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Lesson Plan

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School Fortridge Asian School Grade Level Grade 7

Detailed Teacher Micah John Sanchez Learning Technology and

Lesson Plan Area Livelihood Education
Date and Time Tue/ 9:00 – 10:00 am Quarter First

A. Content Standard
 Understands the interplay between humans and their environments
B. Performance Standard

 Tasks to be undertaken are properly identified.

 Appropriate hand tools are identified and selected according

to the task


 Appropriate hand tools checked for proper operation and


 Unsafe or faulty tools are identified

 Marked all tools for repair according to standard company


C. Learning Competencies  Notice disorder in an environment PPT11/12-Ii-4.1

 Notice things that are not in their proper place and organize them in
an aesthetic way PPT11/12-Ii-4.2
 Show that care for the environment contributes to health, well-being
and sustainable development PPT11/12-Ij-4.3
 Demonstrate the virtues of prudence and frugality towards
environments PPT11/12-Ij-4.4
D. Objectives The learners are expected to:
 Explore, describe and articulate the problem of climate change
 Learn how the notion of deep ecology and environmental
stewardship can be applied in the area of environmental protection
and sustainable development
 Watch and reflect on a short film in class depicting environmental

II.CONTENT The Human Person in Their Environment

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
 K to 12 Senior High School Core Curriculum – Introduction to the
Philosophy of the Human Person May 2016 p.2
2. Learner’s Materials
pages 
3. Textbook pages  Maboloc, C. R. (2016). The Human Person in their Environment. In
Philosophy of the human person (pp. 42-52). Quezon City: The
Intelligente Publishing.

B. Other Learning
Resources 

A. Reviewing previous Introduction:
lesson or presenting the How green are you?
new lesson
Let’s answer the question by doing the following test. Put a Yes or a No
before each item.

_________1. When you leave a room, do you turn off the lights, aircon,
and whatever else is on?
_________2. Do you think you can survive without meat?
_________3. Does your family have more than one vehicle?
_________4. Do you water the grass in your yard with a hose even during
_________5. Do you plant trees or do any gardening?
_________6. Do you use aerosol products?
_________7. Are you a heavy smoker?
_________8. Do you sort and recycle your garbage, composting what is
_________9. Do you use pesticides around your house?
_________10. Do you use herbal medicines?

According to Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich,

B. Establishing a purpose the grave risk of global warming was already
for the lesson anticipated but it has been ignored. While there
are sectors who cast a cloud of doubt about the
reality of climate change, most scientist are
however united in their findings and stand as to
its occurrence and impact. The impact is most
felt by the poorest regions in the planet.
In this lesson, we will examine the nature of
deep ecology and environmental stewardship. We will also study the
problem of climate change and the concept of climate justice.
Deep ecology is a different way of looking
C. Presenting at human’s relationship with nature.
examples/instances of
the new lesson There are two important aspects:
1. Self-realization – is spiritual in nature.
The basic idea is not the Western ego. Ego
is a self-detached in nature. In deep ecology,
people grow with nature.

2. Bio-centric equality – all things in the biosphere develop to reach their

own unfolding or self-realization. All organism in the planet form a part of
a whole. We are all one.

The value of deep ecology is that it seeks to solve our environment

problems in a holistic way. It is holistic in the sense that it fuses together
the spiritual and material aspect of human life.

D. Discussing new concepts Stewardship and Sustainable Development

and practicing new skills
#1 1. Stewardship – people are empowered to be caretakers of God’s creation
and to design a livable communities that freely interact with the
2. Sustainable Development – program which aims to provide our basic
needs today without necessarily compromising the future generations.

Anthropocentrism – seeks to prioritize human needs above all.

Human as the Measure of All Things

Humans determine what is to become of natural environment and all other

species. For Mary Midgley, the problem is human selfishness – making
the economic growth the first priority at the expense of the environment.

E. Discussing new concepts Climate Change and Climate Justice

and practicing new skills 1. Climate Change – abnormal weather patterns and disturbances that
#2 threaten food production, to rising sea levels that increase the risk of
catastrophic flooding
2. Climate Justice – is a form of environmental justice which refers to the
fair treatment of all people and the freedom from discrimination

Focus Questions: Answer the following guide questions.

F. Developing mastery 1. What is deep ecology?
(Leads to Formative 2. Do you agree with bio-centric equality? Why?
assessment) 3. Why is environmental stewardship relevant today?
4. What is climate change?
5. How does climate change affect human beings?
6. Why is anthropocentrism a problematic position?
7. What is the meaning of climate justice?
8. Why should developed economies be held accountable for climate
9. In what way can poor societies contribute to the solution?
10. Why is climate change a human rights issue?

Class Activity: Watch a short film in class depicting environmental

G. Finding practical degradation.
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living “Climate Change” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhhVr5iLF-c

After screening, form a group of eight members. Discuss your reflections

H. Making generalizations within the group. Assign someone who will write the summary of your
and abstractions about discussion and share it in class.
the lesson
Time for Reflection: Submit a reflection paper on this statement,
I. Evaluating learning minimum of 1000 words to be submitted on the next meeting.

“There can be no renewal of our relationship with nature without renewal

of humanity itself.” – Pope Francis

J. Additional activities for Reading Assignment:

application or Environmental Pragmatism and Policy Making by Christian Ryan Maboloc
Answer the following questions:
1. What is environmental pragmatism?
2. What are the issues regarding the pragmatic approach?
3. How important are environmental debates?
4. What is the role of policy making in environmental issues?
5. Why is democracy crucial in promoting the interest of the

Prepared by:


Name and Signature of Teacher

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