Brand Identity and Its Effect On Consumer Behaviour in FMCG Sector
Brand Identity and Its Effect On Consumer Behaviour in FMCG Sector
Brand Identity and Its Effect On Consumer Behaviour in FMCG Sector
FMCG sector
University of Economics
Writing this thesis has been an exceptional journey that I have finished in my life.
This journey might never have been completed without the guide and support of
the special people that has a place in my heart.
Firstly, I would like to show gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Seymur Quliyev for
helping me to write this thesis. Without his guide and support, I would not be able
to finish my work.
To my dear groupmates, Asya & Sevil, I always appreciate your fellowship and
support . You two will continuously have a special place in my heart.
I hope that my thesis will help the reader to learn more about branding and
especially in the FMCG sector.
Modern day marketing has enormously advanced. Companies presently utilize
consumer-centered approaches to encourage their capacities to fulfill the
incalculable developing needs and needs of the advanced customer. Among these
consumer driven approaches, branding has risen as one of the vital activities
required within the building of a faithful client base and the creation of a
compelling brand image.
The aim of this thesis is to understand brand identity and its effect on consumer
behaviour in FMCG sector. So as to reach to aim, the author the quantitive
research. With the help of survey, author analyzed results from data collection. In
the end, it could be understood that reasons and demographic indicators influence
consumers’ loyalty to brand which they are selling FMCG products.
Table of contents
1. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................6
1.1 Background ...........................................................................................................................6
1.2 Research objectives ..............................................................................................................7
2.5.1 Brandbuilding by taking advantage of world famous events like cricket ..................20
4.1 Background ......................................................................................................................45
5. Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................60
6. References .............................................................................................................................63
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
The brand is a resource of the company that has picked up expanding significance
and in this way has progressively captured of the attention of managers. The
American Marketing Association characterizes a brand as the title, term, sign,
size, image or plan that distinguishes the products or administrations of one
According to Morgan and Rego (2009), the role of brands is to assist guarantee
the company’s identity. The recognizable proof of a brand, may be an
acknowledgment factor and learning, which can interpret to certain buyer
behavior. Consumers will together their past encounter in brand mindfulness,
securing brands meeting their needs and wants.
Sonnier and Ainslie (2011) argues, in order to get it the impact that the brand
identity has on buyers, the consistency of brand concept has got to be emphasized
through the company’s strategic alternatives. This will encourage the
acknowledgment and brand review by customers in an environment where there
are numerous competitive options.
As Faus and Eilertson (1994) states, brand identity is much more than a symbol –
is the title, is the personality, is the picture and an entirety have of other attributes
that characterize the company and its items.
This study aims to survey consumers from different income and age groups in
Azerbaijan, to investigate 1) Brand Identity and its effect on consumer behavior
in FMCG sector, 2) Whether consumers can be loyal to FMCG brands, 3) how
the utilitarian and hedonic values or benefits they appreciate from chosen FMCG
brands influence their brand trust, brand influence, satisfaction with the brand,
and how that satisfaction in turn influence behavioral and attitudinal brand
Quantitive research method were utilized to gather and examine this study’s
examination. Quantitive methods were suitable because of the nature of
investigation (testing connections between different factors) and the reality that
institutionalized instruments which have been tested and demonstrated reliable
and valid were accessible to this study’s factors.
In this work, the brand identity is operationalized as the brand image in the
consumers’ thoughts, which permits the company to get faithful and willing to
pay a premium for the brand. The personality and brand picture must be well
characterized, with the point to recognized the customer to know and select the
item that meets their needs in full. It was created an expansive number of studies
on brand image. (Dutton, 1994; Batra and Homer, 2004; Birtwistle et. al.,
1999; Martinez et. at., 2005; Martínez and Chernatony, 2004; Chowdhury et. al.,
1998; Nandan, 2005).
In order to construct and keep up brand loyalty, it is basic that the identity and
brand image are consistent in order to interpret esteem for the company as well
as for buyers. The links between the brand and the shopper must be set
up through interactions that relate to customer needs and inspirations, based on
the benefits given by brand. (Kabiraj and Shanmugan, 2011; Amraoui et. al.,
2006; Johnson et. al., 2006; Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001; Punniyamoorthy and
Raj, 2007;).
This study varies from most other investigations in that it reveals drivers of brand
devotion for low involvement items brands classified as FMCGs. Retailers and
FMCG brand owners will be interested to know that they can adjust their brand
communication and publicizing techniques to request both utilitarian benefits and
passionate security of their branded FMCG products. This strategy can construct
trust within the brands, which emphatically predicts satisfaction, which in turn
can unequivocally secure attitudinal brand devotion and a greater probability of
repurchasing of the brand within the future.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Background
Modern times reflect key changes within the marketing strategies utilized by
companies looking for to maintain competitive advantage. The financial
wellbeing of these companies is presently subordinate on the amount of data that
is collected in regards to consumer purchasing habits. These companies have turn
to the selection of behavioral and sociological studies in order to gather these
germane information and to advance the corporate understanding of buyer
purchasing patterns.
