International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: K. Mazanoglu, M. Sabuncu
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: K. Mazanoglu, M. Sabuncu
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: K. Mazanoglu, M. Sabuncu
a r t i c l e in fo abstract
Article history: Bending vibration of non-uniform rectangular beams with multiple edge cracks along the beam’s height
Received 13 May 2008 is investigated. These cracks are called height-edge cracks in this paper. The energy based method is
Received in revised form used for defining the vibration of height-edge cracked beams. The opening form of the height-edge
17 November 2009
crack is determined when the external moment is assumed to be applied for stretching the beam’s
Accepted 19 November 2009
Available online 27 November 2009
width. Strain energy increase is obtained by calculating the strain change at the stretched surface by
taking into account the effect of angular displacement of the beam due to the bending. The Rayleigh–
Keywords: Ritz approximation method is used in the analysis. The cases of multiple cracks are analysed in the
Cracked non-uniform beams method by using the approach based on the definition of strain disturbance variation along the beam.
Multiple height-edge cracks
Examples are presented on a fixed–fixed beam and several cantilever beams having different taper
The energy consumed
factors. When the results are compared with the results of a commercial finite element program, good
Rayleigh–Ritz approximation
agreement is obtained. The effects of taper factors, boundaries and positions of cracks on the natural
frequency ratios are presented in graphics.
& 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0020-7403/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
516 K. Mazanoglu, M. Sabuncu / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 52 (2010) 515–522
used for beams with smoothly or sharply varying cross-section. fundamental frequency. Detailed review on the vibration of
However, a good approximation can be obtained by using a large cracked structure was given by Dimarogonas [23] including the
number of elements which in return will extend the computation studies presented before 1996.
time. Furthermore, need for use of much more smaller sized This paper presents a vibration analysis of non-uniform beams
elements in the vicinity of the cracks for an accurate solution also having multiple height-edge open cracks. The method uses the
results in an increase of the number of elements and thus the changes in the strain energy distribution caused by the cracks.
computation time. Therefore, the conventional finite element Change of the strain energy distribution given by Yang et al. [11]
method should be supported by extremely refined meshes or is modified for height-edge crack to obtain the distribution of the
some kind of special elements. In the literature, many researchers energy consumed. The effect of additional bending of the beam
applied the finite element method to evaluate the vibration of due to the crack is determined by developing a simple spring
cracked beams in numerous works. Refs. [12–16] are just a few of model at the crack location. Coupling effects are neglected for low
the papers including the finite element based models. bending vibration modes of the Euler–Bernoulli beam. In the case
An exact solution of the cracked non-uniform beams is much of multiple cracks, a strain disturbance model is presented to
more difficult than that of the cracked uniform beams. At this overcome the problem of the methods based on a variational
point, approximation methods can be more practical. The principle, which can be described as interaction of the crack
Rayleigh–Ritz approximate solution of a continuous model results effects. Results obtained by the present method are compared
in much less time requirements compared to the finite element with the results of a commercial finite element program
method. Approximate solution may also be possible using some (ANSYS&) for several tapered cantilever beams and a fixed–fixed
other serial expansion methods and energy based approaches. beam. Influences of the taper, boundary and crack location on
However, there is limited number of studies on the application of modal frequencies are given in the figures.
continuous methods for vibration analysis of cracked non-
uniform beams. Modified Fourier series were proposed by Zheng
and Fan [17] to determine the approximate natural frequencies of
multiple cracked non-uniform beams. Another approach was 2. Theoretical explanations
presented by Li [18,19] for determining natural frequencies and
mode shapes of cracked stepped beams having varying cross- According to fracture mechanics theory, structural strain
section and cracked non-uniform beams having concentrated energy increases with crack growth. Increase in strain energy,
masses, respectively. However, only some specific forms of non- which is equal to the energy consumed, under the constant
uniformities could be solved in these papers. Coudhari and Maiti external bending moment is defined as follows:
[20,21] proposed a method for defining transverse vibrations of Z a
tapered beams and geometrically segmented slender beams with DU ¼ CE ¼ Ghc da ð1Þ
a single crack using the Frobenius technique. Even though the
beam had a single crack, their results were quite coarse. A semi- G is called the strain energy release rate, which can be written
analytical model based on an extension of the Rayleigh–Ritz as G ¼ K12 =E0 for the transverse vibration of the beam by taking the
method was presented by El Bikri et al. [22] for non-linear effects of only bending stresses into account and neglecting the
vibrations mainly influenced by the choice of the admissible effects of shear stresses on the crack. E0 is equal to E for plain
functions. This study was also restricted with a single crack and stress, or E/(1 n2) for plain strains [1].
