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Siqueira et al. - 2019 - 済無No Title No Title PDF

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VOL I, N0. 3 . '

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August, l976
¤*l@€$4$» ;§;’;;E5;*;v **1;:;: C HF V { THE MAcAzINt or INTERnIScIPLINARy COHPUTER ORAPHICS POR
Juurrn r. tattduan, tditatiai Assistant ° UT " "'"““
sARBARA NIJLHER, Production Assistant
Contributing Editors by ualdeniar Cordeiro (Deceased), sao Paulo, Brazil
HERBERT bl. ERANKE, Munich, Germany by Grace C. Hertlein
ARTHUR N. LUEHRMANN, Dartmouth College (:a;·d»iare vs. software - sharing, transporta.
Hanover, New Hanipshire i ity — the real potential of applications.)
NICHOLAS NECROPONTE, Hass. Inst. of by ;e;‘ry Jnries, American Buildings company,
JACKIE PDTTS, Social Security Adm., (Ari engineer discusses a series of programs used
Baltimore, Md. by his company to produce timesaying drawings
ERIC TEICHOLZ, Harvard Uniyersity, and plans.)
by Joseph J C p ski Department F Physiolo
EP¤gC*4‘: ¤Qi§$*KE;E*· S¤·¢<>* M P¤¤*·¤¤¤I· ungyerstcy ar nartn taranna, cnaaei nin, nt.
**E¤g5:y*‘¤?:'PT“¤; Bj" L;"°'B°°"°$· by the rhysiaiogy oepartnient and me neuraaia.
F”’;';;i';“L;';’;:m§°**PT· *S°”P'd° I and prieny discusses the harduare used.)
m2;;‘P[’;L{`B‘éy·'j"“*€E;{l¤r ME P t r L me by Alfred Bark, Department or Physics, univ. or
:;maCL;Les , Queens Cnliege, Fiushwsr (nr, Bari? reports on the major objectives, the
inctinno srttn, tyergreen start naiueae, ;;‘fQ"';:Q'“§;‘fFjfH;';°t§;°jj§; ;‘;'g"";hE°j;°)"V°
oiynipia, washington ’ ‘ 'E ‘ *
BE IN ENGLISH (NITH AN ABSTRACT), TVPED (The Editor issues an open invitation to artists
u¤uaLE SRACED ON sTANoARu LETTER-SIZEU \¤ participate in an important new touring are
SENT me of the U.s.A.l
chico Branch (Prices. directions, and nailing address for
555 Vallambrosa, #35 6 ordering these very inexpensive reports.)
Chico. California 9592
uma: ILLuStRAtI¤Ns ARE HI¤HLy nsSIRnsLE (Address, coupon for ordering art reproductions-
NITH NRITTEN TEXTS, a subscriber bonus.)
Judith P_ Carnahan _ Business write (A Former electrical engineer reports on methods
Bsrkshsy Enterprises. hm phics - and on his unique teaching methods.)
Bl; washington Street
Ncutonyille, Mass. 02léO " ‘
°°'*:Q_If’;r§”"”¤I$;:;E *2; ;;sP°P‘;jQ:*:=d in rarrner photographer and grapinas artist mus-
in me UYQ A P ' trates his works with oermutahle or changing
shunt suasnnrnon mts °“ '°’ *” ' ° ’ ° '"“°" S °” ° "°‘°°*" ’
Personai, Foreiqm $l3 wer WBT by Jackie Poets, Social security Administration,
(Tha Nut we Art chairnian recails personal anec-
We sie evnlyws \¤ she U~$;yE¤S'·Sl_$?T·· dotes or the Art Exhibition-planning, probie-ns,
VI¤¤ T¤T S==¤¤¤ S SSS NSI W9 PEN" and behind the scene events and dilenmas.>
2 COMPUTER GRAPHICS and ART For August, l976
.~—·i;§,§¤sw¤i. "
*i=i r.1;.;¤mi= H
;;q¤n- A““`
mt maorxzms nr Inrtnoistinttunwv conrurtn nimvmcs ron ` · gf
couttun nt ettrurr ’#
(Tne coordinator of the "Culor Group" nf · .ir;;
computers sro reistes the work or urs _ . , ""‘
group in tne Beifprt corrniunity.) — ka s r. NQ
s as ., ss. ZM
3l• . ANNOUNCEMENT - COMPUTERS AND PEOPLE il " qjig. 1 ygqiy %
se. . sect tower, ··i>eap1e·· L',} s ` ’” *]·
by uaioeniar Coroeiro (Deceased), Sap Paulo, nrazil ;. `
readers will receive their magazines in a shorter 9 _ 1%:;.-,,, l
time. your problems in receiving Tate neteriais g g ~ ·”¤@sQ
Newtonviile Business Office address. M g ·l'
would you like the option of paying a little ,3 us VF
more, to get your CESA sent to you via faster mail" $.2 _ · ‘ _ V, i
Newtonviile. “ 5 . ,
E i r2·;·i . `
we would like eo try offering small, free ads °° Q 'J., k Ex.
to people, realizing that a quarterly is suited to _g·‘* *' ei}; s ,
specirie types or advertisements. your suggestionsi s E r z, r r
If you wish coverage, please send your announce E; ,_il;E' ~—
ments to the Editor, early' ve will be happy to $1 J*f_
print uselul niaeerial. Vour ideas are nnst welcome. 5 2 X
CBSA still needs competent buck reviewers in 55 * ` ’ , ,__._
people who wish to continue reviewing on an ongoing °"‘ _`_
oasis. | , —"’z2
iumuistirtnniy mmruxcs sxatxucwnvnv tnntr §§
ue nsvs are urivsrsiiy nrrsrirg to se me QQ T:
Bipliogrepny Host center. Needed are topic/area Q _ T ,r ; _
bioiiographers to update area materials. '* i —~ ‘ s ' ~ , ' V J;}
Auausr Am issue - convurtns s vtunt _ ; ` i ‘ A ` by ‘ r
me Armusv august ert Issue sr computers e, gg Hg W
People features its lhtln Art Exposition. There wh __
are BO pages of diversified art, and 70 lllustr» ` . it ,
tions. For copies, send $2.¤O to the Newtonvllie ._i V ry gn J
Business Office (see address on the manhood). V ";,_ j
COMPUTER GRAPHICS and ART for August, lS76 3
that this practice of vi aualizing data via compu- mind by participation in a superior conference at
ters can and will revolutionize many functions the university of California, Irvine, ln March of
world" of conputing. education, tramunication, etc. maintain our cottage industry approach, it costs a
small fortune paid to vendors to achieve a suffi-
numeric data appears aufficient, and their slogan is, it was intended to do. bla may runain like the
pute and visualize renders infomation more life- pyramids, using graduate slaves. 0r...we may
like, more understandable, more conmunicable. resemble the Babylonians (who drew maps with their
city as the "center*‘ of the universe), speaking in
nary Graphics? Generally people who program gra- 2. Need for recognition — publishing, money,
phics for a living learn these skills on the job- fame, etc.
plicatians are where the action is, where the jobs 3. Maintenance burdens of a system upon the in-
are, and where inventivity can find a new form. novator, lack of funds, rewards, etc.
HARDMARE VS. SRFWARK la. Lack of belief ln the idea of transportabi-
llty, with a large dose of Ill, 2, 3 thrown
Your bias (if you have one) depends upon which in for good measure.
old chicken and egg argument: which came first? WHAT 1F...7
software. Rn the other hand, if one procures hard- - workshops and demonstrations replaced a por-
ware, and there is insufficient software (due to tion of present conference activities?
many reasons, including mney). itls like having a
and one gallon of gasl hardware and software are study, so that more material could be co-
not a versus situation, but an interdependent one. vered in work sessions?
field (of necessity) tends to encourage speciali- - Manuals were available at modest cost to those
zation and narrowncss of mind. not able to attend these sessions?
SHARING Dr HARDMARE - Support routines for graphics libraries were
available ln varied forms at low cost?
phics is to share hardware, which may be a heresy. - A roglstry of programs, researchers, etc. was
Did you ever go around a corner quickly in your · available from a Graphics Denter?
present installation, and see unexpectedly, a piece
of hardware that you need to use - but do not have? - He worked with CDNDUIT, SIGGRAPH, ACM, the
The building of small hardware avpires appears to be touncil on Social Graphics, our regional
a current computer phallic power symbol: "How many consortia, etc.? `
computers and peripherals do you have? htm much
core’..." The potential is there. lhe state of the art
of computer graphics applications could graatly be
lf we could share the cost (and maintenance) of enhanced by connon, known solutions, without the
systens in our present places of work, we would up. benefit of great grants and feasibility studies,
grade the state of the art inmedlately, Sharing of etc. what if...2
graphic facilities in neighboring conrrunities, in
sister canposes or a syrtan, networking, consortia
planning, regional and national graphics centers- aca C. Hertlain
these are known ways of llsharing the wealth". Editor
it COMPUTER GRAPHICS and ART for August, l976
Eufama, Avabama 36027 days, inseeau af me tw¤ ro mree weeks in mak manualvyw

num/STEEL is a series af prugrems usen by DESIGN 7 wuw H worms

The syscam prbdunes drawings used no fabricare and "¤ESI¤N" accunls as wput ¤ awww! burldvng
Yhe system was wriccen In FURIRAM ann has been irvdudirvg thc type ¤F sieel t¤ use, widths, thick-
immanenced by pur company on the f¤II<xwi¤g cempu- rvesscs, ervd_d¤p¢h$· This ¤r¤qr¤m may run In two
program was wrixten by Dr. Krishma Munhy af WPKBVVY f¤¤S ¤¤ ¤¤¤¤t t¤·#¤ ¤¤¤¤u¤cs·
phase of the other my-ee prngrams was a jaim See Fugure I Ibeww) for an example af design
Syneraam Teehn¤Y¤Q‘/I Incorporated. me prbgrams
were chen written and InstaIIed by Synermm. LAddi¢ipnaI Hmstraxions and denawvs of the
DESIGN svswm mvlaw nn me neu page.)