Current market patterns appear that the homogeneity of product has expanded,
meaning that few functional contrast between key competitors currently exists in
most exceedingly competitive markets. This diminish in product differentiation is
considered to be the coordinate result of high levels of competition that exists
inside today’s markets, as well as the innovative advances of production and
distribution strategies. Because these advances have lessened the capacity of
innovative developments to offer sustainable competitive advantage and have
made product differentiation amazingly troublesome (Kotler, 2000; Levitt, 1983)
An instance of the influence branding has on the client shopping for decision
process, is how branding is utilized to the criminal track downloads industry. With
nearly 230 vendors online, it is a fairly competitive agency that is nevertheless
increasing at a furious pace. With over 180 million tune tracks bought online in
the first quarter of 2005 alone. With over 180 million track tracks sold online in
the first quarter of 2005 alone, (IFPI National Groups, 2005) web primarily based
giants such as Apple’s iTunes Music Store, Napster, Tesco, Emusic and Kazaa
are all competing for domination in this digital marketplace. Only one, however,
the iTunes Music Store, has performed near domination with 8o% market share
With the advent of the iPod digital track participant and the iTunes Music
Store, Apple has emerge as one of the most observed companies of the
twenty first century. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, is considered as being a key
in addition growing Apple’s company image, with the aid of the usage of
Apple enterprise into the prison tune download industry. Spotting a gap
in the market and thinking about that document organizations had been
dropping an estimated 4.6 billion dollars yearly (RIAA, 2005) with illegally
pirated track archives being downloaded with the aid of skill of file-sharing
~ 10 ~
servers, Apple pioneered the sale of prison music on the Internet, by way
of the usage of their iTunes Music Stores. This has earned Apple 240
million greenbacks in earnings from music sales in the 2nd quarter of 2005
by myself and has lead to the sale of an estimated 30 million iPods on the
Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) are items that are sold fast and at
soft drinks, toiletries, and basic supply things. In spite of the fact that the
weeks, or months, and inside one year. This contrasts with durable
~ 11 ~
According to Blackwell(2012), supported this contention by the fact that
shade light on the values of brand value for both customers and the firm.
For the customers, the brand value might give them inside arrangement
around the brand which impacts their certainty amid the obtaining
process. And it is observed from such thinks about that there's a tall affinity
for customers with great discernment to purchase from the same shop
buy and this definition can also be found within the investigate of Kollat
and Willett (1967). In another research detailed that drive buying more
often than not takes place, when a customer feels a powerful inspiration
purchase having no past point or objective to buy the product. Strict (1962)
~ 12 ~
It clearly demonstrates that there exists a powerless affiliation between
obtaining items within the zone of arranging their buys, having shopping
way of life-related to arranged buys and their post-decisions are too not
buyers with spontaneous or impulse buying since these days stores are full
about acquiring an item which requests him or her whereas shopping the
arranged list of items and here delight rule comes into play.
FMCG products in rural areas. According to him, things are changing fast
presently. The expanding literacy level and media blast, individuals are
getting to be cognizant almost their ways of life and around their rights to
live a better. Brand awareness is on the rise. This clubbed with expanding
~ 13 ~
expendable salary of provincial family units, has made the rural customer
more requesting and choosier in his buy behavior than ever sometime
recently. And the dusky town maid has presently learned to pine for glossy
silk rose.
can no more be smug about their provincial positions and must work on
can be implemented in country markets with a few or no alter. (ii) The rural
marketing required the partitioned abilities and methods from its urban
His findings were as follows: Within the study majority of the respondents
are male categories. Male individuals of the family are alone getting to
purchase consumer items. Women are not inquisitive about shopping and
don't come out from their houses frequently. Most of the families come
ought to be small. Brand names ought to be basic, little and simple to keep
~ 15 ~
To pick up a clear knowledge into brand definition, to begin with clarify
consider a product as being anything that can fulfill the financial, mental
themselves to exhibit the center competencies that they feel are required
into the advanced music showcase and encourage their presence within
viable brand picture. Considering that Apple has continuously been at the
~ 17 ~
In modern-day branding, the creation of unmistakable values, as well as
recognize one brand from another (Cowing and Hankinson, 1993). The
~ 18 ~
Kotler’s (1999) hard work on the perception of branding can be seen as
of how branding can be so much more than basically images, plans, and
From the consumers’ point of view, brand names are as crucial as the
product itself within the sense that they rearrange the purchasing process,
~ 19 ~
ensure quality and at times frame as a premise of self-expression.
than “just a name”, it would be lost the complete reason of item branding.
