6028 13898 1 PB
6028 13898 1 PB
6028 13898 1 PB
Vol.9, No 2 pp. 467-484
ISSN 1805-3602
Strengthening governmental accountability is a crucial consequence of governmental poli-
cies which could enhance the quality of reporting. International public sector accounting standards
have been perceived as a step towards enhancing quality reporting of state owned entities. The study
investigated the impact of transparency, financial statement disclosure and comparability on the
quality of financial reporting in state owned administration in Pakistan. Also, the study employed
the use of accounting information system as a moderator to assess the moderating effect of AIS. The
research methodology is based on a questionnaire sent to state owned entities. Regression Analysis
was employed to determine the relationship among the variables. The results indicate that compara-
bility, financial statement disclosure and transparency are all positively and significantly associated
with the quality of financial reporting, providing evidence of the impact of explanatory variables on
the quality of reporting in Pakistan. The moderation results indicate that AIS positively and signifi-
cantly moderates the relationship among transparency and quality of reporting and comparability
and quality of reporting. Notwithstanding, AIS was found to have an insignificant moderating effect
on the relationship of financial statement disclosure and quality of reporting. The finding of the
study implies that government of Pakistan needs to adopt a more robust approach to improve quality
of financial reporting.
Keywords: IPSAS, quality of reporting, accounting information system, comparability, Pa-
The essential motive of state owned entities is to provide services for the general public, as
opposed to generating revenue or enhancing the return for speculators or investors (Ijeoma, 2014).
Subsequently, the evaluation of performance of such types of companies can be just halfway as-
sessed through inspection of financial performance, cash flows and position of the entity. State
owned entities comprise of regional, local and national governments with other inter-related parties
such as boards, enterprises etc. State owned enterprises have expansive forces, including the capaci-
ty to build up and implement legitimate policies, and to change those prerequisites (Brusca &
Martinez, 2016). As it is evident that the purpose of the public sector entities is different from the
private sector companies. The focus of the private companies is on the shareholders while the focus
of the public sector is on the general public which includes lenders and donors. Below is the discus-
sion of the users of these reports.
Users of Financial Reports
The resources are raised from the citizens (taxpayers), contributors (also called donors),
banks and other money suppliers for arrangement of service to the people other administration bene-
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Aideed Bashir, Abeera Amir
ficiaries for the decision making purposes the accurate information is essential (IPSAS, 2014). The
governing body and individuals from parliament are essential users of GPFRs (General Purpose Fi-
nancial Reports). They make broad and continuous utilization of GPFRs. Thus, GPFRs of state
owned entities are formulated fundamentally to capture the needs of the administration beneficiaries
and resource suppliers who do not have the power to demand to the state owned entities to provide
the information which is essential for accountability and decision-making purposes (IPSASB, 2008).
The users like analysts, statisticians, lobby groups and media will be benefited from these financial
reports. The other users of these financial reports are administrative and oversight bodies, review
organizations, subcommittees of the lawmaking bodies or other administering bodies, focal offices
and spending controllers, substance administration and rating offices .While these different gather-
ings may discover the data gave by GPFRs valuable, they are not the essential of GPFRs. Along
these lines, GPFRs are not created to explicitly react to their specific data needs.
Standards set provide useful information to the users of accounting knowledge in order to
evaluate and make appropriate decisions(Simone, 2016). Hence, financial reporting users related to
the state owned entities require information to aid evaluations regarding the following matters:
Whether the company provided its administrations to users of financial reporting in a
proficient and efficient manner.
Whether the assets in possession for future obligations or expenses, and to what de-
gree there are confinements or conditions joined to their utilization.
To what degree the impact on future-year citizens of paying for current administra-
tions has changed; and
Whether the company’s capacity to provide services has enhanced or disintegrated as
related to before.
The quality of the financial reports is a major concern not only for the users but also for the
entire society as it influences monetary choices which may have critical effect. This was most con-
firming by a progression of corporate and financial failure (Enron, Lehman Brothers, AIG etc) relat-
ing the monetary conditions made by the current economic failures. Due to more demand for better
and enhanced accountability, transparency, credibility among state owned finances, numerous gov-
ernments everywhere throughout the world have set out to change their government monetary ad-
ministration frameworks and procedures(Kargin, 2013). The current worldwide monetary emergen-
cy and the serious financial limitations being experienced by numerous governments has been rea-
lized the requirement for governments to effectively report the financial position of the entity
(Ijeoma, 2014).
