April 3, 2020
1.1 Background
In February 2013 the FCC released a Report and Order (R&O, FCC 13-21) that establishes new rules for
the operation of signal boosters to enhance the wireless coverage of commercial mobile voice and
broadband radio services, particularly in rural, underserved, and difficult-to-serve areas, while ensuring
that the boosters do not adversely affect wireless networks.1 In 2014 and 2015, various consumer booster
rules were also updated by the Order on Reconsideration FCC 14-138.2 The Second Report and Order
FCC 18-35 modified personal-use conditions for Provider-Specific Consumer Signal Boosters.3
The signal booster R&O creates two classes of signal boosters – consumer and industrial – with distinct
regulatory requirements. Industrial boosters are not discussed further in this document; instead see KDB
Publication 935210 Attachments D02 and D05 for policies and procedures.
Consumer signal boosters are defined as devices that are marketed to and sold for use by subscribers and
are designed to be used “out of the box” to improve wireless coverage within a limited area such as a
home, car, boat, or recreational vehicle. Subscribers should be able to install a consumer signal booster
without third-party professional assistance.
Consumer signal boosters include those designed to amplify over-the-air transmissions from multiple
wireless providers (wideband consumer signal boosters) and those dedicated to amplifying the signals
transmitted by a single provider (provider-specific consumer signal booster). Wideband signal boosters
may operate on the frequencies and in the market areas of multiple licensees (service providers).
Provider-specific (frequency-selective) signal boosters may operate only on the frequencies and in the
market area of specific licensees. Wideband and provider-specific consumer signal boosters can be either
fixed (intended for operation at a fixed location with the server antenna inside a building) or mobile
(intended for operation while moving, e.g., in a vehicle or boat). 4
FCC 13-21, Report and Order In the Matter of Amendment of Parts 1, 2, 22, 24, 27, 90 and 95 of the
Commission’s Rules to Improve Wireless Coverage Through the Use of Signal Boosters, WT Docket No. 10-4,
February 20, 2013.
FCC 14-138, Amendment of Parts 1, 2, 22, 24, 27, 90 and 95 of the Commission’s Rules to Improve Wireless
Coverage Through the Use of Signal Boosters, WT Docket No. 10-4, Order On Reconsideration, Adopted:
September 19, 2014, Released: September 23, 2014.
FCC 18-35, Amendment of Parts 1, 2, 22, 24, 27, 90 and 95 of the Commission’s Rules to Improve Wireless
Coverage Through the Use of Signal Boosters, WT Docket No. 10-4; Second Report and Order, Adopted: March 22,
2018, Released: March 23, 2018.
KDB Publication 935210 D02 provides other information about typical configurations and related concepts.
The signal booster rules are codified Section 20.21. The NPS common requirements are specified in
Sections 20.21(e)(1) to (e)(7), in Section 20.21(e)(8) for wideband consumer signal boosters, and in
Section 20.21(e)(9) for provider-specific (frequency-selective) consumer signal boosters.
This KDB publication provides guidance with respect to acceptable measurement procedures for
demonstrating wideband consumer signal booster compliance to the applicable requirements imposed by
the NPS. Note that the guidance offered herein is not directly applicable to industrial signal boosters,
including distributed antenna system (DAS) boosters. For similar compliance measurement guidance
applicable to industrial signal boosters and provider-specific consumer signal boosters, see Attachments
D02 and D04 of KDB Publication 935210, respectively.
For additional information regarding signal booster definitions and certification requirements, see also
Attachment D02 included as a part of KDB Publication 935210.5
Procedures for compliance measurements on consumer signal boosters operating under Section 20.21 are
also provided in Clause 7 of ANSI C63.26-2015.6 As part of the rule changes adopted by the First Report
and Order FCC 17-93 (docket no. 15-170),7 Sections 2.910(c) and 2.1041 were amended to include ANSI
C63.26-2015 as an acceptable measurement procedures standard for equipment that operates in
authorized radio services covered by its scope, where compliance measurements are required per Sections
2.1046, 2.1047, 2.1049, 2.1051, 2.1053, 2.1055, 2.1057, also 2.911(c).8 KDB Publication 935210 D03
served as a basis for and was developed concurrently with the ANSI C63.26 measurement procedures,
and as such each provides pertinent guidance for performing compliance measurements for signal
boosters operating under Section 20.21.9 As a companion document for use along with ANSI C63.26-
2015, KDB Publication 935210 D03 provides rule section numbers and other information about FCC
rules, policies, and procedures that is otherwise generally not part of the normative text in documents
developed by the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) C63 ®—Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).
KDB Publication 935210, Attachment D02 Certification Requirements.
ANSI C63.26-2015, American National Standard for Compliance Testing of Transmitters.
FCC 17-93; Amendment of Parts 0, 1, 2, 15 and 18 of the Commission’s Rules regarding Authorization of
Radiofrequency Equipment; ET Docket No. 15-170; First Report and Order; Adopted: July 13, 2017; Released: July
14, 2017.
ANSI C63.26-2015 was developed by ANSI-Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) C63® to provide equipment
authorization applicants, manufacturers, and test laboratories with uniform, reliable, and consistent measurement
procedures necessary to demonstrate that transmitters used in licensed radio services comply with FCC’s technical
requirements. ASC C63® is a standards development organization that includes participants from the wireless
industry, test laboratories, and regulators. At present ASC C63® has an open project for developing various updates
of ANSI C63.26; information is available at: (http://www.c63.org/documents/misc/matrix/c63_standards.htm).
Applicants, test labs, and TCBs are requested to submit a KDB inquiry requesting guidance in case unclear or
inconsistent provisions are found between ANSI C63.26-2015 and KDB Publication 935210.
The objective of this KDB publication is to establish and document standardized measurement procedures
that will produce the data required to demonstrate that a wideband consumer signal booster is compliant
with the technical requirements specified by the NPS.
1.3 Approach
The measurement procedures provided in this document represent efforts by the RF Booster Task Group
of the ANSI ASC C63® SC4 C63.26 (Licensed Wireless) Working Group10 to develop standardized
measurement methodologies that can be applied to wideband consumer signal boosters to obtain the data
necessary to demonstrate compliance to the NPS requirements. This RF Booster Task Group includes
representatives from signal booster manufacturers, commercial wireless service providers, compliance
test laboratories, and the FCC.
Alternative measurement procedures acceptable to the Commission may also be used to provide the
requisite data to demonstrate compliance to the NPS technical requirements as per Section 2.947(a)(3) of
the FCC rules, but such alternative procedures must be approved by the FCC prior to use.
1.4 Cross-references from KDB Publication 935210 D03 procedures to rule paragraphs
Table 1 provides a summary listing of the technical requirements in Sections 20.21(e)(8) and other FCC
rules, and the subclause numbers of the associated test procedures in this document. Appendix E provides
a summary listing of Section 20.21(e) (NPS) rule paragraphs, measurement quantities, and requirements.
Additional requirements for specific booster device types are given in 7.14 (cable-connected dual-
enclosure) and 7.15 (single-enclosure multiple-server-port).
ANSI ASC C63® SC4 is abbreviation for American National Standards Institute Accredited Standards Committee
C63®—Electromagnetic Compatibility, Subcommittee 4—Wireless and ISM Equipment Measurements; see
(http://c63.org/index.htm). When originally formed in 2013, the RF Booster Task Group was part of the ASC C63®
SC1 Wireless Working Group (Subcommittee 1—Techniques and Development).
