Building The Still and Boiler
Building The Still and Boiler
Building The Still and Boiler
When in doubt about this drawing, refer to the blueprint. It is more precise. Text describes variations in
If you have never done any soldering before, Step 1 has a link to the instructions on soldering,
plus I give tips on this as we go along. An experienced plumber/welder can build the entire still in a
single day, but this project may take you a whole month of weekends, if you are new to this stuff. I
recommend you have a friend join you in this project. It is a lot easier and more fun that way. You
should have everything you will need ahead of time, without having to make an extra trip to the
hardware store. My web page, “Principals of Operation” provides the explanation of each of the
different sections, and what functions they perform.
I recommend that you tack the still blueprint to a wall adjacent to where you will be working.
As you make your measurements and put it together, this will not only keep the plans clean and
readable for future reference, but also you will need to refer to it many, many times during the day to
make sure that you have everything right.
This first chapter deals only with the distillation column itself, and the next chapter deals with
how to build a boiler, and various types of heating schemes. The distillation column, as described
previously, is where the separation of the alcohol and water vapors take place, and the condensed
water exits out the bottom right, while the distilled alcohol drains out the 1/2” diameter tube placed at
a 45° at the bottom of the alcohol condenser section.
You may find it difficult to find 3” ID Type M copper pipe or 3” copper fittings, as hardware
stores do not carry this. You need to find a plumbing wholesale supply house to buy this. They
sometimes label it DWV pipe, but it is copper, not plastic, like most DWV pipe. Type L is thick
walled and more expensive, but it will work fine, it is just more expensive and harder to cut. You may
find that they have 3” copper pipe, but will not cut it, as a wholesale supply warehouse normally only
sells uncut pieces. You don’t want 20 feet of 3”pipe, as this is very expensive, so you might try to call
a plumber who does fire sprinkler jobs—they use this stuff all the time, and he may have some left
over. If you can’t get it at the wholesale place, try a commercial plumber, who may have a leftover
Email me if you have problems locating the automatic valve and thermometer.
Dimensions on the blueprints at detail one are full sized, in inches, not metric. I apologize to
my international friends for the fact that the USA has not adopted the metric standard. Since I am only
a little bit familiar with metric sizes of plumbing fittings, you will have to simply use your rule or tape
measure against the blueprint drawing itself to get your dimensions, and use the approximate metric
equivalents. Please note that the actual full height of the still is 64 inches (dimensions are shown at the
far left). The middle section, the reflux column, is 36” long, with an architectural zigzag on detail 1,
just opposite the 3/4” female fitting, just a little below the fuel outlet. This zigzag represents a
continuation of a line, without drawing the entire set of plans 64” high.
There are two variations of the basic design shown on the blueprint, but we are only going to
discuss and then proceed with the variation shown in the top center of the blueprint page,
labeled “alternate method”. This is such a superior design in actual performance, plus it is much
easier to construct, that we will not bother with the combined coupling and funnel assembly shown in
detail one of the blueprints. The problem with the earliest design, shown in figure one and detail one,
was that too much heat is transferred along the wall of the 3” copper pipe through the coupling above
the reflux section, making it difficult to keep the condensed alcohol from re-boiling. Furthermore,
permanent attachment of a piece of insulation material in the lower cone area is difficult to do, and
even more difficult to know if it remains attached. If it detaches during use of the still, you cannot see
it or do anything about it. By changing over to building the alternate method, which we did fairly early
in the course of teaching our workshops, we found that not only is there a greater difference of
temperature between the top two sections, it also is so much easier to construct. It even provides an
easy lifting point when you need to move the still. I mention this right from the outset, as this slightly
changes the list of materials on the blueprints. In the materials list above, we do include the two
reducing couplings. So use this materials list, rather than the ones on the blueprint.
The other exception that I will mention is the type of packing material inside the reflux
column. We have always used glass marbles, as they are relatively cheap, and not as heavy or
expensive as other materials. If you had a fairly clean source of marble sized rocks, such as from a
riverbank, this will work as well as the glass marbles. You would have to sort out all the smaller ones,
however, as they should all be roughly the same size so that you have plenty of air space for the
vapors to rise up through the column. Plus, you will have to wash and then wash them again, to flush
out smaller particles of dirt. Smaller pebbles, sand, and dirt mixed with larger ones may tend to work
their way down to the bottom area and form a packed area, clogging up and completely shutting off
the flow of the steam.
Hence, it is so much faster and cleaner to use glass marbles, as they will be uniformly sized,
and the glass does not react with the vapors, and does not corrode. I looked around a long time to buy
marbles the last time I build a still, in the summer of 1999, and found only one real source, as toy
stores don’t even seem to have them anymore. Go to a store which sells plants and home decorations,
as there are many types of glass marbles and large glass oval beads which are made in Mexico, and are
used for putting inside a clear glass vase for holding flowers. These are fine.
There is yet one other commercially available material superior to marbles, which is to buy
the actual alcohol reflux ceramic packing rings, which is what a commercial refinery would use. This
is something you are not likely to find unless you know someone who works at a big distillation
factory. They are called Raschig rings. The ceramic rings have better thermal properties (they are
slower to change temperature) than marbles, but unless you are going into commercial production of
large volumes or fuel, you will not see any difference in performance between commercial ceramic
reflux packing and ordinary glass marbles. I have a commercial source for these
Raschig/Raschid/Raschi rings. If you go to then
give the user name “extra” and password “bra”. (it isn’t my site, I didn’t choose these) This site has
lots of info about various column fillings including Raschig rings, part of the Gert Strand empire
(selling yeast, hydrometers, etc.
One more thing, in terms of learning the terminology that plumbers use for fittings. MIP represents
male iron pipe (standard thread size) and FIP represents female iron pipe threaded fittings. Also,
Americans take it for granted that you understand that an apostrophe (’) represents one foot, while a
quotation mark(”) represents inches. ID means inside diameter, OD is outside diameter.
Please read through the first few pages of these instructions before you shop for materials.
The photos will help you understand what these items are and how they fit.
(item numbers in blue correspond to numbers on drawing, page 2)
Getting Started
1. Before you do any soldering on your expensive 3 inch copper pipe, practice a bit on
some smaller stuff first. My instructions start out with the 3 inch pipe, but if this is
your first time, I recommend you skip down to Step number 5, as this pipe joint will
be inside the still, and so it won’t matter much if it looks bad. Everyone is a “solder
virgin” at first, so this is a good place to start and learn. Download and print the
following set of instructions from the Copper Tubing Handbook, for an excellent set
of soldering instructions, with photos.
2. Cut the 5-foot section of 3”copper pipe into three sections, according to the
dimensions in figure one. You will need one section 8” long, one 36“ long, and then
your final piece will be 16”. If you are cutting with a hacksaw, start with a new blade
that is designed for cutting metals. If you do not have a pipe vice, a regular vice can
hold the 3” copper pipe solidly, but you will need to pad where the vice clamps the
pipe with some cloth so that you do not nick the copper with vice marks. If you do not
have a vice or a pipe vice, I recommend making a miter box out of wood 2 x 4’s. Just
take a straight 2” x 4”, say, 2 feet long, and attach a couple of 1”x 4” pieces to both
sides, so you have a channel in which to hold the pipe you are cutting or drilling. You
may even temporarily attach this to your workbench for great stability.
As you cut your 5-foot section of pipe into three sections, each cut needs to be absolutely
straight, or you will end up with one side longer than the other. Take you time with the
saw and watch that it cuts straight. If you do end up with one side being 1/4’ or
1/2”longer, this is still workable. You may have to tighten your hacksaw blade so it
clamps the blade tighter. Try to do better on your next cut.
2. File all six ends of your three pieces of pipe. You should use your flat file (I prefer a half-
round file, flat side) to remove all burrs from the ends of the pipe working from the outside in,
and you may use your half-round side of the file to work at removing burrs which are hanging
onto the inside ends of the pipe. Finally, use the flat file to smooth the ends of the pipes, filing
perpendicular to the length of the pipe, so that you don’t end up with a shape knife-blade from
too much filing. You will be handling these pieces a lot, today, and you don’t want them so
sharp that you get cut while working on this.
Bubbler section
3. Take one of the end caps, and put it partially on the end of the 3” pipe, which is only
8”long. You should just gently tap it on so that it is only on your pipe about an inch of the cap
not making contact with the 8”long section of pipe. You are going to cut off most of the side
wall of the cap, so that you only have ¾” or 5/8”of side wall left on this cap. By putting the
cap partially onto the 8”section of pipe, you are giving yourself something to grip with while
you cut it with the hacksaw. Remember how you had to cut straight with your first cuts?
Well, there it didn’t matter as much if you went a little bit off at an angle, but here it really
does matter. This side-wall has to be cut off absolutely straight, or else you may find yourself
with no side-wall whatsoever on one side, and then when you go to attach it to the end of the
pipe, there is no outside surface of the cap to solder to on one side.. If that happens, throw that
end cap away and try it again.
Grip the 3” cap in your vice, or with really big pump pliers, and start your cut exactly
3/4”from the end of the cap. You are going to remove 1-1/4” from the cap. Measure and mark
with a pencil where the end of the cap will sit on the 8 inch pipe so you can see when you cut
through the cap, you are not cutting into your 8 x 3” inch pipe. When you are done, clean up
the end cap with your file, and you may need to tap off the copper ring if it is stuck on the
outside of your 8”section of pipe. Use the back part of the jaw of the channel-lock pliers, and
tap along the length of pipe, towards the end, to remove the cut-off piece of ring material.
