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French Revolution: Merit

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Reasons behind the success of the Americans against the British

 Emergence of common cause - People realising unless they get rid of colonialism they
conditions would not improve , this brought a strong sense of Unity .

 Alliance- Americans were able to form alliance with Spain , French and Dutch(Holland )
and made deal for arms , supplies. As part of alliance they also made a pact of Arm
Neutrality (with Russia , Portugal, Prussia and Sweden ) , in this way they were able to
isolate Britain

 Britain has a Superiority Complex - they thought they can easily defeat America without
any international or External Supporters

 Role of Thinkers - Thomas Pine and Patrick Henry - these two thinkers played a imp role
in propagating the idea of Liberalism.

1. French Revolution
Merit -
 Abolish Inequality and Injustice
 Principle of Equality laid down
 Individual right of men
 Constitutionalism
Demerits -
 Remained a mob's rule which naturally created Anarchy
 System of check and balance could not effectively - too much power given to Legislature
There was a fear among Europe against France , that this virus of Revolution would spread in trheir
nations , so to save their king they feared France and it could be seen that France was heading towards
2. Revolutionary Political Groups
 Girondins - made a plan to come to power by implanting the idea of war Hysteria
Why it did so ?
 To gain power
 Through this war notion of Liberty, equality , fraternity will spread to different part of
 To weaken the position of king , if war will happen naturally .
 Jacobins
 Plain
War Hysteria was the foundation of these groups
Declaration of war - 1792 ( Against Austria )

Initially France faced defeat in these wars , ultimately there was a fall of monarchy. King had the right to
declare war and whole onus was befallen upon king and due to this a large mob attacked king palace
September Massacre
Mostly people from third estate was tried an Hanged
4. The era of Convention(1792-1795)
Girondins emerged as the largest party in election , they came to power and as opposition Jacobins rise
in power
King and Mary Antionette charged for conspiracy against revolution - execution
Trial by jury
Military Successes - France began to win (war against British , Poland )
After the year due to the opposition , they fall down due to
1. Bad economic condition- seriously affected everyone
2. Charged for being anti revolution ( a group inside groindin not in favour of execution of
king and queen , some liberals so Jacobins made this a point saying they are anti
3. Jacobins promised and advocated democracy models like direct democracy
Due to this ultimately jacobin came back to power(1793 94)
5. The Reign of terror (1793 94)
Robert Peire (Jacobin ) , he led this govt , he believed the social republic democratic idea france was
facing serious problem wars with other European , civil war , and economic condition
He thought only dictator ship can save France now . Due to this anarchy was curbed but many
executions took place , as far as victims 85%of victim belong to third estate .
Unprecedented killings so known as reign of terror
Ultimately Robert piere was caught and hanged
Finally in 1795 first republic was established in France
6. Period of Directorate (195-1798)
Entire nation led by Executives(Directors) but they were weak because no control over finance
7. Era of consulate(1799)
Napoleon first counsel of state . In 1802 he empowered himself as emperor of France and continued till
1815. Napoleon joined as a low rank official in military , tremendous rise due to his own quality
Rise -
Fearless quality - battle of Taillon to pass the bridge , Army was reluctant he himself run toward the
bridge when soldiers saw that they joined in , after this he was made high commander turning point in
his life .
He has the ability to take a nap when the bullets were firing in the battlefield

Ambitious - "power is my mistress " Napoleon
Master strategist
Charles Hazen modern Europe
9. Russian Revolution
Nihilism anarchism emerged .
Nihilism - one who does not bow down before any authority . They does not take any principle on faith
even it is popular
Doctrine behind this is Absolute Individualism
Obligations towards society, family and state in general . They tend to negate all these kind of
obligations for the sake of individual liberty ,radical concept
Around 1870 this concept emerged in Russia
Anarchism - nihilism transfers into anarchism . Anarchism is more radical form of nihilism
They have no faith in existing system and tend to destroy every existing authority , believed in concept
of violence , Indian revolutionaries Bhagat Singh adopted this
They assassinate many policy makers(unpopular opinion)
For example sanders murder case
Very idea of individualism
How Socialist parties emerged ?
Socialist Democratic Party
Came around 1897 , working class of factory living in compromised situation in order to take their cause,
their demand this party came in power .due to this working condition of labour improved
Two Groups emerged (1903)
1. Bolsheviks - Majority
2. Men sheviks- minority
There were hardliners(strict disciplinarian) and liberals , these were in minority - Reason of split
Czars of Russia was able to maintain their democracy , why no revolt till now ? How were they able to
maintain autocracy ?
1. Loyalty of officials - this privileged class remained loyal to monarch ,
2. Illiteracy - education under church , church played no role in imparting mass education
3. Church - Greek orthodox , believed monarch is the true power
4. Coercion Liberal movements were suppressed by monarch and in fact they did not gain
any support from the masses as well
5. Paternal Despotism - ruler /king the great father and masses as son
6. Agrarian Groups - conservative (was suppressed but did not want change from feudal
7. Peter the great Catherine - had a great image among the people of Russia , many reforms
taken by this to improve lifestyle of people
8. democracy cannot be succesful this was opinion of masses

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