Deformational Characteristics of Weak Sandstone and Impact To Tunnel Deformation
Deformational Characteristics of Weak Sandstone and Impact To Tunnel Deformation
Deformational Characteristics of Weak Sandstone and Impact To Tunnel Deformation
Received 31 October 2001; received in revised form 10 March 2002; accepted 16 March 2002
In northern Taiwan, a tunnel under construction along a segment where weak sandstone, the Mushan sandstone, was encountered
and an excess crown settlement (14–30 cm) has been reported. This paper studies the deformational characteristics of Mushan
sandstone and its impact on tunnel deformation. To distinguish the volumetric and the shear deformation of the sandstone,
experiments with controlled stress paths, including hydrostatic compression, pure shearing and conventional triaxial compression,
were conducted. The measured deformations were then decomposed into elastic and plastic components further exploring the
stress–strain behavior of weak sandstone. The results indicate that, similar to other soil-like geo-materials, this sandstone has
plastic strain before the stress path reaches the failure envelope and significant shear dilation is induced, especially when
approaching the failure envelope. Meanwhile, the distinct features of deformation have also been highlighted by comparing the
experimental results to the prediction, derived from existing constitutive models that were originally developed for other geo-
materials. These features include significant plastic volumetric strain at low levels of confining stress, suppression of plastic
volumetric strain at higher levels of confining stress, and the fact that the actual amount of shear compression is less than that
predicted by the model. Numerical analysis indicates that the weak rock leads to the greatest inward displacement, which results
from the shear dilation prior to failure state. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Shear dilation; Weak sandstone; Pure shear stress path test
0886-7798/02/$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 8 8 6 - 7 7 9 8 Ž 0 2 . 0 0 0 1 1 - 1
264 F.-S. Jeng et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 17 (2002) 263–274
Fig. 5. (a) Variation of volumetric strain with shear stress during shear loading. Cycles of unloading indicates that plastic deformation exists. (b)
Schematic illustration of the loading cycles. It indicates that, at an earlier stage of loading, the pure-shear loading tends to induce an elastic
dilation and, however, a plastic compression. (c) Loops of unloading–reloading curves. A hypothetical elastic curve (shown by thick, solid line)
was obtained by regression analysis of most cycles, but with the last cycle excluded, since significant deterioration of deformation modulus has
been induced in the last cycle. (c) Typical result of total, elastic and plastic deformation after separation of components. The sample number,
MS60-噛1-67, represents that the first specimen sheared at maximum shear stress of 67 MPa.
Fig. 6. (a) Variation of shear strain with shear stress during shear
loading. (b) Loops of unloading–reloading curves. A hypothetical
elastic curve (shown by the thick, solid line) was obtained based on
the cycles of lower levels of shearing. (c) The variation of initial
shear modulus with volumetric stress. The sample number, MS60-噛1-
67, represents that the first specimen sheared at maximum shear stress
of 67 MPa.
5. Characteristics of deformation—theoretical
Fig. 10. Variation of volumetric strain with confining stress during Fig. 11. Variation of volumetric strain with shear stress during shear
hydrostatic loading for results from model prediction and experiments. loading for results from model prediction and experiments.
is thus adopted. On the basis of such a model, the strain mental curves shown in Fig. 3a, Fig. 5b and Fig. 6a.
tensor can be determined from an energy density func- For the Mushan sandstone tested, b1, b2 and b3 are
tion V and the stress tensor sij by the following found to be 1112 mØ(MPa)y1y2, y0.049 mØ(MPa)y2
expression: and 48.48 mØ(MPa)y1, respectively. The strains from
e e
model prediction, Ž´v,p .m, Ž´v,s.m and Žge.m are compared
≠V to the experimental results, ´ev,p, ´ev,s and ge, as shown
´eijs (5)
≠sij in Figs. 10–12. In general, the proposed model is
where ´eij is the elastic strain tensor and V the energy capable of predicting the non-linear elastic behavior,
density function. From the experimental results, V is including shear dilation of sandstone, and its prediction
selected to be: has a reasonably good agreement with the experimental
curves as well.
1 qb2I1J2qb3J2 (6)
5.2. Plastic component of deformation
where b1, b2 and b3 are material constants. Substituting
Eq. (6) into Eq. (5), the elastic strain tensor ´eij has the As illustrated by Fig. 7a, the vector of plastic defor-
following form: mation tends to be perpendicular to the failure envelope
≠V B 3 1y2 E when the applied shear stress reaches shear strength.
´eijs sC b1I1 qb2J2FdijqŽb2I1qb3.sij (7) Namely, this type of deformation is consistent with the
≠sij D 2 G
associated flow rule of plasticity. If an associated flow
According to Eq. (7), the volumetric strain can be rule and an imaginary plastic potential surface (or yield
obtained as: cap) can be assumed, the plastic potential surfaces for
different stages of shearing would have the geometry
e e
q´33 s b1I11y2q3b2J2 (8)
Eq. (8) indicates that both hydrostatic stress and shear
stress will induce volumetric strain. Therefore, the elastic
volumetric strain can be separated into two components,
´ev,p and ´ev,s, as the following expressions:
´ev,ps b1I1y2
1 (9)
´ev,ss3b2J2 (10)
The shear strain (g s2yJ92) can also be determined
based on Eq. (7) as:
ges2yJe92 s2Žb2I1qb3.yJ2 (11)
Accordingly, the material constants b1, b2 and b3 can be Fig. 12. Variation of shear strain with shear stress during shear loading
determined by a curve fitting derived from the experi- for results from model prediction and experiments.
F.-S. Jeng et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 17 (2002) 263–274 271
≠F E
shown in Fig. 13. Remarkably, the plastic potential B ≠F E
D ≠I1 G
surface tends to have a tangential connection with the d´vps3lC Fs B
D ≠I1 G ≠F ≠F E1y2
failure envelope. In fact, similar yield surfaces have C F
been proposed (DiMaggio and Sandler, 1971; Mullenger D ≠sij ≠sij G
Table 2
Corresponding parameters of Mushan sandstone
Table 3
Inward displacements predicted by different models
7. Conclusion