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Manual : Going For Gold Upper-Intermediate Aviz: Director

Nr. de ore: 4 ore/săptămână

Clasa : 9 A, F
Profesor: SMIEDT Ancuta Aviz: Sef de catedra

Planificare pe unitati 2020-2021

UNIT 1 - Changing world (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente specifice Evaluare


Grammar: Present simple and Making sentences about usual present 1.1 Anticiparea elementelor de Interciew:
1. present continuous: future forms activities/ unusual present activities continut ale unui text pe baza My classmates top
Vocabulary: Word families Choose the approprite noun/ adjective titlului/unui stimul vizual. 5 (un)ussual
(nouns/adjectives); Looking after for each word given; idioms for the 1.2 Identificarea sensului global al activities
the environment environment semantic field unui mesaj.
1.6 Recunoasterea organizarii logice a
2 Reading: Machu Picchu (multiple Match each fragment with the right unui paragraf/ text literar. -group work:
matching: headings); finding headline predict with your
similar words and phrases: Find similar words and phrases 2.1 Descrierea (oral/scris) a unor partner the missing
Multiple matching; activitati cotidiene, obiceiuri. words from the
2.5 Redactarea de texte functionale sentences
Listening: Antarctica (multiple predicting content using key words simple. listen to the extract
matching); predicting content Fill in the text again and complete
using key words Brainstorming about environment 3.1 Formularea de idei/pareri pe teme the sentences with
Organising one’s ideas; de interes in cadrul unei discutii/ in the missing words
Ways of comparing mesaje de raspuns.
3.2 Adaptarea formei mesajului la
3 Speaking; Working and non- -Group work: discuss with other situatia de comunicare in functie de Write an article
working holidays;; students what makes a good article stilul formal/informal folosit de about a thing you
Writing: Article (1); What can - divide the article into three separate interlocutor. couldn’t live
tourists see and do in your town or paragraphs. without
area?; - Features of a good article 4.4 Traducerea in si din limba romana
a unor texte scurte din domenii de
4 Use of English: The Thames Focusing on nouns and adjectives interes utilizand dictionarul .
Barrier: Word formation;
UNIT 2 - Turn up music (8 ore)
Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente specifice Evaluare

1 Music; expressions with bring and Trying to answer questions before 1.1Anticiparea elementelor de Listening an extract and
take: seeing options (making predictions) continut ale unui text pe baza completing the sentences
Reading: Is there music on Mars? Multiple choice titlului/unui stimul vizual with the missing words
2 Grammar: Expressing purpose Using the right connectors for 1.3 Identificarea de informatii cheie Test
(in order to, so that); questions expressing purpose; din texte autentice.
(subject/object and direct/indirect) Refreshing the correct topic of an
Use of English: key word interogative statement 2.1Descrierea(oral/scris) a unor
transformations; test yourself activitati cotidiene, obiceiuri.
(similar or different pairs)
2..3 Redactarea de paragrafe/texte pe
3 Listening: Pop idol (true/false); Preditcing the answers o tema de interes Presentation in front of
reading questions before listening; Making questions about somebody the classroom
song: Anything is possible (Will Introducing yourself 3.1 Formularea de idei/pareri pe teme
Young) de interes in cadrul unei discutii/ in
Speaking: Talking about yourself mesaje de raspuns.
(general conversation); making
different types of questions; 3.2 Adaptarea formei mesajului la
situatia de comunicare in functie de
4 Writing: Transactional letter; Writing a letter for asking information stilul formal/informal folosit de SWOT
letter to a friend asking for Transactional letters - interlocutor.
information; features of a
transactional letter;
UNIT 3 - With friends like these (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente specifice Evaluare

1 Test paper
Grammar: Present perfect simple Making sentences about usual present 1.1Anticiparea elementelor de
(for, since, ever, just, yet, already); activities; continut ale uni text pe baza
so and such; Using the right adverbials; titlului/unui stimul vizual.
Vocabulary: Relationships; Choose the approprite noun/ adjective
describing personality; for each word given; idioms for the 1.3 Identificarea de informatii cheie
environment semantic field din texte autentice.

