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ESL Reading and Spelling Games Etc UNEDITED

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Games, Puzzles, and
Inventive Exercises

by Imogene Forte
and Maiy Ann Pangle

Incentive Publications, Inc.

Nashville, Tennessee
Illustrated by Marta Drayton
Cover by Marta Drayton
Edited by Jean K. Signor

ISBN 978-0-86530-488-8

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without written permission from Incentive Publications,
Inc., with th(: exception below.

Pages labeled with the statement ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN are intended for
reproduction Permission is hereby granted to the purchaser of one copy of ESL READING AND SPELLING
GAMES, PUZZLES AND INVENTIVE EXERCISES to reproduce these pages in sufficient quantities for meeting
iasc r's own classroom needs only.
the purcha

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Table of Contents

How to Use this Book 7

Matrix 8

Content Bases 9

Classroom Exercises 10-75

Reading and Spelling

Animal Alphabet 10
Reading — Alphabetical Order

Snowflake Fun 13
Reading — Alphabet

Sentence Sense 16
Reading — Sentence Structure

Needy Nouns IB
Reading — Proper Nouns

Noble Nouns 20
Reading — Common and Proper Nouns

Letter Lingo 23
Reading — Phonics

Appropriate Abbreviations 26
Reading — Vocabulary

Singular vs. Plural 28

Reading — Vocabulary

Encyclopedia Explorers 31
Reading — Research

Vowel Volcano 34
Reading — Long and Short Vowels
The Lost Balloon 37
Reading — Comprehension, Sequence, Rhyming Words,
Long and Short Vowels

Blend Bojnanza 41
Reading — Consonant Blends, Puzzles

Hidden Pictures 45
Reading — Vocabulary

Direction Detectives 47
Read: ng — Comprehension, Following Directions

The Sncr^man 51
ng — Comprehension, Sequence, Syllables, Writing

Syllable $pies 56
Read ng — Syllables

Secret Cc de 59
Residing — Alphabetical Order

TicTacTjoe 61
Spell: ng

Blast Off 63
Spell: ng

Spelling Checkers 65
Spell: ng

Drive and Spell - 67

Spell: ng

Correct Colors 69

Play Ba ll 73
Spell ng

Bibliography 76-77

Answer F ey 78-79

Learning is the focal point of the activities included in ESL Reading and
Spelling Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises and the content-based nature
of the exercises ensures that students are learning more than English.
This book will be a valuable tool for all teachers who work with students
learning English as a second language [ESL]; the books in this series will be
helpful for or with students needing additional reinforcement with acquisition
of basic language skills.

Each activity is skills-based to develop language concepts and understandings

connected to a specific skill. Additionally, the exercises in this book offer
opportunity for learning, practicing, and mastering a variety of essential
language-based skills. Each exercise includes a list of materials, preparation
directions, and player directions. Many exercises have accompanying
reproducible activity sheets for immediate classroom skill and/or concept
reinforcement. A reading and spelling skills matrix, a suggested bibliography for
additional references, and an answer key are also provided. These tools are
designed to help teachers plan their lessons and track the achievement of their
students. Each lesson is designed for use by ESL students at widely varying age
and grade levels.

Students need to use learned material, and practice plays an essential role
in the mastery and retention of any skill or concept. In addition to individual
worksheets, many exercises provide activities that promote cooperative
learning and peer tutoring. Cooperative learning activities are essential in an
ESL classroom as they enable students to work collaboratively to verbalize,
refine, and process newly acquired knowledge and skills. The high-interest
themes on which these activities are based will further encourage student
interaction and communication.

This book was written with an eye on the Cognitive Academic Language
Learning Approach (CALLA). Accordingly, the exercises encourage the four
major conditions of this teaching method: first, to foster a learning
environment of high expectations; secondly, to create opportunities to integrate
language development with content-based instruction; thirdly, to provide
support for teachers in the classroom; and finally, to demonstrate assessment
options that empower teachers to plan effective lessons for their students.

The games, puzzles, and exercises within ESL Reading and Spelling Games,
Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises will help teachers make the most effective
use of their time in helping their ESL students to learn essential reading and
spelling skills, improve their use of the English language, and acquire
problem-solving skills and concepts important to student success.

Reading and Spelling Skills Matrix
Alphabetical Comprehension Punctuate Spelling & Nouns Consonants Follow Rhyming & Encyclopedia Vowels Abbreviations Speaking
Order Sentences Writing and Written New Use
Correctly Practice Syllables Directions Words

\^uiliciil rOCUS.
Animal Alphabet + +

Snowflake Fun + +

Sentence Sense + +

Needy Nouns + + +

Noble Nouns + +

Letter Lingo + + +

Appropriate Abbreviations + + +

Singular vs. Plural + +

Encyclopedia Explorers + + +

Vowel Volcano + +

The Lost Balloon + + + + +

Blend Bonanza + +

Hidden Pictures + +

Direction Detective + + +

The Snowman + + +

Syllable Spies + + +

Secret Code +

Content Focus:
Tic Tac Toe + + +

Blast Off + + +

Spelling Checkers + + +

Drive and Spell + + +

Correct Colors + + +

Play Ball + + +
ESL Reading and Spelling
Games, Puzzles, and
Inventive Exercises

Reading and Spelling Exercises 10-75

Animal Alphabet

Rejading - Alphabetical Order

Copy of Alphabet Cards

Number of Players:
One, or the entire class

Preparation Directions:
1. Give each player a copy of the game cards.
2. Each player cuts out a copy of the game cards.

