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Office Party

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The Office Party

Written by Stelio Passaris
Art by Elnur Amikishiyev and Stelio Passaris

The playset is an accessory for the Fiasco role-playing game by
Bully Pulpit Games.
It was written for the “Celebrations” playset competition on RPG

This playset is copyright 2014 by Stelio Passaris. Fiasco is copyright

2009 by Jason Morningstar. All rights reserved.
I agree that this playset may be used by Bully Pulpit in an
anthology of RPG Geek Fiasco Playsets.

For more information of about Fiasco or to download other

playsets and materials, visit www.bullypulpitgames.com
The Score
“What I don’t like about office Christmas parties is
looking for a job the next day.” —Phyllis Diller
In the corporate environment, the thin veneer of suits and smiles
hides the savage truth: that underneath it all we are territorial
animals driven by the selfish urges of lust and greed. After a year
of stress, the office Christmas party is a chance to relax, to unwind,
to let down your hair. But there are always those who go just that
little bit too far and lose their carefully-constructed inhibitions.
Having been pushed to your limits, it’s all too easy to let your self-
control slip through your intoxicated fingers and let your baser
instincts run amok. So ladies and gentlemen, raise your glasses in
cheer at this festive time of the year and enjoy what you’ve worked
so hard to achieve. Let’s hope it was worth it come the morning.
Merry Christmas!

Movie Night
An excellent example is Bridget Jones’s Diary.
But the glamour of Hollywood largely passes over the mundane
existence of corporate office life. Instead consider watching some of
these more lowly television shows to seek inspiration:
 The Office (available in localised versions for several countries)
 The League of Gentlemen (particularly for Geoff, Mike, and Brian)
 Ally McBeal (for the intra-office relationships)
 Seinfeld (notably the season 8 episode “The Little Kicks”)
 Arrested Development (season 2’s “Afternoon Delight”)
 Ugly Betty (for the first season’s “Fake Plastic Snow”)
 The Mary Tyler Moore Show (“Party is Such Sweet Sorrow”)
A Direct Report
a Tyrannical manager and beleaguered employee
b Dictatorial manager and individualistic employee
c Overfamiliar manager and naïve employee
d Narcissistic manager and obsequious employee
e Paternalistic manager and embittered employee
f Visionary manager and manipulative employee

B Office Roles
a The trainer and the trainee replacing them
b The first-aider and the hypochondriac
c The computer expert and the technophobe
d The old hand and the new hire
e Members of the office social committee
f Your target in the office Secret Santa

C Opinions
a The immigrant and the racist
b The homosexual and the homophobe
c The union activist and the free market capitalist
d The radical and the old guard
e The expansionist and the traditionalist
f Proud adherents of opposed political parties
D Social
a Swingers engaged in partner-swapping
b Regulars at the pub over the road
c Members of the same church / temple
d Club members – fraternity / sorority / freemasons
e Friday lunchtime restaurant-goers
f Members of the same gym / sports club

E Carnal
a The old letch and their young target
b Bitter ex-lovers that still have to work together
c An embarrassing drunken fling at last year’s party
d Married, but not to each other – a secret affair
e The office stunner and their silent devotee
f Fresh out of college/university and feeling frisky

F Family
a Siblings with an ingrained rivalry
b In-laws with a long-running personality clash
c Nepotistic uncle/aunt and opportunistic nephew/niece
d Doting parent and indifferent child
e Married couple that met through work years ago
f Colluding cousins getting up to mischief

...at the office party

A To Get Rich
a …by blackmailing your co-worker
b …by embezzling the company
c …by selling out to the competition
d …by getting someone else’s job
e …by persuading Masters-Hathaway to sign
f …by finding and winning that elusive big deal

B To Get Drunk
a …in order to forget… everything
b …because it’s the only way you can relax
c …to reduce your inhibitions
d …and show that you’re one of the team
e …and win the drinking challenge
f …because the booze is free

C To Get Laid
a …by your secret crush
b …tonight, ‘cause you’re feeling right
c …and win the bet with your colleague
d …just to alleviate the boredom
e …by anyone, it’s been so long
f …off, and profit on the redundancy package
D To Get Revenge
a …on your cheating lover
b …on that person who snubbed your advances
c …for that slight which you’ve never forgotten
d …on that young upstart
e …on your damned manager
f …on the whole awful system