Public sector has been reprimanded in Pakistan and everywhere throughout the world; citi-
zens need to see a productive and viable working government and an administration that is reliable,
consistent and credible with best knowledge and above all, nationals need a responsible government
(IPSAS, 2014). Remotely, the impact for top quality state owned enterprises report is significantly
more serious for emerging nations who need to issue monetary instruments in the money markets.
Furthermore, there exist different emergencies in numerous emerging nations particularly in Pakis-
tan; with government obligation levels sitting at extremely dubious heights. It is along these lines
basic that state owned enterprises administration accounts should be governed and managed precise-
ly. Numerous accountants perceive such can be accomplished by selection of IPSAS (Ouda, 2004).
General society has dependably requested a more significant and solid budgetary explana-
tions from focal Government, annual reports which catches and epitomizes all valuable information
which is required by different accounting users of such annual reports. The approval of IPSAS mat-
ter is an essential issue since it enhances the limit of governments to give the administrative bodies,
general public and different partners with reasonable, applicable, solid, and tantamount annual re-
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ports information (Ijeoma, 2014). In light of the inescapability and seriousness of government de-
filement in numerous creating nations, money related trustworthiness affirmation is a basically criti-
cal capacity of their administration bookkeeping frameworks. Accomplishing this requires amazing
information on which to base choices (FASB, 1978). Opportune, clear and open yearly budgetary
explanations assume a noteworthy part in the responsibility of governments to their residents and
their chose agents. Defilement may just be diminished by receiving driving practices in monetary
bookkeeping like IPSAS.
Standards are utilized due to the primary obligatory mechanisms for the arrangement and
preparation of annual reports and consequent audit upon all condition around the world. Accounting
principles are related with the plan of estimation and divulgence standards for the arrangement and
manifestation of annual statements(Devalle, Onali, & Magarini, 2010).The principles turn out with
an arrangement of essential articulations of how specific sorts of procedures, occasions and different
expenses ought to be known and announced in the annual statements. Public controversy relating to
financial responsibility upon state owned entities throughout the period of time has intrigued the
government to be more associated with liable control over the activities (Chan, 2008).
Due to advancement throughout the period of time has led to expanding joint effort among
worldwide exchange and business between nations subsequently. There is grave requirement for ex-
panded consistency in the standards managing annual statements so as to such explanation would
stay intelligible and gather the same information to individuals over the world. Such conception can
be utilized by employing AIS. The requirement for the improvement of similar accounting standards
has been the essential driver of IPSAS for state owned reporting (Opanyi, 2016). As per the modern
worldwide insurgency in government bookkeeping IPSAS has been proposed for appropriation by
governments around the world, where IPSAS indicates the suggestions passed by the IPSAS panel
under the protection of the IFAs (Chan, 2008).
Problem statement
The public sector is usually under pressure due to several reasons. The financial reports in
public sector companies need to be formulated timely with utmost accuracy and reliability. Similar-
ly, it has been broadly recognized that there are major issues that as of now hinder the productivity
and adequacy of the Government of Pakistan’s finance and bookkeeping capacities. The other con-
cerns are that low quality, irrelevant information and credibility are also absent in public sector re-
ports. This is because of poor execution of fundamental budgetary capacities, poor supervision,
lacking financial information, poor employee morale and behavior to bookkeeping and responsibili-
ty. The results are absence of administration information for decision. Similarly, absence of trust in
the information is accessible on the grounds that it is not consistent with the contributor and other
partners and absence of validity for the most part general, poor execution (Narayan & Godden,
2000).These intrinsic issues have recommended as adding to the moderate advance by Government
of Pakistan in actualizing its state owned division changes in relation to strict adoption of IPSAS
contrasted with different nations.
One concern that makes better quality states owned accounting is important in numerous na-
tions is to make issuance of Government monetary instruments alluring in the worldwide money re-
lated markets. Further, there exist different emergencies in numerous nations particularly in Pakistan
with government obligation levels sitting at exceptionally unstable levels; and it is no news that ad-
ministration accounts should be overseen precisely. In this way, selection of IPSAS would build va-
lidity and affirmations of these money related articulations. The motivation behind conducting the
research is due the reason of limited studies conducted relating to financial reporting among the pub-
lic sector of Pakistan. Therefore, to assess whether the adoption of IPSAS among the public sector
enhances the overall integrity, transparency, creditability of the annual reports produced by state
owned entities in Pakistan. Also, another major aim of the study relates to investigate the moderat-
ing effect of AIS between the relationship of explanatory variables (FSD, transparency and compa-
rability) and explained variables (quality of reporting).
