Articulo 2
Articulo 2
Articulo 2
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 213 (2015) 965 – 970
In an effort to understand development of economics, research fields such as innovation and technology transfer have emerged.
Growing competition determines the importance of innovation and technology transfer. The purpose of the Paper is to identify
qualitative relationships between innovation and technology transfer. The review of innovation, technology and technology
transfer definitions and focus group discussion were used to formulate the research question: What are the relationships between
innovation and technology transfer? The qualitative content analysis research approach was used to analyze the obtained data
from the focus group discussion. The systematic search of scientific literature was performed to collect the existing review papers
on innovation and technology transfer classifications. Another focus group discussion was conducted to confirm the obtained
results. This research shows that three different kinds of relationships between innovation and technology transfer may be
identified. Perspective of innovation and technology transfer overlap may be considered as the dominant within a society.
© 2015
2015 The
Publishedby by Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business.
Peer-review under responsibility of Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business
Keywords: Innovation; Technology transfer; Systematic review; Perspectives; Relationships; Synthesis; Typology; Taxonomy; Process; Product.
The growth of competition forces companies to look for solutions in order to gain competitiveness. Schumpeter
(1934) argues that development is the result of the entrepreneur’s innovative ability and introduction of new
methods of production, but Schumpeter does not explicitly mention where these new methods come from (cited in
Antonelli & De Liso, 1997). Transfer of technology may solve this issue. Innovation has been nominated as the
driver for the economic growth (see e.g. Van de Ven, 1986; OECD, 2007; Dutta, Lanvin & Wunsch-Vincent, 2014)
and is an often used term in economics and management, and other fields of study (Gopalakrishnan & Damanpour,
1877-0428 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business
966 Mikus Dubickis and Elina Gaile-Sarkane / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 213 (2015) 965 – 970
1997). Technology transfer has been emphasized as a challenging task (Hossain, 2012; Cohen, 2004) and important
driver in innovation and the creation of sustainable growth (Allen and O'Shea, 2014). Technology transfer as an
important task in a wider context has been approved within different fields of research (see e.g. Mom, Oshri, &
Volberda, 2012; Dasgupta & Taneja, 2011; Morrissey & Almonacid, 2005; Kneller, 2001; Grotz & Braun, 1993) as
well as in the regulation and policy planning documents (Association of University Technology Managers, n.d;
European Commission, 2010a; European Commission, 2010b). The growing number of innovation and technology
transfer studies followed by different kinds of theories and concepts developed, typologies and taxonomies
proposed, forming different relationships between these concepts. Taking into consideration the importance of
innovation and technology transfer and possible link between these terms, the purpose of the Paper is to identify
relationships between innovation and technology transfer. Accordingly, the following research question was
developed: What are the relationships between innovation and technology transfer?
Schumpeter (1934) defines innovation as carrying out new combinations – launch of a new product or new
species; an application of new methods; an opening of a new market; an acquiring of new sources of raw material
supply or creation or destruction of a monopoly organization. Innovation is seen as the process of generation,
acceptance and implementation of new ideas, processes, products or services (Thompson, 1965) as well as an
outcome – any thought, behavior or thing that is new (Barnett, 1953), new ideas (e.g. Van de Ven, 1986), new
technology or practice (Nord and Tucker, 1987). Damanpour (1996) encompass a range of outcomes, including a
new product or service, new process technology, a new organization structure or administrative systems, or new
plans or programmmes pertaining to organization members. Important contribution to innovation was made by
Altshuller (2007) defining levels of innovation.
Technology transfer has been characterized as adoption of innovation (Rogers, 1962 cited in Sazali & Raduan,
2011), application of technology, technique or knowledge (Melkers, Bulger, & Bozeman 1993 cited in Phillips,
2002) that has been developed in another organization. In simple, an application of technology to a new use or user
(Gee, 1981 cited in Sazali & Raduan, 2011). It can also be viewed as production of a new product and more efficient
production of existing products (Das, 1987 cited in Sazali & Raduan, 2011) that are moved to the marketplace
(Phillips, 2002). The forms of technology embrace physical items such as tooling, equipment and blue prints as well
as the information – methods and procedures (Teece, 1977).
