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IJRRAS 12 (3) ● September 2012 www.arpapress.com/Volumes/Vol12Issue3/IJRRAS_12_3_13.



Adolfo Vázquez Contreras1, Moisés Dávila Serrano2, Rafael Acosta Quevedo2 & Juan Sánchez Pérez2
Oficina De Geofísica GEIC-CFE
Subgerencia De Estudios Geológicos GEIC-CFE

Geological and geophysical exploration activities ofHydropower dams’ are analyzed in a qualitative and semi-
quantitative basis. Information about an under-construction hydro dam is included as well. Considered activities are
those from feasibility and design support stages. Mexico biggest dams geological exploration works and their
associated costs are reviewed and their impact on their construction and safety. Big dams finance underpinning
depends on good hydroenergetic assessment besides an accurate geological model obtained before construction
activities begin.

Hydropower is a very important part in the total volume of the electricity generated worldwide and the greater share
of renewable energy. Worldwide, represents approximately 24% of energy production; in Mexico in 2008, the share
of hydroelectric installed capacity for power generation reached 22.19% with a total of 11.343 MW[1]. Geothermal
is the other most developed renewable energy in the country. Until today, the hydropower development has been
through large dams in Chiapas as Chicoasén (the largest with 2,400 MW installed capacity) and more recently
Aguamilpa and El Cajon, both in Nayarit, in the western part of the country. However, there is still great potential to
develop especially at small dams, the latter being estimated at 3.200 MW to be implemented in the states of Chiapas,
Veracruz, Puebla and Tabasco [2].The Mexican Secretariat of Energy (SENER, by its Spanish acronym) estimated
an investment of 2.908 million dollars in hydropower for the period 2006-2015, so its importance will not wane in
the coming years [3]. It is in this context that the geological-geophysical exploration acquires great importance.
In Mexico there are 64 hydropower plants, of which 20 are considered large dams by its size and 44 are small power
plants [4].According to the records from Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE, Mexico's national electricity
company), the oldest hydropower plants in the country are Panindicuaro Botello, Michoacán(13MW) and Colotlipa
in Chultenango, Gro. (8MW) both came into operation en 1910.The most important hydroelectric plants, Grijalva
River Basin in Chiapas developed in the 1980s and since the 1990s Santiago River Basin in the west part of the
country have generated more electricity today than any other plant constructed.
This work only concerns the information from six large dams (table 1), these being the most documented in regard
of direct and indirect exploration of the site.Chicoasen, Aguamilpa and La Yesca, are those that generate more
electricity in Mexico3.

3References used in this paper come from CFE and their value stands for the relative costs of applied geology exploration which is why it is considered appropriate to include them even
thought the information comes from the decade of the seventies due to lack of information on the subject in international literature.

IJRRAS 12 (3) ● September 2012 Vázquez & al. ● The Construction of Hydro-Electric Dams

Table 1. - Six major hydroelectric dams in Mexico

Name of the Number of Entry into Effective capacity Location

Dam turbines operation installed (MW)
Chicoasén 8 29-May-1981 2,400 Chicoasén, Chiapas
Zimapán 2 27-Sep-1996 292 Zimapán, Hidalgo
Peñitas 4 15-Sep-1987 420 Ostuacán, Chiapas
Aguamilpa 3 15-Sep-1994 960 Tepic, Nayarit
El Cajón 2 1-Mar-2007 750 Sta. María del Oro,
La Yesca 2 2011-2012 750 Hostotipaquillo,Jalisco