Play ei: Directions:

1. The players cut out Alphabet Cards.
2. The players identify the animal pictured on each card.
3. Then the players draw and color a picture the animal name that is
written on the card, or the players write the name of the animal
pictured on the card.
4. The players arrange the cards in alphabetical order on their desks.

ESL Reading and Spelling 10 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Animal Alphabet Cards

Giraffe Octopus

Cat ..guana


Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 11 £SL Reading and. Spelling
Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
ESL Reao ing and Spelling 12 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.
Games. Pjuzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Snowflake Fun

Reading - Alphabet

Copy of Snowflake Fun Maze
Follow-up activity

Number of Players:
One, or the entire class

Preparation Directions:
1. Give each player a copy of the maze.
2. Give each player a copy of the follow-up activity.
3. Provide pencils and crayons

Player Directions:
1. The player or players follow the directions on the maze.
2. After completing the maze, the player or players follow the directions
on the follow-up activity.

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 13 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville. TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Snowflake Fun
Make y<pur way through
the sno kvstorm. START

ESL Readingand Spelling

Games, Puzzles and Inventive Exercises
14 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.
Nashville, TN.
Snowflake Fun Follow-up Activity
Begin with the letter Z and go backwards to the letter A to complete the picture.

Y •

* B

o op 'O

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 15 ESL Reaing and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Sentence Sense

Reading - Sentence Structure

Mat iials:
Sentence Sense game board for each student
Game markers
Small plastic cube

Number of Players:
""wo or three players

pi; Directions:
L. Write the numbers 1 and 2 on the side of the game cube.
2, Provide a copy of the Sentence Sense game board for each set of
3, Provide each player with a game marker.

Player Directions:
The first player rolls the die and moves the correct number of spaces.
If the space is marked (. ! or ?), the player must make up a sentence
that ends with that punctuation mark.
3 If the player does not supply a correct sentence, he or she moves
back one space.
The game continues until one player reaches "Finish" to win the

ESL Reading and Spelling Jg Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games, Pi'zzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Sentence Sense Game Board


Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. ESL Reading and Spelling
Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Needy Nouns

Reading - Proper Nouns

Copy of the game

Numper of Players:
Ah entire class or small groups

Preparation Directions:
1. Give each student a copy of the game.
2. Have a class discussion to review proper nouns.

Player Directions:
1. The students are to write a proper noun for each item on the shelves.
2. The proper nouns can be brand names or students can create their
own proper nouns.
After the activity is completed, students may color the pictures.
4. Sharing the activities will build vocabulary.

ESL Reaing and Spelling Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Needy Nouns Game



Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. jg ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Noble Nouns

Reading - Common and Proper Nouns

Mate: rials:
Copy of game cards

Number of Players:

Preparation Directions:
Give each group of players a copy of the game cards.
Each player cuts out a copy of the game cards.

Playe|r Directions:
The game cards are shuffled and placed face down.
The first player draws a card and reads it.
The first player must say a proper noun for the common noun that is
written on the card.
If the answer is correct, the player receives one point.
The game continues until all of the cards are used.
The player who receives the most points wins the game.

ESL Reading and Spelling 20 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Noble Nouns Game Cards


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Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.
Nashville, TN.
21 ESL Reading and Spelling
Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Noble Nouns Game Cards Cont.

^ TV program


Day ofweeK






ESL Read rig and Spelling 22 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.
Games, Pqizzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Letter Lingo

Reading - ons

Copy of the activity

Number of Players:

Preparation Directions:
1. Give each player a copy of the activity.
2. Provide pencils and crayons.

Player Directions:
1. The player looks at each picture and writes the letter of its beginning
sound. This will spell a word.
2. In the box, the player illustrates each word.

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 23 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Letter Lingo Activity

ESL Reaing and Spelling 24 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games, Puzzles, and nventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Letter Lingo Activity Cont.

ESL Reading and Spelling

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 25 Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Nashville, TN.
Appropriate Abbreviations

Reading - o u

e )py of the crossword puzzle

Number of Players:
One, two, or the entire class

Preparation Directions:
Give each player a copy of the crossword puzzle and provide pencils.
Review abbreviations with the entire class or in small groups.

Player Directions:
1 The players will enjoy working in small cooperative groups for this
The players read the directions and write the abbreviations for the
words in the correct spaces.
Provide time to share the answers to the crossword puzzle.

ESL Reaing and Spelling 26 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games, uzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Appropriate Abbreviations Crossword Puzzle
Directions: For each word or phrase below, write the correct abbreviation.
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1. Monday 19. October 1. Mister 18. milliliter
4. street 21. President 2. November 20. Tuesday
5. Ounce 24. Spelling 3. Railroad 21. pint
7. minute 25. Sunday 4. Saturday 22. Senior
9. Tennessee 29. April 6. Vice President 23. North
10. Afternoon 30. Doctor of 7. Mathematics 26. Thursday
13. Reverend Medicine 8. number 27. January
14. doctor 31. Wednesday 11. August 28. February
16. dozen 33. March 12. Road 30. married woman
15. September 32. feet
17. all right 33. Mile

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 27 ESL Reaing and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Singular vs. Plural

Reading - o u

Copy of game board
Copy of game cards
Sc issors

Number of Players:
Two or four

Preparation Directions:
Give the players a copy of the game board and game cards.
Provide scissors and markers for the students.
Review plurals as an entire class.

