Standardhandbook00fowluoft PDF
Standardhandbook00fowluoft PDF
Standardhandbook00fowluoft PDF
Properties of Materials 4
Power Plants 10
Power Transmission 11
Distribution Systems 12
Irljterior Wiring 13
Illumination 14
Electric Railways 16 •
Electric Vehicles 17
Electrochemistry 19
Bt.tteries 20
Mechanical Section 23
Standards of the A. I. E. E 24
H^Q QraW-J^Lii me
Fifth Edition
^JteOBOttGHb* Revised
McGR^^^fijJMl^^TOMPANY, Inc.
Copyright, 1907, 1908, bt the McGraw Publishino Compant
yl () OH (I V^ /
First Edition
I i
Sbcond Edition
LjL. fl May, 1908
First Printing,
Second Printing, March, 1910
Third Edition
First Printing, September,1910
Second Printing September, 1911
Fourth Edition
First Printing, July, 1915
Second Printing, November, 1915
Third Printing, December, 1916
Fourth Printing, April, 1918
Fifth Printing, May, 1919
Sixth Printing, June, 1920
Fifth Edition
First Printing, June, 1922
lT>I3V38 07K:yi:
'i 1I
In the preparation of the Standabd Handbook the pub-
lishers have adapted the "unit" system to bookmaking. The
entire field of electrical engineering was divided into twenty sec-
tions or units, each complete in itself.These twenty sections
were arranged in what seemed and each
to be a logical order
was assigned to a specialist. Each author was supplied with
a detailed outline of all the sections, thus avoiding repetitions
and duplication of material as far as desirable. All of the
material thus brought together was carefully edited to obtain
uniformity of style, symbols, abbreviations, units, etc., and to
connect the various parts by cross-references.
Some repetitions are purposely made to save the time of the
user. For instance, transformer oil is treated under Insulating
Materials in Section 4, but a brief outline of its important
qualities is again given in Section 6 under Transformers, with a
cross-reference to guide the reader to the fuller treatment in
Section 4.
Farmer; George K. Burgess, Sc.D.; Paul D. Foote, A.M.
Reginald J. S. Pigott and William J. Drisko, S.B.
Galvanometers, E.M.F. and Current Measurements, Resistance Measure-
ments, Power and Energy Measiu"ements, Curve-drawing Instruments
Measurements of Inductance, Capacity, Wave-form, Frequency, Slip, Torque
and Speed; Magnetic Measurements, Thermometry, Pyrometry, Heat
Conductivity, Fuel and Gas Analysis; Water, Gas, Air and Steam Meters;
Precision of Measurements.
Conductor Materials, Wire Gages, Wire Tables, Copper, Aluminum,
Copper-clad Steel, Iron and Steel, Bronze, Miscellaneous Metals, Resistor
Materials, Carbon and Graphite, Skin EflFect; Magnetic Materials, Composi-
tion and Properties, Core Losses, Sheet Gages, Commercial Sheets, Magnet
Steel; Insulating Materials, Classification, Discussion of Properties, Solid
Natural Materials, Vitrified Materials, Fibrous Materials, Molded Com-
positions,Rubber and Its Derivatives, Varnishes and Compounds, Insulat-
ing Oils, Gases; Structural Materials, Cast Iron, Wrought Iron, Steel,
Annealing, Hardening, Tempering, Steel Wire and Cable, Non-Ferrous
Metals, Concrete, Brick, Stone, Timber, Belting and Rope, Properties of the
Elements, Atomic Weights, Densities, Specific Heats, Properties of Water
and Air.
Gray, B.Sc, Whit. Sch.
Types, Windings, Armature Reactions, Commutation, Armature Desijgn,
Field Design, Construction, Insulation, Cooling, Efficiency, Characteristics,
Regulation, Weights, Costs, Standard Machines, Thury System, Motor-
generator Sets, Operation and Testing.
Newbury, M.E. and Alexander Gray, B.Sc, Whit. Sch.
Synchronous Converters, Theory, Design, Characteristics, Applications,
Operation, Testing; Inverted Converters, Motor Converters, Direct-current
Converters, Dynamotors and Double-current Generators.
POWER PLANTS. By Regrinald J. S. Pigott, Arthur T. Safford and
George I. Rhodes
Steam Power Plants, Laws of Heat Transfer, Boilers, Furnaces, Stokers,
Chimneys, Mechanical Draft, Fuel, Water Supply, Coal and Ash Handling.
Engines, Turbines, Condensers, Heaters, Economizers, Pumps, Piping and
Testing; Gas Power Plants, Producers, Superheaters, Condensers, Scrubbers,
Purifiers, Holders, Properties of Gas, Engines, Piping and Testing; Oil Power
Plants, Engines, Testing; Hydraulic Power Plants, Hydraulics, Flow For-
mulas, Stream Flow, Dams, Headworks, Water Wheels and Testing;_ Build-
ings and Foundations; Electrical Equipment, Generators, Excitation.
Voltage Control, Switching, Station Transformers, Lightning Arresters and
Wiring; Power-plant Economics.
POWER TRANSMISSION. By Harry E. Clifford, S.B. and Chester
L. Dawes, S.B.
Transmission Systems, Electrical Calculations, Tables of Reactance and
Charging Current, Design, Corona, Insulators, System Connections, Switch-
ing,Spans and Supports, Construction, Cables, Substations, Operation,
Economics and Cost Data.
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS. By Harry Barnes Gear, A.B., M.E.
Classification, Applications, Types of Circuits, Circuit Design, Substations,
Regulation, Secondary Distribution, Transformation, Protection, Construc-
tion and Economics.
Fire Risk, Methods of Wiring, wlres ntid Cables, Fittings and Accessories,
Calculations, Lay-outs, Installation, Protection and Miscellaneous.
ILLUMINATION. By Preston S. Millar
Production of Light, Incandescent Lamps, Carbon Filament, Metallizey
Carbon Filament, Tantalum, Tungsten, Gas-filled Type; Arc Lamp Char-\
acteristics, Carbon-electrode, Flame Arc, Metallic Electrode, Tube Lampsi
Lighting Accessories, Reflectors, Indirect and Semi-indirect Lighting;
lUuiiiination Calculations, Flux, Candle-power, Intensity, Brightness,
Efficiency Applied Illumination, Fundamentals of Vision, Characteristics of
specialists :
ELECTRIC RAILWAYS. By Albert H. Armstrong, E. E. Kimball,
Norman W. Storer, Robert D. McManigal, Azel Ames,
Albert F. Oanz and Albert S. Richey
Electric Traction, Train Resistance, Speed-time Curves, Motor Character-
istics,Energy and Power Consumption, Motor Control, Types of Motors,
Braking, Trucks and Car Bodies, Self-propelled Cars, Locomotives, Distri-
bution, Substations, Railway Signalling, Types of Fixed Signals, Trolley-
operated Systems, Track Circuits, Interlocking, Block System; Electrolysis,
Surveys, Aleans of Prevention, Electrolysis in Concrete, Municipal and State
ELECTRIC VEHICLES. By John G. Carroll av;AT8
Passenger Cars, Commercial Trucks and Tractors, Indus-
trial Trucks and Tractors, Vehicle Motors, Control; Batteries, Charging,
Charging Equipment.
Ship Resistance, Propeller Characteristics, Systems of Propeller Drive,
Types of Vessel For Different Service, Electric Propulsion and Examples of
Electrically Propelled Ships.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY. By E. P. Roeber, Ph.D. and J. W.
Richards, Ph.D.
Interpretation of Chemical Equations, Laws of Gases, Laws of Solutions,
Energy Relations, Electric Furnaces and Their Products, Electrolytic Proc-
esses and Reactions, Industrial Electrolytic Processes, Electroplating,
Refining of Metals; Electrolysis of Water, Alkaline Chlorides, Copper,
Nickel, Zinc, Aluminum, Sodium, Magnesium and Calcium; Discharges
through Gases, Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen, Electromagnetic and
Electrostatic Processes.
By Walter
E. Winship, Ph.D.
Primary Batteries, Wet Cells, Dry Cells; Storage Batteries; Lead Storage
Batteries, Electrolyte, Testing, Stationary Batteries, Vehicle
Train-hghting Batteries, Miscellaneous Applications, Battery Rooms'
Regulating Equipment, Operation, Depreciation and Maintenance, Alka-
line Storage Batteries.
Frank F. Fowle, S.B., and Louis W. Austin, Ph.D.
Telephone Instruments, Switchboards, Intercommunicating Systems,
Phantom Circuits, Manual Telegraph Systems, Simplex and Composite Sets,
Dispatching and Patrol Systems, Fire and Police Alarm Systems, Cables,
Protectors, Cross-talk and Inductive Disturbances, Transmission, Construc-
tion, Testing; Radiotelegraphy, High Frequency Oscillations, Antenna,
Exciting the Antenna, Undamped Oscillations, Transmission of Waves,
Receiving Circuits. Detectors, Continuous Oscillations, Atmospheric Dis-
turbances, Measurements.
following specialists:
E. N. Lightfoot Otis Allen Kenyon John C. Bogle
Harry B. Gear H. A. Hornor Major Edw. D. Ardery
John E. Newman Frank F. Fowle Milton W. Franklin
Edwin P. Adams Eugene W. Caldwell J. S.Shearer
Ernest J. Berg Elmer A. Sperry F. A. Annett
Resuscitation, Electric Heating and Cooking, Electric- Welding, Electrical
Equipment for Gas Automobiles, Thawing Water Pipes, Marine Applica-
tions, Electricity in the U. S. Army, Electricity and Plant Growth, Windmill
Electric Plants, Ozone Production, Radioactivity and the Electron Theory,
Roentgen Rays, Lightning Rods, Electrostatic Machines, Electric Piano
Players, Telegraphone, Telharmonium, Train-lighting Systems. Compasses,
Static Electricity in Industrial Equipment, Specifications and Contracts.
MECHANICAL SECTION. Compiled from standard authorities.
Elements of Sections, Beams, Columns, Shafting, Gearing, Chain Drives,
Belts, Rope Drives, Pipe and Screw Threads.
ENGINEERS. Approved edition of 1921
ECONOMICS. By Frank F. Fowle, S.B., and James Raley Cravath
General Engineering Economics, Definitions, Value, Price, Cost, Capital,
Rent, Interest, Annual Charges, Depreciation, Social-economic Investiga-
tions, Valuation and Rate Making; Central Station Economics, Factors
Relating to Utilization of Investment, Factors Relating to Territory Served,
Typical Earnings of Companies, Rate Making and Valuation.
{Numhers refer to Paragraphs)
Systems of Units Definitions of Photometric Units 81
historical Sketch of English Definitions of Thermal Units 87
Units Dimensional Formulas 98
Historical Sketch of the Interna- Tabular Summary of Defini-
tional Metric System tions of Units 110
Kvolution of the Practical Elec- Weights and Measures 119
tromagnetic System of Units Conversion Tables 129
Definitions of Fundamental Bibliography 152
Units Mathematical Tables 153
Definitions of Electric and Mag-
netic Units
"\ m
f(£|)liitniutii«al C(^:; Praetical (di)a\<itt,\ (.dOii.O.S.i t H.
l" "•'•°"
C.G.8. Inteniatlon.l M.K.8. and
SjKem Q.E.8. Bjeteni MlsMllimeottt bjrtem
System BjBtom
I 1
C.G.8. 0.0.8.
Bjjtem BjMtm
Fig. 1.
3(ai) Standard units (see Fig. 1) may be said to include all units which
have received th»^ stamp of recognition in technical literature.
Z{a.-t) Empirical units, on the other hand, are units which have sprung
into existence locally, ordinarily without anv pretense to scientific deriva-
tion, and which have not been sanctioned by general usage. At various
times during recorded history, empirical units have appeared. Thus, in
the early history of electrical units, a unit of conductor resistance was used as
representing the resistance of a certain length of a certain size of telegraph
one civilized country to another; until at the present date, the only great
communities which have not yet adopted the metric system are the British
Empire, the United States and the Russian Empire. The advantage of
the system is its simplicity. It is a decimal system, using a single funda-
mental unit of length (the meter) and one of mass (the gram). The decimal
multiples of these are distinguished by Greek and Latin prefixes common to
all branches of the system (Par. 102).
the field at unit distance would be l/(4ir), and this, not unity, should be the
force in dynes that the prototype would develop in repulsion. As a conse-
quence of this unnatural definition of the B.A. unit charge and pole, the
fundamental equations of the B.A. system become interlarded with 4ir-
factora in rectiUnear problems and denuded of them in spherical problems
where they should naturally be expected to occur. Mr. Heaviside proposed
to rectify the system by changing the fundamental definitions in the manner
suggested, and enunciating a new list of units in both the electrostatic and
magnetic subsystems; all related to the corresponding B.A. units in simple
powers or roots of 45r. He similarly proposed rectifying the practical or
Q.E.S. system of units by adopting a new ohm, volt, ampere, etc., all bearing
some ratio of simple power or root of 4jr to the corresponding existing
values. If Mr. Heaviside's proposals had been formulated and considered
f)rior to international adoption of the
ohm-volt-ampere series of units, and
egalized standards, they might have been adopted. * At the present time
a very few physicists employ Heaviside's "rational" units in theoretical
4. Fundamental principles concerning units in equations. Many
of the equations representing propositions in pure mathematics may
be satis-
fied by quantities of any kind. Thus taking the very simple equation
2{a + b)=2a + 2b
that the quantities a and b may be of the same kind or of different
it is clear
kinds, and their respective units may be any whatsoever, without affecting
the identity expressed, so long as a and 6 have respectively the same meanings
on the two sides of the equation.
When, however, as ordinarily in en-
gineering, physical magnitudes are
dealt with in an equation; then three
consequences ensue; namely:
(1) The equation can only be inter-
preted in terms of some unit of the par-
ticular physical quantity dealt with.
This is the unit of the equation.
(2) The unit employed on each side
of the equation must be the same.t
(3) If either side of the equation con-
tains a simple sum of positive or negative terms; then each of these terms must
employ the same unit as the equation.
For example, considering the case of a uniform pipe, discharging water at
a uniform velocity v meters per sec, from a reservoir A into a river B
(Fig. 2). Let H be the total head or elevation in meters between the water
levels A and B at the two ends of the pipe, and let a vertical pressure pipe
be inserted (Fig. 2) at any point P. Then we have the well-known hydraulic
(meters) (1)
where / the loss of head due to friction in ihe length of pipe AP, g is the
acceleration due to gravitation in meters per second per second, v'^/2g is the
loss of head due to velocity at the point P, hi is the remaining head above the
local level, and hj the height of P above the reservoir level at B. Then
according to the propositions above stated, each of the four terms on the
right hand of the equation must be a head, or height, in meters, and both sides
of the equation must be expressed in terms of the same unit. The left-hand
term i/ cannot be in meters and the right-hand terms or any of them in feet
or centimeters. The second term on the right hand (»V2ff) contains a
velocity v, and an acceleration g; yet the term as a whole must be a height,
if the equation is correct.
The equation might evidently be expressed in terms of any unit of length
such as inches, feet, cubits, yards, miles or millimeters. As an algebraic
equation entirely by itself, there is no reason for selecting one unit rather
quarts, and pints are respectively about 20 per cent, larger than American
gallons, quarts and pints, a large discrepancy that has frequently led to
8. In land measure, since Anglo-Saxon times, a "perch" or "pole"
was 11 cubits in length = 16J ft., and such a pole was the surveyor's unit-
A length of 40 perches was a furlong, and 8 furlongs the statute mile.
An acre of land was the area of a rectangular strip a furlong in length and
4 perches in breadth, which breadth was known as the "acre's breadth."
An acre therefore included 40X4 = 160 sq. perches. Eight such strips end
to end made the statute mile, and 80 such strips side by side made a statute
mile breadth; so that a square statute mile contained 640 acres. Early
in the seventeenth century, Prof. Edmund Gunter of Gresham College
decimalized acre measure by inventing a 100-link "chain" of outstretched
length equal to 4 perches or the acre's breadth (66 ft.). The acre thus became
10 sq. chains.
9. Prior to 1790, differences existed between the weights and measures
of different Departments of France. Reform in the directions of simpli-
11. The meter was selected as a length equal to the ten millionth part
of the northern quadrant of the earth, or distance from pole to equator
at the meridian of Paris. Later measurements have shown that the inter-
national standard meter finally adopted is shorter than the 10~' quadrant
by 0.02* per cent. The advantage of such a basis for the meter is that by
the use of the decimal subdivision of angles; i.e., by the substitution of 100
grades for 90 deg., the kilometer becomes the natural nautical upit of dis-
tance, or the hundredth of the grade; just as the English nautical mile is
the sixtieth of a degree.
12. The metric system is universally used in all European countries,
except Great Britain and Russia. The quantitative literature of the scien-
tific world is almost exclusively written in the metric system. To express
quantitative relations exclusively in the English units is to conceal their
meaning, to a great extent, from all but English-speaking peoples; and also
to discredit them scientifically, by implication.
13. In the United States, the metric system has been a legally recognized
system since July 28, 1866. In 1893, the U. S. Office of Standard Weights
and Measures was authorized to derive the yard from the meterf at the ratio
1 yd. = 3600/3937 meter. The customary weights are likewise referred to
the kilogram. The customary weights and measures of the United States
are thus defined in terms of, and maintained with reference to, the inter-
national metric system.
14. The international metric standards, i.e., the standard meter
bar and the standard kilogram, are maintained at the International Bureau
of Weights and Measures at Sevres, near Paris, France, in a building which
has been declared internationally neutral or outside of French territory.
Copies or prototypes of these standards are maintained at the various
national laboratories and are occasionally intercompared.
15. Brief historical outline. In 1861 a committee of the B.A. (British
Association for the Advancement of Science) was appointed to consider
standards of electrical resistance. The committee decided to adopt a series
of electrical units in the C.G.S. absolute system._
The unit of resistance in
the C.G.S. magnetic system was so small (one-billionth of an ohm) that it
was considered unfit for practical use and a unit 10' times greater than the
C.G.S. unit was selected as of convenient magnitude. This decimally derived
unit was called the ohm after the German scientist Dr. Ohm. Similarly,
the C.G.S. magnetic unit of electromotive force was regarded as unfit for
recommendation, and a unit 10' times greater than the C.G.S. unit was
selected, and called the volt, after the Italian electrician Volta. The ohm
having been selected as a unit, standard resistance coils had to be produced
and adjusted a work of great labor. In 1864 and 1865, certain standards
of resistance or B.A. ohms were produced and put into service. In 1872,
Mr. Latimer Clark produced the well-known zinc-mercury standard cell
which bears his name.
16. B.A. ohm too small. In 1878, it was realized that the B.A. ohm
was too small by over 1 per cent. That is, the B.A. ohm is now taken to
be 0.9866 of the existing international ohm.
17. In 1881 an international electrical congress at Paris recommended
that the standard ohm should be represented as the resistance of a uniform
column of mercury, 1 sq. mm. in cross-section, at deg. cent., the length of
such a column for the B.A. ohm being approximately 104.9 cm. The Paris of 1881 also adopted the ampere, coulomb and farad, as the prac-
tical units of current, quantity and capacity. The practical system based
on the ohm and volt thus became virtually the Q.E.S. (quadrant-eleventh-
gram-second) system, in place of the C.G.S. system; i.e., as though 10» cm.
were substituted for 1 cm. as the unit length, and 10~" g. instead of 1 g. as
the unit mass.
* Annuaire pour I'an 1913, Paris. Gauthier-Villars.
t Tables of Equivalents of the U. S. Customary and Metric Weights and
Measures. Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Standards,
t Wolff, F. A. "The So-called International Electrical Units." Trans.
Int. El. Congress, St. Louis, 1904, Vol. I, p. 148.
18. In 1882, an international commission met at Paris and adopted
a length of 106 cm. as the length of the mercury column defining the ohm, as a
closer approximation to the true ohm than the B.A. ohm. This 106-cm.
ohm was called the "legal" ohm, as distinguished from the B.A. ohm.
Legal ohms, volts, etc., have at the present date almost completely dis-
appeared. They represented an intermediate stage of approximation to
the present international unit values.
19. In 1889, an international electrical congress at Paris adopted
the joule, the watt, and the quadrant, as the practical units of energy, power
and inductance, respectively.
20. Edinburgh conference. In 1892, a conference was held in connec-
tion with the B.A. meeting at Edinburgh. It was then decided to adopt
106.3 cm. as the length of mercury column whose resistance should embody
the ohm.
21. In 1893, the international electrical congress of Chicago adopted
the 106.3-cm. ohm, which was called the international ohm. The other
units of the practical system adjusted in conformity to this value were called
correspondingly the international ampere, volt, coulomb, etc. The
name of the unit of inductance was changed from the quadrant to the henry,
in honor of the American physicist of that name.
22. In 1900, an international electrical congress at Paris, after some
debate, adopted the maxwell as the unit of magnetic flux and the gauss
as the unit either of magnetic intensity or of flux-density in the C.G.S. mag-
netic system.
23. In 1908, an international commission at London considered the
order of sequence of resistance, current and voltage standards, which
had been left indefinite at preceding congresses. It was decided that the
ohm should be the first unit, and the ampere the second, as determined
by the rate of electrodeposition of silver under specified conditions. The
volt was to be determined from the ohm and ampere.
24. Length. (L.) Linear distance between any two points. The unit of
length in the metric system is the meter, in the C.G.S. system the centi-
meter, in the customary system it is any one of the following: inch, foot, —
yard, pole, furlong, statute mile, nautical mile.
The fundamental unit of length of the United States is the international
meter, the primary standard of which is deposited at the International
Bureau of Weights and Measures near Paris, France. This is a platinum-
iridium bar with three fine lines at each end; and the distance between the
middle lines of each end when the bar is at the temperature of deg. cent.,
and is supported at the two neutral points 28.5 cm. each side of the centre is
1 m. by definition. Two copies of this bar (prototype meters) are in the
possession of the United States and are deposited at the Bureau of Standards.
The United States yard is defined by the relation
1 yd. = 3600/3937 m.
The legal equivalent of the meter for commercial purposes was fixed as
39.37 in. by the law of July 28, 1866, and experience haying shown that this
value was exact within the error of observation, the United States Office of
Standard Weights and Measures was, by executive order in 1893, authorized
to derive the yard from the meter by the use of this relation.
25. Mass. (M.) The quantity of matter in a body is estimated cither by
its inertia or by its weight. In the metric system, the unit of mass is
the gram, which, was originally defined as the mass of a cubic centimeter
of distilled water at deg. cent., although in practice it is taken as the
thousandth part of a standard kilogram. In the customary system, the
unit is ordinarily any one of the following: avoirdupois grain, ounce, pound,
or ton (long or short); occasionally, it is one of the Troy system (ounce,
pound). In the use of drugs, it is u.iually stated in apothecaries weight. The
mass of precious stones is commonly estimated in carats.
26. Time. (.T.) The interval elapsing between any two events. In the
C.G.S. system, the unit of time is the mean solar second, or 86,400th part
of the mean solar day. In the customary system, it is either the second, min-
ute, hour, day, week or year of mean solar time.
27. Area. (A.) Space occupied in two dimensions. In the metiic sys-
tem, the unit is primarily the square meter but the square dekameter or
meter or liter is much used, as well as the cubic centimeter and the cubic
millimeter. In the customary English system, the units are the cubic inch,
cubic foot, cubic yard, cubic-mile.
29. Density. (,5.) Ratio of mass to the volume it occupies. In the met-
ric system the unit is primarily the gram per cubic meter; but decimal deriva-
tives are more common. In the C.G.S. system, the unit is the gram per
cubic centimeter. In the M.T.S, system, it is the ton per cubic meter.
30. Force. (F.) That which tends to change the energy existing in a
given region of space. In mechanics, force is that which t nds to produce
change of motion in matter. In the C.G.S. system, the unit is the dyne, or
that force which after acting on a free gram during Isec, creates therein
a velocity of 1 cm. per sec. In mechanics, the unit force is the force
required to support unit mass against standard gravity; i.e., gravity at the
standard locality; the weight, at standard latitude and level, of a gram, a
kilogram, a pound, etc., according to the system considered. In the M.T.S.
system, the unit is the sthene, or the force which acting on a metric ton
accelerates it one meter per second.
31. The weight of a body is the gravitational force acting upon it.
Its standard weight is its weight under standard gravitational force. Its
local weight is its weight under local gravitational force. In the C.G.S.
system the unit for weight is the dyne. It is also expressible in the various
systems as the gram weight, kilogram weight, the pound weight, etc.
Important differences of usage and terminology frequently exist be-
tween text-books on physics and text-books on applied mechanics, in regard
to the units of mass and of force. These differences are not essentially con-
nected with English weights and measures, because they exist in the text-
books of several European countries where the metric system is exclusively
employed. In physics, it is customary to regard the terms gram, milli-
gram, kilogram, pound, etc., as designating a mass in the sense above
defined. _
The force exerted gravitationally on such a unit is called the weight
of the unit, and is derived from the product of the mass and the gravitational
acceleration constant g. Thus in an absolute kinetic system, if a body has
a mass of m grams, its local weight or gravitational force F is
F = mg (dynes) (2)
g being the local gravitational acceleration. If the body is transferred to a
place where there is standard gravitational acceleration go, then:
Fo = mgo (dynes) (3)
In applied mechanics, it is customary to regard the terms gram, kilo-
metric unit may be a meter per sec. 2, or a meter per hour^, or any decimal
derivative of the meter, per square of the second, minute, hour, etc._ A
useful hybrid unit is the (kilometer per hour) per second. Accelerations
may be either + or —
34. Plane angle {a,0,y). In plane circular trigonometry, the ratio of
a circular arc to its radius. The C.G.S. unit is the radian, or 1 cm. of arc
drawn with a radius of 1 cm. The metric unit is the grade or one-hundredth
of the quadrant with unit radius. The customary unit is either the degree
one-ninetieth of the unit-radius quadrant or the revolution of four
35. Angular velocity (w). In plane circular trigonometry, the time rate of
change of angle at any given instant. The C.G.S. unit is the radian per
second. The customary unit is either the degree per second, or the revolu-
tion per second, or per minute, etc. Angular velocities may be either -(- or — .
£.m.f. may be reckoned for a complete circuit or for any portion thereof;
that is, each and every portion of a closed circuit in the steady state obeys
Ohm's law.
48. Potential diflerence (TJ or V). A condition in virtue of which an
electric current tends to flow from a place of higher to a place of lower poten-
tial. The numerical measure of the potential difference is the work done on
a unit quantity of electricity in passing between the two points. The prac-
tical unit is the volt. The C.G.S. units are the abvolt and statvolt.
49. Potential gradient. The space rate of change of potential, or the
change with respect to distance. An electric potential gradient is the space
rate of change of electric potential, and similarly for magnetic, thermal or
gravitational potential. The systematic unit in the practical system is the
volt per quadrant, but a hybrid unit such as volt per centimeter is gener-
ally used. The C.G.S. unit is either the abvolt or statvolt per cm.
60. Electric current (I). The rate at which electricity flows through a
conductor or circuit. The practical unit is the ampere, which is a current
of one coulomb per second. The C.G.S. unit is either the absampere or
61. Electric current density. The ratio of the current flowing through
a conductor to the cross-sectional area of that conductor. More strictly,
the current density at a point in a conductor is the ratio of the current through
a very small plane element of section containing the point and perpendicular
to the current, to the area of the element. The systematic practical unit is
the ampere per square quadrant. In practice, a hybrid unit is preferred
such as the ampere per square centimeter or square inch. The C.G.S.
unit is either the absampere or statampere per square centimeter.
62. Electric resistance (E). Obstruction to electric flow. The ratio
of voltage to current in a conductor or closed circuit. The practical unit is
the ohm. The C.G.S. unit is either the absohm or statohm.
63. Electric resistivity (p). The ratio of potential gradient in a con-
ductor to the current density thereby produced. Also the specific resistance of
a substance numerically equal to the resistance offered by a unit cube of the
substance as measured between a pair of opposed parallel faces. The sys-
tematic practical unit is the ohm-quadrant or numerically equal to the
resistance in a cubic earth-quadrant. A hybrid unit such as the ohm-cm.
is usually preferred. The C.G.S. magnetic unit is the absohm-cm. See 146.
64. Electric conductance (O). The conducting power of a conductor
or circuit for electricity. The inverse or reciprocal of electric resistance.
The practical unit is the mho. The C.G.S. unit is either the abmho or the
66. Electric conductivity (7). The specific electric conducting power
of a substance. The reciprocal of resistivity. The systematic practical
unit is the mho
per ouadrant. A hybrid unit, such as the mho
per cm.
is usually preferred. The C.G.S. magnetic unit is the abmho per cm.
66. Inductance (L). The capacity for electromagnetic induction pos-
sessed by an active circuit either on itself or on neighboring circuits. The
ratio of the magnetic flux linked with and due to an active conductor (num-
ber of turns X total flux) to the current strength carried. The practical
unit is the henry. The C.G.S. units are the abhenry and stathenry.
The term "inductance" seems to have been first introduced by Heaviside*
as a brief equivalent for "coefficient of self-induction." Inductance may be
divided into two species; namely, self -inductance and mutual inductance.
The unit is the same for both species.
67. Electric capacitance (C). Sometimes called permittance or capa-
city. The power of storing or holding an electric charge. The ratio of an
electric charge on a conductor to the electric potential difference producing
the charge. The practical unit is the farad. The C.G.S. unit is either the
abfarad or the statfarad. The term "permittance" was introduced by
Heavi.side.t It should be noted that capacitance is used by a few writers as
synonymous with capacity-reactance.
• Heaviside, O. "Thfe Electrician," 1884, May 3, p. 583; also "Electrical
72. Magnetic flux-density ((B). The ratio of the magnetic flux in any
cross-sectional element of a magnetic circuit to the area of that element.
The C.G.S. magnetic unit is the gauBS, which is also a maxwell per square
73. Magnetomotive force (m.m.f.). That which produces magnetic
flux. The analogue in the magnetic circuit of electromotive force in the
electric circxiit. No namehas been provided for the unit of m.m.f. either
in the practical or in the C.G.S. magnetic system. The name of gilbert
has, however, been suggested for the latter. A convenient practical unit
is the ampere-turn which is 47r/10 = 1.257 gilberts.
74. Magnetic field intensity (3C) or gradient of magnetic potential,
also termed magi etizing force. The rate of change of magnetic potential
with respect to distance. In a region of unit permeability, the field intensity
is numerically equal to the magnetic flux density. The provisional name
of the C.G.S. magnetic unit is the gilbert per centimeter. Anumerically
related hybrid unit is the ampere-turn per centimeter.
76. Reluctance ((R). Obstruction to magnetic flow. In a simple mag-
netic circuit, the ratio of the m.m.f. to the magnetic flux. A provisional
name for the C.G.S. magnetic unit is the oersted. One gilbert m.m.f. acting
on a magnetic circuit of one oersted reluctance produces one maxwell of flux.
76. Reluctivity (v). A specific reluctance, numerically equal to the
reluctance of unit cube of a substance between any pair of opposed parallel
faces. The C.G.S. magnetic unit is the oersted-cm.
77. Permeance. The reciprocal of reluctance. Conducting power for
magnetic flux. No naine has been adopted for this unit.
78. Permeability (^). The reciprocal of reluctivity, or specific perme-
ance. No name has been adopted for this unit. In the dimensional
formulas of the C.G.S. system, if the electric and magnetic constants of the
tether are considered as mere numerics; both permeability and reluctivity
are also mere numerics. Also magnetic intensity has the same dimensions
as flux density;* so that on this basis, which was at one time undisputed,
there would be no difference between gilberts-per-centimeter and gausses
except numerically. It is now generally admitted,t however, that the electric
and magnetic constants of the aether should not be taken as mere numerics;
although their dimensional formulas are not defined. On the latter basis,
there is a dimensional difference .of some kind between magnetic intensity
in gilberts-per-centimeter and flux-density in gausses. The permeability can
also be expressed ii =1-{-4.wk where k is the susceptibility.
79. Names for the units in the C.O.S. magnetic and electric sub-
systems. Although the practical ohm-volt-ampere series of units is uni-
versally employed in the great majority of electrical applications, yet it is
sometimes desirable to use the C.G.S. parent sy.stem of units and names for
such units have only been assigned authoritatively in a few instances, such
as the "dyne" for the unit of force, and the erg for the imit of work. It has
been suggestedj that the C.G.S. magnetic units might be distinguished from
thoir prototypes in the practical system by the prefix ab- or abs- and also
that the C.G.S. electrostatic units might be similarly distinguished by the
prefix abstat- or stat-, as indicated in the following table, Par. 80.
It should be borne in mind that the prefixes "ab" and "stat" have never
been authorized by any technical society or institution, and terms bearing
these prefixes are therefore technically irregular. The excuse for thi.s irregu-
larity is that no proper terms exist by which to describe these units, since the
phrases "C.G.S. magnetic unit," or "C.G.S. electric unit," are cumbersome
and insufficiently descriptive. Their merit is that there can be no ambiguity
concerning the meaning of these irregular terms.
•Maxwell, J. C. "A
Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism." 1881,
Vol. II, p. 244,
t Rttcker. Phil. Mag., Feb., 1889.
t Trans. A. I. E. E., July, 1903, Vol.
XXII, p. .529. FrankUn, W. S.
"Electric Waves," Now York, Macmillan Co., 1909, p. 67. Bering, C. "Con-
version Tables," New York, John Wiley &
Sons, 1904. Pender, Harold.
"American Handbook for Electrical Engineers," New York, John Wiley &
Sons, 1914.
81. Luminous flux (F), (light) is tlie physical stimulus produced by ra-
diation, which excites vision. It is proportional to the rate of flow of radiant
energy and to a stimulus coefficient which depends chiefly on the spectral
distribution of that energy. The stimulus coefficient for radiation of a par-
ticular wave-length is the ratio of the luminous flux to the radiant power
producing it. The conventional unit of luminous flux is the lumen or the
flux emitted by one international candle through one steradian.
82. Luminous intensity (I), or candle-power. The luminous inten-
sity of a point source of light is the solid-angular density of the luminous
flux emitted by the source in the direction considered; or it is the flux per
steradian in that direction. The conventional unit is the candle-power, or
the (candle) lumen per steradian.
83. International candle. A standard of luminous intensity, con-
ventionally equal to the bougie decimal, maintained between the national
laboratories of England, France and America through the medium of groups
of standard incandescent lamps seasoned and intercompared. The intensity
given by this standard is the conventional unit or candle.
84. True specific luminous intensity (bo) of an element of a luminous
surface is the ratio of the luminous intensity of the element, taken normally,
to the area of the element. The conventional unit is the candle per square
centimeter ; or the lumen per sq. cm.
85. Apparent specific luminous intensity, or brightness (b) of an ,
89. Specific heat the ratio of the quantity of heat required to raise unit
mass of the substance througli unit difference of temperature, to that re-
quired to raise unit mass of water the same interval. In the C.G.S. thermal
system this is numerically the same as the quantity of heat required to raise
1 g. of the substance 1 deg. cent, at the temperature considered. The unit is
a mere numeric in any system.
Thermal conductivity. A specific thermal conducting power. It
is numerically equal to the flow of heat occurring through a 1-cm. slab of
the material, through a cross-sectional area of 1 sq. cm., when the difference
of temperature between the surfaces of the slab is 1 deg. cent. The C.G.S.
dynamical unit is the abwatt per centimeter and pei degree centigrade.
91. Thermal resistance. Opposition to the flow of heat by conduction.
Unit thermal resistance in a heat conductor permits unit flow of heat under
unit difference of temperature. If the flow of heat is measured in abwatts or
ergs per second, and the difference of temperature is in deg. cent., the unit
has been called the thermal absohm. If the flow of heat is measured in watts,
the unit has been called the thermal ohm.
92. Thermal resistivity. The reciprocal of thermal conductivity, and
measurable in thermal ohm-cm. or absohm-cm.
93. Latent heat. The quantity of heat required to change the physical
state of unit mass of a substance without changing its temperature, as for
instance to convert 1 g. of water at 100 deg. cent, into saturated dry steam
at 100 deg. cent. The dynamical C.G.S. unit is the erg per gram.
94. Entropy. A quantitative property of a body which is constant
when the quantity of heat contained in it is constant; but which increases
or decreases as the body gains or loses heat. In any small change of the quan-
tity of heat contained in the body, the change in entropy is the ratio of the
change in quantity of heat to the absolute temperature at which the change
took place. The C.G.S. unit is the erg per degree absolute.
96. Coefficient of expansion, at any temperature, is the ratio of the
change in dimensions of a body to the original dimensions, per degree centi-
grade of temperature increase. The expansion may be linear, as in the case
of a metallic wire; or it may be voluminal as in the case of a fluid. In either
case the unit is a numeric divided by a change of temperature.
96. Emissivity. The rate of emission of heat from a body per unit of
surface area and per degree centigrade elevation of temperature above its
surroundings. The C.G.S. dynamical unit is the erg per second, per square
centimeter and per degree centigrade.
97. Mechanical equivalent of heat. The value in mechanical units
of energy corresponding to a given quantity of heat; and, in particular, the
value in mechanical units corresponding to a unit quantity of heat such as
a lesser calorie, a therniie or a B.t.u.
98. Each and every derived unit in an absolute system is necessarily
formed from the fundamental units of that system in one and only one com-
bination. The particular combination of fundamental units entering into a
derived unit expresses its dimensions, and when presented algebraically, is
called the dimensional formula of the unit. Any statical or dynamical
unit in a kinetic absolute system involves only three fundamental units, or
has dimensions in three fundamental units. Electric or magnetic units
involve five fundamental units.
a 17
The dimensions of velocity are therefore LT~^, or the first positive power of
length and the first negative power of time. Since mass does not appear in
this dimensional formula we may write the formal dimensions of velocity as
L'Af" J'''.^ The three exponents 1, and — 1 completely define the nature of
velocity in any absolute system whose fundamental units are length, mass
and time. Moreover, the dimensional formula of a unit assigns at once the
size of a unit when systems employing different fundamental units are
compared. Thus if wo should compare the unit of velocity in the C.G.S. sys-
tem with that, say, in the meter-kilogram-day system; then in the latter
the unit would be the meter per day while in the former it would be the
centimeter per second.
100. Taking the more complex case of the magrnetic unit of, say.
current-density in a system whose fundamental units are those of both the
practical and C.G.S. systems; namely, length, mass, time, magnetic aether
constant n, and dielectric aether constant k. Then the dimensional formula
of current-density is L~ Jl/ ^7" ii~^. If now we compare the size of the prac-
tical unit with that of the C.G.S. unit the former has a unit length of a quad-
rant or 10' cm., and a mass unit of 10~" g. Consequently, the size of the
practical unit is to the size of the C.G.S. unit in the ratio (10»^~^ (IQ-y)^-
10~"; so that the practical unit, the ampere per square quadrant, is less
than the C.G.S. unit or absampere per square centimeter in the ratio 10~i'.
For practical purposes, we should probably ignore the systematic practical
unit of current density, the ampere per square quadrant, and select a hybrid
unit, say the ampere per square centimeter or per square inch. By such a
departure from the absolute system, however, the fundamental equations
of the system involving lengths, areas, or volumes, may become erroneous
unless we introduce compensating numerical coefficients.
100a. Vector units and complex quantities. As is explained in Sec.
2, at Par. 163 and elsewhere, vector alternating quantities are much used
in electrical engineering, and call for corresponding vector units, as well as
vector symbols, in the formulas relating to such quantities. Strictly speak-
ing, such quantities and units are not vectors in the mathematical sense of
that term, but are "complex" quantities and units, because when two such
quantities are multiplied together, they do not possess both a "vector prod-
uct" and a "scalar product" as is the case when two mathematical vectors
are multiplied. Nevertheless, such alternating quantities may be called
"plane vectors" to avoid conflict with mathematical usage, and the word
"vector," which is much used in alternating-current literature, may then be
interpreted, in this sense, as subject to the algebra of complex quantities in a
It is not only logical but also very desirable to distinguish between simple
and complex quantities, i.e., between scalars and vectors in alternating-cur-
rent formulas employing both. There are three ways in which this is done:
1. Distinctive symbols, or types of symbol, are used to designate vectors.
Thus a scalar e.m.f. in volts might be represented by E and a vector by E or
F, i.e., by a black letter capital, or by a gothic capital, of the same letter.
This method has the disadvantage of calling for and reserving special fonts
in representing vectors.
2. The same symbol may be used, but a distinctive mark, such as an
"under dot," may be applied to symbols representing vector quantities.
Thus a scalar e.m.f. in volts might be represented by£, and a vector e.m.f. by
E. In any formula or equation, if any one term is a vector, all of its terms
must be vectors; so that the under dot must be applied to each and every
term of a vector equation. This method has the disadvantages that it is
difficult to print or to set up in type, and that a page containing many vector
formulas presents a speckled appearance.
3. No special symbols or symbol marks may be used for vector quantities,
but the unit at the end of the line on which the equation appears may have a
distinctive sign, such as an angle mark ( Z. ), to indicate that the equation
employs vectors. Thus the equation
E = IZi+IZt-\-IZt volts Z
would indicate that the e.m.f. .B is a vector, and can be represented by the
polygonal or vector sum of three vector elements. In this ease the unit of the
equation becomes a "vector volt."
101. The international metric system. There are only three units
in the metric system the meter, the gram and the liter, with decimal deriva-
tives denoted by prefixes common to all parts of the system, including all
C.G.S. units and electric or magnetic units.
102. The
Metric Prefixes
r Mega- = 1,000,000 = 10« Greek for great
Ma Myria- = 10,000=10* Greek for 10,000 as in word myriad
So Kilo- = 1,000 = 10* Greek for 1,000
n2 Hecto- =
100 =10^ Greek for 100
IDeka- = 01 = lOi Greek for 10
as fDeci- F=l/10. =10-1 = = Latin for 10 as in U. S. dime
units;, factors, and tables Sec. 1-115
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136. Torque
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143. Storage of Water
1 acre-f t. = 325,800 U. S. gal. = 43,560 cu. ft. = :
1613 cu. yd. - 1234 cu. m.
1 gal. =0.3069X10-' acre-(t.
1 cu. ft. =0.2298X10-* acre-ft.
1 cu. yd. =0.00062 acre-ft.
1 cu. m. =0.000811 acre-ft.
144. Temperature
ISO. Conversion of Logarithms. For converting logarithms to the
base a, to another base 6:
.og..4^^ (12)
loga&Xlog6a = l (13)
Common or Briggs logarithms are computed from the base of 10,
while hyperbolic logarithms are computed from the base t or 2.7183.
, logiox „..
logrf;=, (14)
logio «
153. Natural Sines and Cosines
Note. — For cosines use right-hand column of degrees and lower line of tenths.
0.0000 0.0017 0.0035 0.0052 0.007C 0.0087 .0105 .0122 .0140 .0157
.0175 .0192 .0209 .0227 .0244 .0262 .0279 .0297 .0314 .0332
.0349 .0366 .0384 0.0401 .0419 .0436 0.0454 0.0171 .0488 .0506
.0523 .0541 .0558 .0576 .0593 .0610 .0628 .0645 .0663 .0680
.0698 .0715 .0732 .0750 .0767 .0785 .0802 .0819 .0837 0.0854
.0872 .0889 .0906 .0924 .0941 .0958 .0976 .0993 0.1011 .1028
.1045 .1063 .1080 0.1097 0.1115 0.1132 0.1149 0.1167 .1184 0.1201
0.1219 .12.36 .1253 0.1271 .1288 .1305 0.1323 0.1340 .1357 0.1374
.1392 .1409 .1426 .1444 0.1461 0.1478 .1495 0.1513 .1530 .1547
.1564 .1582 .1599 0.1616 0.1633 0.1650 .1668 0.1685 .1702 0.1719
.1736 0.1754 0.1771 0.1788 0.1805 .1822 0.1840 0.1857 .1874 0.1891
0.1908 .1925 0.1942 0.1959 0.1977 .1994 0.2011 .2028 0.2045 .2062
.2079 .2096 0.2113 .2130 0.2147 0.2164 0.2181 0.2198 .2215 .2232
.2250 .2267 .2284 .2300 .2317 .2334 .2351 .2368 .2385 .2402
.2419 .2436 .2453 .2470 .2487 .2504 .2521 .2538 .2554 .2571
.2588 0.2605 .2622 0.2639 0.2656 .2672 0.2689 .2706 .2723 .2740
.2756 .2773 .2790 .2807 .2823 .2840 .2857 .2874 .2890 .2907
.2924 .2940 .2957 .2974 0.2990 .3007 .3024 .3040 .3057 .3074
.3090 .3107 0.3123 .3140 .3156 0.3173 .3190 .3206 .3223 .3239
.3256 .3272 .3289 .3305 .3322 .3338 .3355 .3371 .3387 .3404
0.3420 0.3437 0.3453 0.3469 0.3486 0.3502 0.3518 0.3535 0.3551 0.3567
0.3584 0.3600 0.3616 0.3633 0.3649 0.3665 0.3681 0.3697 0.3714 0.3730
.3746 .3762 .3778 .3795 0.3811 .3827 .3843 .3859 .3875 .3891
.3907 .3923 .3939 .3955 .3971 .3987 0.4003 .4019 .4035 0.4051
.4067 .4083 .4099 0.4115 0.4131 .4147 0.4163 .4179 .4195 .4210
.4226 .4242 .4258 .4274 .4289 .4305 .4321 .4337 .4352 0.4368
.4384 .4399 .4415 .4431 .4446 .4462 .4478 .4493 .4509 .4524
.4540 .4555 .4571 .4586 .4602 0.4617 .4633 .4648 0.4664 .4679
.4695 .4710 .4726 .4741 .4756 .4772 .4787 .4802 .4818 .4833
.4848 .4863 .4879 .4894 0.4909 .4924 .4939 .4955 .4970 .4985
.5000 .5015 .5030 .5045 .5060 .5075 .5090 .5105 .5120 0.5135
.5150 0.5165 .5180 .5195 .5210 .5225 .5240 .5255 .5270 .5284
.5299 0.5314 .5329 .5344 .5358 .5373 .5388 .5402 .5417 .5432
.5446 .5461 .5476 .5490 .5505 .5519 .5534 .5548 .5563 .5577
.5592 0.5606 .5621 .5635 0.5650 0.5664 .5678 .5693 .5707 .5721
.5736 .5750 0.5764 .5779 .5793 .5807 .5821 .5835 0.5850 .5864
.5878 .5892 .5906 .5920 .5934 .5948 .5962 .5976 .5990 0.6004
.6018 .6032 .6046 .6060 .6074 .6088 0.6101 0.6115 0.6129 0.6143
.6157 .6170 .6184 .6198 0.6211 .6225 .6239 .6252 .6266 .6280
.6293 .6307 .6320 0.6334 0.6347 .6361 0.6374 .6388 0.6401 0.6414
0.6428 0.6441 0.6455 0.6468 0.6481 0.6494 0.6508 0.6521 0.6534 0.6547
.6561 0.6574 0.6587 .6600 0.6613 .6626 .6639 0.6652 .6665 .6678
.6691 0.6704 0.6717 .6730 .6743 .6756 .6769 .6782 .6794 .6807
.6820 0.6833 .6845 0.6858 .6871 .6884 6896 .6909 .6921 .6934
.6947 .6959 0.697210.6984 .6997 0.7009 .7022 .7034 0.7046 0.7059
Natural Sines and Cosines. — Concluded
.0000 .0017 .0035 .0052 .0070 .0087 .01050 .0122 .0140 .0157
0.0175 0.0192 0.0209 0.02270.0244 .0262 .02790 .02970 .0314 .0332
.0349 .0367 .0384 .0402 .0419 0.0437 .0454 .0472 .0489:0 .0507
.0524 .0542 .0559 .0577 .0594 .0612 .0629 .0647 .0664:0 .0682
.0699,0 .0717 .0734 .0752 .0769 .0787 .0805 .0822 .084010 .0857
.2679 .2698 .2717 .27360 .2754 .2773 1 .2792 .281 1 .2830 .2849
.2867 .2886 .2905 .2924 iO .2943 .2962 .2981 .3000 .3019 .3038
.3057 .3076 .3096 .3115 C .3134 .3153 .3172 .3191 .32110 .3230
.3249 .3269 .3288 .3307 .3327 .3346 .3365 .3385 .3404 .3424
!3443 !3463 13482 ^3502 !3522 13541; ^3561 !3581 !3600i0 !3620
.3640 .3659 .3679 .3699 .3719 .37390 .3759 .3779 .3799iO .3819
.3839 .3859 .3879 .3899 .3919 .3939^0 .3959 iO .3979 .4000 .4020
.404C .4061 .40810 .4101 .4122 .4142|0 .41630 .418310 .4204:0 .4224
.4245 .4265 C .4286 .4307 .4327 .4348 .4369 .4390 .4411 .4431
.4452,0 .4473 .4494 .4515 .4536 .455710 .4578 .4599,0 .4621 :0 .4642
.5774 .5797
.5820 .5844 : 5867 ,589o'o ,5914 .5938 .59610 .5985
.6009 .6032
.6056 .6080 6104 iO ,6128,0 6152 .6176,0 .6200,0 .6224
.6249 .6273
.6297 .6322 634610 6371 |0 6395 .6420: .6445 .6469
.6494 .65190 .6544 .6569 6594 6619!o 6644 .6669 .6694 .6720
. 6745 iO. 6771 ;0.6796iO. 6822 ,684710 6873 iO ,6899,0 .6924,0 .6950 .6976
.7002iO .7028 .7054 .7080 .7107 .713310 .715910 .7186 .7212 .7239
.7265i0 .7292i0 .7319,0 .7346 .737310 .7400 .742710 .7454 .7481 .7508
.7536 .7563 .7590'0 .7618 .7646 .7673 .7701 .7729 .7757 .7785
.7813,0 .7841 :0 .7869 .7898 .7926 .7954 .798310 .8012 .8040 .8069
0.8098,0.8127,0.8156,0.8185 0.8214,0.8243 0.8273 0.8302 0.8332 0.8361
0.839! 0.8421 0.8451 0.8481 0.8511 .8541 .8571 .8601 .8632 0.8662
.8693 .8724 .8754 .8785 .8816 .8847;0 .8878 .8910 .8941 .8972
.9004 .9036 C .9067 .9099 .9131 .9163,0 .9195 .9228 C .9260 .9293
.9325 .9358 .9391 ,0 .9424 .9457 .94900 .9523 .9556 .9590 .9623
.9657 .9691 .9725 .9759 .9793 .9827 .9861 .9896 .9930 .9965
1 .0 °0 .9 j
°0 .8 °0 .7 °0 .6 "0 .5 °0 .4 °0 .3 !
°0 .2 "0 .1 Deg
Natural Tangents and Cotangents — Concluded
6889 3. 7136 3. 7377 3 76123 7842 3 8067 3 8286 3 8501:3 8712i3 8918
4o|3. . . . . . . .
91203. 93183. 9512 3 9703 3 9890 4 0073 4 0254 4 0431 4 0604 4 0775
50i3. . . . . . . .
4 2485 4 2627 4 2767 4 29054 3041 4 3175 4 3307 4 3438 4 3567 4 3694
. . . . . . . . . .
I I I !
140 4 941 6 4 9488 4 9558 4 9628 4 9698 4 9767 4 9836 4 9904 4 9972 5 0039
. . . . . . . . . .
150 5.0106 5.0173 5.0239 5 0304 5 0370 5 0434 5 0499 5 0562 5 0626 5 0689
. . . . . . .
160 5.0752 5.0814 5.0876 5.09385.0999 5.1059 5.1120 5.1180 5.1240 5.1299
1 !
i t ! i ! !
! I 1
2705. 5984:5. 6021 '5. 6058 .6095 5. 61315. 6168:5.62045.62405. 6276 5.6312
2805 63485, 6384 5. 6419 .6454 5. 6490 5 6525 5.6560 5.6595 5. 6630 5.6664
2905. 6699 5 6733 5. 6768 .680215. 6836 5. 68705.6904 5.6937 5. 69715.7004
3005. 7038 5, 70715. 7104 .7137(5. 7170 5, 7203 5.7236 5.7268 5. 73015.7333
3105. 7366 5, 7398 5. 7430 .746215. 7494 5 7526 5.7557 5.7589 5. 76215.7652
3205. 7683 5. 7714:5. 7746 .7777 5. 7807 5. 7838 5.7869 5.79005. 7930 5.7961
330l5. 79915, 802 1;5. 8051 .80815. 81115. 8141:5.81715.82015. 82305.8260
3405.82895, 8319 5.8348 5 8377 5 . . 8406 5 8435 5 8464 5 8493 5 8522,5 8551
. . . . .
350i5. 85795, 8608 5.8636 5 8665(5 . . 8693 5 872 1 5 8749 5 8777 5 8805 5 8833
. . . . .
360!5. 8861:5. 888915.8916 5 8944 5 . . 8972 5 8999 5 9026 5 9054 5 9081 5 .9108
. . . .
: I i
i i
3705.9135 5, 9162 5.9189 5 9216 5 9243 5 9269 5 9296 5 9322 5 9349 5 9375
. . . . . . .
380 5 9402 5 9428 5.9454 5 9480 5 9506 5 9532 5 9558 5 9584 5 9610 5 9636
, . . . . . . .
400i5 9915 5
. 9940 5 9965 5 998916 0014 6 0039 6 0064 6 0088 6 01 13 6 0137
. . . . . . . . .
430 6 0638 6 0661 6 0684 6 0707 6 0730 6 0753 6 0776 6 0799 6 08226 0845
. . . . . . . . . .
i I
4406 0868 6 08906 .0913 6. 0936:6. 0958 6. 0981i6. 1003 6. 1026 6. 1048 6. 1070
. .
Hyperbolic Lograrithms. — Concluded
500 214616 2166!6. 21866. 2206 6.222616.2246 6.2265 6.228516.230516.2324
5106 2344 6 2364'6.2383 6.2403 6.2422:6.2442 6.2461 6.2480 6.25006.2519
> 520 6, 25386 25586.2577 6.2596 6.261516.2634 6.2653 6.2672 6.26916.2710
530!6, 2729:6 2748:6.2766:6.2785 6.280416.2823 6.2841 6.2860 6.2879 6.2897
630 6 4457 6 44734 4489 6 4505 6.4520 6.4536 6 4552 6.4568 6.4583 6.4599
. . . . .
6806.5221 6.5236 6.5250 6 5265 6.5280 6 5294 6.5309 6.5323 5338 6.5352
. .
700:6 551 1 6
. . 5525 6 . 5539 6 5554 6.5568 6.5582 6.55966.56106.5624 6.5639
7106. 5653 6 . 5667 6 . 5681 6 5695 6.5709 6.5723 6,5737 6.57516.5765 6 5779
. .
720 6 5793^6
. . 5806 6 . 582016 5834 6.5848 6.5862 6. 587616. 588916. 5903 6.5917
7306 5930 6
. . 5944 6 . 595816 5971 6.5985 6 5999 6.6012 6.60266.6039 6.6053
. .
820 6, 7093 6. 7105 6. 71176. 713016. 7142:6. 7154 6. 716616. 7178 6.71906.7202
830|6 .72146. . 7238l6 7250:6 7262 6 7274 6
, . . 7298 6.73106,7322
. .
7226J6 7286J6
840 6 733416 7346 6 735816 73706 7382 6.7393 6.7405|6.7417 6.7429 6.7441
. . . . .
850 6 7452J6 7464i6 747616 748816 7499 6.7511 6.752316.7534 6.7546 6 7558
, . . . . ,
8606. 756916. 7581:6. 7593J6. 7604 6. 7616 6.7627 6.7639 6.76506.7662 6.7673
870 6 7685 6 7696 6 7708*6 771916 773 1 6 7742 6 7754'6 7765 6.7776 6 7788
, . . , . . . . .
880 6 7799 6 7811 6 7822i6 783316 7845 6 7856 6 7867 5 7878 6.7890 6.7901
. , . . , , . ,
890 6 7912 6 7923 6 7935J6 7946 6 7957|6 79686 79796 7991 6 8002 6,8013
. . . . . . . , .
9006. 8024 6, 80356. 8046 6, 80576. 8068'6. 8079|6. 80906. 8101 6.8112 6.8123
9106, 8134 6. 8145 6. 81566.816716. 8178:6. 818916. 8200!6. 8211 6 8222 6,8233
940 b 84596 8469 6 8480 6 8491 16 8501 \g 851 216 8522 6 8533 6 8544!8 8554
. . . . . . . . . .
950 6 8565 6 8575 6 8586 6 8596 6 8607 6 861 7 6 8628 6 8638 6 86486 8659
. , , . , . . ,
. ,
970 6 8773 6 8783 6 8794 6 8804 6 8814 6 8824 6 8835 6 8845 6 8855 6 8865
, , , . . . . . . .
980 6 8876 6 8S86 6 8896 6 8906 6 8916 8926 6 8937 6 8947 6 8957!6 8967
, . , . , , , . . .
990 6 8977 6 8987 6 8997 6 9007 6 901 7 6 9027 6 9037:6 9047|6 9057 6 9068
. . . . . . . . . .
(Numbers refer to Paragraphs)
Electric Potential Alternating-Current Circuits
1 151
Electric Currents 9 Non-Sinusoidal or Complex Waves 190
Continuous-Current Circuits 19 Polyphase Systems 213
Electromagnetic Induction 36 Uniformly Distributed Resiat-
The Magnetic Circuit 43 ance, Reactance, Capacity and
Inductance 67 Leakage 233
Hysteresis and Eddy Currents 89 Capacity in Alternating-current
The Dielectric Circuit 106 circuits 241
Transient Currents and Voltages 138 Bibliography 248
W^QE. (1)
When Q is coulombs, and E in volts,
in W
is in joules (watt-seconds).
Hence, electromotive force or voltage may also be defined as electrical energy
developed or work done per unit quantity of electricity.
3. Electric Power. —
Dividing both sides of the preceding equation by
the time which it takes for the quantity Q to flow through a cross-section of
the circuit, we get
P = IE, (2)
where P is the power, and I the rate of flow or the current. The e.m.f. can
thus be defined as the power developed per unit of current.
4. The principal sources of electromotive force or difference of poten-
tial are the following:
(a) Electromagnetic induction (see Par. 36)
(b) Contact of dissimilar substances (see Par. 6)
(c) Thermo-electric action (see Par. 6);
(d) Chemical action (Sec. 20);
(e) Friction between dissimilar substances (see Sec. 22).
In the light of the modern electrical theory, all these phenonema, with the
exception of (a), appear to be but special cases of the general contact action.
6. In a circuit made up of several substances, a difference of potential
(e.m.f.) exists at each junction of two unlike substances. However, from
the law of conservation of energy it follows that unless the circuit contain
a source of energy, the resultant e.m.f. in the circuit must be zero and no
current can be established. This phenomenon also takes place in circuits
made up of a single substance whenever the substance is not physically and
chemically homogeneous. The following are the principal cases of thermal
and contact action:
(a) Seebeck effect. In a closed circuit consisting of two different metals, if
the two junctions are kept at different temperatures, a permanent current
will flow. Thus, if one junction of a copper-iron circuit be kept in melting
ice and the other in boiling water, it will be found that a current passes from
copper to iron across the hot junction. If, however, the temperature of the
hot junction be raised gradually, the e.rn.f. in the circuit slowly reaches a
maximum, then sinks to zero, and finally is reversed.
(b) Peltier effect. When a current is passed across the junction between
two different metals, an evolution or an absorption of heat takes place.
This effect is different from the evolution of heat (I'V), due to the resistance
of the junction, and is reversible, heat being evolved when the current
passes one way across the junction and absorbed when the current passes in
the other direction. There is a definite relation between the direction of the
thermo-electric current and the sign of the Peltier effect. If a current be
forced across a junction in the same direction as the thermo-electric current
flows at the hot junction, the junction will be cooled, that is, heat will be
absorbed. Conversely, a current passing in the normal direction across the
cold junction of a thermo-electric circuit evolves heat. In general, then, a
thermo-electric current absorbs heat at the hot junction and gives up heat at
the cold junction. Therefore, a current produced in the same direction by
external means must cool off the junction which serves as the "hot" junction
and warm up the "cold" junction.
(c) Thomson effect. In a copper bar, heat is carried with the electric
current when it flows from hot regions to cold ones; on the other hand,
when the current flows from cold regions to hot ones, these hot parts of the
bar are cooled. In iron these effects are reversed. The conductor may be
thought of as composed of a number of little elements of volume, at the
junctions between which occur reversible heat effects, similar to Peltier
effects at the junctions between different metals.
(d) Volta effect, or contact electrification. When pieces of various
materials are brought in contact, an e.m.f. is developed between them.
Thus, in the case of zinc and copper, zinc becomes charged positively and
copper negatively. According to the electron theory, different substances
possess different tendencies to give up their negatively charged corpuscles.
Zinc gives them up very easily; therefore a number of negatively charged
particles pass from it to copper. Measurable e.m.fs. are observed even
between two pieces of the same substance, having different structures; for
instance between a piece of cast copper and electrolytic copper. Frictional
electricity is explained in a similar way, only a more intimate contact is
necessary where the conductivities of the substances are small.
6. Literature references. For a detailed treatment, curves and mathe-
9. An electric current is defined as the rate of flow of electricity, or the
quantity of electricity which flows through a cross-section of the circuit per
unit time. If the current / is steady, then
/ = !• (6)
the current / is in amperes. When the rate of flow is non-uniform, the in-
stantaneous current is
19. Ohm's When the current in a conductor is steady and there
are no electromotive forces within the conductor, the value of the current t
isproportional to the voltage e between the terminals of the conductor, or
e = ri (8)
where the coefficient of proportionality r is callec^ the resistance of the
conductor. The same law may be written in the form
1 = 176 (9)
where the coefficient of proportionality (/= 1/r is called the conductance
of the conductor. When the current is measured in amperes and the elec-
tromotive force in volts, the resistance r is in ohms and g is in mhos.
When there is a counter-electromotive force ec within the conductor,
Ohm's law becomes
et — ec = ri, (10)
i = g(et — ec), (11)
where et is the voltage between the terminals of the conductor.
20. For cylindrical conductors the resistance is proportional to the
length I, and inversely proportional to the cross-section A, or
r = Pj, (12)
where the coefficient of proportionality p (rho) is called the resistivity (or
specific resistance) of the material. For numerical values of p for various
materials see Sec. 4.
The conductance of a cylindrical conductor is
6' = X^, (13)
For the original development of the electronic theory and its application
to various electric and magnetic phenomena see numerous books and articles
by SirJ. J. Thomson. A popular exposition of the results will be found in
Fournier d' Albee's " The Electron Theory " and in a somewhat more advanced
"Modern Electrical Theory" by N. R. Campbell and in "The Electron
Theory of Matter " by O. W, Richardson.
in other words, when two or more conductors are connected in series, the
reciprocal of the equivalent conductance is equal to the sum of the reciprocals
of the individual conductances.
23. When resistances are connected in parallel, the equivalent re-
sistance Teq is determined from the relation
— = -+-
Tea ri r2
+etc. (18)
or simply
Ofq^gt+Qi+CtC. (19)
24. The simple rule is: Resistances are added when in series; con-
ductances are added when in parallel. In the case often met in practice
when two resistances are connected in
1 .
add this conductance to the conductance 1/ro. This will give the total con-
ductance V)etween the points M
and N. The reciprocal of it gives the equiva-
lent resistancebetween the same points. The total resistance between the
points A and B is found by adding n to this resistance. When a network of _
26. Power and energy. When a steady current i flows through a con-
ductor and the voltage across the tenninala of the conductor is e, the power,
or the energy per unit time, delivered to the conductor is
P = ei. (21)
If the current is expressed in amperes and the potential in volts, the power
P in watts (joules per second).
is When the voltage and the current are
variable, their instantaneous values being represented by e and i respect-
ively, the preceding equation gives the instantaneous power, that is the
instantaneous rate at which energy is being delivered to the conductor.
The total energy delivered to the conductor during a time ( is
W= eit = eQ, (22)
where Q the total quantity of electricity (coulombs) which passed through
the conductor. If Q is in coulombs (ampere-seconds), W
is in joules (watt-
seconds). When the voltage and the current are variable the total energy
is expressed by
'= 1
I eidt, (23)
where the time interval is ti — ti.
27. Joule's law. When the conductor contains ohmic resi-stance only
and no counter-electromotive forces, we have e = ri = i/g, so that the power
P = i2r=.~^ — = e'-g.
g r
This expression is known as Joule's law.
28. If the conductor contains a counter-e.m.f., cc, for instance,
that of a motor or of a battery, the power is given by
P = eti = eci-hi'h, (25)
where et is the voltage across the terminals of the conductor. In this expres-
sion ed is the useful power, and I'-r is the heat loss in the conductor. See
Par. 19.
29. KirchhoS's laws. In an arbitrary network of conductors (Fig. 2)
with sources of continuous e.m.f. connected in one or more places, the dis-
tribution of the currents is such that two conditions are satisfied, namely,
Si = 0, and 2e=2:tr. (26)
The first equation refers to any junction point of three or more conductors
and states the fact that as much current flows toward the junction as away
from it, because electricity behaves like an
incompressible fluid. In this equation all
the currents which flow toward the junction
are taken with the sign plus (_+); all those
which flow away from it with the sign
minus ( — ), or vice versa. The second law
refers to any closed circuit taken at random
in the network. The voltages e are the
local electromotive forces in such a circuit
and the currents and the resistances refer to
the individual conductors of the circuit.
The directions of flow of the currents can
be assumed arbitrarily to start with, and in
writing the second equation one follows a
selected circuit in a certain direction, clock-
wise or counter-clockwise, talcing as positive
Fig. 2. —
Network of con- the currents which flow in this direction and
ductors. the e.m.fs. which tend to produce currents
in the same direction. The currents and the
voltages in the opposite direction are entered in the equation with the sign
minus. For a given network of conductors the total number of equations of
the first form is equal to the number of junction points less one; the number
of equationsof the second kind is equal to the number of independent
closed paths in the network. The total number of equations of both kinds
is equal to the number of unknown currents so that these currents can bo
f = ^(6/3-C7), (29)
'Maxwell, J. C. "A
Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism," Vol. I,
Art. 347.
For practical forms of the Wheatstone bridge and its application to the
measurement of resistance see Sec. 3.
36. Faraday^s law of induction. When a magnetic flux * within a
loop of wire varies with the time, an e.m.f. is induced in the loop, the instan-
taneous value e of the e.m.f. being proportional to the rate of change of flux;
e--k-^> (31)
where d^/dt is the rate of change of flux <E> with respect to the time t, and k
is a constant which depends upon the units of voltage, flux, and time. When
* is in maxwells, e in volts, and time in seconds, i=10~*. If the flux is
expressed in webers, A; = 1. 'The sign minus determines the relative directions
of the flux and the e.m.f. Namely, when the circmt is closed, the induced
e.m.f. tends to produce a current in the direction such as to oppose the change
in flux. This latter statement follows from Lenz's law, which is stated by
Maxwell* as follows: If a constant current flows in the primary circuit A,
and if, by the motion of .A, or of the secondary circuit B, a current is induced
in B, the direction of this induced current will be such that, by its electro-
magnetic action on A, it tends to oppose the relative motion of the circuits.
See the right-hand screw rule (Par. 66) or Fleming's rule (Par. 67). For
practical purposes three particular cases of electromagnetic induction are
considered below.
37. Stationary conductor and variable flux. This is the case when
both the exciting m.m.f. which produces the flux, and the winding in which
an e.m.f. is induced, are stationary, relatively to one another. The voltage
is induced by a varying magnetic flux, the changes in the flux being produced
by varying either the magnitude of the m.m.f. (stationary transformer) or
•Maxwell, J. C. "A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism," Vol. II,
Art. 542.
flux is linked with A'^ turns and varies harmonically with the time, at a fre-
quency of / cycles per second, the mazimuiu induced e.m.f is .
K„™=^pf?-, (35)
where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the initial and the final instants
38. Stationary flux and moving conductor. When the exciting m.m.f.
which produces the flux, and the winding in which the e.m.f. is induced, move
relatively to each other, as in a generator, so that the conductors cut across
the lines of flux, the instantaneous induced e.m.f. in a conductor is
e = miv, (36)
where (B is the flux density, I the length of the conductor, v the relative veloc-
ity between the flux and the conductor, and k a coefficient which depends
upon the units selected. When e is in volts, (B in maxwells per square centi-
meter (gausses), I in centimeters and v in centimeters per second, k= 10"'.
The three directions, (B, I, and v, are supposed to be at right angles to each
other; if not, their projections at right angles to each other are to be used in
the preceding formula. For practical formulas giving the e.m.f. induced in
direct-current and alternating-current machinery see Sec. 7 and Sec. 8.
39. Variable flux and moving conductor. When coils or conductors
are moving through a pulsating magnetic field, as for instance in single-phase
motors, the induced e.m.f. is due to a combined transformer and generator
action (Par. 37 and 38), and is equal at any instant to the sum of the e.m.f.
induced by a constant flux in a moving coil and that induced by a pul-
sating flux in a stationary coil. Let the frequency of the pulsating field be
/ cycles per second; that of the rotating coil /' cycles per second. A pul-
sating field can be resolved into two revolving fields, one rotating clock-
wise, the other counter-clockwise. Therefore, the induced e.m.f. is a result
of the superposition of two e.m.fs., one of the frequency /+/', the other
/ — /'. In the particular case of /=/' the e.m.f. induced in the rotating coil
is of the frequency 2/, the frequency /— /' being equal to zero.
40. Force on a conductor carrying a current in a magnetic field.
Let a conductor carry a current oft amp. and be placed in a magnetic field
the density of which is (B maxwells per square centimeter ((B gausses). Then,
if the length of the conductor is I cm., the force tending to move the con-
ductor across the field is
F=10.2i(BaO-9 (kg.) (37)
It is of the axis of the conductor
presupposed in this formula that the direction
is at right angles to the direction of the field. If the directions of i and B
form an angle a, the preceding expression must be multiplied by sin a. _
where l/h is the ratio of the length of each conductor to the axial distance
between the conductors. The force is an attraction or a repulsion according
to whether the two currents are flowing respectively in the same or in the
opposite directions.
Mechanical force exerted between magnetic flux and a current-carrying
conductor is also present inside the conductor itself, and is called pinch efiect.
The force between the infinitesimal filaments of the current is an attraction,
so that a current in a conductor tends to contract the conductor. _
effect is of importance in some types of electric furnaces where it limits the
current w^hich can be carried by a molten conductor. The same stress also
tends to elongate the conductor.
42. Interlinkage of electric and magnetic circuits. The most general
relations between the electric and the magnetic quantities are expressed by
two laws of circuitation. * Stripped of the vector-analysis terms in which
these laws are usually expressed, they are as follows: Let Hbe the magnetic
intensity or the m.m.f. gradient at a point in a medium of constant permea-
bility, and let O be the electric intensity or the e.m.f. gradient at a point.
The first law of circuitation states that the line integral of H
along a closed
curve is proportional to the volume of the total current (conduction current
and displacement current) linked with this curve. The second law of
circuitation states that the line integral of the electric intensity along a closed
curve is proportional to the rate of change of the total magnetic flux linked
with this curve. The coefficients of proportionality depend only upon the
units u.sed. The theory of propagation of electromagnetic waves is based
upon these two laws. See for instance W. S. Franklin's "Electric Waves,"
Art. 57.
J = ^^nJ=1.257n/ (41)
6 65
where nl is the product of the number of turns and the current in amperes.
For further information about magnetic units see Sec. 1.
45. Permeability and reluctivity. The reluctance of a uniform mag-
netic path (Fig. 5) is proportional to its length I and inversely proportional
to its cross-section .4, or
(R = v-^ (42)
(P = MY- (43)
3C = (46)
JF = 3Cr or ?F = y3Cai. (47)
X is also known as the magnetizing force or as the magnetic potential
• If 3^ is in ampere-turns, 3C is in ampere-turns per centimeter (or per inch)
of length. If fF is in gilberts, 3C is in gilberts per centimeter (or per inch)*.
47. Flux density ((B) is defined as the flux per unit area perpendicular
to the direction of the lines of force. In a uniform field
. (B = |. -
In a non-uniform field
(B = -. (49)
* = (B4, or * = y(BdA. (50)
Ifthe flux is measured in maxwells and areas in square centimeters,
flux density is expressed in maxwells per square centimeter; one maxwell
per square centimeter is sometimes called a gauss. In this country flux
density is also expressed in maxwells, or in kilolines, per square inch.
It follows at once from (40), (43), (45) and (48) that
(B=m3C (51)
which is the familiar relationship between flux density, permeability and mag-
netic field intensity.
_ i
_ - 144-U- - -
intensity of induced magnetization. The coeflBcient k is called the susceptl'-
bility of the material. The total flux density in iron also consists of two
parts, viz., that due to X
and to 5, or, in the C.G.S. system,
(B = X + 4x3. (54)
> Dividing both sides of this equation by 3C, gives
/ii=H-4 7nc, (55)
where /i is the permeability of the material (Par. 63). Susceptibility is equal
to zero for non-magnotic materials, is positive for paramagnetic and nega-
tive for diamagnetic substances. It is seldom used in practice.
63. The permeability (^i) and the reluctivity (v) of a material (Par.
46) are also defined as the ratios
/' = g^and = ^- i' (5C)
Their values depend upon the units selected for (B and 3C. In the C.G.S.
electromagnetic system (B and 3C are numerically equal for non-magnetic
materials, consequently = v—\. When (B is expressed in maxwells per
square centimeter (or per square inch) and in ampere-turns per unitK
length, fi and v for air and other non-magnetic materials have values given in
Par. 45, Eq. 44.
64. Two different scales of permeability. For steel and iron the per-
meability /x = (B/3C is frequently calculated from the magnetization curve
(Par. 49), and is usually plotted against (B as absciss® (see curves in Sec. 4).
One must be careful to distinguish between the absolute permeability
and the relative permeability. The former is equal to (B/3C, the latter is
the ratio of the permeability of a sample to that of the air. In the C.G.S.
electromagnetic system both permeabilities are numerically the same,
because n is assumed to be unity for the air; nevertheless they have different
physical dimensions in any system of units.
66. Magnetic calculations. In practice, calculations of magnetic
circuits with iron are usually arranged so as to avoid the use of permeability /j
altogether, using a (B-3C curve directly (Par. 49 and 60). In some special
investigations it is convenient to use the values of permeability and also an
empirical equation between /i and (B. For smalland medium flux densities m
may be expressed as a parabolic curve, of the form
;i = a-b((Bo-(B)nO-6 (57)
r^ '•«.
(B = __:^*' (58)
or also in the form
nn 1
where the distance between the element ds and the point A in centimeters,
r is ,
and a is the angle between the directions of ds and r. The intensity d3C is
perpendicular to the plane comprising ds and r, and its direction is deter-
mined by the right-hand screw rule given above. The field intensity pro-
duced at A by a closed circuit is obtained by integrating the above expression
for dX over the whole circuit.
69. The magnetic field due to an indefinite straight conductor
carrying a current of i amp., consists of concentric circles which lie in planes
perpendicular to the axis of the conductor and which have their centres on
this axis. The field intensity at a distance of r cm. from the axis of the
conductor is
jts direction being determined by the right-hand screw rule (Par. 66).
60. Magnetic field due to a closed
circular conductor. If the conduc-
tor carrying a current of / amp. is
, bent in the form of a ring of radius r
cm. (Fig. 8), the magnetizing force at
a point along the axis is
of a circular conductor. X = q--2^,2J. (64)
= — nji
3C (gilberts per cm.) (65)
where i is the current in amperes, and m is the number of turns per centi-
meter length.
The determination of the field intensity produced by short coils is
usually a complex matter, and the results are expressed by complicated
formulse. See references in Par. 74.
62. The stored magnetic energry in a single loop of non-magnetic wire,
when the dimensions of the wire are small compared to those of the loop (so
tliat the flux inside the wire is negligible), is
TF = Ji'n'i-CPc + S7ip2A(P,I.
The last expression is identical with
W-=\Li"- (68)
where L is the inductance of the coil (Par. 67). The subscripts c in the fore-
going expressions refer to complete linkages, that is those which embrace
all the turns of the coil, the subscripts p to partial linkages. See the
author's " Magnetic Circuit," Art. 57.
64. The density of magnetic energy, or the magnetic energy stored
per cubic centimeter of a magnetic field is
W =-^- (B3C
= -^ 5—
— = ojr/i ^. , ,.
(joules per cubic cm.).
^ __
ojr ox
Here 3C is the intensity in gilberts per centimeter, (B is the flux density in
webers per square centimeter and ii is the relative permeability; or if 3C is
inampere-turns per centimeter, then
(^«-) (^^>
where ®the flux density in the air-gap, expressed in kilolines per square
centimeter, and A is the total area of the contact between the armature and
the core, in square centimeters. See also Sec. 5.
66. Magnetic force or torque. The mechanical force or the torque
between two parts of a magnetic circuit may in some cases be conven-
iently calculated by making use of the principle of virtual displace-
ments. An infinitesimal displacement between the two parts is assumed,
and the assumption is made that the work necessary for this displacement
is equal to the change in the stored magnetic energy, plus the electrical
energy added during the change from the source of the exciting current. For
details see the author's "Magnetic Circuit," Art. 71.
67. The electromagnetic inductance, or the coe£Scient of self-in-
duction L, is defined from any of the following three fundamental equations:
.= -4- (72,
Pr= ii2Z,; (73)
L = nc^<Pc+ r
I np'd(Pp. (74)
These expressions are true only when the permeability of the medium is con-
stant. The first equation expresses the fact that the self-induced voltage
isproportional to the rate of change of the current in the circuit, andZ/ is the
coefficient of proportionality. According to the second equation, the mag-
netic energy stored in a circuit is proportional to the square of the current
(Par. 63), and L is the coefficient of proportionality. In the third formula
L is expressed through the permeances (P of the magnetic paths linking with
the circuit (Fig. 9), and the number of turns with which these paths are
linked. The subscripts c and p refer to complete and partial linkages respec-
tively (Par. 63). For practical purposes both inductance and permeance
are expressed in henrys (Par. 44 and Sec. 1). The first expression is conven-
ient for measurements of inductance, the third one for calculations in those
cases where the shape of the magnetic paths is known or can be estimated.
68. Closed magnetic circuit. For a torus ring (Fig. 5) uniformly
wound with one layer of thin wire the partial linkages may be neglected,
80 that np = 0, and 6'c=iiA/l, where for non-magnetic materials m = 1-000;
A is the cross-section of the flux within the ring, and I is the average length of
the flux. Consequently
Numerous tables, curves, and charts which simplify the use of this formula
for practical design will be found in the Bulletin No. 53 of the University
of Illinois, by Morgan Brooks and H. M. Turner, entitled "Inductance of
Coils." For another empirical formula see Doggett, L. A., "The Inductance
of Air-cored Solenoids," Elec. World, Vol. LXIII (1914), p. 259.
74. Bureau of Standards, formulas for inductance. For a thorough
analysis and comparison of various formulas for the inductance of coils the
reader i.s referred to the following excellent series of articles published in the
Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards:
"Formula and Tables for the Calculation of Mutual and Self-inductance"
(Revised), E. B. Rosa and L. Cohen, Vol. VIII, p. 1; 1912; "Calculation of
Par. 77 holds true only for the conductor situated symmetrically with respect
to the other two. The inductance of the other two wires cannot be cal-
culated in a simple manner. For practical purposes it is sufficient to take
the inductance of all three wires as equal to that of a line symmetrically
spaced, the equivalent spacing being equal to the geometric mean of the three
actual spacings, or
circuit linking with the flux produced by the other circuit. Employing the
notation in Par. 67, the total energy of the system is expressed by
W = hu'^L\ + \h'^Li+uhLm (joules) (89)
where L\ and Lj are the coefficients of self-induction of the two circuits, and
Lm called the coefficient of mutual inductance of the two circuits.
All three coefficients are measured in henrys.
84. The coefficient of mutual inductance is also deflned from the
that is, Lm determines the voltage ei induced in the circuit (1) when the current
»a in circuit (2) varies with the time, and vice versa.
85. coefficient of mutual inductance of two long coaxial
single-layer coils of the same length I and cross-section A, is
im = 1.257ra,n2M10-8, (henrys), (91)
where ni and m
are the numbers of turns per centimeter length of the two
coils respectively; I and A are measured in centimeters.
86. For two long coaxial coils wound in several layers the coefficient
of mutual inductance is
Lm='iniin2ndi(hri'~(\+~+^,) (henrys) (92)
\ ri oriv
and if an iron core is present
Lm = ^ni"-7i2nduhri^[l + (.Hr-l)a^+p +^^] (henrys) (93)
For explanation of notation see Par. 72 above. See also the references
in Par. 74.
87. The coefficient of mutual inductance of two parallel line
circuits (Fig. 11a) is given by
where ai and 6i are the distances from one of the wires of circuit 1 to the
time as abscissae, side by side with the hysteresis loop, (a) If the voltage
applied to the coil is sinusoidal {E, to the left), the current wave will be
distorted and displaced from the corresponding sinusoidal flux wave. The
latter wave is in quadrature with the voltage wave. (6) If the current
through the coil is sinusoidal (I, to the right), the flux is distorted into a
flat-top wave, and the induced voltage wave e is peaked.
Fig. 12. —Periodic waves of current, flux and e.m.f. ; hysteresis loop.
wherein / is the total exciting current and d the angle of time-phase displace-
The energy lost per cycle can be represented by the area, AfBd, of the
loop; see Par. 94 below.
93. Hysteretic angle. Without hysteresis, E/<
the current / would be in phase quadrature with
E. For this reason the angle a=90 — is called
the angle of hysteretic advance of phase.
Ir IrE watts loss —
Sxn a =-=-=„ =
-. (95)
I IE apparent watts
In practice, the measured loss usually includes
eddy currents (Par. 98) so thatthe name "hys-
teretic" is somewhat of a misnomer.
94. The energy lost per hysteresis cycle
(Fig. 12) is proportional to the area of the loop, Oy
+ <&
Energy = cF^ aCAOJ (joules) (96)
current, i. Now, if the core be divided into two (6), four (c), or n parts,
the e.m.f. in each circuit will be e/2, k/4, e/u and the conductance g/2, g/A,
gin respectively. Thus, the loss per
lamination will be (l/w3)-th part and
the total loss (l/n2)-th part of the loss in
the solid core.
99. Effect of lamination. From the
two examples given above it is seen that
the eddy currents can be greatly reduced
by laminating the circuit, i.e., by making
it up of thin sheets each insulated from the
others. The same purpose is accomplished
Fig. 15.— Section of trans-
by using stranded conductors or bundles
former core.
of wires. The eddy-current loss in a
laminated iron core is
so that the potential difference tends to establish currents which oppose the
main current at the centre and assist it at the circumference. The result is,
that the main current is forced to the outside thus reducing the effective area
of the conductor. This phenomenon is called skin effect (Par. 101).
101. A theoretical formula for the calculation of skin effect in a
solid conductor of circular cross-section is*
-4'+f2(M5?)'-Tlo(if )'+H <-""»>•
wherein r is the resistance offered to an alternating current; R that offered
to a continuous current; /the frequency in cycles per second, /i the relative
permeability of the conductor and I the length of the conductor in centimeters.
It will be noted that \/R is proportional to the area of cross-section of the
conductor; therefore, the skin effect depends upon the area of cross-section
of the conductor and the frequency of the current. These should be kept as
small as possible, although skin effect seldom cuts any great figure where
moderate sized conductors are used to carry current at ordinary frequencies.
It is in iron or other miagnetic materials, where skin effect becomes really
important. It niust be considered in rail returns for alternating-current
systems. Skin effect tables are given in Sec. 4 (see index). For a detailed
• Maxwell, J. C. "A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism," Vol. II,
Art. 690; footnote by J. J. Thomson.
j=a + bf (107)
107. The dielectric flux density and the potential gradient. The
flux density D or the dielectric flux per unit area is D
= Q/A when the flux
distribution is uniform, or D = dQ/dA when the flux distribution is non-
uniform. In these expressions Q is the dielectric flux and A is the area
perpendicular to the electrostatic lines of force. Flux density is measured
in microcoulombs per square centimeter or per square inch.
The voltage E applied at the terminals of the condenser acts upon the
whole thickness I of the dielectric, and the dielectric stress (r is characterifed
as the voltage per unit thickness (unit length) of the dielectric in the direction
Eroportional to the voltage E applied
etween the terminals (Fig. IG) as long
1 Galv. as the safe limit of insulation is not
exceeded; or
Q = CE (108)
112. The specific inductive capacity of a dielectric (A;) is the ratio be-
tween the capacity'of a condenser made entirely of this dielectric and of an
identical condenser using air for dielectric. It is also termed the dielectric
constant. Another name for specific inductive capacity is relative per-
mittivity. For numerical values for various dielectrics see Sec. 6.
113. Capacity (permittance) between parallel plates. When a
condenser consists of two parallel plates the distance between which is small
compared to the dimensions of the plates, the lines of electrostatic displace-
ment are nearly straight lines normal to the adjacent surfaces of the plates.
The capacity of such a condenser is
(k \ A
j-W (abstatfarads) (115)
where A is the area of one of the plates in sq. cm., I the normal distance
between them, in cm. and A:/4x the permittivity of the dielectric; A is the
dielectric constant, which for air is unity. If C is to be in microfarads, then
in the preceding formula in place of k/4Tr use
where the velocity of light, or the factor required to change from electro-
v is
static to electromagnetic units.
If instead of taking k/4ir as the permittivity, a term ka called the absolute
permittivity is introduced, then
C — ka-j (microfarads) (117)
And for air, instead of unity (the relative permittivity), the absolute per-
mittivity is
Ka = 0.08842X10-' (mf. per centimeter-cube) (118)
and for any other substance the absolute permittivity would be 0.08842 X
I0"'fc, where k is the specific inductive capacity or the relative permittivity
of the dielectric; see Par. 112. See also the author's "Electric Circuit,
Article 51, for further elaboration of this theory of absolute versus relative
permittivities. At present the accepted method of calculation is based oe
the use of formula (llo) and (116).
114. The elastance of a dielectric between two parallel plates a
short distance apart is S=a (l/A) where the coefficient <r (signia) is called
the elastivity of the dielectric. If S is in megadarafs (1 daraf is the recip-
S = [11.3X10«/(50X70)]t0.12/2-f-0.07/3+0.11/5]
= 0.34 X 10' mgd.
Hence the capacity C = S-' = 2.94X 10-« mf.
lis. Capacity of concentric cables. For a single-conductor cable
with a grounded metal sheath (Fig. 17) the capacity
_ 0.03882 A: , .
., ^ 1
0. 024 13A:
(mf. per km.) I
where k is the relative permittivity of the dielectric (Par. 112). The same
formula applies for the capacity or permittance between any two concentric
cylinders, provided that their axial length is considerable as compared to
their radii so that the effect of the ends may be neglected.
116. Graded insulation. When the insulation between two concentric
cylinders consists of several concentric layers (Fig. 17), the elastance of the
cable is:
S = C-i = 25.75[Jfci-i \ogio(hi/a)+ki-^ logio(b!/6i)
+ A;3"' logio(63/62)-|-etc.] (megadarafs per mile) (122)
^-^ch "l^ct^
Fig. 17. —Concentric cable. Fig. 18. —Concentric cable and lead sheath.
where ki, ki ., . are the relative permittivities of the layers (Par. 112).
The capacity in microfarads per mile is the reciprocal of this expression.
The capacity of a cable is directly proportional to its length, while the elas-
tance is inversely proportional to the length.
117. For a single-phase concentric cable with a grounded sheath
(Fig. 18), the capacity between two conductors, Cab, and that between the
outer conductor and the sheathing, Ccd,
is calculated according to the formulae
given above. Then, if the voltage be-
tween the two conductors is Eab and the
voltage between the outer conductor and
the sheathing is Ecd, the charging current
at a frequency of / cycles per second is
/ = 2irf{EabCab+EcdCcd) 10-« (amp.) ,(123)
I \ I / '^ ^"^ ^^^ ^"^ ^""^ expressed in micro-
^^^J__.--^ .
L r(.d^ + a^) J
The capacity per mile of the circuit (two miles of conductor) is one-half
•Leo Lichtenstein. Elek. Zeit. Vol. XXV, pp. 106 and 124 (1904).
6 81
fc.°' , i (129)
Vl-f- (0.256) VM/ij
When the heights of suspension h\ and hi are greater than 3.5 times the
spacing 6, the difference between 6 and the corrected spacing he is less than
1 per cent. The correction in formula (117) is still smaller, because
logarithms of numbers vary more slowly than the numbers themselves.
In formulae (128) and (129) a perfectly conducting ground is assumed.
With dry non-conducting earth the increase in capacity is somewhat less.
128. Capacity of a three-phase line with symmetrical spacing.
The concept of the capacity of a three-phase line is not definite without
further qualifications. In practice a three-phase line is calculated by re-
ducing it to an equivalent single-phase line consisting of one of the conductors
of the three-phase line and a ground return. This equivalent single-phase
line carries oue-third of the total power transmitted by the three-phase line
equal to the geometric mean of the actual spacings. For a more detailed
treatment of capacity of three-phase lines with unsymmetrical spacing,
unsymmetrical voltages and the effect of the ground, see the author's "Elec-
tric Circuit," Art. 65. For other formulae for the capacity of linear con-
ductors and cables see Cohen, L., "Formulae and Tables for the Calcu-
lation of Alternating Current Problems," Chap. 3. See also Fowle, F. F.,
" The Calculation of Capacity Coefficients for Parallel Suspended Wires,"
El. World, Vol. 58 (1911), pp. 386, 443, and 493.
12B. A
Leyden jar (Fig. 22) may be considered as
_»J(U_ !<-»• J a combination of plate condensers. Thus, using the
general formula Par. 113, its capacity,
A Tr^+2Trrl
^ = K— /1ol^
C =K (microfarads) (131)
where the voltage E is in volts, the electrostatic flux (Par. 106) or charge
Q in coulombs, and the capacity C in farads. If C is in microfarads and Q
in microcoulombs, isW in microjoules.
128. The density of electrostatic energy, or the energy stored per unit
volume of the dielectric, is
where W
is expressed in microjoules per centimeter cube, ha is the absolute
permittivity of the dielectric in microcoulombs per centimeter cube, and O
is the voltage gradient in volts per centimeter length of path; is the di- D
electric flux density (Par. 107) in microcoulombs per square centimeter.
The total energy of as electrostatic field is found by multiplying W by
raised still higher a brush discharge takes place, until the whole thickiiess of
the dielectric is broken down and a disruptive discharge, or spark, jumps
from one electrode to the other.
The formation of corona leads to power loss which may be serious in some
cases (see Sec. 11). Moreover, corona facilitates the formation of nitric
acid near the conductors, and may lead to corrosion. When corona is allowed
to play on insulation other than a,ii, this insulation may in
time be charred
and deteriorated. For these reasons it is of importance to know the critical
voltages of corona formation and the power loss under various conditions
of surfaces, barometric pressure, humidity, etc. The problem is still in a
research state. For numerical data in application to transmission lines see
Sec. 11; in connection with the design of other high-tension apparatus. Sec. 10.
136. Experiments on corona. A
large amount of experimental and
theoretical information concerning corona and other allied topics will be found
in the various recent volumes of the Trans. A. I. E. E. See in particular
the 'valuable papers by F. W. Peek, Jr., H. J. Ryan, and J. B. Whitehead,
with the accompanying discussion.
137. Dielectric hysteresis and conductance. When an alternating
voltage is applied at the terminals of a condenser, the dielectric is subjected
to periodic stresses and displacements. If the material were perfectly elastic,
no energy would be lost during one complete cycle, because the energy stored
during the periods of increase in voltage would be given up to the circuit
when the voltage decreased. In reality, the electric elasticity of solid and
liquid dielectrics is not perfect, so that the applied voltage has to overcome
acme kind of molecular friction, in addition to the elastic forces. The work
done against friction is converted into heat, and is lost, as far as the circuit
is concerned. This phenomenon is similar to magnetic hysteresis (Par. 89),
and is therefore called dielectric hysteresis. The energy lost per cycle is
proportional to the square of the applied voltage, because both the displace-
ment and the stress are proportional to the voltage.
An imperfect condenser does not give out on discharge the full amount of
energy put into it. After having been discharged and stood some time,
an additional discharge may be obtained; this is known as absorption in .
the dielectric.
An imperfect condenser, that is, one which shows a loss of power from one
cause or another, can be replaced for purposes of calculation by a perfect
condenser with an ohmic conductance shunted around it. This conductance,
or "leakance," as some authors call it, is selected of such a value that the
I^R loss in it is equal to the loss of power from all causes in the given imperfect
condenser. The actual current through the imperfect condenser is considered
then as consisting of two components the leading reactive component _
through the ideal condenser, and the loss component, in phase with the volt-
age, through the shunted conductance. In this way, imperfect condensers
can be treated graphically or analytically, according to the ordinary laws of
the electric circuit.
138. Transient electric phenomena are such as occur between two
permanent conditions; for instance, when a load suddenly changed, an
appreciable time elapses before the generators and the line adapt themselves
to the new conditions, and the currents and the voltages during the inter-
mediate time are called transient. Some electric phenomena are transient
in time (for instance, the short-circuiting of a large alternator), others are
transient in space (the distribution of alternating current in solid conduc-
tors), and some are transient both in time and in space (surges and traveling
waves in long transmission lines).
139. Theory of transient phenomena. The subject is too large and
advanced to be treated here in detail. An elementary treatment of the
subject will be found in W. S. Franklin's "Electric Waves" and in C. P.
Steinmetz's "Electric Discharges, Waves and Impulses." Numerous
formulae and results will be found in Cohen's "Formulae and Tables for the
Calculation of Alternating-current Problems, "Chaps. 5 and 6. For a more ad-
vanced treatment see J. A. Fleming, " The Propagation of Electric Currents;"
A. E. Kennelly, "The Application of Hyperbolic Functions to Electrical
Engineering Problems, "Chap. 6 and foil.; C. P. Steinmetz, "Transient
Electric Phenomena and Oscillations." Numerous articles 'on the subject
will be found in the recent volumes of the A. I. E. E., Elektrotechnische
Zeitschrift a,nd Archiv fur Elektrotecknik.
140. Closing a circuit containing a resistance r (ohms) and an induct-
ance L (henrys) in series with a continuous e.m.f. When the de-enetgized
i = i„a-«"'''/^, (140)
where t is time, and « is the base of natural (or hyperbolic) logarithms.
This expression is known as Helmholtz's law. When the source of e.m.f.
is short-circuited the current in the remaining circuit decreases to zero ac«
cording to a similar law
= jV*'"/^. i (141)
141. Periodic e.m.f. When
a de-energized circuit containing r and L
is suddenly connected at the instant t = 0, to a source of alternating
voltage e = Em sin (27r/t-f a), the current in the circuit varies according to
the law
sin {2Tft + a-4>)-~
sin (a-0)«-'''/^ (142)
In this equation z = \/r^ + (2vfL) ^ is the impedance of the circuit and is <t>
the phase displacement between the current and the voltage, determined by
tan = 2irfL/r. The angle a is the phase displacement between the voltage
e and the reference wave which passes through zero at the time t = 0\f is
the frequency. The first term in the expression for i is the current corre-
sponding to the permanent condition, the second term is a transient which
rapidly approaches zero with the time. (See also Eq. 14().)
142. Closing a circuit containing: a resistance r (ohms) and a capacity
C (farads) in series. The charging current is theoretically expressed by
i = i^-'/('<^). (143)
where the current at the first instant. This equation is not applicable
io is
to the beginning of the charge because it .presupposes a sudden jump of the
current from zero to io. In reality, the unavoidable inductance of the circuit
smoothes down the initial change in current.
When a condenser, charged at a voltage e„, is discharged through resist-
ance r, the discharge current at the first instant is theoretically equal to
to = So/t, and then varies according to the law
i^i^-i/^rC) (144)
The voltage across the condenser terminals decreases according to a similar
t = —
sin(2x/<-f a-)-0) -— z
sin (a-t-^)*"'/^""^ (146)
is the phase displacement between the current and the voltage, determined
by cot = 2TrfCr. The angle a is the phase displacement between the voltage
« and the reference wave which pa.s8e8 through zero at the time < = 0; /is
the frequency. The first term in the expression for i is the current corre-
sponding to the permanent condition, the second term is a transient which
rapidly approaches zero with the time. Compare Par. 141.
143. Single-energy and double-energy transients. The two pre-
ceding cases are examples of single-energy transients, because the energy
is stored in one form only (electromagnetic or electrostatic), and the energy
change consists in an increase or a decrease of the stored energy. In the
case of inductance the energy is that of the magnetic field and in the case of
capacity it is the energy of the electrostatic field. When both inductance
and capacity are present, the energy of the circuit is stored in two forms,
and there is a possibility of periodic transformation of the magnetic energy
into the dielectric energy, and vice versa, which constitutes electric oscilla-
tions, surges, and waves. There is also a possibility of a triple-energy
transient, when for instance a synchronous motor is hunting at the end of a
long transmission line which possesses inductance and capacity. In the last
i case the total energy of the system is stored not only in the magnetic and the
dielectric forms, but in mechanical form as well.
144. The general differential equation of a circuit containing a
resistance r ohms, inductance L henrys and capacity C farads in
aeries, is
^dH , di . 1 . de ,, _^
. = e.-^'/2^{cos^. + ;-sin^^.}. (151)
/o = ^. (153)
Successfully used for wireless telegraphy. See Povilsen, V., "System for
Producing Continuous Electric Oscillations," Trans. Int. Elec. Congress, St.
Louis, 1904, Vol. II, p. 963. Also Austin, L. W., "The Production of High-
frequency Oscillations from the Electric Arc," Bulletin of the Bureau of
Standards, Vol. Ill (1907), p. 325.
149. Stored energy. When a considerable amount of energy is liberated
at some point on a transmission line, for instance due to an indirect lightning
stroke, a wave starts along the line carrying this energy to the ends of the
line. Part of it enters the apparatus at the ends, part is reflected and the
rest is converted into heat. Generally speaking, the total energy stored in
the line, or in some part of it, at an instant is
W = ^Li^ iCe^, +
(joules) (154)
where L is the inductance of the lino in henrys, i an instantaneous current, C
the capacity of the line in farads, and e an instantaneous voltage. The term
iLi^ represents the electromagnetic energy, the term iCe'' the electrostatic
energy. At certain instants the current is equal to zero, at others the voltage
is zero, so that the two energies must be equal. Therefore
e_mox /i_
^ (ohms) (155)
imax ' * (7
Thus, knowing the maximum voltage emax, the largest instantaneous current
imax can be calculated, and vice versa. For instance, in the case of a lightning
stroke, the maximum voltage is limited by the disruptive strength of the
insulation to instantaneous voltages, and the maximum current disturbance
may be calculated from the preceding equation.
160. Surge impedance. With concentrated inductance and
capacity, the frequency of oscillations is (Par. 147)
/" = -
;^- (156)
With uniformly distributed inductance and capacity, the frequency Is
The expression y/L/C is called the natural impedance or the surge
impedance of the line, and its reciprocal the natural admittance or the
surge admittance. For further information consult the references in Par.
139 above.
161. Sine-waves. In this treatment of alternating-current circuits, a
sine-wave is arbitrarily assumed. For non-sinusoidal currents and volt-
ages see Par. 190 and follow-
ing. Beginning with non- "^
inductive circuits, i.e., cir-
cuits which contain only
resistance, the current at
any instant is proportional
to the instantaneous value f :
x = 2irfL =
^ (ohms) (160)
N. \ \
y i
which produces it. The e.m.f.
W\\ \V^^3^J jr jI
V >\ ^isy^ / generated in the reactance is
proportional to the rate of
'Vxi^-'^ change of the flux, and since
\\ -p I
\ \ yy '
I _*;0V i^V^ I
tlie rate of change of the flux
V^;"^^ ' rSi<c ig greatest when the value
'^ passes through zero, the
Fia. 25. —E.m.f. and current waves in a
e.m.f. is in time-quadrature
with the flux and therefore
circuit containing resistance and reactance in
series. also in time-quadrature with
the current (Fig. 25).
156. Kesultant e.m.f. The current is always in phase with the e.m.f.
which is consumed in resistance, and the impressed e.m.f. is the resultant of
the instantaneous values of the components consumed in resistance and in
the inductive reactance. Referring to Fig. 25, Er is consumed in resistance,
Ex is consumed in overcoming the counter-e.m.f. of inductive reactance,
and E is the resultant or impressed e.m.f.
157. Phase angle. The current is in phase with Er but lags behind
the impressed e.m.f. E by the phase angle determined from the relation
tan0=?^^=*. (162)
r r
the instantaneous applied voltage
If is expressed as in Par. 152, the in-
stantaneous current is
i = Inxax sin(2T/i - 0) (163)
where both 2ir/< and are expressed either in radians or in degrees.
<i> For
the numerical relation between E and I see Par. 165 below.
158. Capacity reactance or condensance. In a circuit which contains
electrostatic capacity or permittance only, Par. 108, the current wave
leads the applied voltage by 90 electrical degrees, or is in leading quadrature
with it. Numerically
Ec = xJ (164)
total current in phase with Er
which is the e.m.f. consumed
in resistance; Ec is the volt-
Fig. 26. —
E.m.f.'and current waves in a
circuit containing resistance and capacity
age necessary to balance the reactance in series,
counter-e.m.f. of the con-
densive reactance, and E is the total e.m.f. impressed upon the circuit.
It will be seen that in this case the current is leading.
If the instantaneous applied voltage is expressed as in (162), the instanta-
neous current is
t = Imcx sin (2ir/« -f- 0) (1 66)
In this expression, the phase angle between the current and the voltage
is determined from the relation
Terminology. The following terminology used in application of
sine-wave alternating-current circuits is recapitulated here for the sake
of convenience. An instantaneous value of alternating current or voltage
(Fig. 24) is connected with the maximum value or the amplitude by
the relation given in Par. 162. The mean effective value, also called the
root-mean-square value, or simply the effective value of an alternating
current or voltage is defined in Par. 199. For a sine-wave quantity the
effective value is equal to the amplitude divided by \/2; or
The ratio between the effective and the average value is called the form
factor (Par. 207) and is equal to 1.11 for sine-waves.
161. Periodic time. The interval of time T in Fig. 24. corresponds to
one complete cycle. The interval of time 7'/2 corresponding to one-half
wave is called an alternation, and for every cycle there arc two alternations.
The frequency or the periodicity of an alternating current may be expressed
either in cycles per second or in alternations per minute. However, the
latter method is not common.
The phase displacement between two currents or two voltages,
or between a current and a voltage, is commonly measured in electrical
degrees. One electrical degree is l/360th part of a complete cycle.
163. Vector representation. .Alternating currents and voltages which
vary according to the sine or ccsine law can be represented graphically by
directed straight lines called vectors (Fig. 27). The length of a vector
represents, to some arbitrary scale, the effective value of the alternating
luantity, while the position of the vector with respect to a selected reference
/ector gives the phase displacement. Counter-clockwise direction of rotation
s always considered positive, so that for instance in the diagram (6) the volt-
ige leads the current by 90 deg. By means of vectors the relative phase
aosition and value of either currents or e.m.fs. can be represented in the
janie manner as forces in mechanics.
164. Vector diagrams for simple series circuits. Referring to Fig.
27, diagrams are shown for circuits containing (a) resistance; (6) inductive
reactance; (c) condensive re-
actance; (d) resistance and
inductive reactance; (e) re-
sistance and condensive re-
actance; (/) resistance, in-
ductive reactance and con-
densive reactance.
166. Ohm's law for
alternating-current cir-
cuits. The impedance (in
ohms) is the ratio of an
alternating voltage .B across
a part of a circuit to the
current / through the circuit.
Fig. 27. —Vector diagram of current
e.m.f.; series circuits.
and Denoting the^impedance by «,
E = zl, (170)
where E and I are the efifec-
tive values. This equation expresses only the numerical relations; it must
be remembered that E and I are not in phase with one another.
166. Impedance consisting of resistance and reactance in series.
In a circuit containing an ohmic resistance r in series with an inductive
reactance x (Par. 166) the impedance is numerically
z = V'r=+x2, (171)
so that numerically,
/= -
. =. (172)
Vr^ + x^
The phase angle, by which the current lags behind the voltage, is found
froni the relation
ance. The current, like the e.m.f., can be split into two components,
one in phase and the other in quadrature with the e.m.f. It is convenient
to employ the e.m.f. diagram with series circuits and the current diagram
with parallel circuits. A current diagram is presented in Fig. 28. It pre-
supposes a non-inductive resistance r connected in parallel with a pure
inductive reactance x. The total current
y^ V
176. Calculation of series-parallel circuits. The foregoing relations
are useful in determining the voltage and current relations obtaining in com-
plex series-parallel circuits. For
example, in the .circuit shown
in Fig. 29 the resistance ri in
'TRRRT — serieswith reactance xi is re-
^s placed by a conductance gi =
with a suscept-
ri/zi^ in parallel
ance 6i xi/zi-, where
«i2 = ri2+xi2. (195)
A similar substitution is made
Fig. 29. — Series-parallel combination. for the branch 2, then the
branches 1 and 2 are replaced
by one equivalent branch of
conductance !74=ffi+(72 in parallel with the susceptance 64 = 61 + 62. Now
the branch g\, 64, is replaced by an equivalent series combination consisting
of a resistance ri = gi/y\^ in series with a reactance 0:4 = 64/^4^ where
!/42 = (742 + 645. (196)
The original series-parallel combination is thus reduced to a simple series
^^^rcuit, and we finally have
^T!nowing Vtq and Xeq the total current may be found for a given voltage or vice
versa, from the relations given in Par. 166.
Fig. 30. — Circle diagram for series Fig. 31. — Circle diagram for parallel
circuits. circuits.
177. Circle diagram; series circuits. Drs. F. Bedell and A. C. Crehore
developed a circle diagram which shows the interrelation of the various
constants in an alternating-current circuit when one or more quantities are
,Con8idering the series circuit shown in Fig. 30, let it be required to study
the current when the resistance and reactance are varied, the e.m.f. being
kept constant. With £ as a diameter draw the circle. Obc, then Obc is the
e.m.f. or impedance triangle and 6 is the angle of phase displacement between
I and E. Dividing the current, /, into imaginary components, E/r is laid off
along OC in phase with E, and E/x is laid off along OA in quadrature with E.
Drawing the line AC, and the circles, OB A and OBC, the line, OB, represents
the current, I, both as to value and phase position. If x is constant and r
variable, the point, B, will travel along the circle, OB A, while if r is con-
stant and X variable, the point, B, will travel along the circle, OBC.
178. Circle diagram; parallel circuits. Referring to the parallel
circuit in Fig. 31, let it be required to study the e.m.f. when the conductance
and susceptance are varied, the current remaining constant. With / as
diameter draw the circle Obc, then Obc is the current or admittance triangle
and 6 is the angle of phase displacement between E and I. Dividing the
e.m.f. into components, I/b is laid off along OA in quadrature with /; then
drawing the line, AC, and the circles, OB A and OBC, the line, OB, represents
the e.m.f., E, both as to value and phase position. The circle, OBA, is the
locus of the point, B, when b is constant and (/variable, while the circle, OBC,
is the locus of the point, B, when g is constant and b variable.
Gener- i.
z.' = r^+x.K
Taking the admittances,
-;(72 = 0;
~. (199)
x, = ~. (200)
Thus, it is seen that the value of Xe depends upon the resistance, r, as
well as upon x,:
ISO. Leading current through an inductive line will raise the e.m.f.
at the receiving end of the circuit. Referring to Fig. 33, let E be the voltage
at the generator end of a circuit, e the voltage at the receiver end, and i the
line current. Let the load be of such a nature that the current is leading
withfrespect to the voltage e. Adding to e the ohmic drop ir in the line
(Fi^ 34a) in phase with i, and the reactive drop ix in leading quadrature
with i, the impressed voltage E is obtained. It will be seen that e; but E<
with a lagging current, E>e
(Fig. 346).
nl. Series resonance. In a constant-potential circuit which contains
Inductive reactance and also condensive reactance in series, it is possible
E Vr*+(.x,-XcP
Now, z (the total impedance) may be less than Xe, and in this case e (the
drop across the condenser terminals) will be greater than E (the total impressed
If the frequency is
/=, (cycles per second) (205)
I iBhall
X, = Xe,
Eich condition gives the highest rise in voltage,
ance of the circuit) is assumed to be zero.
If moreover
r (the resist-
- when/=-
- = xc
e , . 1
-= (208)
ic = Ebc, (210)
But the total admittance y may be smaller than be, and in this case the total
line current / is less than one of its components tc similar relation may A
be proved for ti«. When the frequency is
i = V-l, (216)
and the dot under E signifies that the magnitude as well as the direction
of E is meant.
185. Addition and subtraction of vectors. Let two vectors of volt-
age be represented as
Ei='e,+je'u (217)
E2 = ei+je't. (218)
Then the sum or the difference of these two vectors is
El = El + Ej = (ei±e-z) +j(e', ± e'2). (219)
186. Rotation of a Vector. Multiplying a vector by j turns it by
90 deg. in the positive direction (counter-clockwise). Thus,
jE =j(e +je') = - e' +ie (220)
because y^ 1 =—
Multiplying a vector by —> rotates the vector by 90 deg.
in the negative direction
I The operator
(-;> =co8 <t>
-j sin 4> (224)
turns a vector by the angle 4> in the negative direction, that is, clockwise.
187. Impedance and admittance operators. The impedance
Z = r+}X (225)
E = ZI = {r+jx)(.i+ji'). (227)
or, separating the real and the imaginary quantities,
E='(ir-i'x)+j(,i'r + ix). (228)
In other words, S
a vector such that its horizontal projection e (Fig. 3.5)
t^^g = p:±^
— tx)
7 97
sine-waves. When
196. Power factor, the current and the voltage
vary according to the sine law, the power P = IE cos 4>, where E and /
are the effective values of the voltage and the current respectively, and
is the phase angle between the two, cos <p being known as the power factor
of the circuit. See also Par. 189.
197. Power factor, complex waves. When e and i are irregular curves,
the average power is found as the average ordinate of a curve, the ordinates
of which are proportional to the product ei. If e and i are resolved into their
harmonics, each harmonic contributes its own share of power as if it
were acting alone, so that the average power is
P = EiIi cos <j>i+E3l3 cos 03 etc., + (241)
where 7i, Is, etc., and Ei,Ez, etc.,are the effective values of the harmonic
currents and voltages respectively, and the angles <j> are the respective phase
198. The energy component and the reactive component of volt-
age or current. In a simple harmonic circuit with the voltage E, current
7, and the phase displacement between the two, E cos <^ is called the energy
component of the voltage and E sin <^ the reactive component of the voltage.
Analogously, I cos is the energy component of the current and I sin ^ is
from which
I I (joules)
7= Ht (amp.)
This may be expressed by saying that the effective value of a current or voltage
isequal to the square root of the mean square (r.m.s.) of the variable values. Hot-
wire instruments and electrodynamometer-type instruments indicate directly
the effective values of alternating currents and voltages.
200. Effective value of a sine-wave. For sine-waves the effective values
are given in Par 160. In terms of the maximum value, the effective value
is£«// = 0.7071 Emax.
201. Computation of effective value of a complex wave ; first method.
For irregular waves the following four methods are used in order to
obtain the effective value of the ordinates of a curve, y = f{x). Under the
first method, plot a curve the ordinates of which are equal to y-. Deter-
mine the average ordinate of this curve either by a planimeter or by weigh-
ing the paper on which it is drawn, and take the square root of the value
of this ordinate.
202. Second method. According to Simpson's rule,* divide the curve
Simpson's Rule is a formula for computing the area comprised between
a given curve, y = f(x) the axis of abscissse and two given ordinates. Divide
the distance between the given ordinates into n equal parts, where n is an
even number, and erect the corresponding ordinates. Let these ordinates,
Sec. 2-203 electric and magnetic circuits
203. Third method. If the irregular wave is given in terms of its
harmonics, then the effective value is
2/,// = 0. 707 1 VAi^+^J^+etc, (244)
where Ai, A3, etc., are the amplitudes of the separate harmonics.
204. Fourth method. Replot the given irregular curve (Fig. 38) in
polar coordinates (Fig. 39), and determine the area Ap, of the polar curve,
with a planimeter, or by plotting on homogeneous paper of known area and
weight, then cutting out and weighing again the areas are then proportional
to the weights. This area must be expressed in units, j/'mo», as taken from
Fig. 38. This is done by multiplying the area, Ap, of the polar curve by
the ratio) "^S^^ .
y„^^ and pmai are measured in terms of the same units.
V pmax /
The mean effective ordinate is
207. The form factor is the ratio of the mean effective ordinate to the
mean ordinate, thus
'form factor. (247)
including the two given ones, be denoted 1/0, yi, yi, etc., j/„. Then the area of
the curve is
A==ih[yo + 4{y\+y3 + yi + etc. + yn-i)+2{y2 + yi + yt + etc.+Vn-2)+yn],
where h is the distance between any two adjacent ordinates. The greater
the number of strips (n), the more nearly the foregoing fornmla represents
the area of the given curve.
The table in Par. 208 gives the form factor and the amplitude factor
for various mathematical curves.
208. Table of Form Factors and Amplitude Factors.
_„ Reciprocal A»„„i;i„j„ Reciprocal
Name. Trace. 7°™
of form
,„„. ,
7P''*"^%f amplitude
factor. »„„„,
factor. factor.
J^. . .15 0.87 1.73 0.58
6i, 62, . dn, the constant angles which determine the relative time-
. .
wave, which is divided into 2m equal parts, and An and B„ are the ordinates
of the nth harmonics lying 90 time-degrees apart. The maximum ordinate
of the nth harmonic is y/ An'^+Bn'^, and its time phase displacement from
the resultant wave is
e, = tan-i(-f^), (251)
• Elek. Zeit., Vol. XXII, p. 396 (1901). Also P. M. IJncoln, Elec. Jour.,
Vol. V, p. 286 (1908).
^ 101
Fig. 40a. —Wave analysis. Par. 211. Fio. 40b. Wave analysis, Par. 211.
Ba = 1(2/1+2/6 •2/>) = 676 + 554-940 '90.7. (256)
e, = tan-'(
- -50 deg.t (258)
t Fifty deg. in the terms of the third harmonic, or 60/3 deg. in terms of
the resultant
1 aia. Wave analysis tables are available (Published by John Wiley and
Sons, inc.,) by means of which an irregular wave may be easily analyzed
' into its harmonics by taking a sufficient number of ordinates. For the
use of these tables see the author's " Experimental Electrical Engineering,"
Volume II, Chapter 31; John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1911.
213. A polyphase system is an alternating-current circuit or network
to which are applied two or more e.m.fs. of the same frequency, but dis-
I placed in phase by a fixed amount relatively to one another.
The relation between the star currents I, and the mesh currents J™ (Fig.
456) is
218. Three-phase Y
and A connections. In a three-phase system
the star connection is also called the Y-connoction (Fig. 46a), and the mesh
is called the delta connection (Fig. 46&). The relations of the currents
and the voltages are (Figs. 47a and 47b).
E =Ev\/3~ =1.732Ey,and I = -^=z = Yjjz2
-J ,.\\:J -
226. Unbalanced star-connected system. Let, in Fig. 44a, all the star
voltages f!s be different from each other, and let the admittances of the
branches between the two neutral points be Fi, Yi, etc., also all different.
Let Po be the potential difference between the two neutral points, the vector
flo being measured in the same direction as the phase voltages Jp$. Then
the currents in the individual phases are:
h = Y^(E.-Eo) 1
h=Y2m-Eo),et<:. i
^o =
^f (268)
First, f!o is computed from eq. (268) and then the currents determined from
eq. (267). All the quantities in eq. (267) and (268) are understood to be
vectors in complex notation (Pars. 184 to 187). When there is a common
return conductor of appreciable impedance, the foregoing expressions are
applicable, if the given n-phase system be considered as an (n+1) -phase
system, the last phase consisting of the return conductor for which ^, = 0.
227. Three-phase, unbalanced star-connected system. Some of
the special cases of the foregoing formulae are as follows: (a) the load admit-
tances are balanced, the applied voltages unsymmetrical, no common re-
turn conductor:
.Po=j2.F (269)
1 (6) same, with a return conductor of admittance Yo:
(c) When the load admittances are unequal, the general equations (267)
and (268) must be vised, whether the voltages are balanced or not.
228. Resolution of an unbalanced three-phase system into two
balanced systems. It is sometimes convenient to represent a given
system of three unequal delta voltages as a result of superposition of two
balanced systems of voltages of opposite phase sequence. This is expressed
symbolically by the vectorial equations:
E2 = Aa+Ba-^ I . (271)
Ei^Aa-i+Ba j
In these equations ^i, Eit -Ps are the given unbalanced voltages, and 4 and
B are the component vectors which together make vector Ei. The factor
o = €j2ir/3 turns a vector in the positive direction (counter-clockwise) by 120
degrees (Par. 186). It will thus be seen that the balanced 4-system has
its vectors numbered counter-clockwise, while the vectors in the B-system
are numbered clockwise. Only two of the three equations are independent
Ei Ei+E} =
^^k229. Determination of the balanced components. When .^i, E2,
the principle of superposition is applicable, that is in circuits without
satiu-ation, the currents may be determined for the systems A and B separ-
ately, using the simple relationships (Par. 218) which hold for a balanced
system, and then added to obtain the actual currents. For details, applica-
tions, and an extension to n phases, see C. L. Fortescue, Trans. A. I. E. E.,
1918, Vol. 37, p. 1027; J. Slepain, Electrical World, 1920, Vol. 75, p. 313.
230. Higher haxmonics in polyphase systems. In a balanced n-
phase system the time angle between two consecutive star voltages is 2ir/n.
If the voltage wave has a g-th harmonic, the angle between the phases of
these harmonics will be 2ir3/n. When q = n, 3n, 5n, etc., the g-th harmonics
Sec. 2-230 electric and magnetic circuits
in the voltages are in phase with each other. When the neutral points
of the system are isolated, such harmonics give rise to the so-called oscillat-
ing neutral. With the grounded neutrals, currents of the corresponding ,
frequency flow through all the phases and return through the ground. In \
the three-phase system the harmonic voltages in phase with one another are
the 3rd, the 9th, the 15th, etc.
231a. Harmonics in mesh voltages. Harmonics of the order n, 3n, 5n,
etc., even if present in the star voltages, cannot appear in the mesh voltages.
Thus, in a balanced three-phase system, harmonics of the following order are
absent in delta voltages: 3rd, 9th, 15th, etc., although they may exist in star
voltages and in the line currents, and may give rise to inductive interference
and to other troubles.
2316. Harmonics in mesh and star currents. In a mesh or ring (Fig.
446) the harmonic currents of the order q = », 3h, 5n, etc. (Par. 230) are in
phase with one another and may cause large circulating currents, even though
they are absent in the line currents.
232. For further treatment of the current and voltage relations
with unbalanced loads and unsymmetrical voltages sec the last few
chapters, in Dr. Steinmetz's "Alternating-current phenomena"; also the
author's "Experimental Electrical Engineering," Vol. II, Chapter 25, and
his'Ueber mehrphasige Stromsysteme bei ungleichmiissiger Belastung"
(Enke, Stuttgart, 1900). For the "V" and "T" connections of trans-
formers, and for six-phase connections, see Sec. 6, on tranisformers. Also see
Sec. 11, on Power Transmission, for further treatment of the calculation of
polyphase systems, and Sec. 12, on Distribution Systems.
233. Uniformly distributed properties. In a transmission line the
resistance, the reactance, and the capacity are uniformly distributed.
Besides, there may be appreciable leakage to the ground or between the
wires, which leakage for the purposes of computation may also be assumed
to be uniformly distributed. Under such conditions the current along the
line at any certain instant is different indifferent places; in other words, the
current is a function not only of time t but also of the distance s from the
receiver end.
234. Continuous impressed e.m.f. For a direct-current line
possessing a resistance of r ohms per unit length and a leakage conductance
of mhos per unit length, the current and the voltage relations at a distance
« from the receiver end are expressed by the differential equations,
d^i d'^e
^^^^rgi, and ^-^-,
= roe. (274)
The solution of these equations is of the form
i = j4i«-™-|-Aj«'«, (275)
« = fl^«-m.-t-Bj«m.; (276)
where m = v ro, and A\, Ai, Bi and B?, are the constants of Integration which
are determined by the electrical conditions at some one point of the line.
235. Solution of continuous-current case. The solution of the fore-
going differential equations is preferably expressed through hyperbolic
functions, t >n the form
i = Ci Cosh ms+C2 Sinh ms; (277)
e = £)i Cos h ms+Dt Sinh ma; (278)
* For a detailed treatment see V. Karapetoff, "Harmonics in Symmetrical
Jlf-phase Systems," Electrical World, 1918, Vol. 71, p. 660.
t For a simple theory of hyperbolic functions see Seaver's "Mathematical
Handbook," Sec. Ill; also somewhat more advanced, "Hyperbolic Func-
tions," by McMahon. The best tables of hyperbolic functions of real
hyperbolic angles are probably those by Becker and van Orstrand, published
by the Smithsonian Institution. Tables of hyperbolic functions of com-
plex angles over a limited range will be found in' the above-mentioned book
by McMahon, and also in the General Electric Review, Supplement, May,
1910, and in the Harvard Engineering Jourrial, Vol. X, No. 4 and Vol. II,
No. 2. See also A. E. Kennelly, "Tables and Chart Atlas of Complex
Hyperbolic and Circular Functions," Harvard Univ. Press, 1914,
f where C\, Ci, Di, and Di are the constants of integration which depend upon
the given conditions at some one point on the line. For example, if the
receiver current I2 and the receiver voltage Ei are given, the constants have
the following values:
Ci = Ir, C2=Ei'^-; Di = Ei;Di = Ii~- (279)
! m g
Thus, knowing i and e at the receiver end, their values may be calculated for
the sending end or for any point on the line. For further details see the first
i few chapters of A. E. Kennelly's "The Application of Hyperbolic Functions
to Electrical Engineering Problems."
Another form of solution, employing the exponential method instead
! of the hyperbolic, will be found in the Transactions of the A. I. E. E.* for
; 1911, where the problem discussed is one of telegraphic transmission over
; long aerial-wire circuits by means of the closed-circuit Morse system widely
i used in America.
236. Alternating impressed e.m.f. Let a sine-wave alternating voltage
be applied to an equivalent single-phase line (Par. 224) with uniformly dis-
tributed characteristics. Let the resistance and the inductive reactance of
the line be r ohms and x ohms per unit length, respectively, so that the series
impedance is Z = r+jx ohms per unit length. Let the condensivesusceptance
and the leakage conductance be b and g mhos, per unit length respectively,
so that the shunted admittance is Y='Q—jb mhos per unit length. The cur-
rent and the voltage relations at a distance s from the receiver end of the
line are expressed by the differential equations
d^j d"'E
-T^2=M27, and --- = il/2£
ds ds^ '
m I^A^i-^^ + A^t^^'
where the constants of integration Ai, Ai, Bi and Bz are complex quantities
These constants are determined by the electrical conditions at some one point
of the line, for instance, when the current and the voltage at one point are
given in magnitude and in relative phase position.
237. Solution of alternating-current case. The solution of the fore-
going differential equations is preferably expressed through hyperbolic
functions (Par. 236) of the complex angle Ms. Namely,
I = Ci Coah MS + C2 Sinh Ms; (283)
E = bi Cosh Ms+ Di Sinh Ms; (284)
where the complex quantities Ci, Cj, Di, and Di are the constants of integra-
tion which depend upon the given conditions at some one point of the line.
For example, if the receiver voltage Ei and the receiver current Ji are
given in magnitude and in phase (at s = 0) the constants of integration have
the following values:
Ci = n; C2 = Ei jj;Di
= Er,Dt = Ii —
M (285)
Thus, knowing / and E at the receiver end, their values may be calculated
for the sending end or at any other point on the line.
238. The general relationship between the currents and the voltages
.at the two ends of a line of the length I is:
If any twoof the four quantities Eu Ei, h, and /s are given, the other twi'
may be determined from these two simultaneous equations.
239. Methods of computation. Numerical computations connectct,
with eq. (280) and (287) may be performed in accordance with one of thr
following methods:
(1) Tables and charts of hyperbolic functions of complex variables uri
available, but the intervals are too large, and the interpolation is botl
tedious and inaccurate.
(2) Tables of hyperbolic and circular functions of real angles are available
with much smaller intervals between consecutive values, making the inter-!
polation in most cases unnecessary. When using such tables the follow-
ing relationships are taken advantage of:
Sinh (a+jb) = Sinh o Cos b+j Cosh a Sin b (288)
Cosh (a+jb) = Cosh a Cos b+j Sinh o Sin b (289)
(3) The hyperbolic functions of the complex angle Ml are expanded into
the infinite series,
SinhMl -=Ml + k(Ml)> + ^la{Ml)^+ etc. (290)
Coah Ml =l + i{MD^+2\(.Ml)*+ etc. (291),
For the longest transmission lines in use or projected, the second term is
small as compared to the first, and the third is altogether negligible. r
f in parallel with the inductance) is corrected for the effect of the inductance
' (Par. 243) and the combination is treated as a resistance and a capacity
•only. Similarly, a correction is made in the value of capacity reactance
when an inductive reactance is in series with it. When the effect of the
inductance predominates, corrections are made for the capacity effect in the
formulas for the inductive reactances or susceptance. See Par. 168.
General reference literature,
Arnold, E. "Die Gleichstrommaschine;" 2 Volumes, Berlin, Julius
Arnold, E. "Die Wechselstromtechnik; 5 Volumes, Berlin, Julius
— " Elements Electromagnetic Theory; " New York, The
B.4.RNETT, S. J. of
Ben'ISchke, —
a. "Die Wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Elektro-
technik; " Berlin, Julius Springer, 1907.
C.vMPBELL, A. "The Electron Theory;" Cambridge, University Press,
England, 1913.
Child, C. D. "Electric Arcs;" New York, D. Van Nostrand Company,
Christie, C. V. "Electrical Engineering;" New York, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc., 1917.
Cohen, L. "Formulae and Tables for the Calculation of Alternating-cur-
rent Problems;" New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1913.
Cramp, W. and S.mith, C. F.—" Vectors and Vector Diagrams;" New
York, Longmans, Green & Company, 1909.
Drysdale, C. V. "The Foundations of Alternating-current Theory;".
London, Edward Arnold, 1910.
Dwight, H. B. "Transmission Line Formulas;" New York, D. Van
Nostrand Company, 1913.
EwiNG, J. A. " The Magnetic Induction in Iron and Other Metals; " Lon-
don, Electrician Printing & Pub. Co., Ltd., 1900.
Fleming, J. A. "The Propagation of Electric Currents;" New York,
D. Van Nostrand Company, 1911. —
Foster, G. C. and Porter, A. W. " Joubert's Elementary Treatise on
Electricity and Magnetism;" London; Longmans, Green & Company, New
York, 1909.
Franklin, W. S. — "Electric Waves;" New York, The Macmillan Com-
pany, 1909.
Franklin, W. —
and Williamson, R. B. " The Elements of Alternating
Currents;" New York, The Macmillan Company, 1904.
Franklin, W. S. and Esty, W. "The Elements of Electrical Engineer-
ing;" New York, The Macmillan Company, 1914.
Gerard, E.—" Electricity and Magnetism;" New York, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc., 1897.
He.vviside, O.—" Electromagnetic Theory," 2 Volumes; London, Elec-
trician Printing & Publishing Co., Ltd.,
— 1899.
Herzog, AND Feldmann, C. p. " Die Berechnung Elektrischer Leit-
ungsnetze in Theorie und Praxis;" Berlin, Julius Springer, 1905.
Jeans, J. H. "Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism;"
Cambridge, University Press, England, 1908.
Jones, H. C. "The Electrical Nature of Matter and Radioactivity;"
New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1911.
Karapetopp, V. " The Electric Circuit; " New York, McGraw-Hill Book
Co., Inc., 1912.
Sec. 2-246 electric and magnetic circuits
KXrapetoff, V. —"The Magnetic Circuit;" New York, McGraw-Hill
Book Co., Inc., 1911.
Kennelly, a. E. "The Application of Hyperbolic Functions to Elec-
Engineering Problems;" London, University Press, 1912.
La Coub and Bragstad. "Alternating Currents;" New York, Long-
mans, Green & Company, 1913.
Lamb, C. G. "Alternating Currents;" London, Edward Arnold, 1906.
Lodge, O. "Modern Views of Electricity;" London, The Macmillan!
Company, 1907.
Mascart, M. E. and Joubert, J. A.
"A Treatise on Electricity and
Magnetism," 2 Volumes; London, Thos. De La Rue & Co., 1888.
Maxwell, J. Clerk. "A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism," 2
> —
Volumes; London, Clarendon Press, 1904.
NiPHER, F. E. "Electricity and Magnetism;" St. Louis, Mo., J. L.
Boland Book & Stationery Company, 1895.
Oruch, E. "Kapazitat und Induktivitftt; " Berlin, C. Vieweg, 1909.
Patterson, G. W. "Revolving Vectors;" New York, The Macmillan
Pender, H. — "Principles
Co., 1912.
Electrical Engineering;" New York, Mc-
Graw-Hill Book Co.,
Rasch, E. — "The Electric Arc;" New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1913.
ks Manager, Crosby Steam Gage and Valve Co.; Member American Insti-
tute of Electrical Engineers; Member A. S. M. E., Member S. A. E.,
Chairman, Fluid Meter Committee, A. S. M. E.
8 113
of precision is not justified. The limits, however, are being gradually raised
as the art develops and greater refinements are introduced. The table
given in Par. 5 indicates the precision which may be reasonably expected
in various classes of measurements made by average observers, under ordi-
nary conditions, and with standard commercial instruments.
6. Table of Average Precision to be Expected in Various Classes of
Commercial Measurements
Class of Measurements and Method precision,
per cent.
(Deflections of two-third scale assumed in indicating instruments)
Potentiometer, high-grade types 03 .
from the mean value as the number of readings ia increased. Where the
necessary degree of reliability is not obtained in a single measurement, a
number of observations are made, from which the most probable true value
may be obtained, together with its probable error. These latter quantities
may bo derived in different degrees of precision by various mathematical
methods involving the theory of probabilities and the method of least squares.
In all ordinary electrical measurements it will usually be sufficiently correct
to assume that the true value is equal to the average of the various values
obtained (eliminating systematic errors) plus or minus the average error.
The average error is the average of the differences between the average value
and each individual value. It should be noted, however, that according to
the theory of probability, the precision of the result does not increase directly
> but only as the square root of the number of observations made (see Par. 430
to 439).
7. Certain general precautions which should be observed in electrical
measurements, and certain sources of error which should be avoided, are
indicated in the following paragraphs.
(a) The probable limit of accuracy of the standards, instruments
and methods should be known.
(b) As a general proposition, in other than rough determinations, one
measurement should not be relied upon. Several readings should be
taken, and the conditions should be altered, wherever possible, in order to
avoid accidental errors.
(c) Indicating instruments should be of such a range that the quantity
under measurement will produce a reasonably large deflection on the'scale.
The percentage observational error decreases in direct proportion as the
magnitude of the deflection increases.
(d) The possible presence of external or stray magnetic fields, both
direct and alternating, should always be borne in mind. Such fields may be
produced by current in neighboring conductors, or by various classes of
electrical machinery and apparatus, structural iron and steel in buildings, etc.
These fields introduce errors by combining with the fields of portable indi-
catinginstruments, galvanometers and other instruments utilizing a magnetic
field, and, in the case of alternating fields, by inducing small e.m.fs. in the
loops formed in bridges, potentiometers, etc.
(e) In measurements involving high resistances and galvanometers,
such as bridges and potentiometers, possible "leakage" or shunt circuits
should be eliminated. This is done by providing a "guard" circuit the
principle of which is to keep all points to which the current might flow
improperly, at the same potential as the highest in the apparatus. See
further discussion under potentiometers (Par. 49 to 62).
(f) Temperature changes in various parts of bridge, potentiometer and
similar circuits should be avoided because of thermo e.m.fs. produced at
the junction of dissimilar metals. Such effects are often produced if the
observer's hand comes in contact with the metal parts of the galvanometer
key, switches, etc.
(g) Instruments with covers made of glass and hard rubber should not be
rubbed, especially with a dry dust cloth. The induced electrostatic
charge on the mo\'ing element is often sufficient to change the deflection
(h) At potentials of 500 volts and above, the electrostatic attraction
between moving and fixed parts may become serious. This is prevented by
keeping the two parts at the same electrostatic potential. When ground-
ing is permissible, this can be done by connecting the circuit to earth at the
point where the instrument is connected, care being taken that the moving
coil end of the instrument is on the ground side. In very high potential work
this electrostatic attraction becomes very troublesome, so that the instru-
ments must be connected in circuit at a grounded part of the line, or else
be thoroughly insulated from proimd and the moving element connected to
the case or to an electrostatic shield around the instriiment.
8. Qalvanometers are used extensively in all classes of electrical meas-
urements. Strictly speaking, the term applies to many other instruments for
measunng current, such as voltmeters and ammeters, but it is ordinarily
understood to apply to those instruments which are used to measure very
small electrical quantities.
17. Ballistic galvanometer constant. In practice, ballistic galvan-
ometers are usually standardized and the formula becomes very simple:
Q = kd where d = deflection and A: = quantity per unit deflection or galva-
nometer constant. The constant is determined with a standard condenser
or mutual inductance. The deflection obtained upon suddenly discharging
a charged condenser through the galvanometer is d = Q — CE\ and hence
k = CE/d, where Q = quantity of electricity in coulombs, £? = potentialto which
the condenser had been charged in volts, and C = capacity of condenser in
farads. When a mutual inductance is used, the deflection is d = Q = MI/R
and k = MI/dR, where Q = quantity of electricity in coulombs, M
= coefficient
of mutual inductance in henrys, / = steady or Ohm's law value of current in
primary of mutual inductance in amperes, and /J = resistance of secondary
circuit (including the mutual inductance) in ohms.
18. A differential galvanometer is one provided with two independent
coils or sets of coils by means of which two currents may be compared
simultaneously. This method provides a means of measuring a current with-
out making the circuit common with that of the comparison standard. In
D'Arsonval instruments, the two coils are wound side by side on the same
frame and are connected in opposition, so that when the two currents being
compared are adjusted for zero deflection, their ratio is usually unity. The
actual ratio can be determined experimentally.
19. Electrometers. In the electrometer, a piece of thin aluminium ia
suspended by a metallic suspension over four quadrants of sheet metal which
are insulated from each other and from the frame or support. Opposite
quadrants are connected to each other and the two sets are connected respec-
tively to the two sides of the circuit to be measured. If a charge from a
condenser is placed on the moving vane, one end will be repelled and the
opposite end attracted, producing a deflection which will be a measure of
the potential applied to the stationary quadrants. This instrument is ex-
tremely sensitive, and while it is one of the earliest types of electrical measur-
ing instruments it is still used extensively in research work, especially where
the available energy is extremely small, as in measurements of radiant
20. Qalvanometers as detectors. The majority of galvanometers are
used as detectors only, that is, in zero-deflection methods where the kind of scale
or proportionality of deflections does not enter into the determination. In
such cases a very short, straight scale is sufficient and space may be econor
mizcd by placing the galvanometer on the wall above the table, with the
scale directly underneath. The beam of light is properly directed by
suitable prisms and mirrors.
21. Reflecting galvanometers may be read with a telescope and scale,
or with a lamp and scale. In the former, the scale is reflected from the
plane mirror (attached to the moving system) to the telescope through which
movements are observed. In the latter, an image of a narrow beam of liglit
(issuing from a narrow slit in a vessel enclosing a lamp, or from a portion of
ao ipcandescent lamp filament) is thrown on to the scale by the mirror. In
order to get a sharp image, either the mirror is made concave (with a 1-
m. focus if the scale is the usual distance of 1 m. away), or a lens is used.
Fig. 1 shows the general arrf ngement.
22. Galvanometer scales. When readings are to be taken, care should
be exercised that they are proportional to the angular deflections. On a
straight scale the deflection in millimetres is
d = Ata.n2a (3)
where A — distance from mirror to scale in millimetres and a = angle through
which the moving coil turns. If the angle is small, d is proportional to a.
The error becomes about 0.5 per cent, at a = 5 deg. Obviously a curved
scale will eliminate this er-
ror, and by properly adjust-
ing the curvature the read-
ings may be made propor- ^
tional to the angle or to any o, ^^^
desired function of the angle. V^-9--{)— -j
29. Oalvanoxneter shunts are combinations of resistances so arranged
and so connected to the galvanometer that the constant of the latter may be
quickly changed. Ordinary resistance boxes may be used as shunts for gal-
vanometers when the resistance of the galvanometer circuit is not too small. (
R. (*^i
/"„ =/ (amp.)
'"O (6)
rings which in turn are connected through the brushes, 6, 6', to the alternating
current being measured. It is apparent that the connections to the gal-i
vanometer are reversed every half cycle, so that the indication is a steady one,'
the value of which may be made anything from zero to a maximum by shift-i
ing the angular position of the brushes. Thus the most sensitive position
can be readily found, irrespective of the phase relation between the current
in the circuit being measured and the motor armature. The variation in
contact resistance at high speeds, and possible presence of thermo e.m.fs.,
may cause trouble where the resistances or potentials are very low, ais in
low-resistance bridge measurements. *
Synchronous commutator.
ported on a solid disc which can be rotated around the shaft, and hence re-
versal can bo made at any point on the wave as in the case of the synchronous
commutator. The contacts are all made of platinum, the cam is hardened
steel and the lever I is kept in contact with the cam at all times by means of
a .spring. The roller r is necessary to insure contact at the low portion of
the cam.
4 deg. cent, or above 40 deg. cent., and that no current greater than 0.0001 ij
several methods. The more typical methods are based on the following'
principles. i
the galvanometer, with the standard cell in the circuit and r' = total resistance
with the unknown e.m.f. This method is better tlian (a) because it is a
constant deflection method and the result depends on the known values of
two resistances, rather than observed deflections.
(c) In Wheatstone's modificaition of the equal deflection method, the
galvanometer resistance does not have to be known. The deflection, d, is
noted when the unknown e.m.f., E, and a known high resistance are in circuit.
Additional resistance, r', is added and the deflection, d', again noted. Simi-
larly with the standard cell of potential difference, e; the resistance is
adjusted until the same deflection, d, is obtained and then an amount of
resistance, r, is added until the deflection d' is again obtained. The unknown
e.m.f. is E= er'/r.
(d) In the condenser discharge method a condenser is charged, first
from the unknown e.m.f.,then from the standard cell, and discharged in
each instance through a ballistic galvanometer. The deflections will be
proportional to the e.m.fs., hence E = ed'/d as in (a). Obviously, if the un-
known e.m.f. is much smaller or much larger than the standard cell, the
deflection can be made about equal to that of the standard cell by using a
larger or a smaller condenser. In that case the ratio of the capacities should
be known, and then E = ed'C'/dC, where C = capacity of condenser used with
the unknown e.m.f. and C = capacity of condenser used with the standard
cell. This method has the advantage that practically no current is re-
quired, which is advantageous in making measurements of voltaic cells of
very small capacity ox, rapid polarization.
(e) The principle of the opposition or potentiometer method is that
of opposing the e.m.f. of the standard cell against an equal difference of
potential which bears a known proportion to the unknown e.m.f. This
method is the most accurate and tsy far the most generally used, because it
is both a zero-deflection and a zero-current method, the result depending
only on the ratio of two resistances which can be very accurately determined.
Potentiometers are instruments employing this principle (Par. 49).
49. Description of Leeds and Northrup potentiometer, low resist-
ance type. Fig. 7 shows the arrangements of the circuits. The figures for
the second decimal place and beyond are obtained from a slide wire at the end
of the circuit, CB, along which a contact moves. A special dial is also pro-
vided for the standard cell (at the left) and separate contacts arc provided
for the standard-cell e.m.f. and the unknown e.m.f., so that no settings have
to be disturbed when checking the secondary current in the potentiometer
circuit. The essential part of the instrument consists of 15 fjve-ohm coils,
AC, connected in series with the extended wire, CB, the resistance of which
from to 1,100 scale divisions is 5.5 ohms. Thus when the current from
the battery, B, is adjusted by the rheostat, R, to 0.02 amp., the fall of poten-
tial across each 5-ohm coil in AC is 0.1 volt and across CB, 0.11 volt. Since
the latter is divided into 1,100 parts, the e.m.f. may be measured to 0.0001
volt. At point 5 in AC,& wire is permanently attached connecting to one
point of the double switch, U. When this switcli is thrown to the left, the
standard cell is connected through the galvanometer to point 5 and the
sliding contact T which moves over the dial at the left consisting of 19 resist-
ance coils. Between a and A is a resistance which is adjusted to such a
value that with 0.02 amp. flowing, the potential drop between 6 and a is
1.0175 with 0.0001 volt additional drop across each dial coil, giving a maxi-
mum of 1.0194. This range will include the usual differences between dif-
ferent Weston standard cells. To adjust the current to 0.02 amp., throw the
switch U to the position indicated by the dotted lines, set the contact T
to correspond to the e.m.f.
of the standard cell and regu- R
late i? until the galvanometer MWVVWamWAV -o
shows no deflection. The i„,_ 'I'r
unknown e.m.f. is then meas-
ured by throwing the switch
U to the position indicated
by the full lines and adjust-
ing the contacts M and M'
until no deflection is noted.
After a balance has been ob-
tained, the current may be
checked by simply shifting
U to the first position and
pressing the contact key.
60. Paul potentiometer,
low resistance type. Fig. 8
is the connection diagram.
It is similar to the instru-
ment described in Par. 49 in
that the lower part of the
reading is obtained from an Fig. 7. —
Leeds & Northrup potentiometer.
extended slide-wire on one
end, and a standard-cell switch is provided at the other end. The rheostats for
adjusting the battery current are within the instrument {R and r). The slide
wire is laid straight, with divisions equal to about J in. (0.4 cm.), which
correspond to 0.001 volt divided into 5 subdivisions. A special switch,
S, is so arranged that the various circuits 1, 2, 3, etc., may be quickly con-
nected to the potentiometer circuit. The resistance of the standard type is
10 ohms per volt, with a range from 0.0002 volt to 1.8 volt. It is also made
with ranges as low as 0.000004 volt to 0.036 volt for thermoelectric work.
three low dials are so arranged that a corresponding change is automatically
made in the external part of the main circuit and the total resistance is kept
constant. A separate dial is provided for the standard-cell adjustment,
together with a separate resistance which can be altered to accommodate
different cells without affecting the measuring circuits. The total range of
the instrument is 1.9 volts.
S3. Volt boxes.' When the potential to be measured is greater than the
range of the potentiometer (usually 1.5 volts) a volt box is used. It consi.sts
of a number of resistance coils connected in series, with taps brought out to
binding posts. Fig. 10 shows the diagrammatic arrangement, in two forms.
In (^4), the potentiometer is connected to the posts marked " -|- " and "
— "
To": Xo"a;"e.m.f.
To Potentiometer To Poteutiometer
Fig. 10. —Volt boxes.
other hand, the unknown e.m.f. is always connected to a high resistance, and
hence there is no danger of burning out the volt box; this occasionally happens
with the first form, {A), due to accidental connection with the wrong
64. Deflection potentiometers. Precision measurements obviously
can be made only with very steady sources of e.m.f. If the e.m.f. is not
steady, and a higher precision than that obtainable with secondary standards
(voltmeters) is desired, a deflection potentiometer may be employed. In
this instrument the greater part of the e.m.f. is measured by balancing
against the potentiometer current in the regular manner, and the remainder
is obtained from the indication of the calibrated galvanometer, which is
preferably of the portable type. The Brooks deflection potentiometer*
IS of this type.
65. Voltmeters for continuous e.m.fs. Indicating instruments
called voltmeters are used in ordinary commercial measurements. They
are, essentially, low-sensibility galvanometers pro-
vided with scales over which moves a pointer attached
to the moving system. The scale is calibrated in
volts by comparison with an indicating instrument of
higher sensibility, or by means of a potentiometer.
Practically all direct-current voltmeters employ the
principle of D'Arsonval galvanometers as shown in
Fig. 11. They consist essentially of a light rectan-
gular coil of fine copper wire wound upon an alu- Fig. 11.
minium frame, pivoted in jeweled bearings and ca- Weston d.c. volt-
pable of rotating in the annular space between the soft- meter.
iron core and the pole-pieces of the permanent mag-
net. The aluminium frame, being a closed secondary circuit, acts as a
brake or damper when the coil is deflected; the instrument is thus made
"dead beat. The pole-pieces are so shaped that the magnetic field
strength is uniform throughout the space in which the coil moves. The
field strength varies widely in different makes of instrument, ranging from
200 to 3,000 lines per square centimeter in the air gap and 1,000 to 6,000
* Bureau of Standards Bulletin; Vol. II, p. 225; Vol. IV, p. 275: Vol. VIII.
pp. 395 and 419.
lines per square centimeter in the steel. A light tubular pointer attaohedi
to the coil moves over a calibrated scale. The current is introduced!
into the coil by two spiral -springs which also provide the controllings
force. Since the field strength and the gradient of the controlling forces
are uniform, the deflection is strictly proportional to the current pas.«ing
through the coil, and the scale divisions are uniform. A large amount of i
resistance is connected in series with the moving coil in order to make the
current small. Thus the same instrument can be made suitable for a vmiIc
range of voltages by changing the amount of series resistance. This re-
sistance is made of wire having a low temperature coefficient in order to
neutralize as much as possible the effect of the large coefficient of the copper
in the coil.
66. Voltmeter characteristics (continuous current). The usual
resistance of portable voltmeters of this type varies from 50 to 150 ohms
per volt and the current sensibility from 7 to 20 milliamperes at fuU-scnle
deflection. The resistance of the moving coils is about 75 ohms. Tlie
torque varies from 2 to 6 millimeter-grams at maximum current, with a
ratio of torque to weight (in grams) of 1 to 5. The temperature
coefficient is usually negligible, b^ng of the order of 0.01 to 0.02 per cent.
per deg. cent, at full scale.
67. Laboratory standard voltmeters (continuous current). So-
called laboratory standard voltmeters are similar to portable instruments
except that they are larger, have a longer pointer, a longer and more oi)on
scale and are made with greater care. They are only semi-portable and are
intended primarily for standardizing purposes.
68. Switchboard voltmeters (continuous current) are usually of the
D'Arsonval type. The construction is the same as that of portable instru-
ments, except that they are more substantial and rugged, especially as
regards the moving system, in order to withstand the harder conditions oi
continuous service and excessive fluctuations. They are mounted in iron
cases to protect them as much as possible from the normal stray fields due
to the bus bars.
69. Effect of stray fields. The general effect of stray fields on the stand-
ard types of portable and switchboard instruments is shown in the table in
Par. 60. These errors are usually only temporary and disappear with tht
stray field. When the field is very strong, as under short-circuit conditions!
in a neighboring conductor, demagnetization of the instrument magnets:
may result in a permanent error. Shields are likely to be of little value undei|
such conditions because the iron becomes saturated.
60. Effect of Stray Magnetic Fields on Continuous-current VoIt-|
meters and Millivoltmeters
Error at two-thirds full-scale deflection, per cent.
Stray field,
lines per sq. cm.*
Shielded Unshielded
5 0.5 to 1.0 2
10 0.75 to 1.75 3.5 to 5.5
15 1.0 to 3 . 6 to 7.5
*"• When there is no ground or fault on the system, the pointer stands
the centre of the scale, in normal equilibrium.
«i '
When a ground or fault
"« ccurs, current flows through the coil connected
to the ungrounded side,
» Toducing a deflection. In another form of detector a standard voltmeter,
^ rithout the series resistance, is connected to the centre of a resistance shunted
cross the line, with the remaining terminal connected to ground.
63. Measurements of alternating e.m.f.
In alternating e. m. is.
« here are three values to be considered; the maximum, the average and the
'root-mean-square" or mean effective value (Sec. 2). The last value is
;he one usually required, being the value of the
equivalent continuous e.m.f.
ng potentials involves, like continuous potentials, comparison with the stand-
ird cell. The comparison may be more or less a direct one, as in precision
electrostatic fields.
heavy wires. See Par. 99.
turns of fine wires, instead of a few turns of
I 66. Classification of alternating-current voltmeters. The volt-
meters in general use may be divided into five types, as follows: dyna-
mometer, soft-iron vane, induction, hot-wire and electrostatic.
67. Dynamometer type voltmeters (alternating current) depend upon
the reaction between a fixed and a moving coil connected in series. The
Fig. 12. —Diagram, Weston
dynamometer type volt-
Diagram, Kelvin balance.
movement of the movable coil is a measure of the current flowing through the
and therefore proportional to the e.m.f. impressed at the terminals. In
one form (Weston model 18), a single coil moves within two parallel fixed
coils as shown in Fig. 12, where F, F' are the fixed coils and M
is the movii
coil, to which a pointer P is attached. The deflection is approximately pr
portional to the square of the current. The scale is compressed at the upp
end instead of extended the coU moves be.vond the uniform part of tl
field. The Thomson Inclined Coil voltmeter is similar, except that tli
plane of the fixed coils makes an angle of about 45 deg. with the shaft of ti
moving coil for the purpose of making the scale more uniform.
In the Westingnouse type Q, the Kelvin balance principle is use<
This principle is shown in Fig. 13, where there are two coils, MM', attache
to opposite ends of a beam which is supported at the middle and free to mov.
Each coil moves between a pair of fixed coils, F F and F' F', and all of th
coils are connected in series in such a manner that the moments of all th
forces on the movable system, taken about the beam axis, are cumulativi
thus tending to produce rotation. In the Kelvin balance the controUin
or opposing force is a weight moved along a graduated scale attached t
the beam supporting the movable coils; the moment of this weight abou;
the beam axis, when the moving system is balanced, varies as the squar
of the e.m.f. In the Westinghouse instrument the coils are arranged vei |
tically and the controlling force is a spiral spring. The amount of com'
pression of this spring necessary to balance the electromagnetic forces, al
indicated by a pointer moving over a scale, is a measure of the e.m.f. Single.!
coil instruments are direct reading and hence fluctuating e.m.fs. can be mor
easily read on them than on the torsionhead instruments, but the latter ar
astatic and therefore practically independent of stray fields.
Counter Wt--
! ) ;i^,'-!in,
soft-iron type a.c. voltmeter.
plane of the energizing coil, C (Fig. 14), makes an angle with the shaft, S
which carries a member, i, comprising a rectangular piece of very thin, sofi
iron. This piece of iron is so attached to the shaft that rotation is producec
by the tenden cy of the iron to become parallel with the field established bj
the coil. In Weston instruments of this type (model 155), the reactioi
which produces the deflection takes place between two pieces of soft iroi
bent in the arc of a circle and placed concentrically, one of which, F' (Fig. 15)
is movable, and the other, F, is stationary. When the surrounding coil, M
is energized, the pieces of iron become magnetized in like manner, so that th<
resulting force is one of repulsion. The stationary piece F is made triangula:
in shape, with the pointed end in the direction of rotation, for the purpo8<
of making the scale more uniform. Air damping is obtained by means of i
sample of this type, for which is claimed a very high ratio of torque to
veight of moving element, rugged and simple con.struction, extremely long
cale and compactness.* The ar-
angement of the circuits is shown in
?ig. 16. The primary winding, P,
which is connected to the line circuit,
nduces a current in the secondary
grinding, S,opposite in phase to the
Drimary current. The secondary cur-
•ent passes through two auxiliary
joils, AA', wound in opposite direc-
;ians on the poles. The field pro-
duced by these coils will be displaced
:tO deg. in time phase from the field
produced by the primary winding and
approximately at right angles thereto
in space, thus producing the necessary
rotating field to cause the cup, C, to
tend to rotate. Incidentally, the in-
herent frequency error of induction
type instruments is largely neutralized
by this combined transformer and in-
duction motor action, the effect of fre-
quency changes being opposite in the
two cases.
70. Hot-wire voltmeterst (alter-
nating-current) utilize the expansion
and contraction of a wire carrying a Fig. 16. Diagram, Westinghouse
current proportional to the e.m.f. to be induction-type a.c. voltmeter.
measured. Fig. 17 shows the princi-
])al features of the Hartmann and Braun voltmeter. The current flows
ihrough the platinuni-iridiuni alloy wire, AB, which expands under the
heat produced. This ex-
pansion reduces the tension
on the fine phosphor-
bronze wire, CF, which in
turn allows the silk fibre.
Hi!, attached to the spring,
S, to be pulled to the left.
This fibre passes around a
small pulley on the shaft of
the moving system and
thus produces a deflection
of the pointer. Damping
is effected by the alu-
minium disc, D, moving be-
tween the poles of the per-
manent magnet, M. The
hot wire, AB, is in series
with a large non-inductive
resistance, R, so that the
current is proportional to
the e.m.f.
71. Electrostatic volt-
meters (alternating-cur-
rent) are similar to elec-
trostatic galvanometers
(Par. 37) or electrometers,
Fig. 17. — Diagram, Hartmann & Braun hot- except that they are de-
signed for measuring larger
wire type a.c. voltmeter.
potentials and are provided
with scales which make them direct reading. They are made in a great variety
of forms, for both portable and switchboard use, but are used commercially
much more in Europe than in this country. The principle of their operation is
shown in Fig. 18, in w hichmm' is a thin aluminium vane suspended or pivoted'
between two pairs of fixed vanes,//'. The deflection through moderate ranges
is proportional to the square of the potential and is controlled either by a spiral
spring or by gravity. Damping is produced magnetically, by air vanes, or
by immersing the elements in oil. For ordinary commercial voltages a num-
ber of sets of vanes are arranged one above the other in a vertical position,
and connected in parallel, thus multiplying the effect (Fig. 19). For higher
voltages, one set of vanes is sufficient and they are usually placed in a vertical
plane with the moving element mounted on a horizontal shaft. In the
Westinghouse electrostatic voltmeter, the moving system ia not con-
nected to the circuit; Fig. 20 shows the arrangement of the parts. When
potential is applied to A and A', the hollow cylinders C and C
become oppo-
sitely charged by induction. The resultant attraction produces a deflection
because of the shape of the fixed plates, P and P'. The condensers K
K' are each formed by two flat plates and are connected in series with A
and A' to increase the range. For lower ranges these condensers are short-
circuited, so that ranges of 30,000, 60,000 and 100,000 volts are available in
the same instrument and on oqe scale. The elements are entirely immersed
^ for which they have been adjusted, in comparison with some secondary stand-
s ard which can in turn be calibrated with continuous current aa described
1 under precision measurements. Errors which result from ordinary varia-
tions in commercial wave forms are negligible.
Electrostatic voltmeters are independent of changes both in frequency
and in wave form, and may therefore be calibrated with continuous current
where the range will permit.
74. The effect of stray fields on alternating-current voltmeters is
very marked in some types of instruments. The error will vary with the
deflection and with the direction of the superposed field. In the case of
unshielded, single-coil dynamometer instruments, the error caiised by a
magnetic stray field of five lines per square centimeter may vary from 25
per cent, at quarter scale to 5 per cent, or 10 per cent, at three-quarters
scale; with a field of 10 lines per square centimeter these figures may become
75 per cent, and 25 per cent., respectively. Soft-iron-vane instruments are
much less affected, a stray field of 10 lines per square centimeter causing
about 10 per cent, error. Hot-wire and electrostatic instruments are not
affected. Shielded dynamometer instruments are available in which the error
with stray fields of 20 lines per square centimeter is only 1 or 2 per cent.
75. Measurement of small alternating e.m.fs. The single-coil
dynamometer type voltmeter is practically the only one available for potentials
of less than 25 volts. Since the deflections in this type of instrument are
proportional to the square of the potential, the lowest value that can be
measured with a 7.5-volt instrument is about 2.5 to 3 volts. By separately
exciting the fixed coils the sensibility will be greatly increased, because
the deflections will then be directly proportional to the potential impressed
on the moving coil. The "unipivot dynamometer type instrument
(Paul) with separate binding posts for fixed and moving coils is intended to
be used in this manner, full scale deflection being obtained with 1 volt.
For the accurate measurement of potentials of the order of 0.25 volt
and less, dynamometer instruments must be of the suspension, reflecting type.
Care should be taken that the excitation is in phase with the potential being
measured and that the current through the instrument remains proportional
to the potential. This current is I = E/\/^^+I^u^, wherein E = impressed
voltage being measured, i2 = resistance of instrument, Z/ = inductance and
u = 27rX frequency. When R is large the inductance is negligible, but when
it becomes small as in very low reading instruments, it may have to be
considered in the measurement. In that case, the instrument can be cali-
brated as an ammeter on continuous current and the alternating e.m.f.
computed with the above formula. For similar reasons, the temperature
coefficient may become significant.
76. Measurement of large alternating e.m.fs. Theoretically, any
alternating potential can be measured with any of the voltmeters described,
if sufficient series resistance is used. In a practical sense, the large energy
consumption and the insulation difficulties limit their use to measurements
of a few thousand volts, and then only for testing purposes. In connection
with commercial generation and transmission, potentials up to about 33,000
volts are almost universally measured in this country by means of step-down
instrument transformers (shunt type) connected to ordinary voltmeters.
The measurement of potentials higher than 33,000 volts is usually required
only in connection with high-voltage tests. The various methods of making
such measurements are as follows:
(a) Ratio of the step-up power transformer, in connection with an
ordinary voltmeter on the low tension side. This method requires an accu-
rate knowledge of the transformer ratio under various conditions of load and
potential, information which is often difficult to obtain.
(b) Step-down instrument transformers (shunt type) with an
ordinary voltmeter. This method requires an accurate knowledge of the
transformer ratio at various potentials, with the voltmeter as the secondary
load. The method is simple, convenient and accurate, but the power con-
sumption and the cost of the transformer become prohibitive at high
(c) Electrostatic voltmeter. Commercial instruments are available
up to about 200,000 volts. They require no appreciable power and are quite
satisfactory. The principal objections are the high cost of large sizes and the
lack of dead-beat qualities.
(d) Test coil. Where the source of the high potential to be measured
is a testing transformer, an ordinary low-reading voltmeter can be connected
to a few turns of the high tension winding brought out to separate terminals.
These turns should be at the grounded end of the winding. The ratio,
under all conditions, will be that of these turns to the total turns in the high-
tension winding, if the transformer has been well designed. This method is
generally sufficiently accurate and is very convenient.
(e) Spark gaps. The sparking distance between two terminals in
atmospheric air is a standard method of measuring high potentials. The
maximum length of gap which a given potential will break down depends,
in this case, on the maximum value and not upon the virtual or effective
value which is the value obtained in the other methods. The maximum
value, however, is the important one in tests of insulators and insulating
materials. When the wave
form is not a sine curve the
maximum value may deviate
materially from the theoretical
value, which is the virtual
(voltmeter reading) value mul-
tiplied by V^
77. Needle- point and
sphere spark gaps. The 0^35 "^
needle-point gap was for many '
^ Ground
Oround =" Ground
a simple and convenient method of comparing two transformers by means
of a wattmeter.
80. Alternating-current ground detectors are usually electro-
stfktic instruments. Fig. 24 shows diagrammatically the principle of West- i
Fia. 25. —
excessive deposit of silver and that the porous cup
is much more suitable. The average current in
amperes is computed from the formula
^=000^ ^^-P-)
where M = weight
grams, t = total time in seconds
of silver deposited in
and 0.001 118 electrochemical equivalent of silver (Sec. 19).
87. The copper voltameter is used to measure very large currents.
The anode is electrolytically pure copper, the cathode is either copper or
platinum, and the electrolyte is a solution of pure copper sulphate in the
proportion of 10 g. of crystals to 40 cu. cm. distilled water. Two anodes may
be used in order to utilize both sides of the cathode (Fig. 26) and the current
capacity may be further increased by connecting additional
plates in parallel. The current density should not exceed 1 amp. R,
per square centimeter of cathode area.
88. In the gas or water voltameter the electrodes are •^f^J'
two plates made of platinum, and the electrolyte is a 10 per
cent, solution of sulphuric acid. In the electrolysis of this solu-
tion, hydrogen gas is formed at the cathode and oxygen gas
at the anode. The total gas formed collects above the liquid,
and is measured volumetrically in a closed graduated tube form-
ing the upper part of the containing vessel.
89. Potentiometer method of measuring continuous
currents. Although the silver voltameter is the legal standard
for the measurement of current, its use is practically limited to
reference measurements or primary standardization. It is _
= low-coefficient resistance
wire, and ije = copper re- millivoltmeters.
sistance wire.
96. The calibration of D'Arsonval type ammeters is effected by
adjustment of the resistance of the shunt, the resistance of the millivolt-
meter circuit, or both. Formerly each instrument and shunt were adjusted
together, but it is becoming customary to adjust all of the instruments of
a given type to deflect full scale with the same potential in millivolts at the
terminals. The shunts for these instruments are all similarly adjusted to
give the same potential drop, thus making all shunts and instruments of a
given type interchangeable. The shunts should be adjusted by varyjng
the main-line resistance between the potential taps and not by adjusting
resistance wire connected in series with the instrument leads. In calibrating
switchboard instruments and the lower grade portable instruments, the
potential terminals are attached to the main current terminals and adjust-
97. Measurements of alternating: currents. There are, in the case
of alternating currents, three values to consider, the maximum, the average
and the mean effective or root-mean-square; the last is the value usually
desired. Alternating currents, like alternating e.m.fs., can only be compared
with the standard by means of a "transfer" instrument, that is, one in which
the effect produced by a current is the same whether the current is continuous
or alternating. Having determined the indication produced by the alter-
nating current to be measured, the value of a continuous current which will
produce the same deflection is obtained in terms of the standard.
98. Precision measurements of alternating current are made with
transfer" mstruments (Par. 64) which are usually of the reflecting, suspen-
sion, electrodynamometer class. The principle of these instruments is
described in Par. 32 to 34. P. G. Agnew has developed a tubular water-
cooled electrodynamometer having a capacity of 5,000 amperes and- an accur-
acy of 0.05 per cent. *
99. Secondary standards for alternating-current measurements,
adapted for direct observation, must obviously be capable of calibration
on continuous current. There are several instruments which fulfil this
The Siemens electrodynamometer consists of two stationary coils
connected in series, with a moving coil su-spended between them by
a silk
fibre, The deflecting force or moment is opposed by a spiral spring, which
IS twisted by hand (in the so-called torsion head) until
the moving coil is
brought back to the zero position. The amount of this twist, as indicated on
a scale over which moves a pointer attached to the torsion head, is a measure
of the current. The final relation of the fixed and moving coils is therefore
always the same. The current in amperes is / = A; v^
where L = twist of
torsion head in degrees and A = a constant determined by calibration
on con-
tinuous current. The instrument is sensitive to stray fields, from both
direct and alternating current. The presence of such fields can be detected
by passing current through the moving coil only; a deflection under such con-
ditions indicates a stray field. Its effect may be reduced to a negligible
quantity by turning the whole instrument until no deflection is noted.
100. The Kelvin balance (Par. 67) is an electrodynamometer type
ot instrument which astatic and in which the forces of attraction and
repulsion are actually weighed as in an ordinarv balance. Kelvin current
balances are troublesome to use unless the current is extremely steady
condition which rarely exists with alternating currents; they have
been practically superseded, in this country at least, by other and
reliable, convenient instruments of the dynamometer
type, of which the
Westinghouse precision" ammeter is an example.
The Westinghouse "precision" ammeter is practically a Kelvin
balance, of relatively small dimensions, in a vertical instead of
a horizontal
plane. The electromagnetic forces are opposed by a helical spring which
19 twisted by means of a torsion head as in the Siemens
dynamometer. The
angular movement of the torsion head necessary to keep the mo\-ing
in the zero position is a measure of the current. The actual value of the
current is equal to the square root of the deflection, multiplied by
a constant.
101. Types of alternating-current ammeters. The four principal
types ot commercial ammeters are as follows: dynamometer, soft-iron
induction, and hot wire. They are similar to the voltmeters of the same
(fat. 67 to 70 ), except that the windings consist of
relatively few turns of
' A^pew, P. G. "A Tubular Electrodynamometer for Heavy Currents."
Keprint No. 184, Bureau of Standards, June 17, 1912.
coarae wire instead of a large number of turns of fine wire, the ampere-turnB
being about tiie same in both cases. Hot-wire ammeters with ratings of
more than 1 or 2 amp. are usually small current instruments connected to
non-inductive shunts, as already described in principle (Par. 90).
102. Measurements of larg:e alternating currents. The only type
of ammeter which is generally used in the direct measurement of large
alternating currents is the hot-wire ammeter, because it can be used with
shunts. While shunts are made for capacities of 1,000 amp. and over, the
accuracy with shunts of very large capacity depends upon the care taken
in the design to eliminate the eddy-current and skin-effect errors. The most
common method is to use current transformers of the series type, to step
down the current to a small value, usually 5 amp., which is convenient to
measure witii standard instruments.
103. Series-type instrument transformers (also known as current
transformers) serve two purposes; the convenient measurement of large cur-
rents, and the insulation of instruments and apparatus from high-voltage
circuits. They are similar to so-called power transformers, except that the
latter are connected in shunt across the line and the secondary potential
remains substantially constant irrespective of the connected load. Series
transformers are connected in series with the primary line, and the secondary
current remains substantially constant for a wide range of loads. The load
consists of instruments or other devices which are connected directly in series
with the secondary winding.
104. Measurement of ratio of series transformers. The ratio
of series-type instrument transformers may be determined by measuring the
Erimary and secondary currents directly with current-measuring instruments,
ut obviously such
method is much less ac- Trans, ijj P'
curate than null or "zero"
methods. The principle AA/W- -"TTOIP
of the latter is the same
as that, of the potenti-
ometer. A non-inductive
resistance in the second-
ary circuit is adjusted
until the potential drop
across it is equal to that Fig Connections for measuring ratio of
in a non-inductive re- series type transformers.
sistance in the primary
circuit. The ratio of the two resistances
is equal to the ratio of transformation.
The differences among the various null
methods are largely in the manner of de-
termining the balance and in measuring
the phase angle. Fig. 29 shows the scheme
of a method used at the Bureau of Stand-
ards,' where a reflecting dynamometer is
used as the detecting instrument. R' and
R^ are the resistances in the primary and Fig. 30. —
Connections for
secondary circuits, respectively. The fixed measuring ratio of series type
coil of a dynamometer, D\, is connected transformers.
in series with the primary; then, with the
switch S thrown to the right, R2 is adjusted until zero deflection is obtained.
The component of the potential drop in Ri, which is in phase with that in
R\, is thus equal in magnitude to the drop in R' .Since the phase angle is
always very small, the ratio of Ri to Ri may be taken as the transformer
ratio. The phase angle is then determined by measuring the component of
the Rz drop which is 90 deg. from the Ri drop, by means of another dyna-
mometer, />!, the fixed coils of which are excited by a current displaced 90
deg. in phase from the primary current.
Fig. 30 shows the scheme of a method used at the Electrical Testing
Laboratories. t R\ and Ri are the primary and secondary resistances,
Another practical method of measuring small high-frequency currents is
indicated in Fig. 32, where o and a' are two fine wires of different materials
stretched between two terminals. The wires leading to the galvanometer
are of the same materials, but so connected that a' and b are alike, and a and
b' are alike. Thus there are two thermo-
couples in series. Obviously the connections
should be at the same potential, and this is
adjusted on continuous current with direct
and reversed readings. In a bridge method,
the current is measured by the change in re-
sistance of a carbon lamp (with a very small
filament) in one arm of a bridge. Fig. 33; in-
ductance coils, o and a' prevent the high-
^ frequency current from flowing through the
lOS. Measurement of rectifier currents.
iiG. 11
33. w
\^ f
Either of two values of the current from a
rectifier may be required, the average value,
cur r e n t measurements qj. ^jig root-mean-squaro value. In connec-
bridge method. tiQjj vvith storage-lottery charging, the average
value corresponds to the equivalent c.c. value
and a permanent-magnet type of measuring instrument should be used.
On the other hand, the power taken by incandescent lamps varies as the
square of the current, and the equivalent c.c. current should be measured
with instruments which indicate the mean effective value such as hot-wire or
dynamometer ammeters.
109. Measurements of telephone currents. Telephone currents may
be measured with a form of potentiometer* or with a barretter (Par. 40) but
since telephone currents are of constantly varying amplitude and frequency,
measurements made by this and the above methods are usually of little value.
Telephonic intensities are usually compared by ear with a telephone, using
artificial standardized cables. Where quantitative measurements are re-
quired, a high-sensibility oscillograph can be used.t
110. Resistance standards in general. The practical unit of resist-
ance, the ohm, is represented by a column of mercury having certain dimen-
sions (Sec. 1). This standard is obviously difficult to construct, maintain
and use; and, in general, will be found only in the laboratories of the
national custodians of the fundamental electrical standards.
Secondary standards are therefore employed in actual measurements.
These are made with metal of high specific resistance, in the form of wire or
ribbon. Manganin (a copper-nickel-manganese alloy) is most used,
because, when properly treated and aged, it meets the necessary requirements.
These requirements are; permanent electrical and physical characteristics;
low thermo e.m.f. in junctions with copper; small temperature coefficient of
resistance; and relatively high specific resistance. The completed standard
must, in addition, be unaffected by immersion in oil, or by changes in
atmospheric conditions.
111. Classes of resistance standards. In general, resistance standards
may be divided into two classes: standards of resistance, or those used
primarily for the measurement of resistance; and current standards, or
those intended primarily for the measurement of current.
112. General construction of standards of resistance. Standards
of resi.stance have very small current capacity. They are made in two forms,
the Reichsanstalt and the N.B.S. (National Bureau of Standards). J The
former is shown, partially in section, in Fig. 34. The N.B.S. form is shown in
Fig. 35. The distinctive features of the latter form are that it is immersed
in oil and hermetically sealed. This prevents the absorption of moisture by
* Drysdale, C. V. "Alternating-current Potentiometer for Measuring
Telephone Currents," London Electrician, Aug. 1, 1913.
t Gati, B. Report of Second International Conference, European Tele-
phone and Telegraph Administrations; 1910.
X Bureau of Standards Bulletin, Vol. V, 1908, p. 413.
shellac and the consequent expansion of the fine wire used in the larger
-tances. * Both forms are intended to be hung from mercury cups by
- of lugs, and suspended in an oil bath in order to measure the tempera-
more accurately. The N.B.S. form is made only in sizes larger than
113. Current standards are made in two forms, the Reichsanstalt and
bir-cooled. The Reichsanstalt standards are made in two types, the small
)attern for moderate currents, and the large pattern (in low resistances)
or large currents. The small-pattern form is similar in appearance to Fig.
i4 except that for 1 ohm and less, separate potential taps are provided,
rhey are suspended from mercury cups in an oil bath for cooling purposes.
The current ratings assigned by Otto Wolff and the Leeds and Northrup
I!ompany to small-pattern, Reichsanstalt form of standards are as follows:
[VVhen used for resistance measurements 0.3 and 1.0 watt, for still-air-cooling
ind oil-cooling respectively. When used for current measurements with a
lemperature rise of 10 deg. cent., 2.5 and 10 watts for still-air-cooling and oil-
30oling respectively. Large-pattern low-resistance current standards have
capacities from 100 watts to 2,500 watts and over.
114. Air-cooled current standards employ sufficient material topermit
of use in air without excessive temperature rise. While they are not as
accurate or as reliable as
the Reichsanstalt form,
they are amply satisfactory
for much commercial work,
especially where oil baths
would be inconvenient.
Fig. 36shows a Leeds and
Northrup Co. resistance, of
0.00002 ohm, and 2,000
amp. capacity, for which
an accuracy of 0.04 per
cent, is claimed.
116. Measurements of
conductor resistance.
There is no sharp distinc-
tion between materials
commonly called conduct- Fig. 36.- -Leeds & Northrup air-cooled standard
ors and those called in- resistance.
sulators. Resistances of
the former class may, however, be relatively high or relatively low, and
certain methods of measurement are especially applicable to each class.
116. The fall-of-potential method consists simply in noting the voltage
drop with a known current flowing through the resistance, and calculating
the resistance from Ohm's law, R = 1E,/I. This method is not suitable for
Sec. 3-117 ME-A.-^lIRTXa APPARATUS
very high or very low resistances and the accuracy depends upon the measure-
ment of two unknown quantities with indicating instruments. Furthermore
the current required to give a readable drop may cause overheating. The
method should therefore be used with caution and only where accuracy is
subordinate to simplicity and convenience. The potential should be
measured, when possible, between points well within the current connec-
tions, especially when the resistance is low and the current is high. Greater
accura y can be obtained by substituting a standard resistance in place of
the ammeter, and noting the drop across it, and across the unknown resist-
ance, in succession. The latter is then equal to the ratio of the two readings
multiplied by the standard resistance. The accuracy will be greatest when
the two resistances are nearly equal.
117. Bridge methods are the most accurate for resistance measurements
because: (a) they are zero methods; (b) comparison is made directly with
standardized resistances, the accuracy of which can be made very high. The
principal types of bridges are known as Wheatstone, slide-wire, Carey-
Foster and Kelvin.
118. Wheatstone bridge. The Wheatstone bridge is most generally
used for the measurement of all but the highest and the lowest resistances.
Fig. 37 shows the theoretical arrangement of a Wheatstone bridge where
r, n, and r? are accurately known resist-
ances and rx is the resistance to be meas-
ured. When using the bridge, the various
resistances are adjusted until the galva-
nometer, G, shows no current flowing
1000 100 1 ^ 10 1 00 1000
-"I' 1
Fio. 37.
— ^HHHH^
-Diagram of Wheatstone Fig. 38.
— Wheatstone bridge
bridge. PostofBce form.
then, rx= (,n/ri)r. The battery switch, Si, should always be closed before
the galvanometer switch, Si, in order to protect the galvanometer from the
momentary rush of current. The galvanometer and the battery may be
interchanged without affecting the result (Sec. 2, Par. 30).
119. Forms of Wheatstone bridges. These bridges are made in a
variety of forms. In most forms the resistances, r, n and ri, consist of a
number adjusted to various multiples
of resistance coils or units carefully
of 10 and so arranged that they can be conveniently connected in and out of
the circuit by means of plugs or switches. The resistances, n and n (Fig. 37)
are commonly called the ratio arms and r the rheostat arm. A very early
form, which is still in use in small portable sets, is the Postofflce pattern,
shown diagrammatically in Fig. 38. Coils are cut out by short-circuiting
them with plugs, so that there may be several plug-contact resistances of an
unknown and variable amount in a given arm. In the improved form, shown
diagrammatically in Fig. 39, this objection is overcome by arranging the
coils of the rheostat arm on the "decade" plan in which there are nine 1-ohm
coils in the "units" division, nine 10-ohm coils in the "tens" division, etc.
Any number of coils in a given division can be connected in circuit by
changing only one plug. In many later types, the ratio-arm coils are also
connected on the decade plan, which in aadition to eliminating plug-contact
resistance errors, permits interchecking the coils. Furthermore, the decade
arrangement permits the use of sliding-brush or dial construction instead
of plugs.
120. Use of Wheatstone Bridges. Such bridges are best suited for
isuring resistances of the order of about 1 ohm to 100,000 ohms. Accur-
-i of the order of 0.05 per cent, are obtainable with a first-class bridge
;ic unknown resistance is intermediate in value between the limits last
id. The maximum precision is obtained when the four arms are
hence this condition should
ihvays be approached as nearly as pos-
-ible by keeping n/n small, and n and
2 a.s nearly equal to r as convenient.
A galvanometer with 100 ohms to 500
uhnis resistance will be satisfactory for
Ill-ally all classes of work. The resist-
ance coils will dissipate about 1 watt
without overheating, but care should be
taken that the current does not become
excessive when the ratio becomes large.
121. The slide-wire bridge is one
of the earliest forms of the Wheatstone
bridge. It is convenient and rapid
wlicre many similar measurements are
made. It differs from the stand-
to be
ard Wheatstone bridge in the respect ©oasDOOoo
that balance is obtained by varying the
ratio n/n, instead of the resistance r
(Fig. 37). This is accomplished by
moving the contact, b. Fig. 40, along a
wire, ac, which forms the resistance ri ®000(3D00
-|-rj. This wire should be uniform in
cross-section and homogeneous, so that ©ooooooo
the resistance per unit length will be
constant. At exact balance, the ratio ©oooooasD
of the lengths ab/bc = n/ri and rr =
The precision is a
(ri/r2)r as before.
maximum when the sliding contact
When the slide wire is
is ©ooooooo
at the centre.
short, the precision decreases rapidly
with settings toward either end. The
1000 100 10 1
10 145
In practice, n/ri is kept equal to a/p and the resistance d is made negligibly
small. Then ri = (ri/r2)r, as in the Wheatstone bridge.
In the WolflF bridge, Fig. 42, the ratios ri/n and a/0 arc automatically
adjusted simultaneously, by sliding contacts on the four dials. In the Leeds
and Northrup bridge, Fig. 43, both r and the ratio n/rs are adjusted.
Specimen Standard
Fia. 42. — Kelvin double bi'idge— Wolff form.
124. Conductivity measurements. The specific conductance or
conductivity of a material is the reciprocal of the specific resistajice or
resistivity. The relative conductivity is the ratio, expressed in per cent., of
the specific conductance of the sample to that of a standard material. The
relative conductivity may be based on equal masses or equal volumes. The
former is in most common use because conductor metals are usually sold on
a weight basis (see Sec. 4).
Mass-resistivity at 20 deg. cent.:
0.15328 ohm (meter, gram)
875.20 ohms (mile, pound)
Volume-resistivity at 20 deg. cent, and 8.89 density:
1.7241 microhms (cm.')
0.67879 microhms (in.')
10.371 ohms (mil, foot)
For earlier standards of copper resistivity, see Sec. 4.
Scale I
about 300 ohms each, in order to eliminate the effect of contact resistance i
scale H, which corresponds to this weight. Then the resistance, cd, is equal i
to that of a piece of wire having 100 per cent, conductivity, a length equal to i
100 parts in the scale I and the same weight per unit length as Tx. Contact i
from scale I, 100 scale divisions corresponding to 100 per cent, conductivity.
One standard is provided for every three sizes of wire in the American
(B. & S.) gage. The standards are usually of the same material as that being
tested, so that the temperature does not have to be observed.
128. Resistance of rail joints. The testing of rail bonds consists
in determining, either, (a) the ratio of the resistance of a given length of rail,
including a bonded joint, to that of the same length of continuous rail;
or (b) the length of solid rail which has the same resistance as the joint.
The resistance of rail bonds is usually expressed in the latter manner, whether
measured in that way or by the former method. Three methods are em-
ployed: millivoltmeter, bridge, and opposition.
129. Millivoltmeter method of measuring rail bonds. In the milli-
voltmeter method, simultaneous readings are taken with 2 millivoltmeters,
one connected across the bond and the other across a definite length of rail.
If the current fluctuations are not too rapid, only one instrument is neces-
sary, provided there is a suitable arrangement of keys to change the con-
nections in quick succession.
130. In the Roller bond tester the principle of the slide wire form of
Wheatstone bridge is employed (Fig. 44). Balance is obtained by moving
the contact B back and forth.
At balance, ab/bc=(ri-\-m)/
(rj+n); where ab = resistance
of bond and be = resistance of
the standard length of rail.
The resistances n and n have
the effect of extending the slide
wire and providing greater
accuracy (see Par. 121). In
the actual instrument, the slide
wire takes the form of a circle
and the scale is graduated to
give the resistance directly in
Bond terms of the number of feet of
the solid rail being tested.
Fig. 44.- -Diagram, Roller bond tester.
131. The Conant bond
tester is an example of the
class in which the drop across the joint is opjposed to that across a length of
solid rail, the outer contact on the latter (c. Fig. 44) being moved along until
the two potentials are just equal and opposite. The detector is a telephone
receiver in series with a make and break device operated by a clock.
132. Insulation resistance. The resistance of insulating materials
is usually measured by deflection methods. In the case of resistances
of the order of 1 megohm and less, a Wheatstone bridge may be used, but
the accuracy will be low because of the extreme ratio required (Par. 121)
and the low insulation resistance of the bridge.
Two general clas.se8 of deflection methods are used: (1) direct deflection
and (2) leakage. The direct-deflection methods involve a .simple application
of Ohm's law, the current being measured with a voltmeter used as an am-
meter or with a galvanometer,
133. Direct-deflection method (insulation resistance). When
the resistance is of the order, of 1 megohm, an ordinary voltmeter
will give resultswhich are sufficiently accurate for most purposes. Two
readings are taken, one with the voltmeter directly across the battery or
generator, and the other with the resistance to be measured connected in
series with the voltmeter. The resistance is R^r, {d — di)/di; where rv =
"Ml-eBistanoe of voltmeter (the greater the resistance per volt, the higher the
-1 d = deflection of voltmeter in first reading, rfi = deflection in sec-
'a Obviously a portable galvanometer with series resistance may
)nd reading.
>e used as a voltmeter.
jralue (Par. 29 and 30) and r, is short-circuited, the main circuit is closed.
The shunt is then decreased until the largest readable deflection is obtained.
in A reading is taken after 1 min. This procedure is then repeated with the
i 'Standard resistance r, (usually 0.1 or 1 megohm) in circuit and the specimen
short-circuited. The resistance of the specimen in megohms is: R=G/d\s;
where di= first reading, s=. multiplier corresponding to the shunt setting
10, 100,
4.5. — Diagram, insulation resistance
1,000 or 10,000) andG= galvanometer megohm-constant
(Par. 24) as obtained from the second measurement.
of cable.
The constant is
G = (hT,; where d= deflection, s= shunt multiplier, r,= standard resistance
megohms. The conductor is preferably negative to the sheath or water.
134. Leakage method of measuring insulation resistance. Very
high resistances such as the resistance of porcelain and glass, and surface
leakage resistance of line insulators, are best measured by the method
of leakage, also known as the loss-of-charge method. This method is based
on the theory that if the insulation resistance of a condenser is infinite, it
will retain a charge indefinitely; whereas if the resistance between the con-
denser terminals (either the internal resistance or a resistance connected
externally) is finite, the rate of loss of the charge (or leakage) will be a meas-
ure of that resistance. The principle of this method is shown in Fig. 46
where the resistance to be measured, r, is connected in parallel with a con-
denser C. Key o is closed and immediately opened, thus charging the con-
denser. Key f> IS closed immediately after o is opened and the deflection,
di, of the ballistic galvanometer noted. The process is repeated, a being
left open a definite time, t seconds, before h is closed
and a second deflection
di observed. The resistance in megohms is then:
»= r (megohms) (13)
2.303 C '°«"'(|)
w^here C is the capacity of the condenser in micro-farads.
The insulation resistance of the condenser is usually not infinite.
Correction should be made by measuring the resistance of the condenser in
a similar manner, r being disconnected. If ri is the resistance of the condenser
and n the resistance obtained above in Eq. 15, the corrected value is
(megohms) (14)
136. Measurement of specific resistance (resistivity) of solid
Insulating materials. This is obtained by calculation from the
ance between two similar metallic electrodes of known area in intimate con-
^.'^*,^7*^ *J»^ opposite and parallel faces of a specimen of the material,
lin-fo'l makes convenient and satisfactory electrodes
if backed with
blotting paper and sufficient weight to insure good contact.
136. The specific resistance of liquid insulating materials may be
approximately determined by pouring a specimen into a round glass cylinder
or graduate in which two circular, closely fitting disc electrodes are supported
One of the electrodes should be movable so that the resistance of column
of several different lengths can be measured. The first measurement shoult
be taken as the zero or base reading and the results checked by calculation
of the increase in resistance and the corresponding increase in the spacini
of the electrodes at different settings.
187. Precautions in measuring insulation resistance. In the meaa
urement of the insulation resistance of specimens haying electrostatic capaof
ity,suflScient time should be allowed for the specimen to become charged
that is, until the deflection becomes constant, at i
minimum value. This usually takes place within Jl
—? '
The insulation resistance of
"dead" circuit conveniently
madeby the voltmeter method. piQ. 47.— Insulation resistance of "live'
When there is no source of circuits,
e.m.f. available, various port-
able instruments described be-
low are especially applicable and convenient. (Also see Sec. 21.)
When the circuit is "alive" the following method may be used.* Fig
47 represents diagrammatically a system with lamps and motors connected
The resistances Xi and Xt represent the insulation resistance from the posi
tive and negative sides respectively to ground.
:i corresponding to F:.
M .Should the system be continuous current, a D'Arsonval-type volt-
?ter is preferable; if it be alternating current, an electrodynamometer-
„pe instrument should be used. This method in general will measure 1
^ .'jgohm with sufiBcient accuracy to check specifications. If the resistance
„ .over 1 megohm a galvanometer method is more accurate.
where Ri and Ei are the first resistance and e.m.f., respectively, and R
and Ei are the corresponding values with the second resistance.
In general, such direct-current methods should be used only with priniarj
batteries of very low resistance and with secondary or storage batteries
Alternating-current methods are more reliable.
143. Alternating-current method of measuring internal resistanct
of batteries. The Kohlrausch bridge shown in Fig. 49 can be used in thii
method, by inserting the cell or battery in place of the electrolyte cell
Without resistance R' connected, the resistance of the cell will be
If the resistance R' is connected, the resistance of the cell with a curren
corresponding to R' flowing, will be
.(«^-«> '''
144. Effective resistance of alternating-current circuits. The passage
of alternating current through a circuit is opposed by the ohmic resistance
'lifter (Par. 213) which is first adjusted (the moving coil being connected
) a non-inductive resistance in series with the resistance to be measured)
ntil a maximum deflection is obtained. A
more sensitive method is to
'onnect a condenser in series with the fixed coils and adjust the phase shifter
3r zero deflection. The dynamometer can be caUbrated on a non-inductive
.esistance or on continuous current.
(a) (b) , (c) 6, sin 6 (21)
1 U* cos a) i»
149. General considerations. When a quantity of electricity, g, is
passed through a circuit against a difference of potential, e, the work done,
that is, the amount of energy expended, is ge. Power is the rate of expend-
ing energy and at any instant is edq/dt = ie, because dq/dt = i, where i and
e are the instantaneous values of current and potential, respectively. Power
expressed in watts is the energy expended per second, or, = QE/t, where W
Q = quantity in coulombs, E = potential in volts and t = time in seconds.
160. Continuous-current power. In a circuit supplied by a battery
or a continuous-current generator, energy is expended at a uniform rate;
hence, edq/dt = QE/t = IE, where Q = quantity in coulombs, = e.m.f. in £
volts, J = time in seconds and 7 = current in amperes. The power in such
circuits is usually determined by measuring the current and the potential,
simultaneously. Wattmeters may of course be used, but they are somewhat
less accurate than permanent-magnet instruments.
151. Pulsating power. Whete there are instantaneous variation
in the current and the potential, the power varies from instant to instani
The average power will be the average of the products of corresponding instan
taneous values of current and potential and it can be measured with strict a(|
curacy only with watt-meters of the dynamometer type. In rectifier circuiti
the power consumption of a storage battery or a motor can be approximate!,
measured with a voltmeter and an ammeter of the permanent magnet typ«!
Such instruments would give a more nearly correct result than dynamomete'
instruments. On the other hand, the reverse will be the case with a load of in
candescent lamps or heating de-vices. The error will depend upon the wav,
shape and the character of the load. The safe method is to use a dyna-
mometer-type wattmeter.
152. Alternating-current power. The power in an alternating-cut
rent circuit, at any instant, is the product of the current and potential a
that instant. When the load consists only c
resistance, the current wave, /, and the poten
tial wave, E, are in phase as shown in Fig. 51
and the power-factor is 100 per cent, or unit}
If the products of the instantaneous values c
current and potential are plotted, the curve i
is obtained. The average value of this curv
is the power equivalent of a continuous cui
Fig. 51. —
Relation of cur- rent producing the same effect. Also, W^
rent, e.m.f. and power in EI, where W
= ave age watts, E = mea)
a.c. circuit. and 7 = mean effective amperee
effective volts
These values of potential and current are in
dicated by instruments in which the deflections are proportional to th'
square of the current.
153. When the power-factor is less than unity, due to the fact tha
the circuit contains inductance or capacity (or the equivalent), the curren
and the potential will not be in phase. In the case of an inductive load, th
current will lag behind the potential, as shown in Fig. 52. The powe
curve then will not be all on one side of the axis, but a part will be negative
If the current lags sufficiently. Fig. 53, the power curve will be positive hal
of the time and negative the other half; the average power will then be zer
(or zero power-factor). This difference in phase, or time relation betweei
the current and the potential, is called the phase angle and is usually ex
pressed in degrees, an entire cycle being 360 deg. If the current and th
^Fired Colls
Moving Coil
the moving element to rotate, the torque is opposed by a spiral spring and
hence the deflection is proportional to the power. Fig. 55 shows the sche-
matic arrangement, where A A' are the current or series coils, PP' the po-
tential or shunt coils and SS' the compensation coils by means of which,
together with the adjustable resistance, R, the exact quadrature relation is
obtained as in watt-hour meters. This type is also made in polyphase form
by having two sets of current and potential elements acting on a common
moving disc, or drum, as in the polyphase watt-hour meter. It is ob-\
that instruments of this type are limited to the frequency for which the j ..r
161. The Whitney wattmeter operates on the dynamometer principV
(Par. 108) except that it is a torsion-head instrument, the moving elemen
being kept in a fixed position by twisting the torsion head to which th"'
control spring is attached. The pointer attached to this head moves ove
the scale. This method permits using a very long scale, extending around i
full circle.
162. Wattmeters for switchboard use employ both the electrodynamic
and the induction principles. Weston instruments are similar to the por
table electrodynamometer instrument (Par. 108). The General Electri(
edgewise type "H" instruments are dynamometer types while type .'
Fig. 56. —
Power measurements
in single-phase circuits with watt-
Fig. 57.
ment for
Electrodynamometer arrange-
small amounts of
meter. power.
Bonnect the potential circuit to the load side (b instead of a) and include the
potential circuit loss in the measurement instead of the current circuit loss,
because the former not only remains constant but is more easily calculated.
Wattmeters are often arranged to correct or compensate automatically for
clxis loss by means of a few turns on the fixed coil, connected in series with the
potential circuit and in opposition to the fixed coil. This arrangement can-
not be used with shunt-type instrument transformers nor when checking the
wattmeter with separate sources of e.m.f. and current. A separate connec-
tion is usually provided, however, for this purpose. In general it is safer
always to use this "independent" connection, making allowance for the
potential loss, when necessary, by calculation.
