Observational Evidence For AGN Feedback in Early-Type Galaxies
Observational Evidence For AGN Feedback in Early-Type Galaxies
Observational Evidence For AGN Feedback in Early-Type Galaxies
A major amendment in recent models of hierarchical galaxy formation is the inclusion of so-
called active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback. The energy input from an active central massive
black hole is invoked to suppress star formation in early-type galaxies at later epochs. A major
problem is that this process is poorly understood, and compelling observational evidence for
its mere existence is still missing. In search for signatures of AGN feedback, we have compiled
a sample of 16 000 early-type galaxies in the redshift range 0.05 < z < 0.1 from the Sloan
Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data base (MOSES: Morphologically Selected Ellipticals in SDSS).
Key in our approach is the use of a purely morphological selection criterion through visual
inspection which produces a sample that is not biased against recent star formation and nuclear
activity. Based on the nebular emission-line characteristics we separate between star formation
activity, black hole activity, the composite of the two and quiescence. We find that emission is
mostly LINER (low ionization nuclear emission line region) like in high-mass galaxies (σ >
200 km s−1 ) and roughly evenly distributed between star formation and AGN at intermediate
and low (σ < 100 km s−1 ) masses. The objects with emission (∼20 per cent) are offset from
the red sequence and form a well-defined pattern in the colour–mass diagram. Star-forming
early-types inhabit the blue cloud, while early-types with AGN are located considerably closer
to and almost on the red sequence. Star formation–AGN composites are found right between
these two extremes. We further derive galaxy star formation histories using a novel method that
combines multiwavelength photometry from near-ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared (IR) and
stellar absorption indices. We find that in those objects deviating from the red sequence star
formation occurred several 100 Myr in the past involving 1–10 per cent of the total stellar mass.
We identify an evolutionary sequence from star formation via nuclear activity to quiescence.
This transition process lasts about 1 Gyr, and the peak AGN phase occurs roughly half a Gyr
after the starburst. The most likely interpretation is that star formation is suppressed by nuclear
activity in these objects before they settle on the red sequence. This is empirical evidence for
the occurrence of AGN feedback in early-type galaxies at recent epochs.
Key words: galaxies: active – galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD – galaxies: evolution –
galaxies: formation.
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(e.g. Cimatti, Daddi & Renzini 2006; Wake et al. 2006; Rodighiero for the mere existence of AGN feedback in early-type galaxies is
et al. 2007b). still missing.
Until very recently, the predictions from semi-analytic models of The aim of this paper is to tackle the key question of the role of
hierarchical galaxy formation were in severe conflict with the ob- AGN feedback observationally by looking for its signatures in early-
servationally derived formation ages and time-scales of early-type type galaxies at recent epochs in the nearby universe. Crucial for this
galaxies. These models take the merger trees of dark matter haloes in purpose is the compilation of a sample of early-type galaxies with
a cold dark matter (CDM) universe either by following them in a selection method that does not bias against AGN and/or SF. The
a cosmological N-body simulation (Kauffmann et al. 1999) or gen- sample further needs to be large, because the potentially short dura-
erating them using the extended Press–Schechter formalism (White tion of the AGN feedback phase makes such objects relatively rare.
& Frenk 1991). They then calculate the more complex fate of bary- To this end we have constructed a sample of nearly 16 000 early-type
onic matter inside them with prescriptions for star formation (SF; galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) in the redshift
Kennicutt 1998), radiative cooling of gas (Sutherland & Dopita range 0.05 z 0.1. These early-types are part of a sample com-
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to be biased against early-type galaxies with residual SF or AGN
2.3 Photometry
activity. As these are the objects most relevant for the present study,
we decided for a radical, purely morphological selection. We retrieved SDSS model magnitudes (modelMag) for all five filters
The first catalogues of early-type galaxies in the SDSS used for u,g,r,i and z from the SDSS DR4 data base. In order to improve
extensive study are those of Eisenstein et al. (2001) and Bernardi the wavelength coverage of the galaxies in our sample, we match
et al. (2003a,b,c,d). The Bernardi et al. (2003a) catalogue is based them to a number of other surveys, namely GALEX, 2MASS (Two
primarily in the likelihood of the surface-brightness profile resem- Micron All Sky Survey) and SWIRE (Spitzer Wide Area Infrared
bling a de Vaucouleurs law and a high concentration index. This Extragalactic Survey).