Player Directions:
The players cut out the game cards and place them face down.
The players place the markers on "Start" on the game board.
The first player draws a card and pronounces the word that is
written on it.
If the word is singular, the player spells the plural of it.
If the word is plural, the player spells the singular of it.
If the player is correct, he or she moves one space.
The game continues until one player reaches "Finish" and wins
the game.

ESL Re.aL.ing and Spelling 28 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Singular vs. Plural Game Board

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 29 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Singular vs. Plural Game Cards

Lady Puppies Key Girls

Teachers Church Friend Fish

Foot Doctor Ci+y Grass

Beach Monkey Umbrella Mouse

Pencil Peach Fox Countries

Family Dress Lunches Dish

Box Lollipops Pennies Sister

Honey Child Men Pony

ESL Readig and Spelling Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games, Pzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Encyclopedia Explorers

Reading - Research

Copy of the research activity
Colored pencils

Number of Players:
Four or six

Preparation Directions:
1. Give each player a copy of the research activity.
2. Provide encyclopedia, pencils, and colored pencils.

Player Directions:
1. The players explore the encyclopedias to complete the activity
2. When completed, the players share the activity.

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 31 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Encyclopedia Explorers Research Activity

1. Write the name of the set of encyclopedias.

2. How many volumes does the set have?

3. What is the copyright date?

4. Wher<£ was it published?

5. Look up dog in the encyclopedia,

In wh: ch volume will you find dog?

On what page is dog found?

List fc ur different kinds of dogs mentioned in the encyclopedia entry.

6. Look up transportation in the encyclopedia. In which volume will you find

transportation? On what page is it found?

List fc ur different kinds of transportation mentioned by the encyclopedia.

up bird in the encyclopedia. Draw and color two birds below,

the names of the birds under the pictures.

ESL. and Spelling 32 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games Puzzles , and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Encyclopedia Explorers Research Activity

8. Write the name of your native country.

Find this country in the encyclopedia.

What is the capital?

How many pages are there about your country?

What language is spoken in your country?

Look at the map to find the city in your country where you lived.

On the back of this activity, draw and color a map of your native country.

9. Look up flag in the encyclopedia.

In what volume will you find /lag?

Draw your native country's flag here.

10. Choose a topic that you would like to read about in the encyclopedia.

Write that topic here:

List two things that you learned about this topic.


Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 33 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Vowel Volcano

Reading - Long and Short Vowels

Copy of game board

Number of Players:
Two, or the entire class

Preparation Directions:
Give each player a copy of the game.
Provide pencils for the students.

Player Directions:
The players place the game face down.
At a given signal, the players will read the words in the volcano.
The players write the words with a short vowel sound and a long
vowel sound in the correct spaces.
The first player who completes the game wins.

ESL Rtailing and Spelling 34 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Gamer.. Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Vowel Volcano Game Board

1. Find the words that have a short vowel sound. Color each one yellow,
2. Find the words that have a long vowel sound. Color each one green.




Tin Snake


Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 35 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Vowel Volcano

Short Vowel Words Long Vowel Words

ESL Read g and Spelling 36 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games, Pzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
The Lost Balloon

Reading - Comprehension, sequence, rhyming words,
long and short vowels

Copy of the game activities

Number of Players:
One, two, or the entire class

Preparation Directions:
1. Give each player a copy of the game activities and provide pencils
and crayons.
2. Review the following concepts with the students:
Rhyming Words
Long and Short Vowels

Player Directions:
1. The players read the story silently first, and then they read it
aloud to a partner.
2. To check comprehension, the players answer the questions about
the story.
3. The players draw pictures about the story in sequence.
4. Then the players complete the activities with rhyming words and
long and short vowels.

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 37 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
The Lost Balloon — A Story

Anna and her family went to the park. Anna played on the swings with
some new friends. She fed the ducks. When they were leaving the park, her
father bought a big red balloon for her. The wind was blowing very hard, and
the balloon went flying up in the sky. Anna was sad and began to cry.

When Anna and her family got home, she saw something on her mailbox. It
looked like a big red ball, but it wasn't. It was her red balloon that her father
bought for her! Anna ran to get the balloon, but just as she touched the
balloon it popped!

Out fell a note. The note said, 'This is a lucky balloon. Whoever finds it can
bring this note and get a free balloon every time he or she comes to the park!"
Anna iwas sad to lose her balloon, but she was happy to know she could get
another! balloon soon.

1. Where did Anna and her family go? _

2. Writ£ two things Anna did in the park.

3. Who bought her a balloon?

4. Whalt color was the balloon?

5. Whalt happened to the balloon?

6. Where did Anna find the balloon?

7. Whalt was inside the balloon?.

8. Whalt did the note say?

9. Write two feelings that Anna had about the balloon.

ESL Readpig and Spelling 38 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games P lzzless, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
The Lost Balloon Activity
Draw pictures of Anna that tell the story in sequence. Color the pictures.

I. 2.

3. 4.

5. i0.

