E-Commerce U5 PDF
E-Commerce U5 PDF
E-Commerce U5 PDF
Information filtering.
Search and retrieval begins when a user provides a description of the information being to
an automated discovery system.
Using the knowledge of the environment, the system attempts to locate the information
that matches the given description.
Search and retrieval methods that refine queries through various computing techniques
such as nearest neighbors, them variants of original query.
Information filtering:
1. Local filter
2. Remote filter
Local filters: local filters work on incoming data to a PC, such as news feeds.
Remote filters: remote filters are often software agents that work on behalf of the user
and roam around the network from one data base to another.
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Information search is sifting through large volumes of information to find some target
Search & retrieval system are designed for unstructured & semi structural data.
First is, the user formulates a text based query to search data.
Second is, the server interprets users query, performs the search and returns the user a list
of documents.
Third is, the user selects documents from the hit list and browses them, reading and
perhaps printing selected portions of retrieved data.
It consists of entering documents in to the system and creating indexes and pointers to
facilitate subsequent searches.
The process of loading a document and updating indexes is normally not a concern to the
It enables users to search the content of the files for any string of text that they supply.
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It uses an English language query front end a large assortment of data bases that contains
text based documents.
It allows users search the full text of all the documents on the server.
Users on diff platforms can access personal, company, and published information from
one interface I.e. text, picture, voice, or formatted document.
Anyone can use this system because it uses natural language questions to find relevant
Then the servers take the user questions and do their best to find relevant documents.
Then WAIS returns a list of documents from those users selects appropriate documents.
Today, the Netscape or NCSA mosaic browser with the forms capability is often used as
a front-end to talk to WIAS sever.
Search Engines:
To find every item that matches a query, no matter where it is located in the file system.
It uses both keywords and information searching to rank the relevance of each document.
Other approaches to data searching on the web or on other wide area networks are
Indexing methods:
To accomplish accuracy and conserve disk space, two types of indexing methods are
used by search engines.
They are:
1. File-level indexing
2. Word-level indexing
File-level indexing:
It associates each indexed word with a list of all files in which that word appear at least
It does not carry any information about the location of words within the file.
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Word-level indexing:
It is more sophisticated and stores the location of each instance of the word.
The disadvantage of the word-level indexing is that all the extra information they contain
gobbles up a lot of disk space, it is 35-100 percent of the original data.
The process of indexing data is simple one ,it has large number of indexing packages:
These indexing packages are categorized into three types, they are:
Hypertext: richly interwoven links among items in displays allow users to move in relatively ad
hoc sequences from display to display with in multimedia.
Sound: speech input and output, music and wide variety of acoustic cues include realistic sounds
that supplement and replace visual communication.
Video: analog are digital video input from multiple media, including video tapes, CD-ROM,
incorporated broadcast videos turners, cables and satellites.
3D-images: virtual reality displays offer a 3D environment in which all portions of the user
interface are 3D.
Searching using these new types of information poses interesting challenges that need to be
addressed soon.
Robots, Wanderer, And Spiders are all programs that traverse the www automatically
gathering information.
2. Yellow pages
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The white pages are used to people or institutions and yellow pages are used to
consumers and organizations.
Analogues to the telephone white pages, the electronic white pages provide services from
a static listing of e-mail addresses to directory assistance.
White pages directories, also found within organizations, are integral to work efficiency.
The problems facing organizations are similar to the problems facing individuals.
A white pages schema is a data model, specifically a logical schema, for organizing the
data contained in entries in a directory service, database, or application, such as an
address book.
A white pages schema typically defines, for each real-world object being represented:
What attributes of that object are to be represented in the entry for that object.
One of the earliest attempts to standardize a white pages schema for electronic mail use
was in X.520 and X.521, part of the X.500 a specification that was derived from the
addressing requirements of X.400.
In a white pages directory, each entry typically represents an individual person that
makes the use of network resources, such as by receiving email or having an account to
log into a system.
In some environments, the schema may also include the representation of organizational
divisions, roles, groups, and devices.
The term is derived from the white pages, the listing of individuals in a telephone
directory, typically sorted by the individual's home location (e.g. city) and then by their
One of the first goal of the X.500 project has been to create a directory for keeping track
of individual electronic mail address on the internet.
-Decentralized maintenance
-Each site running x.500 is responsible only for its local part of the directory.
Searching capabilities: x.500 provides powerful searching capabilities i.e. in the white pages;
you can search solely for users in one country. From there you can view a list of organizations,
then departments, then individual names.
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Single global name space: x.500 provides single name space to users.
Lecture 4
Countries U.K Fr. U.S
abc def ghI
individuals jk
The traditional term Yellow Pages is now also applied to online directories of businesses.
To avoid the increasing cost of yellow paper, the yellow background of the pages is
currently printed on white paper using ink. Yellow paper is no longer used.
The name and concept of "Yellow Pages" came about in 1883, when a printer in
Cheyenne, Wyoming working on a regular telephone directory ran out of white paper and
used yellow paper instead.