You will have to tap just a little first on one side, then the other side, because it has to come
off straight or it will not come off at all. You may set this ring aside, it is now scrap, and will
not be used.
Photo #2: shows the end cap cut down to the minimal height, baffle plate attached.
4. Take your 8”section of pipe, and mark and center-punch a spot exactly 6” from one end.
You are going to drill a 7’8 inch hole. This is the bubbler section, where the 3/4”female
adapter will be attached to the 3/4”copper pipe which will be inserted through this hole. You
will find this a little easier if you first drill a 1/8”hole at your center-punch mark, and then
when you change to the larger bit size, the drill will not drift off, and will stay centered in the
right spot. You will need to clamp this pipe while drilling, as you need to keep it from
moving, and you don’t want it to whip around in circles when the drill bit decides to “bite”,
instead of cutting. As you drill through the side of the pipe, you must be careful not to
wobble your drill, as you do not want to make this hole any bigger than the 3/4” pipe, which
will be inserted here. Use your round file to clean up the hole you have drilled, and use the
end of your 3/4”copper pipe to check for perfect roundness and fit. This pipe should fit this
hole exactly, without a hairline of air space anywhere around the hole. In fact, it should be so
tight that you need to tap your 3/4”pipe into place when you are ready to insert it, which you
will do a few steps further down.
4-a. If you do not have a 7/8”drill bit, (because you may find that this size requires
a 1/2”drive drill, rather than a 1/4”or 3/8” drive drill.), then you can mark your 3”pipe
with a pencil, using the outside of a piece of 3/4”pipe to make your circle, centering it
on the center-punch mark you made. You have to make a circle, not an oval, on the
side wall of the 3”pipe (when you hold the end of the 3/4”pipe up to the outside of the
3”pipe, at a right angle, it only touches the smaller pipe in two points. You have to
scribe a circle on the side-wall of the 3” pipe which is exactly round, the same size as
the 3/4”pipe. One way to mark this is to use your tubing cutter to cut off a very short
piece of 3/4”pipe, only 1/2”long, and then you can use this very short piece as a
template, which allows you to hold a flat lumber pencil against it to scribe your circle.
Then, once you are satisfied that your circle looks like a circle and not an oval, and
you double-check the size of the circle against your 3/4” template piece, you may
center-punch a series of marks just inside this circle. The outside edge of the holes you
drill should fall exactly on your penciled circle mark. You are going to drill a series of
1/8”holes close enough together around the circle until you can tap and punch out the
entire piece, leaving a series of jagged edges which will have to be filed with your
round file so you end up with just one hole perfectly fitted for the 3/4". This is a lot
slower than using a 7/8”bit, but if carefully done, provides a better result, as
sometimes a 7/8”bit can get out of control and gouge your work, causing serious
damage. You will also spend a lot more time filing to get your hole to match the
3/4”pipe which gets inserted.
Photo 3: shows the bottom (left item) as it will look like when finished.
The assembly on the right is the mid-section joint, steps 25 & 26.
5. Now you are going to make up the downward pointed 90° elbow and drill it full of
holes. First, cut two pieces of your 3/4”pipe at 1-5/8”length, exactly, Use a pipe cutter to
get a good, clean and square cut. Use your emery cloth or plumber’s abrasive cloth to
thoroughly clean and polish both ends of these pieces of pipe. Solder doesn’t work unless
the pipe is completely clean. Spread some plumber’s flux on one end of each pipe. Inset
the fluxed ends of these two pieces of 1-5/8”pipe into each end of your 3/4”copper 90°
elbow. Now, apply flux paste to one of the short pieces of 3/4”copper pipe now attached
to the elbow, and slide on the 3/4”x 1/2”reducing adapter. Now, hold this assembled
piece with your channel lock pliers, and solder it together. If you need instructions on
soldering, I gave a web link in step 1, which you should print out. Or, get someone to
help you who has soldered before. It is properly soldered when you can see that the
solder sucked into the joint, all the way around the fitting, without leaving any voids.
Drop the hot joint, after soldering, into a bucket of water, so you may quickly cool it and
go on to the next step.
6. Drill a pattern of holes in this elbow, as well as in the small end of the reducer
coupling you have just soldered, exactly as shown in the pattern on the plans. These are
one-eighth inch holes. Please note that you also need to drill a 1/8” hole just exactly at
the top corner of the elbow, and this is also shown on the plans. When finished drilling,
file off the burrs, then grip this piece in your vice, or else hold it solid with your channel
locks, and using your hacksaw, cut four sets of paired notches, 1/4”deep, at the bottom of
the 1/2” reduced end of the reducer. Use your needle nose pliers to bend four tabs out as
shown in detail one, labeled “slotted ears”. Please note: this piece will be assembled
exactly as shown in Photo 2, and in most cases, installed into the doubler section as
described in step 13. If you are going to always use a 50 to 100 gallon drum for a boiler,
ignore the rest of this paragraph. But, if you intend to produce fuel commercially and
have tons of feedstock to ferment and distill, you may later convert this from a batch still
to a continuous still as described on pages 32-33, by building a second identical fitting to
this 90 degree elbow/reducer assembly, and installing it exactly one inch below the
thermometer (You would have to drill a new hole, not shown on the blueprints.)
7. Make the baffle plate assembly as follows: Cut a piece of 3/4”pipe 2-1/2”long.
Cut four tab notches in one end of the pipe as you did with the smaller end of the 3/4 x
1/2”reducer in step 6, above. Your tabs only need to be 1/4” long, but they must all be the
same depth. Now cut identical tabs at the other end of this pipe. Bend these tabs out like
you did before, and flatten the tabs with your pliers so they all are flat and in the same
plane. You want to stand this up on end in the center of the 3” end cap, which has had the
side-wall cut away (step 3, above). File and polish this, apply flux, and solder it to the
center of the 3”cap.
8. You need to make a baffle plate that will sit on the top of the stand you just made.
Using your tubing cutter, cut a 2-5/8”long piece off of the 1-1/2” copper pipe.
Using your hacksaw, and slit it lengthwise. You will have to hold this in a vice in order to
make this very difficult cut. Now, with your pliers, open it up so it is almost flat. Place it
on a wood block, and take your hammer, and pound it until it is completely flat. Use a
Mason jar lid as a compass, and mark a 2-3/4” circle in the exact center of your flat piece
of copper. You need to cut off the excess rectangular ends with the tin snips, so that you
end up with a circular flat piece of copper, which will fit inside the 3”diameter bubbler
section. It won’t be exactly round, it will have two sides that are clipped, because your
original piece of pipe was only 2-5/8”long. When you look at detail-1 in the plans for the
baffle plate, it says you want 1/16”clearance all the way around. This is too hard to get
exact, and it seems to work a bit better by having a little more room on both sides of the
slightly oval-circle you end up with. Now, you need to drill 6 or 8 holes, 1/’8” size, in a
rough circle, or even in a random pattern in this flat plate. File off the edges and any
loose burrs.
8b. Now if you couldn’t find a 3 inch diameter shower plate for the separator which is
item number 5, you can make this out of the 1-1/2 inch pipe the same way you just made
your baffle plate. Cut a piece of 1-1/2 inch pipe exactly 3 inches long. Then cut this short
piece length-wise and use your big channel locks to open it up into a flat piece. Flatten it
out with your hammer and/or your vice, and use the scrap piece from the 3 inch cap to
draw a 3 inch circle on this flattened copper. Cut it into a circle and then drill lots of 1/8
and also quarter-inch holes. You have to be more careful cutting this one, as it should just
fit exactly inside the center of the 3 inch coupling, and you don’t want it to fall inside the
3 inch pipe. File the edges until it fits exactly.
9. Now, the baffle plate needs to be soldered to the stand. The drilled holes have burrs on
one side, so if you put the burrs faced up, you have a smooth surface where it attaches to
the support stand tabs. This plate needs to be perfectly centered on the stand, so look
straight down on it and line it up with the inside walls of the cut-off bottom cap.
Remember, you are going to have to fit the cap onto this 8”length of pipe, and this baffle
plate must not be too far off-center, as otherwise the cap cannot properly fit over the end
of the pipe. If it is off center, forcing the cap on the pipe may put a strain on the soldered
baffle stand, and it may come apart internally. You may want to line it up first, then turn
it upside down to mark it with a pencil, or even to grasp one of the tabs with vice grips or
channel locks, and hold it in place while you solder it. Be sure to use plenty of flux each
time you solder, and don’t get it too hot (it is too hot if the copper changes color). Be sure
to solder where the end of the pipe stand touches the plate, as well as soldering the tabs.
Drop this in a bucket of water to cool it.
10. At 180° opposite the 7/8” hole you made in the 8”section of 3”pipe, at the bottom
end, mark a spot just 7/8” up from the end of the pipe. Center-punch this mark and drill a
5/8” hole here. Be very careful that your drill does not drift off your center-punch mark,
so first drill a 1/8”hole at this mark, so this hole will keep your 5/8”drill bit centered. If
you don’t take this extra precaution, you may have a hole which cuts through the end of
the pipe, instead of leaving a 1/2” margin below the hole. This is where you will insert a
very short piece of 1/2” pipe, for the condensed water run-off. File the burrs and make
sure you have a press-fit tightness with the 1/2” pipe which inserts here.