The challenge lies in creating a profound set of implications for the brand.
Once a target market segment can visualize all six measurements of the
brand, it will have set up a solid affinity inside the consumers’ purchase
decision-making process.
angle or conditions, (2) the condition of being oneself or itself, and not the
that other than being reliably the same over time, being particular and
~ 20 ~
connected this concept of identity to brand whereas highlighting its
must express the specific vision and uniqueness of the brand, and the
et al., 2009). The concept of brand identity with its one of a kind, reliable,
brand has internal layer & external layer, and it is the inner layer (which
contains the core meaning, values, purposes, identity of a brand) that drive
the brand.
numerous creators have wrangled about over whether the brand character
~ 21 ~
brands see brand identity as an inside construct, constructed by the brand
in the event that an organization; the brand directors, on the off chance
that a brand) and untouchables (e.g. consumers can participate within the
creation, support, and alter of brand personality (Bring forth & Schultz,
2004; Silveira, et al., 2011)). For example, whereas Aaker’s BIPM propose
that brand identity exudes from brand managers’ idea – what they need
the brand to be, which is shown through their system BIPM (Aaker, 2012),
and created with the aid of severa students and experts in their conceptual
system, e.g Kapferer with his BrandIdentity Prism (1992), Aaker with his B I
~ 22 ~
M P(1996), de Chernatony with his IdentityReputation Gap mannequin in
(2014), and many more. In any case, now not all those systems are about
~ 23 ~
StoryBranding model are displayed as two pertinent brand identity
constitute the brand identity by making the taking after table, which gives
~ 24 ~
Table: Brand identity frameworks & building elements
As ones can see from the table that in spite of the fact that the systems
~ 25 ~
2.5 Brand Building
Surf Excel’s promoting during the world cup was talked about. The brief
was to connect Surf Excel expectations with cricket and at the same time
bring out the brand‟s capacities and benefits like stain evacuating. “The
stains”, says an HLL representative. “That is why the client bought the
thought promptly, indeed in spite of the fact that the thought was not
regularly lever.”
brand image by keeping a near observe on occasions taking put all around
the world.
~ 26 ~
energetic premium brand image with a point of cheeky pomposity. This
pomposity stems from the truth that their TV is the best. This time they
changed their recognizable and fruitful devil, as they accepted that the
core of the brand is more imperative than images just like the devil. So the
unused advertisement with the plane came up. This is often. the case of
man sings attuned but picks up appreciation when he feels cold and sings
Electrolux, the customers still relate Kelvinator with „the coolest one.‟ The
mind consciousness. The thought came from rural thinking and the
This case supports the truth that advertising can play a crucial part in
~ 27 ~
INTEL (the third line) it is the world's tenth most important brand. It is
domestic pc showcase, together with office use. Its global advertising sees
the blue entryway opening- the watcher is sucked down a streak spin,
virtual town. The sheer technical wizardry of the advertisement spots gelds
the atmosphere of a really hi-tech item and in this case, well gets to be the
message itself. It moreover joins it to the energy of surfing the web. It has
Maggi tomato ketchup is outlined as, „sauce a big boss‟. The tag line of
Tomchi is „not too hot, not too sweet, tastes fair right.‟ It shows up to be
a coordinate hit at Maggi‟s „its different‟ hot and sweet sauce. The
chillies. The maggi sauce campaign with its celebrated Ajit jokes-„Lilly
don‟t be silly‟ or „boss has gone for a toss‟, was path-breaking. It has
~ 28 ~
There's a modern advertisement presently, which clarifies the development
But whatever be the item, maggi has remained and will stay carved within
title on is able to create out the truth that an FMCG encompasses a low
shelf life. There are a host of other characteristics which have impressive
nearly all the corner shops which cater to their individual neighborhoods.
available thus making it all the more appealing to purchase at all times and
~ 29 ~
2) Low involvement. FMCGs are by their exceptionally nature low inclusion
to select the thing. Indeed in the event that the shopper is mindful of the
for not be accessible, the shopper will, in most cases, take anything is
advertised in its put. Another figure which works in this course is that
there's advertised in its put. Another figure which works in this direction is
in these item classes. So if the brand inquired for is not accessible the
There are some exemptions to this rule. Products like cigarettes, individual
cleanliness items, in spite of the fact that fulfilling all the other criteria of
~ 30 ~
showcase. They indeed go to distinctive shops if the favored brand is not
3) Low Price. FMCGs are ordinarily low priced. In any case, a buyer may see
brands. For case, the foremost costly latrine cleanser may taken a toll Rs.
