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Journal of Algebra: Geoffrey R. Robinson

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Journal of Algebra 335 (2011) 319–327

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Journal of Algebra

Endotrivial irreducible lattices

Geoffrey R. Robinson
Institute of Mathematics, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, Scotland, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We consider the structure of a finite group which has a faithful
Received 18 September 2010 irreducible endotrivial R G-module for a suitable complete discrete
Available online 19 April 2011 valuation ring R with R / J ( R ) of characteristic p.
Communicated by Jon Carlson
© 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Endotrivial modules


We continue with some themes begun in Carlson, Mazza, Thévenaz [1], Navarro and Robinson [2],
and Robinson [3], but now we work with lattices. Let G be a finite group containing an elementary
Abelian subgroup of order p 2 . Let R be a complete discrete valuation ring of characteristic 0 with
field of fractions K containing a primitive |G |-th root of unity, and with residue field F = R / J ( R )
algebraically closed of characteristic p. An RG-lattice here means an R-free finitely generated RG-
module. An RG-lattice is said to be irreducible if it has no proper non-zero R-pure RG-submodule. We
are concerned here with irreducible endotrivial RG-lattices, that is, irreducible RG-lattices M which
also satisfy M ⊗ M ∗ ∼ = R ⊕ P , where P is a projective RG-lattice and G has trivial action on R. We
will give a reasonably complete description of the structure of G if there is an irreducible endotrivial
RG-lattice of R-rank greater than 1 and the Fitting subgroup F (G ) is non-central. If there is such a
lattice and F (G ) is central, we will prove that there is a single conjugacy class of components of G. If
p = 2 and F (G ) is central, we can go somewhat further: we will see that G has a single component
and a single conjugacy class of involutions, except perhaps when a Sylow 2-subgroup of G has a
cyclic subgroup of index 2, in which case O 2 (G ) has a single component and a single conjugacy class
of involutions.

1. General results

Lemma 1.1. Let M be a faithful RG-lattice such that ResGN ( M ) is indecomposable for some normal subgroup N
of G. Then O p (C G ( N ))  Z (G ). In particular, C G ( N )  F (G ).

E-mail address: g.r.robinson@abdn.ac.uk.

0021-8693/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
320 G.R. Robinson / Journal of Algebra 335 (2011) 319–327

Proof. Let x be a p-regular element of C G ( N ). For each linear character λ of x, set

eλ = λ y −1 y .
y ∈x

Then M = λ∈Irr(x) Me λ as R N-module and y acts as multiplication by λ( y ) on Me λ for each λ.
Since M is indecomposable as R N-module, there must be some linear character λ such that Me λ = M.
Hence x acts as a scalar on M and x is central in G as M is faithful. Setting H = C G ( N ), we see that
H / Z ( H ) is a p-group, so that H is nilpotent. 2

The given proof of the following lemma is due to Gabriel Navarro, and is much shorter than our
own original proof.

Lemma 1.2. Let μ be an irreducible character of the normal subgroup N of G. Suppose that the sum of the
G-conjugates of μ vanishes on all p-singular elements of N. Then μ itself vanishes on all p-singular elements
of N.

Proof. The hypotheses imply that the induced character IndGN (μ) vanishes on all p-singular el-
ements of G. Hence |G | p divides [G : N ]μ(1) (since for P a Sylow p-subgroup of G, we have
[G : N ]μ(1)
ResGP (IndGN (μ)), 1 = |P | | N | p divides μ(1), so that
). Thus μ lies in a p-block of defect zero
of N, and hence vanishes on all p-singular elements of N. 2

Lemma 1.3. Let N be a normal subgroup of the finite group G. Let M be an irreducible RG-lattice such that
ResGN ( M ) has a projective summand. Then ResGN ( M ) is isomorphic to a direct sum of projective irreducible
R N-lattices.