Literature Review
The open deliberation on worldwide harmonization of book keeping measures began in the
1960s and various overviews of the literature writing on harmonization and IPSAS execution have
been composed over time (Ali, 2006). IPSASs mean to enhance the nature of broadly useful finan-
cial reporting by government sector entities, expanding accountability, transparency and responsibil-
ity in general society segment and upgrading the comparability of reporting around the
globe(IPSAS, 2014; Brusca & Martinez, 2016). Numerous nations, and also many public organiza-
tions, have progressing forms for embracing IPSAS. Utilizing (Humphrey, Loft, & Woods, 2009)
language, we can state that a worldwide public entity reporting design has been developed, which
alludes to the structure and process that can achieve the comparability of government entity book-
keeping. The approach to global harmonization and merging can turn into a reality through the ap-
proval of IPSAS. Approval can be characterized as a procedure that infers the company to criteria of
accounting standards for domestic control (Pacter, 2005).
The method of merging bookkeeping standards means to upgrade the universal comparabili-
ty of annual reports, keeping in mind the end goal to fulfill the information needs of various types of
stakeholders on international markets (Choi, 2003). In any case, as featured by (Alexander & Nobes,
2004; Zeff, 2013; Christiaens, Vanhee, Rossi, Aversano, & Cauwenberge, 2015), the use of interna-
tional and bookkeeping standards varies for various purposes. Indeed, even in the state owned enti-
ties there is a developing enthusiasm toward the use and approval of proper accounting rules, result-
ing about the need for IPSAS. Such standards and models plan to enhance the comparability at vari-
ous legislative levels. For a long time budgetary bookkeeping and accounting has been the standard
bookkeeping and financial information system in government owned entities (IFACPSC, 2000;
IFAC, 2008). The greater part of governments theoretically require budgetary bookkeeping and ac-
counting to oversee and administer budget/spending allocation, i.e. with regards to the yearly dis-
cussion and acceptance to follow up of their financial plans to spend (Christiaens et al., 2015).
IPSAS alludes to the suggestions made by the IPSASB under the authority of the IFAC
(IPSASB, 2008; Opanyi, 2016). IPSAS are standards that administer the acknowledgment, estima-
tion, and introduction and divulge prerequisites in connection to exchanges and transactions. The
advancement of IPSAS has its origin in the bookkeeping methods as an approach to enhance the ac-
countability and transparency of state owned entities by enhancing reporting and bookkeeping
(Ijeoma, 2014). Annual statements arranged as per IPSAS must present reasonably the financial per-
formance and position. So as to meet this necessity, a state owned entity should as a matter of first
importance watch general qualitative attributes of reporting. Such reporting qualities of financial
principles are essential standards for presenting annual reports as per IPSASs. The four essential
qualities are relevance, comparability, reliability and transparency (Berger, 2018).It is perfect for all
state owned entities reporting to embrace IPSAS guidelines for budgetary reporting. All things con-
sidered, IPSASB has recognized that for some administrations, selection of a cash basis IPSAS is a
more practical transitional objective (Cooper, 2009; Opanyi, 2016).
The essential part of the IPSASB is to guarantee that published annual reports explanations
are uniform in content. Also they organize and impart exactly what they imply to convey leading
enhanced informed appraisals of the asset or resource allocation choices made by governments.
Thus, in this way expanding accountability furthermore, transparency and quality of reporting
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(Emau, Mercy, & Andy, 2012).An objective of the IASC and IASB is to build up a globally worthy
set of effective monetary set of standards. To accomplish this objective, the IASC and IASB have
issued standards based models, and made moves to evacuate admissible bookkeeping choices. Also,
to require bookkeeping estimations that better mirror a company's financial position and execution
(Ashbaugh & Pincus, 2001). Constraining choices can expand bookkeeping quality in light of the
fact that doing as such restrains administration's crafty circumspection in deciding bookkeeping re-
ports. Bookkeeping reports that better mirror a company’s hidden financial aspects, because of ei-
ther standards (IPSAS) or required bookkeeping estimations, can increment bookkeeping quality.
Similarly, as such furnishes financial specialists with information to help them in formulating effec-
tive business decisions.
Financial Reporting Quality and IPSAS
Financial reporting quality is a correspondence of budgetary explanations/ annual reports and
related data from a business enterprise to external users of such information. The fundamental aim
of reporting is to give enhanced quality financial information on reporting entities, which can be uti-
lized for sound monetary and financing decision making (IASB, 2010). This emphatically impact
old or present potential capital suppliers and other various stakeholders when making monetary
choices (credit decisions, Investment, and allocating resources) that may improve general capital
markets effectiveness (IASB, 2010). It also provides information on administration's adequacy in
using the assets and running the business activities. Financial accountability is concerned with com-
pany’s duty to investors related to providing efficient reports in order to formulate better decisions.
