Leg. Med. Ass 1
Leg. Med. Ass 1
Leg. Med. Ass 1
(Assignment #1)
1. Legal - That which pertains to law, arising out of, by virtue of or included in
law. It also refers to anything conformable to the letters or rules of law as it is
administered by the court.
2. Forensic - It denotes anything belonging to the court of law or used in court or
legal proceedings or something fitted for legal or public argumentation.
3. Jurisprudence - It is a practical science which investigates the nature, origin,
development, and functions of law. It is a science of giving a wise interpretation
of the law.
4. Medicine - It is a science and art dealing with prevention, cure and alleviation
of disease. It is that part of science and art of restoring and preserving health.
7. Law - It is a rule of conduct, just and obligatory, laid by legitimate power for
common observance and benefit.
9. Criminal Law - is that branch or division of law which defines crimes, treats of
their nature and provides for their punishment.
1. Imhotep - He was the chief physician and architect of King Zoser of the third
dynasty in Egypt and the builder of the first pyramid. That time was the first
recorded report of a murder trial written on clay tablet.
6. Emperor Charles V - The first textbook in legal medicine was included in the
Constitute Criminalis Carolina which was promulgated in 1532
7. Pope Innocent III - issued an edict providing for the appointment of doctors
to the courts for the determination of the nature of wounds.
9. Pope John XXII - expressed the need of experts in the ecclesiastical courts,
in the diagnosis of leprosy and many medico-legal documents.
13. Orfila - introduced chemical methods in toxicology. In his Traite' des Poison,
he mentioned mineral, vegetable and animal poison in relation with
physiology, pathology and legal medicine. He was considered later as the
founder of modern toxicology.
14. Dr. Rafael Genard y Mas - the first medical textbook printed including
pertinent instructions related to medico-legal practice by Spanish physician.
Teaching of legal medicine, included as an academic subject in the
foundation of the School of Medicine of the Real y Pontifica Universidad de
Santo Tomas.
15. Dr. Sixto de los Angeles - created the Department of Legal Medicine and
16. Dr. Gregorio T. Lantin - creating the Division of Investigation under the
Department of Justice. The Medico-Legal Section was made as an integral
part of the Division.
17. Dr. Mariano Lara - created the Criminal Investigation Laboratory with the
Office of the Medical Examiner as an integral part.
18. Dr. Enrique V. de los Santos - The Bureau of Investigation was created by
virtue of an executive order of the President of the Philippines. Under the
bureau, a Medico-Legal Division was created.
19. Hippocrates of Kos - also known as Hippocrates II, was a Greek physician
of the Age of Pericles, who is considered one of the most outstanding figures
in the history of medicine. He is often referred to as the "Father of Medicine"
in recognition of his lasting contributions to the field as the founder of the
Hippocratic School of Medicine. This intellectual school revolutionized Ancient
Greek medicine, establishing it as a discipline distinct from other fields with
which it had traditionally been associated, thus establishing medicine as a
20. Aelius Galenus or Claudius Galenus - often Anglicized as Galen and better
known as Galen of Pergamon, was a physician, surgeon and philosopher in
the Roman Empire. He is considered one of the most accomplished of all
medical researchers of antiquity, Galen influenced the development of various
scientific disciplines, including anatomy, physiology, pathology,
pharmacology, and neurology, as well as philosophy and logic.
22. Dr. Benjamin Rush - is credited with emphasizing the significance of the
relationship between law and medicine.
24. Calvin Hooker Goddard - was a forensic scientist, army officer, academic,
researcher and a pioneer in forensic ballistics. He examined the bullet
casings in the 1929 St. Valentine's Day Massacre and showed that the guns
used were not police issued weapons, leading the investigators to conclude it
was a mob hit.
25. Francis Galton - an anthropologist by training, who was the first to show
scientifically how fingerprints could be used to identify individuals.
C. Give the difference of Ordinary Physician to Medici-Legal Officer