169. Measurement of very sn^all amounts of power. Where the
power is extremely small, only a few watts, reflecting electrodynamometers
are most accurate. This is especially true when the power-factor is low, the
170'. Measurement of power' in a single-phase circuit. One watt-
meter connected aa shown in Fig. 56 will read true watts. The power may
also be measured without the use of a wattmeter, by three voltmeters or,
three ammeters.
In the "three-voltmeter" method, a known non-inductive resistance,
R, is connected in series with the load as shown in Fig. 58, where E, E\ and
Et are points where voltmeter readings are to be taken. The power in
watts is
W ^ ?
(watts) (22)
W = R(^ 2 )
(watts) (23)
Fig. 61. Power in two-phase Fig. 62. —Power
phase, three-wire circuit.
in two-
three-wire circuit.
hraic sum of the three readings. This fconnection is correct under all con-
ditions of load, balance and power-factor. Two wattmeters, one in each '
phase, will give the true power only when the load is balanced.
17i. Three-phase, three-wire circuits. Two wattmeters may be used,
connected as in Fig. 64, the total power being the algebraic sum of the two
readings under all conditions. If the load is balanced, each instrument will
indicate half the total power at unity power-factor and at 50 per cent, power-
factor one instrument will indicate the total power, the other instrument
reading zero. At less than 50 per cent, power-factor, one instrument will
read negative. (See Par. 209 for method of verifying power-factor.)
^I cuit of the
itself. The other two
legs have the same im-
pedance as the poten-
tial circuit of
the watt-
;.''io. 66. — Power in three-phase, three-wire circuit, meter.
With a "T" re-
one wattmeter, with "Y" box. (c)
point P of the aystem, which may or may not be the neutral. The tota
power for any load condition is the algebraic sum of the readings of all of thi
wattmeters so connected.
178. Power measurements on high-voltage circuits should preferablj,
be made with series-type and shunt-type instrument transformers. If th<
instrument wattmeter is connected directly to the circuit with series re
sistance in the potential circuit, the circuit should be grounded at thi
instrument in order to avoid errors of electrostatic attraction, and also pos
sibls injury to the instrument or the observer. The current-capacity limi
of commercial wattmeters is about 200 amp, beyond which series trans
formers with 5-amp. instruments are used, irrespective of potential.
179. Corrections where instrument transformers are used in accu
rate power measurements. In every case the true ratio and phase angli
should be known (Par. 79 and Par. 104, 106). The general effect of the pha*
changes in the instrument transformers is to make the angle between th'
current and the potential in the wattmeter larger or smaller than that be
tween the current and the e.m.f. of the circuit being measured.
If cos 9 = true power-factor and cos ©2 = apparent power-factor (i.e., power
factor in the wattmeter obtained from the ratio of the watts and volt-ampere
in the wattmeter), true watts = (cos 9/cos 82) X wattmeter reading. Th.
apparent power-factor, cos 02 = cos (.6±a±fi±y), where |j
middle wire, E between outer wires) and for a three-phase, three-wire cirrui
the power-factor is TF/\/3 (EI), wherein 17 = watts, £ = volts and / =
amperes. In the two-wattmeter method, the power-factor of a two-pli:i~'
three- wire circuit is obtained from the relation Wi/Wt^tan 0, where U 1 i
the reading of a w&ttmeter connected in one phase in the same manner :i-^
single-phase circuit, and Wt is the reading of a wattmeter connected with ii
current coil in the first phase, in series with the first wattmeter', ami il
potential coil across the second Obviously, if the load is steady
wattmeter is sufficient. If the phases are not balanced, the readings .•^i
be repeated with the instruments in the second phase, the true power-i
being taken as the average of the two results. In a three-phase, three
wire circuit, the power-factor can be calculated from the readings of tu
• Bedell, F. "Direct and .'Uternating-current Testing." D. Van Nos(r:i!i
Company (1912), p. 228.
t Robinson, L. T. "Electrical Measurements in Circuits Requiring Ciiri'ii
and Potential Transformers." Trans. A. I. E. E., 1909, Vol. XXVIII, p. 1<">
as f oUows
LVattmeters connected in the standard method for measuring power,
I iWi-Wi)/(Wi + W2)]\/S = t&ne,yh.eTe TFi is the larger reading, which is
Iways positive, and W2 is the smaller reading which may be either positive
r negative. , ,. j- 1 v
183 Power-factor meters are instruments which indicate directly
)Ower-f actor of the circuit. Commercially there are two general classes,
nvolving the principle of electrodynamometer wattmeters and those
)ased on the principle of induction wattmeters. The essential feature^ of
I Weston single-phase
power-factor meter of the first class are shown in Fig.
')9.It will be noted that the
irrangement is similar to that /(T^v^A:^ L
n wattmeters, except that
here are two coils, M, M\ in
;he mo\'ing system instead of
one. One coil, M, is connected
icross the line and in series
R-ith a resistance R, while the
Jther coil, Af', is connected in
series with an inductance L.
iThe current in the coil, M',
will therefore be about 90 deg.
out of phase with that in coil
M. When the
power-factor is Fig. 69.- -Diagram, Weston single-phase
unity, reaction between
the power-factor meter.
the fixed coils, F, F\ and the
moving coil M
will be a maximum while that between FF' and M' will be a
minimum. The torque exerted on M
will cause the moving system to take
the position of minimum torque, that is, where the plane of M
will be parallel
to that of FF^; the corresponding mark on the scale will therefore be 100.
Similarly, at zero power-factor, coil Afi will exert all of the torque and cause
,the moving system to take a position where the plane of M^ will be parallel
ito that of FF'; the corresponding indication is therefore zero. Theoretically,
the indications will be affected by the frequency, the current in L
.depends upon the frequency, but by proper design of the reactor, L, the
effect of moderate variations in frequency can be eliminated.
, In the polyphase meter. Fig. 70 (for balanced circuits only), the in-
ductance L is not required and
the instrument is therefore entirely
independent of the frequency.
There are three coils in the moving
system, one connected across each
phase. The principle of operation is
exactly the same as in the single-
phase instrument, the moving sys-
tem taking up a position where the
resultant of the three torques will be
a minimum, which position will vary
with the average power-factor of the
184. In Westinghouse power-
factor meters, the dynamometer
T, -„ -n,- trr u„,„ principle
Fig. 70.-Diagram Weston polyphase
i 1 , P^
P described in j^Par. 183 is
^^^^^^^ tj,^
power-factor meter.
induction principle is employed in
the same manner that is applied in synchroscopes (Par. 289-291).
186. Qeneral Electric power-factor meters employ the electrodyna-
mometer principle (Par. 183) in polyphase instruments. No single-phase
instruments are made by this company.
186. The practical unit of electrical energy is the watt-hour, which
is the energy expended in 1 hr. when the power or rate of expenditure
is 1 watt.
187. Energy is usually measured in watt-hours, with watt-hotir
meters (often incorrectly called integrating or recording meters). All
watt-hour meters are, in reality, small motors iu which the speed is propor-
11 161
tional to the power and the revolving element operates a registering me«i
anism on which the energy consumption ia recorded. Meters for co
tinuous current are usually of the type which utilize the electrodynami
principle of direct-current motors, while those for alternating currei
utilize the principle of induction motors. j^
ace of potential circuit; (b) changing the resistance of the drag disc; and
198. Typical Data Applying to Modern 110-Volt, S-amp. or 10
amp., Direct-current Watthour Meters *
•I •
a a
or; ft S i
a «
Par. 196).
this same disc as described under direct-current meters (Par. 191) .
practically all meters is that in which a flux is produced at the potential
pole face, slightly out of phase with the main flux. Thus eddy currents will
produced in the disc which will be in phase with a small component of the
main flux, giving rise to a slight torque which can be made sufficient to over-i
come the friction torque. This "out-of-phase" flux is produced in various'
ways in different meters. A common method is to place a short-circuited
copper circuit or thin copper punching ("shading strip") in the potential-'
pole air-gap, in an unsymmetrical position, so that the desired unbalanced^
flux will be obtained. In the Columbia meter, the effect is accomplished
by unbalancing the flux of the two potential poles by means of magnetic
205. Adjustments of induction-type meters. Facilities are usually
provided for conveniently adjusting the meter accuracy at light and full load.
The position of the light-load compensation coil can be changed with
conveniently located screws, and the light-load speed thus altered. Speed
adjustment at all loads is obtained by shifting the drag magnets with
respect to the axis, as in direct-current meters, or by shunting the flux
by means of a movable soft-iron keeper bridging the air gap. The
power-factor or lag adjustment is made at the factory and if properly done
should never require readjustment.
20S. Typical Data Applying to Modern 110-volt Single-phase 60-
cycle, 5-amp. Induction-type Watt-hour Meters*
= watt-hour constant and R =
if »
number of revolutions. (See
Testing Formulse, Par. 222.)
812. Laboratory tests. Ob-
viously the source of energy for
meter testing should be as steady
Storage batteries
as possible.
are largely used for direct-current
meters; and special alternators,
whose speed can be controlled,
the voltage, as indicated in Fig. 75. Resistance in the potential circuit
alternating-current meters will alter the quadrature phase relation, and then
fore voltage regulation should be obtained with a variable ratio auto-tran
former, an induction regulator or by field control.
213. Power-factar variation, in meter testing, can be obtained b
several methods. In the two- alternator method, two generators ai
mounted on a common base, with a common shaft. The stationary member
(armature or field) are made movable about the shaft with respect to the baF
and to each other. Thus with the potential coil of the meter connected t
one machine, and the current coil to the other, any phase relation can b
obtained by adjusting one movable member with respect to the other.
In the transformer method, a transformer with a large number of step;
or a variable-ratio auto-transformer, is connected across one phase of
polyphase circuit and the potential coil of the meter is connected in such
manner that any phase relation can be obtained. Thus, referring to Fig. 7t
the current coil of the meter
is connected in series with
conductor a of a three-
phase circuit, and the po-
tential coil la connected to
o and to p, the latter being
a tap on a transformer con-
nected across phase 6c. It
\3/ is apparent that any phase
6>Ww TOin)Wii« a a < c
TO! angle between the current
and the potential can be
obtained in a range from
Fig. 76. —
Power-fac- deg. to 60 deg. by moving Fig. 77.— —Power-fac
tor variation —trans- the connection point c tor variation trans
former method. along the transformer former method.
winding. Angles from 60
deg. to 90 deg., lead or lag, can be obtained by changing the transfornur U
either of the other two phases and the meter connection from o to x or y
These changes can be instantly made with suitable switching arrangements:
A similar arrangement can be made for a two-phase circuit. Fig. 77. It"
is also convenient to introduce such a transformer between the taps o, p and
the meter, for the purpose of compensating for the variations in the voltage
between o and p, and keeping the voltage constant at the meter. Twc
variable-ratio auto-transformers arranged in this manner make a convenient
phase shifter.
In the reactance-coil method, a reactance coil is introduced in the
current circuit, the reactance being varied by moving an iron core in and
out of the coil. It is difficult to obtain low power-factors with this method
unless a separate low-potential current circuit is used, and then there is
danger of wave-form distortion.
214. Measurement of meter torque. The torque is measured undei
normal conditions at full load by measuring the force in grams exerted at the
edge of the disc, or at the end of an arm attached to the shaft. This force
may be measured by means of weights, a calibrated watch spring, or by
utilizing the principle of the pendulum.* By measuring the radius of the
disc or the arm in millimeters, the torque is obtained in millimeter-grams,
the usual unit.
21B. Measurement of watt-hour meter losses. The losses in the wind-
ings of c.c. meters are calculated from the resistances, as determined with con-
tinuous current by standard methods. The losses in alternating-current
meters are measured directly with wattmeters, but care is required
because of the very small amount of power and the small power-factor.
216. The standards for direct-current meter tests may be ammeterc
and voltmeters, in portable or special laboratory types, or potentiometers;
in alternating-current meter tests, use is made of indicating wattmeters,
The time in measuring the meter speed is usually determined with stop-
watches, reading to tenths of seconds. Where a large number of meters
rith fluctuating loads. Rotating standards are watt-hour meters similar
I standard house-type service meters, except that they are made with extra
! are, are usually provided with more than one current and one potential
i ange, and are more portable. A
pointer, attached directly to the shaft,
i aoves over a dial divided into 100 parts, so that fractions of a revolution are
asily read. This standard meter is used by connecting it in series with the
neter to be tested; the accuracy of the latter is determined by the "switch"
aethod or the "eye-and-ear" method.
In the "switch" method the register only (in direct-current standards),
)r the entire moving element (in alternating-current standards), is started
.it the beginning of a revolution of the meter under test, by means of a
luitable switch, and stopped at the end of a given number of revolutions.
The accuracy is determined by direct comparison of the number of whole
evolutions of the meter un-
ier testwith the whole revo- ~>
utions, and a fraction, of the
In the "eye and ear"
method, the number of
.whole revolutions of the
standard is compared with a
whole number of revolutions,
and a fraction, of the meter
under test. The revolutions
of the standard are counted
Carbon CompreBsIoa
by ear by means of a tele-
phone receiver and an elec-
trical contact on the shaft,
while those of the test meter
are observed by eye.
210. A Wheatstone-
bridge method for testing
large watt-hour meters
whichcannot be conven-
iently cut out of service, and
are on a load which fluctuates
excessively, such as a railway
load, has been developed by Fig. 78. -Connections for testing large watt-
Messrs. Ingalls and Cowles. * hour meters -Wheatstone bridge method. —
The connections are shown
in Fig. 78, where a and b are two fixed standard resistances or .shunts, forming
two arms of the bridge. The third arm is shown at c. A rotating standard
with an adjustable fixed resistance d and a carbon rheostat e constitute the
fourth arm. When e is adjusted until the portable galvanometer shows zero
deflection, the ratio of watts passing through the two meters is a/(.a + b).
Sec. 3-220 measurixg apparatus
220. Qeneral precautions to be observed in testing watt-hour meten
are as follows: (a) The test period should always be sufficiently long hik
a sufficiently large number of independent readings should be taken u
insure the desired accuracy. In service tests, the period preferably should
be not less than 30 sec. and the number of readings not less than three. Ir
laboratory tests, 100-sec. periods and five readings are preferable, (bl
Capacity of the standards should be so chosen that readings will be taken a1
reasonably high percentages of their capacity, in order to make observationa
or scale errors as small as possible, (c) Where indicating instruments art
used on a fluctuating load, their average deflections should be estimated in
such a manner as to include the time of duration of each deflection, as well as
the magnitude, (d) Instruments should be so connected that neither the
standards nor the meter being tested are measuring the potential-circuit loss
of the other, that the same potential is impressed on both, and that the same
load current passes through both, (e) When the meter under test has not
been previously in circuit, sufficient time should be allowed for the tempera-
ture of the potential circuit to become constant, preferably not less than 10
rain.; this is important with direct-current meters, especially in the case of
rotating standards. In some types of the latter, special provision is made for
rapid heating, (f) Guard against the effect of stray fields by locating the
standards and arranging the temporary test wiring in a judicious manner.
221. Meter constants. The following definitions of various meters'
constants are taken from "Code for Electricity Meters."*
Register constant is the number by which the register readings must be
multiplied to obtain the registration. They are ordinarily used only on
large-capacity meters and are marked on the register.
Qear ratio is number of revolutions of the rotating element per revolu-
tion of the first dial hand.
Watt- hour constant is the registration reduced to watt-hours per revolu-''
tion of the rotating element. It has a definite value for each type and rated '
capacity of meter.
Watt-second constant is the registration reduced to watt seconds
per revolution of the rotating element. It is equal to watt-hour constant
multiplied by 3,600.
Test constant is the constant assigned by the manufacturer for use in
the test formula for his meter.
222. Testing formulas. The accuracy of a watt-hour meter is the per-
centage of the total energy passed through a meter which is registered on the ,
-aze accuracy for all loads. Such a value obviously must be based on
rbitrary rule. The "Code for Electricity Meters" recommends the
iiowing:* When and 100 per cent.
feasible, test the meter at 10 per cent,
iparity of meter and at the normal load. Multiply the accuracy at normal
id by three, add (to this) the accuracies
found at each of the other two
•ids and divide the sum by five. This result is to be taken as the average
ruracy. The "normal load" shall bo taken as the percentage of the total
itiug of the connected load indicated in the table in Par. 226.
225. Table of Normal Loads of Watt-hour Meterst
cent, of connected load which is equal to the "normal load" in
tion of average accuracy (Par. 224)
Residence and apartment lighting 25 per cent.
Elevator service 40 per cent.
r Factories (individual drive) churches and offices 45 per cent.
: Factories (shaft drive) theatres, clubs, entrances,
hallways and general store lighting 60 per cent.
,. .
easilyemptying the mercury from the tube into the anode receptacle whe
the former becomes filled. This type of meter has been highly develope
and inherent errors due to variation in temperature, concentration of tb
solution, level of mercury, effect of vibration, etc., are largely eliminate'
in the latest forms.
230. The principal advantages of electrolytic-type anipere-hou<
instruments are their low first cost and their simplicity, which results i
low maintenance cost. These are important items to power companit
serving very small customers, especially where the rates are low; and ma
outweigh the disadvantages, the principal among which are elimination c
the potential element and relatively low accuracy.
231. Electromotor ampere-hour meters are similar to watt-hou
meters, except that the field is produced by permanent magnets instead c
electromagnets. The rotating element is geared to a register which is cali
brated in watt-hours for a given assumed voltage. There are two genoro
types, the electromagnetic and the mercury flotation. The former i
235. Curve-drawing or recording inatruments are essentially indi-
ating instruments so arranged that a permanent, continuous record of the
ndication is made on a chart. They are made for recording all electrical
luantities that can be measured with indicating instruments: current, poten-
ial, power, frequency and power-factor._ Here the fundamental principles
^re, in general, those of standard indicating instruments, with the addition
of a suitable recording mechanism. The two general classes are those in
which the record or chart is made directly by the moving element and
those in which it is made by a separate rnechamsm._ In all types the chart
'is driven by a clock mechanism which la entirely separate from the
instrument proper.
236. Direct recording type. Examples of this class are Bristol, Gen-
eral Electric and Esterline meters. The distinguishing feature of the
Bristol instrument is the use of a circular chart. The direct-current am-
, meters and voltmeters employ a stationary coil or solenoid, the moving ele-
, ment being a soft-iron armature working against flat springs. The alternat-
1 ing-current instruments employ the electrodynamometer principle, with
one movable coil and one stationary coil. Suitable provision is made for
1 multiplying the armature movement, and damping is obtained with a vane
I immersed in oil. These instruments are extremely simple and relatively
inexpensive. The sensi-
tiveness is seriously af-
fected by pen friction and
where high sensibiUty is
a minute, the pointer being perfectly free in the interim. The record i'!
240. Oenersl. The self -Inductance, or coefficient of self-induc-
tion, of a circuit is the constant by which the time-rate of change of the
current in the circuit must be multiplied, to give the self-induced counter
e.m.f. Similarly, the mutual inductance between two circuits is the
constant by which the time-rate of change of current in either circuit must
be multiplied to give the e.m.f. thereby induced in the other circuit. Self-
inductance and mutual inductance depend upon the shape and dimensions
of the circuits, the number of turns and the nature of the surrounding medium.
241. Standards of inductance are usually simple coils of copper wire
suitably mounted on a non-conducting, non-magnetic frame. The turns
are held rigidly in place by shellac, paraffine or other insulating medium.
Inductance standards are made in single units like standard resistances, or
in combinations, with plug connections, like a subdivided condenser or a
resistance box. In the Ayrton-Perry variable standard there are two con-
centric coils, one fixed and the other movable. When connected in series
these coils form a variable inductance, the value of which at any relative
position is read from a circular scale at the top. Additional range is secured
by connecting sections of the two coils in series-parallel combinations by
means of plugs.
242. Methods. The moat commonly employed methods of measuring
inductance are (a) Wheatstone-bridge methods, where the inductance is
determined by comparison with a known inductance or known capacitance;
and (b) impedance methods where the inductance is determined by calcula-
tion from measurements made with- alternating current.
Fio. 84. —
Inductance measure- Fig. 85. —Inductance measure-
ments with a condenser. ments with a condenser.
247. A method
using' a known
capacitance is shown in Fig. S4. It is a
modified form of Maxwell's method
in which the condenser is connected in
parallel with )-i, and two adjustments have to be made which are not inde-
pendent of each other, one with steady currents and the other with transient
currents. The two adjustments have to be repeated until complete balance
is obtained. In Fig. 84 (Bimington's methods, the bridge is balanced with
steady current by adjusting n, and then with transient currents by varying
r without changing the first adjustment. At balance.
L=^^'10- (henrys) (24)
where I/= inductance of Z in henrys, r = ohms in parallel with C,C = capa
tance of condenser in micro-farads, n = total ohms of bridge arm to which ci
denser is connected and Ri = ohma of Z.
248. A similar method (Par. 247) is indicated in Fig. 85 in which t,
adjustments are independent of each ot*heT, the bridge being first balanc
with a steady current and then with a transient current by adjusting r
shifting the condenser contact as in Fig. 84. At balance,
L = CrnO-» (henrys) (2 .
— Inductance
— — Inductance
Fia. 86. measure- Fig. 87. measur
ments connections
meter method.
for three-volt- ments — vector diagrani
volt-meter method.
for thre
FlQ. 88. — Inductance measure- Fio. 89. — Inductance measure-!
ments connections for three-am- —
ments vector diagram
meter method.
for three-am*
meter method.
The current, 7, measured, also the total volts, and the volts across the
inductance Z andthe resistance R. From these readings a triangle is con-
structed. Fig. 87. If R is known, the quantity 2irfLJ can be calculated from
the triangle. If R is unknown, 2it/LI can be obtained by graphical construc-
tion. 7 and / being known, L is obtained by calculation.
251. The three-ammeter method is similar. The connections are
shown and from the three currents, Fig. 89 is constructed
in Fig 88, The .
•—V//Ar -AMAVlr
^ = 7-=X^
J64. General. The electrostatic capacitance of two conductors separated
by a dielectric depends upon the surface area of the conductors, the distance
between them, the character of the dielectric, the temperature and the
266. Condensers are groups of conductors separated by insulation and
especially constructed to have a known capacitance. Commercial forms are
generally made of sheets of tin foil separated by mica or paraffined paper,
alternate layers of tin foil being connected to the same terminal. One box
may contain one or more of these groups, with plug or other arrangements
for connecting them in various series or parallel combinations.
12 177
956. The capacitance of a ffroup o{ condensers in series Is
L .L4.L4.
When connected in parallel,
C = Cl+C2+C3+ . c. (3
Fig. 93. —
Capacitance measure-
ments, bridge method.
Fig. 94. —
Capacitance measure
ments, method of mixtures.
FiQ. 95. —Capacitance measure- Fio. 96. —
Capacitance measure-
ments, loss of charge method. ments, impedance method.
263. In the Impedance method, the capacitance is computed from the
reactance a.s measured with an ammeter and a voltmeter, with alternating
1 U
867. Methods. The instantaneous variations of current and poteoil
in a circuit are measurable by step-by-atep methods (Par. 268), and with «
oscillograph, (Par. 271.) The former is applicable only where the current 'i
the potential are strictly periodic and recurrent, as in a normal alternati;-
current circuit. The oscillograph can be used under all conditions, but isii-
pecially applicable to measurements of transient phenomena (Par. 268), 8 h
as those which occur during switching operations on direct-current and -
ternating-current circuits. Where the wave form is to be analyzed, the fori r
is the more convenient and accurate.
current measurements. *
The General Electric wave meter operates on this principle. Thoro ;
eight segments, four connected to each of two slip rings. There are two n
tact brushes so that two waves can be taken simultaneously. Suita
provision is made for tracing the wave form on a photographic plate.
269. In the zero method shown in Fig. 99, the e.m.f. of a battery B
opposed to the potential across c and d, which are connected to the conta
devices described above. The contact point, b, is adjusted until G shows i
deflection; then the length ha is a measure of the e.m.f. G may be a portab
galvanometer, or a telephone in conjunction with a slide wire and a contai
stylus as used in the Sage ohmmeter (Par. 139).
270. The form of a high-tension wave may be obtained by using tL
device in Par. 277. The indication of the voltmeter is obtained at variou
positions of the brushes, from which the wave form may be plotted. A
oscillograph (Par. 271) may be utilized in conjunction with a special!
designed current transformer, t
271. The oscillograph is a form of galvanometer in which the natun
period of the moving system is so small that the deflections will always, b
proportional to the instantaneous value of the current flowing through th
coil. The indicator is a beam of light from an arc lamp, reflected from ai
extremely small mirror attached to the moving system. The path of th
beam is determined visually or photographically.^ Recurrent or perii>di
waves may be rendered stationary and therefore visible bv suitable optica
systems as indicated below. Transient phenomena must be photographed
272. In the movlng-lron type of oscillograph, first proposed bj
•See also Frederick Bedell. "Condenser Current Method for the Deter-
mination of Alternating Wave Form," iS/ec<rico2 World, 1913,Vol.LXII,p. 378,
t Bennett, Edward, "A Milliampere Current Transformer," Trans.
A. I. E. E., Vol. XXXIII, p. 571 (1914).
reduce iron losses, excitation currents, charging currents, etc., to a minim i.
278. Oeneral. The frequency of an alternating current is /= nr/i
where /= frequency in cycles per
second, n = number of poles, and
r — revolutions per second. It ^^old«r Weight
may therefore be determined by
measuring the speed of the gen-
erator supplying the circuit or
the speed of a synchronous mo-
tor operated from the circuit.
279. Frequency meters indi-
cate the fre<iuency directly.
the reed type as made by Hart-
— —
In Fia. 103. Frequency meters Heed type
man and Braun or Siemen.s and Halske, there are numerous steel strips o
different lengths, each rigidly fastened at one end and free to vibrate at th(
other. The strips are placed in the field of an electromagnet which is ener
• Sharp, C. H. and Farmer, F. M. "Measurements of Maximum Valuei
In High-voltage Testing;" Trans. A. I. E. E., 1912, Vol. XXXI, p. 1617.
t Craighead, J. R., "Measurement of the Crest Value of Alternatini
Voltage by the Kenotron, Condepscr and Voltmeter," Oeneral Ekctrii
Revieiv, 1919, Vol. XXII, No. 2, p. 101.
: .;d from the circuit to be measured, as shown in Fig. 103. The strips have
erent natural periods, and the one with a period corresponding to the
(Jrnations of the magnetic field will be set in vibration. The ends are
rned up and painted white so that the particular reed in a row, which is
grating, will be in-
by a white
iated \v^^" "/''/,,
iidorblur. Each ' ''
d is carefully ad-
; ted to an exact
j'iod by attaching
minute we i ghts.
ese meters are
.ide in various
iges and with
;ds adjusted from
;5 cycle to 2 cycles
280. The West-
.ghouse fre-
lency meter cen-
two voltmeter
ts of Fig. 103a.- -Circuits in Westinghouse frequency
jvements, mechan- meters.
tdly so intercon-
;cted that they tend to rotate the pointer in opposite directions. non- A
;iuctive resistance R
is connected in series with one movement, Ti (Fig.
I3a) and an inductance X
is connected in series with the. other element, ^2.
ne apparent resistance of the inductive movement varies with the fre-
liency and thus varies the amount of current taken by it. Therefore
:ch frequency will cause the pointer to take up a different position.
881. The Weston frequency meter is
own in Fig. 104, where 1, 1 and 2, 2 are fixed
dis,90 deg. apart, and c, c is the movable
ement consisting of a simple, soft-iron core
' ounted on a shaft, with no control of any
.nd. One coil, 2, 2, is connected in series
ith a non-inductive_ resistance, Ri, and the
;her coil, 1, 1, in series with an inductance,
1. A second non-inductive resistance Ri is
)nnected in parallel with 1, 1_ and Xi. A
jcond inductance, X2, is connected in parallel with 2, 2 and Rt. The soft-
en core takes up the position of the resultant field produced by the two
ails. When the frequency increases, the current decreases in 1, 1 and
icreases in 2, 2, thus shifting the direction of the resultant field and the
osition of c, c to which the pointer is attached. The opposite efifect takes
lace when the frequency is decreased. The series inductance, X, serves
lerely to damp the higher harmonics.
SS2. A very sensitive frequency indicator is shown in Fig. 105, in
which the principle of resonance (Sec. 2) in an electrical circuit is employe^
In a 60-cycle instrument, one main circuit is adjusted forresonaii
at about 70 cycles, another at about 58 cycles and the third circ
at about 36 cycles. The latter two are connected in parallel, and then)
series with coil A; the first circuit is in series with coil A', both coils being
series with the field F. With the centre of a 6-in. (15 cm.) scale marked :
each insulated from the other, is mounted in a frame. Four small brushes
1, 2, 3, and 4, bear upon the cylinder as shown. The brushes, 3, 4, ar
connected through a resistance, r, across one phase of the supply circuit an.
the brushes, 1, 2, are connected to a low-reading continuous-current ammetei,
I. Each time the brushes, 1, 2, bridge the insulating strip as the cylinde
rotates, the circuit is completed in alternate directions
through the ammeter. The cylinder should have as many IndJUotor Shaft
segments as the motor has poles. The ammeter will in-
dicate a constant current at synchronous speed, and an
oscillating current for any speed above or below syn-
chronism, because the impulses of current through the
brushes, 1, 2, will occur at the same point on the wave
at synchronous speed, and at constantly advancing or
retarding points for other speeds. Thus, the ammeter
will be reversed each time the motor loses one-half of a
cycle, and will reach a maximum positive value each time
the motor loses one complete cycle. If the motor loses n
cycles per min., then the slip in per cent. = lOOn/CO/,
where /= frequency of the system in cycles per sec.
285. Stroboscopic method. The device indicated in
Fig. 107 does not require the measurement of frequency.
A black disc with white sectors, equal in number to the Syn.Motoi Shaft
number of poles of the induction motor, is attached with
wax to the induction-motor shaft. It is observed Fig. 107.— Slip'
through another disc having an equal number of sector- measurements —
shaped slits and carried on the shaft of a small self-start- S t r oboscojiic
ing synchronous motor, in turn fitted with a revolution method.
counter which can be thrown in and out of gear at will. If
n is the number of passages of the sectors, then 100n/7i,nr = slip in per cent.
where n. = the number of .sectors, and Ur = the number of revolutions recorded i
by the counter during the interval of observation. For large values of slip
the observations can be simplified by using only one sector (n« = l); then 7i«» ,
f : is a carefully turned and hardened conical drum driven by the motor being
'ated, through a flexible shaft, S. The long screw, H, moves a carriage,
', parallel to the surface of D. This carriage carries a wheel d, also care-
[illy turned and hardened, which has a line edge and is kept in contact at
{' I 1 times with the surface of D
by means of a light spring. Thus it revolves
,ith D. On the same shaft is a disc, sd, with alternate black and white
;ctors painted on it, the number of sectors being equal to the poles of the
lotor being tested. The
: iameter of d is made equal
1 3 that of the small end of Z).
* ?.t the setting corresponding
'd the small end of D, the
~ -^alealong which the carriage
loves is marked zero. This
' 'orresponds to synchronous
peed. As the speed of D =^H
ecreases, it is necessary to
'aove d toward the large
nd of Z) in order to keep
'he speed of d the same as at ---...^^aiiiii:::!!^^
'ynchronous speed. This
i lip.
a measure of the
listance is
The synchronous speed
Fig. 108. —
Slip measuring device.
289. The principle of the Westinghouse synchronizer is showii
Fig. 110, where a rotating field is produced by the coils, and JV, conned M
to the buses through the reactance P and the resistance Q, respectively, i
iron vane A, free to rotate, is mounted in this rotating field and magneti*!
by the coil C, which in turn is connected across To Bus
the incoming machine. As the vane is attracted
or repelled by the rotating field from and A^, M
it will take up a position where this field is zero
at the same instant that the field from C is zero.
Hence the position at any instant indicates the
difference in phase. When the two frequencies
are different, this position is constantly changing
and the pointer will rotate "fast" or "slow,"
coming to rest at the zero-field position when the
frequencies are equal. In a larger type, the split-
phase winding is placed on the movable member,
similar to the arrangement shown in Fig. 111.
290. The scheme of the Weston synchro-
scope is shown in Fig. 112. There is no iron in
Pointer- B
Shaft -5
Iron ArtDftttire
m K
HoTing Elemin« To Incoming
BoMfl Machine
Fig. no. — Circuits Westinghouse syn-
in Fia. 111. — Circuits in C
E. synchroscope,
the instrument and the moving elernent is not allowed to rotate. TIm
Lamp Transformer
Bus Bars
Fig. 112. —
Circuits in Weston synchroscope.
difiTerence in phase. At synchronism there is no torque and
zero position by the control spring.
is held at th< M
If the frequencies are the same, but
there is a phase difference, a torque will be exerted and
position of balance at the right or left ("fast" or "slow").
will move to j M
If the fre^
quencies are different, the torque will continually vary and the pointer wil
oscillate over the dial._ A
synchronizing lamp illuminates the scale siraul
taneoosly and the direction of apparent rotation indicates the faster machine.
292. General. The intensity of a magnetic field, X, may be con-
lered the average fall of magnetic potential along the path and is expressed
- gilberts per cm. In a long straight solenoid 3C = 4wNI/10l, where / =
irrent in amperes and X/l = turns per unit length. Magnetic induction
flux density, (B, is measured in lines of magnetic induction per square
ntimeter (gausses). When the substance in which the field exists is non-
agnetic, (B = 3C and the ratio (B/JC, or permeability, isM=l. When the
ibstanee is magnetic, (B becomes much greater than 3C, due to the decreased
agnetic resistance; in general it varies with 3C.
293. The normal induction or
(B-3C curve of a magnetic material is the
between the strength of the magnetic field existing in the
irve plotted
laterial, 3C,and the magnetic induction, (B, produced by that field, when the
. . material is in a neutral or normal condition. A permeability curve is
lotted between the permeability ti and (S>, or between n and 3C.
294. The hysteresis curve is a curve plotted between (B and 3C, for
arious values of 3C from a maximum value in the positive direction to a
laximum value in the negative direction, and back again, or through a
jmplete cycle of values. The ends of a hysteresis loop will lie in the normal
iduction curve.
296. Magnetic measurements may
be divided into two classes, (I)
lose in which the strength of a magnetic field is determined (such as the
irth's field, the field due to a conductor carrying a current, the field in the
ir gap of a magnet, etc.) and (2) those made to determine the properties
f magnetic material.
296. Field-strength measurements may be made by induction methods,
ath an oscillating bar magnet (Par. 299), or witha bismuthspiral (Par. 300).
n the induction method a coil of known turns and area is so arranged that
can be made to cut the field in a known area in a direction perpendicular
the field. _ The e.m.f. generated in the coil, and hence the field producing
;, is determined from the quantity of electricity discharged through a ballistic
fji and, therefore, the method can be suitable only for rough measuremonts.
i '
3 leakage error due
to flux through the coil, but not through the bar, can
Idetermined by preliminary test with a non-magnetic bar. The formulaB
f X
and (B are 3C=4irNI/10l and (B = lO^dkR/an, where A^ = total turns of
< iting coil, /
= exciting current in amperes, i = length of magnetizing coil
s izm. (;V//i = ampere-turns per cm.), (i = deflection, 5=
total resistance of
» t coil circuit, k = galvanometer constant, o = area of specimen in square
» « timeter and n = turns in test coil.
106. The double-bar, double-yoke method is the one recommended
f the American Society for Testing Materials. It was devised by
y are yokes of Norway iron about 15 cm. long and about 4 or 5 cm.
307.Frocedur* in double-bar double-yoke method. The inet>]
of procedure is as follows: After demagnetizing (Par. 321), the current!
Ni ia adjusted to the value of 3C required. The current in all magnetit;
coils is then simultaneously reversed several times to get the specimen i|i
cyclic condition, the current in Na and A', being adjusted during the pro<s
until the flux is uniform as indicated by zero deflection when na and n, )
The units are the same as in Par. 305. The quantity in the parenthesiji
the correction factor for the space between the surface of the bar and ii
test coil. o = area of bar and A = area of test coil. Ordinarily this corr.
tion is very small because the brass tube is jnade very thin and the ti.
coil is wound under the magnetizing coil.
308. Permeameters are commercial instruments for the rapid test}
of iron and steel for permeability. The Thompson permeameter is an i
ample of the type employing the tractive force exerted between the pole o
magnetized bar and a piece of steel in direct contact with the pole. 1'
Fia. 117. — Thompson permeameter. Fig. 118. — Koepsel permeamete
310. The
principal advantages of traction permeameters are thei
ruggedness and simplicity, which are important features in shop testing whepj
rapidity is essential and only comparative data are required. ij
119, where Fi, Fi are the two yokes and T is the test specimen. The
o auxiliary magnetizing coils on Fi, Fz are first connected with their mag-
Itomotive forces in series. There is then supposed
be no flux in the test bar, its magnetizing coil being
t of circuit. The two coils on Fi, Fi are then op-
sed and the current in the test-bar coil adjusted
rtil the flux in Fi, Fa is the same as before, as indi-
ted by a ballistic galvanometer or otherwise. The
.nditions in the test bar are then supposed to be the
me as in a long, uniformly magnetized bar. 3C is
:lculated from the current and the constants of the
it-bar coil as before, (B being measured with a test
il on the test bar.
right angles to the direction of rolling. The strips are held together wi(
tape wound tightly around the bundle. The bundles form butt joints t
the corners with tough paper 0.01 cm. (0.004 in.) thick between. They a^
held firmly in position by clamps placed at the corners.
The magnetizing winding on each solenoid consists of 150 turns ut
formly distributed over the 42 cm. (16.5 in.) winding-length, and has a resie
ance of between 0.075 and 0.12.5 ohm. A secondary winding is uniform
wound underneath the first; it also contains 1.50 turns in each solenoid, ar
energizes the potential circuit of the wattmeter and also the voltmeter wil
which the induction is measured. The resistance should not exceed 0.5
ohm per solenoid. Witli a sine-wave e.m.f. impressed on the magnetiiii
winding, the maximum induction is
E 41D\0*
— , ,
4 J,xr
Is nla
li 8SS, Selected list of reference literature on electric and magnetic
Gr.<.y, a. — "Absolute Measurements in Electricity and Magnetism."
The Macmillan Company, New York.
Reed, Lyman C. "American Meter — Practice." McGraw-Hill Book,
jompany. Inc., New York.
Fleming, J. A.
Robinson, L. T. "Commercial Testing of Sheet Iron for Hysteresis
Van Nostrand Company, New York.
EwiNG, A. J."Magnetic Induction in Iron and Other Materials." 1
Parr, G. D. A.— "Practical Electrical Testing in Physics and
Van Nostrand Company, York.
Engineering." Longmans, Green & Company, New York.
Carhart and Patterson. — "Electrical Measurements." Allyn Baco
Sharp, C. H. — "Electricity Meters." International Congress
Boston, Mass.
the Appl of
Torque is best measured with dynamometers, of which there an
two classes, absorption and transmission.* Absorption dynamometeri
absorb the total power delivered by the machine being tested, while trans
mission dynamometers absorb only that part represented by friction in th(
dynamometer itself.
324. The Prony brake is the most common type of absorption dyna-
lometer. It is simply a brake applied to the surface of a pulley on the
laft of the machine being tested, together with suitable means for vary-
g the friction produced. The torque developed by the machine to over-
. >me the friction is determined from the force required to prevent rotation
the brake.
325. The principal forms of Prony brakes are shown schematically
I Figs. 121, 122, 123 and 124. In Fig. 121 the load is applied by tightening
neaa of belt or rope. In Fig. 124, T—FpL, where ii'p = force weighed i
the brake appears in the form of heat. In small brakes natural cooling
sufficient, but in large brakes special provisions have to be made to dissipal
the heat. Water-cooling is the most common method, one scheme en
ploying a flanged pulley. About 100 sq. in. of rubbing surface of brak
should be allowed with air cooling, or about 50 sq. in. with water coolini
per horse power. i
329. For very Iarg:e torques, other forms of absorption brakes ar'
used. In the Alden brake, a rotating cast-iron disc rubs against thi
copper discs which are held stationary. The friction is adjusted by varyin
the pressure of the cooling water in the chamber surrounding the coppe
discs. The tendency of the copper disc member to rotate is measured wit
a lever as in the Prony brake.
The Westlnghouse turbine brake employs the principle of the watet
turbine and is capable of absorbing several thousand horse-power at verj
high speeds.
In the magnetic brake, a metallic disc on the shaft of the machine bein,
tested is rotated between the poles of magnets mounted on a yoke which i
free to move. The pull due to the eddy currents induced in the discs is meaa,
ured in the usual manner by counteracting the tendency of the yoke t"
330. The principal forms of transmission dynamometers are th^
lever, the torsion and the cradle types. An example of the lever type i
ingle through which either brush lias to be moved as the load is increased, in
)rder to keep the circuit closed, is then measured.
3S2. The cradle dynamometer is a convenient and accurate device
vhich is extensively used for routine measurements of the order of 100 h.p.
hr less. An electric generator is mounted on a "cradle" supported on trun-
lions and mechanically connected to the machine being tested. The pull
jxerted between the armature and field tends to rotate the field. This
;orque is counterbalanced and measured with weights moved along an arm
n the usual manner.
333. Revolutions are measured with speed counters and tachometers.
Speed or revolution counters are attached directly to the shaft to be meas-
and record the total revolutions from the instant that the mechanism
.3 connected. They usually consist of an arrangement of worm and gears,
the total revolutions being shown by a graduated dial moving under a pointer,
:Dr by a cyclometer dial on which the total revolutions are indicated numer-
cally at each revolution. In order to obtain the speed, the intervening time
.must be observed simultaneously.
334. Tachometers or speed indicators indicate the speed directly and
thus include the time element. The principal types are centrifugal, liquid,
reed and electrical. In the centrifugal type, a revolving weight on the end
of a lever moves under the action of centrifugal force in proportion to the
speed, as in a fly-ball governor. This movement is indicated by a pointer
which moves over a graduated scale. In the portable or hand-type, the
tachometer shaft is held in contact with the end of the shaft being measured,
and in the stationary type, the instrument is either geared or belted. In
the liquid tachometer of trie Veeder type, a small centrifugal pump s driven
by a belt consisting of a light cord or string. This pump discharges a col-
ored hquid into a vertical tube, the height of the column being a measure of
the speed.
Reed tachometers are similar to reed-type frequency indicators (Par.
279), the reeds being set in
resonant vibration corresponding to the speed of
the machine, by various means. The instrument may be set on the bed-
frame of the machine where any slight vibration due to the unbalancing of
the reciprocating or revolving member will set the corresponding reed in
vibration. Some forms are belted to the revolving shaft and the vibrations
imparted by a mechanical device. Electrical tachometers may be either
reed instruments operated electrically from small alternators geared or belted
to the machine being measured, or ordinary voltmeters connected to small
permanent-magnet, direct-current generators driven by the machine being
338. Chronographs are speed-recording instruments in which a graphical
record of speed is made. In the usual forms, the record-paper is placed on
the surface of a drum which is driven at a certain definite and exact speed by
clock-work or weights, combined with a speed-control device so that 1 in.
on the paper represents a definite time. The pens which make the record
are attached to the arm.atures of electromagnets. With the pens in contact
with the p.aper and making a straight line, an of current causes the
pen to make a slight lateral motion and therefore a sharp indication in the
record. This impulse can be sent autom.atically by a suitable contact-
mechanism on the shaft of the machine or by a key operated by hand. The
time per revolution is then determined directly from the distance between
Sec. 3-337 measuring apparatus
In the interval 450 deg. to 1100 deg. cent, it is defined by the fixed points
melting points of antimony (or aluminum) and of gold (or copper), an^
interpolation between these points is based on the temperature scale define'
by the rare-metal thermocouple (Pt, OOPtlORh) calibrated at these twi
temperatures and a third temperature, melting point of zinc as determinei
by the resistance thermometer. The temperature scale above 1100 deg
cent, is based upon the extrapolation of Wien's law using as the fiducis
point the melting point of gold= 1063 deg. cent, and C2= 14,350 micron deg
337. High, temperature thermometers. Mercury in glass ther
mometers are useful from —35 deg. to 550 deg. cent. In order to preven
vaporization of the mercury at high temperatures the top of the capillar;
is filled with nitrogen under pressure. The thermometer must be well an
nealed at as high a temperature as the glass will safely stand. _ Errors of 21
deg. or more may result from imperfect annealing. Industrial merury-
in-glass thermometers have the bulb encased in a metal tube and thi
stem is well protected by a metal frame. This construction introduces twi
questionable factors, lag and conduction of heat along the frame. It i
consequently necessary that the instruments be used for the purpose de
signed. Industrial thermometers calibrated to read gas temperatures wil
not necessarily give true temperatures when immersed in liquids. In-
dicating thermometers of the dial and pointer type and recording ther-
mometers employing a mechanism for recording temperatures on a chan
are of three classes, electrical (thermocouple or resistance) thermometers
pressure thermometers, and bimetallic thermometers. Pressure ther-
mometers consist of a bulb containing a liquid or gas or both, connectec
by capillary tubing to a pressure gage graduated to read temperature
Bimetallic thermometers utilize the turning rnoment produced when a
strip of two metals of different expansion coefficient and brazed together h
heated. These instruments are not as accurate as mercury-in-glass ther-
mometers but are very useful and are extensively employed.
338. Low-temperature thermometers. For the measurement ei
temperatures below the range of the mercury thermometer (—35 deg. cent.),
there are available alcohol ( — 70 deg. cent.), toluene ( — 90 deg. cent.), and
petroleum-ether or pentane ( — 200 deg. cent.) liquid-in-glass thermometers,
copper-constantan and other thermocouples, and electric resistance ther-
mometers. With these types of liquid-in-glass thermometers the same pre-
cautions apply as with mercury, and in addition special care must be taken
to prevent the liquid from sticking to the sides of the glass. On account of
viscosity of the liquid at low temperatures the. thermometer must be slowly
cooled to the temperature of the bath, cooling first the bulb and then th«
339. Correction for emergent stem of mercury-in-glass ther-
mometers. Thermometers are usually graduated for total immersion in
a bath, while frequently in later use part of the stem protrudes from the
bath and may be at a considerably different temperature. Under such
conditions the following stem correction should be added to the observed
reading. Stem correction = /Cn(r° — <°), in which X = 0.00016 for centi-
grade thermometers and 0.00009 for fahrenheit thermometers; n = number
of degrees emergent from the bath; T = temperature of bath; < = temperature
of emergent stem. The value of t may be roughtly measured by an auxiliary
thermometer the bulb of which is placed about three-fourth the distance
down the exposed mercury column. Stem corrections may amount to
40 deg. or more at high temperatures and hence become very important
where accuracy is desired.
340. Calorimetric mercury thermometers are of two types, the
ordinary mercury thermometer with a total stem length of 10 to 15 deg.
cent., graduated in 0.05-deg. to 0.02-deg. intervals, and the Beckmann
thermometer arranged so that part of the mercury may be removed from
the bulb in order to utilize the short scale (5 or 6 deg. cent, graduated in
0.01-deg. intervals) for differential work at various temperatures. In addi-
tion to the stem corrections the Beckmann type requires a setting
correction depending upon the amount of mercury remaining in the bulb.
Calorimetric thermometers may be in error by I per cent, of the indicated
temperature scale differences, and consequently should be calibrated. The
highest accuracy attainable is from 0.5 to 0.1 per cent. For greater precision,
thermocouples or resistance thermometers are available.
341. Thermoelectric pyrometry. In pyrometers of this type tempera-
-ures are measured by the magnitude of the electromotive forces
set up be-
ween wires of different materials when one junction is exposed to the
measured and the other junction (or junctions) is kept at
eraperature to be
iome known temperature.
343. Material of couple. Couples extensively employed are: copper-
onstantan to 300 deg. cent.; iron-constantan to 900 deg. cent.; alumcl-
hromel or nichrome-alumel to 1100 deg. cent.; (Pt-90PtlORh) from
';00 to 1500 deg. cent. The following table shows the calibration data
')f these couples, based on a
cold unction temperature of zero deg. cent.
the wiring diagram. On a coke oven installation of nine couples it is thi
possible to save 600 feet of compensating cable.
Selective Switch
Copper Leadi:
Compensating Zl~
P b
Fig. 128. —
Three-lead resist-
ance thermometer.
Fig. 129.— Four-lead resist-
ance thermometer.
frequently introduced as in Fig. 128. The coil P forms one arm of a dial-
type bridge, of which the others are n, n
and R, whence from the principle
of the bridge, if the galvanometer G remains undeflected,
p.rj(R±m.aa' (41)
is made equal to ri and 66' is constructed as nearly as possible
ienticalwith aa', so under these circumstances P = R regardless of the tem-
erature or resistance of the leads. This type of thermometer may also be
sed with a differential galvanometer.
353. Four-lead type —Wheatstone bridge method. The compensat-
ig leads are inserted in one arm of the bridge R and the thermometer
sads in the other, as shown in Fig. 129. This type may be used with a slide-
'ire bridge.
To PotenUometeff
To Fctectiomelot
<rHf~l Bhooetat
[«1 Cf
Tberm. CoiK^
In general it is more convenient to refer to an arbitrary scale known as the
iJatinum temperature, and to correct this scale by a certain difference for-
inula. If pt denotes the platinum temperature corresponding to a resistance
R, we have the relation
^^^imR^ U3)
where iJioo and are the resistances at 100 deg. cent, and
i2o deg. cent, respec-
tively. The relation between the centigrade temperature t and the platinum
temperature pt is as follows:
'-^" 100
367. Adaptability. The resistance thermometer ia especially adapte<
to the measurement of small temperature changes such as occur in calor
imetry, to the determination of freezing-points, etc., and to special physica
and thermochemical investigations where an accuracy of one or two parti
in 10,000 may be attained (see Bur. of Standards, Sci. P. No. 68 and No
124). In the technical industries this type of thermometer with one of th(
many forms of indicators available is employed for special processes but ii
general a thermocouple installation is more satisfactory.
3S8. Radiation. The temperature of bodies may be estimated from th(
radiant energy which they send out in the form of visible light or Of the longei
infra-red rays which may be detected by their thermal eflfects. Since th<
intensity of radiation increases very rapidly with a rise in temperature, il
would appear that a system of pyrometry based on the intensity of the lighl
or total radiation from a hot body would be an ideal and simple one. How-
. ever, different substances at the same temperature show vastly different
intensities at a given wave length, or in other words, the absorbing or emis-
sive powers may vary with the substance, with the wave length and also
with the temperature.
369. Black-body radiation. A substance which absorbs all the radia-
tion of any wave length falling upon it is known as a black body. Such a-
body will emit the maximum intensity of radiation for any given temperature
and wave length. No such material exists, but a very close approximation
is obtained by heating the walls of a hollow opaque enclosure as uniformly as
possible and observing the radiation coming from the inside through a very
small opening in the wall.
360. Stefan-Boltzmann law. The relation between the total energy
radiated by a black body and its temperature is expressed by the equation
J = tr{T*~To*), where./ is the energy of all wave lengths emitted per second
per squafe centimeter of surface, T and To the absolute temperatures of the
radiator and surroundings respectively, and <r a constant of the value 5.7 X
10~i2 watts cm.~2 deg."*. In general 7'o* is negligible in comparison with T*
so that the above relation becomes J = <tT*. Although the total energy emit-
ted by any substance is not that emitted by a black body at the same tem-
perature, it may be considered as some fractional part of that from the ideal
radiator, this fraction E being known as the total emissivity. If S denotes
the apparent absolute temperature, i.e., the temperature on the black-
body scale corresponding to an amount of energy equivalent to that emitted
by the non-black substance at a true temperature T dcg. absolute, the re-
lation between its total emissivity E and the quantities S and T is:
Log E = 4(log S-log T) (45)
.source sighted on to sighting distance both in calibration and use of all radia-
;ion pyrometers.
364. Emissivity corrections for radiation pyrometers. In the case
Df sighting upon peep-holes in furnaces, kilns, etc., the total-radiation py-
'rfimeters indicate approximately true temperatures. When sighting upon
Observed tem-
absolute temperature corresponding to the wave length X of a non-blac
body at a true absolute temperature T, it f oUows that
1 1 / >^ \. p XlogBx
f-Sl'^ K^J^er^ ^X = -62327
ad a and b empirical constants. The relation between log-tan <p and 1/T
linear Two calibration points serve to determine o and 6, whence a table
r plot may be made of >p vs. t deg. cent. (T
- 273). Frequent adjustments
lould be made of the current through the electric lamp necessary to obtain
match at the normal point when sighted on the amylacetate lamp. The
lectric lamp burns at a high temperature (about 1,800 deg. cent.) and con-
equently deteriorates rapidly. For the highest accuracy this adjustment
hould be made before and after a series of temperature readings; in indua-r
rial plants once a day or once a week will answer depending upon the
mount of use. In the low range Wanner pyrometer the spectroscope is
eplaced by a red glass thus furnishing more light and still of sufficient purity
n color.
Fig. 134 — Leeds & Northrup optical pyrometer.
The lamps should not be operated at. temperatures higher than 1500 dei
cent., on account of deterioration of the tungsten iilament. If this tem
perature is not exceeded, the calibration of the lamp is good for hundred
of hours of ordinary use. For higher temperatures, absorption glaase,
S, Fig. 134, are placed between the lamp and the objective, or in front of th
objective, to diminish the observed intensity of the source. The relatioi
between the temperature of the source, T deg. abs., and the observed tem
perature, To deg. abs., measured with the absorption glass interposod, is a
follows: \/T — \/To = A, where A ia for most practical purposes a constant
Usually the instrument is furnished with a table showing the relation be
tween the current through the lamp and the temperature both with an<
without the absorption glass. If, however, this relation is not given fo
the use of the absorption glass, it may be readily determined by measurini
the constant A in the above formula. To do this, sight without the ab
sorption glass on a muffle or any uniformly heated furnace at 1200 deg. t<
15C)0 deg. cent, and observe the temperature T, in degrees absolute. Then
with the absorption glass in place, match the filament again and observe t<
what temperature, Tn, in degrees absolute, the current through the lamj
corresponds. The difference in the reciprocals of these two temperature:
is the constant A, which is usually of the order of magnitude —0.0002
This determination should be repeated several times and at several differ
ent temperatures of the furnace. The separate values of A should noi
differ by more than 1 per cent, and the mean value Is used for computing
the relation between the observed absolute temperature with the al)sorptior
glass and the true temperature of the source. The range of current requirec
is small, in general about 0.26 to 0.6 ampere. Thus, if the ammeter is de-
signed to give full-scale deflection with 0.6 ainpere, nearly half of the scale
from to 0.26 ampere, is never used. The Hickok depressed-zero am-
meter, now furnished with the Leeds & Northrup pyrometer, meets this
objection. The moving-coil system, including the supports, pivots, and
pointer, may be adjusted relative to the magnet by turning a lever on the
case of the instrument to one of two positions. In one position the pointer is
adjusted on open circuit so that it falls over the first graduation on the
scale; this adjustment is similar to the ordinary zero adjustment on any-
ammeter. In the second, or working, position the zero is depressed from:
the scale an amount equivalent to 0.26 ampere.
372. Emissivity corrections for optical psrrometers. Optical pyrom^
eters will indicate true temperatures when sighted upon a black body.'
Black-body conditions are approximated in practice by a peep-hole in the,
side of a furnace or kiln, or a closed porcelain tube thrust into molten metals
or salts. When sighting upon objects in the open, certain corrections must
be applied. The relation between the amissivity (monochromatic light),
of a material and its observed and true temperatures is given by eq. 47,
so that if the emissivity is known the true temperature may be computed
from the observed temperature. Par 373 gives the emissivity of various
substances for red light (X = 0.65m).
S73. Monochromatic Emissivity for Red Light (X= 0.66m)
Material ^^ Material E^
leg. cent, as abscissas and (< — «) deg. cent, as ordinates. To obtain the
ue temperature corresponding to an observed temperature s deg. cent.,
id to s the value of the ordinate at the particular emissivity E-^ and abscissa
As an example, let Ey =
30, s = 2,006 deg. cent.; true
•inperature = 2,000 320 =
+ 1100
1,320 deg. cent.
Eecording pyrome- «1000
ry. The following types of B 900
'yrometer may be made auto- o
'latically recording. (1) Gas, ^ 800
Uturatedvapor, and liquid
tiermometers; (2) resistance
hermometers; (3) radiation
yrometers; (4) thermoelectric
•yrometers; of which the last
vas the greatest applicability.
'^he usual type of curve re-
4uired is temperature versus
ime, in which case the indi-
ating instrument is equipped
•nth a mechanism for periodi-
: ally recording its indications
:ipon a chart which moves with
i uniform speed.
closing a circuit which may operate a bell. The alarm in this form
general operates for too great a part of the time unless the contacts a
widely separated, when their usefulness is much lessened. The acti'
may be made intermittent, but even then the alarm is best employed on.
when there is danger to life or property.
380. Manual Signaling. Temperatures are measured in a centr
station and instructions given to the furnace operator through pneumat
tube service, by telephone or by colored lights. Signaling is usually accoi
plished by three lights at each furnace, different combinations representii,
certain departures from proper control.
381. Automatic signaling. A galvanometer or recorder may V
equipped with a device including relays for operating the system of col(»»|
lights referred to in Par. 380, '
Substance Phenomenon ture
'J84. Automatic temperature control. Automatic control at low
npe'ratures, or "thermostating," is usually obtained by means of the
'.vement of bimetallic springs or the thermal expansion of rods or fluid
umns. For higher temperatures thermoelectric instruments are em-
)yed, the principle of operation being similar to that
used in automatic
'naling. Instead of operating lights, however, the relays control electro-
ignetin valves for oil or gas, or switches in the case of electrical heating,
itomatic control is comphcated by the interrelation of such factors as
ermal lag and the magnitude of the corrective changes in heat supply
ring each period of reversal. The sensitivity of the control instrument
termines the range of temperature which must be covered by the couple
iring each reversal of the valve or switch. The range of temperature
vered by the source of heat is greater than this, the magnitude being
ected by the type of furnace, method of firing, and location of the couple.
)r closest regulation, which is best
accomplished electrically, the couple
1 ust be very near if not in contact with the heater. In electrical heating
' '
Heat Conductivity. Three processes exist by means of which
iat may be transferred from one body to another, by radiation, by con-
iction and by conduction. All of these factors enter into the computation
the heat losses from a furnace, but frequently the loss by convection and
idiation may be made small or negligible in comparison with the loss by con-
uction. The quantity of heat which flows through a plate of area A and
lickness e in a time t is expressed,
Q = A;(9i-fl2).A«/e (49)
here Biare the temperatures upon each side of the plate (a plate
and 6i
leoretieally infinite in extent) and A; is known as the thermal conductivity.
is defined by the quantity of heat which flows per unit time through unit
rea of a plate of unit thickness, having unit difference of temperature
etween its faces. Numerically A; is usually expressed as the quantity of
eat in small calories which is transmitted per second through a plate 1 cm.
hick, per square centimeter of its surface, when the difference in temperature
etween the two faces is 1 deg. cent. Q then refers to g-cal., 6 to deg.
entigrade, A to square centimeters and t to seconds, k is found to vary with
he temperature of the plate and is expressed approximately by the equation
k, = ko{l+at) (50)
: yhere t is the temperature centigrade and a a constant. As an example be
t required to find the quantity of heat lost per hour by conduction through a
ection 100 cm. by 100 cm. of a fire-brick furnace wall 20 cm. thick, the con-
iuctivity being 0.00028 cal./(cm.-sec.-degree) and constant with temperature,
he inside temperature of the furnace being 1,500 deg. cent, and the outside
100 deg. cent.
Q = 0.00028 1
iqqx 100X3,600 = 605,000 g.-cal.
Selected list of references to literature on thermometry, py-
ometry and heat conductivity.
"Thermometry." Circular No. 8; Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C
Uso same title, Sci. P. (in press).
Pyrometry. "Measurement of High Temperatures." Burgess and Le-
^hatelier, 3d Edition, 1912, John Wiley & Sons, N. Y.
"Characteristics of Radiation Pyrometers." Burgess and Foote. Bur.
Standards Scientific Paper (No. 250).
"Pyrometric Practice." Foote, Fairchild and Harrison. Bur. Standards
Tech. Paper No. 170.
"Pyrometer Symposium," Chicago; a series of papers published in book
I orm by A. I. M. M. E.
"Heat Conductivity." Ingersolland Zobel, Ginn Co., 1913. '•''"'^
ultimate analysis is made, the components of the volatile matter are .il^
389. The details of manipulation in coal analyses have a marke
effect on the result and .since many of the determinations are made in a raai
ner more or less arbitrary, care should be taken to conform to standar
practice. The accepted standard practice is that recommended by th
American Society for Testing Materials in their Specification No. D22-1
entitled, "Standard Methods for Laboratory Sampling and Analysis of Coal.
It gives complete details for the preparation of the sample in the laborator
and for making the various determinations indicated in the precedin,|
390. The sampling of coal is of the utmost importance. The gre^it ^
(2) Total moisture is obtained by heating
5en porcelain or platinum
:3ting the loss in weight.
(S) Volatile matter is
an oven
latinum crucible at a bright red heat in a Bunsen
the volatile matter
1 g. of the final sample in an
at 104 to 107 deg. cent., and
1 g. in a special, covered
flame for 7 mm.
the moisture.
i a
1 he
gas is supplied at atmospheric pressure. In instruments of the Parr class ;
tested for flash-point, or temperature where the vapor given oS will ig- j
easuring tube, T, by means of the water bottle, B, and carefully measured.
he gas is then forced into the COj reagent bottle, d, drawn back into T
id the decrease in volume noted. The process is repeated with each
the tubes, c, b and a, giving the percentages of O2, CO, and Hj re-
)ectively. The usual reagents are caustic potash solution for COj,
mmoniacal cuprous chloride solution for CO and alkaline pyrogallic acid
)lution for Oi, H2 being obtained by combustion.
400. Flue gases are analyzed for carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon mon-
dde (CO), oxygen (O2), hydrogen (H2) and nitrogen (N), in the manner
idicated for fuel or illuminating gas.
401. COj recorders are instruments which automatically and continu-
usly remove samples of flue gas and indicate with a pointer or record on a
:0ck-driven chart the percentage of COj in each sample. Various principles
re employed, among which are the variation in the refraction index with the
ercentage of CO2, the variation in density compared with air as a standard,
nd the variation in the position of a float with the volume remaining after
he CO2 has been removed with caustic potash, the usual reagent.
402. Selected list of reference literature on fuel and gas analysis.
Lewes, V. B. "Liquid and Gaseous Fuels." D. Van Nostrand Co., New
Gill, A. H. — "Gas and Fuel Analysis for Engineers." John Wiley & Sons,
^ew York.
Kershaw, J.
B. C. Value
CalorificFuels." D. Van Nostrand
of Co.,
SoMERMEiRER, E. E. — "Coal,
•Jew York.
Composition, Analysis. Utilization and
— "Purchasing
McGraw-Hill Book New York.
J. Coal by Specification."
Jour. Engineering
iociety of Pennsylvania, Aug., 1913.
Fuel Technology Publications, U. S. Bureau of Mines (Formerly U. S.
jieological Survey).
Bulletin No. 12. Apparatus and Methods for the Sampling and
Analysis of Furnace Gases, 1911.
Bulletin No. 23. Steaming Tests of Coal, 1912.
Bulletin No. 63.
matically taken by a counter and multiplied by the tank unit weight. Thi
accuracy approximates 2 per cent. See Pai 404..
406. The Kichardson weigher, Fig. 140, uses a single weighing tank
mounted on knife-edged scale beams directly counterbalanced. The over-
balancing of the weighing tank trips the feed valve from the upper reservoir
and opens the discharge. By a system
utilizing two toggles and dead-centres,
the upper valve does not open till the
outlet valve is again entirely closed.
See Par. 404.
407. The Wilcox weigher operates
as a single tank with a syphon outlet.
The bell float and standpipe (which is
open top and bottom), are down nor-
mally, so that the standpipe seals the
opening in the diaphragm between up-
per and lower tanks. Water accumu-
lates in the upper section until it
overflows the top of the standpipe and
runs down into the lower compartment,
trapping air in the bell and inner legs of
the two siphon , and raising the bell.
As the water rises, the trapped air is com-
pressed until finally it breaks through the
trip seal and starts the main siphon.
The release of air pressure allows the
bell and standpipe to drop, and the cycle
begins again. See Par. 404.
408. Volumetric meters include
measuring-tank meters (other than
weighers), piston meters and disc meters.
Variations in temperature affect all
these types, so that they must be cali-
brated for the average temperature on
which they are to be used. Accuracy
of piston and disc meters should be
1.0 to 1.5 per cent, average error, pro-
vided they are properly used and not
worn. Wear of piston meters or
disc meters, causing leakage, may in-
crease the percentage of average error Fig. 140.
to 5 />r 10 per cent. The various typos
— Richardson weigher,
^M\ ^ uJiwiJi-MiiwiJj
< S
76 54 3835 36.5 41 10
1 354 I35 4230 6,40(
changing the deflector G to fill Bt. The action is very rapid at the relea '
411. Disc meters of the general type in Fig. 142, operate by the gyratici
of a disc in a spherical chamber. The stem attached to the disc describes; ]
circular path and operates the counter. These meters are used on clos< !
Disc meters vs. piston meters. Disc meters are used chiefly for smE;
lines, up to about 3 in. diameter. Piston meteis for sizes from 2 in. to 8 i ,
For larger flows, tank, Venturi or turbine meters are generally employed. '
duplex steam pump, the movement of the pistons measuring off definit'
volumes of water per stroke. The strokes are recorded by the counter'
usually in units of cubic feet. These meters are used on closed lines unde
pressure, and necessitate, for their operation, a pressure drop of from 2 t<
6 lb. per sq. in., depending on the flow.
413. The Venturi meter is widely used, both for large and small flow, ol
pumping seivice and boiler feed. It occupies practically no space outside o:
the pipe line; has no moving parts in the meter proper, and operates oi
closed pressure lines. The accuracy is from 1.0 to 1.5 per cent, if used ot
reasonably steady flow. If used on rapidly fluctuating flow it becomes verj
inaccurate. If kept clean, the accuracy is substantially constant during thi
life of the meter.
A slight pressure drop, 0.2') to 3 lb., occurs through the meter, depending ir
amount on the flow and ratio of upstream to throat areas. For theory ol
the Venturi tube, see Sec. 10.
414. The Pitot meter is not satisfactory for general service, as the head
differences are much less than those developed in the Venturi, consequenUj
,ie changes. The accuracy is practically the same as the weighers and
.,. meters (Par. 404).
116. Weirs, usually of the V-notch type, are in considerable use, in con-
;tion with indicating and recording mechanisms for water measurement.
•e Sec. 10.) In the Lea type, a float in a chamber above the weir, operates
drum in such a fashion that the recording and integrating appara-
, move over equal increments of space for equal increments of flow.
in the Hoppes type, a conoidal float is suspended by a coil spring, and is so
iped that the descent of the float by the weight of water forced over by the
e of the weir, is proportioned to. the flow. Very good accuracy is claimed
these weir meters, from 0.5 to 1.3 per cent, over all ranges of flow,
mperature changes are approximately compensated in both types, by
3behavior of the float and the conoidal chamber respectively.
sp. heat at constant pressure to sp. heat at constant volume; = 1.408 for ai
= 1.266 for natural gas; 6i = density, lb. per cu. ft. at upstream sectioi
C = 0.98, coefficient of flow; g = gra^^tation constant, 32.2.
For differences of pressure less than 20 in. of water, the hydraulic formul
may be employed without error in excess of 1 per cent.
Ai 'ipy
(cu. ft. per sec.)
Q= 18.3 (52
where Q — cu. ft. per sec (= W/Si); ft = difference of pressure, upstream an
throat in in. of water [ = (Pi-Pi)(12/62.35)].
422. The Pitot-tube formula for gas and air
Q = 218.44£;d»p,
j^Ccu. ft. gas or air per hr.)(64
The value of E is 0.8530 for smooth tubes, 2-in. to 5-in. diameter, with th
Pitot tube placed exactly in the centre of the pipe. The velocity is a maxi
mum at the centre of a pipe, decreasing to a minimum at the pipe gurfaot
This accounts for the fact that E is less than unity when the Pitot tube is a
the centre of the pipe. The coefficient of flow for the Venturi meter approxi
mates from 0.97 to 0.98 for properly designed meters.
423. Thin disc orifices operate on the same formula as the Ventiu
meter, except that the coefficient of discharge C varies with the ratio c
orifice diameter to pipe diameter. The simplified formula allowing fo
the orifice ratio is
TF = 360Xd>XCX\/Aw/ (55
Where W equals pounds per hour,d equals the diameter of the orifice ii
inches, C
equals coefficient of discharge, hg equals the differential head ii
inches of the fluid at the conditions of measurement, y equals the density
CoefBcient C has the following values:
Ratio of orifice diameter
to pipe diameter Value of coefficient
0.10 0.598
0.20 0.600
0.30 0.604
0.40 0.612
0.501 0.627
0.60 0.667
0.70 0.707
These coefficients are affected to some extent by the positions of the pip
connections up-stream and down-stream for obtaining the difi'erentia
24. Steam meters. of the steam-flow meters such as the St. John,
I ley, Republic, and General Electric, etc., can be used on compressed-air
S 7ice if desired. See Par. 423. Steam meters are divided into area
r ers (Par. 426 and 426) and so-called flow meters (Par. 427 and 428).
I ssure and quality variation affect the accuracy of all area and flow
I crs, so that the meters are
only correct for the calibration conditions
c )ressure and quality, unless fitted with
compensating devices.
25. "Area" steam meters. In this class are those in_ which a disc or
( partially closes an opening through which steam is passing.
The shape
( ;he passage or of the cup is so arranged that as it rises from zero position,
f free area for passage of steam is increased. As demand for steam is in-
I ased, the increase of pressure drop past the disc or cup, causes it to move
I ther up the passage, enlarging the area till the pressure drop is reduced
: i the cfisc again in equilibrium. The rnovement of the disc is communi-
ed to an indicator and chart graduated in lb. per hr. flow. The passage is
designed that the movement of the di8c_ or cup is directly proportional
the flow, giving an equal increment reading.
126. The St. John meter is an example of the area type. It has a
lieal plug floating vertically in a circular seat. As the stream flow is in-
,ased, the plug rises, exposing more area for flow between plug and seat,
the weight of the plug and stem is the only load, the pressure difference is
small dif-
irence between two high
"itial pressures.
The simplest indicating
)paratus consists of a glass
iater or mercury
o this class belong the
U tube. —
iebhardt, Gehre and Gen-
^al Electric testing type.
428. The Gebhardt
^am meter, Fig. 146 is
ven as an example of the
ige-glass type of velocity
ueter and reads directly
:y water column on a
aart graduated in lb. per
lin. or per hr., and for a
pmplete range of pressures,
'o read the meter correctly,
. is necessary to know the
ressures and quality. By
leans of a small condensing
hamber this meter is made
uitable for use with super-
eated steam. Accuracy of
he Gebhardt meter (also the
}. E. type TS« and Gehre) is
: per cent, on careful hand-
1 Fia. 140.— Gebhardt steam meter.
ng, but more usually + 1.6
o3 per cent, in ordinary ser-
ice without constant pressure and quality check.
The Thomas electric meter can be used for measuring steam very
iCCUrately, but it cannot be commercially employed as the amount of
urrent required becomes excessive (on account of the high specific heat of
team) and especially for wet steam where moisture must be evaporated.
Sec. 3-429 measuring apparatus
429. Steam-meter costs. At the present time there are available
least three meters, suitable for general testing, and for the boiler or engi
room as permanent instruments. Of the recording instruments, while c
or two are satisfactory in operation, the price of all is still too high :'
430. Classification of measurements. For convenience of treatme
all measurements are classified as either
direct or indirect. dire A
measurement consists in determining the numeric which expresses t
magnitude of the quantity in terms of some arbitrary unit. Thus lengt
determined by means of a graduated scale, time by a clock, volume of a liqu
by a graduated flask, etc., are illustrations.
Measurements are indirect when the numeric is obtained by sot
computation making use of some functional relation expressed by a forma
e.g., the density of a sphere expressed by the relation d = M/dirD'), whe
M is the mass obtained by means of an equal-arm balance and D the diai
eter measured by a micrometer caliper; or the horse power of an engir
h.p. = p.l.a.n./33,000, where p is the mean-effective pressure found by met
urement, I the length of stroke, a the area of the piston found by me:isuri>
its diameter and n the number of strokes per minute found by countii
them. In general these expressions take the form,
X=F(a, h,c . . . A,B,C . . .
where o 6, c . .
. represent measured quantities, while A, B, C .re . .
resent constants (like 3.3,000 and ir in the above formulse) and F repr
sents that there is some functional relation between measurements, constan
and the indirectly measured quantity X.
431. Every measurement has a definite precision. Thus the leng
of a building might be reliable to the nearest quarter inch, the current in
certain circuit to the nearest tenth of an ampere, or the time of vibration
a pendulum to the nearest hundredth of a second. To determine th
reliability it is necessary to make a very careful study of all the instriimen
used, the care with which they are made, graduated, calibrated, adjust!
for change of temperature or of position, etc., etc. It furthermore is nece
sary to know not only the skill of the observer, but also whether any constat
errors may be due to his "personal equation." If for instance one dcsif;
to calibrate a voltmeter at 110 volts by means of a standard Weston cc
the following points must be considered: How closely must the electr
motive force at standard temperature be determined? How closely must tl
temperature coefficient be determined? If the temperature of the col'
used is determined by means of a mercury thermometer, how closel\
the thermometer be calibrated and read? How closely must the resi
of the voltmeter be known and is it necessary to take any precautions r
garding its temperature; and lastly, what must be the precision of the variab,
resistance used for the balance? After an examination of nil these probab
sources of error the final question is. What is the most probable value of tl;
combined effect of all these separate deviations or errors? (See Par. 1-6.)/
432. The general problem. Given the functional rel.ation,
X=F(a, h,c...) (5(
the problem in general is as follows: First case if o, 6, c can t. . .
measured each with a definite degree of precision, what is the best r"-"
sentative value of the resultant precision in A'? Second case: if if
sired to determine X to a certain definite precision, how precisely
each of the components be measured so that the combined effect of u.. i.
deviations may not produce a resultant deviation in X
greater than th
assigned limit?
Unless it is po.ssible to assign some numerical estimate to the precisio
attained in determining any measured quantity, X, the result is of littl
practical value. Hours of valuable time are often wasted in deterininin
some unimportant component of an indirect measurement with excessiv
precision, while at the other extreme we often find final results absolute.
each of
these deviations Sa, Sh, Se on and then find the . X
mbined effect of these separate effects. The change in due to a slight X
;,.ange in a (6, c remaining constant) is found by differentiating the
. . .
!j ^TbT"' (58)
^; can be shown that the most probable value of^ the resultant effect. A, of
;ie separate effects, Ao, Aj, Ac .is . .
A = VAa^+Ab^+Ac^+ . . .
Example. The value of the acceleration due to gravity is to be deter-
"lined by means of a pendulum whose length and time of vibration are to be
loasured and used in the formula g=-rH/t^. Here X isg, a is /, b is < and
is a constant. Measurements gave /= 101.42 cm., reliable to 0.05 cm. and
1= 1.0094 sec, reliable to 0.0008 sec. How precise is the value of g when
lomputed from this data? Differentiating with respect to /, we have, Ai=»
'r5ZA2 = 9. 9/ 1.0X0.05 = 0.50 cm. per sec. per sec. Differentiating with respect
t we get, A,= -ff2;x2X«(/<» = 9.9X 100X2X0.0008/1.0= 1.6 cm. per
fi<i. per sec. This means that a deviation of 0.05 cm. in the length of
ihe pendulum affects g by only 0.5 cm. per sec. per sec. while a deviation
,f 0.0008 sec. in the value of t affects the value of g by 1.6 cm. per sec.
ec. The combined or resultant effect would be A = \/A(=+A(' = v'o. 52+1.6'
!=1.7 cm. per sec. per sec. and we might write the final result as = 981.5
t 1.7 cm. per sec. per sec. which means that the value of g, as determined
'3 probably reliable to the nearest 1.7 cm.
per sec. per sec. It should be
loted m the above computation for A;, At and A that not more
than two
'iRures are used in any of the quantities, i.e., t= = 9.9, < =
1.0, ?=100, etc.,
•^e reason being that deviation measures always represent
doubtful places!
lience, smce more than two doubtful places would be useless,
there is no
leed of ever keeping more than two figures in each quantity
entering into a com-
nitation of a deviation measure.
Determination of necessary precision in measured components
';o secure desired precision in final result. The second or converse
jroblem IS as follows: X is to be measured to a certain degree
of reliability
sipressed by A = some definite number. What are the allowable deviations
'a, Sb, Sc, in each of the measured components a, b, c
. . .
combined effect. A, of their separate effects, Aa, As, Ac
'k n
mall not exceed the prescribed limit? From the law of errors (Eq. 59) an
nfinite number of solutions is possible. The best solution would be that
3ne which, with the least effort on the part of the investigator,
would give
the assigned precision. The easiest solution and the one that has been found
latisfactory, at least as a preliminary adjustment of
deviations among the
various components, is to assume that each of the components
in equal effect on the final result. I.e., to let Ao = A6
may produce
this and Eq. 58 it follows that
=Ac= A«
ii». From .
. .
Aa = A6=Ac= . . .A„=—: :.
jtiere n represents the
number of measured components. The allowable
leviation inany component can then be determined from Eq. 58 and Eq 60
^* IS desired to find the heat developed by an electric heater!
vithin three parts m a thousand (0.3 per cent.), by measuring
the current
15 225
Sec. 3-435 MEASURING apparatus
used, the voltage at the terminals and the time that the current is flowing,
the pressure is about 110 volts, the current about 0.8 amp. and the tii
10 min., how precisely must each component be measured? The formula
H = I.E.t, where H
is in joules, or // = 0.8X 110X600 joules = 52.800 joul.
If His to be reliable to three parts per thousand, it must then be determin
to the nearest 158.4 joules, or keeping two figures only, to the nearest 1
joules. Since there are three components, n = 3 and we have
A, = 94=7£«.-. 5,= — 94
This means that if we assume equal effects and wish to know the heat to t'
nearest 160 joules, the current must be measured to the nearest 0.0014 amj'
the voltage to the nearest 0.19 volts and the time to the nearest 1.1 sec.
would be very easy to reach this precision in the time measurement if a goi
stop watch were used; in fact this interval could be determined to within
sec. and therefore the time might be treated as a constant, in which case;
would be two instead of three and therefore it would not be necessary
measure I and E quite so accurately as indicated above.
435. Two classes of formulss in indirect measurements. The t«
methods shown above for the direct (Par. 432) and the indirect (Par. 43
methods respectively are perfectly general; consequently by their use ai
problem may be solved provided all deviation or precision measures are e
pressed as actual numerical deviations and not as fractional or percental
deviations. It is found in practice that nearly all formulae used in indire^
measurements fall in one or the other of two general groups. Those of tl
first class include all functions which contain sums or differences ;J
entering to the I"', wi<*, and n"> powers respectively. Examples of formulae
this sort are the expressions for the electromotive force of a standard Clai
cell, £;= 1.4.340 [1-0.00078 «°-15°)], or the resistance of a standard V
ohm coil, /? = 10(1 +0.00388 (<°-15°)].
Those of the second class include all those functions which involi
products, quotients or powers of the measured components and constan
and do not involve either trigonometric or logarithmetic functions. Tl
general type would be
X = Aai-bm-cn . . . (61
where A, n, m, and k are constants (positive, negative, fractional or integral
An example of formulae of this type is the expression for the modulus of elaf
ticity for bending, given as E ^WV/iahd*, where is the load at tlW
centre, I is the length between supports, a is the deflection, h the breadtli an
d the depth of the beam; the formula given above for density (Par. 4S(
is another example.
436. Percentage method of computing precision. Problems (
the second class (Par. 436) may be solved much more easily by the fraction!
or percentage method than by the general method, as will appear from tb
following. Taking the general form of the function as
X = A.a'-6'"c" ... (68!
and differentiating with respect to each of the variables, and then dividiBi
each of these results by the general formula gives,
Aa ISa Ah mSb Ac n'6e .^
~b X" '
This shows that a fractional deviation Sa/a in a produces a fractional devia
tion in X which is n times as great, or in per cent, it means that if a is un
1 1 ts eqmvalent, _____^_
Ji; the breadth is 4.675 mm., reliable to 0.005 mm.; and the depth is 15.069
la., reliable to 0.008 mm. The problem is to determine the reliability of
t modulus when calculated from the formula S=
pr'Z'/4 a.b.d'. The first
»p is to express all the deviations in per cent. Inspection shows that W
Jeliable to 0.01 per cent., I to 0.05 per cent., a to 0.10 per cent., 6 to 0.10
} cent, and d to 0.05 per cent, and by Ekj. 71 we get 100 Aw/J5 0.01 per =
-it; 100 Al/E = =
Q.15 per cent.; lOO Aa/E 0.1 per cent.; 100 Ab/E"
percent.; and 100 Ad/£ = 0.15 per cent. Substituting these values in
65 or Eq. 66 we get for the percentage reliability of E: 100 A/i5 =
jher Eq.
|6.01« + 0.1524-0.10»+0. 102+0. 152 = 0.25 per cent., i.e., the combined effect
.all the deviations amounts to 0.25 per cent, in the value of the modulus,
len £ = 22,420*56 kg. per square millimeter.
The converse problem in the percentage method would be as
Mows. It is desired to measure the modulus to 1 per cent.; how precisely
rMt each of the above five components (Par. 437) be measured, and, sec-
dly, can any of them be measured with negligible precision? An inspection
the above measurements, or a knowledge of measurements, would show
Massachusetts Insti-
Merriman, M.— "Method
ite of Technology, 1900.
Least Squares." John
of Wiley & Sons, New
I 227
niulting Electrical Engineer, Member American Institute of Electricil
ineral 1 Bronze 132
ire Gages 10 Miscellaneous Metals 138
jpper 31 Resistor Materials 148
uminum 79 Carbon and Graphite 153
3pper-clad Steel 100 Skin Effect 160
on and Steel 114 Bibliography 167
lassification 168 Sheet Gages 213
omposition and Properties 172 Commercial Sheets 217
ore Losses 206 Magnet Steel 226
Bibliography, 232
hissification 233 Rubber and Its Derivatives 330
iLscussion of Properties 238 Varnishes and Compounds 345
alid Natural Materials 254 Insulating Oils 358
itrified Materials 273 Gases 366
ibrous Materials 281 Thermal Conductivities 369
lolded Compositions 309 Bibliography 370
ast Iron 371 Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys 399
t'^rought Iron 378 Concrete, Brick and Stone 400
teel 383 Timber 410
teel Wire and Cable 395 Rope and Belting 428
Bibliography, 431
1. Conductors and non-conductors. All materials possess, in som
degree, the property of electric conductivity and the question whether
where Rt is the resistance at ti deg. and ai is the coefficient from and at the
temperature (i deg. These formulas take no account of the change of di-
tnsions with change of temperature and therefore apply to the case of con-
dors of constant mass, usually met in engineering work. For a full
icussion of this subject see Bellinger, J. H.
" The Temperature CoeflBcient
Copper," Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards, 1911, Vol. VII, No. 1, p.
and "Copper Wire Tables," Circular No. 31, 3rd edition, 1914, Bureau of
8. Effect of chemical composition- The resistivity of most metals
very sensitive to slight changes in chemical composition. Particularly is
is true of copper; when all yed, for example, with 1 per cent,
of another
ital, its increase in resistivity, measured in per cent., is many times 1 per
See Par. 63 and 64. Therefore it is very essential when stating a value
resistivity for a given substance to state also what the substance is com-
sed of. or if it be so nearly pure that there are no more than small traces of
-eign. substances, to state its percentage of purity.
10. The sizes of wire have been for many
years indicated in commercial
actice almost entirely by gage numbers, especially in America and Eng-
nd. This practice is accompamed by some conlusion because numerous
are in common use.
riges the most commonly used gage for electrical
America, is the American wire gage described fully in Par. 13.
ires, in
he most commonly used gage for steel wires is the Steel Wire gage briefly
lentioned in Par. 16.
There is no legal standard wire gage in this country, although a gage for
loets was adopted by Congress lU 1893 (see Par. 214). In England there is a
gal standard known as the Standard wire gage, mentioned in Par. 17.
1 Germany, France, Austria, Italy and other continental countries prac-
cally no wire gage is used, but wire sizes are specified directly iij milli-
leters. This system is sometimes called the Millimeter wire gage (see
ar. 23). The wire sizes used in France, however, are based to some extent
a the old Paris gage ("jaug3 de Paris de 1857"). For a history of wire
iges see Circular No. 31, "Copper Wire Tab'es," Bureau of Rtandards,
rd Edition, Oct. 1, 1914. Also see Circular No. 67, "Wire Gages," 1918.
There is a growing tendency to abandon gage numbers entirely and
Mcify wire sizes by the diameter in mils (thousandths of an inch). This
Tactice holds particularly in writing specifications, and has the great ad-
antages of being both simple and explicit. A number of the wire manufac-
jrers also encourage this practice, and it was definitely adopted by the
'fnited States Navy Dept. in 1911.
12. The
circular mil is another universal used term, being a unit of
^rea equal to the area of a circle 1 mil in diameter. Such a circle, however,
as an area of 0.7854 (orir/4) sq mil. Thus a wire 10 mils in diameter has
cross-sectional area of 100 circ. mils or 78.54 sq. mils. Hence, 1 circ. mil
quals 0.7854 sq. mil.
The American wire gage, also known as the Brown & Sharpe
age, was devised in 1857
by J. R. Brown. It is usually abbreviated A. W.G,
gage has the property, in common with a number of other gages.
,hat its sizes represent approximately the successive steps in the process of
/ire drawing. Also, like many other gages, its numbers are retrogressive,
larger number denoting a smaller wire, corresponding to the operations of
''^^6^6 gage numbers are not arbitrarily chosen, as in many gages,
-lut follow the mathematical law upon which the gage is founded. The gage
iiumbers and sizes are given in Par. 30.
the third column, using the nearest mil for large sizes and the nearci'
tenth of a mil for the smaller sizes. These commercial sizes were adopte
as standard by the United States War Dept. in 1911.
14. Tbe basis of the American wire gage is a simple mathemattcii
law. The gage is formed by the specification of two diameters and the la
that a given number of intermediate diameters are formed by geometric:
progression. Thus, the diameter of No. 0000 is defined as 0.4600 in. and <
No. 36 as 0.0050 in. There are 38 sizes between these two, hence the rati
of any diameter to the diameter of the next greater number is given by th
39/0 4600 39/
The square of this ratio = 1.2610. The sixth power of the ratio, i.e., th
ratio of any diameter to the diameter of the sixth greater number = 2. 005(
> The fact that this ratio is so nearly 2 is the basis of numerous useful relatior
or short cuts in wire computations.
16. The steel wire gage, also known originally as the Washburn i
Moen gage and later as the American Steel &
Wire Co.'s gage, wa
established by Ichabod Washburn about 1830. This gage also, with
number of its sizes rounded off to thousandths of an inch, is known as th
Roebling gage. It is used exclusively for steel wire. See Par. 30.
16. The Birmingham wire gage, also known as Stubs' wire gage an
Stubs' iron wire gage, is said to have been established early in the eighteent
century in England, where it was long in use. This gage was used to desif
nate the Stubs' soft wire sizes and should not be confused with Stubs' stei
wire gage mentioned in Par. 19. The numbers of the Birmingham gage wcr
based upon the reductions of size made in practice by drawing wire from rolle
rod. Thus, a wire rod was called No. 0, first drawing No. 1, and so on. Th
gradations of size in this gage are not regular, as will appear from its grapl
This gage has been used to a considerable extent for designating iron and stet
telegraph wires and the Bell telephone system has standardized No. 8 bar
•copper. See Par. SO.
17. The Standard wire gage, which more properly should be designate
(British) Standard wire gage, is the legal standard of Great Britain for ai
wires, adopted in 1883. It is also known as the New British Standar(
gage, the English legal standard gage and the Imperial wire gage
It was constructed by so modifying the Birmingham gage that the difference
between consecutive sizes became more regular. While this gage is the on
most largely used in England, there is a tendency there, as here, to drop gag
numbers and specify sizes by the diameter in mils. This gage has neve
been extensively used in this country, except by the Bell telephone systen
which has standardized No. 12 bare copper. See Par. 30.
18. The Old English wire gage, also known as the London wire gage
differs very little from the Birmingham gage. It was formerly used to sonn
extent for brass and copper wires, but is now nearly obsolete. See Par. 30
19. The Stubs' steel wire gage has a somewhat limited use for too
steel wireand drill rods. It should not be confused with the Birmingham o
Stubs' iron wire gage mentioned in Par. 16. The numbers and sizes an
given in Par. SO. In addition there are twenty-six larger sizes, Z to A, an<
thirty smaller sizes, No. 51 to No. 80, besides those given in Par. SO (see too
catalogue of Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., or The L. S. Starrett Co.).
20. The Trenton Iron Co.'s gage, of which the numbers and sizes ar
given in Par. 30, is used only to a very limited extent. It differs but slightl;
from the steel wire gage mentioned in Par. IS.
21. The French wire gage is an exception to the other gages given ii
Par. 30 in the respect that its sizes are progressive, instead of retrogres.siv«
as the numbers advance. The sizes there given were taken from the Aineri
can Steel and Wire Co.'s handbook, "Electrical Wires and Cables," 1910.
2. The Edison standard wire gage was proposed some time before
,7 and was based upon the simple principle that the area of cross-section
Freased proportionately with the gage numbers. Thus No. 5 = 5,000 circ.
:-!s, No. 10 = 10,000 cir. mils, etc. This gage never came into general use.
13. The Millimeter wire gage, also known as the Metric wire gage, is
;pd on giving progressive numbers to the progressive sizes, calling 0.1
1. diameter No. 1, 0.2 mm. No. 2, etc.
i4. The German gage, in which the diameters or thickness are ex-
issed in millimeters, is retrogressive and contains 25 sizes. The gage
,mbers and sizes are given in Par. 29. .
'16. Large sizes of wire, above No. 0000 A.W.G., are specified by the
al cross-section in circular mils. This applies in particular to large
26. The United States standard sheet gage, for sheet and plate iron
d steel, was adopted by Congress on March 3, 1893 (see 27 Stat. L., 746)
d established a uniform legal standard for the United States. The num-
rs and thicknesses in this gage are given in Par. 30, for comparison with
re gages. A full table of gage numbers, thicknesses and weights is given in
r. ai6.
,27. The standard decimal gage for sheet metals, designating the
ickness in mils,was recommended in 1895 by the Association of American
[eel Manufacturers, the American Railway Master Mechanics' Association
d the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. There are 38 sizes,
nging from 2 mils to 250 mils. See Par. 216 for a full table of sizes and
shown in Fig. 1, or by means of a V-gage. The most accurate
|eans a micrometer caliper, which reads directly to mils, and, by estimate
g tenths of the smallest scale division, to tenths of a mil. The most accu-
Ltetype of micrometer is one equipped with a miniature friction clutch, which
laufttes errors caused by gripping the wire too firmly between the jaws.
&SSO "5 *>»<* m W W W N N M W CJ t-< i-H i-H -,,-( -I
roooroooMs.oo'CoiMC^'ot^wowocoo". Of.
_ -
to Tfi -"
IN or —
a » o f^05Wt>-'*'-i05t^'*'^OOiraiNOOO«5NaOT)'i-<t^i(5CO
oooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo
» 3 *ioOOO'«fO»ooocoo>ooOT)<oo5>ncowraoooMN«ONoo>o
eft °0,«* ^ QP
CO.-<©C^OOiONOOOtOTfMt-i0 0500t-tOU5U)'*'J'eOTOWC^N
Gage No.
31. Oeneral properties. Copper, which is by far the most importan
metal in the electrical industry, is a highly malleable and ductile metal, of i,
reddish color. The density varies slightly, depending on the physical state
an average value being 8.9. Copper melts at 1,083 deg. cent.* (1,981 deg
fahr.), and in the molten state has a sea-green color. When heated to a ver\
high temperature it vaporizes, and burns with a characteristic green flame
Copper boils at 2,310 deg. cent. (4,190 deg. fahr.).t Molten copper readilj
absorbs oxygen, hydrogen, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide; on cooling
the occluded gases are liberated, tending to give rise to blow holes and porous
castings. The presence of lead in molten copper tends to drive off both
carbon dioxide and water vapor.
Copper when exposed to ordinary air becomes oxidized, turning to ai
black color, but the coating is protective and the oxidizing process is not
progressive as with iron and steel. When exposed however to moist aii
containing carbon dioxide, it becomes coated with green basic carbonate,
It is also affected by sulphur dioxide. It resists the action of hydrochloric,
sulphuric and strong nitric acids, at ordinary temperatures, but is acted
upon by dilute nitric acid.
> The electrical conductivity of copper depends most critically on its degree
of chemical purity (see Par. 63) and also, in much less degree, upon the
physical state, being reduced slightly (from 2 per cent, to 4 per cent.) by
cold rolling and drawing. The tensile properties depend greatly upon the
phy.sical state, being much improved by cold rolling and drawing.
The alloys of copper are exceedingly numerous, both for electrical and
mechanical purposes. Among the most important for electrical purposes
are German or nickel silver, bronze and brass. Copper solders readily with
ordinary low- temperature solders; solder alloys with copper at about 238,
deg. cent. (460 deg. fahr.). Also see Bur. of Standards Circular No. 73, on
32. Commercial grades of copper. In the copper trade there are
three recognized grades of copper known as electrolytic, Lake, and cast-
ing.:!: The first, electrolytic, is that refined by the electrolytic method and
is highly pure (see Par. 34). The second. Lake, is also highly pure, in its
natural or mineral state, and requires simply to be melted down to bars,
for convenient handling (see Par. 36). The third kind of copper, known as
casting copper, contains more impurities and consequently runs lower in
conductivity. It is, as its name implies, more suitable for mechanical than
electrical applications (Par. 38).
33. Density of copper. The internationally accepted density of
annealed copper, § expressed in grams per cu. cm. at 20 deg. cent., is
8.89; this of course is also the specific gravity at 20 deg. cent., referred to
water at 4 deg. cent. The American Society for Testing Materials has
accepted this value, on account of its internatioiial endorsement, but con-
siders that a value of 8.90 is probably nearer the exact truth. A density of
8.89 at 20 deg. cent, correspond.s to 8.90 at deg. cent. In English units
the international standard equals 0.32117 lb. per cu. in. Also see "Copper
Wire Tables," circular No. 31, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C; and
"Smithsonian Physical Tables," Washington, D. C, 1920, 7th rev. ed., p. 334.
34. Electrolytic copper. The electrolytic refinement of copper ||
(see Sec. 19) not only produces metal of the highest purity, but it is eco-
mically necessary when precious metals are present in the ore. This
ide of copper should run higher than 99.88 per cent, of pure metal. An
salysis of average electrolytic copper, representing neither the best nor the
->t, was furnished by Mr. Lawrence Addicks and appears in Par. 36.
minute quantities of impurities there ^hown of course fluctuate from
to time in any given refinery, and there are usually certain typical
i.rences among the refineries, owing to individual characteristics of the
llion supply. Wire bars of electrolytic copper are made by melting down
e cathode copper in a furnace and casting in the desired form and size.
„ " 2 =« ft"
00 CJ ^ Oi 0.T)
S.2 c o a
c * fin al
^ 2 »>
a 2 .O!
«02 <
<dH o
2 «'?
a oi
. o> bgOO
c3 ^
, OS O 0)
g ^
o «
O V Q>
uivalent expressions of the annealed copper standard, in various units of
ss resistivity and volume resistivity, are as follows:
0.15328 ohm (meter, gram)
875.20 ohms (mile, lb.)
1.7241 microhm-cm. at 20 deg. cent.
.67879 microhm-in.
10.371 ohms (mil, ft.)
0.017241 ohm (meter, nim.^)
It may be convenient to note that a value of 0.017241 ohm (meter, mm.')
n (0.00393)
+ «i-20)
The quantity —T given in the last column (Par. 43) is the inferred absolute
jero of temperature, assuming a linear relationship between resistance and
temperature. At the absolute zero of temperature the resistance would be zero.
13. Table of temperature coefficients of copper for different initial
temperatures (centigrade) and different conductivities
gram) at 20
deg. cent.
a S
O 00 *
OOM "O >! lO
(N -h (N
TOO"-H tCraO 000>0 tCWC^ (N'^i-h "-I
iCOO CD-*» OOb-"^
r-iOOCO OMrH 05OO 05MO 0>"-i'*< 0!>0C^ 05 1~ tO tJ< TO W
t-ccn coccn ^i-h^i-i
TT ceo
oomo ?OtJ<00 PSOOOO K.OSO O 00 <D
IN CO * iNOlTt"
lOOOO O e<5 CD I-CCOCO (NC»3t~ II5 WON ^ ^ 0>
II- OOO OOO .-l.-(i-i
t^(N-H ;ocdtji
Ne^05 >n<oo> m lOeofO >Hoo
OOO r-Tfoo cooito
(NINCO TjiiOb-
r-i r-H 1-1
OOO OOO OOO OOO O'-i'-" i-iMC^ m-«Vi t^W-i
a a tii)_
OMOO C<(->}<00 10050 .-i-H
_ a) o"^ OOO
£ . j=
° -O II
I I.Reference to copper-wire tables in other gagres. For copper-
w tables in the British Standard Wire Gage and in the Millimeter Gage,
b; d on the International Annealed Copper Standard, see Bulletin No. 31,
3< dition (Oct. 1, 1914), issued by the Bureau of Standards.
I. Conductivity of hard-drawn copper. The conductivity of hard-
d copper, expressed as a percentage of the conductivity of the annealed
cc standard,
jer varies with the size of wire, becoming smaller as the wire
b )nies smaller. It is impracticable, however, to state any general rule,
b luse of differences in manufacturing practice, as to the number of draw-
ii between annealings, amount of reduction to each drawing, etc. The
I eau of Standards found that the cdnductivity of No. 12. A.W.G. hard-
divn copper was 97.3 per cent. The copper-wire specifications of the
^ erican Society for Testing Materials, call for resistivities which correspond
t ;he following percentage conductivities, based on the annealed copper
B idard.
Per cent.,
J lealed copper 98.
e density of all these grades of wire is taken as the same, or 8.89 at 20
I ;. cent.
!4. Temperature coefficient of expansion. The temperature
.efficient of linear expansion of copper is approximately 0.000017 per
'?. cent. The values given in the "Tables Annuelles de Constantes et
inn6s Numfiriques," for 1910, are as follows (p. 44 and p. 45): Between
190 deg. and 17 deg. cent., 0.00001418; between 17 deg. and lOOdeg. cent.,
0001636; and by St6phan's determinations (1910),
Z( = ;„[l+0.00001607<+0.00000000403t2i (5)
Matthiessen's mean coefficient* between deg. and 100 deg. cent., was
iKKX)1666 and Fizeau found the value* at 40 deg. cent, to be 0.00001678.
' computation from St^phan's results the mean coefficient between
g. and 100 deg. cent, is 0.0000165. The mean of these four results is
)000166 per deg. cent. The corresponding value in the fahrenheit scale
0.00000922 per deg.
'65. Concentric strand, or cable, is a conductor made up of a straight
;ntral wire (or group of wires) surrounded by helical layers of bare wires
.r groups of wires), the alternate layers having a twist in opposite direc-
•)ns. The term "concentric-lay" applies when the strands are composed
•single bare wires; the term "rope-lay" applies when the strands are made
) of groups of wires, each group in concentric lay. All the individual
r.'inds are of the same size. If there are n layers over the core of a con-
ntric-lay cable, not counting the core as a layer, the total number of
<rands or wires will be
N==3n(,n + 1) + 1 (6)
The diameter of such a cable is the diameter of the circumscribing
rcle, or
D = d(.2n + 1) (7)
here d is the diameter of any strand or individual wire. In a rope-lay
ible, such as some forms of extra flexible cable, where instead of individual
ngle wires there are groups of wires, each group consisting of a concentric-lay
ible, the total number of wires N
in the entire cable will be that given
/ Eq. 6 for concentric-lay cable multiplied by the number of wires
each component group. Thus a rope-lay cable comprising 1 layer,
ith 7 wires in each group, would have 7X7 = 49 wires, and is sometimes
illed a 7X7 rope. Such an expression as a 19X7 rope strand means 19
rands, each composed of 7 wires. A 7X7 rope strand is not economical
r large conductors and is usually confined to sizes like No. 4 A.W.G. or
nailer. For large sizes a 19X7 or 37X7 rope strand is moi'e compact and
esents a smoother exterior.
• "Smithsonian Physical Tables;" Washington, D. C, 1920; 7th rev. ed.,
The number of circular toils in a cable composed of A'^ wirea is
C.M. = Ndi
where d diameter of each wire in mils (thousandths of an inch).
is tlie
The equivalent solid conductor is one having the same nuniber
circular mils, or its diameter is
B idard pitch used by all cable manufacturers. Also see "Electrical Wires
a Cables," Amer. Steel & Wire Co., 1910, pp. 27 to 35; and Se*. 24, Par.
9 4.
'8. Increase in mass and resistance due to stranding. The Bureau
c Standards has shown in Circular 31 (3rd Edition, 1914, p. 71) that the
I cent, increase of resistance of a cable with all the wires perfectly insulated
I n one another, over the resistance of the
"equivalent solid rod," is exactly to the per cent, decrease of resistance of a cable in which each wire
j-kes perfect contact with a neighboring wire at all points of its surface.
at is, if R, is the resistance of the equivalent solid rod or wire, Ri\s the re-
tance of the cable with perfectly insulated wires and Rt is the resistance of
1 cable in which all the wires make perfect contact with their neighbors,
» niJi
= \{Ri Ri).+ In general, 7?i>/fj>if J. The resistance of a cable is
Jierally somewhat less than Ri, which is shown by the fact that the actual
( istance of a cable increases slightly with age, probably due to the formation
loxide on the contact surfaces.
59. Copper cable tables. The table in Par. 62 gives the properties of
"e concentric-lay copper cables, based on the International annealed
pper standard (see Par. 41). The column headed "Diameter of Wires"
i 3 calculated in each case from the total cross-section. The values given
^- "ohms per 1,000 ft." and "lb. per 1,000 ft." are 2 per cent, greater
Un for a solidrod of cross-section equal to the total cross-section of the
ires of the cable. This increment of 2 per cent, means that the values are
r.-rect for cableshaving a pitch of 15.7. If the pitch is different, the resist-
and the mass may be calculated by multiplying the values in the table
the factor
l)rexample, if the pitch is 12, the resistance and the mass given in the table
[ould be increased 1.4 per cent.; if the pitch is 30, the values should be de-
erased 1.5 per cent. Also see Sec. 24, Par. 9403.
60. Hemp-centre cables. If the core of a concentric strand is replaced
hemp, the characteristics of the cable are altered in several respects. The
ameter of the cable, for a given cross-section, is greater than the diameter
r an all-metal cable; the flexibility is slightly greater, for the same size,
[:ing more marked in the case of 7 wires than a greater number; and the skin
liect, for equal sizes, is slightly diminished. The tensile strength of a
;mp-centre cable would be computed on the basis of the cross-section of
etal, disregarding the hemp. Such cables are not in general manufactured
standard sizes, but made up to order. See article by D. B. Rushmore in
•neral Electric Review, June, 1912, discussing objections to cables of this
OM «i
©mm lO'* ^coco (NiN ^»HO 000^ CiCi
Hi oooco
000 ot^ m
00 h-cc -^
oa> 000 1-t
050505 0>a>
h-b-l>- t-t^ .H-H-H ^,-<_< ,-irt ,^>.!
) ^000
om iMr)<m
3 si '^-''^''^ "'.*. *.^'^ ^.'^. 'I'l®. ®.'^* *°* **
MMi^ oo odd odd do do
-^O oseooo Mt>.M mo co>-i
2 fco »-iOOm M0> "I'^O C)*h» WIIW '-'O
l^'<1^ N 00
(omm m-w mn co"m"m" mmm" m"m
•<)«"*•* •-<•-
Mmo5 cot^ O»00
-^rtoo cococo oom t^to _
COCOCO h-t^ M«m
000005 rcmcD t-0» OM
000 00 080 00 000 000 00 00
000 00 dod do 000 ddo oo oo
5o_o_ SS
2*2 oo 222
o_o oqo 22 oc5o 222
ooo 22
5o_ 22
Soo oo ooo oo Smp mom om om
00500 t»S m-^M M>-i oo» ««!>• t~cD com
OiOi-H 100-* fl a
050000 wt^to O °3
05 05 05 05 05
•OS —
JS's —ir-M
O'*'^ coco MM COO
MM .>2
05CS t-r- t^i> t-wt^
lOCO 05M
iracOM 003t> tows'* COM
fe .h"
A series of progressive tests on the effect of the presence of very small qua,,
ties of foreign elements, with respect to electrical conductivity, was made r
copper itself, thus showing an increase in the total conductivity of the cha
Relation between percentage impurity and percentage chani
I 64.
in conductivity
(Lawrence Addicks, Proc. A. I. M. E., Vol. XXXVI, p. 18, 1906)
normal tensile strength, copper has somewhat less strength than the rail
obtained by ordinary test. Mr. F. O. Blackwell, in the paper referred tt^
Par. 70, found that a 0.168-in. hard-drawn wire stressed to 54,000 lb. 1
sq. in., stretched continuously, and broke in 7 days, 8 hours; pieces of 1
same wire afterward broke at 61,000 lb. in the testing machine. He condul
that a hard-drawn wire would stand continuously a stress of about 80
cent, of its normal tensile strength.
73. Young's modulus of elasticity for annealed and hard coppe t
not a very definitely known quantity and the values given for it fiuctu!
over a considerable range. This maybe accounted for, inthecaseof anneal
copper, by the lack of any very definite elastic limit, and the fact that j
almost invariably greater than the initial modulus. The following vah
represent the extreme range, and a probable average, drawn from sevtl
authorities,* expressed in in-lb. measure.
I State Range
inr ill be found in the current issue of the "Year Book." They are too
!Xt, led for reproduction.
7 Standard sections for copper trolley wire are prescribed in the
itions of the A. S. T. M. (see "A. S. T. M. Standards") and are shown
7 and 8. These sections are known respectively as "grooved" and
eight." Copper trolley wires are always hard drawn, in order to
uaximum hardness and strength.
U e.3«---
—O.MS —)
Fig. 7.
—"American Standard" grooved trolley-wire sections.
K 0:362 — •»J
U 0.460 *i
The electrical conductivity of aluminum, like that of copper, depends oj
degree of chemical purity. The conductivity of hard-drawn aluminuj
about 2 per cent, less than that of soft or annealed aluminum. The tei
properties, in like manner, depend greatly upon the physical state, h
much improved by cold rolling and drawing.
The alloys of aluminum are very numerous. The so-called light alii
containing but small percentages of other metals, are light, hard and strj
but do not resist corrosion from galvanic action. The heavy alloys, or ah
num-bronzes, with but 2 per cent, to 10 per cent, of aluminum, and res'
tively 98 per cent, to 90 per cent, of copper, have high tensile strength \
No. 1 J No. I
(per cent.' (per cei*
Aluminum. 99.55
Silicon 0.30
Iron 0.15
Pure aluminum (No.l grade or better) is necessary to secure high eleKr-
conductivity, extreme malleability, ductility and maximum rosi.-t
corrosion. For other purposes small amounts of copper, nickel, t
manganese, chromium, titanium, zinc or tin may be advantageously :: .
Aluminum. 99.57
Silicon 0.29
Iron 0.14 II IH
jpe 02
Lea'a. 0.01
1909; p. 7.
t Bureau of Standards, Circular No. 31, Third Ed., Oct. 1, 1914; p. 14.
ofjr metal. Lubricants should be used only for drilling and screwing and
t, 1 only paraffin. Filing should be done with a single cut file as cross-cut
fif are readily clogged. Aluminum will take and retain a very high polish,
f'.y equal to that of silver.
li. Resistivity. Much less has been published about the effect of im-
"ities on the conductivity of aluminum than in the case of copper. The
* "Methods of Working Aluminum;" Aluminum Co. of America, Pitts-
rgh, Pa., 1909.
I "Instructions for Installation and Maintenance of Aluminum Electrical
nductors;" Aluminum Company of America.
t Circular No. 31; "Copper Wire Tables"; 1914; Third Edition, p. 14.
5 Buck, H. W. "The Use of Aluminum as an Electrical Conductor;"
ans. Int. Elec. Congress, St. Louis, 1904; Vol. II, p. 313.
ordinary percentage of impurities in commercially pure aluminum, '
grade (see Par. 80), is 0.45 per cent. In terms of the British standiu
hard-drawn copper at 60 deg. fahr. (16.6 deg. cent.) Mr. Burkewood
bourn stated* that a (volume) conductivity of 60 per cent, correspoi,
0.71 per cent, of impurities, and a conductivity of 61.7 per cent, correal
to 0.5 per cent, of impurities.
The Aluminum Company of America statesf that the electrical (vol
conductivity of pure (No. 1 grade) aluminum is about 62 per cent, in the
thiessen standard scale. The British Aluminum Company, Ltd., g
(June, 1914) the following values of resistivity, expressed in microhm-cm.
> 1 I
These values given by the Bureau of Standards are the basis of the alui
num wire tables in Par. 87. Since aluminum is very rarely used as
electrical conductor in the softstate, the foregoing values given by the Burt
of Standards, for hard-drawn wire, have the most commercial significan
Annealed aluminum, however, is used abroad for the conductors of und
ground cables.
86. Temperature coefficient of resistance. On the authority of i
per deg. Prof Scott's determination is quoted by the Aluminum Compa '
of America.
The Bureau of Standards gives 0.0039 per deg. cent, at 20 deg. ce: •
86. Aluminum wire tables. The complete tables for aluminum w.(l
given in Par. 87 were taken from circular No. 31, Third Edition, issued f.
Ohms Pounds Pounds per
per 1000 per 1000
Circular Square feet feet
mils inches
[)460. I
212000. 0.166 0.0804 195. 2420.
)410. !
168000. 0.132 0.101 154. 1520.
)365. 133000. 0.105 0.128 122. 957.
88.Aluminum cable tables are given in Par. 89. The values of resis-
mce and weight per 1,000 ft. are 2 per cent, greater than for a soUd rod equal
) the combined cross-sections of the wires of the cable; this increment cor-
ssponds to a pitch of 15.7. The component wires are assumed to have the
(ime value of resistivity as the hard-drawn aluminum in Par. 87, temperature
ifferences being allowed for. See Par. 6S to 69 on the general properties of
oncentric strands.
Id m
O^ 02 1^ O^
3 -^
2 a
a6 <;
cm'* CO
00 lo COCO
dddd oooo oooo oooo
xxxx xxxx XXXX XXXX
<Sli-IO5 00 NNQO-*
00 lO CO CO
OfNO-l i-hOC?«
dddd oooo oooo oooo
XXXX xxxx XXXX xxxx
3^ OO-<Ji00 iC00O>0
Tensile Tensile
S.W.G. Diam. strength
S.W.G. Diam. strengtli
No. (in.) No. (in.)
(lb. per sq. in.) (lb. per sq. ii
\ 0.500
0.324 23,000 14 0.080 27,000
0.276 23,000 16 0.064 28,000
0.232 24,000 18 0.048 29,000
0.192 24,000 20 0.036 32,000
0.160 25,000
— ————— —
^^:^-.i^,^s=—.^. — — —.
r I I I I
iOOOol I I
L>rT I — — — t—
I r
t I I
cate the number of minutes the load was held at each of several points.
Ts specimen broke at 23,900 lb. per sq. in., with an elongation of 1.25 per
llOO. Compoundor bi-metallic wires composed of copper-covered
n or steel have been manufactured by a number of different methods, and
re first attempted many years ago. Aluminum-covered steel has also
en tried, on an experimental scale. The general object sought in the
inufacture of such wires is the combination of the high conductivity of
pper or aluminum with the high strength and toughness of iron or steel.
jie resulting conductor is obviously a compromise between copper (or
.iminum) and iron, being inferior as a whole to the former and superior to
e latter,
So - MO
g.2£ gJ282 190 800 450 200
11 oooo
A c.
a o Gcconf
J3 O
OS a
o .
J d a
mercial grades are obtainable either dead soft (annealed) or hard drawn,
desired. The properties of the commercial grades of wire are given
Par. 104 and 106, taken from the manufacturers' tables. In drawing speci
cations it is customary to fix tolerance limits, or else minimum (or maximun
limits. For technical articles dealing with the properties of copper-cli
steel wire, see the following: Electrical World, Vol. LII, pp. 701 and 81
Scientific American, Vol. XCVIII, p. 347; Iron Age, Vol. LXXVII, p. S:
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Sept., 1909; Electric
World, Dec. 22, 1910, Dec. 29, 1910 and Jan. 12, 1911; Telephone Enginee
Oct., 1910 to July, 1911, inclusive. Proceedings A. S. T. M., Vol. X, pj
280-294; Telephone Engineer, Dec, 1911 to Mar., 1912, inclusive. I
copper-clad steel is approximately 0.0045 per deg. cent., from and at »eri
The coefficient ranges from about 0.004 to 0.005, depending apparently "upc;
r the constituents of the wire and its physical condition. "j
108. Permeability of steel core is about 70, for small magnetizing fore<
at 800 cycles per sec; at power frequencies it is from 100 to 125. Tb
maximum permeability will be from 600 to 800 at roughly 5.000 gausse
The measured hysteresis loss in the core of No. 1 A.W.G. wire, at 10,00
gausses (max.), was 15,000 ergs per cu. cm. per cycle. The resistivity of th
steel will range from 12 to 13 microhm-cm. at 20 deg. cent., approximatel;
For method of calculating internal inductance see Electrical World, 1910, Vo
LVI, p. 1521.
109. Coefficient of linear expansion of the 40 per cent, grade of coppei
clad steel is 0.0000129 per deg. cent.
110. The density or specific gravity of copper-clad steel depends on th'
relative proportions of copper and steel. The 40 per cent, grade has a det
sity of 8.2.
111. Tensile strength of copper-clad steel depends in great measur
upon the kind and condition of steel in the core. The strength of the whol
wire will range as high as 80,000 to 100,000 lb. per sq. in., hard-drawn. Th
typical stress-strain diagram is similar to the curve for hard-drawn coppe
in Fig. 5. The breaking loads are given in the tables. Par. 104 and 101
112. Young's modulus ranges from 19X10« to 21X10* lb. per sq. i^
for hard-drawn wire and 16 X 10« to 20 X 10« for concentric cable. !
deg. fahr.
S jdish charcoal iron. 99.70 0.10 0.03 Trace 0.022 0.045 4502
f »dish charcoal iron. 99.440.150.234 0.018 0.019 '0.058 4820
^mens-Martin steel. 99.6010.100.324 Trace 0.036 0.034 5308
Tt puddled iron. . . . 99.1110.100.234 0.09 0.03 0.218 5974
rtier steel, soft. . 98.74 0.150.72 0.018 0.092 0.077 6163
Tiier steel, hard. 98.20 0.441.296 0.028 0.126 0.103 7468
cast steel 97.410.62 1.584 0.06 0.074 0.051 8033
5th rev. ed., 1910, p. 263. This authority also gives 19.1 microhm r
cast steel. The chemical composition, mechanical treatment and
treatment affect the resistivity in a pronounced manner.
f 122. Ohms per mile-pound of galvanized iron (steel) wire
(Telephone and telegraph)
let depending upon the chemical composition. Special soft steels used
r'or.iird rails have resistivities ranging from 7.9 to 9 times that of copper;
ri rails, from 11 to 13 times that of copper. In manganese steels the
rnetimes exceeds 30. The effective resistance of rails conveying alter-
i^urrents will be increased somewhat on account of skin effect and
irrents. See "Report of the Electric Railway Test Commission,"
i-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1906. Also see Par. 119.
Density of pure iron is 7.86, which is fairly precise for wrought iron
,1. The National Tube Co. computes the weight of steel at 0.2833 lb.
in. (489.5 lb. per cu. ft.) and iron at 2 per cent less.
:138. Bronze an alloy copper and
tin, with the addition in some cases
is of
zinc and other metals.
There are numerous varieties of bronze, some
by a prefix indicating the special or distinguishing constituent, and
lers known by trade names.
133. Phosphor bronze is an alloy of copper, tin and phosphorus, contain-
from 2 to 6 per cent, of tin and 0.05 to 0.13 per cent, of phosphorus. Its
lume conductivity is not over 35 per cent, of that of copper. Industrial
jnzes carry zinc and lead, a.nd a larger proportion of phosphorus.
134. Silicon bronze is an alloy of copper, silicon and sodium; tin
and zino
l^fc,' 271
are also added, in some cases. J. Bucknall Smith ("Wire, Its ManufaCf
and Uses," London, 1891) gave the following values of conductivity i
tensile strength.
The grade of silicon bronze used for trolley and span wires has from 2.2
times the resistivity of copper and is from 35 to 70 per cent, stronger.
ono-electric wife, on account of its high tensile properties, has been used for
Hey wire and for long spans in transmission hues and in telephone and
uraph lines.
tensile strength of hard-drawn wire ranges from G8,000 to 84,000 lb.
>i|. The total elongation at ruptvire is about 1 per cent, and Young's
lulus is about 18,100,000. The temperature coefficient of resistance is
i0088 per deg. fahr. and the coeflBcient of linear expansion is 00000149
r deg. fahr.
138. Resistivity of various metals
(Compiled from "Smithsonian Phys. Tables," 1916)
Temp. coef. Therm, cond.
per deg. cent., (g-cal.per cm.
Metal at deg. cent, Density
at 20 deg. cube per deg.
(microhm-cm.) per sec.)
Cadmium 6.2 to 7.0 0.0042* 8.54 to 8.67
> * Baskerville, C. " The Chemistry of Tungsten and the Evolution of the
^Tungsten Lamp;" Trans, of the New York Electrical Society; New Series,
mo. 1; Oct. 29, 1912.
I 273
cathodes for Rontgen tubes and for the resistor in electric heater elements
of course its most extensive application is in the form of drawn-wire fila
ments for incandescent lamps (Sec. 14). The processes of making ducti'
tungsten are described in British patent No. 2759, issued in 1910; U,
patent No. 1,082,933 issued Dec. 30, 1913 to W. D. Coolidge. The rt^
tivity at 25 deg. cent, is 5 microhm-cm., annealed, and 6.2 microhm-ci,,
hard-drawn. The mean temperature coeffi-
cient of resistance between and 170 deg. 8.00
cent, is 0.0051 per deg. cent. The resist-
ance-temperature curve given
is in Fig. 12.
Coefficient of linear expansion, 20 to 100
deg. cent., 336X10-8.
141. Tantalum is a white lustrous
metal having a specific gravity of 16.6. It
is ductile and workable, and can be drawn
into fine wire, in which form it has a tensile
strength as high as 130,000 lb. per sq. in.
The resistivity at deg. cent, is 14.6 mi-
crohm-cm., and the temperature coefficient
is 0.0033 per deg. cent.
,3j[n:>0'B}nuBI^ ffl(ONroiO'>»iO(N
•Sap jad uoteuBdxa
jBaui| JO ^uaiogjaoQ
>T ^
(•ui -hs J3d -qj)
q')3u3j)S ajtsuaj,
X^isuaQ Otj<0
• £
C *^ e °
CP CJ 4> V o
inoco '
3 CM
T3-0 03 >>
d 03 a) (u<1
-^.2 i=! a:
S ^ M
.^ 'T O U « „
o* o.H.2.2 :o»SzS2:;i2oMH<;c»0H
•* Tjl ^ T)H C^
OS* I-HO03 —
xxxxo ocxxx
ggggoogggg 8888 SXXc
to IJOpO'OinQO oot^MOcnoo
coe^toiNiNXOio-. 00 c. 05 '0 10 w i— u; «o o>
00 l,0 I, I, I. I. u
.i.iO iOOOOO
lOiOi-Hio 3 sOOOO
i8.Nickel silver is an alloy of copper, nickel and zinc. It is usually
li.d commercially in terms of its nickel content; thus 18 per cent, wire
cc ains 18 per cent, of nickel. The properties vary considerably with the
C( position. Perrine gave the following composition of three grades of
mel silver: 57 Cu, 12.5 Ni, 30.5 Zn; 56 Cu, 20 Ni, 24 Zn; 50 Cu, 30 Ni,
2iZn. The resistivities were respectively in the ratio 1 1.25 2.51. : :
E^iteen per cent, alloy has about 18 times the resistivity of copper, and 30
p cent, alloy has about 28 times the resistivity of copper. See Par. 147.
49. Copper-manganese alloy containing either nickel or aluminum is
u 1 for rcsi.stors, and has a very low temperature coefficient. The alloy
c iposed of copper, ferro-manganese and nickel, or copper, manganese and
nickel, is known as manganin. The com-
position of manganin varies somewhat, one
formula being 65 Cu, 30 Fe-Mn, 5 Ni.
160. Copper-nickel alloy is used exten-
sively for resistor wires. The alloy of cop-
per and nickel found in nature is known as
Monel metal (Par. 399). See Par. 147.
161. Ferro-nickel alloy has a very high
) 800 1000 1200
electrical resistivity but is not as resistant to
corrosion, for resistor service, as some other
!G. 13. —Resistance-temper-
ature curve for nichrome.
alloys. The nickel-chromium alloys are
superior in the respect of having somewhat
larger resistivity. See Par. 147.
1S8. Nickel-chromium alloy is used for resistor wires where very high
istivity is desired. One alloy of this kind has a resistivity of more than
ohms per mil-ft. The nickel-chromium alloy known as " Nichrome" has
.characteristic resistance-temperature curve of the form shown in Fig. 13.
300 and 4,100 microhm-cm. An average value for retort carbon, such
i used for electrodes in electric furnaces, at about 3,000 deg. cent., may
e taken as 720 microhm-cm. Graphite at 3,000 deg. cent, has a resis-
vity of approximately 812 microhm-cm. Experiments by Mr. C. A.
[anson* made in the research laboratory of the General Electric Company
low that the resistivity of carbon depends upon the temperature at which
, is fired. As the temperature of firing increases, the resistivity decreases,
pproaching a constant value which is approximately the same as that of
raphite. If carbon be heated above the temperature at which it was fired,
;s resistivity is permanently decreased, and upon cooling it will not return
o its original value, but to a value corresponding to that which it would have
f fired at the temperature to which it has been heated. Also see table of
irush characteristics. Par. 165, and electrode carbon, Par. 169.
Experiments made by Morris Owen show that graphite possesses magnetic
usceptibility, and under certain conditions the electrical resistivity is in-
reased in very marked degree by magnetization.
F^ fe fe"? : »./l liJ^ I.P l»«\ V V
—— -= 3 3— 3
£"2 ^ ooocooooooooo
TlT Tl<^ w o" <N ^ im' CO TO co" w' •«)< .*
— 3 Sf
.S.Ti , fl -, rt e oooooooinioinioo'o
-''l .lei
2 « S ^
o" CO 05 (N IN * rH Tl< CO CO lO o" TO
S" 500C000000000
0) 0) a: Q a>
00 cS rt cj ^
iri ki U 1m b
Cic OD ec CO M
c a a c G
o o o o o
tM ^ t« (m Ui
g-g-.-s.-s.-s.-S.t; £5 555 5
l_ iM-*-J^ — J-—
bCc) o u o ^
-3-3 2 2 £ £ S o;s:s:s:c2
22 t* M 6t M M.C a & a a B.
sS ri Cw 03 d
where a is the radius of the conductor in cm., /is the frequency in cyclf-
sec., M is the magnetic permeability of the conductor (here assume. i.
be constant) and p is the resistivity in absohms {10~» ohm) per cm-oube.
If L' is the effective inductance of a linear conductor to sinusoidal al
nating current of a given frequency
L'=-Li + K'Li i
Bureau of Standards, Vol. VIII, No. 1, pp. 172 to 181; 1912. Fig. 14 she
values of K in terms of aV/ for cylindrical copper conductors of 1
10 314). Ill No. 12 B.W.G. iron wire (B. B. grade), at 800 cycles per
jec<and with currents of telephonic magnitude, the increase in resistance
,ya'ound by measurement to be 47 per cent. See Par. 203.
,. Effect of very high frequencies on iron has been investigated by
I? W
Alexanderson; see "Magnetic Properties of Iron at Frequencies
Vol. XXX, 1911, pp. 2433-2454.
UP 200,000 Cycles." Trans. A. I. E. E.,
Htoncluded that the permeability is unaffected by the frequency. In
ine Steinmetz's formula for skin effect (see "Transient Electric
Ph omena and Oscillations," New York, 1909), he recommended
avige constants as follows: permeability, 2,250 and conductivity,
0.! 10', for soft iron.
1.00000 1.00000 I
4.0 1 67787
. 68632 12.5 4 67993 0.22567
1 02582
. 0.98711 6.0 2 39359 0.46521
25.0 9.09412 0.11307
1 03323
. 0.98342 6.2 2.46338 0.450.56 26.0 9.44748 0.10872
1 04205
. 0.97904 6.4 2.53321 0.43682 28.0 10.15422 0.10096
1.05240 0.97390 6.6 2.60313 0.42389 30.0 10.86101 0.09424
1.06440 0.96795 6.8 2.67312 0.41171 32.0 11.56785 0.08835
, 'See Bureau of Standards Circular No. 74, pp. 309-311, for additional
(B for loss, ergs Coercive
Maximum maximum per cu. cm. force for Q.
permeabil- permea- per cycle (max) =
ity for (B (max) 17.700
:5uggenheim has shown (Elek. Kraft U. Bahnen, Sept. 24, 1910), for iron
Gaining 0.2 per cent, of carbon, that silicon in quantities up to 1.8 per
.t. decreases the permeability, but from 1.8 to 5 per
cent, it improves the
'meability and decreases the hysteresis loss; for (B(max) = 10.000 in sheets
f mm. thick the hysteresis loss was 2,910 ergs per cu. cm. per cycle, for best
: con steel, compared with 6,000 ergs for ordinary sheet iron.
For electrical and mechanical effects of silicon and aluminum, see appro-
ate portions of this section.
177. Effect of nickel. The addition of nickel, up to 2per cent., causes
.le change in magnetic quality (Burgess and Aston). A higher nickel
,itent rapidly decreases the permeability. At 25 to 30 per cent, mckel,
,! magnetic properties are greatly impaired, but improve again upon a
ther increase in nickel.
of tungsten, chromium and molybdenum. These
178. Effects
ments have the general property of increasing the magnetic hardness and
irticularly the coercive force, making a very desirable steel for permanent
.gnets. See "Magnet Steel," Par. 225 to 230.
179. Effects of arsenic and tin. These elements are similar in their
•ects to silicon and aluminum, increasing the resistivity and reducing the
steresis loss. Tin increases the permeability at higher inductions and
•ureases the hysteresis loss even more than silicon.
180. Sulphur, phosphorus and oxygen are in general injurious in their
fcts, even in small percentages.
to some extent opposed, and the most suitable heat treatment as rega 1
magnetic properties is not generally the one which gives the highest phyai
properties. The general method of annealing is in boxes, under cover, w^i
slow cooling. ,
188. Effect of temperature. Both iron and steel lose their magnei
properties at about 750 to 800 deg. cent., and are non-magnetic above tl;
temperature. The exact temperature at which this transformation occur
_ 1
somewhat variable, and depends upon the chemical composition of the met
183. Effect of temperature on permeability. Hopkinson'a ezpe
ments (Phil. Mag. and Troc. Roy. Soc.)_ showed that with weak magnetui'
forces the permeability increases with rises of temperature up to the criti 1
point, or about 785 deg. cent., above which iron becomes non-magnel
Under moderate magnetizing forces the permeability first increases slight
with rise of temperature, and then decreases rapidly as the critical point)
approached. Under strong magnetizing forces the permeability suffers
change at first, and then decreases gradually as the critical point is 1
proached. See Chap. VIII of E wing's "Magnetic Induction in Iron a
Other Metals."
•nt when heated for
•roc Rov Soc, June. 1895; also
see aging tests in "Electric Machine De-
" bj Parshall and Hobart; Allen. T. S., 'The Comparative Aging of
:iectric Sheet Steels;" Electrical World, 1908,
Vol. LII, p. 579.
192. Wrought iron is among the best of magnetic materials from the
tandpoint of permeabiUty, but has higher core losses than silicon steel, bee
'ar. 200 comparing Swedish iron with other materials.
phorus, 0.08; sulphur, 0.05. A normal induction curve is shown
Fig. 18.
196. Alloy steel. The principal alloy steel in extensive use is silicon sf
Its properties are covered under "Commercial Sheets," Par. 217 to 224,
Figs. 24 and 26. It is low incoreloss, non-aging, and highinpermeabilitj
cept at the higher densities. Tungsten steel and tungsten-chrome steel a
used extensively for permanent magnets; see " Magnet Steel," Par. 226
230. Mitis iron is steel to which has been added a small proportion
aluminum, ranging from 0.06 to 0.27 per cent. Magnetically it is a litt
better than ordinary steel up to densities of about 100 kilolines per sq. ii:
and inferior at higher densities. See Parshall and Hobart, "Elect:
Machine Design;" published by Engineering, London, 190C; p. 26. Tt
material is now seldom used.
196. Best composition of dynamo sheets; De Nolly and Veyre
High carbon and cold working are both injurious to electrical sheets. Ti
recommended composition and treatment is as follows: (1) The steel shou;
have less than 0.1 per cent, carbon, from 3 to 4 per cent, silicon, less thanOi
per cent, manganese, less than 003 per cent, sulphur and phosphorus; (:
the sheets after rolling should be annealed at 750 to 800 deg. cent, with slo
cooling; (3) the rolling should be finished at low temperature; (4) after fin
annealing, no cold working should be allowed (IX 5, No. 9, Sixth Congress >i
t3very alloy which they examined was found to have a definite saturation
'ensity of magnetism, which they termed the specific magnetism.
'is intensity was reached in most cases in a field of 5,000
units. The
icific magnetism of commercially pure iron of density 7.80 was
found to
1,680 within 1 per cent.
Tfie presence of carbon in annealed iron-carbon
el reduces the specific magnetism by a percentage equal to six times the
-centage of carbon, if other elements are present only in small propor-
"ns. No alloy was noted having a higher specific magnetism than pure iron.
lenching an iron-carbon alloy from a high temperature reduces its specific
Ugnetism by a large but uncertain amount. The addition of silicon or
iminum to iron reduces the specific magnetism roughly in proportion to
-? amount added; but if carbon is present, silicon seems to neutralize it
some extent.
200. Comparisons of magnetic materials
(T. P. Yensen, Bulletin No. 72, Eng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111.. 1914)
permeability was 87. The foregoing relationships are accounted for 1)\
fact that the saturation curve is sensibly a parabola in its earliest sti.
starting, however, with a finite inclination to the axis of 3C. For -
A., "Magnetic Induction in Iron and Other Metals," London, 1900, 3rd ',
Material Authority
hysteresis is greater
"i^r a dtfinUetalimum'valu'of the flux density, the stand-
»' a flat wave of flux, but the effect is small, and from the industrial
waves. If, however, the wave of
pc't negligible even ^ith very distorted
is dimpled, the hysteresis may
be much increased.
ec. 3.
.I-eby established a variation of 2.5 per cent, either way may be aUowed.
Approved, March 3, 1893. I
a» K *>
a-Sg iC'OM'ro'* coc<3TO»N t»cst-iNt~ iNo-H^rH (oeoi-H a>l
CO'Ot)<c<5M -hOOSOOOO t^b.^--'^' -^^^-w"^-_^ ^—.^^s "
N^.^wwO' v_v^-_-CiCJ v^^tooio •jO'1<1<MCO (Mt^MJ
•Si'' S)
•- g o t~'-i^Oin N.r-t'^r-ioO iO<N0550C<3 O t~ ^ i-c QO lO M IN <
OlOOOt-t- tOOlOlO-"!" fTllCOroM CO (N IM C<l 1-H r-l rH rt r
a-" S
o 5
-tJ ?<!P??r''a" f^^MOao cjos'OiNoo loc^oo-*-^ t^co-^Hl
OCCINOSt^ •<JilNi-lC
o«5 0_>o •raomci t^iOlN t» •OIN
a> CO Q, o Ot»«5<NO t'.wllNOO
000 (^ to 10
^1 ^
« e8 o O
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^"S
SSg-2 ic^^'O "Sz-^iow
'Ot» wo t-ro^";
lis (NiOt-^-^
coc>ioo»o i-Ht^cco^-N co^Cic^to
00^'CoOi-i tjoo^go
t~o> 05>f5"-<h-ro
i^Jt^doi odt-t-cDO icoio-o*^ rocoMiNiN ,-ir-i»-(i-ii-H
a o o
»< iNCOM'f
CO >-i e<5 to >}< (p05«Oi-<tp P5CO00COC0 tCH-ii-KM
a." S « ^10 OS h- "-I
216. Standard decimal (r&ge for sheet iron and steel adopted b
Assoc, of Amer. Steel Manufacturers and the Amer. Railway Master M(
ics Assoc, is based on the following standard thicknesses, expressed
jitts per pound, CO cycles. . 0.86 0.86 0.89 0.94 0.98 1.04 1.10
atts per kilogram, 60 cycles 1.90 1.90:1.9612.07 2.16 2.292.42
itts per pound, 50 cycles. , . 0.71 0.71i0.73 0.77 0.80 0.85 0.90
itts per kilogram, 50 cycles. 1.57 1.57 1.61 1.70 1.76 1.87 1.98
Extra Apollo Special Electrical (non-aging, density 7.50)
atts per pound, 60 cycles. . 0.80
atts per kilogram, 60 cycles 1.75
atts per pound, 50 cycles. . . 0.66
atts per kilogram, 50 cycles 1.45
Dynamo Special Electrical (non-aging, density 7.50)
atts per pound, 60 cycles 0.950. 97 1.01 1.04 1.08 1. 13 1.17
,atts per kilogram, 60 cycles 2.22 2.29 2.3812, 49 2.57
2. 1012. 14
.atts per pound, 50 cycles 0.78j0.80 0.83 0.860.8910. 930.96
latts per kilogram, 50 cycles 1.72,1.76 1.83 1.90 1.962. 05 2.12
U. S. Electrical (practically non-aging, density 7.70)
atts per pound, 60 cycles . . 1.38 1.45 1.52 1.6211.68 822.05
atts per kilogram, 60 cycles 3.04 3.19 3.35 3.563.70 004.51
atts per pound, 50 cycles . . 1.13 1.18 1.24 1.3011.36 50 1.65
atts per kilogram, 50 cycles 2.49 2.60 2.73 2.863.00 30i3.63
American Armature (.slight aging, density 7.70)
iatts per pound, 60 cycles 1 .65 1.75 1 .95 2.05 2. 19'2. 5012. 80
atts per kilogram, 60 cycles 3.63l3.85l4.29 3.51 4.82 5. 50 6.16
•atts per pound, 50 cycles 1 .32| 1.40' 1.56jl .641 1 .76 2.00 2.24
jatts per kilogram, 50 cycles 2.90|3.08j3.43 3.61i3.87]4.40i4.93
*. 14000
I 10000
•S 6000
tungsten; and from 0.2 to 0.4 per cent, of chromium, which rende \U
magnetic properties appreciably better than when this element is • '
omitted, for the reason, it is thought, that the latter element inon
solubility of the tungsten in the molten steel. Quenching is doin
Fig. 25. —
Average hysteresis loop,
Fig. 26.
Magsetltlng Force,
— Normal induction
"Apollo Special Electrical" sheets ct a
(A. S. & T. P. Co.). of FoUansbee steel sheets
American steels averages about 0.7 per cent., which is a little lowers
the average used in the case of chromium steels. Using max. ol( H
gausses, common magnetic values are, residual flux = 10,500, and coiil
force = 65.
>,4 aoa8 1.0 1.2 1.i 1.0 1.8 &0 2.2 2.4 2.0 2,8;L0S,S
Watts per Ib.^ at SO Cycle s
Fig. 27. —-Total core loss in FoUansbee improved electric steel slifo
chromium, and 0.8 to 0.9 per cent, of carbon. The addition of small am(f
of tungsten to chromium steel results in no appreciable benefits ttl
magnetic properties, and therefore, is never made. Quenching of chror i
magnet steel Js frequently done in oil, and at somewhat lower tempera <
hft'or tungsten steel, ranging between 1475 to 1525 deg. fahr. If quenched
1 lower temperatures are used; viz., 1450 to 1500 deg. fahr.;
ter, still
^Bf quenching, however, tends to result in more or less hardening breakage,
^onil-hardened specimen."?, common magnetic values are, residual flux =
5<; ind coercive force = 63, with // max. of 300 gausses.
Steel Range
W Cr Mn
Tungsten Min. 0.70 5.0 0.20 0.30
Max. 0.90 6.0 0.40 0.50 0.030 0.03(
233 Methods of classification. Dielectrics may be classified i
number of ways:(a) physical grouping, under solids, plastics, liquidiad
gases; (b) according to working temperature limits; (el according to the p«
of application.
234. Classification of dielectrics according to heat-resistinfr r
erties. Messrs. Steinmetz and Lamme in their A. I. E. E. paper oi.
perature and Electrical Insulation" (1913, Vol. XXXII, p. 79)
the usual insulating materials as follows, in three general classes.
Class A. This includes most of the fibrous materials, as paper,
etc., most of the natural oil resins and gums, etc. As a rule, such i
become dry and brittle, or lose their fibrous strength under long-o
moderately high temperature, or under very high temperature for
Class B. This includes what may be designated as heat-rosisting niau-i
which consistof mica, asbestos, or equivalent refractory materials, freanjdl
used in combination with other supporting or binding materials, the OtM
ration of which, by heat, will not interfere with the insulating prop^ii
of the final product. However, where such supporting or binding niafi.l'
are in such quantity, or of such nature, that their deterioration by heal ill
greatly impair the final product, the material should be considered as be «•
ing to class A.
Plastics Pitches
Mineral oil
Used as such \ Animal oil
Vegetable oil
Liquids Varnish
Solidified on application Paint
[ Japan
Atmospheric air
jder this classification can be named: (1) Wire insulation; (2) cable insu-
Lon; (3) insulating supports, combining dielectric properties with mechan-
llstrength; (4) coil and slot insulation for electrical apparatus and machin-
i; (5) insulating sheets, slabs and barriers; (6) molded insulation, shaped
iler the application of heat and mechanical pressure; (7) impregnating and
f ng compounds; (8) superficial paints and varnishes; (9) fluid insulators;
) gaseous insulators.
Use of trade names in connection with insulating materials has
become very common. On account of the great number of
l^h names no attempt has been made to state or define them all. Wherever
Ksible, insulating materials have been grouped and described in accordance
*h a rational classification, and adhering if possible to the natural or de-
uptive name of each thing instead of its trade name.
838. Desirable characteristics of dielectrics may be enumer^
follows, under four heads: (1) electrical, (2) mechanical, (3) thernj;
(1) Electrical (3) Thermal ,^
(a) Great resistivity. (a)Large specific heat. |j|l
(b) Small surface leakage. (b)Small thermal resistivity. "^
(c) Great disruptive strength. (c) Small coefficient of expaii-
(d) Desirable magnitude of dielectric (d) High softening temp,
constant depends upon types of (e) High melting point, for -
application. (f) High boiling point and Ic^
(e) Small dielectric absorption. ing point, for liquids.
(f) Small dielectric hysteresis. (g) Low viscosity.
(g) Minimum power factor.
(h) Minimum temperature coeffi-
(2) Mechanical (4) Chemical
(a) Great tensile strength. (a) Stability.
(b) Great shearing strength. (b) Insoluble in acids, alkalu .
nature of surrounding medium, size and shape of test electrodes, thif
test specimen, time rate of applying the disruptive voltage, wheti:
tinuous or alternating test pressure is employed, and order of ma
of the test frequency.
246. Efitect of size of electrodes. Farmer concluded from his tests it
pp. 2097 to 2131. Also see Franklin, W. S., "Dielectric Stresses fror m
Mechanical Point of View;" Jour. Franklin Inst., 1913.
247. Effect of thickness of test specimen. It is comparative!:,
find an insulating material whose dielectric strength varies uniformly
thickness. In the case of fibre, for example, the disruptive strr;
creases very slowly with increasing thickness. On the other hand,
ruptive strength of multiple layers of glass with intervening oil films ;
a and b are constants and I is the thickness; this law holds for needle )i
part at least, of the fact that disruptive discharge requires a certain mini
amount of energy in each instance. Thus the disruptive energy requir
the case of oil is about 30 times that required for air. It is charactc i
of oil and of materials impregnated with oil that the dielectric streiig i
prolonged stress. The brief time interval required to energize the dielc I
Sec. 4-255 properties of materials
density of mica is from 2.7 to 3.1. Specific heat, 0.200 to 0.208. It is not !
deg. cent, per sec. The density is from 2.7 to 2.9. Slate is a satisfac- '•
tory insulator where a non-combustible, low-tension material having fair
insulating properties is required. It is sometimes varnished or enamelled to '
circular brass electrodes 0.785 in. in diameter having slightly rounded edges,
indicated values ranging from 50 volts to 100 volts per mil for marble (test
pieces 14 in. square and about 1 in. thick) and roughly one-tenth of these ,
values for slate. Blue marble was considered superior to white marble.
Marked heating of the specimens was noted at or near the rupturing voltages,
being less marked in the case of blue marble, and especially marked in slate;
the test pieces were air dried in a warm room for several weeks before ^
Eure 63 per cent, of silica, 32 per cent, of magnesia and 5 per cent, of com-
ined water. It has a specific gravity of 2.6 to 2.9. Soapstone and French
chalk are varieties of talc; other varieties are used in making soap, paper,
lubricants, etc. See Par. 261.
,;..paratively low resistivity; see Electrical World, 1911, Vol. LVII, p. 828.
•or curves of disruptive strength of maple see Hendricks, A. B., "H«h-
jnsion Testing of Insulating Materials;" Trans. A. I. E. E., 1911, Vol. XXX,
p. 167 to 213.
Glass is an insulating material in very extensive use, possessing high
esistivityand dielectric strength at ordinary temperatures. The principal
onstituent is silica, ranging from 50 to 75 per cent, of the total contents;
,.otash, soda, lead oxide and lime are also present, in various proportions,
resistivity at ordinary temperatures is on the order of 10" to 10'* ohm-
and decreases with great rapidity as the temperature increases. Gray and
Jobbie found that potash glass has higher resistivity than soda glass, and
.nnealing increases the resistivity {Proc. Royal Soc, 1900, Vol. LX VII, p. 197).
\t very high temperatures glass becomes a fairly good conductor. Moisture
eadily condenses upon its surface and it has consequently a high surface
eakage. It is also soluble in water to a slight degree and under weather
,!xposure the surface tends to roughen. The dielectric constant ranges from
ibout 5.5 to 10. The dielectric strength ordinarily ranges from 150 to 300
Volts per mil, and is higher in very small thicknesses. At 920 cycles crown
class has an apparent resistivity of 17X10» ohm-cm.; dielectric constant,
').60; power-factor, 018. Mechanically glass is unreliable and brittle; the
ensile strength is uncertain and anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 lb. per sq.
'n., with somewhat higher compressive strength. Coefficient of linear ex-
pansion, 0.000008 to 0.0000095 per deg. cent. Density 2.5 to 4.5. For
nformation on glass manufacture see Rosenhain, W., "Glass Manufacture,"
O. Van Nostrand Co., New York.
I 274. Porcelain. The three principal constituents of electrical porcelain
iire feldspar, clay and silica. There are three feldspars: orthoclase, or potash
'eldspar, which is the most important; albite or indianite, which is soda feld-
spar; anorthite, or lime feldspar. The two clays used are ball clay, and china
3lay or kaolin. A
standard mixture of these constituents for testing pur-
poses 20 parts feldspar, 50 parts kaolin and 30 parts quartz. The func-
tion of the feldspar is to act as a flux to unite the other constituents into a
vitreous mass when fired. There are two processes of manufacture, the
dry process and the wet process. For details on the manufacture and proper-
ties of electrical porcelain, see an exhaustive paper by E. E. F. Creighton,
"Electrical Porcelain;" Proc. A. I. E. E., May, 1915, pp. 753 to 841. Also see
Perrine, F. A. C, "Electrical Conductors;" D. Van Nostrand Co., New
York, 1903; Chap. XIII.
278. Dry-process porcelain is manufactured by rnolding the moist raw-
mixture under high mechanical pressure and then vitrifying by the usual
firing process. This grade of porcelain is usually very porous and consequently
has a disruptive strength on the order of atmospheric air, or less. At or near
disruptive pressures, however, it heats rapidly and is not suitable for high-
voltage insulation. The safe dielectric strength is on the order of 1,000 volte.
kiln preparatory to firing. The glazing mixture is the same as the porcelr
except that it contains more flux, and thus melts at a temperature ban
sufficient to vitrify the porcelain. The finished glaze is virtually a species
glass. During manufacture porcelain shrinks from 10 to 20 per cent, a
much care is required to proportion the parts so that cracking will r
result. The thickness is limited both by the shrinkage and the difficulty
obtaining satisfactory vitrification. High-voltage porcelain is made in
cases by the wet process.
277. Properties of higrh-voltage porcelain. The density is from 2.3
2.5. It is not affected by oils, acids or alkalies; the glaze is said by soi
authorities to be very slightly soluble in ordinary water. Unglazed porcelf
should be non-hygroscopic and on immersion should not increase in densit
A good rough test is to place a drop of ink on the porcelain and note whetl
it spreads or penetrates; alcohol solutions are still better. The linear expa
sion coefficient is from 4.5 to 6.5 X 10"' per deg. cent. The specific heat
0.17 and the thermal conductivity is 0.045 per cent, of that of silver. T
electrical resistivity of unglazed porcelain is on the order of 10'* to lO'' ohi
cm. at ordinary temperatures, and decreases very rapidly with increasi
temperatures; at very high temperatures porcelain becomes a fair conducti
and is therefore unsuitable for electric furnaces.
The dielectric constant is from 4.4 to 6.8 with continuous e.m.f. and abo
10 per cent, less at 50 cycles per sec. At low frequencies the disruptive vc
tage is about 30 kv. for a thickness of 0.1 in. and about 110 to 120 kv. for.
thickness of 0.5 in. At frequencies of the order of 200,000 cycles the disru
tive strength, for a thickness of 0.5 in., is on the order of 80 to 90 kv. and
the test voltage is applied rather slowly the disruptive strength varies in mu
smaller proportion than the thickness (see paper by Creighton mention'
below). In some cases mechanical stress has been observed to reduce the d
ruptive strength, but in other cases had little effect. _
279. Tile. Vitrified clay tile is very extensively used for undergroun";
conduits. Although it possesses very fair insulating properties, its use ft
this purpose is owing very largely toitsimmunity from corrosion and disintt
gration under sub-soil conditions and also its ability to withstand a gret
to many thousand lb. per sq. in., depending upon the quality of fibre. 3
tages for Empire oiled papers, in thicknesses of 1.5 to 18 mils, ranging fr,
1,740 to 800 volts per mil; these values include condenser, rope, bond i\
cement paper and fuller board. The same manufacturer gives for rope pa
treated with a compound of oxidized oil and asphalt, disruptive vofta
ranging from 1,600 to 600 volts per mil, corresponding to thicknesses of T
15 mils. According to Jona, the dielectric strength of impregnated pa
cable insulation is frOm 200 to 250 volts per mil, and the dielectric constan
about 2.5 to 4. The value of the constant k (see Par. 293) for impregna
paper is usually between the extremes of 1,000 and 3,000.
286. Bakelized paper, known under the trade name of bakelite-micar
\ is a dark, hard, homogeneous material considerably stronger than hard fib.
It can be worked with sharp tools, punched only in thin sheets, and cannot
molded. It will withstand continuously a temperature of 150 deg. cent, a'
for short periods 260 deg. cent. It is infusible. The density is about 1.
Moore gives the following properties of bakelite-micarta, measured at 1.
cycles (see Moore, R. W. E., "Properties and of Bakelite-micarti
Electric Journal, 1913, pp. 645 to 650): resistivity, 2.13X10>» ohm-ci
dielectric constant, 5.2; power-factor, 0.024; dielectric strength, 500
1,000 volts per mil; tensile strength, about 20,000 lb. per sq. in.; coefficie
of expansion, 0.00002 per deg. cent. It is said to be insoluble in alcohol, b(
line, turpentine, weak acids and alkalies, hot water and oils and non-b
287. Asbestos paper, comprised of an asbestos base, is a soft, fiezil'
material of little strength and is hygroscopic. It will withstand an operati;
temperature of 260 deg. cent, without •
290 Vulcanized fibre* is a hard, dense material of which other the principal
T-edient is paper or cellulose made from
cotton rag stock; the
matter, the latter consisting of analine
fs are zinc chloride and coloring
mineral pigments. The finished material is heavily compressed into
lors or
bf tubes, etc.
sheets, The water and chemicals are not completely
hygroscopic and not a supe-
moved durng manufacture and the product is
™ It will absorb about
material except for moderate voltages.
per cent of its weight of water in 24
hours. The density ranges from
3 to 1 5 according to the grade;
average 1.4. The resistivity is compara-
dielectrics, or on the order of 10' to 10>o ohm-cm. Certain
/elv low for
Sies are s^d to have a resistivity as high as
TXlO' ohm-cn... Probably
dry state. The measurements of dielectric strength by different
a very
.serverl are widely discrepant. Parshall and Hobart gave 10.000 volts as
e dielectric strength of all thicknesses
from 4 to 1 in. Hendricks gave
,out 200 volts per mil at thicknesses of 50
to loO mils. 160 volts Per mil at
per mil at 0.7 in. and 90 volts per mil at 1.0 in Others
4 in 100 volts
ive found values ranging as high as 300
volts per mil; the results depend
dryness of the material. The tensile strength ranges frpmlO,-
rgely on the
)0 to 20.000 lb. per sq. in. and the
compressive strength is froni 3o 000 to
D 000 lb per sq in. Fibre is not soluble in water or oil. but is attacked by
rone acids, and swells when soaked in water; upon
drying it shrinks appre-
ably and warps badly. Numerous grades of fibre are manufactured and
hard fibre, indurated fibre,
nown by various trade names, as horn fibre,
varieties ha ve better
atheroid, fish paper, etc. The flexible and more fibrous
isulating qualities. Impregnation improves the qualities in marked degree.
892 Impregnated fibre duct is in extensive use for both inside and out-
ide construction. It is made in the form of a cyhndrical tube by
nany layers of paper or pulp on a mandrel and impregnating it during the
)rocess with bitumen or a compound of hquid asphalt and coal tar, it is
,ometimes known as bitumenized fibre. Tests made on a certain grade
)f this material show that it absorbed from 2
to 3 per cent, of water after 9b
ir. immersion; one manufacturer guarantees not more than 0.75 per cent,
when the ends are sealed. The compound softens slightly at 5o deg. cent,
md commences to break down at about 95 deg. cent. Manufacturer s range
inteos on minimum puncture voltage, dry, through a 0.375-in. wall,
from 25 to 50 kv after
prolonged immersion the dielectric strength will
usually be lowered, depending naturally upon the amount of moisture
293. Varnished cloth is a thin white fabric of cotton or linen muslin
coated with a mixture of boiled linseed oil, resin and benzine. Upon drying
the oil oxidizes in contact with the air and leaves a smooth, hard surface.
* See " Manufacture of n&rd Vihre," Electrical World, Vol. LIII, p. 1437;
also see Vol. LV, p. 1342.
Sec. 4-294 properties of materials
bles in Sec. 5). Gray gives the puncture voltage of a 7-mil thickness
omposed of two layers) as about 150 volts; impregnated, about 600 volts.
300. Silk insulation for magnet wires is applied in one or two thick-
•sses', ranging from 1 to 2.5 mils per
layer. While it is somewhat hygro-
opic'in the untreated condition, it has superior insulating properties com-
with cotton, and is much improved by impregnation.
Neither cotton
)r silk are the equal of baked enamel
(Par. 351) in dielectric strength.
801. Asbestos insulation for magnet wires. Asbestos insulation can
applied to wires and small straps with the use of binding materials, but
'all cases, except in that of asbestos tape which can readily be used in tap-
g armature or field coils, the mechanical qualities are quite poor. Asbestos
indings also require considerable space if used in sufficient thickness, they
'•e not in themselves moisture-proof, they have
low dielectric strength, and
D not give a smooth surface.
Deltabeston magnet wire is insulated with asbestos fibre cemented to the
ire with a special bond. It is claimed that the maximum continuous work-
\g temperature is 150 deg. cent.; for short periods, 260 deg. cent. The
'isulation thickness is about the same as idouble cotton and breaks down at
'30 to 600 volts.
303. Tapes. Insulating tapes are chiefly of four varieties: (a) those
oven from cotton or silk and untreated; (b) those woven from cotton and
•eated with insulating varnish, or cut from treated cloth; (c) those cut from
loth which has been loaded with rubber or adhesive compound. The lay of
le threads is arranged in three different ways, straight, biased and webbed;
Qe last one is the strongest and does not stretch readily, (d) Paper tapes,
reated and untreated, are cut from finished stock. See "Specifications and
'ests for Insulating Tapes," Electrical World, Vol. LVII, p. 488; also Vol.
.VI, p. 689.
303. Untreated tapes are hygroscopic and for that reason are not entirely
atisfactory unless finally impregnated or protected from moisture.^ Gray
tates that a half-lapped layer of untreated cotton tape 6 mils thick will
withstand about 250 volts when dry; about 1,000 volts when impregnated,
'recautions should be taken to detect the presence of bleaching and chem-
:;al matter, such as chlorine, which may attack copper. Webbing is some-
imes used for mechanical protection, aside from its insulating qualities.
304. Varnish-treated tapes are cut from sheets of treated cloth, such as
Empire cloth, varnished cambric and the like, and are used for taping wind-
Qgs which cannot readily be impregnated. They are cut straight or on the
lias, the latter being sometimes preferred for taping uneven surfaces. See
reated cloth. Par. 293 to 296.
305. Rubber-treated tapes are composed of fabric loaded with plastic
ubber gum or compound in a soft adhesive state. Such tapes are used ex-
ensively in making water-proof joints on underground rubber-insulated
ables, or in other locations where a moisture-repellent wrapping is desired.
They are frequently used in conjunction with a splicing gum of similar com-
and protected by water-proof insulating compounds and outside
vrappings of adhesive tape with insulating paint over all. In the case of
mderground cables a lead sleeve is wiped over the whole joint, making it
iompletely water-tight.
306. Adhesive or friction tape is composed of fabric loaded with a
iticky or adhesive compound. The base of the compound in the more
jxpensive grades is rubber gum, adulterated with fillers in various well-
cnown ways, while the less expensive grades contain little or no rubber and
ts place is taken by one of the numerous bituminous compounds. This kind
,)f tape possesses fair insulating properties and is very extensively used in
low-tension work.
. 307. Paper tapes of both the treated and the untreated varieties have a
Host extensive use in the manufacture of paper-insulated cables for power
md communication service. See paper. Par. 284.
308. Asbestos tape, or a tape having a base of asbestos fibre, is superior
n its heat-resisting properties to cellulose materials such as paper and cloth.
Such tapes are usually known by trade names, among them being deltatape.
rhe latter it is claimed can be raised to 260 deg. cent, before breakdown oc-
jurs; puncture voltage, about 250 volts per mil.
^^_ 313
309. Molded insulation embraces a great number of different
positions and compounds, which are difficult of classification. The -
ingredients of some of these materials are well known, while others are;
softening under application of heat and suitable for molding; bakelite "(
is the final product, produced by heating "A" or "B," and is a hard, no
resinous, infusible solid, in appearance resembling amber or hard rubb(
In color it can be made transparent or opaque; colorless to yellow, brow
red and black. The coloring matter, when any is used, consists of orgai
dyes or mineral pigments. The raw material is sold in dissolved, liquid
solid condition, and is used for varnish, lacquer, enamel, impregnation, a
hesive cement, plastic molding compositions and molded articles. It c:
be molded into any shape by casting or by forming in the hot press, and w
receive metal inserts. In condition of final hardness it can be worke
machined and polished like amber or hard rubber, and can be used at co
tinuous temperatures considerably above 100 deg. cent. It is not a gi
conductor of heat. For short periods it will stand 250 to 300 deg. ci
Swoboda gives 230 deg. cent, as the maximum working temperatur<
bakelite-asbestos. At higher temperatures it is infusible, but chars. It
not attacked by the solvents or many of the acids, but will not withstai
hot sulphuric acid, nitric acid, bromine or strong alkaline solutions; tl
effect of chemicals is dependent in some degree upon the grade of materia
It is non-hygroscopic, and is said to resist steam and boiling water. The dal
given below were furnished by Dr. L. H. Baekeland, the inventor of bakelit
which will not harden under heat; thia product is heated and
B stance
hard, infusible and practically
ribined with a hardening agent, producing a
which the manufacturer (Condensite Co. of America)
niuble substance
f ms is high in dielectric
and mechanical strength and heat resistance
'- following data on the properties of molded condensite were furnished
I the manufacturer:
Density, 1.25 to 2.0; not hygroscopic, unaffected by
attacked by strong nitric
ver insoluble in the ordinary solvents and oils,
potash, slightly attacked by sulphuric acid. The resistivity
, i and caustic
ohm-cm. (Bur. of Stds.); dielectric strength.
'2 dee cent is about 4X10'"
Jmt 300 to 400 volts per mil at a thickness of 0.15 in. and per 500 to 600 volts
strength, 4,300 lb. sq. in. com-
5 mil at a thickness of 0.04 in.; tensile ;
together by
324. Molded mica is made of finely split mica scales held
sheets or
strong insulating varnish, binder, or cement, such as shellac, the
rms thus built up being subjected to heat and pressure. These composi-
jns are more or less heat resisting, dependent upon the nature
and propor-
3ns of the binder employed. They are known by a variety of trade names
,ch as micanite. mica plate, micabond, micabeston,
turbomic. tormica,
'egomit. megotalc, etc. The less binding material they contain the nearer
ley approach the properties of natural mica. Such reconstructed or molded
ica is made in three commercial forms, as follows: (1) Molded plate,
Scomes flexible when heated and in that condition can readily be formed
to various shapes such as rings, troughs, spools, and. mthinner sheets,
.lied into tubes. Upon cooling it regains its rigidity. It can be used for
ly purpose where very high temperatures ares not encountered, except
)mmutator bars. (2) For insulating commutator segments. It cannot
= molded and offers great resistance to heat. Canadian amber mica is
(3) Flexible sheets which may be bent to
-ef erred for this purpose.
ithout application of heat, for insulating armature slots, magnet and
lutator cores, etc. It is also used in conjunction with tapes for insulating
ires and cables. ^ , x ._
. ^ \ iu *
Rayner concluded from his tests (National Physical Laboratory) that
.'^nerallyspeaking, thin qualities of micanite up to about 1 mm. will with-
-and a stress of 20,000 volts per mm. (500 volts per mil) in air for 10
Ibove this thickness, up to 2.5 mm., there is more difficulty in making
Material which will withstand this stress, and usually the material withstands
16 voltage longer under oil.
The Mioa Insulator Co. gives the following dielectric strengths for micani
of different grades:
are given as follows by the Northern Industrial Chemical Co. Density, l.^
can be molded into any shape and will receive metal inserts; will take a hig
polish; infusible and insoluble; will not support combustion; absorbs 0.5 t
1 per cent, of water after 24 hr. immersion; dielectric strength, 80 volt
per mil.
326. Sternoid (Dickinson Mfg. Co.) is a black, heat-resisting, moldei;
material which the manufacturers claim has high dielectric and tensil
strength and is heat-proof up to 260 deg. cent. The same manufacturer
also produce other molded materials known as stern-asbeston, heat-proo
up to 200 deg. cent.; stern-condensit«, heat-proof up to 175 deg. cent
and capable of being worked, machined and polished; rubber-substitutes
heat-proof up to 70 deg. cent.
327.Vulcabeston (Johns-Manville Co.) is an insulating material mad(
of asbestos and rubber, the latter being used as a binder. This materia
is grayish brown in appearance, can be molded into nearly any shape, anc
has a surface which will not take a smooth finish. The softening point ii
about 175 deg. cent., with a safe working temperature of about 150 deg
cent. The resistivity at 22 deg. cent, is about 2X10'° ohm-cm. Th«
dielectric strength is about 90 volts per mil, the test pieces being 0.25 in
thick. Change in temperature has no effect on the dielectric strength.
Since this material is of a fibrous nature, it is not suitable for use in damp
places. Acids have a slight effect upon it. The transverse strength is
3,600 lb. per sq. in. See Electrical World, 1912, Vol. LX, pp. 893 and 894.
328. Vulcabeston No. 201 (Johns-Manville Co.) is a material composed
of asbestos and a special gum
used as a binder. In appearance it ha«
a brown mottled surface which will take a very high finish. Intricate and
complicated pieces can be readily molded from it, using metal inserts if
desired. The softening temperature is between 260 and 300 deg. cent.,
and the safe working temperature is about 230 deg. cent. The dielectric
strength is about 115 volts per mil with test pieces 0.25 in. thick. Trans-
verse strength, 9,000 lb. per sq. in. Not affected by most acids, and not
affected by oil or water.
329. Vulcalose is a molded material having the properties of hard rubber,
except that it is said to be considerably tougher. It can be molded in any
form and is used, among other purposes, for insulators.
330. Rubber or caoutchouc is the general name applied
to a great
number of different natural gums, the different varieties being of decidedly
unlike characteristics, but having among themselves certain common prop-
erties and similar constituents. The synthesis of rubber shows that it
belongs with the terpenes, having the formula (CioHie)™, but thus far all at-
tempts to show the size of the molecule have been unsuccessful. In addi-
tion some of the crude rubbers contain proteids, resins, hydrocarbons, etc.;
in some cases it requires extensive treatment to obtain the pure gum. Crude
rubber is obtained by coagulating and drying the milky latex obtained from
certain species of trees and plants, the principal sources being in South
America, Central America, Africa and Aisia, the Amazon district of South
America being especially noted for its high-grade rubber. Crude rubber is
affected in marked degree by temperature, being soft and sticky when warm
but stiff when cold.
332. Bubber substitutes in the true sense have not yet been
n a commercial scale. There are certain so-called substitutes, produced
cm vegetable oils by processes of vulcanization or oxidation, which can
'dvantageously be mixed with rubber for the production of certain articles,
lubber substitutes used not infrequently in wire insulation consist
f oxidized oils, paraffin, resins and rubber
shoddy. The latter is a com-
ound obtained by treating old rubber with steam, sulphuric acid and chlor-
ic of zinc, thus removing most of the vegetable
fibres and the sulphur,
ut leaving the mechanical admixtures of earth and oxides
employed in the
Original manufacturing process. Such substitutes are usually known under
-ade names.
333. Klectrical properties. The resistivity is on the order of 10>* to
0" ohm-cm., varying greatly according to the composition and increasing
•ith the content of pure rubber. The temperature coefficient is negative
nd unusually large, ranging from 2 to 4 per cent, per deg. cent. Del Mar
bates that at any given temperature the rate of change of resistance per deg.
f temperature change is approximately proportional
to the resistance at
•aat temperature, values of the factor ranging from 0.02 to 0.03 for 30 per
'ent. Para compound.
Values of k in the formula i2 A; Iogio(Z)/a) for in-
alation resistance of cylindrical wires in megohm-miles, are variable be-
ween wide limits, ranging from about 1,000 to 20,000; d is the diameter of
be wire and D is the outer diameter of the insulation, in the same units.
Tie value of k is very much higher with alternating currents.
» The dielectric constant of pure vulcanized rubber is from 2 to 3; rubber
ompounds, 3 to 4. Jona gives values as high as 6 for certain compounds
fontaining relatively large percentages of Para.
The rubber compound ranges from 300 to
dielectric strength of high-grade
:00 volts per mil; it decreases quite appreciably for long periods of electnfica-
,on. Lufkin states {Electrical World, 1913, Vol. LXI, p. 1310) that for each
ubber compound there is a critical temperature at which the puncture vol-
age is a maximum. This ranged between 40 deg. and 80 deg. cent. fo>" five
ifferent grades, in a certain scries of tests. One particular grade, or high
uality, gave a maximum at 70 deg. cent., being 30 per cent, above the value
t 20 deg. The range was carried to 100 deg. cent, at the upper limit, and
deg. at the lower.
Fleming and Dyke measured the power-factor of rubber at 920 cycles
nd found values of 0.005 for pure India-rubber and 0.002 for vulcanized
ndia-rubber. For further data on electrical properties, consult the follow-
334. Mechanical properties.* The density of pure rubber is 0.93
0.97; rubber compounds, 1.7 to 2.0. A properly vulcanized compound
high-grade rubber suitable for the best hose and packing, has a ten
strength of about 2,000 lb. per sq. in. and may be stretched to about sev
times its original length. The physical properties, however, are subj
to wide variations depending upon the relative proportions of gum and fil
and the extent of vulcanization. The real value of rubber depends ui
the length of time which it will retain its desirable properties. It of
deteriorates less rapidly when in use than when lying idle; deterioratior
accelerated by heat and especially by sunlight, probably as the result
oxidation. Other things being equal, the better grades are stronger, ni
elastic and more durable than the poorer grades.
The following tests made by the Bureau of Standards indicate the prop
ties of six different grades of rubber (See Circular No. 38).
t.ut 1,100 lb. per sq. in. and compressive strength about double; density,
\ to 1.25. It is attacked by oils and ozone, but is non-hygroscopic. See
]-mer, F. M., "The Dielectric Strength of Thin Insulating Materials,"
'jins. A. I. E. E., 1913, Vol. XXXII, pp. 2097 to 2131; also Paterson,
lyner and Kinnes, "Notes on the Testing of Ebonite for Electrical
Jrposes," Jour. I. E. E., 1913, Part 217, Vol. L.
:42. Eerite is a vulcanized compound of oxidized linseed oil and rubber
(nbined with various vegetable oils, invented by A. G. Day. According
iPerrine* it has a specific insulation resistance somewhat less than pure
j)ber, but is said to be mechanically more durable than any insulation
inufactured from pure rubber. It is employed in the insulation of wires
1 cables as a substitute for the usual rubber compound.
1 The value
c;he constant k in the formula R = k logio (D/d) is given by the Kerite Ins.
"re and Cable Co. as 4,000 at 60 deg. fahr.; R is the insulation resistance of
i wire in megohm-miles, d is the diameter of the conductor and D is the
;side diameter of the insulation.
U6. Insulating varnishes are divisible, according to their applications,
JO four groups :t (A) For impregnating windings; (B) for treating papers
ii fabrics; (C) for cementing purposes; (D) finishing varnishes. They are
10 divisible, according to their properties, into (a) oxidizing and (b) non-
tdizing, and again into (1) air-drying and (2) baking. Oxidizing varnishes
• slass A are frequently composed of linseed oil with a resinous base of copal
« other fossil gum, and when thoroughly oxidized are almost impervious to
• and moisture. The drying action in linseed-oil varnishes takes place
:'t by the evaporation of the volatile solvent and then by the oxidation of
^! oil and the gum; the latter action is hastened by the addition of mineral
'er, the quantity of which depends upon whether air-drying or baking
"imish is desired. In another form of oxidizing varnish the gum base is
1 )laeed by asphaltum, but this is said to lower the dielectric strength and the
Sec. 4-347 properties of materials
mil an average value being 500 to 600 volts per mil, or about
four times
t value for silk. The electrical resistivity at ordinary temperatures is
ry high, on the order of 10'* ohm-cm. Baked enamel should stand a tem-
I ature
of 100 deg. cent, continuously without injury, but breaks down elec-
{•ally at about 300 deg. cent. It is a fairly good thermal conductor and
Jich superior to cotton and silk. An enameled wire should withstand
Tiding around a mandrel four times its own diameter without injury,
'rpentine, shellac, alcohol, vegetable or animal oils, and coal-tar solvents
attack it, but it is not injured by clean mineral oil and is moisture-proof,
candles, etc. Crude ozokerite has a resistivity on the order of 4.5 X 10'*
m-cm Liquid ozokerite has a dielectric constant of about 2.1. Ceresin
a yellow or white wax made by bleaching and purifying
ozokerite and
employed as a constituent of insulating compounds; its density is 0.75;
listivity, over 5 X 10'« ohm-cm. at 22 deg. cent.
of a com-
364. Paraffin is a colorless or white waxy substance, consisting
>x mixture of hydrocarbons, obtained by the distillation
of wood, coal or
Chemically it is inert, being unaffected by most strong reagents. Ac-
rding to composition, it melts at from 45 to 80 deg. cent, and has a density
i0 87 to 0.94; resistivity, 10" to 10>» ohm-cm.; dielectric constant, 1.9 to
i; dielectric strength, about 300 volts per mil
power-factor at 920 cycles,
366. Resin is defined as any of various solid or semi-solid organic sub-
mces, chiefly of vegetable origin, usually yellowish to brown in color, trans- or translucent, and soluble in ether, alcohol, etc., but
not in water.
aey soften and melt on heating. Chemically they differ widely, but all are
;h in carbon and hydrogen and contain also some oxygen. Among the com-
ercial resins are amber, copal, dammar, guaiacum, lac, mastic, rosin and
ndarac. Lac is the raw material used in making shellac, which has a
sistivity on the order of 10" to 10" ohm-cm. and a dielectric constant of
)Out 2.7 to 3.8.
356. Waxdefined as any of a class of natural substances composed of
.rbon, of esters other than those
hydrogen and oxygen and consisting chiefly
glycerin or of free fatty acids. In this class are included beeswax, sperma-
ti, Chinese wax, carnauba wax, etc. Beeswax is a dull yellow solid, of
jnsity 0.96 to 0.97 at 15 deg. cent, and melting at 62 to 64 deg. cent.J
sistivity, 10" to 10" ohm-cm.; dielectric strength, about 250 volts per mil.
I 367. Weatherproof compounds for saturating the cotton braids on
eathcrproof wire usually contain an asphaltum base, with an admixture of
ax so that the surface of the braid may be given a dull polish.
358. Oil is emp.oyed as an insulating medium in many ways. It is em-
loyed by itself to insulate transformers and switches by immersion; it is
'sed for saturating fibrous and other materials, as in cable work; drying oils
inseed) are used for coating papers and cloths in sheet insulation; various
inds of oil are employed in mixing insulating paints and varnishes. Oils
f practically every variety are possessed of very high resistivity and dielec-
SB9. Transformer oil. The Ideal cooling and insulating fluid for a tra
former should have the characteristics named in Sec. 6, Par. 60. Thi-
largely used is a mineral oil obtained from crude petroleum by fractii)
distillation, having the following characteristics.
Medium Light
When free from moisture the dielectric strength, between 0.5-in. discs (:
in. apart, with sine-Wave e.m.f., should be from 45,000 to 50,000 volts;
between 0.5-in. brass spheres 0.15 in. apart the average dry oil should i
break down at less than 30,000 volts. The medium grade of oil is usua
employed in self-cooled apparatus and the light grade in water-cooled apj
ratus, but the dielectric strengths are the same. The dielectric streng
between and 100 deg. cent, increases about 0.4 to 0.5 per cent, per d«
The resistivity of dry oil is on the order of lO'^ ohm-cm. and decreases wi
rise of temperature. The effect of moisture is very harmful (Par. 36
and it is of the greatest importance to keep oil absolutely dry or as nearly
as possible. One of the principal advantages of oil as an insulator isits pre
erty of self-restoration after dielectric discharge or puncture; this property
not independent, however, of the energy of discharge, and excessive ener,
may overheat the oil and cause explosion or fire. The specific heat
transformer oil is about 0.39 to 0.51 and the thermal conductivity rang'
from 0.00033 to 0.00043 gram-calorie per cm-cube per deg. cent, per sec. T)
following references should be consulted for further information.
Skinner, C. E. "Transformer Oil," Electric Journal, May, 1904.
Kintner, S. M. " The Testing of Transformer Oil," Electric Journal, Oc
Tobey, H. W. "Dielectric Strength of Oil," Trans. A. I. E. E., 191
Vol. XXIX, pp. 1189 to 1232.
Farmer, F. M. "The Dielectric Strength of Thin Insulating Materiab
Trans. A. I. E. E., 1913, Vol. XXXII, pp. 2097 to 2131.
361. Dielectric strengrth of oil with a 1-mm. gap (39.4 mils), expressed ii
volts permm., is given in the table below for numerous varieties of oil.
properties of od
63 Meets of moisture and dust on insulating very serious effect on the
nres^ce of moisture in transformer oil has a
' P. ®
;!!;„+>, fl, <5hown bv Fie 36. In order to obtain a dielectric
0.5-in. discs), the water pres-
E:mgth 40 OwVolts
01 4U.UUU (0 2-in.'^gap^^
vous K^.^ f^^
^^^ distributed moisture in the oil must
not exceed 0.001 per cent. Fine dust is also
very injurious to the dielectric strength.
For these reasons, various manufacturers
have developed oil dryers and purifiers, which
operate on the principle of a filter press.
'^itet-piirtJ In IQ.OOO ij
• Vaain* prevented or minimized by avoiding the
following conditions: (1) Overheating; (2)
of water on undue access of air to
the oil (3) conditions
5. 36.— Effect
38 kv. per cm. or 97 volts per mil (maximum instead of r.m.s. value); Wl.
head found a value of 32 kv. (max.) and Peek found a value of 30 kv. (ma'.
Under unfavorable conditions, the strength is below 30 kv. max (21 \
r.m.s.), as shown by investigations of corona on cylindrical wires (see Sec. \
The disruptive strength is directly proportional to the air density, over a (-
siderable range. If the air density at 76 cm. barometer and 25 deg. cenij
taken as unity, the relative density at any other pressure and temperatui i
where 6 is the barometer in cm. and t is the temperature in deg. cent. Apj
ently the degree of humidity has very often little, if any, effect on the -v
ruptive strength.
Advantage is taken of the low disruptive strength of air at low pressu
(small fraction of one atmosphere) in so-called vacuum-type lightning an
tors, recently developed for low- voltage, low-power circuits, such as ti-
phone, telegraph and signal lines.
Sparking distances in air, using needle gaps and sphere gaps, are giviii
the A. I. E. E. Standardization Rules, Sec. 24, Par. 274 to 276.
368. Belative disruptive strenjrths of hydrogen, oxygen, carboi
dioxide and nitrogen \
Watt-cm. Watt-em.
Material per deg. Material per deg.
cent. cent.
'erbine, F. a. C. —
"Conductors for Electrical Distribution." D. Van
j-.strand Co., New York, 1903.
Turner, H. W. and Hobart, H. M. "Insulation of Electric Machines."
littaker and Co., London, 1905.
Russell, A. "The Theory of Electric Cables and Networks." London,
Ratner, E. H. — " High-voltage Tests and
Energy Losses in Dielectrics."
. ir. L E. E., XLIX, No. 214, pp. 3 to 89; an extended bibliography
1912, Vol.
papers and articles is given on pp. 53 to 71.
Gray, A. "Electrical Machine Design." McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.,
w York, 1913.
Fleming, A. P. M. and Johnson, R. " Insulation and Design of Elec-
cal Windings."
Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1913.
Del Mar, W. A. "Electric Power Conductors." D. Van Nostrand Co.,
•w York, 1909; rev. ed., 1914.
Peek, F. W. Jr. " Dielectric Phenomena in High-voltage Engineering."
cGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1915.
Trans. A. I. E. E., Jour. I. E. E., Jour. Franklin Inst., Electric Journal,
neral Electric Review and Science Abstracts (B).
371.Cast iron derives its characteristic qualities from the impurities
esent. These impurities are the same as those in steel, except for graphite,
lich is one form of carbon. The carbon is always present in two forms:
combined carbon, in the form of cementite; (2) uncombined carbon, or
:aphite. The total carbon seldom exceeds. 4.5 per cent, or falls below 3.25
•r cent. The larger the proportion of carbon in the combined state, the
rder and more brittle will be the metal. Cast iron is not ductile, in either
•t or cold state.
Sihcon is a desirable impurity, because it tends to precipitate carbon
the graphitic fornri; about 3 per cent, of silicon gives the best results. Sul-
lur has the opposite effect of silicon, and is undesirable. Managnese in-
cases the total carbon and also the proportion of combined carbon, but
nds to neutralize the similar effect of sulphur. Phosphorus, if present in
fficient proportions to be chemically active, tends to hold the carbon in
mbined form, and also tends to weaken the metal.
372. White cast iron. If slowly cooled, white cast iron will contain
mbined carbon in the form of cementite, which imparts the qualities of
iirdness and brittleneess to the metal. Where the carbon is from 3 to 4
•T cent., cementite will form from 45 to 50 per Unless
cent, of the material.
e cooling is slow some of the carbon will be in the austenitic form. White
St iron has few uses, except as a hard coating or skin for gray iron castings.
373. Gray cast iron usually contains 2 per -cent, or more of grapl.
and less than 1.5 per cent, of combined carbon. The graphite is mechanics'
intermingled throughout the body of the metal; although the percent
by weight may be no more than 4 per cent., the percentage by volume n
be as much as 14 per cent. The smaller the proportion of combined carb
the larger will be the proportion of graphite and the softer and more wo.
able the metal; at the same time this produces a metal of minimum Strang'
because of its porosity. The interstices are filled with graphite, which a
in a degree as a lubricant in machining operations.
Chilled castings are made by pouring cast iron into a metallic m
which cools it rapidly near the surfaces of the casting, thus forming a g|
of harder material than the body of the metal. The rapid cooling deorea;
the proportion of graphite and increases the combined carbon, resulting
the formation of white cast iron.
374. Density of cast iron. Stoughton gives the following densiti
pure iron, 7.86; white cast iron, 7.60; mottled cast iron, 7.35; light gray ci
iron, 7.20; dark gray cast iron, 0.80.
375. Strength of cast iron. (Stoughton)
Sec. 4-384 properties of materials
384. Effect of hot working. The effect of hot-rolling or hammej
carbon steel is in general to increase the tensile strength
and the elt"
limit, and to diminish the elongation and the reduction of area at fractu'
386. Annealing carbon-steel tends to remove the strains created by i
rolhng and distortion. In general the effects of annealing are: reductio (
tensile strength, elastic limit, and elastic ratio; increase in elongation 1
reduction of area at fracture. In short, the process of annealing tendo
restore the original properties, and to refine the grain or structure.
386. Heat treatment. The finer the grain or structure of steel i
general, the better will be the physical properties. When steel is hesl
to rolling or forging temperature, the crystalline structure is coarsei
but hot working tends to improve the structure. The best results are '
tained by reheating the finished steel to a temperature of about 800 to
deg. cent, and allowing it to cool slowly (annealing); the best temperaturi
any instance depends upon the constituents of the steel. The proper 1;
treatment of steel i.s virtually an art in itself. See Howe, H. M., "The Me •
lography of Steel and Cast Iron," published by McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1{.
387. Hardening and tempering. When high-carbon steel is heated i[
medium red and quenched in water or oil it acquires the maximum hardn
becomes brittle, and loses its ductility. The increase in tensile strength m'
to hardening will vary from about 10 per cent, in steel containing 0.10 car),
to 40 per cent, in steel containing 0.75 carbon. Fully hardened steci
usually too brittle for practical use, and requires softening by drawing :
^p^actically zero. Platinito (42 per cent. Ni) has the same coefficient of
Jc)an8ion as glass. See Colby, A. L. "Nickel Steel," Proc. A. S. T. M.,
Ill, 1903.
subject of a great deal of investigation and it can be said that the quanti i
vary within fairly wide limits without materially affecting the quality of
material. A normal American Portland cement which meets the staml
specifications for soundness, setting time and tensile strength has an apiT'
mate composition within the following percentage limits:
consists of a skeleton of cellulose permeated by a
-110 Wood lignum, and particles of
other organic substances collectively known as
ashes). Wood dried at 300 deg. fahr. is comprised of more
'neral matter (or
cent inorganic or non-
an 99 per cent, organic matter, and less than 1 per
nbustible matter In 100 lb. of wood dried at 300 deg. fahr will be found
put 49 lb. of carbon, 6 lb. of hydrogen and 44 lb. of oxygen; the composition
fairly uniform for the different species.
411 Spring wood and wood in coniferous trees are distinguished
the different colors in each ring. The inner light-colored portion of a
dark-colored portion is the
g is termed the spring wood, and the outer
Smer wood In oak and other broad-leaved woods, however, the darker
rtions are the spring wood and the Ughter parts are summer wood.
Per cent.
Average moisture
(small test specimens) at fibre-
fora range from deg. to 106 dog. cent. The average was
0.327, with
maximum of 0.337 (for longleaf pine) and a minimum of 0.317 (for chestnut)
The material tested showed a variation of from 3 to 20 rings per cm. and :
range of 0.40 to 0.59 in density. See Bulletin No. 110, U. S. Forest Service
418. Standard names and standard defects ot structural timbei
were defined and adopted by the Amer. Soc. for Testing Materials, on Sept
1, 1907; see "A. S. T. M. Standards."
419. Effect of moisture on strengrth. Moisture is found in green woo(
in two states —
that which is in the walls of the cells and that which fills thi
pores. The latter has no influence on the strength. The point at which thi
cell walls become saturated with water, although the pores may continue t(
absorb it, is termed the fibre saturation point. When the absorption o
moisture continues past the fibre saturation point, there is no further swell
ing of the wood and no further effect upon the strength.
Green timber is in general weaker than seasoned or dry timber, except at
to shearing resistance parallel to the grain. While reduction of the moistun
content tends of itself to increase the strength, the seasoning process als(
has a counter- tendency or weakening effect which results from the forffiatior
of checks. The increase in strength due to drying is especially marked ir
small pieces free from defects, but large timbers almost invariably forir
checks during seasoning and it is not in general safe to count upon an>
increase in strength. In the of structural timbers it is safest always tc.
determine the strength from tests on pieces of the size and in the condition
in which they will be used. For further particulars see Bulletin No. 70,
Bulletin No. 108 and Circular No. 108, U. S. Forest Service, Wash., D. C.
420. Working unit stresses for structural timber, as adopted by the
American Railway Engineering Association, are given in the table below.
The working unit stresses given in the table arc intended for railroad
bridges and trestles. For highway bridges and trestles, the unit stresses _
may be increased 25 per cent. For buildings and similar structures, in which
the timber is protected from the weather and practically free from impact,
the unit stresses may be increased 50 per cent. To compute the deflection
of a beam under long continued loading instead of that when the load w
first applied, only 50 per cent.' of the corresponding modulus of elasticity
given in the table is to be employed.
X Tl
Q a;
<» >
38BJ3Ay ooorffOMOiNirarocjcoio
9 D oooooooooooo
tOiOCONCO • • Tj" T)< CO * o»
5ja 05
33BjaAV iMCOeOrHi-ilNC^N
ssaj'ts oooooooooo
aSBjaAy oooooooooooo
s •«
MM— 05000 05—105000^
n G ^- Si
421. Tests of mapls and hickory
(Lb. per sq. in.)
bfitrength and the stiffness. Also see Forest Service Bulletin No. 556,
isrd by the Dept. of Agriculture.
31. Standard reference works on structural materials are given in
condensed list below. The works on this subject are so numerous that
not feasible to give a complete list.
" The Materials of Engineering." John Wiley and Sons,
V York, 3 vols.
3HNSON, J. B. " The Materials of Construction." John Wiley and Sons,
V York, 1912.
ANZA, G. ——
"Applied Mechanics." John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1905.
.vuvEUR, A. "Metallography of Iron and Steel." McGraw-Hill Book
Inc., New York, 1912.
'ampbell, H. H. —
"Manufacture and Properties of Iron and Steel."
Graw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1907.
towE, H. M. —
" Iron, Steel and Other Alloys." McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York, 1906.
TOUGHTON, B. "The Metallurgy of Iron and Steel." McGraw-Hill
<k Co., Inc., New York, 1911.
'lEM/.NN, H. P. —
"Iron and Steel." McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New
k, 1910.
— " Metallurgy of Copper." McGraw-Hill Book Co., I
New — "The Metallurgy of the
York, 1914.
GowLAND, W. Non-ferrous Metals." CI
Griffin and Co., Ltd., London, 1914.
BuBL AND Hill. — "Reinforced Concrete." McGraw-Hill Book Co., I
New York.
— "Treatise on Concrete, Plain and
Taylor and Thompson. Reinforr-t
John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1909.
Bakeb, I. O. "A Treatise on Masonry Construction." John Wiley:
Eckel, E. C.— York, 1909.
"Building Stones and Clays."
John Wiley and Sons, .\
133. Density of water, from to 100 deg. cent. (Circular No. 19, Bureau
'^ident, Ward Leonard Electric Company; Member,
of Electrical Engineers
American Inttitutt
(Numbers refer to Paragraphs)
1 Portative Electromagnets 70
rmanent Magnets 4 Alternating-Current
ctromagnets 12 Tractive Electromagnets 77
laea of Electromagneta 17 Polyphase Electromagnets 87
leral Theory of Electromagnets 24 Heating of Electromagnets 90
itinuous-current Tractive Magnet Wires 97
Ilectromagncts for Long Range 46 Winding Calculations 100
Itinuous-cnrreut Tractive Construction of Coils 105
Electromagnets for Short Range 57 Testing of Magnets 112
Qtiitions for Maximum Work 62 Bibliography 118
ndard Electromagnets 63
Induction Coils
Qeral 119 Secondary windings 138
mary Type 120 Interrupters 148
ondary Type 128 Bibliography 154
pes 155 Electrolytic Condensers 175
te Condensers 156 Bibliography 184
pes of Rheostats 185 Resistors for Motor Starters 207
Id Rheostats 187 Battery-Charging Rheostats 215
(torSpeed-Regulating Rheostats 194 Miscellaneous Rheostats 219
eatre Dimmers 202 Resistor Units 229
Bibliography 236
1. A magrnet is a body which possesses the property of attracting,!
netic substances. All magnets may be divided into two classes, i.e.,
nent magnets and electromagnets.
2. A permanent magnet is one which retains a nearly constant value!
m.m.f. for an indefinite period. The permanent magnets used in pract'
are made of hardened steel and are magnetized by placing them in a strc
magnetic field.
possible and the ratio of its length to its cross-sectional area should be grei
Unless proper precautions are taken, the steel is likely to crack and warp
5. Permanent magnets lose a portion of their origrinal magnetis
when used a long time, so that they become what is teriiu'il age
Those used in instruments, magnetos, etc., are artificially aged in t
process of manufacture. This is accomplished in various ways. 0:
method of aging magnets for watt-hour meters is to pass them sever
times through a bath of boiling water or oil and then to demagnetize the
to about 75 per cent, of the original value by rotating a copper disc betwet
th"! poles. Another method is to place a large number of magnets parall
to each other, with a copper strip between the poles, andjthen to demagneti
them by passing a strong current through the strip. (Also see Par. 10.)
6. Permanent magnets are made from the best grade of crucih
tungsten steel which contains about 5 per cent, of tungsten, a smt
percentage each of chromium and manganese, and from 0.63 to 0.66 P'
cent, carbon. Domestic steel of this variety is found to be equal to or betfc
than any imported magnet steel.
7. Details of manufactiu'e. The practice of the Sangamo F'
Co. is as follows: After preliminary testa, the steel bars are shearc:
and then heated in a special fuel-oil furnace so arranged that the primin
of combustion do not come directly in contact with the steel. The pien
are forged at a bright red heat, in a large press, using but one heat if po.s.sibi
A vertical type press is preferred to the "bull-dozer" tvpe. The picfi
are then allowed to cool in the air, if no drilling is required; or, if drilling
necessary, they are packed in mica dust to prevent air-hardening, whio
takes place to a certain extent even with steel containing no more tba
MAGNETS Sec. 5-8
1,'may be required.
Magnetizing process. The pieces are magnetized by placing them
I ecial jaws which form the pole pieces of a powerful electromagnet,
1 lent current is then
switched on, for a brief period, to force the maxi-
11. magnetic flux through them.
Artificial aging.
The magnets are artificially aged by placing them
I 1 and heating to a temperature of 250 deg. fahr. for about one-half
0, after which they are placed on a vibrating or humming device for
iition aging; the latter treatment reduces the strength of the magnet,
u lot so much as the heat aging. (Also see Par. 6.)
Precautions in handling. After being japanned, the magnets are
>! d for field strength and laid away in a tray. In handling, precautions
lid be taken to prevent undue throwing about after magnetizing and
gi?; but, unless the magnet has a long air-gap, it is found
a is necessary to prevent further loss in strength.
that no particular
In case a magnet
t,i, long air-gap, as in magneto field magnets, a keeper is placed across
Vi. A continuous-current electromagnet is one which is designed
3 operation from continuous-current circuits. In this class, the effects
1 iductance are noticeable only when the magnet is switched in or out
f rcuit and while it is doing work.
An alternating-current electromagnet is one which is designed
Sec. 5-19 MAGNETS
19. An iron-clad solenoid is a solenoid-and-plunger provided ti
same direction and their inside wires connected together. The armati
consists of a piece of soft iron or steel of sufficient length to bridge the i
S2. An iron-clad electromagnet is a bar electromagnet inserted ii
soft-iron or steel cup, so that the rim of the cup and the core of the e-
tromagnet form the attracting surfaces (or poles) for the armature, wl(
usually consists of a disc of soft iron or steel.
23. Modified types. There are many modifications of the above fuD'
mental types. For instance, plunger electromagnets are sometimes mad ,
back from the abutting ends of the half-cores to their opposite ends.
equation for the pull in dynes per sq. cm. isP = {BV8jr. But (B = 4ir3-t
wherein 3 is the intensity of magnetization in the iron only. It is c
venient to reduce 4ir3 to <f>i/s, and 3C to <l>a/s, wherein (j>i is the iron fl
equivalent to the flux in a permanent magnet; <j>a is the flux in the air-c
only, and 8 is the cross-sectional area of the core in square centiniet'
(B = (gausses)
presses the pull in an air-gap, or the pull between two magnetic m.i'^ '
MAGNETS Sec 5-28
is generally greatly
'hen the air-gap is relatively long, the value of <#..•
*=-^?o,.(l-J) (sec.)
wherein L/R is called.the time-constant. From this it is seen that for a gii
ratio of instantaneous current to the Ohm's law or steady current
time-constant is the only factor which determines the time required
establish it. The time-constant is fixed by the magnetic circuit and by
ampere-turns (when iron is present), and is independent of the number
turns, since both the resistance and the inductance vary as the square'
the number of turns, for a given winding volume.