K. Mazanoglu, M. Sabuncu / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 52 (2010) 515–522 517
Stress intensity factor for the first mode edge crack in semi- the energy of rotational springs placed at the closed side as shown
infinite body (K1) is given as in Fig. 1:
pffiffiffiffiffiffi Za
6MðzÞ pa 1 2 ~
K1 ¼ 1:12 ; ð2Þ DU ¼ kðuÞ
bc h2c 2a y~ ðDuy~ Þ dy; ð6Þ
y~ ¼ 0
M(z) is the bending moment that can be defined as
d2 WðzÞ 1
MðzÞ ¼ E IðzÞ : ð3Þ DU ¼ kðy~yÞ ðDyy~ Þ2 dy:
~ ð7Þ
dz2 2a
y~ ¼ 0
The energy consumed can be written using Eq. (1) as Since the cross-section decreases at the crack location, angular
displacement of the crack ðDyy~ Þ results in the angular displace-
CE ¼ DðaÞ½MðzÞ2 ; ð4Þ
ment of the beam (Df). Strain is neutralised by the tensile stress
at the un-cracked part of crack location and thus energy is not
where D(a) can be formulated for the edge crack as follows:
consumed in this region. That means strain energy of (Df) should
18p 1:122 a2 be a base for the additional strain energy at the crack location. At
DðaÞ ¼ : ð5Þ result, Eq. (7) can be modified as follows:
Eb2c h3c
Eq. (5) is true for the plane stresses or strains and consequently 1
DU ¼ ðkyð~yÞ ðDyy~ Þ2 kðjÞ ðDjÞ2 Þ dy:
~ ð8Þ
for the slender beam that has hc 5bc. When the edge cracked 2a
y~ ¼ 0
beam has the considerable height, (hc), Eq. (5) is incomplete
unless the beam is assumed to be only strained due to the crack as Relation between the opening angles (Df, Dy0) at the tip
given in many works in the literature. However, opening of the ðy~ ¼ aÞ and the mouth ðy~ ¼ 0Þ of the crack can be settled as
crack also causes additional bending of the beam during the follows:
transverse vibration. In this case, average strain along the height Dj ¼ ða=hc Þ3 Dy0 : ð9Þ
of beam and thus stress amount should be half of the maximum
values. This means, the stress intensity factor is halved for the Average angular displacement Dyav is equal to Dy0/2. If
considered opening mode of crack. Consequently, Eq. (5) bending moment equivalence is provided on the stretched
should be multiplied by the factor of e = 1/4 for the rectangular surface, the relation between the stiffness and angular displace-
beams. ments can be written as
Strains are neutralised by the tensile stresses at the un-cracked Dy0 ðyÞ Dyav ðyÞ
kðjÞ ¼ k ¼ k : ð10Þ
cross-sections. However, additional strains come into existence Dj 0 Dj av
at the crack location. Since the open crack model is used, Varying opening angles and stiffness can be defined by the
only additional strains are considered; hence the neutral layer is following equations:
not mentioned in this paper. Nevertheless, E0 is modified
as E/(1 0.52n2) for a beam with height-edge open crack to y~
Dyy~ ¼ 2Dyav ðða=hc Þ3 1Þ þ 1 ; for 0 o y~ o a; ð11Þ
contribute the effect of breathing. Increase in strain energy a
through the stretched surface can correspond to the energy of
linear springs located at the opened side of the height-edge crack kðav y~
kyð~yÞ ¼ = ðða=hc Þ3 1Þ þ 1 ; for 0 o y~ o a: ð12Þ
when the beam is under the effect of bending moment in the w z 2 a
plane. The energy of linear springs can be transformed into Thus, Eq. (8) can be arranged using Eqs. (9–12) as follows:
h 3 i
DU ¼ 12kðavyÞ ðDyav Þ2 1 a=hc : ð13Þ
Table 1
The functions satisfying several end conditions.