It clearly incorporates the enthusiasm of individuals other than existing investors (FASB, 1978;
Opanyi, 2016).Financial reporting and bookkeeping quality is with which financial related reports
convey information about the organizations activities(Opanyi, 2016). Without a doubt such huge
amount of literature of financial budget quality are experienced in view of the targets of each study.
Tang, Huifa and Zhinjun(2008) characterize financial or bookkeeping quality as the degree to which
the monetary proclamations give genuine, reasonable information about the fundamental position.
IASB (2010) states that the target of financial/bookkeeping information is to give financial informa-
tion about the reporting that is helpful to present and potential inspectors, loan specialists and differ-
ent banks in making choices in their ability as capital suppliers. Opanyi (2016) characterizes the mo-
tivation behind bookkeeping is the arrangement of financial information about a company, helpful to
the interested stakeholders to formulate decision making.
The aspect of financial or bookkeeping reporting is more extensive and intends to give im-
partial budgetary and other information that together with information of different sources encou-
rages the proficient working of capital invested. Furthermore, reporting by numerous entities aids
the company to formulate decisions relating to the assets of the business (FASB, 1978). The idea of
financial reporting is in this way expansive and incorporates financial information disclosures and
non-financial information helpful for decision purposes. Annual reports ought to meet certain qualit-
ative criteria so as to maintain a strategic distance from low quality and achieve their objective
(Opanyi, 2016). IASB and FASB in their framework contended that enhanced quality is accom-
plished by complying with objective and the subjective attributes of financial information (IASB,
2010). Qualitative qualities are the traits that make the budgetary information helpful (IASB, 2010).
Be that as it may, arrangement of valuable information is restricted for the use of entities use only,
and the expenses of revealing information must be maintained (IASB, 2010). Various characteristics
relating to financial reporting relate to transparency, comparability, disclosure. Where transparency
relates to the way financial information disclosures and non-financial information is helpful for de-
cision purposes. Annual reports ought to meet certain qualitative criteria so as to maintain a strategic
distance from low quality and achieve their objective (Opanyi, 2016). IASB and FASB in their
framework contended that enhanced quality is accomplished by complying with objective and the
subjective attributes of financial information (IASB, 2010). Qualitative qualities are the traits that
make the budgetary data helpful. Furthermore, creditability is the nature of information that empow-
ers users to recognize differences and similarities between different companies. It incorporates con-
sistency which alludes to the utilization of the same bookkeeping approaches and strategies, either
from period to period inside an element or in a solitary period over entities (IASB, 2010).
The essential financial capacity of bookkeeping standards is, to give assertion about how vi-
tal business exchanges are to be actualized. If bookkeeping reports are most certainly not arranged
as per the standards, then the importance of examinations between execution in various eras and the
execution among entities are practically futile. Barth, Landsman and Lang(2008) proposed that
bookkeeping quality could be enhanced with disposal of different bookkeeping strategies that are
less deliberate of company’s performance and are utilized by administrators to oversee earning. Si-
milarly, IPSAS appropriation and bookkeeping quality is blended, nonetheless there is moderately
better bookkeeping quality among the organizations through utilization of AIS (Ashbaugh & Pincus,
2001). Finally, better bookkeeping models make profit less uproarious furthermore, more precise,
and more "value pertinent" (Ashbaugh & Pincus, 2001). Hence, it would make earning less demand-
ing to gauge and would enhance analyst’s precision. Ball, Kothari and Robin(2000) thought oppo-
sitely that low-quality bookkeeping can cause "errors", for example, diminishing the instability of
their own remuneration, diminishing the unpredictability of payments to be made to trade payables
or workers (prominently, worker rewards and profits). Therefore, IPSAS utilization minimizes cor-
porate expenses, and also limits away from acknowledgment of misfortunes (Opanyi, 2016).
The quality in annual reports is of prime concern not just for the stakeholders yet for the en-
tire society as it influences financial choices that could essentially affect the general public all in
all(Ali, 2006). The ongoing worldwide monetary emergency and the extreme financial imperatives
being experienced by numerous governments have underscored the requirement for governments to
encourage more prominent money related responsibility and reporting (Berger, 2018). Pakistan had
issues which were also faced by state owned entities and decline of government to meet its money
related administration obligations in the past which had sensational outcomes for example, social
agitation. There are number of concentrates/studies that have been carried out on the impacts of
global bookkeeping guidelines or standards on nature/quality of annual reports. Ball and Plfugrath
(2012) states that reliable, consistent and proper utilize of IPSAS benchmarks provide high caliber
to improved comparability and quality.
