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BASF MasterSeal NP 472

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MasterSeal® NP 472

One part polyurethane based elastomeric joint sealant


MasterSeal NP 472 is a high performance one
component, moisture curing, polyurethane Skin formation time (23°C, 50% RH) 120 mins
construction sealant. In properly designed and
Rate of cure in mm 24 hours (23°C,
constructed joints the product has been > 2.5mm
50% RH)
formulated to offer a non-slump elastomeric seal, Resistance to flow 23°C ISO 7390 < 3mm
which exhibits good skin formation time and a 50°C ISO 7390 < 3mm
fast cure.
Shrinkage (ISO 10563) < 10%

TYPICAL USES Temperature of application +5°C to +40°C

MasterSeal NP 472 has been developed Specific gravity 1.2g/cm³
specifically for sealing dynamically moving joints
such as; expansion and control joints. Shore A Hardness (ISO 868) 15-20
MasterSeal NP 472 demonstrates high elasticity E-Modulus at 100% (ISO 8339) 0.15-0.20N/mm²
and recovery properties and therefore may be
used to bond and seal most common building Elongation at break (ISO 8339) >500%
materials including concrete, glass, wood, stone, Elastic recovery (ISO 7389) >70%
metal and anodised aluminium. In addition
MasterSeal NP 472 has excellent tear Movement capability ±25%
resistance and good weathering characteristics. Service Temperature -30°C to +70°C

• Durable resilient seal
• Non-staining
To ensure excellent adhesion the joint profile
• Primer-free (except M1 smooth mortar) including the arises should be clean, sound, dry
• Demonstrates good resistance to dilute acids and free from any loosely adherent material
and alkalis which could prevent adequate bond to the
• Different colours available substrate.

PACKAGING Long term UV exposure may cause

MasterSeal NP 472 is supplied in 310ml MasterSeal NP 472 to discolour. This does not
cartridge and 600ml sausage. affect the MasterSeal NP 472 performance.

COLOURS Application:
MasterSeal NP 472 is available in: MasterSeal NP 472 shall be applied using a
Concrete Grey (RAL 7004), Off White (RAL conventional sealant application gun, ensuring
1015) and White (RAL 9010) enough sealant is applied to facilitate the correct
Note: The colours mentioned are closest match width to depth ratio for the joint. Following the
to the RAL Nos. application the sealant must be tooled into place
to ensure adequate adhesion with the joint
profile is achieved. Finally tool to a neat finish
using a solution of soap and water onto a gloved
Conforms to ISO 11600 Class F25LM on finger or tooling stick.
anodized aluminum and mortar.
Conforms to ASTM C920 Type S, Grade NS,
Class 25, Use T1, NT, A and M
Conforms to DIN 18540
MasterSeal® NP 472


MasterSeal NP 472 has resistance to: Contains isocyanates, contact with the skin or
eyes should be avoided, if ingested, DO NOT
Dilute acids and alkalis Medium induce vomiting. Seek medical attention
Ultra violet light Good immediately. Refer to product MSDS.
Saline solutions Excellent
CONSUMPTION Field service, where provided, does not
Applicable joint length with a 600ml cartridge (in constitute supervisory responsibility. For
meters) additional information contact your local BASF
Joint depth Joint width (mm) approx. representative.
(mm) 4 6 8 12 20
4 37.5 25 18.7 12.5 7.5 BASF reserves the right to have the true cause
6 - 16.6 12.5 8.3 5.0 of any difficulty determined by accepted test
8 - - 9.3 6.2 3.7
10 - - - 5.0 3.0
All products originating from BASF’s Dubai, UAE
EQUIPMENT CLEANING facility are manufactured under a management
It is recommended that MasterSeal NP 472 be system independently certified to conform to the
removed immediately from tools etc using a requirements of the quality, environmental and
solvent (toluene or xylene) before curing takes occupational health & safety standards ISO
place. Cured material can only be removed by 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
mechanical means.
* Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.
® = Registered trademark of the BASF-Group in many countries.
Minimum +5°C
Maximum +40°C


MasterSeal NP 472 has a shelf life of 12 months
from production date when stored in its original
packaging at temperatures between 5°C and

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.

Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF either
NOTE orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not
BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

BASF Construction Chemicals UAE LLC Disclaimer: the LRQA mark relates
P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, UAE to certified management system and
Tel: +971 4 8090800, Fax: +971 4 8851002 not to the product mentioned on this
www.master-builders-solutions.basf.ae datasheet

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