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Apollo XP95 Product Guide PDF

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Ionisation Smoke Detector

Optical Smoke Detector
Heat Detector
Multisensor Detector
Manual Call Point
Isolating Base
Sounders & Beacons

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The XP95 range of intelligent fire detectors is advanced

in design, improved in performance and has unique

features that benefit the installer and the end user.
The range includes ionisation and optical smoke
detectors, heat detectors as well as a multisensor.
All have an unobtrusive profile, a zero insertion force
base, user friendly addressing and extended data and
alarm features. A manual call point, an isolating base,
sounders, beacons and other compatible products are
also available.
These detectors have been carefully researched and
the range has undergone rigorous testing to ensure

that it meets not only European and other standards Contact points for enquiries and help
but also the demands of today’s high technology
Technical queries techsales@apollo-fire.co.uk
This Product Guide aims to provide engineers with
full information on XP95, in order to be able to design
Resources marketing@apollo-fire.co.uk
optimum solutions to fire protection problems. (literature, photos)
Apollo Fire Detectors Limited, part of the Halma plc Sales enquiries sales@apollo-fire.co.uk
group of companies, operates from one site at Havant, Phone numbers for +44 (0)23 9249 2412
near Portsmouth, England. All departments – Research
all departments
and Development, Sales and Marketing, Manufacturing
and Finance – are located there. Apollo applies the Fax numbers for +44 (0)23 9249 2754
most modern production techniques and has invested all departments
in sophisticated manufacturing equipment to ensure
Website www.apollo-fire.co.uk
consistent high quality of product and fast response to
customer requirements. Through planned expansion
Apollo has reached a leading position in the market for
professional fire detectors and exports over half of its
production to countries around the world.

Information in this guide is given in good faith, but Apollo

Fire Detectors Limited cannot be held responsible for any
omissions or errors. The company reserves the right to change
specifications of products at any time without prior notice.

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Application of XP95 Detectors 4
Addressing and Communications 4
Features of the XP95 Range 5
Ionisation Smoke Detector
Operating principles 6
Electrical description 7
Environmental characteristics 7
Safety note 8
Technical data 8
Optical Smoke Detector
Operating principles 9
Electrical description 9
Environmental characteristics 9

Technical data 10
Heat Detector
Operating principles 11
Electrical description 11
Environmental characteristics 11
Technical data 12
Multisensor Detector
Operating principles 13
Technical data 14
Manual Call Point 3
Operating principles 15
Technical data 16
XP95 Mounting Base  17

XP95 Isolating Base

Operating principles 18

data 18

XP95 Isolator 19
XP95 Loop-Powered Beam Detector 19
Intelligent Reflective Beam Detector 19
MiniDisc Remote Indicator 19
Loop-powered Sounders, Beacon & Sounder Beacons 19
XP95 Flame Detector 20
Approvals and Regulatory Compliance 22
EMC 22
Maintenance of Detectors 23

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The choice of detector from the XP95 range follows the well Each XP95 device responds to interrogation and command
established principles of system design. That is, the optimum from central control equipment. It communicates to the panel
detector type will depend on the type of fire risk and fire load, information on status, command bits, type, location, and other
and the type of environment in which the detector is sited. information that allows an alarm to be raised even when the
device is not itself being interrogated. Message error checking
For general use, smoke detectors are recommended since
is also provided. The devices are compatible with Series 90,
these give the highest level of protection. Smoke detectors
Discovery® and XPlorer systems and control equipment to aid
from the XP95 range may be ionisation, optical or multisensor maintenance, extension and upgrade of existing systems.
types. It is generally accepted that ionisation types have a
high sensitivity to flaming fires whereas optical detectors A unique, patented XPERT card provides simple, user friendly
have high sensitivity to smouldering fires. As a result of this, and accurate identification of detector location whereby a
ionisation types are widely used for property protection, and coded card, inserted in the base, is read by any detector once it
optical types for life protection. These general principles is plugged in. All the electronic components are in the detector
still apply to XP95 detectors although the availability of a but the location information is held in the base. The address
multisensor in the range offers more choice to the system card simplifies and speeds up installation and commissioning.
designer. Addressing errors during maintenance and service are
The multisensor is basically an optical smoke detector and will
therefore respond well to the smoke from smouldering fires. The XP95 manual call point continues to use DIL switch
The detector also senses air temperature. This temperature addressing, but its interrupt feature also provides automatic
4 sensitivity allows the multisensor to give a response to reporting of its location in the interrupt mode.
fast burning (flaming) fires, which is similar to that of an
The XP95 detectors provide an alarm facility that automatically
ionisation detector. The multisensor can therefore be used
puts an alarm flag on the data stream and reports its address
as an alternative to an ionisation detector - particularly since
when the pre-set EN54 thresholds are exceeded. The devices
restrictions on the transportation of ionisation detectors have
provide great flexibility in system design with the control
been introduced.
equipment determining the characteristics of the system. A
Where the environment is smoky or dirty under normal large and growing range of compatible control equipment is
conditions, a heat detector may be more appropriate. It must available from many sources - details are included in Apollo
be recognised, however, that any heat detector will respond publication PP1010, which is available on request.
only when the fire is well established and generating a high
heat output.
Unless otherwise specified, devices described in this guide are
suitable for indoor use only.

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  Ionisation Optical Multisensor Heat

Overheating/thermal combustion Poor Very Good Very Good Very Poor
Smouldering/glowing combustion Moderate/Good Good Good Very Poor
Flaming combustion Very Good Good Good Poor
Flaming with high heat output Very Good Good Very Good Moderate/Good
Flaming - clean burning Poor Very Poor Moderate/Good Moderate/Good

Table 1 Response characteristics of smoke and heat detectors.