s >1;.¥¤; MMI.; II`- I`.ir»I Miha Iii

» `¢$Zvi—rZ »¤,:¤~»: I-m..n~ >;:~,;I[`:
COMPUTER GRAPHICS and ARI fm- August, I976 5
<f> ’ A from Lhe DESIGN pmgram. Typicev run time is
rseu "" ,,
Y `irs "¤RAFT" draws 8,5 X IV inch drawings ire-
%‘ Z duced in whe iwuscreeidn at me weft), used
an au by our shop to fabricate primary szrucnurel
Q ul. (Iefc) fdr en rwuszrsrmn ¤f DRAFI.
~~mcr~~ uses dere predueed by umm end
H". lm DUAXL, plus dener deze entered by me engi-
¤¤r.. mi neer (Figure 2), rd pruduce drawings sen; ed
inn. . me mend ed ead in me erection dr me build-
pm sun. r ing. nrauings produced incwder
\ mini rr 1. Rescrimr schematics sndwing szresse:
W mei _ mee me wncrere sleh mus: wirhscend;
I FB h 2, dn wher edu pre", seemed were
- 1, A erdss seeudn:
.,, K
l j M, A rremirrg pxerr snduing were me
J—~— deer erm e err d R e r rreme eemderrenrs ere re ee ieeeredr
1.m.1' ““” eReer meter ae re de erseeree re me sides.
M mm mm ’”"“ “°‘ ""*" (see radure A, devdu, ensd reduced an sue
71 nuunw R'*¤*¤$*¤¤h**=¤l*v·¤ This vmwen wwew
_- ¤¤crNn Rc xs —12n¤ —2s Q_ "*"$ "‘ 5** '“"’”*€$·
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ms,,,E,,.»»¤¤~·¤¤~;u¤»·sA¤¤R¤¤R¤¤¤»w¤¤~ ""°· .,,,, $*7 u~
{ U....u.N re. ..e, me ,_
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MS? ir *‘°""”” "' ‘"""" Z E“7”rTZ"°T 2'Z‘Z"“‘ ‘E°” E°K’““ E'? "
Wee (M dem; de en2¥e»e¤rJ swfcer ° '
JP rAreer...e(E;"rr A-r»•J·r¤_) v<;n/awning;
6 CUMPMTER GRAPHICS and ART fdr August, 1975
3 3 \\rH SKV
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nuuvez ragure u. A ueren (peruev drawing) er B sneer-
{0 the sqdcS_ 5FLICE BULI `IHBLE
mr me wa me umu me mm S"L‘°‘ ""`Sm “E*"**
x2— ni x 2i 2-¤%
re produce reuraeeraun anu eremun menange an a -0* x2’ 2-2
eeeurreu wnen e eunueneiunex mmuinq benunaiw ze
une ur uur deevers ¤urneu uewn, me fire wer ru.
Ine design ee e repvaeemenr human; uae requested. mma ML; ; gufupeggkial hu{,_£m rfm;_
COMPUTEE GRAPHICS and ART fur August, V976 7
Chapel Hiil, Nnrth Demiine 275iM anammiee\ Feature disuibueiun them-ies."

heve e cumpmer center min upen e nic PDP-ii/M5 ere presented em discussed. Eeeh figure is mn-
miemsmpe. www ere summa no me Puvevi/M5. eucpuz.
*°)5 ’
r- •(A .¢ near _
’ ' SP ig--`¤' \
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Q i *= ·** $7
7* $ 7 **/
L.417¤1. RX EDU RY DDD RX DDD RY DDD L417¤.L L417CI2
RZ mm RZ DW usrmz
LEFT: Figure 2 —- A neumn (nerve cel!) exon tree \ gl
cer. me erem {aber enecre me ¤er;ev herh er the ¤¢·
Tefe ene of xhe h¤riz¤n¢aT Tine near the mp ¤f The 7;
ecruenure. The ;¤em finer (made; memy times, erm ’ g
mh; oeeur;. \ [
me eee mm mmer me .mc..m,e me me
shown in Figure 2 (Taft). The eeH he; been roxenee
M3 degree; akmut ahe V exi; of the ERT, Two oehev
L_41_4¤4 L414¤3 _ _ > I.4L4D4 L.4J.4D3
to e uerminel uf Lblkuio eoineiding wich an en pe;;en¢
\ emerge-uenc ¤F LMIMGJ, The next Figure show; chi;
· TA *
{Ti R1chT: Figure 5 · The eerminew; and envergemehe; ¤F
. ‘ Y [ree mm amd me emmre [ree eeruerure or Tree mum.
)._ me mameaeenee we eveerxy ehemm epprmmereuy num
_ ' eneve end mmum ce me meh: OT me erigin er che uiepvey,
J ' we eemeaeehee as memeahee ee me tree; ere rereree :
4.Fi ws M ez nun Rz ¤¤¤ were 5.
Th Ph ' C mp ter Development Project
University of california the Physics Computer Develbpment Project has been engaged in