2 Reading: A small circle of good Scanning the text for specific 1.6 Recunoasterea organizarii logice a The clusture on the
friends information; unui paragraf/text literar. whiteboard
Multiple matching: questions about
Listening: About a boy (note friendship 2.1 Descrierea (oral/scris) a unor
taking); Predicting missing information activitati cotidiene, obiceiuri.
People close to you Multiple choice: unrelated extracts
3.1 Formularea de idei/pareri pe teme
3 Speaking: Ways of keeping in Discussions de interes in cadrul unei discutii/ in Contest among rows
touch with people; ways of giving Usual idioms for expressing opinions mesaje de raspuns.
your opinion and asking for
someone else's opinion;
Writing: Informal letter (1); letter The structure of a letter
to a friend telling recent news; Informal language;

4 Use of English: Procedures for thinking of the correct Essay

Likeness of a person word;
open cloze.
UNIT 4 - Dream on (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente specifice Evaluare

1 Grammar: Like and as; Making statements using narrative 1.1Anticiparea elementelor de Oral comparison of 2
Vocabulary: Making adjectives tenses; continut ale uni text pe baza seasons/ dishes/ clothes/
with suffixes; interesting Expressing opinions with adjectives titlului/unui stimul vizual. pictures – work in pairs
vocabulary (e.g. to glance, to and new verbs
wander) 1.3 Identificarea de informatii cheie
din texte autentice.
2 Reading: A dream come true? Predicting content of missing Test
sentences; 2.1 Descrierea(oral/scris) a unor
Filling in a gapped text activitati cotidiene, obiceiuri.

Listening: Dreams Multiple matching; 3.2 Adaptarea formei mesajului la

predicting content through pictures; situatia de comunicare in functie de
3 Speaking: Personal information (general conversation); asking for stilul formal/informal folosit de My Facebook page
repetition/clarification; interlocutor.
Writing: Story(1);
linking expressions of time (e.g. 4.4 Traducerea in si din limba romana
finally, after that) a unor texte scurte din domenii de
interes utilizand dictionarul .
4 Use of English: Hothouse Error correction; Poject
children Focusing on type of words missing.
UNIT 5 - Things that matter (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente specifice Evaluare

1 Grammar: Time expressions (e.g. -make sentences about your present 1.1Anticiparea elementelor de Composition
during, while, by the time); can, abilities continut ale uni text pe baza
could, be able to, manage to; -speak about your desk mate’s past titlului/unui stimul vizual.
Vocabulary: Word families (e.g. abilities
invent, invention, inventor); -make a composition about future 1.3 Identificarea de informatii cheie
materials (e.g. leather, wool) abilities din texte autentice.
-decide which alternative of the modal
verbs expressing ability is more 2.1Descrierea(oral/scris) a unor
possible activitati cotidiene, obiceiuri.
- complete the text with the
appropriate modal verb 3.1 Formularea de idei/pareri pe teme
2 Reading: 100 years of gadgets - look at the images and discuss why de interes in cadrul unei discutii/ in Test
(multiple matching: questions) each of this people is famous mesaje de raspuns.
Listening: Famous scientists - mach the persons in the images with
(sentence completion); predicting their discoveries (inventions) 4.4 Traducerea in si din limba romana
missing words; Your favourite - listen to an extract from a radio a unor texte scurte din domenii de
things (multiple matching); programme. Which famous scientists interes utilizand dictionarul .
predicting content do the speakers talk about?
-listen and choose which of the things
each speaker is talking about
3 Speaking: Things that are -group work: look at the list of objects Group work
important to you (collaborative and discuss with other students why
tasks); communicating you think each one might be a favorite
interactively; thing then choose your group’s
Writing: Article (2); I couldn't favorite thing
live without it!; paragraphing -check that you know the meanings of
these words. Then listen again and
explain the significance of each one to
the speaker
4 Use of English: Living the simple Focusing on nouns, adjectives, verbs Essay
life (word formation); and adverbs.
UNIT 6 - My hero (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente specifice Evaluare


