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Tunable RF

and Circuits
Jeffrey L. Hilbert
Tunable RF
and Circuits
Devices, Circuits, and Systems

Series Editor
Krzysztof Iniewski
CMOS Emerging Technologies Inc., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Atomic Nanoscale Technology in the Nuclear Industry

Taeho Woo
Nano-Semiconductors: Devices and Technology
Krzysztof Iniewski
Electrical Solitons: Theory, Design, and Applications
David Ricketts and Donhee Ham
Radiation Effects in Semiconductors
Krzysztof Iniewski
Electronics for Radiation Detection
Krzysztof Iniewski
Semiconductor Radiation Detection Systems
Krzysztof Iniewski
Internet Networks: Wired, Wireless, and Optical Technologies
Krzysztof Iniewski
Integrated Microsystems: Electronics, Photonics, and Biotechnology
Krzysztof Iniewski

Telecommunication Networks
Eugenio Iannone
Optical, Acoustic, Magnetic, and Mechanical Sensor Technologies
Krzysztof Iniewski
Biological and Medical Sensor Technologies
Krzysztof Iniewski
Tunable RF
and Circuits
Jeffrey L. Hilbert
W i S p r y, I n c o r p o r a t e d , I r v i n e, C a l i f o r n i a , U S A

Krzysztof Iniewski
C M O S E m e r g i n g Te c h n o l o g i e s R e s e a r c h I n c.
V a n c o u v e r, B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a , C a n a d a

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For Cyndie, who makes everything possible
and worthwhile, and who proves every day
that dreams can come true
Acknowledgments................................................................................................... xiii
Series Editor.............................................................................................................. xv

Chapter 1 Tunable RF Market Overview............................................................... 1

Jeffrey L. Hilbert

Chapter 2 RFSOI Technologies on HR Silicon Substrates for

Reconfigurable Wireless Solutions...................................................... 23
Julio Costa

Chapter 3 BST Technology for Mobile Applications........................................... 47

James G. Oakes and David W. Laks

Chapter 4 Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications..................................... 73

Frank Caimi

Chapter 5 Tunable and Adaptive Antenna Systems........................................... 103

Laurent Desclos, Sebastian Rowson, and Jeff Shamblin

Chapter 6 Effective Antenna Aperture Tuning with RF-MEMS...................... 123

Larry Morrell and Paul Tornatta

Chapter 7 RF-CMOS Impedance Tuners: Performance Metrics and

Design Trade-Offs............................................................................. 145
Tero Ranta

Chapter 8 Handset Antenna Tuning Using BST................................................ 165

Paul McIntosh

Chapter 9 Aperture-Tunable Antennas: Handset OEM Perspective.................. 191

Ping Shi

viii Contents

Chapter 10 Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking.................................................205

Jeremy Hendy and Gerard Wimpenny

Chapter 11 MEMS Switching in the Handset RF Front End.............................. 243

Igor Lalicevic

Chapter 12 Case Study of Tunable Radio Architectures..................................... 257

Alpaslan Demir and Tanbir Haque

Chapter 13 Network Operator Perspectives......................................................... 277

Yuang Lou

Chapter 14 Testing Wireless Devices in Manufacturing..................................... 299

Rob Brownstein and Minh-Chau Huynh
An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.
Victor Hugo (1852)

Tunable RF’s time has come. Arguably, it may be long overdue. With the continuing
explosive growth of mobile communications on a global scale, whether measured in
terms of users, handsets, data traffic, networks, and/or frequency bands, ubiquitous,
reliable wireless connectivity has never been more important. But innovation in the
portion of the mobile handset architecture that most directly enables network con-
nectivity, the radio frequency (RF) front end, has taken a backseat to continuing
advancements in other parts of the handset. Whereas most mobile handset users
have some idea about the functions and value of a faster processor, more memory,
or a larger screen since these components are more easily connected to observable
user benefits, the same is not true about the value or function of the antennas, ampli-
fiers, switches, and filters in the RF front end. (Witness the “Antennagate” episode
a few years ago, and the resulting calls I received from various reporters, some of
whom wanted to know what an antenna does and why it is so important.) Of course,
without a robust front-end solution, accessing the benefits provided by advance-
ments in other parts of the handset becomes, at a minimum, problematic. And it is
perhaps interesting to note that, when surveyed, a majority of handset users regu-
larly cite battery life, dropped calls, and data speed as among the biggest concerns
with their mobile service, all of which are heavily driven by the performance of the
RF front end.
So, why have advancements in the RF front-end architecture lagged those in the
rest of the handset? Perhaps the simplest answer is, until recently, complementary
metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technologies and design techniques have not
supported the levels of performance required of RF components. As a result, a col-
lection of various higher-performance specialty technologies (acoustics, ceramics,
magnetics, gallium arsenide semiconductors) have been utilized to implement the
various RF functions. These functions have been interconnected into chains of RF
components through 50 ohm interfaces, with each such chain optimized to work for
a specific mode or frequency of operation. As more modes and frequencies are added
to the handset, more chains are added, and interconnected by higher and higher
throw count switches. A second answer is that by throwing more processing power
and memory into the handset, and shifting more hardware functionality into soft-
ware, in other words, by using Moore’s law scaling, we have been able to (barely)
keep pace with demand. However, with no end to data demand in sight, and net-
work performance improvements already defined for future releases of 4G, we have
reached a tipping point where traditional RF front-end architectures have become
a major bottleneck in enabling the industrial design and performance attributes of
handsets that customers are demanding.

x Preface

At first glance, in the context of the handset RF front end, the words “tunable”
and “RF” may not seem to belong together. We define a tunable RF function to be
one whose target frequency of operation and performance parameters are dynami-
cally adjustable under software control. Such adjustments are typically in response
to changes in the micro- and/or macro-environment of the handset. Current front-
end architectures are generally “switchable” at the RF chain level (as discussed ear-
lier) or between instances of components within a chain and as such, can broadly
be considered to be tunable but at a lower level of precision than possible with indi-
vidual RF components or modules. We will discuss both levels of “tunability” within
this book along with the substantial progress toward future RF front-end architec-
tures that are completely tunable without the use of switches at the RF chain level
(“switchless” architectures).
It is difficult to establish the exact start of today’s tunable RF market; however,
our company, WiSpry, along with Paratek Microwave (later purchased by Research
in Motion), was engaged in working with handset original equipment manufacturer
(OEM) customers on tunable impedance matching for antennas beginning about the
better part of 10 years ago. Since then, the market has grown rapidly, and today it would
be difficult to find a smartphone that does not employ at least one tunable RF func-
tion implemented using either electrostatic microelectromechanical systems (MEMS),
barium strontium titanate (BST), silicon-on-insulator (SOI) field effect transistors
(FETs), or, for some tunable functions, high-performance RF CMOS technology.
This book serves as a snapshot of the state of the art in tunable RF circa 2015.
The book is written by leading practitioners in the field, and between us, we comprise
a majority of today’s commercial market share for tunable devices in mobile handset
applications. The goal of the book is to provide a technical introduction to the field
and to document the foundational work that has been done to date. Chapter 1 serves
as an introduction and provides an overview of the tunable RF market along with a
glimpse into the future. Chapters 2 and 3, contributed by Qorvo (Greensboro, North
Carolina), ON Semiconductor (Nashua, New Hampshire) and BlackBerry (Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada), focus on RFSOI technology and BST ­technology, respectively,
along with an introduction to the applications of these technologies to tunable func-
tions. Chapters 4 and 5, contributed by Skycross (Viera, Florida) and Ethertronics
(San Diego, California), discuss the applications of ­tuning to mobile handset antenna
structures and systems. Beginning with Chapter 6, the next three chapters (con-
tributed by Cavendish Kinetics [San Jose, California], Peregrine Semiconductor
[San Diego, California], and ON Semiconductor [Nashua, New Hampshire]) dive
into antenna tuning applications utilizing RF-MEMS, SOI, and BST technologies,
respectively. Chapter 9 concludes the detailed discussion of antenna tuning by offer-
ing a perspective on the topic from a handset OEM, Huawei (San Diego, California).
In Chapter 10, Nujira (Cambridge, United Kingdom) provides an in-depth discussion
of power amplifier envelope tracking, a rapidly emerging and important technique
for improving efficiency. In Chapter 11, DelfMEMS (Villenuve D’Ascq, France)
discusses using RF-MEMS switches for a next-generation implementation of a
switchable RF front end. A case study of tunable radio architectures by Interdigital
(Melville, New York) is presented in Chapter 12, while Chapter 13 provides AT&T’s
(Atlanta, Georgia) network operator perspective on the evolution of the handset front
Preface xi

end. The book concludes with a chapter from LitePoint (Sunnyvale, California) on
production testing of wireless devices in the face of the continuing evolution of hand-
set architectures and the increasing drive toward shifting such testing from a con-
ducted to a radiated (over-the-air) performance basis.
Some readers may note a substantial portion of the book is devoted to antennas
and antenna tuning. This is by design, as the antenna tuning application dominates
the commercial market for tunable RF today. The rate of adoption of tunable RF and
the evolution of RF front-end architectures in mobile handsets continue to accelerate
so there is little doubt that future books on the topic will present a more diverse and,
perhaps arguably, a more balanced overview of a then more mature market.
Over my almost 40-year career in the semiconductor industry, I have been lucky
enough to contribute to a number of advances in technology, design, and design
tools. In the 1970s, it was CMOS technology and the start of commercial design
tools. In the 1980s, it was gate array and standard cell ASICs as both a supplier
and a user. In the early 1990s, it was systems-on-a-chip (SOC), followed in the late
1990s and early 2000s by the mainstreaming of MEMS technology. Then, since
about 2005, I have participated in developing the foundation of tunable RF. As
we move toward a world in which always-on connectivity and on-demand access
to information is available to everyone on a global scale, it seems possible that
sensing, computing, and wireless communications technologies will become so
pervasive as to become invisible in the fabric of society, perhaps as a step before
they become biologically integrated within us. I hope my luck holds and I get
another chance to play. If not, I will hope to find some small level of satisfaction
at having played a small role in bringing about (with apologies for paraphrasing
a portion of a Winston Churchill quote) “the end of the beginning” of something
that ultimately should be wonderful for all.

Jeffrey L. Hilbert
Dana Point, California

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I thank all of the contributors to this book for their participation and the many hours
they devoted. Many of us are direct competitors in the market, so their willingness
to play a role is greatly appreciated along with their contributions to tunable RF. My
thanks to the entire WiSpry team for their efforts over the past 12 plus years and the
determination that led to the first commercial deployment of RF MEMS in consumer
electronics in 2011. I also thank Kris Iniewski for inviting me to give talks at his
CMOS Emerging Technologies Research Conference series, which led to the oppor-
tunity to develop this book, and to the team at Taylor & Francis for their support in
the completion of the book. And finally, to my wife, Cyndie, who had to put up with
the many nights and weekends I spent writing and editing.

Series Editor
Krzysztof (Kris) Iniewski manages R&D at Redlen Technologies Inc., a start-up
company in Vancouver, Canada. Redlen’s revolutionary production process for
advanced semiconductor materials enables a new generation of more accurate, all-
digital, radiation-based imaging solutions. Dr. Iniewski is also a president of CMOS
Emerging Technologies Research Inc. (www.cmosetr.com), an organization of high-
tech events covering communications, microsystems, optoelectronics, and sensors.
In his career, Dr. Iniewski has held numerous faculty and management positions at
the University of Toronto, the University of Alberta, Simon Fraser University, and
PMC-Sierra Inc. He has published over 100 research papers in international journals
and conferences. He holds 18 international patents granted in the United States,
Canada, France, Germany, and Japan. He is a frequent invited speaker and has con-
sulted for multiple organizations internationally. Dr. Iniewski has written and edited
several books for CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Cambridge University Press, IEEE
Press, Wiley, McGraw-Hill, Artech House, and Springer. His personal goal is to
contribute to healthy living and sustainability through innovative engineering solu-
tions. He can be reached at: kris.iniewski@gmail.com.

Jeffrey L. Hilbert is the president and founder of WiSpry, Inc., a fabless semicon-
ductor company utilizing CMOS-integrated radio frequency microelectromechani-
cal system (RF-MEMS) technology to develop tunable RF products for the cellular
communications and wireless consumer electronics markets. WiSpry defined and
pioneered the rapidly growing tunable RF market segment. Hilbert has more than
37 years of executive management and technical experience in a number of lead-
ing semiconductor and MEMS companies, including LSI Logic, Compass Design
Automation, AMCC, Motorola, Harris, and Coventor. Early in his career, Hilbert
did pioneering work in CMOS technology and in IC design tools leading to today’s
design automation tools that are supplied by companies such as Cadence. As an
experienced entrepreneur, he has raised over $120 million in financing to fund two
consecutive start-up semiconductor companies over the past 15 years. He also has
board of director and advisory board experience in the commercial, government, and
academic arenas. Hilbert holds a BS in chemical engineering from the University of
Florida, an MS in computer science from the Florida Institute of Technology, and
has done course work toward a PhD in computer engineering from North Carolina
State University.

Rob Brownstein Yuang Lou
Litepoint AT&T Network Architectures,
Sunnyvale, California Radio Access and Devices
Atlanta, Georgia
Frank Caimi
Skycross Paul McIntosh
Viera, Florida ON Semiconductor
Nashua, New Hampshire
Julio Costa
Qorvo Larry Morrell
Greensboro, North Carolina Cavendish Kinetics
San Jose, California
Alpaslan Demir
Interdigital James G. Oakes
Melville, New York BlackBerry
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Laurent Desclos
Tero Ranta
Peregrine Semiconductor
San Diego, California
San Diego, California

Tanbir Haque
Sebastian Rowson
Melville, New York
San Diego, California

Jeremy Hendy Jeff Shamblin

Nujira Ethertronics
Cambridge, United Kingdom San Diego, California

Minh-Chau Huynh Ping Shi

Litepoint Huawei Device USA
Sunnyvale, California San Diego, California

David W. Laks Paul Tornatta

ON Semiconductor Cavendish Kinetics
Burlington, Ontario, Canada San Jose, California

Igor Lalicevic Gerard Wimpenny

DelfMEMS Nujira
Villenuve D’Ascq, France Cambridge, United Kingdom

1 Tunable RF Market
Jeffrey L. Hilbert

1.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 1
1.2 The Mobile Handset Market..............................................................................3
1.3 Evolution of Handset RF Front-End Architectures...........................................4
1.4 What Is Tunable RF?.........................................................................................8
1.5 Market Snapshot: RF Front-End and Tunable RF........................................... 13
1.6 Tunable RF Component and Circuit Outlook.................................................. 16
1.7 Conclusions......................................................................................................20
References................................................................................................................. 21

Mobile (wireless) communications has rapidly become embedded in the fabric of
society enabling and changing the ways in which we communicate in the broadest
sense. Cutting across geographic and political boundaries, age, differences in ethnic-
ity and religion, and independent of sharing and exchanging information one-to-one,
one-to-many, or many-to-many, the mobile or cellular (cell) phone has become a
ubiquitous personal appliance on a global scale.
It is difficult to imagine a world without mobile phones yet it has only been about
42 years since the first mobile phone call was placed by Martin Cooper of Motorola
in New York City in April of 1973. About 10 years later, Motorola began selling the
Dynatac 8000x. With an initial price of $3995, this phone offered mobile, analog
voice communications with up to 30 minutes of talk time in a form factor of only
13 in. × 1.75 in. × 3.5 in. (Figure 1.1).
From these humble beginnings, the mobile communications market has exploded
to change the way in which we live. At the same time, the mobile device has contin-
ued to rapidly grow in capabilities, performance, and talk time while shrinking in
size and weight. Figure 1.2 shows a current generation, 4G mobile phone, the LG G3.
This phone provides up to 21 hours of talk time in a form factor of 5.42 in. × 2.74 in.
× 0.41 in., not to mention almost unbelievable improvements in functionality, perfor-
mance, and ease of use. The contrast with the Dynatac 8000x is apparent.
In this chapter, we begin with a review of the status and projections for the mobile
handset market. As mobile phone form factors continue to evolve in response to
consumer demands, and performance and capabilities continue to grow with the use

2 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

FIGURE 1.1  Motorola Dynatac 8000x.

FIGURE 1.2  LG G3 (4G handset).

Tunable RF Market Overview 3

of succeeding generations of semiconductor technologies, we next turn our atten-

tion to the architecture of the mobile phone and in particular, to the radio frequency
(RF) front end. Unlike other portions of the architecture, the RF front end (RFFE)
has been relatively slow to evolve creating a bottleneck for future improvements and
an imperative for change. Tunable RF provides a new approach to implementing the
RFFE and the next three sections of this chapter introduce the tunable RF concept,
summarize the current tunable RF market and applications, and provide a projec-
tion of the future impact and opportunity for tunable RF components and circuits.
The final section of the chapter provides a summary of the materials for the reader’s


Just as consumer electronics has become the growth engine for the overall semi-
conductor industry, the mobile handset market has become the driver for growth in
consumer electronics.
Since the 1990s, cellular wireless technology has advanced from second-
generation (2G and 2.5G, or GSM), to third-generation (3G) technology, and then
on to 3.5G, 3.9G and now, 4G (Long Term Evolution [LTE] and LTE-A [advanced])
technology. Despite multiple future, yet-to-be-released generations of 4G technol-
ogy that are already defined, talks are well underway for the initial definition of 5G
technologies with a target deployment date around 2020. At the same time as cellular
standards have continued to advance bringing new modulation schemes, increased
capacity, higher speeds, better interoperation, and improved hand-offs and back-
haul, the types and volumes of information being transferred have evolved radically.
From a portable replacement for the fixed, analog landline for voice communica-
tions, the network has evolved into a digital communications system initially adding
support for data over an analog network, then to a data-centric architecture sup-
porting high-speed downloads of streaming video, and now on to supporting voice
over data (VoLTE). Additional frequencies have been deployed to handle the radical
increase in data volumes, which are projected to increase by 61% on a compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2013 and 2018, reaching 15.9 EB of data per
month by 2018.1 Not only has the range of supported frequency bands for cellular
communications grown both toward lower and higher frequencies, but there has also
been an increasing amount of reallocation (re-farming) of existing frequency bands
in the continuing search to create additional capacity.
The structure of the handset market has changed in parallel with the evolution of
the cellular network. From a single type of analog phone (think the Dynatac 8000x),
we moved to a market model of basic and more-advanced, feature phones. The
advent of 3G networks saw the birth of the smartphone platform as the p­ remium
product offering from multiple handset original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
As time has passed, the basic phone has become the (very) low cost, entry-level
phone often servicing the majority of users in the developing world, but provid-
ing the level of functionality previously provided by feature phones. The smart-
phone market bifurcated into basic smartphones, which have cannibalized the
feature phone market, and high-end smartphones, which are now often referred
4 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

to as advanced smartphones or global smartphones. Currently, the handset ­market

can be thought of as being ­composed of three segments: (1) low cost (feature)
phones; (2) smartphones (advanced 3G and basic 4G); and (3) advanced smart-
phones (4G multiregional and globally enabled models). The general trend in the
number of models of a phone and the number of new phone designs per year has in
recent years been ­decreasing as industry consolidation continues, more emphasis
is placed on hardware platform-based designs, and coverage evolves from carrier-
and ­geography-specific, to regional, super-regional, and global roaming capabili-
ties. The corresponding reduction in the number of stockkeeping units (SKUs) as
inspired by Apple’s success with this approach for the iPhone has been beneficial to
handset OEMs and had a substantial impact on time to market and bill-of-materials
(BOM) costs.
Mobile handsets seem to have become a universal presence. But, just how
­pervasive has mobile communications become? As of May of 2014, the International
Telecommunications Union (ITCU) estimates there are 6.9 billion mobile sub-
scriptions worldwide representing approximately 95.5% of the world population.2
Of these subscriptions, the ITCU estimates 5.4 billion of them are in the ­developing
world, and that the underlying total 6.9 billion subscriptions are approximately
4.5 billion mobile users (or 62% of the world’s population).
Total estimated worldwide sales for all handsets in 2014 are approximately
1.845 billion, growing to approximately 1.89 billion in 2015.4 Sales of smartphones
are estimated at 1.24 billion units in 2014,3 are expected to grow to 1.5 billion in
2015,4 and to 1.8 billion by 2018, representing a CAGR of 12.3% for the period
2013–2018.3 Whereas growth of the overall handset market has slowed to rates
consistent with a replacement model, sales of the smartphone segment continue to
grow at a healthy rate.
History has shown that the set of top handset OEMs in terms of market share
has seen considerable churn over time. Recent consolidations in the industry with
Microsoft acquiring Nokia’s handset business and Lenovo acquiring Motorola’s
handset business have resulted in a continuation of this trend. For the first time in
2015, Nokia (Microsoft) is not expected to be in the top five handset OEMs for
the year.4 As China has continued to expand its mobile communications infrastruc-
ture and major Chinese carriers roll out 4G networks, Chinese handset OEMs have
moved into leadership positions in terms of market share. According to Canaccord/
Genuity,4 the top five OEMs in 2015 in terms of market share for all handsets sold
are expected to be (in order): Samsung, Apple, Huawei, Lenovo, and Xiaomi. The
same vendors will make up the top five in smartphone sales with Lenovo and Xiaomi
trading places for the number four and five positions.
With this overview of the mobile handset market, let us now focus in more closely
on the history and status of the RFFE architecture of the mobile handset.


Broadly speaking, we can define the RFFE of a mobile handset as the collection
of hardware components located between the leading edge of the transceiver and
the various antennas in the phone. While this real estate typically also includes the
Tunable RF Market Overview 5

front-end components for Wi-Fi connectivity and GPS, we will focus solely on the
cellular RFFE and include the associated antennas as a part of the discussion (since,
as we will see later, tunable RF solutions both enable and potentially require, new
approaches to antenna design and new levels of antenna functionality). From an
architectural perspective, the RFFE can be viewed as one or more chains of RF
devices whose purpose is to enable and optimize high-frequency transmission and
reception of voice, data, and control signals (connectivity) between the handset and
the network. The functions performed by each RF chain include power amplifica-
tion, selection and rejection of signals (filtering), the actual radiation and reception
of signals by the antenna, and the switching of signals.
While the transceiver, baseband, applications processor and other digital and
relatively lower frequency components in the mobile handset have benefited greatly
from continuing advances in complimentary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)
technology and Moore’s law scaling, components in the RFFE have only recently
and selectively begun to enjoy similar benefits. Why has this been the case? Potential
reasons include the following:

• RF components must meet very demanding performance requirements in

order to ensure the highest quality, most reliable connection to the network
possible. To do so, the various RFFE functions have traditionally been
designed to be frequency and function specific. Selection of an implemen-
tation approach has also been driven by performance requirements lead-
ing to a heterogeneous collection of technologies in the RFFE including at
various points in time acoustics, ceramics, magnetics, and gallium arsenide
semiconductors. It has only been in recent years that CMOS technology has
advanced, in combination with circuit and architecture design techniques,
to the point that selective usage in the RFFE has become viable.
• From the consumer’s point of view, the RFFE is an invisible portion of the
mobile handset’s architecture. As the Apple iPhone “Antennagate” episode
demonstrated, the average consumer is not aware of or even generally inter-
ested in “how” their phone actually works, but cares deeply about attributes
that affect their end-user experience—battery life, dropped calls, roaming
capability, data speeds and quotas, and cost. Ironically, these attributes are
either determined or are greatly affected by the performance and capabili-
ties of the RFFE of the handset.

This is not to say that there have not been consistent advances in the RFFE archi-
tecture. There have been albeit at a much slower pace than in the digital portions
of the handset. Newer combinations of design techniques and technologies have
largely supplanted some of the widely used specialty technologies in the past such as
magnetics. Other technologies have continued to scale in size while maintaining (or
improving) performance resulting in physically smaller, more power efficient, and
lower cost solutions. And advances in passive device, substrate, and packaging tech-
nologies have fueled continued integration at the module level providing multiband
and multimode capabilities within a single footprint. But a new set of requirements
and constraints in the form of 4G or LTE and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) technology
6 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Low band

High band
Single-band 3G
transceiver Transceiver

FIGURE 1.3  1G versus 3G RF front-end complexity.

has clearly highlighted that a new approach to scaling and implementing the RFFE
is required.
From the initial deployments of first-generation cellular technology, through
today’s explosive growth of 4G networks, one item has remained consistent—find
ways to do more at the product level with less (space, volume, power, cost, time).
Without general access to the benefits of CMOS technology, scaling the RFFE has
been achieved historically by duplication. Need support for a new frequency band or
mode of operation? Add an additional chain of RF components targeted at the spe-
cific frequency or mode. Repeat as required. Figure 1.3 provides a visual comparison
between the structural complexity of typical “1G” and 3G RFFEs.
While some of the advances in RFFE implementation mentioned earlier allowed
this approach to remain the de facto scaling technique up until the 3.5G time frame,
new form factor, performance, connectivity, power, time-to-market, and loss consid-
erations began to mitigate the benefits and limit usefulness with 4G.
Table 1.1 shows a snapshot of the frequency band plan for 4G/LTE on a global
basis. Once this plan is fully implemented, a truly global handset could need to pro-
vide support for up to 43 different frequency bands, up from an average of approxi-
mately 10 bands in 2010.6 In addition to the large increase in band count, 4G targets
maximizing network capacity by increasing peak data rates to the 100  Mbps to
1 Gbps range depending on the mobility of the user. To support these data trans-
fer rates, LTE-A includes support for multiple input/multiple output (MIMO) archi-
tectures employing multiple antennas and carrier aggregation (CA). CA is a new
capability which allows (depending on the LTE release level) between two and five
channels to be stitched together dynamically in software to provide a larger data
“pipe” for reception, transmission, or both. While enabling tremendous potential to
maximize network capacity, CA brings significant challenges to the RFFE, which
has relied heavily on fixed channel bandwidths, known spacing between transmit
and receive frequencies, and single feed antennas. The number of CA combinations
being planned and deployed is growing rapidly, and differs between geographies
and carriers making transparent global roaming a harder goal to achieve. CA can
be implemented using multiple channels within a band (“intra-band” CA) or using
different channels in different bands (“inter-band” CA), which along with transmit
CA, sets new, tougher requirements for the linearity and harmonic performance of
the RFFE in 4G handsets.
Tunable RF Market Overview 7

LTE Frequency Bands and the Corresponding Regions5
LTE Spacing BW Duplex Deployment in
Bands Uplink (MHz) Downlink (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) Mode the World
Band 1 1920–1980 2110–2170 190 60 FDD China, Japan, EU,
Asia, Australia
Band 2 1850–1910 1930–1990 80 60 FDD North and South
Band 3 1710–1785 1805–1880 95 75 FDD EU, China, Asia,
Australia, Africa
Band 4 1710–1755 2110–2155 400 45 FDD North and South
Band 5 824–849 869–894 45 25 FDD North and South
Australia, Asia,
Band 6 830–840 875–885 45 10 FDD Japan
Band 7 2500–2570 2620–2690 120 70 FDD EU, South
America, Asia,
Africa, Australia
Band 8 880–915 925–960 45 35 FDD EU, South
America, Asia,
Africa, Australia
Band 9 1749.9–1784.9 1844.9–1879.9 95 35 FDD Japan
Band 10 1710–1770 2110–2170 400 60 FDD North and South
Band 11 1427.9–1447.9 1475.9–1495.9 48 35 FDD Japan
Band 12 698–716 728–746 30 18 FDD North America
Band 13 777–787 746–756 31 10 FDD North America
Band 14 788–798 758–768 30 10 FDD North America
Band 17 704–716 734–746 30 12 FDD North America
Band 18 815–830 860–875 45 15 FDD North and South
Australia, Asia,
Band 19 830–845 875–890 45 15 FDD North and South
Australia, Asia,
Band 20 832–862 791–821 41 30 FDD EU
Band 21 1447.9–1462.9 1495.9–1510.9 48 15 FDD Japan
Band 22 3410–3500 3510–3600 100 90 FDD
Band 24 1626.5–1660.5 1525–1559 101.5 34 FDD
(Continued )
8 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

TABLE 1.1 (Continued)

LTE Frequency Bands and the Corresponding Regions5
LTE Spacing BW Duplex Deployment in
Bands Uplink (MHz) Downlink (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) Mode the World
Band 33 1900–1920 NA 20 TDD
Band 34 2010–2025 NA 15 TDD China
Band 35 1850–1910 NA 60 TDD
Band 36 1930–1990 NA 60 TDD
Band 37 1910–1930 NA 20 TDD
Band 38 2570–2620 NA 50 TDD EU
Band 39 1880–1920 NA 40 TDD China
Band 40 2300–2400 NA 100 TDD China, Asia
Band 41 2496–2690 NA 194 TDD
Band 42 3400–3600 NA 200 TDD
Band 43 3600–3800 NA 200 TDD

Figure 1.4 provides a schematic for a 4G RFFE implementation that supports 2 × 2

MIMO and 20 frequency bands. The structural complexity of this implementation
provides clear evidence as to why the traditional linear, chain-by-chain approach of
scaling the functionality of the RFFE is not viable moving forward.
But, what if we could scale in a superlinear fashion providing the required
­performance and functionality, while realizing savings in power, space, loss, time-
to-market, and cost, along with unprecedented flexibility?


Although discrete tunable RF functions and products have existed for many years, a
new generation of such devices and circuits have been pioneered and applied to the
RFFE design of mobile handsets by the authors of this book over the past decade. As
used in this context, we define a tunable RF function to be one whose target frequency
of operation and/or performance parameters are dynamically adjustable under soft-
ware control. Such adjustments are typically in response to changes in the micro- and/or
macro-environment of the handset. Representative changes include but are not limited
to, changes in: the physical configuration of the handset; hand and/or head placement;
transmit power and/or receive sensitivity; the local interference environment; and call
hand-offs or other types of channel/band/mode reassignments by the network. On
occasion, the types of tunable RF functions we will discuss here are referred to as
programmable RF, or digitally tunable or digitally programmable RF. We will treat all
these terms as synonyms and refer to them collectively as tunable RF.
We can further characterize tunable RF functions for mobile handsets by two
additional parameters: (1) the amount of available tuning capability, and (2) the
method of control. Tuning capability can be described in terms of precision, number
of steps, and range of coverage while control can be broadly viewed as either open
Tunable RF Market Overview 9

Diversity RFIC
antenna port SPnT


mipi RFFE

mipi RFFE

mipi RFFE

mipi RFFE Main


antenna port

Antenna VHF 4G PAM

tuner SPnT
mipi RFFE
mipi R RFFE
mipi RFFE
SPnT 3G/4G
mipi RFFE
control MIPI RFFE
serial control
interface master

mipi RFFE

mipi RFFE Envelope tracking

mipi RFFE mipi RFFE

mipi RFFE

FIGURE 1.4  4G RF front-end functional schematic.

loop or closed loop. As an example, we can look at a tunable RF filter function. For
such a filter, we can think of the range of coverage as being the range of frequency
bands the filter can be tuned to cover. The number of steps would denote the num-
ber of discrete filter settings we can realize between a minimum and a maximum
value (the range of coverage) while the precision would indicate how precisely we
could set each filter value or state (± a percentage value). If the filter were being
tuned in operation by the baseband processor (a typical scenario) using a predefined
lookup table, we would refer to the filter as being controlled in an open-loop fashion.
Alternatively, if real-time information from the environment is being used to control
the filter (either directly or via the baseband), we would call this closed-loop opera-
tion. As with most options, decisions between open- and closed-loop control are
based on many variables including complexity, ease of integration, and cost.
To demonstrate another compelling advantage of tunable RF, we can expand
on our tunable RF filter example. Let us suppose that a certain handset needs to
support the following LTE (low) frequency bands: (1) Band 17 (704–746  MHz);
10 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

(2) Band 13 (746–787 MHz); and (3) Band 5 (824–894 MHz). Using traditional fixed-
frequency filters, we would need to implement one filter (in this case, one duplexer)
per ­frequency band whereas if we had a tunable RF filter supporting the required
levels of performance and which could be tuned between 704 and 894 MHz with a
sufficient number of steps and precision, we could replace the three fixed filters with
one tunable device. Now let us further suppose that the handset supplier desires to
supply the same model of phone in a different geography or to a different carrier
who desires to cover Band 20 (791–862 MHz) instead of Band 5. The same tunable
RF filter can be used to cover the B17/B13/B20 combination in the second phone as
the B17/B13/B5 combination in the first phone. All that is required is a change in
software and/or lookup table contents. Thus, tunable RF provides the potential for
the type of superlinear scaling the RFFE of handsets needs to meet the challenges
of multi-geography (or super-geography) and global LTE handsets by enabling one
physical tunable function to replace multiple instances of its static counterpart.
Correspondingly, as shown in Figure 1.5, one tunable RF chain can replace multiple
fixed-frequency or mode-specific chains of components. In the limit (assuming suf-
ficient tuning capabilities), the number of physical chains of RF components can be
reduced to the maximum number of radio paths that can be active concurrently.
Tunable RF has the capability to assist the designer in meeting an ­increasingly dif-
ficult set of RFFE design constraints. Benefits to marketing can include r­ ealization
of desired form factors (industrial designs) including increasingly thinner designs,
all glass/screen fronts, and metal case/frame construction. Equally, if not more so,
are the business benefits available to the handset OEM. These include faster time
to market, superior performance and usability, reduction in the number of SKUs,
reduction in bill-of-materials (BOM) cost and complexity per handset, and the pos-
sibility of field upgrades to accommodate access to a new or re-farmed spectrum.
With all of the potential advantages provided by tunable RF, why have all handset
OEMs not adopted a tunable approach to implementing the RF front end? Reasons
include the following:

4G 4G
Multimode tuning Multimode
transceiver transceiver

Tunable RF

FIGURE 1.5  Traditional 4G RF front end versus tunable 4G RF front end.

Tunable RF Market Overview 11

• Risk: A delay in time-to-market or a problem in the field can have huge

negative and long-lasting, financial consequences. Everyone is happy to
be a fast follower as long as someone else is the pioneer when the risk is
­sufficiently high.
• Different approach: To maximize the potential of a tunable RF solution, the
front end needs to be designed to be tunable which generally implies a differ-
ent set of design criteria and goals than with traditional fixed RF components.
For example, designing an antenna to be tunable means focusing on maximiz-
ing radiated efficiency and allowing the tuner to do the matching as opposed
to having to balance radiation efficiency and matching as is traditionally done.
• Cost: Handset OEMs have large investments in existing hardware platforms
that they need to leverage. And with severe cost pressure from their network
operator customers, they are driven to avoid any possibility of BOM cost
increase unless there is a compelling reason for adoption.

Compelling reasons for adoption can come in many forms. Whereas there were clear
benefits to be realized with the adoption of tunable RF solutions for 3.5G and 3.9G
phones, it was not clear that adoption was more than a nice-to-have feature. But with
4G, there is a clear mandate for implementation of tunable solutions. Lower operat-
ing frequencies, higher data rate expectations from consumers enabled by CA and
MIMO architectures, return on investment (ROI) expectations from network opera-
tors on investments in 4G infrastructure, and continued ID design constraints have
resulted in a clear call for the evolution of the RF front end.
However, given the handset OEM concerns over risk, differences in implemen-
tation approach, and cost—How have tunable RF suppliers driven the adoption
of tunable components? By identifying an initial application where there is a high
need and substantial benefit which still allows the OEM to maintain their platform
investment—antenna tuning. Rather than starting in the middle of an existing RFFE
architecture (where a fan-in/fan-out challenge is created by inserting a tunable com-
ponent between static components), the antenna is located on one end of the RFFE.
Figure 1.6 shows a WiSpry impedance tuner located on a production phone board
next to the antenna contacts (and at one end of the handset).
Given the location, the addition of a tuner is possible with minimum perturbations
to the remainder of the existing RFFE design. This lowers the barrier to adoption and
as we will see in the next section, has driven initial production revenue growth of
­tunable RF.
Antenna tuning can be categorized as follows based on the physical location/­
connection of the tuner and the intended function:

• Aperture or load tuning: The tuner is directly connected to the radiating

element at some location physically distant from the feedpoint.
• Impedance tuning: The tuner is in-line with the transmission line to the
radiator feed; signal lines are shielded (so as to be nonradiating) at the tuner
• Feedpoint or coupling tuning: The tuner is located in the transition between
the transmission line to the radiator feed and the radiating element.
12 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

FIGURE 1.6  Placement of an impedance tuner in an RF front end.

We can also categorize antenna tuners based on the technology used for their
­implementation. Today, three basic technology approaches are being used for the
implementation of antenna tuning solutions7:

• Switched capacitors: Typically, SOI FETs are used to switch between fixed
MIM capacitors.
• Barium strontium titanate (BST) capacitors: Are used to provide a smoothly
varying change in capacitance through a combination of a control chip and
one or more BST capacitor die.
• RF microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) capacitors: These use
mechanical structures that are movable (actuated) using electrostatic forces
to provide a set of digitally tunable capacitor values, typically monolithi-
cally integrated in a CMOS process.

Figure 1.7 provides an example of the implementation of an array of RF-MEMS

capacitors in a CMOS process. In Figure 1.7a, the capacitor in the rear is shown
in its minimum, unactuated, capacitance state while the capacitor in the front has
been deflected vertically toward the substrate using a DC voltage to provide the
maximum capacitance value. Figure 1.7b shows an array of such devices in which
each individual capacitor is addressable providing for multiple tuning states (or
capacitance values) from the minimum to the maximum value of capacitance for
the entire array.
The advantages and disadvantages of each of the three implementation approaches
currently used for antenna tuning are described in detail in Steel and Morris.7
Figure 1.8 provides a graphical summary derived from their comparison of the
implementation technologies.
The various categories of antenna tuning and the implementation technologies in
use today will be explored in depth in later chapters in this book, along with numer-
ous other types of tunable functions, systems, and concepts.
Tunable RF Market Overview 13

(a) (b)

FIGURE 1.7  WiSpry RF-MEMS capacitor pair (a) and (b) array of 48 capacitors with ­an
integrated charge pump and digital control logic implemented in an 180 nm RF-CMOS.

Quality factors

Cost Intercept points


Switching cycles Harmonics MEMS

Voltage handling Capacitance ratio

FIGURE 1.8  Comparison of tunable RF implementation technologies.


The RFFE total available market (TAM) for mobile handsets is a very large market.
While various sources disagree on the exact composition of the TAM, current size,
and growth rate, they all agree that the market is growing at a rapid pace.8 Estimates
of the current TAM are in the $9 billion range in 2014–2015.9,10 Some sources6,9 show
the TAM growing to approximately the $13 billion range in 2017–2018, while more
aggressive forecasts,10 show 20% year-on-year growth forecasts for 2015–2016 lead-
ing to a total 2016 TAM of approximately $14.5 billion. This growth is being fueled
by the continued deployment and growth of 4G networks worldwide. Within the RF
front-end TAM, the largest category of components is filters and various forecasts9,10
show that filters will make up somewhere between 50% and 60% of the total RF
front-end TAM during the 2016–2018 time frame. As with the overall RFFE market,
LTE ­filters, in particular duplexers, are driving the growth of the filter category.
14 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

It is also instructive to look at estimates of the total RF front-end BOM cost

for various generations of handsets. Estimates for total 2G BOM costs are in the
$0.50–$0.55 range.6,10 3G–3.9G RF front-end BOM costs range from $3.75 to
$4.00.10,11 Depending on whether a 4G handset is categorized as basic or regional,
or equipped for global roaming, recent RF front-end BOM estimates fall in the
ranges of $7.00–$8.00, approximately $10.50, and from $13.25 to as high as $17.00
respectively.6,10–12 And a recent estimate of the weighted average RF front-end BOM
cost across the different SKUs of the iPhone 6 comes in at $14.65 per handset.12
Given that RF component and module costs have typically fallen year-on-year, the
approximate 28× increase in total BOM cost between a 2G handset and the average
iPhone, and the approximate 3× increase between a 3G handset and the average
iPhone, are strong indicators of the explosion in complexity and component count
in the front end, along with the rapid increase in performance requirements for these
As mentioned in Section 1.4, the adoption of tunable RF in mobile handsets today
is being led by antenna tuning applications. As tunable RF is a new and emerging
segment of the overall RFFE market, present analyst coverage is limited. Among the
earliest published market forecasts is a projection from Oppenheimer in early 2013,13
which showed a 2015 TAM for antenna tuners of $772 million growing to slightly over
$1 billion by 2016. A more recent report by Mobile Experts9 projects 2015 revenues
of $112 million growing to $270 million by 2018 as shown in Figure 1.9.
Strategic Analytics14 predicts sales of approximately 750 million units in 2015
growing to 1.9 billion units by 2018. Meanwhile, Yole Development’s estimates of
the penetration of MEMS tuners in the market are for a total of 16 million units in
2015 growing to approximately 77 million units in 2017.15


In-line impedance tuning

Aperture tuning
Tuner revenue (M)

$200 Impedance tuning for





2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

FIGURE 1.9  Total revenue projection for discrete tunable components in the total RF
­front-end market.
Tunable RF Market Overview 15

Finally, according to Taylor,14 the estimated market size for power amplifier (PA)
envelope ­tracking in 2015 is 251 M units increasing to 1 billion units in 2018. And
Yole15 forecasts ­initial sales of MEMS-based tunable filters and PAs starting in 2017.
Based on the market data presented earlier it is clear that adoption of tunable RF,
while growing rapidly, is still very much at an early stage. Meanwhile, the overall
RF front end TAM continues to grow at a substantial rate from its approximate
$9 billion base creating both a tremendous opportunity and need for rapid inno-
vation and evolution. Figure 1.10 provides a graphical summary of some of the
major innovations in handset architecture over the 14-year period between 1998 and
2012.14 As impressive as these achievements are, more progress is needed at a faster
rate to keep pace with the demands of 4G users and networks. In the next section, we
explore how we can best accelerate the evolution of the RFFE through the adoption
of tunable RF.

Integration Milestones Antenna

2012: Antenna tuner Varicap
ICs (switch-
capacitors) Antenna
Filter Duplexer
2013: CMOS multimode

PA and filter
(Qualcomm) PA
2014: CMOS envelope
tracker-PA (claimed by
RF axis) Filter Filter
2012: PA-transceiver (Intel)

2003: CMOS transceiver
(GSM/GPRS) Transceiver
Tx Synth PMIC
2005: Baseband-transceiver

1998: DBB with CPU + DSP
cores Baseband
2010: Baseband-apps
processor (Qualcomm)
Apps processor


FIGURE 1.10  Mobile handset integration milestones.

16 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


Now that tunable RF has established a beachhead in the mobile handset front end
in the form of antenna tuners, the next steps in market penetration need to be iden-
tified and taken. We could turn toward the antenna and look to integrate antenna
tuning and antenna design into an overall solution. And this is exactly what antenna
firms such as Skycross and Ethertronics have done as they have gone to market
with active and adaptive antenna solutions. Or, we could turn toward the filter side
of the front end to see how and if we might take advantage of the existing multibil-
lion dollar opportunity that today is pretty much the exclusive providence of acous-
tic devices. Or perhaps, as a third alternative, we should next address the potential
opportunity to provide tunability in the power amplification segment. If it were not
for the performance requirements of filters, the choice would perhaps be obvious.
But antennas and PAs/LNAs both have their own sets of technical and business
­challenges and neither provide the upside opportunity of the filter segment.
By choosing to focus on filters we face another challenge; none of the existing
implementation technologies for tunable RF—MEMS, BST, or SOI—enable suf-
ficient broadband, brick wall filtering on par with SAW/BAW/FBAR filters. And
of the three, only series-configured MEMS devices appear to provide performance
levels that, when combined with architectural innovation or utilized in more restric-
tive applications, can provide the required filtering in the RFFE.
To begin to explore the opportunity in the RF filter segment of the market,
WiSpry has developed prototype tunable RF notch filters for selected coexistence
applications. These filters provide an additional 20–30 dB of rejection on demand
for situations where interfering signals are well defined (for example, Wi-Fi and
high-band cellular transmitters) and relatively closeby. Utilizing the wide tuning
range of MEMS tunable capacitors, these filters can be tuned far out of band, in
effect turned off, to avoid the insertion loss of fixed filters incurred during the major-
ity of time when there are no coexistence issues to be handled. When “turned on,”
losses are comparable to those of static filters.
Expanding on the concept of tunable, narrowband rejection, Figure 1.11 shows
initial measured performance results from a prototype dual multiband tunable (TX
or RX) filter module developed by WiSpry.
An examination of the results shows that the notch response provides a reasonable
level of tunable rejection across multiple bands.
Continuing this bottom-up approach, development of a prototype tunable
narrowband front-end architecture has been underway for several years in a
­consortium effort between WiSpry, Intel, and Aalborg University in Denmark. Figure
1.12 shows an initial hardware demonstrator of a complete multiband ­tunable RFFE
architecture covering Band 1 through Band 7. The demonstrator contains a pair of
TX and RX antennas which, when combined with the tunable TX and RX notch
filters, results in a tunable duplexing capability. This prototype, now several years
old, achieved most of the 3GPP specifications using only eight tunable hardware
components (including the antenna pair), and without the use of any acoustics or
switches. The demonstrator board, which is pretty much empty space, has the dimen-
sions of a standard mobile handset phone board. Development of this architecture
Tunable RF Market Overview 17

has continued and subsequent prototypes covering both low band and high band are
now operational in the lab.
Figure 1.13 provides a schematic representation of a complete LTE-A capable
tunable RFFE concept that WiSpry refers to as CAFE (Compact, Agile Front End).
As shown, this architecture inherently supports LTE CA and MIMO functions,

Resonance frequency versus capacitance high band



Frequency (MHz)




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Capacitance (pF)

measured filter response


S21 (dB)



1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000
Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 1.11  Dual multiband tunable filter module measured results. (Continued )
18 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Resonance frequency versus capacitance low band


Frequency (MHz)


700 LB2


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Capacitance (pF)

measured filter response


S21 (dB)



500 600 700 800 900 1000

Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 1.11 (Continued)  Dual multiband tunable filter module measured results.

requiring only one additional tunable RF path for each potentially concurrently
active radio link.
Viewed in the context of the $7.00–$17.00 BOM opportunity for RF front ends
in 4G handsets, architectures such as CAFE look compelling. But at the same time,
they are revolutionary and, as such, they carry a great deal of perceived, and some
actual, risk. Fundamentally, one of the requirements of such an architecture is for
production, radiated test of the handset. Great progress toward this capability is
Tunable RF Market Overview 19

FIGURE 1.12  Prototype multiband tunable RF front-end architecture.

Tunable Distributed
filters tunable

700–1000 RX
700–1000 TX

1700–2700 RX matching

1700–2700 TX

Sensing and control system

FIGURE 1.13  Fully tunable MMMB RF front-end architecture model.

being made by companies such as LitePoint (see Chapter 14), but it will take several
years until the necessary certification test cases and specifications are ratified, and
the production test infrastructure is in place. In the interim, tunable RF can continue
to grow market share and revenue bottom up through the implementation of addi-
tional and next-generation antenna tuners, tunable antennas, tunable PAs and LNAs,
tunable filters for applications such as coexistence, and perhaps subsets of CAFE-
like architectures on the receive side, while pursuing the top-down development of a
complete tunable narrowband front-end solution in parallel.
Ultimately, it is likely that no single design approach or technology will prove to
be the silver bullet but rather that future RFFE architectures will evolve to encom-
pass the best of both fixed and tunable functions, along with CMOS, acoustic, and
other existing and new implementation technologies. Whatever form progress takes,
20 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

time is of the essence. The year 2020 will be upon us sooner than we think, and with
it, an entirely new level of even more daunting performance challenges with 5G.

Over the 42-year period since the first mobile phone call was placed, mobile
­communications has changed the world in ways that we could not have imagined.
Mobile communications technology has evolved from voice communications over
an analog link, to a digital, data-centric architecture that provides for high-speed
­downlink and uplink of data, downlink of high-speed streaming video, and voice
over data. Communications standards have evolved to the present fourth-generation of
technology, whose deployment in the market has ramped faster than any previous such
standard. Today, an astounding 62% of the global population is estimated to be mobile
phone users. Mobile handsets, and the RF semiconductors they employ have become
the growth engine of consumer electronics and in turn, of the overall semiconductor
industry. In 2015, it is estimated that a total of 1.8 billion new handsets will be sold,
an increasing majority of which are smartphones whose processing, memory, and
software capabilities will far surpass those of the leading PCs of just a few years ago.
As the mobile handset market has matured, different portions of the handset
architecture have evolved at different rates. Whereas the lower frequency, digital
portions of the handset have enjoyed the scaling benefits of Moore’s law, the RF
front end, the increasingly crucial link between the handset and the network, has
evolved much more slowly. Increasingly more challenging performance specifica-
tions coupled with the rapid proliferation of frequency bands on a global basis with
LTE, have positioned the RFFE as a key bottleneck to the next stages of innovation
in mobile communications.
To address this bottleneck, a new design paradigm has emerged over the past
decade. The concept of tunable RF, high performance RF components whose
­frequency and functions can be dynamically adjusted via software, has entered
the front-end architecture initially in the form of antenna tuners. Such tunable RF
components enable the replacement of multiple components with a single hardware
device and reduce the number of chains of such components required to support
multiband operations to a number equal to that of the maximum number of concur-
rently active radios. From this perspective, we can consider tunable RF front ends as
the final step in the implementation of software defined radios.
The current tunable RF market is in the early stages of growth with only a
­limited number of players in production revenue. Total revenues for the segment are
­measured in the hundreds of millions of dollars, a small percentage of the overall
$9 billion RFFE market, which is growing rapidly. Of the three implementation
technologies being utilized for tunable RF devices today—MEMS, BST, and SOI—
the majority of the current market belongs to antenna tuners implemented using SOI
FET switches.
Looking ahead, tunable RF can be expected to grow faster than the RFFE
market. Antenna tuners will enjoy deeper penetration with average utilization per
handset pushing well beyond one per unit; antenna vendors will bring new types
Tunable RF Market Overview 21

of active and adaptive antenna systems to market that meet the volume constraints
imposed by desirable industrial handset designs while providing the levels of over-
the-air ­performance required to keep both consumers and network operators satis-
fied. MEMS-enabled tunable filters will roll out in the market and advances in the
application of tunability to power and low-noise amplifier applications will become
apparent. Finally, and perhaps most dramatically, completely new fully tunable
RFFE architectures will begin to appear on the market, most likely beginning with
coexistence filtering and diversity receive applications. Once the required standards
and production manufacturing capabilities supporting radiated test are deployed,
these architectures will complete their evolution into software defined, narrowband
designs, with broadband tunability. Such architectures will most likely be imple-
mented using hybrid approaches of fixed and tunable devices implemented in CMOS
and specialty technologies as most appropriate.
And finally, it is estimated that in the 2020 time frame, commercialization of 5G
technology will begin, bringing a new wave of challenges and opportunities as wire-
less communications and connectivity continue their seemingly inevitable march
toward becoming so pervasive and tightly integrated in the fabric of society as to
become invisible in daily life.

1. Young, J., Mobile front end module—The battle between SIP & SOC, The 12th
International System-on-a-Chip (SOC) Conference, Exhibit, and Workshops, Irvine,
CA, October 2014.
2. International Telecommunications Union, Measuring the Information Society Report,
May 5, 2014, pp. 2–3.
3. IDC Press Release, Smartphone momentum still evident with shipments expected to
reach 1.2 billion in 2014 and growing 23.1% over 2013, May 28, 2014, www.idc.com.
4. Canaccord/Genuity, Smartphone demand, Daily Letter, pp. 2–3, November 3, 2014.
5. Derived from https//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-UTRA, Frequency bands and channel
bandwidths, accessed April, 2015.
6. Qorvo 2014 Investor Day Presentation, www.qorvo.com, accessed April 2015.
7. Steel, V. and Morris, A., Tunable RF technology overview, Microwave Journal, 55(11),
26–36, November 2012.
8. BMO Capital Markets, Digging into China, handset model update, Communications
Equipment Report, May 8, 2014.
9. Madden, J., Private communication, March 2015.
10. Charter Equity Research, Post December 2014 quarter wireless and semiconductor
industry analysis, February 13, 2015.
11. Barclays, Triquint semiconductor, filters still the best way to play LTE, Equity Research,
November 1, 2013.
12. Charter Equity Research, iPhone 6: A detailed teardown analysis, September 19, 2014.
13. Oppenheimer, LTEvolution, The implication for wireless semiconductor vendors
beyond LTE, Equity Research, March 25, 2013.
14. Taylor, C., Radio front-end integration driving cellular component market dynamics,
Strategic Analytics Presentation, Private communication, October 22, 2014.
15. Yole Development, RF MEMS market 2015 update, Private communication, March
2 RFSOI Technologies on
HR Silicon Substrates
for Reconfigurable
Wireless Solutions
Julio Costa

2.1 Introduction to RFSOI on High-Resistivity Silicon Technology..................... 23
2.1.1 Technology Drivers for RFSOI-on-HR Silicon Substrates..................24
2.2 RFSOI-on-HR Silicon Substrates and Devices...............................................28
2.3 Switch Branch Design..................................................................................... 32
2.3.1 RONCOFF................................................................................................ 33
2.3.2 PSP Electrical Compact Model........................................................... 35
2.4 PACs: Programmable Array of Capacitors...................................................... 36
2.4.1 PAC Dynamic Range........................................................................... 38
2.5 RFSOI Applications in the Cellular Handset.................................................. 39
2.5.1 Standalone PACs.................................................................................. 39
2.5.2 RFSOI Impedance Tuners................................................................... 41
2.6 Future Trends in RFSOI-on-HR Silicon Technologies................................... 43


Tunable and reconfigurable applications using RFSOI-on-HR (high-resistivity)
­silicon technologies are being deployed today in the radio frequency (RF) section of
virtually every smartphone platform driven by the increasing data rates demanded by
the 4G RF cellular front ends. RF cellular systems are becoming increasingly com-
plex with numerous transmit and receive bands, the possibility of multiple antennas,
and new architectures that involve uplink and downlink carrier aggregation. Such
new architectures present extreme challenges for conventional fixed-band systems
composed of PAs, switches, and filters, driving the need for reconfiguration and
tunability. In a relatively short time since its introduction in the early 1990s, RFSOI-
on-HR silicon has proven to be a cost-effective high-performance, and high-yielding

24 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

technology offering the RF designer the needed versatility for multiple design RF
device configurations. This chapter will present a chronology of RFSOI technol-
ogy development in the wireless industry, as well as the basic device fabrication
and ­relevant physics, the different approaches to switch cell design, and traditional
trade-offs, including relevant RF device metrics such as linearity, insertion loss, and
intermodulation distortion. This chapter will also cover typical configuration of tun-
able RFSOI switch cells in tunable networks, including novel uses of RFSOI capa-
bilities in cellular 4G systems as well as the critical specifications needed in this
application space.
The chapter will focus entirely on mainstream RFSOI technologies fabricated on
high-resistivity (HR) silicon substrates, since these technologies are readily available
from many high-volume silicon foundries, leaving out other captive offerings for
wireless RF switching such as silicon-on-sapphire (SOS) or microelectromechanical
systems (MEMS) that also offer equivalent tunable switching devices for the RF
mobile space. RFSOI-on-HR silicon technologies are now offered through the very
popular MOSIS (www.mosis.com) multi-project-wafer (MPW) shuttle service, which
gives low-cost access to a high-performance RFSOI technology to virtually anyone
in industry/government/academia. Although the majority of applications for RFSOI
in the mobile space today consist of switching solutions (RF switches, impedance,
and aperture tuners), several RFSOI-on-HR linear power amplifiers (PAs) are also
starting to gain acceptance, suggesting high levels of integration in future RFSOI
product roadmaps.
It is important to note that the maturity of RFSOI-on-HR silicon technologies
in the mobile marketplace did not happen overnight. It was the product of constant
technological advances and excellent collaboration between foundries, SOI substrate
wafer suppliers, and the RF device community, showing very steady progress since
the first attempts were made in the early 1990s. In this chapter, we discuss some of
the many challenges RFSOI-on-HR silicon has gone through in the last two decades
to solidify its dominance in the cellular RF front end.

2.1.1  Technology Drivers for RFSOI-on-HR Silicon Substrates

Exponential consumer data demand in mobile applications is the key driver for
growth in RFSOI-on-HR technologies. The chart in Figure 2.1 clearly depicts this
trend: thousands of new “Apps” in the smart handset now demand fast download/
upload of consumer data, to the point that we now speak in terms of “exabytes”/
month, where one EB = 1 × 1018 bytes, essentially equivalent to one billion people
in the world downloading 1 GB per month. Such high data rates require RF front-
end components—those that directly interface with the antenna and the transceiver
blocks—to operate at high power levels with a very high degree of linearity.
Mobile data, of course, must be delivered fast and accurately with a high quality
of experience, and constantly new cellular standards continue to be implemented
by the mobile industry to meet this increasing demand. Such requirements neces-
sitate unparalleled cooperation between carriers, infrastructure equipment, and the
­handset manufacturers.
RFSOI Technologies on HR Silicon Substrates 25

Mobile data consumption continues to grow exponentially

66% CAGR 2012–2017

EB/Month 11.2

0.9 1.6

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

1 EB = 1018 bytes = 1 billion GB

FIGURE 2.1  Mobile data growth. (From RFMD Cellular Group; CISCO’s public website,

Cellular handset and infrastructure providers have embraced next-generation

4G system architectures at an unparalled rate of adoption, faster than anything
comparable in the history of this marketplace. At the time of this publication,
fourth-generation (4G) mobile cellular standards have been deployed throughout
most of the world, with the adoption of Long Term Evolution (LTE) modulation to
achieve effective download speeds of 10–20 Mbps, comparable to most residential
LAN network data rates; plans are being developed by the mobile industry for fifth-
generation (5G) mobile standards with downlink speeds of hundreds of Mbps with
the addition of several new transmit/receive bands as well as the incorporation of
carrier aggregation (CA). The evolution of these mobile standards translates into
ever more complex transmission waveforms at many different frequency bands—
latest count around 45 bands worldwide—which create numerous challenges in the
components that comprise the radio of the cellular handset, in particular, linear RF
power, harmonic generation and intermodulation distortion products. Figure 2.2
illustrates the evolution of these cellular standard waveforms, with particular atten-
tion to the increasing peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) demands of the newer
generation of cellular standards.

Peak power 4G (LTE / OFDM)

Average power 3.5G (HSUPA) 8.5 dB PAPR (~7:1)
3G (W-CDMA) 6.5 dB PAPR (~5:1)
3.5 dB PAPR (~2:1)

FIGURE 2.2  Illustration of peak-to-average power ratios (PAPRs) for 3G, 3.5G, and 4G
(LTE) waveforms.
26 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

The increase of PAPR values impose severe requirements in the voltage and
power handling as well as harmonic generation and reliability of the technologies
used in the front end of mobile systems.
Figure 2.3 lists the current frequency band spectrum allocation to the different
bands, as defined by the 3GPP Mobile Broadband Standard Group.*†
This group is a consortium of industry, academia, and government agencies that
is responsible for the definition and standardization of the communication protocols
of the different bands used in mobile applications. The characteristics and definition
of each frequency band is an intricate product of several different factors, owing to
the fact that spectrum licenses are allocated in each separate countries to different
carriers and operators.
The introduction of carrier aggregation (CA) in the newer 4G mobile releases
added a significant layer of complexity and enhanced linearity requirements on all
RF front-end components. In the first releases of carrier aggregation, a second band

LTE TDD frequency bands LTE DD frequency bands

Band Uplink MHz Downlink MHz Width Duplex Gap Band Uplink MHz Downlink MHz Width
1 1920 1980 2110 2170 60 190 130 33 1900 1920 1900 1920 20
2 1850 1910 1930 1990 60 80 20 34 2010 2025 2010 2025 15
3 1710 1785 1805 1880 75 95 20 35 1850 1910 1850 1910 60
4 1710 1755 2110 2155 45 400 355 36 1930 1990 1930 1990 60
5 824 849 869 894 25 45 20 37 1910 1930 1910 1930 20
6 830 840 865 875– 10 35 25 38 2570 2620 2570 2620 50
7 2500 2570 2620 2690 70 120 50 39 1880 1920 1880 1920 40
8 880 915 925 960 35 45 10 40 2300 2400 2300 2400 100
9 1749.9 1784.9 1844.9 1879.9 35 95 60 41 2496 2690 2496 2690 194
10 1710 1770 2110 2170 60 400 340 42 3400 3600 3400 3600 200
11 1427.9 1447.9 1475.9 1495.9 20 48 28 43 3600 3800 3600 3800 200
12 698 716 728 746 18 30 12 44 703 803 703 803 100
13 777 787 746 756 10 –31 21
14 788 798 758 768 10 –30 20
15* 1900 1920 2600 2620 20 700 680 Width
16* 2010 2025 2585 2600 15 575 560
17 704 716 734 746 12 30 18 Transceive
18 815 830 860 875 15 45 30 band
19 830 845 875 890 15 45 30
20 832 862 791 821 30 –41 11 Frequency
21 1447.9 1462.9 1495.9 1510.9 15 48 33
22 3410 3490 3510 3590 80 100 20
23 2000 2020 2180 2200 20 180 160
24 1626.5 1660.5 1525 1559 34 –101.5 67.5
25 1850 1915 1930 1995 65 80 15
26 814 849 859 894 35 45 10
27 807 824 852 869 17 45 28
28 703 748 758 803 45 55 10

Duplex spacing
Width Width
Uplink Gap Downlink
band band

FIGURE 2.3  LTE frequency division duplexing (FDD) and time division duplexing (TDD)
as defined in the 3GPP Mobile Standards Group in September, 2012.

* Official releases of the 3GPP Mobile Standards Group are kept at www.3gpp.org/releases.
† GPP Standards Update, Moray Rumney, http://www.home.agilent.com/upload/cmc_upload/All/

RFSOI Technologies on HR Silicon Substrates 27

can be utilized at the same time to improve the downlink capacity of the handset to
receive more data; TX CA will also be available in the near future to improve uplink
capacity although currently a clear priority exists in the launch of RX carrier aggre-
gation RF front ends since that is currently where the peak demand for data is con-
centrated. With CA, the technology requirements for RF devices become even more
accentuated, especially for frequency division duplexing (FDD) band combinations
where TX and RX functions are done at the same time. Figure 2.4 depicts the bands
combinations that are planned for LTE 4G carrier aggregation.1
The inset of Figure 2.4 also illustrates why linearity requirements are much
more demanding in the CA mode in the FDD operation; for this particular example
of Bands 4/17 carrier aggregation—and there are numerous other troubling
combinations—a harmonic caused by the TX B17 signal in the 700 MHz band can
fall exactly on the RX B4 2100 MHz band. If this harmonic power level is suffi-
ciently high, it will “jam or block” the intended RX signal. This unwanted harmonic
product will, of course, look just like RX noise and the transceiver will be unable
to receive the desired RX B4 signal. This particular CA problem is referred to as
“carrier desense” and will invariably cause a condition where the communication
between the mobile terminal and the base station is seriously affected.
Especially in FDD bands—where the TX/RX (transmit/receive) functions take
place at the same time—there are extremely demanding requirements in the lin-
earity of the devices and components that are on the TX/RX signal paths. Such
concurrent RX/TX paths occur, of course, at the antenna of the handset and at all
of the components in the downstream RF path directly connected to the antenna.
The critical devices where such high linearity comes at an absolute premium are at

Region Bands CA
bands Third
4 + 17, 2 + 17,
2 + 29, 4 + 29,
2 + 13, 4 + 13,
2G/3G: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 2 + 30,
LTE: 12 + 30, Ftx-B17 Desense in B4 RX
5 + 30,
US 2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 17, 26, 29, 30, 17 + 30, B17 Tx B17 Rx B4 Rx
41 29 + 30,
Roaming LTE: 1, 3, 7, 20, 28 704 M 716 M 734 M 746 M 2110 M 2155 M
4 + 30, 4 + 5,
5 + 17,
Receiver B17-

26 + 41,
Receiver B17

Receiver B4-
Receiver B4

4 + 12


2G/3G: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 3 + 20, 7 + 20,

3 + 7, 3 + 8,
EU LTE: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 20, 40 2 + 4, 3 + 3,
Roaming LTE: 12, 17, 28, 41 4 + 4, 40 + 40

1 + 3, 1 + 7, We need four receivers at the same time

3 + 7, 3 + 8, We need a linear transmitter chain during RX CA
2G/3G: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 3 + 5, 1 + 28,
LTE: 3 + 28, 7 + 28,
1 + 19,
ROW 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 19, 21, 28, 39, 1 + 21,
40, 41 11 + 18,
Roaming LTE: 17,20 39 + 39,
40 + 40,
41 + 41

FIGURE 2.4  Carrier aggregation (CA) modes as defined in current 3GPP standards. The
right side of the figure illustrates a potential problem created by having harmonics of the TX
signal fall exactly on the band of the CA-RX signal.
28 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets




70 4G LTE

60 3G

50 2G
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

FIGURE 2.5  Required third-order input intercept point (IIP3) for RF front-end components
as a function of evolving cellular standards. (IIP3: From Larry Schumacher, Intel Mobile
Corporation, Challenges for radios due to carrier aggregation requirements, International
Wireless Industry Consortium [IWPC] Workshop, November 6, 2012.)

the front-end (FE) switch and any of the impedance/antenna tuner components that
are now commonly attached to smartphones being released in the cellular market.
Transceiver chipset makers are anticipating that 4G LTE/CA modes will require RF
front-end components with extremely high IIP3 (third-order input intercept point)
values—in the 87–90 dBm range—substantially higher than any linearity level
­previously accomplished with any RF switching technology (see Figure 2.5). This
will require that every possible source of distortion in the front-end components be
thoroughly investigated and minimized to the absolute minimal degree. In addition
to high linearity requirements, these front-end switching blocks are also required to
have very low insertion loss for the ON state and high isolation for the OFF state.
Through intensive collaboration between academia, silicon wafer foundries, SOI
substrate providers, and the mobile RF component makers, RFSOI-on-HR today
has largely displaced traditional III–V and silicon-on-sapphire FET power switching
solutions due to its improved performance, reduced size and excellent manufactur-
ing yields, and low costs. RFSOI solutions are now present in essentially every major
handset platform, providing state of the art performance in increasingly complex
multi-throw RF switches, tunable RF capacitance arrays, and antenna RF tuners.


The success of RFSOI-on-HR silicon in the RF front-end spaces owes a great deal
to recently developed substrate technologies engineered to circumvent some of the
traditional limitations that existed just a few years ago and that severely impacted
the RF performance of CMOS devices in SOI. These SOI starting substrates are
now commonly available in very high volumes from a number of substrate suppliers,
which has been the key enabler for RFSOI technologies to achieve wide acceptance
by the design community.
RFSOI technologies on silicon substrates (both standard and high resistivity) have
been explored since the late 1980s. As SOI processes and substrates matured, several
research groups demonstrated the substantial improvements in cross talk, isolation,
RFSOI Technologies on HR Silicon Substrates 29

and power dissipation over conventional bulk digital and analog ­ technologies
were possible. Honeywell,2 Motorola,3 and Harris4 as well as many in academia in
the United States and several other research laboratories in Japan published sev-
eral ­leading articles on RFSOI on silicon substrates, identifying the benefits and
trade-offs for RF building blocks inherent in a thin film silicon layer over oxide.
Motorola published extensively in the mid-1990s on the demonstration of several
key RF building blocks such as switches, LNAs, mixers, and power amplifiers built
on RFSOI technologies,5 also demonstrating voltage charge pumps and digital con-
trol with a high degree of integration. Similar development efforts were also being
conducted in Asia and Europe at the same time. Honeywell, however, is generally
credited with commercially offering the very first RF switches and RF components
built on RFSOI on silicon substrates in the late 1990s, with many of the design fea-
tures that are used to this day in our 3G/4G switches; the company also pioneered the
offering of the RFSOI-on-silicon process as a general foundry option and very early
realized the potential benefits of high-resistance substrates and cross talk isolation
for superior RF performance.* On the cellular phone side, Peregrine Semiconductor
is generally credited with achieving the first SOI design win in a mobile handset in
the early 2000s, with its own proprietary silicon on sapphire (SOS) technology.6
In order for RFSOI-on-HR silicon technologies to compete—and eventually
replace—other conventional switching technologies such as III–V PHEMT (pseudo-
morphic high electron mobility transistor) and SOS solutions, three completely
separate technological challenges had to be resolved in order to bring about the nec-
essary improvements in RF performance, yield, and cost that would eventually make
RFSOI-on-HR the leading technology that it is today:

SOI device yield: RFSOI-on-HR silicon technologies typically employ sili-
con device regions with layer thicknesses in the 800–2000 Å range; such
thin layers must be controlled very uniformly across the wafer and must be
free of defects and other issues that negatively affect CMOS device charac-
teristics and reliability. Conventional SOI wafer techniques involving wafer
bonding and thinning of the silicon epitaxy layer proved to be extremely
challenging for layer thicknesses under 1000 Å. An alternative technique
called SIMOX yielded the first generation of RFSOI substrates used in early
demonstrations in the 1990s, where the BOX (buried oxide) layer was built
by the thermal oxidation of a high-density oxygen implant. Whereas the
SIMOX technique appeared on paper to offer a significant improvement
in cost and simplicity over other SOI bonding techniques, it was quickly
determined to be fraught with high levels of defectivity and severe prob-
lems with wafer uniformity and device yield. The “SMART-CUT” process
developed by SOITEC in France is credited with providing the key needed

* CMOS SOI Technology, Honeywell Technical Note, http://www.techonline.com/electrical-­engineers/

Applications, October 2001; see also http://pdf.datasheetarchive.com/indexerfiles/Datasheets-IS15/
DSA00283852.pdf for datasheets for commercial RFSOI switch products from Honeywell introduced
in 2001.
30 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

technological leap in SOI substrate technology; SMART-CUT SOI sub-

strates very quickly were shown to solve the nagging problems associated
with other SOI substrate approaches.7
Lack of stable/low-cost high-resistivity silicon substrate: Similar to RF
power switches built previously in III–V technologies, a basic building block
for switches and tuners is the ability to cascade (stack) several FET devices
in series to realize large OFF state RF voltages. This is only possible to
achieve with a high-resistivity substrate that provides the necessary isolation
between different devices that comprise the switch branch. This concept will
be explained in a later section of this chapter. High substrate resistivities are
readily available in GaAs and sapphire substrates with values in the many
M Ω · cm range, but it took significant effort by the SOI substrate providers to
develop the low-cost >1 kΩ · cm silicon substrates using conventional CZ sil-
icon wafer equipment used ubiquitously by the silicon SOI industry today.*
Although silicon HR substrates today are only available with resistivities
many orders of magnitude lower than III–V and ­sapphire substrates, the
1 kΩ · cm range has been shown to be adequate for the frequency ranges and
power levels used in the mobile handset industry. On the other hand, silicon
substrates have a much higher thermal conductivity value than sapphire and
GaAs, a property that is particularly important for applications that employ
flip-chip packaging or that integrate power amplifiers. A deep understanding
of the effects of oxygen interstitial vacancies and necessary thermal treat-
ments on resistivity required several years of applied research by the many
silicon substrate vendors. Today, these high-resistivity (HR) 200  mm SOI
substrates offer substantial cost advantage over competing substrate technol-
ogies such as GaAs and sapphire and have already been successfully dem-
onstrated in 300 mm wafer diameters for future RFSOI platforms. Starting
wafer resistivities in the 5,000–10,000 kΩ· cm will soon be available in very
high volumes with a cost-effective large volume supply chain.
Substrate-induced harmonics: Early demonstrations of RF switches in
RFSOI-on-HR silicon demonstrated much higher harmonic and intermodu-
lation distortion than expected from a simple analysis of the ON and OFF
transistor characteristics. Independently, a few research groups concluded
in the early 2000s, that the origin of such deleterious harmonics was due to
the silicon substrate itself.9 The RF linearity issue due to the HR s­ ubstrates
took significantly longer to be correctly understood and resolved. In paral-
lel, independent RFSOI research groups reported seeing rather strange and
variable RF linearity and harmonic data at higher powers, despite having
impeccable DC/AC parametric data for the CMOS active devices. Further
analysis led to the conclusion that the interface between the BOX region
and the high-resistivity silicon handle substrate was the source of such del-
eterious effects. Two very distinct solutions for the substrate-induced lin-
earity degradation were developed and are now deployed in the industry in
very large production scale:

* See, for example, Rong et al.8

RFSOI Technologies on HR Silicon Substrates 31

• Trap-rich polysilicon regions (see Figure 2.6a) were introduced at

the BOX/silicon handle interface and shown to play a dramatic role
in controlling the nonlinear harmonics created by the HR substrate.10
Originated by the pioneering work of Professor Raskin at the Catholic
University of Louvain (Belgium) and perfected by the interaction
between industry and SOI substrate vendors such as SOITEC, the
trap-rich technique is now commonplace in the wireless industry and
allowed several new silicon foundries to develop simple adaptations of
their existing CMOS and SOI processes to create an RFSOI technology
• Harmonic suppression process (HSP) techniques: Developed by the
SOI technology team at IBM11 (see Figure 2.6b), the HSP process
­consisted of a series of damaging implants, trenches, and proprietary
treatments to minimize the contribution of the BOX/handle substrate
to RF linearity. IBM has recently announced the shipment of over five
billion RFSOI switch devices, demonstrating the efficacy and high-­
volume stability of its harmonic suppression process.

As a major advantage when compared with III–V and sapphire-based technologies,

RFSOI-on-HR silicon technologies typically employ the exact same back-end-of-
line metallization, bumping, thinning and copper pillar, and other post-processing
technologies utilized in conventional silicon bulk technologies with no needed modi-
fications or added costs. Several leading wireless companies today ship millions
of RFSOI-on-HR silicon components per month with extremely high production






1425 M1



Poly Box Trench


High dose implant

Silicon HR substrate Silicon HR substrate

(a) (b)

FIGURE 2.6  Two approaches to solve substrate-induced harmonics commonly used in

RFSOI on HR silicon technologies: (a) A buried polysilicon “trap-rich” layer is employed and
(b) a combination of damaging implants and trenches are employed for the same objective.
32 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

volumes.12,13 The industry is currently gearing up for migration to 300 mm produc-

tion in the near future, clearly showing its maturity and importance in the wireless
product landscape.


The N-channel field effect transistor (NFET) switch branch is the basic building
block for switches and tunable/reconfigurable circuits built in RFSOI on-HR-silicon
technologies. The typical switch branch consists of a combination of stacked NFET
devices with MIM capacitors and high-value resistors connected to the gate and
body terminals, built on a thin (800–2000 Å) silicon layer over a buried oxide (BOX)
region over a high-resistivity substrate (see Figure 2.8). Currently, all RFSOI-on-HR
silicon t­echnologies used for RF front-end applications used partially depleted
(PD) SOI configurations, as the PD option seems to provide the best trade-off for
power handling and reduction of harmonics through appropriate biasing of the
body-contact terminal. Fully depleted (FD) SOI technologies are, of course, also
available as foundry options typically in the 300 mm wafer diameter, utilizing much
thinner device, epitaxy thicknesses, and much more aggressive gate lithography. FD
SOI technologies remain mostly focused on digital low-power VLSI applications and
at this time have not found utilization in RF large power switch designs.
Figure 2.7 is an illustration of these different device regions in a commercially
available RFSOI technology [14].





Poly Trench

High-dose implant

High-resistivity silicon substrate

ρ ~ 1–3 kΩ cm

FIGURE 2.7  IBM 7RFSOI NFET transistor cross section, also showing the implementa-
tion of an MIM capacitor and polysilicon resistor as well as the harmonic suppression process
(HSP) trenches and implants.
RFSOI Technologies on HR Silicon Substrates 33

The substrate resistivity must be high enough with respect to the frequency of
operation to allow the substrate to behave strictly as a capacitive network, which is
easily accomplished with today’s available values in the range of 1–3 kΩ· cm. The
stacked group of the RFSOI NFETs is the basic building block for essentially any
application in this field. At its core, lies the basic thick-gate NFET switch device.
Today, nearly all RFSOI on-HR silicon switch and tuner solutions use a 0.25 um
NFET output (also known as “thick gate”) device built on either a 0.18 um or a 0.13 um
SOI CMOS foundry technology, employing many different layout configurations to
optimize the RF performance of the switch branch. The thinner gate oxide option in
the technology is typically omitted to minimize costs and cycle time, although with
the current drive to integrate low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) in front-end ­modules, more
foundries are offering the thinner gate FET as a device option for such applications.
PFET devices are typically not utilized in RF switch branches due to their inherently
poorer carrier mobility and higher RDSON characteristics, although PFETs gener-
ally play a very important role in the implementation of i­ ntegrated power controllers
for RF applications.
RFSOI switch branches are typically biased using gate switching between +VDD/
VNEG in the ON/OFF states respectively, where VDD and VNEG are high and low
voltage levels supplied by the power management block of the IC. Typical VDD and
VNEG voltages used in today’s RFSOI applications employ values around ±2.5 V,
respectively. The drain and source voltages are biased at 0 V. Conventionally, body-
contacted FETs are used, where the body would be biased through high-value resis-
tors and typically be switched between 0 V/VNEG in the ON/OFF states respectively.

