Compiled August 2, 2017
This template is for authors who are preparing a manuscript for a Taylor & Francis
journal using the LATEX document preparation system and the interact class file,
which is available via selected journals’ home pages on the Taylor & Francis website.
Sections; lists; figures; tables; mathematics; fonts; references; appendices
1. Introduction
In order to assist authors in the process of preparing a manuscript for a journal, the
Taylor & Francis ‘Interact’ layout style has been implemented as a LATEX 2ε class file
based on the article document class. A sample bibliography is also provided in order
to assist with the formatting of your references.
Commands that differ from or are provided in addition to standard LATEX 2ε are
described in this document, which is not a substitute for a LATEX 2ε tutorial.
The interactapasample.tex file can be used as a template for a manuscript by
cutting, pasting, inserting and deleting text as appropriate, using the preamble and
the LATEX environments provided (e.g. \begin{abstract}, \begin{keywords}).
For convenience, simply copy the interact.cls file into the same directory as your
manuscript files (you do not need to install it in your TEX distribution). In order to
use the interact document class, replace the command \documentclass{article}
at the beginning of your document with the command \documentclass{interact}.
The following document-class options should not be used with the interact class
• 10pt, 11pt, 12pt – unavailable;
• oneside, twoside – not necessary, oneside is the default;
• leqno, titlepage – should not be used;
• twocolumn – should not be used (see Subsection 1.1);
• onecolumn – not necessary as it is the default style.
To prepare a manuscript for a journal that is printed in A4 (two column) format,
use the largeformat document-class option provided by interact.cls; otherwise the
class file produces pages sized for B5 (single column) format by default. The geometry
package should not be used to make any further adjustments to the page dimensions.
3.1. Title, authors’ names and affiliations, abstracts and article types
The title should be generated at the beginning of your article using the \maketitle
command. In the final version the author name(s) and affiliation(s) must be followed
immediately by \maketitle as shown below in order for them to be displayed in your
PDF document. To prepare an anonymous version for double-blind peer review, you
can put the \maketitle between the \title and the \author in order to hide the
author name(s) and affiliation(s) temporarily. Next you should include the abstract if
your article has one, enclosed within an abstract environment. The \articletype
command is also provided as an optional element which should only be included if your
article actually needs it. For example, the titles for this document begin as follows:
\articletype{ARTICLE TEMPLATE}
\name{A.~N. Author\textsuperscript{a}\thanks{CONTACT A.~N. Author.
Email:} and John Smith\textsuperscript{b}}
\affil{\textsuperscript{a}Taylor \& Francis, 4 Park Square, Milton
Park, Abingdon, UK; \textsuperscript{b}Institut f\"{u}r Informatik,
Albert-Ludwigs-Universit\"{a}t, Freiburg, Germany} }
This template is for authors who are preparing a manuscript for a
Taylor \& Francis journal using the \LaTeX\ document preparation system
and the \texttt{interact} class file, which is available via selected
journals’ home pages on the Taylor \& Francis website.
An additional abstract in another language (preceded by a translation of the article
title) may be included within the abstract environment if required.
A graphical abstract may also be included if required. Within the abstract envi-
ronment you can include the code
where the graphical abstract is to appear, where abstract.eps is the name of the file
containing the graphic (note that 25pc is the recommended maximum width, expressed
in pica, for the graphical abstract in your manuscript).
3.2. Abbreviations
A list of abbreviations may be included if required, enclosed within an abbreviations
environment, i.e. \begin{abbreviations}. . . \end{abbreviations}, immediately fol-
lowing the abstract environment.
3.3. Keywords
A list of keywords may be included if required, enclosed within a keywords environ-
ment, i.e. \begin{keywords}. . . \end{keywords}. Additional keywords in other lan-
guages (preceded by a translation of the word ‘keywords’) may also be included within
the keywords environment if required.
3.4. Subject classification codes
AMS, JEL or PACS classification codes may be included if required. The interact
class file provides an amscode environment, i.e. \begin{amscode}. . . \end{amscode},
a jelcode environment, i.e. \begin{jelcode}. . . \end{jelcode}, and a pacscode
environment, i.e. \begin{pacscode}. . . \end{pacscode} to assist with this.
4.1. Sections
The Interact layout style allows for five levels of section heading, all of which are
provided in the interact class file using the standard LATEX commands \section,
\subsection, \subsubsection, \paragraph and \subparagraph. Numbering will be
automatically generated for all these headings by default.
