Week 5 G7
Week 5 G7
Week 5 G7
I. OBJECTIVES Differentiate animal and plant cell Differentiate animal and plant tissue
The students may answer their long quiz about Discuss the characteristic of each part that is present in Discuss the characteristic of each part that is present in
Cell structure and functions. animal and plant. animal and plant.
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of: The learners demonstrate understanding of:
the difference between animal and plant cells the difference between animal and plant cells
-organisms that can only be seen through the microscope, -organisms that can only be seen through the microscope,
many of which consist of only one cell many of which consist of only one cell
Long quiz ( Shortened period 45
B. Performance Standards minutes) The learners should be able to: The learners should be able to:
-Employ appropriate techniques using the compound -Employ appropriate techniques using the compound
microscope to gather data about very small objects. microscope to gather data about very small objects.
-make a multi-media presentation showing how organ -make a multi-media presentation showing how organ system
system interact with each other to carry out essential interact with each other to carry out essential process of the
process of the body body
C. Learning Differentiate plant and animal cells according to presence Differentiate plant and animal cells according to presence or
Competencies/Objectives or absence of certain organelles absence of certain organelles
II. CONTENT Cell Animal and Plant Cells Animal and plant tissue
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Science in Today’s World pp91-92 Science in Today’s World pp93-94
3. Textbook pages Long quiz ( Shortened period 45
4. Additional Materials from minutes) Powerpoint, videos etc. Powerpoint, videos etc.
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources www.plant/cellhk. www.plant/animaltissue/shutterstock.com.
A. Review previous lesson or If mitochondria were removed from the cell, would it ever Introduce the topic by showing illustrations or prepared
presenting the new lesson affect the cell? Why or why not. slides of plant and animal cells/tissues. Pose EQ6.
Ask student to enumerate the parts of the cell and give the Why knowledge of plant and animal cells important?
main function.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Watching video about mitosis and meiosis. Discuss the terms prokaryotic, Eukaryotic, unicellular, and
lesson After watching ask some students the important of these multicellular. Give example of each.
Long quiz ( Shortened period 45 stages.
C. Presenting examples/instances minutes) Show images of plant and animal cell and identify the parts Explain that cells vary In size and structure in relation the
of the new lesson of organelles that can be seen only on plant and animal. function they perform.
D. Discussing new concepts and Compare the shape of a plant cell with that of animal cell. Discuss further that spite of variations in structure and
practicing new skills #1 Compare the structure and shape of the red blood cells, functions, all cells possess three main parts: cell membrane,
with those of other animal cells. cytoplasm and nucleus.
E. Discussing new concepts and Ask a students to construct a diagram on a board to
practicing new skills #2 differentiate a plant cell and animal cell.
F. Developing mastery Show enlarged picture of plant and animal cell. Let them Pre-assign to the students the topics about tissue for
innumerate the parts they know. Have the students reporting. Have each reporter explain the types of animal and
compare the two illustrations according to organelles plant tissue.
present and absent. Provide drawings to facilitate learning.
G. Finding practical applications Ask the students to construct a Venn diagram on the board Discussing some important points about plant and animal
of concepts and skills in daily to differentiate a plant cell from animal cell. tissues, specify their distinguishing characteristic.
living Long quiz ( Shortened period 45 Guide the students in preparing sections of plant and animal
minutes) tissue or, if in case there is a prepared slide, guide them in
Plant Animal mounting it in the microscope.
cell cell
H. Making generalizations and Summarized the finding using a table. Stress that the cell
abstractions about the lesson wall, plastids and large vacuole are found only in plant cell
whereas centrioles are found only in animal cells.
I. Evaluating learning Have the students perform their activity Experiment 14: Have the students perform experiments 16: comparing
Comparing Plant and Animal Cells. Animal and plant tissue
J. Additional activities for Supervise the activity and provide prompt if necessary.
End of the session by asking students to answer Quick Quiz
application or remediation
6-1 and Quick Quiz 6-2