Control Unit Interrogation and Command: High Level Integration:
3 bits of command instruction and the 7- bit address are ASICs and microcontroller technology for lower component
issued by the control equipment following an initiating pulse. count.
Interrupt Warning: Zero Insertion Force Base:
Notification that an XP95 manual call point or XP95 Mini For easier installation and maintenance.
Switch Monitor (interrupt) has been operated. Ease of Maintenance:
Analogue Value Report: Snap lock chambers for easy cleaning.
Status continually reported. Surface Mounted Components: 5
Input Bits Reporting: For long life and high reliability
Field devices advise control equipment of actions they have Latest Data Reported:
taken. As well as free running data update, device will update data
Automatic Type Identification: when the preceding device is being interrogated.
The device being interrogated replies with a 5 bit type code, XPERT Card Addressing:
allowing up to 32 device types. For fast reliable installation and service.
Address Confirmation: Unobtrusive Design:
The 7- bit address (up to 126 devices per loop) of the For elegant designs in modern buildings.
detector responding is confirmed back to the control unit.
XP95 Device Flag:

Tells the control equipment that more information is

Alarm Flag:
For accelerated alarm reporting.
Parity Error Check:
For received message accuracy.
Interrupt or Alarm Address:
Provides fast location of a device in alarm state.
Remote Alarm Test:
All detectors may be tested by setting the relevant command
bit in the protocol. The detectors should return an analogue

value greater
smoke test. than 64. Note: This is not a substitute for a

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Fig.1 Sectional view - XP95 Ionisation Smoke Detector

shown in Fig 2. The ions are flowing through the ionisation

attracted to the electrode of chamber decreases. This
XP95 Ionisation Smoke Detector s Part Number 55000-500/520/560 the opposite sign, some ions
effect is greater in the smoke
collide and recombine, but chamber than in the reference
the net result is that a small chamber and the imbalance
electric current flows between causes the sensing electrode
The ionisation chamber the electrodes. At the junction to go more positive.
system is an inner reference between the reference and
6 OPERATING chamber contained inside an smoke chambers is the
The voltage on the sensing
electrode is monitored by
PRINCIPLES outer smoke chamber (Fig 1). sensing electrode that is the sensor electronics and
The outer smoke chamber has used to convert variations in is processed to produce a
The XP95 ionisation smoke smoke inlet apertures that are the chamber currents into a signal that is translated by
detector has a moulded fitted with an insect resistant voltage.
the A/D converter in the
self-extinguishing white mesh. When smoke particles enter communications ASIC ready
polycarbonate case with the ionisation chamber, ions
The radioactive source for transmission when the
wind resistant smoke inlets. become attached to them
holder and the outer smoke device is interrogated.
Stainless steel wiper contacts with the result that the current
chamber are the positive
connect the detector to the
and negative electrodes
terminals in the mounting
respectively. An Americium
base. Inside the detector 241 radioactive source
case is a printed circuit
mounted within the inner
board that has the ionisation
reference chamber irradiates
chamber mounted on
the air in both chambers to
one side and the address
produce positive and negative
capture, signal processing and
ions. On applying a voltage
communications electronics on
across these electrodes an
the other.
electric field is formed as

Fig.2 Diagram showing lines of equipotential for the XP95 Ionisation Smoke Monitor

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flag is initiated and the device

address is added to the data
ELECTRICAL stream every 32 polling
cycles from its last polling
DESCRIPTION for the duration of the alarm
level condition, except when
the alarming device is being
The detector is designed to
interrogated. This can provide
be connected to a two wire Fig.3 Typical response characteristics - XP95 Ionisation Detector
a location identified alarm
loop circuit carrying both data
from any device on the loop
and a 17V to 28V dc supply.
in approximately two seconds.
The detector is connected to
the incoming and outgoing The detector is calibrated
supply via terminals L1 and to give an analogue value
L2 in the mounting base. A of 25±7 counts in clean air.
remote LED indicator requiring This value increases with
not more than 4mA at 5V smoke density. A count of
may be connected between 55 corresponds to the EN54
+R and -R terminals. An alarm sensitivity level. See Fig
earth connection terminal 3. Counts of 8 or less indicate
is also provided, although fault conditions. Count levels
this is not required for the between 45 counts and 55
functioning of the detector. counts can be used to provide
an early warning of fire.
When the device is energised
Fig.4 Typical temperature response - XP95 Ionisation Detector
the ASICs regulate the flow of
power and control the data
processing. The ionisation
chambers are energised
and the ultra low leakage
sensor ASIC provides a CHARACTERISTICS 7
conditioned analogue signal
to the analogue to digital
XP95 ionisation smoke
(A/D) converter within
detectors are designed to
the communications and
operate in a wide variety of
processing ASIC. When
environments (See Figs 4
smoke enters the ionisation
to 6). There are only small
chambers through the integral
effects from temperature,
gauze, the voltage at the
humidity, atmospheric
sensing electrode increases
pressure and wind. Detectors
to produce an analogue Fig.5 Typical pressure response - XP95 Ionisation Detector
are well protected against
signal. An A/D conversion of
the signal from the ionisation electromagnetic
over interference
a wide frequency range.
chambers is carried out once
per second or when either The XP95 ionisation detector,
the detector or preceding like all ionisation detectors,
address is being interrogated. has some sensitivity to air
Whenever the device is movement (wind). The
interrogated this data is sent extent to which the analogue
to the control equipment. value will change depends
EN54 threshold alarm levels on the wind speed and
are calibrated within the on the orientation of the
processing ASIC. If the detector relative to the wind
device is not addressed within direction. Relatively small

one second
and the of its last
analogue polling
value is changes in wind direction
cause significant changes incan
greater than 55 the alarm analogue value.
Fig.6 Typical wind speed response - XP95 Ionisation Smoke Detector

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 Supply Wiring:  Maximum Power-up Time:  Atmospheric Pressure:

TECHNICAL DATA Two wire supply, polarity 4 seconds for communications Automatic compensation by
insensitive (measured from application of dual chambers to maintain
XP95 Ionisation Terminal Functions: power and protocol) sensitivity up to a height of
Detector Part No 55000-500/ L1&L2 supply in and out 10 seconds to exceed 10 2000m above sea level
520/560   connections (polarity counts 15 seconds for stable
Vibration, Impact & Shock:
Base Part No 45681-210   insensitive) clean air value
To EN54–7:2000
+R remote indicator
Clean Air Analogue Value:
Specifications are typical   positive connection 25±7 counts Electro-magnetic
and given at 23°C and 50%   (internal 2.2kΩ Compatibility:
relative humidity unless   resistance to supply  Alarm Level 55 Counts: See page 21 for full details
otherwise stated. +ve) EN54 y value of 0.7
IP Rating:
-R remote indicator
Detector Type:  Alarm Indicator: 23D
negative connection
Point type smoke detector for Red light emitting diode (LED)
(internal 2.2kΩ   Approvals & Regulatory
fire detection and fire alarm
resistance to supply  Alarm LED Current: Compliance:
systems for buildings
- ve) 2mA See page 21 for full details
Detection Principle:
 Supply Voltage: Remote LED Current: Dimensions: (diameter x height)
Ionisation Chamber
17 to 28 Volts dc 4mA at 5V (measured across Detector: 100mm x 42mm
Chamber Configuration: remote load) Detector in Base:
 Modulation Voltage at
Twin compensating 100mm x 50mm
Detector:  Storage Temperature:
chambers using one single
5 to 9 Volts peak to peak -30°C to +80°C Weights:
sided ionising radiation source Quiescent Current: Operating Temperature: Detector: 105g
Radioactive Isotope: Detector in Base: 161g
280µA average, 500µA peak -20°C to +70°C
Americium 241
Power-up Surge Current: Humidity:
 Activity: Detector Housing: White
1mA (No condensation or icing)
33.3kBq, 0.9µCi polycarbonate V-0 rated to
0% to 95% relative humidity
Duration of Power-up Surge UL 94
 Sampling Frequency:
Current: Wind Speed: Terminals: Nickel plated
0.3 seconds 10m/s maximum stainless steel
Nominal threshold y value of
0.7 to EN54–7:2000