is a very efficient way of selecting large numbers of spheroids, but
can fail to reject spiral galaxies with prominent bulges. In partic- 2.3.1 Matching to GALEX
ular, spirals with face-on faint discs and edge-on discs can pass
these criteria. Furthermore, Bernardi et al. (2003a) reject galax- The GALEX (Martin et al. 2005) is conducting several surveys of
2.4 Spectroscopy
SDSS has performed follow-up spectroscopy using 3-arcsec fibres
yielding a reasonably complete sample to r < 17.77 (Blanton et al.
2003a). The spectra cover the range of 3800 to 9200 Å at a resolving
power of 1800 and for the MOSES sample have a typical signal-to-
noise ratio (S/N) of about 30. We retrieve the SDSS optical spectra
for all our galaxies.
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we account also for the impact of diffuse dust in the galaxy of dust in Seyfert AGN and LINERs (low ionization nuclear emission line
the emission-line regions, which allows to obtain a decrement on the regions). The diagrams also contain a transition region, where the
strength of the Balmer lines that is at least what expected by recom- emission lines indicate a blend of SF and AGN activity.
bination theory. From the fit to the stellar continuum and absorption We use the four optical line ratios [O III] λ5007/Hβ, [N II]
features, we measure the line-of-sight velocity dispersions. From λ6583/Hα, [S II] λ6717/Hα and [O I] λ6300/Hα. We follow the S/N
subtraction of the emission-line spectrum from the observed one, criterion of Kauffmann et al. (2003) and classify all galaxies that
we get the clean absorption line spectrum free from emission-line have a S/N > 3 detection of Hα, Hβ, [O III] λ5007 and [N II] λ6583.
contamination. We then use this cleaned spectrum to measure the The two low ionization species [S II] and [O I] are used when de-
stellar absorption indices. The physical constraints on the emission tected, as they are usually weaker than the other four.
from high-order Balmer lines ensures the strength of the correspond-
ing absorption features is correctly estimated, which is crucial for
constraining the ages of stellar populations. 2.5.1 Diagnostic diagrams
The corresponding three diagnostic diagrams are shown in Fig. 2.
Each galaxy is coloured by its optical u − r colour. Point sizes
2.4.2 Lick absorption line indices
scale with the galaxy velocity dispersion as an indicator of mass. In
On each spectrum we measure the 25 standard Lick absorption line each diagram, we indicate the demarcation lines used in our clas-
indices (Worthey et al. 1994; Worthey & Ottaviani 1997) following sification scheme. In the left-hand column, we show the [N II]/Hα
the most recent index definitions of Trager et al. (1998). For this pur- diagram used to separate star-forming objects (blue) by means of
pose the spectral resolution is reduced to the wavelength-dependent the demarkation line by Kauffmann et al. (2003, dashed line). We
Lick resolution (Worthey & Ottaviani 1997). The measurements verified that the somewhat more restrictive separation between star
are then corrected for velocity dispersion broadening. The correc- forming and AGN suggested by Stasińska et al. (2006) does not
tion factor is evaluated using the best-fitting stellar template and alter the results of this work. The remaining objects are divided in
velocity dispersion obtained previously. Errors are determined by composite transition region objects (purple) and AGN using the the-
Monte Carlo simulations on each spectrum individually based on oretical maximum starburst model from Kewley et al. (2001, solid
the S/N provided by the SDSS. Possible discrepancies between the lines).