There is no specific test for this functionality but it is instead indirectly addressed by the noise and gain limits
A signal booster is defined as a device that automatically receives, amplifies, and retransmits, on a
bidirectional or unidirectional basis, the signals received from base, fixed, mobile, or portable stations,
with no change in frequency or authorized bandwidth. A consumer signal booster, the subject of this
KDB publication, is defined as a bidirectional signal booster that is marketed and sold for use without
The bidirectional operation of consumer signal boosters can introduce ambiguities when using
conventional RF input and RF output port descriptions, because a single RF port can represent both an RF
input and RF output port (e.g., a downlink signal input and an uplink signal output). Thus, the terms
donor port and server port are often used for bidirectional signal boosters. The term “donor port” of a
bidirectional signal booster refers to the RF port that receives the downlink signal from a base station
transmitter, and which also re-transmits an amplified uplink signal received from a mobile user. The term
“server port” refers to the RF port that receives the uplink signal from a mobile user, and which also
transmits the amplified downlink signal received from a base station transmitter. For a wideband
consumer signal booster, multiple uplink and downlink bands can be used.
Consumer signal boosters can also be operated on either a fixed or mobile platform. Fixed consumer
signal boosters are designed to be operated in a fixed location within a building, whereas a mobile
consumer signal booster is intended to operate in a moving vehicle where both the uplink and downlink
transmitting antennas are at least 20 cm from the user or any other person.
Generic testing requirements are not established; rather technical documentation is used describing all antennas,
cables, and/or coupling devices that may be used with a consumer booster and how those meet the requirements.
There is no specific test for this functionality but it is instead addressed through a combination of the variable
noise, variable gain, and oscillation detection tests.
Conformance to the requirement to include AGC circuitry is verified in 7.1 and 7.2.
Before testing please submit a proposed test plan in a KDB inquiry for FCC review and acceptance.
The NPS specifies that consumer signal boosters must be designed and manufactured such that they only
operate on the frequencies used for the provision of subscriber-based services under parts 22 (Cellular),
24 (Broadband PCS), 27 (AWS-1, 700 MHz Lower A-E Blocks, and 700 MHz Upper C Block), and 90
(Specialized Mobile Radio). The Commission will not certificate any consumer signal boosters for
operation on Part 90 (Specialized Mobile Radio) frequencies until the Commission releases a Public
Notice announcing the date consumer signal boosters may be used in the band.16
Appendix A of this KDB publication provides a detailed summary of the frequency bands associated with
each of the wireless services itemized above.
Most of the technical limits and requirements applicable to consumer signal boosters are specified within
Section 20.21. However, in some cases the technical limits are specified as relative to the limit applicable
for each particular operational frequency band (e.g., unwanted emission limits) and as such, the applicable
radio service rule part must be consulted. Appendix A provides a cross-reference to the applicable rule
sections for each frequency band in which consumer signal boosters are authorized to operate.
In addition, because signal boosters require part 2 subpart J certification, further to Section 2.911(c) the
requirements specified in Section 2.1033 are also applicable. Therefore, the measurement guidance
provided herein also includes procedures for obtaining the data required per Section 2.1033(c)(14).
5.1 General
The following paragraphs provide a list of requisite test equipment and relevant minimum capabilities
necessary to perform the measurements specified within this KDB publication. All equipment used shall
be appropriately calibrated prior to use in accordance with laboratory accreditation requirements.
Most of the measurement procedures provided herein are based on the use of a spectrum/signal analyzer
or an EMI receiver with similar capabilities. The measurement instrumentation must provide the
following minimum capabilities:
a) A tuning range that will permit measurements over the frequency ranges under investigation
(including unwanted emissions),
b) A power averaging (rms) detector,
c) A trace averaging capability (i.e., the ability to average over multiple measurement traces),
d) An integrated power function (e.g., band or channel power),
e) A burst power measurement capability,
f) A peak power detector,
g) A maximum hold function.
See § 20.21(e)(3).
Some of the technical requirements specified by the NPS are time-based (e.g., uplink inactivity and anti-
oscillation tests). In most cases a spectrum/signal analyzer or EMI receiver operated in zero-span mode
can be used to make such time domain measurements; however, a digital oscilloscope with an appropriate
RF (diode) detector may also be used. Note that there may be cases where an oscilloscope with an RF
detector may not provide sufficient dynamic range for performing some tests.
Several of the technical requirements specified by the NPS are expressed such that one or more input
signals are required when collecting the data necessary to demonstrate compliance. Thus, the capability
to generate a minimum of two separate signal paths is required (two independent signal generators or one
signal generator with separately-controlled dual outputs). The signal generator(s) must have the
following minimum capabilities:
a) a tuning range that completely encompasses the operational frequency ranges of the booster (e.g.,
100 kHz to 3 GHz),
b) a minimum output power range of −103 dBm to +20 dBm,
c) the ability to replicate CMRS signal types GSM, CDMA, W-CDMA (LTE is optional) with a pseudo-
random symbol pattern,
d) the ability to generate non-pulsed and pulsed CW tones and band-limited AWGN.
Several of the measurements will require that the booster be driven into saturation while observing the
spectrum for undesired changes in the spectral envelope or unwanted emission levels (e.g., spectral
a) The following are the maximum uplink transmitter test levels for various signal booster
configurations, as referenced to the booster’s uplink input (server) port. External linear amplifier(s)
shall be used if these levels exceed the output power capabilities of the signal generator(s) available
for these tests.
b) The maximum downlink input (donor) port test level for all device types is −20 dBm.
Some measurement procedures will require that the requisite input signal power be stepped over a
specified range of values. This is typically accomplished by using external RF step attenuators inserted
into the input signal path. The granularity (discretization) of the measurement steps will require the use
of a combination of linear step attenuators to provide at least 0 dB to 70 dB of attenuation in 10 dB steps,
0 dB to 10 dB of attenuation in 1 dB steps, and 0 dB to 1 dB in 0.1 dB steps.
Several of the measurement procedures require that input signals be combined (e.g., intermodulation test)
or that output signals be differentiated at a common port (e.g., noise and variable gain tests). The RF
5.8 RF filters
Some of the measurement procedures may require that RF filtering (band-pass and/or band-notch) be
applied to enable measuring a desired signal level in the presence of an undesired signal. Tunable filters
are recommended and the specific tuning ranges should be commensurate with the operational frequency
range capabilities of the signal booster under test (see Appendix A). All RF filters shall be rated for at
least 1 W of input power.
When connected to test equipment in this specification, the EUT must be terminated in the characteristic
impedance of its input port and output port. All test equipment interconnection figures included in this
specification are based on test equipment whose characteristic impedance matches that of the EUT. If the
EUT presents a source and/or load impedance which differs from the characteristic impedance of the test
equipment, minimum-loss impedance matching pads shall be employed, and the losses associated with
these pads shall be factored into all subsequent measurements.
The procedures provided in this KDB guidance document typically use a conducted test configuration
(i.e., the RF interface between the signal booster and the measurement instrumentation is established via
coaxial cable and RF connectors). While coaxial cables typically provide some level of shielding from
ambient signals, care should still be taken to ensure that the measurements are not influenced by strong
ambient signals in the CMRS frequency ranges under test.
The measurement procedures provided for demonstrating compliance to the radiated spurious emission
limits will require the use of a radiated test configuration. These measurements may be performed with
the transmit antenna port(s) terminated. The test site requirements, EUT arrangement and signal
maximization procedures shall be consistent with those described in ANSI C63.26. When performing
radiated tests, special care should be taken to ensure isolation of the EUT from any ambient CMRS
The following subclauses provide recommended measurement procedures for collecting the data
necessary to demonstrate compliance to each of the technical regulations applicable to wideband
consumer signal boosters. The user is encouraged to read completely through each procedure prior to
initiating the tests.