11. Cut a piece of your 1/2” pipe at 7/8” long. Make two tabs on one end, 180° apart. Fit
this through the hole of the 5/8” hole you just made in the 8”section of 3” pipe, above,
from the inside out. You need to squeeze the tabs against the inside surface of the 3”
pipe, so you make good contact so you can solder these contact points for additional
support. Apply plenty of flux and solder this so that the 1/2” length of pipe sticks out
straight without being angled up or down. You need to be very spare with your solder,
because if you goop up this joint with too much extra solder, then you will not be able to
fit the bottom cap over this end of your 8” section of pipe. The best place to solder this
joint is on the inside of the 3” pipe, as you have easy access to this joint, as it is located
right at the very end of the pipe. Before you solder, however, it is also a good idea to fit
the bottom cap against this end of the 8”pipe and make sure that everything fits together
before you solder this 1/2” pipe stub. You may need to use your round file and file a bit
of a dip in one edge of the bottom cap, just to allow for the roundness of the pipe at that
one particular spot.
12. Take a five or ten minute break. Relax. It doesn’t have to look pretty, but you will
nevertheless be quite proud of your still when you are done, if you polish it as you go. I
like to clean it up after soldering each joint, as it polishes better when still a little hot and
there is still a light film of flux on the copper. You can use a cotton rag, but it is best to
use some very fine steel wool, and it polishes it to a nice shine. This also prevents green
goo spots from appearing on the copper later on.
13. Before you can assemble the cap to the end of the bubbler, you must first assemble
the 3/4” FIP to the 3/4” elbow with all the holes drilled in. First, use your round file to
contour the fitting end of the 3/4”FIP adapter so that it matches the outside wall of the
3”pipe. Sand all the surfaces of the fittings, then push the 3/4”stub which has the elbow
with the holes in it, from the inside of the 3”pipe through the 7/8”hole so that it sticks out
straight. Be sure the elbow with the attached reducer points straight downwards, towards
the 5/8”hole at the lower end of this 3”pipe.
Apply flux, attach the 3/4” FIP adopter onto the 3/4” stub, and line up the contoured
edges of the adapter so that you have a very tight, close fit where the solder adheres to
easily, forming a good strong joint. You need to apply solder from the inside, as well.
You can see this joint looking through the end of the pipe, and if you straighten out a
long piece of solder, it will get sucked around the entire joint if you heat this pipe stub
evenly, just where it sticks through the 3” pipe. If you first solder the outside FIP adapter
to the 3/4” stub, as well as to the 3”pipe itself, you won’t need to add much more (if any)
heat to apply the solder on the inside of this joint. Drop this whole assembly in a bucket
of water to cool. Pull it out of the water once it is cool to the touch, wipe away any excess
flux with a rag, and inspect for pin-hole leaks. If you find any areas that did not get
properly tinned (soldered), then apply more flux and re-solder as necessary.
14. Now you are ready to assemble the bubbler. First, you need to sand the inside wall of
the bottom end cap (which is only 1/2”high, remember?) Then, before you attach the cap
to the 8” section of pipe, you need to pack 4 copper “Brillo” pads around the baffle stand.
These pads must not be detergent-impregnated, as some of the pot-scrubbers are. These
are just normal, plain copper pot-scrubbers. Remove any plastic, and if you see a small
steel staple holding the Brillo pad into a ball, remove this, as well (it would just rust).
Sand both ends of the 8” length of pipe with emery cloth, so you have it shiny clean.
Apply flux, and fit the cap over the bottom end of the 8” section of 3”pipe, lining up the
rounded notch or dip you had to file in the last step. Solder this together. You have to use
a lot more heat to solder a 3”diameter pipe than you do with smaller pipe, as there is so
much more copper material to conduct the heat away from the joint. Keep your solder
handy so that you keep touching the tip of solder to the joint and get the solder to start
flowing just as soon as it is hot enough, not waiting until it is too hot. (if it is too hot, the
solder beads up and falls off like water droplets). Keep rotating the pipe so you get the
solder all the way into the joint. The solder gets sucked into the joint if you are at the
lower end of the solder’s melting point temperature range, and when you see the solder
getting sucked into the joint, you know you are doing it correctly. Drop into the water
bucket, then inspect and re-flux and re-solder if necessary.
15. Next, you need to attach the 1/2”elbow to the 1/2”pipe stub for the run-off water. You
do have an option here. Instead of soldering an elbow, you should solder a tee with the
middle tee opening pointing straight up. Solder the 1/2” elbow one the 1/2”pipe stub so it
is pointing straight up, as shown in detail one. Do not attach the 1/2” pipe and tee fitting
just yet, as it gets in the way when you are soldering the bubbler section to the reflux
Condenser section:
16. Drill two 1/4” holes at locations shown near the top of Figure one, in the 16”long
piece of 3” pipe. One hole shall be two inches from one end, and the other shall be 3”
from the opposite end. Both holes should be lined up so that one is exactly above the
other when stood on end. File off the burrs carefully, and check the size of the hole with
the end of the 1/4” refrigeration tubing. This hole should be just slightly looser than the
last two side holes you drilled. The reason for this is that you are going to make an
internal cooling coil with the 1/4”tubing, and you will have to insert the end of this tubing
thorough the 3”pipe from the inside out.
18. Next, you need to support your three-foot long section of 1-1/2 inch plastic pipe so
that it is solidly attached to a pipe vice. Be sure you use schedule 40 PVC or ABS
type pipe, as this has a thick enough wall that you have just under 2 inches outside
diameter (actually, 1-7.8 inches OD).
If you do not have a pipe vice, you may use a 1/16th drill bit to drill two holes in it, one
which is only 3/4”from the end, and another which is 12” inches from that same end.
One technique is to hammer this pipe down to your workbench. Another technique is to
hold it with your foot on a step as I am doing in the photo below. If you choose your
workbench, use two 16-penny nails (common, not box nails), or, two 3”- long metal
screws, nail or screw this pipe to your work bench so that you have about 23 inches
overhanging the end of your workbench. Place the pipe on one end of your workbench
(or overhanging a wooden deck or the side of a stair-step), and start the nail through the
first hole you drilled. Start the nail or screw through the hole and then hit it with your
hammer so it pierces the other side and goes deep into the wood. A 16 penny nail is a
little over 2-1/2”long, so it should go into the wood solidly. It is OK if you smash the
nails a bit deeper, the only thing is you will want to remove the pipe from your bench
later on. You will need to be able to work directly in front of the overhanging pipe, while
you wrap the tubing around this bending jig. There good photos of this on pages 17 & 18.
19.Now, with two people (one to hold the 50 foot coil of copper tubing, and unwind it
straight off the end as described above, and the other to wrap the tubing around the 1-
1/2”pipe you have secured to your vice, workbench or deck), measure off two inches
from the end, and at this point, start by wrapping one end of tubing around the secured
piece of 1-1/2” pipe. This will take a bit of strength and effort to keep the tubing bends
very tight around the 1-1/2”pipe you are using for a bending jig. You must be very
careful not to flatten this tubing as you coil it. The key is to move the tubing only an inch
at a time, and squeeze it into a tight bend with your bare or gloved hands. If you try to
bend longer sections, you may kink or flatten it. There is no tool I know of which makes
this any easier. As you first get two or three wraps around your pipe-bending jig (the 1-
1/2” pipe), you will have to use one hand to work the coil around the pipe, while the other
hand alternately feeds and squeezes the tubing into a coil.
Photo 4
Here in photo 4, I am standing on the 1-1/2” pipe I am using as a rolling jig, and have it
pinched up against the back step of my house, to hold it securely. With my left hand (the
hand in front, wearing a leather glove), I am twisting the coil away from me, while the
right hand guides the straightened-out copper tubing onto the newly-formed coil.
One technique which works is to turn the tight coil wrapped around the pipe away from
you, and hold on to the unwound section of tubing only about 4”away from the pipe, with
the straight part angled upwards towards your head. Then, pull the straight tubing in your
hand (which is only 4”away from the pipe) down and towards the bending jig. If you
have a third person to help at this point, it is helpful to have this person hold the edge of
the channel-lock pliers jaw in between the first and second wraps of tubing, and to work
with you as you twist the tubing around while feeding more tubing to be coiled. The
pliers are not there to grip or pull, but only to rest against the outside of the 1-1/2”pipe as
a spacer between the coils, so they aren’t touching. This person is not essential, but
sometimes it doesn’t hurt to have an extra set of hands helping with this task. It is easier
to make your coils even now than it is to try to space them properly later on.
Proceed slowly and carefully, and stop and re-consider how this looks, as this is a very
important step and must be done correctly. Look at the coiled condenser tubing at the top
of Figure one, as well as the details in Detail 1 (I am referring to the hardcopy of the still
blueprints which you will get in the mail). But, forget about Detail 2 in the center of the
page, for the moment. Your goal is to make 13” of evenly spaced coiled tubing with
about 2 or 2-1/2” sticking out straight at both ends. One other point, before you cut off
the 2”long straight piece oat the end. You want both ends to be pointed the same
direction. This is very important. One end will curve around clockwise (if you hold the
tubing vertically) and the other end will curve around counter-clock-wise. They should
both be able to point the same direction, as the two holes you drilled in the 3”pipe are
vertically lined up. Then you cut off the remaining tubing that is still in the larger part of
the recently unpackaged roll of tubing. If you do this correctly, you will use about 14 or
15 feet of tubing, and have about 28 feet of tubing left on the coil. If you kink this coil,
you may as well throw away this section and start over with a new box of tubing. You
will need full water flow through this tubing for a high production rate, so again, proceed
slowly and carefully while you are winding this tubing into a tight coil. If you wind it too
tight around the 1-1/2”pipe, this is better than being too loose, as you can always untwist
it a bit in the end to release it from its grip on the larger pipe. Also, you can pull both
ends out a little like stretching a spring, but like a spring, you cannot push it together if
you have stretched it too much. Do not remove it from your pipe jig quite yet, though.