7- &

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 39 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
The Lost Balloon Activity #2

Write a rhyming word for each of the following words in the story.
















soc n

Count he words in the story that have a short vowel sound, and the words that
have a long vowel sound.

There ; re short vowel sound words.

There cie long vowel sound words.

ESL Reading and Spelling 40 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Game:, puzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Blend Bonanza

Reading - Consonant blends, puzzles

Copy of puzzles

Number of Players:
One or two

Preparation Directions:
1. Review consonant blends.
2. Give each player a copy of one of the puzzles.

Player Directions:
1. The players circle the words that contain consonant blends in the
word search.
2. Working in pairs or in cooperative learning groups, players use
consonant blend words to complete the crossword puzzle.

ESL Reading and Spelling

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 41 Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Nashville, TN.
Blend Bonanza Puzzle # 1 Word List

Phi/ "Truck Spoon Spy

fly Tray Step

Br< ok Glad Clean Drink

Broken Sky Fry

Train Please Prop Brother

Black Clap Slip Drip

Soring Cry Class Splash

Blast Plane Green P r e t t y

ESL Reig and Spelling 42 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games, Pzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Blend Bonanza Puzzle # 1
Circle the words that have the following consonant blends:

bl, br dr gl, gr sk, sp, spl, spr, st

cl, cr fl, fr pi, pr tr

b1 a St r P 1a n e
1S P 1 a s h c r«
i Y m
a d r I ps

Pr n <9
C1 a P b r o t h e r
k aXPr o Pd Pf e
f u br 0 o k q 1r e
r a k e ka c i e a n
y c t t e u I a a 1d

s k y f n i a d s n r *

t r a y s c St e P

o -f 1 y P k s Po o n
P1 Q y y h t r u c k
Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 43 ESL Reading and Spelling
Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Blend Bonanza Puzzle #2
Every \yord in this puzzle begins or ends with a consonant blend.

1. It is fori to
in a
3. Birds can

4. Do you like to
cli trees?
6. At school,
you s:t kt
a de
7. A . luck
can carfy dirt.
9. A ue is
needed to
solve a
10. If someone
gets hu:~t, he
or she; might

11. Do yo u like to
ice ate?
12. F i r _ grade
comef:! sifter
13. It is pal: te to
say _ ease.
15. A _ &in
goes on a

1. A _ ng is
fun on Ithe
2. He is the color of the sky. 8. A ant grows in a garden.

5. On Hallpween a ma is worn. 11. ars are in the sky at night.

6. A du says quack. 12. If you don't have to pay, it is ee.

7. A ee grows in a forest. 14. Students a questions.

ESL Reading and Spelling 44 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.
Games ,tfuzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Hidden Pictures

Reading - Vocabulary

Copy of the Hidden Picture game

Number of Players:
One, two, or the entire class

Preparation Directions:
1. Give each player a copy of the game and provide crayons.

Player Directions:
1. The players find and color the hidden pictures that are shown at the
bottom of the page.
2. After completing the hidden pictures, the players can color the
outdoor scene.

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 45 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Hidden Pictures Game

Find the pencil—color it yellow. L. ' ' ' ^ '"~H Find the ruler—color it
Find the backpack—color it
C/3 Find the erasers—color
them pink.
Find the book—color it red. Find the desk—color it
O Find the notebook—color it
blue. Find the chair—color it
tf Find the crayons—color them
Find the computer—color
it gray.
•ailing and Spelling 46 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.
Gamer., Puzzles, and Inuentiue Exercises Nashville, TN.
Direction Detectives

Reading - Comprehension, following directions

Copy of activities

Number of Players:
One, or the entire class

Preparation Directions:
1. Give each student a copy of one of the activities.
2. Provide pencils and crayons.

Player Directions:
1. All of the activities require the students to be able to see and read the
directions to complete them.
2. The directions are written on the activities.

ESL Reading and Spelling

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 47 Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Nashville, TN.
Direction Detectives Activity # 1
Use yoilr crayons to follow these directions.
1. Put a blue star after anything that is round.
2. Put an orange square after anything that is heavy.
3. Put 4 red triangle before anything that is light.
4. Put green circle before anything that is tall.

Snowflake Mountains

Potato chip Pencil

Tree Raindrop

Bracelet Ring

Flagpole TV

Ro(ler blade wheel Box of books

'aper napkin Needle

Basketball Bed

Apartment building Hamburger

Doughnut Piece of paper

Car Giant

Leaf Orange

Penny Paper clip

ESL Read\Tig and Spelling
48 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.
Games,; Piizzles and Inventive Exercises
Nashville, TN.
Dlronl-i tn
_ _ v e s ^ c t i v l t y #2
Follow the directions.

1. What flavor would you like this ice cream to be?

2. Color it to show the flavor.

3. Draw two ways other than in cones that

ice cream is sold.

4- This restaurant needs a n a m e .

Write the name and color the picture of the restaurant.

5- Make a menu for the restaurant.

Direction Detectives Activity #3

1. If a dog likes a cat, write your name under the picture of the snowman.
2. If the bicycle tires are round, draw a circle around the fish.
3. If the fiph likes water, color the snowman's hat black.
4. If you dan ride a bicycle, draw yourself on the bicycle.
5. If a snowman can melt, draw another snowman beside the picture of the snowmah.
6. If you dan eat fish, color the fish blue.
7. If a bicycle has brakes, put an X under the picture of the bicycle.
8. If snowman is a compound word, draw two snowflakes under this sentence and
write one word in each snowflake.