Chan(2008)contends a great deal of belief to the expanding significance of worldwide book-
keeping models especially to emerging nations once they obtain or depend upon IPSAS. This would
be a helpful tool not exclusively to represent these assets yet in addition to look at the utilization of
them between reporting periods. Grace and Ambrose (2013) expressed that entities of annual reports
must comprehend the settings in money related transactions with a specific end goal to record them
viably. They contended that annual reports must be present, far reaching, straightforward and exact.
The investigation inferred that speculators saw the monetary reports quality in terms of subjective
attributes (Opanyi, 2016).In spite of the significance of government accountability and transparency
as a recurring approach issue, there is restricted research on the impact of appropriation of IPSAS on
quality of bookkeeping report revealing in the general population division in Pakistan. Rather the
momentum inquires about have concentrated on helpfulness what's more, practicality of selection of
IPSAS out in the open segment in Pakistan (Schaik, 2014). This motivates this investigation as there
is a gap in literature about the impacts of appropriation of IPSAS on budgetary announcing quality
out in the open area in Pakistan. This examination thus tends to answer the gap whether adoption of
IPSAS has impact on nature of monetary revealing out in the open division in Pakistan.
Theoretical Perspectives
Globalization has brought a grave requirement for expanded consistency relating to financial
reporting. There is a blended view with respect to whether universal bookkeeping harmonization is
beneficial for creating nations since it provides enhanced quality reporting and in addition the best
quality bookkeeping system and standards. There is likewise a view that bookkeeping information
systems utilized by developing nations are connected to be less efficient as compared to those em-
ployed by developed nations(Opanyi, 2016).This examination was guided by three relations that
gave hypothetical contention upon the importance of employing AIS related with the adoption of
IPSAS to enhance quality reporting.
Economic Theory
Financial systems utilize different guidelines related to dealing with every day transactions
which can be employed by the firm. Economic theory predicts that notwithstanding utilization of
system brings about advantages to the company (Opanyi, 2016). On account of the IPSAS selection
by a nation, the hypothesis contends that the immediate advantages are spoken to by both the net
financial and net political estimation of IPSAS over neighborhood countries(Barth et al., 2008). As
indicated by these hypothesis economies that have utilized AIS as well as by following the guide-
lines of IPSAS would lead to effective and efficient reporting quality. This hypothesis uncovers con-
firmation of provincial patterns in IPSAS appropriation, to such an extent that a nation is more liable
to actualize IPSAS if different nations in its land area are IPSAS adopters (Opanyi, 2016).
Accounting Theory
Bookkeeping is dynamic and is connected to enhancing money related bookkeeping and fi-
nancial reporting in expansive point of view. It is fundamental that bookkeeping is utilized by for
the most part acknowledged guidelines to dodge confusion that would happen all the while. The
primary rationale is that bookkeeping ought to concur or adjust to the essential facts as per which the
monetary framework works; the current financial and business activities and the appropriate law as
epitomized in authoritative controls or precedent-based law. Therefore, it is essential that consisten-
cy is kept up in bookkeeping and financial reporting (Opanyi, 2016). The constantly expanding de-
gree and intricacy of financial matters requires a comparing procedure of adjustment in bookkeep-
ing. Thereby, utilizing AIS in order to achieve successful reporting all together that the important
data with respect to exercises might be recorded, timely, accurately (IASB, 2010).
Accounting Information System
AIS are characterized here as an information technology procedures related to financial data
which underpins choice assignments in the specific circumstance of coordination and control of au-
thoritative exercises (Nicolaou, 2000). In dealing with companies and executing an inside control
framework the part of AIS is essential. An imperative question in the field of bookkeeping and ac-
counting decision making concerns the fit of AIS with hierarchical necessities for information accu-
racy and control (Nicolaou, 2000; Sajady, Dastgir, & Nejad, 2012).The central reason for AIS is to
record monetary transactions and minimize errors while reporting. AIS of the past concentrated on
the bookkeeping, presenting and analyzing of information about business money related transac-
tions. Bookkeeping frameworks that were already performed physically would now be able to be
performed with the assistance of PCs. Along these lines, changes in the data innovation have en-
couraged the utilization of cost and administration bookkeeping methods. Improvements in IT have
been vital in ongoing decades, and they have been driving advancements in the globalization of
business sectors and social orders (Schneider, 1997). In the perspective of the reality, it is generally
recognized that IT assumes a vital part in the field of bookkeeping; IT can be vital weapons to help
the question and methodology associations. Some business associations get upper hand by preparing
new data frameworks. In this manner associations tend to build the cash for IT, which makes the
proportion of IT venture to their aggregate spending plan higher.
