Trime - PICO 64/32: Manual
Trime - PICO 64/32: Manual
Trime - PICO 64/32: Manual
Manual for TRIME®-PICO 64/32
status October 2009
List of contents
Your sensor is supplied ready for use and works in a wide range of standard soils. For further
information please check the details under Section 6!
A detailed description of how to select a specific operation mode for your application can be found
PLEASE NOTE: Analogue dataloggers require differential inputs!
EnvisLog (PC-Software for Microsoft Windows) only with converter module SM-USB
IMKO calibration and test software TRIMETool (see only with con-
verter module SM-USB
TRIME-PICO64/32 will perform a single measurement when the power is switched on. Once the
measurement has been taken (2..3s) the readings are supplied as analogue output signals until the
power is switched off. The probe switches to the energy-saving mode (>1mA) and takes no more
measurements until the power has been switched off.
1.1.4 PC connection
The TRIME-PICO64/32 can be connected to a PC via:
SM-23U IMP-Bus RS232 converter module
BT-Module IMP-Bus Bluetooth converter module
IMKO supplies pre-drilling sets for an optimal preparation of the installation point avoiding compac-
tion of soil otherwise caused by the insertion of the rods.
3.2 PICO IMP-Bus cable 5m, 4-pin female connector (Item no.: 300080)
Pin layout:
Pin 1: +Vs
Pin 2: R/T (IMP-Bus)
Pin 3: GND
Pin 4: COM (IMP-Bus)
List of abbreviations:
+Vs: + Voltage supply (7..24V/DC) COM: Common (ground for IMP-Bus)
GND: Ground (for voltage supply) AGND: Analogue ground
R/T: Receive/Transmit (on IMP-Bus)
Preboring using the preparation rods for PICO32 and PICO64 avoids
compaction of soil (which would impair measurement accuracy)
damaging the probe’s rods or rod tips. A defective PVC rod coating or a blank rod is sensi-
tive to electromagnetic charge and may destroy the electronics of sensor.
The maximum possible circuit length Imax can then be calculated in the following manner:
A (Vs Vmin )
2 n I max
Please see the following the following example:
In the IMP232 environmental measurement system a bus cable with a wire cross section of
A = 0.34 mm2 is normally used. We further assume that the power supply voltage is Vs =12 V and
only one sensor is designated to measure. Thus n = 1.
0.34mm 2 (12V 7V )
lmax 270m
mm 2
0.0356 1 0.175 A
In the above calculation, no tolerance is included; for security reasons the calculated cable length
should be reduced by 10% to obtain a realistic value.
In order to increase the maximum possible cable length several solutions are feasible.
1. Using cables with larger conductor diameters
By using 6-core conductor cables instead of 4-core, the cable length can be doubled
as two extra cores can be used for power supply. Cables with conductors of larger di-
ameters will further increase the maximum cable length possible.
2. Increasing the power supply voltage
Power supply voltage can be increased up to 17V, thereby raising the maximum
length from 270m to 540m in the example calculation above.
3. Installation of buffer batteries in the distributor
Additional storage batteries close to the TRIME sensors, e.g. in the distributor, allow
cable lengths up to 1km and enable simultaneous measurement of several sensors.
However, this method requires an additional charging circuit for the buffer storage
4. Installation of a voltage regulator at the distributor
Voltage loss in the cable can be reduced with a 30V power supply and an installation
of a voltage regulator directly in front of the TRIME sensor, thus allowing circuit
lengths of up to 1km.
6.2 What are the benefits of the calibration set for the user?
With the calibration set you can easily carry out basic calibration of your TRIME sensor your-
If defective probe rods must be changed, you can perform the required basic calibra-
tion yourself.
The calibration set cannot be used for establishing a material (soil) specific calibration. For this
purpose a measurement dataset must be created for the specific material. The complementary
calibration program TRIME-Tool is required to calculate the calibration data for this dataset
and to download it to the TRIME-PICO-Probe.
Now the second bucket has to be filled with water in order to be able to fill in the glass beads
without leaving air-bubbles. An additional precaution against air-bubbles is to stir slightly while
filling in the glass beads. The container must now be knocked on the ground several times to
obtain a consistent density. The surplus water must be poured out until the depth of the water
film above the glass beads is less than 2mm.
The water-saturated glass beads should be in a temperature range between 20°C and 25°.
Attention: Water dissolves Na2O and K2O from glass which causes a rising pH-value and higher electrical
conductivity. New glass beads have to be washed intensively with tap water!!!
1. Fill a bucket with water
2. Stir the beads under water to drive out all air bubbles
3. Pour out the water. This procedure should be done with new glass beads at least five times,
each time with fresh water. If the glass beads have been in use for a prolonged period, three
times is sufficient.
Please note that the electrical conductivity of the water-saturated glass beads medium
increases already after a few days storage. Therefore the glass beads must be washed again
before the next calibration.
1) Prepare probe body, seals, rods 2) Insert the seals into the bore holes
3) Push the seals to the base of the bore holes 4) Screw the rods into the probe body
where the threads begin
Basic calibration must be performed after exchanging the rods.
Failure to do so will cause a deviation of +2% or more!
10.1 Introduction
Lightning strikes can cause considerable and costly damage to unprotected electronics. The equip-
ment is often totally destroyed. A good number of users are not or only partially insured. Customers
who have lightning protection insurance must comply with defined clauses regarding lightning and
excess voltage. Insurance companies only cover the damage when compliance with the defined
clauses has been proven. IMKO strongly recommends adequate lightning / excess voltage protec-
tion equipment for ENVIS environmental measurement systems.
10.7 Conclusion
Only limited protection against excess voltage is possible where natural phenomenon such as light-
ning strikes are concerned. Direct lightning strikes may cause damage nevertheless.
If you have any questions regarding lightning protection please do not hesitate to contact us.
1-19 The serial communication errors due to Power off, power on PICO and try it
incorrect telegram, baud rate, timing again. Otherwise contact IMKO.
20-39 incorrect command number, command Power off, power on PICO and try it
right or command parameters. again. Otherwise contact IMKO.
100 TDR measurement parameter is incor- Adjust the TDR measurement parameters
rectly set or the material conductivity is or contact IMKO
too high.
101 TDR measurement parameter is incor- Adjust the TDR measurement parameters
rectly set or contact IMKO
103 EC parameter is incorrectly set. Power off, power on PICO and try it
again. Otherwise contact IMKO.
105 Tp is out of range for the standard Check if PICO is inserted in the measured
calibration polynomial. material correctly.
108 TDR measurement parameter is incor- Adjust the TDR measurement parameters
rectly set or the material conductivity is or contact IMKO
too high.
120-129 Internal chip problem Power off, power on PICO and try it
again. Otherwise contact IMKO.
200-254 Reserved