Proof. If | N | is not divisible by p, then the result is vacuous, so suppose that | N | is divisible by p. Let
M afford character χ . Let μ = μ1 be an irreducible constituent of ResGN ( M ). Then there are positive
integers e and t such that ResGN (χ ) = e (μ1 +· · ·+ μt ), where the μi are the distinct G-conjugates of μ.
Now we may write ResGN ( M ) = U ⊕ P where U and P are R N-lattices, P is projective and U has no
projective summand. If U = 0, we are done by Lemma 1.2, so suppose otherwise. By the Krull–Schmidt
theorem, U g ∼ = U for all g ∈ G. In particular, the character, α say, afforded by U is G-stable. Hence
there is an integer f such that α = f (μ1 + · · · + μt ). Then P affords character (e − f )(μ1 + · · · + μt )
and e = f , as P = 0. Since P is projective, (μ1 + · · · + μt ) vanishes on all p-singular elements of N,
so μ lies in a block of defect zero of R N by Lemma 1.2, and we are done. 2

Remarks. It will be convenient for us to deal with normalized lattices. An RG-lattice M is said to be
normalized if the linear character of G afforded by the determinant of the associated representation
has multiplicative order prime to p. Equivalently, all p-elements of G act with determinant 1 in
the associated representation. We say that M is a unimodular lattice if all elements of G act with
determinant 1 in the associated representation. It is convenient to state a well-known fact here for
later use. By an imprimitive RG-lattice, we mean an RG-lattice which is isomorphic to one induced
from a proper subgroup of G.

Lemma 1.4. Let x be a finite cyclic p-group, and let R denote the trivial R x-module, Ω R be the kernel
of the augmentation map σ : R x → R. Then Ω R affords a unimodular representation when p is odd, and
x acts with determinant −1 on Ω R when p = 2. In either case the determinant of the representation of x
is the same as the determinant of the regular representation of x, so that Ω R ⊕ R x affords a unimodular
representation of x.

Proof. Clearly, the character afforded by Ω R is the sum of all non-trivial linear characters of x, and
the determinant of the representation of x on Ω R is the product of all non-trivial linear characters
G.R. Robinson / Journal of Algebra 335 (2011) 319–327 321

of x. When p is odd, the non-trivial linear characters of x occur in complex conjugate pairs, so
their product takes value 1 on x (and all its powers). When p = 2, there are just two real-valued
linear characters of x. One takes the value 1 at x, the other takes the value −1 at x. The other linear
characters of x pair off in complex conjugate pairs and have trivial product. 2

Remark. For future reference, we remark that when p = 2 and x has order 2e , Ω R ⊕ R x is a uni-
modular representation of x of degree 2e+1 − 1, and remains unimodular if its direct sum with an
even number of copies of the regular representation is taken, while R is a unimodular representation
of x of degree 2e+1 + 1, and remains unimodular if its direct sum with an even number of copies of
the regular representation is taken.

In the former case, the character afforded by the module takes constant value −1 on x# , while
in the latter case, the character afforded by the module takes constant value 1 on x# .
When p is odd, the action of x on Ω R is unimodular, and the character afforded by Ω R takes
value −1 on x# . Addition of direct sums of copies of the regular module does not affect the uni-
modularity of the action, or the value taken by the character on non-identity elements. Clearly the
action of x on the trivial module R is unimodular. This allows us to record:

Lemma 1.5. Let χ be a complex character of a finite cyclic p-group x such that (det χ ) is the trivial character,
and such that χ (x j ) is a root of unity for each integer j with 1  j < |x|. Then:

(i) If p is odd, there is a sign ε such that χ (1) ≡ ε (mod |x|) and χ (x j ) = ε for 1  j < |x|.
(ii) If p = 2, and there is a sign ε such that χ (1) ≡ ε (mod 2|x|), then χ (x j ) = ε for 1  j < |x|.

Proof. Suppose first that p is odd. Then the action of x on the regular representation is unimodular,
as remarked above. If χ , μ > 0 for each linear character μ of x, then we can subtract a multiple
of the regular character of x from χ without affecting the conclusion, and without changing det χ .
Hence we may suppose that χ , μ = 0 for some linear character μ of x. Notice then that for this
choice of μ, we have

