Subtopic: Restating Phrases and Sentences Moreover, food also influences melatonin production
in the brain. This is the hormone that is responsible for
4. Which of the following best restates the sentence sleepiness post-meal. Some foods that are rich in
“Over the last two decades, the use of ICT has been an protein, such as meat, poultry, eggs, fish, spinach, tofu,
important topic in education. On the one hand, studies cheese and soybeans can trigger more drowsiness than
have shown that ICT can enhance teaching and others. Additionally, foods containing carbohydrates
learning outcomes.” in paragraph 1? also help produce serotonin and tryptophan amino
acids found in the brain. This is the reason why you
A. ICT usage has been a vital topic in education feel sleepy after eating carbohydrate-rich foods.
and studies indicate that ICT can develop
teaching and learning upshot. Overeating can also cause sleepiness. Post-meal, the
B. Studies have shown that ICT can enrich body streams more blood to the digestive system to
teaching and learning end result better digest foods in massive amounts. This causes a
C. The use of ICT has been an insignificant topic temporary blood and nutrients shortage in the brain. To
in education. Also, studies have shown that prevent post-meal drowsiness, it’s better to eat a
ICT can enhance teaching and learning balanced diet containing vegetables, grains and good
outcomes. fats to provide continuous energy. Drink lots of water
D. Over the last two decades, the use of ICT has and limit your sugar intake.
been an important topic in educational method.
E. Over the preceding two decades, studies have Bad sleeping patterns can also cause sleepiness after
exposed that ICT can increase teaching and eating. After a meal, the body feels full and relaxed,
learning outcomes. making the body feel like it is resting, resulting in a
feeling of sleepiness, particularly if you didn’t get a
Topic: Extracting Core Information good night’s sleep the night before. To avoid this,
improve your sleeping habits to prevent stress.
Subtopic: Comprehending Main Ideas Engaging in regular physical exercise can help you get
a good night’s sleep. It is recommended that you avoid
5. Based on the passage, paragraph 1 most likely napping if you are having trouble sleeping at night.
(Adapted from
A. educational growth in the last two decades
B. the development of education by using ICT Topic: Understanding Implicit Information
Subtopic: Author-related Questions capita coffee consumption on the rise both in Indonesia
and the wider region, there is obvious room for further
6. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage? growth, but there is also an obvious need for
investment. The capital required to take Indonesia’s
A. To discuss the amount of food to consume so coffee industry to the next level presents appealing
as not to feel sleepy prospects for investors, while the country’s burgeoning
B. To inform the readers about the factors of coffee culture also brings opportunities for foreign
sleepiness after eating exporters.
C. To argue the effect of eating too much foods
for the brain Indonesia’s tropical climate produces almost ideal
D. To tell the readers the benefit of eating certain conditions for planting coffee. Today, most Indonesian
foods coffee comes from Sumatra, but Sulawesi and
E. To investigate what causes drowsiness after Kalimantan, the Lesser Sunda Islands of Bali,
overeating Sumbawa and Flores as well as the country’s
easternmost region of Papua all contribute to national
Topic: Understanding Implicit Information output. Robusta coffee makes up more than three
quarters of Indonesia’s produce; the remainder is of the
Subtopic: Author-related Questions milder Arabica type. The numerous coffee-growing
regions in the country produce beans of distinct flavors
7. By writing the sentences in paragraph 2, the author and properties, and a number of highland Arabica
intends to tell the readers about…. coffees from Indonesia are recognized by aficionados
the world over.
