Estudio TRISS
Estudio TRISS
Estudio TRISS
original article
lood transfusions are frequently sent was withdrawn or not granted, we asked the
given to patients with septic shock.1-4 Some patient or surrogate for permission to continue
of these transfusions are given to patients registration of trial data and to use these data in
who are bleeding, but many nonbleeding patients the analyses. The protocol, including details re-
also undergo transfusion.5 garding trial conduct and the statistical analysis
The recommendations of the Surviving Sepsis plan, has been published previously15 and is avail-
Campaign regarding blood transfusion in pa- able with the full text of this article at
tients with septic shock are complex and include The management committee (see the Supplemen-
a recommendation for transfusion to maintain a tary Appendix, available at designed
hematocrit of more than 30% in the presence of the trial and vouches for the adherence of the
hypoperfusion in the first 6 hours.6 After that, study to the protocol and for the accuracy of the
the transfusion threshold should be a hemoglo- data and the analyses. The members of the man-
bin level of less than 7 g per deciliter, aiming at agement committee wrote the drafts of the manu-
levels between 7 g and 9 g per deciliter in pa- script and made the decision to submit the man-
tients who do not have myocardial ischemia, uscript for publication. The funders had no role
severe hypoxemia, acute hemorrhage, or ischemic in the design of the protocol, the trial conduct, or
coronary artery disease.6 However, there are the analyses or reporting of the data.
limited data supporting these recommendations,6 This trial was a multicenter, stratified, parallel-
and many clinicians may not follow them.4,7 group, clinical trial. Randomization was per-
New trial data have been published recently,8 formed with the use of a centralized computer-
and the use of a high hemoglobin threshold for generated assignment sequence, with stratification
transfusion may be at least questioned as part of according to study site and the presence or ab-
an early resuscitation protocol for patients with sence of active hematologic cancer, because these
septic shock. characteristics may influence outcome.16,17 Pa-
Blood transfusion has been associated with tients with septic shock were randomly assigned
increased mortality in subgroups of critically ill in a 1:1 ratio, with the use of permuted blocks
patients, both in cohort studies and in random- of varying sizes of 6, 8, or 10, to blood transfu-
ized trials,9-12 but there have also been cohort sion at the higher hemoglobin threshold or the
studies in which transfusion was associated with lower hemoglobin threshold. Treatment assign-
improved survival,13 including among patients ments were concealed from the investigators
with sepsis.14 In some studies, nonleukoreduced assessing mortality, the data and safety monitor-
blood was used, which may have influenced the ing committee, and the trial statistician. The
results. Given the lack of efficacy data, in addition conduct of the trial and the safety of the par-
to concerns about safety, we conducted the Trans- ticipants were overseen by the data and safety
fusion Requirements in Septic Shock (TRISS) monitoring committee, which performed an in-
trial to evaluate the effects on mortality of leuko- terim analysis after 500 patients had been fol-
reduced blood transfusion at a lower versus a lowed for 90 days. The trial data were monitored
higher hemoglobin threshold among patients by staff from the coordinating center.
with septic shock who are in the intensive care
We screened patients 18 years of age or older who
ME THODS were in the ICU, fulfilled the criteria for septic
shock,18 and had a blood concentration of hemo-
TRIAL DESIGN AND OVERSIGHT globin of 9 g per deciliter or less as measured by
After the approvals from ethics committees and means of valid point-of-care testing (see the Sup-
data-protection agencies were obtained, patients in plementary Appendix). The reasons for the exclu-
32 general ICUs in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and sion of some patients are shown in Figure 1 and
Finland underwent screening and randomization listed in the Supplementary Appendix.
