Similarities Have a similar look and feel, They both good software to use
with menus, spreadsheets and for data organization, using a
built-in statistical functions specially developed analysis and
statistical software. They can
provide you with in-depth, faster
and accurate data analysis.
Differences Excel does not give you a SPSS allows you to perform
paper trail where you can complex analytics such as
easily replicate the exact steps factor analysis, logistic
that you took. It also starts regression, cluster analysis
becoming unwieldy to use etc.
when the number of variables
and observations starts getting
really large.
Advantages One of the advantages of Create equations that can allow
SPSS is that students can you to provide more data on
import data from other vital company functions, such
sources, when data is as workflow, project
organized as a database, efficiency, financial
including Excel. projections and budgets, and
even inventory levels and