

• Модел на устройството 1 За да избегнете падане на батерията, поставете

• Име и издание на платформата устройството така, че задният панел да е обърнат
• Версия на софтуера
2 Поставете пръст в щифта и повдигнете задния панел.
• MAC адрес за WLAN Не е нужно да натискате бутон, за да освободите
• Bluetooth адрес задния панел.
• IMEI адрес
• Приложими лицензи
• Друга важна информация за устройството

Посещение на maemo.nokia.com
Можете да намерите най-новите инструменти, фонови
изображения и приложения, с които да персонализирате
устройството си, и да видите начина на работа в Maemo
на адрес maemo.nokia.com. За да отворите този уеб сайт,
изберете командата за бърз достъп за Maemo на работния 3 За да освободите държача на СИМ картата, плъзнете
плот или маркера за Maemo в уеб браузъра. го наляво (1) и повдигнете десния му край (2). Уверете
се, че скосеният ъгъл на картата сочи нагоре, а

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

12 Get started

контактите й са обърнати към конекторите на 5 За да поставите отново задния панел, насочете

устройството (3). Затворете държача (4) и го плъзнете заключващия държач към слота му и натиснете
надясно, за да го застопорите (5). надолу, докато панелът се захване на мястото си.

4 Подравнете контактите на батерията със съответните

конектори в отделението за батерията и поставете
батерията в посоката на стрелката. Поставяне на картата с памет

Използвайте само съвместими MicroSD карти, одобрени

от Nokia за употреба с това устройство. Nokia използва
одобрени промишлени стандарти за карти с памет, но е
възможно някои марки да не са напълно съвместими с
това устройство. Несъвместимите карти могат да
повредят картата и устройството, както и данните,
съхранявани в картата.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Get started 13

Картата с памет може да бъде безопасно поставена или Затворете държача (4) и го плъзнете обратно, за да го
извадена дори и когато устройството е включено. Когато застопорите (5).
отворите задния панел, устройството няма достъп до
картата с памет с цел защита на данните в нея. Когато
поставите обратно задния панел, отново имате достъп до
картата с памет.
В устройството може вече да е поставена карта с памет. В
противен случай направете следното:
1 За да избегнете падане на батерията, поставете
устройството така, че задният панел да е обърнат
2 Поставете пръст в щифта и повдигнете задния панел.
Не е нужно да натискате бутон, за да освободите 4 Поставете обратно задния панел. Дръжте
задния панел. устройството с предната страна надолу, докато
поставяте панела. Уверете се, че панелът е затворен

3 За да освободите държача на картата с памет,

плъзнете го в посока към батерията (1) и повдигнете
края му (2). Поставете в държача съвместима карта с
памет (3). Уверете се, че контактите на картата са
обърнати към конекторите на устройството.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

14 Get started

Зареждане на батерията със зарядното устройство

1 Включете зарядното устройство в електрически

2 Свържете зарядното устройство с микро USB
конектора на вашето устройство.
Зареждане на батерията 3 Когато устройството ви покаже напълно заредена
Батерията ви е фабрично заредена до известна степен. батерия, изключете зарядното устройство първо от
Ако устройството показва ниско ниво на зареждане, него и след това от контакта.
направете следното:
Светлината за уведомяване мига, когато устройството се
зарежда. Светлината за уведомяване свети постоянно,
когато батерията е напълно заредена.
Не е необходимо да зареждате батерията за точно
определен период от време. Можете да използвате
устройството, докато се зарежда. Ако батерията е
напълно разредена, може да минат няколко минути,
преди светлината за уведомяване да започне да мига или
преди да е възможно осъществяване на повиквания.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Get started 15

Зареждане на батерията с USB кабел използвайте зарядното устройство, включено в

Можете да заредите устройството, като използвате комплекта на вашето устройство.
съвместимо USB устройство, например компютър, когато
нямате на разположение електрически контакт. Можете Клавиши и части
също така да прехвърляте данни, докато зареждате Клавиши и части (лицева страна)
1 Свържете съвместимо USB устройство с вашето
устройство посредством съвместим USB кабел.
В зависимост от вида на използваното зарядно
устройство може да мине известно време преди
зареждането да започне.
2 Ако устройството е включено, се показват опции за
USB режим. Изберете Mass storage mode или PC Suite
mode, за да сте сигурни, че устройството ви ще получи
достатъчно енергия от зареждането по USB.
Светлината за уведомяване мига, когато устройството се
зарежда. Светлината за уведомяване свети постоянно,
когато батерията е напълно заредена.
1 Клавиш за захранване
Ако батерията е напълно разредена, оставете 2 Светлинен сензор
устройството да се зарежда известно време, преди да го 3 Обектив на втората камера
използвате. 4 Сензор за близост
5 Слушалка
Ако устройството е включено и са стартирани голям брой 6 Светлина при уведомяване
приложения, то може да потребява повече енергия, 7 Сензорен екран
отколкото получава от зареждането по USB. Затворете 8 Физическа клавиатура
някои от приложенията и връзките за данни или

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16 Get started

За да функционира сензорният екран правилно, махнете

защитната лепенка от дисплея на устройството. 4 Стойка

Не покривайте областта вляво от сензорния екран, Клавиши и части (отгоре)

например със защитна лента или лепенка.

1 Клавиш за мащабиране / клавиш за сила на звука

2 Клавиш за захранване
3 Клавиш за снимане
4 Инфрачервен порт

Клавиши и части (отзад) Никое от фабрично инсталираните в устройството

приложения не използва инфрачервения порт, но той
дава възможност за разработване от други
производители на приложения, които го изискват.
Инфрачервеният порт не е съвместим с IrDA.

1 Капак на обектива
2 Светкавица
3 Обектив на камерата

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Get started 17

Клавиши и части (отстрани)

1 Стерео високоговорител
2 Микро USB конектор 2 Ако устройството ви попита за ПИН-код или код за
3 Отвор за каишка за китка заключване, въведете го и изберете Done. Фабрично
4 Стерео високоговорител зададеният код за заключване е 12345. Ако забравите
5 Ключ за заключване кода и устройството е заключено, ще трябва да го
6 Конектор Nokia AV (3,5 мм) занесете в сервиз. Това вероятно ще доведе до
7 Микрофон допълнителни такси и е възможно всички ваши
8 Писалка лични данни да бъдат изтрити. За повече информация
се свържете със сервизен център на Nokia Care или с
Първоначално стартиране търговеца, от когото сте закупили устройството.
Включване на устройството Изключване на устройството
1 Натиснете клавиша за захранване. Натиснете клавиша за захранване и изберете Switch

Tip: Можете също така да изключите устройството, като

натиснете и задържите клавиша за захранване.

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18 Get started

Начален съветник Отваряне на стойката

1 Включете устройството. За кратко се показва
приветстваща бележка, след което се отваря
началният съветник.
2 Показват се настройките за език, регион, час и дата.
Дефинирайте следното:
Language — Плъзнете пръст нагоре или надолу, за
да се придвижите в списъка, и изберете език.
Region — Плъзнете пръст нагоре или надолу, за да се
придвижите в списъка, и изберете регион. Писалка
Time — Задайте формата на часа, като преместите с Възможно е някои действия, например скицирането, да
пръст плъзгача на 24 hrs или 12 hrs и преместите са по-лесни за извършване с писалка, отколкото с пръст.
стрелките на часовника на правилния час. Ако
използвате 12-часов часовник, преместете плъзгача
на AM или PM.
Date — Задайте текущата дата. За да направите това,
плъзнете пръст нагоре или надолу в колоните за ден,
месец и година.
3 За да приемете и запаметите настройките, изберете

Стойка Important: Използвайте само одобрена от Nokia писалка

Стойката се намира от задната страна на устройството и за употреба с това устройство. Използването на друга
когато го поставите на хоризонтална повърхност, можете писалка може да обезсили всяка гаранция, приложима
да я използвате например за гледане на видеоклипове. към устройството и може да повреди сензорния екран.
Избягвайте да драскате по сензорния екран. Никога не
използвайте истинска химикалка или молив или други
остри предмети за писане върху сензорния екран.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Get started 19

Използване на аксесоари използване с това устройство, към AV конектора на Nokia,

Слушалки обърнете специално внимание на нивата на звука.
Можете да свържете с устройството си съвместими
слушалки. Могат да се използват слушалки Nokia с бутони Каишка за китка
за управление на музиката, но устройството не поддържа 1 Свалете задния панел.
тези бутони. 2 Поставете каишката зад щипката и затворете задния

Когато използвате слушалки, е възможно те да окажат
негативно влияние на способността ви да чувате външни
шумове. Не използвайте слушалки, когато това може да
застраши вашата безопасност.

Не свързвайте към продукти, които създават изходен

сигнал, тъй като това може да повреди устройството. Не
свързвайте какъвто и да било източник на напрежение
към AV конектора на Nokia.
Когато свързвате външно устройство или слушалки,
различни от тези, които са одобрени от Nokia за

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

20 Introduction

Introduction Използване на приложението Карти за

откриване на интересни места.
Основни функции
С вашето ново устройство Nokia N900 можете да следите Използване на приложението Камера за
своите обаждания и пощенски съобщения, да работите с заснемане на изображения и запис на
браузър в интернет и да превключвате моментално видеоклипове с последващо директно
между отворени приложения и активни разговори. Тук са качване в интернет за споделяне с приятели
посочени някои от основните функции: или с онлайн общността.
Преглед на уеб страници в браузъра на цял
екран. Четене и отговор на поща, докато сте в

Използване на приложението Мултимедиен

Използване на приложението Разговори за
плеър за слушане на музика или на любимите
обмяна на текстови съобщения или започване
ви радиостанции в интернет, както и за гледане
на лафче с вашите контакти за лафче.
на видеоклипове.

Използване на приложението Мениджър на

Използване на приложението Календар за
актуална информация и планиране на срещи. приложения за проверка на предлаганите
актуализации за приложения и изтеглянето им
във вашето устройство.
Администриране на данните за вашите
приятели с приложението Контакти.
Намиране на популярни приложения, палитри
и тапети в Ovi Магазин.
Използване на приложението Телефон за
осъществяване на гласово, интернет или
About Maemo software
интернет видео повикване до приятел.
This device uses Maemo 5 software on Linux. The software is
built for computer-like performance, enabling the running of

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Introduction 21

multiple applications at the same time, and delivering a wide

range of activities ranging from web browsing to video
recording. Your device supports Maemo Update, which allows
updating the operating system and applications over a WLAN
or packet data connection.
With Maemo software, it is possible to develop your own
applications for your device. To do this, you can use the Bluetooth and WLAN antenna
Maemo Software Development Kit (Maemo SDK). For more
information on what Maemo software is and how to develop
applications, see maemo.nokia.com.

About your device

Antenna locations
Вашето устройство може да има вградена и външна
антена. По време на предаване или приемане избягвайте
ненужен допир с антената. Контактът с антени влияе GPS antenna
върху качеството на комуникация и може да принуди
устройството да работи на по-високо ниво на мощност и Управление на силата на звука
да съкрати живота на батерията. Регулиране на силата на звука
Използвайте клавишите за сила на звука.

Tip: Можете да видите текущата настройка за сила на

звука и да регулирате силата на звука от менюто за
състоянието. Натиснете върху областта за състоянието, за
да отворите менюто. Използвайте плъзгача за сила на
Cellular antenna звука , за да регулирате силата на звука.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

22 Introduction

Изключване на звука работни плота. Работните плотове могат да се

Плъзнете плъзгача за сила на звука в менюто за състояние персонализират, така че да имат различни програмки,
до крайна лява позиция. маркери, фонови изображения и команди за бърз достъп
до приложения и контакти.
Регулиране на силата на звука на тоновете за
повиквания и съобщения Работният плот съдържа следното:
Изберете > Settings и Profiles.

Notification light
The notification light can indicate the status of your device.
For example, it can inform you about the battery charging
status, and tell you if you have missed a phone call or
received, for example, a mail or text message.
You can activate or deactivate the notification light for each
notification type by modifying the notification light settings.
The colours of the notification light indicate the following: 1 Меню за приложения
2 Област за състояние
Application triggered notification light (received text 3 Мобилния ви оператор (ако е поставена СИМ карта)
message, instant message, or mail) 4 Програмки
Secondary camera active (internet video call) 5 Команди за бърз достъп
Battery charging 6 Маркери в браузъра
Battery full
Превключване между работни плотове
Информация за работния плот Тласнете наляво или надясно.
Работният плот се показва, когато включите
устройството. Той ви предоставя бърз достъп до различни
функции на устройството. Можете да имате до четири

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Introduction 23

Търсене на контакти
Започнете да въвеждате име с физическата клавиатура.
Отваряне на виртуалната клавиатура, за да
осъществите повикване Open an application
Започнете да въвеждате телефонен номер на работния Select the application.
плот с физическата клавиатура. За да въведете първата
цифра, натиснете и след това желаната цифра. След Close an application
като въведете първата цифра, можете да използвате Select . All unsaved changes and selections are cancelled.
физическата или виртуалната клавиатура, за да въведете
и други цифри.
Tip: To change the order of the application icons, select and
hold an icon, and follow the instructions.
Application menu
The application menu displays the available applications. Status area and status menu
Status area
Select .

The status area informs of the current status of items that are
relevant across the device. The current time, and battery and
signal strength are displayed. In addition, the status area may

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

24 Introduction

indicate your internet connection status, available updates, A USB connection is active.
or your active profile.
A packet data connection is active (network
Status area indicators service).
General indicators
A wireless LAN connection is active.
A clock alarm is active. An ad-hoc wireless LAN connection is
The state of device battery, and possible
charging status. Bluetooth connectivity is active.
The device is connected to a compatible A Bluetooth connection with one or more
USB device for charging, but the device is Bluetooth devices is active.
not receiving enough power.
SIM card not available (card not inserted or
The current signal strength. PIN code not entered).
Software updates or additional The Offline mode is active.
applications are available.
GPS indicators
The Silent profile is active.
The GPS function is active.
Connectivity indicators
The GPS function is inactive.
, , , The current network.
or Content sharing indicators
Synchronisation is in progress.
Sharing is ongoing.
Synchronisation has failed.
Sharing is pending and needs your

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Introduction 25

Sharing is blocked. The status menu displays, for example, the remaining battery
life, device volume, and Bluetooth connection status. To
change the displayed status, select the respective status
Call indicator
menu item.
A phone call is active.

Availability status indicators


If the availability status is offline, no indicator is shown in the Dashboard

status area. The applications that are currently running can be seen on
Sound indicators the dashboard. The dashboard also displays the notifications
that you have received but have not opened yet, for example,
Your device is connected to wired or text and mail messages, as well as missed calls.
Bluetooth headphones.
Your device is connected to a wired or
Bluetooth headset.
The FM transmitter is activated.

If a third party application adds an icon to the status area, it

is placed after the default icons.

Open the status menu

Tap the status area.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

26 Introduction

Open the dashboard About the touch screen

When you open an application, the icon changes to the Touch screen actions
dashboard icon . Select to open the dashboard. The Tap
application remains open, and you can return to the
To select or open an application or other element on the
application by selecting it.
touch screen, tap it once with your finger.

Tip: You can now open another application by selecting Select

. The previously opened application is left running in the In this user documentation, opening applications or items by
background. tapping them once is called 'selecting'. If you need to select
several items in a sequence, the display texts to select are
Switch between applications separated by arrows, for example > Phone.
When several applications are open, select and the
application you want to switch to. Select and hold
In many applications, you can open a context-sensitive pop-
up menu by selecting and holding. To do this, place your
Respond to a notification finger on the item, until the pop-up menu opens.
1 When you receive, for example, a new mail, instant
message, or text message, a notification is briefly Drag
displayed. You can view the message by selecting the Dragging can be used, for example, to scroll up or down a list.
notification. If you do not select the notification while it To drag, place your finger on the screen, and slide it across
is displayed, the notification remains on the dashboard. the screen.
To indicate this, the icon blinks and then stays lit.
2 To view the notification on the dashboard, select .

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Introduction 27

Touch screen backlight

Turn the touch screen backlight on

The touch screen backlight is turned off after a period of
inactivity. To turn the backlight on, tap the screen. If the
screen and keys are locked, use the lock switch to unlock

Touch screen actions in applications

Swipe Open the application menu

Swiping can be used, for example, to switch between images Tap the title bar of the currently open application.
in the Photos application. To swipe, slide your finger quickly
left or right on the screen.

Example: When viewing an image, to view the next or

previous image, swipe the image left or right, respectively. Close a dialog
Tap outside the dialog. All changes and selections are

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

28 Introduction

Text input
Use the physical keyboard
To use the physical keyboard, slide the touch screen up. When
you use the physical keyboard, the virtual keyboard is
1 Sym/Ctrl key
2 key
3 Shift key
4 Space key
5 Enter key
6 Backspace key
Enter text
Press the keys on the keyboard.
Switch between character cases
Press the shift key. To enter only upper or lower case letters,
press the shift key twice. To return to normal mode, press the
shift key again.
Enter a number, additional character, or common
Press and hold , and then press the key that has the
In addition to the character keys, the physical keyboard character printed at the top of it. To enter only the characters
contains the following keys: printed at the top of keys, press twice to lock the mode.
To return to normal mode, press again.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Introduction 29

Enter a character not found from the keyboard Add an accent to a letter
Press and hold , and then press the sym key. Select , then , and then the accent (for example, ^) from
the list. Then select and the letter to which you want the
Use word completion
accent to be added. To only enter the accent, tap the accent
You can also use the word completion feature. The word twice.
candidates are displayed in the text input area. To select a
word candidate, press the right arrow key. Cut, copy, or paste text
Drag your finger on the text to select, then select and the
Add an accent to a character desired option.
1 To enter, for example, â, press and hold , and then press Insert a line break
the sym key.
Select .
2 Tap the accent (^) on the touch screen.
3 Press the letter to which you want the accent to be added. Delete a character
To only add the accent, tap the accent twice. Select .
Use the virtual keyboard Switch between input languages
To use the virtual keyboard, make sure the physical keyboard Select and the language. You must have the languages
is closed, and select a text entry field, the web address field defined in the text input settings.
of the browser, for example. The virtual keyboard needs to
be activated before you can use it. Close the virtual keyboard
Tap outside the virtual keyboard.
Activate the virtual keyboard
Select > Settings and Text input.
Select the Use virtual keyboard check box. Switch between input methods
To switch between the virtual keyboard and the physical
Switch between upper or lower case characters keyboard, slide the touch screen up or down.
Select .

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

30 Introduction

Switch virtual keyboard layout 2nd language — Select the second language. To select a
The virtual keyboard can provide character sets for two dictionary to use for the second language, select
different input languages at the same time, for example, the Dictionary and the dictionary language. When you switch to
Russian and Latin character sets. To define the input the secondary language, the current dictionary for the word
languages, modify the text input settings. completion feature is also changed.
Use dual dictionaries — Use both language dictionaries at
Switch between input languages the same time.
Press and hold the ctrl key, and then press the space key.
Word completion and dictionaries
Text input settings If word completion is activated, the device suggests suitable
endings for the words that you start writing. Word
Select > Settings and Text input. completion is based on a built-in dictionary. When you enter
characters, the device searches its dictionary for words
Select from the following:
starting with these characters.
Hardware keyboard layout — Define the character set used
You can select to use dual dictionaries to allow the device to
in the physical keyboard. Changing this setting may lead to
search from the dictionary of the second language if it cannot
the physical keys not matching the hardware keyboard
find a suitable word in the first language dictionary.
Use virtual keyboard — Activate the virtual keyboard. The dictionary can learn new words automatically from the
Word completion — Enable word completion. text you have entered. Text entered in password fields is not
saved in the dictionary.
Auto-capitalisation — Enable auto-capitalisation, to
capitalise the first letter of sentences automatically when Activate word completion and use dual dictionaries
entering text. Select > Settings and Text input.
Insert space after word — Insert a space after each
accepted word completion. Accept a suggested word
1st language — Select the first language. To select a Select the suggested word. When using the physical
dictionary to use for the first language, select Dictionary and keyboard, press the right arrow key.
the dictionary language.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Introduction 31

Reject a suggested word If you tap outside the dialog at any time, the device lock code
Continue writing the word. With each character, the device is not changed.
updates its suggestion to suit the characters you have
entered. Keep the new lock code secret and in a safe place, separate
from your device.

Protect your device If you forget the lock code and your device is locked, you must
Lock your device take the device to a Nokia authorised service facility and
additional charges may apply. To unlock the device, the
To prevent unauthorised use of your device, change the lock software must be reloaded, and all data you have saved in
code, and set the device to automatically lock after a certain the device, may be lost.
length of time.
Заключване на сензорния екран и клавишите
Briefly press the power key, and select Secure device.
Заключването на сензорния екран и клавишите
Unlock your device предотвратява случайно натискане на клавиши.

Enter the lock code, and select Done. За да заключите или отключите сензорния екран и
клавишите, плъзнете ключа за заключване.

Set the length of the time-out period Explore Ovi

Влизане в Ovi
Select > Settings and Device lock > Autolock, and Ovi съдържа услуги, предоставени от Nokia. С Ovi
select the length of time. можете да създадете пощенски акаунт, да споделите
изображенията и видеоклиповете си с приятели и
роднини, да планирате пътувания и да разглеждате места
Change the lock code на картата, да изтегляте игри, приложения,
1 Select > Settings and Device lock > Change lock видеоклипове и тонове в устройството си, и да купувате
code. музика. Възможно е предлаганите услуги да се различават
2 Enter the current code once, and the new code twice. The в различните региони. Не всички езици се поддържат.
default lock code is 12345.