between December 3, 2011, and December 26,
2013. Written informed consent was obtained INTERVENTION
from all the patients or their legal surrogates be- Enrolled patients were given single units of cross-
fore or after enrollment. In all cases, consent was matched, prestorage leukoreduced red cells sus-
obtained from the patient when possible. If con- pended in a saline–adenine–glucose–mannitol
503 Were assigned to the lower 497 Were assigned to the higher
hemoglobin threshold hemoglobin threshold
502 (99.8%) Were included in all analyses 496 (99.8%) Were included in all analyses
of mortality of mortality
488 (97.0%) Were included in all analyses 489 (98.4%) Were included in all analyses
of outcomes of outcomes
solution when the blood concentration of hemo- shock.15 Hemoglobin concentrations were reas-
globin had decreased to the assigned transfusion sessed within 3 hours after termination of the
threshold (≤7 g per deciliter [lower threshold] or transfusion or before the initiation of another
≤9 g per deciliter [higher threshold]). These lev- transfusion. The intervention period was the en-
els of hemoglobin have frequently been used as tire ICU stay, to a maximum of 90 days after ran-
thresholds for transfusion in patients with septic domization.
In the event that life-threatening bleeding or of 5%, assuming a mortality in the higher-
ischemia developed while a patient was in the threshold group of 45% (estimated from two pre-
ICU or a patient required the use of extracorpo- vious cohorts).20,21 The estimated difference of
real membrane oxygenation, the patient could 9 percentage points was derived from the 20%
receive a transfusion at a hemoglobin threshold reduction in relative risk observed with a restric-
decided by the attending doctor. The attending tive versus liberal transfusion strategy in the sub-
doctor decided when the patient again was to group of patients with severe infection in the
receive a transfusion at the assigned hemoglobin Transfusion Requirements in Critical Care
threshold. After the unmasking of trial data (TRICC) trial.9 During our trial, 5 patients were
showing harm from hydroxyethyl starch,3 we excluded after randomization (4 patients did not
recommended against the use of all starch prod- allow the use of their data, and 1 did not have
ucts in trial patients. All other interventions were sepsis, which was realized immediately after ran-
at the discretion of the clinicians, including trans- domization). A total of 5 additional patients un-
fusion during surgery and after ICU discharge. derwent randomization in order for the study to
obtain the full sample (Fig. 1).
OUTCOME MEASURES An author who was the statistician for the
The primary outcome measure was death by 90 study and who was unaware of the study-group
days after randomization. Secondary outcome assignments performed all the analyses accord-
measures were the use of life support (defined as ing to International Conference on Harmonisa-
the use of vasopressor or inotropic therapy, me- tion Good Clinical Practice guidelines22 and the
chanical ventilation, or renal-replacement ther- statistical analysis plan.15 We performed the
apy) at days 5, 14, and 28 after randomization19; primary analyses in the intention-to-treat popu-
the number of patients with serious adverse reac- lation, which included all the patients who under-
tions while in the ICU (allergic reaction, hemoly- went randomization, except for those whose data
sis, transfusion-associated acute lung injury, or were deleted from the database during the trial
transfusion-associated circulatory overload) (see (i.e., the 5 patients, noted above, who were ex-
the Supplementary Appendix); the number of pa- cluded after randomization) and after the trial
tients with ischemic events while in the ICU, (2 patients who withdrew consent for the use of
which included cerebral ischemia (identified from their data) (Fig. 1). In the per-protocol popula-
the results of imaging), acute myocardial ische tions, we excluded patients who had one or more
mia (defined by symptoms, electrocardiographic bleeding or ischemic episodes or one or more
signs, or elevated biomarker levels resulting in an major protocol violations (see the Supplementary
intervention), intestinal ischemia (as observed dur- Appendix).22
ing endoscopic examination or surgery), or limb In the primary analyses (including the analy-
ischemia (defined as clinical signs resulting in an sis of the primary outcome measure), we com-
intervention) (for full definitions, see the Supple- pared data between the two groups by means of
mentary Appendix); the percentage of days alive logistic-regression analysis for binary outcome