This test is intended to confirm that the signal booster only operates on the CMRS frequency bands
authorized for use by the NPS. In other words, the signal booster shall reject amplification of other
signals outside of its passband. In addition, this test will identify the frequency at which the maximum
gain is realized within each CMRS operational band, which then serves as a basis for subsequent tests.
a) Connect the EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 1. Begin with the uplink output (donor)
port connected to the spectrum analyzer.
b) Set the spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth (RBW) for 100 kHz with the video bandwidth
(VBW) ≥ 3 the RBW, using a PEAK detector with the MAX HOLD function.
c) Set the center frequency of the spectrum analyzer to the center of the operational band under test with
a span of 1 MHz.
d) Set the signal generator for CW mode and tune to the center frequency of the operational band under
e) Set the initial signal generator power to a level that is at least 6 dB below the AGC level specified by
the manufacturer.
f) Slowly increase the signal generator power level until the output signal reaches the AGC operational
g) Reduce the signal generator power to a level that is 3 dB below the level noted above, then manually
reset the EUT (e.g., cycle ac/dc power).
h) Reset the spectrum analyzer span to 2 the width of the CMRS band under test. Adjust the tuned
frequency of the signal generator to sweep 2 the width of the CMRS band using the sweep function.
The AGC must be deactivated throughout the entire sweep.
i) Using three markers, identify the CMRS band edges and the frequency with the highest power.
Affirm that the values of all markers are visible on the display of the spectrum analyzer (e.g., marker
table set to on).
j) Capture the spectrum analyzer trace for inclusion in the test report.
k) Repeat 7.1c) to 7.1j) for all operational uplink and downlink bands.
7.2.1 General
This procedure shall be used to demonstrate compliance to the signal booster power limits and
requirements as specified in Sections 20.21(e)(8)(i)(D) and 20.21(e)(8)(i)(B) for wideband consumer
signal boosters.
a) Compliance to applicable EIRP limits must be shown using the highest gains from the list of
antennas, cabling, and coupling devices declared by the manufacturer for use with the consumer
b) In addition, the maximum power levels measured in this procedure will be used in calculating the
maximum gain as described in the next subclause.
c) The frequency with the highest power level in each operational band as determined in 7.1 is to be
measured discretely by applying the following procedure using the stated emission and power
detector types independently.
d) Use a signal generator to create a pulsed CW or GSM signal with a pulse width of 570 μs and a duty
cycle of 12.5% (i.e., one GSM timeslot), then measure using the burst power function of the
measuring instrument.
e) Use a signal generator to create an AWGN signal with a 99% occupied bandwidth (OBW) of
4.1 MHz, then measure using the channel power or band power function of the measuring
f) All modes of operation must be verified to maintain operation within applicable limits at the
maximum uplink and downlink test levels per device type as defined in 5.5, by increasing the power
level in 2 dB steps from the AGC level to the maximum input level specified in 5.5.
7.2.2 Procedure
a) Connect the EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 1. Begin with the uplink output (donor)
port connected to the spectrum analyzer.
b) Configure the signal generator and spectrum analyzer for operation on the frequency determined in
7.1 with the highest power level, but with the center frequency of the signal no closer than 2.5 MHz
from the band edge. The spectrum analyzer span shall be set to at least 10 MHz.
c) Set the initial signal generator power to a level well below that which causes AGC activation.
d) Slowly increase the signal generator power level until the output signal reaches the AGC operational
limit (from observation of signal behavior on the spectrum analyzer; i.e., no further increase in output
power as input power is increased).
e) Reduce power sufficiently on the signal generator to ensure that the AGC is not controlling the power
f) Slowly increase the signal generator power to a level just below (and within 0.5 dB of) the AGC limit
without triggering the AGC. Note the signal generator power level as Pin.
g) Measure the output power, Pout, with the spectrum analyzer as follows.
1) Set RBW = 100 kHz for AWGN signal type, or 300 kHz for CW or GSM signal type.
2) Set VBW ≥ 3 RBW.
This subclause provides guidance for the calculation of the maximum gain, based on the results obtained
from the 7.1 and 7.2 measurements. The NPS limits on maximum gain for fixed and mobile wideband
consumer signal boosters are provided in Section 20.21(e)(8)(i)(C)(2). Additionally,
Section 20.21(e)(8)(i)(B) requires that wideband consumer signal boosters be able to provide equivalent
uplink and downlink gain, i.e., within 9 dB.17
a) Calculate the maximum gain of the booster as follows to demonstrate compliance to the applicable
gain limits as specified.
b) For both the uplink and downlink in each supported frequency band, use each of the P OUT and PIN
result pairs for all signal types used in 7.2 in the following equation to obtain the maximum gain, G:
c) Record the maximum gain of the uplink and downlink paths for each supported frequency band, and
verify that the each gain value complies with the applicable limit.
d) Provide tabulated results in the test report.
The margin for equivalent gain is a provisional specification determined by the ANSI ASC C63 ® task group
working in collaboration and consultation with FCC OET Laboratory Division staff.
The following procedures shall be used to demonstrate compliance to the intermodulation limit specified
in Section 20.21(e)(8)(i)(F) for wideband consumer signal boosters.
a) Connect the signal booster to the test equipment as shown in Figure 2. Begin with the uplink output
(donor) port connected to the spectrum analyzer.
b) Set the spectrum analyzer RBW = 3 kHz.
c) Set the VBW ≥ 3 RBW.
d) Select the rms detector.
e) Set the spectrum analyzer center frequency to the center of the supported operational band under test.
f) Set the span to 5 MHz. Affirm that the number of measurement points per sweep ≥ (2 × span)/RBW.
g) Configure the two signal generators for CW operation with generator #1 tuned 300 kHz below the
operational band center frequency and generator #2 tuned 300 kHz above the operational band center
frequency. If the maximum output power is not at the operational-band (booster pass band) center
frequency, configure the test signal pair around the frequency with maximum output power as
determined per 7.2.
h) Set the signal generator amplitudes so that the power from each into the EUT is equivalent, then turn
on the RF output.
i) Simultaneously increase each signal generators’ amplitude equally until just before the EUT begins
AGC, then affirm that all intermodulation-product emissions (if any occur) are below the specified
limit of −19 dBm.
j) Use the trace averaging function of the spectrum analyzer, and wait for the trace to stabilize. Place a
marker at the highest amplitude intermodulation-product emission.
k) Record the maximum intermodulation product amplitude level that is observed.
l) Capture the spectrum analyzer trace for inclusion in the test report.
m) Repeat 7.4e) to 7.4l) for all uplink and downlink operational bands.
NOTE–If using a single signal generator with dual outputs, affirm that intermodulation products are
not the result of the generator.
n) Increase the signal generator amplitude in 2 dB steps to 10 dB above the AGC threshold determined
in 7.4i), but not exceeding the maximum input level of 5.5, to affirm that the EUT maintains
compliance with the intermodulation limit. The test report shall include either a statement describing
that the device complies at 10 dB above AGC or at the 5.5 power levels, or a table showing
compliance at the additional input power(s) required.
a) Connect the EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 1. Begin with the uplink output (donor)
port connected to the spectrum analyzer.
b) Configure the signal generator for the appropriate operation for all uplink and downlink bands:
c) Set the signal generator amplitude to the maximum power level prior to AGC similar to 7.2.2e) to
7.2.2f) of the power measurement procedures for the appropriate modulations.
Rule paragraph(s): Section 2.1051 Measurements required: Spurious emissions at antenna terminals.
The following procedures shall be used to demonstrate compliance to the applicable conducted spurious
emissions limits as per Section 2.1051.
NOTE–For frequencies below 1 GHz, an RBW of 1 MHz may be used in a preliminary measurement. If
non-compliant emissions are detected, a final measurement shall be made with a 100 kHz RBW.