technical data

For wind speeds up to 1m/s Nuclear Energy Agency of the At the end of their
(200ft/min) the change Organisation for Economic Co- recommended working
in analogue value will not operation and Development life of ten years, ionisation
exceed 5 counts. Continuous
SAFETY NOTE (OECD) 1977. smoke detectors should be
operation in wind speeds returned to Apollo for safe
There is no limit to the
greater than 2m/s (400ft/ In the United Kingdom, disposal or disposed of in an
number of ionisation smoke
min) is not recommended. ionisation smoke detectors otherwise locally approved
detectors which may be
However, wind speeds up are subject to the and environmentally safe
installed in any fire protection
to 10m/s (2000ft/min) requirements of the manner.
system within the UK. See
can be tolerated for short Radioactive Substances Act
periods and will not under 1993 and to the Ionising Certificate of Approval No. Guidance on storage can
TA1 of 1999 issues by the be given by Apollo Fire
any conditions increase the Radiations Regulations 1999
HSE for further details. Detectors and full details can
probability of false alarms. made under the provisions of
be requested from:
the Health and Safety at Work Storage regulations depend
Act 1974. on local standards and the Radioactive Substances
legislation, but, in the UK, the Regulation Function
The detectors, independently
number of ionisation smoke Environment Agency
tested by the National
detectors in any building Rio House, Waterside Drive
Radiological Protection Board
or premises shall be less Aztec West, Almondsbury,
(NRPB), conform to all the
than 500. See Certificate of Bristol, BS32 4UD.
requirements specified in
Approval No. TA3 of 1999
the ‘Recommendations for Outside the UK, please
issued by the HSE for further
ionisation smoke detectors in contact the relevant national
implementation of radiation details. agency.
standards’ published by the

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incoming and outgoing supply alarm flag is initiated and the

via terminals L1 and L2 in the device address is added to the
mounting base. A remote data stream every 32 polling
LED indicator requiring not cycles from its last polling
more than 4mA at 5V may for the duration of the alarm
be connected between the level condition, except when
+R and -R terminals. An earth the alarming device is being
connection terminal is also interrogated. This can provide
provided. a location identified alarm
from any device on the loop
When the device is energised
in approximately two seconds.
the ASICs regulate the
flow of power and control The detector is calibrated
the data processing. The to give an analogue value
optical ASIC is controlled by of 25±7 counts in clean air.
the communications ASIC This value increases with
and pulses the IR LED. The smoke density. A count of
signal from the photo-diode 55 corresponds to the EN54
is processed by the optical alarm sensitivity level. See
ASIC and transferred to the Fig. 9.
communications ASIC where it
is then stored. When smoke
enters the chamber the
photo-diode signal increases.
XP95 Optical Smoke Detector s Part Number 55000-600/620/660 The information to the A/D ENVIRONMENTAL
converter is updated once
per second or when either CHARACTERISTICS
the monitor or the preceding
In clear air the photo-diode
address is interrogated. The XP95 optical smoke page
the IR LEDnobecause
light directly
of thefrom Whenever the device is detector is unaffected by
OPERATING interrogated this data is sent wind or atmospheric pressure
angular arrangement and
PRINCIPLES the dual mask. When smoke
to the control equipment. and operates over the
EN54 threshold alarm levels temperature range -20°C to
enters the chamber it scatters
are calibrated within the +60°C. See Fig. 10.
The XP95 optical detector photons from the emitter IR
processing ASIC. If the device
uses the same outer case LED onto the photo-diode
is not addressed within one
as the ionisation smoke in an amount related to the
second of its last polling and
detector and is distinguished smoke characteristics and
the analogue value is greater
by the indicator LED which density. The photo-diode
than the EN54 alarm level the
is clear in standby and red in signal is processed by the
alarm. Within the case is a optical ASIC and passed to
the A/D converter on the
on circuit
one side hasboard which
the light communications ASIC ready
proof labyrinth chamber with for transmission when the
integral gauze surrounding device is interrogated.
the optical measuring system
and on the other the address
capture, signal processing and
communications electronics.
An infrared light emitting
diode within its collimator is DESCRIPTION
arranged at an obtuse angle to
the photo-diode. The photo-
The detector is designed to be
diode hasfilter.
blocking an integral daylight- connected to a two wire loop
circuit carrying both data and
The IR LED emits a burst of a 17V to 28V dc supply. The
collimated light every second. detector is connected to the Fig.7 Top section - XP95 Optical Smoke Detector

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 Maximum Power-up Time:

TECHNICAL DATA  Sensitivity:
Nominal response threshold 4 seconds for communications Electro-magnetic
value of 0.12 dB/m when (measured from application of Compatibility:
XP95 Optical Smoke Detector measured in accordance with power and protocol) See page 21 for full details
Detector Part No 55000-600/ EN54-7:2000 10 seconds to exceed 10 counts
IP Rating:
620/660 35 seconds for stable clean
 Supply Wiring: 23D
Base Part No 45681-210 air value
Two wire supply, polarity
 Approvals & Regulatory
insensitive  Alarm Level Analogue Value:
Specifications are typical Compliance:
and given at 23°C and 50% Terminal Functions: 55 See page 21 for full details
relative humidity unless L1&L2 supply in and out Clean Air Analogue Value:
Vibration, Impact & Shock:
otherwise stated.   connections (polarity 25±7 counts
To EN54-7:2000
Detector Type:  Alarm Indicator:
+R remote indicator Dimensions: (diameter x height)
Point type smoke detector for Clear light emitting diode
  positive connection Detector: 100mm x 42mm
fire detection and fire alarm (LED) emitting red light
  (internal 2.2kΩ  Detector in Base:
systems for buildings  Alarm LED Current: 100mm x 50mm
resistance to supply
Detection Principles: +ve) 4mA
Photo-electric detection of -R remote indicator
Remote LED Current: Detector: 105g
light scattered in a forward negative connection
4mA at 5V (measured across Detector in Base: 157g
direction by smoke particles (internal 2.2kΩ 
remote load)
resistance to supply  Materials:
Chamber Configuration:   - ve)  Storage Temperature: Detector Housing: White
Horizontal optical bench -30°C to +80°C polycarbonate V-0 rated
housing an infrared emitter  Supply Voltage: to UL 94
and sensor arranged radially to 17 to 28 Volts dc Operating Temperature:
Terminals: Nickel plated
detect scattered light -20°C to +60°C
Quiescent Current: stainless steel
 Sensor: 340µA average, 600µA peak Humidity:
Silicon PIN photo-diode (No condensation or icing)
Power-up Surge Current:
0% to 95% relative humidity
Emitter: 1mA
GaAs Infra-red light emitting Wind Speed: 0832
Duration of Power-up Surge
diode Unaffected by wind
 Atmospheric Pressure:
 Sampling Frequency: 0.3 seconds
1 second


technical data

Fig.9 Typical Response Characteristic - XP95 Optical Smoke Detector

Fig.8 Schematic diagram - XP95 Optical Smoke Detector

Fig.10 Typical Temperature Response - XP95 Optical Smoke Detector

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Fig.12 XP95 Heat Detector

cycles from its last polling

for the duration of the alarm
ELECTRICAL level condition, except when
an alarming device is being
DESCRIPTION interrogated. This can provide
XP95 Heat Detector s Part Number 55000-400/420
a location identified alarm
from any device on the loop
The detectors are designed to
in approximately two seconds.
be connected to a two wire
loop circuit carrying both data The detector is calibrated to
The standard heat detectors, and detectors
a 17V to 28V
are dc supply. give an analogue value of
OPERATING 55000-400 and 55000-420,
The connected 25±5 counts at 25°C. 11
to the incoming and outgoing
PRINCIPLES respond to increasing air supply via terminals L1 and
temperature in such a way L2 in the mounting base. A
that they are classified as an remote LED indicator requiring
The XP95 heat detectors have
A2S device. See Fig. 13. Both
a common profile with
devices will give 55 counts at
not more than 4mA at 5V ENVIRONMENTAL
ionisation and optical smoke may be connected between
detectors but have a low air flow
55°C. +R and -R terminals. An earth CHARACTERISTICS
resistance case made of self- A high temperature CS heat connection terminal is also
extinguishing white polycarbonate. detector, 55000-401, which provided. XP95 Standard Heat
The devices monitor heat by can be installed in a typical When a device is energised Detectors operate over the
using a single thermistor ambient temperature of 55°C range -20°C to +70°C, the
network which provides a is available. See Fig. 14. This the ASIC
flow regulates
of power and the
controls High Temperature Heat
voltage output proportional to device will give 55 counts at the data processing. The Detectors operate over the
the external air temperature. 90°C. thermistor provides an output range –20°C to +120°C. The
over normal operating ranges detectors are unaffected by
that is proportional to the atmospheric pressure.
external air temperature. This
voltage output is processed
in the A/D converter and
stored by the communications
ASIC. It is transmitted to
control equipment when the
device is interrogated. When
a count of 55 is exceeded the
alarm flag is initiated and the
device address is added to the
Fig.11 Schematic diagram - XP95 Heat detector
data stream every 32 polling

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Terminal Functions:  Alarm Indicator: Dimensions: (diameter x height)

TECHNICAL DATA L1&L2 supply in and out Red light emitting diode (LED) Detector: 100mm x 42mm
  connections (polarity Detector in Base:
 Alarm LED Current:
XP95 Heat Detector   insensitive) 2mA 100mm x 50mm
+R remote indicator
(Standard) Weights:
  positive connection Remote LED Current:
Detector Part No Detector: 105g
  (internal 2.2kΩ 4mA at 5V (measured across
55000-400/420 Detector in Base: 157g
  resistance to supply remote load)
Base Part No 45681-210
+ve)  Materials:
 Storage Temperature:
-R remote indicator Detector Housing: White
Specifications are typical -30°C to +80°C
negative connection polycarbonate V-0 rated to
and given at 23°C and 50%
(internal 2.2kΩ  Operating Temperature: UL 94
relative humidity unless
resistance to supply -20°C to +70°C Terminals: Nickel plated
otherwise stated.
- ve) stainless steel
Detector Type:
 Supply Voltage: (No condensation)
Point type heat detector for XP95 High Temperature
17 to 28 Volts dc 0% to 95% relative humidity
fire detection and fire alarm Heat Detector
systems for buildings  Modulation Voltage at Wind Speed:
Detector Part No:
Detector Principle: Detector: Unaffected in fixed 55000-401
5 to 9 Volts peak to peak temperature use
Linear approximation over
Specifications are the same
temperature range 25°C to Quiescent Current:  Atmospheric Pressure:
as those for the standard
90°C 250µA average, 500µA peak Unaffected
detector, apart from the
 Sensor: Power-up Surge Current: following points:
Vibration, Impact & Shock:
Single NTC Thermistor 1mA
To EN54-5:2000 Detector Principles:
 Sampling Frequency: Duration of Power-up Surge Linear approximation
Continuous Current: designed to give 25 counts at
0.3 seconds 25°C and 55 counts at 90°C
 Sensitivity: See page 22 for full details
25°C to 90°C: 1°C/count.  Maximum Power-up Time:  Sensitivity:
IP Rating:
-20°C returns 8 counts 4 seconds 25°C to 90°C: 2.17°C/count
-20°C returns 20 counts.
 Supply Wiring:  Analogue Value at 25°C 
age  Approvals & Regulatory
Two wire supply, polarity 25± 5 counts Compliance:
12 insensitive
 Alarm Level 55 Counts: See page 22 for full details
55°C when measured under 0832
static conditions

technical data

Fig.13 Typical response characteristic - XP95 Standard heat detector Fig.14 Typical response characteristic - XP95 High temperature heat detector