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32 Personalise your device

За достъп до Ovi услугите отидете на адрес www.ovi.com Personalise your device

и регистрирайте свой Nokia акаунт.
Edit and personalise the desktop
Повече информация за използването на услугите ще
намерите на страниците за поддръжка на всяка услуга. Open the desktop menu
Tap the desktop, and select > Desktop menu.
Информация за Ovi Store
В Ovi Магазин, можете да изтегляте мобилни игри,
приложения, видеоклипове, изображения, палитри и Personalise the desktop
тонове на звънене на устройството си. Някои неща са Select from the following:
безплатни; за други трябва да платите с кредитна карта Add shortcut — Add an application shortcut to the desktop.
или със сметката за телефона. Възможните начини за
плащане зависят от страната, в която живеете и от Add contact — Add a contact to the desktop.
доставчика ви на услуги на мрежата. Ovi Магазин предлага Add bookmark — Add a web bookmark to the desktop.
съдържание, което е съвместимо с мобилното ви Add widget — Add a widget, such as Agenda or Location,
устройство и отговаря на вкусовете и местоположението to the desktop.
ви. Change background — Change the background image.
There are preinstalled background images in the device, but
you can use any image stored in the device, on an inserted
memory card, or in a paired or shared device.
Manage views — Set which desktops are in use.
Themes — Select a theme for your desktop.
Rearrange items on the desktop
Drag widgets, bookmarks, contacts, or shortcuts.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Personalise your device 33

Move an item from one desktop to another Add a new ringing tone or message alert tone
Drag the item to the left or right until you reach the desired Select the tone type, More, the desired tone, and Done.
Select the volume level of tones
Remove items from the desktop Select System sounds, Key sounds, or Touch screen
Select on the widget, bookmark, contact, or shortcut. sounds and the desired volume level.
Adjust the volume of tones
Drag the slider right or left.

Change the background image

You can select a different background image for each desktop
of your device.
1 Swipe left or right to select the desired desktop.
2 Tap the desktop, and select > Desktop menu >
Change background.
3 Select More.
Profile settings
4 Browse to the image, and select Done.
Select > Settings and Profiles.
The background image of the current desktop is changed.
Set the device to vibrate when in the Silent or General To change the background image of another desktop, go
profile to the desired desktop.
Select Vibrate.
Change the device language
Select the ringing tone and message alert tones 1 Select > Settings and Language & region.
Select Ringing tone, SMS alert, IM tone, or E-mail alert and 2 Select Device language and the desired language.
the desired tone. 3 Restart the device.

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34 Connect your device

Change themes Connect your device

A theme is a set of matching background images, one for each
desktop. About connectivity
Your device offers several options to connect to the internet
1 Select > Settings and Themes. or to another compatible device, PC, or Mac. The available
2 Select a theme from the list. connection methods are wireless LAN (WLAN) connection and
a packet data connection. Using a WLAN connection, you can
connect to the internet without a SIM card inserted.
You can enable automatic transfers between WLAN and
packet data connections, to keep your device constantly
online. You can also set your device to ask which connection
to use. When you connect to the internet for the first time
using a packet data connection, the device prompts you to
select whether you want to allow automatic transfer without
further confirmation.
You can also connect to a PC or other compatible device using
Bluetooth wireless technology, or by using a USB data cable.

Network settings
Your device can automatically switch between GSM and 3G
In the status area, the current network is indicated with the
following icons:

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Connect your device 35

HSPA Always allow, all packet data connections abroad are

handled as in the home network.
To modify network settings, select > Settings and For further information and roaming costs, contact your
Phone > Network. network service provider.
Select the service provider's network View transferred data details
By default, your device selects the network automatically. To Select Home network data counter. To clear the details and
select the network manually, select Manual and a network. reset the counter, select Clear.
Select network mode
Select which network to use. If you select Dual, the device Use a WLAN connection
uses the GSM or 3G network automatically, according to the You can use a wireless LAN (WLAN) data connection to
network availability, parameters, and the roaming connect to the internet. Only one connection to one wireless
agreements between network service providers. For further LAN can be active at a time, but several applications can use
information, contact your network service provider. the same internet access point.
You cannot change the network mode, if a packet data
connection is active. Disconnect the packet data connection About WLAN
or switch to a wireless LAN (WLAN) connection before To use a wireless LAN (WLAN) connection, it must be available
changing the network mode. in the location, and your device must be connected to the
WLAN. Some WLANs are protected, and you need an access
Roaming is based on specific roaming agreements between key from the service provider to connect to them.
your network service provider and other network service
providers, to enable you to use network services outside your Note: Във Франция е позволено WLAN да се използва само
home network, for example when travelling abroad. в закрити помещения.

Define data roaming settings Features that use WLAN, or that are allowed to run in the
background while using other features, increase the demand
Always ask is selected by default. A connection is only on battery power and reduce the battery life.
attempted when a confirmation note is accepted. If you select
Your device supports the following WLAN features:

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

36 Connect your device

• IEEE 802.11b/g standard 2 Enter a descriptive name for the connection, and select
• Operation at 2.4 GHz Next.
• Wired equivalent privacy (WEP) with keys up to 128 bits, 3 The device asks if you want to scan for available WLANs.
and Wi-Fi protected access (WPA2-Enterprise) Select Yes, and select the WLAN from the Select
authentication method. These functions can be used only connection dialog. If a WLAN is hidden, it is indicated as
if they are supported by the network. hidden in the dialog. You can select a hidden WLAN as
any other WLAN connection, if you know the network
Important: Винаги активирайте един от наличните name (SSID), and enter it manually.
методи за кодиране, за да увеличите защитата на вашата To enter the values manually, select No, and define the
безжична LAN връзка. Използването на кодиране following:
намалява риска от неоторизиран достъп до вашите
данни. Network name (SSID) — Enter the name of the WLAN.
If you create an ad hoc network, ensure that the name of
Режими на работа the network is unique. When you connect to the internet
При безжичните локални мрежи има два режима на over a WLAN, the connection is based on this information.
работа: инфраструктура и ad hoc. If the field is dimmed and cannot be edited, the scanned
SSID contains characters that are not in the standard
Работният режим "Инфраструктура" позволява два вида UTF-8 character sets.
комуникация: безжичните устройства се свързват едно Network is hidden — Select whether the name of the
към друго чрез устройство за точка за достъп в безжична WLAN is hidden, that is, the network is configured not to
локална мрежа или се свързват към кабелна локална broadcast its name (SSID). If you select this option, your
мрежа чрез устройство за точка за достъп в безжична device actively searches for hidden WLANs when you
локална мрежа. attempt to establish an internet connection.
В работния режим "аd hoc" устройствата могат да Network mode — Select Ad hoc or Infrastructure. The
изпращат и приемат данни директно едно с друго. infrastructure mode is used with internet connections.
Security method — Select the same security method
Create a WLAN connection that is used by your WLAN access point.
1 Select > Settings and Internet connections >
Connections > New > Next.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Connect your device 37

If you operate your own WLAN access point, always WEP authentication
enable one of the available encryption methods to Enter the wireless equivalent privacy (WEP) key. You can
increase the security of your wireless network. Using define more than one WEP key, and you can also select the
encryption reduces the risk of unauthorised access to default key, if that is required by your WLAN.
your data.
WPA authentication
Available WLANs Enter the Wi-Fi protected access (WPA) preshared key. The key
After the WLAN scan, all available WLANs are displayed with length must be between 8 and 63 characters. Only ASCII
the following information: characters are allowed.
• Connection type, indicated with (general) or (ad
hoc) WPA with EAP type
• Name To define the extensible authentication protocol (EAP) type,
select from the following:
• If the WLAN is already saved in your device, is
displayed TLS (transport layer security) authentication — Select the
client certificate used for authentication.
• WLAN signal strength, indicated with
PEAP (protected extensible authentication protocol)
• Encryption method used, indicated with (WPA), authentication or TTLS (tunnelled transport layer
(WEP), or (none) security) — Select an authentication method used inside
PEAP or TTLS and an optional client certificate.
Security settings
Select > Settings and Internet connections > For MSCHAPv2, define a user name and a password. Select the
Connections. Prompt password at every login check box, if you want
your password to be always requested when a connection is
In the connection setup dialogs, enter the encryption keys, created. For GTC, enter your user name. You are prompted for
depending on the WLAN connection in question. For stronger a response upon connection creation. The client certificates
security, it is recommended that you use the WPA method, if are optional. For more information, contact your internet
possible. service provider.

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38 Connect your device

Define advanced settings IP address

Select > Settings and Internet connections > 1 To obtain the IP address for the device automatically
Connections. Select the connection and Edit. In the last from the server, select Auto-retrieve IP address.
dialog, select Advanced. 2 If you want to enter the values manually, contact your
internet service provider for the correct values and for
WLAN proxy settings further information.
Enable proxies
1 Select Use proxy. DNS address
2 Enter the IP address of the proxy server, or the host name. Domain name service (DNS) is an internet service that
The format of a domain name can be translates domain names such as www.nokia.com into IP
proxy.company.com. addresses, such as
3 Enter the number of the proxy port. 1 To obtain the DNS address automatically from the server,
select Auto-retrieve DNS.
Bypass proxies
2 If you want to enter the values manually, enter the IP
If you have domains for which the use of proxies should be addresses of the primary and secondary domain name
bypassed, select Do not use proxy for, and enter the domain servers, if required by your internet service provider.
names for which the proxy is not needed.
Enable automatic proxies Other WLAN settings
To obtain the IP addresses automatically from the internet Open the Other tab, and define the following:
service provider, select the Automatic configuration check
box, and enter the web address of the server in the Web WLAN transmission power — Select how much power the
address field. device outputs during a WLAN connection. The default value
is 100 mW.
Power saving — Select the power saving level of WLAN
IP address settings connections.
Open the IP Addresses tab. Ad hoc channel — Select a channel for ad hoc WLAN

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Connect your device 39

To only support authentication according to the WPA2 services, and for availability and subscription to packet data
protocol for WLAN connections, select WPA2-only mode. connection services, contact your network service provider.
The available options vary according to the selected Fast downloading and uploading
connection type.
High-speed packet access (HSPA, also called 3.5G) is a network
service in 3G networks that provides high-speed data
Modify EAP settings downloads and uploads. When HSPA support in the device is
The EAP settings are only visible for WLAN connections that activated and the device is connected to a 3G network that
use the EAP authentication protocol. supports HSPA, downloading and uploading data such as mail
and web pages using a packet data connection may be faster.
Enter user name manually
If the user name differs from the user name provided by the in the status area indicates an active HSPA connection.
certificate, select the Use manual user name check box, and
enter the user name in the Manual user name field. For availability and subscription to data connection services
and the related costs, contact your network service provider.
Require client authentication
If you want the EAP server to require your device to be Packet data settings
authenticated, select the Require client authentication Packet data settings are usually set automatically by the
check box. device, based on your SIM card. If you need to modify the
settings, contact your service provider for details, and do the
Use a packet data connection
About packet data 1 Select > Settings.
Your device supports packet data connections (network 2 Select Internet connections > Connections.
service), such as GPRS in the GSM network. In 3G networks, 3 Select the internet connection provided by your network
data connections remain active during voice calls. service provider, and select Edit. Enter the new details.
To establish a data connection, an access point is required. To enter the password every time you make a connection,
To check what access point types are required for particular select the Prompt password at every login check box.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

40 Connect your device

Advanced settings Important: In the Offline mode you cannot make or receive
Advanced packed data settings are modified in the same way any calls, or use other features that wireless network or
as WLAN settings. Bluetooth connection. Calls may still be possible to the official
emergency number programmed into your device. To use the
Active data connections features, you must first set the device back to normal mode.
If the device has been locked, enter the lock code.
In the status area, the active data connections are indicated
with the following icons:
Internet connection settings
A packet data connection is active. You can select which connections are used automatically,
or A wireless LAN (WLAN) connection is active. define how often connections are scanned for in the
background, and set the device to switch to a saved WLAN
connection when available.
Note: Действителната фактура за разговори и услуги от
вашия оператор може да варира в зависимост от Select > Settings and Internet connections >
характеристиките на мрежата, закръгляването при Connect automatically.
изчисленията на сметките, данъците и т.н. Select a connection
Close connections Select whether you want to use a wireless LAN (WLAN)
Select the status area and a connection, and close the connection, a packet data connection, or whichever
connection. connection is available.
To select a connection each time you connect to the network,
select Always ask.
Disable wireless connections
Define the frequency of automatic connection attempts
Disable connections Select Search interval. The default value is 10 minutes.
Briefly press the power key, and select Offline mode.
Enable connections
Briefly press the power key, and select Normal mode.

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Connect your device 41

Switch to a WLAN when available осигурите съвместимост между други устройства,

If you want your device to use a saved WLAN connection поддържащи технологията Bluetooth, използвайте
instead of a packet data connection when such a WLAN is одобрените от Nokia аксесоари за този модел. Проверете
available, select Switch to WLAN when available. при производителите на другите устройства, за да
определите тяхната съвместимост с това устройство.

Bluetooth connectivity Функции, които използват технологията Bluetooth,

About Bluetooth connectivity увеличават разхода на батерията и съкращават живота
With Bluetooth connectivity, you can make a wireless
connection to other compatible devices, such as mobile
Bluetooth settings
phones, computers, headsets, and car kits.
Select > Settings and Bluetooth.
You can use the connection to send images, video clips, music
and sound clips, and notes, and transfer files from your Select from the following:
compatible PC.
Bluetooth on — Activate Bluetooth connectivity.
Since devices with Bluetooth wireless technology Visible — Allow your device to be found by other devices. If
communicate using radio waves, they do not need to be in your device is hidden (not visible), it can only be connected
direct line-of-sight. However, they must be within 10 metres to by a previously paired device.
(33 feet) of each other, although the connection may be My device's name — Enter a name for your device. This
subject to interference from obstructions such as walls or name is visible to other Bluetooth devices.
from other electronic devices.
Tip: When searching for devices, some devices may show
Това устройство е съвместимо с Bluetooth Specification 2,1 only the device address (IMEI address). To find the address of
+ EDR и поддържа следните профили: Профил за общ your device, select > Phone and , and enter *#06#.
достъп, Профил за прехвърляне на файлове, Профил за
прехвърляне на обекти, Общ профил за обмен на обекти, Pair devices
Профил за слушалки, Профил "Свободни ръце", Профил
за разширено разпространение на звук и Профил за Devices with Bluetooth 2.1 and Secure Simple Pairing (SSP)
дистанционно управление на аудио и видео. За да ability are paired automatically. Ensure that both devices
display the same passcode.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

42 Connect your device

Pair with Bluetooth 2.0 or older devices Do not pair with or accept connection requests from
1 Your device proposes a passcode automatically. You can unknown devices. This helps to protect your device from
also create your own passcode (1 to 16 digits), and agree harmful content.
with the owner of the other device to use the same code.
The passcode is only used once. Devices with no display, such as headsets, are connected
automatically after pairing.
2 Select > Settings and Bluetooth.
3 Select Devices > New. Send data using Bluetooth connectivity
Several Bluetooth connections can be active at the same time.
Your device lists the Bluetooth devices that are within
For example, if you are connected to a compatible headset,
range and not hidden. The devices are indicated with the
you can also transfer files to another compatible device.
following icons:
1 Open the application where the item you want to send is
Computer stored, and select the item.
Mobile device
2 Select Share or , depending on the view you are in.
Audio or video device
Other device 3 Select Send via Bluetooth.
4 Select the device, and enter the passcode. The same 4 Select the device to which you want to connect.
passcode must be entered in the other device. 5 If the other device requires pairing before data can be
5 To authorise the device to connect to your device without transmitted, a tone sounds, and you are asked to enter a
your knowledge, select Set as trusted device. Use this passcode. The same passcode must be entered in both
status only for your own devices, such as your compatible devices.
headset or PC, or devices that belong to someone you
trust. Receive data using Bluetooth connectivity
6 Select Pair. When you receive data using Bluetooth connectivity, a tone
sounds, and you are asked if you want to accept the data.
Cancel the pairing
Select Save, and define a file name and location for the data.
Tap outside the dialog.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Connect your device 43

USB connections communication features when the device is used as a

USB modem.
1 Connect your device to a compatible device with a USB
data cable.
2 Select the USB mode. You can set the device to interact
with Nokia PC Suite on your compatible PC or to appear
as a mass storage drive in a PC, Mac, or other device.
3 To view or change the USB mode, or to disconnect the
device, open the status area menu.

In the status area, indicates an active connection.

Use your device as a modem

You can use your device as a modem, to connect your
computer to the internet.
1 Connect your device to your computer, using the USB data
2 Select PC Suite mode.
3 From PC Suite, select Connect to the Internet.
The connection may not be displayed on your device. The
device data counter is updated after you disconnect. When
connected, you can use your computer to monitor the
amount of data sent and received.
You can only establish an internet connection using a cellular
network, and may not be able to use some of the other

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

44 Browse the web

Browse the web Use hover mode

To move the cursor on the web page, as if using a normal
About browser mouse, activate hover mode. For example, you can display
With the Maemo browser, you can view hypertext markup information on a map by hovering the cursor over a location.
language (HTML) web pages on the internet. You can also To activate this mode, drag from the left of the touch screen
view web pages that are designed specifically for mobile onto the screen. is displayed.
devices. These pages use extensible hypertext markup To select an item when hover mode is activated, press the
language (XHTML). space or shift key.
Select > Web.
To browse the web, you must have an internet access point
configured in your device.
Important: Използвайте само услуги, които са надеждни
и които предлагат необходимата сигурност и защита
срещу опасен софтуер.

Open and browse web pages

Select > Web, and enter the address in the address bar,
or select a bookmark.
Use selection mode
You can also view web pages in portrait orientation. To select text and images, as if using a normal mouse,
Use normal mode activate selection mode. When hover mode is activated,
select . is displayed. To deactivate selection mode,
Normal mode is active when you open a web page. In normal
mode, you can move around a web page by dragging in the select .
desired direction. You can also select check boxes and links,
and enter text by selecting a text box and starting to write. By default, web pages open in full screen mode. To exit full
screen mode, select .

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Browse the web 45

Tip: Use the stylus to open links more easily. Browse recently visited pages
To access the recent browsing history, drag your finger from
Zoom specific parts of a web page
the right of the touch screen onto the screen, or press the
Double-tap the desired part. To go back, double-tap again. backspace key. You can also select to open the previous
Zoom a whole web page web page.
Draw a circle clockwise to zoom in or anticlockwise to zoom

Search for text on a web page

Reload a page
1 Open the menu, and select Find on page.
Open the menu, and select Reload.
2 Enter the desired text in the search field.
Stop loading a page
To hide the search bar, select from the toolbar.
Select .
Browser toolbar
The browser toolbar helps you select frequently used
functions of the browser. The toolbar is displayed in normal
screen mode and hidden in full screen mode.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

46 Browse the web

Select > Web. To switch from full screen mode to 3 From the toolbar, select > Add shortcut to
normal mode, tap the screen, and select . desktop.

From the toolbar, select from the following: Import bookmarks

— Open and edit bookmarks. You can import bookmarks to your device from other devices
and computers.
— Add a bookmark, add a shortcut to the desktop, or
subscribe to an RSS feed. 1 To export an HTML file containing bookmarks from
— Stop loading content. another browser to your device, use the relevant function
of that browser.
— Go to the previous web page.
2 Transfer the exported file from the other browser to your
— Switch from normal to full screen mode. device. You can use mail, copy to a memory card, or use
a USB data cable, for example.
Organise bookmarks
Add a bookmark 3 Select > Web, open the menu, and select Import
bookmarks and the file.
1 Select > Web.
2 Go to the web page for which you want to add a The imported bookmarks are added to My bookmarks >
bookmark. Imported bookmarks.
3 From the toolbar, select > Add to bookmarks.
Clear private data
You can change the name of the bookmark and select where Кеш паметта е място в паметта, която се използва за
to save the bookmark. временно съхраняване на данни. Ако сте правили опит за
достъп или сте осъществили достъп до конфиденциална
Add browser shortcuts to desktop информация, изискваща пароли, изчиствайте кеш
With browser shortcuts, you can quickly access bookmarked паметта на телефона след всяко използване.
web pages. Информацията или услугите, до които сте осъществили
достъп, се запаметяват в кеш паметта.
1 Select > Web.
1 Select > Web, and go to a web page.
2 Go to a page you want to add a shortcut to.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Browse the web 47

2 Open the menu, and select Options > Clear private server is not authentic or if you do not have the correct
data. security certificate in your device.
3 Select from the following:
Important: Дори и използването на сертификати да
Browsing history — Clear the browsing history of web намалява значително рисковете, отнасящи се до
pages and links you have opened and web addresses you дистанционно свързване и инсталиране на софтуер, те
have entered using the application toolbar. трябва да се използват правилно, за да има полза от
повишената защита. Съществуването на сертификат не
Cache — Clear the memory cache. The memory cache is
предлага само по себе си защита; мениджърът на
automatically cleared whenever you close the browser сертификати трябва да съдържа правилни, достоверни
application. или надеждни сертификати, за да се постигне повишена
Cookies — Clear all cookies. защита. Сертификатите имат давност. Ако се появи
Saved passwords — Clear all passwords you have saved "Изтекъл сертификат" или "Все още невалиден
for authentication purposes and web forms. сертификат", когато би трябвало сертификатът да е
Authenticated sessions — Clear all authenticated валиден, проверете дали датата и часът в устройството
sessions. ви са верни.
Преди да промените каквито и да е настройки на
Connection security сертификата, трябва да се уверите, че наистина имате
Data transmission between your device and a web server is доверие на собственика и че сертификатът наистина
encrypted if the secure server information banner is принадлежи на посочения собственик.
displayed. The security information includes the address of
the website and the verification. Download files
View security information for a website Important: Инсталирайте и използвайте приложения и
друг софтуер само от надеждни източници.
Open the menu, and select Details. Приложенията от ненадеждни източници може да
съдържат опасен софтуер, който да осъществи достъп до
Security certificates may be required for some services, such данни, съхранявани във вашето устройство и да причини
as banking services. You are notified if the identity of the финансови щети или повреда на устройството.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

48 Browse the web

1 Select > Web, and go to a web page that contains 4 Select Save.
download links.
2 Select a link that points to the file that you want to View browsing history
download. You can view and visit your most recently visited web pages.
3 Select from the following: The browsing history contains the web pages you have
visited in the current browser window. The complete
Open with — Open the file in the appropriate browsing history contains all the web pages you have visited
application. in the past seven days.
Save to device — Save the file to your device. Select > Web.
After a file transfer from an internet server starts, the name 1 Go to a web page.
and size of the file and the progress of the download is
displayed. Closing the dialog does not interrupt active 2 Drag your finger from the right of the touch screen onto
downloads. the screen, or press the backspace key.
3 Select a web page from the recent history, or select
During the download, you can do the following: Complete browsing history and the desired date and
Pause — Pause the download. web page.
Resume — Continue the download. You may not be able to Tip: To open the previous web page, from the toolbar, select
resume all paused files, because not all servers support it. .
Delete — Cancel and delete the download.
Install a plug-in or an add-on
Save web pages You can install plug-ins and XPI based add-ons (extensions)
You can save web pages to your device, to view them offline. for the browser.
1 Go to the web page you want to save. Important: Инсталирайте и използвайте приложения и
2 Open the menu, and select Save page as. друг софтуер само от надеждни източници.
3 Enter a name, select where to save the page, and select Приложенията от ненадеждни източници може да
if you want to also save the images. съдържат опасен софтуер, който да осъществи достъп до