31. The approximate inductance of a magnet, in which the air-ji
13 not very long, can be found by assuming the magnet to be connected t
source of alternating e.m.f., of known frequency and having a sine-Wii
form. Let U be the length in cm. of the iron circuit; la the length in cei-
meters of the air-gap; N the number of turns; s the cross-sectional areoi
square centimeters of the magnetic circuit, and the maximum value of :
total flux. Then the alternating e.m.f. which must be impressed upon i
y (- + la^ (oersteds)
and then
(henrys) {.
32. Effect of movable plunger. Magnets with movable plunfi
which are designed for quick and powerful action require careful study of )
initial conditions. At the first instant, the value of the current increfi
at such a rate that the flux interlinked with the winding will generate
counter-e.m.f. equal to the impressed e.m.f. The pull produced by )
flux due to this current will start the plunger, and the sudden decrease!
reluctance due to the closing of the air-gap will produce a correspond!
increase in flux and thus decrease the rate of change of the current, thai,
the current will be retarded in reaching its final and permanent va .
wherein t is the instantaneous value of the current in amperes, L the •
Sec. 5-36 MAGNETS
curves represent the energy transferred to the magnetic field, in each
With the moving plunger, the total energy input to the magnetic field ine
area cdihf, while that left as stored energy at the end of the stroke and »
must be dissipated when the circuit is broken is the area cghf. The difTer'xJ
between these two, cdihg (cross-hatched) represents the energy transfoiid
into mechanical work and dissipated by friction and impact of the pluw
during its travel, iron losses being neglected.
36. Impregsed e.m.f. The final permanent value of impressed e f.
in continuous-current magnets is determined by the resistance.
37. The speed of the magnet action also depends upon the secom
losses (eddy currents. Sec. 2). These losses tend to reduce the flux ime
core and thus retard the attainment of the maximum pull. This e:t
can be reduced ly laminating the core and frame and by avoiding le
use of a metallic bobbin. It can also be reduced by using fewer turns ,d
larger current.
38. Slow-speed magrnet action is obtained by increasing the t*
constant and the secondary losses. The secondary losses can be grtlj
increased by dividing the winding into aeciji
10 and short-circuiting more or less of the sect'i
Fig. 5 shows the effect of short-circuiting a it
tion of the winding. * The total numbcal
turns was 8,400; in curve (1), only 2,165 tti
were energized, while in curve (2), 2,165 tj«
06 were energized and 6,235 turns short-circu 1.
In the first case it required about 2.5 sec !«
to reach the maximum current, while ime
second case, 4 seconds were required.
39. Inertia of moving system. When*
1 2 S 4
Time In Sec. speed of action is an important factor, thj
ertia of the load to be moved must be conaidd
Fig. 5.- Showing the ef- For the same pull and range, a quicker
feet on the current-time will be obtained in overcoming the ten.
curve of short-circuiting a a spring than in moving a mass whose
portion of the winding. is equivalent to the tension of the spring,
total mass to be moved is the sum of that o(|
plunger and the external load.
40. The selection of the type of electromagnet for specific »k
depends upon the nature of the e.m.f. (whether continuous or alternati)
the range or distance of travel, and the rate of travel or the quickneof
action. In general, the iron-clad solenoid type is mechanically the bi;r
protected and is the best adapted for a long range and a strong pull, b it
IS slow in action. The horseshoe type has the quicker action, but is if
adapted for short ranges. The plunger-electromagnet type has an a(«
intermediate between the above-mentioned types and may approziiil
one or the other according to the range and the dimensions of the pluit.
The clapper type is extensively used on control apparatus, since it acts y
quickly and has a strong sealing pull. The general rule is that what is*
in time is gained in pull and vice versa.
41. The required dimensions of an electromagnet are proportiil
to the load, the range, the duration of excitation and the interval heU a
excitations. The cross-sections of the plungers, cores and frames 11
depend upon the flux required to produce the desired pull. In long-r ;»
electromagnets of the solenoid type, wherein the pull is proportional tc «
product of the magnetizing force and the flux in the plunger, the i
ings of such volume and radiating surface, and wires of such cross-H' '
it' lecoils will not become overheated, but the proper pull will be main-
ji even after the winding haa been in circuit continuously for many
ut The designer should
allow too much space, rather than too little,
i winding and the insulation of the coil, because,
while the coil may be
a^ely small for intermittent service, it is often found necessary
silile to leave the coil in circuit longer than originally
t! The air-gap pull of any electromagnet is
f'=^_'li! (lb.)
72,130,000 '
F= (kg.) (14)
8xX 981,000
i^ <&' and arc the flux densities in maxwells per square inch and per
u centimeter respectively; s' and s are the cross-sectional area of the
n •
plunger in square inches and square centimeters respectively.
4\ Curves plotted between the pull per unit area of core and the
n.ensity are shown in Fig. 6. The pull is plotted with maxwells per
u centimeter, but maxwells per square centimeter are also plotted
t: iiaxwells per square inch so 200---
a. ull can be read off for either
4 Relation between pull In designing mag-
it an approximate idea of the
Sec. 5-48 MAGNETS
ing force has a high value as compared with the cross-sectional area tk
plunger, the maximum pull may occur for a considerable distance o :st
side of the middle of the solenoid. On the other hand, with veryia
solenoids, the maximum pull may occur at or near the end of the sVioi
opposite to that at which the plunger enters.
48. Characteristic pull with solenoid and plungrer. Fig. 8 ok
the approximate pull diagram for different positions of the plunger, Pb
expression for the maximum uniform pull is
.=c.^ (lb.)
> ger pull for simple solenoid a straight line, and the ampere-tun
and plunger.
60. Maximum
air-gap directly proportional to the
Full per Square Inch of Core for Solenoidsit
Note. These tests indicate that little is gained in maxinium
making the plunger considerably longer than the coil.
51. The diameter of the coil should be about three times thai -
plunger, and the length of the coil should be at least two or three tii i'
of the ampere-turns.
63. The pull in an iron-clad solenoid, with or without a stop, if^
posed of two components; one is the pull between the end of the sllll
frame and the phmger, and the other is that between the winding aijfl
plunger. The latter is all important at the beginning of the stroke, hii el
the end the stop-pull becomes predominant. The expression for th'
-( Niy
sNilU^c^'^ I-
MAGNETS Sec. 5-54
vY ^
s is the cross-sectional area of the core in square inches, I the current
n ip iV the number of turns,
the length of the air gap in inches, I the
coil in inches, and c and constants, which depend on the pro-
Bi! h of the
)0 )ns of the magnet, the materials used and the degree of saturation.
Vtoximate values for ordinary soft-iron cores are c 2,600; for
)f ilgreater than 10 times the diameter of the plunger, C = 0.0096 (see
?( 60 for values of 1,000 C).
K. ein the distance in inches which the plunger is inserted in the coil,
V is
r^ constants are the same as those given in Par. 53.
Tost data on pull characteristics. Fig. 9 shows curves from
ictvl test.* Curve (1) is that of a simple coil-and-plunger; (2) that of a
ic ind-plunger with stop; (3), that of
an iron-clad coil-and-plunger; (4)
\ii (5) show the same iron-clad
!c with different lengths of stop.
4 these curves were made with
ih amecoil, which was 12 in. long
iithad a total of 10,000 amp-
tu3, or 834 amp-turns per linear
Bj-e-turns about 50 per cent, to allow for leakage, depending upon the
I of the air-gaps.
(The work in the air-gap (pull X distance) of a magnet becomes a
Qtmum when the air-gap reluctance is equal to that of the rest of the
irft (Par 29) In Fig 14, F, is the solenoid pull, Fg is the air-gap pull,
the total pull as ascertained by actual test* of a plunger
n( I
MAGNETS Sec. 5-63
Sec. 5-64 maOnets
64. Continuous-duty electromagnets may be excited at full voli«
continuously without dangerous heating of the coils, but the pull beco-i
somewhat reduced when the windings reach full temperature, due to.e
increased resistance in the coil.
4 8 12 4 8 1!
C 1 M
MAGNETS Sec. 5-68
sa "T \^
l--J--i C-
Sec. 5-69 MAGNETS
69. Two forms of plungers are shown; one is conical, and the othi
square at the ends. 1 he curves show the former to be preferable on mo
of the lonK-stroke types, as the tendency is to increase the starting pullari
reduce the final pull. For short strokes, the square-end type is preferabl
U 7Ti--*l
MAGNETS Sec. 5-73
a C
03 ?
o a an O ^ n
a <s
C3 g !
S =^^
m o a o*>
3 OS o 0}
at a
O a
*" M-^ «
a c 0! _S © 5 c •
<u 01 a
<oog .2>>a t. C tc
-S C 3 fi si f
® O S
^ SV
-a a
-2 a *
ft— s
E >
0-° ag> 0.0
E^ a E^
.2 fc; ffi £ oSO
3 a•-
a g « 3
O c3
Sec. 5-74 . MAGNETS
74. General construction. These magnets are very rugged in constr
tion, aa they are subject to exceedingly rough usage. The iraine or body
the magnet is made, in one instance, of a special grade of dynamo sf
which combines great strength and ductility with excellent magm'
qualities. They are designed to withstand heat without injury and
waterproof. Fig. 32 shows the construction of a lifting magnet made by
Cutler-Hammer Clutch Co. The Inland Stool Co. reports that ah.
4,000,000 lb. of machine cast pig iron wore unloaded in 10.5 hr. by two 62-
magnets. The average lift per magnet was 3,427 lb. j
E 10» „ ,
»""= 4.44/iV
be as great as possible. However, the iron losses also increase with the i
density, so that the maximum possible flux density is not the most effici;.
79. Iron losses. The major portion of the total loss takes place in •
iron rather than in the copper. The hysteresis loss (Sec. 2) is calculi!
in the same way as that of a transformer, and denoted by P\. The ed-
current loss (Sec. 2) is denoted by P«. Then the total core loss is
P„=Pk-\-P, (watts)
v rein Va and Vi are the volumes in cubic centimeters of the air-gap and
t iron, respectively. Values of permeability may befound in Sec. 4.
I. The total exciting current may be found as follows: The wattless
c iiaanetizing component is
J Pc = im (watts) (29)
lidding this to the core loss, we have approximately for the total loss
P=PA + Pe+Pc (watts) (watts) (30)
>rhen the energy component of the exciting current is
f86. Air-gap pull. If there was no reluctance excepting in the air gap
d also if there were no iron losses, the mean effective air-gap pull* would be
nstant regardless of the length of the air gap. In practical electromagnets,
|ie presence of reluctance and iron losses prevents the current from falling to
ro when the air gap closes, so that, for a very short air gap, the pull charac-
istics are somewhat similar to those for continuous-current electromagnets.
B6. Calculation of pull.
For a given number of effective ampere-
the laws stating the pull with alternating-current electromagnets
3 with those for continuous-current electromagnets (barring
re losses); but, since in constant-e.m.f. electromagnets the current is re-
iced as the reluctance of the air-gap is reduced, during the travel of the
[mature or plunger, the characteristics of alternating-current electro-
ignets are different from those for direct-current electromagnets. How-
er, the true ^ull may
be determined, for any length of air-gap, by calcu-
I ing the effective ampere-turns for all lengths of air-gap and then calculating
e pulls with the ampere-turns so deduced,
by the equations given in Par. 63.
,' IJnderhill. C. R. "Alternating-current Electromagnets;" Electrical
[frid, 1914, Vol. LXIII, p. 260.
Sec. 5-87 MAGNETS
87. Test data on two-phase electromagnet. Fig. 33 shows the rr
tion between volt-amperes and pounds puli for a two-phase magnet designj
and tested by D. L. Lindquist.* The magnet contained four coils, ea
wound with 220 turns of No. 14 A.W.G. copper wire, the cross-sectioi
area of the core being 1.94 sq. in. The test was made with the magn.!
winding connected to a tv,
;z phase 60-cycle system. T
^00 -1-g
- —..,,..
1 1 1 1 ,
method of connecting
is shown in Fig. 34.
-fr.i l
I I I I I I I I L ix] l^i -rTI I I I
MAGNETS Sec. 5-94
can successfully withstand. The temperature inside the coil
ni necessarily be higher than that on the outside.
t The watts per square inch for a series of standard magnets are
[iv in Par. 68. These values may be used for magnets within the range
If oportions shown in Fig. 17,
Fig. 20, Fig. 27 and Fig. 30.
Hot resistance. The approximate final resistance of a coil which has
tei in circuit for a sufficient length of time to become thoroughly heated is
Rt = Rc(.l + a,jt) (ohms) (34)
Wire insulation. Wires commonly used in the winding of electro-
ns lets are insulated with enamel, silk or cotton; or combinations of enamel
in otton, or enamel and silk.
Sec. 5-99 MAGNETS
99. Space factor. The most efficient winding is that which contains
maximum amount of conducting material hence a thin insulation of |,
R( = 8,628tZ-n()-io
and t" = dr^ (or is found by actual count) j
Na = t"n"
Rv = NMi
The properties and dimensions of bare copper wires will be found ii
Furthermore let
T = thickness of wall of winding in inches,
L = actual length of winding in inches.
Pa = average perimeter or mean length of turn in inches, »
S = longitudinal cross-sectional area of winding in square inches, -f
isgeneral and gives the mean length of turn for coils with cores of a>j
these shapes. In the case of the perfectly square or rectangular core]
radius, r, is zero; whereas, in the case of the round core, it is, of course, «
to one-half of the diameter.
For a round core only,
Pa = r{Di + T)
where Di is the inside diameter of the coil. In all cases, the dimcnau
MAGNETS Sec. &-101
he 3ulated cores are assumed, so far as the inside dimensions of the winding
le incerned.
1- total number of turns in a winding is given by
N = TLNaOT N = n"t"TL (45)
resistance of a winding is expressed by
R = VRv otR = paNRi (46)
JV7= (47)
Jo'ersely, the size of wire isfound from the table opposite the nearest
'bI for Ri = E/NIpa. For the proper dimensions of a coil to radiate a
jv amount of heat see Par. 92.
Sec. 5-104 MAGNETS
then to make the final calculations after the turns per layer and number
layers have been determined from the preliminary data.
For a round winding, with given core, length, size of wire and resistanu
the outside diameter will be ]
The number of layers will be n = Tn", and a new value for T will
found for an exact number of layers, by T = n/n". The mean length
turn will be pa=ir(Di + T) and the outside diameter will now be D
Di+2T. The number of turns will be N = nt"L, and the resistanc
R = NpaRi. For round windings, the radiating surface is A =irDL, whe
A is |the cylindrical surface.
MAGNETS Sec. 5-106
Sec. 5-111 MAGNETS
at the ends so that the fringes will overlap one another when bent at ri;
anglea to the tube. The coil is then mounted on the muslin-covered tv
and several oiled muslin washers are placed on each end. A slotted fil
washer is mounted at the end with the inside lead, and the lead is brou(,
out through the slot after being wound once around the tube; the ins
diameter of this washer should be sufficient to slip over the turn of the 1p
More oiled-muslin washers are then put on, and the fringes are fannofi
at both ends of the coil, after which heavy fibre end washers are put oi;
the ends of the brass tube spun over. This makes a very solidly constru .
, stive value.
i^Sxr'^^^^'M^cCn^Cr^ Magnetic Fields;- Trans.
York. McGraw-Hill
New York, Spon and Chamber-
^•HOMP8oi?S:P^^''The Electromagnet;"
4 ^e" Zeiischrift, ms";
Vol. X'XXIV. pp. 611
i Electromagnet; "reprinted in The Electrician 1913,
Vol. LXXII, p. --^^^^%JYlxilThs
Engs., 1914, Vol.
'jnderhill, C. li.— "Solenoids;" Proc. Amer. Inst. Elec.
Alternating-current Magnets;" Electrical World,
i^DQUisx/D; L.-"
)!viIlE^R^R"-l-"The^Economical Design of Dire^^^^
" Trans Amer. Inst. Elec. Engs.. 1911. Vol. XXX. p. 2019.
of Alternating-current Electromag-
is;" Ehdrical World, 1914, Vol. LXIII p. 381.
^FIFPNER E —"Die Berechnung von Lasthebemagneten;
KheZeitschrift. 1912. Vol. XXXIII. p. 57 T7i„„t,^,„„„npt •"
Jnderhill, C. R.— "The Design of the Marcel-Deprez
Induction coils
'.19. may be divided into two classes: those with
I primary winding only, and those with both primary and secondary wind-
ings. The former are used extensively in connection with the ignition^
internal-combustion motors. The function of both types is to respc
to very sudden fluctuations of the e.m.f. in the primary circuit. For t
reason, they have open magnetic circuits, which partly accounts for tl
generally low efficiency.
In telephony, the function of the induction coil is to accurately transfo
the complex waves of e.m.f. and current corresponding to the sound wa*.
produced by articulate speech. It is, therefore, in this particular cai
simply a transformer with an open magnetic circuit. Induction coils
the secondary type are also used in radio telegraphy, internal-combusti
motor ignition, etc.; they operate on the principle of the gradual or p
gressive storage of energy, which is then suddenly discharged, and the cy
The performance of the primary type of induction coil has an import r
opposes the e.m.f. of the battery, so that a definite time interval is requiri>
to fully charge the iron core with magnertic energy.
The break is lesigned to have a snap-action which causes the circuit
be opened very rapidly, as soon as the flux in the core attains its most eflScie
value; thereupon the current and the flux decrease at a very rapid rate, a
at the same rate, to zero. This sudden rate of change in the flux indue
a high e.m.f. in the coil, proportional to d(j>/dt, in the same direction as t
battery e.m.f., tending to retard the decrease of the current, and thus pi
vent the sudden collapse of the magnetic field. Hence, at the point of ru
ture, or break, there results a bright spark or arc, usually varying frc
A in. to A if- ii length, the energy of which is the equivalent (barri
losses) of the magnetic energy previously stored in the core. The value
the current at the instant that the metallic circuit is broken is given '
Tr = "i;' Goules) (5
amperes at the end of time t in seconds. This is the energy of the spa)
(less losses).
the core in centimeters.* The time, t, required for the current to ntia
63 per cent, of its final value is the time constant (Sec. 2) of theoircm
it is numerically equal to L/R. By assuming that the rate of current im-
is nearly uniform between O ixndL/R seconds, which is approximately c
the value of the current strength may be estimated for any correspi
time after closing the circuit.
* Armagnat, H. " Induction Coils " (Translated from the French by '
Fig. 39.
—Typical diagram
secondary-type induction coil.
Fio. 40. —
Current and c.m.f. cu'«
of a secondary-type induction 5
without condenser.
the primary circuit; this current produces a flux in the core and whena
flux reaches a certain value the pull exerted on the interrupter contact i
r primary Cnrr
Fio. 41. Effect of loading the
secondary. (No condenser.)
Fig. 42. —
Curves of current an<l
in an unloaded secondary-type c.
is sufficient to overcome the pull of the spring, .', and opens the cirom
The circuit being open, the flux quickly decreases to zero and thus ni
a high value of e.m.f. in t;
ondary winding, which cotisi.-jf
many turns.
When no condenser (Par. KiJ
used and the secondary cir
open, no current flows t
II se
resistance of the primary and thus de-
.itact, it is safer to increase the
e' the time-constant,
rather than to increase the e.m.f. of the battery.
have just sufficient capacity to prevent
h condenser (Par. 169) should
)a ing.
A„ = o— =0.7-^
[(sq. in.) (52)
iBCfc of cores 4 in.
various diameters.
long piQ 44. — Curve for estimating ampere-turns,
.... j
r;i3 well to note that the same ratio of length to diameter can
Mny ratio of length to net area, and that the flux density produced per
»ni:re-turn per inch length of coil varies with the latter ratio.
'J. riux density. Based upon the tests plotted in Fig. 44, the flux
Je ty along the middle section of the core of a straight-core coil is. accord-
ini ,0 Mr. O. A. Kenyon,
= ^^-^-^^ (6.1— -f-35)
(Bmo» (maxwell'aper sq. in.) (53)
An I
lei h of the coil, h the length of the core, and A„ the net cross-sectional
ar: of the core. All dimensions are in inches.
134. The space factor of the core is that per cent, of the total area w \
isoccupied by iron. In the cores tested by Mr. Springer, the space fan
varied from 0.675 to 0.70 and averaged 0.687.
Spark length
the inside of
in pie" is connected
p le outside of the
[d, ent "pie," etc.,
m in Fig. 48, the
Rjent coils are con- Fig. 47 and 48. Methods of connecting and dis- —
ffi' d alternately at tribution of e.m.f. in pancake coils.
and outside.
In the_^ first.
the cross-sections are shown the e.m.f. diagrams. ^_ .
xiraum e.m.f. which can exist between two adjacent coils or
3 ai to the generated in one coil and is the same
aU parts ot tne m
and increases from that point to a maximum value equal to twice the eif!
generated in one coil.
At first sight it appears that the first system would require only haliie
insulation between sections or "pies" that the second would, but in ij.
tice the connecting wire, which must run through the insulation betweei*
coils, is ran straight out through the middle and requires sufficient insul;
on each side to resist the coil e.m.f.; thus it will be seen that both sys »
require the same insulation.
145. Details of winding process. The pies are wound in thirV' —
varying from 0.0625 in. to 0.25 in. As a rule, silk-coverod wire is use
98, 102, 104, 106). The core of the winding form is given a bevel, i:
to tell the polarity of the coil at a glance, provided, of course, that;:
K etween the sections or "pies" of large secondaries there are discs built
J some treated material. The core wires should also be insulated by
pig them in some kind of insulating varnish.
Types of interrupters. Interrupters for induction coils may bo
V'id into two distinct classes, namely; mechanical and electrolytic.
hcimpler form of mechanical interrupter (Fig. 49) is suitable for so-called
ecal coils. It is also used on small spark coils. This type of inter-
ip: is not easily adjusted to different speeds, since it has a natural fre-
16 y of its own, and possesses coisiderable inertia.
t. An atonic interrupter is one that can be ad-
s to operate at any frequency within very wide limits.
as well as on large and powerful induction
attracted by the core and hits the spring
)irH, making a very sudden break. The duration of
»n H is regulated with the spring, s, and the duration
and while in contact with the teeth it is closed. This
rp 8 almost invariably driven by an electric motor and is excellently
aaed to very high-speed work.
1 Motor-driven interrupters can be adjusted to operate with
to such an extent that the circuit becomes practically interrupted. As s i
as the current density falls the resistance decreases and the current agi
rises to its original value.Experiments show that electrolytic interrup-ji
will operate in synchronism when connected in series or in parallel.
164. Keference literature pertaining to induction coils.
Armaqnat, H. "Induction Coils;" Translated by O. A. Ken>,
McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. 1908.
Ehnert, E.W. "Theorie und Vorausberechnung der Funkeninduktore ^
Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau, 1907, Vol. XXV, pp. 337, 361 and
B. F.
— "Induction Physical Review, 1908,
Coils;'* XX Vol.
Spark Coils;" f^ of
World, 1906, Vol. XLVIII,
Eddy W. O. "The Design a
1197. p.
Induction Coil;"
of 12-in. Elcctr.l
World, 1907, Vol. XLIX,
Eddy, W. O. — "The Construction
40. p.
Induction Coils;"
of Electrical Wtl,
large capacity is not required. The plate type is also used for labora y
standards (Sec. 3) in measurements of various kinds. Where a very ;« 1
ployed. The earliest type, still used in laboratory and cl.ass-rooin worU
the Leyden jar, which is merely a two-plate condenser with a glass di >
trie,constructed in the form of a wide-mouthed bottle or jar with tirjU
coatings inside and out. Other types of simple plate condensers are dW
s'hese values hold only for sine-waves at 60 cycles per second, at about
'deg. cent.
60. Calculation of required dimensions of plate condensers. The
c lensiona of a plate condenser are determined by the formula
10 (sq. in.) (55)
Mansbridge, G. F. "The Manufacture of Electrical Condensers;"
'mi of Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1908, Vol.
, p. 535.
where Li is the dielectric thickness in inches, after impregnation, betwi,
each pair of metal strips; A^ is the number of such dielectric strips in the c,.
denser; C is the desired capacity in microfarads; k is the specific inductji
capacity of the paper after impregnation, and I is the short dimension of li!
foil (Fig. 51). This construction insures the lowest possible internal ohii.
resistance and also permits the use of extremely thin metal foil.
161. Internal losses and leakage. A condenser may have inter!
losses of two kinds. The first is due to the resistance of the plai
themselves, and this is most prominent in rolled condensers of very thin
foil, inasmuch as each plate is one long continuous strip and the resistance!
the whole strip from outer terminal to inner end may be appreciable, 'i
second kind is the loss in the dielectric itself, due to dielectric hystere ,
with simple sine- wave forms. It varies with the frequency and inipreJ
voltage, with the temperature of operation, and with the dielectric ul.
The power-factor of a condenser may be determined by measuring the emy
loss or by measuring the variation from 90 deg. phase angle direct
The specific inductive capacities, power-factors, and breakdown stren I
of some materials suitable for condenser dielectrics are given in Par. I.
The constants of kerosene oil are included for comparison. The values k n
hold only for 60-cycle circuits, at about 20 deg. cent. The breakdown ti-
wave strengths are in effective (root-mean-square) volts per mil thicknes'f
dielectric. In connecting condensers in series for use on high-voltage "•
cuits (static voltmeters and the like), it is important to know the se\il
power-factors, aa the distribution of voltage is affected thereby. The I-
164. Glass condensers are made both in the form of Leyden jar-
flat plates. Glass-plate condensers are commonly made of the besi i<
glass with sheets of tin-foil shellaced to each side of the plate. The edg,
the surface of the plate, not covered with the tin-foil, are varnished to prej
leakage. The finished plates are mounted in a rack and connected tow
by flat springs which touch the foil of adjacent plates. Condensers ofl
class are employed on the transmitting side of wireless telegraph appaq
.L. W. Austint summarizes tlie results of his tests as follows: The w
in the compressed air condenser used, at a pressure of 15 atmospt
amount to an equivalent resistance of between 0.1 and 0.2 ohms. Conaei
in which "brushing" (brush discharge) is prevented by the nature of
the conducting
• coatings of Leyden jars in oil gives an equivalent
midway between that observed when wholly in air and that when
„ in oil.
... Brushing losses are much increased by any semi-conducting
m rial on the surface of the glass at the edges of the conducting coatings of
Le.en jars.
'5. Mica condensers.Those condensers in which mica is employed
io lie more constant in their properties than those made with
dielectric are
par. mica condensers
Therefore, are used as laboratory standards
}l pacity; and also where high voltage is used, on account of the greater
ii jtric strength of mica. H. L. Curtis has shown* that with good mica
joensers the capacity as measured with continuous e.m.fs. does not differ
W the capacity as measured with alternating e.m.fs. more than 0.1 per
;e for any frequency; the difference is usually less than 0.1 per cent.
Showing the process of building up a multiple-plate condenser.
of the condenser. This process is repeated until as many sheets of diele i
as desired have been used, after which the projecting sheets of foil are r*
up and melted into a solid bar, as in (2). The condenser is then readiiO
167. Effect of Temperature on Paraffin-paper and Mica Condensi '
volume per microfarad is 4.5 cu. in. The rated voltage limit is 400 volts «
nating; one of these condensers failed on test at 650 volts, alternating' h
energy loss was from 1 per cent, to 2 per cent. Another condenser c*
paper type,* built to stand 10,000 volts (alternating), occupied 2 cu. ftli
microfarad. Generally speaking, the ordinary paper condensers of the iS
type used in telephony and telegraphy are built to stand about 500 (j
alternating, and range in size from a few hundredths of a microfarad
4 mf. to mf.; some of these condensers are built to stand 1,000 volte
nating. The higher the voltage limit, the more bulky and expcu-
condensers become. The table (Par. 168) gives the sizes, dinien.'^ii
age limits, and approximate costs of rolled paper condensers used in t.
Spark-length, cm
lie olytic condensers, attention is paid to the fact that the oxide film and
.he as layer adherent to it cover only those parts of the aluminum elec-
Tc which are in the electrolyte. From those points of the aluminum sur-
ac vhich are just above the electrolyte, the electricity tends to jump or
iro om the aluminum plate into the electrolyte, causing considerable heat
in« orrosion of the aluminum. It is, therefore, important to make this
Ju num boundary line between electrolyte and air as short as possible and
;o 'ulate it very carefully.
' RTI8, H. L.
U. Reference literature pertaining to condensers.
"Mica Condensers as Standards of Capacity;" Bulletin of
aKureau of Standards, 1910, Vol. VI, p. 431.
Sec. 5-185 RESISTOR.^
Grover, F. W; "The Capacity and Phase Difference of Paraffined Pa
Condensers as Functions of Temperature and Frequency;" Bulletin o«
Bureau of Standards, 1011, Vol. VII, p. 495.
Austin, L. W. "Energy Losses in Some Condensers used in High;-
ScHULZE, G. "Kondensatoren Grober Kapazitat;" Electrotechnik
XLI, p. 535.
187. Field rheostats are used in series with the fields of dynamc oi
regulating the field strength and in turn the voltage of the dynamo, or i h(
fields of motors for varying the field strength and in turn the speed.
188. Generator field rheostats for direct-current machines usuall n
provided with such a value of total resistance that it is about equal to«l
of the field to be regulated, thus giving a variation in field strength H
maximum to one-half iiiaxinuun with a constant exciting voltage. i
rent when the rheostat is short-circuited, Imin the current when all '' ''
ance is in circuit. A' the total number of steps and IN the chanter
peres per step, then
iAf =— -r= . (amp.)
RESISTORS Sec. 6-191
infivhen (.n — l) steps are in circuit the total resistance of the rheostat is
Sec. 6-201 RESISTORS
201. Speed regulators for series-wound motors. For series moto
the calculation of the exact resistance for a definite speed variation requir
a curve of the motor characteristics. Lacking this it will be found that I
controller designed as above for a shunt machine (Par. 196) will giv
approximately the same regulation for a series machine running under co.
stant-torque conditions.
202. Theatre dimmers are made of a number of platea mounted in
bank and each plate controlled by its own lever. A master lever is usual
arranged with cams so that it may control all or any number of the plat
yl = Master Lever
B" Individual Plate Lever
C Plate
Connecting Lever with Contact Asm
Fig. 54. — Bank of theatre dimmers.
at once. A typical bank is shown in Fig. 54. The circuit operated by oi;
plate seldom carries more than 50 amp. except in the case of the dimm^'
for the auditorium lights. The latter often carries 300 to 400 amp. '
sistance of the lamp load at full candle power is required. This reduces t
current flowing to 25 per cent, of normal. To dim the lamp to blackness,
resistance equal to 4.0 times the resistance of the lamp load at full canc^
power is required, which will reduce the current to 18.7 per cent, of normi
In order that the lamps shall be dimmed smoothly and without flicker, t
dimmer must have at least 110 steps.
205. Free ventilation of theatre dimmers is essential, as the amou
of heat radiated by a complete equipment is often large.
206. Overloads caused by using too many lamps, or lamps of Isrg
candle-power than the dimmer is designed for, must be carefully avoided.
The current flowing at the time the starting rheostat establishes the
rcuit, is limited not only by the resistance of the motor starter but also by
le resistance of the armature of the motor, the resistance of the line, the
iductance of the motor armature, etc. During the time the inductance of
le motor armature is dying down, the motor armature itself is speeding up
nd generating counter voltage, so that the resistance necessary in a motor
arter is in general 70 per cent, of that which would be necessary if this
!sistance were the only factor to be considered.
1 aiO. Eating of resistors for motor starters. The resistors of motor
' arters are in general rated as for light starting duty or for heavy starting
211. Light starting duty resistors must not exceed the temperature
363 of Par. 192, if used for starting up a motor once every four minutes for
1 hour, taking 15 seconds each time for starting, with an average current
125 per cent, of normal current.
212. Heavy starting duty resistors must not show a temperature rise
eater than that in Par. 192, if used for starting up a motor once every four
inutes for an hour, taking 30 seconds each time for starting, with an
>'erage current of 125 per cent, of normal current.
213. The resistive conductor is usually in the form of wire, ribbons, or
ist iron grids, and mounted in some substantial manner as next described.
214. Supports for resistive conductors are tubes of porcelain or
ibestos or other insulating material when the resistive conductor is wire or
bbon, and usually under these circumstances the resistor is enclosed in a
leet iron case. When cast-iron grids are used they are usually mounted
a separate case and connected by cables to the starter face plate.
216. The resistance of a battery-charging rheostat, for charging
orage batteries from a constant-potential source, may be determined aa
Uows: If E
is the e.m.f. of the charging circuit (volts), E„i„ the lowest
. na.f of the battery during charge (volts)
. Imin the lowest value of charging
R = ^ (ohms) (63)
t certain amount of this resistance must carry the maximum charging current
.naxi this amount is
R= ~ """
(ohms) (64)
fhebalance of the resistance will have a ciurent carry ing capacity varying
Som I max to Imin.
216. Lead-cell batteries normally have a voltage per cell of at least 2
ilts after charging is started, so that in calculating rheostats for lead cells
'iii» referred to in Par. 215 is equal to the number of cells multiplied by two.
. 217. Edison-cell batteries normally have a voltage of at least 1.40 volts
'r cell after charging is started, so that in calculating rheostats for Edison
ils Emin referred to in Par. 215 is equal to the number of cells multiplied
V two.
218. Carbon battery-charging rheostats have a resistance that varies
versely as the pressure and may be increased to any extent desirable by
osenmg the pressure on the carbon discs. For this reason the total amount
resistance necessary in the rheostat need not be considered in designing
:carbon rheostat.
.219. Wire rheostats.Wire can be wound in coils, or stretched over
sulated frames. Wires larger than No. 6 A.W.G. are difficult to wind
spiral form and wires smaller than No. 21 A.W.G. must be wound upon
•1 insulating core. When it is desired to increase the current capacity of a
'il resistor beyond that of No. 6 wire, several
coils may be connected in
ultipie. The table in Par. 220 gives the mechanical dimensions of coils
laae of dmerent sized wires.
Sec. 5-220 RESISTORS
Max. Feet lurns
mandrel, per
A.W.G. inches tvirn
fliigh as 16,000 ohms on an enameled wire wound tube 4 in. long and
Sec. 6-234 RESISTORS
mounted in brackets (See C, Fig. 57); on porcelain bases See D, Fig. 57), i
James, H. —
D. "Controllers for Electric Motors;" D. Van Nostn
Company, New York,, a. H. — 1919.
"Compression Rheostats;" Jour, of the Engineering C
of Phila. (Philadelphia), April, 1918.
PopCKE, A. G. "Electric Controllers for Direct Current Imi
Motors;" American Machinist, Vol. XLVII, p. 151 (New York), 1917
Anon. —
'Standardization of llesistors;
' Electrician, Vol. LXXl
I -oduction
( leral
L ign of Insulation
Multiple Operation
Polyphase Transformations
Constant-current Transformers
C iling 54 Instrument Transforhiers 189
J?hanical Design and Coil Transformers for Miscellaneous
rouping 78 Uses 200
1 nsformers for Power Service 85 Transformer Testing 212
i nsformers for Distribution Installation, Care and Operation 229
vstems 115
I ential Regulators 245 Current Regulators 256
^ lor type Rectifiers 274 Mechanical Rectifiers 294
I I'trolytic Rectifiers 287
1. A transformer a device for transferring energy in an alternati*-
current system from one circuit to another. It consists essentially of >
independent electric circuits linked with a common magnetic circ.
Thus energy at low voltage may be transformed to energy at high voltage r
vice versa. In like manner, current of a given value in one circuit maji
transformed into current of another value in a different circuit, i
current will flow through the primary. This current is alternating and ]-
duces an alternating magnetic flux in the iron core of the transfon
which interlinks both the primary and the secondary windings and byj
rate of change induces an e.m.f. in each. If the two windings are clo /
associated with each other, the e.m.f. induced in each will be proportiii
^ winding
numbers of turns. The e.m.f. induced in the priir/
to their respective
is known as the counter e.m.f. of self-induction of the prim
back e.m.f., and is equal in magnitude to the e.m.f. of the mains i
the IR drop due to the current passing through the winding. Th
fore, if the pernleability of the magnetic circuit of the transformer is li
and the resistance of the primary winding is low, the counter e.m.f. 1
e.m.f. of the supply circuit multiplied by the ratio of the number of turn !
m the secondary winding, will have the same time-phase as the sci
current and the ratio of the magnitudes of the two currents will be cii,.. .
the reciprocal of the ratio of the numbers of turns in the respective windi .
in uments or relays with power mains, the primary being connected to the
m 13 and the secondary connected directly to the instrument. When their
fu tion is to transform from the voltage of the supply circuit to a voltage
BL'i.ble for operating instruments or relays they are termed shunt-type or
ptmtial transformers. When their function is to transform the curreiit
in e supply circuit to a suitable value in the secondary or instrument circxiit
tb are termed series-type or current transformers.
I. Auto-transformers are those in which the primary and secondary
ci;its are electrically connected so that part of the load in the receiver
cii.itis supplied directly from the supply circuit through the primary
w? ing, the remainder being supplied indirectly through the secondary
w* ing by electromagnetic induction.
. Transformers may be conveniently classified as follows:
) Power transformers for the transmission and distribution of rela»
tiy large quantities of energy.
;) Instrument transformers for use with measuring instruments and
_^i Auto-transformers for general power purposes, balancing electric
ci.iits, etc.
') Constant-current transformers and regulators, used for street
lif ing.
; I Voltage regulators, used for regulating the voltage of alternating
elrric circuits.
" ineral Theory," which will first of all be discussed: certain considera-
in design common to all will next be taken up; and finally the character-
ti s
b pecuUar to each class will be presented in the order given, together with
ccmercial data.
;:. The magnitude and direction of the induced e.m.f. in a circuit
a^iriven in the two laws known as Neumann's Law and Lenz's Law
(^.2). If these laws are applied to the case of the transformer on open
the following relations are obtained.
ci lit
d 1
/Zito-|-—-(Zviio) =«! I
— (Mio)=e2 J
a magnetic circuit of uniform cross-section and infinite permeability, i
that d, the instantaneous value of the e.m.f. impressed on the primarii
a simple harmonic time-function of the form
eis.lO'XV'SJ&i cos ut
where Ei is the root-mean-square or effective value of the impressed
and 01 is equal to 27r/ where f,is the frequency of the alternatiii>;
to becomes zero, and the resulting solution of these equations will giv
El- 4.44 (volts)
These are the equations used to determine the value of the open-ciH
secondary voltage and the induction in power transformers. Even iiit
reluctance of the magnetic circuit be taken into account the value of it
ity, greater refinement is useless. The error in the value of £i due toil
^ and having reactance equal to the sum of the load reactance and the ai
dary short-circuit reactance. The secondary current may then be n
plied by the ratio of transformation to obtain the primary load our
and from this the primary current is obtained hy adding the equiv
sine-wave exciting current in proper phase relation. Eq. 9 under
circumstances may be represented symbolically as follows:
f2= I (ro + r.) +j(xo+^,) ]I2 I
where E2 and I2 are both vectors. The vector diagram and current lot
ni; to
r I
short-circuit reactance
. —
short-circuit impedance
draw also v
i- i x ^i.
eteia tangential to the
The short-circuit
er-lo88 with full-load
u nt circulated in the
B( dary winding is not
hirue copper-loss, but a
Drction must be made on
cunt of the I^R loss
a d by the exciting cur-
M Part of this extra
>es practically constant Fig. 6. —
Vector diagram showing voltage and
t loads and is included current relations in a transformer at all loads.
1 le core-loss measure-
Ms; the other part varies with the load. If be the angle corresponding
Oue secondary power-factor, a the angle of hysteretic lead, Jo and Iz the
fi:ive values of the exciting current and the component of the primary
tt'nt corresponding to the secondary current, respectively, then the cor-
eion to be added is
Correction = 27o/3i2i sin (fl-h a) (watts) (11)
nibstituting values of Ri the effective primary resistance should be used.
i"Icorrect value of induced e.m.f. at which to take the core-loss is the voltage
«i3 the admittance Y, Fig. 4, and it can be found in the usual way by
^< 10 after {Li — M) has been obtained. But it is not usual or necessary
B actice to go to such refinements. The core-loss measured at the rated
'cige plus the secondary IR drop is sufficiently close for practical work.
The efficiency may now be obtained by the usual formula
„_ . Output
Efficiency = ^—^—, =7t
Output -f- lossesInput
Hi. The regulation may be defined as the difference between the full-load
ijthe Bo-load secondary voltage of the transformer, for the same primary
voltage, expressed as a percentage of the full-load secondary voltage,
is also the rated voltage. If IR/E and JX/E are respectively the effei
short-circuit ohmic and the reactance drops expressed as fractions
rated voltage, then
(-g-cose- ^« •
sin B)
Regulation '-I-
37. The desigrn of successful commercial transformers require be
selection of a simple form of structure, so that the coils may be easy tn 4
and the magnetic circuit easy to build. At the same time the meai^
of the windings and of the magnetic circuit must be as short as
for a given cross-sectional area, so that the amount of material :
^ Fig.
Blmple R«jt»Dgul»r
— Forms magnetic
Blmple ReotongiOai
the core-tjrpe transformer ar
length of magnetic cinu
short mean length of winainjs-.
The characteristic< '•>
of the shell-type are short mean length of magnetic circuit and long .
o .uctor, including the duct space and the insulation clearances necessary
.sure proper cooling and insulation respectively, and the proper me- allowances may be accurately calculated. Denote these two areas
ly and a2 respectively and the corresponding net area of the conductors
ly and -72. Then if P be the out-put of the transformer in watts and
find W2 the I-R loss per lb in the primary and secondary windings
4 ted output and temperature 6 centigrade
P O.OOuVl +0.004289 ,, ^
71 = ^ 7== (1*)
R s, =
p^±f^' (16)
icire the both windings is the same Wb the mean I^R loss
mean length of
i€b. will be VWiWi. If h and h are the mean lengths of one turn of each
iri ing to be determined when the dimensions are
„, EiyihWi+En^hWi ,,».
£171^1+ £272^2
is in general advantageous to have Wi = W2'=Wb. Denote the ratio
i4i,l2 by X
and let the ratio of the dimensions of the cross-section of the
iri ing space and magnetic circuit be Y and Z respectively. The area and
liinsions of the magnetic circuit and winding space will then be
Ai = /——') \ Dimensions = (^\ by (ZAi)^ (18)
diensions, weight, and cost of copper and iron, derived from the above
fo ulas, assuming no change in the space factors, densities and proportions,
w provided that the insulation clearances between windings are very small,
ar ipproximately as follows:
Area of core varies as P\
-Area of winding space Pi
Cost (22)
Per cent, loss
Volts per turn pi
33. Core material. Silicon steel is used almost entirely for pn
and distributing transformers. For the first class of transformers ckg
on account of its non-ageing characteristics. For the second class on ace
of its extrernely low hysteresis and eddy current loss. A great deal o
vestigation is being carried on by various manufacturers witlr a vie:
producing steels having characteristics suitable for different classes of »
A complete discussion of various classes of sheet steel for electrioa!
paratus will be found in Sec. 4. ,
38. The steady stresses may be easily calculated, and the usual pr^
is to design the insulation so that it will withstand a difference of pott
between the low-tension and high-tension windings and between cut
high-tension winding, ranging from two to two and one-half times the pO|
steady stress under service conditions.
39. The insulation between adjacent coils and adjacent Utt\
the transformer must be capable of withstanding with an ample n
of safety the normal and transient stresses that occur. It is custom^
large transformers to give an overpotential test of double voltage, Br,
for the purpose of making sure that there are no weak spots in Hi',
40. Effect of polarity of windings. Polarity in a transformer d^
upon the relative direction of the induced electromotive forces in the pr|
and secondary windings con.sidered with respect to the two adjacent^
the two windings. * In a transformer under normal conoj
of service, the middle points of both primary and secondary windingf ^
ground potential; but the maximum difference between adjacent primtw
secondary coils may be half the sum of the primary and secondary vm
or half their differences according to the polarity. This factor becon
extreme importance in the design of transformer for interlinking two
voltage systems.
48. Outlet terminals. The outlet terminals in general use axe
condenser terminal (Par. 49) and the oil-filled terminal (Par. 60).
49. The condenser-type terminal consists (Fig. 9) of alternate cy'-
ders of thin tin-foil and shellac-treated paper, rolled hot on a central bi
rod of the proper diameter: they are so arranged that the capacities -
tween adjacent tin-foil cylinders are the same throughout, and the tin-
cylinders differ in length by equal steps. The potential stress is distribul
evenly over the whole length of the ternii .
blast type where the heat must pass through thick barriers.
64. Methods of removing heat. The losses in a transformer np;
heat in the windings and the core. Meansmust therefore be provil
removing it: otherwise high temperature will result, which will desti
fibrous materials used for insulating the various parts of the trausU.
Methods of removing heat may be classified as follows:
(a) By natural convection of air and radiation. This metho<t
employed in certain special cases for small distributing transformers \t\ •
15 .--a. It is the method generally used for cooling instrument and emal
iw hboard transformers. ,.,,.. _ ., , .
no part of the fluid flowing past a surface shall be far removed from it;
lermore, the difference in velocity between the fluid in intimate contact
the surfaces of the winding and that furthest removed must be kept as
1 as possible.
The reason for most of these requirements are obvious, but (b), (c), (d) ic
(e) some explanation, which is given in the next paragraph.
61.Explanation of heat transfers in coolingr fluid. Consider v^
adjacent surfaces of a winding taking the form of two parallel planes a sJi
distance apart, and assume that all the heat is emitted in a direction no a
to the planes. The fluid directly in contact with the surface will fi:
12. —
Oil-insulated water-
cooled transformer.
Fia. 13. —Forced-oil circulation system
of cooling.
i iction and the watts lost per sq. in. of effective coil surface, the dimen-
? •
will be proportional to the one-fourth power of the output. The
' ! area per watt lost will therefore become less, and the length of path
I ooling fluid must travel will be greater.
8. In transformers cooled by natural convection a larger difference
i emporature will be required between the top and the bottom of the
c^3 up the necessary circulation of air, the greater the capacity of the
to set
t isformer, on account of the decrease of the duct area per watt lost and
t mean length of flow path, with increasing capacity or
increase of the
r riH. Consequently, unless these factors are changed in proportional
r o with the losses, the temperature rise of this style of transformer will
i ease as the size increases.
9. In oil-insulated self-cooled transformers as the capacity or
r ng is increased there is more resistance to the flow of oil in the ducts on
' )unt of their greater length. Moreover since the dimensions of the
c ; are determined largely by the dimensions of the coils and these are
approximately proportional to the one-fourth power of the output while ;j
losses increase as its three-fourth power, the additional surface necessi/
to dissipate the heat must be obtained by corrugating the tank aurfi
The air flow has therefore to encount-er a more constricted area of entry :i
a longer path of higher resistance. The volume of air per watt lost I
consequently decrease and the average temperature of the air flowing or
the surface increase, resulting in a higher average temperature of the ,
unless the gradient between the oil and cooling air has been sufficiently -
creased by increasing the tank area per watt lost. The maximum t<-
perature of the oil will tend to be higher, and therefore the maxim i
Ifrom the current-density or the loss in watts per lb. at operating tem-
1^,= watts loss per sq. in. of coil surface at 6 deg. cent.,
TFt = watts loss per lb. of copper at 8 deg. cent.,
-)' area of bare conductor in sq. in.,
6o thickness or diameter of wire uninsulated,
6i thickness or diameter of insulated wire plus layer insulation,
n= number of turns per layer in layer-wound coil or number of
layers in cylindrical coil,
(io» width of rectangular conductor uninsulated.
bodo = y -\- c (for rectangular wire) 1
Wi= 1
Wb (rectangular wire)
0.252 nbo'.
J Wb , ,
(round wire)
fen two sides are exposed the results given above are divided by two.
3. The temperature gradient through a coil having one surface
) osed may be obtained on the assumption that it is homogeneous,
i a thermal conductivity Xo and thickness So and that the insulation
("jring has thermal conductivity Xi aijd thickness Si. In which case
P (-4-) -"»
9. = -^r - ^
Z° A , \
«eg. cent.) (26)
aoAo /0.823aoAo<i
10 1 Go^o )
and ao respectively; we shall then have the temperature rise of the 'ij
above the oil at the end of an interval h, starting with a temperature rit|.
75. In water-cooled transformers the length of coolingr coil requ d
will depend upon the rate of flow of the water. Using the same symb
before, except that the temperature rises will be measured above the i
ing water, we shall have, if radiation from the surface of the tank is neg,
and taking 6a as the temperature rise of the water, F as the flow in g;i la
per niin., L as the length of cooling coil in feet and aw the emissiviDl
the surface of the cooling coil in watta per ft. per deg. cent.,
*"= F
L = 606—
log 10
~ ''"
— ,,
a» "o
Temperature above 1
rise q o038Po
entering water under \ = ~
by C; then,
(deg. cent.)
C constant for a given length of pipe and flow of water. The temper «
rise ofthe coils above the oil may be obtained by the formulas given hi i
deg. cent.
77. The following relations will be found useful to transfo «
designers. Energy dissipated in 1 lb. of copper at the rate of 1 wn
raise the temperature of the copper at the rate of deg. cent, per H
no heat be permitted to escape. Water flowing at the rate of 3.8 ^
min. will absorb 1,000 watts, with a temperature rise of 1 deg. cent
at atmospheric pressure, flowing at the rate of 1,650 cu. ft. per nn
absorb 1,000 watts, with a temperature rise of 1 deg. cent.
ri e L is given in henrys.
n value of L may be ob- — \
a ;d by the following
/y \
I) l-type discoidal coils 1
I. 16);
. lO.GnH^i +li)(2Nc-\-h)
\ JVHai-t-a2)X10»
(henries) (33)
1 ;> 1 1-t y p e cylindrical
«i(Fig. 17);
10.6 7i.2;(2iVc -f a)
K 18);
concentric coils
W=IlI^ (Joules)
2 ax1
(dynes) .
X being in the direction of the maximum force, that is, at right anglM t^
surface of the coila. For shell-type transformers with discoidal coila,
^r 1 4^nKh + h) -.
UAoXlO^N'iai + ai)!
2 ^ '
83. Mechanical design of cases. Where fluted cases are used '
should be made of ingot steel at least 0.079 in. thick, except for transfer t
below 100 kw., then i\ in. may be used. Cases for oil-insulated I
cooled transformers have the sides cast in a base of cast iron. Bci
iron cases such as are used for water-cooled transformers are usually ).t
anteed to withstand a pressure of 50 lb. per sq. in. The covers of large tii
formers are provided with vents to release the pressure if an explosion sh .1
take place. The tank is provided also with a large gate valve, so that tl li
may be drawn off very quickly. The cases of large transformers shoub
made as nearly air-tight as possible, as this prevents dirt or moisture fin ti
to increase again.
87. Types and characteristics. Power transformers differ m 1;
i^ 415
with continuous full load. They are "maximum rated" units in ac(i
ance with the Standardization Rules of the A. I. E. E.
^ Kv-a.
i load } load
p. f.
p. f.
117. The two types of transformers, viz., the shell-type and the
re-type are both used for distributing transformers. The form
shell-type shown in Fig. (8) has shorter mean length of winding and
lignetic circuit than the usual form. The dividing line between shell-
pe and core-type design depends both upon voltage and rating. The
-mer being more economical for low-voltages and large ratings and the
ter for high voltage and low ratings. It is usual however to have one
;pe for a line of transformers. The core-type is better adapted for direct
Dling in air than the shell-type.
118. Standard lighting and power transformers are designed for
eration on 60-cycle circuits and have a nominal primary voltage of 2,300
,!ts and secondary voltages of 230 volts and 115 volts, or 460 and 230 volts.
le temperature guarantees for these transformers are usually 45 deg.
it. above atmosphere after 8 hr. full-load run, and 55 deg. after continuous
: 1-load run. Some manufacturers guarantee a temperature rise of 60 deg.
It. at 25 per cent, overload for 4 hr., starting with the oil tem-
•ature obtained under no-load conditions. The insulation test is usually
000 volts, for 1 min., between high-tension and low-tension windings
,i ground; an overpotential test varying with different manufacturers
1 mdouble to five times normal voltage is also applied.
Batings and eflSciencies. The accompanying data (Par. 120 to Pars
:5) on standard lighting transformers have been chosen as giving a fair
uresentation of the general practice in the United States. Two type.
;: manufactured for 2,300-volt 60-cycle service, namely, a " High-efBciency
iitial to have a high-operating efficiency. The table (Par. 120) gives per-
Jmances of "standard" or "High-efficiehcy" lighting transformers.* The re-
i.ining 60-cycle transformers are designed for operation on circuits of
1 her voltage than 2,300 volts and therefore have correspondingly lower
:). Performances of 60-cycle Lighting Transformers: Standard
Voltages 2,300 to 230/115 or 460 230
Per cent, cent, Outline
efficiency regula- dimensions Approx.
tion net
Floor formers
The iron loss is measured by wattmeter, and the copper loss is measured
vattmeter and corrected to 75 deg. cent.
Per cent, cent, Outline
efficiency regula- dimensions Apprc
tion net
Floor foriiu
122. Performance of 60-cycle Transformers: Standard Voltai
6,900-6,685-6,276 to 230/115 or 460/230
Per cent, cent, Outline
efficiency regula- dimensions Appr
Floor form
. :
Pi Pi
ci' + diV' VP1+P2+P1 +:);'"=(cii+-drO- Pi+P2+Pj + (.
\/ g»« + b» '
0. Compensation
for differences in impedance may be made by
»<5ing external reactance and resistance to the transformers whose react-
or and resistance are too low. The amount to be added in each case ia
otoualy that which will make the percentage value of the reactance drop
*E the ohmic drop, at the rated currents, the same in all transformers.
Wife the ratio is different, compensation by external reactances cannot
i.,\ ^"^ resort must be had to balance coils or auto-transformers. This
ca will be dealt with under
auto-transformers (Par. 180). Auto-trans-
'o ers may be
used for producing proper distribution of load in all cases.
, 1
current that will produce the drop ADt in the other transformer, i
load current on a certain scale, and ACi and ACi will represent the cum
in the respective transformers, in magnitude and phase, on the same sc
Since the currents are known, the value of the impedance drop is kn(.
and therefore the scale on which AB represents the impedance dro (
angle a with AE, where cos a is the power-factor of the load. OA repres i
General considerations. A polyphase system is classified
132. a
and 1, ai, 02, are the n roots of the equation x" — 1 =0, the bala^
. . .
In such a system
> 133. A
symmetrical n-phase system of currents or e.m.fs. is oil
which the effective values of all the constituents are equal and when takjl
fixed order or sequence, they diflfer in phase by any integral multipll
2r/n from zero to (n— 1). That system for which the integral multil
is zero is termed a zero phase-sequence system; that for which the intH
multiplier is unity is called a system of phase sequence one. In a tliB
phase system the second phase sequence is the same as the first i
sequence reversed; it is convenient to call the first phase soquenctn
positive phase sequence and the second the negative phase sequei
134. An unbalanced polyphase system is one in which the e.n
currents in any part of the system are unequal in effective value
unsymmetrical in phase-relation. The unbalanced currents and
may be resolved uniquely into n symmetrical systems of zero, 1
second phase sequences, but where the two phases are intcrconnec
electrically through connections between transformer windings or in rotat
apparatus it becomes a true four-phase system and must be dealt w
140. In the simple two-phase system without interconnectic
if Jx and Jy are the currents in the two phases, they may be resolved intu
two component systems of positive and negative phase sequence for w!
the currents in the x phase are
and phase 7x2, the member of the X phase of the negative phase seqii'
component of the two-phase system of currents.
141. The zero phase sequence component does not enter into p
phase transformations except where there are connections to grounii,'
where an ungrounded system has unsymmetrical admittance to groi
The zero phase sequence component of current will appear also in •
142. Except when considering- the effects of grounds on the systi ,
it inked unsymmetrical polyphase system not well adapted for
s ice transmission. In this system the e.m.f. between the other two ends
t V^
windings is times the e.m.f. across the windings. Fig. 24 illustrates
ic systems.
Generator Bus bars
" A
hsvFr nnnnf
Fig. 25.
"Scott connection", two-phase
to three-phase or three-phase to two-phase.
?1(25. The two transformers DQ and BR are usually of like design, both
ici provided with a tap at the middle point of one winding and also one
tt ooint \/3/2 or 0.866 of the winding from one end, as shown at D and .4
B V same. The transformer DQ has 13.4 per cent, less loss in the wind-
ny)E than the transformer BR. The unbalance due to the tap A being
nj urately located is best shown by expressing the transformation equa-
*o- in symmetrical components. Thus if ^Ai and Pa: are the symmetrical
wnonents of the three-phase measured from the neutral, and
Pi nd f!i2 are those of the two-phase system, and if m be the ratio of the
in ing DA to the whole, and p the ratio of transformation from RS' to BC,
m 1\
EAi +
V3 V3 2J (50)
'[V3V^/3 2J
V3 V3
Thus if the transformation is from two-phase to three-phase and if the (
phase side is balanced (^i2 = 0), the component pAi will be zero if to/v<
or m= \/3/2. Vice-versa if the three-phase side is balanced (^42 = 0'!|
will be zero if the same condition is satisfied. =
147. The condition of perfect balance will usually exist only whe'l
transformer is carrying no load. Assuming that the transformer J
symmetrical about D, but that the ratio m of the other transformer!
be in error, the positive and negative phase-sequence components of cuj
for a symmetrical load having impedances Zo and Zo' respectively to |
components may be found when the following impedances are known: ,:
lAx =
^ r3{zi,Zo' + Zo(^Zx + Z, + ^Zy'^ ^j EAi-SZo^Zx + Zz-'^Zy'^EAi
ZaZo' + Zo'{Zx-\-Z, + jZy'^ } EAt-SZo'(^Zx + Z,-jZy^EA
Zy=^^(Z. + Zz)
. • . \
p2 / \
p- J
Zt 7 7 '^,7 ^7>^f^'-^^' ^'\ 4.ZyZ.+ Z.
\ ZoZo + (Zo + Zo ) / J ;_ 4-_!_^ -J •—(s 1_ \
\ (.mp)'^
(mp)'^ p^
p'' J p' \ (mp)'
p^ Kmp)^ J
i xpressions in brackets are the positive and negative phase-sequence
ponents of the terminal e.m.fs. on the two-phase side. If m has the
31 tt value and the three-phase impressed e.m.f. is balanced, Exi is zero.
addition to this,
I Zx+Z.
Zy = - r- (56)
rtiill also be zero. This is clearly seen to be the same condition as that
iv by Eq. 52. A stable neutral may be obtained on the two-phase side
n r all conditions.
:'.. a corrective impedance is required to increase the value of Zy,
8 luivalent must be added on the two-phase side of transformer BR
^25), for if it were added to Zy on the three-phase side it would have
wffect of increasing Zz also. With properly designed transformers the
n 'ance due to the impedances is trifling compared to that arising from
tl causes, but there are occasions when it becomes necessary to use
a^formers designed for other purposes having incorrect ratios and high
afs for Z,; it is then desirable to be able to determine the extent of un-
bI ce due to these causes and if necessary correct them.
taking twice the values obtained in this way for the values of Zi, Zy an^
In the case of the synchronous converter the positive and negative pli
sequence impedances based on six-phase measurements or calculan
should be used, the proper value being that obtained from the currei!
one lead and one-half the diametrical voltage. As the rating of a re _
due to the loss of one unit of a bank. They are also useful in installa
B 3 Phase "Lines B
V AJumJWiiMAaiaMJ jias2flAfiimfl7u!MJaJ
pmm m^
^^^^^ pnnnq p
C^-—^B ^^^
nnnsTj nRrinr|pwir|
Delta-Delta O "
la Tb \e Connection
Fio. 30. —Standard three-phase to three-phase transfor-
mation systems.
t lances.
>) In case of a ground on the system it permits enough current
t' low to operate the protective apparatus.
37. The effect of the tertiary delta in eliminating the flow of third
Ta monic currents through ground, (a) First consider the neutral
pat isolated; then the third harmonic component of the magnetizing
c ent can flow only in the tertiary delta, and therefore encounters the
v ual impedance of this winding only. The limiting value for the third
n nonic e.m.f. of neutral to ground is therefore the product of the third
hraonic component of the magnetizing current of the tertiary winding at
n'.-nal induction, and its virtual impedance multiplied by the proper
tnsformation ratio.
>) Secondly consider the tertiary delta open and the neutral
pat grounded. Then the limiting value for the third harmonic current
ti will flow will depend upon the character of the external admittance
a may be considerably greater than the third harmonic of the magnetizing
c ent under normal conditions.
(c) Lastly consider the neutral pounded with tertiary delta cIob*
Then the action may be regarded as arising within the core in the form r
third harmonic e.m.f. causing current to flow both through the neutral'
ground by way of the external admittance to ground and around the terti:
delta. The equivalent simple circuit is shown in Fig. 31 and consists of
equivalent circuit of a transformer (Par. 18) short-circuited at the i
representing the tertiary and shunted on the grounded neutral side by
admittance representing the external admittance of the system to grou
The limiting value of the current that can flow in the joint circuit due to
internally set up third harmonic e.m.f. is equal to that of the third fci
^'-(^i^li^a) Ri ^3 i<')(L.-^^AfO
But a condition of resonance may exist between the tertiary virtual re-
ance and the circuit through ground and neutral due to the external capa i
to ground, such that the joint path may have a very high irnpedance toj
flow of the third harmonic current. In this case the limiting valuii
> the current that can flow in the neutral will be obtained by divi'S
the third harmonic component of e.m.f. obtained with tertiary delta (O
and neutral ungrounded by the sum of the virtual impedance of the w.-
ing to be grounded and the external impedance of one wire to ground.
(d) Where two-coil transformers are used and both windiiu-
grounded there are three possible paths for the flow of the third ha;
magnetizing current, namely, the delta tertiary and the two paths tl,
the neutrals of each winding.
158. In star-star connected core-type transformers the third harm t
component of the e.m.f. becomes very small on account of the mutual ind:-
ance between phases, but it is advisable to provide such transformers b
delta connected tertiaries.
169. The second function of the tertiary winding. It is impor^
to be able to estimate the amount of current that will flow through gr(|
in case one of the high-voltage lines becomes grounded. Take the simjl
case and suppose a step-up star-star transformer is supplied by a generii
Let the ratio of transformation be p and let the positive and negative p«
sequence imped; nee of the generator be Zai and Zai, resprctively i
1 et the internal generated voltage be f:Ai. Lot the hi«h-voltage anii
voltage neutrals of the transformer both be grounded, but let that •
F i a value of /'/3 of 7/3 for a tentative value E'Ai of Eai. Then the e.m.f
a^ss phase AB of the low-voltage winding will be
Ec'=jV3[aEAii-^(.ZAi-ZA2^) ]
a' from this the true value of 7/3 may be obtained. The currents in the
h:i- and low-voltage windings of the transformer and in the tertiary winding
n then be calculated. They are shown in Fig. 32, the tertiary winding
„ /„ ZAi
{Z, + ZA0-^-^),A.-,(ZA.-^)eA ,
/4i =
^ (I'Z+ZB^SAi + ^ZflAl
IA2 =
(^Z + Zo)(^Z + Zo')
If an impedance equal to Z, the impedance of one transformer, be plf I
in the line lead A on the primary side, the system will become symmeti 1
lAi =
Z + Zt
Z + Za' ,
(Eq. 61) by making ZaiZai/Zao, Zai'/Zao and ZaiVZao all zero. The i
impedances Zo, Zo' are the star impedances multiplied by the proper tn
formation constant. If p is the ratio of secondary to primary this trs-
formation constant is l/3p2. The zero phase sequence component of i
ir It are _ ,
/al jAl .
V3p (66)
I If the neutral point of the star secondary
is solidly grounded,
giind on one line will be equivalent to a short-circuit across one pair of
rinals of the generators through an impedance equal to that of one
81 ormer measured across the secondary terminals plus the line and
•od-return impedance up to the point of short-circuit multiplied by
1 .
is not extensively used.
The "T" connection It has an ad-
" connection in being more nearly symmetrical if the
u ge over the
rcr taps have been provided. As in the case of the "V" connection
transformers of a bank of delta-connected transformers, one of which
lEiiled, may be connected in "T
" and if the 10 per cent, taps be used
ir 18 teaser transformer the transformation will be more nearly sym-
le cal than if the "V" connection were used. Where "T " connected
a formers are installed they may later be changed to delta with the
ifion of one more transformer and an incrt^ase in rating of the bank of
rt' rated capacity will be 15.5 per cent, greater than the capacity of the
Zo>-f- )^.i-^ -Ea,
lAi =
7aj =
! «
Fig. 35.
—'Ihree-phase to six-phase —
Fig. 36. Three-phase to six--'
transformation, double delta. transformation, double St'
16T. Three-phase to six-phase, double delta. If two delta-conr •
banks of transformers be taken, and the polarity of one bank be rev »
the two banks together will furnish six-phase e.m.f. The relations be e
the secondaries is indicated in Fig. 35. Instead of using two banks o
formers, it is usual to place two equal secondary windings on eai
former and connect one set so as to, give opposite polarity to the ot
168. Three-phase to six-phase, diametrical. Similarly, if the
sets be connected in star, one set having its windings reversely conr
with respect to the other set (Fig. 36), we shall have six-phase e.m.f 1
2b (henrys) (68)
] \
The inductance for a cruciform-core regulator ia
, 4xCW2 / 7.6
(0.23 + log ^J
For each case the repulsive force F is
^ V4.45X2.54XC.
The value of C
obtained by adding to the coil separation the insula
is 1
clearance between coils plus 0.45 times the length of each coil. All dir-
sions are to be measured in inches.
176. Regulation, of constant-current transformers for arc-ligh)
is usually guaranteed over a range from full load to no load. If projj
adjusted, the current should be within 0.1 amp. of the normal valuj
current for any number cf lamps between full load and no load.
176. The satisfactory working: of alternating-current arc laj
demands a certain amount of reactance in the lamp circuit. This is provj
in the transformer by its own effective reactance. The full-load operai
power-factor of an alternating-current arc-lamp system seldom ei|
70 per cent.; at small loads the power-factor is very much less. A tali
efficiency and rating is given in Par. 178.
177. Constant-current regulators for series tungsten lamp ligh |
are similar in design to the alternating-current series arc lamp const
current transformer, except that the dashpot is omitted. Ratings and r
ciencies are given in Par. 179.
178. Constant-current Transformers for Arc-Lighting; Ratings d
60 Cycles
Secondary amp.
No. of lamps.
No. of lamps.
No. of lamps.
No. of lamps.
No. of lamps.
No. of lamps.
No. of lamps.
No. of lamps.
li 439
A A A ;
pedance drop at their rated currents, the voltage across the whole windinK
the auto transformer will be ij
The winding should be designed to have the turns in each portion inver:
proportional to the rated current of the transformer connected to it.
186. The regulation of an auto-transformer is illustrated ir>
clearly by means of a vector diagram. Fig. 44 shows the vector diagram S
step-down auto-transformer. Fig. 45 shows that of a step-up auto-trr
step-up auto-transformers.
9. Voltage (shunt- type) transformers are used for many classes
Ol7ork, such as operating relays for voltage regulation and protection,
Oj ating recording instruments, power-factor meters, and switchboard
inuments, including voltmeters and wattmeters. For accurate work a
pi ntial transformer should carry the load of one instrument only, and
Blild be compensated for this load. ^
0. In the design of voltage (shunt- type) transformers it is im-
P'ant to keep the weight of iron and the effective impedance as low as
pdble; therefore the insulating material used must be highly efficient as an
in ator, and the coils must be so subdivided, wound, and insulated as to
oc py the minimum amount of space. The induction must be fairly low, so
as avoid distortion of wave form due to the exciting current.
1. Compensation for the effect of the load current and the ez-
ci ig current may be calculated from the equivalent circuit as discussed
in ar. 19, under "General Theory." No definite rules can be laid; the
b« guide is a comparison between calculated values and test results.
2. Voltage transformers are manufactured to operate on all
TOiges, up to 100,000 volts. For very high voltages the design of a
re ble transformer of low cost becomes exceedingly difficult; the cost of
th crminals alone is a very large item.
3. Current (series type) transformers. It has been shown that in
su- transformers the effect of wave-form distortion of the secondary cur-
re on the accuracy of measurements is so small as to be undetectable, even
wi the most accurate instruments available. It follows that in considering
an "larticular load the wave form of the secondary current may be assumed
ine-wave and the equivalent sine-wave value of the exciting current
taken. It will be found convenient in practical work to consider the
- unity, and the primary current reversed in time phase so as to be
n phase with, instead of being nearly in opposition to, the secondary
it being of course understood that the phase of one of them must
rsed in a transformer. Then, referring to Fig. 4 under "General
(Par. 19 to Par, 22), we find that the induced voltage in the sec-
'Mrcuit under load of impedance Zo = Ro-[-j<x>Lo is
The mean induction in the core will depend on this e.m.f. and may be foul
by means of Eq. 4. Let the angle of lag of the exciting current behind 'li
induced e.m.f. be a and let its value considered with reference to the secoi'
ary winding helm; then if the angle of lead of the induced e.m.f. over,
be 9, determined by the formula,
„ &) (Li — M) -\- wLo
i; r^i^ r
R2 + R0 ^
we shall have
I^='I^[yjl+[^)W^,y^ (
where and a are already defined, and the value of 81 is found from the form-
-f^ sin {e — a)
tan 01 —
1 + ," cos (g - a)
The quantity under the radical in Eq. 74 is the factor by which the ratio
turns miist be multiplied in order to get the ratio of transformation, and
is the lay of the primary current over the secondary current.
these together determine the mean induction in the iron for a given seconda
current. These factors being fixed the excellence of the design will depe.
on the quality of the iron and the care taken in building which should
such as to make /m as small as possible. Care should be taken in t
mechanical design to avoid eddy currents in the end frames, and in t
electrical design that in the endeavor to make the induction low by usii
large number of turns this purpose is not defeated by the large increa>
secondary reactance produced thereby.
195. The eSect of these factors and'of different qualities of irci
may be studied by means of curves of ratio and phase displacement, such •
that shown in Fig. 46 which was made by a method similar to those recoi
mended by Crawford and Sharp, Aguew and others (see Sec. 3).
V new design has been developed for high voltages which is less costly.
t consists of a core which is wound with the secondary winding, while the
)rimary winding is wound through a condenser lead which passes through
he opening of the core.
197. Correction factors for power measurements. Errors introduced
n measurements made with the use of series (.current) and shunt (potential)
ransformers are usually negligible, if the power-factor of the load measured
1high. On low power-factors the results will be inaccurate to an appreciable
egree and the calibration curves of the transformers should be used in
rder to make the necessary corrections. If the power-factor of the
lad be cos a and the angle of lead of the secondary current of the series
3urrent) transformer be di arid the angle of lead of the secondary e.m.f.
f the shunt (potential) transformer be 62, and if pi and pi are the corrections
/ fl I -1 \ wattmeter reading .
he correct value for the power measured will then be obtained by multiply-
;gthe observed reading by the factor
+ ^ lpiP2
multiplied by (product of nominal ratios)
Lcos (ot — fli i
198. Standard current (series) transformers are designed to give a
irrent of 5 amp. in the secondary winding with full-load current in the
•imary winding, and a load of 25 volt-amp. They are made for use on
'cuits from 2,200 volts up to 20,000 volts, air-cooled, and for primary cur-
•nts of 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 80, 100, 120, 200, 300 and 400 amp.
ransformers designed to slip over a stud or cable which constitutes a
le-turn winding, are made for primary currents from 600 amp. up to 3,000
lip. Series (current) transfofmers for higher voltages than 20,(K)0 volts
( usually oil-insulated.
instrument transformers should have their secondary
199. All
Endings grounded, because a high potential may be induced in the
^ondary winding depending on the mean potential of the primary winding
ground and the ratio between the electrostatic capacity of the secondary
nding to ground, and the electrostatic between primary and secondary
ndings. In addition to this in the case of current transformers precaution
)uld be taken to see that the secondary winding is short-circuited before
instrument is removed, otherwise an excessive e.m.f. will be induced in
2 secondary winding due to the line current now becoming the magnetiz-
i; current of the transformer. This is tiue of all series (current) transform-
,_but the e.m.f. becomes particularly high in transformers designed for
iigh degree of accuracy, and in bus-bar type transformers for 1,000 amp.
i above.
too. Track transformers for operating signals are small transformers
iiilar in design to those used for sign lighting, hereafter described. The
f ondaries of the transformer are connected across the two rails of a track
'ile the primaries are supplied from 110 volt feeders which are in turn
(jiplied by small step-down tran.sformer8 similar to standard lighting trans-
fjmers from 60 cycles or 25 cycles 2,200- or 6,600-volt transmission lines.
line-drop compensator is a device for obtaining with a volt-
1 located in the generating or substation the voltage at the end of a
li or at some predetermined point, and consists essentially of a reactance
« a resistance in series, which may be varied by means of taps.
I current A
I portional to the line current is circulated through them by means of a
8 es-type (current) transformer, and the secondary of a shunt-type (po-
ttial) transformer is connected to the proper point of one of them by
I iris
of a dial; the voltmeter or potential relay is connected between the
r tuning
terminal of the shunt-type transformer, and the proper point
o he other element of the compensation, by means of a dial. With a proper
<; ise of current transformer and with proper connections and adjustment
of the dials the voltmeter or potential relay will indicate the voltage at th
desired point of the feeder or line for any load.
202. Theory of line-drop compensators. Refer to Fig. 6 (uni!
"General Theory"). The voltage at the station is represented bv t
secondary open-circuit voltage, and the voltage at the end of the line
centre of distribution is represented by the secondary full-load voltage; t
reactance drop and the ohmic drop of the compensator are represented !
been tested momentarily up to 900,000 volts, effective (by spark gap), will
the middle-point grounded. The voltage impressed on the primary i
raised either by cutting out resistance as in the potentiometer method o
controll or by employing a dial and a separate regulator transformer.
207. Bell-ringing transformers. The bell-ringing transformer, con
nected to a 110-volt, CO-cycle, lighting circuit, produces at its secondar:
Rating in
made for the purpose of exposing any defect or injury in the insulati
between turns, between layers, and between coils; the disruptive test i
determining whether the insulation between the primary and the seconda
windings and between these two windings and ground is sufficiently stroi
Par. 224 to 227.
(f) Tests on instrument transformers; calibration.
assembled and the iron built in, is made by subjecting the insulation betwc
the primary and the secondary windings, and between each of these windii
and ground, to a test of several thousand volts. The transformer is th
ready for the testing department.
214. Tests to determine whether the transformer is correc
wound and assembled. The first test to make is the ratio test. T
determines whether the transformer has been wound correctly and the le:
and tap brought out in the right places. The methods used in making t
test will depend upon the transformer to be tested. Large power tr:.
formers are tested for ratio by having a fraction of the normal volt
impressed on a winding while the voltage between taps is measured by mt'
of a voltmeter, and the ratio of the tap voltage to the total is thus obtain
The ratio of the primary voltage to the secondary voltage is obtained i
the same manner. Small transformers for lighting and small power ser^
may be tested by balancing against a standard of known ratio. The sa'
method applies to shunt-type (potential) transformers for instruments.
216. Polarity test. In power transformers this test follows the n i
Voltmetor PCl
^ ^
Onlj to 1m used when tbt
T-O-^ r^^i
Fia. 48. — Connections for making copper-loss and impedance-drop test.
le magnetic leakage is practically the same as under normal open-circuit
mditions. In general it is better to sacrifice a little in convenience and use
le whole winding, than run the chance of error by using
a portion of the
inding. The value of impressed voltage used when the measurement is
ade on the secondary side should be the rated voltage plus the secondary
i drop. The equivalent sine-vrave exciting current is obtained by
Tooirurmen on Telt
Fig. 49. —-Method of artificially loading a transformer(opposition metl
are obtainable, the opposition method.
is The simplest arrangemeso
tliis method is illustrated in Fig. 49. Two transformers are connecte»
if for multiple operation; then one of the connections of one set of windit
the polarity will be the same as that of the old, if the banks are simil:/
connected. If they are of different manufacture from the old, the pola;
when similarly connected may be such as to make parallel operation imi-
sible. It is therefore a wise precaution to check up the relative polariti
the old and the new banks before connecting together. This may be d^
by connecting the new bank on the high-tension side and connecting onil
the low-tension terminals to the common bus bar; then, with a voltmel
and if necessary with the aid of a shunt (potential) transformer, aiem
the voltage between the other two terminals and the respective busses i|
which they are to connect (a bank of lamps may be used instead of a ^!*
meter, with 110- or 220-volt connections) and observe the following ru !
(a) If the polarities are alike the voltmeter will read zero, in each ci,
(b) If the polarities are reversed the voltmeter will read, in each c-,
double the secondary voltage. The remedy is to reverse the connectiorl
the low-tension leads of each transformer in the new bank. (In three-p t
transformers it may be found more convenient to reverse the connc •
(9. The best method for dehydrating oil is by the use of the filter-
>*3 type of dehydrator. In this type the oil is pumped through several
thicknesses of blotting paper. When using this apparatus it shoulci
seen that the paper is carefully dried, and it is better to soak it, first ofj
in clean oil that is perfectly dry. Fig. 50 shows this form of oil dehydrt'
When the oil is in very bad condition, the paper should be changed from li
to time, as often as found necessary. Oil in first-class condition should bii
down at not less than 40,000 volts, with a gap of 0.15 in. between
6.General principles. The principle of operation of all potential
) changing the mutual inductance between the pri-
ators consists in
i,' and the secondary windings of a transformer or auto-transformer,
,1 r by mechanical means or by changing the ratio of the two windings.
Ciny voltage from 10 per cent, above to 10 per cent, below normal. The
ly may also be used in connection with a line-drop compensator, which
\ to be installed outside of the regulator. The regulator and mechanism
I suspended in a cast-iron tank, and the lower part, containing the regu-
i and coils, is filled with oil.
r core
Vector diagram of e.m.fs. in polyphase regulator. Referring
;t OA represent the e.m.f of a certain primary phase both in value
ig. 54, let .
I! time-phase position. Let OE (or OD) represent the e.m.f. of the cor-
•e ending secondary phase-winding in
ti positive (or maximum neg-
maximum y^ "^^ ^
iie) boost position. Let (or OD) OE /^ /V^~^
li iltaneously represent the mechan- / \~^ --^..^^^
(in electrical space degrees) """^-^^^
fc position
^ ^r
^»- —
i| e.m.f. is in time-phase with (or time- '-> iJ A
? 16 opposition to) the primary e.m.f. Fio. 54.
[liny mechanical position of the mov-
Vector diagram of poly-
phase inductor regulator.
E member, such as OD, the secondary
i. f. has a value equal to OE (or OD) and its tlmephase position is cor-
ral y represented by the line OL provided that the "revolving field"
wh is the resultant of the fluxes set up by the separate primary phases is
Kitant in magnitude. In Fig. 54 the primary e.m.f. is OA and the seo-
5-;iry e.m.f. is Ob, the resultant e.m.f. is AB.
General principles. This apparatus generally consists of an ad-
K'able reactance, which may comprise a winding on an open magnetic
51 -lit. The coil is counterbalanced, so that with a change in the load re-
*' nee the coil will so adjust itself with respect to the core that there will
OHO change in the value of the current. If a large reactance be placed in
K'.s with a lesser non-inductive resistance, and a constant e.m.f. be im-
[J.sed, the current will vary but slightly with this resistance "all in" or
out" of circuit. The actual ratio of the currents with resistance " all in"
. 1
260. Oeneral types. Reactors, choke coils, or reactances for pov
purposes may be divided into two classes, viz., those in which iron is ui
and those in which no magnetic material whatever is used. The first 1
consists of a coil encircling a circuit of iron which is usually broken byi
air-gap or a series of air-gaps. The second type is simply a carefully <•
structed, circular coil of rectangular cross-section, of suitable proport i
REACTORS Sec.6-265
ii. Air reactors for precise measurements are made of a single layer
enameled wire, carefully wound on a marble cylinder that has been
i as nearly perfect as possible; such reactors are used as absolute stand-
[ Power-limiting reactors are described in Par. 266 and 267. The re-
•ace circuit-breaker makes use of an air reactance to limit the current
,e initial break so that a circuit may be opened in two stages; the first
1 being the introduction of the
tanee, and the second stage being
ii'omplete opening of the circuit.
jeactors have also been put into
rj:e for supplying lagging current
mpensate for the leading current
I'to the distributed capacity of
E mission lines; and are inserted in
r; with transmission lines (choke
»'), for protection against lighting
f rbance. Their office in the last
f nee is to choke back any line surge
1, may arise and prevent it from
j ing the station apparatus.
1 ndividual layers. A third firm uses methods similar to the second, but
)'leats employs moulded heat-resisting material as a substitute for porce-
i? See Fig. 55.
3. Cooling of power-limiting reactors is effected by natural circula-
iC or air blast. The arrangements of winding are particularly well adapted
3 ooUng by the last method.
269. Mechanical .stresses in the windings,
while severe, are not of such a nature as to produce
OOOOQOOO any trouble. Thus the radial stresses tend to
OOOo noon
elongate the conductors, while at the same time
they produce a compressive action on ine coil sec-
tion. The axial stresses are compressive and tend
to crush the conductors into less space. These
forces are difficult to calculate with any degree of
accuracy, but experience has shown that with the
methods of winding which have been described, and
with reasonable care in installing, reactors will be
amply strong enough to withstand any stress that
J. 56.— Cross-sec-
may arise in service.
Where Q isa function of 2a/b, the values of which for different values of i
ratio are given in the table below, in Par. 271. The correction term ii.
given by the formula
AiL = 4xa(^) (A. + B.) X ~ (henrys)
Where A, and Bt are given in the 'tables below (Par. 272 and Par. 273
functions of c/a.
2 a/6
in structure.
Ji The merciUT-vapor rectifier is exceedingly simplethe air and al
[ sinele-phase type consists of a chamber from which
(ien gases have been exhausted, and in which
there is a mercury pool
aected to a terminal which passes through the
chamber; projecting
I the upper part of chamber are two terminals
I on or graphite which are commonly called the
vies (but which in actual service are alter-
anode and cathode), the mercury pool being
aed the cathode. The general arrangement
heat at the anode due to its bombardment and in radiation in the for
of X-rays. Recent improvements make use of an inert gas argon whit
affords the means for producing more electrons by collision, so that a doul
action takes place similar to that in the vapor convertor, and the limitati,
due to the Richardson effect is no longer present.
278. Auxiliary apparatus. The vapor convertor requires a trai
former or auto-transformer with a tap at the middle point so that be
half waves of the alternati
current supplied are utilize
this is necessary in order
W»i« of
imprewed e.liu£»
give the necessary sustaini
effect, which must be furtl'
enhanced by a choke coil
series with the direct-curr<
Current vftre circuit or its equivalent, inc^
Id first
{wflitive electrode porated in the design of tl
transformer; otherwise 1i.
Fio. 5 9. —
T h r e e-phase
mercury-vapor rectifier.
the neutral point of the three-phase system; the latter is the positive te *>
nal of the direct-current system supplied by the rectifier, its potential bt
represented in Fig. 60 by the line \ox). I
iible that the smaller thermionic outfits will take their place,
on account
e fact that the latter do not require sustaining and
therefore may be
Kted the whole 24 hours -^vithout attendance.
;3. Vapor converters for power service. Development of the iron
• type of vapor converter w^s discontinued during the war but
there are
-lects that it will be taken up again. Such an equipment was used
i"S8fully in America for operating a railway car at 5,000 volts direct-
ij.nt in an experimental installation at Grass Lake,
^. Theory of operation. It has been found that when a plate of
^.inum and a plate of lead or carbon are immersed in certain solutions, an
Alternating Current
electric current can be made to (
pass in one direction, but not in
Supply Mains a reverse direction._
In other
words, this combination will act
as an electric valve and is the
basis upon which the electrolytic
294. The vibrating type of alternating-current rectifier is a siii
efficient and inexpensive piece of apparatus adapted particularly to the c
ing of three-cell vehicle batteries. However this type is being replacii^
the thermionic converter, which overcomes the difficulties with the ni
anical type due to sparking contacts. i"
excited from the battery. Hence during one-half cycle of the alt.
current, one of the poles of the pivoted magnet will be attracted and ll
repelled, and the opposite action will take place during the other hai
The pivoted magnet is connected to one terminal of the battery and tl
terminal of the latter is connected to the middle point of the low-
winding of the transformer. Two platinum contacts carried on the ]
1 input to the battery will not be obtained; on the other hand, if the
d nt reverses before contact is broken, part of the battery charge will be
siated in the circuit. ._
ii. Ratings and efficiency. The efficiency is usually about 55 per cent-
ofToercial types are made for operation on 60, 50, 40, or 25 cycles, at 110
)] They are designed to charge 3 cells of storage battery and deliver
crent of from 8 to 8.5 amp.
Jl. A commutator tjrpe rectifier is being manufactured by one
1 any for charging small batteries.
Jl. Other forms of mechanical rectifiers. Mechanical synchronous
irctors are used for rectifying alternating-current waves so that direct-
lint galvanometers may be employed for precise and delicate measure-
Bi on alternating-current circuits. Since it is essential in such cases to
\ie the contacts as quickly as possible, so that as much as possible of the
tiiating waves shall be rectified, these devices are costly and require a
e deal of care in their design. Some high-voltage contact rectifiers
also been devised for laboratory work.
^Fleming, J. A. —
" The Alternating Current Transformer." The
E'trician" Publishing Co. London.
iKAPP, GisBERT. " Transformers for Single and Multiphase Circuits."
Itaker and Co.
SSteinmetz, C. p. " Alternating-current Phenomena." McGraw-
iliook Company Inc. New York, 1900. —
45TEINMETZ, C. P. "Transient Phenomena." McGraw-Hill Book
New York, 1909.
3 lany Inc.
£Baum, F. G. "The Alternating-Current Transformer." McGraw-
Company Inc. New
f;.rATLOR, —"Transformer
York, 1903.
William Practice." McGraw-Hill Book
New York, 1913.
7^Rn88EL, Alexander. — Alternating-currents."
Cambridge Univer-
n Terminals."
Chubb, Jj.
W. —Trans. A.
E. E., Vol. XXVIII, Part 1, p. 209.
of Testing Transformer Core Loses giving
n vave Results on Commercial Circuits." Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol.
>;III, Part 1, p. 417.
1 FoPTEScuE, C. L.
"The Calibration, of Current Transformers by
es of Mutual Inductances." Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXXIV, Part 2,
'Ip. 1599.
1 —
Robinson, L. T. "Electrical Measurements on Circuits Requiring
ufnt and Potential Transformers." Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXVIII,
"-', p.
Frank, J. J.
— "Observations of Harmonics in Current and in Voltage
a Shapes of Transformers." Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXIX, No. 7, p.
Sec. 6-302 rectifiers
ffUtOT of Electrical Engineering, Harvard University; Fellow American In-
stitute of Electrical Engineers
Consulting Engirteer, General Electric Co., Fellow American Institute of
Electrical Engineers
(Numbers refer to Paragraphs)
'aectH _
1 Elementary Outline of the De-
80 465
Consulting Engineer, General Electric Company, Fellow American Insixt
of Electrical Engineers
1. Definition. A synchronous generator (or motor) usually consistft:
a system of alternately north and south magnetic poles, comprising i|
field, which moves with respect to a system of suitably connected cM
ductors in which the alternating e.m.f. is induced. These conductors ;!
gather with their mounting are called the armature. See Fig. 1. ''>'\
magnetic poles of the field are usually excited with direct-current supp'lj
by a separate generator called an exciter. See Par. 9. ij
1. —A portion of the armature Fia. 2.- -A graph of a cycle iil
i.e., for a peripheral movement equal to one pole pitch (the peripheral diM
between tSie centres of adjacent poles). The set of values comprised w
a double reversal, or corresponding to a movement equal to twice tb*^
pitch, repeats itself indefinitely, and is called a cycle of values, or dml
cycle. See Fig. 2. The graph of those values plotted against time in
tangular coordinates, is referred to as the e.m.f. wave of the machii
3. Frequency. The time required for the execution of a cycle ia
the period of the alternating e.m.f., and the number of cycles per a
is calledthe frequency. Frequency, /, is expressed by the relation:/"
rev. per second, whore 2p is tlie number of polos. Modern comllM
frequencies in the United States are 60 and 25 cycles per sec.
4. Electrical and magnetic degrrees. It is customary to refer to »
as 360 electrical degrees (see Fig. 2), or one electrical revolution, and
circumferential distance from the centre of one pole to that of th^ft
same polarity, as 360 magnetic degrees. Thus two active armature
e of the
t ductors displaced from each other by /3 magnetic degrees will experience
t.fs. differing in phase by P electrical degrees. Two active conductors
1 magnetic degrees apart would naturally be connected in series to form
£)op or coil, since their two e.m.fs. will then be always in the same direc-
ti around the circuit of the loop (see coils I and II, Fig. 3).
(;^s I and II are displaced from each other by 90 magnetic degrees. The
Fig. 3. —
Part of the arma- Fig. 4.— Graph of the elec-
tromotive forces in a quar-
ture and field of a quarter-
phase alternator. ter-phase alternator, plotted
against time.
B.fs. induced in these two coils therefore differ in phase by 90 deg. If all
Xs in the same phase as I, are connected in series, and all those
i the same phase as II in another series, the two circuits being
t irate and distinct electrically, the machine is called a two-phase
r^hine. The circuits themselves are referred to as the two phases
1 phase windings of the machine. Sometimes this type of machine
i ailed a quarter-phase machine, since its two
I f?. differ in phase by 90 deg. or one-quarter
I le. The electromotive force in coil I is zero
vn that in coil II is a maximum, and vice
* a. If the value of the electromotive force from
a sine function of the relative
•ant to instant is
ular position of r.he armature coils and revoly-
field, the curves of the electromotive forces in
jsl and II, may be plotted as indicated in Fig.
;n which the ordinates represent the instan- Fig. 5.-^Part of the
sous values of the electromotive force, and the armature and field of a
iLoissas represent time. The four terminals of three-phase alternator.
two windings of a two-phase alternator are
irally brought out to the terminal board. The load may be fed by three
';8, one the common return for the other two, or four wires may be
iloyed as two independent, circuits.
. The three-phase alternator. Ifthree sets of overlapping coils dis-
:ed by 60 magnetic degrees (Fig. 5) be connected to three separate cir-
10. 0. — Graph of the
es in the three armature circuits of
electromotive —
Fig. 7. Graph of terminal pres-
sures in the three phases of a three-
airee-phase alternator. phase alternator.
c s, their e.m.fs. will differ in phase by 60 deg. (see Fig. 6). reversing By
t t.-nninal connections of phase II. we reverse the phase of its e.m.f. with
to the load and obtain the three voltages shown in Fig. 7. These vol-
iTer in phase by 120 deg. The difference between the three e.m.fs.
6 and those of Fig. 7 is obviously external to the machine in which they
three phases be connected to three equal loads, the six currents in the:
leads, when counted positive in the same direction along the line, will di'
in phase progressively by 60 deg. If, however, the three phases be conned
in Y or A, with three leads connected to the load, the three currents, courl
positive in the same direction along the line, will differ in phase by 120 (.
or one-third of a cycle. To be consistent these two systems should be ref -
"three phase" when it has three 120-deg. taps and three phase-bel
120-deg. span, and six phase when it has six 60-deg. taps and six phase
each of 60-deg. span. Thus, to be consistent, the ordinary three-;
alternator should be called a six-phase alternator, although mostly
to supply three-phase circuits.
8. Single-phase generators* are occasionally required for railway-
also for certain electrochemical and electrothermal processes,
single-phase generators are simply Y-connected three-phase gener
with one of the three legs left idle. When a generator is opr
single-jihase, it is important that the pole shoes should be fitted
a heavy amortisseur or squirrel cage winding to damp out the effects (
iihe voltage of the main generator. It is, therefore, desirable that ex-
Birs be driven by independent prime movers whenever it is
Vious methods have been devised for rendering alternators self-exciting
b except for comparatively small machines, these are never used.
). Relative motion: revolving armature and revolving field. The
t< )lving-armature type of alternator is now rarely employed even in very
Bill sizes. Revolving-field alternators fall into two classes: (a) those with
e;idrical rotors provided with windings embedded in slots in the surface;
({ hose with salient-pole rotors. The former are now almost universally
ul for extra high-speed generators driven from steam turbines, owing to
stnger mechanical construction, better balance, less noise and lower air
(r ion (which last may represent a loss as great as the aggregate of all the
0' rs). For water-wheel generators and for generators driven by recipro-
jti ig engines the salient-pole construction is usually the most
•lough, for other than very low speeds, a good argument can usually be
Siented for the cylindrical type of rotor.
I .. Vertical and horizontal types. Until 1911 a considerable propor-
l^t of the steam turbine-driven alternators were of the vertical type. The
•liequent large increase of speeds of steam turbo-alternators (in many cases
|«)le) involving greater lengths, smaller diameters, and greater vibra-
Bul difficulties, has made more desirable the horizontal type with its
pfrently better provision for strength of frame and accessibility of parts.
T vertical type is generally used for low-speed water-wheel generators.
A notable instance of the vertical type may be mentioned the 30 Keokuk
g< raters, each 9,000 kv-a., 25 cycles and 58 r.p.m. with 52 poles. The
r-—.-^.] diameter of the rotor is 25 ft. and it weighs 116 tons. The entire
weighs some 275 tons.
Engine type. (Direct-connected to reciprocating engines.) In this
per min., and the 5,000-kv-a. (Niagara) generator (Fig. 13) 250 rev. per mi
Even for the same head,'{water-wheels are built for any speed within qui
a wide range. m
On the whole, the water-wheel will be lower price and mc.
efficient when constructed for a moderately low speed. On the other hat.
the weight and cost of the generator will decrease with increasing rat
speed, up to fairly high speeds. At all but very low heads, therefore, t
tendency is toward fairly high speeds. For 10,000 to 20,000 kv-a. wat.
wheel sets, speeds of some 300 to 600 rev. per min. are now often enipli
In event of accident to governors or head-gates, the runaway speed wil
roach double the normal speed; see paper in Vol. XXXI of Trans. A. I. 1
y D. W. Mead entitled "The Runaway Speed of Water-wheels an.
Effect on Connected Rotary Machinery," and a paper by F. Nagler, eiit
"A New Type of Hydraulic Turbine Runner," at p. 921 of "A/cr/i.;
Engineerinn " for December, 1919. Water-wheel driven generators
6. Considerations tweeting the choice of armature winding for
E alternator, (a) Efficient e.m.f. generation, i. e., without considerable dif-
f generation in series-connected conductors.
'ntial This indicates coils
^:>se pitch or span is about 180 deg. The pitch is on other accounts
sietimes as low as 0.66 or even 0.50. (b) Wave shape. In most cases an
Eiroximate sine-wave is desired, w lich ordinarily means a distributed
\ ding (several slots per pole per phase). Itisnotnecessary tohave a whole
rnber of slots per pole per phase. In fact a fractional number is some-
t es desirable, e.g., a machine with li slots per pole per phase will have
agood a wave shape, other things being equal, as a machine with five
ss per pole per phase. Wave shape also usually indicates a fractional-
r;h winding (Par. 20), i.e., coils with a pitch less than 180 deg. (c)
I m the standpoint of heat dissipation, as well as of wave shape, the winding
Buld be distributed rather than concentrated; this also reduces the leakage
riJtance sUghtly. On the other hand, much distribution means more insula-
I I space andless slot space for copper, particularly in high-voltage machines.
( From the standpoint of first cost it is important that the coils shall
t wound and insulated before being placed in the machines, also that they
»11 be of one shape father than of many shapes. This involves the neces-
B'of open slots, although magnetic wedges are sometimes inserted after
t winding is in place, in order to secure the advantages of closed or partly
c .ed slots.
Ings, such that they can be wound with one coil-side per slot. It will I
observed also that, in effect, they are all full-pitch windings, i.e., that tl
two groups of active conductors belonging to any given phase and lyir
under adjacent poles are always 180 deg. apart, as groups, although son
individual coils of the spiral windings have a pitch less than 180 deg.
phase in Fig. 16. For obvious reasons these are sometimes called cha
windings. They are also two-range windings, i.e., the coils extend oi
ward in two ranges, or rows. Fig. 5 shows part of a three-range windin
19. Two-layer lap winding. A more common type than any of I
range winding.
20. Fractional-pitch winding. When the coil pitch is less than 180 d
the winding is called a fractional-pitch winding. Fractional-pitch wi
ings are much used not only because of their effect on the wave shape U
25 et seq.), but also because of the saving in coil-end copper and in ovcil
length of machine. The gain is particularly noticeable on two-pole raach '
1234 5 67 89 10 11 12
[.'17. —Three-phase two-layer lap winding with full pitch (i.e., coil
10 11 12
F IS. —Three-phase two-layer lap winding with five- tenths pitch (i.e.
coil pitch Tr= .50], Two poles. Six slots per pole.
?nlr-,^r-,^r-,'^^^^6^''„8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18
I coil pitch — = .556 \j Two
, poles. Nine slots per pole.
have fractional-pitch coils with a one-layer lap winding, but here the nunibi
of combinations is quite limited, see Figs. 19 and 20. Inter-ooil connectioi
are shown for only one phase. Fractional-pitch one-layer polyphai
windings have the serious fault that in a certain portion of the slots, tl
phases alternate with one another, causing a very unfavorable distributic
of the m.m.f. of armature reaction. Thus with three phases A, B, and i
four slots per pole per phase, and 75 per cent, pitch, the distribution of tl
phases in successive slots is as follows: ACAABABBCBCCACAABABB, et
When each slot contains conductors of only one phase, the m.m.f. distrib
tion is very unfavorable, but with a two-layer winding with four slots p
pole per phase, and the same coil pitch, we obtain the following arrangemen
coil. For all ordinary cases, statements (a) and (b) are exactly equivale
but for alternator electromotive forces, (a) will ordinarily be more convenie
24. E.m.f. formulsB. Let I = gross length of armature core, incl
V = peripheral velocity in ft. per sec. CBi = maximum gap density (m
wells per sq. in.) of equivalent sine-wave, e" = root-mean-square vr
per active conductor.
in. of N
= series-connected active conductors
E = volts per phase. kbi\
) :---t)(BilO =8.5d(Bi10
= kbkpe"Nl = 8.5kbkpt<S,\NnO
E (volts)
Another very common variety of the e.m.f. formula is obtained as folic:
let flux per pole in maxwells; then the average e.m.f. per active c
* =
ductor is 2/*10 and neglecting differential action, the average
phase is To obtain the root-mean-square volts and
same time to take account of the differential action, involves the form
(/t/ = ratio of root-mean-square to average volts), and the diffi
factors, giving for the induced volts _,
E = 2k fkhkpf-^N 10
The three k'a are usually combined in a single term which has an K i
and when plotted in rectangular coordjnates will have the same shapra
"field form," i.e., the curve showing the peripheral distribution m
entering the armature from the field poles (see Par. 32 and 33 ). ThiJ
be referred to as the elementary or slot e.m.f. It is an alt ernating e
• See also S. P. Smith and R. S. H. Boulding, 'The Shape of the
' Pm
Wave in Electrical Machinery," Journal Inst. Elec. Engrs., Vol. 53 (H
p. 205.
I 1
Fig. 21.
—Elementary field form.
but visually not sinusoidal, see Fig. 21. The no-load wave-shape of
machine is then obtained by adding together the e.m.fs. of the Be:,
connected coil sides. This is very tedious as it involves the point-by-p
addition of several dephased non-sinusoidal waves. An approximatio
some kind is usually employed. The most satisfactory method of hand
this problem is as follows: Analyze the field form or slot e.m.f. into its
damental and harmonics; compound or add vectorialyin their proper p!
relation, the fundamentals of the several series-connected conductors or
sides, to obtain the fundamental of the resultant e.m.f.; and compound s
larly the harmonics of each order to obtain the resultant harmonic of ,
are not confined to one slot per pole, but are distributed in several si
The group of conductors belonging to one phase and corresponding toi
pole, will be referred to as a phase belt. When the number of slots per I
per phase is a whole number, all the phase belts of a given phase are simi i
and the phase e.m.f. will have the same shape as that of a single belt. In;
layer winding the group of conductors for one pole and phase may be )•
conveniently separated into the top-of-slot belt and the bottom-of-slot i
are displaced circumferentially. See Fig. 78 and 79, pages 499 and 500
28. Belt differential factor. In general the resultant or vector su:
the e.m.fs. of the several coil-sides in a given belt will be less than i
phase belt, the differential factor will be called the belt differential t&i
kb. Remembering that a fundamental phase difference of /S deg. mea i
nth harmonic phase difference of n/3 deg., it is easy to see that a fundam l
angle ff, which is the angle (in magnetic degrees) by which the coi
differs from the pole pitch. This introduces another differential
(--2) for the fundamental and cos -^- for the mth harmonic, wl
be called the pitch differential factor. Its values are plotted in i
while for the harmonics which are multiples of 3, it is zero (see Fie
U5t~i-l50C^t»C<5r-t0Oi-i'-i00.-l N-HO<r5oe^ooMt^«»tDc>3
C5C>ddooc5c>oc>odoc5 oooooooooooooo
+++I I I+++I I 1++ ++ ++ ++ ++
OStOi-Hi-iMOO'-^OO'-^OO'-^ oeO'-iT-i.-i^oooOi-;'-;'-;'-;
ddddddddddo ooo dddddddddddddo'
+++I I !+++! I 1++ ++ ++ 1++ ++
0>®>-i'-i<N'-iOi-<0 0'-;0»->iN
+++I I I+++I I 1++ ++ 1++ II ++
I I I 1 1
lOTtiO'^-^OOOOOTf'l'O'* 0'-<OiO'^^»00^00'-<0>0
dddddddddddddd dddddddddddddd
+++ +++ ++ I I 1 1 I I
++ ++ ++++ 1 I I I
C50(Ni-iC*l'-i'-iC^^N50 05C5
+++I I I+++1 I 1 I I ++ II ++ II ++ I 1 I I
oooooooooooooo dddddddddddddd
+++I I I ++ ++++ ++++ I I I I
+++ 1 I I I I I +++++ ++I M 1++++I 1 I 1
II n II n II II u II n ii ii ii ii ii n II n II II II II II II II II II II II
^1 :
3rd 5th
over each belt, the magnetic potential differences (ampere-turna) acrosa
air gap, and therefore the field form, is shown in Fig. 29.
A simple manner in which to obtain the equivalent sine-wave of sue
field form is as follows: Any such distributed field winding may be (
sidered as made up of pairs of conductors, the two in each pair being 180 (
FiG. 30. —
Field form of single 18ft- Fio. 31. — Belt differential factoi
m.m.f. of distributed field windi
deg. loop, with its fundamental.
(Na> = No. of slots per belt.)
mum val
6th, i, el
m.m.f. a
the wind
small anc
sary to (
(lots per belt, plotted against the belt span in degrees. Fig. 32 gives
I- belt differential factor of the harmonics for the case of a large number
I lots per belt.
Nik = the ampere- turns per belt, or per pole, and if Ki = ratio of gap
I'wre-turns to the total (including ampere-turns in the iron part of the cir-
n, the ampere-turns consumed in the single gap at the crest of the wave of
r ;netic p.d. across the gap is
Nil, = - kb/kpKiNib (amp-turns) (4)
machines with a few large slots these tooth kinks sometimes dominate
75 100,000
Pole Co
tween the pole core and the cores of the adjacent poles, and that (*;,) which
leaks between the pole shoe and the shoes on the adjacent poles. Below
are given formulae for calculating $;, the total leakage flux from one pole,
for rectangular (Fig. 34a), straight-sided with semicircular ends (Fig. 34b),
and circular pole cores (Fig. 34c); and for rectangular (Fig. 34d), and straight-
sided with semicircular ended pole shoes (Fig. .34e). FormulEe are given for
both non-stepped (that is parallel-sided) field coils, and for stepped or tapering
field coils. The notation is obvious from Fig. 35. NI = the ampere-turns
on one pole consumed in the gap, teeth and armature. The constants
•fci, ki, f\, and /z are given in Figs. 36 and 37.
I If *i= ^ic + iu and *is the useful flux per pole, the leakage coefficient is
(*-F *;)/* = »'. If NI corresponds to * at no-load, v is the no-load leakage
coefficient va', if at full-load, v is the full-load leakage coefficient, as explained
in Par. 41.
39. Flux densities in the iron, and required ampere-turns. Divid-
ing *e by the cross-section of the pole-core, the flux density is obtained.
The necessary ampere-turns to drive the flux through the pole are deter-
mined by finding from
some such curve as that a
in Fig. 33, the ampere-
turns per in. necessary for
this density, and multiply-
ing by the length of the
pole core. Similarly the
ampere-turns for the yoke
may be determined, remem-
bering that only one-half
the yoke path is charged
to one pole, and that the
flux in the yoke is (*c/2).
The tooth density varies
from the tip to the root
of the tooth. A roughly
equivalent density is that
at a point one-third of 5
U loo lio 120 13U no 150 160 170 ISO 190 200
the distance from the nar-
Cucorr.cted Density-Kiloliut-s
j per
» Sq.In.
i u.
row to the wide end of
the tooth. If we let kt3 Fig. 38.
represent the width of the tooth density,
Curves for obtaining the corrected
tooth at this point, divided
by the tooth pitch, and if qn is the net iron length of the armature divided
by the gross core length, the equivalent density to be used in computing
ampere-turns for the teeth is that found by dividing the actual maximum
density ((Bj) in the gap by ktiqu, and correcting by the curves in Fig. 38,
which take account of the fact that all the flux does not enter the armature
through the teeth, but that some of it passes through the slots.
The density i^ the armature core varies from the centre of the pole to
the point midway between the poles, but a good approximation
is obtained
oy finding the density midway between the poles (*/2 divided
by the net
ron cross-section of the armature core) and estimating an
length of path for this density. A considerable error in this item is evidently
a very small part of the whole number of ampere-turns per pole.
For a non-salient pole machine the ampere-turns for the rotor can best bt
determined by finding the density midway between the poles, as for the
armature core, and approximating to an equivalent length of path for this
density. The rotor teeth may be treated exactly as the armature teeth.
A curve of terminal volts plotted against the necessary ampere-turns foi
the iron part of the magnetic circuit is called an iron saturation curve.
40. Ampere-turns for air-gap. If the armature were smooth-cored with
no air-ducts, the cross-section of the air-gap would be the area of the pole
face plus an allowance for fringing of the flux at the edges, and the actua
density would be that determined by dividing the total flux per pole by this
cross-section. This will be called the mean pole-face density. Since the fiuj
is crowded into the teeth as it enters the armature, the density which must
be used in computing the necessary ampere-turns is somewhat higher thai
the mean pole-face density.
The flux does not all enter the tips of the teeth, but fringes from the sidei
of the teeth, having the effect of increasing the width of the tooth tip (ten)
This equivalent tooth-tip is given by the expression wii-{-2Sc/ where c/ is th<
fringing constant and 5 the length of the air-gap. Values of c/ as a functioi
of wu>/S (the width of slot opening di-
vided by the air-gap length) are shown
in Fig. 39. Ifn is the tooth-pitch,
ao= (io«-f2Jc/)/T(is the fractional part
of the tooth-pitch, which is effective as
S 1.2
Fia. 39.
per cent, and 130 per cent, of the full-load terminal voltage, we shall obtain
he saturation curve over a sufficient range for all calculations of regulation.
41. No-load saturation curve with full-load leakage coefficient.
'his may be determined as follows: In Fig. 41, curve Fo is the no-load
aturation curve of the machine in question, curve Ni(f+y) is the m.m.f.
onsumed in the field core and yoke. Assume that F at full-load = 1.4Xi''i»
t no-load, see Par. 61. Assume also that the field leakage coefficient at
o-load isvo=1.3. Then at
ill-load the leakage will be
icreased by 40 per cent.,
nee it is proportional to the
impere-turns on the poles;
hd the full-load leakage co-
Oacient will bei'/=l+0.3X
.4= 1.42; i.e., the fluxin the
olesand yoke has increased
om 1.3 to 1.42, or 9.2 per
'mt. The corresponding ex-
•a m.m.f. necessary will de-
snd upon the shape of the
irve iVt (/+!/). and ia desig-
ited iVi.inFig. 41. Adding
lese extra ampere-turns to
le no-load saturation curve,
e obtain a point (P) on a
irve of no-load volts plotted Amp.Turna-^t
jSainstampere-turns for full- Fig. 41.- -No-load
saturation curve with full-
!ad leakage, or a no-load _
load leakage, vf.
'.turation curve with full-
'ad leakage. It is obvious
;iat a change in either phase or magnitude of the armature current will
'lange the ratio (,F/Fo), and thus the corresponding saturation curve, i.e.,
.ere corresponds such a load-leakage saturation curve for each load and
i)wer-factor, see Par. 61 et seq.
I. Table of average Sux densities in magnetic circuit of alternators
Flux density (lines per sq. in.)
(cycles per sec.)
Ordinary steel Silicon steel
where ai (Par. 32 and 33, Fig. 30) is about 1.27 a.ndFg is the constant mat
netic potential difference (in ampere-turns) between armature core and po'
core. With narrow or chamfered pole faces, oi will be slightly less. Fq — Kil
where F is the total field ampere-turns per pole and Ki a constant varying!
different machines and with different fluxes. A
rough average value of i
is 0.8, although in extreme cases it differs considerably from this value.
Eq. (6) holds for any number of phases; but for the case of the singh-pha
alternator, the alternating armature m.m.f. must be replaced by two ha!
value revolving m.m.fs., one forward and one backward with respect to t!
armature; or one stationary and the other at double frequency with respe
to the field. Eq. 6 gives only that component which is stationary wi
respect to the field. The other component induces double frequency e.tii.
and currents in the field coil, and reactive e.m.fs. in the armature. (In t
balanced polyphase case the backward revolving components of the sevei
phases cancel or neutralize each other.)
46. Leakage reactance is generally supposed to represent that part
the flux linked only with the armature conductors, but as a matter of U
the only such flux is some of tt
linked with the coil ends, since t
— —
Qz, = 0.7i<ps Tt ~
= 4.44 -i7
;- 7S-
kb. (Bi
d the per cent, tooth-tip reactance or reactance ratio, see Eq. 10, i
"10 13
<pb A 1\A
A-=3.3(^,-^M „„/l (14)-.
Li g„ = 4.44^|^|- (1,5)
Nip Kb Oil
corresponding reactance in ohms is
xe = 2t fkpnNNc,V>M-» (ohms) (16)
Fig. 44.
<p/ The coil-end reactance in ohms is then —
xf='2rUflf^lO-^ (ohms) (17)
where If = the
length of a single coil end, or
the free length corresponding to one active
conductor, N
the active conductors per phase,
and 2p the number of poles.
The coil-end reactance ratio (Par. 46) is
where k/ {=lf/T) is about 1.5 times the per cent, coil-pitch expressed as ^
Starting with E and /, add Ir and Ix to get Ea; from the saturation
curve with full-load leakage (Figs. 41 and 46) take R add — A to get F, which
64. Short-circuit diagram and leakage
reactance. The short-circuit diagram is
?iven in Fig. 47. From this the leakage react-
ince may be computed as follows: From F
mbtract A (computed from Eq. 6) to obtain ft;
ook up corresponding Ea on saturation curve;
:= Ea/I and z = \/z' — r». In most cases it is
lufficiently accurate to subtract A from F nu-
nerically, since they are nearly in phase, and
.0 assume a; = r. x may be obtained in a
limilar manner from the zero power-factor
saturation curve. Par. 56.
In both of these cases however the results are very crude, since a small
in A means a larger error in x.
V2 10 20 24
Eieitlug Currrat ( Amp.
Fig. 48. —
No-load saturation curve and zero- Fia. 49. — Alternator char-
power-faotor load saturation curve. acteristic curves.
question. A' is the F of Figs. 47 and 51 and includes with the armature
m'.m:f. A, an additional m.m.f. AA' (Fig 50), which is practically equiva-
lent to R of Fig. 47, and which is the appro-ximate m.m.f. equivalent of Jj-
Under short-circuit conditions, E' = It and the diagram reduces to Fip. 51
whence it is obvious that the field ampere-turns at short-circuit practicallj
corresponds with what we have called A'.
69. Excitation characteristics. Curves showing the relation of exci-
tation (for constant terminal voltage) to the load current, at various power-
factors, are shown in Fig. 52 for a 1,600 kv-a. slow-speed alternator wit!
close regulation, and in Fig. 53 for a 6,250 kv-a. turbo-alternator with pooi
regulation. These were computed by the m.m.f. method.
60. Relation of regulation to per cent, armature strength anc
length of air gap. A study of Figs. 45 and 50 will show that for a givei
current and power-factor, the regulation depends upon the following ratio.'
IrlE^^(lT\ Ix/E.'-Q.iaKe Eq. 20); -,--q
J saturation factor, kst; and that except for their relation to the satu-
[a given gj will have exactly the same effect as the same numerical
\Q. 50. M.m.f. diagram (full lines) and general diagram (dotted lines).
20 40 CO 801001201*0160180
i of Full Load Armature Curreut
Fig. 52. —
Excitation characteristic curves
for a 1600-kv-a. slow-speed alternator with
relatively long air gap.
Of these four ratios, qr varies from less than 0.005, in large turbo-alteri
nators, to 0.02 or more in small slow-speed machines; Ox from 0.04 to O.h
or more; g from 1.00 to 0.35; and k$/ from 1.5 to 2.0. These last two aretW
dominant factors in regulation. i
5 10
64 and 55 are plotted from Eqs. 24 and 25. For email low-speed
I where ^r and Qx are larger than here assumed, the curves will
j' higher at their lower ends,
a little
hus good regulation means large R' and long air gap, longer in
portion to A and t, i.e., very long for large high-speed machines
i h as turbo-alternators. In fact, to obtain a regulation of even 10
1 cent, in large turbo-alternators would necessitate a tremendous air
it and more field copper than there is room for.
be about 3 times full-load current. At no-load excitation the short-circuil
current will be 2.7 times full-load current. For an alternator with 20 pei
cent, regulation and a saturation factor of 1.6, the short-circuit current wil
be 1.56 for full-load excitation and 1.18 with no-load excitation.
63. Sudden short-circuits. Since on short-circuit, most of the fielc
m.m.f. is consumed in balancing the armature m.m.f., the net m.m.f. and th(
flux are greatly reduced. If the short-circuit is applied suddenly, the sudder
decrease in flux induces a large e.m.f. and current in the exciting winding
which tries to keep the flux from changing, and as the electromagneti(
inertia and the time constant of the combined circuits are large, an appreci-
able time elapses before the field is destroyed. Meanwhile the opposing
m.m.fs. of armature and field rise until nearly all the field flux is shiintec
across between field and armature. To do this requires a m.m.f. as man;
times greater than that at full-load, as the full-load field flux is greater thai
the total full-load leakage flux (field and armature). Thus if = 1.12 ai'
full-load zero p.f., and Qi=0.10 (salient pole slow-speed machine), the r.m.s
armature amperes will rise temporarily to nearly 5 times its full-load value
and owing to the fact that one of the phase currents will be boosted up abovi
its zero axis, because of the position of that phase at the instant of short
circuit, the maximum instantaneous current in one phase may be nearl;
double the maximum value of the above r.m.s. current.
In non-salient pole turbo-alternators v may be as low as 1.04, Qx as lov
as 0.04, the r.m.s. current nearly 12 times full load, and theinstantaneou
maximum more than 20 times normal. This means mechanical stresses oi
coil ends more than 400 times normal, which shows the imperative necessit;
of providing great strength in the design of the end connections and th
means for their support.
64. Current-limitingr reactances. As the total leakage (v— l-|-g.)
should not be less than 0.15, external reactances are very often supplied t'
protect against sudden short-circuit^. See Par. 140.
65. Rating of alternators. As the armature current, irrespective o
power-factor, determines the armature copper loss, it is customary to rat
alternators in kv-a. rather than in kw. In fact at low power-factors, ao'
therefore at smaller values of delivered power, but with a given current an'
terminal voltage; the flux, core-loss, field current and field copper loss are a
larger than at unity power-factor. Therefore the safe output is less for
given temperature rise. It is thus necessary to specify the lowest powei
factor at which an alternator is expected to operate, "in order that enoug
excitation may be provided, and the corresponding field copper loss diss
pated without excessive temperature rise. The maximum safe voltage ral
ing is that which can be maintained at rated current and power-f actr
with the excitation voltage available, and without exceeding approve
temperature limits for the field windings.
66. Automatic voltage regulators, external to alternator. Tb
most successful of these is the Tirrill regulator or some modification thereo
In principle it is merely a voltage-operated relay which closes a low resistanc
by-pass around the shunt-field rheostat of the exciter when the voltage
too low, and opens it when the voltage is too high. This relay vibrati
continuously, so that the exciter-field current does not change at each contai
by any considerable amount, but assumes a pulsating intermediate vali
depending on the percentage of time the by-pass is closed. With propi
adjustment this regulator will maintain the voltage as nearly constant i
is ordinarily desired in commercial power plants.
67. Structure. The synchronous motor is simply a synchronous gei
erator with its function reversed. In structure it usually consisLs of
synchronous generator with the addition of pole-face windings to_ provid
suitable starting characteristics. If an auxiliary motor is provided fi
starting, there is no need for the pole-face windings for starting purpose:
although it is still desirable for counteracting "hunting." (See Tar. %
to 79.)
68. Diagrammatic representation. Owing to its simplicity the e.fti
— EicoB Oi >|
significance of the negative sign is that the electrical power is negative,
e., received instead of delivered. In Fig. 57, —
P2 is plotted against <p-,
•hence it appears that as the motor lags (not in speed but in phase) behind
the supply e.m.f., theoutputincreasea
to a maximum, then decreases, be-
comes negative and returns to zero.
As soon as <p has opened out to a point
such that P2 is sufficient to carry the
load,it will hang at that point asif the
motor were driven by an elastic coup-
ling. If the load increases, <p will in-
crease accordingly, until the maximum
point is passed, when the motor will
break down. During a little more
than a half ofeach slip cycle (see Fig.
67), the motor is acting as a genera-
tor, since — Pi is positive, and is in
series short-circuit with the line. So
much of the kinetic energy of momen-
tum is lost during this half of the
slip cycle that a synchronous motor
does not readily pull back into step
after once breaking, even if the me-
chanicalload beimmediatelyremoved.
fr visualizing these relationships and their causes the Blondel
diagram is
y far the simplest device.
For varying load and constant excitation, B moves along a circle about
A, clockwise for increasing and counter-clockwise for decreasing loads.
The maximum load for any given excitation occurs when B falls on AC;
beyond that B swings
around on to circles of
smaller power, and the
motor breaks down; i.e.,
the decrease of cos 6i more
than balances the increase
71.Interpretation of
Blondel diagram. In
Fig. 58 the area inside of
the zero-power circle cor-
responds to motor power,
and that outside to gener-
ator po wer the area to the
left of AC corresponds to ,
approaches the breakdown point on AC (see Fig. 59) but if either the load
Induced E.MJ. « JETs
cillation about the position of equilibrium, which will continue until the
ergy by which it was initiated, is absorbed by the extra losses incident
the oscillation. Such oscillation is called hunting, and the absorption of
e energy of oscillation is called damping.
78. Hunting may be instigated either by a temporary disturbance,
ch as a sudden change of load on the motor or of the frequency of supply.
— i
/ ~'
A = 0.422 El V -r
— r-
rev. per. min.
where J is the moment of inertia in lb. ft." and p' the number of phases.
The z$ used in Eq. 27 should be the combined impedence of alternator
line and motor. The smaller the motor as compared to line and alternator
the less will be the effect of line and alternator impedence upon the huntinj
period of the motor.
77. Dampers. Forced hunting may be considerably reduced and tern
porary oscillatioms more quickly damped out, by means of field dampers
consisting of : (a) a copper loop around each pole face; (b) a copper bridg
between poles; or, better still, (c) a squirrel-cage set of copper conductor
through the pole face with end rings. These dampers tend to check pulsa
tions of the pole-face flux due to the pulsating armature to. to./., by inducei
currents which absorb the energy of oscillation.
78. Length of air-gap. A short air-gap, other things being equal
results in a large synchronous impedance, a large per cent, armature reactioi
(q^ =A -i- R), a soft electromagnetic coupling, and a longer natural huntin;
period. This is desirable up to a certain point, as it decrf ases the frequenc;
of hunting, improves the self-starting quality, increases the effectivenes
of the damping devices and cheapens the machine; but there is an obviou
limit to the desirable softness of coupling, namely, that beyond which ther
is danger of a motor breakdown. The value of g'( = A'/F) should rarel.
be more than 0.6 when F is taken at full-load and unity power-factoi,
Also, referring to the Blondel e.m.f. diagram, it appears that with a large 31
(short air-gap) there will be a large variation in the power-factor of the moto,
from no-load to full-load under constant excitation, or a frequent adjustmen
of excitation will be demanded in order to maintain a constant power-factoi.
79. Self-starting synchronous motors. The a.c. starting of tli
polyphase synchronous motor is as follows: If the field circuit of such
motor be opened and the armature be supplied with polyphase current;
there will result a fairly uniform field revolving around the periphery of tb
armature. Any energy transmitted across the gap to the field poles throug
the medium of this revolving field must be accompanied by a correspondin
torque. Thus any hysteresis or eddy-current losses in the pole faces, dii« •
the revolving field, represent a torque; or if the pole faces carry dam
coils these will act as the short-circuited secondary of an induction mo;
yielding a torque depending upon their reactance and resistance.
In this way a polyphase synchronous motor will supply a small startin
torque, sufficient to start without load and run nearly up to synchronisnr.
if it is a salient-pole machine it will then fall into step. Following this th
field circuit of the motor may be closed and the motor is ready for the applf
cation of its load. If it is a non-salient pole machine, it will not com
quite into synchronism until the field is excited, after which it wi,
usually pull itself in step. It is sometimes even possible, with a littl
coaxing to start a polyphase motor when the only torque is that supplie.
by the hysteresis and eddy-current losses in laminated pole faces, althoug
this is not a very satisfactory arrangement whore frequent starting is r«,
quired. With damping coils, however, a polyphase s>;nrhronous moK,
will.Btart readily on reduced voltage and without excessive current.
Synchronizing with lamps. Connect lamps in series between the
;r iming machine and theline. When thelamps are bright (or dark, accord-
in: o whether the machines
are connected in unison or in opposition in the
8J hronizing circuit) and the beats are very slow, showing opposition of
governor adjustment a
controlled from the swit
Load board.
Fia. 62. — Diagram of division of load be- 91. Oovernor dampi
tween two parallel-connected alternators. to prevent hunting. Si
den changes of load f requen
cause the governor to hunt, i.e., open up too wide, then close too far and
on. This may be easily preventeci by a dash-pot connected to the govern
92. Specifications. Every electrical machine is built to meet cert
specifications whether proposed by the purchaser, his engineer, or the mai
facturer. In addition to the ouatonnary specifications there is always '
ipcrature rise (Sec. 24); efl5cien;y (Sec 24); inherent regulation; per cent,
cage reactance volts; insulation tests (Sec. 24); wave form. These are
I all specified in each case, whereas in some cases much more elaborate
fjifications dealing with the details of mechanical and electrical design are
fplied. With reliable manufacturers, very simple specifications are or-
iirily sufficient, telling chiefly what the machine shall accomplish rather
a how it shall be built. In the case of many modern alternators, regula-
, is not a controlling specification, it being in most cases important to
fe a high reactance rather than a low one (Par. 63 and 64). Efficiency
[uch is also not directly a controlling factor in design,. but chiefly as it is
I»sary to keep down the heat developed in the machine. A fraction of
'•r cent, in efficiency is not as important to the user as a safe operating
List of symbols used.
i=»Max. value of equivalent fundamental sine- wave of air-gap flux
^ density (lines per sq. in.).
i= Actual max. flux density in air-gap at pole-face (lines per sq. in.).
^= Maximum apparent tooth-density of flux (lines per sq. in.) in teeth.
^= Diameter at air-gap (inches).
!;=Depth of slot (inches).
'= Volts induced per in. of active armature conductor.
Frequency (cycles per sec).
»= Allowable copper watts per sq. in. of armature surface.
[= k.v.a. output.
,= developed in the armature.
Belt differential factor.
specific output.
" pitch differential factor.
I=» ratio of pole pitch to gross armature core length.
gross armature core length.
cir. mils per amp.
no. of pairs of poles.
ratio armature to gap amp-turns at full load.
are so numerous that they cannot all be given their due weight in any dire
method of attack. Some of the more important considerations and hn
tations are as follows: Par. 96 to 107.
Ratio of pole pitch to core length.
k, = t/1 = 3.5kbkpABiv* -i- ( lO'/A'/Z)
Number of poles.
2p = 120///e (3
Pole pitch.
T = 6b// (inches) (3
(Bj is usuallyslightly less than (Bi, (the crest of the fundamental sine-wa
of flux, see Fig. 23, and Par. 32). Also in extreme cases the tooth saturati
flattens the flux distribution curve still more. For laminations 0.014
thick, qu varies from 0.7, in an exceptionally well ducted core, to 0.8, ir
poorly ducted core, and 0.9 in a core without ducts. Thus if (Bir is assuni
at its reasonable upper limit, and qu is known, the relation of (&(, to Qm
96. Beatingr limit. At 60 deg. cent, the copper loss under 1 sq-
of armature surface is hc = A/m, the resistance of one circ.
mil. inch of copi
at 60° cent, being just 1 ohm. he obviouslylimited (a) by the heat
is : (i
sipating power (//o) per sq. in. per deg. cent, of temperature rise, (b) by I
(c) and (d), Ha will vary with the nature of the ventilation, the perii
eral velocity, and the amount of heat thrown off by the rotor. For op',
salient-pole machines, a very rough preliminary guide is
;»c = A/m = 0. 4(1+0. 016t)) (watts per sq. in.) (*^
The weight of armature copper is a consideration but a relatively un
portant one in high speed machines; in lbs. per kv-a. it may be expres
approximately as follows:
« = 100 -Sl
j^^i^ and^,=-^ (
But for high speeds, this would result in a very long machine of sn
diameter and hard to ventilate; so that larger values of kz are usually e
ployed for high speeds.
In Fig. 63, W
c is plotted against v for a case where the following val
obtain: ii: = 10,000;/ = 25; ii = 1,500; A = 1,200; (Bi = 40,000; 95 = 0.667; k,
0.866; TO = 1,000; from which it is obvious that ki may be increased c
siderably above the value corresponding to minimum copper, without c
siderable increase of cost. As kt varies proportionately with ti', it ii
critical ratio and useful as a guide to the determination of v, up to
mechanical limit. Rarely does ka occur outside of the range 0.6 to 1.4, be
in general larger as the number of poles decreases, although each case m
be considered by itself, and many other factors taken into account.
The major considerations affecting v are those of ventilation and
mechanical design. A high v means a diameter in direct proportion, a c
length inversely as v-, a much larger percentage of exposed coil-end surfc
higher heat dissipating power and better ventilation, but a larger and m
expensive frame and bearings. In large two-pole 60-cycle machines, the i
upper limit of Bis that of mechanical strength. With solid cast-steel rot
V may be carried as high as 420 ft. per sec.
104. Machine proportions. Having approximated (Bi, A and t,
general dimensions of the machine are determined. Only some of the m
important considerations have been possible here, but enough to give a cr
notion of the more obvious factors.
106. Caution. The greatest care should be employed in making use
the values and limits here given for the various constants, as there are m;
other considerations and many details of design not here considered, wh
affect individual cases. Moreover, in commercial lines of machines,
necessity of utilizing one punching or one frame for machines of sevc
ratings, voltages, or speeds, results in kinks in the curves plotted fr-
actual data.
106. The air gap in salient-pole alternators, when regulation is 1
important, may be reduced until the distortion of the flux across the polef!
endangers the wave shape, or until pole-face losses become too large.
the first score qj^ (Par. 60) should not exceed 0.60, and on the second accol
the air gap should not be less than one-third of the slot opening in low-, r
citation is low, but the difficulty arises from the high temperature to whi
the insulation is subjected and the high centrifugal forces to which t
conductors are subjected. The facilities for ventilation are necessar
exceedingly poor, and the space for the copper is so restricted that it
necessary to operate the field winding at high current densities. T
result is that portions of the insulation in the slots of high-speed rotors (
usually subjected to temperatures much above 100 deg. cent, and frequeni
temperatures approaching 150 deg. cent, are experienced at the very hotti
spots of therotor insulation in designs of the most difficult ratings. Cf
sequently mica must be the chief ingredient of the insulation, notwithstar
ing that the voltages are very low. The construction must present t
utmost rigidity since the slightest displacement of any insulating mater
will suffice to unbalance the rotor. The case is ably presented by Lami
in a section entitled Rotor Insulation on p. 29 of his paper on "High-spe
Turbo-alternators," in Vol. XXXII (1913) of the Trans. A. I. E. E.
113. Insulation of aJternator leads and connections. Acu
problems are not often encountered in the insulation of the leads and co
nections, since, on the one hand, machines are rarely built for pressuras
excess of 15,000 volts, thus eliminating the questions arising in connect!
with the insulating of extra high-pressure leads; and, on the other hand, t
voltages in large machines are rarely lower than 4,000, so that there do n
arise any questions associated with the handling of very large currents. Tl
latter statement should be conditioned by calling attention to the insta
taneous current flowing on the occasion of sudden short-circuits. Such
current (Par. 63) may for an instant amount to from ten to twenty times t
full-load current of the machine and is associated with the development
enormous mechanical forces. Consequently the problems of leads and ca
nections reduce chiefly to the provision of elaborate mechanical support I
all leads, conductors and cables from the armature windings to the switc
board. The end connections of the stator windings must be elaboratt
supported; many fine machines were wrecked before this was realize
The end connections are sometimes lashed by stout bands of cord to hea'
rings which are supported by stepped brackets constituting extensions of t
frame of the machine. Also see tne following:
Walker, Miles. "Short-circuiting of Large Electric Generators," Jour
1. E. E., 1910. Vol. XLV, p. 295.
Field, A. B. "Operating Characteristics of Large Turbo-generators
Trans. A. I. E. E., 1912, Vol. XXXI, p. 1645.
Lamme, B. G. " High-speed Turbo-alternators," Trans. A. I. E. E., Vc
XXXII, p. 1.
Davis, C. M. "Alternator Short-circuits," Gen, Elec. Rev., 1914, p. 80.'
Diamant, N. S. 'Sudden Short-circuit Phenomena of Alternators
The extra stresses imposed upon the main insulation of the machine would
3 still greater were the machine to be operated with its neutral grounded
irough a resistance, and with its terminals tapped into auto-transformers
/ means of which the generator voltage is stepped up (say in the ratio of
: 2) to the line pressure. Consequently when auto-transformers are em-
oyed, the generator must not have its neutral connected to ground through
resistance, but must be dead-ground. If the stepping-up is accomplished
/ means of transformers with distinct primaries and secondaries instead of
ith auto-transformers, then the generator's neutral may be grounded
..rough a resistance. Operation with grounded neutral is to be pre-
rred for systems from which many expensive underground cables are
,pplied, since a ground on some one cable will clear that cable off the line
'r the opening of its local circuit-breakers and without interruption to the
St of the system. But for a system consisting of a single long line with an
iportant distribution system at its distant end, and where, consequently,
ly interruption of the supply would be very serious, there is a widely held
(inion that the generator should be operated with non-grounded neutral,
ice it is maintained that the development of a ground at some one point
the line is then less likely to shut down the system. It will, however,
.'crease, by 73 per cent., the extreme potential stresses across the genera-
•r's main insulation, and this must be recognized in the proportioning of
e generator's insulation.
Switching operations, arcing grounds, lightning-arrester discharges, and
her disturbances are likely to occasion surges in a system. The generator
ndings must be protected against the resulting high-potential stresses,
'metimes such protection is afforded by suitable reactances interposed
tween the line and the generator, and sometimes the last few turns in the
nding are especially insulated so that the steep potential wave front
'all not occasion breakdown between adjacent turns. See also page 164
"Vol. 53 (1915) of Jour. Inst. Elec. Engrs. for a description of the protec-
:a of an alternator by the "Circulating-current System." This is in a
])er by E. B. Wedniore entitled 'Automatic Protective Switch Gear for
chines, it is necessarily a
Ige component in high-speed A B
f'lchronous machines. The Rated No. Armature Ratio
>'erse is the case with the speed of
oorpln*.' copper loss of A
^nature copper which
loss, poles 7t?
at full-load to B
I'relatively high in low-speed (%)
1. chines, and relatively low in
Wiley and Sons, N. Y., 19081, the rated speeds And these two losses in pi
cent, of output are given in the table at the bottom of the preceding page.
117. Armature copper losses. In addition to the normal I'R loa
there are eddy current losses due to the flux fringing into the tops of the slot
depending largely upon the tooth density; and also eddy losses due toil
cross slot leakage flux, depending largely upon the slot depth and the si:
of the conductor. Consequently each effective armature conductor is usual
built up of many small component conductors in parallel. Since econon
of space is of the utmost importance in the slots of extra high-speed altern
tors, each of these component conductors is usually of rectangular cros
section. The subject of subdividing conductors to eliminate eddy losses h;
been dealt with by A. B. Field in a classical paper " Eddy Currents in Larg
Slot-wound Conductors," Trans. A. I. E. E., 1905, Vol. XXIV, p. 76
Also see "Eddy Currents in Stator Windings," a paper read by H. V
Taylor before the Inst. Elec. Engrs. in January, 1920, and abstracted
the London "Electrical Review" for January 23, 1920, at p. 102. Also si
" Stromverdrangungsfreie Leiter fiir Wechselstrom," by L. Flcischman
at p. 203 of Archiv fur Elektrotechnik, Vol. VIII (1919).
118. The field copper loss
is usually of moderate amount in salient po
machines, even in cases where the machines have many poles. In no
salient pole machines this
loss is, for designs of all speeds, a fairly considerah
component of the total loss in a machine. For relatively low-speed machin
this is partly due to the relatively large number of field spools among whii
the loss is distributed and each of which must provide a fairly large magnet
motive force. In extra high-speed machines, the considerable amount
field copper loss is, in part, a consequence of the high armature magnet
motive force per pole to be offset at low power-factors. In addition it a
partly be traced to the deep air gap which must be provided in order th
sufficient cooling air may be circulated through the machine. Finally, fie
copper loss in this type of machine is high, because of the limited space
the rotor slots, which renders it necessary to employ somewhat high currei
densities, in spite of the consequent high temperatures. Furthermore,
contrast to the salient pole machine, the field poles link with the flux :
relatively low density, and some of them also link with only a part of the flu
the output. Of this amount, about half represents the power required
drive the fan.
For moderate-speed and slow-speed machines not employing fans for ven-
ation, allowances ranging from 1.0 per cent, in small machines down to 5
r cent, m
large machines are usually made for windage and bearing fric-
.n. A further consideration controlling the magnitude of the allowance
ates to the number of bearings whose friction loss should fairly be charged
the generator as distinguished from the prime mover. Where, for testing
rposes, the synchronous machine can be separated from the prime mover
d driven by a small motor, the windage and bearing-friction loss may be
lermmed by test when the machine is built.
;121. Calculated values of bearing friction for several turbo-
Bearing friction in horse-power
Rated out- Speed
lo. of poles (rev. per)
put (kv-a). Turbine Middle Bearing at
bearing bearing collector end
9,400 1,800 7 62 24
6,300 1,800 11 60 14
6,300 1,800 6 41 13
3,100 1,800 4 25 5
2,500 1,800 6 21 6
2,500 1,500 3 20 4
]d present the tendency is to reduce the length of the bearings and
C ain lower losses.
n, '; J^u "fflcieicy; * The true efficiency of a machineis the ratio of the
01 ut to the input. The efficiency should bebased upon the rated output.
power-factor and speed. The
toldlY^u losses on which the efficiency
be corrected to 75 deg.. the temperature of reference for
is based
de-nunatipns (see Sec 24). The determination of the true efficiency of
a chine involves either an accurate determination
of all the component
an accurate measurement of the output and of the simul-
tSt; ',„ .•
Determination of the Efficiency of the Turbo-alternator,"
«>y .irclay T'l"
ftfi^°and Smith at p. 293 of Vol. 57 (1919) of the Journ. I. E. E.
efficiency, but approaches it in machines in which the indeterminable loss
are neghgible.
126. The conventional efficiency differs from the efficiency exclusi'
of stray losses, to the extent to which appropriate values for the indete
minable losses are included in estimating the input. In all matters relatii
to guarantees, the allowances to bo made for the indeterminable losses a
specified in each case. The conventional efficiency is, by definition, le
than the efficiency exclusive of stray losses, except in cases where the co
vention is to take the stray losses equal to zero (see Standardizatii
Rules, Sec. 24). With the application of a reasonable amount of ca
in assigning appropriate values to the indeterminable losses, the difFe
ence between the conventional efficiency and the true efficiency shou
usually be quite unimportant and often negligible.
126. Stray losses. A realization of the extensive nature of the stray loss
has only gradually taken place. It is by no means unusual for the stray loss
to amount to from 25 to 50 per cent, of the no-load core loss. These stray loss
arise from various causes; a notable cause existsin the local variations in t
reluctances of the magnetic circuits around the individual slots and groups
slots with the continually varying relative positions of stator and rot(
Although such losses are not a function of the no-load core loss, neverthele
practical purposes are sometimes fairly served by assuming the stray loss
to be equal to half of the no-load core loss. For example, in a certain machi
with a rated output of 2,000 kw. we may have the following losses: armati;
copper loss, 10,000 watts; field copper loss, 20,000 watts; core loss at no-los
12,000 watts; bearing friction and windage, 15,000 watts.
With this assumption as to the stray loss, the total of all losses at full-lo
amounts to 10,000-|-20,000-|-12,000-f 15,000-1-6,000 = 63,000 watts. T
full-load efficiency wiU then be taken as: 2,000,000/ (2,000,000 -|-63,000)
96.9 per cent.
127. Determination of stray losses. An approximation to the str
losses may be obtained by operating the machine at its normal spe
and with sufficient excitation to circulate rated current. From the pow
required to operate the machine thus, the friction and the copper l(
;j which must be forced through such machines per kv-a. of rated output
ir rder to limit the temperature rise at full-load to permissible values, is
ohe order of from 2 cu. ft. per min. for a 50,000-kv-a. machine to 4.5 cu.
ft)er min. for a 5,000-kv-a. machine, depending on the efficiency of the
ff hine. The precise values vary with the arrangement of the ventilating
pi:ages, and the speed. The customary method of circulating the air con-
* in providing the rotor with fans which force air through appropriate
P-iages. Fig. 66* relates to the ventilating method employed in the design
J*'rom an article by E. Knowlton, "Ventilation of Steam Turbine-
'd en jMternators," General Electric Review, Oct., 1912, page 656.
of a steam turbine-driven alternator of the vertical type. Mr. B. G. Lamme
haa dealt very fully with this subject in a paper entitled "High-Speed
Turbo-alternators," at p. 1 of Vol. XXXII (1913) of the Trans. A. I. E. E.
Lamme subdivides methods of cooling turbo-alternators by the forced circu-
lation of air into three classes: (a) radial methods, (b) circumferential
methods, and (c) axial methods.
133. In the radial system of ventilation all the air passes out radially
through ventilating ducts in the stator core. In the design of these high-
speed generators the rotor diameter is limited by the peripheral speed. Con-
sequently the design is of relatively greatlength parallel to the shaft. There
is very little space on the rotor even for the windings, owing to the limited
radial dimensions, and itis often necessary to dispense with the circulation ol
air through the interior of the rotor. Even in the most favorable cases
such circulation of air through the rotor is limited to but a small part of th«
air required for the cooling of the stator. The greater part of the supplj
required for the stator is, in the radial system, first passed along the an
gap; the radial depth of the air gap is often made very great expressly out ol
consideration for providing sufficient section for the flow of the required
amount of air.
134. A typical arranKement of the radial system as applied b>
the General Electric Co. in its horizontal steam-turbine alternators ii
shown in Fig. 67. The system is described as follows: the air enteri
the generator at A A; passes through the air gap, windings and air ducti
in the stator core to the annular spaces BBB flows around circumfer
entially to the openings CCC in the bottom of the armature frame ant
thence to the outlet duct. In some machines part of the air passei
through the field core. The movement of air is produced by fans oi
the ends of the rotor. In some instances the armature frame is modifiet
so that the air is expelled from the top into the dynamo room. Prope
passages must be provided below the generator for the ingoing and outgo
ing air. As shown in the sketch, air is taken in at both ends of the gener
ator and discharged through an open
ing in the centre of the frame, anc
the passages must be so arranged a
to prevent the outgoing heated ai
from mixing with the incoming coo
air; a simple method of accomplish
ing this 18 also shown. In cer
tain cases other arrangements ma;
better suit local conditions. For ap
proximation the area of the ingoini
or outgoing duct will lange from 5 sq. ft. for a 1,000-kv-a. to 60 sq.
of air per niin. These screens occupy a great deal of space, they giailuully
liecoine cloptred with dust, atid constitute a fire risk.
138. Air washing. Decidedly the best method of oleaiiinc the air consists
iu passing it tlirough sprays of water to wash it, instead of straining it
through cloth screens. E. Knowlton and E. H. Freiburghouse deal at
length with this method in the course of an article entitled "Ventilating
Systems for Steam Turbine Alternators," in the Oeneral Electric Kemew
for April and May, 1918. See also a paper by J. Christie, entitled "Air
Filtration, Cooling and Ventilation of Electrical Machinery;" P^lectrica)
Review; June 27, 191.3, page 1088. Mr. Christie states that filter cloths
wear out quickly and are expensive to renew. He states that $400 to $500
per annum for cloth and labor is by no means an outside figure for the
efhcient maintenance of this equipment.
139. The cooling of air incident to water filtering. The humidi-
fication of air in its passage through the water filter occasions a lowering
of its temperature, the amount of which varies with the condition of the air.
If it is utterly dry on entering the humidifier, the air will have experienced a
considerable decrease in temperature by the time it has emerged from the
humidifier and entered the machine which is to be cooled. Asa consequence of
these considerations, it is obvious that the average conditions regarding
humidity and temperature in any locality, affect the amount of advantage
to be derived by air filtering in addition to that of removing the dirt and
the dust. The average reduction in the temperature of the air for the
months of July and August in different parts of the United States is stated
(Knowlton) to vary from 2.-5 deg. cent, at points on the coast to 1 1 deg. cent,
at points in the Middle South West. On certain days during these months
the maximum reduction effected may considerably exceed these average
140. Abnormal conditions reqwring large factors of safety. In
providing adequate strength in the design of synchronous machines it is
usually utterly insufficient to take the conditions in the machine when run-
ning at uniform speed at its normal load as the basis which, with usual
factors of safety, will lead to a satisfactory design. On the contrary, it is
the conditions occurring during sudden short circuits (see Par. 63 and 64) and
Section B-B-B
that no oil shall be thrown or leak out from the bearings, as it is liable
to occasion harm to the insulation. Even though there may not be any
apparent escape of oil, it may be present as a fine vapor and be thus taker
up by the air in the engine room.
Spring thrust bearings. The spring thrust bearings manufactured by
the General Electric Company are used extensively on hydro-electric gen-
erating units. On horizontal-shaft turbines a double thrust bearing is
provided to take the unbalanced water thrust, and on vertical shaft units a
single thrust bearing supports the entire weight of the rotating parts and
the downward thrust of the water. A spring thrust bearing of typical de-
sign for large vertical shaft generators is shown in Fig. 70,4.
The distinctive feature of the spring supported bearing is that it will
automatically adjust itself while in operation, if there is a loss of alignment
due to the settling of the foundation, or to other causes. On large machines
the finishing of the parts is not as accurate as on small units. With an oil
film of only about three ten-thousandths of an inch in thickness between the
thrust bearing surfaces, it is evident that even with good machining and
erection, very severe conditions may exist for any large thrust bearing with-
out a yielding support.
The bearing consists of a runner of a special grade of cast iron resting on a
thin steel disc with a babbitted surface. This babbitted ring, in turn,
re.st8 on short helical springs and is held in place by dowel pins. The high
base casting shown is used in connection with a deep housing in case it is
desired to instal water cooling coils to remove the heat from the surroundinK
oil bath._ The bearing surface of the runner is finished with extreme accuracy
and is given a high polish. Radial grooves in the rotating bearing surface
produce a rapid circulation of oil across the babbitted surface. The babbitt
surface upon which the runner revolves is given an accurate tool finish in
the factorj', and it is not necessary to give this surface any further finish
such as hand scraping to the runner or to a surface plate, which is generally
done in the case of other types of bearings.
144. Bearing pedestal. It is only in small machines that the bearing
pedestal continues to be a distinct and readily recognizable component.
There is a tendency in modern machines to embody the functions of the
pedestal either in the base or in the end shields.
147. Bi\>liography.
Livingstone, R. ';The Mechanical Design of Electrical Generatore,"
The blectncian Printing & Publishing Co., London, 1914.
Horsnail, W. A. "The Useof Comparative Formula in the Mechanical
Design of l!.lectnc Generators," Engineering, May 11, 1906, page 605.
Niethammer, F. "Die Durchbiegung von Dynamogehausen,"' Zeit-
fur Elektrotechmk, June 19, 904, page 367.
"Notes on Design of Shafts with Special Reference to High-speed Electric
Benerators, The Engineer, Dec. 3, 1909.
Peineke, W. 'Die Konstruktionen Elektrischer Maschinen."
jy Friednch Vieweg & Sons, Braunshweig, 1912.
Hobart & Ellis. Chapter XII entitled "Stresses in Rotating Field
Systems, of High-speed Dynamo-electric Machinery," John Wiley &
sons. New York, 1908.
Barclay, F. S. , ''The Mechanical Design and Specification of the Turbo-
ilternator Rotor, Journ. Inst. Elec. Engrs. (1918), Vol, 56, p. 472.
149. Intermittent nxethod of making a heating test. Suppose a
oertain machine has at full-load: a friction loss of 10 kw.; an armattire copper
loss of 20 kw. and an iron loss of 100 kw.
; In the course of an hour's run at
full-load the loss of energy will be: 10X60 = 600 kw-min. as friction; 20X60
«= 1,200 kw-min. as copper loss in armature; 100X60 = 6,000 kw-min. aa
iron loss.
Let the machine run for 5 min. with the armature short-circuited,
and at such an armature current that the armature copper loss is 60 kw.,
i.e., at a current equal to yS times the normal current. Next let the machine
run for a further 10 min. with open armature circuit, but overexcited,
so as to give an iron loss of 150 kw. This adjustment is made according to
indications of the wattmeter on the driving motor, allowance being made for
other losses, such as losses in the motor itself and friction of the alternator
and the driving mechanism. If this cycle of operations is repeated regularly
throughout the time of the test, it is obvious that 10X60 = 600 kw-min.
will be lost in friction per hr. 60 X 20 = 1,200 kw-min. will be lost in armature
copper per hr.; 150X40 = 6,000 kw-min. will be lost in the iron per hr., or,
exactly the same loss in each case as would have occurred under normal
full-load in the same time. There is still the loss in the magnet windings
to be considered. During the short-circuit test this is less, and during the
open-circuit test it is greater than the normal, so that on the average it does
not differ very greatly from the normal. If, however, great exactness in
this respect is required it is obtained as shown in Par. 180.
IBS. The friction and windage losses and the iron losses should be
measured by driving the alternator by a motor of which the eflBciency
is known for all values of the input. The motor should, if practicsble,
j ;
1 1
ondary conductors cut (or »lip backward through) the revolving field, will
and the induced e.m.f., the current and the torque will increase
until the increase in torque just meets the demand imposed by the load. AH
of this is analogous to the operation of a shunt motor, but there is one im-
portant difference. In the induction motor, as the slip increases, the fre-
quency and therefore the leakage reactance of the secondary increases in
direct proportion. This results in an increasing lag of the secondary current
behind the flux by which its e.m.f. is induced, and means, therefore, a de-
creasing effectiveness of the secondary current in torque production.
159. Stalling torque. Beyond a certain point, the increase of slip and
slip voltage with load, is accompanied by an almost proportional increase of
impedance, so that the secondary current ceases to increase with the slip
at the same time that its torque effectiveness is decreasing. Thus there is a
point or slip beyond which the torque actually decreases, causing the motor
to stop. In a good motor this stalling torque is largely in excess of the
torque at its rated load.
160. Primary or stator winding. Fig. 77 shows a two-phase, four-
pole stator with one slot per pole per phase.
161. Distribution of primary winding. On the score of tooth-tip or
sigzag leakage (Par. 196), the concentrated or unicoil windings shown in
Fig. 78.- -Diagram of a four-pole five-sixth pitch winding for the stator
of a three-phase induction motor.
and, as in that case, the two-layer lap winding is usually employed. Figs.
78 and 79 relate to a three-phase, four-pole, two-layer lap winding, with five-
sixths pitch (ten slots in 12) and four slots per pole per phase. The bottom
and top slot belts labelled o comprise the back-connected {down through
the paper) conductors of the a phase, those labelled a' the out-ward con-
nected {up from the paper) conductors of the same phase; similarly with the
b and c phases. Several coil ends of the c phase are shown diagrammatically.
Fig. 79 shows a diagrammatic developed end view of the phase belts.
A developed diagram of connections of the winding of Figs. 78 and 79 is
shown in Fig. 80, where the dotted lines indicate the bottom-slot coil sides or
the lower layer.
163. Secondary or rotor windings. These may consist of any sym-
metrical arrangement of short-circuited conductors in which series-connected
conductors do not generate opposing e.m.fs. There are three principal types.
(a) Phase wound, like the primary, except that the phases are short-
circuited or brought out through collector nngs for insertion of starting
resistance. The number of phases need not be the same as for the primary.
and is usually 3.
(b) Independently short-circuited loops or coils. The two active
aides of each loop are approximately 180 magnetic deg. apart.
Fig. 80. — Developed winding diagram corresponding to Fig. 78 and Fig. 79.
cylindrical shell comprising the currents on the two sides of the air gap, and
the magnetic flux crossing the gap may be considered as the active region
of any generator or motor, and the analysis of the phenomena in this region
will yield most of the vital characteri.'^tics of the machine. Neglecting the
localization of current in the slots and taking the average amperes per in.
of periphery in each phase belt, the heavy full-line curves of Fig. 81 show the
primary current distribution of a three-phase fnll-pitch winding at the
instant!^ m, n, and o of Pig. 82. The axis of each curve in Fig, 81 T«pre-
sents the air gap, and the sections a, b, Cj etc., the primary phase belts
along one side of the gap. The broken-hno curves of Mg. 81 show the around the flux paths crossing the gap at each point. That is, the
maximum ordinate of the m.m.f. wave at /> or />' is proportional to the ampere-
turns with which the longest flux path pp' (shown dotted) is linked. This
is the sum of the ampere-turns of belts c , a, and 6. Similarly the ordinate
at o or g' represents the ampere-turns of the belt a with which the path
gq' links.
Neglecting the ampere-turns consumed in the iron part of those paths, the
ordinates of the m.m.f. curve may be used to designate the magnetic potential
differences across thegapnt the several points. But since the gap is normally
of constant radial <lepth, the broken-line curves may be used also to repre-
sent the flux-density in the gap, the disturbing effect of the slot openmgs
being neglected. If the concentration of the current in slots be considered,
the m.m.f. curves would be of the step variety with a step for every tooth.
Fig 83 is the same as Fig. 81 except that the coil pitch has been reduced
to five-sixths. In both Figs. 81 and 83, it will be observed that although
the gap-flux-distribution curve changes its shape slightly, it is nearly sinu-
soidal, and that it progresses or rotates uniformly around the gap periphery.
Sine-waves are shown for comparison. The shape of the current distribu-
tion curve changes more than that of the m.m.f. curve, but it progresses or
rotates at the same velocity. The changes of the flux curve, in shape and
magnitude, are graphically analyzed for full-pitch windings on pages 380-
390 of the 2nd edition of Hobart's "Electric Motors." See also pages 120-
FiG. 81. —
Peripheral distribu- .
'm n o
170. Secondary or slip e.m.f., e'l. As the rotor conductors slip back-
ward (left to right, Fig. 84) through the flux, each will experience an p.m.f.
proportional (at fixed slip velocity) to the density of the flux at the position
in question. Curve / may therefore be used to designate at proper scale the
Fio. 85. — Semipictorial induction-motor
representation of vector quantities involved in
172. Primary current ii. The primary current density at any point
of the periphery and at any instant, must then be such as to neutralize the
m.m.f. of the secondary current and also to supply the magnetizing current
im. It will then be represented by Curve V
which is the sum of im (Curve
II; and —
12 (Curve IV) at that same point and instant. See also 7i in
Fig. 85.
173. Basis for vector diagram of induction motor. It should be
remembered that the curves of Fig. 84 represent primarily space distributions
of the several variables at a given instant, and that these distributions revolve
at synchronous speed around the gap periphery, keeping the same relative
positions or space phases for a given condition of load. These distributions
are shown in semipictorial fashion in Fig. 85, where the vectors Bg, It,
and /i point to the positions at which the maximum positive values of these
quantities occur, at the instant shown.
The time variation of all these quantities with respect to any par'icular point
or conductor on the primary side of the gap, will be sinusoidal at primary
^ency, and at secondary or slip frequency with respect to any point or con-
ductor on the secondary structure. Tt is only from this point of view and with
th\3 under stan,ding that it is possible to represent consistently primary and
secondary variables on the same vector diagram.
either stationary
phase difference between the primary current in a particular primary con-
ductor, and the secondary current of very different frequency in a particu-
lar tecondary conductor. By extending the vector diagram of Fig. 85 we
obtain the complete space and time vector diagram of the induction motor
in Fig. 86.
174. Analysis of vector diagram. E'l is that part of the impressed
e.m.f. to neutralize the counter e.m.f. induced by the mutual flux *, the
direction of the vector * being that of the plane of the coil when it links
the maximum flux, just as the direction of B, is that of the plane of the coil
when it is cutting the densest gap flux and generating the maximum e.m.f.
/mis the magnetizing current and le+h the core loss energy current, their
sum being 7o, commonly called the exciting current. Assuming all secondary 5
177. Power analysis. The following analysis of the' power Pi, delivered
to the motor primary, may be readily followed from either Fig. 86 or Fig.
^7. Designating the number of phases by p', the primary power per phase
-J = 7i£i co3 9i = /Vi+£'i7icos9i»
= l\+I,+kE'i+(,E'iri co8«s =£i/t cos St)
= I^ri+I,+hE'i+I^rt+Ei^l2 cos 9j
'oJ 8a(J7«^8
* U9 ^XltiXBiA
iO<IB»TIOa tt
179. Exact formulss. From the vector diagram of Fig. 86 or from the
luivalent circuit scheme of Fig. 87, exact formulae may be easily developed
r the currents, fluxes, voltages, powers, torque,
power-factor, efficiency, etc.,
1 m
terms of .Si, 3, and the constants of the motor; but these are such com-
leated functions of the slip as to be too cumbersome for quick computation,
though none too accurate for poor motors. By a poor motor is not meant
•^.^sarily a poor design, but a poor result which may
be due to difficult
ecifications, e.g., relatively low speed or relatively high frequency.
180. Approximate working formulso for torque, output and Btartin
current. For moat purposes the following are sufficiently accurate,
will be observed that the constants of the exciting circuit do not enter; this
due to the approximation, which is equivalent to neglecting the excitir
current as far as it affects the quantities considered.
T= (lb. ft.) (4;
("+7') +(^'+=f«)*
Slip corresponding to maximum torque
(lb. ft.)
r™«x Vn' + Ui + ii)'
Maximum or stalling torque
7.05 v'E\
(lb. ft.) (4-
Ro 2[ri+ Vn> + (a:i+xj)»l
Starting torque
7.05 p'tiE\
T, (lb. ft.)
Ro (n+rj)2 + (xi+a;j)'
Starting current
V(n+ri)« + (a;,+X2)» (amps.)
T , .
(n + -^')'+(ii+x,)>
Maximum output, i.e., stalling load
(watts) (5
+ V(n+r,)« + (xi+xi)»]
2[ (n +rs)
Slip corresponding to maximum output
»P.» (5
rj + V (n + ri)»+ (ii+xj)»
These approximations are fairly accurate except where the exciting curre
is large. As the primary current and power-factor are both largely affect
by the approximation involved in the formula given above, their formu
are not given. They can be most easily obtained from the circle diagram
181. The method of percentages. For the purpose of discussi
the operating characteristics of an induction machine, as well as in co
nection with problems involved in its design, the following method of val
ing its constants will be found very convenient. Referring to Figs. 80 :
here T"/ = full-load torque; etc. All currents, voltages, etc., correspond
I full-load unless otherwise specified- These oould have been expressed
I terms of Ei and /i rather than in terms of E'l and Jj<, but for
ost purposes the latter will be found more convenient. Formul» for
ese percentages are given in Par. 18S to 189. The torque formula given
)Ove, as well as many others involving vital relationships between induction-
otor variables, may
be written in terms of these percentages, with the ad-
intage that while the actual constants n.ari, etc., have values depending upon
e size and voltage of the motor, and are not easily compared as between
% Diagram
Fig. 88. — Percentage vector diagram for induction motor.
power-factor = —— (52)
/.=/,71 "
— (approx.'l (amp.) (55)
1 ««
T„ 1 1 1.25gr,
AjT ==r-=y- . (approx.) (57)
V,l<f, 94. —Illustrating cross-slot leak- P'lo, 95. — Illustrating tooth-tip
age flux. leakage.
ihea&ce or flux linkage (lines) per amp. in. of primary phase-belt is (se
Fig. 42)
- /I
, 1 di dt . 2di , d4
, (5S.
N,pp\ A w. W, -f- M).o
'here.V.pp = slots per pole per phase, and N, the number of slots.
95. The flux linkage
indicates a circumferential current backward through the paper). If fi
ring is set radially inward nearer the shaft, <pf may be increased as muchi
50 per cent, (see the upper curve). Or, if the end ring is placed nearer tl
core, f>j may be considerably increased (25 or 30 per cent.).
197. Belt-lflakage. * For three-phase motors and fuil-pitch winding
the flux linkage per amp-in. of belt is
^Bj = %'*^i'^s'^'"- -^3145 = ii:;5T -^ 3145 '{61
A. much more convenient form for many purposes is the per cent, reactance
Its f/xl-^J5'l=8xJ).
rhe several terms in Eq. 62a represent, in order, the slot, tooth-tip, coil end
i beltleakages.
These equations can be much simplified for any particular type of mgtor by
uming numerical values for some of the minor constants; but the use of
! complete expressions involves only a few minutes in computation, and
jj the advantage of keeping before the mind the factors upon which the
.:.ctance depends. Approximations which are quite allowable in one type
'machine are dangerous in another.
199. The circle diagram. If the constants of an induction motor were
lly constant it could be proved that the locus of the primary current
1 »"2 *2
11 7i'-Is ,
^Bg ( 8 - 1 )
"Au O
r' •hlir)
ilK K^
Fig. 104. —Approx. circle diagram oorrespopdiug to Fig. 103. r
I hat based upon the approximate equivalent circuit scheme of Fig. lOS,
vch differs from the equivalent circuit scheme of Fig. 87 in having the
e iting-current circuit connected outside of the primary. This renders the
• i-current c'rcuit independent of 7o, and leaves it with a constant react-
*e {Ta = x\-\-xi) and a variable resistance r\i = T\-^(xils) depending upon the
When a constant voltage is impressed upon such a circuit and the
resistance varied (variable «), the locus of the current is a circle. The oxei
ing current must be added to obtain the total current.
The corresponding diagram is shown in Fig. 104. If this diagram t
rotated counter-clockwise until Eiia slightly below the horizontal on tl
left, it will correspond with the left-hand side of the regular vector diagrat
Fig. 86. The diameter of the circle in Fig. 104 is £1/(11+12). B, is tl
short-circuit or standstill point; tan ¥><> = —+—
1 and BiG,-i-G,H, = ri-i-n.
The approximation involved in this diagram
is such that serious erro
are not introduced in the case of a good motor, i.e., a motor with low excitii
current and low reactance; but the errors become serious in poor motors.
200. Note concerning interpretation of approximate circle dlagran
In what follows £1 and Ii are the volts and amperes of a single phase. If J
be the line voltage multiplied by s/s, and /i the line current, p' should 1
Scales 2.5 per delta p1iai9
lorse Power?
| ? ? 1 1
rj.1.2 AD~^
Torque in
go- 0.00262 bo- 0.0136 l/g- 0.01384
12 8 4 5
H.P. gj^-.0.50
Bs ff^ = O.U
(T— 0.006
the air gap (i.e., the torque in synchronous watts) and GF -i-GB the slij>.
203. Efficiency (Par. 210-216). The efficiency is Pa/Pi = BF/B/r.
204. Power-factor (Par. 216). The power-factor, 00s #1, may be:
determined from the diagram by drawing a unit circle about O and :
(a) Amperes and watts at normal voltage when the motor is running
ht. This gives the Io = OA of Fig. 104. Thus the point A may be located,
irting with O as the origin, and Ei vertical. , , t
. •
1000 ^ 10 SlOO
S800 M *
600 e
^400 40 4 S40
30 I
200 20
icing current to tbe short-circuit current, but this is inaccurate for motor
with higli secondary resistances. It is dependent upon the machine pro
portions and independent of the load.
For all practical purposes it is
+ MM +1:32X^+0.0052
,,' I
For values of S, A and Kf see Par. 1»5 to 198 and Figs. 96 to 101. S varie
from 6 to 18 with an average of 10 to 12; .1 from 0.2 for open slot
00^ £7i
Iq locus
on one side of gap to 0.42 for nearly closed slots on both sides, and Kf fro
1.5 in good squirrel-cage motors to 2.2 in slip ring motors, see Fig. 101.
Kierstead has proposed a somewhat simpler though leas rational formul
where C varies with the air gap according to the accompanying table
Maximum power-factor =
1,6 accuracy and meaning of either of these depend upon the method of
termining or of defining a.
109. Bibliography of articles relating to the calculation of circle
Chapter IV (p. 29) of Behrend'a "Induction Motor."
^ (l+fe,A;/)10»
xsre m is the circ. mils per amp. Owing to the lower flux density in the
gs there is a greater length of active conductor than for the synchronous
jTnator; but this is partly neutralized by the I arger
I the poorer ventilation of the
made necessary
short air-gap machine.
12. Secondary copper loss. In the case of a wound secondary, the
c per loss is about the same as for the primary, for although the current is
1' there is in most cases less slot section available for
, copper. In the case
ci squirrel-cage rotor, it is usually easy to make thesecondary resistance
1'.. Unfortunately this opportunity may not ordinarily be taken advantage
c smce the starting torque requireinents frequently demand a relatively
l::e value of the slip and therefore of grj. Par. 186 and
Fig. 91.
'he squirrel-cage copper loss may be computed as follows: The secondary
crent per bar is 26=ii{r,j where A2 is the secondary peripheral loading
« Tij the secondary tooth pitch. I}? times the ohms per bar times the
tnber of bars = total bar loss. The current in each endringisJr =J» times
t number of rotor conductors per pole divided by 2.22, and
the end ringloss
If. times total series resistance of both end rings.
Density in stator
(lines per sq. in
40 112 280 32
60 250 420 72
80 450 560 128
100 700 700 200
duction motor.
The motor to which these last results correspond, was designed for vet
high eflBciency and without any regard to starting torque (gi = 0.12 and •<
sure at Alotor's Line Starting
motor starting starting Starting torque in
Sec. 7-222 a. c. generators and motors
Thousands of these motors are in use at these frequencies, for such purposes
as the grinding of small bearings, especially ball races, where, in order to
secure a satisfactory cutting speed, speeds up to 18,000 r.p.m. have been used;
also oil separators of the centrifugal type, for which, in some cases, speeds
up to 16,200 r.p.m. have been used. They are also used for driving wood
snapers and wood carving machinery, where, in order to get a reasonable
cutting speed, high rotative speeds are necessary. The manufacturer of the
special apparatus usually mounts the motors directly on the shaft or spindle
of the machine to be driven and provides, at the same time, the outside
casing to support the stator.
322. Theory of operation. If a polyphase induction motor, while
running light, and still connected to its supply circuit, be mechanically
driven above synchronism, the slip will be negative, the secondary con-
ductors will cut the revolving flux m the opposite direction, the secondary
e.m.f. and current will reverse with respect to the flux, and the torque reac-
tion of the secondary current will oppose the rotation. This means mechan-
ical power absorbed and a reversal of the direction of power flow across the
air gap, i.e., generator action. A little consideration will show that the
torque characteristic above synchronism will be approximately symmetrica
with that below synchronism, referred to the point of synchronism, see
Fig. 111.
Induction generators are dependent for their excitation upon laggins
current drawn from synchronous generators, or leading current delivorec
to synchronous motors connected to the network into which the inductior
generators deliver their output. Therefore the induction type of generatoi
requires no separate exciter for the purpose of supplying continuous current
to its field windings, and is consequently much simpler in its electrical con-
struction than the synchronous type.
However the induction generator is subject to the very definite limitation
that it is operative only when connected in parallel with a synchronouf
generator, or in parallel with a supply network to which there is at least one
synchronous generator connected, as otherwise it would be cut off from ite
source of exciting current.
223. Circle diagram of induction generator. The characteristics ol
the induction generator can be most easily determined from the circle dia-
gram. For this purpose we may still use the induction-motor approximate-
equivalent circuit scheme of Fig. 103 with the understanding that s is negative
which means an apparent negative reactance sij, and an apparent negative
resistance (ri/s)(l — s). This means that the power delivered to this resist
ance is negative, and simply an electrical equivalent of the source of me-
chanical driving power. Upon this basis, it is evident that the locus of the
extremity of /i is a circle for the induction generator as well as for the induc-
tion motor, as there is no abrupt change in the vector diagram when s passei
through zero.
224. Interpretation of circle diagram. The approximate circle diagran
of theinductiongeneratorisgiveninFig. 110, where the notation corresponeL
to that of Fig. 104 for the induction motor. The principal characteristics de
rived from the circle diagram areshownin Fig. 111. Referring to Fig. IIOJ^
represents the total power delivere d to the generator (shaft-friction, wmi
age, and rotor-core loss excluded); FO represents the rotor copper loss
the total power transmitted across the air gap to the stator; GH
the st i'
copper loss; HK the sta tor-core le>ss; andKBthe output Egli cos dg. Tb<
Blip is s=FG/GB.
226. Power-factor and excitation. Thus the induction machine
driven above synchronism, pumps power back into the line, the anioun'
depending upon the slip. But tne power-factor of the outputis fixed, no
by the nature of the load but by the slip and the constants of the maohim
itself. The induction machine always carrios a quadrature current whei
operating either as motor or as generator. It may De said to receive a quad-
rature lagging current, or to eleliver a quadrature leading current. Thii
quadrature current is the excitation of the machine, a part Im for the niair
flux, and the remainder (or its equivalent in quadrature volt amperes) fo)
:i^ I H
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8 10 12
ToMue in Synchronous K-.W.
|Fia. 111. — Generator and motor characteristics of induction machine.
Sec. 7-226 A. c. generators and motors
the leakage fluxes. This exciting current is absolutely necessary to th«
operation of the machine, and must be supplied from the line in just as rea
a sense in the case of generator operation, as in the oaee of motor operation
826. Condenser excitation. An interesting though uncommercia
method of supplying this excitation is by means of condensers. With con-
denser excitation an induction generator acts very much like a direct-
current shunt-wound generator, except that it has a separate characteristic
curve for each power-factor.
The amount of capacitance required for the excitation of a large induc-
tion generator is somewhat appalling. E.g., even a very large inductioii
generator with the best constants will require about 25 per cent, reactive
current at full-load; but as capacitance costs from $10 to $20 per kv-a,
(higher for lower frequencies), this will add from $2.50 to $5 per kv-a. to
to the cost of the induction-generator, which renders it prohibitive.
227. Excitation from synchronous machines. The usual arrange-
ment for excitation is to operate induction generators in parallel with one oi
more synchronous machines, motors or generators, usually the latter. The
synchronous machines supply not only their own excitation but also that foi
the induction generator, as well as the quadrature or reactive current de-
manded by the receiving apparatus connected to the system.
228. Low excitation required by induction generator. The no-
load exciting current of large high-speed induction generators may be af
low as 12 per cent, of the load current. The full-load lagging reactive
component or what might be called the full-load excit ation, is so metimes a:
low as 25 per cent., which means a power-factor of l/V 1 -|- (0.25)^ = 0.97.
229. Equivalent exciter capacity. Although the excitation of the induc-
tion generator issmall in ampere- turns, it is large in kv-a. since its power-
factor is low. If this excitation is supplied by a special machine used foi
no other purpose, its kv-a. capacity must be at least 25 per cent, of that of the
induction generator, whereas the capacity of the direct-current exciter for t
synchronous machine is rarely more than 2 per cent., and in large machine!
about 1 per cent. If, however; there be enough synchronous-machine capa-
city installed, so that the total reactive exciting current is a small part ol
the load current of the synchronous machines, their resultant capacity neeei
not be much increased. In some cases, a part of the excitation of inductioi
machines can be supplied by the charging current of large underground cable
230. Voltage regulation. The induction generator when excited froir
synchronous machines has no inherent regulation as to voltage, since in thii
respect it is quite as passive as an induction motor and depends wholly upoi
the voltage and corresponding excitation supplied to it by the system. Ii
other words, the voltage must be controlled by the excitation of the synchro-
nous machines connected to the system.
231. Frequency regulation. If the frequency is kept perfectly constan
by the synchronous machine, induction generators can only deliver an in
creased output by increasing their speed and slip, see Fig. 111. If, however
the speed of an induction machine is kept constant, it can deliver moti
load only by a decrease in frequency, i.e., by a decrease in the speed of thi
synchronous machines which set the frequency.
232. Division of load. If the induction generator be driven by i
governed prime mover, its speed will drop slightly with the load, whicl
means that the frequency and therefore the speed of the synchronous ma
chines must drop still more. Another method of dividing the load t(
engine with fixed cut-ofl. In this case its output will be constant, ain;
speed-governed synchronous machine or machines will assume the !
nduction machine up to speed and throw it in. As the machine cannot pick
^jp its load until the field is established, the first rush of current is wholly
jxciting current and practically independent of the slip. This initial current
^•ush is quite analogous to that experienced when switching in transformers,
md is explained on the same basis. Since with large units this exciting
mrrent rush is undesirably large, leactance coils are inserted while switching
n, and then cut out as soon as the steady state is reached.
237. Hunting. The connection between the speed of a synchronous
^nachine and its circuit frequency is exactly analogous to a mechanical
lastic coupling, and that between an induction machine and its impres.sed
ie latter. It is this transient effect that twists the armature coil ends as if
icy were made of rope. With the induction generator the case is quite
ifTcront. There is no steady portion, since the source of exciting cur-
;iit disappears when the short-circuit occurs, just exactly as in the case
:i direct-current shunt-wound generator. The transient effect is present,
ut m
only small degree since, with the same flux as in the synchronous
a'hine, the reluctance of the magnetic circuit (and hence the energy of
le field) is only a fractional part (sometimes less than 10 per cent.) as
239. Low resistance squirrel-cage rotor. Since the induction gen-
ator requires no starting torque, the rotor is always of the squirrel-cage
^po and of as low resistance as is consistent with the cost of the copper
id the available space. This means a very low secondary-copper loss,
id a sHp of less than 0.5 per cent, in large machines.
240. First cost and ventilation. Owing to the exceedingly simple rotor
iistruction, theinduction generator would be cheaper to build than a syn-
rrnous machine of the same capacity, were it not that the short radial
pth of the air gap makes ventilation very diflficult, and the more so in those
jtings which are otherwise the best suited to this type of machine. This,
tgether with the tooth-frequency losses incident to the short air gap,
r.ikes the induction generator of doubtful superiority except in special cases.
le switchboard is, however, very much simpler, and the switching
>ns are of reduced complexity.
241. Best field of application for induction generators. The
ecifications from which the best induction machines can be produced are
^P^^"^' '^""Se output, and low frequency, which means steam-turbine or
j?h-head water-whee! drive in large power stations. Unfortunately these
the specifications which lead to great difficulties in ventilation, owing to
short air-gap.
•? A large city-railway system with the load considerably
*?% '^P , "f synchronous converters with underground-cable distribution,
asSes the conditions as to excitation.
242. Bibliography.
Danielson.— "Reversibility of the Polyphase Induction Motor." Elec
World, Jan. 21, 1893, p. 44.
Steinmetz, C. p. "Alternating-current Induction Motor." Train
A. I. E. E., Vol. XIV, p. 185, July 26, 1897.
Steinmetz, C. P. and Behq, E. J.— "Alternating-current Phenomena.'
Chapter 15, Par. 156, First Edition.
McKissiCK, A. F. "Some Tests with an Induction Generator." Tram
A. I. E. E., Vol. XV, p. 409, 1898.
Leblanc, Maurice. "The Induction Generator." L'Eclairage Electriqu
18, pp. 101-167 and 376-379, 1899.
McAllister, A. S. "Excitation of Asynchronous Generators by Mean
Elec. World and Eng., Jan. 17, 1903.
of Condensers."
McAllister, A. S. "Asynchronous Generators." American Electriciar.
November, 1903.
Stanley, W. and Faccioli, G.— "New Type of Induction Alternator an
Trans. A. I. E. E., July, 190o.
Waters, W. L "Non-synchronous Generators." Trans. A. I. E. E
Spooner, T. and Barnes, A.
—"Induction Generator— Effect Shon
J. of
K2 = ratio
of air-gap amp-turns to total amp-turns
Kd = dnc.t contraction factor
Kf=km, Fig. 101
k = ratio pole pitch to core length
fco = belt reactance factor. Fig. 102
fc6= belt differential factor. Par. 31
A;/= length of coil end pole pitch -i-
A;o= h.p. output per sq. in. of projected area of air-gap cylinder
kp = pitch differential factor, Fig. 22
kt = slot-reactance constant
/tM = slot space-factor
I = gross length of core
]' T( = tooth-pitch (in.)
v)/ = flux per amp. in.
^o = 3.2A(Bd10-h> (74)
y substituting for » in equation 72, its value [wDR/720), we get
h.p. = 1.55 {\-s)khkpA(S,DnRlQr^^ = iDHR (75)
here f is called output coefficient. With the same assumptions as
1.38A(B10-"f = (76)
horse-power be replaced by kilowatts in Eq. 75,
J*=1.03A(B10-»2 (77)
Sometimes the output equation is more convenient in the form of Eq*
I, and sometimes in that of Eq. 75. Referring to Eqs. 72 and 75, and
isuming R specified, (B, A, and v determine Dl, and D = (720v) / {-kR) or \
Sec. 7-247 A. c. generators and motors
I I I I I ,
i»= j9p (see Fig. 114) which is too small on the score of ventilation.
However, as the minimum is a fairly flat one ^3 and 11 may be consider-
ably increased without seri-
22001 — —— —— —— —
ously increasing the copper
volume, to the great gain
of Qm and the ventilation.
There is a pretty decided
limit, however, since the
coil-end copper increases as
t)2 and the coil-end leakage
sumed cyastantin determining the above value of fca, will flatten the mini-
mum still more and raise the
desirable values of v and ks.
Fig. 115 shows for a series of
100-h.p., 25-cycle, three-
phase, squirrel-cage motors
at various speeds, the influ-
ence which ^3 exerts on the
cost, and Fig. 116 shows the
corresponding values of the
circle ratio.
It is instructive also to
regard the cost from another
standpoint. The cost of the
copper andlaminationsisifirst
estimated, and is designated
aa the cost of net effective
material. If we designate the
overall diameter[ininches]by
Do and the gross core length
[in inches] by/, we may take '""q 2.02.2 2.4 2.6
the cost of thelabor, theover-
head charges and the struc-
tural material, in dollars, as Fig. 115. — Total works cost of 100-h.p. in-
(DoVll) + Q.2OD0I. It isduction motors as function of ratio pole-pitch
seen from this formula that a to gross core length. Full-pitch winding as-
motor with an overall diam- sumed.
eter of 80 in. will have an
overhead cost approaching {85''/ll) = $580, aa I approaches zero. If i is
equal to 16 in., the cost to be debited to labor, overhead charges and struc-
tural material amounts to (580 -^ 0.20 X 80 X 16) = $836. The total works cost
is $836 plus the outlay for the net effective material. While such rnethods
require adjustment to the varying con-
00,7 ditions in different works, it is never-
theless instructive to ernploy them.
The above' investigation is based on
pre-war data. Costs of labor and ma-
terial are still too unsettled to justify
establishing equivalent formulte for
future use.
From the relation A:3 = 0.71/gp for
minimum total works cost, it can be
shown that:
will then be much larger than that of the backward-revolving field, within
the forward working range. With the rotor stationary, En = En, the fields
are equal and produce equal and opposite torques. :
. 30 ; 60
i 20" 40
270. Winding data for 0.126-h.p., 60-cycle, 4-pole, 110-volt, ulf-
Btarting, single-phase induction motor. See Figs. 125 and 120. The
main or working winding is wound with No. 20 wire and has 1,064 active
conductors. The starting winding is wound with No. 25 wire and has 576
active conductors. For each winding the active conductors are connected
in series. Numbering the slots for 1 pole from 1 to 9, the following table
shows the distribution of the two windings.
20 2000
I 561
,_ -^
^N. 'R*>iiQ'hoq
at the moment of starting. One way in which it has often been sought to
decrease this difficulty, has been by the employment of leads of high resist-
ance connecting the winding to the commutator segments as indicated in
Fig. 132. The extra-heavy lines in this diagram indicate the coils which, at
the particular instant considered, are short-circuited under the brushes. This
practice of introducing resistance leads between the winding and the com-
mutator segments has often been carried so far that notwithstanding the
brief time during which each lead is in circuit, the loss in the leads has been
sufficient to decrease seriously the efficiency, and to constitute a considerable
component in the total heating of the motor. Obviously, however, the
method affords a means of limiting the short-circuit currents occasioned by
transformer action, and consequently improves the commutation during
starting. • ,• i
Thealternating current in the intermediate conductors (shown in lighter
lines in Fig. 132) is always in such directions relatively to the alternating
magnetic flux set up by the field winding, as to occasion in the conductors a
torque in a constant direction. The motor consequently has the necessary
properties and it becomes of interest to investigate means for overcoming its
faults. How can the power-factor of the motor be improved; how can we
decrease its inductance? We
can reduce the inductance of the field winding
by employing few turns. This requires designing the magnetic circuit for low
magnetic densities (which, in turn, tends to make the motor large and heavy),
and with small air gaps.
Fig. 133. Loop of wire with Fig. 134.— Doubled-back loop
considerable inductance. with negligible inductance.
S8S. Single-phase compensated series motor. At the conclusion of
i?ar.287 we had discussed a way of decreasing the inductance of the field
/binding. Let us consider now how we may reduce the inductance of the
irmature winding. A loop of wire, for instance that shown in Fig. 133, has
!onsiderable inductance. A doubled-
lark loop such as that shown in Fig.
,34 has but little inductance. The
•urrent returning in the doubled-back
— Wlndins
, Fig. 135.
ensated motor.
— Circuits of series-com-
[The inner circle
Fig. 136.— Usu diagrammatic
representation of a series-compen-
tepresents the rotor winding and the sated motor.
•uter circle represents the compensat-
Qg winding, which is on the stator. ]
oop neutralizes the effect of the outgoing current in the first loop. Such a
t'inding is practically non-inductive.
We may crudely imitate this in a motor. If the current after flowing
hrough all the turns of the armature winding is compelled to flow in the re-
verse direction through a winding of just the same number of turns arranged
in as close proximity as possible to the armature winding, then the mag-
netomotive force of the second (or compensating winding) balances the mag-
netomotive force of the armature winding, that is to say, it renders it non-
inductive. Unfortunately in applying this principle to our single-phase
motor, we are constrained to locate the compensating winding on the stator,
I.e., on the side of the air gap remote from the armature winding. Conse-
uted around the rotor surface. It does not suffice to have the same tola i
m.m.f. in each, but it is important that, at each part of the periphery, thi
neutralization shall be as complete as practicable. The arrangement mai
be indicated as shown in Fig. 135, in
as shown in Fig. 139. With the latter arrangement the compensating cur-
rents are induced in the short-circuited compensating coil just as current is
induced in the short-circuited secondary of a transformer. And similarly
to the case of the transformer, the secondary current automatically rises
to such a value as to occasion a m.m.f. approximately equal and opposite to
the primary m.m.f. But "conductive" compensation is preferable, for it
permits of control and adjustment of the compensating m.m.f. Under some
circumstances it is desirable to be able to orercompensate, i.e., to set up in the
compensating coil a m.m.f. which shall slightly exceed the armature m.m.f.
This is readily effected with
"conductive" compensation,
Field but not with "inductive"
Winding compensation.
290. Speed control.
Fairly good single-phase mo-
tors have been constructed
on the principles which have
been set forth in Par. S88
Variable and 889. Such motors have
Batlo Trausfomer series characteristics, their
1 Fig. 140. —
Series-compensated motor supplied
from a variable-ratio transformer.
speed decreasing as their
load increases. This must
obviously be the case, for
the field excitation is occa-
noned by the flowof the armature current through the field winding. Thus
the flux increases with the load and the armature will decrease in speed since
the counter e.m.f. must, as in a direct-current motor, be slightly less than the
terminal voltage. But, while for a given terminal voltage, the speed de-
:creases with increasing load; nevertheless we can readily arrange that such a
motor shall, for any load, be operated at any desired speed over quite a wide
range. This is done by supplying the motor from taps out of a transformer
across the main circuit. The arrangement is shown diagrammatically in
Rg. 140. By varying the position at which the adjustable terminal of the
motor is tapped into the secondary of the transformer, we can vary the vol-
tage impressed on the motor and thus readily control and adjust its speed. An
alternating-current series motor has in this respect an important advantage
over a direct-current series motor, since in the latter the speed control can
Sec. 7-292 A. c. generators and motors
292. Evolution of the repulsion motor. The connection shown in Fig.
141 is known as the Atkinson repulsion motor. It was suggested by
Atkinson many years after the invention by Prof. Elihu Thomson of the
simple repulsion motor. In the original Thomson repulsion motor the
field coil and the compensating coil shown in Fig. 141 find their equivalent in
a single coil which may be looked upon as supplying a m.m.f. of which the
field m.m.f. and the compensating m..m,.f. in Fig. 141 are the components.
The Thomson repulsion motor is shown in Fig. 142. The stator coil has, in
this figure, been drawn in a position intermediate between the positions of the
compensating coil and the field coil in Fig. 141 in order to emphasize the idea
that these two component coils have been replaced in magnitude and direction
by their resultant. As must be evident from the nature of its evolution, the
Thomson repulsion motor also has the characteristic of a series motor in that
its speed decreases with increasing load.
293. Single-phase compensated repulsion motor. Many pioneers
in the design of direct-current motors have long ago sought to bring the field
coil close down around the armature in order to obtain the full effect of the
field m^m.f. right at the armature where it is desired. Eickemeyer's name is
closely associated with designs of this sort. What could more closely approxi-
mate to the desired result than to employ the armature winding itself as the
locus for the excitation? Several inventors conceived this idea practically
simultaneously. They accomplished their purpose by applying to the
which rest three equidistant brushes per pair of poles. The diagram indi-
cates a bipolar motor. The brushes are connected to the terminals of the
three stator windings, which, in turn, are supplied either directly from the
line, or else, as indicated in the diagram, from the secondary of a step-down
transformer. Usually the most suitable voltage for the stator windings will
be higher than that most suitable for the commutator. Consequently, the
. arrangement shown in Fig. 146 is often to be preferred. This latter arrange-
I ment perm'ts of employing, for the rotor, the 1 ow voltage which is essential
' to obtaining good commutation. Such motors have a series characteristic;
that is to say, the speed decreases as the load increases.
145. —between
Gorges motor with Fig. 146. —
Gorges motor with trans-
former between stator and rotor.
sf ormer line and stator
Motor," by W. C. K. Altes at pp. 115 and 199 oi General Electric Review for
1916 (Vol. XIX).
296. Compensation of polyphase commutator motors with series
characteristics. For the reasons already discussed in connection with the
compensation of single-phase commutator motors, it is of advantage in
Dolyphase commutator motors to fit them with compensating windings at
ight angles to the exciting windings. The cost, however, is necessarily
ncreased, and in America the use of compensating windings is not customary
or such motors. The arrangement, when compensating windings are em-
jloyed, is indicated diagrammatically in Fig. 147, in which the three exciting
vindings a^b^c'- on the stator are supplied from the three lines abc. After
)assing through the three exciting windings the current passes through the
qmpensating windings def which are located with their magnetic axes in line
rith the magnetic axes of the rotor brushes. The addition of these compen-
ating windings improves the power-factor and permits of obtaining better
ommutation. Since the most suitable voltage for the main field windings on
he stator will often be different from that most suitable for the commutator,
nd for the compensating windinsts on the stator, it would be preferable to
employ in place of the arrangement indicated in Fig. 147 a modified arrange-
ment in which the main field windings are located between the supply circuit
and the primary windings of the transformer, while the compensating and
rotor windings, connected in series, are supplied from the secondary of the
297. Single-phase commutator motors with a shunt characteristic
for operation at a single speed. The only object in employing a commu-
tatori n the construction of a single-phase motor to operate at but one constant
speed, is to provide control of the power-factor. Otherwise the single-phase
induction motor with a squirrel-cage rotor would be preferable. The Atkin-
son commutator induction motor indicated diagrammatically in Fig. 148
is the forerunner of all single-phase commutator motors with shunt character-
istics. It consists of a stator with a distributed winding, and a rotor fitted
with a commutator and with two sets of short-circuited brushes xx and yy.
There is no torque when the motor is at rest. If, however, the motor is
started in either direction, interactions occur which occasion in the xx axis
a current in phase with the line voltage applied to the stator. This current
sets up a flux along the xx axis. As the rotor acquires speed, the current
induced in the yy axis by the stator winding, comes more nearly into phase
with the flux in the xx axis and consequently the torque increases. In this
motor the torque increases in proportion to the speed, from the zero value
corresponding to standstill. When the
speed of the rotor nears synchronism,
the* motor is equivalent to a squirrel-
cage induction motor, except that in
place of having end-rings effecting a
good simultaneous short-circuit of all
the rotor conductors, there areonlytwo
short-circuiting connections by means
of the two pairs of brushes._ Obviously
there is no feature in this elementary
phase as the line pressure. This may be done by means of a transformer M||
shown in Fig. 152. If the secondary coil A in the above figure provides^ I
568 I
m.m.f. acting in the same direction aa the coil B, the speed of the motor will
be increased. If A is connected to oppose B, the speed of the motor will be
decreased. Speed control may also be obtained by introducing into the
FiQ. 149. —
Single-phase commu-
tator motor with power-factor-
Fia. 150.
tator motor
Single-phas commu-
with power-factor-
modifying coil supplied from the modifying coil supplied from the
yy brushes. XX brushes.
Supplj Clrouit
The connections at starting are those for a reptilsion motor as shown in Fig.
142, the brush axis standing at an angle with the axis of the stator winding
and the brushes being short-circuited. This connection permits of starting
with high torque. When a certain speed is attained, a centrifugal governor
acts to short-circuit all the commutator segments and to remove the brushes
from the commutator. The motor then operates just like a squirrel-cage
Fig. 153. —
Single-phase commutator Fig. 154. —
Greedy single-
phase commutator motor with
motor with speed modification by
means of a coil fed from the xx brushes speed variation by inductance
and located on the stator in the xx axis. in the xx circuit.
200 400 6U0 800 1000 1200 1400 ICOO 1800 U.P.M. |
are great at starting and are reduced to zero at full speed. This sequence of
operations results in giving the motor excellent characteristics. The Schaler
motor is described on pp. 712 to 720 of the 2nd edition of Hobart's "Elec-
tric Motors."
The Wagner "Unity Power-factor" Type BK motor. In 1911
>the Wagner Electric Co. placed upon the market a constant speed single-
phase commutator motor so constructed as to provide a leading power-factor
at no-load and at light loads, and unity power-factor at rated load. The _
s a series motor. The rotor slot design is shown in Fig. 157. During start-
iH, the squirrel-cage winding (4) is more or less inert as it is protected by the
lagnetic separator shown in Fig. 157. The magnetic separator is described
'i the manufacturer's publications as consisting of a rolled-steel bar. The
pper winding (3) is termed a" commuted" winding. It is connected to a
jmmutator in the manner usual in motor armatures. As
leed is and it contrib-
acquired, the activity of the squirrel cage increases,
tes a torque which increases very rapidly as synchronism is approached.
cage absolutely prevents the unity power-factor motor from running away oi
racing. No possible accident to the commutator, brush gear or automatic
switches of this motor can cause the speed variations between no-load and
full-load to exceed 4 per cent. When the compensating circuit (which in-
cludes the winding 2 of Fig. 156) is closed, the speed variation is shown by
the least sloping curve of Fig. 158 and does not exceed 1.5 per cent. Should
the compensating circuit be entirely interrupted, then the speed variation
will not increase to more than 4 per cent., as indicated by the more sloping
curve of Fig. 158."
304. The Oeneral Electric Co.'s RI (repulsion-induction) motor.
Diagrammatically the General Electric Co.'s single-phase commutatoi
motor of the RI type may be rep-
resented by Fig. 159. Leaving
out of consideration the compen-
sating brushes and winding, the
motor is seen to be a Thomson re-
pulsion motor (see Par. 292). Sucb
a motor would, however, have twc
faults. In the first place, it would
have a low power-factor, and in
Starting the second place its speed would
Winding '
Fia. 159.— Diagram of circuits of Gen- Fig. 160.— Diagram of P
eral Electric Co., Type RI motor with motor with compensation by tai
independent compensating circuit. ping the main stator winding.
with increasing load as is considered desirable in a compound-wound contin
ous-electricity motor. An RI motor may be started by simply closing tl
line circuit of the motor. It will have a starting torque of 200 to 250 p
cent, of full-load torque. If it is desired to reduce the starting current,
resistance box with low-voltage release may be used. This is proportiom
to give 150 per cent, of full-load current on the first step. These moti
are built for 25, 40 and 60 cycles and for synchronous speeds (at 60 cycli
of 1,200 and 1,800 rev. per min. See Altes, W. C. K. and Currie, N., "Sinji
iwinding is connected in the one or the other direction with respect to the
,main winding according to the direction of rotation desired. The scheme
:s indicated diagrammatically in Fig. 161. To reverse the direction of
rotation, a would be connected to c, and b would be connected to d. It
s to be observed that in Fig. 161, the axis of the main brushes coincides with
;he axis of the main stator winding but has the same angle to the resultant
)f the main and reversing stator windings, which, in Fig. 159, it had with the
Inain stator winding. Were no reversing winding provided, then in order
to reverse the direction of rotation it would
^ d he necessary to shift the brushes over to
the corresponding angle on the other side
from the position for normal direction of
307. Bepulsion-induction motors
may be fitted for adjustable-speed
operation (Par. 299) by employing a
transformer with its primary excited from
the line circuit and its secondary interpo-
lated in the circuit of the energy brushes.