Surviving AIS framework research has developed from the source controls of software engi-
neering, authoritative hypothesis and psychological aspects. Favorable position of this advancement
is an assorted and rich writing with the potential for investigating numerous different interrelation-
ships among specialized, authoritative and individual parts of judgment and choice execution. AIS
inquire about spans from full scale to the smaller scale parts of the information framework
(Mauldina & Ruchala, 1999). The expansive extent of AIS proposes a conceivably huge influence
for research carried out in such domain. The decision of AIS framework has been an essential issue
in bookkeeping research. Kim and Suh(1991) presented a formalized approach in light of data finan-
cial matters for estimating the estimation of changes in an administration bookkeeping framework.
Prior research essentially connected. Studies have demonstrated that lucrative execution of AIS
frameworks requires a fit between three variables (Sajady et al., 2012). A fit must be accomplished
with prevailing perspective in the association or view of the circumstance. Second, the bookkeeping
framework must fit when issues are regularly comprehended, i.e. the innovation of the association.
At last, the bookkeeping framework must fit with the culture, i.e. the standards (IPSAS) and esteem
framework that describe the association (Fowzia & Nasrin, 2011). Frameworks will be valuable
when data provided by management is utilized viably in decision-making process by users. Otley
(1980) contends that Accounting Systems are critical parts of the texture of authoritative life and
should be assessed in their more extensive administrative, hierarchical and natural setting. Thus, the
adequacy of bookkeeping information frameworks not just relies upon the reasons for such frame-
works yet in addition relies upon possibility components of every association (Sajady et al., 2012).
Bookkeeping information frameworks followed by the standards are said to be compelling
when the data provided by management serves effectively to the interests of the stakeholders. Suc-
cessful AIS ought to provide information which effectively affects decision making (Ives, Olson, &
Baroudi, 1983). The viability of bookkeeping information frameworks has for some time been a
subject of numerous interests (Mia & Chenhall, 1994; Chong, 1996; Sajady et al., 2012). Bookkeep-
ing information typically is connected to two aspects; 1) data that impacts decision making and for
the most part utilized for the reason controlling the association and 2) data that encourages decision
making process and generally utilized for coordination inside an association (Sajady et al.,
2012).Incorporation of bookkeeping information frameworks prompts coordination in association
which, thus, builds the nature of the choices. Some researchers in bookkeeping demonstrate that the
viability of bookkeeping information frameworks rely on the nature of the yield of the data frame-
work that can fulfill the user needs. Administration is committed in with various kinds of exercises
which require great quality and solid data. They likewise require non-monetary data, for example,
creation measurements, and production information. Be that as it may, nature of data created from
AIS is imperative for administration (Essex, Magal, & Masteller, 1998). Sajady et al. (2012) con-
tends that use of AIS relies upon the impression of the nature of data by the users. For the most part
the nature of data relies upon credibility, disclosure, reliability and importance to choices/decisions.
Hence adoption of IPSAS would enhance the state owned entities quality of reporting by utilization
of AIS (Grace & Ambrose, 2013; Ijeoma, 2014; Berger, 2018).
Hence, as per the discussion above the following framework (Figure 1) and hypothesis are
Hypothesis 1: Comparability has a positively significant effect on the quality of reporting.
Hypothesis 2: Transparency has a positively significant effect on the quality of reporting.
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Hypothesis 3: Financial statement disclosure has a positively significant effect on the quality
of reporting.
Hypothesis 4: AIS has a moderating effect between the relationship of comparability and
quality of reporting.
Hypothesis 5: AIS has a moderating effect between the relationship of transparency and
quality of reporting.
Hypothesis 6: AIS has a moderating effect between the relationship of financial statement
disclosure and quality of reporting.
Quality of
Financial Re-
Comparability porting
Financial State-
ment Disclosure
Accounting In-
formation Sys-
This study relates to assess the accord of transparency, comparability and financial statement
disclosure upon the quality of financial reporting. Furthermore, the study also concerns to assess the
moderating effect of AIS between the relationships of the three explanatory variables on the ex-
plained variable. Similarly, convenience sampling has been used to gather information regarding the
objective of the study. The questionnaires information was gathered by accommodating a self-
administered survey method.
