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Thermodynamics and Combustion: Fundamental Concepts of Thermodynamics

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Course No.

: ENR 131
Course title : Thermodynamics and Combustion
Number of credits : 4
Number of lectures-tutorial-practicals : 42-14-0
Faculty Name : Dr. Najmur Rahman, Dr. OP Rao, Dr. VVN

Course outline

This course deals with the basic concepts of thermodynamics and combustion relevant to the use
of renewable energy sources. At the end of the course the students will be able to develop an
understanding of thermodynamic systems and thermodynamic properties, analyze and evaluate
energy transfer to and from thermodynamic systems and various thermodynamic cycles used for
energy production - work and heat, within the natural limits of conversion. Students will also be
familiarized with the basics of fuels and combustion and combustion process in furnaces, boilers
and internal combustion engines.

Evaluation procedure

Assignments : 20%
Two Minor Exams : 15% each
Major Exam : 50%

Details of course contents and allotted time

Sr. No. Contents Allotted time

Lectures Tutorials
1. Fundamental Concepts of Thermodynamics: 2
Importance of thermodynamics for use of renewable
energy sources, basic definitions and scope of
thermodynamics, microscopic and macroscopic
approaches, practical applications of engineering
thermodynamics, closed and open systems, control surface,
control volume, thermodynamic state and equilibrium,
intensive and extensive properties, processes: quasi-static,
cyclic and noncyclic
2. Properties of Pure Substances: 6 1
Definition of a pure substance, phases of a substance, triple
point and critical point, sub-cooled liquid, saturated liquid,
vapour pressure, two phase mixture of liquid and vapour,
saturated vapour and superheated vapour
Ideal gas equation of state, other equations of state,
compressibility factor.
3. Work and Heat: 6 1
Temperature and zeroth law of thermodynamics,
Sr. No. Contents Allotted time
Lectures Tutorials
thermodynamic definition of work and heat, displacement
work at the system boundary, expressions for displacement
work in various processes through p-v diagrams
First law of thermodynamics, first law for open systems:
Steady Flow Energy Equation, Uniform Flow Energy
4. Second Law of Thermodynamics: 7 1
Introduction to second law, Kelvin-Planck and Clausius
statements of the second law, reversible and irreversible
processes, factors that make a process irreversible,
reversible heat engine and heat pump, efficiency and
coefficient of performance, Carnot cycle, reverse Carnot
Evolution of thermodynamic temperature scale, internal
energy and enthalpy, entropy, entropy-temperature
diagram for steam, steam tables, exergy analysis, second
law efficiency
5. Basics of Energy conversion cycles: 7 1
Basic power generation cycles, Otto, Diesel, Rankine and
Brayton cycles, Stirling cycle, organic Rankine cycle and
refrigeration cycles: vapor compression and vapor
absorption cycles
6. Principles of Combustion: 12 3
Importance of combustion in use of renewable energy
sources, basic physical laws governing combustion, air as a
source of oxygen for combustion, combustion principles of
solid-liquid-gaseous fuels, proximate and ultimate analysis
of solid and gaseous fuels, enthalpy of formation and
estimation of calorific values, three Ts of combustion
process, flame velocity, excess air requirements and
estimation, flue gas analysis, combustion efficiency,
stoichiometry, equivalence ratio, adiabatic flame
temperature, kinetics, emissions
7. Combustion Processes and Equipment: 6
Combustion in furnaces, boilers, and internal combustion
engines, solid, liquid and gas burners
Fluidized bed combustion: atmospheric fluidized bed
combustion, pressurized fluidized bed combustion
Suggested readings

Text Books:

RE Sonntag, C Borgnakke, GJ Van Wylen: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Sixth

Edition, (Wiley-India, 2007).
PK Nag: Engineering Thermodynamics, Third Edition (Tata McGraw-Hill, 2005)
YA Cengel and MA Boles: Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, Sixth
Edition (Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008)
SR Turns: An Introduction to Combustion: Concepts and Applications, Second
Edition (McGraw Hill, 2000)

Reference Books:

LC Witte, PS Schmidt and DR Brown: Industrial Energy Management and Utilization

TD Eastop, A McConkey: Applied Thermodynamics, Fifth Edition (Prentice Hall,
MJ Moran, HN Shapiro: Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Fifth
Edition (John Wiley & Sons, 2004)
G Rogers, Y Mayhew: Engineering Thermodynamics, Fourth Edition (Pearson
Education, 2007)
TA Eastop, DR Croft: Energy Efficiency (Longman Scientific and Technical, 1990)
DP Mishra: Fundamentals of Combustion (Prentice Hall of India)

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