The True History of The Limit
The True History of The Limit
The True History of The Limit
he theories as developed by European Fermat determined the optimal value by impos-
mathematicians prior to 1870 differed ing a condition using his adequality of quantities.
from the modern ones in that none of But he did not really think of quantities as func-
them used the modern theory of limits. tions, nor did he realize that his method produced
Fermat develops what is sometimes only a necessary condition for his optimization
called a “precalculus” theory, where the optimal condition. For a more detailed general introduc-
value is determined by some special condition such tion, see chapters 1 and 2 of the volume edited by
as equality of roots of some equation. The same Grattan-Guinness (Bos et al. 1980 [19]).
can be said for his contemporaries like Descartes, The doctrine of limits is sometimes claimed to
Huygens, and Roberval. have replaced that of infinitesimals when analysis
Leibniz’s calculus advanced beyond them in was rigorized in the nineteenth century. While
working on the derivative function of the variable x. it is true that Cantor, Dedekind and Weierstrass
He had the indefinite integral whereas his prede- attempted (not altogether successfully; see Ehrlich
cessors only had concepts more or less equivalent 2006 [32], Mormann & Katz 2013 [79]) to eliminate
to it. Euler, following Leibniz, also worked with infinitesimals from analysis, the history of the limit
such functions, but distinguished the variable (or concept is more complex. Newton had explicitly
variables) with constant differentials dx, a status written that his ultimate ratios were not actually
that corresponds to the modern assignment that x ratios but, rather, limits of prime ratios (see Russell
is the independent variable, the other variables of 1903 [89, item 316, pp. 338-339]; Pourciau 2001
[84]). In fact, the sources of a rigorous notion of
the problem being dependent upon it (or them)
limit are considerably older than the nineteenthth
Tiziana Bascelli is an independent researcher in history In the context of Leibnizian mathematics, the
and philosophy of science. Her email address is tiziana. limit of f (x) as x tends to x0 can be viewed as the “assignable part” (as Leibniz may have put
Emanuele Bottazzi is a Ph.D. student at the Università di it) of f (x0 + dx) where dx is an “inassignable”
Trento, Italy. His email address is Emanuele.Bottazzi@ infinitesimal increment (whenever the answer is independent of the infinitesimal chosen). A modern
Frederik Herzberg is an assistant professor of mathemati- formalization of this idea exploits the standard
cal economics at Bielefeld University, Germany, as well as part principle (see Keisler 2012 [67, p. 36]).
an external member of the Munich Center for Mathematical
Philosophy, Germany. His email address is fherzberg@uni- Mikhail G. Katz is professor of mathematics at Bar Ilan Uni- versity, Israel. His email is
Vladimir Kanovei is professor of mathematics at IPPI, Tahl Nowik is professor of mathematics at Bar Ilan Univer-
Moscow, and MIIT, Moscow, Russia. His email address is sity, Israel. His email is David Sherry is professor of philosophy at Northern Arizona
Karin U. Katz teaches mathematics at Bar Ilan University, University. His email address is
Israel. Her email address is Steven Shnider is professor of mathematics at Bar Ilan
DOI: University, Israel. His email is