Once that has been done the hydropower balance of a river basin and has been selected segments of the river
accurate to build hydroelectric dams (stages of great vision and identification), takes place the second phase of
studies needed to build a hydropower plant. These are divided into four stages: 1) Pre-feasibility 2) Feasibility
3) Preconstruction or design support and 4) Construction. Surveying, geological and geophysical exploration are
carried out mainly in the first three stages, while in the construction phase, Geotechnical is responsible for the
solution to the geological problems found mainly at the local level. The ultimate purpose of the basic engineering
research is to ensure that the proposed hydro project is built on time at less cost, but also reunite a number of
standard safety conditions (stability, strength to expected earthquakes, minimum induced seismicity, etc) as well as
profitability (storage levels to ensure the generation provided by the design) and a service life which for purposes of
economic calculation must be at least 30 years, although is expected to continue in operation for much longer. As
mentioned in the stage of construction, geology and geotechnics have to monitor and control the work in order to
propose a solution to the problems encountered, mainly during the excavation of underground and surface, while is
defined the geological model, the lithology, geological structure and the geomechanical properties of the rock mass.
The feasibility studies will show the best economic cost and based on them the budget and the planning can be made
in order to monitor the progress of the work. Generally the design stage lasts a year while the construction usually
takes on average four years.

When selecting the construction site of a hydro dam, many factors are involved such as technical, social and
environmental. In this paper we focus exclusively on the technical aspects that concern the pre-construction stages
and the volume of direct and indirect exploration of the ground. The purpose of the exploration is to obtain a
geological model as clear as possible that serve to characterize the geotechnical site and so the planning, budgeting
and perform the structural design of the works as well as obtain sufficient information to establish a safe and
economic project[5] [6].Geological risk management and its economic consequences can lead to major losses
beyond the physical repair of the work which rely on a good investigation of the site [7]. Referring to geotechnical
instrumentation and monitoring works, Allen [8] mentions difficult conditions to detect (with exploration methods)
the presence of lenses made of soft material, highly compressible areas and pockets of high pore pressure, which can
cause faulting in the rock mass. From here, it is important to remark the need of the exploration as even for the
location of the monitoring zones must follow criteria based on direct or indirect examination.
This work shall consider direct exploration of the site though drilling (exploratory boreholes), geotechnical testing
of permeability in wells and excavations of galleries or tunnels. Drilling is a great support to define the stratigraphic
and structural model for the site and to identify basic geotechnical parameters for design of the work, being carried
out on both margins and the river bed, according to the location of the works. The objectives of the sampling site
with exploratory drills with core recovery usually include the following: stratification on the site, vertical or lateral
variations in subsurface geological conditions, sampling for laboratory testing, verification of the interpretation of
geophysical measurements and placement of instruments in situ for geotechnical, geophysical and geohydrological
testing. The interpretation of the evidence can be presented to anticipate areas of instability conditions. Geotechnical
testing of permeability in the wells by injecting pressurized water constitute a substantial proportion of direct
examination and focuses on the competition of the rock mass and its ability to facilitate or prevent leakage of water
from the dam.
Small diameter tunnels or galleries will be carried out mainly on the feasibility and preconstruction stages in order to
define more precisely the local geologic context and in some areas on both margins where it is necessary to
investigate key issues of the work as the possible continuity of fracture zones, mapping major fault systems on-site,
research of geotechnical properties of rocks in situ, etc. For its size and cost, the location of such works is decided

IJRRAS 12 (3) ● September 2012 Vázquez & al. ● The Construction of Hydro-Electric Dams