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Browse the web 49

данни, съхранявани във вашето устройство и да причини Show images — To load and display all images, select
финансови щети или повреда на устройството. Always. To display loaded images only, select Already
in cache. To never load or display images, select Never.
Install, update, or uninstall a plug-in
Text size — Define the text size. To display the browser-
Install, update, and uninstall plug-ins using the Application defined text size, select Normal. To display 150% or
manager. 200% larger text, select Large or Very large.
Install an add-on Encoding — Text characters may not display correctly
On a web page, activate a link referring to an installation file. on web pages with different languages. To make a web
page more readable, select the encoding that best
matches the language of the web page.
Update or uninstall an add-on
1 Select > Web, and go to a web page. Web settings
2 Open the menu, and select Options > Add-ons. Select > Web, and go to a web page.
3 Select the installation file and the desired option. Open the menu, and select Options > Settings and from the
You can disable or enable add-ons and plug-ins. You may following:
need to restart the browser.
Browser settings Memory cache size — Define the amount of RAM you want
Adjust view to use as a cache.
You can change the way web pages are displayed in the Use increase and decrease keys for — Select to use the
browser. zoom/volume keys for zooming or controlling volume.
Open in full screen — Switch to full screen mode when a
1 Select > Web, and go to a web page. new window is opened.
2 Open the menu, and select Options > Adjust view. Auto focus address field — Enter text directly in the web
3 Select from the following: address field when you use the physical keyboard.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

50 Browse the web

Enable rotation — Activate portrait browsing. When It is recommended that you do not save passwords or use
activated, you can view web pages in portrait orientation, other similar features in web services or sites where you store
when you turn your device. personal data or content. This is especially important if
unauthorised access to such web services or sites could cause
Content you financial harm.
Enable password saving — Save passwords for web forms,
on website sign in pages, for example. When this option is
not selected, passwords are not filled in and you cannot save
passwords. Clearing this checkbox does not delete previously
saved passwords.
Open pop-ups — To allow all pop-up windows, select
Always. To only allow pop-up windows that you open by
selecting a link, select Only requested. To block all pop-up
windows, select Never.
Accept cookies — A cookie is data that a site saves in the
cache memory of your device. Cookies contain information
about your visits to websites. They help to identify you upon
subsequent visits and retain information when you move
between web pages. To accept the use of cookies, select
Always. To be prompted before a cookie is stored, select Ask
first. To prevent cookies from being stored, select Never.
Enable JavaScript — JavaScript is used on many websites.
Websites may have malicious scripts and it can be safer not
to run them. Some websites may not work at all without
JavaScript enabled.
Allow JavaScript pausing — Suspend the use of Flash and
JavaScript whenever the browser window is open in the

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Organise your contacts 51

Organise your contacts You can also manually add contact user names for different
internet services. If you set up your own account, the contacts
Get contacts are automatically imported from the server.
Add and edit contacts
Edit a contact
When you open Contacts for the first time, the Get contacts
dialog opens. You can import contacts from your SIM card, 1 Select the contact, open the menu, and select Edit.
mobile device, or other device. 2 Edit the contact's details.
To add more details about the contact, select Add field.
Select > Contacts. A list of all your stored contacts and
their possible availability status, status message, and avatar To remove details, select Delete fields. Select the details
image is displayed. you want to delete and Delete. You cannot remove the
first name, last name, or gender field.
Add a new contact
Merge a contact
1 Open the menu, and select New contact.
If you have duplicate contacts, do the following:
2 Enter the contact's first name and last name. Only one
name field is required. 1 Select the contact, open the menu, and select Merge
3 Enter a phone number. To define whether it is a home or contact.
work number, mobile or landline number, or fax number, 2 Select the contact to merge with.
select Mobile. If the contact details have contradicting information or
4 Enter a mail address. To define whether it is a home or the merging was not successful, select the desired details
work mail address, select E-mail. and Save.
5 To add an avatar image, select the placeholder image.
Select a default avatar, or to use a different image, select Delete a contact
Browse. 1 Open the menu, and select Delete contacts.
6 To add more details, select Add field. You can add details 2 Select the contacts to delete and Delete.
about, for example, addresses, birthdays, business 3 Confirm the deletion.
details, mail addresses, nicknames, notes, phone
numbers, SIP user names, titles, and websites. The contacts are also deleted from all possible services.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

52 Organise your contacts

Import and export contacts 3 Select the export file format, and select Next.
You can import contact information from another device, IM 4 Define the folder name for the exported contacts, select
accounts, a SIM card, or from a compatible file. a location for the folder, and select Next.
5 Select Finish.
Import contacts
1 Select > Contacts, open the menu, and select Get Import a Mail for Exchange contact
You can import the details of Mail for Exchange contacts to
2 Select from the following: your device contacts list. You need to have a Mail for Exchange
account set up in your device.
Synchronise from other device — Synchronise existing
contacts from another device. Select > Contacts.
Import contacts from new account — Modify or create
an IM account. When an IM account is created, the 1 Open the menu, and select Get contacts > Import Mail
contacts of that account are imported. Exch. contacts.
Copy from SIM card — Copy all contacts from your SIM 2 Enter a name, and select Search.
card. 3 Select Import.
Import contacts — Import contacts from a file stored
in your device. Add and edit My information
My information is a view that contains your own contact
You can import contacts from files that have the .vcf file details. You can also access your IM accounts or mail from this
extension. view.
Export contacts Select > Contacts, open the menu, and select My
1 Select > Contacts, open the menu, and select information.
Export. Select Next.
Add My information manually
2 Select All contacts or Selected contacts, and select
Next. 1 Enter your first name, last name, phone number, and mail
address. Only one name field is required.
If you selected Selected contacts, select the contacts you
want to export, and then select Done.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Organise your contacts 53

Your phone number is automatically imported from your 3 Select whether you want to transfer data from other
SIM card if it is available. Other details, such as for internet Bluetooth devices, or to set up synchronisation to keep
call or chat services that you have set up an account for, data updated on both devices. Select Next.
may also be automatically imported. You cannot edit 4 Select Select device and the desired device from the list.
imported details.
5 Enter the identification number of the device you want
2 To add an avatar manually, or change an automatically to transfer data with, and select Pair.
imported avatar, select the placeholder image. Select a
default avatar, or to use a different image, select View your contacts' availability statuses
The availability status of your contacts is indicated by one of
Your avatar is automatically downloaded from the IM the following:
service. If you have more than one service set up, the
avatar is picked randomly. Online
3 To add more details about yourself, select Add field. Busy
4 Select Save. Away
In the My information view, the availability icon shows your
availability status, status icon, and status message. To access Sort contacts
the availability settings, select the icon.
1 Select > Contacts, and open the menu.
Edit My information 2 Select from the following:
1 Open the My information menu, and select Edit.
ABC — Sort the contact list alphabetically.
2 Edit the fields as necessary, and select Save.
Availability — Sort the list by availability status. Your
Synchronise your contacts contacts are listed by availability first, then in
alphabetical order.
1 Select > Contacts.
Recent — Sort the list according to recent activity. The
2 Open the menu, and select Get contacts > Synchronise contacts you have recently communicated with are listed
from other device > Next. first.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

54 Organise your contacts

View groups 5 Select the contact you want to send the detail to, and
Open the menu, and select Groups. select Send.

View communication history Add shortcuts to desktop

Select a contact, open the menu, and select Communication You can add shortcuts to contacts on the desktop. To open a
history. list of available contact methods, select a contact.
Add a shortcut
Send contact cards Select > Contacts, select the contact you want to add
You can send contact cards in a text message or mail, or the shortcut for, open the menu, and select Create
through Bluetooth connectivity. shortcut.

Send a contact card

You can only create one shortcut for a contact.
1 Select > Contacts.
2 Select the contact whose contact card you want to send. Contacts settings
To send your own information, open the menu, select My Select > Contacts.
3 Open the menu, and select Send contact card. Open the menu, and select Settings and from the following:
4 Select the method to use to send the contact card. Display names — Define how names are displayed. By
5 Select the contact you want to send the card to, and select default, First name Last name is used.
Send. Display video calling option — Allow video calling directly
from the contacts list entry.
Send a contact detail
1 Select > Contacts. Display SMS only for Mobile numbers — Show text
message options for mobile phone numbers, but not for
2 Select the contact whose contact detail you want to send, landline phone numbers.
open the menu, and select Send contact detail.
3 Select the contact detail you want to send.
4 Select the method to use to send the contact detail.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Make calls 55

Delete all contacts from device — Delete all contacts on Make calls
the device. The contacts are removed from the device, but
they can still be found on the server. About calls
Voicemail number — Define the voice mailbox phone You can make voice calls and internet calls with your device.
number. You can also make internet video calls.
Select > Phone.
You can see your recent calls in the Phone main view. The
calls are indicated with the following icons:
Dialled call
Received call
Missed call

Tip: You can make a call to a person saved in Contacts using

the physical keyboard. On the desktop, start entering the
name of the person to open Contacts. Select the contact from
the proposed matches, and select .
You can also enter a phone number on the desktop using the
physical keyboard. Press and hold , and enter the number.
In the virtual keypad view, select .

Change display orientation

You can set the Phone application to be in portrait or
landscape mode, or to change automatically to portrait or
landscape according to the orientation in which you hold the
device. You can also set the device to open the Phone

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

56 Make calls

application when you turn the device to portrait orientation,

if on the desktop.
Select > Phone, open the Phone menu, and select
Turning control.
Select display orientation
Select Display orientation > Portrait, Landscape, or
If you select Automatic, the orientation changes according
to the orientation in which you hold the device. Не покривайте сензора за близост, например със защитна
лента или лепенка.
Set the Phone application to open when you turn the
device, if on the desktop Make voice calls
Select the Launch by turning check box. Make a call
Select > Phone.
Сензорен екран по време на повикване Tip: You can also set the Phone application to open from the
Устройството ви има сензор за близост. За удължаване на desktop when you turn your device to portrait orientation.
експлоатационния срок на батерията и предотвратяване To activate this feature, open the Phone menu, and select
на случаен избор, сензорният екран се изключва Turning control.
автоматично по време на повикване, когато поставите
Hold your device correctly during a call.
устройството близо до ухото си.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Make calls 57

Enter the phone number manually

Select and the cellular call type. Enter the phone number,
including the area code.
Enter an international phone number
To enter the + character, used for international calls, select
* twice. Enter the country code, area code (omit the leading
zero if necessary), and phone number.
Make the call
Select .

End the call

Select a recipient from the contacts list Select .
Select Select contact and the contact.
Cancel the call attempt
To search for a contact, use the physical keyboard to start
entering the first characters of the name, and select from the Select .
proposed matches. If you have saved several numbers for a
contact, select the desired number from the list. Tip: To add a contact card to the desktop, select Contacts and
If you hold the device in portrait orientation, you can use the a contact, open the menu, and select Create shortcut.
initial character icons on the right side of the display to find
your contact. Answer a call
Select . If the incoming call has been diverted from another
Select a recipient from the recent calls list
phone number, is displayed.
The recent calls are listed in the Phone main view. Select a
contact from the list to make the call. Reject a call
Select .

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

58 Make calls

End an active call Talk to a participant in private

Select . Select the participant and Private. This splits the
conference call into two separate calls. To end one of the calls,
Mute the ringing tone select the call and End. To continue the conference call, open
Select . the menu, and select Start conference call.

Answer another call during a call End the conference call

If call waiting (network service) is activated, select to Select End.
answer a new incoming call. The first call is put on hold.
Send DTMF tones
Make a conference call You can send dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) tones during
Select > Phone. an active call to control your voice mailbox or other
automated phone services.
Conference calls (network service) can only be made over
cellular networks and can have a maximum of three During a call, select , and enter the DTMF sequence.
participants (including yourself).
You can also enter the tone sequence using the keyboard.
Call the first participant
Enter a participant's phone number, or select a contact from Make internet calls
your contacts list. Internet calls
Internet calls are based on the voice over internet protocol
Add an additional participant (VoIP) that allows you to make and receive calls over the
Open the menu, and select New call to contact or New call internet. To use this feature, you must have an active network
to number. connection (WLAN or packet data) and a registered internet
call account with an internet call service provider, and your
Start the conference availability status must be On to allow you to receive calls.
Open the menu, and select Start conference call.
Internet call services may not support emergency calls.
Contact your internet call service provider for further details.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Make calls 59

Create and edit call accounts Save account settings

With call accounts, you can use internet call or instant Select Save.
messaging services.
Select > Phone. Make an internet call
1 Select > Phone.
Create a call account
2 Connect your device to an internet connection, and select
1 Open the Phone menu, and select Accounts > New.
a VoIP service account. Your availability status changes
2 Select a service and Register new account. to Online.
3 Enter the user details. 3 Select Select contact and a contact.
You can also create accounts in the Conversations 4 To end the call, select .
You can also make an internet call from the Contacts
Sign in to an existing call account application.
1 Open the Phone menu, and select Accounts > New and
a service. Answer an internet call
2 Enter your user details, and select Sign in. Select .
When an existing account is activated, your contacts are
automatically retrieved from the account server, and Make internet video calls
added to your contacts list. About internet video calls
To make an internet video call (network service), you need to
Edit an account be in the coverage of a 3G network, or use a wireless LAN
Select an account, and edit your user name, password, or (WLAN) internet connection. You also need to have a VoIP
screen name. account.
Enable or disable an account For availability and subscription to internet video call
Select an account, and select or clear the Enabled checkbox. services, contact your service provider. While talking, real-
time, two-way video is streamed between you and the
recipient of the call, if the recipient has a compatible device.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

60 Make calls

You can broadcast a live video stream using the device Options during a call
camera. Options during an active call
Internet video calls can only be made between two parties, Open the menu, and select from the following:
can only be made to compatible mobile devices or ISDN New call to number — Call another number to start a
clients, and cannot be made while another voice, video, or conference call.
data call is active. Internet video calls are only made in New call to contact — Call a contact to start a conference
landscape mode. call.
Hold call — Put the call on hold.
Answer a video call
Turn on video — Activate video sending.
Select .
Options during a call that is on hold
Make an internet video call
To put a call on hold, open the menu, select Hold call.
Select > Phone.
Open the menu, and select from the following:
Select a recipient from the contacts list
New call to number — Call another number to start a
Select Select contact and the contact. conference call.
Make the internet video call New call to contact — Call a contact to start a conference
Select . During the voice call, open the menu, and select call.
Turn on video. Activate call — Activate the call.
The secondary camera is used for internet video calls. Mute the microphone
End the internet video call, or cancel a call attempt Select . To unmute, select .
Select . Activate the loudspeaker
Select .

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Make calls 61

Send DTMF tones програмирани от потребителя функции. С клетъчния

Select . телефон могат да бъдат осъществявани спешни
повиквания.Не е възможно осъществяване на спешно
End the call повикване чрез гласово повикване по интернет
Select . (интернет повикване). Не може да се гарантира връзка
при всички условия. Никога не трябва да разчитате
единствено на което и да е безжично устройство за
The available options may vary, depending on the call mode. осъществяване на крайно необходими комуникации,
например спешна медицинска помощ.
Call timers
You can view the duration of received and dialled calls. The Осъществяване на спешно повикване
duration of voice and internet calls is displayed separately. 1 Изберете > Phone.
2 Изберете и вида на клетъчното повикване.
Select > Phone. Open the menu, and select Call
timers. 3 Въведете официалния авариен номер за вашето
местонахождение към съответния момент.
Clear call timers 4 Изберете , за да стартирате повикването.
Select Clear timers. Both voice and internet call timers are
cleared. Осъществяване на спешно повикване без въвеждане
на ПИН, ПУК или код за заключване
1 Когато устройството поиска кода, въведете номера за
Спешни повиквания спешни повиквания за текущото ви местоположение.
Преди да осъществите спешно повикване, включете Показва се иконата Emergency call.
устройството и проверете дали силата на сигнала е 2 Изберете Emergency call, за да осъществите
достатъчна. Ако екранът и клавишите са заключени,
повикването. След спешното повикване трябва да
плъзнете ключа за заключване отстрани на устройството, въведете необходимия ПИН, ПУК или код за
за да ги отключите.
заключване, за да можете да използвате други
Important: Това устройство работи, като използва функции на устройството.
радиосигнали, безжични мрежи, наземни мрежи и

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

62 Send text and instant messages

При спешно повикване предайте цялата необходима Send text and instant messages
информация колкото е възможно по-точно. Вашето
безжично устройство може да е единственото средство за About Conversations
комуникация на мястото на произшествието. Не Select > Conversations.
прекратявайте разговора, докато не получите
разрешение за това. In Conversations, you can send text messages and instant
The services share the main view, where text message and
instant message conversations are listed. Select a
conversation to see the messages in it.
You can send instant messages to one contact, or have a
group conversation with several participants.
You can see your recent messages in the Conversations main
view. The messages are indicated with the following icons:
You have one or more unread text messages in the
You have replied to this text message (the latest
message in the conversation is sent by you).
You have one or more pending text messages in the
You have one or more failed text messages in the
You have one or more unread instant messages in
the conversation.
You have replied to this instant message (the latest
message in the conversation is sent by you).

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Send text and instant messages 63

Tip: To call a contact from the conversations main view, 3 To add a recipient, select To and a contact, or enter a
select and hold a conversation, and from the pop-up menu, phone number.
select Open contact card and the call type. 4 Write your message in the message body.
Tip: To copy text from a received or sent text or instant To add a smiley, select the desired smiley.
message, activate selection mode. Drag from the left of the 5 Select Send.
touch screen onto the screen, and select .
Text messages are displayed in the main view as a
Drag your finger on the text to select, and, to copy the text, conversations list.
press ctrl + C.
Устройството ви поддържа текстови съобщения,
To copy an entire text or instant message, select and hold the надхвърлящи ограничението за едно съобщение. По-
message, and from the pop-up menu, select Copy. дългите съобщения ще бъдат изпращани като две или
повече съобщения. Доставчикът на услуги може
съответно да таксува това. Символи с ударения, други
знаци или някои езикови опции заемат повече място и
ограничават броя на символите, които могат да се
изпратят в едно съобщение.

Forward a text message

1 Select > Conversations.
2 Select the conversation and then the text message.
3 Select Forward.

Send text messages Send a contact card

Send a text message 1 Select > Contacts and a contact.
1 Select > Conversations. 2 Open the menu, and select from the following:
2 Select New SMS.
Send contact card — Send all the contact details.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

64 Send text and instant messages

Send contact detail — Send a specific contact detail 3 Enter your user details. Depending on the service, you
only. may have to set up an account using a web browser.
3 Select whether the card is sent as a text message, using Follow the instructions.
Bluetooth connectivity, or as a mail message.
Sign in to an existing instant messaging account
4 Select the message recipient, or enter a phone number.
1 Select New and a service.
5 Select Send.
2 Enter your user details, and select Sign in.
Save a received contact card When an existing account is activated, your contacts are
1 Select > Conversations. automatically fetched from the account server and added to
2 Open the conversation with the received text message, your contacts list.
and select the contact card link.
Send an instant message
3 Select if you want to save the contact card as a new
contact or update existing contact card information. 1 Select > Conversations.
2 Select New IM and a contact, or open the menu, select
Send instant messages Send IM to, and enter an instant messaging address.
3 Write your message in the message editor. You cannot
Create and sign in to an instant messaging account use the enter key to move to the next row (if you press
To send instant messages, you must create an instant the enter key, the message is sent).
messaging account. To add a smiley, select the desired smiley.
4 Select .
Select > Conversations, open the Conversations
menu, and select Accounts.
Start a group conversation
Create an instant messaging account Some instant messaging (IM) services support group
1 Select New. conversations. In a group conversation, you can have an IM
2 Select a service and Register new account. conversation among several participants.
1 Select > Conversations.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Send text and instant messages 65

2 To start a conversation with the first participant, open 3 Select an account, and Join.
the menu, select Send IM to, and enter an instant
messaging address. Save and view instant messaging history
3 Select Use account and an instant messaging account Your instant messaging history is saved automatically.
supporting group conversations.
To view your instant messaging history, select >
4 To invite additional participants to the conversation,
Conversations and a conversation.
open the menu, and select Invite.
Open the menu, and select from the following: Change your avatar
Participants — View conversation participants. An avatar is a small image that you can use to represent
yourself when sending instant messages.
Set topic — Set a topic for a group conversation.
Leave — Leave a group conversation. 1 Select > Conversations.
2 Open the menu, and select Accounts and the account for
Participate in a chat room conversation which you want to change the avatar image.
You can receive and send chat room messages if you have 3 Select the avatar placeholder and the desired avatar, or
been invited to a chat room. To join a chat room, you can also select Browse to browse your device memory for
enter the address of the room. images.
Select > Conversations. 4 To save the avatar, select Save.

Respond to a chat room invitation You can also change your avatar in the account settings.
If you are invited to a chat room, a notification is displayed. Change availability status
To join the chat room, select the notification and Yes.
Tap the status area to open the status menu, and select
Availability and from the following:
Join a chat room
1 Open the Conversations menu, and select Join chat Online, Busy, or Offline — Set your availability status.
room. Type your status message — Enter your availability status
2 Enter the address of the chat room. message.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

66 Send text and instant messages

My location — Define your current location. Delete conversations

New status — Add a new availability profile. With 1 Open the menu, and select Delete conversations.
availability profiles, you can modify your availability 2 Select the desired conversation or conversations and
separately for each account. Delete.