flux-calibrated SDSS spectral system and the Lick system are negli- The AGN are then further subclassified into Seyferts (green) and
gible, as shown in a detailed analysis of Lick standard stars observed LINERs (red) by the straight solid lines. The more indicative low
with SDSS (Carson 2007). ionization species (middle and right-hand panel) are used where
possible. The best separation of Seyferts and LINERs is achieved
using [O I] (right-hand panel of Fig. 2), which is used wherever
2.5 Emission-line diagnostics
[O I] is detected with S/N > 3. The [O I] line is generally weaker
Emission-line diagnostic diagrams are a powerful way to probe the then any of the other emission lines used, so where it is not avail-
nature of the dominant ionizing source in galaxies (Baldwin, Phillips able, we use [S II]. To separate the two types of AGN, we use the
& Terlevich 1981, hereafter BPT). They allow the separation of lines defined by Kewley et al. (2006). If both these lines are not de-
galaxies into those dominated by ongoing SF and non-stellar pro- tected we adopt the original [N II] diagram for AGN classification.
cesses; and with sufficient information can further split those into Based on the location of those galaxies classified by [O I] or [S II]
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on the [N II] diagram, we define a new empirical Seyfert–LINER 2.5.3 Star formation rates
For those galaxies classified as star forming, we derive SF rates
log([O III]/Hβ) = 1.05 log([N II]/Hα) + 0.45. (1) from the extinction-corrected Hα line luminosity according to the
conversion of Kennicutt (1998). All SF rates for our galaxies quoted
in this paper are based on Hα unless otherwise noted. We cannot
2.5.2 Classification results derive reliable SF rates for any of the other emission line classes,
as an unknown fraction of the Hα emission line is of non-stellar
Following the emission-line classification we divide our early-type
galaxy sample into five classes:
(i) quiescent (orange); 3 S T E L L A R P O P U L AT I O N A N A LY S I S
(ii) star forming (blue);
(iii) transition region (purple); The spectrum of a galaxy contains a record of its SF history over the
(iv) Seyfert (green); age of the universe. Its stellar populations are the combination of
(v) LINER (red). all the episodes of SF that a galaxy and its progenitors underwent.
Reconstructing this SF history or at least recovering it partially is
Most objects in the quiescent early-type galaxy class are virtually a challenging task that requires excellent observational data, stellar
free of emission lines. A small subfraction exhibits weak [O III] population models for the interpretation and a statistically sound
emission, but lack the other emission lines necessary for the BPT method for the recovery.
classification. We verified that a further separation of this subclass For the problem at hand in this paper, we turn to the parametric
does not affect the results of this work. The quiescent objects make approach. It has been used with great success by Ferreras & Silk
up the bulk of the early-type population (82 per cent). The early-type (2000) and by Kaviraj et al. (2007) to use the immense discriminat-
galaxies with significant emission lines (S/N > 3 in the four main ing power of rest-frame NUV and FUV photometry to test whether
BPT lines) represent the remaining fifth of the early-type sample. individual early-type galaxies have undergone episodes of recent
We call these active early-type galaxies, and separate them into star residual SF or not.
forming, transition objects, Seyferts and LINERs. The results of
this classification are summarized in Table 1. For further details
we refer the reader to the paper describing the MOSES catalogue 3.1 Two-component star formation histories
(Schawinski et al., in preparation). We show some example images The aim of this work is the mapping of current SF/AGN activities in
of morphological early-type galaxies in Fig. 3. galaxies with their SF histories. Of particular relevance for us is the
epoch and the strength (hence mass fraction) of the last significant
starburst that occurred in a galaxy. Since the most recent episode
Table 1. Emission line classification results. of SF dominates the spectrum at all wavelengths, it is the easiest to
recover (see Fig. 4). Following the approach of Kaviraj et al. (2007),
Classification Number Fraction Colour
we therefore fit two-component SF histories to the galaxy data.
The old component is modelled as an instantaneous starburst of
Early-type galaxies 15 729 100 per cent variable age and metallicity, and represents the formation of the bulk
Quiescent 12 828 81.5 per cent Orange stellar population of the galaxy before the most recent episode of SF.
Star forming 671 4.3 per cent Blue We allow this old component to vary between a to of 1 and 15 Gyr.
Transition region 1 087 6.9 per cent Purple By marginalizing over this parameter later on, we are summing all
Seyfert 242 1.5 per cent Green possible linear combinations of single starbursts and so take into
LINER 901 5.7 per cent Red account all possible SF histories before the most recent starburst.