without vasopressor or inotropic therapy, mechan- measures with adjustment for the stratification
ical ventilation, or renal-replacement therapy in variables (study site and presence or absence of
the 90 days after randomization; and the per- active hematologic cancer),23 and we converted
centage of days alive and out of the hospital in odds ratios to relative risks.24 We also performed
the 90 days after randomization. Data for the unadjusted chi-square testing for binary outcome
outcome measures were obtained by TRISS trial measures and Wilcoxon signed-rank testing for
investigators or their delegates from patient files rate and ordinal data. We compared the primary
and national and regional registries for the entire outcome in the per-protocol populations and in
90-day follow-up period. prespecified subgroups defined according to the
presence or absence of chronic cardiovascular
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS disease (i.e., any history of myocardial infarc-
We calculated that we would need to enroll 1000 tion, any history of stable or unstable angina
patients for the trial to have 80% power to show pectoris, previous treatment with nitrates, percu-
mortality at 90 days that was 9 percentage points taneous coronary intervention, coronary-artery
lower in the lower-threshold group than in the bypass grafting or noncoronary vascular interven-
higher-threshold group, at a two-sided alpha level tions, any history of chronic heart failure [defined
as New York Heart Association class III or IV], lower-threshold group did not undergo transfu-
or any history of cerebral infarction or transitory sion in the ICU, as compared with 6 (1.2%) in the
cerebral ischemia), an age of 70 years or younger higher-threshold group (P<0.001). Details regard-
versus an age older than 70 years, and a Simpli- ing blood products, bleeding, cointerventions,
fied Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II above 53 fluid volumes and balances, and circulatory as-
versus 53 or lower at baseline (with the score sessments are provided in Tables S4 through S9
calculated from 17 variables and ranging from in the Supplementary Appendix. The numbers of
0 to 163, with higher scores indicating higher protocol violations differed significantly be-
severity of disease) and used multiple logistic- tween the two groups (Table S10 in the Supple-
regression analyses in the intention-to-treat pop- mentary Appendix).
ulation to adjust for differences in prespecified
risk factors at baseline. Details regarding the OUTCOMES
handling of missing data are provided in the At 90 days after randomization, 216 patients
Supplementary Appendix. We performed all (43.0%) in the lower-threshold group and 223
analyses using SAS software, version 9.3 (SAS (45.0%) in the higher-threshold group had died
Software), and SPSS software, version 17.0 (SPSS). (relative risk, 0.94; 95% confidence interval, 0.78
A two-sided P value of less than 0.05 was consid- to 1.09; P = 0.44) (Table 2 and Fig. 3, and Table
ered to indicate statistical significance. S11 in the Supplementary Appendix). We ob-
tained similar results in the analyses that were
R E SULT S adjusted for prespecified baseline risk factors
and in the per-protocol analyses (Table S12 in the
TRIAL POPULATION Supplementary Appendix). The prespecified sub-
We obtained 90-day vital status for 998 patients group analyses showed no significant heteroge-
(99.3%), including 502 in the lower-threshold neity in the effect of the transfusion threshold on
group and 496 in the higher-threshold group mortality at 90 days between patients with and
(Fig. 1). The characteristics of the patients at those without chronic cardiovascular disease,
baseline were similar in the two groups (Table 1, patients 70 years of age or younger and those
and Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). A older than 70 years of age, and patients with a
total of 29 of 488 patients (5.9%) in the lower- SAPS II of 53 or less and those with a SAPS II of
threshold group and 11 of 489 (2.2%) in the more than 53 at baseline (Fig. 3).
higher-threshold group had the protocol tempo- A total of 7.2% of the patients in the lower-
rarily suspended (P = 0.004) (Table S2 in the Sup- threshold group, as compared with 8.0% in the
plementary Appendix). higher-threshold group, had one or more ische
mic events in the ICU (Table 2, and Tables S13
HEMOGLOBIN CONCENTRATIONS, BLOOD and S14 in the Supplementary Appendix, which
PRODUCTS, AND CIRCULATORY VARIABLES include the numbers of patients with myocardial
The median value of the lowest concentration of ischemia and ischemia of other anatomical sites).