based on information obtained prior the construction with drilling, topographic features, ditches and geophysical
As for hydrogeology studies, permeability tests and infiltration at semi regional level are crucial in the feasibility
stage, given that water loss by infiltration should be minimum. The hydraulic seal of the dam and reservoir requires
the certainty that the permeability of the rocks involved is low. Another important aspect is the determination of
groundwater levels, fluctuations and surface flow or drainage. The installation of piezometers in exploratory
boreholes allows the study of these variables.
The main task of geophysical research on the site for a dam is to contribute to the definition of contacts between
geologic units in the location of fault zones covered by sediments and soil on the slopes through seismic velocities
and dynamic elastic parameters of rocks on both margins where the dam will take place. In this task, the seismic
refraction method is the main tool and secondly the geoelectric method which helps to complement the geological
model indicating the presence of fault zones, carst, mineralization and argillaceous zones. This method also helps to
characterize the possible lithologies and materials on the site. Therefore, for the analysis of costs by geophysics
indirect exploration, we consider only the seismic refraction method(SRM) and the vertical electrical sounding
(VES) as the essential methods in the exploration of the subsurface. Among the geophysical techniques that
eventually are used for indirect and semi-indirect exploration (in hole) can also mention the following: electric
tomography, cross-hole, seismic tomography between wells, gravimetry and magnetometry and geophysical well
logs. Electrical tomography method is one of the secondary techniques increasingly used in studies for dams and
seismic tomography between wells [9].The indirect exploration of geophysical methods is very important because
considerable savings can be made by identifying areas of weakness with risks of collapse in tunnels, which can
interfere with the initial line of work and cause substantial changes to designs and therefore, higher costs. Likewise,
determination of the quality of the rock by geophysical methods allows the choice of working with the most suitable
machinery for excavation and guides the location of the points where the drilling should be performed.
Although direct and indirect exploration of a site involves other studies and support techniques such as surveying,
photogrammetry, remote sensing, petrographic, mineralogical and chemical analysis, they were not included in the
comparative information documented in this paper. Moreover for the seismic design of the dam is necessary the
observations of local seismicity for at least two years prior to the construction in order to propose a design to ensure
the competence of the structures. Another method that is not addressed in this paper is the regional seismic
monitoring aid to the detection of active faults that could affect the project.


A collapse or crack in a hydro dam is a very important technical aspect because of the human and economic cost that
should be avoided. In the operation stage, these faults can be potentially catastrophic for an insufficient to
earthquakes, hurricanes, extraordinary rains and landslides. However, these failures may be due to errors in the early
stages of planning and construction that did not allow a complete and detailed geological and hydrogeological
framework at the site of the work and its interactions.
The errors in the pre-construction stage can be summarized mainly on an inadequate sampling, irregular and / or
insufficient geological conditions of the site (lithology, presence of faults and zones of weakness, mechanical
strength, hydrogeological variables, etc.) and associated geophysical parameters (seismic velocity and electric
resistivity, elastic modules mainly) in the regional and local area considered for the project. During the construction
stage of the project, unforeseen problems can occur for deficiencies during the exploration phase mentioned
previously and if not corrected, can contribute to problems during the operational phase which in extreme cases
could lead to failure.
To prevent problems that might occur in the operation stage should also be considered natural events that may affect
the structures. Most often it involves the spatial and temporal occurrence of potentially destructive natural
phenomena but estimation of its frequency is rarely accurate, so it is considered a risk factor and is designed with
criteria based on economic profitability.
From earliest studies to determine the range of agents that a hydro dam will be exposed to, it is important to include
aspects that are called Basic Engineering and relate to the regional framework in which the work will be developed,
such as seismicity, geology, rainfall patterns and analysis of hydrological basins, providing the essential information
to define the economic viability, social and environmental of the work. However, it is important to know in detail its
interaction with the Earth's crust and its processes modelers, as the study progresses to stages closer to construction
(pre-feasibility, feasibility and design support), geological and hydrological studies must be improved, so
unexpected events during construction are minimized and ensure that the work will last the time planned for
operation and maintenance costs by external events are the least possible during its service lifetime.

IJRRAS 12 (3) ● September 2012 Vázquez & al. ● The Construction of Hydro-Electric Dams

The quantity and quality of geological exploration are important variables that define the accurate of the
construction program, its budget and safety deviations. The following three fragments were taken from the
International Commission on Large Dams [10].
-Geological investigations should be as complete as possible to obtain full knowledge of the site more accurately.
- In complex geological structures, in order to obtain an appropriate design prior to construction, it is advisable to
dig the affected parts with the purpose to clarify possible doubts about the appropriate types of foundations.
- Designs must be based on real information, not theoretical data or those taken from limited research.