0= χ ( y )μ y −1  χ (1) − x − 1 ,
y ∈x

since χ ( y ) is a root of unity for each non-identity y ∈ x. Hence χ (1) < |x|.
However, the character χ χ takes the value 1 on all non-identity powers of x, so that χ (1)2 ≡ 1
(mod |x|). As p is odd, there is a sign ε such that χ (1) ≡ ε (mod |x|). Since χ (1) < |x|, we either
have χ (1) = 1 or χ (1) = |x| − 1. If χ (1) = 1, then χ must be the trivial character by unimodularity.
Suppose then that χ (1) = |x| − 1. Then for the linear character μ chosen above, we must have
χ ( y ) = −μ( y ) for each non-identity y ∈ x (so μ is, in fact, unique). Let θ be the character of x
afforded by Ω R. Then χ = μθ and (det χ ) = μχ (1) (det θ). But the action of x on Ω R is unimodular,
and χ (1) is not divisible by p, so μ must be the trivial character, as det χ is trivial.
If p = 2, we may suppose that there is a linear character μ of x such that χ , μ ∈ {0, 1},
otherwise we may subtract twice a multiple of the regular character from χ and still have a char-
acter with trivial determinant (without affecting values on non-identity elements, or the fact that
χ (1) ≡ ε (mod 2|x|)). Then χ (1) − (|x| − 1)  |x|, so that χ (1) < 2|x|. Hence either χ (1) = 1 (if
ε = 1) or χ (1) = 2|x| − 1 if ε = −1. If χ (1) = 1, we are done, since (det χ ) is the trivial character. If
χ (1) = 2|x| − 1, then for the linear character μ above, we must have χ , μ = 1 and χ ( y ) = −μ( y )
for each non-identity element y of x. Let θ be the character afforded by Ω R ⊕ R x. Then (det θ) is
the trivial character, and χ = μθ , so that (det χ ) = μχ (1) (det θ) and μ is the trivial character, since
χ (1) is odd and (det χ ) and (det θ) are both trivial. 2
322 G.R. Robinson / Journal of Algebra 335 (2011) 319–327

2. General results on endotrivial lattices

Recall that the RG-module M is endotrivial if M ⊗ M ∗ ∼ = R ⊕ P , where R is the trivial RG-module

and P is projective.
Our aim in this section is to show that if G has an elementary Abelian subgroup of order p 2
and has a faithful irreducible endotrivial RG-lattice, then G has a unique conjugacy class of com-
ponents, except possibly for some rather well-controlled situations. We first point out that several
simple groups G do possess faithful irreducible endotrivial lattices.

Lemma 2.1. Suppose that G is a perfect group, and that G has a strongly p-embedded subgroup H such that G
acts doubly transitively on the cosets of H . Then for each non-trivial linear character λ of H such that [ H : ker λ]
does not divide [G : H ], the induced character IndGH (λ) is irreducible, and is afforded by an endotrivial RG-

Proof. By Mackey’s formula, IndGH (1), IndGH (1) = 2 as G is assumed to act doubly transitively on the
cosets of H in G. For each linear character μ of H , set θμ = IndGH (μ). Suppose that G is the disjoint
union i =1 Ht i , where t 1 = 1G . Then for any x ∈ H , by the usual formula for the induced character,
 −1 −1 −1 −1
we have θλ (x) = j λ̃(t j xt j ), where λ̃(t j xt j ) = λ(t j xt j ) if t j xt j ∈ H and is 0 otherwise. Since
t 1 = 1 H and x ∈ H , we have |θλ (x)|  θ1 (x), with equality if and only if λ(t j xt −
) = λ(x) whenever
t j xt −
∈ H.
Thus we have θλ , θλ  < 2 unless ResGH (θλ ) = λ. ResGH (θ1 ). Since G is perfect, the representations
of G affording θ1 and θλ are both unimodular, so equality of these two induced characters forces
λ(h)[G : H ] = 1 for all h ∈ H and the first claim follows.
Let V λ be a rank 1 R H -lattice affording character λ. Since H is strongly p-embedded,
ResGH (IndGH ( V λ )) ∼
= V λ ⊕ W , where W is projective. Thus IndGH ( V λ ) is endotrivial. 2

Remark. The groups PSL(2, pn ), for example, satisfy the hypotheses, with H being the normalizer of
pn −1
a Sylow p-subgroup of G. A linear character λ of H has multiplicative order dividing 2 , so the
pn −1
induced character θλ is irreducible unless perhaps 2 is even and λ has multiplicative order 2. This
exception does occur when pn ≡ 1 (mod 4), but there is at least one choice of λ such that θλ is
irreducible, except for pn = 3 and pn = 5.