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Harris & Harris 2000, 2002; Sarajedini & Jablonka 2005). This
metallicity distribution is modelled with two Gaussians. The bulk
metallicity is a Gaussian with a mean metallicity μZ and a spread
of σ = 0.22 dex, while the tail is parametrized as a Gaussian shifted
by 0.75 dex to lower metallicity with the much larger spread of σ =
1.5 dex. Both components are such metallicity composites, and we
vary μZ to cover a mean mass-weighted metallicity Z(μZ ) ranging
between ∼1/200 and ∼3.5 Z .
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In order to estimate the parameters of interest, we marginal- in panel (d). This plot quantifies strength and epoch of most recent
ize the resulting five-dimensional probability distribution function episode of SF. In panels (e) and (f), we show the projected, pro-
to obtain the two-dimensional distribution in the recent starburst jected probability distributions for the parameters ty and fy . In the
age versus mass-fraction plane (ty –fy ). We integrate over this sur- main analysis we will stack these distributions for various classes
face to obtain confidence levels constraining the age and mass- of galaxies. In panels (g) and (h), we show dust extinction E(B −
fraction of the last significant episode of SF in the galaxy. These V) and the age of the old component.
probability distributions are stacked to get typical values for the The two example galaxies show very different SF histories. The
subpopulations. active galaxy has a very young luminosity-weighted age, which
is well consistent with the increased UV flux. The two-component
SED fit yields an old component of 3 Gyr and places the most recent
3.5 Example galaxies starburst at an age of 400 Myr with a mass fraction of 7 per cent. Its
In this section we present two example fits to galaxies with very dust content is relatively high (E(B − V) = 0.1) in agreement with
Figure 5. An example of a galaxy where we can resolve and quantify the last significant episode of SF. This object is a star-forming early-type galaxy. For a
detailed description, see Section 3.5.
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conclusions that are independent of our stellar population analysis in a green valley between the blue cloud and the red sequence has
method. Quantitative results of the detailed analysis will be pre- been discussed in other recent work in the literature (Faber et al.
sented in the subsequent section. 2007; Graves et al. 2007; Kauffmann et al. 2007; Martin et al. 2007;
Nandra et al. 2007; Salim et al. 2007; Wild et al. 2007).
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et al. 2005; Thomas et al. 2005; Bernardi et al. 2006; Jimenez et al. the blue star forming and the red sequence objects. This indicates
2006). that AGN may have a decisive role to play in this transformation
Fig. 7 shows that our sample comprises a large, statistical sub- process. Fig. 7 suggests that residual SF and nuclear activity are
sample of active early-type galaxies in the intermediate-mass and connected in early-type galaxies. It is possible that the AGN actu-
low-mass regimes (σ 200 km s−1 ) allowing us to study the in- ally suppress the SF activity, and we are witnessing AGN feedback
terplay between SF, nuclear activity and quiescence in early-type in action. Our sample represents the ideal laboratory to probe these
galaxies. We note that many of the high-mass transition region ob- processes.
jects are most likely misclassified LINERs. They do not have any It should be noticed that the massive early-type galaxies in our
star forming or Seyfert counterparts at the same mass. sample do not appear to be part of such transformation process. At
the high-mass end only quiescent and LINER objects are found.
4.3 AGN feedback in action? What needs to be shown is twofold. First, solid evidence for the
At low and intermediate masses we can identify a sequence at a given presence of an evolutionary sequence for the low/intermediate-mass
mass from SF via transition region and AGN activity to quiescence, objects is required. To this end, we have derived detailed SF histories
which is echoed in a sequence from blue to red stellar populations. using the method presented in Section 3 focusing on the epochs and
Taking u − r colour as a proxy for the stellar age and hence using the mass fractions of the most recent starburst. This allows us to inves-
stars as cosmic clock, this is highly suggestive of an evolutionary tigate whether the galaxies of the various subclasses in our sample
sequence. We are observing the act of galaxy transformation from truly belong to the same object type at different evolutionary stages.