we have never intended to teaeh entire courses hy 11 . A second niaier objective is t¤ explnre
Belbwc Students gather infbrrnally in the terminal roani to snare ideas in an in education was S¢|¤¤rll l¤l¢-
atmosphere that provides npt bnly interaction with graphics and dialogs, but ¥¤l’lel• PECBWP tk l"P“*'
.. v' Y- { —"°`,_ ` ·Q i ` "}_¢ »·-Y>'?f`;E'Q`a€}`»¤;*·`4: . Jig'- _ , native ta aigna-nunieria invar-
t;_ ;;___-·•_-a.;`?—e,s; 5’\j_:-> _ Q a- niatian, and sa pravides unigue
_ V •:%;:"a gg: . . .{·‘\ . .· :,‘;j,r _~. ‘}\,_g.a· _i1=,»_ .. ’ learning advantages. A graphrc
(rp) _ 'q ‘}4• »t \¤; I a» wr. -· ._i,1L ‘_ }'__Ig;»fi\-» _ _ - sequence can be dynamically de
·'- .,* ·‘» .. ‘“* · T 1;*;,-* '*’ q*_=\ · - pendent an studentsl reguests
n .- ;_ ‘ t trail? S` 4 ';. ·:‘ s;···'j_ .i ana responses, allaurng pos-
» — _~ a;_ . ‘ ,*· , gi " `," :.·.;··E- t_ · siairities nat available in
* {- QSJQ. · _; .} ea •=" '·· , rilns. niscovery and develop-
ii',. _ — "` 1 . 5* QR ·. L, T nant at erreative visual aaa.
:”§§_;’~ a;W", ilk, ` _ ’ ag" L . logs was and is a major goal
XP`. ` ·· % ·s { `: »'- ‘ {J 11. “ . i' at this project. Further.
z a-·;"T _ "\` > ·'·`Z.",,_ Y Y °g>"¤_ · il these same graphic Facilities
»" ·~a·‘ _]s?_L*¥~% `* { » are iniportant ter student pra-
r . I V ¤· · lk y , _ I blcm sblving.
T ‘· ; ='.=··._·‘ · ·,._ L ·' · ` 111 e The third major ob-
\·§`§'¤\ 7 c · Y ` " iaative ar the rnysies canputer
5; a - » >» _ uevelopnient Project is to ea
Q -· tiara aatnnaa naaaa. xr
—~ 7 _ r v » V r " qucnces pn t e cpmputer are to
.t · _‘~ ` ,’ V · ' aa israauaea, nan, teaeners
-: _w}‘fY`>r4_ ` _ ··l A A shauld be invplveda tgeytan
E · re ‘** Q < Stir; tZ`Ea we than aaaan,
`QP . $9 _;” arraative in autnaning student- _
F · computer dialegs. Many at
~ $ ?" sae tna learning patentiais or
\ ` · · ;.’ tne aanauter, tat rea. are ina
`~ sk —\ t terestea in taking the tina to
i gg ==‘< aiaaaa, aaa aaaaanna aysaais.
<· I ( sa ne raise three questions:
, 4 (ll haw can these gobd teachers
rj . based niateriall (2) Man tan
W DUHPUTER GRAPHICS and ART For August. l97b
they be provided with the resources, ‘” "'l . I r I
facilities, and assistance to ease the ` wi. W I , ___
task? what institutional structures A I . C 7 E
will encourage dialog preparation, path I •— ' » i ‘ o 9
organizational structures and reward . 7.* — I I
structures? r { S - .. • A
ry - me rourtn alsiaetite is ta ‘ ` ` t_
introduce dialogs and other aamputer ao. _ _ * \ { e
enyironments, we wanted to worx with ’ - N .= f- _ {M
large classes. The proolens are par- ia. · ‘
tiaily political, Faculty menoers tend _ ` j / ‘ `
to oe eonseryatiye with regard to neu · ‘ ‘ IAQ?
teaming techniques. The standard texts Nv · K _,-
do not acknowledge the existence of com- , j ‘i i · "‘t_r
Er rtree mmartna aanauter lay / i' aw- .
problems arise as the material is used /·” §*'° . _ {
in schools other than the original one. _ . i ` I
gree dependent on hardware differences. J éfl ik _ ·l'
.ti_ . ii?} raw, ·. _·
Finally, the project sought a e _ ` \ a · , v [ ‘_
software strategy consistent with the l ‘
aooye goals. The software approach _, \
needs to oe highly flexible so that is " _* § , i
can grow because of the pedagogieal de- ' il ` * t ` Q $ ev
manga or goat taetners seating aa au. • — V g e .t
thor s. It should allow full graphic N]
the resourees of the oomputer. it l "
should produce self-documented programs a .‘. ‘
wnien are easy ta read and ta madiry. &‘ · T. _ Q,
As the major oojectiye is me production I5: ' _
it anauia ae aatea may me E2
Physics Computer Development Project '
worked with existing computers and ter- _· ‘
yeioping operating systems or full "
°d“° ‘“ "il °"““' "”°”" ana an attituaa raaamaiing ~maoitatian~~.
owns about thirty Tektronix Avlis allowing PCD?
‘fA;‘:’g°°;‘“L;_ is the 'rroigeetls major attiyity. students are nary _
bugging fEdHtae5_ A few schwaré Problems SHN using about thirty—five dialogs; many are currently
’ ' logs are listed in PHVSIC5 DIALDGS Full STUDENT USE,
et ,l,, ;i2“::;;i;,::;:i,;:l:.::s;r;:i;*::;;V:::::l;‘ ?¥?¥·i?·?'?a°?~€`?‘¤¥??¥¢e“??¥’¥€$°ii¤?i“?$`?"a·‘?$?·`
primarily with the aonmeraiai market, sa they are ( ' i H hui Y M gm f Y h ‘ ·
not aiaays rasponsiye to adueatianai needs, out we is We “ ” ° Y ° “° gm ° SP a"· "' "°‘°?"‘
naye seen aoie to wort aitn seyei-ai yendors, and tne ff'°§?t“§°f”°'Q‘°‘d§"Q$"5;l°‘l' d'*a”l(°f`“‘$ “‘a‘
terminal situation nas greatiy improyed. Tektronix 9* bn " ° ab $;' S hm Ve °° a§°“b°° ° ?“°’*
nas proyen to oe partieuiarly amendaole to adyiee mas E'° "‘° e EVE ' ° “°"‘°"‘°' ° ° "“'“‘°"'
CGNPUTER GRAPHICS and ART for August, l976 ll
“' scientific model. we have
V dialogs, useful for motive.
\ ae., as ve en, slevl,
,· Al` amen else areviee e leern-
Rs ing experience. rernaps the
· 7**- ‘T oest such dialog game is
,_,____ _ _,_,,...» .,,., I ~ W}! itil, iiireeoeiee ile ile
e N? aeaent ieee ei e ainiael
I prlnaiale.
QUANTUM and SPACE. explore
problems. Several dialogs (such as DDPPLER) are de- in lliffective Computer Use in Physics Education".
signed to assist with homework problems; each is (See bibliography.)
devised for a specific prohlenl that the student has
proof dlalog, (CGUPDSC is an example) tries to make we have also investigated problem solving hy compu-
pical passive experience, students attempt the cri- work assignments. About one—half of student usage
tical decisions in the proof, receiving help where in large courses is devoted to this mode of use.
out offering promise, gives an inoompletely de- solving has been to provide students, for their
in the process. terial we have been able to successfully influence
the products of both a terminal vendor (Tektronix)
A second major objective in learning, also and a main-frame vendor (Xerox).
methods, is developing insight; in physics ive After a review of languages, we decided that
are more successful irl teaching techniques than APL was a superior problem—solving language for
spaces. we can give students a range of experi- for learning both the norl-graphic and graphic cae
ences unootainable in everyday life or in the la- pabilities of APL. The approach does g involve
eavlrenneit students ereae ·l“\ll.
toward key ideas, for which ds- 'Pwt <\“
finizions might oe llgivenll in a 4W `_
nore traditional situation, rnus, Ipyl ·
in the dialog in students achieve 4'””'
the concepts of divergence, curl, [A4', `
and praaient oy ~-seeing- tnel as sg,
generalizations et the conceal or §g1q \ ¢
ordinary derivative. lhe "nanles" ’ my I ‘ /
are ietreaoeea only erter the `\:liQ ‘\ \€aeg.5& A
nieeesll are oeaersteea. x0 ‘\ \\wee¢%
einer aielees are less eee, xg %e»e*·¤e/
te elessirv. lolin aaa riiloe ei. \\
lz LDMPUTER GRAPHICS and AAT for August, l976
the graphic software is based on the powerful ‘7$7""W
at nunoers. we added a new output operator, quad _· ri , '\ ·‘
zero. It produces, when assigned a data structure ‘ . . ‘ 4 tif M _ ·— _
interpretable as graphic data, pictorial output. The ` . .*5 *· ~' . x
systvan is further described in "APL as a Language 't' _ t \
Fer interactive rsraphlcs". (Please see references.) _ — ` '
uialag sartware . the sartware goals have been V ` ca ; ·~‘_;, " lt, pl y
outlined. we chose to base development on assembly ,. 3, "’ ’»~ ` .. .,1 s
macros, writing new macros in response to pedago- · _ ~ ' qa · r. _ l .., . ·
gical needs. These rnaeros (in Metasymbol on the tt; `r· " _‘ glu
xerox slena 7) have english nanas, and have only a .,_ {;‘_ = r
few arguments, to aid in readability of source code ., * , . _<·-.· \ _
and to nate the east of computer entry easier for . N _
seeretaries. ine naeras usually write only a few ,- 4 0 ».
instructions in-line; much of the work is accon—
plishad in subroutines, stared in a liarary. we · r- (
write naw naeraa when naw teaaning raenmee are J rr
_ _ w 'G · , 3 il
needed, particularly for calculational purposes. t eg} - ‘ ia I
the loader, as many of the dialogs are much too ,. V, ' r` [
large tc lit into the core available to a time— r
sharing user. Full documentation of the software v C*’·
is available. , ’ /, , (
aiaiags mar our rrajaet has praaaaaa - raaenana r- . r 9 {
materials than we believe are as effective as any Kr : y
in wide student use devaleped anywhere in the world, _ .. . " l' y G
wd have nade inportant innovations in tht rdeess of ·.. gg , ’g ; ·: a
lhe key person in the preparation of learning f L "
and insight inta me learning process, henee, the uf
nrti praalan an praadaing aanpurer.aa.ad teaching _ A
materials is to identify and to involve sueh tea. Ya t 7.
interest in this particular process. nany outstand- __’ . A,_a— "
ing teachers fron Irvine and elsewhere have been i’_é*