A key figure of metric (FOM) utilized in RFSOI technologies is the product of
the ON resistance of a switch device with its respective OFF state capacitance
(RONCOFF), generally expressed in femtoseconds. When associated with a specified
device breakdown value and power handling, the RONCOFF product is a valid pre-
dictor of the device performance in an RF switch application. RFSOI-on-HR sili-
con technologies currently report RONCOFF figures of merit in the 240–150 fs range.
Several new improvements are currently being developed to continuously decrease
the switch FOM, such as the introduction of all copper metallization, finer lithogra-
phy for improved gate pitches, and several other proprietary techniques will reduce
this figure to the 110–150 fs range in 2015–2016 time frame.* It is important to keep
in mind that this FOM is only meaningful when comparing RFSOI technologies of
similar RF power handling and DC breakdown. Constant improvements in process-
ing techniques and materials will undoubtedly push RFSOI figures of merit to the
sub-100 fs range in 2017–2018 time frame.
In the OFF state, the power handling of a given switch branch is determined by
the number of stacked NFETs in series, as summarized in Figure 2.8.

* See, for example, http://www.marketwatch.com/story/peregrine-semiconductor-ships-first-ultracmos-

34 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


P1 P2


Rgate >>
VGATE 2πf(Cgs + Cgd)

FIGURE 2.8  Typical RFSOI switch branch topology, showing N× stacked switch FETs,
each DC-biased via a high-value gate resistor according to the frequency of operation and
the technology OFF state capacitance. High-value resistors may also be employed across the
source–drain terminals of the device for biasing and voltage distribution.

The goal of the combination of stacked switch devices and gate and body resis-
tors is to equally divide a large RF voltage into smaller RMS values consistent with
the breakdown characteristics of each individual transistor. This stacking property
of RFSOI NFET devices is, of course, identical to the strategies utilized in the
past by III–V switch designers as summarized in a classic paper by M. Shifrin.14
Shifrin also highlighted the need for high-value DC biasing gate resistors, with the
required resistor value being a function of the RF of operation and the OFF state
capacitance associated with the given switch branch transistor. In RFSOI switches
and tuner applications, typical stack numbers may vary between N = 6 and N = 24,
depending on the magnitude of the RMS voltage the branch must withstand in
the OFF state. The switch designer must pay close attention to the harmonics of
the OFF state device under the highest rated RF power levels and mismatched, as
harmonics levels will start increasing dramatically prior to the onset of voltage
Once properly designed for a given power level/insertion loss/isolation require-
ment, switch branches become the fundamental building block of a myriad of differ-
ent RF applications such as power switches, programmable attenuators, impedance
tuners, tunable networks, and programmable filters, employing a combination of
series and shunt branches and other internal and external passive and active compo-
nents.15,16 Figure 2.9 illustrates the block diagram of a typical single pole–four throw
(SP4T) antenna switch application with the different series and shunt branches and
its associated small-signal equivalent circuit. The shunt branches are key elements
that provide necessary port-to-port isolation and the series branches are the blocks
that connect to the antenna (the single pole) and hence are the key elements that
determine the insertion loss of each branch.
Typical RFSOI on-HR silicon switch products in the market today integrate all of
the necessary power controllers and digital logic blocks needed for a given applica-
tion. Most RFSOI technologies offered by foundries also offer “e-fuse” elements,
which are one-time programmable elements useful for calibration or identification
of a switch or tuner IC.
RFSOI Technologies on HR Silicon Substrates 35




Switch branch bias
voltages and control


FIGURE 2.9  A typical block diagram of a single pole–four throw (SP4T) RFSOI switch
showing the combination of switch branches in a given application and its small-signal equiv-
alent circuit. The power handling of the switch is a function of the configuration and design
of each of the individual OFF state switch branches. Nearly all RFSOI circuits employ inte-
grated biasing controllers.

2.3.2  PSP Electrical Compact Model

RF switch designers today rely a great deal on compact models to predict the
­electrical behavior of a given RFSOI switch branch with respect to small-signal
characteristics such as insertion loss and isolation, as well as important large signal
behavior such as second- and third-order harmonics and intermodulation distortion
products.13 The PSP model is used ubiquitously by RFSOI designers to model the
actual NFET device in partially depleted (PD) SOI technologies, used in conjunction
with a capacitive/resistive network that models the complex nature of the substrate
that ties the different stack devices together. The PSP model was jointly developed
by the Pennsylvania State University and Philips Research and is a surface-potential-
based MOS model containing many relevant effects for RF switch simulations such
as mobility reduction, velocity saturation, drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL),
gate and body currents, lateral doping gradient effects, and so on. The PSP model
is generally favored for RF design over the more standard BSIM-SOI models, due
to the inherent poor harmonics and intermodulation agreement in the BSIM-vintage
models with measured results; BSIM models also tend to exhibit problematic
­discontinuities in the derivatives of transconductance where switches typically oper-
ate, resulting in poor convergence and agreement. PSP-SOI surface-based models
continue to be optimized by the modeling community and are expected to continue
to be the p­ referred model by the RFSOI foundries and designers alike.17
For optimal agreement of RFSOI switch branches, it is also highly recommended
that the designer employ parasitic-extraction (PEX) programs to model all ­additional
resistive and capacitive effects of the metallization that connect the different switch
branches and that are not comprised in the original PSP model. Nearly all commercial
36 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

RFSOI on-high-HR silicon technologies today provide the designer with a complex
process design kit (PDK) that includes design rule checking (DRC), layout versus
schematic (LVS) checking, and PEX, in addition to extensive digital/analog/ESD
and effuse library elements.


RFSOI programmable array of capacitors (PACs) are another common RF building
block, being employed in very high volumes in the cellular handset for impedance
and aperture tuning at the antenna level and for a myriad of other applications where
tunability and reconfigurability are desired. PACs are essentially a switchable bank
of MIM capacitors, which can be turned ON and OFF by an associated series RFSOI
switch branch described in the previous section.
MIM capacitors available in RFSOI-on-HR silicon technologies have very respect-
able Quality factors (Q) by themselves (Q > 100 at 2 GHz); typically there are two
different MIM capacitor options in a given RFSOI technology with a thin silicon
nitride layer for high-density and a thicker silicon nitride layer for higher-voltage
applications. The effective equivalent series resistance (ESR) and associated Q of
the switched capacitor will be dominated by the ON resistance of the series switch
branch, so selecting the appropriate stack number and W (width) of the series branch
is extremely important as there will be a trade-off between Q, power handling and the
physical silicon real estate area allocated to the switched capacitor. For antenna tun-
ing applications, typically the RFSOI designer will employ very high stack numbers
due to the very high RMS voltage requirements present in an antenna environment;
RON values in the 0.3–0.5 Ω can still be concurrently obtained by the appropriate
choice of device width, yielding typical Q factors of 40–60 at f = 2 GHz for a switched
4 pF MIM capacitor. RON values of tenths of ohms—necessary, for example, for a
Q = 200 for the same 4 pF capacitor—are unfeasible in a switched SOI capacitor con-
figuration due to the required area of the stacked switch and associated metal losses.
The most utilized type of programmable array of capacitors (PAC) is a par-
allel array of binary weighted capacitors in series with high dynamic range RF
switches (Figure 2.10a). A series array of capacitors (Figure 2.10b) can also be
constructed, with quite different Q and dynamic range characteristics versus tun-
ing conditions when compared to the parallel array. The two configurations offer
the RFSOI designer different trade-offs with respect to Q and voltage range. The
parallel array’s signal handling capability is essentially independent of tuning and
is ideally suited for use in parallel resonant circuits. The series array’s signal han-
dling, on the other hand, is inversely proportional to capacitance and therefore
lends itself to the tuning of series resonances. A combination of both parallel and
series approaches gives the RFSOI designer a versatile toolbox of tunable and
reconfigurable ­elements for RF design.
The Quality factor Q of a PAC is a function of tuning range Cmax/Cmin (maximum
and minimum switched capacitor values) and the RONCOFF FOM of the RF switch
process being used, as indicated in Equation 1.18 By restricting the PAC’s tuning
range, Qs greater than 100 are obtainable using the most advanced RFSOI processes
available in the industry today.
RFSOI Technologies on HR Silicon Substrates 37



FIGURE 2.10  Programmable array of capacitors (PACs) arranged in (a) parallel or

(b) series configurations. Each configuration has different trade-offs in Quality factor Q and
power handling capabilities.

Qmin = (2.1)
((Cmax /Cmin ) −1)⋅ R ON ⋅ COFF

The Qmin equation assumes that the Cmin is solely determined by the COFF of the
switches and that the FETs have been sized to meet the target Cmin. In moderate Q
applications the target Cmin can be achieved by placing a high-quality MIM or MOM
capacitor in parallel to a PAC structure. This gives only a modest Q improvement
compared to scaling the FET switch size but has the benefits that the Cmin correlates
closer to Cmax and the die area is not dominated by a huge switch.
The design of a PAC consists in trading off chip area for the necessary capaci-
tance tuning ratio and effective Quality factor for a maximum RF voltage waveform;
obviously the better the RONCOFF figure of merit for a given RFSOI technology, the
lesser the impact of the switch branch. This trade-off between capacitor tuning ratio
(Cmax/Cmin) and switch branch resistance and technology figure of merit RONCOFF was
summarized in a classic RFSOI paper by Whatley et al.,18 as depicted in Figure 2.11.
Clearly, moving forward with further improving the RONCOFF figure of merit will
play a very positive role in minimizing the trade-off of Q versus tuning ratio for
future RFSOI on high-resistivity silicon technologies.
MIM capacitors themselves are capable of generating second- and third-order har-
monics and also having significant temperature-dependent effects, although these are
typically below the levels of harmonics created by the series RFSOI switch blocks.
38 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


Cmin = (2bits–1)

DTC Q versus Tuning ratio versus RON COFF

Cmax = (2bits–1) CMIM Freq = 900 MHz
600 fs
CMIM 400 fs
Tuning ratio Cmax Cmin = 1 + 140
COFF 250 fs
1 1
Qmin = =
ωCMIMRON ω.(Cmax Cmin– 1). RONCOFF 100




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tuning ratio

FIGURE 2.11  Trade-off of Quality factor Q versus tuning ratio of an SOI switched MIM
capacitor for different RONCOFF figures of merit. (After Whatley, R. et al., RF front-end tunabil-
ity for LTE handset applications, Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium
(CSICS), 201018.)

Nonlinear characteristics of MIM capacitors available in silicon RFSOI t­ echnologies

are generally attributed to traps generated in the silicon nitride films’ chemical vapor
deposition (CVD) process and are generally included in the large-signal electrical
model in the technology process design kit (PDK).19 Because these MIM nitride
films are introduced in the back-end portion of the RFSOI process, there are strict
limitations on the deposition temperatures of dielectrics that impact the overall
dielectric film quality. The second-order effects due to MIM capacitor nonlinear-
ity can be cancelled by design approaches employing a combination of antiparallel
capacitors. The third-order harmonic generation in a MIM capacitor is more difficult
to compensate for in a given design; as done for RFSOI switch branches, a designer
will typically stack a higher number of MIM series capacitors to reduce the effective
RMS voltages across each MIM capacitor element, although with serious impact in
the die area utilized for the PAC.

2.4.1  PAC Dynamic Range

The dynamic range and signal handling of a PAC (programmable array of capacitors)
is determined by a combination of different design trade-offs and inherent character-
istics of the RFSOI process itself. Most importantly, dynamic range and power han-
dling of a PAC are determined by the degree of stacking used in the switch design,
the FOM of the RFSOI process used, the nonlinearity of the MIM capacitors, and
eventually substrate distortion caused by the HR silicon/BOX interface. The RFSOI
designer should explore different parallel (Figure 2.10a) and series (Figure 2.10b)
RFSOI Technologies on HR Silicon Substrates 39

configurations or combinations of the two for optimal Q at a given power handling.

Theoretically, for a properly designed switch, doubling the degree of stacking (the
number of NFET switch branches in series) in conjunction with doubling the width
of the FET branches will result in a 6 dB increase in power handling without any
accompanying degradation of the PAC Q. Antenna tuners based on high stacking
numbers are now commonplace in modern handsets, with stacking numbers in the
N = 24–36 range being reported, capable of meeting RMS voltages greater than 60
V. This ideal scaling of power handling with stack number, however, starts deviating
from the ideal 6 dB slope after stack numbers of N = 20 or more due to uneven volt-
age division in the switch branches at very high RMS voltages and needs to be taken
into account experimentally by the designer as this effect is currently not something
that can be simulated by the PDK models.


There has been a stunning growth in the number of RFCMOS on high-resistivity
silicon designs that have reached very large volume production in wireless applica-
tions during the 2013–2015 time frame. These designs cover a multitude of differ-
ent switch configurations and tunable/reconfigurable products targeting 3G and 4G
­cellular applications and are available both as discrete individual components and as
a part of more complex RF modules encompassing a combination of power amplifiers,
CMOS controllers, filters, and IPD passive devices. RFSOI-on-HR silicon technology
has entered the mainstream of RF technologies and largely replaced conventional
III–V PHEMT switch offerings in the cellular space due to its high degree of inte-
gration, small size, lower cost, and excellent RF performance. RFSOI-on-HR silicon
switches are now available commercially from a number of different vendors using
SOI technologies offered at the foundry level; currently production levels are esti-
mated to exceed 40,000 wafers per month in 2014.

2.5.1 Standalone PACs
Individual RFSOI PACs are useful and versatile components that find use in many
tuning applications. These components are offered in a number of different binary
configurations (from 4-bit to 32-bit binary tuning) depending on the necessary mini-
mum capacitor resolution needed for the application. A 4-bit binary weighted PAC
design that provides a 0.5–5 pF tuning range is shown in Figure 2.12.1 It contains
all of the digital/analog circuitry, including the serial interface (GPIO or RFFE),
charge pump, ESD network, and switch drivers to provide extremely small and cost-
effective tuning solutions. This very compact and highly integrated design and other
similar configurations are being shipped in extremely high volume in antenna appli-
cations in the cellular handset market.
The measured performance for a 4-bit PAC on using an SOI process with a 220 fs
FOM (IBM 7RFSOI) is shown in Figure 2.13. The device’s Q falls short of the Qmin
predicted by Equation 1. This deviation from the ideal is caused by a combination of
the loading of the biasing network, routing resistance, and parasitic capacitances that
reduce the net Cmax/Cmin ratio. These effects can, however, be readily simulated by
40 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


RF (1) RF (2) RF (1) RF (2)

16 × C


CTRL // supply

C0 C1 C2 C3
C0 C1 C2 C3

FIGURE 2.12  Tunable array of capacitor built with RFSOI switch branches and MIM
capacitors. (From Costa, J., IEEE Microwave Mag., 15(7), S61, November–December,

Data file name = RFMD-shunt-PAC

PAC capacitance PAC capacitance Capacitance series loss
versus state Q value versus state resistance versus state
5 50 12
f = 1000 MHz f = 1000 MHz
f = 2000 MHz f = 2000 MHz
4.5 45


3.5 8

R (ohm)
Cs (pF)

Q (-)

25 6

2 4

10 f = 1000 MHz
f = 2000 MHz 2
1 5

0.5 0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
PAC state PAC state PAC state
Total extracted series inductance = 0.131 nH (preceding data are de-embedded for this);
shunt capacitance range = 0.51–4.65 pF

FIGURE 2.13  A 4-bit PAC capacitance, Q and series resistance versus tuning state.
RFSOI Technologies on HR Silicon Substrates 41

Shim Natarajin Baxter Im Granger-Jones

[27] [28] [29] [30] [23]

Tuning ratio 5 10 5.1 4.7 9.4

Cmin (pF) 0.2 0.13 0.9 1 0.5
Cmax (pF) 1 1.3 4.6 4.7 4.7
Step size (pF) CT 0.125 0.12 0.25 0.28
Q-factor at Cmin
1 GHz >100 42 47 26
2 GHz >100 50 50 41
Q-factor at Cmax
1 GHz 100 160 29 34 45
2 GHz 50 87 13 15 23

FIGURE 2.14  A comparison of RF PACs implemented in different technologies.

adding parasitic-extraction (PEX) generated networks, which will correct for these
parasitic networks.
A recent comparison of published PAC performance21 is shown in Figure 2.14,
including results reported for PACs, implemented in alternative technologies such as
microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and silicon on sapphire (SOS).20–23

2.5.2 RFSOI Impedance Tuners

An impedance tuner is, by definition, a network that attempts to provide an optimal
impedance match between antenna and the RF front-end blocks; an aperture tuner,
on the other hand, serves a related but different function, in that it provides the
optimal impedance between RF front end and antenna to maximize transmitted RF
power. Both of these important antenna tuning functions are easily synthesized in
modern RFSOI technologies and are now being shipped in very high volumes in the
mobile handset. RFSOI technologies offer the added benefit that a low-impedance
bypass can always be added to the tuner by the simple introduction of a series switch
branch, which offers additional versatility and performance improvement.
RFSOI impedance tuners are realized by a combination of RF switch branches,
programmable array of capacitors (PACs), and internal/external components to
­realize high-Q impedance tuning networks that optimize the power delivered to
a cellular handset antenna under a number of different environmental conditions.
These ­tunable/reconfigurable networks can employ either series or parallel PAC
­tuning ­elements depending on the nature of the resonating structure of the applica-
tion. Typical impedance tuner solutions include a combination of external high-Q
­inductors working in conjunction with the internal tunable MIM capacitors and a
combination of RF switches to efficiently synthesize a number of different imped-
ance states that optimize the impedance match of a cellular antenna to the other
components of the RF front end.
42 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Die photo Application board photo

FIGURE 2.15  Antenna tuner implemented with a combination of RFSOI die and external
high-Q inductors. The die area is 2.4 × 2.6 mm and the PAC covers a capacitor range between
Cmin = 0.5 pF and Cmax = 4.6 pF.

Figure 2.15 depicts a broadband SOI impedance tuner that has been utilized in
very high volume in several leading 4G handsets, which covers a capacitor range of
Cmin = 0.5 pF to Cmax = 4.6 pF, for a die size of 2.4 mm × 2.6 mm.
This particular PAC design serves as the configurable element in an antenna
impedance tuner designed to cover the frequency range between 0.7 and 2.2 GHz.
In this particular application, the overall Q of the entire impedance tuner ended up
being limited just as well by the Q of the external inductors used along with the PAC
(typical inductor Q’s at 1 GHz hover in the 40–55 range).
The die is implemented in a popular RFSOI-on-HR silicon technology
(IBM 7RFSOI). The impedance tuner depicted performs very well in matching
and optimizing the varying impedance characteristics to the RF front-end module
for a given antenna. The net gain or loss of this particular RFSOI antenna tuner at
895 MHz is illustrated in Figure 2.16; similar charts are available for this same tuner
in different frequency band.
The RF antenna tuner gain chart of Figure 2.16 is a very useful tool to visualize
the performance of a given RF tuner in a given frequency band under a different set
of load characteristics. This particular chart shows that the insertion loss of the tuner
is about 0.56 dB; it is also very useful to determine the “breakeven” state, which
corresponds to the GTUNER = 0 dB where the impedance tuning essentially compen-
sates for the insertion loss of the tuner itself. Outside of the “breakeven” circle, there
is essentially a net gain in performance due to the RFSOI tuner, so obviously, the
designer seeks the optimal combination of RFSOI tuner and external components to
realize the smallest possible “breakeven” circle.
The antenna tuner depicted in Figure 2.16 shows an insertion loss of 0.56 dB at 1:1
VSWR. This loss, however, is recovered very quickly with VSWRs in the ≥2 range,
and as VSWR increases, the tuner realizes net positive gain for the overall network
showing a clear improvement in typical antenna implementations.
RFSOI Technologies on HR Silicon Substrates 43

Tornado 2: Tuner gain versus load impedance; 895 MHz

Tuner gain (dB) versus ГLOAD at 895 MHz
1 Data: RF1105 Red circles
Green breakeven 120 5 3 60 represent load
4 6
circle @ 3 VSWR of 2, 3,
2 4
GTUNER = 0 dB and 5

150 1 30 5
5 2
0.5 1

25 0

5 4








0 –0
0.25 2


210 2 330
2 1
3 3 4

4 5
240 300 0
Tuner PAC states
optimized to give 270
Red circles represent
maximum GTUNER load VSWR of 2, 3, and 5
GTUNER = –0.56 dB @ 50 Ω

FIGURE 2.16  Low-band (895 MHz) impedance tuner performance. The colors in the circle
represent the effective gain/loss of the combined impedance tuner and antenna. At VSWR’s
levels approaching 2, the tuner starts providing a net performance gain for the overall circuit,
and at higher VSWR levels, the gain improvement becomes very significant.


4G cellular switching systems will continue to drive enhancements in both RF switch
linearity and harmonic/intermodulation distortion on next-generation RFSOI-­on-HR
silicon technologies. Some of these additional performance improvements will come
from proprietary circuit design and optimization being done by the major players in
this market. In addition to these techniques, there will definitely be significant push
in the technology front to optimize the fundamental characteristics of the RFSOI
Several different trends are being investigated in the industry, including handle
substrate resistivity optimization and linearization, migration to 300  mm wafer
diameters, as well as a push to achieve the best possible device size reduction—and
its accompanying reduction in harmonics and intermodulation products. 300  mm
wafer processes make it available finer lithography modules, copper metallization
and low-K dielectrics, all promising candidates to further reduce the FOM of future
RFSOI technologies. Figures of merit of RON–COFF will likely approach values in the
110–150 fs range in the 2015–2016 time frame with improvements in fabrication and
device design, with expectations of FOM < 100 fS in production in the 2017–2018
time frame. The constant drive for performance must also be balanced with costs
and total solution die size, but overall, these are the two areas where RFSOI-on-HR
silicon substrates has come to play a dominant role.
44 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

The author would like to acknowledge the invaluable technical contributions of the
following engineers in the preparation of the materials covered in this chapter:
Mike Carroll, Phil Mason, Dan Kerr, Christian Iversen, Ali Tombak, Beth Glass,
Nadim Khlat, Marcus Granger-Jones, and Eddie Spears.

1. Costa, J., Passing the plateau of productivity: Development of RFSOI technologies on
HR silicon substrates for reconfigurable wireless solutions, IEEE Microwave Magazine,
15(7), S61–S73, November–December 2014.
2. Liu, S.T., Fechner, P., Balster, S., Dougal, G., Sinha, S., Chen, H., Shaw, G., Yue, J.,
Jenkins, W.C., and Hughes, H.L., A 5 nm nitrided gate oxide for 0.25/spl mu/m SOI
CMOS technologies, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 46(6), 1824–1829,
December 1999.
3.  Huang, W.M., Ngo, D., Babcock, J.I., Shin, H.C., Welch, P., Racanelli, M., Foerstner, J.,
Ford, J., and Cheng, S., TFSOI complementary BiCMOS technology for low power RF
mixed-mode applications, IEEE Custom IC Conference, 1996.
4. Krull, W.A., Buller, J.F., Rouse, G.V., and Cherne, R.D., Electrical and radiation char-
acterization of three SOI material technologies, IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine,
3(4), 20–26, July 1987, doi: 10.1109/MCD.1987.6323129.
5. Lovelace, D., David, N., Costa, J., and Camilleri, N., Silicon MOSFET technology
for RF ICs, Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile
Radio Communications, 1995 (PIMRC’95). Wireless: Merging onto the Information
Superhighway, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, vol. 3, p. 1238, September 27–29, 1995.
6. Kelly, D., Brindle, C., Kemerling, C., and Stuber, M., The state-of-the-art of silicon-
on-sapphire CMOS RF switches, IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit
Symposium (CSIC ’05), 2005.
7. Wittkower, A., Auberton-Herve, A., and Maleville, C., SMART-CUT(R) t­echnology
for SOI: A new high volume application for ion implantation, Conference on Ion
Implantation Technology, Alpbach, Austria, pp. 269–272, 2000.
8. Rong, B., Burghartz, J.N., Nanver, L.K., Rejaei, B., and Van der Zwan, M., Surface-
passivated high-resistivity silicon substrates for RFICs, IEEE Electron Device Letters,
25(4), 176–178, April 2004.
9. Kerr, D.C., Gering, J.M., McKay, T.G., Carroll, M.S., Roda Neve, C., and Raskin,
J.-P., Identification of RF harmonic distortion on Si substrates and its reduction using a
trap-rich layer, IEEE Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF
Systems, 2008 (SiRF 2008), pp. 151–154, January 23–25, 2008.
10. Ben Ali, K., Roda Neve, C., Gharsallah, A., and Raskin, J.-P., RF SOI CMOS tech-
nology on commercial trap-rich high resistivity SOI wafer, IEEE International SOI
Conference (SOI), pp. 1–2, October 1–4, 2012.
11. Botula, A., Joseph, A., Slinkman, J., Wolf, R., He, Z.-X., Ioannou, D., Wagner, L.
et  al., A thin-film SOI 180nm CMOS RF switch technology, IEEE Topical Meeting
on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2009 (SiRF ’09), pp. 1–4,
January 19–21, 2009.
12. Carroll, M., Kerr, D., Iversen, C., Tombak, A., Pierres, J.-B., Mason, P., and
Costa, J., High-resistivity SOI CMOS cellular antenna switches, Annual IEEE
Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium, 2009 (CISC 2009), pp. 1–4,
October 11–14, 2009.
RFSOI Technologies on HR Silicon Substrates 45

13. Lee, T.-Y. and Lee, S. Modeling of SOI FET for RF switch applications, Radio
Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), 2010 IEEE, pp. 479–482,
May 23–25, 2010.
14. Shifrin, M.B., Katzin, P.J., and Ayasli, Y., IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory
and Techniques, 37, 2134–2141, 1989.
15. Blaschke, V., Zwingman, R., Hurwitz, P., Chaudhry, S., and Racanelli, M., A linear-
throw SP6T antenna switch in 180 nm CMOS thick-film SOI, 2011 IEEE International
Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronics Systems
16. Wang, D., Wolf, R., Joseph, A., Botula, A., Rabbeni, P., Boenke, M., Harame, D., and
Dunn, J. High performance SOI RF switches for wireless applications, International
Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT), 2010.
17. Wu, W., Li, X., Gildenblat, G., Workman, G., Veeraraghavan, S., McAndrew, C., van
Langevelde, R. et al., PSP-SOI: A surface potential based compact model of partially
depleted SOI MOSFETs, IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2007 (CICC
’07), pp. 41–48, September 16–19, 2007.
18. Whatley, R., Ranta, T., and Kelly, D., RF front-end tunability for LTE handset applica-
tions, Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), 2010.
19. Babcock, J.A., Balster, S.G., Pinto, A., Dirnecker, C., Steinmann, P., Jumpertz, R., and
El-Kareh, B., Analog characteristics of metal-insulator-metal capacitors using PECVD
nitride dielectrics, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 22(5), 230–232, May 2001.
20. Shim, Y., Wu, Z., and Rais-Zadeh, M., A high-performance, temperature-stable,
­continuously tuned MEMS capacitor, 2011 IEEE 24th International Conference on
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), pp. 752–755, January 23–27, 2011.
21. Natarajan, S.P., Cunningham, S.J., Morris, A.S., and Dereus, D.R., CMOS integrated
digital RF MEMS capacitors, 2011 IEEE 11th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic
Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF), pp. 173–176, January 17–19, 2011.
22. Baxter, B., Ranta, T., Facchini, M., Dongjin, J., and Kelly, D., The state-of-the-art in
silicon-on-sapphire components for antenna tuning, 2013 IEEE MTT-S International
Microwave Symposium Digest (IMS), pp. 1–4, June 2–7, 2013.
23. Im, D. and Lee, K., Highly linear silicon-on-insulator CMOS digitally programmable
capacitor array for tunable antenna matching circuits, IEEE Microwave and Wireless
Components Letters, 23(12), 665–667, December 2013.
24. Larry Schumacher, Challenges for radios due to carrier aggregation requirements,
International Wireless Industry Consortium (IWPC) Workshop, Intel Mobile
Corporation, November 6, 2012.
3 BST Technology for
Mobile Applications
James G. Oakes and David W. Laks

3.1 Introduction..................................................................................................... 47
3.2 BST Tunable Capacitor Technology and Structure......................................... 48
3.2.1 Barium Strontium Titanate.................................................................. 49
3.2.2 Capacitor Structure.............................................................................. 50
3.3 BST Device Design with Application to RF Performance.............................. 51
3.3.1 DC and Low-Frequency Characteristics............................................. 51
3.3.2 Quality Factor...................................................................................... 53
3.3.3 Linearity.............................................................................................. 58
3.3.4 Power Handling...................................................................................60
3.4 Reliability and Qualification........................................................................... 61
3.4.1 Acceleration Factors............................................................................ 61
3.4.2 Mission Life Profile............................................................................. 62
3.4.3 Early Failure Rate................................................................................ 63
3.4.4 Qualification Tests...............................................................................64
3.5 Tuning Applications.........................................................................................64
3.5.1 Generic Tuner......................................................................................64
3.5.2 Commercial Antenna Tuners...............................................................66
3.6 BST Technology’s Future................................................................................ 68
3.7 Conclusions...................................................................................................... 69
Acknowledgments..................................................................................................... 70
References................................................................................................................. 70

Mobile devices are used in a growing number of consumer applications driving
up the demand for both voice and data from carriers. As a result of this demand,
the carriers must provide high data rates for their customers, and the mobile phone
OEMs have to provide cost-effective, high-performance, and attractive mobile
device designs for the consumers. The carriers have responded to the increase in
data rates by building a roadmap for the increasingly efficient use of the frequency
bands that they have licensed. The mobile phone OEMs have improved the phone
handset by creating slimmer phones using cosmetically attractive materials (such
as metal backs, metal rings) and operating in the frequencies on the carriers’ road-
map. But the mobile phone OEMs are being challenged by the multiple frequency

48 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

bands now used (from 700 to 2700  MHz expanding to 600 to 3500  MHz in the
next 5 years), the aggressive device designs, and the ever-present consumer price
and quality expectations. In particular, these requirements present a significant
issue for the antenna performance in mobile devices. The use of antenna RF (radio
­frequency) tuning is the disruptive technology that is being used to respond to the
antenna challenge.
The history of the development of BST (barium strontium titanate) started with
the discovery of ferroelectricity in barium titanate in the 1940s. In 1988, Paratek
Microwave Inc., a private start-up company, was founded to exploit the unique prop-
erties of BST in tunable devices. The basic BST tuning and materials technology
was funded under a DARPA contract for the FAME (frequency agile materials for
electronics) program and the vision of Paratek was to commercialize the technology
for military and commercial applications. Since 2006, the commercial focus of the
company was to implement tunable and adaptive antenna impedance matching in
mobile devices. In 2011, Paratek Microwave introduced their first generation of BST-
based tuning solutions into the mass market, and since then, RF tuning using vari-
ous technology options has become a mainstream solution in modern smartphones.
The mass production and market support for BST-based tunable solutions has been
led by ON Semiconductor and STMicroelectronics—two licensees of Paratek’s IP
for BST devices. Paratek Microwave was acquired by BlackBerry® in March 2012.
Fundamental capacitor and materials work has been pursued at many universities
around the world including significant efforts in the United States at Pennsylvania
State University, North Carolina State University, and the University of California
at Santa Barbara.
This chapter will detail the device characteristics of the BST-based tuning
­technology and some specific attributes and considerations in designing tuning solu-
tions to be used in the tunable and adaptive RF front end of a modern mobile device.


While many “tunable” capacitors are actually “switched” capacitors, where the
capacitance value is changed in discrete steps using RF switches, barium strontium
titanate, or BST as it is commonly called, is a ceramic material with an unusual
property—its dielectric constant is a function of the electric field in the material.1,2
Capacitors using BST as the dielectric are truly tunable and have a capacitance that
is dependent on the DC bias voltage applied to the capacitor. Tunable capacitors
based on BST material have proven themselves in the production of antenna tun-
ing solutions used in millions of mobile phones worldwide. BST tunable capacitors
provide a change in capacitance or tuning ratio of 4:1 combined with low losses at
microwave frequencies, high linearity, and up to 10 W power handling. The devices
are produced as integrated circuits on 6 in. wafers using many of the process tech-
niques used in the silicon IC industry and are available from multiple sources. As
the need for better broadband antennas covering wider frequency ranges is driven by
the design of attractive phones in small form factors, the use of antenna tuning will
continue to increase and the BST tunable capacitors of today and tomorrow will be
there to meet the challenges.
BST Technology for Mobile Applications 49

Capacitance (pF)

–25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25


FIGURE 3.1  Capacitance–voltage relationship of BST capacitor.

The dependence of the capacitance on the bias voltage of a typical BST tunable
capacitor is illustrated in Figure 3.1, where the capacitance in picofarads is on the
vertical axis and applied voltage in volts is on the horizontal axis.
At zero applied voltage, the capacitance is 5.7 pF but at 22 V, in either polarity,
the capacitance drops to 1.59 pF. Four to one changes in capacitance can be easily
observed in such capacitors. So rather than fixed increments of capacitance change,
the BST capacitor offers a continuous set of capacitance values, depending on the
applied voltage, which lie between a maximum at 0 V and a minimum at some maxi-
mum applied voltage, which is usually determined by the breakdown voltage of the
capacitor or the long term reliability of the device.

3.2.1 Barium Strontium Titanate

BST is a solid solution of two ternary oxides, barium titanate (BTO) and stron-
tium titanate (STO). This ceramic material has two forms depending on a tem-
perature defined as the Curie temperature. Below the Curie temperature, Tc, the
Ba 2+/Sr2+ and Ti4+ cations in the unit cell have a tetragonal structure3 with a net
dipole moment and the material is ferroelectric. In the ferroelectric state, there
is hysteresis of the electric field-polarization curves that results in losses making
it unsuitable for tunable capacitor applications. Lowering the Curie temperature
of the material below the desired operating temperature by changing the ratio of
BTO to STO, the material structure is then cubic (Figure 3.2) and the material
has no dipole moment. The electric field-polarization response is no longer ferro-
electric with hysteresis but paraelectric with low losses and well suited to RF and
microwave applications.
50 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Ba2+ or Sr2+ Ti O2–

FIGURE 3.2  BaxSr(1 − x)TiO3 unit cell in paraelectric state above Curie temperature.

The Curie temperature, Tc, of BST can be reduced from about 120°C for BaTiO3
to about −45°C for a 50:50 mixture of BTO and STO, Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3. The relative
ratio of BTO and STO also affects the tuning and loss characteristics of the capaci-
tors. At high barium compositions, the tuning effects are maximized but the micro-
wave loss of the material is high. At low barium levels, the loss is good but the tuning
ratio is low. For most practical applications, the barium composition is between 35%
and 55%, resulting in low-loss and good tuning while operating above the Curie tem-
perature in the paraelectric state. A proprietary BST material composition known as
ParaScan™, developed by Paratek Microwave, further enhances the performance of
BST by adding small quantities of additional elements (dopants) to further lower the
microwave loss and leakage currents.

3.2.2 Capacitor Structure
In its simplest form, the tunable capacitor is no more than a parallel plate capacitor
using ParaScan or BST as the dielectric between the two plates as shown in Figure 3.3.
A DC potential is applied between the top and bottom electrodes to establish the elec-
tric field in the ParaScan and therefore, set the capacitance value as seen in Figure 3.1.

Parallel-plate tunable capacitor

Top electrode

Bottom electrode


FIGURE 3.3  Tunable capacitor structure.

BST Technology for Mobile Applications 51

The thickness of the ParaScan layer sets the required tuning voltage as well as
determines the capacitance per unit area (pF/mm 2) which drives the physical size
of the capacitor.
The choice of the barium composition of the tunable material, the substrate mate-
rial, the capacitor electrodes, and the processing used to make the capacitor largely
determine the tuning ratio and leakage current of the capacitor. Current ParaScan
tunable capacitors achieve 4:1 tuning ratios at applied bias voltages from 2 to 20 V.
The leakage currents at 20 V are less than 1 nA. The conductivity and thickness of
the metal layers determine the Q at the microwave frequencies. Of course in real
life, there are additional design elements to consider such as a bias network, inter-
connect metals, dielectric passivation, and the need to address linearity and power
handling for applications such as mobile handsets. These complicate the simple
capacitor layout of Figure 3.3 and lead to an integrated circuit comprising multiple
tunable capacitors and resistors on each die, which is referred to as a passive tun-
able integrated circuit (PTIC). For clarity, we will use tunable capacitor to refer to
a single parallel plate capacitor structure and PTIC when discussing an integrated
circuit with multiple capacitors. In addition, the term stack will be used to describe
the number of capacitors connected in series in a PTIC.


The complete design of BST-based tunable capacitors for use in mobile phone and
other applications must consider the DC and RF electrical design and the acoustic
design, each of which will be discussed in the following sections. With a good elec-
trical design, the capacitor can work well from 500 to 2700 MHz with low loss in
antenna matching circuits. The capacitor must withstand the high peak RF voltages
often present at the terminals of the antenna and perform without introducing sig-
nificant distortion of the RF signal. Let’s see how each of these requirements is met.

3.3.1  DC and Low-Frequency Characteristics

The performance characteristics of a typical BST-based tunable capacitor are illus-
trated in Table 3.1 for a 4.7 pF device.4,5 The bias voltage for tuning is 2 V for the

Typical Characteristics of a 4.7 pF PTIC
Characteristic (25°C) Typical Value Units
Operating bias voltage range 2–20 V volts
Capacitance, 2 V 4.7 pF
Capacitance, 20 V 1.175 pF
Tuning range 4:1
Leakage current, 20 V <100 nA
Frequency range 500–2700 MHz
52 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

maximum capacitance, in this case 4.7 pF, and 20 V for the minimum, or 1.175 pF.
The tuning ratio of the capacitor is, therefore, C(2)/C(20) or 4:1. Higher tuning ratios
can be achieved at higher bias voltages but careful attention must be paid to the reli-
ability of these devices. The leakage currently associated with the bias voltage at its
maximum of 20 V is less than 100 nA and usually less than 10 nA. The power draw
of the capacitor at the maximum leakage is only 0.1 µW. These devices cover fre-
quencies from 500 to 2700 MHz and are specified over the 700 to 2700 MHz range
typical of a modern mobile handset.
To meet the linearity and voltage handling requirements, the PTIC uses many
capacitors connected in series on a single die hence the designation of this as an
integrated circuit. A typical PTIC is shown in Figure 3.4.
This PTIC integrates 24 series connected capacitors, each of which is tunable
to create the desired two terminal capacitance at the RFIN and RFOUT ports of the
IC. The DC bias voltage is applied to the terminal marked VBIAS and the RFIN and
RFOUT terminals must be at DC ground. The bias voltage is distributed inside the IC
through a network of 24 resistors supplying the DC bias to each capacitor while at
the same time providing isolation of the DC and RF signals. The resistor values must
be large enough to avoid the degradation of the Q due to resistive losses while stay-
ing small enough to permit fast charging and discharging of the capacitors as the DC
tuning voltage is changed. In practice, the bias networks limit the Q of the PTIC up
to 500 MHz, below the desired operating range, yet still support capacitor transition
times of 100 microseconds and less.
While the use of multiple capacitors in series improves the voltage handling and
linearity as will be discussed further, the total capacitance on the PTIC die is much
greater than the net series capacitance in the RF circuit. If there are N individual
capacitors in series to produce a net capacitance of CNET between the RFIN and RFOUT
ports of Figure 3.4, each capacitor must be N × CNET and the total capacitance on
the die is now N2 ×CNET. For example, a typical 4.7 pF PTIC with 24 individual




FIGURE 3.4  Photo of a PTIC with 24 series-connected capacitors and bias resistors.
BST Technology for Mobile Applications 53

capacitors in series must use a string of 112.8 pF capacitors for a total capacitance on
the die of 2707 pF. Yet, the very high relative dielectric constant of the BST dielec-
tric, between 400 and 450, keeps the size of the capacitors small so that the total die
area including the resistor bias network and pads is below 1 mm2.

3.3.2 Quality Factor
While a tunable circuit can optimize the impedance match of an antenna or ­amplifier
to get the best response, the loss of the tuning elements may reduce any a­ dvantage.
Therefore, the loss of the PTIC, expressed as the Q or Quality Factor, is a key ­factor
and one where the BST-based tunable capacitor technology performs well. At low
frequencies where the bias network loss dominates the PTIC response, the Q is
determined by

Q = ωR pCp (3.1)

ω is 2π times the frequency in Hertz
Rp is the parallel equivalent resistance of the bias network in ohms
Cp is the parallel equivalent capacitance in farads

Note that the Q of a parallel RC circuit rises with frequency. At very low frequencies,
the effective resistance of the leakage current of the capacitors could also be included
but the very low leakage of PTICs, below 100 nA at 20 V, makes this a negligible
The Q at high frequencies, where the series resistance of the capacitor plates and
interconnects dominates is given by
Q= (3.2)
ωR sCs

Rs is the series equivalent resistance in ohms
Cs is the series equivalent capacitance in farads

The Q dominated by series losses falls with increasing frequency.

Before examining the measured Q of PTICs, some discussion of the measure-
ments used to obtain accurate Q values is needed. For a high Q capacitor, the imped-
ance is nearly all capacitive reactance with very little resistive loss. So the impedance
on a Smith chart is located in the bottom half plane and out very near the edge of
the chart. This is a very difficult region to get accurate data, especially for capacitors
with Q values at or above 100. An approach that has worked well is to use coplanar
RF probes along with custom calibration standards to extract the Q. The RF probes
are designed to fit the spacing of the PTICs. While some specific test structures are
used, the final measurement of the Q must be taken on the actual PTIC device and
layout. By standardizing some of the device dimensions in the PTIC designs, only a
few sets of these coplanar probes are needed for all the PTIC measurements.
54 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Parameters for a Simple Model of a 4.7 pF Tunable Capacitor
Parameter Value Comments
Capacitance 4.7 pF
Parallel resistance 35 kohms
Series resistance 0.1 ohms
Material Q 120 at 1 GHz Frequency dependence is
f−0.12 for frequency in GHz
Tuning ratio 4:1

Considering first the Q response at 0 V, we have three contributions to the Q of

the capacitor or PTIC: the bias network, the series resistance of the metals and inter-
connects, and the tunable material itself. The bias network appears as a parallel loss
mechanism and impacts the Q at low frequencies, typically up to about 500 MHz,
as in Equation 3.1. The series resistance losses impact the Q at higher frequencies
above 2 GHz or so as defined in Equation 3.2. And the material losses extend over the
whole frequency range. The values for the series and shunt resistances, material Q, and
capacitances are shown in Table 3.2.
All three factors are graphed in Figure 3.5 for a 4.7 pF tunable capacitor at zero
bias from 100 MHz to 3 GHz using a log scale for both the frequency and the Q.


Bias network Series resistance

Quality factor, Q

BST tunable material


Composite PTIC Q

700–2700 MHz
operating range

0.1 Frequency (GHz) 1

FIGURE 3.5  Total Q of the tunable capacitor at zero bias is described by the losses due to
the bias network, the series resistance, and the BST material.
BST Technology for Mobile Applications 55

The Q due to the bias network resistance, labeled bias network, rises with
frequency starting at about 100 at 100 MHz and reaching 1000 at about 1 GHz. The
Q due to the series resistance falls from 1000 at about 340 MHz to a little above 100
at 3 GHz. And the material Q representing losses in the tunable BST material falls
slowly from 158 at 100 MHz to 105 at 3 GHz. This slow drop in the material Q with
frequency is described by

Qm = Q0 × ⎜ ⎟ (3.3)
⎝ f0 ⎠

where Qm is the material Q at a specific frequency f0. The frequency dependence

of the material, n, is generally near zero. Further, the distinction between a parallel
and a series capacitance as indicated by Cs and Cp in Equations 3.1 and 3.2 has been
ignored as they are equal when the Q is high.
The Q of the tunable capacitor incorporating all three loss mechanisms is shown
by the line labeled Composite PTIC Q in Figure 3.5 and curving gracefully up from
61 at 100 MHz to peak at 90 at 440 MHz and then roll off to 54 at 3 GHz. The Q
at the lower frequencies is dominated by the material losses and the bias network
losses. At the upper frequencies, the Q is dependent on the material losses and the
series resistance loss. In the frequency range from 500 MHz to 2.7 GHz, the capaci-
tor Q ranges from 87 to 56, excellent values for tunable circuits.
The measured Q of 4.7 pF PTICs using 24 tunable capacitors in series at 2 V bias
is illustrated in Figure 3.6.

x532 C3961 2 V Q versus frequency

60 Qc_2
50 Qc_2

40 Qc_2

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 3.6  Measured Q at 2 V of five 4.7 pF PTICs, each with 24 tunable capacitors in
series with bias networks.
56 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

These curves represent the measured responses of five devices across a wafer. The
data is very similar to the curve we generated from a few simple equations in Figure 3.5.
One difference is the use of linear scales now in frequency and Q in Figure 3.6 to
better show the response in the 500–2700  MHz region where this device would
be used. These devices were biased at 2 V for this data, which is the lowest rec-
ommended operating voltage for them. It may be worthwhile to point out that the
devices being used to illustrate the performance of BST-based tunable capacitors are
not test devices but complete production devices with multiple series capacitors, typ-
ically 24, and complete bias networks using a production process designed to create
robust, high-performance PTICs providing reliable performance in mobile phones.
Looking now at the Q variation with frequency when the PTIC is biased to its
lowest capacitance value, the simple Q relationships of Equations 3.1 and 3.2 still
hold but, as we will see, the tunable material now introduces an acoustic response
which must be included in the capacitor design. Looking first at the impact of the
bias network, the series resistance, and the material losses, the bias network losses
become more important than the series resistance losses. Remember that when the
capacitor is biased at high voltage, the capacitance is reduced by about a factor of 4
in these capacitors. So the Q of the bias network, which varies proportionally to the
capacitance, drops by a factor of 4 as shown in Figure 3.7.
Where the bias network Q at 100 MHz was 103, it is now 26. This pulls down
the Q below 1 GHz but the chosen design values maintain a Q above 60 from
500 MHz to 1 GHz. Consider that the impedances in the bias network could be
raised and the Q improved but the response time of the capacitor would then

Series resistance

Bias network

BST tunable material

Quality factor, Q


Composite PTIC Q

700–2700 MHz
operating range

0.1 Frequency (GHz) 1

FIGURE 3.7  Total Q of the tunable capacitor at maximum bias as described by the losses
due to the bias network, the series resistance, and the BST material.
BST Technology for Mobile Applications 57

x532 C3961 16V Q versus frequency

60 Qc_16
50 Qc_16

40 Qc_16

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 3.8  Measured Q at 16 V of five 4.7 pF PTICs, each with 24 tunable capacitors in
series plus bias network.

be slowed. Since the Q due to the series resistances is inversely proportional to the
capacitance, the series resistance losses have less effect at these high bias voltages
and the composite Q of the capacitor remains high through 3 GHz.
When we look at the measured Q over frequency of Figure 3.8 for a capacitor
biased at the maximum tuning voltage, we can see that the simple model for Q is
no longer sufficient to describe the Q. Comparing Figures 3.6 and 3.8, the over-
all Q at 100 MHz has dropped from about 60 to about 23 as expected due to the
parallel restive losses of the bias network, and the Q at the higher frequencies is
good except for the appearance of resonances at about 1250 and 1900 MHz, which
cannot be attributed to the causes we have been discussing. So there must be some
new effect.
To understand what is happening to the Q response under bias, let us start again
with the case of no bias or very low bias. When there is no electric field and the tem-
perature is above the Curie temperature, the BaxSr(1 − x)TiO3 unit cell of Figure 3.2
has a titanium atom in the center of a cube, a barium or strontium atom at each of
the eight corners of the cube, and six oxygen atoms at the center of each face of
the cube. This configuration has no dipole moment. But when an electric field is
applied, the position of the atoms shift causing a large dipole moment or polarization
of the crystal, which we exploit as a change in the permittivity of the BST, in other
words, our tuning. But in addition to the change in dielectric constant, the material
becomes electrostrictive, exhibiting a piezoelectric response to an extent determined
by the strength of the applied electric field.6–8 Therefore, the observed dips in Q are
caused by bulk acoustic resonances excited by the piezoelectric response of the BST.
This has practical implications for tunable capacitors as the observed resonances can
destroy the Q at the desired operating frequencies. An acoustoelectric model of the
58 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Two-layer parallel-plate tunable capacitor

Top electrode ParaScan — Top Bottom

Middle electrode

Bottom electrode


FIGURE 3.9  Cross section of two-layer capacitor structure used to reduce acoustic excita-
tion of resonances.

capacitor must be used to determine the optimum layer thicknesses and composition
of the materials in the capacitor stack to tune the acoustic response.
To further address the acoustic response, a two-layer capacitor design9 can be
used to reduce the acoustic excitation of the capacitor structure. As shown in the
cross section of Figure 3.9, two capacitors are fabricated, one on top of the other, the
top capacitor from the top electrode to the middle electrode and a bottom capacitor
from the middle electrode to the bottom electrode. When an RF signal is applied
across the two capacitors from top electrode to bottom electrode, the RF signals
on the two capacitors are approximately equal and in phase. By biasing the middle
electrode with the tuning voltage, typically a positive voltage from 2 to 20 V, and
DC grounding the outer two electrodes, the DC electric field in the two capacitors
is inverted relative to the RF signals. That is, in the upper capacitor, the RF signal
flows from the grounded terminal to the positive terminal while in the lower capaci-
tor the RF flows from the positive terminal to the grounded terminal. As a result, the
acoustic excitation of the top capacitor is out of phase and cancels the acoustic excita-
tion of the bottom capacitor. This two-layer configuration is like flipping a switch to
reduce the acoustic coupling coefficient of the tunable material. One more result of
the two-layer structure is the cancellation of the harmonic generation of even-order
harmonics (2, 4, 6,…) as will be seen in our discussion on linearity.

3.3.3 Linearity
Due to the sophisticated modulation used in modern mobile communications ­systems,
the linearity of any tuning device is very important to the performance of a mobile
phone. This linearity is usually expressed as requirements on third-order intermodu-
lation and harmonic generation. In the PTIC, the use of N multiple capacitors in
series decreases the RF voltage across any individual capacitor by N to improve
the linearity. In fact, a doubling of the number of capacitors in series decreases the
voltage across each capacitor by a factor of 2 and the IP3 drops by 6 dB. For this
reason, even higher stacks of capacitors than the current 24 are being developed.
The third-order intermodulation point is measured using two closely spaced RF sig-
nals, FL and FH, and recording the level of the third-order intermodulation products,
F1 = 2FL – FH and F2 = 2FH – FL. Measuring F1 and F2 in a small signal range for the
BST Technology for Mobile Applications 59

device under test, the intermodulation rises at three times the rate of the fundamental
tones, FL and FH. The intercept point is then found from the extrapolation of the two
curves, one for the fundamental tones and the other for the intermodulation products.
This intercept is the third order intercept point or IP3 for short.
The IP3 of PTICs has been characterized by mounting the PTIC under test in
shunt across a 50 ohm line and also by mounting it in series in the 50 ohm line.
Extensive filtering of the two test signals must be used to ensure that the signals are
clean. Attenuators are used to provide isolation between the two source signals and
prevent reflections from the filters out of band. The measured shunt IP3 of three
4.7 pF PTICs is shown in Figure 3.10. The IP3 in each case is plotted against the
applied DC tuning voltage. The responses of the three PTICs are nearly identical.
The measurement frequencies, FL and FH, were 824 and 846 MHz at power levels up
to 25 dBm. The shunt configured 4.7 pF PTIC exceeds 69 dBm IP3 from 2 to 20 V
and over 75 dBm starting at 4 V.
Any nonlinear device will generate harmonics when excited by an AC signal. The
PTIC design using multiple tunable capacitors connected in series works to reduce
the harmonic generation by decreasing the RF voltage across any one capacitor. The
harmonics are tested by placing the PTIC in shunt with a 50 ohm line and filtering
out the fundamental signal before measuring the harmonics on a spectrum analyzer.
Attenuators are again used to eliminate the effects of mismatches in the test setup.
The measured harmonics of two 4.7 pF PTICs at 824 MHz in shunt are shown in
Figure 3.11.
The second harmonics are −60 dBm and lower over the specified operating range
of 2–20 V, in part because the two-layer capacitor structure suppresses the generation

IP3 4p7s24 shunt




IP3 (dBm)



60 4–23 J2
4–34 J2
4–35 J1
0 5 10 15 20 25
Bias voltage (V)

FIGURE 3.10  IP3 measurements of a 4.7 pF PTICs in shunt.

60 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Shunt harmonic measurements, 4P7 S24

–20 3rd 5–15, 12 – 1
3rd 5–16, 12 – 2
–30 2nd 5–15, 12 – 1
Harmonic level (dBm)

2nd 5–16, 12 – 2




0 5 10 15 20 25
Bias voltage (V)

FIGURE 3.11  Second and third harmonics of a 4.7 pF PTICs in shunt at 824 MHz.

of all even harmonics. The third harmonic stays at or below −38 dBm from 2 to 20 V
bottoming below −65 dBm at 20 V.

3.3.4  Power Handling

The tunable matching circuits in the transmit paths of mobile phones must be able
to handle several watts of RF power at times. Although the RF loss of the PTIC is
low, at these power levels, significant RF heating can occur and the tunable devices
must be designed to dissipate the heat. Also, the breakdown voltage of the tunable
capacitors is reduced as their temperature rises, so a safety margin is needed. The
design of the PTIC addresses this in two ways: through optimizing the structure
of the capacitor to achieve high breakdown voltages and through the spreading of
the heat.
The BST or ParaScan tunable material, the capacitor electrodes, the associated
dielectric layers, and metal interconnects, all must be chosen and optimized to
achieve high breakdown voltages. Figure 3.12 shows Weibull distribution plots of the
breakdown voltage taken at room temperature of over 40 devices each from 2 wafers
populated with PTICs.
Notice the tight distribution of the breakdown values indicating excellent unifor-
mity across the wafers. The median breakdown is about 119 V, sufficiently high to
permit operation at high power even at +85°C.
The design choice to use 24 series connected tunable capacitors in the PTIC also
contributes to the power capability by reducing the applied voltage of the RF sig-
nal on individual capacitors by a factor of 24. But particular attention must be paid
to the design of the resistors in the bias networks to be able to withstand the RF
­voltages at high power. Using alumina or sapphire substrates for the PTIC process,
the 24 series connected capacitors also spread the heat across the PTIC die and
reduce the ­temperature rise.
BST Technology for Mobile Applications 61

Weibull probability paper


Failure rate (t) (%)





10 100 1000
Break voltage

FIGURE 3.12  Breakdown voltage distributions across two wafers of PTICs, 40 devices
per wafer.

The final test for the power handling is conducted using a high-power RF source,
typically a 10 or 20 W TWT amplifier, and a PTIC mounted in series in a 50 ohm
line terminated with a 50 ohm load. Attenuators or isolators placed between the
TWT and the device under test protect the TWT from the high mismatch should
the PTIC fail. With the high breakdown voltage and series connected design of the
PTIC, power levels of 10 W are routinely achieved without failure.


PTICs meet all the lifetime and qualification requirements for reliable operation in
mobile applications such as handsets. The recommended qualification tests for oper-
ating life (high-temperature operating life or HTOL) are based on the characteristic
reliability factors of the BST (barium strontium titanate) tunable dielectric and the
mission life of the phone.

3.4.1 Acceleration Factors
The reliability of ceramic capacitors has been well characterized for electronic
and medical applications.10,11 Under high DC bias voltages and high temperatures,
62 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

BST capacitors generally fail due to (1) thermal runaway with a gradual increase
in leakage current which eventually shorts the capacitor, (2) an abrupt increase in
current, an avalanche, shorting the capacitor, or (3) a mixture of both failure modes.
The PTICs made with ParaScan dielectric characteristically fail due to an avalanche
short in one of the multiple series capacitors on the chip leading to a high leakage
current, limited by the series resistance of the on-chip bias network. While 1 of the
24 capacitors in the PTIC has failed, the other 23 continue to operate normally and
the device still operates, though with reduced tuning range and higher current draw.
For many applications, this “soft” failure mode provides continued operation of the
tuned product with reduced performance but without a failure of the final product
containing the PTIC.
The failure of a single capacitor in the PTICs is accelerated by both tempera-
ture and voltage factors and is modeled following the work of T. Prokopowicz and
A. Vaskas12 as

MTTF = A × VN × e E a /kT (3.4)

Ea is the thermal activation energy, eV
T is the temperature, degrees Kelvin
k is Boltzmann’s constant
V is the bias voltage, V
N is the voltage acceleration factor
A is an arbitrary constant

Based on measured data generated over multiple wafer lots at voltages up to 24 V and
temperatures to 150°C, Paratek devices using ParaScan dielectrics typically exhibit
the following acceleration factors.

E a =1.01 eV and N = –8.3 (3.5)

These two factors allow the PTIC performance over time to be understood and
­verified for the intended application.

3.4.2 Mission Life Profile

To understand the relation of the measured lifetime to the lifetime of the PTICs in a
phone, a mission life profile based on time and temperature is constructed to repre-
sent the environment in the phone. Using a profile based on a 55°C board tempera-
ture and voltages up to the maximum 20 V operating voltage, equivalent test hours
at 125°C and 20 V are calculated.

• Out of each 24 hours, the phone is both operating (PTICs biased) and non-
operating (PTICs unbiased).
BST Technology for Mobile Applications 63

• When the phone is operating, the temperature of the PTICs in the phone is
higher than the circuit board temperature due to heating by other components
surrounding the PTIC components such as the RF power amp. Multiple values
for the temperature rise are based on different operation modes of the phone,
such as hotter for high-power GSM and cooler in less power hungry modes.

Note that the mission profile represents aggressive use of the phone; 4 hours of use
per day for a 30 day month equates to 7200 minutes per month use, more than most
users consume on their phone plan.

3.4.3 Early Failure Rate

The target early failure rate for PTIC products at 2 years operating life is less than
200 ppm defects. There are several ways to measure this.

1. Measure the MTTF of 50 or more devices, plot the results on a Weibull plot
and extrapolate the resulting curve to the 2-year mission life point. One
problem with this approach is that the first failure out of 50–100 parts tested
lies at only the 1%–2% failure level, but the extrapolation must extend by
two orders of magnitude to the 0.02% point and is subject to any uncer-
tainty in the slope of the failure rate at such low levels.
2. Measure 4500 devices to the 2-year mission life point and show zero fail-
ures to project less than 200 ppm at 60% confidence level. This approach
more directly measures the failures at the 2-year mission life point, but
requires many more devices to be tested and usually covers a small sample
of wafers or wafer lots.
3. Institute a regular sampling of 10–100 devices from every production wafer
to build a significant database of the failure points to allow calculation of
the failure rate at the 2-year mission life point with greater accuracy.

A study conducted by Paratek Microwave followed this third approach performing

a life test on 40 devices from every production wafer over an extended time frame
to amass data on over 25,000 devices. The devices used in this study came from
644 production wafers fabricated in the ON semiconductor facility in Burlington,
Ontario. A total of 25,760 devices were tested, 40 per wafer, with data at the 2-year,
5-year, 9-year, and 30-year life points. The data is summarized in Table 3.3.

Early Failure Rate Data, 25,760 PTICs
644 Wafers/25,760 2-Year 5-Year 9-Year 30-Year
Devices Life Life Life Life
# Failures @ 2 16 33 129
Failure rate (ppm) 78 621 1281 5008
Failure rate 121 689 1356 5146
(ppm @ 60% CL)
64 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Early failure rate at 60% CL, Weibull

Data from 644 wafers, 25,760 data points. 60% CL
Failure rate (%)




0.1 1 10 100 1000
Lifetime (years)

FIGURE 3.13  Weibull graph of life test of 25,760 PTIC devices to determine failure rate at
2-year handset operation.

As can be seen, there were 2 failures out of 25,760 devices at the 2-year mission
life point or a 78 ppm failure rate. Applying a 60% Confidence Level to the data, the
failure rate is only 121 ppm, nicely below the 200 ppm target. The data is graphed in
the Weibull plot in Figure 3.13.
From this data, we see that not only are the BST-based PTICs better than the
200 ppm failure rate target at the 2-year mission life point, but the extrapolation
of the data to MTTF suggests over 1000 years mean time to failure in the phone

3.4.4 Qualification Tests
While reliable operation with low failure rates is required for PTIC products to be
used in mobile handsets, there are other important qualification tests as well. These
are summarized in Table 3.4. PTIC devices have passed all these qualification tests.


While the design of an antenna-matching network for a mobile phone is not within
the scope of this chapter, it is worthwhile to discuss some of the approaches used in
working with the PTICs and then look at the commercial introduction of BST-based
tuners in mobile handsets.

3.5.1 Generic Tuner
A generic tuning circuit is shown in Figure 3.14. This is a Pi circuit using three
PTICs with two in shunt and one in series. A T circuit with two PTICs in series
BST Technology for Mobile Applications 65

Qualification Test Results for PTIC Devices
Qualification Test Qty Per
Test Method Conditions Lot/#Lots
Temp cycle (TC) JEDEC JESD −40°C to +125°C 45/3 PASS
22-A104 1000 cycles (Cond G)
High-temp JEDEC JESD +150°C for 1000 hours 45/1 PASS
storage (HTS) 22-A103C
Low-temp storage JEDEC JESD −40°C for 168 hours 45/1 PASS
(LTS) 22-A119
Drop JEDEC JESD 1500 G Peak 6/3 PASS
22-A119 0.5 ms Pulse
3 Die Level
3 PWB Mounted
Vibration MIL-Std-883 Cond A 20G peak, 6/3 PASS
MTD 2007 20–2000 Hz
Solderability JEDEC JESD Method 1 3/3 PASS
ESD JEDEC JESD Human Body Model 3/3 Class 1A


C1 C3
Mobile phone Antenna
L1 L3
RF circuits feed

V1 V2 V3

FIGURE 3.14  Generic tuner schematic using three PTICs.

and one PTIC in shunt might equally be used instead. The purpose of the tuner is
to transform the antenna impedance to 50 ohms of the RF circuits in the mobile
phone. The PTICs are C1, C2, and C3 which along with their control voltages V1, V2,
and V3, provide variable capacitance values to alter the impedance transformation
between the mobile phone’s RF circuits on the left and the antenna feed impedance
on the right. The degree to which the impedance transformation can be changed is
related to the tuning range of the PTIC and the number of PTICs in the tuner. While
this example shows three PTICs, many tuners require only two, or in some cases, one
PTIC to achieve the needed response. Likewise, the three inductors shown may not
66 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

all be required either. However, the two inductors, L1 and L3, on the two RF ports
of the tuner provide the DC path to ground needed to keep the RFIN and RFOUT ports
of the PTICs at 0 V. They also provide protection from ESD damage, particularly at
the antenna feed where the typical phone spec of 6000 V or more greatly exceeds the
capability of the PTIC itself.
In an open-loop tuner, the required values of the bias voltages are determined dur-
ing the design of the tuner for that phone model and that particular antenna and are
stored in memory on the phone. Knowing the operating mode (full or half duplex)
and the frequency of the signal, the proper voltages can be looked up in memory and
applied. This open-loop operation provides a significant advantage for the antenna
match, but it does not correct for the dynamics in the use of a phone such as the shifts
in antenna impedance when the phone is in a pocket, on a table, held in the hand, or
placed at the ear.
Closed-loop operation of the tuner can use a directional coupler to monitor the
incident and reflected power from the antenna directly during use. An algorithm to
perform corrections is incorporated in the software and the phone shifts the tuner
voltages to continually optimize the tuner response. This method provides the best
performance at the expense of a very small additional processor load.
The operation of PTICs in practice requires voltages up to 20 V that are not
readily available in a mobile phone. For this reason, the manufacturers of the PTICs
provide several silicon ICs designed to interface the PTICs to both an existing volt-
age source in the phone and to the digital signals needed to allow the phone to set the
PTIC voltages, whether in open-loop or closed-loop operation. These are referred to
as HVDACs, short for high-voltage digital to analog converters.13,14 Running from
the 1.8 V supply in the phone, the HVDAC generates a 22 V or higher internal volt-
age. Available with either an SPI interface or a MIPI RFFE interface and from two
to six outputs to drive up to six PTICs, the HVDAC uses an individual DAC for each
output to convert the digital input to the desired output voltage for each PTIC.

3.5.2 Commercial Antenna Tuners

In 2010, the first commercial implementation of this technology was realized in the
Samsung Galaxy S II phone targeted for the Australian and Japanese markets. A
picture of the implementation is seen in Figure 3.15 where the tuning circuit includ-
ing the passive components as well as the PTIC tuning elements was housed in a
RAFT™ (RF Adaptive Frequency Tuner) module.
This tuner product format was also utilized by HTC in both their Vivid Smartphone
and in their Jetstream tablet. In February 2013, HTC introduced their flagship HTC
One models which continued to use Paratek-based technology but for the first time
implemented a discrete tuning solution using PTICs in plastic QFN packages as seen
in Figure 3.16.
In March 2012, Paratek Microwave, under the leadership of CEO Ralph Pini,
was acquired by Research In Motion (RIM, currently known as BlackBerry Inc.).
BlackBerry aggressively implemented the PTIC antenna tuning technology in a
number of phones that used their new BB 10 operating system. These BlackBerry
phones all adopted a discrete tuning solution using a wafer level chip scale package
BST Technology for Mobile Applications 67

2011. 01. 1
RAFT tuning module

FIGURE 3.15  Tuning module including PTIC elements used in Samsung Galaxy S II
mobile phone released in April 2011.

QFN packaged PTIC

FIGURE 3.16  Discrete tuning solution used in HTC One models with PTICs in plastic QFN.


FIGURE 3.17  Antenna tuning section of BlackBerry Z10 with discrete wafer level chip
scale packaged PTICs.

(WLCSP) for the PTIC, Figure 3.17, which created the smallest and lowest cost tuner
implementation. In March 2013, the Z10 was introduced to the market, followed by
the Q10 and Q5 phones.
In September 2013, BlackBerry continued to drive the Paratek BST technology
with one of the first ever, closed-loop implementations of adaptive antenna tuning
technology in their Z30 model. This was also the first implementation where both the
main and diversity antennas in a single phone were tuned—a trend that is continu-
ing to grow. In their press release of September 18, 2013, BlackBerry specifically
referred to the antenna tuning as a key feature:
68 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

New Antenna Technology—The BlackBerry Z30 smartphone features BlackBerry’s

new generation antenna technology that dynamically tunes reception to give you bet-
ter connectivity in low signal areas. BlackBerry® Paratek Antenna can give you faster
data transfers and fewer dropped calls in low signal areas, keeping you connected in
more places.

It was a big year in 2014 for the introduction of PTIC-based antenna tuning. A series
of China-based OEMs started using the Paratek BST tuning technology—ZTE in
their Nubia 5S and Huawei in their Asend P7 smartphones. In September 2014,
BlackBerry announced its second phone using closed-loop tuning technology—the
Passport. Also in September 2014, Motorola introduced the first of three phones
with Paratek BST-based tuning technology—the Moto-X phone which was followed
by the Droid Turbo and the Nexus 6. The introduction of these phones brought atten-
tion specifically to the improved antenna performance with what Motorola referred
to as “dynamic tuning.”

“…you definitely want it,…improvements in power to the antenna… of over

500%…” Phonearena.com
“…even better than the QFE15xx antenna tuner that Qualcomm has made…”
“Sometimes, you can tell that a company went above and beyond in an effort
to add innovative features to a smartphone that aren’t just different for
the sake of being different, they truly add value to the user experience…”

At the 2015 Mobile World Congress held annually in Barcelona (Spain)—new

phones were announced where Paratek-based BST tuning was used for improved
antenna performance.


The continued development of BST tunable technology will not only improve
the performance of PTICs for antenna tuning applications but also expand the
BST t­echnology to other tunable functions. The roadmap for this technology in
antenna tuning applications calls for larger tuning ratios, higher IP3, and bet-
ter Q (lower loss). This will continue to make tunable capacitors based on BST
material the leading choice for the mobile handset market. But, in addition, the
extension of the BST capacitor to higher frequencies, up to 5 GHz, and lower
operating voltages, down to 10 V or even 5 V for some applications, will open
new opportunities.
The technology roadmap for the production of PTICs for tunable antenna solutions
is focused on three key parameters: tuning ratio, linearity, and Quality factor (Q).
The goals for the next generation of PTICs have been summarized in Table 3.5, along
with the current performance for each parameter.
The tuning ratio will increase from the current 4:1 ratio at 2–20 V bias to a new
ratio of 5:1. This is being accomplished through optimization of the tuning material
and the electrode interfaces and other material used for the capacitors. Additional
BST Technology for Mobile Applications 69

Improvements to PTIC Performance on a Near-Term Roadmap
Current Future
Parameter Performance Performance
Tuning ratio 4:1 5:1
Quality factor (Q) 60 90 500–1000 MHz
50 70 1700–2700 MHz
Linearity, IP3 >68 dBm >75 dBm Over entire tuning

improvement may also come from extension of the maximum operating voltage but
staying within the voltage range of the existing HVDAC integrated circuits designed
to provide the tuning voltage for PTICs. The increased tuning range will extend the
area of impedances which can be tuned by matching circuits employing the PTICs
and may, in some cases, allow a decrease in the number of PTICs needed for a spe-
cific application, say from three PTICs to two or from two PTICs to one.
The higher Q of these next-generation PTICs will lower the loss of tuning net-
works, particularly where a high standing wave ratio must be matched and the imped-
ance transformations are great. These improvements rely on a lower loss ParaScan
formulation for BST to help across the entire frequency range coupled with lower
bias network losses and good acoustic design.
Finally, higher linearity means an increase in the stacking of capacitors in series
beyond the typical 24 series connected capacitors as used now. As discussed ear-
lier, for a PTIC of N series connected capacitors, the total capacitance on the die
is N2 times the desired net series capacitance. For a 4.7 pF PTIC with 24 capaci-
tors stacked in series, the total capacitance on the die is therefore 2707 pF. If the
stack were increased to 48, the IP3 will be 6 dB lower, but the die will now have
four times the total capacitance or 10,829 pF! Designs with increased stacking have
been shown to improve the IP3 and are now shipping in high volume, production

Tunable capacitors based on BST material have proven themselves in the production
of antenna tuning solutions used in millions of mobile phones worldwide. BST tun-
able capacitors provide a change in capacitance or tuning ratio of 4:1 combined with
low losses at microwave frequencies, high linearity, and up to 10 W power handling.
The devices are produced as integrated circuits on 6 in. wafers using many of the
process techniques used in the silicon IC industry and are available from multiple
sources. As the need for better broadband antennas covering wider frequency ranges
is driven by the design of attractive phones in small form factors, the use of antenna
tuning will continue to increase and the PTICs of today and tomorrow will be there
to meet the challenges.
70 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

The development of ParaScan, the improved BST dielectric, the design of a robust
tunable capacitor, and the qualification and production of PTICs are the result of the
efforts of many people at Paratek Microwave, now part of BlackBerry Inc., along
with ON Semiconductor in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, and STMicroelectronics
in Tours, France. To all those involved, many thanks for the hard work bringing this
technology to market. The contributions of Dr. James V. DiLorenzo, Mr. Ralph Pini
and Dr. Louise Sengupta were critical to the successful development of PTIC tech-
nology and its application in commercial mobile phones.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the BlackBerry Technology
Services division of BlackBerry Inc. and ON Semiconductor Corporation in the
publication of this information on BST technology and products. Figures 3.1, 3.4,
3.6, 3.8, and 3.10 through 3.13 as well as the data in Tables 3.3 and 3.4 are used
with the permission of BlackBerry Inc. The data of Table 3.1 on a typical 4.7 pF
capacitor are a combination of data from the data sheets of ON Semiconductor and

1. Tagantsev, A.K., Sherman, V.O., Astafiev, K.F., Venkatesh, J., and Setter, N.,
Ferroelectric materials for microwave tunable applications, Journal of Electroceramics,
11, 5–66, 2003.
2. Newnham, R.E. and Cross, L.E., Ferroelectricity: The foundation of a field from form
to function, MRS Bulletin, 30, 845–848, November 2005.
3. Remmel, T., Gregory, R., and Baumert, B., Characterization of barium strontium
­titanate films using XRD, JCPDS—International Centre for Diffraction Data, 38–45,
4. ON Semiconductor Datasheet, TCP-3147H Rev 0, 4.7 pF passive tunable integrated
circuits (PTIC), http://onsemi.com, accessed September, 2014.
5. STMicroelectronics Datasheet, STPTIC, ParaScan™ tunable integrated capacitor,
DOCID023772 Rev 3, http://www.st.com, accessed January 2014.
6. Gevorgian, S. and Vorobiev, A., DC field and temperature dependent acoustic resonances
in parallel plate capacitors based on SrTiO3 and Ba0.25Sr0.75TiO3 films: Experiment and
modeling, Journal of Applied Physics, 99(124112), 1–11, 2006.
7. Vendik, O.G. and Rogachev, A.N., Electrostriction mechanism of microwave losses in
a ferroelectric film and experimental confirmation, Technical Physics Letters, 25(9),
702–704, 1999.
8. Tappe, S., Bottger, U., and Waser, R., Electrostrictive resonances in (Ba0.7Sr0.3)TiO3 thin
films at microwave frequencies, Applied Physics Letters, 85(4), 624–626, 2004.
9. Oakes, J., Martin, J., Kozyrev, A., and Prudan, A., Capacitors adapted for acoustic
resonance cancellation, U.S. Patent 7,936,553 (May 3, 2011).
10. Rawal, B.S. and Chan, N.H., Conduction and failure mechanisms in barium titanate
based ceramics under highly accelerated conditions, Technical Information Publication,
AVX Corporation, Myrtle Beach, SC, S-CFMB00M301-R, 1984.
11. Ashburn, T. and Skamser, D., Highly accelerated testing of capacitors for medical
applications, SMTA Medical Electronics Symposium, Anaheim, CA, 2008.
BST Technology for Mobile Applications 71

12. Prokopowicz, T. and Vaskas, A., Research and development, intrinsic reliability,
­subminiature ceramic capacitors, Final report ECOM-90705-F, NTIS AD-864068,
13. ON Semiconductor Datasheet, TCC-106 Rev 4, Six Output PTIC Control IC, http://
onsemi.com, accessed June 2014.
14. STMicroelectronics Datasheet, STHVDAC-304M, High Voltage BST capacitance
­controller, Doc ID 023054 Rev 2, http://www.st.com, accessed November 2012.
4 Tuned Antennas for
Embedded Applications
Frank Caimi

4.1 Introduction and Overview.............................................................................. 74
4.2 Radiation Theory: Basics, Loss Mechanisms, Bandwidth, and Radiation
Mechanisms..................................................................................................... 74
4.2.1 Design Principles Affecting Small Antenna Design........................... 78 Conductor Area..................................................................... 78 Radiation Resistance............................................................. 78
4.3 Antenna Requirements: Current and Future—Band Coverage,
Radiation Efficiency, Coupling, Correlation, and Architectural Variants......... 79
4.3.1 Factors Driving Antenna Design.........................................................80 Reduction in Size..................................................................80 Increased Radiating Power...................................................80 Decreased Battery Consumption.......................................... 81 Higher Gain.......................................................................... 81
4.3.2 The Evaluation of Antenna Performance: Design Issues.................... 81 Traditional Requirements..................................................... 82
4.4 Basic Antenna Types: IFA, PIFA, Monopole, Ring, and Slot...............................87
4.4.1 Monopole............................................................................................. 87
4.4.2 IFA/PIFA............................................................................................. 87
4.4.3 Ring..................................................................................................... 87
4.4.4 Slot....................................................................................................... 88
4.4.5 Loop Antennas.................................................................................... 88
4.4.6 Adaptive Antennas.............................................................................. 89
4.5 Tuning Methodology and System Concepts: Aperture-Based,
Match-Based, Open Loop, Closed Loop......................................................... 89
4.5.1 Open-Loop Tuning.............................................................................. 91
4.5.2 Closed-Loop Tuning............................................................................94
4.6 Tuning Component Requirements: Loss Mechanisms, Parasitics, and
Nonlinearity..................................................................................................... 95
4.6.1 Loss Mechanisms................................................................................ 95
4.6.2 Parasitics.............................................................................................. 95

74 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

4.7 Tuned Antenna Examples................................................................................96

4.7.1 Example 1: Aperture-Tuned Handset Antenna....................................96
4.7.2 Example 2: Match-Tuned Handset Antenna........................................99
4.8 Conclusions.................................................................................................... 101
References............................................................................................................... 102


Antenna tuning is taking on greater significance as the number of frequency bands
expands to meet the demands of users and network operators for higher data rates
and greater network capacity. High-end mobile devices that can roam worldwide
must also be able to operate seamlessly when traveling from country to country.
To meet these demands the antenna must support numerous frequency bands even
though operation in the past has been generally restricted to a single band or set of
frequencies. With the evolution of LTE-Advanced this may change as simultaneous
multiband operation (called inter-band carrier aggregation within the 3GPP stan-
dard) is being planned to allow for additional capacity expansion. An example of the
number of bands currently being considered by 3GPP is shown in Table 4.1.
Not yet included in this list is expansion to lower frequencies, such as the
600 MHz band plan being considered by the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC). The antenna, therefore, must be able to support each of these bands at
least one at a time, so some consideration of the antenna design and radiation
mechanism is necessary to understand how antenna tuning might be implemented
to advantage.