9. If bicycle has more than one syllable, write the number of syllables on this line,
10. Write t] le name of each picture in alphabetical order.

ESL Rca ling and Spelling 50 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.
Game:, lizzies, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
The Snowman

Reading - Comprehension, sequence, syllables, writing

Copy of game activities

Number of Players:
One, two, or the entire class

Preparation Directions:
1. Give each player a copy of the game activities, and provide pencils.
2. Review the concepts of sequence and syllables.

Player Directions:
1. The players read the story, 'The Snowman."
2. Divide the class into groups of two. Let students reread the story to
each other.
3. The players arrange the sentences in correct order by putting
numbers in sequence.
4. The players find words in the story that contain one-, two-, or three-
syllable words.
5. To complete the activity, have the students write a story about
making a snowman.

ESL Reading and Spelling

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 51 Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Nashville, TN.
The Snowman — A Story

My Lin, Roberto, Teng, and Riham all lived in the same

apartment building. One day it snowed, and this was the first
:ime they had ever seen snow. They had seen pictures of a
snowman, so they decided to try to make one.

Each one wanted to make part of the snowman. Roberto and

Teng would make the largest part. My Lin and Riham would
make the middle part, and they would all help make the head
and face.

First, Roberto and Teng made a little snowball and began

rolling it in the snow until it was a big, big ball. They placed it in
a special place. At the same time, My Lin and Riham made a
smaller ball of snow. All of the children lifted the smaller ball of
snow on top of the larger one that Roberto and Teng had made.

They were now ready to make the head. Carefully, they put
:he smallest ball of snow on top of the other two. It was
Deginning to look like a snowman, but it needed a face. The
children found some rocks for the eyes and mouth. Two long
sticks were used for arms, and a short stick made a good nose.
Roberto asked his father to use his hat for the snowman, and
My Lin had a pretty red scarf to put around its neck.

When the snowman was all finished, and the children were
standing and looking at it, a big van drove up and two men got
out. One of the men had a camera and the other had a
notebook. They said, "We are from the television station. Can we
take your picture and write a story about your snowman?" My
Lin, Riham, Roberto, and Teng were so happy that they and
their snowman would be on the television news that night.

ESL Rea ig and Spelling 52 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games Pzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
The Snowman Activity # 1
Write a number beside each sentence to show the sequence of events.

Two men drove up in a van.

The children found some rocks for the eyes and mouth.

It snowed.

Roberto and Teng made the big, big ball.

Sticks were used for the arms and nose.

The children decide to make a snowman.

My Lin puts a red scarf around the snowman's neck.

The smaller snowball was lifted on top of the big ball.

The men took a picture.

Roberto got a hat from his father.

The head was made by all of the children.

My Lin, Roberto, Riham, and Teng will be on the television news.

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 53 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
The Snowman Activity #2

See hoA v many one-syllable, two-syllable, and three-syllable words you can find in
the sto: y-

One- Syllable

Two Syllable

Thre e-Syllable

ESLRi 'CUling and Spelling 54 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Garnet , uzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
My Snowman
Write a story about a snowman that you have made or that you would like
to make.
Syllable Spies

Purpc se
Reading - Syllables

Copy of game
Ki :chen Timer

Number of Players:
One, two, or the entire class

Preparation Directions:
1. Give each player a copy of the game.
2. Provide pencils and crayons.

Playejr Directions:
1. The kitchen timer is set for ten minutes.
2. At a given signal, the players write the words, according to the
number of syllables, in the correct magnifying glass.
3. The player who completes the game first wins the game.
4. The players can draw and color themselves as a spy on the back of
the game.

ESL Re cusingand Spelling 56 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games. P-izzles , and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Syllable Spies Game Word List

Zebra Desk
Boy Store
Sunshine Clown
Wonderful People
Puppy Butterfly
Circus Paper
Hospital Lunch
Shoe Alligator
Automobile Sandwich
Flower Hippopotamus
Cake Understand
Elephant Play
Table Because
Soccer June
April Pizza
Ball Easily
Hamburger Puzzle
Reading Cafeteria
Important Cat
Baseball Milk

ESL Reaing and Spelling

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 57 Games Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Nashville, TN.
Secret Code

Reading - Alphabetical Order

Copy of game sheet
Answers to Secret Code Game Sheet:
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. In what city do you live?
4. Where do you go to school?
5. What language do you speak?
6. In what country did you live?
7. What is your address?
8. What time is it now?

Number of Players:

Preparation Directions:
1. Give each player a copy of the game sheet.
2. Provide pencils.

Player Directions:
1. The players have a copy of the game.
2. To understand the code, the players must write the letter that comes
before the letter that is written in code.
Example: 'n' becomes'm'
'b' becomes 'a'
'o' becomes 'n' (spelling "man")
3. On the back of the game, students can write a secret message using
the same code.

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 59 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Secret Code Game Board

1. xibu jt zpvs obnf?