Such motors are arranged for a speed
range of about 2:1, approximately one-
half of this range being below and one-
half above synchronous speed. Finally,
Itmotors are also arranged to give variable speed by shifting the brushes.
Speed variation of 2 1 is provided in this way.
mutator motors built under Fio. 163. —
Speed-torque characteristics of a
the Punga-Creedy patents 6-h.p. Punga-Creedy single-phase motor for
have been placed on the printing-press work. [Speed range is from 600
British market by Messrs. to 900 rev. per min.] [Messrs. F. Parkinson &
F. Parkinson & Co., of Co. of Leeds, England.]
Leeds. The motor is , , , • ,, ,.
jQQ, 1 1
p 1
started by bemg thrown di-
rectly on the line and yields
1 1 1
Fig. 170. A, the main motor, is of the induction type. B, the auxiliar
motor, is fitted with a commutator. The counter e.m.f. of the auxiliar,
motor may be controlled by the po.sition of the points of the secondary of
transformer C from which the connections to the commutator brushes ar
tapped off. In American practice, however, it is much more usual to maK
use of a small direct-connected polyphase exciter similar in design to th
auxiliary regulating motor, as shown in Fig. 171, where the stator of th
exciter C is supplied from the slip-rings of the main motor A, through
three-phase resistor D. Speed control is obtained by manipulation of th
resistor and a far larger number of running points is provided than is coiv
mercially practicable with the transformer arrangement shown in Fig. 17(
The greater the counter e.m.f. supplied by B, the lower will be the spec
of the rotor of A and consequently also, of the shaft common to A and B. Th
load carried hyB is proportional to its counter e.m.f., consequently B'scontr
bution increases as the speed decreases, with the result that the total torque
provided by the set increases as the speed decreases. The set thus yields
the same total kw. output at low speeds as at normal speed, and this is
an important characteristic of the system. It is rarely practicable or
desirable to provide for more than 30 per cent, regulation on 60-cycle sys-
tems or oO per cent, regulation on 25-cycle systems, since it is difficult to
design the auxihary motor B for good commutation except at low frequencies,
and the frequency supplied to its commutator is proportional to the slip of
the rotor of A. Greater capacities and greater speed ranges can be supplied
by these sets the lower the frequency of the system from which they are
Iw 1
B 1 Cf
The use of an independent high-speed set which can be readily transferred
to some other motor if subsequent conditions make the change desirable, is
also an advantage. While the Kramer system possesses some advantage
under conditions involving the full kilowatts output at the lowest speed and
high synchronous speed, this advantage often disappears where slow-speed
motors are concerned.
316. Synchronous converter method of speed control. As stated
above, the permissible range of speed regulation with either the Kramer
or Scherbius system as described, is limited by the maximum frequency which
can be successfully applied to the regulating motor without excessive commu-
tation stresses. In general this frequency should not exceed 18 to 20
cycles or approximately 30 per cent, regulation for 60-cycle systems, and
from 10 to 12§ cycles or approximately 50 per cent, regulation for 25-
cycle systems. Where greater ranges are required or with units involving a
slip energy of 1,000 kw. or more, a synchronous converter and direct-current
motor can be successfully substituted for the polyphase commutator motor.
In this case (Fig. 173) the slip energy of the main motor A, at varying fre-
(juency and voltage is transformed to direct current at proportionately vary-
ing potential by a synchronous converter B. This direct current is then
utilized to drive a separately excited shunt motor C which may be direct-
connected on the shaft of the main motor (Kramer), or (Fig. 173) may form
one unit of (CD), a two-unit motor-generator (Scherbius), the second unit
of which (jD) is a standard squirrel-cage induction motor which, driven above
synchronism, acts as an induction generator and returns to ihe system the
slip energy of the main motor, less, of course, the losses in the rotary and
motor generator. This arrangement can be used for practical y any range
of speed reduction which may be desired. It is of especial advantage on 60-
cycle systems, not only because of the freedom from difficulties encountered
with the commutator motor when subjected to higher frequencies but also
due to the fact that the limitation imposed by the minimum frequency at
which the synchronous converter will remain in synchronism is less objec-
tionable on 60-cycle than on 25-cycle equipments. With suitable electrical
and mechanical devices for controlling the speed of the synchronous con-
verter during the unstable period of minimum impressed frequency corre-
sponding to the interval between approximately 2 cycles above and below
the synchronous speed of the main motor, the speed of the main motor can
be raised above normal synchronism by an amount corresponding to the
frequency impressed on the slip-rings by the now-inverted synchronous
317. BibliographT of systems of speed control requiring auxiliary
commutating machines.
Pages 2483 to 2484 of Part III of Vol. XXX
(1911) of Trans. A. I. E. E. in
a paper by G. A. Maier entitled "Methods of Varying the Speeds of
Alternating-current Motors."
Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXXI (1912) p. 2067, by F. W. Meyer and
Wilfred Sykes entitled "The Economical Speed Control ofJ Alternating-
current Motors Driving Rolling Mills."
F. B. Crosbt. —"Speed Control of Polyphase Motors." General Electric
Review for June, 1914, pages 589 to 599.
318. Definition. In order to correct for the lagging current consumed
by induction motors and other inductive apparatus, and thus improve the
power-factor of a system, apparatus known as phase modifiers (or phase
controllers), may be employed. These are of two classes, synchronous, and
319. Synchronous phase modifiers (usually [termed synchronous
condensers) are of the same general construction as synchronous motors,
except that they need not be proportioned to deliver power from the shaft
and that their fields should be proportioned for a wide range of excitation.
320. The usual method of employing synchronous condensers
consists in installing them to float on the line. They are overexcited so
as to draw a current leading the pressure by nearly 90 deg. This current
neutralizes an equal amount of lagging component due to other apparatus
on the system, such as induction motors and lightly loaded or unloaded
transformers. If designed with the necessary mechanical strength, synchro-
Sec. 7-322 A. c. generators and motors
has three geometric poles. The field windings are usually distributed in
slots at the inner periphery of the stator instead of being arranged on salient
poles as indicated diagraminatically in Fig. 170.
322. The Miles Walker phase advancer. In the phase advancer
developed by Prof. Miles Walker, a compensating winding is added as
shown in Fig. 178 in which E1.E2E3 arc the three exciting windings and
C1C2C3 the three compensating windings. The exciting windings E are (for
abi-polar design) usually concentrated in three large equi-distant slots in the
stator core, while the compensating windings C are distributedin many small
slots in order to neutralize (or slightly overneutralize), the m.m.f. of the
rotor winding. It is claimed for this type thatit possesses features specially
conducive to ready adjustment and good commutation.
323. Omission of stator windings in non-synchronous phase
advancers. Leblanc's original proposals showed examples of phase ad-
vancers, in which no windings were provided on the stator. Such a plan
as applied to a three-phase four-pole advancer, is shown diagrammatically
in Fig. 179. The recesses opposite the brushes are provided for improving
the commutation. Scherbius in some phase advancers built by Messrs.
Brown-Boveri & Co. has employed this plan of omitting exciting windings
from the stator. But compensating windings are usually fitted on the
stator in phase advancers for large slow-speed induction motors.
324. An understanding of the underlying idea of the non-
synchronous phase advancer (Par. 321) may also be obtained by
first considering that the low-frequency currents, from the secondary
of the main motor, flow into the rotor' of the phase advancer while it
is at rest. Under these conditions the current will lag, since the rotor cir-
cuits are inductive. But if the rotor is driven in the direction of the mag-
netic field which is circulating in it and which has been occasioned by the
m.m.f. of the low-frequency currents from the secondary of the main motor,
and if the speed at which it is driven is exactly that of the rotating field, then
there is a state of relative rest between the field and the rotor, and the latter's
windings are non-inductive and occasion neither lag. nor leod._ If the rotor
is driven at higher speeds, the rotor circuits again become inductive but
introduce leading electromotive forces into the secondary circuits of the main
326. Scherbius phase advancers with entire omission of stator.
Scherbius has devised a phase advancer consisting simply in a rotor with
its windings completely embedded below the surface. Diagrammatically
such a phase advancer and its connections reduce to the simple arrange-
ment shown in Fig. 180, in which A represents the rotor of the induction
motor with its windings connected to the brushes of the Scherbius phase
advancer B. The latter is usually mounted directly on the shaft of the main
motor. Thus the scheme reduces to the simple proposition of establishing
a field in the magnetic circuit of B by means of the m.m.f. of the current sup-
plied to its brushes from A. This field rotates very slowly in space since the
frequency of the rotor currents is small. But B is rotated mechanically
at the high speed of the rotor A and consequently the windings on B rotate
much faster than the magnetic field in B, and in cutting through this field
they set up an e.m.f. which, combined with the e.m.f. in the main rotor,
occasions an advance in thephaseof the currents in the rotor circuits and im-
proves the power-factor of the motor.
In a letter published in The Electrician, July 12, 1912, page 582, Scherbius
states that both theory and practice support the idea that a mere ring is
Fio. 179. —
Leblanc-Scher- Fia. 180. — Diagrammatic
bius phase advancer without representation of Scherbius
windings on stator. statorless phase advancer.
sufficient tocomplete the magnetic circuit and that no stator is necessary.
Consequently in a considerable number of his smaller sizes of phase advanc-
ers Scherbius has abandoned the use of a stator and has built his phase
advancers without any air space in the magnetic circuit. The consequent
reduction in the magnetic reluctance permits at small loads the generation
of an increased e.m.f. of rotation and results in a greater improvement of the
power-factor at light loads. See Ahmed, A. A., "Methods of Testing the
Scherbius Compensator," Jour. I. E. E., Vol. 53 (1915), p. 640.
326. Operating data of Scherbius phase advancers. In Fig. ISl
are given curves, showing the power-factor obtained by Scherbius on a
400-h.p. motor when operated respectively with and without a phase ad-
vancer. It is seen from the curves that at only 20 per cent, of rated load the
power-factor is improved from 0.4 to 0.8, and that beyond half load the
current is leading. The 400-h.p. motor on which the tests were made, has
24 poles and runs from a 3,300-volt, 32-cycle circuit at 160 rev. per min.
The overall dimensions of the advancer (including a small motor to drive it)
are 50 in. X22 in. X25 in., and the weight of the advancer and its driving
Sec. 7-327 A. c. generators and motors
motor amounts to 0.34 metric ton. This particular phase advancer was
fitted with a stator but without any' windings. The general tendency is
toward the employment of a stator fitted with compensating windings but
without any exciting windings. At page 366 of Vol. L, of the Jour. I. E. E.
are given curves, reproduced in Fig. 182, showing the improvement effected
in a 25-h.p., 50-cycle, 450-volt, 1,000-rev. per min., three-phase induction
motor by fitting a Scherbius phase advancer on the end of the shaft of its
rotor. In the motor the stator is the secondary and its three terminals are
connected to three brushes on the commutator of the advancer. The total
weight of the motor and advancer is only 0.36 metric ton, or 14.5 kg.
per h.p.
At a steel mill in Sheffield in England, a Scherbius advancer with a sta-
tor fitted exclusively w'th compensafng windings is employed in the rotor
circuit of a 700-h.p. induction motor which is usually running lightly loaded.
Without the phase advancer the power-factor of the system is 0.55. With
the advancer it is increased to 0.7. The advancer is driven by a 2-h.p. in-
duction motor running at nearly 1,500 rev. per min. —
327. The Eapp vibrator. In Edairage Electrique, for August 5,
1899, Leblanc suggested that phase control could be accomplished by the
use of a device which he termed a "recuperator" and which consisted of a
copper disc through which alternating current was transmitted radially
between the centre and the periphery, and which was located in a magnetic
2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 182. — Performance curves of a 25-h.p. motor when operated respec-
tively with and without a Scherbius phase advancer.
field inwhich it oscillated. The current was transmitted to and from the
disc by means of a slip-ring on the shaft and a trough of mercury in which the
disc dipped.
Dr. Gisbert Kapp has developed from this principle a commercial phase
advancer which he terms a "vibrator." Kapp has realized that success is
contingent upon employing as a vibrating element a rotor of small diameter.
He conveys the current into the rotor windings by brushes bearing on a coni-
mutator. In order that the commutator may be small and cheap, it is
desirable that the secondary of the main motor shall be wound for a fairly
high pressure and small current. The scheme is illustrated in Fig. 183
taken from an article by Kapp published in The Electrician for May 17
and, 24, 1912, pp. 222 to 272. VVV are three vibrating armatures for
improving the power-factor of a motor whose rotor has a three-
phase winding. A three-phase motor can, as well, have a two-phase rotor,
and this will permit of reducing the number of vibrating armatures from
three to two. A starting resistance, S, of the usual type is provided. It is
short-circuited after the motor has acquired speed. The field of the vibrator
ia shown excited from a battery, but any convenient source of direct current
may be employed. Dr. Kapp states that the power required for excitation
is only a fraction of 1 per cent, of the power of the motor, and that the loss
of power by windage and brush resistance in the armatures is of the same
Sec. 7-329 A. c. generators and motors
factors without the vibrator, were 0.76 lagging and 0.87 lagging respectively.
The excitation loss in the fields of the vibrator was only 50 watts.
The Kapp vibrator's chief advantage over revolving types of phase ad-
vancers relates to the greater facility with which good commutation may
be obtained. A disadvantage relates to its deifendencc upon a supply of
direct current for field excitation.
— ,
Dr. Kapp puts the cost of the vibrators as ranging from about $1.25 per h.p.
in favorable cases, up to S4.00 per h.p. in relatively unfavorable cases, such,
forinstance, of considerable slip or low-pressure secondary windings or both.
These are pre-war estimates.
330. Oeneral considerations in the design of phase advancers. In
order to keep down the size and cost of the commutators and the losses at the
brushes, it is desirable to wind the secondary of the main motor for fairly
high pressure, and it is also desirable that the slip shall be small. It ia
claimed by Kapp that the smaller the slip, the more favorable is the case for
employing a vibrating rather than a rotating phase advancer. The weight
and cost per h.p. decrease with decreasing slip and increasing secondary
pressure of the main motor. All of these types of phase advancer have the
valuable feature of greatly increasing the instantaneous overload capacity
of the motors with which they are employed. For a given load the primary
current is considerably decreased, and the secondary current increased.
This would lead to about the same total copper loss for a given load, were
it not for the circumstance that it is usually quite practicable to increase the
cross-section of the secondary copper. It is fair to state that the decrease in
the losses in the main motor for a given load approximately off-set the losses
in the advancer, leaving the eflBciency substantially unimpaired at rated
load. The efficiency will usually be materially improved at small loads.
The power-factor and overload capacity may be both greatly increased.
331. Bibliography of phase modifiers.
Walker, Miles. "The Influence of Power-factor in Alternating-current
Systems." Journ. I. E. E., Vol. XLII, 1909, page 599.
Kapp, Gisbbrt. "On Phase Advancers for Non-synchronous Machines."
The Electrician, Vol. LXIX, May 17 and 24, 1912, pages 222 and 272.
ScHEBBius. The Electrician, Vol. LXIX, 1912, page 582.
Kapp, Gisbert. "Ueber Verbesserung des Leistungsfactors." E. T. Z.,
1913, No. 33.
Walker Miles. "The Design of Apparatus for Improving the Power-
factor of Alternating-current Systems." Jour?i. I. E. E., Vol. L, 1913, page
332. General flexibility of combinations. For transforming alternat-
ing electricity from one pressure or phase system to another of the same
frequency, stationary transformers usually offer advantages over rotating
apparatus. Even for such transformations, however, motor-generator sets
permit of adjusting the ratio of transformation of pressure at will and over a
wide range. This advantage of greater flexibility in the motor generator
rarely suffices to justify its use in transformations where it is not desired to
alter the frequency. For effecting all other transformations of electricity,
motor generators usually represent the most satisfactory means, if questions
of cost and efiiciency are left out of account.
Sec. 7-335 A. c. generators and motors
336. Synchronous-motor drive for motor-generator sets. The use
of a synchronous motor-generator for transforming from alternating to
direct current permits of effecting phase control to practically any desired ex-
tent; whereas, with asynchronous converter, phase control is only practicable
within very narrow limits (Sec. 9). Moreover the direct-current generator
of a motor-generator set can be provided with all the desirable attributes of
a machine driven by a prime mover. Although the motor-generator set may
be employed in a substation many miles away from the generating station,
the direct-current generator will have as close speed regulation as the prime
movers in the generating station. Its voltage may be controlled through any
desired range and it may be provided with a compound winding for giving
'it practically any characteristics which may be desired. For operating from
60-cycle circuits and for commutator pressures above 1,200 volts, the syn-
chronous converter has a competitor in the synchronous motor-generator
set. The motor converter (Sec. 9) is also a rival for such work. For still
higher commutator pressures, the synchronous motor-generator set is ex-
clusively suitable for operation from 60-cycle circuits and it is often prefer-
able on 25-cycle circuits.
336. Induction-motor drive for motor-generator sets. While it
is usually preferable to employ a synchronous motor for a motor-generator
set, cases arise where the simplicity of the squirrel-cage induction motor
and its lower cost is considered sufficient inducement to employ it notwith-
standing its low power-factor and its slip. The induction-motor drive is
usually confined to relatively small sets and for low voltages at the motor.
It is less objectionable at 25 than at 60 cycles, since for a given size and speed
the power-factor of induction motors is higher the lower the periodicity.
337. Starting of motor-generator sets. It is at present usual to
start synchronous motor-generator sets from low-voltage taps of trans-
formers or auto-transformers by means of the torque supplied by squirrel-
cage windings fitted in the pole shoes. After the rotor has come up to
speed, the stator windings are thrown over to the full-voltage position. The
method differs in no essential respect from the "tap" starting of any syn-
chronous motor or rotary converter. Another available method which as
yet is but rarely employed in America consists in fitting a small auxiliary
induction motor on the shaft with its stator windings either in series with the
stator windings of the synchronous motor or else with its stator windings
supplied from the secondaries of a series transformer whose primaries are,
during starting, in series with the synchronous motor's stator windings.
This method is especially appropriate for large sets and is widely used in
England. The rotor often consists of a cast-iron cylinder without any slots
or windings. As a third method may be mentioned that of starting from the
commutator end by temporarily employing the direct-current generator
as a motor. Some 25 per cent, of rated full-load current is usually required
by this method of starting motor-generator sets. The method is the more
worthy of consideration, the higher the frequency of the supply circuit, since
tap starting requires more current with the higher frequencies. If the set '
the induction-motor end in the same way in which any large squirrel-cage i[
induction starters.
338. Motor-generator sets for charging storage batteries. It might
be concluded at first sight that the mercury-arc rectifier would monopolize
the function of charging storage batteries when the available supply consists
of alternating current. There is, however, a consideration which often
weighs decidedly in favor of the motor generator for such work: There is
an internal drop of some 20 to 30 volts in the mercury arc rectifier. Let us
for explanatory purposes take the drop as 25 volts. Then for supplying
electricity at a pressure of 25 volts, the efficiency cannot be greater than
125/(25 + 25) ]X 100 = 50 per cent. But for supplying energy at 250 volts,
the efficiency may bo of the order of 2.50/(2.50 -f- 25) =91 per cent.
Consequently the higher the required pressure the more appropriate is
586 I
the mercury-arc rectifier, and the lower the required pressure the more
appropriate is the motor-generator. We thus see that for low-voltage stor-
age-battery charging there is an important consideration weighing in favor
of the motor generator, although its greater initial cost, the greater cost for
attendance, and the general inconvenience inherent to rotating rnachinery
may turn the balance in favor of the mercury-arc rectifier in many instances.
339. Motor-generator sets for electrolytic work. The explanations
in Par. 338 apply in greater degree to the provision of direct-current
for such electrolytic as requires a pressure of only a few volts.
work For
such work the required pressure is often of the order of only some 2 to 10
volts. Since the technical problems arising in connection with such sets
hinge around the abnormal proportions required for the direct- current
generator, and since the alternating-current rnotor for such sets is entirely
normal, this matter is more appropriately discussed in Sec. 8.
340. Motor-generators for main-line railway substations. In
most main-line railway electrification, direct current will be suplied to the
conductor rail or overhead trolley wire at pressures of not less than 1,200 volts
and often of from 2,400 volts, to 4,000 volts. Such pressures cannot success-
fully be provided by synchronous converters or motor converters. Con-
sequently motor-generators will be employed.
341. Ward Leonard system. The modern conception associated with
the term "Ward Leonard System" is of a system for effecting any desired
variations in the speed of a motor for all loads carried by the motor without
incurring any rheostatic losses in the main circuit. This is accomplished by
interposing a motor-generator set between the variable-speed motor in ques-
tion and the system from which it is supplied. If the system be one furnish-
ing alternating electricity it will be usual to employ for the motor-generator
set a synchronous motor coupled to a direct-current generator. It is
arranged that the excitation of the latter may be varied over a wide range by
means of a rheostat in its field circuit. The generator's armature and the
motor's armature consiitute a circuit by themselves which is not interrupted
in service. By simple and efficient manipulations of the field rheostats
and switch gear in the exciting circuits of the generator, and of the variable-
speed motor the latter's speed and direction of rotation are under perfect
control at all loads. The system is regenerative; thus, when applied to
hoisting, the descending load drives the motor, which, as a generator, re-
verses the action of the motor-generator set and returns energy to the
supply system.
342. The Ward Leonard system has been applied to a large variety
of work requiring economical operation under widely varying conditions of
speed and load. Among these applications that of operating railway trains
is of interest. In this instance Ward Leonard employed single-phase trans-
mission to a motor-generator set on the locomotive. The generator delivered
direct current to motors geared to the driven axles. The control was
effected exclusively by manipulation of the field excitation. This system of
railway electrification was formerly occasionally employed by the Oerlikon
343. Bibliography of Ward Leonard system. The system has been
described and discussed on several occasions when its inventor presented
papers before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. The following is
a list of several papers by H. Ward Leonard relating to his system; these were
published, at the various times noted, in the Trans. A. I. E. E.
_ "A New System of Electric Propulsion (June, 1892)," Vol. IX, page 566.
"How Shall We Operate an Electric Railway Extending One Hundred
Miles from the Power Station" (Feb., 1894), Vol. XI, page 76.
"Volts vs Ohms (Speed Regulation of Electric Motors)" (Nov., 1896),
Vol. XIII, page 377.
"Multiple Unit, Voltage-speed Control for Trunk Line Service" (Nov.,
1902), Vol. XX, page 155.
344. The Ilgner system. By providing the motor-generator set with
a fly-wheel, Ilgner goes a step farther than Ward Leonard and obtains a
system for supplying electricity to a motor which shall carry sharply varying
loads at widely varying speeds without imposing any material load variations
on the supply system. When operated from a direct-current supply, both
Sec. 7-345 A. c. generators and motors
members of the motor-generator set are direct-current machines as indicated
at A and B in Fig. 187. The shunt motor A is supphed from the direct-
current system G, and drives the generator B and tne fly-wheel C. It is
desired that the motor, F, shall be economically operated at any speed in
either direction and with widely varying loads. For instance, F may drive
reversible rolls in a steel mill or a winder at a coal nune. (Although in the
case of such heavy work, the supply would consist in nolyphase electricity, it
is simpler first to describe the arrangement employed with a supply of con-
tinuous electricity.) It will be observed that there are no switches or
rheostats in the circuit of the armatures of the generator B, and the variable-
speed motor F. The excitation for the latter may be supp led from G, as
indicated in the diagram. The control of the speed of F is effected by control
of the field excitation of the generator B by means of the rheostat D. The
direction of F is controlled by the switch E. Assuming the case of winding
a load up out of a shaft, let us take the moment when the load is at rest at
the bottom. Switch E will be open at this moment and F will be at rest.
To wind up the load the switch E is closed in the right direction and the field
of B is rapidly strengthened by cutting out the rheostat D, point by point.
This accelerates the motor F
to its full speed.
Theload thusimposed on
the fly-wheel motor-genera-
tor set is largely provided
from the energy stored up in
the fly-wheel C. By the time
the wind is completed, the
motor generator's speed has
decreased a few per cent.
During the descent, the mo-
tor A is still loaded, since it
is accelerating the fly-wheel
to its full speed and storing
energy in it. The descending
load may contribute to the
process by regeneration.
346. Field of application
of the Ilgner system. The
Ilgner system has been exten-
sively used andi nstances are
on record of reversing rolling
millsin whichload variations
of enormous amount occur-
ring many times per min. are
so effectively equalized as to
occasion practically constant
load on the supply system.
See Sec. 15. However, for
heavy work of this character, Fia. 187.— Ilgner system
the supply consists of poly-
phase energy, and an induction motor replaces the direct-current motor
A of the motor-generator set. But the generator /} and the variable-speed
motor F remain direct-current motors, and the operation is quite as ex-
plained above. It is, however, necessary to provide an exciter for the field
winding of F. Furthermore, certain details are introduced relating to the
automatic insertion of resistance! n the secondary windings of the induction
motor of the motor generator, in order to control the rate and extent of deliv-
erance of the kinetic energy of the fly-wheel.
346. Field of application of the frequency changer. With the
rapidly extending employment of electricity as a means of transmitting
energy to a distance, it has come about that most civilized regions of the world
are now provided with enormous networks of transmission conductors.
Various networks in neighboring localities are often the outgrowth of small
undertakings which were originally in competition with one another, and they
differ as regards pressure, phase system, and frequency. At the present
Sec. 7-350 A. c. generators and motors
supplying a load, certain complications arise due to the necessity for synchro-
nizing the frequency changers at both ends, and due to the requirement that
the internal reactance and shifting of magnetic axes in the machines (with
loads varying as regards amount or phase) shall not be such as to cause
inappropriate division of the load among the different machines in parallel.
These matters have been carefully considered by J. B. Taylor in a paper
entitled "Some Features Affecting the Parallel Operation of Synchronous
Motor-generator Sets," published in Proceedings of the American Institute
Electrical Engineers, Vol. XXV (1906), p. 113 and by N. E. Funk in a
paper entitled "Operation of Frequency Changers" at p. 1579 of the July,
1913, issue of the Proceedings American Institute Electrical Engineers. The
relations involved are too complicated to be satisfactorily abstracted. Let
us. however, consider the matter briefly by reference to the case of supplying
40 cycles from a 60-cycle system through two sets, each consisting of a 6-pole
1,200-rev. per min. synchronous motor, direct-connected to a 4-pole synchro-
nous generator. Let us assume that the relative angular positions of the
generator and motor fields are as shown in Fig. 188, see I and //. Set /
is in service and it is desired to place set // in parallel with it. The large
letters A^ and S relate to the North and South poles of the 6-pole motors and
the small letters n and s to the poles of the 4-pole generators. It is not only
necessary that the North poles of the motors of II shall occupy the same
angular positions as the North poles of the motors of I, but it is furthermore
53 5i
*a *i
Number of
poles of
stator of
we may employ a 4-pole frequency changer and drive its rotor at 300 rev.
per min. in opposition to the 1,500 rev. per min. of the stator field. If the
output dehvered from the frequency changer is 1,000 kw., then (300/1,800) X
1,000= 167 kw. is provided by the driving motor and (1,500/1,800) X 1,000 =
833 kw. is provided by the frequency changer itself in_».it8 transformer
capacity, and at high efficiency.
Obviously the less the required alteration in frequency, the greater is
the appropriateness of the induction-type of frequency changer as compared
with the motor-generator type.
361. Relative merits of various kinds of motors for driving the
rotor of an induction-type frequency changer. Whether or no it
may be practicable to employ an induction motor to drive the rotor, depends
to a considerable extent upon the importance or otherwise of supplying
absolutely constant frequency at all loads. When it is permissible that the
frequency may decrease 1 or 2 per cent, or more from no-load to full-load,
an induction motor may provide the most satisfactory solution, since it
elirninates the necessity for having a supply of continuous electricity for
In some instances instead of employing a squirrel-cage induction motor
and then having a slip necessarily proportional to the load, it becomes
appropriate to drive the frequency changer's rotor by a slip-ring induction
motor and regulate its slip, and consequently the frequency supplied, by
regulating the resistance in its rotor circuits. This becomes the more expedi-
ent, the smaller the proportion of the total energy which is supplied by the
driving motor. For instance, in the example in Par. 360, only (300/1,800) X
100=16.7 per cent, of the total output, is provided by the driving motor,
and a considerable rheostatio loss in its rotor circuits would not seriously
affect the efficiency of the complete outfit. It should again be emphasized
that induction-type frequency changers are not used in commercial practice.
Synchronous motor-generator sets are practically always employed.
362. Frequency changers for connecting two systems, each of
which has its own generating machinery of fixed frequency. We
now come to the problem encountered when frequency changers are employed
between two systems each of which has a definite frequency imposed upon it
by its own generating plant. Synchronous motor-generator sets have
nearly always been employed for this class of work. Thus, in order to link
up two systems with frequencies of 60 and 25 cycles per sec, respectively, two
synchronous machines of 24 and 10 poles respectively are coupled together.
It is necessary for the frequencies of the two systems to be exactly identical
;in order to successfiilly operate such plant. Furthermore, there are the
various complicated relations necessarily observed in synchronizing such
apparatus, as already discussed in Par. 349.
Indeed, there is the further consideration that when sets for parallel
operation are so proportioned and adjusted that they share the load in ap-
propriate proportions when delivering power from, let us say, a 2.5-cycle
ystem to a 60-cycle system, the division of the load will be altered when it ia
desired to reverse the sets and deliver power from the 60-cycle set to the
25-cycle system. Notwithstanding the niceties imposed by the relative-
frequency conditions, synchronous motor-generator sets constitute the
usual means employed.
When synchronous sets are employed to link two large systems, the
slightest alteration in the relative frequencies of the two systems occasions
jnormous fluctuations in the load carried by the frequency changers. This
lifficulty is less the greater the size of the frequency changers as compared
mth the size of the systems connected. Unless the frequency changers are
)f large size as compared with the size of the systems which they connect,
;ney will be pulled out of step if there is any slight change in the ratio of the
requencies of the two systems. Consequently, when the frequency changers
be of relatively great size, it would be preferable to employ sets in
'Vhichan induction machine constitutes the motor member.
Induction-motor drive for non-reversible frequency changers-
J^'- the
Vhere object is to deliver energy always in the same direction, the em-
''°ynient of an induction machine with a shp-ring rotor as motor element,
no the control of its precise speed by the adjustment of a rheostat in its
otor circuits provides freedom from the necessity for maintaining
at exactly
ne same value the ratio of the frequencies of the
inter-connected systems.
Sec. 7-364 A. c. generators and motors
Indeed any slight change in the ratio of the frequencies is automatically
accompanied by an appropriate alteration in the slip of the induction motor
and this alteration is of such a nature as to reduce the accompanying load
variation to a moderate amount.
364. The use of an induction machine in a reversible frequency
changer. It has even been suggested that by the adoption of suitable
pole numbers and by providing sufficient range of slip-control by the resist-
ances in the rotor circuits, such a set could be employed reversibly. In
such a case the induction machine would function as a generator to an extent
which may be controlled by adjustment of the resistances in the rotor circuits.
365. Frequency changring by two induction machines. Both
machines could be of the induction type, the one operating as a motor and the
other as a generator. This arrangement, if required to be reversible, would,
however, only be possible for connecting two systems each of which is pro-
vided with synchronous apparatus, since the generator member would be
dependent upon such apparatus for its excitation. Each machine would have
a slip-ring rotor and the amount and direction of the load would be controlled
by adjustment of the amount of resistance in the rotor circuits.
366. Position of shaft in frequency changers (horizontal or ver-
tical). While frequency changers are usually built with horizontal shafts,
the vertical type offers the advantage in large sets that an economy in floor
space is effected. The construction may also permit of reduced friction
367. Number of bearings in frequency changers. Where floor space
is restricted, setswith only two bearings are occasionally employed. Three-
bearing designs are, however, to be preferred. They afford better oppor-
tunity for circulation of air through the machine, since the shaft may be
smaller. Such designs also provide for more ready access to all parts.
368. Pairs of rotary converters as frequency changers. It has
been proposed to accomplish frequency transformation by the employ-
ment of two rotary converters arranged with their alternating-current ends
connected to the circuits of the two frequencies and with the commutators
in parallel. This plan of transforming from alternating electricity of one
frequency into continuous electricity and then into alternating electricity
of another frequency avoids the difficulties of speed inflexibility of synchron-
ous motor generators while retaining their desirable feature as regards
power-factor control.
369. Literature relating to frequency changers is rather meagre.
The most important contributions are: J. B. Taylor's paper entitled,
"Some Features Affecting the Parallel Operation of Synchronous Motor-
generator Sets," Proc. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXV (1906), p. 113, N. E. Funk's
paper entitled, "Operation of Frequency Changers," Proc. A. I. E. E.,
July, 1913, p. 1579, and R. Townend's paper entitled "Frequency Changers,"
Journ. I. E. E. (1917), Vol. 5,5, p. 197. . , .^ „ „ ,
London, 1906.
Niethammeb, — " Wechselstrom-Kommutatormotoren; " Zurich, 1905.
Hawkins and Wallace. — "The Dynamo." Macmillan Company, New
Prof of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, Member
(.Numbers refer to Paragraphs)
598 'I
,/ ^m segment 2 to seg-
// I ^^ ment 1, the current
^ _^^
in coil M automat-
ically reversed. For
a short period the
"^"^ f T'^^y'^"^
brush is in contact
a;„„i„_ „;„„! ^-"^IIZIZ^T-C. with both segments,
r^J^^l gramme ring
^^ T ^
-TT^-'^ and during this inter-
^^l ^^^ J^
-^ ^j^^^
circuited; it should
Stages in
commutation therefore be in such a
Fio. 3. position that no
e.m.f. is being generated in it, that is, it should be midway between the polei
or in the neutral position.
Field excitation. The m.m.f. necessary to establish the flux in th(
magnetic circuit is obtained by means of field coils which are wound upon th(
poles of the machine. The exciting current for the field coils may be suppliec
m various ways. When a generator supplies its own exciting current it ia saic
to be self -excited ; when the exciting current is supplied from some externa
source, such as an exciter, the machine is said to be separately excited
The different connections used are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 4.
Diagram A shows a separately excited machine. Diagram B shows i
shunt machine, in which the field coils form a shunt across the armatun
terminals and have many turns of small wire carrying a current which is pro
portional to the terminal voltage of the machine. This field current seldon
exceeds 5 per cent, of the armature current under full-load conditions. Dia _
gram C shows a series machine, in which the field coils are in series with th(
C- Series ZJ-Oompound
E - Compound
Short Shunt
Long Shunt
Fia. 4. —Methods of excitation.
armature and have fewer turns than the coils of a shunt winding, but emploj
a larger size of wire because they carry the whole or a fixed proportion of th(
total current. Diagram D shows a compound machine in which there i
connected to the terminals a shunt winding which carries an exciting curren
proportional to the terminal voltage; and also a series winding which carriei
a current proportional to the armature current. This method of connectioi
is known as the "long shunt." Diagram E shows a compound machin(
connected in another manner. The connection in this case is known as thi
"short shunt" ; that is, the shunt coil is connected to the terminals of th(
armature. Small machines using permanent magnets for field poles an
called magnetos.
10. Classification according to the number of poles, as follows:
(a) Bipolar machines (Fig. 4) have only two poles.
(b) Multipolar machines (Fig. 46) have more than two poles; th«
number of polos is always a multiple of two.
(c) Homopolar niachines (Fig. 89) have two poles, but the conductors
always cut lines of unidirectional flux. The resultmg e.m.f. is continuous ir
one direction and therefore no commutator is required.
11. Classificationaccording to the method of drive, as follows:
(a) Belted-type motors and generators are self-contained. This typ<
of machine includes bearings, shaft extended for a pulley and a shdini:
base with belt-tightening doviro. An outboard bearing is usually proviucc
with machines of larger capacity than 200 kw. at 600 rev. per min.
(b) The engine-type generator has its armature mounted on a continua-
tion of the crank shaft of the engine, and slow-speed units are generallj
supplied without base, bearings, or shaft, these being furnished by the engine
(c) The direct-connected turbo-generator has its armature shaft
coupled directly to that of a steam turbine. In this type the construction of
the generator is special on account of the high speed.
(d) The geared turbo-generator has its armature shaft connected to
the shaft of a steam turbine through a reduction gear, so that a generator of
moderate speed and simple construction may be used.
(e) The water-wheel type generator has its armature shaft coupled
directly to that of a water wheel. Such a generator may be of either the
horizontal or the vertical type and is generally supplied complete with base,
bearings, shaft and coupling.
(f) The back-geared type motor embraces a speed-reduction gear as an
element of the machine. The slow-speed shaft is supported in bearings
attached to the frame.
12. Classification according to special features of construction, as
(a) Interpole machines (Fig. 24) have small auxiliary poles which carry
series windings and improve commutation.
(b) Compensated machines (Fig. 27) have series windings on the pole
faces to neutralize armature reaction. Such machines may also have inter-
(c) Miscellaneous. Under this class may be included mill motors,
used in rolling mills; flame-proof motors for mine service; variable-speed
generators, for train lighting; etc. (Par. 183 to 216).
13. The Gramme ring winding is almost obsolete; examples of it
are shown in Figs. 3, 5, and 6 merely to present clearly the meaning of the
terms used in describing the various types of winding.
14. A re-entrant winding closes or re-enters on itself. A singly re-
entrant winding closes on itself only after including all of the conductors;
see Figs. 3 and 6. A doubly re-entrant winding closes on itself after
including half of the conductors; see Fig. 5.
16. A simplex winding has only two paths through the armature from
jach brush; see Fig. 3. A
duplex winding has twice as many, or four paths,
through the armature from each brush. In this winding each brush should
iover at least two commutator segments; see Figs. 5 and 6. Although it is
jossible to use multiplex and multiply re-entrant windings, they are
tddom found in modern machines. Even duplex windings are rarely used
)xcept for machines of very large current capacity.'
16. The drum winding has coils shaped as shown in Fig. 7. At any
nstant, two sides of each coil are under adjacent poles. Since the number of
^ionductors in each coil miist be a multiple of two, the total number of conduct-
>r« must be even. A winding made with coils of this shape must lie in two
ayers and is called a double-layer winding.
17. Representation of drum windings. Fig. 8 shows a double-layer
drum winding corresponding to the Gramme ring winding in Fig. 3. It has
the same number of conductors and the same number of paths through the
armature, but only half the number of commutator segments. Conductors
in the upper layer are represented by full lines and those in the bottom layer
by dotted lines. The radial lines represent face conductors; the connecting
lines on the inside represent the connections
at the commutator end, and those on the out-
side represent the connections at the opposite
end. For convenience the brushes are shown
inside the commutator.
Fig. 7.— Coil group for double Fig. 8.- -Simplex singly re-entrant
drum winding.
layer winding with two turns per
coil and eight conductors per slot.
18. Multiple winding. Fig. 9 shows a six-pole drum winding with six
paths in parallel between the positive and the negative terminals. The three
positive brushes are connected together outside of the machine by a copper
ring T+, and the three negative brushes are connected by a similar ring T _.
This winding is of the multiple type, that is, the number of armature circuita
between terminals is a multiple of the number of poles.
greater than that in a circuit under poles B, so that the generated voUiiEC
between c and d is greater than that between / and g\ hence a Circulating
current will flow through the winding and brushes, causing sparking, addi-
tional loss and additional heating. This circulating current may be mim-
careful centering during erection, while the sparking may
be pre-
niized by
Main Field Armature Field Load Coudltlona
Fig. 15. — Flux distribution.
of the main exciting coils and B represents the magnetic field produced by
the m.m.f. of the armature acting alone. If each of the Z armature con-
ductors carries /e amperes, then the m.m.f. between a and h, due to the
armature, is equal to ZIc/p ampere-turns, and that between c and d is equal
to \j/ZIc/p ampere-turns, where is the ratio of pole arc to pole pitch.
i/- As-
suming that all reluctance is in the ^^
air-gap, half of the m.m.f. between c
and d acts across the path ce and the
other half across fd, so that the cross-
magnetizing effect at each pole tip is
— (ampere-turns) (1)
of a large machine with -p poles.
Curve D shows the flux distribution in
Fig. 16. Flux distribution.—
[the air-gap due to the main exciting m.m.f. acting alone, flux density being
fjriotted vertically. Curve G shows the distribution of the armature m.m.f.
rand curve F shows the resultant flux distribution when both the armature
•For further information regarding windings see: Arnold, "Die Gleich-
tstrommaschine," Vol. I and II; S. P. Thompson, "Dynamo-electric Machin-
^fPf'" Vol. I; Hobart and Ellis "Armature Construction;" D. H. Braymer,
Armature Winding and Motor Repair," McGraw-Hill Book Co.
and the main exciting m.m.fs. exist together. Since the armature teeth are
saturated at normal flux densities, the increase in flux density at / is less than
the decrease at e, so that the total flux per pole is diminished by the cross-
magnetizing effect of the armature.
33. Demagnetizing effect. Fig. 17 shows the magnetic field produced
by the m.m.f. of the armature when the brushes are shifted through an angle
S6. Relative
strength of main ex-
citing and armature
magneto - motive
forces. Inspection of
Fig. 16 will show that,
if the armature current
have such a value that
the cross ampere-turns
at the pole tips, namely
^ZIc/2p, becomes
equal to the exciting
ampere-turns for tooth
and gap, then the flux
density will be zero un-
der the pole tip toward
which the brushes have
been shifted (Par. 31).
The quantity ZIc/2p is
the number of arma-
ture ampere-turns per
pole. The exciting
ampere-turns per pole
for tooth and gap are
seldom less than 1.2
times the armature
ampere-turns per pole
for a machine which
must operate without
sparking up to 25 per
cent, overload, and
which has a series field
to counteract the de-
magnetizing effect of
armature reaction. For
a machine such as a
shunt motor, which has
no series field, the ex-
citing ampere-turns for
gap and tooth should
not be less than 1.5
times the armature
ampere-turns per pole.
S6. Resistance com-
mutation. Fig. 20
shows part of a ma-
chine with a full-pitch
double-layer multiple
winding, two conduct-
ors per slot, and with
coils M
commutation. The
current in coils
reversed as the
M is
ture moves
and the
brushes change from
segments 1 and 5 to
segments 2 and 6. If
the brush contact re-
sistance is large com-
pared with the resist-
ance and self induction
of coil M then, in dia-
gram B, the current 21 e Fig. 20. — Stages in commutation.
42. Copper leaf brushes can carry 150 amp. per sq. in. (23 amp. per
sq. cm.) with a drop of 0.3 volt at the contact.
Carbon brushes can carry 35 watts per sq. in. (5.5 watts per sq. cm.).
Par. 40, for example 35 amp. per sq. in. (5.5 amp. per sq. cm.) with a drop
of 1.0 volts at the contact.
43. Average reactance voltage. The criterion for sparkless commu-
tation is, then (Par. 41), that RTc/i.L + M) shall be greater than unity, or
2IcR>^^{L + M) (4)
where 21 e the current entering the brush (Fig. 20). The latter quantity is
called the average reactance voltage and the former is the voltage drop across
one brush contact. It will
be found that the higher
the contact resistance and
the lower the reactance
voltage, the better is the
Fig. 22 shows the mag-
netic field encircling the
short-circuited coils of a
full-pitch multiple wind-
ing. The reluctance of the
magnetic path may readily
be calculated from which
the value of the flux per
unit current and L+M,
the coefficient of self and
mutual induction, are ob- Fig. 22.
tained. Deep slots de-
crease the reluctance of the magnetic path (for the same cross-section of
conductor) and increase the reactance voltage, therefore they should be
avoided if possible.
44. Effect of type of winding on reactance voltage. In the short-
pitch winding shown in Fig. 11, the conductors undergoing commutation
lie in different slots, and the reluctance of the magnetic path around the
coils is_ greater, and the coefficient of mutual induction smaller, than in a
r tuU-pitch winding. The use of a short-pitch winding therefore lowers
the reactance voltage and improves commutation, but, as shown in Fig. 11,
t it also reduces the effective interpolar space by the angle d.
In the two-circuit winding with one set of positive and one set of
negative brushes, shown in Fig. 12, each brush short-circuits p/2 coils in
!• series, so that the reactance voltage is p/2 times that of a multiple winding.
1 When, however, the number of brush sets is the same as the number of poles,
:» there is a short commutation path around one coil and the commutation is
46. Reactance voltage formula. Approximate results may be obtained
by use of the following formula for the average reactance voltage. *
39 609
46. Eflect of brush arc. An increase in the brush arc has no eSect on
the reactance voltage because, while it increases the number of coils in series
at short circuit, it decreases the time of commutation in the same ratio, and
the reactance voltage remains unchanged. On the other hand, a wide arc
may cause sparking by starting commutation in the coils before they are in
a reversing field, or by keeping them short-circuited until they are in too
strong a field. To minimize this trouble make the proportions such that,
pole pitch\ /commutator diameter-^
brush arc <(- )^ \ armature diameter (6)
where all dimensions are in inches. Furthermore, the brush should not
cover more than three commutator segments except in machines of low
reactance voltage, otherwise there will be large circulating currents in the
brush face.
47. Shifting of brushes. To improve commutation, the brushes are
shifted from the neutral position, so that the short-circuited coils are in a
magnetic field and an e.m.f. {E,) is generated in them which opposes the
reactance voltage and improves commutation. As the current in the machine
increases, the reactance voltage increases with it. To have perfect commu-
tation at all loads, the voltage E, must maintain an unvarying ratio to the
current. This is only possible when the distance by which the brushes are
moved from the neutral position increases as the cur-
rent increases. Modern machines must operate from
no load to 25 per cent, overload without sparking and
.without shifting of the brushes during operation. In
these machines the brushes are permanently shifted
(at the time of erection) from the neutral position
until the voltage E, is so large that sparking takes
place at no load.
48. Number of slots per pole. Fig. 23 shows
three of the stages in the commutation of a machine
with six coil sides i>er slot. The commutator segments
are evenly spaced while the coils, being in slots, are
not. Between the instant when the brush breaks con-
tact with coil A, and the instant it breaks with coil C,
the slot has moved through a distance x, so that if the
magnetic field in which the coils are commutated is
suitable for coil yl, it is too strong for coil C, and the
latter will therefore be badly commutated, every third
commutator segment being blackened. The distance
X is equal to the slot pitch minus the width of one
commutator segment. To minimize this trouble, a
machine should have more than twelve slots per pole.
Large machines have generally more than fourteen
slots per pole.
49. Limits of reactance voltage. Experience
shows that when the following conditions are fulfilled,
Fig. 23. —
tation with several
(1) Number of slots per pole is greater than twelve,;
coils per slot. (2) Brush arc is less than one-twelfth of the pole
pitch measured at the commutator surface,
(3) Pole arc is less than seven-tenths of the pole pitch, and
(4) Ampere-turns for air-gap and teeth are greater than 1.2 to 1.5 times
the armature ampere-turns per pole (Par. 36): then the reactance voltage'
calculated by Eq. 5 (Par. 46) should be
(1) Less than seven-tenths of the voltage drop per pair of brushes, with
brushes in neutral position, and
(2) Less than the full voltage drop per pair of brushes, with the brushes
shifted to improve commutation. _
increase of armature current (Par. 31). This decrease is kept within reason-
able limits by the use of a strong exciting field (Par. 36) and is less in a com-
pound machine than in a shunt machine operating on constant excitation.
In the series machine the main exciting m.m.f. and the armature m.m.f.
increase together, and the flux at the commutating pole tip may increase or
decrease, depending on the relative strength
and armature.
of field
61. Interpoles. An interpole genera-
tor shown diagrammatically in Fig. 24,
where n and s are auxiliary poles which
have a series winding so connected that their
strength increases with the armature cur-
rent. To improve commutation in a non-
interpole generator, the brushes are shifte'd
forward in the direction of motion, so that
B+ would come under the tip of the pole N
and B_ under the tip of the S^pole. In the
interpole machine the auxiliary pole n is
placed opposite the brush B+ and the auxili-
ary pole s opposite the brush B_.
62. Interpole excitation. The inter-
pole must have a m.m.f. equal and opposite
to that of the cross-magnetizing effect of
Fio. 24. — Magnetic
interpole generator.
circuit of
proportional to the rate of change of flux is generated in coil a. This may
increase the voltage that already exists between adjacent segments to such a
value that arcing starts, and then the machine flashes over from brush to
brush, particularly if the commutator is dirty. Machines with badly
distorted fields and a high average voltage between commutator segments
are especially likely to flash over.
88. Compensating windings. For such service as the operation of
reversing rolling mills, the current in the motors may change suddenly from
full-load value in one direction to three times full-load value in the opposite
direction. For such machines the average voltage between adjacent
commutator segments, which is equal to the terminal voltage divided
by the number of commutator segments per pole, should not exceed
89. Output equation. The output of a machine is proportional to the
armature volume, and the output equation is
_, ,^ watts X 60.8X10' , ^ /v^
Da^Lc'= C7;5-^7^^T (cu. m.) (h)
where Da is the armature diameter in inches,
Lc is the frame length in inches (Fig. 38),
(Bo is the apparent gap density in lines per sq. in.,
* is the per cent,
enclosure ( = pole arc pole -i- pitch) , and
g is the ampere-conductors per in. (== Zle/vDa)-
60. The e.m.f. equation for all types of direct-current generators is:
(-•-> («>
where E is the generated voltage between terminals,
Z isthe total number of face conductors,
0a the flux per pole which crosses the air-gap and is cut by the arina-
.j ture conductors,
.>, r. p.m. is the armature speed in revolutions per min.
"paths" refer to the number of parallel circuits (electric) through the
61. Another output equation, readily obtained from the e.m.f. equa-
tion, is given by
watts / Zla \, , ^ , V 1
where (Z7o/paths), called the electric loading:, is the total number of am-
pere-conductors on the armature periphery. The larger the electric loading,
the more copper and the less iron there is in the machine. The magrnetic
loading, as the quantity (0a X poles) is termed, ia the total flux entering the
armature. The larger the magnetic loading, the more iron and the less cop-
per there is in the machine.
62. The gap density ((B,) is limited by the density at the bottom of the
teeth; the greater the diameter, the less the tooth taper, and the higher the
gap density for a given tooth density at the root. The relation between
©5 and Da is given in Fig. 28.
70 * 10'
66. The armature aznpere-turns per pole seldom exceed 7,500 in
non-interpole machines. A larger number requires a long pole pitch, long
end connections, a large number of exciting ampere-turns per pole, long
poles, and a yoke of large diameter. For interpole machines, the main
field need not be so strong relatively to the armature field as in non-inter-
pole machines, and a reasonable limit for the armature ampere-turns per pole
is 10,000.
67. A simple procedure for arm.ature desigrn is given in the follow-
ZIc, the number of ampere-conductors, is obtained from Fig. 30.
q = ZIc/irDa, the number of ampere-conductors per in., is obtained
from Fig. 29.
Da, the armature diameter, is next determined.
(Bo is obtained from Fig. 28.
Lc is found by substitution in Eq. 8, Par. 69.
p, the number of poles, is so chosen that the pole pitch divided
by Lc equals 1.1 to 1.7.
4>, the flux per pole = 0.7 (pole pitch) XicXCBj, assuming the pole
enclosure =0.7.
Z, the number of armature conductors, is found from Eq. 9, Par. 60.
p, poles, = 10
T, pole pitch, =18.2 in.
0, flux per pole, = 8 8 X 10«
7-. =1.3 for 40 deg. cent, nse, from Fig. 31.
Cir. mils per amp.
Cir. mils per amp. = 560
Amp. per conductor at full load =167
Section of conductor =93,000 cir. mils = 0.073
sq. in.
Slot opening = 0.47 X (slot pitch) in large machines
= 0.52 X (slot pitch) in small machines
For a first approximation, therefore
Slot pitch =0.91 in.
Slot opening = 0.43 in.
0.064 width of slot insulation (Fig. 47)
0.04 clearance between coil and core
0.326 available space for copper and conductor insulation.
Use flat strip, as in Fig. 47, with two conductors in the width of the slot;
make the strip 0.14 in. wide and insulate it with half-lapped cotton tape.
Depth of conductor = 0.073/0. 14 = 0.52 in.; increase this to 0.55 in. to
allow for rounding of the corners.
Slot depth is found as follows:
0.55 = depth of each conductor
0.024 = insulation of each conductor
0.084 = depth of slot insulation (Fig. 47)
0.658 = depth of each insulated coil
2 = number of coils in depth of slot
1.316 = depth of coil space
0.2 = thickness of stick at top of slot
1.516 = necessary slot depth; make it 1.6 in.
The tooth flux density should now be checked to make
sure that it is not
too high, see Par. 123, and the internal diameter of the armature made such
that the flux density in the armature core shall not exceed 85,000 lines per
8q. in.
71. Effect of interpoles. When interpoles are used, the reactance vol-
tage is no longer a limiting factor in the design, so that deep slots may be
used and a large amount of copper put on each inch of the periphery. For
interpole machines, the value of q, the ampere-conductors per in., will
generally be 20 per cent, greater than given in Fig. 29. The commutating
fringe under the pole tip is not used, so that the ratio of the exciting ampere-
turns per pole for gap and teeth to the armature ampere-turns per pole, which
is seldom less than 1.2 for non-interpole machines, is generally made about
0.8 for similar machines with interpoles. There
is therefore a large saving in field copper, and
- in pole and yoke material.
72. Speed limitations in design. * If the
peripheral velocity of a machine is fixed, the
output can be increased only by increasing the
^ l60o[ I W-f^^
frame length, the number of conductors, or the
There is a small amount of fringing at the pole tips which tends to increase
the air-gap area, but this effect is counterbalanced by the effect of the in-
crease in the air-gap clearance near the pole tips. The fringing constant
for the vent ducts may be found in the same way as for the slots, but is so
nearly equal to unity that the calculation is seldom made.
76. The magnetic areas: In Fig. 38, let
Ag = the yoke area;
Ap = the pole area=TFpLp for solid rectangular poles and = 0.95 WpLp for
poles built of laminations;
At =the tooth area per pole= (^iV/p)<Ln where Ln, the net length of the
core equals 0.9 (Lo — the space taken by the ducts), \^ is the ratio pole
arc/pole pitch, and N is the total number of teeth.
Ac = the armature core area = dai„;
Ag =the apparent gap area per pole = ^7-Lc;
Aag = the actual gap area per pole = Ag/C', where C is a constant greater
than unity, which takes
into account the effect of
the slots in reducing the 0.48 J,
gap area.
These areas are determin-
able, in the first instance, by
dividing the total flux in a
,;? Slots SCCaiSx 1.6
given portion of the magnetic '
circuit, by the allowable flux Winding 1 Turn
density. Mull.
110 X
01 = lSk(_nI)g+i (14)
4,2=19k(,nl),^, A. logio (l+ ""^^'
) (15)
Fia. 38. — The paths of the main and the leakage fluxes.
and k equal to unity for inch units and to 1/2.54 = 0.3937 for centimeter
units. For a given value of <t>a, the flux crossing the air-gap, the value of
{nl)g+i, the necessary ampere-turns per pole for gap and teeth, may be found;
and, substituting this value in the above formulas, the corresponding value
of <t>4 may be found. The leakage factor = l-t-i^e/<^ a.
81. Calculation of field
ampere-turns per pole. Yoke
The total ampere-turns per
pole required to establish the
necessary flux in the mag-
netic circuit may be analyzed
into a series of components.
The natural subdivision fol-
lows the several different —
members or elements which
go to make up the complete
circuit. These would in-
clude the yokes, the field
cores, the air-gaps, the
ture teeth and the armature
core. Since the field poles
are structurally duplicates of
each other, except where in-
terpoles are used, it is nat-
ural to confine the calcula-
tions of required ampere-
turns to a single field pole.
Fig. 40 shows the unit mag- The leakage paths.
netic circuit for a multipolar
machine, or that part of the total magnetic structure which corresponds to
one field pole and simply needs repeated application to build up the whole
structure, This unit magnetic circuit comprises one complete field core, one
complete air-gap, one complete group of armature teeth under a single pole
face, two half-yokes and two half-armature cores in parallel.
in parallel
The total number ampere-turns, at no load, may be expressed as
n/=(n7)„ + (nJ).-Kn7)p-f-(n7), + (n7), (18)
where the several quantities in the formula are as follows:
(n7)j, represents the number of ampere-turns required to establish the
flux 0m/2 through a length of yoke equal
r to l„ in Fig. 38; this length is one-half the
total length of the yoke circuit from pole
to pole. In a single-yoke machine, such
as the horse-shoe bipolar type, with two
field coils, the full value of flux, or tpm,
should be assumed instead of <j>m/2.
(.nl)e represents the number of am-
pere-turns required to establish the flux
4>a/2 through a length of armature core
equal to h in Fig. 38.
(n7)p represents the number of am-
pere-turns required to establish the flux
<t>m through the field core, which has a
length of Tp as shown in Fig. 38.
Fia. 40. — .... (m7)i represents the number of am-
Unit magnetic circuit of pere-turns required to establish the flux
multipolar machine. ^^ through one set of armature teeth
under one pole face.
{nl)g represents the number of ampere-turns required to establish the
flux a through one air-gap.
The calculation of ampere-turns in each case, except for the air-gap, is
carried out by taking different values of flux density (B and obtaining the
proper -value of ampere-turns per in. from the curves in Fig. 37; the latter
is then multiplied in each instance by the length of the corresponding por-
tion of the magnetic circuit, in inches.
The required number of ampere-turns for the air-gap, in terms of inch
units, is given by . ,,..„.... •„
(«J)«=|;~^ (19)
87. The minimum length of field coil to give the necessary radiating
surface for cooling is given by the formula*
length of mean turn
" (22)
where Lf
' 1,000
4 external periphery X watts
the length of the field coU in inches, Fig. 42,
per aq. in. Xd/ Xs/Xl.27
93. Brass vent segments (P in Fig. 45), about | in. (1 cm.) wide,
separate the core into sections about 3 in. (7.5 cm.) wide. The core and the
vent segments are clamped between end heads N which carry coil supports
L attached by arms shaped like fans. The coils are held in place against
centrifugal force by steel band wires.
94. The poles (B in Fig. 45), are of circular cross-section in order to give
the required area for the magnetic flux with the minimum length of mean
turn of field coil A. They are made of forged steel and have laminated pole
faces E made of sheet steel 25 mils (0.63 mm.) thick.
96. End play is provided for by making the axial length of the pole face
i in. (1 cm.) shorter than that of the
armature core. This enables the
revolving part of the machine to oscillate^ axially and so prevent the journals,
bearings and commutator from wearing in grooves.
and are built of laminations 25 mils (0.63 mm.) thick, of the shape shown at
P, and assembled so that the rounded pole tips point in opposite directions
and a saturated tip is produced which helps commutation. The shaft,
base and bearings are generally supplied by the engine builder, so that the
commutator must be sup-
ported from the armature
spider; the brush rigging
must also be supported by
the machine.
Mechanical design. *
The yoke should be heavy
and, in engine-type units, is
often made with a large sec-
tion of cast iron rather than a
smaller section of cast steel;
it must be stiff enough to
prevent undue sagging even
when there is a large unbal-
anced magnetic pull. The
shaft should be stiff enough
to limit the deflection to 5
per cent, of the air-gap clear-
ance and, along with the
spider, should have a factor
of safety of 12 to take care
of short-circuits.
Fig. 46. —Large engine-type generator.
kS(&^'r (23)
S = length of air-gap,
excess of compound. The coil is allowed to cool under pressure and comes
out of the press with such a shape and size that it slips easily into the slot.
Co) Dip the ends of the coil into elastic finishing
109. Field coil insulation. Three examples are shown in Fig. 49. The
coils, after being wound and taped, are baked in a vacuum tank and then
impregnated with compound. This compound is a better insulator than the
air which it replaces; it is also a better conductor of heat.
110. Ventilated field coils, as shown at C in Fig. 49, are insulated with
wooden spacing pieces about 0.5 in. (1.3 cm.) thick. The coils are made
self-supporting by being impregnated with sohd compound at about 120 deg.
cent. The insulation on the individual turns of the series coil consists of one
layer of half -lapped cotton tape 6 mils (0.15 mm.) tiiick.
111. Fire-proof field coils for railway motors have been made with
strip copper wound on edge, with asbestos insulation between layers. The
coils arebrought to a red heat to expel the binding material in the asbestos
fabric and then placed in a metal case lined with asbestos and sheet mica.
112. Commutator segments are insulated from one another by mican-
ite about 30 mils (0.75 mm.) thick, strips of uniform thickness being used
and the copper segments tapered to suit. The mica must be one of the soft
Irarieties (Sec. 4) so that it will wear equally with the copper segments.
The segments of copper and mica are assembled together in an external
press ring, are next heated to soften the binding material in the micanite, and
are then drawn tightly together. The F-grooves shown in Fig. 45 are then
turned and the segments clamped tightly by the F-cones, from which they
are insulated by mica cones ^in. (1.6 mm.) thick.
t Thornton.
of Inst, of Elec. Eng., Vol. XXXVII, p. 125. ,
, ^ , -n,, r. v i
Journal of Inst, of Elec. t-ng., vol.
t Wall and Smith. "Pole-face losses,"
XL, p. 577.
constant, because of field distortion, as the densities are then very high under
alternate pole tips.
135. The individual iron losses cannot be calculated separately, and
curves such as those in Fig. 55, obtained by tests on completed machines,
must be used as follows:
Taking the machine shown in Fig. 35:
Actual maximum tooth density = 150,000 linea per sq. in.
Average core density = 84,000 lines per sq. in.
Weight of armature teeth = 385 lb.
Weight of armature core = 2,300 lb.
Frequency = pXr.p.m./120 = 16.6 cycles per sec.
Tooth loss per lb. = 6 watts, from Fig. 55.
Core-loss per lb. = 1.8 watts.
Total iron loss = (385 X 6) + (2,300 X 1.8 = 6,450 watts.
136. The armature copper loss is given by the formula
^^^^^ (watts) (27)
where Z is the number
of conductors, L
is the length of one conductor in
in. (Fig. 56), Ic is the current in each conductor, or the total current divided
by the number of armature -„
paths, and cm. is the cross- a
section of each conductor in S S,in
cir. mils.
137. The shunt excitation
loss equals EJ/ watts, where
Et is the terminal voltage and ID-
If the shunt current. In a
generator, about 20 per cent,
of this loss will be in the shunt- CO
a> <s
field rheostat.
138. The series excitation
5 10 15 20 25
loss equals la^R, watts, where
la is the total current in the Pole Pitch In Inches
machine and R, is the com-
bined parallel resistance of the
Fig. 56. — Dimensions of coils.
series field coils and the series shunt.
139. The brush contact resistance loss has been discussed in Par.
38 and equals Ebia watts, where Eb is the voltage drop per pair of brushes
and la is the total current of the machine.
140. The bearing friction loss for moderate-speed bearings with ring
lubrication and light machine oil is given by the*formula
where A is the total brush rubbing surface in square inches, atad V is the
rubbing velocity in feet per min. The brush pressure is generally less
than 2 lb. per sq. in. (0.14 kg. per sq. cm.) except for railway motors, where
tit may be twice as large in order to keep the contact firm in spite of the vibra-
tion of the machine.
142. The windage loss cannot be accurately calculated and, with periph-
eral velocities less than 6,000 ft. per min., is so small that it may be
143. The efficiency of a generator is given by the expression
Eff, -^'1^
output + losses
ance is reduced below this value, the machine becomes completely demag-
netized (except for the residual magnetism), and the terminal voltage and
the armature current both become practically zero.
147. When a shunt generator is short-circuited the machine is de-
magnetized and the current becomes negligible (Fig. 59). At the instant
of short-circuit, however, the flux in the pole cannot reduce suddenly to
zero, and the voltage due to this flux will send a large current through the
circuit; at the end of a few seconds, however, the current will have become
148. Instability of unsaturated shunt generators. If the no-load,
normal voltage point on the saturation curve la a. Fig. 60, below the point
of saturation, then the overload capacity of the machine will be small, and
the change of voltage with load will be large. Furthermore, a slight decrease
in speed will cause a decrease in the generated voltage, which will decrease
the shunt field current and cause the voltage to drop still further. If ac is
tangent to the saturation curve at point a, then the ratio of voltage change
to the change of speed producing it, is ab/oc.
600 rj 160
characteristic curves for compound generators. The compounding of a
machine may be reduced by shunting the series field coils with a resistance;
this resistance is called a "series shunt."
153. Series generators. Curve 1, Fig. 61, shows the relation between
voltage and current if there is no armature resistance or armature reaction.
This is really the no-load saturation curve of the machine and is determined
by separately exciting the field coils so that no current flows in the armature.
Curve 2 shows the actual relation between terminal voltage and load current.
e.m.f.and also to send the armature current la through Rm, the resistance of
the armature winding, the brushes and the series field coils; or
Ea^Ei+IaRm (volts) (32)
where Ea is the applied e.m.f. and Eb, the counter e.m.f., is given by Eq. 9,
Par. 60.
158. Shifting of the brushes. It may be seen from Fig. 2 that, while the
brushes of a generator are shifted forward in the direction of motion to help
commutation, those of a motor have to be shifted backward. In each case,
however, the armature reaction reduces the flux per pole.
169. The torque equation. The torque of a motor is proportional to
the number of conductors on the armature, to the current per conductor
and to the total flux in the machine. The formula for the torque is
torque = 0.1175 Z ^Ia(^~^J IQ'^ (lb. at 1 ft. rad.) (33)
For a given motor the number of armature conductors Z, the number of poles,
and the number of armature paths, are constant. The torque can therefore
be expressed as
torque = a constant X 0Jo (36)
and the speed, likewise, is expressed
r.p.m. = a constant X (— — -
161. Shunt-motor speed and torque. In this case Ea, Rm and <t> are
constant, and the speed and torque curves are shown in curves 1, Fig. 64; the
effective torque is less than that generated, by the torque required for the
windage and the bearing and brush friction. The drop in speed from no
load to full. load seldom exceeds 5 per cent.; indeed, since <p, the flux per pole,
decreases with increase of load, due to armature reaction, the speed may
remain approximately constant up to full load.
162. Effect of field-coil heating on speed. The field-coil resistance
increases and the exciting current decreases about 20 per cent, as the field
coils increase in temperature. The flux per pole is therefore less and the
speed greater when the machine is hot than when cold, unless a field rheostat
is manipulated to keep the exciting current constant. The effect of change
of exciting current on speed is minimized by having the magnetic circuit
well saturated, so that a large change in current will produce only a small
change in flux.
163. Variable-speed operation of shunt motors can best be investi-
gated by means of Eq. 37, Par. 160. In order to increase the speed, must
be reduced by inserting a resistance in series with the field coils. In order
to decrease the speed below the value which it has with full field, the quantity
{Ea — IaRm) must be decreased by placing a resistance in series with the
armature. The latter resistance must be able to carry the armature current,
but the starting resistance must not be used for this purpose since it is de-
, ngned for starting duty only, and would burn out if allowed to carry full-
load current for more than a few minutes.
164. Speed control of shunt motors by armature resistance is not
very satisfactory, since the speed regulation is bad. If a motor is operating
with full-load current at half speed, about 50 per cent, of the applied voltage
ia consumed in the resistance, but if the load were decreased, so that only
half of full-load current was required, then only 25 per cent, of the applied
voltage would be consumed in the same external resistance, and the motor
peed would increase to 75 per cent, of normal speed, unless the external
control resistance were automatically increased with decrease of load. Due
to the large voltage drop across the external resistance, the efficiency of the
system is low.
165. When
the speed of shunt motors is controlled by field resist-
ance, the speed regulation and the efficiency are both good, but the commu-
tation is generally poor becauae, at high speeds, the main field is weaker than
normal while the armature field is unchanged, so that the field distortion is
excessive and the commutating field under the pole tip consequently dis-
appears (Par. 36). The reactance voltage also is increased (Par. 46). With
standard shunt motors without interpoles, it is generally impossible to in-
crease the speed more than 60 per cent, by field weakening without having
trouble due to sparking, the output of the machine being the normal full
166. Speed changes of shunt motors under rapidly fluctuating
loads. * When the load on a shunt motor increases slowly, the flux per pole
decreases due to armature reaction,
mo and the speed (Eq. 37, Par. 160) re-
mains approximately constant. If,
1100 however, the load changes rapidly,
the flux per pole cannot cihange
rapidly due to the self-induction of
1000 - ,^ .^ the field coils; the machine then
A [sf^A, VtP operates for thj instant as a con-
^ jj^ _52^o, Y?^..
stant-flux machine, and the speed
drops rapidly to allow the counter
e.m.f. to decrease and the necessary
current to flow.
M n^^^^::d~~~/J 167. Speed and torque of series
motors. The speed equation (Eq.
37, Par. 160) and the torque equa-
tion (Eq. 33, Par. 159) apply to
600 motors of all continuous-current
,yrr types. In the case of series motors
S /j^. the flux increases with the arma-
shunt excitation. The speed and torque characteristics for such a machine
are shown in curves 2, Fig. 64. The speed of a compound motor can be
adjusted by armature and field rheostats, just as in the shunt machine
(Par. 163).
171. Automatic speed regulation. To keep the speed constant under
all conditions of load some kind of centrifugal governor may be used to operate
on the shunt-field rheostat. A piece of apparatus of this kind now on the
market* is an adaptation of the Tirrill voltage regulator, in which a cen-
trifugal control device mounted on the motor shaft performs the functions
of the main control magnet in the standard regulator. The regulator period-
ically short-circuits pax-t of the shunt-field rheostat by means of light vibrat-
ing contacts of small inertia. The time during which the rheostat is short-
circuited, or is active, determines the average field current and the flux per
pole, and therefore the speed of the machine. When the speed is too high,
the centrifugal device short-circuits the rheostat for a long period and allows
the flux per pole to increase and the speed to decrease.
172. The differential motor is a compound-wound machine with the
series winding opposing the shunt winding, so that the flux will decrease as
the load increases and the speed be constant from no load to full load, or
actually increase with increase of load. The series winding of such a motor
should be short-circuited when starting the machine, so that the starting cur-
rent will not be excessive. Differential motors are rarely used, because the
speed of the shunt inotor is so nearly constant from no load to full load that
the extra complication of the differential winding is rarely necessary. Dif-
ferential windings are used to some extent for small motors, in order to
secure constant speed with variable load.
173. Unstable operation with rising-speed characteristic. Upon
suddenly increasing the load torque on a differential motor, designed for a
rising-speed characteristic, the speed for a brief instant decreases. This
results in a momentary drop of counter e.m.f., which admits a larger armature
current, in turn weakening the resultant field strength and further reducing
the counter e.m.f. The attendant increase in armature current increases
the armature torque, and the reactions are such that the latter continues
to increase until it exceeds the load torque and commences to accelerate
the armature. The increase in speed continues until the rising counter
e.m.f. finally limits the armature current to a value at which. the armature
torque equals the load torq^ie, and the speed becomes constant. These re-
actions, with change of load, occur quite rapidly; if, however, the field
cores are large and massive, changes in flux attendant upon sudden changes
in m.m.f. will lag by an appreciable time interval, on account of eddy
currents in the cores. The presence of an appreciable flux lag, with very
rapidly changing loads, results in unstable operation; for example, when the
load is suddenly increased, the speed will drop appreciably before it com-
mences to accelerate, and when the load is suddenly removed, the speed
will rise appreciably before it commences to decrease. The effect of the
armature inertia will accentuate these defects in speed regulation. Such
defects are not found in motors whose speed decreases with increasing
load, i.e., which have a drooping speed characteristic.
174. Interpole motors have a commutating field which increases with
the current and is not affected by armature reaction (Par. 62). Motors
which are subjected to excessive overloads, and adjustable-speed motors
operating at high speeds with a weak main field, give little trouble due to
sparking if supplied with interpoles. Huntingf takes place in interpole
machines which have a rising-speed characteristic. Such a character-
istic may be obtained by working with a weak main field and with
a short
air-gap under the main poles, so that the field distortion under load is large
and the flux per pole decreases with increase of load due to the cross-mag-
netizing effect of the armature (Par. 32).
Such a characteristic may also be obtained by making the interpoles too
^^ commutation is perfect, the current in the short-circuited coil
will be zero when that coil is in the geometrical neutral position.
If, however,
BeTs.per Uin.
10 20 30
Horee Power
Fio. 66.— Weight and cost of standard 220-volt direct-current motors
witliout base or pulley.
^ i
' r~
increase in voltage of the ex-
cited machine may not be too
large. Machines with solid
poles are quite satisfactory, as
very rapid changes of voltage
are not desirable. The weight,
cost and efficiency of such ma-
chines may be obtained from
Fig. CC.
186. Variable-speed gen-
erators* used for the lighting Speed
of vehicles are required to give
constant voltage over a wide
range of speed. "Many patents
have been taken out on ma- Fig. G8.- -Rosenberg car lighting genei^
chines for this purpose. In one ator.
type the armature is moved
axially out of the field by a governor, as the speed increases. In another
type the brushes are shifted automatically as the speed changes. Other
machines are driven by slipping belts or slipping clutches.
187. The Rosenberg variable-speed generatorf is self-regulating and is
shown diagrammatically in Fig. G8. The battery voltage is approximately
constant and the shunt field sends across the air-gaps a flux 0i, which is ap-
proximately constant. The armature cuts this fl\ix and an e.m.f. is generated
between brushes hb, but none between brushes BB. The former brushes are
short-circuited, so that a current flows in the armature and sets up an arma-
ture field <j)2. Since the armature cuts this latter field, there is an e.m.f.
I 643
between brushes BB and a current I in the external circuit. This current 1
Bets up a flux 03, which opposes 0i, but can never exceed 0i, so that / cannot
exceed that value at which the armature ampere-turns per pole equal the
shunt-field ampere-turns per pole. The relationship between current and
speed for different shunt excitations is given in Fig. 68. The direction of the
current I is independent of the direction of rotation of the machine.
188. Third-brush generators. • This type of machine is shown
diagrammatically in Fig. 69. At no load the exciter voltage ab is half the
terminal voltage ac, but armature
a reaction weakens the leading pole
tip so that as the armature cur-
rent increases, the exciter voltage
ab decreases and thereby limits
the current.
Another type of thiid brush gene-
Fia. 69.
Third brush generator.
rator t gives constant voltage over
a wide range in speed and without
the use of a battery. The ma-
chine has a 2-pole armature and a
4-pole field system excited so as to
give two magnetic fields at right
battery supplies the lamps. As the car speeds up, the generator voltage
increases and, when the value is reached for which solenoid f was set, the pull
of the magnet closes the switch and connects the generator in parallel with
the battery. The generator then delivers current to the battery and to the
lamps, which current, flowing througli coil H, helps to keep the switch closed.
As the speed increases, the voltage of the generator and the battery current
'^° '^'"', when full-load
•t . battery current is
reached, the pull
of coil Dacts to
1essen the pres-
sure on the car-
bon pile B and the
generator voltage
decreases; coil D
therefore limits
ing current.
Car-lighting system. When the bat-
tery reaches full
charge, its voltage rises to the maximum value and then the pull of coil B
acts to lessen the pressure on the carbon pile, preventing further rise of volt-
age and permitting the generator to supply only the current for the lamps.
When the speed drops below a certain value, the battery voltage is higher
than that of the generator; current then flows back through the coil H,
thus releasing the switch S and disconnecting the generator from the circuit.
Since the generator current should always bo in the same direction no mat-
ter what the direction of motion of the car, a pole changer A is supplifd this ;
point as shown in Fig. 71. In this system the voltages Ea and Ei can be
regulated independently of one another.
191. The earliest type of three-wire generator was a machine which
had two armature windings on the same core, revolving in the same magnetic
field, with a separate commutator for each winding. This machine was
connected as shown in Fig. 72. Since the armature reaction affects each
Fio. 74. Fig. 75.
Figs. 74 and 75. — Unbalanced currents in three-wire generators.
coils 2 and 4 are connected across Ea, and the coils 1 and 3 across Eb, the
balancing will be better than if all four coils were connected in series across
E. The voltages Ea and Ei, can be regulated independently, by hand, when
the excitation is thus divided.
193. The Dobrowolsky machine is that generally used for three-wire
operation. It is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 74 and consists of a stand-
ard two-wire machine with a coil of high reactance and low resistance con-
nected permanently across diametrically opposite points on the armature.
The voltage between o and b is alternating and, even at no load, or when
the load is perfectly balanced, an alternating current flows in this reactance
coil. This current, however, is extremely small because the reactance is
large. The center o of the coil is always midway in potential between the
brushes c and d, and ia connected to the neutral of the system. When the
loads on the two sides of the systena differ, the difference between the cur-
rents in the outside lines flows in the neutral wire and through the reactance
coil, which offers only a small resistance to direct current.
194. The current distribution in the Dobrowolsky machine* may
be considered as that due to the average current (ti + J2)/2 and a super-
imposed unbalanced current — ii)/2, as shown in Fig. 75. The former
of these currents flows in the outside lines, but does not through the
neutral line, and so does not affect the potential of the point o. The un-
balanced current is that which affects the voltages on the two sides of the
system and this current is shown separately in Fig. 76.
Fia. 77.
Figs. 76 and 77. — Unbalanced currents in three-wire generators.
If Ra is the resistance of the armature from brush to brush, then the resist-
ance from a to c varies from O to '2Ra and, in the position shown in Fig. 76,
equal to Ra. If Rb is the resistance of each of the two legs of the balance
it is
coil,the voltage drop from o to a ia equal to (ii — i2)Rb/2; the drop from o to c
equals ieRc and is alternating, with an average value of (ii — i2)iJii/6. The
average drop from o to c is expressed by
{i\-i-i) /Ra r> N
(volts) (38)
195. The unbalanced current (u — ii) ia generally limited to 2.5 per cent,
of the full-load current in the out-side lines and, since the armature drop at
full load equals tho product of full-load current and Ra, and seldom exceeds
3 per cent, of E, it follows that the average voltage from o to c seldom
exceeds 0.25 per cent, of Ea for 25 per cent, unbalanced current. Therefore
the regulation of each side of the system is determined principally by the
drop in the balance coil and can readily be kept within 2 per cent.
196. The use of two balance coils connected as shown in Fig. 77 results
in a slight improvement in tho machine. The average voltage drop from
o to c in this case is .
and is apparently loss would be with only one coil. But when two
than it
coils are used, as in Fig. 77, each one carries half of the current carried by
the single coil in Fig. 7(); therefore the wire used has half the section and each
of the coils in Fig. 77 has twice the resistance of the coil in Fig. 76,_ and the
drop from o to a is the same in each case. The drop from o to c is less in"
Fig. 77 than in Fig. 70, but the difference is so small that it has little effect on
* Hawkins. Journal of Inst, of Elec. Eng., Vol. XLV, p. 704.
Fergu.son. "Characteristics of the Th-eo-wire Generator,' Electrical
WoTld, Vol. 64, pp. 1199-1204. Dec. 10, 1914.
the regulation; it does, however, reduce the heating, because the unbalanced
current has the shorter distance to travel in the armature when two balance
coils are used, so that for the same armature temperature rise, the machine
with the single balance coil requires slightly larger copper for the armature
conductors than that with two balance coils.
197. The rating
of the balance coil. The voltage between o and 6
and has a maximum value equal to E and an
(Fig. 74 to Fig. 76) is alternating
effective value equal to E/y/l. The current in each half of the balance coil
equals (ii J2)/2, neglecting the small exciting current, so that the volt-
ampere capacity of the balance coil equals JS(n — t2)/2-v/2. The normal out-
put of the generator on balanced load equals El volt-amperes, so that for
25 per cent, unbalanced cur-
rent, the transformer rating in
volt-amperes is only 9 per cent.
of that of the generator.
198. Compound-w o u n d :j=j.
three-wire generators have 1
all the series coils on the N
poles placed on one side of the
circuit and all the series coils
on the S poles placed on the
other side of the circuit, so that
the compounding is independ-
ent of the unbalancing of the
load. The compounding has
no effect on the voltage unbal-
199. Parallel operation*
(Par. 239) is possible if two
equalizers are used, one for
each set of series field coils.
The diagram of connections is
w ^ WW
shown in Fig. 78; six leads per Fig. 78. Parallel connection of three-wire
machine are required because generators.
the circuit-breakers on the
switchboard must be in the armature circuit and not in the equalizer circuit.
1 647
See. 8-202 D. c. generators and motors
will have 240 segments and, with, a minimum segment and mica of 0.2 in.
(0.5 cm ) thickness will have a commutator diameter of about 15 in. (38 cm.).
For further information see Sec. 16.
202. Mill motors for rolling-mill work are built like street railway motors
set on feet, and are constructed in a similar manner in order that they may be
readily repaired. The shafts are made stiffer than usual, which results in
greater bearing friction and smaller efficiency than in standard motors.
These motors weigh and cost about 20 per cent, more than standard motors
of thesame rating.
203. Mine motors are designed to operate in a damp atmosphere and
must therefore be specially impregnated with waterproof compound.
204. Flame-proof motors, * for operation in explosive atmospheres, must
have the current-carrying parts completely enclosed in flame-tight enclosures
of non-infiarnmable material of sufficient strength so as not to be endangered
by an explosion in the motor interior. The housings of such motors should
never be opened in service except when the motor is completely discon-
nected from the supply circuit.
It is impossible to construct motors which are gas-tight. When the
machine becomes heated, any gas which is in the case expands and some of it
is forced out along the shaft. When the motor cools again, a fresh supply of
gas will be drawn into the case. Flame-tight motors, wherein the trans-
mission of an inside explosion to the outside is prevented, have proved feas-
ible. There are two types: (a) Totally enclosed machines, constructed to
withstand a pressure of 110 lb. per sq. in. (7.7 kg. per sq. cm.), are built in
capacities up to about 25 h.p., but become large and expensive for greater
outputs, (b) Plate-protected motors have openings which are filled with
plates about 0.02 in. (0.5 mm.) apart so as to form a labyrinth passage for
the gases; the function of this labyrinth is to cool the products of combustion.
205. Adjustable-speed motors are efficient only when operated by field
control (Par. 164). For a wide range in speed, interpoles are required (Par.
166). The size and cost of the machine depend on the minimum speed at
which it is necessary to supply the rated output, and the maximum speed is
that at which the peripheral velocity reaches a safe limit. By the use of
interpoles, deep slots may be employed, and the output for a given weight
increased 10 per cent, over that for a non-interpole machine, but the cost per
horse power is not reduced. The following table gives a list of ratings that
may be obtained from a given frame, suitable windings being supplied; a
speed range of 3 to 1 is ample for most purposes:
46 h.p. at 800 to 1,200 rev. per min.
40 h.p. at 700 to 1,200 rev. per min.
34 h.p. at 600 to 1,200 rev. per min.
29 h.p. at 500 to 1,200 rev. per min.
20 h.p. at 3.50 to 1,050 rev. per min.
17 h.p. at 300 to 900 rev. per min.
14 h.p. at 250 to 750 rev. per min.
11 h.p. at 200 to 600 rev. per min.
overlap as shown diagrammatically in Fig. 81 and the brushes are wide enough
to cover two overlapping segments. During the first one-eighth rev., coil C
alone is active and the e.m.f. in that coil passes through its maximum value.
During the next one-eighth rev., coils C and D are in parallel; the e.m.f. in C
is decreasing and that in D
is increasing. During the next one-eighth rev.,
coil C is cut out and coil D alone is active. When two coils are in parallel
the higher e.m.f. in one coil tends to reverse the current in the coil of lower
e.m.f. and, when the latter current is zero, the contact between the corre-
sponding coil and the brush may be broken without sparking. Thus by rocking
the brushes, a position of minimum sparking may be found.
208. Ratings of Brush arc generators. A 6,250-volt, 9.6-amp., 500-
rev. per min. Brush machine weighs 9,590 lb. (4,350 kg.), occupies a floor
space of 84 in. by 56 in. (2.1 by 1.4 m.) and requires 91 h.p. to drive it.
210. The Thomson-Houston machine has three open coils spaced 120
electrical degrees apart, joined together at their inner ends, and connected to
a three-part commutator at the outer ends, as shown diagrammatically in
Fig. 82. At the position shown in Fig. 82, the e.m.f. in coil C is increasing,
that in D is decreasing, and that in A is zero; coil A is therefore out of cir-
cuit at the instant. As the armature revolves, the e.m.f. in A increases and
that in Ddecreases, until finally the brush disconnects the coil D
and connects
A in series with C. This cannot be done suddenly, however, or bad sparking
would result; therefore the extra set of brushes (shown by dotted lines) is
added and coils A and D
are connected in parallel until the increasing voltage
in A is able to reduce the current in D
to zero, and thereupon the latter coil
can be disconnected from the brush. The voltage regulation in this machine
* For tables of ratings of arc-lighting generators see Houston and Ken-
nelly, " Recent types of Dynamo-electric Machinery," pub. 1898.
is obtained by shifting the brushes. When
the brushes are in the position
shown in Fig. 82, large e.m.fs. are being generated in the coila connected in
series; when the brushes are shifted through 90 deg. these coils are generating
low e.m.fs. and the terminal voltage is a minimum. The mechanism which
shifts the brushes also varies the angle d between brushes so as to secure
good commutation with all brush positions.
211. Bating of Thomson-Houston arc machines.* A 2,500-volt,
10-amp., 829 rev. per min. Thomson-Houston machine weighs 5,975 lb.
(2,700 kg.), occupies a floor space of 64 in. by 52 in. (1.6 X 1.3 m.) and re-
quires 38 h.p. to drive it.
212. The Thomson-Houston regulator is shown diagrammatically
in Fig. 83. The electromagnet M
is short-circuited through the contact S.
When the line current is too strong, contact S is opened by the magnet and N
the main current passes through M, which raises a lever and increases the
Thomson-Houston regulator.
brush arc. At the same time the brushes are shifted from the position of
maximum e.m.f. The arcing at the commutator is suppressed by a mechan-
ically-operated blower, and the arcing at the switch iS is minimized by the
discharge resistance R.
213. The Wood arc machine has a Gramme-ring winding with a large
number of commutator segments. The current is kept constant by shifting
the brushes, the voltage being a maximum when the brushes are in the neutral
position and zero when the brushes are under the centres of the poles.
The regulator is operated by an electromagnet which lifts a lever against the
pull of a spring; when the line current is too large, the magnet pulls the lever
in such a manner as to engage reduction gearing with the revolving armature
and cause the brushes to move to a position of lower voltage; if the current is
too small, the spring pulls the lever in the opposite direction and the gearing
then moves the brushes to a position of higher e.m.f.
As in the Thomson-Houston machine, the brushes of the Wood arc machine
are split into two parts separated by an angle (Fig. 82). As the brushes
move under the poles, for the purpose of reducing the terminal voltage, the
e.m.f. generated in the short-circuited coils increases, and nmst be counter-
balanced by a higher reactance voltage; this is readily obtained in a Gramme
winding by reducing the brush arc so as to decrease the time of commutation.
For sparkless operation, the brush angle 6 should decrease as the brushes move
under the poles; this is accomplished automatically by the brush-rocking
214. Rating of Wood arc machines. * A 6,250-volt, 9.6-amp., 500 rev.
per min. Wood arc machine weighs 14,600 lb. (6,600 kg.), occupies a floor
space of 82 in. by 80 in. (2.1 m. by 2 m.) and requires 90 h.p. to drive it.
216. Constant-current generators for series arc lighting are nearly
obsolete, although the Rosenberg machine (Par. 187), is coming into use for
the operation of searchlight arcs. Direct-current series lighting systems are
now in use, but in most cases are supplied frqm rectifiers (Sec. 6).
216 Th« r. .
To take a machine
'' '^ fi-'
current flows
the switch
position to place thpmr,!^- SJ^t^^"^
*'^''.°^'i to the
proper J
r^^^ J
^ ^
. i
o,^^^ '"^ ?^"^«
the linl
brought slowlv to +l?o °^ operation, the brushes ar^ r.T.
^"^th r^
Connection FuTrT
^f— \^
'^'"'' generators.
fwitch S is manipulated' ^°^''^°^' '^^^ the ''^
to J>?'*^^"-
«^°-^-— t the machine and disconnect
it from
T^'^start u
226. Compound balancers are connected as in Fig. 87, so that the gen-
erator always cumulatively compounded and the motor is compounded
differentially,no matter in which direction the unbalanced current flows.
This connection causes the balancer speed and the generator voltage to
increase with the unbalanced load.
The generator current is expressed by the formula,
/„ = Io^-7^^^ (40)
and the motor current by
/». = lo^jf (41)
The efficiency in each case being given with the shunt-excitation loss neg-
lected. The actual combined efficiency of the set is
226. Theory of Operation, t Faraday
showed that, if the metal strip A, Fig. 88,
be moved so as to cut lines of force, an e.m.f.
will be established between the brushes o and
1) and a continuous current sent round the ex-
at the hub, and the total e.m.f is twice that of one disc.
. Steel has been sug-
gested for the disc material so as to reduce the reluctance of the magnetic
circuit; this,however, would introduce a magnetic pull, due to inequalities in
the air-gaps on the two sides of the disc, and this pull could be eliminated
only by carefully adjusting the discs and then securing them in such a way
as to prevent end play.
228. The axial type, shown in Fig. 91, consists of a metallic cylinder
rotating in a uniform magnetic field. The voltage of such a machine is low
a 300-kw., 500-volt, 3,000-rev. per min. machine with an armature diameter
of 19,3 in. (49 cm.), effective core length of 12.2 in. (31 cm.) and a peripheral
velocity of 15,200 ft. per min. (77 m. per sec.) generates 41.5 volts per con-
ductor in a field of 112,000 lines per sq. in. (17,300 per sq. cm.) density. In
this case twelve conductors in series are required for 500 volts, and each con-
ductor requires two slip-rings, with brushes
on each ring adequate to carry the full-
load current, the rubbing velocity being
about 15,000 ft. per min. (77 m.p.s.).*
229. The brush friction loss is very
large and the total contact drop of twenty-
four contacts in series is also large. The
efficiency is about 88 per cent, at half
load and 91 per cent, at full load.
230. The output equation (Par. 69)
for a homopolar machine is
^ ,, /wattsx /60.8X10'\ .,„.
. . .
\r.p.m./\ (&o q /
where (B^ in the above 300-kw. machine is
112,000 lines per sq. in. and is limited by
saturation; q in the above machine equals
12X600/7rX 19.3 = 120 ampere-conductors
per in., a value which cannot be increased
without increasing the number of brushes,
and which cannot' reach the value given in Fig. 91. Axial type of homo-
polar machine.
Fig. 29 unless some brush is devised which
will collect about 1,200 amp. per sq. in.
(186 amp. per sq. cm.) of contact surface.
Substituting the above values for (Bo and g the following equation is ob-
Da^Lc = 45 (cu. in.) (44)
'<i p.m./
• Noeggerath. Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXIV, p. 1.
Sec. 8-231 n. r. oexfrators and motors
Now the flux density in section A, Fig. 91, is limited to about 130,000 lines
per sq. in. (20,000 per sq. cm.) so that Da= 1.7 Lc approximately, and there-
fore £)a'==76 watts/rev. per min., with the above limitations.
231. Weight and cost. * Because of the low value of ampere-conductors
per in., made necessary by the brush rigging, the value of Da-Lcior a homo-
polar machine will generally be greater than for a machine of the standard
type and the machine will be much heavier and more expensive. Therefore,
until suitable brushes are found, this type of machine is not likely to be widely
used except in the case of machines for low voltages and large currents.
232. The maximum output that can be obtained for a given number
of revolutions per minute may be found by assuming a limiting peripheral
velocity of 15,000 ft. per min. (77 m. per sec). Then the output in watts is
equal to Z)a'Xr.p.m./76 and
kw = 0.72(P"'P^^f-)^X:,^^ (45)
r.p.m.2 1000
= 2.5X10V(r.p.m.)2
The maximum output and the speed are plotted in curve 4, Fig. 32. The
points shown on the curve give the ratings of two machines now in operation.
233. Compound-wound homopolar machines. The idea under-
lying the compounding is explained by the diagram in Fig. 92, which relates
to a machine having six conductors. The brushes E are connected to the
stationary conductors H by means of con-
nection pieces G. Only a portion of the
whole length of G is actually employed to
carry current, and the amount of this active
portion can be varied by the brush rocker F.
In practice it is sufficient to have a flexible
lead instead of the fixed conductor G.
234. Homopolar machines may be
self-exciting and Noeggerath points
out that homopolar machines may oven be
operated without the use of a field coil.
235. Standard lines of homopolar
machines are not on the market; the ma-
chines are heavy and expensive if the am-
pere-conductors per in. are kept tow so as to
_, .„ _ ,. , have a reasonably satisfactory brush rigging
Fig. 92.— Compounding of (Par. 230), and are troublesome in opera-
homopolar machines. B, arm- tion unless they are excessively large. The
ature conductors; C, insulation troubles encountered in the construction
between conductors; D, slip ^nd operation of a homopolar machine are
""SS- described by Lammet in connection with a
2,000-kw., 260-volt, 7,700-amp., 1,200-rev.
per min. machine which had 16 slip-rings operating at a peripheral velocity of
13,200 ft. per min. (67 m. per sec.) and copper leaf brushes set against the
direction of rotation, the rings being lubricated with graphite.
voltage E, the currents in the machines are 7a and lb, and the line current
is la+Ib. To make machine -4 take more of the load, its excitation must be
increased, in order to raise its characteristic curve. If a 100-kw. machine
and a 500-kw. machine have the same regulation, and therefore the same drop
in voltage from no load to full load, then, as shown in Fig. 96, the machines
will divide the load according to their respective capacities.
cuit while energized and gives rise to a momentary but very severe induced
e.rn.f. The handle of the starting-box should automatically return to the
" off" position before the motor finally comes to a dead standstill.
number of field-coil turns, a large e.m.f. will be induced between the two open
ends. This may be sufficient to break down the insulation between the field
coils and the poles. To prevent this, when a motor is disconnected from a
line, the field coils should be short-circuited through the armature winding
at the instant the line circuit is opened, the necessary connections being made
by the starter.
246. Installation of motors and generators. The machine should, if
possible, be placed in a cool ventilated position which is free from dirt, dust,
or moisture. Machines required to operate in damp places should have the
coils specially treated. The foundation should be solid to prevent vibration.
If the machine is belted, the belt tension should not be too great, the distance
between belt centres too short, or the pulley too small; the pulley should not
have a diameter less than that recommended by the manufacturer. The belt
should be flexible and without lumpy joints and the bottom side should be the
tight side. After erection, clean the bearings by pouring in gasoline, drain
this off through the drain cocks and then fill the bearings with light mineral
oil. Before starting, see that there are no loose parts and that the brushes
are making firm contact.
247. Starting generators for the first time. Bring the generator
slowly up to speed with the field circuit open and see that the oil rings operate
properly; then close the shunt field switch and bring the voltage up to nor-
mal. Run the machine without load for an hour, after which the load may
gradually be increased. Generators should be thoroughly dried out in every
instance before they are placed in commission.
248. Starting motors for the first time. Check the connections to
make sure that they are correct and secure. See that the controller handle is
in the starting position, then close the line switch. If the motor does not
start on the first or second notch of the controller, open the line switch and
look for the trouble. When starting, bring the controller handle over slowly
to the running position, allowing the motor to gather speed, but do not run on
the starting notches for any length of time. Run the motor without the belt
for half an hour (this cannot be done with a series motor) and then put on the
load. When shutting down, open the line switch and see that the controller
handle returns to the starting position before the motor finally stops.
249. Operating instructions. Keep oil away from the commutator,
brushes and windings. Do not allow dirt or dust to accumulate in or around
the machine. Do not lubricate the commutator with oil; a piece of muslin
moistened with vaseline may be used to clean the commutator. Emery
is a conductor and should not be used in
fitting brushes or cleaning the commuta-
tor; use sandpaper and do not use it on
the commutator too frequently. Do
not use greater brush tension than neces-
sary; tension greater than 2 lb. per sq. in.
(0.14 kg. per sq. cm.) is seldom re-
quired. When replacing brushes, use
the quality and size originally supplied
with the machine, and fit them to the
commutator with sandpaper before use;
a strip of sandpaper should be placed on
the commutator below the brushes, sand Fig. 97.- -Field discharge resistance.
side up, and pulled through in the direc-
tion of motion of the commutator. Do not open generator-field circuits
quickly (Par. 113); open the switch slowly, permitting the arc to extinguish
gradually, which should take about 5 soc. On large generators use a field
discharge resistance, which is connected across the terminals as soon as the
field switch opens; see Fig. 97.
Do not stop quickly on account of a hot bearing, but slow down the ma-
chine and apply good clean oil. A quick shut-down will cause the bear-
ing to "freeze." Inspect and clean the machine periodically.
260. Poor commutation is generally due to one or more of the following
causes :
267. Purpose of testing. Commercial tests are made on standard
machines to make sure that they have been properly constructed. Accept-
ance tests are made on important machines to make sure that they meet
the guarantees. Special tests are made by the designer to find the limits of
a new machine and to obtain constants and data to be used on future designs.
258. No-load satiuration, friction and iron-loss tests. To make this
test the machine is separately excited, connected as shown in Fig. 98, and
driven as a generator at the rated speed by a shunt motor M
of such size that
the rated output of the motor is approximately equal to the largest loss to
be measured. The losses in the driving motor should have been previously
determined and should be known for all inputs. The generator is excited to
Fig. 98. —
large machine. curves.
Connections for Fig. 99. No-load Fig. 100. —Connections for
small machine.
No-load saturation, friction and iron-loss tests.
give about one and one-half times normal voltage; the excitation is then
gradually reduced, the speed being kept constant, and simultaneous readings
are taken of generator voltage, speed and exciting current, also of motor
input, speed and excitation. The losses in the motor for a definite voltage,
current, speed and excitation are known; the output can therefore be found
and is equal to the sum of the iron, windage and friction losses in the genera-
tor, an allowance being made for the loss in the belt. The results are plotted
as in Fig. 99. The loss with zero excitation is the windage and friction loss,
from which the windage and bearing friction can be separated by taking a
reading with the brushes lifted.
269. The brush loss varies greatly with the condition of the contact sur-
face and a note should be made on the test sheet as to whether the test was
made before or after the heat run and whether or not the commutator
was cleaned and lubricated before the test was made.
260. The saturation and no-load loss test for a small motor is gener-
ally made by separately exciting the machine, connecting it as shown in Fig.
100, and running it idle at normal speed. The armature voltage is varied with
a rheostat in the armature circuit and the excitation is adjusted to keep the
speed constant. This excitation will be approximately the same asthe no-load
5xcitation as a generator, since, at no load, the applied voltage is practically
'qual to the back e.m.f. (Par. 157). The armature input will be the sum of
-he windage, friction and iron-losses and also the small copper-loss due to the
:io-load armature current; the latter loss can be calculated and deducted.
261. Armature resistance. This is generally measured by passing a
inown current through the stationary armature and measuring the voltage
irop between the brushes and also across the terminals of the machine. This
atter value is not the true voltage drop between the terminals, since the con-
act resistance when the machine is running is different from that when the
nachine is stationary.
The armature resistance is sometimes determined by passing a current
trough the armature and also through a standard resistance of approxi-
Sec. 8-262 D. c generators and motors
mately the same value and at least the same current-carrying capacity, and
comparing the drops of potential across each, in which case the current need
not be measured.
262. The fleld-coil resistance is determined by passing a known current
through the coils and measuring the drop of potential across the field ter-
263. Load tests on machines of considerable size must be made by some
method whereby the power developed by the machine is not dissipated, but is
made available for the test; otherwise the power-house capacity may not
be large enough to test many machines and the cost of the test will be
264. Blondel's loadinc^-back method. Two identical machines are
required for this test. They are separately excited, connected together
mechanically to run at the same speed, and their armatures are connected
electrically in opposition as in Fig. 101 so that, when equally excited, there is
no current in the armature circuit. An auxiliary motor M
is belted to the set
and should have a capacity large enough to supply the no-load losses of both
machines. The booster B must carry full-load current and is used to circu-
late the current through the armatures of both machines. The set is brought
up to speed by the auxiliary motor, the switch <S being open. The fields are
then excited until the voltage E is normal and the voltage across the switch S
is zero. This switch may then be closed and, by suitably exciting the booster,
any desired armature current may be made to circulate. The booster sup-
plies the copper-loss and the motor M
supplies the other armature losses of
both machines so that EI is the generator output; one-half the output of
M is equal to the sum of the windage, friction and iron-losses of one
machine; one-half of el is the copper-loss of one machine; and Ei equals
the excitation loss of one machine, from all of which the efficiency may b6
26S. The regulation of a generator, or of a motor, may be determined
from Blondel's test. The machines in this case need not be identical, but
they must be of the same voltage, and the output of the testing machine
must not be less than that of the machine to be tested. In the test for
generator regulation, start with normal voltage E and no circulating cur-
rent; then excite the booster to give the desired current la and measure
El, the terminal voltage. Plot Ei and la as in Fig. 58. In the test for mo-
tor-speed regulation, keep the voltage across the motor terminals constant
by means of the booster, and vary the speed of the auxiliary motor until M
the circulating current has the value desired. Plot the speed and la as in
Fig. 64.
266. Hopkinson's test. This test is similar to Blondel's, but the booster
is eliminated and the auxiliary motor is used to supply all the losses, the cur-
rent in the armatures being circulated by weakening the field of one machine
and strengthening that of the other. The iron-losses in the two machines are
cUfferent because the fields have different excitations, so that, while the
method is satisfactory for regulation and heating, it is not satisfactory for
267. Kapp's method is preferred to Hopkinson's and is the one generally
adopted in commercial work for regulation and
heating tepts; the efficiency of a machine is
generally calculated from the losses. The dia-
gram of connections is shown in Fig. 102. The
losses are supplied from' the testing circuit and
are easily measured, but, since the copper-losses
in the two machines are different, as also are
the iron-losses, the method should not be used
for an accurate determination of efficiency.
746x1) (r.p.m.Xri-Ti)
E£f. (46)
33,000 EI
270. In constant-current arc generators, the load losses are generally
large, and the efficiency of such machines is obtained by measuring the output
electrically, and the input by means of a driving motor whose efficiency is
271. Load saturation test. The generator is driven by a motor of the
same voltage and of larger output, and the machines are connected to the
testing circuit as in Fig. 102. Starting at about 20 per cent, above normal
voltage and with full-load circulating current, the excitations of the two
machines are gradually reduced and a series of readings of Et and i are
taken, /„ being con^ant. The results are plotted as in curve 2, Fig. 19.
272. Heat run. The machine is connected as in Fig. 102 and operated at
rated speed and voltage, with the desired circulating current. The
suggestions contained in the A. I. E. E. standardization rules. Sec. 24,
regarding measurement of temperature and conditions of test, should be
273. Insulation resistance may be measured with a megger (Sec. 3)
or by means of a high-resistance voltmeter connected as in Fig. 104.
In the latter case the insulation resistance equals the resistance of the
voltmeter multiplied by the ratio {E — e)/e, where E, the voltage of the testing
circuit, should be the same as the normal voltage of the machine being
M 661
tested, and e is the voltmeter reading or the drop in voltage across the volt-
meter resistance.
274. Puncture test. To test the insulation, a high voltage is applied
between the armature winding and the frame, between the field windings
and the frame, and also between the shunt
and the series field coils with the shunt wind-
ing disconnected from the armature. The
test voltage is obtained from a small testing
transformer of adjustable ratio and should
be raised to the desired value smoothly and
O 1 Y without sudden large increments; the maxi-
should be applied for 1 min. unless
A compound, .
of insulation resistance.
generator to be tested for efiiciency, regula-
tion, temperature, commutation and insulation would be handled as follows:
(a) Grind the brushes in place with sandpaper.
(b) Measure the armature and the field coil resistances.
(c) Place full load on the machine (Par. 272). Adjust the brush position
so that the machine is sparkless over the desired range of operation. The
brushes should not be set further forward than necessary, otherwise the arma-
ture reaction will be greater than it need be. Adjust the current in the series
coils with a temporary shunt to give the required voltage at no load and at
full load.
(d) Keep the machine on
full load until the temperatures, as indicated by
the have become approximately stationary; then shut
field coil resistance,
down and take temperatures.
(e) Measure the armature and the field coil resistances before the machine
has time to cool.
(f) Give the machine an overload run, if that is desired.
(g) Make the regulation test (Par. 265 and 267) then since the machine is
properly connected, a full-load saturation test may be made for the informa-
tion of the designer, if required.
(h) The no-load loss may be determined by running the machine idle as a
motor (Par. 260), but the designer will probably want information in regard
to the separate losses (Par. 268). The test results are then worked up, and,
if the machine is satisfactory, the insulation resistance is measured and the
puncture test made.
276. Commercial or shop tests. For standard machines on which the
designer has all the information he requires, such a complete test (Par. 278)
is not necessary. The machine should be run idle at normal speed and volt-
age to make sure that the no-load losses are not too high due to poor materia]
or poor construction, and that the excitation is not too large or too small.
The armature and field coil resistances are checked with the calculated values.
The machine is run for an hour at 25 per cent, overload to test the mechanical
construction and then run idle at 50 per cent, above normal voltage to test
the insulation between turns. The speed may be increased during this
latter test. The insulation resistance is then measured and the puncture
test made. For further information see the series of articles on shop testing
by R. E. Workman in Vol. I of Electric Club Journal.
277. Selected list of reference literature.
Arnold, E. "Die Gleichstrommaschine." Berlin, Julius Springer,
Vol. 1, 1919 and Vol. 2, 1907.
BuRCH, E. P. "Electric Traction for Railway Trains." New York,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1911.
Crocker & Arendt. "Electric Motors." New York, D. Van Nostrand Co.,
Crocker & Wheeler.— "Management of Electrical Machinery.' New
York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1908.
Gray, A— "Electrical Machine Design." New York, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., 1913.
Bbaymer, D. H. "Armature Winding and Motor Repair." New York,
McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1920.
Hawkins & Wallis. "The Dynamo." New York, The Macmillan Co.,
HoBABT, H. M. —"Electric Motors." New York, The Macmillan Co., 1910.
HoB.uiT & Ellis. — Armatvire Construction." New York, The Macmillan
rmer Prof, of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, Member Am,erican
Institute of Electrical Engineers, Author of "Principles and Practice
of Electrical Engineering " and 'Electrical
(Numbers refer to Paragraphs)
General Theory 1 General Appiicationa 66
General Design 30 Operation 66
Characteristics 45 Testing 86
1. Gompaxison with separate synchronous motor and direct-cur-
rent generator. The theory of the synchronous converter is best explained
by the similarity of the converter to a synchronous motor driving a direct-
current generator. The converter combines the characteristics of both motor
and generator in the single armature binding. This winding is provided on
one end with a commutator as in a direct-current generator, and on the other
with collector-rings and taps to the winding as in a revolving-armature
synchronous motor. Alternating current is supplied through the collector-
rings, and with no direct-current load the synchronous converter operates
purely as a synchronous motor. Its speed is determined by the frequency*
and number of poles and the fiux is fixed by the impressed voltage, just as
in a synchronous motor.
2. Excitation. _
In the synchronous converter, as in the synchronous
motor, the magnetic flux and the corresponding net exciting amporc-turns are
determined solely by the impressed voltage. If it is attempted to vary the
exciting ampere-turns and flux by variation of the main field excitation, the
latter variation is neutralized by an equivalent change in excitation brought
about by a change in phase and value of the armature current, so that the
flux and net excitation remain constant. Increased excitation in the main
field winding produces a leading current in the armature (leading with respect
to the line voltage) which, in the majority of transmission lines serving syn-
chronous converters, is beneficial to line power-factor and voltage. Con-
versely, under-excitation produces a lagging current which is detrimental to
the power-factor and voltage of such lines.
S. Ratio of alternating voltage to direct-current voltage. Assum-
ing the synchronous converter to be operating without direct-current load,
it will be clear that the direct-current voltage between brush arms will,
through the action of the commutator, have a value equal to the maximum
instantaneous value of the alternating voltage, giving proper consideration
to the relative points in the armature winding to which, at any instant, the
brushes and collector-rings are connected. In the single-phase, two-phase,
and six-phase diametrically connected converters, the direct-current brushes
and collector-rings are connected to equivalent points on the armature wind-
> ing, so that the ratio between the alternating and direct-current voltages is
simply the ratio between the effective and the maximum alternating voltages.
In the throe-phase converter, the collector-rings are connected to points 120
electrical degrees apart, while the direct-current brushes are connected to
points 180 electrical degrees apart, so that the voltage ratio is affected by this
difference. The theoretical ratios are shown in Par. 4. See Par. 36 and
Figs. 9 to 14, inclusive, for further information.
These theoretical ratios are based on the assumptions that the impressed
alternating-current waveform and the counter e.m.f. waveform of the con-
verter are both sine-waves, that there is no loss in the converter, and that the
direct-current brushes are at the no-load neutral position. Variations in
waveform are small in commercial circuits and apparatus. The effect of the
resistance of the windings, brushes, and brush contact is appreci.ible. and
may vary the ratios (Par.'B) from 2 to 4 per cent. Changes in brush position,
t Current
^FiG. 2.-Armature current in conductor. 80.5 per cent,
30 CO
60 Loss Cross Hatched 3(/> Loss Cross Hatched
and 95 per cent.
Fio. 3.— Distribution of losses at 100 per cent, power-factor
greatly to increase the current and loss in conductors near one side of the tap
coils and to reduce the loss in conductors on the other side of the same tap
coils. The average effective current and the loss are considerably increased.
The effects of power-factor are illustrated by Fig. 2 which shows the same
condition.^ as Fig. 1, except that the power-factor is 86.5 per cent, instead of
100 per cent. It will be seen that the alternating-current wave has been
shifted with respect to that of the direct current, thus causing an increase In
the effective current. Fig. 3 shows the difference in distribution of losses and
difference in average losses with 100 per cent, and 95 per cent, power-factors.
P.F. P.F. P.F. P.F. P.F. P.F. P.F. P.F. P.F. P.F.
No. of
100 98.5 94 86.6 76.6 100 98.5 94 86.6 76.6
per per per per per per per per per per
rings I
cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent.
13. Losses affecting rating. Par. 12 shows the relative average losses
and maximum loss per conductor compared with those of the equivalent
direct-current generator for various phases and power-factors. It shows a
large increase, particularly in the maximum loss due to small changes in
power-factor. It is this characteristic that limits the use of synchronous
converters to operating power-factors near 100 per cent. This table also
shows the advantage of a large number of rings. Practically all converters
abovs 200 or 300 kw. are now built with six collector-rings and phases, while
12 rings have been considered for the largest ratings. A distinction must be
made, however, between copper loss and rating. This table does not repre-
sent relative capacities of the various armatures, since the rating depends on
many other factors besides armature coil heating. In general, the current
capacity of a given armature will be increased by increasing the number of
rings and will be reduced by a reduction in power-factor, even slightly below
100 per cent, power-factor, although not to so great an extent as is indicated
by a direct comparison of the losses.
14. The armature reaction of the synchronous converter is relatively
small compared with that of the equivalent direct-current generator on
account of the relatively small effective armature current. In this character-
istic the converter is very nearly equal to the compensated direct-current
generator. In a six-phase converter, the effective armature reaction varies
fully used with direct-current generators and motors. During the past 2
years, however, this refinement has been added to the synchronous converter
and considerable gains have been made due to its use. In the synchronous
converter the commutating-pole winding has approximately 25 per cent, to
40 per cent, of the ampere-turns which are necessary in the equivalent direct-
current generator.
16. Therelation between power-factor and main field excitation is
the same in the synchronous converter as in the synchronous motor or in
synchronous generators in parallel. For reasons already stated (Par. 11, 12,
and 13), the synchronous converter is not used for operation at low power-
factor except at small loads, so that this question is not of practical
17. Control of direct-current voltage. Due to the fixed ratio between
the alternating voltage and the direct-current voltage, variation in direct-
current voltage can be obtained only by three general methods, which are as
follows: (a) by varying the alternating voltage; (b) by varying the direct-
current voltage; (c) by varying the flux without correspondingly varying
the alternating voltage, as in the split-pole converter.
18. For varying the alternating voltage, the important commercial
methods are: (a) by an induction regulator or regulating transformer; (b)
by a synchronous booster; (c) by the combined action of reactance and series
field winding.
19. A regulating transformer (also called a Stillwell regulator) consists
of a transformer with a large number of taps and a dial face plate for connect-
ing the converter terminals to the various transformer taps. The transform-
ers and switching devices are large and expensive, and the switches are sub-
ject to rapid deterioration due to sparking while changing the voltage.
same result with infinitely small increments and without interrupting the elec-
trical circuit. The induction regulator consists of a stationary winding (usu-
ally the secondary) and a rota table winding (usually the primary), the change
in voltage being obtained by rotating one element through part of a revolu-
tion, which changes the ratio of the secondary and the primary voltages.
It is simply a polyphase transformer with rotatable primary. The connec-
tions are shown in Fig. 4. Through suitable relays the alternating voltage
may be changed automatically or from a distance. The disadvantages of this
method of regulation are the additional floor space and complicated wiring
required and the diflSculty of designing the induction regulator to withstand
the mechanical stresses incident to connecting the converter to the line
slightly out of step, and also to withstand short circuits.
20. The synchronous booster converter consists of the combination of
an ordin ary converter with an alternating-current generator having the
* Lamme, B. G. and Newbury, F. D. " Interpoles in Synchronous Con-
verters; " Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXIX, page 1625.
same number of poles as the converter and having its armature winding
connected in aeries with the converter armature winding. This booster
alternator, by a change in its own excitation, varies the voltage applied to the
terminals of the converter. The excitation is so arranged that the booster
fields and voltage may be reversed without opening the field circuit. The
possible variation in voltage is double the rated booster voltage, since it may
be added to or subtracted from the line voltage. The connections are shown
in Fig. 5. The voltage may be controlled automatically through relays and
regulator, or the booster may be series wound, thus automatically compound-
ing the converter. This method of voltage variation has largely superseded
the methods previously described, particularly in the larger installations.
Alternating Current
One of the simplest consists in connecting the shunt commutating pole wind-
ing across a double-dial " potentiometer-type " rheostat, which is mech-
anically connected to a similar rheostat that controls the booster field ex-
citation. Any change in booster excitation causes a corresponding change
in commutating pole excitation. The commutating pole excitation is
further controlled by connecting a resistance in series with the field winding
that is varied automatically in proportion to the direct-current load on the
Reactance Volts
^V^Drop In Coil s FS
/ j^,.^ Impedance Volts
Drop in Line and CoU
Resistance Volts
Drop in Lina
Onrrent Leading
Generator Voltage
Current in Phase
with Generator Voltage
43 673
rheostat is so set that the lagging component of the line current will be
approximately 25 per cent, of the full-load energy component; the shunt-
field current will then be about 50 per cent, of its normal no-load 100 per
cent, power-factor value under the previous assumptions; (d) the transformer .
secondary voltage is chosen higher than the correct no-load value to com-
pensate for the under excitation of the shunt field.
Under the above conditions, an approximately flat direct-current voltage!
regulation curve will be obtained from no load to full load with constantl
voltage at the high-tension transformer terminals and 15 per cent, reactance!
in the transformer. It is impossible to over compound the converter (orl
compensate for alternating-current line drop) unless the series field strength]
and the reactance are considerably increased.
27. Relation between power-factor and load in compound con-
verters. With the average conditions stated in Par. 26, the power-factor
will vary with the load approximately as is shown, Par. 28. With larger over-
loads carried for a sufficient length of time to make heating a consideration
— the shunt field winding should be further under-excited in order to bring
the power-factor nearer unity at the extreme- overloads, or the series field
should be shunted to reduce the change in power-factor with load.
lower in cost and requires less floor space and wiring; it is, however, diflBcult
80 to design the transformers when the required reactance is more than 10
per cent. It is also more difficult to obtain high reactance in 25-cycle than
in 60-cycle transformers, and in the core type than in the shell type
(Sec. 6).
30. The split-pole method of voltage control utilizes a difFerent
principle from any previously discussed. Variation of direct-cmrent
voltage is secured, not by a variation in the impressed alternating voltage,
but by a change in the shape of the magnetic field, such that the total flux
and the direct-current voltage are changed, while the alternating voltage
remains substantially unchanged. This is pos-
sible because of the fact that in polyphase wind-
ings in which the phases are tapped 120 electri-
cal degrees apart, third harmonics and multiples
thereof cancel out and do not appear at the
120-deg. terminals. The action of the split-
pole converter therefore depends on variations
in the field flux distribution which produce third
harmonics, in conjunction with taps on the
alternating-current side 120 deg. apart. The
reason for this will be understood by reference
to Fig. 7. It is evident that the armature coils ac Tap \ /acTap
between the 120-deg. taps on the alternating-
current side will always include two equal and Fig. 7.— Flux distribu-
opposite areas of the third-harmonic variation ^^on in three-part pole,
of flux which neutralize each other and so pro- split-pole converter,
duce no change in alternating-current wave
form. On the other hand, the armature coils between the brushes on the
direct-current side, which are 180 electrical degrees apart, will always in-
clude three areas of the third harmonic variation in flux, only two of which
neutralize each other, leaving one to change the average ordinate of the
field flux curve, and, consequently, the direct-current voltage.
With the split-pole converter, the 120-deg. connection on the alter-
nating-current side is preferable; consequently the three-phase delta connec-
tion or the six-phase double-delta connection should be used. However, any
secondary connection of transformers may be used providing the primary
is Y connected and the neutral is not fixed.
Harmonics other than the third and multiples thereof will appear at
the alternating-current terminals and will cause a corrective current to
flow from the supply circuit through the converter windings so as to neutral-
ize the flux producing these harmonics in the converter. It is desirable,
therefore, so to design the converter that the wave form will be as nearly
as possible a combination of the fundamental, third and ninth harmonics.
In practice this is so nearly accomplished that the effect of the split-pole
converter on the supply circuit wave form is negligible.*
31. Action of the split-pole converter. When the split-pole con-
verter is operated at a higher voltage than that corresponding to the alter-
nating line voltage, the additional output due to the increased direct-
current voltage is supplied by an increased current on the alternating-
current side. This current moreover is a " motor "current dividing in the
converter in the same way as the motor current necessary to supply the
losses. The value of the effective current is, therefore, considerably in-
creased. At lower voltages the converter acts as an alternating-current
generator decreasing the line alternating current, but due to the distribu-
tion of the current in the armature the effective current is increased.
sa. Two types of split-pole converter. The first converters of this
type were designed w-ith two regulating poles for each main pole. This
arrangement resulted in symmetrical flux and voltage wave forms through-
out the entire voltage range, and was favorable to commutation but re-
quired machines of comparatively large diameter. The split-pole con-
verters as built at present have a single regulating pole for each main
pole. This construction obviously permits a considerable reduction in
diameter and cost for a given output, and the detrimental effect of the
varying magnetic field in the commutating zone can be compensated
for by providing favorable commutating condition.s in other respects.
The field-flux wave forms and the corresponding voltage wave forms for
various voltages, with both the three-part pole and the two-part pole con-
structions, are shown in Fig. 8.
Syn. Converter
Fig. 9. — Single-phase connections.
" JA
Syn. Converter
35. Transformer voltages and connections. The various trans-
former connections with voltages commonly used are shown in Figs. 9
to 14, inclusive. Fig. 14 shows the transformer connections necessary
when the converter is used to supply three-wire direct-current circuits;
this modification in the transformer windings is necessary to avoid magnetic
unbalance due to the unbalanced currents obtained with unbalanced loads
on the direct-current circuits.
36. Similarity between converter and direct-current generator.
The general design of the synchronous converter closely resembles that of
the (Erect-current generator. The design of the magnetic circuit is iden-
tical; the types of armature and field windings are the same, except for the
taps to the collector-rings; the number of armature slots per pair of poles
must be some multiple of the number of phases; the design of the electric
circuit is the same, except for the reduced value of the effective current.
This reduction of effective armature current permits smaller conductors
and smaller armature slots— a condition favorable to commutation; it als^o
permits a higher ratio of armature ampere-turns to shunt- field ampore-turns,
resulting again in a smaller armature core; and furthermore, it reduces the
flux distortion on overload, permitting the converter to carry large mo-
mentary overloads without flashing. In commutating-pole converters,
the reduced effective armature current permits a relatively small commutat-
ing-pole winding, which is favorable to heavy overloads. With the small
number of commutating-pole ampere-turns necessary, it is easy to provide
sufficient section in the commutating pole so that large overloads can
be carried without saturating the commutating pole and thus destroying the
equivalence of commutating-pole flux and armature-coil flux. In the direct-
current generator this is not true, and conamutating-pole saturation is
usually a limit to the overloads that can be carried.
There are, however, various requirements in design, due to the rigid
relationship between poles and speed, that do not enter into direct-current
generator design. Following directly from this relationship, the maxi-
mum distance between adjacent neutral points on the commutator of any
synchronous converter is a direct function of the frequency and the pe-
ripheral speed of the commutator. The peripheral speed of the commutator,
in feet per min., is equal to the alternations per min. (cycles per sec. times
120) multiplied by the distance in feet between adjacent neutral points
on the commutator surface.
37. Comparison between ZS-cycle and 60-cycle converters.
This simple relationship between poles and speed (Par. 36) is responsible
for most of the difference between high-frequency and low-frequency con-
verters. It follows from this law that the distance between neutral points
in a 25-cycle converter is 2.4 times the distance in a corresponding 60-cycle
converter for the same commutator speed. Thus while ample room is
available in the 25-cycle converter for a large number of commutator bars
at a low peripheral speed, the reverse is true in the 60-cycle converter. The
600-volt 60-cycle converters that compare in freedom frorn flashing and
sensitiveness with 25-cycle converters have been built only since it became
r possible to construct commutators of high peripheral speed.
Up to the year 1909, 60-cycle 600-voIt converters were usually built with a
maximum distance between neutral points of 7.5 in. (19.0 cm.) and a peripheral
speed of 4,500 ft. per n)in. (22.9 m. per sec). Since that time, through
improvements in the mechanical design of commutators, the peripheral
speed has been increa.sed to 5, .500 ft., increasing the distance between neutral
points to 9 in. (22.9 cm.). Thi.s greater distance has directly and indirectly
improved the operating characteri.itics. As a direct benefit there i.s less
chance that a flash under a brush will reach to the adjacent brush arm, caus-
ing the converter to buck; and, indirectly, the greater distance permits the of more commutator bars, reducing the maxinuiin voltage between bars
and so reducing tlie danger of an arc spreading from bar to bar. With 9 in.
(22.9 cm.) available between neutral points, it is possible to proportion 60-
cycle converter commutators much more conservatively than was possible
in older designs with resulting improvement in performance.
The distance between neutral points becomes a design limitation only with
the higher line voltages. At 250 volts the design of the 60-cycle converter
has not been handicapped as it was at 600 volts, although it has unjustly
suffered in reputation. During the past five years 60-cycle converters have
practically displaced motor-generator sets for 250-volt lighting and industrial
power service.
The efficiencies given in Par. 38 and 39 are those calculated from separ-
ately measured or calculated losses as prescribed by A. I. E. E. Standards
for conventional efficiencies. (See Par. 94.)
40. Commutator design for synchronous converters follows that for
direct-current generators except that long high-speed commutators are
more frequently used. The longest commutators are built with three
V-ring supports, or with two V-ring supports and a central shrink ring.
Shrink rings alone are not as effective as either of these constructions for the
majority of cases, on account of the large diameters involved. With large
diameters, large tangential stresses are produced in the shrink ring by rela-
tively small radial forces. The V-ring construction without shrink rings
is generally to be preferred since the commutator can ba readily taken apart
for repairs and also can be more easily insulated from adjacent parts. A
construction embodying four V-rings has been employed to a limited extent;
this consists, in effect, of two separate commutators flexibly connected
together. The inaccessibility of the middle V-rings is a serious objection
to this construction.
Long commutator necks must be braced from each other. This is done
by fibre plugs set into each neck, by interlacing heavy twine between the
necks, or by roping wooden spacing blocks to each neck.
41. The ventilation of commutators, in cases where the necks do not
provide sufficient cooling surface and windage, has been most successfully
accomplished by attaching radiating vanes about 2 in. square to the outer
end of each bar. These vanes not only provide additional cooling sur-
face at the most effective point,fbut considerably increase the air circulation.
42. Armature equalizer connections are used in synchronous converters
just as in direct-current generators (Sec. 8) to equalize the effect of the
flux under all poles. The collector-rings are also equalizing rings, so that the
equalizers are usually spaced with respect to the collector-rings. To secure
greater accessibility, the equalizer rings are generally located on the collector
end of the armature. Special constructions have been developed in order
to place the equalizing connections in such a manner that there will be no
interference with the collector connections and no increase in the length of
the commutator.
43. Damper windings. Almost without exception synchronous con-
verters are provided with damper or amortisseur windings to prevent
hunting (Par. 61). These are usually of the built-up grid type, commonly
employed on the rotors of induction motors, consisting of a large number of
bars located in slots in the pole-face, and connected on the ends by con-
tinuous rings. A cast-copper damper winding is sometimes employed,
consisting of relatively few bars of large cross-section in the pole face.
In the commutating-pole converters, the end rings are sometimes made in
— —
disconnected segments one for each pole so that the commutating poles
If the commutating poles
will not be enclosed by the damper winding.
are individually enclosed, changes in the commutating-pole flux are damped,
thus preventing the commutating-pole flux from changing as rapidly as the
armature current and flux when sudden changes in load occur.
44. The machine ventilation problem varies widely in converters for
different frequencies and voltages. In high-speed 25-cycle converters of
medium output, the armatures are small in diameter and relatively long.
Every means is used to increase the natural air circulation. In these
machines, heating and commutation are of approximately equal effect in
limiting the output. In large 25-cycle converters of both voltages (250
and 600) and in 60-cycle converters for 250 volts, the natural air circulation
is ample for the dissipation of the losses, but not excessive. In 60-cycle
600-volt converters and particularlv in those of large size, the armatures are
of large diameter and narrow, and the peripheral speeds are high. Under
these circumstances, the natural air circulation is much greater than is neces-
sary and greatly increases the windage loss. In such machines the natural
air circulation is restricted as much^as possible by stopping the air entrances
in order to eliminate the unnecessary windage loss.
45. The no-load saturation curves are very similar to the same curves
for direct-current generators. —
There are two such curves one with direct-
current volts and one with alternating volts as ordinates. From these curves
the actual no-load voltage ratio may be determined for any desired voltage.
46. Heating of synchronous converters occasions practically no diffi-
culty either in design or in operation under proper conditions of power-factor,
etc. The problem, however, varies with converters of different frequencies
and voltages (Par. 44).
47. The overload capacity, as determined by heating and by flashing, is
inherently large, due in great measure to the small armature reaction. The
latter is particularly important since it results in small field distortion due to
load. Consequently, on sudden changes in load, there is very little increase
in voltage between commutator bars or shifting of the flux in the commutat-
ing zone, both of which, if present, would tend to cause flashing.
48. The losses may be divided into constant losses (with varying load)
and variable losses. The constant losses are: core loss; friction and windage
losses (including commutator and collector friction) and shunt field and
or in parallel with other converters supplied from the same alternating-cur-
rent feeders, the interruption of the alternating-current supply will bring the
voltage on the direct-current side to zero, and the converters will stop. If,
however, there is another source of direct-current connected to the same
direct-current bus and not dependent on the same alternating-current feeders,
interruption of the alternating-current supply will not cause the converter to
stop; the direct-current voltage will be maintained and the converter will
be driven as an inverted converter. If the shunt field happens to be weak or
is interrupted, or if the converter should supply energy to an inductive load
on the alternating-current side (such as a short-circuit on the high-tension
side of the transformers) the speed will greatly increase. To guard against
danger under such conditions, converters are usually provided with a speed-
limit device, and the alternating-current and direct-current breakers are
so interlocked that opening the alternating-current breaker opens the direct-
current breaker. In addition, the direct-current breakers are sometimes
provided with a reverse-current tripping relay. When the alternating-cur-
rent supply is subject to serious drop in voltage due to short-circuits or other
cause, it may be advisable to provide the alternating-current breakers with
low-voltage tripping coils. This is particularly necessary with commutating-
pole synchronous converters due to the flashing that would occur should the
converter drop out of step as a result of low voltage, and later start with the
brushes down when the voltage resumes normal value.
64. The speed-limit device (Par. 63) consists of a pivoted weight rotat-
ing with the converter shaft; the centrifugal force acting on the weight is
counter-balanced by a spring. The weight moves outward and operates a
switch when the predetermined overspeed is reached. The switch closes (or
opens) the circuit of the shunt tripping coil of the direct-current breaker.
Comparison of efficiency with that of a motor-generator set.
The efficiency of a 60-cycle converter including its transformers will be from
3 per cent, to 5 per cent, higher than an equivalent synchronous motor-gener-
ator set without transformers. The 25-cycle converter shows a further gain
in efficiency overthe motor generator set of from 0.5 to 1.0 per cent. If the
line voltage is above 13,200 volts, transformers will usually be required with
the motor-generator set as well as with the synchronous converter, so that the
difference in efficiency in favor of the latter will be further increased by 2
per cent. This higher efficiency of the converter is such an important advan-
tage that it is sufficient alone to justify the use of synchronous converters
wherever possible.
56. Comparison of required floor space with that of a motor-^rener-
ator set. The floor space required by 60-cycle converters and transformers
isapproximately equal to the floor space required by 60-cycle motor-generator
sets of compact design. The fact, however, that the transformers may be
placed in some remote location makes the arrangement of synchronous con-
verters and transformers more flexible and gives them in many cases the
advantage of reduced floor space.
67. Comparison of cost with that of a motor-^renerator set. The
combined cost of synchronous converters and transformers is approximately
equal to the cost of synchronous motor-generator sets without transformers,
assuming a motor voltage of 2,300 volts or lower. For higher alternating
voltages the motor cost increases appreciably, making the comparison favor-
able to the converter equipment. With alternating pressures above 13,200
volts, transformers are necessary with the motor-generator set as well as with
the synchronous converter, so that the cost of the converter equipment is
relatively still lower. With 60-cycle apparatus under 200 kw. capacity and
alternating voltages of 2,300 volts and lower, the comparison is somewhat in
favor of the motor-generator set, while with larger apparatus the comparison
is somewhat in favor of the synchronous converter. In few cases, however,
will there be sufficient difference in cost alone to determine the choice of
the apparatus.
68. Comparison of reliability with that of a motor-generator set.
The design and construction of synchronous converters has been standard-
ized to such an extent that in respect to reliability the comparison ia mainly
concerned with the number of machines involved. Compared with a three-
tage is applied to the collector-ringa. The armature winding acts as the pri-
mary and the squirrel-cage winding imbedded in the pole faces acts as the
secondary. For the smaller converters one starting voltage only is required.
The middle terminals of a double-throw switch are connected to three of the
collector-rings, one set of outer terminals is connected to the starting-voltage
taps of the transformers and the other set of outer terminals is supplied with
the full voltage of the line. With six-phase converters three leads are carried
direct from the transformer to the converter, and three through the main and
^.S»a. Note To Start Rotary
rmer f
1 Throw both Switches Up
2 " JTo.l Switch Down
S Phase 3 " No.2 Switch Down
Incoming Line 4 Open No. 1 Switch
Shunt Field
Series Field
V 1(VVW\A^/V»-
Fig. 18. —-Alternating-current motor-starting connections with manual
70. Alternating-current motor starting. A motor usually of the
induction type is mounted on the converter shaft. The motor has fewer
poles than the converter and, therefore, a higher synchronous speed. In
starting, the motor is usually connected directly across the line. The con-
nections for this method are shown in Fig. 18.
A modification of this method has recently been brought out by
Dr. Rosenberg of Manchester, England, and by James Burket in this country,
which consists in connecting the starting-motor windings in series with the
converter armature. This limits the starting current to a low value, and the
• Newbury, F. D. "Parallel Operation," Elec. Journal, July, 1917.
the total circuit remains unchanged. From another standpoint, a shunt
on one converter aeries field may be considered to be a shunt on both series
fields, the effect varying only by reason of the fact that the resistance of
the leads and busses is added to one shunt circuit and not to the other
(Sec. 8).
(b) Insertion of resistance in leads between series-field and equali-
zer bus. If the relative ampere-turns are correct but the series-field
resistances are differently proportioned, the resistance of the leads between
the series field and the equalizer bus may be changed to compensate for a
difference in the series-field resistances. The resistance in the series circuit
of the converter taking more than its share of the load should be increased.
This adjustment varies the resistance of one series field without introducing
a third parallel circuit between the equalizer and the main bus. Adjustment
by this method is less complicated than an adjustment of the series-shunt
(c) The transformer ratio can be changed. This increases the
voltage by the same amount throughout the range of load, and will not correct
for an unequal division which changes with the total load. An increase
in no-load voltage of one converter will cause, at lighter loads, a greater in-
crease in proportionate load on that converter.
(d) The reactance can be increased in the circuit of the lightly
loaded converter, which will raise its direct-current voltage and cause
it to carry more nearly its proper share of the load. This method is similar
in effect to an increase in the number of series-field turns, but the effect is
obtained at the expense of a greater range in power-factor. It sometimes
happens that the reactances of converters in parallel are worked at different
saturations, with the result that the reactance voltages of the two converter
circuits will have different ratios at light and at heavy loads. Such a relation
will cause the converter with the more highly saturated reactance to take
less than its share of the load at heavy loads.
(e) The relative shunt-field currents of the two converters can b«
changed. The converter having the smaller ratio of series-field ampere-turns
to armature ampere-turns should have its shunt-field current increased. This
will increase its no-load voltage (on account of change in power-factor)
and cause it to take a greater share of the load at light loads. The voltages
will tend to equalize as the load increases, a correct division being obtaine4
at only one value of the load.
77. Load-division study. Since there are so many variables affecting
load division, it is important to make a careful and systematic study of thp
particular case before making any changes. Such a study should be con-
ducted as follows:
(a) Adjust the transformer ratios so that at no-load and with the shunt
field adjusted to give equal power-factors, all converters have the same
no-load direct-current voltage.
(b) The series fields should be adjusted by shunts so that the ratio of series-
field ampere-turns to armature amporc-turns is the same.
(c) The resistances of the series fields (including shunt) plus the resist*
ances of the leads from the series fields to the main bus (positive or negative)
should be so adjusted that the resistances are inversely proportional to the
rated capacities of the converters.
(d) The reactances should be adjusted, if possible, so that the.reactance
volts of the various circuits throughout the range of load are equal. If
they cannot be made equal, the series ampere- turns should be greater in the
converter having the smaller reactance, to afford an approximate
It is only possible to obtain correct division of load and equal power-
factor on all converters when the machines are properly proportioned witJi
respect to all four elements, namely: the transformer ratio, the series-field
ampere-turns, the series-field resistance and the reactance.
78. Interruption of alternating-current supply by circuit breaker
in substation. Under such conditions, if the converter is connected to
another source of direct current, the converter will " motor" unless the direct-
current breaker is opened by interlock with the altornnting-currcnt broal^er
(Par. S3) or by a reverse-current relay. A compound-wound converter will
run in the same direction when the direct-current power is reversed, the
current in the series winding will be reversed (unless there are several con-
verters in the same station connected to an equalizer bus), and the current
in the shunt winding will remain the same in direction. With a single con-
verter in a substation which is connected to other converters in other sub-
stations on the direct-current side, the converter will increase its speed due to
the reversed series field. It may also increase its speed if the shunt field is ad-
justed for less than 100 per cent, power-factor. The increase in speed from
the reversed series field will not be serious unless there is a circuit connected
to the alternating-current side which will provide a load. Under these
conditions the overspeed device will operate, thereby opening the direct-
current breaker.
79. Interruption of alternating-current supply outside sub-
station. In this case an interlock between the substation alternating-
current and direct-current breakers will not operate to open the direct-
'current breaker, and reverse current or overspeed must be depended upon to
protect the converter. In case of interruption of alternating-current supply
the converter should be manually disconnected from the direct-current linos
(if this is not done automatically) and the switches on the alternating-current
side opened for starting.
80. Commutating-pole converters require more complete pro-
tection from low alternating voltage because of the excessive sparking
at the commutator which is encountered when the converter is not in phase
with the supply circuit. If the alternating voltage is lowered momentarily
by a short-circuit or other cause, the converter may fall out of synchronism.
When the voltage is restored the converter will not be in phase and the spark-
ing may be sufficient to make the converter "buck." The conditions are
similar to those which exist when starting the converter with the brushes
81. Protection of high-voltage converters. High-voltage converters
(1,200 volts and above) should be more completely protected from abnormal
conditions than low-voltage converters on account of the more destructive
nature of the "bucking" when once started.
82. Sparking at the brushes may be due to any of the following causes:
(a) brushes incorrectly set with reference to the neutral point. Correct
setting is of particular importance in commutating-pole converters;
brushes of improper characteristics; (c) defective electrical design; (d)
hunting; (e) severe overloads or extreme variation in load; (f) in non-com-
mutating pole converters, low alternating voltage with large direct-current
loads; (g) brush holders insufficiently supported; (h) brushes stuck in holders
or inaccurately fitted to commutator; (i) improper brush tension;
(j) rough
commutator due to high bars, to high mica or to flat spots.
83. Bucking or flashing may be brought about by any condition
causing excessive voltage in the coils short-circuited by the brush or between
adjacent commutator bars, or may be caused by abnormally low-surface
resistance on the commutator between adjacent brush arms. Any condi-
tion tending to produce poor commutation increases the likelihood of
ing. Excessive voltage under the brush is usually caused by short-circuits
of varying degree. Most direct-current machines will flash if short-circuited
at the terminals and the direct-current voltage is maintained.
in serviceusually occur on the line, so that some resistance
exists between the
short and the machine, thereby limiting the current. Taps from feeders
to trolley should always be located some distance from the
substation *
Excessive voltage between commutator bars is caused directly by increased
lino voltage, or IS indirectly caused by extreme
current overloads which dis-
np'd.flux Increased hne voltage may be due to disturbances on
the I,- t
high-tension distributing system induced by lightning, switching, short-
circuits, etc. A decrease in the insulation strength between brush arms may
be due to the presence of conducting gases formed by
a relatively small
"asf" or of foreign substance such as dirt or water.
44 C89
current or voltage. On short circuits, for example, the current increases
far beyond the setting of the breakers before the circuit is finally opened.
84. Reactance used as a protection against short circuits. Shunt-
wound synchronous converters may be protected from the effects of short
circuits by inserting reactance in the alternating-current leads.
85. The tests ordinarily made on synchronous converters are as
follows; (a) resistance measurements; (b) polarity determination; (c) ratio
of voltages; (d) core-loss and saturation test; (e) alternating-current short
circuit or synchronous-impedance test; (f) starting tests; (g) voltage regula-
tion test; (h) temperature tests; (i) commutating-pole saturation test.
86. Measurement of resistance. Resi.stances may be measured either
by the bridge method or by the use of ammeter and voltmeter as in direct-
current machines. It is customary in obtaining the armature resistance
to measure the resistance both on the direct-current side between the proper
commutator bars, and on the alternating-
current side between the corresponding slip-
87. Determination of polarity. The
correct polarity of the field windings is de-
termined in the same manner as for direct-
current generators. The relative polarity of
the shunt and the series windings in the com-
pound-wound converter is also determined the
first time the converter is under load.
operate sufficiently near the converter synchronous speed at the normal con-
verter voltage, so that synchronizing will be possible. If the normal losses
of the converter are not sufficient to reduce the starting-motor speed to the
converter synchronous speed, it is necessary to determine the additional
load required.
91. The voltage-regulation test can be made only when the entire
equipment of transformers and reactances to be installed with the converter
is available. Even under such circumstances the test must be made on
the basis of constant alternating voltage on the high-tension side of the trans-
formers. This is rarely, if ever, true in practice, so that the test unless made
after installation is of little value and is seldom made. Furthermore, there
is no object in adjusting the series winding of a converter except in conjunc-
tion with all other converters with which it is to operate in parallel on the
direct-current side. With compound-wound converters, the alternating
voltage should be adjusted to the desired value, and the shunt field of the con-
verter should be adjusted to give the correct voltage at no load. If the trans-
former ratio is correct, this will require considerable lagging current, which
may be obtained by under-excitation. Load is then placed on the converter
and the desired full-load voltage is obtained by adjusting the series-field
shunt. This test is never made with shunt-wound converters since a slightly
drooping voltage characteristic would always be obtained, and there is no
means within the converter of modifying it. With converters designed for
wide voltage ranges, it is customary to observe the operation at the maximum
and minimum pressures to insure that there is sufficient range in the field
windings and rheostats to obtain 100 per cent, power-factor at all voltages,
and that satisfactory commutation is obtained throughout the voltage range.
To A.C. PowCT
Conrerter on
?JS&ULr- To Power for
103. Structure. The motor converter, or cascade converter, as it is
sometimes called, consi.sts of two elements, or machines, coupled together
mechanically and electrically. The primary element, having the structure
of an induction motor with a phase-wound rotor, performs the functions of a
voltage, frequency and phase converter and of an induction motor. The
secondary element, having the structure of a synchronous converter (with
taps to the winding but without collector rings), performs the functions of a
direct-current generator (driven by the induction motor, the rotors being
mounted on the same shaft) and of a synchronous converter (receiving energy
of suitable voltage, frequency and phase from the rotor winding of the pri-
mary element).* u
104. Starting resistance. Three of the inside terminals of the rotor
winding of the primary element are attached to collector-rings, to which the
starting resistance is also connected. When operating at synchronous speed,
all of the inside terminals of the rotor winding of the primary element are
connected together to form the neutral.
106. The rotor of the primary element is wound with either 9 or
12 phases, the large number of phases being used to decrease the arma-
ture_ copper loss of the commutating machine. The large number of con-
nections between the two rotors does not lead to any complication as they
can be made solidly without collector-rings.
106. Transformers are required only when the line voltage exceeds the
highest voltage for which the primary element can be safely and economically
wound. In this respect the motor converter is on nearly equal footing with
the synchronous motor-generator set. The difference in favor of the latter
is due to the fact that the synchronous motor can be satisfactorily wound for
higher voltages than the induction-motor element of the motor converter.
107. Applications. The motor converter occupies a position between
the motor-generator set and the synchronous converter. Its main advantage
over the motor-generator set lies in the fact that a part of the energy is trans-
formed electrically and, therefore, more efficiently than in the motor-gener-
* (a) See German patent 145434 (1902); English patents, 3704
7807 (1904); U. S. patent 72400 (1904).
(b) See Arnold u. la Cour, " Der Kaskadenumformer " Enke, Stuttgart,
(c) Hallo, H. S. " The Theorv and Application of Motor Converters,"
Journal, I. E. E. (London), Vol. XLIII, page 197.
ator set in which all of the energy is transformed mechanically. For the same
reason it is less efficient than the synchronous converter in which the entire
output is transformed electrically. Its main advantage over the synchronous
converter lies in the fact that the commutating machine of the motor con-
verter operates at a frequency lower than the line frequency
half the line frequency.
usually at
This advantage applies only in the case of line
frequencies above 40 cycles per sec. and for the higher direct-current
voltages, and has been lessened even for these conditions by recent improve-
ments in high-frequency synchronous converters. The motor converter
has found its most extensive application in England and Germany. In
England approximately 150,000 kw. of capacity has been installed since
1904, and in Germany approximately 65,000 kw. of capacity has been in-
stalled, mainly since 1908. These figures, were compiled in July, 1913.
Practically nothing has been done in the United States toward introducing
the motor converter commercially, mainly due to the previous development
of the high frequency synchronous converter.
108. Equations of the motor converter.
Synchronous speed =
Line frequency X 120 -—
, ..
of poles of both elements
. — ,
. ...
When the numbers of poles of both elements are equal, as is usually the
case, these relations obviously become very simple.
109. The average armature current and heating in the commu-
tating element is less than in a direct-current generator of equal rating, but
more than in the corresponding synchronous converter. Assuming an equal
number of poles in the two elements of a motor converter, the commutating
element is operating half as a direct-current generator and half as a synchron-
ous converter. Assuming further a twelve-phase rotor circuit and 100 per
cent, power-factor at the terminals of the primary element, the average loss
will be approximately 0.34 (relatively), the equivalent direct-current
generator loss being unity. This is about 30 per cent, greater than the
average loss in the ordinary six-phase synchronous converter, also at 100
per cent, power-factor. The maximum loss in one conductor is approxi-
mately 10 per cent, less than the maximum loss in the six-phase synchronous
converter, at 100 per cent, power-factor.
110. The armature loss increases less rapidly with reduction in power-
factor than in the 6-phase synchronous converter, due to the generator
current loss, which docs not vary with power-factor, and to the higher
number of phases employed.
111. Power-factor. The power-factor at^the line terminals of the primary
element may be varied as in the simple synchronous converter by varying
the field excitation of the commutating machine. The magnetizing current
for the primary element may be taken from the line or from the secondary
clement as desired. This is controlled by the excitation of the commu-
tating machine. If the set is operated at 100 per cent, power-factor, it follows
that the secondary element is operating at a leading power-factor (with
respect to Une voltage) in the neighborhood of 93 per cent, at full-load.
This has an important bearing on the heating and size of the commutating
machine. See Far. 117.
112. Voltage control. A fixed voltage ratio exists between the alter-
nating-current, and the direct-current sides of the commutating element
of the motor converter, as in the synchronous converter, and the same means
for varying the direct-current voltage must be employed. In a shunt-
wound motor converter the direct-current voltage drops with the load
assuming constant alternating voltage. In this case the necessarily high
reactance of the primary element is a disadvantage. In a certain 500-kw.
motor converter the voltage dropped 5 per cent, between no load and full
load. This is less than in a corresponding direct-current generator but
more than in a corresponding synchronous converter. The motor converter
is well adapted to voltage regulation by reactance and series-field excitation.
In general, the primary element will contain inherently sufficient reactance
to obtain a 10 per cent, voltage increase (assuming constant primary
alternating voltage) with permissible range in power-factor. This range in
voltage is ample for the ordinary railway system. Voltage ranges of 20 per
cent, to 30 per cent, required by lighting systems using storage batteries
cannot be obtained economically by reactance and series-field excitation.
For such voltage variation an induction regulator, alternating-current
booster or direct-current booster is required. The alternating-current
synchronous booster must have the same number of poles as the secondary
element and must be connected, electrically, between the primary and
secondary rotor windings.
113. Relative size and cost. The cost of the primary or induction
element will be approximately the same as that of an induction motor with
phase- wound rotor at double the running speed (assuming equal primary
and secondary poles). The cost of the secondary or commutating element
will be less than that of a direct-current generator of the same rating and more
than that of a synchronous converter of the same rating and operating
frequency. The cost of the induction element will be somewhat more than
that of stationary transformers necessarily used with the synchronous
converter. On the basis of a line voltage so low that transformers are un-
necessary with the motor converter, the cost without transformers is approxi-
mately the same as that of the higher-frequency synchronous converter and
the necessary transformers. In case transformers must be used with either
form of converter on account of high line voltage, the cost of the motor
converter installation will be from 30 per cent, to 40 per cent, greater
than the synchronous converter installation.
114. Efficiency. At capacities of 500 kw. and above, the efficiency of
a synchronous converter and transformers would be 1.5 per cent, to 2 per cent,
better than the motor converter without transformers, assuming American
conditions which require the use of open armature slots in the primary
element. Including the transformer in the motor converter installation
would reduce its efficiency below that of the equivalent synchronous con-
verter installation from 3 per cent, to 4 per cent.
116. The method of starting^ is the same as in an induction motor
with phase-wound rotor, a three-phase resistance controller being used as
indicated in the diagram in Fig. 22. It will be noted that, during starting,
three phases of the rotor winding of the induction element are in series with
the armature winding of the commutating element, the other phases remain-
ing open at the neutral. After the main-line switch is closed, the rotor circuit
of the induction element is closed through the starting resistance. As the
rotor begins to revolve, two alternating currents are superimposed in the
rotor circuits, one at maximum frequency decreasing with the speed, due to
the induction element, and one at minimum frequency increasing with the
speed, due to the commutating element. The latter current is appreciable
only near synchronism or in the case of separate direct-current excitation of
the secondary element. As the rotor approaches its normal running speed,
these two currents approach the same frequency, which is indicated by a
slow oscillation of the needle of the voltmeter connected in the starting
circuit. At the moment the voltmeter needle passes through zero, the
starting resistance is short-circuited and the set will thereafter operate syn-
chronously. The neutral points of all the rotor phases are connected
together and the starting brushes lifted from the rings by a mechanical
device. By proper selection of the starting resistance, the starting current
may be maintained at a low value throughout the entire starting operation.
Due to the small armature current during starting, the direct-current
voltage will always build up with the correct polarity. The field reversing
switch commonly used with alternating-current self-starting synchronous
converters is unnecessary.
116. The motor converter may be used to supply a three-wire
direct-current circuit without change except that the brushes are left on
the rings after starting. They are connected to the middle terminals of a
three-pole double-throw switch, one set of outside terminals being connected
to the starting resistance and the other set being short-circuited and con-
nected to the direct-current neutral lead.
117. Commutating poles may be used on the commutating
element as in any synchronous converter. Due to the combined generator
and converter action the ampere- turns required on the commutating poles
more nearly approach the ampere-turns on the equivalent direct-current
generator than on the equivalent synchronous converter.
High Tension
Staler Wlndingj
t© Jlotor Windings
Fig. 25. — Variation of currentof armature.
in coils m and n during one revolution
case, a direct-current generator can be given the following ratings when used
as a direct-current converter:*
1.00 as a direct-current generator;
1.22 as a direct-current converter with one reactance coil;
1.55 as a direct-current converter with two reactance coils;
1.64 as a direct-current converter with three reactance coils.
The cost and weight of the equivalent direct-current generator may be
Obtained from Fig. 67 (Par. 178) Sec. 8, an addition of 5 per cent, being
ide for the slip-rings.
121. The secondary voltage of such a system cannot readily be
tntrolled independently of that of the primary; it decreases with increase of
Bad according to Eq. 38 in Sec 8, Par. 194 and, with a reasonably priced
• Steinmetz, C. P. " Elements of Electrical Engineering," p. 337.
reactance coil, this decrease in voltage can hardly be less than 3 per cent, at
full load.
122. The rating of the necessary reactance coil may be found from
Sec. 8, Par. 197. The frequency, which equals the number of poles multi-
plied by the r.p.m. and divided by 120 will generally be between 15 and
40 cycles per sec.
123. The Dettmar and Kothert split-pole machine (Sec. 8, Par. 192)
when used as a direct-current converter has the advantage that the secondary
voltage can be controlled independently of that of the primary. Each
pole of this machine is split so as to form two polar projections of like polarity
and these are excited independently of one another. The neufi?al brush is
placed on the commutator midway between the positive and the negative
brushes and, by varying the excitation of one polar projection relative to that
of the other, the flux entering the armature between the positive and the
neutral brushes may be changed relative to that between the neutral and'the
126. General description. The dynamotor issimilar to the motor-
generator set except that the two armature windings are on the same core
and revolve in the same magnetic field, each winding being connected either
to a commutator or to collector-rings, in accordance with its use for direct
or for alternating current respectively. It is rarely necessary to change from
direct current to alternating current, so that machines for such purpose are
special. Achange from alternating to direct current may be realized with
less expense by the use of a rotary converter, with a transformer if necessary,
than with a dynamotor.
127. Armature reaction. The armature for a direct current to direct-
current type of dynamotor is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 27. Here the
transformation ratio is four to one, so that there are four times as many
effective turns in one winding as in the other. The direction of the generator
current is that of the generated e.m.f., but the current in the motor winding is
in the opposite direction. If the losses in the machine be neglected, then the
Sheldon and Hausmann. " Dynamo-electric Machinery," Vol. I, page 206.
floor space and will have a higher efficiency, but will probably not be cheaper
if the machines are of corresponding construction.
131. A special dynamotor is extensively used for telephone ringing.
The motor winding is for direct current and the other winding is connected
to two slip-rings in order to deliver alternating current at from 16 to 19 cycles
per sec, and about 75 volts (effective).
132. Dynauxotors can be used in place of motor-generator sets
only when the regulation of voltage is not of great importance as, for example,
in the ringing of bells and gongs, the operation of signals in connection
with fire alarms, telephone systems, annunciators and many other kinds of
signaling, and the operation of magnetic contactor switches. For telegraphic
work, dynamotors are often used in place of primary batteries, the secondary
voltage being 50 to 500 volts direct current, depending on the length of the
line (Sec. 21).
2 4 6 8 10 12 11 16 18 20
Kw. Output
Fio. 28. —Weights and costs of small dynamotors and motor-generator sets.
133. Cost of Dynamotors. Since the two armature windings are upon
the same core, that core will be larger for a dynamotor than for a generator
of the same output. Fig. 28 shows the shipping weights and selling prices of
small dynamotors and motor-generator sets of substantial make on a single
bed plate, the motor-generator set consisting of two machines joined by a
flexible coupling.
139. Selected list of references to literature on converters.
I. History and General Theory
Steinmetz, C. p.- — "The Rotary Converter." Sibley Journal of Engineering,
June, 1897.
Thompson, S. P.
—"Rotatory Converters." Journal E. E. (London), Vol.
p. 651.
W. "History Rotary Transformers." Journal Franklin
Institute, Serial
Scott, C. F. —beginning March, 1901.
"The Induction Motor and Rotary Converter and Their
Relation to the Transmission System." Trans. A. I. E. E., August, 1901.
Thompson, S. P.— "Report on Motor Generators, Converters and
Rectifiers." International Electrical Congress, Turin. Electrician (London),
September 29, 1911.
Newburt, F. D. "The History of the Rotary Converter." Electric
Franklin, — "Energy Transformations in Rotary Converters."
Journal, January, 1915.
W. S.
WooDBRiDGE, E. — "Features
Journal, March, 1904.
J. Railway-converter Design and Operation."
Bache-Wiio, Jens. — "Voltage Regulation of Compound-wound Rotary
A. E.
I. Febru.ary,
E., 1908.
—"Variable Ratio Converters." G. E. Review, Deo., 1908,
Steinmetz, C. p.
and Feb.,
BuRNHAM, J. — 1909.
Types Synchronous Converters." G. E. Review,
p. 74,
Yardley, L. McK.
—"Efficiency Synchronous-booster Converters.!'
V. Power-factor Control
Stahl. N.—"Hazard of Power-factor Correction by Rotary Converters."
Yardley, L. McK.
—"Power-factor Limitations of Rotary Con-
Journal, February, 1912.
verters." Electric Journal, September, 1913.
VI. Hunting
Newbury, F. D. — "Hunting of Rotary Converters." Electric Journal,
June, 1904.
Lamme, B. G. —-"Causes of Hunting in Synchronous Machinery." Electric
Journal, June, 1911.
Steinmetz, C. P. "Hunting."
— G. E. Review, May, 1913.
Synchronous Converters
Lamme, B. G. —VII. Sixty-cycle
"Sixty-cycle Rotary Converters." Electric Journal,
November, 1913.
Crecilius, L. p. — "Sixty-cycle Synchronous Converters." Trans. A. I. £S.
E., March, 1914.
VIII. Synchronous Converters Versus Motor Generators
Eglin, Wm. C. L. "Rotary Converters and Motor-generator Sets."'
International Electrical Congress, St. Louis, 1904., Vol. II, p. 532.
Waters, W. "Synchronous Converters and Motor-generator
L. Sets."
Works Manager, Crosby Steam Gage & Vahe Co., Member, American
Institute of Electrical Engineers, American Society of Mechani-
cal Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers
Consulting Hydraulic Engineer, Member, American Society of Civil Engineers,
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Consulting Engineer with Ford, Bacon, and Davis, Member, American Institute
of Electrical Engineers
(lumbers refer to Paragraphs)
UoTing Gues r
Ts = absolute temp, in deg. Fahr. o:
receiving body.
A "black" body such as carbon, ir
any form except the crystalline, wil
jSsoood •'* absorb all heat transmitted, reflectini
2 ": * none. Metal and other materials wil
*,.~, - j-» S . 3 s i reflect from one-fourth to one-half o
\l l%l that received.
I 3. Heating by convection from ho
gases to water is proportional to somi
power of each of the velocities of thi
moving gases and water or steam. Th
heating is also proportional to tl;
A x-Average Teiaperature of Moving Gases density of the fluids and to the absi
S-» Average Temperature of I>r; Surface lute temperatures, since these influenc
C»AverftgeTemperatur«of Wrt Surface the molecular energy. The formula fo
/>« Temperature of Water iiLBoUer
heat transfer by convection is,
Fxo. 1. —Transmiasion of heat. H-Af/(T,-T2) (i
heat and well scrubbed by the gases. The upper limit has probably nev«!
been reached, the maximum value for recorded tests being about 20.
heat flow.
6. The resistance of the film of inert gas entangled in the rough surfai
of thetube (or soot) is from 20,000 to 35,000 times as great as that of tl
metal tube alone, so that the thickness of the dead gas film is the controllir
POWER PTTANTfi Sec. 10-7
Fio. 5. —B. & W. stationary type boiler with superheater, and Riley stoker.
8. Flre-tubo boUera are cheapest in first cost, but lowest in capacity
for space occupied; in general they are the most difficult to keep in good
operating condition, especially with dirty water, since the water space is not
accessible. _ The internally fired boilers such as the Scotch and the Conti-
nental (or similar) types are somewhat superior in capacity, but not up to the
water- tube type. As a class, fire-tube boilers, from the standpoint of _
safety, are least desirable, as they carry a large body of hot water, storing
considerable energy to be liberated at the instant of rupture.
9. Water-tube boilers are much lighter and smaller per unit of capacity,
and higher in first cost than tubular boilers, buteasier to maintain inasmuch
as the water surface is allpractically accessible, either for hand cleaning or (or
turbine tube cleaners. They are very safe, having very small water storage
(subdivided into many smaller bodies by the tubes), and are made up almost
entirely of the strongest natural shapes — cylindrical— with little or no stayed
surface. There are practically no records of serious accidents resulting from
the explosion of water-tube boilers.
Fig. 6.- -Duplex stoker setting for obtaining high combustion efficiency and
extremely high boiler ratings. {
10.Field-tube boilers are almost unused except for the French marine
boilerknown as the Niclausse. The principal objection to theis use is the
uncertain and spasmodic nature of the circulation which may partake of the
nature of flash generation, alternating with periods of flooding with water,
causing strains due to rapid and unequal expansion and contraction.
26' 6^^
Fill. 7. — Stirling double-end boiler. Delray type, with double Honey stokers.
POWER PLA.Vr.S Sec. 10-11
11. Flash generators are at present unused except for steam automobile
boilers and some torpedo boats. In American power stations they are
unknown. However, if any standard boiler, such as the B. & W. or Stirling,
be forced much above its normal rated capacity, the generation, in the lower
rows of tubes at least, becomes of the flash type by reason of the extreme
12. Superheaters are of two general types: self-contained, and separately
fired. The separately fired superheater is unpopular in America, chiefly
because it has not shown such pronounced economies as the self-contained
type. The two types of self-contained superheater are the plain tube and the
protected tube types. To the former class belong the Heine, the B. & W.
(Fig. 5) and the Stirling; to the latter class belong the Foster (Fig. 8) and the
E = actual evaporation
E' = equivalent evaporation
F = factor of evaporation
H = total heat of steam at boiler pressure and quality.
h = hea,t in the feed water = feed temperature — 32.
Tr = lb. steam per hr.
to = lb. dry coal per hr.
B.t.u. Combustible fired = (lbs. dry coal) X (B.t.u. per lb. [by calori-
meter]). (9)
The last item is derived from the flue-gas analysis and as it always involves
several assumptions, its accuracy is not very certain.
25. Boiler eflBciencies. In Fig. 9 the lower curves show the amount of
coal burned per square foot of grate surface at the corresponding capacities
and efiiciencies. The upper curves show the efficiencies when the number of
pounds of coal indicated by the ordinate produce the capacity indicated by
the abscissas.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Boiler Hp. per Sq. Ft. Grate Surface
26. Combined furnace and boiler efficiencies. The table below gives
the pounds of water evaporated per pound of coal, and the pounds of coal
required per boiler hp. hr. with coals of various heat content and with
boiler installations having varying combined boiler and furnace efficiencies.
B t u
Efficiencies at head of columns are combined boiler and furnace efficiencies.
Evaporation is given in pounds of water "from and at" 212 deg. Fahr. per
lb. of dry coal. The heating value can also be taken for coal "as fired"
whence the "evaporation per lb. of coal" and the "pounds coal per
boiler h.p. hr." will elso be referred to coal "as fired." This latter use
of the table will contain a slight error due to the absorption of a portion of
the heat by the moisture in the coal.
87. The failure of a furnace to burn all of the combustible is due
to two principal causes: (a) molecules of oxygen are not brought into
contact with all the particles of combustible material; (b) the temperature
may be too low for ignition when they are in contact. The first condition is
found where some of the fixed carbon in the lumps of coal becomes surrounded
by a coating of fused ash, so that the air never reaches it during the time that
the lump is upon the grate. Another cause, in the case of bituminous coal,
is the lack of proper mixture of the volatile matter with air. The second
condition is found as a result of the first, if streams of stratified hot com-
bustible gas and air leaving the furnace are brought into contact with the ^
comparatively cold heating surface, they will quickly be chilled below the
ignition point, and will sweep through the boiler without further combus-
tion taking place.
28. Water-tube boilers are generally rated on one boiler h.p. for each
10 sq. ft. of heat surface; Scotch marine types on 8 sq. ft., and horizontal
return-tubulaxB on 12 sq. ft. Superheater surface is usually based on a
transmission coefficient of 5 to 8 B.t.u. per deg. of mean temp, difference per
sq. ft., per hour.
An empirical formula given by Bell (Trans. A. S. M. E., May, 1907) is,
Sq. ft. superheating surf, per boiler h.p. =
2(T„-To)-T. ^ ^
The temperature of gases at the superheater may be found from the fol-
lowing relations:
S. = superheater surface per b.h.p., sq. ft.
Sa = per cent, of total surface passed over by gases before reaching
T. = superheat, deg. Fahr.
To = saturated steam temp., deg. Fahr.
Tg = temp. of gases at superheater, deg. Fahr.
(0.172Sa-|-0.294)(r„-r„)»'i« = l (12)
These two formulse are based on the following assumptions: constant coeffi-
cient of heat transmission; furnace temperature 2,500 deg. Fahr.; flue tem-
perature 500 deg Fahr. steam pressure 1 75 lb. gage one boiler h.p. equivalent
; ;
32. The setting for tubular boilers, generally supports the boiler; for
internally fired boilers, no setting is required (see Figs. 2 and 3).
33. The computation of superheater surface is much complicated by
the change of temperature of the flue gases at the superheater with load on
the boiler, and the uncertainty of the transmission coefficient. The amount
of superheater surface installed for superheats of 100 deg. to 175 deg. Fahr.
varies from 13 to 20 per cent, of .the boiler heating surface. Fig. 10 gives
results of actual tests.
J» 140
g 120
S 100
1 80
38. Connection of safety valTos. There must be no Talves between the
safety valve and the boiler connection; seats and valve discs must be ol
such material as will not rust together; no valves are allowed in the discharge
from safety valves; in fact it is preferable to have only a muffler on the
valve, and no discharge pipe at all.
39. Gage glasses of the ordinary type should be connected, preferably,
directly to the steam drum and protected by wire gauze if near the level
where firemen or others are working. The Klinger type of gage glass with
heavy corrugated plate glass and brass casing is much safer, but more costly;
the water level is much more clearly distinguished.
40. Quick-closing gage cocks operated by chain or rod are now
almost universally used. The gage glass and blow-off cocks should nevei
be so arranged that the fireman must stand close to the gage glass when
"blowing down."
41. Manholes provided for entry to boiler drums, preferably in the heads
where they least affect the strength, are made of pressed plate steel and fitted
from the inside of the drum against a bumped hp or saddle in the drum by
means of one or two bolts made fast to a dog spanning the opening on the
outside. The pressure inside the boiler keeps the manhole tight, the bolts
being used only to pull the cover to a seat. The gasket between manhok
cover and seat is of asbestos, lead alloy or corrugated copper. The standard
dimensions are 11 in. X15 in.
42. Handholes are placed in mud-drums, headers, etc., which are too
small to admit the body, but must be cleaned and inspected. They are made
in the same manner as manholes, but the dimensions are usually 4 in. by 6 in,
or 6 in. by 8 in.
43. The blow-off should be connected to the lowest and quietest place
in the boiler, where the mud and scale settle, or from specially designed
chambers in which the sediment is induced to collect. The blow-off pipe
must be protected from the fire, as it has normally no circulation of water to
protect it. Many installations have been made with a plug cock next the
boiler, followed by a gate valve to prevent leakage. There are now, how-
ever, one or two successful valves on the market which do not require the
additional gate valve.
44. The feed pipe should enter the boiler so that the flow is in the direc-
tion of natural circulation in the boiler. Outside the drums the feed pipes
are generally of brass to eliminate the chance of a break at this point from
corrosion. A check valve is fitted at the entrance to each drum, to prevent
water flowing back.
45. The steam gage is connected to the steam space of the boiler, to
prevent blocking of the pipe by scale or mud. A condensing coll should be
applied to prevent hot water or steam from getting into the Bourdon tube oi
the gage. Thermometers are practically never used as a measurement
of steam pressure, except on tests, but are much more reliable.
46. Pyrometers are used for measurement of flue gas temperature,
leaving the boiler, and are very valuable aids in checking the operation and
47. Safety plugs are made of pure Banca tin, and are so placed that the
active fire will play upon them, or at least in the first pass through the tubes.
They are placed about 10 or 12 in. above the danger limit of low water;
they are ordinarily protected by the water, but melt in case the level falls
below them. The fire side of the plug must be kept clean of soot, or it may
become so protected as to be inoperative.
48. Boiler corrosion is caused either by direct oxidation of the iron by
oxygen dissolved in the water or by reaction with some acids present in the
feed-water, having their source cither in natural acidity or from the producta
of decompo.sition of impurities introduced into the feed. Corrosion by oxida-
tion is the more important, as the other is always avoidable by proper puri-
fication of feed water. Oxidation goes on continuously wherever dissolved
air is present, and is much increased by the vibration or flexure of any par-
ticular point. The constant bending breaks off the film of iron oxides formed
by the process, and exposes new surface to be attacked; for this reason pitting
is commonest near jointa where the flexure of some one portion of a plate
is apt to be severe.
49. Incrustation is caused by the deposit of solid matter during the heat-
ing and boiling of the water. It may be merely a mechanically entrained
impurity, such as mud and sand, or it may be the result of precipitation of
various salts insoluble in hot water, or by super-saturation. The salts of
magnesia, lime and iron are those giving most trouble in boiler water. Some
of these salts are soluble and cause the formation of scale by super-saturation;
others are insoluble in hot water and precipitate as the water is heated.
50. Treatment of feed water. The principal salts are iron, calcium
and magnesium carbonate, bicarbonates, and sulphates. The bicarbonates
are usually decomposed by boiling. The general method of treatment is by
adding lime (CaO), and sodium carbonate (NaiCOs) called in the impure
commercial form, soda ash.
61. Removing the precipitation. Where the character of the water or
the plant layout does not allow the treatment in a separate purifying sys-
tem, these reagents are added in the boiler feed, and the precipitation takes
place in the boiler, assisted by the heat. The main object in this case is to
precipitate the salts as soft scale, or mud, in order that it may be readily
blown out. Periodic cleaning with some kind of mechanical cleaner is neces-
sary, however, even with feed-water treatment, as some of the hard salts are
bound to stick, especially in the hardest worked tubes over the hottest fires.
62. Periodic inspection of boilers is in itself a good preventive of acci-
dent. The straight tube, water-tube boilers lend themselves most readily to
thorough inspection, as every part can be seen, and the whole of the shells
can be hammer tested.
63. Boiler insurance covers the possible damage done by boiler explosion.
The boiler insurance companies exercise a vigorous and valuable control over
the manner of operation of boilers, and by their frequent enforced inspection,
prevent little flaws from
becoming disastrous weaknesses.
64. Cleaning. Those operations which make for safety in the boiler
generally aid efficiency. A good rule is never to allow more than
i'^ in. thick-
ness of scale to collect; and to overhaul thoroughly every part of the boiler
twice a year. In a well-operated plant, with moderately good water, this
generally means cleaning
20 OOOr
the two rows of tubes near- ' '
Bridge Wall
Fig. 14. —Hand-fired grate.
65. Tlie overfeed stokers are those in which coal is fed somewhat in the
manner of hand firing; green coal is pushed in at one end, or side of the com-
bustion chamber, coked under a combustion arch, and finally burned to ash
in a continuous progress across the furnace, the combustion of fixed carbon
taking place upon the grates. The best known inclined types are the Roney,
Murphy, Model, Detroit and Wetzel. Fig. 15 shows the Roney type; coal
is fed in at the top and worked down by gravity and the continual rocking
of the grate bars.
66. The chain grate types are the B. & W., Green, Coxe, Illinois,
etc. Fig. 16shows a typical chain grate.
67. The underfeed stokers supply coal from below the fire, coke it as it
approaches the incandescent top bed, and drive the gases, along with the
blast air, through the white-hot coke on top. No combustion arches are
required and there are no grate bars, strictly speaking, as little or no com-
bustion takes place on iron only upon a bed of coal.
68. Types of underfeed stokers. The Jones was the original of this
type, followed by modifications utilizing gravity as well; the earliest one
of the latter type is the Taylor, followed by the Riley and the Westinghouse
underfeeds. Lately, extension grates of the overfeed type and continuous
dumping devices have been incorporated in this type of stoker, lowering
the combustible content in the ash, and reducing the operating labor.
69. Orates tor hand fires are of three types, stationary, shaking and
dumping. Stationary bars are of three principal forms: (a) plain girder-
shaped straight bars, spaced from each other i in. or f in. by lugs, for air
supply; (b) herringbone bars two straight girder
apart, cast with herringbone-shaped tie ribs; (c)
bars about 4 in. to 6 in.
pinhole bars, for burning
sawdust, fine dust and culm, tan bark and similar materials. Rocking
and shaking grates are made in a multitude of variations of these simpler
forms; and are so arranged that the bars may be rocked in groups, to aid in
cleaning the fire, or overturned to dump entirely.
70. Hand stoking of hard coals is done in the following manner. Coal,
generally of small size (No. 2 or No. 3 buckwheat), is thrown well over the
fire, and maintained about 6 in. to 8 in. thick and under considerable blast
(1.5 in. to 2.5 in. of water). As fast as a hole blows through any portion,
it is covered with fresh coal. This implies frequent firing, and in order to
minimize the inrush of cold air at open fire doors some form of balanced
draft is very desirable. Portions of the fire are allowed to burn out and are
then dumped bodily and fresh fire raked over the bare grate. With shaking
grates the dumping periods may be farther apart 4 to 8 hr., depending on
the coal and rate of firing, as part of the ashes are removed at more
frequent intervals by shaking the grate without opening the fire doors.
71. Bituminous coal can be hand fired in two ways: the alternate and
the coking methods. In the first method, one side of the fire is at the period
of hottest combustion while firing green coal on the other, to provide the
necessary heat to volatilize and ignite the large volume of gas given off. When
this green coal has finished giving off gas and becomes well coked and white
hot, the other side, now burned out, is fired. In the coking method, the front
part of the grate near the fire doors is made solid and is called the dead
glate; green coal is fired upon this, under a coking arch, and receives enough
eat from the main body of the fire and from this arch, to become coked.
The gas thus given off passes out from the coking arch over the hot part of the
fire, is mixed with air admitted over the fire, and thus ignited. The green
coal, now coked, is pushed back over the hot part of the fire. As portions
burn out, they are dumped and fresh coke raked over the bare grates. There
are many variations in the manner in which these operations are performed,
depending on the kind of coal. One man can ordinarily take care of one
boiler up to 600 h.p., or two boilers at the utmost.
72. Automatic stoking in the overfeed type occurs almost in the same
order as the hand firing of bituminous coal, except that all the processes,
feeding, coking, segregation of ash, and sometimes dumping, are done by
power and are continuous, instead of intermittent. The advantage in avoiding
irregularity in the processes is obvious.
73. Automatic stoking in the underfeed type requires no regenerative
devices in the furnace (such as the coking arch), since the gases and the
air are mixed by passing through_ the bed of coal together and are finally
heated by direct contact with the incandescent coke, before issuing into the
furnace. The underfeed stokers are capable of almost unlimited forcing
without serious loss of furnace efficiency, and are much lower in mainte-
nance costs than the overfeed types, as no hot fire is carried on cast-iron
74. Maintenance costs of stokers. The following costs applied in
1914, but should be doubled for 1920-21 conditions. The maintenance of
Roney stokers with good coal, varies from about $0. 10 to $0. 12 per ton fired;
the Murphy, Model, Detroit, Wetzel and Wilkinson vary from $0.11 to
%0. 14, the higher cost being due to the use of long bars in the fire, which are
injured only in about the lower third, necessitating the scrapping of about
two-thirds of the bars practically uninjured. With the Roney finger grate,
the parts actually in the fire are separately removed, and consequently
the efficiency of use of the metal is higher. Chain-grate stokers are com-
parable in maintenance with the Murphy type. Jones stokers require
about $0.04 to $0.06 per ton fired for maintenance, and the Taylor stoker
from $0,025 to $0.04 depending on the coal. Highly volatile coals, which
must be fired thinner on account of clinkering, use up more iron, as the heat
is nearer to the fingers and retorts.
76. Stoker labor. One stoker operator to each four stokers, and one
coal passer to rake up siftings for each five stokers is good practice for the
Roney type. The size of the stoker makes comparatively little difference,
and hence the larger the stoker the better. One stoker operator for 6
stokers, and one coal passer for raking sittings to 6 stokers, is good practice
for the Green or B. & W. types. One stoker operator to 15 stokers is needed
for the Riley and similar types but no coal passers, as there are no siftings.
The Jones type requires about the same labor as the Roney as the ashes must
be raked out by hand.
76. The rate of combustion for hand fires is normally 10 lb. to 12
lb. of coal ft. of grate tor anthracite, and 15 lb. to 20 lb. for bituminous
per sq.
coals. forcing the rate may go as high as 80 lb. per sq. ft. of grate,
with forced draft. For power plants the usual maximum is 40 lb. to 50 lb.
of soft coal.
77. Natural or chimney draft is common for bituminous coals.
On hand fires 0.3 in. to 0.6 in. water draft at the breeching will generally
produce rated capacity from the boiler; 0.3 in. draft at the breeching will
produce rated capacity on the overfeed slope-grate types with high percent-
age of air space (35 per cent, to 45 per cent.). With the restricted types
(Wilkinson) and the chain-grate stokers, where the air space is only 8 per cent,
to 15 per cent., the required draft to produce rating is usually 0.4 in. to 0.5 in.
78. Forced draft with underfeed stokers and anthracite hand fires
is practically a necessity, as the resistance through- the fires is very much
greater (Par. 80). The small sizes of anthracite pack very closely, and in
6 in. or 8 in. thickness may offer as much as 1 in. to 2 in. difference of
pressure above and below the fire. In the underfeed stokers the fire ia
much thicker than in the overfeed type (the latter is about the same as
hand-fired bituminous grates or 10 in. to 14 in.), or usually about 2 ft. 6 in.
or 3 ft. thickness of fuel bed.
79. The amount of air required varies with the volatile content of the
coal. The combustible constituents are carbon, hydrogen and sulphur.
As far as heat and
supply are concerned, the carbon and hydrogen alone
are important, the sulphur seldom exceeding 3 per cent, being low in heat
C-|-02 = COj (15);
= 2H20
-— ^-—
fire may be opened and shut without a rush or cold air over the fire.
It is alsoa convenience with any forced-draft stoker.
82. The
accessories of the automatic stoker consist of the forced-draft
fan (if required), the stoker engine, and usually, for overfeed stokers a
slice bar and a poker, needed occasionally for obstinate clinkers. In the
later types of underfeed stokers, automatic dumping devices are attached,
which eliminate the need of hand manipulation of the fire almost altogether
(Fig. 5).
83. The stoker engines required with all stokers except the Jones and
.ccurate and refined, but is strictly a piece of laboratory apparatus. The
)r8at type is made in easily portable form for use at the boiler.
ue gases; it may be in the form of particles of unburned coke blown up from
he fire by heavy driving or high blast, or in the finely divided lamp-black
tests and operating conditions for tests, including full description and
ximate analysis of coal to be used; (h) guarantees, capacity, efiiciency,
.-aor to operate, gas analysis, smoke, maintenance; (i) time of shipment,
ice and terms of payment; (j) detailed description of stoker and all parts.
88. The cost of automatic stokers per rated h.p. of boiler (May,
* 20) varies but little with size, as most of the stokers are made up of parts
The cost of Roney and other step-grate stokers is from $6.50 to $8.00 p
rated boiler h.p., average $7.50; chain grates, $13.00 to $20.00, averai
$16.00; underfeed (Jones type), $7.00 to $11.00, average $8.50; underfei
(gravity plunger), $12.00 to $16.00, average $14.50.
89. The forcing capacity of these different types is extremely variabl
the overfeed step-grate types usually cannot exceed 200 per cent, of ratin
the chain grates are about the same. The underfeed types are readi
reaching 300 per cent, and over. The cost per rated h.p. is therefore n^
entirely fair as the sole criterion.
90. Cost figures from a very large stoker installation using three typ
are as follows, complete with blowers and stoker drive (1920).
H= ^\ , ..
0.255 Pj
Ti ) ik
h will be the total draft found
^ove, and H
the corresponding
;ight. The figures thus obtained
ill be on the safe side, a very de-
rable condition for the draft sys-
m. A draft system made too
Sec. 10-100 POWER PLANTS
100. Keinforced concrete is much stronger than brick and will stan(
high tensile strains like the steel chimney. The stack is therefore often buil
straight Uke the steel chimney, and is always considerably lighter than brick
as it may safely be much thinner. It is usually poured in 5-f t. or (i-ft. sections
which may be carried up a section a day, making erection rapid. No linini
is required other than the short section of fire-brick above the grates (30 ft.)
It is one of the cheapest and most durable forms if well designed and buill
but like all reinforced concrete, is dependent upon care and watchfulnes
during construction.
•S -9
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-104
104. The cost of steel stacks may be figured on a basis of $0,045 per lb. of
steel erected.
106. Limitations of natural draft. From the figures in Par. 91 to
evident that for high rates of combustion the stack becomes imprac-
)$, it is
acably high, or the sensible heat loss due to high flue temperature becomes
X)o large for economy. To mitigate this, mechanical or artificial draft of
lome form may be employed.
than atmospheric; this system is termed induced draft. The two syste
may be used together, one fan forcing air through the fire, and the ot
drawing from the flue, maintaining a more or less balanced pressure over
fire. A forced draft fan also may be used, in connection with a chimnej
draw off the gases.
109. Induced draft for hand fires with bituminous coals may
substituted for natural draft since the required maximum is not usually o
2 in. of water.
110. Forced draft combined with either natural or induced draf
always used with the underfeed stokers and frequently with the chain gra
Forced draft cannot be used alone, as without some suction at the breechi
there would be pressure above atmosphere in the fire-box, causing flame
issue from all openings.
111. Cost data on blowers and fans are difficult to furnish about ;
only factor remaining nearly constant is the price per lb. at $0.30 to $0.3«i
112. The comparative advantages of mechanical draft are:
greater forcing capacity than with natural draft, since it is easy to prod
much greater differences of pressure than are at all practicable with stac
(b) entire flexibility of control; (c) better- combustion conditions w
balanced draft arrangement; (d) low cost of apparatus.
113. The objections to mechanical draft are increased operating c
due to energy consumption by driving apparatus, and increased maintena
cost, which .are balanced against the low maintenance of stacks. But
energy consumption (of steam, for turbine drive, say) is not a net loss, a
may be profitable to use the steam exhaust in feed heating, and the st
requires a certain loss of fuel due to flue gas temperature, in order to open
This temperature can be lowered when using induced draft. Forced-dr
fans have low maintenance costs, as they handle cool air; induced-dif
fans, however, are likely to have high maintenance, as they deteriorate fl
handling hot flue gases.
114. Anthracite, or hard coal, contains very little volatile matter
mainly fixed carbon and ash; is difficult to ignite; hard and bright f ract
not soiling the fingers in rubbing; oldest coal formation, being nexti
116. Semi-anthracite contains a little less fixed carbon, more voh
matter; is easier to ignite and softer. Semi-bituminous is the nex i
order, having enough volatile matter to coke, with moderately long fls
and soft crumbly fracture.
116. Bituminous coals are rich in volatile matter, which may be aa :1
as 40 per cent.; usually fairly low in ash — 5 to 9 per cent.; and ma^<
divided into many different classes with regard to flame, caking and co i
qualities. They are very easy to ignite, brittle and dull fracture, crum'i
and soil the fingers in handUng, due to softness.
117. Coke is the resulting fixed carbon and ash which remain-
mass after driving off the volatile matter from a bituminous orsenn
ous coal. It is largely a product of the coal gas industry; but a
station fuel, its price is practically prohibitory. Oven coke, whi.
hard, is used for blast furnace and crucible furnace work.
118. Lignite is a more recent formation than the bituminous coi^.., i.j
hardly distinguishable from the lower grades of these; it is non-hbrou^
often brownish in appearance, whereas the coals are all black; a
oxygen and gives off CO2 at ordinary temperatures. It contains qufti
of oxygen and the volatile matter given off is mainly OOj, which distingt
the lignites still further from the coals, whose volatiles are oI]|
O '3'a
§ OS e* * S
c8 ^ 1^ irl 1^ 1^ 12 ITj -"rt ^ aj ^* bfl
OS"5'^OOOM-^t^OOC)0050>0>«0 05lNCO»OTj<-Hr^>005N05'0
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• "-i
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Sec. 10-120 POWER PLANTS
t^ ;0 00 to •* 0>
t»«t^OCO->»<i*iOO tT COO'S" *
m to_t» to lo to
u5tOCOC)t^'OCOP5'OP5i-(COOOtOO'<Ji>-it»t03;'OCOOtOr-(00»tO £
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5 08 ce OS c8 d eS oj o3 09 2 S * 09
C «-a o S t* S 2 S S)'a"3 B "I
U) OS 09 d o9^ eS 09 01 c3 eS cS cj 0) cd
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-121
eON'-it-iedi-iF-iw Wiiw
ooo-to do (NO
00 MOO 00
o o
10 10 "O 10 -*< ^ ")< "jf rj< ^ ^ CO M ^
to5 °
fl s s s " o
-2 "
u ~ wo M^o** £''•3 •• >
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S ^
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G e
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^ o 'S5 o »>'^- t>a
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•++00 ajOSouWos
-4e»eoTiHio«t^ooo>o—nN >-l<NeOTj<i050t>.oooO'-<MCO *
Sec. 10-123 POWER PLANT!?
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-124
124. Peat is the most recent of the formations. High-bog peat is formed
from swamp moss, etc.; low-bog peat is formed from grasses around low
bodies of water. They show the fibrous structure of vegetable origin, and
range in color from ochre to brown and black; are very soft in texture, with
no fracture; carry large moisture, oxygen and nitrogen content; the volatile
matter is poorly combustible, containing largely CO2.
125. Wood is still higher in oxygen and nitrogen, up to 40 to 45 per cent.,
with carbon from 45 to 49 per cent. Its scarcity and cost make its use as
a power station fuel impossible except for saw mills and logging camps
where the unmarketable waste may be profitably used.
126. Briquettes* are small artificial lumps of solid fuel made up by
pressing peat, bituminous slack or anthracite culm, with a suitable tarry
binder, so as to recombine the soft peat or unmanageable coal dust into a
convenient lump form. Briquettes oehave somewhat Uke lumps of soft
coal, but usually are very troublesome in giving smoke. The cost of bri-
quetting presses, and the need of suitable inexpensive binder, have pre-
vented the wide use of briquettes in America. With peat briquetting is
practically a necessity.
127. Mineral oils have their source in crude petroleum. The heavy
oU engines, such as the Diesel and the Junkers run on raw petroleum; many
of the smaller engines, however, are designed for kerosene and gasolene.
128. Gas for power production may be natural gas,t producer gas,
coke-oven gas.t or blast-furnace gas. § Illuminating gas is too expensive to
use for anything but very small isolated plants. See Par. 121, 122 and 123.
129. The main feature in the use of gas is the engine compression
pressure which is practicable; blast-furnace gas, being lean and much
diluted with neutral matter, will stand very high compression; producer
gas, natural and coke-oven gas, being richer (especially in hydrogen), can-
not be compressed as much.
130. The cost of anthracite No. 1, No. 2, or No. 3 buckwheat is
about 82.50 to $0.00 per ton at the plant in quantity. The mine cost is
not over $2.00 to §3.00. Bituminous coal costs from $5.50 to $9.00 at
the plant. The cost averages $0.17 to $0.19 per million B.t.u. (1921).
131. Fuel oil costs from $0,025 to $0.07 per gal. The cost averages
about 80.18 to $0.20 per million "S.t.u., in the oil-burning districts. While
jta cost per million B.t.u. is about the same as coal, or somewhat better,
in the districts where it is available, it has a further advantage in the better
boiler efficiency obtained, and in the elimination of some of the power-
station auxiliary apparatus (1920-21).
132. Natural gas costs $00.13 to $0.16 per million B.t.u. All of these
figures apply chiefly to large consumers; the prices will go up considerably
for small plants.
Sec. 10-136 POWER PLANTS
and the natural scale-forming salts such as magnesium, iron and calciui
carbonates and sulphates.
136. The treatment of feed water has been outlined in Par. 49 to 61
137. The use of condensate returned from surface condensers i
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-145
145. The suction conveyors are used only for ashes; coal is too heavy
and packs too readily to be handled in this manner. The auction is usually
provided by a high-speed centrifugal blower, attached to the outlet, or a
Bteam jet eductor. The rest of the equipment consists merely of Wn. to
12-in. cast-iron pipe lines with swing-door openings at which the ashes are
admitted. The drawback to this system is the deterioration of the fan
from grit, and all turns and elbows from abrasion. If the ashes are too wet,
the blocking of the pipes is practically certain to give trouble.
146. Comparisons of conveyors. The belt conveyor is very satisfac-
tory on "carry" of coal, but not so good on "lift;" the bucket conveyor
is probably the most satisfactory aU-around conveyor, handling coal or
hot ashes equally well in lift or carry; it is, however, the most expensive.
The steam jet conveyor has been successful chiefly in small or moderate
size plants.
Another method of conveying is by cable cars; where possible
this givesthe cheapest and most satisfactory means of carry.
148. Storage of coal outdoors for power-plant purposes requires less
care and handling than for coal companies, as the material is turned over
fast enough to avoid much loss by weathering. The storage yard may be
served by: (a) a locomotive crane, (6) a gantry crane, (f) a Dodge girder
unloader, (d) a telpher grab bucket operating on an overhead structure,
(e) or if the storage is in a pit, by a conveyor in a tunnel. Usually the
capacity should equal at least two weeks supply, or better, one month.
One company having trouble from spontaneous combustion of bituminous
coal, uses a concrete pit flooded with water; but this is generally unnecessary,
the excessive wetting of the coal being a drawback.
149. Bunkers placed under the roof of the boiler house are almost always
provided, to feed coal by gravity to the fires. Where external storage
is available, two to four days supply in the building is all that is necessary;
but in city plants where external storage is impossible, ten days to two weeks
supply must be provided.
160. Bunker construction. Steel framing with concrete or cinder-
concrete lining, faced with granolithic or other hard finish, is the best con-
struction for large work; for smallef work, the suspended type, catenary
shape, of plate steel with concrete lining, or simply of reinforced concrete,
bas been much used.
161. Hoppers. Ash hoppers of structural material with brick lining
ire the standard practice, but reinforced concrete is also being used to some
sxtent. The coal hoppers should always be of sheet steel, i\ in. being
;heusual thickness; it is good practice to reinforce the hoppers with renewable
'^: Tearing plates where the abrasion is severest.
ji. ,162. Weighing is done at the hoisting tower (just after crushing) in
loppers carried in knife-edge supports which operate standard beam scales;
wo sets are required, one hopper receiving the continuous flow of coal from
* he crusher while the other is being weighed. Reversing gates for the supply,
>''.nd trip gates for the weighing hoppers are under the control of the weigh-
163. Automatic scales of the hopper type are in use for anthracite,
nd are fairly accurate, as the angle of repose and slip of anthracite in the
belfnaall sizes is very little affected by moisture, and the small size allows
iiiifci;ady control of the flow; with bituminous coals they are somewhat less
iiiftccurate over short runs, as the highly variable angle of repose affects the
Spillage when closing the feeder gates, making the "dribble" a variable
::f fuantity: but over longer periods, say a month, the error averages and they
usiork very well. Conveyor scales of several makes arc on the market, but
ot widely used.
^jiij 164. There is also a coal meter for use in pipe downtakes, acting on
,jt£«e principle of a propeller driven by the moving coal, which is very simple
;[b.'>id quite accurate for small sizes of coal. It is not yet fully satisfactory
r lump coal and run of mine.
,si 1'5. Spouting of coal in closed pipes must always ^e done at an angle
^^ !^68- or steeper to be satisfactory, if the spout is a closed pipe; 8-in.
,^> l^j^' P'P^^ ™*y ^^ ^^^^ ^"itl^ anthracite; but nothing less than 12 in.
^.j;|Ould be used for bituminous crushed coal. In designing hoppers and
outs should be remembered that the intersection of two sides each at
' from the horizontal, is much less than 45 deg., so that the coal will
ways hang at such a junction.
Sec. 10-156 POWER PLANTS
166. The power required by belt conveyors is given by the foUowii
H.P.^S^+JH (2(
1,000 '
where C = power constant, !r = load in tons per hour, I, = length of conveyc
in feet, // = liftof conveyor in feet, and JS = width in inches.
Values of C for material weighing 25 lb. to 75 lb. per cu. ft.
B (in.)
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-159
where W'= capacity in lb. per min., L = length in feet and C = 0.67 for
coal, 1.00 for ashes.
161. Typical combinations are: low-hoist grab-bucket tower, con-
taining crusher and scales; belt .conveyors, horizontal, to power station;
V-bucket or pivoted-bucket elevator, belt distribution at top of building to
bunkers. Inchned belts may be used for "lift," but are not too satisfactory.