hemoglobin in the 24 hours before randomiza- One patient had a serious adverse reaction to
tion was 8.4 g per deciliter in both intervention transfusion (Table 2, and Table S13 in the Sup-
groups. After randomization, the daily lowest con- plementary Appendix). The use of life support at
centrations of hemoglobin differed between the days 5, 14, and 28 was similar in the two inter-
two groups (P<0.001) (Fig. 2). Additional details vention groups (Table 2, and Tables S11 and S13
regarding hemoglobin assessments are provided in the Supplementary Appendix), as were the
in Table S3 in the Supplementary Appendix. percentages of days alive without vasopressor or
During the trial period, a total of 1545 blood inotropic therapy, without mechanical ventila-
transfusions were given in the lower-threshold tion, and without renal-replacement therapy and
group and 3088 transfusions in the higher- the percentage of days alive and out of the hos-
threshold group (P<0.001). The median cumula- pital (Table 2).
tive number of blood transfusions after random-
ization was 1 unit (interquartile range, 0 to 3) in DISCUSSION
the lower-threshold group and 4 (interquartile
range, 2 to 7) in the higher-threshold group In this international, multicenter, partially blind-
(P<0.001). A total of 176 patients (36.1%) in the ed, randomized trial involving patients with sep-
tic shock who were in the ICU, we observed no ceived 50% fewer units of blood than those in the
significant differences in mortality at 90 days, in higher-threshold group, and 36% of the patients
the numbers of patients with ischemic events or in the lower-threshold group did not undergo
with severe adverse reactions, in the use of life transfusion in the ICU, as compared with 1% of
support, or in the numbers of days alive and out the patients in the higher-threshold group.
of the hospital between the group of patients Our results are consistent with those ob-
who underwent transfusion at a lower hemoglo- tained in the TRICC trial, which assessed a
bin threshold and the group of those who under- lower versus higher hemoglobin threshold for
went transfusion at a higher hemoglobin thresh- blood transfusion in a broad population of adult
old. Similar results were observed in subgroups patients in the ICU.9 In that trial, there were no
of patients with chronic cardiovascular disease, significant differences in mortality at 30 days in
with older age, or with greater disease severity. the full trial population (the primary outcome)
The patients in the lower-threshold group re- or among patients 55 years of age or older or
Age — yr
Median 67 67
Interquartile range 57–73 58–75
Male sex — no. (%) 272 (54.2) 259 (52.2)
Chronic cardiovascular disease — no. (%)† 75 (14.9) 66 (13.3)
Chronic lung disease — no. (%)‡ 111 (22.1) 102 (20.6)
Hematologic cancer — no. (%) 39 (7.8) 36 (7.3)
Admission to a university hospital — no. (%) 323 (64.3) 324 (65.3)
Surgery during index hospitalization — no. (%)
Emergency 191 (38.0) 217 (43.8)
Elective 59 (11.8) 53 (10.7)
Source of ICU admittance — no. (%)
Emergency department 90 (17.9) 79 (15.9)
General ward 268 (53.4) 257 (51.8)
Operating or recovery room 113 (22.5) 121 (24.4)
Other ICU 31 (6.2) 39 (7.9)
Source of sepsis — no. (%)§
Lungs 267 (53.2) 259 (52.2)
Abdomen 206 (41.0) 198 (39.9)
Urinary tract 58 (11.6) 61 (12.3)
Soft tissue 59 (11.8) 59 (11.9)
Other 50 (10.0) 47 (9.5)
Positive culture from blood or sterile site 188 (37.5) 160 (32.3)
Interval from ICU admission to randomization — hr
Median 23 20
Interquartile range 7–50 7–43
Median 51 52
Interquartile range 42–62 44–64
Table 1. (Continued.)
