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An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…

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An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…

How To Configure BIND as a Private Network DNS Server on

Ubuntu 14.04
Posted August 12, 2014 998.2k UBUNTU NETWORKING DNS

By Mitchell Anicas
Become an author


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AnThis article uses

Introduction UbuntuDNS
to Managing 14.04 which
How reached endBIND
To Configure of life
a Priv…on Apr 2019

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We recommend upgrading to a more modern version. Read upgrade instructions.

See instead:
This guide might still be useful as a reference, but we strongly recommend using a guide with one of the
more modern versions available below

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Ubuntu 16.04 Automated Docker request Automated Bash request

Automated Ansible request CentOS 8 request Debian 8 request

Debian 10 request View All

An important part of managing server configuration and infrastructure includes maintaining an easy way to look up network
interfaces and IP addresses by name, by setting up a proper Domain Name System (DNS). Using fully qualified domain
names (FQDNs), instead of IP addresses, to specify network addresses eases the configuration of services and applications,
and increases the maintainability of configuration files. Setting up your own DNS for your private network is a great way to
improve the management of your servers.

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In this tutorial, we will go over how to set up an internal DNS server, using the BIND name server software (BIND9) on Ubuntu
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
14.04, that can be used by your Virtual Private Servers (VPS) to resolve private host names and private IP addresses. This
provides a central way to manage your internal hostnames and private IP addresses, which is indispensable when your
environment expands to more than a few hosts.

The CentOS version of this tutorial can be found here.

To complete this tutorial, you will need the following:

Some servers that are running in the same datacenter and have private networking enabled

A new VPS to serve as the Primary DNS server, ns1

Optional: A new VPS to serve as a Secondary DNS server, ns2

Root access to all of the above (steps 1-4 here)

If you are unfamiliar with DNS concepts, it is recommended that you read at least the first three parts of our Introduction to
Managing DNS.

Example Hosts
For example purposes, we will assume the following:

We have two existing VPS called “host1” and “host2”

Both VPS exist in the nyc3 datacenter SCROLL TO TOP

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Both VPS have private networking enabled (and are on the subnet)
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
Both VPS are somehow related to our web application that runs on “example.com”

With these assumptions, we decide that it makes sense to use a naming scheme that uses “nyc3.example.com” to refer to
our private subnet or zone. Therefore, host1’s private Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) will be “host1.nyc3.example.com”.
Refer to the following table the relevant details:

Host Role Private FQDN Private IP Address

host1 Generic Host 1 host1.nyc3.example.com

host2 Generic Host 2 host2.nyc3.example.com

Note: Your existing setup will be different, but the example names and IP addresses will be used to demonstrate how to
configure a DNS server to provide a functioning internal DNS. You should be able to easily adapt this setup to your own
environment by replacing the host names and private IP addresses with your own. It is not necessary to use the region name
of the datacenter in your naming scheme, but we use it here to denote that these hosts belong to a particular datacenter’s
private network. If you utilize multiple datacenters, you can set up an internal DNS within each respective datacenter.

Our Goal
By the end of this tutorial, we will have a primary DNS server, ns1, and optionally a secondary DNS server, ns2, which will
serve as a backup.

Here is a table with example names and IP addresses:


Host Role Private FQDN Private IP Address

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Host Role Private FQDN Private IP Address

An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
ns1 Primary DNS Server ns1.nyc3.example.com

ns2 Secondary DNS Server ns2.nyc3.example.com

Let’s get started by installing our Primary DNS server, ns1.

Install BIND on DNS Servers

Note: Text that is highlighted in red is important! It will often be used to denote something that needs to be replaced with
your own settings or that it should be modified or added to a configuration file. For example, if you see something like
host1.nyc3.example.com, replace it with the FQDN of your own server. Likewise, if you see host1_private_IP, replace it with
the private IP address of your own server.

On both DNS servers, ns1 and ns2, update apt:

$ sudo apt-get update

Now install BIND:

$ sudo apt-get install bind9 bind9utils bind9-doc

IPv4 Mode
Before continuing, let’s set BIND to IPv4 mode. On both servers, edit the bind9 service parameters file:

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$ sudo
An vi /etc/default/bind9
Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…

Add “-4” to the OPTIONS variable. It should look like the following:


OPTIONS="-4 -u bind"

Save and exit.

Now that BIND is installed, let’s configure the primary DNS server.