Account settings Filter conversations

Select > Conversations, open the Conversations Select > Conversations.
menu, and select Accounts.
To find a conversation with a specific recipient, start entering
Select an account, and define the following: the recipient's name using the keyboard. Conversations with
recipients starting with the entered characters are displayed
User name and Password — Enter your user name and in the conversations list view.
Screen name — Enter your screen name. Text message and instant message settings
Avatar — Select an avatar image. Select > Conversations.
Edit personal info — Edit your personal information.
Open the Conversations menu, and select Settings and from
Enabled — Activate or deactivate the account. the following:
Delete messages and conversations Receive SMS delivery reports — Select whether to receive
Select > Conversations. text message delivery reports.
SMS centre number — Use the text message centre number
Delete a text message stored on your SIM card, or define another number.
1 Select a conversation and a text message.
2 Select Delete.

Delete all messages in one conversation

1 Open the conversation.
2 Open the menu, and select Clear conversation.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Mail 67

Mail устройство Nokia и оторизирания сървър Microsoft

About mail
Before starting to set up Mail for Exchange, ensure that you
You can access your personal mail accounts from your device, have the following:
using Nokia Messaging. You can synchronise your mail from
a single mailbox (default mailbox) or multiple mailboxes. • A corporate mail address
Nokia Messaging enables push-synchronising to regular IMAP
• Your Exchange server name (contact your company's IT
mail servers, such as Yahoo or Gmail.
You can also access your work mail, using Mail for Exchange. • Your network domain name (contact your company's IT
You can read and reply to mails, view and edit compatible department)
attachments, and manage your calendar and contact • Your office network password
Depending on your company's Exchange server
Read your work mail using Mail for Exchange configuration, you may need to enter other information in
With Mail for Exchange, you can receive your work mail to addition to those listed. If you do not know the correct
your device. You can read and reply to your mails, view and information, contact your company's IT department.
edit compatible attachments, view calendar information,
With Mail for Exchange, the use of the lock code may be
receive and respond to meeting invitations, and view, add,
and edit contact information. mandatory. The default lock code of your device is 12345, but
your company's IT administrator may have set a different one
Mail for Exchange can be set up only if your company has for you to use.
Microsoft Exchange server. In addition, your company's IT
administrator must have activated Microsoft Exchange Set up your mail
ActiveSync for your account. Set up a Nokia Messaging account
You can have only one Nokia Messaging account set up in your
Mail for Exchange device.
Използването на Mail for Exchange се ограничава до
безжичната синхронизация на PIM информация между 1 Select > E-mail.
2 Open the menu, and select New account

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

68 Mail

3 Define the following: Service provider — Select your mail service provider. If
your mail service provider is not listed, select Other.
Region — Select your country or region.
To search for a service provider, start entering the service
To search for a region, start entering the region name provider name using the keyboard.
using the keyboard.
Account title — Enter a title for the account.
Service provider — Select Nokia Messaging.
E-mail address and Password — Enter your mail Tip: To search for a region or service provider, start
address and password. This is mandatory information. entering the search term using the keyboard. The search
bar becomes visible. Matching regions or service
4 Select Finish.
providers are displayed.
Set up your other mail 4 For user details, define the following:
To send and receive mail messages, you must have an active Name — Enter your name. This name is displayed in the
network connection and a mail account with a mail service sender field of sent messages.
provider. For the correct settings, contact your mail service
provider. User name and Password — Enter your user name and
password for the mail service. They are needed when you
Using mail services (for instance, retrieving messages log into your mailbox. If you leave the password field
automatically) may involve transmission of large amounts of empty, you are prompted for a password when you try
data. Contact your network service provider for information to connect to your mailbox on the mail server.
about data transmission charges. E-mail address — Enter your mail address. It must
contain the @ character. Replies to your messages are
1 Select > E-mail. sent to this address.
2 Open the menu, and select New account. 5 If you selected Other as the mail service provider, define
3 For account details, define the following: the following settings for incoming mail:
Region — Select your country or region. Account type — Select the mail protocol (POP3 or IMAP4)
recommended by your mail service provider. IMAP4 is
To search for a region, start entering the region name
using the keyboard.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Mail 69

more modern and typically enables more functionality. SMTP host name or IP address that you obtain from the
Some functionality may be restricted with POP3. mail service provider of the connection you use.
If you selected Other as the mail service provider, define
You cannot change this setting after you save the account
the following settings for outgoing mail:
settings or exit the wizard.
Incoming server — Enter the host name or IP address Outgoing server — Enter the host name or IP address
of the POP3 or IMAP4 server that receives your mail. of the server that sends your mail.
Secure authentication — Set the system to use secure Secure authentication — Set the system to use secure
authentication. authentication.
Secure connection — Define the security setting for
If you do not use secure connections, it is strongly
outgoing messages.
recommended that you enable secure authentication.
For information on the supported methods, contact your Use connection-specific SMTP servers — Use
mail service provider. connection-specific SMTP servers for sending mail. To
modify connection-specific SMTP server settings, select
Secure connection — Define the security setting for
Edit SMTP servers.
incoming messages.
Tip: The settings for outgoing mail (SMTP) usually either
If you access your mail over a wireless LAN (WLAN), it is
use a user name and a password, or are specific to a
strongly recommended that you use secure connections.
connection. Without an SMTP user name and password,
For information on the supported secure connections,
your internet service provider may prevent you from
contact your mail service provider.
sending mail for security reasons.
Tip: Usually, the incoming mailbox servers (POP3 or 7 To complete the mail account setup, select Finish.
IMAP4) are provided by your mail service provider, and
the outgoing mail server (SMTP) is provided by your Set up a Mail for Exchange account
internet service provider. If these service providers are To use Mail for Exchange, you need a Mail for Exchange
different, you may have different passwords and security account.
settings for incoming and outgoing messages.
6 Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) servers are used To set up an account:
when sending mail. To send mail, you must define the

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

70 Mail

1 Select > E-mail, open the menu, and select New all local contacts when the device synchronises for the
account. first time. Keep items on device is selected by default.
2 Define the following: 6 To modify advanced settings, select Advanced
Region — Select your country or region.
7 Select Finish.
To search for a region, start entering the region name
using the keyboard. Read and send mail
Retrieve and read mail messages
Service provider — Select Mail for Exchange.
Select > E-mail.
3 Enter your mail address, user name, password, and
domain. Your device can automatically retrieve the mail messages
4 Define the following: sent to you.

Server — Enter the server address. Retrieve mail messages manually

Port — Enter the port number for the Mail for Exchange 1 Open the menu, and select Send & receive. The
server connection. The field is prefilled with the standard messages are retrieved for all accounts.
HTTPS Mail for Exchange port number. If you want to receive messages only from a specific
Secure connection — Use a secure connection. account, select the desired account, open the menu, and
select Send & receive.
5 On the Synchronisation content page of the wizard,
define the following: When retrieving mail, all messages in the Outbox folder
are sent.
E-mail — Enable mail synchronisation. 2 To retrieve the contents of a selected message, select the
Calendar and tasks — Enable calendar and task message header.
Read a mail message
Contacts — Enable contact synchronisation.
Select the header of the message. To display images in the
First synchronisation — If you have enabled contact
mail message, select .
synchronisation, you need to select if you want to remove

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Mail 71

If new mail messages are received while the mail application recipient matches the search term, the message is displayed
is closed, a notification is displayed. To open a new message, in a list.
select the notification.
Add the mail sender to your contacts list
Reply to a received mail message Open the menu, and select Add to Contacts.
Select to reply to the sender, or to reply to all (the
sender and the other recipients of the mail message). Delete a mail message
Select .
Respond to a meeting invitation
Select Accept, Tentative, or Decline. Accepted and
tentatively accepted meetings are saved in your calendar as Create and send mail messages
events. 1 Select > E-mail.
You can only receive meeting invitations via Mail for 2 Select New message.
Exchange. 3 Enter a mail address, or select recipients from the
contacts list.
Forward a received mail message
To separate multiple recipients, add a semicolon (;) or a
Select .
comma (,). Use the Cc field to send a copy, or the Bcc field
Mark a mail message as read or unread to send a blind copy to other recipients. If the Cc or Bcc
field is not visible, open the menu, and select Show Cc or
Open the menu, and select Mark as read or Mark as Show Bcc.
Tip: To search for recipients' mail addresses by their
Move to previous or following mail message names, enter a recipient's name, open the menu, and
Select or . select Check names.
4 Enter the subject, and write the message. To change the
Search for a mail message
font, size, and colour of text in the message, select the
In a mail folder, using the physical keyboard, start entering icons from the toolbar.
a search term. If a message title or the name of a sender or
5 Select .

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

72 Mail

Message settings Open an attachment

You can define a priority level for your mail message, and Select the attachment.
define whether the message is sent as formatted text (HTML)
or plain text. Save an attachment
Open the menu, and select Save attachments. Enter a name,
When writing a message, open the menu, and select select where to save the attachment, and Save.
Message settings.
Define the priority level Create a mail signature
Select Low, Normal (default), or High. 1 Select > E-mail.
Define the text format 2 Select Edit account and the desired account.
Select Formatted text (default) or Plain text. 3 Select Signature.
4 Select the Use signature check box.
5 Enter your signature, and select Save.
Add, save, and delete attachments
Select > E-mail. The signature is added to the end of the body text of all
messages you send using this account. You can edit and
You can add attachments to a mail message you are writing, delete the signature before you send the mail message.
and remove added attachments.
Tips for creating mail messages
Add an attachment
Select > E-mail.
Open the menu, and select Add attachment.
Insert an image to the body of a mail message
Delete an attachment
Select .
Open the menu, and select Remove attachments.

You can open and save attachments from a received mail Copy text from a mail message
message. 1 Tap the message at the point from where you want to
start copying.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Mail 73

2 Press and hold the shift key, and use the arrow keys to 2 Open the menu, and select Find in message. The search
select text. bar is displayed.
3 Press ctrl + C to copy the text, and ctrl + V to paste it to 3 Enter the search terms in the search bar, and press enter.
another location. Matching terms are highlighted.

Organise your mail Delete mail messages

Move messages from one folder to another To delete a mail message, select the message and .
Select > E-mail.
For POP3 accounts, if you have activated the Leave messages
You can move messages to another mail folder, or to a folder on server option in the incoming mail settings, the message
in the device memory or on a memory card. is only deleted from your device. If you deactivate the option
and want to delete the message from the server, select the
1 Select the folder, open the menu, and select Move message and Delete.
2 Select the messages that you want to move and Move. For IMAP4 accounts, the messages you delete are always
3 Select the folder where you want to move the messages. deleted from the server.
To create a new folder, select New.
Synchronise with Mail for Exchange
Search your mail Synchronisation takes place automatically in intervals that
Select > E-mail. you have defined when setting up the Mail for Exchange
account. You can also start the synchronisation manually at
Search for a mail account, folder, or message any time.
In a view listing mail accounts, folders, or messages, using Only the content that you have defined when setting up the
the physical keyboard, start entering a search term. Matching account is synchronised. If you want to synchronise more
items are displayed. content, modify the Mail for Exchange settings.

Search within a mail message

1 Open a mail message.

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74 Mail

Start the synchronisation manually Add the mail widget to desktop

From the status menu, select Mail for Exchange > You can add the mail widget to the device desktop. The
Synchronise manually. widget shows if you have received mail, and displays the
number of unread mail messages.
If you have synchronised your calendar using Nokia PC Suite Tap the desktop, and select > Desktop menu > Add
before, you may have duplicate calendar entries in your widget > E-mail.
Mail settings
Remove duplicate calendar entries Mail account settings
1 In the Mail for Exchange settings, deactivate calendar Select > E-mail.
If you do not deactivate calendar synchronisation before Open the E-mail menu, and select Edit account and an
removing your calendar entries from your device, the account. Ensure that you are not connected to the mailbox.
entries are also removed from the server during the next
synchronisation, and they cannot be synchronised back Tip: To search for an account, start entering the account title.
to your device.
For the correct settings, contact your mail service provider.
2 Select > Calendar, open the menu, and select
Settings > Edit calendars. Account details
3 Select the calendar and Delete. Account title — Enter a title for the account.
4 In the Mail for Exchange settings, activate calendar Leave messages on server — For POP3 accounts only. Set
synchronisation. The calendar is synchronised from the the device to leave a copy of retrieved messages on the
server back to your device during the next server.
5 If you still have duplicates in your device calendar, User details
remove them from the server. Name — Enter the name to display as the sender in

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Mail 75

User name and Password — Enter your user name and Use connection-specific SMTP servers — Use connection-
password for the mail service. specific SMTP servers for sending mail messages. To edit SMTP
E-mail address — Enter your mail address. server settings, select Edit SMTP servers.

Settings for incoming mail Mail settings

Incoming server — Enter the host name or IP address of the Select > E-mail, open the E-mail menu, and select
POP3 or IMAP4 server that receives your mail. Settings.
Secure authentication — Set the system to use secure Define the following:
Secure connection — Define the security setting for Default account — Define which account is the default
incoming messages. Follow the instructions from your mail account. The first account created is set as default.
service provider. New message format — Select the format of new mail
Port — Enter the port number. Follow the instructions from messages. The default value is Formatted text (HTML).
your mail service provider. Incoming notifications — Show a notification when you
receive mail.
Settings for outgoing mail
Automatically add to Contacts — Add message recipients
Outgoing server — Enter the host name or IP address of the automatically to Contacts.
SMTP server that sends your mail. Update automatically — Set the device to retrieve
Secure authentication — Set the system to use secure messages automatically.
authentication. Update when connected via — Define which connection
User name and Password — Enter your user name and type is used to retrieve mail automatically.
password for the SMTP server. Update interval — Define how often messages are
Secure connection — Define the security setting for retrieved. The default value is 15 minutes.
outgoing messages.
Port — Enter the port number. Follow the instructions from Nokia Messaging settings
your mail service provider. Select > E-mail and Edit account > Nokia

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

76 Mail

View user details Add or modify mailboxes

Select Service info. You cannot edit these fields. 1 Select Nokia Messaging: Mailboxes.
2 To add a new mailbox, select Add new mailbox. The title
Modify Nokia Messaging settings of each mailbox is retrieved from the Nokia Messaging
server. Select a mailbox.
Select Synchronisation and from the following:
3 To modify a mailbox, select the mailbox and from the
Days — Select the days on which you want the following:
synchronisation to be done.
Hours — Select the time during which you want the Mailbox name — Modify the mailbox name.
synchronisation to be done on the selected days. Mark messages as read on server — Select this option
Sync while roaming — Select this option if you want if you want the read status of your mails to be
synchronisation to be done when you are roaming outside synchronised to the server.
your home network. My name — Modify your name.
Disable sync when — Define a level of battery power at Password — Modify your password.
which you want synchronisation to stop. E-mail address — Your mail address. You cannot modify
Send and receive — Define the synchronisation interval. this field.
Sync inbox — Select this option if you want your Inbox to Use signature — To use a signature, select the check
be synchronised. box and Signature. Enter the signature, and select
Download size — Select if you want to download only the Done.
mail message header, partial message, or full message.
Remove items older than — Select a time period after Mail for Exchange settings
which mail messages are deleted from the device. Select > E-mail. Open the menu, and select Edit
account > Mail for Exchange.
Sync drafts — Select this option if you want the mail
messages in your Drafts folder to be synchronised. View synchronisation details
Sync sent items — Select this option if you want the mail Select Details. The number of items that were added,
messages in your Sent items folder to be synchronised. updated, or deleted in the last synchronisation are displayed.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Mail 77

To modify Mail for Exchange settings, select Settings and Domain — Edit your domain on the Exchange server.
from the following:
Synchronisation schedule Synchronise e-mail — Enable mail synchronisation.
Peak start time and Peak end time — Select a start and end E-mail address — Edit your mail address.
time for the peak period.
Account title — Edit the account title.
Peak days — Select the days of the week when you want
the peak times to apply. You must select at least one day. Signature — Use a signature in the mail messages sent from
your Mail for Exchange account.
Peak schedule — Select a synchronisation interval for peak
periods. If you select Always on, new received messages and Synchronise messages back — Define how old messages
other changes on the server are pushed into the device are synchronised from the server.
without delay. When sending e-mail — Define if outgoing messages are
Off-peak schedule — Select a synchronisation interval for sent immediately or only at the next synchronisation.
off-peak periods.
Calendar and tasks
Connection Synchronise calendar and tasks — Enable calendar and
Server — Edit the address of the Exchange server. task synchronisation.
Port — Edit the port number for the Exchange server Calendar — Define which calendar is used for Mail for
connection. Exchange.
Secure connection — Use a secure connection. Synchronise calendar back — Define how old calendar
events and tasks are synchronised with the server.
Conflict resolution — Define which item is kept if it has been
edited on both the device and server since the last Synchronise completed tasks — Include completed tasks
synchronisation. in the synchronisation.

Credentials Contacts
User name — Edit your Exchange server user name. Synchronise contacts — Enable contact synchronisation.
Password — Edit your Exchange server password.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

78 Capture images and record video clips

First synchronisation — Define whether all local contacts Capture images and record video clips
are removed when the device synchronises with the server
for the first time. Вашето устройство поддържа резолюция на заснетото
изображение 2576x1921 пиксела (5 мегапиксела).
Резолюцията на изображенията в това ръководство
Full resynchronisation — Start full resynchronisation. може да е различна.
The available options may vary. Camera
Activate the camera
Configure connection specific SMTP servers
Configuring connection specific SMTP servers enables the Open the lens cover. If the camera is active in the background,
mail application to connect to an SMTP server and send mails and the lens cover is open, press the capture key to activate
when you are roaming between connections of different mail the camera.
service providers.
1 If you want to use connection specific SMTP servers, Capture images
> E-mail, open the menu, and select Edit Image indicators
The indicators in the camera viewfinder area display the
2 Select the desired account. current camera settings. The indicators in image mode are
3 Select Use connection-specific SMTP servers. the following:
4 To edit SMTP servers, select Edit SMTP servers. Make the
changes, and select Save.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Capture images and record video clips 79

14 Geotag ( , if geotagging is enabled). The icon blinks

when the coordinates for the location are being

Capture an image
When capturing an image, note the following:
• Use both hands to keep the camera still.
• The quality of a digitally zoomed image is lower than that
of a non-zoomed image.
• The camera goes into battery saving mode if you perform
1 Close
no actions for about a minute. To continue capturing
2 Scene mode in use (for example, Automatic) images, activate the touch screen.
3 Flash mode in use (for example, Automatic)
4 Capture settings ( ) Спазвайте безопасно разстояние, когато използвате
5 Photos ( ) светкавицата. Не използвайте светкавицата, когато сте в
6 Zoom level (hidden at the default zoom level) близост до хора или животни. Не покривайте
7 Autofocus crosshair ( , not shown in all image modes) светкавицата, докато снимате.
8 Image counter (estimated number of images you can 1 To activate the camera, open the lens cover. If the camera
capture using the current settings and available memory) is active in the background, and the lens cover is open,
9 Memory in use (for example, Internal storage) press the capture key to activate the camera.
10 Image resolution (for example, )
2 To switch from video mode to image mode, select .
11 White balance (for example, ). Only visible if set to
other than Automatic. 3 To lock the focus on an object, press the capture key
12 Exposure (for example, ). Only visible if set to other halfway down. A green locked focus indicator is
displayed. If the focus was not locked, a red focus
than 0.
indicator is displayed. Release the capture key, and press
13 ISO sensitivity (for example, ). Only visible if set to other
than Automatic.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

80 Capture images and record video clips

it halfway down again. You can also capture an image Enable geotagging
without locking the focus. When you activate the camera for the first time, the device
4 To capture an image, press the capture key all the way asks you whether you want to enable geotagging. To enable
down. Do not move the device before the image is saved. geotagging later, do the following:
Zoom in or out 1 Select > Camera.
Use the volume keys. 2 Open the Camera menu, and select Geotagging.
3 Select the Enable geotagging check box and Done.
Switch between normal and full screen mode
Tap the viewfinder area. After capturing an image
After you have captured an image, the post-capture view is
Geotag images and video clips displayed. In this view, you can, for example, delete the
image or edit the tags of the image.
If you have enabled geotagging, the device saves geotag
information such as country, city, and suburb, of every image If you have selected Show captured image > No in the
and video clip you capture or record. general camera settings, the camera returns to the pre-
capture view, and the post-capture view is not displayed. In
You need an internet connection to be able to add geotag this case, you can edit the image in Photos.
information to your files.
In the post-capture view, if the image you captured is
It may take several minutes to obtain the geotag information. successfully geotagged, the country, city, and suburb geotags
The availability and quality of GPS signals may be affected by are displayed. If the geotags are not readily available at the
your location, buildings, natural obstacles, and weather moment of capture, the device tries to retrieve the geotags.
conditions. Your geotag information is not saved anywhere Acquiring geotags is displayed.
else than your device. If you share a file that includes geotag
information, also the geotag information is shared, and your After capturing an image, select from the following:
location may be visible to third parties viewing the file.
— Return to the pre-capture view.
— Edit image tags and geotags.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Capture images and record video clips 81

— Share your image with others.

6 Zoom level (hidden at the default zoom level)
— Delete the image. 7 Autofocus crosshair ( )
— Open the Photos application. 8 Time remaining. Estimated total video recording time,
using the current settings and available memory.
You cannot zoom images in the post-capture view. 9 Memory in use (for example, )
10 Video resolution (for example, )
Record video clips
Video indicators 11 White balance (for example, ). Only visible if set to
other than Automatic.
The indicators in the camera viewfinder area display the 12 Exposure (for example, ). Only visible if set to other
current camera settings. The indicators in video mode are the
than 0.
13 Geotag ( , visible if geotagging is enabled). The icon
blinks when the coordinates for the location are being

Record a video clip

Start recording
1 To activate the camera, open the lens cover. If the camera
is active in the background, and the lens cover is open,
to activate the camera, press the capture key.
2 To switch from image mode to video mode, select .
3 To lock the focus on an object, press the capture key
1 Close halfway down. A green locked focus indicator is
2 Scene mode in use (for example, Automatic video) displayed. If the focus was not locked, a red focus
indicator is displayed. Release the capture key, and press
3 Sound recording (for example, sound recording
it halfway down again. You can also record a video clip
deactivated) without locking the focus.
4 Capture settings ( )
5 Media player ( )

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

82 Capture images and record video clips

4 To start recording, press the capture key all the way Camera settings
down. Scene modes
When you activate the camera, the last used scene mode is
The elapsed recording time is displayed in red. in use.
Stop recording
Select > Camera and .
Press the capture key.
Select from the following:
Switch between normal and full screen mode
Automatic — The default image scene mode. Capture
Tap the viewfinder area.
images in a variety of situations.
Night — Capture images in low light conditions. The
After recording a video clip image may take longer to be processed.
After you have recorded a video clip, the post-recording view Macro — Focus on close up objects. The images may be
is displayed. In this view, you can, for example, delete the susceptible to noticeable camera shake.
video clip or edit tags.
Landscape — Capture landscape images with clear
If you have selected Show captured video > No in the outlines, colours, and contrast.
general camera settings, the camera returns to the pre- Portrait — Capture portraits of people, in good lighting
recording view, and the post-recording view is not displayed. conditions.
In the post-recording view, select from the following: Action — Capture fast moving objects, using a short
exposure time. You can capture successive images rapidly.
— Return to the pre-recording view. The auto-focus crosshair is not displayed.
— Edit video clip tags and geotags. Automatic video — The default video scene mode.
— Share your video clip with others. Record video clips in a variety of situations.
Night video — Record video clips in low light conditions.
— Delete the video clip.
Fewer frames per second (FPS) are recorded than in
— Open Media player, and play the video clip. automatic video scene mode. The video clip may take longer
to be processed.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Capture images and record video clips 83

Image settings White balance — Select the current lighting conditions.