Additionally, a peak detector may also be used for the preliminary measurement. If non-compliant
emissions are detected then a final measurement of these emissions shall be made with the power
averaging (rms) detector.
a) Connect the EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 1. Begin with the uplink output (donor)
port connected to the spectrum analyzer.
b) Configure the signal generator for AWGN with a 99% OBW of 4.1 MHz, with a center frequency
corresponding to the center of the CMRS band under test.
c) Set the signal generator amplitude to the level determined in the power measurement procedure in
d) Turn on the signal generator RF output and measure the spurious emission power levels with an
appropriate measuring instrument as follows.
Rule paragraph(s): Section 20.21(e)(8)(i)(A) Noise Limits (uplink); Section 20.21(e)(8)(i)(H) Transmit
Power Off Mode (uplink and downlink noise power).
a) Connect the EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 3. Begin with the uplink output (donor)
port connected to the spectrum analyzer. When measuring downlink noise, connect the downlink
output (server) port to the spectrum analyzer.
b) Set the spectrum analyzer RBW to 1 MHz with the VBW ≥ 3 RBW.
c) Select the power averaging (rms) detector and trace average over at least 100 traces.
d) Set the center frequency of the spectrum analyzer to the center of the CMRS band under test with the
span ≥ 2 the CMRS band.
e) Measure the maximum transmitter noise power level.
NOTE–Some signal boosters will require a signal generator input because they will not operate unless a
signal is received at the input terminals. If this is the case, for the setups shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4
connect a second signal generator at the server port, then cycle the RF output of the second signal
generator to simulate this function.
NOTE-Some signal boosters have a maximum transmitter noise power level that is less than the Transmit
Power Off Mode of -70 dBm. For these boosters it is still necessary to confirm that the uplink noise
power limits are met in the presence of a downlink signal. Test reports should show measurement data
demonstrating compliance. Alternatively the applicant may provide attestation with detailed design
information and explanation justifying the omission of the variable uplink testing.
Matched Load
Variable uplink noise timing is to be measured as follows, using the test setup shown in Figure 4.
This measurement procedure is intended to demonstrate compliance to the uplink inactivity requirements
specified for wideband consumer signal boosters in Section 20.21(e)(8)(i)(I).
a) Connect the EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 3 with the uplink output (donor) port
connected to the spectrum analyzer.
The time response requirements are provisional and are as determined by the ANSI ASC C63® task group in
collaboration and consultation with FCC OET Laboratory Division staff.
NOTE-Some signal boosters have a maximum transmitter noise power level that is less than the uplink
inactivity limit. For these boosters it is still necessary to confirm the uplink activity timing requirement.
Test reports should show measurement data demonstrating compliance. Alternatively the applicant may
provide attestation with detailed design information and explanation justifying the omission of the uplink
inactivity test procedure.
This procedure shall be used to demonstrate compliance to the booster gain limits specified for wideband
consumer signal boosters in Section 20.21(e)(8)(i)(C) or Section 20.21(e)(8)(i)(H). The variable booster
gain limits are expressed as a function of RSSI and MSCL, and are shown graphically in Appendix D.
The RSSI is varied over a range of values as specified within the procedure. Refer to Appendix B of this
document for guidance on determining the applicable MSCL value.
a) Connect the EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 5 with the uplink output (donor) port
connected to signal generator #1. Affirm that the coupled path of the RF coupler is connected to the
spectrum analyzer.
b) Configure downlink signal generator #1 for AWGN operation with a 99% OBW of 4.1 MHz, tuned to
the center of the operational band.
c) Set the power level and frequency of signal generator #2 to a value that is 5 dB below the AGC level
determined from 7.2. The signal type is AWGN with a 99% OBW of 4.1 MHz.
d) Set RBW = 100 kHz.
e) Set VBW ≥ 300 kHz.
f) Select the CHANNEL POWER measurement mode.
g) Select the power averaging (rms) detector.
Variable uplink gain timing is to be measured as follows, using the test setup shown in Figure 5.
The time response requirements are provisional and are as determined by the ANSI ASC C63 ® task group in
collaboration and consultation with FCC OET Laboratory Division staff.
This measurement is required to compare the consistency of the output signal relative to the input signal,
and to satisfy the requirements of Section 2.1049.
a) Connect the test equipment as shown in Figure 6 to firstly measure the characteristics of the test
signals produced by the signal generator.
b) Set VBW ≥ 3 RBW.
c) Set the center frequency of the spectrum analyzer to the center of the operational band. The span will
be adjusted for each modulation type and OBW as necessary for accurately viewing the signals.
d) Set the signal generator for power level to match the values obtained from the tests of 7.2.
e) Set the signal generator modulation type for GSM with a PRBS pattern and allow the trace on the
signal generator to stabilize adjusting the span as necessary.
f) Set the spectrum analyzer RBW for 1% to 5% of the EBW.
g) Capture the spectrum analyzer trace for inclusion in the test report.
h) Repeat 7.10c) to 7.10g) for CDMA and W-CDMA modulation, adjusting the span as necessary.
AWGN or LTE may be used in place of W-CDMA, as an option.
i) Repeat 7.10c) to 7.10h) for all uplink and downlink operational bands.
j) Connect the test equipment as shown in Figure 1, with the uplink output (donor) port connected to
the spectrum analyzer, and the server port connected to the signal generator.
k) Repeat 7.10c) to 7.10i) with this EUT uplink path test setup.
l) Connect the test equipment as shown in Figure 1, with the downlink output (server) port connected to
the spectrum analyzer, and the donor port connected to the signal generator.
m) Repeat 7.10c) to 7.10i) with this EUT downlink path test setup.
7.11.1 General
Use of two EUTs is permitted for this measurement, which can greatly reduce the test time required. One
EUT shall operate in a normal mode, and the second EUT shall operate in a test mode that is capable of
disabling the uplink inactivity function and/or allows a reduction to 5 seconds of the time between
a) Connect the normal-operating mode EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 7 beginning with
the spectrum analyzer on the uplink output (donor) port. Confirm that the RF coupled path is
connected to the spectrum analyzer.
NOTE–The band-pass filter shall provide sufficient out-of-band rejection to prevent oscillations from
occurring in bands not under test.
b) Spectrum analyzer settings:
c) Decrease the variable attenuator until the spectrum analyzer displays a signal within the band under
test. Using a marker, identify the approximate center frequency of this signal on the max-hold
display, increase the attenuation by 10 dB, then reset the EUT (e.g., cycle ac/dc power).
d) Repeat 7.11.2c) twice to ensure that the center of the signal created by the booster remains within
250 kHz of the spectrum analyzer display center frequency. If the frequency of the signal is unstable,
confirm that the spectrum analyzer display is centered between the frequency extremes observed. If
the signal is wider than 1 MHz, ensure that the spectrum analyzer display is centered on the signal by
increasing the RBW. Reset the EUT (e.g., cycle ac/dc power) after each oscillation event, if
necessary. Set the spectrum analyzer sweep trigger level to just below the peak amplitude of the
displayed EUT oscillation signal.
e) Set the spectrum analyzer to zero-span, with a sweep time of 5 seconds, and single-sweep with max-
hold. The spectrum analyzer sweep trigger level in this and the subsequent steps shall be the level
identified in 7.11.2d).
f) Decrease the variable attenuator until the spectrum analyzer sweep is triggered, increase the
attenuation by 10 dB, then reset the EUT (e.g., cycle ac/dc power).
g) Reset the zero-span trigger of the spectrum analyzer, then repeat 7.11.2f) twice to ensure that the
spectrum analyzer is reliably triggered, resetting the EUT (e.g., cycle ac/dc power) after each
oscillation event if necessary.
h) Reset the zero-span sweep trigger of the spectrum analyzer, and reset the EUT (e.g., cycle ac/dc
i) Force the EUT into oscillation by reducing the attenuation.
j) Use the marker function of the spectrum analyzer to measure the time from the onset of oscillation
until the EUT turns off, by setting Marker 1 on the leading edge of the oscillation signal and Marker 2
on the trailing edge. The spectrum analyzer sweep time may be adjusted to improve the time
resolution of these cursors.
k) Capture the spectrum analyzer zero-span trace for inclusion in the test report. Report the power level
associated with the oscillation separately if it can’t be displayed on the trace.
l) Repeat 7.11.2b) to 7.11.2k) for all operational uplink and downlink bands.