Belts are very good on "carry," however. If the tower is close to the build-
ing, bucket elevators may be used both for lift and carry. very good A
arrangement is: high towers, performing the whole lift at once, delivery
through crusher and scales to cable car for distribution over bunkers. For
small or moderate size plants telpher grab buckets offer a satisfactory
solution, serving storage yard, cars or boats, and bunkers on overhead mono-
rail structure. The usual system for ash disposal consists of collection from
ash hoppers by industrial railway and trolley locomotive, and delivery to
skip hoist or bucket elevator for lifting to ash storage pockets, for which
the ashes are spouted to cars or barges. The vacuum system is useful for
small and moderate size plants; or a single hand car may be enough. Belt
conveyors should never be employed for ash handUng.
162. The cost of conveyors is exceedingly variable and is dictated
^hiefly by structural conditions. It is almost impossible, therefore, to give
unit costs. Belt conveyors of the lengths usual in power station work cost
rem $2.00 to $3.00 per inch of belt width, per foot of conveyor; bucket
, levators and conveyors, roughly $0.40 to $0.50 per ton capacity per hour,
*i per foot of conveyor.
163. Source of energy. The steam engine must obtain its energy
IS Irom the heat drop available by adiabatic expansion between any two pres-
ures. For adiabatic expansion, there must be no heat interchange with
he surroundings while the mass of steam in the cylinder undergoes the
xpansion; therefore a non-conducting cylinder is required. This is com-
lercially unattainable, and consequently the expansion is never truly adia-
atic. The heat drop obtainable is always less, if the expansion is not
164. The thermal efficiency of a perfect engine working on the
lankine cycle (Par. 166) is given as
jhere ffi = total heat of steam at initial condition (pressure and quality or
Biperheat), i/2 = total heat of steam at final pre-ssure after an adiabatic
' hpansion (constant entropy), and hi = heat of the liquid, at final pressure.
'>r modern steam pressures, superheats and vacua, this possible efficiency
les not exceed 40 per cent, for turbines. The usual steam pressures and
ouum for reciprocating engines would not give a higher efficiency than
per cent.
166. The efficiency ratio for good compound engines seldom reaches 60
r cent.,giving an actual thermal efficiency of 18 per cent., 13 per cent, and
per cent, are more commonly reached in large size reciprocating engines.
166. The Bankine cycle upon which these comparisons are based
3-3upposes a non-conducting cylinder, no leakage and no clearance;
mission at constant pressure, instantaneous cut-off; expansion adiabat-
lly to the back pressure; exhaust at constant pressure; and since there
Sec. 10-167 POWER PLANTfi
> effective. Reheating coils are sometimes employed to dry the steam pi
ing through these receivers, to improve conditions in the succeeding cylind
They arc of practically no value in engines for power-station service.
177. Governors for steam engines are of two principal types: fly]
and shaft governors. The flyball type consists of two or more weight
balls supported by movable arms, the whole rotated around a shaft so i
centrifugal force tends to throw the balls outward; this tendency is resi^
by weights or springs, and the relative movement of the arms made to opr
the engine valve gear. In the shaft governor the weights are arranged
to rotate vertically around the main crank shaft, and attached direct to the
eccentrics without the intervention of other mechanism. It cannot be
used with slow-speed engines, nor with any form of trip or releasing gear.
Inertia effects are introduced in the Rites type of shaft governor.
178. Either centrifugal or inertia types of governor can be made
isochronous, but are generally only approximately so; isochronism, or com-
plete instability of the governor at all speeds except the correct speed, is
undesirable, causing hunting. ^
179. Engine frames are usually made entirely of cast iron, for stationary'
work; the vertical engines are of the A-frame type in large and small sizes
and of the enclosed type, with automatic oiling, for small and moderate size,
only. Horizontal engines of small and moderate sizes, may be enclosed,
with automatic or splash oiling.
180. Girder frames. The large horizontal Corliss type engines are
made with girder frames connecting the cylinders and the main bearings, for
the standard type in the heavy-duty type, the girders are completely
surrounded by the frame, which is carried down to the sole plate all the way
from cylinder to main bearing.
181. Mean pressure is the average pressure which if exerted
during the full stroke would equal the work done by the varying pressures
really existing during the course of the stroke. The mean effective pressure
(m.e.p.) is obtained from the indicator card as follows:
-- ... = card X scale of spring
area in sq. in.,„„,
M.e.p. in lb. per sq. in.
card length in inches
, ,(30) .
The shorter the cut-off, the lower the m.e.p. for any given steam pressure
and back pressure; consequently the larger the cylinder dimensions become
for a given horse-power, other things being constant.
182. Cylinders are usually so proportioned as to divide the total work
equally between high- and low-pressure cylinders; roughly, for compound
engines, the cylinder ratio is given by
where Re = cylinder or ratio of low-pressure displacement to high-
pressure displacement. Pi = initial pressure in lb. per sq. in. absolute, P2 =
receiver pressure in lb. per sq. in. absolute, and P3 = back pressure in lb.
iper sq. in. absolute.
H .This is based on no clearance, no cornpression, equal cut-off in both
« icylinders, logarithmic expansion, and receivers of infinite capacity. It is
n varied in practice by the clearance of both cylinders; by finite receivers and
by the effects of wire-drawing.
183. The speeds usually employed in America are given in Par. 170«
[i'Snell gives a table of usual English practice, which is slightly higher than
American usage.*
tor sizes above 1,760 k.w., the speed is from 75 to 60 rev. per min., for
ICorliss engines. Piston speeds range from 350 to 600 ft. per min. in the
illigh-speed engines, and from 600 to 750 ft. per min. in the low-speed, long-
|stroke Corliss types.
184. Indicated horse-power is given by the indicator, and is the
|imountof power actually developed in the cylinder by the steam. Brake
inrse-power is the actual output at the shaft.
T , PLAN ,„„,
P = mean effective pressure, lb. per sq. in.;
_ L = length of stroke, ft.;
! A = piston area, sq. in.;
^ =« number of strokes per min.
739 .
Sec. 10-185 POWER PLANTS
185. The mechanical efficiency is given by the formula
i.h.p. (33)
where Bm = mechanical efficiency, b.h.p.=brake horse-power, and i.h.p. =
indicated horse-power.
Friction li. p. = i.h.p. —b.h.p. (34)
Lucke gives the formula
£„.= l-f'.--^l (35)
where Xi =0.02 to 0.05, average 0.04; and ^2= 1.3 to 2.0, average 1.6.
186. Mechanical design of the steam engine is limited by first cost,
ciency and reliability: these three factors exert influences in varying direc-
tions. Low cost per h.p. capacity indicates high rotative speed and sim-
plicity of mechanism. High economy indicates lower speeds, complicated
valve gear, multiple cylinders, reheaters and large receivers. Reliability
dictates heavily built parts, elimination of small parts, and especially the
elimination of small bearings. The
outcome is that for small powers, mod-
erate speeds and low steam pressures, the simple non-condensing slide-valve
engine, throttle governed, is Under steady load and speed it has fail
economy, and is very reliable. For small electric isolated plant service, the
high-speed automatic engine, with shaft governors and piston-valves or
balanced slide valves, is used. For higher powers the low-speed condensing
engine, either simple or compound, is adopted. The higher economy de-
manded justifies the increased cost due to low .speed and Corliss valve gears;
reliability is also provided, since the complex gear is now large enough not to
be fragile.
187. Friction loss, which causes the difference between brake and indi-
cated power, is made up of bearing friction; piston, valve and rod friction;
and windage. The principal bearing friction occurs in the main bearings,
crank pins and crosshead slippers, the remainder occurs in the valve gear.
Suitable lubrication greatly reduces this kind of friction. Piston, valve
and rod friction occur in a steam atmosphere where lubrication is at best un-
certain. The latter depends upon the type of valve, whether balanced or
not; upon the kind and number of piston rings; and upon the condition of
the rod packing.
188. Lubrication of all bearings is accomplished with engine or machine
oil;or prepared grease. In small engines, sight-feed oil cups are commonly
used; for large units, a central gravity oiling system piped to all bearings is
considered the best practice. In the latter case, the oil is caught after use
and returned to filters, whence it is again pumped to the elevated supply
tank. In this way copious supplies of oil may be given without great expense
and the friction is very much reduced. Splash oiling in closed crank-case
engines is employed for high speeds and small or moderate sizes. Grease
can only be fed by individual compression cups at each bearing.
189. Cylinders are oiled with heavier lubricants, whose lubricating
qualities in the steam become the same as ordinary engine oil at room tem-
peratures. Cylinder oil is fed into the steam pipe just above the throttle, oi
into the steam chest: a hydrostatic sight-feed lubricator, or a force pump
may be employed. The latter is considered the better method. Oraphiti
has been used with much success in assisting cylinder lubrication; th(
chief difficulty lies in getting it into the cylinder.
190. The total losses occurring in a steam engine can be classifie<
as follows: cylinder condensation; leakage; clearance; incomplete expaii
sion; wire-drawing; radiation; mechanical friction.
191. Cylinder condensation is caused by the conduction of heat awaj
from the steam through the cylinder walls; the cylinder assumes an avcragi
temperature about half-way between steam admission and exhaust teiniit'ra
tures. Consequently the hot in-coming steam gives up heat to the uoli i
walls; some of this is returned, too late to be of use, during the exhaiis
stroke. Moisture in the entering steam makes this effect worse bu ;
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-192
192. Leakage occurs past all sliding joints—;-the joint behaves like an
elongated capillary orifice for steam flow; such joints occur at the piston, the
piston rod, the valve seat and the valve rod. The means of reducing leakage
are generally snap and spring-rings for pistons and piston valves, pressure
plates insuring a close fit for flat balanced valves, and sectional metallic or
soft packing compressed by a gland, for all rods.
193. Clearance is any space left between the valve and the piston, when
the latter is at the end of the stroke. It varies from 3 to 4 per cent, of the
displacement in well-designed Corliss engines; from 8 to 14 per cent, on
high-speed and medium-speed engines; from 15 to 30 per cent, in badly
designed or low-price slide-valve and piston-valve engines.
194. Zero clearance is not possible in any commercial construction, since
piston must have some clearance from the cylinder head, and the steam and the
sihaust passages must always have some volume. Clearance necessitatoa
compression, in order to bring the volume of steam trapped in the clearance
jpace to approximately the initial pressure; this has the double effect of
cushioning the engine and avoiding loss due to filling the clearance space with
resh steam at each stroke.
196. Incomplete expansion is due to the limitations in size of cylinders,
rtfhichcommercially cannot be made large enough to handle the high vol-
imes at low pressure.
196. Wire drawing is the term applied to pressure drop between steam
rhest and cylinder due to insufficient area in the valves and ports, or slow
)pening of the valve; it reduces the effective pressure and therefore causes a
197. Radiation is the heat loss which occurs when the cylinder tempera-
ure is higher than that of the surrounding air. Not only the cylinder, but
Iso those parts of the engine which become hot by conduction, radiate heat.
''he cylinder is heavily lagged (or even jacketed in a few cases) to reduce the
D9S. This loss amounts to 1 or 2 per cent, of the total heat of steam used by
he engine.
198. Indicated horse-power is obtained from the indicator card (Par
84) and was the basis of most guarantees up to a few years ago. Brake
orse-power, which is the useful power delivered at the shaft, is now more
199. Non-condensing single-cylinder engines are usually rated at
or i cut-off and 100 lb. gage steam pressure; compound non-condensing
ngines at ^ to i cut-off in the high-pressure cylinder and 150 lb. gage pres-
ire; simple condensing engines at i or J cut-off and 125 to 150 lb. gage
.ressure. The guarantees should always state steam pressures, back pres-
iires and actual cut-off, instead of the above figures.
200. The locomobile type of engine developed abroad and lately
itroduced in this country is a combination consisting of a tandem compound
igine mounted directly on an internally fired boiler. The high-pressure
.•Under is in the smoke flue, and the low-pressure cylinder is jacketed by
le steam dome. A superheater is also fitted in the smoke box. The
ivantage of maximum jacketing effect, high superheat, and practically no
ping losses, make the fuel economy high. This type of unit is now manu-
otured in this country, but the advantages of the turbine, coupled with the
iiiparative inflexibility of a single boiler-engine unit, will prevent extensive (
of the locomobile in America.
201. Exhaust steam heating makes use of the heat wasted by the en-
ne; it may amount to 80 or 90 per cent, of the heat originally in the steam.
)n.-<equently,the power is obtained at very low cost for fuel, since most of
e ordinary- inherent losses are recovered as heat in the heating system.
•nee in many industrial plants serving buildings with lighting and power
-vice, non-condensing engines are used. Generally the expense of a con-
nser to be used during the summer months will not be justified, as the small
in in economy for the year will not offset the fixed charges on the condenser
202. Average steam-engine performance is best represented by a
nibination of the efficiency ratio and heat drop available from the steam
iiditions existing, since the efficiency ratio is the least affected variable
: solved.
Sec. 10-203 POWER PLANTS
The efficiency ratio is defined as the steam consumption of the Rankine
cycle, divided by the actual steam consumption (per i.h.p.-hr., per brake
h.p.-hr., orperkw.h., as the case may be); or, the ratio of the actual efficiency
to the Rankine efficiency. The Rankine cycle efficiency is found as follows:
on the Mollier diagram. Fig. 22, select the point corresponding to the initial
steam condition, and read off total heat, //i; follow down the vertical line
(constant entropy), to the back pressure in the case, and read off total heat,
Hi, in the final condition. The available heg.t-drop is Hi-Hi:
Efficiency of Rankine cycle, Et = ——jz
Steam-consumption of cycle, WT = -r, — rr> per i.h.p.-hr., or brake h.p.-hr.
til H2
= 773413JJ-, per kw.h.
, .
Hi — Hi
Heat drop actually obtained, Hz = —sf . Per i.h.p.-hr., or per brake
where W
the actual steam consumption for the above units.
Thermal efficiency of the actual engine,
Efficiency ratio = _ ot-j^,ot^^
^^ ^^^
Having obtained the available heat drop, select the efficiency ratio for the
and type of engine, and multiply the two to get Hi, then
and consequently, although the efficiency ratio may not change, the therM(|
efficiency qf the Rankine cycle is reduced, and therefore the thermal efficient 1
of the actual engine. In other words, the water rate increases. Since th
heat drop is less, there will be somewhat more heat per lb. in the exhaust.
206. Exhaust steam turbines are of valuable use in connection with npil
condensing engines used intermittently. The economy of such engines (j»:f
for rolling mill service) is low, and large quantities of steam are exbaiui»|
to the air one moment, and almost none the next.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-206
IL 743
Sec. 10-206 POWER rj.ANTfi
EUitMT Vdoeltf
Ft. lbs. B.T-U. n. per
of Work second
POWER PLAXTS Sec. 10-206
'oilier diagram.
Sec. 10-207 POWER PLANTS
207. Regenerators. The exhaust of several such engines (Par. 206) is
Eiped to regenerators, which are simply heat reservoirs containing a large
ody of hot water in contact with the exhaust steam. The effect of the regen-
erator is to absorb heat, when delivered in excess, by condensation of steam;
and to release it upon shortage, by evaporation of some of the water. The
slight pressure variations between full delivery and shortage are sufficient to
accomplish this.
208. A low-pressure turbine served by the regenerator will operate on
about double the water rate of high-pressure machine of the same size.
The resulting overall water rate for the output of both engines and turbines
may be from 20 to 50 per cent, less than with the original engines alone.
209. Low-pressure turbines may sometimes be used in connection with
high-grade engines as a convenient means of increasing capacity. The effi-
ciency ratio of non-condensing engines is always much higher than that of
condensing engines of the same size (Par. 202); this is due mainly to the
low-pressure cylinder, which has a very low efficiency. The low-pressure
turbine has a better efficiency ratio than the high-pressure machine, because
the friction of the steam is always less at the lower densities, and the fric-
tion is again reduced by the removal of the moisture in the steam before
reaching the turbine.
210. The largest installation of low-pressure turbines is at the Inter-
borough Rapid Transit Company's 59th-Street Station, New York. Five
Curtis turbines of 7,500 kw. maximum rating are individually connected to
five compound Corliss engines of 7,500 kw. maximum rating. The steam
pressure is 190 lb. gage; vacuum, 28.5 in.; moisture in steam, 1.5 per
cent. The net results are: increase of economical capacity, 146 per cent.,
increase of maximum capacity, 100 per cent, reduction of water rate, 25 per
cent. (Stott and Pigott; A. S. M. E. Trans.; Mar. 1910.)
211. When exhaust turbines are applied to an engine of poor econ-
omy, the saving is even greater. However, there is a limitation to the use of
the low-pressure turbine, in that the engines must be able to withstand the
extra pressures which result from changing to non-condensing service, and
must be in good enough condition to be reliable. It is very bad policy to
make such an installation in connection with an old and unreliable engine.
212. Engine specifications should cover the following points; (a)
Number and location; character of building, (b) Type, service, and man-
ner of connection to load, (c) Principal dimensions, (d) Steam and back
pressures, normal and overload capacity, (e) Speed regulation under all
kinds of load variation; variation of angular velocity, (f) Satisfactory
operation, noise, vibration, etc. (g) Tests and inspection, (h) Con.struc-
tion details cylinder, piston-rods, crosshead, connecting-rod, pins and bear-
ings, shaft and flywheel, governor, valves, frame, foundation, lubricators,
and receivers, piping, engine-stop, erection, (i) General: arrangements for
delivery into plant.
213. The only large-size engines in use in electric power plants arc
of the Corliss type, and the grid-valve type. The moderate-size, medium-
speed or high-speed engine may be of the following types: Corliss, automatic
piston valve, or Lentz type poppet valve. The high-speed small engine for
exciter service or small direct-current generation is practically always a shaft-
governor automatic slide-valve or piston-valve engine, generally simple.
) No new power plants are now built using reciprocating engines in large sizes:
See Par. 218.
214. The medium-power and high-power engines are practice
always compound. Wherever possible, the vertical compound, or at lea
the angle compound (horizontal-vertical) should be used on account of 1'
saving in floor space, and the more satisfactory wear of the parts. The he
zontal engine is used only where the headroom is restricted.
216. Automatic stops consist of some form of flyball governor, belt ]_
chain driven from the engine shaft: the governor is so set as to rcleaae.j
trigger or close an electric circuit when the predetermined speed is exceeda
This trigger, or a magnet in the electric circuit, releases a weight arranged i
close the throttle. The usual connection consists of a steel wire rope arouj
a drum on the throttle valve stem. In another form of automatic stop ;'
operation of the magnet or trigger releases the presaure of steam on a pih
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-216
pipe line this in turn releasing the pressure behind a piston in the specially
designed throttle valve, which then closes. Both the systems are arranged
OT additional operation by hand.
216. The operation of steam engines, after correct adjustment of
moving parts has been made, is chiefly a matter of lubrication. In Starting,
;he usual procedure is to "crack" the throttle in order to admit a little steam
X) warm up the engine all over without allowing it to turn. After the pre-
iminary warm-up, standing, the engine is allowed to turn over slowly for a
ew minutes to all warm
jarts thoroughly; it is then
eady for full speed and load.
<^ve minutes may be long
nough for "warming up"
.n engine of 300 h.p. or
3ss; 15 or 20 min. are re-
uired for large machines,
ust before starting, a few
trokes of the hand oil pump
usually attached) should be
iven, to insure thorough
ibrication. All automatic
should be started
iling rigs
( few minutes before turning
ver. Drips should be wide 2 4 6 8 101214161820^24262830
pen while warming up, and Htoadred Brake H.P. Normal Rating "
osed when the engine is
turning slowly, but Fig. 23. Cost of large reciprocating engines,
u. .._ . J ox..-..
up to speed. Shut- ^
ng down only requires the 4000
osing of the throttle, shutting
;>i automatic feeds, and the „3600-
Itjening of drips. All bolts is 3200
[jid nuts should be gone over 32800-
[jjriodically, say once a month, P 2400
id a thorough overhauling ..i-2000 -
O 1200
217. Engine costs. Figs. 800
I and 2i give the usual costs
large and small engines.
he cost per lb. of engine varies 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 IM
3mS0.10to$0.15. Brake Borse Power Normal Katiug
218. The present status
the reciprocating engine ^ '" ^'*- —^°^^ . r
n reciprocating engines,
revealed by a progressively
niinishing percentage of the total h.p. of prime movers sold. The large steam
rbine has totally displaced it in central stations and recently the develop-
ent of fairly economical small turbines is cutting down the field in all direc-
jns. The immense advantages of the turbine are great enough to overcome
slight inferiority in water rate in the small sizes. Ultra-conservatism and
lorance of the real cost of power, of which coal and water are only fractional
rts, account for the purchase of reciprocating engines where
turbines ought
be installed. The oil engine and the gas engine, for small and moderate
'! plants, are also giving the steam engine
competition, in localities where
St of oil, or producer gas, will permit.
The thermodynamics of the steam turbine is a simpler matter in
than the steam engine. The energy of the adiabatic expansion in the
is converted into kinetic energy by producing motion of the
nicies, which issue from the nozzles as jets.
220. Resisted and free expansion. The expansion in the engine is
'ned "iserfectly resisted;" in the turbine it is "free."
k 13 done upon the steam itself during the expansion,Therefore all the
producing high
Sec. 10-221 POWER PLANTS
velocity of the steam particles; these particles in turn impinge upon curved
vanea or buckets, which change the direction of flow of the jets in such a man-
ner as to produce a force in the direction of rotation of the wheel.
221. The losses are wholly different from those in the engine; there is nc
initialcondensation, because the parts assume the temperatures of the mov-
ing steam, instead of being alternately heated and cooled, and radiation is sc
sUght as to be negUgible (0.1 per cent, or less).
222. Friction. The only true mechanical friction is in the bearings and
governor mechanism and is usually under 2.5 per cent, in small turbines
and under 1 per cent, for larger sizes. The principal loss is steam friction
which is made up of (a) nozzle friction, (b) blade friction, (c) eddies in th«
flow and (d) windage of the discs or drums revolving in steam. There ii
some leakage, 'but generally less than in the engine. The velocity of tht
exhaust steam is also a source of direct loss.
223. The flow of gas or vapor through a nozzle is a phenomenon divis
Sble into two classes —
(a) above, and (b) below, the critical pressure. Whei
difference of pressure is maintained across an orifice, steam will flow witl
increasing velocity and in increasing quantity as the pressure different
increases up to that point at which
p =0.58, for steam, (38
where Pi = initialpressure in lb. per sq. in. absolute and P2 = back pressure ii
cent, to 98 per cent., for the low velocities used in reaction turbines
than 1,000 ft. per sec), to 84 per cent, or 86 per cent, in impulse turbinesj
velocities of about 2,500 ft. per sec. The second and succeeding rowil
buckets or guides in velocity-compounded turbines have even lower p
ciencies, reaching 84 per cent, at about 1,500 ft. per sec.
229. The velocity obtainable by expansion is expressible by I
where y = velocity at exit of nozzle in ft. per sec, //i = total heat contentll
steam at initial condition, and lit = total heat contents of steam at at
condition. If Ih denotes the heat contents after an adiabatic expansiolv
follows that V is the theoretical value; but //j is always higher than M
because internal friction reduces the quantity of heat removed from the ste^
by the work done.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-230
230. Pressure drop. In the impulse turbine, all pressure drop occurs in
stationary nozzles, and there is no difference of pressure across the moving
blades. In the reaction type, about half the pressure drop takes place in the
stationary blades, and the remainder in the running blades; and the latter,
therefore, act also as nozzles. There is an unbalanced force due to this differ-
ence of pressure across the moving blades that must be cared for by balanc-
ing devices.
231. There are two basic types of turbines: impulse and reaction.
Neither of the two is really pure impulse or pure reaction, but the work done
by impulse predominates in the impulse type, and the work by reaction in the
reaction type. The simple impulse wheel is only employed in the single-stage
de Laval type; velocity compounding and pressure compounding are
employed in all other impulse types. Compounding becomes a necessity,
to secure reasonable rotative speeds.
232. Ttie steam velocity in a single expansion from 150 lb. gage
a 28-in. vacuum would be about 3,100 ft. per sec. For best efficiency the
lade velocity should be a little less than half the steam velocity, or in this
ase 1,500 ft. per sec, which results in centrifugal stresses in the disc much in
xcess of suitable stresses for commercial materials. If the wheel is run
ower, the exit velocity of the issuing steam is increased, reducing the
233. In velocity compounding the exit velocity from the first wheel is
ceived in a series of guide blades and redirected to a second wheel, so that
ore of the energy is removed, without unreasonable wheel velocities (300 to
!5 ft. per sec).
' 234. Pressure compounding is the division of the pressure drop into
ivo or more stages, which are essentially de Laval single-stage nozzles and
heels in series. Fig. 25 shows these types with characteristic figures.
236. The reaction turbine for best efficiency runs at V2 or 1.414 times
•c peripheral speed of the impulse turbine for the same pressure drop. It
never built single-stage, but always pressure-stage compound.
236. Principal types. The de Laval is the original single-stage impulse
pf; the velocity-compounded type (generally also combined with few-stage
essure compounding as well) is usually known as the Curtis; the pressure-
i'-re type (pure), as the Rateau; and the reaction type, as the Parsons.
Sec. 10-237 POWER PLANTfi
2S7. The bladinsr of the three principal types. Parsons, Curtis an<
Rateau, is shown in Figs. 26, 27, and 28.
238. Hybrid types have lately proved the most efficient, or cheaper t(
build. In moderate sizoa the Parsons turbine is built with a Curtis 2-whee
velocity stage for the high-pressure stage; the advantage is a large pressun
drop in a small nozzle chamber, avoiding high pressure in the casing, shorten
Sec. 10-240 POWER plants
240. Velocity staging is the least efficient method of compounding, but is
chiefly used for small turbines, as it lowers the cost. More than two wheels
per stage are very seldom used except in marine turbines.
241. Vertical and horizontal types. There is very little difference in
principal features between vertical and horizontal turbines. The only com-
panies that have built large vertical machines are the AUgemeine Elek-
tricitats Gesellschaft and the General Electric Company. Small vertical
turbines, in small sizes, are sometimes built for use all with vertical fans and
pumps, using a ball step bearing for support. The large machines are all
provided with oil or water high-pressure step bearings, requiring from 050 to
1,000 lb. per sq. in. pressure, and special pumps. The A. E. G. Co., has dis-
continued building this type for several years, and since the recent increase
in rotative speeds, the G. E. Co. has also discontinued it. The Parsons
turbine has never been built in anything but the horizontal type.
242. Pressure types. High-pressure turbines are those which operate
on full boiler pressure and exhaust to atmosphere or vacuum. Low-pres-
sure turbines are those operating on atmospheric pressure, or a few lb. above
it, and exhausting into a vacuum. They are usually connected to the
exhaust of non-condensing reciprocating engines, or other source of low-pres-
sure steam (except direct from boilers). Mixed-pressure turbines are
those designed to run normally on low-pressure steam, but equipped with
high-pressure stages which may receive steam from the boilers direct, if the
low-pressure supply fails to equal the demands of the turbine load. This
type is characterized by a low-pressure end designed to handle a much larger
quantity of steam than the high-pressure end.
243. Bleeder turbines are those in which provision is made for taking
steam from a stage of the machine normally at atmospheric pressure, or a
few lb. above, to be used for heating, or industrial service. The remainder
not sb used continues through the low-pressure section to the condenser.
This type is characterized by a large high-pressure section, as compared to the
low-pressure end.
244. The principal features of turbine design relate to balance, leak-
age, and resistance to high centrifugal stresses. Wheels for small impulse
turbines are normally operated at peripheral speeds of 250 to 350 ft. per sec,
and 400 to 550 ft. per sec. for large machines, using ordinary high-grade
open-hearth steels. For higher speeds up to 725 ft. per sec. chrome-nickel
forged steels are used. Reaction turbines are usually designed for much
lower speeds, 150 to 350 ft. per sec, or 400 ft. for very large units, and are
generally of drum construction, of open-hearth steel.
245. Speed limitations of open-hearth steel. Theoretically, a
properly designed disc can be run at from 125 to 160 per cent, of the safe
speed of a drum with corresponding blading. In practice, however, tht
difference due to computable tensile stresses from blades and centrifuga
force is less important than the unknown harmonic stresses duo to blad(
and disc vibration, and the drum type is better than the disc type in thi;
246. Casings for superheated steam above the 50-lb. pressure scctiot
of the turbine are made of cast steel; below this, of cast iron; and for al
pressures in saturated steam, of cast iron. The casings of most horizonta
turbines are split, so that lifting the upper half exposes the whole interior
With one more lift, the whole rotor may be removed, facilitating repair
to all parts. The vertical turbines must be opened in several sections am
taken apart wheel by wheel.
247. Olands to prevent leakage from stage to stage, or from tin in
terior of the turbine to the outside air, are nearly always some for mm
labyrinth, with no actual contacts, or at most very light contact on l!oa;
ing rings. The high speeds and lack of lubrication forbid any form-i <
soft packing except for very small units. The function of the labyrinth i
and the outer air. These constrictions usually measure from 0.003 in
0.035 in., depending on the size of shaft or dummy ring, and the i)res-iut
difference. The clearance is selected according to the vibration at the poii
of application and is often made a function of the diameter.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-248
S48. The principal bl&de f asteningra consist of the dovetail for impulse
elements, in all sorts of forms from square T-heads to bulb heads with all
corners eliminated; the reaction blading of Parsons make is a caulked type,
depending upon some distortion and friction for the grip. Riveted blading
is used to some extent in small impulse turbines, but has been a failure in
large discs. Fig. 29 shows three sucessful types. • Blade heights vary
from 0.5 in. to 18 in., depending on the size of the machine, and the stage.
Widths range from 0.25 in. to 2 in.
Sec. 10-254 POWER PLANTS
ei n y->
2 o a
S o o
^*u u
o3 C3 rt ^ A eU oj
i i.siiigiigiii
i.a.s.s.s 6
gS 33333<S3dia933oo333o^
: : ;o ;
. .
« .o Co oCo.o'?
V u V a'C s P
a a % a V
t- fc-
S 5
3 3 3 2 3
a a .
- P r 0) K^
it if<
$ w <D oo aJ » o"'*'3 o o .
Co o
cj .t; t- O c t. o I
POWER PLAXTS Sec. 10-254
(E a-^ ^ -^
«« t; Tji T)! -!»• -^ re fo 00 M M M CO ec cc « "-I -^ I-"
j3 i 00"X05iNOO0)t^05 — Oxret^rrrr-'Sc
1^ — t»oo-<.-t^roootcmio — oo—i-^oo —
5 oo
3-S i-it^i-iO«00>T)"U50«t»eo«Ot»OSO'-'0
eS «
V 9Q i
lO t^
« ^
"O •-• Tj< Tj" to
«£ —I C^ 00
1-1 T» "O 'f'
.-< 0> to 05 05 OC 00 o» 00 o>
,- rt rt rf (M (M -< rt ^
(N -<-<-< -H r- rt ,H rt rt
ooo— coooooo ooo
800 OOiO
a e
>>>>>>o o >>-2 >>.2.2.2 o-2-2.2-2.S-
00 ° • ro
s» c PI a
»8.r.H o
S a K S
> O ^ c
C c^
>^±° <
r,T fer.T ^ fe S.2
o'^ . O^ C X
o a a.-2
Sec. 10-255 POWER PLANTS
Where Hi = heat contents of steam supplied to turbine, q = heat of the liquid
in condensate and W= water rate in lb. per kw-hr.
The thermal efficiency is the product of the efficiency ratio and the thermal
efficiency of the llankine cycle (adiabatic expansion).
266. Eflaciency ratios. Figs. 30, 31, and 32 give characteristic efficiency
ratios for small and large units. It is found that the Willans line (total
(3 20
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-258
258. The efficiency losses may be subdivided into (a) nozzle friction,
6 to 2S per cent.; (b) blade friction, 6 to 30 per cent, (c) windage, 3 to 15
per cent.; (d) unused exit velocity, 3 to 5 per cent.; (e) leakage 2 to 10
— Min::
Efficiencies 5 ^
Includes Gen. Losses
4 a Lower
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Thousand Kw. Max. Rating
Fig. 32.
1.14 ,
Sec. 10-260 POWER PLANTS
The shaft horse-power or brake horse-power is from 3 to 15 per cent, less
than the calculated diagram horse-power (corresponding to i.h.p. in the
engine). The usual friction losses are generally less than one-half those of
steam engines of the same rating. Mechanical friction in the turbine is
confined to bearings and governor drive; it is usually under 2 per cent., and
in large machines is less than 1.0 per cent. Internal or steam friction ij
caused by imperfect shape of blades, and windage of the discs or drums.
260. Pressure correction, for variations in steam pressure from guar-
anteed or desired conditions, is given in Fig. 33 and 34 for high-pressure
and low-pressure turbines. The correction is the same for all types.
261. Governors for turbine speed regulation are always of the cen-
trifugal type; the inertia governor cannot be employed, because there car
be no sudden angular accelerations. The centrifugal governor can be made
nearly isochronous; generally, however, there is a slight decrease in speed as
load increases.
262. Throttling governors. For all smallturbines (impulse type) and
some large makes, the plain throttling governor is employed, simply controll-
ing the admission pressure at the steam chest or first stage. The old Parsons
governor for reaction turbines admitted steam at full pressure, in shorl
pufTs, lengthening the period the valve was open as the load increased
Many of the Curtis types are governed by multiple-nozzle control, openind
and closing individual nozzles, from to 16 in number, and thus controlling
the quantity of steam to the first stage only.
263. Parsons governor. In the Parsons machine, the governor not onlj
controls the primary throttle, but also a secondary valve admitting live
steam in one-sixth to one-fourth the total number of stages, further down the
turbine. This virtually cuts out of service the by-passed rows, and converts
the turbine into one of fewer stages, but in eflfect having larger blade dimen-
sions, and not as economical. The best load for this type is that carried just
before the opening of the secondary valve.
264. Reduction gears have recently come into greater use, than wsf
formerly made of them. The de Laval turbine has used them successfully
for 20 years, at enormous relative speeds. The type developed by the
Westinghouse Machine Company from the Melville- IMacalpine gear has £
floating hydraulic frame for aligning the gears. All the other types, includinf
the Falk, Fawcus, Parsons, etc., use solid bearings and connections. All types
employ the double helical gear. By this means the turbine speed may be
kept high, for economy both in cost and steam, and the driven apparatus
may be operated at comparatively low speed. Direct-current generators
fans, and centrifugal pumps for large volume and low speed, may thus be
successfully combineel with the turbine with good economy.
266. Turbine specifications should cover the following items: (a]
Number of units and location; character of building, (b) Service, and at
tachment to-driven apparatus (direct, flexible coupling, reductjon gear, etc.]
(c) Speed, steam anel back pressure conditions, (d) Capacity, overload
electric system data, (e) Regulation, variation of speed under change ol
load, (f) Noise, vibration, (g) Tests and inspection, (h) Mechanica
details of connection to driven apparatus, (i) Type and steam system, H. P.
L. P., bleeder mixeel pressure, giving quantities for L. P., or bleeeiing steam
(j) Materials —
casing, wheels, nozzles, blades, shaft,
(m) Foundations, (n) Oiling, (o)
(k) Piping con-
Auxiliary appa
nections. (1) Bearings,
ratus — pumps, relays, step-bearing pumps (for vertical turbines.) (p]
(q) Gages and miscellaneous equipment.
Painting and lagging,
266. Turbine supports should always be carefully designed to preven'
distortion of the parts; stiffness of the supports is usually very desiirable
but great mass is unnecessary; many reaction turbines of large size Mi
running on foundations entirely of steelwork, which is low in mass for tin
strength and stififness.
f 500 to 1,000 lb. per sq. in. (varying with the size of the main unit). These
tep-bearing pumps, with the piping, are generally in duplicate. I order
steady the oil supply, a frictional resistance called a bafiSer is employed
etween pump and step bearing; and to remove pulsations of pressure and
rovide a small reservoir, accumulators of the elevator type are also
80 400
76 380
72 360
68 340
64 £320
S 60 =3 300
^56-3 280
5 52 Q 260
w 40-^200
7,36 -g 180
§.32 o 160
"28<-' 140
§24 "3120
16H 80
12 60
'- '* lyj t,^ X4
Maximum Hating,
iU iO
j^ta. 35. turbines. Cost per kw. vs capacity. Total cost vs.
[1 capacity (1920).
) Cycles, maximum
24 hr. rating, 50 deg. Cent, rise; power factor, 80 "per
cent.; pressure 175 lb.; superheat, 100 deg. Fahr.; vacuum, 28.5 in.
H a2400
Sec. 10-270 POWER PLANTS
270. The operation of the steam turbine is remarkable for its 8iinpli(
ity; one oiler can attend to two or three units (on the engine-room flooi
aggregating as much as 50,000 or 80,000 kw. But with engines, onl
3,000 or 4,000 kw. can be cared for by one man; and in many cases muc
less. The turbine has a maintenance cost but one-fifth as great as that (
276. Thermodynamics of condensers. The heat given up by tb
condensing steam must equal the heat received by the circulating water
In jet or barometric condensers, the steam and water mix; no differenc
between the temperature corresponding to the vacuum and the temperatui
of the discharge water need exist. The surface condenser requires son
difference of temperature between the steam and the circulating water ;
all times, or no heat flow from steam to water can take place.
eductor or siphon; (d) rotary jet; and (e) surface. These are described
Par. 279 to 283.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-279
279. The jet condenser consists of a cast-iron shell into which the
thaust pipe is led, having the circulating water sprayed through the cham-
er in jets. The steam condenses and mingles with the jets, and is pumped
ut of the bottom of the shell. The baxometric condenser is a jet
enser set higher than 34 ft. above the level of the discharge well or tunnel;
le water therefore runs away by gravity, but must be pumped in, due to
slight friction loss and velocity head, the vacuum assisting the circulating
880. In the eductor or siphon type, the injection water is pumped in
nder 25 to 30 lb. pressure, and requires sufficient velocity to carry out not
aly its own mass but the condensed steam and entrained air as well, by
linetic energy. No vacuum pumps are required.
281. The rotaxy jet types —
originally developed by Le Blanc— consist
i' a centrifugal impeller throwing segments of water into a nozile, in such
shion as to form water pistons, which trap and condense the steam, and
fash before them the air. This type is also used as a dry- vacuum pump.
11 the above types (Par. 279 to 281) are derivatives of
the true jet condenser.
The surface condenser consists of a cast-iron shell with two heads
water boxes into one of which the circulating water passes. These two
)xes are connected by a large number of small brass tubes, which allow the
rculating water to traverse the main shell without contact with the steam;
le latter is fed into the shell around the tubes. The circulating water passes
the second box, which may lead to the discharge or redirect the water
ick to another section of the first box by way of another nest of tubes.
the first type is used it is called single pass if the second, two pass ;
id so on, with three or four passes in some few cases. The cold water
issing through the tubes condenses the steam by conduction, and the con-
nsate trickles down to the bottom of the shell, there to be pumped out.
tie air, which is always heavier than steam at the same temperature, also
Uects at the bottom and must be pumped out, preferably by another pump.
283. Atmospheric condensers consist of a form of surface condenser in
liich the coohng medium is a mixture of air blast and water spray. The air
kes up some of the spray, becoming cooled thereby, and acts as a cooling
edium for the steam. High vacuum is not to be obtained with this type,
he chief feature is economy of circulating water, which may be in the ratio
1 lb. of water per lb. of steam, or sUghtly less, since the whole latent heat
evaporation (of the water spray) as well as the heat of the liquid is avail-
le for cooling.
284. Quantity of circulating water required. In the jet or ordinary
rface types, the circulating water must be at least 25 to 30 times the
dght of the steam condensed. In the jet condenser, the condensate mixes
th the circulating water, and, if the latter is dirty, is necessarily lost. The
irface condenser keeps the condensate separate from the circulating water,
" that it is available for re-use in the boilers, a pure distilled water (Par.
17 and 138).
nnections. The volume of a jet condenser varies from 0.5 to 2.5 tirnes the
llume of the low-pressure cylinder volume of a reciprocating engine; in
*Ie eductor types, the volume is somewhat less.
286. Surface condensers are limited in capacity by the rate of heat
msfer. For average practice, 300 to 350 B.t.u. per sq. ft. per degree mean
nperature difference per hour can be allowed. It follows from this as-
rnption that
A=PrX^-f3^ (42)
lere A = area
in sq. ft. of tube surface,W => lb. of steam per hour from
laust, 7^2 = total heat per lb. of exhaust, q% = heat of'' the liquid per lb.
condensate temperature). Hi — qz = 1,000 to 1,050 for most cases,
= transmission coefficient = 300 to 350 B.t.u. per hour, per sq. ft., per
i;ree mean temp, difference (Fig. 37), and tm = mean temperature differ-
Sec. i6-2$7 POWEii PLAjYTS
tn is:
POWER PLANTf^ Sec. 10-291
matter is contained, the work of the dry air pump will be greatly increased.
Dirty water in surface condensers causes slime deposits on the tubes, if
containing grease and sewage; or it incrusts the tubes with scale, if very
hard. In either case, periodic cleaning is necessary, as both deposits lower
the efficiency of heat transmission.
291. Screens are usually made of iron mesh or bars, with openings the
same size as condenser tubes or J in. smaller; these screens are set in frames,
and operate in slides for cleaning purposes. Small metal screens enclosed in
cast-iron boxes in the suction pipe are employed for small sizes and are then
usually called "fish-traps." A later development is the use of moving self-
cleaning screens, either arranged drum fasliion like a stone screen, or like
a chain grate set on edge. The velocity through screens should not
exceed 4 to 5 ft. per sec.
292. Pumps. Circulating-water pumps in modern plants are always
centrifugal or propeller types, especially since the advance of the small
steam turbine. Wet vacuum pumps handle both condensate and non-
icondensible gases. They are not used to any extent at present. Dry
Evacuum pumps handle non-condensible gases only. Condensate or hot-
iwell pumps handle the condensate only. The separate pumps are much
more efficient than the combined wet-vacuum pump. The hot well-pump
Jis usually a one-stage or two-stage centrifugal. The dry-vacuum pump may
be a reciprocating compressor specially designed for tightness and small
r-learance, or a hydraulic device using a form of centrifugal pump and water
liets to entrain the air, such as the Le Blanc pump.
to 6 per cent.
The water rate of turbines used for hot-well pumps is 50 to
iO lb. per b.h.p.-hr.; for low-speed direct-connected turbines for circu-
lators, 35 to 45 lb. for geared high-speed turbines, 29 to 35 lb.
Sec. 10-296 POWER PLANTfi
rdinary installation without towers, or 6 to 8 per cent, of the h.p. of the main
nit. If forced draft is used, the fan requires 0.3 per cent, to 0.5 per cent.
the h.p. of the main unit.
599. The operation of condensing equipment becomes very simple
ith turbine-driven auxiliaries, as these requirealmost no attention. De-
snding on the water, condenser tubes should be cleaned from once a week
once a month; brushing the tubes may be necessary. All joints should
very carefully made and maintained tight; shellacing or painting is of
eat assistance in this respect. The ferrules of the tube ends need taking
} from time to time, as the packing shrinks, or as the vibration loosens
le ferrules.
800. Starting. The circulator should always be started first, so as to
»p the tubes cool at all times when steam may come in contact with
Lem; as soon as the circulator is running, the main unit may be started,
id the hot-well pump. Whenever the vacuum is desired, the vacuum
eaker valve may be closed and the dry-vacuum pump started.
SOI. Shutting down: shut oS the main unit, break the vacuum with
e breaker-valve, shut down the dry air-pump, then the hot-well pump,
d lastly, the circulating water pump.
801; The piping should be so arranged that air can be removed from
a highest point of the circulating water system; otherwise, air might
cumulate and prevent water from entering part of the tubes, besides
making the siphon. The discharge pipe should be submerged in the
roharge tunnel or well, so as to have an inverted siphon, not to exceed 25
head; this reduces the circulating pump head to friction and velocity
8 . C
where Tr = feed water in per hr., u). = exhaust steam in lb. per hr.,
/?. = total heat of exhaust steam per lb. (usually 1,150 B.t.u.), 93 = heat of the
liquid (condensed steam), at the temperature leaving the heater (tz), usually
212 deg., h = temperature of feed water at heater inlet, and (2 = temperature
of feed water at heater discharge. For all ordinary cases, //» — q3 = 970
tt cannot be higher than 208 deg. fahr., if exhaust steam at 212 deg. is em-
ployed. If the value of h, as found above, exceeds this, it indicates that then
is excess exhaust steam. Eq. 56 can be transposed to solve for w,, if th(
amount of exhaust steam to heat the feed water to 208 deg. is desired.
310. Temperatures Obtainable in Open Feed Water Heater
(Temperature of steam, 212 degrees F.)
Initial Temperature of Feed Water, Degrees F.
where f/ = 300 and A =area of tube surface in sq. ft.; the other symbols
as given in Par. 309.
312. Heaters are rated in h.p. One h.p. equals 30 lb. of exhaust stc
per hr. This unit ought to be abandoned and million B.t.u. transfer capai
used instead.
* All of the steam not condensed.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-313
F = :^ (51)
where V = volume in cu. ft., a = 2.15 for muddy water, a = 6 for slightly muddy
water, and o = 8 for clean water.
314. Operation. The operation of closed heaters is somewhat more
expensive than open heaters; the tube packings require attention and the
tubes must be cleaned of scale, if this forms. In heaters with corrugated
or bent tubes, cleaning is practically impossible. The advantage of the closed
heater is the elimination of oil from the feed water, but with the use of tur-
bine-driven auxiUaries, this advantage disappears, as there is no oil in the
exhaust steam. In open heaters, the cast-iron trays over which the feed
water spills, are readily removable for cleaning. If an open heater is used
on oily exhaust, some means of oil elimination must be used, sometimes
supplemented by a filter in the body of the heater.
1 1600
Sec. 10-320 POWER PLANTS
320. The temperature rise is given by
X= -
No. of
bottom of the economizer chamber. The first item is small, as the drive is
usually by motor and the mechanism is very slow moving; the second
depends on the feed water and should occur with less frequency than in the
boilers; the last depends on the rate of driving and the coal, varying from
once a month to once in four months.
327. The cost of economizers averages about $15.00 per tube, installed.
The tubes are usually 4 J in. by 10 f t. cast iron is employed throughout, since
at the low rate of heat interchange, any other material would be too ex-
pensive. From the point of view of increased economy and the cost of
securing it, the economizer is the least desirable of all auxiliaries. In many
cases it cannot be made to pay; this is generally true if it saves less than
5 per cent. If it saves over 10 per cent., there is reason to conclude that the
rest of the plant is being very badly operated.
The work done by a pump is given by
W = wh (53)
where TF = ft.-lb. of work per min. performed in lifting the water, to = lb.
jf water pumped per min. and h = sum of suction lift, discharge head and
Velocity head gained in the pump inlet and outlet, in ft. The water h.p.
•8 equal to wh divided by 33,000. The water pressure, or suction, in lb.
iper sq. in. divided by 0.434 equals the head in ft. at the discharge, or
!;he suction, respectively, for water at 62 deg. fahr. The velocity head is
A. (54)
»here » = velocity of water in ft. per sec. and 2(? = 64.35. For most cases,
.he velocity head in suction and discharge pipes may be disregarded, as it
8 not over 8 ft. per sec.
""^ - (
To J".Tu.^;—- 9 '°°°^°°°
latter definition of duty is more satisfactory than the first; duty
always includes the efficiency of the steam end, as well as the water end.
830. Pumps are broadly classed in four types— reciprocating, cen-
rifugal and turbine, rotary, and jet pumps. The reciprocating type can
e subdivided into direct-acting, flywheel and power pumps. The dlrect-
i^cting type has steam and water cylinders on a common piston rod, and no
ly wheel; the valve mechanism for the steam cylinder is actuated direct
rom the rod by tappets. This type may be single-cylinder, or duplex,
;.nd the steam cylinders may be simple, compound or triple expansion.
I'he duplex simple pump is the most rugged and reliable of all. Out-
ide-packed plungers are the most desirable, as the packing on the plunger
adjustable while running and the amount of leakage can be seen.
''heel pumps are similar to the direct-acting type, except that a flywheel
? added and the steam valve is gear driven from the shaft as in a steam engine,
umping engines are a development of this type. Power pumps are fitted
."ith one or more cylinders, driven from a crank shaft
and belted or geared
When three cyUnders with cianks at 120 deg. are
o the source of power.
the pump is known as a triplex; this type is very frequently gear-driven
Jrom a motor or an internal combustion engine.
V Centrifugal pumps are those in which pressure and flow is pro-
uced by a rotating impeller, which gives the water entering it an increase
velocity; this velocity is converted into pressure by a suitable whirlpool
hamber or diffuser. The obtainable head is proportional to the square of
;ae peripheral velocity of the impeller; this velocity is
subject to practical
mitations, so that 150 to 200 ft. head is about the upper limit desirable in
single impeller. For higher heads, such as boiler feeding, the pumps are
''^* j*^°' *^'"®® °'' niore stages, consisting merely of single impellers con-
ected in series in a single casing.
Sec. 10-332 POWER PLANTS
338. Rotary pumps are very little used in power-station service; the
commonest types are the bi-lobular type, and the gear pump. Neither
has very good efficiency.
333. Screw or propeller pumps, while not strictly centrifugal, create
pressure in the same manner, and arc usually considered in the same class.
334. Jet pum.p8 are covered in Par. 345 to 353.
336. The characteristic curve of a centrifugal pump is necessary
for determining its behavior. The capacity of a reciprocating or a rotary
pump varies directly with the speed and is substantially independent of
the pressure. The usual graphs are between capacity and efficiency, and
capacity and head. Fig. 40 gives results for a 6-in. single-stage pump.
Pumps for similar service, but different sizes, will have about the same
characteristics, the efficiency increasing slightly with the size.
CapacllJ In G.P.5I.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-339
(water h.p./indicated h.p.) varies from 0.50 in small pumps to 0.85. The
water rates are very high, both on account of the low speed and the absence
jf expansion.
of strokes
Sec. 10-344 POWER PLANTS
344. Operation. The direct-acting simplex or duplex steam pumj
requires almost no attention except occasional packing of glands and lubri
eating. When controlled by a pressure governor, the delivery is suitec
to the demand. It will run on water as well as steam, and little care need b(
taken to supply it with dry steam. The geared triplex type requires mor(
careful attention on account of the additional parts to be lubricated; i
motor-driven, it must be provided with a suitable speed control, or it cannol
be used on variable load. Piston and rotary pumps must always be provided
with relief valves in the discharge, as they are positive in action and wil
produce excessive pressures if the discharge is restricted.
Centrifugal pumps cannot discharge under a higher head than that corre-
sponding to the speed, therefore no relief is needed the reason for using pres-
00 33 48 60
83 101 112 1}
1 112 143 180 li
2 172 210 232 2
278 338 397 10 2
il 398 472 547 11 2-2 i
4 533 622 720 12 2i
5 675 802 922
The weight ranges from 3 to 108 lb.; No. 2 weighs 10 lb. and I*j|'
weighs 20 lb. ;"
348. Ejectors are either single-tube jet pumps, or direct-pressure pi
in which steam, or air, is admitted directly into a chamber filled by grtt^j
with the Uquid to be pumped. The pressure closes the inlet check valve Ju
forces the water or other liquid out; when the chamber is emptied, a ^ fl^
therein drops and relieves the pressure, allowing the chamber to fill I
As the liquid reaches the top, the float rises and readmits pressure.
Shone and Albany traps are examples.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-349
he chamber full of water and operates a ball valve to admit steam again,
f'here are always two chambers, one filling and one discharging, operated by
single ball valve. The pulsometer, therefore, can Uf t water by suction,
/hereas the pressure-type ejector must be primed by gravity.
852. Efficiency. If the mechanical eflBciency alone is considered, all
lit pumps are very inefficient, being more wasteful of steam than the direct-
cting steam pump. But thermally considered, the steam injector is nearly
00 per cent, efficient, since the heat of the exhaust steam is returned in the
';ed water. The siphon and the pulsometer are convenient for temporary
.se and for drainage of pits under conditions adverse to the use of machinery.
363. The cost of these classes varies so widely that representative figures
.Mi hardly be given, $3.00 to $8.00 per 100 g.p.m. capacity covers most cases.
The requirements of piping are: (a) tightness against leakage;
3) reasonably small pressure loss through friction; (c) suitable provision
lange of length through change of temperature of the fluid contained-
,1) reasonably small loss of heat by radiation if the fluid is hot, and
be kept so.
) Most of these requirements increase the first cost; a balance
lust therefore be found beyond which it does not pay to carry
355. The flow of steam is expressed by Unwin as
P = 0.0001306 --,«i
/ I (58)
\ yd^
here TF = lb. steam flowing per min., I, = pipe length in
ft., d = inside
anieter of pipe in in., 7 = mean density of steam at pressures
in the pipe
id I = pressure drop lb. per sq. in.
in. Babcock's formula differs only in
e con.stant (87.0). Carpenter's is the same as Un win's.
356. Steam flow chart, based on Unwin's formula.
This chart
ig. 41a) gives accurate results of the formula,
and was prepared by Prof
L. Durand.
. An example will illustrate its use: 100 lb. steam pressure'
n 1 lu PoP*^ i?"^' ^ '^- *?,*^' pressure-drop. The drop per hundred feet
.^t'^rting at 100 lb. mark, drop down vertically to
irkeda\4 in.
diagonal Une
traverse horizontally to left to the diagonal marked 0.5 and
* °^ ^^^ minute vertically, 73 lb. in this case. It will be
i. .]°.uT'^u P*^"".
tea that the range of pipe sizes is not consecutive on the chart-
this is
• cause the chart "repeats," and the lines for each of the four
scales lie
pr the same area.
357. The flow of water in long pipes is given
by Church as
(3 = 3.1o \~ (59)
ft. per sec, d= diameter pipe in ft., = head /i of water in ft.,
1' coelfacient of friction and I = length of pipe in ft.
[|For pipe under 500 diameters in length,
^ ^= ^-^^oToS^ (««)
i888. The loss of head due to friction is given by Weisbach as
i/=('0.0144+-^l^)_^"-- ,.,.
VF ' 5.367di (61)
Sec. 10-359 POWER PLANTS
where H^ friction head in ft., F = velocity of water in ft.
d'= diameter of pipe in in.
sdij JO aztg
9 ^5d
L«a for each globe and angle valve, ((
( +")
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-360
where C = coefficient,
0.182 for 45 deg. ells, 0.98 for 90 deg. ells, 0.182 for gate
jvalves, 1.91 for globe valves, and 2.94 for angle globe valves.
j 360. The principal piping systems are: high-pressure steam; exhaust
or low-pressure steam; hot, cold and circulating water piping; and oil piping.
361. Higrh-pressure steam piping^ is made chiefly of steel pipe with cast-
ron fittings, if saturated steam is ased; if superheat is employed, cast-steel
ittings and valves must be used, as cast-iron will not stand the temperature,
or any pressure up to 125 lb. per sq. in. standard fittings are used; above
25 lb. extra heavy fittings. Screwed fittings should not be used above
i-in. pipe sizes; all larger material should be flanged.
362. On exhaust lines, standard weight pipe and fittings are usually
mployed; for very large sizes, however, special light-weight fittings may be
ised to save weight and first cost. Screwed pipe may be used up to 8-in.
ipe sizes, but flanged fittings are preferable for everything over 4 in. Spiral
iveted galvanized pipe may be used in place of standard pipe, as it is very
luch lighter and perfectly suitable for moderate pressures. It cannot be
sed on vacuum work.
363. Hot and cold water mains are made up the same as live steam
nes; except that in some cases cast-iron pipe as well as fittings are employed
iroughout on high-pressure hot- water service, to minimize corrosion effects.
10 cast-steel fittings are necessary. For circulating water lines, galvanized
)iral riveted pipe is useful for fresh water, but cast-iron pipe is generally
3ed throughout for salt water and is preferable even for fresh water.
364. Oil systems were generally installed in brass pipe and fittings on
le supply to engines; but it has been found that steel pipe, if well cleaned,
1perfectly satisfactory for the service. There is little excuse for the use
brass piping except for appearance, on gage fittings, or for some special
367. In the header system, all supply and demand Unea tap to one
ge main; so that if any section is cut out, it must interfere to some extent
th the operation of the plant. This feature may not be serious; but for
ge power stations it is undesirable.
Unit system. The modern tendency is to revert to the unit system.
is the individual supply system
lis —
each group of boilers supplying its
n turbine, but the units are tied together by equalizer pipes; so that there
ireally a header of diminished capacity between the units. Fig. 42 gives
•ypical example.
J69. Expansion in steel and cast-iron pipe may be taken as 0.9 in. per
5 deg. temperature difference from atmosphere, per 100 ft. of pipe under
israge conditions. Expansion joints should be provided every 50 ft. of
faight steam main; every 75 or 100 ft. will do for water or exhaust steam.
h Sec. 4, for coefficients of expansion of piping materials.
170. The slip expansion joint is useful for water service and exhaust
tam at atmospheric pressure. It should never be used for high-pressure
6am or vacuum; its capacity can be anything up to 9 in. or 10 in. of move-
171. The copper bellows joint is very successful for low-pressure steam
tl vacuum work, particularly the type having only one corrugation. Its
tiacity^ however is never over 0.5 to 1 in. of expansion, and preferably not
' r 0.25 in. This type of joint is sometimes made up of boiler plate for
L h-pressure steam service.
employed to throw out the moLsture by centrifugal force, and a large chaml
is then provided to reduce the velocity of the steam and act as a reservoir
collect and retain the water. (See Fig. 20a.)
377. Controlling: valves are of three types: gate, globe and angle. 7
globe valve is always used for stop or throttle work. The angle valve
> really a globe valve with the outlet turned through 90 deg. and is used a
globe valve, usually for the stop valve on boilers. For all othi-r steam w<
the gate valve should be used on account of offering practically no obatr
tion to steam flow. All exhaust valves should be of the gate type. J
water service, gate valves should be used wherever possible. Check v»l'
may be horizontal, vertical, and swing. The horizontal and vertical ch'
valves ordinarily are built much like a globe valve, but the valve disc has
stem and wheel for closing it.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-378
378. Relief and back-pressure valves are developed from the check
valve, with a spring or lever and weight loading device, so that a definite
pressure under the valve disc will lift the valve and let off pressure. Relief
valves are used on the discharge of reciprocating pumps to prevent excessive
pressures; also on cylinders and receivers of steam engines. Back pressure
and atmospheric relief valves are used on exhaust steam systems and con-
densers respectively. All of these types are emergency valves, to prevent
damage under unusual conditions.
879. Reducing valves are usually double-seated, or balanced, valves,
with a pressure diaphragm substituted for the spring of the relief valves.
This diaphragm is connected to the discharge side of the valve, and operates
to close the valve only when the pressure on the discharge side rises above the
predetermined amount. They are used to feed high-pressure steam into
'low-pressure systems
I 380. The three principal types of pipe joint used are; screwed, flanged,
land bell and spigot. The screwed joint is used for all pressures and ser-
vice up to 3-in. diameter of pipe, and up to 12 in. for low-pressure service.
Above 3 in. in high-pressure service and 12-in low-pressure service the
langed joint in one of its forms is used.
381. The principal methods of attaching flanges to steel pipe are:
icrewed flanges, peened flanges and, lately, machine expanded flanges, welded
langes and lap flanges. Of these, screwed flanges are in common use for
ow-pressure work, and high-pressure work up to 100 lb. in size up to 24 in.
lia., or up to 150 lb. in sizes not larger than 6-in. or 8-in. diameter. It is a
:heap and satisfactory joint when well made.
I 382. A much better joint for high pressures is the lap joint, in
vhich the pipe is lapped over on the flange and then faced off. The
velded jointis also satisfactory but more expensive. The new machine-
izpanded joint, in which the pipe is rolled into a recess in the flange,
iromises well and is cheap to make it has been used for years in marine work.
385. Pipe covering
is practically always justified for high-pressure steam,
.ad for exhaust also, if used for heating feed water. Hot feed-water pipes
'lould also be covered. The standard coverings are principally magnesia,
sbestos and the fossil meal compounds. Moulded sectional covering can be
Jtained for pipes up to 12-in. diameter in single (1-in.) and double (2-in. to
in.) thickness. All exhaust lines should be covered with single thickness;
1 steam lines, with double thickness. Usually the covering is bought
ready canvassed. For larger size pipe than 12 in., sectional blocks, about
in. X 3 in. X 18 in. are used, and wired on; then the joints
are pasted
th asbestos cement and the whole is canvassed and painted.
vpring can be bought in shapes to fit standard fittings, such as tees and
It is frequently made up from blocking and
asbestos cement.
386. The radiation losses from uncovered pipe are given by
Q = A{Ti-T2)U (65)
re A = sq. ft. of radiating surface, 7*1 = temperature of steam within the
To= temperature of air outside, and f/ = transmission coefficient —
l>.t.u. per sq. ft. per hr. per degree of temperature difference.
r 1-in. magnesia, 85 per cent., 17 = 0.4 — 0.5 (66)
r 1..5-in. magnesia, 85 per cent., 17 = 0.25 — 0.3 (67)
In a modern plant, with properly covered piping the actual radiation loss
m pipe alone should not exceed 1 per cent, of the total heat of steam
through at full load.
. '
made in order to support the pipe properly. The interval between hange
should not exceed 12 ft. except for small pipe, which may be supported i
highest efficiency. The characteristic under variable load and the heat
relation to the rest of the plant are most important.
394. The question of first cost versus economy is discussed under
power-plant economics (Par. 884 to 931). The following paragraphs coyer
the beat capacity and grouping of units for the best overall economy, with
given efficiencies in the individual apparatus.
396. The heat analysis in B.t.u. is valuable for the purpose of proving
the espected economies of any given combination of apparatus. Starting
with the coal supplied, the boiler-room distribution of all the heat contents
13 followed through, including the B.t.u. delivered to steam, flues, unburned
eomi)U8tible, radiation, leakage, stoker, fan, and boiler feed-pump drives,
other auxiliaries and miscellaneous steam such as boiler blow-down, ft-ee drip,
dusting tubes, etc. In the engine room, the B.t.u. supplied in the steam is
separated into pipe and engine radiation, exhaust drips, condenser auxilia-
-ies, oil pumps, exciters, friction, electrical losses and energy delivered to bus
bars. Heat returned by feed-water heaters and economizers is credited.
396. The average conditions in large stations (100,000 kw. and
more) with steam driven auxiliaries, will give the heat distribution stated
Delow. For a 12,000 kw. station, the useful heat in the coal appearing in
let output, is approximately 12.5 per cent., with a coal factor of about 2.10
bs. The coal factor of the station using 30,000 kw. units would be about
1.40 lbs.
'Loss in ashes*
Stack *
Incomplete combustion*
'Radiation and leakage, boiler.
iReturned by feed-water heater
Returned by economizer
!pipe radiation and leakage. . . .
Condenser auxiliaries
.Boiler-room auxiharies
Slectrical losses, gen. etc
H^ouse service
<iipcted to condenser
\i t output, switchboard
.;. but as the number in aer\'ice increases, the loads on each engine before
vl after cutting in another unit become nearer alike.
Sec. 10-399 POWER PLANTS
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-404
414. Operating and maintenance costs, for 1915, taken from the
port of the Committee on Power Generation, A.E.R.A., 1916, are as follows,
a yearly basis.
er cent, of total: i
416. Boiler- testing requires the following essential data: (a) Weight
water fed per hr.; (b) weight of coal fed per hr.; (c) quality of steam;
I pressure and superheat; (e) feed- water temperature; (f) proximate
alysis of coal including moisture and B.t.u. per lb. Additional desirable
ta includes: (g) Flue temperature, including furnace and pass tempera-
res; (h) flue gas analysis, and analyses of gas at various points in boiler;
weight of refuse; (k) proximate analysis of refuse, moisture and B.t.u.
r lb.; (1) siftings, if stoker fired; (m) soot and dust passing through boiler;
' steam flow by meters. Boiler testing is always interwoven with stoker
i'Ang; the fire and the heating surface are tested together. The duration
test should never be less than 24 hr., for the most accurate results.
tl6. Summary of overall results.
Total Quantities
1. Date of trial
2. Duration of trial hr.
3. Weight of coal as fired lb.
4. Percentage of moisture in coal per cent.
5. Total weight of dry coal consumed lb.
6. Total ash and refuse lb.
7. Percentage of ash and refuse in dry coal. per cent.. . .
The heat value of 1 lb. of combustible B.t.u.
B.tiU. Per ce
Totals 100
twenty 0.125-in. holes equally distributed along and around its cylind;
surface, but none of these holes should be nearer than 0.5 in. to the ii
side of the steam pipe. The calorimeter and the pipe leading to it shoul-
well covered u-ith felting.
422. Superheating should be determined by means of a thcrmom
placed in a mercury-well inserted in the steam pipe. The degree of su
• The weight of gas per lb. of carbon burned may be calculated from
gas analyses, as follows:
t CO2 and CO are respectively the percentages by volume of carb
acid and carbonic oxide in the flue gases. The quantity 10,150 = numb
heat units generated by burning to carbonic acid 1 lb. of carbon conta
in carbonic oxide.
^ llCO, + 80+7(CO + Xi
Dry gas per ,^
lb. carbon
3(C0j + C0) '
dptern' "
for this reason, as well as for the fact that it is not possible to :
rately the percentage of unburned hydrogen or hydrocarbons in tho f!u.- p
The weight of dry gas per lb. of combustible is found by muHipHi
the dry gas per lb. of combustible by the percentage of carbon in the »
bustible, and dividing by 100.
^sating should be taken as the difference between the reading of the ther-
>ometer for superheated steam and the reading of the same thermometer
r saturated steam at the same pressure, as determined by a special ex-
rjriment, and not by reference to steam tables.
4A3. SampUng the coal and (jetermining its moisture. As each
Urrow-load or fresh portion of coal is taken from the coal-pile a representa-
ve shove f ul is selected from it and placed in a barrel or box in a cool place
>d kept until the end of the trial. The samples are then mixed and broken
to pieces not exceeding 1 in. in diameter, and reduced by the process of
peated quatering and crushing until a fine sample weighing about 5 lb.
obtained and the size of the larger pieces is such that they will pass through
meve with 0.2o-in. meshes. From this sample two 1-qt., air-tight
ass preserving jars, or other air-tight vessels which will prevent the escape
moisture from the sample, are to be promptly filled, and these samples
e to be kept for subsequent determinations of moisture and of heating
lue and for chemical analyses. For further details, see the standard code
the A. S. M. E.
424. Calorific tests and analysis of coal. The quality of the coal
ould be determined either by heat test or by analysis, or by both. The
tional method of determining the total heat of combustion is to burn the
mple of coal in an atmosphere of oxygen gas, the coal to be sampled as
-ected in Article XV of the code. The chemical analysis of the coal
ould be made only by an expert chemist. The total heat of combustion
mputed from the results of the ultimate analysis may be obtained by the
of Dulong's formula (with constants modified by recent determinations),
kage determined, and the boilers isolated from all other steam piping and
If the condensate is weighed, the condenser leakage must be
iertained. The test should continue not less than 1 to 3 hr., with surface
'idensers and 8 hr. when using the feed-water method.
M. Turbine testing involves the following essential data: (a) Steam
ght per hr.; (b) initial and exhaust pressures; (c) superheat, or wetness
*?team; (d) rev. per min.; (e) b.h.p. or kw. output of generators;
iim chest pressure. There is a general similarity to engine testing,
' real difference lying in the absence
of indicator cards. In measuring
'riden.sate,pro\'ision must be made for measuring also the gland-wat«r,
-team for sealing purposes, which is not strictly chargeable to the turbine,
&^ii 785
A. S. M. E.
431. Condenser testing. The condenser is the chief auxiliary requir {
test: generally it is convenient to combine the condenser test with the engs
or turbine test on the attached prime mover. The essential readings a:
(a) vacuum at exhaust entry referred to standard barometer; (b) confiens
weight per hr.; (c) circulating water temperatures at inlet and dischar
(d) hot well temperature. Additional desirable data include: (e) vacu
at hot well; (f) vacuum at dry vacuum pump; (g) temperatures, top and b
torn of condenser; (h) temperature of dry air at pump; (j) Pitot or Vent
meter readings on circulating water; (k) temperature of circulating wsi
at beginning and end of each pass; (1) volume of dry air removed per n .
A separate test for leakage should be made before the operating test, and te i
for salt may be made on the condensate during the operation, if salt wate i
driven units: (a) weight of steam used per hr.; (b) steam and exha
pressures; (c) quality of steam, or superheat; (d) suction and discharge hea
(e) weight of water pumped —
by scales, tank or Pitot or Venturi tube re
ings, which are close enough for this work (weirs may be used for la
434. For tests of electric driven pumps, readings (a), (b), and,
in Par. 432 would be replaced by kilowatt readings on the motor. ™
436. Tests on turbine-driven fans for forced or induced draft requi
(a) Steam used per hr. (b) steam pressure and back pressure; (c) qiid
weir, is suitable.
For measuring the steam used, the best method is by surf;
condensers (which may be made substantially tight), using scale tanks
weighing the condensate.
439. For measuring temperature up to 900 deg. Fahr., more
remainder filled with oil. For temperatures above 500 deg. Fahr., nitron •
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-441
**6. Suction producers obtain a flow of air, steam and gas by means of
slight difference of pressure due to the pump action of the four-cycle
13 engine on the charging stroke, or by an exhauster.
**'• Pressure producers obtain a flow of gas, etc., by means of a
essure fan or blower for the air, or a boiler for the steam. A pressure
•oducer is independent of the engine, and does not affect the capacity of
..<! latter.
***• ^P-draft producers are arranged with the steam and air admitted
the bottom and gas removed from the top; tar passes off with the
gas and
ust be removed by scrubbers and purifiers.
Sec. 10-448 POWER PLANTS
. .
Anal, by
Lb. ft.
Energy in the above gas obtained from 100 lb. anthracite: 85 per cent.
'.C.; 5 per cent. V.M.; 10 per cent. ash.
1,157,304 B.t.u.
Total energy in gas per lb 2,248 B.t.u.
Total energy in gas per cu. ft. 152.7 B.t.u.
Efficiency of conversion. . . . . . , 86 per cent.
460. Down-draft producers are ar-
ranged with and steam supply at the
top, and gas removal under the firebrick
grate at the bottom. The double-zone
producer has down draft in the upper
zone and up draft in the lower.
451. Suction producers have the ad-
vantage of not allowing gas to escape
into the operating room from the producer,
as the carbon monoxide is intensely poison-
ous; and poke openings, etc., can be con-
veniently operated. For small sizes, no
exhaust fan is used, the necessary draft
being provided by the engine suction. Most
of the down-draft producers are suction
types with exhaust fans. In this class
belong the Loomis-Pettibone, De La-
vergne, Korting, United Gas Machinery
Co., Westinghouse double-zone, Otto, and
Mond (small size).
452. Pressure producers require forced
drskft supplied by a fan or a steam jet
blower, the steam thus admitted being used
in the gasification. The tar formed is car-
ried over with the gas and requires more
extensive cleaning, but access to the grates
is better than with the down-draft and suc-
tion types and mechanical stoking or poking
may be employed either by mechanical
water-cooled pokers, or by rotating the ash
table and in some cases the producer shell.
Examples of this type are the Mond large
size, Taylor, and Chapman.
453. The capacity of a producer is
based on 0.065 to 0.075 sq. ft. of cross-sec-
tional area per brake h.p. of engine and
Tia. 45. —
Taylor or Mond about 0.105 to 0.118 cu. ft. of volume per
h.p. (SneU).
up-draft producer.
454. The continuous rate of gasifl-
vtion with high-grade coal will not exceed 23 lb. of coal per hr. per sq.
.of fuel bed; 12 lb. is a good average figure.
Sec. 10-455 POWER PLANTS
466. aasification of Bit. Coal, Low Volatile
. .. .
Id. of test. 21 16 17 27 25
)uration, hr. 12 12 12 12 12
( NLu. per lb., dry coal 12,750 12,780 12,680 12,540 13,040
}i .t.u. per lb., combustible. 15,570 15,550 15,700 15,700 15,700
I ry coal fired per hr. (lb.) 12.78 49.40 82.90 24.75 64.70
liter to producer per hr. (lb.) 22.2 30.40 42.05 16.30 28.50
ry air per hr. to producer (lb.) 58.8 202.5 386.0 87.5 259.2
ilorific value gas, b.t.u./cu. ft 104.8 111.8 103.4 120.0 137.3
t. dry gas per hr. (lb.) 69.0 248.6 456.0 105.0 326.0
as analysis, CO2 (per cent.) . . 9.17 6.46 6.94 5.90 4.20
CO 16.06 27.77 21.33 21.70 27.01
O2 0.53 0.49 0.37 0.40 0.23
H2 9.55 9.53 7.06 10.70 10.40
CH4 2.10 1.74 1.90 1.60 1.77
• N2 62.65 59.01 62.50 59.70 56.40
)!d gas efficiency (per oent.) 54.3 65.8 64.6 56.4 76.2
tal coal fired 14.452 lb. 12,693 lb.
at value per lb •
13.983 B.t.u. 8.007 B.t.u.
iat value per cu. ft. (totial) •
126.9 B.t.u. 128.3 B.t.u.
[at value per cu. ft. (effective). 117.8 B.t.u. 117.1 B.t.u.
Uciency (total) 80% 77.3%
iiciency (effective) 74 5 %
. 70.5%
. 1 5
In the above table all values are computed on the assumption that -i
gas is at a temperature of 62 deg. Fahr., and that the absolute pressuru
30 in. of mercury.
462. Tests of Wood Pressure Producer
(Gas plant test 24 days continuous running)
the average of the Government tests generally Prof. Fernald gives a
463. Tests by Oeological Survey
Bituminous Lignites
Load 90 —100 Per cent.
30 to 50 hr. As Dry
473. Vaporizers or boilers are attached to nearly all producers, and
: rve to yield the necessary steam for gasification, abstracting sensible heat
om the hot gas. They are usually built much like a vertical fire-tube
)iler, or of cast-iron cooling chambers forming the top or side, of the
474. Condensers are employed to remove the tar, and consist usually
chambers with iron baffles upon which the viscous tar impinges and
Uects; suitable drainage allows the tar to be recovered and removed. The
Qeral design is similar to an oil separator. Some are made with helical
ssages to secure centrifugal action. There are also one or two designs of
^chanical tar extractors built like centrifugal fans, to throw out the
by centrifugal force. They are generally made entirely of cast-iron.
475. Operation. The operation of superheaters requires practically
labor; vaporizers in this respect are the same as boilers; tar separators
luire periodic cleaning The tar is inclined to
and continuous drainage.
umulate and thicken with the dust in the gas. The standby period for
aite or bituminous producers is from 6 to 10 hr. a week for cleaning
rposes and repairs, on the average. Anthracite producers may be run
to 90 days continuously. (Latta, 1910.)
176. The
cost of these auxiliaries is included in the cost of the producer,
en in Par. 468, since they are essential to operation.
177. The impurities found in producer gas are duet, tar and ammonia.
i3t isblown over from the fuel bed, being usually the ash from the fines in
coal. In some cases, lampblack is also carried over in the down-draft and
ble-zone types. Tar is the result of partial decomposition and is a corn-
•tible material. Ammonia is produced by the union of H dissociated in
producer with N in the air supplied.
1 78. Two methods of cleaning are generally used: (a) wet scrubbing,
h stationary towers and water spray in sonae form, or mechanical scrubbers
re or less like fans with water injection; (b) dry scrubbing, with purifiers
filters made
with excelsior or shavings, which require periodic removal
: 1 cleaning.
i79. Wet scrubbers consist of steel towers filled with coke, wire netting
wood latticing, somewhat after the fashion of a cooling tower. Water is
I ayed down from the top, and divides into fine streams or spray, washing
.solid impurities and tar, dissolving out ammonia and sulphur gases.
3 amount required varies from 1.5 gal. to 2.5 gal. per b.h.p. per hr.
80. The m.echanical washers are chiefly heavy-built fans with water
-y devices, or Theisen washers. The simple fan washer consists of cen-
' ugal fans of heavy construction, usually with cast-iron casing, with a water
' .y device at the inlet to produce a spray curtain or fog through which the
t passes. The efficiency averages about 12 to 1, gas containing 1.75 to
' gr. per cu. ft. being cleaned to 0.15 to 0.22 gr. per cu. ft. The h.p.
Sec. 10-481 POWER PLANTS
required per 1,000 cu. ft. per hr. ia 0.066. With two fans in series, the clea
ing is from 50 to l,.to 200 to 1 and the h.p. required is 0.184 to 0.2,
per 1,000 cu. ft. per hr. The water required per fan is 0.0125 to 0.0150 g
per cu. ft. cleaned per hr.
481. The Theiaen washer consists of three elements in one casing: (a.)
primary cleaning fan at the suction end; (b) an annular chamber betweer
drum fitted with helical vanes and a coarse mesh grating surrounding t
drum; (c) a discharge fan chamber. Water spray is fed in at the suoti
chamber and tangentially in the grating. The water consumption ia 0.02
gal. per 1,000 cu. ft. per hr.; the h.p. required ia 0.184 per 1,000 cu. ft. per 1
483. The by-products recovered from bituminous coal gasification f
ammonium sulphate and tar. , The recovery of ammonium sulphate reiiuii
the addition of an acid tower, through which dilute sulphuric acid is oin
lated as in a purifier. The acid removes the ammonia gas as ammonii
sulphate. Tar is removed by separators or condensers, and may be used a
fuel in certain oil engines; it usually contains considerable moisture —
20 per cent., on account of the water employed in washing the condeni
483. Purifiers or dry scrubbers consist of a steel tank or tower, fill
with shavings, excelsior, coke, or Laming composition. Laming compusiti
isa mixture of bog iron ore and shavings. It is used in 6-in. to 8-in. laye
on gratings, and absorbs cyanides and sulphur compounds. The Laming m
ture is removed and exposed to the air from time to time, which regencra
the materials for use again. Shavings and other mechanical dry purifyi
material must be removed and replaced by fresh material as often us tU
become clogged. Wet scrubbers are automatically cleaned by the wa
used to precipitate dust. The Smith tar extractor consists of a diaphrai
of glass wool, which causes the separation of tar without the use of wa
except for cooling.
484. Cost of the apparatus is included in the cost of producers, Par. 4
485. Oas storage is required to provide reserve capacity for sudiien
crease of demand, and to absorb excess generation when sudden decnase
load occurs.
486. The holder is of the regular collapsing gasometer type, in no w
different from the ordinary illuminating- as tank. In some cases the wa
seal in the base is used as an additional wash-box for incoming producer g
487. The capacity required varies from 40 to. 25 cu. ft. up to 100 h.
20 to 15 cu. ft. up to 1,000 h.p. The larger the number of units the less .-^ton
usually requirea, as manipulation is more flexible.
488. The operation of gas holders requires only occasional painting
protect the tank, yearly cleaning of sediment from the water reservoir. H
suitable ateani-supply to the lift seals to prevent freezing in winter.
489. The cost of gas-holders varies from $1.40 to $0.75 per cu.
including foundations (1920).
) —
490. Calorific
Value of elementary gases. (From Gas Engine De^
POWER PLAMfS Sec. 10-491
Pl96. Oas-englne cycles. The thermodynamics of the gas engine is
nplicated by the fact that not only the change of state by expansion and
; npression occurs in the cylinder, but also the combustion. The order of
'ints in the usual Otto or four-stroke cycle is as follows: aspiration of a
fiirge into the cylinder (suction stroke) compression, approximately adia-
Pe = + l) and =
P6(^^ «. <!,
+^ (73)
2. 2 Q ,. ,.
(in lb. per sq.
(P^)0 71t)a
\i. B.t.u. per cu. ft.
n + a' + 1 <75)
Sec. 10-500 POWER PLANTS
where // = B.t.u. per cu. ft. of mixture, hot; a' = cu. ft. of air required
burn 1 cu. ft. gas; and n = cu. ft. of neutral added. 'The actual press-
ratio pc/pb obtained is from 40 per cent, to 65 per cent, of the air card rati
000. Expansion is taken according to the law
Pd=-pe(^ (
601. Efficiency.
th \pb/
where =
therrnal efficiency of the cycle; other symbols are as abc.
The thermal efficiency of the ideal cycle is only dependent upon the r o
of compression to suction pressure.
602. Four-cycle engines are built in all sizes; the terms single and dove
acting have the same application as for steam engines. The majoritM?
engines of small and moderate size are single acthig. Large engines e
generally made double acting, to economize space, as the gas engine is e n
more bulky per h.p. than the steam engine.
603. Two-cycle engines are also used in all sizes, but are found to ic
greatest extent in large units, double acting. For small units they ari> m !r
built double acting, as separate pumps are then required to give the i>re3 e
for charging at the end of each stroke. In the small single-acting typos, le
mixture is compressed between the piston and the crank case.
604. Cylinder jackets are essential to practically all gas engine.s. ie
enormous heat developed during explosion would soon destroy the oyli sr
and piston if they were not protected by cooling. In most cases this is le (
hr. at 50 deg. Fahr., 7.75 gal. per b.h.p.-hr. at 60 deg. Fahr., 9.7a
per b.h.p.-hr. at 70 deg. Fahr., and 12 gal. per b.h.p.-hr. at 80]
Fahr., for large units. Most of this may be recovered and re- used if coi
If a cooling tower is used, for recooling the jacket water, about 8 per *[
C = 5.41X C = 5.V
Atmos- Lb. pel Atmos- Lb. per
pheres sq. in. pheres sq. in. -(g)
44.1 1.474 8 117.6 2.44
58,8 1.787 9 132.3 2.511
73.5 2.014 10 147.0 2.(
88.2 2.187 11 161.7 2.71
102.9 2.327 12 176.4 2.771(1
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-508
The B.t.u. per kw.-hr., with gas engines (Freyn, 19i:i). >
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-521
J , B.t.u. per
^•^•P- b.h.p
827. The maintenance and repair costs are approximately 42 per cent
to 55 per cent, of the net operating cost. For oil and supplies the cost ii
about double that of a steam plant.
028. Weight. The net weight of large tandem double acting typei
averages 680 to 740 lb. per kw. Moderate sizes of single-cylinder
single acting engines weigh from 200 to 300 lb. per b.h.p., the unii
weight going up with the brh.p.
629. Oeneral requirements. As all pressures are light, standarc
pipe and fittings may be used throughout. Expansion must be providec
for in the same manner as steam piping (Par. 369 to 372).
630. Q as piping from producer to scrubbers and purifiers should b(
cast iron with standard flanged joints, asbestos or metallic packing. It
most oases it is advisable to line the piping between scrubber and producei
with fire-brick. Explosion doors should be installed at intervals, and if th<
gas is dusty, ells should be replaced by tees where possible, to provide fo:
raking and cleaning.
031. Water piping for supply to jackets, vaporizers and purifyinj
apparatus may be of ordinary galvanized standard pipe. The discharg'
from scrubbers and purifiers is preferably of cast iron, on account of corro
sive action.
632. Exhaust piping can be built of wrought-iron standard pipe, o
cast-iron standard pipe; light riveted pipe is not advisable as it may col
lapse on the return wave of a muffler or exhaust pipe explosion. Mufflers fo
small engines are usually cast-iron pots; for large plants, concrete tunnels
with water in the bottom to cool and silence the exhaust, are frequontl
033. The cost of piping varies from $6.00 to $12.00 per kw. of maximui
rating of the plant, being much the same as for steam plants (1920).
per cent.
036. The Willans line for the several main units should be plott;
with kw. output and cu. ft. of gas as ordinates. On this curve should
superposed the gas used by auxiliaries, or if these are electric driven, th(
requirements should be subtracted from the gross output of the generate
before plotting the Willans line. By taking the gas required at any lb:
from this curve, and plotting for the load curve of the plant, the gas demi^ir
of the engine room is obtained. Similarly, an input-output curve forj-t,
producer can be drawn, between coal fired and gas generated; on thidi
superposed the gas or power demands of producer room auxiliaries and't-
) standby coal. In conjunction with the engine-room gas demand cujf":
this gives the coal demand for the station under load.
037. Power for auxiliaries. The power required for the blower or
nauster will be from 1 to 2.5 per cent, of the total horse-power of the produc
The horse-power requirements of washers are given in Par. 480. The ci
and ash handling system will not usually require more than 0.2 to 0.4 j.
cent, of the total horsc-powor; compressor equipment, not over 0.1 J,
038. Water consumption per h.p., for the plant will run from 5 to
8 lb. per kw-hr., at the switchboard for non-recovery plants, and 40 lb.
per kw-hr. for recovery plants, using cooling towers in both cases.
640. Ammonia
recovery. It is not worth while to attempt the recovery
of ammonia from bituminous plants of less than 2,000 b.h.p., and
then only when the load factor is above 25 per cent. Each ton of coal
produces approximately 100 lb. of sulphate of ammonia; the sulphuric acid
I'equired is about 1 to 1 in weight ratio to the sulphate of ammonia. In
nties, the recovery plant is practically out of the question on account
of space requirements. Extra labor, the acid tower, extra repairs and the
|308t of bagging the sulphate must be taken into account.
^ 641. The floor space required is from 5 to 8 sq. ft. per kw., or 3 to 4
jjmes the floor space for a turbine plant. The producer room requires from
,1.0to 4 sq. ft. per kw.
042. The load factor should be high for a successful gas plant. The
-jas engine is not well suited for heavily swinging loads partly on account
>it its lack of much overload capacity.
I steam —
plant six to eight units if possible. For small units, up to 400
J).h.p. one reserve unit in 5 or 6 is sufficient; but for large units (which have
never been brilliantly successful), one in four is necessary for continuity of
if>I)eration. The reliability of the gas engine is still open to much question
ijn very large units, but the units of moderate and small size are as reliable
I'f steam engines, if given the same grade of attention.
! 044. Labor required is usually one man per engine above 7.50 h.p.
[nd one man to four or five producers of good size and equipped with me-
chanical apparatus for feed and stoking. About one man for 1,000 to
'F,200 h.p. of engine, and one man per 2,000 to 2,500 h.p. of producer,
Represent the average.
645. Total plant cost. The following data gives (1920) producer plant
.33ts: For plants up to 4,000 kw.,
'(ital cost= 3,000 -f- 259.5 (kw.) (86)
T" I plants larger than 4,000 kw.,
\ cost = 12,000 + 250 X (kw.). (87)
distribution of cost is given below for three cases, and is not much
id by size of plant.
Sec. 10-546 power plants
546. The essential mesurements for determining producer effl
ciency and capacity are: (a) weight of coal per hr.; (b) proximat.
analysis, B.t.u. per lb. and moisture in coal; (c) cu. ft. of gas made; (d
temperature of gas, humidity; (e) calorific value and analysis. Additiona
data required for full information include: (f) weight of dry ash per hr.
(g) proximate analysis and B.t.u.; (h) wt. of steam per hr.; (j)
wt. of vapor
izer and scrubber water per hr., and temperatures; (k) h.p. required fo
blowers or exhausters and tar extractors or washers; (1) grains of dust pe
cu. ft. in gas. -,/.•,• j
For most purposes, only the efficiency of the producer itself is desired
For full details of tests, see Gas Power Committee reports, A. S. M. E.
647. The testing of gas engines is very similar to that of steam enginet
The essential data are: (a) i.h.p.; (b) b.h.p. or kw. output and generate
efficiency; (c) r.p.m.; (d) explosions per min., if hit-or-miss governed
(e) cu. ft. of gas per min.; (f) calorific power of gas per cu. ft. Desirabl
additional data include: (g) jacket water per hr.; (h) inlet and outlet jacke
water temperatures; (i) gas, air and exhaust temperatures; (k) amount c
lubricant. All physical dimensions of the engine should of course be takei
648. The essential data for a plant test consist of kw.-hr. output b
switchboard and coal used in producers; or cu. ft. of gas and calorific powe
if coke oven, blast-furnace, natural, or illuminating gas is used.
649. For gas measurement the gas meter is chiefly used; the metho
of measuring the fall of a gas holder for volume should never be employe
as the change of temperature ordinarily possible, entirely vitiates tV
accuracy. The Venturi meter furnishes an accurate and inexpensive nieasu
ing device if properly handled and kept clean in the throat.
660. Indicated h.p. is obtained by the usual indicator, but equippi
with 0.5 in. area piston for this work.
651. The calorific value of gas can bo obtained by the Junkers or oth^
make of gas calorimeter. Grains of dust per cu. ft. are obtained 1
a special filter apparatus and test gas meter; the dust of a measured quantit
of gas is collected and weighed. Other measurements are simdar
those for steam engines (Par. 427).
552 The duration of test should be about the same a« for engine ar
boiler tests generally. For Venturi readings, a record is best, or very fr
quent readings, say once a minute. The producer test should preteraOu
not be less than 24 hr. except with small producers intended for intermit^
use; the longer the test the better.
663 For full calculation of results the heat balance is required.
Power Test Codes, A. S. M. E., furnish full data for the elaborate test
(90) E=- (94)
where pa, Pb, P<r> pj = inspiration, compression, combustion and release
pressures, respectively, in lb. per sq. ft.; Vn, Vh, Ve, r<i = volumes in cu. ft. at
beginning of compression, end of compression, end of combustion or begin-
ning of expansion, respectively; tn, h, tc, id = absolute temperatures, at the
same points in deg. Fahr.; Qi = heat added per lb. of gases, in B.t.u.; Q» =
heat abstracted per lb. of gases in exhaust, in B.t.u.; JS = thermal efficiency;
Cr = specific heat at constant pressure.
556. The thermal efficiency would be the same as for the Otto cycle,
if complete expansion occurred for the same compression pressures. But as
expansion is always incomplete, the efficiency is less; this is more than
offset by the much higher compression possible with the Diesel cycle.
657. Types. The types are the same as for gas engines; see Par. 502 and 60S.
668. Mean effective pressure of the Diesel type is given by
r= i+ (96)
where / = JouIe's equivalent, 777.5; Cv and Cp = specific heat at constant
volume and constant pressure, respectively; ta, Va, pa, Pb are the same as
.in Par. 554.
Lucke gives the following usual m.e.p. for Otto types.
Kerosene Gasolene
Absolute compres-U^
sion pressure
"ov,» ^
,cv. ..i.c.^f.
Absolute compres-
sion pressure
Observed m.e.p
46 40 66 106
63 69 70 75
65 68 75 100
68 40 86 70
70 72 86 72
50 35 95 60
55 85
"869. Speed and power. The speed is the same as for gas engines of
the same power For indicated and b.h.p. see Par. 612.
(Par. 511).
MO. Kerosene engines of the Mietz and Weiss and Hornsby-Akroyd
jjypes are built in sizes up to 250 h.p. and operate in the same general manner
»8 gas engines, the fuel being pumped in and vaporized in a hot tube, hot
3ulb, or vaporizing chamber. The hot tube and the hot bulb are kept warm
)y being left unjacketed, and by the combustion of a portion of the charge in
he hot bulb chamber. Compression forces up the temperature of the charge
nough for ignition to take place. Kerosene engines are the least efficient
if the oil engines.
861. Gasolene engines are practically unused for power-station purposes,
>n account of expensive fuel, and low relative economy, except for IJ to .5
L'.v. house or farm lighting sets.
562. The crude oil engine is arranged like the kerosene engine, except
hat more careful arrangements must be made for preheating the oil for
'iiporization, andin most cases, the air also. Exhaust gas jackets are
;(nerally used for
the purpose of providing the necessary heat.
Sec. 10-563 POWER PLANTS
663. The Diesel engine ia now the most important of the oil engines
on account of its remarkable efficiencies. It is built in both two-cycle and
four-cycle types, and practically always vertical, single acting. It requires
separate compressed-air starting sets, at about 1,000 lb. per sq. in. pressure.
In the two-cycle type, separate air pumps (cylinders driven from the
head) are employed, as well as the fuel pump, which is always necessary.
664. Weights. The Diesel and the Junkers engines are the heaviest of
prime movers, running from 400 to COO lb. per b.h.p. The enormous
weight is due chiefly to the heavy pressures, 500 lb. per sq. in. being an
ordinary compression, with safe design allowance up to 1,000 lb. per sq. in.
to safeguard against breakage due to preignition.
666. The capacity of oil engines is based on cu. ft. of cylinder dis-
placement, as for gas engines (Par. 616).
666. Builders' rating. Ulbricht and Torrance (.Power, 1912) give
average practice in builders' rating (for oils and distillates), as
dUn -0.75
where (i = cylinder diameter, in in; Z = stroke in in. n = r.p.m. The rating
is about 10 to 20 per cent, less than the ultimate capacity.
667. The fuel consumption is poorest for the gasolene and kerosene
engines, running from 13,000 to 15,600 B.t.u. per b.h.p.-hr. 9,400 to ;
10,000 B.t.u. per b.h.p. hr., for American Diesel engines. The German
Diesel and Junkers engines run as low as 7,100 to 8,500 B.t.u. per b.h.p.-
hr. All figures are for full load. These figures correspond to 0.65 to 0.78
lb. of gasolene or kerosene per b.h.p.-hr.; 0.48 to 0.52 lb. of oil for Ameri-
can Diesels; 0.37 to 0.44 for German Diesel and Junkers Engines. Fuel
consumption decreases with size.
668. Test of Falk kerosene oil engine (H. D. Wile, Elec. World, 1913)
872. Governing in on
engines is chiefly by throttling
0C<10>-i CO-* OiiO t-'*00 00
the oil supply to the cylinder.
COOOS-Hh-rtl— lOr-nCfflOOO t— The Mietz and Weiss kerosene
00 t- 00 >-i o r- to r-i lo (N
engine governs by the hit-or-
miss principle on the oil pump.
§ -S a^ .2 ^ -73
^ '^ '° '3 '3 e S- 676. The cost of internal
combustion engines is given
as follows:
, .
Number of test
Data and results
Losses in exhaust, radiation, etc. 12,350 71.68 11,835 08.9' 12,50'.) 7:1.1::
677. The cost of piping for oil plants, per installed kw., ranges fror
$1.20 to $.3.85 (1920).
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-578
678. General. What has been given in Par. 394 to 414 can be applied
in principle to the oil plant. But inasmuch as the only auxiliaries are the
exciters, jacket pumps and air compressors for starting, the problem is much
simpler, and the economy of the plant is much more nearly that of the main
679. Plant costs. The oil storage tanks require approximately 0.06
to 0.08 gal. capacity per kw. All other auxiliaries, including crane, oil
pumps, air compressor and compressed air tanks, cost from $4.00 to $10.00
per kw. of rated capacity, installed. The total costs will range as follows,
per kw.:
This is for straight wall work. For work much cut up by windows and
corners, these prices must be increased. Common red brick costs about
$21.00 per M
delivered in or near cities.
587. Concrete. The following approximate cost for concrete applied in
Range Average
690. The bearing power of soils for computing the proper spread ol
footings is given below.
Tons per Foundation
[Tons per
sq. ft. ! sq. ft.
color of the light. The usual demand for illumination in a power station
will take from 0.2 to 0.5 per cent, of the output.
697. Fire risks in well constructed plants are exceedingly low; in many
of the largest plants, no insurance against fire is carried. The use of wood
roofs or other inflammable structures, makes insurance imperative.
698. The cost of buildings for various types of power plant is given in
Par. 411, 646 and 679 per kw. of capacity. The cost per cu. ft. of contents
j.s less variable, and runs from $0.40 to $0.65. May, 1920.
Sec. 10-600 POWER PLANTS
The total pressure on any submerged surface is equal to the area
of the pressure diagram Fig. 4C; decb. Figs. 47 and 48) and the centre of
pressure passes through centre of gravity, G, perpendicular to the sub-
merged surface. The moment of the pressure about c is (Fig. 49),
M = Py (ft-lb.) (102)
The pressure in lb. per sq. in. at any point is
where y the constant to reduce lb. per squaro inch to head in feet, or 0.433
In order to make this equation of practical application, a term represontim
the head lost in overcoming friction, h\, must bo added on the right-hand sidi
of the equation. This formula, properly modified to include the effect o
frictional resistances, is the basis of all empirical formulas for the flow of
604.Power and energy. The potential energy of water held in reserve
s its weight multiplied by the net available distance through which it can
'all performance of work. As power expresses the rate of doing the work,
in the
t is convenient to deal with the flow of water in cu. ft. per sec. falling through
I given vertical distance in feet. Power = 62. 4QH ft-lb. per sec, where
3 is the flow in cu. ft. per sec, and H
the vertical distance or "head" in feet
vnd 62.4 is the weight in pounds of 1 cu. ft. of water.
Horse-power = —&2AQH QH
This is the maximum horse-power that might be obtained from Q cubic
eet of water per second falling a distance H
feet, assuming an efficiency of
ransformation of energy of 100 per cent. This expression multiplied by
he known efficiency of a water wheel will give the power at the water-wheel
haft. Ordinarily QH/W or QH/\2 will give approximately the net water
lorse-power, corresponding respectively to eflSciencies of 80 per cent, and 73.3
>er cent.
605. Orifices employed
as meters, are limited in use; experimentally
hey have given very consistent results, but in practice these results often
annot be reproduced with sufficient accuracy for precise work. Orifices of
slatively small sizes, of regular shapes (usually round or rectangular) with ,
= CAV = CAy/2^
(cu. ft. per sec.) (109)
here A
the area of the opening in
h the head in feet measured
[uare feet,
'rOm the surface of the water to the cen-
• r of the opening, and C is the coeffi-
.ent of discharge which depends on
iie form of the orifice. For sharp-edged
.ifices, 4 sq. ft. or less in area, with full
ntraction of the issuing stream (Fig.
,t), discharging under heads from about
Sec, 10-608 POWER PLANTS
The coefficient of discharge for gates on the basis of their cross-sectional are
and the head measured above and below them may vary all the way from tha
of a standard sharp-edged orifice (0.6) to over 1.0 if there is much velocity o
approach. For these reasons, if head gates or sluice gates are to be used a
measuring devices they should be given their own rating by some independen
method of measurement.
S. deg. Inlet I
T-v J
slightly i.
Depend- Depend-
round '"^ "P°° ing on
smooth- the
0. 0.97 0.54 C = 0.90 ness length
5.75 0.95
11.25 0.92 Inlet
surface and 0.0144 0.68
22.5 0.90 0.55 very C = 0.96 velocity 0.0328 0.64
45. 0.75 0.58 round
to 0.99 C = 0.96 0.0656 0.63
to 1.5
67.5 0.68 0.60 C = 0.97 0.0984 0.62
90. 0.63 0.63 0.1312 0.6141
be used.
(b) Measuring the length of the crest and determining its irregularis
if any.
(c) Taking a profile of the crest if not sharp-edged.
(d) Determimng by actual measurements the cross-sectional area of t
channel of approach.
(e) Establishing by leveling the relative elevations of the crest of the '
^ +
^ >
<\ <;l a u a
£'" o o
I 1
S S ^^ +> n
^ o o
in-q O «
•^ a <^
EC a
< <-i
lOrt —
iJ CD « "a
cr o
a o
a as
"S u
.a a
I Fig. 52. —Weir with end con- 15, Si 1
tractions suppressed. 8 .
611. "Construction and set- +
ng of weirs.* In order to elimi- m n
ite as far as possible factors for M n
^lich precise allowance cannot be II II
Hughes and Safford, "Hydrau-
New York, MacMillan Co.,
Sec 10-613 POWER plants
Francis and M. Bazin. The Francis formulas are strictly applicable only
vertical, sharp-crested weirs with free overfall and either with no end oo
tractions ("suppressed weir"), or with complete end contractions and: C
when the length of the weir is at least 5 ft.; (6) when the head (//) is n
greater than one-third the length (L) (c) when the head is not less than
ft. nor more than 2 ft.; (d) when the velocity of approach is 1 ft. p
second or less; (e) when the height of the weir crest above the bottom of t)
channel of approach is at least three times the head. For tabulation
standard formulas see Par. 612.
614. Smith's formulas. For short weirs (shorter than 5 ft.) t:
616. Fteley and Stearns' formula. For heads from 0.07 to 0.5 ft. t
ft. and the Francis formula from 0.5 ft. to 2.98 ft. The quantity
water is given in cu. ft. per sec, per foot of weir, with complete cc
traction on the crest, and no end contractions. Q = 3. 312/V //'-[- 0.007L i
depths up to 0.5 ft. and Q = 3.33L\^/7^ for depths above_0.5 ft.; the vc
city due to the head is computed by formula, Vel. = v2gh.
1.18 5.67
.02 1.13 .25 5.78
.03 1.60 .32 5.89
.06 1.96 .39 6.00
.08 2.27 .47 6.11
8.72 11.05
.86 11.11
9.00 11.17
.14 1 1 23 .
.28 11.29
= =
\/W' 0.5127; Q 0.607X 1X5X8.02X0.5127 = 8.320 cu. ft. per sec
In the foregoing solutions it is seen that the effect of velocity of approacl
is negligible, as is usually the case when the velocity is less than half a foo'
per second.
619. Further examples of weir calculations. Given a suppressec
weir 7 ft. long, with crest 4.5 ft. above the bottom of the channel; th<
observed head is 1.36 ft. Compute the discharge by the Francis, Ftelej
and Stearns, and Bazin formulas: (a) not correcting for the velocity of ap
proach; (6) correcting for the velocity of approach.
(a) Francis formula: Q = 3.33 X 7 VlJfP = 36. 97 cu. ft. per sec
Fteley and Stearns formula: Q = 3.31 X7xVl.36»+0.007X7 -36.80 cu
ft. per sec
(6) Francis formula: A = 7 X 5.86 = 41.02 aq. ft.; V^ = Q/A '
36;97/41.02 -0.90 ft. per sec; ;i« = (0.90)764.32 = 0.0126 ft.; \/7f»'
\/(l-36 + b70126)'-\/0.0126'=1.610; Q = 3.33X7X1. 61 =37.50 cu. ft
per sec.
Fteley and Stearns formula: F^ =36.70/41^2 = 0.894; A, = (0.894)764.3
= 0.0124; // = 1.36+ 1.50X0.0124 = 1.379; \/H»=1.620; Q = 3.31X7X 1.62
+ 0.007X7 = 37.58 cu. ft. per sec.
Bazin formula: Bazin's coefficient (Par. 621) includes effect of veloeit
of approach; Q = 0.4266X7X 1.36 \/64.32 X 1.36 = 37.97 cu. ft. per sec.
620. Smith'
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-621
Ce = coeflBcient for weirs with complete contraction at two ends and com-
plete crest contraction.
turn depends on the velocity of flow and on the surface over which the vraXu
flows, its extent, and its character. In any formula for discharge the extm
of the rubbing surface in contact with the water may be cared for directly t'
a numerical factor known as the mean hydraulic radius, which is found V
dividing the cross-sectional area of the stream by its wetted perimeter; t:
latter is the linear dimension of that part of the boundary line of the cro.'^
section of a channel in contact with the water. The effect of the charact
of the surface must be cared for by empirical coeSicients. Head may 1
idwhich is used only for pipes under pressure, is as follows (for steady
iform flow under pressure in circular pipes)
lere ft/ =
the head lost in friction, /=the
friction factor or coefficient of
-ction, decreasing with an increase in the diameter of the pipe and commonly
th an increase of velocity of flow; and increasing with the age and roughness
the surface in contact with the water (Par. 626). Z; = the length (in ft.)
the pipe measured on its axis; D = the internal diameter (in ft.) of the pipe;
= the mean velocity of flow in ft. per sec; g = the acceleration due to
ivity, taken here as 32.16. The above equations are merely different
)ressions for the same formula. Either may be used to suit convenience.
alues of C suggested for use in Eq. 112 are as follows: New cast-iron pipe
i carefully without abrupt changes in grade or alignment: sizes 6 in. to
in., velocities 3 to 8 ft. per sec., C = 102 to 108; sizes 12 in. to 20 in., velo-
es 1 to 5 ft. per sec, C = 105 to 115; sizes 20 in. to 60 in., velocities 1 to 6
per sec, C = 120 to 150. Riveted steel pipe (new) sizes 16 in. to 102 in.,
/= V0.017379+°-:50^+ ^— i ^ (115)
41.66 +Mli-HM^
V= S
xVrS (117)
1 + (41.66 + °T'^\-^
iStimate directly a value of C (Par. 626) is simpler, and probably quite as
late as to estimate a value of n. The value of n depends on the value
Considering that in picking out the value of n a variation of 0.001 for
!l values of n and Rmay change the value of C as much as 17 per cent.,
'Tables showing Loss of Head due to Friction of Water in Pipes" by
^l^ld B. Weston, C. E., D. Van Nostrand Co., 3rd Edition, 1903.
locities, or for temporary and new planed wooden stave pipes, at high veloc:
10 in. and under in diameter.
n = 0.011: for above pipes, and low velocity.
n = 0.012: for above pipes 3 ft. or more in dia.rneter and high velociti
old iron pipes 8 in. diameter or under, low velocities; old city water ma
above 8 in. diameter. Also for concrete tunnels having R = 2.5; wood flum
open, planed plank, long bends.
n = 0.013: for above pipes 36 in. to 120 in. diameter, old pipes and 1
0.3 to 0.7 in. diameter; tunnels through hard rock, well trimmed and roug
• faced; very large open concrete-lined canals.
n = 0.02: rough rubble masonry; canals through rock, or with bottc
and sides paved with cobble stones; canals in earth with bottoms and si
well trimmed; small rough lumber penstocks with battens and poor alignme
n = 0.0225: canals in earth in good condition, but long in use, having m
growing freely. .
n = 0.025: canals in clay, long in use; small rivers, deep and narrow and w
no sharp bends, smooth sand bottoms and smooth uniform banks.
71 = 0.0275: canals and rivers as for 7i = 0.025, but having an occasio
bend and snag also the same, but with gravel bottoms; earth canals as
by dredging.
71 = 0.03: rivers having loose boulder beds, irregular banks, sharp ber
c — 7
-r TrzrrTTi—zrT
0.001551 n \
(0.5521 +
or in its original form
1.811 . 0.00281>
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-630
C = (J20)
Values of y
! 7=0.109: very smooth surfaces; neat cement; planed wood.
» 7=0.290: smooth surfaces; planks, bricks, ashlar.
[ 7=0.833: rough surfaces; rubble masonry.
7 = 1.54 canals with mixed Unings; very regular earth or paved with
7=2.35 earth canals in ordinary conditions.
l/8th bend
where G = discharge in gallons per minute, C = coefficient of discharge,
diameter in inches of the nozzle orifice, D = diameter in inches of the piezi
eter ring at the base of the nozzle, and Pc = piezometer reading in pou
per square inch at the centre of the nozzle orifice For water-power pTi||
in engineering units the same formula becomes:
where Q = discharge in cubic feet per second, C = coefficient of dx8
d=> diameter in feet of the nozzle onfice, C
= diameterin feet of thej
eter ring at the base of the nozzle, and A» — piezometer reading in I
(sec-ft.) (123)
^ irfls / 2ff \ i
Sec. 10-637 POWER PLANTS
Then Q = CKDi^y/^H (cu. ft. per sec.) {t
iJ = 3.0
Values of 2.5 2.0
ValuesofX =6.338 6.381 6.505
The value of C varies wth the velocity at the throat, the ratio R and 1
actual dimensions of the meter. As the Venturi meters* are ordinarily o<
structed the coefficient C is between 0.97
and 1.03. These meters may be rated
backward and a coefficient of correction
found to apply to the manometer reading
(Fig. 58). The total loss of head through
the meter tube is relatively unimportant
compared with other types of commercial
meters and is so small that the insertion
of the meter in the mains of a water supply
is rarely objectionable, and the use of this
appliance is growing con-
stantly. It may be used /- r^^esctr ^auiiir
particularlywell in high- ^^-^fi^^m ,.^9# reading may be
pressure power plants by the recordi
/a^^^'OVr M«l
where a continuous ^-^^^^^^^^aztU P^ apparatus; also to mi
sure boiler feed and
measuring liqu
heavier and Ugh
than water. Exp(
ence has shown tl
with the register, C(
tinuous measureme:
have been made w
an error not exceedi
3 per cent.
Fia. 58. —Venturi meter with manometer.
637. The Pitometert (Figs. 59 and 60), by means of the differential gt
registers the difference in pressure on the two orifices, one pointed direc
against the current, the other in the exa
ly opposite direction. This difference
Eressure is not a measure of the veloc
ead directly, but is greater than
velocity head. For these instruments
coefficient (K) of correction has been foi
to be nearly a constant, and equal to 0.
The formula for velocity therefore becoi
^ y = K[2(7(s'-l)d]* (ft. per sec.)
where s' = specific gravity of the
i liquid,d = the deflection (Fig. 61) in ii
For «' = 1.25; 7 = 0.84 I^!^ =3.368d* (ft. per sec.) (Ij
For »'- 1.50; VO.%i^f~^ 5.671<i (ft. per sec.)
I., in
•Made by the Builders Iron Foundry, Providence, R.larger
sizes for pipe lines from 2 to 60 in. in diameter, and
much 8ize«1
direct readmg or recording appai
use- they may be furnished with either "
Developed by John A. Cole and Edward S. Cole and owned
Pitometer Co., N. Y.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-638
Sec. 10-639 POWER PLANTS
639. Traverse table tor pitoxneter gagingrg, showing inner diame
and giving the area of ei
of each ring for ordinary sizes of mains in inches;
ring and centre circle in square feet.
Diameter Area of
of pipe pipe
(in.) (sq. ft.)
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-641
:ieyond the plane of the side, the true height of the surface or the true pressure
irill not be indicated."*
641. Example of use of pitometer. The following diagram (Fig. 61)
nd computations illustrate the usual method of computing discharge.
Deflection and velocity curves fro
Sec. 10-644 POWER PLANTS
following paragraphs are quoted from Hughes and Safford'a Hydrauli<
(MacMillan Company):
"Procedure in mea8uring velocity. A
straight stretch of stream shou!
be selected as a place for gaging, and two cross-sections selected to mar
the beginning and the end of the area. The float should be placed quietl
in the stream at such a distance upstream from the upper of the two crosi
sections, that it will be running with the current before the first marker
reached. The time of passage between these two sections, of which tl
distance apart is known, should be noted with a stop watch; or the positio
of each float at successive intervals of time be located by engineers' transii
or sextants by intersection, and the points plotted on a scale drawing, froi
which the distance traveled in the observed interval of time can be ronipute(
The distance in feet divided by the time of each run in seconds will give ti
velocity of the float in ft. per sec."
644. "Application of rod float measurements (Hughes and SafTord
The sphere of usefulness of rod-float measurements is somewhat limited, an
the expense of making them is relatively great. Their regular use in tl
future will probably be limited to straight, deep canals or flumes where a hig
degree of accuracy is required, where a sufficient force of men is re^ularl
employed for this and other purposes, and where it is very necessary to gat
all the water used for power and other purposes, without interfering with tl
operation of the mills. Ordinarily, the difficulty of getting good resul
from the sum of individual measurements, or readings of water wheel8,_
due to the fact that the total discharge, which is simply the sum of the u
dividual water wheels, often does not include the leakage or the water use
for manufacturing purposes other than power; but the flume measuremen
of the total quantity passing to each mill will cover everything. There is vei
little opportunity to make such measurements in rivers or canals which do n(
have a regular cross-section; and for such conditions there is no question thi
measurements by current meter (Par. 662 to 666) will take the place of thoi
formerly made by rod floats. The most notable published gagirigs by ro
floats are those by Humphreys and Abbott of the Mississippi River, thos
described by James B. Francis in the Lowell Hydraulic Experiments, Dare
and Bazin's gagings, and the gagings of certain rivers in India."
645. "Limits of accuracy in use of rod floats (Hughes and Safford
With a straight, smooth flume of great depth, and velocities ranging fro
2 to 5 per sec, quantities of water from a few hundred to 4,000 cu. ft. P'
sec. have been repeatedly measured with a probable error of 1 to 2 per cen
This form of measurement, which in its successive steps gives the product •
the cross-section and the velocity of the water as indicated by the rod float
is a perfectly natural one; and its simplicity appeals to the non-teohnic
man." Rod floats cannot"be run with the lower end closer than 2 or more i
from the bottom. Some correction must be made to account for this slow
layer of water which does not act on the float. The following formula w
derived by J. B. Francis by comparing rod float measurements with a wf.
= 1-0.116 iVD-O.l) (131
Direct interpolation
} I
646. Flow. Water power is derived from the pressure or force exert
by water in falling through a given head. Its amount is determined !
the equation
H.P. = [QX//Xi?l-^8.8 (130
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-646
There H.P. is the horse power, Q is the flow of water in cubic feet per second,
i is the head in feet, and E
is the efficiency of the water-wheel.
647. Run-ofl is the result of rain falling on the contributing drainage area
iJid represents that proportion of the rainfall that does not pass off aa
iVaporation or through underground channels, the requirements for vege-
ation, etc., being included in the broader definition of evaporation.
} 648. Rainfall records have been obtained by the U. S. Weather Bureau at
ftations geographically widely distributed for a long period of time. The
jssults are published monthly and annually in the reports of the Bureau.
I 649. The local variation in the annual rainfall in the United States
|.all the way irttm nothing in some years in the desert regions, to an occasional
laxinium of more than 100 in. in the mountains of the extreme northwest.
general mountain ranges receive a greater amount of precipitation than
f 660. Rainfall map. Fig. 62 shows a map of the United States giving
jie distribution of rainfall.
661. The percentage of run-off, by which is meant the ratio of the run-
'J to the rainfall on the drainage basin, varies greatly and in general in-
cases with the precipitation. For this reason it is dangerous to figure
a any fixed percentage of run-off. See Par. 686.
; 652. The monthly run-off depends on the precipitation, climate, storage,
ter of the drainage basin, etc., and varies within wide limits. In
England the month of maximum run-off usually shows a flow from three
ar times that of the mean for the year, while the minimum month
freuse the low water output nearly four-fold. Every reservoir and mill
'rui on any stream must be operated subject to the legal rights of others
tlip stream. The study of pondage and its proper handling is complicated
the general case, but as a rule comparatively simple of solution for any
lual power plant. The reason is that it is involved with the load curve,
I natural and legal restrictions of the flowage permissible, and flow detained,
il the variation in head economically
advisable. Granting the possibility
li rif,'ht8 of pondage, the problem
reduces to a consideration of fitting the
of water to the demands for power made on the station. If the station
rries a typical combined power and lighting load, pondage is essential
satisfactory operation since the great demand for power is during the
J time and the early evening hours. If the head may be drawn down
ins the day so that the pond will be just filled up by the night flow, the
Sec. 10-655 POWER PLAJ^TS
oo_o«o o_o_
•5 « S
S ^ " TO OOO
. o >-
03 lOOIN
1-H 1— i-H ^H
(n O Ol 03 03 03 03 Oi 03 03 03 03 03 03 03
TTTT t-.-iiN'-'
0)00 030 OOt-iO 00030 OthO^
00 00 00 a> 03 OiOi03 03 03 00 02 03 03 03 03
O! 10 OOO
0-* ---i
C 03
c3 O
;^o«2 O
o 01 1^ . -"S « -
i3t3 oj !=£
> t, IS a> •^ t, d 5;
^ tt)
c3 >
OJ u<
P > o I, ^^
•- '^ "S ? 41
Sgf^ .t >> c^ as ^, 0)
g g o i,p;
£ S £«o
ss m: * .%
«M *
OJ t<
-6 c'g o 2 « « ^O o cl^S
"* S", 3 a 3 2 1^ O OS 4) o 3 c3 .t:; o
OH pHfe
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-656
i56. Storage usually means water held back or stored in reservoirs which is
!' liable to increase the extremely low flows for several days, weeks or
iiths. The development of storage on a drainage area is of the greatest
i jDrtiince, for otherwise the minimum flows reach a very low point and
I ver must be obtained from other sources during the period of low flow.
year, is also reduced to in. of depth on the lake area for each month.
Yield of
Draft 600 Net
the con-
Evap- cu. ft.
gain or
Rain- ora- per sec.
area ex- expressed
loss in
fall in tion
pressed in.
in. in in.
Date in in. of depth
during of depth of the
ofdepth on tne
the during on the lake':
on the month the lake area
lake area
lake area for the
for the
month for the
month month
April 1, 1911
During April +38.35 + 1.38 -1.6 -9.56 + 28.57
May 1, 1911 Wasti
January 1, 1912
During January -1-11.51 + 3.12 -0.70 -9.88 + 4.05
February 1, 1912
* 44 in. represents full lake.
the State Governments on many rivers and streams throughout the coun •
the changing character of the bed from point to point the difficulties of fine?
a formula to fit all eonditions are manifold. The only reliable data conceri {
discharge of a stream are based on actual measurements.
660. Measurement of stream flow. The method adopted will dep'
largely on the size of the stream, its cross-section and the variation Uct«i
minimum and iiiaxinium flow. A weir can be successfully used in a si'
stream discharging a few cu. ft. per sec. and is largely employed
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-661
irrigation ditches. For rivers from medium to large size tlie most adaptable
tnethod is to employ a current meter and by making measurements at several
tages of flow establish a rating curve by means of which it is only necessary
io read a gage, compare the reading with the rating curve and find the
Mischarge corresponding to the given stage. The same rating curve cannot
lie used for both winter and summer conditions.
•3 and 66, besides showing the stream flow for typical years, also show the
Liaximum (wet year) and minimum (dry year) flow observed during a series
f years. It is also instructive to compare the records of rainfall with those
f stream flow; compare Figs. 63 and 64, and Figs. 66 and 67. Similar records
•ad charts should be obtained for any particular river or stream, if possible,
connection with consideration of ita water-power possibilities.
Sec. 10-663 POWER PLANTS
The Fteley-Stearns meter (Fig. 71) was designed for use in the Sudburj
Aqueduct of the Boston Water Works and is especially adapted for use ii
flumes or any channels where it is desired to get the velocity close to th(
sides and bottom. It is ordinarily fitted for use on a rod and is equippec
with recording dials thrown in and out of mesh by a cord. The moter cat
also be fitted up with vane and electric sounder. It then loses its peculia:
value in recording only the forward component of the velocity of the water
which makes it a true integratinjf instrument. It has been successfullj
used in large rivers and in velocities from 0.4 to 10 ft. per sec.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-664
(d) Integrating: (1) vertically; (2) diagonally.
} The single point method at 0.6 depth (a) is supposed to give the average
Sec. 10-604 POWER PLANTS
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-665
Sec. 10-666 POWER PLANTS
selecting the method to be used. By dividing the stream cross-section b
verticals into areas of equal width, through the centre line of which the met(
is lowered and raised with uniform speed, the mean velocity in ft. per se^
Telephone Sounder
for each section is obtained in one operation. This method is on the wliole
be preferred for deteriViinations of discharge. The multiple-point luothod
of great value in determining the distribution of velocity in any cross-sectic
which is often necessary for at least Tens
one gaging; but for determination of Pipe
discharge this method is tedious and Connection
if the stream is subject to fluctuation
in stage it is too slow. Pnll-Cord
If the channel is not too wide or „
deep the diagonal integration which connection
covers the whole stream in one opera-
tion is a very satisfactory form of
measurement because it permits a
great many measurements under differ-
ent conditions and avoids many dis-
turbing conditions. Its use is limited
by the endurance of the operator.
The double-point and single-pjoint
methods are only rough approxima-
tions, but serve a useful purpose in
securing information of stream flow at
low cost.
666. Effect of ice. Ice cover on a
stream or canal decreases the cross-
section, and increases the wetted per-
imeter or rubbing surface. Both of
these result in additional loss of head, Fig -Improved Fteley-Stea
the first through inorea-sing the veloc- current meter.
ity, the second through increasing the
fi-ictional resistance to flow. In power canals the formation of an ico co
of sufficient thickness to last through the cold season is a protection JiKai
troubles from anchor ice and frazil ice. Neither anchor ice nor frazil
will form under an already existing ice cover; the latter is therefore desira
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-667
ind canalsshould be designed with thia in mind, and the velocities should be
;ept (2 to 3 ft. per sec.) by making the cross-section ample for ex-
reme conditions. Anchor ice is ice which forms on the bottom of the stream
r canal and may seriously obstruct the flow. Frazil or needle ice forms, as
he name implies, in small needles where the current is too rapid for the
ormation of surface ice. It may either attach itself to the bottom or to
nehor ice already formed or it may be carried against and effectually clog
he racks of a power house.
a floor is used weep holes ar
the dam. The other extreme would be a dam founded on loose gravel <
porous rock which freely admitted the water under the entire base of tt
dam, but at the downstream toe a cut-off wall would prevent the water fro:
> escaping.
In the first case the assumption is no upward pressure whatever, tr m
. ,
second there would be pressure due to the full hydrostatic head unifom!
distributed over the base of the dam. Rarely, if ever, can either of the;
cases be found in the extreme form suggested. The truth in every case
doubtless between the two. In other words there is probably no dam exi.i
ing without some upward pressure, its extent to be determined only by
most careful examination of the geological formation of the river bed at tl
dam site and the thoroughness with which the seepage is cut off by ctit-rtl
walls, grouting or other preventive measures. Except in those cases where
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-673
some engineers. This is usually from 4 to 8 feet thick at the top and at
St one-third the depth of water at the bottom.
j574. Dimensions of earth dams. The dimensions and slopes of dams depend on the material and method of construction. For rolled
i.bankment a top width of {h/5) + 5, where h is the height of the dam in
It, has been suggested. An upstream slope of 3:1 and a downstream slope
2.5 1 usually represents good practice.
< : The upper slope should be
l^ed on account of wave action. Beams placed 30 to 40 feet apart verti-
<ly are desirable in high earth dams, as they provide for lateral drainage
vl also give an extra factor of safety sliding of the embankment,
jspillway must be provided with earth dams of sufficient length to handle
% maximum flood without the water rising high enough to overtop the
ttli embankment. Sometimes it can be cut in rock at one end of the earth
'n, but if this is not possible a masonry or timber spillway is necessary
f-l precautions should
be taken to secure a good union between the earth
cbankment and the spillway abutments.
Sec. 10-675 power plants
675. The design of canals for power purposes should be made from a
economic viewpoint. Canals are employed to utilize a greater head than i
obtainable directly at the dam and must be built to give the greatest benefi
at the least cost. Head, the very object of the canal, is often unnecessaril
lost through poor design of the cross-section and alignment, or througli pei
mitting unnecessary roughness of the bottom and sides. Some slope will b
required to carry the water through the canal. This should be provided b
the canal bottom itself unless the drainage must be in a contrary directior
otherwise an extra loss of head will result, for the slope of the water wi
reduce the stream cross-section and necessitate a higher velocity to Ipass
given quantity of water. The form of the cross-section must be detcrmin'
by its requirements and the character of the material. The form should 1
such that it will remain as first built and not wash or slide. In general t!
relatively wide and shallow canals should be avoided because with any dra
ing down of the head, or with an ice cover the net area suffers a greater pr
portionate reduction than in the case of deeper, narrower canals. The a
vantage of the deep canal can also be shown from a consideration of the for;
ulasfor flow, which show that for a given area the section with the sinallt
wetted perimeter will give the best results. The velocity should be kej
low and as uniform as possible. If there are changes they should be mai
gradually and in general a velocity once gotten up should be held. The saii
statements apply to ditches whether for irrigation or power.
676. Flumes. The word flume implies a narrow waterway with vertio
or nearly vertical sides. It was formerly used to designate the canal or pei
stock conveying water to the wheels at its end. In modern practice a flun
is understood to mean an aqueduct of relatively small dimensions construct'
usually of timber or concrete employed to carry water long distances. Tl
interior surface is in general smooth and water is carried at a high veloci'
on an even grade. In computing the carrying capacity of such structur
loss by friction predominates.
677. Head-gates are usually installed at the entrance to a canal to co
trol the amount of water let in, or to shut it off entirely in case repairs a
necessary in the canal. They should be strong enough to permit the wat "
to be entirely drawn out of the canal and to protect the plant during
water. The number and size is fixed by the quantity of water and
structural limitations as weight and strength may impose. Head-.
are either hand or power operated according to local circumstances; b!
modern requirements are demanding motor hoists. In designing the pir
it is usually well to provide for stop logs for occasional repairs to the gat<
Whenever possible the gates should be so set that the water from the riv
enters at low velocity without sharp contraction or change in direction.
678. Booms either floating or fixed are usual to prevent floating dfbi
from reaching the head^gates, and in northern rivers ice is also diverted ov
the dam or through special leeways by this means.
679. Penstocks are frequently used instead of canals or in conjunctic
with them, the choice depending on cost in the case of low-head to modiui
head plants. In high-head plants penstocks and pressure tunnels bocoi
the only way for conveying water from high elevations down to the pow
house. Penstocks are usually built of riveted steel plates, wooden stavi
or reinforced concrete, depending on local conditions. They must be c:
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-680
Sec. 10-682 POWER PLANTS
682. Hydraulics of water-wheels. Force is required to change th(
velocity and direction of any moving body. In the case of hydraulii
turbine motors water is the moving body and the water-wheel (whether im-
pulse or reaction, or combined) is the agent by which the velocity anc
direction are changed and useful work derived from the process. Th(
portion of the reduction in velocity not chargeable to friction or other lossei
occurring during the passage of the water through the buckets is a measun
of the efficiency of the wheel as a prime-mover. If a jet of water impinges
on a moving vane or bucket, assuming a condition of no friction, the bucke'
will acquire a velocity equal to that of the jet, i.e., the theoretical velocitj
due the head acting. The velocity of the wheel must be considered that o
the centre of application of all the filaments of water. Under this condi
tion, where the velocity of the bucket and of the jet are the same, the jc
can exert no pressure on the bucke
and no work is done. Actually thi
bucket velocity must in any case be de
creased by friction from that supposec
above, and the water must exert a
least a corresponding amount of pres
sure. If now the velocity of thi
bucket be further decreased until it i
of Backet
blocked, the water is exerting its max
>. imum pressure but again no work i
and is the relative velocity of the water at entrance. Vm and Vrt are
r.p.m.VhTp. (laij
fjH j
.. .
.here K
is the type characteristic, RJ'.M. the revolutions per minute, H.P.
le horse power and H
the head in feet. The various sizes of a given type
uaterwheel have the same K
within small Uniits, the speed at which the
must be operated for a given head decreasing as the diameter or horse-
is increased. The following table shows average values of for K
us types of American waterwheels. For relatively high speed or large
Matter a wheel with a high characteristic must be chosen.
Aiiis-Chalmers Mfg. Co Type 15 75
, AUis-Chalmers Mfg. Co Type 12 86
Wellman-Seaver Morgan Co.. Type A 93
Wellman-Seaver Morgan Co.. Type B 66
Wellman-Seaver Morgan Co. Type D 27
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-684
684. The speed of turbines for a given output and head is confined
(bin quite narrow limits. As noted in Par. 682 there is for any given set
conditions a best speed. This for modern reaction wheels is such that
e peripheral velocity is from 0.60 to 0.85 of the theoretical spouting
locity of the water due the head. The best speed may be, and is, varied
design, the recent tendency being toward the development of wheels
th high relative velocity; this is easily overdone and is oftentimes secured
the expense of part-gate efficiencies. The best relative bucket velocity
the case of'impulse wheels can be shown analytically to be 0.5 and this has
en verified by actual tests. Characteristic curves for a modern reaction
leel are given in Fig. 76.
.6 .7 .8 .9
Speed Factor .
;6. The
efficiency of modem w^ater-wheels has been steadily improved
bjiperiment and design until the makers can now guarantee test results of
hi 80 per cent, to 90 per cent, at the Holyoke Testing Flume (Par. 707).
Ti;et the same result in place requires the best design of the setting and
Wi rways. Many wheels which came up to specification in the Holyoke
teihave failed signally in place to show the power and efficiency of which
tn were capable. In most of these eases the fault was not in the wheel
^t n the setting. A wheel improperly installed is not given a fair chance.
ffuUy tracing the velocity through the penstocks, wheel case, discharge
id draft tube, using net areas throughout, it is possible to design
> which avoid high velocities and undue changes of velocities and
'>n, and results in place equal to the Holyoke test results may be ex-
!'C '
EflSciency curves for a modern reaction wheel are given in Fig. 76.
Sec. 10-686 POWER PLANTS
Water velocity through guide chutes. Mention has already be
made importance of keeping the velocity of the water through hea
of the
gates, canal and racks low. It also should be kept low, not over 3
per sec, as it approaches the guide chutes of the runner itself. There
an exception to this in the case of sinj
runners set in the so-called scroll cai
In these, wheel makers are now requ
ing a velocity of about 15 per cent,
that due to the head acting .on the wh&
687. Mechanical details. A tyj
cal runner is shown in Fig. 77, and
special runner in Fig. 78. The genei
appearance of a vertical turbine wi
cylinder gate is shown in Fig. 79, wi
the usual form of setting in a concre
wheel pit. The same type of wheel wi
a horizontal setting in a steel flume
indicated in Fig. 80.
688. Settings. There must be eqr
chance for the water to feed to all pai
of the guide circumference. When o
or more pairs of wheels on the Bar
FiQ. 77. —Cylinder gate runner. shaft are set horizontally, extra cr
must be taken to insure that the i
wheel in the line can draw share of the water under as favorable col
tions as the first wheel. A pair of centre-discharge wheels should be
in the case so that the clear distance between the discharge lips of the t
runners shall be at least from 3 to 4 times the diameter of the runne
The greater distance should be used with higher heads; rough limits of hert
and corresponding distances are given: 12 ft., 2.5 diam.; 18 ft., 3.0 diam.;
ft., 3.5 diam.; 50 ft., 4.0 diam.
Single, large, vertical units have recently received special attention fn
designers and builders, and it has been demonstrated possible to obti
efficiencies with them
about 4 per cent,
higher than have been
obtained with horizon-
tal settings of equal
output. In comparing
different settings it is
important to know ex-
actly where the head
is measured; it is here
afjsumed that the net
effective head is taken.
See also Par. 711.
689. Ratings.
Water-wheels are rated
in horse-power, the
rating given being
usually the
output under the head
Fia. 78. —Special runner.
stipulated. It is im-
portant to keep in mind three things: (a) that a horse-power is a sma
unit than the kilowatt (1 horse-power = 0.746 kw.); (b) that water-wh.
driving generators must carry the normal load at from 0.75 to 0.80 fi
in order to take care of overload on the generators; (c) when once uiul«
given head the wheel is discharging its maximum quantity of wattf
further output can be wrung from it. The attempt to impose a ht:r
load can only result in reduced speed and output. Simplification w
result if water-wheel ratings for hydro-electnc plants were .it.itt-.l
kilowatts and generator ratings were stated in terms of the maximum ';
put instead of normal rated output. This would remove the source
confusion brought about by rating each half of an integral unit by ii .-"
rate standard.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-690
.690. Draft tubes make it possible to set reaction wheels well above tail-
'ter. This is a distinct and important advantage. It makes the wheels
ressible for inspection and repair in spite of backwater conditions, and
j,mits the use of horizontal wheels direct-connected to generator or shafting
hout sacrificing head. In a plant subject to severe backwater, if the
ichinery floor can be set 20 ft. above low tail-water elevation, draft
fies frequently save great expense in heavy construction and waterproofing
t;he power house.
\ reaction wheel discharging freely into
t air would be acted on by a head equal
t he distance from headwater elevation
tthe elevation of the centre of the dis-
c'rge orifices, minus such losses as occur.
7; pressure against the discharge is full
Biospheric. If now we attach an air-
t'.tpipe of suitable diameter to the run-
p case and conduct the water down from
t wheel and discharge it under the sur-
I) of the water in the tailrace we have
ireased the head acting on the wheel,
Kause now the pressure against the dis-
c rge from the wheel buckets is less than
aospheric by an amount corresponding
ho vertical distance from buckets to
where the full atmospheric pres-
or draft tube so-called (Fig. 82).
Fig. 80.- -Cylinder gate turbine, horizontal type in steel flume.
Str inevitable losses and some leakage of air which
tural limitations,
tnts it difficult to maintain to any greater height an unbroken column
of id water, essential to the success of the tube. It has been noted that
ssure within the draft tube is less than atmospheric. This necessi-
a air-tight design suited to withstand collapsing pressure.
velocity through the upper portion of the draft tube is necessarily
^'t For this reason, the interior surface should be smooth to minimize
Sec. 10-691 POWER PLANTS
frictionand eddy losses and in the case of horizontal wheels the obstruoti
set on an angle it should never be more than 45 deg. from the vertical. 1
elevation of the outlet should be fixed so that the draft tube shall be sea!
during lowest tailwater conditions. The velocity of discharge from the tv
should in general be a little greater than that of the water into which it d
charges, but ordinarily not more than 3.5 or 4 ft. per sec. at full discharge.
691. The tailrace should be designed to carry the water away wit!
minimum sacrifice of head. It should therefore receive the same care in desi
and construction as the feeding canal.
692. In selecting the type of wheel to be installed in any power {iU
the natural conditions of head and flow, with their variations, and the po»
demand on the plant must be clearly and definitely understood. Stc
wheels can be purchased which fit a wide range of conditions; special whe
may be designed to fit a far wider range. The following points should
covered in any wheel selection: (a) head, and its variation; (6) flow, andi
variation; (c) speed, and the importance of close regulation; (rf) pov
demand, and its variation. These may best be studied in connection v
the characteristic curves of different types of turbines; it is in fact the i
$32 02 .
37. General ensemble. The location and relative position of the dam,
'works, power house, tailrace, and all other necessary structures must be
):ed to a large extent by the topography and the geological conditions
site. The choice between various possible schemes will be based in
in upon the relative cost considered in connection with the eflBciency
proposed plant as an energy producer, or as an income producer.
i?ht to which the dam may be built is usually limited by the extent
Aage damage. In a hydroelectric plant pondage may have great
making fully warranted the purchase of extensive flowage rights. The
ly section of the dam should be designed to pass safely the maximum
:!t of water that can be expected. Likewise the abutments and other
structures must be built to withstand successfully the greatest freshet
vable on the river. In this connection it is important to realize that
fxtraordinary flood conditions the channel above and below the dam,
"t the dam itself, may frequently control the height to which the water
This is especially likely to be the case when the dam is built at the
if rocky tortuous rapids or in
a bend of the river.
intake should draw water from the stream with as little change in
ion as feasible and must be protected by some form of boom which
lirect ice and floating debris away from the head-gates txfid over the dam,
ugh a waste channel designed for that purpose. Additional head ma.v
tained over that at the dam itself by carrying the w'ater downstream in
- or penstocks. The advisability of such procedure is determined by
!> of the fixed charges on the structure and the value of the increased
,. so obtained.
« whole system of waterways from head-gates through the canal or
PMock, racks, wheelpit and tailrace to the river should be designed to
t 851
case of scroll case settings has been noted in Par. 686. Where more than o
wheel is mounted on a shaft it is important to provide for equal distributi
of the water among the units, and to provide against interference
the draft chest as mentioned in Par. 688. The velocity at the top of i
draft tube is nece.s.sarily high and sho
be gradually reduced by enlarging
cross-section of the tube until it iS'll
charged at about 3 ft. per sec.
698. Typical settings of water wij
are shown in Fig. 81. A modern font
setting known as the spiral or scroll .(
ing is illustrated in Fig. 82, which alk
a longitudinal vertical cross-section.
latter type of setting is emjiloyed at.
Keokuk plant of the Mississippi Bt
Power Co.
699. The economical developmt
of a water-power proposition must dep(
upon the available power in the ri\
the market, and the degree to whi<-h au
iary power is to be employed. Two tlii
must be determined as exactly as ixj.ssil
(o) the hydrograph of the river (1
Fig. 82.
bine in a
—Single vertical tur-
spiral flume direct
668); (6) the load curve.
A thorough and exhaustive study of
run-off data should be made where th'
connected to a vertical electric are available; otherwise study must
generator. made by comparison with similar drain
areas by means of rainfall data. l.\
ing and possible storage should receive careful attention. It 8hoiil<l !»
inemberod that on streams with incomplete storage arrrafff.t arc rfuM;"'
leading to overdevelopment. Two or 3 days of flood discbarge in a mo
ibove the capacity of any possible equipment can raise the monthly
ii- dams ordinarily suited to their purpose, but which in northern rivers
-t the dam. These are usually required by law where log driving has
i^ted on the river. Fishways are required by federal law on most
and must be kept open during certain portions of the year. There
ar arious forms, two of which are mentioned. One is constructed to form a
fli t of pools, the water spilling into each successively. The other is a
c! *pt at a rnoderately flat slope with baffles built alternately from the
by a revolution counter, head and tail water gages, weir and Prony brak
respectively. Various gate openings are selected and for each opening t!
wheel is run at many speeds in order to determine the most efficient spn
for each gate.
709. For making the final acceptance test of water wheels a test
place is becoming more frequent. Such a test furnishes direct evidence
the performance of the wheels under service conditions.
710. The general problem is that of any test of power machiner
namely, to measure the input and the output. To measure the input roquir
the measurement of the nead and the quantity of water used by the ur
under test.
711. The points of measurement of the head should be seleel
to show the net head actually acting on the wheel. Friction losses in oal
or penstock and tailrace are not properly charged against the performaJ
of the turbines, however much they may affect the overall efficiency of i
plant. The point therefore at which to measure the headwater is justbef
the water is drawn to the guide chutes, and the tail-water should beobseT
at the nearest feasible point to the discharge of the draft tube. In fl
flume settings the head water is ob.served in the flume. In the or<n«
pressure-case setting a gage should be tapped into the side of the po"a»'>-i
(Par. 640, piezometers) just clear of the case in order to avoicl disi'
due to ecldies and uneven flow in the case. In a scroll-case setting, t
like the draft tube, must be considered an integral part of the whcjel .,..«.
head should be measured between the entrance to one and the discharge
the other.
712. Measurement of the quantity of water used presents aor
difficulties unlcis special provision was injide in the design of the plant,
has been usual practice to install a weir in the tailrace. Unless the conditio
are exceptional the results are subject to .serious but undeterminable en
due to the relatively high velocity of approach to the weir (Par. 609 d $eq
The attempt is made by building the crest high enough from the bottom
cut down the velocity, the head acting on the wheel is thereby reduced a
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-713
713. For measuring the output two general methods are available
a hvdroelectric station.
• They are (1) to mea.sure the energy generated
metrically, or (2) with some form of absorption dynamometer. The
ctrical measurement requires that the driven dynamo shall have been
refuUy tested and the efficiency determined for all loads. Electrical
Sasurements can be made with great accuracy but the determination of
'? turbine output by this means is somewhat indirect. With the develop-
!nt of the Alden dynamometer direct and accurate measurement is
ssible. This apparatus is described as follows by Prof. C. M. Allen:
" It is a form of Prony brake, and usually consists of several smooth circular
•olvable cast-iron discs keyed to the shaft which transmits the power; a
u-revolvable housing having its bearings upon the hubs of the revolving
's; and a pair of thin copper plates in contact with each cast-iron disc, the
tes being integral with the housing. Through a system of piping, water
tier pressure is circulated through chambers between the units, each
slating of a disc and its copper plates, and between the outer plate at
her end and the wall of the housing. The water pressure is regulated by
cid or by an automatic valve.
Another system of piping circulates oil^f or
bricating the surface of the copper plates next to the revolving discs.
714. Advantages of the test in place. The test in place, if made com-
-e enough to cover gate openings under normal conditions of head at
plant, will serve two purposes: it will tell whether the wheels tested are
to specification; and it will provide a means of measuring the daily or
iy amount of water drawn by the plant so long as the wheels are kept
and in good repair, and the operating conditions are essentially those
ning during the test. These, records if carefully kept become of great
ue to the owner and operator of the plant.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-723
the year, and much smaller loads during the other months, the peaks can
(iely be carried at overloads even in excess of 25 per cent, for which
(Qerators are frequently specified.
If no spaics
1900 available, lamps, ;ilonr
with shunt transform;
connected across the op
1700 switch may be used. Sinn
1600 taneous dark lamps indica
correct phases; when lam
do not darken and bright
1 1400 together crossed pha.^is a
a 731. The volume of s
1200 required for cooling
1100 1100 generally about 5 eu. ft. i
of the machine. Reasona!
300 cleanness may be secured
having the intake above t
roof, thus keeping out all b
100 the finest dust. If the s
amounting to about
ft. per kw. of generator capacity. Means must be provided for the ;
-s are largely used in which the air is passed through falling water which
ces out the dust, and then freed from mist by baffles (Fig. 84). This
thod has the added advantage of cooling the air several degrees. The
!ue of this may be seen in Fig. 85.
6. The cost of ventilating ducts arranged for cleaning the air would
H oxiniatc 2'^ cents per kw. of generator capacity under pre-war conditions
or. cents for 1921.
6. The operating temperature, combined with the kind
of insulation,
<le mines absolutely whether or not the machine is overloaded. Tem-
pe aires are difficult of measurement, particularly in respect to finding the
00 '-t parts. It is the maximum temperatures which are of importance,
probable that these are never found in tests. Resistance temperature
" ;s
Sec. 10-737 power plants
are used with considerable success. The actual indicator may be locai
anywhere convenient, even on the switchboard, where continuous recc
of the temperature may be kept. This method gives more consist)
and precise results than the others and probably shows more nearly I
738. Excitation equipment should be designed with a view to the me
mum possiblecontinuity of service. Simplicity, ruggedncss, "fc
proofness" and reserve apparatus are important requirements. The meth<
in use for securing these results are greatly varied and much difTerence
opinion exists as to the best method. Each plant must be considered a
separate problem.
739. Exciters directly connected to the main generators were
earliest form in use. Each exciter is frequentlv made large enough
handle two generators, in emergencies. The cnief arguments in fa
of this method are simplicity, high efficiency and the absence of large fj
large unit due to trouble with its exciter, and the fact that voltage fluctuati
in per cent, are twice as great as the speed fluctuations.
740. Exciters driven by separate prime movers may be obta
for service with any kind of prime mover. On account of their small
the efficiency of the unit is very poor, this constituting the c:
objection to their use. Where steam at atmospheric pressure is neces^
for feed-water heating, the inefficiency is of no importance. Their u^^'
determined principally by questions of convenience and economy, it bi
absolutely necessary to install them for starting purposes.
741. Motor-driven exciters are in use in almost all stations. They
cheap, economical, efficient and reliable, but cannot be used for the comp
equipment. They should not be driven by synchronous motors, bei
short-circuits on the outside system not in themselves sufficient to can
shut-down of the station, are likely to throw the motors out of step, i
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-744
i 744. The size of the exciter plant depends upon the size of the power
•ant and the types of generators used. Small, low-apeed generators
-quire up to 3 per cent, of their capacity for excitation. Large, high-
deed turbo-alternators may require as little as 0.50 per cent. The exact
quirements may be obtained from the manufacturer. The total capacity
ould be ample to carry the whole excitation load with the spare apparatus
i-74S. The number and relative size of the exciter units should be
:osen for the greatest simplicity and the required flexibility. The minimum
;e of any unit is in general dictated by the requirements of the largest
'nerator. It is doubtful if the largest exciter should be large enough to ex-
e the entire plant. Except in very large plants a size suflBcient for half
e equipment, with a total of three units, will give very satisfactory
746. exciter voltages in common use are 125 volts for all except the
rry largest plants where 250 volts are used. The generators are usually
t compounded. With standard exciters it is possible to run at not more
I !in 15 per cent, over standard voltage, which is quite sufficient to take
e of the excitation of ordinary alternators at full-load. Where overload
Dacities are to be used, it is frequently desirable to raise the excitation
(tage as much as 25 per cent, during the peaks. Exciters can usually
arranged for this voltage with very little deviation from standard design.
M7. The cost of exciter sets installed, ready to run, exclusive of wiring,
ins, etc., could be taken as follows: — —
Pre War: 1921:
imple-engine drive,
ompound-engine drive, $1,000 plus $35 per kw. plus $68 per kw.
$750 plus $26 per kw. plus $52 per kw.
tf am-turbine drive,
$425 plus $31 per kw. plus $60 per kw.
uluction-motor drive, —
$625 plus $15 per kw. plus $30 per kw.
he cost of exciters attached to the shafts of the main generators can
1 be expressed as a percentage of the cost of these generators; this will
;• Irom 3 per cent, to 5 per cent., depending
somewhat on the speed.
48. Exciter wiring systems are in use covering practically all the
-'"urrent types of switchboards. On account of the low voltage no
ations need be entered into except as may be necessary to make
lie the various sources of excitation. Occasionally a double exciter
I 3 desirable, but in most cases it adds complications without any adequate
g 1 to the service. Alternating-current wiring for motor-driven exciters
ei.ld be worked out on the basis of the exciters being most |important
f!»rg, unless, however, the presence of a storage battery makes this
t inient unnecessary. In stations above 2,300 volts, it is recommended
t transformers be used in connection with the exciter motors, as small
niiines wound for high voltage are not sufficiently reliable.
19. Excitation switching appliances. The current must not be
I' °n without at the same time short-circuiting the field windings, other-
;^'iDctured insulation will result. This requirement calls for special
i.scharge switches. It also limits the use of circuit-breakers to those
ing on reverse current, thus serving to cut out damaged exciters.
of very large overload capacity, which will blow only during most
trouble, are used for the protection of the exciters.
-'.Field rheostats for small generators are usually mounted on the
'f the switchboard, but for large machines some more convenient
n involving remote control is necessary. Electrically controlled rheo-
tre frequently necessary in large stations and are operated either
id and ratchets or by motor; the latter is necessary where the field
t exceeds 300 amp.
1. Hand regulation. Voltage is controlled in all systems by hand
re .ation, whether or not there are automatic means. Hand regulation
al is suitable only where the load is steady and the generators
re late well.
Sec. 10-752 POWER PLANTS
762. Automatic regulation may be secured by two methods; first, i
time lag of the field windings produces a practically steady voltage of a val
depending upon the proportionate time the resistance is in and out of circi
The latter method is inherently more sensitive than the first and is pri
tically the only one in use in America.
763. The Tirrill regulator for small direct-current machin
operates as follows (see Fig. 86). The regulation depends on the rapid ma
and break of contacts .1 which short-circuit the resistance in the shv
field circuit of the generator. The closure of these contacts depends up
the machine voltage across the relay B. The contacts closed by this rel
serve only to close or open one of the two differential windings on the niagi
C, which in turn operates contacts A cutting in or out the field rct^istan
When the voltage is high, relay B opens one winding in C which in turn can
the latter to open contact A, inserting the resistance, and vice versa. 1
final result of operation is that the contacts vibrate continuously and rem
open or closed a longer or shorter portion of the time as may be requii
to keep the voltage steady. A regulator of this type with multiple conta
at A can control machines up to 125 kw.
Spring I <=^
y^ Spring G
Generator^ £xciur
Fig. 86. —
Tirrill regulator for Fig. 87. —
Tirrill regulator
large machines.
small direct-current machines.
D on the other end. This lever is pulled in a direction to close the ; orr
by a spring so designed that the plunger /' is pulled downward in n
proportion to the voltage. This arrangement gives greater sen.-'itiv.
than the simple arrangement at B, Fig. 86.
When the alternating voltage is low the weight of the plunger A ovirr^
that of the balancing weight £ and clo.sea contact D, causing relay /'
m above the correct value the contact D is opened, which causes the re-
;,ance to be inserted again in the field circuit. The winding on the K
I'noid A allows compounding with the load, which may compensate for
: average line drop. In stations where there are several exciters, the relay
aperaies a number of contacts /, one or more for each exciter. In very
56 stations a separate regulator is used for each exciter.
tSS. Regrulators with exciter batteries are possible by the use of
ksters in the exciter bus under control of the regulator, bucking or boost-
the voltage supplied to the field windings.
U. Manual regulation with regulators is secured by varying the
Istaoce in the circuit of solenoid A, Fig. 87.
187.Protection against regulator failures or abnormal conditions
Uld be provided whereby excessively high or low voltage results in the
Iration of a relay, thereby making the regulator non-operative.
VS. Exciters for Tirrill regulators require careful adjustment for
^allel operation. Field circuits should permit voltages from 40 per
t. to 140 per cent, normal. They must respond rapidly and equally to
Inge of resistance. Unequal response causes the quicker machine to take
ihe load and it may flash over.
They parallel both terminals of all series fields, making the direc-
. .
One Wli« Vwo Ytlr« Iwo Wire Three Wire Ihroe Two Iwo Due i
Voltmeter bus and receptacles to enable the use of one instrument for
machines; (6) Current supply for instrument excitation and the opera-
an of circuit breakers; (c) Signals indicating open breakers; {d) Remote
. Bub
Begular Spare
r-°)cir. Cir.Breaker
CI "^Breaker
D.P.D.T. OS.P.S.T.
6 6 S.P.D.T.6
Switch O
Switch 9 Switch
1 1 Feeder
Maia3us B&ra
Potential Bus Wipe—
Bheostat Uandwheel
Field Switch
Potential Beoeptacia
Kbeostat Chain )
Operating Mechaniam]
Watt-Hour Meter
Y 24^-->*
Sec. 10-772 POWER PLANTS
stallations, the generator and feeder switches may be located on the aair,
panel. In moderate sized plants there may be several feeders per pane
although generally each generator has its own. In large systems there
sometimes a separate panel for each feeder, but this is necessary onljj i
very special cases, usually two being grouped on each panel. The requw
ments of ammeters and circuit breakers are the same both for generat
and feeder panels except that occasionally two feeders running to the sa:
point are protected with a single set of circuit breakers.
772. Station panels are usually provided containing a totalizing n
meter and watt-hour meter, bus voltmeter (or voltmeters if a three-w
ri) it
= ) kf ^p
Fig. 94. —Switchboard supports; angle iron and pipe (Elec. Jour.,
1913. p. 168).
system), machine voltmeter and switches for auxiliary circuits and poi
station lighting.
773. Switchboard supports are either in the form of angle-iron
work or l>i-inch iron pipe (Fig. 94). An inverted channel iron, or
hard wood is sunk into the floor to which the upright supports are I
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-774
Sec. 10-779 POWER PLANTS
of bars, the width of the bars, and the current-carrying capacity base
on a temperature rise of 25 dog. to 30 deg. Cent. Free circulation of air i
each connection and 6 in. for each joint. For usual panels this worl^*
cost about $10 per panel plus $1.50 per 100 amp. before the war and pi
100 per cent, for 1921. ,i :
100 amp. of capacity; with 40 per cent, added for double throw and 10 |
cent, for 600-volt switches, to cover added length of blade and quiok-f"
feature, which should always be used, plus 80 per cent, for 1921 costs.
782. Fuses are the simplest means of automatically opening a cir
under short-circuit or overload conditions. Enclosed fuses are on the i
and are approved by the fire underwriters, having capacity up to 600 amfi
250 volts, or 400 amp. at 600 volts. Up to 30 amp., the contaotsj
simply ferrules on the end of the tube. On the larger fuses, cont
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-783
'nade by blades fitting into jaws similar to those on knife switches. The
,ube is filled with heat-resisting powder which confines the arc and puts
.t out quickly. All fuses are supplied with indicators to show when they
'ire blown. They will usually carry full rated load continuously, but will
)low in from one to five minutes if the current exceeds 15 per cent, overload.
783. The cost of fuses complete with the clips is about $1 per 100 amp.
capacity. The cost of the fuses alone is about 50 cents per 100 amp.
apacity, and the cost of refilling the fuses is about 20 cents per 100 amp.
784. Automatic circuit breakers are required on all circuits larger than
GO to 600 amp. and even on the lighter circuits where overloads and short-
ircuits are likely to be frequent. In order to reduce to a minimum the
urning of the circuit breaker contacts, three contacts are successively
roken on the opening of a circuit. First the main current-carrying contacts
pen; then an auxiliary copper contact opens, and lastly a contact opens
(tween the carbon plates and breaks the entire current, thus protecting the
irrcnt-carrying contacts.
The main contacts in circuit breakers consist almost invariably of lami-
:ited copper brush bearing on flat copper blocks, and pressed down by a
iggle joint exerting considerable pressure. Several types of breakers are
lown in Figs. 97 and 98. The current densities used in the laminated con-
ets are from 400 to 500 amp. per sq. in. The entire breaker is designed for
temperature rise not to exceed 25 deg. to 30 deg. Cent, in any part.
Sec. 10-788 POWER PLANTS
788. Switchboard instruments in direct-current work should be care'
fully protected from stray fields. Wherever the bus-bar currents exceec
2,000 anip., all except the very best protected instruments will be affected
and to secure accurate readings they should be calibrated in place. It ii
customary to provide instruments with scales such that at the rated load o:
the machines, the needles will be at approximately mid-point.
789 The cost of switchboard instruments varies between wide limits
Ammeters cost all the way from $15 plus $1.50 per 100 amp. of capacity
to $75 plus $2.00 per 100 amp. of capacity. Voltmeters may cost from $2(
to $120 depending largely on the type. Watt-hour meters will vary u
cost from $35 plus $2.50 per 100 amp. to $200 plus $13.50 per 100 amp
Pre-war costs ran 30 per cent, to 50 per cent. less.
790. Standard switchboard panels embodying the various dovicei
described above and suitable for all classes of work have been developed anc
catalogued by the various manufacturers, so that it is now possible to buj
complete, almost out of stock, panels suitable for almost any kind of work
1 +
Opening Cuntaot
Qreen Lannp
Qr««ti Lain]
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-791
& ^Primary
^ ^ Plug
eojioadlap Tu Source of
of Energy
80^ Load Tap:
Sec. 10-794 POWER PLANTS
794. Ammeters may be connected into any circuit by inserting the prope
plug in the sockets in rows 1 or 11. When the plug is inserted the circuit i
Fia. 103. —Elements of Thury system of transmission.
799. The principles of alternating-current switching are not
, cessarily different from those of direct-current (Par. 761 to 790). The
aie equipment and apparatus may be used for low-voltage work, except
sUght modifications to avoid eddy currents. The elements of alternating-
rrent switching arrangements are shown somewhat progressively in Fig.
1. The symbols indicate oil switches, (O) capable of being opened
der load and disconnecting switches (X) incapable of interrupting
y except the smallest currents.
The simplest arrangement is that shown in sketch A (Fig. 104), where
» generators and feeders are grouped at either end of a single bus.
ftches B to E indicate arrangements for sectionalizing the bus by dis-
mecting switches, which permit the division of the plant at any desired
bt; some sectionalization by oil switches is frequently desirable. The
Sec. 10-800 POWER PLANTS
ring bus shown at E probably has the greatest advantage. Doubli
busses are shown at F, G and H, which have the added advantage that an;
group of feeders may be supphed from any group of machines; double
throw disconnecting switches, and double-throw oil switches are shown
but the latter are not recommended. The relay bus system shown at J
and M gives some control of the sectionalizing under load.
The need for increased reliability of switching, as well as increased fl(
Iff" r" ff t V
Via. 104. —Elements of alternating-current switching.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-803
ni-tral bus and the ground, of such magnitude that the current flowing
grounded feeder will comfortably operate its overload relays. When
-phase star-connected generators have a third harmonic in the e.m.f.
,. c, it will appear as a voltage between neutral and ground.
Where dissimi-
r machines are operated in parallel, a considerable voltage may develop be-
voen their neutrals which will make their interconnection dangerous.
-uch cases it is necessary to introduce resistance in these connections.
- common practice, however, to operate with but a single machine
; Tided, which prevents interchange of neutral current and still protects
.> system.
803. Current-limiting reactances are in use on large systems to
i:it short-circuit currents, thus protecting generators and limiting the
\ of the oil switches. These reactances are of the air-core type (Sec.
I hey are used in two ways: those permanently inserted in the cir-
-, and those inserted only during switching operations. The ordi- _
05. Expulsion fuses (Fig. 106) are used for connecting potential or small
£ iliary transformers to the bus. They are usually arranged also as discon-
Sec. 10-805 POWER PLANTS
w ,ends to impart a more or less violent motion to the oil, away from the
CO acts, but its inertia and pressure due to depth resist the action and
^<lilily quench the arc. This pressure becomes very great in violent
aht-circuit interruptions, and has been observed as high as 150 lb. per sq.
in few in. away from the arc. Contacts of various types are used and
•Have certain advantages; many are arranged with auxiliary contact for
^thinal breaking of the circuit. Most of the breakers are arranged to
op by gravity.
special circuit-breaker oil is used which is fluid at low temperatures
*^is free from moisture. The oil level must be carefully maintained in
OF ition, and the oil must be changed when burned by short circuits.
Sec. 10-807 POWER PLANTS
807. The temperature rise should never exceed 25 deg. to 30 deg
Cent, in the hottest part at continuous full-load. The voltage rating i;
in. plus 0.25 in. per 1,000 volts, and with a total breaking distance per poli
of about 10 in. plus 0.33 in. per 1,000 volts. Breakers are standard up ti
155,000 volts.
The current rating is determined largely by the size of the current^carry
ing parts and may even be in excess of the safe rupturing capacity. Breakers
for very high voltage are usually from 300 to 400 amp. capacity, while IqB
2,500-volt or even 13,000-volt work they are available up to 4,000 amp.
808. Oil switches for panel mounting (Fig. 110) usually have U
poles enclosed in a common grounded rectangular steel oil-filled tank wB
is removable by dropping it away from the contacts.
This type, wl
mounted on panels, is not desirable above 2,500 volts and 3,000 kw. stait
capacity. J^
809. Wall and framework mounting (Fig. 110) with remote oonP
using this same type of switch (Par. 810), extends its capacity to SMI
12,000 kw. at 2.500 volts, or to 6,000 kw. at 15,000 volts.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-810
Sec. 10-811 POWER PLANTS
811. Remote control. In most cases electrical control is used where
hand control is undesirable. The operation in most types is secured by
solenoids, a powerful one closing the switch, and a Ughter one releasing
a latch whicn permits the switch to open by gravity. In the General
Electric type // switch (Fig. 108) a motor is employed for the purpose of
winding a spring which on the release of a stop by a solenoid closes or opens
the switch, depending on its position. Following the operation of the switch
the motor again winds up the spring. Pneumatic control is used in some
cases in very high-voltage work. For wiring see Figs. 100 and 111.
Lever Control-Switch Pull Button Control-Switch
control of the oil, etc. Generally breakers with a separate tank per pole,
or with a separate tank for each contact have larger breaking capacity
than those where all the poles and contacts are grouped in one tank. A
breaker operated at less than standard voltage will have its ultimate breaking
capacity somewhat increased.
813. Hand
control of oil switches is used for panel-mounted switches
and for remotely mounted switches, in the smaller stations. The remote
control is secured through bell cranks and rods (Fig. 110). Where the
switches become numerous and are too far away, or the station is of too
large capacity, hand operation is undesirable.
switches for floor niounting (Fig. Ill) have each pole enclosed
814. Oil
in a heavy grounded tank and may be supplied with weather-proof entrance
bushings and cast-iron covers for the operating mechanism, allowing use out
of doors. They are available for voltages from 25,000 to 150,000 and are
suitable for stations of almost any size.
Sfknual On wall
On flat surface
( Remote In cell
On pipe framework
Without electric
„ 4 _
motor / Std. sw. op. mechanisms trip or with elec-
jj 3 j^^^/
tric trip
D. c. standard mechanisms
A. c. special switches
f Pneumatic
J Float
/ Air
Pressure reg
\ Liquid
'^iutomatic Control
f Series f Direct relay 1
With or f Constant
j''ithout trip \ D. c. trip } without i ] Overload
'ries ) time [ Inverse
ans- With or without
Auxiliary / Push button shunt transformers
trip \ Low voltage or series resistance
Depend- Short-cir
A. c. trip
ing on With- Direct cult
load in out
On panel Overload, D. c. trip
[ a.c.
On shaft J
daries J
Reverse power,
With- D. trip .
Uotora Ugbtlns
circuit Breaker
Secondary Relajs
Used with Current Transfonnefi
-L Orerload-lnstantaneous
*^ Reverse Current t
^ DlffereotUl Beverse f.
^£ Belectire Reverse t
^ Underload t
Series Relajl
-^ Beverso Current t
] ojC*
Re^e"* PhaB« t
818. Relays are used operating under all of ;' the conditions out'
Par. 816. The most common arrangements are shown in Fig. 11-
Hewlett, Traits. A. I. E. E., March, 1912). The most common typi
solenoid with plunger and the meter type very similar to the induct
-^10 per 100 amp. for very large systems of 25,000 volts or lower, roughly
!)lus $20 per 100 amp. hand operation being unavailable. For very
,,., oltage systems there is usually only one current rating for each voltage;
uh switches for 44,000 volts will cost from $400 for a 15,000-kw. rating to
1,21)0 for a 50,000-kw. rating; for 110,000 volts, from $1,500 for a 15,000-kw.
iting. The cost of electric opera- „„„ „.,.,^ M.inTn.n,. m^» Switch
on IS about SoO additional, exclus- ^ ^.
e of control wiring. For 1921 , 11A ~,
)sts add 20 per cent for the smaller Q^ f/*f^
- nt
rent transformers and transfer
itches for connecting the single
1 meter to any phase; (b) one alter-
1 ing-current voltmenter (or volt-
1 ter receptacle and plug to connect Trip Coii
§ [J
eommon voltmeter); (c) one
r y (optional).
22. Instrument equipment for feeder panels includes:
) One alternating-current ammeter (ammeter transfer switches may be
u 1 if phases are unbalanced) (b) one indicating watt meter (optional)
Sec. 10-825 POWER PLANTS
instruments. There should be more tl:
one set of instrument transformers av;
SjDchronisin Indicftior
able for the bus voltage. Synchroni
wiring should preferably be as simple
possible (Fig. 114).
826. Instrument transformers (S
6, and Sec. 3) are generally used whene-
the currents exceed 100 amp. or the volts
600. They are designed for 5 amp. a
Jteoeptaole _ _
1 10-volt secondary. Separate transform
I Running of ample capacity should be provided
relays and for instruments. Potent
WO Volte il IhlO
above 15,000.
(shunt) transformers are usually oil ini
lated for all voltages above 4,000 and c
rent (series) transformers for voltai
Instrument transforn
using shunt transformers. wiring must be grounded thoroughly, b(
at the transformer and at the board,
prevent high potential on the panels in case of burnouts.
827. The cost of high-grade instrument transformers was about
follows: on a pre-war basis with up to 80 per cent, increase for 1921.
Series type, 2,500 volts, $10-|- $0.60 per 100 amp.; 11,000 volts, $30 +
per 100 amp.; 33,000 volts, $604- $18.00 per 100 amp.; 66,000 volts, $17.'
135 per 100 amp.; shunt type, 200-watt size, $20-|- $8 per 1,000 volts.
Oonneotlons for EaflM'^
j Rh«atiit
Motor and bwltoh
Altomkting I
Fig. 115. — Three-phase generator panel.
888. Types of switchboards using the apparatus above described i
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-829
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-835
fjerator on a watch is enough and, during the light load periods, if the
^-rangement of the board with respect to the turbine room is suitably, this
)eralor may be unnecessary. Above 10,000 kw. an operator continuously
I watch is necessary and frequently an additional man to take care of
sconnecting switches and the cleaning and repair of oil switches. Above
1,000 kw. it is customary to have additional men until in the very large
lations, there are never less than two men on the board at all times.
POWER PLA.VTS Sec. 10-844
844. Air-cooling requires blowers taking about 0.25 per cent, of the
itput. They are usually electrically driven and require from 3 eu. ft. per
in. to 5 cu. ft. per min. per kv-a. at pressures from 1 oz. per sq. in. to 0.5 oz.
sr sq. in., depending on size. The first figures are for 100 kv-a. size and
18 latter for 1,000 kv-a. size.
845. Oil-insulated transformers are in reliable service up to 150,000
sits and 14,000 kv-a. and down to very small sizes at 25,000 volts. They
e the most satisfactory in the average central station.
846. Forced oil cooling can be used for all sizes and gives satisfactory
suits. The transformers usually have plain boiler iron shells. The oil is
'imped in at the bottom and overflows at the top, passing through glass
i^ht tubes to cooling coils located where good air circulation or cooling water
available. This method avoids the possibility of water leaking into the
through defective tubes, as the oil may be kept under slight pressure,
also allows the convenient drawing of the shells w^ithout special piping.
Ae chief objection is that a fire may put the entire equipment out of service,
le cost is from 45 cents to 90 cents per kv-a. of capacity, which ia con-
;lerably higher than water cooling, but there is a considerable saving
the cost of the transformers due to absence of cooling coils.
847. Fire danger from transformers, while not negligible, has been
?atly exaggerated in the past. In some installations each bank has been
iced in a well-drained fire-proof chamber, in addition to being equipped
th a piping system to enable the rapid emptying of the shells into a buried
ik. Some of the latest and very important installations have been con-
ructed with simple barriers between banks opening into a common passage.
e drainage system is still important but is used principally to facilitate
lairs, inspection and the treating of the oil.
--a-vn I
« current, but they have f
serious disadvantage
being able to handle
a single discharge. A si
pie circuit breaker is son
times similarly used on lo
voltage systems.
All of the above arrani
ments have their simplic
to recommend them 1
they are inadequate on
but very small or low-vc
age systems.
866. Horn gaps ;
suitable gap at the bottom. The flaring sides are shaped so that the
in rising by the heated air is lengthened and finally blown out. Care
proportioning is necessary, but even then the horns will fail to put out
arc from a heavy current.
857. Multigaps, which consist of a large number of gaps in series, betwi
relatively large cylinders of non-arcing (composition) metal, have ma
advantages. When placed between line and ground the potential drop
Gaps "
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-858
rhe non-arcing metal has a low boiling point and
aiowmg the dynamic arc to be resumed on acts as a rectifier not
reversal of current ff' ?he
^^'^ ^^^^^^^ ^'^^ -'"^^ «^ .^J^'^.lL lit
868. Multipath arresters allow high voltages
urface ot a very high resistance rod
to discharge alonir the
in numerous very fine snarks the
*° ^^"^ -^
"""''^'^ This Vpe isTx^ted* to
869. Graded shunt resistance combined
with multigans allows a
increased effective number. Referring to Fig 127 which slTows
'^ *^^ ^^'^^^^^ Eleotrilco.. tfe /.^I'liL'tltaSl
D w e r g r o u p of 700
aps, the resistance
eing low enough
) accomplish this
esult. When ~
reaking down,
le flow of current o
irough the high t
sistance causes a
PTO^27.— Ele-
^ nt
of graded
Fia. 128.— Characteristics
aluminum lightning
. ——
for a very small increase in e.m.f.; its discharge rate is enormous and
immediately resumes normal condition after the discharge. Since the ce
can be formed to withstand permanently only about 300 volts, a grt
number in series is required for high potential systems. Conical shap
aluminum electrodes are mounted on re
with allowing a uniform space 1
tween (Fig. Electrolyte is inserted
these spaces, great care being required to ^
uniform depth. The whole stack is then i
i- 01
Grounds lighting
,. .^.
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-867
>71. Main generator and exciter wiring should be run by the shortest
Jsible route and provided with ample insulation, even above ordinary
ruirements. This wiring is not protected by automatic switches. Multi-
c ductor cables are not recommended and alternating-current and direct-
c ent wiring must not occupy the same duct.
72. Instrument and control wiring form practically the nervous
8; cm of the power plant. Great care must be used to avoid trouble and
o the highest grade of insulation should be used. Iron conduit should
h -fd for all of the wires, terminating as closely as possible to the instru-
panels and to the transformers. Terminals at oil switches and instru-
transformers should be most carefully protected to prevent high-
«.- ..jn current from reaching them during switch troubles.
AH instrument
w ig except that in main circuit must be thoroughly grounded both at the
in ument transformer and at the panel. Terminal boards on the panels are
of eat assistance in calibrating instruments. Alternating-current and
di t-current wires should not be run together any more than can be avoided.
Sec. 10-876 POWER PLANTS
876. The cost of bus and switch structures varied widely, fron
$50 per switch in small sizes to $300 per switch in large capacity switches foi
15,000 volts on pre-war basis or $90 to $600 for 1921.
877. Ducts and iron conduits are largely used in power station i
2-3 X i
Fio. 134. —
Wall outlet i
slab and tube of insula
and compartments.
Electrical considerations seldom have
882. Plant location.
power tu
derating influence on the location or general arrangement of a
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-883
'he location affects the cost of the distribution system, for moderate and
)W voltages, directly as the square of the average distance of the load; on
iigh-potential systems, the variation is more nearly proportional to the
[stance. Other conditions being equal, however, it is obvious that the best
Kation is as near as possible to the load centre.
883. Parallel operation. Large systems frequently require the parallel
Deration of power stations, and little difficulty is ordinarily experienced.
1 some cases where plants in close proximity are thus operated, the service
inditions require that the stations shall not be automatically disconnected
om each other except in case of trouble in
-e tie lines. In other cases provision is Copper Conneotliig.
W*. Load fluctuations largely deter-
ne the desired overload capacity of units.
Ijhting systems have steady loads except
f peaks shown by the usual load curve,
llustrial loads are very steady except for
ctain kinds of applications to intermittent
'•k using large units. Railway loads have
csiderable fluctuation even in the largest
8 iems. Swings of five times the average
a experienced when but a single car is
r ning. twice, when about ten are running,
a to 120 per cent, when a very large num-
b are running.
Sudden peaks are always a possi-
b on a lighting system, and occur when-
e a sudden storm appears.
An increase
iioad of as much as 100 per cent, within a Mallwble Iron
V'/ few minutes is not uncommon. Cap No.5e
HallMble Iron
16. The load factor machine, plant
of a Brass Nuu
otystem is the ratio of the average power Copper Conneotiiig
tc he maximum power during a certain hug
Pnd of time. The average power is taken
o^ a period such as a day, or
a year, and
tt maximum is taken over
a short interval r^
of le maximum load within that
period. In ^^^- 136.
ea case the interval of the maximum load
loo — 'ni.
Thomas roof insu-
'**°'" ^o"" 66,000 volts.
8b Id be definitely specified. The proper interval is
usually dependent upon
10 conditions and upon the purpose for which the load factor is to be
oe -mined The yearly average of
daily load factors is frequently used.
^ft'Sec. 2o.)
factor is the ratio of the sum of the maximum power
oeinds of the subdivisions of any system or part of a system,
mi mum demand of the whole system or to the
of the part of the system under
«0' deration, measured
at the point of supply.
i. The load to be carried is
probably the most important factor to be
Sec. 10-889 POWER PLANTS
considered in power-plant design. It determines the size of plant, the kin
of plant, and the size and number of units. Typical load curves are show
in Figs. 137 and 138. These curves are such as would be obtained fror
15-min. readings of watt-hour meters but do not show the exact load o
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-890
890. Capacity factor is the ratio of the average load to the total rated
capacity of the equipment supplying that load. This factor is not very
definite on account of variations in methods of rating apparatus.
891. Fixed charges as ordinarily defined with reference to power plants,
are the charges necessary to carry the investment and to replace the equip-
Llghting and
Dally Load Factor
Winter 49J{
Summer 71^
Arerage 64 Jt
Weekly Load Factor
Winter 45%
Summer 66%
Arermge 59$
Annual UF. 40%
DlTersHy, Win. .10'%
Diversitj, Sum.. 154%
Inter. Ry
Daily Load Factor
Winter 64%
Summer 7 1 ((
Average 66%
Weekly Load Factor
Winter 60%
Summer 66 %
Average 60 ^
Annual L.F. 43%
jDiversitjr, Win.. 100%
DlTenltj, Sum.. 149%
Inter, and City Ky.
DttUy Load Factor
Winter 68%
Summer 7S4(
Average 6jj{
Weekly Load Factor
Winter gt%
Summer 65%
Average 61%
AnnualUF. 45%
Dlvereltj.Win. 112%
Divemltj, Sum. .141%
Lightiug, and.
City Ry.
Daily Load Factor
Winter 47%
Summer 61%
average 50 %
Weekly Load Factor
Winter 43%
Summer 46 %
Average 45%
Annual UF. 32%
Diveraitj, Wln..l08<
~ .120^
Sec. 10-892 POWER PLANTS
893. Interest as used in engineering computations is the annual cost
of the money required for the work. It is affected by the credit of the
company and the condition of general business at the time money is bor-
rowed. If money is raist^d by bonds sold below par, as is frequently the
case, the cost of money is not only the only interest rate on the bond, but
this amount is increased in proportion to the amount the bond is sold below
par and, also, by an amount which set aside annually will make up this
deficit below par when the bond is retired or paid. Six per cent, should be
used as an average cost of money, but it varies between 4 per cent, and 8
per cent., the lower figure for municipalities and the higher for industrial
893. Profit on the investment, namely, income above the total of all
required expenses, interest, etc., should not ordinarily be considered in
engineering work.
894. Taxes are proportionately more variable than interest, ranging from
less than 0.5 per cent, to as high as 2.0 per cent. It is generally the case,
however, that high taxes and low interest coincide, so that the probable varia-
tion of the total of interest and taxes is from 6 per cent, to 9 per cent. 7.6 ;
(straight line)
Aerial lines 5
Air brakes 5
Air compressors 4 to 5
Arc lamps 6.67
Arc lamps 8
Belting 5
Boilers 3 5 to 4
Boilers 6.67
Boilers, water-tube 5
Boilers, fire-tube 6.67
Boilers, water-tube 5
Boilers, fire-tube 10
Bonds . . 6
Bonds . . . . 50 wearing value
Bonds 5
Brrpching and connections 3.5 to 10
Buildings .ivi.U'J. .L-nii 1-5
Buildings, brick IniiiJi, 2
. 5
Buildings '.
. 7 . . 2 to 4
Buildings, wood 2
Buildings 2
Cables, underground, high-tension. 5
Cables, underground, low-tension. 50 maintenance cost
Cables, aerial, lead-covered 6.67
Cables, underground, lead-covered 4
Cables, underground, lead-covered 5
Coal and ash handling machinery. 7
Coal and ash handling machinery. 5
Coal and ash handling machinery. 10
Condensers 4
Condensers 5
Condensers 5
Condensers 6.67
Conduits 1
Conduits. 2
Conduits 2
Cross-arms 8.33 to 12.5
Engines, steam 3 to 5
Engines, steam 5 to 7.5
Engines, gas 6.67
Engines, steam, slow-speed 5
Engines, steam, high-speed 6.67
Engines, 5
Enginefl, 6.67
Feeders, weather-proof insulation Dependent on ob-
served wear
Feeders, weather-proof insulation. 6.25
Foundations, machinery Same as life of appa-
ratus supported
Foundations, machinery Same as appa-
life of
ratus supported
Fuel-oil handling machinery 4
Generators 3 to 8
Generators 5
Generators, modern type 5
Generators, obsolete 6.67
Generators, steam turbo 5
Generators, steam turbo 10
Generators 6.67
Heaters 4 to 6
Heaters, feed-water, alosed 3.33
Heaters, feed- water, open 3.5
Meters, electric switchboard 5
Meters, electric service 6.67
Meters, electric 8
Motors, railway 3.33
Motors, railway By inspection
Motors, railway 5
Motors, railway 5
Paving 50 wearing value
Piping and covering 4 to 4 .
Sec. 10-898 POWER PLANTS
898. Legally Approved Depreciation Bates. — (Continued)
Depreciation, per
Property cent, per year
(straight line)
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-900
Scrap value,
Total life
Property per cent, of
original cost
Buildings 75 5
Boilers, stokers and furnaces 20 5
Conveyers, elevators and hoists 20 1
Turbines, complete 12 10
Engines and condensers 12 10
Piping, values and traps 12 3
Pumps 12 5
Synchronous converters, transformers and
exciters, etc 20 10
Switching apparatus and instruments 12 5
Alternators 12 10
Motors ._
20 10
Tools and sundries 10 3
Storage batteries 10 10
901. Scrap value. It is obvious that in computing the net annual amount
of depreciation tne scrap value of the apparatus must be deducted from the
original or first cost.
902. Methods of caring for depreciation. Charging to repairs all
replacement of apparatus, either in part or as a whole, is expected in many
companies to care for depreciation. Ordinary repairs will not prevent a
machine from finally reaching a point, due to wear and tear, where it will
have to be replaced and in small companies this replacement would cost
such a large proportion of the total investment that it is desirableto accumu-
late a fund for the purpose. If replacements are charged to repairs this item
will become irregular in amount, which is a very undesirable condition.
In very large companies the irregvdarity becomes less and consequently the
method can be used with success.
903. The straight-line method of computing depreciation is based on
the assumption of a uniform reduction in value. It is commonly assumed
that the accumulated depreciation fund, under this method, bears no interest,
but such is not necessarily the case. The method has the great advantage of
being very simple in application.
904. The amortization or sinking fund method of computing de-
preciation assumes that the accumulated depreciation fund is invested
and bears interest. The effect is to make the annual rate less, of course, than
it would be if the fund bore no interest. This method is not easy of appli-
cation to actual conditions. Some authorities consider that it represents,
more nearly than the straight-line method, the depreciation in actual value
of the property as determined by what a purchaser could afford to pay for it.
906. Calculations of depreciation, by whatever method, should be
made separately for each type of equipment, taking into account its expected
ife and its scrap value. There is much chance for error in deciding on a
percentage to apply to an entire property, and if used it should be determined
'rom a detailed calculation. It is evidently subject to some variation from
iimfi to time as new equipment is added.
Sec. 10-905 POWER PLANTS
fixed charges. In comparing different types of plants it is misleading to
consider obsolescence as different for the various types.
Physical and functional depreciation costs must not be added. If func-
tional depreciation will shorten the expected life the proper rate to care for
this shortened life should be used, which includes physical depreciation.
Eminent engineers have incorrectly allowed a percentage for physical
depreciation and an additional percentage for functional depreciation.
907. Summary of H. O. Stott's Classification of Operating and
Maintenance Costs
(Material and labor separated for each item)
Production costs
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-910
910. Classification of operating expenses. A very complete form of
cost analysis has been given by Mr. H. G. Stott, whose paper* should be
consulted for details. His summary is presented in Par. 907.
911. Analysis of the Average Losses in the Conversion of 1 Lb. of
Coal into Electricity f
Sec. 10-913 POWER PLANTS
913. Power Plant Costs per Kilowatt
(H. G. Stott)
Min. Max.
Real estate I
$3 00 . «7.00
Excavation \\ 75 . 1.25
Foundations, reciprocating engines 2! 00 3.00
Foundations, turbines 0. 50 0.75
Iron and steel structure 8.00 10.00
Building (roof and main floor) 8.00 10.00
Galleries, floors, and platforms 1 .50 2.50
Tunnels, intake and discharge 1 .40 2.80
Ash storage pocket 0. 70 1.50
Coal hoisting tower 1 20. 2.00
Cranes .
0.40 0.60
Coal and ash conveyors. . '. 2 00. 2.75
Ash cars, locomotives, and tracks 0.15 0.30
Coal and ash chutes 40. 1.00
Water meters, storage tanks, and mains 0.50 1.00
Stacks 1 25. 2.00
Boilers 9 50. 11.50
1 . 30 2.20
Economizers 1 . 30 2.25
Flues, dampers, and regulators 0.60 0.90
Forced draft blowers, air ducts 1
1 25 . 1.65
Boiler, feed, and other pumps 0.40 0.75
Feed-water heaters 20 . 0.35
Piping, traps, and separators I
3.00 5.00
Pipe covermg j
60. 1.00
Valves 0.60 1.00
Size of plant
,«<>aij|Ud TTCT
M 00 00 C4 ;o<oco
00 O0t~O0
0« •rt t- to lO 00t^U5
U5 U5 U50X5
lO iO—iN
POWER PLANTS Sec. 10-919
M 80
A 60
Io ^
S 20
Sec. 10-921 POWER PLANTS
plant. As the number of units increases, this portion becomes relativelj
Bmaller. It is probable that the ratio of full-load labor costs per hour tc
no-load costs varies from 2 to 1 in plants of a single unit, to 5 to 1 in planti
of a large number of units.
(c) The coal required to maintain a plant ready for instant service wit!
one unit running at no-load, consists of that required for its no-load steam
that of the auxiliaries and that for banked fires xinder sufficient boiler capa-
city to carry the peak load. This total no-load coal ranges from 25 pei
cent, of full-load coal in a plant of one unit to 8 per cent, in a plant of manj
Cd) Operating repairs and other expenses are very indefinite and un-
certain except over a long period of time, but probably vary in direct pro-
portion to the load, thus being independent of the load factor.
iSec. 10-922 POWER plants
922. Example of comparison of power costs.*
Let Ci, C2 = total cost per kw-hr. in plants 1 and 2,
/i, 72 = fixed charges per kw-hr. in plants 1 and 2,
F\, Fi = fuel costs per kw-hr. in plants 1 and 2,
Li, 1/2 = labor costs per kw-hr. in plants 1 and 2,
Oi, 02 = total other costs per kw-hr. in plants 1 and 2,
/i, /j = cost per 1,000,000 B.t.u. in plants 1 and 2,
li, li — average hourly wage in plants 1 and 2,
0.5] [0.945] = 7.08 mills per kw-hr.
best modern practice. It has little advantage for new plants, however.
Oas-engrine driven-plants are most suitable in small sizes where fir
cost is not greatly in excess of that of steam plants, and where the diffe
ence in economy is much greater. Larger sizes have excessive investme
costs and expensive maintenance which are balanced by fuel saving on
with high load factors and steady load.
Hydraulic plants are suitable when there is a use or market for a season
delivery of power at high load factor. Very few plants, except at Niagai
have a summer output in excess of 25 per cent, of rating.
924. Modem tendencies in power-plant design point to inexpenai
plants of high oper,ating economy. Expense of construction is reduced 1
simplicity in design, using few large units; reliability is secured by the use
the highest quality of materials and apparatus rather than by duplicat)
with its attendant complication. Operating economy is secured thrc
better control of combustion, the use of highly efficient apparatus wli
efficiency adds relatively little to the cost of the entire plant, and the attei
ant reduction in labor cost through the simplicity of the plant and t
small number of operating units. The development of stokers allowing vf
high rates of evaporation in the boilers with high economy, has reduced t
Investment costs in boiler equipment and building and also improved oper
ing economy by reducing the amount of coal consumed in banked fir
There is a strong tendency toward compactness of layout, allowing oi
ufficient floor space for the dismantling of apparatus during repair. The
lerfection of the mechanical design of turbo-generators permits the use of
keleton foundations in which the condenser can be placed with great apace
conomy. The electrical switching equipment still has a tendency toward
ipensive complication, which the writer believes will gradually give way to
implicity and ruggedness, except in the largest plants.
925. Improyement of economy of existing plants requires, first of all, an
ccurate knowledge of all the elements entering into the cost in that particular
lant, and then a gradual elimination of the elements producing ineflBciency.
926. Boiler-room practice affords probably the most fruitful field for
nprovement, as it has hitherto been the most neglected. Numerous instru-
lents, meters and devices are on the market which make possible a continual
leck on the efficiency of the boiler room. It is not only possible to know the
irerall efficiency, but to determine readily just what are the causes of in-
Bciency; there are automatic devices, also, which remove some of these
mses. A
careful study should be made as to the variation in efficiency
ith peak load and load factor, so that the inherent improvement in economy
ith good load factor shall not be mistaken for the results of better operation,
eterminationa should be made as to the projjer number of boilers to use,
e relation between active fire hours and banked fire hours, and just when it
profitable to let the fires go out. It is highly important that the boiler*
emselves be kept clean both inside and out; means are available to facili-
ite this work, both chemical and mechanical. The firemen should be care-
Uy instructed in proper methods of firing and closely watched to see that
ey follow instructions.
927. Engine or turbine room operation offers a less fruitful field for
iprovenient since the inherent economy of the units, more particularly of
e turbines, is less under the control of the operators. With engines,
wever, it is highly important that valve settings be maintained properly,
le proper loading of units has some influence on economy. The balance of
haust steam produced and that needed for feed-water heating is par-
ularly important at light loads, when ordinarily there is an excess of steam
lich is wholly wasted. Electric drive of some of the auxiiiariei frequently
•ves as a corrective. Air leakage into the condenser is an important
jrce of loss.
928. Electrical operation offers a relatively limited field for improre-
int in economy. It is frequently possible, however, by rearranging the
Qtilation of windings and keeping them properly clean, to carry a better
arage load on the prime movers, which adds to the economy and also to
! effective size of the station.
32. Steam, gas and oil plants.
';^ABPENTER, R. C. and Diederich, H. —"Experimental Engineering and
• iNELL, J F. C.
— —
I.nual for Testing." John Wiley &Sons, Inc.,New York, 1914.
"Power House Design. Longmans-Green Co.
. N'
. Y., 191
' ,
Sec. 10-932 POWER plants
" Rules for Conducting Performance Tests of Power Plant Apparatus. "-r7
Trans. Amer. Soc. Mech. En^s., New York, 1912.
Shealy, A.M. "Steam Boilers." McGraw-HillBookCo.,Inc.,N.Y.,19l2
Peabody, C. H. and Millbb, E. F. "Steam Boilers." John Wiley i
Sons, Inc., New York, 1913.
Perry, J. "Steam Engines and Gasand Oil Eng." MacMillanCo., N.Y
Thomas, C. C. " Steam Turbines." John Wiley & Sons, Inc., N. Y., 1910
Martin, H. M. "The Theory of the Steam Turbine." Longmans
Green Co., New York, 1913.
MoYER J. A. "Steam Turbines." John Wiley & Sons, Inc., N. Y., 1914
Morris, W. C. "Steam Power Plant Piping Systems." McGraw-Hil
Book Company,
DeLaval, C. G. —"Centrifugal Pumping Machinery." McGraw-Hil
— J. B.
Water Supply and Irrigation Papers. U. S. Geo. Survey.
D. Van Nostran
"Lowell Hydraulic Experiments."
Weston, C. E. — "Weston's Friction
Co., York, 1883.
Water Pipes." 3rd of in Editio'
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York, 1903.
Mead, D. W. — "Water Power Engineering." Edition. McGra\ 1st
Hill Book Company, New York, 1908.
Camerer, Dr. R. — "Verlesungen uber Wasserkraftmaschinen."
von Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig and Berlin, 1914.
934. Electxical equipment and economics.
Baxter, Wm., Jr.— "Switchboards." N. W. Henley Pub. Co., N. Y., 191
CoLLis, A. G. "High and Low Tension Switch Gear Design." D. Vi
Nostrand Co., New York.
Floy, H. "Valuation Public Properties."
of McGraw-Bn
Book Company, — New York, 1912.
Inc., '/"J
Foster, H. A. "Engineering Valuation Public D. V of Utilities."
New York, Ji
Gebhardt, G. D. — "Steam Power Plant Engineering." John WU
Nostrand Co., 1912.
I pany.
Inc., New York, 1913.
T.— "Wiring and Equipment." McGraw-Hill, N. Y. 1920.
Clewell, C. C—
"Machine Shop Elect." McGraw-Hill. N. Y. 192f
Millbb, K. B.— "Telephone Practice." McGraw-Hill, N. Y. 1920.
SECTION 11 >*^
h on McKay Professor of Electrical Engineering, Harvard University,
Fellow, American Institute of Electrical Engineers
isistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Harvard University, Member,
American Institute of Electrical Engineers
(Numbers refer to Paragraphs)
1. Systems in common use. There are three systems in common i
Direct-current :
Three-phase :
Same max. voltage. 70.7 141 50 50
Same effective volt-
100 100 100 l(Vi
vmg satisfactory service (Fig. 1), The required line voltage is obtained by
.nnecting series-wound generators in series, the voltage
per commutator
nging from 1,300 to 4,000 volts. Each generator is mounted oTrninsu-
ted platform and connected to its prime mover by an insulated
hen not in use, the generator is short-circuited. In this system the current
mamtained constant by automatic devices which control the prime-mover
eed, shift the brushes, and shunt the field, and the
voltage is made to vary
tn the load. Ihe power is deUvered to motors similar in construction to
e generators. The motor speed is controlled by shifting the brushes and
nultaneously shunting the field. Line voltages approximating 70 000 volts
3 in use, and a transmission distance of 112 miles
(Moutier-Lyons) has been
f" n
2 Motors Motors 2 Motors Two Motors Ughtnlng Amatcn
V.H<j~"8000 Volu 500 Voluj 3000 Volt,
Fig. 1. —
Typical Thury system.
claimed for Thury system: (a) power-factor alwava
pressures for the same line insulation
indicate that with given line insulation, (tesrbv
Aiternating current voltage)
direct current may be twice
maximum pressure occurs onlvd,,r?n^
«mum loads; (c) no dielectric The
: '
size of conductor.
9. The total voltage drop may be expressed:
e = 0.01XJ (volte)
where I the total length of conductor in ft.
is If the current density
different from this normal value, e will be in direct proportion to the curr*
density. Thus, if the density is 1 amp. per 1,200 cir. mils, and I = 1(X),000 :
10,500/(10,500 833) or 92.6 per cent.
Power 1 ost per mil-foot of copper at the normal density is represented
the expression:
/2r=(10-«)2 10 = 10-« (watte)
Total power lost at the normal density is
I-R=10-iXc.m.Xl (watts)
where cm. is the conductor cross-section in cir. mils, and I is the total len
of conductor in ft. If the current density differs from the normal,
right-hand side of Eq. 5 must be multiplied by the square of the ratio of
densities. Constant current high-voltage systems are usually so desigi
that the line losses are kept within prescribed limits.
If P, the power delivered, Eg, the generator voltage, and R, the line re
tance be given, Er, the receiver voltage, may be found from the follow
-f['*\FS] <—
The minus sign is only used when
the efficiency of transmission i--
must be '.- amperes per 1,000 cir. mils. Hence the cir. mils required )
assuming a neutral which has rero resistance and zero reactance, b"
return wire. A three-phase system may also be treated as a single-:
system transmitting one-half the power.
Sine waves of current and voltage, and balanced loads are assumfd •
following paragraphs. The eflFects of harmonics and unbalancing can usiV
be neglected but may be treated as special problems if conditions warr ••
minus sign is used when I leads Er.
i^ may also be written
E, = Ery(^oos fl+^)*+(ain »±^)' (8)
1 ation (8) ismore convenient than (7) as the quantity under the radical
i; is of the magnitude of unity and the position of the decimal point is
Be readily determined.
T V z*
t* Per cent, regulation = —?^r-^100 (9)
Efficiency = ^^^^
Er I cos e+I'R
the sending-end voltage, Eg, the load power P, in watts, and the load
•or-factor, cos B, are fixed, Er is found by the following equation:*
hEr from (9), and solve for Eg by the use of (8). If the calculated regu-
Mu then differs materially from that assumed, another trial may be
le^sary. If the receiver
a T than the generator be fixed, the problem
B ich simplified.
of singlc-
>t lecalculation. Trana-
ni on
distance, 20 miles;
[crating voltage, 33,000
0 frequency, 60 cycles per
full-load power-factor,
aeing of wires, 48 in.;
—ilile line loss, 10 per
;ei of power generated.