4.2. Lists
Numbered lists are produced using the enumerate environment, which will number
each list item with arabic numerals by default. For example,
(1) first item
(2) second item
(3) third item
was produced by
\item first item
\item second item
\item third item
Alternative numbering styles can be achieved by inserting an optional argument in
square brackets to each item, e.g. \item[(i)] first item to create a list numbered
with roman numerals at level one.
Bulleted lists are produced using the itemize environment. For example,
• First bulleted item
• Second bulleted item
• Third bulleted item
1 If preferred, the endnotes package may be used to set the notes at the end of your text, before the bibliography.
The symbols will be changed to match the style of the journal if necessary by the typesetter.
0.25 -0.02
1 -0.04 1
0.15 0.8 -0.06 0.8
0.1 0.6 -0.08 0.6
0 0
0.2 0.4 x 0.2 0.4 x
0.4 0.4
0.6 0.2 0.6 0.2
t t 0.8
10 10
Figure 1. Example of a two-part figure with individual sub-captions showing that captions are flush left and
justified if greater than one line of text.
was produced by
\item First bulleted item
\item Second bulleted item
\item Third bulleted item
4.3. Figures
The interact class file will deal with positioning your figures in the same way as
standard LATEX. It should not normally be necessary to use the optional [htb] location
specifiers of the figure environment in your manuscript; you may, however, find the
[p] placement option or the endfloat package useful if a journal insists on the need
to separate figures from the text.
Figure captions appear below the figures themselves, therefore the \caption com-
mand should appear after the body of the figure. For example, Figure 1 with caption
and sub-captions is produced using the following commands:
\subfloat[An example of an individual figure sub-caption.]{%
\subfloat[A slightly shorter sub-caption.]{%
\caption{Example of a two-part figure with individual sub-captions
showing that captions are flush left and justified if greater
than one line of text.} \label{sample-figure}
To ensure that figures are correctly numbered automatically, the \label command
should be included just after the \caption command, or in its argument.
The \subfloat command requires subfig.sty, which is called in the preamble of
the interactapasample.tex file (to allow your choice of an alternative package if
preferred) and included in the Interact LATEX bundle for convenience. Please supply
any additional figure macros used with your article in the preamble of your .tex file.
Table 1. Example of a table showing that its caption is
as wide as the table itself and justified.
Class One Two Three Four Five Six
Alphaa A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
Beta B2 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
Gamma C2 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
a This footnote shows how to include footnotes to a table
if required.
The source files of any figures will be required when the final, revised version of a
manuscript is submitted. Authors should ensure that these are suitable (in terms of
lettering size, etc.) for the reductions they envisage.
The epstopdf package can be used to incorporate encapsulated PostScript (.eps)
illustrations when using PDFLATEX, etc. Please provide the original .eps source files
rather than the generated PDF images of those illustrations for production purposes.
4.4. Tables
The interact class file will deal with positioning your tables in the same way as
standard LATEX. It should not normally be necessary to use the optional [htb] location
specifiers of the table environment in your manuscript; you may, however, find the
[p] placement option or the endfloat package useful if a journal insists on the need
to separate tables from the text.
The tabular environment can be used as shown to create tables with single hori-
zontal rules at the head, foot and elsewhere as appropriate. The captions appear above
the tables in the Interact style, therefore the \tbl command should be used before the
body of the table. For example, Table 1 is produced using the following commands:
\tbl{Example of a table showing that its caption is as wide as
the table itself and justified.}
{\begin{tabular}{lcccccc} \toprule
& \multicolumn{2}{l}{Type} \\ \cmidrule{2-7}
Class & One & Two & Three & Four & Five & Six \\ \midrule
Alpha\textsuperscript{a} & A1 & A2 & A3 & A4 & A5 & A6 \\
Beta & B2 & B2 & B3 & B4 & B5 & B6 \\
Gamma & C2 & C2 & C3 & C4 & C5 & C6 \\ \bottomrule
\tabnote{\textsuperscript{a}This footnote shows how to include
footnotes to a table if required.}
To ensure that tables are correctly numbered automatically, the \label command
should be included just before \end{table}.
The \toprule, \midrule, \bottomrule and \cmidrule commands are those used
by booktabs.sty, which is called by the interact class file and included in the Interact
LATEX bundle for convenience. Tables produced using the standard commands of the
tabular environment are also compatible with the interact class file.
4.5. Landscape pages
If a figure or table is too wide to fit the page it will need to be rotated, along with
its caption, through 90◦ anticlockwise. Landscape figures and tables can be produced
using the rotating package, which is called by the interact class file. The following
commands (for example) can be used to produce such pages.