Configure Primary DNS Server

BIND’s configuration consists of multiple files, which are included from the main configuration file, named.conf . These
filenames begin with “named” because that is the name of the process that BIND runs. We will start with configuring the
options file.

Configure Options File

On ns1, open the named.conf.options file for editing:

$ sudo vi /etc/bind/named.conf.options


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Above the existing options block, create a new ACL block called “trusted”. This is where we will define list of clients that we
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
will allow recursive DNS queries from (i.e. your servers that are in the same datacenter as ns1). Using our example private IP
addresses, we will add ns1, ns2, host1, and host2 to our list of trusted clients:

/etc/bind/named.conf.options — 1 of 3

acl "trusted" {; # ns1 - can be set to localhost; # ns2; # host1; # host2

Now that we have our list of trusted DNS clients, we will want to edit the options block. Currently, the start of the block
looks like the following:

/etc/bind/named.conf.options — 2 of 3

options {
directory "/var/cache/bind";

Below the directory directive, add the highlighted configuration lines (and substitute in the proper ns1 IP address) so it
looks something like this:

/etc/bind/named.conf.options — 3 of 3


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An {
Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
directory "/var/cache/bind";

recursion yes; # enables resursive queries

allow-recursion { trusted; }; # allows recursive queries from "trusted" clients
listen-on {; }; # ns1 private IP address - listen on private network only
allow-transfer { none; }; # disable zone transfers by default

forwarders {;;

Now save and exit named.conf.options . The above configuration specifies that only your own servers (the “trusted” ones)
will be able to query your DNS server.

Next, we will configure the local file, to specify our DNS zones.

Configure Local File

On ns1, open the named.conf.local file for editing:

$ sudo vi /etc/bind/named.conf.local

Aside from a few comments, the file should be empty. Here, we will specify our forward and reverse zones.

Add the forward zone with the following lines (substitute the zone name with your own): SCROLL TO TOP

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/etc/bind/named.conf.local — 1 of 2
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…

zone "nyc3.example.com" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/zones/db.nyc3.example.com"; # zone file path
allow-transfer {; }; # ns2 private IP address - secondary

Assuming that our private subnet is, add the reverse zone by with the following lines (note that our reverse zone
name starts with “128.10” which is the octet reversal of “10.128”):

/etc/bind/named.conf.local — 2 of 2

zone "128.10.in-addr.arpa" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/zones/db.10.128"; # subnet
allow-transfer {; }; # ns2 private IP address - secondary

If your servers span multiple private subnets but are in the same datacenter, be sure to specify an additional zone and zone
file for each distinct subnet. When you are finished adding all of your desired zones, save and exit the named.conf.local file.

Now that our zones are specified in BIND, we need to create the corresponding forward and reverse zone files.

Create Forward Zone File

The forward zone file is where we define DNS records for forward DNS lookups. That is, when the DNS receives a name
query, “host1.nyc3.example.com” for example, it will look in the forward zone file to resolve host1’s corresponding private IP
address. SCROLL TO TOP

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Let’s create the directory where our zone files will reside. According to our named.conf.local configuration, that location
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
should be /etc/bind/zones :

$ sudo mkdir /etc/bind/zones

We will base our forward zone file on the sample db.local zone file. Copy it to the proper location with the following

$ cd /etc/bind/zones
$ sudo cp ../db.local ./db.nyc3.example.com

Now let’s edit our forward zone file:

$ sudo vi /etc/bind/zones/db.nyc3.example.com

Initially, it will look something like the following:

/etc/bind/zones/db.nyc3.example.com — original

$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. (
2 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
@ IN NS localhost. ; delete this line

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@ IN A ; delete this line

@ Introduction
::1DNS How
; To Configure
delete BIND as a Priv…
this line

First, you will want to edit the SOA record. Replace the first “localhost” with ns1’s FQDN, then replace “root.localhost” with
“admin.nyc3.example.com”. Also, every time you edit a zone file, you should increment the serial value before you restart the
named process–we will increment it to “3”. It should look something like this:

/etc/bind/zones/db.nyc3.example.com — updated 1 of 3

@ IN SOA ns1.nyc3.example.com. admin.nyc3.example.com. (

3 ; Serial

Now delete the three records at the end of the file (after the SOA record). If you’re not sure which lines to delete, they are
marked with a “delete this line” comment above.