CKE ¼ rAðzÞo2 ðWðzÞÞ2 : ð20Þ
If kj is the coefficient of admissible mode shape function, the shown in Fig. 2. If gcðiÞ;pðiÞ defines the influence ratio of the energy
derivatives of Eq. (18) or those of Rayleigh quotient derived from consumed caused by crack i on part i, influence ratios of crack i on
Eq. (18) should be equal to zero. the neighbour parts can be written as follows:
0 L 1 gcðiÞ;pði1Þ ¼ 1ai1 =bcði1Þ ;
@@ ððC C ÞC Þ dzA=@kj ¼ 0: ð21Þ gcðiÞ;pðiÞ ¼ 1;
z¼0 gcðiÞ;pði þ 1Þ ¼ 1;
If wj(z) are series of functions satisfying end conditions, the gcðiÞ;pði þ 2Þ ¼ 1ai þ 1 =bcði þ 1Þ : ð23Þ
mode shape function can be written as
m At this point of view, the influence ratios of the energy
WðzÞ ¼ kj wj ðzÞ: ð22Þ consumed in parts i+ d and i d are generalised as follows:
gcðiÞ;pði þ dÞ ¼ gcðiÞ;pði þ d1Þ ð1ai þ d1 =bcði þ d1Þ Þ; d Z 2;
The functions, wj(z), are given in Table 1 for several end ð24Þ
gcðiÞ;pðidÞ ¼ gcðiÞ;pðid þ 1Þ ð1aid =bcðidÞ Þ; d Z 1:
The distributions of the energy consumed are obtained
similarly for the other cracks also. Thus, the decrease of potential
3. Energy balance in beam with multiple height-edge cracks energy in each part of the beam is obtained by superposing the
consumed energies caused by all cracks. If n height-edge cracks
In the case of multiple height-edge cracks, some parameters exist on the beam, the following energy balance equations can be
used in previous equations can be modified as ai ; zcðiÞ ; hcðiÞ ; bcðiÞ written for n +1 parts:
where i=1 to n. Each height-edge crack partially interferes (as much ZL
as its depth ratio) the strain disturbances created by the other BE1 ¼ CPE gcð1Þ;pð1Þ CCE CE CE
cð1Þ gcð2Þ;pð1Þ Ccð2Þ gcðnÞ;pð1Þ CcðnÞ C
cracks. By means of this assumption, the distribution of the energy Zcð1Þ
consumed throughout the beam length is modified for the multiple ZcðiÞ
BEi ¼ CPE gcð1Þ;pðiÞ CCE CE CE
cð1Þ gcð2Þ;pðiÞ Ccð2Þ gcðnÞ;pðiÞ CcðnÞ C
cracked beams by affecting the influence ratios described below. Zcði1Þ
Z ZcðnÞ
Sketch of the distribution of the energy consumed caused by CPE gcð1Þ;pðn þ 1Þ CCE CE CE KE
BEn þ 1 ¼ cð1Þ gcð2Þ;pðn þ 1Þ Ccð2Þ gcðnÞ;pðn þ 1Þ CcðnÞ C dz:
ith crack is shown in Fig. 2. It can be noticed that, the energy 0
expressed by the following functions: and crack size have negligible effects on the results. Natural
frequencies of the un-cracked beams obtained by Rayleigh–Ritz
hðzÞ ¼ h2 þðh1 h2 Þz=L; ð27Þ
approximations and the finite element program is shown in Table 2.
Vibrations of the beams having single, double, and triple cracks
bðzÞ ¼ b2 þ ðb1 b2 Þz=L: ð28Þ are investigated as follows.
Fig. 4. Natural frequency ratios for the (i) first, (ii) second and (iii) third mode
vibration of cantilever Beam1 with variably located crack having depths a =0.2b1
and a= 0.4b1. Results of Ansys for a =0.2b1 (J) and for a= 0.4b1 (n). Results of
Fig. 3. Geometry of a beam. approximations with 6 terms ( - - - ) and 8 terms ( —– ).
Table 2
Natural frequencies of the un-cracked beams (oo).
Beams Vibration modes Frequencies (Hz) obtained Frequencies (Hz) obtained Frequencies (Hz) obtained Frequencies (Hz)
by Rayleigh–Ritz (4 terms) by Rayleigh–Ritz (6 terms) by Rayleigh–Ritz (8 terms) obtained by Finite
Element program
Fig. 5. Natural frequency ratios for the (i) first, (ii) second and (iii) third mode Example 2. Tapered fixed–fixed beam with a crack.
vibration of cantilever Beam2 with variably located crack having depths a = 0.2b1
and a =0.4b1. Results of Ansys for a = 0.2b1 (J) and for a= 0.4b1 (n). Results of
approximations with 6 terms (- - -) and 8 terms ( —– ).
Beam1 is fixed from both ends and it is examined by the
following crack properties:
Fig. 6. Natural frequency ratios for the (i) first, (ii) second and (iii) third mode Fig. 7. Natural frequency ratios for the (i) first, (ii) second and (iii) third mode
vibration of cantilever Beam3 with variably located crack having depths a = 0.2b1 vibration of fixed–fixed Beam1 with variably located crack having depths a ¼ 0:2b1
and a =0.4b1. Results of Ansys for a = 0.2b1 (J) and for a= 0.4b1 (n). Results of and a= 0.4b1. Results of Ansys for a= 0.2b1 (J) and for a= 0.4b1 (n). Results of
approximations with 6 terms (- - -) and 8 terms (—–). approximations with 6 terms (- - -) and 8 terms ( —– ).
K. Mazanoglu, M. Sabuncu / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 52 (2010) 515–522 521
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