Remark. A familiar example of a finite simple group G which has no strongly p-embedded subgroup,
yet has a faithful endotrivial RG-module is G = GL(3, 2) (for p = 2). There is an irreducible RG-lattice
M of rank 3, and M ⊗ M ∗ ∼ = R ⊕ St, where St is a projective irreducible RG-lattice of rank 8.

Lemma 2.2. Let M be an irreducible endotrivial RG-lattice affording character χ , and let N be a normal
subgroup of G of order divisible by p. Then ResGN ( M ) is indecomposable. Furthermore, ResGN (χ ) is multiplicity

Proof. We know that ResGN ( M ) is not projective, so that ResGN ( M ) is projective free by Lemma 1.3.
Hence ResGN ( M ) is endotrivial and indecomposable.
Notice that |χ (x)|2 = 1 for each non-identity p-element x of N. But by Clifford’s theorem,
ResGN (χ ) = e (μ1 + · · · + μt ), where e is a positive integer, μ1 is an irreducible constituent of ResGN (χ )
and μ1 , . . . , μt are its distinct G-conjugates. Hence e = 1. 2

The following lemma uses a variant of a well-established technique in Clifford theory of characters:

Lemma 2.3. Whenever M is an endotrivial RG-module, there is a unique RG-module V of R-rank 1 such that
V ⊗ M is normalized endotrivial and O p (G ) acts trivially on V . Furthermore, if the Sylow p-subgroup S of G
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does not have a cyclic subgroup of index 2, then the character χ afforded by V ⊗ M takes constant integral
value on S # , so that rank R ( M ) ≡ ±1 (mod | S |).

Proof. Notice that the rank of M is prime to p. Let λ be the linear character of G afforded by the
determinant of its action on M. There are integers h and k such that h rank R ( M ) + k| S | = 1. As usual,
if we write g = ab = ba where a is a p-element, and b is a p-regular element, we denote a by g p and
b = g p . Then the RG-module V of R-rank 1 defined by v . g = λ( g p )−h v for all g ∈ G, v ∈ V is the
required module for the first claim.
For the second part, we might as well suppose that G = M and that the action of S on M is
unimodular and indecomposable. Suppose first that p = 2. Then there is a sign ε such that the rank
of M is congruent to ε (mod 2 ). We may replace M by Ω M and assume that ε = −1. Let Q be
a cyclic subgroup of S and let U be the regular R Q -module. Then the R Q -module U ⊕ Ω R (where
the action on R is trivial) is a normalized endotrivial R Q -module. For each odd integer h, it follows
that hU ⊕ Ω R affords the unique character of degree (h + 1)(| Q | − 1) which may be afforded by a
normalized endotrivial R Q -module. Now rank R ( M ) ≡ −1 (mod 2| Q |) since 2| Q | < | S |. Thus Res SQ ( M )
affords the same character as hU ⊕ Ω R for some odd integer h.
If p is odd, then for any cyclic subgroup Q of S both the regular module and the first Heller trans-
late of the trivial module afford unimodular representations. Since taking a Heller translate preserves
endotriviality, we may replace M by Ω M if necessary, and suppose that rank R ( M ) ≡ −1 (mod | S |).
Then Res SQ ( M ) affords that same character as Ω R ⊕ hU for some integer h, where U is the regular
R Q -module. 2

We now deal with the case that O p (G ) = 1.

Corollary 2.4. Let M be a faithful irreducible endotrivial RG-lattice of rank greater than 1 and suppose that
N = O p (G ) > 1. Then C G ( N ) = N × Z (G ). Furthermore, N is elementary Abelian, M has rank | N | − 1 and
either N is a Sylow p-subgroup of G or else N is a Klein 4-group and G ∼= Z (G ) × S 4 .