At the end of the file, add your nameserver records with the following lines (replace the names with your own). Note that the
second column specifies that these are “NS” records:

/etc/bind/zones/db.nyc3.example.com — updated 2 of 3

; name servers - NS records

IN NS ns1.nyc3.example.com.
IN NS ns2.nyc3.example.com.

Then add the A records for your hosts that belong in this zone. This includes any server whose name we want to end with
“.nyc3.example.com” (substitute the names and private IP addresses). Using our example names and private IP addresses, we
will add A records for ns1, ns2, host1, and host2 like so:

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/etc/bind/zones/db.nyc3.example.com — updated 3 of 3
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…

; name servers - A records

ns1.nyc3.example.com. IN A
ns2.nyc3.example.com. IN A

; - A records
host1.nyc3.example.com. IN A
host2.nyc3.example.com. IN A

Save and exit the db.nyc3.example.com file.

Our final example forward zone file looks like the following:

/etc/bind/zones/db.nyc3.example.com — updated

$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA ns1.nyc3.example.com. admin.nyc3.example.com. (
3 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
; name servers - NS records
IN NS ns1.nyc3.example.com.
IN NS ns2.nyc3.example.com.

; name servers - A records

ns1.nyc3.example.com. IN A
ns2.nyc3.example.com. IN A SCROLL TO TOP

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An Introduction to-Managing
; A recordsDNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
host1.nyc3.example.com. IN A
host2.nyc3.example.com. IN A

Now let’s move onto the reverse zone file(s).

Create Reverse Zone File(s)

Reverse zone file are where we define DNS PTR records for reverse DNS lookups. That is, when the DNS receives a query by
IP address, “” for example, it will look in the reverse zone file(s) to resolve the corresponding FQDN,
“host1.nyc3.example.com” in this case.

On ns1, for each reverse zone specified in the named.conf.local file, create a reverse zone file. We will base our reverse zone
file(s) on the sample db.127 zone file. Copy it to the proper location with the following commands (substituting the
destination filename so it matches your reverse zone definition):

$ cd /etc/bind/zones
$ sudo cp ../db.127 ./db.10.128

Edit the reverse zone file that corresponds to the reverse zone(s) defined in named.conf.local :

$ sudo vi /etc/bind/zones/db.10.128

Initially, it will look something like the following:

/etc/bind/zones/db.10.128 — original

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An 604800 to Managing DNS
Introduction How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
@ IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. (
1 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
@ IN NS localhost. ; delete this line
1.0.0 IN PTR localhost. ; delete this line

In the same manner as the forward zone file, you will want to edit the SOA record and increment the serial value. It should
look something like this:

/etc/bind/zones/db.10.128 — updated 1 of 3

@ IN SOA ns1.nyc3.example.com. admin.nyc3.example.com. (

3 ; Serial

Now delete the two records at the end of the file (after the SOA record). If you’re not sure which lines to delete, they are
marked with a “delete this line” comment above.

At the end of the file, add your nameserver records with the following lines (replace the names with your own). Note that the
second column specifies that these are “NS” records:

/etc/bind/zones/db.10.128 — updated 2 of 3

; name servers - NS records

IN NS ns1.nyc3.example.com.

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IN NS ns2.nyc3.example.com.
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…

Then add PTR records for all of your servers whose IP addresses are on the subnet of the zone file that you are editing. In our
example, this includes all of our hosts because they are all on the subnet. Note that the first column consists of
the last two octets of your servers’ private IP addresses in reversed order. Be sure to substitute names and private IP
addresses to match your servers:

/etc/bind/zones/db.10.128 — updated 3 of 3

; PTR Records
11.10 IN PTR ns1.nyc3.example.com. ;
12.20 IN PTR ns2.nyc3.example.com. ;
101.100 IN PTR host1.nyc3.example.com. ;
102.200 IN PTR host2.nyc3.example.com. ;

Save and exit the reverse zone file (repeat this section if you need to add more reverse zone files).

Our final example reverse zone file looks like the following:

/etc/bind/zones/db.10.128 — updated

$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA nyc3.example.com. admin.nyc3.example.com. (
3 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
; name servers
IN NS ns1.nyc3.example.com.

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IN NS ns2.nyc3.example.com.
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
; PTR Records
11.10 IN PTR ns1.nyc3.example.com. ;
12.20 IN PTR ns2.nyc3.example.com. ;
101.100 IN PTR host1.nyc3.example.com. ;
102.200 IN PTR host2.nyc3.example.com. ;

Check BIND Configuration Syntax

Run the following command to check the syntax of the named.conf* files:

$ sudo named-checkconf

If your named configuration files have no syntax errors, you will return to your shell prompt and see no error messages. If
there are problems with your configuration files, review the error message and the Configure Primary DNS Server section,
then try named-checkconf again.