Regulation 100=19.44 per cent.
1,450 2,940 \i
Eo = 13,870 V(o. 850 + 13,870) + (0.527 + 13,870/' :
16,750 volts.
16,750 13,870
The calculated regulation is 100 = 20.7 per cent.
this checks closely with the 19 per cent, regulation assumed, another t
is unnecessary, unless greater refinement is desired.
The efficiency then becomes n = 2, 500,000/[2, 500,000+ (212)26.84] or 8'
With aluminum as the conductor, the reactance drop would be sligl
16. Example of three-phase calculation for a line having the same c
stants as are given in Par. 14. Transmission distance, 20 miles; general
station line voltage, 33,000 volts; frequency, 60 cycles; load power-fac
0.85; spacing of wires, 48 in.; permissible line loss, 10 per cent, of po
generated; power at receiver, 5,000 kw.; voltage to neutral, general
station, 33,000/ -v/S = 19,050 volts. Assuming 15 per cent, regulat
voltageat receiving station = 19,050/1.15= 16,570 volts. Current per wir
c Qcit)
5,000,000/(3X16,570X0.850) = 118.4 amp. Loss per wire =-^^X^
185 kw. Resistance per wire =185,000/(118.4)2 = 13.20 ohms.
Resistance per mi!e= 13.20/20=0.660 ohm.
Prom Par. 40 the nearest wire size is No. 1 A.W.G. which has a n
ance of 0.683 ohm per mile.
Total resi8tance= 20X0.683=13.66 ohm?.
Reactance per mile (Table 42) 0.734 ohm.
Total reactance , 14. (iS ohms.
/« = 118.4X13.66 = 1,617 volts /A' = 118.4 X 14.68= 1,738 vol
Substituting in (8) ____„^.^
£. = 16,570lJ(0.850 + 3^«il)^+(o.527 + ^„)^18,870 v,
Regulation = J^^^lOO = 13.88 per cent.
This checks well enough with the 15 per cent, regulation assumed.
1,667,000 +
16. Use of complex quantity. Analytical solutions of pro'^ '
involving vector qu
/X Sin may be made by rt
-Equivalent transmission line showing capacitance and leakance.
ir for such hnes, may be neglected. On the longer lines of higher voltage,
hine charging current has a marked influence on the line regulation, and
lie must be considered in the design of the line.
1 longer lines of higher voltage the charging current must be taken into
:oideration. It leads the voltage by 90 deg., and because of the line react-
ir it tends to produce a rise in voltage from the sending end to the receiving
>'i. Nominal "T" line and nominal "n" line. A transmission line
Itbrmal frequencies may be represented by a single conductor having a
in rm linear resistance {R = r
f^f r . . .), reactance (X = Carre ShoTing th« EeUUon between
Lme Voltage and J)ietance
- ~x -{ X . . .), leakance (G
150,000 VoIH
" " ff + Voltage at the Beceiier -
. . ) and capactive Load
.60,000 K.W,
lUiptance (B = b +b+ . . . ^ower- factor at " - 0.8 6
n rallel between the line and JUuf -laO Mile:, 300,000 aU,
leial (see Fig. 5). The exact JCouductor Spacing 15 ft.
in; tical placement
such a of
ID'S rather complicated, and
or radical purposes the shunt
idittance consisting of the
ea nee G and suseeptance B
na be considered as concen-
'ai at the centre of the Une
.Fi;6), or in two admittances,
sac of one-half the total Une Voltage drop in line.
witance, placed at opposite
3nt:>f the hne (Fig. 7). The former is termed a nominal T and the latter a
sof lal ir, or a split condenser. In the former case the entire charging
'UTat flows over half the line and in the latter case one-half the charging
where /is the frequency in cycles per sec, Ee the voltage across thecond
ser terminals in volts, and C the condenser capacitance in farads. The val
of le for different spacings and sizes of conductor are given in Pars. 44,
R/2 X/, Rh ^h I
22. A nominal "T" line is shown in Fig. 9, and Fig. 10 shows the ve(
relations in the circuit for unity power-factor load. Fig. 11 gives i
R —
nominal "T"
of Fig. 12. —Nominal
"" cos e.
by many times this amount, due to the fact that the e.m.f. wave
alternator may differ appreciably ffrom a sine wave. This last
should be carefully investigated if a high degree of accuracy is desif'
is evident, from inspection, that Figs. 10 and 11, are not capable of
geometrical solution.
28. nominal ir line is shown in Fig. 12, and the vector diagram is
in Fig. 13. The condenser current le/'i leads Er by an angle of ('
and is readily combined with the current / to form the total current
n $ becomes negative, when I leads Er, but the square of the second term
ider the radical still remains positive.
1 The problem is then treated by the method employed in Pars. 12 to 17.
-Vector diagram showing effect of line charging current.
14. Example
of calculation of a three-phase with capaci- system
"idce considered. Power to be transmitted, 50,000 kw: Substation or
;.eiver voltage, 140,000 volts. Distance, 120 miles. Fuequency, 60 cycles.
!ll-load power-factor, 0.90. Spacing of wires, 14 ft. Allowable power loss
i line, 10 per cent, of power at receiver. Power lost in each wire =
.'00,000/3 Voltage to neutral (receiver) = 140,000
= 1,667,000 watts.
• _ 5 000 000
/3 = 80,830. Load current per wire = 3 y ^830 X 90 "^^-^ amp.
ifsistance per wire = 1,667,000/(229.2)2 = 31.75 ohms. Resistance per
le = 31.75/120 = 0.2646 ohm.
'rom Table 40, 0000 copper or 336,400 cir. mil. aluminum have the
I rest resistance, 0.272 ohm per mile. Use aluminum on account of its
tater diameter. The total resistance is 0.272 X 120 = 32.64 ohms,
lim Table 43, by interpolation, the reactance per mile of wire = 0.795
Cq. Total reactance = 0.795 X 120 = 95.40 ohms. From Table 45
't charging current per mile per 100,000 volts is found to be 0.541 amp.
drent at the receiving end of the line 7^/2 = 52.47 /2 = 26.24 amp. From
ill. 15 and 16, Par. 23, Jo = V'(229. 2X0.90)'+ (229.2X0.4358^26^47'-
i2.0 amp.
s cos 9„ = (229.2 X 0.90)/219 = 0.9420
Ji= 219. OX 32. 64 = 7,148 volts. JX = 219. 0X95.40 = 20,890 volts. By
cation (8)
tTien the receiver load is removed, the substation voltage will rise, due
1< he line charging current flowing through the inductance of the line. On
oju circuit from (b) Fig. 13, E, will be:
e s .
Er=yJE,^-(^Ry+^^X (17)
afc = + jIcR/2
6c = - IcX/2
cd = + IR cos e
de = + jIX cos e
e/ = — jIR sin
fh = IX sin
Fig. 15. —
Constant load,
able power-factor.
vari- Fig 16. —power-factor.
Variable load, con«t«
/,=(206.3-y99.88) [i+(32.64+y95.40)(y6.49X10-«)-|
S3. Equivalent "T" line and equivalent "ir" line. A simple or
nominal T-line, Fig. 18, iu which the entire line admittance is considered as
being concentrated at the center, may be converted into an equivalent
T-line by multiplying each linear im-
B tanh 6/2 *' -* tanh^/2
pcdance Z/2 by tanh - /-, where 9
r* 7}^ *i
where 9i = tanh~^ — -z=rr
The hyperbolic angle of ti
->\ ^y /<
the generating station for
this power-factor. For
any other power-factor,
„ — cos fl, lay off the angle 9
^r to the right of BD for lag-
Fig. 22.- Effect of charging current. ging currents, and to the
left of BD for leading
•urrents. The voltage at the generating station will be determined by the
ine joining O with the terminal of the line impedance drop for the given cos 8.
for other loads, hence other values of line current, BD is divided into
)roportional parts, and lines parallel toOH are drawn as shown. For example,
.he voltage at the generating station at one half-load and with a power-factor
.>f 0.9 (lagging), is represented in the diagram by the line OF'.
— —
' * Bibliography 1
inclusive. Seven strands are assumed in the smaller sizes. The effect is the
different number of strands on the reactance and charging current is very small.
Tables 46 and 47 give the hyperboUc correction factors ?^^hl and *?:^*.
e e
-J 0%'^ f-
Short i imfc
te 1*0^8 g»'<vA«i.y
^^^ 65
70 ,
i! '
wiT??/]/*? ""^ °'^'''' ^ REPRESENTS A DROP IN
LiitS^r^"!'"'"^ """ O" ™E SAME SlOE OP THE ZERO r
1^4 ^ 'tITe S^'pgs'lTfIiD^'"-
""* * "'^ '- '°'^*°' ""^•' ^'
a r
^ 2
§ 2!
5 o
S g
in IN 05 COIN
nnnnn nnmnoi INtNr-l-Hi-l 00050>l35 OOt^t-
(NNININN ININN(NIN IN IN IN IN IN (N IN <->-" --l ^ i-H >-l
ooco (M O 00•-<
CO »C ^
00 050r-r}<00 O30r-<10 00
* —i rt
00 t^ IN
»-H 1.-;
05 t^ Ot^'^'-iOO 00 * .-I
-*-*-*f o ooooooooo
OroCOO o5e<i"O00'-i
«) * lO iOiO>2 — --
OiOsOOO ooooo ooooo ooooo ooo Tl< Tt.
iOi-iM"oo5 iN-HtocDw lo >o -<
M "-i tooom
ooooo <}<«»5.-i01!C
oooooi Tt<.Mt~e<505
o>o>oooot^ t^ffltomm *««
occocot^ ocoroeoo
00 00 1^ com
050—1 C» CO Tjontcr-oo
ooooo ooooo
ooooo oooc
ooooocoot^ t^r^co-fiN
or^mNO ^rtSOJ'Sr;
coconimra '^SS
GOO00O«O0 oor~t»t~t>-
<000 OOOOO
00 00 to 050 03 50 0; -^t^
06 occult- to t^-HOOh-O >1<!N(N>00
NOan^«o lO »o -^ -^ »o lOCDt~000 rHCOCDOO—
050000 00000 o-<««m
OiMN>-hOO •*OsN-*-*
T)I.Ht~COO» comt^'Ooo ooooiflO^J OC0(Nt^«
, rHOOCOOOrH tJI >0 lO <t (N OO CO t- O— .-( OS
O .1 lO
I csNcoeo-")"
T)icO«5>-<-H OOOCOCO
0«OINOS>0 *O!0 lN00ift'-it~
osos OS OsO 0000 00000 o^l-ll-l
SM< *cm CC
t-t>-OOOsOS »-<
^•OOOO'-H oot-io
OOOOXOSOS 050SOOOOOO r-t^coco>o •<j<com>-<os
CO c^ -HOC in C^ -Ht^CMt^
00 coco O)
^ O CO "n
0> 00 CO
r)» T)!
t^ 0> 00 1^ i<:i CO .-I
Oi«0005 *O00Ot^
05 t^ai i-ioo
COC^ >-hOOi O0t^lCTt<-M t~COt^ — (M
r» 05 -^ CO lO <D00O --N CO -^ Tt- tC lO »C
C0M*^'^'<1* •^•^^0*0 lOOiOiOiO lO
Surges* and disturbances occur in a transmission circuit, whe
circuit conditions are in any way altered. An oscillation is a recurrin
disturbance due usually to the oscillation of energy between the electrostati
and electromagnetic fields. An oscillation of low frequency, or one that i
are the line inductance and capacitance respectively. If the line resistanc
and leakance are negligible, the term y/L/C is usually called the natura
or surge impedance of the line.
From Eq. 23, the maximum voltage possible to occur on suppression o
the current / is:
e = lVL/C (24
This rise of voltage limits the current that may safely be interrupted am
renders a short-circuit dangerous.
Any change in load will alter either e or i and as the energy of th
electrostatic and electromagnetic fields cannot change in zero time, e and
must pass through some transient values before the steady state is agaii
If r, the resistance, is equal to or greater than -s/L/C, the transient is non
oscillatory, and quickly dies out. If r is less than y/h/C, the transient
oscillatory. The energy is dissipated as heat in the resistance, in hysteresi
losses in the fields themselves, or the insulation of the system may breal
down allowing the energy to manifest itself in an arc.
In the above relations the constants of the line loads and of the termina
apparatus have been neglected.
49. The frequencjy at which the transient oscillates is
/= l/(4v^) (25
when the open at one end and grounded at the other. If the line i
line is
open at bo*h ends, / = 1/2 VXC
/ is the natural frequency of the circuit
The transmission frequency should be so chosen that the natural frequenc;
is not exactly an odd multiple thereof.
resistance and inductance per unit length of line; y, g, and c are respectivcl
the admittance, leakage conductance and capacitance per unit lengtli of lint
a)-'2ir/, where /is the frequency; r and z arc cxprcssetl iu ohms, y and gi
mhos, I in henrys, and c in farads all per unit length of line, ai is the attenu
ation constant and on is the retardation angle per unit length of lin<
If the line is long or if its terminal load impedance is equal to the line surg
impedance, e""^ gives the shrinkage in amplitude of the current or volts?
per unit length of line; t'jai has the properties of a circular angle ai radial
and is the factor which shows the lag (space phase) of the wave occurring i-
eacn unit lengtn of the hne. After a wave has traversed /'units length <
the line, its phase lags behind the wave then being delivered by the generate
I'at radians, a = ai + jVa >nay also be called the hyperbolic angle p^^
unit length of line. As an example, if o = 0.000072 +
j 0.0007854 hype:!*
bolic radians per mile, an initial voltage wave of 100 volts traveling along ti
• Bibliography 27-30.
line becomes 93.05 volts at the end of the first 1000 miles and lags 0.7854
circular radians or 45 deg. behind the wave then being delivered by the
'Generator. Roughly, in each unit length of line, a wave shrinks in amplitude
by an amount equal to ai times its initial ampUtude.
1 Over the entire line of length i>, an initial voltage wave attenuates to a E
'voltage El where Ei = Ee-^ = £7^-^^-^^^ = EU'^^ X t~^^^); e = l'a; ei = l'ai;
St = J'az;
d is the propagation constant of the entire line. 9i is the attenuation
jonstant and 02 is the retardation angle for the entire line *~^i is the amount
current or voltage wave traveling along the entire line shrinks in amplitude,
and such a wave lags 6i radians behind the wave then being delivered by
the generator, a single wave only being considered.
A wave of frequency /travels over the line with an apparent or group velocity
5= — , where w = 2ir/. If 02 is given for one kilometer of line, t = kilometers
oer second.
If r = 0, and ff
= 0, r= 1/ -s/lc. For a free, uniform line surrounded by air,
n which the internal inductance is neglected, v is 300,000 kilometers per
iecond very nearly, the velocity of light. The actual velocity of propagation
i)/a2 is less than this, due to the presence of resistance, leakance, etc., which
lissipate energy.
The wave length X = 2T/cn, holds for the steady state and for the transient
itate as well. X is the distance a wave must travel to lose one cycle or 2ir
adians with respect to the ge nerator phase.
The complex quantity \/(r + }lu)/{g + jcoj) = y/z/y = zo is usually
surge impedance, the natural impedance or the character-
^lled the
'stic impedance of the line, zo is the impedance that the line offers
\X any point to an advancing wave of the frequency under consideration.
:rhat is, the current t = e/zo, where i is an advancing current wave, and e the
orresponding voltage wave. If the resistance and leakance be neglected.
.62.E&ect of transients. When a traveling wave passes from one part
f a circuit into another of different constants, the voltage wave, ei, will
hange its magnitude to ej, as follows.
nd the current
. . Zi
rZi + Zt\ (27)
here Zi and Z2 are the_surge or natural impedances which are equal,
eglecting losses, to \/Li/Ci and yJht/Ci of the two parts of the circuit,
•ispectively. (See Pars. 48 and SO.) Thus a wave passing from one part
: a circuit to another having a greater ratio of inductance to capacitance
ill develop an increased voltage and a decreased current. This explains
le breaking down of transformer windings, due to surges entering them.
n the other hand, if a wave passes from an overhead system into a cable,
le voltage will be reduced, and the current increased. This explains the
If-protecting quality of cables to surges.
55. A line whose length is a quarter wave is determined as a fin
approximation by
where L is the length in miles, / the frequency in cycles per sec, and 186,00
the velocity of light in miles per second and also the velocity of an electri
wave in miles per sec. if all losses be neglected. Actually the wave velocit
is much less than this value owing to the presence of resistance, leakanci
etc. It can be shown that such a line, with constant generator voltagi
tends to regulate for constant current at the receiving end, and the mail
tenance of constant voltage at the load therefore becomes difficult. Th
voltage may rise to dangerous values when the circuit is open, though a loa
at the receiving end tends to neutralize this abnormal potential. The fn
quency corresponding to a quarter wave length of line is the lowest frequenc
at which the line can freely oscillate. It cannot oscillate at a frequenc
corresponding to either a half or a whole wave length when the circuit i
63. Comparison of conductor materials on basis of equal
66. Electric Corona occurs when the potential of a conductor in air is
.raised to such a value that the dielectric strength of the surrounding air is
exceeded. Corona manifests itself by bluish tufts or streamers appearing
around the conductor, being more or less concentrated at irregularities on
the conductor surface. This discharge is accompanied by a hissing sound,
and by the odor of ozone. In the presence of moisture, nitrous acid is
produced. Corona is due to ionization of the air. The ions are repelled
'rem the conductor at high velocity, producing other ions by collision.
The ionized air is a conductor of high resistance and increases the effective
diameter of the original conductor.
If the distance between two insulated cylindrical conductors is small as
;ompared with their diameters, it may not be possible for corona to form, for
IS soon as the dielectric strength of the air is exceeded, it breaks down,
hrowing more stress on the remaining layers of air, which in turn break
^lown, and spark-over results. If, however, a sufficient distance exists be-
ween the conductors (about 15 times the conductor diameter), the undis-
lupted air may be able to support the dielectric stress existing between the
conductors, even although the disrupted air in the neighborhood of the con-
luctors has decreased the effective length of the dielectric path between the
Co = goMorS lege - (29)
e,. affected by the air density-factor S and also by the condition of the
ntiuctor surface, which is taken into account by the conductor irregularity,
tor Mo. Mo — 1 for polished wires; 0.98 to 0.93 for roughened or weatthered
>; 0.87 to 0.83 for 7-8trand cable. 5 = 3.926/(273-1-0; 6 = barometric
— ure in cm.; < = temp. in deg. cent.; 5=1 at 76 cm. pressure and 25
_•. cent.; log« = 2.303 logio; values of 6 for various altitudes are given in
ur. 67. The tables in Par. 66 give values of Co. ,,
lore k = 344; /is the frequency in cycles per second; e the kilovolts to neutral
effective (corresponding to £/o = 21.1 kv. per cm.), In English units tl
power losa becomes:
P = ——f'^^le—123AMorS logio -1' 10-^ kw. per wire mile. (3;
where = effective volts to neutral S =
e « => 1 at 77 deg. f ahr. and 29.5
459 + t
The above equations show that corona loss is proportional to the frequenc;
This holds true for the range of frequencies used in the tests, 47 to 120 cycl
per second. The law departs from the linear relation at low frequencie
At zero frequency, (that is direct current), the loss is from J'i to J-^ the©
cycle loss for the same maximum voltage. Humidity has no effect on tl
critical voltage or on the loss; smoke lowers the critical voltage and inereasi
the loss; heavy winds have no effect on the critical voltage or on the los
fog, sleet, rain storms, and snow storms all lower the critical voltage an
increase the loss. Snow causes a very marked increase in the loss, as show
by Fig. 26. In calculating foul weather loss, make Co equal to 80 per cent
of the fair weather value.
\ WG
M. To decrease corona loss, either the frequency or the voltage may b«
reduced. These, however, are usually fixed. The spacing may be increased
but this decreases the loss but slightly, and the increased conductor spacinj
would increase the line cost considerably. As the meteorological conditioni
cannot be controlled, the diameter of conductor must be increased. This
may be done without increasing the conductor weight by using aluminum
hemp- or steel-cored cable, or hollow conductors. The use of aluminum and
steel-cored aluminum is the most practicable method and in future, it ma>
become necessary to use aluminum for very high voltage lines. Hempi-
cored cable has been tired, but the core soon rots and the conductor strands
becomes disarranged. Hollow conductors reduce the skin-effect, but the
cost of manufacture makes their use prohibitive.
69. Example of calculation of corona loss. Line, 3-phase; length oi
line, 140 miles; size conductor. No. 4/0 A. W. G. std.; 150 kv. between con-
ductors frequency, 60 cycles; spacing, 14 ft. Assume 20 deg. cent., 76 cm,
barometric pressure; coefficient of roughness. Mo = 0.83. S = 3.92 X 76/
(273-1-20) = 1.02; diameter of wire ^Par. 66) 0.530 in.; r = 0.673 cm.; S"
14X12X2.54 = 427 cm.; e = 150/ V3 = 86.6 kv. to neutral; ff« = 21.1 kv.
per cm.; logio S/r = 2.80; e„ = 21. 1X0.83X0.673X1.02X2.303X2.80 = 77.5
70. Requirements. The successful operation of a transmission system
depends to a large extent upon the degree of insulation attained, and the
most important factor is the insulator. Up to a few thousand volts, there
is no difficulty whatever in maintaining good insulation, but as the voltage
reaches higher values, the difficulties increase and factors such as leakage
and capacitive effects, which are entirely negligible in low-tension systems,
become of major importance.
Insulators are made of glass, patented compounds, and porcelain.
71. Glass is cheaper than porcelain and when properly annealed has high
dielectric strength and high resistivity. As it is transparent, flaws can
readily be detected. On the other hand, moisture condenses on its surface
the action of rain destroys the smoothness of the surface and allows particlcf
of dirt to accumulate, diminishing the resistance of the leakage path. It ii
easily shattered. Glass is most commonly used for telephone, telegraph
and low-voltage insulators.
72. Patented compounds are on the market, having mcchanica
characteristics practically as good as either porcelain or glass. It is somewha
doubtful, however, if these compounds can successfully withstand _th'
combined effects of weather and the high electrostatic and mechanics,
stresses incident to high-tension power transmission.
Porcelain gives less leakage trouble, is stronger mechanically tha:
glass, and is less affected by changes of temperature. On the other hanc
it more expensive, and slight imperfections in the glaze are commor
In its manufacture, underfiring produces good mechanical properties, bu
tends to cause porosity in the porcelain, which almost always results i
rapid deterioration and failure when in service. Over-firing minimiif
porosity, but makes the porcelain brittle. control of the kiln tcmpe)'
ature has greatly improved the quality of porcelain. Porcelain has ,
tensile strength of about 1,500 lbs. per sq. in. and a compressive strength i^
about 40,000 lbs. per sq. in. As porosity and flaws, such as blow-hok .
cracks, and the like, cannot be detected readilv by simple inspection, eat ;;
are seldom used for voltages in excess of 70,000 volts. In the past it 1.
s made up of alternate layers of air and porcelain or glass of varying thick-
lesses. Some of the charging current to the pin must pass over the surface
,)f the insulator, which has a very high resistance, so the insulator may be
epresented by a resistance, shunted by a number of small condensers, as
hown in Fig. 27. E is the voltage from the line to the pin, I the total current
aken by the insulator, ic the charging current of each of the shunted con-
IG. 28.
—Arcing and leakage paths.
Fig. 29.
368 increase the leakage resistance appreciably. Increasing the
Lunber of petticoats increases the length of path without necessarily in-
•easing the area, so that a high leakage resistance is best secured by in-
•easing the number of petticoats. The fact that porcelain has a permittivity
between 4 and 5 tends to produce larger proportionate dielectric stresses
1 the air spaces, with the result that corona tends to form, reducing the
cing distance and the leakage path.
7*-. A *high efficiency insulator design has been developed on
ientitic principlesby G. I. Gilchrest. In order to reduce corona, to decrease
*A. I. E. E. Trans., Vol. XXXVII, 1918, page 805.
the impulse ratio (see Par. 80), to increase the arcing-over voltage, and tl
mechanical strength under electric stress, the insulator. Fig. 30, is co
-x,, structed with the following features: (1) Surfac
o conform to the flow lines of the electrostat
field; (2) Surfaces b of the rain sheds conform
the equipotential surfaces; (3) Unes of mecha;
ical stress are parallel to the electrostatic stre
lines; (4) the leakage resistance per shell
nearly constant, but is decreased gradually fro
the head to the center shell; (5) the capacitan(
is approximately the same for each shell.
'"'• Suspension insulators under favorab
°*~^ conditions can be operated at an average voltai
Fig. 30. High eflSciency of about 20,000 volts per unit. They are use
insulator with electrostatic almost exclusively for transmission voltages i
two-piece cemented unit. The Hewlett type is used extensively for sti
insulators. It has the advantage of not being cemented in a metal d
The units are joined together by looped cables and by clamps. It is pi
ably more diflScult to replace than the cap and pin type. The cable nl
should be filled with cement in order to prevent water entering and t
freezing. The cemented type has given trouble, due to failures at the I
of the cap, and in design this factor should be carefully considered. !
normal rating.
78. The string efficiency of n suspension-insulator units is the rati
their total flash-over voltage to n times the flash-over voltage of on(
Bulator. Although certain unpublished 500,000-volt tests have shown
ratio to be practically unity, the majority of experiments show thaf
FiG. 32. Two-piece cemented
insulator, suspension type.
80. 'Effect of high frequency on insulators. Insulators that on]
flashover at commercial frequencies may puncture at the same voltage if tl
frequency be high. This is probably due in part to the altering of strei
distribution caused by the change in the ratio of susceptance to leakaf
conductance brought about by high frequency. It is also due in part to tl
corona not having time to form and relieve the stress by rupture of the ai
To prevent puncture due 1
high frequency disturbance
the ratio of puncture voltaj
to flash-over voltage should I
The ratio of the impuU
flash-over to normal frequent
flash-over is called the in
pulse ratio. If this ratio :
thus forming one terminal. Water is also placed inside the iiisu
covering the threads in the threaded parts, and from 0.5 to 0.75 in. (1.,
1.9 cm.) deep in the other parts, thus forming the other terminal as she*
a. Fig. 30. Dry tests are often made on the assembled unit, b, c, d, e|
• Imlay, L. E., and Thomas, Percy H. "High Frequency Tests ot
Insulators." Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXXI (1012), p. 2121.
() and are necessary on strain insulators and bushings. Free arcing testa
e obtained when the testing transformer has sufficient capacity to maintain
heavy power arc after flash-over occurs. The breakdown voltage of in-
lators is a function of the time during which the voltage is applied, as has
len shown by A. O. Austin.* A higher potential for a short time will
.minate poor insulators in the same manner as a lower potential for a
ager time. Such curves for 100 kv. and 85 kv. are shown in Fig. 37.
iius 100 kv. for one-half minute will eliminate 2.2 per cent., whereas
kv. must be applied 4.7 minutes to produce the same result.
are accountable for the greatest number of failures. Some* companie
now use resilient material between the tops of the caps (Fig. 30) and sane
84. Arcing rings. Insulator petticoats are often shattered by the power
ire following a flash-over. At the same time the line conductors may be
burnt off by this same arc. To protect both
the insulator and the line, arcing rings, Fig.
38, arcing rods, Fig. 39, and the Thomas hne
protector. Fig. 40, are used. These devices
hold the arc away from the insulator, and
also prevent its burning off the hne wire.
85. The *Jeflerey-Dewitt Suspension
Insulator, Fig. 41, differs from the conven-
tional types in that the porcelain is in tension
pider-Pressed Steel-
llot Galvanized
J.D. Alloy
J.D. Insulating PorceUin
Glazed all Qver
Grey Glaze-Standard
^ocolate Brown GUze-
Fig. 41. —Jefferey-Dewitt suspension insulator.
86. System connections should be madein such a manner that
intinuity of service, flexibility, and safety are secured without undue com-
Lieations of wiring and switching.
fW. Duplicate lines are usually necessary, where continuity of service is
bportant. It is customary to run the two lines on the same poles or
iwers, especially if these are of steel or concrete, as the total cost of line
[ipports is th en much less than it would be for two individual pole lines.
Where the power is especially valuable, the two lines may be run over tw
different routes, removed from each other. This lessens the chance of bot
lines being disabled at the same time by Ughtning or by other natural cause
The cost of two such lines is frequently prohibitive. When it is necessar
to shut down a line for repairs, the service is interrupted if two lines ai
not available. Where the regulation would be impaired, or the overloa
capacity of one line is not sufficient to carry the entire load during such
shut-down, sectionalizing switches may be provided. The section requirin
Loir Voltage Bub Bars
SlsoonDeoting Bwitchsi
AlumlDum Cell a,
Lljsbtuing Arresters U"
BiscouuMting Switches
Aluminum Oell
Lightning Arresters
Son Automatic Oil Swltc^s
Blgb Tension Bus
JDiiconnecthig Switches
Step Up
Transformer Banks
-Aransiormer lianas K/\/*Cyl
Automatic OU awltches I Y I
Power House
Fig. 42. —Typical system connections,
repairs may be isolated andgrounded, the two lines being in parallel fori
remaining distance. This insures better and more continuous service, th«
frequently theadvantage gained is more than offset by the added expensM
switching complication. Fig. 42 shows the connections for a typical pot
system. ~
^breakers and warns the operator of trouble; (c) the dynamic arc to ground has
but little tendency to create high frequency oscillations; (d) disturbancea
to the telephone system due to electrostatic unbalancing are a minimum.
90. Disadvantages of grounded systems are: (a) The line is in-
operative if a ground occurs; (b) the short-circuit current may produce
strong mechanical forces in generator and transformer windings, causing
,serious damage; (c) the dynamic arc may shatter the insulators or burn on
ilthe conductors, because of the large amount of energy available; (d) induc-
I'tive effects of the earth current may affect the telephone and telegraph
circuits, though the earth current is practically negligible except in case of an
accidental ground.
91. Conditions of advantageous grounding. A system in excess of
60,000 volts may well be grounded, unless absolute continuity of service is
essential. A line connected as a part of a large system should be grounded.
It will then be automatically disconnected and cannot subject the entire
system to the delta voltage between line wire and ground. A cable system
should be grounded, as oscillations and transients are of common occurrence,
and a ground in one part of the system may otherwise cause a breakdown in
the insulation at some other point. To locate and repair a ground in a cable
system is expensive, requiring considerable time.
92. The ground connection may be made by connecting the neutral
to a copper plate buried in charcoal; by connecting to a metal plate immersed
n a nearby body of water; by connecting to metal work in contact with the
sarth or water; by driving iron pipes of about lin. (2.54 cm.) or so in diameter
ind 6 ft. (2 m.) in length into the earth 6 ft. (2 m.) apart, and pouring salt
*ater around them. To limit the short-circuit current, a resistance may be
iserted in the neutral connection, though to secure one having the necessary
aistance and carrying capacity is expensive. A reactance should not be
ised in the neutral as it may increase the probability of oscillations. The
;round should be made at only one point of the system, at the power-house,
18 otherwise earth currents, particularly those of triple harmonic frequency
md multiples thereof, tend to flow and to disturb telephone and telegraph
ireuits in the vicinity of the line.
93. Ungrounded systems have the following advantages: (a)
n accidental ground does not shut down the system; (b) the earth may serve
IS a third conductor until the damage can be repaired; (c) an arcing ground
nay be cleared by the arcing ground suppressor; (d) under normal conditions,
here is little effect on telephone and telegraph lines.
94. Disadvantages of ungrounded systems are as follows : (a)
Though the neutral of the system should be at ground potential, experiment
as shown that excessive voltage may exist between neutral and ground;
b) the insulation of the system must be designed to withstand the delta
oltage, and therefore must have 1.7 times the insulation for the same factor
if safety; (c) an arc to ground is in series with the line
capacitance, and there-
ore tends to set up destructive high-frequency oscillations; (d) any electro-
tatic unbalancing affects neighboring telephone and telegraph systems.
96. Ungrounded systems should be used where the voltage is mod-
rate; where a shut-down would be a serious matter; where the apparatus may
.ell withstand the full-line potential.
where i is the current at the moment of break and L and C are the circu
inductance and capacitance respectively. The voltage does not usually ai
proach this limiting value, as the arcs formed between the contacts introduc
resistance which diminishes the voltage rise. The switch also absorbs soir
of the energy stored in the line. The voltage rise, under ordinary switchir
conditions, may not exceed the normal operating value by more than from t
to 75 per cent. The excessive rises in potential occur under short-circu
conditions, when the current may reach many times full-load valu'
Aluminum arresters and power-limiting reactances offer the best solutic
of the problem.
98. High-tension and low-tension switching are both extensive
employed, there being no consensus of opinion as to which is more desirahl
The following methods are used in switching on a substation.
(a) Connect the line to the high-tension bus at the generating station, ai
then switch the substation transformers.
(b) Connect substation transformers to the dead line, and then swit^
the line to the high-tension bus at the generating station.
(c) Connect the open line to the transformers at the generating statiti
switch these on the low side, and then connect the substation transformers
the end of the live line.
(d) Connect the substation transformers to the dead line and step >
and (d) low-tension switching. The reverse order may be followed, wti
switching off.
(b) and (d) are not desirable methods^, as the potential waves whicli ;
first sent out along the line are reflected at nearly double amplitude a' '
receiving end which puts high voltage stresses across the transformers
other apparatus connected at the receiving end of the line.
Transformer switching may result in abnormal current rushes, if the cii
is closed on a point of the e.m.f. wave which does not correspond to i
capacity increased and the copper losses reduced. This correction may )
receiving end of the line. When used for this purpose exclusively, si i
not exceed the cost of the power saved, and must be less than the intere
the cost of installing more copper. As the synchronous apparatus m!>>
out of step, or be damaged by surges or short-circuits, it is generally desir
to install copper, which will give greater reliability, and has a better s
When improved is the result desired, the installation of
chronoua apparatus be justified repardless of the energy saving. V
large is impracticable to install synchro
amounts of power are concerned, it
condensers to take care of the entire quadrature current, although they
be used for purposes of improved regulation. In the 150,000 volt, 14(1
line which runs from Big Creek, Cal. to Los Angeles, two 15,000 kv-a.
chronous condensers are installed in Los Angeles merely for controlling the
voltage at the receiving end of the line.
100. Calculations for power-factor correction. The per cent, quadra-
ture current required for unity itower-factor at the receiver may be deter-
mined from Fig. 41, or may be calculated for a three-phase system as follows:
^'=3£ (33)
^ P
where 7i and It are the energy and quadrature components of current respect-
ively, P is the power, in watts, at the receiver, E is the voltage from line
wire to neutral, at the receiver, and d is the angle between the current and
voltage vpntnra
vnlt,n.£rp vectors. It
T+. will Ko
w.-ill be nntaA
noted, f..^.>, 1?;™
from Fig. ^o ii._j.
43 :j.
that it __
requires a
sl^WnH i^ " °'' \^f^ "'' ^b °'" ?-.033 lb. per cu. in., and the weight of
U^iln 1 ?^'1 somewhat less than this. For the average climate of the
^^-27 cni.) thick isassumed to be the worst
conditln^n ^''^'''l^^ '"t^-^ I"- mountainous
loads with 0.5-in. and 0.75-in. layers of ice, for both copper and aluminum
The wind pressure is a function of the wind velocity and may be ex-
pressed by Buck's* formula
p = 0.0025K2 (lb. per 8q. ft.) (35)
Where p is the pressure in lb. per sq. ft. and V is the actual velocity of the wind
in miles per hr. Fig. 44 shows the relation between velocity and wind
pressure. Buck gives the following as the relation between actual velocity
and that indicated at the Government observation stations.
Indicated velocity. . .
pajBau 00* O -^^
-" Tf" *" oc" lo" "O"
oooo oooop
oooo ooooo
(UMBjp 00003C)OC<1®-hMO
CO'tC^M rti-Hrt
O 8SBI3 WWlNe<l(NiM)Ne<l--' I GQ
-a 0.S
O —no * W IN 1-H T t^c^O'^cor^WMTr-H
a 8SBIO m-<}icoc<i«ooo5 0:03
^' ^' ^ ^ -^ -^' t-< ddd
3,pBOI -H(N00t^MO00''C0000
V ssBio <ooooooo OCt^cCO-^COCOC^CliN
_0 O OO
P o o o p_o_
t^ O 05 CO O -< L~ t~ <N t
•qioiT (M,-|.H ^rH^>H.-l.- l -So"
coo: O O t~ t^ t~ "-I "-1
a -co
'•^/ -bs 'd o d g
qi 0-8 ^w-HOOOOOO dddddddooo II B
<5'a:MooiooMTfO II
bs a i.OiO't'^COCONMMC^
qi 0?T
Oj—i^—'CCNCOTttCO dddddddddd
oooc<?mc2t^«5t~o O-<P0C0C0(NC0OOO
4-pBaa t^io-*coiNi-iOOoa>
COOOC^rHOOOt^'OO COt>--"<'COrJ<t->-l!0<MO
+ pBaa (MOOSOOt^tOtOiC'O-'f
) lO * CO M IM
r-l ^OO'MiOO'OIMOt-
d d d d d d d d d d^
•Monv ID •* C^ CJ --I —I f-i
00 (N t^_ •* -H_03 t^ U5 * CO
CO ?5 CD * >0 CO C">.'^'* lOOOiOlMCOt^O — OOO
CO of ira * N r-T to •* "5 X_N t-.
<1<^»H X I>
a^Bmpjrj co" c<f i-H
o* -t co" t<f (N i-Ti-I^ 'H
ooooooooo ,
noiena') lOiOO'OiOOOiOiO
t-e<)Oo>'-"00'on w CO to CO X^iO C^_C_M to ±++
woo" lO CO CO ri -?<-<"-<'
T)lOt~'H(^t^-)<M30 OOOOOOOOOO
o iq OT o_ (N 02 C3_ -<_ 1<_ •CNtOTjiC^XtCtOrH
noisua^ co_iC(N icr- w_-^_c:_ioc^
CO o" oT r-" to ^" CO co" (N OtJ-O
^oo)oo«rao5t"^co (NOC'OCSt^'^COOOOtO
ni 'bs 'vaxy COCOOXtOiO-^COlNlM
do" 'ddddddd
T-lb-COl^iNt>-C0050 OO'OOOSXO^'NT^
saqoui '-uiBTQ 00tOU5-*-<jicOCOiNlN
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poB Slim -JIQ
pjBq) a
©^iNMOt-lOCiTfiC ij^ g § a
a.pBoi toos'H.-icoi'SoseoOi'*
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a.pBoj t-iOM<N'-i'-l00 050>
2 ooo o .
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S:9 i-H05too>0'*'^ccroM
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— o
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aoi 'ui ^^
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•qi 08 ^^^ooooooo
o o >-lr)liOaO-<CO-HtOINOO
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•qi OSt _>HC)_o_0 OOoooo
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+ p^'aa III
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COCCcDCOCOOOCOOWCO *oo©ooooooopaco
-ON"* '"f'P
^,_^rt w(N
OOOOOt-lr-l,-(r-li-H(N (N lO O CO 00 O C^ t^ O 'O CO
opodoopoppo coto(N«:c<ie<iooiooo-»f'9'
50«>00<DiMr^O''5CO ^ Wrt — — IN
op^r'^c -
opoooppopoc tONTjipNpN-^OMP
«co!Oo6 — £0!iN'tt^e5
^__<rt w(M
2g T(<»ftt^OfJ'»''Ot^p
Stranded 23-24,000 14,000 9,000,000 0.0000128
X 120) =601.163 ft. at 120 deg. fahr. and zero stress; d = 16.18 ft.
The sag and stress should then be computed as in Par. 113, and a new
stretch line c'd' plotted. The maximum sag (assumed at 120 deg. fahr.)
occurs where c'd^cuts ab. It is equal to 18.5 ft., and the corresponding ten-
sion is 1,560 lb.
114. Data used when stringintr. A set of stretch curVBS similar to
those of Fig. 47 for several temperatures should be furnished the foreman
in charge of stringing the wire, in order that he may adjust the sag, or tension
(by means of a dynamometer) to its proper value for the temperature at
the time of stringing. It must be remembered that the temperature of the
wire, when the sun is shining, may be several degrees higher than that of
the surrounding air.
116. With the supports at
different levels, the line forms a catenary,
the lowest point of which is no longer midway between supports. The
curve can, however, be prolonged until it reaches a point which is at the same
level as the higher support (Fig. 48) and the distance xi to the lowest point
of the catenary will be equal to half the as.<sumed span, S', and may. be
where d' isthe sag as determined by Eq. 37, Par. 103, for the same span, S, and
the same loading.
but the sag, stress and length of wire will be reduced in direct proportion,
The stress for a definite sag is proportional to the weight per unit length of the
wire, including ice and wind loads. The curves, Fig. 51, show the relation
between sag, length of wire and stress, for a 1-ft. span loaded uniformly with
1 lb., and are based on the equation of the catenary. Three sets of curves,
A, B, and C, are given, all plotted to different scales. Curve A is good for
sags from 2 to 15 per cent.; curve B, for sags less than 2 per cent.; curve C,
for very large sags, being especially useful for spans on steeply incUnedslopieB.
The chart in Fig. 51 is too small for accurate work, but the data from which
the curves were plotted may be obtained from the original paper.
117. Use of the Thomas chart. By means of these curves, the sag,
stress, and length of any span may be easily determined. Divide the allow-
able stress in the wire by the span and weight per unit length.
«=—3"^ (lb.) (52)
From the chart, determine the length and sag corresponding to t, as Ai and
Ci (Fig. 51). Then the sag and length in the actual span will be the values
iust obtained multiplied by the actual span in ft. If the sag, or length, be
jiven, the other quantities ma.v be found by reversing the process.
With supports at different levels, the span may be computed as outlined
n Par. 116, and the chart then used for the total equivalent span.
118. The effect of temperature may
be determined with the Thomas
;;hart by finding the length of wire, with all stress removed, from Eq. 46,
Ill, using the stress in the actual span, and marking this point on the
hart for the one-foot span (as Pi, Fig. 51).
I'ar. The elongation of the wire ia
iroporlional to the stress, so the straight line PiAi will be the stress-length
•r "stretch" line for this load and temperature. If the sag is small. Pi may
« less than unity, but the line may be drawn by determining some other
)OJnt Po (Eq. 46), and drawing Po.4o. To determine the sag and stress at
ny temperature, determine the length of the unstressed wire at zero deg.
ihr. ( — 17.8 deg. cent.) by Eq. 47, Par. Ill, asatPj. For the same loading,
he stress-length line at zero deg. fahr., P2.42, will be parallel to PiAi and At
the length at zero deg. fahr. of the 1-ft. span. Let this be h, and the
orresponding stress and sag be h and di respectively. The values in the
otual span may then be found.
Actual length =SZi (53)
Actual stress =iS<i«) (54)
Actual sag = Srfi (55)
here 5 is the actual span in ft., and 10 the load in lb. per ft. of line.
The length axis may then be marked off in divisions proportional to tem-
oraturea, and parallel lines drawn, from which the lengths, stresses and sags
lay be determined.
119. The effect of ice and wind is determined by use of the
homas chart as follows: Suppose the values in Par. 118 to be
amputed for maximum loading (ice and wind). When these loads are
moved, the weight per ft. is reduced to Wo (the weight per ft. of the wire
ad the stretch in the wire will be — of what
it was before, for a given alone
ress in the 1-ft. span. Therefore, along the line A Ai make AD/ A At
and drawPiBi through D. The intersection of this line with the length
irve will give the results as obtained in Par. J.18, substituting Wo for to.
he temperature lines may be found as before, PaSa being drawn at 120 deg.
hr. (49 deg. cent.) and parallel to P?S!.
ISO. Example of calculation, using Thomas chart. Consider the
oblem of Par. Ill, where S = 600 ft., w= 1.575 lb., 7 = 4,150 lb.
S is the distance between supports; w is the weight (including wire, ice,
d wind) per unit length; T is the allowable tension.
The tension in a 1-ft. span, having a 1-lb. load, will be < =4, 150/(1. 575X
0) =4.395.
A line PiAi is drawn from Pi (length = 1.'00059) to Ai, the original point on
the length curve. The length at zero deg. fahr. is found from Eq. 47, Par.
111. ?o=1.00059/[l+0,0000096X(-20)] = 1.00078 ft. A line PiAs is drawn
(where Pa = 1.00078) parallel toPiAi. At zero dog. fahr., with wind and ice
Chart Actual
123. Insulators and pins must be designed to withstand the weight
bf conductor and any ice, sleet or snow load; the wind pressure acting on the
ponductor, and any other transverse force produced by a change in direction
i)f the line; the longitudinal force due to unbalanced horizontal stresses in
P = —n —6t
r; (lb.) for a square pole. (57)
assuming that ds, the ground diameter in inches, is one and one-half times the
top diameter. In Ihese formulas n is the factor of safety, I the length of th(
pole in inches, and T the tensile strength or modulus of rupture of the pol<
material, values of which are given in Sec. 12, Par. 164. The factor of safety
should be at least 5 or 6 for wood.
1S8. The stresses in steel poles cannot readily be calculated, duo to the
complications introduced by lattice work, cross bracing, etc., and the enginee;
is more or less dependent upon actual tests and manufacturers' guarantee;
for data relative to the load that a given structure may be expected to carri'
safely. Steel poles, for the same weight and material, have much les
torsional strength than steel towers. Although they may be satisf actor
under normal conditions of balanced load, their factor of safety may be muc!
reduced if one or more wires on the same side of the pole should break.
129. The stresses in concrete poles may be computed approximately
knowing the moment of inertia of the top and bottom sections, the cros*
section and tensile strength of the reinforcing steel, and the compressiv :
been done along this line, and purchasers and manufacturers h.we bee:'*
dependent upon actual tests of full-sized poles. The usual mixture c
Portland cement (1 2 4, cement, sand and gravel) has a compressive strengt
: :
after 7 days of 900 lb.; after 1 month, 2,400 lb.; after 3 months, 3,100 lb \
Breaking i ,
Area, Length, ^^^^^^rng
Section l/r strength^
sq. in. ft.
Ib./sq. in.
4 in. by 4 in. by \ in. angle 5.44 13 202 12,000 65,200
side. This uplift is resisted by the weight of earth above the grill work.
It is usually assumed that this weight is that of the earth included within
a cone whose sides make an angle of 30 deg. with the vertical. The weight
of earth is usually taken as 100 lbs. per cubic foot. A
frequent cause of
towers overturning is the lack of holding power in the freshly-tamped earth,
and the softening of the earth resulting from rains, floods, etc.
The entire shear pro-
duced by H must be trans-
mitted to the foundation,
and be resisted in the earth
by horizontal resistances
H', //'. Resistances H', H'
are distributed forces and
the point of application of
their resultant is not
known. Unless the rela-
tion between the magni-
tudes of the forces W, H'
and their centers of ap-
plication be known, or
assumed, the tower is
statically indeterminate.
In the A frame (a), Fig. 54,
the horizontal shear is
entirely transmitted to the
Fig. 54. —Stresses in towers, unbalanced
spans, etc.
foundation through longi^
tudinal stresses in the
main angle members
Practical considerations, such as the attaching of cross-arms, usually pre-
clude the use of straight A frames. In (6), practically all the shear must b(
transmitted through the member Z to the foundation at point P, where thii
foundation is usually bolted to the tower. Unless the point P has some specia'
support, serious transverse stresses ^re developed in the tower leg and in thi
foundation member and a tendency to buckle results. Towers, after havim
successfully passed tests on rigid foundations in the shop, often fail at tuf
: spans adjacent
the standard length (125').
spans adjacent to the angle
pole shall be reduced to the di8tance"S "given in table.
133. Location of poles and side guys may be determined by use of the
table given with Fig. 55 The term "pull" refers to the deviation of the
line and is equal to the distance from the pole to the straight line joining
points on the line 100 ft. each side of the pole.
134. Flexible towers are used with a view to decreasing the line cost.
Their design is based on the fact that with equal spans and sags on both sides
of the tower, the stresses in the direction of the line are balanced. The towers
are not intended to carry longitudinal stresses, but are designed to withstand
any transverse stresses that may occur. They are held in position by the
conductors, if pin insulators are used. When suspension insulators are
used, a heavy steel galvanized ground wire is necessary to keep the towers in
position. If a conductor breaks, the tower will deflect until the increased sag
in the conductors and ground wire on the other side of the pole compensates
for the unbalanced forces due to breaking. The towers should be designed
to deflect from 12 in. to 24 in. without being permanently deformed. The
unbalanced pull will not only be taken up by the tower at which the break
occurs, but will be gradually absorbed by the other structures in the line.
If a tower is actually pulled over, it is not a very serious matter because of
its low initial cost, and ease with which another may be erected. About
every mile there should be an anchor tower. Methods of computing the
iefiections and stresses in flexible towers have been published (see Bibliog-
raphy 45 and 47) Such towers should be designed to carry from j\s to j",
the load for rigid towers and with this load should not be stressed beyond the
slastic limit. The two legs or main members are usually made of channels,
whereas in anchor towers the legs are usually made of angles. (See Fig.
135. Anchor towers, when used in connection with flexible towers,
i.hould be designed to withstand the stress produced by the breaking of all
he conductors on one side, even when the line is loaded under the most
infavorable conditions. Under these circumstances, there should be no
idelding of the foundations, and the tower should not be stressed beyond the
(lastic limit. With a line constructed entirely of rigid towers, these condi-
iions may be somewhat modified, as the intermediate towers themselves are
v.esigned to take care of one or two broken conductors.
138. The proper form of contract should be executed, * when the con-
sent of the proper parties is obtained. In many cases, as in sparsely settled
districts, the land may be bought outright. The best practice, however, is to
acquire perpetual right under easement, or for a term of years, with the right
to renew the contract at the expiration of this time. Legal questions o)
importance should be settled by counsel.
139. The conductor material will usually be copper, aluminum, o*
steel-reinforced aluminum. The relative advantages and disadvantages
of these are described in Par. 61 to 64 inch
140. The spans for any line will usually vary in length. For level
or undulating country, a standard span ranging from 100 to 800 ft. may be
used. In hilly or broken country, the support must be erected at advan-
tageous points regardless of the varied length of span that may
result. With increased length of span, the number of structures and
insulators (hence maintenance charges) is decreased, but the height of
tower is increased. The cost of the tower may vary as the cube of the height.
Other things being equal, the span should be so selected that the total line
cost is a minimum. (See Par. 236.)
141. Extra long spans must be anchored at each end. To secure
sufficient tensile strength in the insulator, it is often necessary to connect a
number of strings of suspension insulators in parallel. In order that each
string may take its own share of the load, a strain yoke (Fig. 35) is used.
142. The conductor spacing should be such that the wires cannot awinft
within arcing distance of one another in the span. When suspension in-
sulators are used, the wires at the insulators should not be able to swing
within arcing distance of the
pole or tower. Allow a 45-deg.
deflection from the vertical for
copper and (iO-deg. deflection
for aluminum under the worst
conditions of loading. Assum-
ing one of tlie phase conductors
to hang vertical and the other
to swing to the above angle, no
two conductors must come
within arcing distance of each
other. Fig. 56 shows the usual
spacings employed.
143. fWeighted conduc-
tors. Where small conductors
are used with suspension in-'
sulators, it may be impractica-
S S s 3 §gh\e to increase the spacing by
an amount sufficient to prevent
PrcsBure between WiresCKilovolts)
the wires swinging more than
FiQ. 56. —
Approximate conductor spacing. CO deg. By hanging a weight
on the end of the insulatoi
string, the maximum swing may be kept within this limit. Such weights
tend to prevent the propagation of mechanical waves longitudinally.
144. The type of line construction should be decided upon after the
location of the lino has been determined. The choice lies between wooder
poles, steel poles, concrete poles, rigid steel towers, and the flexible towei
When selecting the type of line, the locality through which the line passes
the initial cost, the reliability, the ultimate life, and the maintenance shoulci
all be carefully considered.
Cost of butt-treatment:
Specification A 2.25 2.70 3.30 4.00 4.80 5.55
Specification AA 1.90 2.10 2.55 2.90 3.30 4.00
Specification B 3.45 4.00 4.35 4.80 6.00 7.20
Guaranteed penetration
process 3.80 4.40 5.30 7.90
with a sound heart. Each pole should be straight and well proportioned,
free from all objectionable bends; should have the natural butt of the tree
and should be squarely sawn, without trimming. Poles should vary in size
by lengths of about 5ft.; they should be cut between the first of November
and the first of March, and after being felled they should be carefully trimmed,
the bark removed and the butt squared. The poles should be piled with
open spaces between, raised from the ground and allowed to season for at
least a year or more. After seasoning, the top of each pole should be roofed
and the suitable number of gains cut for the cross arms. The specifications
vary with the kind of wood.
156. *Depth of wooden poles in the g^round
il68. Crib-bracing can be used, where the poles are set in loose, or marshy
.Is. For further discussion see Sec. 12, Par. 173.
169. The sand barrel is a u.seful expedient in digging holes or setting
les in sandy or loose soils. See Sec. 12, Par. 173.
160. A concrete foundation may be used for wooden poles where
' eptional stabihty is desired. This concrete filling should extend at least a
Report of Committee on Overhead Line Construction, N. E. L. A.
y, 1911, Vol. II, p. 374.
foot from the pole on all sides, should be carried above the ground line and
bevelled to shed water, and should consist of one part Portland cement, three
parts sand, and six parts broken stone or clean gravel, mixed wet. (See
Fig. 47, Sec. 12.)
168. Advantages. Steel towers in the open country, and for trunk
ines of large capacity and long spans, are unquestionably the best type of
;onstruction. The two systems, the rigid and flexible, are both in general
ise, and the latter is becoming more used. The flexible system compares
avorably even with wooden poles, as far as first cost is concerned, since
A 4J1O
C 18
FiQ. 60. —Rigid steel tower.
Eat of the work on it can be done by unskilled labor. The flexible towers
i rule come all assembled.
69. The design of a steel tower is largely the work of the structural
Orineer, but the electrical engineer should be able to specify the various
8 sses that the tower must withstand, the height, length of cross arm, etc.,
* be able to check the design by calculating the stresses in the various
(See Pars. 131 and 132.) Towers made with members which are
deteriorate very rapidly when corrosion once begins, and the cost of
ti. ,
painting such towers, should this forin of protection be found necessary, will
be high. Members should never be much less than J^^g in. (0.48 cm.) thick.
Fig. 60 shows a standard tower, Alabama Power Co., designed for two
110,000- volt circuits and two ground wires. Members 1 and 2 and channel 3
below the ground line are part of the foundation and are designed to transmit
the horizontal shear. (See Par. 132.) Fig. 61 shows a flexible tower.
170. Protection against corrosion is obtained by painting, galvan-
izing and sherardizing. For proper protection, paint must be applied
every 2 or 3 years, and if the tower consists of a large number of small mem-
bers, the expense of painting may be prohibitive. Where the structures
consist of a few members, painting may b(
economically used. One coat of hot dip gal-
vanizing, well applied, offers protection foi
perhaps 30 years, except at the ground line
A shell of concrete at the ground line ma>
materially increase the life of the tower
Sherardizing or "dry galvanizing," gives s
uniform coating at a low cost, and offers s
high resistance to wear and abrasion. If th«
zino is removed by abrasion or bending, th«
zinc-iron alloy still offers protection.
171. Erection of the tower is ordinarilj
by gin poles or by shear poles. The formei
device consists of a wooden mast or a frame
which must be set outside the tower base
The butt must be firmly anchored, and th(
l>ole strongly guyed, especially in the direc-
tion of the back line.
61. — Flexible tower. Fio. 62. —Concrete anchor for steel tower.
The shear pole supports the raising line and affords a means of raisinj
the tower by a straight away pull. The straight shear pole has a groove aj
the top, over which the rai.sing line passes. The shear pole maybe lowered
to the ground when the raising line clears the top.
Heavy towers must often be braced at the base by some form of strut,
to reinforce the tower against the stresses duo to erection.
172. Special structures are often required for transpositions, and »1
points where the line crosses a river, a bay, or a railroad. They are alsc.
used where the line makes a sharp angle; where the line is dead-ended; anc
to allow the installation of line switches, protective apparatus, or outdooi
sub-stations or switching stations. Special structures are usually very ex-
pensive as compared with the standard towers, and where one of the latter
will answer the purpose, it should be used.
173. Steel towers may be set directly in the ground, in which
case the steel should be well protected by galvanizing. The footings are
usually made by bolting an angle or channel iron directly to the bases of
the anchor stubs. For the heavier structures, a built-up grillageis necessary.
Fig. 62 shows a concrete anchor.
174. Wooden cross arms may be of either Norway or yellow pine, long-
leaf yellow pine, Washington fir, though other woods such as cypress, oak,
spruce and cedar are used to a limited
extent. Long-leaf yellow pine, and Wash-
ington fir are the best woods for high-class
construction, the average life untreated
being 8 and 11 years. Wooden cross arms
are being used in connection with steel or
concrete poles. In certain localities, cross
arms are being treated to prevent decay.
The full-cell treatment (.see Par. 161) is
usually employed, although the initial
; treatment by live steam is found un-
, necessary if the arms have been well sea-
soned. Cross arms should be seasoned for
: at least 3 months and painted with two
I coats of white lead paint, unless properly
. treated with a suitable preservative. For
the voltages employed in transmission
work, there has been no standard size
of cross arm adopted. In the lighter con-
struction, the standard electric light cross
arm, 3} in. X4i in. (8.25 cm. X 10.8 cm.)
often answers the purpose. For heavier
work, siaes ranging from 4 in.X5 in. (10.2
cm. X 12.7 cm.) to 5 in. X 7 in. (12.7
cm. X 17.8 cm.) are used.
Cross arms should be snugly fitted into
176. Double cross arms should be used where very large stresses may
)ccur such as at line terminals, corners, curves, and where extra precautions
igainst life or property hazard are required, as at railroad, highway, or low-
'oltage line crossings. See Sec. 12, Par. 178.
177. The wish-bone and bo-arrow cross arms, made of angle iron, are
ised for wooden-pole, single-circuit construction. The ground wire is
arried on the bayonet, at the tip of the pole. See Fig. 63.
178. Insulator pins are made of wood, of steel and of steel in combina-
ion with porcelain. Although the wooden pin adds to the insulation, the
ielectric stress in the insulator is so localized, especially in wet weather, that
ttle gained; wood deteriorates rapidly, being carbonized by leakage
urrents, and eaten by nitric acid which forms in the presence of high voltages.
^ ''irthermore, a wooden pin is weaker mechanically than a steel pin, hence
•squires a larger hole in the cross arm, and thus decreases the mechanical
rength of the arm. Wooden pins should be used only for the lightest
instruction, and with voltages not exceeding 20,000. They are made from
— —
wires should l)e used with aluminum conductors, as contact with ott
metals may form a galvanic couple and produce corrosion. Furthertno)
a harder metal will injure the soft aluminum. A large bearing area
f) be allowed where aluminum is used, as it is softer than iron or copp*
No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 A.W.G. have been found most satisfactory for
nam ties. A few typical insulator ties are shown in Fig. 64, and Fig.
hows two Clarke insulator clamps.
Owing to vibrations in the span, which are reflected at the points of support,
aluminum strands tend ultimately to the tie when pin-type insulators
are used. To prevent this, flat aluminum armor wire, usually 0.30 in.
(0.76 cm.) wide and 0.05 in. (0. 127 cm.) thick, is first wrapped around the
conductor and the tic then made outside the armor as shown in Fig. 64.
Flat armor wire is also used with suspension insulators, but the effects oi
vibration with this type of insulator are much less than with the pin type.
be avoided, as at a railroad crossing, or where a line runs parallel to or cross
a highway. Steel towers are seldom guyed, their resistance to overturnii
being sufficiently large (also see Par. 133 and Sec. 12, Pars. 174, 176, 176).
Well-galvanized steel strand should be used for guys. See table Par. 10
189. Straight-line guying is used to give increased stability to thelin
Approximately every twentieth pole should be guyed, in the direction
the line, either by head or anchor guys, and, if possible should be si(
guyed as well. Head guys should be used when a line runs over abrupt
sloping ground, in order to give the line increased longitudinal stability.
190. Guy anchors are necessary where there are no trees, poles, or rod
to which the guy line may be conveniently attached. The simplest ai
most reliable form of anchor is the so-called "dead man, " which consists
a log, 8 to 15 in. (20 to 38 cm.) diameter and 5 to 12 ft. (1.5 to 3.7 m.) Ion
A guy rod is passed through and held by a nut and washer. The log ,
193. Wire stringing may be accomplished either by securing the end
the wire and carrying the reel forward, or by maintaining the reel station^
and carrying the end of the wire forward. The former method is
adapted to light construction and long lengths, whereas the fixed reei
best adapted to heavier construction and shorter lengths. The conductj
are drawn up by means of a team, and when the proper sag and tension |
obtained, the wires are attache<l to the cross arms by snub-grips, thus mak
temporary dead-ends which remain until the lineman can attach the clai
or make the tie. Where flexible or light structures are u.sed, those must
guyed temporarily until a permanent line anchorage is made.
194. Phase wires may bo arranged (Fig. 67) (a) in a horizontal pi
(b) in a vertical plane; (c) at the vertices of an e<iuilateral triangle; (<f
the corners of a square (quarter-phase) and (e) at the corners of an isa
triangle. Only in (c) are the conductors symmetrical with respect to one
another. In the other cases, except (d), the inductive drop and charging
current are unbalanced, but these effects are so slight that they can be neg-
lected. The arrangement of circuits on a pole will be determined by mech-
anical considerations and the type of construction employed. When
making inductance and capacitance calculations, the average distance between
wires, or the cube root of the product of all three of the actual distances
may be used. Either method intro-
duces only a slight error. For spacing
and clearances see Fig. 56.
196. Cable splicing. The insula-
J_ 1 _1
tion should be carefully removed from
the ends of the cable to be spliced, Horizontml Place
Horitontal Plare
close attention being given to getting Equal bpaciug
Cnequal Spacing
the copper perfectly clean. A
sleeve of the proper size may be used
to make the joint. The joint should
be left smooth and free from any little
points of solder or sharp edges, as factors tend to produce ab-
normal dielectric stress.
All burned or imperfect material in
the insulation should be removed.
The braid and tapes should be taken
back far enough to allow the splices to
be completed without touching them;
this is very necessary owing to their
low insulating properties.
The insulation should be beveled
down to a very thin edge until it has
the appearance of a well-sharpened
ead pencil this bevel or taper should
jlace. The remedy is a very long, t la. 67.— Grouping of phase wires.
;radual taper or scarf.
'^ When possible, a good rubber cement should be used, smearing the taper
,8 far up on the insulation as the splicing compound is to go, keeping it
i^'ff the copper. The cement should be allowed to dry out until all moisture
]p(iia8 disappeared, leaving it firm and sticky. Enough pure rubber should
;( '6 put on to cover the copper, running about one-third of the way up on the
Rper. This should be covered with a good rubber splicing compound until
is somewhat larger than the rest of the cable. Care should be taken to
.• as much tension on the splicing compound as it will stand, in order to
t it on tight, to exclude all air and make the whole a solid, dense mass.
.a the case of submarine cables, the vulcanizing of all patches and splices
small stranded joints, which must be kept flexible and which cannot be
ad|)ldered,a layer of tin-foil over the joint is recommended; this should be laid
before the rubber is applied, and will prevent any corrosive action of the
bjilphur in the rubber on the unsoldered joint. (Also see Sec. 12, Par. 216.)
196. Joints in transmission lines are seldom made up from the con-
'letor itself but are almost entirely patented devices. Aluminum is not
adily soldered and hard-drawn copper becomes annealed when soldered.
Western Union joint is used only for small wires. The so-called dove-
splice is made by fitting the strands of one cable between those of the
• r and wrapping one strand at a time tightly around the_ others and
ind the cable. The parallel-groove clamp is used where a jumper con-
t.on or station connection is to be made.
j.97. The Mclntyre joint is used chiefly on small sizes of cable, although
has been used on sizes as large as 650,000 CM. It is made of seamless
copper or aluminum tubing, oval
in section, into which each conductor ii
pushed from opposite ends, until the conductors project about 2 in. beyonc
the ends of the sleeve. The tube is then twisted three or four complete
turns by special tools. This joint is eflBcient both electrically anc
198. For steel-reinforced aluminum, the simple Mclntyre joini
can be used in sizes up to 4/0, and develops about 80 per cent, the entire
strength of the cable. For larger sizes, a 2-piece compression joint, usinj
a steel Mclntyre joint for the core of the cable, is recommended. Th(
aluminum part is threaded together in the middle and the ends are com
pressed on to the cable by means of a portable hydraulic jack. Anchori
should be of thoroughly galvanized malleable iron clamps, which hold th(
aluminum and steel core separately.
199. Ground-wire construction. See Par. 60, 91. Ground wires an
designed primarily to protect the line from lightning disturbances, am
should be placed well above the line conductors. With wooden poles, thi
so-called "bayonet" shown in Fig. 63 is commonly used. This may bi
a piece of angle iron or a pipe properly drilled and fitted to be fastenec
to the pole top to receive the ground wire. Where steel towers or poles
and consequently long spans, are used, the ground wire is often depende<
upon to take up some of the unbalanced stress due to the breaking of i
line conductor. This is especially true when flexible towers with pii
insulators are used. A ground wire is absolutely necessary to hole
these towers in the correct longitudinal position, if suspension insulator
are used. Some companies mount the ground wire on insulators as an extri
conductor during the winter. The ground wire should be held securely U
the pole top by a clamp which is slightly flexible, has a grip of several inches
and flaring, well-rounded approaches. Taps to ground connections shouU
not be soldered, but rather fastened by well-designed clamps. The win
should be grounded at every steel pole or tower by contact with the meta
work. If the metal work is completely imbedded in concrete at the base
the ground should be made by driving an iron pipe, about 6 ft. (2 m.) loni
and 1 in. (2.5 cm.) diameter, into the ground, and connecting it to the meta
work with a copper wire.* If the soil is dry, the ground can be made mon
permanent by pouring salt water around the pipe. When wooden polei
are used, the ground connection should be made at every pole, by running i
copper wire down the pole and grounding to a pipe driven in the ground
or by coiling the wire (bare) in a flat helix and placing it under the pole
200. Transpositionsf are made to eliminate electrostatic and electro
magnetic unbalancing of the various phases; to eliminate mutual inductioi
between parallel lines; and to prevent disturbances in neighboring telephom
and telegraph circuits. When used solely to improve operating condition
of the power line, the distance between transpositions may vary in differen
lines from 2 to 40 miles. When used to reduce disturbances in ncighborint
telephone and telegraph circuits, the distance between transpositions i
must be made, as shown in Fig. 69 (6). Both of the above methods require
special structures, and the transposition spans are usually about one-half
the length of standard spans, in order that proper clearance between con-
ductors may be maintained. The jumper method, shown in Fig. 69 (c),
requires only a standard strain tower, which may be slightly modified if the
conductors happen to lie in a vertical plane. It is frequently possible to
affect transpositions using only standard towers and spans.
202.A telephone line is essential to the satisfactory operation of every
transmission system, as a means of communication between generating
stations, sub-stations and patrolmen. When possible, the telephone wires
should be run on a separate pole line to eliminate disturbances and trouble
caused by the high-tension circuit. The cost of an extra pole line is often
prohibitive, so it then becomes necessary to carry these wires on the power
1 !
Standard Tower
Transposition Tower
Standard Tower
Standard Tower
Transposition Tower
Standard Tower
( b) Vertical Spacing
_Cylindcr Gap
0£0 Arresters
^ ^-i,
^ Horn Gaps
Line Entrance Bushings
""^ly~ "
_V»ouum Gap.
Expulsion Fuses
Cylinder Gap Arresters
" D.P.5.T.
_gn_ ,
S.P. Vacuum Gap ArreBter
i ^
Choke Coils
Intermediate Station
-Terminal Station
For longer spans they shall be increased 1 inch for each 10 feet of the excess
between 150 and 300 feet and by 1 inch for each 20 feet of the excess beyond
300 feet.
206. Undergrround and submarine cables are often used for trans-
mission purposes. Pressures up to 60,000 volts are successfully employed.
when cut, and is of such a nature as to allow the layers to slide upon one
another when the cable is bent. The varnished cloth is apphed in the form
of tape wound on helically, the filler being appUed between layers.
Varnished cambric has high dielectric strength, is not affected by ozone or
corona, and is not easily overstressed. It is well adapted to high tension
work. Varnished cambric cables are more flexible than paper cables, more
easily jointed and can be installed at lower temperatures with less risk of
injury. They can be submerged several hours without absorbing moisture.
This allows them to be used extensively with a braided covering only. They
ire well fitted for service where the temperature is so high as to make
•ubber insulation unsuitable, or where surges in the voltage takes place.
SV^hen lead-covered and armored, they make excellent submarine cables.
*11. Impregrnated paper insulation consists of manila paper apptied
firmly and evenly to the conductor and then thoroughly impreg-
»ted with an insulating compound. Before impregnation, the paper
OBulation must be thoroughly dried.
The value of the paper as a dielectric depends mostly upon the composition
if the impregnating compound. It should have high dielectric strength,
ow dielectric constant, low dielectric loss, should retain its insulating quali-
les at high temperature, should be sufficiently viscous at high temperature
o prevent flow from one part of the cable to another, and sufficiently fluid
.t low temperatures to allow bending of the cable.
Cables insulated with impregnated paper usually have high dielectric
strength, and have lower capacitance and lower dielectric loss than cables
osulated with either cam-
bric or rubber insulations.
mpregnated paper can be
perated safely at higher
amperatures than the other
irpes of insulations. Paper
ables require a lead sheath,
nd successful operation de-
,ends upon the integrity of
le sheath.
i tl2. Dielectric loss is an
iiergy loss which occurs in
le dielectric of a cable. In
(ibles for voltages less than
fiOO volts, this loss is negli-
|ble. Fig. 74 shows the
feet of dielectric loss on the
irrent-carrying capacity of
cable. The allowable
pper loss is the difference
tween the heat dissipating
of the cable and the
lectric loss.
Hclow are given what are considered as normal values of no-load power-
tor and dielectric loss per foot of cable at different temperatures for 3-
iiductor cables operating at 13,000 volts and higher. Dielectric loss data
meagre and little has been done as yet in the matter of standardizing
loctric losses in cables.
: :
214. High voltage cable testing. * High voltage tests should be applied
between conductors, and between conductors and sheath. The test voltage
E is determined by the ioTrnxila. E ~ Kd logic D/d where D is the diameter
over the insulation, d the diameter of the copper, and K a constant depending
on the dielectric strength of the insulating material.
216. Electrical disadvantages of a cable system. A cable system
differs from an overhead system in that the capacitance is much greater
while the linear inductance is neghgible. Hence the charging current
may be equal to or even greater than the load current itself. Surges and
transient phenomena are much more common than in an overhead line of
the same length.
216 Underground cables for high-tension work are ordinarily installed
in standard ducts (see Sec. 12). All underground cables should be lead
covered. The rubber covering may last for years after the lead sheath
has been eaten away by electrolysis or has been injured mechanically.
217. The building is intended to shield the apparatus and equipment
from the weather, as well as to furnish a shelter where repairs may be
quickly made. A low-voltage station may have a fairly low initial cost.
On the other hand, the large clearances required by overhead bus-bars,
connecting-leads, arrester equipment, etc., make the high-voltage sub-station
a rather expensive afifair.
ised, as it keeps the weather out. Where high-voltage must be carried into
I station, great care should be used in the design and selection of suitable
jushings. A simple entrance for a 110,000-volt line consists of a 5-ft.
'1.5 m.) slab of glass or marble, with a small hole sufficient to admit the
jonductor without undue corona discharge. In Fig. 77 are shown typical
yall bushings.
223. The condenser type * of bushing: is built up by placing thin layers of
;in foil between concentric layers of insulation, and making the areas of the
oil equal, irrespective of the diameter, thus giving uniform potential dis-
iribution. Such a bushing is shown in Fig. 77 (c).
( C) Condenser Tyi
( b) 80.000 Volts
FiQ. 77. —High-tension biuhingn.
'la. 78. —Typical roof construction showing horn gaps and roof insulators.
.-•r-OutgolDg Feeders
whereby the exMt times of switching, shut-downs and disturbances are auto-
matically recorded.
230. A periodic line inspection should be maintained over all lines
the frequency of mspection dependinR on the country and the importance of
the lines. A patrolman should be assigned to about 20 miles of line,
as one man is then always within 10 miles of each section
of the line
1 he patrolmen may cover the ground on foot, on horse-back, with a horse
and team or an autornobile, depending entirely upon the nature of the
of way, his duties and the distance he must travel. The pole switches and
line sectionahzing switches should be inspected at least
once a month to
lasure proper ahgnnient of parts and proper operation in times
1 he patrolman should be held responsible for the proper operation
of n^.
' of bxM
particular section of the Une.
Defective insulators which cannot be detected by inspection may
located by the use of a megger. A sound insulator should have a resistance
greater than 1,000 megohms, whereas, if the porcelain or glaze
is injured or
cracked, the resistance will drop below 500 megohms. Other methods such
as the buzz stick," "spark stick," etc., may be used to locate defective
insulators, even when the hne is in service. (See Par. 82.)
repairs and replacements are often made only after the line
^V" I"^^^ The lineman
dead.' or patrolman should notify the chief operator when
a particular hne or section is desired. The line should then be cleared not
merely through the oil switches, but should be opened by disconnection
switches as well Before a lineman is allowed to work, the line should be wet
grounded, m
order to eliminate the electrostatic charge. If the line closely
parallels another power hne, both ends should be
grounded to eUminate any
dangerous induced potential.
In order to make repairs and replacements without interrupting the
service, special tools, mounted on the ends of wooden sticks, have been
devised whereby insulators may be replaced, conductors spliced, etc., while
the hne is alive.
232. Aluminumarresters* should ordinarily be charged at least once a
day, under normal conditions of temperature. In hot weather, or if exposed
to a higher temperature, they should be charged two or
three times a day
After passing a heavy discharge, and undergoing a high temperature rise, they
charged intermittently while cooling, in order to re-form the
u"l dissolves
which i?®
very quickly when the temperature is above normal
charging current should be about 0.4 amp. The
The auxiliary or charging gap
should be closed three or four times or until the arc ceases to flare
jacks are. now available for convenience in measuring
An abnormal charging current may denote trouble within charging current
the arrester, such
as carbonized oil between the cones. It is desirable to charge the arresters on
'^ ^^^ °°* ^^^ ^* *^® ^^™^ t™®- (^'so see Sec. 10, Par 862.)
"^^'^ ^^^ ""^ "^^^"^ * ^^'^t'oa is provided with
antnm JrhrM""*'"**w^^^
breakere. Where non-automatic switches are used; the operator
f^ Ti !i
"'•«%% the voltage, rather than open the circuit, waiting for the
fco f
line to clear If the line does not then clear, the load
should be thrown over
Z^ Ih^u . k"*-'
^^P*""* "5" ^^ '"*'*« "^^^"^ '*• is essential that the ser-
^® interrupted, resort may be had to such expedients as
^pr«t;^; o^° I
700 800
Fig. 81. —Span length and cost.
40 60 go 100 120 ]
Nominal Rating-Kilovolts
Fig. 83. —Cost of station insulators.
240. The trend of construction costs from 1914 to 1920 was con-
nuously upward, and in the latter year peak prices of unprecedented
laracter were reached for both labor and materials. The peak has now
;«n passed and the trend is downward, but stable conditions have not yet
;«a established. These important facts should be kept in mind in making
!e of the figures which follow, acknowledgement for which is due to the
>hn F. Vaughan, Engineers, of Boston, Mass.
S41. Kstimated line costs per mile
29-3 ^
05* 3 g «
— o ^S
• to 2
CO. 2 ooi-N a
lo a.-
05_e.'S iS
S O »0 00 "t* «c »*<
t> -<J" * M 05 1^ IN
^ "<-S§;s Sax
»1j 3^4, Tl
— « <" _
lO 00 OC ;C «5 (N
« M O
(3 (V •<j<0 • tn Tf •* >0 05
t3 ^ CI- Ct^ C .O?
00 <)* .-1 CC IN >H .-lOJ rtN-(
-IN a'^ f S cf^ i
4» 03
O +^ TS CO ^* -^ • 05 COC^I^
- ^::2 ej*; ciN
O Oofe.S"" ;
ti 03
13 »,
03 o i
03 £ 01 oj C ij J.
=EE — T) —
. • 5J S n tn
U o fl'2
*^ o ri
oj 5
*^ |m
nO. O"- rt bC c si's i'^
i^ ojS 6C ol3r5
hr o^
^ i s "•mats 0? ^ga|-
bf "^ r w
.i S "" °— ^
ji »}•'- flj
O oo O t-
o •
z «-=»= a
-o -w
So a
0'-<'0 O
CO o>
es CO
O i-c
<0 * h- Tt< >}< .-H
O -"S W!= ft
oic a)
- -P o I a
ot- a 'OO) V
1 coj-s .-1=*= a
- >°
WO!M o I ft
<-<co o
^S '^ ei5 O t4 (u ©
to • IB—''•=o^'3'-' fe ° fl fi
^j, O ira t~ t- rH K5
0-*= giN
c •S-Sos o
tOb- «j-<^
Occ U O5oo •
o . a* 2
o S o 6:2 . M* *0 •-* CO 03
d "Si
«[^ L20 0.
^ Oitc I
) 4,1-1*
•S CoiTttr-
^ a
-1 o 5 OS
s-g 1.H
ti'"' - OS'S o flt-t-o3
o ^
CO o
•§ '
Sooa" l>V
ft-° coco fi.
O a 2 2^0
5 OcfeO o
* coco
rt •
a >.T3
05 ea
d o o
^- ^
2-a ° 5-*
d h - ^"C'd
-d _ 1«
3c2 o -S • a >> ® Si
o S >) « o S O'-
oa,»; ' »-a iS os I- d— . f»
o® ]
d '
2 M
Ol-HlO S e o M. - - -
o a a
DO ft
®i<3 CC t. 03-3
ONoi oo^» :::*c>
f- 2
Sft o>m a g gS
Mb "
d o
246. Cost of cables per 1,000 ft.
2/0 stranded, —
3-conductor lead covered
(Simplex Wire & Cable Co.)
2S1. Insulators
25. Nicholson, L. C. Method Protecting Insulators from
Lightning and Power Arc Effects." A. E. Vol. XXIX (1910),
Trayis. I. E.,
26. W., —"Electrical Characteristics the Suspension In-
F. Jb. of
eulator." Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXXI (1912), p. 907.
System disturbances
" Transient Electric Phenomena and Oscillations."
27. Steinmetz, C. P.
28. Creighton, E. E. F., and Spronq, S. D.
"Surges on a Cable System
with an Aluminum Surge Protector." Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXVIII
(1909), p. 805.
29. Faccioli, G.
"Electric Line Oscillations." A. I. E. E., Vol. XXX
(1911), p. 1803.
30. Still, Alfred. —
"Standing and Traveling Waves on Overhead
Transmission Lines." Elec. World, Vol. LXI (1913), p. 779.
253. Protection
31. Creighton, E. E. F. and Whittlesey, J. T.
"Application of Local-
zers of Faulty Feeders and an Arcing Ground Suppressor to the System of
he Public Service Electric Co., and Descriptions of Several Experimental
32. Creighton, E. E. F.
Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. (1912), p. 1881.
"The Multi-Recorder." G. E. Review, XV
912, p. 434.
Hewlett, E. M. "Characteristics Protective Relays."
of Trans,
Vol. XXXI (1912),
i. I.
Elden, L. —"Relay Protective Systems." Trans. A. E.
p. 175.
I. E., Vol.
<CXXI (1912), p. 1911.
254. System connections
35. Steinmetz, C. P.
"The Grounding of Transmission Lines." G.E.
leview, XVI (1913), p. 370.
36. Lincoln, P. M.
"Transposition and Relative Location of Power and
Telephone Wires." Tra?is. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXI
(1903), p. 245.
257. Operation
50. Wood, R. —"Transmission
J. C. Systems from the Operating Stand-
point." Trans. A. E. I. XXX
— "Continuity
E., Vol. 835.(1911), p.
51. Crawford, Magnus T. of Service Transmission
in Sys-
tems." Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXX
(1911), p. 1049.
52. Steinmetz, C. P.— "Notes on Control and Operation of High Volt-
age Transmission Systems." G. E. Review, XV, (1912), p. 342.
53. Dewey, H. H. —
"The Operation of High-voltage Power Systems."
O. E. Review, XVI, (1913). p. 35.5.
54. CoLLBOHM, Max. H. —
"Servioe Continuity in Grounded Transmis-
sion Systems." Elee. World, Vol. LXIII (1914), p. 870.
of Distribution, Commonwealth Edison Company, Fellow of the
American Institute of Electrical Engineers and Member of the
Western Society of Engineers
Author of "Electric Central Station Distributing Systems"
{Numbers refer to Paragraphs)
1. Distributing circuits may be classified as to the nature of tl
— —
current direct or alternating; as to method of connection series or multipl
and further as to phase, number of conductors, voltage and frequenc;
The following is a statement of the field of application of the princip'
kinds of distributing circuits.
2. Direct cturent i3_ best adapted to use: (a) -where the distances a:
small, (b) where there is variable-speed machinery, and (c) where thei
is an area
of congested load for which storage-battery reserve is necessai
to insure continuous service.
8. Alternating current is best adapted to use where the distances ai
greater and the density of the load not sufficient to justify low-tensio
distribution without transformation from a higher voltage.
4. The use of series systems is limited almost entirely to street and oth(
lighting which is all in use at the same time. These systems are inherent!
high-tension in character and are, therefore, not suitable for gener:
purposes. They are operated by direct current or alternating current at
constant current of 5 amp. to 10 amp. in American practice. In Euroj
there are several direct-current series power transmission systems in open
tion utilizing a series of motor generators as the converting medium (Sec. 11
6. Multiple or parallel systems are used for general purposes almoi
exclusively. When direct current is used a nominal voltage of 110, 221
or 550 is employed, the last named being used only for power distributioi
The Edison three-wire system at 220 and 110 volts is common in larj
When alternating current is used, the primary mains are operated at
nominal voltage of 2,200. Single-phase, two-phase, and three-phase circuii
are in general use, with frequencies of 25 or GO cycles. In general, singli
phase distribution is used for lighting and small power service, and two-phas
or three-phase distribution is used for larger power loads.
Frequency. Twenty-five cycles is standard where most of the energ
isconverted to direct current for lighting and railway service or other pui
poses. Sixty cycles is standard where the energy is delivered for reta
consumption as alternating current. Other frequencies such as 30, 33, 4(
60 and 133 cycles are in use in some of the older installations in Americ
and in Europe. Sixty-two and one-half cycles is used in some moder
systems where the supply is derived from a 25-cycle system, this frequenc
giving a better design of frequency-changer apparatus.
7. The single-phase system, requiring only the simplest form of electri
circuit, has the aavantage of a minimum number of conductors, and henc
the minimum first cost for distributing mains. The feeders, however, n
quire 33 per cent, more copper than equivalent three-phase feeders. SingU
phase motors are more complicated and cost more than polyphase moton
and usually produce more disturbance of pressure, in starting, than three
phase machines. The distribution of energy by circuits ii
therefore, usually limited to motor units of less than 10 h.p., although motoi
up to 35 h.p. are used in single-phase systems with good success. Thi
system is used very generally for lighting circuits, in both single-phase ani
polyphase systems.
-ihase system. In the primary mains, which are all the same size, the three-
rire two-phase system is as economical of copper as the three-wire, three-
hase system. The line drop in this system is such that even with balanced
)ad the drop in the two phases is not the same, making voltage regulation
ifficult, unless line-drop compensators are employed. The three-wire
ircuit cannot bo used where the mid-points of the quarter-phase generator
indings are tied together, as is the case in some machines.
9. Three-phase, three-wire system. This system is commonly
mployed for general distribution, since it is readily derived from a three-
hase transmission system; it is also well suited to power distribution, and
;quires but 75 per cent, as much copper in the feeder system as an equivalent
ngle-phase system. The three-wire distributing mains are usually carried
nly where motor service is required, the lighting service being taken on
ngle-phase branches from the three-phase main. Users of small motors,
3 to about 5 h.p., are generally supplied from a single phase; while the larger
otors, up to 30 h.p. or 40 h.p., are supplied from two phases with the open-
^Ita connection.
radius about twice as great as with 2,200-volt systems, with the same regula-
)n. Standard 2,200-volt transformers and other accessories are used, and
e lighting branches are single-phase. The unbalanced load is carried by
e neutral wire, and with the use of line-drop apparatus, good pressure regula-
m is possible with any proportion of unbalanced load.
The four- wire distributing mains are carried only where there are motors
large loads to be served, and but three wires are needed for installations
less than .30 to 40 h.p., which may be served by two transformers connected
open delta. The wide range permissible has led to the adoption of this
stem in many of the larger cities of the United States. It is also well suited
. the supply of suburban districts and rural communities, where double-
iltage, 4,400-7,600 volts may be used to supply a group of towns and
,'lages, the pressure being regulated independently on each phase at the
urce of supply.
11. Direct-current low-tension systems find their principal field of ap-
cation in important parts of cities where the protection of the storage bat-
y reserve is of great value, and where there are many elevators, printing
esses and other variable-speed machines, and where space for transformers
i)uld be difficult to secure in public thoroughfares. The principal limitations
direct-current distribution are the small radius of distribution, and the
<cessity for rotating machinery to transform the energy from an alternating-
rrent source of supply. This requires a greater number of substations to
ver a given area, and these are more expensive both in first cost and opera-
n than alternating-current substations.
la. Two-wire, 600-volt, direct-current systems are operated in some
ies where they were originated to supplement single-phase systems in the
'•ly period of development. The duplication of mains necessitated by a ,
r X *
[ ;
Ji k
1 II 1
Fig. 1. —Open-loop
series circuit.
Fig 2. — Parallel-loop
series circuit.
Fig. 3. —Tree-system of
.3,200 volts within a 3-in. sheath. This fixes the maximum load which can
>e carried continuously on such cables at from 4,500 to 8,000 kv-a.
In the larger cities where certain substations distribute loads of 8,000 to
.5,000 kw., several cables are required to sup-
each substation, and it is desirable to have
the maximum size.
lables of
SS. Seserve cables.
A reserve cable must
for use in case of the failure of any
'if the cables which normally carry the load,
^his reserve may be secured by having a spare
able direct from the power-station, or by means 1
ei a tie line from a neighboring substation, or
i'j the use of a ring system. When substation
^lads are small as compared with the cable
apaeity, the ring system is often found to be
Sie most economical (Fig. 7). After the com-
iined loads of the substations exceed the
(apaeity of one side of the ring, additional
apaeity may be secured by adding radial
eders (Fig. 8). This is the situation in the
irger cities where substation loads run from
',000 kw. upward.
. Fia. 8. — Radial feeders.
24. General. The function of a conductor being to convey electrical
lergy from the source of supply to the consuming device, it must be of such
ze that it will not absorb too great a percentage of the energy or become
.•erheated. The problem of designing a circuit is, therefore, one of deter-
ining what size of conductor should be used to limit the loss of voltage to a
lecified amount, when distance and current-strength are known, and also
;tormining whether the size needed for the specified voltage drop is sufficient
carry the current safely.
26. Direct-current circuits. In direct-current circuits the current and
le resistance are the only factors affecting the drop in voltage. The re-
Uunce of a mil-foot of pure annealed copper at 68 deg. fahr. being
.4 ohms, that of a conductor D ft. long and M
cir. mils in area is
= {D X 10A)/M. The drop with current /, therefore, is
E = IR = -^ (volts) or Af = ^;
(cir. mils) (1)
both conductors are of the same size the total drop is twice the drop in one
nduetor, as found by Eq. 1; if they are not of the same size, the drops in
c different sizes must be computed separately and added together.
Example. A two-wire circuit is to carry a load of 100 amp. a distance of
10 ft. with a drop of 5 volts. What size of conductor must be used?
2DX^X10A 2X300X100X10.4 =
124,800 cir. mils.
E 5
No. 2/0, A.W.G., which should be used.
ue nearest
28. The calculation of direct-current drop at any load is readily
termined, where the size of the conductor is already fixed, by the use of the
rmula, £ = 27Dft/ 1,000, in which R is the resistance per 1,000 ft. of c6n-
.ctor. The formula gives the total drop in the two wires of the circuit.
-Example. A circuit of 4/0 cable, 500 ft. in length, is to carry a load of
amp.; what will be the line drop? The resistance of No. 4/0 conductor
0.049 ohm per 1,000 ft. (Par. 31); Z) = 500 ft. The drop is
The resistance of 1,000 ft. of No. 4/0 = 0.049 ohm, and that of No. 0=
0.098 ohm, per 1,000 ft. (Par. 31).
JS-/ft = 150X0.049 = 7.36 volts drop on positive wire;
JB = /i2 = 110X0.049 = 5.4 volts drop on negative wire;
J5 = /J? = 40X0.098 = 3.92 volts drop on neutral wire.
The drop in the neutral wire is added to the drop on the heavy side and sub
tracted from that on the "lighter" side, making the total drop 7.35 + 3.92 =
11.27 volts on the "heavy" side, and 5.4 — 3.92 = 1.48 volts on the other side
28. Alternatingr-current circuits. In an alternating-current circuit
voltage drop is caused by the combined effect of (a) resistance, (b) indue
tance, and (c) capacity. The component of drop due to resistance i
governed by the same laws which govern direct-current circuits, and is ii
phase with the current. The component due to inductance (react
ance drop) is a counter e.m.f. set up by the magnetic field and is a quarter
cycle behind the current wave. The resistance drop and the reactance drop
may be represented, therefore, by two sides of a right triangle. The capacity
of a circuit causes a charging current which is however of importance only at
the higher voltages. See Sec. 11.
The inductive reactance of a circuit is wL, where ai = 2irn and n =
frequency in cycles per second; L = inductance in henrys. The inductance
|8 a measure of the number of lines of force per ampere linked with the circuit;
It increases, therefore, as the separation of the conductors of the circuit ie
increased, or with the introduction of iron into the magnetic field, since either
of these increases the n\imber of lines of force linked with the circuit.
29. Table of wire resistance and reactance. The table in Par. SI
g^ves the reactance drop in volts per amjjere, for 1,000 ft. of conductor, foi
the distances of separation and sizes of wire commonly used in transmission
and distribution work. It should be noted that the reactance increases oi
the separaiion is increased. ;
/ft-196V. Jl A'
Fia. 9. — Resolution of ohmic drop and inductive drop to obtain
impedance drop.
total or
The e.m.f. diagram for the latter case, in Fig. 9, is OA'B'. It is apparent
that the ratio of resistance to inductance decreases as the size of wire i«
increased, so that innreasing the size for the purpose of reducing the pressure-
drop becomes less effective in the larger sizea, It is preferable to install an
additioQal oirouit if faoilitiea will permit.
o o o ooooooo o o o
oooooo ooooooo
^p i— y^ u-i »ij I'- (i'j i^j tv i
TO Ol 50 05 <N "O 00
'OooOTO'o«roo5-*05 ^,
CO 1^ O C5 t^ 00 r-l b-
•3ap 89 '»'' "»;
000' T Jsd stHi^o
•a X "*} •-l^»No^oooO'-'"3«r^^»u5
000' I -lad -qi
000' I Jad "qT iOCJgT^iOO-iiOOfMt^TfM
s[Tui 'jtj ni azig
Kifl £>-ufB» afi od* si aUT
88. Besistance and inductance factors. The reBistance factor ol
a circuit is the ratio of its resistance to its impedance. Likewise the induct-
ance factor is the ratio of the inductive reactance to the impedance. Th«
square root of the sum of the squares of these two factors is equal to unity.
The values of inductance factor which correspond to various common values
of resistance (or power) factor appear in the following table:
•8 .9 10 20 30
Load Power Factors Drop in Percent of E.M.F. Delivered
The net line drop is, therefore, 127 volts or 5.8 per cent, of the receive;
If a lighting load of 100 amp. at 100 per cent, power-factor were bein^
carried, the inductance factor ER would be zero and ON
would be
\/(2,288)2 (94)2 = 2,290 volts.
At 100 per cent, power-factor, therefore, the drop is 90 volts.
36. Mershon diagram. R. D. Mershon has devised a diagram by mean:
of which line-drop calculations, which do not involve charging-curren
effects, may be made with facility and yet with sufficient accuracy for al
ordinary purposes. This diagram,* Fig. 11, is based on the principles of thi
diagram of Fig. 10. The concentric circles are described about a centre
to the left of the diagram, which corresponds to the point O in Fig. 10. Th'
divisions are made in percentages so that the scale may be applicable to any
voltage. The use of the chart may be illustrated by the example of the cir
cuit of No. wire carrying a load of 100 amp. at a distance of 4,500 ft
(Par. 34). The ohmic drop is 88 volts, or 4 per cent., while the inductivi
drop is 4.3 per cent. The power-factor is 0.8. The base of the 0.8 power
factor line in Fig. 11 is the point R in Fig. 10. The point where the 0.!
power-factor line intersects the first circle is the point E in Fig. 10. Passini
from this point to the right, 4 divisions, and then upward, 4.3 divisions, ii
point is reached which is a little below the 6-per-cent. circle; this point iij
equivalent to the point P in Fig. 10. The net line drop is 5.8 per cent. o|
2,20Q= 128 volts, compared with 127 volts by calculation. j
If the load on the circuit has a power-factor of 100 per cent., one begin
at the base of the 100-per-cent. power-factor Hne, passes to the right 4 divi
sions and then up 4.3 divisions. Th
drop is found to be about 4.1 per cent,
or 90 volts, as compared with 90 vol^*
36. Two-phase line drop. In th
case of a two-phase four-wire circui
the drop is computed for each phase in,
dependently, using the method given i^
Par. 33 and Par. 34, or the Mershon dia-
gram. Par. 35.
In a two-phase three-wire systen
having the load connected between th
outer phase wires and the neutral »
common phase wire, the inductive d-
on the neutral produces an unbahn
pressure at the load or receiver <
This condition is illustrated in the '
*^'"*'^^i''e two-phase circuit above. A graphical solution of the
>blem of determining line drop in unbalanced three-phase four-wire circuits
ihowninFig. 13. This diagram is constructed on a principle similar to
W used in Fig. 12 for a two-phase circuit.
pile load on A phase is heavier than that on B and C, and the drop OE due
to the neutral current is added almost directly to the drop XZ on the A-phase
The net drop on A phase is EZ-OX, that on B phase is ET-OIl and on I
phiise it is EW-OU.
Where line-drop compensators
axe employed in each conductor,
only the individual calculations for
the four conductors are required, as
the compensator corrects for the
effect of the neutral drop.
40. Skin effect is an alternating-
current phenomenon (Sec. 2, and
Sec. 4), which materially affects
cables of large cross-section, due to
the fact that the currents passing
through the strands around the
outer surface of the cable encounter
less inductance and impedance than
the strands near the centre, thus
causing the outer strands to carry -'
more current, proportionately, than \
the inner strands. It is desirable, *'
Cir. mils X
^'*'"P-> (3>
vhere D
is the length of circuit in thousands of feet, n is the frequency,
\1 is the capacity in microfarads, and E is the effective voltage between con-
jluctors. The chargijig current of a symmetrical three-phase circuit, between
i'hase wires, is 2/\/3 = 1.155 times that of a single-phase circuit with equal
pacing between phase wires.
i When an inductive load is carried on the line, the lagging component of
Ihe load current tends to offset the leading current required to charge the line,
he tendency of the charging current to raise the power-factor of the line
urrent thus results in a corresponding tendency to reduce the line drop where
>e load is of an inductive character. (For full treatment of the effect of
ijpacity on line drop, see Sec. 11.)
44. Electrostatic capacity of cables. In underground cable work
»e effect of charging current is greatly increased by the reduced separation
{ the conductors. The charging current cannot be determined by direct
ilculation, however, since the dielectric constant of the insulation must be
iken into account. The mutual capacity of a three-phase three-conductor
ible between conductors, per 1,009 ft., is given by
_ 0.00735 K , f A^
(microfarads) ,A^
I 3a^ (fl^-a') 3
^^ r2 (ft«-o«)
"hen K the dielectric constant, a is the distance from the centre of the
toBs-section of the cable to the centre of the conductors, R is the radius of
e inside of the lead sheath, and r is the radius of the conductors. The
mmon logarithm should be used.
45. Dielectric constant. The value of K, the dielectric constant, varies
th the character of the paper and oils used and increases as the temper-
are increases. It must therefore be determined for each cable by measure-
snt at the various temperatures of operation. The charging current is
O affected by the dielectric loss in the cable insulation, and with cables
igned for operation at voltages above 13,200, this becomes an important
tor since it tends to reduce the current-carrying capacity of the cable
adding heat, which contributes to the temperature rise. Also see Par. 48.
*. Current-carrying capacity of conductors. The energy absorbed
a circuit, I'^R, is dissipated in the form of heat, and tends to raise the
iperature of the conductor. The maximum current-carrying capacity of
inductor is dependent upon whether it is installed in open air, in conduit
mderground. The character of the insulation is also a factor, since certain
da of insulation may be safely operated at higher temperatures than
I?heinsulation of rubber-covered conductors should not be operated regu-
y at temperatures above about 50 deg. cent. (122 deg. fahr.). Weather-
of and other fibrous types of insulation may be operated at temperatures
ligh as 65 deg. to 70 deg. cent. (149 deg. to 158 deg. fahr.). Conductors
d inside of buildings are subject to the requirements of the National
14 15 20
12 20 25
10 25 30 20 22
8 35 50 30 34 26
6 60 70 50 56 48
4 70 90 78 87 68
3 80 100 98 110 81
2 90 125 121 134 93
1 100 150 145 160 110
125 200 169 187 132
00 150 225 192 210 150
000 175 275 245 270 190
0000 225 325 285 315 225
250,000 235 350 320 360 255
300,000 275 400 370 415 300
400,000 325 500 460 515 370
500,000 400 600 550 605
750,000 525 800 750 830
1,000,000 650 1,000 900 1,030
1,,500, 000 850 1,360 1,200 1,450
2,000,000 1,670 1,400 1,590
Attention has been given in recent years to the compounds used in sir
cables, and it is found that the use of resin oil, the predominant element boi
made up of mineral compounds, should be limited if the dielectric los^^
Atkinson and Fisher. Trans. A. I. E. E.; Vol. XXXII, 1913, p. 327.
to be kept within safe limits. The tendency of the loss to increase as the
temperature produces a condition of cumulative heating which may-
progress in a few hours to a point where the cable is destroyed.
49. Temperature of conductors. The temperature of the conductor
may be determined from observation of the temperature of the cable sheath
by a formula derived by Atkinson and Fisher, which is of value since it can
easily applied to working cables, without taking them out of service.
jin which D is the diameter (in.), outside the insulation, d is the diameter
(in.) of the conductor, I is the current (amp.) and if is a constant which is
determined for each type of cable. The common logarithm, base 10, should
be used. The values of K
are as follows: for single conductor cable, 0.15;
for two-conductor cable, 0.35; and for three-conductor cable, 0.52.
With multiple conductor cable the value of D is taken over the outer belt
3f insulation and d is that of the individual conductors.
50. Multiple conductor cables. The carrying capacity of multiple
!onductor cables is less than that of single conductor cables of the same
)izp of conductor, since heat is generated in two or more conductors and the
noroase in radiating surface is not proportionally greater. This effect is
urh that for duplex cable the temperature rise is about 10 per cent, greater
hau for a single conductor cable, making its carrying capacity about 10 per
out. less. For three-conductor cable the carrjfing capacity is about 75
)er cent, of that of a single conductor cable.
61. The function of a substation is to convert energy received from a
'ulk-supply system, at the transmission voltage and frequency, to energy
uitiible for distributing purposes. The energy distributed may be
1 the form of direct current at the voltage at which it is utilized, or in the
:irm of alternating current at a voltage suitable for general distribution
hrough step-down transformers located at suitable points in the district
jrved. The expense of installing and operating a substation must be
istified by the saving made by the shortening of distributing feeders and
je reduction in feeder losses incident thereto.
62. Substation location. The distance between substations
eponds upon the voltage of distribution and the density of the load. The
lerage length of the distributing feeders should be such that the total invest-
lent in feeder conductors and substation equipment is a minimum.
In low-tension systems it is usually found desirable to locate substa-
ons approximately 1 mile apart, except in very congested districts where
iiiy are sometimes located less than 0.5 mile apart, on account of the very
-ies. From these busses the outgoing feeders are taken off through suit-
i e feeder switches, in conjunction with regulating apparatus.
>5. Substation building. The size of the lot and the dimensions of
'9 building should be such as to permit an arrangement of apparatus
" ii'h will not be unduly crowded, and which will permit the installation,
generators are also designed for 250 volts, a small balancer-set being used
to take care of the unbalanced load.
67. The regulation of pressure on the bus supplied by a synchro-
nous converter is accomplished by the use of an induction regulator placed
between the transformers and the converter. Some variation in pressure
can be secured by manipula-
tion of the converter field-
rheostat, but this affects the
power-factor and it is not
depended upon for pressure
68. In the split-pole type LtUJUUUUJ
of converter, which has been
I h ri
Uttoindi)) U!iM42ilMJ
[he field open, by impressing approximately half the normal pressure, derived
|rom a starting compensator or half- taps on the secondary of the transformer.
.'he latter method is usually preferable. After the machine has come up
|r) speed, the fields are excited and the polarity corrected, if necessary, by
eversing the field, and slipping back one pole.
The current required in starting from the alternating-current side is
rem one and one-half to twice full-load current, while 25 per cent, to 30
|er cent, of full-load current is sufficient for starting from the continuous-
rent side. The normal method of starting is, therefore, preferably from
|afi continuous-current side.
be used to take the pressure readings on the pressure wires of any of the
feeders. Separate voltmeters are provided to give continuous indications of
the pressure on each bus.
73. Switchboard ammeters are provided in each side of outgoing feeders
*in order to give an indication of any excessive unbalance of the load. These
are also required for each machine.
74. Number of sets of busses. Two sets are commonly required for
proper distribution, one bus being operated at a higher pressure than the
other. In the large substations it is sometimes desirable to operate as many
as three busses.
83. Two general types of oil-switches are employed, the tank type
.nr. 84) for distributing-feeders and for the control of converters or trans-
•mers, and the compartment
type (Par. 86) which is used for the control
transmission lines and at other points in the transmission system where
: switch may be called upon to open automatically under short-circuit.
84. The tank typo of oil-switch, Fig. 20, ia made in single-pole, two-
pole, or three-pole construction, with individual tanks which separate the
opposite polarities.
86. The compartment type of oil-switch, Fig. 21, is made on a very
much larger scale, each pole of the switch being enclosed in a separate
compartment of brick or con-
crete. The front of the com-
partment is closed by fire-
proof doors which are hinged
at the top to permit heated
gases to escape readily, in case
they should be liberated in
connection with the operation
of the switch on a very heavy
86. Potential regulators.
The distributing feeders should
be equipped with potential
regulators in order to provide
proper distribution of pres-
sure. Two types of potential
regulators are in general use,
one of which consists of a
transformer with a switch in
the secondary so arranged that
approximately 10 per cent, of
the bus pressure may be added
to, or subtracted from (step by
step), the bus pressure. In
another type, the secondary of
a transformer is mounted on a
movable core (Sec. 6), so
arranged that more or less of
the magnetic flux may be
passed through the secondary
winding, and the pressure thus
raised or lowered by inductive
action. The latter called
Fig. 21. —Compartment type of the induction regulator and
similar to that used for a single-phase feeder, except that separate equipment
is required for each phase, and hence the calculations are similar.
A two-phase, three-wire feeder, with unbalanced load requires one
compensator in each wire, with connections as shown in Fig. 24. The values
of resistance and inductance per 1,000 ft. used in the case of a single-phase
feeder are based on the use of two wires, whereas in a three- wire feeder each
compensator corrects the drop in one wire only.
Phase .A
These values are respectively 3.8 per cent, and 4.1 per cent, of the pressui'
to neutral, 1.270 volts ( = 0.577X2,200).
In a three-phase, four-wire feeder operating at 2,200 volts between
phase wires and neutral, the method of calculating the drop is as follows:
Oiven a feeder of four No. wires (12-in. spacing) running 5,(X)0 ft. from the
station as a three-phase feeder, the drop in each phase wire at 100 amp.
will be 49 volts, ohmic, and 52 volts, inductive. The working pressure being
2,200 volts, this is about 2.5 per cent. If the entire load of the feeder is de-
livered from this centre of distribution, the compensator on each phase wire
Phase A
hould be set at 2.5 per cent, on each dial; that on the neutral should be set
t 2 per cent, on each dial, to take care of unbalanced load. If, however,
he A-phase branches off with a Eziemal R«8lataoae
eutral to a single-phase centre
f a distribution 2,500 ft. be-
ond, there must be added to
16 A-phase setting, 2X100X
5X0.098 = 49 volts = 2.2 per
snt.,making the new setting
5-f2.2 = 4.7 per cent. If the
Jier phases branch to similar
mtres of distribution, at differ-
it distances, the drops must
! computed similarly, and
Ided to the three-phase drop,
he connections of the compen-
tors for a three-phase, four-
re feeder are shown in Fig. 25. ^° Controlling
. ,
Mechaaiflm of
93. Automatic regulation
feeder voltage. In connec-
)n with automatic regulation
e General Electric Co. has de-
loped a device which serves as
line-drop compensator com-
led with a relay. This
vice,known as a "contact-
aking voltmeter," is shown To 8bunt(Potential)TnuiflfonD«r
or Preflaure Wiles
Fig. 26. It consists of a sole-
'ped at various points and
having windings which are Fig. 2C. Automatic regulators for con-
trolling feeder voltage.
96. The secondary mains of an alternating-current system serv
users in a local area, while the primary mains supply larger areas. Tl
standard system of secondary distribution in America is the single-phast;
5 600
^ 300
ble with the larger sizes of conductor, so as to reduce the number of units
to a minimum. Furthermore, it is usually desirable to anticipate an
ystems which limit the available space. In some cases it has been found
:esirable to install the transformers in a substation, supplying the network
arough low-tension feeders; this arrangement permits a saving in trans-
_)rmer investment and iron losses, as the diversity factor is better and the
nits are larger, but the cable investment is considerably greater.
109. Separate transformers for large motor loads. The design of
jcondary systems is subject to restrictions when inductive loads, such as
c lamps and motors, must be served along with incandescent lighting.
he heavy starting-current required by induction motors may momentarily
rerload the transformer and the secondary main. This causes a flickering
incandescent lamps served ,
llry, '
ww». ,w/w>^
l'|ate transformers for installa-
nns of motors if the best
Kulation is required for in-
Indescent lighting. Motors
liger than 10 h.p. can not
l^ally be supplied from a
lilting network without in-
liering with the service.
230 Volt,
110. Three-phase supply LigbUog Thrfe-phai«
|r mixed loads. In three- Motors
lase systems
Ithods carrying mixed
Fig. 30.—Three-phase secondary system,
with single-phase lighting service.
liting and motor loads are
use. The most common
thod consists of star-connected transformers supplying a four-wire
operated at about 115 volts from phase to neutral and 200 volts
Joss phase wires. The smaller lighting services are made three-wire
I connected to two phases and neutral, and large services are balanced on
L 1043
.. ;
excess capacity involves idle investment and unnecessary core losses. Verj
few consumers use their entire connected loads at any one time. Where 8
number of consumers are served by one transformer, the various maximum
demands do not occur simultaneously and therefore the resultant maximum
demand is less than the sum of the individual demands. The demand
must be ascertained by measurements which may be made by means of ao
ammeter or by a Wright demand indicator (Sec. 3).
Certain ratios of xnazimum demand to connected load may be
established by a series of such measurements for the various classes of con-
sumers for which it is necessary to select transformers. These ratios oi
demand factors (Par. 1].2 to 118) may then be applied with reasonable
accuracy to the transformers for new consumers. The results of tests
made on various groups of consumers in Chicago appear in Par. 112.
112. Table ofDemand Factors in Lighting Service
(Based on Chicago Experience)
Number watts
Kilo- Demand
Description of load of cus- watts factor
demand (%) I
114. In residence lighting where the connected load is fifty lamps c«!
less, the average demand factor of a group of residences is from 15 per cem'
to 20 per cent, of the connected load; small residences and apartments havin
connected loads of forty lamps or less, average about 20 per cent, of the p"'
nected load.
116. In theatre lighting the border lamps and foot lamps, of sevi
colors, are not used simultaneously; and the stage and the auditorium m
not lighted simultaneously except for a very few minutes at a time. I
a small theatre the demand factor may be from 70 per cent, to 85 per centi
while in a large theatre it frequently runs as low as 50 per cent.
116. Influence of number of consumers on demand factor. I
feneral, a higher ratio must be used where but few consumers are
rom one transformer, than where there are more, as the occasional maximui
demands of individual consumers are proportionately much larger.
117. The selection of transformers for motor loads is more diffioul
as the maximum load may vary greatly from day to day or from moiit!
month. Elevator and crane motors require transformers having 1 00 per <
to 125 per cent, of the rated motor capacity, unless there are several mv-
Total installation
in h.p.
Sec. 12-122
Fig.35.—Effect of booster in one Fio. 30. —Effect of boosters in each
phase of three-phase circuit. phase of a three-phase circuit.
^5.5 % Boosters
^220 Vr-
B f f
+ -
msmJ immj
110 V. I luOY. I
U ^22a-V.
I i
tG. 41. —Conversion from three-phase to single-phase, with balanced load.
J^ Generator iC^«v5
cedar and the poles are very straight and neat in appearance. It is neces- :
sary on important lines to use nothing smaller than 8-in. tops with these i
162. Pine and cypress poles are more like cedar in their general char-
acteristics of weight and strength. Their use is limited to sections of the
country where the timber is native, as their life is comparatively short.
163. On the Pacific coast, California redwood and some other native
woods are used very generally.
164. Strength of wood poles. The strength of a wood pole must be,
sufficient to withstand the transversely acting forces, such as wind pressure,
on the pole and conductors, the unbalanced pull on the conductors when they
are broken and the side pull on curves and corners where guys cannot be'
provided. These forces place the fibre of the wood under tension and thd
load which a given pole will carry is determined by the inherent strength ol'
the wood fibre under tension and the moment of the forces acting on th«|
pole. The moment is
M=PL+PiLi+PtLi etc., (7,
in which P represents the force acting at one cross arm in pounds, L is th«
height at which the arm is attached in feet. Pi and Pi etc., are the foroei
acting on other arms and Li, Ln etc., are the respective heights. If s is tht
fibre stress in pounds per square inch, and c is the circumference at the groumi
in inches, the allowable moment of a pole of given size is -
3f = 0.0002638sc« (8;
The breaking stress for western cedar or chestnut is from 5,000 to 6,00
lbs. per sq. in. and for Northern cedar 3, .500 to 4,000 lbs. per sq. in.
For the normal unbalanced forces such as those due to an unguyed coroe
the fibre stress should not exceed about 15 per cent, of that at the breakin
point, but for wind pressures and the unbalanced force due to broken winj
which are abnormal and do not persist long, the stress is usually taken^i
about 50 per cent, of that at the breaking point. Hence the working fibl
stresses for normal conditions may be taken at 800 lbs. per sq. in. for wester
cedar or chestnut and at 550 lbs. for northern cedar. For abnormal cm
ditions a stress of 2,500 lbs. for western cedar or chestnut and 1,800 lbs. If
northern cedar may be assumed.
When the point of maximum stress is above the ground Une the allowable
moment is determined from the formula
; M
= 0.001781 sc«(ci-c) (9)
in the circumference at the point of attachment and c\ is that at
which c is
[the point of maximum stress.
=.-r.!f'onoo«QQ = ^33,600
5o0 X .0002638
c = -V^133,600 = 51.2in.
With a decrease of 3 inches in circumference for each 5 ft. in length, the
i circumference at a point 32 ft. above ground would be (32/5) X3 = 19.2 in.
i'less than at the ground.
c at top =51.2-19.2 = 32 inches.
166. Wind pressure. The design of pole lines to withstand wind pres-
sure must be considered when they are in exposed positions. The pressure
. on fiat surfaces normal to the direction of the wind may be calculated from
the formula
P = 0.004 F> (10)
.in which P is and V is the velocity in miles per hour. For
in lb. per sq. ft.
cables should be such that the strain will be from one-fourth to one-fifth the
ultimate breaking strength of the cable, or the factor of safety of the
steel cable, from 4 to 5. Anchors should be placed at a distance from
tiie pole not less than one-quarter the height of the guy attachment. In
general, J-in. cable is used for the smaller loads, while the |-in. size is
standard for corner poles where the load of the ordinary two-arm to three-
arm distribution line is to be supported.
176. Strain insulators. It is important that guy cables attached to
iEtubs be equipped with strain insulators not less than 8 ft. from the ground.
This precaution is advisable for the protection of the public and of linemen.
177. Cross-arms. Southern pine and Oregon fir are the best woods
:for cross-arms because of their straight grain, high tensile strength, and
67 1057
durability. The cross-section should be such that the arm will safely bear
the weight of a lineman in addition to that of the wires. Experience indi-
i il2
4 Pin Arm
Fig. 49. —Dimensions of standard cross-arms.
cates that a cross-section 3.5 in. wide by 4.5 in. high is ample for the average
requirements of distributing lines. For transformers of 20 kw. and larger it
is usual to provide arms
Quj ^OroMArm Guy ^ of jj larger cross-section.
Main lines are commonly
built of six-pin arms, with
four-pin arms on the
Haid Guj smaller distributing lines.
Nl Where secondaries for both
lighting and motor service
must be carried on the
same arm, it is usually
necessary to employ six-
pin arms.
Bpftn not to £xo«cd »^—>J The spacing of pins
should provide safe work-
ing room for linemen and should take into ac-'
count the average sag of the wires. Under thei
usual working conditions of distributing lines,!
it is not safe to attempt to use spacings lesaj
than 12 in. The spacing of the pole pins mustj
give sufficient room for the men to climb to the'
upper arms, at least 30 in. being required for
safety. The dimensions and spacings of
standard cross-arms are shown in Fig. 49.
178. Double cross-arnis. At corncr.s
terminals, and other points where any unu.Hu.i
load is to be supported, the poles should 1"
fitted with double arms. In turning corners .i
a single pole, the double-arming of both s( i
should be i in. in diameter and from 12 in. to 16 in. long. The side on
which the arm is attached is known as the face of the pole. CrosB-arm
braces are usually made of strap iron about J in. by 1 in. and 26 in. to 30
in. long, and are attached to the pole by means of lag screws and to the
cross-arms by stove bolts. For side-arms it is usual to use a brace of
angle iron. This is rigid enough to bear the weight of a lineman on the
182. Wire stringing. In erecting wire, the tension should be made suffi-
cient to prevent too much sag in the spans, and yet not so great as to unduly
stress the wire. For practical purposes the approximate formula for sag and
tension given by llankine may be used:
(lb.) (12)
in which T is the tension in pounds, h
the span length in feet, w is the
weight per foot of conductor and S is the sag in feet at the centre of a
horizontal span. If the span length is doubled, the tension myst be
quadrupled in order to keep the sag the same. If the tension is the
same on several spans of different lengths, the sag_ is different in each
span. The sag of any span when the tension is known is found by changing
Eq. 11 to the form, s=L^w/8T.
183. Sag tables. The maximum tension in a span is limited by the
strength of the wire and supports. The ultimate breaking strength of an-
nealed copper wire is about 34,000 lb. per sq. in., but the working stress
should not be over one-fourth of this. The ultimate tensile strength of hard-
drawn wire is about 60,000 lb. per sq. in. See Sec. 11 for a detailed treat-
ment of sag and tension problems. The following table of sags for copper
wire is taken from the National Electrical Safety Code, third (1920) edition.
184. Sags for Hard and Medium-drawn Bare Copper Wire for Dif-
ferent Span Lengths
Heavy Loading Districts
The values in the table are not the tneoretical values derived by formula,
but include some allowance for flexibility of supports which experience has
indicated is permissible.
In service the sag tends to increase causing "slack," which may become
a hazard to the service if not taken up. This is caused by the permanent
elongation of wire and by the movement of poles supported by guys which are
not strictly rigid. Such a condition is common in the spring when the earth
is softened by tnawing. Elongation of the conductor is likely to be found in
soft copper conductors after a few years of service.
186. Expansion andrcontraction of spans with temperature changes.*
The changes in sag due to expansion and contraction under varying tempera-
tures are of much importance in the erection of the conductors. Lines erected
during the winter months are likely to be too slack during the summer, and
allowance should be made accordingly. The length of wire in a span, dis-
regarding the elastic stretching due to the load, varies in proportion to the
coefficient of expansion and the range of temperature:
Lt=Lo(l + aot) (13)
in which a
is the coefficient of expansion, t is the temperature in deg. fahr.
and Lo isthe length of wire at zero temperature. The linear coefficient of
expansion of copper is 0.000017 per deg. cent, or 0.0000094 per deg. fahr.
In practice the pole supports have a certain degree of flexibility which tends
to take up part of the slack caused by expansion and to prevent excessive
strains being placed on the wires by contraction during cold weather.
187. Transformer installations. Transformers are usually supported
on cross-arms by means of iron hangers. This class of construction is
suitable for transformers of capacities up to 20 kw. For larger units the
cross-arms should be double, and heavier than the standard arm. Large
transformers which cannot be placed inside the building are often installed
on a platform between two poles.
188. Overhead service connections. The connections to buildings
by which consumers are served, called "services," are very numerous and
represent a large fraction of the total cost of the overhead line system.
The most common support consists of a "buck" arm on the pole and a malle-
able iron or steel bracket at the building. The buck arm provides ample
pin space from which to support several services to different buildings.
Where the secondary main is carried on vertical racks the service arm is
not required as the connection may be made directly at the rack. An
extra rack is provided for the back side of the pole, if services are taken
off on both sides of the line.
In sonie localities where buildings stand close together and are of uniform
depth it is feasible to connect a row of buildings by one or two services, from
the pole Une, through distributing main attached to the rear walls of the
group at a suitable height. The ser\-ice is attached to the building at a
height of 12 to 25 feet, the minimum height being governed by the desirable
clearance from the ground and the maximum height by the accessibility
to line construction men working from ladders.
The service is often extended in conduit directly from the point of attach-
ment to the basement, in order to give greater accessibility to the service
switch and meter.
189. Grounded secondaries. To protect life and property in case
a primary circuit becomes crossed with a secondary, it is very important
that the secondary be grounded. This is preferably done by connecting
the secondary circuit to water pipes where these are accessible. Where
the ground must be made outdoors, the most practicable method is to drive
a galvanized iron pipe into the ground to a depth of about 8 ft. The
points to be grounded in various kinds of secondary mains are indicated
in Fig. 52.
190. The grounding of secondaries up to 160 volts has beenre-
auired by the National Electrical Code since 1913. There is some
i doubt as to the advisability of grounding secondaries when the difference of
potential between any wire and ground is higher than 250 volts, owing to
the possibility that shocks from such a system may prove fatal.
are interconnected through fused junction boxes. Such tube lines are carried
along each side of the street near the curb except where consumers are
scattered or where an alley is used. The Edison tube system was the
standard method of distributing low-tension energy underground until about
the year 1897. The change to cable was made on account of the inability
of the tube feeders to carry overloads without causing burn-outs. The
necessity of opening street pavements in each case where repairs were made,
also involved considerable expense.
196. Conduit systems. The early alternating-current and series-arc
systems which were installed underground were unable to use a system similar
to the Edison tubes because of the higher voltages employed. They were
compelled to devise a drawn-in conduit system with manholes for hand-
ling the cables. Creosoted wooden pump log was tried and was satisfactory
for some classes of work, but was too short-lived and inflammable.
Other systems were devised in which the ducts were intended to provide
insulation, but 'experience proved that it was not practicable to maintain
such a system. This led to the development of methods in which the insu-
lation was applied to the conductor and the conduit was of some durable
fire-proof material.
197. Modern standard conduit systems. Various forms of duct
were tried out, but the most suitable were found to be those of fire-proof
material such as terra cotta and clay tile.
A conduit made entirely of concrete and known as Stone pipe has been
used to soma extent instead of clay tile. This is
made in 5-ft. lengths and jointed with metal ferrules
to preserve the alignment, single duct only being
used. The conduit is laid in concrete, making a
solid and durable duct system. The concrete pipe
is fragile, however, and the breakage is likely to be
greater than with the tile duct, if not carefully
Various forms of fibre conduit have also been
used to some extent. These are laid with concrete
around and between them, so that if the fibre disin-
tegrates in after years there will remain a concrete
duct system. The principal advantage is in the
ease of handling and lack of breakage.
198. Laying out a conduit line. In the de-
sign of a draw-in duct system, the number of ducts. Fig. 54. — Arrangement
the size of manholes and their location are the im- of ducts for a large line,
portant considerations. The number of ducts
must be sufficient to care for the local distribution, for feeders, for trans-
mission lines and for future requirements. It is desirable to lay sufficient
reserve ducts to care for probable requirements for about 5 years ahead.
The maximum number of ducts which it is advisable to put into a line
is governed chiefly by the safety of the cable equipment. The space available
for training the cables is limited, and if more than twenty to twenty-five
cables are carried through a manhole, a large part of the load is endangered
by a failure of any of the cables. Where conditions are such that a very
large line must be used, protection may be had by separating one-half of
the duct line from the other by a 6-in. concrete barrier and by building
double manholes. A line having more than four ducts in each layer is to
be avoided where possible on account of the difficulty of properly training
the cables. The arrangement shown in Fig. 54 is a desirable one where
twelve or more ducts are laid.
199. Location of manholes. Manholes must be provided iri sufficient
number to permit the drawing in of cable without overstraining the insulation.
Thus the manhole spacing should be not over 500 ft., with large cables,
400 ft. is a safer limit. Where distribution by overhead lines in alleys with
under-ground lines on the street is used, manholes should be put opposite alley
intersections as far as possible. The number of manholes required where
numerous underground service connections are needed must usually be
sufficient to enable services to be brought in at intervals of 25 ft. to lOO ft.
In distribution by means of subway-type transformers and a second-
ary network, it is usually necessary to build extra large manholes for the
transformers in order to get sufficient room and proper ventilation.
— ^
—>| K--2 *K 3 4 >+< 2 ^leTK a square design is preferable, as shown
\ I
1 ~ l' )BS5^^^^Si
l"+j^in Fig. 56. In practice it is usual to
1 1
__ I
L o> provide manholes 5 ft. by 5 ft. at junc-
in. long. The dimensions of ducts in general use are shown in Fig.
57. Miiltiple-duct is somewhat cheaper than an equal number of single
ducW and requires less labor. In a large system it is considered preferable to
use single-duct to secure the advantage of having two thicknesses of tile
between adjacent ducts. The single-duct also has the further advantage
that the joints may be staggered, thus making it less likely that the heat
of a burn-out may damage the cables in adjoining ducts.
201. Installation of conduit system. In laying a line of ducts the
grades must be carefully established so that no pockets are formed
where standing water may freeze and injure the insulation of the cables
and break the tile. It is important that manholes where work must be
done frequently, or where transformers or junction boxes are installed, be
provided with sewer connections. The conduit line is protected from
future excavators, and made secure against the possibility of getting out of
alignment, by surrounding it with 3 in. of concrete on all sides. The con-
Crete further acts as a water shed and minimizes the leakage of gas into the
conduit system.
202. Manhole construction. The
vaults or manholes provided to
facilitate cable drawing and splicing are constructed of brick or concrete.
In city streets where other underground structures interfere the walls are
Freferably built with sewer brick, only the floor and roof being of concrete,
n building lines in open country, as for inter-urban telephone lines, forms
are used and the entire vault may be advantageously constructed of concrete.
Brick walls should be 8 inches thick and laid up with a good quality of
cement mortar. The floor should be connected to a sewer for drainage where
it is available, except that in sandy soil the natural drainage is sometimes
BufBcient to prevent an accumulation of water in the vault. The roof of the
vault must have sufficient strength to support the heaviest street traffic
passing over it, which necessitates the use of steel reinforcement in most
The manhole or entrance to the vault is covered by a cast iron cover
having a roughened surface and of such strength as to bear the weight of
trucks passing over it. Both circular and square covers are used, the
circular cover having the advantage that it cannot fall into the vault in
1914 1920 1914 1920 1914 1920 1914 1920 1914 1920
2 0.40 1.25 0.56 1.40 0.70 1.55 0.85 1.70 1.00 2.15
4 0.23 0.70 0.31 0.78 0.38 0.85 0.46 0.93 0.53 1.00
6 0.21 0.64 0.27 0.70 0.32 0.75 0.37 0.80 0.45 0.86
9 0.19 0.59 0.24 0.64 0.28 0.68 0.32 0.68 0.37 0.77
12 0.18 0.55 0.22 0.59 0.26 0.63 0.30 0.67 0.34 0.71
16 0.17 0.52 0.20 0.55 0.24 0.59 0.28 0.63 0.31 0.66
20 0.17 0.50 0.19 0.52 0.22 0.55 0.24 0.57 0.27 0.60
'This work must be done while the lines are alive, and is much more easily
:accomplished when one polarity may be dealt with at a time. The same is
true of service cables.
Transmission cables are almost universally of the three-conductor type.
Insulation is placed on each conductor sufficient for the voltage between
phases, and then a layer is placed over all three conductors in addition, as
shown in Fig. 58, to provide insulation to ground.
are provided with about 57^-in. insulation between conductors and lead;
this is the least which it is advisable to use for mechanical reasons and is
sufficient for 600 volts.
it is customary to provide
In cables of 350,000 cir. mils to 1,500,000 cir. mils,
— in. to -— in. of insulation, to insure sufficient
mechanical strength to stand handling during installation. A thickness of
in. is found sufficient for 2,000-volt to 6,000-volt single-conductor cables
up to No. 4/0 A.W.G., while ^-in. is required for potentials from 9,000 volts
to 13,000 volts.
210. The insulation provided in transmission cables in large trans-
mission systems varies from 66 mils per 1,000 volts between conductors, at
8,600 volts, to 22 mils at 25,000 volts; and from 52 mils per 1,000 volts
between conductor and ground, at 6,600 volts, to 16 mils at 25,000 volts,
211. Selection of duct position for cables. In placing cables in the
duct-system a uniform method of selecting ducts should be followed as
far as possible. Cables used in local distribution should be given a place,
preferably in the top row, so that manholes can be built for service laterals
without sinking them below the top row of ducts. Ducts should be selected
for through lines so that they may be trained with the least interlacing
with other cables. Lack of attention to this detail may result in a tangled
condition of cables which greatly impedes any repair or reconstruction work.
212. Routing of cable lines. Through lines should be so routed as to
utilize different duct lines to the best advantage. The service is better assured
if transmission lines are separated as much as possible. This can be done by
routing lines running to the same substation through different conduits, as
indicated in- Fig. 59.
213. Installation of cable. Cables are drawn into ducts by a line at-
tached to a source of power. This line is put through the duct by the use of
detachable rods of wood, which are pushed into the duct as they are joined
together. They are then drawn through with the pulling-line attached, and
disjointed as they come out. The cables are secured to the pulling-line by
exposing the copper and making a secure mechanical connection, or by means
of patent cable-grips, which are more quickly attached and removed.
The cable-pulling line is run over pulley-wheels leading out of the manhole
to the source of power. Small-sized cable is wound on reels and cut to the
required length as it is drawn in; but a length of about 400 ft. of three-
conductor high-voltage cable, or of 1,000,000-cir. mil feeder cable, fills a
reel, and it is usual, therefore, to order such cable in lengths to fit.
214. List of Operating Three-conductor, High-tension, Cable In-
(From High-tension Underground Electric Cables, by H. Floy)
Fig. 60.
ike sleeve to allow air to escape. These holes are then closed by soldering.
The joint should be allowed to cool before it is moved, so that the compound
will hold the parts rigidly in placed
In jointing three-conductor cables, the lead must be removed about
10 in. to facilitate the taping of the conductors (Fig. 60). In making joints
for voltages of 6,600 volts and higher, it is important that as little air remain
ito the taping as possible. If paper tape is used, each layer should have
compound poured over it before the next is applied.
The jointer requires the services of a helper in preparing the lead sleeves,
heating solder and compound, and guarding the entrance to the manhole.
A three-conductor high-tension joint in a paper cable usually requires
about 4 hr. to complete, two joints a day being a fair rate of progress in such
217. Pole terminals. In many primary distributing systems, it is usual
to run feeders and important mains underground for some distance from the
station, and connect with overhead lines in the more scattered areas. This
class of distribution requires that the cable ends which are brought up the
pole to the overhead lines be properly protected by cable terminals or
potheads. Various types of terminal are in use, some of which include
means for connecting and disconnecting the overhead line. Many such
distributing systems have been equipped with porcelain potheads which
have been very successful in protecting cables. The first such device was
designed for a single-conductor cable, as illustrated in Fig. 61. The insu-
lation is hermetically sealed by filling the porcelain sleeve with compound.
The cap sheds all water and may be safely handled by a lineman when the
line is alive. The connectors provide means for readily opening and clos-
ing the circuit when necessary for repair or alteration work. Other forms
have been devised for multiple-conductor cables, in which there is a pot
of cast iron- with porcelain tubes set into the cover (Fig. 62).
818. Subway junction boxes. The arrangement of junction boxes and
similar accessories in manholes should be worked out so as not to obstruct
the space needed for the cables. Low-
tension junction boxes are of two
types, one of which is mounted on the
wall in a vertical position, while the
other is placed in the roof of the man-
hole so that it is accessible for replac-
ing fuses or cleaning contacts from above
ground. The surface type has its ad-
vantages in districts where the drainage
of manholes is not perfect.
219. Branch-line junction boxes.
In a primary distributing system in
which mains are underground, it is
necessary to have means by which
branches may be disconnected, with-
out shutting down the circuit, when a
transformer is to be connected or a cable
repaired. Subway junction boxes with
copper connections have commonly been
applied to this work. The parts of the
cable from which the lead has been re-
moved are sealed in from moisture by
wiped sleeves, or by filling the lower
part of the box with hot compound.
The porcelain pothead (Par. 220)
has also been found convenient
manholes, as the cap
for this purpose, in
Fig. 62. —Cabletype.
pothead; triplex may be submerged without permitting
water to reach the live parts.
220. Oeneral criterion for most economical size of conductor.
The loss of energy in a conductor diminishes as the size of the conductor ia
increased, and vice versa. The generating capacity required to supply the
energy loss follows the same law. The size of conductor with which tlie sum
of the fixed charges on conductor and generating capacity, plus the value
of energy loss, is a minimum, is the one which it is the most economical
to employ.
221. Fixed chargres con.sist of interest, depreciation, taxes and insur-
ance. Those are computed at different rates, depending upon the character
of the equipment. Interest should be figured at not less than the rate paid
on the bonded debt, which is about 5 per cent. (Sec. 25).
Size conductor
A.W.G. or cir.
put for the year, to the possible output at the rate of the maximum load,
iscalled the load factor of a circuit. If the loss factor of the feeder is 20
per cent., the annual loss is
Z!«X0^|i><2i^l.752/^« (kw-hr.) (22)
The loss factor for a load having the characteristics illustrated in Fig. 63
is about 16 per cent.
233. Calculation of loss. Given the character of the load curve, the
loss factor may be determined in the manner described (Par. 231 a,nd 232)
and the annual loss of energy calculated from the maximum load /, in terms
of R, the resistance per 1,000 ft. of conductor. The loss at the time of the
annual maximum load being DRL, the annual loss is
^^^'-^'-^ ^^^^
where F is the loss factor. loss equals lAOI^RL kw-hr. when the loss
factor is 16 per cent. The value of this energy may be taken at about 1 cent
per kw-hr. in the smaller plants, 0.7 cent in the larger engine-driven plants
and 0.5 to 0.3 cent in the turbine-driven plants. At 1 cent, per kw-hr.
the value of the annual energy loss per conductor, at 16 per cent, loss factor,
« 600
i 500
load. The only variable in the equation being R, the value of F will be a
minimum, according to the rule of the calculus, when dY/dR = 0.
-, ^
If F = —
= „„„^^,„. ^,
0.026/ 2iSL, then
dY 0.026/2ft2I/-0.513Z, = . ^,
an sr 0. There-
fore, 0.026/2/J2I,= 0.5131,, and I^"^ = 0.513/0 026 =19.7; whence IR = VlQ^ .
= 4.44. For instance, if / = 100 amp., i2 = 0.0444 ohm, which is about the
resistance per 1,000 ft. of a No. 4/0 conductor.
235. Examples of calculation of most economical size of conductor.
Assume generating capacity costing $80 per kw., energy at 0.4 cent per
kw-hr. and the loss factor at 25 per cent. With single-conductor low-tension
cable of 500,000 cir. mils to 1,000,000 cir. mils, the cost per 1,000 cir. mils
averages 90 cents per 1,000 ft., Par. 229.
0.09X10^X0.91, 0.84Z,.
80X0.121 mL
bR = O.OOQGimL,
0.004 X 8,760X 0.25/2i?i.
cR = 0.0087 I^RL.
F = ^-|-0.018372fiZ,.
amperes iJ = 6.7
)ffc;r = 0.011, which is about the resistance of 1,000 ft. of
1,000,000-cir. mil cable.
In the case of three-conductor, 10,000-volt cables, with generating capacity
costing $80 per kw., energy at 0.4 cent per kw-hr., loss factor at 25 per
cent, and the cost of No. cable $1.75 per 1,000 cir. mils,
o = $2X0.09X10.41,
aR ^ =—1.87 ,
per conductor. ,
K H=^
0.0\&Z C^RL per conductor. Therefore
= 1.01 and for 100 amp. ij = - — =0.101 which is nearest the
0183 100
resistance of No. cable, per 1,000 ft.
237. Selected list of reference
a 10
Abbott, A.V.— Electric Transmis- "
R. — "Distribution by
Vol. II. ., . ,
Emmett.W. L.
the Three-phase System." Trans. A..
I. E. Vol. XVII,
— 805, 1901.
Underground L.
Electrical Construction." International
Electrical Congress, St. Louis, 1904.
DuRciN,W. A.— "Location of Faults in High-tension Cable." Proc.
Electric Light Assn., 1910, Vol. I, p. 498.
Del Mar, W. A.—" Electric Power Conductors „ i^, .„„, .
Melsom, S. W. and Booth, H. C. " Heating of Cables with Current."
Journ. Inst. Elect. Eng., Vol. XLVIII, pp. 711-751.
Jdnkerspeld, p. Chairman Sub-Comm. on Distribution, Distribution of
Electrical Energy.
Trans. A. I. E. E., 1914, pp. 236-293.
Geab, H. B. and Williams, P. F. " Electric Central Station Distribut-
ing Systems." D. Van Nostrand Co., New York, 1911.
Hatden, J. L. R. " Notes on the Resistance of Iron-pipe Grounds." Trans.
A. I. E. E., Vol. XXVI, p. 1209, 1907.
Lincoln, P. M. " Synchronous Converters vs. Motor Generators."
Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXVI, p. 303, 1907.
Lukes, G. H. " Distribution in Suburban Districts." Proc. National
Electric Light Assn., 1908, p. 67.
JuNKEHSFEiD, P. .\ND ScHWEiTZEH, E. O. " High-potential Underground
Transmission." Trans. A. I. E. E.. Vol. XXVII, p. 1499. 1908.
Perrine, F. a. C. "Electrical Conductors." D. Van Nostrand Co.,
New York, 1903.
Osgood, F. —
" Report of Overhead Line Committee." Proc. National
Electric Light Assn., Vol. II, 1911, p. 374.
ToRCHio, P. " Operation of High-tension Underground Systems." Trans.
A. I. E. E., Vol. XXII, p. 421, 1903.
Wagner, H. A. " Single-phase Distribution." Proc. National Electric
Light Association, 1909.
Teichmuller, R. S. " Theory of Heating of Cables." Elek. Zeitschrift,
Nov. 3, 1904.
Fisher, H. W. —
" Electric Cables for High-voltage Service." Trar^s.
A. I. E. E., Vol.
Whitehead, B.
p. 417, 1903.
" Re.sistance and Reactance of Armored Cables."
Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXVIII, p. 737, 1909.
Elden, L. L. "Analysis of Distribution Losses in a Large System."
Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXVI, p. 665, 1907.
Stone, E. C. and Atkinson, R. W. " Cost of Transformer Losses."
Tran.s. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXX, p. 2181, 1911.
Elden, L. L. " Relay Protective Systems." Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol.
XXXI, p. 1413, 1912.
Dushman, S.—" Heating of Cables." Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXXII.
165, 1913.
Berg, E. — "Constants Cables and Magnetic Conductors."
J. of Trans.
Atkinson and Fisher. — "Current Rating Cables." Trans. A.
\. I. E. E., Vol. 555, 1907. p.
of I. E. E.,
^o\. XXXII, p. 327, 1913.
"National Electrical Safety Code," 3rd. Edition, 1920. Gov. Printing
Office, Washington, D. C.
Directing Engineer, Terrell Croft Engineering Company. Member American
Institxtte of Electrical Engineers. Member American Society of Mechanical
Engineers. Member American Society for Testing Materials. Member,
Illuminating Engineering Society. Author of: The American Electricians'
Handbook, Practical Electricity, Wiring of Finished Buildings, Wiring for
Light and Power, Electrical Machinery, Practical Electric Illumination and
Central Stations Steam Boilers, etc.
(Numbers refer to Paragraphs)
Relation of Wiring to Fire Risk 1 Wiring Calculations and Lay-Outs 63
Methods of Wiring 7 Installations 107
Wires and Cables 22 Protection 125
Fittings and Accessories 41 Miscellaneous 130
Interior Wiring Circuit Nomen- Bibliography 135
clature 54
1. The National Electrical Code was drawn originally in 1807. It
was the product of the efforts of the National Conference on Standard
Electrical Rules. This comprised delegates from the various insurance,
7. There are eight methods of wiring. (1) open or surface wiring;
(2) concealed knob and tube wiring; (3) wooden-raceway wiring; (4) metal-
iwiring; (.5) flexible-tubing or circular-loom wiring; (6) rigid iron-conduit
wiring; (7) flexible metallic conduit wiring; (8) flexible steel-armored cable
8. Open wiring on knobs and cleats (Fig. 1) is a cheap and satisfactory
[method if installed in compliance with Code requirements. It is largely
used in industrial plants and in mercantile establishments where appearance
is unimportant. Single-braid, rubber-covered or slow-burning weather-
proof wire may be used. Wires having slow-burning insulation must not
be used in damp places. The wires must be supported at least every 4.5
ft. (137 cm.) except in buildings of "mill" construction where, if "not liable
to be disturbed," they may be supported at every beam, provided that the
wires are No. 8 or larger and are carried at least 6 in. (15.2 cm.) apart.
In dry places for voltages up to 300, the wires must be separated at least
Wires on Cleate on
Knnning Board
Wires on Cleats
Ko.Sor Larger
Wire on. Knobs
3j| in.(6.35 cm.), and they must be at least 0.5 in. (1.27 cm.) from the surface
wired over. For voltages between 301 and 600, wires must be at least 1 in.
(2.54 cm.) from the surface and must be separated 4 in. (10.2 cm.). In
damp places, for voltages up to 300, wires must be held 1 in. (2.54 cm.)
from the surface; above 300 they should be 4 in. (10.2 cm.) from the surface.
Where wires are exposed to niechanical injury, protection must be afforded
as specified by the Code. Wires must also be protected by porcelain tubes
where they pass through walls, timbers or partitions. See the National
^EUclrical Code for other minor requirements.
In structural-steel mill-type buildings, open wiring is carried
on porcelain knobs or cleats which may be secured with stove bolts at
points where there are spaces between the members or where holes are
already punched. Sometimes it is desirable to screw the cleats to blocks
which are clamped to the members with hook bolts.
Open work is especially suited to locations which are damp or hot
surh as dye works, breweries, dry kilns, metal refineries and the like. In
sucli installations special precautions must be observed; these precautions
arc fully described in treatises on wiring.
9. Knob-and-tube wiring (Fig. 2) is used in frame buildings, and is
the cheapest method of concealed wiring. Although it has given satis-
faction, in progressive communities being superseded by rigid conduit.
it is
In some cities only rigid iron or flexible conduit or flexible steel-armored
•cable is approved for concealed work.
The single-braid, rubber-insulated conductors are carried within the
floors, walls and partitions of the building. Where passing through timbers
they must be insulated with porcelain tubes. On a vertical run the wires
at least 5 in. (12.7 cm.) and should be carried on separate timbers. They
Steel Switch
Vertical Runs
Surface Switch
Fig. 2.- -Typical details of knob and tube method of wiring.
-b\ ^
iCjudfiiwjitEXS Eequitc/
now prohibited by ordinance in many
communities. Wooden raceway wiring
is not approved for damp plaoos or
at Least
where the difference of potential be-
FiQ. 3. —Standard, two-wire, wooden
tween any two wires of the same
system exceeds 300 volts. Single-
braid rubber-covered wire is required.
No joints or splices are permitted except at outlets and at fittings. There
are many styles of approved moulding fittings. With them almost any
conceivable combination of connections can be realized.
Size of
14. Typical Dimensions of Flexible Tubing (Circular Loom)
Below are given the dimensions of one standard line of flexible tubing, or
circular loom, which has been approved by the Underwriters' Laboratories.
metallic conduit is furnished in coils of from 25 to 250 ft., depending
upon the conduit size. The wire and the general installation requirements
are practically the same as for rigid conduit. Many fittings for flexible
metallic conduit are manufactured, although no elbows are required.
19. Electrical Trade Size of Conduits for the Installation of Wires
and Cables
(1920 National Electrical Code)
Table 1. Two- wire and Three- wire Systems
Size of
B. & S. gage
-Flexible steel-armored conductor.
B. & S.
a ?
5 s
31. Dimensions and Weigrhts of Rubber-covered Wires and Cables
for Voltaeres from 600 to 1,600
3 I
o' o' o" o' o" o" o" o"
O t~ ® «o CO M •>*
U50«OMtJ<>-iONOS -Hoooooo<NioaoM>oaooait^o
ooooooooo lOOOOOOOOOOO
"0 00!OC^MCDOO(NOO'-i'*r-NO
•^0-*0«DlNOOO;0 iOOO:0<NroOOOCltOO'-iTl>t^N05
a o fe TfTticCMlMMC^'-i— *CC-<-H00500t~t^OCDiO-<t(CCMC>»
OOOLIOiOOOlN XOT)<0005O-^'»fc0O05O-*C'^'«'
& ^
05-^ *0t»c«5'-<05^- too M COIN -H 1-1
COINMr-l 00 o_ro o_^«o^(N 0^03 1^ in Tj" CO CO (N i-H
<t<MMC<l(Ni-l>-(r-irt COIN -HO0300t^r~CDiOU5 Til TjicOCON
a* '^-^MMNNiN—iT-i ^C0i-H-HOO>00t^t~COC0»0-<J<C0C0C<)
OOOOOOOOO <ooooooooooo
0<NCDt^T)i«01^0iO o-HOO'OO'CcoooiNO'^rocom
s>m«0')'Co:ox5'— t^ooo'o>ooto
CO >o o r^ >!< o_o i^o-^cocoM-^i-i
aq. "a' * CO -H !-• * -- o oooiOT)<e<3e<i-<.-i
COININ -Hrti-i
^1 '-tci-^toccoe^'^'O OOOOOOOOOOO'-llN'<licD00
o o o_o_o_o o o_^o
o"o"o o"o'o"o o
O t^ !0 lO -^ CO <N
69 1089
36. Twin wires or cables (Par. 37) (sometimes called "conduit wires")
are used where they are to be drawn into conduit and should never be used
except in conduit or in metal raceways. Each wire is rubber insulated to the
thickness indicated in Par. 30, and then is served with a braid or with a tape.
The two conductors are finally bound together parallel one with another,
with a tenacious braid at least 0.0312 in. thick for wires larger than No. 10
B. & S. gage and 0.0125 in. for No. 10 B. & S. gage or less in size. This con-
struction is considered by the Underwriters' Laboratories as equivalent to
that of double-braid, rubber-covered wire. Twin conductors larger than
No. 0000 should not be used because of their tendency to kink.
Solid Stranded
cir. mils
eluding 60 amp. at 600 volts, and the knife-blade contact type for currents
of from 61 to 600 amp. at 250 volts and of from 61 to 400 amp. at 600
volts. See National Electrical Code for detail dimensions of fuses of
different capacities. A
cartridge fuse
usually consists of a tube of fiber or
some similar material which enshrouds Copper Ferrti le Ter;i
the fuse link. The link terminals are Powdered/Filling
connected to contact pieces at the
ends of the tube. An insulating
powder surrounds the link and fills
the tube. In some forms the fuse link
is encased in a small air chamber, as
illustrated in Fig. 12. The formation
_ FD8<yWire Fibre Tube
of destructive arcs is prevented in
fuses of the cartridge type and the Fio. 12.
fuses themselves are capable of being
Typical enclosed-fuse con-
very accurately rated.
47. The ratings of enclosed fuses are specified by the Underwriters'
laboratories, in its publication "Standard For Cartridge Enclosed Fuses,"
"Fuses must be so constructed that with the surrounding atmos-
phere at a temperature of 24 deg. cent., they will carry indefinitely 110
per cent, current without causing the tubes to char or externally- visible
soldered connections to melt. With a room temperature between 18 and
32 deg. cent., fuses starting cold must blow on 150 per cent, current without
causing the tubes to char or externally-visible soldered connections to melt
within the times specified in Par. 48.
48. Time Intervals Within Which National-Electrical Code-Stantlard
Enclosed Fuses Must Blow On 150 Per Cent. Bated Current
0-30 1
31-60 2
61-100 4
101-200 6
201-400 12
401600 15
49. Renewable fuses (Fig. 13) are those in which the fusible element,
in.stead of the entire fuse, can be replaced by the user. They were not,
until recently, approved by the Underwriters' laboratories. In spite of this
they, because of their decided economic advantages, were widely used. The
Underwriters' laboratories defines a standard cartridge-type renewable
fuse thus:r "A fuse expressly in-
Ren '"" bi El t
Inculating ShelK ^\V '
^ciampinsr ci
tended by the manufacturer to be
renewed by the user with Suitable
elements supplied by the manu-
facturer. Under this definition
are included renewable fuses with
separately enclosed renewable
Contact Blades
renewable fuses with renewal
links not separately enclosed, and
Fig. — Partial sectional view
13. cartridge enclosed fuses with two
or more links intended to be
Economy knife-blade-contact-type re-
newable fuse. used successively." Renewable
fuses are made in both the Ferrule-
Contact and the Knife-Blade-Contact types and are approximately of the
same over all dimensions as Code standard enclosed fuses. They fit the
same cut-out as do standard enclosed fuses, are made in essentially the same
capacities, and have about the same operating characteristics.
50. Fusing currents of commercial fuse wire. The following
values are approximate, as the fusing current is determined by the propor-
tions and kinds of alloys used, kind and form of terminal, length of fuse and
on other factors. (From Knox's "Electric Light Wiring;" table by Mr.
Nearest size
Incandescent Lamp
R —M^
cir. mils
(ohms) (1)
(-Load Center
Values below the heavy type exceed the maximum safe currents allowed
by The National Electrical Code (Table 22) for rubber-covered wire.
73. Per cent, voltage drop in practical wiring calculations is usually
taken as a percentage of the receiver voltage. The voltage drop may be ex-
pressed in percentage of impressed voltage by the expression 71= F/(£-t-K),
where p is the per cent, drop, V is the drop in volts and E is the voltage at
the receiver.
74. Calculation of two-wire, direct-current circuits is effected by
means of the following formula,
., 22X/XZ. ,„,
cir. nuls- (3)
be checked with the Mershon diagram (Sec. 12). The current may be found
from the expression:
a:i*.x 1.000
^ ^ ,^^
cir. mils =
., 22X/iXL
— —7
— (watts) (12)
capital outlay which can he considered proportional to the weight of copper used."
On the basis of the above law it can be shown that:
the other two, since it must carry 1.4 times as much current. Motors are
connected to both phases and employ all three or all four wires as the case
may be. With four lamps are connected to each phase as though
wires, the
the supply were single-phase and care should be exercised to balance each
phase as nearly as possible.
96. The three-phase system is usually employed where motors form
a greater part of the load. Three conductors are necessary. Where
lamps are required they are either balanced on the three-phases or connected
between each main conductor and a common conductor of smaller size
usually connected to the middle point of the star-connected secondary.
The e.m.f. between any one of the three wires and the neutral is 0.577 (or
0.38) times the e.m.f. between the mains.
Ground on Neutral
-The two-wire system. Fia. 19. —Three- wire system.
97. Two-wire and three- wire systems. The two-wire system (Fig.
18) is used for most interior power and branch-circuit incandescent lamp
wiring. The three-wire system (Fig. 19) used for feeders and mains. In
three-wire systems the neutral wire is grounded and unfused "except vhere
the circuit is entirely unexposed to leakage or induction through overhead
construction from aerial circuits operating at pressures exceeding 600 volts."
Hence the neutral is, except where there is no exposure to aerial circuits
operating at pressures exceeding 600 volts, made the same size as each of the
two outer wires.' Hence the marked economy of copper which is theoreti-
cally possible with the three-wire system is not always realizable in interior
installations. When the neutral is grounded the neutral wire must be the
same size as the outer wires. See Code rules 13a, 136, 23b and 15A6.
When the neutral is grounded the three wires of the system are of the same
size because if one of the outer fuses should blow, one side of the system
would be loaded while the other side would carry no current. In such a case
the neutral would have to carry the same current as the outer wire, and were
it smaller than the outer wire it would be overloaded. Where a grounded
neutral has the same cross-section as either of the outer wires, the neutral
fuse is to be omitted; but not otherwise. By making the neutral of cross-
section equal to the combined cross-sections of the outer wires, the system
may be easily changed to a two-wire system. The latter plan is usually
followed in large buildings, where a two-wire isolated plant is used and where
the emergency connection with the utility company's mains is three-wire.
98. The load on a three-wire system must be balanced, that is,
the watts load should be approximately the same on either leg of the three-
wire circuit. A variation of 10 or 15 per cent, may be permissible. Good
balance is particularly important at maximum load. Unbalance causes
unequal voltages, which is noticeable as producing a non-uniformity of
illumination, and it may bring an overload on the conductors.
99. Planning residence wiring. Secure the floor plans or insf)cct the
building. Decide where the meter is to be located; the point of entrance
should be as close to the meter as possible. A good arrangement is to locate
the service entrance (Par. 107) and the meter in the cellar. If the wires
enter between the first and second floors, the meter may be installed in the
rear hall. Ascertain how many lamp outlets there will be, their location,
and the current required by each. Locate the distribution center at some
central point convenient of access. Divide the incandescent-lamp outlets
into groups which absorb less than 660 watts, each group being fed by one
branch circuit from the distributing center. Not more than 16 standard-
size sockets are permitted on branch circuit
which serves incandescent lamps, except in
special cases. See Par. 104. It is best to
subdivide the outlets so that no branch
circuit will have an initial load greater than
440 watts, which allows 220 watts for
growth, so that the maximum of 660 watts,
specified by the Code, shall not be exceeded.
Locate the switches and calculate the
feeders required. Incandescent lamp branch
circuits are usually of No. 14 wire unless
they are longer than 100 ft. (30.5 m), in
which case wire at least as large as No. 12
should be used; No. 14 is the smallest size
permitted by the Code. Fig. 19A shows a
typical lay-out for a small residence. Usu-
ally one panel or a group of cut-outs is
sufficient for a residence. It is always
preferable to group all cut-outs instead of
locating them at random.
Fig. 19A.— Example of a con-
In a small build- duit-wiring lay-out in a resi-
ing, branch cut-outs or the panel box can dence.
often be set near the meter at the entrance
or in the hall. In a two-story house they can be installed in the cellar
stairway or in the rear hall, and in a three-story building they can be in-
stalled in the second floor hall. Where there are more than three stories,
distributing centers can be located every second or third floor.
100. Important features of large lay-outs. There are five important
factors that should be considered in designing the wiring lay-out for a large
building (Knox, " Electric Light Wiring"). They are: (o) control of groups
of receivers (other than hall or night lights) from the main switchboard;
control of hall lights from the main switchboard; (c) maximum load that
served by one feeder; (d) the best maximum Umit for the size of
!u J
the feeder conductors; (e) the proportion of the total voltage drop that can be
allowed in feeders and mains.
101. Wiring lay-out for a large building. Make a sectional-elevation
drawing of the structure and a floor plan of each floor. Indicate the receivers
(lamps and motors) on the plans and then so locate the panel boxes that no
lighting branch circuit shall be much over 100 ft. (30..5 m) in length,
or have
a load much greater than 440 watts. Panel boxes should be so located that
tbey are accessible and that the circuits can be readily run to them. Com-
pute the load on each panel box and indicate it, at the box, on the drawing.
J^ay out the mains and feeders (see Fig. 20) . First decide whether the hall
or public lights will be controlled separately or with the private
lights from
the main switchboard, because this feature affects the arrangement
of the
leeders and possibly that of the mains. Next decide whether there should
separate feeder to each floor or whether several floors or portions thereof
on », i-«'^'''^ "X
the ditterent
°"*' feeder. Where it is unnecessary to control the loads
floors separately, and where the resulting conductor size will
not be prohibitively large, the cheapest and probably the
best arrangement
is to serve several or possibly all
floors with one feeder. Usually, the only
Umit to the number of floors that may be served with one feeder is the
nnentent of control that is desired from the main switchboard.
It is fre-
quently necessary to make several tentative lay-outs and
Delore the most desirable arrangement is found.
Segregated motors and
groups of motors, unless very small, should be served by independent
102. Arrangement of feeders. Solely on
a basis of initial cost, it is usually
Cheaper to run a few large conductors than a number of small
ones. It does
not pay, however, to endeavor to install conductors
larger than 1,000,000
S^- ™"^- When large capacity is necessary, use several conductors having
rg 1105
larger than 700,000 cir. mils are not desirable because of skin effect. Often
the space available for conductor runs necessitates small conductors (Par.
38 and 78).
Fia. 20. —Wiring lay-outs in large buildings.
connector which indicates whether the device is "on" or "off;" this should
be^visible from the heater. Heaters of a capacity smaller than that indicated
above can be grouped under the jjrotection of a single set of fuses, provided
the capacity of the fuse does not exceed 10 amp. Such heaters can also be
connected individually to hghting circuits.
106. Heating device outlet plates will be found convenient; each is
provided with a receptacle, a switch and an indicating lamp socket. They
are regularly manufactured for current capacities as high as 20 amp. Key-
less brass sockets have a maximum rating of 6 amp. Ordinary pull-chain
and key sockets have a maximum rating of 2.5 amp. Standard separable
attachment plugs are approved for 660 watts at 250 volts or 10 amp. at
110 volts. Where ordinary key sockets are used for switching heating
devices, they soon break down under the action of the arcs due to the
relatively heavy currents. Snap or knife switches should always be used
for heating devices. Specially constructed asbestos-covered, flexible
cords are required for devices absorbing more than 250 watts.
all In a
first-class installation, is always desirable to install separate circuits for
•the heating devices, extending from the entrance switch to the receivers.
This permits individual metering and insures that the heavy currents
drawn by the heating appliances will not interfere materially with the voltage
regulation of the interior lighting circuits.
slant outwardly and downwardly to prevent the entrance of moisture. A
drip loop should be formed in the service wires. The entrance switch should
usually be so arranged that it will discoiyiect all of the equipment in the
building. For permissible exceptions, see Code Rule 24. Where conduit is
used, the two or the three rubber-insulated wires should be carried in one
In Attic In Basement
Fio. 22. — Service entrances.
108. Distribution center panels may consist merely of porcelain cut-
outs held to the back of the box with wood screws, or may be more elaborate.
The panel provides a convenient means of connecting the branch circuits
to a main through fuses. Switches may be used in both main and branch
circuits or they may be omitted entirely. Many satisfactory installations
are in operation without switches at the distribution center but switches
are a great convenience for opening circuits when replacing fuses or for
testing. In general, knife switches should not be used for the control of
the lamps, as they arc frequently of improper design to withstand perma-
nently such service. Individual lamp-group circuits should be controlled
by either flush or surface snap switches mounted outside the panel box.
109. Standard wiring: symbols adopted by the National Electrical
Contractors' Association and the American Institute of Architects
(Copyrighted by the National Contractors' Association.)
Ceiling outlet elcctrifc only.
; Numeral in center indicates num-
ber of standard 16 c-p. incandescent lamps.
110. Installation of watt-hour meters and maximum-demand
meters. (^Rules and Regulations of the Cormnonwealth Edison Co., Chicago):
Meter loops should be provided in the mains at an accessible location, and so
arranged that the meter may be mounted with ordinary wood screws on the
wall. A meter board must be provided ol suthcient size to allow the installa-
tion of a watt-hour meter and maximum-demand meters. Two maximum-
demand meters are installed on three-wire mains. Maximum-demand
meters will not bo installed on installations under 1 kw. Sufficient space
must be provided about the meters to allow the removal of the case.
Meter boards should not be erected on a wall which is subject to any
considerable vibration, or in places subject to excessive moisture or heat.
A pressure- wire tap must be provided in all cases where all wires of the circuit
are not looped out. On three-wire mains the pressure-wire tap must be
made on the neutral wire. The general arrangements of meter loops should
be such that a meter can be installed without crossing any wires, if possible.
If this is impracticable, sufficient flexible tubing should be left on the wires
to make possible an installation which will be in accordance with the wiring
Meter loops should not be placed above 7 ft. from the floor, and should
be as near the point of entrance of the service as possible. In office buildings
meter loops should bo located at a central point in meter closets or public
corridors, and in apartment buildings in the basement of the building, so
that meters may be installed and maintained without annoyance to tenants.
Meter loops must be located relative to fuses so that meters are protected
by the fuses. They must never be placed between the service and the service
switch. Generally speaking, not more than one meter installation will be
provided for the same class of service in any one building.
Meter loops for service supplying temporary lighting or power to new
buildings during construction must be located on adjoining premises. No
three-wire meters larger than 200 amp. are used. Installations requiring
meters of larger capacity will be provided with two meters, one on each side
of the three- wire main; space should be allowed accordingly in arranging
meter boards.
A. W. G.
117. Labor cost for roughing in outlets. The figures are based on
same labor and material conditions as those outlined in Par. 122.
a o
73 —
CO 9
123. Percentage increases of certain wiring materials since 1914-
1916. This table was compiled in January 1920, (see Electrical Review,
Jan. 3, 1920).
Batteries, dry 75
Cabinets and cut out boxes. 80
Conduit, interior 100 to 150
Fiber 50
Fittings, conduit 80 to 200
Fuses 25
Panelboards 80
Receptacles, flush. 50 to 70
Sockets 50 to 75
Switches, knife 50
Switches, snap 50 to 100
fLamp cord 100
Wire \ Rubber-covered 55 to 85
Weatherproof 100
since the voltage thus imposed will be twice that for which the equipment
was designed.
128. Alternating-current, low-voltage, secondary circuits must be
grounded. This is the recommendation of the Code rule 156 and is the
practice of progressive central-station companies. Grounding minimizes
accidents to persons and damage, by fire, to property. If some point of a
low-voltage secondary circuit is grounded, no point of the circuit can
rise above its normal potential (except under unusual conditions) in
case of a breakdown between primary and secondary windings of the trans-
former, or of other accidental connection between the primary and secondary
circuits. See the Code for further information regarding grounding.
The ground connection should be made at a neutral point or wire if one is
^ Vol titT^ Volt
' ^620 Vo
Single-Phase Three-Wire
110 Volts 110-220 Volts-
frtts or Water
side of the meter. The wire must be soldered in the clamps. All parts
of the conduit or raceway system must be in good electrical contact. In
an ungrounded system of conduit, "sneak" currents are possible. These
leak from one wire to the conduit through an abrasion of insulation and reach
the other side of the Une through another ground. The resistance of the path
may be sufficient to hold the "sneak" currents below the line fuse capacity,
and yet these currents may be sufficient to start a fire. Grounding the
conduit also eliminates the possibility of electrical shock to persons coming
in contact with the conduit. In combination fixtures the gas pipe should
be in thorough electrical contact with the conduit or raceway system at
each outlet box.
Wire for grounding ordinary conduit or raceway runs must be of copper
or of other metal which will not corrode excessively {Code Rule \5A}) at
least No. 10 A. W. G. gage, where the largest wire contained in system is
not greater than No. A. W. G. gage; it need not be greater than No. 4
A. W. G. gage where the largest wire contained in conduit is greater than No.
A. W. G. gage. Service-conduit ground wires shall be not less than No. 8
gage copper. AH ground wires must be protected from mechanical injury.
130. bell signal work in dry places is usually No. 18 copper,
Wire for
double-cotton-covered and paraffined. Where more than two or three
bells or similar devices are connected to the circuit, or where the circuits are
long. No. 16 wire should be used. No. 14 is frequently used for battery
wires. Rubber-covered, twisted-pair wires, Uke those employed for interior
telephone wiring, can often be used to advantage in damp places or where
the circuits are exposed. No. 20 wire, although sometimes used, is too small
for reliable work. Annunciator and twisted-pair wire is made with insulating
coverings of different colors, so one can be selected that will match the
surroundings, and be inconspicuous. Cables of annunciator wire, which
can be obtained with practically any number of conductors from 2 up to
200, are very convenient and economical for large installations. In perfectly
dry locations, a cable having a paraffined, braided-cotton covering can be
used, but if it is to be exposed to dampness a lead-covered cable should be
installed. By having the cable conductors covered with braids of different
colors, the conductors can be readily identified. A kind of weather-proof
wire called "damp-proof," is quite satisfactory for exposed wiring in damp
places. It is more expensive than annunciator wire, but it has a better appear-
ance when installed. Seethe National Electrical Code, the "Telephone" section
in this book and the Western Electric Co. catalogue for further information.
Series System
Conuectiou Strip
Ground on
Gas Pipe Multiple System
Fig. 29. —Electric gas-lighting circuits.
classes: (l)The open-circuit system, in which the circuits for the protected
doors and window.? are normally open, and when a circuit is closed by the
opening of a door or window, an alarm is sounded. (2) The closed-circuit system
in which the alarm is sounded by the opening of a circuit normally closed.
Open-circuit systems are simpler, but closed-circuit systems are more
ibrating Bells
Front Doojc
IFusL Buttons
Ldooi Opener
A Common Battery Drops
Bell wiring in an Simple Aauunciatoj; Circuit
Aputtmont Ilouso C
Using a Single Battery
FlQ. 30. — Typical electric bell and annunciator circuits.
sensitive and provide better protection; in the latter if the circuit is openet
at any point, the alarm is sounded. Annunciators and burglar alarm htting:
to be used in connection with either system are obtainable for the
of doors, windows, shades, transoms and locks. See the "American l^lectn
dans' Handbook."
133. Electric gas-lighting wiring (Fig. 29) may follow the multiple
system or the series system. In the multiple system a spark is made by the
breaking of an electrical circuit containing a reactance coil. One aide of the
circuit is usually grounded on the gas pipe. Electrically equipped burners of
many types are obtainable. Certain spark coils are equipped with relays
which sound an alarm if the system becomes short-circuited. Open circuit
cells are used, a battery of 6 Leclanche cells in combination with a spark
coil being usually sufficient.
In the series system, a spark gap is installed at each burner. The spark
may be fed from induction coils or from frictional or static machines. The
series system may be best adapted to large auditoriums, where many
lamps are used in groups. It is now seldom used because such places are
almost invariably Eghted with electricity. See the " American Electricians'
134. Electric bell and annunciator wiring. The possibilities for differ-
ent circuit combinations are almost numberless. Those shown in Fig. 30
are typical. Two ordinary vibrating bells will not work well together in
series; so when it is necessary to connect two bells in series, one should be a
single-stroke bell. A multiple arrangement is preferable. The best arrange-
ment of battery cells may be determined by trial. An ordinary bell requires
about 0. 1 amp. for its operation. Return call-bell circuits {B, Fig. 30) are so
arranged that, when a station is signalled, the party called can respond by
pressing his button. Ground return circuits may be used but are undesirable.
Continuous- ringing bells are so arranged that, when the button is pressed, the
bell continues to ring until reset. For elevator annunciators a cable is used,
having as many conductors as there are buttons and one additional battery
wire. If two annunciators are to operate simultaneously, their drops should
be connected in series. See the "American Electricians' Handbook" for
further information.
136.Selected literature on electric wiring.
AuERB.^CHER, Louis J.
McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.
"Elcctrical Contracting." New York, 1910.
Cook, A. L. —
"Interior Wiring." John Wiley & Sons.
Croft, Terrell. — New York, 1917.
"American Electricians' Handbook." New York,
1920. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.
Croft, Terrell. —
"Wiring For Light & Power." McGraw-Hill Book
Co., Inc., New York, 1920.
Croft, Terrell. —
"Wiring of Finished Buildings." McGraw-Hill
Book Co., Inc., New York, 1920.
CusHiNG, H. C. Jr.,
"Standard Wiring For Electric Light & Power."
New York, 1918.
Horstman, Henby C. and Tousley, Victor H. "Modern Electrical
construction," 1913. "Modern Wiring Diagrams and Descriptions for
Electrical Workers," 1914. Fred J. Drake & Co., Chicago.
Montgomery, J. H. "Electric Wiring Specifications." D. Van Nostrand,
New York, 1915.
MoxEY, L. W., Jr. "The Electrical Contractor." McGraw-Hill Book
Co., Inc., New York, 1915.
McGraw-Hill Book Co. "Wiring Diagrams of Electrical Apparatus
and Installations." New York, 1914.
National Fire Protection Association. "National Electrical Code."
New York 1920
Poole, Cecil P.
New York, 1906.
"The Wiring Handbook." McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
Sharp, J. M. — "Practical Electrical Wiring." D. Appleton & Co., New
York, 1916.
General Manager, Electrical Testing Laboratories; Past'-President, Illuminating
Engineering Society; Member, American Institute of Electrical
Engineers, etc.
(Numbers refer to Paragraphs)
General Theory of Light Production 1
General Considerations 171 Calculation of Illumination In-
Computation of Total Flux or tensity 185
Mean Spherical Candle-Power 173 Coefficients of Utilization 188
Computation of Zonal Flux 180 Brightness 205.
Fundamentals of Vision 207 Methods of Illumination
Characteristics of Illumination
Physiological and Psychological
Effects of Illumination 223
Fundamental Principles 252 Portable Photometers 281
Standards of Luminous Intensity 260 Spectrophotometers and Color-
Photometers and Photometric imeters 286
Apparatus 265 Photometric Adjuncts 288
Integrating Photometers 279 Photometric Testing 297
^^6kneral theory of light production
1. Light may be defined as radiant energy of those wave lengths to
which the human eye is sensitive. Energy, of a nature with which the
problem of light production is concerned, is radiated through a number of
octaves forming the spectrum. The human eye is stimulated to vision only
by that radiation which is between wave lengths 0.76yu and 0.38/*, or one
octave. Oi =0.001 mm.) The limits of visibility are not definitely
fixed, but those given are reasonably typical.
2. Incandescence is that process of light production, classed as tempera-
ture radiation, in which a body, usually a solid or a liquid, produces light
without altering its nature in
the process. The spectrum
of such radiation usually is
3. Pure temperature
radiation is not completely
realized in ordinary light
sources, but it characterizes
the theoretical "black
body" which radiates the
maximum possible energy at
all wave lengths (Fig. 1).
According to the Stefan-
Boltzmann law, the total
radiation of such a body is
proportional to the fourth
power of its absolute tem-
J = radiation intensity; C «= constants;
e = temperature in deg. abs. and e = logarithmic base
Curves of radiation from a black body, computed according to this law,
appear in Fig. 2.
6. Perfect black-body or
temperature radiation is not
found in artificial illuminants.
Among incandescent electric
lamps it is approached —
closely by "untreated" carbon-
filament lamps (10-watt, 110-volt
and 50-watt, 220-voIt types) in —
lesser degrees by " treated "-car-
bon, " metallized "-carbon and
tungsten-filament lamps. The
carbon filaments depart from a
black body less than does plati-
num, for which a displacement-
law constant (Par. 4) of 2630 has
been found.
6. Gray-body radiation is
distributed throughout the spec-
trum in the same proportions
as black-body radiation, but is
everywhere less intense. It dif-
fersfrom black-body radiation in
quantity, not in quality.
7. Selective radiation is dis-
tributed differently throughout
the spectrum and does not obey
the laws of black-body radiation
the variation of eye sensibility with wave length. If, however, a narro-w
band of spectral radiation be separated and studied, a definite and repro-
ducible ratio between energy and light value may be obtained. And if this
band be selected from the part of the spectrum where the light value is highest
(say 0.55/1), the minimum possible mechanical equivalent of light will
result. Ives,* having compared with his own the experimental data and
calculations of other investigators, has assigned the value of 0.02 watt per
mean spherical candle, or 0.0016 watt per lumen, as the most probable
mechanical equivalent of yellow-green light, to which the eye is most sensitive.
With this criterion of light producing efficiency available for the highest
point of the ocular-luminosity curve (Fig. 5), a scale of ordinates for that
curve is established, and the curve yields the sensibility coefficient for
each wave length. This applied to the radiation curve (Fig. 2), gives a
curve of visibility, from which the total illuminating power may be inte-
grated. The value so obtained should equal the candle-power or the lumens
as measured by a photometer. The value of mean spherical candle-power
per watt or of total lumens per watt, when stated in terms of the most
efficient light per watt, yields the "reduced luminous efficiency." (Drys-
dale's terminology.) The table of Par. 13 shows data of this kind baaed
upon Ives' compilation.
13. EfElciency of light production
(Electrical Worid— Vol. LVII, p. 1566)
Per cent.
Yellow-green 0.55/i 0.02 65 800 100
Black-body, about 5,000 10 125 15
deg. abs.
Ditto, excluding energy 22 274 34
outside limits 0.76m to
Ditto, excluding energy 26 330 41
outside limits 0.70/t to
' •Luminous Efficiency, Trans. I. E. S., Vol. V, p. 113: Hyde, Forsythe and
.3l«iy, Phys. Rev., Vol. XIII, p. 45.
fl :
\ Electrical World, Vol. LVII, 1909, p. 1566.
I Bulletin, Bureau of Standards, Vol. VI, p. 238.
form white light. Assuming colored absorbing screens of exactly the desired
values to transmit with minimum loss that part of the radiation of each,
wave length necessary to produce white light, he has shown the "white-light"
or "daylight efficiency" of each source. These values appear in Par. 17.
16. Light-producing efficiencies of certain electric illuxninants
Mean Lumens Reduced
Light source per luminous
c-p. per
watt efficiency
Per cent.
Radiation at 0.55>i 65 800 100
Radiation from black body at 5,000 20 330 41
deg. abs.
excluding that outside
Mazda vacuum lamp 1.0 w.p.c. 0.78 9.8 1.2
— ——
. .
Flame-arc 10-arap. white-light 1.4 17.6 2.2
carbon approximate.
18. Physical and physiological aspects of white light. Both ill
standard of white-light efficiency and the values shown for common ilium
nants are values for continuous-spectrum light from incandescent sourcM
That is to say, this method provides only for true white light, which!
satisfactory physically as well as physiologically. Light produced b
luminescence, which has a line spectrum, may be accepted as white in
physiological sense, but may fail to serve for certain illuminating purpose
where true white light is required. It is doubtful if such light should I:
compared with true white light upon the same terms. At any rate notatio
should always be made of the peculiarities of spectral distribution of sue
Sec. 14-23
26. Commercial ratings
(February, 1920)
range of flicker as the frequency is increased; and the morie marked flicker
when the finer-filament lamps are operated at a given frequency. They
indicate that the tungsten lamp is less adaptable for use upon low-frequency
currents than the carbon lamp.
Experience indicates that while lighting from 25-cycle circuits is satis-
factory for many purposes, yet is not entirely satisfactory for all classes of
service with all sizes of lamps. This frequency appears to be just a little
too low to be generally acceptable. j
31. BritrhtnesB of light sources*
Source power per Lamberts
sq. in.
Candle flame
Mercury vapor quartz tube 487-292
Sky—daylight hours:
With light clouds 2.0
Clouds predominating, generally cum-
ulus 1.9
Blue predominating, clouds cirus 1.5
Cloudless, blue or hazy I
Cloudy, storm near or present i
. 7 or less
32. Life performance for the various lamp types is treated in Pars. 33
to 83. In general, however, the life is variable to a marked degree, and it
is necessary to consider averages of large groups of lamps rather than the
performance of a few samples before drawing conclusions concerning values.
Also it is to be borne in mind that the only generally applicable statistics
of performance are those obtained in a laboratory under reproducible an^
ideal conditions of operation. In service the performance may vary largelsj.
All performance data given herein must be qualified to the extent that they
may not be strictly appHcable to a given set of operating conditions.
S3. Classification. Carbon-filament lamps may be classified according
to filament characteristics under "untreated" (Par. 34), "treated" (Par. 36)
and "metallized" (Par. 44) lamps.
34. Untreated carbon filaments are now employed principally in sign
lamps of tne 10- and 20-watt .sizes of the 110-volt range, and in lamps of
the 220-volt range. As the filament has a higher resistance, it is shorter
and may be disposed in a small bulb, where the longer treated filament can-
not be utilized. As they are capable of only 30 to 10 per cent, of the useful
life of treated-filament lamps, they are operated at a lower eflficiency and
are used only where necessary.
and blackened bulb and the consequent increase throughout life in the watts
per candle.
39. Candle-power performance curves of typical high-grade treated
carbon filament lamps are given in Fig. 10, being a combination of curves
published by several lamp manufacturers from independent tests of their
i Hoars
300 400
imported by American manufacturers who placed the lamp upon the market
in 1906. Sizes ranged from 25 to 80 watts. Efficiencies were of the order
of 5.5 lumens per watt. The average life of 40-watt lamps on direct cur-
rent was about 600 hr.
its rated or initial value. A brief "aging" brings it to or nearly to its true
initial value.
54. Photometry. The process of manufacture has now been stand-
ardized so thoroughly that lamps of standard sizes are made accurately ,
and are not photometered, though samples of each run are usually pho-
tometered as a check upon the manufacturing.
65. Approximate data on tungsten*
Electrical Resistivity at 25 deg. cent.
Hard drawn wire 6.2 microhms per cm. cube.
Annealed drawn wire^o.O microhms per cm. cube.
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistivity between deg. and 170 deg.
cent. 0.0051 per degree.
0.150 19.30
0.005 490,000
. 530,000
0.0015 000,000 20.19
37 40 43
Fro. 15. — Hating of sample 40-watt tungsten-filament lamps.
61. Efficiency Rating: of Mazda (Tungsten) Vacuum Lamps
Rating Total Lumens
(watts; lumens
is an arbitrary measure of effectiveness applied by common consent in the
interests of good maintenance of illuminating power. The significance and
the place of the 80 per cent, criterion in life evaluation may be noted in
Fig. 17 which shows that the smaller multiple lamps fail well within the
80 per cent, limit, while the larger lamps continue in service long after the
80 per cent, line has been passed.
66. Life performance. In Fig. 16 typical performance of a 40-watt
Mazda lamp throughout useful life is shown.
This is characterized by a gradual decline in
illuminating power and a gradual decrease in s
watts with corresponding decrease in effi-
Mazda lamps when shipped from manu-
factories are only partly "seasoned." In I
this condition the filament resistance is a
little below normal. The resultant higher
watts of multiple lamps is accompanied by
slightly low light output and of course the
eflBciency is low. Operation at labeled volts g looohn.
for about 1 hr. brings the lamps to normal
"initial" condition. This 1-hr. seasoning
t^ .,„
I*iG. 16.
— r, ,
40-watt Maida
process is not shown in the diagram.
66. Life performance; ^"^P-
various sizes
The change in illuminating power and watts. during life is shown in Fig. 17.
In general the rate of decline of light output of Mazda lamps at operating
eificienoies is smaller, but failure occurs earlier in the smaller sizes. In
order to diminish the differ
69. Mortality rate. The diagram in Fig. 18 shows the mortality rate
of 40-watt Mazda B lamps operated at rated initial efficiency upon CO-cycle
current in the laboratory. Each dot indicates by reference to the scale of
abscissse the hours at wnich a lamp failed, and by reference to the scale of
ordinates the approximate illuminating power just before failure. In lamps
of smaller sizes the failures tend to take place after shorter periods of burn-
ing. Among lamps of larger sizes the reverse order prevails.
— at least those —
having stouter filaments is that of avoiding bulb blacken-
ing, which is the life-limiting feature.
The cooling effect of an inert gas decreases the candle-power of the fila-
ment, and in this respect the gas is detrimental. To obtain tne same effi-
ciency as in a vacuum it is necessary to increase the watts and operate the
filament at a higher temperature. On the other hand the gas preesiu-e
reduces the rate of evaporation, and tne convection currents set up within
the bulb, deposit in the upper part of tue bulb such tungsten as may be evap-
orated. The cooling effect is greater, of course, in the case of tne smaller-
diameter filaments. In fact, among the smaller sizes of lamps for multiple
circuits the cooling effect is so great that these do not benefit by this im-
provement. Among filaments which operate at greater current values, the
disadvantage of the cooling effect is more than compensated by the advan-
tages listed above. The stouter the filament the greater the benefit derived
and the higher the efficiency at which it can be operated without decreasing
tne life.
74. Efficiency. The eflBciency ratings of Mazda "C" lamps as of Jan-
uary, 1920, are shown in tne following table. In comparison with other
high-power illuminants it must be remembered that these lamps are rarely
used bare and that allowance must be made for the loss of light in fixtures
Efficiency rating gas-filled lamps
Multiple lamps
.'•Series lamps
Amperes candle- Lumens Average Average Lumens
volts watts per watt
o (8 ot: O
Q, a; ^ ^
> « a g^-o
^ o o t;j3 a
) O =* 0) . S <u •S ^S,
-, » O S ~i3
a H a u -^^ -g
.2 " 03 (U— £
fl 2 §
cS-f, ma)"" "3
^J3 O SC a,
o t«2
c c-S
,- 2 ?; i. IB z
S Sj §
f M '-'
o o S
a o o
i> o d dj ri."
fl-2 9 3 cS «
t. n
OJ o
!z a
I I —
83. Mortality rate. The rate of burn-out of 200- watt Mazda "C"
lamps is shown in Fig. 22, each dot indicating time of failure and illuminating
power just before failure.
— 1 1 1
— 1 1
y —
^ ^ '_\
u 80
*^ • : •
400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800
Viii. 22. —200-watt Mazda "C" lamps. Time of failure and approximate
light output just before failure.
900 W. 30 A. Motion Picture
I Carbon
L«r?e White
;Hot Cntter
Bed Hot-
Light Purple- ~PurpIe
Yellowish'' Small White
Hot Crater
Ked Hot^
Fig. 25. —Distribution of light in
vertical plane about 9.6-amp. di-
rect-current open arc lamp. Also
estimate of distribution i f obstruc-
tion of lower electrode could be
Fig. 24. — Open carbon arc. avoided.
with probable distribution the lower electrode were transparent, t the dif-
ference illustrating the loss of light due to obstruction by the lower electrode.
The open
Electrode life —open arc lamp.
arc lamp suffered from short life
of electrodes, unsteadiness of light, and
poor light distribution. The electrode life
was 7 or 8 hr. and it became common
practice to employ two pairs of carbons, the
second pair to replace automatically the
first pair after these had been consumed,
thereby securing continuous operation long
Red Hot enough for one night. These disadvantages
T rv LiKbt Yellow.
were sufficient to occasion the general
Very Light Purple
abandonment of the open arc lamp in favor
of the enclosed carbon arc lamp which
Bed Hot became available commercially in 1894. t
92. The enclosed carbon arc lamp
differs from the open arc i n that the supply
of air at the arc is restricted, thus retarding
the rate of consumption of carbon, and se-
curing an electrode life of 100-125 hr.; the
arc is about fin. (0.95 cm.) long, requires
from 70 to 80 volts, and adds appreciably
to the violet light produced; the ends of
'iG. 26. —Enclosed carbon
nating-current arc.
the electrodes are nearly flat.
alter- The anode
does not have a marked crater, and does
not become so hot as in the open arc. Less
sht is produced per watt. A representation of the arc of an alternating
-irrent enclosed lamp is given in Fig. 26. § The enclosed arc lamp has been
' B'ake and Couchey. "Arcs and Electrodes," Gen. Elec. Review, 1913
t Trotter. —
"Illumination Its Distribution and Measurement," p. 147.
The Invention of the Enclosed Arc lamp L. B. Marks, Sibley Journal
Engineering, Vol. XXII, 1907, p. 1.
§ Blake and Couchey. "Arcs and Electrodes," Gen. Elec. Review, 1913,
0.°° "
m u <o
(« a
94. Status of enclosed arc lamp. The enclosed arc lamp provef
superior to he open arc lamp in (a) steadiness; (b) characteristic of ligh
distribution, and (c) electrode life. More effort was expended in develop^
ing it and equipping it with suitable glassware and, in the case of alternating
current lamps, with reflectors. In spite of its inefficiency, it prevailed ove>
the open arc lamps, and remained the standard lamp for street lighting unti]
the advent of the metallic-electrode lamp.
98. Efficiency
and light distribution —enclosed carbon arc lampa^
efficiency of the arc is lower in the alternating-current type. Both elea-
trodes are raised to a high temperature
but neither attains the high tempera-
ture of the anode in the direct-current
arc. The characteristics of light dis-
tribution from the two types of lamps
appear in Fig. 27. It is general
practice to equip the alternating-
current lamps with a reflector which
directs, below the horizontal, some
of the light which would otherwise
be distributed above the horizontal.
The multiple lamps are less efficient
than the series lamps. A certain
amount of ballast is necessary and this
accounts for the difference between
the line voltage (100 to 120 volts}, and
the arc .voltage (70 to 75 volts). If
the circuit ia for alternating current, a
reactance is employed, which does not
occasion a large wattage loss but
reduces the power-factor. If a di-
rect-current circuit, a resistance is Flo. 27. —
Light distribution
used, which occasion s a direct loss in vertical plane about enclosed
watts. bon arc lampa. A
96. Intensified carbon arc lamps.
The efl5ciency of a carbon arc lamp j
carbon arc lamps the diameter of the carbons is reduced, producing a gain
in efficiency and a light which is more nearly white and steadier than that
of the ordinary enclosed arc lamp of which it is a refinement. Such lamps
are used chiefly for lighting interiors where white light is desired, as in
clothing stores. The intensified carbon arc was developed in Europe and
exploited in small sizes operating at 2 and 3 amp., with an electrode life
of 20 hr. or less. In this country the developments were along the lines of
somewhat larger lamps operating at higher currents and longer electrode
life. IVpioal lamps of this type are somewhat smaller than ordinary enclosed
arc lamps, and are designed for either direct-current or alternating-current
service. Small-diameter electrodes (about 7 mm.) are used, and life of about
70 hr. is realized. With opal globes an efficiency corresponding with approxi-
mately 2 watts per mean spherical candle-power is obtained in the direct-
current lamp. The General Electric Company has developed a lamp of this
type for direct-current service, in which two converging 6-mm. upper-positive
carbons are used with a vertical lower carbon of 9.5 mm. diameter. This
lamp is somewhat larger and more substantially built than other lamps of the
class. The specific consumption when employed with an opal globe is
slightly more than 2 watts per mean spherical candle-power.
y Porcelain
Pig. 28. — Short-burning flame Fig. 29. -Light distribution in vertical
arc and economizer. plane about short-burning flame arc lamp
with opal globe.
aence it is called the economizer. Fig. 29 shows the light distribution from
!>,typical short-burnmg flame arc lamp equipped with an opal globe. For
inis particular lamp the following data applies: yellow-light electrodes;
imperes, 8; arc volts, 45; total watts, 440; mean spherical candle-power,
,025; watts per candle, 0.43.
refractory material known, impurities are always more volatile, and their
presence tends to reduce the temperature of the electrode ends. Hence, in
the manufacture of carbons for such lamps, purity is considered of first impor-
tance. In the flame arc, the purpose is to secure light from the arc rather
than from the electrode ends. The carbon is impregnated with chemicals
which, when volatilized and driven into the arc, become highly luminous.
The lower temperature of the carbon ends, due to these impurities, is imma-
terial, since little dependence is placed upon the ends for light production.
The flame arc is simply a carbon arc into which mineralized salts afe intro-
duced. These may bo of calcium, for yellow light; of barium and titanium,
for white light; and of strontium, for reddish light. The carbon electrode
serves as an electrical conductor and assures a hot and steady arc. The
chemicals with which it is impregnated include those which are efficient light
producers, and others whose functions are to promote high arc temperature
and to steady the arc.
99. Theory of light production. The electrode ends, especially the
anode, are brought to a high temperature, vaporizing the carbon and the
metallic salts. The succeeding processes of light production are largely a
matter of speculation at the present time. Some opinion favors lumines-
cence as the process by which light is produced, other attributes it to favor-
able selective radiation from incandescent particles in the arc stream. An
approved theory a.ssumes the chemicals to become dissociated by the heat of
the inner core of the arc (which is known to be hotter than the outer sheath)
and to recombine in the outer sheath with evolution of heat, which tends to
maintain the temperature of the arc. According to this view, the light is
produced by luminous particles in process of combustion, which is a condi-
tion quite similar to that existing in ordinary fiame.
100. Status of short-burning flame arc lamp. In this country the
short-burning flame arc lamp has come into use chiefly for display lighting..
Its maintenance cost has proven too high for most utilitarian purposes.
101. Flame arc lamps of medium electrode life. The obvious inad-
equacy of electrode life of the earlier forms of flame arc lamps led to attempts
to increase that life. Magazine lamps have been devised naving two to ten
sets of carbons, and attaining electrode life of 30 to 40 hr. These, however,
have not come into use in this country. The Jandus lamp devised in Eng-
land and later placed upon the market in this country attains 70 hr. It is
called a "regenerative" lamp, because the gases containing light-giving
chemicals are conveyed from above the arc through external tubes to the
bottom of the globe, again to bo entrained in the arc. The electrodes are
vertically coaxial and special in construction. The specific consumption of
the lamp is about 0.6 watt per mean spherical candle-power.
Faiut Purple
Small White
Hot Crater
* Blake and Couchey. "Arcs and Electrodes," Gen. Elec. Review, 19,31
P, 497.
t Blake and Couchey. Gen. Elec. Review, 1913, p. 497.
73 1153
emanates from the sure in a direction above the horizontal. The metallic
electrodes are maintained at a relatively low temperature, and the arc will
not re-establish itself every half cycle as with hot carbon electrodes. This
limits the lamp to operation upon direct current or rectified current.
+ Solid Copper
Small Crater
Amperes Volts Watts
that the natural distribution of light from the arc is not unlike that from a
Mazda lamp, but that in adapting the lamp for commercial street lighting
service, a reflector or refractor is placed over the arc, and the light distribu-
tion is modified as shown in two of the curves of Fig. 33 at the expense of
from 20 to 25 per cent, loss of light. i
about three types of magnetite arc lamps is shown in Fig. 33, manufacturers' '
b ampere ^Clear 01<iti«^8*ftmUTd ElectPoiU
-I"Vb impere K«frictorvJllgli^:fliuiency El«ctivd
Fia. 33. — Distribution of candle-power in vertical plane about magnetitt
arc lamps.
116. Vacuum arcs. The vacuum arc is essentially a constant current
device requiring regulation as does the open arc. Its volt ampere charac-
teristics differ from those of the open arc and are largely determined by the
temperature of the arc and the resulting vapor or gas pressure. As usually
operated the voltage is constant throughout a range of current variation.
117. Low-pressure mercury arc. In the mercury vapor lamps the
mercury cathode is vaporized as soon as the arc is struck. In the column
of vapor, formed within the tube and attaining a pressure of 1 to 2 mm.,
light is produced by luminescence, the arc being relatively cool, varying
from some .500 deg. cent, in the center to about 100 deg. cent, at the outer
surface of the glass tube. Tne anode located at the other end of the lamp
tube is of iron and operates at about 350 deg. cent.
118. Starting the mercury arc. In starting the lamp the arc may be
struck by tilting the tube manually or automatically by an electromagnet
until a thin stream of mercury connects the two electrodes. When the tube
resumes normal position breaking of this stream starts the arc. One alter-
native automatic starting which had superseded the above consists in short
circuiting a small current through inductance in series with the arc. This
current is broken by a mercury switch or "shifter" magnetically operated ,
ionization of the traces of mercury vapor in the tube and the arc forms.
To increase the effectiveness of the starting discharge a metallic coating or ;
starting band is placed on the cathode bulb forming with the mercury inside .
a small condenser.
119. Alternating-cvurent mercury arc. While the mercury-arc is
essentially a unidirectional conductor it has been adapted for service on
alternating current in the form of the mercury-vapor rectifier. The theory <
and operation of the commercial form of Cooper Hewitt lamps for single-
phase alternating current is indicated in Fig. 35. The cathode is connected,
to the middle of the secondary of an auto-transformer \«-hile the two anodes-
are connected to the ends. Thus the two halves of the autotransformer
function alternately and the cathode is negative with respect to one or the
other anode during tbe entire cycle. Enough reactance is used in series:
with the arc to maintain the current well above zero during the voltage'
alteration and thfr change in anodes. In order to keep the power factor high'
the balance of the current regulation on fluctuating voltage is secured by
using resistance instead of reactance in series with the anode circuits.
120. Direct-current mercury arc. For operation on direct current
reactance and resistance is connected in series with the arc, and adjusted'
for an arc voltage of about 75. The methods of starting are the same as fof
the alternating-current outfit.
121. Data on low-pressure lamps. The comparability of photometric
data of mercury vapor lamps with those of incandescent lamps is open to i\\\i.-^-
tion. For what they may be worth photometric statisti<'s arc shown in the
following table:
135. High-pressure mercury arc lamp. In order to take advantage
of the higher efficiency obtainable at high vapor pressure an evacuated tube
of fused quartz is used, as glass softens at a lower temperature than that
required. The lamp is operated upon the same basic principles as underlie
the operation of the low-pressure lamp. The cathode is of mercury and the
anode is of mercury or tungsten. The quartz tubes (burners) are 5 to 10
in. long. The arc in quartz may be started by tilting manually or auto-
matically as with the low-pressure
arc. In starting, the current is about
three times normal and the arc voltage
is low, excess voltage being taken
up by the ballast resistance. The
lamp gives relatively little light, and
that of a very green color. The cur-
rent quickly vaporizes the mercury,
increasing the vapor pressure and the
resistance of the arc. Gradually a
condition of normal operation is ap-
proached, and in about fifteen minutes
current and voltage at the arc are at
substantially the correct values. It is
understood that lamps are being de-
veloped, or have been developed, for
alternating-current service and for
series service. A laboratory equip-
ment is shown in Fig. 36. The mer-
cury arc in quartz gives a light which
is less pronouncedly green than that
from the low-pressure. arc. It is char-
acterized by an abundance of ultra-
violet radiation which the Bureau of
Standards has found to be about
double the visible radiation. As a
source of ultra-violet Ught the quartz
arc is used in paint and dye testing,
photo-chemistry, the treatment of skin
diseases, and in water sterilization.