If you change the scene mode, the white balance, exposure, Colours are reproduced more accurately.
and ISO sensitivity settings are reset to defaults. The image Exposure — Adjust the exposure compensation. If you
resolution remains the same. are filming a dark subject against a very light
background, such as snow, adjust the exposure to +1 or
1 Select > Camera and . to +2 to compensate for the brightness of the
2 Select from the following: background. For light subjects against a dark
background, use -1 or -2.
White balance — Select the current lighting conditions. Resolution — Select the video resolution. Higher
Colours are reproduced more accurately. resolution video clips have a larger file size.
Exposure — Adjust the exposure compensation. If you
are capturing a dark subject against a very light Flash settings
background, such as snow, adjust the exposure to +1 or Спазвайте безопасно разстояние, когато използвате
to +2 to compensate for the brightness of the светкавицата. Не използвайте светкавицата, когато сте в
background. For light subjects against a dark близост до хора или животни. Не покривайте
background, use -1 or -2. светкавицата, докато снимате.
ISO sensitivity — Adjust the light sensitivity. Increase
the light sensitivity in low light conditions, to avoid If you change the scene mode, the flash settings are reset to
underexposed and out of focus images. Increasing the defaults.
light sensitivity may also increase the image noise.
1 Select > Camera and .
Resolution — Select the image resolution.
2 Select from the following:
Video settings
Automatic — The flash is used automatically, if the
1 Select > Camera. lighting conditions require it.
2 Select to switch from image mode to video mode, if Always on — The flash is always used. Captured
necessary. images may be overexposed.
3 Select and from the following: Red eye reduction — A pre-flash is used, to reduce
the red eye effect.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

84 Capture images and record video clips

Always off — The flash is not used. Captured images Restore default camera settings
may be underexposed and out of focus. To restore the camera settings to the default values, open the
menu, and select Restore settings.
General settings
Select > Camera and . View images with Photos
View images
Select from the following: With Photos, you can view images as thumbnails in a grid, or
full images individually. You can zoom, pan, and edit images
Memory in use — Select Internal storage or a memory and image tags. You can also view slide shows, use a TV-out
card, if inserted. In the internal storage, the files are stored cable to view images on a TV, and share images with your
in the Camera folder. On the memory card, the files are stored friends.
in a folder named DCIM (Digital Camera Images). When you
connect your device to a PC, both folders are displayed as DCIM View images in a grid
folders in the PC, which allows your PC to identify your device Select and hold the image to share, delete, mark or unmark
as a camera. as favourite, or view image details.
Creator name — Enter a name that is automatically inserted In the grid view, you can view and browse through multiple
into the metadata of your captured images or recorded video images inside one folder or filter set. The images are
clips. displayed as thumbnails. Small icons on the thumbnails
Show captured image — Define how long images are indicate metadata, such as tags.
displayed after being captured. If you do not want the image
to be displayed at all, select No. This setting is available if
image mode is in use.
Show captured video — Define how long video clips are
displayed after being recorded. If you do not want the video
to be displayed at all, select No. This setting is available if
video mode is in use.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Capture images and record video clips 85

Sort images
Select > Photos, and open the menu.
Sort images by date
Select Filter by date, and select whether to view images from
a certain day or period of time.
Sort images by tags
Select Filter by tags, and select terms that should be in the
metadata of the images you want to view.

Sort images by folders

View an image in full screen mode 1 Select Filter by folder.
Select the image from the grid.
2 Select from the following:
View images as a slide show
Camera default folder — View the folder where the
In full screen mode, select . To stop the slide show, tap Camera application saves captured images.
anywhere on the display. Custom folder — Select the folder you want to view.
All images — View all images that are found in the
To view images on a TV screen, connect a compatible TV-out device or on a memory card, if available.
cable to your device.
Modify images
TV-out settings Select > Photos.
1 Select > Settings and TV out.
2 Select PAL (default, used in Europe, for example) or Open an image for editing
NTSC (used in North America, for example). 1 Select the image you want to modify from the grid. The
3 Select Save. image is displayed in full screen mode.
2 Tap the image.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

86 Capture images and record video clips

Select > Photos.

1 Select the image that you want to edit.
2 In normal screen mode, select .
You can also edit multiple images' tags in grid view
mode. Open the menu, and select Edit images' tags and
the images that you want to edit.
3 Select the desired tags from the cloud and Done.
Edit location information
Select Geotags. Geotag items must be selected individually.
Select from the following:
Create a new tag
— Rotate an image.
Select New, enter a tag name, and select Done.
— Crop an image.
— Delete an image.
Photos settings
— Share an image.
1 Select > Photos.
or — Undo or redo an action. 2 Open the menu, and select Settings.
Use other editing options 3 Define the following:
Open the menu, and select Edit image. You can, for example, Sort — By default, the thumbnails are in chronological
resize an image, flip an image horizontally or vertically, or order, starting with the oldest image. You can also sort
adjust the brightness and contrast settings. images by name.
Slideshow — Define the pace of slide shows.
Edit tags
You can create new tags, edit previously created tags, add or
edit location information, or remove tags from images.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Capture images and record video clips 87

Group images by month 3 Enter the user name and password, and select Validate.
To view images separated with month titles in the grid view, Depending on the service, you may have to set up an
select Group by month. account using a web browser. Follow the instructions on
the display.
Display metadata indicators
To see small metadata icons on the images that have Share items
metadata attached to them, select Display metadata 1 Select the items you want to share and Share via
indicators. service.
2 Enter a title and description, and select Share.
The options available for editing may vary. You can edit the tags, select which sharing account to
use, or modify the sharing options.
Share your images and video clips When sharing multiple items, to edit the metadata of an
About sharing content individual image, tap the thumbnail of the image.
You can share your content, for example, images or video The changes you make to files when sharing will not
clips, by uploading them to internet services, such as Ovi by affect the metadata of the actual content.
Nokia or Flickr. To share, you must have a working internet
connection and an existing sharing account. Tags
When sharing content, you can see possible metadata
Create a sharing account
indicators as small icons on the images' thumbnails.
To be able to send your content to different services, you need
a sharing account. If you do not have an account, when trying — Title, description or tags are assigned to the image.
to share, the device prompts you to create an account first.
— The file contains GPS coordinates or information of the
Follow the instructions on the display.
file creator. If the metadata is not yet selected to be removed,
To create a new sharing account in advance, do the following: is displayed.

1 Select > Settings and Sharing accounts > New. Edit tags
2 Select the service. Select Tags.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

88 Capture images and record video clips

Share items using Bluetooth connectivity Sharing is ongoing.

1 Select the items you want to send and Send via Sharing is pending because there is no connection
Bluetooth. available. Open the status area menu, and select the
2 Select the device to which you want to send the items. icon to try establishing a connection, or cancel the
You may need to pair with the device first. sharing.
Sharing is blocked because an error has occurred.
Send items using mail Open the status area menu, and select the icon to see
more detailed information of the error, and retry or
Select the items you want to send, and select Send via E- cancel the sharing.
When the upload is complete, the icon is removed from the
Sharing settings status area.
When sharing content, select Options and from the
following: Edit your sharing accounts
Select > Settings and Sharing accounts. Select an
Image size — Define the image size. account.
Metadata — Define which content details are sent with the
content. Ovi
Privacy — Define who can see the content in your Flickr
Change the password
Enter the new password, and select Save.
Album — Select the album for the content.
Remove the account
The settings available for editing may vary.
Select Delete.
View sharing status
After selecting Share, the content is moved to the upload If you are editing the account details using your device, you
queue. In the status area, the status of the current upload is cannot change your user name.
indicated with the following icons:

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Play music and video clips 89

Flickr Play music and video clips

Edit account details About Media player
Select Edit, and follow the instructions. Return to the account With Media player, you can listen to music and other audio
editing dialog, and select Validate. files stored in your device or on a compatible memory card
(if inserted) and audio streams from the internet. You can also
Remove the account play video clips or streamed video clips from the internet, and
Select Delete. stream content from available media servers.
Select > Media player.
You can only edit your Flickr account details using the

Listen to music
Select .

Play video clips

Select .

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

90 Play music and video clips

Listen to internet radio Add the media widget to desktop

Select . You can add the media widget to the device desktop. With
the widget, you can control audio playback (music or internet
Shuffle between all songs radio), and display the media player's Now playing view.
Select .
Tap the desktop, and select > Desktop menu > Add
Browse media servers widget > Media player.
Select the media server ( ). To see all servers, if there are Search for media files
more than four servers available, select More.
Select > Media player.
In views that list media files, start entering search terms
File formats
using the keyboard. The search bar becomes visible. Matching
Select > Media player. files are displayed.
The supported video file formats are 3GP, MOV, AVI, MP4, View MAFW plug-ins
WMV, and ASF. Streaming performance depends on the
bandwidth availability. You can view Media Application Framework (MAFW) plug-ins
that have been installed for the Media player.
The supported audio file formats are MP3, AAC, WMA, M4A,
AMR, AWB, and WAV. Select > Media player.

The supported playlist formats are M3U, PLS, ASX, WAX, WVX, Open the menu, and select Plug-ins and a plug-in.
and WPL.
Use the Application manager to install, update, or uninstall
Media player does not necessarily support all features of a file plug-ins.
format or all the variations of file formats.
Play music with Media player
Play music
Select > Media player and Music.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Play music and video clips 91

Play a song Browse the music library

Select . Select > Media player and Music.

Pause playback Browse the music library

Select . You can also use the space key on the physical Open the menu, and select All albums, All songs, Genres,
keyboard. Artists, or Playlists.

Stop playback Access the Now playing view

Select . Select .

Play the next or previous song Switch between the current song and current playlist
view in the Now playing view
Select or . You can also use the arrow keys on the
physical keyboard. Select the album art image.

Repeat the currently playing song Set a song as your ringing tone
Select . In a view that lists songs, select and hold a song, and from
the pop-up menu, select Set as ringing tone.
Fast-forward or rewind
Select and hold or . In the Now playing view, you can save the playlist, or clear
the current playlist from the menu.
Select . If you close and reopen the Media player application, the last
selected view is used.
Adjust the volume
View playlists
To open and close the volume controls, select . Use the
slider or volume keys to adjust the volume. The Media player library contains a default set of automatic
playlists. The contents of the playlists are updated each time
they are opened. You cannot edit or delete automatic

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

92 Play music and video clips

Select > Media player and Music. Open the menu, and Save playlists
select Playlists and the desired option. 1 Select > Media player and .
Add songs to current playlists 2 To save the items in the Now playing view as a playlist,
select Save playlist.
Select > Media player and Music.
3 Enter a name for the playlist, and select Save. If you want
Add a song to the current playlist to replace an existing playlist, enter the exact name of
Select and hold a song, and from the pop-up menu, select the playlist to replace.
Add to now playing.
Shuffle songs
The selected song is added to the Now playing list.
With the shuffle feature, you can listen to songs from the Now
Add all songs in a library view to the current playlist playing view or playlists in a random order.
In a library view, select an artist, album, genre, or playlist, Select > Media player.
open the menu, and select Add songs to now playing.
All songs in the current library view are added to the Now Shuffle songs
playing list. Select .
Remove a song from the current playlist Stop shuffling
When viewing the current playlist in the Now playing view, Select .
select and hold a song, and from the pop-up menu, select
Delete from now playing.
Use the FM transmitter
Clear the current playlist before adding new songs About the FM transmitter
In the Now playing view, open the menu, and select Clear With the FM transmitter, you can play songs in your device
now playing. using a compatible FM receiver, such as a car radio or a home
The playback is stopped and the previous view is displayed. stereo system.
Наличността на FM предавателя е различна в различните
страни. Към момента на съставяне на документа FM

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Play music and video clips 93

предавателят може да се използва в следните европейски 2 Select a song to play, open the menu, and select FM
държави: Австрия, Белгия, България, Великобритания, transmitter.
Германия, Дания, Естония, Ирландия, Исландия, Испания, 3 To activate the FM transmitter, select FM transmitter
Литва, Лихтенщайн, Люксембург, Малта, Норвегия, on.
Португалия, Турция, Финландия, Холандия, Чешка
4 To select the frequency, select Frequency.
република, Швейцария и Швеция. За най-актуална
информация и списък на неевропейските държави вижте Calls are not broadcast using the FM transmitter. Playback is
www.nokia.com/fmtransmitter. paused for the duration of the calls. The FM transmitter
cannot be used during USB charging.
The operating distance of the FM transmitter is up to a
maximum of 3 metres (10 feet). The transmission may be
FM transmitter settings
subject to interference due to obstructions, such as walls,
other electronic devices, or from public radio stations. The FM 1 Select > Settings and FM transmitter.
transmitter may cause interference to nearby FM receivers 2 To activate the FM transmitter, select FM transmitter
operating on the same frequency. To avoid interference, on.
always search for a free FM frequency on the receiver before 3 To select the frequency, select Frequency.
using the FM transmitter.
Play video clips with Media player
The operating frequency of the transmitter ranges from 88.1
Play video clips
to 107.9 MHz.
Select > Media player and Video.
If the transmitter is not transmitting anything for one
minute, it switches off automatically. Play a video clip
Select .
The FM transmitter cannot be used while the headset or TV-
out cable is connected. Fast-forward or rewind
Select and hold or .
Play music using the FM transmitter
1 Select > Media player.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

94 Play music and video clips

Adjust the volume Edit or remove a bookmark

To open or close the volume controls, select . Use the slider Select Video > Video bookmarks, select and hold the
or the volume keys to adjust the volume. bookmark to open a pop-up menu, and select Edit or
Delete a video clip
Select .
Use TV-out to play video clips on your TV
Set the used television system
Browse the video library 1 Select > Settings and TV out.
The video library contains video clips recorded with the 2 Select PAL (default, used in Europe, for example) or
device camera, transferred from your PC, or downloaded from NTSC (used in North America, for example).
the web, and bookmarked video streams. 3 Select Save.
1 Select > Media player and Video. Play video clips on a TV
2 Open the menu, and filter the view by date or category. 1 Connect a compatible TV-out cable to your device.
Add, edit, and remove video bookmarks
Add a video bookmark
1 Use the web browser to go to a web page containing
video stream. The stream opens in the media player.
2 When the stream is playing, to save it as a bookmark,
select .
3 Enter the name and web address of the bookmark, and
select Save.
2 Select Media player > Video and a video clip.
You can make and answer calls when connected to the TV.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Play music and video clips 95

Play video clips from the internet Adjust the volume

1 Select > Media player. To open and close the volume controls, select . Use the
2 To play video clips streamed from the internet, select slider or the volume keys to adjust the volume.
Video and a bookmark, or, when browsing the internet,
select a video clip.
Add internet radio stations
Listen to internet radio with Media player Internet radio can include one or more web links to radio
Listen to internet radio streams.
With Internet radio, you can listen to internet radio stations 1 Select > Media player and Internet radio.
or other compatible audio streams. The Internet radio
application supports MP3 and WMA files, and M3U, PLS, and 2 Open the menu, select Add radio bookmark, and enter
WPL playlists. Some playlist file formats, such as ASX and WAX, the web address of the station. If you are already
are supported only partially. listening to a station, the details are automatically
Select > Media player. 3 To save the station, select Save. The radio station is
added to the Internet radio stations view.
Listen to a radio station
Select Internet radio and the desired station from the list. Play music from media server
About media servers
Pause playback
With media servers, you can store and share your media files,
Select . that is, images, video and audio clips, and other types of
Stop listening
Select . Select > Media player.

Listen to the next or previous radio station Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) technology allows devices to
Select or . connect to each other, and simplifies communication and the
sharing of data and media in the home. Media servers are
available for most operating systems and many hardware

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96 Find and view locations

Your device functions as a UPnP client and can auto-detect Find and view locations
media servers that are connected to the same local network
as your device and are configured accordingly. Positioning (GPS)
Информация за GPS
The Media player application provides access to media
servers in the wireless environment. The available servers are Глобалната позиционираща система (GPS) се управлява
displayed at the bottom of the main Media player view. You от правителството на САЩ, което единствено носи
cannot delete the servers from the main Media player view отговорност за нейната точност и поддръжка. Точността
nor delete media from them. на данните за местоположението може да се повлияе от
настройки, правени от правителството на САЩ, на GPS
Browse media servers сателитите и може да бъде променяна с гражданската GPS
политика на Департамента по отбраната на САЩ и
Select > Media player. Федералния радионавигационен план. Точността може
да се повлияе и от лоша сателитна геометрия.
After scanning the wireless network, discovered media
servers are displayed at the bottom of the main Media player Наличността и качеството на GPS сигналите може да се
повлияят от вашето местоположение, от сгради и
view. If there are more than four servers available, to see all
природни препятствия, както и от метеорологичните
servers, select More.
условия. GPS сигналите може да не са налични в сгради
When you select a server, the root directory of the server is или под земята и може да бъдат влошени от материали
loaded and displayed. You can browse the servers and their като бетон и метал.
content. GPS не бива да се използва за точно определяне на
местоположението и никога не бива да разчитате
единствено на данните за местоположението, получени
от GPS приемника и клетъчните радиомрежи за
позициониране или навигация.
Измервателят за придвижване има ограничена точност и
е възможно да възникнат грешки при закръгляването.
Точността може да се повлияе също и от наличността и
качеството на GPS сигналите.

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Find and view locations 97

Координатите в GPS се изразяват с помощта на data internet access point can be used. Your device asks you
международната координатна система WGS-84. to select the internet access point when GPS is used for the
Наличността на координатите може да се различава first time.
според региона.
Правилно държане на устройството
Assisted GPS (A-GPS) Когато използвате GPS приемника, внимавайте да не сте
Your device also supports assisted GPS (A-GPS). покрили антената с ръка.
A-GPS requires network support.
Асистиран GPS (A-GPS) се използва за получаване на
помощни данни чрез връзка за пакети данни, които
подпомагат изчисляването на координатите на вашето
настоящо местоположение, когато вашето устройство
получава сигнали от сателити.
When you activate A-GPS, your device receives useful satellite Установяването на GPS връзка може да отнеме от секунди
information from an assistance data server over the cellular до няколко минути. Установяването на GPS връзка в
network. With the help of assisted data, your device can превозно средство може да отнеме повече време.
obtain the GPS position more quickly.
GPS приемникът черпи енергия от батерията.
Your device is preconfigured to use the Nokia A-GPS service, Използването на GPS приемника може да изтощи
if no service provider-specific A-GPS settings are available. батерията по-бързо.
The assistance data is retrieved from the Nokia A-GPS service
server only when needed. Position requests
You may receive a request from a network service to receive
You must have an internet access point defined in the device your position information. Service providers may offer
to retrieve assistance data from the Nokia A-GPS service over information on local topics, such as weather or traffic
a packet data connection. You can define the access point for conditions, based on the location of your device.
A-GPS in network positioning settings. A wireless LAN (WLAN)
access point cannot be used for this service. Only a packet

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

98 Find and view locations

When you receive a position request, the service that is With Maps, you can see your current location on the map,
making the request is displayed. To allow your position browse maps of different cities and countries, search for
information to be sent, select Accept. To deny the request, places, and plan routes from one location to another.
select Reject.
When you open Maps, you may need to select an internet
Location settings access point used to stream map data.
Select > Settings and Location. When you browse to a new area on the map, map data is
streamed from the internet. Some maps may be available in
GPS settings
your device or on a memory card.
Select from the following:
Enable — Activate the internal GPS receiver in your device. Tip: To avoid data transfer costs, you can also use Maps
The GPS receiver is automatically activated when an without an internet connection, and browse the maps that
application that uses GPS data is opened. are saved in your device or memory card.
GPS device — Select the GPS receiver to use. Note: Изтеглянето на съдържание като карти, сателитни
Pair new device — Pair an external GPS receiver with your изображения, гласови файлове, ръководства или
device. Select the GPS receiver from the list of found devices. информация за пътната обстановка може да бъде
свързано с предаването на голям обем данни (мрежова
Network positioning settings услуга).
Select from the following:
В известна степен почти цялата цифрова картография е
Enable — Activate the network-based positioning service неточна и непълна. Никога не разчитайте единствено на
(including A-GPS). картографията, която изтегляте за използване в това
Location server — Enter the location server address. устройство.

Ovi Maps for mobile View the map

About Maps
When the GPS connection is active, shows your current
Select > Maps.
location on the map.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Find and view locations 99

Move on the map Map elements

Drag the map with your finger or stylus.
View your current location
Select .

Zoom the map

Select + or -, or select and the country, state, city, or street
View a route to a location
Select the location information box and Route to. Maps
creates a route from your current position, if available.