A. foods that are rich in protein, such as meat,
eggs, fish, tofu, cheese and soybeans can Indonesian coffee exports rose from 336,840 tonnes
generate more drowsiness (or 5,614,000 60-KG bags) in crop year 2000/2001 to
B. overeating protein and carbohydrate-rich foods 656,400 tonnes (10,940,000 bags) in 2012/2013,
obstructs your brain’s ability to function well according to data collated by the International Coffee
C. the reason why carbohydrate-rich foods make Organization. Total production over the same period
you feel sleepy increased from 419,220 tonnes to 763,800 tonnes. At
D. food combinations containing tryptophan present, the principal destinations for Indonesian
amino acid and carbohydrates make you feel coffee are the US, Japan and Western Europe
drowsy (particularly Germany), but Indonesia is well placed to
E. the hormone melatonin production in the brain capitalize on the fast-rising demand in the ASEAN
is responsible for sleepiness after eating. region and in China.
In TCM, spring corresponds to the liver and the Having known the benefit of seasonal detoxification, it
gallbladder. A gentle spring cleanse effectively is then important for us to know how to do it. The best
supports the liver’s vital detoxification processes. It way to begin a spring cleanse, and to optimize results,
also eliminates toxins stored in organs and tissues, is to incorporate cleansing and alkalizing foods,
helps shed excess weight, alkalizes the body, and gets nutrients, botanicals, and mind-body healing practices
your circulation and energy moving. Digestion is into a gentle program. They also allow healing and
improved and inflammation is reduced. Moreover, transformation to spring forth naturally.
blood sugar is balanced and immune functions better.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
A cleansing diet is the most critical component of any philosophy, every season correlates to different
detoxification program. Animal protein, particularly “elements” or organ systems in the body. For example,
red meat, should be minimized during a cleanse. It winter correlates with the water element and the
emphasizes lighter, organic plant-based proteins that kidneys/bladder system. From a Western naturopathic
are easier for the body to digest. Below are the critical perspective, cold weather can put stress on your
components of a detox diet which can help improve adrenal and thyroid glands. As a result, the blood
digestion and enhance detoxification, resulting in becomes more acidic and there is a buildup of lactic
greater energy and vitality. acid. This can lead to sluggishness, muscle and joint
pain, and arthritis.
Adapted from:
blog/archives/06-2016 Both Eastern and Western naturopathic medical
systems agree that the transition from winter to spring
What is the best summary of the passage? offers an ideal opportunity to shed extra weight. It is
also a good time to gently cleanse accumulated toxins
a. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from the body. This excess buildup can be the result of
philosophy believes that seasonal numerous factors. The main causes include unhealthy
detoxification is a crucial practice for a holistic diet, poor digestion, lack of exercise, winter
mind-body healing. This is because every dehydration, normal metabolic processes, and
season correlates to our body differently. environmental pollution.
According to this philosophy, our body is
craving for a spring cleanse every year, and we In TCM, spring corresponds to the liver and the
must listen to our body. gallbladder. A gentle spring cleanse effectively
b. Seasonal detoxification should be done during supports the liver’s vital detoxification processes. It
the transition from winter to spring since it is also eliminates toxins stored in organs and tissues,
the right time to get rid of toxins, shed extra helps shed excess weight, alkalizes the body, and gets
weight and alkalize the body. To do this, your circulation and energy moving. Digestion is
people should incorporate cleansing and improved and inflammation is reduced. Moreover,
organic plant-based diet and combine them blood sugar is balanced and immune functions better.
with mind-body healing practices. A cleansing diet is the most critical component of any
c. To obtain the best outcome for health, a detoxification program. Animal protein, particularly
detoxification program can only be done red meat, should be minimized during a cleanse. It
during winter of spring for three days up to emphasizes lighter, organic plant-based proteins that
three weeks. An effective way to do this is by are easier for the body to digest. Below are the critical
combining cleansing and alkaline foods with components of a detox diet which can help improve
light exercises. digestion and enhance detoxification, resulting in
d. To achieve the best result, a detoxification greater energy and vitality.
program needs to be done in between April
and May. To do this, people need to combine Adapted from:
cleansing with an alkaline-based diet that blog/archives/06-2016
relies heavily on organic foods.
About seasonal detoxification, which topic does the
paragraph preceding the passage most likely discuss?
a. its process
b. its side effect
c. its origin
d. its definition
e. its advantage