might l···¤ ¤$Si¤¤*¤¤ ¤=*·¤t¤ it- ‘¢¤¤·‘¤9 *·¤~= ¤l~¤ aaave; aialaas ewan intense, rntsirrrau {anu at-an
¤t¤¤¤¢¤¤ =¤~= <**¤l¤¤5· ipyaas lesaansesl tran. el san, melanin nanarc, ann
nn learners are have prepared adr natariais ”“"’ °°"°"‘
can assist learning, however. Vc must convince such progrun running. we encourage dialog writers to
a person that the computer has unique teaching ca- think freely about the possibilities; we may cell
pabilities. and then provide a mechanism whereby than if a program facility is technically unfcasie
puter experts, or even computer novices. lo stimu» can provide the computer facilities the authors re-
late interest in the computer as a learning mediumy ouire, even if we have not previously needed such a
demonstration is very effective; it is useful to facility. Most of our authors write in a loose
show teachers a variety of materials already dw flowchart format.
part of the author. lie offer many such dernonstrae experience Project nuvber aids in early stages of
tions each year. These dandnstralions need not be preparing dialogs. An author can develop a complete
cnhrurttz cmtvhlcs and ARI fer August. l976 li
pedagogical specification of 7a'
all axperieneed person rar the [ I
tirse few hours. rnis lllothlsd ' _,__ __
allaus teachers to do what * , » ,· ‘
ing weeks learning a program- \ ·• ` ’ a
lling language. sul lr an all- _ ( / rr Q ‘ _ -
ted in ednpucer details, he ,T"" ' I
or sne wwrite programs di- · ‘ * _ _ `—
reotly. §· .. · `
log preparation ls entering r a · ' x { [W., J
ns .lse,lsl, legally by s Q l
secretary or student pr¤gram» Z: .S\,$•·‘ ‘ ‘ W .,»ggg·
from the flowchart, using a EE ':_` _· `
Xerox sigma 7, and we also { 4 `**. _
training the searerery takes s * ' `L
person lerleillg lllare ana mere _ _ , -4
alone the last fen hours, with ,,1 ev %:Ls
only slight backup. we can ’ ' ' \ V ““°
more difficult than operating § Y ` ’ W `
secretaries sec the jot: of "J1 \ ' {
processing equipment. Any ' uv. a »al..a `-
area which esllnol be handled '
ln the aragrsll. saeretarles EX.
¤<>~= W m¤l'l¤¤*l¤¤$· llmyel ur rswlly explore orltlng na. dlslags ral me eysral, oaaglse Mala,
cations, graphic coding is about 75% of the total area including Dornnunity Colleges and campuses of
macros required, and puts then in a File. In some v•orl<sl·l¤p in the sunnler of l97k for four physics
arc possible. California campuses (Riverside, Santa Druz, Davis,
and Santa Barbara). The grant also supported ter-
wc arc also very interested in the process of person prepared a new dialog. But no extensive
’{ `I Ancthé, d{,cC,{0¤ r E§.,uC‘ur{ng rr
` rrr rrr rrrrrrrrrr Urrr rryrrrr rr crac.
prugress accessible by me smuem, by me inserunr
`> { mr Mr Mrs year; rr rurrrrrrrrrrr. Ur rm
\ f diffé, d&n.S Bréni rr [,,S
graphic from me reporr, FHVSIES JIALUGS FOR STU- VE"*‘°"°‘ °°“'$€$*
UW M- m¤UU;U¤mUUs
r,rrr,°UZ'€LrrM, ?§§§‘rZ rréZZr§”?rELsr§§“EZ€ or ***5 5*5 55 55 *5= 5¤¤*¤*= *5 *~** ¤5·=~·»**<·~~
Umar urrayersny ¤r nrrverornm carrprrses. une is °‘ me "‘°"‘a* ****51 BMW €°‘"V’“*°' “5° °’*5" *°5
rrr rmrrrrrrrr rrr sr Urgrrrrrr remrrr Urrr rr 55*5*5 5*5¤*5*·*55 **55555*5* ‘**5 fm- 5**55
gdmrrgrsv wrrrmuogy, wg wry www Scrys rrr 5*5 5**" ’55****¤· *55 **55**5*5 **»5**=5**¤*5~
rrnrrrd arrow rr rrrrrrm wry. (rrr Ur.; Urr. _ 55 55 *5*_55555’,’¤* 7*5**5** *5* *5 555 555
r-mer porrrsyer rr me car-mac mrrrrassagrr rs ’“’ *5* *5 ***5 5** 5** *>555*5*’***55· **5 M-
aysavsham, ¤r corrrpmer mcmzaes. 1: prcpases 5""Y W"' 'S °“”‘“‘°* "”‘ "` ? Y"' '”““‘°“'T
UO mrc syarvsme A Sergve rarrwrareng mpmr ¤;5° 5*5*5** 5** **5 55*55*5** *55*****55 5*5 5*5**
mr meme eeacmrrg Orr BM mgm U¤r1¤»·;r$uU¤e¤ B ‘°·
rcrprrrr WM rrr Srrrrrr rmrrrr MU SUM. 5 *5*5*5** 555555**5* *5 ***5*,% *55*55*5*5
Srrrrryr UUU wm Ur rrgyorm rr cdrrsrrrrr. 5=*5··’5 55 $'*55*5’**5·5**5*555- **5 55*5**5*55
www be ayaavsme mr¤Ug¤»¤U[ me unayersiry, MU Wm ""°'°"‘ fY°'” ?'“ “‘“ *'°$· °°°*’°'5"‘°” °°’
rmmy rrremasrs mr Omar ¤.¤mpUses yyuma mn Us "“°°" g'°“*’5 °* "’“‘°“"""5 5"‘?‘"“ “'5" *’° E"‘
sr mer or mrrrm rrrrrm rr rrr rrUrrUEr Dr *5* 55*55***5°*5* 5* *555*** ·55***=*¤5=*5* ** 555*
Ursrm rryrrusmr. wr mer, Urrrrr rmrrr 5=5=*¤’**55
werent renews uppure frm mc Namorhsw screw-E *‘°”& “5‘°‘"‘* EE'°" °°""‘”‘“‘J me "?“°”"V °?'“”“‘
rrrrrrrrrr rrrmy Srqgrmrr, UUU also rum rryrrrr *55* *5*5*5* 555* 5 5*5*5** 555*5 55**55* 55 5 *5*-
rr Urymrrrr Ursrurs Mr .5 UUANTUU UU UM *5555 5* 55***~**55**·?* **55- *55*5* 5*55I5*5
Urwyrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrsr Urrrrrrrrr Urrrr my **5* 55*5* 5*5 5**5***5 5***55*5* *55*5 55 5555=**5—
grrr, Srrrrrgrer Urrrr arr rsrrrrry rrrrrrrrrrrrrr or *555.5*** 555*- ** 55**5 5* *555**,**5% **5
rrr mm; Urea. wr Ucrr rrr mr Urrrrrrsw. Uy 55*%*5**5* 5* 55*5* *55*5 7 5=*5*5».5‘*555» **555
Bsrrsrrr, mr Urrrr rrrrrr rs U rrmragr rrrgrrrr '55*55.·*¤5* $5 55 555**55- *5 555555**55 5*5
rrr Urdrrmrrrrrr Srmrrr .r,,Urr wr me mr rm. *5**5 **5555*5% 5*5*5** 555* 55 **55 55**¤ 55*5*5*55
rrg Urrrrrrg ror rrrrrm rr r mcrrrr mirror] 5* *5** °**’**55» ’9·*5·**55· 5** 5=*5*5» 5**5*5 5
rérrr, rrr progrrr mr ro r. rrrrrrr rw Mr rms 5555 55*5**5* 55 5**5 *55*5 5*55*5** 5*5 5*555
:¤MPuTU¢ GR/xP»11c$ and ART for ·\UqUs1, 1976 Yi
Alfred Bol-M and Richard Ballard, Jnurnal uf Mossmann, May 26, l97l.
April . lS73r Syslem users Menual , UTS Version - Charles
ings, April l2, l97l. Estellewarner, and Jahn Cpllins, April 17,
Camputer-Based Mechanics — Alfred M. Bork.
lien 1.1.T., l97U . Alfred M. Bork, August 9, l973.
Bgrk, Sepeerhper 2M. 1973. nlfren Burk. necanber l9, l973.
— " '* ° “ a’° S uaihg mr harrrrais Array rrgh irrrha -
iharrrahrira riharharag graphics gh rhs sighh ·‘*"¤¤ BM- ’*¤¤~i* ¤¤· *97*
7 _ ‘“"'€“ '*· ”°""· S&*"““”°' 29* 7977* wha nahphrar ih Laarhihg - hgviaa ra uialag
Compuler Graphics and Physics Teaching —- . . ’ —
nrraa Bork aha hiahrra haiiarri. rchrhrr, V·='· 9- l¤· ¤·
za, mz. rhirg rahrerehac gh eohghrars ih 7 *
hggai rrggraha - araar eraagrariaha - hiaharg “°'*• Mal "*· lm-
rha hhhargrhghgra chrrirhia, giararahr, ¤·¤*¤¤ X — llmid B=**¤*¤· "¤v=·l*¤¤*· *97*
EXZlZ§iZ§rN?? Yhgiirh ZhEEZYdcE.iL;:Z?éh¥F` °¤;g5¤*=¤dlg`;¤¤d”[yi;¤$k°¤;';l<v'¤*l T ima';
Assgaiariah rar agusariahal vera systems. Ph“"`.““ V ,'“3B ·N °"B·
virgihia aaagh, virgihia, may 2s, lsv;. E}?-9% ° * · °* * ' · '*g‘“* ·
saiahaa, rahaariah ahh the mira - Ai rraa h,
Graphic Art rar rhr sighs - nrrari h. Barr, Bm, $=·===~l¤¤¤ l97'·
bcr 7-B, |972· C M7 ég;kN;n:sH;l-Beit 'ézckgiarzivy/irzillr lggréd
mi lm*"i* · 7****** "· BM $=¤*iA*=‘=* T”ErZ.ZETZ°?S.rh"r;ZZ§`ZZgIEZ§§€ZZ}ZLT£”rha
"· l’7“· rgrhra - hirrari h, Barr, hah rrahar ih
APL as a Language tar lhreraceive nraphigg - ‘7¤l· Ur Fvlsi Ull€5€¤i
- hrrrai h. agrr, hharrcrh hhrhai rh,rirr,
A ihhrihraraaaaa ihaiagha rgr harhihg rharg, ”¤l· ‘·$» "*=· l· J¤¤~·¤~· *9**
cunservatiun For Mctinn in Une Dimension - . , . . .
Qlmjy“Q§kP;"Zig5,"V;T_'3g,;% »Qy;hs7-Nnlrzagnaarg, Achgccus agllatih,
aines Nartrwcst, Ma. Br Januarrr l97k
rmphre, isrrrrshcr ih srhgrhr rrrrirh mah- L’;'Q°,§;°*?,‘°§‘$§Z “`i,r§§'°'”“‘°“ s°`°"°°"
hiehrs - Maru nghrgc, Jima, 1971. secang ‘ l *7 9* '
`?€$l€$·°¤~‘€l»»¤=?'?¤¥lei °' ' “ ‘:i2t;:*r;:lF¤;::::;r;lz‘:;‘:*z::l;;:;;*r
hh ihrarharira rahhrrrar rraahihg hiaigg rgr *97*
°'*°"“ "· "“"°'** '°'"“*"* *972* tgrhphrrr nialggs - Alrrau agrh. sepeehiier
h rahagrar iihhiarigh rar rhr sway ar was - ‘°i '97'*·
Jahrhai gr Physics vol. uc, usa, sapegrhriar, i·
"72· rarhihais rar hihcarigh .. hrrrad ri. agrr.
EDUCOM Bulletin, Vol. 7. No. L4, winter. l972.
(Please tum to page I7, bottom right.)
is CUMPUYER GRAPHICS anu ART for Auquslr l97é
Invitation. Sc|encc/ Technology Exhn 1 ron
tists to send slides, photographs and descriptions oonpuzer arts: varieties of final forms reveal
of new oonputer art for the above exhibition. It oomputer designs in films, editions of lithographs,
seums of this country approximately in February of screen-·printed with computer designs. sculpture
l$77. and paintings designed by the computer (and man)
works particularly sought are dimensional, non- vision programs combine many forms of art: lasers,
TATIONS OF CDMPUHR ART in the August (Art) Issue The deadline for receipt of slides, phata»
forms. No works on white industrial Eager will be due in Chico on Dctober lf l97o. Please send
works, as well as transparent sheet film versions of
be taken into other art media. 555 Vallombrosa, //35
Chico, California 95526
Notification of selections for tl-ie new exhi»
lhe exhibition, "Cybernetic Serendipity" bition will be sent out on November l, Iwo. works
exhibition will remain as an important "first" in of the parcitipating museums, send a request to
the hisiory of computer art. the Editor.