Here it is on the workbench jig. Photo 5
Note: the PVC pipe is nailed to the bench so it stays firm while you
work the copper tubing into a coil. Stop your winding with both ends
pointing the same direction (they will be on opposite sides, just as
shown here).
Photo 6: a finished coil.
I am holding it on the end and looking to see if I have both ends coming out pointing the
same direction so I can insert the ends through the holes drilled in the side of the middle
reflux section.
Photo 7 shows the tight windings near the top of the longer reflux section of coils, with
more spacing nearer the bottom end.
20. Inserting the cooling tubing. Now you need to unwind just a little of each end of
this coil, and then pull on the very last coil so that you are pulling the straight end of the
coil to be even with the outside straight line of coil. Now is the time to look at Detail 2
and see how this should look. This looks easy, but to get it just right takes a bit of
attention to detail, and perhaps a bit of luck. Exactly one-half way around the first coil,
you need to unwind it just a bit by pulling it back away from the end of the tubing, and
downwards so you have a wide “last wrap” which drops down even with the next to last
coil. Do the same on both ends, but do not put any unnecessary kinks of bends in this
coil. All you are trying to do is to pull the straight ends back just enough so that the entire
coil fits inside the 18”-long piece of 3”pipe.
Remove the coil from your pipe jig. It is springy, and if it holds onto the pipe too tight,
just work it off slowly by untwisting it slightly and temporarily.
Go ahead and insert this piece of springy coil inside the pipe. Turn both ends towards
the drilled holes, and try to line them up. If they come even close to lining up, then
fashion a hook on the end of the wire coat-hanger in the list of tools, and use it to hook
the coil and pull it up straight so it gets forced out the drilled 1/4”hole. (You did try to see
that the ends of your tubing will slip through these holes, didn’t you?) Now your holes
will be about 11 inches apart, so you may need to compress the spring just a little. If you
get both ends lined up but cannot quite pull them through, you may try threading a small
sheet metal screw into the end of the tubing by threading it lightly into the end of the
tubing, through the drilled 1/4”holes as you see in Detail-2.
Also, read the notes with Detail two on the blueprints.
If you can get the end of the tubing started through the hole, and the screw feels like it
bites into the tubing (without distorting or flaring it outwards), then give the screw
another half-turn, and you can grab on the head of this screw with your vice grips, and
pull the end through the hole. However, at the same time, your friend must help by
pulling up the curved last coil of tubing with the coat hanger, as in Detail 2. It the screw
won’t bite, try a different sized screw. Or, you may be better off not to try the screw, as
unless you are very careful, you will flare out the end of the tubing and it will be too big
to fit through the hole, or the coupling you have to solder on later. So, work at it with the
coat hanger a bit longer before resorting to the screw.
Look closely at the dark area inside the pipe in the above photo, and you can see the coil
with the end coming out to the outside. I am soldering this to seal the tubing to the
outside wall of the 3 inch copper pipe. I also dab a little solder on the inside of this same
joint for extra strength, because above all, you do not want there to be any vapor leaks
to the outside.
21. Once you get one piece of tubing through the hole, just enough so that you have 3/4-
inch of tubing sticking out, polish it with your emery cloth, apply flux, and solder on a
1/4”coupling. This will keep it from disappearing back into the pipe while you work at
getting the other end to come stick out like the first one. You need to have only enough
tubing sticking out to fit into the coupling, and you need to pull any excess back inside
the still column. You have to solder the base of the 1/4”coupling to the side of the 3”pipe,
exactly where it protrudes. This is stronger than soldering around just the tubing itself.
Then use your coat hanger (and sheet metal screw, if necessary) and pull the other end of
the tubing out the other hole and solder it, as just described. Next, use your coat hanger to
pull the last half-loop of coil on the inside of the pipe up so that it touches the pipe wall
opposite to the hole where it protrudes. You may need to push against the coil to keep it
in place while you apply flux and solder the first and last coils of the tubing to an
attachment point just opposite the protruding end, as shown in Detail Two. This coil,
especially the bottom end of it, and where you solder it, should look just like the detail at
the top of Detail one, where it says, “Solder to brace”.
22. Using the remaining amount of tubing, unwind it and wrap it around the 1-1/2”nailed
down or vice-clamped piece of pipe, just as you did with the condenser section. You
will again start and finish with a 2”-long piece of straight tubing, and again they should
both be pointing the same direction when you finish the coils. You are wrapping the
coils fairly tight, as before, and when you are halfway finished, you will have part of your
coil dropping off the end of the fixed 1-1/2”pipe jig. This is OK; just make sure it doesn’t
get stretched out too much as it falls free, out of the way. Use up the entire amount of
tubing. Space your coils evenly, as before, and again, take your time with this coil, as
you cannot allow any kinks or flattening in this section, either.
23. Once you have made your second, longer cooling coil, set this aside for now. You
may remove the 1-1/2” pipe from your workbench, and cut off a 7”-long piece off the end
which has no nail holes in it. This will be the pipe which joins the condenser to the reflux
column, as shown in the Alternate method, near the top center of the plans.
24. Clamp one of the 3”x 1-1/2”reducing couplings very firmly in the vice. Using you
round file, you need to remove the internal “stop ring” from the inside of the smaller end
of the 3” x 1-1/2”reducing coupling. This will allow you to insert the 7” long piece of
pipe inside this fitting do that the top end of the 7” pipe is even with the top end of the 3”
fitting. You may apply flux to the pipe to get it to slide in and out easier, trying from the
top rather than from the bottom to see if you have removed enough material for a
complete insert. But, do not insert this pipe just yet.
25. Assembling the fuel outlet. You also need to drill a 5/8” diameter hole on the bottom
sloping side of the same reducing coupling which you were filing on the inside in step 24.
This is a difficult hole to drill, as your bit will want to slide on the curved surface of the
fitting. You need to center-punch this hole exactly 7/8” up from the point where the
smaller side wall joins with the angled side-wall. Use a piece of 1/2” pipe as a visual
guide to see just where the pipe needs to fit so that when inserted through this hole you
are about to drill, and hold it up to the drawing in the alternate method detail, so you
understand exactly how it should look. You may drill from the outside in, or from the
inside out, whichever is easier for you. Proceed with drilling the 5/8” diameter hole.
Next, cut off a 4” length of 1/2” pipe, polish one end with emery cloth, then cut two pairs
of opposite notches 1/4”deep like you are making two more tabs, as you did earlier. File
off the burrs, then insert this pipe through the 5/8” hole you just drilled, and position so
you can bend the tabs down into place so they will lie flat against the inside of the
3”reducer. Finish any filing you may need to do to get the 7” piece of pipe inserted into
place, this time from the bottom (and applying lots of flux so it slides easily, and get
ready to solder both insert pieces of pipe by heating it just one time with your torch. Then
insert the 7” length of 1-1/2” pipe into this coupling, sliding it well past the filed-out stop
ring, and even with the top of the reducer coupling. Look at the alternate method drawing
to see that you have proper positioning. The smaller end of the fitting should be heated
first, however, so you may apply the solder from the top and inside of the fitting. It is
easier to assemble this joint if you have it in the same vertical position as it appears in the
drawing on the set of plans. Use plenty of flux, but be sparing with the solder, again
remembering to keep touching the solder to the fitting as you heat it so that it starts to
pull into the fitting before it gets too hot. You will likely have to use vice grips or have
your friend hold the 4” length of 1/2” pipe into place so that you get a good attachment of
the inside tabs to the sloping side-wall of the reducer fitting. If it gets too hot, step back
and let it cool for a minute, and then start in again. Or, use your pliers to pick up the
whole assembly, and drop it into the bucket of water, then take it out, inspect it for where
it still needs to be soldered, and apply more flux and go back to soldering. When you are
done, you should be able to remove it from the water bucket, and as you lift it out, hold
your thumb over the lower end of the 1/2”pipe and see if the upper section of the reducer
holds water. This is your fuel outlet, where your finished high proof alcohol comes out.
You have to make sure that you have no voids in the soldering, and no extra solder on the
inside walls of this coupling.
Photo 10.
Photo 11
On the top of this smaller 1-1/2 inch pipe which you see in this photo is where you
will attach a couple curved strips of copper to keep the marbles from the bottom
section from rolling into the top section if you lay the still down into a horizontal
position for carrying it. The smaller ½ inch pipe on the lower right of this photo is the
high-proof fuel outlet.
27. You may now shine up the lower end of the condenser section (the lower end has the
tubing sticking out at 3”up from the lower end), and also polish the inside of the reducer
coupling assembly you made in the last step. Apply flux and fit the 3”end of the reducer
coupling onto the 3”pipe, being careful that the high proof spigot you just made (the
4”piece of 1/2”pipe) is exactly opposite the two stubbed out ends of 1/4”tubing. Tap it
lightly into place with a hammer, if it needs a bit of persuasion, but remember, this fitting
has to go on straight and evenly, as it will bind up if it gets even a little cocked over to
one side. If you are not sure if you have the fitting all the way on the pipe, you may
measure with your tape measure. The top section is 16”long. The reducer fitting depth
may be measured against the remaining reducer fitting which you have not yet used, and
you can calculate how far into the fitting the pipe is. Tap it lightly with a block of wood
paced over the end of the 3”pipe, if you need to coax it in further. Solder the condenser to
the reducer/drain assembly, and you are now for the moment done with the condenser
Set the condenser aside for now, as the top cap doesn’t go on yet, as it is the last thing
you solder into place. Photo 12
Photo 13
Photo 13 is the condenser section being soldered into place, after gently tapping it inside
the 3-inch midsection joint. Read on further, as it doesn’t get attached yet.