50-00. Great like soaps, detergents, tea, potato wafers, etc., are high
volume items within the low inclusion category. This is often another
volumes. A medium sizes family, for example, may utilize two the three
increased by the number of such families all through the nation, one
event that marketers cannot guarantee large volume deals, the operations
~ 31 ~
2) Low margins. Since of the high volume and as a result of serious
competition, these items are more often than not sold at costs which are
which they oversee with high volume deals and quick transfer of stock.
item is not inflexible. A buyer may inquire for a brand whose notice he or
she has seen as of late, much appreciated to simple review. More often
than not, a buyer will inquire for an item and acknowledge anything brand
that the consumer does inquire for a particular brand-name, in case the
brand is not accessible, he or she will settle for a few another one. In other
an expansive area of the showcase. Within the case of the drive, great
customers will generally require the item as it were on locate. The customer
~ 32 ~
essential for companies to create beyond any doubt that their item is well
this reason that a remote company at first tries to procure another Indian
a really high stock turnover. This can be a result of the reality that these
items are bought regularly and at customary interims. In other words, the
number of times in a month or so. A pouch retailer, for example, can turn
his capital over nearly every day. He buys his stocks within the morning
and by the time he close at night, he has recaptured his speculation and
~ 33 ~
the different development methodologies taken after by FMCG
and deals advancement plans from time to time. In any case, what is it that
can make an FMCG brand offer more than its competitor? What makes a
few exceptional brands? How does a advertiser change over a client from
FMCG showcase.
brand within the same category. There are different motives for doing this.
~ 34 ~
complete market. This too empowers the company to bolt up more
Take, for case, the procedure received by Hindustan Lever. They have
premium fragment, Lifebuoy for the economy fragment and brands like
Rexona, Liril, Lux and Le Sancy for the mediating portions. Within the
Ultra, Surf Easywash, separated from the bland item. It has the Surf run
within the premium portion, and Wheel for the economy fragment. It has
hence secured itself against any shape of attack and captured advertise
brand by setting up flanked brands. Now and then the company acquires
and each brand title contains a steadfast taking after. A case of this
technique within the Indian setting would be that of Coca Cola which
procured Thums Up, earlier to its passage into the showcase. Nowadays
~ 35 ~
they have a portfolio of delicate drinks, each with a significant showcase
seem not bear to spend anyplace between Rs. 30 and Rs. 40 for a
guidelines bottle of great cleanser. In spite of the fact that the sachets were
at first propelled to protect the most brand shockingly, they have presently
The thought behind this concept is to flank the core item by advertising
diverse varieties of estimate and cost so that the customer finds a few
the hack and cold diminishing medication are presently accessible in little
holders conjointly as inhalers, hack drops and hack syrups. They have
~ 36 ~
advertised a entire run of the same item in numerous sizes and costs to
3) Brand extensions. Markets like to have a faithful buyer base so that those
specific brands appreciate high brand value within the market. In such
cases, companies make brand expansions within the trust that the
expansions will be able to ride on the value of the fruitful brands, which
the unused brand will stand in its possess right within the course of time.
At times, the thought does not work and the result is that the solid
inclination for the initial brand itself gets weakened within the deal. In any
case, in case this procedure works, it has been of colossal esteem driving
lines to provide the buyer all the items he/she would like to purchase
~ 37 ~
beneath one umbrella. Revlon and Britannia have done absolutely this. The
to offer their clients a one-stop shop for all the restorative they may
cleans and carefully shaded eye colors. Revlon nowadays is related not fair
with nail colors and lipsticks, but moreover with the complete run of make-
up and hair-care.
sorts of rolls and prepared nourishments within the past few a long time.
within the industry. Building-related item lines are nowadays the market
pioneer within the rolls and related prepared nourishment items industry.
~ 38 ~
A company can include modern products through the acquisitions of other
a growing advertise for the primary time, and supplement its existing item
lines. Unused items might too cruel advertising moved forward execution
like dark & white TVs to color sets or more prominent seen esteem and
attempting out new alternatives and, on the other hand, the brand loyal
~ 39 ~
7) Long term outlook. Many companies receive a long term view towards
company are yielded. The memorable case of this was the methodology
acknowledge the Kelloggs‟ offer. Be that as it may, Kelloggs‟ with its long
ideally in term of more areas. One of reach of the item has been amplified,
~ 40 ~
Carbide have created great dissemination arrange. This stands as the
exertion to discover out the whats, wheres, hows, and when of their buyers.