2. Ipx pme bsf zpv?


3. Jo xibu djuz ep zpv mjwf?


4. Xifsf ep zpv hp up tdippm?


5. Xi b)u mbohvbhf ep zpu tqfbl?


6. Jo xibu dpvousz eje zpv mjwf?

7. Xibu jt zpvs beesftt?


8. Xibu ujnf jt ju opx?


ESL R^ac ing and Spelling gQ Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.
Games, FjizzLes, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Tic Tac Toe


Tag board
Black markers

Number of Players:

Preparation Directions:
1. Use tag board and black marker to make five tag board O's
and five tag board X's.
2. Prepare tag board strips with the weekly spelling words
written on them.

Player Directions:
1. Players place the spelling cards face down and choose markers.
2. The first player draws a card and pronounces the spelling word.
If his or her opponent spells the word correctly, he or she places the
marker on the board.
3. The game continues until one player gets a tic tac toe horizontally,
vertically, or diagonally.

ESL Reading and Spelling

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 61 Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Nashville, TN.
Tic Tac Toe Game Board

ESL Read ng and Spelling

Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
62 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.
Nashville, TN.
Blast Off


Tag board
Black marker

Number of Players:

Preparation Directions:
1. Make a rocket out of tag board. (Draw two sets of twelve lines on the
2. Write spelling words on pieces of tag board the same width as the
lines on the rocket.

Player Directions:
1. Shuffle the spelling word cards. Place the cards on the rocket.
2. One player draws a card and pronounces the word for the other
player to spell.
3. If the word is spelled correctly, the player paces the card on the
rocket beside the number ten.
4. The game continues until one player reaches zero and "Blast off!"

ESL Reading and Spelling

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 63 Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Nashville, TN.
Spelling Checkers


Checkerboard on page 66
Tag board in two different colors
Black marker

Number of Players:

Preparation Directions:
1. Make 24 checkers from two colors of tag board, so that there are
12 checkers of each color.
2. On the back of each checker write a spelling word from the
weekly list.
3. Extra checkers can be made to provide different spelling words
each time the game is played.

Player Directions:
1. Two players place checkers on board.
2. One player moves a checker. If he can jump his opponent's
checker, the opponent looks under the checker to be jumped and
pronounces the word.
3. If the player can spell the word correctly, he may jump and pick
up the checker.
4. The game continues until one player is out of checkers and is
declared "the winner."

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 65 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Spelling Checkers Checkerboard

ESL Readig and Spelling Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games, Pzzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Drive and Spell


Tag board
Toy cars

Number of Players:
Two or three

Preparation Directions:
1. Enlarge the playing board on page 68 on tag board to be used as a
game board.
2. Provide small toy cars or draw and cut out tag board paper cars for
each player.
3. Write each spelling word on a tag board card; place a star on the most
difficult words.

Player Directions:
1. Choose a car and place it on the board.
2. One player draws a card and reads the word aloud to the other
3. He then spells the word. If he spells it correctly, he moves ahead one
space. If he spells it incorrectly, he moves back one space. When a
starred word is spelled, the player moves ahead two spaces.
4. The first player to reach home wins the game.

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 67 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Drive and Spell Game Board

7T u >


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[(L f
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ESL Reading and Spelling Qg Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games, {\uzzles, and. Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Correct Colors

Spelling - Colors

Copy of game activities

Number of Players:

Preparation Directions:
1. Give each player a copy of the game activities.
2. Provide crayons, scissors, paste, and pencils for the students.

Player Directions:
1. The players cut out the crayon shapes and place them face down.
2. The first player draws a crayon shape and asks the other player to
spell the color that is written on it.
3. If the player spells the color word correctly, the first player gives the
color shape to him or her.
4. Taking turns, the game continues until all of the color words have
been spelled correctly.
5. The players color the crayon shapes.
6. Next, the players paste the crayon shapes on the crayon box shape
activity. The players may color the crayon box shape.
7. On the last activity, the players draw two things that could be the
color which is written on each box.
8. The players color the pictures.

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 69 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Correct Colors Crayons




ESL Reading and Spelling 7Q Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Games, Pjizzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
Correct Colors Crayon Box

Cut- on d o i t e d lines
and slip in crayons.

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 71 ESL Reading and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Play Ball


Poster board
Felt tip pens
Game markers

Number of Players:

Preparation Directions:
1. Make a baseball diamond out of poster board: include all the bases.
Make markers in the shape of a baseball bat and a ball.
2. Write spelling words on poster board strips labeled according to
level of difficulty. The least difficult words will be labeled as "single
hits," next level as "doubles," next level "triples," and the most
difficult level as "home runs."

Player Directions:
1. The cards are placed face down and each player chooses a marker.
2. The first player "goes to bat" by choosing a card without looking at
it. The second player "pitches" the word on the card by pronouncing
the word for the "batter" to spell. The player who is at bat may
choose a spelling word from any stack. Example: If a word from
"doubles" is chosen and spelled correctly, the batter goes to second
base. One point is awarded each time a player in the "batter"
position passes home plate. If a word is misspelled, it is an out.
Three outs and the pitcher is allowed to become the batter. If the
batter spells the word correctly, he or she continues to spell words
drawn from the stack and pronounced by the player "pitching"
words until three words are misspelled.

3. The game continues until nine innings have been played. One
inning is complete when both players have had a chance to "bat."
The player with the most points wins the game.

