Scrum E Book 1
Scrum E Book 1
Scrum E Book 1
Table of Contents
About us 3
CEO Message 4
Chapter 1: Introduction to Scrum
1.1 History 6
1.2 Scrum in Brief 7
Chapter 3: Userstory
3.1 Userstory in Brief 17
3.2 Write Userstory 18
3.3 Estimate Userstory 22
Our Belief
In today’s fast moving era, every organization is thriving for the great success
every moment. Competition is inevitable. Resources are limited.
We believe the Operational Efficiency plays the key role in achieving great
Our Life
We identified that many teams have learnt from internet about scrum and
found their understanding quite contradict. As well saw them struggling to
implement scrum.
In practical life, it’s not just about implement any framework rightly. It’s
about getting benefits and improve operational efficiency of the
organization to be successful. We are committed to bring series of e-books
having case studies, framework fundamentals, practical guidance,
individual and team improvements and research work to the Quickscrum
We hope you will like our work. I personally welcome your feedback to
improve upon next time. You can send directly to me on
Introduction to Scrum
Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka came up with the initial concepts of
scrum, including the word “Scrum” itself in their white paper in year 1986.
Jeff Sutherland fine tuned the concept and together with Ken Schwaber
collectively presented their experiences during the OOPSLA 1995
conference. Subsequently, Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle attempted to
communicate scrum through the first scrum book - Agile Software
Development with Scrum.
Scrum is quite easy to understand but hard to implement. Since its inception,
scrum has also helped quite complex projects to be successful with high
return on investment (ROI).
Scrum team is generally made of 6-9 team members. Basic roles in a team are
– Scrum Master, Product Owner and Team Member.
Scrum Artifacts
In a co-located Scrum team, artifacts play a vital role for the team to reflect
themselves on how they are doing with the sprint goal. Artifacts defined by
Scrum are specifically designed to maximize transparency of key information so
that everybody has the same understanding.
Per the latest Scrum guide, Scrum framework defines 3 essential artifacts.
• Product Backlog
• Sprint Backlog
• Product Increments
PBI Types
The product backlog items can be categorized mainly into four fundamental
types :
Feature: The most common type of PBI is something that is of value to a end
user – the product features. It can be a brand-new functionality or changes
to existing functionality. Features, for most teams, should represent the bulk
of items in the backlog.
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Defects: Testing team includes defects/bugs in their product backlog. High-
performance agile teams never let defects live long so they are unlikely to
ever have many defects in their product backlogs.
Technical Work: PBIs can also include technical items. Examples might
include upgrading to the latest version of the Oracle DBMS or refactoring a
section of previously completed code.
For many projects, product owner acts as a client, as s/he fully responsible
for the market research and idea generation. For example, start-up founders.
• Ordering the product backlog, the most important items are moved to
the top.
• Preparing the high-priority entries for the next sprint planning meeting.
• (Re-)Estimating the entries in the product backlog.
When using the scrum framework about 10% of the scrum team’s total
time should be reserved for maintaining the product backlog - discussion,
estimation etc. The collaborative maintenance of the product backlog
helps to clarify the requirements and create a buy-in from the scrum
Those that we won’t work on or for some time will be less detailed. We
want to refine (add detail to) backlog items as they rise in priority,
adding details in a just-enough, just-in-time fashion.
The emergent nature of the product backlog is not only expected but is
a sign of a healthy and functioning product backlog.
Estimated: Each product backlog item should have a estimated size that
corresponds to the effort required to develop that item. The product
owner uses this estimation to prioritize the backlog items.
Ideally, most of the items at the top of the product backlog will be
sprint-sized, small enough to be worked on during a single sprint. Large,
Thus mature scrum team keeps at least 3-4 product backlog grooming
sessions prior to each sprint planning meeting.
• Tips 1: Define clear sprint goal. What exactly team aims to achieve
within a sprint.
You may find many different explanation about user story on internet.
Simple word, user story helps,
Writing good user story is really an art and require lots of practices. Clear and
precise story writing can help team to improve their efficiency by at least 2x.
With user stories, everyone in your team knows exactly “who,” “what,” and
“why” they are building features. Each component adds a necessary layer of
context to give your team a proper start.
There are different templates on how to define user stories. A most popular
template is as follows :
S/he is the ‘owner’ of the user story. This is often a user but it is
recommended to be more specific here. By using specific actors (e.g.
“Administrator”, “Logged in Customer”, “Unauthenticated visitor”) it’s easier
to understand and sets the user story into context.
Actual requirement of the actor in terms of feature.