It is well known among antenna engineers that the design of any small antenna will
be a trade-off between its dimensions and its electrical performance, and further-
more that physical laws determine the ultimate limitations inherent in any design. The
physical limits imposed on any design can be simply stated: “bandwidth and antenna
size are closely related,” and “antenna gain and size are directly related.” This means
that the maximal gain of an antenna can be enhanced somewhat by varying the geom-
etry and that the bandwidth can similarly be increased. A third degree of dimension-
ality is also afforded by the antenna designer: The efficiency of the antenna can be
purposely degraded to additionally increase the bandwidth, but it will reduce the gain.
The relationship that describes the ultimate size versus bandwidth capability of an
antenna was developed in several seminal papers by Harold Wheeler1 and L.J. Chu,2
and later by Roger Harrington.3
In 1946, Wheeler introduced the concept of the “radiansphere” and the ­volume
relation to the maximum power factor achievable by the antenna. He related the
energy within the radiansphere and outside the antenna, volume to the fundamental
limitation of the antenna power factor. The power factor, it is reasoned, is propor-
tional to the antenna volume V and also a shape factor. The nominal bandwidth BW
Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 75

LTE Frequency Bands and the Corresponding Regions
Downlink Spacing BW Duplex Deployment in
LTE Bands Uplink (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) Mode the World
Band 1 1920–1980 2110–2170 190 60 FDD China, Japan,
EU, Asia,
Band 2 1850–1910 1930–1990 80 60 FDD North and South
Band 3 1710–1785 1805–1880 95 75 FDD EU, China,
Asia, Australia,
Band 4 1710–1755 2110–2155 400 45 FDD North and South
Band 5 824–849 869–894 45 25 FDD North and South
Australia, Asia,
Band 6 830–840 875–885 45 10 FDD Japan
Band 7 2500–2570 2620–2690 120 70 FDD EU, South
Asia, Africa,
Band 8 880–915 925–960 45 35 FDD EU, South
Asia, Africa,
Band 9 1749.9–1784.9 1844.9–1879.9 95 35 FDD Japan
Band 10 1710–1770 2110–2170 400 60 FDD North and South
Band 11 1427.9–1447.9 1475.9–1495.9 48 35 FDD Japan
Band 12 698–716 728–746 30 18 FDD North America
Band 13 777–787 746–756 31 10 FDD North America
Band 14 788–798 758–768 30 10 FDD North America
Band 17 704–716 734–746 30 12 FDD North America
Band 18 815–830 860–875 45 15 FDD North and South
Australia, Asia,
Band 19 830–845 875–890 45 15 FDD Africa
Band 20 832–862 791–821 41 30 FDD EU
Band 21 1447.9–1462.9 1495.9–1510.9 48 15 FDD Japan
Band 22 3410–3500 3510–3600 100 90 FDD
76 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

TABLE 4.1 (Continued)

LTE Frequency Bands and the Corresponding Regions
Downlink Spacing BW Duplex Deployment in
LTE Bands Uplink (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) Mode the World
Band 24 1626.5–1660.5 1525–1559 101.5 34 FDD
Band 33 1900–1920 NA 20 TDD
Band 34 2010–2025 NA 15 TDD China
Band 35 1850–1910 NA 60 TDD
Band 36 1930–1990 NA 60 TDD
Band 37 1910–1930 NA 20 TDD
Band 38 2570–2620 NA 50 TDD EU
Band 39 1880–1920 NA 40 TDD China
Band 40 2300–2400 NA 100 TDD China, Asia
Band 41 2496–2690 NA 194 TDD
Band 42 3400–3600 NA 200 TDD
Band 43 3600–3800 NA 200 TDD

is given as the power factor p multiplied by the resonance frequency f0 according to

the fundamental relationship:
V ∝ p∝ (4.1)

In 1948, Chu extended Wheeler’s analysis and expressed the fields for an
omnidirectional antenna in terms of spherical wave functions and found limits for
the antenna Quality factor Q, the maximum gain Gm and the ratio G/Q. Later in 1959,
Harrington related the effects of antenna size, Quality factor, and gain for the near
and far field diffraction zones for linearly and circularly polarized waves, and also
treated the case where the antenna efficiency is less than 100%.
Additional work carried out by others4–6 from 1969 through 2001 was directed
to obtain exact expressions for the antenna Q over an expanded size range. These
efforts led to the equation:
1 1
Q= + (4.2)
(ka) ka

k is 2π/λ
a is the radius of a sphere containing the currents associated with the fundamental
or lowest mode, generally confirming the results obtained by Chu, Harrington,
Collin and Rothschild, and others

As an antenna becomes smaller in relation to the wavelength, the stored energy

increases, representing an increase in the reactive portion of the antenna impedance
Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 77

(reactive elements such as inductors and capacitors store energy). Antenna Q can be
loosely considered as the ratio of the reactive term of the impedance to the resistive
or dissipative portion.
⎛ reactance ⎞ f
Q∼⎜ ⎟∼ (4.3)
⎝ resistance ⎠ Δf

A higher Q implies a narrower bandwidth. So as the antenna becomes smaller the

reactive portion increases in relation to the resistive portion, increasing the Q and
reducing the bandwidth, readily observable from the Chu–Harrington curve. The
best antennas are near the 100% efficiency Chu–Harrington curve indicating that the
reactance to resistance ratio (i.e., Q) is as low as it can possibly be. That means that
the antenna exhibits the broadest instantaneous bandwidth that it can have, without
some additional tuning mechanism. Figure 4.1 shows the fundamental limit with
various antenna types for illustration.
The resistance R is also an important factor in determining the antenna perfor-
mance. The antenna resistance is composed of two dissipative portions—the EM

(Fractional bandwidth)–1





0.001 0.01 0.1

Normalized volume (V/λ3)

Chu-limit Goubau
Narrowband MLA Planar inverted
"F" antenna
Wideband MLA
Inverted "F" antenna Patch

FIGURE 4.1  Chu–Harrington curve and antenna example Q relative to the normalized volume.
78 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

wave radiation into space and the loss due to heating in the conductors making up
the antenna, the so-called “I-squared R” loss. To achieve efficient radiation of energy
into space with minimum heating of the antenna elements, the resistive loss in the
antenna conductors must be minimal with respect to the radiation resistance (loss).
It turns out that both losses can be controlled somewhat through engineering design.
As a result, poorly designed antennas will exhibit higher radiation than others for the
same input power. A measure of the design quality is the radiation efficiency. Small
antennas can have efficiencies that range from small fractions of 1% for submarine
antennas to near 100% for others.

4.2.1  Design Principles Affecting Small Antenna Design  Conductor Area
An antenna can be considered a lossy transmission line. A ½-wave dipole generally
has an open circuit at one end and a connection to a low-impedance line at the other
end. The same is true in the case of a ¼-wave monopole over a ground plane. The open
end is a high-impedance point where the boundary conditions require that the current
is zero. The forward wave propagates down the radiating element, reaches the end, and
is reflected back to the source producing a reflected wave. The magnitude of the cur-
rent at different portions along the line is determined by the boundary conditions and
the sum of the reflected and forward propagating waves. The voltage along the line is
also affected by the boundary conditions. The net current and voltage along the line,
therefore, vary as a function of position from the end. If the line is nonradiating and
non-absorptive, we say the line is lossless. The voltage and current vary in phase and
the current at the end is zero where the voltage is maximum. Further along the line,
there is a point that is reached where the current is maximum and the voltage is at a
minimum. The distance from the end where the current increases from zero to a maxi-
mum is ¼ wavelength in a lossless transmission line. Antennas by the very nature must
have loss to radiation, however, and depart somewhat from the ideal transmission line.
With this behavior, the loss resistance of the conductors becomes important in
the antenna design. Since high-frequency currents flow at the outside of conductors
and are governed by the skin effect, the effective resistance is related to excitation
frequency and the conductor surface area. The basis for a good design is that conduc-
tors have a sufficiently large surface area to maintain low I2R loss at points where the
current is maximum. The points where the current is zero, or smaller, matter less and
can have a smaller surface area.  Radiation Resistance

The radiation resistance of antenna depends on its geometry, current distribution
along the radiating elements, and wavelength. For a short dipole, the resistance is
given approximately by
Rraddipole = 200 ⎜ ⎟ (4.4)

where L is the dipole length.

Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 79

For a loop antenna, the radiation resistance can be larger:

⎛ b2 ⎞
Rradloop = 300,000 ⎜ 2 ⎟ (4.5)
⎝λ ⎠ 

where b is the loop radius.

The loop can have a higher radiation resistance at higher frequency as compared
to a short dipole. An example calculation gives Rraddipole = 5 ohms at 1900 MHz for
a length of 1 in., and Rradloop = 12 ohms for a diameter of 1 in.
The radiation resistance can be further increased by mutual coupling, for
instance, (1) when multiple N turns are used in a loop, (2) when the loop is wound
on a ­magnetic material, and (3) when a design employing multiple N inductively
coupled radiating elements is used. The latter case pertains to the Meander line and
the Goubau antennas, where N = 2 and 4, respectively. The radiation resistance is
raised by N2, allowing the resistive portions of the antenna to be larger, resulting in
smaller conductor area for a given efficiency.
The reactive portion of the antenna impedance seen at the terminals is capacitive
for a dipole and inductive for a loop. The dipole requires a series inductor to cancel the
reactive portion of the antenna impedance, that is, for resonance/impedance matching.
The loop typically requires a series capacitance to cancel the inductive reactance at
the frequency of operation, that is, to create a resonance condition where the radiation
resistance plus loss resistance is seen at the input terminals. For the dipole, the induc-
tor or so-called “loading inductor” is best placed above the base of the antenna, as the
current is high at the base where I-squared R losses in the coil are more substantial.
For high radiation efficiency, the radiation resistance should be much larger than
the loss resistance. For broad bandwidth, the radiation resistance should be large in
relation to the reactive part of the unmatched antenna impedance (the stored energy)
as required by the definition of Q.
For the most part, the monopole, dipole, and loop antennas thus far discussed
have been replaced by much shorter embedded antennas in today’s wireless devices.
Many of the basic principles governing the antenna efficiency and bandwidth can
still apply but are modified by the effects of the ground plane which acts as a
counterpoise and often the primary radiator with the antenna element acting as a
resonant coupler exciting characteristic modes thereupon for the driven element.


The factors driving the next wave of wireless device designs are fairly
straightforward—more functionality and more power in a smaller package at a lower
cost. Accomplishing this goal is more difficult than it appears. As designers try to
meet these requirements they have had to take a close, critical look at every com-
ponent within their designs in an attempt to squeeze more desirable characteristics
out of each element—batteries need to last longer, electronic components need to
80 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

do more functions while consuming less power, and all device elements need to be
more compact in size. But one element that has received less attention throughout
the wireless revolution has been the very element that makes a device wireless—the
antenna. Until recently, antennas have been incorporated into wireless devices with
little modification to the traditional monopole and loop designs that have been used
for decades. Today, however, as companies compete for ever-smaller devices with
increased functionality, the search for new, more efficient antenna configurations has
once again become a factor in wireless designs.

4.3.1 Factors Driving Antenna Design

There are many factors driving innovations in antenna design. The initial factors,
such as smaller size or added frequency bands, are consumer driven by the market.
However, these market factors create other technical requirements such as maintain-
ing or improving performance with less battery consumption. All considered, these
competing factors present wireless designers with a perplexing challenge to resolve.
A quick survey of the most pressing requirements driving antenna design will show
the extent of this wireless “Gorgian knot.”  Reduction in Size

Perhaps the most obvious antenna characteristic to consumers, antenna size has
shrunk along with other handset components as a whole. Antennas on mobile phones
have transitioned from whips, to retractable whips, to stubbies, and now to fully
embedded antennas. This reduction in obtrusiveness has been driven by the overall
quest to reduce the size of wireless devices, especially handsets.
But with the introduction of the antenna to the inside of the phone casing, new
problems arise. The most obvious is that as the antenna moves from an external to
an internal component, designers now have to devote valuable internal real estate to
a new element. And this is occurring just as designers are trying to reduce the size
of everything inside the casing. To complicate matters, immutable laws of physics
require certain components, such as the antenna and the battery, to maintain a mini-
mum size to meet bandwidth and energy requirements.
Also, the performance of the handset may drop dramatically depending on the
hand position or other environmental factors. This is due mostly to the absorption of
the antenna signal by the user’s body, especially the head and hand. While a quick
fix is to attach an extended earpiece/microphone, this is not always convenient for
the consumer since the additional wire is cumbersome and gets in the way of many
activities. Additionally, the specific absorption rate or SAR regulatory limit sets the
maximum energy absorption allowable to the body.  Increased Radiating Power

In order to combat the loss of signal strength due to embedding the antenna inside
the device casing, many handset manufacturers are calling for the smaller anten-
nas to exhibit greater radiating performance. Antennas frequently exhibit a loss of
up to 2 or 3 dB once they are inserted into the casing. However, customers will not
Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 81

keep a phone that continually drops calls, no matter how stylish it looks. So design-
ers are tasked with finding a way to overcome the detuning effects of the casing
and of the user’s body in order to maintain acceptable signal strength. Adaptive
tuning of the antenna is one way that is being developed to mitigate these effects.  Decreased Battery Consumption

While increasing radiating power is possible, device manufacturers do not want
to use more battery power to do it. The transmitted signal can consume more bat-
tery power than any other operation by a handset device. So designers are facing a
contradictory dilemma—radiating more power while using less power. A factor in
antenna design that already deals with this relationship is the antenna’s efficiency.
Radiation efficiency is a measurement (as a percentage) of an antenna’s ability to
convert applied electrical energy into a radiated electromagnetic energy. The more
applied energy the antenna transforms into a radiated signal, the more efficient
it is. However, embedded antennas typically exhibit efficiency of about 50% or less
especially when considering absorptive and detuning due loading by human tissue.
While some of this poor performance can be attributed to the handset casing and
other lossy components near the antenna mentioned above, designers must strive to
develop antennas and radio frequency (RF) systems that are as practically efficient as
possible in order to get the most out of both the device’s battery power and available
RF power. Tuning the antenna matching network or centering the antenna resonance
to the actual operating frequency through active control or tuning offers the potential
to do just that.  Higher Gain

Gain is a combined measurement of the antenna’s efficiency and directivity—the
parameter describing the directionality of the emitted RF signal radiated in a par-
ticular, focused direction. Many people assume that the average handset antenna
emits its signal equally in all directions, giving the antenna a perfectly spherical
beam pattern. However, this is not the case, as the embedded antenna in reality acts
as an exciter for radiation currents that exist on the wireless device circuit board
or “ground” structure. Even antennas that are designed to have spherical patterns
exhibit shapes that may resemble a doughnut due to the interaction with the circuit
ground. Additionally, antennas can emit complex lobed patterns, giving the signal
pattern an irregular shape. What all this means to the designer is that an antenna
that is very efficient at sending a strong signal in one or more particular directions
can help overcome the power emission/consumption issues stated above, and in par-
ticular, at some frequencies some degree of beam pattern control can be achieved
through adaptive control of the antenna with parasitic elements or by phasing of
multiple feedpoints on the antenna itself.

4.3.2  The Evaluation of Antenna Performance: Design Issues

These new requirements being demanded of mobile antennas have made antenna
Engineers must take a closer look at how antennas have been traditionally evaluated
for commercial use. The traditional parameters of gain, voltage standing wave ratio
82 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

(VSWR), frequency, and bandwidth are no longer enough to determine an antenna’s

effectiveness for use in a new product design and designers now must consider the
factors of antenna efficiency and volumetric size in order to achieve optimal RF
performance with their new wireless products.  Traditional Requirements VSWR
Technically, the VSWR is a measure of the return loss of an antenna, which is the
difference between the power input to and the power reflected from a discontinuity
in a transmission circuit. This loss occurs due to an impedance mismatch between
the transmission line and the antenna. This power is retained inside the circuit and
not available for broadcast and is clearly a factor contributing to the inefficiency of
the antenna system. In a perfectly matched transmission system, there are no stand-
ing waves and the VSWR (a ratio metric measure of the crest to null of the voltage
standing on the line) is 1.
Generally, antennas having VSWR less than 5:1 are acceptable for receive
­applications and low power transmission, as some loss is tolerable. High power
transmission, however, often requires a VSWR less than 3.5:1 to avoid damaging the
power output circuit, and is ideally less than 2:1 in modern wireless devices.
RF designers sometimes prefer measuring return loss, which is 10 times the
­logarithm of the ratio of the incident RF power to the reflected power, that is

⎛P ⎞
RL = 10Log ⎜ incident ⎟ (4.6)
⎝ Prefelected ⎠

Return loss is related to VSWR according to

⎡ (VSWR −1) ⎤
RL = −20Log ⎢ ⎥ (4.7)
⎣ (VSWR +1) ⎦

For handset antennas in the past, RLs of −5 dB (VSWR ~ 3.5:1) has been accept-
able, but with the advent of cost effective tunable components for use in the match-
ing network much better RL can be feasibly obtained dynamically at the operating
For example, transmitted power at VSWR 5:1 is about 55%, while at 2:1 is 89%.  Frequency Coverage and Bandwidth

Frequency coverage and antenna bandwidth, the range of frequencies within which
the antenna performs to a determined standard, continue to expand. The ­frequency
range over which most antennas operate at fundamental resonance is usually rather
narrow—about 10% of the center frequency is fairly common, and this depends on
the Q of the entire radiating system.
It is common for antennas to be designed that have multiple resonances—
each for a corresponding frequency band. In the latter case, the antenna may be
Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 83

constructed with multiple distinctive elements: one for each band at a maximum.
Antenna designers are then faced with the complex task of correctly forming the
size and spacing of the elements and matching their resonant impedance (voltage-
to-current ratio). One of the biggest problems encountered in this process is that
each element acts as a parasitic load on each of the others and, therefore, the tun-
ing of one element has a noticeable effect on the others. Once the elements are
properly constructed, the antenna sends and receives RF signals on different fre-
quencies each corresponding to the resonance of each of the elements. Assuming
that the antenna does not need to operate on all bands simultaneously, a scheme
using adaptive tuning of the front-end electronics to the antenna impedance may be
employed to mitigate the antenna design problem of impedance matching over all
bands simultaneously. Bandwidth
Bandwidth is the amount of electromagnetic spectrum needed or allocated for a par-
ticular communications channel or group of channels. It is usually defined in units of
frequency and is computed as the difference between an upper and lower band edge
limit. For instance, Band 2 (Table 4.1) is defined as 1850–1990 MHz, and, therefore,
has an allocated bandwidth of 140 MHz. Individual channel bandwidths, however,
are much narrower requiring only 10’s of kilohertz bandwidth.
Most antennas used in handheld devices are multiband—they only operate on
the band of frequencies for which the device was intended. Broadband antennas
tend to perform less effectively than narrowband antennas and typically cost more to
produce. However, the advantages offered by broadband antennas (covering multiple
frequency bands, ability to transmit more data faster, etc.) can make them attrac-
tive for wireless device makers. The key is finding a happy medium between per-
formance and bandwidth coverage, and in some cases depending on the front-end
electronics architecture, multiple feedpoints are possible thereby splitting operation
between the low bands and the higher bands. Such architectures using more than one
antenna can be effective in reducing losses in both the front end and the antenna,
but at the expense of extra feed lines and potential assembly cost. Increased antenna
space or volume can also be a factor.
The increase in the demands now expected of antennas greatly increases the
importance of two characteristics—efficiency and size.  Efficiency and TRP

The radiation efficiency parameter has become an accepted means for comparing
antenna performance in many handheld applications, as it is a direct measure of how
well an antenna transforms onboard electrical energy into transmitted signal energy.
This is a concern in achieving high performance while preserving precious onboard
battery energy. A 100% efficient antenna would theoretically convert all input power
into radiated power, with no loss to resistive or dielectric elements.
The demand for greater signal strength while consuming less battery power
makes an antenna’s efficiency all that much more important. This is especially true
in the case of embedded antennas that lose some signal strength in the casing and
nearby components.
84 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

While antenna designers have traditionally used antenna efficiency as a design

requirement, most cellular operators specify the minimum total radiated power
or TRP, which is typically measured in dB over 1 mW (dBm). Therefore, it is the
combined system of antenna efficiency, front-end filters, switch, feed line loss
as well as power amplifier output that must meet minimum specification on a
band-by-band basis. Therefore, the concept of adaptively matching these elements
by tuning for optimum performance can make sense from a power efficiency
standpoint.  Noise Coupling, TIS, and Antenna Location

In addition to antenna efficiency that directly affects necessary transmit power
amplifier output to achieve a target TRP value, antenna placement relative to
­conducted noise currents or radiated noise sources also matters for adequate receiver
performance. Typically, wireless operators specify the noise floor in terms of a mini-
mum parameter called the total integrated (or isotropic) sensitivity or TIS.7 It is a
measure of the average measured sensitivity of a receiver-antenna system averaged
over a 3D sphere. The result will be strongly related to the antenna ­efficiency, the
radio noise floor, and the presence of noise sources that are coupled to the antenna
The system under test (the receiver plus antenna) is operated in active mode using
a Base Station Emulator that transmits to the system under test with an auxiliary
antenna. The emitted power is lowered until the Bit Error Rate or BER reaches a
power threshold at the receiver (measured in dBm). This is done for a fixed azimuth
and elevation angle to arrive at an effective isotropic sensitivity (EIS) for that specific
angle and wave polarization. The total isotropic sensitivity (TIS) is then the given by
EIS components averaged over the entire sphere:

TIS = 2π π (4.8)

∫ ∫
0 0
[(1 / (EISθ (θ1,φ1 )))+ (1 / (EISφ (θ1,φ1 )))]sinθ1 dθ1 dφ1

Unfortunately, there is often limited opportunity to relocate antennas or noise

sources in a production design process. Control of antenna frequency as well as
bandwidth using adaptive tuning in conjunction with adaptive frequency control
of the interferer can provide better rejection and a means to more easily meet TIS
requirements.  Future Requirements

Handsets and other wireless devices have in the past relied on either single anten-
nas with one feed connection or dual antennas with one primary antenna and one
secondary antenna operating as a diversity, or receive only antenna. As such, the
secondary antenna could operate with reduced bandwidth and efficiency reduction
of 3 dB or more compared to the primary antenna. With recent emphasis on 4G and
LTE Advanced,8 supporting MIMO operation in the wireless device or user equip-
ment (UE) is becoming necessary. Higher order MIMO 2 × 2 or greater is seen as
viable relief for unloading already crowded networks. To achieve full potential, the
Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 85

UE must support at least downlink capability with two receiving antennas of similar
gain and efficiency. Future plans as indicated by 3GPP and some wireless service
providers suggest that as many as four antennas will be required in wireless handsets
and tablet devices. This imposes new requirements for antenna efficiency, coupling,
and signal correlation between antennas.  Antenna Efficiency and MIMO  In the case of handsets uplink

MIMO with two or more antennas need to meet antenna efficiency requirements
similar to those of currently produced devices. Radiation efficiencies of 50% or
greater corresponding to an average gain of −3 dB or greater are common, and
likely to be more demanding at higher frequencies such as Band 7 where greater
propagation loss is typical. This can be a significant challenge as placement of
antennas affects the antenna efficiency due to feed line loss and antenna-to-
antenna coupling.  Antenna Coupling  For many MIMO systems, antenna coupling

greater than −10 dB is considered ­objectionable. Several factors drive this speci-
fication and include (1) reduction of the signal independence as determined by one
or more measures of correlation coefficient, (2) power loss into opposite port load
terminations affecting power amplifier performance and linearity, (3) component
power dissipation overloading, and (4) efficiency loss and desensitization of receive
circuits.  Antenna Correlation  Several measures for signal correlation between

antenna ports are common. One of the most common is the antenna pattern envelope
correlation coefficient or ECC. It is typically measured using antenna pattern mea-
surements, which classically are done by measuring the spherical field components
radiated from one antenna while applying normal loads to the opposite antenna(s). The
roles of two antennas are then switched to obtain another set of field data without mov-
ing either antenna. From the data sets collected, the pattern correlation coefficient can
be calculated from full sphere antenna pattern measurements and is given in terms of
the electrical field components by9

2π π

ρp =
∫ ∫
0 0
A12 dΩ
2π π 2π π

∫ ∫
0 0
A11 dΩ ∫ ∫
0 0
A22 dΩ

where Amn (θ,φ) = XEmv (θ,φ)Env

(θ,φ)+ Emh (θ,φ)Enh
(θ,φ) (4.9)
and the cross-polarization power ratio X = Sv /Sh

The subscript indices (m,n) refer to either antenna port 1 or 2, depending on their
integer value, Ω(θ,ϕ) is the spatial angle in steradian as commonly depicted, and
E1,v, E1,h , E 2,v, and E 2,h are the complex envelopes of either the vertical or horizon-
tal field components resulting from excitation of either antenna port 1 or 2, respec-
tively. The cross polarization ratio is defined as the ratio of the mean received
86 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

power in the v­ ertical polarization to the mean received power in the horizontal
Since the signals may arrive from different directions, the antennas should exhibit
characteristics that allow for highest independence of the received signals. A prob-
ability function P may also be used to weight the computation to match the angular
arrival distribution expected, for the expected scattering functions associated with
the propagation environment. The method involves the use of a simple environmen-
tal model that has been experimentally verified.10 In this model, the signal power is
described as a function of angle of arrival by probability functions Pv and Ph, which
can be included in Equation 4.8 as follows:

Amn (θ,φ) = XEmv (θ,φ)Env

(θ,φ)+ Pv (θ,φ)+ Emh (θ,φ)Enh
(θ,φ)Ph (θ,φ) (4.10)

Difficulty achieving low values of ECC (ρ² < 0.5) depends on factors such as antenna
separation, polarization, and currents induced on the ground structure. In the latter
case, the structure can be analyzed to determine its modal behavior, and how each
antenna placement excites or contributes to existing in a particular mode.11  Antenna Isolation and Correlation  Antennas should not only exhibit
low port-to-port signal correlation, but should also exhibit isolation from one another
so that signals being broadcast or received from one feed port don’t appear at the oppo-
site port or feed. The isolation is typically measured at the antenna terminals by using
the commonly derived S-parameters. Isolation figures are typically given in d­ ecibels
and are designated as S12 or S21 depending on whether the measurement is from antenna
1 to 2 or vice versa. If the isolation is poor, the source antenna will deliver substantial
power into the adjacent antenna’s termination impedance (typically 50 ohms-resistive),
with a corresponding reduction of the overall radiation efficiency. S21 values of −10 dB
are regularly deemed acceptable, resulting in power loss of less than 10%.
Since the antenna near-field coupling is related to the far-field pattern, it is possi-
ble to approximately express the correlation coefficient in terms of the S-parameters
measured at each antenna terminal. This is given by12

S11S12 + S*21S22
ρs = (4.11)
(1− (|S11 |2 + |S21 |2 )1/2 (1− (|S22 |2 + |S12 |2 )1/2

Comparison of measurements taken by this approach can approximate those

­computed using the pattern method, and are much simpler. From this equation,
however, it is clear that small values for S12 and S21 can result in small values for
ρs. There are, however, cases where the correlation coefficient might be small even
if S12 and S21 are larger, depending on the input match reflected in the S11 and S22
Measurement data have been taken to define parameters for Gaussian forms of
Pv and Ph in various environments.13 This data supports the general methodology for
computing ρ based on a field model (versus that of pattern alone) with good correla-
tion between the two computational approaches. Perhaps most interesting is that the
Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 87

correlation coefficient depends primarily on the phase difference between the two
antenna patterns—indicating that good correlation performance requires careful
consideration of the antenna placement and design in the case where multiple single
antennas are used in close proximity.
Briefly then, the antenna system, its associated pattern, and the environment are
all clearly important in establishing independence between the signals received at
each antenna and, therefore, the overall system data transfer rate.


Although many types of wireless devices depend on antenna technology, the
designer generally uses a toolbox comprised of several basic antenna types.
Depending on the space and location allotted in the industrial design, a specific
antenna type might be chosen for initial trial either by simulation or physical mea-
surement. The basic antenna types and their variants comprise the majority of

4.4.1 Monopole
Monopole antennas rely on a single radiator and a corresponding counterpoise as
shown in Figure 4.2a. In the case of a typical wireless handset or other wireless
device, the ground structure and printed circuit board (PCB) ground plane estab-
lish the counterpoise, while the radiator may be a printed conductor on a variety of
substrates, including the case. The radiator may be “loaded” with lumped or con-
tinuous elements that exhibit an electrical reactance that cancels an opposite equiva-
lent reactance associated with the combined structure at the frequency of interest.
The monopole exhibits a theoretical resistance that is one half that of a dipole (see
Equation 4.4) at the same design frequency and can be perpendicular or parallel to
the PCB ground plane—the latter is called a transmission line monopole.

4.4.2 IFA/PIFA
The inverted F or IFA antenna is shown in Figure 4.2b and is a variant of the trans-
mission line monopole and includes a termination to the counterpoise structure. The
position of this termination relative to the feedpoint allows matching of the antenna
impedance at resonance to the feedline.
When the antenna width is increased (Figure 4.2c) to form a planar structure, the
antenna is termed a planar inverted F or PIFA.
Either antenna type shows high concentration of current in the feed to ground
point and, therefore, high near field RF intensity.

4.4.3 Ring
The ring antenna is a recently used antenna type that surrounds the ground plane
associated with the wireless device. It has become popular as it interferes minimally
88 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

+ +–



(a) (b) (c) (d)


(e) (f)

FIGURE 4.2  Examples of typical antenna types: (a) Monopole, (b) dipole, (c) slot, (d) loop,
(e) PIFA, and (e) ring.

with components on the PCB and can be designed somewhat independently. It is

usually driven at some point on the ring structure and grounded at one or more
points along the ring. Functionally, it excites resonant modes on the ground plane
but can be subject to hand or other loading at high impedance points along the

4.4.4 Slot
The slot antennas can be considered an analog of dipole antennas, having mag-
netic and electric fields interchanged. Typically, the slot is formed between two
conductive planes and is a finite length that determines the fundamental resonant
frequency. An electric field is established from one side of the slot to the opposite
side and shows decreasing magnitude from the feed to the terminus. Slot antennas
are used in predominantly metal structures and may be fed with a probe near the

4.4.5 Loop Antennas
Loop antennas that take a variety of shapes are fed at a break in the conductive
loop structure. Another property of the loop is the ability to achieve multimode
operation in one antenna structure. Square loops can be used in two radiation
modes that can be excited simultaneously or that can be individually selected
electrically. The fundamental mode is that of a monopole producing a linear
polarized radiation field resembling that of two closely spaced monopole anten-
nas. In the monopole mode, the primary antenna current is perpendicular to the
Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 89

antenna ground plane. A second mode of operation is the “loop mode” where the
primary antenna current is parallel to the antenna ground plane and the maximum
radiation is perpendicular to the ground plane.

4.4.6 Adaptive Antennas
Also commonly known as “smart” antennas, these are antennas that focus their RF
energy from the mobile handset to the base station or that direct a radiation pattern
null toward an interferer.
Adaptive antenna arrays have two great advantages: (1) they allow more spectrum
to be reused because omnidirectional signals are not overlapping and (2) they can
send a strong directed signal using less energy because energy is not wastefully radi-
ated in directions it is not needed. In addition, the mobile device will also require
less energy and conserve battery power in some systems.


Various tuning methods are possible and can be classified according to function.
Aperture-based tuning provides direct control of the antenna’s resonant frequency
through the change of the effective length of the antenna and can be accomplished
through either physical or electrical means. In the latter case, either the inductive or
capacitive reactance can be altered via different architectural means using tunable
capacitors or inductors. Match-based tuning is intended to be functionally part of a
matching network and can be located anywhere in the signal RF chain where a mis-
match in impedance is likely to occur, for instance, between PA and filter, bank/switch
or at the antenna feed terminal. In the latter case, because the antenna can be modeled
as a lumped element network, both the resonant frequency of the antenna and the
match (return loss) can be subject to control.
Various antenna models have been developed to accurately model the antenna
resonant frequency and input impedance as a function of frequency,14 and several
will be covered here.
The simplest model is a series RLC circuit as shown in Figure 4.4a for a dipole at
fundamental resonance, where

Z in = + sL + R

As can be seen in Figure 4.3b the actual behavior of an antenna is only approximated
in this example as from Equation 4.4, the resistive component should increase with
frequency as shown. Nevertheless, the circuit is illustrative of the need for adaptive
tuning if operation is desired at even 10% above or below resonance (shown here as a
normalized frequency of 5). Also note that an inserted series capacitance or switched
circuit inductance would change the resonance frequency but that the real part of
90 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets




C –2000 Xin

0 5 10
(a) (b)

Feedpoint C

Aperture-based tuning


FIGURE 4.3  (a) Equivalent circuit example of a dipole at fundamental resonance. (b) Series
circuit model versus actual real (Rin) and imaginary (Xin) components of antenna imped-
ance. (c) Possible tuning methodology, for example, of Figure 4.5a.

the input impedance would still be mismatched as also can be seen from Equation
4.4 and Figure 4.3b. The need for match-based tuning compensating for the change
in the resistive component of Zin might also be called for in some applications. So
from this simple example, it can be seen that a series variable capacitance within the
antenna could result in raising the resonant frequency and that a series selectable
inductance would have the opposite effect (Figure 4.3c). Note also that either com-
ponent could be considered as part of a matching network external to the antenna
(outside the black outline).
Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 91

The previous example is illustrative, but real world antennas are complex multi-
resonant devices. As an example, the circuit model shown in Figure 4.4a is exem-
plary of a broadband multi-resonant antenna developed by Foster.15 The broadband
model is reasonably accurate over the three resonant frequencies shown.
Such models can be used to develop a tuning methodology based on basic
circuit design principles. The model parameters can be matched to a particular
antenna design and/or a new model may need to be developed that includes a
lumped model tuning elements if available. Once a candidate tuning architecture
is established, a physical model of the antenna and tuning components can be
simulated using one of the many 3D EM simulators available commercially to
refine the design.

4.5.1 Open-Loop Tuning
There are various motivations throughout the industry for using tuned circuits in
the front-end architecture of a wireless device. Expectations among wireless service
providers are that device RF performance would improve as tuning theoretically
has the ability to mitigate impairments due to absorptive hand loading and other
environmental usage conditions. Component suppliers for power amplifiers, anten-
nas, and other components see a potential for reducing cost or design constraints
that result in loss of power efficiency. Original equipment manufacturers or OEMs
see a potential for reduced space usage as tuned antennas can have higher Q. This
is particularly true in the low-frequency region where the phone ground structure
is the primary radiator and the antenna is a transducer that couples RF energy to
the structure. Each of these separate motivations can drive the tuning architecture
toward different realizations.
Figure 4.5 illustrates the case where simple open-loop control of the antenna reso-
nance is desirable to cover four low-frequency bands but with smaller volumetric
sizes than with a broadband antenna alone. Open-loop control requires only infor-
mation from the baseband processor concerning the frequency of operation. To illus-
trate that a volumetric size reduction is possible, two different antenna configurations
were analyzed using a 3D EM modeling program, one being a broadband design and
another a narrower band design capable of tuning over the same frequency range but
using four tuning states. Figure 4.5a illustrates a 50 × 6 × 14 mm seven-band antenna
configuration and its associated radiation efficiency over just the lower three-band
spectral region from 700–960 MHz. A similar, but smaller (50 × 6 × 7 mm) antenna
configuration is shown in Figure 4.5b illustrating, that tuning using only four states
is able to produce nearly the same efficiency, and total frequency coverage as the
larger broadband antenna.
In this example, it is clear that a physical volume reduction of ½ can be achieved
by tuning the antenna to one of several states, each supporting a certain set of fre-
quency bands. The antenna during operation would, therefore, only be required to
change state when the operating band is changed. The time required for this change
must be compatible with other functions within the radio system. A typical require-
ment might be 10–20 microseconds or less.
92 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Feedpoint C1 C2 C3

L1 L2 L3

R1 R2 R3


100 90 80
110 70
120 1.00 60
130 50
0.50 2.00
140 40
150 Model 30

160 20
0.20 5.00
170 10

180 0.00 0.20 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00


–170 –10

–160 –0.20 –5.00 –20

–150 –30
–140 –40
–0.50 –2.00
–130 –50
–120 –1.00 –60
–110 –70
–100 –90 –80

FIGURE 4.4  (a) Foster’s Second Canonical Model with small added losses. (b) Smith chart
plot of actual dipole impedance versus model of Figure 4.3a.
Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 93


Efficiency (%)
Feed 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
6 Frequency (GHz)

50 05181007–7low
90 0010
80 0100

100 70
Efficiency (%)

7 10
0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
Feed Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 4.5  Comparison of (a) multiband antenna and (b) tuned antenna with respect to
size and radiation efficiency over the region 700–960 MHz. (Dimensions in mm.)

This is just one example, and the antenna must still be able to operate over a
much broader bandwidth characteristic of the many air interfaces supported by the
mobile device—typically 700–2600  MHz in a 4G-world phone. It is, therefore,
necessary to tune the antenna so that its instantaneous bandwidth at any time is
sufficient to cover the expected operating frequencies associated with the usage
model. This is particularly true for LTE-Advanced where interband carrier aggre-
gation (CA) requirements are such that the antenna and radio system must operate
simultaneously on multiple bands at the same time. For example, a phone operating
at B17 (state 0001 in Figure 4.8) may also need to operate in B4 (see Table 4.1) for
CA 17–4 according to 3GPP requirement. Although this requirement could poten-
tially negate the use of tuning to separate bands, it is important to note that many
CA band combinations utilize low-band–high-band operation allowing the antenna
94 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

designer to separate the low- and high-band elements of the antenna. Since achiev-
ing a broad bandwidth low Q antenna is particularly difficult for the low bands
(600–960  MHz), tuning might be applied to only the low-band element while
achieving broader f­ ractional bandwidth at the higher band frequencies. These are
details associated with a particular implementation, and are generally beyond the
scope and intent of this chapter.

4.5.2 Closed-Loop Tuning
Closed-loop feedback control of the antenna frequency or impedance matching net-
work is used when conditions that may cause detuning or adverse operation are
unknown to the onboard processors. Such control schemes can be either local or
remote; that is, under direct control of the local device or commanded from received
information obtained remotely and sent back to the local device. Motivation for
closed-loop control is primarily to improve system performance and can take many
forms.16 Local control may use onboard sensors to determine device orientation
and/or hand location from which a tuning command signal can be generated from
a lookup table or expert system. It is also possible to monitor the return loss from
the transmit antenna and make adjustments to minimize that signal by tuning the
matching network. Alternatively, it is possible to “sniff” the emitted RF signal
and make adjustments to the antenna resonant frequency or matching network to
maximize the near field signal. Other schemes, some covered by patents, derive
frequency information or bandwidth information directly and make adjustments
accordingly. An e­ xample of a local closed-loop system used for optimally tuning a
2 × 2 MIMO antenna is illustrated in Figure 4.6. Coarse frequency control is afforded

(Port 2) Aperture-
Tunable matching tuned
network antenna

Baseband Flash GPO

front Chipset communications MIPI RFFE ADC
and Microcontroller
modem Control algorithm GPO


Tunable matching tuned
network antenna
(Port 1)

FIGURE 4.6  Block diagram local closed-loop control of a demonstrator MIMO antenna.
Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 95

using a tuned-aperture method for band-to-band operation while fine tuning is

accomplished with a tuned-match approach. Many different algorithms are possible
depending on sensed parameters and the types of control used and are beyond the
scope of the section.


Tuning components can exhibit a variety of non-ideal behaviors that oppose their
potential for improving the antenna or device performance. In general, the issues
are complex and depend on the tuning methodology used, the device specifications,
physical structure, and composition, as well as packaging.

4.6.1 Loss Mechanisms
There are a variety of loss mechanisms that contribute to both antenna and tuned
component losses.

Resistive near field coupling is due to radiated fields from the antenna circuit
inducing current into nearby components that exhibit resistive dissipation.
Components exhibiting such loss mechanisms may be either passive or
active devices and may, therefore, be either linearly or nonlinearly related
to the field amplitude.
Conducted resistive loss is attributable to I 2 R losses in the circuit carrying the
antenna radio frequency currents. These losses are related to the antenna
conductor geometry, composition, and frequency as well as any series or
parallel resistive losses resulting from tuning components that are in the
front end or tuning circuits. Therefore, the Q of the tuning components can
become a sizable factor in determining the overall benefit or gain of tuned
versus passive antennas.
Nonlinearity loss stems from components that exhibit a higher order depen-
dence on either the voltage or current at their terminals. This then converts
the desired excitation in one spectral region to undesirable frequency con-
tent. As such, it represents some power loss in the desired spectrum but
more importantly can mix down band into adjacent channels. Typical mea-
sures used are second and third harmonic relative to the carrier frequency
as well as IP2 or IP3 measures.17

4.6.2  Parasitics
Parasitics are couplings or parameters that depart from idealized models. Parasitic
capacitance for instance can be particularly troublesome in tuning circuits and may
result from stray capacitance from the semiconductor die to power or ground con-
nections, or from interelectrode capacitance. This often results in a reduction of the
range of tuning such as the Cmax to Cmin ratio. Additional parasitic coupling can result
96 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

from RF coupling from the antenna conductors to the tuning component die itself.
Depending on the induced field amplitude, the tuning device may exhibit nonlinear
capacitance and may not allow normal performance such as the selection capaci-
tance values at the active terminals. For this reason, tuning circuits must be tested at
full applied power, and may require individual shielding. Also, package selection is
critical for some applications.
From the antenna perspective, parasitic capacitance from the tuning terminals
to the control circuits within the tuning chip can be particularly problematic at
the highest antenna frequencies where even small capacitances on the order of
1 pF or less exhibit low enough reactance to increase loss to intolerable levels. For
instance at 3.5 GHz, 0.5 pF exhibits a reactance of 90 ohms providing a substantial
coupling to other circuit elements when used in a 50 ohm circuit. Designers can
avoid these effects by careful design of the antenna and tuning architecture.


Many examples exist for tuned antennas and encompass both match- and
aperture-based methods. These have evolved beyond the R&D stage and are in pro-
duction in a number of handsets currently (in 2015). Details in some cases are closely
guarded until production release, and various devices are available for use as noted
in other chapters of this book.
For the purpose of illustration, two examples will be covered showing single
feedpoint antennas that cover the 700–2700 MHz spectral range.

4.7.1 Example 1: Aperture-Tuned Handset Antenna

Illustrated in Figure 4.7 are two prototype antennas that meet specifications as pro-
vided by a major international wireless operator for diversity or 2 × 2 MIMO opera-
tion.18 Each antenna consists of a small PCB (35 × 6.5 × 0.8 mm) that includes all
tuning necessary to cover the bands B17, B13, B5, and B8, as well as the high bands
above 1 GHz (1710–2170, 2300–2700 MHz). The 6.5 mm height is driven primarily
by the tuning chip package and could be reduced using the latest chip scale packages
or CSPs. The antennas are positioned at each end of a 50 × 120 mm PCB with form
factor similar to many handsets.
The circuitry shown on the main body of the PCB consists of battery and decod-
ers for driving the tuning chip onboard the antenna, as well as transmission lines and
SMA connectors to allow RF performance testing of the system. Performance goals
for the antenna system are shown in Table 4.2.
Each antenna is separately controllable and configured to use three-tuning states,
which are necessary to achieve performance in each of the lower bands. The aver-
age efficiency per band is shown in Figure 4.8 for each of the antennas. Note that
the primary and secondary antennas are specified with different gain requirements
each represented with different shading (left most bar per pair: primary antenna
at port 1).
Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 97

Antenna 2


ON Antenna 2
Antenna 1


Antenna 1

FIGURE 4.7  Aperture-tuned prototype antenna system.

Performance Goals for a Dual Antenna System
Parameter Requirement Units Comments
# Antennas 2 Primary, Secondary
Frequency coverage B17, 13, 5, 8, 3, 2, Band
39, 1, 34, 40, 7, 38
Gain, Primary, >−3 primary dBi (average)
High bands >−6 secondary
Gain, Primary, Per curve dBi
Isolation <−10 dB
Power (max) > +25 dBm
VSWR <3.5:1 All bands
Correlation <0.7
coefficient <0.5 high bands
Size (ground plane) 50 × 115 millimeters
Antenna volume <1600 mm3 Including ground
Control voltage 2.7 Volts Nominal
Control interface Parallel (2-bit) or
98 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Mean efficiency by band

Port 1
Port 2


Efficiency (dB)







Band 17 Band 13 Band 5 Band 8 Band 3 Band 2 Band 39 Band 1 Band 34 Band 40 Band 7 Band 38
704–746 746–787 824–894 880–960 1718– 1850– 1880– 1920– 2010– 2300– 2500– 2570–
1880 1990 1920 2170 2025 2400 2690 2620
(a) Band (MHz)

Mean VSWR by band

Port 1
Port 2




Band 17 Band 13 Band 5 Band 8 Band 3 Band 2 Band 39 Band 1 Band 34 Band 40 Band 7 Band 38
704–746 746–787 824–894 880–960 1718– 1850– 1880– 1920– 2010– 2300– 2500– 2570–
1880 1990 1920 2170 2025 2400 2690 2620
(b) Band (MHz)

FIGURE 4.8  (a) Measured antenna performance for primary and secondary antennas
shown in Figure 4.9. (b) Mean values of VSWR for each band. (Continued)
Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 99

9 00


1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
(c) Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 4.8 (Continued)  (c) Measured high-band VSWR versus tuning state (10, 00, 11)
showing minimal impact of low-band tuning on high band.

As can be seen in Figure 4.8c, the low-band tuning has a minimal effect on the
high-band VSWR so that various CA band combinations would be possible (the tun-
ing state is shown as a binary number 10, 00, or 11).

4.7.2 Example 2: Match-Tuned Handset Antenna

In this second example, the band coverage and RF performance requirements are
identical to the previous case. The form factor, however, is for a USB dongle with
dimensions 23 × 35 mm which would be used in conjunction with a large ground
structure typical of a notebook PC. The design incorporates a dual feed single
­element antenna using iMATTM technology18 tuned via two digitally tuned capacitors
or DTCs that can be of MEMs or semiconductor type. MEM was chosen for initial
implementation in the matching network due to its availability at the time the proto-
type was constructed. The prototype hardware shown in Figure 4.9 uses a microcon-
troller to generate serial peripheral interface (SPI) bus signals required by the DTC.
The tuning state is selected sequentially using pushbuttons on the PCB.19
The advantage of using DTCs in this application is the large number of select-
able states (32–64) controllable via the SPI or RFFE bus. This allows fine-tuning
of the antenna match and frequency in response to production tolerances or due to
environmental loading. Shown in Figure 4.10 are efficiency plots for five open-loop
tuning states used. Here, the DTC separately controls two capacitors in each port’s
matching network.
100 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Battery and

USB dongle
IMAT dual form factor

test ports

DTCs (2)

Notebook ground
and SPI bus

FIGURE 4.9  USB dongle dual port aperture-tuned antenna using IMATTM technology.18
Tuned Antennas for Embedded Applications 101

Efficiency (%)
50 Port1
20 Spec
700 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800
Frequency (MHz)
Efficiency (%)

50 Port1
30 Primary ant. spec.
20 Secondary ant. spec.
820 830 840 850 860 870 880 890 900 910 920 930 940 950 960
Frequency (MHz)
Efficiency (%)

40 Port1
1710 1740 1770 1800 1830 1860 1890 1920 1950 1980 2010 2040 2070 2100 2130 2160

Antenna radiation efficiency

Efficiency (%)

50 Port1
40 Port2
30 Primary ant. spec.
20 Secondary ant. spec.
2300 2310 2320 2330 2340 2350 2360 2370 2380 2390 2400
Frequency (MHz)
Antenna radiation efficiency
Efficiency (%)

60 Port1
40 Port2
30 Primary ant. spec.
20 Secondary ant. spec.
2500 2520 2540 2560 2580 2600 2620 2640 2660 2680 2700
(b) Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 4.10  (a) Radiation efficiency plots for tuned-match antenna, low and mid bands
and (b) radiation efficiency plots for tuned-match antenna, high bands.

Antenna design continues to be challenged by the increasing number of bands,
the requirement for multiple antennas to support MIMO operation, as well as
the thinner form factors so popular with latest model smartphones and other
wireless devices. With further complications arising from intermodulation and
102 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

harmonic radiation requirements, and the promise of LTE-Advanced, it is likely

that antenna tuning will find application in an increasing number of commercially
produced wireless devices as tuning products mature and antenna designs con-
tinue to mature.

1. Wheeler, H., Small antennas, IEEE A&P, AP-23(4), 462–469, 1975.
2. Chu, L.J., Physical limitations of omni-directional antennas, Journal of Applied
Physics, 19, 1163–1175, 1948.
3. Harrington, R., Effect of antenna size on gain, bandwidth, and efficiency, Journal of
Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Section D: Radio Propagation, 64D(1),
1–12, 1960.
4. Reading, L.J., Designing dual-band internal antennas, Electronic Design News, 99–104,
November 8, 2001.
5. McClean, J.S., A re-examination of the fundamental limits on the radiation Q of elec-
trically small antennas, IEEE A&P, 44, 672–675, May 1966.
6. Grimes, D. and Grimes, C.A., Minimum Q of electrically small antennas: A critical
review, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 28(3), 172–177, February 5, 2001.
7. http://www.ctia.org/content/index.cfm/AID/10021.
8. http://www.3gpp.org/IMG/pdf/2009_10_3gpp_IMT.pdf.
9. Parson, S.D., The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel, 2nd edn., Wiley, London, UK,
10. Breit, G. and Ozaki, E., Phone level radiated test methodologies for multi-mode multi-
band systems, IWPC China Mobile Workshop, IWPC Transactions Handset Antenna
Technologies for MultiMode-Multi-Band, Durham, NC, January 2007.
11. Fabres, M.C., Systematic design of antennas using the theory of characteristic modes,
PhD thesis, Universidad Polytecnia de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, February 2007. http://
anteny.jeziorski.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/2007_Fabres.pdfs, accessed March,
12. Blanch, S., Romeu, J., and Corbella, I., Exact representation of antenna system diversity
performance from input parameter description, Electronics Letters, 39(9), 705–707,
May 1, 2003.
13. Kalliola, K., Sulonen, K., Laitinen, H., Kivekas, O., Krogerus, J., and Vainikainen, P.,
Angular power distribution and mean effective gain of mobile antenna in different prop-
agation environments, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 51(5), 823–838,
14. Long, B. et al., A simple broadband dipole equivalent circuit model, Proceedings of the
IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2, Salt Lake City,
UT, July 16–21, pp. 1046–1049, 2000.
15. Ramo, S., Whinnery, J.R., and Van Duzer, T., Fields and Waves in Communication
Electronics, Wiley, New York, 1965, Section 11.13.
16. Oh, S.-H. et  al., Automatic antenna-tuning unit for software-defined and cognitive
radio, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Wiley Interscience, 2007.
Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/
17. Kundert, K., Accurate and rapid measurement of IP2 and IP3, Designers Guide
Consulting, May 22, 2002. http://www.designers-guide.org/analysis/intercept-point.pdf,
accessed March 2015.
18. Caimi, F.M. and Montgomery, M., Dual feed, single element antenna for WiMAX
MIMO application, IJAP, 2008, Article ID 219838, April 2008.
5 Tunable and Adaptive
Antenna Systems
Laurent Desclos, Sebastian Rowson,
and Jeff Shamblin

5.1 Passive Antenna Limitations......................................................................... 103
5.1.1 Common Passive Antenna Approaches in Wireless Devices............ 103
5.1.2 Limitations in Bandwidth.................................................................. 104
5.1.3 Limitations Due to the Changing Environment................................ 105
5.1.4 A Need to Optimize Radiation Patterns to Improve the
Communication Link......................................................................... 105
5.2 Tunable Matching Circuits............................................................................ 106
5.2.1 Adaptive Matching............................................................................ 107
5.3 Band Switching Techniques.......................................................................... 111
5.3.1 Approaches to Alter the Frequency Response of a Radiator............. 111 Band Switched Antenna Configuration 1........................... 111 Band Switched Antenna Configuration 2........................... 113
5.3.2 Combination of Adaptive Matching and Band Switching to
Optimize an Antenna........................................................................ 115
5.4 Dynamic Radiation Pattern Optimization..................................................... 116
5.4.1 Description of the Modal Antenna Technique.................................. 117
5.5 Conclusions.................................................................................................... 121
Reference................................................................................................................ 122


5.1.1 Common Passive Antenna Approaches in Wireless Devices
A wide variety of antenna types are utilized in wireless communication devices.
The variation in the number of frequency bands needed to service along with the
devices being designed for either cellular or ISM frequency bands is one of factors
that determines antenna type selection. MIMO systems are gaining favor in WLAN
as well as cellular applications, which brings isolation and envelope correlation coef-
ficient (ECC) requirements into the mix. Considering that most antennas in current
commercial wireless devices are internal, it can be challenging to meet the electrical
requirements levied on the antenna system.
Basic antenna types found in wireless devices are monopole elements, inverted F
antennas (IFAs), planar inverted F antennas (PIFAs), and loops. Each antenna type has

104 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered as trade-offs are made to bal-
ance frequency bandwidth with performance. For example, monopole elements tend
to couple strongly to the surrounding structure in the host wireless device, which will
reduce isolation between adjacent antennas; on the other hand, the monopole element
will typically possess wider frequency bandwidth compared to loops and PIFAs. PIFAs
are 3D structures where multiple resonances can be generated to allow for multiband
operation, but like monopoles tend to couple strongly to the host device. Loops do not
couple well to the surrounding structure of a host device, making this type element
better suited for embedded applications where isolation is required. Unfortunately, the
loop is a narrow bandwidth element, which is not suited for multiband applications.
More recently, new antenna structures or topologies have been developed to
address the need to maintain isolation between an embedded antenna and its sur-
roundings while maintaining bandwidth and efficiency. An example of a well-isolated
antenna is the isolated magnetic dipole (IMD). This type of antenna is designed
where ­consideration is made as to the near-field characteristics of the antenna to mini-
mize coupling between the antenna and surroundings, resulting in improved isolation
between antennas in a device, which is needed as more transceivers are integrated into
wireless devices and as MIMO systems gain favor in these communication systems.

5.1.2 Limitations in Bandwidth
Modern wireless devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and wearable
devices tend to have small form factors and are thin to increase usability (e.g., smart-
phone that fits in a shirt pocket). Designing a lot of functionality into a smartphone
­(cellular, WLAN, and GPS receivers and transceivers) highlights the need to reduce
or limit the volume that an antenna can occupy. Not having adequate volume reduces
the performance of the antenna, with the bandwidth at the lower frequencies being
the first parameter where degradation is observed.
The main problem that arises when limiting the size or volume of an antenna is
achieving sufficient operational bandwidth. Wheeler1 defined the following general for-
mula that links the bandwidth of an antenna to its mode volume at a certain frequency:

Δf antenna mode volume

f (radio wavelength)3

This equation shows that the bandwidth ∆f over the central frequency f is linked by a
dimensionless number K to the ratio of the antenna mode volume to the wavelength.
The K factor is a figure of importance when, all things being equal, we want to com-
pare one antenna to another. The K factor is related to the antenna technology and
how it is designed. In Wheeler’s original paper, the antennas used to demonstrate
this were electric or magnetic dipoles and loops in freespace. This allowed the over-
all antenna mode volume to be defined according to its natural boundaries. For the
dipole, it was the sphere enclosing the dipole. In the case of electrically small anten-
nas, the problem is defining the antenna mode volume since in most cases it sig-
nificantly exceeds the physical volume of the antenna itself. Indeed, some antennas
Tunable and Adaptive Antenna Systems 105

Wheeler’s formula
Antenna mode volume required for fixed bandwidth
∆f Antenna mode volume
=K× LTE 700 band 460 MHz bandwidth
f (Radio wavelength)3 70
42 MHz 140 MHz bandwidth

Antenna mode volume (cm3)

70 MHz bandwidth
60 35 MHz bandwidth

GSM850 only



600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600
Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 5.1  Antenna mode volume related to frequency of operation and bandwidth.

tend to couple strongly to the ground plane making the whole device the antenna.
This might lead to an apparent advantage when bandwidth alone is considered but
has many drawbacks for system performance and multiple antenna integration. For
this reason, the antenna alone should be designed to provide sufficient bandwidth.
Figure 5.1 shows a graph relating antenna mode to various center frequencies. The
curves shown are curves of fixed bandwidth, varying from 35 to 460 MHz. As can
be seen from this set of curves, as the center frequency of operation decreases and
as the required bandwidth increases, the antenna mode volume needed increases.
An important point to take away from this graph is that it requires a much smaller
volume to service 460 MHz of bandwidth at 2 GHz compared to 700 MHz.

5.1.3 Limitations Due to the Changing Environment

A wide variety of wireless devices, such as cell phones, tablets, and smart watches,
are required to operate across a wide range of use cases, with these use cases intro-
ducing a detuning effect on the antenna system. For example, a cell phone is required
to maintain a certain level of performance across use cases that include phone in
user’s hand, phone against the user’s head while in hand, and phone placed on a sur-
face such as a table. The cell phone against the user’s head will typically introduce a
frequency shift in the antenna as well as decrease the total efficiency of the antenna
due to mismatch loss and absorption loss. A passive antenna for a cell phone will
need to operate across these multiple use cases, so the antenna cannot be optimized
for any one use case without degrading performance across the other use cases.

5.1.4 A Need to Optimize Radiation Patterns to Improve

the Communication Link

Today’s wireless device, such as a smartphone or WLAN-enabled tablet or laptop,

is consistently operating in a multipath environment. The multiple reflections due
106 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

to walls, furniture, and other obstructions cause fading in the propagation channel.
Over the years, antenna diversity schemes have been implemented in cell phones
and WLAN access points to compensate for deep fades, with these antenna diversity
schemes incurring volume, complexity, and cost constraints during product develop-
ment. MIMO systems, on the other hand, rely on a rich multipath environment to
assist in signal discrimination during the processing phase of the coincident transmit
and receive signals. Though multipath is desired for good MIMO system perfor-
mance, the fixed radiation pattern of the antennas that constitute the MIMO system
limit the performance of the wireless device, specifically in terms of MIMO system
coverage across all aspect angles. For both antenna diversity and MIMO applica-
tions, the inability to dynamically alter the radiation pattern of the embedded anten-
nas limits the performance of the antenna system, primarily due to the fact that the
gain maxima of the antenna is typically not optimized for mobile systems due to the
motion on the mobile side.


The limitations of passive antennas previously highlighted point toward a need to
dynamically adjust antenna parameters such as impedance properties. By dynami-
cally adjusting the impedance match of an antenna, the antenna can be optimized
as the various use cases of a wireless device are exercised. A tunable matching cir-
cuit can be formed at the feedpoint of an antenna, with this matching circuit com-
monly consisting of one or two tunable capacitors and some passive components,
such as capacitors and inductors. Various circuit topologies can be configured and
both open-loop and closed-loop matching can be utilized to dynamically match the
antenna. Considering that most commercial wireless devices have small form factor
embedded antennas, a revisit of Figure 5.1 can provide insight as to what portion of
the frequency range will benefit most from tuning. Figure 5.1 shows that 70 MHz
of bandwidth centered at 1900  MHz can be supported with less than 2  cm3 of
antenna mode volume. Moving down in frequency, 70 MHz of bandwidth centered
at 854 MHz requires 38 cm3 of antenna mode volume. This trend indicates that for a
dual resonance antenna, which has a low-frequency resonance and a high-frequency
resonance, antenna tuning will be required at the low-frequency resonance when
the antenna impedance is being tuned to increase the bandwidth. For Long Term
Evolution (LTE) cellular applications, carrier aggregation is a feature that is being
implemented where channels in multiple frequency bands are used simultaneously to
transmit and receive data. A set of frequency band pairings have been defined in the
3GPP standard, with the end result being that when tuning is applied to the antenna
in a wireless mobile device, it is best to tune the antenna at the low-frequency band
since this is the frequency band that will require the most improvement; a wide
bandwidth response at the high-frequency resonance will allow for multiple carrier
aggregation band pairings.
The topology of the tuning circuit is an important consideration, with the main
consideration to be made being whether to implement a series or shunt tunable capac-
itor. A series configuration for the tunable capacitor will result in more stringent Q
and power handling requirements placed on the tunable capacitor due to the higher
Tunable and Adaptive Antenna Systems 107

current flowing through the capacitor. To maintain low-loss tuning circuit character-
istics, a series configuration will require a Q in the range of 30–80, with this range
in Q dependent on the frequency of operation and antenna type. A shunt capacitor
configuration will allow for relaxed Q and power handling requirements compared
to a series configuration, which can translate to a reduction in tuning losses and
reduced component cost. Qs in the range of 10–30 can support low-loss tuning cir-
cuit requirements when the antenna design is taken into consideration and the tuning
circuit and antenna are designed as a system. A proper selection of antenna type can
allow for the use of a shunt tunable capacitor, which will provide the impedance tun-
ing range required to impedance match the antenna for the host device design and
use cases. To demonstrate the effect of Q on shunt capacitor performance in a tuning
circuit, a set of circuit simulations were performed where Q was varied and insertion
loss and return loss were monitored. A shunt capacitor was positioned between two
50 ohm ports with 50 ohm transmission lines connecting the two 50 ohm ports to
the terminals of the capacitor. The Q of the capacitor was varied from 10 to 100 and
the return loss and insertion loss of the circuit were monitored. Figure 5.2 shows the
circuit that was simulated along with the insertion loss and return loss as the Q of the
capacitor is varied. As can be seen at 820 MHz, the insertion loss of the circuit varies
by less than 0.15 dB when the Q is varied from 10 to 100. The return loss varies by
less than 0.2 dB across the 500 MHz to 10 GHz range.

5.2.1 Adaptive Matching
Open- and closed-loop impedance matching have both pros and cons in terms of
capabilities and system integration. Closed-loop impedance matching provides the
capability of impedance matching an antenna without input or control signaling from
the rest of the system (transceiver, baseband), which minimizes the mismatch loss as
the environment changes. Closed-loop matching does need to synchronize with the
transmit and receive functions and requires additional RF circuitry for implementa-
tion, which incurs cost and losses. Open-loop impedance matching is easier to imple-
ment, but typically requires input from the communication system such as frequency
band or channel to optimize for. A third technique discussed here, adaptive match-
ing, which can be considered a hybrid technique where additional capability can be
gained compared to an open-loop matching scheme by using additional information
from a baseband to provide additional tuning capability.
Current commercial wireless devices have one or multiple sensors or devices that
can be used to discern the use case or environment that the antenna system in a wire-
less device is exposed to. These sensors can be proximity sensors, display status,
speaker state, microphone status, and/or orientation sensor. By taking an antenna
element, tunable matching circuit formed with a tunable capacitor and passive com-
ponents, and a lookup table relating sensor inputs to capacitor settings, an adaptive
antenna solution can be implemented in a wireless device that matches the antenna
for a specific frequency band and adjusts the impedance match of the antenna to
compensate for an estimated use case or environment. Figure 5.3 shows a sche-
matic of an adaptive matched antenna, with baseband of the host device providing
information such as frequency band or channel and other stimuli for use in making
108 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

decisions regarding antenna tuning. Figure 5.4a shows a plot of return loss for an
adaptive antenna embedded in a cell phone; in this plot, there are several traces
related to specific tunable capacitor tuning states. This return loss plot shows three
resonances: low, mid, and high band, which provides the capability to cover a major-
ity of 3G and 4G cellular bands with a single port antenna, which is typical for main
antennas in current cell phones. The low-band resonance can be seen to shift in

Subst = "MSub1"
W1 = 1.46 mm
W2 = 1.46 mm
W3 = 1.46 mm

Term 1 Term
Num = 1 CAPQ Term 2
Subst = "MSub1" Subst = "MSub1"
Z = 50 Ohm Num = 2
W = 1.46 mm C4 W = 1.46 mm
L = 10 mm C = 1.0 pF L = 10 mm Z = 50 Ohm
F = 820 MHz
Mode = proportional to frequency

S_Param MSub1
SP1 H = 31 mil
Start = 0.10 GHz Var VAR Er = 4.4
Stop = 10.0 GHz VAR1 Mur = 1
Step = 0.01 GHz R = 10 {t} {d} Cond = 5.8E + 7
Q = 10 {t} {d} Hu = 3.9e + 034 mil
C = 1 {t} {d} T = 35 um
TanD = 0.02
Rough = 0 mil
Bbase =
Dpeaks =

Frequency = 820.0 MHz
dB(S(2,1)) = –0.128 –0.12 m12
Q = 100.000000
Frequency = 820.0 MHz –0.16

dB(S(2,1)) = –0.226
Q = 10.000000

–0.22 m11
819.85 819.90 819.95 820.00 820.05 820.10 820.15 820.20 820.25
Frequency (MHz)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 5.2  Circuit simulation where Q of a shunt capacitor is varied. (Continued)

Tunable and Adaptive Antenna Systems 109

Frequency = 1.120 GHz
dB(S(1,1))= –15.963
m7 Q =10.000000
Frequency = 1.120 GHz m6
dB(S(1,1))= –15.963 Frequency = 1.120 GHz
dB(S(1,1))= –15.914
Q =10.000000 Q =100.000000

m6 –15.90
Frequency = 1.120 GHZ –15.91 m6
dB(S(1,1))= –15.914
Q =100.000000

0 –15.95
–5 –15.96 m7

–10 –15.97


Frequency (GHz)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 5.2 (Continued)  Circuit simulation where Q of a shunt capacitor is varied.

Adaptive matched antenna


RF Tunable
Baseband XL
Lookup XL Tunable
Frequency band table capacitor
Control signal
other stimulus

FIGURE 5.3  Schematic of an adaptive matched antenna.

frequency as the tunable capacitor is varied, with the mid- and high-band resonances
either being optimized or detuned as the tunable capacitor is varied. The return loss
traces shown here are for a “freespace” use case defined as a use case where there
are no objects in the vicinity of the cell phone (neither hand nor head loading occurs
for this use case). Figure 5.4b highlights the benefit of an adaptive matched antenna.
Instead of the wideband frequency sweep shown in Figure 5.4a,b shows the return
loss of the low-band resonance for the hand-loading use case. The multiple return
loss traces relate to specific capacitor tuning states. The desired frequency band of
interest is denoted with the markers at 824 and 894 MHz, with the resonances to the
110 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

S11 Log Mag 15.00 dB-s11 Mkr 1: 824.000000 MHz –0.1441 dB

5.000dB/ AT 1 pF
–10.000dB Mkr 2: 960.000000 MHz –0.1295 dB
10.00 AT 2 pF
S11 Log Mag >Mkr 3: 1.920000 GHz –0.3528 dB
Mkr 4: 2.170000 GHz –0.4278 dB
AT 3 pF
–10.000dB 5.00
S11 Log Mag
AT 4 pF
5.000dB/ 1 3
–10.000dB 0.00
S11 Log Mag 1 2 3 4
–10.000dB –5.00


–15.00 Band 5: 824–894 MHz

Band 6: 830–885 MHz
Band 8: 880–960 MHz

Tuning applied to Bands
5, 6, and 8
Ch 1: Start 700.000 MHz Stop 3.00000 GHz

894 MHz
824 MHz





–10.00 2pF



–30.00 The frequency moves to in band by function of PAA

when holding the hand grip.


FIGURE 5.4  (a) Return loss showing three resonances from the single-feed antenna installed
in a cell phone; multiple traces relate to different capacitor tuning values. (b) Return loss cor-
rected for hand loading by adjusting the value of the tunable capacitor in the ­matching circuit.

left of these markers representing the return loss of the antenna with hand loading
of the cell phone prior to selecting the optimal capacitor tuning state. As the tunable
capacitor is varied, the return loss can be improved at the frequency band of interest.
Proximity sensor status is used to determine which capacitor tuning state to com-
mand, with the lookup table relating such functions as frequency band, proximity
Tunable and Adaptive Antenna Systems 111

sensor status, speaker, or microphone status to tunable capacitor tuning states. The
lookup table is developed during the adaptive antenna design phase.


A second method of dynamic tuning that can be applied to an antenna is termed
band switching and is also referred to as an active aperture. This technique differs
from the impedance-matching techniques described previously in multiple respects:
instead of tuning the impedance at the feedpoint of the antenna, the tuning imple-
mented in band switching is applied at the radiating portion of the antenna. Instead
of being concerned with altering the impedance match of the antenna, band switch-
ing is implemented to shift the frequency response of the antenna. This technique is
useful to implement when a volume constrained antenna is required to cover a fre-
quency range that exceeds the bandwidth performance that can be achieved from the
passive antenna structure. A well-implemented band switching design will increase
the bandwidth of the antenna by shifting the resonant frequency of the radiating por-
tion of the antenna, while an open- or closed-loop impedance matching scheme will
attempt to improve the impedance match of the radiator without addressing the need
to shift the resonance of the radiator.

5.3.1 Approaches to Alter the Frequency Response of a Radiator

Multiple approaches can be implemented to dynamically shift the frequency
response of a radiator. Each approach requires that a tunable component, such as a
switch, tunable capacitor, or diode by connected or coupled to the radiating ­element
in a fashion that affects the electrical length and/or current mode on the radiator.
Two approaches are described here, with the approaches different in respect to
whether both low- and high-band resonances of the antenna shift in frequency or
one resonance only. A dual-resonance antenna is considered here due to the prev-
alent use of dual-resonance antennas to provide antenna capabilities at the vari-
ous 3G and 4G LTE frequency bands commonly used in cell phone applications.
The second approach described here provides the capability to satisfy a majority of
LTE ­carrier aggregation band pairings between lower frequency bands and upper
­frequency bands.  Band Switched Antenna Configuration 1

A first approach works well with IMD-type antennas as well as PIFAs when these
antenna types are embedded internally to wireless devices, such as cell phones
and laptops. A 3D radiator is formed from a conductor that is positioned above
a ground plane, with the circuit board of the host wireless device acting as the
ground plane. A feed leg is used to connect the planar portion of the antenna
elevated above the ground plane to the transceiver, and a ground leg is typi-
cally included in the design to aid in matching the antenna and in setting up the
desired current mode. A parasitic element is positioned between the bottom side
of the antenna element and the ground plane, and an RF switch is connected to
112 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

the common port of the RF switch. One port of the RF switch is configured in
an “open” state, where the port is not connected to any structure or component.
The additional ports of the RF switch are connected to the ground either directly
or using lumped components, such as capacitors and inductors. The frequency
response of the antenna can be shifted by switching from one port of the RF switch
to another port. More specifically, when the open switch port is activated, the
parasitic element has negligible effect on the frequency response of the antenna.
This is due to the negligible level of coupling between the antenna and the para-
sitic and the electrical length of the parasitic element. When a second switch port,
connected to a reactive lumped component and the component in turn connected
to the ground is activated, the frequency response of the antenna will shift. The
shift in frequency response is due to two effects: (1) the electrical length of the
parasitic element is altered when the reactive lumped component is connected to
it, and (2) the level of coupling between the parasitic element and the antenna ele-
ment is increased when the parasitic element is attached to the ground (through a
lumped reactance, in this case) (Figure 5.5). Figure 5.6 shows the antenna struc-
ture with parasitic element for two reactive loading states that provide different
frequency responses, with the first loading state of the parasitic element being an
open circuit and the second loading state being a fixed value capacitor. Figure 5.7

Band switching antenna

RFFE module


Frequency band status table
Other stimulus Control signal

FIGURE 5.5  Schematic of a band switched antenna.

Open-circuit Capacitor between

condition parasitic and ground

Parasitic element Parasitic element

IMD antenna IMD antenna

y x y x
z z

FIGURE 5.6  IMD antenna configuration 1 with parasitic element; two reactive loading
states are shown.
Tunable and Adaptive Antenna Systems 113

S1, 1_Capacitor
S-parameter (Magnitude in dB) S1, 1_OPEN



80 MHz shift in low-
230 MHz shift of high-
band resonance
band resonance

0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7
Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 5.7  Return loss of the two loading states of the parasitic element for antenna
­configuration 1 shown in Figure 5.6.

shows the return loss for both loading states of the IMD antenna; notice that
both low- and high-band resonances have shifted when the reactive loading on
the ­parasitic element changes from an open circuit to a capacitive reactance. The
lower frequency response shifts lower in frequency while the upper frequency
response shifts higher in frequency.  Band Switched Antenna Configuration 2

A second band switched antenna configuration is described using the same concept
as discussed in configuration 1 where a parasitic element is positioned beneath
an IMD antenna. The IMD antenna in this second configuration is different in
design, with a large portion of the conductor positioned orthogonal to the ground
plane, with this portion of the conductor used to provide a wide bandwidth upper
frequency resonance. The parasitic element is positioned beneath the IMD antenna
to affect the low-band resonance while providing negligible coupling to regions of
the antenna element that effect high-band performance. With this configuration,
a change in reactive loading of the parasitic element will result in the low-band
resonance shifting in frequency while maintaining a near constant high-band reso-
nance. As previously mentioned, this antenna configuration is good for antenna
designs where 4G LTE carrier aggregation requirements are levied. Figure 5.8
shows the antenna structure with parasitic element for two reactive loading states
that provide different frequency responses, with the first loading state of the
114 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Feedpoint Feedpoint

Parasitic element Parasitic element

in open-circuit state IMD antenna in short-circuit state IMD antenna

y z x y z x

FIGURE 5.8  IMD antenna configuration 2 with the parasitic element; two reactive loading
states are shown.

S1, 1_OPEN
S-parameter (Magnitude in dB) S1, 1_SHORT





80 MHz shift in low-

Wide bandwidth high-
–25 band resonance
frequency resonance

0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7
Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 5.9  Return loss of the two loading states of the parasitic element for antenna
­configuration 2 shown in Figure 5.8.

parasitic element being an open circuit and the second loading state being a fixed
value capacitor. Figure 5.9 shows the return loss for both loading states of the IMD
antenna; notice that in this configuration, the both low resonance has shifted when
the reactive loading on the parasitic element changes from an open circuit to a
capacitive reactance while the high-band frequency response remains practically
Tunable and Adaptive Antenna Systems 115

5.3.2 Combination of Adaptive Matching and Band

Switching to Optimize an Antenna
The adaptive matching and band switching techniques can be combined in a single
antenna design to further optimize the impedance and resonant frequency charac-
teristics. One benefit to highlight in this combined approach is the natural filtering
that the antenna can provide to improve the transceiver performance and to reduce
some filtering requirements. The band switching technique in the form of a multiport
switch coupled to the radiator provides the capability to frequency shift, a narrow
bandwidth frequency response to a desired center frequency while maintaining the
narrow bandwidth properties of the antenna, which can be used to provide filtering
attributes. The adaptive matching technique in the form of a tunable capacitor at the
feedpoint of the antenna can then be applied to fine tune the impedance properties and
retune the antenna as the host device encounters different use cases (e.g., a cell phone
transitioning from hand use case to head and hand use case). Figure 5.10 shows a

Feedpoint Tuning

Ground plane x

S-parameter (Magnitude in dB)






S1, 1_05pF
–35 S1, 1_2pF
S1, 1_OPEN
–40 S1, 1_SHORT

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3
Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 5.10  Antenna design, return loss, and total efficiency of a band switched antenna
showing frequency response roll-off at low-band resonances. (Continued)
116 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

1D Results\Efficiencies\dB

Tot. Effic. [1]_05pF
Tot. Effic. [1]_2pF
–8 Tot. Effic. [1]_OPEN
Tot. Effic. [1]_SHORT
0.6 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.7 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1
Frequency (GHz)
S-parameter (Magnitude in dB)


–30 S1, 1_05pF
S1, 1_2pF
–35 S1, 1_OPEN
0.6 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.7 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1
Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 5.10 (Continued)  Antenna design, return loss, and total efficiency of a band
switched antenna showing frequency response roll-off at low-band resonances.

band switching antenna designed for integration into the edge of a host device where
four low-band tuning states are set up to provide tuning across the 700–960 MHz
frequency range. The roll-off in return loss and total efficiency shows that several
dB of attenuation can be achieved out-of-band for this type of antenna compared to
the broader bandwidth passive antennas, with this additional a­ ttenuation providing
better isolation.