E To Get Out
a …of paying for this whole damn thing
b …of your commitment to the Artemis project
c …of this dead-end job and onto success
d …of this stifling relationship and be free
e …of the closet and onto the scene
f …of your clothes and have a good time

F To Get the
a …about the take-over rumours
b …about the closed-door meeting with HR
c …about the Artemis project
d …about what exactly was in that drink
e …about whom they've been screwing
f …about whether they really fancy you

...at the office party

A The Office
a In the toilets – cubicle 3 is out of paper
b In the car park – the crunch of wet gravel underfoot
c The stationery cupboard – the smell of paper
d At the water cooler / drinks machine
e The server room – locked, hot, and windowless
f The board room – the only private meeting room

B The Restaurant
a Waiting to be seated – drinking on an empty stomach
b Under the table – hands hidden by the tablecloth
c On the table-top – where drunkards dance
d In the toilets – the chunky thunder of diarrhoea
e In the kitchen – bustle, steam, and angry shouting
f The back alley – overflowing bins in the rain

C The Pub
a At the bar – wet elbows on the countertop
b In a booth at the back – hidden from view
c The beer garden – picnic tables and umbrellas
d The pool/billiards table – the felt only has one rip
e The fruit machine – where a fool loses money
f In the toilets – the stink of stale urine
D The Club
a In the queue outside – a bouncer twice your weight
b The cloak room – a bored attendant paid minimum wage
c Trying to place an order at the bar
d Acting the fool on the dance floor
e The dark corner where the drug dealer peddles
f In the toilets – the wet splash-cough of puking

E Homeward Bound
a The Turkish pizza and kebab shop
b The Grainger-Wyatt – a close but cheap hotel
c A walk through the park in the dark
d The taxi rank – as the rain lashes down
e Sharing a ride in your colleague’s car
f On the doorstep of your home

F Unusual Venues
a The sports ground’s hospitality suite
b In the museum’s main gallery
c A booze cruise on the river
d A private party at the zoo after hours
e The theme park’s Ferris wheel
f In a hot air balloon

...at the office party

A Clothing
a A Santa Claus outfit with wig and beard
b An awful novelty jumper with a Christmas motif
c A silk tie – can be used on more than just a neck
d Black lacy underwear – the less there is the more it costs
e Killer stilettos in red leather
f A suit, stained with some bodily fluid

B Technology
a A karaoke microphone
b A smartphone – with camera and internet access
c A photocopier – it scans and e-mails too
d A USB flash drive containing company data
e A laptop – password on a Post-It note
f A CCTV system with digital recording

C Consumables
a A bottle of pills
b A box of laxative chocolates
c Sweets from a co-worker’s recent holiday
d The office fruit bowl
e A bottle of plain vodka, 65% pure alcohol
f A bottle of Dom Pérignon Champagne
D Paperwork
a The bill for the evening’s entertainment
b A business card for Masters-Hathaway’s director
c Someone else’s e-mail, found at the printer
d The first draft of the auditor’s report – not yet released
e The confidential file on the Artemis project
f A private investigator’s report

E A Key
a …to a yellow sport car
b …to the encrypted spreadsheet
c …to your colleague’s desk drawer
d …to the Executive Director’s office
e …to the HR office filing cabinet
f …to your colleague’s home

F Illicit
a A suitcase full of cash
b A three-speed 12” black rubber cock
c A can of pepper spray – for personal safety
d A recording of a telephone conversation
e Someone else’s security pass
f An old revolver and two bullets

...at the office party

An Office Party
For three players…
+ Direct Report: Overfamiliar manager and naïve employee
+ Office Roles: The first-aider and the hypochondriac
+ Carnal: Bitter ex-lovers that still have to work together
For four players, add…
+ Family: Colluding cousins getting up to mischief
For five players, add…
+ Social: Swingers engaged in partner-swapping
For three players…
+ To Get Laid: …and win the bet with your colleague
For four and five players, add…
+ To Get Rich: …by blackmailing your co-worker
For three, four, or five players…
+ The Restaurant: Under the table – hands hidden by the
For three or four players…
+ Technology: A smartphone – with camera and internet access
For five players, add…
+ Illicit: A three-speed 12” black rubber cock

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