The named-checkzone command can be used to check the correctness of your zone files. Its first argument specifies a zone
name, and the second argument specifies the corresponding zone file, which are both defined in named.conf.local .

For example, to check the “nyc3.example.com” forward zone configuration, run the following command (change the names
to match your forward zone and file):

$ sudo named-checkzone nyc3.example.com db.nyc3.example.com

And to check the “128.10.in-addr.arpa” reverse zone configuration, run the following command (change the numbers to
match your reverse zone and file):

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$ sudo
An named-checkzone
Introduction 128.10.in-addr.arpa
to Managing DNS How To/etc/bind/zones/db.10.128
Configure BIND as a Priv…

When all of your configuration and zone files have no errors in them, you should be ready to restart the BIND service.

Restart BIND
Restart BIND:

$ sudo service bind9 restart

Your primary DNS server is now setup and ready to respond to DNS queries. Let’s move on to creating the secondary DNS

Configure Secondary DNS Server

In most environments, it is a good idea to set up a secondary DNS server that will respond to requests if the primary
becomes unavailable. Luckily, the secondary DNS server is much easier to configure.

On ns2, edit the named.conf.options file:

$ sudo vi /etc/bind/named.conf.options

At the top of the file, add the ACL with the private IP addresses of all of your trusted servers:

/etc/bind/named.conf.options — updated 1 of 2 (secondary)

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An "trusted" {to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…; # ns1; # ns2 - can be set to localhost; # host1; # host2

Below the directory directive, add the following lines:

/etc/bind/named.conf.options — updated 2 of 2 (secondary)

recursion yes;
allow-recursion { trusted; };
listen-on {; }; # ns2 private IP address
allow-transfer { none; }; # disable zone transfers by default

forwarders {;;

Save and exit named.conf.options . This file should look exactly like ns1’s named.conf.options file except it should be
configured to listen on ns2’s private IP address.

Now edit the named.conf.local file:

$ sudo vi /etc/bind/named.conf.local


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Define slave zones that correspond to the master zones on the primary DNS server. Note that the type is “slave”, the file does
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
not contain a path, and there is a masters directive which should be set to the primary DNS server’s private IP. If you defined
multiple reverse zones in the primary DNS server, make sure to add them all here:

/etc/bind/named.conf.local — updated (secondary)

zone "nyc3.example.com" {
type slave;
file "slaves/db.nyc3.example.com";
masters {; }; # ns1 private IP

zone "128.10.in-addr.arpa" {
type slave;
file "slaves/db.10.128";
masters {; }; # ns1 private IP

Now save and exit named.conf.local .

Run the following command to check the validity of your configuration files:

$ sudo named-checkconf

Once that checks out, restart bind

$ sudo service bind9 restart


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Now you have primary and secondary DNS servers for private network name and IP address resolution. Now you must
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
configure your servers to use your private DNS servers.

Configure DNS Clients

Before all of your servers in the “trusted” ACL can query your DNS servers, you must configure each of them to use ns1 and
ns2 as nameservers. This process varies depending on OS, but for most Linux distributions it involves adding your name
servers to the /etc/resolv.conf file.

Ubuntu Clients
On Ubuntu and Debian Linux VPS, you can edit the head file, which is prepended to resolv.conf on boot:

$ sudo vi /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head

Add the following lines to the file (substitute your private domain, and ns1 and ns2 private IP addresses):


search nyc3.example.com # your private domain

nameserver # ns1 private IP address
nameserver # ns2 private IP address

Now run resolvconf to generate a new resolv.conf file:

$ sudo resolvconf -u

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An Introduction
Your to Managing
client is now DNS
configured HowDNS
to use your To Configure
servers. BIND as a Priv…

CentOS Clients
On CentOS, RedHat, and Fedora Linux VPS, simply edit the resolv.conf file:

$ sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf

Then add the following lines to the TOP of the file (substitute your private domain, and ns1 and ns2 private IP addresses):


search nyc3.example.com # your private domain

nameserver # ns1 private IP address
nameserver # ns2 private IP address

Now save and exit. Your client is now configured to use your DNS servers.