Reflux Section
28. Now you need to drill another 7/8”hole, as you did before in step 4, at a point just 2”down
from the top of the 36”long reflux section. Center punch it, and drill carefully, holding the
pipe in the vice or the pipe miter box you made out of your 2”x 4”.
29. Next, just one inch lower and 90 degrees away from the 7/8” hole you just drilled, you
need to mark and drill a 5/8”hole. File the burrs off of both holes, and use pieces of 3/4”and
1/2”pipe to be sure you have exactly the tight press-fit you will need, just as was necessary
with the two holes you drilled in the bubbler section, earlier.
30. Now, just two inches lower than the 5/8” hole you just drilled, and in a direct line with the
first 7/8”hole, drill a 1/4”hole for the tubing to fit through. This hole will be 5” from the top of
the reflux column, as you may see on your set of plans. On the other end, in a direct line with
the top 14”hole, but just 3”up form the lower end, you may mark and drill the last 1/4” hole in
the pipe. File this with your round file, and test these last two holes with the end of the 1/4”
tubing, again to see that it fits easily (but not too easily) through these holes, as now you have
a longer piece of coiled tubing to insert.(but do not insert it yet.
Photo 14
31. (optional) You have one last hole to drill in the reflux section, but you may never use it.
Therefore, this step is optional, and you may skip it if you think you will never want to
modify the still for future expansion. Otherwise, this is the only since you have to drill this
hole, and it could come in handy later on. This will be a 5/8”hole, exactly opposite the
7/8”hole at the top of the reflux column (and therefore also exactly opposite the two 1/4”holes
for the cooling tubing). This hole will be 10”down from the top of the reflux column. It will
get a very short piece of 1/2”tubing, just 3/4”long, inserted into this hole, but not before it is
attached to a 1/2”FIP adapter. First, using your round file, contour the fitting end of the
1’2”FIP adapter so that it matches the curvature of the 3”diameter pipe. Then insert the very
short, 3/4” long piece of 1/2”pipe into the FIP adapter, solder it, then cool it in the bucket.
Now you may insert this fitting and pipe stub into the 58”hole, apply flux and solder it into
place. When cooled, wrap a 1/2”brass plug with some Teflon tape, and screw into this fitting.
Remember to hold onto the outside of the fitting with a pair of channel lock pliers as you
tighten the plug, as you do not want to break your solder joint by twisting it off.
32. Insert the cooling coil. This is the same technique as before, only this time, the holes are
further from the ends of the pipe, so this might be just a little harder, but perhaps you will find
it easier, as you will know what worked for you on the first section.
33. Once you have fished the 1/4”tubing out of those little holes, you need to very carefully
see that the 1/4” couplings still fit these tubing ends. File them lightly, if you need to, and
polish them with emery cloth. If you have to try to squeeze them back into a round shape if
one is the ends is oval shaped, then do it ever so carefully, or you are more likely to just end
up smashing it in the opposite direction. If it is wedged out due to the screw you were pulling
on it with, try to file it down. If all else fails, to get a clean tubing end suitable for soldering
into the precise fit of the 1/4” coupling, then try to pull out a little bit and cut it off with the
tubing cutter. You don’t really have much straight tubing to pull on, but if you have to, rather
than pulling on the tubing, try to use a long screwdriver or your coat-hanger to pry out more
of the tubing so you can cut off the ovaled or smashed part. Pull the tubing back inside
34. Solder couplings on to the tubing ends. Each of the four tubing ends should have a
1/4”coupliing on it, so here you are soldering on the couplings just as you did in step # 26.
These do have to be soldered couplings, as compression couplings will wear down eventually.
Caution: you are going to re-solder these same couplings later on when you have to install the
tubing hookups that go to each coupling. With this in mind, do not use too much solder, as a
extra drop inside the solder coupling may prevent you from getting a new piece of tubing into
the coupling. The other thing to be aware of is that the coil may want to spring back and
disappear inside the 3”tubing if it has any spring tension on it due to having had to pull on it
in order to pull the end out straight. This is possibly the worst thing to have happen, and it has
happened, after the couplings were soldered on and it was no longer possible to manipulate
the coil. So, this is one of the reasons for insisting that you solder the opposite side of the very
first coil wrap against the opposing wall from where the coil end protrudes. This is shown on
the plans at the top of Detail 1. The second reason for attaching the coil to the wall of the
column is that this reduces stress on the joint where the coil comes out through the 1/4”hole,
as the coil does flex as it goes through its temperature changes during the heating and cool-
down periods. Plus, remember to solder the base of the 1/4”couplings to the wall of the still.
35. Next, you need to solder on the 1/2”and 3/4”FIP adapters (female threaded adapters).
First, contour the ends of the fittings to conform to the outside diameter of the 3”pipe, as you
did earlier. For the 3/4”fitting, you must cut a short stub of 3/4”pipe 1-1/8th” long and create
two opposing tabs, 1’4 “ deep as you did earlier. If you can first insert the short stub through
the 7/8”hole, then using a long screwdriver reaching in from the end of the 3”pipe, bend these
against the inside wall by tapping them down with the screwdriver and hammer. Next, make a
short 7/8”long piece of 1/2”pipe for the smaller fitting, and insert it into the 5/8”hole. Make
sure you have a snug fit, and that they stick out exactly straight, then polish and apply flux,
and slip on the 3/4” FIP adapter, as well as the contoured 1/2”adapter. The tabs need to be
soldered from the inside of the pipe, but you may heat the 3”pipe from the outside and solder
both the pipe stubs to the outside wall of the 3”pipe in just one application with the torch. Be
sure to get the solder to pull up inside the FIP adapters, as they must be fixed solid, as with
every other appendage on this still. While the pipe is still warm, wipe off the excess flux
drippings with a rag (and notice how it shines up the copper.)
36. Attaching the bubbler. Now you need to fit the 3” diameter shower drain plate inside a
3”diameter coupling, and after polishing and applying flux, slip it on the bottom end of the
36” long reflux column. The thin steel plate will hold the marbles from dropping down into
the bubbler section. The bottom end of the reflux section is of course the end without the
fittings attached. Next, you may polish and flux the top of the bubbler section, and attach it to
the bottom end of the coupling you just slipped on. Note the alignment of the holes. You
should have the tubing ends, as well as the 3/4” adaptor on the bubbler section, all lined up
and on the left side, as shown in the detail drawing. Solder both ends of this coupling. You
may have to turn the still upside down as well as to rotate it to get the solder to flow
completely into the coupling, all the way around. All soldering must be done just as if it were
going to hold water under high pressure, as it is actually going to have to contain steam at
high temperature, which is every bit as critical in terms of being necessary to be leak-free.
Cool and wipe off.
Now it is time to fill the reflux column with the marbles. You have the still standing upright,
with the bubbler section attached at the bottom. Fill with marbles one bag at a time, letting
them roll both inside and outside the coils. Try to fill a little on the outside first, then some on
the inside, then some on the outside, letting them settle into place. You may have to shake the
still a bit so they can got down near the bottom. Keep filling until they reach to the top loop
of coil. Plug the FIP fittings with a piece of rag so you don’t lose any marbles.
Photo 15 is attaching the bubbler (lower section). The condenser isn’t attached yet.
Polish the end of the reflux column, and the insides of the remaining 3”x 1-1/2”coupling.
Apply flux, and attach the condenser-section with the 1-1/2” pipe joining the finished
condenser section to the reflux section. Note that all 1/4”tubing ends should be lined up
with each other. Solder the coupling to the pipe, again, turning the whole thing upside
down if you have to get proper access with the flame and solder to get it to flow inside the
Photo 16
38. Next, you may solder the top cap in place.
39. You are almost done. Cut 3 pieces of 1/2”tubing to the dimensions shown a the bottom of
detail 1, and attach to the tee and couplings. Solder these into place. You have to make one
more very short 1/2”stub, only 1-1/8th “long, and solder it into the end of the bottom tee with a
1/2”FIP adapter as shown in the penciled-in revision.
40. Measure a piece of 1/4”tubing to reach from the bottom cooing coil of the condenser
section and to go straight down about a foot and then to make a wide (not sharp) bend and cut
it where it will attach to the other 1/4” cooling tubing a the top of the reflux section. You can
see how these two cooling sections interconnect in Figure 1, where the arrows on this section
of tubing shows the direction of flow. Flux and solder it into place.
41. Clean off the still with your rag. Build a stand for the still with 2 x 6’s, similar to what you
see in Figure 3. If you go to page 33, you can see my latest still, and how I even put rolling
castors on the bottom support stand. I used steel straps for cross bracing.
I used two 4” closet flanges to attach to the still at the top and bottom support frame. I cut out
a notch with a hacksaw for the drain fitting to stick out.
42. Use Teflon tape or TFE paste on the brass nipple threads, and attach a 3/4”male hose
adapter to the bottom 3/4”FIP. The temperature gauge (and thermo-well) screws into the
1/2”FIP fitting in the upper middle of the still. The remaining hose and water fittings will be
described in the next chapter, along with how to construct the boiler.
The frame is a simple wood construction. Here I used a couple of white plastic 4 inch toilet
floor flanges which I used as a socket to receive the two ends of the 3 inch copper pipe caps.
At the bottom I cut out a notch for the 1/2-inch drain fitting assembly. The water inlet
connections haven’t been made up yet, but this is shown in the drawing in the Pdf file.