2. Methods
The review of innovation, technology and technology transfer definitions, focus group discussions and systematic
search of literature were used in this Paper as research methods. Based on practical experience of the authors’ and
review of definitions the possible research question revealed. The focus group discussions as a qualitative research
method were used to confirm the importance and validity of this question as well as to confirm discovered
relationships between innovation and technology transfer. Gill, Stewart, Treasure, & Chadwick (2008) argue that the
focus group discussions are used for generating information on collective views and the meanings that lie behind
those views. In addition, they are useful in generating a rich understanding of participants' experiences and beliefs
(Morgan, 1998 cited in Gill, Stewart, Treasure, & Chadwick, 2008). In this case, advantages of the focus group
instead of multiple One-on-One interviews are that one focus group meeting uses fewer resources (time and money)
and group members can react to and build upon each other’s responses to produce information or ideas that they
might not think of on their own (Office of Quality Improvement, 2007). The doctoral students are one of the
stakeholders involved in developing scientific findings that potentially will be transferred from University to another
organization for the purpose of further development or commercialization. Thus, doctoral students from various
fields were invited to participate in the focus group discussions. In the first discussion, they were asked to answer
following questions: “What is innovation and what characterizes it?”; “What is technology transfer and what
characterizes it?” Content analysis of qualitative data obtained from the focus group discussion was processed using
NVivo software. Data coding was performed in several rounds independently by both authors of the Paper to ensure
Mikus Dubickis and Elina Gaile-Sarkane / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 213 (2015) 965 – 970 967
validity of the findings. Moreover, assigned codes were discussed and the results were presented through consensus.
In the second discussion, participants were asked to confirm or reject the obtained results in this research.
The researchers may have a specific reason for reviewing literature (Booth, Papaioannou, & Sutton, 2012). Hart
(1998) asserts that reasons for reviewing literature include identifying the relationships between ideas and practices
as well as synthesizing and gaining a new perspective (cited in Randolph, 2009). Booth, Papaioannou, & Sutton
(2012) suggest that every review has to be more or less systematic, but it is only useful where a significant amount
of literature is already known to exist. Khan, Kunz, Kleijnen, & Antes (2003) argue that reviews should never been
done in any other than systematic way. In this paper the systematic search approach (Grant, & Booth, 2009) was
chosen to collect data by means of different kinds of typologies and taxonomies of innovation and technology
transfer. Briner & Denyer (2012) argue that the traditional review methods fail to identify clearly what is known and
unknown about the given topic and suggest reviews of existing research evidence. Therefore, a research of already
done reviews was performed. In the methodology literature this is called as the umbrella review approach or
overview of reviews (Pare, Trudel, Jaana, & Kitsiou, 2015) and considered as a relatively new approach (Higgins &
Green, 2011). However, it should also be considered that the systematic approach offers objective inference based
on available evidence and not a description of everything on the subject (Hansen & Trifkovic, 2013). A draft search
before the full systematic search was conducted in order to define and precise the keywords as well as the criteria for
inclusion and exclusion of literature. The systematic search was performed in February 2015 and the following
databases were used: Scopus, Web of Science, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ScienceDirect, WILEY Online Library,
Taylor & Francis, SAGE Publications. The search was limited to the articles published until year 2014. The
following inclusion criteria were used for this review: type of study – 1) literature review reporting innovation
typology(ies) or taxonomy(ies), 2) literature review reporting technology transfer typology(ies) or taxonomy(ies);
the publication language – English. Literature, that was once already included, was excluded from the review as well
as the studies with no full text available. Search strings developed and used for the systematic search are shown in
the Appendix A.
The obtained results from the focus group discussion (see Appendix B.) provide the insight from viewpoint of
one of the stakeholders involved in the innovation development and technology transfer process. According to those
results, both of the terms are described as a system, a process of development (considering that by innovation also
an outcome of this process is understood) to improve something, thus forming an overlap between terms as well as
showing that innovation as an outcome includes technology transfer as a tool. Both, innovation and technology
transfer characterizes development made for the end users, as well as the application of already existing technology
– adoption of innovation in case of innovation or inbound technology transfer in case of technology transfer.