NOTE—This figure shows the test setup for uplink bands transmission path tests; i.e., signal flow is out from the donor port into the directional
coupler. For downlink bands transmission path tests, the feedback signal flow path direction and equipment connections shall be reversed, i.e.,
signal flow is out from the server port into the directional coupler, and signal flow is into the donor port from the variable RF attenuator.
a) Connect the normal-operating mode EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 8.
b) Set the spectrum analyzer center frequency to the center of band under test, and use the following
1) RBW=30 kHz, VBW ≥ 3 × RBW,
2) power averaging (rms) detector,
3) trace averages ≥ 100,
4) span ≥ 120% of operational band under test,
5) number of sweep points ≥ 2 × Span/RBW.
NOTE—To measure 120% of the band under test in one span with spectrum analyzers having less
than the required number of sweep points: Perform pretests with span equal to smaller band
segments, such that 120% of the operational band is captured in multiple tests, using the setup
g) Decrease the variable attenuator in 1 dB steps, and repeat step 7.11.3f) for each 1 dB step. Continue
testing to the level when the insertion loss for the center of band under test (isolation) between the
booster donor port and server port is 5 dB lower than the maximum gain (see 7.3).
h) Repeat 7.11.3a) to 7.11.3g) for all operational uplink and downlink bands.
The time response requirements are provisional and are as determined by the ANSI ASC C63 ® task group in
collaboration and consultation with FCC OET Laboratory Division staff.
This subclause provides an alternative procedure for measuring oscillation mitigation or shutdown, and
may be used in lieu of the procedure provided in 7.11.3. This alternative procedure may be used only if
the EUT uplink gain is 4 dB to 9 dB less than the EUT downlink gain for each operational band supported
by the booster.
a) Confirm the EUT uplink gain is 4 dB to 9 dB less than the downlink gain for each operational band
supported by the booster. Compliance to this requirement must be demonstrated using test
procedures in 7.3 and 7.9.1, for the maximum gain and variable gain measurements including results
measured in 1 dB steps within the RSSI-dependent region, respectively.
NOTE—The preceding variable gain requirement uses procedures in 7.9.1 to measure uplink and
downlink gain. When measuring downlink variable gain the spectrum analyzer is connected to the
EUT server port, which replaces Uplink Signal Generator #2 in Figure 5, for the downlink variable
gain measurements.
b) Connect the normal-operating mode EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 9, using a band-
pass filter for the downlink band under test.
c) Spectrum analyzer settings
1) Set spectrum analyzer #1 to the center frequency of the CMRS downlink band under test, and use
the following settings:
i) RBW=1 MHz, VBW ≥ 3 × RBW,
ii) power averaging (rms) detector,
iii) trace averages ≥ 100,
iv) span ≥ 120% of operational band under test,
v) number of sweep points ≥ 2 × Span/RBW.
2) Set spectrum analyzer #2 to the center frequency of the CMRS uplink band under test, and use the
following settings:
i) RBW=1 MHz, VBW ≥ 3 × RBW,
ii) rms detector,
iii) trace averages ≥ 100,
iv) span ≥ 120% of operational band under test,
v) number of sweep points ≥ 2 × Span/RBW.
server donor
port port
Directional Directional Band-Pass Directional
Coupler EUT Coupler Filter Coupler
Rule paragraph(s): Section 2.1053 Measurements required: Field strength of spurious radiation.
This procedure is intended to satisfy the requirements specified in Section 2.1053. The applicable limits
are those specified for mobile station emissions in the rule part appropriate to the band of operation (see
Appendix A).
Separate compliance requirements are applicable for any digital device circuitry that controls additional
functions or capabilities and that is not used only to enable operation of the transmitter in a booster device
[i.e., Section 15.3(k) digital device definition]. Separate compliance requirements are applicable for any
receiver components/functions that tune within 30 MHz to 960 MHz contained in booster devices
[Section 15.101(b)].
a) Place the EUT on an OATS or semi-anechoic chamber turntable 3 m from the receiving antenna.21
b) Connect the EUT to the test equipment as shown in Figure 10 beginning with the uplink output
(donor) port.
c) Set the signal generator to produce a CW signal with the frequency set to the center of the operational
band under test, and the power level set at PIN as determined from measurement results per 7.2.
d) Measure the radiated spurious emissions from the EUT from the lowest to the highest frequencies as
specified in Section 2.1057. Maximize the radiated emissions by using the procedures described in
ANSI C63.26.
e) Capture the peak emissions plots using a peak detector with Max-Hold for inclusion in the test report.
Tabular data is acceptable in lieu of spectrum analyzer plots.
f) Repeat 7.12c) through 7.12e) for all uplink and downlink operational bands.
Radiated emissions tests shall performed in accordance with the procedure in ANSI C63.26-2015. See for
example 5.6 of KDB Publication 971168 D01 about conversion of field strength to ERP and EIRP, or KDB
Publication 412172.
The following procedures shall be used for wideband consumer boosters using spectrum block filtering.22
a) For all frequency ranges within the filtered spectrum blocks within the CMRS band under test, verify
the uplink filter attenuation is not less than the downlink filter attenuation, for all paired frequency
bands, as follows.
1) Use procedures in 7.1 for this comparison, with the trace data measurement points normalized for
the uplink and downlink frequency bands.23
2) If there are non-compliant measurement points for specific frequencies, use the procedures in
7.13b) (uplink transmitted noise power) and 7.13c) (uplink gain) for determining compliance.
c) For any non-compliant frequencies within filtered spectrum blocks within the CMRS band under test
found per 7.13a), verify the uplink transmitted noise power level within the filtered spectrum blocks
does not exceed the applicable limits, as follows.
1) Use the procedures in 7.7.1h) to 7.7.1m) to measure the uplink noise power level within each 5
MHz of paired spectrum that are within the filtered spectrum.
2) Set the signal generator and spectrum analyzer to the center of each 5 MHz of paired spectrum
within the filtered spectrum.
3) Repeat test for all 5 MHz of paired spectrum within the filtered spectrum.24
NOTE 1–For boosters with filtered spectrum blocks less than 5 MHz wide, use the signal generator
with a narrower AWGN signal bandwidth (e.g., with a 99% OBW of 1.25 MHz or 200 kHz) that does
not extend outside the filtered spectrum block under test.
NOTE 2–Boosters with uplink maximum noise power levels, as measured in 7.7.1b) to 7.7.1f), that do
not exceed the uplink noise power limit specified for Transmitter Power Off Mode, will satisfy the
requirements of 7.13b).
Spectrum block filtering for a wideband consumer booster is defined as providing filtering, rejection, or
attenuation to one or more spectrum blocks within a CMRS band (e.g., a consumer booster supporting the Cellular A
band, with filtering that attenuates or blocks the Cellular B band spectrum).
Normalize the uplink and downlink measurements such that the filter attenuation for the paired uplink and
downlink frequency bands can be compared. Compare the trace measurement points for the paired frequency bands
(i.e., referenced to the frequency offset from the lower band edges for the uplink and downlink paired frequency
bands). The uplink and downlink filter attenuation is referenced to maximum gain for the respective uplink and
downlink bands (i.e., the attenuation at a specific frequency is equal to the maximum gain in the CMRS band under
test, minus the gain at the specific frequency).