Previously, we described an adaptive matched antenna, where the impedance of the
antenna is dynamically adjusted to improve the match of the antenna port to the
rest of the communication system. This technique will reduce the mismatch loss
of the antenna and better match the antenna to the power amplifier. Another active
antenna technique that can provide substantial benefit in terms of increased antenna
system efficiency and system level effects such as increased throughput is dynamic
radiation pattern optimization. By developing a technique to dynamically adjust the
Tunable and Adaptive Antenna Systems 117

radiation pattern of an antenna, the antenna can now be optimized for specific mul-
tipath environments. This technique of dynamically changing the radiation pattern
of an antenna can be thought of as a method to match or optimize the second port
of an antenna, the “radiating port,” to the propagation channel of a communica-
tion system. This dynamic adjustment of the radiation pattern of the antenna can
be implemented by adjusting the radiation pattern of a single embedded antenna,
termed a “modal antenna” or can be implemented by using traditional antenna array
techniques where two or more antenna elements are combined to generate a directive
pattern that can be scanned by adjusting the phasing of the feed network.

5.4.1  Description of the Modal Antenna Technique

Ethertronics Inc., an antenna system company, has devoted several years to the
development of modal antenna concepts and techniques, with this development cul-
minating in the ability to dynamically adjust the radiation pattern of a single port
small form factor antenna. This modal antenna technique is based on the use of an
IMD antenna as the basic element, and additional elements or components are imple-
mented to alter the current mode on the IMD antenna. The modal antenna technique
is described here, and the term Null steering refers to the dynamically changing the
radiation pattern of the modal antenna, resulting in the capability of shifting the
nulls in the radiation pattern.
The IMD antenna in the fundamental mode exhibits a radiation pattern similar to
a dipole antenna structure with well-defined peaks and nulls in the 3D radiation pat-
terns. On closer inspection, it was seen that if the nulls in pattern could be rotated by
90° (from −X to −Z and from +X to +Z) then it could be possible to have a peak at the
two locations (+Z and −Z), which were previously occupied by nulls in the pattern.
A composite plot of the two patterns would provide coverage along +X, +Z, −X, and
−Z directions. This can potentially account for several dB of improvement in null
coverage. The current distribution characteristics of the IMD antenna were exploited
further to develop a structure that could steer the nulls in the radiation pattern of
the IMD antenna structure. This was achieved using a parasitic element placed off-
set from the main IMD antenna. This parasitic element was switched between an
open-circuit and short-circuit state. When the parasitic element is open circuited, the
antenna structure generates a resonance at frequency f0; when the parasitic element
is shorted to the same ground plane as the antenna, a dual mode response (f1 and f2)
is generated. It can be seen from the current distribution plots in Figure 5.11 that the
resonance at frequency f1 is generated from the IMD antenna and the second reso-
nance f2 is generated from the parasitic element. On further inspection, it is found
that the current distribution characteristics and also the radiation patterns are identi-
cal for frequency point f0 and f1. In order to better describe the concept, a simulation
model for a basic null steering antenna is shown in Figure 5.12.
The antenna design involves capacitive coupling between a parasitic element and a
main drive element to dynamically alter the surface current distribution on the struc-
ture and as a result alter the far-field radiation patterns. The different radiation states
generated by reactively loading the parasitic element are referred to as Modes. It should
be noted that the term mode here does not correspond to the transverse electric (TE)
118 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Shorting parasitic to ground generates two modes

Mode for f1 Mode for f2

Return loss

x y
x y

f1 f0 f2 Radiation pattern for f0, f1 Radiation pattern for f2

f0 resonance with switch open
f1, f2 double resonance when
switch shorts the parasitic X X
element to ground

Different radiation patterns created but at different frequencies

FIGURE 5.11  Basic principle of null steering an IMD antenna.

S-parameter (Magnitude in dB)


–10 q1 (1.96, –16.402)
q2 (1.876, –10.314)
q3 (2.026, –15.329) f1 1
3 Mode 0
–15 Mode 1

f0 f2
1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8 1.85 1.9 1.95 2 2.05 2.1 2.15 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4
Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 5.12  Simulation model of a null steering antenna.

or magnetic (TM) modes and is used simply as a term to specify the radiation state
of the antenna. The antenna structure generates two fundamental radiation states
Mode 0 and Mode 1 associated to when the parasitic is in an open-circuit state
and short-circuit state, respectively. Mode 0 exhibits a single frequency response
centered at frequency f0 generated from the IMD antenna element. Mode 1 exhibits
a dual frequency response at frequencies f1 and f 2, wherein f1 exhibits a radiation
pattern similar to the IMD antenna element (f0), and f2 exhibits a radiation pattern
wherein the nulls in the radiation pattern for f1 are rotated by almost 90° as seen in
Figure 5.14.
Tunable and Adaptive Antenna Systems 119



FIGURE 5.13  Current distribution plots at frequencies f1 and f2 of a null steering antenna.

The surface current distribution plots at frequencies f1 and f2 in Figure 5.13 show
that for f1, the current distribution vector on the parasitic arm is in the same direction
as the inner arm of the IMD antenna element, whereas it is in the opposite direction
compared to the inner arm of the IMD antenna in the case of frequency f2. This
variation in the near-field characteristics of the antenna structure result in a variation
in the far-field characteristics at frequencies f1 and f2. The far-field variation can be
measured in terms of change in the co- and cross-polarization gain between frequen-
cies f1 and f2. The 3D radiation patterns for f1 and f2 in Figure 5.14 also show that the

FIGURE 5.14  3D radiation pattern at frequencies f1 and f2 for a null steering antenna.
120 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

S-parameter (Magnitude in dB)

Null steering


Q1 (1.96, –16.402)
Q2 (1.876, –10.314)
Q3 (2.026, –15.329) 3 Mode 0
–15 Mode 1

1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8 1.85 1.9 1.95 2 2.05 2.1 2.15 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4
Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 5.15  Null steering bandwidth.

null in the radiation pattern for f2 (along the +Z axis) is rotated by almost 90° in the
radiation pattern for f1 (along the –X axis) (Figure 5.15).
The parasitic element placed offset from the main IMD antenna element can be
terminated in either open-circuit or short-circuit state to generate to fundamental
radiation states at frequencies f0 (Mode 0) and frequency f2 (Mode 1). These two
frequency points define the frequency bandwidth over which it is possible to generate
two or more radiation patterns, which will be de-correlated in far field. In terms of
design guideline, these two states will be the fundamental states and it is possible to
generate more states by terminating the offset parasitic elements in lumped capaci-
tors, inductors or LC circuits.
This modal antenna technique provides the ability to generate multiple radiation
patterns from a single port antenna, and a direct application of this type antenna is
for a receive diversity in 3G handset applications. A single modal antenna can be
implemented in a 3G application where the receive diversity antenna and second
receive port in the transceiver can be eliminated. Using a modal antenna as the
main antenna in the handset will provide switched diversity from the single modal
antenna. This implementation will result in reduced power consumption due to
the elimination of the second receive port in the transceiver, and will also result
in reduced cost and reduced internal volume required from the antenna system.
The modal antenna can address these issues by proving pattern diversity from
a single radiating structure without adding a second receive chain. The modal
antenna architecture is being designed keeping these aspects in mind with an aim
of providing an antenna system which provides the maximum diversity gain and
improves the link budget by adding several dB of improvement to the fading mar-
gin. In essence, the modal technique utilizes novel antenna architecture capable of
generating two or more unique modes with low ECC and comparable efficiencies.
The technique will utilize a switched combining technique to switch between the
Tunable and Adaptive Antenna Systems 121

Beam steering antenna



Control signal

FIGURE 5.16  Model antenna system in a communication device.

modes. The goal here would be to have possible gains that would be comparable
to maximum ratio combining (MRC), which increases the hardware required and
the associated complexity.
The antenna hardware for the modal antenna is satisfied with an IMD antenna, a
parasitic element, and multiport RF switch. To complete the modal antenna system,
an algorithm is developed and implemented to provide the decision-making pro-
cess for optimal radiation mode selection in a dynamic environment. The algorithm
requires a single metric from the host device baseband processor, with this metric
being a low-latency SINR, RSSI, CQI, or equivalent metric, which characterizes the
quality of the communication link. The algorithm can be located in any processor
in the host device such as baseband or the application processor. The role of the
algorithm is to compare the link quality metric to the sampled radiation modes and
choose the optimal mode for the communication link. A periodic sampling of the
additional modes (the modes not used for communication at a specific instance) is
made to determine, which mode to switch to and when to switch to keep the commu-
nication link optimized. Figure 5.16 shows a schematic of a modal antenna system
implemented in a communication device.
The modal antenna architecture would be designed k­ eeping these aspects in mind
with an aim of providing an antenna system, which provides the maximum diversity
gain and improves the link budget by adding s­ everal dB of improvement to the fad-
ing margin.

The adaptive antenna techniques described in this chapter, adaptive matching, band
switching, and beam steering, provide the capability of dynamically altering antenna
characteristics, such as impedance, resonant frequency, and radiation patterns.
These adaptive antenna techniques are realized by taking advantage of onboard
sensors and signaling found in today’s commercial wireless devices. These sensor
inputs can be proximity sensor status, frequency band information, display light-
ing status, microphone, speaker state, and so on. One or multiple adaptive antenna
techniques can be combined to optimize multiple parameters simultaneously.
122 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

For high production volume applications, a customized RFIC containing switches,

tunable capacitors, and a processor (e.g., to house a beam steering algorithm) can be
developed to bring these adaptive antenna techniques to a single antenna structure
is a cost-effective manner.

1. Wheeler, H.A., Fundamental limitations of small antennas, Proceedings of the IEEE,
35(12), 1479–1484, December 1947.
6 Effective Antenna
Aperture Tuning
with RF-MEMS
Larry Morrell and Paul Tornatta

6.1 Antennas and MEMS: Advantages of MEMS for
Aperture-Tuned Antennas............................................................................. 124
6.1.1 Key Performance Parameters of MEMS........................................... 124
6.1.2 Trade Space of MEMS Implementations.......................................... 125
6.1.3 Antenna Selection for Antenna Aperture Tuning.............................. 125
6.2 Trade-Off of Instantaneous Bandwidth and System Requirements.............. 125
6.2.1 System Operation: How Wide Does the Bandwidth Need to Be
at Any One Time������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 125
6.2.2 Antenna Design: Frequency Bands and Simultaneous Usage
Requirements������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 126
6.2.3 Multimode, Multiband Performance................................................. 127
6.3 Antenna Volume and Efficiency Considerations........................................... 127
6.3.1 The Small Antenna Limit.................................................................. 127
6.3.2 Baseline Requirements for Antennas in Smartphones...................... 127
6.4 Maximizing Efficiency: The Effect of Loading and Unloading
the Antenna............................................................................................... 128
6.4.1 Antenna System Parasitic Effects to Load and Unload
the Antenna....................................................................................... 128
6.4.2 Frequency Shifting and Tuner Precision........................................... 129
6.4.3 Effect of Amplifier Load-Pull on Tuning Component Resolution........ 129
6.5 Tunable Component Placement on the Antenna Structure............................ 130
6.5.1 The Impact of Capacitance Range on Radiation Efficiency.............. 130
6.5.2 The Impact of Quality Factor (Q) on Radiation Efficiency............... 133
6.5.3 The Impact of Cmin on Radiation Efficiency...................................... 133
6.5.4 Linearity Consideration in Tuner Placement..................................... 134
6.5.5 Voltage and Impedance Considerations............................................ 134
6.6 Smartphone Tunable Antenna Design........................................................... 135
6.6.1 Antenna Design Considerations in Modern Smartphones................ 135
6.6.2 Metal Frame Antenna Design............................................................ 135
6.7 Conclusions.................................................................................................... 142
References............................................................................................................... 143

124 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


6.1.1 Key Performance Parameters of MEMS
Several trends in the phone market are increasing the difficulty of designing anten-
nas for mobile devices. These include wider frequency coverage from 700 MHz to
3.6 GHz for Long Term Evolution (LTE) services and shrinking size allocated to the
antenna (remember the telescoping antennas of yesteryear?). The industrial design of
smartphones, where the screen takes up nearly all the area and sometimes the case is
made of metal—effectively blocking all radio frequency (RF) signals causes further
difficulty. Thus far, approaches to solving the problem have fallen short of ideal.
One approach is to settle for lower efficiency. Broadband antennas have worse
efficiency than narrowband antennas for a given antenna size. But if lower efficiency
is acceptable for a particular device design, a broadband antenna with sufficient band
coverage will work. The trade-off is that the mobile device’s poor efficiency will
mean smaller coverage area, more frequently dropped calls, lower data rate, and
shorter battery life.
Another approach is to design an antenna with narrow instantaneous bandwidth
and use a matching network to optimize the power transfer across the terminals
of the antenna. This technique offers some benefit to the RF chain, allowing the
RF amplifier circuits to operate more effectively. However, this technique does not
fundamentally change the radiating element resonant frequency and as the match-
ing network moves the frequency farther from resonance, the radiation efficiency
drops off.
The best approach to the antenna problem that overcomes the limitations of either
of these previous approaches, is to incorporate the tuner directly in the aperture of
the antenna, so when the tuner is actuated, the resonant frequency of the radiating
structure is changed. This is called aperture tuning. If the antenna is matched to
50 ohms at resonance, changing the resonant frequency of the structure will maintain
the impedance match. Aperture tuning accomplishes two things: (1) it maximizes
the radiation efficiency of the antenna, and (2) it maintains the antenna impedance
match to optimize the power transfer across the antenna terminals. Antenna aperture
tuning allows antennas to be designed with narrow instantaneous bandwidth that can
be tuned to different frequency bands when needed.
Aperture tuning is not a new idea. There are examples of aperture-tuned
antennas in ham radios, land mobile radios, and military applications. The tun-
ing devices used in these applications have very high performance with Quality
factor (Q) > 100, equivalent series resistance (ESR) < 0.5 ohm, voltage handling
capability > 40 V RMS, and high linearity IP3 > 70 dBm. These high-performance
devices, however, do not meet the additional requirements for consumer electron-
ics products that are small in size, low in cost, and high in reliability (a large
number of tuning cycles).
Only recently have microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) emerged as a tech-
nology that addresses all of the technical and commercial requirements for antenna
aperture tuning.
Effective Antenna Aperture Tuning with RF-MEMS 125

6.1.2  Trade Space of MEMS Implementations

One of the most important features of RF MEMS is high Quality Factor (Q) across
all frequencies. The main reason why RF MEMS can have such high Q is that the
basic structure is a metallic, electromechanical switch, not a semiconductor transis-
tor acting as a switch. The performance is limited by the resistivity of the metals (R),
the parasitic inductance (L), and capacitance (C). The following equation shows the
relationship between R, L, and C in determining Q.

1 1 ωL (6.1)
Q= , where Qc = and QL =
(1/QL )+ (1/QC ) ωCRC RL

Keeping the resistance low and minimizing parasitic inductance and capacitance
allows the MEMS device to approach the performance of an ideal component.
For antenna aperture tuning, all of the key performance parameters must be
optimized simultaneously. RF MEMS allows for the optimization of all parameters
without having to trade-off between them.

6.1.3 Antenna Selection for Antenna Aperture Tuning

Aperture tuning can be applied to a wide variety of antenna types. The examples
will focus on antenna types that are applicable for mobile handset and smartphone
devices. These antenna types are typically planar inverted F antennas (PIFA), mono-
pole, loop, and slot antennas. All of these antennas can be modeled as distributed
networks of R’s, L’s, and C’s. The resonant frequency of the antenna can be changed
by changing either the capacitance or inductance at different points in the distrib-
uted network. In a physical antenna, the location of the tuning element or variable
reactance will determine how much capacitance or inductance it takes to shift the
resonant frequency. The location also determines the voltage across the terminals
of the tuner and as a consequence, the linearity of the device. In general, regions of
high voltage will allow for greater tuning range with small changes in capacitance
but will require higher linearity to tolerate the voltage.
Specific antenna selection for the product is a combination of design experience,
industrial design constraints, and frequency band requirements.


6.2.1 System Operation: How Wide Does the
Bandwidth Need to Be at Any One Time
Modern smartphones are required to cover a large number of frequency bands and
protocols (Figure 6.1).
Under normal operation, the phone is required to operate in only one band,
while keeping the ability to quickly look at other frequency bands and protocols
126 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Asia/Europe LTE/3G spectrum

North America LTE/3G spectrum

performance Untuned
antenna performance

Up to 85% degradation in difficult bands

700 820 960 1710 2170 2700

Low-band spectrum (MHz) High-band spectrum (MHz)

FIGURE 6.1  Span of cellular frequencies.

Carrier aggregation: Using multiple bands simultaneously

Potentially up to 5 bands in over 60 combinations from over 40 bands
defined by 3GPP

16 Low bands 17 Mid bands 8 High bands

698–960 MHz 1710–2170 MHz 2300–2700 MHz

FIGURE 6.2  Carrier aggregation.

for roaming, hand-off, and other system management functions. Carrier aggregation
(CA) requires the phone to operate in two bands at the same time. CA requirements
depend on the wireless service provider and regional requirements (Figure 6.2).

6.2.2 Antenna Design: Frequency Bands and

Simultaneous Usage Requirements
For smartphones, there are three frequency groups; low band (698–960  MHz),
mid band (1710–2170 MHz), and high band (2300–2700 MHz). Antennas are usu-
ally designed to have three resonant structures: one for each frequency group. The
bandwidth for the frequency groups are; 31.6%, 23.7%, and 16%, respectively. The
antenna types used for smartphones typically have usable impedance and efficiency
bandwidth of around 10%. This means for the frequency groups the antenna reso-
nance is trying to cover more frequency bandwidth than the natural resonance of
the structure will allow. Over the years, antenna designers have come up with many
techniques to improve the bandwidth and efficiency of small antenna in handset
implementation. In all cases, the antenna performance is a series of trade-offs to find
the best performance compromise.
Effective Antenna Aperture Tuning with RF-MEMS 127

6.2.3 Multimode, Multiband Performance

Instantaneous frequency requirements for the antenna structure in a smartphone are
dependent on the geographical region where the phone is being used and the wireless
service provider requirements in that region. In most cases, the operating frequency
requirement calls for one primary band in one of the three frequency groups, and
one other secondary frequency in a different frequency group. In CA, there may
be primary bands in two frequency groups at the same time. In the future, there
will be a requirement for two primary frequencies in the same group. Most antenna
designs use triple resonant structures with fixed matching to cover all the bands of
interest. With antenna aperture tuning, each resonance of the antenna structure can
be independently tuned to a specific frequency band in the frequency group without
affecting the performance of the antenna in another frequency group. This is a key
capability of antenna aperture tuning that cannot be done with an impedance match-
ing network. Antenna aperture tuning must be done on the part of the aperture that
is resonant in the band of interest. Antennas can be designed where each part of the
resonant structure operates independently, so tuning in one part of the structure does
not affect the others.


6.3.1  The Small Antenna Limit
The performance of small antennas is fundamentally limited and is a trade-off
between size, bandwidth, and efficiency. This relationship was established by
L.J. Chu based on models proposed by Harold Wheeler. Equation 6.1 shows the
relationship of antenna volume (a3) to wavelength (λ), efficiency (η), and fractional
bandwidth (Δf/f).

Δf (a/λ)3 (6.2)

f η

This well-publicized relationship was developed in the 1940s has been shown empir-
ically to reflect antenna performance for electrically small antennas.1,2 This equation
states that antenna size expressed in wavelengths has a direct impact on the antenna
efficiency and bandwidth. If the antenna size is limited by industrial design con-
strains, then the instantaneous bandwidth and efficiency will also be limited.

6.3.2 Baseline Requirements for Antennas in Smartphones

The general rule of thumb requirement for antenna performance in smartphones is
40%–50% radiation efficiency and maximum band edge voltage standing wave ratio
(VSWR) of 3.5:1. These requirements, however, do not always translate in to accept-
able total radiated power (TRP) and total isotropic sensitivity (TIS) performance.
TRP and TIS are the actual measurements required by the service providers to allow
the device to operate on their network. Increasing frequency range and industrial
128 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

design constraints are making it difficult for a fixed-tuned antenna to cover the fre-
quencies of interest with adequate performance.


6.4.1 Antenna System Parasitic Effects to Load and Unload the Antenna
In order to understand the effects of loading an antenna structure, it is important to
understand how the antenna is integrated into the complete smartphone structure.
Equivalent circuit analysis has been done and validated with simple blank printed
circuit board (PCB) prototypes. Figure 6.3 illustrates a PIFA equivalent circuit model
where the effect of the phone chassis is considered.3
This model shows the reactive elements of the antenna lumped into two terms,
L1 and C1. In a real phone, the ground plane geometries and interactions are very com-
plex. The antenna behaves like complex distributed network. Figure 6.4 shows how a
PIFA structure is loaded by the ground plane nearby, where β = ω LC , Le = Xω LC .
The ground nearby the PIFA creates capacitive loading on the antenna element.
The dimensions of the radiating element affect the inductance and resistance of
the distributed network. The distributed nature of this network means the imped-
ance (voltage and current) is changing as the location moves along the length of the
antenna. As a result, the impedance presented to the tuner varies along the length
of the antenna. Choosing the right tap point to place the tuner depends on the
capacitance range of the tuner, frequency range and radiation efficiency required to
meet the performance goals.
For band select tuning, the fundamental frequency bandwidth must also be con-
sidered. This will establish the minimum dimensions of the antenna structure and is
usually dominated by industrial design constraints. The fundamental frequency will

L2 C2

L1 C1 G1 R2

Zin N1 : 1 1 : N2
Antenna Chassis

FIGURE 6.3  Antenna equivalent circuit model.

Zc, β, Le L [distributed] Zc, β, Le

C [distributed]

FIGURE 6.4  Loading of a PIFA structure and equivalent circuit.

Effective Antenna Aperture Tuning with RF-MEMS 129

also determine if the tuning element must present a capacitive or inductive reactance
in order to tune the resonance of the antenna. If the fundamental resonant frequency
of the antenna is at the low end of the frequency band, the reactance of the tuner must
be inductive, to “pull” the frequency up. If the fundamental resonant frequency of
the antenna is on the high end of the frequency band, the reactance of the tuner must
be capacitive to “pull” the frequency down.

6.4.2 Frequency Shifting and Tuner Precision

As the tuner reactive load is moved farther out on the antenna structure, the imped-
ance presented to the tuner increases. As the impedance increases, the loading effect
of the reactance of the tuner increases, and it take less reactance to affect a resonant
frequency change.
For capacitive loading, the fundamental resonance of the antenna structure is
set to the high end of the frequency band. Increasing the capacitance will then
lower the resonant frequency of the antenna. The capacitance range required to
get the right frequency tuning range is determined by the location of the tap point
on the antenna. If more tuning range is required, the tuner is placed farther out on
the antenna.

6.4.3 Effect of Amplifier Load-Pull on Tuning Component Resolution

Power amplifier load-pull is a major consideration in final product acceptance
testing. Small variations in the antenna tuning can have a big impact on the loca-
tion of the impedance locus on the Smith chart. Figure 6.5 illustrates a typi-
cal amplifier load-pull diagram showing locations for optimum efficiency and
output power.

Peak Pout
31 dBm max
0.5 dB/step

45% max

FIGURE 6.5  Power amplifier load-pull diagram.

130 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets





Cntl=21.000 Cntl=20.000
Cntl=21.000 Cntl=21.000



S(1,1)[find_index(Cntl, indep(m7)),::]

0.2 5.0
0.1 10









–0.1 Cntl=29.000
2 Cntl=31.000 .0









Frequency (720.0–720.0 MHz)

FIGURE 6.6  Locus of antenna impedance as the capacitive load shifts. (Note: Increasing
control state corresponds to an increasing capacitance.)

Changing the resonance of the antenna causes the impedance locus on the Smith
chart to rotate in a predictable way. With fine resolution in the tuning element, it is
possible to make small favorable changes to the impedance not affecting the radia-
tion efficiency but having a big impact power amplifier loading. The overall impact
to power added efficiency of the RF chain can be several decibels (dB). The diagram
in Figure 6.6 shows the trajectory of the antenna impedance as the resonant fre-
quency is changed.
Moving the antenna impedance around the Smith chart allows it to pass through
different regions of the power amplifier load-pull diagram changing output power
and efficiency of the amplifier. Figure 6.7 shows the impact of impedance on TRP
and power amplifier current, Idd.


6.5.1  The Impact of Capacitance Range on Radiation Efficiency
In Section 6.4.1, it was shown that changing the value of the capacitive reactance
along the antenna aperture changes the resonant frequency of a PIFA. It was also
Effective Antenna Aperture Tuning with RF-MEMS 131

TRP versus C-state
TRP (dBm)

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
State index (0..31)

Idd versus C-state
Idd (mA)

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
State index (0..31) ABC

FIGURE 6.7  Total radiated power and power amplifier current over the capacitance range.

shown that the antenna aperture behaves as a distributed network. In principal, it

seems there are a large number of choices for capacitance tuning range and device
placement along the aperture to achieve a desired frequency tuning range. In prac-
tice, however, there are limitations on device placement that are driven by industrial
design constraints and limitations on variable capacitor performance. To understand
how these limitations affect device placement and capacitor tuning range, let us con-
sider the voltage and current distribution along the length of the antenna. Figure 6.8
illustrates the voltage and current distribution on a typical PIFA structure.

Voltage distribution

1 2
DVC placement region

Distance from feedpoint Variable capacitor


FIGURE 6.8  Voltage and current distribution along a typical PIFA structure.
132 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Antenna resonance frequency (GHz) 0.925

0.875 2.0 pF capacitance range
0.85 1.5 pF capacitance range
0.775 2
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Capacitance (pF)

FIGURE 6.9  Tuning range as a function of the capacitance range. (Note: [1] is placed nearer
the feedpoint; [2] is placed farther from feedpoint and as a result has a higher ΔFrequency/
ΔCapacitance [tuning ratio].)

Frequency tuning range versus Capacitance tuning range

capacitor tuning range impact on efficiency
1 80
0.95 70
0.9 60
Frequency (GHz)

Efficiency (%)

0.85 50
0.8 40
0.75 30
2.5–5.0 pF
0.7 20 1.5–3.5 pF
1.0–2.5 pF
0.65 10 0.5–1.5 pF
0.6 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(a) Capacitance (pF) (b) Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 6.10  Tuning ratio: Impact of the capacitive range on efficiency and frequency
tuning range. (a) Small capacitance ranges can produce an equivalent change in frequency
compared to larger ranges if Cmin is smaller. (b) Smaller capacitance loading on the antenna
produces higher radiated efficiency while still covering the desired frequency range.

From the illustration in Figure 6.8, moving farther out on the PIFA increases the
capacitive loading effect of the tuner and increases the voltage at the terminals of the
tuner. At increased voltage, the loading of the capacitor will have a larger effect on
the resonant frequency; therefore, it is possible to get the same frequency tuning range
for different capacitance tuning ranges depending on where the variable capacitor is
placed along the length of the antenna. Figure 6.9 shows two different capacitor ranges
at different location on the antenna producing the same frequency tuning range.
Although it is possible to get the same frequency tuning range using different
capacitor values, the maximum radiation efficiency is achieved when using the
smallest capacitive loading values. Figure 6.10a shows the same frequency tuning
range achieved with different capacitor ranges and the impact on radiation effi-
ciency (Figure 6.10b).
Effective Antenna Aperture Tuning with RF-MEMS 133

6.5.2  The Impact of Quality Factor (Q) on Radiation Efficiency

The Quality factor (Q) of the tuner is a critical performance parameter. Refer back
to Equation 6.1 for the relationship between R, L, and C in determining Q. Q is
inversely proportional to the device ESR and therefore the implementation loss of the
device. As the Q of the device drops, the ESR increases for a given capacitance value
and, the implementation loss increases. The chart in Figure 6.11 illustrates how ESR
affects the radiation efficiency of the antenna.
MEMS technology makes it possible to build tuners with high Q > 100 and low
ESR <0.5 Ohm, thereby reducing the implementation loss to fractions of a dB.

6.5.3  The Impact of Cmin on Radiation Efficiency

The minimum capacitance presented by the tuner is a critical performance param-
eter. The lower the Cmin, the higher the efficiency will be. Let us consider the dis-
tributed circuit model of a PIFA introduced in Section 6.4.1. The addition of shunt
capacitance lowers the resonant frequency of the structure. When a tunable capaci-
tor is added to an antenna structure, even a small amount of capacitance will lower
the resonant frequency. To compensate, the antenna length must be shortened. This
reduces the antenna size and lowers the efficiency. The ideal tunable capacitor will
have a zero minimum capacitance so that the unloaded antenna length and efficiency
can be maintained. In addition to ESR, implementation loss is also a function of
capacitance. As capacitance increases, the effect of ESR also increases. Depending
on where the variable capacitor is attached, it is possible to get a wide frequency tun-
ing range with almost any capacitance range. The selection of the right capacitance
range is a function of industrial design (where the tuner can be placed) as well as
radiation efficiency. It is always desirable to keep the capacitance loading to a mini-
mum to keep the radiation efficiency as high as possible.

Slope is a function of antenna design
Implementation loss (dB)

2 implementation

Solid-state switch
0.5 implementation
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
Equivalent series resistance (ohms)

FIGURE 6.11  Impact on radiation efficiency as a function of ESR.

134 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

6.5.4 Linearity Consideration in Tuner Placement

Moving the tuner out on the antenna makes it possible to use the smallest amount
of capacitance to affect tuning range. This has the benefit of keeping the radiation
efficiency as high as possible. However, the voltage presented at the terminals of the
tuner can be quite high. High voltage on the tuner tends to increase the second- and
third-order harmonics generated by the tuner. MEMS device construction makes it
possible for the tuner to withstand high voltage (>40 V RMS) without generating
unacceptably high harmonics.

6.5.5 Voltage and Impedance Considerations

The placement of the tuning element on the antenna aperture impacts the perfor-
mance. Moving farther out on the antenna element puts the tuning device in a high
impedance region of the antenna. At higher impedance, a small change in capaci-
tance will cause a big change in resonant frequency. This is good since it allows
the antenna to remain as large as possible. However, as the device is placed farther
from the feedpoint and the impedance increases, the voltage across the device
will increase. At wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) and LTE
power levels of +24 dBm, the RMS voltage at the terminals of the tuner is gener-
ally below 30 VRMS even when the tuner is placed at 15 mm or farther from the
feedpoint. At higher power levels, like GSM power of +33 dBm, the voltage across
the terminals of the antenna can approach 70 VRMS at a distance of 15 mm from
the feedpoint. At these voltage levels, many solid-state devices have poor linear-
ity and exhibit high second- and third-order harmonics at voltage levels as low as
20 VRMS. MEMS devices are more tolerant to higher voltages and can be used
in regions of the antenna where voltage is as high as 40 or 50 VRMS. This allows
the tuner to be placed in a region where smaller capacitance values can be used
to tune the antenna, thus preserving as much of the antenna length and efficiency
as possible.
The graph in Figure 6.12 shows the RMS voltage at the terminals of the tuning device
for various positions along the length of the antenna. The dashed traces are at 0.4 pF

V RMS at +33 dBm power

15 mm
12.5 mm 7.5 mm 0.4 pF
10 mm
60 5 mm 1.0 pF



500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 6.12  Antenna voltage at 33 dBm with different tuner locations. (Note: At 15 mm
from the feedpoint, nearly 70 VRMS is generated on the tuner.)
Effective Antenna Aperture Tuning with RF-MEMS 135

and the solid traces are at 1.0 pF. The rightmost trace of each group is at 5 mm from
the feedpoint and the leftmost trace is 15  mm. The increment between traces is
2.5 mm.


6.6.1 Antenna Design Considerations in Modern Smartphones
In the past, it was common for a cell phone antenna to be a separate part made
from stamped metal, flexible printed circuit material, or laser direct structuring
onto a plastic housing. The antenna was then integrated into the phone as part of
the assembly process. Today, smartphone designs are dominated by large touch
screens, forward and rear facing cameras, large batteries, and thin form factors.
In many cases, there is no room for a separate antenna component. In addition to
the lack of space, metal frames are often used to make smartphones mechanically
rigid to avoid breaking the display. This combination of factors makes it difficult to
accommodate traditional antenna designs. Recently, antenna designers have started
to use the structural elements of the phone, metal frames and metal backs, as the
antenna radiating element. In fact, the advent of antenna aperture tuning devices
makes it possible to “tap” into an existing mechanical structure and drives it as a

6.6.2 Metal Frame Antenna Design

The example in this section identifies the design considerations for a metal frame
antenna implemented in a typical smartphone form factor. Figure 6.13 shows the
geometry of the phone and metal frame.

Metal frame

Main ground

Ground feedpoint
Antenna aperture tuner

Main antenna

FIGURE 6.13  Typical metal frame smartphone.

136 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Comparison of Digital Variable Capacitors (DVC) Used for Design
Parameters at the Board Side of Bump Pads
Capacitor Values Used—of 32 Possible States (pF)
Device R (Ohm) L (nH) Cmin C10 C20 Cmax
32CK301 0.3 0.8 0.45 0.64 0.84 1.05
32CK417 0.4 0.8 0.55 0.92 1.29 1.70
32CK402 0.4 0.8 0.70 1.14 1.57 2.05

The frame is 65 mm wide × 130 mm long × 8 mm thick. There is a 10-mm clear-

ance between the main ground plane and the frame on either end of the phone. The
frame has four breaks to create four distinct sections. The frame sections on the side
of the phone are connected to the main ground plane. The two frame sections on
either end are floating. The device in Figure 6.13 uses the bottom frame edge as the
main antenna radiator. This piece of the frame has three connection points, ground,
feedpoint, and antenna aperture tuner to form a tunable PIFA structure.
Several available 32-states MEMS aperture tuning devices were selected to per-
form the study. A list of the devices and performance parameters are listed in Table 6.1.
Each of the three MEMS devices was connected to the main antenna radiator in
a position to tune the antenna between 700 and 800 MHz. The data shows that each
of the devices can be used to tune the antenna over the same range of frequencies
by tapping into the antenna at the right point. The 32CK301 device has the lowest
Cmin and smallest capacitance tuning range. From the information in Section 6.5.1,
it stands to reason that this device will be placed the farthest from the feedpoint in
order to get a sufficient tuning range. The proper device distance is around 15 mm.
The 417 has slightly higher Cmin and wider tuning range, it is connected to the main
antenna 10 mm from the feedpoint. The 402 has the highest Cmin and widest tuning
range and is connected to the main antenna 5 mm from the feedpoint. S11 Log Mag
and efficiency were measured for each device at four different capacitance states,
Cmin, C10, C20, and Cmax (Figure 6.14).
The Cmin of the capacitor will cause a shift in the frequency response of the
antenna. This is the effect of adding an aperture tuning device. A device with a
low Cmin will minimize this effect. From the data, each of the three MEMS vari-
able capacitors has a similar shift in frequency even though they have different Cmin
values. The reason is that each of the device, in order to compensate for a different
capacitance tuning range is placed at a different position on the antenna. The device
with the smallest capacitance tuning range is placed farther out on the antenna where
the impedance of the antenna is higher. In this region, even a small capacitance will
have an impact on the resonant frequency. Devices withs larger tuning range can be
placed closer to the feedpoint and achieve the same frequency tuning range, but in
the case of the selected MEMS devices, each has a different Cmin value as well. The
change in Cmin and location together tend to balance out giving roughly the same
frequency shift for each device (Figure 6.15).
Effective Antenna Aperture Tuning with RF-MEMS 137

The impact of ESR was studied using a combination of discrete capacitors and
resistors. The capacitor is placed in parallel across the aperture of the antenna, the
same way the MEMS device is placed on the antenna. A discrete resistor is then
placed in series with the capacitor to simulate a device with a higher ESR. The objec-
tive of the study is to show the impact of ESR on radiation efficiency.
Figure 6.16 shows a mockup of the frame antenna with a discrete capacitor and
series resistor in place of the MEMS aperture-tuning device.
The resistance is changed from 0 to 2 ohms. In each case, the return loss (S11)
magnitude and efficiency are measured. The experiment was performed using a
2.7 pF capacitor at a distance of 5 mm from the feedpoint.
Figure 6.17 shows the S11 measured results and Figure 6.18 shows the measured

301S, 15 mm from feedpoint



S11 Log Mag (dB)

–20 C10

–25 C20



700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
(a) Frequency (MHz)

301S, 15 mm from feedpoint

Efficiency (dB)

–8.00 Cmin
–10.00 C10
–12.00 C20

–14.00 Cmax

700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
(b) Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 6.14  Comparison of return loss (S11) (a) and efficiency (b) for different DVC
devices and locations. (Continued)
138 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

417R, 10 mm from feedpoint



S11 Log Mag (dB)


–20 C10



700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
(c) Frequency (MHz)

417R, 10 mm from feedpoint

Efficiency (dB)

700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
(d) Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 6.14 (Continued)  Comparison of return loss (S11) (c) and efficiency (d) for differ-
ent DVC devices and locations. (Continued)
Effective Antenna Aperture Tuning with RF-MEMS 139

402R, 5 mm from feedpoint


S11 Log Mag (dB)

–10 Cmin


–15 C20



700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
(e) Frequency (MHz)

402R, 5 mm from feedpoint



Efficiency (dB)

–6.00 Cmin
–8.00 C20


700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
(f) Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 6.14 (Continued)  Comparison of return loss (S11) (e) and efficiency (f) for differ-
ent DVC devices and locations.
140 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Loss due to DVC <0.25 dB

Impact of using
higher capacitance

Efficiency (dB)

Frequency shift loading

the antenna with an
aperture-tuning device


Unloaded frame
–12.00 301 Cmin 15 mm
417 Cmin 10 mm
402 Cmin 5 mm

700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 6.15  Analysis of capacitance loading of the tuning devices.

aperture tuner
Metal frame

Main antenna Feedpoint

Main ground

FIGURE 6.16  Development platform for measuring return loss and efficiency.
Effective Antenna Aperture Tuning with RF-MEMS 141

2.7 pF cap, 5 mm



S11 Log Mag (dB)

0 Ohm
0.5 Ohm
–5 1.0 Ohm

–6 2.0 Ohm



700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 6.17  Return loss (S11) magnitude shown on a logarithmic scale.

2.7 pF, 5 mm


Efficiency (dB)

–6.00 0 Ohm
–8.00 0.5 Ohm
1 Ohm
2.0 Ohm


700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 6.18  Measured radiated efficiency.

142 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

2.7 pF, 5 mm


Efficiency (dB)

0 Ohm
–5.00 0.5 Ohm
1 Ohm
–6.00 2 Ohm


720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800
Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 6.19  Magnified scale showing antenna efficiency impact of ESR over frequency.

The chart in Figure 6.19 shows the measured efficiency with a magnified scale in
order to more clearly see the impact of high capacitance and high ESR on the radia-
tion efficiency.

Antenna design challenges in smartphones are driven by industrial design constraints
and a proliferation of frequency bands of operation. Designing aperture-tuned anten-
nas to meet the challenge offers significant advantages in total radiated power and
receiver sensitivity over fixed frequency and variable impedance-tuned antenna
designs. When designing an aperture-tuned antenna, it is important to understand
the unique design requirements and select the appropriate tuning element.
The performance characteristics of RF MEMS are particularly well suited to
aperture-tuned antennas. RF MEMS devices have very low equivalent series resis-
tance (ESR). The typical RF MEMS capacitor has an ESR from 0.2 to 0.5 ohm. This
parameter is particularly important as it is directly related implementation loss. As
the ESR increases, the implementation loss increases. ESR > 0.5 ohm can lead to
implementation losses from 1 to 3 dB. This much loss is unacceptable in the front
end of the RF chain. In addition to ESR, minimum capacitance or Cmin is also a criti-
cal parameter. The fundamental antenna structure acts as a distributed network of
R’s, L’s, and C’s. A shunt variable capacitance placed in the antenna aperture will
load the radiating element and lower the resonant frequency. To compensate, the
antenna must be made shorter. To preserve antenna length and maximum radiation
efficiency, the antenna must be loaded as little as possible. A very low Cmin, <0.5 pF,
allows the fundamental antenna to be as big as possible preserving the radiation
Effective Antenna Aperture Tuning with RF-MEMS 143

1. Wheeler, H.A., Fundamental limitations of small antennas, Proceedings of the IRE, 35,
1497–1484, December 1947.
2. Chu, L.J., Physical limitations of omnidirectional antennas, Journal of Applied Physics,
19, 1163–1175, December 1948.
3. Vainikainen, P. et al., Resonator-based analysis of the combination of mobile handset
antenna and chassis, IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, 50(10), 1433–
1444, October 2002.
7 RF-CMOS Impedance
Performance Metrics and
Design Trade-Offs
Tero Ranta

7.1 Introduction—Toward a Fully Integrated Reconfigurable Cellular RF
Front End....................................................................................................... 145
7.2 Fundamentals and Design Trade-Offs of Semiconductor Switched
Capacitors...................................................................................................... 146
7.2.1 Basic Concepts and Fundamental Trade-Offs................................... 146
7.2.2 Real-Life Performance Is Dominated by Parasitic Effects............... 149
7.2.3 Component Quality Factor................................................................ 151
7.3 Impedance Tuning Networks......................................................................... 152
7.3.1 Tuning Network Circuit Topology and Trade-Offs........................... 152
7.3.2 Cellular System Level Considerations............................................... 154
7.3.3 Dealing with Exponential Complexity.............................................. 154
7.3.4 Impedance Tuner Compact Model.................................................... 155
7.3.5 Impedance Tuner Visualization......................................................... 158
7.3.6 Smith Chart Constellations................................................................ 158
7.3.7 Smith Chart Surfaces......................................................................... 158
7.3.8 Transducer Gain Contours................................................................. 159
7.3.9 Density Plots for Visualizing Large Amounts of Data...................... 161
7.4 Conclusions.................................................................................................... 162
References............................................................................................................... 162


The complexity of cellular devices has increased at a very rapid rate due to the expo-
nential growth in mobile data demand. The use of more spectrally efficient higher-
order modulation schemes has enabled transmitting and receiving significantly more
bits per Hertz of radio spectrum, but additional frequency bands must be added to
the cellular device to cover global operation and various frequency band allocations.
This spectrum growth not only increases the number of duplex filters, antenna switch

146 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

throws, and antennas, but also requires fundamental modifications to the radio fre-
quency (RF) front-end architecture to support flexibility and reconfigurability.
Monolithic integration using complementary metal oxide semiconductor
(CMOS) technology has been a growing trend in the baseband, application proces-
sor, and transceiver areas of the cellular device. Over the past several years the
CMOS revolution has also swept the cellular RF front end, enabled by significant
technological advancements in silicon-on-sapphire (SOS) and silicon-on-insulator
(SOI) technologies. The growing use of CMOS SOI technology in the RF front-
end components, such as antenna switches and power amplifiers also makes it a
natural candidate for implementation of impedance tuning devices. This enables
monolithic solid-state integration for a truly fully integrated reconfigurable CMOS
SOI solution and provides a small die area, good cost structure, high yield, and high
reliability required for very high-volume mass production.
Key cellular applications for tuning devices include antenna impedance tuning5–7,10;
antenna aperture tuning8; power amplifier output impedance tuning; tunable phase
shifters9; duplex filter tuning; and diplexer, coupler, and low-pass filter tuning. Typical
specification requirements for tuning devices used in these applications can be sum-
marized,2–11 as supporting capacitance ranges within 0.5–30 pF, tuning ratios from 3:1
to 30:1, Quality factors in the range of 20–80 at 1–2 GHz, ability to withstand instan-
taneous peak RF voltages of 15–90 VPK, and RF power levels above +35 dBm, being
able to reliably handle 10–100 billion switching cycles and being controlled using a
high-speed serial digital interface such as MIPI RF front-end control interface (RFFE).


There are several ways to implement cellular RF impedance tuning on a CMOS
process, including stacked field effect transistor (FET) switched capacitors, stacked
varactor diodes, and microelectromechanical system (MEMS) actuators. The main
focus of this chapter is on solid-state switched capacitor implementations, given
their significant ruggedness and reliability, wide tuning ratio, integration potential,
and ease of use. Even though on a conceptual level, switched capacitors are simple
devices, significant innovation has gone into taking them from a concept to com-
mercially viable and cost-competitive devices that meet the stringent requirements
of modern cellular devices.

7.2.1 Basic Concepts and Fundamental Trade-Offs

The basic concept of digitally tunable capacitor (DTC) devices implemented on
RF-CMOS SOI process is the use of high-linearity stacked FET RF switches to
switch on-chip capacitors in and out of the circuit, via a digital control interface
(Figure 7.1a). Since the sizes of these switches and capacitors are usually binary
weighted and constant Q, the switched capacitor network can be thought of as a very
linear digital-to-capacitance converter. The FETs are turned ON and OFF by apply-
ing a positive or negative voltage via a digital control interface, respectively, on their
gate terminals through series biasing resistor.
RF-CMOS Impedance Tuners 147

RF+ DTC Q versus Tuning ratio versus RONCOFF

Freq. = 1000 MHz
400 fs
140 250 fs
200 fs
120 150 fs


Vdd 80


RF– 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(a) (b) Tuning ratio

FIGURE 7.1  Basic switched capacitor implementation (a) and tuning ratio versus Quality
factor trade-off versus RONCOFF (b).

All solid-state switched capacitor implementations are governed by the same

fundamental trade-offs between the capacitance tuning ratio and Quality factor
(Figure 7.1b), which stems from using switch transistors in series with fixed capac-
itors. The main figure of merit for these switches is the RONCOFF, which refers to
the product of ON-state resistance and OFF-state capacitance (in units of femto-
seconds), which is ideally independent of the FET dimensions or number of FETs
in a stack. The pace of RF-CMOS SOI development has enabled significant year-
over-year reductions in RONCOFF values, akin to the ubiquitous Moore’s law for
CMOS digital circuits. The first commercial implementations of DTC technology
on SOS substrate used FET devices with RONCOFF values above 700 fs, whereas
modern RF front-end SOI CMOS processes exhibit RONCOFF figure of merits close
to 100 fs.
The fundamental capacitance, Quality factor and S11 behavior is illustrated in
Figure 7.2, for a 5-bit 0.9–4.6 pF 30 V PK DTC implemented on an SOS process.
The Quality factor curves shapes illustrate almost “ideal” fundamentally stacked
switched capacitor behavior. In maximum capacitance state (C31) the behavior is
dominated by series resistance of ON FETs (RON) in series with the metal–insulator–
metal (MIM) capacitor (C MIM) resulting in the familiar inverse of frequency (1/f)
slope for Q. In minimum capacitance state (C 0), all FETs are OFF (and appear
as capacitors COFF) and the high-frequency Q slopes are dominated by the series
connection of MIM capacitor Q and that of FET’s OFF capacitance (Q of COFF).
The frequency where C 0 and C31 curves intersect is known as the Q crossover fre-
quency, and typically targeted below the minimum typical operating frequency.
All of the Q slopes tend to 0 as frequency goes to 0. This is because the biasing
resistors in the FET stack become effectively parallel with total capacitance of the
DTC, resulting reduction in Q (also known as de-Q’ing). Additionally, the sub-
strate loss in SOI processes typically limits the Q performance at low-capacitance
states, causing the Q low-frequency slope to flatten out significantly and impact
the Quality factor at 1–2 GHz. SOS processes do not have this behavior, due to
the extremely low-loss tangent substrate material. The Quality factor for states
148 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

5 100
90 C1
4 80 C2
70 C4
Capacitance (pF)

3 60 C15
50 C31

2 40
1 20
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
State Frequency (GHz)


Frequency (800–900 MHz)

FIGURE 7.2  Fundamental C, Q, and S11 behavior for a 0.9–4.6 pF digitally tunable capacitor.

between C0 and C31 is a combination of the two behaviors depending on how many
bits are ON and OFF.
The main differentiator between RFSOI and bulk CMOS switched capacitor
implementations is that SOI enables the use of FET stacking to arbitrarily increase
the RF peak voltage handling (VPK) of the tunable component to levels required by
cellular devices. This is made possible by the use of a fully insulating SOI (or SOS)
substrate, which enables nearby FETs to float with respect to each other, enabling
increase of voltage handling from 2 to 4 VPK for a single FET to up to 100 VPK for
the whole stack. This allows the RF power handling capability to be fully tailored
to the specific application requirements by simple circuit design techniques, rather
than having to modify materials properties of dielectrics or mechanical properties
of moving parts.
The overall die area of the switch FET stack is proportional to the square of stack
height in order to maintain the same total DC resistance across the stack regardless
of the stack height (i.e., going from A stack of one to two requires doubling the size
of each device to maintain constant total resistance, which quadruples the total die
area). This causes the die to grow very rapidly with increase in VPK specification. In
practice this is limited by (1) parasitic capacitance resulting from large die area and
(2) limited available die area, which bounds the achievable Cmin, VPK, and FET stack
DC resistance (i.e., Q).
RF-CMOS Impedance Tuners 149

7.2.2 Real-Life Performance Is Dominated by Parasitic Effects

The industry drive toward lower RONCOFF figures-of-merit (by optimizing RFSOI
process and device parameters) is motivated by improving loss and bandwidth per-
formance for RF switch applications. The downside of this trend is a continued reduc-
tion in a single FET’s breakdown voltage, or ability to hold off RF voltage in the OFF
state, which is detrimental to tuning devices that usually require much higher peak
voltage (VPK) specifications compared to typical RF switches. Lower per-FET break-
down voltage requires increasing the stack height to maintain the same total peak
voltage (VPK) specification, which also requires making each FET larger to reduce
its resistance to maintain the same total RON for the stack. The increase in stack
height and device sizes significantly increases the impact of unwanted parasitics and
degrades the effective stack-level RONCOFF. Careful process and design optimization
is required to find the optimal FET device parameters for tuning applications.
The lowest achievable minimum capacitance (Cmin ) and hence the capacitance
tuning ratio are dominated by the OFF capacitance of the FET stack relative to the
MIM capacitor value. Ideally, the total stack-level COFF would be independent of the
stack height, but in reality each FET in the stack has a parasitic capacitance (CP) to
ground which is typically 1%–2% of COFF. This distributed parasitic capacitance
limits the minimum achievable stack-level COFF regardless of how many FETs are
connected in series. The product level Cmin is further increased by parasitics due to
packaging and die interconnect.
The Q factor of the switched capacitor circuit is dominated by RON of the FET
stack, which includes the DC resistance of each FET and distributed metal routing
RF resistance along the length of the FET stack. The Q factor is further reduced by
the MIM capacitor dielectric and electrode losses (typically Q = 100 @ 2 GHz) and
metal interconnect resistance (typically 0.1–0.2 ohms). The equivalent SRF (self-
resonant frequency) is dominated by the distributed inductance of the FET stacks,
metal routing, and bond wires or flip-chip bumps.
To capture these parasitic effects, a three-terminal product level equivalent circuit
of the DTC can be created (Figure 7.3), where the element values depend on the tun-
ing state. The total parasitic capacitance to GND (CP1, CP2) is a significant portion
of the series capacitance (CS) and must be taken into account when designing tuning
networks using DTCs in series configuration.

LS VP RS CS VM Ls Variable Equation (state = 0, 1, 2...31) Unit

RF+ RF– CS 0.127*state + 0.38 pF
RS 20/(state+20/(state+0.7))+0.7 Ω
RP1 8+3*state Ω
RP2 RP2 RP2 25,000+3*state^3 Ω
RP1 RP1 CP1 –0.0075*state+0.52 pF
CP2 0.0096*state+0.61 pF
LS 0.35 nH

FIGURE 7.3  Example of a product level equivalent circuit model including all parasitic
150 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Another major effect of the distributed parasitic shunt capacitance is that it causes
the RF voltage to divide unevenly across the FET stack. The overall voltage handling
of the switch FET stack is limited by the weakest device (highest relative RF voltage
in the stack). Due to the nature of a series-shunt capacitance ladder, the FETs on top of
the stack see the highest relative voltage across them and start clipping the RF signal
first resulting in high distortion. The voltage division must be equalized in order to get
the full peak voltage handling performance, especially for stack heights above approxi-
mately 8 as uneven voltage division increases almost exponentially with increasing
stack height. Often tunable devices need to support both shunt and series operation.
This makes it even more challenging to achieve high-peak voltage handling, as the
FET stack may experience highest per-device voltages on top or bottom of the stack,
depending on whether the terminals see high- or low-impedance levels when being
used in the tuning network. It is very important to codesign the tuning network and
tunable capacitors as a whole to optimize performance of the whole network.
Another side-effect of increasing stack height is that it makes the circuit more sus-
ceptible to unintended Q degradation (de-Q’ing) due to the bias resistors connected
to the gates of the stacked FETs. The Q degradation can be reduced by increasing
value of the gate resistor at the expense of switching time which is dominated by the
RC time constant between gate bias resistor and FET gate capacitance. To further
reduce the de-Q’ing effect, the MIM capacitors are usually placed on top of the
FET stack for shunt connected devices making them “invisible” to the gate resistors.
MIM capacitors may be placed at both ends of the FET stack if full DC blocking
is required in series configuration, but this typically requires adding a separate DC
path to the FETs between the series capacitors, which will cause additional de-Q’ing.
The main benefit of using SOS substrate is that it is perfectly insulating with a
very high Quality factor. Typical HR SOI (high-resistivity SOI) substrates exhibit
higher parasitic capacitance with lower Quality factors for the parasitic substrate
network (Q = 15–30), which will impact especially high VPK and high-frequency
implementations on SOI.
The CMOS FET devices and MIM capacitors used in switched capacitors are
sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD) conditions with typical ratings in sev-
eral kV of human body model (HBM). This is much better than a typical GaAs
switch device with some hundreds of volts of HBM tolerance. However, the typi-
cal cellular device specification for any device connected directly to the antenna
port is 8 kV HBM and there are additional surface-mount device (SMD) assembly
process related machine model (MM) and charged device model (CDM) require-
ments for standalone components. Guaranteeing this level of ESD robustness not
only requires providing high-linearity low-capacitance ESD discharge paths on-
chip between all external terminals of the tunable device, but also making sure the
instantaneous voltage across any on-die MIM capacitor does not exceed the break-
down voltage (~50–100 V) of the dielectric. The switch FET stack is self-protecting
due to the drain-source breakdown of the FETs during ESD event, but ESD damage
on MIM capacitors usually results in short circuits in the dielectric near weak spots
in the dielectric layer. Fully integrated tunable matching networks have typically
less stringent ESD requirements due to less exposed RF ports and integrated shunt
inductors on RF ports.
RF-CMOS Impedance Tuners 151

7.2.3 Component Quality Factor

One of the important figures of merit of tunable components is the Quality factor, as
it directly impacts the matching loss and ability to match loads with high-reflection
coefficients or high-resonator Quality factors. The fundamental definition is based
on energy stored versus energy lost per cycle of the RF waveform. The more com-
monly used definition for series Quality factor is Q = I(Z )/R(Z ), that is, the ratio of
imaginary part of the shunt input impedance (reactance) to the real part (resistance).
However, this definition cannot be used for resonant circuits as at resonance the posi-
tive inductive reactance would cancel out the negative capacitive reactance and result
in an incorrect Quality factor of zero.
Resonant circuits (i.e., circuits containing resistance [R], inductance [L],
and capacitance [C]) require the use of a resonator Q method, as illustrated in
Equation 7.1. The resonator Quality factors for series and parallel RLC circuits are
as follows:

1 L ωL 1 C R
Qser = = = Q par = R = = ωRC (7.1)
R C R ωRC L ωL

The resonator Q method requires decomposing the total reactance to capacitive

(C) and inductive (L) components, and separately calculating the total Quality fac-
tor using one or the other (same result independent of which reactance is used).
Determining this based on a measurement requires input impedance measurements
at least at two different frequencies. An elegant method to determine resonator Q
is to measure phase of input impedance (Z IN) at two different frequencies around
the resonant frequency and calculate rate of change on phase of input impedance as
a function of normalized frequency as shown in Equation 7.2 (phase measured in
radians). The resonator Quality factor from the measured input impedance phase is
as follows:

Δϕ ZIN ϕ(Z f 2 ) − ϕ(Z f 1 )

Qres = fres = fres (7.2)
Δf f2 − f1

An alternative method is to calculate C from Z IN measured at very low frequency

(almost DC) as it is not impacted by series inductance yet. Then use the “DC” value
of the capacitance along with resistance measured at the RF to calculate the Q. This
is identical to eliminating the series L completely and only using the true capacitance
to calculate Q.
For measuring the Quality factor of tunable components, an RF impedance ana-
lyzer or LCR meter that uses the RF-IV technique and supports measurements up to
3 GHz should be used. This method is based on measuring the RF voltages and cur-
rents into the load, which is ideal for measuring highly reflective loads near the edge
of the Smith chart (such as high-Q capacitors and inductors in one-port configura-
tion). In contrast, the vector network analyzer (VNA) is a reflectometer-based instru-
ment using swept sinewave RF sources and directional couplers to measure forward
152 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

and reflected RF waves. This instrument is optimized for measuring impedances in

the vicinity of 50 Ω and will have a lot lower measurement accuracy compared with
an RF impedance analyzer. When measuring tunable capacitors, great care must be
taken to properly de-embed the coaxial connectors and RF transmission line leading
up to the device all the way up to the proper reference plane (i.e., flip-chip bumps
or other interconnect). Any small difference (on the order of picoseconds) in electri-
cal delay can impact the phase relationship between the measured real and imagi-
nary part of the input impedance, thereby having a large impact on capacitance and
Quality factor responses.


7.3.1  Tuning Network Circuit Topology and Trade-Offs
One of the most important specifications for a tunable matching network is to trans-
form a range of load impedances (e.g., VSWR = 4:1) to a range of input impedances
(e.g., VSWR = 1.5:1) across the required frequency band (e.g., 700–900 MHz), while
incurring as little matching loss as possible. Classical matching network design
theory is based on calculating the values of lossless fixed components assuming
static port impedances. Tunable matching networks must cover wide frequency and
impedance ranges using low-Q components, requiring numerical optimization of
component values and tuning ranges to meet specifications. Once the matching
network topology (low, high, or bandpass) has been selected, additional pass-band
shaping (harmonic notch filters, etc.) can be added with appropriate component
value changes to account for loading effects. A typical 3D bandpass tuning network
with component losses included is illustrated in Figure 7.4.
Adding more sections (degrees of freedom) to a tunable matching network
increases its impedance coverage in theory, but, in practice, this is severely limited
by increased loss of the added sections, which reduces impedance coverage. Thus
the number of sections needs to be carefully tailored to the application. Given the
fundamental trade-off between the solid-state switched capacitor tuning ratio and
Quality factor, having a tuning network simultaneously cover a wide load impedance
and frequency range also incurs higher dissipative loss than an equivalent circuit
with less frequency or tuning range.

L2 RL2 C2 RC2

+ +
Port 1 L1 C1 L3 C3 Port 2
Z0 Z0
– –

FIGURE 7.4  3D impedance tuner with lossy components.

RF-CMOS Impedance Tuners 153

While placing tunable elements near the high impedance areas of the tuning
network or antenna allow for wider impedance coverage, the downside is that the
RF peak voltage (Vpk) across the tuning element increases significantly. Switched
capacitor networks usually have a very strict limit on the maximum RF voltage. On
the other hand, placing the tunable element near low impedance area reduces the
peak voltage but, at the same time, increases the current element resulting in higher
power dissipation. Careful consideration is required to place the tunable components
in a location that maximizes their performance.
Additionally, tunable capacitors used in series configuration often experience
high RF voltage levels, due to voltage multiplication and resonant conditions. Using
elements in shunt configuration only is significantly easier but reduces frequency and
impedance coverage of the tuning network.
From a network circuit topology point of view, the lower the source or load port
impedance, the higher the current through the circuit elements. The power dissipa-
tion is proportional to the square of the current and, thus, increases rapidly for low
port impedances. This is especially critical for impedance transforming matching
networks often used to match amplifier devices to 50 Ω system impedance.
Regardless of the intrinsic Quality factor of the tunable component, the net-
work loss is determined by the mounted Q factor when the component is used in
the actual tuning circuit. Due to parasitic inductance, capacitance, and resistance,
the network Q is always much lower than the tunable element component Q at
GHz frequencies, as parasitic impedances have values comparable to the actual
impedances. Even more important is the actual total dissipative loss of the tunable
matching network when it is being used to match impedances. The overall loss is
composed of several different factors. Dissipated power loss of an individual com-
ponent can be calculated as half of the real part of the conjugate of complex volt-
age drop multiplied by the complex current (Equation 7.3). The power dissipation
for two ports is the difference between power entering port 1 and power leaving
port 2 (Equation 7.4).
Component real power dissipation:

Pcomp = R((V2 −V1 )* I ) (7.3)

Network real power dissipation:

1 1
Pnetwork = R(V1* I1 ) − R(V2* I 2 ) (7.4)
2 2

A Pareto chart can then be created showing the contribution of each element to the
total loss of the network. This usually highlights the importance of reducing sub-
strate loss effects, impact of finite inductor Q, and importance of minimizing EM
(electromagnetic) effects, such as current crowding, skin effect, spreading resistance,
proximity effect, and radiation loss.
154 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

The best measurement tool for impedance tuning network S-parameters is the
VNA, even though some custom automation software usually needs to be written to
enable collection of hundreds of thousands or millions of states.
For large signal characterization of parameters such as harmonic and intermod-
ulation distortion (IMD), as well as peak voltage handling, the impedances and
capacitive and inductive parasitics of the tuning network and individual compo-
nents must be well known. Distortion produced by the tuning network cannot be
easily predicted from tunable capacitor harmonic and IMD specifications, because
nonlinear currents and voltages generated by tunable capacitors are significantly
impacted by the rest of the tuning network. The effective peak RF voltage seen by
the switch FET devices must not exceed their design and reliability limits under
typical operation of the tuning network. Depending on configuration (shunt, series)
and port impedance levels and any circuit resonances, the voltage across the FET
stack may be several times higher than effective RF voltage at the ports calculated
from the available RF power levels.

7.3.2 Cellular System Level Considerations

There are several parameters that require careful consideration when implement-
ing tunable impedance matching networks for modern cellular devices. Modern
wideband communication systems with high-order modulations (e.g., QAM, OFDM,
LTE, and 802.11ac) use lower average power (typically <+24 dBm at cellular device
antenna port) compared with 2G modulation standards (e.g., up to +35 dBm for
GSM). For high peak-to-average waveforms, the high voltages at the peaks must be
taken into account when determining the peak RF voltage rating for the tuning net-
work. Another system level concern are the rapid transmission phase changes during
tuner state changes, which will require allowing only relatively small changes timed
to occur during the safe periods of the full-duplex FDD waveforms (e.g., frame/slot
boundaries). For closed-loop systems, the control algorithms must be made robust
and adaptive against oscillation between adjacent states. This typically requires the
use of gradient-free discrete optimization algorithms. Finally, the linearity require-
ments are extremely stringent for carrier aggregation (CA) systems to support a mul-
titude of simultaneous carriers and band combinations.

7.3.3  Dealing with Exponential Complexity

Monolithic integration enables adding a lot of tunability without necessarily incur-
ring any significant cost. The downside is the more reconfigurability and degrees of
freedom are added, the more characterization and test is required to cover all the
unique tuning states.
This is best illustrated by way of an example. Tuning network with four tunable
capacitor at 5-bit resolution each (i.e., 4D 5-bit) will have a total of over 1 million
(220) unique tuning states. Assume a two-port VNA sweep at 300 frequency points is
required for characterization purposes. Every two-port S-parameter frequency point
requires storing of four complex floating point numbers for S11, S12, S21, and S22 in
RF-CMOS Impedance Tuners 155

the form of eight real and imaginary components. The total number of complex
S-parameter points becomes 1.25 billion (300*8*220)! Even at a typical VNA sweep
times of 100 ms (including data transfer and storage overhead), it would still take
about 30 h to sweep across the whole tuning space. The number of measurements
could be significantly reduced by, for example, measuring every second or fourth
tuning state, however, narrow resonances may be missed completely.
Regular S-parameter files are stored in ASCII format, which for two-port files
amounts to about 128 bytes of data for every frequency point (16 bytes per float-
ing point number). The total file size would be over 40 GB for 1 million tuning
states and would take several hours to load into a circuit simulator, which is
prohibitively inefficient. A good alternative is to store the file in a binary format.
Not only does this reduce the file loading time to a few seconds, there is also no
waste because data are stored natively in the most efficient way. A typical dou-
ble-precision floating-point format (IEEE754) uses 8 bytes (64 bits) per number,
cutting the file size in half to 20 GB. This is still a very large file, considering
typical corporate e-mail accounts only allow sending and receiving a maximum
of 10 MB files.
Double-precision floating numbers are clearly still too inefficient. The size
of data can be further reduced to 5 GB by using fixed-point integer representa-
tion (i.e., casting floating point S-parameter real/imaginary data) (−1⋯+1) into
−32768⋯+32767 discrete integers such that it can be directly stored as a 16-bit (2
byte) signed integer.
Fixed-point representation only works for passive networks because the maxi-
mum S21 is bounded to 1 (0 dB). For active networks, such as amplifiers, a floating-
point representation is required as the value of S21 has no upper bound. The smallest
IEE754 standardized floating-point number is the half-float (2 bytes, 16 bits), which
is the same number of bits as the fixed-point integer representation, but with less
precision as 5 bits are used for the exponent.

7.3.4 Impedance Tuner Compact Model

Data reduction by limiting the precision of stored data cannot shrink the raw data
enough for a large number of tuning states. A good alternative is to fit the measured
data to a model and only store the model coefficients. Ideally, the compact model
would have such a small memory footprint that it could be stored in cellular device
memory and potentially used for a feed-forward real-time optimization algorithm.
This compact model should be able to represent the intrinsic correlations between
the input variables (DTC values) and output variables (complex S-parameters) with-
out being dependent on the precision (number of bits) of the inputs but only depend
on the degrees of freedom (number of tunable elements).
An example derivation of such optimal fitting function is presented later for
the bandpass 3D tuning network shown in Figure 7.4. Every element has a series
resistance associated with it to model dissipative losses. The equation for input
impedance ZIN (Equation 7.5) is derived using traditional linear circuit analysis
156 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Input impedance for 3D tuning network shown in Figure 7.4 is

Zin =
1 1 1
+ +
RL1 + jωL1 R − j 1 ⎛ 1 ⎞ 1
R + jωL2 ) + ⎜ RC 2 − j
ωC1 ( L 2 ⎟+
⎝ ωC2 ⎠ 1 1 1
+ +
RL 3 + jωL3 R − j 1 Z0


The input reflection coefficient (S11) can be calculated from input impedance using.

S11 = (Zin − Z 0)/(Zin + Z 0)(7.6)

Solving S11 directly results in an extremely complicated function with too many
terms to reproduce here. However, for the purposes of this analysis a numerical
solution will suffice, which is derived by assuming that all DTCs follow a linear
capacitance relationship Cn = An*xn + Bn and all scalar terms (inductor values Ln, dis-
sipative resistances R Ln and RCn, frequency (w in radians), and DTC slope An and
offset Bn) are set to a value of 1. Substituting these values into Equation  7.5, and
using Equation 7.6 to calculate the numerical input reflection coefficient S11 of net-
work shown in Figure 7.4 is

[(4 − j14)x1 + (0 − j8)x2 + (4 − j6)x3 + (8 − j14)x1x2 + (10 − j8)x1x3

+ (4 − j6)x2 x3 + (13− j6)x1x2 x3 + (0 − j8)]
S11 = (7.7)
[(−24 + j34)x1 + (−16 + j48)x2 + (−24 + j34)x3 + (−36 + j26)x1x2
+ (−34 + j12)x1x3 + (−36 + j26)x2 x3 + (−39 + j0)x1x2 x3 + (0 + j48)]

Closer analysis of Equation 7.7 reveals that input reflection coefficient S11 can be
modeled by a multivariate rational function having denominator and numerator com-
plex polynomial terms that contain all unique combinations (e.g., x1, x2, x3, x1x2, x1x3,
x2x3, x1x2x3) of products of the input variables and a complex constant, but no square
or cubic terms. These can be easily enumerated by treating the combinations as all
binary values of dimension n (0–2n). For example, 3D tuner has eight unique combi-
nations of input variables [x1, x2, x3] = [000, 001, 010, 011,…,111], where 1 means that
input variable exists and 0 means it does not, and 000 refers to the constant.
Similar analysis can be applied to all of the other S-parameters to derive a generic
3D fitting function as shown in Equation 7.8.
Generic complex fitting function for all S-parameters of network shown in
Figure 7.4 is

v1x1 + v2 x2 + v3 x3 + v4 x1x2 + v5 x1x3 + v6 x2 x3 + v7 x1x2 x3 + v8

Sij = ,
v9 x1 + v10 x2 + v11x3 + v12 x1x2 + v13 x1x3 + v14 x2 x3 + v15 x1x2 x3 + v16
vn ∈ C, xn ∈ Z (7.8)

RF-CMOS Impedance Tuners 157

Examples of Complex Coefficients Fitted to Measured 3D Data at 1.0 GHz
Coefficients S11 S12 S21 S22
v1 0.1006 − 0.7918i 0.0028 − 0.0054i 0.0028 − 0.0054i −0.7150 + 0.2131i
v2 −1.5556 − 1.6865i −0.8548 + 1.9055i −0.8548 + 1.9055i −1.8592 − 1.2029i
v3 −0.5650 + 0.2025i 0.0004 − 0.0009i 0.0004 − 0.0009i 0.0985 − 0.6019i
v4 0.0730 + 0.1356i 0.0004 − 0.0014i 0.0004 − 0.0014i 0.1439 + 0.0327i
v5 0.0467 + 0.0433i 0.0001 − 0.0001i 0.0001 − 0.0001i 0.0518 + 0.0328i
v6 0.1303 + 0.0593i −0.0003 − 0.0000i −0.0003 − 0.0000i 0.0921 + 0.1058i
v7 −0.0040 − 0.0033i 0.0000 − 0.0000i 0.0000 − 0.0000i −0.0044 − 0.0025i
v8 6.0340 + 4.1172i −1.1136 + 2.2268i −1.1136 + 2.2268i 4.5742 + 5.5984i
v9 −0.1486 + 0.7979i 0.1399 + 0.9053i 0.1399 + 0.9053i −0.0151 + 0.7800i
v10 −0.9739 + 2.8708i 0.0132 + 3.4458i 0.0132 + 3.4458i −0.4980 + 2.9187i
v11 −0.2579 + 0.5914i −0.0564 + 0.7325i −0.0564 + 0.7325i −0.1531 + 0.6052i
v12 −0.0667 − 0.1415i −0.1236 − 0.1270i −0.1236 − 0.1270i −0.0853 − 0.1253i
v13 −0.0449 − 0.0467i −0.0655 − 0.0334i −0.0655 − 0.0334i −0.0498 − 0.0379i
v14 −0.0666 − 0.1307i −0.1197 − 0.1164i −0.1197 − 0.1164i −0.0835 − 0.1156i
v15 0.0040 + 0.0035i 0.0055 + 0.0024i 0.0055 + 0.0024i 0.0043 + 0.0028i
v16 8.0640 − 1.5184i 8.0375 − 4.6416i 8.0375 − 4.6416i 7.3763 − 2.7998i

In fact, similar function can be shown to apply to any n-dimensional imped-

ance tuning network requiring a total of 2n+1 complex coefficients (8, 16, and 32
complex coefficients for 2D, 3D, and 4D tuners, respectively). To demonstrate
the effectiveness of this method, the coefficients v1…v16 were calculated from
measured S-parameter data set of a 3D 4-bit tuner, using Levenberg–Marquardt
method for nonlinear least squares approximation. The coefficients are shown in
Table 7.1.
Comparison between measured and modeled data is shown in Figure 7.5, dem-
onstrating remarkable fitting accuracy across all tuning states. The significant
feature is that the amount of data has been reduced from 2(3*4) = 4096 raw com-
plex numbers per S-parameter and frequency point, to only 16 complex numbers,
regardless of the number of bits for every DTC. For a 3D 4-bit tuner this repre-
sents a 256-fold reduction in the amount of data. Compared with traditional S2P
files stored in ASCII format, this method results in a 4096 times smaller file size
(0.15 GB versus 18.8 kB) assuming complex coefficients for 300 frequency points
are stored using 16-bit signed integer format.
Given that measured data are often quite noisy with narrow resonances and
other non-idealities, it is preferred to store the coefficients for every frequency point
rather than trying to further reduce the memory footprint by fitting the complex
coefficients across frequency. However, if desired, the frequency relationship can
be implemented by fitting the complex coefficients using a complex vector fitting
158 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

S11 @ 1.0 GHz S12 = S21 @ 1.0 GHz S22 @ 1.0 GHz
Measured Measured Measured
Modeled Modeled Modeled

FIGURE 7.5  Measured versus modeled S-parameter data for a 3D 4-bit impedance tuner
at 0.1 GHz.

7.3.5 Impedance Tuner Visualization

Being able to visualize behavior of tunable matching networks is critically impor-
tant for optimizing their performance for a given application. However, given the
sheer number of tuning states in typical impedance tuners (on the order of 103–109),
a custom analysis software (written in mathematical analysis software such as
MATLAB®) is often a better choice than trying to use generic circuit simulators (e.g.,
ADS). Several novel analysis techniques are presented in the following.

7.3.6 Smith Chart Constellations

The Smith chart constellations of S11 and S22 are the most common way of visualiz-
ing the impedance tuning range of a tunable network. The spread of the points on the
Smith chart indicates the impedance coverage of the network. Generally, impedance
points scattered evenly and over a large percentage area of the Smith chart implies
a high-gamma tuner (a tuner capable of matching large reflection coefficients and
VSWR conditions). For lossless networks, the conjugate of S11 (complex reflection
coefficient seen looking into Port1 when Port2 terminated to ZL, and vice versa)
shows the exact source impedance that can be perfectly matched. However, for mul-
tidimensional tuning networks the Smith chart constellations are often cluttered,
have multiple impedance points with different dissipative loss on top of each other
and, thus, give only little insight into the behavior of the circuit.

7.3.7 Smith Chart Surfaces

A very helpful aid in visualizing tuning networks is to plot reflection coefficients
as surfaces stretched over the Smith chart. For a 2D tuner, the points on the grid
are defined by two variables (e.g., DTC1 as x axis, DTC2 as y axis), as shown in
Figure 7.6b. A checkerboard coloring is used to further reveal the built-in structure
in the data. From a surface plot, a constellation fold-over is obvious, that is, part of
the constellation is on top of another part, but it is not directly evident from the “flat”
RF-CMOS Impedance Tuners 159

S*22 –2500 MHz S*22 –2500 MHz

(a) (b)

FIGURE 7.6  Smith chart constellation (a) and surface (b).

regular constellation. Care should be taken to properly select which DTC is mapped
to which axis such that the resulting graph conveys the information properly. For
higher dimensional tuners, some dimensions will need to be kept fixed while others
are mapped to a surface.

7.3.8  Transducer Gain Contours

To characterize insertion loss of the matching network, the S21 can only be used if
both ports are same as characteristic impedance (typically 50 Ω). Since the whole
purpose of tuner is to match non-50 Ω source and load impedances, transducer
gain equations (Equation 7.9) must be used to calculate the effective insertion loss
between complex port impedances.
The transducer gain equation for determining matching loss for complex source
and load impedances is

⎡ (1− | Γ G |2 ) | S21 |2 (1− | Γ L |2 ) ⎤

GT = 10 log10 ⎢ 2⎥
⎣ | (1− S11Γ G )(1− S22Γ L ) − S12 S21Γ G Γ L | ⎦ (7.9)
Z − Z0 Z − Z0
ΓG = G , ΓL = L
ZG + Z 0 Z L + Z0

Contours of transducer gain drawn on a Smith chart are immensely useful in tunable
matching network analysis and optimization. Typical Smith chart constellations of
S11 and S22 only show points that can be conjugate matched, but they do not include
any information on the dissipative loss of that particular tuning state or information
about areas of Smith chart that are outside of the constellation. The transducer gain
160 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

900 MHz 1900 MHz 2200 MHz

FIGURE 7.7  Load transducer gain contours and conjugate of S22.

contour, on the other hand, shows the area of the Smith chart that can be matched
to the source with a given loss performance. For best performance, the load imped-
ance of, for example, antenna or filter input impedance should be pre-matched or
otherwise placed inside the low-loss contour. The difference between conjugate of
S22 constellation plot and load transducer gain contours is illustrated in Figure 7.7.
The coverage areas of the S22 constellation do not always overlap with reasonable
(e.g., −1 dB) loss contour.
Transducer gain contours can be created by a mathematical load-pull technique
using S-parameter data, which is valid for linear networks such as impedance tuners.
That is, represent every complex load impedance reflection coefficient on the Smith
chart as a grid of complex values (e.g., values −1 to 1 at 0.01 steps for both real and
imaginary parts for a total of 40,401 complex numbers). Then for every load reflec-
tion coefficient and every tuning state (e.g., 1,048,576 states for a 4D 5-bit tuner) cal-
culate transducer gain using Equation 7.9, and then pick the tuning state with highest
transducer gain. Now this data set can be used to draw contours of transducer gain
overlaid on top of the Smith chart. This technique works but given the brute force
nature it gets very inefficient for large number of tuning states or fine load reflec-
tion coefficient grid. In this example, 40 billion transducer gain function evaluations
(complex equation so computationally very expensive) would be required for every
frequency point.
A novel alternative technique is presented later that is several orders of mag-
nitude less computationally complex. It is based on calculating a transducer gain
circle (for a given contour level, e.g., −1.0 dB) for every tuning state and then graph-
ically tracing the outline of all the G T circles to create the contour (Figure 7.8).
The required calculations are shown in Equation 7.10, where g is the normalized
gain (relative to peak S21) given contour level P (in dB), c is the center of the circle
(in complex coordinates of reflection coefficient and r is the circle radius as an
absolute number).
Equations for calculating transducer gain circles are

10 P/10 *
gS22 1− g (1− S22 )
g= 2 2
c= 2
r= 2 (7.10)
S21 (1/(1− S22 )) 1− (1− g) S22 1− (1− g) S22

RF-CMOS Impedance Tuners 161




(a) (b)

FIGURE 7.8  Traditional brute-force transducer gain contour method (a) compared with a
gain circle boundary method (b).