Photo 17
Here, I used a PVC toilet floor flange to secure the top and bottom ends of the still to the
frame. The white thing in front, middle, is a white plastic plug I installed temporarily to close
the hole where the temperature gauge will be installed (and keep the marbles inside).
Boiler instructions
Murphy's Law says that if anything can go wrong, it will. In terms of running a still, this
means you must pay attention, and follow the following safety warnings, so that you make a
still which will not blow up in your face.
Alcohol as a liquid is not dangerous (unless taken internally) but ALCOHOL IN A VAPOR
CAN EXPLODE! It would be useless as a fuel if this were not true. That said, petrol
(gasoline) is far more dangerous, and yet we use it every day, except generally, not around
open fire.
This still is really a lot safer than most batch stills…
A: because the boiler can be set up at a distance from the still. And,
B: because it operates for all practical reasons, pretty much at atmospheric pressure.
no internal pressure is allowed to build up. This part is detailed in the next section, on
building the boiler.
A pot still is far more dangerous with the reflux column up there on top of the boiler, where
the spillage and vapors are directly above open flame or an electrical heating element. Our
still, the Charles 803, because the reflux column is separate from the boiler, is much safer
because we keep the alcohol fumes away from the open flames.
Alcohol does not explode like gasoline. Gas vapors go off with a bang. Alcohol burns more
slowly, so when it lights, it goes off with more of a whoosh, which, because it burns with an
invisible flame, may ignite something else before you even know you have a fire. So just
keep flammable stuff at a distance.
This still is very small. Don’t let the size fool you. It can produce as little as a quart an hour,
or it can get up to several gallons an hour. This is because it operates on vapors from a boiler
containing fermented brew. The distilling process actually begins at the boiler. The boiler can
be anything from a small pressure cooker to a 1000 gallon boiler.
Distilling is a process by which the alcohol is driven out of the beer by heat. When two liquids
are mixed, their boiling point changes to a point between the boiling points of the two liquids.
Just where this new boiling point is in terms of exact degrees depends on the concentration of
the two components of the liquid.
Vapors mixed together act independently.
Because we are starting with a solution containing less than 15% alcohol, a great deal of water
will be vaporized as we heat the liquid.
This drawing on page 30 shows the boiler as a 50-gallon drum standing on end on concrete
blocks. This is easy to set up, but is not ideal. It is far better to lay the barrel on its side, as
this allows for faster and more efficient heating, as the flames warm more of the barrel's
surface. This requires driving stakes next to the outside of the blocks so they don't roll
outwards due to the weight of the barrel. Or, look at the drawing of a barrel support, page 40.
The boiler should present the largest liquid surface area possible. Vapor comes out of the
liquid only at the surface, so the more surface area, the greater the opportunity for the vapor to
leave. Laying a barrel on its side gives you a larger surface area for the flame, and also a
larger surface area at the top of the mash where the alcohol vapors can exit on their way to the
reflux column.
If you are using a 50-gallon oil drum (I like to find a used vegetable oil drum, as then there is
no smell of petroleum residues), and use it in a horizontal support rather than in a vertical
position. This way, there is also more area on which to apply the heat, making a more
efficient use of your heat source. If heat is applied to the end of the drum while it stands
vertically, the vaporizing surface would be the diameter of the drum. If the drum were lying
on its side, the heated surface and the vaporizing surface would be considerably greater. The
boiler should be vapor and liquid tight and able to withstand heat and pressure.
The distilling process begins at the boiler and the plumbing from the boiler to the still
becomes the first stage of the still. If the piping from the boiler is not insulated, much of the
water will condense and run back into the boiler or out through the runoff outlet at the bottom
of the column. A slight downward slant from the boiler to the column will prevent the water
from draining back to the boiler. This simple plumbing trick will extend the capacity of the
still greatly.
REMEMBER: All the still is doing is cleaning the water out of the vapors before condensing
them. The higher the proof we want, the more cleaning we want. As soon as the vapors come
out of the boiler, any slight cooling will strip out a portion of the vapors.
WARNING: Just as a covered pot will boil over when cooking rice or pasta, this can be a
much bigger danger when heating such a big container. The main thing is, never have a
completely closed container. While we don't want an open vent like the little hole on many
cook-pot lids, as this would release lots of precious alcohol, we do want to blow off steam if it
gets above 2 or 3 pounds pressure.
The easiest way to maintain the low pressure required (2 to 5 lbs per square inch) and at the
same time provide a blow-off valve for your boiler is to install a safety vent on the boiler,
using the check valve I show in photo 18.
Also, never try to use alcohol to fuel a boiler: while pure ethanol is a great fuel for internal
combustion engines, it is not very good as boiler fuel: it burns too cool. Don’t bother trying
this, as you would be putting more energy into the operation than you are getting out.
c. 1 ea 2" x 1" reducer bushing. For attaching to 2 inch bung in top of boiler.
d. 1 ea 1" swing check valve, brass. For attaching to 2 inch tee, with direction of flow
arrow pointing upwards.
The side opening of the 1-inch tee gets a hose adaptor fitting, item # 15, page 5.
Photo 18
Photo 18 is my latest still, showing the safety vent (check valve) attached to the boiler end of
the black heater hose. The galvanized 1” x 2” bushing on right looks blue and white, where I
have taped it with Teflon tape).
Also, you may notice that I used a 2 inch pipe between the condenser and the reflux section,
for a higher flow rate.
The doubler is the bottom section of the drawing and where the vapors first come into the
still. Here we create a pool of liquid from the stripping above and make the incoming vapors
pass through it. This does several things.
1. The vapor heats the pool. In heating the pool the vapor will be cooled and a considerable
amount of the water will condense. The reason it is called a doubler is because it was found
that just about half the water condenses out every time it passes through one of these pools.
2. The heated pool will be above the boiling point of alcohol so that any alcohol falling from
above will be reheated and go back up.
3. This pool will keep any solids that might have reached this point in suspension so that they
will flow out in the runoff. This is a very important part of the still, even though it isn't
difficult to build. In order to keep the pressure that is built up as the vapor passes through the
marbles from forcing the pool out, the pool should be at least seven inches deep. The depth of
the pool is set by the trap made by the runoff line.
The big stills supply live steam at the bottom of the column and beer at the top. This is the
best way to heat the beer with steam heat without having to use direct heat from an open
flame on the container with the beer or mash. This way, no carbon buildup ever occurs.
The Charles 803 may be modified to work on this principle, but this is a much more
expensive way to build a still. It means converting it from a batch still to a continuous still,
which you only want to do if you want to run the still 5 to 7 days a week, and have
particularly large volumes of beer to distill. The short version of instructions for converting
the batch still into a continuous run still is to make a second fitting/assemblies as described in
step 6, and install this just one inch below the thermometer. This is exactly like the piece you
made in step 6. Then you need a regulated source of live steam, such as an engine steam
cleaner, to inject steam into this new ¾ inch fitting, where the steam will be directed
downward into the marbles by the 90 degree fitting/reducer assembly with the holes drilled in
The expensive and difficult part of building a continuous still instead of the batch still is that
you need to have a variable speed pump to pump the beer at a rate which matches the steam
input from a separate live steam source, such as a steam pressure washer. A description of
how to do this is beyond the scope of this instruction, but you may write to me when you are
experienced enough with the basic batch still and ready to expand your operation.
The description of how a batch still works may be found on my website, on the Principals of
Operation page:
The larger continuous run stills have flat horizontal steel plates welded inside a big 8 or 12
inch diameter column with big holes in them, allowing steam to flow up and beer to flow
down, with a flat surface area where they can directly interact. There is a relationship between
how many plates you have and how tall the still is, as well as accounting for the diameter of
the still.
The plates work similar to the marbles to create the up and down action between water and
alcohol vapors. Many commercial stills use ceramic Raschig Rings instead of marbles. My
website has a link for these, but the marbles always seem to work just fine.
The big type stills inject live steam at the bottom of the stripper, which boils the beer as it
rises through the down-falling beer. Either by controlling the amount of steam entering or the
rate the beer is pumped into the column the flow rate and therefore, the proof is set. Because
heat must be transferred from heat source to water to brew, and because the steam column
adds water vapor which must then be condensed, steam columns are large and the heat
efficiency depends on how well it is wrapped and whether it is in an inside room. The steam
may be generated directly by a steam power washer, but much be regulated to match the
incoming pumping rate of the beer, which is fed by a pump rather that being boiled directly,
as the diagram for the Charles 803 still shows. The still in the Scotch Whisky Distillery
photos use these plate type stills, with very low efficiency, and they do not try to get as high a
proof as what we what for running a car or truck on alcohol.
So, this is the principal of the big commercial stills.
Photo 19
This section simply puts a distance between the top of the stripper coil and the condenser to
keep the two from affecting each other, and allows us to get some idea of what is happening
inside the still. We need some reference temperature so that we can set the proof of the
alcohol coming from the condenser.
The middle of the control section will give us a reference temperature. Let us stop for a
minute and see what this reference temperature tells us. First we know that pure alcohol at sea
level will boil at 173 degrees F. We don't want the temperature at our reference point below
this or we will be condensing much of the alcohol. In order to distill a high proof alcohol the
temperature should be as low as possible. The automatic valve will control this accurately.
