3 Final Questions
3 Final Questions
3 Final Questions
Max. Marks: 15
All questions are compulsory
Question paper consists of 15 MCQs (1 Mark each)
Please tick mark on the right answer in MCQ type questions
Q2. What happens if the substation is in a poor location from the standpoint of the feeder system?
a) Feeder cost increases and reliability increases
b) Feeder cost increases and reliability decreases
c) Feeder cost decreases and reliability decreases
d) Feeder cost decreases and reliability increases
Q3. How much land is normally required for distribution substations in rural area?
a) 1 Acre
b) 500 Acre
c) 500 Square meter
d) 100 Square meter
Q4. In gas-insulated substations (GIS, the space between the conductor and the enclosure is filled with
____________________ under pressure.
a) Sulfur fluoride gas
b) Sulfur dioxide gas
c) Sulfur hexafluoride gas
d) Sulfur gas
Q5. The simplest arrangement for both the routing of power into a substation, and its high-side configuration,
consist of __________ incoming transmission line.
a) Two
b) One
c) Three
d) Five
Q6. The high voltage side contributes to ______________ of a substations total cost.
a) 20% to 35%
b) 25% to 30%
c) 20% to 30%
d) 25% to 35%
Q8. When RS joists are used, the minimum size recommended to be used for stringing 11kV bus-bars is
a) 175x90 mm
b) 150x100mm
c) 200x140 mm
d) 175x140mm
Q10. The advantage of using three-phase transformers over three single-phase units
a) Require more space
b) High maintenance cost
c) Low inspection cost
d) High losses
Q11. What standard secondary ratings should be adopted for current transformers?
a) 5 Amp
b) 110 Amp
c) 5 Volts
d) 110 Volts
Q12. What type of lightning arresters should be installed on all outgoing 11 kV feeders?
a) Station type 11 kV
b) Station type 11 kV
c) Line type 11 Kv
d) Line type 33 kV
Q13. Which device should be provided on 33 kV side when there are two transformers, each having a capacity
of 5 MVA or above?
a) Two group control circuit breaker
b) One group control circuit breaker
c) One group control feeder
d) One Fuse
Q14. What is the range of Substation Area Standard Illuminance (lux) for Telecommunication rooms?
a) 50-100-150
b) 150-200-300
c) 100-150-200
d) 200-300-500
Q15. In behavioural based safety, what should be used to identify electrical circuits?
a) Labels
b) Danger boards
c) Watch rings
d) Tool bag