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Posting 4: Where is Allah?

Last time we talked about how Allah is different

from us. He does not get tired or fall asleep.
He was not born nor will He die.
He does not have any children or parents.
He is Perfect.

Author: Nasser ibn Najam http://islamthebasics.com

Posting 4: Where is Allah?

But where is Allah?

Is He everywhere?
Is He inside you and me?
Is He in the house with us now?

Author: Nasser ibn Najam http://islamthebasics.com

Posting 4: Where is Allah?

No, Allah is above us, above the skies.

He knows everything which happens, wherever it
He knows what is happening to even the smallest
things in the world.
But He Himself is not everywhere.
He is above the skies.

Author: Nasser ibn Najam http://islamthebasics.com

Posting 4: Where is Allah?

How could He be everywhere?

That would mean that He is inside dirty things
because there are many dirty things all around us.
Allah is not in these dirty things.
Allah is not in dirty places, like the toilet.

Author: Nasser ibn Najam http://islamthebasics.com

Posting 4: Where is Allah?

Allah is above the skies.

He tells us that is where He is.1

See the Qur-an 7:54, 10:3, 13:2, 25:59, 32:4, 57:4
Author: Nasser ibn Najam http://islamthebasics.com
Posting 4: Where is Allah?

Allah asks to us to believe in Him even though we

cannot see Him.
We believe in Him because we see signs that He is
We see all the beautiful things He has created and
which no one else could make.

Author: Nasser ibn Najam http://islamthebasics.com

Posting 4: Where is Allah?

We believe whatever Allah tells us about Himself.

He never tells lies.
He tells us that He is above the skies.

Author: Nasser ibn Najam http://islamthebasics.com

Posting 4: Where is Allah?

Allah always tells the Truth.

We should always tell the Truth too.
This is one of the things that Allah likes.
And it is one of the things that good people do.

Author: Nasser ibn Najam http://islamthebasics.com

Posting 4: Where is Allah?

Key points for teachers:

The teacher may wish to mention that:

• Given that we have talked about the greatness of Allah, it is natural to

ask where He is
• Allah is not within us, as some people think; He is above the heavens
• Despite this, He knows whatever happens here on the Earth and
everywhere else in His universe
• The Qur-an and the authentic hadeeths tells us that Allaah is above His
Throne, above the Heavens, but this is also something which our
intellects can understand (the example of Allah not being in dirty things)
• We believe in Allah even though we cannot see Him
• We see signs around us that prove that He exists
• Whatever Allah tells us about Himself, we believe since He never lies

Author: Nasser ibn Najam http://islamthebasics.com


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