Test Clients
Use nslookup to test if your clients can query your name servers. You should be able to do this on all of the clients that you
have configured and are in the “trusted” ACL.

Forward Lookup

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For example, we can perform a forward lookup to retrieve the IP address of host1.nyc3.example.com by running the
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
following command:

$ nslookup host1

Querying “host1” expands to “host1.nyc3.example.com because of the search option is set to your private subdomain, and
DNS queries will attempt to look on that subdomain before looking for the host elsewhere. The output of the command
above would look like the following:


Name: host1.nyc3.example.com

Reverse Lookup
To test the reverse lookup, query the DNS server with host1’s private IP address:

$ nslookup

You should see output that looks like the following:


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An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
name = host1.nyc3.example.com.

If all of the names and IP addresses resolve to the correct values, that means that your zone files are configured properly. If
you receive unexpected values, be sure to review the zone files on your primary DNS server (e.g. db.nyc3.example.com and
db.10.128 ).

Congratulations! Your internal DNS servers are now set up properly! Now we will cover maintaining your zone records.

Maintaining DNS Records

Now that you have a working internal DNS, you need to maintain your DNS records so they accurately reflect your server

Adding Host to DNS

Whenever you add a host to your environment (in the same datacenter), you will want to add it to DNS. Here is a list of steps
that you need to take:

Primary Nameserver
Forward zone file: Add an "A” record for the new host, increment the value of “Serial”

Reverse zone file: Add a “PTR” record for the new host, increment the value of “Serial”

Add your new host’s private IP address to the “trusted” ACL ( named.conf.options )

Then reload BIND:


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$ sudo service bind9 reload

An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…

Secondary Nameserver
Add your new host’s private IP address to the “trusted” ACL ( named.conf.options )

Then reload BIND:

$ sudo service bind9 reload

Configure New Host to Use Your DNS

Configure resolv.conf to use your DNS servers

Test using nslookup

Removing Host from DNS

If you remove a host from your environment or want to just take it out of DNS, just remove all the things that were added
when you added the server to DNS (i.e. the reverse of the steps above).

Now you may refer to your servers’ private network interfaces by name, rather than by IP address. This makes configuration
of services and applications easier because you no longer have to remember the private IP addresses, and the files will be
easier to read and understand. Also, now you can change your configurations to point to a new servers in a single place, your
primary DNS server, instead of having to edit a variety of distributed configuration files, which eases maintenance.

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Once you have your internal DNS set up, and your configuration files are using private FQDNs to specify network
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
connections, it is critical that your DNS servers are properly maintained. If they both become unavailable, your services and
applications that rely on them will cease to function properly. This is why it is recommended to set up your DNS with at least
one secondary server, and to maintain working backups of all of them.

Next in series: How To Use NSD, an Authoritative-Only DNS Server, on Ubuntu 14.04 

By Mitchell Anicas

Tutorial Series

An Introduction to Managing DNS

DNS, or the domain name system, is an essential component of modern internet communication. It allows
us to reference computers by names instead of IP addresses. In this series, we will cover the basic ideas
behind DNS so that you feel comfortable working with it. Afterwards, we will walk through various ways that
you can gain greater control over your domains and DNS resolution.

Next in series: How To Use NSD, an Authoritative-Only DNS Server, on Ubuntu 14.04 


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An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…


How To Use NSD, an How To Configure Bind How To Install and

Authoritative-Only DNS as a Caching or Configure an SNMP
Server, on Ubuntu 14.04 Forwarding DNS Server Daemon and Client on
on Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 18.04
NSD is an authoritative-
only DNS server that is Bind is an extremely SNMP stands for simple
optimized to serve zone flexible DNS server that network management
information quickly and can be configured in many protocol. It is a way that …
ffi i tl


How To Set Up
Authentication with
Apache on Ubuntu 18.04
This tutorial will walk you
through …


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Still looking for an answer?

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tomcampbell August 29, 2014

1 N00b here. It would be helpful if the intro paragraph told me what BIND is and why I need it. If I understand correctly, How to Set
up a Host Name with DigitalOcean covers much of the same ground, so I would be delighted if the article told me when to use

Thanks for all these excellent docs, BTW.

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manicas  August 29, 2014

This tutorial is part of a DNS tutorial series, which explains the basics of DNS and shows a few ways to implement it. BIND is
an implementation of the DNS protocols.