In 1886 Reuben H.Donnelley created the first official yellow pages directory, inventing
an industry.
Today, the expression Yellow Pages is used globally, in both English-speaking and non-
English speaking countries.
In the US, it refers to the category, while in some other countries it is a registered name
and therefore a proper noun.
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Basic yellow pages: These are organized by human-oriented products and services.
Business directories: This takes the extended information about companies, financial-
health, and news clippings.
State business directories: this type of directory is useful in businesses that operate on a
state or geographic basis.
Metropolitan area business directory: It develops sales and marketing tools for specific
Credit reference directory: this directory provides credit rating codes for millions of US
World Wide Web directory: this lists the various hyperlinks of the various servers
scattered around the internet.
Its main goal is the management of the information overload and increment of the
semantic signal-to-noise ratio. To do this the user's profile is compared to some reference
Thus, it is not only the information explosion that necessitates some form of filters, but
also inadvertently or maliciously introduced pseudo-information.
Recommender systems are active information filtering systems that attempt to present to
the user information items (movies, music, books, news, webpage) the user is interested
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Filtering typically involves streams of incoming data, either being broadcast by remote
sources or sent directly by other sources like e-mails.
Filtering has also been used to describe the process of accessing and retrieving
information from remote database.
Email filtering:
Most often this refers to the automatic processing of incoming messages, but the term
also applies to the intervention of human intelligence in addition to anti-spam techniques,
and to outgoing emails as well as those being received.
For its output, it might pass the message through unchanged for delivery to the user's
mailbox, redirect the message for delivery elsewhere, or even throw the message away.
Common uses for mail filters include removal of spam and of computer viruses.
A less common use is to inspecting outgoing e-mail at some companies to ensure that
employees comply with appropriate laws.
Users might also employ a mail filter to prioritize messages, and to sort them into folders
based on subject matter or other criteria
Mail-filtering agents:
Users of mailing-filtering agents can instruct them to watch for items of interest in e-mail
in-boxes, on-line news services, electronic discussion forums, and the like.
The mail agent will pull the relevant information and put it in the users personalized
newspapers at predetermined intervals.
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Example of Apple’s Apple Search software. Mail filters can be installed by the user,
either as separate programs (see links below), or as part of their e-mail program (e-mail
In e-mail programs, users can make personal, "manual" filters that then automatically
filter mail according to the chosen criteria.
Most e-mail programs now also have an automatic spam filtering function.
Internet service providers can also install mail filters in their mail transfer agents as a
service to all of their customers. Corporations often use them to protect their employees
and their information technology assets.
News-filtering agents:
Users can indicate topics of interest, and the agent will alert them to news stories on those
topics as they appear on the newswire.
Users can also create personalized news clipping reports by selecting from news services.
Consumers can retrieve their news from through the delivery channel of their choice like
fax, e-mail, www page, or lotus notes platform.
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Multimedia: the use of digital data in more than one format, such as the combination of text,
audio and image data in a computer file.
The theory behind multimedia is digitizing traditional media likewords, sounds, motion and
mixing them together with elements of database.
Data compression attempts to pack as much information as possible into a given amount of
storage. The range of compression is 2:1 to 200:1.
Compression Methods:
Graphic & video-oriented compression(Compress graphics & video file before they are
In general a block of text data containing 1000 bits may have an underlying information
content of 100 bits, remaining is the white space.
The goal of compression is to make the size of the 1000-bit to 100-bit (size of underlying
information).this is also applicable to audio and video files also.
Compression Techniques:
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Lossy compression means that it given a set of data will undergo a loss of accuracy or
resolution after a cycle of compression and decompression. it is mainly used for voice,
audio and video data.
Lossless compression produces compressed output that is same as the input. It is mainly
used for text and numerical data.
Lecture 1
Symmetric Multiprocessing
Print Database Communicati
Disk ip/op File system service
services reuest on services
Multimedia Server:
A server is h/w & s/w systems that turns raw data into usable information and provide
that to users when they needed.
Current execution of several tasks on multiple processors. this implies that the ability to
use more than one CPU for executing programs. processors can be tightly or loosely
Symmetric multiprocessing:
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Symmetric multiprocessing treats all processors as equal I.e. any processor can do the
work of any other processor. It dynamically assigns work to any processor.
Multitasking means that the server operating systems can run multiple programs and
give the illustration that they are running simultaneously by switching control between
1. Preemptive
2. Non preemptive
Lecture 1
Asymmetric Multiprocessing
Print Database Communicati
Disk ip/op File system service
services reuest on services
Storage technology is becoming a key player in electronic commerce because the storage
requirements of modern-day information are enormous.
2. Desktop-based (CD-ROM)
Disk arrays:
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Disk arrays store enormous amounts of information and are becoming an important
storage technologies for firewall servers and large servers.
It is a read only memory, to read CD-ROM a special drive CD-ROM drive is required.