The instruments utilized to measure the variables employed in the study are shown in table 1.
Furthermore, all items of the variables were measured by utilizing a five point likert scale ranging
from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” and were modified for convenience related to the Pa-
kistani context. Regression analysis has been conducted to assess the accords among the explanato-
ry, moderating and explained variables. Similarly, there relates to be four models considered in the
studies to test the hypothesis which are shown below, where (QFR relates to be quality of financial
reporting, T relates to be transparency, C relates to be comparability, FSD relates to be financial
statement disclosure):
QFR = β0 + β1 (T) + β2 (FSD) + β3………………………….. Model 1
QFR = β0 + β1 (T*AIS)……………………………………….. Model 2
QFR = β0 + β1 (FSD*AIS)…………………….………..…….. Model 3
QFR = β0 + β1 (C*AIS)……………………….……………….. Model 4
Thereby, model 2, 3 and 4 relate to test hypothesis 4, 5 and 6 which corresponds to show the
moderating effect of AIS upon the relationship of the explanatory variables upon the explained vari-
able (quality of financial reporting).
Design and Sample
The data has been gathered from government workers employed in the finance or accounts
department. All the government owned companies considered has operated in Pakistan for more
than 4 years. Furthermore, an overall total questionnaire sent to the informants related to be 250. On
the contrary, a total of 212 questionnaires came out to be complete with a response rate of 84.8%.
Similarly, information of respondent’s description is shown in Table 1. The data gathered relates to
comprise about 82% of the respondents to be male, 67% to be married and around 39% related to be
below the age bracket of 30-40. Moreover, about 58% of the respondent’s experience of work re-
lates to between 4-6 years on the job.
Table 1. Instruments
Variables No. of items Source
Quality of Financial Reporting 6 (Olayinka, Okoye, Nwanneka, & Olaoye, 2016)
Transparency 8 (Opanyi, 2016)
Financial Statement Disclosure 5 (Opanyi, 2016)
Comparability 4 (Opanyi, 2016)
Accounting Information System 12 (Nicolaou, 2000)
Table 2. Demographics
Number Percentage
Male 173 82
Female 39 18
Marital Status
Married 143 67
Unmarried 69 33
Below 29 Years 12 6
30 -- 35 Years 43 20
36-- 40 Years 82 39
41 Year and above 75 35
Job Designation
CPA 53 25
CISA 29 14
Other 130 61
Years of Experience
3 and below 43 20
4--6 123 58
7--9 29 14
10 and Above 17 8
Note N = 212
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Similarly, the independent relationship of the variables came out to be positively significant,
which suggests that firms having effective transparency, financial statement disclosure and compa-
rability capabilities would positively influence the quality of financial reporting of government enti-
ties. Furthermore, the independent variable significance related to model 1 are shown in table 3 and
all the independent variable came out to be positively significant which are also in line with the find-
ings of (Ijeoma, 2014). Moreover, better transparency among the accounting information would lead
to enhanced quality of reporting. Also companies having better comparability among previous re-
ports or with other entity reports would also suffice enhancement upon quality of reporting.
Moving forward, the moderating effect of AIS had a positive significant effect upon the ac-
cord among (transparency and quality of reporting) and (comparability and quality of reporting).
However, the moderating effect of AIS has a positive insignificant effect upon the relationship of
(FSD and quality of reporting). Therefore, better utilization of accounting information systems by
government owned entities would enhance the transparency among the information. Furthermore,
this would lead investors to have ready access to desired financial information and thence in turn
improve the quality of financial reporting of the government entities. Similarly, greater utilization of
AIS would also make comparability of financial information of government owned entities reports
much uncomplicated and unchallenging. Easy comparability among related financial information of
interest to users would lead to better quality of financial reporting. Nicolaou(2000) implied that en-
hanced coordination due to AIS can enhance the quality of reporting.AIS are preferred to be effi-
cient when the information provided serves the necessities of the employees. Compelling AIS ought
to provide information which effectively influences decision making.
Huber (2000) contends, integration of AIS further leads to better coordination in a company,
which thence enhances overall quality of financial reporting. Also some researchers related to ac-
counting contend that better comparability and transparency of information can be better achieved
by employing AIS (Sajady et al., 2008). Furthermore, utilization of AIS effects the decision making
related to controlling of the company, and also the information that aids decision making for coordi-
nation of the company (Sajady et al., 2008). Also, Kim 13 elucidates as to utilization of information
systems are related to perception of users for better quality of reporting and thence information de-
pends upon efficient transparency and comparability (Sajady et al., 2008). Moreover, the hypotheses
accepted are shown in table 4.