Table 2 summarizes the statistics of dam failures in the world until 1995 [11] and can be seen that the greater
number of failures are due to overflows and leaks, which shows the inaccurately information that carried out the
analysis of design and construction work. Other factors mentioned in Table 2 are related to the inadequacy
investigation of the site leading to settlements and instabilities. Table 2 also illustrates the importance of geological
knowledge, mainly in sites with relevant geologic complexity in order to choose the best alternative sites for

Table 2. -Occurrence of dam failures by type in XIX y XX (ICOLD, 1995)

Cause of failure Cases

Overflow/Poor drainage 5
Landslides 4
Poor behavior spill way structures 6
Placement / compaction dam materials 11
Lifting 4
Construction delay 4
Foundation failure / deformation and subsidence 11
Liquefaction 2
Anticipated rainfall / poor design or inadequate Research 8
Rupture of the dam 8
Earthquake 3
Leaks 14
Piping/regressive internal erosion 36
Insufficiency spillway 7
Overflow 45
Internal erosion 9
Total 177
Regarding to large hydroelectric dams in Mexico, no accidents have occurred due to the failure of structures, but
only problems in the design support stages during and after construction. Among the most important cases are the
following in table 3, referring to six dams listed in table 1, classified according to the complexity of the geological
conditions involved in its construction and also considered the topography and accessibility to the site.
Table 3.- Main problems of the five major hydroelectric dams in Mexico and problems in the construction stage of the dam “La Yesca”
Construction Years
Name Altitude (m) Type Main problems
Years Oper
Flexible curtain with core
Foundations on alluvium. Landslide of 55
(1) Peñitas, Chiapas 1982-1986 53 floated clay and graded 24
Mm3 in its pond during operation (2007).
Cracks in the arc. Detachment of blocks
(2) Zimapán, Hidalgo 1993-1996 203 Concrete arc 14 on the hillside. Cave on conducting
(3) Aguamilpa, Nayarit Rockfill dam with concrete Induced seismicity (magnitude 5).
1991-1994 187 16
face Settlements in the concrete face
Leaks only 10 l/s or less. Deepening of the
(4) Chicoasén, Chiapas Graded materials with
1978-1981 261 29 foundation more than planned in the
impermeable clay core.
river bed.
Rockfill dam with concrete Settlements in the concrete face. Leaks at
(5) El Cajón, Nayarit 2000-2004 181 6
face the bottom of the dam up to 162 l/s
Failure of a large mass of left margin.
(6) La Yesca,Nayarit Rockfill dam with concrete
2008-2012 210 - Poor quality or rock mass in house power
and intake and substation
Low Medium High
complexity complexity complexity

IJRRAS 12 (3) ● September 2012 Vázquez & al. ● The Construction of Hydro-Electric Dams