126. Efficiency and life of quarts
lamps. Butlittle is published re-
garding ttie efficiency of the quartz
lamp. Experience in this country
shows, however, that early reports of
very high efficiency which emanated
from Europe, are not being realized in
the forms of this lamp whicli have
been developed. Twenty-one lumens
per watt seems indicated as the initial
efficiency of a 220-volt direct-current
multiple lamp. About 17 lumens per
watt is given by the 110- volt multiple
direct-current lamp. In a series type
FiQ. 36.—High-pressure mercury arc
efficiency should
laboratory equipment.
It has been found that in the course of 1,000 to 1,200 hr. the total radiation
decreases about 40 per cent, while the ultra-violet component decreases
somewhat more rapidly. * An effective burner life of 2,000 hr. is claimed by
the manufacturers.
127. Moore tubes — nitrogen type. The Moore tube for general light-
ing purposes has been manufactured in lengths up to 200 ft. from glass tubes
about 1.75 in. in diameter. This is filled with nitrogen which is replaced as
required by an ingenious automatic valve which feeds the tubes at intervals
of about one minute. The tube ends are enclosed in a sheet-metal box con-
taining the tube electrodes, the gas tank, the gas valve, step-up transformer,
etc. The efficiency of the nitrogen tube is of the order of 100 lumens per
•Bulletin S-330, Bureau of Standards, 1918.
foot and the consumption is about 2.5 watts per candle-power. The power
factor is about 75 per cent. The life of the tubes is very long.
128. Moore tubes—carbon-dioxide type. These tubes, which are
usually shorter when employing carbon dioxide gas, yield light whicn very
closely approximates average daylight. As the efficiency is quite low, the
use of these tubes is practically confined to color-matching purposes. A
modern simplified form with renewable tube consumes about 250 watts and
produces intensities ov§r a small area for color-matching up to 200 foot-
1159 1
U C O 3 o o o o o o o
OOiOiN 00 00 CO OOOO
na- goo s
^: ^:
03 •OiOOOOOCCOOOOOOOO'-i'-it^t^—ii-iOOOO—1'-<030>
Si: I*» .-l(N TfllOrtl"* r-1 i-l IN rl r-1 ,-1 r-1 ,-(
.Sf o
o o
-^^ • ••^•^
_o o_ ;j ^ 2 o—i^ : :
C H C C C----. aaScSmtnKiuinajBoOmm
iS c3 c3 c! c3 5 CS-rnCC^n OQ;Gjaj<»a)Cj©rt^
ClC3clcac3^tI3 —'^-••—<«—^-^^.—•<— "_S
B C C B c oooooooogs
S S-2-3^^
"S'S'S'S'S fl g r'j'^?^^- ^ >- i-
115. "Mirrored-glass reflectors form another class of opaque units
which find some application in industrial lighting. These reflectors make
possible a control of light rays even better than that secured with the alumi-
numized units. They excel in efficiency the other classes of equipment
discussed, and the best mirrored reflectors appear to retain their efficiency
with practically no loss throughout life. Their cost, however, is higher
than for the other units, and, in common with all glass reflectors, they are
limited to those locations where breakage is not a serious matter. They
are especially valuable where a concentrated light is required."'
146. Prismatic-g'lass reflectors. Like other relatively fragile reflect-
ors these may be used only where danger of breakage is small. They are
not subject to the action of fumes or gases as some metal reflectors. They
are extremely efficient, and where high concentration of light is desired, tliey
are superior to white-glass reflectors.
147. Opaque reflectors. Certain further comments of an impartial
nature are excerpted from a paper by Powell, t and an article by Stickney
and Powell. t "The great majority of industrial reflectors are of the opaque
diffusely reflecting types. The reflecting surfaces may be of enameled
porcelain, white-enamel paint, or aluminum either painted or mat. The
enameled porcelain reflectors are especially advantageous, if of a high quality,
because of ease of cleaning, resistance to acid fume, resistance to heat,
and ability to withstand weather in outdoor service. These reflectors are
perhaps not quite so efficient when new as those finished in white paint and
as usually designed do not yield so wide a range of distribution character-
istics as do some other types of reflectors.
"Aluminum-finished reflectors offer a wide range of distribution char-
acteristics, and are efficient and satisfactory when new. In most forma they
are liable to serious depreciation due to the collection of dust, and as a result
of cleaning. One manufacturer now markets an aluminum-finished reflector
which has a coat of lacquer, which is said to facilitate cleaning and render
the surface permanently efficient.
" Mirror reflectors are of high efficiency and offer opportunities for a wide
range of design, as to light distribution. Compareti with other industrial
reflectors, they are however costly and fragile."
Type of reflector to 60
164. Cove lighting. Recognition some years ago of the need for con-
cealing brilliant light sources from view led to systems of indirect lighting
in which the light was thrown upon some reflecting surface which became
a secondary source of illumination. One method consisted in locating the
lamps within a cornice or cove concealed from view and illuminating the
room via the ceiling. By this system, control of the light was largely lost,
and efficiency of utilization was very low. In one case reported, only 15
per cent, of the total light produced by the lamps was delivered upon a
working plane.! While this low efficiency was perhaps an extreme and
better values have been realized, yet the cove lighting system was so
inherently low in efficiency as to be unsuccessful.
186. Indirect lighting fixtures. A more recent development of indirect
lighting is one in which the lamp is located within bowls, usually hung
centrally in a room or bay. By backing the lamps with efficient reflectors,
and controlling the direction of light, a higher order of efficiency may be
obtained and a more desirable direction of the light secured. Indirect
lighting systems possess the advantage of high diffusion, and are therefore
valued where freedom from shadow and ghire is a consideration of primary
importance. Some statistics showing the proportion of the total light pro-
duced which may be delivered upon a working plane by this system of
lighting are given in Par. 157.
156. Indirect-lightinfT fixtures in various designs. In certain designs
the lower part of the indirect-lighting bowl is rendered luminous primarily
for purposes of decoration. t Sometimes small auxiliary lamps separately
wired are employed in this part of the fixture.
Indirect lighting fixtures mounted upon pedestals have been employed
with pleasing results in interiors which lend tnemselves to such treatment.!
C o-
3 lO
-^— M
>- >< o
o 3 >
168. Translucent bowls. A development of the past few years oonsisti
in the use of glassbowls enclosing the light source and reflecting most of th(
light to the ceihng, as in the indirect lighting system, while transmitting ii
various proportions enough light to give an appreciable direct component
Some data upon bowls of this type, of one manufacture, are presented ii
Par. 160. Referring to the data in this table it will be seen that the authon
have made a study of the influence of contour of bowl upon the distribu
tion of light, and likewise of the influence of optical density of glassware
Their conclusions from these figures and others given in the paper, follow
in Par. 189. Data on semi-indirect installations appear in Par. 163.
159. Effect of change of light source and bowl contour. "Th(
distribution of light is materially affected by changes in the position o
the lamps within the bowl; changing from a single lamp to a closely clusterec
group of two or three lamps does not introduce large variations in the distri'
bution characteristics, although the single lamp results in a somewhat widei
distribution above the horizontal. The ratio of light above the horizonta
to that below the horizontal in the four types of glass of the contour 3, choset
for this purpose, vary from 1.26 for the least dense (etched glass) to 6.4
for the most dense (Calla) and the effect of change in the contour of the bowli
is that with the shallower bowls the distribution both above and below the
horizontal is not so wide, more light being centred near the bowls whil«
with the deeper bowls there is, of course, a larger ratio horizontal."
160. Photometric data of semi-indirect glass bowls employed
with one Mazda lamp*
Per cent, of total light from lamp
which is distributed within stated
Contour, zones t
Description of glassware see Fig.
39 180 deg. 180 deg. 90 deg.
to 120 to 90 to Total
deg. deg.
Etched crystal gl
with new cut design 22 47 37 84
Druid 27 54 30 84
Veluria 36 60 25 85
36 58 24 82
30 57 24 82
28 60 24 84
Calla 44 68 11 79
46 71 11 82
41 68 11 79
Fio. 39. — Contours referred to
161. Reflectors in railway coaches.
in Par. 160.
tribution of light in a typical railway day coach has been made available b>
the Committee on Illumination of the Association of Railway Electrics
*" A Photometric Analysis of Diffusing Bowls with Varying Indirect
Component." Rowe and Magdsick, Trans. lUg. Eng. See, 1914.
1 180 deg. is the Zenith; deg. is the Nadir.
\uso aaj
JO siuja^ nj
Engineers.* While railway-car illumination is to some extent a specia
problem, yet the behavior of most reflectors in such service is an importani
indication of what may be expected in other hues. In the tests which ar«
here recorded, the car was equipped with Mazsla lamps located in the centre
deck or monitor, and spaced at intervals of two and three seats respectively
Conditions in all respects were favorable to lighting efiSciency because thi
equipment was new and clean and operated under correct conditions. Af
indirect and semi-indirect equipments were used, it is important to note that
the coefficient of diffuse reflection of the car ceiling was 65 per cent.
Results of this series of tests make available extensive data showing for o
variety of equipments tne coefficients of ultilization, horizontal foot-candlet
and the screening angles. Open-mouth reflectors are shown to deliver upor
a 33-in. horizontal plane proportions of the total light flux ranging from 2i
to 59 per cent. Indirect lighting equipments with a 65 per cent, ceiling
deliver upon this plane about 25 per cent, of the total light produced
Slightly higher values are shown for enclosing and semi-indirect equipments
164. Artificial daylight units. The Moore carbon dioxide tube (Par
127) produces light which without modification may be considered the
Some data upon
coefficient of
the transmis-
such glasses are
Fig. 40. —
Asymmetrical distribution,
adapted to show-window lighting.
iren in Par. 169.
used to a large extent in industrial lighting for directing into largo rooms
Fig. 41.- -Distribution of light in vertical plane about lamp equipped wit
prismatic refractor for street lighting.
plane glass in the upper sash of the window. By using prisms, instead (
plane glass, we may, under certain conditions, incre.-vse the effective ligl
fifty times. The gain in effective light on substituting ribbed glass or prisn
for plane glass, is much greater when the sky angle is small, as in the cai
of windows opening upon light shafts or narrow alleys. The increase in tl
strength of the light directly opposite a window in which ribbed glass (
prisms have been substituted for plane glass is at time such as to light a des
or table 50 ft. (15.24 m.) from the window better than one 20 ft. (6.1 m
from the' window had previously been lighted."
• Marks. " Principles and Design of Interior Illumination," Vol. II, p. 660.
t Impossible to eliminate spotting with any reasonable ratio.
% Report of Committee on Locomotive Headlights, Railway Electrical
ngineer, October, 1913.
i McMurtry, Headlamp Design and its Effect upon Glare Reduction,
tiletin Society of Automotive Engineers, April, 1917.
I Illuminating Engineering Practice, 1916, I. E. S., U. P., p. 213.
171. Light flux. According to approved concept, light is regarded ai
luminous flux.* The output of a lamp is its total luminous flux. Tht
brightness of a diffusely reflecting or transmitting surface is proportions
to its specific luminous flux. The intensity of illumination received oi
any surface is the flux density. Thus
luminous flux is analogous to magnetic
and electrostatic flux. Comprehen-
sion of light flux is facilitated by con-
sidering a point source to be located at
the centre of an imaginary non-reflect-
ing sphere. The total luminous flux
produced by a source of 1 c-p. radi-
ated uniformly, is divided by the num-
ber of unit solid angles or steradians in
the sphere in order to arrive at the
unit of luminous flux which is the lu-
men "equal to the flux emitted in a
unit solid angle (steradian) by a point
source of 1 c-p."
172. Distribution of light. In
practice, light is rarely radiated uni-
formly, and itis therefore necessary to
consider the flux to be distributed in a
great variety of ways. The deter-
mination of light distribution charac-
teristics of sources, is a regular part of
illuminating engineering practice, and
most calculations performed involve
this distribution characteristic.
Fig. 42 are illustrated four different
In Fia 42.— Four distributions of
given flux.
distributions of a given luminous flux.
The curves show a section of revolution. The circle (curve A) indicates unl
form distribution from a punctiform source; curve B shows distribution fromf
theoretical line source, distributing no light at the poles. Curve C shows th
distribution from a uniformly radiating circular disc, and curve D shows ' .
luminous flux. The mean altitude of such a curve is proportional to the mean
flux density (which is to say, the mean spherical candle-power). Further-
more, the area comprehended in any zone by the curve, is proportional to the
Bonal flux, and the mean altitude of the curve within that zone is proportional
;o the mean flux density or candle-power within that zone. The area com-
Drehended by the curve may be obtained by the use of a planimeter, or
)y averaging altitudes at short equal intervals. It is apparent, therefore
itflux values may be obtained from the light distribution curve without
tireparation of a Rousseau diagram, by averaging the flux density or
iil'r-power values at angular intervals corresponding to equal intervals
Rousseau diagram. Such angles are given in Par. 176. Macbeth
'5. Angles from vertical axis at which values may be taken from a
light distribution curve and averaged to obtain mean fluz
density or mean candle-power in each hemisphere
176. Mean
zonal-candle-power constants. When photometric values
light distribution are available but have not been plotted to form a light
itribution diagram, the flux computation may be carried out by the appli-
liion of the constants in Par. 177, which are proportional to the areas of the
I'eral zones of which the test angles are representative. In using these
istants, find the product of each candle-power value and the constant for
angle. Divide the sum of all such products by two to determine mean
lericalcandle-power. Multiply the mean spherical candle-power by 12.57
obtain total lumens. To determine mean hemispherical candle-power
ploy same constants except for the 90-deg. value where the given con-
nr, should be divided by two. In this case, do not divide the sum of the
"ducts by two.
Dimensions of
Lamp and Auxiliary
186. Classification of methods. AssumiDg that light distribution dati
such as those presented in Fig. 44 are available, it becomes possible to eon
pute the illumination produced upon any given plane by the light source i
any given location. For the sake of simplicity it will be considered that tl
light source, whose distribution is indicated in the diagram, is mounted ov(
the centre of a horizontal plane which is to be illuminated. For such con
putations there are three customary methods. The flux of light delivere
upon the horizontal plane will be the sum of that directed toward the plai
from the source and that reflected to the plane from ceiling, walls, etc.
186. Flux method (direct light). For many purposes an approximal
calculation of the flux delivered upon the plane of reference is adequat
In such oases it may serve to determine the approximate square feet of tl
plane to be illuminated and to estimate the total flux which will reach sue
plane. For example, assume that a certain room has a floor area 12 ft. 7 ii
by 12 ft. 2 in., and that it is desired to estimate the light flux delivered upon
horizontal plane 36 in. above the floor from a light source located over tl
centre of the area, and 6 ft. 4 in. above the plane of reference. * Roughly, tl
flux delivered within an angle of 45 deg. above the horizontal will fall upo
this plane. Applying zonal constants (Par. 181) to the candle-power value
in Fig. 44, we have either or both of the following:
ILL UMINA TION Sec. 14-189
llluminant absorbs 20 per cent, of the total flux produced, there will be a
joefficient of utilization of 376/(779/0.8) = 0.39 per cent.
189. The coefficients of utilization in the following table are repre-
jentative of stjuare rooms equipped with a sufficient number of lighting
^anits and so placed as to produce reasonably uniform illumination. In
3ach case the upper figure applies to an extended area, namely, one in which
;he horizontal dimension is at least five times the distance from floor to
,;eiling. The lower figure applies to a confined area, one in which the floor
.iimension is but five-fourths of the ceiling height. The utilization factor
or a rectangular room is approximately the average of the factors for two
i^iquare rooms of the large and small floor dimension respectively.
190. Coefficients of utilization*
an estimate of the total light flux to be produced. Taking the case assum«
in Par. 186 and assuming that an average illumination intensity of 5 foe
candles or 5 lumens per square foot is required, we may carry out such
computation in simple manner. The area of the room is 153 sq. ft., whi(
multiplied by 5 foot-candles gives 765 lumens to be applied upon the plai
of reference. It may be assumed that this can be accomplisned by usii
lighting equipment which, while directing most of the light toward the plan
will stiU transmit sufficient to illuminate the ceiling and walls acceptabl
With sdch equipments it is reasonable to expect that 50 per cent, of tl
lignt may be delivered upon tne plane of reference. Therefore twice tl
applied lumens should be generated, or 1,530 lumens. This will be produce
by a 150-watt Mazda "C" lamp of about 2,050 lumens, thus leaving
margin of about 25 per cent, for depreciation due to dust and falling-off
the light output of the lamp during life.
194. Absorption of light method. An alternative method of compu
ing light flux for an illumination installation is the "absorption of ligh
method, t This is based upon the fundamental consideration that all
the light within a room being absorbed, the illuminants must produce tl
sum of the light flux absorbed by the various surfaces. That is to say, ti
average incident flux upon each surface multiplied by the coefficient of Hg
absorption characteristic of that surface and by the area of the surface w
yield the total flux absorbed by that surface, artd tne sum of the flux a
sorbed by all exposed surfaces witnin a room must aggregate the total fli
to be produced by the lighting unit. (In such case of course, the absorptji
of light involved in the use of an auxiliary must be added to this aggregate
ascertain the total amount of light to be produced by the illuminant propei
Referring to the room already mentioned J we find the data necessary
verify this method. These are summarized below.
Absorption of light in a given room
ILLUM-I NATION Sec. 14-195
A m
SllirUinr Bird
Sec. 14-196 ILL UMINA TION
Room ratio =
= 3.00 Coefficient
Coefficient of utilization for the rectangular room with
= 0.62.
clear lamp units is then, 0.43 >^(0.62 - 0.43) = 0.49.
+ .4n,s.
(6) In the same room with an indirect, clear lamp installation, find th(
coefficient of utilization as follows:
For a square room, narrow dimension,
Room ratio = ,, . . „. = 1.25 Coefficient = 0.21.
IH X ,
For a square room, long dimension,
Room ratio
mX 24
3.75 Coefficient =
Coefficient of utilization for the rectangular room with indirect, cleai
p= ^ = J^ (6)
S 4xrs
(7) or - = - (8)
that is E varies as l/r.*
201. Lambert's cosine law (Par. 199).
If, however, the plane surface upon which the
lightfallsisinclinedfrom the normal, the flux
of light incident upon the surface will vary
as the Cos of its angle of inclination. This
is known as Lambert's cosine law.
E-'^ (9)
in ft.-candles or lumens q j\
pet aq. ft.
of a surfacewhich is not a perfect diffuser may vary with angle of view, but
if it is enough to cover the field of view, its apparent brightness will not
vary with distance.
406. Eelation of brightness to incident light. This may be stated
only for a projected area of a perfectly diffusing plane surface for which
b = mE where b is the brightness; m is the coefficient of diffuse reflection;
and E is the incident flux. Brightness is expressed in lamberts. A perfect
diffusing surface emitting or reflecting 1 lumen per sq. cm. has a brightness
of 1 lambert, equivalent to 2.054 candles per sq. in.
207. Contrast vision. We see things by reason of contour, relief and
color, i.e., shade perception and color perception. According to Fechner'a
law of sensations we perceive a fixed fractional difference of the total, irre-
spective, within Umits, of the amount of the total sensation, and the sensa-
tion is proportional to the logarithm of the stimulus. This minimum per-
ceptible contrast is usually of the order of 1 per cent., and, with increasing
brightness within wide working limits, the visual power increases but slowlj
208. Color sensations. Ocular discernment as presented in the Young-
Helmholtz theory is based upon three primary sensations red, green and blue,
or best vision under any condition of light intensity; (b) induction, the
name applied to that enect of contrast which causes a dark surface to appear
darker when in juxtaposition with a brighter surface or vice versa; (c) Pur-
kinje effect, the tendency of the eye to become more sensitive to light of
short wave lengths than to light of long wave lengths when the intensity is
low. Due to the last-mentioned effect, with the same low intensity of light,
blues and greens appear brighter than does red. See also Par. 10^12.
211. Threshold vision. In many ocular tests the point of minimum
perception is the basis adopted. These are known as "threshold" or
"limen" tests, and are applied to determine visual acuity, flicker, etc.
Visual acuity is generally expressed in terms inversely proportional to the
visual angle subtended by the observed object at threshold value, unity being
taken as an angle of 5 min. Visual acuity is tested by determination
of the smallest discernible object, as a letter, under a given low intensity of
illumination; or the greatest distance at which a given object under a given
intensity of illumination may be discerned; or the minimum illumination at
which a given object at a given distance may be discerned. Flicker tests
usually consist in the determination of the minimum change in intensity
upon an observed object which may be perceived with a given rate of flicker,
or the minimum rate of flicker which may be detected with a given change in
intensity. Threshold tests of shade perception are also applied. The line
of divi.sion between such tests and visual acuity tests is not clearly indicated,
since some visual acuity tests in one sense are shade perception tests. In
all such tests the accuracy attained is of a lower order than that attained in
comparison tests where one surface is brought to the same brightness as
another surface in juxtaposition to it.
212. Psychology of vision. Vision is a combined physiological and
psychological process. For example, the eye as an optical instrument pro-
duces upon the retina an inverted image of an object viewed. This applies
the stimulus to produce the sensation. The mind interprets before the
object is rightly perceived. Therefore the subjective phenomena associated
with vision are of prime importance; unfortunately they are but little under-
stood by lighting practitioners. The observer's conception of the appear-
ance of objects, images of which are impressed upon the retina, depends
upon the mental interpretation of such images in the light of tradition,
memory and experience.
213. Steadiness vs. fluctuation in light. Reliability in an illumination
system is a first requisite. Of a like obvious character is steadiness. Un-
steadiness is distressing and perhaps injurious to the eyes in spite of the pro-
tective features with which they are provided. Unsteadiness of light, as
encountered in flames which fluctuate with atmospheric disturbances, is not
found in electric illuminants as a rule, though arc-lamps exhibit somewhat
jsimilar tendencies. Unsystematic fluctuations in the arc may be due to a
wandering of the arc. This propensity changes the light-distribution char-
acteristics, notably in the open carbon-arc lamp; or results in vaporizing
» more or less luminous material from the electrode, as in the flame-arc lamp
and metallic-electrode lamp. Requirements in indoor lighting are such as
to bar badly fluctuating light sources from general use. The requirements
"or exterior lighting are less rigorous in this respect, and therefore arc-lamp
Juctuations which could not be tolerated for most indoor purposes, do not
»nstitute serious objections for some classes of exterior lighting.
Incandescent lamps are subject to unsystematic light fluctuations only
vhen operated upon a circuit which carries a varying power load as, for
ixampie, elevator motors. Systematic light fluctuations occur on
Jternating-current service. Incandescent lamps are characterized by greater
hermal stability than arc-lamps, and these cyclic light fluctuations are
herefore less serious. For incandescent lighting, 35 cycles appears to be the
pproximate lower frequency limit for satisfactory service of all classes,
nough for many purposes 25 cycles lighting has been found satisfactory.
214. Intensity or flux density is an all-important fundamental to be
"^^Wansidered in illuminating practice. Sufficient intensity of light must be
provided to serve utilitarian purposes, to enable the eyes to accotti'plisli their
function without undue fatigue, and to create pleasing effects three purposes
which must be served in the order of their importance in all installations. To
accomplish this it may be necessary to provide an illumination of uniform
intensity, or the flux may have to be distributed dissymmetrically. Shadows
are important, contrasts must be correct and a careful study of the inten-
sities necessary to produce brightness of the right order is essential to success
in lighting installations.
216. Illumination intensities for various classes of service. Experi-
ence is teaching that economy is promoted by the adoption of much higher
intensities in industrial work than have heretofore prevailed. Every re-
ported experiment shows increased production, diminished shrinkaKe and
satisfied employer and employee when a change to Jiigher intensities has
been made in installations where the judgment of competent engineers has
guided the selection. But there is lacking information to show whether
such higher intensities are lower than or higher than the intensity yielding
the greatest economy of production. The best guide available at the present
time is to be found in the Code of Lighting of the Illuminating Engineering
Society and in the several State Industrial Lighting Codes which are modeled
upon the Society Code. Some of the state codes prescribe detailed minima
for a variety of industrial operations. The Code of the State of Oregon
shows preferable intensities for a great variety of operations. Some repre-
sentative values are given in Par. 219.
216. Direction. The best direction for the strongest component in any
illumination system is peculiarly a matter for determination after study of
local conditions. In natural lighting there is usually a strongly directed
component, the only exception being a condition of diffused light such
as that produced by mists, rain, etc. A great variety of directions for this
principal component is experienced, ranging from one almost directly
downward at mid-day in the summer to one which is almost"horizontal just
after sunrise or just before sunset. It is probable that the most pleasing
direction for daylight conditions lies well between these two extremes.*
The direction of light in interiors illuminated from side windows is unnatural
and in many instances is neither pleasing nor comfortable. This is especially
true of offices in high buildings where nothing but the sky is visible through
the window from a point well in the interior of the room.
217. Direction of light affects appearance. A suitable direction
for lightis very important in industrial work where the avoidance of shadows
and the avoidance of glare are of paramount importance. The appearance
of a room is very largely dependent upon the direction of the light. t In
ornamentation, relief designs are absolutely dependent upon the relation of
light and shade. J Usually they require not only a noticeable directed com-
ponent but also they require that the direction of that component shall be
correct. So also, in the general appearance of a room and of the objects
contained in it, shadows are important and their proper direction is a proini-
nent factor in determining the final appearance of the room. The direction
of incident light is, to some extent, a determining factor in the extent and
characteristic of the reflection from surfaces. ||
218. Diffusion. See Par. 220. If light from a point source passes-
through crystal or is reflected by a mirror, the rays are uniformly diver-
gent, that is characteristically radiating. If the crystal glass or the mirror bei
replaced by an etched glass and a mat reflecting surface respectively, the
uniform radiating characteristic is lost, the rays are scattered, and further:
propagation takes place in a multiplicity of directions. Such light is called*!
diffused light. If the surface which occasions the diffusion is of large area
and the illuminated object is relatively close to the diffusing surface, it ia
illuminated by diffused light. If, however, the object is relatively far
removed from the diffusing surface, it is illuminated by light from essentially
one direction, the rays are nearly parallel, and the light is but little diffused.
Hence, diffusion is a relative term, and the subject is difficult to treat in a
definite way.
Rough manufacturing:
Machining, assembling, punch
work, etc., foot-candles
Fine molding, grinding, ma-
chine molding, foot-candle
Core making
Foundries, foot-candles ....... 1-9
Rough manufacturing involving
closer discrimination of detail,
foot-candles 3-6
Fine manufacturing:
Lathe work, pattern and tool
Light colored textiles, etc 3-12
Jewelry 8-t
Job presses 3-12
Shoe manufacturing:
Most processes
Inspection and finishing. . .
Light 3-12
Dark 8-t
Electrical manufacturing 4-12
Special fine work:
Watch making, engraving,
drafting, dark colored tex-
tiles,etc _
10-15 8-t
Dark colored textiles:
Most processes
Weaving, knitting, inspect-
Office work 4-8 4-12
Stairways, passageways, halls . . 1-2
Storage spaces i-1
Roadways and yard thorough-
may be represented by various curves having radials elongated in the direo
tion of regular transmission and reflection, indicating correspondingly lesse;
distribution in other directions than is provided by perfect diffusion.
A variety of reflection characteristics
is illustrated in Fig. 53, ranging from
perfect diffusion to a combination of
regular and diffuse reflection charac-
teristic of glossy paper.
221. Need for diffusion. Diffusion
tends to avoid glare and to solten
shadows. Its accomplishment in-
volves the substitution of secondary
lightsources which are relativelylarge
and therefore of low brightness when
compared with the source of light.
Artificial lighting is usually inferior to
natural light in respect to diffusion, t
In practically every installation there
is a real necessity for introducing arti-
ficial means of diffusing the light.
222. Color in its physical aspects
has been treated in the discussion of
the production of light (Par. 27). The
spectrophotometric values of light
from the several common illuminants
have been supplemented by color-sensa-
tion values as determined with color-
mixing instruments. Referring fur-
ther to the subject in its physiological
relations, it may be noted that there
are three primary colors, namely: red,
green, and blue-violet, using pure Fig. 53.— Various degrees of diff us
spectrallight. With these three colors, reflection.
light of any desired color value may be low horizontal, surface being verti
produced. In his ability to modify cal. A, perfect diffusion; B.reflec
the color of light, the illuminating en- tion from glossy paper; C, reflectioi
gineer has at his disposal a means of from semi-glossy paper; D, reflectioi
enhancing the attractiveness of an in- from mat paper.
terior as will be brought out more in
detail under discussion of congruity in illumination. Par. 232. It also is
incandescent lamp glowing outdoors in the daytime does not appear very
bright against a background of sky, and may be viewed directly without
discomfort. The same unshaded lamp burned at night in a roorn which is
decorated in light colors, will prove annoying, while if burned in a room
of which the decorations are of low reflecting quality, as dark woodwork,
the lamp will prove positively intolerable. In the three cases the brightness
of the lamp remains the same, and it is the varying contrast with its sur-
roundings which erplains in the one case, absence of discomfort and in the
other extreme case, the most serious kind of ocular discomfort.
• Sweet. " An Analysis of Illumination Requirements in Street Lighting,"
loumal of the Franklin Institute, May, 1910.
rate until at about 15 deg. the effect disappeared. Because of the very
exaggerated conditions of dark surroundings and dimly illuminated test
object, the results here obtained show diminished visual power far beyond
that which would likely be experienced in practice. They illu.strate the
effect, however, and are suggestive of the need for concealing the light source.
It is to be noted that, though no reduction in visual ability could be meas-
ured when the source was removed 15 deg. from the centre of the field of
view, yet the discomfort and E^nnoyance due to its presence were very severe.
B/. /
2 4 6 8 10 12 11 16
VUiuU Augle-Uegiees
226. Qlare due to reflected image of light source. Glare due to images
of light sources reflected from shiny surfaces is probably more productive
of harm in the present stage of practice than is glare directly due to exposed
light sources. While the imperfect rendering of the image by the
usual polished surfaces decreases the brightness materially, yet the loca-
tion of the reflected image is often so near the centre of the field of vision as
to be much more serious than an exposed light source further removed.
Viewing a glossy paper at the critical angle in which the image of the light
source is reflected to the eye, it may be impossible to read print. This effect
is diminished by altering the position of the object or of the observer, but, due
to minute irregularities of the surface of the paper, there is still likely to be
an appreciable regular reflection toward the eye. Likewise, paper which
is only sUghtly glossy may reflect regularly toward the eye an appreciable
section of the image of the Ught source without introducing so serious an
effect as to prompt the observer to change position. Such conditions are the
source of much discomfort and dissatisfaction experienced in artificial light-
ing. If they are to be avoided, light sources must be shielded both from
immediate observation and from possibilities of reflection from glossy
227. Reflection Factors. If it be assumed that softly diffused light is
distributed generally throughout an interior producing uniform illumina-
tion, contrasts are dependent wholly upon the reflecting qualities of the
illuminated surfaces. As these are usually less readily changed than the
distribution and quality of the light, it is desirable to consider them before
determining upon tfie degree of uniformity which should be achieved in light
distribution. Uniform illumination with uniform decorations in an interior
would be undesirable from every standpoint. Uniform illumination with
heavily contrasted decorations and fittings may be acceptable. It is there-
fore of interest and value to obtain information on the reflection factors of
various surfaces, such are contained in Par. 228.
229. Shadows. Further contrasts are encountered in shadows. The
more generally the light is distributed, the lighter are the shadows; the more
generally the light is diffused, the less sharp are the shadow contours.
Both depth of shadow and sharpness of outline are of importance in contribut-
ing to the effect of contrast. When properly treated, relatively deep shadows
are of importance in contributing to perspective and in producing a satisfying
effect. In some kinds of industrial work, in office work and in some other
classes of work all but very soft shadows should be avoided. Rolph ' has
concluded that for working surfaces when the shadow has sharply defined
outline, it should not be more marked than 15 per cent., while if the outline
isquite indefinite, as with well-diffused lighting, it may be as much as 50 per
230. Color contrast. The remaining aspect of contrast is the important
one of color. Pleasing color contrasts are of value in affording rest for the
eye, in lending perspective, and in preventing monotonous effects. The
color effect of a given surface depends to no little extent upon the color of
other surfaces in the field of view with which it is contrasted. Also, very
slight modifications of the light may produce marked changes in the appear-
ance of the colored surfaces. The choice of the correct color for the light
employed in a particular case is therefore essential to successful illumination
from the decorative standpoint.
231. Permissible contrasts. In general, authorities state that bright
objects to which the eye is subjected should not exceed 4 or 5 c-p. per sq. in.
(0.62 to 0.78 c-p. per sq. cm.) if physiological requirements are to be met.
This applies to interiors at night. The limitation is relative rather than
absolute. One authority,! while asserting the impracticability of fixing any
standard, suggests that if the brightness of the object upon which the eyes are
employed is of the order of 10 times that of surrounding objects, physiological
requirements will be met satisfactorily.
232. Congruity. The requirements of esthetics are for illumination
and an illuminating equipment which shall be pleasing to the senses and in
harmony with the character of the premises illuminated. In buildings of
notable architectural design the equipment should not only be suitable for
its surroundings but the illumination should produce such combinations of
light and shade, such contrasts, such color effects aa will bring out in true
proportions the important architectural features of the building, and will
render its ornamentation in the manner conceived by the architect. In
churches the illuminating equipment and the illumination must be of a
character which is in keeping with the religious purposes for which the
building is designed. In manufacturing establishments, effective illumina-
tion should be provided from simple, practical equipments. Incongruity
of fixture, auxiliary, or illuminant; or unsuitability of light in quality, in-
tensity, direction, etc., may mar an otherwise efficient illuminating system.
233. Pigmentary colors. Color of light, like color in decoration, is an
aspect which affords many opportunities for skillful use by the illuminating
engineer. In pigments, red, yellow, and blue of certain kinds and in certain
proportions will produce white or any other desired color. They are some-
times referred to, therefore, as the primary colors, though, in a scientific
sense, pure prismatic colors, respectively, red, green, and blue-violet, are the
primary colors. The colors used for decoration are, however, dependent
for their appearance upon the quality of the light by which they are illu-
It will be obvious, of course, that pigments which appear to the eye
similar as regards color may be quite different physically, and that there-
fore their rendering under light of various colors may be markedly different
from that here indicated. This is a field of application in which nothing
may be taken for granted; only by trial can the appearance of a given pig-
ment under a given light be determined. In decoration, therefore, a knowl-
edge of the quality of the light employed is of first importance. It is
essential that light be provided of such color value as will produce the
effect desired in decoration.
336. Direct lighting. The fact that light sources are usually placed
higher than the surfaces to be illuminated and that a downward direction of
the hght is rather generally desirable under such conditions, has led to the
236. Ultra-violet radiation
JVIagnetite (glass) 30 .
obtain that degree of diffusion of light which is essential to the avoidance oi
glare and the elimination of excessively deep shadows. Direct^lighting
equipment does not always yield, therefore, the most effective illumination
obtainable from a given amount of light produced within a room.
237. Indirect lighting. Some of the worst difficulties encountered in the
use of direct-lighting equipments were eliminated by the use of so-called
"indirect-lighting equipments," in which the light sources are entirely con-
cealed from view and the light is directed upon a reflecting surface such ae
the ceiling, which reflects and diffuses it. The reflecting surface in such sys-
tems becomes the apparent light source, and, being of large area, its bright-
ness is very much lower than that of the real source. In consequence, shad-
ows are softened, immediate glare effect is much diminished, and glare due
to reflection from specular surfaces is likewise diminished. Indirect-lighting
equipments produce conditions which are much more conducive to comfort-
able vision than are those usually attending the use of direct-lighting equip-
ments. It ie, however, much more difficult to control the light, and a much
greater portion of the light is usually lost before becoming effective.
238. Semi-indirect lighting. Equipments intermediate between these
two in respect to effectiveness of light direction, diffusion of light, soft-
ening of shadows and reduction of glare, have been classed broadly as "semi-
indirect lighting" equipments. These consist usually of translucent bowls,
translucency varying widely and brightness of bowl varying in a correspond-
ing manner. In point of fact there is very little difference between lighting
effects obtained with some indirect-lighting equipments and some .semi-
indirect lighting equipments because, in both, large proportions of the light
are directed toward the ceiling, whence they are diffused throughout the
room. Enclosing globes also are likely to produce results of much the same
order. When the translucency of the semi-indirect bowl is so low that its
brightness of transmitted light is not greater than that of the ceiling, the light-
ing effects are likely to be quite similar to those which obtain when indirect-
lighting fixtures are employed.
239. Intermediate types of lighting equipment. In brief, opaque
reflectorswhich allow little light to be distributed elsewhere than upon the
working plane are distinctively direct-lighting equipments and form one
extreme of a range upon the other extreme of which indirect-lighting equip-
ments may be placed. Between these two extremes are a great variety
of equipments, all of which distribute part of the light upon the ceiling and
part of it downward. It is difficult to differentiate among these intermedi.ate
equipments from the standpoint of illuminating results. Most such equip-
ments, however, may be located in one of three classes, namely (a) inverted
. . . 10 to 20
9 to 12
ft. 12 to 18 ft.
Offices ft. 7 to 11 ft.
Offices without desk lights. 12 to 16 ft. 9 14
to ft.
Offices— without desk lights i
Over 16 ft. 11 to 18 ft.
A check upon the correctness of this estimate is had by the absorption of
light method (Par. 196).
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10 CD »Ot>^ •2 S3^-
U5 d"! tCrCl '-'•to
oocrS 03 C^ O^ o
Q. > "-I
V o c u -5^" - - -> -
_- 05 22 ^ S^
2. .w * -J i *^0i jJ
M bl M bO
ftW^baaM „ a «
^ ^- 3
4). 5 c; M
« 3
sees . <D 01 fJi.S 4)
M x> f,S
•ct; MM
— 06 05
co'E — -3'"'
2? oi 03
c;Sc;t;ci5e4) ° £ 4) O
cs a oi ^ J3 S 4) t.
ShwwShok o u
8 = (^3 "
:~3 o
d .
°~1 c'
C « cs
3 00 OQ
09 S
Approximate cost of
artificial lighting in
Class of lighting installation
proportion to total
operating costs
i52. Disappearance or discrimination photometers. Various pho-
nieters have been devised based upon determination of the threshold of
sion. Some involve the discrimination of fine detail and are known as
sual-acuity photometers. A well-known example is the "illuminometer"
76 1201
Sec. 14-262 illumination
jvice inmost general use at the present time is the simple Lummer-Brodhun
ibe, which is illustrated in Fig. 55. Light from lamp, L, falls upon one side
white plain surface, <S, and is in part reflected through mirror, M, and
.at part of the two prisms, P and Pi, which are in optical contact, to the
'6, 0. Light from the other lamp, Li, falls upon the other side of S, is
fleeted from the mirror, Afi, to the prism. Pi. That part of it which falls
jon the part of the prism which is in optical contact with prism P, passes
S68. The Luxnxner-Brodhun contrast prism is employed in the sai
manner as the comparison prism illustrateci in Fig. 55. Its constructii
is different, however, as illustrated by the plan in Fig. 56. The hypothenu
face of one prism is ground away in three places, as indicated, and the alt<
nate halves of the outer faces of the two prisms are covered by thin gls
plates, G and Gi, which absorb 7 or 8 per cent, of the light which pass
through them. The photometric field appears as illustrated in Fig. 56, t
light from one side of photometric surface S being represented on the left
the diagram and by the trapezoid located in the right half of the field, tl
being 7 or 8 per cent, less bright than the other half of the field. Similarl
the light from the other photometric surface, Si, is represented by the sen
circle in the right of the figure and by the trapezoid in the left half of t
figure, the latter again being 7 or 8 per cent, less bright. With the contra
cube in proper adjustment and of proper optical characteristics, a phot
metric balance should bring to equivalent brightness trapezoids, S and
and also semicircle S and Si; in addition, the contrast between trapeze
Si and semicircle S should equal the contrast between trapezoid S and sen
circle Si Devices of this type have highest known sensibility for ph
tometry where no considerable color difference is involved.
269. Bunsen contrast photometer. In the Bunsen photometer
translucent screen normal to the photometric axis is rendered of high
translucency at the centre, and the appearance of the opposite surfaci
when illuminated by the two lamps between which it is located, is observ
through mirrors placed about 140 deg. from one another, as illustrated
Fig. 57. The greater translucency of the centre of the screen may be ma
by the application of hot paraffin, or, as in the Leeson disc, may be aecoi
plished by cutting a round or star-shaped hole in the disc itself and pasti
thin rice paper over both surfaces. Care and skill in the construction of t
disc are essential to precision of operation. As in the Lummer-Brodh
contrast photometer, the Bunsen photometer presents to view two contrt
fields. If properly constructed with mirrors of equal absorbing power,
condition of balance should bring equality of brightness and equality
The Bunsen photometer is pre-
ferred by some for routine lamp
testing where highest precision in
individual measurements is not so ^'l^/^,^
important as good maintenance of
accuracy throughout the day's
work. It is inferior to the Lum-
mer-Brodhun photometer in sen-
sitiveness at low intensities. It is
somewhat easier to make settings
with the Bunsen photometer than
with the Lummer-Brodhun pho-
tometer in comparison of lights
of markedly different colors for
the reason that the illumination
of each surface of the disc is due
in part to transmitted light from
the other surface. Where colors
differ, there is a tendency to blend
and the color contrast be-
low the actual contrast encountered
Fio. 57. — Bunsen photometer.
with a photometer like the Lum-
mer-Brodhun, where the lights are not mixed.
270. Flicker photometer. In flicker photometry the criterion of a
justment is the disappearance of the flicker effect, or rarely, the equality
two flicker effects. The flicker photometer is used as a rule only.whe
lights of markedly different colors are to bo compared. Due to persislcn
of vision, the colors, though markedly different, tend to blend when pi
sented to the eye in rapid alternation, and the color differences cease to
perceptible, while differences in brightness of the two surfaces are still visib
It is thus possible to make comparisons of markedly different lights wi
much less difficulty than when the equality-of-brightness method is employe
and different observers are much more likely to secure similar results, becau
sihe criterion rests upon a physiological effect and leaves room for less differ-
isnce of opinion or less variation of concept than does the equality-of-bright-
iiess metnod. Ives* has found that witn the fUcker photometer, blue and
>reen light is adjudged of lower illuminating power when compared at low
Intensities with red and yellow light. This is a reversal of the Purkinje
'ffect (Par. 265) which obtains in equality-of-brightness measurements at
I'ery low intensities. He concludes, as the result of his investigations, that
she flicker photometer offers the best means of dealing with heterochromatic
ihotometry, but its use should be limited by specifying a standard intensity
t which comparison shall be made, a standard visual angle for the pho-
ometric field, and observers who are free from peculiarities of color vision,
incidentally, a similar prescription applied to any kind of photometry would
omuch toward standardization. Ultimately, heterochromatic photome-
y must be based upon the illuminating power as judged by some such
iterion as equality of brightness or power to reveal detail. The disappear-
nce of flicker cannot be considered as an ultimate criterion. However, a
icker photometer once verified and accepted in a given form as a reliable
evice for heterochromatic photometry, should prove very useful in that
ass of work because of the readiness with which settings can be made.
S71. Forms of flicker photometer. Roodf devised the first flicker
hotometer, which consisted of a wedge, the two faces of which formed the
hotometric surfaces, which were viewed alternately through a revolving
a. 58. —
Kingsbury-Ives Flicker attachment for Lummer-Brodhun pho-
tometer head.
372. Means of changingr intensity of light for photometric ad
justment. The principal nK^hods of adjustment of the intensity o
illumination upon a photometric surface are variable distance, variabli
inclination of the surface, variable rotating sector disc, variable diaphragms
polarizing devices.
273. Variable distance. This adjustment may be accomplished by mov
ing the photometric device between fixed lamps; by fixing the photomctrl
device and moving the comparison lamp; or by joining the photometric de
vice with the comparison lamp and moving both as a unit. The men
tioned method is that ordinarily employed in commercial photometry of in
candescent lamps. The moving comparison lamp is often used in portabl
photometers and in tests of lighting auxiliaries where it is desired to maintaii
a fixed distance between the photometer and the light source under test
The movement of the photometric device and the comparison lamp as i
279. General description. An integrating photometer yields in a single
neasurement the value of the total flux of light or the mean spherical candle-
)0wer of a light source. In general, most such devices, by optical or
nechanical means, reduce the intensity of the light, at various angles to
he vertical of the light source, in proportion to the area of the zone which
he angle bisects, and provide a summation of such reduced intensities for
he several angles throughout the vertical plane of the source. The inte-
Tating sphere intercepts and provides an indication of the total light
iroduced by the source,
''erhaps the earliest inte-
.rating photometer was
londel's lumeter. *
Cennellyt also devised an
pparatus for mechanical
btegration. The instru-
ments of Matthews and
Ilbricht, and especially the
itter, which are used at
he present time are de-
ttribed in text-books.
S80. Ulbricht integrat-
ng sphere. The inte-
ating sphere devised by
Mbricht has been found to
the most accurate and
Angle of
white when average daylight is received upon the colored glasses. Color
sensation values are expressed in terms of such maxima. The colorimeter
may be employed in the study of light from line spectrum sources, whereas
the spectrophotometer is limited to the study of continuous spectrum or ap-
proximately continuous spectrum sources. Sensation values (Par. 27) may
(be shown with the aid of the Maxwell triangle, Fig. 64.
Il In this diagram, several illuminants are located as to color, and are shown
in comparison with the theoretical black body at several temperatures. The
9um of the expressions of color sensations is unity. The sum of the per-
pendicular distances from the three sides of an equilateral triangle is equal to
ji \d
In the case of a fixed distance between the test and comparison lamps and a
photometric device moving between them, the midway point is assigned the
value at which it is desired to maintain the comparison lamp. All other
points are determined in accordance with the following equation:
d ^— ''''
where d is the distance between the test lamp and the photometric device, D
is the distance between lamps, le is candle-power of the comparison lamp and
/( is the candle-power of the test lamp.
these screens, painted black (for most precise work they may be coveri'
with black velvet), is used, for example, on a photometer bar. Where i;
photometric device or the comparison lamp travels along a track, fl
screens must be re-located as occasion requires. A most satisfactory met 1
ciency during life than do others. For example, a magnetite arc lamp as
equipped is well adapted to street-lighting service, and its efficiency in the
condition delivered by the manufacturer is substantially its service efficiency.
On the other hand, incandescent lamps may have to be equipped with globe
or reflectors or both before application to street-lighting service, and their
efficiency as shipped by the manufacturer is materially higher than is their
service efficiency. As another example, the candle-power depreciation of a 25-
watt Mazda lamp is less during its life than is the candle-power depreciation
of a 100-watt Mazda lamp. Conclusions based upon initial laboratory
values should be modified where necessary before determining upon rela-
tive merit of two different kinds or sizes of illumihants for a given class of
service. Likewise, lighting auxiliaries are not always directly comparable on
the basis of their initial laboratory values. The deterioration of reflecting
surfaces may be rapid. Some surfaces collect and retain dust more largely
than do others, and, in consequence, their deterioration of light is greater in a
given period.
302. Discussion of results. In discussion of test results it is rarely
possible to draw unqualified conclusions as to relative merit between appli-
ances or installations which are of more or less the same order of merit. In
any test all that is demonstrated is that a sample or a set of samples or an
installation has been found, in a given instance, to be superior in certain
respects. It is dangerous to draw sweeping conclusions from tests. To do so
may mislead when test data are applied to appliances or installations which
have not actually been tested. In discussing results of tests and drawing
conclusions from tests it is well to be cautious in accepting the basis of
measurement as a final indication of value. The candle-power of an incan-
descent lamp is one direction or in one plane is not necessarily an indication of
the illuminating power of the larnp. In the long run, the total light flux or
the mean spherical candle-power is most nearly a correct indication, but even
this measurement may fail to indicate the real value of an illuminant for a
certain class of service. It may be shown that the minimum normal illumi-
nation intensities provided by two installations of illuminants for street-
lighting service are equal, but this does not demonstrate that the two sys-
tems are of equal value. One may deliver twice as much light as the other
upon the street. The mean horizontal illumination may be in the long run a
reasonably good measure of street-lightirig effectiveness, but even this meas-
ure may fail to indicate the facts for certain classes of service. In short, tests
of illumination should be conducted and conclusions should be drawn from
such tests in accordance with the dictates of common sense and good engi-
neering practice.
Physics of light.
Wood, Robert W. "Physical Optics." Macmillan Company, 1911.
LoMMEL, Db. EuGEirE. "The Nature of Light with a General Account of
D. Appleton & Company, 1892.
Physical Optics."
Maclaubin, Richahd C. "The Theory of Light: A Treatise of Physical
Cambridge University Press, 1908.
Wbiqht, Lewis. "Light: A Course in Experimental Optics." Macmillan
Company, 1892.
Maclaukin, Ricbabd C. — "Light." The Columbia University Press, 1909.
Nutting, P. G. — "Outlines Applied Optics." P. Blakiston's Sons & Co.,
Houston, R. A. — "Studies in Light Production," 1913.
Thompson, P. "Light, Visible and
S. Macmillan Company.
77 1217
Sec. 14-305 illumination
HoGNER, Paul; Translated by Eck, Justus. "Light, Radiation and Illu-
mination." D. Van Nostrand & Company, 1909.
Abney, Capt. W. de W.— "Color Vision." William Wood & Company,
Rood, Ogden N. "Students' Text-book of Color." D. Appleton & Com-
pany, 1908.
Cliffobd, C. R. "Color Value." Clifford and Lawton, 1907.
LucKiESH, M.
"Color and Its Applications." D. Van Nostrand Co.,
Hertha. — "The Electric Arc."
& Company,
Child, Clement D. —1911.
— D. Van Nostrand & Company.
"Electric Arc Lamps; Their Principles,
Construction and Working." D. Van Nostrand & Company, 1908.
Johnson, J. H.— "Are Lamps and Accessory Apparatus."
"Electric Arcs."
D. Van
1. Power con- Constant friction! Friction loss (motor L e s's power re-
sumption. loss in shaft, belts! and tool only) use-| quired,
and motor, power' ful power only!
for cutting. while working.
2. Speed con- No. speeds = No. No. speeds = No. More speeds pos- i
i point. I
7. T me i to! t i
Much less time re-
complete! quired as indicated
a job. for previous items.
8. LiabilityjSlipping
slipping or break-ilnjury machii Much less liability
break-Injury to machine
to acci- ing belt; injury toj tool, cutting tool
toi to accident.
dents. rnachine tools, cut-j or motor,
ting tool or prime i
Speeds Speeds
Horse power
Ratio 2 : Ratio 3 : 1
r.p.m. r.p.m.
1 1,500-750 1,500-500
3 1,500-750 1,500-500
5 1,200-600 1,200-400
7i 1,200-600 1,200-400
10 1,200-600 1,200-400
15 1,200-600 1,200-400
20 900-450 900-300
25 900-450 900-300
Horse Horse I
Speeds power
power I
' 6
3 .
(e) Axle lathes, wheel lathes and drivinjr-wheel lathes shou d be
driven by direct-current motora.
(f) Chucking lathes usually are not motor-driven. If motora are used
they should be of variable speed.
(g) Automatic screw machines in small sizes should be group-driven;
in the larger sizes they should preferably be driven by variable-speed motors.
(h) Sensitive drilling machines in general should not be motor-driven.
However, if machine is placed in an isolated location, a motor may be directly
applied to the machine itself or the machine may be driven through a counter-
[ shaft, from a motor on the floor.
[ (i) Vertical and radial drilling machines are usually group-driven un-
less they are isolated. If such machines are motor-driven, the variable-
speed type should be selected. The motor may be direct connected to the
machine itself or set up to drive the machine countershaft.
(j) Boring machines, if used for specialized work, are preferably belt-
driven. If used for a variety of operations, a variable-speed motor is
(k) Grinders should be driven by constant-speed motors belted to the
grinder countershafts.
(1) Planers, particularly those of small size, if located under a crane,
should be driven by variable-speed motors. A recent development is the
reversing-motor planer drive which ia now being extensively tested, and
promises to prove successful.
(m) Shapers, slotters, etc., should usually be group-driven,
(n) Knee and column-type milling machines in the large sizes should
be driven by variable-speed motors, especially if used in "gang" operations,
(o) Planer-type milling machines should be motor driven. Either
the constant-speed or the variable-speed types will prove sati-sfactory.
10. Values of horse power required to cut metal*
Lathe-type tools.
Af , • , !
Horse power required to remove
^ ^^ j^^ p^^ ^-^^
Wrought iron j
r. /^
Mild steel (0.30-0.40 percent, carbon)
Hard steel (0.50 per cent, carbon) '
1 . 00 to 1 25 .
1.1 .-,
Aiatenai I
Horse power required to remove
Cast iron. I
0.6 to 1.0
Wrought iron „
Mild steel (0.30-0.40 per cent, carbon)!
'Hard steel (0.50 per cent, carbon) . . .
2 . to 2 .
Observed Observed
horse horse
Kind Size
power; power;
maximum average
Boring Machines:
Bullard, single head .... 36 in. 0.78 0.52
BuUard, double head. . . . 42 in. 1.72 1.08
Cam Cutters:
Brainard No. 2 0,67
Brainard No. 4 0.48 0.32
Brainard No. 6 0.48 0.32
Lathe type, single head . 0.32
Lathe type, double head. 0.50
Cutting-off Machines.
Hurlbut- Rogers lis in. 0.12
Hurlbut-Rogers 2 in. 0.28 0.14 to 0.18
Hurlbut-Rogers 3 in. 0.34 .20 to 22 .
Drilling Machines:
Prentice Bros, radial. . . . No. 0.72
Prentice Bros, radial .... No.. 1 3.18 1.12
Sensitive ]
Grinders-. \f
Brown & Sharpe cutter and
reamer grinder No. 3 I
C. H. Besl„- & Co. Gardner
grinder No. 4 i
. 53
Brown & Sharpe plain No. 11 0.80
Brown & Sharpe surface No. 2 40
.. .
Drop Hammers:
Blondell 40 1b. 0.10
Pratt & Whitney 250 lb. 2.00
Pratt & Whitney 400 lb. 2.50
Pratt & Whitney 600 lb. 3.00
Pratt & Whitney 800 lb. 3.50
Pratt & Whitney 1,000 lb. 4.00
Billings & Spencer 1,500 lb. 5.00
Power Hammers:
Bradley 100 lb. 1.50
Bradley 150 lb. 1.75
Baker Bros No.'4. 0.64 0.28 to 0.32
Reed boring lathe 20 in. 0.35
Reed boring lathe 30 in. 0.41
Reed engine lathe 12 in. 0.24
Reed lathe 14 in. 0.48 0.26
Prentice 16 in. 0.34
Reed 16 in. 0.48 0.36
Blaisdell 18 in. 0.39
Blaisdell 20 in. 0.44
Reed 22 in. '6;37' 0.32
Reed.. 24 in. 0.25
Blaisdell 24 in. 0.31
Prentice 28 in. 0.31
Draper 38 in. 0.58
Reed speed lathe . 10 in. 0.10
Reed speed lathe 14 in. 0.12
Putnam squaring-up lathe 15 in. 0.25
Gisholt turret lathe Size H. 0.70
Potter & Johnston semi-auto-
matic ^.-.^..^ 33 to 0.63
Jones & Lamson flat turret 2X24 in. 20 to 1 80
Milling Machines: '
t'Tiiii! 'f to' -'.f'V'.
1. li. li 1 to 2
Single 1J.2 2 to 3
2i,3i 3 to 5
4, 6 5 to7i
Double 1, U 2 to 3
3 to 5
2, 2J
Triple 1, Ij. 2 3 to7i
1,2 2 to 3
i toli 5 to 7\
\\ to 2 10 to 15
2| to 3 20 to 25
4 to 6 30 to 40
37 to 42 5 to 7i 7\ to 10
50 7i 7i to 10
60 to 84 7i to 10 10 to 15
Size (ft;)
7 to 9 10 to 15
10 to 12 10 to 15 30 to 40
14 to 16 15 to 20
16 to 25 20 to 25
18. Bulldozers
A toi 6 to 10 3
A tof 10 5
A toi 10 71
J to J 10 10
i to 1 10 10 to 15
2 4 7i
2 6 10
2 8 15
23. Orinders. —
Miscellaneous — motor BContinued
or C (Par. 13)
100 5
200 7i
300 7i
400 10
600 15
i 1
i 2 to 3
i 2 to 3
3 to 5
I 5
1 5
1 7i
U 7i to 10
10 to 15
10 to lo
2i 15 to 25
i 5
/» 7i
i 15
i 25
10 H 35
U 50
1 50
20 3
26 5
32 7J
36 10 to 15
42 20
48 25
^mpound-wound motor.
Tound secondary or squirrel-cage motor with approximately 10 per cent.
n the larger sizes.
tandard bending roll motor.
Vound secondary induction motor.
Plate shears
Motoi— B*orCt
Size of metal cut Length of stroke
Horse power
Cuts per min. (in.)
iX 24 35 3 10
1 X 24 20 3 15
2 X 14 15 4i 30
1 X 42 20 4 20
liX 42 15 4i 60
UX 54 18 6 75
UX 72 20 5i 70
liXlOO 10 to 12 7J 75
Motor — B or C
« 123ff
S9. The direct-connected adjustable-speed reversing motor is the
most recent development in motors for machine tools. It has been applied
and tube drawing machines and large
to planers, slotters, key-seaters, wire
[boring mills. Its advantages lie inincreased production and saving of
[power. Figs. 2 to 6, inclusive show five planer drives. * These curves are
drawn to the saiiie scale and show the power required to drive "light" and
with normal cuts, see Par. 38.
40. Power required by portable armature drills
(Andrew Stewart, before Glasgow Techn. College So. 8oc.)
the motor. The squirrel-cage motor is simpler and somewhat more rugged
but has the disadvantages of having a fixed slip, of requiring a comparative!;
large current at starting and, with high slip, of radiating a large amount o
heat. Both types are in satisfactory service but slip-ring motors are ii
more common use especially for the larger sizes of saws.
43. The average horse power required by band mills usually varie
from 75 to 125 h.p. but to take care of heavy cuts and maintain the speed
motors of from 150 to 250 h.p. are usually supplied for each saw. Thes'
motors should preferably be of the 3-bearing belted type and with speeds f ron
about 570 to 850 rev. per min. The following table shows the characteristic
of motors which are now installed in saw mills and giving satisfactory service
Saws Drive Remarks
ioree poweri Rev. per min.
Test on the above 50-h.p. coupled motor showed a friction load of 6 kw.
th a feed of from 180 to 190 ft. per min., on hemlock stock, the following
jults were obtained:
uts in 3-in. stock 68 kw., peaks reaching 75 and- 80 kw
uts in 6-in. stock 68 kw., peaks reaching 75 and 80 kw
47. Trimmers. The driving shafts of trimmers can be readily driven
coupled squirrel-cage motors and speeds of 680 to 850 rev. per min. are
etomary. The following are instances of successful applications.
Unless the hog is carefully fed the motors are subject to severe Iom
50. Miscellaneous
Drop cut-off saw, 72 in. diam., 510 rev. per min.; 20-h.p. 570-rev. per min.t
motor, belted^ ^ «
Lath boTter, 5 12-in saws; 40-h.p., i,760-rev. per min. motor, coupled
Log haul7230~ft. total length, 100 ft. on 60 per cent, grade; 30-h.p., 1,130-ij
rev. per min. motor, belted. |j
61. Selection of motor. Standard squirrel-cage induction motors ar
satisfactorily applied to almost all machines used in planing and other wood
working estabhshments with, perhaps, the exceptions of large band resaw-
of great inertia, heavy planers and matchers with considerable static frictio
which must be overcome at starting, and in cases where each individut
motor requires a large percentage of the generator capacity. For thes
special cases slip-ring motors are used. The data in the following paragraph
give the average sizes and the power requirements of machines as supplier
by several of the leading manufacturers. Nearly all of these machines hav;
met practical service with the motors as indicated, although for very ligbi
or for very heavy service, smaller or larger motors, respectively, are som«j
times used. |
30 Hand 2
34-38 Hand 3
40 60-150 10
42 Hand 5
42 60-200 15
48 Hand 7J
r 44-in. band rip and resaw. Berlin No. 282 44-in. X4-in. wheel, C80 rev.
f^ermin., geared to a 15 h. p. 1,120 rev. per min. squirrel-cage motor. Fric-
(;ion load 4 kw. Resawing 6-in. to 8-in. poplar, 24 ft. per min.; average load,
12 kw,
.Tl-in. Mershon saw, 540 rev. per min., belted to a 20-h.p
band resaw.
,ll'() min. squirrel-cage motor; friction, 5.5 kw.
rev. per Resawing oak
\ in ft. per min.; average load, 18 kw.;
to 6 in. wide, 70 peaks, 21 kw.
Horizontal band resaw. Berlin No. 287 hopper feed, width of hopper
.'I) in. belted to a 40 h.p., 850-rev. per min. squirrel-cage motor; friction load,
kw.; tests, sawing oak.
Load (kw.)
Width (in.) (ft. per min.)
Average Peaks
13i 30 32 50
24 22 44 50
10-14 3 12-16 5
16 5 20 7i
•16 7i
24 7i
30 10
t32 25
36 15
Rip saws
Diam. (in.) No. of saws jFeed (ft. per min.) Aver. h.p.
Hand 5
Hand 7J
65-200 10-15
50-160 20
Hand 20
50-160 30
Self-feed rip saw. 13-in. saw, 2,250-rev. per min., belted to a 10 h.p.
rOO-rev. per min. squirrel-cage motor; friction load, 2.5 kw.
1 in. oak 73 5
1 in. oak 116 7.5
1 in. oak 150 9.2
2 in. hemlock 150 12.5
Diam. (in.) Feed (ft. per min.) Aver. h.p.
24-30 30-80 15
36-42 30-80 20
48 30-80 30
Sec. 16-55 INDUSfittAL motor APPLICAftONS
63. Shapers
Single spindle h.p. —5
Double spindle h.p.
Size, ft.
!uce direct current for the operation of cranes, hoists, and other machines
hirh must operate through a wide range of speed and under greatly varying
78. The selection of the proper normal rating of hoist motors*
be used is in general a difficult problem on account of wide variations in
rvice requirements, particularly as to the matter of frequency of operation
~ an illustration, two extreme cases may
be taken: Ist, that of a crane
lied in an engine room or pump house, the crane having been installed
nally to assist in erecting the heavy machinery, being subsequently
only at varying and infrequent intervals for lifting parts of machinery
^, the period of rest at the upper limit of travel; 3rd, the time of lowering;
fi, the period of rest at the lower limit of travel before the next cycle is
lirted. The current required in lowering with a mechanical brake, or the
tltent required in dynamic braking (Par. 83 and 637) must also be taken into
risideration. These figures known, they may be plotted in terms of time
111 current, so that the square-root of the mean-square current may be
['See "Horse Power of Crane Motors," Machinery, Dec, 1913, page 286.
determined. Since practically all series-wound motors are given fair
definite ratings in terms of current which the motor can carry continuous
for 1 hr. without overheating, the proper motor may thus be selecte
In many cases, however, such as in the design of cranes for ordinary machin
shop service, where the full capacity of a hoist is brought into play infi
quently, th judgment of the crane designer must be relied upon to determii
the proper size of the hoist motor. Many crane builders find it convenie:
from the viewpoint of standardization of manufacture, to build trolleys
a given hoisting capacity in duplicate. In some applications of the
standard cranes the hoisting motor may have much greater capacity than
required, while in other cases the work which must be performed by the hoi
may prove to be greater than was anticipated, necessitating adjustmen
in the field.
79. The magnetic brake. The hoisting motor of a crane is usual'
provided with a magnetic brake. This brake is so arranged that only wh<
power is applied to the hoisting motor is the brake released. At all oth'
times the brake is set either by means of a weight or a sufficiently powerfi
spring. These brakes are ordinarily designed to apply on the armatu
shaft of the motor at the commutator end. The series-wound brake (in coi
nection with direct-current motors) is by all means the safest and tl
most reliable. Shunt-wound brakes of course are necessary in connectic
with alternating-current hoisting motors, because a series-wound bral
would act as a choke coil and materially reduce the voltage at the mot<
80. Types of brakes in common use, see I?ar. 532 to 536.
81. Brake lining. In present practice the friction members in a
the types of brakes mentioned above are lined or faced with a compositio
of asbestos, woven together with bronze wire. This material affords
very much higher and much more constant coefficient of friction than d
the leather, wood or metal brake facings used in the past.
82. The mechanical brake. After a load has been hoisted, it
usually necessary that it be lowered, at least a certain distance. If no moai
were provided for checking the lowering speed, the load might soon attai
almost the speed of a freely falling body, and in the case of a scries-wour
hoisting motor, might soon attain a speed which would destroy the moto
On electric overhead traveling cranes a so-called "mechanical brake" h:
been employed, this brake being so designed as to prevent the load fro
appreciably accelerating the hoist motor, when it is running in the lowcrir
direction, or from "overhauling" the motor, as this action is common
designated. Many ingenious designs of such brakes have been develope
All of them, however, act upon the common principle that if the load begi
to overhaul the motor, the brake is applied.
83. Dynamic braking. During recent years this method of retardii
the speed of the hoistihg motor when lowering a load has been quite general
adopted on electric cranes. The hoisting motor is driven as a generator 1
the lowering load, and is caused to generate energy which is either returni
to the line or dissipated through a resistance, or both. This gonerafii
of energy imposes a magnetic drag on the machine and thus retards
downward speed of the load. Dynamic braking with a series-wound ;
controlling resistance being in series with the motor circuit and varie« j
irmature and the field are connected in separate circuits. On the first
Doint of the controller, in lowering, the field is excited through a resistance
A'hich allows practically full-load current to pass through the field winding;
ilso a considerable amount of resistance is included in the armature circuit.
it will be seen that on the first lowering point the armature is shunted by
',he field winding and the brake winding. This naturally produces an
'xtremely low speed. As the controller lever is moved from step to step,
the resistance in the field circuit is increased, while the resistance in the
irmature circuit is decreased. Increase in resistance in the field circuit
'naturally reduces the field excitation and counter e.m.f., thus allowing the
ipeed to increase. The resistance in the field circuit is ordinarily so pro-
>ortioned that the speed can increase as much as 100 per cent, to 150 per
Res. a
First Point
at. above normal full-load speed. be seen that at all times the
It will
dd is supplied with current from the mains, and at full speed this may
pount to only half of the full-load current. On the other hand, the
rmature is also connected to the supply mains, and as soon as the counter
ta.f. reaches a value sufficient to overcome line voltage, current is actually
[turned to the line, so that the net current required in lowering the load is
,6 difference between th^ current supplied to the field from the Hn« and the
irrent returned to the line by the armature. In lowering heavy loads the
irrent returned to the line is greater than the current drawn from the line
r the field, so that the lowering load is made
to do useful work.
i86. Slow-hoisting motor control. This type of control differs from
one illustrated in Fig. 7 only in the respect that a shunt is placed around
€ armature in order to reduce the speed, thus producing an extremely slow
>i8ting speed. This type of controller is frequently used in foundries
l9re extremely slow speeds are required in lifting patterns from flasks, etc.
the mechanism of the trolley, provided the operator did not open his con,
troller at the proper time. Where the block of the hoist must be fre
quently run up to a point very close to the mechanism of the trolley, i
is advisable to use a limit stop which not only cuts off the current from thi
motor, but includes the motor in a dynamic braking circuit of such lov
resistance that the hoist is stopped almost instantly, irrespective of thi
condition of the brake.
87. Drive of the crane bridge. The designed speed of crane bridges
varies between very wide limits. In the case of cranes used in machine
shops, structural shops, and plants of like nature, it is advisable to hav(
the bridge of the crane driven at a speed of from 250 to 300 ft. per min
This corresponds to between 3 and 3i miles per hr. which is a speec
at which a man can walk while steadying long pieces of material carriec
by the crane, and passing through a busy shop. In other cases, such as
the handling of bulk material, where long runs are necessary, the bridg*
mechanism may be geared to operate at or above 1,000 ft. per min. The
power required to drive the bridge motion of cranes varies betweer
exceedingly wide limits, depending upon the span of the crane girders,
condition of the rails on which the bndge runs, and particularly upon the
rigidity with which the end trucks are fastened to the girders of the bridge
Unequal wear of driving wheels is also a factor to be taken into account
because, if the driving wheels on the opposite truck frames of the crane
become of unequal diameter, one end of the crane will tend to travel faster
than the other, thus producing a severe torsional strain on the driving shaft
and the bridge structure. Frequent starting and stopping are also factors
which should be carefully considered in designing the gearing of the bridge
drive. Where many starts and stops, and particularly short moves are to
be made, facility in starting and stopping is a prime requisite.
As an example, a certain crane with gearing designed for a bridge speed
of 500 ft. per min. performed a regular cycle of operations, making
short moves of approximately 24 in., 24 times in succession, and then re-
turning to the starting-point, this cycle being carried out substantially 24
hr. per day. At the outset the performance of this crane was extremely
unsatisfactory, as the operator would invariably run beyond the point
at which he was required to stop, would then reverse, and perhaps run too
far in the opposite direction, so that two or three attempts were required in-
each case to reach the proper position. The gear ratio between the bridge
motor and the driving shaft was altered in order to secure a gear reduction
of three times the original reduction. Theoretically, this should have
materially slowed down the operation of the crane, but through greater
facility in starting and stopping, the output of the crane was increased
more than 400 per cent.
88. Bridge drive with very long span. In this case two driving
motors are frequently provided, one being placed at each end of the bridge
and driving the truck wheels directly; the motors are coupled together by
a line shaft carried on the girder of the crane. In such cases it is preferable
to connect the two driving motors in parallel and to provide each of them
with a separate reversing switch, so that each will have its own connections
to the line.
89. Safety devices. Under this heading might be mentioned limit
stops, as described in Par. 86, and also what are known as crane switchboards.
These boards usually inclucle two solenoid-operated switches or contactors,
which connect all of the circuits of the crane to the main feed wires. When
these switches are open, all wiring on the crane is disconnected from the
line. These switches are controlled by a plug, which, when pushed in,
energizes the windings of the switch solenoids and causes the switches to
close; when pulled out, it opens the switches, thereby interrupting the energy
supply. The plug is also provided with attachments whereby it may be
positively locked in the open position by a padlock. When a motor in-
spector or repairman mounts the crane he pull.s open the plug and locks it
po.sitively in the open position, so that the crane cannot be operated until
he has finished his work and removed his padlock. In addition the two mag-
netic switches are usually arranged for overload protection, and are operated
by the action of overload relays in the circuit leads of each motor on the
crane. In case the overload is merely temporary, the operator is simply
required to reset the magnetic switches, which are conveniently at hand.
If, however, the overload relays continue to act when energy is applied, the
operator must necessarily look for trouble in the mechanism of the crane.
90. Energy supply. In a plant in which a large number of cranes
are employed, it is by no means necessary to provide generator capacity
equal to the total rated horse power of all of the motors used. In a large
industrial plant in which 127 cranes were installed, generator capacity cor-
responding to 25 per cent, of the total rated horse power of motors used on
the cranes was found ample to care for the load. Where only a single crane
is installed it is wise to provide generator capacity sufficient to take care of
full-load on the hoist and bridge motions, leaving it to the overload capacity
of the generator to take care of the current required by the trolley, in case
all three motions of the crane should be operated at the same time. Naturally,
the larger the number of cranes installed in a given plant where a definite
* cycle of operations is not carried out, the smaller may be the proportion of
I generator capacity to the total horse power of the crane motors.
Steel & Tube Co. of America; Fellow, America7i Institute of Electrical
91. Drums. Hoists are generally classified according to the shape
of the drum. In general use are the cylindrical, the conical and the cylin-
dro-conical drums, the last mentioned being a com-
bination of the first two, part of the drum being a
, cylindrical and part conical (Fig. 9). The object
of the conical drum is to reduce the starting
torque, as the load is exerted on the drum at a
smaller radius when the cage is at the bottom of
, the shaft. The cylindro-conical drum is used with
the same object. All other things being equal,
> the roi)e wear is less with the cylindrical drums
than with other types of drums.
Flat ropes. The above types (Par. 91)
use round ropes. Flat ropes, generally about 0.5
in. thick, are sometimes used, the rope being
wound upon itself on a reel, so that the radius at
which the load is suspended gradually increases,
the effect
being similar to that of the conical
Flat ropes on reels are used only to a very Fig. 8. — Unbalanced
small extent, on account of the excessive main- hoists.
tenance charges.
93. Balanced and unbalanced hoists. When running balanced the
1 empty cage descends as the loaded cage ascends, the cages and cars balancing
oaoh other. When working unbalanced only one cage is used, and the load.
due to the cage and the car, must be added to that due to the weight of tho
material hoisted in order to ascertain the load on the motor. See Figs. 8
and g.
94. Power reQuirements. In the case of small or medium-sized hoists,
it isusually difficult to determine a definite hoisting cycle, although the
maximum load to be hoisted can generally be assumed. In such cases
the rating of the motor required is usually determined from the following
, LXV^ _
^P'"" ^^>
Where L = total unbalanced load and y = speed of hoisting in ft. per min.
For large hoists, the cycle of operation is usually well defined, and the
required motor rating can be accurately determined. The calculation of
load diagrams will be found useful in such investigation.*
96. Mechanical efficiency. The over-all efficiency of the mechanical
parts of the equipment is assumed in general to be 80 per cent.
96. Service affecting motor rating. As the service is intermittent
and as the motors have an opportunity to cool during the intervals between
trips, it is not necessary that the motor should be capable of continuously
carrying the load as determined above (Par. 94). In order to preserve a
good balance between the maximum torque capacity of the motor and its
heating capacity, at the same time keeping down the cost, intermittent-
rated motors are used for such hoists. Experience has shown that if a motor
has sufficient capacity to carry the load, as determined above, for half an
hour continuously, it will operate the hoist under ordinary conditious.
In cases of very severe service, where the hoist operates a large portion of
the time, and where the peak loads due to acceleration may be high, such a
simple rule cannot be used.
97. Types of motors adaptable to hoists. Direct-current motors
for small hoists are usually series-wound, but occasionally compound-wound
motors are adopted, in order to simplify the control if dynamic braking is
required. With an alternating-current supply, slip;ring motors are used,
being designed for great momentary overload capacity. The high value of
maximum torque for which these motors are designed necessitates a large
magnetizing current, and usually such motors cannot be run continuously
even at light load. For small and moderate-size hoists, motors having
speeds from 300 to 500 rev. per min. are generally used, being connected
to the drum through single-reduction gearing. Large induction motors,
designed for direct-connection to hoists, have been built in a few cases
where the speed has been in the neighborhood of 100 rev. per min. Such
machines are very expensive and rather unsatisfactory from an operating
standpoint. The difficulty of controlling large machines by rheostat
practically confines the large motors to direct-current machines used in
conjunction with a fly-wheel motor-generator set, or a plain motor-generator
set (Par. 100 and 104).
In the case of hoists operating under severe conditions when the average
rotating speed of the motor over the whole cycle is low, and especially in the
case of direct-current hoist motors working with constant field excitation
which is not interrupted during periods of rest, it has been found desirable
to use forced ventilation. For this purpose, the back end of the motor is
enclosed and air forced through the machine by a constantly running fan.
In this way the cooling of the motor goes on continuously whether it is
rotating or not. Unless this is done the rate of cooling when the motor is at
rest is very slow and excessively large machines would be required to keep
the heating within permissible limits. Usually this is only necessary if the
hoist must run at full capacity for long periods and in the case of machines
of 500 h.p. and over.
98. Direct-connected and geared motors. Direct-current machines
can be built in all sizes for comparatively slow speeds, 60 to 75 rev. per
min. being quite common for machines of 500 h.p. and upward. The use of •
machine-cut double-helical gears has made possible the gearing of large hoist
motors in many cases, and the very satisfactory operation of this type of
• Sykes, Wilfred. "Large Electrically-driven Hoists," Transactions,
American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1910.
Flywheel Motor
Generator Set
Exciter Circuit
Fig. 10. — Ilgner balancing system.
of the direct-current generator is separately excited, and a controller ia
provided so that the excitation and the polarity of the generator can be
varied as desired. The field polarity of the hoist motor remains constant,
'30 that by reversing the armature current the direction of rotation can|;be
changed. By varying the excitation of the generator, the voltage applied
.to the armature of the hoist motor can be varied, and in turn the speed of
'the hoist.
101. Action of the automatic regulator. A regulator is provided
or automatically inserting resistance in the rotor circuit of the induction
notor, thereby reducing the speed of the motor-generator set, which causes
;he fly-wheel to give up part of the energy stored in it. The rate at which
he speed is changed depends upon the difference between the input that is
.0 be maintained on the induction motor and the power required to drive
he generator. When the load on the generator is reduced below the value
or which the automatic regulator is set, the fly-wheel speed is increased by
vatomatically removing resistance from the rotor circuit, energy being
'l.ored in the fly-wheel in order to enable it to carry the peak load, due to
he succeeding cycle.
102. Details of Ilgner balancing system. This system provides
lotonly for power equalization, but also for the control of the Roist motor
by the manipulation of the generator excitation, thereby eliminatinf
rheostatic losses, and the difficulty of controlling large machines. Th<
general arrangement of this scheme is shown by Fig. 10. In practice th«
speed of the fly-wheel set is varied from 15 to 20 per cent, during a hoistinf
cycle. High-speed fly-wheels with peripheral speeds reaching 25,00C
ft. per mm. are used in order to minimize the weight.
103. The losses with the Ilgner system are comparatively high
and it is seldom that an over-all efficiency of more than 50 per cent, if
realized from the combined electrical and mechanical equipment. Thif
efficiency decreases when the hoist is operated below its normal capacity
due to the constant no-load loss of the fly-wheel motor-generator set
However, for important hoists, the advantage of equalizing the input, and
the perfect control possible with this type of apparatus more than com-
pensates for the increased power consumption.
104. Converter balancing system. Another system has been devised
which provides for equalizing the input, but does not provide for the contro
of the hoist motor. This is shown in Fig. 1 1. In order to render the demand
on the line constant, the equalizing system is connected in parallel with tht
generating station. It consists of a synchronous converter and a direct-
current machine which is coupled to a suitable fly-wheel.
• Field Kheoatat
Fig. 11. — Converter balancing .system.
106. Operation of the converter balancing system. The synchronoui'
converter acts only a.s a connecting link between the alternating-current;'
system and the equalizing set, which consists of a compound-wound direct-
current machine coupled to the fly-wheel (Fig. 1 1). The field of this machint
is controlled by a regulator, operated by a series-wound solenoid connected
in the main-line. At the beginning of a trip the fly-wheel is running at fui
Speed, and when the load current exceeds the mean value, the regulatoi
automatically strengthens the field of the equalizing machine, so that il
acts as a generator driven by the fly-wheel. The amount of energy delivered
to the synchronous converter and thence to the line will depend on thf
excess of momentary load-current over the mean value of load current, foi
the regulator will continue to raise the excitation of the direct-current
machine as long as there is any tendency for the line current to increase
above the mean value.
When the current demand drops below the mean value, the regulator
will weaken the field, thereby causing the machine to run as a motor, which,
taking energy from the line through the synchronous converter, will ac-
celerate the fly-wheel. As before, the rate at which the resistance is intro-
duced in the field depends upon the excess of the mean current value over
the momentary current demand. In this way energy is stored in the fly-
wheel and the line load is kept approximately constant. The synchronous
converter changes either direct current to alternating current, or vice versa,
depending upon whether the fly-wheel is delivering or receiving energy.
106. Comparison of Ilgner system with converter system. It
will be seen that the fly-wheel speed variation in the converter method is
obtained by field regulation of the direct-current motor, so that the loss is
negligible. With the Ilgner system the loss is from 7.5 per cent, to 10 per
cent, of the input to the driving motor. This is a very important feature
; in equalizing systems using direct-current machines, as a much greater
fly-wheel speed variation, can be economically obtained with the converter
method, it being the usual practice to allow from 20 per cent to 25 per cent.,
, and consequently the fly-wheels can be comparatively light. The machines
of the converter equalizing equipment need be only large enough to deal
with the load variations from the mean value, and under ordinary circum-
; stances, the capacity need not be more than about one-half that of the
motor-generator set for the same duty. The equalizing equipment is quite
independent of the hoisting motor, so that it may be out of service without
cessation of hoisting. However, in this event the peak loads will be felt
on the line. With the Ilgner system the hoist is directly dependent upon
the motor-generator set.
107. Control for alternating-current motors. Magnetic-switch
controllers are used to a considerable extent. Liquid controllers for the
rotor circuit are also used, and these have the advantage of providing smoother
acceleration and of being simpler in construction.
108. Types of switches in use. For the control of the primary, both
oil and air-break magnetic switches are in use. For circuits of 550 volts and
under ordinary magnetic switches are quite satisfactory. For 2,200-volt
motors, special air-break switches are in use, and when properly designed
are preferable to other types on account of the accessibility of the contacts
and their ability to withstand hard service. Oil switches are used to a
con.siderable extent but for very severe service they must be very liberally
rated, otherwise there is danger of explosion, due to the heat generated
in the oil. Drum controllers can be used only for small hoists requiring
motors not larger than 75 h.p., and are not at all suitable for severe operating
conditions. Magnetic-switch controllers can be used for all sizes, but
iquid controllers are used only for motors of about 300 h.p. and above.
109. Control for direct-current hoist motors. Drum controllers
are satisfactory for direct-current motors under 100 h.p., providing the
service is not too severe. Magnetic switches should be used for motors
above this capacity. Liquid controllers are not satisfactory for direct cur-
rent. In cases of very large hoists with peak loads of 1,000 h.p. and above,
, rheostatic control, for either direct-current or alternating-current motors
I IS not very practicable. When power equalization is not required, a motor-
generator set is used without a fly-wheel. In every respect the operation
is the same as with the Ilgner system, except that the speed of the set is
not varied. The efficiency of such an arrangement is often greater than
that of the hoist with rheostatic control, and the maintenance is usually
leas than that of a large rheostatic controller, although the amount of
apparatus involved is greater.
j ;
Engineer Otis Elevator Company; Associate, American Institute of
i Electrical Engineers
^ 110. Classification of electric elevators. There are two general classes
* i,of electric elevators, those employing grooved traction sheaves and those
D ;having spirally grooved drums. The cables of the former are frictionally
driven by suitably grooved sheaves, while those of the latter are wound up
:0n a drum to which they are positively attached. Traction type elevators
,are adapted to all kinds of elevator service, regardless of length of travel or
»i,ear speed. They are frequently operated at 700 feet per minute and speeds
9 M
1000 feet per minute are equally practical for high rise express service.
i iDrum type elevators are limited to travels of about 100 feet and to car speeds
> of about 200 feet per minute. The general superiority of the traction
The circular groove gives the best support for the cable, i.e., minimum
pressure between sheave and rope, and consequently the least traction for a
given arc of contact. To obtain sufficient traction it is usually necessary to
resort to double wrap (Fig. 15) when round grooves are used. Sufficient
traction can usually be obtained with a single wrap when the V or under-cut
groove is used. In this case the secondary sheave shown in Fig. 15, is
The latter type of grooves gives, however, greater unit pressure between
cable and sheave. This unit pressure is particularly high with a driving
sheave of small diameter and steep angle V groove, which has not been
worn. As excessive unit pressure will cause rapid wear of rope grooves as
well as cables this matter must be given careful consideration particularly
where plain V-grooves are used.
112. Roping and counterbalancing of elevators with winding drums.
Necessary connections arc usually made between drum and car and counter-
balance by means of two ropes for each connection, thereby decreasing size
of ropes required, the increased flexibility permitting the use of smaller
diameter drums and sheaves. Fig. 13 indicates the roping arrangement fol-
lowed when a single or back drum counterbalance only is used; wliile Fig.
14 portrays similarly the arrangement necessitated by the use of a double
counterbalance. With this Litter arrangement, one counterbalance con-
stitutes the back drum weight, while the other is attached directly to the car
The total counterbalancing should be proportioned to the average loads,
to be carried, which usually range from 30 to 40 per cent, of the rated maxi-
mum load. When only one counterbalance is used, therefore, its weight
should equal that of the car plus from 30 to 40 per cent, of the maximum load
in the car. With the double counterbalance, sum-total weight should also
be equal to the weight of the ear plus from 30 to 40 per cent, of the maximum
load in the car. In this event, the counterbalance attached to the car is
proportioned to approximately 70 per cent, of the actual weight of the car,
the weight of the back drum counterbalance being equal to the difference
between the total weight and that of the car counterbalance. Either method
of counterbalancing imposes on the motor a net maximum load of approxi-
mately two-thirds the rated capacity of the elevator.
For car travels in excess of 100 ft. it is advisable to compensate variation of
load on motor, produced by change in position of cables during run, by means
of a compensating chain attached from the car to the middle point of the
hatchway, as shown in Fig. 13, or attached from car to counter-balance as in-
dicated in Fig. 14. The following formulas derive total compensating weight
required, where 7i = weight of hoist ropes per ft.; dw = weight of drum coun-
terbalance ropes per ft.; «/' = weight of car counterbalance ropes per ft.;
c = weight of compensating chain (or ropes) per ft. With compensating
chain attached to_ car and middle point of hatch; C'=2{h+dw + cw). With
compensating chain attached to car and counterbalance: c= (,h + dw-\-2cu')/2.
For installations employing the single counterbalance only; cu' = 0.
the single length of ropes used are directly connected to car and counter-
balance at either end. By the use of a secondary or idler sheave these ropes
are passed over the traction sheave a second time as a means for increasing
Fig. 16 respectively, may be used with single wrap having driving sheaves
grooved as per Fig. 12a or Fig. 12c with the secondary sheave eliminated.
One of the striking advantages resulting from this arrangement of ropes
and method of driving them, is the total loss of traction obtained if either car
or counterbalance is obstructed in its descent or bottoms on its respective oil
! I
Idler Sheave
and a distinctive procedure has been to arrange design with a view to realiz-
ing the highest efficiency (about 90 per cent.) at half rated capacity. This
figure corresponds with the average loads for this class of service, the full-
load efficiency being approximately 87 per cent. Frequently these machines
are provided with ball oearings as a means for further increasing the efficiency
and decreasing the space required.
Machines of this type should be located over the hatchway whenever it is
at all possible. They are used for car speeds of from 500 to 800 ft. per rain,
with loads ranging from 2,000 to 4,000 lb. inclusive. To date only machines
employing direct-current motors have been produced.
By means of a special arrangement, the regular machines can be converted
so as to enable the lifting of safes weighing from 5,000 to 8,000 lb. This
arrangement includes the placing of a second magnet brake in operation and
also the adding of extra weight to the regular counterbalance. When lift-
ing safes, maximum field strength of motor is utilized, producing a propor-
tionately slow car speed.
119. Qearless traction machines, 2:1 ratio. All mechanical features
of these machines correspond to those of the 1 1 gearless-traction type.
They have been designed for tr&ction sheave elevators requiring lower car
speeds than obtained with the 1 1 machine without the necessity of gear
reductions the car speed reduction being produced by the 2-1 roping arrange-
ment previously described. The machines have been designed for direct-
current service only, using shunt-field motors of from 80 to 140 rev. per min.,
with resultant car speeds of from 250 to 450 ft. per min., and they liave been
installed for capacities up to 12,000 lb. By an arrangement similar to that
with which the 1 : 1 gearless-traction machines are equipped, these machines
can also be used for safe lifting.
120. A common characteristic of all elevator motors is that they
must be specially constructed to withstand repeated stresses produced by
frequent starting and stopping. .In general, however, the performance of
alternating-current and direct-current motors differ to such an extent as to
necessitate their separate consideration.
121. Direct-current motors. This class of motors must iae designed for
sparkless commutation at starting, stopping and reversal of rotation under
all fluctuations of load within their rated capacity, and be capable of exerting
a heavy starting torque with minimum requirements as to starting current
especially where frequent starts and stops are made, in order to reduce the
energy consumption and the reaction on the generating plant. Because of
these requisite features, commercial motors are rendered generally unsuit-
able. As a means for reducing starting currents, those niotors used for
driving geared elevator machines, and usually operating at from 300 to 900
rev. per min., are arranged to start aa compound- wound motors having a
heavy series field which should be cut out, usually by a short-circuiting pr.
ess, as the motor speed increases. At full speed, therefore, the .mn
operates as a plain snunt-field tj^pc.
Because of the high self-induction of the field winding required by motors,
used for driving the 1 1 and 2 1 gearless-traction machines, which generally
: :
operate at from 60 to 140 rev. per min., when at full speed, the fields are
connected permanently across the supply lines, with retfuced current when
machine is at rest; this procedure shortens the length of time required to
bring the field to full strength on starting. 8uch a method of field connec-
tion materially reduces motor starting current. For direct-current elevator
motors the starting torque required is usually double full-load torque with
a starting current of about 125 per cent, of full-load current.
122. Single-speed polyphase slip-ring induction motor. This type
of motor has been extensively used in the past for elevator service and to a
certain extent is still used in the larger sizes.
123. Single-speed polyphase squirrel-cage induction motor. The
squirrel-cage motor has always appealed to the engineer for use in connec-
tion with elevator drives, because of its simpler construction due to the
absence of slip rings, brushes and external resistance with its necessary short
circuiting devices. Until recently motors of this type have been found more
or less unsatisfactory except in the smaller sizes because of their high star-
ing current and tendency to overheat where the service was at all severe.
The squirrel-cage motor has, however, lately been very materially ini-
proved. The principal improvements are the welding of the end rings to
the rotor bars and the use of end rings of large radiating surfaces and very
well ventilated. Such a design permits using a sufficiently high internal
rotor resistance to reduce the starting current to about twice full-load run-
ning current and a smaller and consequently hghter rotor without objec-
tionable temperature rise in severe service. Due to the fact that the modern
squirrel-cage rotor has less momentum than a corresponding slip-ring rotor
the starting torque required to start the complete elevator in a given time
is less with the squirrel-cage motor. With less torque required and usually
higher starting torque efficiency the squirrel-cage motor takes about the
same starting current and power consumption as the slip-ring motor with
its external starting resistance properly proportioned and short circuited in
correct sequence and time.
With the poor attention that elevator controllers usually receive it is not
surprising to find that in service a slip-ring motor frequently takes a starting
current much greater than a corresponding size squirrel-cage motor and is
sometimes stalled and burned out because the starting resistance happens
to be left short-circuited or is short-circuited too rapidly.
For the purpose of preventing the starting current of the brake adding
to the full starting current of the squirrel-cage motor, and also to give a
smoother start, it is customary to insert momentarily at starting a certain
amount of external stator resistance. While the squirrel-cage motor usu-
ally has a greater speed variation than the slip-ring motor with the sUp rings
well short-circuited, this disadvantage is more than offset by the increased
reUability and safety. The squirrel-cage motor has a definite resistance,
not materially altered, even if several rotor connections should become open,
which is not likely to occur as these are welded.
With the slip-ring rotor there are several possibilities of getting excessive
rotor resistance and even open rotor circuits since the rotor connections are
usually soldered and connected in series. There also are possibilities of
resistance grids breaking and brushes and bolted connections failing to
make proper contact, as well as the failure of the starting device to short-
circuit the starting resistance. It is obvious that when the load is sufficient
to overhaul the motor, excessive or dangerous over-speed may occur
the rotor resistance is too high or the rotor circuits are open. Due to the
simphfication of both motor and control apparatus, increased reliability
and safety, lesser first cost and maintenance, the squirrel-cage motor is,
the present time, in most cases considered preferable.
12*. Two-speed polyphase induction motors. '
For car speeds of
150 ft. per mm. and upwards it is advisable to use two speed motors and
while it IS possible to use motors of slip-ring type, having double
both in the stator and rotor, better results are obtained by using
here also
motors of the squirrel-cage type with double windings in the stator.
stator winding is arranged with a number of poles corresponding
to the high
.speed and the other winding for a larger number of poles
corresponding to
the slow speed. The high speed is usually three or more times the slow speed
1 he control is arranged in such a way that the operator can run
either on
Ingh or slow speed, but the motor will always start on slow
speed and when
practically full slow-speed is reached the slow-speed winding is
rendered inoperative and the high-speed winding is energized. In stopping
trom high speed, the high-speed winding is first rendered
inoperative and
the slow-speed winding is automatically energized and
as soon as slow speed
obtains the power is cut off and the brake applied. In changing from one
speed to the other there should be no instant where the motor
is without
power with the brake released. One way to accomplish this is to
the two windings in series and so arrange them that one
or the other can be
short circuited. This arrangement together vidth the use of a squirrel-cage
.rotor has practically eliminated the arcing at the
controller contacts
5'^^ stator winding may be used by changing certain connections
?ive different numbers of poles but this requires a rather
complicated switch-
iig arrangement, particularly as
the power should not be interrupted while
changing from one speed to the other.
125. Single-phase motors. Up to the present a type known as the re-
lulsion-mduction motor alone has proven successful and in sizes
iicludmg 15 h.p
up to and
These motors, which start as one of the repulsion
-ype, are provided with a centrifugal governor,
usually located within the
armature core, so designed and adjusted that at about 80 per cent, of full speed
the rotor winding is automatically short-circuited, and the motor operates
as if it were of the simple induction type. These motors cannot be reversed
while operating, as induction motors. Devices are required to prevent change
of connections until speed has dropped below that point at which the re-
Eulsion connections are re-established in order that reversal of rotation may
ecome effective. Although starting currents are comparatively high, this
condition is not objectionable in the smaller sizes, and in the larger sizes the
starting current may be appreciably reduced by an external resistance in the
stator circuit so connected that it is effective at the moment of starting and
during the first period of acceleration.
126. Brakes. All elevator machines are equipped with brakes for the
purpose of assisting in stopping and holding the car securely at a landing,
under any and all conditions of loads up to and including the maximum
specified. The brakes, which must be so designed as to be equally effective
for either direction of rotation, generally consist of two separate and inde-
pendent shoes, lined with leather or asbestos preparations, and actuated by
neavy helical steel springs. Brake release should be obtained by means
of an electromagnet, as this method enables the making of such connections
that the brake will be instantly and positively applied on failure or inter-
ruption of current supply.
127. Methods of control. The controlling apparatus of an elevator con-
stitutes one of its most important features, including devices for establishing
direction, for producing proper acceleration, retardation, and speed regulation,
and also including the necessary safety appliances. Usually slate panels
bolted to floor standards are provided, the switches being mounted on its
face with connections to these switches, and all resistances located on the rear.
All contacts of the various safety devices are usually connected in circuit
with the holding coil of what is known as a potential switch, and, since all
current to the controller and machine is carried through the contacts of this
switch, the operation of any one safety feature immediately interrupts all
current to the equipment. This switch also constitutes a no-voltage circuit
breaker and an excessive drop in voltage will cause the switch,contacts to
open. The motor circuits are completed by the reversing switches, two in
number, one for the "up" and one for the "down" direction, respectively.
The brake circuits are made simultaneously with the closing of either
direction switch. In order to prevent conflict, reversing switches are
generally electrically or meclrtinically interlocked.
128. Automatic starting:. It is advisable, with direct-current eleva-
tors, to arrange the stepping-out of the armature starting resistance en-
tirely indepjendent of the operator, and by this process eliminate the
damage which would result from a reduction of this resistance at too high
a rate. As a means for reducing energy consumption, however, starting
resistance should be stepped-out as rapidly as the load on the motor permits;
this is accomplished by means of either series relay magnets or magnets de-
pendent on the counter-electromotive force of the motor for operation. See
article on "Motor Control" elsewhere in this section.
129. Dynamic braking. Except with the small-capacity machines, the
wiring of direct-current controllers invariably includes a dynamic-brake
circuit which is obtained by introducing a resistance across the armature
terminals on stopping. The stopping field in some cases is obtained by
having the shunt field (permanently in series with a limiting resistance)
connected directly across the supply line. In other cases it is obtained by
providing an extra low-resistance shunt field; in the smaller machines the
residual magnetism of the field poles is sufficient. Although connecting the
field permanently across the supply lino slightly increases energy loss, an im-
portant safety feature is gained, for with such connections it becomes im-
possible to attain excessive car speeds either up or down should, for any
reason, the machine brake fail to apply. Ry various methods stopping
resistance is automatically stepped-out as the load on the motor permits,
thereby strengthening the dynamic-braking effect. With two-speed alter-
nating-current induction motors dynamic braking is obtained wiiile chang-
ing from high to the slow speed. Usually no dynamic braking is provided
in stopping from slow speed. As explained, single-speed alternating-cur-
rent motors cannot readily produce a dynamic stop and the machine brakes
must be relied upon entirely in bringing the car to rest.
ivailable from the car. For convenience this rope is occasionally connected
rO a hand wheel or revolving lever device located within the car. Hand rope
'ontrol becomes difficult to manage as the speed of car is increased and for
his reason is generally limited to car speeds below 150 ft. per min.
134. Automatic terminal stopping device. With machines of the
;vinding-drum type this consists of a series of contacts usually located above
ttie drum and positively operated either directly or indirectly by an ar-
•angement on the extended drum shaft at the gear-case end. These contacts
re so connected in the controller circuits that car speed is automatically
iiduced at predetermined distances from the terminal landings, and finally
brought to rest approximately near either terminal landing, provided the
perator, for any reason, has neglected to centre his controlling device.
Since with traction-sheave machines no fixed relation exists between the
Taction driving sheave and the position of the car in the hatchway, because
i the creeping action of the hoist ropes, a machine-driven automatic ter-
device, final limit switches are located, one each, beyond the terminalr
landings, and are operated by a cam on the car, in case the car overtravels to
a point at which these switches become operative. The contacts of these
switches are also placed in series with the holding coil of the circuit-breaker,
causing immediate interruption of current to the machine when opened.
137. Governor switches. With high-speed elevators, regulating devices
are usually provided, these being operated by a speed governor. These
devices control car speed by means of field regulation of the motor, and are
usually applied when the car speed exceeds normal by certain predetermined
amounts. One or more speed-regulating switches are used, the number
depending upon the average speed of the car, and, by their use, maximum speed
variation is retained within certain predetermined limits. Governors should
preferably be provided with a breaking contact adjusted to open at a cat
speed slightly lower than that at which the car safeties are set to operate
Therefore, connecting this contact in series with the holding coil of the
potential switch or circuit-breaker, usually stops the elevator by interrupting
all current to the motor, without the necessity of applying the car safeties
138. Car safet;^ switch. All electric elevators should be provided with a
small enclosed switch, located within the car and so connected in the con-
trolling circuits that current to the machine will be interrupted when it is
openedf. This switch is furnished for emergency purposes only.
139. Car-safety devices. The expression " car safety " is usually ajiplied ,
to that form of safety which is designed to bring the ear to rest by locking il
to the guide rails, in case excessive speed has been attained, irrespective of the
cause. All elevators should be equipped with a device of this nature. The
application of car safeties should be made dependent upon on a centrifugal or ;
inertia governor, adjusted with a definite and fixed relation to the speed of the '
With the micro-leveling machine there are two controllers, one to control
the operation of the main motor and the other to control the operation of the
micro motor. The main controller is operated in the usual manner, either
by push button, car switch or mechanical control (hand rope, lever or wheel).
The micro controller is operated by a leveUng switch mounted on the car
frame. This leveling switch consists of two sets of contacts which control
the micro motor, one for up and the other for the down direction. These
contacts are operated by stationery cams in the hatchway, there being two
cams at each landing, one of which operates the up contacts and the other
the down contacts.
As the car approaches the landing at which it is intended it shall stop, the
circuit of the main motor is interrupted by either the floor controller, car
switch or mechanical operating mechanism, and the leveling switch engages
the hatchway cams thus operating the micro motor. If the main rnachine
brings the platform either above or below the landing, the micro will then
raise or lower it until it is level with the landing, when the leveling switch
will interrupt the circuit of the micro motor and stop the car. This posi-
tion of the platform will now be maintained under all conditions of loading.
For push-button control the actual micro zone is determined by the set-
ting of the floor controller and the adjustment of the dynamic and mechan-
ical brake of the main machine. The floor controller should, therefore, be
set so that with the average load it will stop the main machine when the
platform is level with the landing. For car switch and mechanical control
the actual micro zone depends entirely upon the operator. It is, of course,
essential that the operator brings the car within the maximum micro zone;
otherwise no micro operation wiU be obtained. In all cases the actual micro
zone should be as snort as practicable in order to save time in leveling.
With a push-button machine where the actual micro zone is comparatively
large, it is preferable to use a two-speed micro which will permit of the car
being brought close to the landing at fairly high speed and the final leveUng
done at the slow speed required for an accurate landing. For the purpose
of saving time it is also preferable to use a two-speed micro for high-speed
car switch control machines and also on machines of moderate speed where
great accuracy of landing is required.
142. Safe lift operation. The micro-leveling elevator either of the
worm geared or gearless type is readily used for safe lifting and when so
used has several advantages over other types of machines arranged for
the same purpose. For the ordinary worm-geared machine it is necessary
to furnish back gearing with its shaft and bearings, a special motor shaft
and extra coupling. For the gearless machine a complete extra brake is
To use the micro-leveling elevator for carrying safes, it is only necessary
to increase the main brake spring tension sufficiently to enable the micro to
lift the load, since the power is transmitted from the micro to the main
machine through the main brake acting as a friction clutch. As the car
usually rests on locking bars while loading or unloading a safe, it is evident
that should any attempt be made to lift the car before the proper spring
tension has been obtained, no injury could result as the brake shoes would
simply slide on the brake wheel and the car would not be lifted off the bars.
If, however, we consider the ordinary back-geared worm-gear machines
used for lifting safes, where the brake is mounted on the worm shaft, it is
evident that the motor acting through the back gearing could readily lift
the car containing the safe, although the brake might be unable to stop the
car in the down direction provided the brake springs had not been tightened
before the car was lifted off the locking bars. With the gearless machine,
should the safe lift brake, which is ordinarily blocked out of action, not be
thrown into service, it will be impossible to stop the car by the brake and it
will accelerate until stopped by the safety or the buffers.
143. Hydraulic micro-leveling elevators. The'* hydraulic micro-
leveling elevator with electrical micro control consists of two independent
operating devices which may be termed the main operating mechanism and
the micro-operating mechanism. The former is operated by push button,
hand rope or lever device, while the latter is operated in the micro zone after
the main valve has been centered. The main machine may be of any of
the recognized types of hydraulic machines.
The micro-operating mechanism consists of a micro valve which regulates
the supply ana discharge of water to the hydraulic cylinder through a by-
pass around the main operating valve and is controlled by two electro-
magnets. The control system for operating the micro valve is essentially
the same as for the electric micro-leveling machine, having a leveling switch
mounted on the car frame engaging the leveling switch cams at each landing.
This switch controls the magnets operating the micro-pilot valve, which
brings the car level with the landing and maintains it tnere.
144. Oeneral features common to both electric and hydraulic
micro-leveling elevators. Since the car is leveling at micro speed during
part of the time that the hatchway doors and car gates are being opened,
suitable precautions must be taken for the protection of passengers attempt-
ing to enter or leave the car during that period. The depth of the platform
at landing edge plus the depth of the landing sill must be greater than the '
length of the micro zone or it should be made impossible to open the hatch-
way door while either the upper edge of the car platform is below the lower i
edge of the landing sill as the car approaches the landing from below or th"
lower edge of the car platform is above the upper edge of the landing sill
the car approaches the landing from above. In other words, it must be
made impossible for a person to get his foot between the landing sill and the
oar platform.
146. Micro-emergency operation. An emergency operation can be
furnished with any system of control. This consists of two extra push
buttons installed in the car, one for operating the car by the micro in the
up direction and one for the down direction.
146. The number of elevators required in a building depends on several
conditions, namely: height of building, relation of area of building to its
height, net rentable area in sq. ft. per floor, character of elevator service
required by prospective tenants and relative location of building. In
average office buildings it is not considered good practice to attempt to serve
these machines being designed for a lifting capacity of 2,500 lb. at a speed
of 700 ft. per min. It was found that the kinetic energy required to bring
the 1 1 traction machine up to speed, without the car, counterbalance or
ropes, was 3,600 ft-lb., while, under the same conditions, the herringbone-
gear traction machine required the expenditure of 17,900 ft-lb. in attain-
ing full speed. The total number of starts and stops of an elevator,
constitute an important factor in the resultant power consumption per mile
of car travel, because of resistance losses which are greatly increased with
increased kinetic energy.
148. Multi-voltage system. This system, as applied to electric
elevators, usually results in a very considerable reduction of power con-
sumption as well as better and smoother operation. The voltage is divided
into equal steps successively applied to the motor without any external
armature resistance. Four voltage steps are usually sufficient for this
purpose. Where the primary source of power is direct current the four-
voltage steps are obtained by floating four direct-current armatures all
mechanically connected and in series across the line. Where the primary
source of power is alternating current the four armatures are driven by an
alternating-current motor. Usually two armatures are combined in one
armature having two separate windings and two commutators.
This Multi-Voltage Balancer has only a fraction of the capacity sum of the
elevator motors supplied by it during a part of their periods of acceleration
and retardation. The elevator motors are so connected to the balancer that
half of them start from each side of the line. During the periods that the ele-
vator motors are connected to the line, the balancer is relieved from their
loads, and only supplies at any time the unbalanced current required; the
balanced current coming directly from the line.
The smooth operation and practically constant rate of acceleration and
retardation with all loads, of the elevators suppHed with Multi-Voltage
Control, enables them to be accelerated and retarded more rapidly than with
single voltage control, so that higher elevator speeds are practical and
the service obtainable from a given number of elevators is generally increased.
The power consumption with Multi-Voltage Controlis lower than with any
other type, since external resistance losses are practically eliminated and the
wattineter writing a graph which shows the existent Telation between watts
and time, the energy consumption in kw-hr. beinif represented by the aren
surrounded by the graph and the axis of time. Fig. 19 is a reprodviction of
such a graph taken in one of the largest office buildings in New York City.
+S *^ i« a>
Specification type of
machine and control ® » O
counterbalance ropes, the watts input into the armature necessary to drive
the elevator at the speed v, minus the I^R losses, must equal the retarding
watts, if, at the speed v, the armature current be interrupted.
Under this method, a watt input-speed curve, Fig. 20, is first secured,
following which a retardation curve,
Fig. 21, is obtained; this latter curve is
a speed-time curve giving the relation
between speed and time if, at the speed
V, the armature circuit is interrupted
and the elevator system allowed to
where O is the delivery in gal. per min.; L is the total length of the pipe in
ft.; d is the inside diameter of the pipe in in.; and hf is the friction hcad.l
expressed in ft., for the whole pipe length. The horse power required to
pump a certain quantity of water through a given length of pipe of knowni
diameter against a given head is expressed as follows: I
, GXH ,J
3,950 XEfBoiency "^
In using these formulae it is well to note that 1 cu. ft. per sec. corresponds'
to 448.8 gal. per min.; also a pressure of 1 lb. per sq. in. corresponds to a'
head of 2.304 ft., for water weighing 62.5 lb. per cu. ft.
167. Slip. In all displacement pumps, the volume of liquid pumped is
always than the piston displacement, or, in the case of the rotary pump
(Par. 163) the displacement of the rotating element. This difference is due,
partly, to leakage past the piston (in the case of the reciprocating piimp),
or the rotating element (in tne case of the rotary pump), and partly due to
leakage through the valves. The difference between the displacement of the
moving part (piston or rotating element) and the volume of water discharged,
is called the slip, and is usually expressed in per cent, of the total displace-
ment. This slip may vary from 2 per cent, in a new pump to 50 per cent, in
a badly worn pump. Generally speaking, anything under 5 per cent, may
be considered fairly good performance for pumps that have been in service ;
this requires very heavy starting currents, especially in the case of induction
motors, the expedient of by-passing the pump in starting is usually cniploycl
wherever this is practicable. Where the by-pass is installed, the head !it
starting, and therefore the starting torque, can be reduced to a negligible
quantity. After the pump is up to speed, the by-pass is closed.
two elements "mesh" in much the same manner as a pair of gears, bearini
on each other in line contacts. Consequently, any wear that occurs canno
be compensated for by packing or by adjustment of the moving parts. Th
slip in this type of pump is caused by the leakage through the line contac
of the impellers and through the clearance space between the ends of th
impellers and the pump casing. While these pumps do not require priming
they frequently have a small connection from the discharge pipe back inti
the pump casing to "seal" the joints between the impellers, as well as th
small clearance space between the impellers and the casing.
These pumps are primarily designed for low-head work and show theii
greatest efficiency at low heads. When used for high-head work, it is gen
erally for intermittent service, such as fire-pump service. They probabl;
find their greatest field, however, in pumping heavy oils, liquid tar, syru]
and liquid food products of various kinds. The speeds are usually so lo\
that motors of ordinary speed must be geared or belted to the pump shaft.
164. Kfflciency of rotary pumps. Typical efficiency curves of thi
type of pump are shown in Fig. 23. These curves, like the curves in Fig. 23
do not represent the performance of a single pump, but rather the effi
ciencies of a series of pumps, designed for definite conditions of capacity ani
load, plotted in a single curve.
partial vacuum in the suction connection without priming (Par. 167), whil
the latter are not. This one characteristic at once eliminates the centrifi:
gal pump from consideration in all cases where the pump must necessaril
be located above the level of the water, and where it is not practicable t'
prime the pump at starting. Where, for other reasons, it appears desirabl'
to install a centrifugal pump under conditions where it must "lift" it
supply, some provision must be made to prime the pump and its suctio!
connections, i.e., to fill them with water and expel all of the air that mat
have accumulated. • -i
oomplished by actually "lifting" the water through the suction pipe and th;
pump from the source of supply by some auxiliary device. Where steam i
available, a steam syphon is a very satisfactory means of accomplishin
this result. Where condensing apparatus is used, the water may be "lifted
into the pump by means of a connection from the vacuum chamber of f
condenser to the pump casing. Where no such auxiliary devices are a\
able or their installation impracticable, a hand pump may be installed.
the case of small pumps, this result is usually accomplished by installiIl^;
check valve in the suction line or, better still, a foot valve at the bottom '
suction line are filled with water, a vent cock being usually provided in the
top of the casing to allow the escape of air while the pump and suction line
are being filled. The pump is then started, but not until the suction line
and pump casing are entirely filled with water. Once the pump is in opera-
tion, it will continue to pump with practically no danger of losing its priming,
unless the suction lift becomes abnormally high or air leaks into the suction
pipe or pump casing.
168. Attainable suction lift. With all air leaks eliminated, almost any
good centrifugal pump may be depended on for a suction lift of 15 ft. (after
it has been primed and started). Under favorable conditions, this may be
increased to 20 ft. suction lift. While there are centrifugal pumps operating
under greater than 20 ft. suction lifts, this requires the best of conditions,
both as to pump and connections, and even then it must be understood
that these same pumps would be much more reliable and dependable if the
suction lift were reduced to 20 ft., or less. This sanie characteristic makes a
centrifugal pump much more sensitive to air leaks in the suction connection
. than a displacement pump. An air leak in the suction line of a centrifugal
pump which is not even sufficient to cause a displacement pump to "knock"
may cause a centrifugal pump to "lose its suction" or "priming."
169. Multi-stagre pumps. A pump designed to deliver 100 gal. per min.,
against a head of 75 ft., will require exactly the same h.p. to deliver 100 gal.
ger min., against 80 ft. head, with the supply flowing to the pump under a
ead of 5 ft., or to deliver 100 gal. per min., against 125 ft. nead, with the
supply flowing to the pump under a head of 50 ft. This characteristic is
taken advantage of in designing pumps for heads higher than can be satis-
factorily met by single-stage pumps, by using two or more pumps in series.
.These may be entirely separate and distinct pumps, the discharge of one
jconnected into the suction of the other by pipe, or all of the pumps or stages
.may be housed in one casing. For ordinary motor speeds, centrifugal
pumps are usually built single-stage for heads up to 100-150 ft., depending
^3n the capacity of the pump and, therefore, the size of the impeller. As
the peripheral speed of the impeller increases, either on account of larger
diameter or of higher rotative speed, the allowable head per stage increases
correspondingly. When several centrifugal pumps are installed in the same
itation, they may be so connected that by the operation of a few valves,
I'.he pumps can be operated in series against a head aggregating the combined
fVorking heads of all the pumps, the capacity remaining the same as for one
ounip; or they may be operated in parallel, giving the total combined ca-
pacity, the limiting head in this case being the same as for a single pump.
170. The up-keep expense of centrifugal pumps is usually small
lor the reason that the only moving partsin contact are the shaft and bear-
Qgs. The clearance between the impeller and casing is almost always
;reater than the permissible wear of the bearings, so that there is little
Akelihood of the two coming into contact. Even if they did, this would
,irobablybe detected and the pump shut down before any damage was done.
High-head conditions require high impeller velocity, which gives high
elocity to the water leaving the impeller. In order to obtain good efficiency
hese conditions demand high velocities in the diffusion chamber (if there
e one) and in the volute. High velocity of water results in rapid corrosion
,fcast iron, the usual material used for volute pumps. This corrosion
ccurs wherever the water at high velocity comes in contact with the iron,
ad particularly so wherever a sudden change in direction of flow occurs
hich will cause shock and the formation of eddies. However, it is often
mnd that the efficiency of centrifugal pumps increases slightly after they
ive been in service for a time and this is due to the scouring action of the
ater on the surface of the water chambers.
171. Piping connections. From the principle of operation of centrifu"
il pumps and jespecially of turbine pumps, the velocity in the pump
ising is very likely to be higher than good practice would permit for velocity
water in pipes, consequently the size of the pipe connection should be
i.loulated on the basis of allowable velocity in the pipe rather than simply to
ake the connection of the size of the suction and discharge openings of the
imp. To avoid shock, due to sudden change of section of the pipe, this
:ange in size of pipe should be made by means of a standard "increaser"
"reducer," and this fitting should be installed at the pump opening. As
eady pointed out, the suction connections must be absolutely air tight if
3 S S 5 2
the pressure rises at first above the "shut-off pressure " and then falls as the
capacity is increased. While the shape of the curve depends primarily on
the shape of the impeller vanes, it will be found in general, although by no
means in every case, that volute pumps will show a curve similar to Fig. 26
and turbine pumps a curve similar to Fig. 27. With a capacity-head char-
acteristic curve similar to that in Fig. 26, the horse-power curve usually
reaches a maximum slightly above normal capacity and then drops off.
This feature is very important in the selection of a pump for service where
the head is likely to be materially reduced at times, as it will prevent the
motor from being overloaded. A pump with the characteristics shown in
Fig. 27 should be used only where there is no likelihood of its being operated
at heads greater than, equal to, or approaching the "shut-off pressure," or
where the head is likely to be reduced to a value considerably below the
normal working head. At heads equal to, or greater than the "shut-off
pressure," there are two capacities corresponding to each condition of head.
At these points, the operation becomes unstable with a probability that the
pump will discharge intermittently, the water surging up and down in the
discharge pipe. With heads below normal, the capacity and the horse .
power keep increasing with the result that the motor is likely to become
dangerously overloaded. In general, the characteristic curve of the volute
pump, and at least within the "working limits," the curve of the turbine
pump, show that for constant speed, the capacity incre^es as the head
decreases and vice versa, with but little change of power required.
Performance under vaxiable speed. Fig. 28 shows the effect
of operating a given pump at variable speed. It will be noted tliat the
efficiency, the head and the capacity all fall off rapidly as the speed is de-
creased, so that there is little or nothing to be gained by the use of a vari-
able speed motor except, perhaps, in special cases. These curves also show
that the power required at starting is very low, permitting the pump to be
started even against normal head without the use of a by-pass and without
rfiquiring heavy starting currents in the motor —
a most desirable feature.
Manager, SiiUivan Machinery Co.
174. Rating. The rating of air compressors is made on the basis of the
piston displacement of free air per min., and in designing a motor drive,
he first problem which arises is the determination of the power output
equired of the motor for the compressor operating under the desired
175. Measurement of discharge. The relation between the piston
lisplaceraent and the amount of air actually delivered has been taken, in
tie past, from indicator cards, but this method is extremely inaccurate,
ince slippage due to leakage past the piston rings and leakage back into the
:ylinder through discharge valves, cannot be detected. As a matter of
act, these leakages tend to make an apparently better card and to increase
he apparent volumetric efficiency. Recent tests have been made by dis-
harging the compressed air through orifices and calculating the quantity of
ree air delivered per min. by the following formula (Par. 176).
176. The dischargejormula may be stated as follows:
Q = S.MKd^VHT/Pm where Q = cu. ft. of air per min. at observed
einperature of upstream side of nozzle; d «= diameter of smallest part of
ozzle throat in inches; H = observed water column in inches; T = abso-
ite temperature of air entering nozzle, which is observed temperature
+ 460; Pm = absolute mean pressure between entering and leaving sides
f nozzle, lb. per sq. in.; K= coefficient of nozzle. With well-rounded
Iges the coefficient is between 0.98 and 0.99. The nozzle should be of such
size that the pressure on the upstream side will not be more than a
er square inch above the atmosphere. The air delivered by the compressor
first passed into the regular discharge line receiver where the
pressure is
aintained constantly at the rated point by bleeding the air through a
live into a second receiver which is provided with the nozzle. The diame-
Jt of this second receiver must be at least two and a half times
the smallest
iameter of nozzle throat (preferably larger) and should be from 10 to 15
more feet long.
The quantity Q is reduced to Q\, its equivalent at the temperature of the
compressor intake, by the following formula Qi = Q X Ti/T, where Ti =
absolute temperature of air at compressor intake. The delivery of cu. ft. oj
air per minute then equals Qi.
177. Efficiency. In practice it is found that two-stage compressors
show volumetric efficiencies varying from 84 per cent, to 76 per cent, at
speeds of about 200 rev. per min. with a terminal pres.sure of 100 lb. gage.
Single-stage compressors under the same conditions show volumetric effi-
ciencies varying from 71 per cent, to 57 per cent.
The above figures may be used in determining the actual amount of air
delivered by the compressor. The power required per cu. ft. of air
depends upon the type of compressor, whether single-stage or multi-stage,
and upon the method of driving, whether direct-connected, belted or geared
(Par. 180 and 181).
178. Two-stage compression should be used for capacities over 200 or
300 cu. per min., where the pressure is between 40 and 200 lb. per sq. in
Not only there a saving in power of approximately 10 to 20 per cent., but
the reduced terminal temperature permits better lubrication.
179. Theoretical power required to compress air. For the ordinary
working pressure of 100 lb., the theoretical power required for isothermal
compression of ft. of free air per min. is 0.131 h.p. To this must be
added the power lost in friction and that given off as heat, during compression
(Par. 182).
180. Test of a direct-connected compressor. In a test made in New
York City in January, 1912, the power input to the motor was 23.26 h.p.
per 100 cu. ft. of free air per min. compressed to 100 lb. per sq. in. gage
pressure and actually delivered through orifices. The compressor tested
was direct-connected to a 400-h.p., 188-rev. per min., self-starting synchron-
ous motor with belted exciter. The low-pressure cylinder was 26 in. in
diameter, the high-pressure cylinder 15.5 in. in diameter, stroke 18 in.,
and the displacement capacity 2,070 cu. ft. at 188 rev. per min. The
volumetric efficiency at this speed as shown by the orifice test was 88 per
cent. The horse-power input at full-load was 425, and the indicated horse
power of the air cylinders was 350. The overall mechanical efficiency
including motor, exciter and compressor was 82.3 per cent.
181. Comparison of direct-connected compressor with belted
compressor. For the purpose of comparison with a belted compressor
where the power is usually specified as that delivered at the compressor
pulley, the efficiency shown in Par. 180 may be divided into 91.5 per cent, for
motor and exciter and 90 per cent, for the compressor. This gives a motor
output of 389 h.p., or 21.4 h.p. per 100 cu. ft. of air delivered. Compared
with isothermal compression, the overall efficiency, exclusive of motor and
exciter, is 61 per cent., and with motor and exciter included, the overall
efficiency is 56 per cent. In a belt drive there will be a further loss of from
5 per cent, to 10 per cent., depending upon the efficiency of the belt drive.
182. Commutation of required horse power. The figures iri Par. 181
may be used in computing required horse powers from tables showing power
used in isothermal compression at other pressures, and will be found approxi-
mately correct for machines of over 100 h.p. rating. In the case of machines
of less than 100 h.p. rating, allowance should be made for reduced mechan-
ical efficiency of both compressor and motor. In comparing these figures
with those obtained from other sources, it should be noted that these results
are calculated from actual delivery, and not from piston displacement.
183. Advantages of direct connection. The ideal motor-drive for ^
air compressors is direct connection, and this should be used wherever
possible on machines of 100 h.p. and above. No power is wasted in the belt
transmission, the upkeep cost of the belt is eliminated and there is a great
saving in floor space. Compressors are now designed to give good volumetric
efficiency at speeds up to 225 or 260 rev. per min. by the use of plate valves,
un obstructed air passages, and ample discharge valve area. Self-starting
sy nchronous motors can be obtained which will operate at the desired speed,
and this type of motor is admirably adapted for such service. The exciter
is usually belt-driven from a pulley on the compressor shaft.
required at 60 per cent, load factor was 3.1 kw-hr. per 1,000 cu. ft. of free aii
actually delivered at 100 lb. pressure. A compressor of the same capacitj
and type, but fitted with clearance control, was also tested at the same time
and at 60 per cent, load factor the power required was 3.5 kw-hr. per l.OOC
cu. ft., or 12.9 per cent, greater.
191. Starting^. No special diflBculties are encountered in starting, sine*
the compressor is started without load and the load is not thrown on unti
the machine is up to normal speed.
192. Automatic starting and stopping is not recommended for largi
units or for installations where the starting and stopping is at all frequent
It is of value where the compressor is of small size and the demand for air verj
intermittent with long intervals where no air whatever is required. Th<
compressor should be arranged so as to start unloaded and not throw oi
the load until the motor is up to speed.
casing which directs the air to the outlet; and propeller fans which mov(
the air in an axial direction by propulsive force, similar to the propeller of s
ship. Blowers will here include only positive rotary blowers, which, bj
the action of a rotating impeller or impellers in a very closely fitting casing
create pressure by direct compression.
194. Characteristics of fans and blowers. Fans and blowers, lik<
pumps and unlike most other machines, may operate with equal efficienc;
at any speed which their mechanical strength safely allows. They ma;
also discharge, in practice, through orifices varying in area from that of thei
full discharge, to a very small per cent, of the full outlet. The eflSciencj
varies with different orifice areas, but not according to any fixed law for a
The horse power for any fan or blower, if the area of the discharge orifie
remains unchanged, varies directly as the cube of the speed; also, if the are
of the discharge orifice remains unchanged and the speed is constant, th.
horse power varies directly with the density of the gas being handled.
196. The horse power of a centrifugal fan, if the speed remains ur
changed, generally decreases as the area of discharge orifice is decreasec
In some designs the horse power with rated orifice is not over one-third of th
horse power with orifice equal to area of fan outlet, and in other designs f
196. The horse power of a propeller fan, if the speed remains ur'
changed, increases as the area of the discharge orifice is decreased. In soni
designs the horse power with rated orifice is not over one-quarter of the horf|
power with complete restriction. '
197. The horse power of a positive blower, if the speed remains uij
changed, increases as the area of the discharge orifice is decreased. Owir
to the small clearances in these machines the horse power increases great,
with decrease of orifice, but blowers are provided with relief valves whic
can be set to limit this as desired.
198. Types of motors adapted to various fans. For driving centi,
fugal fans, with direct-current supply, shunt-wound motors should be use.
For driving propeller fans either shunt-wound or series-wound motors c!.'
be used, with direct-current. The series- wound motor is preferable,
readily obtainable. For driving positive blowers, with direct-current suppl
shunt-wound motors should be used. Induction motors are commonly use,
with alternating-current supply, for all types. |,
199. Starting torque. As the torque required to start any fan or blowj
is only that required to overcome the friction of the bearings, which^ai
usually two in number, and the inertia of a comparatively light rotatus
part, no special consideration need be paid to this feature.
Where K
(Par. 210) is a constant depending upon the design and upon
other conditions, T is the peripheral velocity or the tip speed of the blast
wheel in ft. per min.; D
is the mean diameter of the blast wheel in feet;
W is the mean width of the blast wheel in feet; to is the absolute density of
the gas handled, in lb. per ou. ft.; 0.075 is the weight of standard air at
65 deg. fahr. in lb. per cu. ft.
209. Approximate horse power of propeller fans. The horse power
required to drive any propeller fan may be represented by an expression of
the form.
Where Ki (Par. 211) is a constant depending upon the design and upon
other conditions, T is the peripheral velocity or the tip speed of the wheel in
ft.per min. A is the gross area of the wheel in sq. f t. to is the absolute density
; ;
of the gas handled in lb. per cu. ft.; 0.075 is the weight of standard air at OS
deg. fahr. in lb. per cu. ft.
210. Table of constants for centrifugal fans
(B. F. Sturtevant Company)
Values of K
Type of fan
Minimum Normal I
Maximum '
Fia. 29.
ihe main of unloaders, bucket-handling gantry cranes, car dumpers, self-
iiropelled transfer cars and belt conveyors. Fig. 29 represents a stiff-leg
nloader, with a gantry crane for stocking such ore as is not to be immedi-
tely loaded into cars. Fig. 30 shows a gravity-type unloader and a gantry
Fia. 30.
214. Motors for severe service are usually of the mill type with large
afts, fire-proof insulation, heavy frames, small moment of inertia of
mature and great commutating capacity. Shafts are generally tapered
the pinion end to allow for easy removal of the pinion, and axle bearings
! often used where a gear ratio of about five-to-one is desired. The
mes are generally entirely enclosed, although many of the larger sizes
constructed with part of the upper frame cut away in order to facilitate
dissipation of heat. It is possible that in the future, forced ventilation
y become common practice, as is already the case in electric locomotives
J18. Motors for light service where direct current is available, and of
"h.p. or under, are usually of the crane type. This construction is much
t^aper than the mill-type construction, yet is quite satisfactory for inter-
I'tent service where no severe overloads occur. The frames are entirely
closed, as heating is not a consideration.
219. Controllers for heavy duty are always of the contactor or mag
netic-switch type with overload and automatic acceleration relays. Dy
namic braking for lowering buckets, etc., is practically universal; not only ii
the energy of the lowered mass dissipated in resistors instead of brake fric
tion, but the operator is given a very delicate control by means of his maste
controller instead of having to manipulate an air or hand brake. Wher
direct current is not available, dynamic braking is obtained by means of i
small low-voltage generator set, which provides direct current for excitin)
the stator winding of the motor lowering the load, thus allowing it to becouK
an alternating-current generator. Since only part of the winding can b
used for this purpose, and since an induction motor possesses inherently i
which acceleration or variable torque is the main feature. To the first cla
belong the hoist motions, where the speed is comparatively low and the r
quirement for acceleration is a small part of the total power. For this tyi
of motion a compound-wound motor has been commonly used, the compour'
winding being originally provided to facilitate dynamic braking. Lat
developments of control have made dynamic braking practicable for seri
motors, and the tendency now is toward the use of that type of winding. 1
control should include at least one "power point" in the lowering directic
231. Calculations for hoist motion (Par. 230). The hoist moti :>
= 193; or say 200 h.p. The lowering horse power for No. 2 motor
= (30,000 X 180/33,000) X 0.90 =147 h.p.; or say 150 h.p. Assume the
average closing load for No. 1 motor is 150 h.p., and for opening, 50 h.p.
The root-mean-square or effective horse power for No. 1 motor will then be
[C15Q2X6-f2002X10 + 502X4)/60]l =95 h.p. The mean effective horse
power for No. 2 motor = [(200:x 10-M50=X7)/60]i =96 h.p., assuming
that actual lowering takes place in 7 sec.
The smallest motor which suggests itself for this service is one having an
entirely enclosed frame and a mill rating of 150 h.p.; the mill rating is based
on the power the motor can develop for 1 hr. with a temperature rise not to
exceed 75 deg. cent. Investigation of the manufacturers' data shows that
the 1.50-h. p. mill-rated, fully enclosed motor will not have sufficient heat-
ing capacity if the crane is to be operated at full speed continuously, although
the commutating capacity is ample. This same motor, however, if built
with a semi-enclosed frame will have a mill rating of approximately 165 h.p.
and a root-mean-square rating of about 130 h.p., which is ample for the
service. Generally speaking, there is less trouble from heating than is indi-
cated by the calculations, owing to unavoidable interruptions to continu-
ous operation, and to good ventilation due to the movement of the trolley.
232. Calculations for trolley motion (Par. 230). Assume that the
trolley with bucket and ore weighs 170,000 lb., and is driven by two motors,
each geared through two reductions to one of the four axles. Take the
frictional resistance per motor at 25/2,000 X 170,000X J = 1,060 lb. Final
h.p. = (l,060X900)/(33,OOOX0.90)=32. Assume two 80-h.p. [temperature
rise of 7,5 deg. Cent, for 1 series-wound motors; from the characteris-
tic curve it will be found that at 32 h.p. the motor speed equals 820 rev. per
min. and the torque equals 205 lb. at 1 ft. radius. Therefore the gear ratio
must be such that the desired trolley speed of 900 ft. per min. is equivalent to
a motor speed of 820 rev. per min. then ft. per min. = (900/820) X rev. per
min. = 1.1 X rev. per min.; also the force at the rim of the wheel willhave
the same ratio to the motor torque as the friction force has to the friction
torque; or, force = (1,060/205) Xtorque = 5. 17X torque. Assume effect of
armature weight equal to 1,500 lb. at 0.7 ft. radius; equivalent weight of
one armature at trolley speed = [1, 500 X 0.9 X (2irX 0.7 X rev. per min.)']/
(ft. per min.)2=([l,500X0.9X(2a-X0.7Xrev. per min.)2]/(l.l Xrev. per
niin.)2 = 2,160 lb.; or say 5,000 lb. including gearing. Total weight per
motor for acceleration = 85,000 + 5,000 = 90,000 lb. A.ssume that accelera-
tion while short-circuiting the resistance is 2.5 ft. per sec. per sec, which
is as high a value as the operator can endure with cotnfort; this initial rate
pf acceleration is determined by the rapidity with which the starting re-
sistance is cut out. Since the force of acceleration =ii'o= (wt. in lb. /fir)
,X acceleration in ft. per sec. per sec, then Fo= (90,000/32.2) X 2.5 = 7,000 lb.
Since the friction force is 1,060 lb., the total force = 7,000 + 1,060 = 8,060 lb.
Motor torque = J' = 8,060/5.17 = 1,560 ft-lb. From the characteristic curve,
^hen T= 1,560, h.p. =119; rev. per min. =402. Therefore ft. per min.
P"402X 1.1 =442, and ft. per sec. =7.4. This is the speed which is attained
it the instant the last section of resistance is cut out. The time = <i =
!peed/acceleration = 7.4/2.5 = 3.0 sec. The distance = di = average speed
\ time =(1/2)X7.4X3.0= 11 ft. After the starting resistance is cut out,
he trolley will continue to accelerate at a diminishing rate, as long as the
orce supplied by the motors exceeds the friction force. Assume that the
orse power has decreased to 60; then from the motor curve, rev. per min.
660. Since ft. per min. = 1.1 X rev. per min., the ft. per min. = 616, or
per sec. = 10.3, and the increase = 2.9 ft. per sec. The average speed
(10.3 + 7.4)/2 = 8.85 ft. per sec. Referring again to the curve, 7 = 560,
erefore F = 2,900 lb.; Fa=i*'-F/ = 2,900- 1,060 = 1,840 lb., acceleration =
-ffXFa/90,000 = 0.66, average A = (2.5 + 0. 66)/2 = 1.58, t2 = (increase in
peed) /(average acceleration) =2.9/1.58= 1.8 sec, d2 = 8.85X 1.8 = 16 ft.,
"ital time up to this point = < = 3 + 1.8 = 4.8 sec; total distance up to this
)int = (i = 11 + 16 = 27 ft. Assume the horse power has dropped to 35;
len rev. per min. = 760, ft. per min. = 836, ft. per sec. = 13.9, increase = 3.6,
iverage speed = 12.1 ft. per sec; 7" = 240, F= 1,240, Fo=180, A =0.06, aver-
»A = 0.36, U = 10.0 sec, da = 121 ft., t = 14.8 sec, d = 148 ft. Assume trolley
lasts for 1 sec. at 13.9 ft. per sec; U = \, d4 = 14 ft., < = 15.8 sec, d=162 ft.
Wttme retardation = 2.5 ft. per sec. per sec; <5 = 13.9/2.5 = 5.6 sec, dt = 39
iii^i'^f«*21.4 sec, d = 201 ft. The time originally allowed for a trip one way
was 20 sec, but since the trolley will return light at a somewhat higher speec
the gear ratio originally assumed is close enough. If the heating is figure(
for the loaded trip and for one-half the cycle, the results will be on the safi
side. i + X
Mean effective h.p. = [(UO^ X3) (1 19^ 1/2 1.8) (60^ 1/2 X 1.8
X + X
+ (602Xl/2Xl0) + (352Xl/2X10)]/[60XJlli = 52. A fully enclosed mil
motor can keep up this cycle for about 3 hr., but not indefinitely. If tin
crane will not operate for over 3 hr. at any one time, 80-h.p. mill-rated en
tirely enclosed moto s should be used. For coritinuous operat on use thi
same motors with the semi-enclosed frames, which will have a mill ratini
of about 90 h.p. and root-mean-square rating of about 70 h.p.; or if nee
essary, forced ventilation may be used with the totally enclosed motors
In any case, the a ma.ure, fields, etc., will b^- the same, the diflerence in ratini
being due to thj different methods of cooling. The maximum loads to b
commutated should not exceed those shown on the motor curve.
233. Calculations for bridge drive (Par. 230). Ass me that the tota
crane weighs 1,200 tons, and that a 2-motor longitudinal travel drive i
desired. Friction force per motorat40 lb. per ton = 40X l,200Xi-=24,00(
lb. Assume that a speed of 75 ft. per min. is desire 1, and that each moto
has one spur-gear and two bevel-gear reductions. The efficiency would b
approximately 77 per cent. The friction load per motor = 71 h.p. I
80-h.p. mill-rated motors were used, the friction torque read from the curv
would be about 720 lb. at 1 ft. radius. Assuming the wind load = 36,000 lb
and acceleration at 0.25 ft. per sec. per sec. =9,300 lb., the total maximun
load =69,300 lb. and approximate maximum torque = (69,300/24,000
X 720 = 2,080 ft-lb., which is well within the commutating limit of an 80-h.p
mill motor. Note that the wind load to be resisted by the mechanism ma;
be greatly in excess of the above; hence rack drives are sometimes used fo
greater safety.
Consulting Engineer, Associate American Institute of Electric Engineers
234. Classification. There are two main divisions of telphers, autoniati
telphers and man-telphers. Automatic telphers are those which are drivei
by electric motors, the control being apart or remote from the telijher. lli
original telphers were automatic, the telpher being placed in the middle (
the train. The chief use of the automatic telpher is for coal, ore and bul
material. Non-automatic or man-telphers are those which are cor'
trolled by an operator who travels with tlie load, and who operates both tb
telpher and the hoists from a cab or cage which is attached to the telphe
or the carriage. It is employed for bulk material, like the automatic telpher,
and is also used for the hoisting and conveying of miscellaneous material,
boxes, cases and barrels, the package freight of railways and the mixed cargoes
of steamships, see Fig. 31.
iOO lb. to 30,000 lb. The load factor for the tractor motor is 0.25 and
or the hoisting motor 0.16. The driving wheels and the motors may be
onnected by gears or by chain drive. The maximum service efficiency
f the motors is that corresponding to the efficiency obtained between one-
alf and three-quarters full-load. The motors are of slow or medium speed.
Direct-current, 250-volt or 500-volt, series-wound motors are preferable
tractors and hoists although alternating-current motors afford satisfactory
: ,3sults. The motors should be dust and weather proof, and should have a
0 per cent, reserve in their rating. The average combined efficiency of the
lotors and gearing, for the tractor and hoist, is from 65 per cent, to 75 per
239. Brakes. The telpher brake is of the mechanical type, and the hoist
rake is of either the electro-mechanical or electro-dynamic types. Spur
;ars and chain drive on the tractor transmit the power from motor to track
heels, and either spur or worm gear is used to transmit power to the
Msting drum.
240. Trackage. Telphers either run in one direction on a closed track
rcuit (Fig. 30), or to and fro over a single line. On the single line the
itomatic telphers reverse themselves on completing their trips. The spac-
g between the cars is automatically regulated by a block system, and the
rs are also automatically controlled at switches and crossings. The track
nsists of either a cable, or a T-rail supported on a wooden stringer, or upon
e top or lower flange of an I-beam. There are also track raUs of special
3tion The radii of the curves are from 8 ft. to 20 ft.
241. Track supports. The track is supported on brackets attached to
ildings, or is supported on "A" bents. Supports under straight track are
iced 20 ft. apart, and on curves the spacing is 8 ft. For long spans cables
trusses are used.
^ ^
243. Performance. The loads hoisted and con-
veyed on telpher hoists have be°n as high as fifteen
tons. The maximum speed of conveying on a straight
level track is about 1,000 ft. per min. The running
speed is reduced at curves, according to their radii.
244. For terminal work, the capacity of each hoisi
is 2 tons at 60 ft. per min. (18.288 m. per min.). Twc
hoists can be combined so .as to raise 4 tons. The
motors being series-wound, the speed of hoisting wil
increase as the load is diminished.
246. For freight handling, from two to four car
riage hoists constitute a train which has a total max
imum carrying capacity of 8 tons. Such trains an
used for assorting as well as for distributing, accordini
to consignments. Many telphers can be operated ii
one installation, the number being limited only by thi
FiQ. 33.— Typical design of the track layout. In freight or cargo handling
arrangement of tel- the fixed overhead tracks may be parallel or at righ
pherage tracks. angles to the surface railway tracks or to the waterfron
wall, but preferably at right angles.
246. Installation costs. The overhead trackage, made part of an<
attached to the building structure, costs the same in proportion as othe
structural steel. The weight, including the brackets, averages about .50 lb
per lineal foot. The steel is fabricated at the mill.
The Steel A Tube Co. of America, Fellow, American Institute of Electrii-(.
847. Classification. Rolling mills are usually named after the materie
produced by them, although they are sometimes classified according to ih
layout of the mills. The principal types of mills are as follows:
(a) Blooming mills, rolling ingots, as cast, to blooms or billets. A
material rolled in a steel mill must pass through the blooming mill or it
equivalent, to be reduced to proper dimensions for handling in the finishiu
mills. The mills are built either two-high reversing, or three-high runnin
continuously in one direction.
(b) Slabbing mills (modification of the two-high blooming mill) produc:
slabs with finished edges, which are afterward rolled into plates. Vertiot,
rolls are provided for finishing the edges.
(e) Billet mills are usually of the continuous type, with rolls in tanden:
and roll material from the blooming mill to a suitable size of billet for th
finishing mills. Material passes directly from one stand to the other, tli
speed of the rolls being arranged to correspond to the reduction in area aftt
each pass.
(d) Plate mills may be either two-high reversing, or three-high runnia
continuously in one direction, and roll slabs to plates of various thicknessei
They are sometimes provided with vertical rolls for finishing the edges c
the plates and are then known as universal mills.
(e) Structural mills are usually three-high and are used for roUin
girders, heavy angles, channels, etc. In small plants such material may b
rolled by the reversing-bloomiug mill.
(f) Merchant mills are used for rolling small angles, channels and all
types of profiles. They are usually three-high, with the finishing stand
sometimes two-high.
(g) Bar mills are usually three-high, and generally consist of roughing
stand and a separate finishing stand. These are used for rolling bars of
all sections and sizes.
(h) Eod mills are special types of bar mills, and are used for rolling small
sectiona at high speeds.
(i) Bail mills generally roll blooms or heavy billets to rails of various
sections, and are made two-high or three-high, according to the layout.
(j) Sheet mills roll 0.5-in. to 1-in. bars to sheets of all gages; they are
always two-high, and generally have separate roughing and finishing stands.
In addition to the foregoing types, there are several other forms of con-
struction, used for roiling certain sections of material, but their use is generally
confined to one particular installation.
Sec. 15-249 industrial motor applications
Occasionally the various stands are arranged on one axis, the finishing
stands being separately driven to give the proper speed adjustment. The
object of driving the finishing stands at different speeds than the roughing
stands is to increase the capacity of the mill, and to finish the material at
such a rate that it does not become too cool; this difference in speeds also
makes it possible to work without an exceedingly large loop from one pass
to the other.
249. Direct-connected drive. The best arrangement is to connect the
motor direct to the mill, if the mill speed is such that this is feasible. In
general, the lowest speeds possible for direct-connection at 25 cycles are as
follows: 250 to 500 h.p., 125 rev. per min.; 500 to 1,000 h.p., 100 rev. per min.;
1,000 to 2,000 h.p., 85 rev. per min.; 2,000 h.p. and upward, 70 rev. per mini
250. Geared drive. The first cost of slow-speed motors is high, and il
very large motors are not required, some speed-reducing arrangement it
generally used for slow-speed mills. The low power-factor of the slow-speed
motor is a serious objection. Gearing has been used extensively for con-
necting motors to mills, and the use of cut double-helical gears makes pos-
sible pitch-line speeds previously impracticable. Although the maintenance,
is increased, gears permit the installation of high-speed motor of gooej
performance at low cost. The use of gears introduces losses and off.sets th<
increased efficiency of high-speed motors, but the -advantage of high power-
factor is important. An important advantage of gear drive is that in thi
case of very slow-speed mills, the fly-wheel (Par. 254) can be located on thi;
pinion shaft and run at such a speed that comparatively small weight i<j
When connecting the motor to the mill, the fly-wheel (Par. 264) shouU;
be so placed that the shocks from the rolls are not transmitted to the motori
The best location is on the mill shaft, but with very slow-speed mills, ij
may be necessary to place the fly-wheel on the pinion shaft for the reasoii
above mentioned.
When the fly-wheel is mounted on the pinion shaft, the gear must be proj
portionately larger, as it transmits the peak loads. When the fly-wheel ii
mounted on the mill shaft (Fig. 36), the gear need only be large enough ti
transmit the motor load. In practice, pitch-line speeds up to 1,500 ft. pe
min>are used with plain spur gearing, arid up to 2,500 ft. per min. wit:
double-helical gears. The best practice is to mount the gears in a substantis
case and to run them in oil, which decreases the noise and reduces in:iii:
ffl a
261. Rope drive is extensively used in steel mills where the mill-speed i
suitable. Rope speeds up to 6,000 ft. per min. are used, the rope wh&,;
acting as a fly-wheel for the mill. General practice does not differ from tht,
of rope drive in other industries. Large fly-wheels are generally require
to prevent rapid fluctuations in the amount of power transmitted fro
the motor ancf consequent whipping of the ropes. Belt drives are used on
to a small extent in steel mills, usually where a number of stands are arrangi
in tandem to be driven from one source of power, the belt being
100 ^__ ^
, 1
I 60
~ 50
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 10 18 20 22 24 26 23 30 32 34
Times Original Length to which Material is Elongated
'iG. 37. — Curves showing average energy consumption of different types of.
Curve No. 1, rolling small billets of high-carbon steel to rods.
Curve No. 2, rolling billets to light rails.
Curve No. 3, rolling billets to flats and squares. '
f gyration in ft. per sec, ff = acceleration due to gravity = 32.2 ft. per sec.
y.properly arranging the control of the motor, the rate at which the energy
given up by the fly-wheel can be regulated, so as to limit the load on the
'otor to the average value, providing sufficient fly-wheel effect is available.
The majority of fly-wheels used on rolling mills are built of cast iron, and
H a general practice, the limit of peripheral speed in such cases is 6,000 ft.
Jr min., because higher speeds are not considered safe, owing to the un-
'^rtainty of the shrinkage stresses. By special construction to avoid such
stresses, cast-iron wheels for a
peripheral speed of 10,000 ft. per o -ooooo
min. have been built with suc-
cess. For moderately high speeds,
cast-steel wheels are commonly
o ioc'o'o'o' O
used, the usual limit of peripheral
speed being 12,000 ft. per min.;
but in special cases cast-steel
wheels run at speeds up to 22,000
ft. per min. Such speeds are
dangerous if the material is not
homogenous and free from initial
stresses, but with proper design
and annealing, they have proved
successful. For speeds up to
30,000 ft. per min. fly-wheels have
been built from discs cut from SB
single the plates being
riveted together to form a solid OOOCOOO'OOO
256. Factors afifecting power
requirements. The power re- NO
quired by rolling mills depends mm
upon the following factors: (a) 4) o
it U
volume of metal displaced in a 05 oj
..*« tCt£
given time; (b) manner in which
the section is changed; (c) temper- -"--"^
T)<0'<J<"5 WIN
ature of metal during rolling; (d) otd.
class of material; (e) size of rolls.
The determination of the best
arrangement of motor and fly- MM
wheel for any particular mill neces- M&D-
03 J2
sitates the analysis of the power 0"W-<t»-*<iOO St3
Z' ,
. 1
General Engineer, Weslinghouse Electric and M anufacturing Co., Member
American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Departments Machines
, 267. Jaw crushers are often used for secondary crushing, or upon
uinker, and the following are typical ratings.
li 8i
20X10 21,500 38 19 36 13. 250 20
UX15 38,000 60 25 42 16i
I 250 25
i6X24 68,000 130 70 Pulleys to 250 75
t2X40 130,000 225 130 suit con- 250 100
iOX48 205,000 290 180 ditions 200 150
;4X60 400,000 450 11 280 100 200
72 12i 105 50 to 60
268. Gyratory crushers. The following table gives the ratings of Gatei
crushers; other makes of similar size have approximately the same powe:
269. Rotary dryers. For the average size of dryer, 5 ft. diam. by 5(
or 60 ft. long, revolving at 2 to 5 rev. per min., from 10 to 20 h.p. is required
This varies with the construction of the dryer, the method of the drive an(
the speed of rotation.
270. Ball mills
Coal crushers
Pulley dimen.
Size no. Rev. per min. Horse power
20X15 1,000 20
20X15 1,000 30
20X15 1,000 50-60
24X18 1,000 75
24X20 1.000 100
30X32 750 250
Cement grinders
272. Type of drive. For satisfactory service and long life, a motor
should not be subjected to severe vibration. Either belts or flexible coup-
lings are able to absorb the vibration of the grinding machinery, but the dust
causes rapid deterioration of belts and, therefore, the best practice is direct-
connection wherever possible. The countershafts of ball and tube mills
rotate at about 180 rev. per min. and, on 25-cycle circuits, motors at this
speed may be direct connected throught flexible couplings. Motors should,
whenever possible, be placed in a separate room, the shafting extending
through into the mill proper. For Fuller, Griffin, or other vertical-shaft
mills, special belted vertical motors can be obtained which are more satis-
factory than horizontal motors with quarter-turn belts.
273. Kent mills. This mill (made by the Kent Mill Co.) is in very
extensive use both a.s an intermediate and a fine grinder. Being of the
roll and ring type it can be started with comparative ease, and a 40-h.p.
motor is usually supplied to drive the mill with its elevator and screen.
The pulleys on the mill are 36 in. X8 in., and 64 in. between centres, running
at about 200 rev. per min. Motors with double-extended shafts make a
simple and satisfactory drive.
274. Tube mills of 5, 5.5, 6 and 7 ft. diam. by 22 ft. long are now in
common use in cement mills. The required power varies with the charge of
^pebbles and the feed, but with flint pebbles averages 100, 125, 150 and 200
h.p., respectively, for the above mills. The present day tendency however
is toward larger mills requiring 300 to 500 h.p. For belt drive, motors
from 480 to 690 rev. per min. are used, while for coupled drive 160 to 180 rev.
per min. is customary. The F. L. Smidth No. 16 and 18 tube mills are
usually driven by 100-h.p. and 150-h.p. motors, respectively. When
"cylpebs" (short cylindrical pieces of steel) are added to a tube mill the
power required is increased 20 to 30 per cent.
27B. Fuller mills. The Lehigh Car Wheel & Axle Works have on the
market three sizes of Fuller mills, known as the 33 in., 42 in. and 57 in. The
smaller mill is used principally for coal, while the two larger sizes are adapted
io pulverizing either raw material or clinker. The power requirements are
ijiven in the following table.
Size of mill (in.) '
Diam. (in.) Rev. per power
max. Face (in.)
33 45 12 210 25-40
42 54 18 160 7.5-90
57 75 23 130 150-200
ertical belted motors make the best drive for mills.
276. Oriffin mills. These mills which are of the vertical type are manu-
ictured by the Bradley Pulverizer Company. Since the driven pulley is
bove the mill they are often driven in groups, but individual drive with
ertical belted motors is desirable especially for the larger sizes of mills.
Type of mill Horse power
Diam. (in.) Rev. per min.
278. Aero pulverizers. These reduce crushed coal to an impalpabl
powder, and blow it into the kiln, mixed with the correct amount of air fc
Aero pulverizers
mining machines are in use to-day, and many new types are being developed.
'The particular design of machine which should be used to meet a particular
set of conditions, can be determined only by experience.
884. For auxiliary power outside of the mine (Par. 296), such as
jower for shops, pumps, etc., steam engines have been largely used; and to
iubstitute an electric motor is usually a comparatively simple matter.
; 285. Safety specifications. Various countries and each of the mining
itates of this country have mining codes which deal with the manner of
nstalling electrical apparatus in mines and give general safety rules. The
lest reference for Rules for installation of electrical equipment in mines is in
1 ?echnical Paper No. 138 issued by the U. S. Bureau of Mines.
286. The generators are generally of the direct-current, 250-volt or 500-
olt types. These generators should be compounded about 10 per cent., and
hould be capable of withstanding momentary overloads of from 50 to 100
er cent. Standard machines are built for 225-volt to 250-volt service, for 250-
olt to 275-volt service and from 500-volt to 550-volt service. The higher
oltage of 500 has an advantage over 250 volts in that very much less copper
needed and greater distance can be covered. The danger is, however,
msiderably greater, and many states are legislating against the use of over
"" vnlts underground. Compounding is desirable due to the long lines
tre required in reaching the workings. The type of load is such that
short-time peaks frequently occur.
287. Predetermination of generator capacity. When a mine is small
id electricpower is used for only one or two locomotives, the capacity of
le generator will be determined entirely by the peak loads. For instance,
the load were to consist of two 10-ton locomotives each having two 50-h.p.
otors, the conditions will be as follows: 1-hr. rating of motors, 200
p.; continuous rating of motors about 80 h.p.; maximum load with both
. comotives starting 300 h.p. To compensate for the line drop and efficiency,
kw. should be allowed at the switchboard for every horse-power at the
be seen from the above that on a heating basis, an 80-kw. generator
It will
n be used. This machine, however, could not take care of a load of 300
f. The generator should have a capacity of not less than 150 kw. If
1 second-hand generators and engines are installed, it will be necessary to
ovide for a capacity of from 200 to 250 kw., as there would be a lack of
erload capacity. The efficiency of power generation will not be very high,
.ce the unit will be carrying a small load a considerable portion of the time.
.:cellent examples of load diagrams showing the low average and the high
ik loads obtained at a coal mine power plant are shown in a paper presented
fore the A. I. E. E., April, 1913, by Wilfred Sykes and Graham Bright.
If we were to add to the above a third locomotive, a pump load of 50 h.p., a
I load of 50 h.p., and a cutting load of four 26-h.p. cutters, we would
ve the following conditions:
Dne-hour rating of motors 300 50 -f- 50 -f 100 = 500
Continuous rating of motors 120 50 -f- 50 -|- 40 = 260
Vlaximum load of 400 50 + 50 4- 100 = 600
Sec. 15-288 industrial motor applications
units. These losses will average from 15 to 20 per cent. The capacity
the central plant will not be the sum of the individual substations, as thei
will be considerable diversity. The diversity factor will range from 1.2 ;
1.5 to 1.
288. Design and advantages of mines using purchased energi
When central-station power is used, the power application is very much sir
plified. For haulage, cutting and in.side pumping, a motor-generator a
or synchronous converter is used. The motor-generator sets are generally I
obtained with the synchronous motor. This high power-factor will con
pensate for the lower power-factor obtained on the induction motors us<
for driving fans, pumps, and tipple or breaker machinery. The substati'
can be a very simple structure and, in a great many cases, the old generati)
room can be used. The care of a substation is an extremely simple matt
when compared with an isolated plant. For fans, compressors, outsi
pumps, tipple and breaker machinery and machine or blacksmith shop driv
the squirrel-cage motor is best adapted, as regards first cost and upkee
This apparatus can be operated at all times independent of the motor-genei
tor set which, in many cases, operates only 8 or 10 hr. per day.
289. Permissible voltage drop for haulage, gathering and cutti,
(for good operation), should not exceed 20 to 25 per cent, at maximum lot.
290. Diversity in peak-load calculations. See Par. 287. Wh«
several locomotives and cutting machines are supplied from one feeder, t
maximum load is obtained by estimating the number of machines that m;
be running at one time. It is seldom that two locomotives will start at t
same time where only three or four are in use. In practice, a locomotive wj
not operate at full-load more than one-fifth of the time. The same is truei
mining machines, and the maximum load should be estimated from the to^
conditions that exist at each mine.
291. Construction methods and costs.* Trolley and feed wire slmi
be installed in a substantial- manner and protected from contact with mi
mules at cross-overs. The total cost, including labor and materi
erecting a 0000 trolley wire in an anthracite mine will range from $ I
11,400 per mile, and from $650, to $900, in a bituminous mine, depi huj
upon the nature of the roof. Outside of the mine, the cost per mile *i
range from $1,200 to $1,600. Number 0000 feed wire will cost, erected, fr<:
S900to $1,200 per mile inside of the mine, and from $1,100 to $1,500 outsii
of the mine for an anthracite mine. The cost of 0000 feed wire in a bitumint'
mine will be about the same as for the trolley wire. The rail return is g»
erally much neglected. The bonding should be frequently checked '"'fi
bond-testing instrument and cross bonds should be installed at aboii
200 or 300 ft. All switches, frogs, and cross-overs should be bonded
and cross-bonds should be placed on each side. Any water, or air ,,.
should be well bonded to the rail, especially near the main entrance, in om
to obtain the benefit of an extra return circuit and to prevent electrolyii
The total cost of bonding a track (rails varying from 30 to 50 lb. j
yd.) with No. 00 bonds including cross-bonding, will be about $.'550 ;'
mile, including labor and material. The total cost using No. 0000 hot
will be about $400 per mile. Electrically welded bonds are proving vi
superior to the compressed or soldered bond and in many cases are \\
expensive to instal. 1
The haulage and cutting circuits should be kept separate where pnsml
but should be arranged to connect together in order to help out one an'
that local line trouble will not shut down the entire mine. However, i
* Based on 1915 prices; add 50 per cent, to above figures for 1922.
893. Compressor motors. See Par. 174 to 192. Where compressed air
hs used, motor-driven compressors can be applied to advantage. For small com-
pressors, the best type is that used by street railways for suppljang compressed
air for brake systems. For larger compressors a synchronous-motor drive
.jressor motors are often operated at 80 per cent, leading power-factor in order
,0 compensate for the lower power-factor due to the induction motors which
ire used to drive fans, pumps and tipple or breaker equipment. With a syn-
;hronous motor drive, an unloading device must be used on the compressor;
his prevents the motor from being loaded untilit has reached synchronous speed.
S94. One great advantage of electrically driven air compressors i s
t'vt they can be installed at the most convenient location. Small auxiliary
ressors can be easily located inside of the mine at the end of long pipe
where it is difficult to maintain normal pressure.
235. Types of adaptable motors. For tipples, breakers and shops,
oiisiderable power is often required for crushers, screens, elevators, washers
ml machine tools. When direct current is employed, a compound-wound
r is best adapted, and is sometimes built totally enclosed in order to
!'l be used. The cast end-ring has solved all end-ring troubles which
>! once so prevalent.
296. Pumping. For inside pumping the reciprocating duplex or triplex
imp is most used for the smaller sizes. The centrifugal pump is not so
II adapted for moving about and for use under various heads. The capac-
of the motor can be readily determined by the amount of work to be
't'.o, assuming an efficiency of 50 to 60 per cent, for centrifugal and 70 to
' per cent, for reciprocating pumps. See Par. 155 to 173.
297. Ventilation. Mine fans are inherently low-speed machines and are
ry well adapted for direct connection to a steam engine. For economy in
~t cost and operating cost an electric motor is inherently a high-speed,
irhine, usually requiring some speed-reducing device in such an application.
king seems to be the most popular method, although gearing, chain drive.
d even rope drive, are used occasionally. See Par. 193 to 212. A. C.
!uirrel cage motors for small fans and woundrotor motor for large fans
most popular. The synchronous motor is being proposed and will no
These inachini
require about three men to operate and will load 100 to 400 mine cars pi
day. The power equipment is generally direct current consisting of 2 or
motors having a total horsepower rating of about 75 on the larger machine
299. LocomotlTes for main haulage and gathering are of the direc
current type, designed to operate on 250- or 500-volt circuits. The serii
type of motor is invariably used as it has the best speed-torque cha;
acteristics for the service. The service is somewhat similar to street-rai
way conditions and the same general methods are used to determine th
weight and capacity of the equipment.
Mine locomotives are built in weights ranging from 4 tons to 35 tons an
gages ranging from 18 in. to the standard of 4 ft. 8.5 in. The wheels ma
be cast iron with chilled tread, steel tired, or rolled steel. Gathering locc
motives are built to replace mules; these weigh from 4 to 8 tons with equij
ment varying from two 10-h.p. motors to two 40-h.p. motors.
300. Locomotive-adhesion and weight calculations. The cast-ire
wheel will afford a running coefficient of adhesion of 20 per cent., and
starting coefficient of 25 to 30 per cent, when sand is used. The steel-tire
or rolled-steel wheel will have a running coefficient of 25 per cent, and
starting coefficient of 30 to 33.33 per cent, with sand. The above figxiu
are conservative and can be easily obtained with fair rail conditions. Tl
weight of locomotive is determined by the following formula:
T{30+20G)+20GW = 'iOOW. for cast-iron wheels,
= 500 IT. for steel wheels. i
Where T = weight of trailing load in tons. The item 30 is the friction in It!
per ton for the trailing load on the level and is the average value obtain^
by test for small mine cars. The expression 20O is the pull necessary i;
1302 j
!ier ton for the friction of the locomotive. For each total tractive effort
; current and speed are obtained from the curve, and the time is calculated.
squaring each current value and multiplying by the time, we have the
that it can be taken into rooms where no trolley wire is erected. This re
may be chain driven from one of the axles or motor driven from a smj
independent special motor which maintains a constant pull on the cabi
This cable may be single-conductor or double-conductor, depending up<
the track conditions. A No. 4 A. W.G. cable is generally used.
307. A traction reel can also be .supplied on a gathering locomotive,
consists of a small motor-driven crab with from 300 to 400 ft. of steel cabl
This type of reel is used where the room grades are very steep, and arc drive
to the dip.* I
for each per cent, grade, if any grades are involved. To estimate the liuf te;
capacity required for a given service, the entire haulage should be subdividi
into as many sections as there are different characteristics. By calculatii
the tractive effort and distance for each section, the watthours for each se.
tion can be obtained from the formula mentioned before. The summati('
of the watthours of all the sections will give the watthours of total batte:'
capacity required for the service. The proper battery may be selectij
from the storage battery manufacturer's tabulated data. If the man'
facturer's data specify the rated capacity in ampere hours, the ampere-ho'
service capacity may be obtained by dividing the calculated watthoj
capacity by the average voltage of the battery, assuming the average servi'
discharge voltage of an Edison battery to be 1.1-volts per cell and of a lei
battery 1.95 volts per cell. The Edison battery is rated on a 5-houi d
charge basis and the Philadelphia and Iron-Clad Exide batteries on a (i Im.
discharge basis. Where the total elapsed time of discharge is not lef<> 1
six hours, the rated capacity of a lead battery will be available for !-'
309. Selected list of reference literature.
Bright, Graham. "Does it Pay the Average Coal Mine to Pui
Central Station Power?" Proceedings, American Institute of EUm rri>
Engineers, April, 1012, p. 737.
Bright, Graham and Stkes, Wilfred. '* Mining Loads for Central Si
tions." Proceedings, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, April '."
Eddy, H. C. "Purchased Power in Coal Mines." Proceedings, An,
Institute of Electrical Engineers, April, 1913.
Warren, H. M. and Bieseckeb, H. S. " Characteristics of Sul)>
Loads at the Anthracite Mines of the Lackawanna R. R. Co." Proci
American Institute of Electrical Engineers, April, 1913.
Beerb, C. W.— "Central Station Power for Coal Mines." Procev
American Institute Electrical Engineers, April, 1913.
Bright, Graham. "Determination of Weight and Equipment of a Mi
Locomotive." Electric Journal, Vol. VIII, p. 986.
Eaton, G. M. "Weight Equalization on Locomotive Wheels." /
Age, March
Bbight, Graham. — "Determination of the Equipment for MineLocomo-
oal 1915, 407. 6, p.
i.iiu., so that a belted motor of 500 rev. per min. or less, is desirable.
leii the compressor is of high speed type the motor can be direct connected .
e for the flexibility in speed control necessary to meet the usual require-
hut the efficiency falls off with the reduction in speed; operating the
-sor continuously, at reduced output, with this type of motor, is there-
I'conomical from a power-consuming standpoint.
Plant duplication. In plants where it is necessary materially to
he output, during certain periods of the year, it is desirable to employ
the temperature of the condensing water will exceed 70 deg. Fahr. (21 deg!
Cent.), and during extremely warm weather it may be necessary to force the
compressor beyond its rated capacity in order to meet unusual requirements.,
all of which require increased power. For compressors of 50-ton rated capac-;
ity and smaller, about 25 per cent, additional motor capacity should be
provided for these possible excessive operating conditions; for larger com-;
pressors, from 16 to 25 per cent, additional motor capacity should be pro-
vided, depending upon the local and probable operating conditions of the
321. Operating costs of plant using can system. The average con-
sumption of power in this plant (Par. 311) was 44 kw-hr. per ton of ice, while
the other items of expense were: engine and boiler room labor per ton,
31 cents; fuel per ton, 19.50 cents; tank-room labor per ton 25.10 cents.
322. Equipment of plant using plate system. While the compressor-
room equipment in both distilled-water plants and raw-water plants is
practically the same, the auxiliary equipment differs, depending upon the
type of plant, and the system used. The auxiliary and tank-room equipment
of a raw-water plate plant electrically operated, and having a rated capacity
of 100 tons of ice per 24 hr., may be taken as an example. In this plant all
the motors are of the 3-phase, 25-cycle, 220-volt, induction type. A centrifu-
gal condenser-water pump, direct-connected to a 6-h.p., l.SOO-rev. per min.,
constant-speed motor is used to supply excess water to the condenser in hot
weather, when the natural flow of city water supply is insufficient. A brine
pump, belted to a 2-h.p. 750-rev. per min., constant-speed motor is used to
circulate warm brine around the plates in order to loosen the ice. A rotary
blower, belted to a 7.5-h.p., 750-rev. per min., constant-sj)eed motor is used
Ho agitate the water in the tanks. The rest of the equipment consists of 3
cranes, each equipped with one 5-h.p. and one 3-h.p., 750-rev. per min.,
variable-speed motors; 2 tilting tables, each geared to a 2-h.p., 1,500-rey.
per min., constant-speed motor; 1 30-in. circular ice saw, operated by chain
'drive from a 3-h.p., 1,500-rev. per min. motor; 1 ice elevator, operated by
and geared to a 3-h.p., 1,500-rev. per min. motor.
323. Extracting the lifting rods, in the plate system. After the
plates of ice have been placed upon the tipping table, the ends of the lifting
rods (which extend about halfway through the plate) are connected to the
secondary terminals of a 1-kw. transformer, having a 220-volt primary and
i 4-volt, 250-amp. secondary. In about 4 min. after the current has been
;urned on, the rods will be melted loose, and can be readily withdrawn.
324. Centre-freeze system. The can-system raw-water plant, fre-
luently referred to as the "centre-freeze" or "core" system, undoubtedly
presents the ideal of an electrically operated ice-making plant, as it has all
,he advantages of the can system, together with the productive economy
)btained through the use of raw water. In brief, this type of plant consists
)f stationary cans, fed from the bottom, with raw water supplied through a
pooling tank. During the period of freezing, the water in the cans is con-
tantly agitated by a jet of air under a pressure of about 3 lb. per sq. in. The
vater freezes in the cans from the sides toward the centre, so that the space
ontaining free water and all the impurities is gradually diminished. When
his space has reached a very small area, all the water remaining, with the
mpurities contained therein, is drawn off, and the core is filled with distilled
vater; this, when frozen solid, gives a cake of very clean pure ice.
325. Auxiliary equipment of a 60-ton plant using the centre-
reeze system. A 1 5-h.p. motor is belted to the line shaft, which in turn
rives the following: 1 fan having a capacity of 500 cu. ft. per min., which is
sed for agitating the water in the freezing cans; 1 centrifugal pump having
capacity of 200 gal. per min., which is used in pumping the brine through
he cooling or supply tank; 1 air compressor having a capacity of 40 cu. ft.
er min., used to operate overhead cranes which are employed in removing
he ice from the cans; 1 7.5-h.p. motor direct-connected to brine agitator,
'he distilled water used is furnished from a 10-h.p. boiler operated at from
to 15 lb. steam pressure.
326. Operating data on plant using centre-freeze system. The
rst complete month's operation of the above plant showed a total maximum
emand of 125.8 kw., with an energy consumption of 91,056 kw-hr., and a
roduction of 1,599 tons of ice. This is equivalent to a resultant maximum
emand of 2.42 kw., or 3.24 h.p. per ton of ice, and 57 kw-hr. per ton of ice.
387. Domestic refrigerating equipments in their completed form, as
laced on the market are in reality a self-contained refrigerating plant,
specially adapted for use in homes, restaurants, butcher shops, clubs and
jartment houses, or where the average requirements may run from 10 to
)0 lb. of ice per hr., or the refrigeration effect equivalent to the melting of
om 15 to 100 lb. of ice per hr. The universal method of drive is the elec-
ic motor which may be of any type, either belted, geared or direct con-
,;cted, depending on the type and speed of the compressor used.
Sec. 15-328 industrial motor applications
the use of suction and discharge valves and permits of a direct connected,
The temperature is regulated by a thermostat, located in the refrigeratori
food compartment, which controls the motor switch. It is customary to-J
set the thermostat for about 45 deg. fahr. (7.2 deg. cent.) to be maintained!
in the food compartment, when the temperature rises above this, the motor)
switch is closed and the condenser set in operation, continuing to run until
the temperature is reduced to that of the thermostat setting when the motor-
switch is opened.
328. Hating and operating characteristics of domestic refriger-.
ating equipments, when operated under average conditions of brine at
27 deg. fahr. (—2.8 deg. cent.) and condensing water (at outlet) at 77 deg.
fahr. (2o deg. cent.). '
and as textile mills, owing to their liigh capital costs, require a high rate of
production, they should be provided with auxiliary steam plants capable of
carrying the whole load, even though the water power has a good record for
332. Use of steam in textile processes. Nearly all textile mills must
use steam at some point in the manufacturing process, and for heating the
buildings in winter. A boiler plant is therefore essential and it generally
follows that one or more engines are employed to deliver their power to the
1 water-wheel shaft, the engine governor caring for the variations of load. In
such cases a portion of the steam power may be developed by simple engin*
operating against small back pressure, the exhaust instead of live steam
being used for certain processes; or steam may be taken from the receiver, if
a compound engine is used. If turbines are the prime movers, the bleeder
type may be used to furnish the necessary amount of low-pressure steam.
In cotton mills the most common use for steam (aside from heating buildings)
. is in the slashers, which require a small amount steadily through the day.
Woolen and worsted mills use steam for scouring, drying, back washing and
combing. Finishing mills, which may form a part of either cotton or woolen
mills, use steam for numerous purpcses such as heating water, rolls, plates,
333. Application of electric drive. Existing water wheels and steam
engines can be made to drive generators, and even though the units are
scattered, the control may be from a central point. In general the loada
in textile mills are steady, and there should be close speed regulation. Elec-
tric drive is in general superior from the standpoint of .speed regulation,
aside from the advantages of flexibility and cleanliness.
334. Group and individual drives. In all kinds of textile mills anything
that scatters dirt, lint, flecks, etc., becomes more of a nuisance as the goods
produced become finer, for the finer textures reveal the foreign substance
more plainly, and, being imperfect, are less valuable. In determining,
therefore, whether to use individual drives or group drives, the presence of a
belt becomes a deciding factor.
336. Type of motor adapted to textile mills. While for many reasons
the direct-current motor meets the demands of the textile mill, the presence of
more or less lint in the air makes the induction motor preferable. At the end
Df a day's run individual machines are disconnected from the drive, so that
their motors will have but small starting loads; usually the totally enclosed
iquirrel-cage type is well adapted to the work. To eliminate a possible varia-
tion of speed dependent upon variable slip, a group arrang 'ment may be
.employed where the constituent machines are either little affected by smajl
changes in speed, or have constant loads. It is well to use only enclosed oil
iwitches. Inasmuch as starting conditions are favorable there is often oppor-
unity to synchronous motors, if the power-factor is low, either on the
ame line-shaft with squirrel-cage motors, or in separate units.
336. Cotton-mill cards may be run in groups, belted from above or below.
337. Cotton-mill fly frames arc driven from one end and may be so
r.rranged that by means of extended shafts and two pulleys on each end of the
;notor, four frames may be driven by one motor. As these machines can be
topped individually, doffing and empty bobbin replacing may be accom-
lished without stopping more than one frame at a time. Ring spinning and
wisting may well be treated similarly to fly frames, although here again
adividual motors may be used.
338. Looms are perhaps the most susceptible to power variations
f any textile machinery. The power to drive a loom varies with the
peed of the loom, usually expressed as so many picks per min., a
ick being one strand of filling left in the warp by a traverse of the shuttle,
i^hile there are so-called positive shuttle looms, most shuttles are thrown
ioross the lay of the loom by a blow of the picking stick. As the shuttle
Iters the box at the end of its traverse, it pushes out one side of the box,
iUed the swell, which operates a stop motion; when the shuttle does not
Toperly enter the box, the swell is not displaced and this is called "banging
3. The speed of the shuttle must therefore be suflScient to accomplish
us, yet not so much as to cause rebound. The adjustments vary with the
)eed. The power to drive a loom also varies with the weight of goods, the
;at-up, the number of harnesses and boxes in use.
.. . ;
7 lb 0.75 h.p.
9 lb 1.0 h.p. Filling
12 lb : . . 1.25 h.p. Spindles 8,500 rev. per min. ,.
with the wool. In general, woolen yarn is made of short fibre and worsted
of long fiber. Furthermore, in woolen yarn the fibres are made to lie in a
variety of angles with reference to the axis of the yarn, for ultimately the
fabric is fulled or felted. The finisher card doffs narrow strips of the carded
fibre, passing them between rub rolls or aprons (or tape condenser), which,
while carrying the roping along, rub it into cylindrical shape. Forty or
more of these ends are wound on jack spools and are made into yarn by the
mule. The tendency of the mule is to throw one end of each fibre to the out-
side of the yarn, while holding the other end in the centre, that is, the shap>e
of the fibre is helical.
» With worsted, the fibre is combed after carding, to remove the short
' fibres or noil. Then follow the processes of gilling and drawing, each of
I which makes the fibres more and more parallel, just the reverse of the woolen
^ process. The Bradford worsted system converts the roving into yarn by
* means of the spinning frame, either cap, ring or flyer. The French worsted
= system starts with the "top," essentially the sliver, carded, combed and
gilled, wound into about 8-lb. balls. There is no twist in the sliver, and
by the French process no twist is put in until the final or spinning process.
;5 In this case a mule is used which is much like the cotton mule, which keeps
If the fibres smooth and parallel.
'' 344. Power requirements of woolen-mill machinery.
! Cone duster, h.p 7.0 Cards 48-in. h.p 5 to 8.0
Wool and waste box duster Back washer h.p 3.0
h.p 3 to 5.0 Double bailer gill box 2.0
'^ Scouring bowls per bowl 3 to 5.0 Weigh box 2.0
Apron dryer 10.0 Noble comb 2.0
"Stone dryer, 15 ft 14.0 Intersecting gill box per head 1.0
; 18 ft 15.0 Etirage, 10 porcupines 3.0
21ft 17.0 Reunion, 12 porcupines 3.0
48-in. mixing picker 10.0 Chute, 24 porcupines 3.0
!^48-in., 3-cyl. set cards to Bobinier intermediate,
start 4.0 porcupines 2.5
Running on light work. .. 2.5 . Avant finisseurs, 50 pore. 2.5
Heavy work 8.0 Finisseurs. 2.5
''60-in., 3-cyl. set cards. 10 to 15.0
. French mule spindles per h.p. 50.0
'Mule 300 sp. 2-in. gage to Cap and flyer spinning (Brad-
! start 5.0 ford system) spindles per h.p. 50
2.5 Shoddy pickers 7 J to 10 h.p.
I'jarge mules 7.5
S46. Power requirements of finishing' machinery.
, >6-in. double shear 3.5 Raw stock dyeing machine.
Measuring, doubling and 1,000 lb. batch _. . . 3.0
winding 0.75 Raw stock dyeing machine,
:'wo-cylinder gig 4.0 400 lb. batch 2.0
0-in. 36-roll napper 7.5 Hosiery dyeing, 200 lb., 400
2-in. 20-roll napper 6.5 lb 1.0
kein dyeing machine, 1501b. 2.0 Roll dyeing knit cloth, 4
batch strings. 1.0
kein dyeing machine, 400 lb. Roll dyeing knit cloth, 20
batch 3.0 strings 3.5
Industrial Engineer,Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
346. Qeneral application. Motors are generally well adapted for driv-
B,pulp- and paper-making machinery where the source of power is steady
id reliable and will insure continuous operation of the plant. The choice
the grouping method (group drive), or the assembling of several machines
be driven by one motor through shafting and belting, and the unit method
ulividual drive), or the driving of each machine by its individual motor,
11be determined by local conditions of layout and the probability of one or
ore machines in a group requiring operation while others in that group
"^""ut down. Where machines can be assembled in groups that are easily
by short lines of shafting, the grouping method is more often to be
•ed. The motor units then become larger, and being fewer in number,
in the United States and Canada for paper- and pulp;mill practice, although
25 cycles is sometimes used where considerations outside the influence of the
pulp- or paper-mill proper demand attention; 50 cycles is the accepted stand-
[ard in Great Britain, and in some of the European countries.
) 362. Motor characteristics. Induction motors with short-circuited
irotors of the squirrel-cage type can be well recommended for most applica-
itions to paper-mill machinery where the units require a small amount of
power, ordinarily under 50 h.p., or in larger sizes when the motor can be
started and brought up to full speed under a light load. The starting of
large squirrel-cage motors draws heavily on the supply lines, and the selection
of large units of this type of motor should be influenced by the size of the
power-plant supplying energy to such motors. Unless the generating plant
capacity compared with the size of the motor units to be started,
.has large
.the heavy draft of energy will lower the voltage sufBciently to affect other
inutiirs that may
be in operation. In order to overcome the limitations of
MiuiTel-cage motors in tne larger sizes, motors of the wound-rotor or slip-
ins type may be
used. These are desirable when motors require starting
inilur full-load,when the units are large, or when automatic or remote control
.1 motors necessary.
is Synchronous motors are desirable in cases where the
uciuired starting torque is low, for the beneficial effect that they have
II the power-factor; when of larger capacity than the actual require-
iients for power, they can be used to raise a low power-factor. They are
iiitable for direct-connection to Jordan engines, and for motor-generators,
lit full consideration must be given to the available generator capacity
B.h.p. (motor
Amp. per
Power-factor efficiency,
phase [
90 per cent.)
Sec. 16-358 industrial motor applications
Fig. 39.
A 100-h.p. three-phase induction
motor, 330 rev. per min.
F — Agitators machine sti''
B — 16-in. by 18-in. vacuum (suc- G — Fourdrinier shake
tion box) pump.
C — 14-in. by 12-in. vacuum (suc- H— 6-in. centrifugal for baj
tion box) pump. water.
D— 8-in. fan pump (stock to screen). J— Three 12-plate screens.
E— 10-in. by 10-in. triplex stuff K— Rotary vacuum pump
pump. suction couch roll.
one wet machine, two screens, vacuum and centrifugal pump.s and shaftii j
Sec. 16-364 industrial motor applications
365. Derrick motor sizes. For this service, electric motors are used!
running at 1,200 r.p.ui. in the case of the small motors and as low as 450i
'j r.p.m. in the case of the largest mol'ors. Alternating-current motors are oft
the slip-ring induction type, the direct-current motors being either series orj
compound wound. The range of sizes is:
371. Hydraulic dredges. A typical dredge has a centrifugal pump with
20-in. diameter single suction and 20-in. discharge. The diameter of shell
and runner is made to suit the maximum total head pumped against. The
velocity in the pipe line is 12 ft. per sec, for ea.sily transported material and
as high as 16 and 18 ft. per sec. for heavy material containing flat stones.
The percentage of solids pumped varies from 5 per cent, to 20 per cent.,
depending upon material and distance pumped. The pump is direct con-
nected to a 750 to 1,000 h.p. variable-speed induction motor; synchronous
speed 360 r.p.m., slow speed 270 r.p.m. The winch with five drums is
driven by a 25 to 50 h.p., 600-r.p.m. variable-speed induction motr with
75 per cent, speed reduction. The cutter head driven by a 75 to 150 h.p..
600 r.p.m. variable-speed reversible motor. The motors are supplied with
2,200-volt, 3-phase, 60-cycle energy transformed from higher voltage on board
the dredge.
372. Dipper dredges are very similar to shovels except that they have
30 thrusting action and the digging cycle is longer. Very few electrical
;ypes are in use. The motor and control equipment is similar to that used
)n shovels. The backing line to the dipper is operated by an independent
notor or by the hoist motor. Provision is made for raising spuds and
'pinning up" by power.
373. Clamshell dredges. There are very few electrically operated
lamshell dredges. The stresses can be calculated exactly as they are lim-
ted to hoisting and swinging the loaded bucket. One type, has the swing-
ng circle and hull equipped so that it can be pinned up on spuds, the other
vith wide enough hull to roll with the load, the hoisting line swinging the
'lOom to one side and the bucket-opening line swinging the boom to the other
Side. The motor equipment and control are similar to those for shovels.
374. Bucket ladder dredges are used mostly for placer gold, tin and
latinum mining. Electricity is the ideal drive. The energy consumed per
ubic yard, excavated, washed and stacked varies from 1 to 1.75 kw.h.
'he usual equipment is 440-volt slip-ring induction motors. The digging
lotor is connected to the bucket drive by two belts and a jackshaft to take
,ae digging shocks off the motor. All motors except pump motors are of
pe variable-speed type with secondary resistance for continuous operation
|om 50 per cent, to full speed.
375. Motor sizes for bucket ladder dredges
Sec. 15-377 industrial motor applications
lessexpensive than the mill motors, are also successfully used, but the ave
age variable-speed motor has not the mechanical strength required by tl
severe service rnet in shovel work, and has too much fly-wheel effect to secu:
the rapid starting and stopping desired.
377. Shovel motor sizes
(Bucyrus Co.)
Type of shovel
Three systems are employed on the larger electric shovels, both railroad
type and revolving type (Par. 381 to 383).
381. Direct-current motors with rheostatic control. Direct-current
motor equipment is used with rheostatic control, low-voltage direct current
power being supplied to the shovel through flexible cables from an outside
source. This method of operation is well adapted to meet conditions where
the scope of operation is small and direct-current power is already available.
382. Direct-current motors with motor-generator set. Direct-
current motor equipment is used, low-voltage power being supplied by motor-
generator sets or synchronous converters located on the shovel, power being
supplied through flexible cables from a two-phase or three-phase alternating
current power system at 2,000 to 5,000 volts.
Where synchronous converters are used, control must be by rheostat
only. By the use of motor-generator sets these conditions are removed
and it is possible, by using a number of direct-current generators driven
by one alternating-current motor, to use Ward Leonard or field control,
thus eliminating rheostatic losses and securing several desirable operating
The motor-generator set consists of an alternating-current moror dri\'ing
one hoist, one swing and one thrust generator and one constant-voltage
generator for exciting the other generators and the alternating-current
driving motor if it should be a synchronous machine. The shunt fields of
the generators are regulated to vary the speed and torque of the shovel-
driving niotors. No resistance is used in connection with the motors for
reducing the voltage. Equipment of this kind may be operated at reduced
capacity, even with very poor supply, with either rheostatic or field control.
-By the use of the field control system, it is practicable to operate a large
shovel from a relatively small system without objectionable effect on the
!voltage regulation.
Where there
is any doubt as to the capacity or the quality of power serv-
should be investigated before purchasing electric shovels.
ice, this
383. Alternating-current motors with rheostatic control.
'phase or three-phase alternating-current motor equipment with rheostatic
leontrol is employed. Low-voltage alternating-current is supplied to the
'jhovel through flexible cables from an outside source.
'' This method is suitable where the scope of operation is small and Icw-
^ivoltage current is already available. It is also suitable for contractor's
HTork where the presence of high-voltage flexible cables might be objection-
ible. This same equipment may be used in connection with transformers
Bounted on the shovel, alternating-current pow'er being supplied at 2,000
'.o 5,000 volts through flexible cables.
This is undoubtedly the best solution of the problem on large operations
vith an adequate power supply. The
apparatus used is rugged and simple,
- )eing easily understood by the average
operating man. It has the minimum
lumber of rotating units and no commutators.
Another method is to use an alternating-current motor driving a single
;. lirect-current generator. Constant voltage is maintained at the generator
nd resistance is used in series with the hoist, the swing and the thrust
..yiiotors. This machine is less efficient than the others because it has both
jb»»QOtor-generator set and rheostatic losses. It has been given up largely in
iftavor of the field-control machine.
-I' 38i. Type of control. Regardless of which plan of electrification is
sed, the control is generally of the unit switch type except on very small
iirators, as desired.
385. Limitation of motor torque. A motor, being capable of sustain-
g large overloads, would cause an abnormally large amount of mechanical
pairs on the shovel if its torque were not limited. The safe overload
paoity of a motor large enough for the drive is beyond the overload capac-
')f the shovel consistent with good operation. This is due to the fact
' for continuous operation of the shovel the continuous rating and not
^overload rating, determines whether or not the motor is large enough.
Sec. 15-386 industrial motor applications
With rheostatic control, the motor torque is limited on the hoist, should
the dipper strike harder material, by "jamming" relays which open th«
accelerating switches, thus inserting resistance in the circuit aud holding
the torque below predetermined maximum at any speed. In this manner
the shovel operator retains control of the motor, and its torque is not inter
rupted, nor is time lost, as would result if a circuit breaker were dependec
upon. Accelerating relays are used to limit the accelerating peaks of all
With the direct-current field control shovel, where a separate generato|
supphes each shovel motion, the overload is Umited by using a differential
compound-wound field in the generator.
386. Special features. On the large electric machines, the dippers ar<
dumped by small torque motors instead of by hand, as on steam shoveb
With the exception of the smaller machines, the brakes for stopping an<
holding the various motions are air operated and automatically controlled
The smaller sizes of machines usually take the current aboard at less tha:
600 volts, and the larger sizes at the higher voltages, 2,300 and 4,000 voltf
With the higher voltages, the ground cable is usually of the armored three
conductor type. Cable reels are sometimes used on the machines.
387. Regenerative control is used on some of the 300-ton shovels whe
the dipper dumps at a height of 60 ft. above the surface upon which tli
shovel stands.
388. Choice of equipment. The proper equipment to use will depenj
almost wholly upon local conditions. Motors are usually geared to shov^
mechanisms in such manner that they will operate continuously over j
given cycle without overheating. When geared in this way, the motors a
392. Raw materials. Various raw materials are used for various styl;
of bricks, as noted in Par. 393 to 396. Brick-making clays, shales, et
vary greatly in their natures and the individual raw material to be US'
should be carefully studied, analyzed and experimented with by an exp<i
which high-speed centrifugal pumps direct-connected to squirrel-cage,
alternating-current motors with moisture-proof windings outclass all other
methods. A sUmp is located at a convenient point and a motor-driven
pump, or pumps, are installed so as to take water from this sump. Each
pump should have its own suction pipe equipped with a foot-valve. It isl
important to place a check valve adjacent to the pump, at the bottom of thei
discharge leading away from the pumps, to prevent water hammer bursting!
the pumps at time of stoppage.
400. Manufacturing plant. All brick-making machines are slow mov-|
ing and require relatively high torque on the clay-handling element. Ea
granulator, pug mill, battery of dry pans and augur brick machine requi]
an operator and the machines require frequent starting and stopping
account of uneven flow of clay through various units, so that it is commfl
practice to equip each of these machines with a friction clutch under contr
of the machine operator. , , .
The fact that as a general rule the main machines of a common-clay bn«
plant operate as a unit, wherein the stoppage of any machine for repairs
necessitates the stoppage of all other machines in the general line of manu-
facture, makes these plants almost ideal for driving from a main line shaft
driven by a synchronous motor.
In the past these plants have generally been driven by a single engine
unit, which has resulted in brick machines being designed so that, with
machines set properly for clay delivery to the next unit, their driving belts
lead off toward a main shaft location. Two lines of machines have been
developed, a single-reduction-gear line of machines for use with high-speed
main shafts, and a double-reduction-gear line of machines for use with slow-
speed main shafts.
401. Motor drives. If individual motor drive is used, double^reductioii
gear machines or jack-shafts are necessitated, with attendant higher first
cost and operating expenses. An individual motor drive does not eUminatc
the use of a friction clutch, on account of the desirability for quick starting
and stopping. The use of a main shaft, some 40 ft. long even in moder-
ately large plants, enables advantage to be taken of the use of single-reduc-
tion-gear machines and a single motor unit, with resultant low first cost and
operating expenses. With standard layouts it is always possible to extcnc-
the main shaft to the driving motor located in a small room outside the briol.
plant, thereby greatly improving the conditions under which the motoi
operates. If the plant consists of two or more brick-making sections oprr
ating independently, separate driving motors should be used on the differciK
While the above applies to the main plant, there are individual units that
require individual motors. Where dry pans are used for grinding shale or
refractory rock they will in all probability be so located that a separat« J
motor will be required for that unit. Individual slip-ring motors can be |
used for dry pans, or a single motor can be made to drive a group witb(
about equally satisfactory results. .
The main "off-bearing belt" (at times 150 ft. long, operating at nghi
angles to the drives of the rest of the plant and requiring to be driven V
its remote end) can be profitably driven by a separate motor. A slip^
ring motor should be used, as the starting load is heavy after any intwit
ruption has stopped the belt when loaded with brick. It is advantageowj
to equip this motor with a self-starter under control of the operator at th<
auger brick machine. . , , a '
Hot-air fans for driers should be equipped with individual motors. SotM
plant managers demand variable-speed control of fan motors. It is th^
author's opinion that perhaps some large plants are benefited by the UBJ
of two-speed motors, but that in the average plant all air regulation shoulc
be by means of a damper or gate in the fan discharge. It is advantageput
to equip fan motors with automatic starters having a phase-failure featUTf,
because they are operated without attendance.
Oil pumps for burning kilns, transfer cars, machine shop, etc., shoul(
have their separate motors, in accordance with standard practice in otnei
402. Voltage of electric drive. Unquestionably 440-volt, 3-phMe
alternating-current service provides the best motor voltage for a brick pl»nv
The larger motor units are too large for 220 volts and not large enough if.
warrant 2,200 volts. All parts of the plant will be within the radius of
440-volt distribution, except perhaps the drag line excavator used for strip-
ping and the shovel used for digging clay.
403. Purchased power. If power is purchased from a central stationi
the voltage at which the central station company brings its wires to the brick
plant has a great deal to do with the design of the distribution system about
the brick plant.
If power is brought to the brick plant at a voltage higher than 6,600 volts,
it should come to a single transformer station where it is reduced to the work-
ing voltage. If no excavators or shovels are used, a single bank of trans-
formers reducing to 440 volts can be used. If large size excavators and
shovels are used, it will often be of advantage to purchase untransformed
current; install one bank of transformers for manufacturing plant and other
power within 440-volt radius; install a second bank of transformers reducing
to 2,200 volts, delta; extend an easily moved or semi-portable 2,200-volt
line to portable banks of transformers on trucks adjacent to and pulled by
the excavator and shovel; or if the excavator and shovel are operated by
direct current with a 2,200-volt motor-generator set, the 2,200-volt line can
be terminated on the excavator or shovel.
If the central station power is brought to the brick plant at 2,200 volts,
4,000 volts or 6,600 volts, it is sometimes of advantage to purchase untrans-
formed current and extend a line at that voltage to various parts of the
property, installing transformer banks adjacent to the main motor drive,
fan house, pump house, excavator and shovel.
404. Private generating plant. Although, as stated above, 440 volts
s the best niotor voltage for a brick plant, the generating voltage of an elec-
,ric plant installed to serve a brick plant will depend upon local conditions.
the conveyor belt will not sag between rollers when loaded, as the power
reqmred to drive the belt increases very rapidly as the belt sags between
413. Auger machine. This requires from 40 to 250 h.p. depending on
the work to be done.
414. Bepress machines demand from 3 to 5 h.p.
416. OS-bearing belt. This will require from 7.5 to 15 h.p.
416. Transfer cars require from 7.5 to 10 h.p.
417. Fans consume from 15 to 50 h.p., depending upon the si«e.
418. Machine shop. The power demand varies from 5 to 10 h.p.
419. Oil pumps require from 5 to 15 h.p.
with self-
Fio. 42.— Enclosed
service switch,
Fio. 43. —Starter-
contained line switch.
1,600 10-
52 in.X65 in. 1,500 12
52 in.X67 in. 1,550 12.5
Sec. 16-425 industrial motor applications
iS6. Kotary lithographic presses require substantially the same equip-
ment as flat-bed (cylinder) presses, except that they should have one more
inching station for washing up and making ready, and the controller should
be reversible to assist in taking off blankets and forms. Offset presses under
this classification, where provided with Dexter automatic feeders, should
have a feeder-clutch switch for automatically slowing down when the feeder
clutch trips out.