1 Grammar: Countable and Making uncountable nouns countable 1.1Anticiparea elementelor de Systematic observation
uncountable nouns and quantifiers; (e.g. piece of luggage); continut ale uni text pe baza
reported speech and reporting titlului/unui stimul vizual.
verbs; Individual research about the
Vocabulary: body and health; connection between body and health; 1.3 Identificarea de informatii cheie
din texte autentice.
2 Reading: The rise of the Procedures for multiple choice Research
superheroes (multiple choice); questions; 1.6 Recunoasterea organizarii logice a
unui paragraf/text literar.
Listening: Christopher Reeve Multiple choice: unrelated extracts; 2.1Descrierea(oral/scris) a unor
(sentence completion); justifying your answers; activitati cotidiene, obiceiuri.
predicting missing information;
3 Speaking: Hospitals, first aid and Discussion; 3.1 Formularea de idei/pareri pe teme Debates
wheel chair access making extended response; de interes in cadrul unei discutii/ in
mesaje de raspuns.
Writing: Report (1): Facilities for Features of a good report
the disabled; 4.1 Transformarea unor mesaje din
vorbire directa in vorbirea indirecta
4 Use of English: (relatarea la prezent a unor mesaje Essay
French Spider-Man reaches top of Multiple choice cloze; audiate).
oil HQ; choosing between options;
UNIT 7 - Moving on (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente specifice Evaluare


1 Grammar: Used to( do) or be Making comparisons 1.1Anticiparea elementelor de Game:

used to (doing)?; continut ale uni text pe baza „Mine is ....
titlului/unui stimul vizual.
Vocabulary: Making short dialogues about leaving
Verbs related to leaving (e.g. to set 1.3 Identificarea de informatii cheie Dramma
off, to move house); din texte autentice.
verbs and expressions with get
(e.g. get to know) 1.6 Recunoasterea organizarii logice a
unui paragraf/text literar.
2 Reading: Rites of passage Focusing on words that refer Gapped texts
backwards and forwards; 2.1 Descrierea(oral/scris) a unor
Listening: activitati cotidiene, obiceiuri. My own song -
Song: The power of goodbye Multiple choice (unrelated extracts); translating a song lirics
(Madonna); establishing contexts through key 2..3 Redactarea de paragrafe/texte pe into English and
words; o tema de interes performing it
3 Speaking: Saying goodbye comparing photos;
organising own comments according 3.2 Adaptarea formei mesajului la
first- general, then - specific; situatia de comunicare in functie de
stilul formal/informal folosit de
Writing: Transactional letter (2); paragraphing, letter layout and what to interlocutor.
letter to a friend; include
4.4 Traducerea in si din limba romana
4 Use of English: working out which structure is being a unor texte scurte din domenii de Letter of transactions
Key word transformations; tested interes utilizand dictionarul.
Semestrul al II-lea

UNIT 8 - Land of the Pharaohs (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente specifice Evaluare
1 Grammar: - complete the text with the right
Articles; Relative clauses article 1.3 Identificarea de informatii cheie Systematic observation
-make sentences about distances and din texte autentice.
Vocabulary: Distances and dimensions
dimensions (e.g. tall, narrow, -make a composition using at least 10 1.6 Recunoasterea organizarii logice a
deep); phrasal verbs phrasal verbs unui paragraf/text literar.
-decide which phrasal verb alternative
is appropriate 2.1Descrierea(oral/scris) a unor
- complete the text with the right activitati cotidiene, obiceiuri.
relative clause
2 Reading: Multiple matching: heading; 2..3 Redactarea de paragrafe/texte pe Research
A resting place for the gods predicting content from headings; o tema de interes