The use of transducer gain circles removes the need to evaluate the transducer gain
function at every load reflection coefficient value, as the gain circle already contains
that information. In the earlier example, this reduces number of function evaluations
by a factor of over 40,000. An efficient sweep-line algorithm or alpha boundary can
then be used to trace the boundary of the gain circles to create the contour in loga-
rithmic time.
The transducer gain circle boundary method is a significant improvement over the
brute-force method but still inefficient as the number of function evaluations is pro-
portional to number of tuning states. This becomes very impractical for tuners that
have a large number of bits per DTC (e.g., 6–8 bit), because number of unique tuning
states grows exponentially with the number of bits per DTC. To completely eliminate
the dependency on number of bits per DTC, the transducer gain circle boundary
method can be combined with tuner compact model equations and coefficients. This
allows that transducer gain contours to be analytically calculated directly from the
complex rational function, without ever having to evaluate the complex function at
discrete DTC values to create discrete S-parameter data. This would provide prac-
tically instantaneous transducer gain contour calculation from the tuner compact
model coefficients, for any complexity.

7.3.9  Density Plots for Visualizing Large Amounts of Data

For higher-dimensional tuners with significant number of states (>1 e4) it is imprac-
tical to plot every single tuning state as its own line plot. There are too many lines
on top of each other, which tends to mask any underlying groupings in the data. An
alternative way to display the data are to create bins and use a histogram function to
calculate number of points going through each bin, and then display a bitmap of the
bins. This reveals areas where most of the data points are concentrated. Figure 7.9
shows comparison between regular line plots and density transducer gain for a tun-
ing network with several thousands of tuning states.
162 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Transducer gain Transducer gain

0 0

–0.5 –0.5
Transducer gain (dB)

–1 –1

–1.5 –1.5

–2 –2

–2.5 –2.5

–3 –3
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
(a) Frequency (MHz) (b) Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 7.9  Line plot (a) versus density plot (b) for a large number of tuning states.

Over recent years, the complexity of cellular devices has grown significantly with
the exponential growth in mobile data demand, which has had a significant impact
to the complexity of cellular RF front end. What once was a simple single-antenna
single-band transmit and receive duplexing solution with no active RF switching
has turned into a complex RF front end supporting 10+ FDD/TDD bands, 16+ RF
switch throws, multiple simultaneous carriers, reconfigurable multimode and multi-
band power amplifiers, and impedance and antenna tuning. Optimization of the per-
formance, size, and cost has practically displaced GaAs in the switching portions of
the RF front end by enabling monolithic integration of switching, tuning, and ampli-
fication functions using RF-CMOS SOI. While silicon varactor, BST, and MEMS-
based alternatives exist for tuning applications, switched CMOS capacitors exhibit
a unique trade-off between RF performance, simplicity, and monolithic integration.
To the first order the RF performance is dominated by the RONCOFF figure-of-merit
of the CMOS switch process, but the peak voltage, impedance tuning range, and
dissipative loss behavior is significantly impacted by second order parasitic effects.
A careful optimization of all parameters is required to achieve best performance.
While RF tuning improves the radiated performance of the mobile device, it relies
on being able to select the one optimal tuning state out of thousands or millions of
possible candidates. Traditional RF circuit simulation, measurement, and optimiza-
tion techniques have to be replaced by size and speed optimized data structures,
analysis, and measurement techniques.

1. Ranta, T., Ella, J., and Pohjonen, H., Antenna switch linearity requirements for GSM/
WCDMA mobile phone front-ends, 8th European Conference on Wireless Technology
Proceedings, Paris, France, pp. 23–26, October 3–4, 2005.
2. Ranta, T. and Novak, R., New tunable technology for mobile-TV antennas, MWJ, 2008.
3. Ranta, T. and Novak, R., Antenna tuning approach aids cellular handsets, MW& RF,
RF-CMOS Impedance Tuners 163

4. Ranta, T. and Novak, R., Improve mobile handset antenna performance with new tun-
ing techniques, EE Times, 2008.
5. Ranta, T., Pilgrim, D., and Whatley, R., RF front end adapts for increased mobile data
demand, EE Times, 2010.
6. Whatley, R., Ranta, T., and Kelly, D., RF front-end tunability for LTE handset applica-
tions, Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), 2010 IEEE,
pp. 1–4, October 3–6, 2010.
7. Whatley, R., Ranta, T., and Kelly, D., CMOS based tunable matching networks for cel-
lular handset applications, Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2011 IEEE MTT-S
International, pp. 1–4, June 5–10, 2011.
8. Baxter, B., Ranta, T., Facchini, M., Jung, D., and Kelly, D., The state-of-the-art in
silicon-on-sapphire components for antenna tuning, Microwave Symposium Digest
(IMS), 2013 IEEE MTT-S International, pp. 1–4, June 2–7, 2013.
9. Cheng, C., Facchini, M., Ranta, T., and Whatley, R., High performance 1.8–2.4
GHz phase shifter using silicon-on-sapphire digitally tunable capacitors, Microwave
Symposium Digest (IMS), 2013 IEEE MTT-S International, pp. 1–3, June 2–7, 2013.
10. Ranta, T., Whatley, R., Cheng, C., and Facchini, M., Next-generation CMOS-on-
insulator multi-element network for broadband antenna tuning, Microwave Conference
(EuMC), 2013 European, pp. 1567–1570, October 6–10, 2013.
11. Sekar, V., Cheng, C., Whatley, R., Zeng, C., Genc, A., Ranta, T., and Rotella, F.,
Comparison of substrate effects in sapphire, trap-rich and high resistivity silicon sub-
strates for RF-SOI applications, 2015 IEEE 15th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic
Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF), pp. 37–39, January 26–28, 2015.
8 Handset Antenna
Tuning Using BST
Paul McIntosh

8.1 Overview........................................................................................................ 165
8.2 Antenna Matching and the Transition to Tunable Matching Networks........ 165
8.3 Antenna Measurements for Tunable Matching Network Design.................. 168
8.4 Tunable Matching Network Topologies and Circuit Optimization............... 170
8.5 Implementation of PTIC Antenna Tuners in a Mobile Phone....................... 174
8.6 Example of a PTIC Tuner Design.................................................................. 175
8.6.1 Circuit Analysis Results.................................................................... 178
8.7 PTIC Antenna Tuner Deployment................................................................. 185
8.8 Conclusions.................................................................................................... 189
References............................................................................................................... 189

This chapter will review barium strontium titanate (BST)-based handset antenna
­tuning, which has become increasingly important for the today’s multiband, m
­ ultimode,
sleek, and ubiquitous smartphone. As the smartphone screen size has increased, the
battery size has increased to support larger and brighter screens along with more and
more functionality; hence, the volume available for the antenna(s) has been reduced.
This chapter will review feedpoint antenna tuning that uses BST-based tunable
capacitors in the impedance matching network at the feedpoint of the antenna,
and this chapter will also present a design approach and case study. Antenna feed-
point tuning is becoming increasingly common and is conceptually simple, as it
replaces the fixed match that most handsets employ with a circuit that uses tunable


Mobile phone antennas have been typically designed to operate into a 50 Ω load
impedance, but in practice, achieving this directly from the antenna is very difficult.
The wide frequency range of a modern handset’s antenna means that a matching net-
work is often needed to ensure that the antenna can transfer the maximum power into
the receiver or radiate the maximum power from the transmitter. A matching network
made of non-tunable components, has been the only way of building handset antenna

166 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


C2 L1

Input from LANT

transceiver L2 C1

Matching network

FIGURE 8.1  Example of an antenna matching network using fixed elements.

matching networks until recently. However, with the proliferation of bands that are
now used, covering frequencies from as low as 698 MHz to as high as 2.7 GHz rou-
tinely and even as high as 3.5 GHz,1 the performance of a matching network comprised
of fixed components can significantly limit the overall performance of the handset. An
example of a matching network using fixed components is shown in Figure 8.1.
A matching network designer using fixed components must make compromises
during the synthesis by trading off performance at some frequencies in order to
achieve acceptable performance over the whole band. Practically, this is achieved
using a range of techniques, including hand adjustments and optimization using a
vector network analyzer (VNA), impedance matching design using the Smith chart,
and computer-aided design (CAD) using software packages such as Optenni Lab,2
Advanced Design System (ADS),3 and Microwave Office.4 Clearly, once selected the
performance is fixed and cannot be adjusted at all to accommodate any changes in
the antenna’s scattering parameters (S-parameters) due to external loading. Figure 8.2
illustrates the frequency response of a fixed matching network where the performance
has been centered at 800 MHz. The performance cannot be adjusted to improve the
voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) at either 700 or 900 MHz, nor can the behavior
be modified to compensate for the loading effects of the hand or head that occur
during real-world use.
Tunable antenna matching networks, commonly referred to as antenna tuners,
are not new structures, having been commonly used by amateur radio enthusiasts
for many years. In the amateur radio application, tunable matching networks have
been realized using air variable capacitors and switched inductors. In the case of
cellular handsets though, the lack of suitably high-performance tunable radio fre-
quency (RF) components has limited the use of antenna tuners. There has been a

700 MHz 800 MHz 900 MHz


FIGURE 8.2  Fixed matching network response.

Handset Antenna Tuning Using BST 167

wide range of work published on antenna tuners, including circuits that use BST-
based capacitors,5 switched capacitor structures,6 and varactor diodes,7 but until
recently, antenna tuners were mostly confined to the published literature. The pub-
lished results are illustrative of the potential capabilities but do not often address
performance in real handsets.
However, three important factors have occurred together leading to antenna tun-
ers now becoming a standard feature in handsets. These are the emergence of high-
performance tunable elements, such as BST-based tunable capacitors, the increasing
frequency range used for handsets, particularly the extension down to 698 MHz band
for fourth-generation Long Term Evolution services (4 G LTE), and the consumer
demand for slim handsets where little volume is available for the internal antenna.
These factors combined have led to handset design teams embracing antenna tuners
in an ever increasing number of commercially available handsets.
The matching network shown previously in Figure 8.1 can be modified to become
a tunable network by simply replacing the fixed capacitors with tunable capacitors,
as shown in Figure 8.3. Conceptually, this is a simple change with BST-based tunable
capacitors, or Passive Tunable Integrated Circuits (PTICs™), being used along with
the addition of a bias controller. This bias controller is used to supply the required
bias voltage to the PTIC and also interfaces with the handset baseband IC, which
controls the operation of the phone including the entire RF chain.
As a result of the replacement of the fixed capacitors with PTICs, the network
response, shown in Figure 8.4, is now variable and can be adjusted to compensate


C2 L1

Input from
transceiver Bias

Tunable matching

FIGURE 8.3  Tunable antenna matching network.

700 MHz 800 MHz 900 MHz


Tuning Tuning
applied applied

FIGURE 8.4  PTIC-based tunable network response.

168 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

for the effect of hand or head loading as well as being tuned to the frequency of
operation. It is also important to note that the frequency response of the BST tunable
capacitor–based network can be tuned in an analog fashion, due to the continuously
variable nature of the PTICs. This, along with the fact that PTICs are analogous to
fixed caps meaning that they can be used as single devices in shunt or series, allows
for tremendous flexibility in the matching network.


Accurate measurement of the antenna S-parameters (1-port measurement) is criti-
cal since it provides the correct terminating impedances for the network across the
frequency range and also establishes the reference plane where the matching net-
work will be placed. Typically, antenna measurements will be done many times dur-
ing the handset development process. This is due to the increasing maturity of the
industrial design (ID) as the design project progresses and the associated antenna
changes that will be required to accommodate the changes in the ID. The antenna
S-parameters will need to be measured under a range of use cases if these are to be
considered in the tunable matching network design as well. The baseline use case
is known as freespace and is a measurement of the antenna without any impair-
ment. No additional fixturing is required for freespace measurements and it only
requires that the handset be mounted in such a way that nothing is interfering with
the antenna.
The handset antenna measurements require the installation of an RF cable into
the unit that will connect to the antenna feedpoint at the exact location of the first
matching network element when looking from the antenna. This is shown in Figure
8.5, where the coaxial cable is terminated at the antenna spring contacts. The loca-
tion of the cable is very important since the S-parameters will be referenced to
this plane. If the cable is not placed at the correct reference plane, there will be an

SMA connector

Multiple GND points

Antenna spring

Micro-coax cable

FIGURE 8.5  Example antenna measurement cable installation.

Handset Antenna Tuning Using BST 169

additional phase shift and loss that is unaccounted for in the design, which will have
a detrimental effect on the performance of the network. It is recommended that a
micro-coaxial semirigid type cable be used, which can be easily routed within the
phone, and the outer jacket of the cable can be soldered to suitable grounding points
along its length, as shown in Figure 8.5.
The cable should be routed away from the antenna to reduce its impact on the
antenna behavior and the S-parameter measurements. The measurements can be
conducted using an automated VNA with port extension capabilities such as those
offered by Rhode and Schwarz8 or Keysight.9 Using the port extension function with
the cable either grounded or open at the antenna feedpoint, that is, the spring contact
in this particular example, the effect of the cable will be accounted for. The phone
is now ready for antenna S-parameter characterization in the freespace use case and
other conditions as required. Figure 8.6 shows the type of phantom that can be used
in the characterization of the antenna in other use cases, to replicate head loading
and hand-loading conditions.
It is also worth noting that this same handset, with the cable installed, can be
used for antenna efficiency measurements. These measurements allow the radiation
performance, known as radiation efficiency of the antenna, to be established and
when combined with the two-port analysis of the matching network, gives the total
performance of the antenna subsystem. Similar measurements can be made across
the entire frequency range of the handset and when cascaded with known amplifier
output power and/or receiver sensitivity in each band provides a good estimate of the
performance of the handset.
The results of the antenna measurement can be plotted on the Smith chart and,
along with the efficiency measurements, provide a good overall picture of the antenna
behavior. The S-parameters for an example antenna measured under three different
use cases—freespace, phantom hand (PH) grip, and for contrast a human hand grip
are shown in Figure 8.7. The S-parameters for each of these use cases can be used
in the design of a tunable matching circuit if desired. Figure 8.7 shows that while a
PH does provide some loading and causes a shift in the S-parameters, the effect of
the human hand is considerably greater. This illustrates two very important points.
First, characterization under real grip conditions, when the hand use case is being

FIGURE 8.6  Head-and-hand phantoms.

170 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Human hand


Phantom hand

FIGURE 8.7  Example antenna S-parameters under multiple use cases (low band on the left,
high band on the right).

considered, is important to establish true loading effects. Second, the impact of the
user’s hand can be quite large. In the case of a fixed-component matching network,
the antenna engineer will have to select a use case to design for. This may lead to
them compromising the other use case(s), or if they attempt to design for multiple
use cases, it is likely that they will end up compromising on performance over all
operating conditions. The benefit of a tunable matching network, where the network
response can be tuned to accommodate the operation of the handset under a variety
of use cases, is conceptually clear.


A tunable matching network can be composed of a number of different stages with
one, two, or even three tunable capacitors. The greater the number of stages, the
more flexibility there is in the network design, but this has to be traded off against
the insertion loss of the network. Adding more components adds more loss. Two of
the most common networks are the Pi and T circuits shown in Figures 8.8 and 8.9,
respectively.10,11 In Figures 8.8 and 8.9, there are three matching components that
are represented by generalized impedances. In the case of a tunable matching net-
work, these would be replaced by PTICs, which would provide the tunable ele-
ment paired with an inductor, as shown in Figure 8.10. By pairing the PTIC with
an inductor, a greater range of impedances can be synthesized than if a capacitor
alone is used, and there are more degrees of freedom available to the designer
during the optimization step. These generalized cases use three tunable elements
although this could be reduced to two or even a single element in order to ensure
the right balance of improved matching performance, insertion loss of the network,
and bandwidth.
In the case of a particular antenna, it is important to be able to determine which
circuit or subcircuit has the best performance. Subcircuits are versions of the general
three-element case that have only two or even one PTIC. A two PTIC structure may be
Handset Antenna Tuning Using BST 171



jX3 jX2

FIGURE 8.8  Pi matching topology.


jX1 jX2


FIGURE 8.9  T matching topology.


C2 C1 L1 C2 L2

C3 L3 C3 C1 L1

FIGURE 8.10  Three PTIC Pi and T matching circuits.

suitable when the antenna is not heavily mismatched (<4 dB mismatch). In this case,
the introduction of a third stage would cause additional loss for very little additional
improvement in matching coverage. In the case of a strongly mismatched antenna this
situation may be reversed; the additional loss of a third stage could be tolerated in
order to achieve better matching performance. Useful examples of two PTIC match-
ing circuits are shown, one previously in Figure 8.3 and one that follows in Figure 8.11.
172 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

C2 L2 L4 C2 L2

L1 C1 L3 L1 C3 L3

FIGURE 8.11  Two PTIC matching topologies (based on a Pi network).

Since there are several versions of matching circuit that can be used, a computer-
aided simulation is needed in order to optimize and compare the individual circuits.
The general process is to analyze each matching circuit, or tuner, and then determine
the performance of the system containing that matching circuit compared with the
performance of direct connection between the antenna and the system impedance,
typically 50 Ω. This will allow the benefit of the tuner to be established. Comparing
the relative benefit will allow the best circuit to be selected. The improvement
that the tuner provides can be summarized as shown in Equation 8.1 from Gu and
Morris.12 This is a calculation of the relative transducer gain (RTG) and is a measure
of the improvement that the tuner yields when compared to the performance without
a tuner:

RTG = GTTuner − GTWithout Tuner (8.1)

When the power wave definition of S-parameters is used with arbitrary complex
input and output termination impedances, then the transducer gain can be rep-
resented as shown in Equation 8.2.13 A useful description of the application of
power waves to the design of conjugate matching impedances can also be found
in Rahola:14

GT = S21 (8.2)

In the analysis of a given matching circuit, the return loss or input match, are often
examined and optimized either by hand on a VNA, or using a circuit simulator.
However, in the case of a real circuit with loss from the matching elements, this
approach will not lead to the optimum performance as it ignores the dissipative loss
of the matching network components. Instead, the transducer power gain for each
circuit should be evaluated to ensure that the circuit has the optimum performance.15
The loss of the matching network is composed of the dissipative loss of the compo-
nents, such as inductor and capacitor Q, and the mismatch loss due to non-perfect
impedance matching. The optimization of each circuit should then focus on target-
ing maximum |S21|2 in each band of operation.16 By using this parameter as the main
optimization variable, it will ensure that circuits in which the return loss is better,
but the total loss is higher are avoided. Matching networks with good return loss
results do not necessarily yield optimum performance since the goal of the matching
Handset Antenna Tuning Using BST 173

network is to achieve maximum power transfer to and from the antenna. By comput-
ing the transducer power gain, the best schematic values can be selected.
The optimization process will need to set all of the matching components as
variables and use |S21|2 as the optimization criteria. This optimization process will
need to include all of the frequencies that will be used in the handset if those fre-
quencies are for duplex or simplex operation. In the case of time division duplex
systems (TDD) such as GSM or TDD-LTE, the matching network settings can be
optimized for each transmit and receive frequency. For example, in the GSM 900
band, the transmit frequency of 880 MHz can be optimized independently from the
receive frequency of 925 MHz since transmit and receive operations occur in dif-
ferent time slots. In the case of a PTIC-based matching network, the PTICs can be
tuned to particular values for the transmit operation and then changed for the receive
operation. This reconfiguration will ensure that the optimal performance is obtained
at both frequencies. In the case of frequency division duplex (FDD) systems such as
FDD-LTE or UMTS, the transmit and receive frequencies are paired. The matching
network must operate simultaneously at both frequencies. For example, in Band 1
UMTS (WCDMA) the transmit frequency is 1920 MHz and the receive frequency is
2110 MHz. The optimization of the matching network must be carried out to accom-
modate the transmit/receive frequency spacing of nearly 200 MHz. The PTIC bias
voltages that are used for the transmit frequency must be the same as those used for
the receive frequency. The PTIC bias voltages can be adjusted for optimum perfor-
mance when a different channel is used in the handset, since this means that a new
transmit/receive frequency pair will be used.
The number of PTIC bias voltages used within a band can be as simple or as
complex as desired and the decision on how many to use is part of the optimization
process. In the case of FDD operation, there can be a single setting for each capaci-
tor for each band. However, this may lead to suboptimal performance so a better
approach is to subdivide a given band into two or three sets of subchannels. Using
this approach and three subbands, the matching network will have a different set of
PTIC bias voltages for the lower, middle, and upper third of the band. An example
is shown in Table 8.1.
The use of a circuit simulator is required in order to optimize and compare the
performance of each topology that is examined. There are a wide range of choices
that can be used in which the designer can build their own simulation setup, such as
AWR’s Microwave Office simulator, Ansoft’s Designer suite, Keysight’s (formally
Agilent) Advance Design System, and free packages, such as the open source Quite

Example of Subband PTIC Voltages
Band Mode Channel Range (Tx/Rx) PTIC Settings (Two PTIC Tuner)
I UMTS FDD 9,612–9,703/10,562–10,653 V1, V2
I UMTS FDD 9,704–9,796/10,654–10,745 V3, V4
I UMTS FDD 9,797–9,888/10,747–10,838 V5, V6
174 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Universal Circuit Simulator (QUCS) and simulators specifically designed for match-
ing network design such as Optenni Lab. In all cases, it is important to use accurate
antenna S-parameters and realistic models of the fixed elements, such as inductors
and capacitors as well as the PTICs. A data file of PTIC S-parameters can be used
in order to reduce the burden on the designer to extract their own models. These are
available from ON Semiconductor Corp. For the inductors, the manufacturer, Murata
or Coilcraft, for example, can provide accurate device models. Optenni Lab offers a
very simple interface to the simulator where the user can import PTIC S-parameters
and specify the number of elements required in the matching network. After import-
ing the antenna S-parameters and specifying the frequency bands that the network
has to cover, the simulator will automatically optimize the topology with the selected
number of elements.
The simplest optimization process will use a single set of antenna S-parameters,
such as the freespace use case, but additional use cases can also be included to ensure
that the matching network performs adequately under a range of different conditions.
The optimization process can also be constrained so that component values, such as
inductors, remain within a usable range for handset matching circuit application. By
accurately modeling the component losses, the overall performance of the antenna
system (antenna and matching network) can be determined. The total efficiency can
be obtained by cascading the antenna radiation efficiency with the matching network
transducer gain when the network is terminated by the antenna’s S-parameters.


The typical design of an antenna prior to the introduction of tunable elements would
have been focused on a ensuring that the antenna was as well matched as possible
into 50 Ω across the entire frequency range of operation or could be easily matched
with the application of a matching network. However, with the availability of PTICs
that can be used in tunable matching networks, the antenna can be designed with a
focus on ensuring the highest possible radiation efficiency even though the antenna
may be mismatched into 50 Ω. The total antenna efficiency is a combination of the
antenna radiation efficiency and mismatch loss and shows the overall performance
of the antenna. In a fixed matching system, a highly mismatched, but efficient
antenna would be problematic, as the benefit of the high radiation efficiency could
be outweighed by the mismatch loss, which may be unacceptably large at many fre-
quencies. However, in the case of a tunable network, the matching network can be
adjusted for each different frequency or frequency pair (duplex tuning case). This
then addresses the issue of a highly efficient, but mismatched antenna. The use of
an antenna tuner allows the antenna designer the freedom to design for maximum
radiation efficiency, free from the constraints of a fixed matching network.
The PTIC is a uniquely simple device from a control perspective with the vari-
ation in capacitance being controlled by the DC bias. This means that multiple
devices can be used within a phone and all the bias and interfacing to the baseband
control system can be centralized. ON Semiconductor offers multiple versions of
the bias and control IC,17 which have differing numbers of bias outputs from 2 to 6.
Handset Antenna Tuning Using BST 175

Depending on how many PTICs are being used within a phone, a cost-effective
implementation can be achieved. Since all the control and digital interface circuitry
is centralized, removing any duplication of digital functions, the solution can be
kept to the most efficient implementation. A good example of this is when PTICs
are deployed in matching circuits used for both main and diversity antennas. The
design of the diversity antenna can be just as difficult as the main antenna and, in
some cases, more difficult due to even more challenging space constraints. If we
consider an example where a single PTIC matching network is used for the diversity
antenna and a two PTIC matching network is used for the main antenna, both net-
works can easily be controlled using a three-output controller. There are minimal
special requirements for the DC bias lines, making routing more straightforward.
Since the digital and control functions are in a single IC, they can be kept away
from the antennas to ensure there is no risk of any spurious noise affecting antenna
In a more complex handset where there are two antennas both used for transmit
and receive, the solution can be further scaled with minimal additional circuitry
needed. In this case, three PTICs could be used in each matching circuit so a six
output control IC is used. The same general approach is used for all designs with the
central control interface communicating with the baseband processor and provid-
ing the DC bias control to each of the PTICs in the matching networks. As it can
be seen, the use of small, DC biased tunable capacitors, combined with the PTIC
controller allows for the support of many different types of architecture. These
PTIC matching networks can be easily deployed at the port of each antenna that
requires tuning.


In this section, we will analyze a design of a tuner for a PIFA style antenna that
has to cover 700–960 and 1710–2700 MHz. The tuner S-parameters are examined,
and a simple optimization for freespace operation has been carried out where the
goal has been to maximize the transducer power gain of the network at multiple
frequencies. The examination of the RTG, as shown in the previous section, shows
the improvement that the PTIC network can provide. The benefit of being able to
adjust the network response in order to match the frequency band of operation is also
A handset has been modified to include an RF cable so that S-parameters can
be measured using a VNA. The antenna efficiency will also be measured as part of
the design process but is not presented here as we are focused on the matching net-
work design and reduction in mismatch loss of the antenna tuner in this section. The
S-parameters of the antenna have been recorded and are plotted on the Smith charts
shown in Figure 8.12. In the low band at the band edges, the reflection coefficient is
close to the edge of the Smith chart, which will result in a high mismatch loss. As
the frequency increases, the input impedance gets closer to the center of the Smith
chart and 50 Ω. Around the middle of the low band, at approximately 880 MHz, the
match improves and at this point the mismatch loss will be low, since the antenna is
reasonably well matched. As the frequency increases further, the input match into
176 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


(a) Frequency (b) Frequency

FIGURE 8.12  Antenna S-parameter—S11: (a) 0.6–0.96 GHz and (b) 1.7–2.7 GHz.

50 Ω begins to degrade again, resulting in an increase in mismatch loss at the high-

frequency band edge. The performance in the mid and high bands are an interesting
counter to this since the antenna is better matched across these bands even though
the mismatch loss is high at certain frequencies.
Figure 8.13 shows the return loss of the antenna in both frequency bands and the
variation of the match into 50 Ω. Figure 8.14 shows the mismatch loss in the low,
mid, and high bands. The antenna in the low band has ~6 dB of mismatch loss at
700 MHz. This is the lowest frequency of operation and coves LTE bands 12, 13,
and 17. These are challenging bands to design for since the lower frequency requires
an electrically larger antenna, but the available space in a modern handset is lim-
ited. The antenna is actually well matched in the high bands and suffers from little
mismatch loss with the average loss being around 1 dB. However, at the highest
frequency of operation, the mismatch loss does begin to increase. Given that this
is single feed antenna, that is, one feedpoint covers the entire operating frequency
range, the design of a matching network poses an interesting challenge. The match-
ing network must be sufficiently low loss that the already good insertion loss and

0 0
–2 –4
S11 (dB)

S11 (dB)

–4 –8
–6 –12
–8 –16
–10 –20
6e08 7e08 8e08 9e08 1e09 1.7e09 1.9e09 2.1e09 2.3e09 2.5e09 2.7e09
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

FIGURE 8.13  Antenna return loss.

Handset Antenna Tuning Using BST 177

0 0
Mismatch loss (dB)

Mismatch loss (dB)

–2 –2

–4 –4

–6 –6

–8 –8
6e08 7e08 8e08 9e08 1e09 1.7e09 1.9e09 2.1e09 2.3e09 2.5e09 2.7e09
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

FIGURE 8.14  Antenna mismatch loss.

0 0
Mismatch loss (dB)

Mismatch loss (dB)

–2 –2

–4 –4

–6 –6

–8 –8
6e08 7e08 8e08 9e08 1e09 1.7e09 1.9e09 2.1e09 2.3e09 2.5e09 2.7e09
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

FIGURE 8.15  Antenna mismatch loss under BHHR loading conditions.

input match of the high band is not compromised too much, but still provide a good
match at low frequencies where the antenna mismatch is high.
In this design example, the antenna behavior under a use case condition will also
be considered. The antenna’s response will alter under loading conditions caused
by the user’s head or hand and a tunable matching network can be adjusted to com-
pensate for these effects. A fixed matching circuit does not have any flexibility so
the designer will either design for a particular use case, typically freespace, or a
compromise between freespace and the various loading conditions. In this simple
example, the beside head use case will be considered. Figure 8.15 shows the mis-
match performance of the antenna under the beside head hand right (BHHR) load-
ing condition.
As can be seen in Figure 8.15, the loading effect of the beside head hand use case
keeps the mismatch loss at 700 MHz to approximately 4 dB and at 960 MHz to more
than 4 dB. Both of these are still significant mismatches and the high VSWR makes
the design of the matching network important to keep the insertion loss as low as
possible. Any loss in the matching network will reduce the output power of the phone
and result in a direct reduction in the total radiated power (TRP) and total isotropic
sensitivity (TIS). The high band has a very similar performance to freespace and is
relatively unchanged by the impact of the PH. As expected, the loading effect is more
prominent in the low bands.
178 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

The first step in designing the matching network is to set the frequency bands
that will be used in the handset. There are a large number of bands that a handset
needs to address and for the purpose of this design the following bands will be con-
sidered: bands 7, 12, 13, 17, and 40 for LTE operation and bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8
for WCDMA operation. These bands will also cover the four GSM bands, GSM850,
900, 1800, and 1900. Operation in either LTE or WCDMA mode will require duplex
settings for the PTICs, but the GSM bands can be optimized for either simplex oper-
ation, with separate settings for transmit and receive operation, or duplex operation.
For simplicity in this example, the GSM bands are also optimized for duplex opera-
tion. The user will also need to decide if the bands will be subdivided at all. This
provides finer control within a band and can yield improved performance. In this
example, the bands will be divided into three with PTIC settings for the low, middle,
and high channels. However, in practice, it may be that some of the tuner states are
sufficient to cover an entire band.
The terminating impedances also need to be defined for the optimization. In
the general case, the antenna impedance file(s) (touchstone format.s1p) are used as
the load impedance(s) and the source impedance can either be 50 Ω or the result
of load-pull measurements of the transceiver. Using load-pull measurements, if
available, can be beneficial since the output of the transceiver when measured at
input of the matching circuit may not be 50 Ω. In the case of source impedances
that are varying over frequency, an additional .s1p file can be specified and used
instead of 50 Ω. For example, the Optenni Lab software allows the user to import
an impedance file for use as the source terminations. In this example, 50 Ω will be
used for simplicity.
Finally, the goals of the simulation need to be established. As discussed previ-
ously, it is important to optimize the circuit values for maximum transducer gain,
or minimum insertion loss, rather than return loss. Optimizing for return loss may
result in a good, but lossy, match being selected that will not give the maximum
power transfer. There may also be the need to weight the performance of a particu-
lar band, such as applying greater weight to the home network bands rather than
the roaming bands, which are used only rarely. This can be achieved by having a
different |S21|2 goal for a particular band, such as specifying |S21|2 < −1 dB for the
home bands and |S21|2 < −2 dB for roaming bands. Once the design criteria have been
established, the simulation/optimization of different topologies can be undertaken in
a simulator of the designer’s choice.

8.6.1 Circuit Analysis Results

Using the S-parameters as shown earlier in Figures 8.12 through 8.15, designs have
been carried out for a two PTIC tunable matching circuit. The circuit topology used
is shown in Figure 8.16 and, as discussed earlier, it has been optimized for 11 bands,
each divided into 3 subbands. In this particular case, 50 Ω has been used as the refer-
ence impedance rather than load-pull targets, although load-pull impedances could
also be used if available, as discussed previously. The resulting schematic values
from the optimization are also shown.
Handset Antenna Tuning Using BST 179


Tx/Rx 5.6 pF 5.6 nH

9.5 nH
2.7 pF 39 nH

FIGURE 8.16  Antenna tuner for case study.

In this circuit design, the PTICs are simulated using S-parameter blocks, which
represent the full performance of the devices over frequency and bias. The inductors
are modeled with a Q of 60 at 1 GHz, which represents the performance of com-
monly available RF wirewound-type devices. The maximum capacitance value of
the PTICs is specified at 2 V bias. The device can be continuously tuned from 2 to
24 V with a typical tuning range of 4.5:1. An example of the PTIC capacitance versus
voltage characteristic is shown in Figure 8.17.
In order to understand the benefit of the tunable matching circuit, the perfor-
mance can be examined in a couple of different ways using the RTG method as pre-
viously reviewed. In the first instance, the RTG can be calculated by comparing the
results with the matching network in operation against no matching network. This
will allow the improvement in mismatch loss (MML) to be clearly seen. Even though

Capacitance (pF)

Capacitance (pF)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Voltage (V)

FIGURE 8.17  PTIC capacitance versus voltage characteristic.

180 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Tuner Design Case Study Data in the 700 MHz LTE Bands for the FS Condition
Tuner Relative
Frequency MML with MML without Insertion Transducer
(MHz) Band/Mode Channel Tuner (dB) Tuner (dB) Loss (dB) Gain (dB)
698 12/LTE L-Tx −0.4 −5.8 −1.6 4.2
716 12/LTE H-Tx 0.0 −5.4 −1.0 4.4
728 12/LTE L-Rx −0.4 −5.1 −1.1 4.0
746 12/LTE H-Rx −0.8 −4.4 −1.6 2.8
777 13/LTE L-Tx −1.2 −3.3 −1.6 1.6
787 13/LTE H-Tx −1.1 −2.9 −1.5 1.4
746 13/LTE L-Rx −2.0 −4.4 −2.4 2.1
756 13/LTE H-Rx −1.8 −4.1 −2.1 2.0

the tunable matching circuit is lossy, the improvement in the mismatch outweighs the
dissipative loss, thus improving the power transfer of the network and the efficiency
of the entire antenna subsystem (antenna and matching circuitry). The initial data for
this comparison used are the freespace performance. Table 8.2 shows the data for the
LTE bands 12 and 13 that cover from 698 MHz, the lowest frequency of band 12, to
787 MHz, which is the highest frequency of band 13. In each case, the low and high
channel results are shown for illustration. RTG as discussed in Equation 8.1 earlier, is
the calculation of the improvement that the tuner provides over no matching network.
As the results show in Table 8.2, the loss due to mismatch has been consider-
ably reduced with improvements of over 4 dB in some channels, and the overall
benefit is close to 3 dB on average in the 700 MHz LTE bands. The return loss
performance of the tuner under various settings is of some interest since it allows
a designer to quickly see how well the antenna tuner is matching the input imped-
ance. Figure 8.18 shows the return loss performance of the tuner under a number
of different states across the entire frequency band of operation. Each return loss
curve represents a different voltage setting on the PTICs. Since an analog voltage
is used to bias each PTIC, optimum voltages are not constrained by capacitor steps
and can be adjusted as desired to ensure the optimal performance from the net-
work. Note that in Figure 8.18, only a small number of return loss curves are shown
for illustration. This tuning capability leads to the easy adjustment of the PTIC
values based on the handset use case. The use case can be determined either by
triggering a proximity detector if the handset is held to the user’s head or by using
a more sophisticated method where mismatch detection is employed.18 The tuner
can then be adjusted to ensure that the mismatch is reduced to as low as possible.
In the case of head–hand loading, the mismatch loss as shown in Figure 8.15 is
still over 4 dB at 700 MHz, which is slightly better than the freespace value. Since
the mismatch loss is still high and also because there has been a frequency shift in
the antenna performance due to the loading, the tunable matching network needs
to be readjusted. This is carried out by changing the bias voltages and the resulting
performance when compared with the no tuner condition is shown in Table 8.3.
Handset Antenna Tuning Using BST 181




S11 (dB)






7e08 7.5e08 8e08 8.5e08 9e08 9.5e08 1e09
Frequency (Hz)

FIGURE 8.18  Return loss curves.

Tuner Design Case Study Data in the 700 MHz LTE Bands for the
BHHR Condition
Tuner Relative
Frequency MML with MML without Insertion Transducer
(MHz) Band/Mode Channel Tuner (dB) Tuner (dB) Loss (dB) Gain (dB)
698 12/LTE L-Tx −0.1 −4.2 −0.8 3.4
716 12/LTE H-Tx −0.9 −3.6 −1.5 2.1
728 12/LTE L-Rx −1.0 −3.2 −1.6 1.7
746 12/LTE H-Rx −1.0 −2.6 −1.3 1.3
777 13/LTE L-Tx −0.1 −1.6 −0.4 1.2
787 13/LTE H-Tx −0.1 −1.3 −0.4 0.8
746 13/LTE L-Rx −0.7 −2.6 −1.0 1.7
756 13/LTE H-Rx −0.4 −2.3 −0.7 1.6

The results in Table 8.3 show that the benefit of using the tuner is now close to
3.5 dB in some cases, and almost 2 dB on average in these 700 MHz LTE bands.
This is a considerable increase in link margin and will improve handset performance
in the field.
In the previous discussion, the RTG was computed using the performance with
and without an antenna tuner. This is a common approach, but a more stringent
and realistic comparison is to look at the performance of a fixed match under the
182 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

same operating conditions. This will allow a full understanding of the benefit
of the variable tuner over a fixed match under the two use cases that have been
examined in this section. The design of a fixed matching network is a subjective
exercise since a designer is faced with a trade-off of whether to design for a single
use case, such as freespace; a more realistic condition, such as hand or head-and-
hand loading; or something in between. In many cases, the simple freespace use
case is used as it requires no special test equipment and can be done relatively
quickly by hand using a VNA. Of course, this is a non-optimum approach and
will lead to lower performance than could be obtained at some frequencies and
use cases. In this example, the commercially available Optenni Lab simulator
will be used along with the freespace S-parameters. A four-element network will
be considered and the result of the automatic optimization process is shown in
Figure 8.19.
The automatic optimization carried out using the commercially available simula-
tor provides the user with the options to create all permutations of the four-element
match, or simply output the best result based on the efficiency as calculated in each
band. The results shown here are for the final selected circuit and the performance
has been analyzed using the same Q values for the inductors as used in the tunable
network and typical high Q capacitors values of around 200. The results for the
700 MHz LTE bands have been tabulated in the same way that they were in the tun-
able network case and are shown in Table 8.4 for freespace operation.
Comparing the results for freespace operation between the fixed matching circuit
and the tunable circuit in the 700 MHz frequency range, a few conclusions can be
drawn. Looking at each of the transmit and receive channels, the tunable match-
ing circuit outperforms the fixed match in every transmit and receive channel. This
is an expected result since the tuner can be adjusted on a band-by-band and even
channel-by-channel basis. The fixed-component matching network is by definition
unchanging. It is also worth noting that in Band 12, which also includes the impor-
tant Band 17, which is a subset of Band 12 used in North America and other coun-
tries, the improvement that using the antenna tuner yields is up to 1.3 dB. This can
be simply achieved by using PTICs and associated control components.


Tx/Rx 3.9 pF
2 nH

11 nH
1 pF

FIGURE 8.19  Fixed matching network for antenna example.

Handset Antenna Tuning Using BST 183

Fixed Match Design Case Study Data in the 700 MHz LTE Bands for the
Freespace Condition
MML Match Relative
Frequency MML with without Insertion Transducer
(MHz) Band/Mode Channel Match (dB) Match (dB) Loss (dB) Gain (dB)
698 12/LTE L-Tx −1.5 −5.8 −2.4 3.4
716 12/LTE H-Tx −1.5 −5.4 −2.3 3.1
728 12/LTE L-Rx −1.7 −5.1 −2.3 2.8
746 12/LTE H-Rx −1.7 −4.4 −2.2 2.2
777 13/LTE L-Tx −1.9 −3.3 −2.2 1.0
787 13/LTE H-Tx −2.3 −2.9 −2.1 0.9
746 13/LTE L-Rx −1.7 −4.4 −2.2 2.2
756 13/LTE H-Rx −1.9 −4.1 −2.3 1.8

Fixed Match Design Case Study Data in the 700 MHz LTE Bands for the
BHHR Use Case Condition
MML Match Relative
Frequency MML with without Insertion Transducer
(MHz) Band/Mode Channel Match (dB) Match (dB) Loss (dB) Gain (dB)
698 12/LTE L-Tx −0.9 −4.2 −1.5 2.7
716 12/LTE H-Tx −1.1 −3.6 −1.5 2.1
728 12/LTE L-Rx −1.4 −3.2 −1.7 1.5
746 12/LTE H-Rx −1.6 −2.6 −1.8 0.8
777 13/LTE L-Tx −1.9 −1.6 −2.0 −0.5
787 13/LTE H-Tx −2.2 −1.3 −2.0 −0.8
746 13/LTE L-Rx −1.6 −2.6 −1.8 0.8
756 13/LTE H-Rx −1.8 −2.3 −1.9 0.3

Under the BHHR use case, the same fixed matching network has been used, but
the loaded S-parameters have been used instead of the freespace S-parameters for
the efficiency and RTG calculations. Table 8.5 summarizes the results for the fixed
match when operating under the BHHR use case condition and is shown later.
Looking at these results it can be seen that at some frequencies, the use of a fixed
matching network actually increases the mismatch loss over a direct connection, and
when compared with the tunable network, the antenna tuner provides up to 1.7 dB
of improvement at some frequencies. The results show that tunable match provides
better performance at every frequency considered here in the 700 MHz band, which
is one of the most challenging bands to design for.
184 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


Return loss (dB)

–12 Fixed match return loss

Band 12 tuner
Band 17 tuner
–16 Band 13 tuner
Band 5 tuner
Band 8 tuner

0.68 0.7 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96
Frequency (GHz)


Return loss (dB)


Fixed match return loss

Band 7 tuner
Band 40 tuner
Band 1 tuner
–20 Band 2 tuner
Band 3 tuner
Band 4 tuner
1.71 1.81 1.91 2.01 2.11 2.21 2.31 2.41 2.51 2.61 2.71
Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 8.20  Return loss behavior for an antenna tuner and fixed matching network.
Handset Antenna Tuning Using BST 185

The results of the fixed match and the antenna tuner should also be compared
fully across all of the frequencies of operation to get a full picture of the benefits
and operation. This can be done most effectively by looking at the insertion loss of
the fixed match and comparing it to the tunable match. It is also somewhat helpful
to look at the return loss as well since this is a measure that many designers are
more comfortable with, although this parameter would not be used to optimize
the matching network for the reasons previously discussed. Figure 8.20 shows
the return loss over frequency in both the low and mid/high bands for freespace
operation. The antenna tuner results are shown in discrete bands since this is
more applicable given that the bias voltages are adjusted for each band and set of
subchannels. The data show that the tunable circuit outperforms the fixed match-
ing network in virtually every band and channel and in some cases by quite a wide
Figure 8.21 shows the companion charts for the insertion loss performance that
show a similar trend with the antenna tuner outperforming the fixed circuit. However,
in both the return loss and insertion loss charts, it can be seen that there are a very
small number of channels where the fixed matching circuit offers slightly better
performance than the tunable circuit. This is expected since it is natural to assume
that the fixed matching circuit can be tuned to be optimal at some frequencies, how-
ever, at the vast majority of channels/bands, the antenna tuner offers superior perfor-
mance. The results are similar for the BHHR use case and the insertion loss results
for this case are shown in Figure 8.22. The tunable matching circuit outperforms the
fixed circuit everywhere except for a few channels.
The performance of the antenna tuner will have a direct impact on the perfor-
mance of the handset, and the improvement in the region of 2 dB shown here in the
antenna subsystem will lead to a direct improvement in TRP, for example. This, in
turn, leads to an improved link margin, which will lead to better coverage and higher
data throughput. As shown in this example, there are very few channels where the
fixed match can actually provide better performance than a tunable network, and
even in those cases, the delta is low. The benefit of using PTICs in a tunable matching
network over the traditional fixed-component approach is clear.


The implementation of a feedpoint antenna tuner is conceptually straightforward and
many new handsets have been deployed using this technology. Figure 8.23 shows
two examples where the PTICs are being used. One example shows the plastic pack-
aged version of the PTICs and the other shows the chip scale package. Both are
placed relatively close to the antenna and only occupy a small footprint. Also the
inductors used to complete the full tuner circuit are shown. High-quality RF wire-
wound devices are recommended to ensure best performance.
The exact number of tuning devices and final schematic vary between handset
manufacturers as well as where the tuner(s) is deployed in the handset, such as
the main antenna, the diversity antenna, or both. Also, the use of closed- or open-
loop tuning solutions varies from handset to handset. The most common type of
antenna tuner that is used today is the open-loop version, where the bias voltages
186 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets



Insertion loss (dB)


Fixed match insertion loss
–3 Band 12 tuner
Band 17 tuner
Band 13 tuner
Band 5 tuner
Band 8 tuner
0.68 0.7 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96
Frequency (GHz)



Insertion loss (dB)


Fixed match insertion loss
Band 7 tuner
–3 Band 40 tuner
Band 1 tuner
Band 2 tuner
–3.5 Band 3 tuner
Band 4 tuner
1.71 1.81 1.91 2.01 2.11 2.21 2.31 2.41 2.51 2.61 2.71
Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 8.21  Insertion loss behavior for an antenna tuner and fixed matching network:
Handset Antenna Tuning Using BST 187

Fixed match insertion loss

–0.5 Band 12 tuner
Band 17 tuner
Band 13 tuner
Band 5 tuner
Insertion loss (dB)

–1 Band 8 tuner



0.68 0.7 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96
Frequency (GHz)



Insertion loss (dB)


Fixed match insertion loss
Band 7 tuner
–3 Band 40 tuner
Band 1 tuner
Band 2 tuner
–3.5 Band 3 tuner
Band 4 tuner
1.71 1.81 1.91 2.01 2.11 2.21 2.31 2.41 2.51 2.61 2.71
Frequency (GHz)

FIGURE 8.22  Insertion loss behavior for an antenna tuner and fixed matching network:
188 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

FIGURE 8.23  Photographs of PTIC antenna tuners in commercially available devices.

Open loop Antenna Closed loop Antenna

Tx/Rx RF Tx/Rx RF Coupler

Tuner Tuner

Sense IC
control control
Baseband Baseband

FIGURE 8.24  Block diagram comparing open- and closed-loop antenna tuner systems.

for each band/channel and use case are predetermined and stored in lookup tables,
which are then used by the handset during operation on the relevant channel, and
so on. Figure 8.24 shows simplified block diagrams for both open- and closed-loop
antenna matching systems. Open-loop tuners are only able to adjust to the use cases
that were preset when the design work was undertaken. In contrast, PTIC closed-
loop antenna tuning systems use a feedback mechanism to continuously adjust
the matching circuit to ensure the lowest possible insertion loss of the matching
network. This results in the maximum power transfer and the optimal performance
of the handset. Closed-loop antenna tuner systems have the big advantage that they
can more easily adapt to the changing environment of the phone and antenna. The
system uses a measurement IC that allows the impedance to be measured, which,
when combined with the known S-parameters of the tuner, allows the optimum
capacitance values to be selected irrespective of the use case that the phone is
in. The design of the actual tunable matching network for a closed-loop match-
ing system still follows the same methodology as outlined earlier. The difference
between open and closed-loop operation lies in the additional components used to
control the tuner. PTICs are ideally suited to operate in either open- or closed-loop
implementations and are currently being used in both configurations in a number
of commercially shipping handsets.
Handset Antenna Tuning Using BST 189

This chapter has reviewed how the wide frequency range of operation of the
antenna(s) in a modern handset usually results in mismatch-limited performance.
Typically, this mismatch occurs at the band edges and in the 700–960 low-frequency
bands, but can also occur in the mid- and high-frequency bands. Additionally,
the loading caused by use cases, such as head-and-hand or hand, can detune the
antenna, making the design of a fixed match almost impossible to optimize over all
frequencies and use cases, resulting in suboptimal performance. The use of PTICs
to replace fixed capacitors results in a tunable network with considerable flexibility.
The design of a tunable network can accommodate different use cases and should be
optimized for insertion loss rather than return loss to ensure optimal performance.
The tuner networks can utilize one, two, or three tunable elements, and the exact
selection will depend on how strongly mismatched a given antenna is, the required
bands and bandwidth needed, and the insertion loss that can be tolerated. The tun-
able network can be adjusted for each use case and used in either an open-loop or
closed-loop antenna tuner systems. When compared with a fixed match, the tunable
network will provide significant improvements in virtually all bands/channels and
use cases, and this improvement will lead to improved performance in the field. The
improvements that can be achieved using an antenna tuner with PTICs require very
little additional circuitry beyond the tunable capacitors themselves and a central
control IC. The use of a central control IC allows for a very flexible approach to
antenna tuning and multiple antennas can be tuned using a single controller. Many
handsets are already shipping with both open- and closed-loop PTIC antenna tun-
ers, and the technology is now moving from the high-end smartphone segment into
the mass-market segment showing that the adoption is now common and a standard
handset feature.

1. 3rd Generation Partnership Project Specifications, www.3gpp.org.
2. Optenni Lab Matching Network software, Optenni Ltd., Espoo, Finland, www.optenni.
3. Advanced Design System by Keysight Technologies, www.keysight.com.
4. Microwave Office by National Instruments AWR, www.ni.com/rf/awr/.
5. Chen, L., Forse, R., Chase, D., and York, R., Analog tunable matching network using
integrated thin film BST capacitors, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
Digest, June 2004, Fort Worth, TX, pp. 261–624.
6. Dongjiang, Q., Yu, Z., Tsaipi, H., Kimball, D. et al., Antenna impedance mismatch mea-
surements and correction for adaptive CDMA transceivers, IEEE MTT-S International
Microwave Symposium Digest, June 2005, Atlanta, GA, pp. 783–786.
7. Ali, S. and Payandehjoo, K., Tunable antenna techniques for compact handset applica-
tions, IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 8(6), 401–408, April 2014.
8. Rhode and Schwarz Vector Network Analyzers, www.rhode-schwarz.com.
9. Keysight Technologies’ Vector Network Analyzers, www.keysight.com.
10. Yip, P., High Frequency Circuit Design and Measurements, 1st edn., Chapman & Hall,
London, UK, 1990.
190 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

11. Schmidt, M., Lourandakis, E., Leidl, A., Seitz, S., and Weigel, R., A comparison of
tunable ferroelectric Pi and T-matching networks, Proceedings of the 37th European
Microwave Conference, 2007, Munich, Germany, pp. 99–101.
12. Gu, Q. and Morris, A., A new method for matching network adaptive control, IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 61(1), 587–595, January 2013.
13. Collin, R.E., Foundations for Microwave Engineering, 2nd edn., McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1992.
14. Rahola, J., Power waves and conjugate matching, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems—II: Express Briefs, 55(1), 92–96, January 2008.
15. Rahola, J., Estimating the performance of matching circuits for antennas, Proceedings
of the Fifth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Barcelona, Spain,
2010, pp. 1–3.
16. Rahola, J., Optimization of matching circuits for antennas, Proceedings of Fifth
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2011, Rome, Italy, pp. 776–778.
17. Tunable Capacitor Control IC Datasheet—TCC-106, www.onsemi.com.
18. Boyle, K.R., de Jongh, E., Sato, S., Bakker, T., and van Bezooijen, A., A self contained
adaptive antenna tuner for mobile phones, Sixth European Conference on Antennas
and Propagation, March 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 1804–1808.
9 Aperture-Tunable
Handset OEM Perspective
Ping Shi

9.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 191
9.2 Tunable Antenna Design Challenges............................................................. 192
9.3 Survey of Tunable Antenna Technology........................................................ 195
9.3.1 Tunable Impedance Matching........................................................... 195
9.3.2 Aperture-Tunable Antenna................................................................ 197
9.4 Design and Verification Methods.................................................................. 197
9.4.1 Selection of Antenna and Tuning Components................................. 198
9.4.2 Tunable Antenna Design.................................................................... 199
9.4.3 Simulation of Harmonics and Intermodulation from Tunable
9.4.4 Measurement of Harmonics and Intermodulation from Tunable
9.5 Conclusions....................................................................................................204

Development of mobile communications has drastically changed the handset antenna
design landscape. The handset antenna design target has changed from gain and
radiation pattern to system efficiency and better user experience for multiband and
multimode applications. The traditional approach in passive multiband antenna
design is to trade antenna efficiency with bandwidth. Antenna tuning was proposed
to address the multiband requirements. There are two ways to tune the antenna for
multiple band operation: impedance tuning and aperture tuning. Antenna tuning
has become practical in handsets with recent advancements in radio frequency (RF)
tuning components: varactors, MEMS tunable capacitor, pin-diodes, RF switches,
and so on.
The adoption of LTE-Advanced1 presents a new set of requirements to tunable
antenna technology. In this chapter, tunable antenna design challenges will be pre-
sented first, followed by a survey of tunable antenna technology. Tunable antenna
design and verification methods will be discussed next. A summary of antenna tun-
ing will conclude this chapter.

192 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


Since the commercial introduction of LTE, a typical smartphone will support not only
LTE but also legacy 2G/3G technologies such as GSM/EDGE, CDMA 1x_EVDO,
WCDMA, and/or HSPA. In a state-of-the-art mobile phone, the main antenna is
required to support from 699 to 960 MHz in low band and 1710 to 2170 MHz in the
middle band along with 2300 to 2690 MHz in the high band. Multiple antennas are
required to support receive diversity, Wi-Fi, GPS, and so on. With the introduction
of LTE-Advanced, we are seeing more mode and band combinations from the stan-
dards as well as from regional market requirements. For example, carrier aggrega-
tion (CA) has been introduced to increase usable bandwidth by aggregating two or
more carriers in the downlink and/or uplink. In some regional markets, dual sim,
dual active (DSDA) functionality has been introduced to support simultaneous call
states on two networks, for business reasons such as roaming. The transition from
legacy 2G/3G networks also introduced some demands like simultaneous CDMA
voice and LTE (SVLTE) and simultaneous GSM and LTE (SGLTE). Some of the
demands like SVLTE/SGLTE will gradually phase out as network upgrades prog-
ress and spectrum refarming starts and others like DSDA will purely depend on
business decisions. Here, we will focus on the emerging requirements from LTE-
Advanced, which includes both downlink CA and uplink CA, and their impact on
tunable antenna design.
The first challenge arising from CA is wider instantaneous bandwidth. 3GPP cat-
egorizes LTE interband CA into several types according to the band separation, har-
monic relationship, and intermodulation product, as shown in Table 9.1.
A single main antenna architecture is used for standardization purposes as shown
in Figures 9.1 and 9.2.
In this architecture, a diplexer is used to support simultaneous high–low operation
(class A1/A2); a quadplexer is used to support simultaneous high–high or low–low
operation (class A3/A4). The quadplexer could be constructed either from discrete

LTE Interband CA Classes
Aggregation Class Definition Examples
Al Low-band–high-band combination without harmonic B5_B2
relation between bands
A2 Low-band–high-band combination with harmonic relation B12_B4, B17_B4,
between bands B8_B3
A3 Low-band–low-band or high-band–high-band combination B12_B5, B1_B3
without intermodulation problem (low-order IM)
A4 Low-band–low-band or high-band–high-band combination B8_B20
with intermodulation problem (low-order IM)
A5 Combination except for Al–A4
Aperture-Tunable Antennas 193

Harmonic Harmonic
TX/Rx filter Low filter
antenna Low B17 Rx

B17 TX
RF test
connector High
Diplexer band B4 Rx

Switch B4 TX

FIGURE 9.1  Single main antenna architecture v1.

Harmonic Harmonic
TX/Rx filter Low filter
antenna Low band B8 Rx
RF test
connector High
Diplexer band B1 Rx

bands Switch

B3 Rx



FIGURE 9.2  Single main antenna architecture v2.

duplexers or integrated on one die or within a module. For three-carrier interband

CA (class A3/A4), a hexaplexer will be used. LTE CA requires wider instantaneous
antenna bandwidth. The instantaneous bandwidth could be both in low band or both
in high band (class A3, A4) or in low band and high band (class A1, A2). With sup-
port of multiple markets/carriers, this requirement presents a different challenge for
antenna design, especially for tunable antenna design.
A second challenge arising from LTE-Advanced is the linearity requirement for
the system. To support LTE CA band combination like class A2 and A4, a high lin-
earity RF system design is implemented to minimize TX harmonic or intermodula-
tion product. As shown in Figure 9.1, the reference RF front-end design minimizes
194 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

TX harmonic and intermodulation products by using high linearity components like

duplexers and RF switches and applies filtering using high rejection diplexer or har-
monic filters. A typical example for the harmonic relationships encountered in CA
is the LTE CA band combination of B17_B4 with B17 as primary component carrier
(PCC), as shown in Figure 9.3. The third harmonic of PCC TX (B17 TX) is gener-
ated from the PA, which is partially suppressed by duplexer, and from the duplexer,
which is partially suppressed by following harmonic notch filter, and finally from
antenna switch module (ASM), which in turn is suppressed by the diplexer.

2110 2155

B17 UL B17 UL, second harmonic B17 UL, third harmonic

704 716 1408 1432 2112 2148

B12 UL B12 UL, second harmonic B12 UL, third harmonic

699 716 1398 1432 2097 2148

FIGURE 9.3  Example of LTE CA band harmonic relationship: B17_B4.

Harmonic Harmonic
TX/PRx filter Low filter
antenna Low band B17 Rx
RF test
connector Switch B17 TX

Tuner High
bands High
band B4 Rx

Conducted path
Radiated path Duplexer

DRx filter Low
antenna Low B17 Rx
bands band


Tuner RF test
connector High
band B4 Rx
bands Switch

FIGURE 9.4  Coupling of TX harmonic or intermodulation product into receiver chain.

Aperture-Tunable Antennas 195

For handset antenna design, traditional passive antenna designs work well due
to their passive and high linearity nature. For a tunable antenna design, ­tuning
components are placed close to or on the antenna. The generated TX harmonic
or intermodulation product will couple into the receiver chain through two differ-
ent paths: conducted path to the PRx (Primary R) chain and radiated path to DRx
(Diversity R), as shown in Figure 9.4. For both paths, filtering cannot be used to
suppress the harmonic or intermodulation interference falling into RX band. The
generated harmonic or intermodulation product has to be small enough to cause no
desense to either the primary or the diversity receiver. This requirement presents a
serious challenge in the design of a tunable antenna solution.


Tunable impedance matching methods optimize system efficiency by reducing the
return loss and increasing transducer gain for a specific frequency band. This type of
matching approach fits the global branding strategy used by handset original equip-
ment manufacturers (OEMs) very well, as it can quickly change an antenna optimized
for one set of frequency bands to support another set of frequency bands without the
need for industrial design, mechanical design, or antenna design changes. Massive
flagship smartphones implementing tunable impedance matching techniques have
been shipped by major handset OEMs recently, reflecting the growing tremendous
success of the impedance tuning technique. Unlike the antenna impedance matching
network, aperture tuning reconfigures the antenna to a different length or shape elec-
trically, thus changing the antenna aperture. Aperture tuning can achieve performance
(improvements) that cannot be rivaled by impedance tuning. By reusing the entire
antenna volume for different operating frequency band, the physical dimensions of the
antenna can be reduced. Providing narrower instantaneous bands that can be tuned,
rather than covering all the bands simultaneously, interference can also be reduced.

9.3.1  Tunable Impedance Matching

Tunable matching techniques improve antenna efficiency by reducing the mismatch
loss and increasing transducer gain. Considerable work has been done in universal
tunable matching network design2,3 and adaptive impedance tuning techniques.4–6
The deployment of LTE-Advanced requires wider simultaneous antenna bandwidth
and flexible band combinations, which presents new challenges for antenna imped-
ance techniques.
LTE CA with high-band–low-band combination and high-band–high-band
­combination are widely seen as being in the early deployment phase. Wideband
matching techniques7 could be used to provide simultaneous matching of both low
band and high band, but the difficulty of providing such solutions increases quickly
as more band combinations need to be supported. Additional tunable components
are required and insertion loss increases due to the added tuning components. To
relax the tuner requirements, antenna could be designed to provide wider bandwidth
covering entire mid/high band with good return loss. Impedance tuning then is only
applied to low band, thus reducing the required tuning component count. With this
196 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

consideration, the tunable matching network is designed to be a high-pass filter with

near 50 ohm impedances at high/mid band and with an optimum matching topology
for the low-band antenna impedance. For example, instead of using an individual L
or C as in a typical matching network, an LC tank, serial LC circuit or parallel LC
circuit is used to provide the desired frequency response (tank resonance frequency
is carefully chosen to have a high-pass response while effectively matching the low-
band), as shown in Figure 9.5. Band-pass fitter design techniques could be used in
matching network design.
Antennas with this property draw considerable attention in practical product
design. These antennas usually have very wide radiation bandwidth, with different
radiation elements for low band and high band, and very little coupling between low
band and high band. For example, a T-shape monopole antenna typically radiated in
high band using two radiation arms and using the board printed circuit board (PCB)
ground at low band. This type of antenna has a very wide radiation bandwidth, making
it a good candidate for handset application. Other similar antennas include segmented
inverted F antenna (IFA) antennas and Pi-shaped IFA antennas as shown in Figure 9.6.

C2 L2


FIGURE 9.5  Frequency response using an LC tank circuit.

T-shape monopole Pi-shape IFA Segmented IFA

FIGURE 9.6  Examples of antenna structures with wide bandwidths.

Aperture-Tunable Antennas 197

9.3.2 Aperture-Tunable Antenna
Tunable impedance matching does not change antenna aperture; the system effi-
ciency of the antenna with tunable impedance matching will not exceed the overall
radiation efficiency. For a handset antenna design, the antenna is much shorter than
the wavelength at low-band frequencies. The radiation efficiency drops quickly as
it approaches the small antenna limit. This is where tunable matching techniques
start to be less useful. On the other side, with aperture tuning, one can change the
antenna radiation aperture and reshape the BW efficiency curve. With aperture tun-
ing, antenna could be designed to have a narrow bandwidth with high efficiency
while keeping the same volume, or to keep the same efficiency with reduced antenna
With the wide variety of tuning components now available, aperture tuning meth-
ods are being aggressively explored for popular types of antenna designs. Planar
inverted F antenna (PIFA) antennas were popular when PCB reuse between circuit
and antenna was desired and the thickness of phone was not a concern. Aperture
tuning of a PIFA antenna includes tuning the radiation arm length using pin-diodes8
or loading PIFA antennas at different locations using tunable capacitors.9 Monopole
or IFA antennas are popular antennas for their high efficiency and broad band-
width. Aperture tuning of monopole or IFA antennas includes extending/shorting
the antenna with pin-diodes or tunable capacitors, loading the antenna with capaci-
tance,10 changing the shorting arms’ length or shorting location.
By decoupling the high-band radiating element from the low-band radiat-
ing element and aperture tuning the low-band element, the aperture-tunable
antenna technique can be applied to support LTE CA with a high-band–low-band
­combination (A1/A2 classes), and high–high combination (A3 class). Pi-shape
IFA antennas and segmented IFA antenna are among the good candidates for this
type of application. To support LTE CA with low-band–low-band combination,
the antenna needs to support dual low-band resonance. Metamaterial inspired
antennas are good candidates.11 This type of antenna provides two low-band reso-
nances: one from the normal radiation mode (L–C) and another from the left-hand
modes (C–L), as illustrated in Figure 9.7.
Aperture tuning is applied to tune the left-hand resonance mode at the coupling
(equivalent C1) or the grounding (L2). Similar designs have been used by several
handset manufactures.


Application of tunable antenna designs to handsets is determined by several factors,
including, but not limited to, bill-of-materials (BOM) cost, industry design (ID), sup-
ported bands and technologies (BAT). The ID will determine what types of antenna
can be used. BOM cost will determine whether a tunable solution is affordable and if
so, what type of tuning components and approach will be used. The supported bands
and technologies will affect the antenna-type selection and tuning technology, and
how the trade-off should be made between antenna performance, industry design,
and BOM cost.
198 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

1 2

Right-hand mode Left-hand mode

FIGURE 9.7  Metamaterial-inspired dual low-band resonance antenna.

It is desirable to have a passive wideband antenna to support all LTE bands and
CA combinations. However, there are cases where antenna design is limited by ID,
for example, metal ID such as metal ring, metal back IDs. In these cases, a tun-
able antenna is typically used to provide the same functionality with less volume.
To meet requirements from LTE CA, a tunable antenna has to support much wider
instantaneous bandwidth, thus imposing new limitation on the antenna design and

9.4.1 Selection of Antenna and Tuning Components

The handset antenna design starts with antenna type selection. Handset architecture
determines a few usable antenna types, as do the outcome of ID design and internal
mechanical design, components placement, and PCB layout. Once antenna type is
determined and antenna tuning is determined to be required, a candidate tuning
solution is selected from among the many options. Tunable components are selected
according to the tuning method to be employed. Two major types of tuning com-
ponents are available for antenna tuning today: tunable capacitors and RF switches
(with fixed capacitors).
Tunable capacitors provide continuous capacitance within a range. Tunable
capacitors can be realized by varactor diodes, barium strontium titanate (BST)
film capacitors, switched GaAs/CMOS capacitor arrays, or radio frequency micro-
electromechanical system (RF-MEMS) capacitor arrays. The tuning mechanism
and control interface also determine the application of tunable components. The
capacitance of varactor diode and BST film capacitor is controlled by the voltage
across the capacitors. Varactor diodes and BST film capacitors do not have a refer-
ence ground. These two types of tunable capacitors are applied where the parasitic
capacitance to the ground is critical. In some aperture-tunable designs, capacitance
between different radiators is tuned to change the antenna aperture. MEMS and
switched CMOS/GaAs capacitor arrays change the capacitance by switching on
and off component capacitors. Capacitance values are digitized to discrete values
covering the tuning range. These two types of tunable capacitors usually have a
Aperture-Tunable Antennas 199

digital control interface like RF-MIPI or SPI/I2C. For MEMS tunable capacitors,
internal charge pumps are implemented to drive each element capacitor to high or
low-capacitance values. These two types of tunable capacitors have some parasitic to
ground and require ground/power/digital interface to control the capacitance values.
These requirements could limit their application in certain aperture-tunable antenna
designs where ground/power/digital interface is not available or parasitic to ground
should be extremely low. Typically, digital tunable capacitor provides a minimum of
16 states with a tuning range about 4:1 or higher. A higher tuning range with lower
parasitic capacitance is preferred as it enables “universal matching network” and
provides flexibility in aperture tuning.
Radio frequency switches make inductance tunable. There are two topologies
for RF switch: serial switch or serial shunt switch. Serial shunt RF switches can
provide extra isolation between ports at the cost of shunting another port to ground.
The serial configuration switch is the most popular RF switch topology for antenna
tuning. RF switches are widely used in aperture tuning, where switches can be used
to extend or shorten radiator length, to create a shorting arm to ground, or to change
the grounding inductance.
The capacitance tuning range (and tuning ratio) and Q (Quality factor) are
among the most important electrical parameters for tunable capacitors. RF switch
structure, on-resistance and off-capacitance determine how the switch is used
for antenna tuning. To have a high linearity antenna, higher IIP2, IIP3, voltage
handling capability, and power handling capability are essential for all tunable
Special attention should be paid to power handling and voltage handling capa-
bility during component selection. Power handling capability is usually specified
in a 50 ohm environment. However, the switches or capacitors used in impedance
matching or aperture tuning are not in a 50 ohm environment. Voltage handling
capability is more useful in a non-50 ohm environment. Different component sup-
pliers specify voltage handling capability differently: some of them use rms voltage,
while others use peak voltage. This voltage is also dependent on the technology, for
example, complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) and pseudomorphic
high electron mobility transistor (PHMET) will have different breakdown mecha-
nism; while MEMS capacitors have the pull-in voltage and pull-out voltage con-
siderations. These differences should be considered during the tuning component
selection process in order to decide between different technologies and different

9.4.2  Tunable Antenna Design

For an impedance tunable antenna, the antenna design goal is to have radiation
efficiency as high as possible for the applicable bands. The raw antenna return loss
is expected to be better than a threshold value. Because of the limited tuning range
of a tunable capacitor, a tuning network can only tune an antenna well within a
range. Due to this limited capacitance range, the tuning ratio (max/min ratio) of the
capacitors, and achievable values of Q, there is no universal matching network with
acceptable insertion loss in the near future. The tunable matching network should
200 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

be optimized for the raw antenna impedance. The antenna and matching network
design is an iterative process.
For aperture-tunable antennas, the tuning component must be included in the ini-
tial design and simulation. It will be desirable to have the tuning component or circuit
in the initial mock-up antenna. Often the tuning components or circuits are not avail-
able when needed for one reason or another. It is a common practice to use a passive
component to simulate the tuning component in the mock-up design with RLC mod-
els provided by the vendors. The same technique is applied for antenna simulation,
where a simple RLC model of device is good enough for the initial design. In the
initial design, the return loss and antenna efficiency are among the major design tar-
gets. Next, antenna performance over different use cases such as beside head, beside
head and hand, various hand positions should be considered to validate the antenna
performance. Specific absorption rate/hearing aid compatibility (SAR/HAC) should
also be evaluated during this phase. Any failure to achieve required performance
specifications for the earlier items will trigger another iteration of the design.
For tunable antenna design, antenna linearity must be evaluated before antenna
design is locked down. Traditionally, the linearity concern is focused on spurious
emissions. Residual spurious emissions are specified by individual government
agencies such as FCC(U.S.)/Industry Canada or EC, as well as by standard organiza-
tions like the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and Cellular
Telecommunication Industry Association (CTIA). Compared to the radiated spuri-
ous emissions (RSE) requirements, the harmonic desense to receiving bands in LTE
CA is more challenging. In a 50-ohm system, this is equivalent to have the imped-
ance tuner with IIP3 over 81 dBm. When the system impedance is not 50 ohm, the
voltage across the component will be higher and correspondingly the requirement to
IIP3 will be higher. It is necessary to simulate or measure actual generated harmonic
or intermodulation to validate antenna design.
Antenna simulation could be performed in a frequency domain and time domain.
Typically, simulation methods could be FDTD, FEM, or a hybrid. All of the earlier
mentioned methods terminate simulation based on the convergence of simulation.
For example, if the difference between two simulations is less than a threshold, the
program will determine that the simulation reaches the convergence and will terminate
the simulation. The actual termination criteria varies, with typically −30 to −40 dBc.
A typical IIP3 of tuning components is much better and the generated harmonic is
far below −40 dBc. Any nonlinear contribution generated from the tuning compo-
nent cannot be simulated by antenna simulator. A joint simulation between antenna
simulator and circuit simulator is required to obtain the harmonic or intermodulation
product level.

9.4.3 Simulation of Harmonics and Intermodulation

from Tunable Antennas

Nonlinearity from a tunable antenna impacts radio performance in at least three

different ways. It can (1) cause interference to a radio in close proximity, (2) desense
the primary receiver operating at a different band, or (3) desense a diversity receiver
operating at a different band of the same handset.
Aperture-Tunable Antennas 201

RSE is used to characterize spurious emission interference to radios in close prox-

imities. In the United States, the RF bands used by the mobile communication indus-
try are named as Cellular/PCS/AWS/IMS band. Different FCC rules are applied for
each individual band as specified in FCC parts: 15C, 22, 24, 90, and so on. Emission
requirements are different between countries. Standard organizations like ETSI and
CTIA created RSE specification to meet most stringent requirement across countries.
The limit for RSE is usually specified in effective radiated power (ERP), with the
limit of −36 dBm using 100 kHz resolution bandwidth in the range of 30–1000 MHz
and −30 dBm using 1 MHz resolution bandwidth in range of 1000 MHz to 12.75 GHz.
For a typical multimode phone supporting GSM/CDMA/WCDMA/LTE, the most
challenging case is RSE for low-band GSM at 33 dBm power.
Simulation is used to evaluate antenna nonlinearity without building a PCB
board and mocking up an antenna. Simulating the nonlinearity would require a
large signal model for the tuning components and an S-parameter model for
antenna. The large signal model could be a physical model, an empirical model, or
measured X-parameters. For antenna designs using an impedance tuner, the antenna
is represented as a one-port device when the simulation is used to evaluate RSE or
harmonic/intermodulation generated from the antenna to the main receiver. When
the goal is to evaluate the harmonic/intermodulation desense to diversity receiv-
ers, the antenna system, including both main and diversity antenna, is used and
represented as a two-port device: the feed to main/primary antenna is one port, the
feed/input to secondary/diversity antenna is the second port. A one-port or two-port
S-parameter model will be generated from antenna simulators such as XFDTD,
In aperture-tunable antennas, tunable components are imbedded into the physical
antenna design. As antenna simulators generally do not simulate nonlinearity (well),
nonlinear components must be de-embedded from antenna port. The tuning compo-
nent is modeled as an RCL component; a port is defined at each tuning component,
along with a port for the main antenna feed (and diversity antenna feed). An n-port
S-parameter will be generated from antenna simulation. To evaluate RSE and the
impact to the main receiver, an aperture-tunable antenna with n-tunable components
is represented by an (n + 1)-port device: antenna feed is one port, the rest of n ports
are defined at n tuning components. To evaluate desense to the diversity receiver, the
antenna system (with an aperture-tunable antenna using n tuning component) is repre-
sented by (n + 2)-port devices: the main antenna feed is one port, the diversity antenna
feed is one port, and the rest ports are defined at n tuning components. Figure 9.8
shows a harmonic balance simulation schematic, where the antenna is modeled as
a two-port data component with one port as feed and tuning component at another
port. The nonlinear model of tuning component is from the measured X-parameter.
In Figure 9.9, an antenna system (main/diversity) and one tuning component are mod-
eled as a three-port device; the tuning component is represented using a measured
Circuit simulators could be any simulator such as Ansys DesignerRF or Keysight
Advanced Design System (ADS) as long as it supports RF S-parameter simulation
and harmonic balance simulation. Some RF simulators can (directly) communicate
with antenna simulators and perform joint (concurrent) circuit/antenna simulation.
202 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

1 2 1 Ref
P_1Tone X1P
Num = 1 SNP1
Z = 50 ohm
P = dbmtow (RFpower)
Freq = RFfreq

FIGURE 9.8  Schematic for harmonic balance simulation.

Vin 1 2
3 Ref
P_1Tone S3P R = 50 ohm
Num = 1 Ref 1

Z = 50 ohm
P = dbmtow(RFpower) X1P
Freq = RFfreq XNP2

FIGURE 9.9  Model of a main/diversity antenna system with one tuning component.

9.4.4 Measurement of Harmonics and Intermodulation

from Tunable Antennas

Harmonic and intermodulation resulting from the implementation of a tunable

antenna should be measured once the antenna is available for characterization.
Residue spurious emission measurement is well defined. The measurement is
performed in an anechoic environment where the reflection from the environment
is negligible. At a predefined distance, a spectrum analyzer is connected to a wide-
band receiving antenna. At a transmit frequency, the handset device is rotated to
find the directional angle for the maximum antenna gain. At that maximal gain
angle, a spectrum analyzer is used to sweep the frequency of interest and obtain
the residue spurious emission. The spurious emission power is calibrated using the
ratio of spurious emission power to total TX power. Antenna radiation pattern dif-
ferences between TX frequency band and the spurious emission frequency band
should be considered when simulation is used to evaluate the RSE.
The generated harmonic or intermodulation product can be measured as shown
in Figures 9.10 and 9.11. First, the RF signal is generated from the signal generator
and amplified by a high-power amplifier. Isolators are used to eliminate load impact
Aperture-Tunable Antennas 203

Signal Power splitter Directional

generator coupler
@f2 Isolator 3 dB
Signal Forward Reverse
generator power power
Power 3 dB
meter pad

Spectrum 3 dB
analyzer 1 pad
@f2 @f1
Spectrum DUT
3 dB
analyzer 2 pad Main
Diversity antenna
Anechoic chamber

FIGURE 9.10  Generated intermodulation product measurement system.