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 73 ESL Reaing and Spelling

Nashville, TN. Games Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Play Ball — Game Cards

ESL Reading and Spelling

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. 75 Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
Nashville, TN.
Annotated Bibliography
for the ESL Teacher

BASIC/Not Boring Reading Comprehension, Grades 4-5. Imogene Forte and Marjorie Frank.
Nashrille, Incentive Publications, Inc., 1998
Imaginative activities covering essential reading skills such as: main ideas, finding
information, sequencing, and paraphrasing.

BASIC/Not Boring Spelling, Grades 4-5, Imogene Forte and Maijorie Frank. Nashville,
Incentive Publications, Inc., 1999
Imaginative activities covering essential spelling skills such as: identifying correctly
spelle d and misspelled words, learning the "ie" rules, and distinguishing among
home phones.
BASIC/Not Boring Reading, Grades 2-3. Imogene Forte and Marjorie Frank. Nashville,
Incentive Publications, Inc., 1998
Imaginative activities covering essential reading skills such as: main idea, sequencing,
charts, directions, and characters.

BASIC/Not Boring Spelling, Grades 2-3. Imogene Forte and Maijorie Frank. Nashville,
Incentive Publications, Inc. 2000
Imaginative activities covering essential spelling skills such as: compound words,
consonant blends, and frequently misspelled words.

The Cooperative Learning Guide and Planning Pakfor the Primary Grades. Imogene Forte
and Joy MacKenzie. Nashville, Incentive Publications, Inc., 1992
Incl udes an overview of cooperative learning and thematic teaching, content mini-
units[ interdisciplinary units, and thematic learning stations.

Cooperative Learning Teacher Timesauers. Imogene Forte. Nashville, Incentive Publications,

Inc. , L992
Coritciins summaries, warm-ups, bulletin boards, and cooperative activities, and
motivational ideas, as well as ready-to-use reproducible aids, badges, clip art, reports,
worksheets, and records.

Creating Connection: Learning to Appreciate Diversity. Dorothy Michener. Nashville,

Incentive Publications, Inc., 1995
Provides practical strategies and workable solutions for educators striving to help their
students recognize, understand, and appreciate diversity.

Easy Art Projects to Teach Global Awareness. Lynn Brisson. Nashville, Incentive
Publications, Inc., 1993
Topics covered include map skills, the 50 United States, the 7 continents, desert and
ocean study, and more!

ESL Active Learning Lessons: 15 Complete Content-Based Units to Reinforce Language S

and Concepts. Imogene Forte and Maiy Ann Pangle. Nashville, Incentive Publications,
Inc., 001
Provic.es practice and reinforcement in the use of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

ESL Reac ing and Spelling 76 Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.
Games, Puzzles, and inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
ESL Content-Based Language Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises. Imogene Forte and
Maiy Ann Pangle. Nashville, Incentive Publications, Inc., 2001
Offers useable guides to learn, practice, and master a variety of language-based skills,
focusing on math, social studies, and science.

ESL Vocabulary and Word Usage Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises. Imogene Forte an
Maiy Ann Pangle. Nashville, Incentive Publications, Inc., 2001
Offers useable guides to learn, practice, and master a variety of language-based skills,
focusing on vocabulary and word usage.

Hands-On Math. Kathleen Fletcher. Nashville, Incentive Publications, Inc., 1996

Contains all the essentials and extras for teaching number-sense concepts. Included
ideas for using stamps, stickers, beans, rice, tiles, and number lines and manipulatives in
the classroom.

Internet Quest. Catherine Halloran Cook and Janet McGivney Pfeifer. Nashville, Incentive
Publications, Inc., 2000
Designed to engage students in learning on the web. 101 new sites to explore covering
exciting topics such as: art and music, geography and travel, nature and science.

Language Arts Folder Fun. Kathy Blankenhorn and Joanne Richards. Nashville, Incentive
Publications, Inc., 1995
Folder games target and reinforce the fundamentals of language arts.

Learning to Learn: Strengthening Study Skills and Brain Power. Gloria Frender. Nashville,
Incentive Publications, Inc., 1990
Includes step-by-step procedures for improving organizational skills, time management,
problem solving, power reading, test taking, memory skills, and more!

Multicultural Plays: A Many-Splendored Tapestry Honoring Our Global Community. Judy Mec
Nashville, Incentive Publications, Inc., 1999
Easily-produced plays allow students to learn about and develop respect for different
cultures. A brief cultural lesson accompanies each play to ensure an authentic performance.

On the Loose With Dr. Seuss. Shirley Cook. Nashville, Incentive Publications, Inc., 1994
Each literature-based unit includes background information about Dr. Seuss and one of
his stories, extended thinking and writing exercises, and special imaginative activities.

Reading Reinforcers for the Primary Grades. Imogene Forte. Nashville, Incentive Publications,
Inc., 1994
A collection of teacher-directed interactive projects, creative worksheets, and independent
and group activities.

Seasonal Activities for Classroom Creativity. Kitty Hazier. Nashville, Incentive

Publications, Inc., 1999
High-interest lessons to nurture creativity and promote higher order thinking skills within
a seasonal theme. Students gain fluency and originality.

Using Literature to Learn About Children Around the World. Judith Cochran. Nashville,
Incentive Publications, Inc., 1993
Lesson plans outline specific activities to develop social and global awareness and to
strengthen vocabulary and thinking skills.

