Accountability – This is the obligation to report (give an account) to higher authority for
the discharge of those responsibilities.
The relationship which exists between three concepts, then, must be in balanced –
responsibility and authority must go hand in hand, and accountability cannot be expected
and flow upwards unless authority and responsibility have first flowed down.
Usually subordinates are given responsibility for the duties assigned to them by their
manager and are accountable to him for their performance.
It is where decisions are made that determines the degree of centralization, and it is quite
possible for an organisation to have many divisions, all of which are strictly controlled
from a single central source of authority.
Usually with complete centralization no-one other than a small group of senior managers
could make any decisions – the results would be that the organization would be paralyzed
and unable to function.
Decentralization will be needed when the organization is in the process of growing in the
size, as well as when it wants to increase the need for flexibility and responsiveness in its
What Delegation?
• Planning
The identification of tasks and functions which could usefully be delegated.
The selection of a suitable subordinate or group of subordinates considered
capable of assuming the responsibility.
When a manager delegates he should be prepared to live with the problems and
consequences which will arise out of the delegated work.
Participation is all about involving people in their work in a more meaningful way
usually through taking part in the decision making process usually reserved for
management alone.
• Capacity & willingness of the management, and the capacity and willingness of
the subordinates.
• Time, communication and cost also should be considered.
What is Empowerment?