Eo 20-227
Eo 20-227
Eo 20-227
WHEREAS, the Honorable ED BRODSKY, State Attorney for the Twelfth Judicial
Circuit of Florida, has advised Governor RON DESANTIS that Eric Robinson is under
WHEREAS, the Honorable ED BRODSKY has also advised the Governor that the
state attorney 's office employs Eric Robinson in a professional capacity; and
appearance of impropriety, has voluntarily disqualified himself and has requested the
executive assignment of another State Attorney with respect to the investigation and
Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, has agreed to accept an executive assignment in this
matter; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the State of Florida and of the ends ofjustice
that the Honorable ANDREW H. WARREN discharge the duties of the Honorable ED
solemn constitutional duty to ''take care that the laws be faithfully executed," and pursuant
to the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida, issue the following Executive Order,
effective immediately:
Section 1.
The Honorable ANDREW H. WARREN, State Attorney for the Thirteenth Judicial
Circuit of Florida, referred to as the "Assigned State Attorney," is assigned to discharge the
duties of the Honorable ED BRODSKY, State Attorney for the Twelfth Judicial Circuit of
Florida, as they relate to the investigation, prosecution, and all matters related to Eric
Section 2.
The Assigned State Attorney or one or more Assistant State Attorneys and
Investigators, who have been designated by the Assigned State Attorney, shall proceed
immediately to the Twelfth Judicial Circuit of Florida, and are vested with the authority to
Section 3.
All residents of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit are requested, and all public officials are
directed, to cooperate and render whatever assistance is necessary to the Assigned State
Section 4.
The period of this Executive Assignment shall be for one ( 1) year, to and including
The Assigned State Attorney shall notify the Governor on or before August 22, 2021,
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