Some of the most important problems in reference dams and other considerations:
(1) Peñitas Dam is in an area of low hills near the Gulf of Mexico, characterized by shale, sandstone and
conglomerate; failures are notable in the region and the presence of an active volcano El Chichonal just 25 km
southeast [12]. The site where the dam was built rises to 120m above the river and the works were constructed
within a rocky massif of sandstones inter bedded with thin layers of shale. This is the first system of dams on the
Grijalva River, located just before it flows through the floodplain of Tabasco State. A land slide in the reservoir of
this dam was verified as the largest recorded in Mexico; this was in November 2007 and was due to the failure of a
clay layer triggered by a storm that precipitated more than 1000 mm of rain in just three days in the area.
(2) Zimapán Dam was built on a calcareous canyon on an abrupt mountainous area in central Mexico, characterized
by massive limestone deposited in marine and reef shelf environment [13]. .During the construction stage occurred a
fall on the right back downstream of the dam so a large concrete block (dimensions 15x4x60 m)was placed to
replace the original form of the margin. Another major problem, although not in the area of the dam but in the long
line of conduction tunnel (20 km), was the presence of a dissolution cave about 60m long and 30m high and 10 to
15m wide, in this case the solution was the design and building of an underground bridge, the use of seismic
tomography was crucial to delimit the cave dimensions to save costs of excavation.
(3) Aguamilpa Dam, one of the highest of its kind worldwide, was built on igneous extrusive rhyodacite-dacitic
composition [14].The hydropower plant is located in a mountainous terrain in the Colima graven in western Mexico.
During the filling of the reservoir, induced seismicity was caused by reactivation of a fault located about 5 km from
the axis of the dam [15] generating earthquakes of up to 5 magnitude on the Richter scale; the activity stopped four
years after filling, when equilibrium was reached in the geological environment. From feasibility and pre-
construction stages, aland slide was delimited and studied; a solution was to place drains, ditches and shot concrete.
In 2002, the force of the water coming from the spillway eroded rocks located after the ski jump, falling to the river
causing partial obstruction of the flow at the powerhouse output; this was solved by removing material from the
channel. Another problem was the breeze from the spillway that caused softening of the right margin slope, fallen on
the road remaining partially obstructed.
(4) Chicoasén Dam is the second dam built upstream the Grijalva River, above a canyon platform in marine
limestone. The major portion of the margin of the canyon consists of white sandy limestone layers with thicknesses
up to 3m [16]. It is the most important dam for its generation capacity in the country and among the highest in the
world. Turbines and generators are housed within a cave at 200m depth. During the construction of the dam
deepened to 30m longer than planned because the canyon had large loose blocks misrepresenting information
obtained during the exploration.
(5) El Cajón was built in the Santiago River onigneous composition rhyodacitic ignimbrite that present a pseudo-
stratified mass and compactness and hardness of a high value [17]. Although the dam is located on a seismically
active region, locally in the narrowing of the canyon there is no evidence of fault displacements. However, in 2007
there was a landslide on the access road to the powerhouse, which included partial solutions cuts into the hillside,
anchors and gabion walls. Another issue was the carved wall at the control zone of the spillway, this by a
combination of faults and dikes that reduced mass quality at the site. Also during the operation it has been noticed
some cracks around the pond in the presence of low compactness pumice rocks.
(6) La Yesca is also located in the Santiago River. The construction site is in a very complex geological area mainly
due to the presence of major discontinuities and hydrothermal alterations that complicated the early stages of
construction, however, the site selected was restricted to the zone between the reservoir downstream of the El Cajon
dam and sequence of volcano sedimentary rocks upstream. The main problem found was a macro block slipped a
few centimeters when support was reduced by digging the deviation tunnels gates; similarly was found a clump in
the power house, oscillation chamber and intake zones, which treatments were applied further than planned

IJRRAS 12 (3) ● September 2012 Vázquez & al. ● The Construction of Hydro-Electric Dams







Figure 1. - Overview and location of the dams Peñitas,Zimapan,Aguamilpa, Chicoasén,

El Cajon and La Yesca (under construction)

