3.5 Stages of Qualitative Research
3.5 Stages of Qualitative Research
3.5 Stages of Qualitative Research
Philosophy (Philo is greek word for love, sophy or Sophie relates to the truth or
wisdom) means love of truth or wisdom. Therefore philosophical research or approach is a
methodology design to seek the truth of a matter.
Philosophical research is to clarify meanings, make values manifest, identify ethics, and study
the nature of knowledge (Ellis 1983). A philosophical archer is expected to consider a
philosophical question from all by combining conceptual meaning; raising further question
proposing answers and suggesting the implication of those answers. The data source of most
philosophical studies are written material and verbally expressed ideas relevant to the topic of
interest. The researcher critically examines the text of the ideas for flaws logic. A key element of
the analysis is the posing philosophical question.
Philosophical research of inquiry deals with abstract concepts or question like, what should be
the aims of Education? Why should Education promote moral values?
It is a fruitful synthesis of ideas from different areas concerning educational theories and
It raises important issues having relevance for education and tackles them analytically,
offering arguments clarifying concepts, with intellectual support and grounds for
normative assertions.
Philosophical enquiry leads towards arriving at normative criteria for governing aims
and objectives of education and parameters for curricular processes.
The present research study is of the nature of philosophical and historical study. As such, the
study employs a combination of the philosophical and the historical methods of research. It is an
armchair study in the sense that data necessary for the study are collected from sources preserved
in written form such as books, journals chronicles, magazines etc. A subject of a philosophical
nature deals with fundamental problems, which occupy a very abstract level of inquiry. In such
subjects, the method has necessarily to rely on a type of reflection which is far removed from
laboratory and field work. Educational programmes become effective if they are based on sound
philosophy as philosophy gives a clear vision and an integrated view. The rationale of
philosophical method is that the fundamental principles and thoughts of great minds can be
analyzed and synthesized with a view in making them relevant to the contemporary practices and
procedures. It is the most effective operation in the sense that it explicates the meaning, drains
the implications and explains the ideological controversies.
The present study largely makes use of the philosophical method because the study is a
theoretical research in which the conceptual positions of various schools of educational
philosophy and Phule’s thoughts on education are analyzed and synthesized. The philosophical
education is made with reference to the study of educational thoughts and ideas of great thinkers.
Educational reforms always take place by the intuitive insights method lays stress on the logical
analysis of educational concepts, adequacy of the methodology of educational research, and
integration of concepts into a system. It also studies the application of an educational theory to
educational practice. The present research study is historical in that Phule’s contributions to
Indian education and the accounts of different schools of educational philosophy are traced from
various primary and secondary sources. The primary sources consist of the works written by the
exponents themselves of the different schools of educational philosophy and works written by
Savitribai herself -books, articles, speeches, pamphlets etc. while books, articles, criticisms,
monographs, biographies, etc., written by various authors, on different schools of educational
philosophy. The data are collected from different sources as mentioned above by the method of
documentary survey and process and content analysis is made to arrive at conclusions.
Step-II: Establishing the research objective. For this purpose the researcher became well-versed
with full nature of the subject of topic that was selected to the study.
Step-III: Reviewing the literature. A crucial step in the design and conduct of all researches is a
thorough investigation of the relevant literature on the study topic and the methodology followed
by others who a studied the same or similar problem.
Step-IV: To present a life sketch of Savitribai Phule by referring to primary and secondary
Step-V: To elucidate the ideology and philosophy of life of Savitribai Phule this involves
reading, critical analysis and interpretation of her views and thoughts, and making notes of the
same. Being analytical in the study also includes in-depth analysis of relevant documents and
content analysis of his views on various aspects of Education.
Step-VI- This includes exploring the possibility of implementing Savitribai Phule’s views in the
current educational system for personality development of youths.
Step-VII- It includes drawing of relevant conclusions from the entire study keeping in view the
stated objectives of the research.