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if the temperature reaches

a high level. A large sudden
change in temperature can,
however, cause an alarm
without the presence of
smoke, if sustained for 20
XP95 Multisensor Detector s Part Number 55000-885 The processing algorithms in
the multisensor incorporate
drift compensation. The
control panel must not
the smoke level and the air have a drift compensation page
OPERATING temperature respectively in
the vicinity of the detector.
algorithm enabled. 13
PRINCIPLES The detector’s microcontroller The sensitivity of the detector
processes the two signals. is considered the optimum
The temperature signal for most general applications
The XP95 multisensor detector
processing extracts only since it offers good response
contains an optical smoke
rate of rise information to both smouldering and
sensor and a thermistor
for combination with the flaming fires.
temperature sensor whose
outputs are combined to give optical signal. The detector Note: in situ testing of the
the final analogue value. will not respond to a slow multisensor should be carried
temperature increase - even  out as for smoke detectors.
The multisensor construction
is similar to that of the optical
detector but uses a different
lid and optical mouldings to
accommodate the thermistor
temperature sensor. The
sectional view (Fig.15) shows
the arrangement of the optical
chamber and thermistor.
The signals from the optical
smoke sensing element and
the temperature sensor are
independent, and represent

Fig.15 Sectional view - XP95 Multisensor Detector

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-R remote indicator Temperature range: Dimensions:

TECHNICAL DATA negative connection Max. continuous operating: 100mm diameter
(internal 2.2kΩ  +60°C 50mm height
XP95 Multisensor Detector resistance to negative) Min. continuous operating: 58mm (height in base)
Detector Part No 55000-885 Operating voltage: Weight:
Min. operating (no
Base Part No 45681-210 17-28V DC Detector: 105g
condensation/icing): -20°C
Detector in base: 160g
Communications protocol: Storage -30°C to +80°C
Specifications are typical
Apollo XP95 5-9V peak to  Materials:
and given at 23°C and 50% Humidity:
peak Housing: White
relative humidity unless (No condensation)
polycarbonate V-0 rated
otherwise stated. Quiescent current: 0 to 95% relative humidity
to UL94
500µA average 750µA peak
Detector Type: Effect of temperature on Terminals: Nickel plated
Point type smoke detector for Power-up surge current: optical detector: stainless steel
fire detection and fire alarm 1mA Less than 15% change in
systems for buildings sensitivity over rated range.  Smoke element only:
 Maximum power-up time:
Slow changes in ambient
10s Chamber configuration:
Detector principle: conditions will automatically
Horizontal optical bench
Smoke: Photoelectric  Alarm LED current: be compensated and will not housing infra-red emitter and
detection of light 3.5mA affect sensitivity
sensor, arranged
scattered by smoke
Remote LED current: Effect of atmospheric radially to detect forward
4mA at 5V (measured across  pressure on optical sensor: scattered light
Heat: Temperature-sensitive
remote load) None
resistance  Sensor:
Clean air analogue value: Effect of wind on optical Silicon PIN photo-diode
 Supply wiring:
23 +4/-0  sensor:
Two-wire supply, polarity Emitter:
insensitive  Alarm level analogue value: GaAs infra-red light
55 IP rating: emitting diode
Terminal functions:
L1&L2 supply in and out  Alarm indicator:  Sampling frequency:
  connections (polarity 2 colourless Light Emitting  Approvals & Regulatory 1 per second
  insensitive) Diodes (LEDs); illuminated red Compliance:
age +R remote indicator in alarm See page 21 for full details
positive connection Optional remote LED Vibration, Impact and
14 (internal 2.2kΩ 
Electro-magnetic  Shock: 0832
resistance to positive
compatibility: To EN54-5/7
remote indicator

technical data
See page 22 for full details
negative connection)

WARNING: if the control panel incorporates a drift compensation algorithm,

this should be disabled when polling the XP95 Multisensor detector.

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XP95 Manual Call Point (MCP)

Fig.16 Typical response characteristic - XP95 Manual Call Point

A single bi-coloured alarm an isolator. Each version is locking tag. For

LED is provided on the call available with a resettable weatherproof call points see page
OPERATING point. This LED is controlled, element and a backbox for Discovery guide PP2052. 15
independently of the call
PRINCIPLES point, by the control panel.
surface mounting as standard.
If a glass is required, it is
The red LED is lit when the call available on request. For all Important Note – the use
The new Apollo XP95 of lubricants, cleaning
point has been activated. An part numbers please refer to
EN54-11:2001 compliant solvents or petroleum
amber/yellow LED indicates Table 2.
Manual Call Point (MCP) is based products should
a fault.
based on the KAC conventional To provide additional be avoided.
MCP range. It is electronically Call points can be remotely protection against accidental
and mechanically backward tested from the panel by operation, a transparent
compatible with previous transmission of a single hinged cover with a locking
Apollo call points based on bit in the communications tag, part number 26729-152 is
KAC’s World Series product. protocol. Call points respond
by providing a value of 64 available, which can be fitted
The address of each to the manual call point. 
which corresponds to the Please note that the call
call point is set at the
alarm value.  point does not conform to
commissioning stage by
means of a seven-segment XP95 Manual Call Points are EN54-11:2001 when this lid
DIL switch. available with or without is fitted and secured with the

  Colour Deformable Backbox Pattress Isolated Non-

  Element for surface Box isolated
55100-905   Red   •

• •
55100-908   Red •

Table 2

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Communication Protocol: Humidity:

TECHNICAL DATA 5V-9V peak to peak (No condensation)
0 to 95% relative humidity
Quiescent Current:
XP95 Manual Call Point 100µA Compliance Standard:
Power-up Surge Current:
Specifications are typical EN54-17:2005 (isolated
and given at 23°C and 50% version)
relative humidity unless  Maximum Power-up Time:
IP Rating:
otherwise stated. 1 second
 Alarm Current, LED
Call Point Type: Dimensions:
Deformable element 89mm x 93mm x 26.5mm
(manual call point)
Call Point Principle:
Normal Analogue Value: 87mm x 87mm x 32mm
Operation of a switch
16 (back box)
 Alarm Indicator:
 Alarm State Value: Weight:
Red Light Emitting Diode (LED)
64 151g
Fault Indicator: Electro-magnetic  Materials:
Amber/yellow light emitting
Compatibility: Housing: Red Polycarbonate/
diode (LED)
See page 22 for full details ABS
 Supply Wiring: Hinged cover and locking
Temperature Range:
Two-wire supply, polarity tag are also available, part
Max. continuous operating:
sensitive number: 26729-152
Loop connections L1/L2: Min. continuous operating: XP95 glasses are also
Terminal block 0°C available, part number:
Min. operating: -20°C 26729-154 (pack of 5)
Operating Voltage:
(no condensation/icing)
17V-28V dc
Storage: -30°C to +80°C


technical data

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Fig.17 Schematic wiring diagram - XP95 mounting base