the star forming blue cloud via the green valley to the passive red Second, the interaction between SF and nuclear activity along this
sequence in action. sequence must be investigated, with the aim to understand whether
We interpret the deviation from the red sequence as rejuvenation and how the two processes are related. These are addressed in the
due to a recent episode of SF. On their way back to the red sequence, following sections.
galaxies appear to pass through a phase of significant nuclear activ-
ity, as transition region objects and Seyferts have colours between 5 T H E E VO L U T I O N A RY S E Q U E N C E
Following the discussion of the previous section we divide our sam-
ple in three velocity dispersion bins (σ 100 km s−1 , 100 < σ
200 km s−1 , σ > 200 km s−1 ) representing low-mass, intermediate-
mass and massive early-type galaxies. Within each σ bin we main-
tain the five subclasses: star forming, transition object, Seyfert,
LINER and quiescent. Within each of the 15 resulting subclasses
we stack the probability distributions for the SF histories obtained
in the analysis of Section 3. We marginalize over all parameters ex-
cept the mass fraction fy and age ty of the starburst component. The
resulting contours of the probability distributions in the ty –fy plane
are shown in Fig. 9. The panels are analogues to panel (d) of Figs 5
and 6. The five columns show the various emission-line classes, the
rows are the three σ bins. A bar in each panel indicates the relative
fraction of objects in this particular subclass.
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in our sample galaxies reveal clear evidence for the occurrence of a diate mass bin containing galaxies with 100 σ < 200 km s−1 . In
starburst between 100 Myr and 1 Gyr in the past involving a typical the highest bin for objects with velocity dispersion above 200 km s−1
mass fraction of 1 to 10 per cent. This reinforces the interpretation the evolutionary sequence is not detected. At the high-mass end, the
of deviations from the red sequence in the colour–σ diagram (see vast majority of galaxies is quiescent, and no recent starburst within
Fig. 7) to be caused by recent rejuvenation events. Key is the epochs the past few Gyrs has occurred. The small fraction of active galaxies
and mass fractions of this rejuvenation for the various emission-line is by far dominated by LINER-like emission, with some transition
classes. While the starburst ages clearly increase from star forming region objects that are in fact closer to the properties of LINERs
via AGN dominated to quiescent in a continuous sequence from (see Section 6.5.3).
∼100 Myr to beyond 1 Gyr, the mass fractions remain the same.
This points to the various emission line classes having undergone
the equivalent rejuvenation event in the past, and the only feature
5.2 Time-scales along the sequence
differentiating the various classes is the time elapsed since that SF
episode. Hence, the objects of the various emission classes in the For the low- and intermediate-mass objects (σ < 200 km s−1 ) we
panels along one row in Fig. 9 are identical in terms of mass, mor- can now determine the relative and absolute timing of this transfor-
phology and SF history, except that the epoch of the last starburst mation process. We marginalize over the mass fraction and compute
varies. This means we have resolved an evolutionary sequence, and the stacked probability distributions of starburst ages for the various
what we are seeing is the process of rejuvenation in early-type galax- emission-line classes. The result is shown in Fig. 10 for the low-
ies at different evolutionary stages. This time sequence includes a and intermediate-mass early-type galaxies in the left- and right-
phase of AGN activity along the way. hand panels, while in Table 2, we give the figures in Myrs. In both
The fraction of objects taking part in this transformation is mass bins, we can see the shift in the age of the last episode of
strongly dependent on mass. In the lowest mass bin about one third SF in a sequence as could already be seen from Fig. 9. The star-
of the objects shows emission lines and is caught in the process of forming objects are clearly the ones most recently rejuvenated with
this transformation. This fraction drops to 13 per cent in the interme- starburst ages around 150–300 Myr, with the latter increasing along
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Table 2. The time sequence: the age of the last episode of SF as a function of mass and emission line class.
Mass regime Velocity dispersion Star formation Transition region Seyfert AGN LINERs Quiescent
(km s−1 ) (Myr) (Myr) (Myr) (Myr) (Myr)
Note. The time intervals given in this table correspond to the 50 per cent probability intervals from Fig. 10.