1 Selected location
2 Location information
3 Compass
4 Zoom icons

Modify the map

Change the look of the map to suit your needs.
Select > Maps and from the following:
Map view — In the standard map view, details such as street
names or motorway numbers, are easy to read.
Satellite — For a detailed view, use satellite images.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

100 Find and view locations

Terrain — View at a glance the ground type and altitude, for Plan routes
example, when you are travelling off-road. You can create walking or driving routes, view them on the
3D View — For a more realistic view, change the perspective map, and get turn-by-turn directions.
of the map.
Create and view a route
3D Landmarks — Display prominent buildings and
attractions on the map. 1 Select > Get Directions.
Night Mode — Dim the colours of the map. When travelling Maps automatically sets your current location as the
at night, the map is easier to read in this mode. starting point, if available.
Tips — Display tips on how to use Maps. 2 If you want to set the starting point manually, enter the
search terms in the search field , and select .
Search for a place 3 To add the desired location to the route point list, in the
You can find specific addresses and types of business, such as map view, select . To view more search results, select
restaurants or hotels. .
4 To search for the destination, in the route point list, enter
1 Select > Find Places.
the search terms in the search field , and select .
2 Start entering the search terms in the search field. You
can select from the suggested matches. 5 To add more route points, in the route point list, select
. Enter the search terms in the search field, and select
3 Select .
The location is displayed on the map. If more than one search The route can include up to four route points.
result is available, to view the other search results on the 6 Select View Route. To consecutively view the route
map, select or . points on the map, select or .
View the search results list Tip: To select route points from the map, in the route point
In the map view, select . To return to the map view, tap list, select .
outside the active area.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Manage time 101

View the route directions Manage time

When viewing the route, select .
View the time and set alarms
Clear the route Select > Clock.
When viewing the route, select > Clear map.
You can view your local time and time zone information, set
and edit alarms, or modify date, time and regional settings.
Modify the settings for a route
The route settings affect the route directions and the way the Add and edit alarms
route is displayed on the map. Add alarms
1 Select > Clock and .
1 Select > Get Directions.
2 Enter the time for the alarm. You can create an alarm that
2 Select or .
repeats on set days. You can also add a title.
3 Select the desired option. 3 Select Save.
To return to the map view, tap outside the active area.
Edit alarms
General settings 1 Select > Clock and .
2 Select the alarm you want to edit.
Use metric or imperial units
3 Edit the title and time of the alarm, select the days on
Select > Maps > More > Metric units or Imperial which the alarm is to be repeated, and activate or
units. deactivate the alarm.
Use the 12 or 24 hour clock 4 Select Save.
Select > Maps > More > 12 hour or 24 hour. Turn off a sounding alarm
Select Stop.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

102 Manage time

Turn off the alarm for a certain period Select Month, Week, or Agenda.
Select Snooze.
With the calendar, you can do the following:

If your device is switched off when a clock alarm is due, your • Create events, tasks, and notes for different purposes
device switches itself on and starts sounding the alarm tone. such as work, home, or hobbies. The items you enter in
different calendars appear in different colours.
View world clock • Create new calendars, and delete unnecessary calendars.
You can view the current time in different locations. The first However, your device has two calendars that cannot be
clock is the local time, and it opens the date and time settings. deleted. The private calendar only exists in your device
and cannot be synchronised. The device main calendar is
Add a new world clock used with PC Suite, for example. It is also possible to add
1 Select > Clock and . calendars provided by third parties.
2 Select New World clock. • Hide calendars without removing your events and tasks.
For example, you can hide your work calendar during
3 Drag the map to the desired time zone, or select to your holiday. When a calendar is hidden, its alarms are
search for a city. deactivated.
Clock settings Tip: If you add birthdays to your contact cards, the birthdays
Alarm settings are collected into a birthday calendar. The alarm is
1 Select > Clock, and open the menu. deactivated by default for the birthdays, so you must edit
them if you want to be reminded.
2 Select Alarm settings.
3 Select the tone for the alarm clock and the time after View the events of a day
which the alarm sounds again when you set it to snooze. In the Month or Week view, select the day.
4 Select Save.

View and manage your calendar Tip: To move to the previous or following day, swipe left or
View your calendar right. In the Month and Week views, you can move to the
previous or following month or week in the same way.
Select > Calendar, and open the menu.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Manage time 103

View notes To change the calendar, select Calendar.

Select Go to notes.
Edit a note
View all tasks Open the note, and edit the content.
Select Go to tasks. To change the calendar, select Calendar.

Add and edit calendars Add and edit tasks

You can create different calendars for home, work, and You can keep track of your schedule by creating task
hobbies, for example. reminders for yourself. After the task has been completed,
you can mark the task as done.
Select > Calendar, and open the menu.
Select > Calendar, open the menu, and select Go to
Select Settings > Edit calendars. tasks.
Add a calendar Add a task
Select New, and follow the instructions of the Calendar Select New task, add the title and date, select which calendar
wizard. Add the title and colour of the calendar, and select to use, and set the alarm.
whether the calendar is displayed.
Edit a task
Edit a calendar
Open the task, and edit the details.
Open the calendar you want to edit, and edit the details.
Mark a task as done
Select Done.
Add and edit calendar notes
Select > Calendar, open the menu, and select Go to
notes. Add and edit events
You can reserve time in your calendar for events such as
Add a note
appointments and meetings. You can also add reminders for
Select New note, and write the note. birthdays, anniversaries, and other events.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

104 Manage time

If you add a birthday to your contact cards, the birthdays are To import the content to a new calendar, select Create new
automatically collected to a birthday calendar. calendar.
Select > Calendar. Synchronise your calendar with another device
Add an event You can synchronise your calendars with other compatible
devices. You can use an existing calendar or create a new
1 Go to the desired date, and select New event. calendar for the events, tasks, and notes.
2 Add the details of the event. You can set the event to
repeat regularly, set an alarm, and select which calendar When calendar events are synchronised, the calendar in the
to use. other device may have more complex settings for repeating
3 Select Save. events. In this case, the repeating events are shown in the
device, but the possibility to edit repeating events may be
Tip: To add an event quickly, select Month, Week, or restricted.
Agenda, and start entering text using the physical keyboard.
The New event dialog opens, and you can edit the rest of the Add the agenda widget to desktop
information. You can add the agenda widget to the device desktop. With
the widget, you can quickly view your upcoming calendar
Edit or remove an event events.
1 Go to the date of the event.
2 Select the desired event, open the menu, and select Edit Tap the desktop, and select > Desktop menu > Add
event or Delete event. widget > Calendar.

Import events to calendar Calendar settings

You can import downloaded or local files with the .ics file Select > Calendar, and open the menu.
extension to your calendar.
Select Settings and from the following:
Tap a file that has the .ics file extension, and select a calendar
Edit calendars — Add and edit calendars.
from the list.
Alarm tone — Change the alarm tone. To add your own
alarm tone, select More.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Use utilities and manage data 105

Delete items — Define the period after which your calendar Use utilities and manage data
events and tasks are removed.
First day of week — Change the first day of the week. Synchronise and transfer content from another device
Synchronise content
Synchronise with a compatible device for the first time
If you want to synchronise using Nokia PC Suite, you need to
start the synchronisation from the PC. Otherwise, do the
1 Select > Settings and Transfer & sync > Next >
Synchronise data.
2 Select the device with which to synchronise data. You
may need to pair with the device.
3 Select the content to include in the synchronisation. If
you synchronise calendar entries, select the calendar to
4 Select Finish to start the synchronisation.
The length of time needed to complete the synchronisation
depends on the amount of data to be transferred.
After synchronisation, the created synchronisation profile is
saved in the Transfer & sync main view. You can later
synchronise data using the same settings.
Synchronise again
Select the desired synchronisation profile from the list, and
select Sync.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

106 Use utilities and manage data

Handle synchronisation conflicts In the Transfer & sync main view, you can see the data
If an item to be synchronised has been edited in both devices, transfer profiles you have created. You can modify, delete, or
the device attempts to merge the changes automatically. If create new transfer profiles.
this is not possible, there is a synchronisation conflict. Select
the version to save. Modify transfer details
1 Select the transfer profile from the list.
2 Select Content.
Transfer data
3 Select the content to include in the data transfer, and
Transfer data for the first time select Done.
1 Select > Settings and Transfer & sync > Next.
2 Select Retrieve data or Send data. Create a new transfer profile
3 Select the device with which to transfer data. You may Select New. A data transfer wizard opens, and you can start
need to pair with the device. a new data transfer. The profile is saved in the Transfer & sync
main view.
4 Select the content to include in the data transfer.
5 Select Finish to start the data transfer. Delete a transfer profile
Select the transfer profile from the list, and select Delete.
After a data transfer, the created transfer profile is saved in
the Transfer & sync main view. You can later transfer data Deleting a transfer profile does not delete content from the
using the same settings. device.

Transfer content again

Back up and restore data
To transfer content again, select the desired data transfer
About backups
profile from the list, and start the transfer.
You can back up data to the device mass memory or a
compatible memory card, and if necessary, restore the data
Manage transfer profiles to the device. The backup appears as a folder on the device
Select > Settings and Transfer & sync. mass memory or memory card. You can also secure the
backup with a password.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Use utilities and manage data 107

You can back up the following: 5 If your device contains a newer version of the files than
the backup you are restoring, the device asks you to
Communication and Calendar — Mail and chat messages and confirm if you want to save the backed up version, or
accounts, text messages, contacts in the Contacts application, cancel data restore. Select from the following:
calendar events, clock alarms, and alarm settings
Bookmarks — Bookmarks from web browsers Yes — The device overwrites the current version with
the backed up file.
Settings — All application configurations
Yes to all — The device overwrites all conflicting files
Application list — A list of the applications installed in your
without further confirmation.
No — The version on the device is not replaced.
Create a new backup
1 Select > Backup and New backup. Manage files
About File manager
2 Enter a descriptive name, define the desired location of
the backup, and select Proceed. Select > File manager.
3 Select the data types you want to back up. With File manager, you can move, copy, rename, delete,
4 If you want to protect the backup with a password, select open, and share files and folders.
the Protect with password check box, enter the
password twice, and select Done. View files and folders
Select > File manager.
Restore a backup
1 Select > Backup. To view detailed information about a file or folder, select and
hold the item, and from the pop-up menu, select Details.
2 Select the desired backup and Restore.
3 Select the data types to restore. Stored files are compressed to save memory.
4 Confirm that you want to restore the data. You cannot modify read-only files or folders.
If the backup is password-protected, enter the password,
and select OK. If you use a USB data cable to connect your device to your
computer, you can view files and folders after setting the

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

108 Use utilities and manage data

computer operating system to display hidden folders. In In addition to the device mass memory, your device has an
Microsoft Windows, folders are named, for external microSD memory card slot, and it supports memory
example, .documents, .images, or .videos. cards with a capacity of up to 16 GB. You can insert and
remove a memory card when the device is switched on, if the
Edit files and folders memory card is not being used by an application.
1 Select > File manager.
Използвайте само съвместими MicroSD карти, одобрени
2 Select the folder containing the file or folder you want to от Nokia за употреба с това устройство. Nokia използва
edit. одобрени промишлени стандарти за карти с памет, но е
3 Open the File manager menu, and select from the възможно някои марки да не са напълно съвместими с
following: това устройство. Несъвместимите карти могат да
повредят картата и устройството, както и данните,
New folder — Create a new folder. съхранявани в картата.
Move — Move a file or folder.
If the device memory becomes corrupted, you may need to
Copy — Copy a file or folder. format the device storage and re-install the operating
Delete — Delete a file or folder. system.
Share — Share a file or folder.
Sort — Sort files and folders. Manage memory cards
With File manager, you can create new folders, view memory
Memory usage — View memory usage. To view memory
usage, or manage information on the memory card.
details, select Details.
4 To rename a file or folder, select and hold the item, and Select > File manager.
from the pop-up menu, select Rename.
1 Select the desired memory card from the list.
Memory 2 Open the File manager menu, and select the desired
About memory action.
Your device has an inbuilt mass memory with a capacity of
32 GB, some of which is reserved for the device software, and
not available for use when connected to a PC.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Use utilities and manage data 109

Format your memory card You can remove the following:

Select and hold the memory card, and from the pop-up menu,
select Format. • Images and video clips. Back up the files to a compatible
• Saved web pages
View memory consumption • Messages in Conversations
You can view the amount of available memory in the device • Retrieved mail messages in the mailboxes
memory or on the memory card, and the amount of memory
available for installing applications. • Contact information
• Calendar notes
Select > Settings and Memory. • Applications shown in Application manager that you do
not need
To view the memory consumption in more detail, select
Details. • Installation files (.deb or .install) of applications you have
installed. Transfer the installation files to a compatible
To increase the amount of available memory, use File computer.
manager or other applications to delete data.
Clear device data and restore settings
Increase available memory Clear device data
Many features of the device use memory to store data. The When you clear data from your device, the data is
device notifies you if the amount of available memory is low. permanently deleted.
View how much memory is available 1 Select > Settings.
Select > Settings and Memory. 2 Open the Settings menu, and select Clear device >
Increase the available memory
3 Enter the lock code of the device, and select Done to clear
Move data to a compatible memory card (if available) or to a the device data.
compatible computer. To remove data you no longer need,
use File manager, or open the respective application. The following data is deleted:

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

110 Use utilities and manage data

• Browser user data: bookmarks, user history, passwords, scores. Also, it does not affect the contents of the device mass
and cookies memory.
• Contacts
1 Select > Settings.
• Calendar entries
2 Open the Settings menu, and select Restore original
• Home shortcuts settings and Yes.
• Mail messages, accounts, and their passwords 3 Enter the lock code of the device, and select Done.
• Instant messaging and internet call accounts
• Connectivity settings, connections, and their passwords Use utilities
Subscribe to RSS feeds
• Location information
Read news feeds and blogs
• Documents: document favourites; and images, audio,
and video files With the RSS feed reader, you can read news feeds and blogs
from all over the world and content published on different
• Settings for text input methods, and user dictionaries web sites.
• Game scores
• All user settings, including touch screen, display Select > RSS.
brightness, and volume settings Open a feed
• Profiles Select the feed you want to open.
The following data is not affected:
Open the RSS menu, and select from the following:
• Applications that you installed
Sort — Sort feed contents by date or name.
• Memory card contents
Manage folders — Organise, create, rename, or delete
Restore the original settings folders.
You can restore all device settings to their default values. This Clear image cache — Clear all details from the image cache.
does not affect content or shortcuts you have created, Settings — Modify RSS feed reader settings.
security codes, passwords, the device language, or game
Select from the following:

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Use utilities and manage data 111

— Refresh the view. — Go to the first page of the document.

— Add a new feed. — Go to the last page of the document.
— View feed details. — Go to the previous page of the document.
— Delete. — Go to the next page of the document.
— Show or hide the folder structure. — Zoom in.
— Search for posts in your feeds. Enter keywords in the — Zoom out.
field, and select . — Switch from normal to full screen mode.

Add the RSS widget to desktop Write notes

You can add the RSS widget to the device desktop. With the With the Notes application, you can create and save short
widget, you can view the latest posts to your news feeds. notes. Files with the .txt (plain ASCII text with no formatting)
and .note.html (formatted text) file extensions are
Tap the desktop, and select > Desktop menu > Add supported. The full HTML file format is not supported.
widget > RSS.
Select > Notes.
View PDFs
With the PDF reader, you can view documents in the portable Open the Notes menu, and select from the following:
document format (PDF). New — Add a new note.
Open — Open an existing note.
Select > PDF reader.
Save — Save a note.
Open the PDF reader menu, and select from the following: Settings — Change the text alignment or file format.
Open — Open a document. Undo or Redo — Undo or redo an action.
Save as — Save a document.
Details — View the details of a document. Make calculations
1 Select > Calculator.
Select from the following:

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

112 Use utilities and manage data

2 Make calculations. To use more complex calculator Save — Save a sketch.

functions, open the menu, and select Scientific. Canvas size — Modify the canvas size.
3 To clear the display, open the Calculator menu, and Crop — Crop a sketch.
select Clear till roll.
Details — View details of a sketch.
Manage certificates
Drawing tools
Certificates are used when creating secure connections in, for
example, web browser and mail. You can install, view, and Select from the following:
delete certificates. — Draw freehand.
— Draw straight lines.
Certificates are used to authenticate the server or the user.
Do not add new certificates unless you have verified that they — Draw a rectangle.
are genuine. Adding arbitrary certificates may decrease the — Draw an ellipse or a circle.
security of your encrypted connections.
— Erase a line or shape. Select one of the four brush sizes
User certificates are typically provided to you by your service from the toolbar, and draw over the area you want to erase.
provider or company IT department.
To change the brush size or colour, select the respective
Select > Settings and Certificate manager. selector icon from the toolbar.

Draw sketches Open X Terminal

Select > Sketch. X Terminal is an advanced application, with which you can
use your device through a command line interface.
To draw simple images, start drawing on the screen with your
finger or with the stylus. All sketches are saved in the PNG file Select > X Terminal.
Open the Sketch menu, and select from the following:
New — Start a new sketch.
Open — Open an existing sketch.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Update software and install applications 113

Update software and install applications software to install successfully, the whole catalogue is
needed. A list of available packages is saved in the device.
About Application manager
On some websites, you can install an application directly by
Select > App manager. selecting a link to a file with the .install file extension.
Application manager allows you to install new applications Application manager opens, and installs the application. If a
and other extensions from application catalogues new catalogue is needed for the application, Application
(repositories). You can also list, update, and uninstall manager also offers to add it automatically.
View log
Important: Инсталирайте и използвайте приложения и You can use the log to view event details and to diagnose
друг софтуер само от надеждни източници. unusual behaviour in the Application manager. The content
Приложенията от ненадеждни източници може да of the log is deleted when you close the application.
съдържат опасен софтуер, който да осъществи достъп до
данни, съхранявани във вашето устройство и да причини Open the Application manager menu, and select Log.
финансови щети или повреда на устройството.
Save the log
About application packages and catalogues Select Save as, enter a name for the log, and define where
Application manager works with packages that are generally you want to save it. The log is saved as a text file.
contained in application catalogues, that you can access over
a network connection. Install additional applications
An application package is a set of files. It can contain an Browse, search, and install applications
application that you open from the Applications folder, a Select > App manager and Download.
plug-in for the desktop, a new theme, or other kinds of add-
ons. Browse applications
Select a category to browse a list of installable application
A catalogue is a set of packages. It can include different kinds packages. If there are only a few packages available, the
of software combined as application packages. Certain category list is not displayed.
packages can be shared by many applications. For the

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

114 Update software and install applications

The package list contains the name, version, and size of each Add catalogues
package. When you select a package, a short description of View, install, and edit catalogues
its contents is displayed, and you can install, search, or view You can view, install, edit, and delete catalogues. It may not
details of the package. be possible to edit or delete preinstalled catalogues.
Search for an application Select > App manager.
Using the physical keyboard, start entering a search word.
Applications starting with the entered characters are View available catalogues
displayed. Open the Application manager menu, and select
Application catalogues. A list of catalogues is displayed. If
View application details refreshing a catalogue fails, select the catalogue name to
Select the application and Details. view the details.
Install an application
Select the application and Continue. Install a catalogue
You can only install a catalogue's packages if the catalogue is
installed on your device. If you select an .install file, for
Show installed applications example, from a website, and the catalogue needed to fulfil
Select > App manager and Uninstall. all dependencies is not installed on your device, you are
prompted to install the catalogue. If you cancel the
You can search, sort, and view applications and their details installation, you will not be able to install any of the
in the same way as when browsing installable applications. packages.

Uninstall applications 1 Open the Application manager menu, and select

Application catalogues > New.
1 Select > App manager and Uninstall.
2 Define the catalogue name.
2 Select an application and Uninstall.
3 Define the web address, distribution, and components
Once confirmed and started, the uninstallation process details, provided by the catalogue owner.
cannot be cancelled. 4 To enable or disable a catalogue, clear or select the
Disabled check box. If you disable a catalogue, the device

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Update software and install applications 115

does not search for updates or software packages from Check for updates
it. To see a list of installed application packages that can be
5 Select Save. updated, select > App manager and Update. The list
contains the name, version, and size of each package. When
Edit a catalogue you select a package, a short description of its contents is
You can edit the information of each catalogue. You can also displayed.
disable a catalogue to hide its packages in the Application
manager. You can select the packages you want to update or update all
available packages. You can also sort update packages in the
Certain essential catalogues only allow you to enable or same way as when browsing installable applications, or view
disable the catalogue, you cannot edit any other information. application details.
1 Open the Application manager menu, and select To prevent any possible loss of data, back up your data before
Application catalogues and the catalogue. installing operating system updates.
2 Edit the details.
Update software
3 To enable or disable a catalogue, clear or select the
Disabled check box. Software updates may include new features and enhanced
functions that were not available at the time of purchase of
Restore application packages your device. Updating the software may also improve the
device performance. You can update the software in your
If needed, you can replace the existing application packages
device with Application manager or with Nokia Software
with backup files you have previously created.
1 Select > App manager.
Automatic software updates
2 Open the Application manager menu, and select
Restore applications. When new software updates are available for the operating
system or for Nokia or third party applications, or when there
3 Select the applications to restore and Yes.
are additional applications available for your device, is
The applications are retrieved from catalogues, using a displayed in the status area.
network connection.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

116 Update software and install applications

It is recommended that you install software updates as they Most software updates can be installed with the Application
may contain important bug fixes and other updates. If you manager. However, an update using Nokia Software Updater
dismiss the suggested updates, you can later install them may sometimes be necessary. In this case, you receive a
from the Application manager. notification that a software update is available via Nokia
Software Updater.
Изтеглянето на актуализации на софтуер може да е
свързано с предаването на голям обем данни (мрежова Software updates using your PC
Nokia Software Updater is a PC application that enables you
Уверете се, че батерията на устройството има достатъчно to update your device software. To update your device
мощност или включете зарядното устройство, преди да software, you need a compatible PC, broadband internet
стартирате актуализирането. access, and a compatible USB data cable to connect your
device to the PC.
Install software updates
To get more information, to check the release notes for the
1 Select the status area and New updates. latest software versions, and to download the Nokia Software
2 Select Update all, or select the packages to install and Updater application, see www.nokia.com/softwareupdate or
Continue. your local Nokia website.
3 Confirm the installation.
Update the device software with the Nokia Software
Install additional applications Updater
1 Select the status area and New releases. 1 Download and install the Nokia Software Updater
2 To open a web page with details of an additional application to your PC.
application, select Download. 2 Connect your device to the PC using a USB data cable, and
open the Nokia Software Updater application. The Nokia
Check the version number of the software on your device Software Updater application guides you to back up your
Select > Settings and About product. Or, select files, update the software, and restore your files.
> Phone and , and enter *#0000#.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Play games 117

Play games Resume a paused game

Select Continue.
The objective of the game is to move and rotate the falling Restart a game
blocks so that the rows are complete. When a row is Select Restart.
complete, it disappears and the blocks above that row fall
down one row.
The game is over when the game field is full of blocks, and
Play Blocks the next falling block cannot fit.
1 Select and Blocks. Chess
2 Select from the following: Play Chess
Block speed — Define how fast the blocks fall down. 1 Select and Chess.
Starting density — Define the number of blocks that 2 Select from the following:
are randomly placed when the game starts. Player 1 — Select black or white game pieces for the first
Starting height — Define the number of rows at the player.
bottom of the screen when the game starts. Opponent — Select the skill level of the computer
3 Select Play. opponent, or select Player 2 for a two-player game.
Rotate a block Sound effects — Enable sound effects.
Tap the block, or press enter on the physical keyboard. Show legal moves — See all possible legal moves when
moving a chess piece.
Move a block
3 Select Play.
Drag the block to the desired direction, or use the arrow keys
on the physical keyboard. To move a game piece, drag the piece to the desired location.
Pause a game When you have successfully moved a pawn to your
Select Exit to menu. opponent's side of the game board, you can promote your

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

118 Play games

pawn to queen, rook, knight, or bishop, according to is, no other game piece is covering them, or lying to the left
standard chess rules. and right of them.
When the chess game ends, you can return to the game and Play Mahjong
undo your last moves. 1 Select and Mahjong.
Undo or redo a move 2 To define the layout of the board, select Board.
Select or . 3 To enable sound effects, select Sound effects.
4 Select Play.
Pause a game
Select . When you find a matching pair, tap each game piece with the
stylus to remove them from the board. When you successfully
Resume a paused game clear the board of game pieces, you win the game.
Select Continue. Undo or redo a move
Restart a game Select or .
Select Restart. Get a hint
Save a game Select . If you use a hint, the elapsed game time increases
Open the menu, and select Save. by 30 seconds.