Business value:
It explains, what are the benefits end user will get once the need is satisfied.
User stories are often written on index cards or sticky notes, and arranged
on walls or tables to facilitate planning and discussion. As such, they
strongly shift the focus from writing about features to discussing them. In
fact, these discussions are more important than whatever text is written.
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Example 1: As a user, I want to filter items by item type so that I
can see how my team’s time is being used between features and
bugs on a weekly basis
Notice how changing one component of a user story would change your
approach entirely?
In the first case, you would probably display this information in a chart or
graph for a simple breakdown of your team’s time.
In the second example, you would likely create a function to export the data
so it can be shared and presented.
You should be able to prioritize and rearrange user stories in any way
with no overlap or confusion.
As previously discussed, a good user story can be reworked or modified
to best suit the business. User stories are not an explicit set of tasks.
A good user story can be estimated. It’s also important to differentiate
time estimations from an exact timeframe. A rough estimate is beneficial
to allow teams to rank and schedule their priorities.
We definitely recommend keeping your user stories small. While we
don’t suggest an exact timeframe to stay in, writing user stories that
focus on smaller tasks allows for greater focus.
The larger a story is, the harder it is to estimate and easier it is to get
caught up in sub items that should have probably been their own stories.
Before a user story is written, it is essential that criteria to test it is in
place. Outlining the testability first ensures that the story actually
accomplishes the goal you are trying to achieve.
Note that instead of “will” the developer chose to use “might” because
he/she is not absolutely “sure about the time factor but “feels” it might
take that much time. This is user story estimation in a nut shell.
You don’t give an exact number explaining how complex the story is and
how long it’ll take to develop – you give a rough “estimate”.
Scrum Team
• Product Owner
• Scrum Master
• Team Members
But practically, the scrum team can have additional roles such as,
• Architects,
• Analysts,
• System admins,
• QA Lead,
• UXD Engineers
• UI designers etc.
The most effective scrum teams are tight-knit, co-located, and usually 6
to 9 team members. Team members have differing skill sets, and cross-
train each other so no one person becomes a bottleneck in the delivery of
Strong scrum teams approach their project with a clear "we" attitude. All
members of the team help one another to ensure a successful sprint
Core Responsibilities
• Embraces the Scrum Values – Focus, Commitment, Openness, Respect,
and Courage.
• Strives to value the individual and increase team recognition over self-
• Domain expertise
• Technical skill
• Decision making
• Fully available to the team
• Communication
• Business savvy
• Highly motivated
• Visionary and out of box thinking
The Product owner decides what will be built and in which order. S/he
takes following responsibilities.
Stakeholder Management
• Collaborates with stakeholders outside of the team to review
• Collect and discuss required functionalities with the
1. Leadership
As every team member is responsible for the product success,
It is must for the product owner to provide guidance and
direction to everyone involved in the development effort and
ensures that the project goes well.
2. Decision making
S/he should be a good decision maker especially in deciding
which product features will bring the highest ROI.
3. Communication
S/he must be able to communicate different messages to
different people about the project at any given time.
4. Serve
Adopt a “customer service” mentality, make yourself available
in-person whenever possible, and be open to questions.
The Scrum Master can also be thought of as a process owner for the
team, creating a balance with the project’s key stakeholder, who is
referred to as the product owner. The Scrum Master does everything
possible to help the team perform at their highest level. This involves
removing any impediments to progress, facilitating meetings, and doing
things like working with the product owner to make sure the product
backlog is in good shape and ready for the next sprint.
Support learning
• Encourage team for continuous learning .
• Provide learning resources.
• Helping the team to be information radiators.
• Encouraging the use of best engineering practices within
the development team (e.g. one click releases, continuous
Facilitating change
• Helping the team to get rid of impediments.
• Suggesting new metrics for the team as catalysts for change.
• Reflecting agile and scrum values to the team.
• Reminding the team of their arrangements (e.g. policies).
• Helping the team to keep focus (e.g. by acting as a buffer
between external distractions and the team).
• Helping the team to maintain their scrum tools (storyboard,
action board, charts, backlogs, etc.).
• Helping team and product owner to find a suitable Definition of
• Technical expertise
• Understands the product owner’s vision
• A good team player and mentor
• Understands the team’s capabilities
• Motivate and coach the team
• Problem solver
A scrum master’s role is a highly important in scrum. He/she
ensures that the team follows scrum in a right manner and is
One of the best ways of gaining the respect of people is to be
humble and remain true to work. S/he should play a servant-
leader role and talk humbly with people and make genuine efforts
to understand their problems and resolve them.