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star forming one in both mass regimes this suggests that not all As ought to be expected, dust content decreases along the sequence
low-mass objects go through the time sequence. Hence SF is not discussed above with highest dust attenuation in the star-forming
followed by nuclear activity in all cases, and the true proportions objects (E(B − V) ∼ 0.1) and the lowest in the quiescent ones
between star forming and transition region objects for the SF–AGN (E(B − V) 0.05). This internal consistency further strengthens
sequence may be observed only at intermediate mass. This implies the conclusion that we are indeed observing a time sequence and
the presence of a tail of young quiescent objects in the low-mass are witnessing the transformation of early-type galaxies from SF
bin, which is indeed indicated by the probability distributions in via AGN to quiescence. In order to mimic a time sequence in the
Fig. 10. observed u − r colours with a variation in the amount of dust rather
Still, the ratio transition region to star-forming objects seems than in age, the trend in E(B − V) would have to be the opposite of
slightly too high at intermediate masses. The reason for this may what we observe.
be that some fraction of transition objects are misclassified and are
actually LINERs (see Section 6.5.3). This would also explain why
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6.1.2 Gas depletion time-scale: in favour of AGN feedback our selection criteria, hence they most likely do not have early-type
In order to distinguish these two scenarios, we compare the ob-
served time-scale for the fading of SF with simple theoretical
estimates based on the Schmidt–Kennicutt law (Schmidt 1959;
6.3.1 Prodigious star formation in the recent past
Kennicutt 1998). The latter relates the SF rate with the ratio of gas
mass surface density and the dynamical time-scale of the system As we model the starburst as composite stellar population with ex-
scaled by an efficiency . We assume that the dynamical time-scale ponentially declining SF histories, these progenitors must have had
of SF is on typical galaxy time-scales of ∼0.1–0.5 Gyr, as observed significantly higher SF rates in the past. The typical star-forming
in gas discs in elliptical galaxies (Young 2002). We can exclude early-type galaxy has a mass of about 5 × 1010 M and has formed
shorter dynamical time-scales caused by a concentration of the star- about 5 per cent of its stellar mass in the current burst (i.e. 2.5 ×
burst activity to small radii, as the mean petrosian half-light radii of 109 M ) over the last 100 Myr. This corresponds to an average SF
the u-band light in the star-forming early-types (2.25 arcsec) imply rate of 25 M yr−1 , resulting in an infrared luminosity LIR of 1.25 ×
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resolution, is clearly needed to identify signatures of recent merger Eddington ratios, instead, might be responsible (or at least part of)
activity in our sample objects (see e.g. van Dokkum 2005; Bell et al. the rigorous AGN feedback process in massive early-type galax-
2006). ies that avoid rejuvenation in the first place. Fig. 12 illustrates the
extended rise and decline in both accretion rate and Eddington ra-
tio over the time domain covered by the time sequence. While the
6.4 Eddington ratios along the sequence transition region to Seyfert evolution brings with it an increase in
accretion, the progression to a LINER is accompanied by a decline.
In the following we discuss the nature of accretion on to the super-
massive black hole along the AGN feedback sequence. In Fig. 12,
we show the distributions of [O III] luminosity and the quantity 6.5 The role of LINERs
L[O III]/σ 4 for Seyfert, low-mass and high-mass LINERs. L[O III]/σ 4
has been introduced by Kewley et al. (2006) as a tracer of the Ed- Fig. 9 shows that the fraction of LINERs observed increases with
dington ratio assuming that [O III] luminosity scales with the AGN increasing galaxy mass, while the fraction of galaxies undergoing
bolometric luminosity (Heckman et al. 2004), and that σ 4 provides the SF–AGN sequence decreases. Hence, LINERs appear to come
an estimate of the central supermassive black hole mass (Ferrarese & in two flavours. Some are part of the evolutionary sequence of low-
Merritt 2000; Gebhardt et al. 2000). Based on this quantity Kewley and intermediate-mass galaxies, but the majority is found in the
et al. (2006) show that the fundamental difference between Seyferts massive, quiescent early-type galaxies of our sample.