Proof. Let χ be the character afforded by M. Since M is endotrivial of rank greater than 1, M ⊗ M ∗
is a faithful R N-module, so that N ∩ Z (G ) = 1 since N ∩ Z (G ) acts as scalars on M, and hence acts
trivially on M ⊗ M ∗ . Hence we may, and do, suppose that M is normalized, since otherwise we could
tensor M with a rank 1 RG-module to make M normalized, and this would not disturb N. Now N is
Abelian by Clifford’s theorem, since the rank of M is prime to p. (For all irreducible constituents of
ResGN (χ ) have degree a power of p, all occur with equal multiplicity, and all are G-conjugate. On the
other hand, χ (1) is not divisible by p as M is endotrivial.) By Lemma 2.2, ResGN ( M ) is indecomposable,
so the second claim follows by Lemma 1.1. Notice also that G has no normal p-complement, since G
is not Abelian (for M is assumed irreducible of rank greater than one).
If N has a cyclic subgroup C of index 2, then N must be a Klein 4-group, for otherwise Ω1 (C ) is
a characteristic subgroup of N of order 2, which is then central in G, contrary to N ∩ Z (G ) = 1. In
that case, all non-identity elements of N must be conjugate in G, since G /C G ( N ) is isomorphic to a
subgroup of S 3 , but G has no normal 2-complement. Thus χ takes a constant value ±1 on N # . If N
has no cyclic subgroup of index 2, then Lemma 2.3 applies, and χ takes a constant value ±1 on N # .
If N has no cyclic subgroup of index 2, then Lemma 2.3 applies, and χ takes a constant value
on N # , and this constant value is 1 or −1. In all case, then, χ takes constant value (which is some
sign) on N # . Since, by Clifford’s theorem and the fact that χ is faithful, the trivial character must
occur with zero multiplicity in ResGN (χ ) this forces χ (1) = | N | − 1 and χ (n) = −1 for all n ∈ N # .
Thus resGN (χ ) = ρ N − 1, where ρ N is the regular character of N. Again, using Clifford’s theorem, all
non-trivial linear characters of N are in the same G-orbit, so N is elementary Abelian. If N is not a
Klein 4-group, then a Sylow 2-subgroup S of G certainly does not have a cyclic subgroup of index 2,
as N does not. In that case, χ takes the constant value −1 on S # , so that | S | divides χ (1) + 1 = | N |.
Hence S = N in that case. If N is a Klein 4-group, but is not a Sylow 2-subgroup of G, then we have
seen that G / Z (G ) must be isomorphic to S 4 . But as G has no normal 3-complement, it easily follows
that G ∼= Z (G ) × S 4 . 2
324 G.R. Robinson / Journal of Algebra 335 (2011) 319–327

From now, unless the contrary is stated, we will suppose that M is a faithful irreducible normalized
endotrivial RG lattice affording character χ and that O p (G ) = 1.

Lemma 2.5. If M is induced from an R H -lattice W , where H is a proper subgroup of G, then W is irreducible
and endotrivial, and H is strongly p-embedded in G.

Proof. Clearly W must be irreducible as IndGH ( W ) is irreducible. That W is endotrivial and H is

strongly p-embedded follows by a slight modification of the proof of Lemma 1, part iv) of [2]. 2

Notation. We set A = O p (G ).

Lemma 2.6. A is Abelian, and is central in G if M is primitive.

Proof. If M is primitive, then, as in the proof of Lemma 2 of [3], there is a p -central extension
Ĝ of G and an irreducible R Â-lattice U such that U extends to an R Ĝ-lattice, and as such M ∼ =
U ⊗ Hom R N̂ (U , M ). Then U is endotrivial, and its reduction (mod J ( R )) is endotrivial and simple.
Since Ĝ contains an elementary Abelian subgroup of order p 2 , U has rank 1 by [2]. Thus A acts as
scalars on M.
If M is imprimitive, it is induced from a primitive R H -module V , where H is a strongly p-
embedded proper subgroup of G. Then A  O p ( H ) since G contains an elementary Abelian subgroup
of order p 2 . Thus A acts as scalars on V , so by Clifford’s theorem, all irreducible constituents of
ResGA (χ ) are linear, where χ is the character afforded by M. Thus A acts trivially on M, so A is
Abelian as M is faithful. 2

Lemma 2.7. Suppose that C = C G ( A ) = A. Then A  Z (G ), and G has a single conjugacy class of components,
each of order divisible by p.

