Auditing Concepts and Standards: Understanding Audits
Auditing Concepts and Standards: Understanding Audits
Auditing Concepts and Standards: Understanding Audits
his is the first in a series of articles addressing
Auditing in general and Auditing as a function of recording of transactions and allocations of costs difficult
Property Management. The second article will to track.
address the System Analysis process. The third article will The physical remoteness of the system increases the
look at the role professional organizations play in the field likelihood both of intentional or unintentional error and
of auditing. of demand for an independent party to examine the
Understanding Audits Bias and motives of the provider create a demand for
This article offers the reader an opportunity to under- an independent party to lend credibility to the company’s
stand audits and system analysis processes. In a broad con- financial or property system statements. For example,
text, audits and system analysis are “kissing cousins” – sys- management may be more optimistic about the status of
tem analysis being a subset of audits that relates to govern- the property system than the Government. The optimism
ment contracting, compliance, and property issues. The may be based on accurate or inaccurate statements of the
general category of audits covers a broad range of audit property department. The property department may have
types, most of which relate to financial issues (e.g., real a vested interest in presenting an optimistic picture of the
estate, financial portfolio, tax-related audits, or accounting system.
practice business audits). Audits are complex processes that Consequences associated with the reliability of infor-
are defined by the relationship of the auditor to the author- mation are cause for verification when the information is
ity requesting the audit and the entity being audited. used for costly business decisions, such as buy-outs, new
Today we see the discipline of auditing under fire contracts, stock evaluation, market pricing, etc.
because some major auditing and consulting firms have To understand the auditing process, you should
shown themselves lacking in compliance with industry- become familiar with the definitions that are important to
established ethics codes of conduct. The media is ripe with auditing.1
news describing the conflict generated by the Definition of Auditing: A systematic process of (1)
consultants/auditors when they ignored the principles of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding
their profession and advised clients to misrepresent them- assertions about economic actions and events to ascertain
selves to the public. They created an inter-dependence the degree of correspondence between those assertions and
between their customers and their firms that enriched both established criteria and (2) communicating the results to
entities at the expense of the employees and stockholders. interested users.
Auditors are required, by the nature of their profession, to Systematic Process: As a systematic process, auditing is
render opinions (attestations) based upon valid evidence a logical, purposeful, structured approach to decision-mak-
relating to the condition of their customers’ accounting ing; it is not an unplanned, haphazard process.
practices. The auditor is liable for the accuracy of the opin- Objectively Obtaining and Evaluating Evidence:
ion rendered. This liability is a constant reminder of the Auditing involves the collection of evidence. Evidence rep-
extensive responsibilities entrusted to a person identified as resents the information collected by the auditor that will
an auditor. Responsibilities are not to be taken lightly by affect the auditor’s decision process. Although evidence
people who conduct audits or desire to become auditors. A itself may be more or less conclusive in nature, the process
plaintiff may bring suit against an auditor under common, of collecting and evaluating evidence should be objective.
statutory, or both common and statutory law.1 Assertions about Economic Actions and Events:
Auditing is a serious discipline. Auditors must be the Assertions are related to the financial statements of the
most experienced, knowledgeable, professionally qualified organization being audited. The auditor is given informa-
individuals in a discipline. National Property Management tion and statements from the auditee. These statements
Association represents the greatest potential for finding represent the auditee’s assertions about actions and events
individuals uniquely qualified to be auditors in the disci- and include not only the statements themselves but also
pline of Personal Property (Asset) Management. the accounting system and process. (This statement looks,
at first glance, to relate only to economic issues and finan-
The Role of Auditing: cial statements. However, if you understand that property
The demand for auditing is a result is in fact a function of economic values and that financial
statements include statements of assets and inventories,
of four underlying factors:
you can see where property issues fit.)
The complexity of the system refers to the activity in an
The Degree of Correspondence between Assertions
institution or business, along with the interaction of the
and Established Criteria: Correspondence here means the