This particular tutorial focuses on setting up a DNS for your private network (so your servers can refer to each others’ private
network interfaces by name instead of IP address). If you are hosting a fairly simple infrastructure, and only require your public
users to be able to access your website by name, use DigitalOcean’s name servers (the method in the tutorial you linked).

I would recommend reading the first two parts of the series to get an idea of why you would use BIND.
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Digidomain October 21, 2014

An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
0 Thank you very much for an excellent tutorial! Helped me to get bind9 configured and working properly. Keep up the great work!

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andre8525 November 26, 2014

0 Hi Mitchell,

Thank you for the detailed instructions.

If i have about 20 servers in 2 racks in the same datacenter but are in different Vlans, what changes shall i do in the options, zones
and reverse zone? You wrote that need to add additional zone files but can you provide an example?

Thank you
Reply Report

RinkuY January 1, 2015

0 Great info But How to fix this warning ?


Could not find reverse address for 2400:cb00:2049:1:0:0:adf5:3a33


PTR record(s) for the address could not be found in the .arpa-zone. (ip6.arpa. for IPv6 addresses and in-addr.arpa. for IPv4).

Thank you
Reply Report

chrisyeun January 11, 2015

0 Nice tutorial. One suggestion…I would define the name servers with an ’@’ instead of whitespace for both the forward and reverse
zone files. named-checkzone will fail. SCROLL TO TOP

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An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
alexshemesh February 26, 2015

0 Hi.
I cannot make it work somehow.
I did everything like in tutorial but hostname resolution wont work.
How can i debug the problem? Logs on BIND 9? System Logs?
Reply Report

naftilos76 May 4, 2015

0 Hi, i have setup my own dns private server with Bind BUT instead of using separate vps’s i used one single vps that has all
components of a server like apache, postfix/dovecot and off course bind. However, i cannot understand what the purpose of the
forwarders block is in the file named.conf.options (included by named.conf). I read a few articles and i concluded that the name
servers in that block are used to do some of the recursive work that otherwise would be done by bind itself. However, in my case
a private dns server that does not allow recursive queries for any domain other than the ones hosted in my server would NOT
need the forwarders block because it only serves from its’ cache. Is my thinking correct?

Please advise.

Reply Report

JulioRasec June 13, 2015

0 hello, everyone I’d like that someone help me with bind9, I’m new here
For exemple: I Have a Mikrotik with LoadBalance in my school with 2 links 10mbps = 20mbps
and like client a Mikrotik 1100 with raptorCache installed the machine with bind9 and I´d like to configure the bind9 correnctly …

this my Cache with bind9

loadbalance links
Client =

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cache= with raptor and bind9 installed <<<<

An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
domain localdomain
search proxy.os.com

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andy.pixiesky June 19, 2015

0 As always these tutorials are spot on you’ve saved my I.T. life!

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jmorda July 18, 2015

0 Thank you for this tutorial. It helps me a lot because i do not setup a DNS server every day…
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jatsrt August 10, 2015

0 So, one note on the slave server. If your primary went down and you restarted the secondary, you would lose your ability to

You have “slaves/” prefixed to your sone files on the slave, which is fine, but I believe it will not properly create the files unless you
do the folowing on the slave server.

sudo mkdir /var/cache/bind/slaves

sudo chown bind:bind /var/cache/bind/slaves
sudo service bind9 reload

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This will allow it to put the zone files to disk and handle more failure scenarios.
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
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radhe2111 September 24, 2015

0 Hi everyone,
I have done exactly like this tutorial. But when I check zone configurations at the end by typing “sudo named-checkzone
nyc3.example.com db.nyc3.example.com” &
“sudo named-checkzone 128.10.in-addr.arpa /etc/bind/zones/db.10.128”,
I get an error : *zone nyc3.example.com has no NS records. Hence not loaded due to errors. *

I have checked the zone files created in the “Zone” directory in “etc” (according to this tutorial), and there are NS records in both
the zone files. (Inserted exactly like in this tutorial). Still, I am getting the same error.
Can anyone please help in this problem?

Thank you for your time.

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BrookDO September 24, 2015

What does your zone file look like - could you potentially share your reverse-zone file for
/etc/bind/zones/d/nyc3.example.com ?
Reply Report

meliboo March 23, 2016

0 Hi, I am not sure what is wrong with the below, but I get an error when I run named-checkconf

/etc/bind/named.conf.local:11: unknown option ‘zone’

/etc/bind/named.conf.local:17: unknown option 'zone’

11 zone “lab.melina.com” {
12 type master;
13 file “/etc/bind/zones/db.lab.melina.com”;

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14 allow-transfer {; };
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
15 };
17 zone “168.192.in-addr.arpa” {
18 type master;
19 file “/etc/bind/zones/db.168.192”;
20 allow-transfer {; };

Can someone please have a look? The brackets seems to be correct.