Proof. Since A = O p (G ), if we do have C > A, then |C | is divisible by p. Also, since we have as-
sumed that O p (G ) = 1, it is certainly the case that G is non-Abelian. Now C  G, so that C acts
indecomposably on M and O p (C G (C ))  Z (G ) by Lemma 1.1. Thus A  O p (C G (C ))  Z (G ). In that
case, we now have F (G )  Z (G ). Now for any finite group H , we have C H ( F ∗ ( H )) = Z ( F ( H )),
where F ∗ ( H ) = F ( H ) E ( H ) is the generalized Fitting subgroup of H , and E ( H ) is the central prod-
uct of the components (quasisimple subnormal subgroups) of H . Since F (G )  Z (G ), we must have
F ∗ (G ) = F (G ), so that E (G ) = 1. All components of G must have order divisible by p as A = O p (G )
is Abelian by Lemma 2.6.
Let X be the normal closure of a component of G. Then O p (C G ( X ))  Z (G ), so that G has no
component not contained in X . For if L is a component of G not contained in X , then L = O p ( L ) and
[ L , X ] = 1. Also p divides [ L : Z ( L )], since A = O p (G ) is Abelian by Lemma 2.6. 2

Lemma 2.8. Suppose that A = C G ( A ) = G. Then A = F ∗ (G ) and M is induced from a primitive irreducible
endotrivial R H -lattice N of a strongly p-embedded subgroup H of G such that A acts as scalars on N.

Proof. Under the stated hypothesis, we have O p (G ) = 1 and A = O p (G ) is Abelian. Since E ( X ) cen-
tralizes F ( X ) for any finite group X , and E ( X ) is always perfect, we have E (G ) = 1.
Since A is not central in G, ResGA ( M ) is not homogeneous (otherwise A would act as scalars).
Thus M must be induced from an irreducible endotrivial primitive R H -lattice M 0 for some strongly
p-embedded subgroup H of G. We have A  H as G contains an elementary Abelian subgroup B of
order p 2 , since A = C A (b): b ∈ B #   H . Now O p ( H ) acts as scalars on M 0 , by Lemma 2.6, so A
certainly does. 2

Lemma 2.9. If M is a faithful irreducible endotrivial RG-lattice, then M restricts irreducibly to O p (G ).

G.R. Robinson / Journal of Algebra 335 (2011) 319–327 325

Proof. Let N = O p (G ). Now M ⊗ M ∗ ∼ = R ⊕ P , where P is projective, and R is trivial. Then ( M ⊗

M ∗ )N ∼
= R ⊕ P N and P N is projective G / N-module. Hence the rank of Hom R N ( M , M ) is congruent
to 1 (mod [G : N ] p ). However, the character χ afforded by M has multiplicity-free restriction to N,
and is a sum of t distinct irreducible characters for some divisor t of [G : N ]. Since [G : N ] is a power
of p, we must have t = 1. 2

Lemma 2.10. If M is faithful, endotrivial and irreducible and A  Z (G ), then G has a unique conjugacy class
of components.

Proof. Let X / A be a minimal normal subgroup of G / A. Then Y = X is the central product of a unique
conjugacy class of components. Also p divides |Y |. Hence O p (C G (Y ))  Z (G ) by Lemmas 1.1 and 1.2.
Thus there are no components of G outside Y since A = O p (G ). Thus F ∗ (G ) = Y Z (G ). 2

3. Special arguments for the prime 2

In this section we will suppose that R / J ( R ) has characteristic 2.

We first state some general results which may have interest in a wider context than that of en-
dotrivial modules. We recall that a strongly real element of a finite group X is an element of X which
is inverted by an involution of X .

Lemma 3.1. Let G be a finite group of even order. Suppose that G has a strongly real element of order 2e ,
but no strongly real element of order 2e+1 . Suppose also that G has a complex irreducible character χ with
χ (1) ≡ ±1 (mod 2e+1 ). Then one or more of the following occurs:

(i) χ is linear.
(ii) G has one conjugacy class of involutions.
(iii) There is a strongly real element x of even order in G such that χ (x) is not a root of unity.

