Aseptanios HP 50: Airborne Disinfectant
Aseptanios HP 50: Airborne Disinfectant
Aseptanios HP 50: Airborne Disinfectant
HP 50
HP 50
• Product without aldehyde
• Hydrogen peroxide-based product: INDICATION
control of corrosion Airborne disinfection of the surfaces previously cleaned.
• Aseptanios HP 50 – AEROSEPT AF
process validated
• Bactericide, fungicide, sporicide,
active against Poliovirus, PRV,
Herpes virus and BVDV.
• Does not leave marks when drying, CHARACTERISTICS
or greasy film on surfaces after
• To be used without human presence
• Clear colourless solution
SIMPLICITY • pH at +20°C : approx. 5
• Ready to use product • To be used with AEROSEPT AF exclusively
• Automatic calculation of • Consumption : 12 ml / m3
aerosolization time
AFAQ N°1995/3723
Airborne disinfectant
9 3
1 2 3 4
Put the can in AEROSEPT AF, place it Activate AEROSEPT AF and The product diffusion is beginning Do respect a 6 hour contact time
in a corner of the previously cleaned leave the room. after you leave. The diffusion time after aerosolization. Put on a
room, with the nozzle directed towards is calculated automatically by protection mask before entering
the centre. Calculate the volume to be AEROSEPT AF. the room. Ventilate the room
treated and adjust the programming effectively (8 to 10 air exchanges)
accordingly. before re-using the room.
NB : Check with Laboratoires ANIOS that the product is compatible with materials sensitive to oxidants.
Do not use this product with processes other than AEROSEPT AF
Hazardous - follow the user precautions (Drafted in Yeasts / EN 1275, EN 1650, EN 13697 (A. niger) 15 min
accordance with Directive 99/45/EC and its amendments). Moulds EN 13624, EN 13697 (Candida albicans) 60 min
Store between +5°C and +30°C STORE UPRIGHT. Viruses EN 14476 :
Biocidal product used for the disinfection of surfaces BVDV (surrogate of HCV), 15 min
Influenza virus A (H1N1)
(Group 1-PT2) - reserved for professional use.
Poliovirus, PRV (surrogate of HBV), Herpes virus 30 min
Spores EN 13697 : Bacillus subtilis 30 min
• 4 cans, 5 litres each..............................Ref. 1852.185
G B1 85 2- 12 1 001 - Non contractual photographies
HP 50
Pavé du Moulin
59260 Lille Hellemme - France
Tél. +33 3 20 67 67 67 - Fax : +33 3 20 67 67 68