A hydropower project should be a success from a financial and economic perspective. Dorcey[18] mentioned as the
most important factors for success of large dam projects: probability of higher costs than the budgeted, delays during
construction, availability and water value, water and/or power demand and difficulties during the operation.
A geological investigation is critical to accomplish the cost-time program as expected, since it avoids additional
expenses and saves on the remediation of situations that are out of the program, involving the extension of deadlines
for construction implicating further exploration and additional treatments.
Design and construction phases, include costs such as type and quality of foundations, available construction
materials, manpower costs, selected type of dam, the adopted design criteria, imposed regulations and environmental
aspects [19]. Geological exploration is directly involved in the determination of the type of dam and also in the
quality of the foundations (when verification is performed by a geophysical method, seismic or otherwise), because
these effects depend largely on the geological environment.
According to experts, research of the construction site including geology and soil conditions, costs up to 2% or 3%
of the total construction [20]. It is clear the importance of basic exploration of the site performed by the disciplines
of geology, geophysics, hydrogeology and geotechnical testing, representing a very small cost in total construction.
It is worthy mention that the six Mexican cases used for this paper, relative costs of geological-geotechnical studies
at feasibility and design support level ranged between 1% and 1, 5% according to the total cost of the projects.
Design costs of a dam are based on safety factors to hydrological, geological and mechanical uncertainties. As a
substantial improvement in the technical report of exploration that are carried out at the design stage, is always
appropriate to consider the elaboration of an integrated geological-geophysical summary of the site following the
philosophy of so-called Geotechnical Baseline Report (or GBR) [21]. Such philosophy includes technical data, an
analysis derived from significant geological features of the project establishing a base model as realistic as possible
that can provide guidance to the responsible engineers and also when appropriate, the risks between contractors,
designers and the owner of the work [22].


As explained in chapter 3, significant aspects of exploration at local level of the site performed by geology and
geotechnical are the subsurface drilling through boreholes, permeability testing and excavation of galleries , while
geophysics execute surveys of seismic refraction profiles and resistivity across electrical soundings, constituting the
most important aspect. Such studies require the highest economic cost in the feasibility and preconstruction phases
(design support).
It is important to analyze and compare with other projects the volumes of direct and indirect exploration in dam sites
as the quality and quantity of these studies affect construction costs, as well as in solving problems that may occur
later (cracking, settlement, piping and leaks etc.).

IJRRAS 12 (3) ● September 2012 Vázquez & al. ● The Construction of Hydro-Electric Dams

The difference between one project and other regarding the studies area, can present complexities that involve
increased exploration. A potential measure of semi-quantitative comparison between different projects is the amount
of holes and tunnels (evaluated in meters of drilling or digging, respectively) performed per km2and the amount of
permeability tests per km2,considering the area of the canyon implying the area of the dam, spillways, deviation
tunnels and in most cases, the power house. Some projects have very long conduction tunnels and are not considered
in the dam area. Likewise in the case of geophysical exploration the scanning volume can be calculated by taking
into account the number of seismic refraction method (SRM) and the vertical electrical sounding (VES) for km2,
considering the approximate semi regional area covering profiles. For a comparison of the volume of geophysical
exploration it should be considered the maximum openings of the current electrodes in the VES and the average
lengths of the SRM. However in the cases analyzed it was found varying lengths of about 100, 200 and 300 m for
the SRM and 100 to 400 m for maximum apertures of electrodes AB / 2.As a general rule, the depth of geophysical
investigation for the site of a dam must be at least one third of the height of the dam, this condition was observed in
each of the projects analyzed where the height of the damper dominant range is 180 to 250m and therefore is
considered valid in the scope of projects involved.
Although dams have unique characteristics, some have a certain similarity in their topography, location and access.
For comparison purposes it was appropriate to sort them according the following classification based on the
complexity for its construction, being more complex those areas where topography is rugged and more altered rock
or important discontinuities are presented in the work zone:
Low complexity: (1) Peñitas
Medium complexity: (3) Aguamilpa (5) El Cajon
High complexity: (2) Zimapán (4) Chicoasén and (6) La Yesca
Table 4 makes a comparison of direct examination volume (geological) through boreholes, tunnels and permeability
measurements in the area of the dam, whereas Table 5 performs the comparison of indirect examination volume
(geophysical) in the semi regional influence area of each dam.