Fig.18 Schematic wiring diagram of XP95 detector circuit with a

  common remote LED

XP95 Mounting Base s Part Number 45681-210

The remaining single terminal

is isolated and can be used to 17
XP95 Mounting Bases provide continuity of an earth
and XPERT cards or shield.
The XP95 smoke and heat Universal address cards,
detectors all fit the XP95 known as XPERT cards are
mounting base. The base is supplied with all bases.
a zero insertion force base Consult the coding guide to
with dual finger receptacles of determine which pips are
stainless steel into which the to be removed. Pre-printed
detector terminals slide. Cable and pre-punched address
connections of up to 2.5mm cards that save time and
diameter are made via captive increase accuracy during
cable clamps. commissioning are available in
sets, part number: 45682-127.
There are four double
terminals and one single one. The base has a ‘one way
L1– line IN and OUT, only’ fit and detectors can
double terminal be locked into the base by a
grub screw with the aid of a
L2+ line IN and OUT, 1.5mm hexagonal driver, part
double terminal number: 29600-095.
+R remote LED positive For more information on
supply, double terminal Apollo’s range of bases,
-R remote LED negative please refer to the Range of
supply, double terminal Bases & Mounting Accessories
brochure, PP1089.

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XP95 Isolating Base Emission To BS EN 50081–1

Device Part No: Immunity To BS EN 50130–4

45681-284 Operating temperature:
–20˚ C to +60˚ C
 Minimum supply voltage in
normal operating conditions:   Storage temperature: 
17V DC –30˚ C to +80˚ C

 Maximum supply voltage:  Relative humidity (no

28V DC plus 9V DC protocol condensation/icing): 
pulses 0%–95%

Isolation indicator : Design environment:

Yellow LED, lit continuously in Indoor use only
isolation condition Dimensions: (diameter x height)
Current consumption: 100mm x 24mm
Detector in base:
at 18V DC 23µA 100mm x 60mm
at 28V DC 43µA
at 18V DC and adjacent Weight:
sector isolated 4mA 100g
 Maximum line current:
Non-isolating continuous 1.0A
Transition into isolation 3.0A
XP95 Isolating Base s Part Number 45681-284

the base isolates the negative base for each detector,

supply in the direction of the up to twenty detectors or
fault. The isolated section is equivalent surge current may
every using a current
seconds. pulse
When be installed
bases. between
See PIN isolating
sheet PP2090
PRINCIPLES DESCRIPTION the short-circuit is removed, for full information on loop
the power will automatically loading between isolating
The Isolating Base senses and Under normal operating be restored. bases.
isolates short circuit faults on conditions, a low impedance If it is a requirement that no Consult engineering guides
XP95 and Discovery loops and is present between the –IN device is lost in the event of a or PIN sheets for quiescent
spurs. and –OUT terminals of the single short-circuit fault, every current values of protected
base, so that power and signals detector should be fitted to devices.
The base is loop–powered,
pass to the next base in line. an isolating base.
polarity sensitive and accepts Approach Directives are also
the XPERT card to set the If a short-circuit or abnormally In applications where it is not available from the Apollo
associated device address. low impedance occurs, the necessary to use an isolating website or by request.
In short-circuit conditions fall in voltage is sensed and
the integral yellow LED is
illuminated. The detector Isolating base Base Terminal block connections
in out
associated with the base L2
in out
                     }   }          
L1 L2 L1 L2 L1                      }   }          

 –   +  – – 
remains active under short-  –  + +  – – 

circuit conditions. Power and  –R +R  –R +R  –R +R Loop input Loop output
signals to the affected section ττ ττ ττ

are restored automatically  – L2 L1

in out
Isolating base terminal functions                      }   }          

when the fault is cleared. Control

+ L1 not used
L2 not used
 –  + +  – – 

Panel  –R negative connection to remote LED

The Isolating Base is intended + +R positive connection to remote LED
 –R +R


  screen or earth continuity connections

for use with equipment using  –      τ

the Apollo XP95 and Discovery

   +    R

communication protocol.   –   –      +      +  –

          }                             }             
  t  u
   o  n
   L    2

Fig.19 Schematic wiring diagram of Isolating Base

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Part Numbers: Part Number: 53832-070
Part Numbers: Part no 55000-024
45681-211 (isolator)
55000-720 (base) 55000-268 (5-50m) A light-weight, compact
indicator for use in fire A point flame detector
‘Stand-alone’ isolators, which 55000-273 (50-100m) protection systems. The mounted on a standard XP95
have their own bases, may The intelligent reflective beam indicator may be used in all base used for detecting
be used instead of isolating detector is a compact detector installations incorporating flames indoors. This detector
bases. The isolators are wired for detecting smoke in large Series 65, Orbis, XP95, responds to low-frequency,
to a loop between detectors open areas such as atria, Discovery and Intrinsically flickering infra-red radiation
or other devices. warehouses, theatres and Safe detectors. It is only and will detect even if the lens
churches. It also has a built-in 20mm high and 80mm in is contaminated by oil or dust.
20D negative bi-directional diameter. It comprises two
short circuit isolator. parts – the base, which is
installed onto a wall or soffit
The transmitter and receiver FLAME DETECTOR
and the lid, which is fitted to
Part Number: 55000-265 form a single unit mounted the base with a bayonet lock.
to a wall of the building. Part no 55000-023
The XP95 optical beam
A reflector which returns
detector has been designed A point flame detector
the IR beam from the
to protect large open spaces XP95 FLAME DETECTOR mounted on a standard XP95
transmitter to the receiver
such as museums, churches, base used for detecting flames
is mounted on the opposite
warehouses and factories. It Part Number: indoors. This detector requires
wall. In the event of smoke
consists of three main parts: 55000-280 both IR and UV radiation
partially obscuring the light
the transmitter, which projects An infrared sensor designed before signalling an alarm and
an imbalance between
a beam of infra-red light, the to detect specific types of is used where IR or UV alone
the transmitted and
receiver, which registers the flame, making it immune might cause spurious alarms.
received light will occur. On
light and produces an electrical to solar radiation and other
interrogation by the control Full information on XP95 base
signal, and the interface, which nuisance sources of infrared.
panel the detector will then mounted flame detectors is page
processes the signal and transmit an alarm value. The detector is rated at IP65, contained in PIN sheet PP2343. 19
generates alarm or fault signals. uses XP95 protocol and is
The intelligent reflective beam loop powered – eliminating
The transmitter and receiver
detector is an addition to the the need for a separate
are designed to be fitted on INTERFACES
Apollo range and not a power supply.
opposite walls approximately
replacement for the XP95 A variety of interfaces is
30cm to 60 cm below the level
loop-powered beam detector. available to suit individual
of the ceiling. They can protect BASE MOUNTED UV FLAME applications. These include
an area up to 100m long and The intelligent reflective beam DETECTOR standard, wall-mounted
15m wide, a total of 1500m2. detector is supplied in two
interfaces which incorporate
versions: one for use at Part no 55000-022
The interface contains the isolators, DIN-rail interfaces
distances of 5–50m from
electronic circuitry needed to A point flame detector which clip to standard DIN-
detector to reflector and the
control the beam detector and rails and miniature interfaces
communicate with the control other for distances of 50–100m. mounted
base usedon
standard XP95 which are designed to fit into
panel via the XP95 loop. The detector is non-latching flames indoors. This detector equipment such as manual call
and resets 30 seconds after responds to stationary as well points.
The beam detector is loop-
an alarm event ceases as flickering flames.
powered and needs no Sales brochure PP2025 gives
and in 3 seconds after the
separate 24V supply. This not full information on the ranges
removal of a fault.
only eliminates the need for of interfaces.
additional equipment, it also A termination backbox,
saves both cost and time in part no. 29600-241, is
installation. available. This allows easy
first fixing of the cabling and
terminations to the intelligent
reflective beam detector. The
termination backbox can be
surface or flush mounted.