Reply Report

mike101 March 26, 2016

0 I finished all steps as shown in the tutorial but it seems i do not have the DNS set up correctly. When i am trying to resolve IP’s
from h3 (the future DB Server) with nslookup, i get the following output:

root@h3:~# nslookup h1
Server: 2001:4860:4860::8844
Address: 2001:4860:4860::8844#53

** server can’t find h1: NXDOMAIN

now here is my specific question:

Do I have to create A-Records in the Digital Ocean Nameserver (via https://cloud.digitalocean.com/networking#actions-
domains), which resolve to the (public/private?!) IP of the hosts, before starting the tutorial? Meaning the hosts h1 and h2.

I am asking this question, because it seems to me, that this is a prerequisity in the tutorial, but it is not named explictly. There is
shown a small table in the “Example Hosts”-part where the Private FQDN of host1 is shown as host1.nyc3.example.com. Do i have
to define this private FQDN via an A-Record or am i getting it wrong?
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mike101 March 26, 2016

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got the right reply from the great DigitalOcean support. If anyone else got the problem:
An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
*As for the problem, the reason you are having this issue is because currently your droplet is configured to use Google for
DNS, which can be seen from the nslookup command you ran:
Server: 2001:4860:4860::8844

To use your new private DNS servers, you will want to make sure that your droplet’s are configured to use the Private IP’s of
your DNS servers (h1 and h2) to do DNS lookups to fix this issue. To do this, you will want to edit /etc/network/interfaces and
change the dns-nameservers option to point to the Private IP addresses of h1 and h2, as this will then set your droplet to use
them for DNS lookups. Once changed, you can then reboot your droplet for these settings to apply. :) *

I had to add the new client to the acl “trustet” object in /etc/bindnamed.conf.optios, too.
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nelsonjonathanscott April 21, 2016

0 I have a question. I’ve setup the my server based on your instructions and it works with the servers that I’ve added which is
awesome. I also want the dns server to automatically update its records for all the different hosts on my network. I have roughly
80 different machines, laptops desktops, servers, phones that are pulling there IP’s through dhcp. How do i configure the dns
server to cache all of my network devices FQDN so I can access each machine via its FQDN. Windows Server DNS some how
does this. Do you have any input on this process?


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thinkingmedia June 13, 2016

0 This tutorial is missing firewall rules for Bind9. Make sure to allow DNS otherwise the clients will not resolve.

sudo ufw allow Bind9

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nfaditya July 5, 2016

An Introduction to Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
0 Create Reverse Zone File(s)

4th code block mentions – ns1.nyc3.example.com. after SOA

and after that in 7th code block ( which is the review screen over there..) after SOA it mentions nyc3.example.com.

creating confusion, not sure what I am suppose to do

and the counter was too incremented to 2 value from 1 to 3.

please clarify…

I went through the whole process, and the server is up and running

Forward look up is working but Reverse look up is not working for me. Getting a SERVFAIL error..

My setting are all same as like yours, only diff being instead of 10.128 I am working on 10.139

please help, struggling on this whole day :(

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nfaditya July 8, 2016

Please ignore, got it working, I missed a “/” in the reverse zone file path! Sorry about that!
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fandi July 18, 2016

0 Hi
I have problem when i check nslookup on CMD Laptop.
Previously, I had checked in Putty and the results are successful:


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#nslookup to
An Introduction ns1
Managing DNS How To Configure BIND as a Priv…
Server : <my ip>
Address : <my ip>#53

Name : <my nameserver>

Address : <my ip>

But, when i try on CMD Laptop, showing:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>nslookup <nameserver>
DNS rewuest time out.

Server : UnKnown
Address : <other ip>

Thanks before.
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phogan September 5, 2016

0 When I do nslookup app2 (or app1, ns1, ns2 depnding on which droplet i am on) I always get the external IP address of my ns1 -
any ideas where I have gone wrong? Anything in italics are just placeholder values.


Non-authoritative answer:
app2.lon1.domain.com canonical name = domain.com.
Name: domain.com
Address: 436.202.70.342

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