Exact temperature depends on altitude and a variety of other factors. The flow of water in the
condenser coil needs to be no greater than sufficient to cool the liquid to 100 degrees F. This
flow will be determined by the amount of vapor to be condensed and the amount of water in
those vapors, which is determined by the temperature of the vapor going in. The flow of water
through the stripper will be determined by the proof we want. The more vapor going through
the still, the more water needs to flow through the stripper to keep the temperature of this
section constant. The water going into the stripper should be the water coming out of the
condenser. This water is already warmed somewhat, so it is less likely to over-strip or
condense alcohol vapor. The water should enter at the top and come out the bottom of the
stripper coils. The water coming out the stripper will be at very high temperatures. It can be
used as a heat source for the distilling room, another room or part of the alcohol production
The first thing to be taken care of, long before you hook the still up to your boiler, is to see it
you have any liquid or vapor leaks from the still. Vapor loss means loss of alcohol. This can
be checked before operation by sealing off all but one opening in the still. Blow air into that
opening. Any air leak would be a potential vapor leak. Seal these up. Once you get started and
the mash is boiling, you will see steam leaking out if you have a leak.
If you install a second thermometer (similar to the one in the reflux column) in the liquid
area of the boiler, you can watch the temperature rise in the boiler. The only way to do this
cheaply is to get a thermometer which has a long, flexible temperature probe which could be
inserted through a sealed, threaded gland with a packing gland to seal the vapors. It is handy
but not all that necessary, and I have done fine over many years without one. It is far better to
have the temperature gauge mounted on the still, as shown in the blueprints.
At some temperature just above 173 degrees F, the pipe between the boiler and the stil1 will
begin to heat up. The exact temperature at which this happens will depend on the
concentration of alcohol in the brew. A low boiling point indicates a high concentration of
alcohol. You can follow the vapors by feeling the pipe and still as they warm up.
Remember - The still starts at the boiler and the vapors are being cleaned as they travel. This
is perhaps a good place to explain why I prefer marbles in the distillation column instead of
pot scrubbers, as used by many home whiskey distillers. We are going to be boiling a lot of
different types of mash mixes over the life of this still, and some things that boil contain large
amounts of floating organic particles, which get stuck inside the small voids inside the pot
scrubbers, and eventually clog it up. Marbles, on the other hand, being made out of smooth
glass, can easily be washed off between every few distillation runs, by connecting a garden
hose to the ¾ inch steam fitting at the bottom and washing the still internally with a high flow
of water.
O.K., the mash is starting to boil, so soon the temperature in the control section will start to
rise. When this occurs, start a cooling flow of water. If you are controlling the water flow
manually, let the temperature rise to around 190 degrees F and hold it there for only a minute
or so, to start with. Turn the water flow up a bit until you see the still thermometer drop to
about 175. This still responds to adjustments in the water flow almost immediately. But
without the automatic temperature control valve, you have to fiddle with the temperature
every minute or two, and every time the temperature gets too high, the more water gets up
into the condenser, and the lower your proof. We don’t need to be concerned about using a
hydrometer to measure the proof at the early stages of production, as the hot, high proof
alcohol will make the hydrometer reads falsely due to temperature. It is just more important
early on to try to stabilize the water flow so the temperature remains constant at 173 F.
Once it has leveled off, start more water flowing through the coils.
The less vapor flowing through the still, the smaller the change and the slower the reaction
should be. Be sure you allow time for the change to take place and the proof to level off.
If you have an automatic valve, you won’t know at first what temperature it is set to. So first,
you have to figure out which way to turn it to adjust the temperature. So you need to figure
this out before the mash starts boiling. Start by turning it fully one way, then the other, while
your mash is heating but not yet boiling. Turning it all the way to the lowest
temperature setting will open the valve and you will see and hear water flowing. Turn it all
the way the other way and the water will stop, long before you get to the end set point. For
now, leave it at this setting. Then, when you start to hear the mash start to boil, turn it a little
bit towards the cooler setting, and you will start to see the cooing water flow. Turn it a bit
more, and watch the temperature gauge on the still. Again, you will see this temperature react
immediately, as they are both sensing the space internal temperature zone. Adjust the cooling
water flow by turning the small screw which increases or decreases spring tension on the
control valve. Your water valve will be all the way open, as you need to let the automatic
valve do the temperature control, as it is a lot faster than you are. Try to get it exactly at 173F.
When the control section temperature stabilizes, you will see alcohol begin to come out.
Check your boiler, as you may need to turn down the heat, just like you would when you
are cooking rice or pasta, and it starts to boil over. This is important, as you are boiling with a
closed cooking pot, and if it really starts to boil over, you not only have a mess, you might get
scalded by steam! This is why it is better to use a gas burner for your first couple of times of
running the still, as a wood boiler is much harder to control.
Let the still stabilize here and check the proof, raise the temperature slightly, stabilize and
check the proof and so on until you reach the highest temperature your valve will allow, or the
lowest proof you wish to distill. Once you are familiar with the valve, you may set it quickly
to get whatever proof you like and it will consistently get that proof.
Don't be surprised if the alcohol starts coming out before you turn the water on. This is
because the marbles are cooling the vapors at the beginning. The vapors also condense on the
condenser coils as they warm the condenser.
First Run:
You are not applying heat in the still, but you are feeding a fast stream of hot steam into it.
The input temperature is the result of steam vapor flowing from the boiler. If you don’t have
any vapor flow, the temperature will not be very high. The more alcohol in the beer, the
sooner the vapor begins to flow (because alcohol boils before water does). If nothing but
water ever comes out of the still, there was no alcohol in the brew to begin with. This is why
you need a balling hydrometer; to figure out how much alcohol you have in your beer/mash
before you get started. Soon after you start boiling the mash, the real distilling action starts,
and there will be some high proof alcohol flowing out of the runoff outlet. This means that the
pool in the doubler section is full and the still is nearly stabilized. Once the pool is full and
you have adjusted the temperature to the proof you want, alcohol flow will increase. The up
and down flow in the doubler section is established and the pool is re-heating the alcohol that
may have fallen downwards at the very beginning because the sides of the reflux column were
cold. But as long as the heat is being applied to the boiler at an even rate, the vapor continues
to heat the reflux column and thus will re-heat any alcohol that condenses too early. The
automatic valve usually comes factory set too high (180 degrees F), so you have to watch the
temperature at the beginnings and adjust the set screw on the automatic valve just ¼ turn one
way or the other, while you watch the
REMEMBER: The brew (as you boil it) is losing alcohol. But if you have everything going
right, you are catching it at the condenser drain tube.
If you start out with a small batch, say, 10 or 20 gallons of beer, o if you apply too much heat,
this happens pretty fast.
As the alcohol percentage falls, the temperature in the boiler will begin to rise. This is
because the boiling point of the mixture is approaching that of water. The rise in temperature
will be seen in the still also, so little by little more water will have to be sent through the
cooling coils to hold that temperature steady.
Watch the boiler temperature closely (look and listen and get a friend to help you watch the
temperature gauge and record the temperatures over the period of time it from start to
finish).You don’t have to watch it that closely once it starts working, but on your first run, it
really helps you get an idea of what is going on. You also should measure exactly how many
gallons of mash you started with, what the alcohol content was according to your balling
hydrometer. Remember, the more mash, the longer it takes to boil. Start with a small batch for
you first run, and then go for larger quantities once you know what you are doing.
The operation of this still is such that the heaviest flow will be at the beginning and slowly
taper off until the alcohol flow stops altogether. Check the proof as it gets near the end.
If it begins to fall off, increase the stripper water. You will notice more and more flow out of
the runoff. When the alcohol all but stops, check the boiler temperature. It may be that your
boiler flame is too low, and you aren’t getting up to 173. But on the other hand, if the
temperature of the gauge remains steady at 173 and the water flow through the cooling coils is
going full blast, and there is no more alcohol coming out, it probably means you are done. If
you use a 50 gallon barrel for a boiler and boil 40 gallons of mash (remember what I said
earlier about leaving some expansion space in the top of your boiler?), then with a good boiler
flame, the entire run will take an hour to hour and a half to get up to temperature, and about
one hour to get out 5 gallons of high proof (assuming you start with 10% alcohol content in
the mash). I will run the still for maybe ten more minutes after it stops producing high proof,
just to make sure I have most of the alcohol out of the brew. Then the heat should be shut off,
and you are done.
The liquid left in the boiler contains the acid you added earlier to lower the pH of your brew.
This water may be cooled, the solids settled out and fed to hogs, poultry or fish and the
remaining liquid put in the fermentation vat as the second half of the water to cool the brew
before adding the second enzyme.
There will always be some alcohol in the runoff.
Although the quantity may be slight it is a good idea to rerun the runoff. It is much cleaner
than the original brew and will clean out your boiler and the plumbing on the way through the
designed the size it is so that you can use heat sources that are normally found on the farm to
power it. It can be run at minimum capacity from the burner of a gas or electric stove. This
will produce 6,000 to 10,000 BTU/hour of heat.
Too great a heat loss could cause the same problem loss. If you are operating the boiler
outside in the winter just a little wind could cause too great a heat loss and all the alcohol
could be in the runoff at a fairly high proof or could have run back into the boiler. The boiler
and still should both be inside a building.
Another matter is that you need to keep the distance between the boiler and the still pretty
short, so you don’t build up a high back pressure to your boiler, and it needs to be big enough
to handle the steam input. Any piping to the still becomes a part of the distilling process.
A ¾ inch black heating hose may be big enough for a 50 gallon boiler, but the bigger the
boiler, the bigger this hose needs to be. A 1-1/4 inch hose may be required for larger boilers.
Even inside the boiler, condensation is taking place.