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DETECTORS DEVICES • Loop-powered 100dB(A)
XP95 Intrinsically safe (IS) Sounder
To complement XP95 systems •

detectors are a development and help make them DDA Intelligent Open Area
of the standard XP95 range Sounder (Sonos)
and are for use in areas where compliant, a choice of audio
visual signalling devices and Beacons
explosive gases are or may
be present. In such cases the accessories is available. The • Loop-powered Beacon
detectors are designed not to ranges include base sounders • Intelligent Open Area
develop sufficient energy to and/or beacons, open area Beacon (Sonos)
produce a spark and hence an sounder-only products, Sounder Beacons
explosion. beacon-only products and
sounder beacon devices. • Multi-Tone Open-Area
Apollo’s IS detectors are The list below defines each Sounder Beacons
approved under the ATEX product type: • Intelligent Open-Area
directive as well as by Sounder Beacons (Sonos)
Base Sounders and/or
LPCB and the main marine Beacons Accessories
certification bodies such as
• Caps
Lloyds. These devices incorporate a
• Beacon enclosures
base into which a detector
Sales leaflet PP1094 gives full • Ceiling Tile Mounting Box for
head can be fitted, giving
details of the IS range. sounders
two, three or four functions
at one point, eg detection Table 3 shows the functionality
XPANDER WIRELESS DEVICES and sounder; detection of each product and whether
and beacon; and detection, it has an integral base.
The XPander range is an
sounder and beacon. Each
extension to XP95 and
combination may then also
communicates with the loop
include isolation.
by means of radio signals.
20 Detectors, call points, sounders Alternatively, caps can be
and beacons communicate fitted to the devices so they
wirelessly with an interface function as sounders and/or
wired to the XP95 loop. beacons only.

All XPander devices are Bases

transparent to the control • Ancillary Base Sounder
panel so that no special panel • Integrated Base Sounders
or programming is required. • Sounder Beacon Base
• Beacon Base
For full details of XPander
please see leaflet PP2320. Open areas
Two ranges of sounder, beacon

and sounder
available beacon
for use are areas
in open
1. A range with a high sound
output, group address
facility and a synchronisation
feature. These products are
mounted directly onto a wall.
2. A range of products with
a separate mounting base
which is installed at the
same time as detector
bases. The base is available
with or without an isolator.

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Product Sounder Beacon Integral Base 
Ancillary Base Sounder   
  
Integrated Base Sounders
Sounder Beacon Bases   
Beacon Bases   
Loop-Powered 100dB(A) Sounder   
Loop-Powered Beacon   
Multi-Tone Open-Area Sounder Beacon   
Intelligent Open Area Sounder (Sonos)   
Intelligent Open Area Beacon (Sonos)   
Intelligent Open-Area Sounder Beacons (Sonos)   
Loop-Powered 100dB(A)
Table 3
Part Numbers:
BASE SOUNDERS AND/OR 55000-274 (weatherproof, red)
BEACONS 55000-275 (weatherproof, white)
55000-276 (slow whoop, red)
55000-277 (slow whoop, white)
55000-278 (red)
55000-279 (white)
55000-276 to 279 (indoor use

Integrated Base Sounders Sounder Beacon Bases
Part Numbers: Part Numbers:
45681-277 (with isolator) 45681-330  (with isolator ) 21
Ancillary Base Sounder 45681-278 (without isolator) 45681-331 (without isolator)
45681-290 (slow whoop 45681-332  (slow whoop
Part Number: 45681-276 with isolator) Dutch standard with isolator) Dutch standard
This is a local-area sounder NEN2575 NEN2575
with an integral base for a 45681-291 (slow whoop 45681-334 (DIN tone with
detector head. The sounder without isolator) Dutch isolator) German standard
is switched by the detector standard NEN2575 DIN33404, Part 3
remote output and needs no 45681-300 (DIN tone with These devices combine
address of its own. isolator) German standard a local-area sounder and Loop-Powered Beacon
DIN33404, Part 3 a flashing beacon. They
Sound output: 85dB(A) at 1 Part Numbers:
metre. These devices incorporate incorporate a base for a 55000-877 (red lens)
a base for a detector head, detector head. Red and white 55000-878 (clear lens, red flash)
feature two volume ranges caps are available. 55000-879 (amber)
and ‘alert’ and ‘evacuate’
tones. Red and white caps Beacon Bases The beacon has been
are available. Part Numbers: developed to alert those with
Sound output ranges: 45681-335 hearing difficulties and for
See PIN sheet PP2203 45681-333  (with isolator) use in areas where there is
a high level of background
noise. The beacon is fitted to
an XP95 mounting base.
The beacon is for indoor use
only. However, when used
with the beacon enclosure,
it can be used outside. See
‘Beacon Enclosure’ under
Accessories for more details.