Name Study Area Drilling Drilling Tunnels Tunnels Permeab Permeab

period4 km2 (m) (m/km2) (m) (m/ km2) tests tests/km

Peñitas, Chis. 1965-1986 2.62 14010 5347 870 332 570 219
Zimapán, Hgo. 1980-1989 0.5 6242 12484 743 1486 632 1264
Aguamilpa, 1960-1983 4 14300 3575 2632 658 960 240
Chicoasén, 1963-1975 1 6700 6700 1980 1980 650 650

El Cajón, Nay. 1962-1996 3.6 10352 2875 427 118.8 978 272

La Yesca, Jal. 1963-2006 1.7 2343 1378 905 523.3 127 75

Table 4.- Geological exploration by drilling (with core recovery), tunnels and permeability tests
in 6 large dams in Mexico.

Name Study periods4 Area Total SRM/km2 Total VES/km2

Peñitas, Chis. 1965-1986 16 147 9.2 328 20.5

Zimapán, Hgo. 1980-1989 60 153 2.6 362 6

Aguamilpa, Nay. 1960-1983 14 260 18.6 325 23.2

Chicoasén, Chis. 1963-1975 5.1 60 11.76 325 63.72

El Cajón , Nay 1962-1996 33 1095 33.2 936 28.4

La Yesca, Jal. 1963-2006 59 366 6.2 450 7.6

Table 5. - Geophysical exploration at 6 large dams in Mexico.

The years of study considered are non-continuous periods. It refers to all exploration campaigns in each case. Including the time spent on different
alternatives to the axis finally chosen for construction.

IJRRAS 12 (3) ● September 2012 Vázquez & al. ● The Construction of Hydro-Electric Dams

Figures 2 and 3 show the comparison of the geological volume and geophysical exploration respectively. In these
graphs the volume of exploration has been normalized to the maximum value of each aspect, whether is the total
scan length, the number of trials or number of geophysical lines. As for direct examination, Figure 2 indicates that
Chicoasen and Zimapan is where most direct examination was performed.

Normalized direct examination volume

Analized dam
4 tests
2 Boreholes

0.4 0.60.2 0.8 1
Normalized value
Figure 2. - Comparison of geological exploration on each method in 6 large dams.

As for indirect examination (Fig. 3), projects differ significantly in volume exploration. Projects on the Santiago
River (Aguamilpa, El Cajon and La Yes cathe most utilized method was SRM, while in the other projects used the
method of VES, especially in Chicoasén.

Standardized indirect volume exploration

Analized dam
Analized dam

44 SEV
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Normalized value
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 3.- Comparison of geophysical exploration on each method in 6 large dams

For each of the dams analyzed, the costs of drilling holes, tunnels and excavation permeability tests are indicated in
thousands of dollars in Direct exploration costs and years of study Figure 4. The cost was estimated using current
prices of these activities in Mexico.
5 Study years x100
Analized dam

Permeability tests
3 Boreholes
2 Tunnels

0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Cost x 1000Dlls.

Figure 4.- Direct exploration costs and years of study in 6 large dams

IJRRAS 12 (3) ● September 2012 Vázquez & al. ● The Construction of Hydro-Electric Dams

The higher costs of direct exploration with drilling were in Peñitas (1) and Aguamilpa (3), while the higher costs for
exploration tunnels were in Aguamilpa (3) and Chicoasén (4).Figure 5 shows the estimated costs of the geophysical
exploration methods: seismic refraction method (SRM) and vertical electrical sounding (VES) in the 6 selected sites.
The calculation is performed based on current prices of SRM and VES and the number of surveys or lines used in
the semi regional area of the project.

Indirect exploration costs and years of study

Analyzed dam

4 Study years


0 200 400 600 800

Cost x 1000Dlls

Figure 5. - Indirect exploration costs and years of study in 6 large dams

Figure 5 show that El Cajon dam had the higher costs of indirect exploration (5). The lower costs in terms of SRM
were in La Yesca (6) and Chicoasén (4) and also La Yesca the lowest in total expenditures on exploration. In almost
all projects, except for Chicoasén, the cost is almost equal for the SRM in comparison to the VES. It is noted that
expenditures for the VES method were similar for most projects, while the SRM had significant variations in costs.