How the camel got his hump; comprehension questions 3.2 Adaptarea formei mesajului la
situatia de comunicare in functie de
Listening: true/false; stilul formal/informal folosit de
The curse of the Pharaohs focusing on key information in the interlocutor.
3 Speaking: 4.1 Transformarea unor mesaje din Debates
Personal conversation; Expressing doubt and uncertainty; vorbire directa in vorbire
indirecta(relatarea la prezent a unor
Writing: Story (2); Linking words of consequence (e.g. mesaje audiate).
Story from a title. so, therefore);

4 Use of English: Word formation; Creating endings for nouns and Essay
Stargate - a review; adjectives;
UNIT 9 - Talk to me (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente Evaluare

1 Speaking: - pair work: complete the sentences with your partner using the 1.1 Anticiparea Pair work: work with a
Mass media (discussion); words given elementelor de partner and answer the
ways of summarising and - write one more question for the words written in italics continut ale uni questions about television
reporting a decision; - pair work: choose four of the questions to ask and answer with text pe baza programmes
Reading: a partner titlului/unui
17,000 school students - match the types of television programmes with the correct stimul vizual.
probably now hate my name! definitions
(gapped text); - linking expressions to show connections between ideas; 1.6 Recunoasterea
2 Grammar: Giving advice read the rules in the box and identify the two types of adjectives organizarii logice Pair work: Write a
(present) and criticism (past); and the intensifier that goes with them a unui paragraph with a partner
intensifiers -add intensifiers to the adjectives in the sentences given paragraf/text describing a fantastic
Listening: Oprah Winfrey -decide which adverb is correct literar. weekend. Include at least
(note taking); - predicting content from the notes; three intensifiers
3 Vocabulary: Expressions match the words in italics with their correct definitions 2.1 Descrierea Write questions that you
about speaking (e.g. speak - try to remember as many speaking expressions without looking (oral/scris) a unor can ask your partner
up, talk shop); newspapers - rewrite the sentences by replacing the parts in italics with the activitati using speaking
and television; correct speaking expression cotidiene, expressions
Use of English: Open cloze; - focusing on what kind of word is missing; obiceiuri.
Interactive television;
4 Writing: Article (3); Most - write the task and decide what style should you use to write the 3.2 Adaptarea Write an article for the
people don't read enough; article formei mesajului task given. Check if you
introduction and conclusion - pair work: make a list of the things which make a good article la situatia de have achieved all the
paragraphs; -read the article given as an example and decide if the writer has comunicare in points mentioned on your
achieved all of the points on your list functie de stilul list
-extract the topics from paragraph two and three in the article formal/informal
given as an example folosit de
-read the instructions about paragraphing a good article interlocutor.
UNIT 10 - More, more, more (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente Evaluare

1 Grammar: - pair work: complete the sentences with your partner 1.1Anticiparea
Obligation (present and past); too using the words given elementelor de continut Systematic observation
and enough; - write one more question for the words written in ale uni text pe baza
Vocabulary: italics titlului/unui stimul
Money and shopping; prepositions - match the gooda with the most appropriate value vizual.
with nouns, verbs and adjectives - making statements to express obligation
(e.g. famous for, spend on) 1.3 Identificarea de
informatii cheie din
2 Reading: Shop till you drop! Multiple choice; texte autentice. Research
key words in questions and text;
Listening: Feng Shui Multiple matching; 2.1Descrierea
focusing on the main message; (oral/scris) a unor
3 Speaking: What makes you Collaborative task; activitati cotidiene, Debates
happy? giving yourself time to think and reacting to your obiceiuri.
partner's ideas;
Writing: 2..3 Redactarea de
Discursive composition (1); What Linking phrases for organising your ideas (e.g. first paragrafe/texte pe o
is important for a happy life?; of all, in conclusion); tema de interes