Proof. It is well known and easy to check that a strongly real element is either itself an involution,
or else is the product of two involutions. If the Sylow 2-subgroups of a finite group X are not cyclic
or generalized quaternion, then every strongly real element of X is expressible as a product of two
Suppose that for some sign ε and some irreducible character χ of G, we have χ (1) ≡ ε (mod
2e+1 ) and suppose also χ (x) is a root of unity for each strongly real element, x of even order in G.
Notice, in particular, that χ has odd degree. We may multiply χ by a linear character μ if necessary
and suppose that (det χ )(x) = 1 for each 2-element x ∈ G, and we do so. The linear character μ is
defined (if needed) by μ( g ) = (det χ )( g 2 )−a where g 2 is the 2-part of g and a, b are integers with
aχ (1) + b| g 2 | = 1. We first claim that χ (x) = ε for each strongly real 2-element x of G.
Notice that χ (x) = ±1 for a strongly real element x of even order, since χ (x) is a real root of unity.
By hypothesis, χ (1) ≡ ε (mod 4) and for each involution t ∈ G, we have χ (1) ≡ χ (t ) (mod 4), since
−1 occurs with even multiplicity as an eigenvalue of t. Hence χ (t ) = ε . Suppose then that x has order
4 or more. We have det χ (x j ) = 1 for each integer j. Notice that x2 is also strongly real, since any
involution which inverts x also inverts x2 . Suppose by induction on the order of x that χ (x2 j ) = ε for
each positive integer j less than 2 . If χ (x) = ε , we are done, so suppose that χ (x) = −ε . There is
a linear character, λ, of x with λ(x) = −1, and λ(x2 ) = 1. Then λ ResGx (χ ) is the character afforded
by Ω R ⊕ hR x for some odd integer h if ε = −1 and is the character afforded by R ⊕ hR x for some
even integer h if ε = 1, where R denotes the trivial module. In each case, the action of x on the given
module is unimodular. Hence

det λ ResGx (χ ) = 1,

a contradiction as
326 G.R. Robinson / Journal of Algebra 335 (2011) 319–327

det λ ResGx (χ ) = λχ (1) det ResGx (χ )

and χ (1) is odd.

We next claim that if x is a non-identity 2-element of G and y is an element of odd order which
commutes with x such that xy is strongly real, we have χ (xy ) = ε . For x is strongly real, so we have
established that χ (x) = ε . We proceed by induction on the order of y, there being nothing to prove
if y has order 1. Let q be a prime divisor of the order of y, and write y = zw = w z, where z is
a q-element, w has order prime to q. Then xy = (xw ) z and xw is strongly real. By induction, we
have χ (xw ) = ε . Also, χ (xw z) is a real root of unity, since xzw is a strongly real element of even
order. Now χ (xzw ) is also real, since xzw is conjugate to its inverse in G. Thus χ (xw z) = ±1. But
if χ (xw z) = −ε = −χ (xw ) we have ε ≡ −ε (mod q) since z is a q-element commuting with the
q-regular element xw. This is a contradiction since q is odd. Hence χ (xy ) = ε , as claimed.
Hence we have now established that χ (x) = ε whenever x ∈ G is a strongly real element of even
order. Now suppose that t and u are involutions of G which are not conjugate. Then tu g is strongly
real of even order for each g ∈ G. Thus χ (tu g ) = ε for each g ∈ G (and χ (t ) = χ (u ) = ε ).
Since we have

   [G : C G (u )]χ (t )χ (u )
χ tu g = ,
g ∈C G (u )\G
χ (1)

where C G (u ) \ G is a full set of representatives for the right cosets of C G (u ) in G, we obtain χ (1)ε = 1,
so that χ (1) = ε . Thus ε = 1 and χ is linear. 2

Theorem 3.2. Let G be a finite group and let M be a faithful irreducible endotrivial RG-lattice. Let S be a Sylow
2-subgroup of G. If S has no cyclic subgroup of index 2, then G has a unique conjugacy class of involutions. In
any case O 2 (G ) has a unique conjugacy class of involutions.

Proof. We have seen that M restricts irreducibly to O 2 (G ). If S has a cyclic subgroup of index 2, then
so does S 0 = S ∩ O 2 (G ). By the Thompson transfer lemma, every involution u of O 2 (G ) is conjugate
to the unique involution of the cyclic subgroup T 0 of index 2 of S 0 (for otherwise, in the permutation
action of O 2 (G ) on the cosets of T 0 , every cycle of the permutation representing u is a 2-cycle, and
there are an odd number of such 2-cycles, so u acts as an odd permutation). Hence we may suppose
that S has no cyclic subgroup of index 2. If M has R-rank 1, then G is cyclic, and the result is clear.
Hence we may suppose that M has R-rank greater than 1.
Let χ be the character afforded by M. Since M is endotrivial of rank greater than 1, Z (G ) has
odd order. Hence we may suppose that M is normalized endotrivial, and we do so, since λχ is still
faithful whenever λ is a linear character such that G / ker λ is a 2-group. Then there is a sign ε such
that χ (s) = ε for all s ∈ S # , since χ (1) ≡ ±1 (mod 2 ) and S has no cyclic subgroup of index 2.
We next claim that χ (x) is a root of unity for each element x of even order in G. Since M is
endotrivial, we have |χ (x)|2 = 1 for each element x of even order in G. Then for each integer j with
gcd( j , |x|) = 1, we have |χ (x j )|2 = 1. Hence χ (x) is a root of unity for each element x of even order
in G. By Lemma 3.1, G has one conjugacy class of involutions. 2