As it were, the conception that all information communicated ought to have quality or be re-
liable. However, such an idea isn't anything but difficult to pinpoint with regards to open govern-
ment, and the prerequisite for information quality might be considered by taking into consideration
the intervening effect of AIS. Its significance is outlined by the acknowledgment that government
owned entities may be irrevocably lost if low quality information is revealed (Lourenço, 2015). In
any case, while quality is related with transparency, comparability, likewise quality is also con-
nected with AIS, it isn't sufficient essentially to consider about inherently good (exact) information
as better quality information (Nicolaou, 2000). Moreover, quality of information is connected with
efficient utilization which in terms thence brings about enhanced accuracy, reliability, transparency,
Similarly, AIS compatibility with other components signifies a relation related to other com-
ponents (Nicolaou, 2000). Likewise, AIS has been related to two concepts: (a) influence of AIS
upon information used to formulate decision making and (b) facilitation through use of AIS upon
information needed for coordination thereby, bringing quality in financial reporting (Nicolaou,
2000). Moreover, the results of the study signifies as to better utilization of AIS by government
owned entities would bring about transparency among the information. Also, better transparency
among financial reporting would signify timely information would be entered. Therefore, meaning-
ful information would be utilized by investors or management in order to facilitate decision making
more reliable and accurate (Fowzia & Nasrin, 2011). Likewise, effective and efficient utilization
would also aid firms to make comparability of reports with past reports or other company’s reports
much more coherent and systematic.
treatment (IPSAS, 2014). This makes reports more effective and aids economic proficiency of state
owned entities (IPSAS, 2014).
On the contrary, our investigation also divulges that there is no moderating effect of AIS be-
tween the relationship of FSD and quality reporting. Furthermore, this study suggests practitioners
to employ AIS and adopt the utilization of IPSAS which would in terms bring about comparability,
transparency and thence overall enhancement in reporting. Likewise, for future research, others can
extend the study by accommodating other variables into consideration. Also, this study accommo-
dated the use of convenience sampling thence others can extend the study by considering a larger
sample size. Similarly, future researchers can employ control variables and moderators related to
demographic profile of informants connected to age, experience, designation etc.
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Do you think IPSAS adoption will improve accountabili-
ty of financial reporting in the Pakistani Public Sector?
Is IPSAS adoption necessary for financial reporting
transparency in the Pakistani Public Sector?
Do you think IPSAS adoption will communicate value
relevance to beneficiaries of financial reporting in the
Pakistani Public Sector?
Do you think IPSAS adoption will enhance comparabili-
ty of financial information among public entities in Pa-
kistani Public Sector?
Do you think IPSAS adoption will engender overall full
representation of financial reporting in the Pakistani
Public Sector?
Do you think the introduction of IPSAS will improve the
overall quality of financial reporting in the Pakistani
Public Sector?
Accounting Information System
do you think the output is presented in a useful format?
are you satisfied with the accuracy of the system?
Is the information clear?
Is the system accurate?
Does the system provide sufficient information?
Does the system provide up-to-date information?
Do you get the information you need in time?
Does the system provide the precise information you
Does the information content meet your needs?
Does the system provide reports that seem to be just
about exactly what you need?
Is the system user friendly?
Is the system easy to use?
Transparency SA A N D SD
Do you think IPSAS brings harmonization and standar-
dization to government accounting and reporting
Do you think IPSAS brings enhancement upon govern-
ment transparency and accountability for all its resources
Do you think IPSAS has improved government decision
Do you think the consolidation of government financial
statements improved
Do you think corruption has reduced after the adoption
Do you think IPSAS has improved the accountability
about performance of public sector
Do you think IPSAS has improved the quality of ac-
counting system
Do you think IPSAS adoption has improved stakeholders
satisfaction of Government reporting
Financial Statement Disclosure
Do you think there is expensive cost of implementation
Do you think there is complexity of recording transac-
tions under IPSAS
Do you think there is lack of commitment from govern-
ment leaders
Do you think there is lack of regulations, guidelines and
policies for IPSAS implementation
Do you think there is lack of automated systems such as
an integrated financial management system
Do you think the notes to revisions in accounting esti-
mates and judgments explain the implication of revision
Do you think the company adjust previous accounting
periods figures for effect of change in accounting policy
Do you think the company provides comparison of the
current accounting period with previous accounting pe-
Do you think the information in the annual report is
comparable to information provided by other organiza-