Innovation also can be considered as an outcome with a certain degree of novelty. Therefore, it may be considered
that technology transfer includes innovation in case of an application of already existing innovation (inbound
technology transfer). The obtained results from the focus group discussion are in line with the viewpoints provided
by scholars (mentioned previously in the article).
The initial systematic search strategy resulted in 360 records. Four articles were found relevant to purpose of this
study. The results of the systematic literature search are shown in Table 1.
Reviews included in this study do not meet the criteria (see Booth, Papaioannou, & Sutton, 2012) to be
considered as full systematic reviews. However, they provide us with the insight to classifications of innovation and
technology transfer, that allows to discern commonalities and differences between these terms. Different kind of
relationships between innovation and technology transfer appear from the review of definitions, results of the first
focus group discussion and classifications provided by the systematic search show. The graphical model of these
relationships is shown in the Fig. 1.
Relationships between innovation and technology transfer unveil different kind of perspectives on innovation and
technology transfer: a) technology transfer includes innovation; b) innovation includes technology transfer and c)
innovation and technology transfer overlap. The results of the second focus group discussion confirm the discovered
relationships. The focus group also estimates that the perspective where innovation and technology transfer overlap
is dominant and recommends future research on a global level. In addition, there is still a question how strong is the
overlap of innovation and technology transfer and which are the points of the contact.
Overlapping of diffusion of innovation and technology transfer has been emphasized by Addiction Technology
Transfer Center Network Technology Transfer Workgroup (2011) and Cottrill, Rogers, & Mills (1989). Based on
the analysis done, this study complements the previous research on relationships between innovation and technology
transfer and gives new perspectives on these divergent fields of study.
In the conducted systematic search relatively small number of reviews of innovation and technology transfer
classifications were retrieved. None of them can be considered as a full systematic review. The research results
show that there are three different perspectives on innovation and technology transfer. Innovation and technology
transfer overlap may be considered as the dominant one. However, further research is required to confirm this on a
global level. According to the relationships between innovation and technology transfer, it can be considered that
tools, techniques and methods are applicable from one field explored to another. That is also a recommendation for
future research. Considering the results of the performed systematic search, the conduction of full systematic review
of innovation and technology transfer classifications is recommended.
Further research is needed to provide understanding of technology transfer importance for development of certain
degree of novelty. The meta review on relationships between degree of novelty and performance of an organization
using the systematic approaches to a literature review is also recommended for future research.
The Paper was supported by the National Research Program 5.2. EKOSOC-LV.
Mikus Dubickis and Elina Gaile-Sarkane / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 213 (2015) 965 – 970 969
What types of innovation exist within scientific literature? What types of technology transfer exist within scientific literature?
innovation (title) AND review (title) AND taxonomy (all) technology transfer (title) AND review (title) AND taxonomy (all)
innovation (title) AND systematic (title) AND taxonomy (all) technology transfer (title) AND systematic (title) AND taxonomy (all)
innovation (title) AND overview (title) AND taxonomy (all) technology transfer (title) AND overview (title) AND taxonomy (all)
innovation (title) AND synthesis (title) AND taxonomy (all) technology transfer (title) AND synthesis (title) AND taxonomy (all)
innovation (title) AND meta (title) AND taxonomy (all) technology transfer (title) AND meta (title) AND taxonomy (all)
innovation (title) AND state of the art (title) AND taxonomy (all) technology transfer (title) AND state of the art (title) AND taxonomy (all)
innovation (title) AND review (title) AND typology (all) technology transfer (title) AND review (title) AND typology (all)
innovation (title) AND systematic (title) AND typology (all) technology transfer (title) AND systematic (title) AND typology (all)
innovation (title) AND overview (title) AND typology (all) technology transfer (title) AND overview (title) AND typology (all)
innovation (title) AND synthesis (title) AND typology (all) technology transfer (title) AND synthesis (title) AND typology (all)
innovation (title) AND meta (title) AND typology (all) technology transfer (title) AND meta (title) AND typology (all)
innovation (title) AND state of the art (title) AND typology (all) technology transfer (title) AND state of the art (title) AND typology (all)
Source: Data obtained from the focus group discussion conducted by the authors.
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