SOFA score‖
Median 10 10
Interquartile range 8–12 8–12
Renal-replacement therapy — no. (%)** 68 (13.5) 53 (10.7)
Mechanical ventilation — no. (%)†† 345 (68.7) 350 (70.6)
* None of the differences between the two groups were significant (P≥0.05). Additional details regarding baseline char-
acteristics are provided in Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix. The lower hemoglobin threshold was defined as
a hemoglobin level of 7 g per deciliter or less, and the higher hemoglobin threshold as a hemoglobin level of 9 g per
deciliter or less. ICU denotes intensive care unit.
† Patients were considered to have chronic cardiovascular disease if they had any history of myocardial infarction, sta-
ble or unstable angina pectoris, chronic heart failure (defined as New York Heart Association class III or IV), cerebral
infarction or transitory cerebral ischemia, previous treatment with nitrates, percutaneous coronary intervention, coro-
nary-artery bypass grafting, or noncoronary vascular interventions.
‡ Patients were considered to have chronic lung disease if they had any history of chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
ease, asthma or other chronic lung disease, or any treatment with a drug indicated for chronic lung disease.
§ Some patients had more than one source of infection. Other sources of sepsis included a vascular catheter, meningi-
tis, or endocarditis or were unclear.
¶ The Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II25 was assessed in the 24 hours before randomization. The SAPS II is
calculated from 17 variables and ranges from 0 to 163, with higher scores indicating higher severity of disease. One
or two of the 17 variables were missing for 77 patients in the higher-threshold group and for 99 in the lower-threshold
group, so their values were not included here.
‖ The Sepsis-Related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA)26 score was assessed in the 24 hours before randomization.
The SOFA grades organ failure, with subscores ranging from 0 to 4 for each of six organ systems (cerebral, circula-
tion, pulmonary, hepatic, renal, and coagulation). The aggregated score ranges from 0 to 24, with higher scores indi-
cating more severe organ failure. One variable was missing for 51 patients in the higher-threshold group and for 64 in
the lower-threshold group, so their values were not included here.
** Renal-replacement therapy was defined as therapy for acute or chronic kidney failure at randomization.
†† Mechanical ventilation was defined as invasive or noninvasive ventilation in the 24 hours before randomization.
Lower hemoglobin threshold
Base- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Days since Randomization
Figure 2. Blood Hemoglobin Levels in Patients in the ICU at Baseline and after Randomization.
The graphs show the median daily lowest levels of blood hemoglobin in the lower-threshold group and the higher-
threshold group. Baseline values were the lowest blood hemoglobin level measured in the 24 hours before random-
ization. Day 1 was defined as the time of randomization to the end of that day and lasted a median of 15 hours in
the lower-threshold group and 14 hours in the higher-threshold group. The I bars indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles.
those with more severe disease; these two sub- the three trials. In the TRICC trial, significantly
groups may best resemble our patients. Our re- increased rates of myocardial infarction were
sults are also in line with those of a large trial observed with a higher transfusion threshold,9
involving high-risk patients after hip surgery, whereas the opposite was observed in the FOCUS
the Transfusion Trigger Trial for Functional Out- trial and in our trial, although the numerical
comes in Cardiovascular Patients Undergoing differences were not significant in either of these
Surgical Hip Fracture Repair (FOCUS) trial,27 two trials.27 In our trial, myocardial infarction
and the Cochrane meta-analysis of trials of trans- was not a prespecified outcome measure (the
fusion thresholds, both of which support restric- data are provided in the Supplementary Appen-
tive transfusion to reduce the use of blood in dix); we did not specify surveillance testing for
patients with preexisting cardiovascular disease.28 myocardial ischemia in the protocol and may
An important exception is patients with acute myo- have missed some events. This may also have
cardial infarction, who were excluded both from resulted in detection bias because the clinicians
our trial and from the FOCUS trial.27 Research and investigators were not unaware of the inter-
is needed to assess the safety of lower hemoglo- vention assignments.