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc. ESL Reaing and Spelling

Nashville, TN.
77 Games Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises

Answer Key
Pages 24- :>5 peach - peaches 8. "This is a lucky balloon.
1. table 7. duck countries - country Whoever finds it can bring
2. bed 8. flower fox
- foxes this note and get a free
3. tv 9. pizza family- families balloon every time you
4. bike 10. cat dress-dresses come to the park!"
5. schocjtl 11. star lunches - lunch 9. sad and happy
6. pencil 12. clock dish
- dishes
- boxes
Page 27 lollipops- lollipop Page 43
Across pennies - penny
1. Mon 19. oct sister
- sisters
4. st 21. pres money - monies
5. oz 24. sp child
- children
7. min 25. sun men- man
9. TN 29. Apr pony - ponies
10. pm 30. MD
13. Rev Page 35
31. wed
14. dr 33. mar Words with short vowel
16. dz sounds colored yellow:
Hat Fun Drop
Down Tin Sock Tent
1. Mr 18. ml Mud Bed Trap
2. Nov 20. Tues Cup Pig Hug
3. RR 21. pt Stop Fish Bus
4. Sat 22. Sr Trick Zip Lunch
6. VP 23. N Check
7. Math 26. Thurs
8. no 27. Jan Words with long vowel
sounds colored green: Page 44
11. Aug 28. Feb
12. Rd 30. Mrs Snake Rain Grape
15. Sept 32. ft Music Rose Coat
17. ok 33. mi Road Toes Smoke
Feet Pie Tie
Page 30 Home Wheel Price
lad} ladies Street Snow Prize
puppie puppy Peach
key keys
girls girl Page 38
teachers teacher 1. the park
church churches 2. She played on the
frienc swings, she fed the
fish ducks, and her father
fool bought her a red
doctor balloon.
city cities 3. her father
gras grasses 4. red
beach beaches 5. The wind blew it
monkey monkeys away.
umbrella umbrellas 6. on the mailbox at her
mouse mice house
penei pencils 7. a note

ESL Reading and Spelling JQ Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Gamesi Pizzles, and Inventive Exercises Nashville, TN.
A Snowflake Mountains U

A Potato chip Pencil

O Tree Q A Raindrop £

A . Bracelet
1 ir n dog likc^ li cat. write your name wider the picture of i he snowman
Q Flagpole O TV D 2, if the Wcj'clc tires me round, draw a circle around the lUh
3 If the fish likes water. rtdor ihc -snowmans' hat black.
A Roller blade wheel Box of books 4 If you can ride a blcyrlr, draw ywuradf mi tli«* bicycle.
5 If a MiMium <.-aj\ melt, draw another snowman bwlrir h i «- picture of ihc snow man.
^ Paper napkin CL 6. If you can eatfish, color Ihc fish blue.
7 If n hlryck* hn* brakes. jmt an X under the picture of the bJcycIt.
A Basketball ^
A Needle 8, If snowman is a compound word, draw two snoxvtlakcs under this seuirinx and
Bed Q
X L Apartment building ' '

A Hamburger ^
A Doughnut ^

A Piece of paper
Q Giant [ J
J ^ l Leaf

A Orange j f r
A Penny ^ 10. Write- the name of cnch picture In alplvutx-ical order.
A Paper clip

Page 53
The proper sequence is as follows: 10, 6, 1,3, 7, 2, 9, 4, 11, 8, 5, 12

Page 58
One-syllable words: Two-syllable words: Three-syllable words:
Boy Zebra Wonderful
Shoe Sunshine Hospital
Cake Puppy Elephant
Ball Circus Hamburger
Desk Flower Important
Store Table Together
Clown Soccer Butterfly
Lunch April Understand
Play Reading Easily
June Baseball
Cat People Four- and five-syllable
Milk Paper words:
Sandwich Automobile
Because Alligator
Pizza Hippopotamus
Puzzle Cafeteria

Page 60
1. What is your name? 5. What language do you speak?
2. How old are you? 6. In what country did you live?
3. In what city do you live? 7. What is your address?
4. Where do you go to school? 8. What time is it now?

Copyright ©2001 by Incentive Publications, Inc.

Nashville, TN.
79 ESL Reading and Spelling
Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises
it : ii




it $

As more and more teachers are faced with bilingual

classrooms and students, new resources are needed to
address this growing trend. ESL Reading and Spelling
Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises will be a valuable
tool for teachers at any level who work with students
learning English as a second language (ESL). The exercises
in this book offer useable guides to learn, practice, and
master a variety of essential language-based reading and
spelling skills. Provided in each activity is a list of materials,
preparation directions, player directions, and accompanying
reproducible activity sheets for immediate classroom use. A
matrix of essential skills, a skills checklist, a suggested
bibliography, and an answer key are also provided.

Students need to use learned material, and practice is

an essential part in mastering any skill. The activities in this
book give students this practice in a fun and interesting
format. The themes of these activities will further encourage
student interaction and communication.

The games, puzzles, and exercises within this book will

help teachers make the most effective use of their time in
helping ESL students learn essential reading and spelling
skills while improving their English at the same time.

The themes of the games, puzzles, and exercises are

selected and presented to be of interest to students in
regular classrooms as well. They are designed to be used in
peer tutoring, cooperative learning, or total group directed
teaching situations.

ISBN D-flbS3D-4fl<i-i! ISBN •-flb530-Hftfl-5


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