They figure out all sorts of things approximately them that at last
approximately their buyers and how to fulfill their needs and needs in an
buyers so that they are able to identify and/or expect the requirements of
the customers and be able to fulfill them in a better way than competitors.
the showcase but not numerous individuals might know approximately it.
~ 41 ~
brand. Most advertising falls into this category. For example, Pantene
advertising, which looks for to console current buyers that they have made
more data approximately the company and its items will actuate the
purchase more within the short term. They are outlined to fortify the faster
and/or more prominent buy of specific items by buyers or the trade. In any
~ 42 ~
case, a number of focuses need to be kept in mind. They abdicate speedier
A classic case of sales promotion is that of the Maruti car filled with
Nescafe coffee packets. The customers were given forms to fill in and
coffee stuffed within the car. The car was at long last granted to the
Pepsi has been doing a large number of promotions since the time it
youthful individuals of over the nation. The Pepcard was the primary of its
home” and “You might be the 13th man” with Sachin Tendulkar have all
~ 43 ~
Employees as a brand ambassador: how to create a strong
The part of the worker inside the modern workforce is presently more
critical than ever some time recently. Whereas they still must take on
conventional parts anything their portion is, the worker too ought to
The Edelman Trust Barometer and Nielsen report found that the clients are
77 percent more likely to buy a great or a benefit in case they are educated
how an representative can use the benefits related with this persuasive
Proactive advocacy is another term which for the most part relates to the
worker sharing his or her individual stories with the bigger customer
~ 44 ~
assist construct a capable brand title by utilizing present day
Not each worker has the aptitudes or the want to “take the following step”
and to start adopting the part of an official ambassador. Many will got to
learn how to associate with their statistic in a proactive and however locks
Important new ideas and viewpoints can emerge through a social media
making content for their companies’ social media channels and suggest
One basic point frequently related with the advanced office is the utilize of
companies still boycott these sites during the normal day. The central
~ 45 ~
preface is the conviction that such intuitive obstruct efficiency. But this
approach may result in more hurt than great within the long run
(Waechter, 2017).
The LEWIS survey moreover appears that 78% of workers share company
noteworthy, but here are two indeed more essential insights: More than
half do so due to a feeling of giving, whereas more than one third have a
Of the individuals who do not share, nearly half state that their social media
channels are private which therefore they do not need to share commerce
companies can make a part of progress in the event that they effectively
~ 46 ~
It has been appeared that inserted media such as photographs, memes
and recordings get up to 94% more sees than campaigns related with
other substance. This can be moreover exceptionally vital from the point
Within the LEWIS study inquired workers what kind of company content
they share the foremost. 59% of the respondents are likely to share news
related overhauls; 56% of the respondents are likely to share video and
moreover famous that they would suggest their company to share more
~ 47 ~
preparing and the correct direction are both basic to create dynamic and
rebrand itself. For case, its commerce may have advanced since the
company begun and they require their branding to reflect its development.
Possibly brand now not reverberates with clients and company require a
be a squander of time and cash, and more awful, it seems to confound and
~ 48 ~
Know who or what you're rebranding for. Rebranding for a new gathering
risky. In any case, on the off chance that this market is evident, you are
distance your existing target market (unless that's the objective). Know
Will a rebrand imperil the brand value you've built up over the a long time?
On the off chance that the changes you make are extreme, will your current
chance that not, at that point what? Is it conceivable that cleaning up your
what their clients' got to listen and see in their brand. Speculating what
~ 49 ~
clients need is unsafe and leads to off base suspicions. All rebrands must
Brands play a crucial part in fortifying the identities individuals develop for
brand's part in supporting it, you'll construct brands that gotten to be, in
Rebranding could be a great idea when sales are level, the company's
focus has changed or notoriety has been tarnished. But a modern brand
~ 50 ~
as it were to keep doing things the same way. On the off chance that you
are not planning to alter, save your cash (Jacquelyn LaMar, 2018).
you make will alter. Can you keep up consistency and coherence over your
channels? And can existing clients keep you above water meanwhile?
Decide costs some time recently moving forward (Kristopher Jones, 2018).
rebrand as huge company news. From our viewpoint, on the off chance
~ 51 ~
Companies rebrand all the time since they've ended up tired or have a
modern, sparkly situating to thrust out. The moment address you would
like to inquire, particularly on the off chance that there's a mass group of
onlookers, is: Have I set aside sufficient budget to create an effect? Brands
can't go out in open half-naked. In the event that you've got a built up
brand and ought to alter your target's intellect, you've got to contribute
alter will affect existing clients. Now and then a rebrand is essential, but
center components of your trade will alter and, on the off chance that so,
how that will affect the steadfast clients you’ve as of now earned (Matthew
Jonas, 2018).