Open a saved game Shuffle game pieces

Open the menu, and select Open and the desired game. Select . If you shuffle the remaining game pieces, the
elapsed game time increases by 60 seconds.

Mahjong Pause a game

The objective of the game is to find matching pairs of game Select .
pieces and clear the whole board as fast as possible. You must
find a pair of identical game pieces that are free to move, that

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Play games 119

Resume a paused game The lower right side of the game board contains the open
Select Continue. chapters and levels. You can play any of the levels in the
current chapter. When you complete all levels in a chapter,
Restart a game you can move on to the next one.
Select Restart.
Undo a move
View the best times Select .
Select Best times. For each game level, you can view the best
time and the date when it was achieved. Pause a game
Select .

Marbles Resume a paused game

The objective of the game is to match the marbles in the game Select Continue.
area with the pattern and colour displayed on the right side
of the screen. Restart the current game level
Select Restart.
Play Marbles
1 Select and Marbles.
Install other games
2 To define the number of allowed moves on each game
level, select Difficulty level. In addition to the games that are pre-installed in your device,
other games are available for you to install and play. You can
3 To enable sound effects, select Sound effects.
search for and install new games using the Application
4 Select Play. manager.
To move a marble, select it, and drag it with the stylus. You
can move marbles horizontally and vertically. Once a marble
is moving, it only stops when it bumps into a wall or another

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

120 Settings

Settings Adjust the volume of tones

Drag the slider right or left.
Personalisation settings
Change themes
A theme is a set of matching background images, one for each Date and time settings
desktop. Select > Settings and Date and time.

1 Select > Settings and Themes. Define date and time settings
2 Select a theme from the list. 1 To display the time in the 24 hour format, select 24-hr
Profile settings 2 To update the date and time automatically, select
Select > Settings and Profiles. Update automatically.

Set the device to vibrate when in the Silent or General Set the date and time manually
profile 1 Make sure the Update automatically check box is not
Select Vibrate. selected.
2 Select Time zone, and select the desired time zone.
Select the ringing tone and message alert tones
To search for cities, select .
Select Ringing tone, SMS alert, IM tone, or E-mail alert and
the desired tone. 3 Select Date, and set the current day, month, and year.
4 Select Time, and set the current hour and minutes.
Add a new ringing tone or message alert tone
Select the tone type, More, the desired tone, and Done. Language and regional settings
The language setting determines the language of the user
Select the volume level of tones
interface and how the date and time are displayed. The
Select System sounds, Key sounds, or Touch screen regional setting determines how numbers and currencies are
sounds and the desired volume level. displayed.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Settings 121

Define language and regional settings Tip: To save the battery and increase the device operation
1 Select > Settings and Language & region. time, select a low brightness level and a short time-out
2 Define the device language and regional settings.
3 Save the settings, after which the device restarts. Notification light settings
The device notification light can act as a status indicator for
Display settings
device and application-specific events. You can, for example,
Select > Settings and Display. set the notification light to indicate that the device is
switched on when the display is off.
Define the following:
Select > Settings and Notification light, and select
Brightness — Drag the slider right or left to change the when to use the notification light.
brightness of the display. The display brightness is also
affected by the ambient lighting conditions measured with Tip: To save the battery and increase the device operation
the light sensor. time, deactivate the notification light.
Backlight time-out — Select the period of inactivity, after
which the display is turned off to save power. Text input settings
Lock screen automatically — Set the device to Select > Settings and Text input.
automatically lock the touch screen and keys after a defined
period of inactivity. Select from the following:
Display stays lit when charging — Set the display to always Hardware keyboard layout — Define the character set used
remain on when the device is charging. in the physical keyboard. Changing this setting may lead to
Touch screen vibration — Set the display to give a short the physical keys not matching the hardware keyboard
vibration feedback when touched. layout.
Power saving mode — Set the device to consume less Use virtual keyboard — Activate the virtual keyboard.
power when the display backlight is on. Word completion — Enable word completion.
Auto-capitalisation — Enable auto-capitalisation, to
capitalise the first letter of sentences automatically when
entering text.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

122 Settings

Insert space after word — Insert a space after each Location settings
accepted word completion. Select > Settings and Location.
1st language — Select the first language. To select a
dictionary to use for the first language, select Dictionary and GPS settings
the dictionary language. Select from the following:
2nd language — Select the second language. To select a Enable — Activate the internal GPS receiver in your device.
dictionary to use for the second language, select The GPS receiver is automatically activated when an
Dictionary and the dictionary language. When you switch to application that uses GPS data is opened.
the secondary language, the current dictionary for the word GPS device — Select the GPS receiver to use.
completion feature is also changed.
Pair new device — Pair an external GPS receiver with your
Use dual dictionaries — Use both language dictionaries at device. Select the GPS receiver from the list of found devices.
the same time.
Network positioning settings
Connectivity settings
Select from the following:
Bluetooth settings
Select > Settings and Bluetooth. Enable — Activate the network-based positioning service
(including A-GPS).
Select from the following: Location server — Enter the location server address.
Bluetooth on — Activate Bluetooth connectivity. FM transmitter settings
Visible — Allow your device to be found by other devices. If 1 Select > Settings and FM transmitter.
your device is hidden (not visible), it can only be connected
2 To activate the FM transmitter, select FM transmitter
to by a previously paired device.
My device's name — Enter a name for your device. This
3 To select the frequency, select Frequency.
name is visible to other Bluetooth devices.
Tip: When searching for devices, some devices may show Edit your sharing accounts
only the device address (IMEI address). To find the address of Select > Settings and Sharing accounts. Select an
your device, select > Phone and , and enter *#06#. account.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Settings 123

Ovi Select > Settings and Internet connections >

Connect automatically.
Change the password
Enter the new password, and select Save. Select a connection
Select whether you want to use a wireless LAN (WLAN)
Remove the account connection, a packet data connection, or whichever
Select Delete. connection is available.
To select a connection each time you connect to the network,
select Always ask.
If you are editing the account details using your device, you
cannot change your user name. Define the frequency of automatic connection attempts
Flickr Select Search interval. The default value is 10 minutes.
Switch to a WLAN when available
Edit account details
If you want your device to use a saved WLAN connection
Select Edit, and follow the instructions. Return to the account
instead of a packet data connection when such a WLAN is
editing dialog, and select Validate.
available, select Switch to WLAN when available.
Remove the account
Select Delete. Modify phone settings
Call settings
You can only edit your Flickr account details using the Select > Settings and Phone > Call.
Define the following:
Internet connection settings
Send my caller ID — Set your phone number to be visible
You can select which connections are used automatically,
to the recipient.
define how often connections are scanned for in the
background, and set the device to switch to a saved WLAN Call waiting — Activate the call waiting service.
connection when available.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

124 Settings

Call forwarding — Define the phone number to which the You cannot change the network mode, if a packet data
incoming calls are forwarded if you do not answer. To connection is active. Disconnect the packet data connection
forward calls to a specific phone number or to a contact from or switch to a wireless LAN (WLAN) connection before
your contacts list, select Forward to or Select contact. changing the network mode.

Network settings Roaming is based on specific roaming agreements between

Your device can automatically switch between GSM and 3G your network service provider and other network service
networks. providers, to enable you to use network services outside your
home network, for example when travelling abroad.
In the status area, the current network is indicated with the
following icons: Define data roaming settings
GSM Always ask is selected by default. A connection is only
attempted when a confirmation note is accepted. If you select
Always allow, all packet data connections abroad are
3G handled as in the home network.
For further information and roaming costs, contact your
To modify network settings, select > Settings and network service provider.
Phone > Network.
View transferred data details
Select the service provider's network Select Home network data counter. To clear the details and
By default, your device selects the network automatically. To reset the counter, select Clear.
select the network manually, select Manual and a network.
Select network mode SIM card settings
Select which network to use. If you select Dual, the device Select > Settings and Phone > SIM card.
uses the GSM or 3G network automatically, according to the
network availability, parameters, and the roaming Select from the following:
agreements between network service providers. For further
information, contact your network service provider.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Settings 125

PIN code request — Set the device to request the PIN code 2 Select PAL (default, used in Europe, for example) or
when the device is switched on. NTSC (used in North America, for example).
PIN code — Set the PIN code. 3 Select Save.

General settings Calibrate the screen

Device lock settings Select > Settings and Screen calibration, and follow
Select > Settings and Device lock. the instructions.

Define the following: Преглед на информация за вашето устройство

Autolock — Select the length of time, after which the device Изберете > Settings и About product.
is locked if not used. Достъпната информация включва:
Change lock code — Enter the current lock code (12345 by
default) and the new code twice. • Модел на устройството
• Име и издание на платформата
View memory consumption • Версия на софтуера
You can view the amount of available memory in the device • MAC адрес за WLAN
memory or on the memory card, and the amount of memory
available for installing applications. • Bluetooth адрес
• IMEI адрес
Select > Settings and Memory. • Приложими лицензи
To view the memory consumption in more detail, select • Друга важна информация за устройството
Third party application settings
To increase the amount of available memory, use File When you install additional applications, the applications
manager or other applications to delete data. may automatically add an applet icon to the Settings folder.
By default, the icons are added to the Extras group.
TV-out settings
1 Select > Settings and TV out.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

126 Tips and troubleshooting

Select > Settings and the application, and define the Tips and troubleshooting
desired settings.
Основни съвети за използване на устройството
Заключване на устройството
Натиснете два пъти клавиша за захранване.
Отиване на работния плот
Изберете и задръжте .

Търсене на контакт
Започнете да въвеждате име на работния плот с
физическата клавиатура.
Отваряне на виртуалната клавиатура, за да
осъществите повикване
Започнете да въвеждате телефонен номер на работния
плот с физическата клавиатура. За да въведете дадена
цифра, натиснете и задръжте , след което натиснете
клавиша, върху който е означена тази цифра.
Изключване на звука на входящо повикване
Обърнете устройството с лицето надолу.
Повтаряне на аларма
Обърнете устройството с лицето надолу.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Tips and troubleshooting 127

Advanced tips for using your device

Open a contact card from a conversation
Select the avatar of the person. This is useful, for example, if
you want to call a friend you have just had a text message
conversation with.
Use the keyboard to scroll up or down on a web page
To scroll down, press the space key. To scroll up, press and
hold the shift key, and then press the space key.
Zoom in or out a mail message, image, web page, or 2 Drag your finger on the text to select.
3 Press ctrl + C.
Use the volume keys.
For web pages, zooming with volume keys must be activated Copy text from a text input field, mail message, or note
in the web settings. 1 Tap the text at the point where you want to start
View the previous or following day, week, or month in 2 Press and hold the shift key, and to select the text, use
the Calendar application the arrow keys on the physical keyboard.
1 Select > Calendar, and open the menu. 3 Press ctrl + C.
2 Select Month or Week. To view a particular day, select View the current song and current playlist in the Media
the day in the Month or Week view. player application
3 Swipe left or right in the selected view. Select > Media player and , and select a song,
album, or playlist to play. Select the album art image to
Copy text from a web page, text message, or instant
switch between the current song and current playlist view.
1 To activate selection mode, drag your finger from the left
of the touch screen onto the screen, and select .

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

128 Tips and troubleshooting

Format your memory card Ctrl + Left arrow Move the insertion point to the
Select > File manager, select and hold the memory beginning of the word.
card, and from the pop-up menu, select Format.
Ctrl + Backspace Open the dashboard.
Ctrl + Shift + P Take a screenshot of the current display.
To view the screenshot, open the
Here are some of the available keyboard shortcuts in your Photos application.
device. Shortcuts can make the use of applications more
efficient. Ctrl + Shift + X Open X Terminal.
Ctrl + Space Switch between input languages
General shortcuts
(virtual keyboard character set and
Ctrl + C Copy text. dictionary).
Ctrl + V Paste text. Web browser shortcuts
Ctrl + X Cut text.
Ctrl + N Open a new window.
Ctrl + A Select all.
Ctrl + R Reload the page.
Ctrl + O Open (if available).
Ctrl + B Open a bookmark.
Ctrl + N Create a new item (if available).
Ctrl + D Add a bookmark.
Ctrl + S Save (if available).
Ctrl + L Move the cursor to the web address
Ctrl + Z Undo (if available). field.
Ctrl + Y Redo (if available). Backspace Go to the previous web page.
Ctrl + F Open search bar (if available). Space Scroll down on a web page.
Ctrl + Right arrow Move the insertion point to the end of Shift + Space Scroll up on a web page.
the word.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Tips and troubleshooting 129

Shift + Up arrow Scroll to the top of a web page. options. Corresponds to the tab icon in
the X Terminal application.
Shift + Down Scroll to the bottom of a web page.
arrow Troubleshooting
To view frequently asked questions about your device, go to
Mail shortcuts
Ctrl + Enter Send a message. Q: What is my password for the PIN or PUK codes?
Ctrl + R Reply to a message.
A: If you forget a PIN or PUK code, or if you have not received
Media player shortcuts such a code, contact your network service provider.
For information about passwords, contact your access point
Left arrow Skip to the previous song, video clip, or provider, for example, a commercial internet service provider
internet radio station. (ISP) or network service provider.
Right arrow Skip to the next song, video clip, or
internet radio station. Q: What should I do if I start my device for the first time
and nothing appears on the display?
Space Pause or resume playback.
A: Make sure that the battery is inserted properly, the power
RSS Reader shortcut cord is attached to the device, and the power is switched on.
Try to restart the device. If this does not help, contact your
Ctrl + R Refresh the feed. device dealer.

X Terminal shortcut
Q: Why can't my device establish a GPS connection?
Ctrl + I Autocomplete the command, if there is
only one option, or show all available A: Establishing a GPS connection may take from a couple of
seconds to several minutes. Establishing a GPS connection in
a vehicle may take longer. If you are indoors, go outdoors to

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

130 Tips and troubleshooting

receive a better signal. If you are outdoors, move to a more Q: Why can't I see a wireless LAN (WLAN) access point
open space. Ensure that your hand does not cover the GPS even though I know I'm within its range?
antenna of your device. If the weather conditions are bad,
the signal strength may be affected. Some vehicles have A: The WLAN access point may use a hidden service set
tinted (athermic) windows, which may block the satellite identifier (SSID). You can only access networks that use a
signals. hidden SSID if you know the correct SSID, and have created a
WLAN internet access point for the network on your device.
Q: Why can’t I find my friend’s device while using
Bluetooth connectivity? Q: How do I deactivate the wireless LAN (WLAN) on my
A: Check that both devices are compatible, have activated
Bluetooth connectivity, and are not in hidden mode. Check A: Select the status area and Internet connection, and
also that the distance between the two devices is not over 10 disconnect the WLAN connection.
metres (33 feet) and that there are no walls or other
obstructions between the devices.
Q: How can I send MMS messages?
Q: How can I close a Bluetooth connection? A: You cannot send or receive multimedia messages (MMS)
with your device, but you can send your multimedia files
A: To close an active Bluetooth connection, select the status through mail or Bluetooth connectivity, or upload them to
area and Bluetooth > Devices, and select the device and internet services, such as Nokia Ovi or Flickr.
Edit > Disconnect. If another device is connected to your
device, you can also close the connection from the other
device. Q: How do I know which software version is used in my
To deactivate Bluetooth connectivity, select the status area device?
and Bluetooth, and clear the Bluetooth on check box.
A: Select > Settings and About product.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Product and safety information 131

Q: How do I find my WLAN MAC address? server back to your device during the next
A: Select > Settings and About product. 5 If you still have duplicates in your device calendar,
remove them from the server.
Q: How can I create a new profile in my device? Product and safety information
A: You cannot create new profiles, but you can edit the Open source software notice
existing profiles (general and silent). Select > This product includes certain free/open source software.
Settings and Profiles.
The exact terms of the licenses, disclaimers, acknowledgements and notices are provided
to you in the product. You may obtain the source code of the relevant free and open
source software at http://www.maemo.org/. Alternatively, Nokia offers to provide such
Q: I had used Nokia PC Suite to synchronise my calendar. source code to you on a CD-ROM for a charge covering the cost of performing such
When I synchronised my calendar using Mail for distribution, such as the cost of media, shipping and handling, upon written request to
Exchange, I had duplicate calendar entries. How do I Nokia at:
remove the duplicates? Maemo Source Code Requests
1 In the Mail for Exchange settings, deactivate calendar
synchronisation. Nokia Corporation

If you do not deactivate calendar synchronisation before P.O.Box 407

removing your calendar entries from your device, the
entries are also removed from the server during the next FI-00045 Nokia Group
synchronisation, and they cannot be synchronised back Finland
to your device.
2 Select > Calendar, open the menu, and select This offer is valid for a period of three (3) years from the date of the distribution of this
product by Nokia.
Settings > Edit calendars.
3 Select the calendar and Delete. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.

4 In the Mail for Exchange settings, activate calendar The Graphics Interchange Format© is the Copyright property of CompuServe
synchronisation. The calendar is synchronised from the Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

132 Product and safety information

Adobe® Flash® Player. Copyright (c) 1996 - 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Стандарти
Reserved. Protected by U.S. Patent 6,879,327; Patents Pending in the United States and Изделието отговаря на следните стандарти:
other countries. Adobe and Flash are either trademarks or registered trademarks in the
United States and/or other countries. • EN 301 511, Хармонизиран стандарт за мобилни станции в обхватите GSM
This product includes software developed by following copyrightholders:
• EN 300 328, Хармонизиран стандарт за оборудване за предаване на данни,
работещо в обхват 2,4 GHz
• Computing Services at Carnegie Mellon University (http://www.cmu.edu/
computing/) • EN 301 357-2, Хармонизиран стандарт за аналогови безжични
широкообхватни аудио устройства с вградена антена, работещи в
• Tommi Komulainen (Tommi.Komulainen@iki.fi)
препоръчания от CEPT честотен диапазон от 863 MHz до 865 MHz
• The OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org)
• EN 301 489-01, Стандарт за електромагнитна съвместимост за
• Pedro Roque Marques радиооборудване и услуги
• Eric Rosenquist, Srata Software Limited • EN 301 489-07, Специфични условия за електромагнитна съвместимост за
• The XFree86 Project, Inc (http://www.xfree86.org) and its contributors мобилно радиооборудване в обхвати GSM 900/1800
• Paul macKerras (paulus@samba.org) • EN 301 489-09, Специфични условия за електромагнитна съвместимост за
безжични микрофони, оборудване за звукова връзка на подобни
• Purdue Research Foundation
радиочестоти, устройства за безжично аудио и контролни устройства за
• OpenEvidence Project for use in the OpenEvidence Toolkit (http:// поставяне в ухото
• EN 301 489-17, Специфични условия за електромагнитна съвместимост за
• Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) широкообхватно оборудване за данни и Hiperlan
• Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com) • EN 301 489-24, Специфични условия за електромагнитна съвместимост за
клетъчни телефони от трето поколение
Copyright (c) 1996 NVIDIA, Corp. NVIDIA design patents pending in the U.S. and foreign
• EN 301 908-01, Хармонизиран стандарт за мобилни станции с WCDMA - Общи
FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY • EN 60950-1, Безопасност на оборудването в областта на информационните
• EN 62311, Оценка на електронно и електрическо оборудване във връзка с
ограниченията за излагане на хора на електромагнитни полета (от 0 Hz до 300
OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR • EN 50360, Продуктов стандарт за демонстриране на съвместимостта на
PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOURCE CODE. мобилните телефони с основните ограничения, свързани с излагането на хора
на електромагнитни полета

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Product and safety information 133

• 1999/519/EC, Препоръка на Европейския съвет относно ограничаване на разредена, може да минат няколко минути, преди индикацията за зареждането да
излагането на обществеността на електромагнитни полета се появи на дисплея или преди да е възможно да се осъществяват повиквания.