426. Power required by rotary lithog^raphic presses
Zinc or aluminum
Fig. 50. —
master switch.
Fig. 51.—
Single button
Fig. 52. Two Fig. 53.— Two
button switch, button switch
switch. showing guard
427. Rotary typogrraphical presses (not newspaper or magazine
presses) require thesame equipment as rotary lithographic presses. Par. 428.
428. Embossing: presses require moderate-speed motors from 1 to 10
h.p. Direct-current motors should be compound wound with about 50
per cent, shunt field variation. Alternating-current motors should be of'
the sUp-ring type with 50 per cent, speed reduction by resistance. Dynamic
braking is not required.
429. Folders require motors of 0.5 to 3 h.p. Direct-current motors
should have 50 per cent, speed reduction by resistance and 20 per cent, shunt
field control; dynamic braking is not required. Alternating-current motors
should be of the slip-ring type, with 50 per cent, speed reduction by resis-
tance. No brake is required.
430. Paper cutters are started without load, except a heavy fly wheel,
and require constant-speed motors of 1 to 5 h.p. For direct current a com-
pound motor is required with self starter and enclosed service switch for
starting and stopping. For alternating current a squirrel-cage motor is
required, thrown directly on the line from the service switch.
3 fe'? o
;a 2
Manager, Milling Machinery Depl., Allis-Chaltners Manufacturing Co. \
433. Drive. While a flour mill contains many separate machines, thed
machines must run as a unit, and it is not profitable from a commercial stand
point to drive each machine with a separate motor.
434. Machines included. A flour mill may be considered divisibP
as follows: (a) The roller mills or grinders; (b) bolting and purifyin
machinery, lofting elevators, conveyors and all the machinery in the mi
proper above the roller floor; (c) the wheat cleaning department, and in tb
larger mills the wheat receiving machinery; (d) on navigable water, th
marine leg. All the car pullers, passenger and freight elevators are opciatt
from separate motors.
435. Power requirements of individual machines
Mill proper
Wheat-cleaning department
H.p. each H.p. total)
1 No. 4 comp shake Dbl receiving separator. 8
2 No. 5 comp shake Dbl receiving separator. 20
8 No. 90 milling separator 80
1 No. 7 automatic magnetic separator .125 0.126
1 No. 8 standard aut. magnetic separator. . .125 0.12SI
2 No. 10 standard aut. magnetic separator. .375 0.75
1 No. 8 2 high scourers 40
2 No. 9 2 high scourers 100
1 No. 31 dust collec. for grinder 0.33
3 No. 32 dust collec. for grinder 1
4 No. 33 dust collec. for grinder 1.33
1 No. 36 dust collec. for grinder 0.33 1
16 conveyors , 6 ^ !
436. Types of motors. For the main driving motor in a flour mill,
rhere as much as 700 h.p. is concentrated in a single motor, a wound-
otor slip-ring induction motor with a secondary resistance starter is recom-
aended. The equipment should also include a primary panel containing
in oil switch with overload and no-voltage trips, in order to protect the motor
rom excessive overloads or from failure of voltage on the supply Une.
The smaller motors throughout the mill may be of the squirrel-cage type
if induction motor, equipped with a potential starter or compensator.
(anager Industrial Heating Section, Westinghouse Elect, and Manufacluring
Co., Member, American Institute of Electrical Engineers
438. Power requirements. With electric motors properly applied, the
»tlJ power consumption should not be over one-half of that required for
eani-engine-driven factories. The machines of the types mentioned in
ar. 439 to 466 inclusive, vary in size according to the individual require-
ents, but the examples cited will serve as a guide as to the average,
489. Beet lift. Sixteen feet diameter by 2 ft. wide, with 33 buckets 12 in.
:ep, making 4 rev. per min., driven by pinion meshing with 8 ft. gear on
t;10 h.p. required, at constant speed, with high starting torque.
440. Beet washer. Six feet diameter by 18 ft. long, with thirty-two 24-in.
ms or paddles. Shaft makes 14 rev. per min.; 7.5 h.p. required, at constant-
eed and with a moderate starting torque.
441. Beet elevator. Thirty-four buckets, 22 in. wide by 17 in. deep,
shaped; 70 to 120 ft. per min.; 10 to 20 h.p. required, at constant speed,
th moderate starting torque.
442. Beet slicer. Capacity 50 tons per hr., 55 rev. per min.; 25 h.p.
luired, at constant speed, wath high starting torque.
443. Cossette conveyor. Capacity 60 tons per hr., belt 12 in. wide by
5 ft. long; belt speed, 250 ft. per min.; 5 h.p. required, at constant speed,
th light starting torque.
144. Sugar mixers. Shaft 50 ft. long, 12-in. paddles, speed 1.5 rev. per
u ; 10 h.p. required, at constant speed, with moderate starting torque.
145. Tube mill or granulator; 6 ft. diameter by 30 ft. long, 10 rev. per
n.; 10 h.p. required, at constant speed, with high starting torque.
146. Bagging machinery. Bag-sewing machine, requires 2 h.p.; bag
I cker, requires 3 h.p.
147. Pumps. Hydraulic gasket pump, for operating doors on bottom of
<:usion batteries, requires 5 h.p. Carbonation pump, 450 gal. per min.,
lb. pressure, requires 25 h.p. Thick juice pumps, 450 gal. per min., 30
I pressure, requires 10 h.p.
48. Crystallizers. Ten feet diameter by 16 ft. long; paddles 4.5 ft. long
furod to driving shaft which makes one revolution in 5 min. The
Iver required varies considerably during the cycle of operation, the amount
I uired at the completion of the operation being almost double that re-
tred at the start. For this reason the machines are best driven in groups-
ctrom four to eight, by one motor. For driving an individual machine,
Sec. 15-449 industrial motor applications
from 2.5 to 3 h.p. is required at the beginning of the cycle, and 5 h.p. at the
end. Since the complete operation may require 60 hr., a motor must
have sufficientcapacity to operate at maximum capacity continuously,
with individual drive. Where crystaUizers are driven in groups of from
four to eight machines, 3 h.p. per crystallizer will be sufficient.
449. Centrifugals. The sugar centrifugal is one of the most important
machines in sugar making, the operating conditions of which are very severe
due to the inertia of the load and the cycle of operation. The time required
for the complete spinning process varies with the grade of sugar. Ordinarily
one man can operate two centrifugals on granulated sugar and up to four
centrifugals on white sugar. When these machines are to be individually
driven the cycle of operation must be known, as the rating of the motors
will depend upon the root-mean-square value of the power requirements,
and the torque required for accelerating in a given time.
450. Average cycle of operation of group-driven centrifugals with
fine grranulated sugar. The average time required is as follows: filling,
one-fourth speed, 30 sec; accelerating, one-fourth to full speed, 10 sec; full
speed, 120 sec. power off, retarding by braking, 20 sec revolving at about 25
; ;
Manager, Troy Laundry Machinery Co., Ltd.; Member, Ameri-
ssistant Sales
can Society of Mechanical Engineers
457. Advantage of electric drive. The power laundry with its large
amber of different machines can employ electric drive to great advantage,
he elimination of belts reduces the friction load of the plant, premits the
mvenient location of the different machines to reduce handling expenses,
.sures cleanliness and light, reduces danger of accidents and finally decreases
.e operating cost. From a number of tests all over the country this saving
operating cost appears to be from 25 to 30 per cent. Alternating-current
ilyphase induction motors are recommended wherever possible.
'458. Use of steam in processes. When introducing electric drive in
y laundry it must be kept in mind that a laundry requires a large amount
; steam for drying and for the heating and boiling of water. This question
important in the controversy regarding the generation of electrical energy
rsus its purchase from a central station. In the latter event, steam must
produced independently of the source of power. In the majority of
368 it will pay the laundry to have its own power plant, therby having the
oduction of hot water as a by product of the generating plant. A careful
idy of conditions should be made, however, in order to determine which
^thod is the most economical.
169. Classification. Laundries may be divided into three groups: (a)
')se doing family work only; (6) institution laundries (hotels and hospitals)
laundries doing railroad or steamship work only.
Each of these groups
ji a different requirement for steam in amounts which can be expressed
iterms of the horse-power requirements. Thus, for group (a) the number
i.pounds of steam used per hour could be expressed 1.2 times the horse
I'ver for that group; for group (6) 1.4 times the noree power; and for group
(.1.8 times the horse power.
60. Method of drive. Group-drive of laundry machines is, generally
Baking, not desirable, for the reason that the groups must contain machines
Vich are not in constant use, and therefore the operating expense could
p be reduced as satisfactorily. The table below gives the machine groups
ii their proper sequence for the three classes of work done in the laundry.
el cylinder. The goods are placed therein and subjected to the action
c wash solution. To prevent tangling of the wash it is necessary that
b 1331
Sec. 16-462 industrial motor applications
using very short belts, with a consequent large loss of power. It isi
washers are probably the best for the purpose, but their success depeinl
upon the method of control u.sed. In these installations the motor is usuall
mounted on a bracket attached to the machine, for gear drive. On alter
nating current the use of wound rotor motors is recommended, and on (h
direct current the use of interpoles is imperative.
466. Timers for reversing washer motors. An auxiliary motor f'
timing is sometimes used to drive one or more controllers, which are constant I
rotating and making the proper connections with the individual motor
Individual and mechanically operated timers are also used, the timer boiti
actuated by the revolutions of the cylinder axle; or any other contiiniall
rotating part of the machine. The timer station operates a delay whicli i
turn controls the reversing contactors. The load factor of this group varii
between 55 and 60 per cent.
466. Extractors are machines employed to remove the water fron •'
goods after washing. This is done by placing the pieces in a perfoi
basket and revolving the basket at a very liigh speed, whereupon the v
is thrown out by centrifugal force.
467. Extractor speeds
Sec. 16-472 industrial motor applications
current motors should be compound-wound, with about 20 to 25 per cent
compounding. On alternating-current circuits plain squirrel-cage motonj
give good results. The load factor of motors driving tumblers is 60 per centi
472. fiaiupeners are machines used to moisten all starched goods aft
drying and prior to the ironing process. A large number of machines t
on the market, the table below (Par. 473) giving some of the more promin|
ones. No special features are required of the motors, and the load fa
varies between 45 and 55 oer cent.
473. Power requirements of dampeners
(o) Collar and cuff dampeners
55 per cent.
476. Power requirements of collar and cuff finishing machines
485. Flat work ironers or mangles are used to dry and iron flat work
>y passing the goods under pressure over heated rolls or chests. With rolls,
me or more aprons may be used to insure perfect contact of the goods over
he heated surfaces, and while not essential, this may also be done where
hests are used. Nearly all machines of this class must be arranged to
I eliver goods at varying speeds, and the problem of motor selection must be
arefully worked out in detail. The data given below represent the average
esults of a large number of tests.
486. Power requirements of flatwork ironers
Troy gas ironer v,. . 0.6 h.p., constant speed
iTroy handkerchief ironer. 0.5 h.p., constant speed
Troy addition 2, 3, 4 chest. 0.75 h.p., armature control
Troy addition 5.6 chest i
1.5 h.p., armature control
,Troy triplex No. 1 1.0 h.p., armature and field control
Troy triplex No. 2 1.5 h.p., armature and field control
Troy triplex No. 3 2.0 h.p., armature and field control
Troy five roll (8-in. rolls) 1.0 h.p., armature control
Troy five roll (12-in. rolls) 2 . h.p., armature or 3 to 1 field con-
sizes above i-h.p. upon applications where the starting torque required;
high and the lowest possible starting current is necessary. They are largd
used for pump.s, meat grinders, air compressors, etc. |
applications must be such that a wide variation of speed with torque lo; f
certain types of fans and blowers, electric tools, and domestic sewing ni
chines. The small portable vacuum cleaner which employs a blower
usually operated by this type of motor.
493. Service rating of motors. Obviously a motor which is requir.
operate under load for short intervals will not attain the temperature rt m
when operating at a similar load continuously. Consequently, for i
mittent service, smaller motors may be employed than for continuous sii
However, where the motor is frequently started and stopped, thoimi
aggregate running time is small compared to the idle time, the heating
become excessive due to the frequent inrush of currentincident to startii
The simplest method of arriving at the proper motor capacity is by acti
trial of a sample motor, subjecting it to a cycle of operations which will
equivalent to the most severe service conditions.
494. Split-phase motor characteristics. In analyzing the pi"
torque* characteristics and other features of split-phase mo tors for pur t>i
• Torque measured with brake-arm and scales at 1 ft. radius.
Sec. 15-496 industrial Motor applications
(1) 03 o 03 0)
.^.^ - - a - ^ ^ a a n.a.B-cc-
.9"". 9. 2 9"'"' 9.9.9 9 9.9'".9'"'.9"".9""'"""
- - -
fl.-..^ „
-H 1-1 N <N "C
O 3 SS
3 3 S"* 3 3'S 3 3'^ 3 3 3'^ 3 S'S'^'^ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
-dTSTJTJ-a-a gT3-0 g-C-C g-OT3T3 gT3T3 g g gT3T3T3T5T3T3-!3-C
t*» ^ r*» P^^ »>l"" •^^.-^
> *^ >~ <i'o'0«T!
"^ ^ »*)^" _4 —^ "^ ^
^ri-« ^ r*l S*i ^ r^i ^.
n-4 fv^
> > > > t> >*3T3'W4i*J4:> ^"O ^ ^ ^ ^ j, >
c8 c« cs 05 S c«-S,cs g-S,9 9-5,9 ca si-sS g-S-S-Sos 9 « =« "S «« * *
CO o
S 0.2.2
• 33 -5^^ 03 o! p;
. "^
3£ 2 2 2 2ie_5 £ 2 £=3:s
£ 3 £ sss £ aos"^ Sis'S-Ta
I- « »
f?^ £ " S.a
497. Starting torque. Since the starting torque and the pull-out or
maximum torque of a small split-phase induction motor are limiting features,
:are should be taken that the motor selected will start the driven machine
under the severest conditions of torque. The starting torque varies approxi-
mately as the square of the applied voltage, and any reduction in voltage
;aused by the inrush of currentiucident to starting, and possibly emphasized
by insufficient wiring or transformer. capacity in commercial circuits, reduces
very materially the starting torque delivered by the motor. It is customary
to select a motor which will start the driven machine at a voltage of approxi-
mately 80 per cent, of the normal circuit voltage.
The starting torque and the maximum running torque can be found by
Tiultiplying the full-load torque by the proper constants. For example,
f the starting torque of the particular motor considered in Par. 49S is 1.5
rimes the full-load torque, its value will be 1.5X36.5 = 55 oz-ft. Like-
vise if the maximum running torque of the motor is 2.5 times the full-load
orque, its value will be 2.5X36.5 = 91 oz-ft. These constants must
)e determined from the characteristic curves of the individual motor. Fig. 41
'..ESTER, Bernard. —
>vember, 1912; Vol. IX, No. 11.
"Fractional Horse-Power Motor," Load, Proc, A. I.
E., Vol. XXXIV, page 385.
.ESTER, Bernard.
-irnal, Feb.,
"Electric Drive in Domestic Engineering," £/ec<rtc
Oellen-badgh, F. S., Jr. —
"Split-Phase Motor Starting Switches," Electric
"irnal. May,
A'ebbr, C. a. M.
1, May, 1917.
"Winding Small Single-Phase Motors," Electric Jour-
Feeler, V. M. —
"Domestic Engineering," Electric Journal, June, 1917.
MiTH, H. B.
, 1918.
"Motor Drive in the Preparation of Food," £iec<ric /ourna/,
n 1 '
Engineer, The Ctitler- Hammer Manufacturing Co., Fellow, American lhst,;ui
of Electrical Engineer
Electrical Engineer, The CtUler- Hammer Manufacturing Co., Fellow, America
Institute of Electrical Engineers; Member American Society of Mechanical
Engineers '
ith a switching device for removing this resistance in one or more steps.
1 and moderate capacities the switching device generally employed
ir short-circuiting the starting resistance, consists of a lever movable across
a series of successively
manually operated
t •
k KK
vitches seems to be preferred
/ most controller manufac-
irers. Interlocks are usually
ovided which prevent the
Dsure of such starting
/itches in any other than
eirregular order. Fig. 56
ows typical starters of this
;S04. Apportionment of
'sistance in direct-current
arters. Fig. 57 shows the
irtiug current required by a
eet-current motor, it being
3umed that a step of resis-
ice is cut out each time the
rrent falls to a predeter- Fig. 57. — Direct-current motor starting
ned value. For equal start- current.
: peaks the resistance must = Current peak.
^ divided unequally, the = Current just before a step of resistance
pper ratio between succes.sive is cut out.
sps being a geometrical pro- = Running current.
( ssion. The resistances of = Total resistance.
< steps, as well as the current = External or starting resistance.
uks which will obtain, may = Re.?i.-5tance of motor and its connec-
jdetermined graphically from tions,
^:.57, where Ji =initial in- ri, rj, . . . , rn =Resistance of starting steps.
•h; J2 =
current at which_ a
Sp of starting resistance is removed; /a = running current; ro = resistance
< motor and its connections; i? = external starting resistance. The ratios
cprogression with various numbers of starting steps, n, and for various
*ues of a (whic
Sec. 15-505 industrial motor applications
The above takes no account of motor impedance or armature accelcratii'
and, for this reason, practical results may be quite different from the
calculated. The current-carrying capacities of starter resistances a
proportioned for short-time duty; this determination of carrying capacity
more a matter of experience than calculation.
605. Star-delta switches for starting alternating-current motor
are used in connection with specially designed, three-phase, squirrel-oa
motors whose windings a
^*''" adapted for connection in st
during acceleration and .
often equipped with no- voltage release, the magnet in such instances bei ;
motors which start as repulsion machines. They are of the same gene!^
form as those employed with direct-current motors, except, of course, tk *
they must provide for the inclusion and removal of resistance from two lir^
instead of one. Since polyphase motors require greater starting currerj
when started by the primary-resistance method than when induction start* j
are employed, primary re.sistance is not often resorted to in any except t (|
small capacities. Its one advantage over the induction type of starter 1
in its lower first cost and its greater simplicity. The single-phase startij
are often equipped with no-voltage release, the no-voltage coil being cc j
nected across the line. Polyphase resistance starters are usually of 1 j
drum-controller type with one or two steps of resistance per motor phas*"]
508. Induction starters for alternating-current motors are mc j{
connecting the stator winding, first across reduced potential obtained fri j
the starting transformer, then directly to the line. In large capacities tb t
induction starters are often arranged to operate in three or more steps, tt',ii
reducing the current surges. For moderate-capacity machines they i
generally designed to connect the stator first across transformer taps whi:
deliver from 50 per cent, to 80 per cent, of line potential, and then to the m
Induction starters are almost invariably arranged to disconnect the startir
transformer windings from the line in all positions except the starting positio-*
Induction starters are also arranged to short-circuit the individual runni
fuses during starting. Sometimes the starting current is taken throu
auxiliary starting of heavy capacity, but in most instances the nw>i.
are unprotected during starting. This class of starter is now almost ii
ably equipped with no-voltage release, and often with overload releasi .
replaces the fuses. The overload release generally takes the form of ovn
relays which are adapted to open the circuit containing the no-voli
release magnet; this allows the switching mechanism to open the mm'
circuit. Where overload release is employed, the overload relays are indi-
vidually short-circuited during starting. Fig. 59o is a connection diagram
for a typical induction starter with no-voltage release and Jprotected with
fuses, while Fig. 596 shows the same device supplied with overload release.
In large plants one bank of starting transformers is sometimes employed
for starting all motors, and a five-wire system is installed. Where this
arrangement is employed the motors are first connected to a common line
nd two starting lines, and then directly to the distributing mains, Fig. 60
a position
3ondary resistance
a slip-ring
)pped at frequent inter-
Fig. 60. —
Five-wire system of starting
alternating-current motors.
Is, the primary switch
,d the secondary resistance commutating device are often connected to a
gle control lever, so that, as the latter is moved from the "off" position
jvard the full-speed position, the primary circuit is first closed and then
! secondary resistance is removed step by step.
The characteristics of motors with which secondary-resistance starters
employed have so much influence upon the design of the resistance that
Fia. 64. — Starting device using the series switch of Fig. 63.
116. A
series switch operating: magrnet is shown in Fig. 63; this piece
< apparatus is designed to accomplish the current-limit acceleration of
'8ct-current motors. The .series switch is operated by an electromagnet,
'ich, as the name of the device indicates, may be connected in series with
> motor. The magnetic circuit enclosing this winding may be of jthe
® — SO ^^ ^ S M^ n^
eferring to the diagram. Fig. 66, which covers a simple starter consisting
rthree magnetic lock-out switches, it will be noted that when the line circuit
closed, the motor current passes from the positive line through the two
ndings of the first magnetic lock-out switch, thence through three sec-
ins of starting resistance to the armature of the motor to be started. As
•ig as the current passing through these windings is in excess of a prede-
-mined and adjustable value, the restraining force exerted by the lower or
'^king-out magnet will exceed the attractive force exerted by the upper or
•sing magnet, and the switch will maintain an open-circuit position. When
^ current has fallen below this predetermined value, the upper or closing
11 II ICie . /ii
and are then thrown directly on the line. Fig. 67 shows a typical starter of
this class. A very similar starter is employed for the control of secondary
starting resistance, the removal of the starting resistance being accomplished
after a predetermined time interval. Both induction and primary-resistance
self staiters of the current-limit type are manufactured, but have not proven
as satisfactory as the time-acceleration type on account of the low starting
torque of squirrel-cage motors, and the possibility of their being so loaded
that they will not accelerate sufficiently to enable a cuirent-limit type of
starter to change from starting to running position. Fig. 68 shows a current-
limit acceleration controller for use in connection with an alternating-current
shp-ring motor. This controller consists of a primary contactor and two
secondary resistance contactors, all of which are double-pole type. The
opeiation of the primary contactor may be controlled by a pressure regulator,
a float switch, or a simple snap switch. The secondary resistance switches
are arranged for successive operation, and are governed by two 3-phase,
secondary series relays, which are arranged to halt acceleration whenever th«
motor current exceeds the value for which they are adjusted.
619. Direct-current speed regulators. The speed of direct-current
motors may be varied in two ways: first, by varying the potential impressed
at the armature terminals, the field strength remaining constant (the speed
of a direct-current rnotor operating at constant field will be directly propor-
tional to the voltage impressed on its armature terminals) second, by varying
the field strength, the voltage at the armature remaining constant. The
speed of a motor whose armature potential remains unchanged, will be in-
versely proportional to the field strength. Speed control can also be obtained
Dy a combination of the two methods just mentioned.
There are many ways in which the armature potential may be varied, the
•nost common being to insert a resistance in the armature circuit; the IR
Irop, across this resistance serves to reduce the voltage impressed upon the
vrmature. This method is open to the objections that it is inefficient and
hat the IR drop varies with the motor load; consequently the regulation is
lot good and only a limited range of regulation can be obtained. Assuming
a motor to be operating
under full-load torque,
about 125 per cent, of full-
load current will be re-
quired to start it, and the
amount of resistance which
will permit such a current
inrush will give 75 per
cent, reduction in arma-
ture e.m.f. and speed with
full-load torque and cur-
rent. It may therefore be
said that 4 to 1 is the
aWW\^ maximum speed range
which it is possible to ob-
tain satisfactorily by the ar-
Fig. 69. — Ward-Leonard system of direct- mature-resistance method,
and that in many cases
current control.
3 to 1 will be the maxi-
um range obtainable. The regulation with this method at reduced speed,
der variable loads, is so poor as to make armature-resistance speed regula-
m impracticable for any but constant-load work.
520. The Ward-Leonard system of direct-current control is well
apted for wide range, and has good regulation. Fig. 69 is a connection
'.gram for a typical system of this class. "G-1" and "G-2" are two
.lerators, one of which is self-exciting, and furnishes current for the fields of
:i-2|| and the niotor " M." By means of rheostat, " R," the voltage of
y2" can be varied, and the speed of "M" will be correspondingly varied.
;e regulation of such a system is very good, through a wide range of control,
U becomes unsatisfactory only when the comparatively small IR drop in
t armatures " G-2 " and " M" and the connections between them, becomes a
156 percentage of the total potential generated by "G-2" (Par. 641, No. 4).
some distance from a motor, also that the field strength can easily be increase
to normal during starting.
The extent to which the speed of a motor can be <varied by field contri
depends upon its design. Generally speaking, a standard machine wi
seldom commutate well if its speed is increased in this manner more than L
per cent., while specially designed inter-pole motors have been built for spci
ranges as great as 10 to 1. On account of their good inherent regulation :ii
their high efficiency at all speeds, field-control motors are almost universal
employed where speed control of direct-current motors is required.
623. A combination of armature-resistance and field control m:
be used to advantage where reduced speeds are required for comparativr
short periods, and the expense of installation can be materially reduc
by such procedure. It will also be found where a wide range of speed
required in connection with the Ward-Leonard system (Par. 641, No. ^ 1
Fig. 67, that it will be advisable to regulate the field strength of the moi"
well as that of the generator.
624. Self-starting speed regulators. In machine-tool practice, -
starters are used to start and stop machines whose speeds are adjustable 1>\
regulator controlling the motor fields. Such self starters may beequipi"
with a vibratory field-regulating relay, the winding of which is connc ;
in series with the motor armature. When the armature current reaeh
predetermined value this relay will short-circuit the field rheostat, '
increasing the motor field strength to normal. The field strength is contii
at normal until the armature current decreases sufficiently to allow the i
to drop, thus inserting the field resistance and increasing the armature cm
because of the reduced counter e.m.f. Increase in armature current i-n
the relay again to short-circuit the field rheostat, and the relay continue-
vibrate, alternately short-circuiting and cutting in tlie field resistance, im
the motor has accelerated to such an extent that the field resistance may
left in circuit without causing the armature to take a current in excess of i
relay setting.
where S is the synchronous speed in rev. per min.; Pi is the number of pole
of motor "A;" Pi is the number of poles of motor "B." The plus sig:
should be used when, the motors are in direct concatenation, and the minu
sign when in differential concatenation. The diagram in Fig. 61 shows th
connections for a cascade system.
Motor B
Motor A
a hub which is mounted on the shaft to be braked, to which hub are keyt
one or more discs and a stationary frame, in which are carried, by means >
keys, two or more stationary discs. Normally the rotating discs are clampi
between the stationary discs by the action of a spring, and by means ()l :
electromagnet this spring can be compressed and the pressure on the fricii
discs relieved.
636. Shoe brake. A typical shoe brake differs from the band brako <
in that the movable friction face is in the form of a shoe rather than in
form of a band. These shoe brakes are also made for alternating-current or
direct-current service.
636. Advantages of the various types. The disc brake has the advan-
tage, over either other type, of imposing no side strains on the shaft to which
Sec. 16-539 industrial motor applications
wound solenoid, "B," is adapted to release this mechanical brake wheni
hoisting or lowering is taking place. In the "off" position, the circuits to!
both motor and brake solenoid are open, and consequently the mechanical
brake is set. In the lowering positions the motor field and the brakeJ
solenoid are connected across the line in series with a variable resistance;]
the motor armature is bridged across the field and the brake solenoid. Aw
the control lever is advanced toward the full-speed lowering position, the!
resistance included in the field-brake circuit is increased until all the resis-i
tance is inserted. Further movement increases the resistance included be-|
tween the armature and the series field until the armature is finally connected*
directly to the line. The higher the resistance included in the armature!
circuit, the greater will be the speed at which a given load will descend; andj
the lower the value of resistance included, the lower will be the descendingj
speed. Should the descending load be insufficient to overhaul the motor, thw
latter will run as a shunt-wound machine, and actually drive the hoist drumej
in a reverse direction, paying out line to the descending hook. For sendinifl
a light hook down at high speed, the series field is weakened by shunting. |
639. Dynamic braking of direct-current motors for the purpose of^
eSecting a quick stop is employed quite extensively in connection with,
elevators, printing presses and machine tools, centrifugal extractors, etc
The arrangement generally provided consists of a switching appliance foi
connecting a fixed step of resistance across the terminals of the motor arma-
ture after the line circuit is interrupted. As a result of this procedure the
motor acts as a generator and serves to retard and stop the machine which il
were not employed, it does not provide for the quickest stopping that cai
be obtained; it is obvious at once that as the motor speed decreases, the poten
tial generated by its armature correspondingly decreases, and. the reductior ,
in current which the armature will send through the fixed step of resistanci
results in a gradual diminution of the braking force, until it reaches zen
when the armature stops.
Inductive resistance is often employed in the braking circuit for the imr
Cose of prolonging the period during which the braking current remains ;i
igh value, and quicker stoppage can be effected by its use. Where th
quickest possible stop is desired, a variable resistance should be connect! >
ment, the braking current can be maintained at a high value throughout th' i
entire stopping period, and much faster results obtained than are possible b; i
any other method. In the interest of economy the starting resistance an( -
braking. Thus the same apparatus which is used to limit the current o i
only when direct-current is available for their excitation; the method i •'^
seldom used, for this reason. For quick stopping, the reversal of the primar; i
and does not require direct current. For the retardation of dcscendin
loads it has not been very popular, largely on account of the general unpopu ;
page 42.
2. "Automatic Motor Control for Direct-current Motors." Trang. A-
&1S. E. E., 1911, page 25.
3.* Crocker, F. B. — "Electric Motor Regulation." A. I. E. E., Vol.
page' 237.
4. Leonard, H. Ward.
"Volts, vs. Ohms." Trans. A. I. E. E., \
XIII, page 377.
5. Storer, N. W.
"Three-wire System for Variable Speed Motor Work
Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XX, page 127.
6. Spbcht, H. C. —
"Induction Motors for Multispeed Service." Tram.
A. I. E. E., Vol. XXVIII, page 1177.
7. "Multiapeed Induction Motors." Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXVIII,
page 601.
8. Henderson, C. T. —"Electric Control for Rolling Mill Motors." TrofW.
A. E. E., Vol. XXVIII, page 897.
Whiting, M. A. "Automatic Motor Control." Trans. A. I. E. E.j
Vol. XXVIII, page 913.
: 10. Fowler, Geo. W.
"A Series Parallel System of Speed Control."
Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XX, page 143.
11. Henderson, C. T.
"Dynamic Braking for Coal and Ore-handling
Machinery." Trans. A. S. M. E., Vol. XXXVI.
. 12. Kelsey, C. a.
"Electrical Requirements of Certain Machines in the
.lubber Industry." Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXXII, page 1597.
; 13. CoET, Stuart C.
"Advantages of Automatic Control, in Steel-
Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXXI, page 539.
i)lant Operation."
14. Morse, E. C. —
"Application of Electric Drive to Paper Calen-
Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXXI, page 1635.
r 15. Meyer, F. W. and Sykes, Wilfred. —
"Economical Speed Con-
rol of Alternating-current Motors Driving Rolling Mills." Traris. A. I. E. E.,
'ol. XXXI, page 2175.
16. Cheney, H. W.
"Electrical Control of Large Mine Hoist." Trans.
'.. I. E. E., Vol. XXXI, page 215.
17. Specht, H. C.
"Electric Braking of Induction Motors." Trans. A.
E. E., Vol. XXXI, page 583.
Elder, R. — "Switches and Switchgear," D. Van Nostrand Co.
ro! forAuxiliary Motors."
Asst. Engineer, General Electric Company, Member, American Institute of
Electrical Engineers
Assisted by E. E. Kimball, General Electric Company, Associate
American Institute of Electrical Engineers, American
Railway Engineering Association
"eneral Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Fellow,
American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Assisted by Robert D. McManigal, Vice President and Treasurer,
Ohio Radio Laboratories, Associate Member American
Institute of Electrical Engineers
Engineer, Kerite Insulated Wire and Cable Co., Associate, American Instituti
of Electrical Engineers
{Numbers refer to Paragraphs)
itroduction 1 Trucks and Car Bodies 240
rain Resistance 4 Self-propelled Cars 256
)eed-time Curves and Motor Electric Locomotives 260
Characteristics 30 Power Distribution for Railway
lergy and Power Consumption 77 Electrification 273
iilway Motor Capacity 120 Distributing Systems 277
lilway Motor Control 145 Substations 365
'pes of Railway Motors 196 Bibliography 472
aking 203
neral 382 Track Circuits for Electric
pes of Fixed Signals 387 Railways 397
oUey-operated Signal Systems 389 Interlocking 404
e Track Circuit 392 The Block System 421
Bibliography 427
Uure and Causes 430 Electrolysis in Concrete 462
I ctrolysis 440 Municipal and State Regulations 465
Ivention 447 Bibliography , 471
Fm Grounded Distribution
ystems 459
BY ^
Asat. Engineer, General Electric Company Member, American Inxtihite Ele
trical Engineers
Revised with the Assistance op
I General Engineer,
Weslinghouse Electric and
Institute of Electrical Engineers
Co., Fillox
1.Considerations affecting general design. All railway estimate
are based upon the performance of the rolling stock, as this determines tl
type of equipment to be used, its capacity, the possibilities of schedu
speed, and the power input to the train, both maximum and average. Th
last-named factor in turn determines the characteristics of the low-potentl
distribution system, whether trolley or third-rail, and its capacity. Thei
considerations lead up to the determination of substation capacity am
finally, the capacity and cost of the generating station. It is importan
therefore, that the characteristics of the different types of motive powi
be thoroughly understood, as a false assumption or error in the preliminai
calculation of motive-power capacity and train energy consumption nia
lead to very serious errors in laying out the entire generating and distributit
2. Classification of systems now employed. There are four types (
motors available for railway service, giving rise to three systems of distr
bution: (a) the direct-current series-wound motor used at line voltages <
of stops, train weight and other fixed factors entering into the problt^i., ,
4.Tests. Careful experimental tests, carrieci out during the past few
ears with electric locomotives and motor-cars, have thrown' new light on the
luch discussed question of train resistance at the higher speeds. Without,
1 any way, disparaging the care taken in tests made with steam locomotives,
; was not until electrical methods of measuring power introduced greater
ccuracy than was possible by use of the steam indicator, that consistent
3sults became obtainable with light trains operating at very high speeds.
The electric motor was the means of introducing the single-car train
perating at speeds up to 70 miles per hr. At that time no data were extant
jncerning the operation of single-car trains. It was soon found that such
car operating alone required an input out of all proportion to the power re-
uired to propel a train composed of several such cars operating at the same
')eed, consequently new adjustments had to be made in train-resistance for-
mulas then existing.
During the spring of 1900, a series of teata were made by Mr. W. J. Davis,
•., on the Buffalo & Lockport Railway, which consisted in running a 40-ton
Oata are available on the performance of locomotives and cars of modern
t.struction as follows: Buffalo and Lockport experiments in 1900; Zossen
'h-^;>ped tests in 1902-3; tests on New York Central type locomotive at
rtady, 1905-6; tests on car No. 5 at Schenectady, 1906; tests made by
itrio Railway Test Commission, on the test car "Louisiana," 1904-5;
-• Vork Subway tests, 1905; Dynamometer car tests by Prof. Edward C.
fcmidt. University of Illinois, 1910, and by Schmidt and Dunn in 1914
a: 1917.
lany isolated tests have been made from time to time other than those
nuioned above, but either the data was not sufficiently complete or the
editions were too unfavorable to justify using the results obtained as
» lying to other than local conditions. The data comprised in the tests
g ^n above are sufficiently general, as they include the operation of trains
V ,'ing from a single 35-ton car, to a train of 532 tons, and at speeds up to
1 miles per hr. in the Zossen tests.
from 3.5 to as high as 12 lb. per ton, depending upon the weight concentri
on the journal bearings. Both the Zosaen cars and the New York Cen
locomotive have indicated in test a value of A =3.5 to 5, both the cars
locomotive having a weight of approximately 200,000 lb. concentratec
twelve journal bearings. Tests on Car No. 5 at Schenectady on the o
hand, gave a value of approximately 8.5 for A, this car having 68,800 lb
eight bearings. Hence, the impossibility of giving a single value to A \
I 20-ton
Values of A (Par. 7)
60-ton car
80-ton car
100-ton car
200-ton car
9. The friction constant B. The coefficient of S in the second term
train resistance formula (Par. 6), takes cognizance of the increase of rol
and bearing friction with speed. This coefficient can be determined exp
mentally by operating a tram with and also against a wind of known veloo
Given a wind of say 10 miles per hr. in the direction of the test track,
series of runs be made at 40 rniles per hr. against, and 60 miles per hr. »
the wind, the effect of wind resistance would be the same in both cases,
the other hand, any difference in the total train resistance found would ra<
ure the (journal and rolling) frictional difference occurring for a speed cha
of 20 miles per hr. Unfortunately the published data of the Zossen test
incomplete in this respect, and offer no material upon which to place a vs
for the second term coefficient. Other tests, made for the purpose, t,
values of B for speeds up to 80 miles per hr. with trains of any conipositi
As the effect of B is small with heavy trains and almost negligible with sir
cars operated at high speed, any errors introduced by reason of insutfiei
data, do not seriously affect the accuracy of the train resistance fornmls
applied to the classes of equipment commonly met.
Values of B obtained experimentally vary from 0.03 to 0.07, depend
upon the type of equipment and condition of track. For practically
operating conditions a value oi B = 0.03 will give sufficiently accurate resu
using higher values of B for very light equipments (under 30-ton cars) i
poor track conditions, such as scanty rail, accumulations on rail, etc.
10. Wind resistance. By far the moat important term of a train rei
tance formula (Eq. 4) for light trains is the term expressing the relation
tween effect of wind and speed of train. It is in this term that the ms
elaborate tests made with steam locomotives have failed in affording accur
data, especially for very light trains operating at high speeds. Such te
have usually been made either with steam indicator or dynamometer oar
the means of determining the effect of wind pressure. The indicator Ci
included in its readings all the intermediate internal friction losses of i
total resistance opposing the progress of a light train at high speed. Hen
the tendency to discard in a large part, the experimental data obtained fr
steam locomotive tests and place reliance upon the data obtained from 8i,
tests as the series listed in Par. 6. ,
Tests made upon small models (Gosa in 1897) and by means of whirl!
surfaces, seem to indicate that wind pressure increases as the square
The Zossen experiments also indicated that the wind effect upon the
increased as the square of the speed, thus following along the line of labo
12 The shape of the car end has a large influence upon the coefficient
^ -uch a result being reasonably expected from the results of experiments
.laiss, Kernot and others: in fact, Davis checked up the values of 0.004
und by Kernot for flat surfaces. As a matter of fact, no cars or locomotives
*ed for high-speed service have perfectly flat ends, and hence, all experi-
ental values of C have been found to be less than 0.004.
of theextreme type, while the average rounded end suburban car and eli
trielocomotive with sloping front give rise to values of C from 0.002
0.0025 (see Par. 10),
It is very possible that the higher values obtained at the maximum speeds
ere influenced by reason of the track being not rigid enough for speeds of
20 miles per hr., and hence increasing the value of B.
15. A consideration of trains of
iveral cars makes it necessary tointro-
icean additional factor in the third term
the proposed train-resistance formula
.atshall express the effect of the wind re-
itance upon the sides of the succeeding
rs. The head-on wind resistance is
irne by the leading car, and hence addi-
18. The complete formula for any weight and composition of tra
(see Par. 23) now becomes,
^=x7^+^-°'^ ^'-w—V^-io) (•''• P^^ *°"^
Max. Height
RuQniug I'os.
these results assume a perfectly level tangent track, free from any forei,
matter, such as street accumulations, sand, snow, etc. The effect of su
matter is to increase seriously the value of B, hence the curve values shou
be increased if conditions are unfavorable.
%^ dip
1 W
5 10 15 20
Pounds per Ton
Fig. 13. —Train resistance, locomotive train.
;4.Virtual grades are of limited length and are so called as they ex-
133 the equivalent grade, a value always something less than the true
(de. A train running at constant speed can surmount a certain grade
edetermined by the maximum tractive effort available. The -moving
tn however may be compared to a flywheel, and has stored in the moving
ti» a large amount of energy, which is usually expended in heating the
tke shoes during the period of stopping. This stored energy may be used
Eurnish the extra tractive effort required to ascend a heavier grade than
available locomotive tractive effort alone would permit, but in such a
!the grade must be of short length. Hence, the actual grade may be
eiiiderably in excess of the virtual grade, provided it is so short that the
iitia of the moving train can supply the additional energy required to
a: nd it.
train running on ruling grades shoulb not exceed about 18 per cent, ano
this reason electric locomotives in freight service are given a tonnage rai
equivalent to a tractive effort of about 18 per cent, of the weight on dri's
and on light grades and in passenger service a somewhat less percentaj >
the weight on drivers is taken depending upon the speed required.
30. Acceleration. The many problems connected with train accoiero.i
can be treated either analytically or graphically. As will be shown l:r
there are so many variables entering into the consideration of train mi'
ments at variable speeds that the analytical method becomes 8ome\'il
complicated and difficult to follow. The graphical method is equal! J
accurate, much easier to work with, and the final results are given in «
form that they are of general application without calling for the faraili! J
of terms and symbols made necessary by the analytical treatment.
There are several terms used in connection with train acceleration %
nomena which are defined in Par. 31 to 37. jj
31. Tractive effort is the torque in pounds developed at the rim ot^
32. Braking effort, also expressed in pounds is the opposite of tra'1
effort, expresses the force tending to retard the motion of the train and 1
it to rest. . .
00 --]
I cluction of friction occasions a falling off of speed during the coasting peri
proportional to the friction value taken, which for the sake of simplici
is here assumed to be constant at all speeds.
The speed-time curves shown in Figs. 16 and 17 both indicate the comp
tion of the run of 5,280 ft. in 120 sec, although in one case the rate of accele;
tion was that produced by 65.7 lb. per ton, and in the other case by 100
per ton. These curves are of equal area, as the distance in each case
5,280 ft. Thus, it becomes possible to produce any number of speed-ti;
curves, for a given distance and elapsed time, by varying the rate of accele'
tion with consequent variation in time of coasting.
mce of 5,280 ft. run, and to apply the results so obtained for any other
istance by using a factor expressing the relation of the square roots of
le distance travelled. This is shown in Fig. 19, where A, B, C, D, repre-
snts an area of 1 mile, or one stop per mile. A, F, I, L, two stops per mile
Thus, in a run completed in 120 sec., the minimum accelerating rate coi
spends to 80.7 lb. per ton (gross), with no coasting introduced, for h(
braking commences as soon as acceleration ceases.
If a higher rate of acceleration than 80.7 lb. per ton be used for a cy»]
completed in 120 sec, for example 132 )b. per ton (gross), coasting md
be introduced between the accelerating and braking lines. This coastij
line may be plotted, with 132 lb. per ton acceleration, by drawing a liJ
parallel to full line C,D (Fig. 20). This line starts at the intersection!
accelerating line, 132 lb. per ton, and the dotted line to 80.7; and terminau
at the intersection with the braking line ending at 120 sec. )
1200 5 30
800 ^20
3000 Z
fort with cars having cross seats, provided the rate of acceleration is
attained gradually with no abrupt change. The following accelerating rates
abtain in practical operation.
'electric motor cars rapid transit service. ..1.5 to 2 00 miles per hr. per sec. .
68. Limits of acceleration rate. The rates given in Par. 57 apply only
o that part of the accelerating period during which the current is maintained
practically constant by means of cutting out successive sections of the
xternal starting resistance. The higher rates from 1.0 to 2.5 miles per hr.
er sec. demand a gradual increase to those values in order to avoid the
iscomfort to passengers that would surely result from a sudden application
r cessation of such rates.
The coefficient of adhesion (Par. 26) also determines the accelerating rate
y limiting the available tractive effort, thus giving rise to the values given
j(ive for locomotive practice. As the practice is common to run loco-
utives very close to the limit of adhesion for full-speed operation on grades,
leaves but a small excess of tractive effort available to accelerate the train.
igli acceleration demands that all axles shall be equipped with motors,
id if trains are run, that all cars must be motor cars, that is, no trailers are
; ;rmissible when extreme accelerating rates are required to make the schedule
It is common practice to use 100 lb. per ton instead of 91.2 lb. per ton for l'
mile per hr. per sec. acceleration, and take dead weight of train only. Thif
allows for approximately 10 per cent, equivalent weight due to the inertia ot
rotating parts. It is a very simple method and its results are very near th{
proper amount for street cars. For more accurate calculations, see Par. 61
61. Per cent, of total tractive effort consumed in rotating parts
Electric locomotive and heavy freight train 5 per cent
Electric locomotive and high-speed passenger trains 7 per cent
Electric high-speed motor cars 7 per cent
Low-speed motor cars 10 per cent
The above percentages added to 91.2 and multiplied by the rate of accel
eration will give the total pounds tractive effort per ton required for acceler
62. Calculation of acceleration rate. In figuring upon accelerating
and braking problems for different classes of service, the percentages in Par. 6
should be added to the actual train weight to obtain the effective train weight
The net tractive effort as determined by the gross tractive effort minus th
\ train resistance can then be used in connection with the effective train weigh
to arrive at the rate of acceleration as expressed in miles per hr. per sec.
63. Schedule speed, expressed in miles per hr., denotes the average spec'
of a train including all stops, slow downs, etc., being the distance run in mile
divided by the elapsed time in hours, including time of stops enroute. Se
Par. 64.
6i. Duration of service stops
Through trains, steam 5 min.
Local trains, steam 2 min.
Interurban cars, electric 10 to 30 sec.
City rapid transit trains, electric 10 to 20 sec.
City surface cars, electric 5 to 12 sec.
The following frequency of stops are characteristic of the different classf
of railway service:
66. Frequency of stops in service
Steam locomotive through service 1 stop in 100 miles.
Steam locomotive local service 1 stop in 20 miles.
Steam locomotive suburban service 1 stop per mile.
Electric interurban express 1 stop in 10 miles.
Electric interurban local 1 stop in 2 miles.
Electric suburban 1 to 2 stops per mile
City elevated or rapid transit 2 to 3 stops per mile
City surface lines 5 to 10 stops per mil i ;
demand slowing down while rounding them. The safe speed at which a
curve may be taken will depend upon the elevation of the outer rail, but a
greater elevation than 8 in. is not common. Also curves having a spiral
approach will ride much easier than those in which the tangent leads
directly into the curve.
69. Safe maximum speed on track curves
Radius of curve, ft 10,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 500 200 100 50
Speed, miles per hr 100 75 50 35 25 15 10 6
The above values apply only when full elevation may be given outer
rail. Speeds will be less when operating in city streets where such eleva-
tion is not possible, and where wheel flanges of three-quarters of an inch or
ess are the rule.
70. Limitations of theoretical schedules. On any road abounding in
urves of short radius, it will not be possible to reach the schedules given in
;''ig. No general rule can be given to fit all cases, as each problem must
)e treated according to local conditions. There is sufficient leeway in the
[chedules given in Fig. 25 to allow for irregularities of stops, as there is in-
lluded a period of 10 sec. coasting that may be cut out when a stop has
205 8
" Notes on the Plotting of Speed-time Curves," Proc. Am. Inst, of Elf
Eng., 1902, Vol. XIX. p. 901. E. C. Woodruff, Trans. Am. Inst, of Elf
Eng„ 1914, Vol. XXXIII, p. 1673 and Discussion.
80. The efficiency when the car is at full speed is generally lower with •
motors of the geared type, owing largely to the losses in gears and also in
the magnetic circuit of the motors themselves. This lower efficiency at
higher speeds does not hold true of motors of the gearless type as indicated
in Par. 78. The advantage of using gearless motors for high-speed passenger
service is clearly indicated by the extremely high efficiency at light outputs.
On the other hand, such motors do not compare favorably with the geared
type for heavy freight haulage as the efficiency falls off rapidly at the over-
loads characteristic of this class of service.
81. Power requirements at constant speed. To determine power
required to propel a car or train at any constant speed, proceed as follows:
^„ FX2XWXS ,.
*^-^ ,
,X1,000^ /^'V
wherein F is the train resistance in lb. per ton (from Figs. 9 to 14 inclusive);
W the weight of the car or train in tons; S the speed of the train in miles
per hr., and i; the motor efficiency with the train at full speed.
82. Calculation of power requirements of motor-car trains. Th«
tables show the kilowatts input required for motor-car trains, and also fot:
high-speed passenger-train and low-speed freight-train operation. These
tables are based directly upon the train-resistance values given in Figs. 9
to 14 inclusive, and represent the kilowatts input that would be expected
with well-ballasted rail when trains are running at constant speed.
Constants assumed in these calculations are: efficiency at full speed, 7,"
per cent, based upon the use of direct-current geared motors; and train
resistance as obtained from the formula
50 0.002a5'
Tractive effort 4-0.035 +
Vw '
(lb. per ton)
w 0+^)
sq. ft.; 50-ton car, cross-section, 120 sq. ft.; 60-ton oar cross-section, 12(
sq. ft.
83. Train Input for constant-speed running on level tangeni
track, motor-car service
{Input values expressed in kilowatts)
Speed (miles per hr.)
Train weight
10 20 30 50 60 70 80 ^ 100
200 tons. 17.5 41 2 75. 8 124 196 277 398 530 710 920
300 tons.
26.1! 60. 5! 108, 172 258 369 511 689 905 1,160
400 32.0' 79.
tons. 139. 219 330 462 635 840 1,100 1,405
500 41.0 99.
tons. 170. 0268 395 563 755 995 1,295 1,645
600 tons 50.0 118. 203. 0315464 645 875 1,150 1,489 1.890
700 tons. 59.0,135. 363 530
235. 735 996 1,305 1,682 2,132
800 tons 69.0 154. 0267. 410|596 828 1,117 1,460 1,878 2,375
900 tons. 77.0; 173. 300. 0:459 663 920 1,238 1,615 2,070 2,620
1,000 tons. 85.0;193. 330. 01507730 1,011 1,358 1,771 2,261 2,860
To this add for grade 2 X20 «-40 lb. per ton (see Par. 23).
Tractive effort from Fig. 11 = 9 lb.
wherein m isthe mass; v the velocity in ft. per sec; Fo the total train re-
sistance in lb., and L the distance in ft. covered.
S 80
tractive effort of 90 lb. per ton (including 15 lb. per ton train resistance
will require an output rate of 73 watt-hr. per ton-mile, and the same energy
73 watt-hr. per ton-mile, would be required to perform a run of half th
distance in 1/^2 times 120 sec, or 84.8 sec.
Thus while the speed-time curves must be changed in area proportions
to the distance travelled, the value of energy consumption found for on
distance holds equally true for any other distance made with a simila
I speed-time curve.
92. Example of calculation of energy congumption. Given a ru
of 1,760 ft. to be made in 75 sec, train weight 100 tons, 33.5 per cent, o
drivers, coefficient of adhesion 12 per cent., train resistance 15 lb. per tor
Find energy consumption.
Available tractive effort -200,000X0.335X0.12 -8.000 lb. -8,000/100 :
80 lb. per ton.
To reduce to mile basis v'5,280/1,760 X 75 - 130 seconds. (See Par. 48,
From Fig. 29, 1 mile in 130 sec. with 80 lb. tractive effort gives 6
watt-hr. per ton-mile. ... , , ,
The same value, 60, is true for 1,760 ft. made by similarly shaped speec
time curve in 75 sec.
93. Motor-curve acceleration. Instead of being able to accelerate .
train at a uniform rate until maximum speed is reached, all types of electr
motors operate best with a certain amount of motor-curve acceleration at
rate constantly falling off from the initial or straight-line acceleration whic
is only carried part way to full speed. Also, the electric motor has intern,-,
losses, electrical and mechanical, which together with certain losses inherei
to its system of control make it necessary to add a greater or less percentage t
the net energy-consumption curves given in order to obtain the input to tl
train. The different types of motors have their distinctive internal lossi
and type of control, and the performance relation of the several mot(
equipments to the net energy-consumption curves is best expressed by tl;
efficiency of acceleration of the several systems.
94. The efficiency of acceleration is the percentage of the net eners
consumption of motor output, to the gross input of the train. The valui
given in Figs. 28 and 29 hold true as the net output of any type of moti
and control system, hence, given the efficiency of acceleration of any sy
tem, the net energy values form the basis of calculating train inputs for ai
operating conditions. See Par. 97, 107 and 112. ,-•..•*
The losses in the motor equipment during acceleration are divided int
internal motor losses including loss in gears, and losses incident to method
96. Internal motor losses consist of copper I'R in armature and fiel
hysteresis and eddy-current losses in the iron circuit, brush-friction ai
DR loss, bearing friction and gear losses. All these losses are included in t
curves furnished by the manufacturers for normal 500 volts constant notenti
at the brushes, but no such values are readily available for fractional-voltSi
operation during the accelerating period.
96. Starting resistance losses. It is customary to assume full-Ioi
current of a railway motor during the straight-line acceleration perio'i
line potential and the motor copper drop. This starting resistanc is cut o
in successive steps as the motor armature gains speed and establishes its
counter-electromotive force, until a period is reached, when the stnr"
resistance is entirely short-circuited and the full line e.m.f. is just suff
to maintain full-load current through the motor. This period comph t
straight-line acceleration, as after this point the series-wound motor will still
accelerate the train, but at a constantly decreased rate, until full constant
speed is attained. It is evident then, that a large amount of power is con-
sumed in the starting resistance and to reduce this excessive loss at starting,
the method was introduced of connecting two motors in series during half the
peribd of straight-line acceleration, thus reducing the amount of starting
resistance required (Par. 49).
4 Motors Series, S«ries-
2 STotora Series Parallel paraUel, and Parallel
AU Motors iu Parallel
Schedule speed, miles 50.0 40.0 32.0 24.01S.6 16.5 1«?712;5n.7 11.0
per hr.
Maximum speed, miles 65.0 65.0 45.0 40.0130.0 25.0 23. obl. 0120. Ol 19.0
per hr. I
Stops, seconds i30.0 20.0 15.0 12.0J10.0! fl.Oi 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0
per cent. 75.0 75.0 75.0 74.0|72.0i70.0 69.0 68.0 67.0'65.0
Eff. of accel., 1
Accel., miles per hr.j 0.8j 0.9 1.0 l.ll 1.2| 1.3i 1.41 1.5 1.6! 1.7
per sec.
Owing to the fact that the characteristic curve of the single-phaae motor ll
more sloping thaneven that of the direct-current aeries-wound motor. Fin
21 and 23, the period of straight-line acceleration will be a lesser percental
of the total time power is supplied to the car; that is, the motor-curve runnini
will commence at a lower speed than in the case of direct-current motor opera
tion, thus giving rise to a factor of 20 per cent, as the percentage of straight
line acceleration to the total acceleration period of a typical run.
107. The efficiency of acceleration for the single-phase moto
equipment may be assumed to be 70 per cent. This value includes all losse
in the step-down transformer required, and hence the net energy value-,
given in Figs. 28 and 29 when divided by 0.70 will give the total input at th
car for such equipments. Where cars are operated over city streets, it i'
sometimes necessary to run on direct current in which case the motors ar
controlled like direct-current motors.
108. The free running efficiency of single-phase equipments ma
be taken at from 70 to 7.5 per cent, for equipments ranging in capacity fror
50 to 200 h.p. per motor, hence giving to the alternating-current equipmen
an all round efficiency of about 70 per cent., whether accelerating or runnin
at constant speed, a performance closely approximating that of the direct
current motor equipment. j
indicated for parallel operation only, concatenation not being considered
As straight-line acceleration will constitute fully 50 per cent, of the total
period during which power is supplied in a typical rapid-transit run, an
mduction-motor equipment will have an efficiency of acceleration not to
exceed 55 per cent.
This represents the power efficiency and does not include
the power-factor which will approximate 80 per cent, during acceleration
with non-inductive resistance inserted in the secondary circuit, thus making
the apparent efficiency of acceleration approximately 44 per cent,
Hence, for acceleration problems involving a consideration of railway
induction motors of the polyphase type, divide energy values given in
Figs. 30 and 31 by 0.44 to obtain the volt-amp. input at the train and not
including any trolley or distribution losses. The proper field of the induction
i motor IS the haulage of trains at constant speed behind locomotives and the
t use of this motor will be further discussed under
)* lis. SegeneratiTO (dynamic) braking. In service calling for frequent
starting and stopping of trains, it ia evident that the mv*/2 constituting
"energy loss in heating brake-shoes and wheels, forms a considerable per-
centage of the total energy input to the train. As the electric motor is
reversible, that is, can absorb power and give out mechanical energy, or
give out electric power when mechanically driven as a generator, it
feasible to expect that some means of control can be designed
which will
enable a train to be braked electrically with reduced wear and expense
brake-shoe maintenance, besides returning to the line a considerable
centage of the energy delivered to the train during acceleration. Also on
roads having excessive continuous grades, it is desirable to return energy
the line partly for the economy thus effected, but largely in
order to reduce
jthe danger that goes with braking long heavy trains by
means of brake-shoes.
I 114. Motor capacity for regeneratiTe braUngr.
, The standard direct-
current motor, being of the series-wound type, cannot be used
directly as a
direct-current generator, and some modification of shunt winding or
ition of the series field at low potential must be used in order
to enable the
.motor to act as generator when braking the train. Of the total energy
i^hvered to the train during a typical city run, neariy one-third
of the amount
isted due t9 the inefficiency of the motor, gears, and
method of control
:ie rentiaining two-thirds, fully 25 per cent, is to overcome train
....ot-ance, leaving 50 per cent, of the original train
input as available for
egenerative purposes. Owang to the complications required to make a series
lirect-current motor equipment available for generation, it would not be
oossible to effect the same efficiency of deceleration as the 70 to 75 per cent
jossible during acceleration. Furthermore, the capacity of a railway motor
,° do work IS hmited by its heating, and this heating is dependent upon the
uperfacial area and weight of the motor, hence, if
the motor is chosen with
jiue regard for its safe temperature rise when
used for accelerating the car
.ts thermal capacity must be
increased in due proportion to the amount of
xtra motor loss entaUed in electrically braking the car. This extra
1 equipment will in turn entail an additional expenditure of energy weight
he accelerating period, so that the effect of braking
the train electrically
j.^th the same motive power used for
acceleration, will be to increase the duty
I such motors considerably,
and, hence, their weight and first cost.
Economy of regenerative braking. Assuming that an efiiciencv
Iou per cent could be obtained during retardation by
electric braking ft
•ouldmean the possible saving of 30 per cent, in the energy consumption
the car, provided the car weight were not increased
due to the larger
lotoT capacity demanded. It is not possible, however, to effect any such
oonomy as the figure indicated, and from 15 to 20 per cent,
saving of gross
iput would more nearly represent the possibilities
of regenerative control
^ a Class of service calling for very frequent stops. It is evident that where
ops are infrequent as in high-speed interurban service,
the effect of regenera-
on would become negligible so far as economy
of operation is concerned,
first cost of regenerative control, and the
maintenance offset the advantages derived from a possible increased cost
smaller energy
^* '^ °°* ^"^ "?"''^ *•* "P^^^- 1*»«* *he car equipment
nf hfin.V"'' ° ^ f ^i'"'' -o per cent in weight and first cost if regenerative con-
ui hp Ia Ta"^and
De adopted, ^""a^.^.^^
the possible 15 to 20 per cent, energy must be balanced
against the interest on the additional first cost and cost of maintaining tho
As any system of regenerative control depends upon the counter e.m.f.
of the revolving armature, it is evident that when approaching zero speed
there will be no torque developed by the motor, and hence, regenerative
braking must be used in connection with air brakes, with resultant decreased
saving in economy. For street-car service, including interurban service,
it can be said that there is small attraction in regenerative control, not because
such control is not possible, but because the added complication and expense
brings no adequate return in the cost of the energy saved.
117. Regrenerative control used in connection with locomotives
for heavy passenger or freight service on mountain-grade sections,
offers many advantages far outweighing in importance the possibility of a
small amount of energy saved. One of the disadvantages attending the
operation of long heavy trains on mountain grades, is the danger incurred
in braking the trains on the down grades. More accidents occur when trains
are running down grade than when operating up grade, due to the fact that
overheated brake shoes and car wheels may cause a derailment, and also
due to breaking apart of long trains when the brakes are released momen-
tarily for the purpose of recharging the train pipe. On such classes of
service, a regenerative system of control offers .safer means of holding trains
on down grades than exists with present air-brake control, and its claims '.
in this direction make it worthy of very careful consideration for this class 'j
tive braking. down grade with the exciter voltage set so as to give
the proper excitation to the main field to furnish the
necessary braking effort, and the line voltage should suddenly drop, the
regenerated current would immediately tend to increase. However, the
increased current which tends to flow, the voltage drop across the
resistance R, and directly reduces the exciting current, thus maintaining a ,
may, at times, be so great and so sudden that unless the regulation is simul-
taneous with the variation, a condition of unbalance between the armature ,
and field of the motor may be sufficiently great' to cause flashing at the
The excitation for the main motors is supplied by a separate generator,
driven either by a motor or from an idle locomotive axle through gearing
The regulation of the braking is then obtained by varying the exciter field
strength or by varying the amount of resistance in the stabilizer circuit.
123. The maximum load on railway motors does not usually exceed 150
cr cent, of the nominal rating.
124. Two factors determine the capacity of railway motors, namely:
ommutation and heating. During the accelerating period the current input
emanded by a railway motor is always considerably in excess of the current
fterward required to run the car at full speed on level tangent track. The
,alue of this current will depend upon the several conditions entering into
•le problem, weight of train, schedule speed, and frequency of stops, these
.ictors determining the rate of acceleration and maximum speed required as
reviously outlined. A motor must be selected which can commutate the
bnormal current required during the accelerating period without excessive
parking at the brushes.
125. Division of load between motors. For close calculations it is
scessary to plot the actual speed-time curves obtaining with any individual
lOtor. In dividing the total current input to the train by the number of
lOtors, in order to obtain the current per motor, it can be assumed that
ich motor will take its equal share of current at all speeds, provided the mo-
)rs are of the same type and capacity, and have the same gear ratio.
126. Effect of acceleration rate and maximum speed on capacity.
is evident from working out a few examples, that high rates of acceleration
m be used only when low maximum speeds are possible, and that an
;)normally large motor capacity will be essential if high rates of acceleration
•e demanded in connection with high maximum speeds. Thus, although
,otor equipments of the direct-current series-wound type can always
rnish enough current to slip the driving wheels, such high current inputs
11 be demanded as will considerably exceed the safe rated commutating
128. Internal motor losses. As the heating of a motor is the result o'
the average losses within it, the average losses and their distribution up t'j
any moment of shutting off power must be determined.
Internal motor losses during fractional-speed running are indicated \\\\
Fig. 32 where abscissas give elapsed time and ordinates represent power lost
In other words, the losses depicted are not instantaneous losses at any give:
speed, but integrated losses from the time of starting from rest, to gaining tha
Equally irnportant with the determination of the various internal losse
is their distribution. Thus in a closed motor the armature loss must b
conducted through the field structure before it can reach the outside surfac
of the motor and be dissipated into the surrounding air. Added to the hea
imparted to the field structure by its own I''-R losses and pole face lo-sses
there is, therefore, considerable heat delivered to it by virtue of its service as
conducting medium for the armature heat. On the other hand, the fiel
structure would conduct the armature heat at a more rapid rate were it nc
for its own internal loss. It becomes important to establish a relation fc
this interchange of heat between field structure and armature, the relation bein
best expressed by the ratio of armature loss to field loss, as indicated in Fig. 3i
of this there are several approximate short-cut methods which are some times
used. There is a feeling, however, that there are many cases where the
service can be made more or less to fit the equipment and the problem boils;
down to a selection of a rational equipment ior various weights of trainsi
geared for various maximum speeds. For short-stop city service the econ-.)
omy of light-weight cars geared for low maximum speeds and capable of'
high acceleration is being appreciated more and more. In considering the,
equipment for such a service the motors will be required to give a highi
rate of acceleration without exceeding the 1-hr. rating, whereas for hign-i
speed service the accelerations are not so frequent and high rates of acceH
eration are not so essential, consequently the 1-hr. rating of the motorsj
can be somewhat exceeded during acceleration. Thus cars geared for ai
maximum speed of 25 m.p.h. should be equipped with motors which ca:^
accelerate the car at approximately 1.5 m.p.h. per second without exceeding
the one-hour rating of the motors, whereas cars geared for 50 m.p.hi
probably would not be used in a service where they would have to acceli
erate at more than 1 m.p.h. per second in which case a motor equipment
which would produce this acceleration at 30 or 40 per cent, overloaop
would ordinarily have sufficient capacity to handle a service which would^
require such a high maximum speed. The following table (Par. 134) has
been prepared along these lines to show relatively the hores-power capacitipi
for low- and high-speed service and is useful as a means of selecting from ;
list of standard motors the equipment which will come nearest meetinc tin
requirements of any particular service. A temperature rise of 65 deg. cent
has been taken in order to ensure a reasonably long life to the motor insula ;
rmature and field losses are carried off independently of each other by the
itroduction of external air, hence the ratio of losses in such motors becomes
.' secondary importance.
Its. Division of capacity for single ears and trains. For single-car
Deration a four-motor equipment is preferred for double-truck cars, this
iing especially true where snow or heavy grades are characteristic of the
rvice. For train operation, two-motor equipments are used, as the dia-
lling of a single unit will not incapacitate the train.
137. Power requirements with single-phase equipment. Owing
the short perioa during which single-phase motors have been operated,
eir design has not yet become standardized, nor is there sufficient operating
ita upon which to base anything more than general conclusions of the horse-
iwer required for a given service. The single-phase motor is essentially a
i?h-8peed motor, having a high copper loss and low core loss, hence, is
Dre particularly adapted to constant-speed running, and suffers in com-
'rison with the direct-current series wound motor when used for accelera-
>n work. There is no lack of starting torque with the alternating-current
>tor, but a large tractive effort is obtained only at the expense of a large
pper loss, so that alternating-current motors are unsuitable for rapid
inisit service demanding repeated high rat« of acceleration, not because
bh motors cannot furnish the tractive effort required, but because the
oper loss incident to such high tractive efforts will heat the motors unduly
tiaed exclusively for acceleration service. Thus the alternating-current
itor becomes much heavier than the direct-current motor on the basis of
'vice performed with frequent stops.
'wing to the fact that the chief advantage of the single-phase motor
1' in its ability to utilize the benefits of trolley potentials of 11,000 to
1 KJO volts as compared with the 600 to 3,000 volts used with direct-current
motive design, that it must be placed in the list of special problems requin
the careful cooperation of the manufacturers. Locomotives for switchi
service use the motor intermittently, and the above remarks do not appl
141. Standard Oeneral Electric railway motors, commutating-iM
600 Volts
Motor HP-
Weight of
No. of motor
motors Weight gear, gear Weight
Type Type of of case, axle of drive
H.p. per Service
No. control CDntrol bearings details
(lb.) and axle (lb.)
146. Classification. There are two general types of control used with
direct-current series-wound railway motors, namely: drum control and
multiple-unit control. With each of these types there are two systems which
may be used, these being known as the straight rheostatic control system and
the series-parallel control system.
146. With the straight rheostatic system of acceleration the motor!
are connected permanently in series or parallel according to the arrangement
desired, and the full starting resistance is connected in series with the motors.
This resistance is then notched out of circuit, step by step, until full potential
is applied to the motors. This arrangement is used for single-motor equip-
ments, two-motor equipments on doubh
2 Motors Series Connection
voltage (two 600-volt motors insulated tc
TroUer^^ ^^ .. Ground
withstand 1,200 volts on a 1,200 voli
circuit), and for slow-speed industrial car.'
Motors Purallel
or mining locomotives of small capacities.
147. The chief advantages of t
series-parallel control system are thai
two running speeds are obtained, and tha:
economy is effected during acceleration
4 Motors Ser
The motors or groups of motors (Fig. 36
/0'<in^-> /-0*-''nJ5^ are first connected in series with the ful
\J \Grouna starting resistance in the circuit. This re
yj^uaw \ ^
/ sistance is then notched out of the circuit
g^gp by step, until full-line potential h
4 Motors Parallel applied to the motors or groups of motor:
in series. A portion of the resistance i:
these being known as the shunting or " K" method, the bridging method
and the open circuit or "L" method. Shunting transition derives its nami
from the fact that in changing from series to parallel, resistance is re-intro
duced into the circuit, then one motor or group of motors is short-circuite(
(shunted) and is sub.sequently thrown into parallel with the other. In thi
bridging transition, after the motors are running in full series with no resistanci
in circuit, a portion of the main resistance is thrown in parallel with each of tin
motors or groups of motors. Following this, the circuit between the motors i
opened in such a way as to leave resistance in series with each of the motor
or groups of motors, and the latter in parallel. The open-circuit transitioi
derives its name from the method of opening the power circuit entirely befon
changing the connections.
Type " R " Controllers are of the rheostatic type and are designed to contrc
one or more motors by means of resistance only. Certain of these controller
are arranged so that the motors may be grouped either in series or in paralU
at the option of the operator, but as this must be accomplished by throwin
a separate lever, these controllers are not used as series-parallel controllers ani
their fieldis limited.
Type "B" controllers may be either of the rheostatic or the series-paralle
types, but they differ from the ordinary rheostatic or series-parallel con
trollers by having the contacts arranged so that if desired, the power may b
cut off, the motors reversed and then short-circuited through a variabl
resistance, the motors thus acting as series generators. Beside the brakin,
effect of the motors acting as generators, use is sometimes made of magneti
rail brakes or axle brakes, the coils of these magnetic brakes being in serie
with the short-circuited generators.
161. Capacity of drum controllers. Two ratings are given to drui
controllers, conforming to the double ratings presented by the A. I. E. E
for railway motors (see Par. 121 and 122). That is, the capacity of drui
controllers is defined by specifying the 1-hr. rating and also the continuou
rating in amperes at three-fourths voltage of the largest motors with whic
the controller can be used. It is necessary therefore in selecting controllei
for a given motor equipment to note that neither the hourly rating in hors
power nor the continuous rating in amperes is exceeded. It is further ne(
essary to define the number of motors the control is arranged for and als.
the maximum voltage of the circuit on which it can be used.
162. Standard series-parallel controllers —600 volts
No. of
Capacity No. of points Maximum
Type motors
potential, Remarks
H.p. Amp. Series [
Parallel volts
K-35 65 60 760
K-36 70 750
K-51 70 750 For tapped- .
field motors
K-63 40 38 750
K-64 110 105 750
eliminate the severe arcing from controller fingers when the main circuit
broken, an attachment is fitted to the lower end of the main cylinder shal
for the purpose of closing and opening the main circuit breaker. This ci
cuit breaker with an overload relay is enclosed in a sheet metal box ai
located under the car body. The line breaker used for this purpose is ma
netically operated and is provided with renewable contact tips and a powr
ful magnetic blowout coil with large arc chute. The attachment in the en
troller is essentially a ratchet switch which makes contact and closes i
circuit breaker when the control handle is turned to the first point and r
mains closed throughout all succeeding positions of the operating hiuuli
When the controller is notched back in the "oflf" direction the ratcli
switch opens and de-energizes the line breaker which opens the main ciroi
regardless of the position of the operating handle. Thus the current is c
off before the control fingers break contact. To close the line breaker ni::i
the operating handle must be turned completely off and brought back
the first point as before. In case of overloads the overload relay opera i
and opens the line breaker. In this equipment the hne breaker takes i
place of the hand-operated breaker which is usually located in the vestibu
184. Multiple-unit control is a term originally applied to a conii
system which was designed to permit a train of motor cars, when couple!
any combination, to be operated as a single unit from either end of t\n\
in the train. To secure this result several methods have been adni
Fundamentally the methods are essentially identical but the means
ployed have differed. That is, the control systems for each car inii.\
considered in two parts, one consisting of apparatus which makes the m;
connections, or motor controller, and the other part consisting of appar:it
I'hich governs the operation of the motor controller, that is, a master con-
•oller. There are three ways in which this has been done as described in
,ar. 148.
155. General Electric contactor control employs magnetically-oper-
iled contactors or circuit breakers which are opened and closed in proper
iquence by means of train wires which are energized through a master
166. The master control (Par. 155) Fig. 38 comprises those parts which
vitch the control current operating the motor-control apparatus. The
aster controller is operated by hand, and is located in the vestibule at
ther end of the car. The motor control is local to each car, and current
r this circuit is taken directly from the trolley or third-rail through the
ntactors, starting resistance and reverser to the motors, thence to the
ound. Where it is necessary to operate with a gap in the third-rail sys-
m, it is sometimes customary to install a train line so that any car^may
pply the motor current for the other cars of the train.
Tiro Wirf Cuircnt Limit Kelrj
Contactors Closed on
m .
control. The value of the current required is very small, not exceeding 2
amp. for each car in the train. The master controller is provided with tv
handles, one for operating and one for reversing the train niovenient.
The operating handle is provided with a button which must be ks]
down except when the handle of the controller is in the off position, as r
leasing this button permits an auxiliary circuit to open, cutting off the supp
of current to the master controller, and thus de-energizing the train-line ai
opening up the motor-control apparatus. This button is intended to ser
as a safety appliance in case of physical failure of the motorman.
The reverser handle is connected to a separate cylinder which establish
control connections for throwing the electrically operated reverser eith
forward or reverse position when the master-controller handle is on ti
off point. The operating circuit for the reverser is so interlocked that unle
the reverser itself corresponds to the direction of the movement indicated I
the reverser handle of the master controller, the line contactors on that c
cannot be energized.
168. The contactor (Par. 166) is a switch operated by solenoid coi;
and each contactor may be considered as the equivalent of a finger and J
hereon and turned by hand, there is substituted in the new control a cam
}att which is operated by means of compressed air. This cam shaft oper-
8 the contactors by means of cams. It has been possible with this design
assemble the contactors, reverser, line breaker relays, etc., in one box
iiwath the car body. The electric control circuits are greatly simplified
id positive serial action of the contactors has been obtained without elec-
esl interlocks. It also weighs less than the older type of contactor control.
IW. Air-operated line circuit breaker and reverser. The line
eaker and reverser (Par. 166) are provided with individual air cylinders
id magnet valves. These magnet valves control the air inlets and outlets
cylinders which in turn close the line breaker and operate the reverser.
le operation of these valves is governed through train wires which are
admitted to turn the controller "on" and likewise the "off" end is the end
at which air is admitted to turn the controller off. When the magnet valvei
are de-energized the normal position of the "on" valve is closed to the resor
voir and open to the exhaust. The normal position of the "off" valv«
when the magnet valve is de-energized is just the reverse, closed to the ex'
haust and open to the reservoir. When the car is stopped the magnel
On Val\/e
valves are both de-energized, that is, air at reservoir pressure is admitte(
at the "off" end, and the "on" end is open to the exhaust; thus the pistoi
is forced in the direction which turns the motor controller "off," i.e., towan
the "on" end. When the master controller is turned on and the reverse
throws, the line breaker closes and both the "on" and "off" magneti
valves are energized, that is, air is admitted to the "on' side of the pisto
and exhausted from the "off" side and the rack revolves the cam shai
Resistors and
Motor Controller
must be insulated
Motor Controller^
Fio 40. — Motorcontroller,
controller arrangement of 600-volt car equipment with sm
type PC-5, General Electric Co.
making the first motor connections. The piston will continue to moveI
the same direction if both magnetic valves are kept energized, but
thus closing the exhaust port and admitting air from the main
which in turn will equalize the pressure on both sides of the piston anU
ts movement. When the current in the main circuit falls below this pre-
letermined value the "off" magnet valve is again energized and the motor
lontroUer moves on to the next point.
169. Master controller (Par. 166). There are three points on the master
;ontroller; the first point gives the first point series, the second all series
)ositions and the third all parallel positions. As shown in Fig. 40 there are
ive steps in series on the motor controller, all of which except the first are
)btained automatically by moving the master controller to the second
lotch. Likewise there are four steps in parallel on the motor controller,
11 of which are obtained by moving the master controller to the third point.
!'he progression from one point to the next will only take place as fast as the
etching relay, which energizes the "off" magnet valve, operates. The
am control is, therefore, inherently an automatic control which secures
onstant acceleration, but is simpler than non-automatic control with the
ontactor type.
170. Advance
lever. A third handle is located on the master controller
Par. 169) cap plate. This handle is known as the advance lever and is
sed to advance the motor controller point by point if in emergencies the
ir will not accelerate at the current for which the notching relay is set.
171. Overload relay. An overload relay is part of these equipments
ad its function is to trip the line breaker in case of overloads. In turning
|Tthe power the master controller is usually turned off faster than the motor
)ntroller can follow. When the master controller is in the off position it
-energizes the magnet valve on the line breaker and opens the circuit at
- iioint. The cam-operated contactors are, however, equipped with
.tic blowout coils and arc chutes so that current can be interrupted at
~ points also.
168. The Westinghouse unit-switch system of control is arranged
r use either on alternating-current or direct-current circuits, and for capac-
es varying from the smallest double-motor equipments to those of the
"gest locomotives. The control circuits for an alternating-current in-
\llation are usually energized from a storage battery, while those for a
rect-current installation may either be operated from a storage battery
: by the use of energy from the line. When the latter is used for the control,
resistance is inserted between the trolley and the ground whenever the
. ister controller is in one of the operating positions; taps leading from this
ntrol resistor provide various low voltages at which the control circuits
ly be energized.
Westinghouse unit-switch control equipments are classified according
whether they are arranged for hand (manual) or automatic acceleration,
lether they employ energy from the line or a battery for control,
i whether they have any other distinctive features, such as field control
\ -multiple operation with General Electric Co.'s. type " control. SomeM"
^these standard designations are as follows: HB, AB, HLF, AL, ALM, etc.
us it will be noted that " H" signifies hand acceleration, "A" automatic,
battery control, "L" hne control, "F" field control of motors, etc.
72. The Westinghouse "HL" system of control is widely used for
t control of direct-current motors on city and "interurban cars and is
tcribed in detail in Par. 173 to 196. A standard car equipment for the
c trol of 4-65 h.p. 600-volt motors arranged for double-end operation in
t ns included the following parts:
173. The main switch (Par. 172) is arranged for mounting underneath
he car and is enclosed in a box, wliioh protects it from the weather and
asures against accidental contact.
174. The main fuse box (Par. 172) is of the magnetic blow-out, copper-
ibbon type, arranged for mounting under the car. The fuse gives an
dditional safeguard in series with the circuit-breaking switches which ordi-
arily open the circuit in case of overload or short circuit.
llW. Control box (Par. 172). The various main circuit connections are
Tide by means of a number of independent switches known as unit switches,
Itji provided with a strong magnetic blowout and normally held open by
IT 1407
6 1
relay includes a series coil connected directly in the trolley circuit. Witk
this coil is mounted a movable plunger to which are attached insulat
metal 'discs connected in the control circuit. Excessive current throui
the coil moves the plunger and opens the control circuits of certain switci
which cutloff the power. The plunger is held in the normal position 1
gravity assisted by a spring, but when actuated is latched in the open positi^
and must be released manually or by energizing a reset coil from the conti
and reset switch in the cab. Calibration is accomplished by an adjustme
of the air gap.
Copper ButtConfacf
100 U>s. Pressure insures.
H^h Current Ccpacity
including Air Ptsmf,
IcmiHfmi/ Cciinrresai\
\\6pring IhrDpenySi^
Mqgnef Valve [
c J the "off" magnet valve. The other valve admits air to its cylinder
' n the coil is energized and releases air when the coil is de-energized;
< called the "on" magnet valve and is the same in operation
as the valves
control box. If both magnet valves are energized simultaneously,
iiient of the drum results since air is admitted to one cylinder and
released from the other. With neither magnet energized, the air in the "on"
valve magnet cylinder is at atmospheric pressure, while that in the "off"
valve magnet cylinder is at reservoir pressure, thus holding the pistons and
drum in the "off" position. Energizing the "on" magnet balances the
pressure on the two pistons but causes no movement. Thus to move the
ston and drum in successive steps, it is only necessary to energize the "on"
agnet from the supply circuit and the "off" magnet through the limit relay
mtacts. The general construction of the cylinder, pistons and valves is
lown in Fig. 44.
186. The limit relay (Par. 184) is a solenoid tjrpe with a series coil con-
xted directly in the main motor circuit. The relay armature carries con-
tacts, which are connected in the control circuit to the sequence switch.
The relay armature lifts when the main motor current reaches a certain pre-
determined value, thus interrupting the control current to the "off" valve
magnet and baiting the progression of the drum. As the motor speed in-
creases, the current will fall until a value is reached where the limit relay
plunger will drop again, closing the operating circuit to the sequence switch.
This performance is repeated until the control has reached the notch indi-
cated on the master controller.
Three points are provided on the master controller switching, series and
The first one gives the first point series; the second automatically
progresses the control to the full series position, and the last to the full par-
allel position.
194. Number of starting: points (Par. 195). Owing to the fact thai
the alternating-current motor characteristic is more drooping than that ol
the direct-current series-wound motor, fewer starting points are required
for this type of control. Since each point on the controller constitutes a
running point at full efficiency, it is not necessary to use series-parallel con'
nection of motors as is done in direct-current equipments. A total of sever
notches is usually all that is required.
195. Multiple-unit control equipments for single-phase motori
differ somewhat from direct-current equipments in the general plan oi
operation. This difference is confined chiefly to the main circuits and main-
circuit apparatus. The high-tension current passes from the overhead
collector through an oil circuit-breaker, to a transformer. Low voltag«
currents are fed to the main motors through a group of unit switches, whicl
can be arranged for automatic or non-automatic acceleration. Fig. 4(
shows the connections for a typical type "AB," 11,000-volt single-phas«
196. Direct-current series-wound motor. Wound for potentials ol
from 500 to 1,200 volts is the standard railway motor. Motors of from 50C
to 600 volts are used in and around large cities, 1,200-volt motors beins
adopted on interurban electrified lines. Armature and field windings are
connected in series and the use of motors of the commutating pole type is
increasing. All motors designed for street, interurban and rapid transit cat
or train service have four field poles, the structure being entirely enclosed
with hand hole covers making it waterproof. Such motors transmit powei
by single-reduction gear, motors being suspended at one end upon the cai
axle and spring suspended at the other end.
For locomotive work, the General Electric Company ha^ brought out s
two-pole gearless motor, which design is also adapted for high-speed single-
car service calling for large motor outputs. The two-pole series motor if
especially adapted to very high speed service; it minimizes cost of repairs
and operates with decreased noise and greatly increased efficiency for express
service. For further description of gearless motors see locomotives (Par
197. The single-phase series motor has been developed along severa
lines of which the series-wound compensated motor is the one most gcnerallj
used in the United States. The single-phase motor differs from the direct
current series-wound motor in having two fields, the series or energizing fiek
and the compensating field. The office of the latter is to compensate for
or neutralize the inductance of the armature produced by the alternating cur
rent therein. Compensation may be the means of raising the power-factor o
a single-phase motor to values closely approximating 100 per cent., and hav-i
Plain Serfeft
With Commutating
Fig. 49.
I'fa field winding of any potential best suited for control or operation. With
Ij^hiatype of motor it is possible to operate 3,000 volts "direct on the field
'rinding if desired.
Best results appear to be obtainable from a combination of repulsion-motor
ionnections for starting and operation at low speeds, changing to series-
lotor connections for speeds above synchronism. This is effected automatic-
,lly by relays.
199. In the Latour motor, which is a niodification of the Winter-
'ichberg motor the armature winding is short-circuited in part only, rather
lan through diametrically opposite brushes, with the result that the arma-
ire I^R loss is reduced. This type is limited in its field of application to
JBcial cases. , . . ,
1 1415
201. The single-phase induction motor haa been used for railwaj*
purposes on experimental roads, but owing to the zero starting torque o
this motor it is necessary to operate it in conjunction with an auxiliary start
ing device and throw the motive power into action by mechanical clutclu'
or other means after full motor speed has been obtained. This type of moiiv,
power is very limited in its field of application.
202. The split-phase converteV system comprises a method of obtainini
polyphase current from a single-phase trolley, for the operation of polyphas'
motors. It consists of a phase converter which is essentially a polyphasi
induction motor the capacity of which is approximately 75 per cent, of th'
capacity of the motors it supplies. As the phase converter is operated fron
one phase only, it requires a starting motor to bring it up to near synchronou
speed. In all applications of this principle, the single-phase current has bee?
converted into two-phase current. In the Norfolk & Western locomotives
these two phases are changed to three-phase by a connection similar to th
well-known Scott system. The advantage claimed for the three-phase i
that the motor has a better performance and is also better for pole changiu
while it entails no more regulating switches and has fewer leads.
203. Betardingr factors. In order to bring a moving train to a stop, i
is evident that some external force opposed to the motion of the train mus
be applied. The ideal force would be applied at the centre of gravity c
the car (producing no tendency for the car to rotate) and would be sufficier
to atop the train in case of emergency in the shortest possible time, withoD
undue shock to passengers or equipment. With the exception of a few ii
stances, such as short cable roads up a mountain side, the only availab!
force which may be utilized in stopping a train is the friction which exist
between the wheels and the rails. This force, besides being applied at th^
lower rim of the wheel and consequently not at the centre of gravity of tl:'
car, is also a variable quantity of uncertain magnitude, and therefore not a'
ideal retarding force. For instance the adhesion between a dry rail and whe;
may be equal to about 30 per cent, of the pressure between wheel and rai
whereas with a wet rail it may be only half that amount. The addition i
sand to a slippery rail will increase the adhesion from 16 per cent, to abov
25 per cent, of the weight on the rails, and this amount can usually be relic
upon in making emergency stops. This force of 25 per cent, of the weigl
on the rails applied to a' car will produce a retardation equal to one-quart(
the acceleration due to gravity, or 8.04 ft. per sec. per sec, or nearly 5.5 mil
per hr. per sec. If it were possible to apply this force instantly and uniform,
throughout the stops, a stop from an initial speed of 60 miles per hr. cou
be made in about 11 sec, or in a distance of 480 ft. This force, however,
only available when the wheels are rolling on the rails, for as soon as slippii
occurs the adhesion rapidly decreases. Therefore the force which oppos
the revolution of the wheels, namely the brake-shoe friction, must never e
ceed that which is keeping the wheels turning, namely the adhesion betwec
the wheels and rails. This opposing force is obtained in several differs
ways, the most familiar being by applying brake-shoes to the rim of the whet
with considerable force by means of hand or power brakes. Another methq
which is applicable in electric traction, is known as electric braking, as di
tinguished from mechanical braking, and consists in oppasiug the reyolutii
of the wheels with the counter-torque of the motors or by the friction e
electrically operated brake discs.
Sir Douglass Galton and Mr. George Westinghouse in 1878 and 1879 on t
London, Brighton & South Coast Railway, England. A report of te:
appears in the proceedings of the Institute of Mechamcal Engineers
London, for April, 1879. The table in Par. 206 gives the results of these tesi
om the maximum values / = (20)
1 + 0.2933 S
here/= coefficient of friction, and S = speed in miles per hr. The latter
)rmula gives values corresponding more nearly to recent experiments.
207. Coefficient of friction as affected by time*
nor hr.
shorter stop may be made if the pressure applied during the earlier p^
of the stop is greatly in excess of that which will slip the wheels at low ~i
but in the absence of the motorman's skill, some means must be providea i
decrease the pressure near the end of the stop, in order that the limits of rsi
friction will not be exceeded, and the efficiency of the stop thereby decrease'.
This provision, however, requires additional apparatus, which on generi
principles is objectionable unless the showing is so favorable as to warrail
further complications. ]
312. Application of the retarding force. Thus far, attention has bet
devoted to outlining methods for overcoming the obstacles presented by tl,
complex nature of the fluctuations of the coefficient of brake-shoe frictit
which prevent the utilization of the theoretically possible retarding forcf
The nature of the application of these forces imposes difficulties which pr
vent the full utilization of the weight on the trucks and wheels, there!
directly affecting the braking force.
At the present time it is customary to equip double-truck cars with eith
two motors or four motors, depending upon the nature of the service. In t
former case both motors are usufilly placed on one truck thus perraittii
the use of a lighter truck for a trailer. The pressure which may be safe
applied to the wheels of the motor truck without causing the wheels to sli' :
cannot be applied to the wheels of the trailer truck. Hence the brake riggi^j i
must be so proportioned that the greatest portion of the braking is doiji
upon the wheels of the motor truck. Considering, however, the case whe'
the normal distribution of weight is equal for all wheels, it is found that. •
ing braking, a greater pressure may be applied to the wheels of the fo;
truck without causing them to slide than may be applied to the wheels '•'
motion of the car is the wind pressure, which is exerted normal to tb'
mentary surfaces, the resultant passing approximately through the '
Direction of ilotion
Vch may amount to 5 or 10 per cent, of the total stored energy of the car,
a)nsideration of the effect of these forces upon the truck through the brake
k gers is essential. With outside-hung_ brake-shoes the pressure due to the
f tion between brake-shoes and wheel, is downward for the leading wheels,
t eby causing compression of the forward springs of the truck. For the
t ling w^heel the pressure is upward, thereby relaxing the rear springs of
t' truck. The recoil of the forward springs results in the backward motion
he car body so disagreeable to passengers at the instant of stopping.
Vh inside-hung brake-shoes, the brake-shoe friction force acts upward
tF'Ugh the hanger links of the forward portion of the truck and downward
tl^ugh the hanger links of the rear portion of the truck, thus tending to
nvralize instead of aggravate the effect of the rotating influence of the car
D</. The problem of proportioning the length of brake-shoe hangers and
tiproper inclination of the same to the tangent at the point of contact
of the centre of the shoe, in order to compensate exactly for the rotating in-
fluence of the car body, is too involved for presentation here. For this \
reason reference is made to Mr. R. A. Parke's excellent paper in the Proceed* '
ings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Vol. XXII, Dec, 1902.
216. A common form of hand brake consists of a vertical shaft at eacbi
end of the car fitted at the top with a ratchet handle or crank, or geared to
a hand wheel. By means of this mechanism, the motorman can wind up a
chain, one end of which is fastened to the lower end of the vertical shaft and!
the other end to a rod which connects with a system of brake levers. Byj
means of a pawl (or dog) which engages in a ratchet wheel on the vertical'
shaft near the floor of the car, the motorman is enabled to maintain a pre»-'
sure on the brake-shoe while he gains a more favorable purchase for applying*
more pressure, or until such times as he desires to release the brakes. This!
brake has been found capable of supplying sufficient braking power for the
safe control of light cars running at moderate speed, but for heavy cars and
high speeds the physical effort and time required to properly apply the brakef
render it necessary to provide other means of supplying the proper force ir
a minimum length of time. Hand brakes, nevertheless, are always providec
as an additional safeguard, even though the cars may be equipped with power
brakes, as it is always customary to set up the hand brakes on all cars whei
they are left standing.
217. Air-brakes (Par. 218 to 238) in some form, have been universallj
adopted on all steam roads for braking both passenger and freight trains, am
the results have been attended with such success that modifications and im
provements of the old steam-railroad air-brake system have been develojpe^i
and adopted by a vast majority of electric lines operating heavy hifh
speed interurban cars, either singly or in trains. On account of the varyini:
character of the service on different electric roads, it has been found neoes
sary to develop several systems, or modifications of the same system whici,
will be best adapted for the service in hand. _
The most familiar types at present are known as the following: the straigh
air-brake system (Par. 218), recommended for single-car operation only; thi
emergency straight-air system (Par. 224), suitable for two-car operation, pari
ticularly when one is operated single most of the time and with a trailer addej
during rush hours; the automatic air-brake (Par. 227), suitable for eleotri
trains of three cars or more; the combined straight and automatic air-broM
(Par. 236), designed for locomotive operation, no matter whether steasLO
electric; the electroj)?ieumatic air-brake (Par. 287), at present in an expOT^
mental state, but particularly adapted to train operation, inasmuch a9 th'
time element in the application and release of the brakes on the rear end (
the charging tanks or from the compressor and in which the pressure is ni;i
tained practically constant by means of a reducing valve, or by a goven
which automatically controls the operation of the compressor; a br;^
cylinder, the piston of which is connected to a system of brake levers in si.
a manner that when the piston is forced outward by air pressure the brn!
are applied; an operating valve mounted in each vestibule by means of wli
the compre.ssed air is either admitted or released from the brake cylind'
a pipe system connecting the above parts, including cut-out valves, extra he
and angle fittings between cars. In order to prevent any possibility of accu-
mulating an excessive pressure, a safety valve designed to open at 100 lb. per
placed in the air-supply system.
sq. in. is A set of pressure gages is usually
supplied with each complete equipment in order that the motorman may
observe the pressure in the reservoir and remedy any defects in the govern-
ing apparatus.
219. To operate the motorman's valve (Par. 218), the handle is inserted
; when the valve is in lap position, where the slot in the body of the valve ia en-
larged for this purpose (in order to prevent its removal in any other position).
In this position the valve ia set so that air can neither pass into nor out
j'of the brake cyUnder. Moving the handle to the left places the valve
tin "full release," that is, connects the brake cylinder to the atmosphere and
['allows the air which holds the brakes applied, to escape, and the spring
\ which is opposed to the air pressure, restores the piston and releases the
I brakes. After the brakes have been released the valve is returned to lap
[position, which is the normal running position. To partially release the
brakes, which is necessary in braking in order to prevent shocks as the
car stops, the handle is moved to the right and quickly returned to lap.
I This reduces the pressure on the brake-shoes, but does not entirely release
220. To apply the brakes for a service stop (Par. 218), the handle is
Tioved to the right a little past the lap position, then back to the lap. This
onnecta the reservoir with the brake cylinder through a small opening in the
Gage Trolley
to insure that, air will apply throughout the entire train. All the cut-outi
cocks must be open except those on the rear of the last car, and the front of
the first car.
Pump Goveruo
all the air must pass from the main reservoir on the front car through ti
opening in the motorman's valve to the brake cylinders of each car. As tt
addition of each car adds to the volume of the brake system, the main res»
voir on the first car must be considerably in-
creased. The reservoir capacity must be so pro-
portioned that the pressure will not be reduced to
such an extent that the brake application will be
insuflScient and result in overrunning the desired
stopping place. These latter objections would not
necessarily prevent the use of this type of air-
brakes on short trains of two or three oars, were it
not for the objection that a broken hose connec-
tion or leaky train pipe renders the brakes on the
whole train inoperative.
224. The emergency straight air-brake,
described in detail in Par. 21S and 216, differs
from the straight air-brake in the details of the
motorman's valve and in the addition of an
emergency valve and reservoir line wliich con-
nects the motorman's valve with the emergency
valves (Figs. 58 and 59). In the case of a trail
car, an auxiliary reservoir (Par. 226) is also added,
as shown in Fig. 60.
In the ordinary operation of single cars or short
trains, the emergency valve is seldom brought
into play. It is necessary, however, to provide a short direct passe
the reservoir to the brake cylinder in order to ensure the quickest
action in time of emergency and to provide some means of autoin^
braking the rear cars shotild a break occur in the train line.
Brake Cyliudcr
{ Fia. 60. —General Electric emergency straight-air brake for trail cars.
In case of accident to the reservoir line the air can be exhausted from
e auxiliary reservoir and the train operated on straight air without inter-
pting the service. An accident to the train line has no effect upon the
tion of the emergency valve which still can be employed as ordinarily
throwing the motorman's valve to the emergency position. As the
aight air-larake principle predominates in this system, it is subject to the
lie objection which prevents the use of the straight air-brake on longer
ills, namely the time limit. For this reason, the automatic air-brake is
d on trains of three or more cars.
17. The automatic air-brake, described in detail Far. 228 to 236>
K^ frorn the straight air-brake in that the former requires a decrease in
p^ain-pipe pressure to apply the brakes, and an increase in pressure to
release them, whereas in the latter, air is admitted to the train pipe to apply
the brakes and exhausted to release them.
228. The apparatus required (Par. 227) for this system in addition to
that already mentioned for the straight air-brakes is as follows: a set of
duplex pressure gages, which indicate simultaneously the pressure in the
main reservoir and in the train pipe; an auxiliary reservoir, for storing the
air used by each car in braking; a triple valve, the function of which is to
admit air from the auxiliary reservoir into the brake cylinder and to release
it therefrom (in release position, the auxiliary reservoir is recharged), and an
air-whistle reservoir, with suitable check valve for sup-
plying air to the air whistle.
This system is capable of a great many refinements
which may be added or omitted as requirements of a
particular service may prescribe. The main points of
difference between particular automatic air-brake
equipments will generally be found in the details of the
triple valves, and the addition of pressure miaintaining
and reducing valves. These features are essential in
certain classes of grade work in order to prevent brakes
"leaking off." These particulars have been intention-
ally omitted from this consideration in order to avoid Fio. 61.— S. I.
undue complexity. Two forms of triple valves, how- trijile valve.
ever, need to be considered here inasmuch as the plain
triple valve. Fig. 61, is only used on comparatively short trains, about fiv'
cars in length, whereas the quick-action triple valve, Fig. 62, is de.signed ti,,
be used on much longer trains.
229. Emergency application (Par. 227). For the emergency positior
shown in diagram. Fig. 62, the train line is open to the atmosphere, allowin
auxiliary reservoir pressure on the right of the slide-valve piston forcing i
to the left against the graduating spring, compressing it and uncovering th
brake cylinder port. Air is thus permitted to flow from the auxihar
reservoir directly into the brake cylinder; at the same time the ports leadin
to the atmosphere and to the train pipe are closed. :
230. Torelease the brakes (Par. 227), the main reservoir air is admitte
through the train to the chamber at the left of the slide-valve piston, forcin
it to the right, and connecting the braki
cylinder port to the exhaust pipe. At tl
same time, air at the main reservoir presstn
raises the check valve and recharges the au:
iliary re.scrvoir to main reservoir pressure.
A graduated release of the brakes may 1
auxiliary reservoir pressure has been reduced to about the same valm-
the train-line pressure, the graduating spring will return the slide valv
lap position, closing all the ports before the brakes are fully applied,
auxiliary reservoir and brake cylinder are usually .so proportioned tlia;
brakes are fully applied when the brake piston displacement is sufficiei.
reduce the auxiliary reservoir pressure about 1.5 lb. Therefore, a train i>i
reduction greater than 1.1 lb. fully applies the brakes and is wasteful of :
because the train pipe and the auxiliary reservoir must be fully charged af
each application.
232. The quick-action triple valve (Par. 227), shown in Fig. 62, is
signed to be used on freight trains of considerable length, its function is-
apply and release the brakes on the rear cars so quickly that the runmng' '
triple valve shown in Fig. 62. In the full release position shown, air is
allowed to pass from the brake cylinder through porta in the slide valve, the
same as in the plain triple valve. The auxiliary reservoir is charged through
grooves around the shde-valve piston, and also through the raised check
valve and the uncovered port in the slide valve. The operation of the auto-
matic air brake (Par. 227) in conjunction with this valve is described in Par.
233 to 235.
Gauge _Jo Trolley
^ Switch
Hotormau's Brake Valve Fuse Bl<
-Slide Valve
Puinp Governor,
Safetv Valve
Main Reservoir
)rt, P. Just before valve piston strikes the graduating stem, a cavity in
.8 grading valve on top of the slide valve connects ports which allow com-
unication from the brake cylinder to the emergency chamber and train
pe. The piston in the emergency chamber is ortly loosely fitted, so that
" air which is admitted from the train pipe to the unseated check valve
- into the brake cylinder before communication is established between
,,'*• In retarded release with quick-action triple valve (Par. 227 and
•• the train line is quickly re-charged, forcing the valve piston to the ex-
ye nght. Thus is prevented the re-charging of the auxiliary reservoir
through the charging grooves before opening a small port in the slide valve,
would permit the train line pressure to raise the check valve and slowly
re-charge the auxiliary reservoir. The function of the charging device
(shown on the outside of the valve in Fig. 62) is to'prevent the inertia of the
slide valve from forcing it to the extreme right of its travel when the valve
piston is brought up against its stop. The restricted area at the left end of
the exhaust cavity of the slide valve partly closes the exhaust port, and allows
the brake-cylinder air to flow slowly into the atmosphere. On account of the
friction in the train pipe, it is impossible to re-charge the train line at the
rear of the train faster than the air will flow through the charging grooves
of the triple valves. As a
result, only the triple
H—IW- valves of the foremost cars
move to retarded release,
the others remaining in
full release, which releases j
236. Emergency ap-ii
plication with quick-
action triple valve (Par. I
brakes on the remainder of the train independently of the brakes on the fron
car. The chief advantage of such an arrangement is the possibility of hoi !
ing the brakes on the locomotive applied while the train brakes are relea
for the purpose of re-charging the auxiliary reservoirs.
237. The electropneumatic systeta is practically the same as
present automatic system, except that the valves are operated by Bolenoicl
in much the same way as the contactors in the multiple-unit train control
At the present time air control is retained as a safeguard in case of failur; ^
of the electric control. With electric traction, the possibilities of this 6yi\ 4
tem seem to be unlimited and automatic retardation as well as acceleratloSj f
is quite feasible. '
238. The air reservoirs should have a capacity sufficient to supply aifa
for three or four applications without reducing the pressure more than from 1 § 1
,-ake levers, thereby adding to the braking effort of the brake shoes on the
heels an amount equal to the drag of the track shoes on the rails and the
)unter torque of the motors acting as generators. It is possible, because
the automatic regulation of the magnetic attraction between the track
.oe and rail, to utilize as great or possibly greater brake-shoe pressure than
customary with either hand or air brakes without skidding the wheels,
it in practice this is seldom required and considerably less braking pressure
customary. The friction, between the track shoe and rail, necessary to
•oduce the requisite brake-shoe pressure will depend upon the design of the
ik motion and the speed of the train. However, this is usually greater than
braking effort exerted by the wheel brakes, and where the speed is low,
41. The single-truck car is intended for city-street service, and where
t maximum speed does not exceed 25 miles per
hr. The two axles of the
»;le-truck are rigidly aligned by side frames, so that of necessity the rigid
'sel base must be short in order to negotiate sharp curves, thus limiting the
Ifjth of car used, because too much overhang is productive of much rocking
a unsafe riding, and is objectionable also when rounding sharp curves in
c .Streets. Id order to provide easy riding, the car superstructure is 9up-
ported upon elliptic and coil springrs designed to take up the shock resultii
from riding over uneven track. Single-truck cars are limited to a maximui
length of about 30 ft. over all and a maximum weight including car bod
and trucks, but exclusive of electrical equipment of approximately 15,000 11
242. The double-truck car is equipped with two distinct trucks joine
together through the medium of the car-body framing. The swivel <
bogie truck consists essentially of two or more axles centred in conimo
side frames which are joined by a cross piece or bolster carrying a centi
plate and also side-bearing plates upon which the car body rests.
The bogie truck may comprise two or more axles mounted in a sing!
structure, the prevalent type, however, is composed of two axles for cai
weighing up to 50 tons total weight. For very high-speed service or f(
heavy cars, three-axle trucks are to be recommended.
243. Classification of bogie trucks. The standard four-wheel bog
truck is built along different lines depending upon the service which it is 1
perform. As the weight of the car body is carried upon the cross piece (
this bolster and its support offers a means of cushioning the effect of shod
given the car wheels when riding over uneven track. There are three gener
types of bogie trucks, namely: the rigid-bolster type (Par. 244), the floatini
bolster type (Par. 246); and the swinging-bolster type (Par. 246).
244. The rigid-bolster type (Par. 243) is suitable for locomotive woi
only, as the cushioning effect of the car body by means of springs ism
carried to sufficient length for easy riding qualities. The bolster is solid
fastened to the side frames and forms an integral part therewith. The sprin
suspended car superstructure is sustained by means of box sprin,
laced between the side frames and the journal boxes. These springs m
e of semi-elliptic (Fig. 67) or spiral type (Fig. 70). This type of constn
tion offers no compensation for the swaying of the superstructure, and ,
a bolster mounted upon elliptic springs which rest upon the side frames. T •.
able bolster traveling in a guide or transom and mounted upon elliptic sprini'r^
a construction very similar to the floating-bolster type. In the form'ji
however, the elliptic springs do not rest directly upon the side frames, b j(
rest in a saddle hung from the transom or side-frame construction in suctn.
maDoer that opportunity is provided for a transverse swing of the sup<t
847. Construction of bolster and side frames. The truck bolster ma,
be made of wood or metal, and both the centre plate and side-bearing platt
which it carries, may be ball or roller bearings, in order to reduce the frictio,
and permit the truck to respond readily to the demands of track curvaturt
The side frames may be built up of steel plates riveted together, or forge
or cast in a single piece. The construction is rigid and provides for gooj
alignment of the axles. ,,
248. Maximum traction trucks are designed for city service at speed
not much exceeding .30 miles per hr., and are useful where it is desired v
mount a single motor on a ij
Ln n n n n n n n nd
Fio. 72. —Seat capacity 44.
Besides the convertible and semi-convertible type of closed cars, a comby
tion open and closed car is used for warm climates, as it offers the great
advantages for all-the-year operation.
250. Arrangement of seats. The closed-body car may be provided y
either longitudinal or cross seats, the former being used in the shorter c
of 30 ft. overall and under, and the latter in the larger city and suburl
cars. In general it may be stated that longitudinal-seat cars are suits
only for short runs and medium rates of acceleration, and transverse se
should be used in order to provide comfort for the passenger wherej™
accelerating rates are high or the run extended. ,. t- to a i
The prevalent type of transverse-seat car is indicated in Fig. 72, anajH
ally contains short longitudinal end seats in addition. Owing to the pfl
bility of crowding at the car entrance, it has been found advisable to pro>
more standing room at these points. This leads to a composite type m
having longer longitudinal end seats and providing transverse seats in
centre portion of the car only. , .
cient space is allowed for transverse seats capable of seating two pe^W
the side. A modification of transverse-seat car is constructed for suonci
having the longitudinal aisle and providing a two-passenger seat on one I
use doors at the sides so arranged that the crowd can circulate rapialjf*
as little interference as possible between tne boarding and the leavjnJJ
eengers. In some cases this is accomplished by end doors for entrancf„»^
entre door for exit, while in one type of side-door ear there is a door oppo-
ite each seat, all doors being operated from one point by compressecf air.
"hese types of cars were originally installed for train operation on subway
nd elevated lines, where only station stops were made and where fares were
'ollecteJ before passengers boarded trains. It was some time afterwards
Sat serious thought was given to the adoption of a similar principle in car
designs for operation on surface lines, that is, before steps were taken
) separate the entrance from the exit or to collect fares as tne passengers
oarded the cars. The first cars brought out employing this principle,
ere known as Pay-as-you-enter cars and were similar in design to other
Sirs then in use. The new features were closed vestibules with door control
kindles for the motorman and conductor and a fare box. Thus the front
latform was converted into an exit which relieved the congestion around
le rear plaiform when passengers deisred to get on or off. This arrange-
ent was a decided improvement over the older method of collecting fares
ter the passengers were seated and many lines charged over their old cars
make use of the jmy-as-you-enter principle.
The next step was the design of a new type of car body with a front
trance and centre exit. In this type of car the centre exit is assumed to
rtde the car into two sections, a pre-payment section in the rear and a
:y-as-you-leave section in front. The conductor is stationed just in
at of the centre exit and collects the fares as the passengers pass him on
"r way to the pre-payment section or as they pass out. Such a car has
advantage of quick loading at transfer points and gives the conductor
opportunity to collect the fares and distribute the passengers in the car
ore reaching the next stop. There have been a number of other new
tures added in the design of these cars, notably an air-operated sliding
w for the centre exit, low wheels and low step, vertical and horizontal
b rails instead of straps for standing passengers, dome shaped roof with
aust ventilators instead of Monitor roof, flush platforms and other im-
vements in car body which do much to reduce the weight of the car and
nomize in space.
SS. Safety or one-man cars. The development of safety features
a_ as closed vestibules and mechanical control of the doors has made it
rible to advance another step in the solution of the street railway trans-
lation problem. This advance is on the theory that if a more frequent
iway is maintained more passengers will ride and in the interval between
fewer passengers will assemble who will have to be accommodated,
h two-man cars the platform expense prohibits the operation of cars on
li^ort headway and the seating capacity of the ordinary two-man cars
.ore than would be required for the passenger who would ordinarily be
ed up on each trip, if such short headways were operated. The appli-
)n of this theory required the development of special features in car-body
so that one man could collect the fares as the passengers boarded
close the doors so that passengers could not get on or off while the
as in motion and also operate the car. The success of the venture is
^aisely to the details of the safety features which have been incorpor-
in the control which is so interlocked that one man can perform the
of motorman and conductor. The door control and other safety
are worked out in conjunction with the air-brake equipment.
Extra compartments on suburban cars (Far. S54). For sub-
service it is desirable to provide a smoking compartment divisioned
•cm the main portion of
and connected to it by fr^-^
206. Classification. S
propelled cars are divided i I
•vice demand can be taken care of by the maximum output of the gas
>tor,not much exceeding 250 h.p. The possibilities of the gas-electric drive
inot yet fully worked out or appreciated by operating men, and the use of
3h equipment is influenced largely by the possibility of using a cheap fuel,
js are now in interurban service that consume approximately ^o gal. of
soline per car-mile.
260. Classification. Electric locomotives may be divided into four
leral classes as follows: (a) miscellaneous interurban freight service; (b)
rd-shifting and interchange freight; Cc) main-line freight; (d) main-line
i61. LocomotiTOS for interurban lines are all of the same general type
construction and comprise a cab carried on two four-wheel trucks upon
mounted single-geared motors in the usual manner. The loco-
ich are
Itive is of construction similar to interurban cars, except as to super-
Pantograph Resistance
Ma/'n Switch Trolley Change-over Line
Jwitch .
Blower K
ntnotor': * ^ IP.
'mpmy BrakeValve ft]
the total weight may reach 100 tons when such locomotives are used betwe*
large yards for the interchange of freight. The service is interiiiittent ac
the average speed is below 4 miles per hr. The average energy input is le,
than 80 kw. for a 60-ton locomotive. Slow-speed armatures and a maximu.
gear ratio are best suited for the service. Often two motors are conneett
permanently in series in order to limit the maximum speed and power demai
to reasonable amounts. While yard locomotives will vary from 30 to 1(
tons total weight, good examples of the heavier types are given in succeedii
263. Main-line freight locomotives present a great variation in desii,
and motor equipment. Main-line service demands a locomotive equipmej
capable of withstanding a large sustained output, and hence calls for differej
motor characteristics th l
R r 37'4'
"V ** t^- '"O I
puj jOhJ
(d) Those having cabs mounted on trucks as in (c) but having two motors
mounted rigidly between the side frames of each truck, geared to a jack shaft
through twin gears, and the jack shaft connected to the driving wheels
through side rods. The Norfolk & Western split phase locomotives (see
Par. 271) are of this type.
869. Main-line passenger locomotives are required to operate safely
at speeds of 60 to 75 m.p.h. and the heaviest service requires that trailing
loads of 1,000 tons be handled at these high speeds in order to meet the
870. Construction of main- line passenger locomotives. The gear-
leas construction operated upon the New York Central electric zone since
1907 has proved very successful with high operating efficiency and low cost
of maintenance. The full
advantages of gearless con-
struction can only be realized
with direct-current bipolar
motors. The original instal-
lation of forty-seven locomo-
tives on the New York Central
have been supplemented by
twenty-six additional locomo-
tives of the gearless direct-
current motor type, but with
a different wheel arrangement
14000 S 40 better adapted to higher-speed
main-line operation, see Fig.
33000 30S CO 80.
The latest type of gearless
locomotive is a twelve-motor
design shown
in Fig. 82 for
heavy high-speed passenger
service over the Cascade
Mountains, Chicago, Milwau-
kee & St. Paul Railway.
Gearless-motor construction
provides the simplest form of
IG. 83. —Locomotive motor characteristics mechanical drive possible to
(N. Y. C, 8-motor, 1913 type). use, and is well adapted to
meet the requirements of high-
peed passenger service. For the characteristic curves of a typical direct-
iirrentgearless-motor locomotive, see Fig. 83.
The York, New Haven & Hartford single-phase passenger locomo-
ves are of gearless construction but owing to the fact that the motors are
wing supported and the locomotives are free from nosing tendency, they
perate safely at speeds of 75 to 80 miles per hour. Forty-one of these
. icomotives have been in hard service since 1907. They are handicapped by
3ing obliged to operate on 600 volts direct current as well as on single phase
ternating current. These locomotives are also notable for the fact that
ley have field control on direct current, and voltage control on single phase.
The locomotives built for high-speed passenger service over the severe
ades of the Rocky Mountain and Cascade Mountain Divisions of the
hioago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, see Fig. 82, are of the latest
sign of gear and quill drive. These locomotives operate on 3,000 volt
reot current. The New York, New Haven and Hartford have also put
service locomotives with this type of drive.
The electric locomotives on the Pennsylvania Terminal electrification in
ew York (see P. T. & T. locomotive in Par. 271) are built for the arduous
rvice of taking the heavy trains of steel cars through the tunnels leading to
d from the terminal and across the meadows. They regularly haul trailing
ids of 800 tons up the 1| and 2 per cent, grades at speeds of 30 to 40 miles
r hr. These locomotives have established good records for reliability and
1 cost of maintenance. They have the motors mounted high in the cab
aroughly protected from dust or dirt, and connected to the driving wheels
rough jack shafts and side rods. See Fie 84. Field control is also an
portant feature as will be seen from the table under Par. 271,
^ ,„oo Si c-o.
IN W r-1 (N O >-<
<-< rH
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2 i o So Aooo-*°?Qo o OOr-i ^ -o
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_MI CJ Ml 03
wHE-iE-iO^^QZEhOOE-i PMhP-imrtOaP
274. Single phase. One of the prime requisites for main-line electrifica-
on 13 a high voltage for distributing the power from substations to cars and
jcoinotives. This is necessary, first, to minimize the copper in the distrib-
ting system; second, to secure maximum efficiency of distribution; third, to
mplify the collection of currents for large amounts of power. The use of
ngle phase alternating current permits the use of very high voltages on the
olley —
as high in fact as there is any reason for using. In this country the
ullages vary from 3,300 and 6,600 which are used on interurbun lines and
)meof the earlier main-line electrifications, to 11,000 which is now accepted
1 the standard for main lines. In Europe voltages as high as 15,000 are in
ie, but it is felt in this country that this is higher than necessary. With
16 exoeotion of one small installation, 25-cycle current is used for all single-
jase railways in this country. In Europe, however, the preference is given
15 or 161 cycles. A
frequency of 25 cycles has the aavantage of being a
andard for power distribution in many localitie.s, and in lower cost of power
ition and substation apparatus. It has the disadvantage of greater siie
id weight of commutator-type motors, and thus limiting the output from a
ven space on a locomotive.
On short single-phase lines the energy may be fed directly from the genera-
rs to the trolley, but for long lines, it is necessary to use a high voltage for
insmission and feed the trolley from step-down transformers. These
insformers are usually located in substations but are sometimes of the out-
r 'or type. In either case regular attendants are not required.
Steam Boiler
4Cor- i-J?.':fi'S'.t"3...
Trolley Basef junction \
Revener. Box...
•Third RailStioe
Fig. 85 —Single-phase twin-motor geared locomotive.
Two types of equipment are at present operated from single-phase trolleys:
«) Cars and locomotives having commutator type motors with series chaiac-
b) Split-phase locomotives have induction motors which derive the additional
iJSjBS from the phase converter in the locomotive cab. The converter
iiaists of a polyphase stator and a squirrel-cage rotor, the combination
login effect an induction motor fed from single-phase supply and getting
polyphase field by means of its rotating armature.
Joth types employ step-down transformers on the locomotive so that the
tors have low voltages applied to them. The former type is particularly
;ed for passenger service with both multiple trains and locomotives. It
too well suited for high-speed freight and switching service. In such ser-
}_the variable speed characteristics are valuable. The split phase loco-
tive is particularly desirable where heavy grades are encountered which
essitate high tractive efforts and where the automatic regeneration of the
jore down grades saves power and decreases the liability of accidents.
he disadvantages attending the use of single-phase current are in the
tively high cost and low efficiency of motive power, the cost of supplying
277. Train diagrams represent in graphic form the movement of al
frains over a given division during the 24 hr. of operation. Such diagram
are usually plotted with distance as ordinates and elapsed time as abscissas
and they are of the greatest value in determining the average and maximuE
sustained demands upon the distributing and generating systems.
The average train input for a given service is determined according t
methods outlined in Par. 77 to 117, so that a train diagram is useful fo
indicating the local demand upon any part of the distributing system durin
any period of 24 hr. The train diagram also furnishes means of obtainin
the total average load upon the entire division covered by the diagram, b!
plotting in curve form the total average kilowatts demanded by the several
train movements intersecting equally spaced ordinates. Thus, referring t'
Fig. 88, representing a typical train diagram wherein is depicted the pejj
|6 i
12 3 6 9 12 3 G 9
A.M. P.M.
Fig. 88. —Typical train sheet (suburban service)
640 kw.
278. Calculated load curve. By erecting other ordinates upon the 2,
hr. performance sheet it becomes possible to plot a detailed generating-8tati<,
load curve for the 24 hr. with the train movements as predetermined. Tl
train load curve does not show momentary fluctuations, and these must al
be considered in determining the character of the distribution sysUi
especially in suburban and other systems where the train units are large and
operate at infrequent intervals.
279. Classification of service. As affecting the distributing system,
[railway service may be divided into two broad classes as follows: (a) fre-
quent or conge-sted service; ^b) infrequent operation. Under class (a) are
?rouped all city systems, underground or elevated roads and certain sub-
urban roads where the headway between train units is small. Under class
.b) are grouped all inter- ,
iirban and most suburban
oads, in fact, all classes of
lervice where the interval
setween trains is fairly
^ 600
\i Wi
arge, as 10 min. or more,
nd where the train unit
)perates at a high maximum
\ m
peed and thus demands con-
iderable input. The treat-
§ 200 EH
tnent of classes (a) and (b)
ervice as affecting the dis-
ribution system must be
omewhat different as in ] 2 3 6 9 12 3 6
lass (.a) momentary fluctua- A.M. **
ions due to starting of cars
ave little effect upon the Fia. 89. —Typical load diagram.
iifie of conductor determined
.pen for feeders, or location and capacity of substations if these are used.
In class (b) the momentary input demanded during acceleration is often
jie determining factor in selecting the amount of feeder conductor and
^betation capacity required.
S80. Classification of distribution systems. Distribution systems
yiay be divided in general into two classes, which are secondary systems
.^ar. 281), and primary systems (Par. 293).
281. Secondary systems consist of the trolley wire, third rail or other
)nducting medium, extending from the generating station or substation
id the feeders connected thereto; also the track return with its feeders and
)osters, if used. The conductivity and physical characteristics of the
condary distributing system are determined partly by the momentary
;mand of each train unit and partly by the average input required by an
Igregation of such units, where the interval between trains is short. For
stance, in suburban service a high speed car may be equipped with motors
igregating 300 h.p. to the car, and the conditions of service may demand
input, during acceleration, of 400 kw., while the average input to the car
eluding acceleration, coasting, braking and standing still during stops,
ly not be much greater than 100 kw. per car. As the train interval is so
eat that possibly not more than two cars receive power from a substation
one time, it becomes necessary to determine carefully the amount of over-
id during starting as influencing the conductivity of the distributing cir-
iitand the substation capacity. On the other hand in city service, asub-
|Uion or generating station may feed fifty or more cars, and individual
jiders may carry the load of perhaps fifteen cars, thus, making the momen-
ry demand of any one car a matter of small importance. In such cases
13 determination of conductivity and substation capacity would rest upon
283. The conductance of the circuit between motors and bus bars.j
is seldom determined by its proper relation with interest on first cost of the I
conducting system and the cost of energy lost, as the first cost of the distribu-j
tion conductors so determined is considerably in excess of current practice m
this respect. In city systems the average and momentary maximum drofl
are practically the same owing to the small effect of the starting current o^
any one of the large number of cars controlled by one feeder. In interurbanj
systems, where generally but two cars are controlled by one feeder, th^
maximum fluctuation is much in excess of the average drop.
284. Relation of trolley wire and feeders. Feeders are different
grouped according to the demands of the service and the physical arrangem^
. of the trolley sections. The simplest conducting system to the car upon t
track consists in that shown in Fig. 90, wherein the trolley is connect
through circuit-breakers directly to the positive bus bar with no auxiha
Fia. 92. — Multiple feeders. Fra. 93. — Sectionalized trolley
feeders, and the negative bus connected to the track return. The tro|
is generally sectioned at the station and each section controlled by an ill
pendent feeder panel.
Where the trolley conductor itself has not a sufficiently high conducts
it isreinforced with auxiliary feeders connected to it at frequent inten
See Fig. 91. The result of such feeder reinforcement is simply to inci '
for feeding a small number of units, and is more useful in the operaticn
suburban or interurban systems than in city work.
285. The most economical copper distribution for feeding: a If^i'S
number of train units would consist in a separate feeder to each truin ^^
proportioned that the drop in all feeders would be equal to the maxinun
drop permissible. As this would be impossible without too great a inuli
plicity of feeders, the arrangement in Fig. 92 is adopted. A better arrunr^
ment of the same feeder connection is shown in Fig. 93 which is identical t
that in Fig. 92, except that the trolley itself is sectioned so that each finl'
independently controls a single section of trolley and the cars drawii
energy from that section (Par. 286 and 287)
286. Lengrth of trolley wire sections. Trolley sections may be fro
a few hundred yards to 2 miles or more in length in city service, depiinlii
upon the lay-out of the streets and the importance of sectionalizing dill in i
feeding the maximum group of cars drawing energy from that section of t
• ,
(o) Booster in the supply station, which can be connected in series witl
any feeder extending to a temporarily overloaded section for the purpose 6,
supplying the added voltage required to compensate for the excessive feede,
and trolley drop.
(d) Track return, consisting of the track rails, bonded at the joints. _ ,
can be made use of only in very large and important cities, or in interurl >
304. Impedance. The use of alternating current in the trolley and rail-
ircuit necessitates some modification in the above values, as the effective
asistance is increased by reason of the inductive reactance of both trolley
nd rail, and also due to eddy currents set up in the rail itself.
305. Kail impedance. The impedance of a rail depends in a considerable
agree upon its chemical composition, a reduction in permeability also
"iduoing the internal losses. In general the action is a skin effect, and the
npedance and resistance are inversely proportional to the perimeter of the
lil and are proportional to the square root of the frequency. This pro-
jrtion assumes an unbroken rail, and the introduction of short lengths of
dl bonded together calls for modifications. Thus at 25 cycles the imped-
ice of track rail of standard outline and composition is approximately eight
iraes the ohmic resistance offered to the passage of direct current; at 15
f'ck-3 a ratio of 6.2 obtains, etc. The power-factor at either frequency is
)proximately 80 per cent. Considering a track circuit with bonding,
perimental results show an impedance at 25 cycles of 6.6 times the ohmic
Under the following conditions the measured impedance of rail of various
he collector to leave the wire and cause arcing. This type of construction
s suitable for both high-speed operation and heavy-current collection with
>antograph collector.
The only limit placed upon the distance between supports in catenarj
construction on tangent track is the likelihood that long spans will have con-
siderable lateral sway. This is corrected in part by suspending the troUej
from a double catenary construction, thus forming a triangular ol
considerable rigidity.
316. Pole guying. With wooden-pole bracket construction it is cus-
tomary to anchor the poles on curves, often on tangents.
317. Duplication of primary circuits. Primary transmission circuits
may be carried upon the same poles that serve as a support for the trolley
The transmission line so supported may be supplemented by a separatt
transmission line hung on independent poles, in order to provide greater as-
surance for continuity of service.
318. Standard trolley potentials in use are as follows: COO, 1,200
1,500, 2,400 and 3,000 volts direct-current, 3,300, 0,600 and 11,000 volts
An alternating-current trolley potential of 3,300 volts has been u.sed ii
several installations but is being superseded by 6,600 volta in the smaller, and
11,000 volts in the larger installations.
319. Overhead collecting devices for use with trolley may be divided
into three classes: wheel (Par. 320), roller (Par. 321), and slidiug-bow
(Par. 326).
320. The trolley wheel consists of a grooved wheel of composition metal
ranging from 3.5 in. to 6 in. in diameter, depending upon whether the
service is low or high speed. Wheels are carried on a self-lubricating bearinj
and press against the trolley at pressures from 15 to 40 lb. depending upon the
maximum speed of the equipment, this pressure being maintained throughout
a wide range in height of trolley wire in order to provide for reduction in
standard height of 22 ft. made necessary when going beneath bridges,
culverts, etc.
321. Approximate life of trolley wheels
City service 25 miles per hr. maximum 11,000 miles
Suburban service 35 miles per hr. maximum 0,000 miles
Interurban service 50 miles per hr. maximum 3, .500 miles
High-speed service 00 miles per hr. m.aximum 2,000 miles
322. The current capacity of the trolley wheel is determined by it«
speed and the pressure of contact between wheel and wire, the higher the
speed the greater the pressure necessary to maintain contact without ariingj
High speed also demands a very nicely balanced wheel and the maximum speet,
at which trolley wheels are used, corresponds to a car speed of 60 miles per hr
Following are the current-carrying capacities of trolley wheels at various
the trolley wire of as light weight as possible in order to minimize the blow o
the trolley wheel striking it. f
S24. Trolley rollers are sometimes used in place of trolley wheels where it
desired to make use of a reversible collecting construction or where the
rolley potential is so high as to make it desirable that all control of the
rolley collecting devices shall be automatic and not manual with cord. RoU-
\e contacts consist of a brass or composition roller about 5 in. in diameter
mi 30 in. long, supplemented by stationary wings to provide for greater
ff-centre displacement of the trolley than can be taken care of by the roller.
toller trolleys are beirig used for high-voltage direct-current locomotives
ith success, and improvements in design have made it possible to collect
ay current required for main-line freight or passenger trains with direct-
lurrent 2,400-volt supply.
lU. Sliding shoe trolleys are in very general use at moderate speeds,
Tying currents of moderate value, and the development of high po-
tial alternating-current trolley collectors has brought this form of con-
uction into prominence. In many alternating-current roads the use of
Uey wheels operated by means of insulated linen cord is still adhered to,
; tne majority of such roads are adopting some form of roller or sliding-
V contact. As the application of the sliding-bow trolley to high speed
oration calls for certain modifications in its construction as hitherto made,
complete operating data are extant in regard to its carrying capacity or its
\. For speeds between 50 and 60 miles per hr., the sliding contact has an
ireciably less life than either the trolley wheel or roller, but continued use
.he sliding bow at these speeds is resulting in the selection of metals and
jfls of construction which will provide for a reasonably long life. A double-
|e trolley has lately been developed for collecting heavy currents which will
iHoubtedly supersede the roller. It is much lighter and will collect much
vier currents, not only at low but at high speeds.
SS. Sliding-bow construction may be supported either by a trolley
.5 mounted upon a spring base along the lines of standard trolley-wheel
i|struction, or the bow or scraper may be held in a horizontal position at
Fig. 112. — Protected third-rail.
u A H .
? jL!tr
Type T Type B
Fig. 113.
330. Third-rail roads giving: location of third-rail
Inches on Fig. 113
Name of road Type*
22.00 4.50
Metropolitan & District 16.00 3.00
jletropolitan West Side Elevated Ry. Co. . . U.T. 20.50 I 11.25
liichigan United Rys. Co U.T. 21.50 i
Hilan-Gallarate 26.625 7.60
few York Central & Hudson River R.R. . . P.B. 28.25 I
Northern Electric Co U.T. 25.50 I
fcrtheastern 19.25 ,
nris-Orleans 25.625 ;
nQadelphia Rapid Transit Co P.B. 27.00 i
pion Elevated R.R U.T. 20.125 I 6.187
aterloo City 28.25
est Jersey &, Seashore U.T. 27.344 3.50
est Shore 32.00 2.75
ilkesbarre & Hazleton Ry. Co P.T. 28.00 .5.00
* Note.
—=U.T. = unprotected top running; P.T. =« protected top run-
ig; bottom running.
ttl. The location of the thixd-rail is determined by physical character-
08 of the rail and by the character of the rolling stock passing over it, that
nifficient clearance must be provided to allow the passage of low-pressure
amotive cylinders, hopper cars, etc., and also the third rail must be laid
Two side guards and slotted covering through stations.
•One side guard on outside 6.25 in. distant, extending 6.5 in. above too of
336. Third-rail shoes (Par. 337) are of two general types: those acquir
their pressure by gravity and those actuated by means of springs. 1
unprotected overrunning third rail was Hrst used in conjunction with gnM
shoes, and in many installations this form of shoe is still in operation. WW
rails are protected it ia necessary to provide a form of shoe which will operj
I the limited space between rail and protection, and such shoes are hinged
ad actuated by springs in order to provide the necessary pressure.
337. Current capacity of third-rail shoes is much in excess of that of
ay form of overhead current collector, especially in regard to current
'ipacity at high .speeds. Tests have been made which indicate that elec-
icity may be collected at the rate of 2,000 amp. from a single shoe at a
!>eed of 35 miles per hr., and 500 amperes at a speed of 70 miles per hr.
.wing to the considerable wearing surface of a cast-iron shoe its life may be
ken as exceeding 25,000 miles.
338. Conductivity of the third rail depends upon its composition,
id it is sometimes the practice to roll third rails of special composition in
^der to increase their conductivity. The specific resistance of steel has
:«n found to be proportional to the per cent, of manganese and carbon which
contains. Of these two elements mangane-se is the most objectionable,
the standard track rail contains from 0.40 to 0.50 per cent, carbon and
high as 0.70 per cent, manganese, which gives it a specific resistance
nging from ten to twelve times that of pure copper. For samples of special
nstruction see Par. 339.
339. Composition of special third rails
Manhattan New York and
railway subway Hudson
his table is based upon the use of 9-in. bonds having a carrying capacity
J to one-half that of the rail.
A, Third-rail maintenance is a very small item, as tests have shown
rail to wear an extremely small amount, even in very heavy service,
s taken show tha,t the passage of 2,000,000 third-rail shoes resulted in
ing away O.OOG in. of special soft rail. The maintenance of a third-
includes such items of expense as maintaining the bonding, alignment,
insulators in good condition together with the upkeep of jumpers and
sables. This has been found in practice to be very small and
low maintenance charge of third-rails together with the possibility
Sec. 16-343 ELECTRIC railways
the plough carries both the positive and negative contacts, there is no tra
return and hence the conductivity of the track as a return feeder is lost.
Underground trolley systems are installed in city streets where the co
gestion of travel is sufficiently heavy to warrant the large expense and whe
the use of overhead wires is objectionable. As conduit systems are esse
tially double-trolley systems, the feeder network is double that required f
an overhead trolley with track return. Both conductor rails are control!
by separate feeders and are divided into sections as previously indicat
for city trolley systems. Each section, with its_ feeders, is controlled 1
Fotential difference of 1,200 volts between them and 600 volts each to groui*
n this case the car equipment consists of two separate 600-volt roof
equipments including control, connection being estaolished with the tra^
as a neutral. Such systems can therefore operate either as 600-volt fr<i
either or both trolleys, or as a straight 1,200-volt system troUey-to-troUi
with the track acting as a neutral and carrying practically no curro"
Where there is no restriction placed upon the voltage drop in track :
the generating station. It was early found that the ground itself
adjacent bodies of water constituted a return circuit of such high tv-^'
as to be of little practical use, hence the necessity for a carefully bam
track-return circuit, reinforced by feeders where necessary. Data on 0(3
ductivity and the resistance of standard rails is given in Par. 338 and 341,
349. Rail bonding (Par. 360 to 364) consists in establishing contact, a
to rail, in order to utilize to the fullest extent the conductivity of the rail n
return circuit or as a third-rail. The contact resistance of fish plates IM
great as to amount practically to an open circuit, hence the need of a bona
joint of good conductivity. The question of bonding has largely resol'l^
'eb or flange. The size of hole in the rail varies with the capacity and type
bond used, ranging from } of an in. to 1 in, in diameter. There are two
!neral tyf>es of expanded terminal bonds.
The Steel-core bond comprises a soft steel centre inserted in a copper
ad and so designed that when placed in the rail and pressure applied, the
pansion of the steel core centre will force the copper head into close con-
ct with the rail. This type of bond has been largely superseded by the
1-copper bond.
Tlie second type of expanded-terminal bond comprises two solid copper
ads or terminals into which is forged a laminated copper conductor joining
etwo. When the bond is in place and pressure applied, the soft copper
, ad is expanded into close contact with the rail.
I Bonds of the expanded-terminal type are designed for use either beneath
I e fish plate or under the flange of the rail, or are made of sufficient length to
an the fish plate. Where the conductor joining the terminals is of con-
lerable length as in cross bonding, it is sometimes made of solid copper wire,
t a .stranded or laminated conductor is absolutely necessary where the bond
short and must conform to rail deflection at the joint.
352. Soldered boiuls have been introduced successfully in some cases.
lese comprise a laminated copper conductor terminating in two solid heads
ned to the rail by soldering, brazing or welding. The bond is attached
the head of the rail on the outside, or to the flange of the rail. In either
' 36 it is exposed to view, which facilitates inspection and renewals but also
iders the bond liable to theft. It is difficult to obtain a contact by soldering
It will withstand constant vibration, but brazed and welded bonds
uear to be freer from this objection. Where good contact can be secured
accessibility and cheapness of this method of bonding recommends it.
Sec. 16-358 electric railways
Current amperes
Temperature rise deg. cent
is supplied. Since attendants are eliminated and the light load losses save
it is practical to use a relatively large number of substations with consequei i
ity, of both Westinghouse and General Electric design are given below
Fig. 116 and Fig. 117 respectively.
379. Operation of automatic substations. Substations wi<li
attendants may be made to start automatically in a number of wii.\
pending upon conditions to be met, but for the most part they fui
through the agency of some form of remote control, or automation
means of a voltage relay, which closes its contacts at some predetn
value of reduced trolley voltage. This scheme is followed by the M t
house Electric & Manufacturing Co. for starting their automatic sub.'^t^
(see Fig. 116). Circuits thus set up other control relays to fun.ii
in such a way as to close the oil circuit breaker, the normal field switcti
1466 I
loomea that of the machine, for the reason that, during starting, it is directly
connected across the direct-current terminals of the converter. It is thus
obvious that the relay armature will not rotate until the machine has pulled
into step, since prior to synchronism it is receiving alternating current of a
*/W«y^*^ a
^('-/•Itoqt DC ^•ay
5-kw. transformer is used to supply energy for operating the control and t
oil circuit breakers. A suijcrvisory and remote s(;lective control of the seve^
converters and feeders may be provided, giving the load despatcher infltaj
'j^ntrol ofthe machines, and an answer back to indicate the condition. This
trol is operated over the usual telephone line. Then through interlocks,
are closed in proper sequence, the brushes are lowered to the com-
lutator by a motor-driven device and the direct-current switches close.
his connects the machine to load through current-limiting resistance which
then shunted in steps by switches closed through the functioning of accel-
ating relays. The machine remains in operation until cut out of service
y the light load control.
580. Protective features of automatic substations. Protection is
•ovided by induction type, single and polyphase relays which prevent the
ation from starting under any abnormal conditions of alternating-current
ae voltage, such as low voltage, open phase or reverse phase. This same
"pe of relay causes the station to shut down on unbalanced phase conditions;
the trouble is inside of the station, a lockout relay prevents restarting,
Idle if the unbalanced phase condition is outside of the substation, the auto-
atic equipment will function to bring the apparatus into service as soon
the line is restored to normal. Bearings are equipped with thermostats
hich, in the case of a hot bearing, lock the machine out of service until the
ntacts of the thermostat device have been reset by hand. A thermal relay
otects the machine from overheating on overload. A direct-current
verse current relay, an overspeed device, induction type alternating-cur-
Qjt overload relays, a thermostat to prevent overheating of the direct-
Trent current-Umiting resistance, and a lockout relay which locks the
uipment out of service in case of failure of any part of the apparatus are
her protective features.
581. Advantages of automatic substations. The use of automati-
Ihr controlled substations extends the economic limits of direct-current
stems of distribution. The voltage regulation, the efficiency and capacity
a distributing system can be improved by automatically controlled units
400 600 800 1000 I20O
1400 1600 1800 20OO
Size of Units
in Kw.
Fio. 118. —Cost of substations for electric railways.
iiioth normal and overload capacity. Relatively small machines will not
bnjured when exposed to severe overloads, and this is of importance to
etric railways since any number of trains may be blocked near a small
;.Bistation and started without injury to the apparatus. (5) They permit
gl voltage regulation with only a small amount of feeder copper; (6) a
n inising means of electrolysis mitigation; (7) as the number of substations
reased, the chance of an interruption in service caused by the shutdown
-ingle station is greatly lessened and the need of spare apparatus is also
I'd; (8) quick starting in case of load demand. The standard time
arting and taking load is 35 seconds. Quick restarting in case of shut-
due to the interruption of high-tension lines. (9) Relatively small
inexpensive buildings, since no provision need be made for the operator.
f relative cost of
automatic and manually-operated substations is shown
"ilg. 118.
fllir 1469
Engineer, Keriie Insulated Wire and Cable Co. Associate, American Inslitii
o/ Electrical Engineers
382. Introduction. The development of this art has been and is '
rapid that space does not permit either its historical treatment nor coj
sideration of details of design of apparatus or circuits. Little relating J
working data or costs is given in this discussion as these change almost frci
day to day, but only such material as will assist the otherwise well-qualifii
electrical engineer who may have to do with signaling, to understand son
of the principles and practices involved (for further details see Bibhograpfc
Par. 427 to 429). i
electric railway men, and the increasing electrification of steam roads havi
yards or junctions requiring its use.
384. Railway signaling maybe defined as the art of regulating railw
train movements by means of the indications displayed by visual signals
fixed location placed along the roadway. Its practice requires a knowle*
of railway operating methods and rules, of train acceleration, running c*
ditions and braking (Par. 203) and a thorough understanding of the relati^
of track to traffic. Its function is to prevent loss of life or property fri
collision or derailment and to save time and money by minimising congesti
and assuring the use of trackage to maximum capacity. Its prolaW
include the proper layout and subdivision of tracks to handle an existiof
assumed traffic with the greatest safety and least delay; the determinat
of the extent to which visual signal indications shall supersede written oO
munication in the regulation of train movements; the design, construct
and installation of the necessary signal apparatus; the training of engine l
train crews in the understanding and observance of signals; and the org
ization and training of the necessary personnel for the maintenance (
operation of the various installations. t
liable to error. The means usually employed comprise the visual indicfttl
of fixed signals (Par. 387 and 388).
, ^ .. :i
The conditions of the track as a structure, namely, whether the raiu
intact and the switches so set that a continuous path for wheels is provl
over a given route, can hardly be indicated by rules or written orders i
tuated by the passage of the trolley wheel. A very large variety of sigi
installations of this character have been made, varying from exccodinc
simple ones to those involving a greater complication of apparatus a
circuits than are necessary in complete automatic blocking. Many of th<
are very crude and of decided limitations both as to safety and the r
tent to which they facilitate traffic. Many of them depend upon step-l
step devices which count the number of oars that enter a block and coi
them out at the other end of the block. A number of these systems hi,
been quite highly developed as regards their apparatus. The relays a,
magnets as a rule require no separate source of energy for their operation 1
use the trolley current. None of them can be considered as ofiering a deg j
392. "A track circuit may be defined as a metallic path for an eleC
current formed primarily by both rails of a pre-determined length of tn!
the terminating rails of which are electrically separated from adjacent r^
a source of electric energy for maintaining a difference of potential betwi
the rails; and one or more devices (relays) so connected in the circuit ft
respond to variations in the potential difference between the rails produ
by train action upon them" (J. P. Coleman). This invention, than wlj
none other has contributed more toward safety and despatch in rail]
transportation, is to-day the only medium recognized as fundaments
safe by experts in railway signaling, whereby a train or any vehicle tl»e|
may retain continuous and direct control of a signal while occupying any
portion of the track protected by the signal. •
393. The function of the closed' track circuit is to maintain a relay
Jiormally in an energized state; the influence of the train upon the rails is to
ie-energize this relay by shunting or short-circuiting the generator, a process
'IS effectively accomplished by a single car as by a train of considerable length.
Dn account of the low insulation resistance between the rails, due to the
ionductivity of the ties and ballast, track circuits are susceptible to influence
rom excessive leakage of current from rail to rail. This leakage may ap-
jroach, in its effect, the value of current conducted by the wheels and axles
if a train. Obviously a failure of the source of energy or a break in the
ircuit, whether in the rails themselves or in the wires connecting the battery
ir the relay to the rails, produce the same effect upon the relay sis if a train
fere running or standing on the rails. The contacts carried by the armature
4 the track relay (Fig. 120), which are closed only when the relay is energized,
re included in the circuits which control the signals themselves. These
lircuits must be closed in order that the signals may indicate "proceed."
:'hus the track circuit conforms to the principle demanded by sound practice,
iwnely, that the signals shall invariably display the "stop" indication when
aeir operating or controlling energies cease to be active from any cause.
Sec. 16-396 electric railways
the road-bed and relay when the track section is unoccupied, as well as 1
avoid extravagant discharge through the train axles when the section
occupied. Where the common gravity battery is the source of energy, tl
general custom on steam roads, its internal resistance is sufficient and i
external resistance need be provided. On account of the variation in intern
resistance with gravity batteries, however, it is more general in present stea:
railroad practice to use storage batteries with a fixed resistance in seri
896. Track relays. In common steam-railroad practice relays of fro
4 to 9 ohms resistance are employed on track circuits varying in lengt
from about 60 ft. as a minimum, to about 6,000 ft. as a maximum. A ce
tain minimum air-gap between the relay armature and its pole pieces mu
exist in order to prevent undesirable effects from residual magnetism. J
this air-gap is increased when the armature falls away under the action <
each track being assigned to signaling, the single rail track circuit is
Total capacity
2 No. 6 copper. .
1 No. 8 iron
1 No. 6 copper
2 No. 6 C.C.-40
per cent.
2 No. 6 C.C.-30
per cent.
2 No. 8 iron
Total capacity.
2 No. 6 copper. .
1 No. 8 iron
1No. 6 copper
2 No. 6 monnot-
40 per cent.
2 No. 6 monnot-
30 per cent.
2 No. 8 iron.. . .
Total capacity . .
2 No. 6 copper.
1 No. 8 iron
1 No. 6 copper
2 No. 6 monnot-
40 per cent.
2 No. 6 nionnot-
30 per cent.
2 No. 8 iron . . . .
Total capacity.
2 No. 6 copper. .
1 No. 8 iron
1 No. 6 copper
2 No. 6 monnot-
40 per cent.
2 No. 6 monnot-
30 per cent.
2 No. 8 iron . . . .
Total capacity.
2 No. 6 copper.
1 No. 8 iron
1 No. 6 copi^er
2 No. 6 monnot-
40 per cent.
2 No. 6 monnot-
30 per cent.
2 No. 8 iron
No. 6 copper
.No. 6 coppyer and 1 No.
Jo. 6 nionnot-40 per cent
6 monnot-30 per cent
8 iron
For the track circuits, the potentials of the transformer secondaries range i
from 2 to 8 volts, and for the operation of the signals and line circuiti ;
404. Definition and field of application. Interlocking plants ai
assemblages of switches, switch-operating and switch-locking devices, an
signals so interconnected that their movements must succeed one anoth)
in a predetermined order. They are used at crossings or junctions of on
line with another, at drawbridges, at cross-overs, or in yards where tl t
number of switches or the frequency of their movement is so great that hni
operation would not be sufficiently rapid nor safe. At railroad cro-ssin
or drawbridges, signals are frequently interlocked with derailing devices, tl
protection being required by the laws of several states provided trains ;i
dogs, bars, or tappets which constitute the mechanical locking. These parts
are so interrelated that if any lever in the machine is reversed (that is,
moved from its normal position), the act of the signalman in unlatching this
lever will cause parts of the locking so to operate that no other lever in the
frame can be moved which would allow a train movement conflicting with
the train movement controlled by the first lever. The mechanical lock-
ing between the levers of the machine also provides for the movement
of the levers in proper sequence when the route for a train is being set
1' up, by assuring that the switches must first be properly set and must then
be locked in the proper position before the signal governing the route can
be cleared.
1^ 407. Prevention of switch operation while train is passing. Long
bars of steel, called detector bars, are held by clips along the outside of the
head of the rail at switches. They are of a length greater than the maximum
distances between any of the adjacent wheels of a train, and are so mounted
that they must move upward above the level of the top of the rail before the
switch may be unlocked. They generally are mechanically connected to and
operated simultaneously with the lock plungers which pass through holes or
notches in the lock rods of switches to lock them in proper position. This
method of proteofion may prove unsatisfactory owing to the increasing width
of rail heads, and, especially on electric roads, the relatively narrow wheel
treads of which may fail to engage the top of the detector bar while the vehicle
13 jiassing over it. Electric track circuits controlling electric locks mounted on
the levers of the interlocking machine itself, are becoming quite generally
u.sed as a substitute for detector bars in the prevention of switch movement
while trains are passing.
It t.«Ten for 12 Si^&lfl
Interlocking Plan i •• .• 1 Svitch Eud ; DcnlU
• 8 F.P.Le.
and 2- WoTlting LeTen
2 S pare Spaces 7,1
Locking Sheet £4 Lever Fnme
ft. from the crossing. On the single-track interurban line the derails would
be located in accordance with legal requirements or the necessities of the
locality. The derail in the siding is placed at fouling distance from the
main track. The single switch and each of the derails is locked with a
facing-point lock and provided with a detector bar. At the crossing itself
a detector bar might also be used to prevent the clearing of signals for a
movement on one line while an engine or a detached car was standing on the
The "home" signals, governing through movement, and the "dwarf"
signals, governing reverse movement and the movement from the siding, are
located about 50 ft. from the points of the der.ails. One home signal in the
single-track Une has two arms: the upper governing the through or high-speed
movement, while the lower governs the low-spieed diverging movement on to
the siding. Distant signals, used to regulate the approach to the home sig-
nals, are placed from 1,.500 to 4,000 ft. in rear thereof.
The mechanical interlocking mochine has a 24-lever frame, the assignment
of the various levers being shown in a table. A locking sheet is also given, in
which a circle drawn around any lever number indicates it to be in the re-
versed position. Levers, the numbers of which are not within a circle, are in .
point lock on a switch la
moved through its full stroke,
that the lock
its full stroke.
is also moved
It is further
assumed that the movement
of the lock lever may be de-
I— Multipie Condaotor
Bonded to ali Common
pended upon to
mechanical locking
release the
in the
Eelum Rails interlocking machine and
Cermit the proper lever to
e moved that will clear the
\ Oommon Return Rmil Bonded to desired signal and permit a
all other Common Return Kails train to pass over the switch,
Fig. 122. — Single-rail track
circuit at an which is locked by the fac-
ing-point lock previously
410. Return indication. In power-operated interlockingnxachines
where the only physical connections between the operated units and the
levers in the machine consists of 'insulated conductors which carry small
currents, there is no direct assurance, when a switch lever is operated, that;
the switch itself has moved at all. To insure that it is moved properly and
will be locked in a position corresponding to that of the lever, all power-r
interlocking systems provide for what is called a return indication. When the
lever in the interlocking machine is moved to cause a switch or signal to be,
thrown, it cannot at first be moved through its complete stroke nor through'
sufficient length of stroke to release the mechanical locking between itseli:
and conflicting levers. The lever can only be moved far enough to closei
the circuit which will cause the desired motion of the switch that is to be
The switch mechanism itself must complete the throwing of the switch
must completely lock it in the proper position, and must then close contacU:
that will cause current to flow back to the lever in the tower and energize f
magnet to release a dog, which has heretofore limited the motion of the lever-
After this dog has been released the operator is permitted to complete thd
stroke of the lever, which will in turn release the mechanical locking betweei
the switch lever and others in the frame, allowing movement of the latter to b(
made in proper sequence.
By energizing and de-energizing the magnets in proper sequence, the slide
/alve is unlocked, shifted, and again locked by the operating and indicating
jitrokes of the lever. During this process each movement of the valve is
iccompanied by a corresponding unlocking, shifting, and relocking of the
witch through the resulting operation of the switch enforced by the piston
if its own cylinder. The three magnets are directly connected with contacts
hat are actuated by one of the levers in the interlocking machine, a separate
.ire being used for each magnet.
.ch reversal is only possible when the switch has fully moved and become
:ked in response to the incomplete lever movement. After the lever has
en released, its movement may be completed. Following the processes
reived in a final execution of the lever stroke, the mechanical interlocking
tween switch and signal levers permits the shifting of the proper signal
er for train movements over the switch. The current supply to each and
;ry signal leading over the switch is carried through other contacts of
indicating relay, so that unless the relay is energized in the proper polarity
the lever and the switch correspond precisely in position, no signal what?-
416. Electric interlocking system of the Union Switch & Signal Cc'
In this system of interlocking known as the Type "F" the machine f"i ;
control of the switches and signals is very similar to that used in the ol
pneumatic system. The switches and signals are driven in this c:i>i
electric motors or solenoid magnets working through suitable gears and r:uii
For the control and indication of a signal, the circuit is similar to that use
in connection with the electropneumatic interlocking (Par. 411), excej,
that instead of a magnet actuating a pin valve, there is a relay or othi
electromagnetic device controlling either an electric motor or a solenoid ar
suitable holding magnet at the signal. The function of the motor or solono
is to move the signal arm from the "stop" to the "clear" position. Win
the arm comes into the "clear" position it is cut out of the circuit nit
matically, and the holding coil is energized in order to maintain the sit'inl
the clear position so long as the circuit is complete. When the cin
opened the signal moves to the "stop" position through the action ot
ity. The signal-indication circuit is in all respects the same as in cK
pneumatic interlocking.
For the movement of a switch, current is supplied by a stroke of the 1<m
to an electromagnetic controlling device at the switch. Here the controlln
device consists essentially of an electrically operated circuit control'-
arranged that with the lever in one position the controlling dcvi(
establish a circuit to operate the switch motor in one direction; wherens
the lever in the other position, the connections will be reversed, so t)i:
motor will run in the opposite direction. At the end of the stroke -^
switch in either direction, a circuit controller is actuated in such a m
as to cut the motor o>it of circuit, and partly establish connections S<>' •
opyeration of the switch in the opposite direction when the proper lever mo^
ment is subsequently made.
n '
418. Indication locking (Par. 417). The distinctive feature of the elec-
tric-dynamic system is in its method of "indication locking," which is of th<
so-called dynamic type, in that the source of energy used to supply curreni
for the operation of the switches and signals is not used to supply curreni
for energizing the indication magnets in the interlocking machine. Ii
this system, whenever a switch has completed its movement and has beei
locked through the operation of the motor which drives it, the completion o:
its operation disconnects the motor from its load, permitting the former t<
operate as a generator under the momentum which has been acquired by th«
armature in operating the switch and lock. The current generated by thii
motor acting as a generator, is transmitted back to the interlocking machmi
where itactuates the indication magnet and permits the completion of tb'
lever stroke. In the case of signals, no return indication is necessary when
signal is operated to give the "proceed" indication. In this system, tb
signals are so connected that they return to the "stop" position by gravit;
The counterweight, which has been raised during the operation of clearing tt
signal, overhauls the motor armature in being restored by gravity to i
normal position; this causes the armature to generate the indication curren
The indication current in this system being generated by the momentum ',
the motor, can only be secured after the operation of the unit driven by tj
motor. As the energy for the indication is developed at one end of tl'
circuit and the indication magnet is located at the other, a cross betwet
wires tends to prevent indication. When the momentum of the motor hi
sufficiently diminished, the indication current ceases. The generation
indication current serves also to retard the motor which renders unnccessai'
the use of buffers or other special means for stopping the movement of tl
apparatus without shock. Protection against the operation of the motors t
All these relay contacts are in series and control the
polarized relay.
of the retaining magnet of a circuit breaker on the operating switchbo.i
This circuit breaker controls the supply of current from the storage-battery to
the interlocking machine. A check on the integrity of the cross-protection
jsystem is secured by having all necessary contacts and connections either on
jclosed circuit or used in each process of operation and indication so that
failure of any individual member would prevent operation and indication and
would be promptly detected. A necessary feature in this system as in other
electric interlockings, is the prevention of indication current from reaching
any lever, while the unit normally under the control of that lever is being
operated due to crossed wires from other units which may be indicating at the
moment. This protection is secured by means of a safety magnet located
,^low the indication magnet on each lever, Fig. 123. The windings of this
safety magnet are included in the operating circuit of the lever, and its mag-
netic properties are so proportioned to those of the indication magnet, that
f both were energized at the same instant, the safety magnet would over-
lowcr the indication magnet and prevent the latter from lifting its armature
o trip the indication latch in the lever. Normally, the armature of the indi-
;ation magnet rests upon the poles of the safety magnet. As a further safe-
juard, an indication selector is provided with its magnet coils in series with
he safety magnet and in the control circuit. The function of this selector
s to prevent possible receipt of an improper indication during the interval
)etween the time that a lever is moved to the opposite position from that
»hieh it previously occupied, and the time the movement of the switch
aechanisin itself is complete.
420. Operation in reverse direction ( Par. 417) . The last portion of the
troke of the locking plunger at the switch mechanism operates the pole-
hanger which cuts off the operating current and puts the circuits into action
)r an operation in the opposite direction. The breaking of this circuit de-
nergizes the safety magnet, permitting the indication magnet to be energized
y the current generated in the revolving motor armature. The operating
rciiits are so designed that the magnetic control of the pole-changer insures a
jrrespondence in position between the lever in the machine and the operated
ait outside.
ia. This second signalman in turn consults his record to see if the signal-
|lua controlling the entrance of the third block has reported the passing of all
«Ub out of the second into the third block which previously have been
lotted to the second block. If such is the case, the signalman at the
pance of the second block will set his signal to indicate "proceed" and
jtmit the approaching train to enter the second block. Such a system
jeessitates the use of very carefully prepared rules and is dependent for
jwfe and successful performance entirely upon the watchfulness of the
nttlmen and the precision with which they perform the duties prescribed
them by the rules. On single-track railroads, this system necessarily
>eives the protection of trains against opposing movements, and is in
^ral supplemented by the issuance of train orders from the despatcher,
ma provide for the meeting of trains at other times or stations than those
^ofied in the time-table.
)f the signal; and thence back over a common wire to the other side of the
ransformer secondary.
Fig. 125 also indicates how a portion of one of the track rails on the siding
s insulated from adjacent rails and bonded to the opposite main track rail.
if a train or car on the siding moves to within fouling distance of the main
rack, it will thus shunt the relay of the track section in which the switch is
426. Automatic block siRnalling applied to electric railways.
'ig. 126 shows a simplified form of automatic block signal circuit for one
rack of a double-track railway using direct-current propulsion and two-rail
Iternating-current track circuits, the signals themselves being operated by
irect current from batteries. Alternating-current track relays are gener-
Uy of the vane, galvanometer or induction-motor type. In the first named,
•a aluminum sector revolves between the poles of a C-shaped laminated core,
1 which the winding is placed. This winding is connected across the rails
the track circuit and receives current through the rails from tiie traosfonner
A.C. Signal
Fig. 126. — Typical circuits. Power supply for a.c. track circuits.
the other end of the track circuit. The galvanometer type of relay has a
of fixed coils energized from a local source, and a movable coil energized
m the track circuit. In the induction-motor type of relay both the track
I the local windings are fixed, and the rotor is made to revolve by phase
ilacement in the current of the two windings. In all types the moving
oaber carries or actuates contacts through which are controlled the circuits
trolling the operation of the signals themselves.
'he transformers which supply energy to the track circuit also supply
rgy to the local windings of motor-type track relays together with any
or secondary relays necessary in the circuits; in addition they supply
llsr for the operation of the signal mechanisms proper. The transformer
«dary windings supplying current to the track rails are generally pro-
id with a number of taps, so that the voltage impressed on the track may
begulated to suit the length or characteristics of the track circuit. The
siadaries are naturally provided with series resistances which limit the
c ent output when the secondary
is short-circuited by the presence of a
c iu the block.
this current will shunt through the earth and through undergroum!
lie structures, as is illustrated in Fig. 127. Current will leave the r;u.-
enter the earth at distant points, and will return to the rails m the ncv
borhood of the power station or negative feeder taps. 1
1480 I
433. Electrical properties of soil. Soil when dry has such a high re-
sistivity practically, it does not conduct electric current.
that, Under
ordinary conditions, however, soils contain considerable water with various
salts in solution, making them electrolytic conductors. An electric current
iherefore passes through soil by electrolytic conduction. The resistivity of
ioils varies within very wide limits, depending upon the amount of moisture
ind salts present. Most values lie between 300 and 30,000 ohms per centi-
neter cube, with the average soil within the more narrow limits of 1,000 to
,>,000 ohms per centimeter cube.
434. Distribution of potentials in rails and earth. For the simple
irrangement illustrated in Fig. 127, the distribution of potentials is shown
n Fig. 128. The following assumptions are made in the development
f these curves: (a) the negative bus bar is connected to the rails at the
iiower station by an insulated cable, with no other ground connections;
b) the line extends in one direction only; (c) the load is uniformly distributed
,ver the line; (d) a pipe of uniform resistance lies in the earth parallel to
'hese rails: (e) the resistance between the rails and pipe is everywhere the
',»me. With these assumptions, the current in the rails will increase uniformly
-om zero at the end of the Une to its greatest or total load value at the power
tation O. Taking the negative bus bar and this point O as the datum or lero
f potential, the potential of the rails is represented by the parabola OI.
'he voltage OD is the total rail drop. There will be a neutral point A' in
=ie rails at a distance 0.42 of the total length of the line from the power
nation where these rails are at the ground potential. Between the power
ation and N, the rails are negative with respect to ground, and current
-nds to flow from ground to the rails; while from A'' to the end of the Une E,
le rails are oositive with respect to ground, and current tends to flow from
|ie rails to the ground.
' /^ ^/^.^/^^
Fig. 127. —Conditions contributing to electrolysis.
rails to pipe, shown by the shaded area N-I-H, is equal to iW total curhil
flowing from pipe to rails, shown by the shaded area 0-A-N. The currei
on the pipe will be a maximum at the neutral point jV, and will be zero at th
power station and at the end of the line. The greatest negative potential C-;
of the pipe, with reference to the rails, will be at the end of the Hne; and tb
greatest positive potential 0-A of the pipe will be at the power statioi
For the case assumed, the greatest positive potential will be twice the greatei
negative potential. The total rail drop 0-D is equal to the sum of the thr«
voltages, the greatest positive pipe potential 0-A, the greatest negative pip
potential C-D, and the voltage drop on the pipe A-C. This voltage drop o
the pipe is a measure of the current flowing on it, and is therefore a measui
of the danger from electrolysis to which the pipe is subjected. If no cu:
rent flows on the pipe there will be no voltage drop on it, and the pit
potential curve A-N-H will coincide with the horizontal line B-G. Tt
gositive and negative potentials of the pipe referred to the rails will howevt
e increased, which shows quite clearly that the magnitude of the voltaj
between pipe and rails is not a measure of the danger from electrolysis.
Where there are rail networks and underground piping networks, tl
potential distribution curves are correspondingly altered, but follow tx,
general trend of those given in Fig. 128. !
436. Nature of corrosion of cast iron by electrolysis. When ci.
iron is corroded by electrolysis, the oxides of iron mixed with graphite usuaJj
remain in place, leaving the outward appearance of the pipe unchanged. 11(:
material resulting from electrolysis of cast iron usually has the consistency -fc
or water, even when corrosion has extended entirely through the j
the pipe. In such cases a physical examination with a test hammer iii
required to establish definitely whether the pipe has been damaged by elif
trolysis Current generally leaves iron pipes for soil from localized are:
In the case of cast iron corrod'
resulting in localized corrosion of the metal.
electrolysis, the graphitic residue usually can be dug out with
a km
exposing pits in the pipe.
437. Nature of corrosion of wrought Iron and steel by electrolys
Where electric current leaves a wrought-iron or steel pipe for soil, i
cable sheaths should have as low a millivolt range and as high a resistance i
obtained with resistances of 600 ohms per volt and even higher where nece
sary. Convenient ranges for such a combination instrument are 5, 50 ai
500 millivolts, and 5 and 50 volts. Ordinary shunts adjusted for 50 mil
volts drop can also be used with this instrument. Convenient ranges f
such shunts are 5, 50 and 500 amperes. Recording instruments having tl
same ranges as above noted can also be used for obtaining 24-hr. records, I
means of which the characteristic variations of a potential difference or ol
current may be obtained. Such recording instruments with 1-hr. clocks a
useful also for recording potential differences and current in cases whei
due to infrequent service, it is necessary to take readings for periods of fro
} hr. to 1 hr.
444. Measurement of earth potential. It is possible to trace t.
path of stray current through earth by measuring potential differenq
between points in the earth. When iron rods are used as electrodes 1
making contact with earth an error may be introduced, where the volta
measured is small, due to a possible difference in the polarization volta^
at the two electrodes. This polarization voltage may be eliminated
using a non-polarizable electrode, developed by Dr. Haber. With this elj
trode electrolytic contact is made with soil by means of a zinc sulphi,,
solution contained in a porous cup; the potential lead is connected to a ttt
rod dipping in the solution. With this electrode the contact resistance is v<;
high, so that a zero method and not an indicating voltmeter should be uf;
for the potential measurement. This makes the method very troublesome
ordinary electrolysis testing, where the voltages to be measured genera,
fluctuate constantly. For this reason this electrode is useful only in vi*
special cases. For description of the non-polarizable electrode see the pajt
by Haber and Goldschmidt listed in the bibliography. I
ammeter. To use the frame, the two copper plates are coated with a pa^
made of copper sulphate and a 20 per cent, sulphuric-acid solution for i
tion of the current flow, the ammeter wiU indicate the current which in
cepted by the buried frame. This earth ammeter is well suited for mensm ;
current flow between a pipe and earth. For this purpose the fr /
buried in the earth near and parallel to the pipe. By using a ri
instrument in connection with the earth ammeter, the characteristn
tions of the current leaving a pipe can also be dctorminrd, and in this ^.^
447. General description of different methods. The methods which
»ve been used to minimize electrolysis from stray railway currents may be
vided into three classes: a, the insulation method (Par. 460 to 462),
Mch is intended to increase the resistance of the path of the current through
irth; b, the drainSige nxethod (Par. 463 to 466), which removes the cur-
at from structures by metallic connections or bonds between these struc-
res and the railway return circuit; and c, the return- feeder method
'ar. 456 to 468) which reduces the voltage drop in the grounded rails.
he leakage resistance of street railway road beds varies greatly with the
I struction. Tests by the Bureau of Standards indicate resistances per
1)0 ft. of track, as follows:
olid concrete ballast and non-porous pavement, 0.2 to 0.5 ohm for single
t k, or 0.15 to 0.35 ohm for double track; clean crushed stone foundation
V er a concrete paving base, 0.6 to 1.5 ohms for single track, or 0.4 to 1.0
c for double track; full crushed stone ballast, with tarvia finish, 2 to 5
c is; ties embedded in earth road bed, 1 to 1.5 ohms; open construction,
Ito 15 ohms in very dry weather, dropping to 3 to 5 ohms when wet;
e;pt where specified, the above figures are for single track, and unless
o;rwise stated, the resistance of double track is practically one-half that
ingle track.
iac chloride and other chemical salts, used as preservatives, render ti'cs
n ily conductive, and greatly increase leakage currents. Creosote has
y- little effect on the resistance of wood ties, but a treating material con-
sing of 75 per cent, gas oil and 25 per cent, creosote appears to increase
tlr resistance materially.
•_ Insulation of pipes. Attempts have been made to insulate pipes
Ki earth by paints, dips and insulating coverings. It is doubtful whether
t'e is any instance on record where damage by electrolysis has been effec-
'ily prevented in this way if the voltage conditions were at aU severe. On
tl contrary, there have been cases where efforts to prevent electrolysis of
pis by this means have undoubtedly done actual harm. In general, this
W be said to be due to peculiarities of the coatings used, which cause them
tOiil in spots and thus allow greatly aggravated cases of local damage to
"5 r, in place of the more distributed trouble which would take place if
" lipes were not coated," assuming the voltage conditions to be the same
•n th cases.
Coatings of the thickness commonly used for covering service
pipes and similar structures can hardly be expected to last more than a f<
years, their useful life probably not exceeding a year in the majority
cases. A careful study of the conditions under which the failure of insuiati
coatings under electric stress takes place shows that it is due to the coinbin
action of the moisture and electric stress. The manner in which these coi
ings usually fail under electric stress shows that they may under certa
circumstances increase the trouble from electrolysis. Breaking down-
they do at isolated points, the discharge of current from the pipes is conce
trated at those points and the pitting is likely to be more serious than if t
coating were not used at all.
452. Insulating joints in pipes or cable sheaths. Current flow
pipes or cable sheaths can be practically prevented by using a sufficient nu
ber of insulating joints. A pipe line laid entirely with insulating joints,
uniformly high-resistance joints, has such a high resistance that it is pn
tically free from electrolytic danger. It is sometimes possible to use co
paratively few insulating joints to break up the electrical continuity ot
pipe line, and so to protect the line from electrolysis. Such joints, howev
must be installed only after careful tests have shown that the current is i*
likely to shunt through earth around them and thus produce a conditi
worse than the previous one. This effect depends largely upon the potent
gradient through earth, and also upon the electrical resistivity of the s
In general, the drop across an insulating joint in a cast-iron main she
not exceed 0.1 to 0.4 volt, while in wrought iron pipes the drop should *
exceed one-third of these values; in either case the lower hmit applies
joints located in low, wet places, and having short-leakage paths.
For wrought-iron or steel pipes of small size, the Macallen, the Hamn-
and the Dresser insulating joints are largely used. For large sizes, a flanii
insulating joint as shown in Fig. 129 is often used. For gas or oil pipes, I
fibre has been found a satisfactory insulating material, while for water ptij
Bushing of Insulatiug'
soft sheet rubber is preferred. Where such flanged insulating joiiits arSJ
be used in cast-iron mains, the flanges may be cast as part of the pipe «
water mains various forms of insulating joints employing white pim
for the insulating material have also been successfully used. simiA
of this joint for cast-iron water mains with bell and spigot joints, is im •
placing a short wooden ring between the inside of the bell and the end oi *
spigot to prevent metallic contact between the pipe lengths, and then txX
the joint with wooden staves of clear white-pine wood sliaped to fit the ctr
ture of the pipe. The spigot end of the pipe should have the bead removf
be cast without a bead. Any leaks that develop are stopped with white-
wedges. These joints have been found satisfactory for pressures up to aj
7') lb. per sq. in. (5.27 kg. per sq. cm.). Higher pressures sometimeM
moderate leakage through the pores of the wood; this has been overootaj
dipping the inner ends of the staves in red lend. The staves may a»
reinforced by an iron band clamped sround the spigot end of the pipe. I
1491a I
'onnection between the adjoining pipes and may practically be classed with
isulating joints. Metallic contact may be positively prevented by inserting
ring of any cheap insulating material between the end of the spigot and the
iterior of the belJ.
453. Drainage method. Since stray currents cause damage only where
ley leave metallic structures and flow to surrounding soil, the current may
ie removed by connecting or bonding these structures, by metallic conduct-
fcs, to the rails or to the negatiye return circuit or directly to the negative
[us bar. This is known as the drainage method. The lead sheaths of
.aderground cables form continuous and uniform metallic conductors, and
is possible to protect such cable sheaths electrolysis by bonding
leni to the railway return circuit. Through such bond connections bow-
er only enough current should be drained from the cable sheaths to render
em at the same potential or slightly negative with respect to neighboring
ructures. The effectiveness of drainage as a protective measure depends
)oii the uniformity of the conductor to be protected. The method is
erefore not generally applicable to underground piping systems, because
ese do not form continuous electrical conductors, but are more or less dis-
ntiiiuous networks. While lead-calked joints usually have a relatively
V irsistance, they may develop such high resistances as to make trouble
luited below.
454. Possible dangers from drainage connections. Drainage con-
ctions considerably reduce the resi.stance of the path of stray currents,
Tf liy increasing the total amount of stray current through earth and on
round structures. The danger of local electrolysis damage due to
anting of current around high resistance joints is thereby increased.
r, unless all underground metallic structures are bonded together in
way that where different structures come into proximity, all are main-
at the same potential, damage may result from a flow of current
11 the earth from one such structure to another. Also, where, for
•e, drainage is applied to water mains and not to parallel gas mains,
ly large stray currents may flow through buildings by way of the
in the tracks and an excessive total voltage drop in the tracks. When
is necessary to bring current back from a distant point in the tracks, ii
sonaetimes more economical to employ a negative booster in series witl
return feeder of small cross-section than to make this feeder of cross-sect
large enough to drain the required current from the tracks at the disfc
point. It also may be necessary to install resistances in short feeders. W
such insulated track return feeders, part of the voltage drop is removed fr
the rails and is transferred to the insulated return feeders, from which c
! t X
-Positive Bus Bars
Power House Generator
Negative Bus Ear-assu med Zero Potential
Negative Booster
Negative Feeders
a negli-
le resistance, the rails being connected to
the negative bus bar only at the
ver station. In practice each return feeder would actually be connected to
I umber of points in the rails in the immediate neighborhood of the connec-
I points shown. See also Bureau of Standards Technologic Paper No. 52.
57 Examples of installations of insulated return feeder
stems are in common use in Germany and in Great Britain,
-ivcn most satisfactory results.
In America a considerable number
tsuri systems have also been installed, the most
prominent reported
«mpie being on the subway system of the Interborough
Rapid Transit
^ ""^ ^i"!*^ ^^AL- Description of insulated return feeder systems
; ''^^^X^''^ Springfield,
1 ailed in Ohio, and in St. Louis, Mo., are given in Bureau
o.tandards Technologic Papers No. 27, No. 32 and No. 64.
58. Advantages of the insiilated return
feeder system. This
s em IS intended to reheve the
tracks of current by insulated conductors.
a thus tends to prevent the
escape of current into earth. With a pron^
e kud out return feeder system
and properly bonded tracks, it is possible
a practicable to reduce stray
currents tlirough earth and therefore stray
c ents on underground piping
and cable systems to any desired minimum
V e.s and such currents may be
made so small as to be neghgible.
i9. Grounded neutrals in three-wire direct-current systems.
^"^«h t*^^ distribution is on the
oLlhrp^^Hr "^^*''^'i"conductor
^-^r"^ ^hlarge grounded, are, in Ameri-
practice provided such neutral conductors of copper that only
.Kible stray currents are produced from
such systems. T¥is grounding
'^'' intended to serve only as a safety measure, and is not for thf
A L^^"f
pi ose of using the earth to carry current.
^1°^ alternating currents. A large number of
atory tests have been made to determine whether electrolysTis pro-
Sr ™nT
1^ pl^nfSf- *''"''*'"
"'^^'"^ current flows between a metal and an efectrolyte.
* P'P^ ''l^ surrounding soil. These indicate that
h 1 , of ?^y \% produced; this effect is generally less
*i ""/."r."?^'"!?
t^'^V'"''*''' ^-""Id be produced by a corresponding dire^
u nt^ wfJV.U
current however, electrolytic corrosion is
ufat h^ h .wf.^*'"^ pro-
d--^ --nt.
corroLn electrolytic
... Grounded transformer secondaries. The secondaries
of trans-
grounded for the purpose of preventing a h gh' and
la .rous voltage fr9m e.xisting between
the secondary circuit and ground
"°"nd connections however do not produce flow of currenrto
^^"^ ""*' ^''°'''i*"«« therefore does not cause
^°"<''"eje ^^en damp is an electrolytic
»le a
|Wg a^r^e^tt.Viffnf tK same order as damp
resistivity of the conductor
soi When iron is embedded
gradient of approximately 0.8 volt per 1,000 ft. (0.305 km.) of rail.
467. German electrolysis regulations. In Germany a joint com'^
tee, representing the German Society of Gas and Water Engineers,
the So' i
of German Electrical Engineers, and the Society of German Street Rai ^
and Little Railway Managers, adopted in 1910 regulations for the prote."
of underground structures against electrolysis. The track network is an
into an inner district and an o\iter or suburban district. In interurban «
the parts near villages are designated as suburban districts. The P"^^
difference between any two points on the track must not exceed 2.5 J
under average load conditions in the inner district, and on a bordering"!
km. (6,562 ft.) wide; outside this zone in the suburban districts, the
drop must not exceed 1 volt per kilometer (3,281 ft.).
468. American municipal ordinances. Some American cities have
nacted ordinances designed to prevent damage by electrolysis. In 1912
jie City of Chicago enacted an electrolysis ordinance, the most important
lature of which is the voltage requirement, limiting the permissible dif-
Irence of potential between any two points on the uninsulated return circuit
I 12 volts, and limiting the potential gradient in the rails within 1-mile radius
( the City Hall to 1 volt per 1,000 ft. (0.305 km.), and outside of this 1-mile
dius to 1 volt in 700 ft. (0.213 km.). In 1913 the City of Chicago enacted
aat is known as the Unification Ordinance, which also contains clauses
Isting to electrolysis. These divide the city into three zones, and prescribe
fferent voltage limitations for each zone. The Board of Supervising Engi-
is, however, authorized to modify these voltage requirements in the
ifrd or outer zone. The above ordinances although not entirely in accord
e.both in effect in Chicago.
iln a number of cities in Ohio electrolysis ordinances have been enacted
which the most important features are track voltage requirements. In
^e ordinances the average potential difference during any 10 consecutive
ntites between any two points 1,000 ft. (0.305 km.) apart on the uninsu-
ed return circuit must not exceed 1 volt, and the average potential
*~^ence during any 10 consecutive minutes between any two points more
1,000 ft. (0.305 km.) apart on the uninsulated return circuit within the
of the municipality must not exceed 7 volts.
Legal status of liability for electrolytic damage. There has
tai^on.siderable litigation at various times with reference to damage from
Dtrolysis. It has been held by various courts that no one utility can claim
exclusive right to use the earth as a return circuit, and that priority
luch use is of no importance to either side of the controversy.
Vn. Peoria decision. In the celebrated Peoria case which was finally
ided after having been in the courts for over 10 years, the railway com-
ly was enjoined and restrained from injuring the property of the water
apany by electric current escaping from the rails or structures of the rail-
r company. No particular method for preventing escape of current is
Bcribed in the decree, because the court in its decision states that a court
not have the power to prescribe by injunction any specific system, and
tthis power resides only with legislative bodies. The decree also requires
water cornpany to co-operate with the railway company to the extent of
ng the railway company access to its piping system for the purpose of
isuring flow of current upon its system and of determining whether injury
n electrolysis is being continued, in order that the railway company may
irmine whether it is complying with the terms of the decree.
i 1491/
M. — "Alternating-current Electrolysis."
Trans. A. E.
I. E., 1449, 1912.
Kintner, S. Journal,
and edited by Otis Allen Kenyon, McGraw Publishing Co., New York C
Rhodes, George — "Some Theoretical Notes on the Reduction Eil
I. of
Currents from Electric Railway Systems by Means of Negative Feedf
Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. XXVI, p. 247, 1907.
RicHEY, Albert S. —
"Electric Railway Handbook." Section on E*
trolysis, p. 704.
Sever, George F.
"Electrolysis of Underground Conductors." Tri,
International Electrical Congress, St. Louis, Vol. Ill, p. 666, 1904.
472. Selected List of Reference Literature.
Transactions International Electrical Congress; St. Louis, 1904.
Harding, C. F. " Electric Railway Engineering." McGraw-Hill Ik
Company, Inc., New York, 1911
BuRCH, E. P. "Electric Traction for Railway Trains." McGraw 'I'
Book Company, Inc., New York, 1911.
Ashe, S. W. and Keiley, J. D. "Electric Railways Theoretica!
Practically Treated." D. Van Nostrand Co., New York, 1907,
Austin, Edwin. "Single Phase Electric Railways." D. Van Nu>
New York,
Dawson, P. —
"Electric Traction on Railways." D. Van Nostraml >•
HoBART, H. M. " Electric Trains." Harper and Bros., New York, 1910.
GoTSHALL, W. C. " Notea on Electric Railway Economics and Prelimi-
ary Engineering." McGraw-Hill Book Company ,Inc., New York, 1903.
GoNZENBACH, Ernest. "Engineering Preliminaries f or Interurban Elec-
ic Railways." McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1903,
Parshall, H. F. and Hobart,H. M. " Electric Railway Engineering."
Van Nostrand Co., New York, 1907.
Arnold, B. J. " Chicago Transportation Problem." McGraw-Hill Book
ompany. Inc., New York, 1902.
Sheldon, Samuel and Hausmann, Erick. "Electric Traction and —
iransmission Engineering." D. Van Nostrand Co., New York, 1911.
RicHBT, Alberts. "Electric Railway Handbook." McGraw-Hill Book
pmpany, Inc., New York, 1915.
The most recent and important literature on Electric Traction will be
Ceu.mber8, F. Electric
ilway Journal, April 1920.
Jones, C. H. — "Checking Up on Automatic Substation." ElectricRail-
:y Journal, March 1921.
ToHNSON, E. — "Aurora, Elgin & Chicago Automatic Substation Experi-
;e." Railway Journal, March
Electric 1921.
(ones, C. H. — "Advantages Automatic Railway Substations."
of Electric
ilway Journal, January 22, 1921.
KOI'^A0i'?122AJ:) .lA^lAnO
' Engineer, Walker Vehicle Co.; Member American Institute of Electrical
Engineers and Society of Automotive Engineers
{Numbers refer to Paragraphs)
leneral Classification 1 Vehicle Control 108
'aasenger Cars 6 Storage Batteries 124
/Ommercial Trucks and Trac- Battery Charging 133
tors 20 Battery Charging Equipment 160
ndustrial Trucks and Tractors 51 BibUography 209
chicle Motors 87
1. Theelectric vehicle art prior to 1910 exhibited relatively little
progress, due partly to tlie poor design of the earlier types of vehicles and
partly to the comparatively heavy unsuited batteries. The art began to
show considerable activity in 1910 and for the following four years the devel-
opment of the passenger car progressed more rapidly than that of the com-
mercial truck. However, the progress in the design and development of the
gasoline passenger car, with its electrical starting and lighting system,
higher speeds and practically unlimited radius of action, resulted in the diver-
sion of popular attention from the electric passenger car to the gasoline
passenger car. For this reason the number of manufacturers decreased
steadily, until in the beginning of 1921 there were only two prominent
makers of electric passenger cars.
type„ -- ,^ . - - ,
as passenger
ing, dumping, baggage trucks, fire apparatus, etc., but practically all 3
these applications are specific and no attempt has been made to inclu<<
them. *
ough a pressed steel member, pivotedly supported, to the chassis frame.
1. Two separate sets of brakes are usually provided, operating inde-
lidently. The two sets are usually of one of the following combinations:
External contracting and internal expanding type mounted on the rear
*5els and operated by foot pedals; (6) internal expanding type mounted
tthe rear wheels, operated by a foot pedal, and external contracting type
I mted on the front end of the motor, fitted onto the armature or propeller
14. The wheels are usually quick-detachable wood or wire type, designe<
for approximately 32 X
4J^ in. cord pneumatic tires.
15. Batteries. Two prominent manufacturers specify their standari
battery equipment to provide for 40 to 42 cells of 13 to 15 plate lead-aci(
battery. Vehicle batteries are discussed more fully in Par. 128.
16. The motor is usually a 4-pole series-wound machine, liberally de
signed to insure efficiency and abiUty to withstand overloads encountere<
under all operating conditions. The armature bearings of the motor an
of the ball type. The motor is usually supported from cross members o
the chassis frame. See Par. 87.
17. The controller is usually of the drum, continuous-torque type pro
viding approximately five or six speeds forward and three or more reverse
The controller is generally supported from the chassis frame and actuate<
by a lever mounted beside the steering lever. The controller is discusse<
more fully in Par. 108.
18. The operating levers for steering and control are usually mounte<
at the side of the seat, in parallel position one above the other. The steerini
lever, usually the longer, is operated by the right hand and the controUe:
lever, usually the shorter, by the left hand.
19. The radius of operation is usually from 60 to 90 miles per chargi
of battery, depending on topography, road conditions and the speed a
which the car is operated.
Those propelled by internal combustion engines.
Those propelled by steam.
Those having gas-electric or steam-electric propulsion in wnich th'
energy of the prime mover is electrically transmitted to the axle or wheel
21. Economic field of application. Each type of commercial trucl-
has its distinct field of economic application, that of the electric vehici
being found in city delivery embracing the interchange of merchandis
between railway terminals and docks, stores and factories, and retail deli\
eries. The electric vehicle possesses superior advantages over other niear
of merchandise transportation due to its inherent characteristics of rapi'
acceleration and retardation permitting it to maintain a high average spee
and due further to its freedom from intricate mechanism for transmittin
the motor energy to the wheels and the absence of numeroiis reciprocatic
22. Economic field of gasoline vehicle. The gasoUne motor vehic
finds its best field of application in uninterrupted long-haul deliveries whe:
the mileage exceeds that safely and conveniently obtained from the electr,
truck, its economic value being governed entirely by the individual chars'
teristics of the particular business to which it is applied.
23. Economic field of electric vehicle. Electric trucks are more ec,
nomical and satisfactory than gasoline trucks for approximately 85 per cet
of all city haulage. The salient characteristics whicn contribute to the hi)
efficiency and low operating costs of electric trucks are:
(o) The low cost of electrical energy.
(6) Operation at a safe economical speed.
(c) Ease of maintenance of battery service.
id) Reliability and uniform driving power of the electric motor, whi
delivers maximum power to the rear wheels.
(e) Substantial construction and elimination of reciprocating membe
which almost wholly ehminate road troubles, reduce maintenance expei;
to a minimum and obviate the necessity for high-salaried mechanics. '
S4. The chassis of the various makes differ only in some special features
)f The main frame members are comprised of rolled or pressed
channels, -with cross members secured to the side sills with either proper
fmgle iron and gusset plates or integral gusset plates.
! 25. Bepresentative types of chassis are illustrated in Fig. 2 and 3,
bowing respectively the side elevation and plan of a Ward one-ton chassis
(,nd a Walker 3>^-ton chassis. Both of these types employ a single motor,
fhe former with a worm-drive axle and the latter with a special balanced
fxive as described more fully in Par. 32.
high-grade steel, with drop-forged steering knuckles and steering
arms. The rear axles embodying the transmission of the motor
?y to the wheels differ in design on all the different makes of trucks.
^Jbnke Support
low speed of the driving wheels and a differential gear which permif
wheel to turn faster than the other when the vehicle is propelled i:
curved path. •
34. The couple gear drive, shown in Fig. 5, employs a motor mounted
na fixed horizontal position within the wheel itself, the axle stubs on which
which are integral with the intermediate gears, as shown in Fig. 6, engage
a single gear which is pressed into and keyed to the gear case. The driving
shaft passes through the axle spindle and connects with the outer end of the
wheel hub through the hub cap. The driving shaft has no bearing in the
axle spindle, the driving gears and driving shaft being supported and held
in proper position in the following manner: The double intermediate gear
has a cylindrical extension formed on its inner end having a diameter equal
to the pitch diameter of the small gear. A cylindrical track is formed in
ijif gasoline motor truck brakes. Two independent brake systems are usually
urnished, one being an external contracting-type brake on the rear wheel
unctioning as a service brake and the other being an internal expanding
^>rake on the rear wheel functioning as an emergency brake. In some cases
ioth brakes are of the internal expanding type on the rear wheel and in other
^ases an external contracting-type brake on the propeller shaft is furnished
1 addition to an internal expanding-type brake on the rear wheels. The
rakes are generally operated by foot pedals.
S8. Battery requirements. A storage battery to fulfill the require-
i'.ients of truck propulsion should have the following characteristics:
-jiy The ability to propel a loaded truck up the gradients encountered in
\ 40
46. The trailer type of tractor comprises those equipped with spm!
draw bars or pintle hooks, designed to haul a trailer or a train of trailer;
In this type the battery is generally mounted in a steel compartment ( j
top of the frame side sills. This type is usually capable of haulmg a traihi 1
load of ten to twenty tons gross weight.
•a •a :
cW a« .:
s • <« 2 . «:
"O ^TJ .aT) .3 "3 j3 •a .a
a V
o 2
CO jj* ij «* Lj w* i^ i-tw "_M " www
-0 S S fl
XX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
68. Steering and wheel drive. Trucks are designed for two-wheel
drive, with two-wheel steering; four-wheel drive, with four-wheel steering;
or two-wheel drive with four-wheel steering.
59. The self-loading and self-unloading types of industrial truck
equipment comprise the elevating platform, tiering, crane and hopper trucks,
the most popular type being perhaps the electric lifting or elevating plat-
form type.
60. The elevating-platform type of truck is fitted with a lifting plat-
form having a carrying capacity of 4,000 lb. The platform proper is raised
and lowered by an electric motor and is designed to run under low portable
platforms which are electrically lifted by the platform of the truck and set
down without necessity of rehandling. The height of the lift is generally
3 to 5 in. with 4,000-lb. load. The lifting mechanism is operated by an
independent motor supplied from the storage battery which propels the
61. Worm lift. In this type the lift is effected by means of a steel worm.
The load when raised is sustained on a horizontal plane which takes the
entire strain off the lifting mechanism.
62. Screw lift with rocking platform. In this type a motor is direct
connected to a worm and gear for driving the elevating mechanism. The
spider on which this gear is mounted forms a special clutch adjusted to slip
at a fixed overload, in such manner that if the load should catch under an
^ obstruction
when lifting, the motor with gear and worm will rotate harm-
This clutch is threaded at the center and, when revolving, propels
a square multi-thread screw in or out, depending on the direction of motor
rotation. The entire mechanism is enclosed in an oil-tight malleable case.
The extension of the screw shaft is attached flexibly to the platform on which
the load is lifted. The platform is mounted on two heavy links at the rear
and one at the front end, providing a three-point support. The action
of the screw draws or thrusts the platform backward and upward until the
links become practically vertical and raise the load 4j in. Guides attached
beneath the platform steady the load when raised.
A travel limit rod is connected with the motor reversing switch and opens
the circuit when the platform reaches either the upper or lower limits of
travel. Whenever the motor switch is opened, a special brake on the end
of the armature shaft quickly stops the mechanism. The principal advan-,
tage of this type is the fact that the operator is able to perform all the labor^
of loading, transfer and unloading without difficulty. 1
63. Tiering type. The tiering lifting truck is similar to the elevating'
platform type (Par. 60) with the exception that the loads may be lifted any
distance from 1 in. to 6 ft. or more, thus making the truck a combination
electric-lifting platform truck and tiering machine. This type also has a*
carrying and raising capacity of 4,000 lb. It will mechanically pick up,
transport and deposit its load without the nece.ssity of rehandling, and to »
certain extent will perform the work of a portable crane.
64. Crane type. A crane truck embodying an electrically-operated
hoist and boom crane mounted on a standard electric platform truck ii.
useful for handling and moving heavy materials or machinery which are-
not within range of the usual travelling cranes. This type extends the
service of the traveling-crane or mono-rail system to the yards or to adja-.
cent buildings where the construction and head room restrict the use of an
overhead carrier. Crane trucks are built for lifting capacities of 1,000, 2,000;
and 3,000 lb. The boom may be raised or lowered to permit landing th(
load at any point on the platform of the truck. The boom is also equippec,-
with a swivel base so that it may be swung to either side. j
66. Hopper trucks for the handling of coal, ashes, sand and .similaiij
materials are in general built in two types, comprising the double side dum[!,
and the end dump. In some of the end-dump types the hopper can b<J
dumped by a separate motor energized from the truck battery.
66. The tractor-trailer system of inter-plant transportation
roved to be the more economical and adaptable type of transfer unit \^
E eavy drawbar pull is reciuired and where large tonnage is to be hiin.
daily. This system is comprised of a power unit and as many indiviiln i
trailers without motive power as may be required. Although any type '
ruck may be used to haul trailers singly or in trains, the battery capacity
s usually insuflScient for the continuity of ser\-ice required.
The tractor power unit may be kept in operation almost continu-
(usly and does not have to remain idle during the loading and unloading
•perations, as is the case with load-carrying trucks.
68. Use of the truck as a tractor. Any type of truck may be used to
Iraw trailers, but in general the battery capacity is insufficient for continu-
ous service and trucks as a class are not designed with the necessary drawbar
>ull for this work. The drawbar pull depends directly upon the weight on
he driving wheels and the torque capacity of the motor.
69. Drawbar pull. The normal drawbar pull is the maximum rating
nder which the tractors are designed to operate continuously, assuming
^verage conditions. The maximum drawbar pull is attained just before
he driving wheels begin to slip. The total load in tons which can be moved,
icluding weight of trailers, may be calculated on the basis of 50 lb. drawbar
•ull per ton, assuming trailers with good bearings traveling on level dry
trick, concrete or wood floors.
70. Steering and wheel drive. Tractors are equipped with two-wheel
rive,with single- wheel, two- wheel or three- wheel steering, depending upon
le type.
71. The
frame design follows generally-accepted automotive practice
^ery closely. The frames are made of I-beams, heavy channeb, or angle-
on sections, depending on the type of truck or tractor. The frame is sxip-
orted on the axles either by hea\-y coil springs or by semi-elliptic springs.
n. Wheel construction.
[ Wheels in general are of the solid or cast
rcvoh-ing on roller or ball bearings and equipped with either solid
:ressed-on rubber or fabric tires. The carrying capacity of solid tires
Ncommended in the Standards of the Society of Automotive Engineers is
'ven in Par. 73.
73. Industrial Truck Tires
(S. A. E. Standard)
3i 6 2i
5 6 41
3i 12 2i
5 12 41
3i 16 2i
5 16 4i
31 20 2f
3i 24 2i
Wheel diameters shall be 4 in. less than the nominal tire diameters.
'The height of the finished tire shall be 2 in. for all sizes.
74. Axles and housings. The axles and housings are made of steel and
aform to standard automotive design practice.
76. Transmission. The types of transmission in general use include
; worm, chain and spur-gear drives.
T*- The chain drive consists of a drivnng pinion on the motor shaft
ich engages a sprocket wheel through a silent chain. This sprocket,
'bodying a compact differential, transmits the mechanical energy through
teel countershaft to sprockets at either end, which in turn engage sprocket
eels on the respective driving wheels by means of roller chains.
n. The worm drive consists of a high-grade steel worm, phosphor bronze
"pi^'heel and differential, with all bearings assembled as a unit in a cast-
el housing, each road wheel being driven
through a shaft. All power-
nsmitting parts are in oil-tight housings and operate in a bath of oil.
(8. The spur-gear drive in general comprises a
double-reduction sptir
r, entirely enclosed and
operating in oil.
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