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Data Analysis and Mining: Practice Exercises

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Data Analysis and Mining

Practice Exercises

20.1 Describe benefits and drawbacks of a source-driven architecture for

gathering of data at a data warehouse, as compared to a destination-
driven architecture.
Answer: In a destination-driven architecture for gathering data, data
transfers from the data sources to the data-warehouse are based on
demand from the warehouse, whereas in a source-driven architecture,
the transfers are initiated by each source.
The benefits of a source-driven architecture are
• Data can be propagated to the destination as soon as it becomes
available. For a destination-driven architecture to collect data as
soon as it is available, the warehouse would have to probe the
sources frequently, leading to a high overhead.
• The source does not have to keep historical information. As soon
as data is updated, the source can send an update message to
the destination and forget the history of the updates. In contrast,
in a destination-driven architecture, each source has to maintain
a history of data which have not yet been collected by the data
warehouse. Thus storage requirements at the source are lower for
a source-driven architecture.
On the other hand, a destination-driven architecture has the following
• In a source-driven architecture, the source has to be active and
must handle error conditions such as not being able to contact the
warehouse for some time. It is easier to implement passive sources,
and a single active warehouse. In a destination-driven architecure,
each source is required to provide only a basic functionality of
executing queries.
• The warehouse has more control on when to carry out data gath-
ering activities, and when to process user queries; it is not a good

2 Chapter 20 Data Analysis and Mining

idea to perform both simultaneously, since they may conflict on

20.2 Why is column-oriented storage potentially advantageous in a database
system that supports a data warehouse?
Answer: No Answer
20.3 Suppose that there are two classification rules, one that says that people
with salaries between $10,000 and $20,000 have a credit rating of good,
and another that says that people with salaries between $20,000 and
$30,000 have a credit rating of good. Under what conditions can the
rules be replaced, without any loss of information, by a single rule that
says people with salaries between $10,000 and $30,000 have a credit
rating of good?
Answer: Consider the following pair of rules and their confidence
levels :
No. Rule Conf.
1. ∀ per sons P, 10000 < P.salar y ≤ 20000 ⇒ 60%
P.cr edit = good
2. ∀ per sons P, 20000 < P.salar y ≤ 30000 ⇒ 90%
P.cr edit = good
The new rule has to be assigned a confidence-level which is between the
confidence-levels for rules 1 and 2. Replacing the original rules by
the new rule will result in a loss of confidence-level information for
classifying persons, since we cannot distinguish the confidence levels of
perople earning between 10000 and 20000 from those of people earning
between 20000 and 30000. Therefore we can combine the two rules
without loss of information only if their confidences are the same.
20.4 Consider the schema depicted in Figure 20.2. Give an SQL query to
summarize sales numbers and price by store and date, along with the
hierarchies on store and date.
Answer: query:

select store-id, city, state, country,

date, month, quarter, year,
sum(number), sum(price)
from sales, store, date
where sales.store-id = store.store-id and
sales.date = date.date
groupby rollup(country, state, city, store-id),
rollup(year, quarter, month, date)

20.5 Consider a classification problem where the classifier predicts whether

a person has a particular disease. Suppose that 95% of the people tested
do not suffer from the disease. (That is, pos corresponds to 5% and neg
to 95% of the test cases.) Consider the following classifiers:
Practice Exercises 3

• Classifier C1 which always predicts negative (a rather useless clas-

sifier of course).
• Classifier C2 which predicts positive in 80% of the cases where the
person actually has the disease, but also predicts positive in 5% of
the cases where the person does not have the disease.
• Classifier C3 which predicts positive in 95% of the cases where the
person actually has the disease, but also predicts positive in 20%
of the cases where the person does not have the disease.
Given the above classifiers, answer the following questions.
a. For each of the above classifiers, compute the accuracy, precision,
recall and specificity.
b. If you intend to use the results of classification to perform further
screening for the disease, how would you choose between the
c. On the other hand, if you intend to use the result of classification
to start medication, where the medication could have harmful
effects if given to someone who does not have the disease, how
would you choose between the classifiers?
Answer: No Answer

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