Operating Guidelines of Eo 138
Operating Guidelines of Eo 138
Operating Guidelines of Eo 138
1. Rationale
This Executive Order implements current government policy to pursue a liberalized and market-
oriented economy where the private sector plays a major role and the government provides the
enabling environment for the efficient functioning of markets and the participation of the private sector.
This EO also implements government's derivative under AO 86 issued in 1994 to rationalize directed
credit programs in all sectors of the economy. The AO created and mandated the National Credit
Council (NCC), an inter-agency body, to implement the directive.
In 1997, Congress likewise formulated measures that support the implementation of this policy - the
Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) and Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act.
These laws espoused the implementation of market-based financial and credit policies and the
establishment of a viable and sustainable financial market. The AFMA in particular provides for the
phase-out of directed credit programs in the agriculture sector over a four-year period.
3. Definition of Terms
3.1 Government non-financial agencies (GNFAs) - these refer to all government departments and line
agencies involved in the delivery of basic support and infrastructure services to clients of specific
sectors (e.g. Department of Agriculture, Department of Trade and Industry etc.).
3.2 Government financial institutions (GFIs) - are those financial institution in which the government
directly or indirectly own majority of the capital stock and which are either registered with or directly
supervised by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.
3.3 Government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) - these are corporations, which are
created by special law or organized under the corporation code in which the government, directly or
indirectly, has majority ownership of the capital stock.
3.4 Private Financial Institutions (PFIs) - include all private entities engaged in the delivery of financial
services to the basic sector. These include rural banks, thrift banks, micro-credit NGOs, credit
cooperatives, multi-purpose cooperatives with lending operations, people's organization and other
private banks.
3.5 Directed credit Programs (DCPs) - as defined in Executive Order No. 138, directed credit
programs refer to those programs implemented by the government which are funded out of budgetary
allocation, special funds from the government, loans or grants from donor agencies, and are lent out at
subsidized interest rates.
3.6 Market-oriented interest rates - this is defined as the prevailing 91-day Treasury Bill weighted
average interest rate. Financial institutions engaged in lending should consider recovery of financial
and operational costs of wholesale/retail lending in interest rate setting. The 91-day Treasury Bill will
be used as the benchmark rate in determining the market interest rates.
Approved by the National Credit Council Executive Committee on 29th day of March 2000.