The long-awaited 55 page Interdisciplinary Enclosed is my thich for:

ART MANUAL are now available at very low cost. (5Dc cost plus 3c Calif. Sales Taxl
_ $.ék - FunTRAu Iv ART MANUAL
Supplies are limi ted, so order yours quickly! (Sue cost plus Mt Calif. Sales Tax)
They were printed at eost by the Chancellorls ¤f— _ SI,l7 - FUN BUTN REPORTS
Note: The ART MANUAL is meant for Intermediate Tu: Cynthia Allen
report was completed (June l, l975l, new research California State University 6 Colleges
programing techniques (a new syston) and advanced Long Beach, California 90502
early l977. Postage will be paid by the Chancellovls Office.
FUR $“E$°””E”$ °"“ · PPWS narsnsucts ltaaaiuaaa ma aaaa un- Ai com
_ Please send me __ setfs) ol' three riertlein · m .
mane.- ..-t raaraaumana as aavarnsaa an me nay. ELL}
l976 issue oi' CCCYA. I enclose $2.50 for each set H - D »
al ma ams. nn. nada ax aa .maaa.> "".i2ZZ§“.iK éaf£°"E2`LZlté. `7§iE°I S`°”“ "
Please make cheeks payable to Berkeley enterprises, ’ P ’ ‘
"‘°· Miscellaneous; ’
Berkeley Entorprises - Chico Branch George Leonard·s View of the Computer in Edu.
Chico, California 95926 November-December, l97H.
NAM; nRz3;in;yi·rmN lhe Journal, Vol. l, No. 5, pp. 6—l3, Novwve
ber, l97M.
CITY STATE ZIP CODE - Nfred B¤T|<. January. l975·
COMPUTER GRAPHICS and ARI for August, l97o 17
by Dr. Kai Cnu Winer going tnrdugn me uwal (tradieionall training in
Cdncord. Ca. SMSZD as a design wal in me applied arts nugnz jllsr he me rlwing
that would rum her dn (and onher students) to learning about

ginning ro teach programing. Some eduwxdrs Feel

7 . 2 I · IQ ' ' 1·'

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IB cnnvursw umxvrucs and Am for Augusz, HIS
mathenatics background limits the type of students
wha can participate in such a program to the elite . » · I ; » _
rea. . • ·
In order te broaden the base of parliclparlis ‘ Z
tc encompass more than this tap mathematics and 1 _ ; { ,
puter graphics appears to he the ideal vehicle For * ; {
imparting a successful computer experience to more { { .
was years ago a snail qraup or nnsaness tau- I 2 ` i ; ; ·
cation students signed up rar my class in nate Pro- I I
at .,S. t ; , · .
After going thraugh the usual (traditional) ` Z ` l '
no run in learning, sinee been the nrazhematias pro. 1 I
alems and the Fu¤T¤AN programing were soo abstraot K Z
rarelaretaehelrworld. J2 “C. " .£‘
Thus x was faced with a problem: my ceurso or T C 0
instruction cauld not meet the needs of these stu- I Z •
dents. In order to solve this prcblun, I scheduled 1 Z a Z : s
private talks ta jointly explpre (with students), · -; · ' ‘ ‘ ‘*'
possible new areas of interest. ` »
enjoyable way. I persisted. "Naw let's suppose
that you were given all the nraney needed, and all 1 had heard af using ></V plotlers for computer
to pick, and which style Fits a person. Someday In ine meantime, I wondered [and dreamt), whal
hric machine attached to lor interfaced] ta a micro.
do, and do well. The visual aspects of a dress tentcd sarne inventions, the dream machine appeared
the applied arts might ]ust be the thing that would color aspects of the machine to sorna extent.
turn ner an (and other students) to learning about
¢°·"=~*·** M ¤'°¤*·"·l‘"¤· ¤2Z¤ZZ¤Z2¤ZZ¤2Z¤2Z¤2:¤2Z¤
ccnrulslz nnnrhlts and lull ear August. lslé V9
eeeeldeeled edme me eed eeeee, r deeeded ee ” ’
"scl¤.nLlflc Dreqrannlinq lallquagc" for ueher (art) lound lhel lhey could do so uizh lhe aid ef che
call For mnlpueerized Febrie design. budgetary purposes.) here er: ¢¤l¤r mnvlleneg:
rer eeeehane purpeses, the rlzallxc nasxsli wsu. ·" ' ix: 3
ml le e,ere.l eeelpeed me e eee er sdepddedeme 3, ` ¤
ing technique; no make syscenl ilnplexnennecion (or
use) eesiere The canlpuning syswn used an our high
Furcher. our FABRIL Dismrl svsizh allowed che S * §·= • Q
eeeleeer re ereee, medley. ee edd new elellerre re I ` e
arewing nperue Lener e eorldersenionei mae ues ` , ' ,
rdeleeemed. me eeeperereelded leerrdendes re 2 ee e
ellpw whe designer ne epllrllunicele Wien nhe eenlpucer V " ' "
me seedeels epply eelers neeeelly ee me ednpd. , I W ` ,
key epeerlpee were: nees rlre pesae errperere pr 2 . e e
W red. ee. pink, dreeee, end yelled.
n ta. ‘ n n phics, as an eutcarne or the Fnanlc usslcn svslsh,
B ¤ <· U u the students experienced a trenendaus sense er
“ pride and satisfaction, because thev participated
' in a new project in which they could becenie in-
" " u • ,_, " " volved, rather than solving textbook prablenis tnev
., e if , \ .. C anu me to, and and at at ana.
(See the next section on methods uf presentation.)
e ec x ' f ¤ rn we cauld not present in the traditional rnanner.
E B ¤ • " G U rurrner. tne enaunt or wark they praeueed was rea
·¤ e nv rrutcsornv tr rcntniue
a e ` J 2 rv capability. the students need te become involved
H U ¤ • L, K, .n vnat tnev are dang, and to neva a reeling or
" ° .. . • · ·. ° computer graphics is meal rar suen purposes.
" " ' ‘ ' ' because of the diversity of topics in which graphics
aitsy chose a red celer {pinkish in hue) fer Tris rl1tR¤Rcrl1cAt iEAchIN¤ Mtihun
ratien, rerrning the top half ef the niajer pattern thus providing the initial motivation). After
an interchange ef colors [the rnirrered hearts and this particular student was now a "teacher" for
in red). The partial llfigure-8** is executed in a in this topic shouid go to hirn or her for instruc-
vellew, bringing the twe havves ef the design into tion. The pride in being recognized as a '*teacher'*
an integrated niajor pattern. A secend, er miner was a tranenduus reward. and such a reward was im-
that a continuous design For textile is achieved. stand what has been learned, in grder to teach it
in the abeve illustratien, Alice Martinez niakes students learned more quickly and better from
Dn nv part, l made a point of teaching every stu-
The kinds of designs varied with each group, dent first-hand, on a rotational basis.
gf designs was almost uniilnited. (For were pat- ELIMINATIGN OV CUMPETITIUN
Peeplei page Zh for works bv Sharon Lauthner and however, the hierarchical teaching niethod would
sits! Beherndt.) not have succeeded without First discarding the un-
LDMPMER GRAPHILS and ARI for August, i97£· N
act ar helping others may ta aetrimental ta their E ' ” "“‘ E
an inaiyidual basis, sa that x may ratham the pa. ¤ ' ' · ·
tential and the interests or aath ana. and mdnitar ¤ ' ' E
their preerass, [2 - — . .
I3 U
Grades are based on each student's effdrts and [1 { {
time benefit themselves. This nat anly remdyes the " ‘”" ,. , "’“’ . ,`
tmnaaitny tensions amp staaanis, put aisa apcns ¤ me as · ·
up an atnesphara ar rrienaiinass ana mutual eanearn, tl
which is the arareguisita rar a meaningrul eprrmunia ¤ - - Z .
cy- In fact, we consider dur elassream ea be a I1 - • EI
small curmiunity gf aur awri, where we live in the Q ¤ - gz
11 2 2
;;;[Qf"`$¤;‘ifS‘:_Q;;Q`§;?5¤§;°§§‘fi;‘; ‘Q;°:§pL;:;;$f° saute; aatail ar a textile assign ty sherri mee.
school teacher: he ehdse td teach high schdvl,
after working ardfessionally in industry as an '”" 1‘1$£§§i§$;:: MW
electrical engineer, and ainer uniyersity teaeh» an 2II1§i’§¢}§{§::: aa
ina, patn nara ana atraaa. his philasaphy ar ~* .EEEZ2$` TEE: *¤ i
teaehing is iaaalistie aa ana erreaaiye. ·:::::i :2 ::5::5: `
iieeently we spent a lang arterndan talking *1:5iis .. i ::"
aadut computers and treaxiye teathing, while 1 "Z?§ } i Q 2 5 Q Z"
yisited kai chu in his Berkeley heme, perthea _ :§i¤’§}}.§§ Z :
amang the high hills eyerleaking san traneisea g ··; Q§g§§_§_§_§ ga §
and the Golden Gare Bridge. "’“ :21:2: ""
I asked him why he ehaae high scheel teaching, S ai ' . ' . “;I‘ . ' . ' .2, ;
and if he fdund this satisfaetdry witli his techni. " :' e ' ZZ '. ' . ‘“
cal backgraund as an engineer. he related his ·° ;§§; ' · '
llsdmethirig elsell -» sdmething that might be here Z } E Q i 2 5 5 § Z
meaningful. After much thought, he decided that Q a g .Zg;¥§§'§}§I. .. . Z
teething yaung peaple about computers might be ~=· ;E§;;};§;tg§§gE; 'n."
that avenue of usefulness. aa :;:25}* ’§§:::: a.,
rar the past three yaars hai tht. has spent n 2::::; · · ;;:::: g
his time in yaried tasks far the Mt. Diaala High 2:25%., a iiiz:
sehael uistrier. parrarming many tasks, rather :§§§§§§§§§§;
than ane assignment. his recent simultanedus 2} iii? fi Z :
seareh wdrk; teaching teachers, and teaehing E .. a ":::::1* a a ii
high sehdal students. he is now an acadenie ".sa° . `:2:Z' . "a.‘”
leayefar twdyears. M 7_'·_ ZQQZ _·`_! HL
nt the present writing, hai cha is making a ·'* ` ° :,· ° _§E__ ' · _: '“ 5
the next cwa years studying and practicing Vedanta, ::3;;:1
I asked him, "Are ydu not worried that all this ·.§;T§§§¥??·
ahilasaphy will unfit yeu fer practical werk when _§; ;§§§ §§§§_
are seeklng?·l he replied withaeuiet smile, uh °aa" .::;§i§"§}§:::e “aa“
ne—illuminatian is taligrit yeurlife, se you .::i:;} }i‘::::.
can do practical things iriavery real world. It ang: `§§§Q§; ?¥ §.EZ“ZiZ‘ a'“a
isllghc aut ta use in life. lwill return from · ;;;;;, jig};-§` °" E