Проверете отделно за съвместимост с други стандарти. Безопасно сваляне на батерията. Преди да извадите батерията, винаги изключвайте
устройството и разкачайте зарядното устройство.
Правилно зареждане. Изключете зарядното устройство, когато не се използва, от
Warning: електрическия контакт и от устройството. Не оставяйте напълно заредената
Използвайте само батерии, зарядни устройства и аксесоари, одобрени от Nokia за батерия включена в зарядното устройство, тъй като презареждането може да скъси
употреба с този конкретен модел. Използването на други видове може да обезсили живота й. Ако изцяло заредена батерия се остави неизползвана, тя ще се
одобрение или гаранция и може да бъде опасно. В частност, използването на саморазреди след известно време.
неодобрени зарядни устройства или батерии може да породи риск от пожар,
експлозия, изтичане или друга опасност. Избягвайте крайни температури. винаги се старайте да съхранявате батерията
между 15 и 25 °C (59 и 77 °F). Крайните температури намаляват капацитета и живота
на батерията. Устройство с гореща или студена батерия може временно да не
За наличност на одобрени аксесоари проверете при вашия търговски посредник. работи. Работата на батерията е особено ограничена при температури значително
Когато изключвате захранващия кабел на някой аксесоар, хванете и дръпнете под нулата.
куплунга, а не кабела.
Не свързвайте батерията на късо. Късо съединение може да възникне случайно,
Battery когато метален предмет, например монета, кламер или писалка, осъществи пряк
Информация за батериите и зарядните устройства контакт с положителния (+) и отрицателния (-) полюс на батерията. (Тези полюси
Устройството ви се захранва от зареждаема батерия. Батерията, предназначена за изглеждат като метални ленти на батерията.) Това може да се случи например
употреба с това устройство, е BL-5J. Nokia може и да произвежда резервни батерии когато носите резервна батерия в джоба или в чантата си. Късото съединение между
съвместими с това устройство. Това устройство е предназначено за употреба при полюсите може да повреди батерията или свързания с нея предмет.
захранване с ток от следните зарядни устройства: AC-10. Номерът на модела зарядно
устройство може да е различен в зависимост от вида на контакта. видовете куплунги Изхвърляне. Не изхвърляйте батериите в огън, защото могат да се взривят.
се означават като : E, EB, X, AR, U, A, C, K или UB. Изхвърляйте батериите в съответствие с местните закони и разпоредби. Моля,
рециклирайте батериите, когато е възможно. Не ги изхвърляйте като битови
Батерията може да бъде зареждана и разреждана стотици пъти, но в даден момент отпадъци.
се изтощава окончателно. Когато времето за разговори и времето в режим на
готовност станат забележимо по-кратки от нормалното, сменете батерията. Изтичане. Не разглобявайте, не срязвайте, не отваряйте, не мачкайте, не
Използвайте само одобрени от Nokia батерии и зареждайте батерията само с прегъвайте, не пробивайте и не режете клетките или батериите. В случай на
одобрени от Nokia зарядни устройства, предназначени за това устройство. протичане на батерията, предотвратете контакта на течността от нея с кожата или
очите. Ако това се случи, веднага изплакнете засегнатите области с вода или
Ако батерията се използва за първи път или не е използвана дълго време, може да потърсете медицинска помощ.
е необходимо да включите зарядното, а след това да го изключите и включите
отново, за да започне зареждането на батерията. Ако батерията е напълно

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

134 Product and safety information

Повреда. Не модифицирайте, не преработвайте, не се опитвайте да влагате чужди 2 Когато накланяте холограмата наляво, надясно, надолу и нагоре, трябва да
тела в батерията или да я потапяте или излагате на вода или други течности. виждате 1, 2, 3 и 4 точки на съответната страна.
Батериите може да се взривят, ако се повредят.

Правилна употреба. Използвайте батерията само за целта, за която е

предназначена. Неправилното използване на батерията може да доведе до пожар,
експлозия или друга опасност. Ако устройството или батерията бъдат изпуснати,
особено върху твърда повърхност, и решите, че батерията е била повредена,
занесете я в сервизен център за проверка, преди да продължите да я използвате.
Никога не използвайте повредени зарядно устройство или батерия. Дръжте
батериите далеч от достъпа на малки деца.

Проверка на автентичността на батерии Nokia

За вашата безопасност винаги ползвайте оригинални батерии на Nokia. За да се
уверите, че получавате оригинална батерия на Nokia, купете я от оторизиран
сервизен център или представител на Nokia и внимателно огледайте холограмния Успешното завършване на стъпките не е пълна гаранция за автентичността на
етикет, като следвате посочените по-долу стъпки: батерията. Ако не можете да потвърдите автентичността на батерията или имате
причина да смятате, че вашата батерия с холограм на етикета не е оригинална
батерия на Nokia, трябва да се въздържате от ползването й, и да я занесете до най-
Холограма за установяване на автентичността
близкия оторизиран сервизен център или представител на Nokia за съдействие.
1 Върху холограмния етикет трябва да виждате символа с докосващите се ръце
на Nokia под един ъгъл и логото Nokia Original Enhancements, ако гледате под За да научите повече за оригиналните батерии на Nokia, посетете www.nokia.com/
друг ъгъл. battery.

Грижа за устройството
Вашето устройство е продукт с изключителен дизайн и изработка и с него трябва да
се работи грижливо. Следните предложения ще ви помогнат да запазите обхвата
на гаранцията си.

• Не използвайте и не съхранявайте устройството на прашни, замърсени места.

Подвижните части и електронните му компоненти могат да се повредят.
• Не съхранявайте устройството при високи или ниски температури. Високите
температури могат да скъсят живота на електронните устройства, да повредят
батериите и да деформират или разтопят някои пластмаси. Когато
устройството се затопли до нормална температура, след като е било на
студено, във вътрешността му може да се образува влага и да повреди
електронните платки.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Product and safety information 135

• Не се опитвайте да отваряте устройството по различен от указания в това Работна среда

ръководство начин. Това устройство отговаря на указанията за предпазване от радиочестотно лъчение
• Не изпускайте, не удряйте и не клатете устройството. При грубо боравене може при нормално работно положение до ухото или на разстояние най-малко 2,2
да се счупят вътрешните платки и фината механика. сантиметра (7/8 инча) от тялото. Всякакви калъфи за носене, щипки за колан или
други приспособления за носене до тялото не трябва да съдържат метал и трябва
• Не използвайте разяждащи химикали, почистващи разтвори или силни
да придържат устройството на горепосоченото разстояние от тялото.
препарати за почистване на устройството. Използвайте само мека, чиста и суха
кърпа за почистване на повърхността на устройството.
Изпращането на файлове с данни или съобщения изисква качествена връзка с
• Не боядисвайте устройството. Боите могат да полепнат по подвижните части мрежата. Файловете с данни или съобщенията може да се забавят, докато такава
и да попречат на нормалната му работа. връзка не стане налична. Спазвайте инструкциите за разстояние, докато
• Използвайте само доставената или одобрена резервна антена. Неодобрени прехвърлянето завърши.
антени, модификации или приставки могат да повредят устройството и да
доведат до нарушение на законите и разпоредбите, приложими към Някои от частите на устройството са магнитни. Устройството може да привлече
радиосъоръженията. метални предмети. Не поставяйте кредитни карти или други магнитни носители
близо до устройството, тъй като съхранената в тях информация може да бъде
• Използвайте зарядните устройства в закрити помещения.
изтрита. Устройството съдържа сензори, използващи магнити. Външни магнити
• Направете резервни копия на всички данни, които искате да съхранявате, могат да окажат влияние върху работата на устройството.
например контакти и календарни бележки.
• За да пренастройвате периодично устройството за оптимална работа, Медицински устройства
изключете го и отстранете батерията. Работата на радио-предавателното оборудване, включително и безжичните
телефони, може да предизвика смущения във функционирането на неподходящо
Тези предложения се отнасят по един и същ начин за вашето устройство, за защитени медицински устройства. За да определите дали едно медицинско
батерията, зарядното устройство или който и да е аксесоар. устройство е подходящо предпазено от външна радиочестотна енергия, се
консултирайте с лекар или с производителя на медицинското устройство.
Рециклиране Изключете устройството, ако обявените разпоредби инструктират да направите
Винаги връщайте вашите използвани електронни продукти, батерии и опаковки в това. Възможно е болниците или други здравни заведения да използват
предназначените за това събирателни пунктове. По този начин ще допринесете за оборудване, чувствително към външна радиочестотна енергия.
предотвратяване на безконтролното изхвърляне на отпадъци и за рециклирането
на материали. Проверете информацията за екологичност на продукта и как да Имплантирани медицински устройства
рециклирате продукти Nokia на адрес www.nokia.com/werecycle или Производителите на медицински устройства препоръчват спазване на минимално
www.nokia.mobi/werecycle. разстояние от 15,3 сантиметра (6 инча) между безжично устройство и имплантирано
медицинско устройство, например пейсмейкър или имплантиран сърдечен
Additional safety information дефибрилатор, за избягване на евентуални смущения. Лицата, които имат такива
Малки деца устройства трябва:
Вашето устройство и неговите аксесоари не са играчки. Те може да съдържат малки
части. Дръжте ги далеч от достъпа на малки деца. • Да държат винаги безжичното устройство на повече от 15,3 сантиметра (6
инча) от медицинското устройство.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

136 Product and safety information

• Да не носят безжичното устройство в джоб на гърдите. Потенциално взривоопасни среди

• Трябва да държат безжичното устройство до ухото, противоположно на Изключвайте устройството си в райони с потенциална опасност от експлозия.
медицинското устройство. Спазвайте всички оповестени инструкции. Искри в такива райони могат да
предизвикат експлозия или пожар, което да доведе до наранявания или смърт.
• Да изключат веднага безжичното устройство, ако има каквато и да било
Изключвайте устройството, когато се намирате на бензиностанция или газостанция.
причина да подозират, че възникват смущения.
Спазвайте ограниченията при складове, места за съхранение на гориво и
• Да следват указанията на производителя за имплантираното медицинско разпространение; химически заводи; или където се извършват взривове. Районите
устройство. с потенциална опасност от експлозия често, но невинаги са ясно маркирани. Те
включват райони, в които бихте били посъветвани да изключите двигателя на
Ако имате въпроси относно употребата на вашето безжично устройство с автомобила си, под палубата на кораби, комплекси за съхранение на прехвърляне
имплантирано медицинско устройство, се консултирайте с вашия лекар. на химикали, в които въздухът съдържа химикали или частици като гранули, прах
или метален прах. Трябва да проверите при производителите на автомобили
Слухови апарати втечнен газ (например пропан или бутан), за да определите дали това устройство
Някои дигитални безжични устройства могат да предизвикат смущения в може да се ползва в близост до тях.
определени слухови апарати.
Няма никел в повърхността на устройството.
Моторни превозни средства
Радиочестотните сигнали може да повлияят на електронни системи в моторните Спешни повиквания
превозни средства, които са неправилно инсталирани или нямат подходящата Преди да осъществите спешно повикване, включете устройството и проверете дали
защита, например електронни системи за впръскване на гориво, електронни силата на сигнала е достатъчна. Ако екранът и клавишите са заключени, плъзнете
антиблокиращи спирачни системи, електронни системи за контрол на скоростта и ключа за заключване отстрани на устройството, за да ги отключите.
системи на въздушните възглавници. За повече информация , проверете при
производителя на вашия автомобил или неговото оборудване. Important: Това устройство работи, като използва радиосигнали, безжични мрежи,
наземни мрежи и програмирани от потребителя функции. С клетъчния телефон
Устройството трябва да се обслужва или монтира в превозни средства само от могат да бъдат осъществявани спешни повиквания.Не е възможно осъществяване
квалифициран персонал. Неправилният монтаж или обслужване крият опасности на спешно повикване чрез гласово повикване по интернет (интернет повикване).
и може да обезсилят вашата гаранция. Редовно проверявайте дали цялото Не може да се гарантира връзка при всички условия. Никога не трябва да разчитате
безжично оборудване в автомобила е монтирано и функционира правилно. Не единствено на което и да е безжично устройство за осъществяване на крайно
съхранявайте и не пренасяйте запалими течности, газове или взривни вещества в необходими комуникации, например спешна медицинска помощ.
едно и също купе с устройството, частите и аксесоарите му. Помнете, въздушните
възглавници се отварят с голяма сила Не поставяйте вашето устройство или Осъществяване на спешно повикване
аксесоари в зоната, в която се отваря въздушната възглавница. 1 Изберете > Phone.

Изключете устройството, преди да се качите на борда на самолета. Използването 2 Изберете и вида на клетъчното повикване.
на безжични устройства в самолет може да бъде опасно за функционирането на 3 Въведете официалния авариен номер за вашето местонахождение към
самолета и да е незаконно. съответния момент.

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Product and safety information 137

4 Изберете , за да стартирате повикването. свърже с мрежата. Използваната мощност се променя в зависимост от редица
фактори, например колко сте близо до базова станция на мрежата.

Осъществяване на спешно повикване без въвеждане на ПИН, ПУК или код за Съгласно указанията на ICNIRP най-високата стойност на SAR за използване на
заключване устройството до ухото e 0,61 W/kg.
1 Когато устройството поиска кода, въведете номера за спешни повиквания за
текущото ви местоположение. Показва се иконата Emergency call. Използването на аксесоари може да доведе до различни стойности на SAR.
Стойностите на SAR може да варират в зависимост от националните изисквания за
2 Изберете Emergency call, за да осъществите повикването. След спешното отчитане и изпитване и от честотната лента на мрежата. Допълнителна информация
повикване трябва да въведете необходимия ПИН, ПУК или код за заключване, за SAR можете да получите при информацията за продукти на адрес
за да можете да използвате други функции на устройството. www.nokia.com.

При спешно повикване предайте цялата необходима информация колкото е

възможно по-точно. Вашето безжично устройство може да е единственото средство
за комуникация на мястото на произшествието. Не прекратявайте разговора, докато
не получите разрешение за това.

Сертификационна информация (SAR)

Това мобилно устройство отговаря на указанията за радиочестотно

Вашето мобилно устройство представлява радио приемо-предавател. То е

проектирано така, че да не надвишава граничните стойности за излагане на
радиовълни, препоръчани от международните указания. Тези указания са
разработени от независимата научна организация ICNIRP и включват граници на
безопасност, за да се гарантира защита на всички хора независимо от тяхната
възраст и здравословно състояние.

В указанията за излагане на въздействието на мобилни устройства се използва

единица за измерване, известна като Specific Absorption Rate (Специфична
интензивност на поглъщане), или SAR. Граничната стойност на SAR, посочена в
указанията на ICNIRP, е 2,0 W/kg, осреднено за 10 грама тъкан. Тестовете за SAR се
провеждат, като се използват стандартните експлоатационни позиции, като
устройството предава с най-високото си гарантирано ниво на мощност на всички
изпитвани честотни ленти. Действителното ниво на SAR на функциониращо
устройство може да бъде под максималната стойност, защото устройството е
проектирано да използва само толкова мощност, колкото му е необходима, за да се

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.



С настоящото NOKIA CORPORATION декларира, че изделието RX-51 съответства на
основните изисквания, както и на други приложими разпоредби на Директива
1999/5/EC. Копие на Декларацията за съответствие може да се намери на http://
Реверсивният инженеринг на софтуера в устройството се забранява до степента,
позволена от приложимите нормативни актове. Доколкото настоящото
ръководство съдържа ограничения върху декларациите, гаранциите,
Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, Nseries, N900 and Ovi are trademarks or registered
обезщетенията за вреди и отговорностите на Nokia, тези ограничения по същия
trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Nokia tune is a sound mark of Nokia Corporation. Other
начин ограничават декларациите, гаранциите, обезщетенията за вреди и
product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of
отговорностите на лицензодателите на Nokia.
their respective owners.
Наличността на определени изделия, както и на приложения и услуги за тези
изделия, може да се различава според региона. За подробности и за наличност на
Забранено е възпроизвеждането, прехвърлянето, разпространението или
езикови опции проверете при вашия представител на Nokia. Това устройство може
съхранението на част или цялото съдържание на този документ под каквато и да e
да съдържа елементи, технология или софтуер, по отношение на които се прилагат
форма, без предварителното писмено разрешение на Nokia. Nokia поддържа
закони и разпоредби, регулиращи износа от САЩ и други държави. Забранява се
политика на непрекъснато развитие. Nokia си запазва правото да прави изменения
нарушаването на закона.
и подобрения на всеки от продуктите, описани в този документ, без предизвестие.
Portions of the Nokia Maps software are ©1996-2010 The FreeType Project. All rights
reserved. Вашето устройство може да причини смущения в работата на телевизори или
радиоприемници (например когато телефонът се използва в близост до приемно
Този продукт е лицензиран съгласно лиценза MPEG-4 Visual Patent Portfolio License оборудване). ФКК или Канадската индустриална камара могат да изискат от вас да
(i) за лична употреба без търговска цел, свързана с информация, която е кодирана спрете ползването на вашия телефон, ако подобни смущения не могат да се
в съответствие със стандарта MPEG-4 Visual Standard, от потребител, който не отстранят. Ако се нуждаете от помощ, обърнете се към вашия местен сервизен
извършва търговска дейност, и (ii) за употреба, свързана с MPEG-4 видео, център. Това устройство отговаря на изискванията на част 15 от наредбите на ФКК.
предоставено от лицензиран доставчик на видеопродукти. Не се дава изричен, нито Експлоатацията му зависи от следните две условия: (1) Това устройство не трябва
подразбиращ се лиценз за никакъв друг вид употреба. Допълнителна информация, да предизвиква вредни смущения, и (2) това устройство трябва да приема получени
включително информация, свързана с рекламна, вътрешна и търговска употреба, смущения, включително и смущения, които могат да предизвикат нежелана работа.
може да бъде получена от MPEG LA, LLC. Посетете http://www.mpegla.com. Промени или модификации, извършени без изричното съгласие на Nokia, могат да
доведат до обезсилване на правото на потребителя да използва това оборудване.
Index 139

Index СИМ карта — settings 49

— поставяне 11 — toolbar 45
слушалки 19 business cards 63, 64
Symbols/Numbers стойка 18
98, 122 C
батерия 10 A cable connection 43
— зареждане 14 A-GPS (assisted GPS) 97 calculator 111
— поставяне 11 accounts 59, 64, 66, 87 calendar 102, 103, 104
включване и изключване на alarm clock 101, 102 calls 55, 60, 61
устройството 17 answering calls 57 — answering 57
заключване на клавиатурата 31 antennas 21 — making 56
Зареждане с USB 14 applications 23, 113, 114, 115 — settings 55, 123
защита на клавиатурата 31 attachments 72 camera
информация за поддръжка на availability status 53, 65 — capturing images 79, 80
Nokia 9 avatar 65 — flash 83
каишка за китка 19 — image mode 79, 83
карта с памет 12 B — indicators 78, 81
клавиши 15, 16, 17 background image 33 — location information 80
код за заключване 10, 17 backing up data 106, 107 — scenes 82
кодове за достъп 10 blogs 110, 111 — settings 83, 84
конектори 17 Bluetooth 41, 42, 88, 122 — video mode 81, 82, 83
ПИН код 10, 17 bookmarks 46, 94 certificates 112
поддръжка 9 browser 44, 46, 48, 49 chat services (IM) 59, 64, 65, 66
ПУК кодове 10 — bookmarks 46 clock 101, 102
работен плот 22 — browsing pages 44 conference calls 58
регулиране на силата на звука 21 — cache memory 46 connectivity 34, 36, 40, 123
сензор за близост 56 — downloads 47 contacts 52, 53, 54, 63, 64
сензорен екран 56 — security 46, 47 — adding 51

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

140 Index

— editing 51 G M
— sending 54 games 117, 118, 119 mail 67, 72
— settings 54 geotagging 80, 86 — accounts 68, 74
— synchronising 53 GPS (global positioning system) 97, — attachments 72
conversations 62, 66 98, 122 — creating 71
GPS (глобална позиционираща — deleting 73
D система) 96 — folders 73
data connections — message settings 72
— cable 43 H — Nokia Messaging 75
— internet access 43 HSPA (high-speed packet access) 39 — reading 70
date and time 120 — retrieving 70
desktop 32 I — searching 73
device IM (instant messaging) 59, 64, 65, — sending 71
— locking 125 66 — settings 75, 78
dictionary 30 images 84, 85 — setup 68
display settings 121, 125 indicators 24, 78, 81 Mail for Exchange 67, 69, 73, 76
DTMF tones 58 installing applications 113 Maps 98
internet calls 58, 59 — browsing 98
E internet connection 34 — display elements 99
e-mail internet radio 95 — finding locations 100
See mail — modifying views 99
EAP (Extensible Authentication L — route planning 100
Protocol) 37, 39 language settings 33, 120 — settings 101
location information 98, 122 media
F lock code 31 — servers 95, 96
File manager 107, 108 logs 113 media player 89, 90, 94, 95, 96
Flickr 88, 122 — internet radio 95
FM transmitter 92, 93, 122 — music 90, 91, 92

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Index 141

— playlists 91, 92 pairing devices 41 — clock 102

— video clips 93, 94, 95 PDF reader 111 — connectivity 38
memory 108, 109 Photos 86 — display 121
— consumption rate 109, 125 physical keyboard 28 — IM (instant messaging) 66
memory card 108, 109, 125 playlists 91, 92 — mail 75
messages 66 positioning information 98, 122 — messages 66
— settings 66 profiles 33, 120 — network 34, 124
modem 43 proxy settings 38 — packet data 39, 40
music 90, 91, 92 — restoring 110
My information 52 R — video 83
recording — WLAN 37, 38, 39
N — video 81, 82 sharing 87, 88
navigation tools 98, 122 regional settings 120 shortcuts 128
See also Maps restoring data 107, 115 signature 72
network settings 34, 124 restoring settings 84, 110 SIM card 124
news 111 ringing tones 91 sketch 112
news feeds 110 roaming 34, 124 slide show 84, 85
Nokia account 88, 122 RSS 110, 111 software updates 115, 116
Nokia Messaging 67, 75 songs 90, 92
notes 103, 111 S synchronisation 73, 104, 105, 106
notification light 22, 121 screen settings 121, 125
searching T
O — mail 73 tags 86, 87
Ovi 31, 88, 122 security text input 28, 29, 30, 121
Ovi Store 32 — settings 37 text messages 63
settings — settings 66
P — calendar 104 themes 34, 120
packet data connection 39, 40 — calls 123 time and date 120

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

142 Index

timers 61 WLAN (wireless local area

tones 33, 120 network) 35, 36, 38, 39, 40
touch screen 26 word completion 30
transferring WPA security 37
— data 105, 106
troubleshooting 129
TV-out 85, 94, 125

— applications 115
— device software 116
USB cable connection 43

— recording 81, 82
video calls 59, 60
video clips 81, 82, 83, 93, 94, 95
virtual keyboard 29
See internet calls

web connection 34
See also browser
WEP security 37
widgets 74, 90, 104, 111

© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

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