Isolator Directional
LPF coupler
PA 3 dB
generator pad
Forward Reverse
LPF power power
Power 3 dB
meter pad
Spectrum 3 dB
analyzer 1 pad
Spectrum 3 dB
analyzer 2 pad Main
Notch Diversity antenna
Anechoic chamber

FIGURE 9.11  A generated harmonic power measurement system.

to the power amplifier. Depending on whether intermodulation or harmonic is mea-

sured, Figure 9.10 or Figure 9.11 will be used.
The signal (or combined signal) is then passed through a directional coupler, from
which both forwarded power and reversed power are monitored. In the forward path,
another low-pass filter (or notch at harmonic frequency) is used to remove the har-
monic generated from the power detector from the RF system. In the reverse path
from the directional coupler, one- or two-notch filters are used to remove the fun-
damental power that could limit the measurement accuracy because of the limited
dynamic range of the spectrum analyzer and limited linearity of the system.
The antenna to be measured should be placed in an anechoic environment where
the reflected power is negligible. The measured harmonic or intermodulation from
reverse path by spectrum analyzer #1 is the interference that will fall into the
204 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

main/primary receiver band. To measure the intermodulation product and harmonic

received by diversity RX chain, a second spectrum analyzer is connected to diversity
antenna port as shown in Figures 9.10 and 9.11. The measured harmonic or inter-
modulation from diversity antenna port by spectrum analyzer #2 is the interference
that will fall into the diversity receiver RX band.

This chapter addresses two important aspects of a tunable antenna design simultane-
ous bandwidth and linearity. With the rapidly growing commercial success of the
tuning component industry, it is expected that tuning components with extraordinary
high IIP3/IIP2 and Q will emerge in the near future. High tuning ratio, low para-
sitic tunable capacitor technology will enable true universal matching network and
high(er) order matching networks. Closed-loop tuning solutions based on these types
of capacitors will capture and increase the amount of market share. Aperture-tunable
methods will be explored for more antenna types. It is also expected that aperture-
tunable antenna designs will demonstrate their value in the vast majority of future
handset products.

1. 3GPP, http://www.3gpp.org.
2. Sun, Y. and Fidler, J.K., Practical considerations of impedance matching network, HF
Radio Systems and Techniques, 1994, York, UK, pp. 229–233.
3. Sun, Y. and Fidler, J.K., Design method for impedance matching networks, IEE
Proceedings on Circuits, Devices and Systems, 1996, pp. 186–194.
4. Boyle, K., Bakker, T., de Jongh, M., and van Bezooijen, A., Real-time adaptation of
mobile antenna impedance matching, Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC),
2010, Loughborough, UK, pp. 22–25.
5. van Bezooijen, A., de Jongh, M.A., van Straten, F., Mahmoudi, R., and van Roermund, A.,
Adaptive impedance-matching techniques for controlling L networks, IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems, 57(2), February 2010, pp. 495–505.
6. Gu, Q. and Morris, III, A.S., A new method for matching network adaptive control,
IEEE Transactions on MTT, 61(1), January 2013, pp. 587–595.
7. Yarman, B.S., Design of Ultra Wideband Antenna Matching Networks: Via Simplified
Real Frequency Technique, Springer, 2008.
8. Komulainen, M., Berg, M., Jantunen, H., Salonen, E.T., and Free, C., A frequency
tuning method for a planar inverted-F antenna, IEEE Transactions on Antenna and
Propagation, 56(4), April 2008, pp. 944–950.
9. Panayi, P.K., Al-Nuaimi, M., and Ivrissimtzis, L.P., Tuning techniques for the planar
inverted-F antenna, IEE National Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 1999,
York, UK, pp. 259–262.
10. Tornatta, P.A. and Gaddi, R., Aperture tuned antennas for 3G-4G applications using
MEMS digital variable capacitor, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
Digest (IMS), 2013, Seattle, WA, pp. 1–4.
11. Lopez, N., Lee, C.J., Gummalla, A., and Achour, M., Compact metamaterial antenna
array for long term evolution (LTE) handset application, IEEE International Workshop
on Antenna Technology, iWAT 2009, 2009, Santa Monica, CA, pp. 1–4.
10 Power Amplifier
Envelope Tracking
Jeremy Hendy and Gerard Wimpenny

10.1 What Is Envelope Tracking?..........................................................................206
10.2 Generating the Envelope Reference Signal...................................................208
10.2.1 Envelope Path Signal Processing.....................................................208
10.2.2 Timing Alignment...........................................................................209
10.2.3 Upsampling...................................................................................... 210
10.2.4 Magnitude Calculation.................................................................... 210
10.2.5 Pre-LUT Gain Adjustment.............................................................. 210
10.2.6 ET Shaping Table............................................................................. 211
10.2.7 Post-LUT Digital Gain/Offset Correction....................................... 211
10.2.8 Pre-DAC Upsampling...................................................................... 214
10.2.9 ET DAC Requirements.................................................................... 214
10.2.10 Post-DAC Voltage Buffering and Filtering...................................... 214
10.3 Modeling the ET PA...................................................................................... 215
10.3.1 Characterizing the ET PA................................................................ 215
10.3.2 The 3D Surface Model of the ET PA............................................... 217
10.3.3 Noise and Distortion Mechanisms in ET........................................ 218
10.4 ET Shaping Table........................................................................................... 220
10.4.1 Influence of the Shaping Table........................................................ 220
10.4.2 Isogain Linearization....................................................................... 221
10.4.3 Optimizing the PA Phase Response for ET..................................... 223
10.4.4 Approaches to Shaping Table Design..............................................224
10.5 ET Supply Modulator.................................................................................... 225
10.5.1 SMPS-Only ETIC Architectures..................................................... 225
10.5.2 Hybrid ETIC Architectures............................................................. 227
10.5.3 ETIC Figures of Merit..................................................................... 228
10.5.4 ETIC Bandwidth.............................................................................. 228
10.5.5 ETIC Efficiency............................................................................... 228
10.5.6 Low Noise........................................................................................ 229
10.5.7 Slew Rate......................................................................................... 229
10.5.8 Output Impedance........................................................................... 230
10.5.9 “AC Boost” versus “DC Boost”....................................................... 230
10.5.10 ET/APT Mode Transitions............................................................... 231
10.6 How ET Affects the PA Design..................................................................... 231
10.6.1 PA Supply Decoupling..................................................................... 232

206 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

10.6.2 ET Swing Range, PA Load Line, and Supply Impedance............ 232

10.6.3 Driver Stage Modulation.............................................................. 232
10.6.4 Optimizing the PA for ET Linearity............................................. 233
10.6.5 Optimizing the PA for ET Efficiency........................................... 233
10.7 ET, CFR, and Digital Predistortion............................................................. 234
10.7.1 ET and Crest Factor Reduction.................................................... 234
10.7.2 ET and Digital Predistortion......................................................... 234
10.7.3 Using ET with DPD...................................................................... 235
10.7.4 Presplit and Postsplit DPD........................................................... 237
10.7.5 ET and Memory Effects............................................................... 237
10.8 ET into Mismatched Loads......................................................................... 238
10.9 Optimizing ET System Performance........................................................... 239
10.9.1 ET Configuration Management.................................................... 239
10.9.2 Production Calibration................................................................. 239
10.10 Conclusions.................................................................................................. 241


Envelope tracking —ET for short—is a hardware technology that improves the energy
efficiency of the RF power amplifier (PA) by dynamically modulating the power sup-
ply to the PA as the instantaneous amplitude (“envelope”) of the RF signal changes.
ET can, in principle, be used in any high data-rate wireless transmitter, but the
first market segment to adopt ET in significant volume has been the LTE smartphone
market. Most high-end smartphones launched since mid-2014 use ET to improve
battery life and reduce heat dissipation.
High data-rate wireless communications standards, like 4G/LTE and 802.11ac
Wi-Fi, use signals which have a very high variation in magnitude. This increases the
peak power needed to transmit the signal, although these peaks only happen rela-
tively infrequently. The ratio of the peak power to the average power is known as the
“peak to average power ratio” (PAPR).
In a conventional (non-ET) transmitter, the PA is supplied with a fixed DC sup-
ply voltage, which must be high enough to support the peak transmit power of the
signal. The PA device itself is only energy efficient at the very peaks of the signal,
where it approaches saturation. Consequently for much of the time, the supply
voltage is higher than needed, causing power to be wasted in the form of heat dis-
sipation. This is illustrated in Figure 10.1 by the rectangular gray area shown in
the upper diagram.
In ET, the PA supply voltage is dynamically adapted in response to the instanta-
neous amplitude of the signal. This mode is shown in the lower half of Figure 10.1.
By providing the PA with just enough supply voltage to operate, the energy efficiency
of the PA is maximized at all times, not just at the peaks.
By keeping the PA in compression over much of the modulation cycle, the mean
efficiency of the PA can be significantly increased—for an LTE uplink signal the
increase is from around 30% with a fixed supply to around 55% with ET. When fac-
toring in the power conversion efficiency of the ET power supply (around 80%), a net
ET efficiency of around 45% can be achieved.
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 207

Dissipated as
Conventional PA converter

Baseband/ Power
RF up converter amplifier

power Dissipated as
supply Supply voltage heat
Envelope signal

Baseband/ Power
RF up converter amplifier

Envelope tracking PA Transmitted

FIGURE 10.1  Overview of envelope tracking.

In addition to the energy saved, there is a significant reduction in thermal

dissipation within the PA, which can help with both thermal design and RF
Figure 10.2 illustrates the instantaneous efficiency curves of an ET PA, showing
how the efficiency trajectory is maximized throughout the modulation cycle, by
reducing the supply voltage as the output power reduces from the peak level,

Envelope tracking PA
ET PA instantaneous
average efficiency trajectory
60 efficiency
Instantaneous PA efficiency (%)

4.5 V
DC supply PA 4.0 V
40 average
efficiency 3.5 V
3.0 V
30 2.5 V
2.0 V
20 1.5 V
ET supply
DC supply PA DC supply
10 instantaneous Average Peak
efficiency trajectory output output
power power
15 20 25 30 35
Instantaneous PA output power (dBm)

FIGURE 10.2  PA efficiency curves—envelope tracking versus fixed supply.

208 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

significantly increasing the average PA efficiency when used with a high PAPR
To implement, ET requires the following hardware components:

• A high-bandwidth envelope reference signal, generated by the modem or

• A high-bandwidth ET power supply chip (the “ETIC”)
• An ET-capable or ET-optimized PA


For an ET system to operate, the ET power supply must be provided with an envelope
reference signal, which dynamically tracks the instantaneous amplitude (envelope)
of the RF signal being transmitted.
In LTE handset applications, the envelope reference signal is normally a differ-
ential voltage generated by a dedicated high-speed DAC in the modem or RFIC.
Interface drive levels and electrical characteristics of this interface have been stan-
dardized by the MIPI Alliance in the MIPI eTrak specification, originally released
in 2013 and updated in late 2014—not to be confused with the MIPI RFFE control
interface, which is also used for command and control of the ETIC.
For high-power infrastructure ET applications, parallel or serial digital interfaces
(e.g., JESD204) are more common, with the ET DAC integrated into the ET power
supply function, making it more straightforward to interface to programmable base-
band SoCs or FPGAs.
A relatively simple digital signal processing chain is used to generate the envelope
reference signal, usually from the digital I/Q signals, as shown in Figure 10.3.
Although straightforward, it requires a relatively high sample rate—typically 6×
the RF channel bandwidth, that is, >120 MSPS for a 20 MHz LTE carrier, although
some intermediate calculations may require higher sample rates.
The relationship between the instantaneous RF amplitude at the PA input and the
supply voltage at the supply terminal of the PA must be precisely controlled. This is
normally implemented in the form of a “shaping table”—a lookup table (LUT) in the
baseband, which defines this nonlinear mapping.
The relative timing of the signals must also be controlled with subsample preci-
sion. The envelope reference signal must be generated slightly in advance of the RF
signal at the PA input, to compensate for delays through the ETIC, and ensure pre-
cise timing alignment of the ET and RF inputs at the PA.

10.2.1 Envelope Path Signal Processing

The signal processing in the envelope path normally consists of the following

• Coarse step (FIFO) programmable delay, usually in RF path

• Fine step (fractional delay filter) programmable delay, usually in ET path
• Upsampling/interpolation to 4×/6×/8× IQ sample rate
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 209

MIPI RFFE control interface

RF drive Post-envelope Envelope

Shaping Upsample
gain gain and offset DAC tracking
table and filter
matching correction modulator

Magnitude A
MIPI eTrak
Upsample interface
Modem chipset C
and filter
(Baseband or RFIC) B
Delay DPD
balancing (option)

Power amplifier
Q Rxr

FIGURE 10.3  Envelope path generation logic.

• Magnitude calculation (CORDIC)

• Digital gain adjustment, for RF drive matching
• ET shaping table (LUT)
• Digital gain/offset adjustment, for DAC/ETIC analog errors
• Pre-DAC interpolation
• Analog low-pass filter (normally implemented in the ETIC)

Depending on the architecture of the modem chipset, the envelope path logic may be
implemented in either the baseband IC or RFIC. Architectures with a digital BB/RF
interface will usually implement the ET function in the RFIC, and architectures with
an analog BB/RF interface will usually implement the ET function in the BBIC, that
is, the ET logic and DAC are in the same chip as the TX I/Q DACs.
The envelope processing function is relatively small, occupying 50k–100k gates
of digital logic and consuming around 10 mW in a typical digital process.

10.2.2  Timing Alignment

Delay balancing, or timing alignment, between the ET and RF paths, is normally the
first function to be performed, since this step is most economically performed at the
lowest sample rate.
The requirements for timing alignment accuracy are directly related to the chan-
nel bandwidth; for 20 MHz LTE signals, an accuracy of ±0.5 ns is typically speci-
fied. This requires subsample timing resolution in the digital path.
It is important to note that timing alignment can be performed in either the ET or
RF paths, since it is only the relative timing of the ET or RF paths at the PA (points
“B” and “C” in Figure 10.3) that is of concern.
Most ET path implementations divide the timing alignment into coarse- and fine-
grain steps. Coarse-grain timing can be implemented using a simple FIFO on the
210 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

IQ or ET path data, whereas fine-grain timing will require a fractional delay fil-
ter (FDF)—usually implemented on the ET path. The OpenET Alliance reference
implementation uses a four-tap farrow filter (FIR) for 20 MHz LTE applications.
Although the eTrak envelope reference signal at point “A” must be generated
slightly in advance of the RF signal at point “B,” it is not always the case that the
delay is added to the IQ path. If the RF path delay from IQ to PA input exceeds the
ET path delay, the coarse-grain delay FIFO must be implemented into the ET path,
rather than the IQ path.
The designer must fully consider all potential delays due to digital signal pro-
cessing pipelining and analog filters in both ET and RF paths, which may also vary
depending on channel bandwidth settings if there are switchable filters in the RF or
ET paths.
The analog ETIC propagation delay will be specific to the ETIC design and may
perhaps also vary with channel bandwidth setting if the ETIC includes switchable
filters. As a guideline, around 10 ns of delay is typical for a handset ETIC.
The ET/RF timing alignment may require some form of temperature compensa-
tion, as the group delay of the ET and RF path filters is likely to vary by more than
0.5 ns over temperature extremes. Production-line calibration of timing alignment
is also likely to be required, since the system timing alignment will be a function of
both the RFIC and ETIC, as well as potential variations in the PA itself.

10.2.3 Upsampling
Prior to calculating the magnitude of the IQ signal, the signal must be upsampled
and filtered to provide sufficient bandwidth for the magnitude calculation, which is
an often overlooked “pinch point” in terms of the sample rate. LTE IQ signals are
normally generated at 1.536× the channel bandwidth (e.g., 30.72 MSPS for a 20 MHz
channel). The magnitude calculation of the unshaped envelope must be performed at
a higher sample rate to avoid aliasing, requiring interpolation of at least 4× to avoid
unwanted distortion—6× (184.32 MSPS) or 8× (245.76 MSPS) are better choices.

10.2.4 Magnitude Calculation
Calculating the magnitude of the IQ signal (i.e., the length of the vector specified by the
IQ coordinates) is normally performed by a CORDIC function, which approximates
the Cartesian-to-polar calculation without needing any hardware multipliers. CORDIC
is an iterative algorithm, which in practice can be implemented as a hardware pipeline
of n stages. Although the rule-of-thumb is that one CORDIC iteration is required for
each equivalent bit of precision, simulations with LTE signals have shown that only
eight iterations are required before the CORDIC becomes an insignificant noise source.

10.2.5  Pre-LUT Gain Adjustment

Following the magnitude calculation, but before the shaping table calculation, a digital
gain correction is performed. This is primarily used to compensate for variable gains
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 211

in the analog RF path, for example, where a variable gain amplifier is used to attenu-
ate the RF drive level to the PA input as the average power control level is changed.
This is illustrated in Figures 10.4 and 10.5, which show the envelope waveform as
the average power level is backed off from 0 dBm at the PA input to −9 dBm at the
PA input, for example by adding a 9 dB analog attenuation step into the transceiver
RF path. It can be seen that simply scaling the ET output waveform after the shap-
ing table would not give the correct supply voltage—the magnitude signal must be
scaled before the shaping table, to ensure that the ET supply voltage remains cor-
rectly aligned with the RF drive level at the PA input.
This gain adjustment mechanism can also be used at production calibration
to compensate for analog gain errors in the RF path; if closed-loop DPD is not
employed, the RF and ET path gains must be matched to within ±0.25 dB for
20 MHz LTE.

10.2.6 ET Shaping Table

The ET shaping table is one of the most important control mechanisms in an ET
system. It defines the relationship between the instantaneous envelope of the RF
input to the PA and the instantaneous ET supply voltage and is usually optimized
for the type of PA being used. The X axis of the shaping table represents RF signal
level at the PA input (in digital terms, the gain-corrected IQ vector magnitude) and
the Y axis represents the required ET supply voltage at the PA (in digital terms, the
target ET DAC value).
Figures 10.4 and 10.5 illustrate a shaping table (top left of chart) and show how the
PA input drive level (bottom left) maps to PA supply voltage (top right).
At a hardware level, the shaping table is usually implemented as a programmable
LUT. The number of entries in the LUT and the interpolation method used between
entries influence the PA linearity. For 20  MHz TD-LTE, 128 entries with linear
interpolation provide sufficient accuracy, although it is possible to reduce the number
of entries by providing a more complex hardware interpolation.
Although the shaping table may be characterized at design time in terms of PA
input power (in dBm) and PA supply voltage (in volts), an embedded shaping table
will be indexed using IQ vector magnitude (0...1) and the ET DAC value. It is pos-
sible to index the shaping table using either linear or log magnitude, which will influ-
ence the number of entries required.
Since the shaping table could be updated based on changes in channel frequency,
power control level, temperature, or changes in PA load impedance, the hardware
implementation of the LUT should be double-buffered to support “atomic” updating
of all values at an LTE TTI boundary.

10.2.7  Post-LUT Digital Gain/Offset Correction

Following the shaping table, a further digital gain and offset control is used to
compensate for any part-to-part variations in analog gain or offset of the ET DAC
or ETIC.

PA voltage versus input power Instantaneous PA supply voltage

5.0 V
Shaping table 5.0 V
Env_N 4.0 V
4.0 V
PA voltage
Average 3.0 V
Peak 3.0 V

2.0 V 2.0 V

1.0 V 1.0 V

0.0 V 0.0 V
–30 dBm –20 dBm –10 dBm 0 dBm 10 dBm
2.0 V
ET_N 1.5 V

1.0 V

0.5 V

0.0 V
–30 dBm –20 dBm –10 dBm 0 dBm 10 dBm Differential envelope interface
Instantaneous PA RF input power

FIGURE 10.4  ET signal waveforms, 0 dBm at the PA input.

Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets
PA voltage versus input power Instantaneous PA supply voltage
5.0 V
Shaping table 5.0 V
Env_N 4.0 V
4.0 V
PA voltage
Average 3.0 V
Peak 3.0 V

2.0 V 2.0 V

1.0 V 1.0 V

0.0 V 0.0 V
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking

–30 dBm –20 dBm –10 dBm 0 dBm 10 dBm Time->

2.0 V
ET_N 1.5 V

1.0 V

0.5 V

0.0 V
–30 dBm –20 dBm –10 dBm 0 dBm 10 dBm Differential envelope interface
Instantaneous PA RF input power

FIGURE 10.5  ET signal waveforms, −9 dBm at the PA input.

214 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

The nominal voltage gain and offset (output voltage with zero differential input)
of the ETIC is specified by each manufacturer and is not standardized.
The ET path gain and offset vary from part to part due to analog variation in
the ET DAC, reconstruction filter, and ETIC; since the overall contribution will be
a function of both the modem chipset and ETIC, this requires trim or calibration
at production time. Depending on the behavior of the ETIC and modem chipset
over temperature, some temperature compensation of these parameters may also be
required in “mission mode.”

10.2.8  Pre-DAC Upsampling

Depending on the sample rate chosen, a further interpolation stage may be imple-
mented just before the DAC in order to reduce the aliasing components.
In architectures which scale down the ET path clock rate as the LTE channel
bandwidth reduces, this can be particularly important, as the DAC images may then
fall within the bandwidth of the ETIC—if an alias component falls within the FDD
RX band, this could lead to significant desensitization.

10.2.9 ET DAC Requirements

The ET DAC is usually one of the “pinch points” in ET system design, due to limi-
tations on available sample rate, resolution, or both. Most LTE implementations use
current-steering DACs with on-chip resistors to convert from current to voltage.
Typical DAC specifications for 20 MHz FDD-LTE applications are 10-bit ENOB
and 240 MSPS, which provides a good compromise between power consumption
and performance.
Reducing the DAC resolution will increase the quantization noise floor on the
ET path, which will contribute to RF noise levels at the PA output. Reducing the
sample rate may cause problems with ET path image frequencies falling into the RX
band—due to the large number of FDD band frequency offsets and possible channel
bandwidths, this is a complex system analysis to perform.

10.2.10  Post-DAC Voltage Buffering and Filtering

Some chipsets have integrated on-chip voltage buffers after the ET DAC, but these
have challenging noise requirements, which can drive up power consumption. The lat-
est V1.1 release of the MIPI eTrak specification provides for a lower common-mode
voltage option, which is better matched to the lower supply voltages of deep submicron
modem chipsets, and should allow for the direct drive of an ETIC from an on-chip DAC.
Similarly, some modem chipsets and ETICs provide switchable analog bandwidth
filters—these are primarily of use in suppressing DAC images if the modem clock
rate is scaled with LTE channel bandwidth. Although these filters could be imple-
mented on the modem chipset, it is generally preferable to integrate them in the
ETIC, where they can also filter out noise generated in the early stages of the ETIC
and any noise or interference generated by the eTrak interface.
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 215

The final interface to the ETIC is a differential voltage-mode signal; the MIPI
eTrak specification provides for three different classes with different maximum
swing ranges and common-mode voltage ranges.


When designing and optimizing an ET system, having a good simulation model of
the PA is essential. The gain characteristic (AM/AM response) and phase character-
istic (AM/PM response) of a PA are the primary distortion mechanisms which cause
degradations in EVM, ACLR, or out-of-band noise.
A traditional fixed-supply PA can be modeled as a two-port device (RF in/RF
out), making it relatively easy to characterize and model the amplifier’s linearity. The
PA’s gain and phase responses depend only on the instantaneous RF input amplitude.
It is, therefore, straightforward to produce a figure-of-merit for the intrinsic linear-
ity of the PA, for example ACLR or EVM with a specified waveform at a particular
mean output power.
An ET PA must, however, be modeled as a three-port device, with two input ports
(RF and Supply), and one output port (RF out). The AM/AM and AM/PM responses
of the PA depend on both the RF and supply inputs.
It is important to understand that, when considered as a standalone device, the ET
PA has no intrinsic “linearity.” It is only when the ET PA is combined with a specific
shaping table and reverts to a two-port device that linearity becomes meaningful—
the linearity is as much a function of the shaping table as it is of the PA’s intrinsic
device characteristics.
The ET shaping table defines the instantaneous supply voltage for any given input
power. The combination of the PA characteristics and a particular shaping table
together define the AM/AM and AM/PM responses, and hence the overall system
linearity. Whereas the shaping table directly influences the AM/AM response, the
AM/PM response is primarily determined by the PA’s intrinsic characteristics.
The combination of three-port ET PA plus shaping table can, therefore, be
­modeled as a two-port device, with the AM linearity defined by the shaping table. It
is this aspect of ET that (to some extent) makes the ET PA a “software-defined PA,”
where the shaping table can be used to trade-off linearity and efficiency.

10.3.1 Characterizing the ET PA
As we have seen, the “standalone” performance of ET PAs cannot be measured
unless the shaping table is first defined. This requires measurement of the PA’s fun-
damental characteristics (output power, efficiency, gain, and phase) over the full
range of instantaneous supply voltages and input powers. There are several methods
for ET PA characterization, summarized in Table 10.1.
In principle, the characterization could be carried out using a CW network ana-
lyzer and a variable DC supply, but results are typically poor due to thermal effects,
ranging errors, and drifts in phase measurements. It is also far too slow to allow
load-pull techniques to be used.

TABLE 10.1
ET PA Measurement Methods
Test PA Current Supply Bandwidth ET Efficiency ET Linearity Parameters
Methodology Measurement Impedance Requirements Prediction Prediction Measured
Swept CW Bench PSU Low (decoupling Low (bench Poor, due to PA Poor, due to PA Gain (AM:AM),
testing capacitor) PSU) die heating die heating efficiency
Pulsed RF/DC Instrumentation grade Low (decoupling Low (bench Good, if short Fair Gain (AM:AM),
testing current probe, ~5 μs capacitor) PSU) pulses (~10 μs, efficiency
resolution 10% duty
Dynamic Challenging—high Requires low High (~60 MHz V. Good V. Good Gain (AM:AM),
supply BW with high impedance BW) phase
modulation common mode dynamic supply (AM:PM),
voltage current sense (no decoupling) efficiency
Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 217

An alternative approach is to use RF pulse characterization using ATE-controlled

standard test equipment. This avoids the need for a high-bandwidth, low-impedance
supply and is sufficiently fast for load-pull to be viable, but has the drawback that it
is difficult to make accurate phase measurements.
The last approach is to use real ET waveforms and to dynamically vary the shap-
ing table to allow all combinations of input power and supply voltage to be measured.
This requires a high-bandwidth supply modulator, but is very fast, allows accurate
phase information to be gathered and can in principle also be used to characterize
memory effects.
This basic ET PA characterization can be used to create a quasi-static (i.e.,
“­memoryless”) data model of the PA having output power, phase and efficiency as
outputs, and input power and supply voltage as inputs. Once the shaping table is
defined, this model can then be used to predict PA system performance parameters,
such as ACLR, EVM and efficiency, for standard test waveforms.
In addition to being used for PA device level characterization, the same hardware
can be used for direct verification of PA system performance using the defined shap-
ing table.
For higher bandwidth waveforms, memory effects can be a significant source of
nonlinearity. The PA output parameters (AM, PM, and efficiency) now depend on
time (i.e., signal history) in addition to instantaneous input power and supply volt-
age. Memory effects show up in the PA characterization as a “broadening” of the
AM/AM and AM/PM characteristics and can result from electrical time constants
in input or output bias circuits, thermal time constants associated with local die
heating, or technology-specific “charge storage” effects. For low power handset PAs,
memory effects associated with the gate/base bias and drain/collector feed tend to
dominate over die level memory effects.

10.3.2  The 3D Surface Model of the ET PA

By post-processing data captured over a range of supply voltages and RF input pow-
ers, it is possible to analyze the efficiency, gain, and phase of the PA as a set of
3D surfaces or parameterized 2D plots, enabling the PA designer to visualize the
amplifier characteristics and make suitable design trade-offs during performance
optimization (Figure 10.6).
The same data set can also be used to automatically calculate and export a vari-
ety of shaping table mappings to target maximal efficiency, maximal linearity, or
other target performance parameters. During shaping table design, it can be helpful
to view the gain, phase, and efficiency surfaces in different orientations to visual-
ize how the selected shaping table will impact AM:AM, AM:PM, and efficiency
responses, as shown in Figure 10.7.
The left-hand plot in Figure 10.7 shows the parameterized 2D “traditional” view
of the surface, showing gain (AM/AM) on the Y axis, and the variable supply voltage
shown as a series of curves. The operating locus with the selected shaping table is
highlighted in black—in this case a 25.5 dB isogain shaping.
The right-hand plot shows the “shaping table” view of the surface with instanta-
neous supply voltage on the Y axis and instantaneous PA input power on the X axis.
218 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

FIGURE 10.6  3D surfaces of the ET PA gain, phase, and efficiency.

FIGURE 10.7  Alternative views of the ET PA gain surface; the ET shaping table is high-
lighted in black.

The color map (Z axis) represents gain, with the contours of equal (iso) gain high-
lighted, and the selected shaping table again highlighted in black.
Figure 10.8 shows gain, phase, and efficiency surfaces side-by-side, with the tra-
ditional view at the top, and the shaping table view of the surface below.
The 3D “quasi-static” surface model of the PA can also be used in a simulation
environment with the selected shaping table—by applying a sequence of IQ samples
for a defined waveform at a selected mean power level at the PA input, the model
can be used to accurately predict ACLR, EVM and mean efficiency at a system level
across a wide range of waveforms and power levels, provided memory effects are
sufficiently well controlled.

10.3.3 Noise and Distortion Mechanisms in ET

When operating in ET mode, the PA is in compression and, therefore, acts as a
mixer—noise and distortion generated in the ET supply path mixes with the RF
signal and increases noise and distortion at the PA output.
The amount of supply noise transferred to the RF spectrum is a function of the
instantaneous compression level of the PA—when in saturation, the ET PA has no
power supply rejection, whereas in linear operation, it has significant inherent rejec-
tion of supply noise. Like many other aspects of ET PA performance, the supply
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 219

FIGURE 10.8  Gain, phase, and efficiency surfaces.

noise sensitivity of the PA can be controlled by the shaping table—operating the

PA further into compression increases efficiency, but also increases the supply noise
transfer, and vice versa.
It is, of course, important to minimize the analog noise and distortion present on
the ET supply pin of the PA, but at a wider system level there are multiple interacting
sources of noise and distortion to be considered, which may be generated by digital,
analog, or software-controlled mechanisms.
Some contributors—for example, insufficient ET DAC precision or switcher
noise—increase the broadband noise floor. Other mechanisms, such as ET/RF path
gain mismatch or timing alignment error, introduce degradations close to carrier and
appear more like traditional distortion due to PA compression. Insufficient sample
rate in the ET reference signal calculation or inadequate ETIC stability margin may
give rise to “humps” in the RF spectrum either side of the wanted channel.
Depending on the system requirements, the PA performance limits may be
dictated by in-band performance (e.g., EVM for high-order QAM modulation) or
out-of-band requirements, such as ACLR, FCC regulatory limits, or self-interference
(TX path noise in the RX band).
For FDD-LTE handset applications, RX band noise is usually the limiting fac-
tor for ET path performance—unwanted noise or distortion at the PA output is
attenuated by the duplex filter, adds to the wanted RX signal from the antenna, and
degrades the receive sensitivity of the handset.
TX/RX frequency band separation varies significantly by LTE frequency band,
so the relevant noise products can be as close as 30 MHz to the TX carrier, or up
to 400 MHz away depending on the band of operation. The baseband spectrum of
the ET path must, therefore, be considered carefully across a wide frequency range,
220 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

as an unwanted noise spike—for example, switch-mode power supply noise, or ET

DAC image frequency—may fall directly into an FDD receive band.
With so many potential sources of noise and distortion, and a wide range of use
cases across LTE frequency bands and channel bandwidths, a high-level system
simulation environment is very helpful. Such models can be constructed in environ-
ments, such as MATLAB or ADS.
To isolate and examine each individual noise and distortion contributor, a very
high dynamic range three-port PA simulation model is needed—ideally with around
150 dB of dynamic range. Although it is possible to generate such a model by inter-
polating lab measurements of the PA, an equation-based model is generally pref-
erable as it can provide smooth, continuous surfaces, which allow simulation of
contributors at 130 or 140 dB below the transmission power level.


As already discussed in an ET system, the behavior of the PA is defined by the con-
tents of a nonlinear envelope “shaping table” in the digital signal processing path
which generates the envelope reference signal. The shaping table, which maps the
instantaneous RF output power to supply voltage, is specific to the type of PA being
used and the system performance requirements.
Although it is possible to create a unique shaping table for each individual PA at
production time, it is simpler to fix the shaping table at design time, and calibrate
out just the analog gain and offset errors in the envelope and RF paths on the pro-
duction line.
Depending on the PA being used, a different shaping table may be needed for
each frequency band, for example in the case of a multimode, multiband PA. Better
performance may also be obtained by generating multiple shaping tables to cover
bands with particularly wide fractional bandwidths.

10.4.1 Influence of the Shaping Table

In most applications, the PA has to simultaneously meet several key metrics—
efficiency, output power, gain, in-band linearity (EVM), and out-of-band linearity
(ACLR and RX band noise), potentially over a wide power control range and a wide
frequency range. These metrics are all interlinked and improving the performance in
one area means trading off the performance in another. For example, PA efficiency
and gain both vary with supply voltage—a higher supply voltage gives you more
gain through the PA, but lower efficiency, and vice versa.
“Optimizing” an ET PA design is, therefore, a process of finding the right balance
between these metrics to give the best overall system performance.
With fixed supply PAs, product designers have had very limited control over these
metrics. ET transforms the PA from a two-port into a three-port device, with the sup-
ply pin acting as an additional high-bandwidth control input, giving designers more
freedom to define the trade-offs required to optimize PA performance.
At each instantaneous power level, a higher supply voltage will give more gain
(at the expense of efficiency) and a lower supply voltage will give more efficiency
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 221

(at the expense of gain). This technique can be used in the shaping table to control
the desired AM:AM characteristic of the PA, and hence the linearity.
When the ET PA is operating in compression/saturation at high instantaneous
power, increasing the RF input amplitude does not provide any more output power—
that is the definition of saturation. The only way to get more output power from a PA
in saturation is to increase its supply voltage. In other words, the output amplitude is
directly controlled by the supply voltage.
The profile of the ET shaping table controls how the supply voltage varies with PA
input signal amplitude. The AM:AM distortion of the PA (i.e., how its output signal
amplitude changes as a function of the input signal amplitude) is, therefore, directly
controlled by the shaping table. A “kink” in the shaping table will give a correspond-
ing “kink” in the AM:AM response and degrade linearity.
Phase is not controllable by the supply voltage in the same way as the gain of the
PA, but the phase response (AM:PM distortion) of the PA in ET mode can certainly
be characterized, and to some extent controlled, via the shaping table—but this also
depends on the design of the PA bias and matching networks.
The ability to directly control and trade-off gain and efficiency, and indirectly
control phase, allows the shaping table to control a wide range of PA performance
characteristics, as listed in Table 10.2.

10.4.2 Isogain Linearization
One obvious ET shaping table is the maximum efficiency shaping, where the sup-
ply voltage is selected to maximize the instantaneous efficiency of the PA at all
signal levels. However, with this approach, the PA gain is usually nonlinear, result-
ing in significant AM:AM distortion as shown in the left side of Figure 10.9. This
response would require correction with digital predistortion (DPD) to achieve the
system linearity requirements. However, the main disadvantage of this approach
is that high-bandwidth predistortion would be needed to effectively correct the
sharp “kinks” in the AM:AM characteristic. In addition to the baseband processing

TABLE 10.2
System Parameters Controlled by the Shaping Table
Primary PA Performance Parameters— Secondary System Performance Parameters—
Directly Controlled by the Shaping Table Influenced by the Shaping Table
PA efficiency ETIC efficiency
AM:AM linearity AM:PM linearity
Average PA gain Envelope signal bandwidth
Waveform PAPR at PA output
PA noise transfer/supply sensitivity
PA peak and minimum supply voltages
Isogain power control range
PA supply port impedance/linearity
70 70

Envelope tracking Envelope tracking 26 dB

60 Optimum efficiency shaping 60 Isogain shaping

50 50
4.5 V 4.5 V
4.0 V 4.0 V
40 40 3.5 V
3.5 V
3.0 V
30 3.0 V 30 2.5 V

Efficiency (%)

Efficiency (%)
2.5 V 2.0 V
20 20 1.5 V
2.0 V ISO26 dB
1.5 V
10 10
opt eff
0 0
15 20 25 30 35 15 20 25 30 35
Pout (dBm) Pout (dBm)
30 30

28 28

26 26
4.5 V 4.5 V
4.0 V 4.0 V

Gain (dB)
Gain (dB)
24 3.5 V 24 3.5 V Envelope tracking 26 dB
3.0 V Envelope tracking 3.0 V Isogain shaping
2.5 V Optimum efficiency shaping 2.5 V
22 2.0 V 22 2.0 V
1.5 V
opt eff 1.5 V
ISO26 dB
20 20
15 20 25 30 35 15 20 25 30 35
Pout (dBm) Pout (dBm)
Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

FIGURE 10.9  PA efficiency: Optimum efficiency (left) versus isogain shaping (right).
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 223

implications of the required high bandwidth, it also restricts the ability to filter out
RF path noise.
An alternative mapping of particular interest is “Isogain” shaping in which the
instantaneous supply voltage is chosen to achieve a particular constant PA gain, as
illustrated on the right-hand column of Figure 10.9.
With isogain shaping, the ET PA system achieves low AM:AM distortion, while
still operating in compression over much of the modulation cycle. For typical GaAs
LTE handset PAs, the efficiency penalty for using isogain shaping rather than max
efficiency shaping is often as low as 1% or 2% points, but the ACLR can be 7–10 dB
Depending on the PA design, it is possible to use isogain shaping to linearize
the PA down to ACLR values of −45 dBc or even better without requiring any form
of DPD.
It is important to note that there are an infinite number of potential isogain shap-
ing tables to choose from—selecting the best isogain value is a trade-off between
efficiency, linearity, and the average power control range over which the isogain
remains valid.
To maintain the same isogain over a range of power control levels requires an
isogain value which maximizes the flat (controlled) area of the gain characteristic.
For example, in Figure 10.9, it can be seen that with the highlighted 26 dB isogain
trajectory, a slight “kick-up” in the gain occurs at low instantaneous power levels as
the PA drops out of compression. This introduces some AM:AM distortion in the
troughs of the signal, which may not be significant at high average power levels,
but will degrade ACLR as the average power level is reduced. By contrast, choos-
ing a slightly higher isogain, for example, 26.2 dB, would allow isogain operation
to be maintained at a lower average output power, at the cost of a slight decrease in

10.4.3 Optimizing the PA Phase Response for ET

Since the shaping table can be used to directly control the AM:AM behavior of the
PA in ET mode, the residual distortion is generally due to AM:PM, which can be
relatively easily corrected using open-loop phase precorrection in the IQ path.
Alternatively, the PA’s phase response can be designed to minimize AM:PM dis-
tortion in ET mode, as illustrated by the two phase surfaces shown in Figure 10.10.
The PA on the left has been designed for average power tracking (APT) opera-
tion and has a relatively flat AM:PM response when modulated with a fixed supply.
However, in ET mode, the supply voltage trajectory crosses a significant number of
phase contours, generating some relatively significant AM:PM distortion.
The surface shown on the right is taken from an ET-optimized PA where the
phase response has been optimized along the ET supply voltage contour, giving an
extremely flat AM:PM response when operated in ET mode, but significant AM:PM
distortion when operated in APT mode. ET-optimized PAs can achieve ACLR per-
formance in excess of −50 dBc without DPD. This significantly exceeds the LTE
uplink requirement, so usually the shaping table is chosen to achieve the best effi-
ciency consistent with meeting linearity goals.
224 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets



(a) (b)

FIGURE 10.10  PA phase surfaces for APT-optimized PA (a) and ET-optimized PA (b).

10.4.4 Approaches to Shaping Table Design

There are several methods which can be used to develop ET shaping tables. The
surface-based PA characterization method described can be used to automatically
calculate and export shaping tables by curve fitting the shaping table to measured
gain, phase, or efficiency surfaces. This approach requires an accurate ET PA char-
acterization bench and must ensure that the thermal profile of the PA during surface
capture accurately reflects the dissipation when operating in ET mode.
Alternatively, an equation-based approach to shaping tables can be used, based
on the peak and minimum ET voltage, the peak PA input power, and some other
parameters—for example, to control sharpness of the transition from linear opera-
tion to compression.
Equation-based shaping tables have the advantage of simplicity and a small num-
ber of parameters and can be relatively easy to develop in the lab, particularly if
closed-loop DPD is available, or if ACLR targets are not too stringent.
When designing a shaping table, there are several factors to consider.
The peak ET voltage is determined by the peak power required at the PA output
and should be regarded as “fixed.” Peak output power is, in turn, defined by the mini-
mum PAPR needed at the PA output to achieve the system linearity targets and must
also take into account the peak ET supply voltage supported by both the ETIC and PA.
The minimum ET voltage used in the troughs is a design trade-off between PA
efficiency, ETIC efficiency, ET bandwidth, and linearity. For GaAs HBT PAs, it is
advisable to keep the minimum voltage above around 1.0 V to avoid gain collapse
in the PA. Increasing Vmin reduces PA efficiency, but increases ETIC efficiency
by reducing the AC power delivery requirement. It also reduces the ET bandwidth
required. The opposing PA and ETIC efficiency trends result in a broad efficiency
“sweet spot” for swing ranges in the range 2.5:1–3.5:1 (e.g., Vmax = 3 × Vmin). Note
that the “optimum efficiency” swing range may not always deliver the best system
linearity unless AM precorrection is used.
It is important to focus on optimizing efficiency at the maximum mean output
power level, by targeting a shaping table voltage which gives 2–3 dB compression
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 225

at that point—this gain being a good starting point for deriving an isogain shaping
table. Although the mean efficiency depends on the statistical distribution of the
signal waveform around the mean power level, the spot efficiency at that power level
is usually a reasonable proxy. Note that the PA will normally operate deeper into
compression at the waveform peaks—perhaps up to 4 dB—but by even more if the
shaping table is also used to provide deliberate “soft clipping” of the waveform.
The influence of the shaping table on the ET-path bandwidth can also be sig-
nificant. Any “sharp corners” in the shaping table, or non-monotonic sections, can
cause a significant increase in the ET-path bandwidth, and lead to mistracking if
the capabilities of the ETIC are exceeded. The minimum shaping table voltage also
serves to “de-trough” the envelope waveform, significantly reducing the envelope
path bandwidth requirement, since the unshaped envelope has very sharp troughs
where the RF envelope falls to zero, as illustrated in Figure 10.11.


The ET supply modulator is both a power supply and an amplifier; at a functional
level, it amplifies the differential MIPI eTrak envelope reference signal provided by
the modem chipset to supply the PA, and for simple, system modeling can be consid-
ered as an ideal amplifier with a low-pass filter plus an additive noise source.
The engineering challenge in developing an LTE ET chip is in creating a power
supply converter that simultaneously achieves high efficiency (>80%), extremely
high bandwidth (30–60 MHz for 20 MHz BW LTE), very low noise, and high peak
output currents (>1 A).
For IC designers, delivering an effective ET power supply modulator requires an
architecture that delivers the right balance between the key metrics—system effi-
ciency, noise and distortion, bandwidth, and output power—while paying attention
to some of the less obvious requirements, such as output impedance—which influ-
ences switcher noise suppression and supply “memory effects,” slew rate—which
can result in ETIC mis-tracking—and mode transition times.
LTE ET chips must also support fallback to traditional average power tracking
operation at reduced output powers, where they must deliver competitive efficiency
and ideally consume no more current than an APT-only DC:DC converter when
heavily backed off.

10.5.1 SMPS-Only ETIC Architectures

The simplest ETIC architecture variant is that of a standalone fast switch-mode
power supply (SMPS, often referred to as a DC:DC converter). Switcher-only archi-
tectures are attractive from a size, cost, and efficiency perspective.
The main drawback of switcher-only architectures is that it is very difficult to
deliver the high bandwidth needed without compromising efficiency. As a rule of
thumb, a ratio of around 30:1 is required between the switching frequency and the
RF channel bandwidth. To support an LTE channel bandwidth of 20 MHz would,
therefore, require a switching speed of at least 150 MHz, or use of multiphase switch-
ing converters to achieve the required bandwidth.

Unshaped PA supply voltage Shaped PA supply voltage

5.0 V 5.0 V

4.0 V 4.0 V

3.0 V 3.0 V

2.0 V 2.0 V

1.0 V 1.0 V

0.0 V 0.0 V
Time -> Time ->

RF drive Shaping Post-envelope Envelope

Magnitude Upsample
I/Q signal gain gain and offset DAC tracking
calculator table and filter
matching correction modulator

Power amplifier

FIGURE 10.11  Envelope bandwidth before and after shaping table.

Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 227

Suppressing switching noise is also an important consideration—each switching

event generates a noise spike, which may result in spurs being transferred through
the PA onto the RF spectrum. This may require relatively heavy filtering on the ET
supply, limiting bandwidth and efficiency.
At high switching speeds, parasitic losses in the switching devices and inductors
can also become significant, resulting in an efficiency falloff as switching frequency
increases. At backed off power levels and APT modes, it is usually preferable to
use a slow-switching architecture, avoiding the standing current penalty of the fast
switcher, but this is hard to achieve with a single inductor value without resorting to
discontinuous switching, which decreases supply bandwidth and increases LF noise.

10.5.2 Hybrid ETIC Architectures

It is possible to overcome the challenges of SMPS-only ETICs by adding a high-
bandwidth linear (AC) amplifier to the ETIC to create a “hybrid” architecture. This is
conceptually similar to multiple loudspeakers in an audio system, where a “woofer”
handles the high-power/low-frequency content, and a smaller “tweeter” provides the
high-frequency content (Figure 10.12).
In hybrid ET architectures, the switch-mode power supply handles the DC and
low-frequency components of the ET supply waveform, which contain most of the
energy consumed by the PA (typically 85%–95%, depending on the waveform sta-
tistics). The switch-mode power supply can achieve very high energy conversion
efficiency—90%–95% is a good benchmark—and, in the hybrid architecture, does
not require an excessively high switching rate.
The AC amplifier then provides the high-frequency components of the ET supply
waveform, delivering the high signal bandwidths required and—depending on the
details of the ETIC architecture—cleaning up noise generated by the switch-mode
power supply. The AC amplifier is usually biased in a class AB configuration, which

Slow tracking External feedback

switcher: path:
High efficiency Cancels noise
High power Switch-mode Reduces output
Low bandwidth power impedance
High noise supply
reference signal
input from
modem chipset +
Fast tracking linear AC
AC amplifier: amp
High bandwidth
Low noise –
Low efficiency RF PA

FIGURE 10.12  Hybrid ETIC architecture.

228 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

can only deliver theoretical efficiencies of around 40%–50% for the AC amplifier
itself. However, since only a small portion of the energy supplied to the PA is deliv-
ered by the AC amplifier—perhaps only 5%–10%—the effect on the overall energy
efficiency of the ETIC is not dramatic.

10.5.3 ETIC Figures of Merit

It is not straightforward to compare ETICs, as there are multiple figures-of-merit to
consider, including

• Maximum ET bandwidth
• ET voltage swing range
• Efficiency with high-bandwidth signals
• Efficiency with low-bandwidth signals
• Efficiency over back off
• Output impedance
• Current and voltage slew rates
• Buck, AC-boost, or DC-boost capability
• Supply voltage range
• Ease of programming

10.5.4 ETIC Bandwidth
One of the main implementation challenges for an envelope tracking IC is that of
bandwidth—the power supply requires a small signal bandwidth of 1.5–3.0× the RF
channel bandwidth, that is, 30–60 MHz for a 20 MHz OFDM channel.
The spectral plot of the envelope signal power shows that there is a large DC
component, followed by a significant amount of power within the occupied channel
bandwidth, and then a relatively long “tail” out to about 3× the channel bandwidth.
How much of this tail must be accurately tracked by the ETIC depends on the system
RF linearity requirements.
Some ETICs incorporate switchable bandwidth filters to support different chan-
nel bandwidths—these can be helpful at lower channel bandwidths to attenuate ET
DAC images, particularly if the modem chipset reduces the ET DAC clock frequency
at lower LTE channel bandwidths.

10.5.5 ETIC Efficiency
Perhaps harder than achieving the absolute bandwidth through the ETIC is to main-
tain high energy conversion efficiency for the ETIC itself. While 85% ETIC effi-
ciency is a good figure of merit for low-bandwidth signals such as 3G, maintaining
this efficiency over a wide range of signal types and bandwidths is a significant
architectural and IC design challenge.
Some ETICs are optimized for efficiency at a low bandwidth, for example, 1–4
RB, with a significant falloff in efficiency at higher RB counts. Others may provide a
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 229

lower efficiency for low bandwidths but maintain efficiency better as the bandwidth
Maintaining high efficiency over a wide power control range is also important for
applications, such as LTE and 3G, that employ dynamic power control. ET usually
delivers a power saving benefit over the top 8–10 dB of the power control range and
the efficiency of the ETIC as power is backed off usually determines the “break-
even” point compared with APT.
ETICs for cellular applications typically also include a lower bandwidth APT
mode for operation at reduced power levels, and this must also operate at high effi-
ciency over a very wide power output range—from 10 mW to more than 1 W—mak-
ing circuit design for low quiescent currents an important architectural and design

10.5.6 Low Noise
For FDD-LTE systems, analog “noise” created by the ETIC is an important consider-
ation, as it is one of the contributors to overall RX sensitivity degradation. However,
not all “noise” is equal—there are multiple sources of noise and distortion within the
ETIC, all of which contribute to the overall system noise budget.
Some contributors can be considered as true noise, such as thermal noise in
the ETIC amplifier and switching noise from the SMPS blocks. It is not possible
(or practical in the case of switching noise) to predict and precorrect the RF signal to
mitigate these sources of noise.
Other effects, such as crossover distortion, bandwidth limitations, high output
impedance, or slew-rate limitations, lead to mistracking or a “noise-like” distortion
of the ET signal. Some of these effects give rise to deterministic memory effects,
which could, in principle, be corrected using memory effect predistortion, though
this is not typically used in current handset implementations.

10.5.7 Slew Rate
In addition to a high small-signal bandwidth, ET modulators also require a high slew
rate in order to accurately track the peaks and troughs of the waveform.
To accurately track a 20-MHz LTE uplink envelope with a 3-V swing at typical
handset output power levels needs over a 150 V/µs voltage slew rate, requiring the
output current to slew at about 50 A/μs.
Shortfalls in the slew rate will cause mistracking, leading to increased noise
and distortion on the RF output—this may be particularly harmful in FDD systems
where transmit noise in the receive band can degrade the receiver sensitivity.
Although the required voltage slew rate can (to some extent) be controlled at
the system level by the choice of the shaping table, the dynamic behavior of the
PA current consumption is determined primarily by the instantaneous RF output
power characteristics, and cannot easily be reduced. This tends to lead to high-
bandwidth current “spikes” and “clicks” caused by rapid changes in the RF output
230 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

10.5.8 Output Impedance
If the ETIC has high output impedance, this results in voltage errors due to the
fast current changes in the load, leading to distortion and noise on the RF output.
Typically, the output impedance of a feedback amplifier is primarily inductive
and hence rises rapidly with frequency. Consequently, the ability of the correction
amplifier to “clean up” residual switcher noise falls with frequency. Furthermore,
the inductive output impedance together with the inductance associated with the
ETIC—PA physical interconnect results in memory effect distortion, which may
become significant with very high-bandwidth signals.
The ETIC effectively replaces the supply decoupling capacitor on the PA at video
frequencies, so low ETIC output impedance is also vital to maintain PA stability.
ETICs will typically be connected to multiple PAs on the board, which add para-
sitic capacitance and stray inductance even when the unused PAs are turned off.
Resonances associated with these parasitic elements are difficult to predict and con-
trol and can result in higher than expected out-of-band noise.
RF PAs present a time varying load impedance to the ETIC, making them far
more complex to drive than a simple resistive load. The nature of this “dynamic”
impedance depends on the PA technology and the choice of shaping function, and
typically rises in the waveform troughs as the PA comes out of saturation. The rapid
change of impedance can give rise to transient mistracking or “trough clicks” in
waveform troughs. It also requires more power to be delivered by the linear amplifier
of a hybrid ETIC than when driving an equivalent “linear” resistance—resulting in
the ETIC efficiency reducing by about 2 percentage points.

10.5.9  “AC Boost” versus “DC Boost”

Although portable products use batteries with 3.8 V nominal voltage, designers are
increasingly looking for components including PAs, which operate down to 2.8 V
(or even 2.5 V) supplies. Although it is possible to design low load line PAs capa-
ble of max power operation at these voltages, several key PA parameters must be
compromised to do so. In particular, the RF bandwidth and PA efficiency are both
degraded and the PA’s peak supply current is increased.
A common requirement is, therefore, for the ET modulator to be able to deliver
peak voltages of 4.5–5 V by boosting above the battery voltage, although the mean
supply voltage to the PA in ET mode is almost always below the battery voltage
(typically 2–2.5 V).
This can often be achieved through “AC boost”—the ability of the linear ampli-
fier within the ETIC to deliver transitory peak output voltages above the supply volt-
age. This allows full power ET operation even at low battery.
However, this precludes use of APT at full power, which may be required to sup-
port legacy standards, such as 3G or TD-SCDMA, where the modem chipset vendor
is unwilling to add ET support. AC boost may also result in degraded low-bandwidth
LTE performance. Where this is a problem, “DC boost”—the ability for the switch-
mode power supply within the ETIC to sustain an output voltage above that of the
supply—may be required.
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 231

Using DC boost, ETICs may degrade efficiency compared with an AC boost

architecture, due to the increased complexity of the switch-mode power supply
block, though the extent of degradation is strongly architecture dependent.

10.5.10 ET/APT Mode Transitions

In LTE systems, transmit power control at the handset depends both on distance
from the base station (path loss) and the instantaneous bandwidth being transmitted
during each timeslot, which can result in a 100× variation in transmit power each
The ETIC, therefore, needs to be able to alter transmit power level, and switch
between ET and APT modes in a few microseconds without introducing “glitches”
into the supply of the RF PA—which may cause in-band (EVM) or out-of-band
(ACLR) distortion during the mode transitions.
In APT mode, the ETIC typically maintains low output impedance by switching
in an appropriate decoupling (bypass) capacitor across the output supply to reduce
ripple and maintain PA stability. This switching must also be carried out while mini-
mizing disturbance of the output signal.


The requirement to measure, characterize, and model the ET PA as a three-port
device has already been discussed, but at a hardware level, there are several practical
differences between an APT-optimized PA and an ET-optimized device.
To make a PA “ET capable” requires at least the following modifications:

• Removal of any large decoupling components on the final stage supply

(“VCC2”), leaving only RF decoupling
• Ensuring that any internal bias circuits are not powered from the VCC2
pin—ET PAs typically provide a separate Vbat supply input for this purpose
• Supporting modulation of the VCC2 pin over at least a 3:1 range, for exam-
ple, around 1.2–3.6 V

To optimize a PA for ET operation, there are several further design techniques that
can be employed:

• Increasing the PA load line to match the “AC boost” capability of the ETIC
• Supporting ET co-modulation of the PA driver stage (“VCC1”)
• Optimizing the phase response for ET rather than APT
• Ensuring the bandwidth of the supply bias networks is sufficient for ET
• Optimizing efficiency around mean rather than max power
• Ignoring any requirement for fixed supply AM:AM linearity at high power
• Ensuring the PA gain falls off as the supply voltage reduces, for good isogain
• Reducing the static PA bias current/Icq (fixed supply gain peaking is not an
issue for ET operation)
232 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

10.6.1  PA Supply Decoupling

One obvious consequence of ET operation is that, unlike an APT PA, the PA’s
VCC2 supply must not include any significant decoupling at video frequencies. RF
decoupling is still required, but is typically 100–150 pF per cellular PA for multi-
PA applications. Note that the ETIC still sees the “off” capacitances of the inactive
PAs, and the presence of these load capacitances can cause mistracking, out-of-band
resonances, and increased power consumption, particularly with high-bandwidth

10.6.2 ET Swing Range, PA Load Line, and Supply Impedance

The load line of an ET PA and the ETIC swing range should be chosen to match
one another. The load line is defined by the peak PA output power required and the
peak ET voltage the ETIC/PA combination can support. For an LTE PA capable
of delivering 28 dBm of average power with a 5 dB PAPR, paired with an ETIC/
PA capable of 4.5 V peak voltage, the PA load line should be optimized for 33 dBm pk
The term “load line” is used rather loosely with ET PAs, and refers to the PA’s
“supply impedance”—the relationship between instantaneous supply current and
voltage on the ET-modulated supply pin of the PA (as distinct from the RF load
line, which is the relationship between the PA’s RF voltage and RF current). For
example, delivering 33-dBm peak power from a 4.5-V peak ET supply voltage,
assuming 60% saturated PA efficiency, implies a supply impedance of 6 ohms.
Delivering the same output power from a 3.6-V peak supply implies a 4-ohm PA
supply impedance.
PAs designed for APT operation are usually designed to deliver full power from a
buck-only DC:DC converter, resulting in a relatively low load line/supply impedance
(3.5 or 4 ohms). When used with a boost-capable ET supply, these devices can typi-
cally deliver 2–3 dB more linear power than in APT mode, due to the higher peak
supply voltage available.
Higher load-line PAs are generally more ET-friendly and can make use of higher
peak voltages to deliver the increased peak power. The challenge of high load-line
PAs is that if APT operation at full power is also required—for example, to sup-
port legacy 3G standards—they require a boost-mode APT converter to deliver full

10.6.3  Driver Stage Modulation

The power consumption of the PA driver stage can become a significant factor in
ET PA designs, where the final stage efficiency may be reaching 60%. As the gain
of the final stage is reduced when operating in ET mode, an additional 1–2 dB of
linear power may be required from the driver stage leading to an increase in energy
consumption compared to an APT design.
For this reason, a simple battery-connected supply for the driver (VCC1) stage
is not ideal, particularly as power is backed off in APT mode. Options include
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 233

provision of a dedicated APT supply rail for the driver stage or co-modulation of
both the driver and final stages.
If co-modulation is used, additional gain must be provided in the PA to compen-
sate for the compression in the driver stage. Care must also be taken to when design-
ing the PA to optimize the AM/PM response across both stages and to avoid memory
effects introduced by the propagation delay through the driver stage.

10.6.4 Optimizing the PA for ET Linearity

If the PA is not going to be used in APT mode at full power, it is possible to increase
the efficiency by sacrificing some intrinsic linearity. The ideal ET PA gain charac-
teristic is shown in Figure 10.13.
At high instantaneous powers, the fixed supply gain flatness of the PA as it
approaches compression is unimportant, as the AM:AM response in this region is
defined by the ET shaping table. The bias current can therefore be reduced, and the
gain allowed to rise as the PA approaches compression.
At low supply voltages, shown as V1 in Figure 10.13, the PA gain should be
allowed to reduce, as this provides a greater dynamic range over which the isogain
profile is flat. At lower instantaneous powers, the PA should be designed for intrinsic
linearity, as the ET shaping table will not have any effect in this region.

10.6.5 Optimizing the PA for ET Efficiency

The main efficiency goal for an ET PA is to ensure that the saturated efficiency
remains high as the supply voltage is backed off, as illustrated by the curves in
Figure 10.2.
The most important operating point is the region around the mean output power
level, that is, 5–7 dB below peak power for LTE uplink signals, where the ET supply
voltage will usually be around 1.5–2 V. This is more important than the saturated
efficiency at peak power.

Need ~1 dB gain reduction at Traditional compression characteristics

low voltage for good isogain unimportant (not exercised in ET)

Need flat gain here

~10 dB: to allow compressed V4
operation with high PAPR signals V3
Input power

FIGURE 10.13  Ideal ET PA gain characteristics.

234 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


ET is often considered in the same context as CFR and DPD, particularly when
designers are weighing up which techniques can be used to improve efficiency with
high PAPR signals. Questions such as “Do I need ET if I am using DPD?” or “Do I
still need DPD if I’m using ET?” often arise.
ET can certainly simplify DPD or in some cases eliminate the need for DPD alto-
gether. Equally, ET and DPD can happily coexist to achieve the maximum efficiency
and linearity.

10.7.1 ET and Crest Factor Reduction

Digital CFR is widely used in infrastructure applications to create waveforms with
manageable PAPRs. The “native” PAPRs of OFDM signals can often exceed 10 dB,
and sizing the PA design for these occasional peaks would increase cost and reduce
efficiency. Crest factor reduction reduces the PAPR of the signal allowing the PA
to on average operate with less back off—and hence higher efficiency than would
be possible without CFR. However, this efficiency increase comes at the expense of
EVM and/or ACLR, although the more sophisticated CFR algorithms allow control
over balance between EVM and ACLR degradation by controlling the frequency
placement of the inevitable distortion products.
The simplest form of CFR is to rely on the analog soft compression characteristic
of a fixed supply PA to attenuate the peaks of the waveform. Although engineers
will often say “we don’t do CFR,” this is often followed by the vague state-
ment “we operate the PA 1 dB into compression at the peaks.” Although simple
and free, this approach is inflexible, as PAs typically have a soft compression char-
acteristic, which the designer has only limited ability to alter, resulting in the need to
operate with high back off. A further problem is that a fixed supply PA’s compression
characteristic is typically poorly controlled over temperature and mismatch.
Digital CFR techniques are therefore used in preference, to give stable, repeatable
compression characteristics, allowing more precise trade-offs of EVM or ACLR.
Various techniques exist, from a simple digital hard-clip-and-filter, a programmable
AM/AM table, or sophisticated time-domain impulse cancellation CFR.
If digital CFR of the source waveform is available in an ET system, then it should
be used, although the impact of PAPR on efficiency is likely to be less dramatic with
ET than for fixed supply or APT operation. It is also possible to use the ET shaping
table to implement a soft clipping CFR by flattening off the top of the shaping table
to effectively limit the peak power. Although this approach comes “for free” with
most ET implementations, it does result in the PA going more heavily into compres-
sion at the waveform peaks, which may introduce additional AM/PM distortion.

10.7.2 ET and Digital Predistortion

As already discussed, the ET shaping table can be optimized for maximum effi-
ciency, maximum linearity, or somewhere in between. When combined with DPD,
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 235

the ET shaping table can be optimized for best system efficiency, while relying on
the DPD to linearize the PA.
A wide range of precorrection techniques fall under the umbrella classification
of “DPD,” with widely varying complexity. It is helpful to categorize DPD systems
as either open- or closed-loop and as correcting memoryless or memory (time-
dependent) terms.
The simplest form of DPD is the open-loop memoryless system, which performs
a static pre-correction of AM:AM and AM:PM. In an ET system, the AM:AM com-
ponent can already be controlled via the ET shaping table, so it is also possible to use
a phase-only correction in an ET system. A difficulty of the open-loop approach is
having certainty that it is “stable enough” with respect to numerous system variables
(temperature, part-to-part variation, VSWR, etc.)—and typically this is only really
known once a large quantity of data has been gathered, which is seldom the case in
the early stages of a development.
The memoryless DPD can also be made adaptive or closed loop, where a math-
ematical model of the PA’s distortion is maintained and used to precorrect the trans-
mitted signal. The PA model is updated when needed, using an observation receiver
to capture a short section of the PA output, via an RF coupler. The system must
also capture the same section of the original digital TX signal fed to the PA input,
time align the reference buffer with the measurement buffer, and perform a series
of relatively complex mathematical operations to update the PA model—which can
take several seconds of DSP processing power. The associated overall power “cost” of
adaptation depends critically on the frequency of update—which could be anything
from once (factory calibration)—to occasional (on power up, or to the track tempera-
ture)—to more frequent (e.g., triggered by a change in load VSWR).
Both open- and closed-loop DPDs can also be implemented with “memory”
terms, that is, the precorrection applied to the TX signal depends not only on the
instantaneous amplitude of the signal, but also the amplitude of one or more prior
samples. This significantly increases the complexity of both the precorrection and
the adaptation tasks and is not commonplace in handset implementations at the time
of writing.

10.7.3 Using ET with DPD

An important benefit of using ET with DPD is that operating the PA in ET mode
significantly improves its stability over temperature. When the PA is in compression,
the small signal gain of the PA has little influence on the output power, which is
determined primarily by the ET supply voltage.
This can eliminate the need to run closed-loop or adaptive DPD, since the PA
response is much more predictable in ET mode, potentially allowing use of simple
open-loop correction. It also allows the option of correcting only the AM:PM com-
ponent, although this does constrain the ET swing range to be optimized for linearity
rather than efficiency as previously discussed.
Figure 10.14 provides linearity measurements for an ET PA using only isogain ET,
followed by adding memoryless phase-only correction, gain and phase correction,

20 20
B5 LTE Uplink: 10 MHz (50 RB),
10 10
ACLR1 = –51 dBc 27 dBm, Skyworks PA ACLR1 = –53 dBc
0 0
ACLR2 = –56 dBc ACLR2 = –62 dBc
–10 –10
–20 –20
–30 Add PM-only –30
–40 memoryless DPD –40
–50 –50
–60 –60
–70 Isogain linearization –70
–80 –80
Center: 781.9200 MHz Span: 100.0000 MHz Add PM and only Center: 781.9200 MHz Span: 100.0000 MHz
Res BW: 100 kHz Vid BW: 1 MHz Sweep: 1.00 ms
memoryless DPD Res BW: 100 kHz Vid BW: 1 MHz Sweep: 1.00 ms

20 20
10 10
ACLR1 = –58 dBc ACLR1 = –66 dBc
0 0
ACLR2 = –66 dBc ACLR2 = –68 dBc
–10 –10
–20 –20
Add memory
–30 correction –30
–40 –40
–50 –50
–60 –60
–70 –70
–80 –80
Center: 781.9200 MHz Span: 100.0000 MHz Center: 781.9200 MHz Span: 100.0000 MHz
Res BW: 100 kHz Vid BW: 1 MHz Sweep: 1.00 ms Res BW: 100 kHz Vid BW: 1 MHz Sweep: 1.00 ms

FIGURE 10.14  ET linearity with isogain, memoryless, and full-memory DPD.

Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 237

and finally a full memory DPD solution. The ACLR progressively increases from
−51 dBc with the isogain correction to −66 dBc with full memory DPD.
It is important to note that the PA’s AM:AM and AM:PM response depends on
the ET shaping table selected and can be extracted from the PA measurement sur-
faces as previously described. For each ET shaping table, the AM:AM and AM:PM
responses could therefore be predicted and stored alongside the shaping table to con-
figure an open-loop DPD.
DPD systems for fixed supply PAs require additional dynamic range in the IQ
path DACs for “boosting” the peaks of the transmitted signal to compensate for the
roll-off in PA gain. However, the gain of an efficiency optimized ET PA (i.e., one
operating with “max efficiency” shaping) usually expands rather than reduces at
peak power and hence requires slightly less dynamic range in the TX path. If the ET
system is used to correct AM:AM (through the use of isogain shaping), and the DPD
is used to correct only AM:PM, this may reduce the bandwidth requirements of the
DPD, if only benign phase predistortion is necessary.

10.7.4  Presplit and Postsplit DPD

When combining ET with DPD, it is possible to place the predistortion either
before or after the ET path split. Performing the DPD at source, that is, before the
ET path calculation, provides the simplest solution—the relationship between the
PA supply voltage and PA input power is fixed, and the DPD linearizes the com-
bined response.
However, DPD does expand the bandwidth of the TX signal quite significantly
and also directly influences the ET swing range, which may cause performance
limitations on the ET path. Implementing the DPD function after the ET/IQ split
does not suffer from these disadvantages and also allows the DPD to correct for
ET/RF path gain mismatch, if adaptive. However, in this location the DPD is only
able to correct gain errors in the PA’s low power region (where it is not in satura-
tion) and so should be used in conjunction with isogain shaping in the PA’s high
power region.

10.7.5 ET and Memory Effects

Since ET is a time-domain process, a number of ET system degradations can give rise
to memory effects similar, but not identical, to intrinsic PA device memory effects.
For example, a timing alignment error between ET and RF results in PA distor-
tion which is dependent on the slope of the RF envelope, appearing as a widening of
the instantaneous AM:AM and AM:PM plots.
Limited ET path bandwidth, for example due to inadequate ETIC frequency
response, excessive PA decoupling or stray inductance in the ETIC—PA supply feed,
also results in memory effect, which widens the instantaneous AM:AM and AM:PM
Although some of these effects can be reduced using a memory DPD system, if
available, not all are correctable (e.g., mistracking due to slew rate, switcher noise
breakthrough), and care must be taken to reduce them at a system level.
238 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


A potentially surprising by-product of ET is the significant improvement in linearity
seen when operating into a load mismatch.
Although ET does not eliminate the need for antenna tuning, ET PAs do exhibit
less variation in ACLR and EVM with VSWR than their fixed supply counterparts.
This effect is illustrated in Figure 10.15, which plots ACLR against PA output
power for a PA operating in fixed supply and ET mode into a 3:1 VSWR at the PA
output, representative of a 20:1 mismatch at the antenna plane. Measurements were
made over 0°–360° in 45° steps. The input power to the PA was adjusted to maintain
constant output power at the 1:1 VSWR value (27 dBm) for both ET and fixed sup-
ply operating modes.
It can be seen that the ET PA shows much less variation in ACLR than the fixed
supply PA, and remains in specification regardless of phase angle, whereas the fixed
supply PA is noncompliant at some phase angles.
This is because, unlike the fixed supply case where the PA is transitioning from
linear operation to saturated operation, the ET PA is always in compression. The
effect of the mismatch is to alter the gain and phase behavior of the PA—the average
ET PA gain does vary—but this does not result in any dramatic transitions in the
AM:AM or AM:PM curves.
Instead, the normally flat isogain response continues to “cut across” the fixed sup-
ply contours without introducing any catastrophic clipping (in contrast to fixed supply

60 10
ET efficiency
Fixed supply efficiency
50 ET Pout
Fixed supply Pout
Fixed supply ACLR
Efficiency (%), Pout (dBm)

40 –10

30 –20

20 –30

10 –40

0 –50
–135 –90 –45 0 45 90 135 180
Load reflection phase angle (°)

FIGURE 10.15  ET versus fixed supply performance with a 3:1 VSWR mismatch.
Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 239

operation). The isogain does not remain perfectly flat, resulting in moderate AM:AM
distortion. Figure 10.16 shows gain surfaces captured from an ET PA under 1:1 and
3:1 VSWR, with an isogain shaping table created from the 50 ohm surface (black
line, left plot), and then applied to the mismatched surface (black line, right plot).
By observing the fixed supply curves in Figure 10.16, it can be seen that the onset
of compression in fixed supply operation occurs 2–3 dB earlier under mismatch,
causing the waveform to be severely clipped.
These results illustrate the improvement in linearity when an ET PA operates
under mismatch at the output of the PA. However, in an LTE handset, mismatch
often occurs at the output of the duplex filter which follows the PA. This does gener-
ate a more complex interaction with the ET PA, since the reflected power now arrives
at the PA after being delayed through the filter. The delayed reflection can interact
with the ET supply modulation, and adjustments to the ET/RF timing alignment may
be found to improve performance under mismatch.


10.9.1 ET Configuration Management
The ET-enabled handset must be preconfigured with ET shaping tables, ETIC set-
tings, and timing alignment values at design time, together with the usual set of
tables needed for APT voltages, PA bias settings, and settings for other RF front-end
It is expected that at least one shaping table would be required for each LTE oper-
ating band, which can be optimized at design time. If DPD is used, an accompanying
set of AM:AM and AM:PM tables can be generated.
Depending on the ETIC design and PA performance, additional performance
gains may result from changing the ETIC settings (and possibly shaping table) based
on average power level, channel bandwidth, waveform type/PAPR, or instantaneous
RB allocation.
The designer must, therefore, develop a consistent methodology for generating
and collating this data in a format that can be used by the layer 1 firmware.

10.9.2  Production Calibration

As previously discussed, ET introduces some new analog components into the RF
signal path, namely the ET path DAC in the modem chipset, and the ET power sup-
ply modulator IC. ET performance is also influenced by the gain and delay of the RF
path in the RFIC between the digital IQ signal and the input of the PA.
ET systems, therefore, require production-line calibration to remove several
sources of potential unit-to-unit variation, namely

• ET path gain
• ET path offset
• ET/RF path gain errors
• ET/RF path timing alignment
240 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

50 ohm load
ohm50.sfc: Gain (dB)



Gain (dB)

0.5 V
1.0 V
24 1.5 V
2.0 V
2.5 V
3.0 V
22 3.5 V
4.0 V
4.5 V
5.0 V
–15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Output RF power (dBm)

3:1 VSWR at PA output

Run1-TS5-315deg.sfc: Gain (dB)



Gain (dB)


24 0.5 V
1.0 V
1.5 V
2.0 V
22 2.5 V
3.0 V
3.5 V
4.0 V
20 4.5 V
5.0 V

–20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Output RF power (dBm)

FIGURE 10.16  ET PA gain response under mismatch.

Power Amplifier Envelope Tracking 241

It is possible to devise algorithms for closed-loop calibration of these effects, which

can be performed either one time on the production line, or alternatively used when
the device is in the field for occasional or continuous self-calibration.
A measurement receiver in the modem chipset, similar to that used for adaptive
DPD, can help significantly with these measurements, although it is also possible to
run algorithms on external production-line test equipment to measure these impair-
ments based on conducted or over-the-air RF measurements.
Real-time compensation may also be required for temperature effects based on
design-time characterization of how parameters such as ET/RF timing alignment or
RF path gain vary.

Although ET was initially introduced to reduce PA energy consumption in LTE
handsets, the technology also delivers several other system level performance
improvements, such as increased peak and average output power, improved linearity
(even into mismatch), and better stability over temperature.
Almost all LTE chipsets now support ET, which requires the integration of a
relatively simple digital signal processing block and a high-speed envelope DAC into
the modem chipset. The ET path can be integrated into either the RFIC or the BBIC
depending on the chipset partitioning. ET does need relatively high sample rates for
the signal processing, with a good rule of thumb being 6× the RF channel bandwidth.
ETICs are now available from multiple vendors and usually include a combina-
tion of switch-mode power supply technology and high-bandwidth linear amplifiers.
The interfaces between the modem chipset and ETIC have been standardized by
the MIPI Alliance as eTrak and all ETICs deployed in terminals also use the MIPI
RFFE low-speed serial control interface for control and configuration.
ET PAs require some basic modifications to support high-bandwidth supply mod-
ulation, such as removal of video decoupling components, but for optimum perfor-
mance should be designed with ET in mind. For “ET-only” PAs, which do not need
to support high-power APT operation, many traditional design goals (such as lin-
earity) can be sacrificed to improve ET performance, requiring a different mindset
from the PA designer. ET also unlocks the potential for CMOS PAs to be used with
high-PAPR signals, such as LTE and LTE-Advanced.
As ET transforms the PA from a two-port analog component to a three-port soft-
ware defined device, comprehensive system modeling is required to understand how
performance is influenced by different system settings and component parameters.
An accurate three-port model of the PA is needed, requiring new tools for lab mea-
surement and PA characterization, which are now starting to appear from multiple
By intelligent design of the ET shaping table, the PA can in some cases be linear-
ized without requiring any DPD, reducing development complexity and bandwidth
requirements in the modem chipset. If ET is combined with DPD, the DPD com-
plexity is significantly reduced, as the PA’s distortion characteristics in ET mode are
much more tightly controlled over temperature and process, allowing use of open-
loop DPD with static gain and phase tables developed at design time.
242 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

ET does introduce some new complexity into the modem and RF system and has
some impact on production calibration. But just like any other technology, once the
industry overcomes the initial learning curve, ET will quickly become ubiquitous
technology for 4G, 5G, and beyond.
Although ET has been around since the 1930s, it offers significant promise for the
twenty-first century, extending the boundary of “software defined radio” from the
modem into the RF front end.
11 MEMS Switching in the
Handset RF Front End
Igor Lalicevic

11.1 Overview........................................................................................................ 243
11.2 Data Speed Improvement and Wireless Technology Development............... 243
11.3 RF Front End: Introduction........................................................................... 247
11.4 RF MEMS Switches in the RF Front End..................................................... 250
11.5 RF MEMS Switch Benefits........................................................................... 250
11.6 DelfMEMS RF MEMS Switch Solution....................................................... 254
11.7 Conclusions.................................................................................................... 256

The focus of this chapter is on radio frequency microelectromechanical system (RF
MEMS) switching technology and the benefits that RF MEMS switches provide for
Long Term Evolution (LTE) wireless technology.
RF MEMS benefits are observed through different aspects of mobile phone per-
formance improvement. The history of wireless technology development will be dis-
cussed from the perspective of improving the speed of data.
All of the major components in a typical mobile phone RF front end (RFFE) will
be considered, and we will focus on their impact on performance with respect to the
insertion loss, isolation, and linearity of the system.
Special attention is given to the next generation of RF switching requirements for
the higher end of the LTE performance scale, and a particular emphasis is placed
on the need for high-performance, high-quality, and highly reliable RF MEMS
switches. This chapter includes a description of DelfMEMS RF MEMS switch tech-
nology as a solution for the next generation of switching and how it addresses the
need for high performance while minimizing insertion loss, increasing isolation, and
providing superior linearity performance in the front end.