and LINERs in the SDSS data base is the accretion efficiency, with It should be emphasized that the LINER-like emission observed
the LINERs being at lower Eddington ratios than the Seyferts. Since here is most likely caused by nuclear activity. The extended LINER-
the transition region objects [O III] line luminosities have some con- like emission not associated with an AGN found by Sarzi et al.
tribution from SF, we can treat them as upper limits on both the (2006) in very nearby early-type galaxies is significantly weaker
accretion rate and efficiency. (typically with total L[O III] <106 L ; cf. Fig. 12) and would remain
We find that the Seyfert early types in our sample are high- undetected in our sample.
luminosity AGN with high L[O III] luminosities and high L[O III]/σ 4
ratios, indicating that they are strongly accreting systems relatively
6.5.1 LINERs in low and intermediate masses
close to the Eddington limit. The LINERs, instead, have lower
L[O III] luminosities and lower Eddington ratios. There is an in- As discussed in the previous sections, the early-type galaxies with
teresting trend with mass, however. The massive LINERs exhibit LINER emission appear on the evolutionary sequence of low- and
the lowest accretion rates, while the low- and intermediate-mass intermediate-mass objects between Seyfert-like nuclear activity and
objects are found between massive LINERs and Seyferts. Hence quiescence. This means that early-type galaxies transition from a
our low-mass and high-mass LINER early-type galaxies are objects high-accretion regime characterized by Seyfert emission to a low
in different states of nuclear activity. The former represent probably accretion regime characterized by LINER emission (Kewley et al.
the end stage of the SF–AGN sequence. If the Seyfert phase is a 2006) as they proceed to fade on to the red sequence. This can be
high-accretion phase during which the AGN feedback process oc- interpreted as the AGN running out of fuel. This is well consistent
curs, then the transition to the LINER phase is the point at which with the study of Yan et al. (2006), who find that many post-starburst
the supply of gas has been largely used up by SF and/or accretion galaxies show strong [O II] emission, but no Hα, indicating no fur-
on to the black hole. The massive LINERs characterized by low ther ongoing SF, which they associate with LINERs.
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can disentangle contributions from polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-
6.5.2 LINERs in massive galaxies bon (PAH) lines to any hotter dust components due to an AGN.
Already in the intermediate-mass bin, most LINERs appear to be Finally, deep optical imaging would be very valuable and help to
associated with stellar quiescence (Fig. 9), and none of the LINERs determine the role of mergers and interactions along the AGN feed-
in the highest mass bin are connected with rejuvenation. This might back sequence.
be AGN feedback in its most rigorous form and is consistent with Observations at the observatory of the Institut de Radioas-
the fact that the efficiency of AGN feedback must increase with in- tronomie Milimetrique (IRAM) and at the Very Large Array (VLA)
creasing galaxy mass in the models in order to reproduce observed to address part of these questions have been taken in 2007 June and
UV colours (Schawinski et al. 2006a). While late SF seems to be July.
terminated by nuclear activity in low-mass early-type galaxies, the
AGN in massive galaxies may prevent SF in the first place. These 7 CONCLUSIONS
massive galaxies most likely have experienced strong AGN feed-
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time-scale and the mass fraction involved is the same for all the emis- University, the United States Naval Observatory and the University
sion line early-type galaxies whether they are star forming, transition of Washington.
region, Seyferts or LINERs. They are offset in time, however, with This publication makes use of data products from the 2MASS,
the star forming being the youngest, and the Seyfert/LINERs being which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the In-
the oldest. Quiescent galaxies (objects without emission lines) have frared Processing and Analysis Centre/California Institute of Tech-
starburst ages larger than 1 Gyr, which sets the time-scale for the nology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
transition process we observe. The duration of the various phases tion and the National Science Foundation.
along this sequence agree reasonably well with the number fractions
observed, once geometric effects of Seyfert activity are taken into
account. Dust content decreases along the sequence with highest
dust attenuation in the star-forming objects (E(B − V) ∼ 0.1) and
the lowest in the quiescent ones (E(B − V) 0.05). Adelman-McCarthy J. K. et al., 2006, ApJS, 162, 38
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