4 Use of English: Multiple choice cloze; 3.2 Adaptarea formei Essay

Name your price! choosing between the four options. mesajului la situatia de
comunicare in functie
de stilul formal/
informal folosit de
UNIT 11 - Water, water everywhere (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente specifice Evaluare


1 Grammar: Question tags; present Making sentences about (UN)usual present

perfect simple or continuous? activities; 1.1Anticiparea elementelor de Systematic observation
Using the right adverbials; continut ale uni text pe baza
Vocabulary: Verbs and nouns of titlului/unui stimul vizual.
"using"; adjectives describing Choose the approprite noun/ adjective/ verb
feelings; for describing feelings 1.6 Recunoasterea organizarii
logice a unui paragraf/text
2 Reading: The power of dolphins gapped text; literar. Research
focusing on different types of language links
2..3 Redactarea de
Listening: multiple choice; paragrafe/texte pe o tema de
Water: fascinating facts listening for key words; interes
multiple matching;
Water sports predicting content; 2.4 Completarea de formulare.

3 Speaking: comparing photos); different types of specific Debates

People enjoying themselves in comments;
Writing: Finding the right ending for a story using the
Story (3); story ending with the time phrases (e.g. during his teenage years, Composition
words ... ; only a year later);

4 Use of English: ordering stages for dealing with task type; Essay
Five Olympic Golds!; error correction;
UNIT 12 - Give us a clue (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente specifice Evaluare


1 Grammar: Making sentences about (UN)usual present 1.1 Anticiparea elementelor de

Question tags; present perfect activities; continut ale uni text pe baza Systematic observation
simple or continuous? Using the right adverbials; titlului/unui stimul vizual.
Verbs and nouns of "using"; Choose the approprite noun/ adjective/ verb 1.3 Identificarea de informatii
adjectives describing feelings; for describing feelings cheie din texte autentice.

2 Reading: The power of dolphins gapped text; 3.1 Formularea de idei/pareri Research
focusing on different types of language links pe teme de interes in cadrul
Listening: unei discutii/ in mesaje de
Water: fascinating facts listening for key words; raspuns.
multiple choice;

Water sports multiple matching;

predicting content;
3 Speaking: different types of specific comments Debates
People enjoying themselves in comparing photos;
time phrases (e.g. during his teenage years, Personal stories
Writing: Story (3); only a year later);
story ending with the words ... ;

4 Use of English: Error correction; Essay

Five Olympic Golds!; ordering stages for dealing with task type;
UNIT 13 - A long way from home (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente specifice Evaluare


1 Grammar: Gerund or infinitive?; - pair work: complete the sentences with Game
future perfect or continuous; your partner using gerund or infinitive
- making statements to express future 1.6. Recunoasterea organizarii
actions logice a unui paragraf/text literar.
- write one more question for the words
Vocabulary: written in italics
Travel; - making statements with make – phrasal 2.1Descrierea(oral/scris) a unor Dramma
phrasal verbs and expressions with verbs, idioms. activitati cotidiene, obiceiuri.
2 Reading: multiple matching: questions; expressing Gapped texts
Get away from it all! statements in different words; 3.2 Adaptarea formei mesajului la
comprehension questions; situatia de comunicare in functie
The time machine by H.G. Wells de stilul formal/informal folosit de
true/ false; interlocutor.
Listening: making questions to help you listen; My own song -
The most travelled man in the translating a song lirics
history into English and
Song: Proud (Heather Small) performing it

3 Speaking: collaborative task; Transactional letter

Deciding what to put in a time sounding interested and involved
Writing: Transactional letter (3); choosing a holiday with some friends;
focusing a appropriate content and style;
4 Use of English: Essay
Key word transformations; Key word transformations; following
following instructions correctly; instructions correctly;
UNIT 14 - Just an act (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente specifice Evaluare


1 Grammar: Comparative and - pair work:

superlative adverbs; passives Compare 2 actions using superlative adverbs 1.1. Anticiparea Systematic observation
- rephrse the sentences with your partner using elementelor de continut ale
passive voice uni text pe baza
titlului/unui stimul vizual.
Vocabulary: TV, cinema, theatre - making statements about the favourite show and
(e.g. audience, subtitles); give 3 arguments
-the clusture 1.3. Identificarea de
conversational phrases (e.g. informatii cheie din texte
there's no point, we may as well) Make sentences using conversational phrases autentice.