Pnninl Tahln ul Romans — VnI. 1, N¤s. 1 and 2 COMPUTER GRAPHICS and ART rx u new mremurrmml
L · Th h G N quarterly of uuerdrscrplrnnry gnplgics fur grnplms people mul
"':S:_'°"°:" '°' °""""""‘· ”""““""* ‘"" ”'“""“ remrcners, and ummduarr working pr¤r¤I¤mIIy In grapmu.
'” ' ‘ ' “ *"‘ °""‘ ns mpmn mvmgg rr umu, gmbmnrg a Iamry M mul,
°:"`::‘:' "‘ " I"' “""”“ "“"’*"" "’“ "*" ""'“’ °’ readers lo purricrparc aeuwly In me mrrgmue, and ru mvumn
a a www me sm: of me an of mmpunr graphics by wrnmnnrcarrurr.
Dcsngn ¤¤ns»¤¤v¤rI¤Iu lar ¤ uwmigme iw qrrpnmmrgm ll W¢ KVM sgml, your colleagues and sludenrs rc help us
A ».m....I I=IIIImI.y BI Im, Nm rI.mw..I, .,..I ».. Rm. “° “"° ‘ ‘ g°“·
M. I., Ig,. II. mgm ., . pm W mr .....IM.
ny Am »¤¤rw.aw»»., mnmrr ¤..rr,dp...r,:..m §;’::;____m G,m__;°"
by crI¤II»r I. rmm ms nmn II Mums, rum u¤I~»¤Iry. "°‘“’ s“"'“""" "°"‘°f
Illumarrnm ms pnowgmpme xuarmrqrlgg um rr; gcnm, ¤g A G"P"'°‘ "‘ B“""'“
gums rm I, mug; mm mr. ‘ gl fjdwjc $;===;··¤;°*¤¤¤I=< d Mm
QFIMQE , gs gé
IQ? W ’ ` ' `QE ‘¥‘5`·‘3L’?¥i?*%€ l
:_ ’“‘ _,: @:7 ¥
I I Mme ww mv FOREIGN YERSDNAL w\>w¢¤vl¤¤¤ w CGRA
‘$‘” *“"· I
‘ Izfgfj *°“‘°"’“°**‘°‘*‘"°’°""**‘°*""‘°’“'“ ...¤II¤..~., I I¤¤wm¤s.w»-;¤»·Ig I Imcuggwm —
I **·*I··a··*.·‘ sm *°*· *·*····'··=*·~°* °°°* **¤>’ “' · ~* »I,¤w..I M I IMI. M MWNSENEEN
.........,...,.., 7 ,.,...,...............rrr 7 7 7.........................,............... I >I=*¤~·¤·*=—·=¤~~·I ¤¤I·¤I="¤wm==·~··~¤·*·*¤·>=·~~·¤··IM
(`0Ml’U7`ER GRAPHICS uml ART /2Ir Auguxr I976 J?
Graphics Applications: Pumhngs
hy Roger Coqart "In such an approach (gmnietric patterns and cum-
Avanue A. uepage 29/I hinatiansl, the highest degree af abjeativimv is aalled fdr,

think I have te convince you land others) uf this.

First of all, I am g a caniputer magicians I
study of a randmn distribution of a fixed nunmer ¤f
passihle (pgtentiall arrangements and/¤r cunfigura- idea, to the reactions of the public, everything is

5* ,;,ilm I l {ij —~
i` _ P E1, v _ ·» ,,9% ` `
a I %%
— ’ It t F
} i;*'?**·"v v HY I
` ,2, 2 ‘ 6
` ,\;` wJ ; " ', {A l " , __;.
. is V by ,,...., W5: ‘ ivan :
G. =. _, V in ¤ -r—r » 3* wi ..
4 ht . ll , · _&~·.: ·
/V_ V { ,_`; . V
I ’ W - ~ xl
‘ ·· 4 f I
ABOVE: color "Pern»uta¤le*' Series, 2¤0 X 350 cm. —— V6 pernmtable panels, each $0 x SD un. Paint dn resin.
Series", computer drawing, GM x SM cm., 1976.

zh CDMPUTER GRAPHICS and ART for August, 1976

gb %&><>2@>2@>:z<>;


gun speaking. Minutes earlier we hed upehed the serve un the Steering cenmittee ef the l`/5 Ncfr
first majur speeial activity of the I976 Natianal wi th the chairmanship of the computer Art Exhibi-
Domputer Conference (NCC), the Cnmputer Art Ekhi- ti¤n as my special assignment.
New vurk Hiltan et MDG P.M,, Sunday, Junc 6. from various disciplines. The first three ¤fficial
My mind suddenly traveled like a drowning per— University. Carnandale, !llin¤is; Alyce Brammn
` ' .4 ees rneurenee eeneeny u;azt¤>, wlien
' l.aVlante. ¤FData Services center, Bethesda,
f, — _ the steering cenmittee until June, l97s4
r_ *‘ it where ned been rnree trips te new yerk rer
*§ quested the Rhineuender ceueriee ¤r the
· New vork hiltan fer the nrt Ekhihitien. The
“"" . and hee eared the suggestiens end eenipleints
` ._ questeu that the art exhinitien lg ne le.
_ eeeea in the cemssedm. A¤s¤ we had tegun
’ “’ge negolietaene ter adr seeeiei exnaaite. rnenk.
§ nn, enente, seem ne wniine
»-*‘ sattcrmns or in nun
ABUUE: "Ge¤rge »4ashingt¤n*‘ by E. T. Menninm 7 feet >< 9 Feet. thisptime. Artist; were netified in March.
26 CUMPMTER GRAPHICS end AR`: for August, I976
l97$ was sent to each accepted artist. Lomputra, Inc., Upland, Indiana -·— and information
PLANNING DF SPACK lery tours. Ahead was the Systems Dimensions, Ltd.
A floor plan of the Rhinelander Galleries had this country. It was conposed of ten computer dc—
been prepared. Tho scale was l/2** to l', and it signed serigraphs oonvnlssioned by SDL from artists
covered most of my living room. Less than a week in Europe, the United States, canada, and the Far
agp, a friend and I had worked until 2:00 A.h., Easto These ten bl X k' serigraphs were hung on
placing the 375 scaled pieces of art in their pro» their own aluminum pedestals and were on either
u-nAY —- PUTTING uP THE EXNIBITIHN of which exited from the reception area —— and were
unexpected problems that arose, evon knowing about There were arrows pointing to Adventure Trails, to
the New York labor unions. Yesterday, the devoted allow an orderly flow of visitors to the gallery.
convnlitee startcd assembling at 7:30 A.M. My right
hand controller was Kurt Lauckner, in charge at the Beyond the SDL exhibit were a group of Famous
the Colosseum. were several Japanese works. The Consul General was
quite interested in br. henry Christiansenls "Col-
¤ata General, true to their promise, had the lection of Finite Element Analysis" works, which Dr.
5,000 complimentary copies of the lists of artists Christiansen called "Computers for people who can't
Manning shown in the Eolosseum (on the opposite As we toured the exhibit, the safoty pins that
page). Data General had been excellent in their hung some of the wire to the gold cloths thankfully
efficiency and cooperation. The proofing of the did not show. Also it was obvious that the wires on
copies in the middle of hay had been made much the cork boards, connected with shower curtains and
easier because of them. drapery hooks were an ingenious (and not unaestheticl
rugs were down. The cork boards -- so they in- stamps, a kl X 5* tapestry made of jute and wool
The First cork board was finally out up at Mon lightful special ttm/2 Exhibitlon gathered by
had the first gold drapery material been put in shown at a large computer conference.
nomenal. By 6:00 P.M. The drapes had proved to The dignitaries were impressed with the fact
There was a deadline of l•:00 V.r1. for Sunday, on the cards provided naar each work (for bids) did
June 5 for the opening! In hay, just the thought not work out. By Tuesday, we had changed to a nots
of hanging 376 works of art in 32 hours was enouoh book in which bids and names of bidders were written.
for nightmares, but the comnittee now had less
than zh hours. Ahead of us just a little hidden by the gold
skirts which separated the entrance and exit doors,
At this moment I was taking the golden scissors to the conments of the innumerable guests.
from my bag and handing than to his excellency,
the canadian Consul General, and the blue ribbon As I thanked them for their participation in
signalling the opening of the Art Exhibition was this special opening and accepted their well wishes,
wondorful conmittee I have hadl This ls truly a As a parting note, I would like to thank not
fine exhibition by many superior people." only the dedicated Art Conmittee, but also the
artists and all those who made possible this truly
ta nl. on no na. tmc nl. nn., ta, Yl l@UlY]lZ]§|
nawang s·· sauvenar ngtrans om. an lags, cmg <>
and ··pn..ea, r°ta.n..i·· s, ns. uns, mr.; ARM) qlwlmylp qpqlylyl
or souvenir booklets or the axnipman, one printed /\/\/\ /\ A A A A
CDHPUTKR GRAPHICS and ART for August, l976 27
90ODO Belfcrx, France art into me erwirnmment uf me ci•.iuns...The ubjncxive had