The headline findings of Cisco’s latest Visual Networking Index states that by the
year 2018, the composition of Internet Protocol (IP) traffic will shift dramatically
and for the first time in the history of the Internet, mobile and portable devices will

244 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

generate more than half of the global IP traffic. This is an excellent way to describe
the history of wireless technology development, which has witnessed tremendous
evolution and change in cellular standards over the past 35 years.
First-generation wireless telephone technology, also called 1G, was launched in
Japan by NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone) in 1979. 1G technology used ana-
log transmission techniques for transmitting voice signals. This voice-only standard
used a frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) technique where voice calls were
modulated to a higher frequency of approximately 150  MHz and greater as it is
transmitted between radio towers.
1G issues such as low capacity, unreliable hand-off, poor voice links, and com-
plete lack of security, resulted in development of early digital systems, which became
known as 2G: second-generation wireless telephone technology. These systems
became available in the 1990s and used digital multiple access techniques, such as
time division multiple access (TDMA) and spread-spectrum code division multiple
access (CDMA), which enabled the first low bit rate data services.
2G systems offered higher spectral efficiency, the first data services, advanced
roaming, and for the first time, a single unified standard was provided: global system
for mobile communications or GSM. First employed in Europe in 1991, today GSM
is still utilized across the world.
As the requirements for sending data over the air interface increased, general
packet radio service (GPRS) and wireless application protocol (WAP) technologies
were added to existing GSM systems. This was considered an advancement from 2G
and became known as 2.5G technology, where packet-switching wireless application
protocols enabled wireless access to the Internet.
Even though 2G supported data over the voice path, data speeds were typically a
low 9.6 Kb/s or 14.4 Kb/s, which effectively made 2G a voice-centric system. Data
speed improvement that 2.5G technology introduced with more advanced coding
methods provided theoretical data rates of up to 384 kbps. However, limitations of
packet transfer technology, which behaves in a similar way to a circuit switch called
over the air, combined with low system efficiency and non-standardized networks
across the world led to the birth of the 3G standard.
The initial planning for third-generation or 3G standards started in the 1980s,
and the objective was to enable multimedia applications such as videoconferencing
for mobile phones. However, over the years, 3G’s focus moved toward personal wire-
less Internet access and the need to have connected access worldwide while achiev-
ing increased system and network capacity.
In the year 2001, the first commercial 3G network based on W-CDMA technol-
ogy was launched in Japan by NTT DoCoMo.
The need to create a globally applicable mobile phone system specification
resulted in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), which united seven tele-
communications standard development organizations from Asia, Europe, and North
America known as the “Organizational Partners.” 3GPP has become the focal point
for 3G and mobile systems beyond and it provided the requirements for 3G data
speed specifications of up to 2 Mbps for stationary users.
To additionally enhance Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS)-
based 3G networks, and to enable higher data speeds, features like High Speed Packet
MEMS Switching in the Handset RF Front End 245

Access (HSPA) have been implemented to provide data transmission capabilities

delivering speeds up to 14.4 Mbps on the downlink and 5.8 Mbps on the uplink.
High Speed Packet Access Plus (HSPA+) or Evolved HSPA access was a further
evolution of HSPA that became capable of delivering theoretical peak data speeds of
168 Mbit/s (downlink) and 22 Mbit/s (uplink). HSPA+ provided a migration method
toward the next wireless standard data speeds without actually deploying a new radio
The latest fourth-generation Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard uses a new air
interface based on orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) digital
modulation method. Long and diverse evolution paths of cellular standards toward a
unique LTE solution are shown in the Figure 11.1.
The history of wireless technology development can be summarized as a history
of data speed progression. Figure 11.2 summarizes the effects of the channel band-
width and modulation scheme on the wireless standard’s data speed.
The relationship between channel bandwidth and its associated data speed is
evident and a crucial part of the direction of LTE technology development. The
ever-growing need for mobile data created a tremendous need for more frequency
spectrum. Over the last few years, we have witnessed an explosion of growth in the
number of allocated frequency bands.
From the first 2G digital cellular standard that introduced quad-band system solu-
tions, we have seen the trend of increasing the number of frequency band allocations
with each generation. 3G typically supports up to 8 frequency bands in order to
support global roaming and higher data speed needs. With 4G Long Term Evolution
Advanced (LTE-A), the increase of allocated frequency bands is even more dra-
matic. Currently, over 40 bands are allocated to Long Term Evolution Frequency
Division Duplex (LTE FDD) and Long Term Evolution Time Division Duplex (LTE
TDD) applications.
Together with frequency band expansion, we have experienced significant data
speed and capacity increases. Beginning with 2G at 14.4 kbps for both downlink

LTE-Advanced 802.16 m/WiMAX2
Up to 100 MHz 4G (R10,11,12+, FDD, and TDD) (WirelessMAN-Advanced)

1.4, 3, 5, 10, 20 LTE

3.9G HSPA+, E-HSPA Marketing 802.16e (Mobile WiMAX)
MHz (R8,9, FDD, and TDD)
1× EV-DO
5 MHz 3.5G HSDPA HSUPA UMTS-TDD EDGE evolution (Korea)

5 MHz 3G WCDMA TD-SCDMA (China) E-GPRS (EDGE) cdma2000 (1 × RTT)

(FDD and TDD)

1.2288 MHz 2.5G iMODE HSCSD GPRS evolution IS-95B (US CDMA)

200 KHz 2G PDC (Japan) GSM (Europe) IS-136/AMPS (US TDMA) IS-95A (US CDMA)

FIGURE 11.1  Cellular standards evolution.

246 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

LTE-Advanced (R10,11,12+, FDD, and TDD), 802.16m/WiMAX2 (WirelessMAN-Advanced)
Up to 100 MHz 4G Max data speed: DL 1 Gbps (target 3 Gbps), UL 500 Mbps (target 1 Gbps)

1.4, 3, 5, HSPA+, E-HSPA, LTE (R8,9, FDD, and TDD), 802.16e (Mobile WiMAX)
10, 20 MHz
3.9G Max data speed: DL 100 Mbps, UL 50 Mbps


5 MHz 3.5G Max data speed: DL 16 Mbps, UL 16 Mbps

WCDMA (FDD and TDD), TD-SCDMA (China), E-GPRS (EDGE), cdma2000 (1 × RTT)
5 MHz 3G Max data speed: DL 2 Mbps, UL 2 Mbps


1.2288 MHz 2.5G Max data speed: DL 85.6 kbps, UL 42.8 kbps

PDC (Japan), GSM (Europe), IS-136/AMPS (US TDMA), IS-95A (US CDMA)
200 KHz 2G Max data speed: DL 14.4 kbps, UL 14.4 kbps

FIGURE 11.2  Data speed evolution.

(DL) and uplink (UL), currently LTE Cat9 will provide up to 450 Mbps downlink
(DL) and 50 Mbps uplink (UL) data rates. But the market demand continues to
grow. Even though the peak data rate targets for LTE-Advanced of 1 Gbps for the
downlink and 500 Mbps for the uplink connection have not been achieved, revised
targets to double or even triple these values are emerging.
Any solutions leading to a dramatic data rate increase will require more frequency
spectrum. 3.5 GHz LTE bands 42 and 43 are a great illustration of this, together with
the target to introduce 100  MHz of bandwidth for downlink carrier aggregation.
Carrier aggregation is one key enabler for LTE-Advanced to meet the International
Mobile Telecommunications–Advanced (IMT-Advanced) requirements of achiev-
ing peak data rates by a bandwidth increase methodology. Carrier aggregation or
channel aggregation enables multiple LTE carriers to be used together to provide a
bandwidth increase.
The LTE cellular standard is divided into categories, each of which caters to dif-
ferent requirements, as shown in Table 11.1.

TABLE 11.1
LTE Cellular Standard Categories
Categories LTE Cat1 LTE Cat2 LTE Cat3 LTE Cat4 LTE Cat6 LTE Cat9
Data Rates DL 10 50 100 150 300 450
(Mbps) UL 5 25 50 50 50 50
Channel DL 20 20 20 20 (CA) 40 (CA) 60 (CA)
Bandwidth UL 20 20 20 20 20 20
DL MIMO Not sup. 2 × 2 2 × 2 2 × 2 2 × 2 2 × 2
MEMS Switching in the Handset RF Front End 247

Since the first LTE carrier aggregation solution provided LTE Cat4 that used
10 + 10 MHz aggregation, LTE Cat6 20 + 20 MHz carrier aggregation has delivered
an additional 20 MHz of channel bandwidth that resulted in doubling data rates from
150 to 300 Mbps. The state of the art LTE-Advanced solution today, LTE Cat9, is
using 60 MHz (20 + 20 + 20 MHz), three bands carrier aggregation in a 2 × 2 MIMO
mobile handset configuration, with the capability to offer a 450 Mbps peak down-
link data rate. While downlink data rates from LTE Cat1 to LTE Cat9 has increased
45 times, improving from 10 to 450 Mbps, uplink data rate speeds have increased
only 10 times, improving from 5 Mbps for LTE Cat1 to 50 Mbps for LTE Cat9. It is
noticeable that uplink data speed has stagnated since LTE Cat3.


The large numbers of bands due to global roaming needs, carrier aggregation and
MIMO have made RF front-end (RFFE) architectures for high-end smartphones
an exceptionally complex and key bottleneck in achieving the market needed RF
performance. Furthermore, due to economic pressures original equipment manufac-
turers (OEM) are looking to minimize their model variants. For some of them, the
trend is to build one global phone model, which would by default assume the RF is
capable of supporting 20 or even more bands. The list of needed RFFE components
has become increasingly long, and all of them will need to meet required specifica-
tions in the “high number of bands” environment.
An example of a possible state of the art RFFE is shown in Figure 11.3 and it con-
sists of main diversity antennas needed to achieve 2 × 2 Rx multiple-input multiple-
output (MIMO), an antenna tuner and couplers, a front-end module (FEMiD) that
includes antenna switches and filters, a diversity front-end module (divFEM) that
includes antenna switches and Rx filters to accomplish 2 × 2 downlink MIMO and
Rx diversity configuration. It further includes a multimode, multiband power ampli-
fier (PA) module, a power management unit including an envelope tracking modula-
tor, a radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIC) transceiver and multiple additional
add-on components such as standalone filters, power amplifiers, switches, and so
This complex RF environment introduces numerous challenges for selected RF
components. Power loss or insertion loss, isolation, and linearity degradation are
visible consequences of RF component’s performance limitations and once again
become a serious challenge and the main consideration in component selection.
An excellent example of the component performance impact on the end user is
mobile phone battery life. According to the “top 10 smartphone purchase drivers”
user study, battery life is the most important feature in the smartphone for over 50%
of users. High-RFFE insertion loss (IL) has a direct negative impact on smartphone
battery life and call quality.
Previously, the consumer 2G phone experience assumed that mobile handsets
are typically used without recharging the battery for days. The explanation is fairly
simple. 2G uses the Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK) modulation scheme.
In this “constant envelope” method, the bit value does not affect the emitted sig-
nal’s amplitude and its power level is constant during the burst. Lack of amplitude
248 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Diversity RFIC
antenna port SPnT



mipi RFFE SPnT

mipi RFFE

antenna port

Antenna SPnT
tuner PA
mipi RFFE

mipi RFFE mipi RFFE RFIC

mipi RFFE control
mipi RFFE
mipi RFFE Envelope tracking
mipi RFFE
mipi RFFE
mipi RFFE

FIGURE 11.3  Possible LTE RFFE architecture.

modulation allows for the usage of efficient, saturated power amplifiers (PA) and
thereby saves on current consumption; a critical issue for battery powered equipment.
In this low-data rate modulation technique, low-RFFE IL of less than 1 dB had
minimal impact on the RF current, of which the vast majority is spent on highly
efficient PAs.
The situation became progressively worse with 3G standards. Battery life was vis-
ibly shorter compared to 2G phones, but for an average user everyday recharging was
still not necessary. The 3G standard provided higher data speed by way of more effi-
cient modulation schemes, which was an acceptable trade-off for decreased usability.
Binary phase shift keying (BPSK) is a major modulation technique within
Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems (UMTS) technology, and it requires
PAs working in the linear operating mode. PAs are not operating in the efficient
saturated region due to the high peak to average power ratio of HSDPA/HSUPA
MEMS Switching in the Handset RF Front End 249

WCDMA handset Tx power distribution

14 350
Probability Current drain
12 (%) (mA)

10 250

8 200

6 150

4 100

2 50

0 0
–50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20
Transmit power level (dBm)

FIGURE 11.4  Transmitter current drain and 3G handset power distribution probability ver-
sus handset output power.

modulations that are applied in 3G mobile systems. PA efficiency, which defines bat-
tery supply consumption and PA adjacent channel power ratio linearity performance,
works directly against each other. Therefore, linear PAs are, by default, less efficient
from a current drain point of view. An interesting aspect of the 3G phone’s battery
life is presented in Figure 11.4.
The grey curve is an example of the PA current drain versus the mobile phone
transmitted power. We see the exponential current drain increase versus the trans-
mitted output power level. It follows then, that at a very high or maximum output
power level, with maximum current drain consumption, our battery life will be sig-
nificantly reduced.
From the black curve, which represents a 3G user’s transmit power distribution,
we see the probability of 3G phones operating at the highest power levels with high
current consumption is below 2%. In conclusion, we can state that 3G phones have
limited usage at the highest power levels where current drain is high, and the normal
operating point for 3G phones is at lower power levels, which allow longer battery life.
A simple calculation using Figure 11.4 shows that an output power level of around
0 dBm will have current drain that is around 1/6 of the maximum transmitted output
power current drain level. This will make a 3G phone battery life around 80% longer
at the 0 dBm transmitted power level, compared to the battery life at the +23 dBm
transmitted power level.
Any positive experience with long battery life for the 2G and 3G standards disap-
peared with fourth-generation phones. 4G mobile phones, LTE, and LTE-Advanced,
have to be recharged daily and in a typical user case even more than once per day.
The orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) modulation scheme requires
PAs that use the same or a very similar design as 3G PAs, and the same linear PAs
today are being used for both 3G and 4G applications.
250 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

From the battery life point of view, the crucial difference is that LTE networks
typically require short bursts of high RF output power levels for data transmission.
Going back to Figure 11.4, this means 4G phones are almost always used at maxi-
mum (+23 dBm) output power level that implies maximum current drain for 4G
applications and a shorter battery life.
LTE-A with carrier aggregation and global roaming requirements are making
things even worse. The necessity for LTE-Advanced to introduce additional LTE
bands resulted in tremendous RFFE power losses. The typical RFFE IL for 2G was
around 0.5 dB, and with the 3G standard this loss increased to around 1.5 dB. The
IL for the 4G RFFE due to additional filtering needs and complex switching require-
ments can easily reach over 4 dB, which translates into over 60% of the power being
lost. To offset and cover increased power losses and to meet the maximum antenna
radiated power requirements, 4G PA’s have to be capable of providing additional
power that makes 4G PAs operate even less efficiently.


Extensive work has already been performed on RF MEMS technology solutions and
it has been demonstrated that there can be a better antenna, filter, and power ampli-
fier design by implementing RF MEMS. In addition to applications such as tunable
antennas and filters, RF MEMS are also regarded as an ideal choice to implement
RF switching.
Linearity, IL and isolation are requirements that have been defining transmit/
receive and band select switching technology choices since the early days of wire-
less telephone technology. These performance requirements led to the selection
of GaAs pseudomorphic HEMT (pHEMT) as the preferred choice for 2G switch-
ing technology. Increased 3G linearity requirements and a need for a high level
of integration introduced solid-state silicon-on-sapphire (SOS) and silicon-on-
insulator (SOI) technologies as a better alternative to GaAs pHEMT for RF switch
applications. Recent advances in high-resistivity SOI technology has resulted in
complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) thin film SOI becoming the
mainstream switching solution for 4G mobile phones because of its cost and perfor-
mance benefits.
Very complex and “lossy” RFFE by default imply and emphasize a need for a
high performing RF component that can bring crucial benefits and simplification to
existing architectures. Additional complications are introduced with the inter-band
carrier aggregation requirement, which requires the use of multiple active Tx/Rx
paths within a single RFFE. This adds the usual impact on cost, performance and
power, which are the most evident on the RF switch.


Multiple complexities result from the requirements to reduce intermodulation and
cross modulation from the two or more receiver and transmitter paths. In this envi-
ronment, for all RF components and particularly for the RF antenna switch, linearity
performance is becoming a crucial specification.
MEMS Switching in the Handset RF Front End 251

The inherent high linearity of a MEMS switch is probably the most obvious
benefit of RF MEMS switching because it can enable uplink carrier aggrega-
tion. Equally as important, especially at the higher frequency operating bands,
RF MEMS ultra-low IL is seen as an ideal solution to maintain high transmitter
power efficiency and a low-receiver noise figure. MEMS inherent design charac-
teristics provide the high isolation performance needed between the transmitter
and receiver.
The 3GPP standard is used by the industry to determine the degree of linearity
required to avoid interference with other devices on the network. This is done by
specifying the third-order input intercept point (IIP3).
Each new generation of cellular network required progressively higher linearity.
In Table 11.2, we can see that the 2G requirement for switch linearity was an IIP3 of
55 dBm, the 3G switch requirement was 65 dBm, the LTE switch IIP3 requirement
is 72 dBm, and the LTE-Advanced antenna switch with up-link carrier aggregation
capabilities will have to meet an IIP3 of 90 dB. Currently, the dominant solid-state
switch technologies such as SOI or SOS are not capable of achieving an IIP3 target
of 90 dBm.
It is essential to start thinking about the existing switching technology lim-
itations, which will have to be addressed with alternative solutions or a com-
pletely new technology that can meet existing challenges and provide the needed
RF MEMS technology provides answers for these LTE-Advanced challenges
with the benefits of providing better call quality, longer battery life, and enabling
the 90 dBm requirement for uplink carrier aggregation to improve smartphone
In order to compare the performance of the different switch technologies, an
industry standard figure of merit (FOM) has been established, which is defined as
RONCOFF, and is expressed in femtoseconds (fs).

RON: ON Resistance (unit: Ω mm)

COFF: OFF Capacitance (unit: F/mm)

In Figure 11.5, DelfMEMS RF MEMS switching technology is compared to solid-

state technologies. Its outstanding figure of merit provides a 10× improvement over
the next best solution.

TABLE 11.2
Network Linearity Requirements
Network Linearity (IIP3) (dBm)
2G 55
3G 65
3.9G 72
4G (UL CA) ≈90
252 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


500 485
448 0.18 μm
0.25 μm Thick film

Triple gate
0.18 μm 250 270 264 0.35 μm
Thin film 224 Single gate
200 207 STM
Infineon 160 Next gen STM
CMOS 113 Peregrine ultraCMOS

0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

pHEMT GaAs technology SOS technology SOI technology

CMOS technology RF MEMS technology

FIGURE 11.5  Switch figure of merit.

Solid-state switch designs are heavily dependent on the field effect transistor’s
(FET) channel resistance when it is ON (RON), and the switch’s isolation cannot
be better than the FET’s total capacitance when the switch is in OFF state (COFF).
Therefore, it follows that for high throw-count solid-state switches design, OFF state
switch branches will become a dominant source of non-linearity, IL and isolation
degradation. Equally important are degradations that solid-state technology will
experience at higher frequency operation.
By contrast, DelfMEMS RF MEMS switches retain ultra-low IL (0.35 dB @ 3.5
GHz), very high port-to-port isolation (35 dB at 3.5 GHz) and ultra-high linearity
(85 dBm up to 98 dBm) even for high multi-throw switch configurations and at
higher frequency operation.
These parameters make RF MEMS switches a perfect candidate for the 4G
multiband environment where RF components have to demonstrate minimum
power loss degradation at frequencies of up to and above 3.5 GHz. Figure 11.6 com-
pares DelfMEMS versus solid-state switch technologies in the SP12T RF switch
The power loss reduction that can be realized replacing existing the solid-state
switch with the DelfMEMS switch leads directly to a significant battery power sav-
ings and increased receiver sensitivity. These improvements become even greater
at the new 3.5 GHz LTE bands, emphasizing RF MEMS broadband design and its
ability to maintain superior performance with increasing frequency.
The block diagram presented in Figure 11.7 assesses the potential power savings
when comparing the DelfMEMS RF MEMS switch to existing solid-state antenna
MEMS Switching in the Handset RF Front End 253

0 SP12T switch insertion loss


Insertion loss (dB)


–0.8 Solid state

–1 tery
–1.2 Call
Frequency (MHz)
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000

FIGURE 11.6  SP12T switch insertion loss.

switches. Here, transmission current drain is the dominant contributor to smartphone

battery life, and current savings percentages across bands have been considered as
equivalent to percentages of longer talk time.
IL of the existing solid-state switch solution was compared with DelfMEMS RF
MEMS switching solution in decibels. A simple calculation for different bands was
performed where current drain loss (CDL) is calculated and expressed in compara-
tive percentages when solid-state switches are replaced by ultra-low-loss RF MEMS
switch. IL reduction due to the replacement of the “lossy” SOI switch will result in
up to 17% longer talk time. The same logic applies on LTE-Advanced call quality
and data reception quality.
As stated earlier, global roaming and world phone requirements for smartphones
are creating a high-power loss RFFE environment that is particularly effecting both
diversity and main receiver RF paths.
Receiver sensitivity is one of the key specifications for any radio receiver.
Considering that call quality is equal to Rx sensitivity, any increased RFFE IL
degrades Rx sensitivity by the same amount and therefore, Rx sensitivity is degraded
directly impacting phone call and data reception quality.
The additional block diagram presented in Figure 11.8 assesses Rx sensitivity
improvements comparing DelfMEMS RF MEMS switches to existing solid-state
switches for both main and diversity antenna switch paths. Decreased RFFE IL in
decibels will improve Rx Sensitivity by exactly the same amount.
The simple calculation where IL is max power loss for the switch expressed in
decibels, and RxSI is calculated receiver sensitivity improvement expressed in deci-
bels, demonstrates up to 1.1 dB Rx sensitivity improvement, which is equivalent to
an impressive 29% Rx sensitivity improvement.
In conclusion, the LTE-Advanced market that is driven by higher downlink and
uplink data speed requirements comes with a price of even less battery life and
degraded signal reception quality. RF MEMS switches as a broadband design for
high-frequency bands, offers the simple and effective solution to reduction of RF
254 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Diversity RFIC
antenna port


mipi RFFE
B 7, 40, 41… SOI RF MEMS Current
mipi RFFE
IL (dB) –1 –0.35 savings
CDL 21% 8% 13%
mipi RFFE

B 1, 2, 3, 4… SOI RF MEMS Current
antenna port IL (dB) –1.2 –0.3 savings
CDL 24% 7% 17%
mipi RFFE SPnT

mipi RFFE
B 5, 8… SOI RF MEMS Current RFIC
IL (dB) –0.9 –0.25 savings TX FE
CDL 19% 6% 13%

B 13, 17… SOI RF MEMS Current

IL (dB) –0.85 –0.25 savings
CDL 18% 6% 12%

Envelope tracking
mipi RFFE mipi RFFE

mipi RFFE

FIGURE 11.7  Possible LTE RFFE architecture—talk time.

FE losses while providing exceptional band-to-band and TX/RX isolation and the
needed high linearity to enable uplink carrier aggregation.


The typical RF MEMS switch structure uses either a cantilever beam or a bridge
and features highly conductive electrodes, which are electrostatically actuated in
order to create an ohmic contact on a conducting line. The result is mechanical
switching. These typical basic structures carry several serious issues such as stress
on the anchors, a tendency for stiction, low-switching speed, and metallic creep in
the beam.
DelfMEMS RF MEMS switch design offers an innovative approach to address
these problems, instead of trying to reduce their effect. As a result, the switch
MEMS Switching in the Handset RF Front End 255

Diversity RFIC
B 1, 2, 3, 4… SOI RF MEMS RxSI
antenna port SPnT
IL (dB) –1.4 –0.3 29%
IL (dB) –0.9 –0.25 16%

mipi RFFE

mipi RFFE SPnT

B 7, 40, 41… SOI RF MEMS RxSI
IL (dB) –1 –0.35 16%
mipi RFFE

mipi RFFE Main



IL (dB) –1.4 –0.3 29%
antenna port

Antenna B 2, 3… SOI RF MEMS RxSI

mipi RFFE SPnT
IL (dB) –1.2 –0.3 23%
mipi RFFE
IL (dB) –0.9 –0.25 16%

B 13, 17… SOI RF MEMS RxSI

IL [dB] –0.85 –0.25 15%

mipi RFFE Envelope tracking

mipi RFFE
mipi RFFE

mipi RFFE

FIGURE 11.8  Possible LTE RFFE architecture—call quality.

simultaneously offers increased performance in terms of isolation and IL along

with its unique design. This has been achieved through the development of a unique
anchorless structure for mechanical RF switching.
DelfMEMS switch solution was from its very inception designed to address
the question of RF MEMS reliability. It features a free moving flexible membrane,
known as Free-Flex™, that carries the switch contact area and is held and positioned
by two sets of pillars and stoppers. The membrane is always in a known controlled
state as it is electrostatically actuated by two sets of electrodes. The electrostatically
ON state is achieved by making physical contact between the membrane contact area
and the transmission line and the similarly controlled OFF state is achieved by keep-
ing a physical distance between membrane contact area and the transmission line.
This means that the switch contact area will either be attracted to the conductive line
or repelled from it.
256 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Complete control of the MEMS membrane allows for an increased gap between
contact area and transmission line in the OFF state, which is directly linked to the
switch isolation and allows for switch resetting in the unlikely event of stiction.
Moving from the ON state to the OFF state is made through an electrostatic
active actuation, which de-correlates between restoring forces, contact forces, and
the membrane mechanical properties. In addition, the effects of mechanical bounce
are substantially reduced. Importantly, this does not depend only on the elastic resto-
ration forces. This advanced electrostatic actuation results in a very short switching
time, typically less than 3 μs.
The ability to have a reduced gap between the membrane and the transmission line
is a major advantage of the DelfMEMS switch structure. It ensures that an increased
ON-state contact force is achieved with reduced actuation voltages and consequently
delivers ultra-low insertion losses. Due to the reduced gap, the maximum deflec-
tion of the membrane will be reduced as well, and as a result, membrane mechani-
cal stress and the creep effect decreases. The reduced gap combined with a unique
metallurgy for the contacting surfaces results in a highly reliable RF MEMS switch.
Thanks to the DelfMEMS original design approach, RF MEMS switches can be
used effectively for the first time as an RFFE switching solution.

LTE technology with its global roaming requirements, carrier aggregation, MIMO
design approach and migration to higher frequency bands has made RFFE archi-
tectures for high-end smartphones exceptionally complex and a key bottleneck in
achieving the RF performance levels required by the market.
Mobile handset battery life, call quality, and data throughput are the most obvious
victims of this excessive complexity.
Extensive work has already been performed to improve IL, isolation, and linear-
ity of existing RFFE systems, but the results remain largely disappointing and, when
compared to 3G, no significant improvements have been demonstrated to date.
A number of companies are endeavoring to design tunable frequency compo-
nent solutions that will reduce existing RFFE complexity. However, many of these
approaches are fraught with difficulty and risk. DelfMEMS simple, yet innovative,
approach to resolving the RFFE complexity problem is to replace specific switching
components with a highly improved switching solution as has been discussed in this
chapter, a solution that provides significant overall system performance benefits.
12 Case Study of Tunable
Radio Architectures
Alpaslan Demir and Tanbir Haque

12.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 257
12.2 Deployment Scenario..................................................................................... 258
12.3 Context Aware RFFE Resource Manager within the Proposed System
12.3.1 System Metrics.................................................................................. 261
12.3.2 Sensor Fusion..................................................................................... 262
12.3.3 User Preferences................................................................................ 262
12.3.4 Network and Regulatory Policies...................................................... 262
12.3.5 RFFE Controller................................................................................ 262
12.3.6 RFFE Hardware................................................................................. 263
12.4 Protocol Stack and Overall System Integration............................................. 263
12.4.1 Macro Procedures and RFFE HW Drivers........................................ 264
12.4.2 CARF RM Optimizer........................................................................ 265
12.4.3 Location and Interference Awareness................................................ 265
12.4.4 User Preference.................................................................................. 265
12.4.5 QoS Awareness.................................................................................. 265
12.4.6 Policy Enforcer.................................................................................. 265
12.5 RF Perspective on Simultaneous Operation of LTE and Wi-Fi RATs..........266
12.6 CARF-Based Messaging Flow Diagram for In-Device Coexistence............ 272
12.7 Conclusions.................................................................................................... 274
References............................................................................................................... 274

Recent user demand for ubiquitous, instantaneous over-the-air access to multimedia-­
rich content has forced related industry segments such as service providers, device
manufacturers, technology developers, as well as regulatory bodies to collaborate
more than ever before. In the United States, for example, the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) is trying to balance incumbent user demands while creating
opportunities for others to trigger economic growth especially in TV white spaces
(TVWS),1 also known as digital dividend, the spectrum that is released as a result of
television broadcasting companies switching from analog to digital-only ­platforms.
The FCC’s initiatives in TVWS were followed by countries such as Canada, Australia,
Great Britain, and others. As part of stimulating economic growth, the FCC is working

258 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

together with industry stakeholders and the Department of Defense (DoD) to enable
utilization of the 3.5 GHz Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band for mul-
titier communications.2 The FCC is also looking to facilitate mobile radio services in
bands above 24 GHz to enable the fifth-generation (5G) mobile services within the
context of broader efforts to develop technical standards.3
Increasing data traffic demands, especially due to social networking and related
multimedia-rich content delivery, resulted in heavy data traffic burden for LTE tech-
nology over an all IP network. The issues impose a constantly expanding load on
packet data distribution. As a result, data off-loading is defined as a key solution
to ease core network congestion problem in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project
(3GPP) standardization efforts.4
To catch up with user demands and application developers’ limitless imagination, the
device manufacturers are developing very powerful, yet complex and compact handset
designs that enable multiple applications to run simultaneously. Also, the multiband,
multimode enabled devices became a design requirement due to the fractional reuse of
RF spectrum and relevant standardization efforts. However, due to the compact design
constraints, enabling simultaneous operations of multiple radio access technologies
(RATs) can cause in-device self-interference. The deployment of two separate RATs
adjacent in space and spectrum may not be always possible. The operation of one RAT
with high transmit power levels can desensitize another RAT’s receiver in space-lim-
ited compact devices when the spectral separation between the two is limited.5
The tunable radio architectures may address a much broader solution spectrum for
the problems mentioned earlier. However, in this chapter, a deployment scenario that
is related to radio frequency front end (RFFE) in-device coexistence issues for simul-
taneous operations of LTE and Wi-Fi RATs is emphasized. Then, we define a system-
level context aware RF front-end (CARF) approach to create a framework to enable
intelligence in the RFFE domain. Also, an exemplary perspective on the protocol stack
and overall system integration is captured. We conclude our study with some RF level
treatment of the LTE and Wi-Fi coexistence issues followed by an exemplary control
flow implementation that can enable adjacent and simultaneous operation of multiple


In this section, we focus on a deployment scenario to prepare the groundwork neces-
sary to show how, in a system’s perspective, some of the issues related to simultane-
ous operation of Wi-Fi and LTE RATs in multimode devices are solved. These issues
can also be referred to as in-device, coexistence, or multihoming problems.6
In wireless network deployment a coverage area is confined to the maximum dis-
tance over which the network-related services are reasonably provided from the node
(i.e., base station, Wi-Fi access point [AP]) that is connected to the service providing
entity. The user demands may be served by a local network that may or may not have
a gateway to the Internet. The wireless network coverage may also be defined as a
function of path loss over distance to achieve a target signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). For
example, a Wi-Fi network deployment may be designed to achieve minimum SNR tar-
get of +20 dB to define its wireless network coverage to guarantee an acceptable signal
Case Study of Tunable Radio Architectures 259

quality at network edge or anywhere the users are expected to appear. In other words,
the minimum SNR at network edge is guaranteed to be more than +20 dB. Although
the Wi-Fi systems are still operational below +20 dB SNR levels, the connectivity
and data rates may become problematic at around +10 dB SNR. A Wi-Fi deployment
with a single AP may operate at 24 dBm equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP)
with less than +6 dBi omnidirectional antenna gain at 2.4 GHz. The effective noise
power can be calculated by using Equation 12.1 at room temperature for bandwidth of
20 MHz as −101 dBm. If the receiver noise figure is assumed to be 7 dB, the effective
noise power can be calculated as −94 dBm. Since we define the network edge SNR
at +20 dB minimum, the target received power at the receiver antenna port must be
at least −74 dBm (receiver noise power + SNR). Therefore, the path loss of 98 dB (Tx
radiated power + receiver noise power − SNR at network edge) can be tolerated. By
using Equation 12.2, the Indoor Hotspot for non–line of sight at 2.4 GHz as described
in Annex B of,7 the path loss of 104 dB corresponds to 66 m in distance. The coverage
may be described as a circle with 66 m in radius where the AP is located at the center.
The coverage we described is based on transmit power, path loss, and receiver char-
acteristics; however, the coverage can also be defined based on service availability:

Noise PowerdBm = −174 + Noise Figure +10log10 (BWhz ) (12.1)

Path LossdB = 43.3log10 (d m ) +11.5+ 20log10 (fc,GHz ) (12.2)

In a coverage area as shown in Figure 12.1, a macrocell tower is deployed to serve

UEs via an LTE-based access link. In cellular networks, Macrocells provide radio
service coverage via a high-power base station and are designed to provide coverage
of up to 35 km. A home enhanced node B (HeNB) and a Wi-Fi AP are also deployed,
as shown in Figure 12.1, in the same coverage area to enhance user experience and
enable traffic off-load capability for the LTE core network. The HeNB is connected
to the LTE core network with HeNB gateway (GW). In Figure 12.1, all UEs are
located within LTE Macrocell coverage and capable of using LTE Macrocell access
link for all services. Some of the UEs, as depicted in Figure 12.1, have additional
options for the required services and can possibly utilize additional access links. The
UEs highlighted in black in Figure 12.1, for example, are capable of accessing both
HeNB and AP access links in addition to the LTE Macrocell access link. In some
use cases, the LTE and the Wi-Fi RATs may be activated simultaneously to increase
the data rates as a result of higher traffic demands based on application, user prefer-
ences, and network operator policies.
The network and regulatory policy related databases are also captured in
Figure 12.1, where the policies under an operator’s network can impact how a UE
can access network services. The network policies may force the UEs with addi-
tional access capabilities to off-load their cellular traffic to Wi-Fi links. In addition,
the regulatory policies may set rules governing how a modem behaves under certain
operational conditions. For example, the regulatory policies may set limits to spec-
tral emission masks based on a specific frequency band to limit interference to other
devices as well as harmful levels of radiation to humans.
260 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Core network

Media Regulatory
server policies



FIGURE 12.1  High-level system deployment scenario.


The Context Aware RFFE Resource Manager (CARF RM) is defined to create a
framework to enable intelligence in RF domain based on system-level requirements
by utilizing the modem’s RFFE HW–related resources such as tunable antennas,
tunable filters, adaptive waveforms, and analog and/or digital interference cancel-
lation blocks. While improving spectrum utilization efficiency and battery power
consumption, the defined system architecture and supporting interfaces enable a
cross-layer scheme that optimizes user experience based on system parameters such
as location and interference mapping, network and regulatory policies, user prefer-
ences, and QoS requirements.
In the case of inter- and intraband carrier aggregation, the CARF RM may adjust
the PA efficiency and linearity based on the TX spectral mask requirements. The
regulatory policies may impose different out-of-band spectral emission requirements
on the operational band(s) as well as the channel(s). The CARF RM may also tune
adjacent channel blocking (i.e., receiver selectivity) and the RFFE linearity (i.e., the
dynamic range) to optimize battery power utilization while adhering to the QoS
needs and the regulatory policies.
Figure 12.2 defines the high-level block diagram of CARF RM. The CARF RM
collects system metrics, network and regulatory policies, user preferences, sensor
fusion results, and any other inputs such as battery status, temperature, and runs
algorithms to achieve a desired level of user experience. The CARF RM, then,
sends the resulting commands to the RFFE controller. The RFFE controller makes
adjustments on RFFE hardware resources based on the received commands.
Case Study of Tunable Radio Architectures 261

Network and
regulatory Policy
policies databases

System Protocol
metrics stack
RFFE controller

RM User

RAT State

Other inputs

FIGURE 12.2  CARF RM system architecture with RAT state metrics database.

The RFFE controller can be flexible and can leverage additional performance
settings to meet performance objectives with RFFE resources as they become
available. For example, emerging device technologies can be incorporated to the
RFFE controller that may provide new capabilities to further optimize the RFFE
The RAT State Metrics Database, as depicted in Figure 12.2, includes certain
­system parameters such as channel assignment, Tx power limits, and RAT activ-
ity status. In the case of Multi-RAT operations CARF RM utilizes the RAT State
Metrics to enable or disable self-interference cancellation methods. The details about
how the CARF RM make use of these metrics will be given in Section 12.3.1.
In order to ground the CARF RM concept we define what each block entails in
the following sections as shown in Figure 12.2.

12.3.1 System Metrics
CARF RM requires protocol stack integration in order to extract system-level
knowledge to adjust RFFE parameters. System metrics such as QoS indication on
each packet or the group of packets and active channel SNIR levels give CARF
RM necessary inputs to run certain algorithms and create commands to optimize
RFFE HW resources. For example, the low QoS required marking on a packet can
trigger the reduction in linearity requirements on the transceiver chain. Conversely,
the high QoS marking on a packet can push the transceiver chain to be more
linear. Adjustments in battery power management depends on the fact that the
high linearity in RFFE requires more battery power consumption. The example
262 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

of QoS-driven instant linearity scheme optimizes battery power consumption by

allowing the transceiver chain to use just enough battery power for the amount of
linearity to be maintained. The system metrics can also provide a sense of seg-
regation such that application-driven CARF RM algorithms enables behavioral
changes based on activity generated by a specific application. Enabling packet
inspection may give CARF RM necessary information to create application level
behavioral model at RFFE level. For example, certain applications and/or contexts
such as emergency call may be set to receive higher performance at RFFE level
and certain others not.

12.3.2 Sensor Fusion
The CARF RM heavily relies on sensory information to scan spectrum in order to
create interference mapping based on location. It is assumed that the sensor fusion
block is capable of location estimation via GPS or other means. The CARF RM
obtains the location info from the sensor fusion block. It will set scanning require-
ments such as threshold, channel bandwidth, search span, and scanning method and
then send commands to the sensor fusion block.

12.3.3 User Preferences
The CARF RM is capable of optimizing user experience based on user prefer-
ences. For example, the user can override RFFE performance criteria based on
time duration and application. A user may choose to set RFFE in high-perfor-
mance mode for an important phone call based on a contact’s higher associated
group set by the user by associating names to different RFFE performance levels
while the penalty drains the battery power faster to receive a higher quality of
experience. A user can also set predefined performance metrics to be adhered by
RFFE resources for specific applications based on packet inspection that identifies
activity for the application.

12.3.4 Network and Regulatory Policies

The CARF RM adds regulatory and network policies as constraints to solve optimi-
zation problems for the best possible utilization of the RFFE resource. For example,
the transmit power and linearity can be controlled to create desired performance at
RF level based on location, band selection, and regulatory policies relevant to spec-
tral mask emissions. A network operator can choose to set additional policies for
interference coordination for its own network.

12.3.5 RFFE Controller
This entity maps the received commands from the CARF RM to the Macro proce-
dures to control RFFE HW resources such as setting the tunable filter effective band-
width and amount of filtering required or enabling/disabling analog and/or digital
self-interference cancellation blocks.
Case Study of Tunable Radio Architectures 263

12.3.6 RFFE Hardware
The RFFE HW is comprised of spectrum and interference detector, circuit level
sensors/detectors, and a transceiver chain that contains PA, LNA, tunable antennas
and filters, baseband processing capabilities, and all other configurable elements.
The RFFE HW is connected to the RFFE controller by means of Macro procedures
that contains SW drivers for each RFFE resources. Each configurable element may
be associated to a unique driver for operation and control.


The purpose of this section is to facilitate a command-based messaging for the CARF
control interfaces. Figure 12.3 shows a high-level block diagram of an exemplary
CARF implementation. The CARF RM can send commands to the RFFE controller.
The RFFE controller implements algorithms to interpret and initiate the desired RFFE
functionality by controlling the RFFE resources. The messaging exchange is mainly at
the interface between the CARF RM and the RFFE controller as illustrated in Figure
12.3. The CARF RM sends commands to the RFFE controller via this interface and
messaging structure. The commands are processed by the RFFE controller that results
in interpretations being sent to the RFFE Macro procedures. The RFFE Macros pro-
cess the commands and controls the parameters in the RFFE resource elements.
The CARF RM entity that gives intelligence to the RFFE may be implemented on
both sides of the RFFE interface to accommodate low-  and high-speed messaging
very efficiently as illustrated in Figure 12.3. Some of the low-level messaging may
be handled directly at the RFFE controller level to enable very quick respond times.

Internet Operator network User

policies Operator
Application layer
location, proximity,
light, etc., sensors layer
Tunable RF front end

RFFE controller Location and

Policy QoS aware User preference interference Context aware
enforcer based aware Logical Logical RFFE resource
Macro procedures–RFFE drivers Location and
RF front-end interface

aware optimizer
Protocol stack


User preference



PA based optimizer

QoS aware
Physical optimizer

Policy enforcer
Spectrum sensor
and Logical
interference detector
Circuit level sensors/detectors Physical
(i.e., temperature)

FIGURE 12.3  Context-aware RFFE protocol stack integration.

264 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

The messaging described here can be overlaid onto any existing or future stan-
dard or custom, semi-custom, or proprietary interfaces such as SPI, for example.
These messages specify the control interfaces between the CARF RM and Macro
procedures (i.e., RFFE drivers) via the RFFE controller.
By structuring messages on the interfaces based on CARF concepts described so
far in this chapter, the benefits such as control latency, battery power efficiency, and
radio faults circumvention can be realized. In addition, the learning mode support
may enhance performance and battery power consumption.
As part of context awareness, social setting can also be supported. The user, for
example, may associate higher or lower RFFE performance to a particular contact in
a specific social media platform such as Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, and LINE contacts.
The CARF control requires an efficient and capable real-time interface that exists
between the CARF RM and the RFFE controller as shown in Figure 12.3. The CARF
RM can also affect the interfaces between the RFFE controller and the RFFE resource
such as tunable antennas and tunable filters. The interface must support control of a
diverse collection of RFFE resource elements. A myriad of control parameter formats
require the interface to be highly flexible. The problems confronting the architecture
of a suitable interface include, but are not limited to, issues that are described here.
The interface should be low latency for real-time control of RFFE resource elements.
For example, some controls are only valid for a short time due to fast changing context
that makes low latency essential. Other instances requiring low latency are also possible.
The interface should be low power to conserve battery life and the minimiza-
tion of message traffic could reduce power. The programming and development of
­applications should be simplified. Initiating functional modes with abstracted or
combined controls can help to simplify application development.
The real-time debugging should be enabled by the interface. This is desirable to
fix problems and tune performance. The operation during fault conditions and fault
circumvention should be supported where possible.
The emergency communications should be supported. For emergency context,
the RFFE performance should be highest possible to increase the likelihood of suc-
cessful communication. The interface should support social settings chosen by the
user or service provider. For example, the user may require utmost performance for
a mission critical phone call or launching a particular application.
The operation during low battery power conditions should be supported. The
communication bandwidth can be reduced when battery power is at a critical low
level. Other optimizations besides limiting bandwidth are also possible.
The learning should be enabled to facilitate optimization of performance and
­battery life. Other benefits from learning are also possible.
The interface should support complete control of all RFFE operating parameters.
It should not limit functionality, operation, or performance.

12.4.1 Macro Procedures and RFFE HW Drivers

The block called “Macro Procedures–RFFE DRIVERS” as shown in Figure 12.3
interfaces the RFFE controller to the transceiver chain and a reconfigurable scanner.
It simply runs controlling SW interface to the RFFE HW resources. For example,
Case Study of Tunable Radio Architectures 265

it may map the command received at the RFFE controller to set high RFFE perfor-
mance into Macro procedures that may do several adjustments such as increasing
biasing current and voltage, changing PLL loop filter bandwidth, and so on.

12.4.2 CARF RM Optimizer
The interfaces within CARF RM enable all the decision-making-related information
among location and interference aware optimizer, user preference–based optimizer,
QoS-based optimizer, and policy enforcer.

12.4.3 Location and Interference Awareness

The main functionality of this entity is to command and collect interference map-
ping of the communication equipment based on location. It also runs algorithms to
determine how much interference suppression is required in order to have desired
SNIR for the baseband data demodulation.
The entity may employ closed- or open-loop interference suppression algorithms
by commanding the RFFE controller that sets the desired parameters for tunable
antennas and/or tunable filters and enables or disables analog and/or digital interfer-
ence cancellations blocks.

12.4.4 User Preference
This entity receives user preferences and provides information to other controlling
blocks under CARF RM. It sends commands to the RFFE controller. For example,
the user may prefer for a period time that the RFFE performance is to be very high
or very low. Upon the reception of user preference, the user request is translated as a
command and sent to the RFFE controller by the user preference–based optimizer.
The user may prefer that a particular application is associated to a RFFE perfor-
mance level.

12.4.5 QoS Awareness
The main functionality of this entity is to observe protocol stack–based system
­metrics and optimize RFFE performance. For example, in the case of IEEE 802.11
protocol stack, when communication is done packet by packet, the QoS aware
­optimizer observes the SNIR level required for each packet and sends commands
to the RFFE controller in order to prepare the RFFE for each packet transmission.

12.4.6  Policy Enforcer

This entity collects the policies that govern each decision made within CARF RM.
For example, policy may set max transmit power for a given location. This informa-
tion is made available to all other deciding entities and sent to the RFFE controller
to make sure that the PA output power is not exceeding the limit.
266 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


An increasing number of smartphones and other types of mobile communications
devices today are equipped with multiple radio transceivers in order to facilitate the
ubiquitous access to various networks and services. As an example, consider a UE
equipped with LTE and Wi-Fi transceivers as shown in Figure 12.4. One outcome
of this sort of hardware deployment is coexistence interference between c­ ollocated
radio transceivers.5,8,9 We examine the coexistence-related self-interference problem
and explore possible system-level solutions that illustrate the utility of the CARF-RM.
It is conceivable that both the LTE and Wi-Fi transceivers are physically located
at their respective cell edges. The power of the LTE uplink signal, for example, may
be much higher than the Wi-Fi received signal. Due to the close proximity of the
two transceivers, the LTE (aggressor) transmit signal will desensitize the Wi-Fi (vic-
tim) receiver. The deleterious effect of this sort of in-device self-interference can be
mitigated through the employment of high-performance bandpass filters and careful
frequency planning (e.g., carrier frequency separation). However, for certain deploy-
ment scenarios like that shown in Figure 12.5 where LTE and Wi-Fi transceivers
operate in adjacent frequency bands, the only LTE and Wi-Fi carrier frequencies
available at a particular physical location and time may be located at the high and
low edges of the LTE and ISM bands, respectively. In such scenarios, the current
state-of-art filter technology may not provide sufficient isolation between the two
transceivers. The average out-of-band rejection of current state-of-art FBAR band-
pass filters9 for the LTE and ISM bands is summarized in Table 12.1.
When the LTE transmitter is active, the self-interference seen by the Wi-Fi
receiver may be classified into three categories. These are the out-of-band (OOB)
blocker, nonlinear interference, and noise. The OOB blocker consists of the leaked
and reflected versions of the LTE transmit signal itself. The nonlinear interference
consists of the intermodulation distortion terms, for example, in the transmit signal’s
adjacent and alternate channels created by the LTE transmitter. The rejection of the
ISM bandpass filter in the adjacent LTE band determines the OOB blocker level seen
by the Wi-Fi receiver when the collocated LTE transmitter is active. On the other


band 40 band antenna antenna
from LTE

ISM band 2.4–2.495 GHz

LTE band 40: 2.3–2.4 GHz

baseband baseband

FIGURE 12.4  Coexistence interference within the same UE.

Case Study of Tunable Radio Architectures 267


band 40 band band 40 band
fLTE = 2380 MHz Wi-Fi Wi-Fi
fLTE = 2385 MHz
fWi-Fi =2412 MHz channel channel
fWi-Fi =2412 MHz

(a) fLTE fWi-Fi (b) fLTE fWi-Fi

band 40 band

fLTE = 2345 MHz

fWi-Fi =2422 MHz

(c) fLTE fWi-Fi

FIGURE 12.5  LTE band 40 and ISM band interference scenarios: (a) poor, (b) moderate,
and (c) high spectral separation.

TABLE 12.1
Average Out-of-Band Rejection of LTE and ISM Bandpass Filters
Frequency (MHz)
2300–2380 2380–2400 2402–2414 2415–2418 2419–2480
ISM BPF >39 dB 4 dB — — —
(ξWi-Fi), dB
LTE B40 BPF — — 10 dB >35 dB 50 dB
(ξLTE), dB

hand, the rejection of the LTE bandpass filter in the adjacent ISM band determines
the level of LTE transmitter noise and nonlinear distortion that may fall in the
ISM band.
The effect of OOB blockers and spurious emission interference (nonlinear dis-
tortion and noise) is studied in.9 The total impact of blocking and spurious emis-
sion is considered. The results are summarized in Table 12.2. The table entries are
the level of Wi-Fi (victim) receiver desensitization in dB. Desensitization is defined
as 10 log10(α) where α is the total coexistence interference to the receiver thermal
noise floor ratio. For a given entry in the table, the column represent the aggressor
(LTE) transmit frequency and the row represents the victim receive frequency. It is
assumed that the LTE transmitter output is set to its maximum level (+23 dBm) and
the Wi-Fi receiver is set to its maximum gain setting (i.e., operates at maximum sen-
sitivity). The victim receiver desensitization is categorized into three levels—level 1
(>50 dB), level 2 (>10 dB and <50 dB) and level 3 (<10 dB). In the most extreme case,

TABLE 12.2
Coexistence Interference (Blocking and Spurious Emission) Impact from LTE in Band 40 on Wi-Fi in ISM Band
Wi-Fi (MHz) 2310 2315 2325 2335 2345 2355 2365 2375 2385 2390
2412 >10 dB >10 dB >10 dB >10 dB >10 dB >10 dB >10 dB >50 dB >50 dB >50 dB
<50 dB <50 dB <50 dB <50 dB <50 dB <50 dB <50 dB
2422 <10 dB <10 dB <10 dB >10 dB >10 dB >50 dB >50 dB >50 dB
<50 dB <50 dB
2432 >50 dB >50 dB >50 dB
2442 >50 dB >50 dB >50 dB
2452, 2462, 2472 >10 dB >50 dB >50 dB
<50 dB
Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets
Case Study of Tunable Radio Architectures 269

where the aggressor and victim are in close spectral proximity, the victim receiver
is desensitized by more than 50 dB. Note that the impact of the high OOB blocker
on the Wi-Fi receiver LNA (low-noise amplifier) is ignored in.9 In typical applica-
tions the LNA gain might be reduced to prevent it from saturating. This, in turn,
will desensitize the receiver. Alternatively, the OOB blocker could be removed or
canceled at the LNA input.
The OOB blocker and the in-band self-interference together reduce the effective sen-
sitivity level of the Wi-Fi receiver. As an example, consider the three scenarios depicted
in Figure 12.5. When the LTE transmitter and Wi-Fi receiver are operated simultane-
ously at the higher end of LTE band 40 and the lower end of the ISM band respectively,
as shown in Figure 12.5a, the filters provide little or no isolation. In such extreme sce-
narios, the Wi-Fi receiver must be able to handle high levels of all three self-interference
types. On the other hand, the Wi-Fi receiver may only need to deal with leaked LTE
transmitter noise for deployment scenarios like that shown in Figure 12.5c.
The required isolation budget allocations for the three scenarios depicted in
Figure 12.5 are summarized in Table 12.3. It is assumed that the LTE transmitter is
set to the maximum output power (+23 dBm) for all three scenarios. The goal is to
ensure that the Wi-Fi receiver desensitization caused by self-interference is limited
to 1 dB. Assume that the Wi-Fi receiver employs direct downconversion. It is known
that the OOB blocker will create unwanted distortion that ranges from DC to the
spectral width of the blocker at the Wi-Fi receiver’s mixer output. This distortion
is caused by even order distortive processes (e.g., quantified by IIP2) in the direct
downconversion Wi-Fi receiver’s front end (LNA, mixers) and falls on top of the
wanted signal at baseband. Additionally, note that the leaked nonlinear distortion
and noise from the LTE transmitter will also interfere with the wanted Wi-Fi signal.
Therefore, assuming that the two processes contribute equally, the unwanted inter-
ference caused by the OOB blocker and the leaked spurious emission interference
from the LTE transmitter must be 16 dB below the Wi-Fi receiver sensitivity level
(i.e., −90 dBm for a 20 MHz channel) if the desensitization is to be limited to 1 dB.
Assume that the Wi-Fi receiver front-end IIP2 is +14 dBm.10 Therefore, OOB blocker
at the input of the Wi-Fi receiver must be reduced to −46 dBm or lower.
In order to determine the required amount of OOB blocker cancellation, we con-
sider the attenuation provided by the Wi-Fi bandpass filter at the LTE transmitter

TABLE 12.3
LTE Band 40 to ISM Band Isolation Budget Allocations
Required OOB Spurious Emission
Blocker Interference
Scenario ξAntenna (dB) ξLTE (dB) ξWi-Fi (dB) Cancellation (dB) Cancellation (dB)
Figure 12.5a 15 10 4 >50 >64
Figure 12.5b 10 39 >15 >44
Figure 12.5c 50 39 >15 >11
270 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

signal’s center frequency. For the first scenario depicted in Figure 12.5a, the Wi-Fi
bandpass filter provides only 4 dB attenuation (see Table 12.1). Assuming that the
isolation between the LTE and Wi-Fi antennas is 15 dB, the leaked OOB blocker
level appearing at the input of the Wi-Fi receiver is +4 dBm. In order to limit the
second-order (IP2 related) distortion to −106 dBm (16 dB below the sensitivity level
of −90 dBm), the OOB blocker must be canceled to a level of −46 dBm if the Wi-Fi
receiver IIP2 is assumed to be +14 dBm. Therefore, the required OOB blocker cancella-
tion for the scenario depicted in Figure 12.5a is 50 dB or better. For the second and third
scenarios depicted in Figure 12.5b,c, the Wi-Fi bandpass filter provides better than
39 dB attenuation. Therefore, the required OOB blocker cancellation is 15 dB or better.
The leaked spurious emission interference at the input of the Wi-Fi receiver for
scenario 1 (Figure 12.5a) is determined by considering the LTE transmitter adjacent
channel leakage ratio (ACLR1). The standard’s specified minimum ACLR1 require-
ment is 33 dB.11 The ANADIGICS ALT674012 power amplifier (PA) achieves a typical
performance of 40 dB ACLR1 at maximum output power. Note that the LTE bandpass
filter provides 10 dB of attenuation in the Wi-Fi channel of interest for this scenario.
Therefore, the spurious emission interference from the LTE transmitter appearing at
the input of the Wi-Fi receiver is −42 dBm. The required spurious emission interfer-
ence cancellation is 64 dB. A similar approach may be used to determine the OOB
blocker and spurious emission cancellation required for the scenarios depicted in Figure
12.5b,c. Note that the spurious emission created by the LTE transmitter for scenario 2
shown in Figure 12.5b can be determined by considering the alternate channel leakage
ratio (ACLR2).11 The ANADIGICS ALT6740 PA12 achieves a typical performance of
60 dB ACLR2 at maximum output power. The LTE bandpass filter provides 10 dB of
attenuation in the Wi-Fi channel of interest for this scenario. The spurious emission
interference from the LTE transmitter appearing at the input of the Wi-Fi receiver
is −62 dBm. The required spurious emission interference cancellation is 44 dB. For
scenario three, the spurious emission created by the LTE transmitter consists of noise
only. The standard’s specified maximum LTE band 40 noise level in the ISM band is
−30 dBm.11 The LTE bandpass filter provides 50 dB of attenuation in the Wi-Fi channel
of interest for this scenario. The leaked noise in the ISM band is −95 dBn. The required
spurious emission interference cancellation is, therefore, 11 dB.
A conceptual block diagram of an RF system that might be deployed to handle
coexistence-related self-interference is shown in Figure 12.6. The system is in a state
where the LTE transmitter and Wi-Fi receiver are active at the same time. The vic-
tim (Wi-Fi) receiver system is shown to employ analog self-interference cancella-
tion (A-SIC) circuitry and adaptive digital self-interference cancellation (AD-SIC)
logic. These blocks are highlighted in light gray. Additionally, the context aware RF
resource manager (CARF-RM) is shown in dark gray. The CARF-RM is responsible
for configuring and dynamically adapting the canceler blocks in a context driven
manner. The primary purpose of the A-SIC is to remove the OOB blocker at the
input of the main (RX1) and supplementary (RX2) receivers. This prevents the low-
noise amplifier, mixer, and analog-to-digital converters employed by RX1 and RX2
from saturating. A copy of both the OOB blocker and spurious emission is made at
the output of the aggressor (LTE) PA and fed into the victim (Wi-Fi) receiver inter-
ference cancellation blocks as a reference. The A-SIC attempts to recreate a signal
Case Study of Tunable Radio Architectures 271

antenna antenna


+ l
∑ RX 1 Q

canceler (AD-SIC)
Adaptive digital


canceler (A-SIC)


∑ RX 2
parameters AD-SIC parameters
adaptation algorithm
algorithms controller selector

FIGURE 12.6  Radio receiver architecture.

that matches the leaked blocker signal for cancellation. The A-SIC design details are
found in references [13,14]. The A-SIC consists of a parallel bank of series connected
programmable delay and gain elements. The A-SIC parameters might consists of a
set of weights and delays, for example. A lookup table (LUT) in the RFFE controller
may contain the initial values of the A-SIC weights and delays for different aggressor
and victim carrier frequency combinations over temperature and aggressor trans-
mitter output power levels. Furthermore, the CARF-RM may employ algorithms to
dynamically adapt or perturb the A-SIC parameter set to optimize its performance
in response to changes in the UE’s operating environment.
The AD-SIC removes the residual in-band self-interference (nonlinear distortion
and noise) left by the A-SIC or when the A-SIC is inactive. Various adaptive filter
techniques (e.g., NLMS) are available for the AD-SIC implementation.15 The opera-
tional states of the A-SIC and the AD-SIC are summarized in Table 12.4. The can-
celers are transitioned from one state to another by the CARF-RM.

TABLE 12.4
Interference Canceler States for Various Self-Interference Levels
Settings Settings
Self-Interference Dynamic Performance
Level State Adaptation State Level
Level 1 ON Yes ON High
Level 2 No
Level 3 Low
272 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


It is assumed that the LTE RAT is actively running and the Wi-Fi modem to be
used for off-loading cellular data traffic. The triggering mechanism could be net-
work based radio resource controller (RRC) messaging, application layer signaling,
or another viable way. For example, the user may be active on a LTE network having
a voice call and preferred to de-activate cellular data exchange so that an application
can initiate data exchange via the Wi-Fi RAT. Also, the RRC messaging can trigger
an event to command the Wi-Fi RAT to off-load the portion of cellular data traffic.
A high-level control flow is captured in Figure 12.7 that enables the Wi-Fi RAT
operations while the LTE RAT is in an active state. The CARF RM based on the
provisions allowed either by higher layer messaging or directly accessing predefined
register banks that are associated to the RAT state information such as activation
state, channel index, bandwidth, and power levels for all RATs. An alternative way to
extract the RAT state information is to define a packet inspection entity that may be

RFFE Spectrum sensor/ A-SIC/AD-SIC

CARF RM controller controller

Get LTE and Wi-Fi RAT states

(LTE freq., Pout, Wi-Fi freq.)

Spectrum sensing activation request (channel, BW, method)

Spectrum sensing activation response (periodic RSSI updates)

If measured RSSI < threshold, then activate Wi-Fi RAT

else determine Wi-Fi RX canceler system state (refer
to Table 12.4) and start timer

Interference canceler activation request

(Set A-SIC and/or AD-SIC)

Interference canceler activation response

Periodic RSSI updates

If measured RSSI < threshold, then activate Wi-Fi RAT

else if timeout, then activate Wi-Fi RAT
Interference canceler
continuously runs
else continue periodic RSSI updates for interference canceler

Spectrum sensing de-activation request

Spectrum sensing de-activation response

Interference canceler de-activation request

Interference canceler de-activation response

FIGURE 12.7  Messaging flow diagram for traffic off-load with Wi-Fi RAT.
Case Study of Tunable Radio Architectures 273

implemented within the modem protocol stack to extract messages that are relevant
to the RRC layer targeted for RFFE resources.
In order to enable interference cancellation, the CARF RM utilizes spectrum and
interference detector block as depicted in Figure 12.3 to measure the received signal
strength indication (RSSI) level where the Wi-Fi RAT will be deployed. Although
the Figure 12.7 illustrates the Spectrum and Interference Detector block utilization
for the RSSI measurements, the RSSI measurements may, also, be measured directly
by using the Wi-Fi protocol stack in test mode if the provisions are implemented.
The Wi-Fi modem can be instructed to run under initial state and the RSSI measure-
ments can be periodically generated.
The measured RSSI updates that feed to the cancellation algorithms as shown
in Figure 12.7 are continuously generated until either the A-SIC and/or AD-SIC
drives the system to an equilibrium that results in less than a target threshold or
the reaching of a timeout. The target threshold is chosen such that the Wi-Fi clear
channel assessment (CCA) logic may be successful to access the medium. The CCA
is one of two carrier sense mechanisms in Wi-Fi systems. It is defined in the IEEE
802.11 standards as part of the physical medium dependent (PMD) and physical
layer convergence protocol (PLCP) layer. The CCA utilizes two related functions—
carrier sense and energy detect. The CCA carrier sense (CCA-CS) is a mechanism
that enables the receiver to detect and decode a Wi-Fi preamble.16 If the CCA-CS
threshold is set to −87 dBm (maximum is −82 dBm for 20 MHz bandwidth), which
is +7 dB above −94 dBm that is the noise floor for a receiver utilizing 20  MHz
bandwidth with 7 dB noise figure by using Equation 12.1. The Wi-Fi modem by
using the PLCP header field extracts the time duration for which the medium will be
occupied. The CCA flag is held busy until the end of packet transmission when the
Wi-Fi preamble is detected. The CCA energy detect (CCA-ED) enables the receiver
to detect non-Wi-Fi energy in the operating channel and back off data transmission.
The CCA-ED threshold is typically defined to be 20 dB higher than the minimum
PHY Rx sensitivity. The higher CCA-ED threshold setting enables the Wi-Fi sys-
tems to be more resilient against non-Wi-Fi signals. However, if the in-band signal
energy crosses CCA-ED threshold, the CCA is held busy until the medium energy
is below the threshold.
In the case that the Wi-Fi modem activation is reached based on a timeout, it
should be assumed that the cancellation algorithms settled to the best possible out-
come within the prescribed time and that the measured RSSI value is bigger than the
threshold. The failure to settle to below the target RSSI value may be due to other
interfering sources rather than the LTE RAT interference measured in the Wi-Fi
Under normal Wi-Fi operations due to the device orientation and proximity as a
result of reflective objects being closer to the antennas, the amount of interference
experienced by the modem may cause increased medium access delay issues. While
the Wi-Fi modem is downloading or uploading data, the CCA failure condition may
trigger to run the cancellation algorithms. A way of approaching the issue is to run
the interference cancellation algorithms periodically even after seeing convergence
to the lowest RSSI value in the desired channel.
274 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

The component-level enhancements and enabling technologies play an important
role allowing the device manufacturers to achieve goals to support ever-increasing
requirements motivated by the user demands for ubiquitous, instantaneous
over-­the-air access to multimedia-rich content.
In order to address increasing data traffic demand and help reduce relevant
­cellular core network congestion issues, the concept of traffic off-loading has been
introduced. The traffic off-loading is achieved by enabling simultaneous operations
of multiple RATs. However, the deployment of two separate RATs adjacent in space
and frequency may not always be possible. The operation of one RAT with high
transmit power levels can desensitize another RAT’s receiver in space-limited com-
pact devices when the spectral separation between the two are limited.
In this chapter, we have focused on a system approach, namely, the CARF, to
create a framework to enable intelligence in the RF front-end domain. The CARF
approach acquires the system-level requirements to optimize the modem’s RFFE
HW–related resource parameters. Also, we have defined the CARF RM entity to
facilitate the RFFE interaction with protocol stack, application layer, user prefer-
ences, and other system-level inputs. We have established, as an example, how the
cellular data traffic off-loading capability is enabled even when LTE and Wi-Fi
RATs are simultaneously operating in adjacent channels. The CARF RM combined
the appropriate interference cancellation methods with the feedback provided by the
spectrum and interference detector entity in order to reduce the LTE RAT interfer-
ence over the Wi-Fi channel.

1. FCC, Third Memorandum Opinion and Order FCC 12-36A1, ET Docket No. 04-186
and ET Docket No. 02-380, 2012.
2. FCC, Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking FCC 14-49, GN Docket No. 12-354,
3. FCC, Notice of Inquiry FCC 14-154, 2014.
4. Sankaran, C., Data offloading techniques in 3GPP Rel-10 networks: A tutorial, IEEE
Communications Magazine, 50(6), 46–53, June 2012.
5. 3GPP TR 36.816 V11.2.0, Study on signalling and procedure for interference
­avoidance, 2011.
6. Hu, Z., Susitaival, R., Chen, Z., Fu, I.-K., Dayal, P., and Baghel, S., Interference avoid-
ance for in-device coexistence in 3GPP LTE-advanced: Challenges and solutions, IEEE
Communications Magazine, 50(11), 60–67, November 2012.
7. 3GPP TR 36.814 V9.0.0, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);
Further advancements for E-UTRA physical layer aspects, March 2010.
8. 3GPP TSG-RAN WG4 meeting #57 R4-104334, Analysis on LTE and ISM in-
device coexistence interference, Motorola, 2010. http://www.3gpp.org/DynaReport/
9. Bratislava, S., In-device coexistence interference between LTE and ISM bands, 3GPP
TSG-RAN WG4 Ad-Hoc Meeting #10-03 R4-102416, Qualcomm Incorporated, 2010.
10. Emira, A.A. et al., A dual-mode 802.11b/Bluetooth receiver in 0.25 um BiCMOS, ISSCC,
San Francisco, CA, Vol. 1, pp. 270–527, 2004. Doi: 10.1109/ISSCC.2004.1332698.
Case Study of Tunable Radio Architectures 275

11. ETSI TS 136 101 V10.3.0, LTE; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);
User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception, 3GPP TS 36.101 version 10.3.0
Release 10.
12. Data Sheet—ANADIGICS ALT6740 power amplifier for LTE devices operating in
LTE band 40.
13. Bharadia, D., Mcmilin, E., and Katti, S., Full duplex radios, SIGCOMM, ACM
SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, New York, Vol. 43(4), pp. 375–386,
14. Zhou, J. et  al., Low-noise active cancellation of transmitter leakage and transmitter
noise in broadband wireless receivers for FDD/co-existence, IEEE Journal of Solid
State Circuits, 49(12), 3046–3062, December 2014.
15. Haykin, S., Adaptive Filter Theory, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996.
16. Prehia, E. and Stacey, R., Next Generation Wireless LANs, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, UK.
13 Network Operator
Yuang Lou

13.1 LTE Deployments and Challenges............................................................. 278
13.2 Mobile Device Support to Advanced LTE Radio Platform.......................280
13.3 Business Opportunity with LTE Advancements........................................ 283
13.4 Challenges to Advanced LTE Mobile Broadband Devices........................284
13.5 Tunable Devices with MIMO Antenna Array........................................... 285
13.6 Reconfigurable Device Duplexer/Filter..................................................... 287
13.7 Evolved and Innovated Device Power Amplifier....................................... 288
13.8 Power Performance in Mobile Devices...................................................... 290
13.9 Improved Access Capability via Enhanced Network Architecture........... 292
13.10 Innovative Spectrum Policy Leads to Further Mobile FEM Evolution........ 293
13.11 Conclusions to the Mobile Device Evolution under Operator
Perspectives................................................................................................ 294
References............................................................................................................... 296

Long Term Evolution (LTE) mobile services started its deployment at the turn
of 2010 and 2011. By the end of 2013, there were 268 LTE networks launched in
100 countries with a total of 157.7 million LTE users1 worldwide. Among these,
112 million LTE users have been added in 2013 and 79 million of them were acti-
vated from the North America markets. This growth illustrates a strong growing
momentum for the LTE radio platform with an all-IP core network infrastructure to
improve and expand the mobile business opportunities globally.
Presently, mobile network operators are diligently exploring opportunities for
LTE deployments with higher business potentials and new services. The mobile
communication community wants to understand the foreseeable challenges in LTE
advancement and required regulatory innovation and technical support to enhance
LTE service deployment. Based on business expectations and market developments,
LTE RAN equipment and device vendors want to align their R&D activities and
technical investments not only to resolve the performance challenges and improve
the user quality of experience (QoE) but also to support both architecture evolutions
in future LTE RANs and mobile devices.

278 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets


Figure 13.1 demonstrates the worldwide mobile network coverage where LTE is one
of the booming 4G service options. The World Time Zone website [2] further lists
the detailed distribution of LTE capabilities and coverage.
 According to Cisco’s annual report,3 mobile data traffic has been continuously
growing in the past few years and a similar trend will remain in the years to come.
In North America, the mobile data traffic is predicted to grow eight-fold by 2018.
During the same time period, global data traffic growth in mobile communications
will increase nearly 11-fold. From a long-term view, expected growth in mobile
traffic data could eventually reach 1000 times4,5 what we have now. This growth
demonstrates an excellent opportunity for ongoing LTE development but also raises
challenges and concerns in many aspects.
To support higher data volume and faster mobile traffic, more RF spectrum
resources are required. Based on current market needs and spectrum allocations,
improvements in spectrum utilization and spectral efficiency become urgent for both
of the downlink and uplink mobile operations. This presents a serious challenge to
existing RF spectrum allocations. And both of these improvements will eventually
translate into technical challenges that will further shape the evolution and innova-
tion in mobile communications. For example, even if there are many viable spectrum
opportunities such as the worldwide digital dividend review6 (DDR) developments
to convert RF bands from analog TV broadcasting to mobile Internet accesses in
600 MHz or the technical innovation spectrum in 3.5 GHz for small cell–HetNet
deployment, the regulatory process, auction activities around RF spectrum, and leg-
acy service migration following new regulatory rules will take time, which is highly
pressured by growing deployments of LTE services. Beyond these licensed spectrum
options, Authorized/ Licensed Shared Access (ASA/LSA7,8) has been developed.
Related RF spectrum regulatory support has been moving forward and becoming
more open. Under ASA/LSA operation, shared spectrum access can be permitted in
the markets where additional primarily licensed spectrum is not yet available.
Wireless data access via laptop computer networking on unlicensed RF spectrum
have been developed and have become popular forming a complementary cover-
age to the consumer data access from the wired cable network—either physically
built on top of copper-based Ethernet or on top of fiber-based optical infrastructure.
Unlicensed RF data access extends the device’s network connection from a fixed
access point to a tethering, nomadic access area and growing toward a mobile access
connection. Supporting a mobile data network access has become the most impor-
tant and unique capability embedded in the wireless communications.
Unlicensed wireless connections have increased dramatically with data accesses
from desktops, laptops to tablets, and even mobile phones. It forms an effective venue
to off-load mobile traffic flow from licensed macrocellular network to the unlicensed
Wi-Fi access. As the referenced study3 shows, there was at least 45% of total mobile
data traffic off-loaded from cellular network to Wi-Fi or femtocell networks in 2013
globally, at an averaged off-loading level of 1.2 exabytes of data volume per month.
Without this off-loading support, mobile data traffic would have grown 98% rather
than 81% annually in the year, which would greatly challenge the existing capacity
4G LTE World Coverage Map—LTE, WiMAX, HSPA+, 3G, GSM Country List View Map of GSM World Coverage
Regional Maps

Section Maps
Network Operator Perspectives

International Date Line

International Date Line

Sun Clock

GSM World Coverage Map 2013

850 / 1900
© WorldTimeZone.com All Rights reserved 4G (LTE / WiMAX / HSPA+) 3G (850 / 1900 / 2100) GSM 900 / 1800

4G - marketing term (not all 4G networks are created equal). Major 4G standards:
LTE (Long Term Evolution)—fastest of all 4G networks
HSPA+ (Evolved High-Speed Packet Access)—faster than 3G, however, slower than LTE
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)—approximately the same speed as HSPA+
(In many countries, LTE, WiMAX, HSPA+, 3G UMTS, GSM networks coexist)

FIGURE 13.1  Worldwide coverage of mobile communications services. (From http://www.worldtimezone.com/4g.html, updated February 12, 2014.)
280 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

of the mobile networks and heavily impact the QoE performance of consumer data
access. In order to meet the challenge of 1000× growth in the user data traffic, small
cell–HetNet complemented with unlicensed Wi-Fi mobile access is an important
option in the network architecture.
Data off-loading is the only one part of developments in future mobile data access.
With data off-loading, a mobile user session may not be continued during the access
change. The device has to stop the existing session and start a new one. As long as
the switching latency from the data off-loading is short enough, users may not even
be able to sense a session interruption. On the other hand, the off-loading scheme
will challenge the QoE of mobile streaming services. The annual report shows that
50% of mobile traffic is from mobile video access.3 Mobile user behaviors have been
continuously shifting to IP video access. Instead of reading the news in text format
from a mobile device, news streaming through mobile audio/video delivery attracts
users’ attentions. For improved QoE, both audio and video streaming services
require seamless session continuity instead of switched data off-loading between the
licensed and the unlicensed network accesses. QoE enhancements, enriched mobile
services, and seamless mobile video streaming delivery drive the need for innova-
tions in spectrum regulation and technical advancements in user radio access.
In the past few years, service providers have made progress with new LTE service
offerings on top of the expanded coverage of LTE network access. For example,
the LTE SON deployment and mobile device access capabilities to Wi-Fi network-
ing9 were both initiated in the past few years; efforts to deploy small cell networks
and Wi-Fi off-loading started in 2013; at the beginning of 2014, mobile application
of TV everywhere10 enables live TV contents to be delivered to and displayed on
user’s smartphones; services of carrier aggregation (CA)11,12 and VoLTE13 have been
launched in markets one after another in the first half of 2014. Looking into the
future, it is not too hard for us to envision that there will be more mobile business
opportunities and deployed service features over LTE and LTE-Advanced platforms
to support medical applications carried over LTE, LTE-enabled broadband vehicle-
to-vehicle communications, dynamically reconfigurable CA bands that logically bind
more RF bands into one wider bandwidth operation, and so on. The LTE radio plat-
form becomes a flexible but core foundation to future mobile broadband data com-
munications. The IP multimedia subsystem (IMS)14 architecture bridges all of the IP
multimedia services. More software-defined capabilities will be deployed in future
LTE networks. Technically, software-defined network (SDN) characterizes the net-
work evolution for virtual network functions and dynamic ­network management.