\caption{Example landscape figure caption.}
\tbl{Example landscape table caption.}
Before any such float environment, use the \setcounter command as above to fix
the numbering of the caption (the value of the counter being the number given to the
preceding figure or table). Subsequent captions will then be automatically renumbered
accordingly. The \epsfbox command requires epsfig.sty, which is called by the
interact class file and is also included in the Interact LATEX bundle for convenience.
Note that if the endfloat package is used, one or both of the commands
will need to be included in the preamble of your .tex file, after the endfloat package
is loaded, in order to process any landscape figures and/or tables correctly.
Proof. More recent algorithms for solving the semidefinite programming relaxation
are particularly efficient, because they explore the structure of the MAX-CUT problem.
Other theorem-like environments (theorem, definition, remark, etc.) need to be defined
as required, e.g. using \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} in the preamble of your .tex
file (see the preamble of interactapasample.tex for more examples). You can define
the numbering scheme for these structures however suits your article best. Please note
that the format of the text in these environments may be changed if necessary to match
the style of individual journals by the typesetter during preparation of the proofs.
4.7. Mathematics
This is made possible by the amsmath package, which is called by the class file. If you
put a \label just after the \begin{subequations} command, references can be made
to the collection of equations, i.e. ‘(2)’ in the example above. Or, as the example also
shows, you can label and refer to each equation individually – i.e. ‘(2a)’ and ‘(2b)’.
Displayed mathematics should be given end-of-line punctuation appropriate to the
running text sentence of which it forms a part, if required. Upright Greek characters and the upright partial derivative sign.
Upright lowercase Greek characters can be obtained by inserting the letter ‘u’ in the
control code for the character, e.g. \umu and \upi produce µ (used, for example, in
the symbol for the unit microns – µm) and π (the ratio of the circumference of a
circle to its diameter). Similarly, the control code for the upright partial derivative ∂
is \upartial. Bold lowercase as well as uppercase Greek characters can be obtained
by {\bm \gamma}, for example, which gives γ, and {\bm \Gamma}, which gives Γ.
Disclosure statement
An unnumbered section, e.g. \section*{Funding}, may be used for grant details, etc.
if required and included in the non-anonymous version before any Notes or References.
Notes on contributor(s)
An unnumbered ‘Notes’ section may be included before the References (if using the
endnotes package, use the command \theendnotes where the notes are to appear,
instead of creating a \section*).
5. References
5.2. The list of references
References should be listed at the end of the main text in alphabetical order, then
chronologically (earliest first), with full page ranges (where appropriate) and issue
numbers (essential for journals paginated by issue). If a reference has more than seven
named authors, list the first six names, followed by an ellipsis (. . . ), then the last
author’s name (see for example Gilbert et al., 2004). The following list shows some
sample references prepared in the Taylor & Francis APA style.
Piaget, J. (1988). Extracts from Piaget’s theory (G. Gellerier & J. Langer, Trans.). In
K. Richardson & S. Sheldon (Eds.), Cognitive development to adolescence: A reader (pp.
3–18). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (Reprinted from Manual of child psychology, pp. 703–732,
by P. H. Mussen, Ed., 1970, New York, NY: Wiley)
Piaget, J., & Inhelder, B. (1951). La genèse de l’idée de hasard chez l’enfant [The origin of
the idea of chance in the child]. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Ritzmann, R. E. (1974). The snapping mechanism of Alpheid shrimp (Unpublished doctoral
dissertation). University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
Schatz, B. R. (2000, November 17). Learning by text or context? [Review of the book The
social life of information, by J. S. Brown & P. Duguid]. Science, 290, 1304.
Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington
Post, pp. A1, A4.
Von Ledebur, S. C. (2007). Optimizing knowledge transfer by new employees in com-
panies. Knowledge Management Research & Practice. Advance online publication.
Bandura, A.~J. (1977). \emph{Social learning theory}. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
\bibitem[Briscoe(in press)]{BriIP}
Briscoe, R. (in press). {Egocentric spatial representation in action
and perception}. \emph{Philosophy and Phenomenological Research}.
Retrieved from
Clay, R. (2008, June). Science vs. ideology: Psychologists fight back
about the misuse of research. \emph{Monitor on Psychology},
\emph{39}(6). Retrieved from
Feller, B.~A. (1981). \emph{Health characteristics of persons with chronic
activity limitation, United States, 1979} (Report No. VHS-SER10/137).
Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics (US).