The Groupe Cauleur (cr t¤l¤r Group) ¤f Ealfurt V"

was originally furmed in 196B by the painters: __‘
narrmerar·-Luka. Nasal, ana Mannanu. Tm graup pm- · · L: ·
pom ra nark warn unasa raspansnua cnr me nu. w I . —
Qraup lies in the gracricai aims cf its research
annanmanrs ar aaxrarz and ars sruaanzs, invqmnq mu ` °"$|;¥l;¥jE‘°" “‘;•;"9“· ff f‘?" $'°"f°‘ ?“°
mam an aur prajanes. our am is za mzagraze me °’; ‘ I ‘°"f‘ d 'Y" '°*,‘",‘°"· h° ‘*"K""g
lifasryla and uraan baakgraunu of cna savior; cia °h °¤ °;"*_ “;’ w"’;°;"° °‘; °; “ °·';‘°y"‘
umn; lnro arrisua araaraans ma: ara a viral ; ° °° ;"‘°€* T'; °°‘ ° E $ ‘°° B °"“
par: af una anvlrarnnane, ¤;;;:;2‘;n'i’;°"* °"‘°" *‘ " "°°"'“·
alrrsauluas um inaluaau variables aumaa our '"' ' F°Q"“f"°“d°’B“`§"’;° "?i:_°;’·F"‘; °’°“°°
mural, me firs: raalizazians af aur wark saw L°: °“;` ed ‘N fi ·V"‘ N ‘ ‘d °"'“°'°"
me ugh:. sma ar mas: varlamas uarar uma- M“ P “ E ° · `““’ °'"'“" · ""“ """‘·`
am, rinanaeng, and amrnaaa ar ina public an. ·**= ¤~·="¤*·
Cnunnil Flazs Estate) in eh: Glacis dis-
nm ar aaron . araqran. ar ;¤¤ narn.
QV::f"'· °"°' °"'°"°'°9Y °f °‘*' °" "‘ " warn aanvanmrian nr J. n. Karp: and
9 ‘ Maraan mvar ana nan ranpurar-nwaa r»

``i~ , ,,,,,,,‘ . ., i.iii..i..i.. 1lIHIr1II1IUIllIH|M|l|iIIi1InInII1IlIIIiElEEEHEEEEEEEi,,i,{i,lmim,m¤=i=ii======¢======;==§=2§¤:i¤=ili¥ri~~¤*W*·**·*··*··*··*··¤·~·*¤·¤¤·¤¤·¤¤·GIQQ{QIQQiQQiQQIAI{QIQQI;;i;§;i‘*****”*******=¤*

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v``vv`_,`_, L_V{=]§‘]§‘j§‘]§]]§f]§]jf]fj . ZE E E f 'ummmmnunnlnnuuumwu4¤ii»mmE:§:::::::1:1::::::::::1::::1::::::::::1:i i.ii..i..i..i..ii.i.,i..i..........i.,i.ii {Q{iiQif{{i§{]§{]§§j}§i§§{§§§§§{§ ’‘‘‘‘‘‘'’‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘ ‘
25 CUMPUTKR GRAPHXCS and ART for August, l97.S
W - ;¤g¤~;¤*-ggq5·;;=jhg~gg'ig=;=;gg°·g; gjgmjg §aT‘ZZ’C.A}ZE $3ae Z,. me Ln5»e,° $S?Z'“ra?.?ea°.ne ”°
UQ Ҥ mmm hy Ingffuu it Bglfurt nasis er many a ieng aisaussien, ereen iiiusrraeed
E E g' S ‘ ‘ ny a skezen unen prainary speeen preyee insurri-
g$;·;gS=g;—;·;;*°; ;§;g;;_;··g=g ggg*;§·g_g' me aeeenene ee ennaeannneai eeeenrauans.
°’¤=*5 S¤*¤¤’» Mi isms succzsrzn snuninns rn ms sunyAy nunAis
M and me °° M V · B *·*= ¤¤- .a eenaiy Ann ee rniee, [ne ness enjeenne, and
isn - rarniaipaupn in una were ana cannpuzinn "‘° ‘°°°""* ‘“”JE°""°‘
E*'"‘*""°"" "` “"9“'S‘ 1. rne iagniinn systan requires surnaienr
§g;€;*;y,;;;g¤g·°;’g’ggdjggryjm "=¤ rd *° name enenenea ny ene eeennear epeeiensns, ann
V arse a pregressiye transitien in tne intensity ar
A ceuur ur Anrisrs yunnnn Ann nnnnurrns . isp ‘*¤'"° mi"' me S¤°¤·¤* rms *0 Md ¤¤¤'=·
ae ee.Z,ZLf$L€J'°r£}e`§ZsaT€e°ZZZZ§$EeTEeAEZnZlee im *°° mt=*~¤*.h¤¤ =¤ P= *¤¤~===* by ¤·v*¤·~¤ ·=
Kaur enuannratien Wien tne earnpuner. xs began i°;"°"ih;‘;‘*;e;$;§;““;|L’ E"? °"°Q';h‘*’°“;f n
in 1s7z uitn me arrangsnent er me uneergreund wm ‘fn°;;der W creatsga S;_’;¢?° ° F ° mi B
passageway near tna neirnrt sraeinne a szuay sr Hm; ‘ S ‘°" ° “‘° “`
me 6¤ ·¤¤=*=$ W *¤"¤**·· Ae aeuea eu, eenanner were .n ae ne me ana
nsna»T??eEeZaZ'$ el e?n.eeEZ“$E€eY$Zn$?§$°?ST ZCne. "¤¤*°;;;u·;V*=_; Qem;@*V*~;" im jr ·=r¤¤r¤g5· Ty;
nnraueni in pumie uuiwings. wnus was nern me ;:°i; s¤`u:.;r_‘;‘:*U;‘?" °°S;':;'a‘;°" W5 ‘° EPS"
iaaa nr asssaiaunn Aim me cannpuiinn nepartnnenn ‘ " F *3*
,nae.ie nasenars. new se nne emaeeenee ar en ,,m_g§g;_Qgg,,a;;= gg; ;;~g;;=;=m;hg(;¤g¤*g; aigny
E.E.I.P. engineer, J. B. Kempf, whu is in charge of DF sinwaum cf C at. L b P C. I Y h d
natnanaties and nas resenuy turned enrnpuser spe- mms B unions c{:w‘V; ;;m;,';{;;:’:a '“E°t:ai
nun e sense ar Aannees ann eauenan, ene ****¤¤i’ mm · M M mw am
F§€`“"A??EaZn§"$$`§Zie$°eCZdnEZ"§?Z.I?ZaZaZTf °%Zi" F In fm M "¤~=~* ¤~yg*=*· M; »=·=5=;¤***~
***5 ¤¤*¤"¤’ Wk *¤¤ Mr =~· ¤ * * i ¤·¤’¤¤- eeneniaeinn er nne resi and ene imaginary, er E.
apen up rne way any using pseuep-nazarunus series
. . (pseudo-randpmizatiunsl ther is numbers by chance
It was our spmpueer speaiaiist una was the n ' ’ n - '
rinse ee paine nun ne nne artists tne necessity Qf°"‘rQ$Q ;Q*,,§:_§$?n Qf'Q"’fi" ZY °;‘§Q?°. Y"' MY
i rer previous. rigarous anaiysis pf an me para- tu; of Wm Vex.? "W;_¤;B*V;`u;; wif'? ‘“°"°"*;
. inatars unien eennpnse er make up ene Annie. rnasa tu he d¤min*;m¤‘arfé am wd b th; B Q? f' "°E
analytical proceedings of the cdnwuter speciaiist, d_ t th th {_ V b_ hr *§ Si BQ-
3 un,. (seen mn a WA or ern yninn attennts ·¤ “°" Q"“ F° .§n§“n E ‘° ° ’°° We ' “ " W"
ne a syntnesis er ern ana ssienna, nay ue paraiya- “?°.' °'d ( ‘ “f"f° °*“’°S'“‘$*' °"°°‘· "‘ °“'
` BELOW: Further exampies of studies for murals in
i Under one cgndition did cdilabdratiun between ceramics, aluminum, etc. from printer gutpute
I . . y . .. . . .yy.y yy
, .¤__1,;,M nn- WW' V __.· i!@Y|l!¤i1i[!W —
. » ~. * ' ., R \ ‘ Q
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, ~,nn~ i M “ yu.,
. ` V vw ~L,,T_¤ \ riiif ‘ ‘
A A . ‘“*it .n..,
~ ,. in ..A•l...m\ ww ` `·|_,,.¤IIlii.."""‘* ,. M i .
CDMPUIER GRAPHICS and ART Fur August, 1976 29
1** l
. — ‘. i ~ » ,‘* Q `
qiiiiliii in Ll
` *~5!!-i-,,2222** lla 2.[___ll2‘l,..," . 2 2 2
i .l . . ~

eeramic [3¤ X 30, BU X 60, and 60 X Su em.), laid ly to infinity.