The service platform of mobile Internet communications has evolved with the
transitions from analog to digital, from circuit-switched to packet-switched, and
from narrowband to wideband mobile radio operations. A wideband radio platform
enhances higher data transmission rates with multiuser access simultaneously, but
it faces s­everal open challenges and requires an agile and flexible mobile radio
Network Operator Perspectives 281

One of the challenges to the advanced radio platform is how wide an RF band-
width that an LTE mobile architecture can support and where/how we can have a
wide and even wider RF bandwidth to support the operation. Frequency-selective
fading challenges an efficient and reliable network operation due to the existence of
an inherent irreducible error floor from the setup of wideband radio channels.
Compared to 2G15 and 3G16 mobile systems, higher level QAM modulation in
4G LTE17 across multiple resource blocks (RBs) raises the system peak-to-average-
power ratio (PAPR) challenging the battery power demand and supply in mobile
devices. OFDMA operation in the LTE downlink is not suitable to that of the LTE
device uplink transmission when an optimized and efficient device operation is
­considered and configured.
Facing the aforementioned challenges, OFDM18-based LTE becomes an ideal
wideband radio platform. Its higher rate delivery can be achieved with simultaneous
transmission over many orthogonal RF subcarriers.19 Its OFDM architecture breaks
the wideband frequency-selective fading into many narrow but non-frequency-
selective and flat spectrum characterized subchannels. In this way, higher system
performance can be achieved through aggregated narrowband operations. A wider
RF bandwidth can be configured in a flexible and scalable fashion from 1.4 MHz up
to 20 MHz block. In the market places, a continuous 20 MHz RF block pair is rarely
owned by any FDD mobile network operators due to competitive spectrum auc-
tions. It forms another challenge to offer 20 MHz LTE bandwidth through the net-
work operation. The LTE-Advanced platform can support both logically combined
adjacent and even physically separated intraband and/or interband RF blocks into a
wider-channel bandwidth not only up to 20 MHz but also up to 100 MHz via CA.
CA resolution becomes a key advancement to expand wideband LTE operation while
more software-defined features are expected to run on top of it. For example, CA
capability can be defined by a specific band pair combination in 3GPP Band 17 and
band 4. Advanced CA is able to reconfigure more combined band pairs dynamically
according to the consumer demands and also depending on the available spectrum
resources in the field operation.
To properly cover the differences and complications between LTE base station
and device operations, LTE adopts the SC-FDMA20-based mobile platform in its
uplink operation, which runs a simplified device processing to limit the PAPR.21
It reduces the device battery power consumption as compared to that of downlink
OFDMA. Beyond the support of wideband operation, the LTE radio design is spe-
cifically focused on the enhanced implementation of antenna array processing in
terms of raising the RF spectral efficiency. MIMO22 transmitter and receiver over an
antenna array is specified in both downlink and uplink of LTE operations. Varied
MIMO device operations, adaptive modulation and coding schemes (MCS), and CA
make the 4G LTE platform fit in wideband communications much more efficient. In
essence, 4G LTE is characterized by an all-IP-based system with a flat network archi-
tecture, a dynamic RF link adaptation guided by the instant MCS selection, and an
IMS-based core to bridge the legacy mobile operations across multimedia services
with MIMO over both OFDMA downlink and SC-FDMA uplink radio platforms.
Looking at the current LTE deployments, we realize that, among many already
achieved performances, other advanced features need to be developed. For example,
282 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Item Subcategory IMT-Adv LTE

15 16.3
Spectral Downlink
(4 × 4 MIMO ) (4 × 4 MIMO )
(b/s/Hz) 6.75 4.32
Uplink (2 × 4 MIMO ) (64QAM)
Data rate Downlink 1000 300
Uplink 100 75

FIGURE 13.2  LTE versus IMT-Advanced. (From http://www.home.agilent.com/upload/


defined in the 3GPP, the goal of LTE RAN radios is to support 8 × 8 MIMO and the
LTE device is to support 4 × 4 MIMO operations, not to mention the performance dif-
ferences between LTE and IMT-Advanced shown in Figure 13.2 with LTE-Advanced
capable of meeting and surpassing the IMT-Advanced specifications. In current field
operations, deployed LTE RAN radios can only support 2 × 2 MIMO and the LTE
mobile device radios can only support 1 × 2 MIMO. It demonstrates a big perfor-
mance gap between the 3GPP goal and the reality from field operations while simul-
taneous radio transmissions in the same mobile device are still challenged by both the
battery power consumption and inter-radio interference. The goal to achieve higher
LTE spectral efficiency via a higher-order MIMO is still on the development agenda.
The latest smartphone design enables multi-active radios to support LTE and
Wi-Fi radio transmissions simultaneously. Further development shows that the
2 × 2 MIMO device chipset for IEEE 802.11ac has been commercially released23
in early 2014. The 2 × 2 MIMO and 4 × 4 MIMO LTE antenna arrays were already
prototyped in mobile devices.24 Their performances have even been evaluated and
compared through market validations. All of these achievements make the device
operation in higher-order MIMO characterized by the simultaneous LTE radio
transmission/receiving more attractive in commercial deployments. OFDM-based
multiuser-MIMO25 (MU-MIMO) opens another venue to raise the spectral efficiency
through the space-division multiple access (SDMA) in the network access. It also
requires mobile device support. Even though the initial MU-MIMO is only applied
to the access of IEEE 802.11ac, its capability should be extended to improve LTE
spectral efficiency as well.
Beyond raising the spectral efficiency to LTE cell coverage, cell edge perfor-
mance attracts the attention of network operators. This interest is strengthened by
small cell–HetNet deployments. Small cell coverage and macrocell coverage are
overlapped (see Figure 13.8), which raises the total network data capacity via a pre-
ferred data off-loading to the small cell access. Enhanced small cell operation at
the cell edge off-loads the traffic volume from the macrocell and thus opens more
macrocell resources to handle higher mobility accesses. Many more LTE-Advanced
features26,27 are going to be developed, such as SON, FeICIC, and coordinated multi-
point (CoMP), which further require support from advanced mobile devices.
Network Operator Perspectives 283

Future radio development will not be purely hardware oriented. Software-defined

capabilities characterize LTE evolution. Particularly with mobile devices, limited
device volume pushes its development toward the improved operational efficiency
with intelligent control in its radio access. Advanced LTE mobile device perfor-
mances are fully reflected in the following areas: enhanced multimode multiband
(MMMB) access capability with device volume efficiency, battery power efficiency,
and RF spectral efficiency.


Initial LTE deployment has been focused on mobile data access only. Simultaneous
voice capability to an LTE user is either provided with an additional CDMA radio or
employing circuit-switched fallback (CSFB) to the 2G or 3G voice services. Evolved
with network advancements, mobile devices have been enabled access to not only
international data roaming28 with varied RF band options fitting to local market
demands, but also to VoLTE capabilities. VoLTE over the cellular platform is a
­preferred voice option for the best consumer QoS. It is not only an IP-based voice
service but also IMS-based, which serves as the common service core to support all
of the legacy multimedia operations.
As mentioned earlier and shown in Figure 13.3, mobile video demand has been
surging as reflected in the growth of mobile data traffic. Unicast mobile video stream-
ing delivery is a service option to meet certain users’ demands. In addition to unicast
services, there is an economic and capacity opportunity to mobile multicasting and
broadcasting through the eMBMS video/TV delivery. Challenges here are not only
the deliverable quality of mobile video streaming but also the market support for the
delivery of mobile video streaming. In a conventional broadcasting system, video con-
tent is timely scheduled to broadcast no matter whether there are few viewers or even

Source: Ericsson (June 2013)
Monthly exabytes (1018)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Other Encrypted Software download Social networking

and update
Web browsing Audio Video File sharing

FIGURE 13.3  Sixty percent of annual growth of mobile video consumption. (From http://
284 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

no viewers in the service area at all. In the past MediaFLO operations, the broadcast
spectrum, network infrastructure, and user mobile devices were all standalone and not
shared across any other mobile services. Merging mobile video delivery with LTE ser-
vices and sharing the LTE spectrum/devices can overcome economic barriers in offer-
ing mobile TV broadcasting. Dynamic reconfiguration via capable software control
should make eMBMS broadcasting more efficient and flexible together with LTE radio
resource management to meet the consumer demands. Shared spectrum, networking,
and mobile devices between eMBMS and LTE29,30 infrastructure with switchable uni-
cast, multicast, and broadcast service model will attract the future service development
while the supplemental downlink (SDL) spectrum has the potential to support both
eMBMS and CA operations. Mobile video delivery and LTE operation should not be
limited by the OFDM architecture but be open to a dynamic reconfigurable operation
on an OFDMA basis following market demands. This new model of mobile video
streaming and TV broadcasting as part of the LTE operation demonstrates the oppor-
tunities and also challenges to the network configuration and mobile device support.
The LTE network will continuously support the human connections via voice and
data communications but could also be extended to web-based medical service cov-
erage. It is evolving to support wireless machine-to-machine (M2M)31 communica-
tions for network monitoring and remote control under the Internet of Things (IoT).
It will also be enhanced to support mobile vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications
for connected cars via LTE32 in order to strengthen the in-vehicle security, hands-
free call, turn-by-turn navigation, and remote diagnostic services. Within the IoT
access, a large percent of communication traffic will be between fixed equipment,
between mobile devices and fixed equipment, and also between mobile-to-mobile
devices. To support all of these low power but highly dense and instantly connected
devices under the LTE management is another challenge and opportunity to both the
innovative network configuration and mobile device architecture.
The success of Internet and cellular communication has been merged and raised
onto the track of cloud computing (CC) for data applications, video streaming deliv-
ery, and IoT services over strongly supported mobile platforms. Three major CC
developments, such as the cloud-based data storage, cloud-based online processing,
and cloud-based network services, will be accelerated under the user-initiated SDN
operation where the network equipment can be flexibly managed and reconfigured
by the virtualized functions and enriched service features with more intelligence but
less redundant hardware equipment. Building up a “User-Defined Network Cloud33
(UDNC)” becomes the goal of the mobile network operator who puts user satisfac-
tion at the top priority in network operations. Its MMMB device access and self-
reconfiguration performance directly impacts the user QoE and becomes one of the
keys to qualify the UDNC operation.


The operation of mobile RAN equipment focuses on its designated RF band and
radio protocol but shares implementations across the hardware platform in only very
limited ways. For example, 2G, 3G, and 4G RAN configurations are independent
Network Operator Perspectives 285

of each other from the antenna array of the air interface down to the RF transceiver
units. Separated RAN operations handle their own traffic flow, IP signaling34 to the
backhaul service, mobile radio access, and user data delivery.
Radio architecture in mobile devices is totally different from that of the RAN.
Service options coexist in the same mobile device to support the unique end point
performance of user QoE delivery. Capable mobile devices support MMMB opera-
tion. Supporting a higher number of MMMB access is one of the merits in the device
capability such that a customer-desired device should be able to access multiple ser-
vices from 4G LTE data, simultaneous 2G/3G voice call, GPS tracking, and the
delivery of mobile video streaming, to just name a few. Widely expected service
capability forms specific challenges to the LTE device antenna array, front-end mod-
ule (FEM), RF transceiver, mobile operations for interference control, and effective
battery life management.
In the United States, the RF spectrum for 2G mobile operation is defined from
850 MHz to 1.9 GHz. The 3G RF platform covers the same frequency range of 2G
but extends its high frequency end up to 2.1 GHz. The spectrum coverage of LTE is
much wider—from low 700 MHz to 2.6 GHz, which will be further stretched down
to 600 MHz and also extended up to 3.5 GHz. Wider RF coverage becomes one of
the characteristics of 4G operations. This wide spectrum coverage challenges the
configuration of device antenna to 4G LTE, which requires a multielement antenna
array to support the MIMO operation. Beyond a MIMO antenna array, more than
one antenna is also required to cover the RF range for different band access. On aver-
age, there are four to five antennas in an LTE smartphone to cover bands, modes,
and many other service options, such as GPS, Wi-Fi, FM radio, NFC, and 2G/HSPA/
LTE accesses. Due to limited device volume, the same cellular mobile antenna is
usually shared among 2G/3G and LTE bands. For example, 3GPP band 4 in 2.1 GHz
and band 17 in 700 MHz can share the same piece of antenna. Inserting an addi-
tional antenna normally gains in its Tx/Rx efficiency and RF isolation but is chal-
lenged by the device volume. Envelope correlation among array elements is sensitive
to the distance separation of antenna elements. Sharing the same antenna across
bands improves the device spacing efficiency but challenges the achievable RF per-
formance. Based on all the feasibilities and compromises, tunable antenna becomes
a key contributor to the device antenna design in volume, element spacing, and high-
RF performance. Its contribution is more important to lower frequency operation
where physics require a larger antenna size proportional to the wavelength in terms
of its better RF performance.


Fixed antenna designs at the hardware level cannot optimize their wideband opera-
tion to cover all RF bands. In other words, antenna hardware performance in some
bands is better than that in others. Dynamically adjusting antenna resonant fre-
quency or matching antenna impedance is the way to improve antenna efficiency but
requires intelligent software control. Noticeable challenges are particularly evident
in lower frequency operation such that, in the 700 MHz band, the device antenna gain
is generally low (around −7 dBi) from the compromise of a wideband but small-sized
286 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

antenna design. The gain gap between low- and high-band antenna performance is
usually greater than 6 dB on the same piece of broadband antenna. The receiving
gains of MIMO array antenna elements should also be narrowed down. If the Rx
gain difference among the elements is >3 dB, it impacts the performance of MIMO
receiving process.
Improved performance over a wideband antenna is achievable through software
reconfiguration either via open- or closed-loop tuning. Open-loop tuned antennas
have already been deployed in several mobile devices. Varying input feeds could
be used to tune the antenna resonant frequency. Adjusting digital capacitance can
match the antenna impedance and thus raise the antenna efficiency. Up to this point,
open-loop tuned antenna demonstrates improved total radiated power/total isotropic
sensitivity (TRP/TIS) performance on a single antenna element.
Closed-loop tuned antennas are more complicated than that of the open-loop
ones. Closed-loop tuned antennas have to detect and track antenna detuning and
then match with the best impedance to compensate for the detuning. The process of
detection and best matching is adaptive and continuous. In order to reach large-scale
commercial deployment, solutions of closed-loop tuned antenna need further techni-
cal improvement and market validation.
The basic assumption to the current open- and closed-loop tuned antennas is that
there is only one RF band or mode actively transmitting and receiving among the
many available but inactive. To improve LTE MIMO performance, network opera-
tors are interested to see enhanced tuning in the antenna array instead of TRP/TIS
improvements over a single antenna element. To be more specific, a valid MIMO
antenna tuning will not only focus on the individual TRP/TIS across all antenna
elements, but also includes narrowed Rx gain difference and reduced envelop cor-
relation across all array elements together with the best TRP/TIS at the same time
and even across the CA bands. Less differences in receiving antenna gains across
all array elements improves the MIMO processing. A joint MIMO antenna tuning,
including reduced envelop correlation across array elements, increased RF isolation
and minimized RF interference among the elements together with the best achiev-
able TRP/TIS, boosts the overall performance on all MIMO antenna array elements.
Achieving joint performance of the antenna array is the goal of tunable MIMO
device antennas.
Current implementation of 1 × 2 MIMO antenna arrays in mobile LTE devices
needs qualified tuning support to cover both primary and secondary receiving
antenna elements. A higher-order MIMO chipset such as the 2 × 2 MIMO23 has been
released in the early 2014 to IEEE 802.11ac. Device array antenna architectures to
support 4 × 4 MIMO have gone through an initial market evaluation.24 Both of the
aforementioned higher MIMO cases are implemented in the GHz range. Without a
matured device antenna tuning resolution, it is hard to deploy 2 × 2 MIMO into the
lower frequency range, that is, to the device operation below 900 MHz. Table 13.1
demonstrates a business forecast in 2013 on tunable device antennas as an open but
growing opportunity.
Tunable antennas are active RF components attached to the device FEM. Beyond
the potential benefits from antenna tuning, the tuner itself could possibly generate
RF harmonics and intermodulation products that would impact spurious emission,
Network Operator Perspectives 287

TABLE 13.1
Business Forecast on Tunable Antennas
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
4G (LTE, LTE 17 81 203 324 476 635
adv) units (M)
Primary antenna — 0.60 0.90 0.80 0.73 0.56
tuner ($)
Diversity antenna — 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.45 0.42
tuner ($)
LTE-Adv — 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.70
incremental ($)
Diversity tuner — — 0.25 0.5 0.65 0.75
attach rate
Antenna tuning — 48.6 208.1 340.2 772.4 1061.1
business ($M)

Source: Oppenheimer & Co. Inc., New York, March 2013.

increase insertion loss (IL), and narrow the antenna’s bandwidth. These side effects
can curb and challenge the benefits gained from the antenna tuning for ­flexible RF
band options and combinations in the mobile devices. Providing a full-scale evalua-
tion on the tunable MIMO antenna array is important to network operators for their
device performance support and also important for spectrum regulation. This is a
desired technical outcome but may still need more engineering efforts to accomplish.


Figure 13.4 shows an example of a common FEM architecture in mobile devices
with a bank of device duplexers bridging the RF chains for each individual band
of operation that shares a piece of wideband antenna via the fan-out of an antenna
switch module (ASM).
Without the capability to reconfigure the duplexer into different operating bands,
raising the number of MMMB device access will result in larger duplexer banks.
This challenges the device volume and also the performance of the device FEM.
Each duplexer is in essence a pair of RF filters permitting the in-band signal flow
through but rejecting the out-of-band interference in order to protect its own two-way
communications. A qualified duplexer reconfiguration has to meet both of the central
frequency shift and OOBE requirements specific in each band. It is a more compli-
cated process compared to the frequency tuning of a MIMO antenna array. Current
technology is available to make a reconfigured notch filter across the frequency band
but not matured enough to support a cross-band reconfigurable duplexer in general.
Some early results in reconfigurable duplexer have been reported35 recently
with limited working range. To provide a fully reconfigurable and commercialized
duplexer requires further R&D efforts.
288 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

GSM/Edge 850
GSM/Edge 950
GSM/Edge 1800
GSM/Edge 1900
GSM/Edge 850/900 PA

GSM/Edge 1800/1900 PA

Power detect
Power detect PA

3GPP Band 1/2

3GPP Band 5/6 PA

3GPP Band 1 PA

3GPP Band 2
3GPP Band 5

FIGURE 13.4  Duplexer bank connected to the ASM.


Power amplifiers (PAs) are key elements in MMMB devices. PAs consume ~50%
of the total device power and hold various expectations and potential for future
improvements. Advanced PA developments have continuously been evolved and
more innovations are coming. Similar to that of the duplexer, the PA performance is
also band specific. More MMMB accesses require more PAs in current device FEM.
To share a common PA-biased circuitry and input/output ports for a reduced bill-
of-materials (BOM), hybrid PA modules (PAMs) have been developed. GaAs PAs
have been a matured technical option for a short turnaround time to the market from
design to the manufacturing. GaAs PAs have excellent RF performance and reliable
operations but are not easy to support the evolution to an integrated FEM. CMOS-
based multimode PA (MMPA) has emerged to lead the device FEM integration.
At this moment, even though the performance of CMOS MMPA does not exceed
that of GaAs PAM in high-power operations, integration of the device FEM with
improved PA performance has been a strong incentive to motivate the development
Figure 13.5 illustrates a view of the CMOS FEM integration within mobile
devices, where CMOS MMPA only demonstrates one dimension of the PAM evo-
lution from advanced PA design and silicon processing. Another aspect of device
PAM evolution targets for its reconfigurable capabilities based on an intelligent plat-
form under both software and hardware control. It supports the dream of sharing the
same device PAM to enable MMMB operations. Early reports on a reconfigurable
PAM36,37 were encouraging and attractive. Network operators are interested to see
more advancement with further spacing efficiency and power efficiency improve-
ments leading to an integrated and reconfigurable device PAM. Interest continues
along with its expanded spectrum coverage.
Network Operator Perspectives 289


RF switches



RF switches


RF switches ET



FIGURE 13.5  Evolved SoC options for CMOS-integrated device FEM, agile device
RFIC, and SDR: (a) current level of silicon integration for a typical MMMB handset
modem, (b) possible future level of silicon integration of MMMB CMOS SoC for handset
modem, and (c) “ideal” level of MMMB CMOS SoC for handset modem.

The concept of tunable and reconfigurable RF implementation can be applied to

device RFICs. In the current smartphone, RFICs are multiport units responsible for
the RF transmission and reception to support device MMMB operation. These ports
are generally designed and configured to serve the low (<1 GHz), the mid (1–2.3 GHz),
and the high (>2.3 GHz) band options. Multiport RFICs demonstrate agile capabilities
to support a set of band selections and configurations through the OEM device design.
One of the challenges to RFIC is that required total MMMB access is continuously
increasing, say from a 7-band support to the 12-band capable. From an implementation
point of view, the total number of RFIC ports cannot be expanded without a limitation.
In essence, the cost of RFIC packaging limits the growth of its total ports. Software-
defined capability is expected to support port reconfiguration. If one RFIC port can be
software reconfigured into different modes on the fly during device operation without
increasing the total number of RFIC ports, the same RFIC could double the access
capacity to the modes and bands. Similar to the reconfigurable efforts in mobile device
duplexers and PAMs, reconfigurable RFIC ports are also band and mode specific.
Based on the current development, we have seen that the tunable and reconfigurable
evolution on individual RF components in the device FEM, including the agile RFIC,
eventually leads to a software-defined radio (SDR)-like mobile device architecture
that can coordinate all the reconfigurable capabilities under one central control.
290 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

SDR is not a pure software solution. It requires mutual support from both hard-
ware and software. The hardware forms an available FEM platform to support the
software reconfiguration for a jointly achievable Q and OOBE in duplexer and PAM,
and is also equipped with temperature-compensated characteristics to meet the
bandwidth requirements particularly in the UHF operations in 600–700  MHz or
even below. More specifically, SDR can only be implemented in the digital domain
and relies on ADC/DAC signal conversion across domains. Current ADC power
consumption limits its performance in its direct sampling of analog RF signals. At
this point, a full-scale SDR expectation serves as a goal of evolution directing the
progressive developments of tunable and reconfigurable agile radios in the mobile


Power efficiency has been a long-term and continuous challenge along with the
progressive achievements in device spectral efficiency and spacing efficiency. To
limit increased PAPR21 resulting from higher QAM modulations and to simplify
the mobile device operation, SC-FDMA has been adopted in LTE device operation
that reduces the device power consumption. Beyond the power efficiency in mobile
transmission, battery quality defined in W*h/L, power efficient device process-
ing, and effective power management are three power pillars to support the device
In a typical layout of a mobile device, about 60% of the total device area is
reserved for the battery supply (see Figure 13.6). Increased battery volume followed
by the size growth of device display contributes to the increased battery capacity
from 1420 mAh in the iPhone 4 with a 3.5 in. display up to 3200 mAh in LG G Pro2
with a 5.9 in. display. Even though the battery volumetric energy density has been

Local wireless connectivity
RAM (Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/FM)
Processor, RF
Processor, cellular modem, modem, front RF front end needs to be
radio, memory, power transceiver end packed into ~15% of total
management, sensors, etc. area
(30%–40% of PCB area)

Battery occupies nearly Battery PCB left with only 40%

60% of total area inside
of total area inside a phone
a phone

FIGURE 13.6  Typical layout of current smartphone design. (From Carson, P. and Brown, S.,
Microwave J., 56(6), 24, 2013.)
Network Operator Perspectives 291

Active 3G Active LTE

connection connection

Up to 30 Cell_FACH 7–13

messages to messages to


establish a establish a
connection connection
in 3G PCH/URA in LTE

Camped ECM Idle Camped

on 3G on LTE

FIGURE 13.7  Compared state models in 3G and LTE radio architecture mobile devices
with multi-core processing. (From Lou, Y., Evolved Mobile Broadband Services and
Devices, Presentation to IWPC Workshop on Optimizing Advance Smartphone and Tablets
Architecture, March 19, 2014, http://www.iwpc.org/ResearchLibrary.aspx?ArchiveID=210&

more than quadrupled from 150 to 730 W*h/L38 through innovated technologies, the
power gap between the mobile device demands and improved battery supply remains
open and has even been widened. Parallel efforts to the device battery improve-
ments in W*h/L and in raised battery size are also shown in the developments from
improved device power management (PM), effective radio protocol control, and
drastically reduced device PA heat dissipation.
In order to shorten the response latency and improve the QoE in device access,
mobile devices have to maintain a proper power level attached to each radio state
during the device idle periods, which directly impacts device power consumption.
The power level of radio states and the switching timer are controlled by the network
scheduler on the RAN side. To understand the difference in radio states between
3G and LTE systems, Figure 13.7 shows a simplified LTE radio state design that is
much flatter with less layers to achieve efficiencies in radio resource control (RRC).
Connected state discontinuous reception (cDRX) is one of the LTE RRC features.
In the cDRX mode, an LTE mobile radio periodically suspends its RF transmission
and receiving but continuously holds the allocated RF resources and network con-
nection. Beyond gaining a shortened latency, an LTE mobile device radio is fast to
respond with less signaling flow and lowered battery power consumption. A study
shows39 that the cDRX is critical to support VoLTE applications for an effective
device ­battery power management.
Studies on mobile device power consumption show40 that about 50% of device
power is spent on the PAM operation. Most of the PAM power is wasted through
heat dissipation, which results in a limited PAM power-added efficiency (PAE). A
joint process of averaged power tracking (APT) and envelope tracking (ET) has been
developed41 to reduce the heat dissipation and raise the PAE through the PAM opera-
tion. An analog reference interface to ET (eTrak) has been specified in the MIPI
standard,42 which not only contributes to effective device power management but
also ensures extremely low-noise performance to reduce the RF interference to the
cellular radio receiver.
292 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Prior to 2011, the design of mobile devices was dominated by single-core CPU
architecture. Raising both the core processor rate in GHz and bias voltage to the
CPU core processor could increase the device processing power but challenge the
battery life since power consumption in the core processor is proportionate to its
GHz rate and the square of its bias voltage.
Raising the processing power without reducing the device battery life is one of the
expected goals in mobile data processing in order to enable multitasking capability
and also to enhance the audio- and video-related user applications such as the sup-
port of mobile gaming. Dual-core CPU architecture was first introduced into mobile
devices in 2011. Power consumption and coordination of multi-core processing were
the major concerns. Later studies show43,44 that, beyond gaining the processing power
via the multi-core CPU architecture, dual-core CPUs improve the device power bud-
get by 40% relative to that of the single-core device architecture. This achievement
is gained by not raising the CPU processor rate in GHz and not increasing the bias
voltage to the core, but distributing the processing workload evenly through a coor-
dinated parallel core processing.
Progressive developments are followed by more cores added to the device archi-
tecture. Quad-core CPU devices were initiated in 2012, and 8-core CPU with 64-bit
processing has appeared within high-end mobile devices in later 2014 and at the
beginning of 2015 such as the incoming Samsung Galaxy A7.45 The multi-core CPU
approach not only enables parallel processing with a relatively low rate proces-
sor support but also limits the bias voltage to the CPU processor. Along with the
advancement of multi-core CPU device architecture, additional cores are allocated
for the multi-core power management and processing coordination.
The development effort of multi-core processing has been supported by the
mobile’s OS. Current mobile OS is open to support enhanced data processing, effi-
cient core power management, and multitasking-enabled devices up to the 64-core
CPU architecture.46 It forms another branch to the evolution of future mobile


As to the foreseeable future, the growth of 1000× mobile data traffic5 has been
expected from combined services of broadband communications and the IoT over
wireless operations. Based on limited spectrum resources, small cell deployments
to reuse the spectrum and to raise the network data capacity under macrocell cover-
age form the heterogeneous network (HetNet). The HetNet encourages the off-load
of user access traffic from the macrocell to the small cell but creates challenges to
reduce the RF interference on the signaling flow and data channels to the unintended
mobile receivers. To support the real-time mobile applications, such as mobile video
delivery and TV broadcasting, additional challenges to the HetNet will include
the maintenance of smooth session continuity between small cell and macrocell
accesses. Beyond the network configuration, the performance of mobile devices
directly impacts the consumers’ QoE. The capability of mobile devices to cancel
Network Operator Perspectives 293


Small cell Small cell

FIGURE 13.8  HetNets view: Small cell deployed within macrocell coverage.

RF interference and coordinate the small cell and macrocell accesses is a key to the
HetNet success (Figure 13.8).
Within the macrocell coverage, many small cells could be configured and
deployed sharing the same RF spectrum. It requires capable mobile devices to iden-
tify and reliably receive its own session data, but reject the RF interferences from the
neighboring user accesses and maintain a high quality of receiver performance. This
capability requires coordinated efforts between the mobile devices and the HetNet
access network in both time domain and frequency domain operations.
For example, intercell interference coordination (ICIC)47 is defined in the fre-
quency domain and mainly focuses on access interference control over the mobile
data channels. Enhanced ICIC (eICIC)48 and further enhanced ICIC (FeICIC)49 have
been defined in both time and frequency domains where the cross-carrier schedul-
ing and almost blank subframes (ABS) are focused on interference control over the
mobile signaling flows. The SON implementation of CoMP50 operation improves
the network capacity, flexibility, and reliability.
LTE license-assisted access (LAA)51 opens another venue to raise user access
capabilities from the evolution of network architecture. All of the aforementioned
efforts encourage mobile devices to off-load the traffic from the macrocell to the
small cell and unlicensed spectrum access once they are available. This can improve
data capacity, though the use of unlicensed radio bands comes with its own chal-
lenges and is not a substitute for additional licensed RF spectrum.


Improving network capacity to meet the growth of mobile access traffic is a multi-
dimensional effort from the HetNet configuration, enhanced spectral efficiency via
MIMO, and also at the cell edge through CoMP. It requires innovative spectrum
allocation policies in regulations. ASA/LSA complements the small cell off-loading,
which enables market-dependent use of military bands, forming secondary access52
Separated device antennas and RF frequency bands between current LTE and
Wi-Fi configurations provide enough RF isolation to permit simultaneous radio
transmissions in the same mobile device. Inserting more unlicensed RF operations
in the vicinity of licensed LTE band challenges the device to support simultaneous
294 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

radio transmission, which will result in a totally different interworking experience of

data off-loading between licensed and unlicensed mobile access. A great many new
interference and scheduling challenges are also expected.
By issuing a detailed proposal to the citizens broadband radio service53 (CBRS) in
the 3.5 GHz band, the FCC unveiled a band to investigate innovative spectrum shar-
ing policies. These novel features are demonstrated in the tiered access, interference
coordination through spectrum access system (SAS), and dynamic TDD coexistence
targets the improvement of spectrum utilization and enhancement of spectral effi-
ciency. It requires more detailed engineering work to support and validate but may
eventually lead to an innovated mobile architecture.
In the current device architecture, there are two separated RF FEMs with two
sets of device antenna. One is shared by all licensed FDD cellular accesses from
2G/3G to 4G LTE. And, the other is shared by the unlicensed Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
NFC, GPS, and other peripheral radio accesses. To support the CBRS, a third TDD
FEM and antenna set might be required to support the dynamic configuration to the
licensed and unlicensed user accesses. It not only bridges the dynamic configuration
between the licensed and unlicensed network access, but also leads to the coexis-
tence of licensed FDD and TDD within the same mobile device. Numerous chal-
lenges must be addressed in such concepts.


To support feature-rich mobile data access, real-time services, audio/video
streaming delivery, and IoT service connections, mobile devices hold a unique
position to enhance the users’ QoE. This understanding directs the network opera-
tor’s service innovations, technical supports, and architectural developments. For
example, to fulfill the vision of LTE advanced, 8 × 8 MIMO has been specified
in the mobile downlink operation in the RAN and 4 × 4 MIMO has been defined
in the mobile uplink access. In the current LTE operations, there are big gaps in
targeted performances such that only 2 × 2 MIMO is implemented in the RAN
downlink, and only 1 × 2 MIMO is carried out in the mobile device uplink access.
VoLTE is another example in the LTE evolution. Without VoLTE capability, LTE
mobile devices can only offer data access and must rely on 2G or 3G CSFB voice
Beyond near-term developments, network operators are looking for long-term
opportunities from network evolution. In the past, network configurations have been
centered and dominated by the hardware setup. Current views to future network
configurations will be highlighted by the virtualized functionalities and intelligent
network controls that are characterized by the implementation of SDN. In the view
of network operators, continuously optimizing the network configuration for higher
efficiency has been a priority in operations. To optimize the consumers’ experience
is also a priority for network operation. All of these service priorities drive mobile
device evolution.
Network Operator Perspectives 295

Along with the growth of mobile data and video traffic, additional mobile traffic
volumes will come from the operation of IoT over wireless. The IoT industrial M2M
communications54 will have a large portion of rising data traffic including the fixed-
to-fixed and fixed-to-mobile device traffic, which might be configured under the
licensed/unlicensed data coverage. Beyond the M2M, the efforts and investments to
build the infrastructure for V2V communications have seen fast progress. As mobile
services shift from data access to video display and mobile TV broadcasting, the
balance strategy of mobile access has evolved from licensed LTE to unlicensed data
off-loading, and then to the required session continuity in support of the streaming
content delivery.
All of the aforementioned evolutions push mobile devices to support the MMMB
access capabilities under a new RF spectrum environment. The device access capa-
bilities will not only include more bands and modes through 2G, 3G, and 4G LTE,
but also covered by the FDD/TDD coexistence across the licensed and unlicensed
spectrums. With SDN virtualization in the network configuration, the trends of SDR
lead the mobile device evolution. Under a given device volume and limited battery
power supply, a configurable and reconfigurable device FEM becomes the most criti-
cal area for technical innovations and developments.
Tuned device RF FEM has already emerged in device antenna development. It
enables the same piece of device antenna to cover a wide RF range operation with
one band active at a time. It will be evolved to track and compensate for a detuned
antenna in a dynamic fashion and also tune the RF performance from a single
antenna to a MIMO antenna array.
Fully reconfigurable and integrated device FEMs are the next phase to this evolu-
tion. RF CMOS developments have been continuously improving the performances
in terms of integrated device FEM as its main target. The RF CMOS architecture
covers the RFIC and has been extended to cover MEMS developments in the RF
switches and PAM developments.
Simultaneous radio operation will be a key milestone to raise the device effi-
ciency in support of higher-order MIMO and multiradio access. It is challenged by
the coordination of device RF interference and effective battery power management.
Phased progress characterizes device development from the near-term to the long-
term evolution.
In the current device FEM architecture, the RF transceiver function is covered by
analog operations where the RF signals are filtered, amplified, and/or modulated/
demodulated by the analog circuits in the device FEM. SDR implementation is
purely in the digital domain. The demarcation between analog and digital operations
is at the ADC/DAC conversion. Raising the ADC RF sampling rate and maintaining
the ADC performance at a high-bit resolution and large dynamic range still funda-
mentally challenges SDR implementation without a trade-off to device battery life.
This becomes one of the expectations of the network operators. Working with the
spectrum regulatory administration and the vendor community, we are at the begin-
ning of this long-term journey. The challenges are highly technical, but the innova-
tions are user QoE directed. All of the technical innovations and advancements are
driven by market demand.
296 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

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Technologies, CTiF (Aalborg University), Athens Information Technology, Technology
Research Center of Thessaly, River Publishers, 2008, ISBN: 9788792329028.
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28. http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13970_7-57619375-78/at-t-expands-international-
Network Operator Perspectives 297

29. http://www.samsung.com /global/ business/ business-images/resource/white-

30. http://www.ericsson.com/res/docs/whitepapers/wp-lte-broadcast.pdf.
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36. Tunable multiband power amplifier using thin-film BST varactors for 4G handheld
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37. https://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/info/media_center/pr/2010/001466.html.
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39. Nokia Siemens Networks, More battery life with LTE connected state DRX. http://
40. http://www.stuff.co.za/startup-eta-devices-may-soon-provide-tech-that-halves-smart-
41. Nujira Ltd., Envelope tracking: Unlocking the potential of CMOS PAs in 4G smart-
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42. http://electronicdesign.com/communications/understanding-mipi-alliance-interface-
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55. http://www.home.agilent.com/upload/cmc_upload/All/23Jan14WebcastSlides.pdf.
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2014, http://www.iwpc.org/ResearchLibrary.aspx?ArchiveID=210&Display=doc#.
14 Testing Wireless Devices
in Manufacturing
Rob Brownstein and Minh-Chau Huynh

14.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 299
14.2 Wi-Fi and 4G (3GPP LTE)............................................................................300
14.2.1 IEEE 802.11n..................................................................................... 301
14.2.2 4G LTE..............................................................................................304
14.3 Manufacturing Test Methods and Apparatus................................................307
14.4 Wireless Testing of Wireless Devices............................................................309
14.5 Implications................................................................................................... 311
14.6 OTA Method for Antenna Tuning................................................................. 312
14.7 Conclusions.................................................................................................... 316

Only a decade and a half into the twenty-first century, wireless devices abound.
From wireless car keys that allow you to open a car door and start the engine without
leaving your pocket to smartphones that let you make calls, surf the Internet, take
and transfer photos and videos, and pay for items electronically, people have essen-
tially tether-free access to each other and a multitude of services.
Today’s smartphone eclipses in complexity computing and communications
devices that were densely packed with components, took up cubic yards of space, and
cost tens of thousands of dollars. And, this, by a device one holds in a hand that con-
tains computing, networking, and wireless communications subsystems and costs
only a few hundred dollars to manufacture. It is no wonder, then, that millions of
these devices are produced and sold each month. The amazing part is that despite the
complexities, such devices can be mass produced in huge volumes, with high yields.
Furthermore, manufacturing testing has become so efficient and fast that essentially
every device can be tested to help ensure only a tiny fraction of faulty devices end up
in the hands of customers.
Because such wireless devices are combinations of computers, network clients,
and wireless transceivers, testing them during manufacturing entails making sure
that they work as designed. Testing costs are a combination of capital equipment,
facilities, power, and labor costs. There is a direct correlation between testing cost
and testing time. With very tight testing cost budgets due to price competition and
thinning margins, there is huge pressure on companies that design and sell test

300 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

solutions to wireless device manufacturers to decrease testing cost per device even
as the number of functions to be tested increases significantly.
As with any computer, sophisticated wireless devices such as smartphones and
cellular-enabled tablets have central processing units (CPUs), operating systems,
storage, and I/O. For self-contained applications, such as music playback, taking
photos or videos, or playing games, there are manufacturing tests for ensuring that a
device boots up properly and that all related subsystems, I/O, and transducers (e.g.,
touch screen, LCD display, speaker, microphone) are all working as designed.
When these devices must upload or download data to other devices, they do so
wirelessly. Typically, a smartphone or tablet will have Bluetooth for hands-free
calling in an automobile. They will also have Wi-Fi for using the Internet directly,
rather than through the metered cellular service for Internet access. This, of course,
requires being close enough to a Wi-Fi hotspot to accommodate such use. Cellular
system access typically requires one or more radio-access technologies, such as 3G
and 4G (Third Generation Partnership Project Long Term Evolution [3GPP LTE]).
These will have a wireless subsystem associated with them, too, such as a transmit-
ter and receiver. Thus, testing of the wireless functions of a device will involve tests
different from those for the computing subsystems.
This chapter focuses on the testing of wireless functions during manufacturing.
A device, for example, that features 3G and 4G (3GPP LTE), 802.11n Wi-Fi, and
Bluetooth technologies will be tested to ensure that each one is still operating prop-
erly after manufacture. The assumption is that the design has been verified, earlier,
and that a validated design has moved to production. In other words, manufacturing
test is not used to verify a design, but, rather, to identify any manufacturing defects
that may have occurred and which now render the device’s wireless facilities either
faulty or out of specification.
Several technologies are common to cellular and so-called connectivity wireless
technologies, such as Wi-Fi. These common denominators include orthogonal fre-
quency division multiplexing (OFDM), quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM),
and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO). In addition, these wireless technologies
require antennas. To fully test a device that replicates real-world operation, the fully
assembled device should be linked to a tester in the same way it would to an access
point or base station, using over-the-air (OTA) signals. Today, this real-world test
typically occurs last. Before that, the partially assembled device has been tested
using non-linked processes for virtually all the specifications and functions; and it
is the partially assembled device that has passed these tests prior to the final fully
assembled device test. There are many reasons for why this process is in place, and
they will be described. Recently, innovative technologies have been developed that
make testing fully assembled devices using OTA signal transfer more practical than
before. These, too, will be described and explored.

14.2 Wi-Fi AND 4G (3GPP LTE)

It is interesting to explore the evolution of cellular from its original analog AMPS
roots to its current digital state of the art. It is also interesting to do the same for
Wi-Fi, which is the generic term for the IEEE 802.11 standard and all its subsequent
Testing Wireless Devices in Manufacturing 301

amended versions (e.g., 802.11a, b, g, n, etc.). However, several volumes could be

­written on these evolutionary changes. Instead, let’s briefly explore two key wireless
standards. The IEEE 802.11n standard is currently the most widely used; and the
3GPP LTE standard, herein called “4G LTE,” is the current state of the art for cellular.

14.2.1 IEEE 802.11n
Prior to amendments underlying IEEE 802.11n, wired Ethernet speeds were shoot-
ing past those of wireless Ethernet. In order of their adoption, IEEE 802.11b, a, and
g established a beachhead for wireless Ethernet, but 802.11n really set the stage for
significant performance improvements.
Several changes underpin 802.11n’s performance enhancements. By adopting
OFDM, higher data throughput compared with the previous a, b, and g versions of the
standard is achieved by having a networking system all using the 802.11n s­ tandard.
A new PHY layer convergence protocol (PLCP) supporting the 802.11n standard with
no legacy provisions (called Greenfield) enables highest data throughputs. A PLCP
called “mixed mode” uses a preamble consistent with 802.11 a and g but incorporates
some performance enhancements, such as a MIMO training sequence. This allows a
performance improvement on a networking system that includes c­ lients with 802.11
a or g technologies. The third PLCP, legacy mode, simply duplicates 802.11 a or g
modes. Which PLCP modes are brought to bear is determined by the makeup of the
networking system and its clients, and the mode being used determines the char-
acteristics of the PHY layer signal formats being exchanged. Note, also, that the
radio frequency (RF) bands prescribed cover the 5 GHz band of 802.11 a and the
2.4 GHz band of 802.11 g.
Another performance booster in 802.11n is the use of MIMO. Compared to
802.11 a and g, 802.11n can improve range using spatial diversity and can improve
data throughput using spatial multiplexing. Both improvements are a result of using
MIMO technology. With 802.11n, up to four spatial streams can be used, which
would require a device having four transmitters, four receivers, and four antennas
(a 4 × 4 × 4) engaging with an access point having the same capabilities.
By supporting 20 or 40 MHz channel widths, one can trade-off the number of
channels to increase data throughput. Also, IEEE 802.11n supports beamforming
when using two or more transmission subsystems and antennas. Beamforming opti-
mizes the path between the wireless device and the access point, reducing the effect
of multipath destructive interference.
The IEEE 802.11n standard document, known as Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium
Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications; Amendment 5:
Enhancements for Higher Throughputs, is more than 500 pages long and covers just
the Wireless MAC and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications. The key portions of the
standard that drive the manufacturing testing of 802.11n devices are: 20.3.21 PMD
transmit specification and all its subsections, and 20.3.22 HT PMD receiver specifi-
cation and all its subsections.
For example, in, Transmit Spectrum Mask, which underpins a trans-
mitter (TX) test, the limits are established for devices using 20 MHz and 40 MHz
­channels. In the first case, the standard states:
302 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

When transmitting in a 20 MHz channel, the transmitted spectrum shall have a 0 dBr
(dB relative to the maximum spectral density of the signal) bandwidth not exceed-
ing 18  MHz, −20 dBr at 11  MHz frequency offset, −28 dBr at 20  MHz ­frequency
offset, and the maximum of −45 dBr and −53 dBm/MHz at 30 MHz ­frequency offset
and above. The transmitted spectral density of the transmitted signal shall fall within
the spectral mask, as shown in Figure 14.1. The measurements shall be made using a
100 kHz resolution bandwidth and a 30 kHz video bandwidth.
And Figure 14.1 depicts the spectral mask for 20 MHz channel testing.
The document goes on to state that for 40 MHz channels,
When transmitting in a 40 MHz channel, the transmitted spectrum shall have a 0 dBr
bandwidth not exceeding 38 MHz, −20 dBr at 21 MHz frequency offset, −28 dBr at
40  MHz offset, and the maximum of −45 dBr and −56 dBm/MHz at 60  MHz fre-
quency offset and above. The transmitted spectral density of the transmitted signal
shall fall within the spectral mask, as shown in Figure 14.2.
Figure 14.2 depicts the spectral mask for 40 MHz channel testing.

0 dBr

–20 dBr

–28 dBr

–45 dBr
Frequency (MHz)
–30 –20 –11–9 9 11 20 30

FIGURE 14.1  Transmit spectral mask for 20 MHz transmission.

0 dBr

–20 dBr

–28 dBr

–45 dBr
Frequency (MHz)
–80 –40 –21 –19 19 21 40 60

FIGURE 14.2  Transmit spectral mask for 40 MHz channel.

Testing Wireless Devices in Manufacturing 303

The 802.11n standard also establishes spectral flatness limiting the delta in aver-
age power for the subcarriers for devices that use 20 MHz and/or 40 MHz channels.
In the 20 MHz channel, there are two specifications. In subcarriers that correspond
to constellation indices −16 to −1 and +1 to +16, the average power cannot deviate
more than ±2 dB. For subcarriers corresponding to constellation indices −28 to −17
and +17 to +28, average power cannot deviate more than +2/−4 dB from the aver-
age power measurements of the first set of subcarriers. Maximum transmit power
is determined by the regulations in each country and the standard provides some
tables for the United States, Europe, and Japan in the annex section (Annex I) of the
Center frequency tolerances are established for devices operating in the 2.4 GHz
spectrum and for those operating in the 5 GHz spectrum. Interestingly, only ±20 ppm
is allowed for the higher frequency spectrum versus ±25 ppm for the 2.4 GHz one.
The numbers are identical for signal clock frequency tolerances.
The 802.11n standard specifies the limit of error in constellations. Ideally, the
subcarriers would have perfectly orthogonal positions relative to each other. In
­reality, of course, they do not. The limit to how much they may deviate is related
to constellation size and coding rate as, for example, BPSK with coding rate ½ is
limited to −5 dB of constellation error, whereas 64 QAM with coding rate of 5/6 is
limited to −29 dB of constellation error.
Transmit modulation quality is determined by error-vector magnitude (EVM)
metrics. Here is how the standard describes this test procedure:

The transmit modulation accuracy test shall be performed by instrumentation capable of

converting the transmitted signals into a streams of complex samples at 40 Msample/s
or more, with sufficient accuracy in terms of I/Q arm amplitude and phase balance,
dc offsets, phase noise, and analog-to-digital quantization noise. Each transmit chain
is connected directly through a cable to the setup input port. A possible embodiment
of such a setup is converting the signals to a low intermediate frequency with a micro-
wave synthesizer, sampling the signal with a digital oscilloscope, and decomposing it
­digitally into quadrature components.

The standard goes on to describe a step-by-step procedure or its equivalent, for mea-
suring EVM.
For receiver (RX) specifications, one refers to 20.3.22. The first specification is for
receiver minimum input sensitivity and it is determined by a packet-error rate (PER)
limit of 10%. Minimum sensitivity for 20 MHz channels using 64 QAM modulation
at a rate of 5/6 is −64 dBm, and for a 40 MHz channel, −61 dBm.
Note, also, that the standard specifies the limits for adjacent and nonadjacent
channel rejection that are allowed. Rejection decreases with the higher throughput
QAM modulation compared with binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) and quadrature
phase-shift keying (QPSK). Rejection is determined by setting a channel’s level at
3 dB above the minimum sensitivity value and then increasing the power of the other
channel’s signal until a 10% PER occurs in the first channel.
In addition to a minimum sensitivity level, the specification also sets a maximum
level above which saturation could occur causing the PER to exceed 10%.
304 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

14.2.2  4G LTE
Wi-Fi from its inception was, like the Internet, meant to be part of a global digital
network. As such, the IEEE 802.11 standards have been adopted virtually every-
where in the world. In fact, using voice-over-IP, one can even use Wi-Fi to facili-
tate global telephone communications using applications such as Skype. Of course,
doing so requires one to be able to link to a Wi-Fi hotspot.
By design, cellular services offer a much broader service area than Wi-Fi.
Elaborate systems of cellular base stations connected to wired telephone infrastruc-
ture allow users to be connected wherever cellular service is accessible. The first cel-
lular standards, such as AMPS, were analog systems. Later, the first digital t­ elephony
standards and services emerged. These were termed second-generation systems,
or 2G. More sophisticated digital services, including both telephone and data, were
the hot buttons of third-generation standards, also known as 3G. And, today, we have
3GPP LTE standard, which much like 802.11n, has made cellular data services more
robust and higher performance.
The standard that underlies 4G LTE manufacturing testing is 3GPP TS 36.521-1.
Like IEEE 802.11, it has undergone a succession of versions, each amended with
new and enhanced elements. LTE, for example, was introduced initially in Release 8.
It introduced a radically different and new radio interface and network. Downlink
speed maximum was 300 Mbps and maximum speed for uplink was 75 Mbps. Signal
bandwidths of 1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, or 20 MHz were supported allowing for different
implementation scenarios.
One of the fundamental decisions was to use different access schemes for down-
load and upload. Downlink uses orthogonal frequency domain multiple access
(OFDMA), whereas uplink uses single-carrier frequency domain multiple access
(SC-FDMA). The benefit of SC-FDMA uplink access is better energy efficiency
because of lower average output power of a device’s transmitter power amplifier.
As with 802.11n, LTE takes advantage of MIMO technology for both spatial diver-
sity (e.g., range extension) and spatial multiplexing (e.g., higher throughput). In LTE,
the centralized control of earlier networks (e.g., GSM BSC or UMTS RNC) was
eliminated in favor of a flat distributed architecture (see Figure 14.3).
Further standard releases have followed Release 8 up to and including Release 12,
which was frozen in 2014. As a result, the initial downlink and uplink maximum
speeds have increased to 3 and 1.5 Gbps, respectively (Release 10). In addition, a
feature called “carrier aggregation” has been added that allows up to five carriers to
be aggregated achieving an effective bandwidth of 100 MHz (Release 10).
As with IEEE 802.11n, the PHY layer specifications of 4G LTE drive the PHY
layer manufacturing test of devices that employ it. Thus, for example, physical
layer testing focuses on the lowest layer of the air interface. It seeks to determine
conformance with the key parameters essential to the successful transmission of
a signal over the air. Transmit power, the quality of the TX waveform, the accu-
racy of the TX frequency, are all key to a mobile station’s performance. On the
receive (RX) side, the ability of the mobile to successfully decode the received
signal at the lowest and highest signal levels defines its successful operation in
the network.
Testing Wireless Devices in Manufacturing 305

Packet switched

S1 interface

eNB X2


X2 interface


FIGURE 14.3  4G LTE replaced the centralized architecture of previous standards with a
flat, distributed architecture.

As such, the pertinent specifications are TX power, EVM, frequency error, adja-
cent channel leakage ratio (ACLR), spectrum emission mask, occupied bandwidth,
carrier leakage, TX time mask, and in-band emissions from non-allocated resource
blocks. In many ways, the tests at PHY layer of 4G LTE signals are very similar to
test for the analogous characteristics of an 802.11n signal. To be sure, because of
the complexity of 4G LTE relative to 802.11, there are many tables in the specifica-
tions covering power metrics where there is no carrier aggregation or UL MIMO
compared to cases where there are. The tables that are most relevant to PHY layer
testing are maximum output power, which corresponds to Section 6.2.2 of the speci-
fications, and minimum output power, which corresponds to Section 6.3.2. As noted,
later, a device that passes those two TX power tests can be considered compliant
with the other tables and limitations because these values are controlled by software
and subsystems in the device that are unlikely to be faulty if the basic maximum and
minimum power tests indicate correct operation.
With regard to EVM, the 4G LTE specifications are quite explicit. For example,
the specification states:
The RMS average of the basic EVM measurements for 10 sub-frames excluding any
transient period for the average EVM case, and 60 sub-frames excluding any transient
period for the reference signal EVM case, for the different modulations schemes shall
not exceed the values specified in Table for the parameters defined in Table For EVM evaluation purposes, [all PRACH preamble formats 0-4 and] all
PUCCH formats 1, 1a, 1b, 2, 2a and 2b are considered to have the same EVM require-
ment as QPSK modulated.
306 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

For QPSK and BPSK, the average EVM level cannot exceed 17.5%; and for 16 QAM,
it is a more stringent 12.5%.
Frequency error over a period of one time slot (0.5 ms) is limited to ±0.1 ppm
compared to the carrier frequency received from the network node.
There are related specifications that are essentially looking for the same potential
problem—adjacent channel interference. The adjacent channel leakage ratio looks at
the amount of power found in an adjacent channel due to a signal in the other chan-
nel. The 4G LTE standard specifies two different cases, one where the channels are
adjacent Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) channels and one
where they are UTRA channels. Most LTE conformance tests for out-of-band emis-
sions are similar to those used for W-CDMA. These are consistent with pre-LTE
3GPP releases, where UTRA channels are employed, where a root-raised cosine
filter is used for making transmitter measurements. LTE, on the other hand, is not
constrained to root-raised cosine filters in its E-UTRA channels, which result in
­better ACLR characteristics. Hence, we have two different specifications.
Essentially, the ratio is of the filtered mean power of the signal centered in
the assigned channel to that measured centered in the adjacent channel. Another
metric—occupied bandwidth—looks at the bandwidth of a signal in an assigned
channel and compares the bandwidth in which 99% of the total integrated power
resides to that of the channel. It is checking to make sure that the signal occupies less
than the channel bandwidth. And the spectrum emission mask specifies the roll-off
of power on either side of a signal. It is analogous to the spectral mask test used in
testing Wi-Fi. If a device’s TX signal passes the mask test, it is unlikely to fail the
ACLR test.
Carrier leakage refers to carrier signal present in the signal output. In a prop-
erly matched transmitter, the IQ modulation suppresses the carrier energy to a point
where it is attenuated far below the normal signal’s energy. The carrier leakage speci-
fication for 4G LTE specifies different leakage levels at different signal power levels.
The TX time mask test looks at the signal in time, verifying that the transmit-
ter power amplifier is turning on and off at the correct time without producing any
extraneous signals. Since LTE signals are shared both in frequency and time, being
accurate in the time domain is just as important as being accurate in the frequency
The in-band emissions test for non-allocated resource blocks (RBs) is meant to
ensure that RB subcarriers in a non-allocated RB are not emitting more than a very
limited energy, in band. It is a ratio of the power of non-allocated RBs to allocated
RBs over a time slot and averaged across 12 subcarriers.
These 4G LTE TX specifications (e.g., uplink) are the basis for the test flow in
LTE TX manufacturing testing. Similarly, the following 4G LTE RX specifications
drive the test flow in LTE RX manufacturing testing.
The standard states that unless otherwise stated, the receiver characteristics are
specified at the antenna connector(s) of the user equipment (UE). “For UE(s) with
an integral antenna only, a reference antenna(s) with a gain of 0 dBi is assumed for
each antenna port(s). UE with an integral antenna(s) may be taken into account by
converting these power levels into field strength requirements, assuming a 0 dBi gain
antenna. For UEs with more than one receiver antenna connector, identical interfering
Testing Wireless Devices in Manufacturing 307

signals shall be applied to each receiver antenna port if more than one of these is
used (diversity).” Thus, the signals specified are either applied directly to an antenna
connector, or, where an antenna is integral to the device, it is assumed to be a 0 dBi
antenna, that is, having no directional gain. In addition, the specifications assume
a MIMO baseline of 2. That is, the device is assumed to have two RX signal ports.
With Wi-Fi, RX tests, by and large, are performed against a PER specification.
For example, minimum and maximum receiver (RX) power sensitivity is deter-
mined when PER exceeds 10%. With 4G LTE, RX test specifications are based on a
reference sensitivity power level. Maximum and minimum power levels in 4G LTE
are not determined by error rate, irrespective of data rate, but rather by the power
levels at which a device can achieve 95% or better of the maximum throughput. The
standard contains different tables for cases where there is no carrier aggregation and
cases where there is carrier aggregation.
To be sure, the specifications contain a lot of limits, tables, and the like with
regard to RX performance. These include reference sensitivity power level, maxi-
mum input level, UE maximum input level with carrier aggregation, adjacent chan-
nel selectivity, blocking characteristics, and spurious emissions. However, assuming
the device is properly designed and validated, these measurements are not likely to
fail manufacturing testing so long as maximum and minimum power level tests have
been passed. That allows for limiting test steps without risking false negatives.


Unlike the equipment used for device design verification, including signal genera-
tors, spectrum analyzers, and multifaceted laboratory instrumentation, the equip-
ment used for manufacturing test is intended for accuracy, speed, and test integrity.
The first types of manufacturing test solutions designed for high-volume testing of
wireless devices (e.g., Wi-Fi NICs) were so-called single-box testers containing vec-
tor signal analysis, vector signal generation, and control subsystems used in conjunc-
tion with computers. These boxes tended to be purpose-built machines for testing
Wi-Fi or Bluetooth or other high-volume devices. It was the advent of smartphones
containing cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other radios that led to manufacturing
testers that could test multiple technologies.
Typically, partially assembled devices are tested for wireless capability by con-
ducted rather than radiated signal means. That is, during RX testing of the devices,
test signals from the computer-controlled vector signal generation subsystem are con-
veyed to the device or devices by coaxial cables connected at one end to the test sys-
tem and at the other end to the device’s antenna connector. It is very easy to calibrate
the cable loss and, therefore, know to a high degree of accuracy the signal power being
applied to the device’s antenna connector. Thus, one can vary power level, modulation
type, and frequency while monitoring PER to determine, say, RX sensitivity.
Similarly, during TX testing, a device’s antenna connector is used to convey sig-
nals from the device to the tester’s vector analysis subsystem. Again, by knowing
precise cable loss, one can accurately determine the TX output power at a device’s
antenna connector by measuring the input power at the tester’s input port connec-
tor. Here, again, one can control the device’s power, frequency, and data rates while
308 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

measuring spectral mask, maximum and minimum power, and EVM with the tes-
ter’s vector analysis subsystem.
During device design verification, virtually all of a standard’s specifications are
tested to make sure the device has been designed properly. The benefit of this is
that the manufacturing test steps and flow can be a subset of verification tests that
determine whether any manufacturing defects have rendered a device faulty or out of
specification without having to reaffirm that all the specification limitations are still
met. Thus, testing can be confined to the PHY layer subsystems without undue fear
that some other failure will go undetected.
The “art” in developing manufacturing test solutions is not necessarily in the
design of the vector signal generation or analysis subsystems, or the control systems.
The art is in developing the test control interface that enables the tester to control the
device through the device’s chipset. Even where two different devices have the same
chipset, the test programs for each device may be significantly different because of
other differences in features and technologies.
In looking at a wireless test regimen, one must include the time spent connect-
ing and disconnecting devices to the test system, the time it takes to boot up the
device, and the time it takes to conduct the actual TX and RX tests. Since 2005, with
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, test engineers have reduced the time it takes to conduct the
actual TX and RX tests to a point of diminishing return. Further reduction in test
time and costs has been gained by innovations in device-under-test (DUT) handling
as well as reduction of DUT–tester communications so that a larger proportion of the
time spent sending signals back and forth is test, rather than control, related.
As a single device’s overall test time has been reduced to diminishing return
dimensions, further time savings have been gained by testing devices concurrently.
If one can test, say, four devices in a time that is only 20% longer than testing a single
device, the overall test time saving is huge—nearly 75%. If one can test a single
device’s multiple technologies in a quasi-concurrent fashion, one can again achieve
significant time savings. Where the objective is to test millions of devices per month
that test time saving can be the difference between hitting a market window or not.
With intense price competition on many wireless devices, the faster test times can
translate into lower test costs and preserve margins.
One thing, however, should be apparent. If most of the manufacturing tests are
done on a partially assembled DUT, and signals are conveyed using conductive
means rather than radiated means, once the device is fully assembled, including
its antenna(s), there are still possibilities for manufacturing defects. Thus, it is not
uncommon for the assembled devices to be final tested in a way that mimics the way
they will actually be used. That is, the devices are linked to an access point using
that technology’s linking processes, and the signals are conveyed between tester and
DUT using radiated conveyance rather than conducted means.
Testing of the fully assembled device using OTA signals certainly replicates real-
world operation. And if the objective is simply to determine that after final assembly,
when the antenna(s) is (are) connected, the device still works, then current OTA
testing environments are probably adequate. The problem, however, with current
OTA testing environments is that they do not allow the same level of precise testing
that conductive testing affords. As already noted, one can easily determine cable
Testing Wireless Devices in Manufacturing 309

loss. Furthermore, one can create sufficient isolation to ensure that only the signal of
interest is being tested. In an OTA environment, as anyone who has ever dropped a
call while walking can attest, path losses are very position and orientation dependent
and not very predictable.
If there was a way to make the OTA environment more precise and predictable,
where one could control path loss to a point where DUT position was no longer
critical and a reliable loss metric could be applied to both path directions (e.g., from
DUT to tester and from tester to DUT), it would then be possible to do many of the
tests now confined to conductive conveyance by using OTA conveyance. And with
some of the newer device designs featuring “tuned” antennas for optimizing signal
strength and reducing battery power drain, it would be possible to ensure that these
tunable antennas were working properly after final assembly. Recent breakthroughs
in OTA test infrastructure appear poised to do exactly this.


The idea of using OTA signals to test wireless devices is not new. However, practi-
cal sizes and predictable path losses have been serious obstacles. However, a recent
breakthrough in OTA technology is paving the way for using OTA testing for MIMO
devices and concurrent multiple DUT testing.
One patented technology (US 8,917,761), for example, makes use of an array of
antennas within an enclosed, shielded chamber designed to encourage multipath sig-
nal reception. The enclosure provides isolation but without absorbing material inside,
the interior of the enclosure presents a rich multipath environment. By varying the
phase differences and magnitudes of signals applied to individual array antennas,
one reduces the contribution of cross-coupled signals and normalizes the resultant.
In other words, the matrix values of hij, where i = j, are normalized by controlling
magnitudes, whereas those for i ≠ j are minimized using selective phase differences
(see Figure 14.4a, the patent’s Figure 4).
In the end, one achieves a channel characteristic similar to conductive convey-
ance. The upshot is that one can convey signals between DUT and tester, using radi-
ated signals, while achieving the predictability and repeatability of using conductive
means for conveyance. In addition, measurements using this approach correlate well
with those done using far-field measurement capabilities.
Figure 14.4b shows the patent’s Figure 5 where one can see in that particular
embodiment the DUT, and the array antennas are enclosed in the chamber and the rest
of the system is external. A closed-loop control uses measured information to affect
the settings of the signal phase controllers on each of the chamber’s array antennas.
One of the immediate advantages of this example is that chamber size can be
markedly reduced allowing more test setups to be placed in the same floor space.
Furthermore, this example can find or adapt the channel environment inside the
enclosure to a device’s location and orientation to satisfy the purpose of the test. A
conventional enclosure does the opposite, in other words, a manual search in DUT
position and orientation to find the appropriate channel needed for each frequency or
frequency region. The position and orientation is frequency dependent. Sometimes
it may not be possible to find the needed channel using the conventional method.
310 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Using this patented technology, one can find an optimal channel that suits the purpose
of a test for each frequency, and do so using a single DUT location and orientation.
Earlier OTA test environments, for factory testing in small metallic enclosures,
used movable antennas and precise positioning screws that could be adjusted to make
path loss more manageable, but the time required to adjust such setups, and the need
to readjust each time a new device was placed inside, makes them less practical for
large-scale manufacturing testing where accuracy and overall speed prevail.
The invention described in the patent has been reduced to practice and is being
productized. Findings, so far, bear out that the path loss after magnitude and phase
delay compensations are consistent with using a coaxial cable. The OTA testing
system prototype showed that a DUT with two antennas (e.g., a MIMO 2 × 2 device)
could also be tested under optimal MIMO performance conditions where all receiv-
ers see the same level of signal strength. It was not intended for testing MIMO
devices in a fading environment. In addition, the prototype allowed testing of mul-
tiple MIMO streams in parallel, thus speeding up testing time. Using conventional
methods, it is often difficult or impossible to find a position and orientation of a
DUT with two antennas that satisfies the needed channel characteristics, as in this
example, where the cross-coupled signals are minimized.
Additional testing showed that one could stack multiple devices in the chamber
and establish predictable and repeatable path loss conditions between the tester and
DUTs as if connecting a vector signal generated source signal, through a splitter, and
routed conductively to those multiple devices.

100a Channel H 200a

104a 102a 202a 204a
111a h11 211a
VSG 1 h21 RX 1 210a
VSG 2 RX 2 210b
110b 102b 202b
111b 204b 211b 210
110 111 104b 211
h1n hn1 202n
h2n 211n
VSG n RX n
110n 102n hnn
104n 204n

h11 h12 h1n
H= h21 h22 24b
hnn 22
h1υ h1υ
(a) 24a

FIGURE 14.4  Ordinarily, radiated signals from multiple antennas to multiple antennas, as
shown, will produce transmitted components of each transmitting antenna at each receiving
antenna. By using an array of antenna elements, each having separately controlled phase
shifts, one can reduce the components of h = ij where I does not equal j creating an environ-
ment where path loss is both predictable and symmetrical. (Continued)
Testing Wireless Devices in Manufacturing 311

302 302

130 102a
100a 103a 200a
131aa 102aa
111a 130a 102am
110a 202a 211a 210a
VSG 1 102b RX 1
110b 111b 131am 103b
211b 210b
VSG 2 RX 2
131ba 202b
130b Device
Tester under
test dut

135a 135
130a 131aa
132 Ø1
136a 131ab
VSG G Σ Ø2 To individual antenna
136b array elements
137 136m 135m
131 am

138 Control


(b) DUT

FIGURE 14.4 (Continued)  Ordinarily, radiated signals from multiple antennas to multiple
antennas, as shown, will produce transmitted components of each transmitting antenna at
each receiving antenna. By using an array of antenna elements, each having separately con-
trolled phase shifts, one can reduce the components of h = ij where I does not equal j creating
an environment where path loss is both predictable and symmetrical.

An OTA testing system that can quickly and easily compensate for multipath signals
at a device’s antenna(s), to create a reliable and repeatable path loss, can be used as
an alternative for contemporary testing using multiple ports and conductive means
312 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

of conveyance. What that means is that some of the tests currently being done
­conductively can be shifted to OTA wireless test environments. Rather than having
conductive tests on partially assembled devices, and wireless testing of fully assembled
devices, one can envision a case where a test flow in the OTA test system can do it all.
One of the advantages of shifting more conductive tests over to OTA tests is being
able to test the fully assembled device. In addition, there would be no cabling and unca-
bling handling times or the prospects of damaging a device’s antenna connector(s).
One unique test that an OTA test system can provide is antenna tuning. Doing
it requires that a device’s antenna is connected, thus precluding a conductive test
alternative. One of the unsung areas of device innovations is advances in antenna
technology. These advances can take advantage of OTA testing capabilities.


When a cellular phone was essentially a wireless telephony device, designed to work
in a single allocated spectrum, the antenna could be designed as a monoband mono-
pole. In some cases, it was an external retractable mini-whip on the outset of the
device’s case; in other designs, it was a rubber-covered helical stub.
But several factors contributed to making antenna design both complex and
­challenging. With more and more functions and wireless technologies integrated in
a single device, covering a multitude of spectra, the single-band monopole design
was no longer suitable. In addition, cellular devices were shrinking in size, weight,
and width even as more functionality was encased inside them. And consumers were
attracted to cellular devices that looked good. It was a combination of function and
fashion that sold such devices.
So, antenna designers were faced with a need to have the antenna inside a small
device, packed with components, and the antenna system(s) had to support multiple
technologies and spectra. To complicate things further, new health-related regula-
tions more or less dictated where antennas would have to be located (near the edge
of the device furthest away from the face and head); and directionality became an
issue, too, so that radiation would have to be minimized toward the face and head.
Keep in mind that when a device’s transmitter or transmitters are operating and
antennas are radiating signals, those antennas are within fractions of an inch or
inches from circuits susceptible to that radio energy. So, a lot of attention must also
be paid to isolation of the antenna as well as directionality. Also, where multiple
antennas are deployed, they must be isolated from one another to avoid mutual cou-
pling. Where smartphones make use of MIMO technology, even if confined to the
RX chain, this also complicates antenna design, placement, and isolation issues.
In today’s smartphones, one finds the most common antenna designs are mono-
poles, for ungrounded antenna design, and planar inverted F antennas (PIFAs) for
grounded antenna design. A lot of progress and innovation has been done for making
these antennas multiband capable. For example, with PIFAs, one can shape the radi-
ating path or use slotted ground planes to make these antennas efficient for different
bands. Coupling of monopoles is another technique for multiband antenna design.
One can certainly play with dimensions and optimize antenna characteristics, but
as with so many things, the variables from device to device can create big differences
Testing Wireless Devices in Manufacturing 313

~ ~
(a) (b)

FIGURE 14.5  (a) Aperture tuning and (b) impedance tuning.

in results. Since the days of high-frequency (HF) radios and antennas, it was known
that one could “tune” an antenna physically or electrically to obtain maximum radi-
ated power, low-standing wave ratio, and the like. These principles apply equally to
tweaking the antenna system of a smartphone for optimal results.
One can tune antennas in two fundamental ways: aperture tuning and impedance
tuning (see Figure 14.5).
In aperture tuning, one may change antenna geometry, length, or ground-
ing points that, in turn, affects both the antenna radiated efficiency (ARE) and its
impedance. ARE is of great significance in antenna design because it is a metric that
corresponds to the maximum total performance that an antenna can achieve, assum-
ing that impedance mismatch loss is null. With impedance tuning, one conjugate
matches the antenna to the transmitter power amplifier or receiver input impedance
using some changes in capacitance and typically a fixed inductance to minimize the
loss due to impedance mismatch.
Traditionally, one would do the impedance tuning by completing the following

• Measuring the efficiency and impedance of the antenna

• Knowing the power amplifier’s impedance
• Simulating by using the measured impedance data to find a matching net-
work for optimum radiated performance

In Figure 14.6, one sees the application of a matching network for impedance tuning
of an antenna.
In general, one will find it difficult, or impossible, to obtain a simple matching
network that will provide a conjugate match for power amplifier and antenna for
all the bands to be utilized, or even for all the frequencies within a band spectrum.



Matching network (MN) includes variable capacitors and switches

FIGURE 14.6  Topology for impedance tuning.

314 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets



Additional tuner not
placed on the antenna
Matching network (MN) includes variable capacitors and switches feedline to tune
antenna radiated

FIGURE 14.7  Topology for impedance tuning with aperture tuning.

Thus, a matching network, with multiple values of capacitances and a means of

switching them in or out, on demand, can provide the match for each band and
­frequency as required.
Tuning an antenna for impedance matching reduces impedance mismatch but
does not change an antenna’s radiating efficiency (ARE). By using an aperture
­tuning method (see Figure 14.7), one can adjust both impedance and ARE. Of
course, though, there is interaction in the settings and it takes much longer to adjust.
There are disadvantages in using a traditional method of tuning for antenna

• Doing optimization using simulations that must rely on accurate modeling

and measurement of RF front-end impedance.
• Doing optimization using a passive fixture that, in turn, needs to have an
RF coax cable so that power and impedance can be measured; thus, opti-
mization may not lead to a true optimal performance in an active device.
• Taking long measurement time for conventional far-field measurement
• Taking long development cycle for antenna tuning.

An alternative to the traditional tuning method for antenna development would be

using an OTA system such as the one described earlier. It has the following char-
acteristics, which are essential for this application: measurement repeatability, fast
measurement time, and correlates well with far-field measurement system result.
Thus, it lends itself well to OTA optimization rather than a complex methodology
involving simulation, iterations, and long measurement times.
Figure 14.8 depicts an OTA system for real-time tuning by using a DUT’s overall
radiated performance rather than relying on impedance matching. As shown, the
closed loop between tuning control and detected radiated power can be very fast.
The tuner control cable shown in Figure 14.8, however, may impose changes to
results that differ once the device is no longer attached. Changes could include the
cable’s effect on the antenna performance characteristics, and the DUT receiver’s
sensitivity performance degradation due to noise generated from the external com-
puter, which travels through the control cable to the DUT receiver.
Testing Wireless Devices in Manufacturing 315


Digital controller Tuner control cable

for tuner


Power meter

Search algorithm
to optimize radiated power

FIGURE 14.8  Example of a real-time antenna tuning OTA.

Figure 14.9, in contrast, shows a variation on this test approach where the tuner
can be controlled by means that does not require any external cable connected to
the DUT with the tuner. One approach for the computer to control the tuner is to use
Wi-Fi or Bluetooth wireless connections. Another is to use signals from the tester
that could switch different values of capacitance in the tuner while the OTA system
provides fast power measurements. Measured performance, in this case, would be
more consistent with the behavior of the DUT after the test since there would be no
extraneous cables and connections.
Figure 14.10 shows an example of antenna impedance tuning, using a test setup
as in Figure 14.9, where the measured metric is antenna efficiency, and not antenna
impedance. A better impedance match will translate to better antenna efficiency.
Results show overall antenna efficiency for 16 different capacitor values of a capacitor



FIGURE 14.9  By eliminating any cabling between the DUT and tester during testing, mea-
sured results are more consistent with after-test findings than for methods involving cabling
between DUT and tester.
316 Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

Cap value 1
–5 Cap value 2
Cap value 3
Antenna efficiency (dB)

Cap value 4
–10 Cap value 5
Cap value 6
–15 Cap value 7
Cap value 8
Cap value 9
–20 Cap value 10
Cap value 11
Cap value 12
–25 Cap value 13
Cap value 14
–30 Cap value 15
700 720 740 760 780 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 Cap value 16
Frequency (MHz)

FIGURE 14.10  Antenna efficiency as a function of frequency for each capacitor value of a
variable capacitor tuner.

in the tuner placed in a certain matching network configuration between the antenna
and a transmitter for 27 frequency points from 700 to 960 MHz. With this plot, one
can directly find the capacitor value that gives the best overall radiated performance
for a frequency band. For example, one would choose the following capacitor values
for the following bands: Cap value 13 for LTE band 17 (700–740 MHz), Cap value 9
for LTE B13 (740–790 MHz), Cap value 1 for LTE Band 5 and 8 (820–960 MHz).
As depicted in the plot, there are a lot of measurements, precisely 432 measure-
ment values. Therefore, in order to utilize this method of optimization efficiently,
measurement should be fast.
This method of antenna tuning over the air can be crucial in optimization time
when antenna design includes additional aperture tuning where ARE is a varying
metric. Impedance measurements cannot capture ARE. The only way to capture
radiated efficiency variation from aperture tuning is to measure antenna effi-
ciency. Therefore, OTA optimization on overall antenna efficiency that includes
both radiated efficiency and impedance mismatch loss for antenna tuning makes
a lot more sense.
The example shown here is for developing a device’s antenna for covering the
low-band spectrum while maintaining adequate antenna efficiencies. In a case where
a device has a built-in matching network and where the OTA test system can control
that network’s switching while measuring antenna performance, it would be pos-
sible to fine-tune each device’s antenna performance during the fully assembled
final test phase.

Testing of wireless devices after manufacturing is essential to detecting manufactur-
ing defects that render the device inoperable or out of specification. This is important
Testing Wireless Devices in Manufacturing 317

because one does not want to ship a faulty device or one whose operation may cause
interference to other devices and services.
Manufacturing testing is driven by the PHY layer specifications of the standards
that underlie each technology, such as 802.11n or 3GPP LTE. Manufacturing test
should not be used to verify a design. That is the purpose of device design verifica-
tion testing. Rather, manufacturing test must assume a design is valid and look for
indications that a device, whose design is sound, has been affected by manufacturing
defects. This allows for using a subset of design verification tests for faster and lower
cost testing.
Contemporary manufacturing test of wireless devices, ironically, makes copious
use of signals conveyed conductively rather than radiated. As such, because the test
systems must connect to a device’s antenna port(s), the device cannot be fully assem-
bled and intact. In fact, one cannot test the entire device because the antenna will not
be connected during conductive testing.
Consequently, fully assembled devices are tested, again, later to ensure that the
device works in an OTA signal environment. Today, the proportion of tests and test
time done conductively versus OTA is both richer and longer. However, innova-
tions in OTA testing systems and methods are paving the way for more tests to be
done using OTA methods. Whereas the actual testing of TX and RX characteristics
may not change compared to conductive testing, the handling time could certainly
be shortened by the absence of connecting and disconnecting conductive cables to
devices’ antenna ports.
Engineering – Electrical

Tunable RF Components and Circuits: Applications in Mobile Handsets

provides a technical introduction to the state of the art in tunable radio
frequency (RF) components, circuits, and applications and discusses the
foundational work that has been done to date. Leading practitioners in
the field share their expertise on tunable devices in mobile handset appli-
cations. Through these practical viewpoints, you will discover how to use
tunable RF techniques and devices to develop successful product

A substantial portion of the book focuses on antennas and antenna

tuning, reflecting the dominance of the antenna tuning application in
today’s commercial market for tunable RF. The book explains how
RF microelectromechanical systems (RF-MEMS), barium strontium
titinate (BST), silicon-on-insulator (SOI) field effect transistors (FETs), and
high-performance complementary metal oxide semiconductors (CMOS)
are used as enabling technologies for tunable functions in current and
next-generation radio architectures. The book also describes power
amplifier envelope tracking, an emerging and important technique for
improving efficiency; presents a network operator’s perspective on the
evolution of the handset front end; and explores emerging approaches to
production testing of wireless devices.

• Introduces the concept of tunable RF, the forces driving its rapid adoption,
and its potential to transform RF front-end architectures
• Provides in-depth coverage of all deployed and emerging tunable RF
applications in mobile handsets, including estimates of market size, drivers,
and growth projections
• Covers key technologies (such as SOI, BST, and RF-MEMS), design techniques,
and trade-offs involved in the implementation of tunable RF solutions
• Presents an extensive overview of antenna tuning and tunable antennas,
supplemented by examples and case studies
• Offers a broad industry perspective from leading suppliers and customers
in wireless networks, handsets, chipsets, architectures, modules, antennas,
components, and test equipment

ISBN: 978-1-4987-1889-9

9 781498 718899

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