The nomological validity of the Type A personality among employed
adults [Monograph]. \emph{Journal of Applied Psychology}, \emph{76},
\bibitem[Gilbert et~al.(2004)]{Gil04}
Gilbert, D.~G., McClernon, F.~J., Rabinovich, N.~E., Sugai, C., Plath,
L.~C., Asgaard, G., \ldots Botros, N. (2004). Effects of quitting
smoking on EEG activation and attention last for more than 31 days and
are more severe with stress, dependence, DRD2 A1 allele, and depressive
traits. \emph{Nicotine and Tobacco Research}, \emph{6}, 249--267.
Graham, G. (2005). Behaviorism. In E.~N. Zalta (ed.), \emph{The
Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy} (Fall 2007 ed.). Retrieved from
Haybron, D.~M. (2008). Philosophy and the science of subjective well-
being. In M. Eid \& R.~J. Larsen (Eds.), \emph{The science of
subjective well-being} (pp. 17--43). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Koch, S. (Ed.). (1959--1963). \emph{Psychology: A study of science}
(Vols.~1--6). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
\bibitem[I. Light(2006)]{Lig06}
Light, I. (2006). \emph{Deflecting immigration: Networks, markets,
and regulation in Los Angeles}. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.
Nash, M. (1993). Malay. In P.~Hockings (Ed.), \emph{Encyclopedia of
world cultures} (Vol.~5, pp.~174--176). New York, NY: G.~K. Hall.
Oviedo, S. (1995). \emph{Adolescent pregnancy: Voices heard in the
everyday lives of pregnant teenagers} (Unpublished master’s thesis).
University of North Texas, Denton, TX.
Piaget, J. (1988). Extracts from Piaget’s theory (G.~Gellerier \&
J.~Langer, Trans.). In K.~Richardson \& S.~Sheldon (Eds.),
\emph{Cognitive development to adolescence: A reader} (pp. 3--18).
Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (Reprinted from \emph{Manual of child
psychology}, pp. 703--732, by P.~H. Mussen, Ed., 1970, New York,
NY: Wiley)
Ritzmann, R.~E. (1974). \emph{The snapping mechanism of \emph{Alpheid}
shrimp} (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, VA.
Schatz, B.~R. (2000, November 17). Learning by text or context?
[Review of the book \emph{The social life of information}, by J.~S.
Brown \& P. Duguid]. \emph{Science}, \emph{290}, 1304.
Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social
status. \emph{The Washington Post}, pp.~A1, A4.
Von~Ledebur, S.~C. (2007). Optimizing knowledge transfer by new
employees in companies. \emph{Knowledge Management Research \&
Practice}. Advance online publication. doi:10.1057/palgrave/kmrp.8500141
\bibpunct[, ]{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,}
need to be included in the preamble of your .tex file in order to generate the citations
and bibliography as described above.
Instead of typing the bibliography by hand, you may prefer to create the list of
references using a BibTEX database. For this we suggest using Erik Meijer’s apacite
package, which is available via CTAN if you do not already have it. The apacite.sty,
apacite.bst and (if your paper is written in English) english.apc files need to be
in your working folder or an appropriate directory, the commands
included in the preamble of your .tex file instead of the \usepackage[]{natbib},
\bibpunct and \renewcommand\bibfont commands described above, and the lines
included where the list of references is to appear, where interactapasample.bib is the
bibliographic database included with the Interact-APA LATEX bundle (to be replaced
with the name of your own .bib file). The [natbibapa] option has to be added to
\usepackage{apacite} in order to enable citation commands of the type \citep and
\citet. LATEX/BibTEX will extract from your .bib file only those references that are
cited in your .tex file and list them in the References section.
Please include a copy of your .bib file and/or the final generated .bbl file among
your source files if your .tex file does not contain a reference list in a thebibliography
6. Appendices
Any appendices should be placed after the list of references, beginning with the com-
mand \appendix followed by the command \section for each appendix title, e.g.
\section{This is the title of the first appendix}
\section{This is the title of the second appendix}
Appendix A. This is the title of the first appendix
Appendix B. This is the title of the second appendix
Subsections, equations, figures, tables, etc. within appendices will then be automat-
ically numbered as appropriate. Some theorem-like environments may need to have
their counters reset manually (e.g. if they are not numbered within sections in the
main text). You can achieve this by using \numberwithin{remark}{section} (for
example) just after the \appendix command.
Note that if the endfloat package is used on a document containing any appen-
dices, the \processdelayedfloats command must be included immediately before
the \appendix command in order to ensure that the floats belonging to the main
body of the text are numbered as such.
Appendix A. Troubleshooting