What this still is, then, is a controllable cleanup mechanism. This is why we say don't
underestimate the amount it can distill. It is also why we cannot say what the hourly capacity
will be until the entire system is built. The more stripping that is done before the vapors get to
the still the less work the still has to do. Once we get the still to produce the proof we want
the capacity can easily be increased by working with the system ahead of it. For example, we
could take the hot water exiting from the bottom of the cooling coils and use it to preheat our
next batch of mash, so we can add enzymes and yeast.
REMEMBER: What you want is a slowly decreasing temperature from the boiler to the
condenser of the still. This is the key to the whole system. As long as you do not shock the
vapor with too sudden a temperature change, the water vapor will gradually fall out; any
alcohol that may condense along with the water will have a chance to re-vaporize as it runs
back to the warmer part of the still. If you understand all of the principles, you should now be
able to build a distilling system with a capacity of many gallons per hour. "Start out small
and try larger batches, as you get the feel of what is happening."
Also, I am updating my website all the time, and am always putting up more info and more
links. A lot of your questions are already answered for you if you take the time to browse my
website a bit more.
If you have any other questions about feed-stocks, fuel use, etc., write to me via the public
forum I have created for this. Ethanol for Fuel
This is an on-line discussion/newsgroup on making and using your own alcohol fuel.
Subscribe for free, to access archives.
Good luck,
Robert Warren
Questions and answers:
> I hope you don't mind, but what is the expected flow rate of cooling water through the still?
> Regards, > Michael
This is going to depend on how high the flame is on the boiler. The still temperature changes from minute to
minute, and a change in one degree of heat will alter the flow or even turn t off or on in only one second or less.
This is the real beauty of the automatic control valve. It is a bimetal spring-operated refrigeration valve. The
bimetal temp sensor is inside a flexible sensor probe, which has a gland nut that fits the 3/4 inch FIP, just below
the midsection joint. The body if the valve should attach to the wooden frame you will build to support your
valve. The garden hose gets hooked up to the female hose x 1/4 inch adaptor fitting. I do recommend fitting the
1/4 inch water bypass valve as shown in the blueprints, as sometimes this is handy to be able to fiddle with the
temperature manually to help you understand what is going on, plus it lets you change the temp quickly in the
first few minutes before you get your automatic valve temperature adjusted to the precise setting you will need
for your desired output proof.
The cooling water is hooked up to a garden hose, but only flows at a much smaller rate as the cooling water is
all constricted by the 1/4 inch tubing it flows through. So Even if your water pressure was really high (this, too,
affects flow) the maximum flow will only be at most a liter or 1.5 liters / minute. But it is never steady at this
rate: the valve will turn the valve on and off many times in the course of a one hour still run, which is all it takes
to distill off the contents or a 50 gallon barrel. The other thing is the cooling water need not be wasted: you can
save it into a barrel or any kind of tank. The water is always under pressure until it comes out the plastic tubing
on the bottom cooling water exit fitting. Also, this water is now hot water, so it may be used right away to mix
up your next batch and add your enzymes. This will improve the overall efficiency of your process. --Robert
No, even though I am a solar engineer by trade, I don’t get into this subject as it makes the whole process a lot
more complex, even though the principles are simple. The main problem is precise control of the temperature.
The most expensive part of this still is the automatic control valve, which after all these years, I have yet to find
a better or cheaper one than the $300 Penn unit I sell. Plus, it is hard to find this valve, so I usually have to order
in 2 or 3 at a time so I have them on hand for people building their own stills. The temp control range of the V 47
valve is 160 to 230 F. There is another version of this valve, called a cross-ambient valve, which will control
temperatures in the range of 75 to 135F. This is what you would have to use for the wort (fermentation stock).
When adding enzymes, you want to keep the grains or starches warm but never over 130F. Then you let it cool,
or perhaps if you are using malt instead of enzymes, then you only heat it to 100 to 110 in the first place, and you
want to try to maintain it at this temp for 2 or 3 days. Of course, this is pretty impossible, so even if you decide
to use solar energy to bring up the temp to 100 for 4 or 5 hours each day while you have bright sun, this will
certainly speed up the fermentation process nicely. The thing is, if you go over 115 or 120F, you will start killing
off the yeast organisms, then you get no fermentation at all. Worse, you might end up getting the whole batch
infected with bacteria or an acetic acid organism as normally carried by fruit flies, which will turn it all into
vinegar, instead (and it can’t be converted back to alcohol if that happens).
So, let’s say you get your hands on a used solar hot water panel, say one that measures 4 ft x 7 feet, and has two
¾ inch pipes sticking out the top, and two more sticking out of the bottom. You need to fit a drain valve up to
one side of the bottom pipe, and the opposite corner from this one you need to fit with a high pressure blow-off
valve, such as the T & P valves used for a hot water tank, which will open or “blow” when the temp gets up to
about 250F. This won’t keep the batch from overheating and killing your yeast, but it will protect you from a big
explosion if something goes wrong. Then the two other pipes should be hooked up to a closed loop system
(including an expansion tank) in which you fill it with some king of glycol, such as car antifreeze 50% and water
50%. The bottom end of this loop can be made into a coil using 50 ft. of ½ inch soft copper, which gets inserted
into the fermentation tank. You never circulate mash through the solar collector directly, as it will clog up from
the particles of grain or other starches. This is an indirect method, but it can work well, if you use your head and
put temp controls in the right place.
You will also need a pump and a differential controller, and the whole thing gets a bit complicated. You see,
once the sun is shining, you can’t just turn off the flow when the solar heating loop gets so hot as to sterilize and
kill the yeast, or it will just keep getting hotter inside the solar collector panel and the overtemp valve will blow!
So you have to use the temp control valve to divert the heat into a second tank of cold water. I am not going into
any more on this subject right now, but if you have more questions about this, I can answer them on line on the
on-line discussion/newsgroup. ----Robert Warren
I have said it before and will say it again: I prefer to use a tank laying on its side, as shown in my drawing here.
The main problem with a sealed tank like a water heater tank will be carbon buildup inside the tank: right at the
bottom, mainly, but also around the flue pipe which goes up the center. It will work OK for 3 or 4 batches,
maybe, but it will get an inside crust like when you burn oatmeal that you forgot to stir. This will insulate the
mash from the flame and later on, you won’t be able to get it hot enough. It also adds a burned smell to you
mash—not that that matters to your car, which has no nose.
There are two ways around this: one is to use the right enzymes to match what you are fermenting:
commercial corn enzymes for corn, brewing enzymes for barley, and so on (this will liquefy the mash so it can
be stirred or better, pumped.) The second is to install a circulating pump to keep the product moving at all times
while it is cooking during the distillation process. The pump needs to be able to handle hot liquids
to 212F, made out of brass or stainless, and should not be an impeller based pressure pump (the thin holes will
clog up quickly).
It has to be a piston or an open turbine type impeller designed to handle thick stuff, i.e., a positive displacement
pump. Hook up the suction of the pump to the bottom drain of the tank, and the pump outlet to inject the pumped
mash slurry into the hot water outlet at the top. Valve off the cold inlet with a ball valve and keep it
closed while boiling (use it as your fill valve). The black heater hose going to the still can come off the pressure
and temperature valve fitting: remove the P & T valve and install a 4 " pipe nipple with a tee and a check valve
(which works as a safety relief valve set for about 2 psi) just like I described on page 31. The
swing check has the arrow pointing upwards, and it will lift when the boiling pressure gets to be more than 2 or 3
The barrel I have drawn below can also be fitted with a pumping arrangement as I have just described.
The still column, being open to atmosphere, will be the path of lowest resistance and the steam will all go to the
distillation column as long as the heat isn't too high or you don't have a blockage in the heater hose.
As for vacuum, while I have worked with a lot of vacuum systems over the years at a water treatment plant,
(and my first-ever still that I built was a vacuum type still, the problem is that the alcohol laden
steam will disappear through the vacuum pump or vacuum venturi nozzle and be lost forever. The only way
around this is to have a water tight vacuum trap, which will cost a fortune as then you are
getting into heavy industrial hardware.
As for getting the gas flame to go high enough, I always disassembled the valve and removed both the safety
cutoff function and the thermostat, so I could just turn the damn thing on and up as high as I wanted to get the
water to boil. You have to be pretty good with taking things apart and rebuilding them to do this one, so for
people without a lot of gas plumbing experience, I recommend looking for a scrap gas oven burner.
You are right, that would work. Here is a drawing of an
alternative method, but slightly different than what you
just described. If one coil end goes downwards through
the reducer couplings directly into the reflux column, it
poses two problems: it means you have assemble the
coil, reflux and condenser sections kind of all at the same
time (but this can be done). The other is that we may lose
a little bit of production by having a short segment of
condenser tubing inside an otherwise open air space
where we need the vapors to rise, not fall.
I have always been troubled by the process of getting
the coil to exit the column through those little holes (as
shown in Photo 8) --but after doing it quite a few times, I
have gotten to be quite good at this. It has to do with predicting just where and at what angle the end of the coil
should be. But hey, I’m a plumber, so I am used to working with copper.
So, here is an alternate method that is easier for building the condenser coil. You will very likely have to buy
an extra roll of copper tubing, as now you will need more tubing on the inside and outside. As for where the
cold input enters the reflux section, you could drill a hole through the slanted surface of the 3 inch reducer
coupling. This will also mean that you will have to figure out a different method of attaching the still to the
frame, as you won’t be able to use the white PVC flanges shown in photo 18. But as for where the lower coil
drains, it still needs to be at the bottom of the reflux column, so I would stick with what is shown on the
blueprints for the lower exit hole of this tubing. ……………………………………..end