10) How Will the Company Track The Results Of The Rebrand?
How do you arrange on following the rebrand's success and ROI? Figuring
~ 52 ~
requiring a plan revive or modernizing your brand. But in case you're not
following the results a short time later, it'll be difficult to tell how effective
legitimize the cost, time, assets and disturbance that will happen sometime
recently the rebrand is done and effectively executed? Be clear on how the
Pittman, 2018).
~ 53 ~
Rebranding for the sake of rebranding may be a squander of time and
energy. Get it what issue you are attempting to solve and figure out in the
event that rebranding will fix it. On the off chance that your client base has
changed, new clients are coming back and you are changing your whole
trade, at that point yes, rebrand. But in the event that you are basically
having a marginally off year, do not spend the time (Aidan Cole, 2018)
2010; and Pillay, 2007 for the different definitions). For case, Jacoby and
reaction communicated over time by a few choice making unit with regard
to one or more elective brands out of a set of such brands. They depict
~ 54 ~
repetitive purchasing of the same brand or brand set in spite of situational
is displayed by Jacoby and Kyner (1973), and is suitable in this think about
not the one-sided repurchase of a specific FMCG brand over time may be
(Jacoby and Kyner, 1973; Dick and Basu, 1994; Assael, 1998, Jensen and
expansion of mental forms This implies that repeat purchase isn't only a
subjective reaction, but the result of a few going before variables (for
(1994) point out that indeed a generally critical rehash buy may not reflect
genuine devotion to an item but may just result from situational conditions
3. Research Methodology
Research can be characterized as “an action that includes finding out, in a more
or less precise way, things you did not know” (Walliman, 2011).
~ 56 ~
Research Methodology chapter of research portrays inquire about strategies,
approaches, and plans in detail highlighting those utilized all through the study,
advocating my choice through portraying points of interest and impediments of
each approach and plan taking under consideration their commonsense
appropriateness to our research.
Firstly, the strategy ought to be the foremost fitting to attain the goals of the
~ 57 ~
depicting the members within the think about, the rebellious used, the strategy
utilized to manage the disobedient to the members, and the treatment of the
information, or the information analysis plan. Within the sampling procedure, the
researcher must portray the method utilized to choose members from the
population. Within the instrument area, the analyst must cite the unwavering
quality and legitimacy of the instrument utilized, ordinarily from past inquire
about considers that have used the instrument. Of course, the analyst must also
base their test size—typically much bigger than in subjective studies—on the
measurable tests chosen within the information examination arrange. Besides, the
analyst points of interest within the information examination arrange any pre-
analysis information screening, unwavering quality of the scales, and the
suspicions that will be tried for based upon the particular measurements.
Research plan and method of reasoning are the how and why of information
collection and investigation in subjective approaches (Yin, 2009). Regularly
understudies utilize a phenomenological, grounded hypothesis, or case consider,
for their inquire about. As such, the analyst plays a fundamentally portion when
it comes to subjective inquire about strategy plan. Particularly, how the tests are
chosen, counting the last choice of test sizes utilized, and how the information is
collected are all parts of the strategy. On a related note, the information arrange
ought to clarify everything in a step-by-step process— from characterizing units
of meaning to the extricating of topics and summarizing of interviews. Issues of
reliability (i.e., validity, steadfastness, and transferability) are too depicted and
can be encouraged by looking at Creswell (2014) or Merriam (2009). Moral
strategies, repercussions for choices that are made, the well-being of members,
and any dangers to members are depicted here, as well.
~ 58 ~
Sarantakos characterized research strategy as “the hypothesis of methods”
(Sarantakos 2012; p. 465), or the way through which an analyst makes sense of
the question of the request. Inside research methodology, research strategy accept
as the “general arrange of how the analyst will go around replying the research
questions” (Saunders et al. 2009; p. 90).
Data collection is a process of collecting data from all the pertinent sources to
discover answers to the research issue, test the speculation and assess the results.
Data collection strategies can be partitioned into two categories: secondary
strategies of information collection and primary strategies of information
collection (Dudovsky, 2018)
Primary data collection methods can be divided into two groups: quantitative and
~ 59 ~
Quantitative data collection strategies are based on numerical calculations in
different groups. Strategies of quantitative information collection and
investigation incorporate surveys with closed-ended questions, strategies of
relationship and relapse, cruel, mode and middle and others. Quantitative
strategies are cheaper to apply and they can be connected inside shorter term of
time compared to subjective strategies. In addition, due to a tall level of
institutionalization of quantitative strategies, it is simple to create comparisons of
discoveries (Dudovsky, 2018).