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Red and white caps are
available for use with base
sounder/beacon devices.
They allow the products
to function as sounders or
beacons without a detector
head being fitted. (excluding
Sounder Beacons Intelligent Open Area Ancillary Base Sounders) Ceiling Tile Mounting Box
Multi-Tone Open-Area Sounder (Sonos) See below for information on Part Numbers:
Part Numbers: Part Numbers: which caps are for use with 45681-309 (for use with
55000-293 (with isolator, red) 55000-001 (red) which base sounder/beacon detector bases)
55000-294 (with isolator, 55000-002 (white) devices. 45681-310 (for use with
white) sounder bases)
Part numbers:
55000-298 (weatherproof, 29600-256 (white cap for A mounting box for use with
with isolator, red) intelligent sounders) Apollo detector and sounder
55000-299 (weatherproof, 29600-257 (red cap for bases which makes it possible
with isolator, white) intelligent sounders) All to fit, wire and, if necessary,
intelligent (Fulleon made) test and commission
Part Numbers for version  sounders and old AlarmSense detectors before the
without isolators:  sounder (45681-259) suspended ceiling is fitted.
55000-291 (red) For further details please see
45681-292 (white cap for
55000-292 (white) document no PP2229
55000-296 (weatherproof,
45681-293 (red cap for IBS)
red) Intelligent Open Area
 All XP95 integrated base
55000-297 (weatherproof, Beacon (Sonos)
age  sounders and all XP95
22 white) Part Numbers:  sounder beacon or beacon
These devices incorporate 55000-009 (red with red only bases; may also be used
audio and visual signalling lens) to blank off a standard XP95
within one unit and are 55000-010 (white with clear base.
designed for use in open lens)
areas. They feature Intelligent Open Area
selectable tones, thus Sounder Beacon (Sonos)
minimising the number of Part Numbers:
regional variants required. 55000-005  (Red)
Sound output: 100dB(A), 55000-006  (White)

Beacon Enclosure
Part Number: 29600-318
The beacon enclosure has a
clear lid and an IP rating of
67 allowing a loop-powered
beacon to be used outdoors.

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All XP95 detectors and manual call points comply with the
requirements of the following EMC standards: The XP95 range of detectors and manual call points is
Generic Emission Standard EN 61000-6-3 approved by a large number of third party certification
Emission standard for residential, commercial and light bodies around the world. These include detector approvals
industrial environments. to EN54:2000 with LPCB, VdS, DIBT, BOSEC and FG and to UL
268 and 521 with UL. For further information and updates
Generic Emission Standard EN 61000-6-4 on approvals held by Apollo for the XP95 range, contact the
Emission standard for industrial environments. company directly or see our website, www.apollo-fire.co.uk
EN 50130-4 : Alarm Systems XP95 detectors comply with the requirements of a number
Electromagnetic compatibility - product family standard: of European New Approach Directives, such as the EMC
Immunity requirements for components of fire, intruder and Directive 2004/108/EC and the Construction Products
social alarm systems Directive 89/106/EEC. Copies of EC certificates of conformity
issued by various Notified Bodies under the Construction
EN 61000-4-2  Products Directive are available from our website www.
Electrostatic discharge apollo-fire.co.uk or directly from Apollo. In addition, copies of
EN 61000-4-3  Declarations of Conformity issued by Apollo for all applicable
Radiated immunity New Approach Directives are available upon request.
EN 61000-4-4  All XP95 products will comply with the marking
Fast transient bursts requirements of the WEEE Directive, 2002/96/EC. For
EN 61000-4-5  further information on disposing of applicable electrical and
Surge immunity electronic waste, contact Apollo directly.

EN 61000-4-6 
Conducted immunity
In addition, all of the XP95 detectors have been assessed 23
to the additional VdS EMC requirements, which are shown
below and have been demonstrated full compliance.
Additional VdS requirements:
30V/m with 80% amplitude sine and 100% pulse modulation
depth over the frequency ranges 415 to 467MHz and 890 to

Apollo Fire Detectors has published a guide to the care,
maintenance and servicing of Apollo products, PP2055, which
is available on request. This guide outlines the maintenance
routines recommended for optimum detector performance
and the services available from Apollo’s factory-based Service

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PP1039/2008/Issue 10

For more information on any of the products mentioned in this engineering guide, please refer
to the following literature which is available on request.

Publication Name Publication Number

Compatible Panel Manufacturers PIN Sheet PP1010
Range of Bases & Mounting Accessories Brochure PP1089
XP95 20D Isolating Base PIN Sheet PP2039
A Guide to the Care, Maintenance and Servicing of Apollo Products PP2055
XP95 Range of Interfaces Brochure PP2025
XP95 Switch Monitor PIN Sheet PP2015 (std enclosure)
  PP2048 (DIN-rail enclosure)
  PP2084 (with isolator)
Mini Switch Monitor PIN Sheet PP2021
Mini Switch Monitor with Interrupt PIN Sheet PP2020
Switch Monitor Plus PIN Sheet PP2014 (std enclosure)
  PP2047 (DIN-rail enclosure)
  PP2083 (with isolator)
Zone Monitor PIN Sheet PP2016 (std enclosure)

  PP2049 (DIN-rail enclosure)

  PP2101 (with isolator)
Sounder Control Unit PIN Sheet PP2019 (std enclosure)
  PP2050 (DIN-rail enclosure)
  PP2094 (with isolator)
Input/Output Unit PIN Sheet PP2017 (std enclosure)
  PP2045 (DIN-rail enclosure)
  PP2092 (with isolator)
Output Unit PIN Sheet PP2018 (std enclosure)
  PP2046 (DIN-rail enclosure)
  PP2093 (with isolator)
XP95 Mains Switching Input/Output Unit PIN Sheet PP2107
Dual Isolator PIN Sheet PP2051 (DIN-rail enclosure)
XP95 Three Channel Input/Output Unit PIN Sheet PP2121
MiniDisc Remote Indicator PIN Sheet PP2074
XP95 Loop-Powered Beam Detector Sales Leaflet PP2078
XP95 Flame Detector Sales Leaflet PP2111
XP95 Flame Detector PIN Sheet PP2110
Short Circuit Isolation in XP95 and Discovery Fire Systems PP2090
Intelligent Reflective Beam Detector PP2155
Ancillary Base Sounder PP2148
Integrated Base Sounder PP2209
Integrated Base Sounder (DIN Tone) PP2227
Loop-powered 100dB Sounder PP2082
Loop-powered Beacon PP2156
Beacon Enclosure PP2204
Sounder Beacon Base PP2235
Multi-tone Open-area Sounder Beacon PP2256

© Apollo Fire Detectors Ltd 1999-2008

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