Corollary 3.3. Let G be a finite group of even order with F (G )  Z (G ). Suppose that M is a faithful endotrivial
irreducible RG-lattice of rank greater than 1. Then F ∗ (G ) = Z (G ) E (G ) and E (G ) is quasisimple. Furthermore,
G has one conjugacy class of involutions unless perhaps G = O 2 (G ) and a Sylow 2-subgroup of G has a cyclic
subgroup of index 2. In any case, O 2 (G ) has a unique conjugacy class of involutions and E (G )  O 2 (G ).

Proof. Let S ∈ Syl2 (G ). Since F (G )  Z (G ), we must have E (G ) = 1. Now M has rank greater than 1,
so that Z (G ) has odd order, as M is endotrivial. Hence M restricts faithfully to S. Thus O 2 (G ) = 1.
We have also seen that G has a single conjugacy class of components, and (unless S has a cyclic
subgroup of index 2), a single conjugacy class of involutions. If S has a cyclic subgroup of index 2,
then S cannot be expressed as a direct product of two or more non-cyclic groups, so since each
G.R. Robinson / Journal of Algebra 335 (2011) 319–327 327

component of G has centre of odd order, G has a unique component. Suppose then that S has no
cyclic subgroup of index 2, so that G has one conjugacy class of involutions.
Let L 1 , L 2 , . . . , L r be all the distinct components of G and suppose that r > 1. These are mutually
centralizing. Let πi denote the homomorphism from E (G ) onto L i / Z ( L i ) with kernel j =i L j . Then
an involution t of E (G ) with t πi = 1 for exactly one i is not G-conjugate to an involution u with
u πi = 1 for all r values of i (and there are such involutions t and u of E (G ) when r > 1). Thus E (G )
is quasisimple.
Since M restricts irreducibly to N = O 2 (G ) by Lemma 2.9, and the restriction is still endotrivial,
there are two possibilities: a Sylow 2-subgroup of N has no cyclic subgroup of index 2, in which case
N has one conjugacy class of involutions, or a Sylow 2-subgroup S of N does have a cyclic subgroup
T of index 2, in which case every involution of N is conjugate to the unique involution of T by the
Thompson transfer lemma as N = O 2 ( N ).
Now F ( N )  Z ( N ), so that E ( N ) = 1. Since G has a unique component, E (G )  N = O 2 (G ). 2

Remark. When p = 2, our results have established that if G has even order and has a faithful ir-
reducible endotrivial RG-lattice M of rank greater than 1, then O 2 (G ) has a single conjugacy class
of involutions without exception (if G contains no Klein 4-subgroup, then G certainly has one con-
jugacy class of involutions). If M is imprimitive, then G has a strongly embedded subgroup, so one
conjugacy class of involutions. If M is primitive and O 2 (G ) = 1, then either O 2 (G ) is an elementary
Abelian Sylow 2-subgroup of G and G acts transitively by conjugation on non-identity elements of
O 2 (G ) or else G ∼
= Z (G ) × S 4 and Z (G ) has odd order. Otherwise, we are in the case that O 2 (G ) = 1
and O 2 (G )  Z (G ).


[1] J.F. Carlson, N. Mazza, J. Thévenaz, Endotrivial modules for p-solvable groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., in press.
[2] G. Navarro, G.R. Robinson, On endo-trivial modules for p-solvable groups, Math. Z., doi:10.1007/s00209-010-0835-x, in press.
[3] G.R. Robinson, On simple endotrivial modules, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. (2011), doi:10.1112/blms/bdr006, in press.

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