Grade 4 DLL ENGLISH 4 Q3 Week 8
Grade 4 DLL ENGLISH 4 Q3 Week 8
Grade 4 DLL ENGLISH 4 Q3 Week 8
B. PERFOMANCE OL- The learner efficiently delivers oral ORF- The learner reads aloud text SS – The learner uses library skills G – The learner speaks and writes
STANDARDS presentations with accuracy, automaticity, and to gather appropriate and using good command of the
LC – The learner identifies story prosody relevant information conventions of standard English
perspectives and text elements V – The learner uses different A – The learner uses WC – The learner uses varied
RC – The learner uses knowledge of text resources to find word meaning paralanguage and nonverbal cues sources of information tp support
types to correctly distinguish literary from The learner uses strategies to to respond appropriately writing
informational text decode the meaning of words
C. LEARNING LC- Identify the main idea, key sentences, ORF- Read grade-level texts with SS – Locate information from G – Use adverb of place in
and supporting details from text listened appropriate speed, accuracy, and indices sentences
to expression EN4SS-IIIg-1.3 EN4G-IIIg-18
OBJECTIVES (Write the LC EN4LC-IIIg-1.1 - EN4F-IIIg -15 A – Browse and read news page WC – Write/compose clear and
Code for each) OL – Tell/retell familiar stories by using V- Identify different meanings of of school paper for information coherent sentences using adverb
appropriate gestures and expressions in content specific words EN4A-IIIg-33 of manner
complete sentences (denotation and EN4WC-IIIf-32
EN4OL-IIIg-18 connotation)EN4V-IIIg-38
RC- Identify the main idea, key sentences,
and supporting details of a given text
Identifying the main idea, Key *Identifying Different Meanings *Locating Information from *Using Appropriate Adverb of
Sentences, and Supporting of Content Specific Words Indices Place
Details of a Given text Listened to ( denotation and connotation) *Browsing And Reading News *Writing/ Composing Clear and
and Read *Reading Grade level Texts with Page of School Paper for Coherent sentences Using Adverb
[Type the document title]
Telling and retelling Familiar Appropriate speed, Accuracy and Information of Place
Stories by Using Appropriate Expression
Gestures and Expressions in
Complete Sentences
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages TG pp. 276-281 TG pp. 285-287 TG pp. 271 – 274, 287-290 TG pp. 255-258
2. Learner’s Materials Pages LM pp. LM pp. 301-303 LM pp. 290- 294, 303- 305 LM pp.
3. Textbook Pages Getting to Know Others 4 tx.pp. 119
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, Chart, PPT, task cards, foldables Pictures, Chart, PPTx, foldables Pictures, Chart, PPTx, foldables Chart, PPTx, foldables
A. Reviewing the previous lesson or Let the pupils Watch the video of water Present the two boxes A and B on What are the different type of Ask: have you been to this place?
presenting the new lesson cycle. LM p. 301. texts? Give examples. ( a picture of a grocery or a
Write some observations based on the Let the pupils examine and study convenient store or market place)
video. the sentences inside the two
B. Establishing a purpose for the Unlocking of difficulties Answer questions 1 – 4 on LM p. Do you still remember the parts Let the pupils read the dialogue.
lesson Invisible vapor 301 of the book? The teacher will ask questions
Moisture Explain about connotation and about the dialogue.
Precipitation denotation A Day in the Market LM pp.
Circulation Ask the pupils to point out what
Hydrologic cycle the two words’ definitions have in
( use pictures) common. Continue the
Motivation: Have you seen how water comparison and contrast of the
cycle moves? two words until they come up
Motive Question: What is the paragraph with which word has the positive
about? and negative meanings.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Let the pupils listen to the article the Let the pupils answer Try and Present the poem My Index Let the pupils study the examples.
the new lesson teacher will read. Learn on LM p. 302 ( 1 – 3 ) Finger Mother and jenny buy the things
The waters of the earth move Refer to TG p. 271 they need at the market.
continuously from the oceans, to the air, What finger do you use to point? There are vendors everywhere.
to the land, and back to the oceans again. Is the index finger useful? Why? They sell their products around
The sun’s heat evaporates water from the the town.
oceans. The water rises as invisible vapor, Put the fish and vegetables in the
and falls back to the ocean as rain, snow, basket.
and some other form of moisture. This
moisture is called precipitation. Most
precipitation drops back directly into the
oceans. The remainder falls on the rest of
the earth. In time, this water also returns
[Type the document title]
to the sea, and the cycle starts again. This
unending circulation of the earth’s waters
is called water cycle or hydrologic cycle.
D. Discussing new concepts and Ask questions about the article listened Explain about the denotation What do the underlined word
practicing new skills #1 to. which is the specific, exact and Show the index of the book. Say: tell? What question do these
What is the paragraph about? Which concrete meaning of a word . It This is the index of the book. It is words answer?
sentence contains the main idea of the can be found in the dictionary. usually found at the back of the
paragraph? What is the first supporting While connotation is an idea or book or at the last page of a book. Adverb of Place tells where an
detail in the paragraph? quality that a word makes you Just like an index finger, it points action is done.