For example, a wideband consumer booster with spectrum block filtering for the AWS-1 F Block showing non-
compliance in 7.13a) on frequencies within the 10 MHz AWS-1 F block, shall test with a 4.1 MHz 99% OBW
AWGN signal centered on 2147.5 MHz, and subsequently on 2152.5 MHz [i.e., test each 5 MHz of filtered
spectrum that is non-compliant with 7.13a)]. In each test, measure and verify the uplink noise power level (in dBm
per MHz) within the 5 MHz of spectrum under test does not exceed authorized limits.
NOTE 3–For boosters with filtered spectrum blocks less than 5 MHz wide, use both signal generators
with narrower AWGN signal bandwidths (e.g., with a 99% OBW of 1.25 MHz or 200 kHz) that does
not extend outside the filtered spectrum block under test.
NOTE 4–Boosters with MSCL greater than or equal to 40 dB for the CMRS band under test are
excluded from the requirements of 7.13c).
NOTE – For booster systems where donor-side and server-side components are not electrically identical,
each component generally is subject to separate / individual equipment authorization (i.e., separate FCC
7.14.1 General
b) The actual cable lengths (shortest, medium, longest) to be used with the dual-enclosure wideband
consumer booster shall be used for the measurements listed in 7.14.1a).
c) Except for 7.12 (Radiated spurious emissions), as an alternative, the tests listed in 7.14.1a) can be
performed with a short cable and a step attenuator, where the attenuation plus cable loss of the short
cable is set to simulate the equivalent cable loss as pre-measured for the shortest, medium, and
longest grantee-authorized cable lengths.
a) Use a minimum-loss RF test cable connected to the two-enclosure booster system and a continuously-
variable attenuator in-line simulating a connected cable with the increased losses/length (i.e., close to
the booster system maximum allowed attenuation condition). Allow the booster system to calibrate
this cable loss.
b) After the booster system performs its cable calibration and both units are fully operational, adjust the
continuously-variable attenuator, reducing the attenuation between the two enclosures to simulate a
short/low-loss grantee-authorized cable connection between the two units (i.e., close to the booster
system maximum allowed attenuation condition; i.e., within 2 dB of the lowest grantee-authorized
cable loss).
c) Verify the booster system either:
1) shuts down operation within 300 seconds (5 minutes), or
2) if operational, perform additional Power, Noise, and Gain Limits testing on the booster system for
each band the booster functions during this mode of operation.
d) Repeat steps 7.14.2a) through 7.14.2c). In 7.14.2b), further reduce the attenuation between the
booster units to simulate a shorter/lower-loss, non-grantee-authorized cable connection between the
two units (i.e., 1 dB to 2 dB lower loss than the lowest grantee-authorized cable loss).
e) Repeat steps 7.14.2a) through 7.14.2c). In 7.14.2b), increase the attenuation between the booster
units to simulate a longer/higher-loss, non-grantee-authorized cable connection between the two units
(i.e., 1 dB to 2 dB higher loss than the highest grantee-authorized cable loss).
f) If the booster system does not operate with an in-line continuously-variable attenuator, then five
rather than three cables shall be provided by the manufacturer (grantee) for testing, including the
shortest, medium, and longest grantee-authorized cables, and two additional cables outside this range.
For the additional cables, one cable shall be no greater than 10 % longer than the longest grantee
authorized cable length, and the other cable shall be no less than 10 % shorter than the shortest
grantee-authorized cable length. Testing must verify that the booster system with the non-grantee-
authorized short/long cables either:
1) shuts down operation within 300 seconds (5 minutes), or
2) if operational, perform additional Power, Noise, and Gain Limits testing on the booster units in
each band the booster is operational during this mode of operation.
g) For booster units with phantom power (i.e., electrical power injected over the RF cable), testing may
be performed using the procedure of 7.14.2a) through 7.14.2f) (using the cable and in-line attenuator),
or using an external power source if the procedure 7.14.2a) through 7.14.2f) prevents proper
operation of the booster system.
NOTE –Shutdown operation must meet the limits as defined in Part 20 for Transmit power-off mode.
a) Power up a standalone server unit without a donor unit, measure the noise and gain, and verify that
the server unit shuts down after powering up.
b) Power up a standalone donor unit without a server unit, measure the noise and gain, and verify that
the donor unit shuts down after powering up.
c) Using the lowest-loss cable (shortest length), connect a paired donor-server system, and confirm the
pair is in operating condition.
NOTE –Shutdown operation must meet the limits as defined in Part 20 for Transmit power-off mode.
The following requirements apply for single-enclosure fixed wideband consumer boosters with a single
donor port and multiple server ports. Figure 13 shows an example simple representation of such a
a) The following tests per this document apply for all RF paths in the EUT.
b) The tests in 7.15) b) 1) apply for the EUT DL path(s), along with the requirements of KDB
Publication 662911 D01 (linear sum of power from all server ports) where applicable per 7.15) b) 2).
2) Applicability of summing test data across multiple ports per KDB Publication 662911 D01
i) For boosters that allow installation with multiple server-port antennas providing coverage
to the same area within a building, linear summation of downlink power, noise, and
spurious emission test data across all server ports per KDB Publication 662911 D01
procedures is required.
ii) For boosters that ONLY allow installation with multiple server-port antennas providing
coverage to different areas within a building (see NOTE), each server port is tested
independently, and the summation of downlink power, noise, and spurious emission test
data across all server ports is not required.
c) The tests of 7.3 (maximum booster gain) and 7.9.1 (variable gain) shall be performed per the
following steps.
1) UL and DL gain of each RF path shall be measured, and the worst-case UL and DL gain
measurement results of each RF path shall comply with the 7.3 requirement.
2) The test of 7.9.1 shall be performed with only one worst-case UL gain path, as determined per the
tests of 7.3.
d) The tests of all other subclauses in this document shall be performed with one worst-case DL path as
determined per the tests of 7.2.2 (maximum power), while the DL path(s) not under test shall be
terminated with an impedance-matched load.
The following guidelines should be used for determining the mobile station coupling loss (MSCL) factor
for consumer signal booster equipment applying for certification under the FCC network protection
standard (NPS) presented in the Part 20 rules.
Mobile Station Coupling Loss (MSCL) is the minimum coupling loss (in dB) between the wireless device
and the input (server) port of the Consumer Booster.25 MSCL must be calculated or measured for each
band of operation and provided in compliance test reports.26 MSCL includes the path loss from the
wireless device, and the booster’s server antenna gain and cable loss. The wireless device is assumed to
be an isotropic (0 dBi) antenna reference. Minimum separation distances assumed between indoor
consumer wireless devices and the signal booster’s server antenna must be reasonable and must be
specified by the manufacturer in customer provided installation manuals.
The MSCL is specified as a positive loss value for use with appropriate limits in the NPS (i.e., in gain
limits formula).
Compliance test reports must provide the calculation or measurement for each antenna type (includes
booster server antenna, cabling and coupling devices) authorized by the manufacturer for use with the
consumer booster submitted for certification, and MSCL must be provided for each uplink frequency
band supported by the consumer booster.
Compliance must be shown to the applicable limits (i.e., gain limits) using the lowest MSCL value from
the list of authorized antennas. Compliance must also be demonstrated to the booster antenna kitting
requirements provided in Section 20.21(e)(8)(i)(G).
Calculations should use the basic free-space propagation path loss equation with an appropriate minimum
separation distance (i.e., 1 m to 2 m depending on the antenna type)27 between the mobile device and
booster server antenna for each uplink frequency band supported by the booster. The free space path loss
can be calculated28 as follows:
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(C)(1)(ii).
For more information on appropriate separation distances see B5.
See for example KDB Publication 412172.
