Speed Control of DC Motor by PWM Method : Group No. A
Speed Control of DC Motor by PWM Method : Group No. A
Speed Control of DC Motor by PWM Method : Group No. A
Project Report
Has been
Submitted by
Group No. ʻʻAʼʼ
1. Sakshi Wani.
2. Lina Bhoge.
3. Chetana Talele
We the students of Electrical Engineering submit the report on Project work titled as
1. Sakshi Wani.
2. Lina Bhoge.
3. Chetana Talele
First and foremost, I would like to thank God, the Almighty, for nothing is possible without his
I am grateful to the invaluable motivation and guidance of my Guide, Shri N.C Patil, who has
always been a source of inspiration and encouragement for me. He has been an outstanding caring
person and a guide as well. I express my sincere gratitude for his priceless cooperation and
support throughout the work. He has always been ready to help and guide me in the ups and
downs and his sympathetic comments, reminders and assurance has been a source of inspiration
for me.
My sincere vote of thanks also goes to Head of Department, Dr.S S Zope for well-timed
alarming, and keeping me well in contact with the entire system. I am most thankful to his an
extraordinary considerations.
I would like to express my special gratitude to my Hon’ble Principal , really a man of
principle, for providing a motivational ambiance in the completion of my work. I am so thankful
to his kind nature and nourishing attitude.
I would like to acknowledge the support and encouragement of all the faculty members,
my fellows, lab supporting staff and others.
1. Sakshi Wani
2. Lina Bhoge
3. Chetana Talele