There are two common quality-related functions within a business. One is quality assurance which is
the prevention of defects, such as by the deployment of a quality management system and preventative
activities like failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA). The other is quality control which is
the detection of defects, most commonly associated with testing which takes place within a quality
management system typically referred to as verification and validation.w it compares to competitors in the
TQM- Since the late 1980s, firms around the world have launched Total Quality
Management (TQM) programs in an attempt to retain or regain competitiveness in order to
achieve customer satisfaction in the face of increasing competition from around the world in this era of
globalization. TQM is an integrative philosophy of management for continuously improving the quality of
products and processes
To maintain good and effective control in HR,i think the HR manager needs to know the principles
management concepts, local labor law and its strategies.
Good flow of communication to be pratice all along among the staff and smployees- HR staff need to
be trained to keep a friendly environment to employees specially at times of recruitment process-
Need to pay concern about clarity/ commitment and execution of their task.
Of course , this commitment should start right from the top management level for the interest of
effective execution accordingly.
Actually,in this competitive markert environment, total quailty management is of vital use to bring
success to the business.
Good managing with right direction will lead the way to pefection and climbing ladder of success.
In a company HR dept is really an important area- Need to interact with new employees ,to discuss
any problem related to work- Need to maintain a well balanced environment between workers and
management-Will there be something of uncertainty , it will surely lead to confusion and might
jeopardize the whole process etc..
To keep an effecive work flow with good work co-operation, i think TQM is the only approach to
The Six Sigma process improvement originated in 1986 from Motorola’s drive towards reducing defects
by minimizing variation in processesthrough metrics measurement. Applications of the Six Sigma project
execution methodology have since expanded to include practices common in Total Quality Management
and Supply Chain Management, such as increasing customer satisfaction, and developing closer supplier
The main difference between TQM and Six Sigma (a newer concept) is the approach. TQM tries to
improve quality by ensuring conformance to internal requirements, while Six Sigma focuses on improving
quality by reducing the number of defects and impurities.
Benifits of TQM
The major thrust of Total Quality Management (TQM) is to achieve productivity and process efficiency by identifying
and eliminating problems in work processes and systems. TQM addresses key problem areas such as mistakes in
work processes, redundant processes, unnecessary tasks, and duplicate efforts. TQM interventions also help with
predicting and pre-empting such mistakes and unproductive activities.
Improving process efficiency brings about many benefits to the organizations in terms of costs and time.
TQM frees up management time from redressing problems and directs management time and effort to:
increase production
extend the range of products
improve existing products
A major long-term benefit of Total Quality Management relates to customer satisfaction. TQM aims at improving
quality, and identifies the best measure of quality as matching customer expectations in terms of service, product,
and experience. TQM interventions quantify problems and aim to achieve the best state defined in terms of such
customer expectations.
Some examples of the application of Total Quality Management to improve customer satisfaction include:
Reduction of waiting time by changing the method of appointment scheduling or client handling
Making changes to the delivery process so that the product reaches the customer faster
Better quality products requiring no repairs improving customer loyalty
Total Quality Management’s focus on teamwork leads to the formation of cross-departmental teams and cross-
functional knowledge sharing. Such interventions lead to many benefits such as:
Another benefit of Total Quality Management is that TQM promotes the concept of internal customer/supplier
satisfaction. For instance, the HR department considers employees as internal customers and processes their
queries or requests within the specified time limit. The lab technician in a hospital processes the clinical tests required
by the doctor, an internal customer in a timely and efficient manner, according to the laid down customer satisfaction
Guruj’s of TQM
This approach is found in the teachings of such quality leaders as W. Edwards Deming, Kaoru
Deming was a protégé of Dr. Walter Shewhart; he also spent one year studying under Sir Ronald
2-Kaoru Ishikawa
Juran was born in 1904 in Romania. Since 1924, Juran has pursued a varied career in management as