MSCL measurements performed on fixed indoor boosters should include various mobile station antenna
orientations (i.e., vertical, horizontal, slant 45 degrees) at appropriate heights above the floor (i.e., 3 feet
to 5 feet depending on the antenna type) to determine the minimum coupling loss to the booster's server
Measurements for mobile cradle type boosters should include various mobile station antenna locations
within the cradle to determine the minimum coupling loss to the booster's server antenna. The placement
of actual radiating antennas within CMRS mobiles varies, so various locations within the cradle (which is
designed for minimum coupling loss) should be measured.
CMRS device antenna gain is assumed to be 0 dBi per industry standards. This is the assumed antenna
gain for the mobile device for reference with the MSCL calculation.
Minimum separation distances from inside wireless devices to the booster’s server antenna must be
reasonable and specified by the manufacturer in customer provided installation manuals. The minimum
separation distance will depend on the particular server antenna type used for fixed indoor, or mobile with
inside antenna, consumer booster applications. For example, the following antenna types and minimum
separation distances are considered for fixed indoor server antenna types:
a) Ceiling mounted (e.g., dome-type) antennas: These antennas are mounted at the ceiling (i.e.,
~2.4 m high) and typically have lower gain directly below the antenna, with minimum coupling
loss (higher gain) at elevation angles at a distance from the antenna (i.e., up to 2 m distant). Thus,
the minimum separation distance for this antenna type can be up to 2 m horizontally removed
from the antenna (i.e., not directly below the antenna).
b) Wall mounted (i.e., panel or other type) antennas: These antennas are mounted on the wall
(i.e., 1.2 m to 1.8 m high) and typically have the highest gain (lowest coupling loss) at a close
distance relative to the antenna. For this type of antenna, a reasonable minimum separation
distance is up to 1 m horizontally removed from the antenna.
c) Table top antennas: These antennas are intended to be placed or mounted on top of a table
(i.e., 0.6 m to 0.9 m high) and will typically have the highest gain (lowest coupling loss) at
separation distances close to the antenna. For this type of antenna, a reasonable minimum
separation distance is up to 1 m horizontally from the antenna.
In addition, the manufacturer must clearly specify this minimum separation distance to consumer
devices in installation manuals or other user documentation provided with the booster. The user
will be required to maintain this separation distance for all CMRS devices authorized for use with
this booster.
MSCL measurement results submitted with the application for certification must be reasonable, and shall
be equivalent or comparable to calculations assuming unobstructed free-space propagation path losses
using appropriate server antenna gains and cable losses as authorized by the manufacturer and provided
for use with the booster. Compliance test reports must use the lowest MSCL value associated with all
antennas authorized for use by the manufacturer for the consumer signal booster.
For inside antennas that are used in mobile booster applications, the minimum separation distance must
be specified by the manufacturer and must be reasonable when considering the location and placement of
CMRS devices held by users in the vehicle (at the hand or head of the user), or placed in typical locations
(i.e., cup holders) within the vehicle.
1) Additive white gaussian noise (AWGN): The statistically random radio noise having a frequency
spectrum that is continuous and uniform over a specified frequency band. White noise has equal
power per hertz over the specified frequency band.
2) Automatic gain control (AGC): A circuit that automatically controls the gain of a signal by applying
more gain to weaker received signals and less (or no) gain to stronger received signals.
3) Code division multiple access (CDMA): A method for transmitting multiple digital signals
simultaneously over the same carrier frequency or channel.
4) Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS): A mobile service that is: (1) provided for profit, i.e.,
with the intent of receiving compensation or monetary gain; (2) an interconnected service; and (3)
available to the public, or to such classes of eligible users as to be effectively available to a substantial
portion of the public; or the functional equivalent of such a mobile service described above.
5) Consumer signal booster: a bidirectional signal booster that is marketed and sold for use without
modification, installed without third-party assistance and operated only with approved antennas,
cables, and/or coupling devices as specified by the booster manufacturer.
6) Continuous wave (CW): An electromagnetic wave of constant amplitude and frequency; and in
mathematical analysis, of infinite duration. Can also refer to a data modulation scheme in which the
data is represented by a carrier signal being switched on and off.
8) Dual-enclosure wideband consumer signal booster (system): Two enclosure units connected by a
coaxial cable, with one enclosure designated as the donor unit and the other as the server unit. The
donor unit and server unit communicate with an RF signal separate from the CMRS signal and with
paired master/slave operation.
9) Equipment under test (EUT): A device or system being evaluated for compliance that is
representative of a product to be marketed.
10) Equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP): The sum of the power supplied to the antenna (in
dBm) and the antenna gain (in dBi) in a given direction relative to an isotropic antenna.
11) Fixed consumer signal booster: A consumer signal booster designed to be operated in a fixed
location in a building.
12) Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM): A standard developed by the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to describe protocols for second generation (2G)
digital cellular networks used by mobile phones.
13) Long Term Evolution (LTE): A standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile
phones and data terminals.
15) Mobile station coupling loss (MSCL): the minimum coupling loss (in dB) between the wireless
device and the input (server) port of the consumer booster. MSCL must be calculated or measured
for each band of operation and provided in compliance test reports. MSCL includes the path loss
from the wireless device, and the booster’s server antenna gain and cable loss. The wireless device is
assumed to be an isotropic (0 dBi) antenna reference. Minimum standoff distances from inside
wireless devices to the booster’s server antenna must be reasonable and specified by the manufacturer
in customer provided installation manuals.
16) Network protection standard (NPS): specifies new technical, operational, and registration
requirements applicable to consumer signal boosters to minimize the potential for interference to
wireless networks.
17) Occupied bandwidth (OBW): the occupied bandwidth is the frequency bandwidth such that, below
its lower and above its upper frequency limits, the mean power levels are each equal to 0.5% of the
total mean power contained within the fundamental emission (also known as the 99% bandwidth).
18) Open area test site (OATS): An open, flat, level area where the ground is covered with conductive
material and that is clear of overhead wires and reflecting structures.
19) Out-of-band emission (OOBE): An emission on a frequency or frequencies immediately outside the
necessary bandwidth which results from the modulation process, but excluding spurious emissions.
20) Provider-specific consumer signal booster: A consumer signal booster that may only operate on the
frequencies and in the market areas of the specified licensee(s). Provider-specific consumer signal
boosters may only be certificated and operated with the consent of the licensee(s) whose frequencies
are being amplified by the device.
22) Received signal strength indication (RSSI) for wideband consumer boosters: The downlink
composite received signal power in dBm, referenced to the consumer booster’s donor antenna port,
for all CMRS base stations’ signals received within the band of operation. This parameter is
applicable to noise limits in Section 20.21(e)(8)(i)(A)(1) and gain limits in
Section 20.21(e)(8)(i)(C)(1).
23) Received signal strength indication (RSSI) dependent region: The region within applicable noise
and gain limits where the permitted noise and gain varies with and is dependent on the downlink
RSSI parameter. For example, see RSSI dependent limit (blue line segment) in the figures provided
in Appendix D, which is between the maximum permitted levels (e.g., frequency dependent limits)
and the transmit power off mode limit.
24) Signal booster: A device that automatically receives, amplifies, and retransmits on a bidirectional or
unidirectional basis, the signals received from base, fixed, mobile, or portable stations, with no
change in frequency or authorized bandwidth.
25) Spectrum block filtering: for a wideband consumer booster, spectrum block filtering is defined as
providing filtering, rejection, or attenuation to one or more spectrum blocks within a CMRS band
26) Spurious emission: An emission on a frequency or frequencies which are outside the necessary
bandwidth and the level of which may be reduced without affecting the corresponding transmission of
information. Spurious emissions include harmonic emissions, parasitic emissions, intermodulation
products and frequency conversion products, but exclude out-of-band emissions.
27) Transmitted noise power level: The noise power level measured at the signal booster output that is
represented by the sum of the thermal noise power, the booster noise figure and the booster gain, and
expressed in dBm within a 1 MHz bandwidth (dBm/MHz).
28) Wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA): An air interface standard found in 3G mobile
telecommunications networks.
29) Wideband consumer signal booster: A consumer signal booster that may operate on the frequencies
and in the market areas of multiple licensees.
These charts illustrate the wideband consumer booster noise, gain and transmit power off mode limits
pursuant to Sections 20.21(e)(8)(i)(A), 20.21(e)(8)(i)(C), and 20.21(e)(8)(i)(H), respectively. The noise
limits chart show the consumer booster transmitted noise power limits at various RSSI levels, and gain
limits charts show the fixed and mobile consumer booster gain limits at various RSSI levels for sample
MSCL values.
The following table includes blue font strikethrough (deleted) and underline (new) text applicable since the Dec. 29,
2014 effective date listed in the Federal Register for rules established under FCC-14-138 (79 FR 70790-70796).
This summary table is for information and quick reference purposes only; applicants and laboratories must use the
most recent complete version of Section 20.21(e)(8) for compliance testing purposes.
§ 20.21(e)(8) Wideband Consumer Signal Boosters. § 20.21(e)(8) Wideband Consumer Signal Boosters.
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i) Technical Requirements § 20.21(e)(8)(i)(C)( 2 )( iii )
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(A) Noise Limits. Mobile Booster:
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(A)( 1 ) UL and DL ports transmitted GUL,max, GDL,max
noise power [dBm/MHz]: PTN −(103+RSSI). 50 dB, inside antenna;
23 dB, contact coupling;
RSSI is DL composite received signal power P RS
15 dB, direct connect.
[dBm] at donor port for all operating-band BS.
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(A)( 2 ) UL and DL ports maximum § 20.21(e)(8)(i)(D) Power Limits.
transmitted noise power [dBm/MHz]: UL Pcond 1 W, and UL EIRP 1 W.
DL Pcond 0.05 W, and DL EIRP 0.05 W.
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(A)( 2 )( i )
Fixed booster: § 20.21(e)(8)(i)(E) Out of Band Emission Limits.
PTN,max (−102.5+20lg fMHz). OOBE 6 dB below service rule mobile limit;
fMHz is UL midband frequency. OOBE compliance tested using high PAR signals.
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(A)( 2 )( ii ) § 20.21(e)(8)(i)(F) Intermodulation Limits.
Mobile booster: PTN,max −59. UL and DL IM products −19 dBm.
IM testing per description in rule.
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(A)( 2 )( iii ): Instrumentation, etc.
(see rule). § 20.21(e)(8)(i)(G) Booster Antenna Kitting.
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(B) Bidirectional Capability. § 20.21(e)(8)(i)(H) Transmit Power Off Mode.
UL and DL gain shall be equivalent; Power-off mode required for devices not meeting
noise and gain limits [§ 20.21(e)(8)].
UL Pcond 0.05 W;
The power-off mode for such devices requires:
One-way boosters prohibited;
Block filtering (see rule). UL and DL PTN −70 [dBm/MHz], and
GUL and GDL min{23 dB; MSCL}.
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(C) Booster Gain Limits.
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(I) Uplink Inactivity.
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(C)( 1 ) UL “variable gain”
UL PTN −70 [dBm/MHz] after 5 min. without active
GUL (−34−RSSI−MSCL) [dB]
device connection.
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(C)( 1 )( i ): RSSI is DL composite
§ 20.21(e)(8)(ii) Interference Safeguards.
received signal power PRS [dBm] at donor port for all
operating-band BS. § 20.21(e)(8)(ii)(A) Anti-Oscillation.
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(C)( 1 )( ii ): Detect and mitigate within:
MSCL definition (see rule). 0.3 sec. for UL,
1.0 sec. for DL.
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(C)( 2 ) UL and DL maximum gain
[dB] § 20.21(e)(8)(ii)(B) Gain Control.
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(C)( 2 )( i ) § 20.21(e)(8)(ii)(C) Interference Avoidance for
Fixed Booster: Wireless Subsystems.
GUL,max, GDL,max 6.5+20lg fMHz
§ 20.21(e)(8)(i)(C)( 2 )( ii )
fMHz is UL midband frequency.
02/12/2016: 935210 D03 Signal Booster Measurements v03 is replaced by 935210 D03 Signal Booster
Measurements v04. Changes summary is as follows.
• Updates for consistency where appropriate with the most recent version of test procedures from the
ASC C63® Wireless Working Group (September 2015).
• Omitted reference to 20.21(a)(4) at the first row of the table in 1.4. 20.21(a)(4) originally was listed in
that row because it basically has the same frequency and rule part requirements as does 20.21(e)(3);
the difference being 20.21(a) provisions are for end-use operating conditions, and 20.21(e) provision
are for NPS compliance demonstrations in equipment authorizations. Further, the listing of
“20.21(a)(4) Self-monitoring” was incorrect; self-monitoring is 20.21(e)(4), but was not intended to
explicitly apply for the 7.1 test conditions.
• Omitted reference to 20.21(a)(4) in the first paragraph of 7.1, for the same reasons as described
• 5.9 updated to clarify impedance matching requirements.
• 7.4i) added “simultaneously.”
• 7.5m change from 7.5j) to 7.5i).
• 7.7.2 added cross-reference to Fig 4.
• 7.7.2c) added cross-reference to 7.7.1m).
• 7.7.2 moved NOTE to 7.7.1.
• 7.7.2 Fig 3 changed “50-ohm Shielded Load” to “Matched Load,” and deleted “(see note below).”
• 7.7.2 Fig 4 changed “50-ohm Shielded Load” to “Matched Load.”
• 7.9.1 heading changed from “Maximum gain” to “Variable gain.”
• 7.9.2 added cross-reference to Fig 5.
• 7.10 clarified repeats sequence in steps h) to m).
• 7.11.2 Fig 7 added NOTE.
• 7.11.3f6) added, per ASC C63® participant input.
• 7.11.4 former g) moved to be a), and renumber others. Text clarified in 7.11.4g) (former f).
• 7.12 added para. on part 15 emissions basic requirements.
• Appendix E portion repeated from 935210 D02, for convenience.
10/27/2017: 935210 D03 Signal Booster Measurements v04 is replaced by 935210 D03 Signal Booster
Measurements v04r01. Changes summary is as follows.
• Citations added for FCC 17-93 and ANSI C63.26.
• Miscellaneous format/style editorial changes (change from “§” to “Section,” etc.).
• Cross-references to ANSI C63.4 for radiated emission measurements basic guidance are replaced
using ANSI C63.26.
• Subclause 7.4g) amended for testing in range of frequency with maximum output.
• Second note added in 7.7.1.
• Note added in 7.8.
06/19/2018: 935210 D03 Signal Booster Measurements v04r01 is replaced by 935210 D03 Signal
Booster Measurements v04r02. Changes summary is as follows.
• Updates in 1.1), 2) ¶1, and C5) for removing provider-specific consumer boosters personal-use
requirement per Order FCC 18-35.
• Add footnote citation to FCC 14-138.
• Last sentence added in 7.2.2h), 7.4n), 7.5l) per ASC C63® SC-4 Wireless WG input.
• Note 3 added in per 7.5) ASC C63® SC-4 Wireless WG input.
• 7.14), C7), C8) added per ASC C63® SC-4 Wireless WG input; subsequent C) items renumbered
04/03/2020: 935210 D03 Signal Booster Measurements v04r03 is replaced by 935210 D03 Signal
Booster Measurements v04r04. Changes summary is as follows.
• Clarification on frequencies of operation added in 7.1 introductory paragraph
• Changed from “combiner” to EUT in 7.4h) (per ASC C63® SC-4 Wireless WG input)
• Cross-reference error corrected in 7.14.2g)