tire effdrts of the plastieian were to depend on The eeinputer seientist sudqested a Fibonacci
eevvhinatlons of these elements. series (of the Un » Un - l = ¤n - 2... type), to he
ami: A saaaia ar me vaniaai assigns aanarataa ¤¤=*¤¤¤¤ ¤* **·= ¤*¤~¤· 52* ***2 mr a*=¤~¤=¤¤ W2:
*"'“': 2:::2 22 22:2 222 .... , ,......: ¤f ratimval ccmputer methods on the nam of tha
EE:::::: :: ::: ::: ::;:2 _;;;;; semartamup.
EEE EEEEE EE EEE ESS EEE E E EEEEE svaa ar at mst ala nat wsaivas aa tamed
EE: 2222:2 22 2:2 222 2222 2 222222; away by the plastic imitation df a simple mathuiia-
$17:2 232::2 22 22222 222 222 2 2 2222222; tieal formula, this ceuld net he said te be the ease
EEEE?.E..E E E.E. *%.5.* .... EEE.2:22 rar sia nurai aaaarasiaas. in raas, ma aratnam was
2222 Z 2 22222 E 22 2222 :2222 222222222: to find a true plastic (art) quality in ihese metres
:222 22 2 22222 22 22 2222 in questien, tu find a "living rhythnw thanks to thel
EEEE EEEEEE E EE EEE $::1: :::::4:::: mesa aampuaairy an me mposataan .. an oraar ta
2:22 22222222 E 22 $2 22222 2:22222t sufficiently vary the visual sequences ef the 2,nDn
2222 2 2 22222 students and inhabitants ef the western districts df
EEEE EEEEE:: ::: E: E: ::2:: ::::2::2 2 sanrars, ma usa sms subway aassagaaay amy day.
E::: : : ::::: E :: ::: ::::: ::::;::::; xr asspita aur aamauiar saaaiaiasus esats. me
E 2 E E E2; 222 22E 222 22 group uid net felled the cempuner to the leater er
E2 2 22 ij 222 222 §j2 22E 222 22 22222 gramiiing of eolor on the line p-inter is, nouever,
Z2 2 22 I :2: 222 2: 2::2 22: 222 L2 22::: n¤t impossible -- but it neeessiiates an alphanue
2 2 L' 22: 222 2;2 22 2222: nierieal eodirig and decoding of the readings oi' the
E 2 E ; E2; 222 ;; {$2 ;;§ ;§; ;; ;E§ listings, uhieii is a fastidious preeess eanpared
E 2 E E 222 E2 25 22 tube. The operational value of me printer in plas-
TL·'s.¢'..". ...21:2 :.‘1 ."." ..1** ss... :' ,**:5 ties researth uill be essentially grapnie iblaak
22::22 2222: 2 22*..: 222 2 2222 22222 2 2 :: and whi te). its use may he envisaged for e¤mposi—
::E:::: EEEEE E EEE EEE E EEEEE E tians ar ana aaiar mmashraiia> ear rar a wear ar
. j` l yl , l.
ji xl`_` ...·l`.rl n .2 `_ ,
l ‘ .= — .,l '
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. _ l ,,·’ V ·' ; ui', ` ·.lall"l..,A.r r_ .
. l ». l,. .... .. .. ...4 ..s . l l... a.ulm..n ...1 l' uml K.
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reduced colors (contrasting wolychromyl. been unleashed, and pushed w A higher degree of
In ues e eomplene success: For nn the line
uasion (paper skip] or rcpctiliun, the moss varied Belforc subway, the western exit or exrerior of the
imagine lhese [end me orhers) in mrlumenral sizes.
rional methods of eoneepruelizerien of the work by Z: i; ·: *1*
suezelms or the ereiszic emblem een we quickly —r :;:E Li: zzxzi :;.~...;
echieved. Thus ahe deiinicive choice of xne work __-§§=j§ ; ’;: — ·- :_— ·-;
rinelly, enelysis ol me reslimllon or our i 5;; gg i E E5?}.
murals allowed us Lo become conscious of the crea» t.E.:··§.;··;:..;..;·:·:.?:·.:1· ..
skezcnes, me empuzer was zo serve us as a corrhina— 1- .: g 2; E
reunu shan endless new researen paths were to he Y E.-:;T.....§;; ig
www mes me prejecz of che mural eeeerecien L E---- é- E z
cnnwuran GRAPHIC: and mw fer Augusz. 1976 Bl
relief mural whose surface quality sllould be compa- Llcal squared module for the whole or tllc two walls.
walls, in 60 X 60 cm. squares. Yllis was the data from which our nanlpmel-
ne wal eealaeale nee aeslaaea la eleee. ne alaalamlla ar ale Eeeia me aaaalale.
steel took on then, formally speaking, a nodular Vile same program was used to produce the designs
aspect (squares and rectanqlssl. and the group pra- rar aasn walls ~·· slnlply by enanginq me data sares.
dueed only one model made by hand, under the care It rullairled For us Lo draw out of the Flow af arbie
they never take snaps in the sane way as in rradi- lrle program was aanselyea at a scale of l/lu,
tional art. Here the computer was invaluable in rhus the computer listings could scrvc di rcctly as
could be made. from the Mechanical Engineering Department, who
fatigue, is capable of generaring all me variatlans
el a medal, mas earlelllnq the llarlal ar snapes ln a §¤"¤=_ A l7¤¤·¤¤ it ·*5$=··' ¤* · Vsrv laws ~~>r*<·
explore all these yerlaalans ls lnpasslale. ¤*=*me — IBM W-*68 Be¤S¤¤ ¤l¤¤¤¤r-
Vet we made another discovery: the programs
mar we asea me aenllee alma ll me lar aaa E
first project, the ceramic murals) to make vertical
ana narlzcnul explorations, could he used for tlla 1
generation of many other forms and uesiqrls. The
and trle ranges or aancrasc, and lay acting an pra¤a— V `
we ee ea the same al aha wana ar tame. ' 'I `
M lull el aaa Rlrl e lan { {
:¤MPu A A / V A
me eaaarlanlty rar nlrrllea aeseerell areeeaaea V f+ r
aelraee aaa me alealaae year lela lee me ma. Q VV
blnlan ar mallpararlzea arr. uc were lnvlcau la v
neenenleel snglleealla aeaaaaleat. a sarleee area A Y
rar me rua walls ln me Mechanical tnslneerlnq I \
elqa. rlawlae alang wall xl, allen are saaaelas W k Y
leyemele la me aan elaee tleee ae Y AI
alla well naaaltels al elrelee leselllaea ll. e lean. f K
ae ll.a5 ea,. i v y r
le la, ale eaalale I } _
laalale eeaarrenae ar eael male, ln order ea aareln W W
a high degree or anilnariorl by variety and complex- /
le,. ne aeleaslaala, ealealaaea la a caa. aalee Y L' V5
,, asad ae ea, awg, alea ee a aaala. la, \Vy V
la a naxlnaa sweat alan alle aaenlteetaral envlran. I
law ease. l ` _
a, Oppaslta l .¤llllala, aa .lal l )
a saaale eenelalea aalaasnlaa, anal slaala aa. I * IV
peel were szranaly aa a aeellnlalaws amaaanarlan. Y `
exeeae mee me maales were am., ale el are ell. Y'] Q
ale hy cuxting the latter in two directions (at QSO V i .
and 9¤°). we oalalneu can ar sa rlgurasl squares,
rectangles, trlangles, all lnsselaea wml an laen. L L I
32 COMPUTER GRAPHICS and ART for August, 1976
EXHIBITIONS BV Thi GRDUP l97¤ - l976 r ' ` , ,
our ppjectives were to try ro cone to sane `[ ' " ' ' g \' ' ' "
conclusions on current research and present achieve V AV `[ V V Y '
me n at ra., or was, ans. lv "`, Y a J
na no or canada, pagans an ae,. ` V \, ` Y `\5 Y
5] r Q 1 Y \AV
ua parrieipscea in na exniaman rmea Mart [ V V >¢" g' I '
et Informatioue*‘ in Angers in l97A. naniel chompre, V V `A\ I '
Animator, Arts Plastioues a la Maison de la Cul- V `j V >` V V V
not award, am at man V , , `V r A\ Y r
me tang ua captors, we i. pawn `, ,
matter experts playing at marina we ar art. WI YA] Q LV I
our Maurer arrears staring a ewan activity ana \\`L Y LAQ
conmen tools: programing and computers, which A ' ` [
in amen; we plnman ar any an Q !""`> L`, >*
pom in we craa ao, or an we med anon. A , , ) `
ry an mraiporsry aesthetics. aoranan wales, use ) AI V + ¢L \
rector or the social Psychology Institute. of V " ' ` [ L
srrasoourg university cemented: "rroin now ona " Al \\ Y Xu
ng an an ra, an s ma mal aaa. ana, I , `Q, A`, .
than on an individual stale. However, err erin ` #
remains we ·msage~ nan aaa individual, ana ar. >}V}' ' ' L' I V ¢
rm, ta anarnar, mus we me another mama ar ; Y \4\.\ A
aesthetic canmunication. will machines and their V V
wma, at asia ra .-espona is this not meal ara Ami; A·:¤¤*·¤r v¤*·i=·¤·3 ¤f me <X¤'·=*;¤¤¤~
In l975 the group participated in We E><p<>— into the assenbly lines, since it speaks in the
SUMHARV infinitely variable decorative panels will be
ue ms, ast, nn, we paruaai or rama, °
This leads us to one or two fundamental reflec- enter into the industrial manufacturing processes
tions on the role which computer art will he of tomorrow. nut when shall we seo the wallpaper
the latter way of life having barely begun for clothing, weaving ond tapestry industries opening
art, the popularity (er desire for) computer art when the doors become open to the potential of
will be able to supply to our satisfaction, both adapting art to technological civilization and its
quantitatively and qualitatively, original works computer-oriented manufacturing processes which
of art which thus will humanize our conununity animates for us the world of forms hitherxo manual
nate (or control) the relationship between order tion of its users at many levels of choice without
and disorder, logic and chance, the dialog between any loss in quality but implies the condition that
form and anti-form, all of which vivify a work of users may screen the rcsults obtained to correspond
art. In short, to orchestrate a whole by starting in an optimized manner to the aesthetic criteria es-
from a few basic elements, as in musical composi- tablishcd in advance. This is a step towards dan-¤~
tion. It is to this end that we are urged by cratization 5 guality_ag in the realm of mural de» ,
computer art, mich may become a powerful tool coratlon which died out with the craftsmen of the
That is why architects and men in industry In sunvnary, the computer roffers to us the
should begin to investigate computer art. At that possibility of recreatingra plastic vocabulary
moment, and only then, will we abandon the purely and systenraccording to thejigds and meagof
repetitive, impersonal principle present in the modern production, without sustaining a loss jn
building industry. the qualityréf art. we will then experience a re
newal of decorative art, which will become, by
By programning conputer art as soon as it is virtue of its universality, a new world form of
tDMPUlzrl GRAl>hlcs and mil for August, l97!> 33

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l'0.\II’UI'I;'R GRAPIIICS uml ART jnr Augrru, IOM 35
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