Figures 6 and 7 show the total cost of direct and indirect exploration respectively for the 6 dams.

Total indirect costs of exploration

Analized dam

4 years/100
3 Ind. Expl.


0 200 400 600 800 1000

Cost x 1000dlls.

Figure 6.- Total costs of direct exploration and years of study in 6 large dams.

Total direct costs of exploration

Analized dam

4 Study
Direct Expl.

0 2000 4000 6000 8000

Cost x 1000dlls
Figure 7.- Total costs of indirect exploration and years of study in 6 large dams

IJRRAS 12 (3) ● September 2012 Vázquez & al. ● The Construction of Hydro-Electric Dams

Aguamilpa had the highest direct exploration costs and El Cajon the highest indirect exploration costs. On the other
hand, the lower expenses in direct and indirect exploration occurred in La Yesca (6).
Figure 8 compares the costs of direct and indirect exploration at the six analyzed hydropower dams and also the
project study years and the years in operation until 2011. Direct / indirect exploration expenses are usually 20 times
or more in the projects analyzed, except for the dams: (2) Zimapán (10.4) and (5) El Cajon (6.2). The average years
of different periods of study are 16.3, but overall, the value is 20 or more. On the other hand the youngest dam in
operation is El Cajon (4 years), while La Yesca (6) is not yet in operation.

Direct and Indirect exploration costs,

Study and operation years

5 Operation years
Analized dam

4 Study years
2 exploration costs

0 10 20 30
Cost ratio, years

Figure 8.- Direct and Indirect exploration costs, years of study and years in operation in 6 large dams

The six dams studied in this text are the most important in Mexico and has been required between 10.5 and 18.1
million USD during the study phase. Finally figure 9 shows the total estimated cost (updated costs to 2011) of the
investment in the study stage (only feasibility and design support) of the dams. It is important to remark that
Chicoasen dam (4) had the highest total cost assigned to studies (including the infrastructure for their development,
geology, geophysics, seismology, topography, geotechnical and direct examination, etc.) while La Yesca (6) had the
lowest investment. According to the total costs of the studies at least in the six cases analyzed, there was no
consistency with the complexity of the site. Higher costs not always occurred in the most complex projects, except
for Chicoasen, which in the decade of the seventies, when explored, did not have access to infrastructure, besides a
complex geology. On the other hand La Yesca with a highly complex geology framework had lower exploration

Studies Total Cost vs Direct Expl. Cost

Hydroelectryc Dams

5 Total cost studies

phase MUSD
Direct expl. Cost

0 5 10 15 20
Million USD

Figure 9. -Total estimated cost of investment in study stage

- Financial certainty cost of construction of large dams and design efficiency is dependent on a proper stage of
studies in which the discipline of geology is essential during the prefeasibility and feasibility phases as they are the
basis for geotechnical activities during the stages of feasibility and design support.
- The analysis of the direct and indirect costs of exploration in the five major dams in operation and one under
construction in Mexico, indicate considerable variability in the volumes of exploration and associated costs that are
not directly relevant to the complexity of the area, but rather shows that such variables have been linked to the
availability of time to study.

IJRRAS 12 (3) ● September 2012 Vázquez & al. ● The Construction of Hydro-Electric Dams

- Proper planning stages of pre-construction studies should be linked to the geological complexity of the site. This
will ensure that the geological model at the beginning of the construction is good enough to be the basis of
geotechnical design of the work and have only minimal changes during the course of it. However, the process of
refining the geological model is an endless activity but a small number of changes will be synonymous of efficient

The authors especially wish to thank the valuable collaboration of Gustavo Arvizu and J. Luis Garrido for reviewing
and enrichment the document with their extensive experience in the field of applied geology. We also gratefully
acknowledge the assistance of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE, by its Spanish acronym) for the access to
the information that was considered in the elaboration of the article.

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