The scrum master should collaboratively work with the team to
resolve impediments and help team to achieve sprint goal.
Being an scrum master is not easy – it is generally a full-time job
and requires a lot of efforts. S/he must remain committed to the
team in terms of being available whenever needed and help team
effectively deal with their problems as they arise.
The scrum master bridges the gap between the scrum team and the
management. At times s/he might be required to negotiate for
better working conditions or quick resolutions to problems with
the management. S/he should be influential and able to convince
the management to resolve issues quickly.
The scrum master also functions as a mentor and coach for the
team. S/he should be conversant with the latest trends and
updates in scrum and share them with the team.
The Scrum Master can also be thought of as a process owner for the
team, creating a balance with the project’s key stakeholder, who is
referred to as the product owner. The Scrum Master does everything
possible to help the team perform at their highest level. This involves
removing any impediments to progress, facilitating meetings, and doing
things like working with the product owner to make sure the product
backlog is in good shape and ready for the next sprint.
Scrum Events
• The process aspect: The activities you perform to keep the content
work on a track, such as updating gantt charts and writing status
• Sprint Planning
• Daily Stand-up
• Sprint Review
• Sprint Retrospective
Those set of items called as the sprint backlog. Team commits based on
past velocity or capacity and the duration of the sprint.
4 hours for 2 weeks sprint or 8 hours for 4 weeks sprint
• Scrum Master: who facilitates the meeting.
• Development Team: who splits the items into smaller tasks and
estimates required efforts to meet the sprint commitment.
Before starting a new sprint.
• Product Backlog
• Team Capacity
Ideally, the Daily Scrum meeting is held in the morning as it helps to set
the context for the day’s work. It is strictly time-boxed to 15 minutes.
Meeting Specifics
• 15 Minutes
• Scrum Master: who facilitates the meeting.
• Development Team: who splits the items into smaller tasks and
estimates required efforts to meet the sprint commitment.
It is held each working day at the same time and at the same place.
The Daily Scrum meeting is not a status update meeting in which a boss is
collecting information about who is behind schedule. Rather, it is a
meeting in which team members make commitments to each other.
The Daily Scrum Meeting is held so the team can self-organize and achieve
its sprint commitment.
Key benefits
• Action can be taken with those who are consistently unable to make
their commitments (not always pleasant, but usually necessary).
Start the meeting on time: Ensure that the Stand-up starts on time, even
if some development team members are missing. A delay of even five
minutes, when multiplied by the number of team members, counts for a
lot of potential work wasted.
Stay focused: The Scrum Master must keep the team focused on
answering the three main questions and prevent it from straying into
random discussions. Each team member should focus on the meeting and
not get distracted by phone calls or emails. This can extend the time box,
or worse, remove the focus of the team from the meeting.
Don’t remain seated during the stand-up meeting: As the name suggests,
the entire team should remain standing during the Stand-up. The idea is to
Don’t hold the stand-up meeting away from the work location: With the
exception of remote or distributed teams, the daily stand-up should be
ideally held on or near the workplace or development room, preferably
near the Scrum board. The idea is to keep the team charged up to tackle
the day’s work and start with work immediately after the meeting. By
holding the meeting away from the workplace, the team could lose its
focus by engaging in other discussions while reaching the workplace.
Meeting Specifics
• 1.5 hours (2 weeks sprint) / 3 hours (4 weeks sprint)
• Scrum Master
• Product Owner
• Scrum Team
• Stakeholder and Sponsors
• Customer
It is held at the end of each sprint.
The scrum team goes through the forecasted sprint backlog items and
reviews how the requirements (user stories) have been realized in the
product increment.
After the demonstration, the product owner and stakeholders tell their
impressions and clarify if a requirement is not implemented rightly. They
The result of this meeting can helps team to plan for the subsequent
The sprint review looks at what the team is building, whereas the
retrospective looks at how they are building it.
Meeting Specifics
• 2 hours (2 weeks sprint) / 4 hours (4 weeks sprint)
• Scrum Master
• Product Owner
• Scrum Team
It is held at the end of each sprint.
The Sprint Retrospective is held after the sprint review at the end of each
Alternatively, instead of asking what went well and what didn’t go well,
the following questions may be asked:
• Tools: How are the different tools working for the scrum team? Think
about the artifacts, electronic tools, communication tools, and
technical tools.
• Productivity: How can the team improve productivity and get the
most work done within the next sprint?
• Ask what problems, successes and opportunities you have with the