Detailed Index - 2015: Sl. No. Government Order/ Registrar'Circular No. and Date Subject Page No
Detailed Index - 2015: Sl. No. Government Order/ Registrar'Circular No. and Date Subject Page No
Detailed Index - 2015: Sl. No. Government Order/ Registrar'Circular No. and Date Subject Page No
2 gÂthsç‹ foj e.f. 26799/2015/ T£LwÎ- bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f¥
bjhntr 1 ehŸ: 13.04.2015 gâahs®fS¡F <£oa éL¥ò tH§FtJ F¿¤J V
‰fdnt m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥g£LŸsij bra 3-4
‰gL¤Âl bjhl®ghf.
5 gÂthsç‹ foj e.f. 78425 /2015/ T£LwÎ- bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ-
bjhntr1 ehŸ: 17.10.2015 eif¡fl‹ tH§F«nghJ eif¡fl‹ bgWgtiu òif¥gl«
vL¤J- fâå k‰W« eif¡fl‹ gÂnt£oš Ïiz¤J 8-9
guhkç¤jš - m¿Îiu tH§Fjš- bjhl®ghf
6 gÂthsç‹ foj e.f 74252 / 2015 / bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ- 2-tJ k
bjhntr 1 ehŸ: 17. ‰W« 4-tJ rå¡»HikfŸ- éLKiw él¡nfhUjš-
11.2015 bjhl®ghf 10
11 gÂthsç‹ R‰w¿¡if v©. 5 /2015 T£LwÎ – bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f
ehŸ 08.05.2015 cW¥Ãd®fS¡F FW»a fhy g殡fl‹ tH§Ftj
(e.f. 22920/2015 ktbfh 3) ‰fhf bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fS¡F
kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fŸ 31.03.2016 tiu
bjhl®ªJ tH§f mDkÂ- bjhl®ghf.
20 gÂthsç‹ R‰w¿¡if v©.3/2015 (e.f. T£LwÎ – fz¡F guhkç¤jš –bghJ éãnahf £l
14607/2015/ bjhntr 1 ) ehŸ : tuÎ bryÎ k‰W« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹
23.02.2015. r§f§fë‹ tuÎ bryÎfS¡F jå¤jå fz¡F guhkç¤jš - 45-49
m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»wJ.
21 muR¡ foj« v©. (o) bghJ éãnahf¤ £l« - ãahaéiy¡ filfis MŒÎ
v©.77/n#2/2015 T£LwÎ, czÎ k brŒtj‰fhd khjhªÂu Ïy¡F ã®zæ¤jš –
‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ (n#2), bjhl®ghf
Jiw, ehŸ 09.03.2015
22 gÂthsç‹ R‰w¿¡if v©. 4 / 2015 bghJ éãnahf¤Â£l« m¤ÂahtÁa¥ bghU£fŸ 52-53
Sl. Government Order/ Subject Page No.
No. Registrar’Circular No. and Date
(e.f. 85936/2014/ bghéÂf.2) ehŸ: ef®Î k‰W« jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ
11.04.2015 thâg¡ fHf »£l§fŸ MŒÎ brŒjš – m¿ÎiufŸ –
25 murhiz( ãiy) v©.137 T£LwÎ, czÎ k bghJ éãnahf¤ £l«- T£LwÎ ãWtd§fshš
‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤(ÁV1) el¤j¥gL« ãahaéiy¡ fil é‰gidahs®fŸ k
Jiw ehŸ: 09.11.2015. ‰W« f£Le®fS¡F CÂa ca®Î më¤jš- Miz
Sl. Government Order/ Subject Page No.
No. Registrar’Circular No. and Date
Sl. Government Order/ Subject Page No.
No. Registrar’Circular No. and Date
Food and Consumer Protection Persons – Interest free loans to
(CC1) Department dated Differently Abled persons in
26.03.2015 Cooperative Banks – Rs.50.00 lakh
sanctioned – Orders issued.
38 RBI Letter No. RBI/2014-15/ Union Budget – 2015-16 Interest
557 dated 16.4.2015 Subvention Scheme – Reg.
39 NABARD Letter No. NB.DoR- Year 2015-16 – Crop loan (upto
Policy / 1019 . IS-1/2015-16 Rs.3.00 lakh) @ 7% p.a. to farmers 0
dated 25.6.2015 GoI Scheme for 2% interest
Subvention to Banks and 3% Interest 119
Subvention as incentive to farmers for
prompt repayment of crop loans –
40 RBI Letter No. RBI/2015-16/ Union Budget – 2015-16 Interest
152 FIDD.No. FSD.BC.59/ Subvention Scheme – Reg. 120-
05.04.02/ 2015-16 dated 123
41 murhiz( ãiy) v©.104 T£LwÎ, czÎ k T£LwÎ – 2015-16 M« M©o‰fhd
‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ (ÁÁ1) khåa¡ nfhç¡ifæ‹ Ûjhd éthj¤Â‹ nghJ
Jiw ehŸ: 25.09.2015. kh©òäF T£LwΤ Jiw mik¢rç‹ m¿é¥òfŸ – 124-
8 kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fë‹ 27 òÂa 125
»isfŸ %ghŒ 2 nfhona 70 Ïy£r« kÂ¥Õ£oš
Jt¡Fjhš – Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.
43 G.O.(Ms) No.8, Personnel and Tamil Nadu Leave Rules, 1973 – Rule
Administrative Reforms (F.R.III- 15 – Grant of Unearned Leave on
2) Department dated 19.1.2015 Medical Certificate (Medical Leave) –
Consolidated Instructions – Issued.
Sl. Government Order/ Subject Page No.
No. Registrar’Circular No. and Date
53 G.O.(Ms) No.71, Personnel and Tamil Nadu Government Servants
Administrative Reforms (A) Conduct Rules, 1973 – Prescribing
Department dated 02.07.2015 additional format to apply for grant /
renewal of Passport – Instructions