bin thresholds for transfusion in these patients.12 We observed no harm with an excess transfu-
The effect of transfusion thresholds on rates sion of a median of 3 units of blood, a finding
of myocardial infarction may have differed among that is contrary to most of the observational data
A Time to Death
Probability of Survival
Lower hemoglobin threshold
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Days since Randomization
No. at Risk
Lower hemoglobin threshold 502 334 306 286
Higher hemoglobin threshold 496 321 287 273
Lower Higher
Hemoglobin Hemoglobin
Threshold Threshold
Better Better
regarding transfusion in critically ill patients.10 differences in some other outcome measures (in
Whether this was due to the use of leukoreduced particular, the ischemic events) and in some of
blood cannot be assessed, but results similar to the subgroup analyses (in particular, the sub-
ours were observed in the FOCUS trial, in which group defined according to the presence or ab-
the majority of patients also received leukore- sence of chronic cardiovascular disease).
duced blood.27 The safety of leukoreduced blood We recorded only one serious adverse reaction
was challenged by the results of a trial involving to blood transfusion, but serious adverse reac-
patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding, tions are rare events in general, and their fre-
which showed increased mortality with liberal quencies are unknown among patients with sep-
transfusion of this product.11 Ongoing bleeding tic shock in the ICU. We included some patients
may have contributed to the increased mortality who had received a blood transfusion before ICU
observed with liberal transfusion in that trial.11 admission, and some patients had protocol sus-
Thus the effects of leukoreduction on outcome pensions and violations, which tended to reduce
are unclear, as they were a decade ago, as indi- the difference between the two intervention
cated in a 2004 meta-analysis of trial data on groups. However, we found clear differences be-
leukoreduced versus nonleukoreduced blood.29 tween the two groups in the hemoglobin levels
The strengths of our trial include a low risk and the numbers of transfusions, and the per-
of bias, because group assignment at random- protocol analyses, which excluded patients who
ization was concealed, and the blinding of the had protocol suspensions and violations, support
assessors of mortality and the statistician to the ed the primary analysis. Protocol suspensions
assigned intervention. It is reasonable to assume and violations have been difficult to prevent in
that our results are generalizable, because pa- transfusion trials,32,33 and when reported they
tients were recruited both in university hospitals appear to have occurred at frequencies similar to
and in nonuniversity hospitals, and the majority those observed in our trial.
of patients who underwent screening were includ In conclusion, patients with septic shock who
ed. The trial protocol was pragmatic, so routine underwent transfusion at a hemoglobin thresh-
practice was maintained except for the hemoglo- old of 7 g per deciliter, as compared with those
bin thresholds for transfusion. In addition, the who underwent transfusion at a hemoglobin
characteristics of the patients and the outcome threshold of 9 g per deciliter, received fewer
rates were similar to those observed in some transfusions and had similar mortality at 90 days,
recent trials involving patients with septic shock use of life support, and number of days alive and
in the ICU.3,19,30,31 out of the hospital; the numbers of patients with
Our trial has limitations. First, the investiga- ischemic events and severe adverse reactions to
tors, clinicians, and patients were aware of the blood in the ICU were also similar in the two
study-group assignments, and we did not assess intervention groups.
all the cointerventions. Because the trial was mul-
ticenter and large and used stratified random- Supported by a grant (09-066938) from the Danish Strategic
Research Council and by Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigs
ization, it is unlikely that imbalance in concomi- hospitalet, the Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and In-
tant interventions affected the results. Second, tensive Care Medicine (ACTA Foundation), and Ehrenreich’s
the confidence interval was relatively wide for Foundation.
Dr. Johansson reports receiving grant support from Pharma-
the point estimate for mortality, so we cannot cosmos; and Dr. Perner, receiving grant support from CSL Beh-
exclude a 9% relative increase or a 22% relative ring, Fresenius Kabi, Cosmed, and Bioporto Diagnostics, and
decrease in mortality at 90 days in the lower- lecture fees from LFB. No other potential conflict of interest
relevant to this article was reported.
threshold group versus the higher-threshold Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
group. Third, we had limited power to detect the full text of this article at
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