Bruce Protocol
Bruce Protocol
Bruce Protocol
Before the development of the Bruce
Protocol there was no safe, standardized
protocol that could be used to monitor
cardiac function in exercising patients.
Master's Two-Step test was sometimes
used, but it was too strenuous for many
patients, and inadequate for the
assessment of respiratory and circulatory
function during varying amounts of
exercise. Most physicians relied upon
patients' complaints about exertion, and
examined them only at rest.
Stage Minutes MPH min/mile km/h m
1 3 10 1.7 35:18 2.7 22
2 3 12 2.5 24:00 4.0 1
3 3 14 3.4 17:39 5.5 1
1. Robert A. Bruce; Frank W. Lovejoy Jr.;
Raymond Pearson; Paul N. G. Yu; George B.
Brothers; Tulio Velasquez (November
1949). "Normal respiratory and circulatory
pathways of adaptation in exercise" . J.
Clin. Invest. 28 (6 Pt 2): 1423–1430.
doi:10.1172/JCI102207 . PMC 439698 .
PMID 15407661 .
2. Robert A. Bruce; Raymond Pearson;
Frank W. Lovejoy Jr.; Paul N. G. Yu; George
B. Brothers (November 1949). "Variability of
respiratory and circulatory performance
during standardized exercise" . J Clin
Invest. 28 (6 Pt 2): 1431–1438.
doi:10.1172/JCI102208 . PMC 439699 .
PMID 15395945 .
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