~ 60 ~
investigation is decided by the particular subjective approach taken (field
consider, ethnography substance examination, verbal history, history,
inconspicuous inquire about) and the shape of the information (field notes,
archives, audiotape, tape).
The analysis of the accumulated information with the assistance of the survey is
planning to be displayed in this part of the thesis. The fourth chapter involves
comparing the accumulated information to the speculations and the author needs
to explore for similarities and contrasts between them. Firstly, background data
around the collected data will be displayed. The charts and tables are utilized to
appear the gathered information and create the speculation with the assistance of
the obtained data.
4.1 Background
The survey had a runtime of seven days and it was conveyed to respondents with
social media platforms, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. At
the conclusion of the survey, a total of 412 people had joined. But concurring to
analyses, most of the answers came from the people who aged among 19-39 years.
The starting questions of the survey were arranged for learning common data
about respondents. For this reason, it is significant to know the age, sex, education
level, marital status and occupation of the members to figure out their behaviors
to the brand.
~ 61 ~
In this research, figure 4.1 shows that 322 respondents (78.2%) are aged between
19 to 39 years and the second group of participants is aged among 40-55 years
which stands for 41 respondents (10%). The significant amount of the respondents
are women (253 respondents, 61.4 %) and 159 respondents, 38.6 % of them are
male (Figure 4.2). In expansion, the unbalanced dissemination of sexual
orientation is related to that females are more supportive than males and they are
more conceivable to express their thought.
Figure 4.1
Figure 4.2
~ 62 ~
The next questions asked for the occupation, marital status and education level of
respondents . The majority are students (34.2%, 141 respondents), people who
work for the private sector (28.2%, 116 respondents) and who work for the
governmental sector (19.7%, 81 respondents). And also according to results,
10.9% of respondents are unemployed. Finally individuals who have their own
business stands for 7%, 29 respondents.
When talking about the respondent’s marital status, we can say that 285
respondents (69.2%) are single. The reason for that, a large number of respondents
who are participating in the survey are students. According to survey, 118
respondents (28.6%) are married, and just a few of them 9 respondents (2.2%) are
~ 63 ~
Figure 4.3
Figure 4.4
~ 64 ~
Figure 4.5
In the following part of the survey, the respondents were asked what types
of stores would they prefer to buy. On the whole, larger amount of
participant select Super Market (298, 72.3%), 77 respondents chose Hyper
Market (18.7%) and finally, convenient stores were placed in third stage
with 37 respondents (9%).
~ 65 ~
4.2 Descriptive results
Figure 4.6
In the next question, respondents were asked which shopping stores they
are using when they buying FMCG products. Participants had to rank
from 1 to 6 which it shows that how frequently they use these stores. 1-
at least used, 6- most commonly used.
~ 66 ~
Figure 4.7
Bravo supermarkets are the most commonly used among other shopping
stores and significant number of people gave 6 point (134 respondents).
71 respondents gave 1 point which it shows Bravo is not their preference.
72 participant gave 5 point and it is slightly different from the people who
gave 1 point. 41 respondents gave 4 point, while 59 individuals gave 3
point. Finally, 35 person gave 2 point to Bravo supermarkets.
Figure 4.8
~ 67 ~
Bazarstore is the only supermarket has almost same amount of people
who gave 1 point and 6 point ( 84 respondents -1 and 83 respondents –
6). We can see that there slightly different amount of people gave different
point to Bazarstore. 58 respondents gave 4 and 5 point, while similar
number of people gave 2 and 3, respectively.
Figure 4.9
Figure 4.9 shows that Araz market placed third stage after Bravo and
Bazarstore. People who gave 1 point are more than other points. 108
respondents gave 1 point, whereas 44 individuals gave 6 points. From the
left to the right statistics like this: 2 point - 81, 3 point – 64, 4 – 65, 5 – 50
Figure 5
~ 68 ~
In this figure 5, we can see that 3 supermarkets: Neptun, Favorit and Spar
are the least chosen among customers for buying FMCG products. People
who gave 1 point to these markets are significantly differ from individuals
Favorit and Spar. 252 respondents to Spar, 223 person to Favorit, and 219
people to Neptun gave 1 point. People who gave 2 point are almost same:
79, 78 and 63, respectvely. Therefore, it is obvious that other statistics are
Figure 5.1
~ 69 ~
The diagram 5.1 illustrates that there are several reasons influence
FMCG products. The main reason is variety. 48.1% respondents wants from
stores to offer various products, in order to find most valuable one among
respondents agreed with this reason and they accept that discounts play
~ 70 ~
There are also some reasons customer wrote their options by themselves.
This include: cleannes, view of the store, wide capacity. These all have same
percentage (0.1%).
