The Relevance of Doubly - Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) in Modelling and Simulation of A Grid Connected Wind Turbine System
The Relevance of Doubly - Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) in Modelling and Simulation of A Grid Connected Wind Turbine System
The Relevance of Doubly - Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) in Modelling and Simulation of A Grid Connected Wind Turbine System
6, Volume No.4, September
Website: Issue:6, September-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i06.009
6, Volume No.4, September
[8] compared the losses in different turbine systems such as on the model were selected from the Simulink library, and
the Direct-in-Line wind turbine system
tem which is a singly
singly- the initial state vector was regenerated to avoid error
erro in the
fed induction generator (SFIG) and Doubly
Doubly-fed induction Simulink when the model was run. Several parameters
generator (DFIG) based wind turbine system. From the were considered in the design specifications of this work.
comparison of the losses, the authors showed that the losses These include Turbine Specifications, Generator
in the generator for both Direct Line and DFIG are the Specifications, Converter Specifications, control blocks
same, 3.5%% each but the inverter loss for Direct Line is 3% parameters and Drive train data for wind turbine.
while the inverter loss for DFIG is 0.75%.
A. Turbine Specification
According to [4] the simulation result revealed that DFIG
based wind turbine equipped with the PSS can damp power The Wind Turbine is DFIG-based
based wind turbine system.
system oscillation better than synchronous gener
generator with Number of Wind Turbines = 6
PSS. The authors stressed the importance of damping and Data for 1 Wind Turbine are:
also stated that poor damping of power oscillation and Nominal mechanical output power (W) = 1.5x106 =1.5MW
inadequate reactive power support can adversely affect the Total Output Power for the 6 Wind Turbines =6x1.5
system stability and thereby affecting the quality of power =9MW
supplied to the grid. Therefore, the authors argued that Wind speed at nominal speed and at CPmax (between 6m/s
DFIG based wind turbine equipped with PSS can damp – 30m/s) = 11m/s
system oscillation of low – frequency power system more Initial wind speed (m/s) =11
effectively than the synchronous generator with PSS.
B. Generator Specification
Another paper presented by [7] Dynamic modelling and
Generator data for 1 Wind Turbine are:
ntrol of DFIG based wind turbines under balanced
network conditions. The authors are of opinion that Nominal Power (VA) =1.5x106 ∕ 0.9 =1.67x106 =1.67MVA
Fed Induction Generators are similar to AC Power factor (pf) = 0.9 lagging
generators but have added features that make them operate Nominal line-to-line voltage (Vrms) = 575V
at speed slightly below or above the synchronou
synchronous speed Nominal Supply Frequency = 50Hz
Stator resistance RS= 0.023pu based on the generator
which is useful for a large wind turbine with variable speed
since the wind speed is random. The authors concluded that ratings
the MATLAB/SIMULINK simulations revealed the Leakage inductance LS= 0.18pu based on the generator
effectiveness of the control strategies. Similarly, [13] ratings
proposed a system that usedd STATCOM to achieve the Rotor resistance Rr1 = 0.016pu based on the generator
ratings and referred to the stator.
reactive power obligation in order to stabilize the wind
farm [13]. Rotor Leakage inductance Lr1 = 0.16pu based on the
generator ratings referred to the stator
In view of all the numerous advantages of Doubly Doubly-Fed Magnetizing inductance Lm =2.9pu based on the generator
Induction Generator based Wind Turbine system over the ratings
Fed Induction Generator, it is pertinent to crit
critically Inertia constant H(s) = 0.685
study and evaluate the working operation, control and Friction factor F(pu) = 0.01pu based on the generator
performance of DFIG in order to adequately inform the ratings
user and the utility provider of the renewable energy from Pole pairs p = 3
wind turbine system the uniqueness and unsurpassed cost Initial conditions are:
effectiveness of DFIG. Initial slip s = - 0.3
Electrical angle ф(degree) = 0⁰
II. METHODOLOGY Magnitude of stator currents (pu) ias, ibs, ics = 0, 0, 0
The Wind Farm-DFIG DFIG Detailed model of the Phase angle of stator current (degree) = 0, 0, 0
MATLAB/SIMULINK was adopted and some Total Nominal Power for the 6 generators = 6 x 1.667 x
modifications were made to the adopted model. The blocks 106VA = 10MVA
Website: Issue:6, September-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i06.009
6, Volume No.4, September
Fig 2: Simulation result for the wind farm when the wind speed is 15m/s
Website: Issue:6, September-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i06.009
6, Volume No.4, September
Fig. 3: Simulation result of Wind Farm connected to the Distribution network in Var regulation mode.
Website: Issue:6, September-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i06.009
6, Volume No.4, September
Fig. 4: Simulation result of Wind Farm connected to the Distribution network with short circuit fault at 10km from the grid.
Website: Issue:6, September-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i06.009
6, Volume No.4, September
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periods, the doubly – fed induction generator proved to be a
more stable and dependable system when connected to the
grid side with appropriate converter control systems.
However, it is noted that DFIG based wind turbine
reinforced with power system stabilizer damp sys system
oscillation of low frequency excellently when compared to
synchronous generator reinforced with power system
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