Which detail is correct? think about in addition to its to a particular topic. There everywhere
a.All forms of precipitation first falls into meaning. Show a sample page of an index Behind around
the oceans. written on chart or in PPTx. iNside outside
b.Rain, snow, and water vapor are called Ask questions about the topic. Away in the city
precipitation. Forward outdoors
c.Water cycle refers to the circulation of Here on the farm
water on the earth. Upward in the office
E. Discussing new concepts and Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice
practicing new skills #2 Let the pupils read the paragraph and Answer Do and Learn on LM p. Let the pupils answer the
answer the questions afterwards. 303 ( 1 – 5 ) Refer to LM p. 291-292 Try and following.
( see attached sheets) Learn .Answer them afterwards. “Where do things happen?”
Where does Mother cook our
food? Etc.
F. Developing mastery Independent Practice Independent Practice “Independent Practice Independent Practice
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Let the pupils listen/read the article. Directions: Read the sentences Refer to LM Do and Learn on p. Let the pupils do Do and Learn on
Answer questions afterwards. then choose the real meaning of a 293 - 294 LM pp.
The world’s surface consists of water word. Activity I
and land. Air surrounds the surface and 1.She is very childish in all Complete the sentences by
extends to outer space. Water – chiefly Her actuations and actions. writing the appropriate adverbs
the great oceans-covers less than ¾ of the a.Child b. innocence of place.
world’s surface. All living things must have 2. There is a new restaurant in the In the library outdoors
water to live , just as they must have air. city. at the park everywhere
People also use water for irrigation, a.original d. fresh on the seashore
industry, power, and transportation. In 3. Used clothes are considered 1.We enjoy having
addition, the oceans, lakes, and rivers cheap. picnic____________.
provide fish and other foods. a. inexpensive b. lower in 2.Children love to read books
What is the paragraph about? quality _______________.
Is there one sentence to express the main 4.I have seen snakes in the zoo. 3. It is nice to exercise
idea? They are of different colors. ______________.
What two details are not mentioned in a. animal b. traitor 4. We can see GOD’s creations
the paragraph? 5. What symbolizes dove in the _____________.
a.Air surrounds the world and extends United Nations? 5.They enjoyed making sand
[Type the document title]
outward into space. a. bird b. peace/unity castles ______________.
b.Fish and other foods are found in the 6. We have a real home in our
world’s waters. family.
c.The oceans separate land masses called a. house/shelter b. love
d.All living things must have air to live.
e.Farmers settle where there is water for
G. Finding practical application of Let the pupils tell their We use different places in all our
concepts and skills in daily living Denotation is the dictionary ideas/concepts of the lesson daily activities.
definition of a term. It goes by the presented. Do Learn some More A and B on
book, essentially. Whereas, a *What is an index of a book? LM pp.
connotation is what we associate *In which part of the book it is Write five sentences using adverb
the term with. located? of place.
* What does the index tell? What Get a partner. Ask and answer
are found in the index? questions about where they will
be going this coming weekend.
H. Making generalizations of concepts The main idea of a paragraph is often Denotation is the specific, exact Teaching Chart Adverb of Place
and skills in daily living stated in a sentence, called the topic and concrete meaning of a word. *The index is a listing of topics in A word that tells where
sentence. It is usually the first sentence of This is the meaning you will find a book, arranged alphabetically. It an action is done is an
the paragraph. Sometimes the topic in the dictionary has more detailed information adverb of place.
sentence is the last sentence and acts as a Connotation is an idea or quality than the
summary of what the paragraph said. In a that a word makes you think table of contents .
few cases, the main idea is stated in a about in addition to its meaning. *It also gives the pages where
sentence within the paragraph. In stories, It refers to the emotions you can find these topics.
there often is no topic sentence for the associated with a word. *An index is located at the back of
paragraphs of conversation. Sometimes it has social cultural the book.
implications. It can be positive or
I. Evaluating learning 1. Directions: Read the paragraph below and Directions: Write C if the meaning Directions: Study the index. Directions: Look at the pictures
answer the questions that follow. of the word is on connotation and And answer the following and write sentences about them
From the beginning of their life on earth D if it is a denotation meaning. questions. using adverbs of place.
people have had to adapt to conditions in 1. I had a nice time with my INDEX
the world to survive. The earliest human pet owl. Endangered species,20-21
beings lived by hunting and gathering wild 2. You are like an owl in Reserves,22
plants. They made clothing from animal your studies. Dodo,24-25
hides and furs and used branches and 3. There are many sharks in The Panda, 24
other natural materials to build shelters. the political arena. Tigers, 25-26
About 10,000 years ago some people 4. Let us enjoy the sharks in Gardenia taitiensis, 59
began to raise plants and animals after the Ocean Adventure in Giant lily,60
food became scarce. People who farmed Subic, Zambales Ginger lily, 72
[Type the document title]
could settle in one place and produce 5. I don’t like a friend who Calla lily, 120
enough food to feed many others. is a snake. Hibiscus
1. Want is the paragraph about? 6. Snakes are dangerous Apple Blossom, 67
2. Which sentence contains the reptiles. Syriacus, 68
main idea of the paragraph? Mary Forbes, 69
3. Which two supporting details are Lesson Index
given in the paragraph? Gardener and little Bird, 213
Geography lesson,109
Giant IpilIpil, 95
Gold, 14
1.What is the entry wor for the
2.Where can you find information
about apple blossoms?
3.How many kinds of Gardenia
are there?
4.What picture is found on page
5.What are the endangered
J. Additional activities for application Copy articles from magazines and state Copy an index in any of the book
or remediation the main idea and the key sentence. you have at home.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?
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