That allows a single cd-rom disc contains 530MB for audio CD.
That allows a single cd-rom disc contains 4.8 GB for video CD.
Unit cost in large quantities is less than two dollars, because CDs are manufactured by
well-developed process.
Performance of the CDs is better than floppies because of optical encoding methods.
CD-ROM spiral surface contains shallow depressions called pits. These pits used to
scatter light.
CD-ROM spiral surface contains spaces between indentations called lands .these lands
are used to reflect light.
The laser projects a beam of light, which is focused by the focusing coils.
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The laser beam penetrates a protective layer of plastic & strikes the reflective aluminum
layer on the surfaces
Light pulses are translated into small electrical voltage to generate 0’s & 1’s.
Lecture 3
On-line Content
services creation
It poses interesting technical challenges; they are constant rate and continuous time media
instead of text, image, audio and video.
Digital video compression takes the advantage of the fact that a substantial amount of
redundancies exist in video. The hour-longer video that would require 100 CDs would
only required one CD if video is compressed.
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Types of Codec's:
1. Hybrid
2. Software-based.
Hybrid: hybrid codec use combination of dedicated processors and software. It requires
specialised add-on hardware.
Moving Picture Expert Group is an ISO group; the purpose of this is to generate high
quality compression of digital videos.
MPEG I defines a bit steam for compressed video and audio optimized to a bandwidth of
1.5 Mbps, it is the data rate of audio CDs & DATs.
The standard consists of three parts audio, video, and systems. A system allows the
synchronization of video & audio.
MPEG II specifies compression signals for broadcast-quality video. It defines a bit steam
for high-quality “entertainment-level” digital video.
MPEG-2 supports transmission range of about 2-15 Mbps over cable, satellite and other
transmission channels.
The standard consists of three parts audio, video, and systems. A system allows the
synchronization of video & audio.
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Resolution of the frames in MPEG I is 720X480 pixels at60 frames per second.
1. as apart of MPEG
2. as motion JPEG
JPEG was designed for compressing either full-color or gray-scale Digital images of real-
world scenes.
Next, a process called quantization manipulates the data and compresses strings of identical
pixels by run length encoding method.
Video on the desktop is a key element in turning a computer into a true multimedia
DESKTOP VIDEO PROCESSING includes upgrade kits, sound cards, video playback
accelerator board, video capture hardware and editing software.
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Desktop video require a substantial amounts of disk space and considerable CPU horse-
It also requires specialized hardware to digitize and compress the incoming analog signal
from video tapes.
.The two lines of video playback products become available in the marketplace I.e. video
ASIC chips and board level products.
Video playback:
The two lines of video playback products become available in the marketplace I.e. video
ASIC chips and board level products.
Video capture board are essential for digitizing incoming video for use in multimedia
presentations or video conferencing
Video capture program also include video-editing functions that allows users crop, resize
and converts formats and add special effects for both audio and video like fade-in,
Embosses, zooma and echo's.
Developers are crating next generation editing tools to meet business presenters and
video enthusiasts.
The best graphical editing tools make complex procedures accessible even to novice
The text that appear in the movie. Any PC wants to handle digital video must have a
digital-video engine available.
1. Apple’s QuickTime
These two are software's only; they don’t need any special hardware.
Apple’s QuickTime:
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QuickTime is a set of software programs from apple that allows the operating system to
pay motion video sequences on a PC without specialized hardware.
Apple’s QuickTime was the first widely available desktop video technology to treat video
as a standard data type.
In this video data could not be cut, copied, and pasted like text in a page composition
Apple’s QuickTime movie can have multiple sound tracks and multiple video tracks.
Microsoft’s video for windows is a set of software programs from Microsoft that allows
the operating system to pay motion video sequences on a PC without specialized
Microsoft video for windows has its own set of compression/decompression drivers.
The Economics:
Desk top video conferencing system coming onto the market today are divided into Three
types they are based on plain old telephone lines:
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3. Internet
The drawback with a POST solution is a restriction to the top speed of today’s modems
of 28.8 Kbps.
It need a s/w ,once properly installing a s/w users allows to pipe video,audio,and data
down a standard telephone line.
Lecture 6
ISDN lines mostly offer considerable more bandwidth up to 128 Kbps, but it require the
installation of special hardware.
The use of ISDN has been restricted to companies especially in private residence.
The fallowing fig explains the basic architecture for television or video conferencing
using ISDN network transport switching.
For video compression and decompression, the ISDN networks uses the H.261
technology, it is specified by the international telegraph and telephone consultative
committee algorithm.
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Lecture 6
H.261 decoder
Telephone ISDN
1. CU- See Me
CU- See Me is the first software available for the Macintosh to support real-time
multiparty video conferencing on the internet.
•Lecture 7 Internet
with video
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The purpose of MBONE is to minimize the amount of data required for multipoint audio
/ video-conferencing
MBONE tools:
Whiteboard: wb destination-host/port/ttl
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