2 Reading: A man for all time multiple matching: headings; Research

Listening: Two extracts from the justifying your choice from the text; 2.4. Completarea de
play After Liverpool; formulare

3 Speaking: comparing photos; Debates

Dressing for a night out ways of comparing and contrasting; 4.1. Transformarea unor
mesaje din vorbire directa
Writing: Discursive composition Linkers of contrast; organising paragraphs in vorbire indirecta Discursive composition
(2): Cinema or video?; (relatarea la prezent a unor
mesaje audiate).
Use of English: Moulin Rouge - a Open cloze; Essay
4 review; procedure for dealing with open cloze;
UNIT 15 - Giving something back (8 ore)

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente specifice Evaluare


1 Grammar:
Verbs with objects - rephrase the sentences with your partner using 1.1Anticiparea elementelor Systematic observation
(e.g. give something to someone); give something to someone; unless, as long as, in de continut ale uni text pe
unless, as long as, in case; case; baza titlului/unui stimul
Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs and - making statements with give– phrasal verbs,
expressions with give; idioms 1.6 Recunoasterea
extreme adjectives Make coparisons using extreme adjectives organizarii logice a unui
(e.g. tired/exhausted); (e.g. tired/exhausted); paragraf/text literar.

2 Reading: multiple matching: questions; 2.1Descrierea(oral/scris) a Research

Spending a year abroad finding key words and parallel expressions; unor activitati cotidiene,
Listening: Multiple choice (unrelated extracts);
Bill Gates justifying your answers; 2..3 Redactarea de
sentence completion; paragrafe/texte pe o tema
predicting missing information; de interes

3 Speaking: review of giving opinions, asking for opinions 3.2 Adaptarea formei Debates
Moral dilemmas (discussion); and expressing uncertainty; mesajului la situatia de
comunicare in functie de
Writing: stilul formal/informal Report
Report (2); recommending a ways of recommending; folosit de interlocutor.
charity; recommending a charity;

4 Use of English: focusing on what kind of word is missing; Project

Something for everyone?; Word formation;

Nr Continut tematic Activitati de invatare Competente Evaluare

1 Grammar: - pair work: complete the sentences with your partner
Modals of deduction (present/past) using the words given 2.1 Descrierea Systematic observation
- write one more question for the words written in (oral/scris) a unor Debates
italics activitati cotidiene,
Vocabulary: - pair work: complete the sentences with your partner obiceiuri.
speaking expressions using the words given Report
- pair work: choose four of the questions to ask and 2.4 Completarea de
Ways of summarising answer with a partner formulare
- linking expressions to show connections between
ideas; 3.2 Adaptarea formei
- Making sentences about usual present activities/ mesajului la situatia de
unusual present activities comunicare in functie
- choosing the approprite noun/ adjective for each de stilul
word given;
4.1 Transformarea unor
2 Grammar: - Making uncountable nouns countable mesaje din vorbire Research
Countable /uncountable nouns/ directa in vorbire Project
Qualifiers - read the rules in the box and identify the two types indirecta(relatarea la
of adjectives and the intensifier that goes with them prezent a unor mesaje
Reported speech audiate). FINAL TEST
-add intensifiers to the adjectives in the sentences
Tenses given

-decide which adverb is correct

- predicting content from the notes;

- making sentences about (UN)usual present
activities using the right adverbials;

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