Figure 5.2
Then respondents were asked how often they offered discounts and
coupons on the stores they used. We can clearly see that 46.4% of
~ 71 ~
Figure 5.3
The next question were asked from respondents that will they switch their
brand. As we can see from the diagram, most of the respondents remained
~ 72 ~
loyal to their brands, they chose no (57%, 235 respondents). 43% of survey
Figure 5.4
who most influence their preference for brands. More than half of
21.4% respondents told that they affected for their brand choice by their
family members.
~ 73 ~
Advertisements and friends have similar influence on customer’s brand
In the end, respondents were asked that does advertisement has any
Figure 5.5
~ 74 ~
According to SPSS validity test result, total 412 respondents participate in
Figure 5.6
Considering the level of reliability requirement is 70%, we can say that this
datasaet is reliable.
Figure 5.7
~ 75 ~
According to the factor analysis, coupon_discount (always, often, rarely, never)
and Favorit questions cannot be understood or not clear to the respondents.
Because the gap between these questions are higher than other questions.
~ 76 ~
advertisements, Self) influence Azerbaijani consumers’ loyalty. Hypothesis is
~ 77 ~
H2: Demographic indicators (job, gender, marital status, education, age) influence
consumers’ loyalty to brands. Hypothesis is accepted, because significance level
is below 5%.
In general, we can see from the coefficient table all variables have significant
impact on customers’ loyalty, but if we look separately, gender has 55.9%
significance level and do not directly influence to loyalty.
~ 78 ~
5. Conclusion
The nature of the FMCG market with high volume deals, expansive numbers of
clients and low benefit margins, makes it exceptionally costly to hold and build
up long-term relationships with buyers. Since customers appreciate a few benefits
from the utilization of FMCGs, marketers, and retailers ought to get it the benefits
shoppers pick up from them. With this information, marketers can utilize
relationship administration instruments such as the creating of trust and
commitment techniques to create devotion to their items. Loyalty programmes
and devotion cards can assist help this methodology (Zineldin et al., 2014:3)
The goals of this study were to evaluate whether, in expansion to utilitarian values,
customers determine hedonic values from FMCGs. The consider too evaluated
whether customers can be loyal to FMCGs, and how the utilitarian and hedonic
values they hold for a few chosen FMCG brands influence their brand belief,
brand impact, and fulfillment with the brand. The evaluation included a assurance
of how fulfillment, in turn, influences behavioral and attitudinal brand
dependability. The discoveries of this ponder can be compared with comparable
discoveries like Chitturi et al. (2008), Chaudhuri and Holbrook (2001), Musa
(2005) and Moolla and Bisschoff (2013) who have conducted related studies.
~ 79 ~
market share and relative cost, though through the directing impacts of brand
believe and brand impact. This was moreover affirmed by Knox and Walker’s
(2001:120) comes about which appeared that among four buyer acquiring styles
('loyal', 'habitual', 'variety seekers' and 'switchers') within the U.K., there were a
few buyers who were behaviourally (labeled ‘habitual’) and attitudinally (labeled
‘loyals’) steadfast to the basic need brands they bought.
FMCG brands are for the most part the risk-averse customers but when they, in
the long run, believe a brand, they behaviourally and attitudinally adhere to it. In
Sweden, Zineldin et al. (2014:6) found that customers can be faithful to FMCG
brands but the finest cost and quality features a solid affecting part in this
The findings of this examination show that there's a positive relationship between
brand trust and customer satisfaction in FMCG brands. This happens to be the
most grounded of all the variable intelligent considered in this think about. Brand
trust is appeared to contribute 99% within the clarification of the buyer
satisfaction variable.
Marketers of branded washing powders, cleansers, milk, juices and cereals can
have a communication methodology which outlines that these trusted brands keep
clients fulfilled, subsequently guaranteeing that more customers remain brand
~ 80 ~
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Appendix A – Questionnaire
~ 85 ~
Ailə vəziyyətiniz:
56 və yuxarı
Təhsil səviyyəniz:
İşgüzar fəaliyyətiniz:
Dövlət sektoru işçisi
Özəl sektor işçisi
Hansı səbəb sizin mağazadan alış-veriş etməyinizə daha çox təsir edir?
Servis xidməti
~ 87 ~
Appendix B- Questionnaire
Marital status:
56 and up
High School
Public sector employee
Private sector employee
Business owner
Super Market
Hyper Market
Convenient store
~ 88 ~
Which of the following Retail stores do you prefer most for
buying FMCG`s? (Rank from 1 to 6. 6-Most Prefered 1-Least
Will you like to switch your brand preference if you get some
promotional scheme withanother brand?
~ 89 ~