Geothermal Energy: Mohammed. N. Khan
Geothermal Energy: Mohammed. N. Khan
Geothermal Energy: Mohammed. N. Khan
Mohammed. N. Khan
School of Mechanical Engineering
Fiji National University
What is Geothermal
the heat energy of the
earth, generated by
various natural
processes, such as:
heat from when the
planet formed and
accreted, which has not
yet been lost
decay of radioactive
What is Geothermal
It is considered a renewable resource because the
heat emanating from the interior of the Earth is
essentially limitless
The heat continuously flowing from the Earth’s
interior, which travels primarily by conduction, is
estimated to be equivalent to 42 million megawatts
(MW) of power, and is expected to remain so for
billions of years to come, ensuring an inexhaustible
supply of energy
Geothermal System?
2:Pump house
3:Heat exchanger
4:Turbine hall
5:Production well
6:Injection well
7:Hot water to district
8:Porous sediments
9:Observation well
10:Crystalline bedrock
Geothermal Regions?
Hyper thermal: whereby the temperature gradient is
greater than equal to 80oC per km; usually on
tectonic plate’s boundaries.
Semi thermal: whereby the temperature gradient is
approximately around 40- 80oC per km; heat is
extracted from natural aquifers or dry rock
Normal: whereby the temperature gradient is less
than 40oC per km; and is not suitable for economic
geothermal power extraction.
Heat extraction methods?
Natural hydrothermal circulation: water seeps into
deep aquifers and is heated as dry steam
vapour/liquid mixtures or simply hot water. If
pressure increases geysers form.
Hot igneous systems: Associated with heat from
semi-molten magma that solidifies as lava.
Dry rock fracturing: Poorly conducting rock e.g.
granite stores heat for million of years with
increasing temperature Fracturing from
boreholes enables water to be pumped through the
rocks to extract the heat.
What is Geothermal
A geothermal system requires heat, permeability, and water
the heat from the Earth's core continuously flows outward
sometimes the heat, as magma, reaches the surface as
lava, but it usually remains below the Earth's crust, heating
nearby rock and water
When water is heated by the earth’s heat, hot water or steam
can be trapped in permeable and porous rocks under a layer
of impermeable rock and a geothermal reservoir can form
this hot geothermal water can manifest itself on the surface
as hot springs or geysers, but most of it stays deep
underground, trapped in cracks and porous rock this
natural collection of hot water is called a geothermal
Geothermal Uses?
Geothermal energy can be used for electricity production, for commercial,
industrial, and residential direct heating purposes, and for efficient home
heating and cooling through geothermal heat pumps.
Geothermal heat is used directly, without involving a power plant or a heat
pump, for a variety of applications such as space heating and cooling,
food preparation, hot spring bathing and spas (balneology), agriculture,
aquaculture, greenhouses, and industrial processes
Geothermal Electricity:
To develop electricity from geothermal resources, wells are drilled into a
geothermal reservoir
The wells bring the geothermal water to the surface, where its heat energy is
converted into electricity at a geothermal power plant
Geothermal Power Plants?
There are four commercial types of
geothermal power plants:
flash power plants
dry steam power plants